#(also rhys looks pretty cute and handsome)
nerdyandproud-li · 10 months
Okay, I am beyond desperate, can somebody please tell me where I can watch Love Birds (2011) if I don't have Apple TV or Amazon Prime?
I want ro watch it for.....reasons....
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solbaby7 · 9 months
Sweet Thing
pairing: rhysand x reader
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
part 4 of the shy!reader massage mini series
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warnings: swearing, sexual implications, possible violence, jealousy, gambling, male egos, petnames (bc being called bunny is so cute and soft, fight me on it)
summary: Your High Lord hosts a party with a dozen hothead Illyrian soldiers where you become the main attraction
“Stay close,” Rhysand murmurs in your ear, a warm hand pressed at the low of your back to guide you into the large room. It’d been recently renovated; not yet decorated and you'd assumed it was turned into a makeshift meeting area, a giant table pushed in the middle with a dozen chairs wrapped around it. It was also the furthest room from your own—a little detail that Rhys quickly bristled over when you'd mentioned it earlier. “Wanted to keep my good luck charm close by tonight.”
Your cheeks warm under the words, annoyingly aware of how sensitive your body had become in response to the High Lord since that night. It haunted your every breath; his barely contained need, the throbbing cock just a few measly layers away from being everything you’d ever dreamed of and Rhysand fed off of it like ravenous wolves who'd been starved three winters over. The teasing was merciless; heated touches and sinful words of remembrance haughtily whispered in your ear when you were supposed to be concentrating.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about.” You shy out of his touch, the hunger in his voice unmistakable and creating distance is easy when the others begin to filter in. A dozen or so pristinely dressed males of all sizes briefly greet Rhysand, hands clapping at each others backs and the testosterone that filtered in was thick enough to suffocate. They were friends; guys he’d fought and bled with, people he’d known for hundreds of years all gathered for card games and expensive glasses of liquor.
You were only there to help, to look pretty and shuffle the cards and stay close to Rhys—easy enough. “I’m thinking I should’ve dressed better.”
His fingers trace over the pleated pattern of your skirt, the soft purple fabric teasing at the middle of your thigh and all he can smell is some fruit on your skin—pomegranate? pear? “You look perfect, don’t worry about all them. You’ll be collecting their money for me by the end of the night.” Rhys is touchy; shamelessly so in front of others and you notice a few of the guests beginning to take you in, their stares raking up your form, sizing you up and you can feel Azriel shift closer from beside you.
"You always did have the prettiest little things hanging off your shoulder, Rhysand." Your head slowly turns to face the drawling voice, male entitlement and an incredulous amount of confidence seeping from every pore. Handsome and wealthy, but the allure dies the moment his mouth opens. The tailored suit alone was worth three months of the average faes rent and then some. "You have to tell me where you found this one."
Rhys laughs but you can tell there's no real humor behind it, his hand raising to wrap around your waist and pull you in closer; enough for your thighs to skim on the arm rest of his chair. The body language is possessive no matter how casual it’s intended to be and you catch Cass and Az sharing a look—mentally agreeing to pounce when they deemed fit.
Like salivating lions dressed in sheep's clothing.
"Couldn’t tell you, Maverick, she just stumbled in my lap."
He's trying to hold back for the benefit of the greater good—that was the whole point of inviting them over in the first place. Even after Mor had insisted that it was the dumbest idea ever inviting a dozen ill-tempered Illyrian soldiers and filling them up with booze. "I'd love to see her stumble in mine."
Your reaction is instinctual after feeling the High Lord's shoulders tense under your fingers and in seconds your hands are gently kneading at the muscle there, a palm running soothing lines up the length of his back and manicured nails scratch wonderfully at the nape of his neck until a bit of that darkness subsided. With a hum, you gently push his hand from your waist, backing away with a pitch only audible to him, "Gonna grab you guys some drinks."
"I'll help." You don't even try denying the spymaster, more than familiar with his customs and how unbearably uncomfortable he got once you started taking care of large groups of people. Az was always the first to say thank you when you served dinner and always made sure to wait until you sat down and took the first bite before even touching his fork.
He's quiet behind you, busying his hands with polishing the glasses you'd lined up and his shadows follow you around like a clingy pet but you understand why he's there—a silent promise that he'd have your back the entire night. That you’d never be left alone.
Azriel watches you pour a six-hundred year old bottle of amber liquor one knuckle deep for every cup besides one—that one got double and a single ice cube. Just how the High Lord liked it. "It's going to be fine," You tell him softly, storing away the rest of the bottle and you don't fight the smile that pulls when he stops you from carrying anymore than three glasses—brunting the rest of the work on the shadows. "Just a few hours and it'll all be over."
Azriel only hums but there's an underlying gratefulness for not having to speak or explain and his protectiveness towards you grows at how easily you understand him—adapting to his moods with ease.
He returns to his seat, shadows wisping their thanks over the length of your calf and a sweet smile is sent Cassian's way when he presses a grateful kiss to your hand. You turn to go back to Rhys, one final drink in your hand and you can feel Maverick's eyes trailing you, undressing you, touching and lusting from afar but he might as well have been shouting it across the room from the top of his lungs. "Come sit, bunny. And shuffle the deck, will you? They think I cheat."
"We know you do." Another male chuckles over the rim of his glass, blue eyes sharp and tawny curls tickle at the sides of his ears—Cade, you learn after a few minutes of listening in silence. You sift through the deck, righting the cards and splitting them in two before shuffling once, twice, a third time before you set it before you to be split by another. “Look at the hands on this one,” Cade poorly whispers to Maverick, shoulders bumping playfully and you felt like you were being hunted, ganged up on—eaten alive by males who didn’t follow the same code as the ones you hung around. “I bet they get the job done quite nicely.”
Rhysand has no time to respond because Cass is already doing it; gold battles with blue, large hands broadcasted before him and the General looks down at them to peer like a high maintenance woman after her nail appointment. “You should look at mine,” Crimson red Siphons glow with life on his arms; all seven of them, most hidden by the dark long sleeved shirt he wore but the message got across rather quickly. “I’m sure they’ll do it much better.”
You shift in Rhys’ lap, settling into the hands splayed around your waist, the other trails ticklish lines up the length of a bare arm and you’re grateful for how quickly the conversation shifts. “What do I do now?”
The low cadence of his voice rumbles against your back, hair gently pushed off one shoulder to make room for the chin that settles there. His instructions are thorough and intended to be purely informational but the smell of his cologne, the large hands sliding down lower to rub at the sides of your thighs and you’re unbearably aware of the plush of your ass nestled right atop of him. Cards are dealed, the rest left in a pile and you slowly draw three, facing them upright and most of the rest is a bit of a blur.
Every now and then Rhys will lean closer to mumble about what was going on but mostly it was just a room full of drunk males and their money. They cursed like sailors and laughed like hyenas, a chorus of voices overlapping the other until the liquor took its course and the true personalities settled in.
At some point you stand, hands grazing the back of Rhys’ neck when you mutter something about grabbing a snack. You’re not far, maybe a few feet away, body just barely obscured by the wall that separates them and the kitchen while you pile a plate full of finger food to snack on; fruit, mini sandwiches, warm meats wrapped in flaky dough and you’re pulled away from your focus when a voice clears. “There you are,” Maverick doesn’t look shitfaced but the liquor was definitely taking its toll, his steps a little unsteady and he slurred the s’s in his words. “How about you come rub my shoulders for me, sweet thing?”
Your brows furrow, mouth opening to give a response when the males hand raises to trace the line of your collarbone, you freeze. Four fingers graze over your shoulder and slowly moves down the length of your arm. “I don’t think—“
“I’m not asking you to think, sweet thing.” Your stomach churns, discomfort evident in the way you crane away from his touch but Maverick doesn’t care—as if unreciprocated want wasn’t an issue for him. “I’m telling you to come over here and offer up some of that treatment you’ve been feeding those three,” His eyes feel like hands in the way they roam your body, catching on bare skin and practically salivating to see the rest. “Swear I’ll return the favor.”
Your heart hammers in your chest and anxiety swells—you really should’ve just stayed put, the food in your hand threatening to spill to the floor with the intensity of your shaking but Maverick feels so close and you can smell his cologne; the whiskey. “I should get back to Rhys.” It’s no more than a whisper but when you try to slink past him, a hand clamps tightly around your arm, roughly tugging you back.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
A whimper escapes and just like that the kitchen explodes with darkness; relief overtakes your form as familiar hands tug you close and the arms that tuck you in close feel right—safe. Safe enough to not notice the warm spray of wetness that splatters against the back of your legs until you hear the steady drip,drip, dripping on the floor. Your head turns but before you can look Rhysand is tucking you in tighter, full lips pressing kisses to the top of your head. “Don’t look—let’s just get you cleaned up.”
“What about the others?”
“Cassian and Azriel will handle them,” The High Lords voice isn’t nearly as calm as you remember and it’s only when you’re halfway down the hallway does he loosen his grip a bit, turning you to face him to begin his assessment. “Did he hurt you? Did he fucking touch you?”
You can’t form words, realization beginning to form when you see blood splattering your clothes but you manage to shake your head. “He just grabbed me—Rhys did you—“
“I shouldn’t have let you go alone.”
“It was just a second.”
“A second longer and he could’ve—“ He stops himself from saying more; too afraid to make the words reality or too pissed to have to verbalize them but Rhys lets out a deep breath when he can find no damage besides a hint of a bruise. “I should’ve taken my time.”
You don’t need to ask to know what he means.
Instead, you place a palm on his cheek in hopes to ground him, to remind the High Lord that you were safe. Violet eyes soften, silver flecks catching in the light and it takes everything in you not to buckle beneath him when he looks at you like that—like it was nothing to kill for you. “Let’s go, I’d say it’s about time you return the favor and give me a massage.”
Mischief glints in those eyes, a smirk curling at the corner of full lips. “I can’t promise I’ll remain professional.”
“That’s sort of what I’m counting on.”
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thehighladywrites · 7 months
𝖠𝖢𝖮𝖳𝖠𝖱 𝗆𝖾𝗇 𝗑 𝗁𝗒𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝖧𝖢’𝖲
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summary: being girly in a world full of haters can be hard sometimes! I mean, people hate all the time. but these males don’t let any disrespect towards you slide. They protect you through and through 👀
warnings: fluff, tw:beron😒
amara’s note: this went from being an azriel fic, to rhys and azriel, to batboys, to batboys+lucien and finally all of them. Honestly idc bc i love all of them🤭🤭
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Fashion bf x barbie doll gf
I can’t think of anything more cuter than being his doll.
The man does everything for you,
Picking out materials for dresses, designing them for you, working with a private seamstress to bring his visions to life
He knows you best and always supplies the cutest, girliest outfits ever
This man is so attentive and caring, he doesn’t even have to ask what you want to wear, he just knows. It’s like you share a brain
Rhys absolutely loves it when you ask for his advice on hairstyles and fashion choices. He literally goes into designer mode and fixes you up reaaaal nice
When you guys are in the Hewn City, you don’t care, you still wear your pink girly clothes bc who’s gonna say anything to the high lady?
Sparkly accessories, high heels, pretty makeup and cute hairstyles is your trademark.
Rhys loves that you are super girly, he likes the dynamic of him being dark and mysterious and you being bright and bubbly
He protects you like crazy, no one is even managing to say something insulting to you bc rhys takes care or it before the sentence even forms in their mind
brooding bf x sunshine gf
This combo is top tier
At first, Cassian might've thought you were a bit too cheery and too involved in yourself. I mean, who else has a massive stash of fragrances, lotions, sparkly jewels, clothes, tons of bags, and enough shoes to fill a closet?
Also, who in the world is that insanely cheerful? There are a million things to focus on, and you're there pondering over matching shades of pink and which bag to wear for the day.
He tries to keep his distance, but you're so inviting and warm that he just melts and falls head over heels in love.
Cassian also falls in love with how much you care for yourself and how adorable you look every single day.
You notice how you’re always seeing him always in plain, simple athleisure or leather. So, you take matters into your own hands and whisk him away for a shopping spree, upgrading his entire wardrobe. Despite his potential, he's been stuck in a rut of black, plain, and boring clothes, and you're determined to change that.
After just a few weeks of being together, this guy has a full-on skincare routine, knows how to coordinate outfits flawlessly so he looks very put together and handsome
He has even mastered the art of silky-smooth hair thanks to you. You've truly leveled him up in every way.
Everyone can't help but notice how much more refreshed and attractive Cassian looks, and it's making you second-guess your decision to help him level up because now, people are hitting on him even more.
Scary bf x shy gf
Top tier combo again
No one really knows how such polar opposites ended up together, but suppose they do say opposites attract.
Azriel is stoic around everyone who isn’t the direct inner circle. He lets loose around his found family but even more so around you
Really, he is super comfortable and funny when you’re alone
Azriel notices how soft spoken and kind hearted you are very early on
He is very attentive and your style is actually first thing he notices
The frilly skirts, cute tops, styled hair, cutesy nails and an aura that screamed femininity
He considers his daggers as accessories while you wear cute headbands and ribbons in your hair
Azriel’s fav activity is watching you get ready for anything, whether it be for bed, an event, in the mornings or date nights
He just adores watching your moves, how much effort you put in, the different techniques you use and how you pamper yourself
Pride fills him when he sees how relaxed and put together you feel and look. There is nothing he likes more than seeing you happy with yourself
I also believe az can be traditional and likes the dynamic of having a girly girl mate, or you being all feminine and sweet while he is more masculine and protective
Bro let’s actually talk about protection
No one, I mean absolutely no one, insults you and gets away with it. No matter how snarky the comment, Azriel deals with it.
You’re not as confrontational as him and often hide behind his wings and that makes him even more protective if possible
You always calm him down when someone says something, and he listens to you. If you don't want him to deal with it then and there, he won't ever confront someone in front of you.
Azriel just handles it later, putting fear into people for even daring to approach you.
He wouldn’t do anything remotely scary or frightening in fromt of you. Azriel keeps his work and personal life separate, especially from you
Az couldn’t dream of accidentally putting you in danger, so he never, EVER drags you into his work
You’re not stupid, you know the toll his work takes on him so you are there for him without being too involved, you know how to cheer him up from whatever he is doing behind closed doors
Arrogant bf x dark feminine gf
Power couple through and through
Eris is canonically extremely well dressed and that makes this dynamic so special
Eris adores splurging on his seamstresses to create matching outfits for both of you.
Best dressed couple in Prythian, hands down
You two are fashion icons, inspiring countless people. People look up to you as their inspiration. Established luxury brands pay you handsomely to flaunt their designs at balls, where all eyes are on you.
Speaking of matching, y’all have matching smirks and cunning mind, and since you’re mates, you have a way of communicating and plotting without anyone knowing
Before, while B*ron🤢 was alive, Eris was ridiculed for having soft hands, clean nails, and good hygiene, which always disgusted him. Why was being clean looked down upon? It disgusted him, knowing that people purposely rather be dirty than clean
Everything got better when you came around and his father passed away. Finally, he had someone who didn't judge him, someone who actually encouraged him to look his best.
You often sit in his lap, plucking his eyebrows as he wears a face mask, his hair pushed back by a cute alien headband.
