#(am i personally in a weird spot religiously??)
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 11 months ago
author i'm beefing with: "i feel slight revulsion about the word 'spiritual', it's got negative overtones, aren't you deluding yourself and others with it, keep it to yourself"
same author, literally twelve (12) pages later: *spends a page describing spiritual experiences, sharing them with the world, but insists they don't count as "spiritual" because they're about the physical material world*
my dude it's not just believers who try to have it both ways, huh
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rockofeye · 8 months ago
This is Not Okay.
(I see your asks and I am working through them, promise)
In the last few years, I have generally kept quiet on the amount of unpleasantness that has come bearing the title of Haitian Vodou. I am not the Vodou Police and people have a right to be wrong and make (sometimes terrible) mistakes. Additionally, people genuinely do not want advice or feedback when their mind is made up and they have found what they think is the real deal for them, and that's okay. I don't need or even want to get involved since folks are presumably adults making adult decisions, and I don't need to invite myself to any/every fight where my name is not invoked...or even when it is!
And yet.
Sometimes, it's too much to stay quiet because silence can get people really hurt, or worse. While folks are entitled to their mistakes and entitled not to educate themselves or do due diligence on the people they are granting access to their heads, there's just something that doesn't sit right with me when it's egregious. Long time followers know I have only spoken directly once or twice.
This is egregious, and it's going to get someone killed:
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I have received this at least 5 different times today and have had folks genuinely seeking the lwa ask if this is a solid option. I do not know the person behind this and I would hope this is some sort of massive misunderstanding on their part. However, even so, this is awful.
Let's break this down a bit.
Advertising an initiation right off the bat with how many spots you have available says that you are not concerned with who comes in the door or why they are there. Advertising initiation as something to buy is weird even without the bargain basement 'FIVE SPOTS AVAILABLE'. Sosyetes do not need to advertise and recruit; folks come by reputation and general attraction to what the sosyete does.
The fact that there is no information about what sosyete is mounting this is a red flag. No one can undertake initiation alone. It's impossible because the very mechanics of initiation require folks from outside your lineage to come and verify that the work is being done completely and in accordance with the general principles of the religion.
Trying to cast doubt on other places as a way to build credibility is gross, and it is super ironic that they are advertising this as an answer to scams and people who do gross things. Do those things happen? Absolutely. Is this the way to solve it? No. Grift cannot neutralize grift. This is grift.
The big blinking neon red flag sign is the kwakwa/asogwe hybrid initiation. This is not possible and communicates several things, the largest of which is that this person has not received appropriate guidance in either rite because even the most barebones education tells you that this is not possible and could never be done.
Further, this communicates a lack of respect for both rites. The balls it takes to decide that you are going to take it upon yourself to change a religious practice and throw a bunch of stuff in a blender to come up with something new is WILD. This is outright spiritual arrogance that ignores the place of elders, culture, history, and the actual revolution that birthed these things.
Claiming that a person will receive everything they need in one step is lacking in clarity and breaking from the culture of Haitian Vodou, tchatcha and asogwe lineages alike. That is not how initiation works; the process of initiation unfolds over days and weeks and the process of becoming a competent manbo or houngan unfolds over years and even a lifetime. No initiation is a drive through endeavor and should not be treated as such.
'Without the worries of ties to a spiritual house' tells me this person lacks rootedness and perhaps ties to a spiritual house of their own, which is sad. It is not possible to be a manbo or a houngan in any lineage without ties to a specific lineage/spiritual house. It's not possible. Every lineage of Haitian Vodou is based on the lakou, or the compound or yard that a family and community is built around.
What lakou we are associated with tells our stories and gives us our roots, whether we are Haitian or not, or related to our lineage head or not. These stories are vitally important, we cannot function without them and we cannot take Haitian Vodou out of the context that it exists in. We are collectively built from the story that our spiritual ancestors told themselves when they dreamed of liberation and undertook the truly revolutionary action of revolt against French colonizers.
Trying to undo that to package initiation as something unrooted and without community is a slap in the ancestral face and is impossible. It's not Haitian Vodou. We do not stand alone. If you have no community, who will endorse you as a houngan or manbo? How will anyone know you actually are one? I can give you the names of a dozen priests who were active participants in my initiation and can confirm that I have the right to hold the asson. If you have no spiritual community, you do not have that...and you do not have the right to hold the asson.
Learning is different in Haitian Vodou; we learn as we develop and there is no initiation that grants you the immediate access to the inside of your initiator's head. Info farming is not a thing. We learn as we develop, which is why relationships and community are so important. Going through an initiation doesn't give you all the knowledge. Initiation doesn't even teach you things, you learn after because during the process you do not have the right yet to know. Framing all of this as withholding information shows a lack of cultural fluency. Do people withhold in ways that can be harmful? Sure, because there is fault everywhere....but this is not how you solve that, at all.
Most asogwe receive their po tèt; some take it home and some choose to keep it in the temple they were initiated in. Some houses have specific regleman around that, and there are individual circumstances that would keep someone from having theirs but those are instances that people would work out ahead of time. Further, if someone is not comfy with what the lineage they are initiating into does with po tèts, that it something to work out before they initiate, which is why discernment is so, so important.
There are not multiple kolyes given during initiation. In an asogwe lineage, a kolye is made during the initiation process for you specifically and it is large and worn on the body in most places. We do not receive kolye for individual lwa nor are they consecrated in separate ceremonies; this is directly taken from Orisha traditions.
A kwa kwa and a bell are not an asson, and genuinely only a fool would try to bring that to Loko, the progenitor of all asogweman. You cannot mash things together and say they are an asson because you want them to be, or that Loko will give it. I can't even be charitable about this, it's straight up wrong and completely unethical. No one does this. No one.
'Head seals' is wild and someone is going to get hurt. The job of protecting the head is with the lwa, not in the hands of someone doing work. Further, a correct and complete initiation precludes the possibility of problematic possession because the lwa are there to sort that out. Additionally, taking it upon yourself to 'seal' the head a child of Ginen in the name of Ginen is awfully arrogant...are you really going to say you can overstep the lwa and/or do a better job than them?
The work of initiation is incredibly delicate because you literally have someone's head in your hands. People can die when things are done incorrectly, either in the moment or in a long and winding road of calamity. Every single manbo and houngan I know has a story about this. We know what happens when things like this are undertaken because we've either watched the fallout or had people come to our doors in deep suffering because incorrect and inadvisable things have been done to them.
Paying for any initiation through Etsy should speak for itself. That is not how houngans and manbos do business.
What is unsaid in this blurb is that this is undoubtedly happening in the US, because it would never be allowed to happen in Haiti. This says a lot and it's a giant can of worms to open, but when have I avoided that? Initiation does not happen in the US for a lot of reasons. Some folks want to say it can, but it really can't. This is not the post to get into why and I can write more on that later, but that's the long and short of it.
Perhaps finally, my friend Sankofa made a really astute point in another forum: beware anyone in any African Traditional or African Descended religion trying to sell you something ceremonially unique. Our ceremonies are largely the same for big reasons, and an individual saying they are doing something new, like mixing tchatcha and asson or initiating you to your dead ancestors and putting ancestors on your head, is a massive red flag. This is not how culture and traditional religion function. This is not what the ancestors built for us, and this is not what we pass down.
Please, please be careful with your heads. I meant it when I said that people will die because of stuff like this. Please be discerning about who you trust with your head and your life. Take your time and see lots of ceremonies. Pray. Listen for the voice of the lwa which can sound a lot like your intuition. And, for the love of Ogou and Metrès Danto, don't buy initiations on Etsy.
I hope the person behind this post can reflect on what they are doing and re-evaluate their choices. In a perfect world, they would consult with their elders and their mama/papa kanzo for guidance and really, really listen. If they don't have elders and/or an initiator, they should refrain from offering things like this until they do. Different choices can always be made, but spiritual work done out of ignorance, malice, or greed that harms someone can never be taken back.
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autumnkitty9 · 22 days ago
every once in awhile, when i reach a particularly bad mental state, i feel an impulsive primal urge to go and visit a random hill. it always becomes a very spiritual experience for me, like the world itself had to beckon me over to impart its wisdom to me.
this time around, i felt the calling during work, and as soon as my shift ended I picked a random hill to drive near and then hike up. i always pick a different hill each time, as if they all have something unique to teach me. spirituality aside, its a lovely mental break getting to just walk around quietly, enjoying nature, and feeling in tune with the world. but during these little walks and hikes i always make an effort to find a good spot to sit at and stare at the beauty around me, and listen to my thoughts as they go through their motions and do whatever it is they needed me here for. this particular instance i sat down on a lovely little tree trunk and sat there contemplating my surroundings for a good 10 minutes or so.
to this day im not exactly sure what i actually think is going on here in all of these moments. i am not religious in the slightest, i dont think there are higher forms above us that communicate to us like this, but whenever this happens it always distinctly feels to me like im being flooded with a sudden strong urge to do something out of the norm and become one with nature. its definitely some kind of primal human instinct, but i find personal value in tying it to the earth and my weird spirituality with it.
this time around i learned a valuable lesson about taking things slower, and letting my appreciation for newfound beauty shape my motivations without getting too bogged down in the details or worries. its something i had already been thinking about this past month, but theres a difference between having an awareness of a thought and truly accepting and internalizing that thought.
its very important to me to be tied with the earth, willing to communicate with it and ground myself within it. i feel like there's an endless amount of natural beauty that we are constantly ignoring, and i feel like theres a lot to be gained by focusing a bit more on it. or ive become too much of a druggie hippie lmfao.
i wanted to draw some nice lovely images to go along with this story but im too shit at art so have some pictures of the nature i walked by instead!
