#(and i suspect it is because it's a T rating not E)
Linger On- Chapter 10
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Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Word Count: 3.5k
Rating: E MDNI 18+
Warnings: not much this chapter. Angst, infidelity, allusions to sex, mentions of divorce, Joel Miller Tears TM, Tommy Miller is a little shit
Immersability: reader is able-bodied. can have/has had a child.
Author’s Notes: Y’all this chapter feels so weird to me. It doesn’t feel like it flows at all. I needed to include a bunch of this to transition to the next arc but idk. Any feedback is appreciated. I may be stepping away from the fic for a week or two to clear my head about it. I will DEFINITELY come back to it. But i would spend some time working on some of my other WIPs. I purposely DID NOT leave a cliffhanger just in case. I think its good to step away from when it isn’t working right. Please bear with me if the next chapter doesn’t come out for a bit. I love you all and your enthusiasm for this story really fires me up to write it. New things are on the horizon for Joel and Sweets and also my upcoming fics!
Fall 1999
Joel freezes at the bottom of the stairs. Clad in only his black boxer briefs and with two full glasses of water in his hands, there isn’t much he can do to make this look like anything other than what it is. He turns towards the door and lets out a sigh of relief when he hears Tommy’s voice call out. “Joel? Sweets? Y’all here?”
“Goddamnit, Tommy! You scared the shit outta me!” Joel exclaims forgetting, in his relief, about the compromising position he’s found himself in. Tommy stops in his tracks, eyes wide, with the door wide open. 
“Joel? What the fuck, man?” Tommy spits.
“Close the fuckin’ door, Tommy. You tryin’ to give the whole neighborhood a free show? What the hell are you doin’ here anyway?”
“You asked me to help put the finishin’ touches on Sweets’ bathroom. Don’tcha remember? I was knocking but nobody answered. Guess I know why, now.” Tommy chuckles. Joel hangs his head back and sighs. “I fuckin’ forgot. Fuck, I’m sorry, man.” Joel walks back towards the kitchen and sets the glasses of water down on the island.
“Sweets. You, uh, you better get down here.” Joel calls up the stairs.
Tommy has a wicked grin plastered on his face. “Joel Miller, you dirty dog.” Tommy teases.
“Cut it out. I mean it.” Joel says sternly.  
Joel sucks air through his teeth when you descend the stairs wearing only his t-shirt. “Joel? What’s going on, baby?” You ask. Joel turns to face you and jerks his head to the side. It’s only then that you notice Tommy in the kitchen, grinning ear to ear.
“Well, now. What do we have here?” Tommy asks while pinching the hem of Joel’s shirt, causing it to rise. You slap his hand away.
“Tommy!” You groan and bury your face in your hands. Tommy roars with laughter. Full on belly-laugh with his head thrown back.
“Oh, c’mon, y’all. I can’t be the only one who saw this comin’ from a mile away?” Tommy looks between the two of you before breaking out into laughter again. “Idiots. The both of ya.” He says with a shake of his head. “I’ll let you two get back to it. I expect to be hearin’ all about this later.” You can’t tell if he’s talking to you or Joel but you suspect both. 
As soon as the front door is closed behind him, you turn to look at Joel. He must see the fear in your eyes because he gathers you into his arms immediately. You are comforted by the warm strength of him. “Don’t worry, darlin’. Tommy ain’t gonna say nothin’.” And you know he won’t. Tommy would never do anything to hurt either one of you. You were more worried that getting caught would send Joel running as far and fast away from you as he could. You suppose it will take some time to get over that. The feeling that he’s just gonna walk away from you again. But he might, a little voice in your head says. The voice isn’t wrong. You aren’t his wife. He isn’t yours anymore. 
“Let’s go back upstairs, huh?’ Joel says into your hair. You nod and allow him to lead you back to your bedroom. You spend the rest of the morning in bed, relearning each other’s bodies. The finishing touches never end up getting done in the bathroom. Joel joins you in the shower. He moans as you scrub the shampoo into his scalp. You use your shampoos as opposed to Steve’s. You wouldn’t be able to take him smelling like your husband. He helps you dry off and watches you dress yourself. Like he’s taking you all in, committing you to memory. You walk him to the door, your hand never leaving his. He cups both of your cheeks and plants a devastating kiss on your lips. A kiss so full of want and love and hope, you just know in your heart it won’t be the last. 
“I’ll call ya tonight, baby. After I talk with her.” He presses a kiss into your forehead and climbs into his truck. You slump against the door and find yourself once again asking, “what the fuck am I gonna do?”
Joel arrives home before Val and Sarah. He takes the opportunity to walk around his house. Even though they had lived here seven years it never really felt like home. The family pictures that covered the walls told the story of his life with Val and Sarah. Unfortunately, the story they told was a lie. Not with Sarah, never with her. But the way he and Val held hands or he wrapped his arms around her, none of that was real. Maybe nobody had noticed that the smile in the photos had never reached his eyes. He knows now, more than ever, that he never had a chance at being truly happy without you. He should have taken you up on your offer to stay in Austin. He could have had ten years worth of genuine happiness. You could have helped him raise his daughter, had a few kids of your own. What Joel wouldn’t give to see you swollen with his baby. To watch you and Sarah chase a toddler around the backyard of his parents’ home. You’d have never asked him to buy anything “nicer” or “newer.” You loved that house almost as much as he did. Joel sighs and makes his way to his bedroom. He goes to his closet and pulls out two duffel bags. He’s packing the last of his necessities when he hears the front door open. He steels himself and heads out of his room to find his wife. 
“Hey, can we talk?” He asks. She’s already in the kitchen, rifling through the refrigerator and cabinets, hunting ingredients for dinner. She sees the seriousness in her husband’s eyes and looks over to Sarah at the dining room table.
“Hey baby, why don’t you go do your homework in your room today? You can watch SpongeBob.” Sarah perks up at the idea and runs to her room, pausing to give Joel a kiss. Once her door has been shut, unknowingly sheltering herself from the dissolution of her family, Val nods towards the back porch. She sits on the bench Joel had built, not the one from his childhood home, and crosses her arms over her chest. Instinctively protecting her heart from the man she had unwillingly fallen in love with. She knows what’s coming. She’s been expecting this talk for weeks. 
“I’m guessin’ it turned into somethin’?” She questions him. Joel shifts his weight uncomfortably. He knows about her feelings for him. She told him one night, years ago, when they’d both had too much to drink and had fallen into bed together. He knows this is going to hurt her a lot more than him. He’s never felt anything more for her than he had the day they got married. He told her as much that night, and with tears in her eyes, she told Joel she understood. She just wanted to let him know where she stood. Because they’ve always been honest with each other about everything. 
“Yeah. It has. I'm sorry-“ she cuts him off with a wave of her hand.
“You don’t need to apologize to me, Joel. I know how you feel about her, how you’ve always felt. She’s always gonna be the one for you.” It takes everything in her to fight the tears she feels in her eyes. but she doesn’t want him to see them. She wants this choice to be his. “Is she leaving her husband?” Val asks quietly. Joel shrugs his shoulders in response.
“To be honest with you, I don’t know.” She can tell that he’s fighting his own emotions. Neither of them feel comfortable being vulnerable with the other anymore.
“Are you gonna be okay with that? Being the other man?” 
“If that's all I get, then i s’pose I’ll have to be. I can’t go back to bein’ nothin’ to her.” Joel replies softly. “I’m gonna go stay with Tommy. I’ll call the lawyer tomorrow and have the papers drawn up. Obviously you keep this house and your car, anythin’ you want really.” Val’s shoulder slump, she’s been expecting that something would happen but she really hadn’t thought far enough ahead to even consider divorce.
“What are we gonna tell our daughter, Joel?” Her voice is almost a whisper.
“Well, I don’t think we should tell her tonight. I think we all need a little time to process everythin’. But then, we just tell her the truth. That we love her and we’ll both always be here for her.” 
Val nods and hugs herself tighter. “Can you go now?” She pleads. “I’d really like to be alone.” Joel nods and moves towards her. He places his hand on her shoulder and she briefly leans into his touch before stiffening.
“I really am sorry about this. I’ll go say goodnight to Sarah and grab my stuff.” He pauses outside his daughter’s still closed door. The sounds of SpongeBob SquarePants and her laughter fill his ears. With another deep sigh he knocks on her door and pushes it open when she says
“Come in!” He joins Sarah and her forgotten homework on her bed.
“Hey baby girl, I just wanted to come tell you goodnight. I’m going to spend the night at Uncle Tommy’s tonight.” She can barely tear her eyes away from the t.v.
“Okay, Daddy. Have fun with Uncle Tommy.” Joel almost loses the hold on the tears he’s been fighting since the porch.
“Can I have a goodnight kiss?” He asks her. She turns and gives him a million watt smile, the gaps in her teeth making her impossibly cuter.
“Goodnight, Daddy. I love you.” Joel wraps her up in his arms and hugs her tightly.
“I love you baby girl. I love you so much.”
She taps his arm several times. “Too tight, Daddy!” She says in a mocking groan. Joel releases her with a kiss to the crown of her head. He takes one last look around her room before he grabs his bags and walks out the door. 
By the time he arrives at Tommy’s house, he’s given up holding the tears back. Tommy just opens the door and wordlessly invites him in. Joel sits on the couch and Tommy brings him a beer. He sits on the coffee table across from the couch and looks at his big brother. The man who’d been a father to him for longer than their own father had a chance to. Who raised him to do the right thing, and taught him how to be a man. Who’d saved his ass from more run-ins than Tommy could ever keep track of. Tommy could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen Joel cry. He wanted to know what was going on so badly. But he knew Joel wasn’t in the place for it at the moment. So he just sat there, watching, waiting, in case Joel needed anything. He eventually swapped the beer out for whiskey, and carried Joel’s bags into the spare room. Tommy figured he could clear the junk out of his gym by the weekend and they could start fixing it up for Sarah. Tommy knows without needing to be told that his brother is home for good now.
You keep your promise to Jamie that afternoon and call Steve at his office. You have to choke down vomit when Natalie answers and says he’s busy. “This is his wife , and it is an emergency. Put my husband on the phone, now.” You demand.
‘What’s wrong?’ He asks in a worried tone when he finally gets on the line. You excuse yourself to the ground floor office that is full of your paining supplies so that Jamie can’t overhear you.
“What’s wrong is that you haven’t been home in three fucking weeks. What’s wrong is that our son cried the entire way to school this morning because you haven't bothered to call in almost two weeks. What the fuck is wrong with you?” You’ve never spoken to Steve this way. He’s never seen even a hint of the fiery girl you used to be. But you’ve had just about enough of this shit. 
“Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I’ve just been up to my eyeballs at work here.” He tries to defend his behavior.
“Yeah, I’m sure you have.” You snap.
“How is the bathroom coming along? Did Joel come by to finish today?” You can hear the worry in his voice. He’s waiting to find out if Joel told you or not.
“No, actually. He called this morning and said that something had come up with his family. He’ll stop by tomorrow to finish up.” Another lie. But this time you don’t feel so bad. Finding out that Steve had been telling his own lies made yours a little easier to swallow. You hear him breathe a sigh of relief. What an asshole. You think.
“Honey, can we just-“ 
“I don’t really have much else to say to you right now, Steve. I’m going to put your son on the phone. You are going to resume your nightly calls to him. If you miss even one night I will drive to San Antonio to find out what’s been keeping you so busy you forgot that you have a wife and child.” You yank the phone from your ear before you can hear any of his protestations. 
You walk back to the kitchen and hand Jamie the phone while you fix him a snack. You cringe a little when you hear him tell his father about helping Joel. Jamie’s mood seems much improved from this morning. He eats his snack and the two of you happily walk hand in hand to your parent’s house. He doesn’t hesitate to climb into his regular spot in grandpa’s lap. You notice that your father doesn’t seem as enthusiastic as he usually does. He mostly just listens. You phone the night nurse to see if she has noticed any change in his condition. She says he just seems more tired than usual and that it is normal for bedridden patients to go through bouts of depression. She assures you that Jamie’s visits have kept his spirits high and that your father tells her every story that Jamie tells him. 
When you return home late in the evening you find that your worries about Steve and Joel have morphed into worry about your father. You aren’t ready to lose him. Not when you just got him back. You mentally kick yourself for staying away so long. You want to blame Joel for that but you can’t. It was your choice to stay away. You had wasted 10 years. You had stolen 7 years from your parents and your son that they could have had together. The phone ringing interrupts your thoughts. The called ID shows Tommy’s number and you answer the phone with a laugh. “You’re gonna have to get your gossip elsewhere, Miller. There’s no way in hell I’m telling you a thing.” You answer the phone with a laugh. 
“Hey, baby. It’s me.” Joel replies instead of Tommy.
“Joel? Are you at Tommy’s? You ask.
“Yeah, I…moved back in over here. Val and I are gettin’ a divorce.” You gasp in surprise. You don’t know what you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t anything this drastic, this quickly.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Joel?” Suddenly your chest feels tight. You aren’t sure you are prepared to make the same move.
“Yeah, I’m sure. It was time. Hell, its been time for years, now.” Joel sighs heavily into the phone. “I’m gonna come by tomorrow so we can talk properly. I just wanted to let ya know where I’m gonna be in case you need to get ahold of me.”
“Are you alright?” You ask.
“I will be. I’m just sad for Sarah. And Val. But this is absolutely the right move for me. For us .” He adds quietly.
“As long as you’re sure. I support you in whatever you need to do. If you can’t come work tomorrow I understand.”
“Darlin’, I think seein’ you is about the only thing that can make me feel any better about all this. I’ll see ya in the mornin’. I love you, sweets.”
“Goodnight, Joel. See you the morning.” You hang up the phone. You notice that Joel has said “I love you” to you several times over the last day. You haven’t said it back but he hasn’t mentioned it. Joel is a patient man. Especially when it comes to something he wants. You do love him, of course. But everything is happening so quickly. It was just this morning that you found out your husband is being unfaithful to you. It was just this morning that you broke your own wedding vows. 
Joel’s marriage is ending. Because of you. Does he expect you to divorce Steve? Jamie has been through so much recently without the added stress of a broken home. Although you aren’t sure if it’s possible for it to get anymore broken than it already is. 
Once Jamie is in bed for the night you find yourself back in the office downstairs. You go through all the bags your mother had given you, taking the different painting supplies out. Canvasses and even an easel are joined by nearly every size paintbrush and probably a hundred different paints. You look around the unfurnished room and are struck with an idea that might make everyone a little happier. 
When Joel arrives the next morning you let him into the house and as soon as the door is closed he sweeps you into his arms and his lips crash into yours. You thread your fingers through his hair and pull him in close. He finally breaks the kiss to come up for air. “Good morning to you too, Miller.” You laugh against his lips.
“Been waitin’ to do that, Sugar.” 
“Well I hope it was worth the wait.” You reply.
“I’d wait for you forever, darlin’.” Joel says sincerely. You can hear what he isn’t saying. He’s not going to pressure you into making any decisions right now. You would have thought it was impossible to love this man anymore than you already did.
“Come on!” You tell him. “I’ve got a brilliant idea.” You lead him towards the first floor office. 
You open the door and the both of you step inside. “I want to turn this into a studio where I can paint.” You tell him.
“What did you have in mind?” He asks. You run through all of the ideas you had stayed up late the night before coming up with. He agrees with most of them and suggest changes to others. You defer to him on those. He’s the professional, after all. “Do you need to talk to Steve, first?” He asks.
You scoff. “I don’t think I need Steve’s permission for anything, anymore. He wanted the house fixed up and the checking account has my name on it, too.” Joel raises an eyebrow at you. “Besides, I know a good contractor. I’m sure he’ll cut me a deal.” You throw Joel a wink and a smile.
“Guess I’ll have to get used to puttin’ up with ya, in that case.” He chuckles before wrapping you up in arms once again. 
You finally pull yourselves apart so that you can go relieve the night nurse. She informs you that your father seems to have perked up since the night before, much to your relief. On her way out the door she stops and turns to you. “Your son is seven, right?” She asks.
“Yes he is. Why?” 
“Well, my son is also seven and I had an idea. Your father seem to love the time that he spends with Jamie and I was wondering how you would feel about a sleepover. I’ll bring my son Friday night when I come to work and you can just leave Jamie here with us. I’ll set them up in the living room with Paul, and they can eat junk food and watch action movies. I think the boys will have a great time and it’ll do Paul a world of good too.” 
“That sounds like a great idea, Stef. Thank you so much for all you do for him. We really appreciate you.” She gives you a quick hug and heads out. 
When you and Jamie return home that evening, you find a note from Joel on your bathroom counter. “Be by in the morning. Be ready to go.” Go where? You wonder with a smile. You can’t wait to let him know that you will have a whole night together. 
Taglist: @vickie5446 @kateg88 @spidermanfrog @noisynightmarepoetry @serendipity22086 @megamindsecretlair @immyowndefender @hiddenbabynyc @justagalwhowrites @cannolighost @purplexical @pattwtf @ravensfanart18 @morgaussy @violinchick @marisemonteiroo @planet-marz1 @joeldjarin @ilovepedro @tloubarbie @xanqels @jay-zzle @livingdeadmaria @romanarose @partyofone3413 @disassociation-daydreams @marvel-redemption-omega @beccerjune @maryrhodalouandted @diversemediums @jediknight122 @suzmagine @persephone-girl @dizzyforyou @walkintotheriveranddisappear @survivingandenduring @lhymer1995 @mysticalrebeltaco @xthejazzdalorianx @marie-151515-blog @spookyxsam @loveisacowboyyy @anoverwhelmingdin @callmecath1
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wangxianficfinder · 10 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hi! I'm wondering if there's a fic like this?
(cql) fight where lwj lunges with his sword, and wwx doesn’t move, not thinking lwj would actually hurt, but lwj accidentally hurts him? @karinasnowwwx
Regrets by antebunny (G, 38k, wangxian, miscommunication, misundersandings, time travel fix-it, temporary character death, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, hurt/comfort)
Give Me What I Want by Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 60k, WangXian, Bad Guys Made Them Do It, Canon Divergence, Episode Related, Angst with a Happy Ending, Burial Mounds, fuck or die aftermath, Angst) the third fic in the series "Give what you like" has a scene like this
2. hi!! i'd like to request fics that are similar to rather cruelly used and rather reserved by x_los.
i saw someone mention that they'd like specifics for these types of asks; i don't have something in particular in mind (i'd love to get any recs at all!), but some examples could be: this type of back-and-forth conversational humor; the sort of poetic way the prose is written; wwx grieving a-yuan before finding out he's alive; and/or how the confession/relationship is portrayed.
i especially liked the lines where wwx asks if lwj knew wwx loved him and lwj responds "sometimes, i knew," so fics where lwj or wwx sort of. suspect each other likes them/they sort of fall together naturally are also super welcome!
i know this is a lot but i tried to be as helpful as possible. no rec has to accomplish all of these, i just really liked that fic lol @kisskissgotohell
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
threadfic by saltyfeathers (Not rated, 49k, wangxian, chapters tagged individually)
Works by Vamillepudding
3. so I've seen a lot of fics with variations of 'Xiao xingchen and song Lan join and/or ally with (while still being rogues) the YilingWei sect'. But what about fics where wwx ends up joining the sect Xiao xingchen and song Lan had planned to found? (And not in a 'wwx raised by another sect' type way, but like a diverging au).
4. ITMF canonverse fics where Wangxian have to deal with prejudice over their relationship. Hey, I love a good everyone-is-super-supportive-except-for-YZY fic because they deserve it. But MZY's treatment alone makes it clear that homosexuality is looked down on & the lack of any pushback can get boring. I don't want anything that stops them getting together, but I want to read something where they have to deal with negative reactions, whether it's sneers & gossip or having to leave their sects @thispatternismine
Just As Much by Gemiblu (E, 23k, WangXian, Jealousy, Boys In Love, Homophobia, demonic cultivation bondage, Power Bottom WWX, Cockblocking, Semi-Public Sex, Crying During Sex, Intimacy, New World, Female Characters, Casual Intimacy, mentions of non-canon character death, description of violent acts, post marriage, Explicit Sexual Content, Kissing, Affection, supportive married couple, Pet Names, YLLZ WWX)
5. can i request some xiyao fics? i recently got into that ship and i'd like to read some of yalls favorites :) preferably no lxc/jgy/nmj unless there's a focus on lxc/jgy, and no abo/mpreg/porn without plot please!