You often also get manicures, and at first, Eris was like, "This is where I draw the line." But when you suggested just a clear coat and cleaning the nails, he went along with it.
No one knows though. That's the only compromise; I mean, he's still the High Lord, and people can't know he gets manicures. He'd be ridiculed for some stupid macho reason.
Anyways, when it comes to protecting you, no one does it better than him. Not only will he destroy the person with his words but he will blackmail and psychologically torture them. It might seem mean but that’s the price of people not properly respecting their High Lady
calm bf x hyper and outspoken gf
you are an absolute sweetheart, there is no one that hates you in the slightest.
In this scenario, I think you're known for rescuing stray animals. It's not like collecting Pokémon cards; instead, you're the person who steps up when there's a stray kitten in need of care.
You definitely live in a cute cottage in the woods with him, not worrying about anything with him there
Your house is an explosion of adorable decor, with pink accents everywhere you look. It's filled with super cute and girly decorations in every corner.
When you start dating Lucien, he notices how hyper you are and how you juggle multiple tasks at once.
Lucien is like your calming anchor, keeping your energy balanced and the vibes serene.
One of your biggest hyperfixations is clothes. Whether it's dresses, coats, pants, shoes, fabrics, or makeup, anything feminine is right up your alley.
And Lucien makes sure you don't overexert yourself, always looking out for your well-being.
Since you're so hyper, you're sometimes loud in certain moments. It really hurts when people tell you to shut up and calm down.
lucien doesn’t let it slide tho
This man defends you however he deems necessary, whether it's with his words or hands.
Just know, he always has your back, no matter what.
No one is suffocating your light and energy if he has anything to do with it.
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tsunami-of-tears · 6 months
Reacting to Reader’s piercings
Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Eris & Rhys
A/N: I have a lot of piercings and thought this would be fun ♡ In my case with the nips they got LESS sensitive (thank goodness honestly) but I know a lot of people have the opposite happen. I have also decided that since they have fae blood - the piercings would heal much quicker and therefore they can do the nasty the same/next day.
Warnings: sexual themes (kinda smutty - especially the last one); piercings featured: ears, belly button, nipples and female genital.
Cassian - Belly Button
Cassian LOVES your stomach!
Especially after you’ve given him children. He always takes the time to kiss every stretch mark and worship you… 
You didn’t tell him about your plans for your piercing, deciding to surprise him. 
He’s about to ravish you when he lifts your top… His eyes go straight to the red gem at your navel and they light up.
“Babe is that sore?” “A little, but it’s so pretty right?” He strokes your tummy and kisses it all over. “I didn’t think I could like this any more than I already did… I need you,” he lifts you, you wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you to bed.
Azriel - Nipples 
He saw them your first time together, he had the biggest smirk on his face as his fingers felt them through your shirt. 
He looks at you with a raised brow, slowly peeling off your shirt before taking your nipple in his mouth.
They’ve been much more sensitive since they got pierced, so you start squirming as soon as he touches them. 
He delights in toying with you and gives them lots of attention - always licking/sucking/softly biting/pinching/pulling.
And then when the shadows play too? They feel so cold as they swirl over your skin - your nipples get so hard it’s almost painful (in a good way). 
Outside of the bedroom, Azriel would love it when you don't wear a bra and he can see the outline of your jewellery through whatever you’re wearing. He probably gets a bit jealous if you go out with them visible without him, but he’d be so proud of his hot partner and showing you off. 
Lucien - Ears 
Lucien would have multiple earrings, and maybe even an eyebrow piercing on the opposite side of his scar. 
Of course, all his jewellery is gold and he swaps them out to match his outfits. He’s so stylish and you love that, always admiring him. 
You have your lobe piercing, but you want more. You finally decide to get some yourself, not telling Lucien. 
You come home from your appointment and wait for him to notice. 
Lucien is instantly by your side to greet you, he goes to kiss your cheek and stops when he sees the glinting gems and metals adorning your ear.
He smiles so wide, gently taking you in and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “My love, what did you get up to today?” He asks. “I got some more earrings, do you like them?” “They look beautiful, Y/N.” He traces the tip of your pointed ear sending a shiver down your spine. “But you are the most exquisite gem of all.”
After your new piercings heal - Lucien will help you pick out new pieces and change the jewellery for you.
When you attend formal events together, he loves matching with you and takes pride in the subtle details. You always make a handsome couple, but no one appreciates your beauty more than Lucien.
Eris - Nipples
You didn’t always have them, but it was something you’ve thought about for many years.
The man loves titties, especially yours.
When he sees your new bling for the first time, you’re in the bath and he comes to join you after a long day. 
He’ll slip in behind you and wrap his hands around you. He’ll squeeze your breasts in appreciation. They always feel nice, but they feel different today. He spins you around in his lap to get a look. 
“Cauldron boil me, you are going to be the death of me, Y/N.”
Eris will kiss all over you, completely worshipping you, and it’s not long until most of the bath water ends up on the floor.
Rhys - Female Genital 
Rhys always calls you cute star-themed pet names - so it was only fitting to add some sparkle to his favourite part.  
Rhys would be taking his time, loving every inch of you as he strips you down slowly. 
When that last piece of fabric is removed, he is straight on his knees. 
Of course the gem you picked is violet. Rhys looks very smug as he goes down on you - his eyes flicking between the stone and your face. 
He would send images of you writhing under his touch down the bond, so you get a good view of your newest adornment. 
Rhys was already completely obsessed with you, and seeing that colour marked you as his in a new way. From then on he loved taking you in any position that gave him the best view… 
Help I wanna get this piercing now 
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nikethestatue · 6 months
Chaotic Reading of the Azriel Bonus Chapter
So I meant to do this a while back, but just never got to it. Made my BF read Azriel's bonus chapter and the HOFAS bonus chapter.
(He knows names of characters--Elain, Azriel, Cassian and Nesta. He doesn't know who Gwyn is. He is generally only interested in Cassian, because 'he is strong and handsome' and looks like him. Doesn't exactly know who Rhys is, but knows the name and knows that he is in charge. Also he calls Rhys 'the main wizard'. For some reason he thinks that Fae are wizards. So here you go.)
Recorded reactions:
Oh, he depressed. Why? He didn't like his Solstice gifts?
Cassian is pounding Nesta, isn't he?
Oh, there she is! Who is she? Oh Elain! Hi pretty girl! Emo boi is into her for sure.
Is she into him? Because why? He is kind of boring. Is Cassian a one woman man?
Ohhh, he wants to tap that!
Oh, he really wants to tap that!
What the hell kinda weird gift is this? Babe (this is directed at me), don't give me ear plugs for Christmas.
Eat that pussy bruh!
Is he gonna bite her? he should bite her!
It's a cute gift. He could've gone a little flashier though. Maybe throw in a diamond and a ruby.
Oh, look, she is offering it on a silver platter!
Wait, why is this guy here?
Wait? he is not gonna eat that pussy?
Where. Is. The. Smut?
Bruh is a cock blocker on steroids. Wait, who is Lucien?
Why do we care about Lucien? (I explain briefly)
Blood Duel sounds rad.
Elain is stepping out with the emo Azriel on her mate. (laughs) They sound Australian! (proceeds to say 'mate' a lot in an Australian accent)
Is there gonna be a blood duel?
I feel like there is a lot of teasing in this chapter.
Oh, he is cold. He just went 'this was a mistake?!!" Yea, girls love hearing that.
Who is Mor? An ex? Oh, it's that chick you don't like. I feel you.
Babe (addressing me), this Azriel of yours has no game. This Rhys guy the Grand Wizard just told him to back off and he backed off? Who does that?! That pussy isn't gonna lick itself. Poor Elain. I hope she throws that necklace back in his face. Can I blood duel the shit out of him?
Don't like him at all!
(I correct him and tell him that Rhys is a High Lord not a Grand Wizard (that would be the KKK))
*mutters under his breath* He is acting like a Grand Wizard!
Yeah, be depressed emo boi! Who leaves a lady hanging like that?
Yeah, well, she is better off with Cassian anyway.
Does Elain have special powers? Can she burn him or something? Or Rhys? Rhys needs to mind his own business. Wait, back up. Lucien is in the same house? She doesn't like Lucien, does she? (laughs)
So if they kissed, they'd just do it in the living room for everyone to see? That's bold of them.
This chapter is very frustrating.
Emo boi needs self-esteem classes.
Who the hell is she?
Is he into her too?
Noooo, he is not into her! What bloody memory? Did they fight?
Why is she cutting the ribbon on Christmas?
Is she like a nun?
Wait, he lives in a convent with nuns?
Oh she is a priestess? Of what? Is she a nun?
(Explain to him that she is not a nun)
But he lives with a bunch of nuns?
(Explain the layout of the House of Wind)
He is into Elain, so I guess he doesn't care. Also, this setup is weird. Does he not have an apartment? Wait, he lives with Nesta and Cassian? Like roommates? Or is this a menage? No, it's not a menage, right? Because he wants to eat Elain out--and DIDN'T (kind of yelling at this point)
(Explain it's not a menage. But Nesta wouldn't mind if it were)
Okay, this conversation is boring.
He sings? Like in a band?
Oh, this is like "Kill Bill". Emo Azriel is Pi Mei. He is teaching her to kill people. I can respect that.
...This chapter is weird. Why is this part even here? Is she gonna cut the ribbon?
All I am imagining right now is Gwyneth Paltrow cutting a ribbon with a sword. (laughs)
Nope, she did not cut the ribbon.
(proceeds to offer a lengthy explanation on how difficult it is to cut a ribbon like this. I am forced to listen.)
Azriel can cut a ribbon! I think SJM legit stole this whole training idea from 'Kill Bill'. Didn't the Bride have to cut a ribbon too?
(He is not wrong)
Okay, so..........now he just leaves? What was the point of this whole part with her? I don't get it.
Ahhhhh, my girl! She left that necklace for him to find! Yeah, you go girl, feminist queen!
Not even gonna ask about this snowball fight. Is this like a cutsey thing they do?
Ohh, who is Clotho? Is she like Fate? Why are the seven bells singled out? Does it mean something? She can't talk? Aww she feels bad for him. Well, she shouldn't! (said aggressively)
I feel like this necklace is more than just a necklace. Do they explain it later?
Okay, so he just gives it away? Oh god. Please don't say Clotho is going to give it to Gwyn!! No. No. That's weird.
So wait, that's it?
This is what you guys have been fighting over for three years? (laughs) That's stupid (he is not wrong) But what are you fighting over? That he should've beaten Rhys's ass?
(no, some say that he is into Gwyn because of the last line)
Like romantically? (asks incredulously) What are you fucking stupid?
As a man, I can tell you he is not into her. If you are gonna give a woman a gift, you don't go through others. You want to see her reaction. You want to see her smile. You want to put it on her. The first part did it right. Not sure what the purpose of the second part was, but I hope he and Elain get some kind of a resolution, but he needs to ask for forgiveness. And so does Rhys. Does Gwyn cut the ribbon at some point?
Good for her. Now she can go and start avenging shit, like the Bride.
Final question, does he eat Elain's pussy at some point?
She should ask Cassian. He'd do it. And do it well.
The End
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kingcunny · 3 months
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(reply via @neurodivergentguy )
the ageism/ beauty obsession* is what it *probably is*, but that deeply depresses me so im gonna let the delusions speak and explore other ideas.
also just… pointing out. matthew needham is only 11 years younger than paddy… they were born in different generations but 10 years is not a generation gap? that doesnt seem like enough of an age gap for ageism to apply to one but not the other but… well what do i know. (and pleace and love, i think hes cute, but matthews far from the most handsome man in hotd) also. exception that prooves the rule? rhys ifans is 6 years Older than paddy (and ottos the one who set alicent up to be brutalized by every man around her until she dies, it were going by hotd canon!) and sure, otto Might be the second most hated in the fandom, but not anywhere Near how vis is. but rhys is also incredibly handsome. so that Obviously gives the character he plays a free pass to do whatever.
* (is there a word for that? (other than. eugenics lol. cause like thats the idea Behind it but not quite to the extreme that im talking about? i mean more peoples attraction towards ‘beauty’ vs a repulsion towards ‘ugliness’) cause i need one for how often i talk about it)
if it was just about actions then theyve both done terrible things. and theyve both hurt everyones favorite beautiful doe eyed pretty brown eyed beauty beautiful pretty girl. but larys doesnt get near the amount of vitriol for it. people analyze what larys did. people ship Them. (same thing more or less applies to what i said above about otto)
and if youll allow me to straddle my armchair for a moment, then theres my thought that viserys is the bad dad we get the most time with. and NOBODY has a good relationship with their father. most people cant do anything about that, so instead they seek catharsis through fiction. smacking the representation of your father cause you cant smack your real father. see also- succession fandoms treatment of logan roy
while i do think its ultimately just about playing favorites, ageism, beauty obsession**, i think theres also an element of ableism. and hear me out, cause i know ur thinking ‘arent they both disabled?’
larys disability is very visible and apparent, the limitations of that disability as well. his leg is twisted, he wears that metal boot over his foot, he walks with a cane, he has a limp. he cant run, cant fight, cant hunt, i can tell you from personal experience stairs are a struggle. he can probably ride a horse but its sure not comfortable. its more understandable. more or less, what you see is what it is. and, importantly, its not… unpleasant** to look at. his face is fine. the rest of his body is fine. just his leg.
viserys disability spawns from an illness. and even though hotd changed viserys illness to be more visual, the nature of illness is you cant see the cause, only the effects. and most of those effects are only things the person experiencing the illness can feel.
i had a conversation with my mom about this awhile ago after she pulled a tendon? in her leg and was in near constant pain while it healed, couple weeks. she told me she had no idea how i handled this, day in/day out, week after week, for Years. she was miserable and at the end of her rope after just a week of it. my moms a runner and runs something like 50 miles a week, obviously she couldnt do this while it healed and was very depressed about it. i could only kinda laugh. i couldnt tell her how i handle it, cause i cant. i just told her i think if you dont have chronic pain or a chronic illness, you just straight up do not and Will not understand what its like. she just had a little taste of it.
i think that also might be why theres not as much (good) discussion around viserys disability. because people just, do not understand it. dont understand what its doing to him.
they dont get how chronic illness eats away at you (in vis case, literally!) taking piece by piece until theyres nothing left. until youre just a shell of the person you used to be. they dont feel how chronic pain grinds away at you until youre nothing but a raw exposed bundle of nerves. because those arent things you can see. only feel. experience first hand.
the show tries to make up for this lack by making viserys illness have a very striking visable aspect to it. to show the progression of his illness and the effect its having on him. but illness is gross**. its not pretty. its not pleasant to look at, to *think* about. it ravages his face, his body, his teeth rot and his hair falls put. his arm has to be amputated, his eye is removed, half his face rots away. peoples stomachs turn to look at it and their animal instincts that this is Bad kick in.
if im being kind, most people dont want to talk about things that are unpleasant. that make them sick, that upset and scare them.
if im not being kind, the eugenics minded decide that this means *viserys* is bad. that this is a punishment for or straight up a moral failing of his. outer beauty reflects inner beauty so ugly=evil pretty=good. and all that bullshit. if youre coming at it from this pov you CANT think deeper about viserys disability/illness/character beyond it being a punishment or joke, because then you must confront your belief that illness is a punishment reserved for the Bad. and that is a thought that is just incompatible with life
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Hey! I love your writing so much! Would you be open to write something about Azriel with a fae in Velaris who his shadows actively seek out and he has no idea why. I imagine that she works at a large library and that's where they meet because Azriel would go to figure out what was so special about her. Thanks!
pairing: azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: implied smut, drinking, men being gross at bars (doesn’t go into detail), mainly just fluff and awkwardness though :)))
a/n: I rlly like this one so I hope you do to!! comments are always appreciated, hope you enjoy <3
 Azriel was standing with Cassian in a small street in Velaris. The ground beneath him was cobbled and all the houses in this area were brightly coloured, the sun seeming to shine brighter over them. They were waiting for Mor as she demanded they help her buy Rhysand a birthday present, desperate to get someone, anyone a good present. She was in a small local shop after Cassian suggested that he would love something from any small business and Cassian let out a groan as he realised she had wandered deeper into the shop. They had already been waiting twenty minutes for her.
