#(and I know its in the later eps too I just need to Hear it again lol because 'Extra ordinary Ordinary ness' is kind of very Eng puns)
chososlilprincess · 9 months
Choso x reader<3 comforting Choso!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。
You’d been looking for your boyfriend for a while now. He hadnt answered any of your calls, and you were getting worried. He’d never missed a call from you, and if he had he’d called you back a minute later.
And now you were infront of his apartment, unlocking the door with the key he gave you. No response came when you call his name. And you take off your shoes, walking further into his home.
And then you hear it,
Muffled whimpers and cries coming from his bedroom. You take fast steps and open the door to the room, and when you walk in you dont see him at first. And then he sniffles.
You look down to see him sitting on the ground, hands on either side of his face as if to muffle out any loud noises.
And there are tears running down his handsome face.
“Choso…” you say softly and he looks up from his lap, and as if on cue he starts sobbing. You almost run to him, getting on your knees infront of him, careful not to touch him in case he doesnt want that.
Its always him taking care of you, him protecting you. Seeing him like this made your heart break.
“honey…whats wrong?” you speak to him quietly as hes still crying, trying to hide his face in his hands.
Suddenly He reaches out his arms and pull you into him, your form almost invisible now as he incases you in a hug, whimpering into your hair, spilling his tears. You reach up and stroke the top of his head softly, trying to calm him down.
You feel yourself start to cry too, from how much it hurts to see him like this. He senses it immediately and pulls his face away from your neck to look at you,
“no…” he says in hoarse voice, “m’ sorry…sorry dont cry my baby im…im fine,” he hiccups the words out, his breathing a little shaky.
You shake your head, “this isnt about me Choso…just…dont like seeing you sad,” you say in a small voice as he strokes your cheek with the back of his hand.
“just…” he starts, “just miss my brothers,” he gets out before sobbing again.
You hug him tightly to you, carresing his back.
You sit there for a little while, you stroking his hair, and him crying into your neck, your shirt now wet with his tears. Hes almost calm now, his body has stopped trembling, and hes only sniffling a little.
“i know you miss them Choso…its okay” you tell him gently, “but you dont have to deal with it alone,” you stroke his cheek, whiping away the last of his tears.
“im here now…im here for you okay?”
He nods, “love you so much,” he says quietly, “i wanna get takeout for dinner…and watch a movie with you in my lap,” he kisses your forehead, “and you cant leave…not even to pee…or ill go with you,”
you giggle at him, hes adorable.
“promise me you’ll tell me next time you’re sad okay? i want to help…just like you always help me,” you kiss his lips softly.
“promise,” he says in a serious tone.
you kiss his face all over before speaking again, “ill call for some chinese food,”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。
hes so cute im gonna jump.
this is very self indulgent i needed to write this so i wouldnt tweak too much about seeing him cry in the new Ep :’) i needed to hug him so bad.
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whateverisbeautiful · 27 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#42: The Fuel (1.04)
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Even when everything crashes down around them, Richonne's love always prevails. 🥹
And now that they’ve recentered on what truly fuels them, Richonne then gets every type of fuel they need to finally go home. So we gotta close out this masterpiece of an episode with the breakdown of ep 4's final glorious moments. 👌🏽😇
The fact that we were really spoiled from literally minute one to the final seconds of Episode 4 - I have to thank Danai one million times for writing this thoughtful Richonne love letter episode and forever thank Andy & Danai for performing every part impeccably 🙏🏽💐...
After deciding to go home together in such a well-earned way—which, that's another thing - the fact that Danai didn’t even need an extended episode to convincingly craft an arc where Richonne could start off more at odds than they’ve ever been, and then not just beautifully, but also believably and organically, bring them back together by the end, leaving them feeling more bonded than ever before. She’s an illustrious talent. 🤩
So now Richonne is ready to head out because this building is on its last legs. And as they walk, Rick is finally out of the CRM gear and in casual apparel for the first time with Michonne. And I loved seeing that. The hold the CRM had on him is finally removed. 😌
The temp controller announces another malfunction and says the elevator only has ten minutes of reserve power left. Which hearing that...it’s wild Rick and Michonne still used that elevator…even tho I’m glad they did. 😏
As they make their way to the door, they stop for a moment and I love the way it’s filmed with us being able to see them between the panels. Rick gets his blade ready and then he looks at the real source of his strength Michonne.
And then you already know I absolutely adore that Rick leans in for them to share a kiss before they head out of this place. It’s the sweetest thing. 🥰And it immediately lets you know Richonne really is back.
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That kiss is pure gold and highly ranked for me, y'all. Like as quick as this moment is, it’s still so special and romantic. I appreciate any and every reminder that Rick and Michonne are each other's baby and that kiss was definitely giving that.
Also, I just have to reiterate that Danai wrote such a quality episode of television. I love how at the top of the ep we see Michonne first exit the apartment alone and in pain, and then later Rick exits the apartment alone and panicked, and then at the end they show Richonne leaving the apartment together and healed because they’re finally operating like the honest unit they’re meant to be.
And again, it’s impressive how earned it all feels with Richonne starting the ep more at odds than ever and then truly being on one accord and one being again by the end of the hour.
It's sweet that as they’re about to re-enter the walker-infested world they want this reassuring and comforting moment of connection as this kiss just communicates that they’re in it together no matter what they face outside these walls.
Then he whispers ready and she nods and Rick opens the door for Michonne to go through first. Bye, Apartment 👋🏽, you were very very good to us, chile. But now it’s time for Richonne to go home. Won’t He do it. 🙌🏽
So then once they enter the hall they have one of my favorite action sequences. I love the way it's choreographed for them to be so in sync through this whole thing. This action sequence said let us remind you who are the two baddest to ever do it. 😌
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I love the way it really is like they’re killing these walkers as one in the way they’re tag-teaming. Michonne steps out the hall first but then Rick is ready to get the first one and then they just take them down like only they can and it’s a great sight.
And Rick loves the sight of Richonne in action too the way he takes a moment to look at Michonne as they walk forward. I love that it's always clear Rick is invigorated by the fact that he and Michonne are a power couple. And again, the merging of the red and blue light as it comes together to make purple is great and gives TOWL a fresh different vibe than TWD. Seeing Richonne walk in the purple light just feels like they too have blended back into one again. 😌
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And then that elevator...😏
Y’all, let me express some gratitude for this elevator right here. It gave us some absolute gold, honey. 😇
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They approach the elevator and work together to get a walker out of the way. And then once they enter, Rick kicks the walker's arm, and Michonne, serving with her stance, realizes hey we have some time while this elevator goes down so naturally she looks over at Rick with that 'my man, my man, my man' look.
Then Michonne grabs the strap of Rick's backpack and pulls her into him and we can see him rushing into her just as the blood-stained elevator doors close. I love it. 😋 Look at frisky Michonne wanting a piece of her man right now lol. 🤭 Who can blame her?
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And when I first watched I thought that was gonna be it. Like they were just going to imply that they make out in the elevator. But no being a Richonne stan means being hella spoiled and so we actually get to see this all play out. 😊
They cut to Richonne making out inside the elevator and it’s just so good.❤️‍🔥 Also, it's funny how you’d never guess that Michonne was the one who initiated this the way Rick so quickly matches the energy and throws her against that wall. Rick can't quite be outhungered when it comes to Richonne kisses lol.
Like Michonne's always on the same page with that intense immense love but Rick's always going to be the more extra one by a little bit. Here for it. 😋
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They were real into it in that elevator and had themselves another moanversation. I love that they are always on the same timing and both crazy enough to be so unconcerned with the fact that this building is about to come toppling down. Like they are just passionately present in this hot moment and it’s great. 👌🏽😋
Richonne are really and truly irresistible to each other and I love how their desire is always on display. And you can just tell Michonne loves Rick’s assertive affection as he practically consumes her and she slides her finger down his face. And as for Rick...he's addicted to his wife in the best way. 😊
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Also, I always like seeing that “Failure is never an option” sign because I be needing that reminder in life and also it just feels like a thesis statement or something as to why Richonne is always able to win. When they refuse to fantasize about failing they always come out on top together. 👌🏽
So they manage to pull themselves off each other enough to run and kill more walkers and make it out of the building as they make a run for the vehicle. I remember in 2023 there were those set pics from this outdoor running moment and it felt so nice to now get to see what that all was from. Little did we know it was filmed for the greatest Richonne episode of all time. 🤩
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With Richonne outside we continue to get insight into the destruction going on inside the apartment, including the death of the temp controller I believe. RIP, to the narrator of Richonne's ep 4 journey. 
And then Richonne make it to that yellow truck and let me tell you Richonne + cars is undefeated. 👌🏽 It’s always going to make for a golden moment and this one here of course is no exception. 😏
They run into the car and I adore the detail of Rick holding that book that Michonne said Judith would love. A whole FATHER. 😭🙌🏽 And this just goes to show that everything Michonne said to Rick when he had those walls up at the top of the ep was absolutely resonating with him even if he wasn’t fully letting on at first.
I mean, Rick always hangs on Michonne’s every word so of course everything she said stuck, especially about their children. (Also, it just hit me that that’s likely part of why Rick was thinking about getting a gift for RJ in the next episode since he knew they’re bringing the book as a gift for their daughter. 🥲)
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So they get in the car but then Rick realizes there’s a slight complication as he tells Michonne it’s a “Stick shift.” I love the way Michonne looks at him and smiles when she realizes that means her little amputee cutie won't be able to drive this particular vehicle.
And y’all, since she has to drive that means Rick and Michonne have to switch seats. 😏 It's great how even a car being a stick shift can lead to Richonne gold, because this next moment is top tier. 🤩 Richonne stans, we ate good with TOWL, honey. 😇 Practically every second in this miniseries is rooted in Richonne’s romance. 🙌🏽
Also, I heard it was the episode's director Michael Slovis who had the idea for this next golden part, and I gotta take a moment to give Slovis his tens too. He did an outstanding job directing this Richonne love letter episode. 👏🏽💐
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So Rick and Michonne have to switch seats and they’re not gonna just get out of the car and do that - no, instead they attempt to just quickly climb over each other but, I’ve said it once I’ll say it 1000 times…Richonne are magnets. 🧲 So of course they couldn’t be that close to each other and not just start going to town again and making out. I love our hungry little couple that stays starving for each other. 😋
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When Michonne is on top of him you can see the determination on Rick’s face to turn this into something lol. And of course she’s on the same timing as they start making out. Like this building is really going to fall in mere seconds and they don’t give a damn. 🤭
They’re so happily distracted by their love and I’m here for it. They said that whole ‘love on each other as hard as we can while we can thing’ starts effective immediately. Also, only Richonne could make switching seats hot lol. 🔥
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Then it’s sweet to see the Roomba still going til it can’t go anymore. It’s resilient like Richonne. 
Also, it was really smart to put a sort of timer in the episode, and a high stakes timer at that, with the fact that the ep took place in a building on the verge of collapse. It's symbolic of how Richonne had to come the closest they’ve ever come to wondering if perhaps their relationship is on the verge of collapse as well. But of course like the Roomba that just won’t quit, they emerge from the building together and stronger. Richonne isn't the building, they’re the Roomba.
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And then y’all. Y’ALL. You already know what I’m about to address. It is now wonderfully canon to know 🗣 MICHONNE CALLS RICK 'BABY.'