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morsmortish · 7 months ago
i see you vague posting about a “bones and all” AU, i need more!!!
oh how glad i am you asked. there are many thoughts, many many many things to say.
i gotta admit i only watched bones and all for the first time a few weeks ago but all i could think about the whole time was how similar lee and barty were and then i started listening to a shitload of ethel cain and then i gave in to the voices and started properly thinking about a rosekiller au of all of it combined- i would say while i’ve tagged it as a bones and all au, it’s more of a hybrid of bones and all AND preachers daughter AND all my whirring thoughts on religiously traumatised bcj. (plus i’ve always had a soft spot for cannibalism imagery, which is probably only slightly concerning.)
the plan for the fic is to follow the rough plotline of bones and all (two cannibals on a road trip that fall in love) with a few tweaks. controversially, barty occupies the role that maren has in the film, but only in the sense that he is the main protagonist, and the story is more following his journey of self acceptance than it is of evan’s, who fills lee’s role as the ‘love interest’ who helps barty discover himself and then…well, dies. lee himself is so so barty but i think some of his traits and experiences (i’m solely thinking of the “do you think i’m a bad person?” to “am i bad? am i bad? thread for this) can and will still be a part of barty’s characterisation here.
there are some key changes to the film in this au though. for starters, barty crouch junior is going to be carrying a Hell Of A Lot of religious trauma. i want his dad to be a preacher, the pair of them living in a small town together. barty’s mother is dead, and barty is made to feel sort of responsible for this. the cannibalistic urges he has are kept under lock and key by his father, who essentially tries to scare him off of acting on them, using the threat of what happened to bcj’s mother as a kind of ‘ammunition’ (it makes sense in my head i swear). i want things to be getting progressively worse in this town, barty not being able to control himself as he gets older, i want his father leaving him to fend for himself one day. i want barty fleeing his town as they line up with metaphorical (or literal!) pitchforks outside his front door, and i want him meeting evan a few days later. i want them embarking on a mission to find barty’s father, but, unlike maren and lee, evan and barty are on a road trip to find and kill this old fucker.
evan is a difficult character for me to latch on to in this. he’s similar to lee in the way that he has left his town, he has a (twin) sister waiting for him back home, he’s USED to this life now. he’s very circumstancially (is that a word?) similar to lee, but, because he’s Evan Rosier, he’s just a weird little freak. he fills the ‘part’ of lee in the story but his personality is entirely evan. i want him being off-puttingly pedantic about the people he eats, the way he eats them, how he disposes of the evidence. like lee, he has a system for how to take advantage of his victim’s belongings, but it’s much more meticulous, almost mechanical. he’s somewhat detached from the whole thing. he loves the rhythm of eating someone, unlike barty, who much more resembles a rabid dog. he’s got a system for how he is going to live his life all laid out, and he’s not the most accommodating when barty tries to butt in and change everything around by dragging him along on some harebrained revenge scheme against his own dad. but he can’t help but get sucked into barty’s aura and he can’t help but (albeit reluctantly) drive him all across america in a fuckass truck.
that’s a sort of (extraordinarily long) backdrop for this fic. at its core it IS a bones and all au, but there’s so much to unpack in terms of barty’s religious trauma, which i think will pair so nicely with the cannibalism (↤ top ten phrases ever???). there’s also evan and pandora and their backstory, and don’t even get me STARTED on tom riddle and his Death Eaters (the clue is in the goddamn name).
BUT THANK YOU FOR ASKING ROYAL, you’ve given me such a lovely opportunity to ramble about my thoughts and i’m spiritually lying on my bed giggling and kicking my legs any time i get to reply to an actual ask that an actual someone has actually asked me. the issue is i’m notoriously bad at actually writing these ideas, so this may end up staying as a very developed concept, with a pinterest board, a playlist, a tumblr tag…you get the gist.
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watchingblsnowandforever · 1 month ago
My (mostly regularly) updated GMMTV 2025 lineup in order of my preference: (they understood the assignment and kept only 1.5 het shows so my work is easier)
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Cat for Cash: I am looking forward to this so much you have no idea. FirstKhao in a series with only fluff and found family? A literal dream come true, honestly.
Me and Thee: UNO reverse NLMG meets KinnPorsche with PondPhuwin? Consider me SEATED. I am absolutely here for this and this will become my entire personality. This is your warning <3
A Dog and A Plane: The name could use some work but it seems promising. I have a soft spot for TayNew and just getting off the high of Peaceful Property, and they have never disappointed me. The premise is a little eyebrow-raising, but it's just the pilot so lot of time for fine tuning. Also- MarcPoon.
Ticket to Heaven: This is in between Excited and Hopeful because I absolutely adore GemFourth, and they are brilliant actors, especially Fourth, but no angst for me, thanks. I do understand religious guilt, but I'm not Catholic and I didn't grow up very religious (I mean don't get me wrong my mom is super religious but my dad is agnostic at best so I grew up in this weird middle ground and now I don't believe in God, not really. As it is, my religion is polytheistic.) So I can't wait to see this but I'm also gonna gently poke at it like it's a wild bear first.
Dare You to Death: I love a good mystery, but that's not what drew me to this. JoongDunk did. From a switch in their dynamics in THK to a switch back, this got me hooked. And as I said: mystery.
Whale Store xoxo: cute slice of life fluff with MilkLove? YES. I am a tiny bit weary though, since the last time I was so excited for a MilkLove series, it turned out... well. Not as I'd expected. I still am hopeful, though.
That Summer: WinnySatang? In a Disney BL. Hmm. I wanna see how this turns out, especially for the side couple. Generally speaking, I am not a fan of the amnesia trope (they have three of those lined up like. why.) but I might just like this.
Memoir of Rati: GreatInn? In a historical BL/ period drama?...go on.
My Romance Scammer: Gay rights and gay wrongs all in one place. Need I say more?
Boys in Love: True high school fluff is what I live for. Okay, maybe not entirely true, but I really did like the trailer, and I do love my fluff.
My Magic Prophecy: Someone in GMMTV watched Agatha All Along, and used the theme of tarot cards and fortune telling to cope with Lillia's death. Jokes aside, I like JimmySea and Jimmy playing a doctor is just so funny to me, I might just watch it for the irony. And also, they deserve better after Last Twilight (why, P'Aof.)
Burnout: I will watch this if not for anything else, then the Not Me nostalgia. And Gun in black lipstick and a lip ring. I might stop after a few eps to wait out until it finishes airing though, cause Love Triangle is definitely not for me.
Mu-Te-Luv: Fortune telling, fate, tarots, blah blah blah. Some het, some queer, I'll see which ones I watch (hint: won't be the het ones). Gives me 7 Project vibes, honestly.
Head 2 Head: What in the Bad Buddy. For anyone who hasn't watched the trailers: this is a Bad Buddy rip off, but the parents want them to get along, and one of them has a weird clairvoyant thing going on. Oh, and everyone is studying fashion designing. And the side couple is exes to lovers.
Girl Rules: I see messy lesbians and bisexuals, but I also hear misogyny and patriarchy. Only Friends GL version. I didn't really like Only Friends so-
Only Friends: Dream On: Maybe.
Wu: I have no idea what this is, but it kinda intrigued me. Little bit.
Love You Teacher: Um.
Melody of Secrets: Horror or psychological thriller is not really my thing so I will mostly be ignoring this unless I find something that piques my interest.
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eww-y-tho · 2 months ago
Every Single Thing I Have Ever Shipped!
Okay, let me be clear with a disclaimer that this has been throughout my entire life, and obviously, media targeted towards children that are mentioned are most definitely in the past.
I have them formatted with a small chunk of info as to why I ship/shipped them. I sorted them in order of how weird I think they are, from plain vanilla to the esoteric. I am also going to have a checkmark [✅] signifier that will indicate whether I've read fics for the ship or not.
This is a long one, so turn away while you still can, because "keep reading" will kill you unless you're actually invested, which, I don't know why you would be.
Also, this couldn't possibly be everything I have ever shipped. But it's as much as I could possibly think of.
Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring ✅
I love these two, and even though I figured out most of the things about my sexuality before Heartopper graced my screen, Nick Nelson still had a very similar, albeit not identical, journey of discovery to mine, which makes me even more attached. 
Elle Argent/Tao Xu ✅
They are so adorable. I love what their relationship represents and their dynamic in the sense of their attachment to each other. Like most people, I think I got a bit frustrated on their first date scene, but it was understandable, so that’s just a small gripe I have.
Darcy Olsson/Tara Jones ✅
I already made a post talking about how I felt about the foil between Darcy and B*n, but my opinion boils down to ‘the girlboss is slaying despite her situation,’ and I think Tara is an amazing girlfriend for her and they genuinely made me cry.
Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington ✅
Bruh. Just look at my acc.
Dean Winchester/Castiel ✅
I could not be more late to Destiel and the queerbaiting was murderous, but I still love the ship. They also trigger my religious trauma sometimes but I never claimed to value my mental health, so yeah.
Samuel Winchester/Eileen Leahy ✅
C’mon, she was the only fit that I loved for Sam other than Jess. She could not be any cuter with him and I just think they’re adorable af. Another reason to hate 15x20.
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood ✅
Are you joking? How could I watch this show and not ship it? They’ve made me straight-up sob on multiple occasions. The immortality thing does depress me, but I can live with it.
Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood ✅
God, when I tell you this ship single-handedly revived my interest in the nerd/hot person trope I am not lying. They’re honestly too perfect for each other sometimes.
Lord of the Rings
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
“Sam.” But meme aside, I was fighting tears by the end. Honestly, I love their dynamic as it is, but I could still see a romantic reading.
Aragorn/Arwen Undómiel
Fuck, they got me so invested it’s not even funny. I felt less attached to them than I could’ve been but I still loved the dynamic and rooted for them so much.
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala
I think everyone loves this ship as a tragedy to some degree, even if you hate the prequels. Plus Clone Wars just made me sad af all over again so they deserve a spot on the list.
Star Trek
James Kirk/Spock ✅
Okay, you got me, I never watched an ounce of Star Trek besides Spirk content. And even from a peripheral view knowing that Kirk is supposed to be a lady's man, they’re still gay beyond reason.
The Nanny
Fran Fine/Maxwell Sheffield
This show was my childhood, I think I started watching it with my family when I was under 10. Anyway, I feel like they were a slow burn done correctly. Wholesome as all hell, plus Fran is an amazing character and I love how she integrated herself into the family the right way.
C. C. Babcock/Niles
You cannot deny that the “I loathe you” kiss was perfect. They hated each other for so long, and I get the dislike of that aspect to the relationship, but they still made them believable without squashing their pre-established chemistry.
H20: Just Add Water
Cleo Sertori/Lewis McCartney
I cannot believe that Sea Change and the episode where Lewis left made me cry. I must’ve watched Sea Change like 50 million times because it was just peak cinema to me, but I couldn’t watch Lewis leaving again because it crushed my soul so violently. The moment when he came back with that sweeping camera motion made me audibly gasp and kick my legs. It was that bad. 
Rikki Chadwick/Zane Bennett
I’m really sad they didn’t work it out in the end, although I completely understand Rikki and I wouldn’t want to go back to Zayne myself. Although it did seem like Zayne was trying to make things right with her in the last episode? But Mako Mermaids didn’t show her with Zayne, so I’m inclined to believe they never made up.
Yuri On Ice
Yuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov ✅
When I tell you I fully screamed at the kiss scene AND the proposal, I am not lying. They were just the ship you freak out over, you know?
Yuri Plisetsky/Otabek Altin ✅
Welcome To The Madness made me open my third eye. I didn’t ship them before then, even though I did think they would be good together. 
Makoto Tachibana/Haruka Nanase ✅
This was my OTP ride-or-die for a solid year. I’m still very fond of the ship because I joined the fandom just when the war was ending so I didn’t experience a lot of toxicity.
Rei Ryugazaki/Nagisa Hazuki ✅
These two were perpetually second place, but I still adored the dynamic and was obsessed with two specific fics for ages.