“I’m going to drag her out,” Cassian said pushing off the wall and Azriel huffed a breath through his nose.
“Please be quick, don’t let her scare you into staying.” Cassian threw a rude symbol over his shoulder and Azriel grinned reservedly.
He let his gaze travel over more of the houses, his gaze catching on a white house with blue accents, and a blue balcony where a girl sat sipping an orange drink from a large glass and reading a book. He observed her for a while, she was sat curled in a straw chair with a colourful cushion and there was soft music coming from her house, her hair was down and natural and her face was clear of makeup as she soaked in the sun, wearing a males oversized shirt and some knee high socks.
Feeling his stare on her she looked up, grinning cheekily at him when he flushed red and lifting her glass to him in greeting. He was saved from further embarrassment though when Cassian came out, dragging a triumphant Mor who was holding up a purple, silk shirt and bottle of wine. Cassian made a gagging face behind her back as she linked arms with both of them, dragging them down the road and chatting their ears off about the kind old lady from the shop.
As they left Azriel dared a final glance over his shoulder to the girl from the balcony who was still watching him, cocking her head, and waving as he left. As they walked home, choosing to enjoy the sun, he heard nothing of what Mor said, completely focused on the girl from the balcony.
When they got home Mor winnowed away to hide her present and Cassian made a comment about Mor’s unique ability to always get horrendous presents. They walked through the door and Feyre instantly looked up from her spot of the sofa, gaze narrowing at Azriel.
“You look different.” She said and Rhys looked up too, frowning when he saw Feyre was right.
“What did you change?” he asked as Amren walked into the room, her head tilting.
“Nothing.” He said defensively as everyone stared at him, not enjoying the way everyone was looking at him now and wishing he could be alone to daydream about the pretty girl he had seen.
“Haircut?” suggested Nesta but he shook his head.
“I haven’t changed anything!” Mor was back now too and had joined in staring, gasping when she realised.
“Where are your shadows?!”
“Ohhhhhhh, that’s it,” Cassian said, sitting down next to his mate as Azriel felt for the shadows that followed him, feeling a rush of white-hot panic shoot through him when he couldn’t feel them.
“Wait what? Where are they then?” Rhys asked and he shook his head, searching for them and frowning when he felt them far away.
“They’re still in Velaris, they must have just stayed somewhere,” he tried to explain.
“Is there another shadow singer in Velaris?” Amren asked and Rhys shook his head.
“Not that we know of,” Azriel felt a flood of relief as his shadows flew back in, almost sheepishly and settled around him, whispering complaints and apologies, as he wondered what had kept them.
You had frowned when the handsome, winged male had left, rather enjoying the eye candy. Your friend walked back outside and took her seat opposite you, as you placed down your book and picked up your Apperol Spritz.
“You just missed the hottest male I’ve ever seen.” You said, laughing at her as her face fell completely.
“Why didn’t you shout for me!” she screeched, and you flung an olive pit at her head,
“He would have heard me idiot!”
“Well did you at least get a name?”
“No but I made prolonged eye contact and I think he got the message.”
“The message being?”
“That I would like to marry him and have his babies.”
“Ah makes sense,” you were laughing together as she carried on with the story she had been telling you about the cute Faerie at her work when you felt a cold feeling settle around you, strange given you were still sat in the sun. She stopped talking, giving you a weird look.
“How are you doing that?” she asked as you shrugged.
“I’m not,” the feeling moved, and you realised you were surrounded by shadows, alike the handsome man you had just seen. Your initial anxiety slipped away as they started playing with your hair and caressing your skin alike a lover would. “Hot boy had shadows like this,” you commented, and your friend gasped, eyes wide and a hand over her heart as she sighed.
“Maybe you’re mates!” you rolled your eyes, relaxing into the shadows touch.
“I don’t think my commitment issues can take that,” you joked, and it was her turn to roll her eyes.
“That cynicism is going to be the death of you,” she said in a singsong voice before downing her gin, “Now onto important matters, Rita’s or The Marine?”
Two hours later you were completely dolled up, lips red and eyeliner smudged, heeled boots elongating your legs and your all-black outfit making you look intimidating enough that you wouldn’t be bothered by gross men.
“We’re fae, why do you dress like a vampire,” your friend asked, the two of you already slightly buzzed from pre’s.
“Cause vampires are hot and I’m hot so it’s a match made in heaven.”
“Also she has a blood kink!” your roommate shouted from the bathroom and you threw a shoe at her.
“Bitch.” You said, laughing as she came out and the three of you stood to leave.
“Am I wrong?” she asked, and you shoved her, muttering a small no under your breath.
The three of you made your way to Rita’s and got in the queue. You leaned against the cold, brick wall when you saw him again, similarly dressed in all black and somehow looking even better under the light of the moon, his tanned skin glowing in the pale light. He caught your eyes, his face barely changing as he lifted his hand in a half wave, you nodded your head up with a smirk. Your friends followed your gaze, both gasping slightly as they caught sight of him at the end of the queue with his friends.
“Is that hot boy?!”
“Uh huh,” you smiled cheekily at her, “And I call dibs.”
“I get why you want to have his babies,”
“Wait you know him?” your roommate asked, and you shrugged with a smile. “How the fuck do you know the high lords shadow singer?”
“I get around,”
“He was outside earlier today,” your friend translated as the three of you moved into the club, instantly heading to the bar for more drinks.
“That too I guess, shots?” the three of you ordered six vodka shots and you laughed at your friends’ reactions to them.
“How do you enjoy this,” your roommate squealed as you tipped your head back, smiling at the familiar burn.
“Feels good,” you said, taking your second.
Azriel couldn’t believe his eyes. There you were again, your bare face swapped for dark makeup, and loose clothes swapped for a dress he desperately wanted to see on his floor. At first he wasn’t even sure it was the same girl, your style so different, but it was. And he had waved. No cool head tilt like the one you gave him, no sultry eyes, and pouting lips, just a stupid wave. And then you had laughed with your friends and he decided he needed the sound bottled, something to keep with him at all times.
You had walked inside without so much as a second glance and Azriel had to refrain himself from slamming his head against the wall.
“Who were you waving at?” Amren asked, the small women appearing next to him.
“Just someone I met earlier.” He didn’t want to get into the details, especially not around Cassian who would tease him relentlessly if he heard. Amren, thankfully, dropped it as they moved into Rita’s, his eyes instantly finding you at the bar, two empty shot glasses next to you as you laughed with your friends.
He moved with his family to a table that pretty remained reserved for them as Rita came to get them some drinks and see if they wanted food. He only half listened, ordering a Scotch as he watched you as you and your friends moved to dance together, completely enamoured by you despite not having said anything to you.
Eventually he pulled his eyes away and focused on his friends and his drink as they laughed into the small hours of the night. He kept stealing glances at you, his grip on his glass tightening when he saw you leaning against the bar waiting for drinks as a male leaned too close to you. He almost stood to intervene when saw you lean in close to the man, meeting Azriel’s eyes over his shoulder and whispering in his ear. Azriel wished he could hear what you said but you were too far away, and the music was too loud, but whatever it was, the male turned white and scampered away, almost tripping over his feet as you giggled.
When it happened this time he noticed, feeling the coolness of his shadows leave and he watched as they travelled over to you, wrapping around you, and making you look like an angel of death. You turned and caught his eyes, winking at him before grabbing the tray of drinks the bartender had laid out for you and sauntering over to your friends.
“Is she a shadow singer?” Feyre asked, following his gaze and he shook his head, feeling a smile come over his face as he watched you interact with your drunk friends.
“No I think they just like her,” his high lady smiled at him,
“You mean you like her,”
“I haven’t even spoken to her.” He said drily and Nesta leaned over,
“Love at first sight,” she said in a singsong voice making him roll his eyes.
“This isn’t a romance book,” he said, huffing as a crowd moved in front of you and he couldn’t see you anymore.
“You tell yourself that,” Feyre said, patting his knee.
An hour later, when most the club was empty, you were standing, swaying slightly with your friend leaning on you.
“No baby, no more you’ll throw up again,” he heard you coo as she reached for a drink that was left on someone table. She huffed but you passed her into the arms of your other friend, and he sat up straight when he realised you were coming over to him.
You bowed your head slightly at Rhys and Feyre as all his friends turned to stare at you, your gaze unfaltering and your back straight as you looked at him.
“I think these belong to you,” you said, gesturing to the shadows swirling around your arms.
He tried to fight his blush, pulling them back in, “Yeah, thanks..?” he trailed off and you finished for him.
“Well Azriel,” his name sounded divine on your tongue, and you shot him another half-smile, “see you around.”
The next day, he was up only three hours after he fell asleep, desperate to find you. He wandered into town, usual leathers swapped for a white shirt collar peeking out of a dark sweater, his hands tucked into his pockets as he found himself wandering down your cobblestoned street. He looked up to your balcony and considered throwing rocks at the glass doors like in one of Nesta’s romance novels but paused when he saw all the lights were turned off.
Instead he chose to wander into the shop Mor had been in the previous day. The room smelt old, and he could see the dust moving in the morning light as he walked in. An old lady was behind the counter and she smiled as she recognised him.
“Hello, how can I help you?” she asked as he came to stand in front of her.
“I actually had a question,” she motioned for him to continue, “Do you know where I could find (y/n)?” he asked, and she smiled a knowing smile.
“Interested in my granddaughter are you?” she asked, eyes sparkling and Azriel rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously, “She works at the library in the square, I’m sure you’ll find her there.”
He thanked her and she waved him away, knowing she would get to hear all the details next Wednesday when the two of you met for tea. But until then she was happy to watch the handsome man leave to find you.
He flew to the library that your grandmother had mentioned and walked in. This was always one of his favourite places to come in the city. The bookshelves were tall and overflowing, candles covered the room, and there were huge glass windows on the far wall that cast the room in planes of light. He walked around for a while, letting his shadows lead him until he found you with a pile of books in your arms that you were going to return.
You smiled when you saw him, dressed in a black dress with lots of daisies on it that went halfway down your calf, a black cardigan, and black boots. Your hair was held back in a low bun, but you had strands falling out making you look impossibly cute, and he almost said as much as he moved to take some books from your arms.
“So are you stalking me now?” you had asked cheekily, and he stammered when he realised just how weird he looked.
“No, no I…”
“Relax I’m teasing, I’m glad you’re here actually.”
“You are?” he asked, relaxing slightly as you stood on your tiptoes to put a book on a shelf.
“Yes, you’re very pretty,” he laughed, and you smiled at him, your eyes creasing.
“Well so are you,” he replied as you turned to face him, “But you do keep stealing my shadows and I’m wondering why that is?”
“I’m stealing them am I? I just presumed that you were very mean to them and they wanted someone else,”
“They’re spoiled,” he joked, watching as they trailed up your arms and you giggled,
“You speak about them like they’re pets.”
“You’d be surprised how accurate that actually is,” he muttered as you moved to the next aisle and your laughter bounced of the walls, wincing slightly due to your drinking induced headache.
He went to help you with more books when his fingers touched your hand and the word hit him, mate. You looked up at him shocked before giggling.
“I guess that’s what the shadows meant,” you let out an ‘oomph’ as suddenly the shadows shot forward, pushing you into his chest and Azriel looked at you.
“I have a mate.” He repeated to himself.
“And I have commitment issues so this might be rough,”
“It’s fine I have attachment issues,” he replied, unable to stop the smile forming on his face, “Match made in heaven.”
“More like hell,” you joked as he leaned down to you.
“Can I kiss you?” he practically whispered, lips almost touching yours as his wings circled the two of you. You nodded slightly and the two of you stumbled back from the force of the kiss, his hands gripping your waist tightly as yours wove into his hair, grinning against his mouth.
“Azriel,” you muttered between kisses, pulling back slightly only to just be pulled right back in. You repeated his name again, successfully pulling away this time as his lips attached to your neck.
“Az, we’re in a public library.”
“So we can continue this when I’m off work,” you shoved him off with a laugh as he grumbled, before pulling you in for a final kiss.
“What time?” he asked.
“My shift ends at three,” you smiled as he looked at the clock.
“It’s only eight,”
“Maybe wait at your house,” you laughed at his expression, pressing a chaste kiss to his mouth before walking off, shooting him a smirk over you shoulder.
Only six hours, fifty-nine minutes left.
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im-fostering-it292 · 2 years
We Should talk More
A Modern Feysand Oneshot
by @luciena-of-elfhame
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Feyre sighed as she took a drink of her favorite Latte. Unsure of what to do for her finals project that was creeping up on her. Two more weeks. Just two more weeks of this. She loved her art class, but it was starting to make her feel trapped. Like her relationship with Tamlin was. Feyre had broken it off a week ago, after she had found out he was cheating on her with Ianthe, his assistant. Of course, he would cheat on her with the pretty girl. Ianthe was everything you would want in a hair. Sandy Blonde hair. Bright blue eyes. Fair skin. Everything.
It was only when she had been cheated on had she realized how toxic her relationship was. Fights every week, always ending in her being seduced. Trapped in the house for days on end. Tamlin ignoring her, abusing her. Being a complete asshole.
Feyre blinked. Realizing she had been stuck in her head, Feyre looked at the person across from her. He was heartbreakingly handsome. He had short blue-black hair like raven’s feathers, violet eyes that shined like starlight, and golden-brown skin. He wore a dark purple t-shirt, dark jeans, and some Vessi’s. ” Oh, Hi.”
She blushed slightly. Unsure of what to say next, She rubbed her neck nervously. Gladly, He saved her the effort,” I’m Rhysand, but all of my friends call me Rhys.”
“ Well, Rhysand, I’m Feyre,” I held my hand out, and he shook it, giving me a cocky grin.
“ Feyre Darling, Why are you sitting here all alone?”
I opened my mouth to come up with a believable excuse, instead just settling for the truth. I told him. Actually, I kind of just collapsed all my problems on him. I felt horrible, considering I barely knew him. But Rhys just made it really easy to tell him everything. He just nodded looking concerned, but he offered helpful suggestions every now and then. Suprisingly, I felt better after that,” I’m sorry. I just haven’t been able to tell anyone.”
He shrugged, smirking,” your cute when your flustered.”