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association Series by Ariaste (M/T, 119k, WIP, XiYao, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, xiyao and wangxian are both already married, Family Feels, Domestic Fluff, Family Bonding, Slice of Life, Discussions of Past Trauma, wwx's canonical kinks, HOAverse) there's a reason it's recced all the time!
save the bees (ride a beekeeper) by Ariaste (T, 4k, LXC/JGY, modern, Fluff and Humor, Meet-Cute, Bees, Flirting)
ask until your heart gets it right by Stratisphyre (G, 6k, JYL/JZX, JZX & JGY, implied LXC/JGY, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Humor, Unreliable Narrator JZX, warning for JGS behaving exactly as expected, Meng Shi's canonically shitty situation, Minor surprise pairing at the end, Fix-It, Everyone Lives au)
a micro utopia born as the overture plays by tardigradeschool (T, 18k, JGY/LXC, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Marriage, Fluff, Scheming, Everyone Lives au, Kid Fic, Spanish translation by  finisterre12)
Marriage Principles series by Fahye (E, 38k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, canon divergence, arranged betrothal) LXC/JGY on the second part
Aftermath by KouriArashi (T, 57k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, LXC/JGY, JZX & JGY, JYL & WXX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Everybody Lives, Romance, Developing Relationship, Family, Sibling Bonding, Light Angst, Politics, Attempted Sexual Assault, some murder on occasion, People talking about their feelings, processing their trauma, The good shit)
Whispers in My Ears by tabulaxrasa (T, 3k, wangxian, implied LXC/JGY, Canon Divergence, LWJ stays at the Burial Mounds, Gossip, JGS is the worst, they have a son, Everyone lives, Podfic Available)
6. Hey, thanks for your work as always! For the next in the mood for I'd love a compilation of high energy fics, just writing that is high spirited and fun or high energy and super engaging.
live from new york by varnes (E, 87k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, SNL AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, and they were ROOMMATES, Frottage, Light Bondage, could not be lighter or gentler bondage)
The Scarlet Lotus by rainbowninja167 (M, 137k, WangXian, Marriage of Convenience, Secret Identity, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical war crimes, Yunmeng Bros, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication)
kiss with a fist by daltoneering (E, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, Secret Agents, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Enemies With Benefits, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Action & Romance, Action movie-typical violence, A HEIST, james bond inspired, Blood and Injury, Shooting Guns, please read a/n for further warnings!, (this is meant to be fun though I promise!))
Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association Series by Ariaste (M/T, 119k, WIP, XiYao, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, xiyao and wangxian are both already married, Family Feels, Domestic Fluff, Family Bonding, Slice of Life, Discussions of Past Trauma, wwx's canonical kinks, HOAverse) (link in #5)
ID Bro Saga Series by Bowandtie (T, 39k, WangXian, Modern AU, dating app, Liberal use of emoji, 3zuns as bad friends forever, Slow Burn, super slow it's practically sous vide, Crack) Please read first!: Hey mods I suggested a fic (ID bro series) for no 6 for recent IMTF , I read this series a long time ago and was revisiting it and I found it had some (not much ) humor that is insensitive (like chapter 3 has a joke about Auschwitz). The author is clearly not a native english speaker and might be unaware, though they didn’t correct it though a comment kindly suggested it. I wanted to apologise, I must have overlooked. I don’t want to promote anything that is insensitive or might hurt anyone.
10 RMB lucky chickens by Raitelzen (T, 25k, XiCheng, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Neighbors, Chickens, mafia, Motorbike, Pathology Students, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues, Pre-Relationship) Last one is crack fic
ridiculous future bullshit Series by sami (T, 61k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Future Fic, in theory it follows on from an au, specifically The Same Moon Shines Series, in actuality I'm not committing to this that hard, Humour, immortals through history, Modern AU, Sort Of, University, outsider pov, Pride, Chaos Gremlin WWX)
7. Hi! Looking for a fics where LWJ died, but WWX hasn't. Doesn't matter what caused his death - punishment, accident, or protecting someone - anything is okay. I wanna read sth about WWX's feelings about it. LWJ'S resurrection after years would be great too
In the new dawn by ballofstring (E, 9k, XiXian, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence) warning: it's wwx/lxc pairing.
Moonlight by lunarvelle (E, 14k, WIP, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, WWX Creates a Sect | Yílíng Wèi Sect, LWJ Has a YLLZ Kink, Submissive LWJ, Horror, Case Fic, Pining LWJ, Whump, Dark WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Age Difference, Angst with a Happy Ending, LWJ Whump)
8. #itmf a fic similar to "after all i drifted ashore" by lingering_song, as in wwx does exactly what the cultivation world wants: give up the yin hufu and dissappear with his wen army and heretic powers; when the jins become the next wen sect, reign over all the others just as he said, and they come asking for help once again. i sincerely would prefer if wwx isnt forgiving to the ones that hunted him down after he down and betrayed him buy trying to lead a siege against him.
9. hello!! could you please rec fics with the "secretly virgin wei ying lying about how amazing he is in bed and then getting fucked by lan zhan" trope?? or anything similar to it! i've been craving it so much but idk exactly how to find those through ao3 tags *cries*
thankyou so so much! hope you have a lovely day/night <3
Teach Me The Ways by likeafox (E, 58k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, The Porn Is the Plot)
Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, wwx desperately wants lwj's attention, lwj desperately wants to marry wwx, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending)
Lead Me On Through by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 54k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Practice Kissing, practice other things, horny boys in love, questionable logic, Questionable Choices, they're dumb but cute, but dumb, but really cute, slight knives, Happy Ending) I think this one also fits but I can't remember exactly. Has similar wwx you clown vibes though
Wei Laoshi, Poonslayer by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 6k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, POV LWJ, straight boy wwx, Loss of Virginity, Getting Together) op might want to check the sbwy tag, I feel that is where you would find that trope the most cause its Wei ying talking /lying abt being with girls lol
10. Was rereading Beast of Gusu series, and as much as I love Foxxian/Dragonji fics (or any other combination of animals), can I get some more recs where only one half of WX is a shapshifter/non-human/etc? I've also read the tiger fic, the one where LWJ is cursed as a plant, and the one where everyone in the Burial Mounds is cursed as a monster, so you can skip those! Please and thank you!!
You are what you eat by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 17k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Eldritch WWX, Horny LWJ, Body Horror, Possessionof a sort, Cannibalism, kind of, Mild Gore, Teeth, Fluff and Humor, Smut, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Monster sex, Switching, Light BDSM, Rimming, Self-Lubrication, Seriousness treated Crackily, Implied/Referenced Torture, Dead WWX) eldritch horror creatures wwx but honestly a puppy really Also there's a shapeshifter comp as well! It includes more than just foxxian :)
find some comfort here by ScarlettStorm (E, 38k, WangXian, Modern AU with Magic, Fox WWX, animal rescuer lwj, Pacific Northwest setting, Adhd wwx, Established Relationship, Comedy, Smut, not just fox wwx but also foxboy wwx, to his own extreme horror, petting, both platonic and sexual, Scent Kink, Like a lot of scent kink, mildly telepathic sex, Blowjobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sex Toys, Some A/B/O Dynamics, but in a non a/b/o world, No mpreg, yes self-lubrication, switch rights, Emotional Hurt/Comfort) WWX is a shapeshifter, LWJ is not
Uh, where can I find the LWJ is a plant mentioned in #10???
What We Grew in this Forsaken Place by Admiranda (T, 27k, wangxian, modern cultivation, shapeshifter LWJ, WWX has a fear of dogs, bunny crimes, genius WWX, unexpected pet owner WWX)
The Sun Will Rise series by vespertineflora (E, 129k, wangxian, Fantasy au, Fairy Tale au, Fairy Tale Elements, Human/Monster Romance, Tentacle Monsters, Plant Monsters, Tentacle Sex, vine sex, Vines, Monster LWJ, Human WWX, Mildly Dubious Consent Consensual Non-Con, Eventual Romance, Slow Romance, Happy Ending, Groping, Edgeplay, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Prostate Massage, First Time, Multiple Orgasms, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Homesickness, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Loneliness, Canon-Typical Violence, WWX Has a Rape/Non-Con Kink, Light Bondage, Light Masochism, Overstimulation, BAMF WWX, Stabbing, Near Death, Poisoning, Protective LWJ, Seduction Aphrodisiacs, OFCs, Snow and Ice, Snowball Fight, Lost Love, Falling In Love, Drunken Kissing, Sex Pollen, Submission, Subspace, Multiple Penetration, Love Confessions, full body restraint, Emotional Sex, Reincarnation) OP from #10 here, someone asked for the Plant!LWJ fic I mentioned? It was this series
blossoms at the roadside by bleuett (T, 12k, WangXian, Different First Meeting, Getting Together, Tenderness, Gardens & Gardening, Happy Ending, a little sprinkle of touch starvation, wangxian going 0 to 100 in seconds, Hand Feeding) In the process of finding the other, there was also this one I remembered, and thought, why not include both?
11. hello! i'm looking for established relationship modern au wangxian fics, please! bottom wwx/lwj top only 🙏🏽💖
12. Itmf fics where wwx got good or excellent reputation!! @whateverweilanlovechild
It's so sad that there are no fics where Wei Ying got good reputation 😭. I'm changing my itmf, please do one on fics where Wei Wuxian is loved by a collective people, like people of yunmeng or people of yilling. Something like that?
❤️ The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (T, 20k, wangxian, In-Universe RPF, Romance Novel, Post-Canon Fix-It, primarily drama-canon with cameos from novel-canon, The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea))
13. Sorry I just put in a request but I started thinking about wen ning, which made me sad soooo do you have anything wen ning centric? Thank you so much, have a good day @twlaei
Truth, Like an Arrow by Nahiel (T, 3k, WangXian, Technically this is a death fic, but I don't think it's sad, Time Travel Fix-It, POV Outsider, Sort Of, I don't know this fic is weird, assisted second death, but i still don't think it's sad, wn thinks poorly of himself, the author doesn't share this opinion, CQL Verse) Short Wen Ning-centric time travel fix it
do not go gentle by RoseThorne (G, <1k, WN & WQ, WWX & WQ, LSZ & WQ, major character death, Canonical Character Death, Spirits, Ghosts, LWJ Plays Inquiry, Song: Inquiry, Protectiveness, Grief/Mourning, Love, Acceptance, Family, Angst, Podfic Welcome, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WN)
14. Hii I'm wondering if there are fics where wangxian gain some sort of power that changes events in canon? @karinasnowwwx
15. hi <3 i'd love to ask if there are any new-ish fics about the core transfer going wrong? it's been a couple of years since i went looking, for stuff like 'impossible remains' by jengabears etc (could be much less angsty like the transfer simply not working ahaha)
Drowning in the Sun by Zelos (T, 8k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Transfer, Canon-Typical Violence, Brotherly Love, Sunshot Campaign, Family Dynamics, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, [Podfic] Drowning in the Sun by flamingwell) I hope this meets what you're looking for. The transfer succeeds and everybody is alive, but Jiang Cheng was aware and paralyzed the whole time…
16. Hello everyone, I’m in the mood for heartbreaking and saddest wangxian fics you know.
I want it to be wangxian centric, no yunmeng bros or JC focus and I don’t care if it’s canon compliant or au. I’m ok with omegaverse but not with omega LWJ.
Thank you all in advance and for all your hard work @kanrax-blog
Wei Wuxian Makes a Wish series by natcat5 (M, 119k, wangxian, major character death, underage, madoka magica au, modern w/ magic, time travel, high school au, body horror, self-harm, angst w/ bittersweet ending, time loop, mental instability, suicidal thoughts)
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
我的皇后是農民 | sowing seeds in the cold palace by sweetlolixo (E, 78k, WangXian, Imperial Palace, Emperor LWJ, Imperial Consort WWX, Farmer WWX, Only WWX Could Have an Empress to Farmer Pipeline, Angst, Romance, Wingman LJY, Wife-chasing-LWJ, LWJ will grovel to the ends of the earth to make it up to WWX don't worry, Arranged Marriage, Best Boy A-Yuan, not LWJ friendly)
the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, WangXian, Soulmates, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, First Time, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death)
in wild plums and river willows by SnowshadowAO3 (T, 17k, WangXian, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Canon Universe, Grief/Mourning, descriptions of physical pain, alcohol mention, Fatherhood, The importance of legacy, Living for your dead love's semi-adopted child, Hurt/Comfort, Hallucinations vs. ghosts and not fully knowing the difference because you're grieving, Canon Temporary Character Death, Grief and love as inherent bedfellows)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note) mind the tags on this one
both are cathartic-sad
When the Words Stop Coming by mrcformoso (G, 7k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Canonical Character Death, Love Confessions, Rejection, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Trauma, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending)
New Perspective by mrcformoso (T, 8k, WangXian, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Fatherhood, Regrets, Flashbacks, POV LWJ, LWJ-centric, Canonical Character Death - WWX, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ Needs a Hug, Character Development, Dead WWX, Introspection, Feelings, LWJ is Bad at Feelings, Character Study, Regretful LWJ, Breaking Toxic Cycles, Canon Compliant, LWJ in Seclusion, Post-LWJ, in Seclusion, Child LSZ)
17. Hello to you all! My semester just ended and now I'm free for a week probably? I do have hundreds of fics downloaded but yk it, it's never enough >ᴗ< so ITMF Nie Mingjue - Lan Xichen - Wei WuXian friendship. Well WWX's friendship with either of them is fine as well. It doesn't matter if it's older or younger WWX. Both canonverse as well as modern era fics are welcome ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @tinyfoxpeach
Tumblr Fic by @shanastoryteller
Been There, Done That by FlautistsandPeonies (G, 34k, wangxian, NMJ & WWX & LXC, WN & WWX & WQ, LWJ & LXC & LQR, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Not Everyone Dies au, WWX Canon Genius, Single Father WWX, Father-Son Relationship, NMJ/WWX/LXC Sworn Brotherhood, Sunshot Campaign, jc canon characteristics, YLLZ WWX, WIP)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
117 notes · View notes
galexystern · 1 year
number one fan - 18+
pairing; steve harrington/eddie munson/fem!reader aka steddie/fem!reader
rating; E
warnings; smut (MDNI), like lots of smut, unprotected p in v, double teamed, creampie, dirty talk, filthy dirty talk, light degradation, pwp, this is mostly smut with some fluff
word count; 5.5k
desc; it was never a competition.
a/n; this is basically a variation of my previous work come together (over me), i'm not sure where all this smut is coming from. but enjoy!
Eddie notices you while he's onstage.
It's not because of your appearance or features—though you are absolutely gorgeous. It's also not due to your dancing, which is a little sexy, a little goofy, a lot fun. No, you catch his eye because you are singing along with him to the last chorus of their newest song. Corroded Coffin has only played it at a couple shows so far, and most of the crowd are rightly just nodding along pleasantly. But you, you are almost performing the words, like you know them so innately you don't have to focus.
He'd be lying if he didn't find it extremely hot.
He's moving on autopilot, so distracted by you, that he almost misses his cue to finish their set. "Thank you guys!" He rushes out. "We're Corroded Coffin!" He turns around so he and the band can hit their last few measures and ending beat together. As the note reverberates out, he spins back to the mic and adds, "We have records for sale up here also, come see one of us to buy!"
The crowd cheers and starts to disperse. Eddie lets Gareth and Jeff keep an eye out for customers and wipes his face with a nearby towel. But then he hears a perky "Hi!" and drops it to see you standing in front of the stage. He speeds toward his band members and sticks his face between them.
"Hi there," he says cheekily, and when you look up at him, you beam.
"Oh my gosh, hi," you gush. "I was just telling Jeff and Gareth that your set was so great. I love that new song."
Eddie pushes his friends' shoulders, implying that he's got this one. They grumble but leave anyway. He sits on the stage's edge and gives you a grin. "Yeah?" You nod. "I could tell. Caught you singing along at the end."
You blush. "Well, it's very catchy."
"Thanks, angel." You duck your head. "Now what can I do for you?"
"Can I buy a record?" You ask shyly.
"Course you can." Eddie grabs one from the stack while you smooth out some money from your pocket. "Five dollars, sweetheart." You hand it to him and he takes it, purposely running his fingers across your palm. He studies you at the same time and thrills when you go redder. But he doesn't hand you the vinyl yet. "You want me to sign it? Free of charge."
"Sure," you say excitedly. Eddie grabs a marker from his pocket and scrawls his autograph on the cover. Then he gives it to you, smiling as you clutch it in your arms. "Thanks!"
"Anytime, princess." With that, you give him an adorable wave and walk away, disappearing into the crowd. Eddie instantly slides off the stage and makes a beeline for the back. He weaves through the people until he reaches Steve, working the camera. "Holy shit," he says.
"What?" Steve asks flatly, focused on packing up the supplies.
"I'm in love." Eddie fake-swoons.
Steve snorts. "Yeah, right. Who is it this time?"
"Such a pretty girl. She was dancing to our set and Steve—" he makes his friend look at him, "—she was singing along. To our new song."
"Wow," Steve replies, half-heartedly.
But Eddie doesn't notice. He's too busy dreaming about you. "She came and bought a vinyl. I signed it for her." He says the last sentence with pride.
"You write your number down too?"
Eddie's mouth drops open and then he groans. "That would've been so smooth."
Steve snickers. "This is why I've always had more game than you." Eddie just huffs. His eyes are roaming the bar but he can't see you. He sadly suspects you've left. Steve continues, "What'd she look like?"
"Well..." Eddie trails off as he turns to Steve and spots the camera. "Here," he says excitedly, and lifts up the camera and turns it on. Steve goes to grab for it but Eddie just holds it closer to him and rewinds the tape until he can see you. "Look, that's her."
Steve looks at the screen and squints. He can see...an arm? A hip? A blurry shot of a face? "I can't see anything, dude."
Eddie rolls his eyes and hands back the camera. "Well, next time I'll introduce you."
"You do that," Steve responds with a smirk.
Steve meets you on his own instead.
At the Hideout again, he sits at the bar nursing a Tom Collins. Corroded Coffin is nearing the end of their set but Steve's been watching you—you're grooving on a stool near him, practically bouncing out of it. You're clearly feeling the music and it's too cute when you cheer after each song. He wants to talk to you but waits, since people have come up to you during the music and you've brushed them off to pay attention. He's impressed, but also keeps an eye on your drink too.
Finally, as Eddie is thanking the crowd and reminding them they have vinyls for sale, Steve slips out of his seat and makes his way to you. He smiles at how you yell the loudest for the band. When he's close, he says, "Hey."
"Holy shit!" You exclaim and turn around quickly, startled.
Steve laughs unexpectedly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
At the apology, you exhale. Turning sheepish, you reply, "It's okay. I'm sorry. I get spooked easily."
Steve nods. "I couldn't help but notice your dancing. Why didn't you get out on the floor and show it off?"
You eye him, smirk telling him you can see through his pick-up line, but spin towards him anyway. You hold up your leg, showing off a cast around your ankle, covered in signatures. "I would, but alas, I cannot," you say.
"Damn, what happened?" Steve sits on the stool next to yours.
You sigh. "It's embarrassing."
"I won't laugh." At your look, Steve holds up his hands to show he's not crossing his fingers. "Promise."
"Well...I was babysitting my little cousins a few weeks ago and we were playing the floor is lava, you know?" Steve nods. "So we'd taken all the cushions off the couch and chairs and put them on the ground, and we were jumping on them so the lava wouldn't get us." You say this like it's so obvious. It makes Steve smile. "Everything was fine until one cushion was partly on the carpet and partly on the hardwood floor. I leaped for it and it went flying out from under me. Broke my ankle for my trouble."
"That's not embarrassing at all," Steve replies. "You clearly got wounded in battle. You should receive the purple heart for your bravery."
You giggle. "Thank you. Someone finally recognizes my contribution to the war effort."
"I salute you." He actually does too, making his attitude stern so he can give a proper one. "Sucks though."
"Yeah." Your voice goes sad. "I love dancing here. But," you shake your head and brighten, "I will again. This comes off in a few days."
"Nice." Steve gives you a high-five. He lets his fingers slide across yours as he pulls his hand away. Shivers run through him. Remembering Eddie's predicament, he's about to ask for your name when...
"Steve!" Speak of the devil. Eddie's voice comes floating through just seconds before he appears. "It's hopeless. She's not here—" He stops short, both physically and verbally, when he spots you next to Steve.
You take one look at Eddie and then turn to Steve. "You didn't tell me you know the band!"
"I—" Steve stammers as Eddie turns to him with a raised eyebrow and smirk.
"Oh, Steve's our camera guy," Eddie says. "Hello again, angel."
"Hi," you reply, blushing. "Great job tonight."
Eddie grins. "Thanks. Though I missed your dancing."
As you spin around to face him, Steve points down and explains, "Broken ankle." Eddie shoots him a glare.
"Would've if I could've," you add, nodding sadly. "But, like I told Steve, I will dance again."
"Good," Eddie interjects before Steve can. "Starting to think you're our good luck charm. We keep selling out vinyls when you're here."
Both boys love it when you giggle.
Then you look at your watch and sigh. "Sorry, boys, I gotta run," you continue, sounding disappointed. "I'm on duty tomorrow." You look at Steve, who salutes you again.
"Thank you for your service," he says strictly, before laughing with you. Eddie rolls his eyes a little.
"Anyway," turning your attention back to Eddie, "you guys sounded so good tonight. Maybe you'll have another record released soon?" You ask hopefully.
"Actually, we do have some studio time this weekend. So you're in luck," Eddie answers proudly, and grins at your excited gasp. "I'll make sure we have one just for you next time. I'll even get the whole band to sign it." You clap your hands together in happiness. "Sound good?"
"Sounds amazing," you gush. "Thank you."
"Like I said, anytime, princess."
You slip off the stool and hobble around them. "You need help?" Steve asks, concerned. Eddie nods, seconding the question.
You wave them away. "Nope, I got it. Though this is not the 'make them watch you walk away' moment I'd hoped for." You laugh. "Steve, thanks for not laughing. Eddie, amazing show as always. I'll see you." With that, you enter the crowd.
Eddie turns to Steve with a searing look. "'Thank you for your service'?" He mocks.