Rin Matsuoka/Sousuke Yamazaki ✅
Is perpetually in third place. I’m not as invested in this ship, but a fic would get +5 points if it was a side pairing, you know? That vibe.
Kuroko No Basket
Tetsuya Kuroko/Taiga Kagami
I’ll be honest, I only like this ship by aesthetics alone, and I haven't seen enough of this show to really get into the fandom, because, you know, I dropped off of sports anime. I still like how they look, but I just don’t care about them enough.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner
Like, I don’t think I need to explain myself here. The sheer sexual energy present in this ship is suffocating. 
Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mallark ✅
Oh my god, where to begin? I love these two, they were my Bella and Edward if that comparison makes sense. Except for a better relationship in every single way, no biggie. Personally, that quote is a bit overused to explain their relationship, but it still made me shrivel into a prune.
Finnick Odair/Annie Cresta
The only person I would want Finnick with other than myself. They gave cute, wholesome, true love and just passed the vibe check with flying colours.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon ✅
Again, another ship I love even though I haven’t watched the source material. I do remember watching the ‘two hours of merthur scenes’ YouTube video a few years before I got into the fandom, so It’s been in my peripheral view for a while.
My Hero Academia
Jayce Talis/Viktor ✅
Like- okay. They just hit different; I binge watched s2 with my sister, and the entire time, I was wondering who the mage guy was. Meanwhile, she was trying to convince me that Jayce is actually the villain because of obvious reasons, and she started being whiney when I was like, "I still don't see why." and then, when he was chatting with AU Viktor in ep 7, I had the lightbulb moment and was like "IS THAT VIKTOR?" and she TROLLED ME, she just went "nah" and I believed her like the good sister I am. Anyway, jayvik has my whole heart. THEIR SOULS ARE INTERTWINED IN THE ASTRAL PLANE.
Oof, I don’t like MHA anymore because it was just too toxic, and this ship used to be the OTP after Free!, but like, it’s fallen in the ranks super hard. 
Izuku Midoriya/Bakugo Katsuki ✅
Shōta Aizawa/Hizashi Yamada ✅
They were the subtle one that I shipped because why wouldn’t you, you know? They were beyond cute in their scenes together, and I loved the perpetual teasing.
Jeon Jeongguk/Kim Taehyung ✅
My OTP for two years after MHA, I used to be pretty crazy about them. I realized that these were people and it started to feel gross so I fell off the ship pretty quickly after that.
Kim Seokjin/Kim Namjoon ✅
Again, my youthful mind just reduced them to mom and dad and I didn’t think about it until I got more into fandom politics.
Min Yoongi/Jung Hoseok/Park Jimin ✅
I would ship them in any configuration, I liked all of them, although I did have a preference for Yoonmin.
Dan and Phil
Daniel Howell/Philip Lester ✅
DON’T KILL ME, I WAS A TWEEN. I wasn’t insane about it, but I read some fics and watched ‘Moments That Hit Different’ videos once they both came out. I know they haven’t confirmed anything, and I am respectful of that. I still watch them and I’m glad they’re in a better place now. 
Batman/Joker ✅
Judging by the posts I have already made, you can tell I’m very passionate about this one. But it’s honestly more of a guilty pleasure ship than anything else. I don’t like that I like them.
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy ✅
They’re another story. Cuties indeed. I love them. I think their relationship is very interesting although it can also cross into toxic territory.
Telltale: Batman
Bruce Wayne/John Doe ✅
I’m singling these two out because they’re just unique from the rest of the ship in a way I can’t explain. Like… If normal Batjokes yearning levels were dialled up 10x more.
Venom/Eddie Brock ✅
It’s just a hot ship, sorry. Not to mention their really weird relationship with each other and the fact that they HAVE CHILDREN. Plus I love the cute Venom blob fanart.
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
I just think they’re an amazing dynamic, with the whole team-up comic and subsequent moments together.
Detroit: Become Human
Simon/Markus ✅
Even if the cut romance path with Simon is just a rumour, I feel like we were robbed of some great LGBTQ representation. “Our hearts are compatible” will make my heart clench to this day.
Hank Anderson/Connor ✅
Another one I’m not too proud of, in retrospect, although I still do see some romantic tones to the relationship. But the fics were great, not gonna lie.
Kara/Luther ✅
I love them in a found family way, but I can see them being together in a hypothetical future together in Canada scenario.
Tales of Zestiria
Sorey/Mikleo ✅
Boi, another ship I feel very strongly about. Objectively, they are canon and I’m going to continue to believe they are. I love their shared dream and I think the foundation of their relationship is very precious.
Rose/Alisha ✅
Super cute. They honestly feel stronger in The X, but the DLC did also make me ship them.
Catra/Adora ✅
I understand the arguments against this ship, that it’s kind of toxic and all that, but I just don’t care. They literally feel like soulmates and I just vibe with this dynamic. A perfect kiss, and a great ending.
Sailor Moon
Haruka Tenou/Michiru Kaiou
I only watched the first few episodes of the original Sailor Moon and the ending with my sister for my birthday, so this is another ship that I haven’t seen. But I still love them from what I’ve been exposed to and I hate that they were reduced to friends with the English dub.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Touya Kinomoto/Yukito Tsukishiro
Again, a peripheral ship where I didn’t watch or see Cardcaptor Sakura, but I mean, they’re adorable and canon. Not much else to say about it.
Attack On Titan
Ymir/Krista Lenz ✅
Let me break this down before everyone hates me. I love Ymir and Krista. Ymir was really the push she needed to become her own person and I love that arc. But I’m also a firm believer in bisexuality existing, headcanons are fine, and that it’s okay to move on from past loves.
Eren Yeager/Historia Reiss ✅
I was kind of cringe during this era, and I did think they were endgame, which is why the ending tainted my opinion of the show overall. I fell off the show pretty shortly after the manga finished. But sometimes I will revisit these two to torture myself for some reason. I’m sure Destiel and Merthur shippers can concur.
Erwin Smith/Levi Ackerman ✅
You know, I loved the fake Ackerman lore that Eren came up with because it was an interesting literary device and at least confirmed this ship slightly. They felt very gay in a weird way.
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart ✅
It’s funny, I shipped them before Annie was revived and fell off the ship once they became canon. It felt really strange, but the way the relationship played out felt just contrived and fake afterward.
Hinata Shoyo/Kageyama Tobio ✅
Ya’ll, symbolism at its finest. I’m not sure what happened to their relationship after watching season 3, which is when I dropped the show because I lost interest in sports anime in general.
Daichi Sawamura/Koshi Sugawara ✅
Oof, another mom and dad ship that I appreciated a lot. It was another constant +5 if it was a side pairing in a fic.
Seraph Of The End
Mikaela Hyakuya/Yuichiro Hyakuya ✅
(For anyone that’s alarmed and doesn’t know, they’re not actually related.)  They’re very frustrating for me because they are so aesthetic, and they are honestly quite close to canon. But I just think there are certain aspects to the relationships that I don’t like, like Mika’s obsessive behaviours toward Yuu. Just reminds me of Eremika.
The Betrayal Knows My Name
Sakurai Giou/Luka Crosszeria
Okay, the one thing that I actually love about this ship is the reincarnation aspect to it because it really drives home how in love they are with each other. Yuki will always love Luka even if he doesn’t remember him, and Luka will love Yuki no matter what form he takes. Very deep.
God Of War: Ragnarok
Atreus/Angrboda ✅
I don’t understand why a lot of people didn’t like this relationship. They were very cute and gave me some Rapunzel/Flynn Rider vibes, especially in the very beginning. And I can see them in a very cute, mutually supportive romance.
Last Of Us Part 1
Ellie Williams/Riley Abel
I refuse to have my adolescence destroyed by part 2 after I saw the smallest clip of Joel dying, so I’m sticking to Left Behind. I was sobbing by the end of that DLC. Also, the show handled THAT scene perfectly. Loved it.
Last Of Us Part 2
(so. I decided to bite the bullet as soon as I wrote that. and I watched a playthrough.)
Ellie Williams/Dina
Okay. Listen. I would love it if they got back together in that theory with the bracelet. But I also see a poetic parallel to Tommy and Maria. Tommy kept disrespecting Maria and putting himself in danger, and it's clear that that's the main reason for them taking a break. There might be a chance to get back together, but it would take a lotta time.
My Little Pony
Fluttershy/Discord ✅
I am shooketh at the implications of the last episode. They were my favourite ship in MLP, and I am sad to share the cringe that I watched Bride and Daughter of Discord when that was around. But the whole paper bag thing during the epilogue made me implode, I’m so happy they ended up semi-canon.
Rainbow Dash/Apple Jack
They did have many moments that left me in a chokehold when I was in my older childhood years, but I fell off MLP for a solid 5 years before hearing the rumours on the grapevine that they became canon. And they are super close, you can tell.
Undyne/Alphys ✅
These iconic chaotic lesbians made me squeal at Undyne’s cheek kiss in the end credits. I love practically every single one of their scenes together.
RG 1/RG 2 ✅
They literally made me blush during their boss fight. Raw dude bro love that turned into something more. Something deeper.
Lightning Point
I’m pretty sure no one in existence knows what this show is, but lemme tell you, Zoey and Kiki just gave me the vibe of an alien couple on a little adventure that gets trapped on Earth. I don’t remember the ending, but I do remember how cute they were. 
Life Is Strange
Chloe Price/Maxine Caulfield
Despite the bad rep this ship has gotten over the years, I would still sacrifice Arcadia Bay at any opportunity. Their kiss was truly a magical moment.
Stanley Parable
The Not Stanley ending still breaks my heart when I watch it, and Ultra Deluxe just expanded on their relationship so well. They give “I hate to love you and love to hate you” vibes.
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth ✅
Oh come on, anyone who doesn’t ship them confuses me. They have the backstory, they have the revealed, close relationship, and everybody acknowledges the subtext. This ship feels so similar to the Destiel situation rabbit hole, honestly. And it’s also incredibly frustrating.
Little Nightmares 2
Kind of crazy, considering the end of the game, but I thought that their dynamic was very poetic and tragic. Personally, I don’t think that Six was malicious when she let go of Mono, I think she just recognized Mono was The Thin Man and wanted to prevent him from becoming himself in the future.
Bowser/Luigi ✅
I love how this ship exploded so quickly and I just love the duality of the ship. It’s either very good smut or the cutest diabetes-inducing sugary fluff.
Billy Loomis/Stu Macher
Textbook queercoding. I’m sorry, that back hug still makes me shiver. They truly felt threatening and scary which is an especially difficult emotion to get from me.
60 Parsecs
Baby Bronco/Emmet Ellis
I have Markiplier’s video of his playthrough of this game to thank for me shipping them. I couldn’t stop laughing when he was like ”You were elevated, de-elevated, ascended, descended, repeatedly.” He made me ship them so quickly it was actually insane.