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I know I was previously in the camp that heard Michonne call Rick 'baby' earlier in the bedroom scene but that one I didn't hear on my first watch. This 'baby' right here in this blessed yellow truck tho - undeniably clear. And so great. 🤩
They cut to the two still making out like it’s the only thing on the agenda, but then Michonne knows that it actually is coming down to the wire with the building about to fall. So she whispers to Rick, “Baby, I gotta drive.” 🫠🤩🫠🤩🫠🤩
From “You want to drive?” to “Baby, I gotta drive.” What a journey. 😭🎁
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I didn’t know how much I needed to hear Michonne call Rick 'baby' but when I heard it I was like oh I’ve needed to hear this all my life lol.
So y’all, can I happy dance one time? Because hearing Michonne call Rick 'baby' makes me ridiculously happy. 😋
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Now whenever I see any pre-canon TWD moments between Rick and Michonne I just stop and think wow one day she’ll call that man her baby. 😭 Like that’ll just be their norm because the way she says it and the way he responds, it’s clear he’s used to that. It’s so sweet and fitting. 🥰
I know we often like to wonder about Richonne pet names and I think it’s so cute that she calls Rick baby because really that is her baby. When I first heard this, y'all, I rewound it so much to make sure I didn't just imagine it lol. It was perfect. 😇
(Also since this kissing moment wasn't scripted and it was something Slovis suggested they do while filming, I'm assuming that would mean the 'baby, i gotta drive' was improvised as well. If so, I love that these talented creatives know just what to do and say with these characters 🙌🏽😊)
And I love that Michonne has to remind him that she has to drive because if she didn’t Rick would have been down to make RJ #2 up in that car. Like he’s lost in her yet again while their making out and of course, the moaning has returned. The man can’t help it. 😊
This whole lovely kissing moment further proves that for Rick the world can wait when he’s with Michonne. And the way Michonne says the line you can tell that the only reason she’s stopping is cuz they literally need to go. If they didn’t have to book it out of here right now…she’d be down for whatever too. You already know. 😋
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I love how Richonne’s favorite thing is kissing each other breathlessly and how they prove time and time again that the magnet thing might as well be literal. Also, the fact that they kiss during every phase of this exit - at the apartment door, in the elevator, and in the car. Real lovers are back. 😍
And they are never beating the adrenaline kink allegations, y’all. But I love how they, like us, are very cognizant of the fact that Richonne in fight mode is a sexy thing. 
And then I love that after she tells him 'Baby I gotta drive' they both laugh a little knowing how easily they get caught up. And then Rick is so refreshingly looser and more himself as he says, “Right. They made a stick shift electric car” and then he looks back and sees they left tanks of ethanol in the backseat.
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Let me repeat - The universe is a Richonner. 😋 The second Richonne got it together the universe was like here we’ll provide the fuel (and the food 🍜😉) and all the logistics.
I love how they both get excited learning the car is a hybrid. It reminds me when they were excited about those MREs in Say Yes. 
So then Michonne notes how they have to thank the innovators for the hybrid and how those people clearly thought they could do anything and Rick says, “Yep but we can. ‘We can make this whole world ours if we want to.’” Do you know how much of a loverboy you have to be to quote your wife’s words from a DREAM? 🫠 Most swoon-worthy thing ever and I’m so here for it. 🙌🏽
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I love that Rick is back to believing in Richonne. 🥰 Also I always laugh when I think back to when I first watched this because I remember just being like 'Aw he’s quoting her from the proposal dream ☺️' and then I gasped and was like 'oh that is a clear sign that he’s going to give her a ring in TOWL 🫢.' Like Rick quoting Dream Michonne in this car made me know for sure a wedding ring was coming cuz he's thinking about that particular '5 Pizzas & a Wedding Ring' dream. 👌🏽
I love seeing playful Rick again and Michonne brings that out of him so often and so naturally. And Michonne’s reaction is great when she looks at him like 'I agree but also...what??' I love that she affirms it tho saying, “Yes we can. That sounds like something I’d say.”
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And then Rick all contently says, “It is.” Y'all, i'm crying. 🥹 What a touching, lighthearted, and meaningful way to close out this episode's dialogue. 👏🏽
I love that Michonne knows she’d say that phrase and that Rick knows it full well too. He’s like baby, my dreams of you are extremely accurate, trust me. And the way he studies that woman of course they are. 😊
It’s just so special that those dreams at one point were all Rick really had of her and now here he gets to refer to them with the woman herself after she’s loved him back to life.
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As they get the car going there’s a little jump scare when a walker hits Rick’s window, and seeing them both jump and then be like okay let’s go - if they got any cuter my heart would not be able to take it lol. And the fact that Andy improvised that jumpscare reaction. Love it.
Rick and Michonne were just so back. Like they’re back to being the Richonne that’s playful, and flirty, and fully connected. A clear weight has been lifted off them and they're so in tune with each other again and it fills my heart with joy. 🥰
They drive and then it feels very poetic to see the building finally fall. I love the way Danai described the building as a cocoon that would determine if Richonne really can come out butterflies. And they soared out beautifully. 😭🦋
It also feels very symbolic of the way the walls Richonne had up around their hearts at the start of the episode have also officially fallen as they're back to being one in every way.
So having served its purpose of helping Richonne reconnect and bloom, the building could now come down. It’s almost like all the hard things they expressed and went through get to tumble down with the building as they head into a brighter horizon.
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Having made it out just in time, Michonne watches the building fall from the rearview mirror and just smiles knowing she and Rick are finally back on track and on their way home like she's long been wanting.
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Then as Michonne smiles she has this loving look over to Rick and of course he’s already looking her way. 🥰 I love how his look over at her was such a loud and clear 'I love you.'
You just know that as he looks at her he knows he’s gonna be getting down on one knee with a ring the second he has a chance.
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And then the way he looks down with a smile. 😭 At this moment I really think ‘I’m so in love with her’ is the direct quote from his mind. That and “How’d I get so lucky finding you again.” 
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And Michonne can feel the love as she has her own 'I love you' smile at Rick and looks forward. That's the smile of a woman who knows good things can happen when you and your husband take a plunge out of a helicopter. 👌🏽
That’s also the smile of a writer who just knocked it all the way out of the park writing this brilliant episode. 🔥👏🏽
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And a surefire way to make me happy is to see Richonne happy, so I absolutely adore that this stunning episode ends with Richonne’s smiles. They’re together. They’re happy. They’re in love. All is well. 😌
As they drive off, I adore the Asibe Happy song they use. I love that it feels like a homage to Danai to have it be music from the motherland. And just the lyrics are so fitting saying We're happy/We're in love/They tried to come between us but they failed. The vibe is so different from TWD in a really cool way and it’s just a great choice. 👌🏽
It’s funny tho because my extra self had this song stuck in my head for a few days after the episode aired and despite it having a positive vibe I could not stop getting choked up when hearing it. 🥲 Like now for me the song represents Richonne overcoming and driving off into the sunset and it’s so beautiful and feels so much like a happily ever after ending that the music was constantly making me want to shed tears. 
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But while it could have easily felt like this was the end of the story and Richonne was driving off into the sunset for good as this masterful episode faded to black…we still weren’t done yet. 😌
TOWL still had two more episodes of Richonne gold to give us with some very wonderful developments in their relationship. 👌🏽
But before we head into the final two episodes of TOWL, let me just conclude the 'What We' posts by saying Wow. This is how you do a moving, meaningful, and masterful episode of television.
What Danai so thoughtfully created with this episode exceeded expectations and truly shined the brightest light on why Richonne is so very special. Why it’s my Roman Empire. Why it’s my favorite depiction of love of all time. 😍
Never have I written so much about one TV episode, but I knew I’d have to go all out for Episode 4 because it’s what this important experience deserves. Every emotion, every scene, every choice, was pure excellence. 👏🏽
Andy and Danai have some of their greatest performances ever and I love that this episode was so packed with riveting dialogue and so focused solely on the two fascinating characters of Rick and Michonne and their extremely compelling relationship. It really gave Andy and Danai the space to again solidify why they're the best in the business and why Richonne is the greatest TV couple of all. 👑
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I’m so grateful to them for giving their all as the people who bring Richonne to life and to Danai for writing something so inspiring and exceptional. 🔥
I’ll thank her 1000 times for lovingly and diligently crafting a Richonne episode that is food for the soul and delves into love, pain, trauma, and triumph with such honesty, creativity, and care.
This franchise and fandom are so fortunate to have such an astronomically gifted actress and writer share her gifts this way. 💯
Episode 4 was immensely heartfelt, hot, humurous, healing and profoundly human. It'll stick with me forever. It's embedded in my heart and I wouldn’t have it any other way.🥹
It's not every day you get to see your favorite thing reach its peak of perfection but that's what this episode was for me - capturing the mesmerizing depth and beauty of Richonne at its absolute best. So I'll cherish this shining treasure of an episode always.👌🏽😌
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, ep 1: the battle between the two brutes
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host club! jjk x fem!reader
ep. overview the former kendo champs, sukuna and mori, face off in a kendo duel. let's see how this goes!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: erm, the next two events will def be more interactive with the ohshc, the club specialty ep will def have a lot of ohshc/jjk interactions. im just being indecisive rn
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the clashing of the shinai (sword made of bamboo) sounded through the room reserved for jujutsu tech. the early morning awoken by the continuous practicing of techniques against the dummies. it wasn't as if there was some sort of waver in sukuna's confidence for the upcoming event later in the day. perhaps, it was the weight of his club's reputation because of his greediness and pride from the prior day's small conference despite it was his doing.
he shook off the thought by striking the side of the body with the outer third of the shinai. his concentration was broken only to hear snoring, causing him to sigh. he brought satoru and (y/n) to accompany him. for the former, they were supposed to train together, and for the latter, she was only there for moral support. endearing, really.
trailing over to the sprawled out figure, he dropped the tip of the shinai onto his stomach, causing satoru to jolt and immediately sit up straight, arms at ready to fight. his eyes followed up to the shinai and its holder, "oh, it's just you. what time is it?"
sukuna glanced over to the clock, "8:06."
"ugh, it's so early," satoru plopped down onto the ground, stretching his limbs star-like. he looked over to their manager, "and, she's still sleeping."
(y/n) was slumped over, neck surely hurting. she was at first delighted to watch the two spar and prepare for their martial arts games. she watched intently, handing genuine praises out, knowing both thrived off of them. sukuna would never display his appreciation for them, but she noticed he holds his head a little higher, more tilt in his smirk. as time passed, satoru tapping out by 6:00, both succumbed to slumber.
without much thought, sukuna lightly poked her head with the shinai, causing satoru to swat away the stick. she stirred, only to snap her eyes open, remembering where was, "what time is it?"
hearing the time, she laid down, resting her eyes, "it's too early."
"tch," sukuna turned around, swinging around the shinai.
"my neck hurts," she groaned, trying to massage the crick.
"i'm surprised that you didn't move around," satoru flailed his arms around on top of her, which he earned a heavy hand to the stomach.
"if you two are both going to lounge around, then leave," sukuna chastised.
"awww, kuna, but we've been here since earlier. we're both more than ready."
"we all need to leave, the announcements start at 8:30. i can't have you both missing breakfast either," (y/n) rose to her feet, trying to pull satoru up with her. she eventually quit, when he went deadweight. "sukuna, you don't start until 8:45 later, and your first opponent isn't really anyone that i've heard of. you'll be fine. be at breakfast soon."
the pink-haired teen grumbled, but his stomach seemed to reflect his sound. breakfast doesn't sound too bad.
