#(and it doesn't help that she's several years younger than I am)
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pruneunfair · 2 days ago
When you have a shitty sibling. *TW: talk of abuse and rape*
This is a little different than what I usually post.
Not too long ago, I made a vent post that was mostly pretty vague but got the central point across, it's deleted now but not like it matters since it was just mindless ranting.
That vent post was dedicated mostly to my younger brother.
For all the people with siblings out there, we already know those corny depictions of brothers and sisters always getting along and calling each other "Big bro" was not the most accurate form of a sibling relationship. Naturally you fight a lot with this person considering they are a built in room mate, meaning you have to live with someone including their worst habits. Maybe they plop a plate into the sink right as you're done doing dishes, maybe they take your things without bothering to ask you, those are all normal things to expect out of a sibling. What doesn't feel normal is when they reach this level of behavior.
My brother who I'll refer to as B relatively liked to get on peoples nerves but other than that, he wasn't so bad to be around up until recently. It was little things at first, leaving his garbage behind in the living room, making a fuss if we asked him to do anything, and then it got progressively worse.
Skipping school for 3 months straight, running away from home to god knows what, bringing strange people home, vaping and taking substances, increasing levels of disrespect towards women, seemed to assume that if a person who happened to be female wasn't punished along side him meant that they were being bias toward her for being a girl, calling our own disabled mother lazy for being unable to work, expecting everyone to cater towards him and pick up his slack, actively call me and our mom a bitch/cunt, pretending that he's going to hit me to see me flinch, gaslighting us, severe lack of empathy, casually admitting to want to hit me and other people that make him mad, refusal to listen or admit when he's wrong.
B has changed this much in only the span of a year. The lack of empathy and over eagerness to have an excuse to threaten someone is honestly scaring me.
Lately I started to take on the role of tidying up around the house and cooking dinner. My mom as I mentioned is mentally disabled, she can still perform tasks herself and still is juggling around two households of the family, I don't wanna to get too into it but I'll just say that she needs to take a myriad of medication to help regulate her mind or else she could kill herself. Her mental health has declined in recent years to the point where she can't keep a job and she does need help more than ever.
Now I do not mind this at all, mom is still a very considerate woman who appreciates the help I do and still makes an effort to keep things easy, it's also a good way for me to learn independence and take care of myself. The problem is that I have to live with B for a brother and he likes to bring his gang of friends over for small house parties that I usually am in charge of when mom is away. The house is always left a mess as a result and I have to pick it up since B likes to weaponize his incompetence to escape responsibility, I have to pick up every piece of crap they leave behind and sweep up old crumbs off the floor only for those same kids to come back, destroy the house again, leave me to clean it up because B knows that if I don't, all he needs to do is continue weaponizing his incompetence until our mom snaps and has me clean it for him.
There is no compromising with him, B has made it clear that if he says "Nope" then we have to suck it up because he can always just run away to our dad or claim that we are just acting crazy. I can't even get some basic respect from him for being the maid for him and his friends bullshit.
Now this all wouldn't be so scary if I didn't know he had no empathy but he clearly doesn't. How do I know?
Well, I'll leave a pretty simple background: Mom kept telling dad to stop, Dad coerced mom that it would be fine and he lied about wearing a condom. 9 months later I was born.
This is very sensitive knowledge that we do not talk about at all, hell B and I weren't even supposed to know I was both a rape and a baby trap kid, I can't exactly remember why but mom mentioned it on a bad day that I now know was likely an episode.
And during an argument, B told our mother, the woman who was willing to stay with our father just so she can at least have a planned child in the name of B, that she should have taken some birth control before she "had sex" with our dad. That boy KNOWS that was one thing mom never wanted to remember, even when we reminded him WHY we don't talk about that, he didn't care, what mattered was that he got the point of him hating me across.
So yeah, I'm officially terrified of the same person who I used to know as an itty bitty baby sleeping in the crib next to my bed.
I know I am not the only one dealing with this shit, plenty of people do and it's shitty that you have to walk on egg shells around someone you knew when they were still innocent, a little baby turning into a monster with no interest in being better as a person, only in being right at all times. For anyone who has a shitty brother or sister reading this, I am so sorry that you have to live in fear of someone you called family but you are not alone, if you believe you might be in danger even, please tell someone, anyone at all, whenever it's a social worker at school, a cop, or even just a few people you trust. You don't deserve to believe you are worse then dirt just because you had to step up and pick up the slack around your household.
Thank you for listening.
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as-dreamers-do · 2 years ago
yearning very hard in this chili’s tonight
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petew21-blog · 8 months ago
Friends for life
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This Zack, my best childhood friend. When we were kids, we were basically inspereable. We spent so much time together. We slept over each tohers houses. Even better was the fact that our moms were best frinds. So not only they spend so much time together, but so did we. But that was 6 years ago. Everything changed when my dad died. Zack was there for me, but over time we grew apart. I had to help out my mum with my two sisters and she had to get another job to get enough money for us. Zack's mom on the other hand got divorced and found a new boyfriend. Who I heard didn't really get on well with Zack.
Me and Zack talked from time to time, but it was mainly superficial. Zack was now a very well respected guy in the school. He was always into sports. But now he was a swimmer, basketball and a football player as well. I don't know where he got all that time and energy. Even if we saw each other in the classroom we just smiled or waved at each other. Maybe even this very tiny friendship was the reason why no bullies dared to touch me. Not that Zack would every bully anyone, but if he knew that the other guys bullied someone, he always stood up for that person and ended it. And the bullies even apologized sometimes. That's how respected he was.
So yeah Zack's a jock and I am a classic nerd. Or maybe not classic. I don't really have much time to play games on the computer because of my job, but when I have some spare time I read comic books. So yeah, that makes me a nerd I suppose. And I do quite well at school too. Maybe not the PE, I kinda suck at that, but I get by.
Present time
Me and several other classmates were assigned to start decorating the halls for upcoming prom. Most of my classmates were really excited for that, but not me. I didn't have anyone to go with. Not anyone I wanted to atleast. Ok, I'll say it. I am gay, which complicates things a bit. And the person I would really like to go to prom with is Zack. But that will never happen. Zack is 100% striaght and it would totally ruin his reputation in the school.
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But that doesn't stop me from obssessing about him. I saw him a few times in the locker rooms which gave me a pretty consistent image of how he changed over the years. He was pretty much the same Zack I grew up with, but I bet that his junk is much bigger than I remember. Truth be told, Zack was the first (and only) person who I had any sexual experience with. I know it sounds sus, but he only wanted to experiment jerking each other off as most boys do at their younger years. Back then I was really puzzled and didn't know what to do. Now I just wish I could go back to that moment once again.
I was one of the few remaining students. The rest headed to the shops to get their dresses and suits. I told them to leave and that I would finish it by myself, cause I wasn't planning on going anyway.
I entered the gym to get a ladder, to help me set up the last few letters over the door. And there he was, on the other side of the room. Zack was lifting some weights I didn't even know how to name. He noticed me battling with the ladder nd hurried up to help me. I mean... wouldn't you crush about him too?
Zack:"Hey, man. Nobody came to help you with this? It's pretty heavy."
Me:"Hey, no. They all left to get their suits and all. So it's just me now."
Zack:"Oh, that's sad. You need help with something?"
Me:"No, it's fine. It's just final touches. But thanks"
Zack:"All right, man. But if you need, don't hesitate to ask ok?"
He smiled and went back to finish his set.
I was basically drooling, As I was climbing the ladder and trying to reach the letters, I stumbled and grabbed onto a light. I must have been shocked or something cause then I found myself on the floor. But I wasn't on the ground, I was standing. And on the ground was my body, unconcious.
I looked at my hands and they were barely visible. I tried to reach my body but it wouldn't accept my soul. Fuck, am I dying? I tried to call out for Zack but he didn't hear me. I ran to him and saw him lifting his weights. I tried to reach for him, but before I did I felt a force pulling me towards him. And as I was pulled away I felt something being ejected out of his body.
I opened my eyes, looking in front of me. But Zack was gone now. I turned around but he wasn't anywhere. As I looked down, I noticed I was now wearing bright red shorts, and on top of that a very sweaty torso, which definitely wasn't mine. I reached out my hands. Fuck, is this really happening? I searched the pockets and found a phone. In its reflection I saw Zack's face. Oh my god. Did I really just possess Zack's body? And where is he?
The responsible flow of thoughts was now interrupted by the two huge sweaty biceps now in the way where I usually didn't mind them. I flexed and oh my god, the tightness, the strength. I felt amazing.
I knew it was bad, but I just had to give it a try. What if I might never have a chance to do this ever again, I stuck out my new tongue and licked my new shoulder all the way to my biceps. Which also allowed me now to inhale the scent of my sweaty armpit. "This is so amazing!"
I then proceeded to touch my new belly full off abs. "How the hell did he get these?"
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"Lot of working out and calorie deficit" a voice called out from the other side of the room, where I was before. And there was my body. Standing.
"Zack? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Would you mind telling me how this happened?"
I wanted to be completely honest, I swear, but I think that he doesn't need to know the part where my soul travelled to his body and was pulled by it.
"So, are we gonna try to reverse it the same way? Cause your body is really hurting from the fall and my body needs to be ready for a game tommorow. So I'm not really sure about that"
"I'm really sorry about that Zack. I mean, you're right that maybe it was my near deth experience that caused this, but I don't know if endangering our lives would allow to swap us back. What if the other one dies and the remaining one will have to keep on living the other ones life?"
"Yeah, you're onto something. Well, we're gonna have to figure out how to pass on as each other."
We spoke some more about how we were gonna live our lives without anyone thinking we have gone crazy.
"Ok, Zack. Just one question. How about... you know. Private stuff?"
"You mean my personal things at home or phone? Well that shouldn't be so bad I think. I don't have many secrets to tell or something, haha"
"No, I mean. Eventually we're gonna have to take a shower or go to a toilet."
"Oh, right. I haven't thought of that. Well, than my body is your body? I mean, I don't really like to think about somebody else using my body like that, but I know you're a good person and all, so I know you'll treat my body well. Maybe just... no sex? Could you do that for me please?"
"Zach, I haven't had sex yet even in my body. I mean, your body is attractive and all so, I know I could get a date in your body or smth, but that's not something I would do."
"Ok, thanks man. Just making sure. And also another thing. I..."
"What is i Zack?"
"Give me a second, it's kind off embarasing for me. I have to jerk off in the evening everyday. If I don't I sometimes have wet dreams the next morning"
"Dude, that's nothing to be ashamed of. That happens, Zack"
"Thanks. I know you mean well, but I just know my body. So I know you'll have to take care of that now or you'll have a very unpleasant morning including the washing of the clothes and bed linens."
I felt Zack dick in my new shorts getting hard just by hearing about this. Not only am I in the body of my crush, but he himself gave me permission to jerk off his dick. How crazy is that?
"Ok, Zack. If that's what needs to be done, I'll do it." I said it in a way to make it sound like I wasn't thrilled to jerk off his dick
"And in exchange I'll get to jerk off your dick. Do you have any other secrets I should know about?"
OH FUCK NO I am not telling him "Well... not really. I think."
"Good, then let's get to it. In case you won't know what to do, just text me and I'll help you"
I was approaching Zack's house. The one where I basically grew up secondary to mine. I knew where all the rooms were. What stuff was placed where. But that was before the death of my dad and before the divorce. Who knows what's different
I entered the house anticipating horrible things. And then a strange man left the restroom. "Hey, dipshit. Back from school already? Jesus fuck. The kids these days. Why don't you get a job kid" he left for the kitchen to grab himself a cold beer and left for the living room.
Now I understand why Zack spent so much time at school doing sports. He didn't want to stay at home longer than necessary.
Anyway, up to Zack's room. His room was not filthy, it was kind of clean, but at the same time it was a but disorganized. Some of his used clothes were lying on the ground. I grabbed one of his boxers and grabbed it to my face. This is my smell now. The smell of my dick. I inhaled and held it to my nose.
As I felt my dick hardening, I didn't waste no time and started undressing myself. Zack's small mirror didn't do the trick for me so I left to the bathroom.
"Ok, modern shower. That's new. Gonna have to give it a go"
I took off all my remaining clothes. I left his necklace on and then just stared at my new reflection in the mirror. How amazing is this?
I touched his jawline, his already growing beard, scratching my hand. His lips, shivering underneath my touch. His beautiful nose. His eyes, that now contained my soul and not his looked a bit different, but same too. I took my right hand and place it on my neck while my left hand was already enjoying the hairtrail blow my stomach.
"Oh Zack, I think you'd be the type to shave. Might do that for you to fully embrace this massive beast" and with that I lowered my right hand that was before resting on my vibrating throat and now started jerking my new dick.
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"Just doing what I had been told. Haha"
I jerked faster. I was slightly moaning but not loud enough to cause suspicion with Zack's step dad. I was observing the tense muscles just working hard to get me into the state of pure euphoria.
I was getting close. I couldn't stop myself from moaning. I jerked so hard that the cum flew out of my dick right to the mirror in front of me. Is I stood there, smiling with my semi-hard dick in my hand I just saw the door swung open.
I quickly covered my dick and whole self with a towel, but even the partial view could give the viewer enough information. His step dad was furious
"What the hell you fucker?!? You're jerking off here while you could do some usefull job instead? I will have a very long talk with your mother when she gets here!"
What the hell just happened. Why is he so mad at Zack all the time. He's a student and a busy one at that. I don't know what this guy's problem is
I cleaned up the bathroom and got ready for the next time. Just the fact that I got the privilege to smell Zack's scent all the time and sleep in his bed. But having his body was a whole new level. I never even dreamed of this
The next day was horrible. I started the day with PE at school and let me tell you, that having a great body full of muscles is one thing. But having a weak will to actually do it is another. I was exhausted. I felt like I wouldn't be able to get up again after finishing
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I saw Zack aproaching me in my body with a concerned look. I was beggining to worry what was on his mind
Zack:"Hey... umm how was your first night as me?"