Sims 4
Malcolm Landgraab/Cassandra Goth
It’s a weird ship that I found from someone else, but I do love the idea of a Romeo/Juliet situation with these two. Except that they’re both rich. And Malcom is an asshole. Who cares though, that can be fixed in post with a little thing called MC Command Center.
Kim Possible
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable ✅
This show opened my scope for multishipping. To this day, this is the only time where I ship two things at once with the same level of love. Anyway, Ron was just such a dumbass and I love them.
Kim Possible/Shego ✅
COME ON NOW. They were the first jerk of a pull start to the discovery of my sexuality. Also very cute, I love their storyline together. I find it easier to believe Shego was in love with Kim, but it’s still a very solid ship.
Ever After High
Apple White/Darling Charming ✅
I know people make a huge drama over it, but I also can’t get over the fact that Darling’s kiss breaks the curse. But even then, their small moments do make me think that the story might’ve been gearing up in that direction. I’m not sure, though.
Raven Queen/Dexter Charming
These two are miscommunication gold. And I hate it. But I love it. They are less compelling than the other ships that I enjoy from this show, but I still like them together a lot.
Rosabella Beauty/Daring Charming
I don’t know, I’m just a sucker for a good Beauty and the Beast story, plus this is the only relationship that gave Daring even a modicum of character development, in my eyes at least.
South Park
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak ✅
This ship is wild. Like, I love it so much, but I honestly think it came out of nowhere. Their unique energy just gives me life, the ball of stress next to a cool bean.
Me and my mom had a moment where we were both sobbing when Thumbelina got her wings. Like everytime we watched this movie. Like 15 times. One of them last week. Yeah, this one hits different.
Sesame Street
CLASSIC HUSBANDS. How could you not ship these literal LGBTQ icons? They say they aren’t in a sexual relationship, but does that matter? No. I love them as Bert and Ernie, two puppets in love.
Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Stickmin/Charles Calvin ✅
I refuse to talk about the Valiant Hero ending. I’ve never seen such a strong marriage between bro and mance, and their scenes together are always fun.
Reginald Copperbottom/Right Hand Man ✅
I’m just saying that the amount at which Right Hand Man protects Reginald is sus beyond normal proportions. Also the level of trust? “Reg?” It feels absurdly gay.
West of Loathing
This is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever shipped, considering one of them is just the player character. But Gary is so cute! I love him so much! Any playthroughs where they go with Gary make me so happy.
Dream Daddy
Another player character, but this one tugs my heartstrings differently. I know a lot of people think Craig is the most bland. Honestly, I just think everyone else is super messy. Like I’m not about to get with the youth minister, my religious trauma did not crush me for this.
Bob the Tomato/Larry the Cucumber
I actually heard this isn’t too crazy of a ship, but I swear, if you grew up as a Christian queer and watched VeggieTales, you felt the vibes. Like Bert and Ernie, tbh. But also, a scroll of the fics indicates gratuitous smut that I am not down for.
Tom and Jerry
I love the fanart of human Tom and Jerry, but if you think about their relationship, I would say they’re almost as fucked up as Batjokes. They care about each other, but they also inadvertently or purposefully almost kill each other. Love them tho.
Magic School Bus
Carlos Ramon/Phoebe Terese
A wtf ship. But hear me out. I was a literal child and saw a very adorable relationship dynamic that made my heart squeeze. That’s it.
Emily Elizabeth/Jetta Handover
Okay. I know what you’re thinking. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?” I know. Another wtf ship. But they were cute, no denying that. I love how Jetta’s character developed and the friendship these two managed to cultivate together. And again, I WAS A CHILD. 
Greek Mythology
I love them. They scream love in such a unique way, and they trigger my arranged marriage turned love story guilty pleasure. Also, we love the fact that Persephone has equal authority to Hades.
Have you ever seen anything as gay as these two? They are true mythological tragedy icons at their finest and are just peak masculine love.
Babylonian Mythology
More gay tragedy. This one actually makes me emotional, though. Who knew we could find that much of the first story known, have it be major character death and enemies to lovers, on top of being gay af?
Is it heresy? Yes. Is it assuming things? Yes. Is it benefiting from a dodgy translation? Yes. Do have any fucks to give? No. Besides, I have no respect for the Bible. They are gay.
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xojennyboo · 1 year ago
A/N: Here’s a little something I wrote out of the blue. Thank you always for reading my stuff. Please like, comment, reblog, and send in suggestions! Happy reading.
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Church can be the most beautiful and holiest place on earth, or it can be the most sinful place on earth. I’ve grown up in the church, both my parents being religious but unfortunately, with both of my parents being the priests of the town church, means more responsibilities for me. According to my mother, I have to be an "example" to the girls growing up with the church. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy doing my participation at the church. I enjoy planning weekly activities for the children. Although these are great things, the church doesn’t define me. I have fun with people who I’ve grown up with all of my life. We go out and party, some do drugs and drink. I think I can say that I have managed to balance the church life and my personal life.
For the past month, there has been talk about the Styles family coming back into town. I remember that they left after high school graduation, along with their son Harry. Harry was always getting into trouble, always skipping Sunday service and partying. Harry and I had our history. In school, he would always flirt with me. It was very surprising that he had the balls to flirt with the priests’ daughter. One thing led to another and soon we had created a beautiful relationship kept from the eyes of others. We had a secret hiding spot in the woods and that’s where I had lost my virginity to him.That was another bad thing on the list of being the priests’ daughter, only daughter. The boys in school were always afraid to talk to me or flirt with me. This caused me to be some sort of a loner, besides my best friend Alice. She has always been there for me and understood my bittersweet relationship with the church. Her parents are very close to my parents, kind of like best friends you can say. Alice and I grew up together and went to school together. She’s basically the sister I never had. Now we’re both 26 and dedicate most of our time to the church.
Today is Sunday, which means an early morning and an overall busy day. I got up and took a shower, getting up at 6:30am in order to take my time to get ready. For my outfit I decided on wearing a black skirt that went down a little below my knees and flowed nicely. The skirt had a flower pattern all around it, the flowers a beige color. I decided on wearing a long sleeve beige shirt to compliment the flowers on the skirt. After I finished doing my hair and makeup, I look at the time, 9 am. Church doesn’t start for another hour, but you still had to get ready for today’s service. I put on my beige heels and made my way towards the kitchen. I was expecting to see my parents down here, but they probably already made their way to the church. Weird. I grabbed my purse and went to my car. The church was only a 10-minute drive from our house. Once I arrived at church, I saw two cars in the lot, one being my parent’s. The other I did not recognize. I parked my car and made my way into the church. The church is huge, beautiful in every square inch. My favorite part was the stained glass adorning the building. I made my way down the aisle, seeing my mom and dad talking to a couple and a third gentleman. As I got closer to them, my heels making an echo sound as I walked, I recognized the couple. I stopped in my tracks as everyone stopped their conversation and looked at me. The Styles family.
“Good morning sweetheart. Sorry that we didn’t wake you, we had special guests to attend and welcome back”, my mother said motioning back to the familiar family in front of me. Harry’s mother spoke first. "Y/n look at you so grown up! Gosh you look more and more like your mother each day!”, she says pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, glad that the rumors were true. Mr. Styles also greets me and pulls me into hug. “And you remember our son Harry, right?”, he asks. “'Yeah, I do”, I say giving Harry a wave instead of a hug. I couldn’t’t help but feel my heart rate speed up as I look at him. He looked completely different but the similar at the same time. He literally took my breath away at how handsome he got. He was taller than I remember, he had built muscles, grew facial hair, and his curly hair wasn’t as curly as before, more like a natural wave to it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him as they all mingled with one another. Thankfully he was paying more attention to my parents than at me. You slowly walked away and made your way to the back of the church and into your office. You loved the fact that you didn’t have to share one with your parents. You placed your bag on your desk and turned your computer on looking through the schedule for the day. You really didn’t have a lot planned for yourself just a little coloring activity with the kids.
Since the kids who attended the church were majority minors, your job was to keep them busy and entertained while the parents listened to the sermon. Sometimes Alice would help you with the kids but unfortunately, she is out of town with her parents this week. There was a slight knock on the door interrupting your train of thoughts. “Come in’, you say, and the door opens revealing Harry on the other side. “hey”, he says, coming in and closing the door behind him. Act normal y/n you cannot react to him. “Hey”, you say back giving him a smile.”I apologize for not saying anything earlier, I didn’t know what to say considering all the time that has gone by,”he says. “It’s alright. I felt the same way,” you say to him, silence overtaking the room. “You look great y/n “, he says. You smiled shyly, your cheeks turning pink at his compliment. “Thank you. You look great as well Harry”, you say, turning your attention back to the computer screen that was in front of you. “I see you still react the same way towards me y/n” he says, his voice lower causing your legs to squeeze together. You heard him chuckle beneath his breath before making his way towards you standing right behind you. “What are you working on”, he asks looking at the computer screen. “My schedule", you whispered, not liking the effect that he continues to have on you after all these years. "Coloring with the kids?” he says. I just nod not trusting my voice at the moment. “Mind if I help?” he asks you. “You’re attending todays service?" you turn around in your chair facing him, closer than what you would like. He gives you a smirk right before placing both of his hands on either side of your chair and leaning down closer to your face. He’s now face to face with you, eyes looking into yours and then down to your lips. Your chest rising and falling at a quicker pace than you would like, your breathing picking up at the close proximity.
“Hmmm?” he hums as he closes his eyes and inhales, taking in the aroma of your floral perfume. He smirks before opening his eyes. “Y-yes”, you whisper to him. He smiles, looking at your lips one last time, before pulling away completely and making his way to the other side of your desk. As if on cue, the door to your office opens, your parents coming in. “Honey, service will begin soon. Ready to take the kids to the other room?”, my father asks. “Yeah, actually Harry is going to help me today since Alice isn’t here", I say to my father. "Perfect. Make sure you make Harry feel welcomed especially since his family will be part of the church.”he says. “Of course, don’t worry about it”. I say smiling and getting up from my desk. I adjust my skirt and start making my way to the alter. Harry is right behind me, his footsteps echoing along with my heels. “All you have to do is greet the parents as they come to the front and take the kids, forming a line next to you”. I say to Harry who is listening attentively to my instructions. That’s exactly what we did. Soon we had two lines of children, a total of 20 kids. We made our way to the back of the church and into the cafeteria area since it was the only room in the church that can fit these many kids. “Good morning kids! How’s everyone doing today?" I say to the kids. The kids all together say good morning to me. “We have A special guest today who will be helping me with you little angels. Please welcome Harry Styles “, I say to the kids. Harry says hi to them waving. An explosion of greetings filled the room causing Harry to smile. “We're going to take it easy today. We’re going to start by coloring in your workbooks and then make our way to eating some snacks. Sounds okay?”. I ask the children. They say yes and I tell Harry to help me hand out the workbooks to each child along with the crayons. Once the children are talking and occupying themselves, me and Harry sit towards the back of the cafeteria, allowing the kids to have their space.
