#(and Biden is NOT going to win the election.)
captainjonnitkessler · 8 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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true-bluesargent · 4 months
i know the state of the democracies in the uk and in the us right now are terrible, but i can't even fathom being able to vote and NOT doing it. people fought and died for these rights! there are people all over the world right now who can't vote at all or who don't live in a free democracy! and people who have the right and the ability to vote who live in two of the most privileged countries in the world are going to let the opportunity pass? what is wrong with you all? i can't even believe it
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sher-ee · 4 months
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havegaysex · 5 months
For the record I think people who aren't voting to be much worse and dangerous for democracy at large than people who protest vote.
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megatraven · 5 months
we get it! okay!!!! you hate biden!!!!!! but when trump wins because you won't fucking vote for the only other viable option and makes things infinitely worse, that blood will be on YOUR hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck off!!
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sawsily · 3 months
yes he got shot thats funny but anyone else filled with a dread for the future
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fritzmonorail · 3 months
I’m watching the United States presidential debate. This shits funnier than anything I’ve seen all week. It’s especially funny if you lie to yourself and pretend that the future isn’t a rapidly approaching black hole.
There’s no fact checker. there’s less moderation than a twitch stream. They just let them ramble on and on and then try to redirect them to the question they actually asked. At one point Trump just started yapping about hamas and how it’s all Biden’s fault and they were just like “once again the question is do you agree with Putin stance on the conflict in Ukraine?”
I’m losing my Mcfucking mind.
Vote for Vermin Supreme
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bioswear · 2 months
not to sound like some political bootlicker but i could cry honestly seeing a presidential candidate who can actually string a coherent sentence together and isn’t on the verge of having an aneurysm
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st5lker · 2 months
i’m gonna be honest i do think people are fearmongering with kamala a little it’s not like i care enough to really advocate for people to go vote for her nor do i think she’d be any better than obama but id feel significantly less like “these are the exact same guy” with her going against trump than i do with biden… biden also has a significant history even among the democrats as a loud supporter of israel and kamala hasnt really done any more supporting of that than what she kind of has to as vice president so. also yes shes a cop but “we’re gonna become a police state” is a little silly she was just a typical attorney which like basically all politicians have been at some point
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voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
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emiliosandozsequence · 7 months
i don't think anyone making fun of the tiktok ban really understands what this means nor how scared they should be
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jaythelay · 2 months
Really just having Biden off the ticket is working far better than I ever imagined possible. The genocide issue feels possible to work on with Kamala where with Biden, him and his fanboys were so unwilling there was absolutely no chance of progress.
Now that the fanboys don't have that bullet, all they can do is point at Kamala making efforts and go "Look! You're moving goalposts!" when in actuality, they did. Ceasefire was always the acceptable minimum for the majority. That wasn't possible with Biden and blue fanboys talking over any possible momentum of progress by claiming there was no genocide or war crimes, just anti-semetism.
Seriously, just having someone willing to work on the issue is alot of what anti-genociders wanted. No goalposts moved, unreasonable people will be unreasonable, but that's why you research instead of kneejerking an opposite and hateful response like an R to anything involving an ounce of empathetic feelings.
Fact is, anti-genociders didn't move the goalpost, dem politicians moved the goalpost closer instead of further, like dem voters had been with Biden.
Don't take any credit for her actions bringing in anti-genociders, ya'll almost formed a permanent third party acting like republicans. Stop. Grow up. Demand better than Genocide. Fuck's sake. Kamala is doing ya'lls job rn.
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soft swollins kisses as the sunsets, do you think they look out over the rest of the world? thinking what could've been if they didn't choose to be straight together? i think they do..
they are sitting in her private jet right now, looking down at the world and planning how to take over the american politics
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reflection-s-of-stars · 2 months
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gremlin-pattie · 7 months
if trump gets re-elected because you cunts want to make a statement by not voting i’m killing all of you
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uiruu · 3 months
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re very young and aren’t deliberating spreading misinformation about how the US branches of government work. The president does not have ANY say in Supreme Court decisions. The president belongs to the executive branch of government. The Supreme Court belongs to the judicial branch. The only influence the executive branch has on the Supreme Court is if/when the president gets the opportunity to appoint a new justice, which only occurs when a current justice dies or steps down. Those appointments from the president’s office need Senate approval before a justice can be confirmed to the court.
The US currently has a conservative majority on the court: there are nine justices total with six being conservative — three of them were appointed by Trump due to vacancies that occurred during his administration* (technically one vacancy occurred under Obama, but the conservative-majority Senate at that time blocked his nominees until he left office, meaning Trump was in a position to fill that vacancy. Hm, almost as though voting does in fact matter because of how our branches of government are designed, and Democratic presidents alone can’t achieve unilateral change!).
I understand the frustration with the state of the country right now, but acting like Biden is a king with unprecedented power over the judicial and legislative branches is dangerously out of touch with the reality of how this country works. Although ironically, Trump and his allies plan to redistribute power into the executive branch when he takes office by minimizing the power of the legislative and judicial branches (see Project 2025). If Project 2025 comes to fruition, the executive branch WOULD have king-like power, which is what The US Constitution was written to avoid. I recommend learning about the limits and parameters of presidential power before you “voting is useless” your way into handing absolute power to Trump.
im not gonna respond to very much of this, except to say that i'm almost certainly older than you, and also it's funny for you to be like "Biden isnt a king and doesnt have absolute power, there's nothing he can do about the supreme court. but Trump will have absolute power". which one is it? is the president important or not? also, you people all say that the democrats will be better than the republicans. where's the proof of that? what have they done for anyone? commit genocide?
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