Me:"Gotta say that the stepdad you got there is an another level of douchebag. I can't believe how you can live with that"
Zack:"Yeah, he is like that all the time. I don't know what mom sees in him. He's actually super nice to her, but seems to hate me just for breathing"
Me:"Yeah. I'll tell you later. There has been a bit of embarassing encounter"
Zack:"Actually I might ask you about something else first. Last night as I was in the bed I was trying to jerk off your dick, very nice by the way"
Me:"Jesus, don't make it more awkward than it is"
Zack:"Sorry. We'll I was trying to jerk off as I normally would, watching porn and stuff, but I couldn't. Then my mind wandered over to the guy on the video... I have to ask you and don't be afraid to answer. Are you gay?"
Me:"Yeah... I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. Well... since we're already saying everything to each other. I'll just admit it right now. I... I have a crush on you Zack"
Zack:"That was my another question. I have my head filled with thoughts. Very naughty thoughts including my body, so I am happy that you cleared this up and I am not just another self centered weirdo. But the question is. Would you let me suck my dick?"
Oh man
Another story from the inbox: Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
Hey guys. Sorry for the great break. I was finishing my exams (I passed them all, yay) and now I am in a different country on an externship trying to figure shit out. But I do have some free time during the day and I get to write a bit about my drafts and the stories in your inbox. And thanks to everyone who texted me all the supportive and kind words :) really appreciate it
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sweetbans29 · 6 months ago
Pups - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You and Caitlin just keep missing each other until she decides it's been long enough (based on THIS request)
Warnings: just fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I am switching the request up a little to make it fit a little better since it is set post-college for Caitlin and Kate, I hope it makes sense when you read it!
When you moved to Indiana for work, the first thing you did was head to the local animal shelter. It was your first time living alone and you hated the idea of being truly alone. You walked in expecting to come out with a sweet pup and ended up walking out with two, Pebbles and Bam Bam. When you learned they were surrendered together, there was no way you were going to separate them.
Bringing P&B home was nothing shy of eventful. The second they walked through the door, they were already making it their home. They are the reason your single ass upgraded from a queen bed to a king bed, ensuring the three of you would all have enough room to sleep comfortably together. Considering they were both medium sized dogs, you didn't really understand how you all didn't fit on your queen but your love for your two fur-babies was enough to make the switch.
Your two companions were the sweetest. They typically don't bark inside and are excellently trained.
Since you live in an apartment and work from home, you take them out often to make sure they stay active and so you don't go stir crazy. It works out well. You have found several local restaurants that love Pebbles and Bam Bam and have even met several people who frequent the same places as you. They have helped you build a little community in a place that is starting to feel like home.
It is late Tuesday morning when you take P&B out for their second walk of the day. As you set outside of your door you feel a immediate tug on Bam Bam's leash. You have just enough time to close your door before you are being guided in the wrong direction.
"Bams, chill out," you say as you gather yourself and adjust their leashes.
"Why hello there," a voice says. You look over to see a young man standing holding a trash bag. Bam Bam at his feet sniffing his shoes. Pebbles is much more reserved and looks at the man as if she doesn't quite know what to think.
"Hi," you say thinking the man was talking to you. You quickly realize that his full attention was on Bam Bam who is now running in circles greeting him. The man looks up and smiles lightly at you.
"Hi," he says, attention now on you. "I'm Colin, I believe I am your neighbor."
Colin looks to be a few years younger than you. Your first impression is that he is well-mannered and doesn't shy away from conversation.
"Hi Colin," you say and then introduce yourself. You extend your hand to shake his and you see P&B sitting politely as if they were waiting for you to introduce them.
"Your dogs are very well mannered," Colin says looking down at them.
"They are. I don't know how I was able to end up with them but it was almost as if they chose me when I walked into the shelter," you say with a little laugh. "This is Pebbles and Bam Bam."
"May I pet them?" Colin asks as he sets the trash bag he is carrying down and squats in front of P&B.
"Oh yes! Of course! They would love that," you say.
Colin puts his hand up to let the two dogs sniff it before he begins petting them. Bam Bam being the friendlier of the two has no problem with Colin right our the gate. Pebbles on the other hand, is still friendly but is more skeptical about the new person in front of her. She sniffs his hand but just stares at him.
"The one on your left is Bam Bam, he loves everyone and will be your best friend. Pebbles is on your right and she takes a little longer to warm up to people but once she does, she is a sweetheart and won't leave you alone," you say as Pebbles looks up at you.
"Are they Australian Sheppards?" Colin asks giving all his attention to Bam Bam who is eating it up.
"They are," you say. "I was surprised to see them in the shelter but they weren't there long. They were surrendered just a few days before I went in - sounded like their previous owner passed away."
Bam Bam now has Colin sitting on the ground while he sits right next to him, absorbing all the pets. Pebbles is still sitting at a distance but has laid down, now just observing Colin. You let them interact and watch at how much Bam Bam loves him.
"Bams is a fan of yours," you say. "Give Pebbles a few meetings then she will be just like Bam."
Pebbles stands and stretches as she hears her name, looking at you as if she is saying she is ready to walk.
"I sure hope so! They are already my favorite out of everyone I've met in the building," Colin says and you pretend to be offended. He laughs.
"I can't blame you, they are my favorite too," you say as you both head to the elevator. The two of you talk on the ride down and only part ways after Bam Bam says goodbye to his new friend.
You get back to work when you return from your walk. It is only Tuesday but your week has started off to be a good one.
Caitlin gets home and is exhausted from morning work-outs. When she enters the door she sees dog hair by the entrance and is curious as to where it came from. She just cleaned on Sunday.
"Colin!" Caitlin yells as she makes her way to the kitchen. "Why is there dog hair in the apartment?"
Colin emerges from his room with a smile on his face.
"It is probably Bam Bam's," he says as if Caitlin should know what that means. She gives him a questioning look.
"Bam Bam is the Australian Sheppard that lives next door. He has a sister, Pebbles but she hasn't quite warmed up to me yet. She will be in no time though." Colin says.
"Pebbles? Bam Bam? What are the Flintstones living next door or something?" Caitlin asks.
"Ahhh! That's why the names sounded familiar. I remember when mom and dad would put that on before school," Colin says. "And no, their owner was not apart of the Flintstones."
Caitlin laughs.
"You would love Pebbles and Bam Bam," Colin says. "They are the sweetest. Their owner was also pretty cute too."
Caitlin raises her eyebrows at her younger brother. "A cute neighbor?"
"Ya, not my type but she is cute. Honestly seems more up your ally but we only talked for like 10 minutes," Colin says.
"I don't have a type," Caitlin says with a little scoff. Now it is Colin's turn to laugh.
"You so have a type," he says as he makes his way back to his room.
Caitlin stands at their kitchen island and thinks on if she has a type. She wouldn't say she does, she doesn't feel like she has dated enough to have a type. Colin is just instigating. Yeah, that's it - her brother is just trying to get in her head about the cute neighbor. Caitlin tells herself that before heading into her room.
The next time you run into Colin is on your way back into the building. It is a few weeks after your first encounter with him and Bam Bam goes crazy.
"Bams!" You yell as your pup takes off sprinting to Colin. Both you and Pebbles follow closely behind.
"Bam Bam1" Collin says with the same excitement Bam is greeting him with. Colin immediately sets down his bag and pets Bam.
"I've missed you buddy," Colin says as Bam wiggles his butt in excitement. Pebbles also goes up to Colin, sniffing his knee then looks up at him. Colin takes notices and holds one hand to meet Pebble. She sniffs him as her behind starts to wiggle a little in excitement. Colin begins to slowly pet Pebbles and she lets him for a little before making her way to sit right next to your foot.
"Well that is nice progress," you say with a little laugh. Bam still going crazy over seeing his best friend.
"Hey, I will take what I can get with her," Colin says.
The two of you talk on your way back into the building. He talks about how he is only here until his school starts up again and you talk about what you do for work.
"Is your apartment empty when you aren't here?" You ask as the elevator reaches your floor.
"No, it is actually my sister's apartment. She is here full time, I am only here when I am on break," Colin explains.
"Ahhh, I see. Well don't tell Bam Bam that, he is going to be really sad when you head back to school," you say.
"Just one more semester and then I will be here full time!" Colin says with an innocent excitement. "So he doesn't need to be without me for long!"
You laugh.
You end up inviting him on a Saturday hike with the pups which he immediately accepts. He mentions how that is something his sister loves to do but has work the Saturday that's planned. You mention having her join next time and he agrees.
The two of you build a friendship and you find yourself really enjoying Colin's company. Almost as much as Bam Bam does but you don't think anyone could match the excitement Bams has when he sees people he loves.
Pebbles, like you said, warmed up to Colin. She still greets him with hesitation but lets him pet her and love on her.
Colin tells Caitlin all about you and your pups. Little to your knowledge you are a hot topic in the Clark household. Every time Caitlin gets back from practice, Colin is quick to talk about your most recent outing. He starts off by talking about something cute that Pebbles and Bam Bam did then always goes into how cool you are as a person. It has Caitlin's desire to meet you grow into something she thinks about everyday when she passes your door. She will sometimes slow down in front of your door to see if she can hear you talking to your pups. That is when she realizes that she might actually be jealous of the time that Colin is spending with you. Hell, she hasn't even met you and is jealous. She blames Colin for saying that you are her type after first meeting you.
During Caitlin's next off day, she is determined to meet you. That isn't hard to do considering Colin has plans to go on a walk with you and the pups and she has every intention of crashing it. When Colin calls out that he is going for a walk, Caitlin immediately pops out of her room ready to join.
"I think I will join you today," she says already in athletic shorts and a t-shirt.
"Great!" Colin says. "Bam Bam will love you, he is the softy when it comes to meeting new people. Pebbles will be skeptical at first but just give her some time and she will warm up to you."
Caitlin nods and follows him out the door. Colin walks up to your door and give it a special knock.
"It's open," you yell from the inside and Colin moves to open the door. Caitlin didn't realize the two of you were on such close terms. Leaving your door unlocked for anyone to enter is wild to her considering she has to take so many precautions being who she is.
Once they step through the door, they are greeted by who Caitlin believes to be Pebbles and Bam Bam. Bam Bam makes his way directly to Colin and starts running in excited circles. Who Caitlin suspects to be Pebbles, sits and waits for Colin to come up to greet her.
Once Colin is done saying hi to Bam Bam, he make his way over to Caitlin. Caitlin crouches down and begins to pet the fluffy pup who is excited to meet her. She can't help but fall in love with him on the spot. Pebbles, like Colin said, was much more reserved. She sat at a distance from where Cait stood and just observes her. It is almost as if she is interrogating Caitlin and seeing if she is worthy of knowing her human.
"I'm ready," you say as you pop out of nowhere but head straight to the kitchen. Caitlin barely catches a glimpse of you before you are out of sight again. Colin is already putting Bam Bam's leash on. It's as if he has done it several times before, which he has.
"My sister is coming with us today, if that is okay," Colin says as he struggles with Pebble's leash as she looks at him knowing his struggles.
"Awesome! I finally get to meet her," you say as you grab water for the pups. You finally make your way to the front door with a big smile on your face. Caitlin reciprocates it when she realizes how beautiful you are.
"Hi! It is so nice to finally meet you," you say.
"Same to you, I have heard so much about you and these two little ones for months now but Colin has been keeping you all to himself," Caitlin says and wishes she could have met you sooner, a hint of jealousy reveals itself as she eagerly shakes your hand.
"Wait," you say stopping dead in your tracks. "You're Caitlin Clark."
Caitlin's smile widens at the fact that you know who she is, something she usually tries to avoid when she goes out to preserve any sort of normalcy she can. But when it comes to you, it makes her heart jump.
You turn to Colin and hit him on the shoulder.
"You didn't tell me your sister was Caitlin Clark!" You say to him and he puts his hands up in surrender.
"It is not something I usually go around announcing," he says.
"I don't blame you," you say after thinking for a second.
"Well it is so nice to meet you Caitlin Clark," you say as you reach out your hand to shake hers, introducing yourself. She smiles and repeats your name and it is in that moment that Colin knows he was right about his older sister having a type.
"I see you have already met Pebbles and Bam Bam," you say looking down at your babies. Bam Bam is still getting pets from Colin and Pebbles is sitting in between you and Caitlin while she stares up at her.
"I have, Colin has given me the run down," Cait says with a laugh. You join her with a laugh.
"Good, Pebbles will get there eventually - she is just very protective," you say and Caitlin looks down to see how Pebbles has made it clear that she will be staying in between you and Caitlin.
"Well, I look forward to earning her trust," Caitlin says.
The three of you head on the walk. Colin is holding Bam Bam's leash and is a few steps ahead of you, Caitlin, and Pebbles. Pebbles walks right in between you and Caitlin, only moving to sniff something and relieve herself.
You and Caitlin talk the whole time causing Colin to whisper to Bam Bam, 'I told you they would hit it off'. When you get back to your apartment Caitlin wishes the walk was longer.
"Would you and the pups like to come over for dinner?" Caitlin asks, surprising both you and Colin.
"Are you sure about that?" You ask, knowing some people don't like having animals in their home because of the hair.
"Ya, I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure," she says. You nod.
"We would love that," you say with a smile.
"Great," Caitlin says matching your smile. "Why don't you come over around 6ish."
"Sounds great," you say as you enter your apartment. "We will see you tonight!"
Caitlin and Colin head into their apartment and Colin gives her a look.
"You hate when I bring dog hair into the apartment," Colin says. Her inviting you and the dogs over will surely be a cause for there to be more hair than ever before.
"A little dog hair never hurt anybody," she says as she begins to go through the cabinets and fridge to see what she could whip up for dinner.