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"look, there's itadori-kun"
honey pointed through the glass windows of the gymnasium. there was sukuna, preparing for his first round of the day with (y/n) holding his men (helmet). he was fastening his kote (gloves), which he soon put his helmet on, bonking the top of (y/n)'s head in the process.
"he looks scary with all of that on," kaoru commented.
the ouran host club gathered around honey senpai at the window, watching the match get started. sukuna and his opponent bowed to each other before bowing to the officials with the referees. now, the match was on.
sukuna's personality reflected how his techniques and how executed kendo. teasing, he had a sway in the way he holds his shinai, falsifying whether he would initiate an attack. this would allow catching his enemies off balance, which is when he first strikes.
"kote!" ippon, the perfect strike.
the red flag raised to signal a point to sukuna. cheers echoed in the gym, and the host club couldn't help but cheer with them. the players reset once more in the middle before resuming the match at the referee's call.
"he moved so fast," hikaru exclaimed.
"itadori-chan hasn't changed one bit with his techniques. he's still so fun to watch!" honey said. he eyed takashi, who used to look up to sukuna's techniques when they were all younger. the two never formally met the pink-haired student, however, it's hard to miss those colored tufts with loud cheers when passing through the championships.
the ouran host club watched intently, if they took their eyes off, they might miss an important attack.
however the other player wasn't making any offensive moves, probably unsure how to attack him. sukuna lessened his tough stance, hoping the other would just charge at him, but there was no budge. he started to quickly swing at the shinai, hopefully waking up the sorry guy. however, there was an opportunity that sukuna doesn't ever miss. he trapped the player, giving him the opening to thrust the tip of the shinai to his neck.
the red flag goes up once more, and the bell signalling that the match was over. they go to their respective starting positions, wrapping up the match. cheers roared through the gym, as sukuna removed his men off.
"woah, he's so cool," kaoru marveled, the twins pretending to be kendo players with imaginary. tamaki was already taking pictures with his phone during the entirety of match, which his members caught him ("it's just for reference.")
"his last kendo tournament, he only lost as the referees were paid off to let the other person win. since then, he hasn't been seen competing," kyoya stated.
"he was supposed to compete in takashi's last tournament but he pulled out of it last minute," honey added, earning a nod from the taller male.
truth be told, sukuna only missed that tournament as the host club had a beach vacation at the special request of kento. no one wanted to pass over the opportunity to a holiday or how kento asked for something.
"well, mori-senpai, we'll be rooting for you in your kendo match," haruhi smiled before the twins dragged her into the gym, trying to find seats.
"you'll do amazing, senpai!" tamaki shared a grin before quickly following the trio, shouting after them.
a small smile on takashi's face at the encouragement from his members. honey noticed the contentment on his face, knowing how grateful he was despite the little words the taller expressed. he pulled his cousin down, enough to pat the top of his head, "good luck out there."
even with nothing said, he just feels everything completely.
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"the next two sections, martial arts and table tennis, will be happening concurrently at around 10:30. so try to support both groups as best as possible," (y/n) read off from her clipboard, earning a salute from her members. ieiri and yu were participating in the table tennis duo matches, while satoru would be participating in the martial arts (which he found out that the specific art was karate aka not his favorite).
"and what sport will you be participating in, miss manager?" suguru questioned, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"none, everything is all on you guys today," she answered, in honesty, she wasn't feeling any of the individual events and would rather wait until tomorrow to expend any of her energy.
"that's no fun, but it'll be great having you support all of us. i expect the same amount of attention from you when i prepare for the relay," suguru pointed to the fact that she was helping sukuna prepare for his round earlier.
"he's just been on edge since this morning, figured the least i can do is help him with his equipment," she said, causing suguru to hum in response.
currently, the tall member from the ouran host club, morinozuka-san if she remembers correctly, was completing his kendo round. based on the portfolio kyoya built for them, he was a national kendo champion. the clicks of the bamboo swords heard through the gym. morinozuka currently playing the defensive side, as his opponent continued to play with a set of aggressive attacks.
it was already 1-0, due to morinozuka taking an advantage in the first minute of the match. however the round of kendo were only set for 10 minutes, and it looked like morinozuka-san was now playing for time before he strikes.
that was what sukuna was talking about during his morning session. he was already thinking about what was three steps ahead of him, as he usually does. sukuna brought up as him and morinozuka's strategies and techniques are about the same, and their match might have an extending round.
"look at him go, he has great balance," satoru commented as he watched.
"yeah, he's kinda the same to sukuna with the way he fights, but somehow very different," yu mentioned the fighting style. (y/n) thinks how morinozuka isn't as badgering as sukuna, probably has more patience and firmness.
morinozuka slipped through a weakness of his opponent, catching him completely off guard.
ippon! strike to the neck, and it was game.
"he ended the match, just like sukuna-senpai did," yu exclaimed.
cheers erupted again once the bell signalled the ending of the match.
"10 minutes until the final round with sukuna and that guy," ieiri said as their pink-haired host trailed in behind her, carrying his bag of items with him.
"that was fast, final round already?" suguru questioned. there were matches happening concurrently, but there should have been a couple of dozens.
"a lot of them forfeited kendo and martial arts, seeing who their competition was," kento answered. he was on patrol for (y/n), updating her on any information in terms of matches and the entire exchange event.
"losers!" satoru cried out, laughing, seemingly the only one who found it funny. "oh, come on, guys."
"alright, sukuna, you're up next!"
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this is annoying. sukuna's pride and need to be irritating (according to (y/n)) always got in the way. sometimes, it worked in their favor, sometimes not. and in this situation, it's biting sukuna's ass. he never exerted extra efforts unless the outcome severely aided him in his favor. and now, he's stuck going toe-to-toe with a national kendo champion because he decided to say some shit (even if himself is champion, also)
typically, (y/n) or kento saves him (or satoru and suguru) when he's mouthing off, but they didn't.
he sighs while hopping back to resume his stance.
two options: give up by letting up or let run time
both options would result in failure in some way. the latter, in kendo rules, would result in an extension, and he still has to continue playing. the first would honestly just ruin his reputation, and morinozuka would see right through it. however if he forgoes both options and tries, it would seep into the second option regardless.
he's not the type to do it for anyone but himself, but why does he have the sudden urge to just do it for the club. no, he'll do it for himself despite if there's nothing to gain from it. what's the point if he can't win?
sukuna scanned the player in front of him, figuring out what would be the best way to earn a perfect hit. the height difference between both of them wasn't off too much, him just being a little taller than morinozuka. there wasn't many weak points to strike, but he would be able to test the waters.
he pulls the first offensive move since the beginning of the match. the bamboo sticks ring through the gym, both trying to earn a point. at this point, there shouldn't be much time left on the clock.
"this match is a little boring," hikaru yawned, to viewers, the match seemed to be rather long.
"we're going to find something more entertaining," kaoru completed his brother's thoughts, almost walking away until tamaki stopped them.
"hey, wait a minute, it's the last match and the least we can do for mori-senpai is to watch him," their boss made them sit back down, but they couldn't go without a huff. "what do you think will happen, honey-senpai?"
"it's hard to say. i bet both of their motives are for the clubs. since their techniques mirror each others quite well, i think the officials will send them to a draw without a round extension and give both a point in team points," honey said, as he downed a piece of his cake.
takashi tried to lunge and strike sukuna's left side of his torso, until it was blocked. there hasn't been a match where he was so unsure of what he planned to do for an attack, but here, this pink-haired teen has him stumped. they seem to mirror each other's movements and the plan of defense was, and even when he tries to do a technique he has never done, it's blocked. and it's back to square one.
sukuna almost plans to make a fool of himself and just charge without a technique, but it would give kiddish and actually tarnish his name. he could play dirty and force him out of bounds or make him drop his shinai.
however the bell rings, signalling the end of the match. the red and white flags raised. the two concede, finishing with the formalities to end a kendo match, waiting for the call from the officials.
"morinozuka takashi and itadori sukuna, the match ends in a draw. both performances leading up to this round have been tallied, which assumes into a draw. the games of table tennis and martial arts will start in an hour, please proceed."
"hmph," sukuna bows to takashi once more before mirroring his footsteps to exit the middle of the gym. he was rather unsure how to feel about the ending. he finds his members gathered together, waiting for him, grins all on their faces minus kento who only smiles softly.
"you did great, kuna!" their president first hugs him, which ends up piling everyone into embracing their cocky member. despite the uncertain ending to his kendo match, there was no doubt of the one skip in his heart as his club congratulated him.
that's enough skips for one day.
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"do you ever get nervous fighting or like before? do you feel anything during match days?" (y/n) questioned, watching sukuna adjust his equipment.
"no, i don't feel anything," he answered. though, he knew that she wouldn't have a random question without a reason, "what makes you ask?"
"just wondering." she fiddled with the flaps of the bottom of the helmet. "i don't know, i was also thinking about how angry i would be if i was playing a sport and so close to being a champion, only for me to lose because people got paid to alter the outcome."
he remembers that day vaguely, as he just wanted to push out the emotions that filled in him in those moments. so, it was a lie that he doesn't feel anything, that day, he felt everything. not even in a good way.
"that day, once i figured out the referees were paid off for the last round, why try if the result was already set in stone," he blankly stated, pulling his gloves on. the thing was he did try, he tried the best he was able to, everyone was counting on him that day. his host club, his family, but it just had to be paid off. so close to reaching his one goal, only to be snatched away by greed.
"is that why you stopped participating in kendo? because it might happen again?," she always knew, and he wasn't sure if he hated that she always knew.
"no," he was going to answer, but he wasn't sure how to respond anymore without giving her any leverage. he did lose the passion of participating in his club outside of the academy, as well as the one at jujutsu tech.
"hmm.. just a thought. but i wouldn't let anyone take what i enjoy away from me." she handed him his helmet with a soft smile on her face, "just so you know, we all knew you won that last point. we knew you won that day."
with that stupid smile on her face, he snatched the helmet.
and with that stupid skip in his heart, "get out of here."
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ep 1, complete.
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coniangray · 2 months
St5 teaser breakdown
(cus im bored) (spoilers, duh....i think)
All these clips are from the first 2 eps cus ofc they wont wanna spoil more that early into production. Like imagine if this felt too much of a sneak peak, the season is gonna be HUGE and this will feel like the 0.00001% of what it actually is lmao.
The school scenes:
i think first scenes, all from episode one.
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The boys will catch a signal from the radio the night prior, paralleling s2e1
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but this time either will lives with the wheelers or hes at the radio station and they contact from there.
the signal might be near a military base OR
its henrys signal that needs decoding excactly like the scoop troops did in st3.
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So, the dynamics here are gonna be reminicent of both s2 and s3e2.
some quotes like "what are you doing on this channel again" and ''I cracked it", "cracked what?","I cracked the code" are also gonna make the cut. This scene will be paralelled with either mike or dustin, since these two were the brain of the party.
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And what did robin also figure out in s4? Oh, wait-
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I dont actually know what this code is, but i know it needs all four of them to solve it. And what if, in the background of the signal they catch up on little dream of me playing in the background?
The daisy song being broadcasted was accidental; the russians werent planning on including it there or they just did it as a distraction (they might have recorded the code within the crowd of the mall in brought daylight.) So what if the music, even if there is one at the background, is accidental too? After all, this song is mentioned as victors safe space because he called ella fitzgerald an angel, not henrys.