“You’re great with them. It looks like they truly trust and love you”, Harry says fiddling with the thick rings adorning his fingers. His demeanors different than what it was in the office. “I love keeping them company. I’ve seen many children grow up in front of my eyes. I want them to feel safe around me. I want them to trust me with whatever they may need. Especially when it comes to them wanting to talk to someone", you say, watching the kids color in their books. “How long have you been doing this for?”, he asks. “For about 5 years now. I enjoy it really. Gives me a small hope that I may have some positive impact on these kids.” I stayed quiet for a bit until I start laughing at some of the kids who start arguing. These kids were good kids and they always had small banter here and there, but nothing ever too serious. Once an hour had passed it was time for snack time handing out the snacks to the kids. Once they ate their snacks, Harry and I took them to the playground that was at the back of the church outside. It’s a beautiful day out today. I watch the kids interact with one another as I make my way to the swings. Harry just follows. I sit on the swing and soon I feel Harry behind me, my hands on each of the chains besides me. I feel the swing move as Harry slightly pushes me. “Harry, what are you trying to do?”, I ask him, stopping the movements of the swing. He sighs, not saying anything as he sits next to me on the empty swing. I roll my eyes, frustrated by his lack of words, before getting up and strolling along the playground watching that the kids were being careful. After half an hour not saying anything to one another, we gathered the kids to go back inside. The sermon should he over by now. We both take the kids back to the main room, taking each kid to their parents.
Everyone leaves, giving me the chance to escape. I grabbed my belongings and made my way to the car, driving to the nearby coffee shop. I haven’t eaten breakfast, and I was starving. I ordered a muffin and a white chocolate mocha latte. I loved coming to this café, since it always gave me a feeling that I was at home. I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened today in your office. The feeling he gave you felt exactly like how it was in high school. It infuriated me that he was still able to make you feel that way. I had a crush on him back then, but I always thought that it was because he was the only one giving me attention. What game is he trying to play? Why did you feel the way you did? Why did you want his lips to press to yours? I finished my breakfast and made my way back home. My mom and dad weren’t there yet assuming that they were still at the church. I went to my room and started planning next week's schedule. After, I did my bible study since I didn’t attend the sermon. Once I was finished, I looked at the clock to see that it was already dinner time. Your parents still weren’t home. You texted your mother asking where they were. According to her, they were spending time with the Styles and were going to have dinner. Great, another lonely night. I got off my bed and made my way to the living room, turning on the TV to watch Netflix.
I was halfway done with the episode when the doorbell rang. Who could it be at this hour? I opened the door to see Harry standing there with a box of pizza in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “Care to have dinner with an old friend?" he asks. “Depends, are you planning on acting childish and continue not to talk to me?”, I ask. “I won’t be children, I promise", he says. I open the door and allow him to come in. “Looks exactly the same since the last time I saw it “, he states looking around the house. “Yeah, nothings really changed", I say, taking out plates for us to eat. He opens the box of pizza, and he gives me a slice before placing one on his plate. He then opens up the bottle of wine and pours some in the glasses that he pulled out from the cabinets. We eat in silence for a bit, my favorite show playing in the background. “Feels like old times yeah?” he says. I just nod my head, my mouth full of pizza. Once we were done eating, we made our way to the living room and watched TV. It was nice but I still couldn’t stop thinking about our encounter in my office. “I apologize for my behavior earlier today. I was out of line. I just... Seeing you again bought so many memories from how we were before I left”, he says, looking straight at the TV. “I don’t even know if you have a boyfriend or not and I just acted on impulse,” he says. “No boyfriend that you have to worry about”, I tell him. The mood in the room slowly takes a huge turn after my confession. It’s the same feeling like in the office. There was built up tension. We continue to stay silent, but this time it was a comfortable silence.
Harry stayed with me until my parents came home. It was very nice to catch up with him after all of these years. He attended university and graduated with a degree in English. Most of the time he dedicated time to his family and tried to change for them and for himself. He mentioned that he had gotten into trouble after moving which made him want to change. He said that he turned to church for guidance but that he wasn’t super religious like our parents. He was glad to be back in his hometown. I was super happy for him. The next couple of months were a blur with the holidays coming up. Me and Harry became super close, as friends, and we were having the best time planning holiday activities for the kids. Everything was running smoothly. I was currently in my office putting our plans in my calendar in my computer. “Hey y/n, the shipment for the holiday decorations is here. Where do you want me to put them?”, Harry asked carrying two big boxes in his arms. "Cafeteria please”, I instruct. Soon he came back into my office. Today, it was just us two in here, both of our parents going out to dinner. “So, what do you have planned for the evening?", he asks me as he sits in front of my desk. “I’m not sure. Probably just grab some takeout and go home. What about you?” I ask him, focusing my attention on him now. “Have dinner with me tonight", he says to me catching me completely off guard. “Once you’re finished, we can go. Just let me know”, he gets up from the chair and leaved my office. Why does he always do that?! He always says some demanding or cheeky comment, leaving me speechless and flustered. I take deep breaths and gather my thoughts and emotions before grabbing my belongings and exiting the door. I walk towards the alter where I see Harry knelt down finishing his prayer. I don’t know why but seeing him do that does something to me. Makes me think about very sinful thoughts here at church! I cleared my throat once he was done praying, his attention now focused on me. “Ready to go?”, he asks me. “Yes”, I say. “Alright let’s go”, he grabs my hand causing a spark run throughout my whole body. We walk hand in hand out of the church and into his car. “Where are we going?”, I ask looking out the window at the scenery. “You’ll see when we get there”, he says. The rest of the car ride was silent. Soon, I started recognizing the scenery in front of me. Are we headed to where I think we’re headed?
I start noticing the familiar trail leading to the woods, coming closer to the cabin. Our cabin from years ago. When we were in high school, Harry and I would come here after school almost every day. There, he would he completely different than how he acted around school. He was the bad boy in high school, but here, he would act like he has been acting now. Vulnerable. My heart rate started to increase as I saw the cabin fixed up, nothing to how it looked years ago. Harry parked the car and came around to open the car door for me. I was too stunned to speak. All I did was walk around the cabin, inspecting it to make sure it was the same one. “It didn’t look like this before”, I say walking back towards him, a smile plastered on his face. “Do you like it?”, he asks. “I love it, did you fix it?”, I ask him in disbelief, his answer just a small nod. “When did you do this? How?”, I had so many questions. “This is the first thing I wanted to do when I came back. This was our happy place when we were younger. When I visited it the first morning here, I was devastated when I saw that it was going into ruin. So, I looked for people who could do the work and we fixed it up. Although I did add extra things that weren’t there before”. He explains. He walks to the front door and motions for me to go in and I do just that. Inside, there was a small kitchen area, dining area, and a bed by the window. It wasn’t a huge cabin, but it was spacious. “I can’t believe you did all of this”, I tell him looking around. “Maybe we can continue to use it again like we did before. Create our happy place again”, he says coming closer to me. We're standing face to face now, his hands on my waist. “Do you remember the night we spent here?”, he asks me. How could I forget. I lost my virginity to him here. I was scared that night. I had told my parents that I was staying over at Alice’s house but instead me and Harry met up here. He had gotten us takeout, and we talked for hours and before you know it, one thing led to another, and we slept together. Although we were young, I knew that I wanted him to take it.
“When I left, I feared you would forget everything we did. That you would be mad at me for leaving and would regret everything", he confessed. “I would never regret what we did Harry. I understood why you needed to leave. What truly hurt more was the fact that you didn’t attempt to contact me at all”, I say, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. “I know Y/N, but I needed to get my, shit together. I needed to change for you”, he says to me. “Why for me?”, I ask, the tears falling from my my eyes and down my face. “You know why”, he says before leaning down and attaching his lips to mine. His hands are holding my face, his fingers wiping away my tears as his lips are dancing with mine. Without breaking our kiss, he grabs my purse and places it on the table by us. His hands are placed on my back, pulling me closer to him. My hands are around his neck playing with his chocolate curls. Memories from that night replaying in my head as the kiss intensifies. Harry walks backwards as he sits on the bed, bringing me with him as I straddle his waist. He positions himself leaning against the wall by the window. He breaks the kiss and reaches towards the switch by his head. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusing. He flicks the light switch and soon the cabin is lit up by small fairy lights. I gasp as I look outside noticing that the trees surrounding the cabin are also lit up all around in white lights. "Harry!", I say in excitement. All he does is let out a chuckle as he brings his lips against mine again. This time the kiss is more intense. We're pulling each other closer, our want for one another consuming us. “Do you trust me?”, he says against my lips.” Always”, I answer against his lips. He removed my cardigan slowly, my arms exposed. He kisses up my arm and removes my shirt. He admired my breasts as he starts placing kisses on my neck and chest. I grab the hem of his shirt and removed it exposing his upper body that is now filled with many tattoos. I gasp, my hands reaching down to the butterfly tattoo on his abdomen. “Do you like them?” he asks looking at my movements and reaction intensely. “Yeah”, I whispered to him, placing small kisses on his exposed chest. He smirks and pushes me down to the mattress, positioning himself on top of me, continuing his assault on my neck and chest. “You don’t even want to know the many nights that I have thought about having you like this”, he whispers in my ear, my fingers exploring his bare back. His fingers make their way to my back and unclasps my bra, revealing my breasts. He lets out a small groan admiring my naked upper body before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. My body instantly reacts to every move he makes, his soft lips around my nipple causing a whine to come out of my lips. His hand reaches over to my skirt lifting it up before he places his fingers on my closed pussy. I moan as his fingers start rubbing small circles on my clit. His fingers moving up and down my slit his fingers circling around my wet hole, causing my back to arch. His tongue flicking my nipple at same pace as his fingers rub me.
I couldn’t help but moan his name at the pleasure he was giving me. He removes his mouth from my nipple, before taking his fingers into his mouth, tasting my wetness. He lets out a low moan causing you to let out a small moan as well. "Delicious", he says as he unzips your skirt and removed it, taking your panties off as well. Without being told, he removes the rest of his clothing as well. My eyes are now distracted on his penis, his size definitely bigger than before. You heard Harry chuckle as he placed his head between your legs. “Enjoying the view?”, he asks. Before I could answer Harry attaches his mouth onto your wet pussy, my back arching at the feeling of his tongue flicking on your clit at a fast pace. He changed from flicking to sucking on your clit, your body always giving him the reaction that he wanted. The noice of his mouth devouring you filled the cabin walls, your moans coming out in soft whimpers. Your hips soon started moving against his lips, Harry moving his head in the same direction as your hips, allowing you to ride his face this way. You felt your orgasm approaching, your small whimpers becoming needy moans for release. Harry wrapped his arms under your pelvis and held your hips down as his tongue licked you completely. His tongue gathering your wetness to cover his tongue. Before you know it, you were moaning Harry's name repeatedly as your legs trembled around his head, your orgasm taking over your body as Harry continued to lick you clean.