I laughed, which probably was my most real laugh in a while. ” Heres my number,” I told him, winking,” Call me.”
Rhys smiled, a real one,” I knew you liked me.”
“Don’t talk to soon.”
“Oh, really, but that’s my specialty.”
I smiled,” I have to go, Nice to meet you, Rhysand.”
“ You, too Feyre Darling.”
Ask to be tagged! (Also, sorry this is so short)
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
After Midnight pt. 5 (Feysand)
Woooo it’s done :) Sorry it took an ~insane~ amount of time. Most the time I’m not this shitty with updating fics, but it’s been a really weird, hectic couple of weeks. Thanks for being patient and reading!
Honestly, I don’t know why I’m being so dramatic about this. 
I knew it had to end at some point. I just didn’t expect to feel... regret.
I don’t regret anything that happened that night, or even the fact that I’d vastly overstepped my boundaries and paid for his cousin’s treatment. 
That isn’t where the regret stems. 
It comes from the fact that I left in the first place. 
Six days after we were together, my skin still tingles whenever I think about his touch, the raw possession in his hands that somehow still managed to be gentle. I shiver whenever I think of his mouth on mine, his smile against my lips. 
Leaving him after that hadn’t been easy by any measure, but it would’ve been much harder to do if he had been awake. 
And this way, he knows it was nothing he did. 
Besides be a good listener, and being more compassionate than anyone I’ve ever met, and handsome, and funny. 
Nope, it was none of those reasons. It was because I, a self-admitted idiot, can’t keep my heart from wanting more. From wanting it to be real. 
Like I said, I’m an idiot. 
Even if... even if it sometimes felt like I wasn’t. I mean, there had to be a reason he was so unbelievably patient with me, right? A reason he looked at me with curious, attentive eyes that told me more than words ever could?
Pushing those thoughts away, I remind myself that it’s done. Over. I made my decision. Thinking about how dumb it was wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
And I had places to go. 
It had been such a short time since the last appointment, but so much had changed in my life. All good change, but change nonetheless. 
I’m starting over; reinventing myself. So what if I’m twenty-seven and single and have no idea what I’m doing? 
So what if I can’t stop thinking about Rhys’s smile, or the fact that our last appointment was supposed to be tomorrow?
Sighing, I turn over in bed and pull the covers above my head. No small part of me wishes I had his phone number so I could call him, hear him say my name. 
But I don’t, and it’s for a reason. He doesn’t get personal with clients, and I was just a client to him. 
I have no way of contacting him, of telling him that I regret leaving, and it’s a good thing. 
I repeat the words to myself just before I go to sleep, the lie bitter on my tongue. 
It’s Friday. 
Which, a week ago would’ve meant I would get dressed and go to work, not pay attention to what I was doing at all, and then meet Rhys. But I had rightfully ended things, so I didn’t need to do that. 
And I don’t need to go to work. 
Instead, I force myself to make breakfast and get dressed. Then I clean my entire house top to bottom, go on a run, ate lunch, and balance my checkbook. 
But when the clock reads six, there's no more denying it. I'm bored. And lonely.
So I do what any clinically insane woman would do: I go to the hotel, grabbing my art supplies as I leave. Getting in the car, I laugh as I look at the faded leather bag in my hands. 
It’s been ages since I’d reached for it so thoughtlessly. Once upon a time, this bag had been an extension of my arm, but I hadn’t thought about it since before the breakup. But now... I want to paint. 
And suddenly, I know exactly how I’m spending my evening. 
I drive to the hotel and get my key--for some reason I never cancelled the reservation--then head up to the room, frowning when I think about walking through this doorway with Rhys. 
How do I miss someone I hardly know?
Although, that isn’t really true. It’s only been a little over a month, but I feel like I do know him. I know what makes him laugh, what his favorite food is. I know the feel of his skin, the way his eyes crinkle when he’s annoyed. I know him. 
It doesn’t matter. 
I won’t ever see him again, but maybe... maybe I can give myself something to hold on to. 
I walk into the room, mess with the lights until the room is cast in soft, buttery light, and set up my art station. 
And then, for the first time in years, I paint. 
By the time I’ve finished the small piece, I’m smiling and feeling lighter than I have since... since last Friday. But I’m also hungry, so when I hear a knock on the door, I run over, assuming it’s my room service order. 
It’s not. 
My jaw hits the floor as I look up at Rhysand, who looks just as surprised to see me, even though he’s the one who knocked on my door. 
For a weird moment, we just stare at each other. 
Normally, I’d say something, maybe ask why he’s here, but I’m just so damn happy to see him. 
He’s tall and beautiful and smells like the ocean, and I realize then how much I’ve missed the twinkle in his eye, the curve of his lips. 
His eyes run over me, and then he glances behind me to where the make-shift, wobbly easel I keep in my bag still stands in front of the bed. 
“You’ve been painting.”
I nod. Given the paint-splatters on my hands and clothes, that’s pretty obvious. I have no idea what to say, so I just state the obvious. “You’re here.”
It comes out equal parts question, statement, and accusation. 
“So are you,” he shoots back. 
I have no idea why he’s here, but I know I don’t want him to leave, so I swing the door open wider in silent invitation. 
He takes it and walks in, looking at the rumpled bed and art supplies, then walking over to the easel curiously. 
Then I remember what I painted. 
And suddenly, all thoughts of why he might have come are long gone. All that remains is the blind panic that he’ll see what I’ve done and run for the hills. 
“Wait, don’t!” I shout, hauling ass to stand in front of him with my hands raised like a linebacker. “It’s... you can’t see it.”
Those violet eyes dance as his lips twitch. “Why not?”
“It’s not done.” Not true. Finished it twenty minutes ago. He’s turned me into a filthy liar, and we both know it. 
I shake my head. 
“Feyre, this is cute and all, but you weigh like a hundred pounds. Move, or I will move you.” I narrow my eyes, ready to go down fighting, and he laughs. “Please?”
The word gives me pause, and I know he’s not leaving until he sees it, so I sigh and move aside. 
He sticks out his tongue as he brushes past me, but the smugness leaves his face as he looks down at the small canvas and sees the subject.
It’s him.
It’s the image that’s been in my head for seven days now. The image of him laying in the bed exhausted and ruffled, covers drawn to his waist.
His tan chest is on full display, tattoos stark against the white sheets, and his hair is ruffled. His face--which took me the longest to get right--is peaceful as he sleeps, even though there are laughter lines around his full mouth. 
It’s how he looked when I left him. 
Real-life Rhys looks at the bed, then me. “You painted me.”
His voice is full of light, but I suddenly realize how fucking creepy this is. “Uh, yeah. Sorry?”
He gives me a strange look but changes the subject to something even more uncomfortable without missing a beat. “Is this how I looked when you left?”
I look at the floor, suddenly finding it interesting, but a hand on my chin forces my eyes back to his. 
“Yes.” It’s a whispered admission, but he hears it. 
“I had to,” I defend weakly. 
“No, you didn’t. You chose to.” His hand falls away, and his tone grows a little... irritated? “I’ve been looking for you, by the way. I went to the coffee place you mentioned liking every day this week. I even went to the museum, but they said you quit.”
A smile finds its way on my face as I nod. “I’m going to go back to painting, I think.”
His eyes are soft, even though his jaw is still set. “You can’t paint me any time you want, but I’ll expect commission.”
I roll my eyes, cheeks flushing. Rhysand grows quiet, his eyes searching mine, and I know he’s thinking of the perfect way to phrase whatever he’s about to say. 
“Why are you here, Feyre?”
It’s a simple question. Or at least it should be. But there’s no one answer.
I’m here because I miss him.
I’m here because I wanted to think about our time together, however brief it was. 
I’m here because I wanted to feel like how I do when I’m with him. 
I could tell him any one of these reasons, and they’d be true. But they’d still be a lie, because the real reason I drove here tonight... “I’m here because I was hoping you’d be here, too.”
Rhys smiles, and his hand is back on my face, cupping my cheek this time. “Well that works out well, because that’s why I’m here.”
Disbelief and joy shoot through me, leaving me a little confused. “What?”
“I’m here because I thought you might com here, and I wanted to see you. So I could thank you for what you did.”
It had taken selling an old piece to one of my longest clients, but seeing the expression on his face right now makes the hassle well worth it. 
It’s nice seeing him happy, even if the disappointment in my chest is almost crushing. He’s here to thank me, because of his cousin. 
I open my mouth to speak, but he presses a finger to my lips to shut me up. “I’m not done yet.”
My eye brows fly up, and he smiles. “I’m here to yell at you for leaving me in the middle of the night, with a goddamn note no less.”
Yet again, he cuts me off when I try to speak. “Who tells someone they have feelings for them in a note? Fucking Jane Austen, that’s who. The next time you have compliments and sweet nothings to shower on me, you’re doing it in person.”
My lips twitch under his finger, drawing his gaze. And his voice goes a little deeper as he continues, “I’m here to tell you it was dumb to leave, because I don’t think of you as just a client, either. You’re more to me, even though I tried to fight it.”
Oh my gods. 
“And lastly, I’m here to kiss you until you believe that. I’m here to show you how much you’re not just a client to me. I’m here because I’m desperate for you, and I don’t want to spend another minute denying it to myself.”
Rhysand grows silent, the finger on my lips finally slipping away. “I’m done now.”
I don’t know what to say, really. 
Everything I thought I knew was wrong. And he... I...
I may not have a clue what I want to say, but I at least know what I want to do. 
So I do it. 
I practically jump on him, my hands locking around his neck and bringing his face down to mine so I can kiss him. 
Relief and happiness and a million other emotions course through me as our lips meet, and from the way he kisses me back, he’s feeling them too. 
It’s a frenzy--a wild clash of two people determined to get closer, to take more. 
We hit the floor, but I hardly notice it and I definitely don’t complain, because I’m sprawled on top of him. I’m partially aware that all the paint on my clothes is seeping into his, but neither of us seem to care. 
Rhys pulls back enough to growl, “A note.”
I mumble a reply, but I don’t know if it makes any sense, because his mouth is on my neck and I can’t hold down solid thoughts. 
All I can think is that I want his skin against mine, so I reach and tug his shirt off, then pull him back down to me. My arms are around his shoulders, legs around his waist, and his hips churn against mine in a way that makes us both breathless. 
His hands find the hem of my shirt, then it’s on the floor next to my head and his mouth is on my beast, teasing me until I squirm helplessly underneath him. 
“Rhys, please.”
Ignoring me entirely, he just kisses his way to my other breast, giving it the same treatment. I’m restless and just a little desperate at this point, but he pays it no mind as his mouth moves down my stomach. 
Rough, calloused hands lift my hips, then slide my remaining clothes down my legs, leaving me bare before him. 
The pause gives me enough time to realize we’re still on the floor, but then his mouth finds the apex of my thighs, and I stop caring. 
I moan, hips lifting to give him better access. 
He’s making it clear exactly how much he missed me, because while being with him is usually long and luxurious and sensual, it’s now... ravenous. I feel like I’m being devoured, and I love it.
My body finds release quickly, but Rhys doesn’t stop until I climax again, name falling off my lips in a breathy tone I hardly recognize. 
He prowls back up my body and kisses my mouth, proving everything he said ten minutes ago once again. My legs fall open further as he pauses to remove his jeans and roll a condom on, then a hand on my hip keeps me still as he pushes into me, eyes meeting mine the entire time. 
My head falls back, digging into the carpet, and he kisses my neck as he begins to move. 
My body’s already fatigued and satiated, but it comes alive under his touch, reacting instantly to the indecent roll of his hips. 
“You feel so good,” he groans at my ear, the words doing very little for my sanity. 
If I had the ability to form words, I’d respond. But I don’t, so I stay silent. 
Well, not silent, but I stay murmuring absolute jibberish as his hips move against mine. He speeds up, and I arch against him, loving the way he wraps his arms around me to keep me close. 
His mouth is back on mine, tongue meeting mine in a desperate, heady way that makes me groan. 
Release begins to build once again inside me, and he somehow senses it, reaching between my legs to work the bundle of nerves there. I go over the edge, legs and arms trembling from their hold around him. 
Rhys follows suit, murmuring my name over and over as his motions get a little sloppy, then stop altogether.
Our breathing comes heavy and fast, and for a minute, we just lay there, both of us incapable of doing anything more. 
Once I finally regain the ability to breathe, I mutter, “So, you have feelings for me.”
He grunts in acknowledgement, making me smile. “You have feelings for me, too.”
I don’t feel like grunting, so I say, “I do.”
He sighs, rolling us onto our sides. “Like I said, no self-control.”
“I blame you.”
His violet eyes twinkle as he props himself on an elbow and looks down at me. “Me and my good looks take full responsibility.”
I smile again and realize how happy I am. I’m on the floor and covered in paint, but I’ve never felt more beautiful or important. And it’s because of him. 
“I don’t know how to be in a relationship anymore,” I admit, scared but knowing more than anything that I want to try. 
Rhys shrugs, leaning to press a soft kiss to my lips. “I figure we’ll argue a lot and have really great sex.”
“Works for me.”
“As long as you paint me again. Preferably nude this time.”
I am tired I apologize if I missed stuff editing. Thanks for reading!! Feel free to drop asks in the box :) I have a few I’m working on.
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handsome-john · 3 years
Community Gardens
Guess who’s finally dragged themselves out of writer’s block hell and is using this energy to fix the terrible lack of Hanahaki fics in this fandom! Check reblogs for ao3 link if you prefer reading that way
Relationships: Rhack, with some Timoxxi in the back ground
Words: 3621
Warnings: Blood, vomit, strong language, and sexual humor 
Summary:  It was a rose, complete with a thorny stem. It was soft, delicate, beautiful, and drenched in blood.
Handsome Jack did not fall in love. Sure he slept around, maybe had a few candle lit dates, once even playfully kissed a co-worker on the cheek while a little tipsy. But he did not fall in love. 
  Sure Jack fell in love plenty of times. Even married twice and almost got married a third time before Nisha had the common sense to walk out the door. But Jack died long ago, in a godforsaken vault on that godforsaken moon. 
  All that was left was Handsome Jack. Powerful, rich, and sexy CEO of Hyperion. Who did not fall in love with anyone! No one at all. 
  Handsome Jack told himself that every night. But that did not stop the soreness in his throat or the tightness in his lungs. It didn’t stop the constant flow of rose petals he coughed up each night.
  Handsome Jack did not fall in love. He plunged head first into it, just like Jack plunged into that vault all those years ago. And just like that vault, the only thing Jack would gain from love is disappointment and permanent scars. 
  He didn’t realize he’d been zoned out for the past half-hour until the hot piece of ass Jack called his PA snapped him out of it.   “Your coffee, sir.” Rhys said, handing him a mug with Jack’s face on it. “I made it as sweet as you, sir.” 
  The coffee was black, just how Jack liked it. He gave him a smile that was all teeth. “You’re lucky I’m too lazy to find another personal assistant as good as you, pumpkin. Anyone else would be getting an up close and personal look at my airlock for that kind of sass.”
  “I know sir,” Rhys said with the tone of someone who knew exactly how important they were, and the smirk to match. 
  Do you really? Jack wanted to ask. Do you have any idea how important you are to me?