It all has to do with vecna at the end of the day, given how will touches his neck and feels him. This is an early sign of the symptoms, given how later, after school, they grow bigger and wider, giving will his first vision of the day:
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And i dont even need to tell yall what this scene paralels lol
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same table, but not same tree.
The code solving talk still continues here, because of how convenient it is to have will see the clock, zone out, walk towards it while the rest of the group talks about vecna and him capturing his victims in manipulative ways. In this scene they will bring up metaphors and allegories, just like they did with chrissy and eddie "do you ever feel like youre losing your mind?","i feel like im going crazy right now, doing a deal with the queen of hawkins high".
Also, like eddie said, this place promises safety because no o ne ever goes out there. SO, my bet is, mike chose they go there since eddie mustve told him right before he died.
bet hell say sth between the lines of "We have to go somewhere private. Somewhere no one can hear us." and thatll be most likely during lunch.
And thats where the bullies come in.
In order to continue their scenes out there, they mustve been interrupted by andy and jasons squad, and teased as to what they were doing with the radio on the table, given the leaks we got back in january or mike and dustin being followed by them.
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no i have a feeling that during this arguement (after lunch and before the table scene), andy will attack mike and dustin and will will hopefully give a punch, paraleling el and angela in s4 and joyce in s3. This is my guess here, but i hope its true cus poor boy needs to throw hands with sb.
Spoiler alert it might not happen that day cus all of them are safe and sound without a scratch in the table woods scene.
After the woods scene, dustin visits eddied grave with his bike, which vandalized to the gods and guess who did it; thats right the bullies.
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which will probably paralel maxs scene on billys grave
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I wanna believe we get a heartfelt speech about his and mikes relationship with eddie, warming the ground for more eddie flashbacks to come. No, he wont get vecnad here, but rather found and beaten up by andi and the bullies, cus he was seen with a bruised face later on
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and yes, the projector scene is also from the same day.
Another interesting thing to point out here is how the duffers said that our characters will start the season in action, so all the el scenes fighting vecna in the upside down and all the lights flickering, theyre all from the first 2 episodes.
After school and after the graveyard, with propably a few new scenes taking place in the middle, they all go to the new station set, and as it seems the byers are doing a presentation??
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Probably from their experience in the uspide down, or most likely explaining sth about vecnas connection.
Orrr its a group thing, idk.
The thing is, dustin is beaten up standing next to steve. My bets are that hell notice dustin is hurt and make a huge deal about it, argue with the party on why he was found like that in the first place.
This would also be a chance to bring up the dynamics from the previous seasons and their flaws, aka dustin being with steve more time than he was with the party or others.
The thing is, in the same scene we see this;
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M4tt showing n0ah how to choke.
Things most likely get heated in this scene, and that triggers wills connection with vecna. The mindflayer activates, and he becomes like billy.
And who else flayed choked sb else prior to this?
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Will will attack someone, most likely steve, cus he was also shown beaten up later in the teaser, especially in the car scene with nancy n johnathan.
Which leads us to this leak;
Its night, right outside the radio station. My guess is that steve tries to escape but part of him stays cus hell its will that attacks, that boy is harmless, right? While will is just there, chocking him and bagginf him to run.
Its the perfect lead up imo; first he feels the mf getting closer, then he has the vision and then he gets activated.
i feel like this is the cliffhanger between e1 and e2, since it would be perfect to have us waiting for steves safety and wills sanity for the next episode.
Bonus bonus;
Nancys Candy striper outfit
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Going undercover in ep 1 was not on mybingo card, so im guessing shes an actual vollunteer at the hospital, because shed have to gain trust in order to sneak in and steal files.
but then again, why from tyhe hospital? all this place has ws maxs condition, which was already known to her and the rest of the team.
Involving her with such type of environment is simply to create more paraelels from the hmh scenes in s3.
Now, we also got this leak from april, and its most likely for ep4
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the vollunteer is obviously nancy, but for her to return to that outfit, shell have to wear it again. So that means what i said, she became a vollunteer to gain trust and steal the proper files from the turnbows mansion thats connected to the lab.
Wills outfit also indicates its from a later episode.
As for the hopper scenes, idk a lot to break it down. And for el, this must be in ep 1 since this is unfinished bussiness from the piggyback if u nthink abt it
Thats it, hope you enjoyed my brain fart and i hope im right.
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quietblueriver · 1 year
They’re in my head again (always) so here’s some more Southern Gothic fluff. Once again very minor spoilers for last night’s ep but mostly just them being perfectly, disgustingly in love.
The bones on Laudna’s garland knock together overhead as Imogen ducks under her arm, laughing and stepping close again, squeezing Laudna’s fingers (gently, always gently) before standing on her toes to reciprocate the spin.
Laudna has to bend a little awkwardly to compensate for the height difference, a familiar crack of joints just audible over the music as she turns. She’s laughing when she comes back, smile haunting and bright, and Imogen pulls her close enough to press a kiss to her cheek before twirling her out again.
It’s not long before the deck fills, the rattle of bones a charming if entirely off-beat accompaniment to the music, and a few minutes later, Imogen feels the tap of a skeletal finger on her shoulder. She turns, keeping one hand on Laudna’s waist, to find one of the crewmen shifting from one bony foot to the other.
“Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am.” And Imogen knows that bones can’t blush, but she can almost see it anyway, nerves working themselves out through shifting hip bones and twitching phalanges, a clenching mandible. “Would you mind if I cut in?”
Flaming blue eyes dart to Laudna and Imogen smiles, feeling fond and strangely kin to the skeleton, grateful to be surrounded by souls who see Laudna a little more like she does, who can appreciate the particular beauty of a wilting flower that refuses to give up its spot in the sun.
She raises a brow at her girlfriend, who nods, rubbing a thumb over Imogen’s wrist at her waist.
“Not at all.” She presses another kiss to Laudna’s cheek, a little too close to her mouth to be friendly, and Laudna shakes her head fondly even as she blushes.
No need to worry, darling. I only have eyes for you.
Imogen winks, only the smallest bit embarrassed to have been called out. Can’t blame a girl for tryin’ to make things clear. She tucks a strand of Laudna’s hair behind her ear before stepping back and gesturing to the skeleton waiting patiently beside them.
“Y’all have fun.”
The skeleton dips his skull and moves closer to Laudna. Rather beautifully tattooed waves circle down his radii and ulna, which move hesitantly toward her hand and waist, and Imogen thinks that maybe Kyle isn’t the only sensitive soul on the Crimson Abyss. She hears an enthusiastic, “Hello, there! I’m Laudna,” and smiles as she steps out of the crowd for some quiet.
Laudna finds her leaned against the railing, staring into the fog. She braces her forearms next to Imogen’s, pressing their hips together as she says, “Platinum for your thoughts?”
At Imogen’s raised brow she grins and waves a hand, “They’re clearly worth more than a copper, darling, although we might have to come up with some sort of payment plan if you intend to collect. We could resurrect some of the old shows with Pâté and Sashimi, maybe? Or, I have a few craft project ideas…”
Imogen gives a cursory glance to the crowd near them and then puts a hand on Laudna’s jaw and turns her, leaning up for a kiss.
“You can have ‘em for free, darlin’.” Laudna leans down and kisses her again, lips cool and, thrillingly, a little bit familiar now. “You can have whatever you want from me.”
She means it as a tease, even if she’s absolutely serious, but Laudna’s face changes, brow furrowing as she traces her nails up Imogen’s cheek, brings her fingers down to rest against her nape.
“Yes,” she says, quieter. “About that.”
And Imogen knows, braces, waits. Laudna’s eyes, dark and appraising, meet hers. “Your soul is too precious to risk.” It’s definitive, the usual joyful rhythm of her words traded for a series of hard stops.
“So is yours.”
Laudna blinks. And Imogen understands that even now, even after…after, Laudna can’t quite believe what she means to them, what she means to Imogen, but if this is what helps her to understand, then Imogen is more than willing to give it.
She waits patiently, but when Laudna seems unable to find her words, looking down at the railing of the ship and biting her lip, Imogen says, “I know she’s in there with you, and you know I support you doin’…whatever it is you want to do about that. It’s your mind and your body and your soul, Laud. I would never, ever try to take any choice away from you.”
She risks tilting Laudna’s chin up with her pointer finger, a gentle pressure that leads Laudna’s eyes back to hers.
“But I need you to understand how important you are to me. To us. I had to live without you once, and…” She clears her throat as a cry comes from the crowd behind them, the music changing and Chetney yelling something she can’t quite make out. Laudna presses closer to her.
She shakes her head and takes a deep breath. “I don’t intend on doin’ that again, unless you ask me to.” Laudna shakes her head vehemently, nearly dislodging her rock chisel, and Imogen smiles at her. “But even more than that, it’s…you bring so much good to the world, Laudna. You. As you.” She gestures at the garland and tilts her head back to the crowd. “You bring so much joy.”
“That’s kind of you, darling,” she murmurs, ducking her head again, “but joy isn’t power. I don’t have much of that, without her, but you…you do, Imogen. You’re important. Too important to risk.”
She doesn’t sigh, not out loud, but inside she wants to scream. She wants to give Laudna her soul, to dive into her and destroy the bitch who has spent so long torturing the best person Imogen has ever known.
“There is nothing too important to me to risk for you.” A disgruntled noise, but Imogen pushes on, determined. “Think of what you’d give me for me, Laud.” There’s a tiny drop of ichor at the corner of her eye when she looks up, and Imogen catches it with her thumb as it falls. “You have to know I’d give the same for you. You don’t have to understand why, but…you believe me, right?”
Laudna bites her lip again, and ichor wells there too, the skin split with the force of her incisor. It’ll heal, Imogen knows, but she has to stop herself from tutting, settles for freeing the lip with the same thumb already stained black. Laudna watches as Imogen sucks reflexively on her thumb before bringing it back to Laudna’s cheek.
Finally, she nods. “I believe you. Of course, I believe you.”
Imogen nods back at her, says softly, “Good. Then you know, when I said you could suck out some of my soul, I wasn’t offerin’ anythin’ that ain’t already yours.”
Laudna sucks in a breath and Imogen kisses her and kisses her until another cry rises from the crowd and they break apart, breathing slightly heavier.
It’s a lot, all of it. Too much, always too much, to have to carry, even if it is easier between them. But as the music strikes up again, another new tune, Imogen wants to take advantage of the chance to do something a little bit normal and dance with her girlfriend. And if it’s in the most abnormal of circumstances—on a ghost pirate ship with music blasting from their sentient robit friend while bone garland swings from above—then that’s okay. That’s perfectly them.
“And anyway, didn’t you say it was kinda hot? The thought of suckin’ out my soul?”
Laudna barks out a laugh and purples, hand moving to her own cheek.
She gives her best roguish grin and winks, grabbing Laudna’s hand.
“Dance with me?”
Their friends are in a circle when they return, Chetney throwing his body against the ground in a strange approximation of a worm as the others clap, and Laudna leans into Imogen as they settle between Orym and Ashton to watch, cheering him on.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months
Yeah idk during the first few episodes the voice acting felt kinda off but I wasn’t really sure why?????
It didn’t feel like a problem later (either it got better or I got used to it)
also (I think) the expressions (and general animation) improve a lot by the end of the season (though the characters faces still look kinda different?? Like their mouths and eyes look kinda funky? Idk am I going crazy?)