Steve rolls his eyes. "It's an inside joke. You heard about those? You might've had one with her if you'd gotten there first."
"I did get there first!" Eddie says incredulously.
"And yet, I know more about her," Steve shoots back.
"Oh, and you know so much? What's her name then?" Steve opens his mouth smugly but then closes it a second later. His brow furrows. "You don't know!" Eddie laughs meanly.
"I was gonna ask but you interrupted!"
"Just in time too," Eddie sneers. "Stop you from moving in on my turf."
"She's not turf," Steve says pointedly, "she's a girl. And neither of us own her."
Eddie runs a hand down his face. "Yeah," he sighs. "You're right." He slumps in the stool you'd vacated. "And we still don't know her damn name."
They mourn together over their drinks.
Steve and Eddie pointedly not talk about you after, but you're on both of their minds. And then the universe delivers you to them again.
It's an early set on a Saturday—the band had been forced to move up slots because stupid Jeff had his grandmother's 90th birthday party that night. At least, that's what Eddie has been saying while complaining to Steve. Don't old people go to bed early? Why not have an afternoon party?
"I don't know!" Steve finally interrupts. He and Eddie are at the bar of the Hideout again, drinking beer after the set. Eddie grumbles. Both of them have been on edge since they haven't seen you in almost a month. Eddie's worried the vinyl he keeps carrying around is gonna get ruined the longer he has it. Steve's just worried you forgot about them.
They both take a sip at the same time and just about spew it all over the bar when you say from behind them, "Oh, no! Did I miss the set?"
The boys work to swallow and wipe their faces, turning to you. You're standing there, looking beautiful, ankle cast-less. They smile at the sight of you, but your expressions stays upset.
"Sorry, angel," Eddie says, trying not to let his grin go too wide. "We had to go early today."
"Fucker," you mutter, crossing your arms. Steve and Eddie are startled by the swear, but aren't not turned on by it. "How was it?" You ask.
"It was great," Steve answers. Eddie gives him a side-eye. "I got it all on tape. I could show you if you want." Ah.
Your smile makes an appearance. "Really? That'd be great."
"You wanna watch bad tape of my band? That's impressive."
"I don't think Steve can be that bad of a cameraman," you tease and the boys grin. "Plus, I'm a true fan. Can't forget about me when you make it big."
"That'd be impossible," Eddie replies cheekily. You blush. “But who should I be remembering?”
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t given you my name yet!” You wince and introduce yourself properly.
“Well, I’m Steve Harrington and this is Eddie Munson.”
“I knew that one,” you giggle.
"Speaking of making it big," Eddie continues. "I've got your vinyl."
"Yay! Oh, I'm so excited."
"Wanna come and get it?" Eddie asks, pointing to the stage.
"Sure." Eddie jumps off the stool, giving Steve a quick, triumphant glance. Steve narrows his eyes. "Steve, come with us," you urge and both boys look at you in surprise. "You can show me the tape."
Steve stands, shooting Eddie a shit-eating grin, who just rolls his eyes and turns around. He leads the three of you past the stage and into the back hallway. He opens the door to a room and graciously lets you walk in first, fighting with Steve for who goes in after you. They both stumble in as you turn to face them. They could swear they see a small smirk on your face, but then you ask eagerly, "Where is it?"
The boys separate and find their respective material for you. Eddie presents you with the record showily, and you take it reverently, running your fingers over the signed names. Eddie watches you like you're precious, and Steve breaks the moment by opening the camera's deck and taking out the tape. He hands it to you.
"You're letting me take it?" You ask, incredulous.
Steve shrugs. "You can bring it back. It's a long set, don't wanna keep you here."
"Thanks! But I did come here to dance..." You ponder. "Is the band playing tonight any good?"
Eddie scoffs but Steve replies, "Yeah, they're decent."
"Not as good as Corroded Coffin." You give Eddie a smile.
"Obviously," he says haughtily, but grins back.
"You guys wanna..." You toy with the words and the boys know how they feel. "...stay and dance with me? If it's not too much a betrayal of the band."
Eddie sees the teasing in your eyes and smirks. "Let's do it, princess."
He senses the challenge. "I'm in."
"Great! Can I leave these here and come back for them?" You motion to the record and tape. Steve and Eddie both nod. You smile and set them on a chair before moving towards the door. You look over your shoulder at the boys, who have not moved. "You coming?"
They scramble after you.
This time, you lead them through the bar, weaving through people until you're firmly on the dance floor. The other band has started, and it's a slow, sexy vibe. You move your hips back and forth to the beat, letting your body find the right rhythm. Steve and Eddie just watch you, swaying in time but not doing much else. When you've found the groove, you turn to them.
Whatever they expected you to do, it's not what you actually do. You move towards them, staying in tempo, eventually standing in front of Eddie and flinging an arm around his neck. He's shocked, but regains his composure and puts his hands on the small of your back. Behind you two, Steve deflates and starts to back away, but then you look at him over your shoulder. You have a wicked look as you reach your free arm towards Steve and beckon him to you. He comes, magnetized, and you take his arm to wrap around your waist until his hand is resting on your stomach. You pull both him and Eddie closer until they're plastered to either side of you.
"See," you say lowly, "I know what you two have been doing. Trying to one-up each other, make the other look bad. See who I like more." You sigh and force their hips to move with yours. "Well, I like you both. And why should I have to choose? That'll just make one of you sad and that's no good." Steve gulps when your hand strokes up his arm and around his neck, digging your fingers in his hair. "Instead, how about I get double the happiness, and you can both have me." Eddie has goosebumps from how your breath is brushing across his skin.
He looks up at Steve, who looks at him. It's a fraught moment; they're unsure of what to do. But then you grind your hips in a circle, thrusting into both of them, and their eyes go wide. They nod at each other and then at you.
You laugh darkly, resting your head on Steve's shoulder. "Such good boys," you coo, and they're like putty in your hands. But your face turns to a pout. "But I'm tired of doing all the work. Why don't you two take over and make us all feel good?"
It takes a few seconds to sink in, but then the mood shifts as you wanted. Steve places both hands on your stomach and pulls you tighter against his body, grinding his hardening cock into your ass. Eddie follows and thrusts his crotch against your clothed cunt, hitting your clit so perfectly that you throw your head back. Steve takes the opportunity and leans down to kiss your neck lightly, lips just barely there, a tease that makes you want to whine. You don't have the chance as Eddie captures your mouth with his, licking inside forcefully. You're stuck between them, unable to move besides to the music, and you love it.
"Pretty girl wants to be a pillow princess, huh?" Steve whispers. He punctuates it with a nip to your earlobe and you shudder. You nod at his question. "Ah, ah, ah, baby. Gotta hear you beg for it."
"Yes," you breathe out. "Want you to take me."
Eddie chuckles, breath brushing over your swollen lips. "Oh, we will. We've been thinking about taking you since we each met you."
You moan. "More, wanna hear more."
"Well," Steve says as his hand slowly slides down your stomach and toys with the waistband of your jeans, "I thought about fucking you in the backseat of my car. Fogging up the windows, making it shake." His fingers dip inside your jeans and underwear and play with the hair down there. "I would take you home, but we would be just so desperate for it that we couldn't wait. We have to have each other as soon as possible." His middle finger goes far enough to part your lips and rubs through the wetness pooling. "That sound like a good fantasy, honey? Like something you’d want?"
You nod wildly, eyes fluttering as his finger makes passes but never stopping where you need him most.
"You wanna know what's been getting me off?" Eddie grabs your chin roughly, making you open your eyes and look at him. "Thinking about pulling you onstage during a set and fucking you in front of the crowd. Making you writhe and scream in pleasure, making you cum so many times you lose count. Marking you as mine before everybody, and showing them how I give it to you and how much you fucking love it." Your mouth has dropped open, and Eddie closes it. "How about that, angel? You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Oh my god," you groan. "Yes."
Eddie smirks. "Knew we had a slut on our hands, Harrington."
"Acted so innocent but just a fucking whore underneath," Steve adds. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
"Yes, wanna be your slut." Steve's finger is pressing harder and you push into it. "Please fuck me."
"We can do that, princess. We can do it nice and hard." Eddie kisses you again, swallowing your moan. When he breaks away, he looks at Steve. "Get some water. I'm gonna take her back."
You whimper at the loss of Steve's finger, and he kisses your temple. "Go with Eddie, baby. I'll be right there."
He unsticks himself from your back, forcing you to lean forward into Eddie, who catches and holds you up easily. "Breathe, angel. Get your footing back." You close your eyes and focus on your breaths, sucking air in and holding it to slow down your heartbeat. With time, you can stand on your own and take your weight off of Eddie. "You can walk?" He confirms and you nod. He takes your hand and leads you back to the room from before; your steps are firm and sure. He takes you to the couch and has you sit, which you do gently, in control.
Steve appears and closes and locks the door behind him. "Fantasies are great, but we don't want anyone walking in on us, do we?" He asks as he walks over and gives you the water. You shake your head as you drink it greedily. It clears your head. You give the mostly-empty glass back to Steve, who sets it on a nearby table. "Alright now?"
"Yeah," you reply.
"Still want this?" Eddie asks.
"Fuck yeah."
Both boys grin darkly. "Now, what should we do with her?" Steve ponders to Eddie. Your thighs clench together at the third person tense. "Should we make her suck us both off?"
"Maybe we should take her from behind?" Eddie joins in.
"We could edge her until she screams for release."
"Or spank and punish her for being such a whore?"
With every new idea, you sink further into the couch, dripping with arousal. You wouldn't be surprised if it's on the cushion by now.
"I think one of us could fuck her while she sucks the other off."
"Maybe we'll have her take us both at the same time."
"Should we cum inside her or soak her with it?"
You finally whine. Steve and Eddie look at you with smirks and raised brows. "Please."
"What sounded good to you, baby?"
"Any of it, all of it. Just please fucking touch me."
Steve crowds in close, looming over you. "You wanna be touched, sweetheart? Gotta tell us where."
Instead, you crash your lips onto his. He'd been talking but you hadn't heard a word, too focused on his soft, delectable-looking mouth to listen. He growls and holds your head in his hands, tongue diving in and taking control. You give it back just as hard and tangle your fingers in his hair, loving the silkiness on your skin. Eventually you both need air and Steve nips your bottom lip before leaning back. "Not exactly what I asked," he says, both of you panting hard.
"You weren't complaining," Eddie points out smugly.
"Why would I?" Steve runs a thumb across your lips and you try to catch it between your teeth. "Pretty mouth is like a drug."
"Hear that, princess? Sounds like you got us addicted." Eddie sits on the couch next to you. You give him bedroom eyes and he chuckles meanly.
Steve rubs his hands up your thighs a few times, getting closer to your cunt each time but never quite making it there. "Still want us to touch you, baby?" You nod pathetically. "Let's get you out of these clothes then."
And then Eddie is lifting your shirt and Steve is unbuttoning your jeans. They both pull the pieces off and toss them into the room. You feel a little vulnerable as their eyes rove over you, but it's all lust and desire in their gazes. Without saying anything, they go for your undergarments. Eddie surprises you by popping open your bra with just two fingers, and he gives you a cocky smirk when you glance at him. He pulls it off as Steve hooks his index fingers in your underwear's waistband and starts to tug. He takes them off slowly, looking almost reverent as your soaked pussy is revealed.
"So pretty, angel," Eddie murmurs as he brushes fingertips across your hard nipples, making your skin goosebump. Steve can only nod in agreement when he finally gets your underwear untangled from your feet and drops it next to him. "Whose cock do you want first?"
All you can do is shrug under their stares.
He eyes Steve, who smiles benevolently. "How about Eddie here fucks you dumb first, and then I'll give you the big finale."
You nod enthusiastically, making them both snicker. "Seems like she's already gone dumb," Eddie teases.
You pout. "I don't think so."
They raise their eyebrows. "Full sentences, look at you go," Steve mocks. "Let's see if we can change that." He steps back as Eddie leans over you to grab your hips tightly. He then swings you onto his lap, clothed cock settling against your clit so perfectly that you whine. He cuts it off by kissing you and you reciprocate eagerly. You tug at the bottom of his shirt and he parts only to pull it over his head and throw it away, lips reclaiming yours immediately after. Your hands roam the newly revealed skin, hungrily grinding against his crotch.
"Can you kneel for me, baby?" Eddie asks breathlessly and you nod, sitting up on your knees. He quickly unbuttons and unzips his jeans, pushing them down with his boxers and kicking them away. His large cock slaps against his stomach once freed and you moan at the sight. He takes a hand and starts stroking it and you gape at the pre-cum he uses to lubricate it. "You ready for me?" There's a thread of concern in his voice.
But you nod frantically, so he holds it straight and you line it up. You throw your head back as his cock pushes inside. Eddie clutches your hips, making your pace slow and stopping with every inch to let you adjust. The stretch is a little painful but a lot delicious, and you both groan when he bottoms out.
You feel the couch dip next to you and lazily turn your head to see Steve sitting in your previous spot, naked as well and stroking his own cock slowly. It's a beautiful sight. "Feel good, honey?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Fuck yes," you breathe out, voice raising to a yell when Eddie lifts you up and pulls you back down sharply. He goes deeper this time, splitting you further, and it feels amazing. "Oh my god." Each word is punctuated by a thrust, Eddie starting a hard and fast rhythm.
"Knew you'd feel so fucking amazing, angel," Eddie pants out, fingers digging into your waist hard enough to leave bruises and your eyes roll up at the thought. "God, you look so good riding me."
"Love your cock," you moan. "Feels so good."
"Can't wait to make all our fantasies come true." Eddie continues to destroy you in so many ways. "Gonna fuck you every which way and then some."
You whimper. "Yes, please."
Your cunt is clenching and you're going slack in Eddie's grip. Steve can tell. "You gonna cum, sweetheart? Gonna cum all over Eddie's nice, hard cock while he's fucking you so well?"
"Yes," you hiss as Eddie speeds up your movements. "Wanna cum."
"Come on, baby," Eddie pleads. "Let go on my cock."
It only takes a few more thrusts before you're doing as you're told, keening at the devastating orgasm hitting you. Eddie practically holds you up as you buck against him, cunt pulsing around his cock and making him groan. "Fuck, your tight pussy is gonna make me cum, angel."
You tighten around his cock even more, enhancing your pleasure, and his head hits the back of the couch hard. "Cum for me," you beg breathlessly. "Want it."
"God, yes. Where do you want it?"
"Inside," you pant.
"Shit," Eddie swears. "I can do that." After a couple more thrusts he's spilling into you, and you groan lowly at the feeling of his cum in you. He slows down your hips to a stop and then gently lifts you off his cock, kissing you to distract from the discomfort. He keeps kissing you sweetly, mouths moving against each other in slow, caressing brushes, coming down from your respective highs.
"That was fucking hot," Steve says softly, and you look over at him to see him gripping his cock tightly. You zero in on it and clench around nothing. Steve notices and strokes it gaudily, making your mouth water at the pre-cum beading out at the tip. His voice turns cocky. "You not satisfied, beautiful? Need another hard dick to satiate that hunger?"
You nod and crawl from Eddie towards him. When you're close enough, Steve leans forward and kisses you, turning it sharp and raw, teeth biting into your lips lightly. "Turn around for me, baby. Lay in front of me." You do as asked and lay across the cushions, facing into the room. Laying your head on the armrest, you feel Steve shift until he's flush against your back. He grips your thigh and lifts your leg, and then your eyes are fluttering at the feeling of his cock rubbing against your pussy.
Without warning, he pushes inside slowly. Where Eddie was wide and girthy, splitting you open like nothing else, Steve is long and lean, and the position lets him hit so deep in you that you moan loudly when he bottoms out.
"You weren't lying, man," Steve groans. "This pussy is better than I ever imagined."
Your moan becomes a wail as he speeds up, hitting so deep, so hard that you see stars. He hooks your leg over the top of the couch and moves his hand from your thigh. You're almost missing his touch when his arm snakes around around your waist and he squeezes your tit tightly. Your jaw drops as he harshly twists your nipple; coupled with his cock, you're falling apart.
"You can't even imagine all the dirty things I wanna do to you and this fucking delicious cunt," Steve whispers, breath across your hot skin making you shudder. "I wanna invent new positions with you two."
"God, please," you keen. "Wanna be your fucktoy."
Steve moans. "Fuck, baby. Gonna make you my little cumslut. Gonna take pictures of you all fucked out. You're such a gorgeous sight when you're being fucked, sweetheart."
You whine, volume increasing whenever Steve's cock thrusts all the way in. Eddie's voice comes floating to you. "Can you touch yourself for me, pretty girl? Wanna see you fall apart."
Your hand automatically goes too your cunt and two fingers start rubbing tiny, fast circles on your clit. It feels so fucking good that you arch back into Steve, who sucks marks onto your neck. "I'm gonna cum!" You gasp, feeling the wave traveling towards you fast.
"Cum for me, honey," Steve demands. "Gotta feel you cum on my cock."
You wail as your orgasm crashes over you, making your body tense and jerk in Steve's grasp. His cock still hitting inside you extends the pleasure, making you throb with continuous waves. As you tighten around him, Steve cums as well, biting your skin sharply as he paints inside you, soothing with his tongue while slowing down his thrusts. You groan at the sting, one last burst of bliss before you're coming down from the high.
You two pant together, and then Steve is lightly pulling out of you, kissing your temple to subdue the feeling. Then Eddie is in front of you, gently wiping your pussy with a towel. You eye him.
"It's clean, I promise," he reassures with a chuckle. Satisfied, you let him continue, regaining your strength. When you find it, you slowly sit up, stretching your limbs and leaning forward so Steve can get out from behind you. Eddie tosses him the towel, and he cleans himself off too. You sink back into the couch and the boys mirror you on either side.
"Can we see you again?" Eddie asks hopefully.
You snort. "You better. You made a lot of promises you gotta keep."
"Well, we wanna keep those, obviously," Steve says. "But can we also take you on a date?"
"Oh!" You're surprised, and Steve and Eddie smile. "I wasn't sure if you wanted to, but I'm definitely down."
"We liked you before we thought about fucking you," Eddie teases.
Steve nods in agreement. "It was your cute dancing that caught both our eyes."
You groan.
"We loved it!" Eddie protests. You give him a look. "Cross our hearts."
They both go to actually do so, but you grab their hands instead, holding them on your lap. "Guess I'm a better dancer than I thought."
Your boys laugh.
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addledmongoose · 15 days
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (14 Jun 2024)
By the way, if you ever see one of your stories in my list and I haven't listed your tumblr name, do let me know so I can edit the post.
First, a self-rec of my fake marriage/never met AU, because I'm publishing the last chapter and epilogue today!
My Heart Was Always Yours (143K; Rated M)
Aziraphale has mostly kept to himself for the last six thousand years. As long as he gets his reports in on time, Heaven leaves him alone. That is, until Supreme Archangel Uriel orders him to buy Raphael's trumpet from a black market auction in New York. Armageddon is overdue, and Heaven needs the trumpet to kick it off.
Oh, and he needs a human to pose as his husband.
After an incident in the 19th century, Crowley keeps a low profile from Hell. His reports are only a little late, he takes credit for the worst of humanity, and he does a bit of fomenting to keep in practice. But the almost-peaceful life the demon carved out for himself comes to an end when the Prince of Wrath, Belial (née Raphael), orders him to New York to find the former archangel's trumpet.
So what should he think when he rescues the odd and very cute human bookseller down the street from a mugging only to learn the man is headed to a black market auction in New York to buy a rare book? Was this also part of Belial's devious plan? Is the poor human on Hell's radar and doesn't even know it?
When Crowley finds out the man needs someone to pose as his husband to infiltrate the auction, he knows exactly what to do.
Terminus (38K; Rated T) by @emotional-support-demon-crowley
Human AU. Very recently finished. We don't get to see many stories set in the future, and this is the only human AU on my list this week, oddly enough.
When reluctant astronaut Aziraphale Fell finds himself in need of assistance, the last thing he expects is to develop feelings for the mission controller who answers his call; the charming, foul-mouthed Anthony Crowley.
As they work to get Aziraphale home, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other. Unfortunately, Crowley has reason to believe the powers that be don’t want Guardian One and its sole occupant to survive the journey.
forgotten (but not gone) (10K; Rated T)
Aziraphale and Crowley have had their memories of each other wiped as punishment for stopping Armageddon. They're drawn to each other nonetheless.
A New Opportunity (64K; Rated E) by @ineffablerainstorm
Where Aziraphale hints that he plans to Fall to prevent the Second Coming and Crowley decides to pursue a new job opportunity. After all "head diving into a pit of sulphur" is listed under "special skills" on the demon's CV. Crowley hasn't anticipated, however, that this rescue mission would turn into a very messy fake-relationship-situation in a matter of minutes. And that Falling might be a lot harder the second time around.
This post-S2 manages to be both really angsty and also really laugh-out-loud funny. Jesus (aka "Chris") is a particular standout character here. He has a cross tattoo on his arm! There are a couple of side stories in the series I haven't yet gotten to, but I suspect I'll be suggesting them soon.
Time Marches Forward (129K; Rated M) by @bellisima-writes
I devoured this post-S2 story. Aziraphale is trying his best to stop the Second Coming, but the Metatron has plans to keep him in line. Crowley befriends the teenage Antichrist, helping him harness and control his powers.