"Mmmhmmm, I'm pretty sure I remember you saying how it was going to be a 'pain in the ass' to clean when I first started bringing it in," Colin says teasing his older sister.
"Ya well, it's worth it," Caitlin says thinking about the way you eyes smile.
"It's worth it or she's worth it?" Colin asks.
"She's worth is," Caitlin says without hesitation.
AN: Okay but this is absolutely adorable and if you think otherwise, you are wrong. But still, let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support
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lucky1013 · 9 days ago
On my Affliction, and On the Twitter Freakout over Rue
Ok, here's my problem.
I am inexplicably invested in Wilbur Soot’s well-being. I don't want to know him. I don't need to meet him or be 'noticed.' I just need him to be healthy, happy, and loved - for reasons I don't fully understand. I am stuck on him as a hurting, complex, fucked-up person who just needs to be granted the space (and grace) to grow and heal.
Last Spring, although I didn't know much about him yet, I was deeply affected by the public's absolute rejection of Wilbur in response to Shelby and Alice's assertions. I watched and read for myself and found neither count compelling enough to declare this man a horrible person. I never thought they were liars. I never thought Wilbur was blameless. But I thought both counts mischaracterized dating and relationship failures and included them as evidence of abuse and SA. Labels and therapy language were weaponized in a way that made young fans reject him completely. No regard was given to his statement, which (apparently unlike everyone else) I found compelling. The devastation of his reputation and career felt so unfair and tragic.
I became driven to try to help. To persuade. To do anything I can to right the wrongs. It led me into the depths of Twitter, where I became fascinated by the behavior of internet people - judgmental, vengeful, inflexible, fickle, vicious. Pathologizing everything. Everyone is a victim. Everything has a name. It's all gaslighting or love-bombing or grooming or victim-blaming. Label after label are applied, which cast aggrieved parties as victims, absolve them of any responsibility for bad outcomes, place the entirety of the blame on the alleged offenders.
I don't hate kids. But I am sad and pretty scared for their future.
And here we are again with this year's February Surprise. Sigh.
(Quick take: As usual, I find Rue's story to be interesting, sure, but I don't see how she is a victim. The attitude that situations befall young women without any regard for their role in creating them bugs the shit out of me. I am a woman and was once a young woman. I have made dozens of mistakes and gotten myself into various unsavory entanglements. She chose, of her own volition, to spend night after night cuddling in Wilbur's bed, intimate activity that would have blurred the crap out of whatever lines they had no-doubt drawn in the sand, and then considers herself violated because he touched her and kissed her. Spare me. Frankly I find it shocking that they weren't screwing each other's brains out, which I might add, would be legal. I take no issue with the viewpoint that the age gap is icky, but not at all unheard of, and she's not your sheltered A-student whose never been to a party. She's an internet personality who deems herself old enough to join a band on tour and have weeklong sleepovers with a man. Eighteen year olds are not babies. They can be manipulated and can also manipulate. Is Wilbur to blame? I don't know...for WHAT? For trying to hook up with a girl he spent several nights cuddling with? He was by all evidence a pretty messed up guy, at least at that time, who sought emotional and physical comfort in a younger person. Was it fucked? Maybe. Was it traumatic for her? Again - spare me. Every unhealthy thing doesn't cause trauma. It's not grooming, it's not trauma, it's not SA. They BOTH created the situation. He should know better than to tangle with an 18yo, obviously, if for no other reason than to avoid this rash of bullshit, but that fact alone doesn’t bear on whether she’s a victim of something.)
I'm not sure I can take it. I don't have the stamina to keep yelling into the abyss. I stay on Twitter - despite hatred for Elon Musk and for the cesspool it has become - because I feel an obligation to fight back. Someone needs to be the voice of opposition, right? No. Time to accept that the digital lynch mob is determined to crush Wilbur Soot regardless. It’s all futile, it's all pointless.
Were we really doing anything at all to impact this? Did any of it help? Tell me it didn't, that it never will, so I can dump it all and get some rest. (Seriously. Tell me.)
Will, man, I hope you are healing and overcoming your demons. I hope that light is still burning inside of you. I hope you find your confidence, your joy, your humor, your swagger. Anyone who has watched your body of work can see that you are a good and caring person, faults and all. I hope the world will emerge from this fever soon.
Friends, see you at Summerfest. My favorite band is playing there on July 3.
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shrenvents · 9 months ago
Haunting Fear of the Dead
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Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, implied (small) age gap, survivors guilt etc
Pairing: Rick Grimes x reader
Summary: Negan’s aftermath served as the last straw to instill in you, the belief that nothing lasts forever.
Word count: 1k
The conversation rings in the back of my mind, and your face dominates my thoughts. That despairing, lost expression still makes me wonder whether I crossed the line.
Life is moving too fast, and the overwhelming concept of inevitable death, and her vivid memory haunt me.
The idea, that you may see her in my eyes...
Things fall apart, and I'll never be her.
I knew Lori for no more than a week before she died. And now I've known you for several years, yet she hasn't left my side. Has she left yours?
Your wife and I couldn't be more different.
A troubled, younger girl, who can't help how unloveable she feels. How vulnerable I am. How susceptible I am to doubt. Versus the mother of your child. Your woman before the fall.
How can I compare? How can you love me? After this tragedy and loss, how can I return your love?
Maybe these are all the things I should’ve conveyed, but the moments gone, and I’ll never get you back Rick.
"If ya sigh one more time girl, I'll smack you," Daryl intimidates passively, and I snap my obscure stare at him below my post. Then, looking at the world outside these metal walls, one last time, I turn to the ladder. "Call Rosita, I'm tired."
"Nuh-uh, if I'm here all night, so are ya," He challenges, catching my gaze. He holds it before scoffing in defeat, obviously feeling guilty, after viewing my sorrowful appearance.
As I pass him, he grips my forearm. "I know things are bad right now, but yer a survivor," he murmurs, full of pity. "And if ya ain't gonna believe in yerself, believe in Rick." He trails off, and I nod to make him loosen his grip, so I may walk away.
Things just blew over with the Saviours, now that Negan is behind bars. But regardless, death plagues my conscience. How can I think my happiness is important, or everlasting when my survival is just dumb luck?
Ending things with Rick rang so much truth to that.
Now lonely and isolated, I only have myself to blame. Since confusion and indecision left my bed empty, my head is full of profuse distress.
To this day, after weeks, I'm still unsure of what I was trying to achieve -what I was running from, and why was it him?
No, I know...
I feel it again, her looming behind me. Lori. Whispering stories of their pleasant life together before Walkers existed.
Her ghost regularly tells me how life would be different if it wasn't the end times. She remarks how Rick wouldn't look my way if I wasn't his only option.
My rapid imagination slows to silence when I pass his house. I picture Carl on his porch bouncing Judith to sleep, and misery brutally latches onto me, forcing me to remember what is lost.
'You left him when he needed you the most...' Lori breathes.
Tears prick my eyes, and I bite my bottom lip to reduce its trembling. Then, a call of my name drags me out of the dark, and I seek out its source.
"Rick?" I reply, swallowing my cry and straightening my back. Blinking frantically, I assess him as he marches towards me, seeing concern playing across his features.
'Good things aren't meant to last...'
"How are you?" I croak.
"Fine," he stammers slightly, "you?"
"I'm well," I lie pathetically, and even though he clearly doesn't believe me, he accepts my response nonetheless.
"Shouldn't you be patrolling the wall?" He questions hesitantly.
"Yeah, but Rosita offered to take over, to let me rest you know?" I murmur with a shrug like I'm asking him to confirm my lies. He nods again, seeming just as awkward. "Need me to walk you back?" Rick proposes, motioning his pointer in the direction of my place. "No," I utter flatly, far too fast. He gulps, unable to hide his dejected manner.
A beat later I wordlessly amble away, but he hollers my name again, and I freeze, whirling around, brows furrowing. "Can I walk you back?" He urges this time, and his dilated pupils hold such fervour and desperation, that I give in. "Okay," muttering, I look to the ground as he jogs to my side.
Walking closely together, we're uncomfortably quiet. I peer at him and see his eyes squeezed shut as he inhales, expanding his chest to its limit.
"Rick?" I mumble. His eyelids pop open, and he swivels his head to mine, brows raised.
"Why are you," exhaling, "forcing yourself to-" I cut myself short, and he grasps my meaning. "I'm not forcing myself to do anything," Rick rasps. "If anything, I'm forcing you, to be with me," he drops my befuddled stare. "I'm sorry," he grunts.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," I splutter as a wave of grief, racks through me. "I'm the one with problems," my meek voice gets choppy.
The pace of his legs falter. "Problems," he echoes, puffing a soundless laugh in disbelief. "Problems I want to hear," he more or less pleads. I faintly shake my head.
When I stagger, Rick stops moving completely, and captures my hand, yanking me squarely to him. I take in how alarmed his features appear and again, wish I was alone so I could cry.
"C'mon beautiful, talk to me," he begs, cupping my hand in both his palms, and when he utters my name of endearment, I finally break.
Liquid flows down my cheeks, and Rick, with his thumbs, hopelessly tries to sweep them aside. But the more his rough pads graze my skin, and he pulls me closer, adorning me with such affection, the more tears stream.
He wraps his sturdy arms around my smaller frame, tugging me tightly to his chest, and I collapse into him. He holds me upright when my knees buckle, and simply lets me cry.
"I broke up with you, why on Earth are you consoling me?" I sob, words escaping my mouth in messy bundles.
Sighing, "Because I love you," Rick's voice grows rocky, "and I hate to break it to you," he chokes up, "that isn't gonna change, just 'cause ya don't feel the same."
His statement makes a louder cry erupt. But, I struggle to muster the courage to dispel, the third lie told tonight.
Of course I love him.
"I'm here, always," he soothes, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck, and I feel water drip onto my nape.
As my arms encase his shaking body, Lori materializes behind me.
Reminding me, for the hundredth time:
I don't deserve Rick Grimes, and I never will.
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mommytauriel · 2 years ago
Sihtric x reader where reader is a ward of Uhtred. Reader is the first person to show Sihtric kindness when he’s captured after the attack in episode 2 season 2 and from then on he’s been smitten. The problem is that King Alfred and Uhtred came to an agreement that reader would be married off to a lord so that way she’s taken care off if something were to happen to Uhtred. I just started watching the show so you can decide the rest.
+ · 。~ promised to another p1
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pairing: sihtric x female! reader | genre: forbidden romance?, angst, fluff | warnings: slight cursing, I think that’s all | wc: 6.4K |
synopsis: You and sihtric just met and yet the feelings you felt for each other were so strong.
request: yes
note: Okay first, thank you for sending in a request! And I’m sorry for how long it’s taken me to get it out! I absolutely love this idea and I still have so many ideas for it, this will be a multiple part series, I am thinking 4 parts? I hope you guys enjoy!
Thank you @underragingwaves for letting me use the lovely gif!
Part one Part two
The weather is hot, the sun beating down on you makes your eyes squint and the sleeves of your dress stick to your skin. You hated it. At least there was the breeze of wind that helped with the heat. Weather like this reminds you of the days you spent with your father, playing in the gardens and fields of your home, your father's estate. 
Your father was an Ealdorman of Wessex, a fierce warrior and a dear friend of the king. He loved nothing more than his family, his home and his King. So, it wasn't the biggest surprise when he died protecting what he loves, his family, his home and his king. You remember the day he left to fight, he came into your room and kissed your forehead. You were still in bed when he promised to return. He never did return, he died in the battle of Edington and a part of you died that day too.  
You didn't stay in your home for long after your father's death, you were outside when it happened. You were sitting under a tree reading one of your father's favorite books when the king came, he crouched in front of you and told you the news. That you would be coming to live with him, and your younger brother would stay and learn to become an Ealdorman. You didn't have much of a choice, so you said your goodbyes and left. 
Your stay at the castle was for several years, after a threat on your life that almost had you killed, King Alfred was filled with guilt and doubt. He couldn't have the only daughter of his late friend killed, killed in his home. So, despite a part of him disagreeing and the anger and shouts of his wife he did what he thought was best, put you in the protection of Uhtred. 
And that brings you to where you are now, standing in a field watching Uhtred train King Guthreds men. You have lost count of the months you have been with Uhtred. Uhtred has been very kind to you, very understanding. He doesn't complain when you take a little longer to get ready or when you have them stop more often so you can bathe. He understands your position, you were raised and lived as a lady…and now you ride with him. It was a very different life. 
You were standing in between Hild and Father Beocca, your fingers playing with your bracelet. You watched with squinted eyes as Uhtred bests Clapa once again. You enjoyed watching Uhtred fight, it reminded you of when you would watch your father train. 
The content look on your face quickly disappears when you see a group of men on horseback approaching. You could tell by their attire that they were Danes. You absentmindedly move closer to Hild. Your eyes scan over the men as they dismount from their horse’s and step closer to Uhtred and King Guthred, one of them; the tall one closer than the others. 
You don't bother paying attention to the conversation they seem to be having, instead your eyes wander to the Danes, scanning over them. Your eyes linger on one of them in particular, he was standing behind the tall one in front, his posture made him seem…nervous as if he didn't want to be there. 
You tilt your head slightly as you look him over, curiosity in your eyes. He looked different from the others, and not in a bad way. His hair was pulled back and to be honest…he was quite pretty. He didn't look like the men you would see growing up is all you could say.
You blink a few times when you realize you have zoned out, you look towards Uhtred to see him leaning back, an unimpressed look on his face. You look back to the pretty Dane, only to see that he was already looking at you. Your eyes widen and you quickly avert your eyes away from him and to Uhtred. 
After a few moments you look back at him and watch as he tilts his head slightly and his eyes rake over your body. His eyes met yours again and this time you weren't the first to look away. You feel a rush or satisfaction when you see his cheeks flush at the fact that you caught him. You look away from him when you feel someone touch your arm.  