  Rhys made Jack feel vulnerable, and he had the charm and personality to make Jack not even mind. He had Handsome freakin’ Jack wrapped around his little cybernetic finger and there was nothing Jack could do about it. 
  Well there was one thing. But Handsome Jack didn’t do that. Even if he wanted to. 
  He was snapped out of his thoughts once again by another coughing fit. His throat had been killing him all morning. It’s the worst it’s ever been and the strangest part was that there hadn’t even been any petals yet. Sure he was grateful, wouldn’t want to spit bloody sunflower petals all over Rhys’s stupid asymmetrical shirt, but it was odd. 
  “Are you alright sir?” Rhys said with concern so genuine it made Jack’s stomach twist into a knot. 
  “I’m freakin’ fine-” He wheezed, sounding like a dying dog. He gripped his desk for support, coughing his throat raw. 
  “I’ll go get some cough medicine!” Jack didn’t want to be alone at the moment, but he’d rather Rhys not see what happened next. 
  Blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, definitely seeping under his mask and splattering across the desk. The burning in his throat made his eyes water, like he ate a cup full of razor blades. No scratch that, a cup full of razor blades would be preferable to this.
  He jolted forward, retching when he felt something tickling the back of his tongue. It was soft, like a tissue. It was also very good at hitting every single one of his gag triggers. 
  He knelt over his trash can and shoved two fingers into his mouth. He was desperate to get whatever the fuck that was out of him. 
  The pain intensified tenfold as he tugged. Black spots danced in his vision. God he was pathetic.
  Finally there was a soft snap and Jack threw the wet thing onto the floor with a soft splat. He grabbed the bin and hacked up petals and whatever he ate for breakfast. With his stomach emptied, Jack laid down on the floor, the cool tile nice against his burning face, and examined whatever the hell he just coughed up. 
  It was a rose, complete with a thorny stem. It was soft, delicate, beautiful, and drenched in blood. 
  Of course it was a fucking rose. 
  The door opened with a whoosh, alerting Jack that Rhys was back. He quickly threw away the rose and whipped his face. Hopefully Rhys wouldn’t notice all the blood on his desk, or floor, or in the garbage can, or leaking out the side of his mask, or…
  Okay so he was screwed.
  “What the hell happened!? Jack! Jack, do I need to call anyone!?” Rhys knelt by his side, gently shaking the man on the floor.
  “I’m fucking fine kiddo.” He grimaced, his body screaming at him to shut the hell up. He tried to sit up, but a firm hand on his chest stopped him. 
  “You should lay down. Rest your head. What happened? Is there a doctor I can call?” 
  “No!” Jack growled. He hated doctor’s. Last time he went to a doctor for anything more than a shot or a regular check up was when he was getting a mask grafted to his face. He hated their pitying looks and how they treated him like glass. He could never trust a doctor. 
  But he trusted Rhys. Rhys had only worked for Jack a little over five years. But in those five years Rhys had gotten closer to him than anyone else. Jack trusted Rhys enough to open up about his daughter, his sweet Angel that was off with another pair of sirens learning to use her Phaseshift powers. 
  Could he trust Rhys with this? It wasn’t like he had much of a choice because the more he thought about Rhys, the itchier his throat felt, until he was sputtering out sunflower petals. 
  Rhys’s expression was hard to read. A mix of horror, realization, and sympathy. “Oh… Oh no.” 
  Oh no was a pretty good way to describe hanahaki. It wasn’t contagious, but it was extremely easy to catch. There was no cure, at least no cure that was worth it, but with advances in modern medicine it wasn’t deadly. 
  There were three levels of severity. Tier one which was common in kids with schoolyard crushes that would really go anywhere. It usually only involved petals. Tier two is what you had to worry about, coming from the kind of crushes you could actually see yourself marrying. Sore throats, difficulty breathing, and small flowers.
  Tier three was the worst kind. While the flowers and vines themselves won’t kill you, suffocation and blood loss will. There were medicines that could get rid of the stems, and small surgeries to help the lungs, but completely removing the flowers could be extremely detrimental to both your physical and mental health. 
  Tier three hanahaki came from deep love that was surly unrequited. But that’s just what the ECHOnet told him. And what did the ECHOnet know. Handsome Jack did not fall in love.
  Sure his doppelgänger fell in love, but Tim wasn’t Jack, even though Jack was paying him to be. Tim was actually where he learned about hanahaki. It happened after they met Moxxi on Concordia. 
“Does anyone have a bottle of bubbly I can smash against this thing?” Jack asked as they prepared to launch the Meriff’s statue-head into Pandora’s asshole. “Ah nevermind. Go ahead and fire!” 
  Nisha cackled as she slammed her hand onto the launch button. The remix played as it zoomed off. 
  Jack glanced around, noticing one of his vault hunter’s missing. “Say have any of you seen Timmy around? He was supposed to be here for this!?” 
  “Lost track of him after we spoke to Moxxi.” Wilhelm said, which was probably one of the longer sentences he’s said yet. 
  “I think I saw him run to the bathroom. Probably to deal with a ‘little problem’ of it,” Nisha said with an exaggerated wink. 
  “He’s going to have bigger problems in a minute.” 
  Jack made his way over to the bathrooms, fully ready to chew Timothy out. “Tim! You better not be Jacking-off in here!” 
  He heard Tim groan in pain and ran over to his stall. He found the doppelgänger kneeled by the toilet, face first in it. Jack let out a low whistle, feeling a twinge of sympathy.
  “Moxxi rope you into having one too many drinks?” He paused, noticing a trial of magnolia petals. 
  Tim looked at Jack and coughed, spraying petals across the floor. 
  It wasn’t hard to figure out it was hanahaki. Looking up “coughing up flowers” really only has one result, not including weird fetish porn. 
  “It better not be Moxxi.” Jack said, threat emanating from his voice.
  Tim had a bashful look on his face that Jack would never be caught dead with. “She’s just so pretty. And smart! She’s a mechanic and she looks cute even witho-” he whimpered as more petals filled his mouth.
  It only seemed to be a tier two case, still it would be annoying if Tim was kept from work just because of some flower petals. Though it would also be annoying to watch his ex and his doppelgänger get all mushy and gross together. 
  Somehow the tiny little piece of him that felt bad for the doppelgänger won out. 
  “Okay fine. Go for it.”
  “You’ve got my charm and good looks. You can win her back no problem.” 
  Tim smiled, wiping the drool and petals off his face. “Thank you sir! I won’t disappoint you sir!” 
  That night Tim fell in love. But Jack was not Tim. Handsome Jack did not love. 
After Jack refused to see a doctor, Rhys decided to assign himself the role of caretaker, starting with getting Jack home. Handsome Jack wasn’t sure why Rhys insisted on supporting him as they made their way up to Jack’s penthouse. It wasn’t like his legs were broken. 
  Rhys laid Jack onto the couch. “Stay here and rest. I’ll make tea, it'll help with your throat.” 
  “Fine fine.” Jack wasn’t even sure if he had tea. He was more of a coffee man. 
  He didn’t usually bring people up to his penthouse for social calls, if you could call whatever this is a social call. Actually he never let anyone in here that he wasn’t planning on fucking or killing. The more he thought about it, the more likely he would probably end up doing one of those things to Rhys. 
  Rhys returned, handing him a teacup. “This will taste bitter, but it helps with the sore throats and the thorns.” He smiled at him. A soft smile that made Jack feel weirdly vulnerable, like Rhys could see right through him and still wanted him.
  Jack shuttered, his throat burning when he thought of Rhys. It was coincidence of course, Jack was not in love with Rhys. 
  He took a slow sip of the tea and forced back a gag. “God you weren’t kidding when you said bitter!” 
  Rhys winced. “Normally people add a bit of honey to help with the taste, but I couldn’t find any and I was in a hurry.” 
  Jack stared at the swirling grey-green liquid and decided a bad taste was better than a sore throat. 
  “How do you know so much about this shit anyway?” 
  Rhys sat down and rubbed the back of his neck. “I had a friend that had a chronic case of it. I learned a lot helping them out.” 
  “Oh… How long did your friend have it?” 
  “Five years.”
  “Damn. How does someone live that way.”
  Rhys shrugged. “You get used to it. Eventually taking pain meds and hiding flower petals in your shirt becomes as normal as waking up every morning and going to work. You adapt.” 
  Jack wasn’t sure what to say, which was probably a good thing since it was killing him to hold a conversation this long. Rhys stood up, signifying that this conversation was probably over anyway. 
  “I’ll make dinner. Something soft. Do you have ice cream? I guess obviously you probably do. I’m going to walk away now.” 
  Jack pretended he wasn’t staring right at Rhys’s ass as he left. Rhys always seemed confident at work, when he was making phone calls and chewing someone out for Jack. But the few times Jack had caught Rhys outside of work he was a whole different person. Jack could certainly understand putting on a mask.
  Speaking of masks, god his was itchy. He trusted Rhys, but he didn’t want to take his mask off around him. Rhys would be disgusted, probably be asked to be transferred to a different part of Helios. Jack would probably have to kill Rhys in case he tried to use his secret against him. 
     No, the reasonable side of Jack protested. Rhys never once tried to manipulate Jack. Sure sometimes he would hackle Jack about a raise, but he never once used Angel against him, or slipped a little alcohol in his drink so he’d be more agreeable. Hell the kid hasn’t even tried to get in bed with Jack. And at this point, shooting your shot with the Handsome Jack, might as well be in the job description. 
  Jack wheezed as he coughed up hyacinth petals into his now empty glass. Why hadn’t Rhys ever made a move on him? It wasn’t like Rhys was afraid of Jack. Is it possible Rhys just doesn’t see Jack that way?
  No that’s impossible, Jack’s vanity said. Everyone in the ship, no matter the sexuality, wanted a piece of Jack. And Rhys’s feelings didn’t matter either way, because Handsome Jack did not fall in love. 
  Rhys, the pure angel, returned with a bucket and a tub of chocolate ice cream just in time to catch the hyacinths Jack puked up. 
“You know this would be easier if you took off your mask,” Rhys said softly. 
  “You’ve said.” Jack growled, plucking petals out of his drink. Jack didn’t remember when Rhys dragged him over to his bed but that’s where he’s been the past couple of days.  
  “I just want to help you. I promise I won’t tell a soul. It just can’t be good for you to wear it this long.” 
  Rhys had been up in Jack’s penthouse for a week. Jack refused to see a doctor and his condition was slowly getting worse. Rhys did what he could, but what Jack really needed was a doctor or to confess his feelings. 
  It hurt watching his boss and friend, at least Rhys hoped they were friends, in so much pain. For many reasons. His most selfish reason was that he was sure that whoever Jack loved, it definitely wasn’t him. 
  Jack gave him a cold look that made Rhys’s stomach twist for many reasons. 
  “Fine I understand. I’m going to go make dinner.” Rhys got up and made his way over to the bathroom instead. He kneeled over the toilet, jacarandas spilling out of his mouth. At least they aren’t roses, he thought bitterly. 
  Jack insisted that he could eat solid foods just fine, but Rhys knew from experience that probably wouldn’t be a good idea without proper medication. 
  Proper medication that Rhys hadn’t had access to in a week because he’s been at his boss's beck and call ever since he watched Jack hack up three bloody roses on the floor. 
  His condition was getting worse, he could feel it. He’s had to step out more and more to deal with his problem. And just being around Jack in itself made his condition worse enough. 
  It was only a matter of time before it slipped out and Jack threw him out. God if only he could just get over his stupid crush. 
  Rhys was careful not to get kalmias in the smoothie he was making. He’d have to go shopping soon too, they were running out of supplies. Though Jack probably got everything delivered. 
  Jack glared at the cup in Rhys’s hand. He was tired of eating out of a straw. But at least Rhys seemed to know what he was doing. 
  He was running out of time and he knew it. It was only a matter of time before he suffocated on petals, or the roses and sunflowers fucked up his throat beyond repair, or worst of all, he accidentally confesses his feelings and scares Rhys off. 
  Why was Rhys staying with him anyway? It wasn’t like Jack asked him too, and Rhys wasn’t getting paid for any of this. Is it possible Rhys could like him back?
  Jack immediately regretted letting himself go down that train of thought. He could feel a sunflower pushing his way up his throat. Sunflowers were the worst. Sure less thorns, but god were they huge and seemed to come up the most. 
  Rhys frowned sympathetically, reaching out to massage his throat. Normally Jack would murder someone for getting so handsy, but he wasn’t in any position to snap at him. Besides it was helping. Has been helping for the past few days.  
  “Jack! Please let me remove your mask.” Rhys said, trying to be soft. This felt big and it would certainly help if there wasn’t a mask in the way. 
  Jack glared, trying to push Rhys away against his better judgement. In his defense he was loopy from oxygen deprivation. 
  Rhys sighed, future him could deal with the consequences of reaching out and undoing the latches and throwing the mask onto the floor. Rhys tried not to let his gaze dwell on the deep scar running down Jack’s face. He focused on soothing Jack and keeping him calm. He could feel his own throat tightening with petals. 
  Slowly he helped Jack up, bringing him down the hall to the bathroom. Petals were already seeping from Jack’s scarred lips. 
  Jack could feel the sunflower’s head hit the back of his mouth, making him gag. Rhys brought him into a kneeling position over the bowl. Jack shoved his hand into his mouth, trying to yank it out, also against any logic. 
  Rhys winced as he pulled out a sunflower the size of his head. It would be beautiful if it weren’t covered in blood.  
  “Remember to breathe through your nose. Doesn’t try and force anything out. Just relax your throat and let it all fall out.” Rhys kept his voice calm, an emotion he absolutely did not feel. He grabbed his stomach, suddenly going into a coughing fit. Shit not right now. 
  Jack wasn’t sure what he felt as he watched Rhys spit out kalmias. Well he didn’t know what he felt besides pain and envy. 
  “Shit!” Rhys said, once he got it out of his system. “I’m sorry!” 
  Jack grabbed the front of Rhys’s shirt and pulled him in, locking their lips together. Rhys froze, his brain lagging behind everything else. Was Jack kissing him or was he finally dying and his brain was making him happy before he goes. 
  Jack wasn’t thinking at all. It wasn’t a kiss out of love, Handsome Jack did not love.
  Okay fuck it, Jack was stupidly in love. Stupid, stupid, stupid feelings! Rhys already loved someone else and was probably going to run off as soon as Jack let go. 
  So just never let go, Jack’s possessive side said. Jack hugged Rhys tighter, kissing him harder.
  So this was real. Rhys melted, having trouble keeping up with the kiss. Tears spilled down his cheeks, he wasn’t sure if they were his or Jack’s. He felt his lungs twist and he shoved Jack back.
  Five years of roots were coming up all at once. Rhys braced himself, grabbing Jack’s hand hard enough to hurt.
  Jack was about to say something but was interrupted by a sudden lurch as his own roots forced their way out. They weren’t as deep, but it still hurt like a bitch. 
  After several minutes of hacking up repressed feelings, they both collapsed on the floor. 
  “So…” Rhys said, cringing at how his voice sounded. “How’d you get that scar?” 
  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Jack said, voice squally scratchy. “I don’t want to talk at all.” Jack cupped Rhys’s cheek and pulled him into a kiss, and Rhys happily let him. 