While this story has a great happy ending, it is extremely intense and very angsty getting there. There were a few tears and a few times I wanted to strangle Crowley, but he came through in the end, and this isn't a story that decides either one was solely responsible for the Final 15's angst.
The rest of my list are all @lemon-tart-221 shorts. They were the perfect change of pace when Time Marches Forward got to be a bit intense.
A Slightly Overdone Miracle of Maximum Lust (3K; Rated E)
Crowley gets in trouble with Beelzebub for slacking and decides the easiest way to get a bunch of temptations done fast is to spread lust throughout London. He didn't expect it to affect him and Aziraphale.
A Very Clippy Christmas (2K; Rated M)
A multi-author collab. "Aziraphale wants to surprise Crowley with a naughty story for Christmas, only he’s using Word '98, clipart, and he’s Aziraphale."
An Angel with Questions, a Demon with Answers (3K; Rated E)
Set right after they save Job's children, Aziraphale has urges he doesn't understand. Crowley (as Bildad) helps him through it.
They're Not Talking (3K; Rated E)
Crowley and Aziraphale still meet to stop the Second Coming. They're still not talking. They find other ways to communicate. This one isn't exactly happy, but it's not exactly sad either.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
You described “At Your Service” as “really excellent and truly feels like an immersive book 8 experience where drarry also happens.” Do you have other drarry recs like that?
Ooh good question. I don't know anything quite like that that feels so stylistically in line with what a book 8 would be. But here are some other really well written post book 7 drarry fics. Other ppl are free to add more recs in the comments.
Nero su bianco by zuzallove (words: 40,507 | rating: E)
September 1997. Hogwarts is under the regime of Voldemort and the Carrows. Finding himself alienated by both his friends and his supposed enemies, Draco puts quill to parchment, and writes letters. He addresses them to the only person he can think of, as Hogwarts rapidly falls into chaos and ruin: Harry Potter. He goes to great lengths to ensure the letters are never discovered, and he’s pretty certain he’s done a great job. Until the day of his trial.
Running on Air by eleventy7 (Words: 74,880 | Rating: T)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Away Childish Things by lettered (words: 153,881 | rating: T)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
Starting Again by tamerofdarkstars
Harry felt the situation rapidly slipping from his grasp and suspected he’d never really had hold of it to begin with. “You want me to be friends with Draco Malfoy because you think that will stop him from being... sad.” “Bingo, give the boy a prize.”
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blog-name-idk · 1 year
Mold a Pretty Lie | 08
Tumblr media
Pairing: professor!Jin x Fem undergrad!Reader
Genre: College!AU, Unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, virgin reader, eventual yandere, eventual smut
Summary: They say love is like a garden that requires regular care and attention. Kim Seokjin, your kind and handsome professor, is more than happy to cultivate the vines that bind his heart to yours.
Word Count: 6746
Rating: 18+
AN: TY to my beloved @matchy6812 and @madbutgloriouspond (whom this fic is FOR 💜💜💜) for beta-ing and general awesomeness and support. Also I T ' S H A P P E N I N G ! ! !
"This is highly inappropriate," you heard Dr. Kim arguing as you tried to wrap your head around what the concierge had just said. "What about the rooms for my colleague and their student?"
"Unfortunately the university already canceled their reservation," the receptionist replied apologetically after clicking through the computer. "It looks like when their rooms were canceled, they accidentally included a third. We can have a cot put into your room, but otherwise we are completely booked for the conference, along with most of the hotels in the area."
Sharing a room? With your beautiful professor? Who you had kissed and still couldn't stop thinking about despite all common sense telling you to stop? What even was your life right now?
Your chest twisted guiltily as you caught the frown on Dr. Kim's face, killing any of your budding excitement. How could you feel that way when you had already put him in an uncomfortable position? And it would probably look strange or suspect for him if word got out that he shared a room with a female student, no matter how necessary the circumstances.
"Professor," you began, feeling your face warm when he turned to look at you. "I'm fine with whatever you decide. If this is the only option then I promise I'll do my best not to bother you."
Dr. Kim stared at you with an indecipherable expression on his face, his normally friendly gaze so intense you began to twist at your shirt. Did he really despise the idea that much?
"Let me make a few calls first," he finally replied, pulling his phone out and walking a short way away, leaving you standing awkwardly with your carry-on. God, you had really fucked up when you had kissed him. Why did you have to be such an idiot? He obviously didn't believe you wouldn't do something, he was just too kind to tell you to your face.
Feeling morose, you moved out of the way so others could check in, and settled yourself on a couch in view of your professor.
"Can I take your bag, miss?"
You started when a bellboy appeared by your side, a smile on his face as he held his hand out questioningly.
"Oh – thank you, but not quite yet," you answered apologetically, smiling back at him. "We're trying to figure out a mix-up with reservations, we were supposed to have separate rooms."
You meant it as an explanation because you didn't want your professor to look like some opportunistic predator, but for some reason the bellboy's smile brightened.
"It happens sometimes," he agreed, giving you a commiserating look that made you feel a little better about the awkward situation. "Is this your first time in the area?"
"Yeah, me and my professor are here for the conference," you replied, relieved he didn't seem to think anything odd about the situation. He didn't look that much older than you, and you wished the other student was here so you would have had someone else your age to talk to. It really sucked that she had won and couldn't even make it. "There were supposed to be a couple others, but they got sick."
"Well, if you get tired of hanging out with a bunch of old brainiacs I wouldn't mind showing you around."
The offer took you by surprise, and you felt a moment of panic. Was he being friendly or was he hitting on you? Why were you even full of yourself enough to believe he was hitting on you?
"Um, that might be nice," you began cautiously, at a complete loss for what to say. He was kind of cute, and maybe it would be better to spend time away to lower the probability of making an idiot out of yourself again. But he was a total stranger whose name you didn't even know. And what would Dr. Kim think if you left the hotel just to hang out with some random guy after the whole Taehyung thing?
"I believe that couple needs help with their luggage."
You looked up to see that your professor had joined you, and was looking at the bellboy with narrowed eyes and something very near a glare.
"Of course, sir," the bellboy nodded politely before turning back to you. "I'll be working here til four if you end up having time."
With a grin that was now definitely flirtatious, he turned to go back to work, leaving you with your frowning professor. You felt yourself wilting at the disapproval emanating from his form, until he turned to you and his face softened.
"Is everything alright?"
What did that mean? The bellboy hadn't really been bothering you, necessarily. Or was he talking about the rooming situation? Was he concerned that you would neglect the conference to go gallivanting with some stranger? Perhaps he really did just think you were a flighty party girl.
No, he knew you took your work and responsibilities seriously. Hadn't he praised you enough, even offered for you to continue working with him despite all of your embarrassing missteps?
"Um, yes, why wouldn't it be?" you asked tentatively, peeking up to see that Dr. Kim's smile had tightened at your words. Was he annoyed that you might spend time with the nameless bellboy? Or were you just projecting something you wished was the case?
"The keynote speech starts early tomorrow, and the student talks are right after," he finally replied. "I wouldn't suggest staying up too late tonight."
So he did think you might go off with the bellboy. And he wasn't bothered by that, but because he thought it might affect your presentation. Great. Just great.
"Thanks, professor," you said with a sigh, hoping you could somehow change however he saw you to a responsible adult. "I didn't particularly want to spend time with a stranger but I didn't want to be rude."
"Always so considerate," he teased, his face relaxing. To your relief, he smiled at you and held out a hand to help you up. "You're allowed to be selfish too, you know."
You took it, despite not needing the aid. His skin was warm against yours, and he tugged a little harder than you expected, bringing you close. His dark eyes gazed down at you and you stared back, completely bewitched.
"Am I?" you asked a little breathlessly before you could stop yourself, drawn to him as if invisible tendrils were binding your heart onwards. His eyes widened in surprise, and you suddenly came to your senses, letting go and turning to adjust the zipper on your carry-on. "Er, so were you able to figure something out?"
You internally cringed at your obvious behavior and terrible subject change, too embarrassed to look back at Dr. Kim. Why did you keep doing this?
"Unfortunately there aren't any other options," was the unexpected reply. "I hate to ask this of you, but…"
He trailed off and you turned back to look at him in surprise. Dr. Kim was still open to the idea? Even after you had just – whatever you had just done? And he was acting as if it was an imposition on you, letting the two of you pretend you weren't constantly embarrassing yourself. He really was too good to you.
The hotel room was at least decently sized and would fit the promised cot easily, though Seokjin wasn't sure how he would be able to sleep knowing you were right there, so near and yet out of his reach. But the sight of the obnoxious bellboy making eyes at you had him hanging up the phone and striding towards you before anyone even picked up.
And despite your assurances to the contrary, over your shoulder he had seen the bellboy glance your way. He didn't trust the boy not to show up to your room unannounced if he managed to find some alternate accommodation, and well – if sharing meant he'd be able to keep a better eye on you then perhaps that was the best option anyway. Besides, it was already late enough that finding a new place would have taken too long for a decent night's rest.
It would be fine. He was an adult, not some hormonal college kid who couldn't keep it in his pants. He had enough self-control not to take advantage of a student. No matter how captivating you happened to be, or how much you consumed his thoughts.
"Professor, I'm done in the bathroom."
Your quiet voice broke through his inner musings and he looked up, only to wish he hadn't. You were wearing an oversized t-shirt that almost hung off your shoulder, revealing a tempting amount of collarbone. Your bare legs taunted him, and Seokjin wondered whether you were wearing shorts under your shirt.
You had also washed your face, looking so soft and sweet he felt his own ears heating up as he drank you in.
"Thanks, [y/n]. I might shower, so feel free to turn off the lights as long as you keep one of them on so I don't embarrass myself by running into anything."
Seokjin swallowed hard, unable to miss the way your eyes had widened when he said the word shower. Your gaze darted to the bathroom, then back to him with an expression that was slightly hazier than before.
He knew you were still attracted to him. It was obvious in the way your breath quickened when he gave into temptation and let himself touch you with seemingly innocuous gestures, in the way your eyes always sought him out first in a room.
He knew he was to blame. Jin was supposed to know better, to be better, but every time you smiled he found it difficult to care.
Now here the two of you were, alone in a hotel room, protected only by the fraying strands of his self control. He couldn't stop himself from wondering what thoughts were swirling behind those pretty eyes of yours. Were you picturing what it might be like for you to join him?
His pants tightened at the thought of you bare and wet with water rolling down your soft skin, and he suppressed a groan as he tore his eyes away from you and gathered his things. Well fuck, now he really needed a long shower.
Seokjin let himself stand under a blast of cool water, willing himself to calm down and stop thinking of you. Unfortunately his traitorous brain had other plans, tormenting him with the hint of collarbone you had shown, your pretty lips, and the way your eyes had darkened at the thought of him in the shower.
"Fuck," he groaned quietly, wrapping his hand around his hard length as he gave in. Had he locked the door? Did it even matter? What if you came in, clothes already off to slip into the shower with him?
You would probably look uncertain, embarrassed by your boldness, and he would kiss the hesitation off your face until you were soft and yielding in his embrace. You would let out that little sigh he couldn't erase from his mind and wrap your arms around his shoulders while the water ran over the two of you, washing away any evidence of his sins.
What other sounds could he coax out of you? Jin let out a little groan as he pumped harder, haunted by the enticing whimpers and moans he pictured leaving your lips while he explored everything your body had to offer.
And you were such a good girl. You might sink to your knees before him, looking up at him with wide eyes for permission before wrapping your pretty, perfect lips around his cock.
You would struggle with his size, eyes watering as you tried to take him deeper despite gagging on his length. But you would persevere, staring up with him with glassy, determined eyes as you swallowed around him.
"Fuck, fuck," he cursed softly through gritted teeth, feeling his balls begin to tighten. He sped up his pace, hips thrusting into his grip as images of you, perfect and pliant, flooded his mind. "Shit, [y/n]."
As soon as your name left his lips and he came hard, groaning as ropes of thick, white cum swirled down the drain. Along with his pride and dignity. He shuddered in pleasure, panting as he let go of his softening member, and closed his eyes as guilt began to set in.
In the clarity of his release, he let the cool water wash over his burning skin as he stood, dumbfounded and unsure of what to do next. How could he go out there and face you after this? Could he even look you in the eye, knowing that this had really been only the tip of the iceberg of the depraved things he wanted to do to you?
There was a knock on the door and he jumped, heart pounding. You wouldn't… would you? His cock gave a traitorous twitch.
"Professor," you called through the closed door. "I'm going to bed. I'll leave the reading light on for you."
"Okay, good night, [y/n]," he called back, surprised by the steadiness of his voice. At least he wouldn't have to face you until tomorrow morning.
When he finally left the bathroom, already wearing his pajamas, you were nestled under the covers of the cot and fast asleep. He gave a fond, exasperated sigh - the two of you had argued long and hard over who would get the bed, and he assumed he had won. He smiled at your sleeping face, your mouth a little open, almost forgetting his earlier shame in the surge of fondness that filled his chest.
"Sneaky," he murmured appreciatively before moving to the large queen-sized bed and pulling back the covers. He paused, then padded quietly back to your sleeping figure and pulled off your covers gently before his breath hitched. Your shirt had ridden up past your hips, exposing your bellybutton and a mouth-watering expanse of bare skin. You were in fact wearing shorts, not that it made much of a difference considering how tiny they were, and Jin swallowed hard as his eyes roved over your defenseless form. You were so beautiful it hurt, and before he could stop himself he was brushing a stray lock of hair out of your face.
A sleepy little grumble made him freeze, but when you made no other motion or noise he relaxed. As gently as he could, he slid his arms beneath you to pick you up, and you instinctively snuggled into his chest, making his heart jolt.
Your body nestled perfectly against his, and he couldn't resist brushing his nose against your hair to take in the scent of your shampoo. Then he forced himself to deposit you onto the queen bed, resisting the urge to crawl in next to you, and tucked the covers firmly around your sleeping figure.
When he finally burrowed into the sheets of the cramped cot, he stared up at the ceiling, mind racing. The pillow smelled like you, and he breathed in, feeling your scent wrap its sweet tendrils around his heart.
He was so fucked.
You awoke to the sound of two alarms ringing, feeling comfortable. Too comfortable.
Your suspicions were confirmed when you sat up and realized you were in the queen bed. Chagrin warred with embarrassment when you realized he must have carried you into bed, and you felt warmth flood your body at the thought of your professor's arms around you.
Part of you wailed that you had slept through it. Another part of you was relieved, because you weren't sure if your heart could have taken it if you were awake.
You looked over to the cot to see Dr. Kim sprawled out on it, mouth hanging open as his feet almost dangled off the edge, and had to suppress a giggle. He looked almost comical in the cramped space, and he seemed to be wearing a matching pajama set with cute llamas dotting the fabric.
It was disarming to see him looking so silly and casual, a far cry from the polished professor you were used to. You had always seen him as perfect and put together, far out of your league and impossible to reach. But like this he looked so young, and for a moment you let yourself dream.
Still, you weren't going to let him get away with it no matter how cute he looked.
Nodding to yourself, you pushed out of bed and marched over to your professor, reaching forward to gently shake his broad shoulder. He grumbled cutely, a furrow appearing in his brow as he tried to turn away from you.
"Professor," you whisper-shouted, shaking him more insistently as you tried not to laugh. To your surprise, his hand snaked to grab your wrist; he pulled, and you toppled on top of him with a surprised squeak. Strong arms wrapped around you and you instinctively melted into his chest, letting his warmth fill your senses.
Then you realized what you were doing, taking advantage of your professor's sleepy state to get what you wanted, and shame flooded you. You pushed against his chest to get up, but his hold only tightened.
"Professor!" you said more loudly, wondering how the hell you were going to explain this. His eyes began to drift open, and when they met yours his lips curved into a drowsy smile. Your heart hammered in your chest at the thought that he was happy to wake up to you.
But then lucidity crept into his gaze, his eyes widened and his arms loosened. Feeling your stomach sink, you scrambled off of him and took several steps backwards, as if that could somehow erase his memory.
"[Y/n]?" he asked, looking confused and still a little sleepy. Your heart plummeted as you wondered if Dr. Kim had thought you were someone else – someone he wanted to wake up to. Of course he probably had someone.
"I'm so sorry!" you stammered, looking at your feet as shame warred with disappointment. "I was trying to wake you up, and you pulled me in your sleep, and I lost my balance, and…"
You realized you were babbling, and shut up as Dr. Kim stared at you with an unreadable expression. Did he believe you? God, he probably thought you were a perv who couldn't keep from throwing herself at him. And after you had promised him not to do anything, too.
"I've been told I get clingy when I sleep," he finally responded with a chuckle, relaxing. Your relief was marred by the bitter taste of jealousy. You envied the lucky person who had that firsthand experience. Then you forced the thought out of your head, knowing it was none of your business, and remembered what you had meant to do in the first place.
"I can't believe you switched us," you complained, crossing your arms and glaring at him as menacingly as you could. His full lips began to twitch into a smirk that made you forget your annoyance, and possibly your name.
"And I can't believe you disobeyed your professor like that," he teased, eyes twinkling as he pushed back his covers and got up. It was a matching set, and it was unbearably cute that your older, beautiful professor was wearing it. The top couple buttons were undone, and you cast about in your head for any reply while you tried not to ogle the toned chest peeking out at you.
"Well at your age you should think more about your back," you shot back before you could stop yourself. His eyebrows shot up at your snark, and he stepped a little closer to you.
"Calling me an old man?" he asked, tone still amused, though something else you couldn't identify gleamed in his eyes. You wanted to step backwards, but something kept you rooted to the spot, as if vines had sprouted up from the ground and locked you into place.
"U-um, I just meant older," you stuttered meekly, your brief flare of defiance fading with each step he took towards you. You stared at your feet as he came closer, until fingers dipped below your chin to tilt your face up to meet his.
"Hmm, so that should mean I know better, shouldn't it?"
Dr. Kim's voice was still husky from sleep, and something in his eyes sent heat rushing through you as you stared at him like a deer in the headlights. The way he said it made you wonder if he was talking about something else, and you gave an involuntary shiver you hoped he didn't notice.
You licked suddenly dry lips as your pulse quickened, but before your mind could get too carried away, he stepped backwards and walked past you to the bathroom.
"I'm going to take a quick shower," he called over his shoulder. "But I shouldn't be long."
You blinked as the door closed behind him, taking the time to let your racing heart settle to a pace akin to normal. Hadn't he just showered last night? He really liked to be clean, apparently.
You tried not to dwell on the fact that he was naked just a few feet away from you, divided by only a wall and a door. It had been hard enough last night, and now you had that dark glint in his eye filling your head, the underlying croon in his voice, and the memory of his arms wrapped around your body.
A part of you knew that he was perhaps a bit touchier than a professor should be. But the idea that your handsome, brilliant, and kind professor paid you special attention made your chest feel warm. Perhaps nothing could ever happen, but you wished you could somehow bottle up the way he made you feel in moments like these. Maybe then you wouldn't so pathetically hope for more.
With a sigh, you went to the closet to pull out the clothes you hung there the night before. You had already decided on what to wear for the three days of the conference. The pathetic, hopeful part of your brain hoped the professional clothing would make you seem more like a woman to Dr. Kim, someone worthy of his attention. You had agonized over what to bring for an embarrassingly long period of time. It was foolish – selfish – of you to want more when that would be nothing but catastrophic for him, when he had already told you it was impossible, but your heart refused to heed your advice.
You doffed your pajamas and pulled on your well-fitting pants, admiring how perky it made your butt look in the mirror. Remembering your underthings were in your suitcase, you hurried over to grab a bra, sliding your arms through the straps and fiddling it as you walked back to the closet. Your fingers fumbled over the hooks as you struggled to clasp them, and then the bathroom door opened and you froze, staring at a wide eyed, shirtless Dr. Kim.
"I-I forgot to bring in my clothes," he stuttered, sounding like something was strangling him. You couldn't stop yourself from ogling at his gloriously toned chest and abs, or the way his towel was slung low around his hips, revealing hip bones that made your mouth water. Was it normal for academics to be so – so fit?
You were so distracted by his naked chest that you didn't notice the way he was similarly captivated. His own eyes roamed the bare skin of your shoulders, your stomach, and the way your bra was hanging teasingly off of your breasts.
Suddenly you came to your senses and whirled around at the same exact time he did.
"Tell me when I can turn around," you heard him say in that same choked tone, and you wondered if he could hear the way your heart was pounding from across the room. Your fingers didn't want to cooperate, but you were finally able to hook your bra and you almost flew into the blouse you had chosen to wear. Despite your clumsiness you were able to button it up relatively quickly, and finally you turned back around, pulse picking back up as you took a moment to appreciate the way Dr. Kim's broad shoulders tapered into a slim waist. Of course his back was also perfect.
"You're good," you said softly, tearing your gaze away to fiddle with the bottom button of your shirt, too embarrassed to look your professor in the eye. You heard him take quick steps toward the closet where his own clothes were hung up and flushed, belatedly wondering if you should have moved out of the way. You shuffled to the side as you felt warmth and the smell of soap wash over you, and his arm brushed your shoulder as he reached to pluck his own clothes off the hanger.