“You should join Lady Gisela in her tent and get out of the sun” Hild smiles slightly, patting your arm reassuringly, nodding her head towards Lady Gisela. Who seemed to be waiting for you, a smile on her face as she stood with a few other women. You smile at Hild and whisper your goodbyes to the warrior nun, who has shown you nothing but kindness and love. 
Your hands went to your sides to hold up your dress a little, so you could walk without tripping. You send one more smile to Hild before making your way towards Lady Gisela. You kept your chin up and your shoulders back as you ignored the hungry looks from the Danes you walked past. You stop yourself from looking at the Dane that had caught your attention earlier, but when you feel a hard stare on your back, you can't help but look back, hoping to see the pretty Dane looking at you. 
But instead, you see one of the other Danes staring at you as you walk away, specifically your arse. The look of disgust on your face quickly changes to a look of surprise when the Dane who was staring at you inappropriately, is bumped into causing him to stop looking at you. You felt your heart flutter in appreciation when you saw that it was the pretty Dane who purposely bumped into him. He noticed your stare and gave you a small nod before looking forward and catching an apple from the tall Dane. 
“Lady Y/n are you ready to go?” Lady Gisela asked. You quickly looked away from the Danes and to Lady Gisela, who had taken a few steps to be closer to you. 
“Oh yes I am, my apologies” you apologize with a bashful smile, your hands nervously playing with the fabric of your dress. Lady Gisela was a very kind woman, but she had such a strong presence that you couldn't help but feel a little nervous under her charming eyes. 
“No need to apologize” Lady Gisela says with a knowing smirk. You start to worry that she noticed you staring at the pretty Dane. She doesn't say anything on the matter, she just links her arm in yours and starts to lead you to where her tent was, starting a conversation with one of the women that was joining you. 
You glance behind you one more time to see he was already looking at you. When the two of you lock eyes you give him a small smile, before quickly looking forward before your small exchange would be seen by others. You tried to focus on Lady Gisela’s and the others' conversation, but your mind kept on bringing you back to thoughts of the pretty Dane. I really need to figure out his name, so i can stop calling him pretty Dane you think with a faint smile. 
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Cooling down in Lady Gisela’s tent was nice, you had missed spending time with other women. You of course had Hild, but the two of you were always surrounded by Uhtred and Halig. So, spending time with strictly just women was nice, and very much needed. You spent a few hours with them, eating, talking…well more like gossiping before you went to your own tent. King Guthred had asked for his sister, and you felt more comfortable being in your tent since it was starting to get dark.
You were alone in your tent for a few minutes, just resting on your bed that was covered with many different furs. King Guthred had been very kind and had made sure that your tent was satisfactory for you, and it definitely was. You were reading one of your father's books when Uhtred walked into your tent, sword in hand. You would have been worried that something was wrong if Uhtred didn't smile at you and lift up the sword sharpening stone. 
The worry on your face disappears and you greet him with a smile, you can tell that Uhtred wasn't ready to talk so you go back to reading your book. While Uhtred sits on the wooden stool in your tent and starts sharpening his sword, focusing on his thoughts. This had happened a few times before, Uhtred coming to you to relax and quietly focus on his thoughts. The silence between the two of you was never awkward. You both felt very comfortable in each other's presence. 
It was silent for a few more minutes, the only thing you could hear was the sound of Uhtred sharpening his sword and the faint sound of talking from outside your tent. You were nearing the end of the chapter; the main character was voicing her worries to her mentor about their enemies, and it started to get you thinking. 
“I don't trust them” you say after a few more minutes of silence. Your eyes were trained down at your book, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought more about it. Uhtred stopped sharpening his sword and looked towards you, confused and intrigued. “Who?” 
“The Danes Uhtred, i don't trust them.” 
“You know you will be safe with me” he reassured you when he sensed the worry in your tone. He also had his suspicions about them, but he didn’t like that you worried about them. He wanted you to feel safe with him and not worry about such things. 
“I know that Uhtred, but what if they want to harm you?” 
“Are you worrying about me?” Uhtred wonders with a small smirk. Finding it adorable that you were worrying about him. 
You huff in annoyance and close your book and set it by your side, annoyed that it seemed that he wasn’t taking what you were saying seriously. “Uhtred, I’m serious I can’t exactly protect you.” 
Uhtred laughs warmly and stands up, setting his sword and sharpening stone on the wood table by his stool. Before he comes and crouches in front of you. He reaches for your hands that were in your lap and gives them a reassuring squeeze. “You don’t protect me, I protect you.” 
“Stop worrying little flower” Uhtred smiles at you, squeezing your hands one more time before kissing your forehead and standing up. You return the smile even though you were still worried, you trusted Uhtred with your life, so you trusted his words. 
Uhtred walks back to the table and grabs his sword before turning to look at you with a grin. “Now come join us and eat, Hild is worried you’re not eating enough.” 
“If Hild keeps on feeding me so much I’m going to need new dresses to fit in” you say with another huff and a roll of your eyes. You knew Hild only had good intentions, but there was only so much you could eat. 
“Well, that won’t do, I don’t have enough coin to buy you more of your fancy dresses” Uhtred jokes with a teasing smirk. He laughs loudly and moves to the side, dodging the fancy comb you threw at him. 
“One, please tell Hild I will be staying in my tent and that I’m not hungry. Two, me and my fancy dresses are choosing to ignore what you just said.” 
“Whatever you say princess” Uhtred says with one more last smile before leaving, nodding at your personal guard that stayed outside your tent at all times. Whenever Uhtred wasn’t with you, he made sure that your guard was with you. He never wanted you to be alone and defenseless again. 
You let out a tired sigh once Uhtred had left, the heat from earlier and the long day you had, finally getting to you. You let yourself fall back against your bed and close your eyes. The soft furs of your bed just telling you to go to sleep, you ended up listening to them, and you drifted off in a peaceful sleep. Completely clueless to what was happening in the stables, not too far from you. 
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The next time you saw the pretty Dane was in the morning, and you were thoroughly confused at the sight in front of you. You were already dressed and ready for the day when you stepped out of your tent, you walked around the camp hoping to find Uhtred, Hild, anyone you knew really. 
You stopped dead in your tracks, a look of confusion on your face. The pretty Dane that you couldn’t keep your eyes away from yesterday…was tied to a cart. Why is he tied up? You thought. What have I missed?
“Lady y/n” a voice brings you out of your thoughts. You look away from the tied-up Dane to an approaching Halig. Haligs voice gets the attention of the Dane and he turns his head to see who Halig was talking to, he sits up straight when he sees who it is. It’s you he thought. 
“Hild is in her tent if you need her” Halig continues, he had assumed you were looking for her, like you usually do in the mornings. You give Halig a faint smile before glancing back at the Dane, who quickly avoided eye contact from you. “Oh, I’m alright Halig. Why is he tied up? Where are the other Danes?” 
“Those bastards are dead, we're keeping that one over there as a prisoner” Halig responds with a proud nod, your eyes widened and you step closer to Halig, you really did miss a lot. “What happened?” 
“Oh, right you were sleeping, well those bastards tried to kill Uhtred but- “Halig says as if it was nothing, but you are quick to cut him off, feeling very worried for Uhtred. 
“Is Uhtred okay? Where is he?” You asked Halig anxiously. You were right, those Danes couldn’t be trusted, oh you hope Uhtred is okay. The pretty Dane deflates and looks down at the ground at the way you worry about Uhtred. Of course, a pretty woman like you was taken, and of course it had to be with the man he was sent to help kill, he thought with an annoyed scoff.            
“He's in his tent” Halig tells her first and opens his mouth again to brag about how well he did last night, but you quickly walk past him. One thing on your mind, and that was to make sure Uhtred was okay. Halig just shrugs and walks back to the cart loading it. 
You make your way through the camp and back towards your tent, Uhtred’s tent was close to yours, he didn't want you far from him. You turn the corner of your tent the same time someone else does, you jump back in fright, putting your hand on your chest. Uhtred laughs and holds your arms gently, so you don't trip. “Did I scare you y/n.” 
You ignore his words and throw your arms over his shoulders, closing your eyes and pulling him in for a tight hug. You were so afraid that he was hurt from last night, so you were very happy to see him in front of you, seemingly to be alright. Uhtred’s eyes widen in surprise from your hug, but he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hold you to his chest. “Whoa I must've really scared you." 
“Halig said the Danes tried to kill you” You voice out, but it comes out muffled because your face was currently shoved in his chest. Uhtred smiles now understanding, you were still worried for him. Uhtred rubs your back and whispers gently. “I am okay y/n, come on let's get breakfast, I’ll tell you what you have missed.” 
You and Uhtred had gotten some fruit and bread and sat down at a table where Uhtred had explained all that you missed. And let's just say your worry for Uhtred did not lessen. If Kjartan sent men to get Uhtred once, what's stopping him from doing it a second time? You open your mouth to voice your worries but close it when you see Uhtred attention goes to Lady Gisela who’s walking past the two of you. Your eyes widen when Lady Gisela gives Uhtred a shy smile before continuing to walk away. 
Uhtred turns to look at you and you raise your eyebrow, silently questioning what that was. Uhtred rolls his eyes and stands up, making you look up at him. “I have some things to do, Hild should be around here somewhere.” 
“You mean you have someone to do?” You say with a mischievous smile. Uhtred laughs and shakes his head at your response, he truly has been a bad influence on you. He turns to walk away but turns back, forgetting that he has to tell you something. “Y/n, don't go near the prisoner, okay?”
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You of course didn't end up listening to him. It was an hour or so since your conversation with Uhtred and you feared you would die from boredom. Hild was praying, Halig was with Clapa, your guard was training and Uhtred… well you didn't want to know what he was currently doing. Since everyone was busy, that means the prisoner was being guarded by a random man, a random man that you could easily trick. 
If you were going to do this you had to make sure you were doing it the right way, you had no room for mistakes. A mistake in this situation would get you in a lot of trouble, and you really didn't want to be in trouble with Uhtred. Your fear of getting in trouble with Uhtred was calling you to stall and hide behind a tree, and out of sight from the guard and the pretty Dane. 
You weren't scared of Uhtred, you just didn't want to disappoint him by not listening to him. You really did plan on listening to him, but your curiosity had gotten to you, and you spent the last 30 minutes making a plan of action. A plan to talk to the pretty Dane. It definitely wasn't the best plan, to be clear. But with a little luck, you would have your chance to talk to him. 
You didn't understand why this Dane you knew nothing about had captured your attention. You knew he was dangerous and not on your side, was that what attracted you to him? Or was it the way he defended you in a way yesterday? You didn’t know, but you wanted to find out. 
“I’m gonna take a piss, don't move” A voice behind you said, you looked behind the tree to see the guard talking to the Dane. This was your chance; you didn't even have to distract him. The guard snickers and walks backwards “Not like you could move even if you wanted to.” 
You roll your eyes at the guard's remark, you watch as he walks through the trees and far out of sight. You wait a few more moments, just to make sure you would be safe and wouldn't be seen. You let out a nervous breath and step out from behind the tree. The Dane’s back was towards you, so he didn't notice you step out from behind the trees. You took a few steps towards the cart, only to step on a twig; alerting him of your presence. 
The Dane's head swiftly snaps to look at you, as soon as he hears the sound of the twig snapping under your foot. You smile shyly when the two of you lock eyes, taking a few more steps to now stand in front of him. The Dane just looks up at you, confusion in his eyes, he didn't understand why you out of all the people were here…right in front of him. 
“Here” You began as you crouched down in front of him, holding out a red apple for him; a gentle smile on your face, hoping that it would hide your nervousness. “I noticed you haven't eaten yet” You continued. 
The Dane hesitantly takes the apple from her hands. He wasn't going to at first, but the warmness he felt from your smile and eyes told him that it's okay. You looked into his eyes, and you couldn't help but be surprised at the sight, he had two different colored eyes, one blue and one brown. How peculiar, but beautiful you thought with a smile. You spoke with a soft tone “I’m Y/n, what's your name?” 
“I’m Sihtric” He tells you quickly, also looking into your eyes. You were so close to him, and he just wanted to memorize everything about you. His eyes widen when he realizes his mistake on the way he addressed you. “My Lady” he told you quickly and nervously. 
“You can just call me Y/n” You smile widely, you find his nervousness adorable. You didn't expect a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ to get so nervous and shy in front of you. Halig had told you earlier that he's a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ but he didn't seem like that in front of you.
 It was quiet for a few moments besides the sound of sihtric biting into the apple and the faint sound of birds in the distance, you didn't have much time you had to tell him. 
“Thank you Sihtric” 
“Shouldn't I be the one thanking you?” He says confused, motioning towards the almost finished apple that he scarfed down, maybe later he would feel a little embarrassed for eating in such a way in front of a lady, you really didn't care though. 
“I mean for yesterday” You clarified, your smile still on your face. 
“It's no problem my lady” He tells you, returning the smile with one of his own. You go to tell him that he didn't have to call you that but you close your mouth and look behind you when you hear footsteps. You sigh, you wanted more time with him. 
“I should go, Bye sihtric” You give him a faint smile before standing up, ignoring the small ache you felt in your legs from crouching for so long. You grab onto your dress and rush off before you could be seen and before sihtric could respond to you. 
“Bye Y/n” Sihtric whispered to himself as he turned his head to watch you rush off, a small smile forming on his face when you almost trip over the bottom of your dress. He watches until he can't see you anymore, he sighs and turns back around leaning back against the cart and hiding the finished apple behind the wheel. He missed you already, this isn't good he thought to himself. 
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You weren't present when Sihtric held a sword to Halig’s throat and swore his sword and loyalty to Uhtred. You were at a table reading and eating some fruit, let's just say you were very surprised when you saw  sihtric walk past the table you were sitting at, following an annoyed Halig. Why am I always missing everything you thought with a huff. 