  Maybe Handsome Jack could love, just this once. 
“There you two are! I’ve been trying to contact you for days!” Timothy said, glaring at his boss. “You can’t just say you need me to take charge of Helio’s for a while and then not give me any information! And where have you been!?” He points at Rhys. “You’re supposed to fill me in on what’s going on. I’ve been winging it for a week!”
  Rhys gave him a nervous smile, taking Jack’s hand. The action didn’t go unnoticed by Tim who was starting to deflate. 
  “I told you I was sick.” Jack said. “Rhys was taking care of me.”
  “Whatever. Just don’t complain to me about all the work you have left over. And don’t forget to pay me.”
  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll ECHO you later. Don’t you have a girlfriend to run home too?” Jack really just wanted some alone time. Well alone with Rhys time. 
  “Fiancée.” Tim corrected. Jack could tell his dopplegӓnger was blushing slightly under his identical mask. “I’ll see myself out. Congrats on finally getting together.” 
  “Finally?” Rhys asked, but Tim had already skipped out. 
  “Don’t mind him.” Jack said, kissing his cheek in an oddly gentle way. “We have work to catch up on.”
  Rhys smiled, pulling Jack into a kiss. “I’ll get your coffee then, sir.”
  Jack shamelessly stared at Rhys’s ass as he walked off. Yeah this could work out. 
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Dad Tim & Uncle Rhys Part 3
Not me being horrifically bored when I should be doing work and finishing this instead?? Needed to self-indulge for a bit, so you get part 3 to this! You can check out part one here! I’ll probably write a part 4 at...some point, if anyone is interested!
Rhys stood outside Atlas HQ, waiting miserably. He watched as Tim and Phoenix came into view, hand-in-hand. 
“He’s here,” Phoenix said in surprise.
“I told you he would be,” Tim said, squeezing his hand.
Rhys had strongly considered staying home and having a nice drink instead, but the thought of upsetting Tim’s son frightened him on a primal level. Tim was usually pretty laid back, but his protectiveness over his son tore out a frightening anger from him.
“Park?” Rhys said. “We can drive-”
“We can walk,” Tim said, glancing at Phoenix. “He wants to see the sights. Let him see the sights.”
Rhys sighed loudly. “Fine, we’ll walk. You owe me big time, Timothy.”
“I seem to recall saving you thousands on that last deal we made,” Tim said smugly, tugging Phoenix along. 
Rhys scowled, because Tim had a valid point. He trudged alongside his companions for the day. 
“When I have the money, we’re taking a trip to a nice planet,” Tim said, looking around as they walked. “Somewhere that has plenty of grass and trees and…I dunno, sunshine? Fresh air?”
“And ice cream?” Phoenix said.
“Well, duh,” Tim said. “I’m not taking you on a trip to a planet that doesn’t have ice cream. That’d be a punishment, not a vacation.”
Phoenix seemed pleased by the reassurance. Rhys hoped they didn’t invite him on this trip.
“Can we get some today, dad? I bet boss guy knows a good place,” Phoenix said.
“I have a name, you know,” Rhys said.
“Uh-huh,” Phoenix said, showing absolutely no inclination that he’d ever use that name. 
“Rhys? Rhys Strongfork?” Rhys tried.
“Strongfork?” Phoenix furrowed his brow. “That’s a stupid name.”
Tim snickered. Rhys glared at him.
“Your last name is Lawrence!” Rhys shot back.
“Yea, still better than Strongfork. What freaking moron is proud of a name like that?” Tim said. “Kid’s right. It’s stupid.”
Rhys hunched his shoulders. “I hate you.”
“And yet, here you are,” Tim said.
“Because I’m also mildly afraid of you,” Rhys said.
“Dad is really good at shooting people,” Phoenix agreed.
Tim rubbed the back of his neck. “Hey, uh, maybe...try to forget that dad is really good at shooting people? Okay, pal?” 
“Why?” Phoenix said, frowning.
“Because shooting people is bad when you live somewhere civilized.” Tim looked around them. “Uh, somewhere partially civilized, at least.”
Phoenix seemed confused by the concept of not committing murder. “But what if they shoot first?”
“Then it’s totally fine,” Tim said. “But before I worked for that freaking asshole, I didn’t go around shooting people. I doubt Rhys here spends his days putting bullets in homicidal maniacs either.”
“Definitely not,” Rhys said. 
“I could teach you,” Phoenix said. “Dad taught me how to shoot a gun and mom taught me how to set people on fire.”
“Okay! Lovely weather out, huh?” Tim said hastily. 
“Fire?” Rhys said, staring at Tim.
“Uh, yea, well, Ember’s a little...uh…” Tim shrugged helplessly. “Yea, man, she just really likes fire. I seriously had to fight for him not to be named Blaze.” 
“But you and his mother aren’t together?” Rhys said, realizing he didn’t know much about Tim’s life outside of work. 
Tim shook his head. “Not as a couple, but we’re still good friends. We call her every night so she can keep up with Phoenix.”
“Uh-huh,” Phoenix said. “She said she’d come see us soon.”
Rhys didn’t want to be anywhere near that reunion. “Oh. Good for you.”
They walked along Promethea. Whenever the wide-open space of it all got to be too much for Phoenix, Tim would stop and sit down with him, holding onto him until he’d calmed down. Tim would then let Phoenix run through any questions he had, trying to explain what certain buildings were. When Tim himself wasn’t sure, Rhys would step in.
It was slow going to reach the park, but they made it eventually. They walked along the path until a playset came into view.
“Well, go wild,” Rhys said, gesturing to it.
Phoenix frowned. “What is it?”
Rhys almost laughed, until he looked at Phoenix and realized that the kid really didn’t know what a playset was. Tim knelt beside him and pointed at it.
“It’s called a playset. It’s where kids like you can, well, play,” he explained. “See, there are things you recognize. The slide? And those monkey bars there are like the ladders I’d set up for you to play on back at the casino.”
“Oh!” he said. “There’s a whole place just to play?”
“There are a lot of places you can play,” Tim said. “But this is a nice, quiet one. Why not start with the monkey bars?”
Phoenix bounded over, waiting expectantly for Tim to follow. Phoenix grabbed onto a bar and swung his body out over the ground, going bar to bar with Tim following below, hands out ready to catch Phoenix if he slipped. 
Rhys found a bench to sit at, watching Tim and Phoenix. He was struggling to remind himself that Tim wasn’t Jack. He highly doubted Jack would’ve been that good with his kid.
A few times, Phoenix slipped off the bars, but Tim always caught him and hoisted him right back up. When Phoenix’s arms grew too tired to carry himself the rest of the way across, Tim held him up and walked him across.
“Boss guy,” Phoenix called. “Aren’t ya gonna play too?”
“No, no, I’m an adult,” Rhys said.
“So’s dad, but he plays,” Phoenix said. “Betcha can’t do the monkey bars. Your real arm is a noodle arm.” 
Tim tried to disguise his laughter as a coughing fit. Rhys shot him a dirty look.
“I sign your paychecks,” he reminded.
“I worked for Handsome Jack,” Tim said dismissively. “You don’t scare me, noodle arm.” 
“I hate you,” Rhys announced.
“Hate me all you want, as long as I get paid,” Tim said, shrugging. Phoenix started laughing a little.
But his laughter cut off as they heard tires squealing and the sound of gunfire nearby, loud voices cheering and hollering. Phoenix immediately ducked behind Tim, going perfectly still with his hand hovering over his watch, terror in his eyes as his gaze darted about, the noises all echoing around the open area.
Tim had also stiffened, hand on his gun. Rhys stood up, shaking his head quickly.
“No, no, it’s okay. I mean, it’s not really okay, but it’s not an attack. Some of the local, er, gangs do that as a celebration from time to time,” Rhys said. “Besides, the road is way over there.”
Already, the sound was fading. Tim relaxed only the slightest, immediately looking at his son.
He knelt besides Phoenix and pulled him close. “It’s okay, Phoenix. It’s okay. I’ve got you. We’re safe.”
“There’s no cover,” Phoenix said quietly, eyes darting around the open area.
“I know. We don’t need it. We’re safe,” Tim said.
“H-Hey, why don’t we go get ice cream? There’s an ice cream place up the road,” Rhys said, pointing away from where the gunshots had come from.
“Hear that, pal? Boss guy is offering to buy you ice cream,” Tim said.
“I did no-” Rhys snapped his mouth shut as Phoenix looked up at him with those big, scared eyes. He let out a heavy sigh. “Yea, I’ll buy you ice cream.”
Phoenix reached out, taking Rhys’ hand. Rhys looked at Tim in alarm.
“Dad needs his hands free so he can kill anyone who tries to hurt us,” Phoenix explained.
“Uh, we talked about this, Phoenix. Dad is trying not to kill people these days,” Tim said. 
Phoenix ignored that, tugging Rhys along. “C’mon, boss guy. I know your noodle arms can’t fight.”
“I’ve been in fights before!” Rhys said indignantly. He was cute, but he was a little asshole. 
Rhys led them to a little ice cream place. Phoenix brightened a bit as they entered.
Tim lifted Phoenix into his arms as they approached the counter. “Can you tell the employee what you want?”
Phoenix looked at him in alarm. Tim just offered him an easy smile.
“Go on,” he encouraged. “Just say what you want. Rhys will make sure you get it.”
Phoenix swallowed audibly. He glanced nervously at the employee, then dropped his gaze and mumbled something. Tim nudged him a bit, but Phoenix just gripped his shirt, tightening his hold.
“He’ll have a chocolate vanilla twist,” Tim said at last.
He and Rhys both ordered, Rhys paying and taking them to a table with their ice cream. Phoenix happily dug into his.
“We’re working on the whole ‘afraid of people thing’,” Tim said as Phoenix snuggled into his side. “He’s getting better. Being around the office helps. Hey, what do you say to Rhys for buying the ice cream?”
“Thanks!” Phoenix said. “Next time ya gotta play with us, though. Work off the ice cream or you’ll get fat.”
“I hate him,” Rhys grumbled.
“What was that?” Tim said cheerfully.
“I said you and your son are wonderful and I don’t have a single regret about hiring you,” Rhys ground out. “Not one. Singe. Regret.”
“Aw, hear that? He likes us,” Tim said. 
“He should come meet mom when she comes,” Phoenix said.
“I’m busy that night,” Rhys said in alarm. 
“Aw, but we had so much fun today, kiddo,” Tim said, then grimaced. “Dammit, can’t kick that habit. Ah, whatever. I’m just having fun watching my kid roast you.”
“Have you always been this insufferable?” Rhys said.
“Oh yea. Not nearly as bad as Claptrap, though,” Tim said. “But yea, the kid totally took a page from the book of my personality.” 
Phoenix looked far too proud about being an asshole like his dad. “Uh-huh. I’m like my dad.” 
“Lucky me,” Rhys said dryly. 
“Can’t wait for you to meet his mom,” Tim said.
“Wait, I didn’t agree to-”
“Yea!” Phoenix said, so brightly that Rhys knew he couldn’t argue.
He slumped down in his seat. Of course he survives Jack just to wind up getting sucked into Tim’s life. He just couldn’t escape, could he?
Part 4
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universal-kitty · 4 years
These were comm related, and since I've been asked to put these in (these are for Robot Arm Jokes)- Character A: I can fit my whole world in the palm of my hands! Character B: Are you going to cup my face? Because that's so unoriginal. Character A: I was actually going to grab your butt, because I didn't know the face was an option. Please and thank you aki ilu ❤️
   To explain the “it’s a comm, but why in an ask?”: I’ve been having troubles focusing recently, so I asked D to send these in via ask! I somehow feel that asks are more “demanding” than formatting everything on my own, so this is helping me out a lot when it comes to getting work done!
   Anyways, you can find the original prompt [here].
Thanks for commissioning me and thank you a thousand times over for your patience~!
   “You’re joking.”
   “I’m not,” Rhys said, not an ounce of shame in his voice as he fluttered his lashes. No doubt trying to look as charming and suave as he possibly could. It’s yet another war in DL’s mind of him...managing to pull it off, sure, but also not wanting to give him the time of day to simply let him continue on as he was.
   The man’s flirting must be stopped! He was getting too powerful, and how would his poor spouse ever focus on their work if he was there, in their mind, flustering them all of the time?!
   “...You’re such a dork,” D sighed, once again unable to properly scold their husband into denouncing even some of his shenanigans. Rhys- predictably- brightened at this. Perking up like an overeager puppy, with his orange-yellow eye seeming to glow in joy. (Does it glow when he’s overly happy? Who knows. It’s never been dark enough to tell, and it’s hard to time that kinda thing at the perfect moment.)
   “Aha! So I’m good for more...fantastic pickup lines~?” He winked, somehow making a traditionally smooth and flirtatious gesture both....flirtatious and very, very dorky. Maybe it had something to do with his long limbs? Ones not at all helping his attempts at being charming, since he was doing his best...and using the counter to lean on.
   .....Damn him for making it look good. Dorky and cute, but still hot enough that D felt all kinds of flustered under his gaze. He’s too good at this sort of thing!!!!
   “....Yeah, okay.” Another sigh, but they couldn’t hold back the smile that came out as he pumped his robot arm, whispering a “yesss!” in victory. As said, a dork.
   “You know... I can fit the whole world in the palm of my hands~” Good grief... How cheesy could this man get?! D rolled their eyes, a brow raising.
   “Are you gonna cup my face now? Because that’s pretty unoriginal, y’know.” Rhys- who had been leaning forward slightly, slowly-  froze in place, expression becoming equally as impassive...and then seemed to crumple slightly? Not in embarrassment, but confusion. Which further confused D, who was suddenly wondering what the fuck was going on right now. Why was he making that face?!
   “......I was actually going to grab your butt,” he admitted softly, “because I didn’t know the face was an option...”
   DL stared at him, slowly processing what had just happened. This man...the CEO of Atlas. Destroyer of the final piece of Handsome Jack’s legacy... Their husband...... Made a “my whole world” line, and wasn’t going to cup their face? They..... He was going for the butt?!
   “You’re a mystery,” D muttered at last, a line not originally meant to be spoken out loud, but one that made it into the air regardless. Rhys blinked in surprise, as equally taken aback as D was for having said it in the first place--
   But his laughter at least assured them that they hadn’t done any wrong or hurt him in any way by saying it.
   “You’re not wrong,” he confessed, bashful as he stepped forward to hug his spouse close. “But I’m always a little bit of a fool for you~” There...was no response D could find to that. Not one that properly conveyed their emotions, anyways.
   So perhaps settling for burying their face into his shirt would have to do.
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thespianbooks · 4 years
Hi!! I'd love for you to write a feysand drabble! I'm going to leave a few numbers and you can pick your favorite(s), if any at all! Thank you so much, your writing is amazing and I can't wait to read! The numbers for the prompts are: 177, 500, 358, 544, and 516!
Thank you so much for your kind words, and for leaving me a few prompts! I really want to write some drabbles in between releasing chapters for ACONAS, so feel free to send more requests for Feysand drabbles!
I loved all of these, but I picked the three I liked the most! It’s probably a little long for a drabble, but I hope you enjoy! 
#177 “I’ve got good news and bad news”
#500 “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
#544 “H-how long have you been standing there?” 