"Sorry about that," he whispered into your ear, his breath hot against your skin. You let out a squeaky noise of response, eyes fixed on your feet as you tried to ignore how close he was standing. Then his body heat vanished and he retreated to the bathroom, door clicking firmly shut behind him.
Feeling lightheaded, you moved to fall face-first onto the bed with a muffled thump. You were not going to survive this conference.
Three days. Seokjin just needed to hold out for three days, and he could go back to sleeping alone without being blessed and cursed by your constant proximity. He took a deep breath before releasing it in a slow exhale as he did his tie in the bathroom mirror, wondering how exactly you would inadvertently tempt him next.
His morning jerk off session had been in vain, and all he could think of was your bare skin and the little noise you had made when he had leaned in close. You had no idea what you were doing to him, a pretty, innocent little lamb walking willingly into his clutches.
It made him want to protect you, cradle you in his arms against anything that might hurt you. It made him want to bend you over the bed and ruin you for anyone who wasn't him.
"I'm ready, Professor," you called as you stepped out of the bathroom, hair and make up done, blouse tucked into your slacks, wearing heels that drew his eyes to the curve of your backside. You still couldn't meet his eyes, which allowed him to drink you in without fear of being caught. Still, this wouldn't do. As endearing as it was, he didn't want you to be embarrassed forever, or for others at the conference to sense something might be amiss.
At his tone, you forced yourself to look up, and he gave you a reassuring smile even as he admired the way your lipstick emphasized the pout of your lips. You looked so lovely, professional and subtly sexy with an outfit that emphasized your figure without announcing it. If it weren't for your doe-eyes and flushed cheeks, you could have passed as one of his colleagues, albeit with a younger face.
"Come here."
Jin sat on the queen sized bed and patted the spot beside him. You obeyed without hesitation despite your apprehension, and he smiled.
"I-I'm really sorry about earlier," you stammered, eyes fixed on your hands, which were in your lap. "I wasn't trying to - I thought you were going to take longer."
"I should have warned you, too," he replied, hesitating just slightly before he gave in and rested his hand on your shoulder. He knew he shouldn't keep doing this, keep entering your personal space or touching you, but he couldn't help himself. You were like a drug he couldn't get enough of. "Let's just pretend nothing happened, and be more careful in the future, okay?"
Your muscles relaxed at his words and you finally turned your head to peek up with him, a tentative smile touching your lips. "Okay," you agreed, looking so sweet he had to restrain himself from doing something that would make his earlier words useless.
"Good girl," he responded, and the way you shivered at his praise made him wonder just what else you liked to be called. He was playing a dangerous game, but you were impossible to resist. "Now let's get some breakfast. I'm starving."
"In short, phyto and zooplankton populations appear to be in a dangerously fast decline in the world's oceans," you explained, flicking your presentation to its final slide. You cast your gaze over the audience to lock eyes with Dr. Kim, who was grinning with undeniable pride on his face. Your chest fluttered, and you continued your presentation with renewed confidence.
"With their position as the basis of the food chain for marine life everywhere, it will likely lead to even more disastrous results than are already being witnessed. Fishing villages have been reporting worse catches year after year, and fishing trawlers are crossing over international lines to reach their quotas, which will have both economic and political ramifications."
Another handsome man was nodding along with your words, cheeks dimpling into an approving smile, and you felt another surge of delight that your work was being so well-received.
"Unless policies are put into place to protect these fragile ecosystems, these shortages will only grow worse. We need to urge stronger guidelines and restrictions on waste disposal and climate change, otherwise the damage we are causing to these ecosystems may be irrevocable."
You clicked your presentation shut, feeling your cheeks heat up at the applause as the lights in the room turned back on.
"Thank you for such an enlightening report," said the mediator, smiling at you and then looking out at the row of seats. "We will now commence the five-minute Q&A, does anyone have any questions?"
A few hands popped into the air, including that of the handsome, dimpled man. Your chest thumped as you nervously prayed that you would be able to answer everything adequately, and you met Dr. Kim's eyes again for reassurance. He made a goofy face as he gave you a thumbs up, and you felt your nerves settle. The mediator gestured towards Dr. Dimples, and he stood as someone passed him a microphone.
"That was a lovely presentation, Miss [L/n]," he began in a pleasant baritone, eyes crinkling into a warm smile. You felt your face flush despite yourself, and distractedly wondered if you had a thing for older men. "The ocean is vast, and often some findings can be exclusive to a specific area. How has this been accounted for in your research?"
"Great question," you began brightly, relaxing as you realized this was something you could answer quite easily. You smiled at the man as you continued. "You are correct, hard numbers did vary amongst different samples, but…"
You were able to answer every other inquiry just as easily, and you felt your confidence build with each response. What you didn't notice was the way Dr. Kim's smile had faded, and the way his jaw clenched every time you smiled at someone who wasn't him.
"Wonderful job, [y/n]," murmured Dr. Kim quietly when you took your seat next to him.
You felt your body heat up at his praise, and you couldn't help but beam at him. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but you couldn't help it, high off adrenaline and triumph and your professor's approval. He gave a quiet chuckle at the way you were practically vibrating next to him, setting a warm hand on your knee to settle you down before the next presentation.
You tried not to read too much into it, especially since his touch vanished as quickly as it arrived, but it was impossible. Instead of paying attention, you spent the entirety of the next talk hyper-aware of his presence beside you, daydreaming about what it might have felt like if he had kept his hand there.
Would it have stayed innocently in place for the entire presentation? Maybe his fingers would have drawn absent-minded patterns against your stockinged skin as he listened to the lecturer, clueless to the effect he was having on you. Or perhaps he would have dragged those digits teasingly up your thigh, to rest just shy of where you wanted him most.
With a start, you realized the lights had flicked back on and everyone around you was applauding. Holy shit, had you just spent an entire twenty minute presentation daydreaming about your professor's hand not even actually touching you? You shifted in your seat uncomfortably to ease the ache between your legs, realizing your underwear had grown uncomfortably damp.
"Are you alright?"
Hearing Dr. Kim's husky voice, breath hot against your ear, was certainly not helping the state of your body. You squirmed again, too embarrassed to meet his eyes, and thus unable to see the way they flashed darker when he saw your thighs clench.
"J-just a little tired," you mumbled, looking anywhere but at your beautiful, concerned professor. You had literally just promised him earlier that you wouldn't be weird, and here you were fantasizing right next to him. You were the worst.
"It does get a little tiring to sit through talk after talk," he whispered conspiratorially, voice laced with humor. "Did you know that once I fell asleep and woke myself up by snoring during a lecture?"
You giggled in spite of yourself, picturing a cute Dr. Kim with his mouth open, a hint of drool at the corner of those plump lips.
"Are you sure you should be telling me that?" you asked with a grin, finally able to look straight at him and immediately regretting it when his smile pierced your heart. "You're a bad influence, professor."
Something in his eyes shifted at your words, and though his smile didn't change you suddenly felt exposed under his gaze as he responded.
"You have no idea."
Objectively, the conference was going incredibly well. You had absolutely killed your presentation, and Seokjin was currently watching from afar with a glass of wine as you mingled with the other conference-goers. While he had been with you initially, introducing you to a few colleagues here and there, he had backed off to let you handle things on your own. It was important for you to network, and having him hovering over you as if you couldn't speak for yourself would do you no favors.
Even if he absolutely hated it.
He took a long sip of the burgundy liquid, letting it slide down his throat as he watched Namjoon fucking Kim, marine biologist and wunderkind, introduce himself. Seokjin tried not to read into the excited way you answered whatever question he had posed, or the way you flushed when the man aimed his deadly dimples in your direction. He had no right to feel this way, no claim to your smiles or laughter or – why the fuck was he touching you?
"Dr. Kim!"
The surprised cry brought him back to reality, and he realized that his hand was wet with a mixture of wine and blood. There was glass stabbing into his palm and yet he could barely feel it over the rage eating at his chest.
"Oops," he said with a forced chuckle as one of the caterers rushed towards him with a cloth napkin. "I guess I don't know my own strength."
His colleague relaxed slightly at his nonchalance, giving an awkward snort as he took a sip of his own glass.
"I swear, you take absent-minded academic to a whole new level," he teased. Anything further was interrupted when you arrived, somehow beating the caterer.
"Professor!" you exclaimed, looking worried and frantic as you grabbed his hand, uncaring of the glass around your feet. Seokjin glanced at where you had come from, and saw Namjoon Kim staring after you looking more than a little disappointed. Another surge of irritation ran through him. Didn't he know you were way too young for him?
"Do you have a first-aid kit?" you asked the employee who had finally arrived, grabbing the napkin from him without asking and holding it gently beneath Jin's bleeding hand. The roaring in his chest faded to a muted buzz at the tender way you were touching him, careful not to dislodge any of the glass piercing his skin.
"Not here," squeaked the employee, staring wide-eyed at the red dripping to the floor and looking a little green around the edges. "Each room has one though."
"Let's go," you ordered, looking Seokjin straight into the eyes with an adorably determined expression. He couldn't help but humor you, and gave a nod to his colleague before letting you tow him out of the conference hall and into an elevator.
"What happened?" you asked softly, still holding his hand face-up, staring wide-eyed at the lacerations on his skin. What had happened? He had just been watching you, when that man had fucking set his hand on your lower back, and –
He realized that his hand had tried to clench into a fist and he forced himself to relax.
"I'm not sure," he replied, saved from further questioning when the elevator dinged and the doors swished open.
"You should be more careful," you scolded cutely, pulling him down the hall and fumbling with the keycard for your - our, hissed Jin's brain - hotel room. You dragged him into the bathroom, seating him on the covered toilet as you opened drawers until you found what you were looking for. He watched in amused interest as you pulled a first-aid kit from under the sink, utterly endeared by how you were acting like you were in charge.
You frowned when you opened it, ordered him to stay put as you left the bathroom, then returned with some dainty tweezers.
"Are those for your eyebrows?" he asked in amusement, making you scowl at the clearly lacking first-aid kit.
"Yes," you responded primly before kneeling next to him and taking his bleeding hand in a tender grip that made his heart stutter. "Now be quiet and let me concentrate."
Why did you have to be so fucking cute when you tried to be bossy? You began plucking glass from his palm, attention completely absorbed by your task, and he took the opportunity to drink you in without interruption.
You really were too beautiful for your own good, Jin mused with a mixture of admiration and despair. His eyes trailed over the scrunch of your brow, the slopes of your cheeks, and your pursed lips in a soft caress his hands itched to make a reality. He was only torn away from his silent worship when you clucked your teeth and tugged him to the sink to rinse his hand.
"I think I got everything," you said in a fretful voice that made him want to kiss the worry off your face. "How does it feel?"
"Fine," Jin assured you. He felt better than fine, honestly. The pain in his hand was nothing compared to the euphoria of your skin on his own, or the way your attention was on him and him alone.
"Okay, good," you murmured with a smile, smearing his hand with something that made him hiss. Your expression dropped in an instant, though you wasted no time grabbing a roll of bandages. You wrapped the white cloth around his palm in gentle, almost reverent hands, and peeked up at his face when you were done.
"All set," you said quietly, looking at him tentatively, your hands still holding his in a soft, warm grip. Jin swallowed as he gazed back, completely captivated. You were perfect, a lovely blossom just waiting to be plucked by some uncaring hand. But he couldn't.
Then you smiled, and he decided that hell was worth it if it meant that look was reserved for him and him alone, if he could keep you from those who wouldn't treasure you the way you deserved. Especially undeserving predators like Namjoon Kim.
"Not quite," he heard himself say, almost as if he were underwater. You cocked your head at him, confused, and he grinned as the dark vines inside of him cut through the final strands of his self-control. "I hear kisses help speed up the healing process."
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andromeda4004 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @carry-the-sky, thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 (8 by the weekend!)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Good Omens at this point, not that I don't enjoy others. But the more I give myself permission to write for fandoms, the less likely I am to ever get around to finishing off my own OCs' story.
Top five fics by kudos:
Morningstar Abbey (Regency AU, T rated, 116K)
Mission: Ineffable (spy action AU, M rated, 25K)
Vaster than Empires (non-angsty S3, E rated, 5K)
The Serpent of the Loch (historical crack, T rated, 8K)
Antoinette (1920s wives AU, T rated, 118K)
Do you respond to comments?
As much as possible, although it does sometimes take me a while. I prefer to do them at my laptop than on my phone (typing is quicker) so sometimes I catch them up in a batch.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be The Truth I cannot Speak, a post-1827 Edinburgh diary entry from Aziraphale where he reflects on all the things he cannot tell Crowley, and might not ever get the chance to now. That one has poetry!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I do tend towards the happy ending for preference, but I guess Morningstar Abbey would be happiest, since it ends drinking wine in the garden the day after the wedding 💕
Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, I haven't.
Do you write smut?
I do now! Vaster than Empires was the first E rated fic I've shared, and I have a new one coming out this weekend for the High Pollen Count sex pollen event.
Craziest crossover:
Mission: Impossible, probably! Although that's not a crossover, it's a human AU. I haven't written a classic crossover yet, and I don't know that I will, it's not quite my style.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I've only been doing this just over a year, so seems unlikely.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but one lives in hope!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I would love to! I do like beta reading and providing some collaborative suggestions when people are looking for them, so I suspect I'd enjoy formally co-writing something with an author I clicked with.
All time favorite ship?
It's got to be the Ineffable Husbands/Wives/Partners. The ship that keeps on giving!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I try to focus as much as possible when writing, to avoid having too many half-done works at once, so I don't have any WIPs which are languishing at the moment. Except for my original work, but that will get finished, just quite slowly!
What are your writing strengths?
Plots and dialogue. I like to tell a story, a whole thing, with lots of developed characters and psychology and subplots, which leads me to the weakness...
What are your writing weaknesses?
Stopping! All my fics end up longer than I was hoping because I can't stop writing them! And on the smaller scale, simple things like working out where to stop a scene, I just can't do it! Rather, I can because I've worked at it, but it has been effort to get better at this.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. I'm fluently bilingual, and have basic functional language skills in two or three more (or I do with a bit of warm-up!), but verbal is not the same as written, so I do try to get a native speaker to beta anything more than a word or two.
First fandom you wrote in?
In the beginning... the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Yep, first fandom I remember writing things for was H2G2, back in the 90s when everything was on paper. Although I have been in fanclubs since Discworld as a teenager and further back I think Redwall as a kid?
Favorite fic you've written?
No, don't make me pick! They're all lovely! Although probably Mission: Ineffable, because I'm currently enjoying revisiting that AU to work on a sequel.
tagging! (no pressure!): @afrenchwriter @sabotage-on-mercury @suavissimapenna @hotcrosspigeon @homemadeapplecider @voluptatiscausa and anyone else who sees this and wants to play :)
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corn-fanfiction · 7 months
SAVIOUR COMPLEX (Mark Hoffman X F!Reader Pt. 11)
(Pt. 10) (Pt. 12)
Rated: E
Tags/TWs: sm*t (p+v penetration) dom!reader and sub!Mark if you squint/ aftercare/ language/ past abuse/ PAST ABUSE TRIGGERS/ coffinshipping if you squint???/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader's life is complicated/ Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/ Detective Gibson is A MAJOR TW
Despite his proud and possessive disposition, Mark hasn't had something that was only his. He never had John's approval, not like Amanda did. He even suspects that John was working towards getting rid of him, but died before he could carry out the act himself.
Perhaps that's why there is a potential third apprentice.
Yes, Ted deserved to be in a trap. But again, coincidences…
Mark doesn't sleep. All he can do is watch you breathe, your mouth slightly parted, hair falling in your face despite the fact that he brushes it back each time. Despite your big personality, you manage to curl up so small next to him. Like any part of you that isn't in his reach is in danger. The thought makes his stomach knot. You feel safe with him- you ever feel unsafe at all.
He can't explain it. He hasn't had any semblance of a genuine connection since Strahm and that was…well, not this. A hateful connection, a hunting and hunted connection. Exhilaration for both of them. But you. He's ready to do anything for you. He knows he'll have to.
He hates leaving you in the morning but you shower together, may or may not fool around before he dresses and heads to his destination for the day.
He walks out the door right as Gibson pulls up. Part of him feels guilty that you'll have to more than likely have a conversation with him in the car, but another part of him takes pleasure in Gibson knowing. Knowing that he's back in the saddle and that has you. Back in full control.
Mark and Gibson pass each other in silence but with even stares. When Mark gets into his car, he sees in the rearview mirror Gibson leaning against his cruiser, staring off.
Mark drives to the hospital, presents his badge at the front desk. The nice lady points him to an elevator for the third floor. Ah, Mark thinks, he's moved offices.
The nameplate is unmistakable: Dr. Lawrence Gordon, Chief of Surgery.
Mark raps at the door.
“Come in.”
He does. Lawrence doesn't look up at first until Mark closes the door behind him. When he does, Lawrence does a very good job of hiding his surprise. Not good enough, though.
“Dr. Gordon,” Mark greets, extending a hand. Gordon takes it. “Good to meet you. I'm-”
“Detective Mark Hoffman. Yes, I know. You've been on the Jigsaw case. You saved that little girl, yes?”
Mark wonders if Gordon would know all that if he weren't a suspect. As a survivor himself, Gordon may just keep up with the news.
“All part of the job. I was wondering if I could get your insight, being a survivor and all.”
Gordon smiles, clasps his hands together and leans forward.
“Of course. Ask away.”
Mark knows that this is the time to sit, but he isn't going to. He's going to tower over Gordon for as long as he can.
“I know it's been years, and I know you've been asked about a thousand times, but is there anything else you remember about that night? Anything that you didn't report, or might have come up after the fact?”
Gordon shakes his head. “I'm afraid not, Detective, though I've spent many a night toiling over it. I blacked out, got only flashes. By this point we know it was John Kramer that took me.”
They stare at each other for a moment.
It's him. It has to be.
“Well, some information is better than no information. I'll let you get back to your job, but take my card.”
Hoffman hands Gordon one of his business cards and Gordon takes it with a tight nod and a smile. Hoffman turns to leave but snaps and spins around like he just had an idea.
“Almost forgot. Would you happen to know a Jill Tuck?”
Once again, Gordon's good. But not good enough. He pretends to think.
“The name is familiar. Why?”
“John Kramer's widow.”
“Ah! Yes, perhaps long ago when Mr. Kramer was receiving treatment here. But not since.”
“And she's made no attempt to contact you?”
“Not that I'm aware of.”
Mark lets it sit, then smiles.
“Thanks, Doc. I'll let you get back to it. But don't hesitate to call if you think of anything.”
Mark gives it a half second longer before leaving the room, not seeing the frown that breaks onto Gordon's face.
Just because he's off the case doesn't mean Mark can't look through the Jigsaw case files. His fingers flit through the folders in the filing cabinet before finding Gordon's file. And, for good measure, he grabs Jill's as well. His eyes linger for a moment on Amanda's, but he decides to leave it.
As he is leaving, Gibson enters the room and they bump into each other. Mark takes a patient step back and a deep breath. Gibson seems to do the same.
“Hoffman. Welcome back.”
“Good to be back.”
A beat. Gibson notices the folder.
“Whatcha got there?”
Mark knows he can't bullshit this.
“Couple of case files from the Jigsaw case.”
Gibson steps past Mark and into the records room.
“Now Mark, I'm pretty sure you're off the Jigsaw case.”
“Don't get cute. I'm allowed to access files same as you or anyone else.”
“But it don't look good, does it?”
“Why don't you let me worry about that.”
Gibson sort of meanders around, but catches Mark before he leaves.
“You know, I was pissed when I heard you were back. I won't lie. Might've even scared your girlfriend a little. Don't worry, I apologized.”
Mark grinds his teeth and turns back to face Gibson.
“Did it slip your fucking mind that I saved your life? That I was there that night?”
“Of course I remember and I'm grateful. But here's the thing. I still think you're a brash, arrogant son of a bitch that doesn’t know what he’s got.” Hoffman’s face must change because Gibson chuckles. “Not like that. Your job. You think it’s all guaranteed. And as soon as it wasn’t you were scrambling around like a kid who just got grounded.”
“Some would call that corrected behavior.”
“And those people are stupid. I see you, Hoffman. And I don’t know what you’re hiding, but it’s something.”
Fed up but refusing to cause a scene, Mark approaches Gibson who stands his ground. Mark dips his head down.
“If all of that were true, do you really think it would be a good idea to fuck with me about it?”
Gibson is quiet, but his eyes tell Mark everything he needs to know. He certainly suspects something, even if he’s not quite sharp enough to know what straws he’s grasping at. Either way, he’s becoming a problem that Mark can’t get rid of with violence. He needs to do it quietly.
When Gibson remains silent, Mark stalks from the room, that arrogant son of a bitch smile playing on his lips.
Of course the drive from home to work is uncomfortable. Not because Gibson says anything (and thank everloving fuck he doesn't) but because the tension of both of you knowing he knows is unbearable.
He doesn't even say anything when he drops you off, just drives away when you're out of the car. At this point, shrugging your bag up your shoulder, you begin to doubt his handling of the whole situation. So what? You and Mark are sleeping together. How is that any of his business.
You figure at this point that Gibson is determined to make an enemy of Mark for whatever reason and that you have nothing to do with it (you hope).
It's more the same at work. Now that things have started to settle, Mark has his job back, you finally got dicked down right- the restaurant almost seems too monotonous. Despite the public perception of waitressing you actually enjoy it. Sometimes it makes you want to tear your hair out, but you like the people and the constant running. Anytime you sit still is a time to stew. Probably why you still can't quite nail the knitting.