You were watching Halig and sihtric walk away when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You flinch and quickly turn around to see who it was, you let out a breath of relief when you see it's a smiling Uhtred and not some creep trying to cop a feel. Why did he always have to scare you! “Uhtred!” 
“I didn't mean to scare you, come on King Guthred wants us to join them to eat” Uhtred laughs we really need to work on her not being so jumpy Uhtred thinks. You really wanted to refuse but you knew you couldn't, it wouldn't be ladylike of you if you did. So, you sighed and stood up, holding your closed book to your chest. Uhtred smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you to where King Guthred was sitting, Lady Gisela sitting next to him. 
You had left the table a few moments after Uhtred did, claiming that you were going to your tent to cool down from the beating sun. Lady Gisela who had noticed your discomfort earlier on was quick to say her goodbyes with a knowing smile. You were grateful to have her in your life. You glance at Clapa fighting as you walk past the group of men cheering for him. 
You sigh and hold your hands in front of you as you walk towards your tent, trying to ignore your guards' eyes that were on your back. He followed you almost everywhere if you weren't with Uhtred, he made sure not to stay too close to you, he knew you liked your privacy. You could see your tent in the distance, and you wanted to smile in relief, knowing that you could have some quiet and alone time in your tent. You pull back the flap of your tent and go to step in but stop in your tracks at the sound of someone calling for you. 
“Lady Y/n” Sihtric Greets as he walks towards you, only to step back and raise his hands in surrender when your guard steps closer to him and pulls out his sword telling sihtric to stay back. Your eyes widen and you step closer to them. “It's alright Matthew, you can leave us.” 
“My lady?” Matthew looks back at you with a confused look, his sword still pointing at sihtric. 
“I will be fine Matthew” You reassure him with a small nod. Matthew looks back at you one more time, before setting his gaze on sihtric and giving him, a glare and he slowly lowers his sword. Matthew doesn't break eye contact with sihtric as he steps back and takes his usual position at the side of your tent. Sihtric gulps feeling slightly intimidated by your guard. You smile at the slight fear in sihtric’s eyes, little did he know how much of a softie Matthew truly is. 
“Sihtric, we can talk inside” You smile motioning towards your tent, it would be nice to talk to him privately. Sihtric spares a glance towards your guard, before stepping forward and following you into your tent. Neither of them noticed a man hiding behind another tent watching the exchange, he didn't stay long before he rushed to tell what he saw to a certain Abbot. 
Sihtric's eyes widen when he steps into your tent, and he takes in the sight. He had briefly seen the inside of Halig’s tent when he was showing him around earlier, and it was no way near as nice as yours was. Sihtric wipes his hands on his pants trying to show you that he was nervous, and to be fair, he wasn't the only one freaking out about him being in your tent. You were too.
It is highly inappropriate to be alone in your tent, if only your mother could see you now. She's definitely turning in her grave at your unladylike ness. You ignore your nervousness and walk over to the table that has a jug of water and a few cups, you fill two cups of water up and turn around, holding a cup out for him. “Here” 
“Thank you, y/n,” Sihtric smiles as he steps closer to you, when he takes the cup in his grasp his hand brushes against yours, he's alarmed at how much your soft touch affected him, that's never happened before. 
“I missed a lot in a short amount of time, you aren't Uhtred's prisoner anymore?” You question him even though you already know the answer. You move to sit on your bed, the soft furs comforting you. You take a sip of your water while your other hand plays with the soft fur. 
“No, I swore my loyalty to him,” Sihtric said as his eyes followed every move of yours. He slowly took a sip of his water, cooling his dry throat. Sihtric stands still in his spot near the front of your tent. 
“So, I shouldn't be worried about you killing me then? Or Uhtred?” You smile teasingly as you lean back on your palm. Your eyes not leaving his as you tilt your head slightly. Sihtric feels his heart start to beat faster at the sight in front of him, you looked so beautiful, the teasing smile and look in your eyes was making him feel things he shouldn't feel. 
“Lady, I would never! I won't harm you or your husband.” 
“My husband?” You laugh out with a confused smile. I don't have a husband? 
“Uhtred is your husband, isn't he?” Sihtric questions, you find the way he tilted his head slightly as he asked adorable. 
“No no no, Uhtred is like a brother to me” You stumble over your words as you try to get them out as quickly as you can. You and Uhtred? No way. Why would he think that? You stop leaning back and sit straight as you look up at him. 
Sihtric licks his lips and tries to ignore the burst of relief he felt at your words. There was still a chance you were married; I hope you're not sihtric thinks. “Do…Do you have a husband?” 
“No i don't” You smile thankfully, you definitely weren't ready for marriage. You look down at your cup of water, why was he asking? You look up from your cup and to his eyes he is very handsome and asking if I am married, why is this making me so flustered “Do you have a wife?” 
“No lady, i don't” When sihtric says those words it's like music to your ears. Sihtric noticed the way your eyes lit up at his answer and he had to hide his smile from seeing your reaction. The tension was thick as the two of you stared into each other's eyes, neither of you wanting to break eye contact and neither of you knowing what to say. 
“Why did you swear your loyalty to uhtred?” You wondered aloud, finally breaking the silence. Sihtrics eyes widen, and he falters a little, as if he didn't expect you to ask him that. You lean back on your palm and take a sip of your water that you had forgotten was in your hand, you were too distracted by his beautiful eyes, but then again who wouldn't be. God he's so pretty.
“A lot of reasons really” He cleared his throat and took another sip of his water. You could see a lot of emotions in his eyes as he thought about your question. You scooted over on your bed and patted the spot next to you. If he did feel comfortable telling you those reasons you wanted him to be comfortable physically, not standing on the other side of the tent looking at you as if you were going to pounce on him any second. 
He hesitates but when you give him a comforting smile, he walks across the tent and sits next to you. Not to close, but close enough that had both of you feeling flustered. You noticed he seemed a little apprehensive as you playfully bumped your shoulder into his and offered him a kind smile. “We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, i know we met not to long ag-” 
“My Father is Kjartan, and my mother was a slave” He cuts you off. You closed your mouth and made sure that you kept your face neutral at his confession. You definitely didn't expect that, and you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by your shock. Sihtric looked down at his knees as he added “Kjartan showed me no love or care, I know what type of man he is, he's a terrible man. A man that I don't want to serve.” 
“Lord Uhtred, He's a good man. I want to serve a man like Uhtred, not my father” Sihtric finally gets the courage to look at you, readying himself to see anger or disappointment in your eyes at the fact that he's Kjartans bastard son. But he just sees your kind eyes. 
“Uhtred is a good man and he's lucky to have you. '' you tell him with a smile, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Sihtric looks down at your hand on your shoulder before quickly looking back at you, giving you a smile of his own. “I think I'm the lucky one.” 
“How so?” You voice out with a shy giggle, feeling very flustered under his gaze. His eyes were staring into yours, only breaking the flirty eye contact to glance down at your lips. Both of you absentmindedly leaning closer, you found yourself looking down at his lips before looking back up to his eyes. You were so close you could feel each other's breath on your face, but still not close enough, your fingers were just itching to pull him closer.  
“Lady y/n, Lady Gisela requests your presence” Matthew called from the outside of your tent, causing you and sihtric to jump apart. The annoyed curse you mutter under your breath causes sihtric to smirk. I did not expect that from a lady sihtric thought, but then again, he also didn't expect a lady to invite him in her tent. You were full of surprises. 
“I should go” you tell him with a nod, but your eyes tell him that you want to stay. Sihtric notices the look in your eyes and doesn’t stop the cocky smile to appear on his face. He stands up and holds his hand out for you so he could help you up. You take his hand and let him help you up, your hands still interlocked as he spoke “Of course My lady.” 
“Goodbye Sihtric” You smile up at him, you sadly let go of his hand. You liked the way his hand fit perfectly with yours, but you needed to go. Hopefully I can hold his hand another time you think happily. Sihtric leans down and takes you by surprise when his warm lips kiss your cheek. Just as soon as it happened it was over, sihtric steps back and gives you a cheeky smile, saying one last thing before leaving. “Goodbye y/n” 
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Over the next few days, a lot happened, not to you…but a lot happened. Uhtred had made sure to keep you away and safe from everything that was happening. So, you spent most of your time with Lady Gisela and Hild and of course Matthew. You were surprised how much you had missed sihtric over the few days, there weren't a lot of chances the two of you could talk. Both Uhtred and Matthew were tense about everything that was going on so that had made them even more protective than usual. 
So that left you and sihtric to longing glances, small greetings through the day whenever you had the chance to, which was rare. Sihtric had started to miss you so much he even thought about sneaking into your tent at night to see you…he didn't think about it much. He knew Matthew wouldn't hesitate to stab his sharp impressive sword through his throat. 
The first time you had a chance to really talk to sihtric again was when you were walking towards your horse. Everyone was getting ready for the journey to Eoferwic, Matthew was with Hild helping her with getting her things, he was reluctant to leave you at first, but you had convinced him to go help Hild, saying something about how she wanted his help…it wasn't too hard to convince him after you said that. 
You were petting your horse when you heard the sound of footsteps, you quickly turned your head; the nervous look on your face turned to a smile when you saw who it was. Sihtric smiles and steps to your side, bringing his hand up to pet your horse's mane. You smiled back and looked back at your horse before saying “Would it be weird if I said I have missed you?” 
Sihtric grins and chuckles and looks at you, admiring your side profile. Your words made him happier than he thought they would you are really do something to me “I guess we're both weird because i have missed you to my lady.” 
“I have said several times that you don't have to call me that.” You scrunch your nose before trying your best to glare at him, but the laugh that slips past his lips causes you to smile and laugh as well. You were slightly out in the open, so in the back of your head you were a little worried that the two of you being seen laughing and close would cause some problems, but his next words made you forget your worries. 
“I know, but I like the way your nose scrunches up when I call you that. It's cute” Sihtric tells you after he stops laughing. Your eyes widen and you shyly look back at your horse. 
“What?” Sihtric asks when he notices the look on your face. Did he overstep? The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. You saw the panic in his eyes, so you stepped closer to him and placed your hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I've been called many things, but never cute.” 
“Now that's weird” Sihtric flirts and tries to not make it obvious that he was looking at you up and down, admiring you. You had caught his eyes and felt a boost of confidence but before you could do anything the sounds of footsteps alerted you. Halig steps closer to the two of you, giving you a smile and nod before giving sihtric a heated glare. “Lord Uhtred needs you.” 
“Goodbye Lady y/n” Sihtric said to you, making sure to emphasize the lady. You nod and mumble your goodbyes, watching as he takes a few steps backwards before turning around and walking off to where you assumed Uhtred was. You hoped you hid your disappointment well, and that Halig didn't notice. 
Halig looks at you and asks, “Was he bothering you?” 
“No Halig, he wasn't bothering me” you tell him with a reassuring nod. Halig nods and gives you one more look before walking off. When you make sure he can't see you, your lips spread into a smile as you think more about the pretty dane. 
He definitely wasn't bothering me… 
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note: Hii! I’m back!! I feel like it’s been sooo long since I posted a fic! I have missed you all <;3
So this is the first part in my ‘promised to another’ short series. When I got this request I fell in love and so many ideas for it so I decided to make it into a short series! (The rest that was suggested in the request will take place in part two and then the other parts will a surprise on what happens 😉)
So there was actually more to this first part, I was at around 10.5k words and I wasn’t even done yet. So I decided to cut the first part into 2! The next part should be up next week idk!
Feel free to send some asks about this series. I would love to talk to you guys about it! ☺️
Please comment if you would like to be added to the taglist for this series or my tlk taglist in general!
So I have been pretty busy lately, but besides this short series and my WIP’s I have also started on another project!
I’m super excited about this! I have a series for osferth in the works! I cant wait to get the teaser out for you guys!
Please comment and tell me what you guys think about this! I would love to read all your thoughts!
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Taglist: @clairacassidy @mads-weasley @haikyusfics
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copyright ©️ 2023, all rights reserved. you can't copy, translate, reproduce, repost my fic, use my plot or layout. 
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cator99 · 3 months ago
please finish your wedding story, i so badly want to hear the rest of it. i await eagerly.
>everyone lived happily ever after
>a few weeks pass
>I write the brides a lengthy and detailed letter of recommendation to their immigration lawyer
>they're overjoyed and think its a beautiful letter, and I'm glad to help because I hope they last forever and get everything they want in life, if I may drop the act and be sincere for a moment
>a few days pass. the bride I've known for over 15 years messages me
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>however... she doesn't care. she's on her honeymoon. and I'm just some chick she was friends with as a kid. what does upset her is how she found out.
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>at first I assume that the woman who reached out to her (who I knew back in jr high, and is a few years older than me) was just trying to upset her
>bride tells me about how this woman was her best friend and then suddenly blocked her out of nowhere, which was (and is) still very painful for her
>the woman, who we will refer to as "A" whips up a story about being concerned for the bride's safety and privacy or something
>bride is confused. there's no identifying information. the post is a nothingburger to her. what's important here is that she's upset that this woman messaged her after 4 years, not to make things right..... but to talk about "zander"
>right, this is about me, because this is "A" we're talking about here...... hell hath no fury like a closet case scorned
how did she find my blog?
I assume it went like this:
>"A" goes to peek at her ex-bestie's wedding photos
>"Zander" Spotted
>runs to LC
>"hey does anyone remember Zander who I used to post about on here all the time 7 years ago? I may have found an update!"
>"that's terf cator99 who was posted about on the Women Youre Ashamed To Want To Fuck thread you fucking idiot that looks nothing like her"
>no here's proof!