Once you relaxed from your orgasm, Harry positioned himself at your entrance.”before I do this, I have to ask a question,” he says. You motioned for him to continue." Have you slept with anyone else? Don’t get offended, I just want to know so I know how I can be with you.”, his question catching you off guard. It wasn’t the fact that you didn’t want to sleep with someone else. You just didn’t like the idea of sleeping with random people. The boys in school were too scared to talk to you and if they did, they didn’t make you comfortable. “No”, you shyly respond. “You’re kidding right?”, he asks making his reaction towards your answer nerve-racking. “no one else has touched you besides me?”, he asks in disbelief. You simply nodded. “Jesus Christ woman. You’re driving me crazy. This might hurt a bit then”, he warns you before slowly entering you. The intrusion causing a stinging sensation for a few. Both of you moaned against each other's lips as Harry held still enjoying the light grip your pussy had on his dick. Once the stinging sensation disappeared, you told Harry to move. He slowly thrusted out and then in, your eyes rolling back at the pleasure you were receiving. Your nails dug onto his back as his thrusts started to pick up at a faster pace. His hands were wrapped around your thighs, his head in the crook of your neck as his thrust were getting deeper into you. The noise of slapping skin mixed with both of your moans caused you to feel wanted and worshipped. Harry’s moans against your ear caused tingles around your body, your second orgasm soon approaching. The bed squeaked to the movements of Harry’s thrusts. His thrusts were so deep that you thought you can feel him in your stomach. “Oh my God you feel amazing my love”, he pants against your skin. His words causing you to pant louder, your moans coming out as your orgasm was starting to take over your body. “That’s it baby, come for me,” he moans out as he attaches his lips to yours, feeling his sweaty skin against yours. Both of your moans spilled out against each other’s lips as your orgasms overtook your bodies. His hands held yours tightly as he rode out both of your highs. At this point both of you were breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. This was definitely more intense than the last time. You felt Harry's weight on you as he slid out of you. Thank goodness for birth control. You wrapped your arms around him, your fingers playing with his hair.
In this very moment you were the happiest you’ve ever been. You didn’t want this moment to end, and you wanted to stay here with Harry forever. You felt Harry shift, completely coming off of you, lying next to you. “That was amazing”, he says laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh as well. I lay my head on his chest, my right leg over his his arm on the bottom of my back. I could near his heartbeat slowly coming down, but speed back up once I start tracing his tattoos. “I really like your tattoos H”, you say to him as you trace the butterfly tattoo again. “And I really like you”, harry whispers to you as his heartbeat increased as well. A smile spread across your face. “I like you too”, you say leaning up to kiss him. “You want to see where this goes?”, he asks motioning to both of you. “I would love to”, you say as you straddle his lips and kiss him again. "Perfect. Then I can guess I can call you, my girlfriend?” he says. “Your guess is correct...boyfriend", you smile against his lips. You couldn’t wait to see where this would lead. You were nervous and scared. One thing that you were sure of is that your feelings for Harry were strong and you felt completely safe with him and that you were ready for all the new adventures to come.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months ago
So you asked me to tell you about my oc and I hope it`s fine if do that here? Just delete this if you meant dm`s.
A little warning first! I can understand english perfectly but never had an opportunity to actually speak or write in it. Grammar will be wrong and sentences will be weird. I am trying my best :)
Her name is Cassiopeia and yes, it`s kind of pretencious, but it has a reason to be. Cassiopeia is from the island on the Grand Line that is living by the religion based on belief that every person has a star watching them and these stars can affect peoples lives. People from this island think of the Sun as a traitor who took away most of the humans to itself and are calling nonbelievers blinded. There is also a a belief that there should always be someone born "under the unlucky star" and that who Cassiopeia is.
What it means is that she is very respected but is treated horrbly. Almost no human contact, abuse from the church higher-ups, limited space for life and the only things she was allowed to learn are religious texts and some basic knowlege about healing herbs and stuff like that. She was also taught to "understand the stars" and she, by her own words, can find anyones star on the sky and translate what is has to say. Whether this is true or not is open to interpretation.
She was rescued from that life by a mink pirate and it is A LOT to tell, and I am really trying to not make this a massive infodump, so I`ll just skip to the result of Cassiopeia living on the tropical island closer to the begining of the Grand Line with the same mink and that mink`s child.
In the following years Cassiopeia was adapting to living like a normal person (and that was a ride on it`s own because her caretaker is a lot like Garp but a pirate and her methods in parenting are... unique. You can spot the wheapons inspired by chakram on the picture and let`s just say Cassiopeia can spill a lot of blood with those and is was a big part of her training)
Cassiopeia also used her chance to reflex on her beliefs and to learn about medicine and flora of the island she now lives in.
And it was proven to be useful when the Kid pirates stopped by and like... immediately got a big part of the crew horrbly poisoned by a local plant. Heat fot the worse of it. In that condition they where found by the mink and she, as a rude and sly person she is, struck them a deal: pirates help her with the local bandits that where causing trouble for some time now, and in return Cassiopeia will save the poisoned.
The next part I will mostly skip too. Just know that my girl was helping to fight the bandits and it was meant to show Kid that she can fight.
Cassiopeia held her part of the deal and helped the pirates bonding with them a little in a process. Since Heat was in the worst contition she spent extra time with him. He liked her talk about how she can "understand the stars" and gave her the nickname Cas.
After that the mink straight up asked Kid to take Cas with him (she was waiting for the opportunity huh) since he clearly needed a doctor anyway and "the girl have to see the world". It took some time and talk but this is how Cas ended up on Victoria Punk.
Cas is very different from your Doc. She does not have a degree and all the knowlege and experience that comes with it, so not the most competent for the job. She also a rather calm person who is (pre-timeskip) has a long way to go to come out of her shell. She lacks a lot of random basic social knowlege too, so sometimes her actions are not the usual way of doing things. For example when she fell in love with Killer, she had no idea that usually this feeling is not openly shown before the "love confession" and just started treating Killer with a lot of attention and owerall showing her feelings, while not putting any pressure to receive any kind of answer.
(Now that I am writing that I realized that your Doc`s personality is way more like another oc of mine where the idea that she is overworked accountant but her office is Onigashima and her horrible boss is Kaidou)
There is a lot more to say about her like her frienship with Heat, why her hair is so long and why it will be cut after the timeskip, how she will obtain Snow-Snow Fruit after Monet`s death and so on... But there is only so much bad text a person can handle and I feel like I am already pushing the limit so I will stop here.
Thanks for reading, here is scetch of pre-timeskip Cas, I promice to draw something for Hey doc later, bye!
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Oh. My. Gosh.
Look at her. Cassiopeia is absolutely beautiful. I adore the time you took with the lore. The linking back to the unlucky star is just beautiful.
Makes me think about the constellation for Cassiopeia:
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I love her personality of leaping first without thinking about the consequences: favouritism with Killer before the "Of course I'm in love with you." There's something so special in that. I also love the infodump. Learning about people's OCs feels to me like learning about characters in the series itself.
Also, just gonna put this out there, your art style is absolutely gorgeous. The expression, her body language, the way the clothes and accessories are draped, the weapons! I'm melting. I adore her and your plot is incredibly thought out and spectacular. I hope you post more about her!
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our-transgender-experiences · 8 months ago
Hi Alex. Is it ok to vent a little bit a lot? It's completely fine if you don't post any response, I completely understand. This is a HUGE experience prompt to respond to.
I was birthed with the male sex (he/him) so you can call me that.
Over the past year and two months, I've been feeling just a little off. I keep a journal, and have since before that moment, so I have my experience written down carefully. In short form, I don't know who I am. In a longer form, I'm a weird, cringey high schooler who doesn't know who they are, who wears a galaxy backpack to school, who is agnostic (Christian, but can't prove it right or wrong), aromantic, and asexual. My experience isn't special by any means, in fact, I think I fit literally every queer stereotype known to mankind? Here's the best part: I live in Oklahoma, the famous place of Nex Benedict's horrific death.
About a month ago, I saw "Celeste" in a YouTube video about some of the hardest, but most enjoyable, games of all time. I looked it over, it's on sale for $5, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford that. So I got it and finished it within 3 days. I instantly recommended it to my brother, who also happens to be a little queer. He loved it too, but I STILL didn't know the backstory behind that game. Then, I saw the video. It was an amazing reading of Celeste, down to every minor detail of the game. One thing that stood out, was the fact that the both the creator, and the protagonist, were trans women. Even better: it was known for being a wonderful story of the trans experience, and I RELATED TO IT. EVEN BETTER: I had now recommended it to practically my entire friend group, including some incredibly religious people. So what was I gonna do about it? Not care, and continue onto the B-sides.
I want to say 5 days ago was when it really kicked in that "wait a minute, I related to Madeline in a very deep way, and she's a trans..." Now this is the climax, get ready. Because I had been journaling for so long, I had already written about my experience since those early days where I had that so-called dysphoria. And after I realized that could be because I'm trans, I immediately asked my parents what my girl names were before I was born. (doctors didn't know my sex until about two weeks before I was due) "Eden" is a pretty cool name, I guess I'll try it. I walk into my dad's office (works from home) that same day after school, and he immediately turns to me and asks: "So why did you need to know your girl names?" I immediately respond with "... idk?" Very convincing, well done. I text him after I flee to my room, "I'm experimenting, don't take that too seriously" He understands, and I'm at peace. Mom also takes it well, and we're good to actually begin the experiments I was "planning".
First up, change the online bios, like Discord. See how it actually looks on me. AAAAND my best friend sees it within a few hours. Not even prompted, we were talking, playing rocket league, and he just "hey why's your bio say you're experimenting with 'Eden' as your new name?" Explained, but he was in a weird spot. "I'm happy and will support you with whatever you **choose**." Key word there, I'm not choosing anything. I'm actually going with the flow so much more than he could imagine. But okay, we've got a pretty good ally on our side! Going great.
Except here comes "Part of Me" with the anxiety of what could happen, why I shouldn't do anything different around peers, and more importantly why I shouldn't experiment with myself. And to be honest, I believe that part of me. There's so many questions that I ask like "but what if it's all for attention?" or "but you always acted like a boy, why are you changing now? or "maybe the other Christians were right. you are a sinner after all, you're a bad person and you DO deserve to die." You know those.
And with those come the questioning part of it. Am I ACTUALLY just doing what I'm doing for attention? Like I said, I'm a high schooler. I'm a future aerospace engineer for SpaceX, I love computers, and I have top 1% test scores as a sophomore. I'm doing good with school, but that's exactly why I basically have one friend who is also up there with me. I'm not here to brag, I'm here to show that I don't get a lot of attention at school, it's basically all family members who care about me. So again, am I just trying this for attention? I don't think so, but that seems like what my brain would want me to say.