You get a corner booth. A kind looking woman- in her 40’s likely. Long and curly blonde hair, wide smile, and she makes eye contact as you approach.
“Heya friend! Welcome to Malone's. Can I get you started with something to drink?”
Your intro is rote at this point but the enthusiasm seems to get to the woman.
“Oh, sure! Nonsweet tea?”
“No problem. Lemon?”
“Alright. Be right back.”
You return to the alley and lament the fact that opening staff didn't label the tea jugs- again. You hate tea either way but force yourself to test one of the containers in a small styrofoam cup. You force yourself to not spit it out. Yep, that one is sweetened.
You get the drink and return it to the woman. She thanks you, smoothing out a napkin on her lap, and tucks her hands under her chin.
“Alrighty, you have any questions, or you ready to order?”
“Gosh, can I just say that you're so refreshing?”
You smile and blush. “Oh wow, thanks. Just part of the job.”
“Oh, don't I know it. It's that way in my job, too.”
You lean against the empty seat across her.
“What do you do?”
“I work at an emergency clinic.”
“Oh wow. Well thanks for your work. I can’t even imagine.”
“Well, good days and bad days, and I’m sure you get that. Anyway, can I get a Cobb salad, please?”
“Yeah, for sure. Anything else?”
“No, thanks.”
You smile at her and leave her table, punching in her order and continue through your section. You smile to yourself. It’s refreshing to meet nice people.
Gibson takes you home per usual. You wish that, all things considered, Mark could cart you back and forth. But off the case, you both know he could get in trouble for crossing lines.
Gibson notices your unusually chipper behavior.
“Good day?”
You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “Actually? Yeah. Better than the usual, anyway.”
He kind of huffs. It sets you weird, so you give him a look. He side eyes you, then sighs.
“Why are you a waitress, anyway? Seems like you’ve got enough of a brain to do something better for yourself.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m just saying. It’s not an insult. I would just think with your pride that you’d do something else. Something more worthwhile.”
Oh, and that lights you up with indignation. If you weren’t so livid, you’d notice that this is unusual for, despite his occasional personality shifts.
But you don’t think that. You think about slapping the shit out of him.
“Fucking excuse me? You ever work in the service industry?”
Gibson chuckles in condescension. “Worked my old man’s auto shop in high school. What’s your point?”
“Day in and day out, I have to deal with people. Face to face, throughout the entire exchange. It takes every bit of personality, smarts, and looks as well. You know I get tipped better when I wear a certain bra? Like my tits have anything to do with my job performance?”
“Sounds like they’re linked-”
“You don’t ever, ever get to comment on my life. Ever. I’ve let it slide when you’re shitty about Mark, but say another fucking word about my job, or my apartment, or anything else and I’ll give you a reason to arrest me. Got it?”
You’re the kind of angry that has your heart pounding in your ears, the kind that fogs your mind over until all you can manage are the venomed words that spew from your lips. You know you’re red and you know you look like you mean it, because Gibson is watching you very seriously.
You don’t begin to come down until he pulls over and puts the car in park, and even then the fury is just replaced by paralyzing fear.
He’s gonna hurt you. He’ll take you into the woods and kill you.
Gibson turns to face you in the driver’s seat. Even though it’s purely because of the fear, you can at least keep his gaze and not crumble under it.
“Don’t ever threaten me again.”
Your next words are stupid.
“Or what?”
His fingers hook your jaw into a vice grip and any composure flees from your body as survival kicks in. You shoot out hands to free yourself but Gibson gets those as well with his free hand, caging them into the console. You wince at the force.
“I don’t know where you get off by being a stuck up bitch. You and Mark really are a match made in heaven.”
You try to move out of his bruising grip but you can’t.
“What did I do? What did I do???”
Maybe your panic and its root finally hits him because he releases you with a push.
“I just don’t like people that squander potential. To have opportunity and not use it.”
You shake and hold your chin, then narrow your eyes at him.
“…you sound like Jigsaw.”
He laughs. “Now that’s a laugh. If anyone of us would be Jigsaw, it would be Hoffman.”
You roll your eyes. You feel the banter trying to creep back in, but he put his hands on you. He hurt you.
“Don’t even joke about that.”
“Why? It lines up. You’ve never thought about it?”
No, you hadn’t. But as soon as he says it you know it’s all you’ll think about.
Mark comes over. You order pizza and sit on the couch, watching old horror movies with your legs slung across his lap. You get distracted occasionally by the way the blue light of the tv cuts across his face in the otherwise dark room. He doesn’t look any different- not in the literal sense. But he looks…domestic. He’s distracted. Vulnerable.
You yearn.
You swing your legs off his lap and crawl over to him. He’s surprised- not by the immediately movement but more by the dip in the couch next to him, and he doesn’t even look over until you’re kneeling beside him. When he notices you, finally, he gives you a smirk and narrows his eyes.
“What’re you doing?”
“I like you in this light,” you murmur. You swing a knee across to straddle his lap. Your nails rake through his hair and he hums in appreciation.
“Oh yeah? What do you like so much about it?”
“You look…sweet.”
Sweeter than-
“Sweet enough to eat.”
You bury your face in his neck and plant warm, wet kisses against his pulse. Hands roam from your sides to your ass, cupping the plump flesh there, leaving dimples with his thick fingers. You take a risk: bare your teeth. Nip at the sensitive skin under his jaw. He gasps and you lick away the quick pain with a stroke of your tongue. Between both your clothes and can feel his hardness growing.
“You want me to do something about that?”
You ghost your lips across his and cup the crotch of his pants; he bucks against your palm.
“Want nothin’ more.”
As if you needed to hear it. You slip off your sweats, undo his belt and pull down his pants. You grope blindly behind you on the coffee table where you know his wallet is and where, inside, you know is a condom. You don’t bother with your panties; you free his cock from the confines of his boxers and give him a few languid strokes, rolling on the condom, before pulling aside the fabric between your legs. You brace one hand on his shoulder and use the other to lower yourself down. You bottom out with a low groan and he tosses his head back against the couch.
When he tries to move, you put a hand against his chest.
“Wait-” you say, and he stills. Slow breaths. Focus on the feeling of being filled and the pressure of it. Your walls, begging for friction. His cock, twitching inside of you just yearning for movement.
He jerks on accident and you both moan. Breaths growing shallower. The urge gnashing and fighting to break from you both.
You think of Gibson’s fingers pressing against bone, of Ted’s hands marking every inch of you. Too long you’ve waited. Too much being bottled and refused and no, no more. Something has to change. Someone has to change.
With a purpose stronger than you could have expected, you roll your hips once, then twice, and Mark seems to let everything go before he takes your movement as a sign to start. And he doesn’t waste any time, grabbing onto your hips and bouncing you up and down, each impact hitting you deliciously and spanning stars across your eyes, electrifying your skin.
You dare to open your eyes. The muscles in his neck, the animalistic way his face contorts and the sounds he makes. If you weren’t so convinced of his feelings for you, you’d be afraid he’ll split you open.
It would be Hoffman.
But the thought blows like a candle as you cum, your hands flying desperately to find purchase on any part of him and he continues his movements. The overstimulation is driving you mad and you dig into his skin. When he cums, it sends you into a second orgasm.
You can’t help but chase the high and it isn’t until he stills your hips that you stop moving.
“Hey, hey hey,” he whispers, his voice thick and husky. You sigh, drop your head against his shoulder and whimper as you lift and then seat yourself next to him. He kisses your shoulder, maneuvers your body to cradle into his side.
“You okay?” He murmurs into your hair. A hand rests gently on your other shoulder and a thumb circles your skin.
“Are you?”
“Of course. But that was…”
Panic spikes through from your stomach to your mouth and you turn on him.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, I’m sorry. I don’t know-“
“Hey,” he shushes you with a kiss. “You didn’t do a damn thing wrong. You’re safe, I’m safe. We’re safe together, get it?”
“I just- I’m so…”
Gibson’s assault on you is not ideal pillowtalk. But you also know that if Mark finds out, when he finds out, he’ll kill Gibson. But then, he knows something is off, and when he asks why, how are you supposed to lie?
“Hey, where’d you go?”
You blink and you’re back.
“I just needed…to control it. You know? So much.”
He brushes fingertips against your temple to brush some hair away.
“Can you tell me why?”
No. You’d never live again. No matter what you’ve seen or what you think. Everything would be lost.
And even among the hyperbole your chin still throbs with the memory of Gibson’s fingers.
You shake your head.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Did something happen? Something else?”
Mark’s fingers trace a little too closely to your chin so you sit up. Shake your head. Sigh.
“I’m sorry. I’m just tired.”
He opens his arms for you so you rest your head against his chest and tuck up your knees.
What’s happening to you? Your thoughts become fragmented and you can’t get a word out before your brain resets. You start to regret the evening. You start to regret the day.
“It’s not you,” you whisper.
“I know.”
You want to tell him. You have to tell him.
You’re blowing things out of proportion.
No. That’s how it always starts.
“Something happened today.”
Mark doesn’t say anything but you feel him stiffen.
“I was riding home with Gibson-“
He flexes his fingers, takes deep breaths and forces his muscles to relax.
“We got into a fight and- he grabbed me. Not hard-“ liar. “But on my chin. It’s not a big deal, but it’s too much like…”
He can’t take it. He relinquishes some of his restraint and pulls you closer to him.
“You can’t hurt him. You’ll lose your job.”
“Better my job than you.”
The words sound so natural coming from him that you don’t register their gravity.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“No,” he says. “You’re not.”
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27dragons · 10 months
I was tagged by the amazing @rebelmeg
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Ooh, fun! Okay. A lot of these are going to overlap, I suspect, so I'll pull the first fic on each list that hasn't already been shared. Also, since most of my most popular fics were co-written with tisfan, I'll do two fics for each category, one for solo and one for co-written.
Most Hits
Solo: Smaller Without You - Marvel, Steve/Tony, rated T (Soulmate AU)
Co-written: Winter is Coming - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (canon divergent, first in a series)
Most Kudos
Solo: (skipping SWY) The Roommate Situation - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, Found Family)
Co-written: Safe and (the) Sound - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, Found Family, first in a series)
Most Comments
Solo: From Winter's Cold - Marvel, Bucky/Steve/Tony, rated E (canon divergent)
Co-written: (skipping SatS and WIC) Forever Home - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (No-powers, Werewolf!Bucky AU, first in a series)
Most Bookmarks
Solo: (skipping SWY and TRS) Murderers and Thieves - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (canon divergent, first in a series)
Co-written: (skipping WIC, SatS, and FH) Lightning in a Bottle - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (fantasy, dragon!Tony AU)
Most Words
Solo: (skipping FWC, M&T, several collections of shorts written for bingos or imaginetonyandbucky, and a LOT of co-written stuff) His Second Suitor - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (A/B/O, no-powers AU)
Co-written: (skipping WIC) Bucky Barnes Got Married - Marvel, Bucky/Tony, rated E (no-powers AU, time travel shenanigans)
Fewest Words (skipping drabbles, because there's a bunch of those)
Solo: Crushed - Marvel, Bucky/Steve, rated T (canon divergence, also the first thing I ever posted on AO3)
Co-written: Taste of Regret - Marvel, Clint & Nat, rated T (canon divergence, probably?)
Hm, whomst shall I tag? Let's go with the most recent authors in my AO3 History whose tumblr IDs I know: @delta-pavonis , @holistic-alcoholic , @limerental , @iam93percentstardust , @moorishflower, @softest-punk, and @dsudis
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Wyler Fanfiction Rec List Part 2
For @ourloveisdahliaoh, here’s part 2 of that rec list I said I’d make.
My Monster by Wyler4Lifer
Summary: None
Words: 3,721 Chapters: 2/? Rated: E
There’s no summary for this fic and it breaks my heart that it might be overlooked because it is so much fun. I’ve talked about how delightful this fic is to my friends irl and how much fun it is to see Gomez pick up himself a pet hyde and Wednesday to find Tyler fucking Galpin in her house being dressed like a purse dog by her father who is excited about his new beast. The family meeting and harboring Tyler is so good.
Who is in Control? by green_writer
Summary: “Please, flattery will get you nowhere,” Wednesday says, holding her ground as he stalks towards her.
Tyler grips her lapels, jostling her roughly forward. She watches his face, the Hyde lurking just underneath the surface, wonders how much control he has, how much of the boy she met at the Weathervane is still there. She’s reminded of the last time he got up in her face like this, gloating about his kills at the Sherriff’s office. The rage that his little monologue had inspired deep in her gut. That he could deceive her so easily, not just covering his own tracks but misguiding her towards a wholehearted conviction that Xavier was the Hyde. She had felt stupid and small and entirely disgusted with herself. He would have to pay.
What if Wednesday, not Enid, had gone against Tyler in the woods in episode 8?
Or - How to Discipline Your Hyde 101.
Words: 10,781 Chapters: 3/3 Rated: E
I’m sorry. Did you say smut? Because this is 3 chapters full of Wednesday fucking Tyler from the cockroach scene onwards. green_writer understood the fucking assignment. 100/10. Will read again.
Friendly Neighborhood Phantom by ThatOneAntiHero
Summary: Strange murders, a mysterious ghost boy, a missing teenager, and numerous suspects.
Maybe Wednesday Addams was going to stay at Nevermore longer than she expected.
Words: 8,447 Chapters: 3/? Rated: M
I swear i felt like the three spidermen meme when i saw this. I had just rediscovered “Sex with a ghost” and had thought of my own haunting au and then i read this and i’m so happy. It’s dead amnesiac tyler investigating with Wednesday who can see him and it’s amazing. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter.
Kiss Me Before It’s Too Late by JHoeUNeed2Stop
Summary:  Tyler & Wednesday's last encounter told differently.
More spicy.
Words: 2,090 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: M
It’s another cockroach scene where Enid doesn’t cockblock and I am having such a good time with each and every one of them. JHoe is making the world a better place.
my unconquerable soul by melpomenemuse
Summary: “Who is your master?” she asks dispassionately. 
Wednesday doesn’t care who Tyler’s master is. An objective part of her does, the one that wants a satisfactory conclusion to her novel, but the only thing she cares about right now is this: Tyler has a master.
And it isn’t her.
Or: an insight into Wednesday and Tyler’s relationship through the season finale and post Season 1.
Words: 16,983 Chapters: 13/? Rated: M
The amount of want between these two is delicious. Wednesday seething at the idea that Laurel touched him first is just *chef’s kiss*
Tipsy Truth Telling by Realmermaid333
Summary: Wednesday never thought she’d get drunk, she thought being drunk was for immature fools who couldn’t control themselves— that was until she went to Yoko’s party. 
Words: 2,675 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
This is just fun. It’s so much fun. @realmermaid333 is such a gift and I’m so happy I got the privilege of encouraging this in the server. Drunk Wednesday is exactly what I need to brighten my day with some silly little low stakes shenanigans.
Finding Dr. Jekyll by its2014again
Summary: “A Hyde is just a puppet, their mind brainwashed by the puppet-master. To reverse the damage, you have to delve into their subconscious. You have to find the Jekyll beneath the Hyde."
After 30 days in prison, Tyler still won't talk. He won't talk to his father, to the doctors, or to his therapist. Maybe this has something to do with being chained to a chair - or maybe it's because the only person he will speak to... is Wednesday.
Words: 8,154 Chapters: 5/? Rated: NR
Riddles and brainwashing and attraction oh my! The latest chapter had me on the edge of my seat and i highly recommend you all read this fic to see exactly what I mean
a crack run down right the front of me by Morbidmuch
Summary: Tyler's teeth are bright in his paint-splattered face.
“Red looks good on you.”Wednesday doesn't know what to reply when he says things like that: things like I mean it, Wednesday, you look beautiful and I knew there was a reason I liked you. It's all too much and the stone walls protecting her center quiver. Traitors.
Words: 2,194 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
what a wonderful dance au and there’s talking and emotions and Wednesday being Wednesday.
the simulation we’re dreaming in by angelconstellations
Summary: If the blood-paint hadn't rained and the dance had continued...
Set during ep 4. What might have happened if the prank didn't happen and Wednesday didn't have her vision to go after Eugene.
Words: 1,789 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
a what if they actually finished their date at the dance au and i love it to pieces.
Ennui vs. Wednesday Addams by Klyson
Summary: Tyler had always known he was better than everyone else. He couldn’t make it a reality yet, but someday he’d get out of this backwater hellhole called Jericho and make himself great.
His mother’s death throws a bit of a wrench in his plans, and so does the beast he can morph into and the woman who dares call herself his “master”. She will die for that… someday. Until then, though, at least she isn’t boring.
And then Wednesday Addams comes barreling into his life.
Tyler is a sociopath or something and Wednesday is much more interesting than Laurel Gates.
Words: 15,821 Chapters: 3/6 Rated: E
This is one of my absolute favorites. Seeing Tyler growing up and meeting Wednesday? I love leaning more into the “sociopath finds love” plot. it’s a favorite au of mine.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Do you have any favorite short fics? Not one shots but in the 10 chapter range/ under 100k words? I’m thinking of something like the fever or animal instincts but I didn’t see any tags for mid length stories
WANDS OUT! - persephone_stone - M, 10 chapters - Albus Dumbledore appeared to have the perfect life: a successful career as a novelist, a loving family, and a dedicated staff. But when he is found dead of an apparent suicide on the morning of his 90th birthday, the life that seemed so perfect from the outside begins to unravel at the seams. With a team of investigators on the case, a greater mystery than any Albus could have written begins to unfold, full of lies, secrets, and murder. There’s only one thing to be sure of: everyone is a suspect. Join your favorite HP characters on a manic murder mystery romp, adapted from the Rian Johnson movie Knives Out! Note: Reading this will not spoil the movie, and having seen the movie will not spoil the story. I invite you to enjoy both!
Ten out of Ten by morriganmercy - E, 16 chapters, Words: 61,559 - "On a scale of one to ten, how comfortable would you say you are with me physically?“ she asked. "Zero." Hermione’s lips pursed in annoyance because she really should have seen that coming. How charming that the extent of his arseholery could still surprise her.In which Hermione is determined to find a loophole to free her from a forced marriage with Draco Malfoy. But with only two weeks until they are legally required to consummate, it would be irresponsible not to prepare for every contingency.
Her Beauty and the Moonlight by BrilliantLady - M, 11 chapters - When Harry helps Hermione find out the horrible truth - that Ron has been dosing her with love potions - she is furious. She is going to get her revenge on Ron in the most hurtful way she can think of – dating the one man he hates above all others.
Title:The Token Author: mezy Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Mystery, Drama Chapters: 21 Word Count: 59,748 Summary: Hermione has mysteriously disappeared. She is depending on Draco Malfoy to solve the mystery and save her life. But why him? They hadn’t spoken for years, even then they had never been friends. Of course, he did owe his life to her. She had his token to prove it. She could only hope that would be enough. **Please read AN for warnings. M for many reasons** DM/HG
Waters of the Horned God by ningloreth - MA, 2 Chapters - Auror Hermione Granger finds there’s much more to her new partner, Draco Malfoy, than meets the eye.
Title: The Awakening Author: CherryWolf-chan Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humor Chapters: 1 Word Count: 8,775 Summary: Mini-Weasley, I do hope you have a bloody good reason as to why you just barged into The Manor at four in the flaming morning and started screeching for my daughter-in-law!
Unbreakable - cleotheo - M, 28 chapters - When Hermione Granger gets pregnant in school she refuses to name the father of her unborn child to the Professors or her friends. Draco Malfoy knows the child is his and he’s busy planning on getting him, Hermione and their child safely away from his father, who is determined to make Draco take the dark mark and join the Death Eaters.
The Brewer and the Beast - Misdemeanor1331 - T, 8 chapters - Under the thrall of a full moon, werewolf Hermione Granger slaughtered twenty-three innocent people. Fifteen years later, discontented Potions Master Draco Malfoy interrupts her exile with one objective: to free her from the beast within.
Through the Years - WickedlyAwesomeMe - T, 11 chapters - Hermes Granger fervently believed that Malfoy’s sole purpose in life was to make his life a living  hell. Dramione! Male!Hermione Granger/Female!Draco Malfoy. Companion piece to “Library Rendezvous”.
Title:Don’t Tell Mum the Babysitter’s Draco Author: Rumaan Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, humor Chapters: 2 Word Count: 10,666 Summary: Harry’s in a bind. He’s meant to be babysitting the kids, but an emergency Ministry meeting means he has to turn to the least prepossessing of his Aurors for help. How will Hermione react?
Family Matters By: cleotheo - T, 12 chapters - Shortly after Lucius is released from Azkaban, Narcissa is attacked and ends up in hospital. Draco and Hermione return to the country to support his parents, and while Hermione is getting to know her father-in-law she also has to deal with seeing her friends for the first time in years.
Title: Doppelgangland Author: damnedscribblingwoman Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 9 Word Count: 25,545 Summary: All Hermione wanted out of her evening was to close up the pub in peace and quiet. That plan sort of went out the window when she was kidnapped by Draco Malfoy, who proceeded to drop a baby on her lap. Also known as the one that’s almost but not quite a Muggle AU.