>autism ensues
>several replies get deleted, other responses indicate they're "A" sperging and linking my blog
>people argue if I deserve to be there anymore
>"she's a tif"
> yes"
>"I used to know her" ["A" posting]
>"tell us more!"
>"she used to have this one pair of glasses and then she had this other pair of glasses that looked really good on her..."
>assume she's probably back on her LC shit
>find and link bride to the LC thread and explain to her that "A" has just been trolling for fun and to pay it no mind, you're better off without her in your life
>"hey bride-chan, not to be weird but I'm just trying to understand this shit, do you think A ever had a thing for me... I always kind of assumed she was bi or gay when we were younger and thought it was cool that she was androgynous and went to school dressed as Kaito from vocaloid all the time so I wanted to be her friend but she was pretty rude to people and I backed off"
>"well i dont know but she's married to a man now..."
>yet here she is trying to get under the skin of two women who are with other women
to be fair I earned the lolcow title fair and square years ago all on my own, and really do feel I owe "A" a favor for introducing me to the site. it was very formative for me to find out places like that existed right at the moment I was starting to have conflicting thoughts about the trans shit so I could gain some self-awareness (and general awareness overall) (shout out to "A"s friend who cowtipped to me.....)
meanwhile, on LC:
>"well done ladies, we've figured it all out. Butch Lesbian cator99 is currently partying with gay men, and It is common knowledge that "gay men" are all secretly bisexuals who are looking to hook up with women who say things like "I'm a lesbian" and "I am not attracted to males". That is their mating call, in fact. These words activate the Hetero gland in the Amygdala like a sleeper agent who has been biologically programmed– as we all are– to stop the kiki-ing and split off into heterosexual pairings at the end of a poppers-fuelled night assless-twerking to Britney."
>"good work. But I'll one-up you: look at this screenshot."
[photo from an instagram account, featuring a photo of 17 year old Zander's legs in the bath. "I Am Totally Into Epic Awesome Penis Now!!!!!!" (She had never seen a penis)]
>"yes, this is definitely a normal thing for a straight woman to say. I always knew she was a faker."
>"yes. as im sure you're all aware, there are many social and career benefits from pretending to be a lesbian."
>"doesn't that idiot know that she can't just lie and change her orientation? I can't believe she's been straight this whole time."
>"what does she have to gain from lying?"
>"She's so adamant about being a lesbian, which is a dead giveaway for a cover-up operation. The more they resist, the more evident it is that they are lying in order to gain access to that highly lauded Online Lesbian Following, which is something every straight woman wants deep down."
>call gf
>"bad news. I just found out I'm actually straight."
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inky-snowdrop · 2 months ago
Christmas with the Lin Kuei 🎄
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(NOTE: I don't personally believe that the Lin Kuei celebrate Christmas because I headcanon that religion isn't allowed within the clan. The mindset of clan before blood also negates the whole family aspect of Christmas. HOWEVER I am making an exception for this list 🤍)
MK MASTERLIST • Request Status: OPEN
❄️ Bi-Han ❄️
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Y'all... this man is not a Christmas hater (LET ME EXPLAIN)
Does he love Christmas? No. The fact of the matter is that Christmas happens during his favorite time of year: winter. Anything that happens in cold weather is decent in his eyes
He enjoys gift giving, especially when it's for Sektor and Sareena. Naturally he is a very observant person, so seeing the look of excitement on his significant others' faces when he gets them exactly what they wanted makes him happy
He's not really into all the family fun that's supposed to occur during the Christmas season (this man is NOT making a gingerbread house). He'd rather curl up near the fire and read a Christmas book (he enjoys A Christmas Carol because of the ghosts) with the people he cares about
DO NOT sing Christmas carols around him. DO NOT ask him to make it snow inside. He will actually lose his mind.
🔥 Kuai Liang 🔥
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Kuai Liang is a Christmas enjoyer. He has a lot of positive memories associated with the holidays from when he was younger (playing with Harumi Shirai in the snow, decorating the Lin Kuei Palace with colorful candles)
Baking is one of his favorite Christmas traditions... Though he is an absolute fire hazard in the kitchen. He always ends up with burnt Christmas tree cookies that he absolutely smothers in frosting
Since Tomás has difficulties around the holidays, Kuai Liang goes out of his way to help him feel cheerful by including him in activities. They've spent lots of time doing childish things like building snowmen or decorating a tree in the forest with homemade decorations
Last minute wrapper. Motherfucker is awake the entire night on Christmas Eve trying to wrap all the gifts he got. He is often exhausted on Christmas morning... And some Christmas' he doesn't wake up before noon
When he moved to Japan to establish the Shirai Ryu, he took several of his old Christmas decorations with him. He hasn't touched them since
💨 Tomás Vrbada 💨
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Tomás has... a complicated relationship with Christmas
On one hand, he has so many positive memories (both secular and religious) with his birth parents and sister during Christmas time... On the other hand he has so many positive memories of people that are no longer in his life
Regardless of how he feels, he tries really hard not to let his upsetment show. Whenever Kuai Liang asks him to bake with him or to build a snowman, Tomás always says yes. He doesn't want to bring anyone else down because of him
Tomás likes to watch Christmas cartoons like Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Noses Reindeer. His absolute favorite Christmas cartoon is The Year Without A Santa Claus. He relates to how depressed Santa is.
Though he typically tries to avoid Bi-Han during the holiday season (why get kicked while he's already down?), sometimes he'll ask if he can sit with Bi-Han while he's watching a Christmas movie. That's the most time that they spend with each other without yelling at each other the whole year
⚙️ Sektor ⚙️
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CHRISTMAS. HATER. An absolute Scrooge
There were too many times in the past where she was let down by her mother and father during Christmas time, so now she just hates everything associated with the season
She locks herself in the Armory, working on things she doesn't need to be working on in order to distract herself. She barely sleeps, she barely eats, it's mildly concerning how consumed she is by her work
Bi-Han recognizes that Sektor needs her space and tries to respect that as much as possible, but he still gets worried when she doesn't leave the shop for more than a week. Sareena will go into the Armory and pester Sektor all day, asking questions about different Christmas things until Sektor kicks her out
The only day that Sektor is somewhat present is Christmas Day. She will go sit with everyone while they open gifts, sipping her coffee as she soaks in as much of the moment as she is emotionally able to
🐝 Cyrax 🐝
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Cyrax likes both the religious and secular aspects of Christmas. She is a Catholic, so she sets up a little nativity scene in her room every year
Being from Nigeria, she has a lot of traditions that she brings into the Lin Kuei from the Zaki. One such tradition is going on an annual hunt and competing to see who can kill the largest animal within an allotted time. The winner is blessed with good luck for the upcoming year and their catch is served at Christmas dinner
Kuai Liang LOVES this tradition and competes with Cyrax yearly. He has yet to beat her. In fact the only person that was able to beat Cyrax's time and kill was Sareena, who managed to bring down an Ice Beast within ten minutes
When Cyrax and Kuai Liang dated, they spent a lot of time walking in the woods and looking at all the tracks in the snow. This was also an excuse for Cyrax to cuddle close to Kuai to stave off the cold
Will often join Kuai Liang in his quest to cheer up Tomás, but she is also very aware of if Tomás is not in the mood and will back away. She often has to remind Kuai Liang to not be too forceful when he's trying to help
😈 Sareena 😈
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LOVES CHRISTMAS!!! I mean, who wouldn't after being trapped in the NetherRealm with a perverted old Sorcerer for centuries?
She especially loves to decorate the palace in bright lights. Instead of using candles, she wants to go to the store and buy actual electric bulbs (not realizing that the Lin Kuei palace doesn't have electricity... But Sektor would figure out a way to make them work). She spends time untangling the lights every year and gets tangled up every time
She has a lot of questions about Christmas. "Who is Santa Claus? How does he see us when we're sleeping? Is he a sorcerer? How does he fit down the chimney? How does he not set himself on fire when he's in the chimney and the fire is lit?..." Bi-Han started ignoring her after continuously answering her questions for three hours
Is addicted to eggnog and actually enjoys Kuai Liang's burnt cookies
She's very bad at gift giving. One year she gave Bi-Han and Sektor each a dead rabbit. She didn't wrap them either, so their chamber smelled really bad for a couple of days and Sektor and Bi-Han had no idea what was causing the smell. Meanwhile, Sareena's looking mischievous in the corner and thinking "Hehehe they'll never guess what their gifts are! ;)"
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(🐝 to recognise as mine)
AITA for not interfering in my little sister's friends icing her out? For context, my sister is two years younger than me and we both go to the same school — I know her friends and they know me.
My sister is in a small group (six in total) and none of them are in her class. She is in the highest classes for every subjects and none of her friends are — but she's the only one who makes it a problem, constantly bragging about her own marks and actively belittling everybody else. She also makes comments about their body weight, appearance, diet and fitness, ranging from general nasty remarks to actively referring to certain friends as the "fucking fatties of the group". She always shit talks her friends to each other in this manner and they all know because they do the same sport as me (my sister doesn't) and I hear them talking about it (one time one of her friends was genuinely crying when confessing some of the stuff my sister said).
Furthermore she is notoriously homophobic, transphobic and ableist, and often says things and slurs that make her friends uncomfortable (none of them to my knowledge are queer but one has been formally diagnosed with ADHD and tics).
Her friends have begun to distance themselves from her and though they haven't fully iced her out yet, I know it's going to happen first because it's the natural course of these types of things and second because I've overheard many of them say that that's their goal. As someone who has dealt with people like my sister in my own friend group, I don't blame them for this in the slightest.
I've talked to her before as her older sibling about not behaving this way, both because it's fucking rude and also because for several months now I've heard her friends saying they're "uncomfortable" around her and don't like hanging out with her. I haven't told her what I've overheard her friends say about her but I have warned her that they "will and probably already do" feel that way. She hasn't listened to me in the past and won't now because I'm "not her mother".
She has begun to notice them separating from her (most recently going trick-or-treating and not inviting her) and has mentioned it vaguely to my parents. My mum has asked me privately to step in and help my sister out.
I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to interfere in what's happening. It's firmly my belief that you should always accept the consequences of your actions and I also am taking some degree of satisfaction watching her finally do so. (In the past she has actively bullied people and gotten away with it scot free).
Furthermore, she frequently says homophobic shit about me and my friends to my face, misgendering me and calling all of us slurs despite me being out about it and my parents being aware and vaguely accepting (it's complicated lol). It is satisfying to see her take heat for her behaviour, even if it's not directly related to what she says at home.
I'm not going to help my sister because in my opinion she has dug her own grave and it's time to lie in it. I doubt I will change my mind on this but I am curious if people beyond my own friends and my sister's friends think that this makes me the asshole.
What are these acronyms?
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its-in-the-woods · 10 months ago
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 5
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely.
*As always thank you so much for the love. I have another AU brewing, as well as some fallout stuff. So please be sure to stick around to see what's next. *
Three weeks go by quickly. Time always flies when you are busy. Liz has gone back to her usual snot-nose self. Basically avoiding you at all costs unless you have to swap information. Katie had also taken the same stance on things. She was much more curt and would regularly give you side eyes. It hurt. You'd always like Katie, she may not have been a friend but the cold shoulder was rough. You'd also been traveling a lot more. The nice thing was Trevor and you would share rides. If you were slated to travel south of town you'd pick him up. North and he'd pick you up. Most mornings you'd try to snooze a little on the drive. He never pushed things, not that there was anything to push. But it was still nice not to have questions about your lackluster love life. Instead, you would just talk about him and Decon. They were getting on famously and had talked about potentially moving in together. 
As for Walton, he was his usual goofy self, but there was something off. He doesn't touch you as much. No hand on your elbow, or quick cheek kisses as he leaves the trailer. He wouldn't drag his chair over to make sure he sat beside you so that he could show you something funny he found on Instagram. Instead of sitting himself a little further from everyone, he seemed to have distanced himself from most of the crew. You didn't realize how much you noticed all the little things until they were gone. You've taken to eating lunch in the makeup and hair trailer. Trevor has been hanging with Decon and the rest of the props department. As much as you enjoy the company you can't help but feel like a third wheel. So eating alone while reading a book is just easier. Plus the book took your mind off the fact that you felt a heart-sick. Even though nothing had transpired, you had been more hopeful than you had realized. 
So instead you‘re busing yourself, already lining up another show for when this one is finished, which is a huge relief. Having a show slated ahead of time can be daunting and it depends on who you vibe with more than your talent. Thankfully your name has gotten out there, untarnished by Liz and you've clicked with a few heads of departments who are happy to have you. Your year is full, you even let yourself look over apartment listings. A good half of them are way out of your price range. The other half is several cities away, and with how expensive gas is, the lower rent wouldn't matter.
You let out a sigh checking your watch. Another fifteen minutes before the trailer would be swamped with people. You briefly wonder if you could get a nap in. The last week of night shoots had worn you out. A knock on the door pushes that thought away. 
“Come on in.” You call out expecting an AD or maybe Costumes to come in.
The door opens and Walton comes in, hat and sunglasses blocking out the unusually sunny day. You felt slightly annoyed that you'd have to redo his face, and Trevor would have to unflatten his hair. Your heart speeding up pushed that out of your mind. 
“Hey, Walton.” You say, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the butterflies in your stomach along with your elevated heart rate.
“Hey, gorgeous,” He says with that wicked grin as he settles in the chair across from you. The nickname makes you straighten yourself up.
“You're a bit early. But I don't mind,” You say, reminding yourself that you need to keep your distance if you are going to make it the next few months. 
“I am actually here to ask you a question.” His hands adjust his clothing. You wonder for a moment if he is as nervous as you are. The morning from nearly a month ago playing out, the thought of him full of jittery energy as you sat with him. 
“Oh?” You ask, taking a sip from your water bottle to hide your smile.
“Would you like to come out for dinner with me?” 
You worry at your lip for a moment. The man had barely spoken to you for almost a month and now was suddenly asking you out. It really didn’t make much sense. 