(I answered this ask and my wifi died and deleted everything I wrote so this might sound like a not great answer cause I’m trying to remember what I said)
OH THANK HECK ITS NOT JUST ME. can’t say whether or not things stay off or shift back since I’ve only watched up to ep 2 but I’ll definitely be paying attention to it. Ngl I think the faces absolutely do look off but that’s to be expected, I’d be shooketh if they managed to replicate exactly what they looked like in previous seasons
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IM NOT CRAZY MY GOSHVJKSNFKJSDNFKJDNS listen listen i do my best not to criticize things just for the sake of criticizing I don’t want to be brutally salty just cause the animation isn’t FB I really want to give this new version of the show a shot, but it’s DEFINITELY not JUST the animation that’s different, other stuff is off too, stuff that doesn’t make sense to be different just because of an animation change and I’m not saying it to be critical I’m just saying it because I’m noticing that it’s different
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I gotta say I definitely feel a lot better knowing I’m not losing my marbles, I really did think I was going nuts, knowing other people noticed it to is REAL NICE, and I’m glad I could help ya feel a bit better too it’s nice to not feel like you’re going bananas. It can definitely feel like people are one of two extremes rn, either hardcore hating or not wanting to talk about what might be different because they don’t want to get anywhere near being negative (‘which is totally fine btw positivity is much needed in this world Fr) and it’s nice to know there are some fans out there who notice what’s off and are willing to discuss it a bit but not like, jumping right to animation hate THANKS FOR THE ASKS GUYS WE AIN’T CRAZYKLJGLIEFNVSF
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personwithatophat · 2 months
Living Theory
as much as i want to say this is a crack theory, I do believe it ill take the loss if I'm wrong but the proof is here Generation loss theory I don't think the cast is dead. in fact I don't think there were any deaths in TSE Ep 2 This theory that the cast is still alive has a few roots that range from really easy to stupid complex we can start easy. Easy: The idea that showfall media can revive the dead needs to be questioned more. This run-down, abandoned mall with some camera equipment and brainwashed streamers having the power to raise the dead so easily that they will kill off characters, off-screen, legitimately. just in order to bring them back, doesn't make sense. if we find out that showfall mall is some TADC rebuilt reality, fine. but so long as we're working with real-world logic this is taking a step in a direction that's way too far from the rest of the story. "well hetch talked about reviving the cast, Hetch said it was all real" Hetch is an unreliable narrator. in generation loss, it's a very important (and horribly confusing) constant, that we have no reliable narrators.
Medium: All the deaths in Ep. 2 are comedic and nonsensical. it's in a way that's clearly portrayed to us as fake, and portrayed to the characters as real. while there's definitely some wiggle room for improvised show and trying to decipher what's supposed to be real or what is a prop, this is something that they do multiple times through the show where they aren't trying to convince US what's on screen is real, they just have to convince the CAST its real to get the proper reaction. An example of this could be the wall in Ep 1 that was obviously fake but was treated as realistic until the right piece of dialogue came through before sneeg comments on how obviously fake it is. In Ep 2 nikki dies with a comically long pistol, vinny gets crushed by a loony tunes anvil, ethan goes off screen with a rotating wall, the wall-crushing scene is powered by two rats slightly pushing sneeg and austin against a mostly empty room, and puzzler blows up leaving his shoes and slightly torn up chair wizard of oz style. all these deaths are silly, goofy, comedic not just that but since we know sneeg comes back to be in part of ep 3, it implies that austin and likely all the other equally goofy deaths weren't real either. Hard: ok for this just hear me out. at TFC - 20:40 and TSE 49:18 for Ep 1 ranboo picks up a cinderblock in order to slam it against sneegs cage lock. as ranboo hits it against the lock, it doesn't work, and the block warps in his hand. this is because the block is made out of foam, later on, sneeg actually throws the brick at ranboo during the evil snag fight. both ranboo and sneeg comment on the block being real to them. In TFC this scene of the block warping in ranboos hand is actually changed to have a different, debatably worse camera angle just looking behind ranboo and hiding the obvious prop behavior. if the founder's cut is acknowledged by the founder and this is an imperfection that was corrected, then that in its own way is an acknowledgement in canon that the block is made out of foam. Stick With Me If the block is made of foam and sneeg throws the block at ranboo, causing ranboo to reel back, then that means that showfall can simulate the feeling of pain. at what point other than this, would it be relevant that pain can be realistically but heavily simulated? The Surgery Scene. So let's swap the script. Let's say that during the surgery scene, charlie really was just there with a tub full of goop. in this case, it would be *much easier* and *much more effective* to fake the gore instead of the slime by having a short, few-second-long period that charlie feels like he's being cut open and reacts appropriately then find a way to do it real. and if the surgery is fake and its on screen its hardly a challenge to fake an off screen character death or 4. I wont speak for all the deaths but I have my eye on Ep 2 -Tophat
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hunsimonbrainrot · 1 year
Simon and Marceline: Fionna and Cake's neglected sub-plot
The one story element I feel wasn't perfectly concluded was Simon's modern relationship with Marceline. At the start of the second episode, we see a flashback to post-apocalyptic Ooo where Simon tells young Marcy in the most cheerful way possible that someone else could take better care of her than he ever could, that she'll be living in a castle with food and medicine. Later in the same episode, he tries to talk to Marceline on the phone, to hear her having a wonderful time with her girlfriend. She's happier than she has ever been and Simon doesn't want to bring her down with his depression. He feels like she's just fine without him and doesn't need him anymore, not realizing how disappearing from her life would hurt her.
Marceline has faced abandonment from every parental figure in her life, by Hunson, by Elise (Even though it was a misunderstanding), and by Simon (Even though it was out of his control). One could only imagine how hurt and betrayed she'd feel at Simon wanting to become Ice King again and leaving her a second time. This decision was... selfish, plane and simple. Yes, he wanted to help Fionna and Cake, but he also wanted a purpose. He wanted to feel needed, and his surrogate daughter wasn't providing him with that. In episode 7 The Star, Simon enters a timeline where he wasn't the one to find Marcy, but instead someone much worse. Someone who manipulated her into doing his bidding and turned her into a bad person. Simon rightfully calls him out on this, although he himself has seen better days as a father (sorry) . While this universe showed him how much he was needed in Marcy's life, it isn't just about being needed, its about being wanted. Marceline WANTS him in her life even though she doesn't need him to blow her nose anymore. 
At the end of the series, Simon recognises his selfishness in his relationship with Betty and learns from it, as well as that he doesn't need to be needed and can live for himself. It's a beautiful, impactful message, one of my favorite in all of media, however, his arc with Marceline is never completed.
That's one of my only gripes with the series, the whole Marcy and Simon sub-plot feels like it's missing the last part of a three act structure. Act one was the flashback scene and phone call scene in ep 2. The 2nd act is The Star, where he realizes he is needed. But act three, where he realises he is wanted in his daughters life is nowhere to be seen. In fact, The Star is the last time we see Marceline in the show and it's not even our Marceline. We don't get to see how Marcy reacts to what Simon wanted to do or see him tell her that he's sorry and sees the impact he made in her life. We don't even see him hanging out with her in the ending montage. 
I have read many wonderful fanfics and comics that attempt to close this arc, with Marcy either being angry with him or reassuring him, or both. But some things shouldn't be left up to the fanfic writers. 
Before the last two episodes came out, I was hoping that the last episode would be a 40 minute special so the writers would have ample time to wrap things up , and wrap it up they did, but not all of it. Does Marceline know what Simon tried to do? Does she blame herself? Does Simon just keep this secret from her because he's too ashamed and doesn't want to hurt her, all questions left unanswered. 
Yeah, there's hope for season 2, but it really feels like it should have been completed in season one. It either needs to be concluded in an extra episode special (something series tend to have nowadays.) or turn it into a main plot point for a second season that explores Simon’s relationship with Marcy. 
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eddiesgorlie · 2 years
Her Protector Pt.2 (Elvis)
Elvis Presley x Reader
Read part one first!
Warnings: mentions of SA, blood, panic attacks.
Word count: 2,049
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It had been five days since the incident. Five days of Elvis taking care of me. The first two days I struggled to stand and walked, but Elvis helped me through everything, holding me up and carrying me to the bathroom, bringing meals to his room where I was staying and watching movies and spending time with me.
Today I decided it was time to get out of the dark room and get some sunlight and fresh air while the boys played football. “Are you sure you’re ready?” Elvis asked. “I am. Can you grab me those sweatpants and that shirt?” I asked, pointing to the chair with clothes over it. He nodded and handed them to me. He helped me put everything on and grabbed a blanket and book before helping me down the steps and to the front lawn, getting me setup and comfortable on a chair in a shaded area.
“Look, its’s Y/n!” Jerry yelled to the group. They all jogged up to me like someone just announced pancake breakfast. “How are you feeling?” Sonny asked. “Better. Thank you for asking.” I said. “Its been real sad without you.” Jerry said. “Oh be quiet.” I said with a laugh. Joe, Billy, Lamar and Charlie all checked on me and wished me the best.
I pulled out my book as the boys started playing football. I didn’t get too far in reading though, their game was very entertaining to watch. After a while they stopped keeping score and just started having fun. I was having fun until a familiar car started up the driveway. The mafias eyes shot up to the sound of a car, quickly realizing who it was, Elvis and Jerry jogged up to me and Elvis lifted me up, trying to get me inside quickly, Jerry following behind with all of my things. “Mama, daddy, I need help with Y/n!” Elvis yelled. Gladys’s came out of the open door and sped over to me, taking Elvis’s place. Jerry tossed all of the things down and helped Gladys get me inside. They got me on the couch and Jerry ran outside, shutting the door behind him.
“What was all of that commotion?” Gladys asked. “Red showed up.” I said. I heard yelling outside. “Y/n, please come out! I know you’re in there. You know I love you baby!” I heard Red yell. “Don’t listen, sweetheart.” Gladys said as she covered my ears.
I continued to hear muffled yells and the screech of a car. I started hyperventilating, all of the progress I’ve made being ruined as I remembered that nights events. The front door flew open and the boys came flooding in. “Elvis, shes panicking.” Gladys said. Elvis quickly made his way over to me and got on his knees in front of me. The others crowded behind him. “Give her some space.” Elvis said. They didn’t budge. “I said give her some space, damnit!” He yelled at them. They all dispersed to other parts of the house as Elvis tried to calm me down. “He’s gone now, you’re safe. Can you look at me Y/n?” He asked. I looked up at him, shivering. “What can you hear?” He asked. “You.” I said. “What can you smell?” “Grass.” “What can you feel?” “The couch, and your hands.” I said, catching my breath. “Are you feeling better?” He asked. “I am.” I said.
“Do you want some water?” He asked. I nodded. He got up and went to the kitchen, returning with a glass a couple minutes later. He sat next to me and helped me support the glass in my shaking hands. “You’ve gotta take a sip.” He said, bringing the glass to my lips. I drank the cold liquid and he set it on the table once I was done. “Good girl.” He said. “Can I just rest my eyes, EP?” I asked. “Of course. Do you want to stay here or up in the room?” He asked. “Here.” I said. “Ok, I’ll be outside if you need me.” He said. “No, I want you to stay.” I said, grabbing his hand. He nodded and laid back on the couch, moving me to where I was laying on his chest. I almost immediately fell asleep once I had laid down.