I Carry Your Heart by TheMourningMadam - M, 14 Chapters - “I carry your heart with me…I carry it in my heart.“ Hermione and Draco are reluctantly married. Despite all of the adversities-their rocky past, his spiteful parents, their own pigheadedness-they grow to love one another deeply.
Wedding Bells By: cleotheo - M, 19 chapters - When Lily Potter announces her intention to marry Scorpius Malfoy, it brings her family back into contact with Hermione, whom they abandoned for getting involved with Draco. Will Lily also be abandoned by her family, or will they learn to accept the man she loves? Dramione and Scorpius/Lily.
Future Echoes By: cleotheo - T, 13 chapters - A weeks worth of lessons focusing on the futures of the seventh years culminates in a Potions lesson, designed to reveal how many children people will have in the future. However, an unfortunate accident brings six boys from the future into the present. Can Dumbledore and Snape return the boys to their own time before too many future secrets are exposed? Light-hearted short story.
Love Boat By: cleotheo - T, 15 chapters - An invite to Blaise and Daphne’s wedding means Draco will be in the same place as an obsessed Astoria. In a bid to keep Astoria at bay, Draco ropes his best friend, Hermione, into attending the wedding as his girlfriend. Will the charade turn into reality, or will the smitten couple refuse to acknowledge their real feelings for one another and remain just friends?
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weeklyreadings · 2 years
Week 34
Dwelling on Dreams by @the-sinking-ship
Rated E. 136k. Drarry
Draco thought he could avoid Potter for the duration of his brief return to England. He’d stick to his schedule and be back home in Paris, where he belonged, in a few short months. No trouble at all. He had plenty to occupy him, what with the opening of the London branch of his successful apothecary, his innovative research, drinks with Pansy, a backlog of unread potions periodicals. Except Head Auror Potter is everywhere — in Draco's chair, at his door, in his dreams. All six feet of motorbike-riding, combat-boot-wearing, sex-hair-sporting Saviour of the World packed into one unfairly fetching uniform. Potter won’t leave Draco the bloody hell alone, won’t let him breathe, let him forget, let him sleep. Because no matter how fast Draco Malfoy runs, Harry Potter is always hot on his heels.
A Kiss to Build a Dream On By @drarrily-we-row-along
Rated E. 23k. Drarry
Coming out of the war, Harry and Draco are both a little messed up. (Well, more than a little messed up if they're being honest, but no one is interested in that.) The first time it happens, they're making out and having sex in the alley behind the bar they both find themselves in, but that's just the beginning. Assigned as partners, once they become aurors, Draco finds himself drawn into Harry over and over again, in spite of the fact that he knows this can't last. How could it? Harry Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World and Draco Malfoy, Death Eater. It's preposterous.
Doxie Blood by @quietlemonhush
Rated E. 6k. Wolfstar
Sirius thinks he’ll never say it, and then he does.
Remus forces the issue of the safe word. He starts out patient, with logical reason. A safe word lets me trust that you want to keep going. A safe word ensures I never hurt you. A safe word keeps us both safe. Sirius fights him on every point, so finally Remus arches an eyebrow and walks away, and the next time Sirius tries to kiss him, he disapparates. Until we have a safe word, every word is no, Remus says.
So they have a safe word.
A Little Risk by @blitheringmcgonagall
Rated T. 103k. Wolfstar & Jily
an anti-fascist, murder mystery marauders AU - Remus is a Jewish detective in 1930s England, the Duke of Grimmauld is murdered and he is asked to investigate, Lily Evans as P.I. joins the case. Doctor Potter and the Duke’s eldest son are suspects. Who is the murderer??
Bolts by @lqtraintracks
Rated E. 115k. Drarry
Harry joins the Hogwarts staff as the new History of Magic Professor, while Draco has already been teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for the past year. When Samantha, a first year, is being bullied one day and throws a made-up Truth curse at her harasser, only to accidentally hit Harry instead, Harry becomes cursed to tell the truth, and not only that, he has to regularly tell it to Draco Malfoy. Samantha is clearly gifted, maybe the most powerful witch or wizard to ever come through Hogwarts, and yet she has no idea how to take the curse off. As they work to remove it—and also teach Samantha how to control a power that's becoming more dangerous by the day—will Harry's truths become too much to handle? And will whatever’s going on with Draco just make everything exponentially worse?
Slide Over Here (Give Me a Moment) by @phd-mama
Rated E. 5k. Drarry
Two men. One bed. A power outage. What will happen?
are you ready now? By @phd-mama
Rated E. 4k. Drarry
8th year. Truth or Dare.
109 notes · View notes
wrathfulrook · 8 months
Wrathling - Chapter 5
Series Rating: E
Ship: John Seed x Patience Ekner (deputy oc)
Word count: ~4.3k
Series masterlist
Read it on ao3.
Before she even realized she was awake, Patience realized she was in pain. Sharp, white-hot pain, and dull, thudding aches combined and bloomed into an exquisite blanket of full-body agony. And the realization of her pain quickly gave way to the memory of how she got it.
John fucking Seed.
She was going to kill him. Slowly and painfully, like he deserved.
Upon waking, her eyes remined shut, partly because opening them would take effort and strength she didn’t yet have, and partly because she suspected that light would cause the pain in her head to split apart her skull.
Also, she wouldn’t be at all surprised if her eyes were swollen shut.
As she mentally assessed her physical well-being, she slowly became aware of the sound of glasses clinking, footsteps shuffling, and a couple of hushed voices whispering. Patience realized she didn’t actually know where she was. The last thing she remembered was being in John’s bunker, and Joseph coming in. Following that scenario to its logical conclusion, she would expect to find herself in a cell, lying on cold, hard concrete, and listening to a background chorus of screams. Instead, she was lying on something soft and warm. A bed maybe? No, a couch. And the voices she heard were quiet, as if trying not to disturb her rest. Had she been rescued, then?
Joseph Seed’s voice quickly disabused her of that notion. “Where is Jacob?”
“I don’t know,” Faith Seed’s soft, lilting voice chimed in. “I spoke with him an hour ago, and he said he’d be here.”
As if on cue, heavy, thudding footfalls announced the soldier’s presence. “I’m here, I’m here, relax.”
Holy fuck, where the hell was she?
She pried one eye open and was greeted with the sight of tall wood walls, lots of natural light, and a taxidermy grizzly. Seed Ranch. Definitely not rescued, then.
A rapid scan of her surroundings revealed herself to be draped across John Seed’s leather sofa, a pillow tucked beneath her head, and a fur throw over her legs and belly. She was in clean clothes, her jeans and the “troublemaker” top she’d lifted from Lorna’s gone. Instead, she wore a pair of blue flannel pajama pants and an oversized white t-shirt. She didn’t know whose clothes they were or who had put her in them. Probably the same person who had bathed her. The blood that should be covering her was gone, and her long, dirty blonde hair was sprawled around her on the pillow, not pulled behind her in a braid as usual. Patience couldn’t imagine a single Peggie she would be comfortable having bathe or dress her unconscious form.
She gritted her teeth, but otherwise remained still, not wanting to alert the Seeds to the fact she was awake. The back of the sofa hid her from their view and vice versa. She didn’t know what to do, but staying silent and assessing the situation could only help. Probably.
“You’re late.”
“Well I’m here now, so what’s this all about? I’ve got trials to run and soldiers to train.”
Of course he did. Fucking lunatic. Patience heard the heavy scraping of a chair being dragged, followed by two thuds.
“Get your boots off my table! What is wrong with you?”
“John, please,” Joseph interrupted. “We have much to discuss.
“You all know the deputy is of great importance. But, I haven’t told you why. That’s because the Voice had not told me why. Until today.”
Faith gasped, and Patience rolled her closed eyes. She was certainly good at acting her part.
“The Voice spoke to me this morning, revealed a vision. It was as clear as any message I’d received before, clearer even. The deputy was walking towards me in the church…”
Sunlight filtered in through the tall, narrow windows of the church. The air smelled fresh, of pine and linens. The choir sang a soft song that he knew he knew, but couldn’t place. He didn’t focus on it, instead letting the peaceful notes wash over him. The congregation stood, as one, and faced the double doors at the back. They opened and she stepped in. The deputy.
She was the deputy, but she was so much more to him. He loved her, as a Father loved his child, but stronger than with his followers. He cared for her, her well-being, her happiness. She was his family. And it was about to become official.
She smiled shyly as she came up the aisle, demurely looking down so as to not meet the admiring gazes of the congregants. Her white dress fluttered around her with every step she took. Wisps of her dark blonde hair fell randomly, framing her face beautifully, as they came loose from the braided knot at the nape of her neck. She glanced up and her gray eyes briefly met his, shining with unshed tears of joy. The lightest flush tinged her freckled features. She was either nervous or excited – likely both. After all, it was her wedding day.
Her gaze settled on her intended and a wide, adoring smile took over her face. She looked beautiful, yes, but more importantly, she looked happy. Calm. Peaceful. He had never seen her look so unbothered, her features untwisted by rage. The comparison was stark, and he was glad. He was happy to have her officially join his family. He was happy for her and happy for his sibling.
As she came forward, head held high, love and joy alight in her every move, the sibling in front of him stood tall, confident, and happy. To the congregation, perhaps they looked at ease, but he knew them. He knew them better than almost anyone else, except, perhaps, the approaching deputy.
She took her place beside her soon-to-be-spouse, without a single glance his way. Good. She only had eyes for her beloved. The love he felt between the two of them was almost overwhelming. They would do anything, give anything, for each other. After having gone through so much, his sibling deserved this. To love and be loved…
One of the Seeds, either Jacob or John, audibly scoffed, saving her the trouble. Yeah fucking right. She’d marry a Seed when pigs in party hats flew out of her ass.
“You saw yourself officiating the deputy’s wedding? To one of us?” Faith asked, awe in her voice. No wonder Joseph kept her around. She was certainly good for his ego.
Joseph hummed in affirmation.
“I don’t know, Joe…” Jacob said.
“Do you doubt the Voice, brother? Have faith.”
Jacob did not reply.
“The deputy is important because she is to join our family. She will join herself to one of you. The question is who.”
“You don’t know who?” Faith asked.
“No. It is one of you. A specific one of you. It is preordained. But the Voice has not chosen to enlighten me which of you it is. John, you’ve been fairly quiet.”
“…It’s a lot to take in.” Ever political, that Seed.
Joseph hummed again. “Yes. It was surprising to me as well. But, we need to find out which of you is destined for her. We need you together as soon as possible if we are to get the deputy to love you. So, I’ll ask the most obvious question first: Do any of you have any existing desire to wed the deputy? Or any reason you would be opposed to marrying her?”
“Yeah, I can think of a few…” John mumbled. Joseph ignored him, though Patience felt he had a point.
She hated the Seeds and the Seeds hated her.
“Um,” Faith meekly began. “I tend to prefer men… But, if it’s just a marriage of convenience, I guess…”
“No. This marriage is to be based on love. So, it must be one of you,” Joseph said, addressing his brothers.
“Doesn’t matter who. Give her to me. I’ll get her in the chair and get her to love whoever we want,” Jacob offered.
Patience felt herself stiffen in a cold rush of fear. He wanted to brainwash her right into one of their beds. And she didn’t doubt that he could; she’d seen his handiwork.
“No,” Joseph said, far too calmly in her opinion, given the suggestion. “Mutual love. She will love you or John. And she will be loved in return. This is how she saves us. This is the final obstacle to our entering Eden.
“So I ask again: Do either of you want her?”
John snorted. “Not in the slightest.” She’d be offended if the feeling wasn’t entirely mutual.
“I’ll take her. She can stay with me at St. Francis for a bit and we’ll feel it out. I can’t promise any romance, but she’s easy enough on the eyes, so we’ll see how it goes.”
A slimy feeling of fear and disgust rushed through her body. She would not be going anywhere with that man.
“I think that’s a wise plan.” Ugh. She’d always hated Joseph.
She needed to go. Now. Before they shipped her to the vet center as a mail-order bride.
Patience shifted the blanket off of herself, slowly, quietly, and rolled herself onto the floor as stealthily as she could. Unfortunately, that wasn’t very much. As sore and painful as she was, her controlled descent to the rug turned out to be more of a flailing thud. She stifled an agonized groan, but it didn’t matter. The Seeds had gone silent upon hearing her hit the floor.
And suddenly they were above her.
“You don’t appreciate my hospitality?” John asked in that smarmy tone of his.
Joseph knelt beside her head and lightly pet her hair. “This is your destiny, my child. Do not be afraid. You must accept your role in the coming Collapse.”
Faith then bent down and blew a handful bliss into her face.
And as she lost consciousness, Jacob just stared at her, his arms folded and a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
“This is so exciting!” Faith called as she flitted about, kicking up the sandy soil of the runway.
John supposed it was exciting, in a way. The Collapse was coming at last, and they were that much closer to New Eden. Though, it was much easier for Faith to be excited, now that she was free and clear of having to marry the deputy. Whether or not she “preferred” men, John wasn’t sure. But he did know that she didn’t like them exclusively. He’d seen the way she’d eye up her priestesses. He couldn’t exactly blame her. But, unfortunately, he had too much evidence against him to use the same excuse with Joseph. So, despite his wishes, his hat was in the ring for the title of husband.
“I’m just glad she’ll be out of my hair for the time being,” John muttered.
Jacob laughed heartily at that and slapped him on the back a bit too roughly, jolting him forward as they walked along his property. “Happy to help.”
“Why did you?”
“Agree to take her,” John clarified.
His brother shrugged, nonchalant. “Didn’t see why not. She’s supposed to spend time with us both and, like I said, she’s not half bad to look at.”
John could admit the deputy was attractive. Just shorter than him, she had long, slim but muscular legs. Her skin was pale, almost unbelievably so considering how much time she must spend outside. Her time outdoors, though, would explain the shock of freckles coating her face, chest, and arms. Her hair was darker than his sister’s, but not quite brown, and very long, always braided out of her face. Her eyes were big and a cloudy gray color, he’d learned when taking her confession, not blue, as he’d previously assumed. Her figure was athletic, but her chest large, a trait he knew his brother shared his own admiration for. If he’d never met her, he’d love to spend a night in bed with her.
But this wasn’t a night in bed; this was marriage. And he had met her. She was a hellion. A murderer. A being made of pure wrath. He loathed her. He couldn’t picture himself, or Jacob, ever growing to love her. And he couldn’t picture a godless monster like herself ever loving anyone.
Yet Joseph claimed it was true. The Voice had shown him. And if this is what it took to get into New Eden, he hoped Jacob and the deputy managed to find love, and that his brother managed to temper that woman. Still, though, he’d want better for Jacob, and he told him as much.
He laughed at that and shook his head. “Why’s that? Decided you want her for yourself after all?”
John felt his nose and lip twitch in a snarl at the thought.
“Relax. I’ll take her. A pretty young wife that can hunt and fight? There’s worse women out there.”
John snorted in disbelief.
“Besides, I’m trying to find out the Whitetails’ position. The deputy on my side can only help that.”
“I can’t picture you loving her, though,” John said.
“I don’t really believe in love, Johnny. And I don’t think it matters.”
“But Joseph said-“
Jacob raised a hand to silence him. “I know what he said. But as long as I can get her on my side, and we like each other enough to coexist without bloodshed, I think that’s enough.”
John wasn’t sure he agreed.
“I can’t really imagine wrath incarnate as a sister.”
“I’ll keep her in line,” Jacob laughed. He was so unshakeable, even now. John couldn’t imagine what that was like. Stoic among others, but affable with family, no matter the circumstances. John didn’t think there was ever a moment he could have been described as genuinely affable.
“I’m glad she’ll be my sister,” Faith chimed in from just behind them.
Where had she come from? Had she skipped a lap around the entire property?
Faith pushed between the two of them and stopped them in their track as she pivoted to face them. She had an orange flower she had pilfered from somewhere placed in her hair, and two more in her hands. Tucking one behind John’s ear and the other into the breast pocket of Jacob’s jacket, she spoke.
“It’s just me and three brothers. I’m excited for another girl to marry in! I’ll finally have someone to do girly things with!”
If she wanted to do “girly things” with the deputy, she could’ve just married her herself. But John decided to let that go, along with the flower in his hair.
“How do you think it’s going in there?” she asked, gesturing to the house.
Based on his previous dealings with the deputy, John couldn’t imagine it was going well.
When Patience woke again, she expected to find herself either in one of Jacob’s cages or tied to his bed. She didn’t know which would have been worse. As it was, she found herself back on the leather sofa in the high-ceilinged living room of Seed Ranch. The sun was still up, though the light falling through the windows was angled differently than when her eyes were last open. She had no idea how long she was out. She couldn’t remember her dreams, just the remnants of green sparkles and confusion. Though the bliss dreams were awful, being in a deep, drug-induced sleep at least prevented her from feeling pain. Awake again, she felt the stings, sharpness, and aches bloom through her.
Fucking John.
“My child, I’m glad to see you awake.”
Patience groaned at hearing Joseph’s voice.
“You’re skeptical of God’s plan.” It wasn’t a question.
Patience snorted and sat upright, despite the throbbing in her skull.
“Here, take this,” he said, handing her a glass of ice water. She did not take it, despite her thirst, instead keeping her gaze level with this until he acquiesced and lowered the glass onto the coffee table beside her. “In case you need it.”
She continued to stare. He leaned back in the plush armchair, making himself comfortable. “You can speak with me. I’m going to be your brother one day.”
He looked so calm, at ease. Like he wasn’t a conniving manipulator. Like he wasn’t talking about marrying her off against her will. And Patience felt rage bubble through her.
“You will never be my brother.”
“The Voice has never lied to me before,” he countered, still very much in his element. “You will marry one of my brothers.”
“Well, I hate to break it to you,” she said with a tone that made it clear she didn’t, “but I don’t believe God talks to you, so your claims don’t mean much to me.”
“You think I’m mad.”
“Probably. But, I haven’t ruled out that you’re just a power-hungry liar.”
He hummed in acknowledgment of her words, not getting angry like she’d expected. “John said that you didn’t believe.”
“I thought confessions were supposed to be private.” She’d be mad if she was a Peggie. As it stood, her ‘confession’ was taken against her will, and she didn’t consider John trustworthy at all.
“They are. I know none or your specific transgressions, only the sin you wear on your chest,” he said, gesturing to the bandaged tattoo on her chest. “However, John thought it prudent to share your lack of faith with me. As the Father, I am uniquely suited to address your doubts. “
Patience rolled her eyes.
Misreading the action, Joseph attempted to placate her. “John only shared that much because he wants to help you. He cares deeply about your salvation, you know.”
“Bull. He doesn’t give a single flying fuck about my ‘salvation.’ And even if he did, it’s only because you told him his salvation depended on it.”
Joseph sighed and shook his head, still playing the part of the magnanimous preacher. “You underestimate my brother.”
Patience didn’t really want to get into it, so she didn’t. Instead, she asked, “So what happens now?”
He arched an eyebrow behind his yellow aviators, leaning forward to rest his arms on his thighs. “How do you mean?”
“Well, I want to leave and not marry anyone. I imagine you won’t let me do that. And thanks to baby brother, I’m in no shape to fight my way to freedom. So. What happens now?” she asked tersely.
“Well, you have a say in that. Do you have a preference between Jacob or John?”
Patience scoffed. “A preference?”
“Any feelings or romantic interest?”
“I know what you meant, thanks,” she snapped. Patience shook her head. “Fuck off, ‘romantic interest.’ I fucking hate you all.”
“Many are resistant to our message.”
“You can’t make me marry anyone!”
“No one is going to make you do anything.” His voice was still obnoxiously level. “You will find love with one of my brothers. You will marry of your own free will.”
Joseph sighed, much to Patience’s delight, though seemingly more out of disappointment than irritation. Still, it was at least something.
“In that case, you will go north with Jacob and stay with him for at least as long as you’re healing from your injuries.”
Joseph raised a hand to quell the interruption he assumed she’d make to point out that John had been the one to injure her. Which she would’ve. But it’s worth noting.
“This is a gift from God, Deputy. You are being given a loving partner to go through life with, to lead you into New Eden. This should not be taken lightly. You must try to be open to both Jacob and John.”
“You don’t know anything about me. What if I’m a lesbian?”
“You aren’t,” he stated assuredly. “The Voice told me you would find love with my sibling. My sister has assured me it is not her you marry in my vision; you are not a lesbian. You are going to marry my brother. You are going to be saved.” He spoke stonily, his tone leaving little room for argument. “This is a good thing, my child.”
Patience kept a level glare at him.
“I don’t expect you to become a believer in one conversation. I simply ask that you remain open to the possibility of a God who has a plan for you.”
The eye contact between them continued for too long, feeling too heavy, so Patience shrugged, lowering her gaze and turning away. In her peripheral vision, she saw Joseph rise from his chair, take ahold of the water glass and slide it closer to her.
“The bliss can be very dehydrating. You need to drink some water. Excuse me while I retrieve my siblings.”
Once he had left, Patience took the glass, dripping with cool condensation, from the coffee table. Joseph was right about one thing: the bliss was extremely dehydrating. Her throat was dry and she was immensely thirsty. She didn’t actually believe the water was spiked with anything, but she sniffed it briefly anyway, just to be sure. Not finding the sickly sweet floral smell of bliss cloying to the liquid, she drank it down gratefully, half-melted ice cubes and all. It was satisfying but simultaneously not nearly enough. If moving around wasn’t so painful, she wouldn’t rule out rummaging around John’s kitchen for more ice water.