“Sure, who else is going?” You ask, having convinced yourself that he must have arranged a get-together like the weekend previously. There was not a snowflake in hell chance he was asking you on a date.
He looks down at his hands fiddling with his watch and taking off his shades to look at you. “Was kind of hoping it would be just the two of us,” 
Now your face is flushed, was this happening? “Oh- umm- like a date?”
Walton's cheeks turn pink and he rubs the back of his neck. Damn, you'd missed how bashful he'd get about you. “Yeah, a date. There's a sushi place close to me that I've been wanting to go to.”
“I would love that,” the words fall out of your mouth before you even have time to think. He grinned, his whole face lighting up, making the monetary lack of judgment worth it.
“Could I pick you up at your place around seven?”
You have a smile breaking across your face. “Now here I was worried about giving some ‘random man’ my address.”
His hundred-watt smile lights you up and you are half tempted to go kiss the dang fool. “I promise to only drive by a few times.”
The door opens and Trevor is coming in. You swore the man had both the best and worst timing. 
“Hey, you.” His face changes as he sees Walton. If thought bubbles were real you were certain ‘oh shit’ would have hung over his head. “I seem to have excellent timing interrupting you both.”
“No, you're good,” Walton waves his hand at him, a small smirk still pulling at his lips. “Was just ready to get myself looking good for the next scene.”
Trevor has been trying unsuccessfully to get you to spill the beans. But you refuse to tell him anywhere near where people could overhear you both. You'd rather avoid any more scoldings from Liz. The last thing you wanted was for her to get even more pissed off than she already was.
The day is finally done, and you're anxious to get home and change. Trevor follows you to the parking lot chattering about his plans with Decon. You can tell it's taking everything in him not to pester you for more details. 
“So are you going to tell me? Or do I need to follow you home?” He finally gives in. Part of you doesn't want to tell him, the rumor mill could feed itself. But this was Trevor, someone who you actually liked as a friend. He wasn't going to spill the beans on you.
You sigh, unlocking your car and dropping your purse into the front seat “I am just going out for dinner.”
Trevor's face lights up, and he all but screeches, “Really!?” 
You tap his shoulder and he immediately calms down. Looking around you are relieved no one seems to have heard his excited chatter.
“Really, you're actually going out on a date with Walton?” The man is so excited he is vibrating. He may be more excited than you are.
You do your best not to laugh at him “Yes, we are, the first date. It's nothing serious, just going to eat sushi.”
Trevor's eyebrows narrowed, confusion gracing his face.“Wait. It’s your first date?”
You turn back to eyebrows scrunched, “Yeah. He's barely spoken to me until today.”
Trevor looks surprised, “Wait. Hold on. I thought you two had just taken things” He makes indistinguishable hand motions. “Outside office hours.”
“What? No. He's practically avoided me since I broke down a month ago.” You are shocked that he hadn't asked about this before. 
“Holy hell. It took him that long to get it together.” 
You groan looking at your watch. “Stop it. I have to get going. Please don't tell anyone.”
Trevor made the zipper motion over his lips. “But you better text me when you get home. I want all the details.”
You roll your eyes but nod as you finally get in the car. Knowing full well you'd have a novel worth of text to read by the end of the evening.
Once home you jump in the shower. Braiding your hair like Trevor had taught you, two braids on either side meeting in the middle and down the back. Mascara, eyeliner, and some tinted moisturizer go on. It’s quick and simple but does the job. Once you are mostly dry you move over to your stand-up wardrobe. You curse at the fact that eighty percent of your clothes are either black or stained.  Throwing caution to the wind you find a pair of black denim jeans and loose loose-fitting purple top. It's not like you're walking the red carpet. You wanted cute but functional. Digging around you're surprised when you find a pair of non-scuffed boots. They fit relatively well and shouldn’t give you blisters if you end up going for a walk.
A black handbag is filled with bits and bobs. Lip Chap, hair elastic, wallet, phone, a charging cable, a small container with Tylenol, mints, and ginger tablets. You also grab a black leather jacket that's light enough to carry but warm enough to protect you from the evening winds.  Years of running on fumes have taught you how to move quickly and travel lightly. Most of the time problems could be solved with what was on hand.
A few deep breaths and affirmative thoughts and you feel significantly better. It was going to be a good evening you repeated to yourself. Phone buzzing, you grab it out of your bag.
“Just downstairs.”
You quickly reply that you're ‘Coming downstairs’ 
Grabbing your keys you lock up and head out. Trying to calm your mind as you rush down the stairs. It was just a dinner date, sushi, and some chatting. Just because you haven't been on a date for almost six years doesn't mean you need to be full of anxiety. 
Being single and working in film meant you either dated folks who also worked in film or you didn't date. Unfortunately, you didn't have a bisexual bone in your body. Not to mention that most men that seemed interested were, well, slimy. So you had given up the ghost and thrown yourself at work. Now here you were walking down the hallway to get picked up by a man. Not just any man either, Walton Goggins, a man that could pull anyone and he had certainly pulled you. It felt a little surreal and frightening.
You stop at the door and try to still your mind. Then you push through and he is parked right outside. Leaning against his vehicle like he doesn't have care in the world. He's wearing a loose-fitting navy shirt, several buttons undone at the collar, with black pants, sunglasses, and a hat. Walton’s face breaks into a crooked grin when he sees you, his body unfurling as you come closer. You'd be lying if you didn't want to find out what was under that shirt.
“Well, aren't you looking good?” He says licking his lips and watching you come towards the vehicle.
You blush as you meet his shade covered eyes. “Not too bad yourself.”
He chuckles, and opens the door, “After you, m’lady” 
The drive is relatively short, being later in the evening meant that most traffic was gone. You both chat about the week, minor set annoyances, and future plans. Walton’s hand never leaves yours, his eyes occasionally glancing over at you. If he had asked you to just drive around you would have agreed. Walton parks the car in the parkade, and the two of you get out. He laces his fingers in yours as you walk down the sidewalk. 
The sushi place is tucked back off the main street in an old historical building. The sign is worn and the door hasn’t been painted in years. It was going to be good food. The server places you both in a booth in the back corner of a relatively empty space. The lights are dim and it feels cozy. You two sit beside each other and look over the menu. 
“Have you ever had Takoyak?” He asks, pointing at some deep-fried balls on the menu.  
“No, I haven’t. They are squid right?” You ask.
“Yes, they are delicious. I would recommend them, oh and okonomiyaki.” The fact that he can pronounce half of the words is impressive. 
“Do you want to share a few things?” 
“I think that is a marvelous idea.” 
The two of you order a table full of various goodies and some Saki. You share them and talk about the different foods you’ve tried. You remember vaguely the discussion you had a month ago, and he fills in on some of the more foggy details. You have no idea how long the two of you had sat there, most of the food has disappeared and you’ve found yourself thigh to thigh with the man. You lean back and hum, feeling slightly overstuffed and most definitely sleepy. 
“You worn out?” He says, his hand tracing patterns on your knee.
“Mmm, a little bit,” You lean your head against his shoulder, he’s warm and you can’t help how comfortable you feel. 
“Why don’t we get out of here?” He says quietly kissing the top of your head.
You nodded in agreement, really you’d go anywhere he’d want to go.
Outside the cool night has settled in, and you shiver slightly, tucking yourself into your jacket. Walton grabs your hand and leads you down the way. Around the corner, there is a little path that leads down to the ocean. Once there you both stumble down the sand until you find some driftwood to sit on. Looking back toward the lights of downtown. 
“The city is so beautiful at night,” He says, hands still holding yours.”All the lights reflect off the mountains and the seas. Looks like a painting.”
You wiggle yourself down the piece of wood so you’re resting against him, Watching his eyes sparkle as he looks at the light. Walton turns to you, watching your face, eyes going down to your lips before back up to your eyes. 
You take the hint and lean into him, finally, kissing him. It feels like it’s taken so long to get here, your heart is racing and you can’t help but let yourself linger. He pushes back against you, hand coming up to hold your face. It’s over so fast. He pulls back, and you just look at him. Sharp jawline covered in stubble, slanted nose, kiss redden lips, eyes watching you. 
“I want to kiss you again,” He says breathlessly, so you lean in scooting and push up against him, legs slotting between each other. You can taste the sushi and saki. If this damn man pulls away again you are going to lose your mind. But he does, you’re both breathless like two teenagers. 
“It’s been a lovely night,’ He hushes his thumbs brushing over your cheeks. “I wish I could stay out here with you all night.”
You smile at him snuggling closer. The two of you wrapped around each other watching the night sky. Large freight ships move in and out of the harbor, cars drive past, and other couples wander by. It’s peaceful in its own way, just the two of you holding hands and stealing kisses. You want to ask him to go back to his place. Wanting to make the first move, but you hold off.  Taking things slow, and steady. It was after all your first date. 
Chapter six
**As always thank you all so much for the love. If you'd like to be tagged for future chapters let me know! Comments, like, reblog fill the void of my writer's cold dead soul. **
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creatorbiaze · 4 months ago
Lost History
aka Vizerxa and Star Seer visit the Archives
"... Something's been bothering me for a long time now, Star Seer," Vizerxa says with a frown, putting down the paper she'd been looking over.
Star Seer pauses to glance over at her, holding a stack of books that he'd been reshelving, one hand still raised to put a book back on the Palace Library shelf, "Yes, Vurxe Vizerxa?"
"You do not remember anything from the several generations after the Original Pantheon, correct? There's also no spirits from that time, other than you and your younger sister, nor any records even though it seems that many things happened during the period, including the loss of one of your wings," Vizerxa tilts her head, still frowning. She was trying to connect the dots to piece together what could have happened, but there was far too little evidence for anything.
".. Correct, yes. The only things I remember from back then is my Father rebuilding the Pantheon, and after that I just.. woke up? a couple ten thousands of years later. I believe I was the advisor of the Pantheon Leader of the time," Star Seer confirms.
"... We're going to Gielda Pacem's Archive. I do not like uncertainty of such an important era," Vizerxa stands up suddenly, briskly walking to the door out of the library.
Star Seer tries to object, but sighs as Vizerxa doesn't even look at him. It's obvious the other Draconic will not listen; Vizerxa is quite stubborn when she wishes to be. He carefully puts down the book stack, following Vizerxa.
After several days of travel across both land and sea, the two stand before the grand and imposing Archive; the connection between Salha and the Historians' Archive, a collection of the entirety of Salha's history that is accessible to all, and considered a peaceground due to the Historian's strict rules. Vizerxa goes inside, opening the tall and heavy doors, and Star Seer follows.
Inside, there are towering bookshelves going up several 'floors' of round pathways and stairs, organized by Era, with the newest books far at the top. The air felt like heavy static, making it slightly difficult to breathe. Star Seer notes Vizerxa's mental observation of it being quite similar to a Pathway between Realms.
The doors slowly close behind them, leaving the Archive in dim yet warm light, with an unknown and unseeable source. Star Seer can see shadows moving between the bookshelves, presumably the Historians on the 'other side' of the Archive. Passage Realms always did confuse Star Seer, so he decides not to question it.
Vizerxa briskly walks ahead, searching for the stairways up. A soft voice makes her and Star Seer pause, though.
"Hello, visitors. It's wonderful to have you. How may we help?" An entity who had appeared behind them at some point bows in greeting, pale green hair cascading over their tan face. They had light tan horns curling back and up, and dark bat-like wings, similar to a draconic's, yet had a fluffy pale green tail and were dressed far differently than any Draconic normally dresses. For once, Star Seer was slightly unnerved, especially since he could not hear anything from her mind.
"Hello. I am Vizerxa Mortem, and this is Star Seer, or Tenebris Deorum. We're looking for a specific section, from approximately a hundred ninety thousand years ago to one hundred seventy years ago," Vizerxa bows in greeting to the Historian, who had looked up. Their gaze was unfocused, turquoise irises standing out against their black sclera.
The Historian frowns slightly, "It is a pleasure to meet you directly, Visitors.. I'm afraid we do not have that time period. Much to our dismay, we were only able to start those records when the period started. After it, our records disappeared, as did the memories of anyone who had Traveled there. We are.. incapable of visiting that era. It's not like Xerikure's Reign in Xerivelm, off limits due to the danger, but.. it's simply physically impossible. I apologize."
Vizerxa pauses, frowning, "... Peculiar. The only way I can imagine that possible is if a Megaversal Deity interfered. I don't know any who would, though.."
Star Seer shrugs. He knows about the 'Megaversal' Deities from Valarae's folklore, legends, and histories, but in most ways he's completely clueless about the elusive Great Deities. He doubts the Ancients' power, and wouldn't be suprised if the Megaversals are the same.
".. We'll find information elsewhere, I suppose. Thank you," Vizerxa bows to the Historian before heading back towards the door. Star Seer can tell she's troubled, but can't tell what's wrong. Her thoughts aren't making sense, even to him.
"Safe travels, Visitors, I do hope you return soon," The Historian waves, smiling kindly. She was still oddly unsettling... Star Seer waves in return, murmuring a farewell.
Once the two leave the Archive, Vizerxa frowns, looking out at the distant ocean. Star Seer stands beside her, head tilted.
"Is something wrong, Vurxe Vizerxa?" Star Seer asks, concerned.
"..I don't want to get too involved if this is another of Zelura's 'games', but I am, regrettably, far too curious for my own good," Vizerxa sighs, closing her eyes and shaking her head slowly.
".. Let's go back home. We'll figure this out later."