The cabin has always been a place of refuge for me. From the moment I escaped here with Mor, after learning Rhys was my mate, until now—when I needed a day of peace from all the stress that came with planning the remodeling of the estate. It had been a little over a year since I started the preparations, not realizing how hard it would actually be. I wanted everything to be perfect for us and our family; I even wanted it to be a place of welcome for the people of Velaris, which meant it would have to be large enough not only to house all of us, but for any gathering of our court. After trying to create a general blueprint, I knew it would be a struggle to figure out the floor plan alone. Now that it was coming down to picking out the construction material—I was lost. 
Hours into a meeting with the construction team, and going through different samples of wood, marble, and whatever else it took to actually create a building, I had to excuse myself. As excited as I was at the time Rhys gifted me the estate, I should’ve realized I wouldn’t be cut out to build a grand manor by myself. I knew for years that I never wanted to be the Lady of a court who held extravagant parties at a wide and luscious expanse of property, and halfway through looking over the blue-prints with the architect, I realized that’s exactly what I was trying to be. 
“That’s not what you’re doing,” Rhys said quietly, the deep timbre of his voice coming from the doorframe he leaned against, ripping me from my thoughts.
I snapped my head up to look at him from my place in the tub, knees drawn up to my chest and arms wrapped around them as I soaked, “H-how long have you been standing there?” I asked, realizing my mental shields had been down the minute I stepped in the cabin hours ago. 
“Long enough to hear your self-deprecating thoughts,” he said as he crossed over to my side of the tub, unbuttoning the collar of his shirt.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said stubbornly and turned my gaze away from him as he began to strip. 
He chuckled darkly before stepping into the tub behind me, the water immediately adjusting to warm the two of us as he wrapped his arms around my folded form. 
“Well,” he began, touching my shoulder gently before I allowed myself to lean back against his chest, keeping my knees drawn up, “I’ve got good news and bad news.”
I cringed, realizing the construction team must’ve turned to him for our building plans, and probably warned him of my incompetence. “What’s the bad news?” I asked, glaring at a strand of my hair floating in the water. 
“The bad news is, I chose marble flooring for the foyer. It might clash with the marble columns, but that’s yet to be determined. The good news, however, is that I’ll let you pick the color of the walls,” he explained, a finger trailing down the side of my bare knee. 
I rolled my eyes, “Neither is good or bad news.”
“You aren’t becoming the primped and pretty high lady you always feared you’d become, Feyre.” He said quietly. 
I looked down at the water, ashamed that my doubts were resurfacing to the point where I was shutting down. “You’re allowed your moments of doubts, Feyre. After everything we’ve been through in the last few years, you’ve earned them. But you are High Lady of the Night Court, my equal in every way and you don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself,” he went on, pulling me closer.
I sighed, “I can’t help it. You gave me the estate to build from the ground up. Not just for us, but for our friends, our family. I...I just want it to be perfect,” I admitted, brushing through my damp locks. 
“You also don’t have to do all of this alone,” he whispered into my ear as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “Let me help, it is our estate afterall.” 
“You want to help?” I asked, turning into his touch. 
“Of course, and I know someone else who does too,” he replied.
“Your sister, Elain.”
I blinked in surprise, “Elain?”
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, moving his lips from my ear down my neck, “She’s asked if there was anything she could do to help. She’s also noticed how much stress you’ve been under.”
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, glancing down.
He brought a finger to my chin, tilting my head up to meet his eyes, “You have nothing to be sorry for Feyre. We knew this wouldn’t be easy, but I didn’t realize you’d burden all of the responsibility. I’m sorry for making you feel that way,” he said sincerely. 
“You didn’t,” I reassured, bringing a hand to rest on his cheek gently. “I thought I could do it all, but now...now I know I don’t have to. I think marble floors in the foyer would look nice with the marble staircase I had the architect design.”
He smirked and leaned in to press his brow against mine, “A grand staircase in the entrance?”
I shrugged, “Why not?”
He chuckled and moved to press a kiss to my lips—which I eagerly responded to, craving nothing more than him at this moment. 
The morning light peaked through the curtains of the bedroom window, catching in my line of sight as I slowly drifted awake. With a yawn, I turned over in bed, nuzzling further into Rhys’s arms that had engulfed me in a warm embrace overnight. I reveled in the rare opportunity to watch him sleep, and stared at him through heavy-laden lids, his handsome face at peace and his breaths even. 
The weight that had been pressing down on my chest the day before was now gone, thanks to him. After laying bare my feelings of doubt, the need for perfection, and the fear of becoming a version of myself I never wanted to be, Rhys reminded me of who I was. I was the High Lady of the Night Court, the first ever in Prythian, and I bowed to no one—including any idealized expectations I tried to make of myself.
I smiled as Rhys began to stir awake, his eyes slowly opening to reveal those star-specked violet eyes I loved. I inched closer to him and kissed the tip of his nose, “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…” I whispered.
He hummed sleepily, a tired grin on his lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his mighty wings lazily draping over us. “Someone’s in a better mood today,” he muttered, closing his eyes again.
“After last night, who wouldn’t be?” I said as I moved to kiss his eyelids lightly. 
He grinned lazily, keeping an arm draped over my waist as I nuzzled into his side, “Can we stay here today?” I asked.
“We can do whatever you like, Feyre darling.” He replied, fingers tracing the length of my spine. 
“Then I vote we stay here and make Mor and Elain meet with the architect and construction team,” I said.
His chest rumbled with a quiet laugh, “Cassian and Amren will be jealous, Azriel probably will be too.” 
“They can go too,” I murmured, burying my face in his neck and breathing in his warmth. 
“Our estate will crumble before it's even built,” he hummed in amusement as I laughed.
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nessiesspeakeasy · 4 years
Rhys' Secret
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
Jack is suspicious of what Rhys isn't telling him.
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Rhys hadn’t told Jack about his child. It wasn’t anything personal, just that he preferred his home life to stay private. Being an omega was already a stigma in the workplace. He’d had to fight his previous boss’ prejudice to get his job back after giving birth and now that he worked with the CEO himself, Rhys did not want any repeats.
Being Jack’s PA was demanding and Rhys had had to be firm with keeping work and home separated. When he was off the clock, he was off the clock and he had a set time. Jack had only merely quirked an eyebrow at this in the beginning, but over time, he began to question it.
“I can live with that,” Rhys would answer blandly.
The alpha would frown. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your first loyalty is not to Hyperion. Where do your loyalties really lie, cupcake?”
Rhys never gave an answer, he’d just shrug and go back to work. Jack could think whatever he wanted of Rhys. He was not a sell out, he just had Tim, and Tim meant more to him than anything else.
So, when Jack called an emergency meeting on his day off, Rhys was not thrilled. He’d been looking forward to concentrated time with Tim. He was thankful it was nap time, he did not want the six month old to hear him swearing.
As he entered the call, he found it was just him and Jack. “What the hell, Jack? What’s the emergency?”
“I needed to hear your voice, cupcake.” Though a flirt, Jack seemed preoccupied. Rhys could see him glance at the monitor and frown. “Why aren’t you on your cam?”
“Cause I don’t want to,” Rhys snapped. He picked up the small toys of Tim’s and put them in a basket. “If there isn’t a real emergency, I’m leaving.”
“It’s real pumpkin. I’ll explain when everyone else gets on.”
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
He ignored the furrow on the alpha’s brow and curled onto the couch, holding the tablet in his hand while he wrapped a blanket around him.
One by one, everyone showed up, curious and cautious.
Jack, sitting in his office chair at home, sipped his seventh cup of coffee that day. Frustration boiled inside him. He’d thought he’d found a diamond in a haystack with Rhys, but as the man got more rigid with his schedule and suddenly cut out early for unknown reason, Jack was starting to suspect the worst. Jack couldn’t shake the thought that Rhys was hiding something. He’d searched for Rhys at other companies and although he’d come up short, that didn’t mean that Rhys hadn’t been bought. He was sure it was Maliwan.
Did he really need Rhys here at the meeting? Probably not, but he’d hoped it would catch the possible traitor off guard and expose him. And being the only one who didn’t show his face in the conference call did not look good.
“Dahl has copied the blueprints of one of our guns in R&D. We caught the traitor, but not before part of the plans were transferred. We need to speed up production and get something ready before they can.”
As he leaned in his chair, he noticed Rhys had muted himself. He clenched his jaw at the omega. Was he contacting the manufacturer he worked for? He answered some questions and began the discussion for how to speed up production. And still, Rhys remained silent. Damn the man. Jack had really liked him, he did not want to have to airlock the cute, hardworking omega.
Tim had woken up. Rhys changed his diaper and got his bottle ready, sitting back on the couch with him. “Sorry, sweetie, your Dad’s mean ol’ boss is making him work today.
Tim cooed around the nipple. His arms moved aimlessly, whacking Rhys in the face and almost hitting the tablet. Rhys smiled and kissed Tim.
“-Finally decided to fully join us-”
The words Jack spoke was white noise as he held Tim’s hands so they wouldn’t thrash around as much. Tim’s fist closed and loosened around his finger. He kissed Tim’s temple, his mind wandering as he listened to the voices. They blended together as Tim let go of Rhys’ finger to flail around, hitting Rhys several times in the face. He laughed, wincing with each hit.
“What is going on?”
Rhys held Tim’s hand again, smiling at him. Tim, who had turned to look at Rhys, smiled back around the nipple.
Blinking, Rhys finally looked at the tablet to find that his camera was on. He swore and quickly ended the call. His heart began to race. How much had they seen? How much could any of them make out? Had they heard Tim? Had they seen him?
“Well, Timmy, this is going to be interesting.” His mind wandered to arguments he would have to say to Jack to keep his position. He sighed heavily. He’d began to think Jack was different from the alphas he’d dealt with before, but what if he wasn’t?
Tim was playing on their living room floor an hour and a half later when their doorbell rang. Sighing heavily, Rhys went to the door and opened it.
Handsome Jack shoved past him, arms full of bags and baby toys. “Well, no wonder you would never agree Hyperion was your first loyalty! You had someone who rightfully outranked it!” He set everything on the couch and gestured dramatically to Tim who cooed and rolled around.
Rhys stared cautiously. “Yes…”
Exasperated, Jack sighed loudly and heavily. “Rhysie! I thought you were a spy!” He laughed, his eyes wide and dilated. “That’s why I kept poking about your loyalties and the curfews! It was suspicious when you wouldn’t talk about it!”
Rhys’ brows rose. “You thought I was a spy?”
Jack shrugged. “You were so cagey, I didn’t know what else to think! But now I know you were just-” He stopped suddenly, brows furrowing. “Why didn’t you tell me about this cute little guy?” Jack crouched down next to Tim, extending a finger for Tim to grab. Tim took it and put it to his mouth. Jack chuckled. “I thought you’d do that, ‘s why I washed my hands before coming over, just in case. What’s your name little cupcake?”
The large, gentle grin Jack had mixed with his words and melted any resistance Rhys still had. “Tim.” Rhys sighed. “And if you hadn’t hired me, I’d be out of a job. My boss didn’t want me to come back to work because I was a single omega with a baby.”
“You were in middle management?” Jack asked, moving his finger so it moved Tim’s arm around in the air.
Rhys watched him. “Yeah.”
Jack nodded. “And you were scared I’d be the same way.”
Rhys winced. “No, not really… I just didn’t want to give anyone a chance to do that ever again.” He smiled at his small child and sat on the floor next to him. “He’s everything to me.”
“I get it, sweetheart and not just cause he is beyond cute, but because I have a daughter.”
Rhys blinked. “You do?”
“Mhmm, she’s away at some arts college. Her name is Angel.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
Jack looked at Rhys now. “She’s a beautiful person. I was, admittedly, too protective of her sometimes, but that was for her safety from anyone trying to use her to get to me, not to keep my job. I do not tolerate that stupidity on my space station.”
Rhys smiled. He’d been almost positive he could have trusted Jack, and now he was extremely grateful for the man. His eyes fell on the piles of bags on the couch. “What is all that?”
“Ah!” Jack laughed. “Presents!”
“What?” Rhys frowned.
“Yeah! I stopped at my favorite children’s store and got toys and other things for this little guy.” Jack’s eyes flicked back to Rhys. “And his pretty mommy of course.”
His cheeks turned hot and he laughed nervously. “Well!” He stood and went over to it. “There is a lot here!”
“Yeah, I just kinda grabbed everything that caught my eye. Some are ones that I would stand by. They were amazing with Angel.”
“Like takeout?” Rhys asked, smirking.
Jack grinned. “That’s one of the things for his hot mom. I had hoped I could stay to share it with you.”
Rhys picked up the takeout and looked into the bag. “You going to keep saying those things about me?”
“What things? ” Jack asked, his eyes bright and playful. He went to Rhys, taking the food from him.
Rhys fumbled, staring intently at the takeout. “Calling… Saying I’m hot… Flirting…”
“Ah, yeah, I don’t plan on stopping that anytime soon unless it bothers you. I just found out you weren’t a spy and quite honestly, Rhysie, I have a lot of flirting to make up for.”
That surprised Rhys enough that he looked at Jack. “What? Why?”
Jack laughed, eyes soft. “Can ya take a guess, sweetheart?”
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This is the first part of a commission :D
Rhys gets dumped, Jack goes on a 'treat Rhys nice' spree out of pure spite, and eventually catches some serious feels himself.
Subsequent parts on my ao3 here. My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Jack had stopped reading the report on his desk some time ago, his attention focused on his personal assistant as the younger man somberly frowned to himself.
Rhys made a little noise Jack wasn’t entirely sure was voluntary, the sound a little too close to a sob instead of a sigh. It had been several days of this, now, slowly escalating to the point that Jack was actively invested in the unhappy looks on his PA’s face. He couldn’t leave it alone any longer.
“Hey. Rhysie. What gives?”
Rhys looked up sharply, a slightly-caught look on his face. “Huh?”
“Don’t ‘huh’ me. You’ve been mopey all day. Don’t think I didn’t notice, buttercup.” Technically not a lie. But Jack didn’t volunteer that he’d noticed days prior. “What’s the matter? You get dumped or something?” he teased with a smirk.
The expression on Rhys’ face went stricken, and Jack frowned. No, that couldn’t actually be it. Rhys was, like, in love with that guy. Never shut up about him or whatever hot dates he had lined up or outings planned. The way the PA doted and bragged to Jack about how well things were going sometimes even made the older man jealous.
No one put that much effort into dating him, after all. It was usually the other way around, in Jack’s opinion.
Rhys had an anniversary coming up in two days that he’d asked him the day off for, too. Maybe his dinner reservation was cancelled or something. A total bummer, but nothing Jack couldn’t help with if it took that look off the younger man’s face. Being Handsome Jack’s personal assistant had to come with some perks.
“Rhysie, baby, it can’t be that bad. Come on, tell ol’ Jack what’s wrong.”
“That’s exactly it, actually,” Rhys didn’t deny. He knew he’d been feeling pathetic but if Jack noticed then it really said something. “I got dumped. Go ahead and laugh.”
Jack was going to do anything but. “What?? Who’s laughing? That guy dumped you?” Who the hell would dump his PA? Jack was offended on his behalf. “After all those cute little lunches and shit you showed me you made for that loser?"