When I woke up I heard the calming sound of Elvis breathing and quietly snoring. My body ached and I tried to move without waking him up but it did. His eyes flickered open and he sighed as he smiled. “Hi.” He said. “I’m so sorry I woke you.” I said, knowing his struggles when it came to sleeping. “No, no don’t be sorry. Perfect timing actually, I can smell dinner.” He said. I slowly sat up, hissing at the pain. “Are you ok?” He asked. “Yeah, I still just have some pain.” I said, taking a breath before standing up. Elvis stood up and pulled me up with him so I could get my balance. “You didn’t tell me you were still in pain.” He said. “I didn’t want to worry you. I’m sure its fine.” I said. He nodded and we walked to the dining room, joined by the Memphis mafia. Everyone brought some food in and we said grace before enjoying Gladys amazing cooking.
The guys started asking me questions and I got nervous again, I reached for Elvis’s hand under the table and held it tightly. They kept asking “How are you doing?” “Are you still in pain?” “Did today mess you up?” “What can we do to help after today?” I know they meant good things from it but it just kept brining it back. “Guys, stop.” Elvis said. They all stopped and got back into their dinner. “So, EP when are you recording next?” Charlie asked. “Not for a little while. I don’t want to have to go all the way to Nashville now and I don’t know what I want to record yet.” He said. He lied, the truth was that he didn’t want to leave me. He saw how the Mafia could be like vultures sometimes and he refused to leave me until he knew I was comfortable and able to take care of myself mentally and physically, I couldn’t even shower on my own yet.
Dinner was quiet after that, everyone could sense Elvis’s anger from all of the questions. He never stopped stroking my hand though.
After dinner I helped carry the plates to the kitchen and went to start cleaning before Elvis stopped me. “No, go upstairs. You need some rest.” He said. “Elvis, I’m ok. Let me help.” I said. “Y/n, no. Go upstairs.” He said. I stepped back at his tone before nodding and walking out of the room. “Y/n I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you.” He said following me. “Elvis, it’s ok.” I said. He nodded and walked back to the kitchen. I went upstairs and walked to mine and red’s old room, deciding maybe its time to move back in here. I pushed the door open and it was all the same. My clothes from that night were on the floor, blood on the bedsheets and Red’s belongings spread around the room. I covered my mouth and slid back against the wall, letting all the emotions hit me like a freight train. I tried to control my breathing like Elvis helped me with earlier but I couldn’t, I felt so vulnerable back in the room and alone. What could I hear? My screams. What could I feel? Pain. “What could I see? My blood. All I wanted to do was leave the room but my body felt like jelly and lead at the same time, I couldn’t move. My lungs started feeling tight and my throat was closing. I grabbed at my neck trying to get air, trying to scream, but nothing would come out. I laid back on the floor, would this be how I died? I would die angry at Elvis in the room I was raped in that I was in because I was mad at Elvis. He was the only thing I could think of. Would he miss me? Elvis. The door flew open and there was Elvis. Elvis. Elvis.
“Why are you in here?” He yelled, noticing my current situation he quickly got on his knees to help me. He pulled me into his lap, struggling to move my stiff body. Somehow he was able to pull me into the hallway, closing the door to that room. I was back in his lap again, he was stroking my hands, kissing my forehead and pushing my hair from my face until air made it into my lungs and I started coughing and gasping. “There you go, good girl.” He said putting me in a sitting position so I wouldn’t choke.
“Why were you in there?” He asked, laying me back down once my coughing fit was over. “I-I was going to try to sleep in there again. I thought I was over staying my welcome.” I said, my voice raspy. “Never, you are always welcome in my room. I’d never expect you to go in there again.” He said. “Thank you. Can we go to your room now?” I asked. “Of course.” He said. He stood up and pulled me up afterward. He had to support my entire body because how weak and shaky my legs were. “C-can I take a shower?” I asked, noticing my shirt was drenched in sweat. “Honey, I don’t think you’re going to be able to, you can’t hold yourself up.” He said. “Please. You can help me, please.” I said. He took a deep breath and nodded. “Ok, I’ll help you.” He said he got my into his room and had me sit on the bed. He immediately turned the shower on and came back to help me undress. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen me.. nude since he had seen me that night and had to help Gladys once when I had to have a sponge bath. This time felt different though. His gentle fingers slowly worked the fabric off of me and he stripped down to his boxers before helping me into the shower. I leaned against his front and my head dropped onto his shoulder as the warm water from my first shower since that night engulfed my body.
He handed me a bar of soap and I started cleaning my body with the soap. The soap was obviously a mens soap, it smelled like him. His fingers stroked my middle before I handed him the soap. I turned to face him so he could help me wash my hair. He put some shampoo into my hair and massaged it in as I held onto his shoulders. His eyes never looked below my neck. “Oh no, thats going to go in your eye.” He said, taking his thumb and wiping the shampoo from my forehead. “There we go.” He said with a smile. I looked at him, just looked between his beautiful blue eyes and beautiful pink lips. I leaned forward and crashed my lips onto his. He immediately reciprocated the kiss but pulled away a moment later. “No, you aren’t thinking straight. You just had a panic attack, your emotions aren’t in the right place.” He said, rinsing the shampoo from my hair. “Elvis, I am thinking straight.” I said. He turned the water off. “No you aren’t, I’m not a jerk that takes advantage of girls.” He said helping me out of the shower and wrapping me in a towel. “Elvis, please listen to me!” I cried. “No, Y/n. Talk to me tomorrow or next week or whenever you are thinking straight.” He said. He helped me into my pajama’s and sat me in a vanity chair so I could do my skincare and brush my hair. He went in the bedroom and put his pajamas on.
Once he had changed, he came back into the bathroom and helped me get into bed. “I’m sorry I’m being harsh, Y/n. I’m just trying to protect you.” He said. I nodded, not meeting his eyes. I snuggled into the blankets and let out my quiet painful sobs once the lights turned off.
Part 3 coming soon.
Taglist: @18lkpeters @06nasyrah13 @peaceloveelvis
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erstwhilesparrow · 10 months
might make a longer post later about more details from the video, but have been thinking especially about how delighted i am at the ways characters are categorizing and drawing lines around things in owen's newest new life ep? careful about the cut; there's spoilers in there.
i think... in other series, or watching videos created by other ccs, if someone monologued at the audience about how they think the mechanics of the world work, i would just take that at face-value and move on? this is a thing people do. minecraft is pretty open-ended -- the things that happen in it and the mechanics players interact with can have many interpretations, and probably the person holding the camera is telling you their interpretation so we have The Intended Way To Understand The Rest Of The Video. or at the very least, those interpretations don't tend to be characterizingly wrong? i'm thinking of pixlriffs in empires season two, who posits a theory in-character about how dreams connect different worlds. i'm thinking about scott literally in his most recent new life video saying to us, "oh, that bolt of lightning must be my light snare, one of my powers." these things tell us more about the world and its mechanics, smoothing over the gap between game and interpretation, than about the people sharing those understandings.
so it's. really really fun to me that owen is playing with that? sparrow newlife is just straight up wrong about a bunch of things, but he also has a really obvious stake in maintaining the distinctions and categorizations he's had in place so far. i'm thinking particularly about how long he goes on insisting that the sculk is good and the warden is bad -- it's something he's been saying some variation on since he first became sculk, and it's also increasingly evident that it's just not true! sure, it's in the warden's mind that he find the otherside and the memories therein, but those flashes of memory are about the sculk spreading. he's been saying himself that the sculk wants to spread! and at the end of the episode, sparrow, despite insisting he's a sculk hybrid, hears scott's heartbeat and literally sniffs him out like a warden. there's not really a perfect separation between sculk and warden even on the level of sparrow's hybrid abilities, but he's so lonely and scared, and he's been so convinced for so long that being a hybrid is the best or only way to be wanted and liked -- he needs the sculk to be benevolent, to have welcomed him into the fold because it wants him just for being him. thinking about his final monologue: he's so deeply hurt that, specifically, the sculk used him! he hasn't been upset about being sculk; he's upset that it didn't ultimately mean anything!
and speaking of self-interested drawing of lines, i'm also delighted that scott in his perspective of this episode's encounter does this thing too? as he runs away from sparrow, he mutters to himself something like, "i don't think [sculk sparrow] is the sparrow i used to know." it's... not completely wild to interpret that as scott telling us the viewers that sculk sparrow is genuinely A Different Entity and that this is something that is now just true about the world, but i like thinking of it as scott, the lightmancer, the character, terrified (that heartbeat sparrow hears is going so fast??) and frantically trying to reconcile the image of sparrow covered in sculk and pulling a knife on him with the pilot he befriended all that time ago. it complicates sparrow in interesting ways! it complicates scott in interesting ways! there's a mismatch, on both sides of this falling out, between who each person thinks the other is, and who that other person actually is, and scott saying this gives us a glimpse of another angle to that mismatch. the sculk is deeply a part of sparrow, yes, and is affecting him, but that well of incredible insecurity in sparrow has been here this whole time. he's always had that tendency to curiosity-cruelty and he's always been holding onto the belief that being a hybrid would make him worth something. this whole encounter is more interesting to me if Yeah, It Is In Fact The Same Guy In There. struggling against something terrible, for sure, but still the same guy! sparrow did that. he burned down those structures. he pointed a crossbow at that villager. he, hurting in a million different ways but still doing it, jumped into scott's head and killed him.
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alaffy · 2 months
House of the Dragon, Ep. 2x08 – The Queen Who Ever Was (Spoilers)
Last episode of the season.  Can’t wait to see how they stall the war even further next year. Two years. Whatever.  This will be short post.
Rhaena roughs it for a few days and I guess this is enough to make her worthy of a wild dragon?  (You know she’s going to be its rider).
Adym basically tells Vaemond to go to hell. (Not that I blame him).
Tywin Lannister goes to make a treaty to get more ships.  He has to impress the captain who’s a woman.  This is going to lead to them fucking right?  Whoops, no.  She wants him to fuck her wives so they can get pregnant.  Got to admit, I wasn’t expecting that one. Kind of found it funny too.
The dragon riders adjust to their new roles.  Some…do it better than others. 
There’s a moment with Sir Bitch that I think was created in order to make his character sympathetic?  It does not make his character sympathetic.
Lyrs convinces Aegon he needs to flee for now and return after the war.  Lyrs keeps pressing the point that Aemond will have Aegon killed.  Funny story….
Aemond is pissed about the new Dragon Riders and goes and burns a town.  He then decides that Helena needs to join the battle on her dragon.  Alicent will not hear of it.  Later, Aemond tries again to get Helena to join, but she lets him know…a lot of things actually.  But the most important is that she knows what he did to Aegon and how Aemond will die. 
It turns out that the whole haunting of Daemon was to prepare him to see the truth about the Song of Ice and Fire.  Daemon understands now that they are a small part of a bigger story and that his part is to get Rhaenyra on the throne.  But we also see that Helena also knows this story through her visions.
But the biggest moment of the episode is when Alicent, who’s just done with everything, sneaks out of King’s Land and to Rhaenyra’s Keep (I just…one competent assassin.  Just one and this whole war ends).  Basically, Alicent just tired of all the whole former Queenie, ruley thing and just wants to disappear somewhere.  She even says that when Aemond goes off to fight (as the armies are finally converging), Helena will be left in charge and Alicent will make her order the guards to surrender to Rhaenyra.  Rhaenyra can become Queen, everyone will stop fighting, and Alicent can take Halena and Aegon and go live somewhere else.  Rhaenyra somehow has the strength and fortitude not to slap the shit out of Alicent in this moment.