And to be honest, I needed this. I vent every day, but to nobody except Google advertisement algorithms out of Google Docs (my journal). I vent and cry into empty space, but maybe this is finally not just to my phone. This is to another human who I think has had a close experience to mine.
And of course I'm not going to ask you "who am I, who do I like, and what's my gender?" But I am going to ask you one thing: What's your take? I mean this is the trans experiences blog, but I'm not sure if I am a trans. I figured this was the best place to get a good use out of my time. Thank you so much for letting people like me do this, it seriously means a lot.
i'm glad that you feel that this is a space where you can comfortably talk about your experience, and question your gender. My advice, is to keep experimenting,and see where it takes you find out what you're comfortable with, it might take time, and it might change. It took me a while to get to where i am now, and even now i'm not 100% sure. i tried different labels that felt right at the time, but they changed later, and thats okay.
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agentoffangirling · 5 months ago
so here's the thing, your post didn't describe fiction affecting reality but manipulation from others or even grooming
you should know this: all ships are valid. Your 13 year old self did nothing wrong. Being manipulated / groomed into saying "I was wrong for liking a ship" is extremely worrying. Grooming also doesn't have to be sexual, it is essentially someone with power taking advantage of a vulnerable person (you) by posing themselves as their protector/mentor/whatever
other red flags to look out for are things like being told you "deserved to be mistreated because you gave into sin" and being praised if you "have given up that sin and thus changed for the better" because this is the kind of manipulation tactic you find in religious cults.
Here are some sources on how to spot grooming and the difference between an adult who means well and a predator
and here is a safety PSA to spot grooming in fandom communities
If you are still friends with these kind of people, I suggest you take a long look at them and ask yourself if your relationship is healthy. Pro-tip: if they still control what you are/aren't allowed to like, if they tell you that you are a bad person because of your past/present fictional interests, then the relationship is unhealthy and these people can and will drop you the moment you don't act in the way they want you to
be safe
I made a quiz about my favorite ships. One of those was that proship. I had a comment one time that was like:
"totally agree with all of these except blank"
"oh why not?"
"well, they're brothers"
"not by blood, but okay"
And my day went on. Another time I went over to a friend's house (who is of the same age as me) to chat with her, and she didn't know anything about this media at all, so it was mostly just me gushing my love about it. She did however, know these two characters were siblings, and brought up concerns that it was weird to ship them. Again, I claimed it wasn't, we went on with our days
I started to realize that I was in the wrong when not only did I think about these two experiences, but I started watching more of the media itself, which clearly put them as brothers. That's not grooming, that's called growing from a kid bc kids often don't know what is right or wrong. They learn from it. It's natural to ship problematic things when you're younger bc you don't know it's problematic, and it's only through interacting with the media and other fans do you start learning. From what I've seen, most pro-shippers are never told no and are given content that reinforces their beliefs. They usually don't interact with the fandom or distance themselves from the piece until later. This makes them think that the ship is perfectly okay. Telling someone no is not grooming
Not all ships are valid if they reinforce toxic behaviors and/or mirror real-life problems. To be told that shipping siblings is bad is not grooming and I am astounded you actually think that. What the actual fuck
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fierceawakening · 1 year ago
So I'm thinking about this whole phenomenon I'm seeing where people are going "What Hamas did is fine because resisting occupation is always messy and we've tried being polite," as if "slaughtering kids and taking civilians hostage" is "being impolite" or something. (The Geneva Convention: A White Thing For Dumb White People, Apparently.)
And maybe I'm wildly overgeneralizing from my own weird experiences, but I suspect part of the reason people are easily swayed to think of "obvious war crimes" as "a little messy" even if they don't see themselves as at all antisemitic might be
When I was a wee Fiercelet in the 1980's, the messaging people like me who are neither personally connected to Israel or Palestine in any way was that Israel Is Obviously Good. The reason given for this is that there were "no other democracies" in the Middle East. Israel was described as this one bright spot of civilization amid some weird Zone of Barbarism, and the Zone of Barbarism wanted to kill them. This wasn't explained in any detail at all, just presented kind of in the way We're Democracy and They're Communism was about the USSR at the time.
The other thing I recall people talking about was Judeo-Christian Values. I know now from constant gripes from Jumblr that this is Not Actually A Thing, but at the time I was too young to really question it. And it fit with the narrative that there were People Relevantly Like Us, The Enlightened United States, in some benighted Nondemocracy Zone.
The Nondemocracy was in some vague way tied to these evil people bedeviling our enlightened ally due to their Being Religious Badly, and only once they somehow saw the light of Democracy could they find a way to Be Religious Nicely, at which point we could call it Judeochristoislamic Values and have a big party ig.
All of which is a long winded way to say it utterly shocked me when I got to college and pro-intifada groups started saying sound bites to me like "Israel has tanks; Gaza has rocks. They're killing people with tanks just for throwing rocks. If your family had been killed by tanks, wouldn't you throw rocks too?" (I am not saying I'm sure this is accurate; I now suspect at least some spin. But this is what other students your age set up a table at a fair and tell you.)
Hearing that throws the whole narrative about how we're supposed to love Israel because they're uniquely lacking in barbarism into the trash very quickly.
And that I think is why it's very easy to convince left-leaning white USians that Israel is settler colonialist and deserves whatever it gets. Because white college students are already beginning to see that while democracy is good, the jingoism we're sold about how we're better than anyone else is wild exaggeration built on an unavoidably racist base.
So when someone says "the only reason you think Hamas are terrorists is because they're brown and you've been told they're antidemocratic," it's very easy to go "huh. Maybe so," even if you don't buy into obvious antisemitic conspiracy theories or anything else like that.
Which is why it's so important to have all the facts about what everyone is actually doing, and consider them against the backdrop of what you think just war is.
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theres-whump-in-that-nebula · 3 months ago
I have been mistaken for so many different people and ages my whole life and it’s kind of funny
5th Grade — ?:
So for reference: I have baby face syndrome, but I’ve always dressed neatly and in a way VERY unconventional for my age group; often wearing vintage clothing, fancy hats, heels, tucked-in shirts, granny sweaters, men’s clothes, etc. Anyway, I never liked holding my dad’s hand in public past age the age of ten, because some dingus would always assume we were husband and wife. Oh hell no. Once it happened while my mother was standing right next to him (and the guy was an Jehovah’s Witness elder, because of course he was).
7th Grade:
I was asked point-blank by a 20-year-old “So have you graduated high school yet?” No, I’m twelve and suffering through the doldrums of middle school. Yes, this is a cry for help.
8th Grade:
The first day of school, I walked into art class. I was wearing coooorduroy britches dodging hitches I was working on the railway a gray sheath dress with a yellow blouse underneath of it, stockings, and high gray platforms. Very corporate, I guess. And I’ve known how to walk (run, and skip) in heels since age seven; so I was not awkward-looking at all.
I made a beeline for the teacher’s desk to get a look at the seating chart. The teacher, upon seeing me enter the room, went to shake my hand, asking my name, and if I’m the new student-teacher. I was like, “No; I’m a student. I’d just like to know where to sit.”
Later on that year, crazy hair day came along, and I wore a short blonde wig to school (I used to have 40” of hair). I confused the hell out of my history teacher because she thought I was a different kid sitting in her student’s spot.
9th Grade:
The same thing happened in my pottery class. I shoved my bangs underneath my hat on the first day, and came in with no hat the second. The teacher asked who I was because she hadn’t seen me before. I kind of get that, because it’s hard to spot kids across a playground if they get a haircut or put on a hat. I always look at their gait to tell who’s who.
In the Workforce:
I substituted for someone in a high school classroom, in a 1st — 11th grade school. I was sitting outside the office in a chair because the classroom wasn’t open yet. At that moment, I wasn’t on my phone and was halfway staring off into space, probably cracking my knuckles or something. I was dressed casually (cargo pants and a sweater), with a bag at my side on the floor.
This staff member walked past me, then back again to say “hello.” I said “hello” back. He asked some question about why I was sitting out in the hallway, and if I was lost. I replied that I was there from another school to substitute for a staff member, as I am a paraprofessional, and had been asked to sit in the hallway until the teacher arrives.
“Oh. Sorry, I thought you were a student. I haven’t seen you before, ahaha…” Very awkward.
Later on, the students in the district had an Autism Acceptance Walk. We had to walk through a tunnel of people, who gave the kids (and adult students) high-fives. Apparently, people thought I was one of the students, because they were thrusting their hands out at me, specifically, to high-five them, despite the fact that I was surrounded by a bunch of tiny children. I heard someone say “she’s cute” in a diminutive tone (it had to be about me, because the only other feminine person around was an imposing older lady). To be fair though, I’ve consistently gotten scores in the 130s—140s on the RAADS-R (among other online tests); but…….. I don’t know if my traits are a naturally-occurring phenomena or a weird religious trauma-induced thing. I’m also not a student and I wasn’t about to steal their thunder; so after feeling compelled to high-five exactly one person, I kept my eyes forward and didn’t look at anyone but the kids in front of me until we were out of the tunnel.
Towards the end of the year, I met with some corporate people I had never seen in person at a restaurant. I shook their hands and introduced myself with my first name. They were surprised when I sat down with them because they thought I was a waitress… I was wearing all black, and apparently had an air of “business” about me (how else would I act or look around corporate people?) We had a laugh about it
Oh and one time when I was at a mid-level elementary school watching the kids on the playground, the STUDENTS came up to me and asked if I was a kid or a teacher. I— 😂😭 My friends, I’m an adult. I am a Designated Mother Figure.
And consistently, to this day, I get asked a LOT by fellow customers “Excuse me, Miss… Do you know where [item] is?” It always happens in art stores for some reason… maybe it’s my hair? I my hair to express myself? (and for some reason I have an aversion to dying it green)
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milekael · 4 months ago
I want to know more about Nour, she's so miserable (affectionate) ❤️ 💔🍓🚨
OH HELL YEA LETS GO MY WET SAD KICKED ANGRY CAT LOL She IS miserable!! And terrible and I love her <3
❤️ - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
Nour is weird in this aspect because the people she cared about left her, letting her relationships wither as she became more and more resentful, to the point really all that she has left is her job.
Now there, she is very protective of those under her command- I mean, it is HER job! And she knows her captain is too self-centered in her little close-knit group she made for herself to the point of not caring for other officers, so FINE! She'll do it herself then. She is very close to Sergio for this reason, as being the youngest and most inexperienced one, normally gets on trouble. She also has a soft-spot for Lydia, but can do very little to help her as she is under Finn's command.
I will say that during the story however, she and Tania do become really close, so at least there is that!
💔 - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
OUGH the thing about Nour is that she was the perfect girl for a long time. She peaked in highschool which included bullying the "weird" kids, then, without a lot of prospects of what to do apart from marriage, became a cop because the position of power over others just Fit Her LOL So one can get an idea she has hurt a lot of people through her life and she hasn't really done any work to unpack that- Instead she is in a role that encourages this attitude.