She heard the approaching horde of Seeds before she saw them, Faith’s and John’s voices overlapping before they had even entered the building. Patience couldn’t make out what they were saying and didn’t particularly care to try. She was more worried about the eldest brother, who, upon the family’s entrance, beelined to her on the couch.
Standing above her, arms crossed, he told her, “Up. Let’s go.”
And so it begins.
His family now gone, John lay sprawled across the same couch the deputy had been, taking a drag from a recently rolled joint. Rubbing a hand across his face, he let out an exasperated sigh. He tried to focus on the impending Collapse, the fact that New Eden was practically within reach, and not on the fact that his brother had taken a murdering heretic into his home. Yes, she’d been marked. Yes, she’d been cleansed. Yes, she’d confessed. But she hadn’t atoned and showed no interest in doing so. He took another drag before rising to his feet.
Thinking of the deputy, he still needed to go through her things. He’d had one of his faithful toss her belongings into one of the spare bedrooms when he, Joseph, and the deputy had returned. Laying on the bed were her weapons, the pack she carried around everywhere, as well as the clothes she had earlier been wearing- the priestess who bathed and changed her appeared to have laundered them. He moved the folded clothes to the side before grabbing at her pack.
John unzipped it carefully, almost as if he was afraid it would detonate. Of course, that was absurd. Nothing in the pack was out of the ordinary. There were spare socks and underwear, but no other tops or jeans. A folded, worn map of the county was inside. It appeared that hunting and fishing locations were added, but nothing useful to the Project; no resistance locations seemed to be marked. Smart.
There was a water bottle and a first aid kit, as well as a few vials of bliss, bottles of liquor, and baggies of weed. There was a shocking number of bullets, arrows, knives, and explosives. He was almost impressed by her packing abilities. That, or Mary Poppins had gifted her the pack. Still, nothing inside told him much about her.
Moving onto her pile of weapons, he was immediately struck by the absence of a bow, considering the number of arrows he’d found. She carried a decent number of weapons, in a large variety. The most obvious, and largest, were the gray M60 and the silenced, scoped .50 cal sniper rifle. She carried a powerful handgun, a gray .44 magnum. She also carried a worn aluminum baseball bat and a rusted shovel. He rolled his eyes at the brass knuckles he found. But on the bottom of the pile was the most surprising of the bunch, a slingshot.
Picking it up, his fingers skimmed over the well-worn grips. It was clearly heavily used. Possibly pre-owned? He couldn’t imagine the deputy taking out so many of their flock with what amounted to a child’s toy and pebbles. He rummaged through the pack again, looking for rocks. Or did she use whatever was on the ground at the time?
He found no rocks. Instead, his hands once again found the arrows, and an idea dawned on him. He took an arrow, laying it on the frame and notching it into the pad. Raising the weapon up, he pulled back on the band and arrow before releasing, sending the arrow flying and embedded in the wooden wall. It flew with considerable force, but hadn’t landed anywhere near where he had been aiming. However, the slingshot felt small and light in his hand, awkward. In a smaller hand, more practiced and comfortable with the item…
He snorted out a laugh. My, she was just full of surprises, wasn’t she?
John piled the items back into the pack, including the jeans, shirt, and choker she’d been captured in. He pushed the contents of the bag down, but still couldn’t get the zipper to close. He had no idea how she managed to close the bag, let alone tote it around or find the needed supplies within. Lifting the enormous load by the splayed mouth of the pack, he leaned it against the foot of the bed before moving her boots and weapons beside it.
Once Jacob had her under his control, she’d get her things back.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
KARRDE!!! Congrats on 400 followers!!
To celebrate you and such a great milestone, could I perhaps request a Crosshair fic with the quote "I'll wait for you" pleeeease 🥺💖✨
Thank you for always being so great!
Pairing: Crosshair x GN!Reader
Rating: E (18+ SO MINORS SKEEDADDLE - PiV sex)
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Being with Crosshair was complicated. Every moment from the second he stepped through your door felt rushed between the two of you, as if you were attempting to cram as much of a relationship as you could in a single night before he was whisked away again on some mission. Despite the danger that came with being a part of Clone Force 99, he was confident enough to always tell you he’d return. 
“Be back before you know it. Don’t wait up,” he’d tease, popping a toothpick between his teeth as he readied to leave. 
You’d roll your eyes. “I’ll wait for you. Always.” 
That was how it always went. He never told you where he was going, and by the time he’d return to your apartment, his armor looked almost cleaner than when he’d last left. You suspected he cleaned it before coming over, ensuring there was never any evidence of the war brought to your doorstep. You were sure he’d say it was for your benefit, but you often wondered if he didn’t want to carry the memories of his missions longer than he had to. 
The Batch stopped over on Coruscant often enough for the two of you to make a go of it. Your relationship consisted largely of seemingly celebratory dinners followed by a night where neither of you spoke much other than to moan the other’s name, and in the morning, he’d be off again. 
Crosshair had never been one to be overly sentimental. Even during dinner when it was just the two of you, he was confident, quiet, and sarcastic. But at night, when you had your legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusted into you, your fingers carding through his hair as you urged him on, the entire facade fell away. Those moments, you treasured above all others. 
He’d been the one to say it first, laying next to you one night in bed, catching your breath as the evidence of your activities still leaked from between your legs. You were going to get up in a minute and go to the ‘fresher to clean yourself off, but you wanted just a few more moments staring at him. He appeared to be doing the same, his piercing eyes seemingly memorizing the planes and curves of your face. One of his slender fingers had reached out to push some of your sweaty hair out of your eyes before trailing down your neck and tracing your collar bone. 
“I love you,” he’d whispered. 
Your eyes had widened, but you knew he’d hate it if you made a big deal about it. 
“Is that alright?” he’d asked. 
That question took you aback. 
“Of course,” you’d replied. “Because I love you too.”  
You think back to those words now as you stare out the window of that same apartment, watching the last traces of Coruscant’s sun sink below the horizon. Your fingers twist the simple silver chain around your neck that he’d gifted you the last time you’d seen him. That had been months ago, before the end of the war. 
“I’ll wait for you.” 
Those were the last words you’d spoken to him. You knew that the victory had been chaos, that the Jedi had been killed along with many clones, but still, you held out hope that he hadn’t become another nameless number entered into some system to be forgotten next to a “KIA” indicator. Worse yet, something had changed with the clones that had survived. They weren’t cruel, but they were absolutely different, and you wondered what had happened, and if it had affected him. 
Sighing, you step into the apartment’s small refresher, beginning the process of taking off the day’s make-up while you ponder what leftovers you can eat for dinner. As you scrub your face clean, you think you hear a knock at your door. Freezing, you strain your ears, listening for the same sound. 
There is no response. 
You finish cleaning your face quickly, reaching for the clean towel you’d placed near your sink and gently drying your skin, sighing into the smell of the fabric. 
Knock. Knock. Knock.
This time you are positive you’re not imagining it. Tossing the towel on the counter, you hurry towards your door, trying to calm your pounding heart. Your palms press against the door’s paneling as you peer through the peephole. 
Your heart falls. 
A trooper in black armor stands in the hallway, the green visor of the helmet staring emotionlessly back at the door. The trooper’s frame is tall and slender, but the shoulders are stooped as though the person under the armor is dead on their feet. You are about to press the intercom to ask what the trooper wants when you freeze. In the soldier’s gloved hand, you can see the identical silver chain that you’d given him glinting in the hall’s dim lighting. 
You slam the door open, your chest heaving. The trooper’s head snaps around to look at you. Your blood pounds in your ears. “Is… is that… where did you get that?” you ask, pointing at the chain. 
He’s gone. You knew this was a possibility. 
Tears are already in your eyes as you try to steel yourself for the news you’re sure is coming. But the air is punched from your lungs when the trooper speaks. 
“You waited.” 
Your mouth falls open. You’re positive you have to be dreaming. Your body moves out of the way, and the trooper takes it as an invitation to step inside. The door hisses shut, plunging the two of you into darkness, but still you don’t move. The visor is examining you, and you strain to see any evidence of the man underneath, almost afraid to confirm your suspicions. 
“I… I thought you’d be gone,” he rasps. “But you waited.” 
Your hands are shaking as you reach for the lip of his helmet. The shoulders stiffen, but you don’t stop as you lift the helmet off of his head. You cover your mouth to try to stifle a sob. 
He’s cropped his hair closer to his scalp, the silver hair you’d loved gone. His eyes are more sunken into his face with dark circles competing with the tattoo over his eye. It looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks. A massive scar gnarls the side of his head. But the thing that draws your attention the most is the dirt and blood and grime that’s coating the armor he’s wearing. He’s brought the war home with him, and the realization sobers you.
“Crosshair,” you breathe. 
His voice cracks. “A… a lot has happened. I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I couldn’t.” He rubs at his eyes in frustration as the words don’t come easily. “I can’t stay. I’ll just put you in danger. I just… I had to see you one more time. They’re… they’ll find me.” 
You touch his face, and he inhales sharply, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
“You waited,” he repeats, as if that’s somehow more remarkable than him just being here. 
You cautiously step forward, cradling his face and pressing your forehead to his. “Of course. I promised you.” You kiss him, and it’s like coming home, the familiarity and ease of it almost making you cry. You can still smell the blaster smoke on him, mixed with the smell of him, and you fall into the kiss more. His hands hover over you for a moment before pulling you against him, and it’s as if the kiss is giving him oxygen when he’d been drowning just seconds ago. After a few moments, he pulls back, resting his forehead against yours once more. 
“We… I have to go. I can’t stay. You won’t be safe. I-” 
You put your finger to his lips, and he falls silent, his bloodshot amber eyes finding yours even in the apartment’s dim lighting. 
“I’m done waiting,” you whisper. “So where are we running to, my love?”
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unadulteratedkr · 10 months
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
So @sdwolfpup did this a little while ago and said anyone who saw it should give it a go, so here I am, giving it a go! I decided to just do my most recent 10 fics, so it'll be almost entirely OFMD fic with a small dash of What We Do in the Shadows thrown in the mix.
Between the Sand and the Stardust (OFMD, Rated E)
He could hear the noise of the market behind him—Tongues for sale, give us your teeth for a new tongue—fuck off, last time you took my memories before I was three to get rid of my snores, and you fucking replaced my snores with a fucking train whistle—hey, come back—hey!—but they faded into the far-off sounds of the crashing waves. Ed focused on the waves, focused on putting one foot in front of the other, focused on anything except for the shards of his heart sloughing off to slice away at the only happiness he could ever remember holding tenderly in his hands.
2. plunge me deep (OFMD, Rated E)
“Sit up for me, beloved. I want—“ Stede takes a shuddering inhale, overcome with the simplicity of wanting. “I want to hold you.”
Ed doesn’t even need to push at the ground to sit up; the tentacle cradling his head has Ed upright before he can breathe his agreement with a word. Stede keeps kissing Ed as he maneuvers his way around him, careful, firm caresses of Stede’s lips to his neck, his shoulder, anywhere Stede can reach. Ed grasps at Stede helplessly, trying to return kiss for kiss with little success. It makes Stede laugh again, and Ed could weep now that he knows what that laugh tastes like.
Ed doesn’t even know what he’s begging for, all he knows is he trusts Stede enough to plead out loud. Stede takes Ed’s trust into his strong, sure hands and pulls Ed in against his back.
3. let it rain, 'cause you and I remain the same (OFMD, Rated E)
Lucius is swanning against the rat-lines with all the arrogance of a man who was rescued by mermaids. “No. Nope. We’re not doing this. What the fuck is going on, Ed?”
Ed splutters, and if Lucius hadn’t just called him out on the absolute absurdity that is his current situation, he’d be pretty pleased at how very Stede-like he sounds right now. Lucius—the little shit , Ed can’t help but think fondly—just arches his brow and waits for Ed to calm down enough to talk.
“Don’t have a clue, man. Oluwande thinks maybe our… souls have been switched.”
Lucius looks at him expectantly, and when Ed shrugs, he lets out a frustrated noise that sounds something like a strangled goose choking on a garlic bulb.
“Oh because that’s a helpful answer!” He glowers at Ed, settling his hands on his hips. “Anything else of merit you want to contribute?”
4. in the winter wind, be my warm (OFMD, Rated T)
Stede yelps as another snowflake plasters itself to his face. “They’re wet.”
Ed bites down on what Stede suspects mulishly is a laugh, and instead he nods solemnly. “Afraid so, love. Snow’s just frozen water, and you must have had some form of shaved ice at one of those fancy parties. I’ve raided enough ice-ships to know that’s a thing among the gentry.”
Stede huffs petulantly. “Well of course I have, but every story says snow is fine and powdery! I thought it would feel like… like icing sugar!” Ed’s shoulders shake with silent laughs, and Stede glowers at him, indignant. “Well, I did!”
5. crossed all the lines and broke all the rules (What We Do in the Shadows, Rated E)
“Do you have any idea, my darling, how much you’ve been driving me to utter madness since we met?” Viago’s tongue curls around “my darling” like it did around Anton’s tongue not a moment before. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted to know if you taste as irresistible as you smell?” Viago leans down, pressing the flat blade of his tongue into the punctures he’s left in Anton’s shoulder, a wrecked moan joining Anton’s blood on Viago’s lips. “You do, by the way. Dear Anton, do you have any idea how ruinously delicious you taste?”
“Viago—“ Anton manages to gasp, and honestly, it’s a fucking wonder he can form words, let alone Viago’s name at this point, “—please.”
Viago hums in pleasure, wetly lapping up the blood dripping down to stain Anton’s shirt. Anton’s not sure, but he’s fairly certain he’ll be able to reattach the buttons. Maybe he’ll keep it, maybe he’ll wait for the bloodstain to set before he washes it, maybe he’ll wear it to sleep every night and jack off to the irrefutable proof that he let Viago feed from him. He’s whimpering at the thought, and a single word falls from his mouth without a second thought.
6. Stand to Face Me, Beloved (OFMD, Rated E)
If they were together, there wouldn’t be a sailor on board who could withstand Annie’s ability to fuck with their fears of two women independent on the sea or Mary sliding as effortlessly from lady to sniper as she used to slide from Mark to Mary.
But Annie isn’t here. And she won’t be alive and real and Mary’s until Mary can see her again, so Mary continues to weep and simper and debase every inch of strength she has.
“Please—I just want to know if her baby is doing well. I don’t mean any trouble. Neither of us ever meant any trouble.”
Mary’s tears chase the sailor out of the room with a half mumbled promise to find more information, and when the door shuts, Mary sinks to the floor, stifling her painfully real cries around the hand still emblazoned with Annie’s gold ring.
7. and as I go along, I want you with me (OFMD, Rated E)
Stede gives up trying to undo the last button and tugs Ed’s trousers down impatiently, but he freezes when the trousers are down to Ed’s knees, eyes fixed on the still-healing tattoo on Ed’s thigh.
Ed pushes himself up to his elbows, gazing down at Stede through an over-stimulated daze.
“You like it?” His voice is soft, like that lovely swath of cashmere Ed first stroked across his skin on the day he and Stede met. There’s a whole ocean between then and now, but Edward Teach is the world’s most notorious pirate; he can sail those choppy waters back to the softness of that moment.
“That’s—Edward.” Stede’s fingers are shaking, hovering a hair's breadth away from Ed’s skin. “That’s—that’s my name. You—you tattooed my name. On you.”
8. I'll follow the echoes (OFMD, Rated E)
Since Ed needs a measure more of courage before he can lift his eyes to the man he loves, he turns one more time–perhaps one last time–to the piano, and plays his heart.
If Ed were being objective about this piece, he’d say it was pretty fucking boring, all things considered. He’s not playing any complicated melodies, he’s not adding trills and flourishes. But he doesn’t need those tricks to share this quiet and vulnerable room in his heart with Stede. He’s saved all the good notes for this song, and he plays them without reservations for Stede to see his heart one more time.
9. sin is sacred again (OFMD, Rated E)
He lifts the tentacle in his hand to his mouth slowly, giving Ed every chance to pull away. In the dim moonlight, Stede can see some of Ed’s starry tattoos have become a delicate charcoal pattern on the smooth, black skin. It’s comforting to see something so familiar. It’s beautiful.
Stede presses his lips to the tip of the tentacle in his hand gently. It’s the second time he’s ever kissed Ed, and even though it’s certainly nowhere near how Stede imagined kissing Ed again, he can’t hold back a sigh. He’s grateful for the water and the other limbs supporting him because he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to handle kissing Ed while standing. It’s never going to stop making his knees go weak.
“Ed, I have made some truly wretched decisions since you kissed me. This— “ Stede punctuates the word with another kiss that sets Ed’s tentacles swirling,”—is not one of them.”
10. a mile of clean sand (OFMD, Rated E)
There is so much love brimming in Stede’s heart—a heart so young to love–he feels like he might burst. Stede’s voice cracks as he recounts the bullies of his youth, his father, his marriage, Chauncey’s last venomous words, all the things that had him running, all the while softly stroking the laugh lines and the tear troughs that form Ed’s beautiful, steady eyes.
“I didn’t become the Kraken, Ed. I just decided to let it hold me underwater until I got so used to drowning, I got scared when you asked me to breathe air again.” Stede’s fingers tremble as he works a lather up with the soap—lavender—and he lets them tremble as his fingers trace sudsy patterns in the creases. Stede feels like he has them memorized from seeing them crinkled in laughter.
Ed closes his eyes again, and Stede can feel the shifting tensions against his fingertips. He catches the first tear on his finger as he swipes a thumb through the streaks of paint.
“You left. ”
I don't know if I have ten people to tag, but I'm gonna throw this to @ignisentis, @thebrimmingheart, @bizarrelittlemew, @oatmilktruther and anyone else who wants to share off some words they're proud of 🥰
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n7punk · 2 years
It’s kind of a shame that your most popular fics are the more expkicit ones. I mean, I get it, but still! All your fics are great, you can just really see where ppls priorities are in the hit counts lol
this is super long sorry i had Many Thots.
honestly that could be a false correlation. at the top of my views are my long form AUs, and a lot of those are explicit (the non-explicit ones being ditm, the greys, 3m2, lotd, wdtfd, mnohl, tdhfy, & reflection - and only 3 of those are T, with the rest being M). long form fics get recommended more and they naturally have a higher view count because for one person to read to the end of one with 10 chapters, they have to view it 10 times. a lot of my T-M AUs are shorter (longest being 7 chapters) than my E AUs (the longest being 23 chapters....) so they get less views.
additionally, i think all of those T/M AUs except ditm, the greys, & maybe 3m2 were posted after ao3 changed how it counts views (only counting them from logged in users, not guests), so all fics posted after that date have a lower view count because a lot fewer are registering. i dont remember exactly when this happened, but thats a factor. a lot of the lower rated stuff is newer, so it has had less time to rack up views (not to mention the number of engaged fans in the catradora fandom naturally shrinking some as time passes from the end of the show).
for all these reasons, i would mostly look for correlation when it comes to one shots. There, you do see a lot of the explicit fics near the top, but i think you see something interesting if you sort by kudos instead. one shots are put on more even footing with long fics and you get an idea of how many individual people liked a story (now, you no longer get an idea of how many times they went back to reread it, which is a factor in enjoyment, and there's still the "sharing" bias for long fics, but i digress).
if you sort by kudos, you suddenly see a lot less bias for explicit ones (in fact, i would say its gone, given like a third of my fics are explicit). for instance, 3m2 becomes my 5th most popular fic.
this kind of leads to my final theory, which is that people are more likely to "reread" an explicit fic. because, well, they already know the plot, so they are less likely to randomly decide to reread that, but they are drawn back to the smut when they want to... be horny. anyway, ive suspected this is a phenomenon for a long time and looking at the view counts now, i definitely feel it has weight.
this makes the explicit fics seem more popular, and i guess you could argue they are, but if somebody is coming back just to read the smut, i dont know that really counts as them "rereading". its possible they'll then be like "oh yeah, i like this" and reread the whole thing, but it all depends what you put weight in personally.
so yeah. fic popularity is hard to rate. i kinda went off there but tldr, i don't think it's so much a correlation in popularity as it is in hit count.
now (i know, more after the tldr, i have a lot of Thots), i will say i think there is a bias in writers (me, at least) to make long form things explicit. i know for a fact there are people who look at an 80k fic that's rated T and go "why am i gonna get that invested and they dont even fuck at the end", so they skip that fic. this can be solved by including just one smut scene and not a bunch of them, but i also know for me personally, i would rather have multiple or none, because it feels like a waste to rate it E for one scene knowing that's also boxing out the people who dont like to read smut.
I'm also not so interested in writing "smut for smut's sake" so i usually only include it as part of a larger narrative where the plot just happens to include fucking (or it allows me to explore the characters in a new way). In general, i've really been feeling M fics lately because I feel like I can write whatever I want and still get most of the plot impact of smut, but I don't "have to" actually write it, which I just haven't been interested in.
I dont know if people who dont want smut also filter out M fics (i know before i started posting myself i didnt know the difference between M and E), but as i've said many times, i'm writing for myself, so how much i care runs out there if they do lmao. the fic that's upcoming is T, to be clear, this is just where i am generally.
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