What Rhaenyra does do is bluntly point out what I mentioned a few posts ago; there are men who don’t want a Queen on the throne and, so long as Aegon lives, there will not be peace.  Rhaenyra must have Aegon killed, and it must be public.  This will always end in bloodshed.  So, the question is will Alicent agree to also turn over Aegon?  And damned if the woman doesn’t agree.  Here’s the thing; I might be sympathetic toward Alicent if I felt that she was doing this more for the people…I mean, I’m not going to say that the people’s suffering isn’t part of the reason she’s doing this…it’s just that their suffering wasn’t enough to make her do what was necessary to end the war she created; it’s only when she wanted to no longer deal with things…
Wonder what’s going to happen when she finds out Aegon escaped with Lyrs.     
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
No More Big 3! What's Cole's Next Move?!?!
No More Big 3! What's Cole's Next Move?!?!
July 11, 2024
If you haven’t read my previous article, scroll down on the freshthoughts2020 tab and check it out. In that article, we discussed whether Kendrick’s feud with Drake might be pointless if he doesn’t aim for the commercial number one spot. With a clear task ahead for Kendrick (whether he follows it or not), we’re left to ask: What is Cole’s next move?
I.Cole's Strong Start in 2024
Cole came into 2024 in a great position in the power rankings and was a strong front-runner to take the lead. He outperformed Drake on “First Person Shooter,” went bar to bar with him again on “Evil Ways” from the “Scary Hours Edition of For All The Dogs,” and just completed a successful national tour.
II.The Apology and Its Aftermath
Cole was set to answer the call when he released his “Might Delete Later” EP. However, moments later, his infamous apology came, leading many people to write him off and not wanting to hear from him for a while. Then he reappeared on the bubbling New York sensation Cash Cobain’s track “Grippy,” which has been regarded as one of Cole’s worst verses. The verse wasn’t even bad, but if it wasn’t mind-blowing post-apology, any verse he penned was going to get panned anyway.
III.The Dismantling of the Big 3
The idea of the Big 3 has been dismantled. The world waits on a new K-dot album, ready to crown him as number one, while the Drizzy hive stands patient awaiting Drake’s inevitable return. Again, what is Cole to do?
IV.The Two-Part Plan for Cole's Comeback
I believe Cole has to do two things to ensure a great comeback and even get his name back into that front-runner conversation. We know he’s been hyping up his album The Fall Off, which is in a worse position post-beef. Here’s what he should do to make sure his album isn’t swept under the rug when it drops.
First, Cole has to address Symba. Why Symba? People may have forgotten about that freestyle he did on the “Control” beat, but it needs to be addressed. He sympathized with letting Nas down but went on to say he left Bas and Cozz down, the whole squad down. He slammed him for the apologies. Cole has to address how he didn’t have to clout beef with Kendrick, and most importantly, he has to spank Symba for even thinking he can say that. There are a few angles he can go with, but I probably shouldn’t reveal that. If Cole is capable like I know he is, he should know the angles too. There are plenty of lyricists who will probably make fun of that apology moving forward with general bars, but he needs to make Symba the poster child of what happens when you disrespect Cole.
He needs to do this because Symba has enough lyrical respect from peers and elder statesmen of hip-hop that he’s worth addressing, and because Symba doesn’t threaten Cole in popularity. It’s like Pusha T with Drake. Symba can scorch Cole until he’s blue in the face, but modern rap is a popularity contest, and Cole would never lose that. However, for this to be effective, Cole would have to scorch Symba as if he’s going up against JAY-Z himself—no mercy! If Cole does this, half of the two-part plan to dominance will be secured by everyone taking mental notes: “Maybe we shouldn’t mess with this guy; that apology stuff doesn’t really mean anything.”
The second thing Cole must do is very simple: hits on hits! He has to get into his Forest Hills bag. That’s far from my favorite project from him, but it’s his most commercially successful album, and his sound isn’t compromised! He should re-listen to that album hard while creating The Fall Off and study the singles from Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life. He needs smashes—songs for the radio!
With these two things working in unison, we’ll quickly forget the same people saying they “...never want to hear him again,” “he’s soft,” blah blah, will be the same people saying “oh Cole’s the G.O.A.T., Cole’s the G.O.A.T.”
These are only suggestions, and he can take these suggestions and stuff them up Rubi Rose’s ass for all he cares. But if he still cares and wants to get back in that conversation, he’s got to do something along these lines. It’s not even much, but it’ll be more than enough. Trust!
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theclaravoyant · 11 months
AN ~ In the not too distant future, Ed and Stede have a conversation about 'the mistake.' Yes Mary Read is puking, so sue me.
For @fictober-event’s Fictober 2023 prompt: “If you don't stop now-"
Masterpost of my Fictober OFMD fics
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death Characters/Relationships: Stede Bonnet, Ed Teach. Ed x Stede MAJOR SPOILERS FOR EP 7. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Trauma CW: this fic deals in detail with sexual trauma based on (canonical) mutually consensual but unhealthy or later regretted encounters.
It’s Ed who has Stede up against the wall tonight. His hands dig into that loose, light, wonderful shirt and lift, so they can really appreciate the feel of his belly as he writhes with pleasure and passion and need. Stede moans breathlessly into his mouth as Ed kisses across his lips and his cheek and down his neck, and the last time he’d tried this it got a good response so he gives a little lick and a touch of the teeth against Stede’s collar bone. He’s expecting the smouldering embers of desire to roar up at it, for Stede’s hands to dig into his hair like they so love to do, but Stede’s response is lacklustre. Hm. Maybe he’s not doing it right, or maybe Stede’s just not feeling that one tonight.
“Mmnyeah?” He’s thinking, maybe I’ll try the ear this time.
“Oh. Okay.”
The steam fizzles, only the ghost of it lingering in the air. His lips leave the skin of Stede’s neck, and immediately he feels parched. He drops reluctant hands from Stede’s waist. He’s not used to pulling back like this, but he can’t imagine continuing when he sees Stede’s face: tense, almost panicked, and the more Ed looks the worse it gets.
“What’s going on?” he asks. Concern floods through him. He’s starting to recognise that face now. It’s a face that happens right before one or both of them gets tempted to self-sabotage and blow everything up. “Let’s… talk it through.”
Stede cringes at the sound of his own advice. Shame flushes his cheeks and the back of his neck and he wants to run away and bury himself in the blankets. He avoids Ed’s big, beautiful, prying eyes with everything he has. At least he knows he’s spiraling this time, but knowing is different from stopping himself as he sinks into a quagmire of guilt. Knowing is different to being able to put words to it. But if they’re going to get anywhere, and so help him they’re going to get somewhere with all this, he has to try.
“I … just thought,” he manages, and thinks of how cold the air had felt as he was marched through the forest in his nightclothes. Of the smell of gunpowder. Of the sour taste it had left in his mouth when Ed had told him he was running away to fish. “If you don’t stop now… you might… do something you regret.”
“What are you talking about, regret? Pretty sure I’m the one about to rip those pretty little buttons off your pants.” Ed laughs just a little. He means it cajolingly, suavely, flatteringly, but he hears it land wrong and grimaces. He’s still getting the hang of this sincerity business. Stede shoves him away and he lets himself be shoved, circling around to follow him and pleading silently, don’t blow this up don’t blow this up.
“I’m serious, Ed!” Stede cries. “Don’t make another mistake just because of me.”
“I’m serious too, Stede!” Ed cries back, although maybe doing it in the same tone isn’t the best choice of the moment. “What the fuck do you mean ‘a mistake’?”
Too late it hits him. He was standing on the balcony. He was telling Stede that their timing was off, that he hadn’t been ready, but that’s not what he’d actually said. Not all of it, anyway. He’d said I think last night was a mistake. 
“Yeah, ‘oh,’” Stede retorts, but it lacks its usual edge. He looks so helplessly forlorn Ed desperately wants to kiss him but that’s so obviously the wrong decision that he watches helplessly instead, until Stede can psych himself up to say more. To voice the pain that’s been weighing on him at long last.
“It was meant to be beautiful, Edward,” Stede says, his voice cracking, eyes filling with tears as it all comes flooding out. “I really needed you, and it felt so good to me, I felt so strong and wonderful and free and it was so- it was so different than what it’s been like before. It felt like how everyone promises it’s meant to feel. And then I find out you never wanted to be there and I violated you too and I. I never wanted to hurt you, Ed, I never wanted to hurt you–”
Sobs shake his frame, threatening to overwhelm him. And it breaks Ed’s heart, it breaks his heart, and for a minute words fail him in the face of it. He presses their foreheads together instead, desperately, and finally Stede takes a deep breath. His hammering heart slows. 
“Stede,” Ed says, and he says it like a promise. “I don’t regret you, okay? Not for one second. I wanted to be there, and you didn’t hurt me. You didn’t violate anything.”
“Okay.” It’s easier said than done, to really listen, but he’s trying. Part of him is here with Ed, foreheads together, breathing the same air. But part of him is still in that forest at gunpoint. Part of him is stuck washing up in the bathroom after laying with Mary, knowing they both feel lonely and awful and cold. A defiler of beautiful things.
“It was beautiful,” Ed insists, “and I swear you didn’t make me feel anything but needed and wanted and loved.”
Needed and wanted and loved. Such small words, to fill such a cavern inside of him. He can still remember Stede’s hands, Stede’s lips on him. Hungry. Reverent. Beautiful.
“You weren’t ready.”
“Maybe not. But even I didn’t know I wasn’t, mate. There’s nothing we can do about that. Sometimes timing just sucks.”
“How do you know you’re ready tonight, then?”
“I guess I don’t. But I think I am, and that’s the best I can do. At least until Buttons’ little magic book shows me how to see the future. Is that okay with you?”
“Yeah.” Stede nods. “But if it’s all the same to you, I don’t think I am.”
“Okay." Ed keeps his gaze for a long, grounding moment. He lifts his head, to kiss the spot where he’s been resting, and he cups Stede’s face in his hands. “What about this? Is this okay?”
Ed wipes the tears from Stede’s cheeks with his thumbs. He nudges Stede’s chin toward his own.
“And this?”
A soft, gentle kiss.
“Okay. Tea and a game of superchess then? Haven’t thrashed you at that in a while.”
There’s a sparkle in Ed’s eye and in spite of himself, Stede smiles.