However and what I think is important to note that Nour has been hurt A LOT. This has led her also to think any pain she inflicts on others is justified. She is still terrible but she has basically has sunk down to the spiral of "I am awful towards others, which makes them awful to me, which means I have to respond the same way". It is still a position she put herself into and it doesn't take away her flaws but... well, circumstances define people, there is some complexity in why she acts this way that is based a lot on what has been expected of her.
🍓 - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
OH YEA! She is highly devout to the main religion of this place (Which- A little behind the curtain, I still need to worldbuild a bit LOL) and tries to live her life based on the perception of what the "Norm" should be. This is why she is deeeeeep in the closet LOL why she tried to get married fresh out of high school and why it didn't work out. Basically she had her whole life the idea of what an idea woman should be, chased it and failed and now she is here. She is still devout to her religion and in a way she hopes one day karma or god will reward her for all this hardship- But also, deep down, she does feel a sense of resentment, hasn't she suffered enough already?!
🚨 - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
She is a cop! And one that has no particular hard feelings over her role- If anything, she enjoys it! She choose this instead of taking the time to become a nurse of something so lol She is the kind of person to believe that "Actually maybe people need MORE policing!". This mindset is the reason why Belen has pushed her away from her group and neglected her, and Nour doesn't understand why because??? She is doing her job???? U know, not to be that guy but to be in a place full of hypocrites who think themselves to be better than her for Well at least I see the problems which make me GOOD, having someone who is just very honest with believing in the bad system is kind of jarring lol.
Anyways. She likes her role and takes pride in her job as a police officer, and mostly is just mad at her boss for being a lying liar who neglects her and others in favor of her special little boy who acts like he isn't getting some special treatment.
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libratxt · 1 year ago
it’s that time of year again… 🎄🎅🎉🎊 no. the highlights of your 2023 media consumption of course! just like last year, i want to know your top 5 films, books, tv shows, songs/albums, pop culture moments if that’s your thing, and as a bonus: any favourite personal moment/achievement in the last year? new to you, new in release, either works! can’t wait to see your response and wishing you a happy new year! 😁🩷
yay!! i was so excited to receive this in my inbox again this year 💖 overall i feel like i consumed less media than last year? but here's a roundup of some of my favorite things this year:
so most of the movies i really really enjoyed this year didn't actually come out this year lol but i really enjoyed:
skinamarink - i love horror and while this one might be too much of a slowburn for people, it really filled me with dread so yay!
birdman (or the unexpected virtue of ignorance) - i'd been meaning to get around to this one for a while and finally did! totally worth it. the writing and acting: immaculate!
stop making sense - one thing about me is i will enjoy a music doc. the energy in this is so so wonderful. i love david byrne, i love talking heads. left the theatre in a great mood
saltburn - a controversial pick probably. but i had fun! don't really care for the criticisms that it fails at being class critique. it's about being a little pathetic freak and wanting to crawl into someone else's skin for me.
crash (the cronenberg one) - another one i'd been meaning to get around to for a while. i've seen most of cronenberg's stuff and i deeply deeply enjoyed this one. it's about sex, it's about violence, it's about desire, it's about all the weird things the human body can do. i love cronenberg and this one was perfect to me. mwah!
crash (charli xcx) - i know, i'm a little late. i listened to this religiously this year. having seen cronenberg's crash this year also added a little extra flavor. obsessed. love it. several songs are on my spotify on repeat as we speak.
this is why (paramore) - ahh so much fun! i love paramore, love getting a new paramore album. the remix album is great too. i also got to see them this year and had a blast! paramore was the first concert i ever went to so getting to see them again is full circle for meee.
desire, i want to turn into you (caroline polachek) - fun!! i do prefer pang but i had fun!
skylight (pinegrove) - sleepy, twangy indie album. i enjoyed! it was soothing this year.
joy as an act of resistance (idles) - the opposite of a sleepy, twangy album! i'm hoping to catch idles in the new year since they're stopping in town :)
not a great tv year for me tbh
succession - succession my beloved! banger of a final season. it will go down in the annals of my favorite tv shows for the rest of all time. kendall roy you will always be famous.
adventure time - revisiting adventure time for the first time in forever. it's fun, it's sweet, i have a soft spot for it. i'm on its final season but have yet to finished because i'm emotionally attached at this point.
video games
baldur's gate - all i've done with my time lately is play baldur's gate. eat, sleep, breathe baldur's gate. i have not touched my sims in months because i have no space but for baldur's gate on my computer. finally got a ps5 and immediately got baldur's gate so that i can finally play it properly because my mac can only barely run it!!! i'm emotionally attached to my little tiefling cleric. i am already fantasizing about my next playthrough.
top me moment!
lol as for personal successes this year: i got a fellowship with a really well-recognized poetry organization in my city that i have so much love for and that truly does so much good work for our community. i have been slowly working my way through the ranks. i started as a mentee last year, taught some poetry classes for them, and this year helped run their month-long festival, and am now working directly with them to help plan their month-long festival for next year. it feels so aligned with the kind of career i'd like to have in my life. next goal is to hopefully lock-in some kind of permanent position with them once my fellowship is over. hopefully i will have good news about that in next years wrap up! thanks again for asking this, i truly get a kick out of it!!
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paradoxcase · 1 year ago
Chapter 28 of Gideon the Ninth
I am disappointed by Mayonnaise Uncle's revelation. The most interesting new piece of information is that the shuttle exploded, but he doesn't have anything actually verifiable about what happened to all the children, he just has ideas about ominous possibilities, which really, I think we already had. But thank you Gideon, for finally sharing what you at least thought happened to all the children, 275 pages after we learned they all died. There still seems to be as yet unshared information about why no other children have been born since Harrow, though, how many more pages are we going to have to wait for that? There are barely more than 100 left in the book
My guess is that Harrow blew the shuttle up specifically so that they couldn't take this news to other Houses, and this wasn't like, a plot to kill Gideon or something like that. But if she just didn't want that news leaving Pluto, she could have just let Ortus and Glaurica stay on the Ninth, there wasn't really any reason to kill them. She could have gotten rid of the shuttle to foil Gideon's escape some other way, I'm sure
I am sort of curious about how the Eighth got ahold of Glauria's body or ghost to necromance this information out of her if she exploded in space
Colum is a better and more independent person than I expected. Good for him.
I note that Mayonnaise Uncle originally promised Gideon that he was going to help her "become more than the lock on your own collar" and then really did no such thing, and had nothing to offer other than "the Ninth House probably killed 200 children but I don't actually have proof". Even if that was provably true, he didn't give Gideon any actual way to separate herself from the Ninth House. I'm honestly not sure what he expected out of this, unless it was just specifically a trap to try to take her key, and based on the fact that Colum at least wasn't aware that he was going to try to do that, I'm really not sure what the point of this meeting was supposed to be
Mayonnaise Uncle seems to think that becoming a Lyctor is itself heretical, which is odd, considering that he seems very religious and we have in this book a bunch of priests who seem very keen on one or more of the candidates becoming Lyctors. I'm guessing that the religion as practiced on the Eighth might be more different from the standard religion than Mayonnaise Uncle believes
What I'm getting from the argument between Mayonnaise Uncle and Colum is that on the Eighth they are doing some weird eugenics program to breed perfectly compatible necromancer/cavalier pairs to optimize the soul siphoning process, which probably explains why Colum is like way older than Mayonnaise Uncle despite being his nephew
I hope Colum doesn't wind up being the person to kill Gideon, because that would be Unsatisfying, and also I'd like to see Colum kick Mayonnaise Uncle to the curb now
Belated note from Chapter 27:
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This seems to check out pretty well if the Sixth is Mercury, there are actually spots on Mercury in various craters near the poles that never see daylight, also, apparently Mercury has a day/night cycle that is longer than its year, which must do interesting things to whole idea of seasons, but I don't feel like mathing it all out right now. And Mercury actually has huge variations in temperature, due to not having any atmosphere to retain any heat
I can't decide where on the sliding scale of sci-fi hardness the actual sci-fi in this book falls, because it is definitely harder than the kind of sci-fi where they're like, yeah, we just terraformed all the planets and they're all just like Earth now modulo a bunch of sci-fi generators that modify the atmosphere and temperature and so forth, but at the same time it's softer than the ones that say, we can't actually go faster than the speed of light, so it takes literal generations to get anywhere and we all have to go into cryosleep for hundreds of years. And I feel like introducing somewhat magical terraforming is generally more acceptable at harder levels of sci-fi than introducing FTL travel, if that makes sense
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thelioncourts · 1 year ago
Is there any ship with lestat other than loustat that you like? I know shippers tend to be like crazy possessive when it comes to him and don't like him with anyone but louis but i look forward to how they handle lestat's relationship with armand
hm. you know, I've got to say no. no, there really isn't any other person beyond louis that I like lestat with.
that all being said! I wasn't lying when I said loumand is a weird exception when it comes to louis. because outside of that, I don't like louis with anyone else either. and even then I think part of why I'm so okay with loumand is because I know it's temporary???
I am realistic though and I know that there are important relationships to both lestat and louis outside of each other! like, I don't like nicki, not a fan of the nickistat ship, but I'm grateful for nicki because I think, in a lot of ways, he saved lestat. and I think lestat and armand have a horribly interesting and wonderful relationship, I just think it's one I view differently than others.
like -- and I'm trying to figure out how to word this -- the best part of lestat and armand, to me, is that it never happens and that it never happens for a multitude of reasons, namely that they're just not right for each other. what I'm really hoping the show focuses on re: those two is armand's idealization of lestat. when armand and lestat meet, the most important part of that meeting isn't any attraction or whatever (like of course they're attracted to each other; lestat looks enough like marius (and is gorgeous) and armand is objectively beautiful), but it's that armand, the leader of this coven, sees lestat and goes, "you are everything I cannot be, but want to be."
lestat and armand have certain similarities, namely their intensity, but they're very different. lestat draws people to him like moths are drawn to a flame. lestat is a natural leader, a dominating personality of charisma and horrible bouts of lashing out. he is both stagnant and everchanging, and despite any and all flaws, those who know him adore him. armand has many people, people that love him, but struggles to maintain them because of his flaws, or because he doesn't inspire the same kind of devotion.
like louis, armand needs something to worship. armand is objectively the most religiously devout in the entire series (something we get a glimpse of with his prayers in ep. 4) and lestat is, as louis says in later books, a god of sorts. and if louis can worship lestat as his god, armand most definitely can too.
anyway, idk where I was going with this. I'm very possessive of the loustat relationship and truly don't love them with other people at any point. I have a soft-spot for loumand (soft enough I'm considering a fic of them???), but, then again, armand is arguably louis' longest lasting relationship, especially in the show 'verse.
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