He’d believe the other way around; Rhys was gorgeous after all. But as far as Jack knew, the younger man had seemed pretty happy with the nameless jerkwad that kicked him to the curb. That Rhys had been moping for days bothered Jack significantly.
“What a butthead,” Jack stated simply.
Rhys slightly snorted a little at that description of-- well, was he even an ex-boyfriend now? The way he’d been dumped, Rhys got the impression that he was the only one who had thought they were a committed item. “I don’t… I don’t super wanna talk about it…”
“No? You sure, buttercup? I can always put out a hit on him.”
Rhys snorted again, but the smile he gave as he shook his head was watery. “Please don’t do that, Jack. It’s not-- It’s not his fault or anything. I just… misunderstood what we had.”
Jack wrinkled his nose at that, but didn’t comment as it was clear that the younger man was taking it particularly hard. Sounded like the guy was a grade-A jerkwad in Jack’s opinion. He certainly didn’t deserve Rhys. If the younger man was half as good a boyfriend as he was a personal assistant, then the guy was an idiot and a jerkwad.
Rhys busied himself in tidying up his desk a little self-consciously as Jack watched him with a considering frown. “...You sure I can’t have the guy whacked for you, pumpkin? Volunteer him for R&D’s bio-division? Target-practice?”
Rhys snorted and ignored Jack, though a wan smile took his face.
It was better than tears, at least.
Two days later, Jack sat at his desk in the early-morning hours with glasses on and a screwdriver in hand. His coffeemaker lay in pieces strewn across the desk before him. And Jack was super wishing for a cup of something strong right now indeed.
He held a curly, spring-looking thing in his hand, squinting at it in scrutiny. He wasn’t sure the machine needed it, and wasn’t entirely certain it belonged to it, anyways.
Maybe he should’ve cleared his desk from the odds and ends he’d been tinkering with early that morning, but then he’d desperately needed a cup of coffee, and the damn light kept blinking but no caffeine was forthcoming. Which left him with only one option.
His favorite place in the hub wasn’t even open yet, and even under threat from Handsome Jack himself, it would take so long to get the employees to the store and the roaster going, let alone bring it up to him. Jack could be patient, but he wasn’t that patient.
So… he was fixing the machine.
He lost himself to testing connecting wires to the heating element, pleased that everything seemed to be conducting correctly, and he set it aside into the ‘okay’ pile of stuff he’d checked. The curly-spring sat next to it in the ‘maybe’ pile, and everything else strewn across his desk was being categorized under ‘guess we’ll find out’.
Jack was looking into the dispenser-module when the doors to the office whooshed open. He looked up with startled puzzlement as Rhys strode through, cups of coffee in both hands and bag slung over his shoulder.
The CEO checked the time, and then the date to make sure he wasn’t mistaken, brows knit together in confusion as his PA raised a brow of his own at the mess on Jack’s desk.
“Is that… the coffee maker?” he asked, setting Jack’s own overly-sweetened usual on the desk next to what used to be the start-mechanism. “How long have you been here? Did you even go home last night, Jack?”
“Yes I went home,” Jack said honestly, though it had only been for a few hours before some emergency at one of their Eridium mines had called him back. Some time before he seriously needed a caffeine fix.
The CEO took the cup from the desk with serious gratitude, immediately sipping with a sigh of appreciation. He could feel his headache from annoyance already going away. He turned his attention back to Rhys, the younger man picking up the water-spout from the ‘okay’ pile with a frown.
Jack met the look the younger man was giving him, shrugging as he put his attention on the piece in Rhys’ hand. “Yeah, I’m fixing it. It wasn’t working, the light was blinking…”
Rhys looked at him with disbelief. “The ‘add-water’ light? Seriously? For the reservoir in the back?” His expression was half-amusement and half pity, but definitely condescending in a way that only made Jack smirk. Rhys knew he knew better. And it was also a judgment on the almost-correct assumption that Jack had slept in the office again.
It was one of the things Jack liked about Rhys-- he wasn’t so scared of him not to poke fun. He cared if Jack was getting proper sleep or not. And the longer Jack looked at him-- with the knowledge that he’d taken the entire coffee maker apart over an empty reservoir- the bigger that shit-eating grin on the younger man’s face grew.
Jack knew he should’ve just gone back home to sleep for a few hours instead of remaining in the office after the mine was dealt with. He was an engineer, dammit. He’d way over thought the problem. Wasn’t thinking straight at all.
Maybe he got the date wrong, too.
He took another appreciative sip of his coffee, giving Rhys a once-over. “Didn’t I approve your day off, kiddo?”
Rhys’ smile somewhat wilted, turning a bit awkward. “Uh, yeah…”
“Then what’re ya doing here, cupcake? Don’t get me wrong, I really needed this crap,” he said, gesturing with his cup, “like, really-really. If the mess doesn’t tell ya. So what gives?���
“Um… I only asked for the day off because me and-- and--” Rhys looked away in minor humiliation, though he didn’t bother keeping it to himself. Jack already knew, anyways. “I’d thought I was going to be having a romantic anniversary date today,” Rhys laughed as if it didn’t bother him half as much as it clearly did. “Since that’s clearly not happening, I decided to just come in.”
He looked embarrassed, as if it was anything Rhys himself should take responsibility for. Jack really would like to punch the asshole that had dumped Rhys. Right in the nose.
“Hey, his loss, my gain, right?” Jack tried for nonchalance; to bring Rhys’ mood up with usual familiarity. Rhys rolled his eyes, though he’d succeeded in making one side of the younger man’s mouth quirk in a smile.
Rhys went to his desk as routine, setting down his coffee and bag as Jack sat at his own. The CEO frowned at the unnecessary mess. He’d taken it apart pretty quickly, but putting it back together…
“What’s on the roster for today, pumpkin?”
Rhys looked up from where he sat, lowering his coffee cup from his mouth and swallowing the sip he’d taken. “Well,” he began after swallowing, pulling up the older man’s schedule. “Not much. There’s an echo-call with the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve down on Pandora… And a few department walk-throughs, weapons testing if you wanted, but that’s really about it.”
“That’s it?” Jack echoed with surprise. “Rhysie, kitten, if the day was gonna be this uneventful, you should’ve just taken it off. Have a spa-day or something.”
Rhys pouted in his direction for the older man’s lack of tact. “It’s uneventful because I thought I wouldn’t be here to assist you,” he said petulantly. “I cleared your schedule so you could just test prototypes, or something else you’d have fun on your own with that needed to be done.”
Jack’s brows were raised in clear surprise at the thoughtfulness of the younger man, even as Rhys sent him an impressive scowl. Here Rhys had planned to be away celebrating some romantic anniversary, and the PA had still tried to confirm a fun work day for Jack.
He didn’t have to do that. Hell, he could’ve forced the CEO to finally do all those budget-meetings he knew he hated. Or set up various interviews by those requesting an audience with him. He hated those things. After that little creep in genetics or whatever wanted some grant to clone him…
Well, the enthusiasm was nice at least.
“Count on you to be the perfect little PA,” Jack praised with a smirk, “but if I were you, I still would’ve chosen to sleep in. And before you say anything, I did go home last night,” Jack reiterated with an arched brow as he took a big, unapologetic slurp of his coffee.
Rhys snorted and shook his head. He appreciated Jack’s exaggerated mannerisms. It was normal. Jack being Jack. Distracting from the actual humiliation he felt over thinking his ‘boyfriend’ had been…. Well, his boyfriend.
At least he’d been dumped before wishing the other man a happy anniversary. That would’ve been a hundred times worse in Rhys’ opinion. “It’s not like I’m going to any of those reservations I made by myself, Jack. That’s just sad. And I’m pretty sure it would be pathetic to ‘be mopey’ at home all day.” Rhys was paraphrasing Jack’s own words from days previous, but the sentiment was the same.
He didn’t want to be alone with the humiliation he still felt.
Jack’s gaze stayed locked on Rhys’ own until the younger man looked away a bit somberly. He’d maybe thought the conversation was over for the most part, but the gears in Jack’s brain began turning as he considered his jilted PA.
He wanted to do something nice for Rhys. To make him feel better about the asshole that dumped him. It was such a disappointment to have had a day of fun lined up only to try to forget it ever existed. Jack wasn’t exactly familiar with the feeling himself, but he thought he could probably relate. He wanted to try to, anyways. To show Rhys that he was still a hot little leggy commodity; that Jack appreciated him and the things he did for him.
He had a couple ideas about how he could go about that.
And hell, maybe Rhys would enjoy spending some time with him, too, outside the sometimes interesting parameters of the job of being Jack’s right hand man.
“Hey kitten,” Jack spoke before he could stop himself, a smile on his face as his gaze met Rhys’ own. “How about you still have that romantic little day you planned out, hm?”
Rhys’ brows raised into his hair with bewilderment before furrowing with a pout. “I didn't want to spend the day alone,” he repeated previous words. His voice took on a bit of a sour note, not bothering to hide his mood at the perceived slight. “Am I bugging you or something, Jack?”
Jack’s smile turned to a smirk. Whether he was actually mopey or not, Rhys’ sass was still intact. “Damn baby, that asshole did a number on you, huh?” Rhys’ pout deepened into a full-blown frown, but Jack’s smirk turned toothy. “I meant, if there’s nothing important to do today otherwise, let’s just screw around.” The look Rhys leveled at him now made the older man roll his eyes. “Not like that. Geez you’re sensitive today.”
“You’re not funny.”
This was already blowing up in his face before he even got started.
Luckily, Jack knew Rhys’ weakness well-enough: “I have one echo call, and crap that frankly I’d rather save for the next time you try to make me go to a budget meeting,” Jack began quickly, “so why don’t we go get ice cream at that place you’re always telling me about or something instead? Eat out somewhere fancy for lunch, huh?” he proposed. “What other neat shit did you have planned today, pumpkin? You don’t wanna go it alone, I get it-” Jack said pointedly, “-but there’s no reason to miss out on fun because of some dick-bag, right?”
Rhys looked at him with open disbelief. “Really? Are you serious?”
Something about the tone of the younger man’s voice made the CEO feel warm under the biosynthetic skin that was his mask. Jack just grinned what he knew was a charming smile, ignoring the heat in his cheeks at the plaintive look on Rhys’ face. “I sure am, buttercup. Consider it a celebration of dodging a bullet, huh? At least you didn’t waste anymore time with that jerk.” Rhys’ lips twitched at the beginning of what might be a smile. “What’s the first thing you wanna do, huh? ...I can still set it up to have this guy dodge actual bullets, ya know.”
Rhys snorted but shook his head at the suggestion, trying to hold back the smile that wanted to break on his reddening face.
Jack wanted to dedicate a day to him, huh? That would be nice. The older man liked getting his way and always being in charge, but Rhys got the sense he genuinely wanted to do something nice for him.
He might’ve rejected the offer if he thought Jack was doing it out of pity alone, but then he was pretty sure the older man didn’t know what pity was. Jack probably just wanted a reason to further screw around all day and not work, but he sure didn’t need to include Rhys if that was his real goal… even if Rhys had thought he was trying to make him go home at first.
That was pretty damn thoughtful where his boss was considered. Jack generally only knew big gestures, but the offer to do his day with him, like he’d planned before being dumped...
Well hell, Rhys had had a nice couple of things set up before all his feelings were crushed. He’d felt too humiliated over the situation to have even cancelled his reservations and appointments, but he was also slightly depressed over missing out on them. He’d been looking forward to it. The restaurant reservation alone had taken him a month to secure, even with dropping Jack’s name.
It didn’t matter now, though, since Jack himself would be with him. The level of service was certainly going to be better than if he’d been with his not-boyfriend, that was for damn sure.
“Well… the ice cream shop was actually one of the stops in my plans,” Rhys admitted through the smiling blush on his face. He wasn’t sure yet if he wanted to let his hopes get too high, but it might be fun doing most of the same planned activities with Jack. It was better than going alone, at least. They’d probably get better service throughout the day, too.
Jack hopped up from his desk, abandoning the mess that had once been his coffee maker to come and stand before Rhys with a grin. “Cool! Great! Let’s do that then!”
Rhys gave him a look with a sort of lopsided smile. He angled his view around Jack, leaning to pointedly look at the older man’s desk. “What about the coffee maker?”
“Order another one, kiddo. Something fancy and real obvious about where the water is supposed to go. Hell, get an automated one and have the plumbers hook it while we’re gone. Never run out of water again! Ha!”
Rhys snorted at the idea, but he already knew the one he wanted to replace it with. Out with the old, in with the new. The old one had worked fine, but it was outdated and more than ready for a replacement. He counted it lucky that Jack had happened to the coffee maker. Jack could fix it if he put the time in, but it was easier (and more fun) to just buy another.
Little did Rhys know that his life was about to get the coffee maker experience in sum-total.
Both the good, and the bad.
kofi | ao3
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
Ok Im curious who do you think are the most attractive characters??? btw I had a crush on Laura too as a teen! XD
Let’s see, who have I had at least a brief crush on throughout the years… There’s not too many I think, considering the sheer number of FE characters in existence. 
Here’s all I can remember without thinking too hard about it:
Laura: As we know, I’ve already told this story.
Rhys: Was my first. Definitely seeing a pattern here with the cute healer types, huh? XD Soft, kind boy with big dreams hiding inside his mind, would do everything he can to be supportive. He’s sickly and would need lots of love and support himself, and then would return it in spades, Would value and appreciate any experiences he’d share with a partner. What’s not to love?
Stefan: Perfect for anyone going through a “drooling over handsome and mysterious types” phase. Which timed with my first PoR playthroughs perfectly.
Heath: Cool hair, and a dragon. I’m simple sometimes. I also fall for the “if I have to leave behind everything I know to do what’s right, then I will” trait pretty hard. (Really, I have a weakness to just the dragon knight trope in general.)
Glen: Basically the same reasons as Heath, though tragically he didn’t make it to deflect to Eirika’s side and died instead. 
Lyon: I mean, everyone loved Lyon in one way or another, right?? Also died, my luck with Sacred Stones favorites wasn’t great.
Claud: Mostly the post-time skip version, because 18 is way too young to interest me anymore. His design is fantastic, and so is his voice acting… in the Japanese at least, that’s the version I know far better. I swoon every time. Oh, and he’s smart too. Gotta have good personality traits to match the looks.
Titania: As I believe I have said before, you know you’re getting older when you find yourself ignoring the teenage characters that were always your favorites and are suddenly crushing on their mom figure. XD No shame, though. I’m embracing the heck out of it.
Honorable mentions: characters I really admired, but not as a crush exactly:
Tibarn: I just marveled over how much distilled manly-man can fit in one body. 
Hector: AKA The Studmuffin. Same as Tibarn, on a slightly less intense scale.
Eliwood: He’s actually super romantic, and an awesomely kind and understanding lord. I found shipping him with Ninian much more interesting than actually crushing on him myself.
Nephenee: My MVP of MVPs. I’m one of those people who thought she was an amazing OP unit in FE9, and she carried me through every sticky situation. She kicks so much ass in battle, and was the one character I specifically cared about appearing in Heroes, and I even managed to +10 her, continuing her MVP of MVPs streak until I retired from that game.
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