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kindlespark · 1 year ago
omg i was just going through ur babel posts and i was wondering if u had any more details abt the cohortswap au, it looked super interesting! love ur art btw <3
cohortswap is basically an au eren @chromathesia came up with where griffin and robin swap places in the story; robin is now the older golden child gone astray, and griffin is now the younger second failure. and the rest of the cohorts get swapped with them!
we have a lore doc that is like over 14 pages long but we are keeping the full thing under wraps for now because eren is writing a massive fic they don't want to spoil too early lmaooo
some foundational deets:
ramy still dies... so sorry. except in this case he and robin planned to run and leave babel for the hermes society together (the um. romantic eloping is implied but unfortunately i don't think either of them get a real chance to act on it), and they plan for victoire to stay behind to keep leaking information out to them. letty finds out and betrays them the same way; calling the cops and barging in with a gun and. yeah. except this time, because it happens outside their dorm rooms, robin manages to escape, and drags ramy's body across half of oxford to bury him in the garden of the old library. he is deeply deeply fucked up from this
professor lovell doesn't die... so sorry. furious about robin's betrayal, he blames it on robin being corrupted by spending too long in his home country, and rips griffin out of china early. but he realises very quickly that griffin isn't fluent in chinese and can barely hold a candle to robin's talent. he never tells griffin about robin but very much takes it all out on griffin, who grows up feeling compared to a ghost his whole childhood. when he first meets robin it all clicks, and he can't help but resent his older brother for the hell he got put through
to save herself, victoire sucks up to letty, tells her that she almost got hooked by hermes and wants out and to put it behind them after everything, and letty is so desperate to believe it that she pulls all her strings to vouch for her and keep her safe. victoire remains at babel and she keeps working covertly with hermes under letty's nose. my comic was about letty and victoire first seeing griffin in babel, and mistaking him for robin. letty doesnt take it well lmao but also in her bullheaded stubbornness starts to treats griffin as her second chance to prevent robin's "mistakes" from happening again lollll
so that's like the general premise! here's some other fun deets:
robin is... severely depressed but is determined to follow through on hermes' work and not give himself an easy out like ramy implied. griffin is so desperately eager for more of hermes when he finds out, but robin keeps him at an arms' length for ages because he's literally been wanting to die for years and is not prepared or willing to have a little brother to look after now. they end up butting heads more often than not and it's a very strained relationship (as griffin and robin's relationship is in canon)
when griffin fails his silver-working test, it's because robin tries to help offhand by giving him a matchpair he came up with. griffin can't get it to work in the exam, but worst of all, chakravarti recognises it as robin's work. he doesn't report griffin for it since he's also a part of hermes, but he tries to give griffin a second chance to come up with his own, and griffin can't, so he fails. up until that point griffin had been trying to hide from robin how little he knew, so the look on robin's face when griffin next sees him is unbearable, like, the mix of pity and anger that griffin didn't tell him, the disappointment that griffin wasn't the connection to robin's culture he wanted, the guilt that robin let lovell rip someone else out of their home, and now griffin knows exactly what letting down an older brother feels like. but it all happens in the half second before robin squashes it all down and gets down to business because there are more important things to worry about and maybe it's good that can't get caught up in griffin's life like this. to quote eren: "i think the worst part to griffin would be that robin just treats it like a setback. like okay, that's one less tool for you to use, you'll have to make up for that deficiency somewhere, moving on, when he wants robin to react as though it's personal to him that griffin doesn't measure up because it should be, because griffin's not good enough for their father (and robin always rolls his eyes when griffin tries to claim lovell and griffin knows why but lies to himself that he doesn't) so he must not be good enough to this tarnished golden child, the prodigal son that lovell tried to recreate. but no, he's just slightly more ineffectual gear within the revolution now, that's a slight hiccup at best and not an entire childhood snatched away from a boy whose clearest memory of canton is the smell of sesame oil in a wok" 
robin warns griffin about recruiting evie very early on, but doesn't tell him about letty or ramy for a long while because the wound is still fresh. griffin still persists, and robin is forced to whisk griffin out of babel after he kills evie. and he's just a mess whispering "you were right you were right im sorry im so sorry" because robin told him this could happen, but he let love and idealism cloud his judgments with evie, and robin has NEVER seen griffin like this, and any angry berating about griffin's stupid misjudgments die on his lips
griffin/anthony is so so very real. anthony is recruited by victoire separately, so griffin isn't even aware for a while and i think anthony actually held off on telling griffin bc of how close he was with sterling LOL. griffin and sterling had something insane going on at first, with sterling trying to be genuinely sympathetic to griffin's plight as an attempt to distinguish himself from his uncle's legacy, before the years drive them apart and griffin becomes aware that everything sterling conceded to him was merely lipservice. anthony and griffin get really close after they realise the other is already apart of hermes and post-evie as well. eren writes sterling as a critique of armchair radicals who see a sliver of violent liberation in practice and easily revert back into believing that the oppressed are savages. evie is a critique of white woman tears <3 i do believe she cries every time someone called her out for saying anything a little racist
yeah um there is way more and we both have comic/fic wips we're working on for the au but i will end this post here because it got so insanely long christ above. thank you so much for the question though i have soooo many thoughts about cohortswap au it's been absolutely taking over my brain
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austinslounge · 4 months ago
There is a lot of talk about how bad the age difference between Austin and Kaia looks, but for some reason no one talks about how 31-year-old Vanessa publicly dated two 24-year-old athletes during the first two months after breaking up with Austin, one of whom became her husband and is literally the one who what was Austin in his early 20s (a young man with career problems). The only difference is that Austin had prospects, but Cole no longer has a chance. Girl absolutely has her own pattern of ideal relationships, where she is a "star", and he does everything she wants. It stopped working with Zach when the HSM ended and he tried his best to erase the Disney image, and she earned it, it stopped working with Austin when he wanted a professional breakthrough and made it a top priority. Cole doesn't have Zach's great start and Austin's ambitions. He will always be with her, because apart from her, he has nothing special.
No, I totally agree with you girl. Everyone seems to have an issue with Austin dating Kaia who's 10 years younger than him, but nobody seems to mention the fact that Vanessa herself is with a man nearly 10 years her Jr as well, and is also dating a man much younger than even her ex (Austin). At least Austin dated a woman several years older than him for years (Vanessa). But Vanessa went from dating Zac (who was older than her), to Austin (who was a few years younger than her), to now Cole (who's almost 10 years younger than her).
If you're going to have an issue with the age gap of Austin and Kaia, then you should be looking at Vanessa and Cole as well, especially when it's a known fact that women usually tend to mature faster than men. 👀
Anyway, I'm not going to go with this black & white thinking in the rest of your msg. Idk Vanessa personally. Maybe she just likes sweet guys? Don't most women? 🥴 Plus, I'm sorry, but Zac Efron was pretty huge back in his HSM days. That guy was everywhere lol. 😅 When Vanessa and Zac were dating, HE was the bigger star. She didn't just date guys with so-called struggling careers. And let's be honest, Vanessa was over the moon happy and excited for Austin when he snagged the Elvis role. She wanted to help him. She was cheering him on, always in his corner with every project he had, and especially when he got "Elvis". It's not like she lost interest in him as soon as he got a good gig. 🙄 Let's be ffr -- Vanessa would have still been with Austin at this level of fame of his had they not broken up. There's no way she would have dumped him just because he got more famous. 😒
Lastly -- All I'll say is, consenting adults can choose to date or marry whoever they want. While I am not a fan of the Kaustin age gap (mainly because Kaia had just turned 20 when they first started dating each other), she is still technically an adult capable of making her own decisions. I also strongly get the impression that she probably went after Austin anyway (that seems pretty fairly obvious given her behavior), so it is what it is.
I feel the same way about Vanessa. Maybe she just happens to like (or click better?) with younger men? There's nothing wrong with that. Cole isn't a child. He's a grown man.
So, I don't look down upon her or Austin tbh. I just find it interesting that they both dated people younger than them after their breakup, but yet Austin seems to get the most backlash. 🥴
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lumenflowered · 1 year ago
Pelipper mail! A nightmare, maybe? Or just a dream...
It is a normal shift at the Yharnam Coffee Shop, in your home town in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. You have lived here all your life, and have been satisfied enough.
The owner, Gehrman, hardly ever comes into the shop to manage things. He prefers to sit in the chair out front and greet customers, all day long, and he swears this is critical to Yharnam Coffee's successful operation. When he's not present, it's up to you as most senior employee to make sure things run smoothly.
Not that there's ever much difficulty or tension, here. The shop's only competition was your former employer, the Cainhurst Brewery, and it burned to the ground three months ago. Your coworker Alfred seems unusually happy about that and you have your suspicions, no matter how many times you've tried to tell him that companies don't deserve his loyalty or outside-work efforts.
Eileen is here, as usual, sitting in the corner with her black coffee and blacker clothing. You don't know what she used to do, but she's retired now. She likes to people-watch, and will comment briefly to people who make the effort to sit beside her, but she always pushes visitors away eventually.
At the front of the line now is Djura, who used to work here but quit in favor of a better job last year. He is polite but curt, asking for his latte to go as he always does, because you know he doesn't like to spend time in here any more than he needs to. You take his payment and write his name on the cup, spelled correctly as so few people can. Behind you, Gascoigne begins making the drink for him.
It is an uneventful day. After a while, Eileen gets up to leave. Another one of your regulars, Gilbert, enters wearing a face mask, but he assures you what he has is not serious. At the end of your shift, Gascoigne's daughters show up with an order for four hot chocolates. Laurence and Amelia are already here to replace you, making this as their first order of the day, and you help Gascoigne carry everything out to his wife waiting in the car.
Then you head home yourself, and Reina meets you at the door with a smile and a hug, and all is well.
I. That.
I have so many questions and I am, in fact, just confused enough to actually begin asking them.
Where is Portland? Where is Oregon? Why a coffee shop? I'll admit I'm rather amused by how thoroughly useless Gehrman was, given how thoroughly useless I am led to believe he became in his old age. Yet—
Cainhurst? A brewery? If anything, they would be a winery, they were always all too pretentious about their particular vintages—on a related note, do not drink the wine there, it is not wine and it is not sanitary—and I don't know who this 'Alfred' is but if he burned Cainhurst to the ground he cannot be entirely terrible.
I do know Eileen, and she would be the sort to drink entirely black coffee. She would... also be the sort to push people away. Especially after being retired.
...I can scarcely imagine her retiring. Not willingly, at least. She was... she was younger than me. She was an old woman in that dream.
I have... never met a Djura, or a Gascoigne, or a Gilbert. I suppose that they, like Alfred, must have been after my time... and like whoever Amelia must be.
Laurence is... familiar. I would not trust him in food service. For several reasons.
Still, I...
How can I feel nostalgic for something that never was, and never could be? For people I have never met, only heard of, in many cases?
Why do I miss something that I never experienced?
...Enough of that, I suppose. Victory Road is close, and I'm told that the Pokémon League is just beyond it.
...Perhaps I'll consider coffee further, the next time I am in civilization. I always preferred tea, though that was more out of familiarity rather than anything else. It certainly smells nice, or did in that... dream? Nightmare?
I don't know what to categorize that as, in complete honesty.
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ragnar0c · 6 months ago
7th dragon blorbos (Guild Arcangel)
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Kohaku (Samurai): Or Kiri. A used to be fearsome samurai who lost her memories after the bloom put her in comatose for 3 years. Has to relearn her craft. Oddly bubbly even though she forgot everything. Usually I made her the main character... But compared to my first run I haven't really used her 😭
Momiji: Kiri's BATTLE partner. Initially her hired hand, now he stays out of obligation to return her to her former state. He's stoic, but super soft underneath that.
Tansy (Princess): A noblewoman from a tyrannic family. She's sick and twisted but wishes for redemption for her family. Hence why she became a hunter. Fable's younger sister. [When I draw her she 100% is going to have a darker skin tone]
Fable (Mage): Tansy's illegitimate older brother. Looks calm and collected but still has to shake off the cruel/ antisocial behavior his family inflicted on him. Wants redemption deeply. [When I draw HIM HE'S GONNA LOOK WAY DIFFERENT TBH. He'll be half lucier/ rushe and tanner. His hat hides his pointed ears.]
Overall, they work best. As in. After the take over they band together to take down king. I think I might have it so Tansy and Fable sought out Kohaku and Momiji, thinking they were the best in the land... only to find out that they downgraded severely and needed help.
Other members:
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Rin (Fighter): A fan of Kiri in her heyday. Trained to become as strong as her and join Arcangel. She did... and she never expected she'd have to train Kiri someday.
Brandi (Rogue): Not sure yet... But she's definitely gonna feel some way about her guild being nobles/ super well-known and her being the one of the only commoners. Maybe she joined just to scam them lollll
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Sade (Knight): An older noblewoman. First spotted the bloom and no one believed her. Has a secret about the bloom she won't share. Somehow, she can make it have less of an effect on the human body. She uses provoke, parry, and chivalry skills (Save the queen/ Knight fury). Got recruited bc Kohaku believed her.
Older than she looks here and I'll change her design to reflect that. Warns the guild and teaches them.
Athena (Healer): Her dream is to go to school in Pleroma. As a commoner this isn't an easy task. She eagerly accepted the mission to study bloom. Hasn't made much progress. But heard of Sade's dilemma and pesters her about how she can do it and about bloom to make her thesis.
Main party comps:
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Provoke+ Ice veil+ Parry + Hide+ Royal order + Parry
Sade is doing numbers!!!
Sade is overbearing about Fable and Tansy and insists they should just "Get along". Leads to lots of bickering. Brandi doesn't care. (Tansy thinks she's cool for it.)
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Status down+ ailments (maybe)
Rin is versatile and may swap between parties. I keep these guys around just for that.
Kohaku isn't what she once was and though Rin has skills that pair well with hers (element link) They don't work. They have to find new ways to fight together. And hrm... Maybe Athena gets inspired by momiji to get into poison hehehe
They are the perfect serious/ silly guild. Not GOOFY like I am used to... more angst. I'll try to draw them soon... Not sure if I'd write about em... but I do like their story beats and how they can mix.
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