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buckevantommy · 6 months
alright i finally managed to get a copy of the ep and i'm watching it on my smallass iphone screen which isn't ideal but i can't wait 3 days to get access to a bigger screen so here we go:
i need to know if that rainbow flare on buck was intentional
i might be looking too hard but that hand grabbing buck's throat and then eddie's junk could be foreshadowing for you know what, i mean who's to say?
oliver deserves a fucking oscar for his nervous smitten buck performance
tommy shaved for their date which is so old school i love it but i also miss the scruff and need to see its return asap
hints of Tommy Backstory, my beloved
the convo about renting out a home with marisol and eddie but including buck is making me think of how buck is possibly being 'rented out' to tommy in the narrative for now but later eddie will be the one to buy
i understand tommy ending their date early but WHAT HAPPENED to him picking up buck from his loft?? and don't tell me he ubered for a first date when we know he drives. although i get not wanting to drink and drive ig
also: tommy was meant to pick up buck at 8pm and now they've finished dinner so wtf is eddie and marisol doing starting their dinner at like 930pm is that an LA thing bc that's insane
'oldest italian restaurant' sign just makes me think of tommy and buck's age gap and i giggle and gasp
buck's reaction to being rejected is breaking my hearrrrt. tommy opened him up to his sexuality and buck was So Excited and now this guy is just dumping him?? who is he supposed to bounce his restless bisexual energy off now??
we're not even 10mins in so i have no idea what the bulk of this ep is gonna be about
oH YEAH THE GAY MOMS pls let them be happy
BUCK COMES OUT TO MADDIE ACCIDENTALLY like a true bisexual disaster
The Guy Thing is very much The Point buck, you sweet thick cinnamom scroll
buck is doubly an ally. he's a bially.
keep talking buck i am cackling you adorable baby bi
insane thing to have eddie post-sex with his nun gf after buck was gushing about tommy
it's okay buck, false starts with difficult convos happen, you'll get there
something something buck intending to come out to eddie and eddie explaining his sex problems all while eddie gets sweaty and swole
LIKE SEAMONKEYS! buck i adore you
buck wishes he could lend eddie a hand but he can't bc he's no homewrecker and bc eddie is quote unquote straight. not bc he himself is taken, bc the hot pilot dumped him and oh now i'm sad again :(
there's some buck+guilt [re:self worth] meta glanced over here that makes me wanna delve into some introspective reads
buck giving good advice is something that can be so personal
hen saving a rescue dog after it attacked the firefighter trying to save it as a parallel to their current foster child situation. it's just good storytelling. the dark stuff is getting hopeful
HANG OUT WITH THE BOYS eddie you don't know how perfect your words are
i really love the way they chose for buck to come out to eddie. trying to do it at a certain time didn't work for him, it was too daunting. but as soon as eddie mistook buck's date with tommy for something platonic? buck doesn't want to hide anymore. it really speaks to the human and especially the queer experience - that need to correct someone's misinterpretation (someone important to buck) of who you are.
supportive eddie and 'this doesn't change a thing between us'
buck finally getting to talk to his friend about getting dumped by a guy he was really hoping for more with
eddie's turn to give good advice to buck re:his dating life and we come full circle
buck's relief at eddie knowing and accepting him. the double-back for the hug. the comfort is all there.
i want to shower the wardrobe department in love for putting buck in that slutty blue 70s polo for his date within tommy and then the sky blue sweater and now this tight stripey number i am digging the vibes
buck hearing that he didn't screw things up with tommy, tommy just didn't want to pressure him bc the feels are mutual! and buck taking responsibility for his behaviour bc he's mature like that he's a good dude
i love lou but oliver literally glows - and i don't mean from the sunshine - he lights up every scene
the way buck gushed about tommy's confidence to maddie and now he's the confident one reassuring tommy that he wants this and that it won't be weird for tommy i am so proud of him
sad my buddy chim was barely in this ep :(
WEDDING TEASER and we've got a Hangover situation and a missing groom omg
the writers are working their magic and we are reaping the rewards.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Welcome to the Circle of Love ep 1, better titled as Warlord Amnesia BDSM aka thank you for the present, youku!
Youku once again proves that its short dramas are where it’s at. I will be very sad once the censors inevitably wake up to the craziness going on in short dramas but until that day, welcome to Republican warlords the way they should be done - violent and sex having! Ep 1 packs a lot in its short 11 minute runtime. And not an innocent ingenue or wholesome male lead in sight!
We open on a woman in a bridal outfit who is having a very hot wedding night but not the way she imagined.
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Our poor heroine has just seen her whole family, including dad, massacred and flambeed. 
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I especially appreciate the shot of the pocket watch she drops because nobody will convince me it’s not a little nod to Too Late to Say I Love You, the last time a proper length cdrama had an appropriately unhinged and murderous warlord ML.
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Anyway, two years later, meet our scrumptious ML aka Warlord McWhorington. He is known for three things (a) murdering heroine’s family aka richest family in wherever and thus earning bigwig’s approbation (b) sleeping his way to the top by banging bigwig’s daughter (no, the gossipers make it explicit he earned his rank in bed. They are wrong, it’s clearly bed and murder) and (c ) being a violent sexy headcase.
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He is there to chill with his girlfriend/sugar mama (who is rocking the possessive unhinged secondary girl vibe like a 2002 kdrama secondary girl, I am all for it!) but his attention is drawn by a pretty, masked singer. By his girlfriend’s reaction, not the first time either. Do they have oats in China? Because that man is clearly sowing his.
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Anyway, everyone dances and the singer deliberately swaps partners to dance with sexy warlord. His gun IS big and very hard after all.
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Bwahaha secondary girl, same!
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Masked dancer lady makes small chitchat like asking him if he prefers to bury his enemies’ bodies whole or chopped into pieces and what he likes to do with his women. “If she is an enemy, make her submit” replies the hero in case we didn’t get before what kind of kink we are catering to here!
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Then he gropes her in public! But it’s OK, everything nothing pervy, because he’s just disarming her from the gun and knife she somehow hid under her slinky clothes. Ooooh boy, pls censors, don’t come for short dramas for years, I need my unwholesome fun. 
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There is clearly no covid social distancing in the 1930s.
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It’s OK, she steals the gun back and prepares to end him with the cliche but pithy “go to hell.”
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Unfortunately for her but fortunately for this not becoming the world’s shortest drama, he’s removed the bullets. Oops.
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“Chivalry is dead,” quoth the warlord as he knocks her out.
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The mask is removed and shocker!!! It’s the wedding dress lady from the opening/the surviving daughter of family warlord offed. How he could not tell it was her with the few little beads covering her face is beyond me. I know he’s around weapons a lot but gun noises damage hearing not eyesight.
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We go back to the opening scene or shortly after, during which we see her confront him after the flaming hot wedding night and he informs her that yes he offed her fam but fair is fair, his fam murdered 10 people in his, made his father starve to death and made him watch his mother be raped and then commit suicide. I’d say “otherwise known as Thursday in cdramaland,” but let’s face it, this hasn’t been a thing in proper length cdramas in a decade and I feel like someone who’s been seeking the grail of dogblood melo for so long and finally found a whole store’s worth of said grails.
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I used you to get close to your family explains the hero, and poor heroine, born too early for Goodbye My Princess to exist, is stunned. 
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She attempts to murder him (as one does), misses him and falls into the water and as she’s getting soaked and rinsed, we get a flashback in a flashback (flashback squared?) to their happy times.
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Now we are back in the present and she wakes up chained in his room. There are worse fates tbh.
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And then, in a twist that surprises utterly nobody, she goes “who are you?” because the Lord is kind and good to me and has time-traveled this drama to 2005 and we have AMNESIA!!!!!
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Anyway, ep ends and I am hooked hooked hooked! This is like someone putting every Fei Wo Si Cun novel into a blender, and I cannot resist. Take a bit of Goodbye My Princess, stir in a large portion of Too Late to Say I Love You and some Siege in Fog; from previews later even a touch of Sealed with a Kiss. And we are ready!
I approve of all these people being dark and unhinged and murderhappy and not wholesome role models proper dramas keep giving us. I approve of the hero looking hot AND like he eats. I approve of the heroine being all about slaughter. Etc. 
This is not as cracktastic as Maid’s Revenge - after all ML’s clothes stayed completely on the whole ep, and not as good as A Familiar Stranger or as atmospheric as Provoke but it further cements my feeling that short dramas are where it’s at for me.
PS ML of Too Late to Say I Love You says hi!
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thisaintascenereviews · 2 months
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Zach Bryan - The Great American Bar Scene
There’s no artist like Zach Bryan, especially with his meteoric rise to fame within the last couple of years. I remember hearing his name back in 2021, but he was an underground artist. Now that everyone knows about him, what happens next? Since Zach Bryan is arguably one of the biggest artists in the world, he can do whatever he wants at this point. His self-titled album from last year was his stepping stone, and it was the album that catapulted him to the stratosphere of country music. Hell, he dropped an EP just a few months later, which boasted features from Bon Iver and Noah Kahan.
He’s been teasing The Great American Bar Scene for awhile now, but we finally got it a week ago (as of writing this, anyway). I loved the self-titled, as it was in my top three albums of the year for 2023, so expectations were high. Fortunately, I’d say this record is quite good, and it’s still one of the best of the year, but it doesn’t top the self-titled. If anything, The Great American Bar Scene is starting to show the cracks of Bryan’s formula that originally worked quite well (and still does, frankly, at least to a degree, anyway), and I don’t know how much longer his formula can hold up without people finally getting sick of it or realizing what it is.
Zach Bryan’s formula is pretty simple: he’s a singer-songwriter that blurs the lines between folk and country, his lyrics are usually very honest, and he has a very “authentic” persona that a lot of people find interesting. That’s why he got big in the first place, because people have been vying for an authentic country artist that goes against the mainstream, especially the bro-country and pop-country eras within the last decade. Bryan’s biggest problem is that a lot of his music is the same. Even as a huge fan, I can’t deny it. I’ve gone on record many times saying that I’m mixed when it comes to artists who keep their sound stagnant, because it depends on the artist and what their sound is. If a sound works for me, it works, but I’m picky about it.
Bryan’s sound has worked for me for a long time, whether it’s for his voice being good, his lyrics being well-written, and knowing how to write some catchy songs, but he doesn’t know when to cut himself off at times. His albums end up becoming self-indulgent and running way too long, and that might be why my favorite project of his will always be 2022’s Summertime Blues. It’s a brisk half hour and has some of his best material, but his albums are always overstuffed, even if they’re not necessarily bland or bad. Hell, 2022’s American Heartbreak is two and a half hours, and it didn’t need to be that long, The self-titled wasn’t too bad, but The Great American Bar Scene is a little over an hour with 19 songs. If that isn’t self-indulgent, I don’t know what is, but I still quite enjoy it.
The Great American Bar Scene is very much in line with Zach Bryan’s sound, but that’s also its biggest issue — it’s just a typical Zach Bryan album, which is great for diehard fans, but for those that want some variety or something new, you won’t get it. I love his “typical” sound, so I’ll eat this album right up, but I can also acknowledge it’s got some problems. I don’t know if we’re getting a diminishing return here, because this record has some of his best songs. The price of admission alone is worth it for “Purple Gas,” “Pink Skies,” and with what I think is the most important moment of the album, “Sandpaper” that features The Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen.
To some, that feature may not make sense, but this album is Bryan’s Nebraska (which is Springsteen’s 1982 acoustic solo album that’s the outlier of his work, as well as his darkest, lyrically speaking). This album doesn’t have anything as dark as that album, but it’s a basic singer-songwriter album in the same vein, and he uses the album as a way to tell stories about various people, whether it’s himself or another character. Having The Boss himself is a big moment for any younger artist; The Gaslight Anthem had him on their comeback album from last year, although I felt The Boss was a little phoned in on that album. He sounds a lot livelier on this record, thankfully.
Aside from that, though, this record is standard Zach Bryan, but there is a lot to really appreciate, which are the still the trademarks of a typical Zach Bryan album, so it’s kind of two-fold. This is a great ZB album, and diehard fans are sure to love this to the moon and back, but I can see fans and the mainstream being more apprehensive towards this, minus a few big singles. Bryan’s voice sounds fantastic, the storytelling and the lyricism is rich and beautiful, and even the songs themselves are written well, despite becoming meandering or derivative after a certain point. I love this record, warts and all, and you’ll certainly see it somewhere on my yearend list.
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