#(also I really didn't go anywhere. just took pictures of birds.)
notbecauseofvictories · 9 months
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wherever there is light  + 2023 IN PHOTOGRAPHS: Chicago (Brookfield Zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, Garfield Conservatory, Roseland Cemetery, Graceland Cemetery, Navy Pier) and Ireland (Cliffs of Moher, Inis Mór, Killarney National Park, Timoleague Friary)
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drkbluedream · 1 year
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- you went to a bicycle tournament even if you aren't interested in it. Even a bit. But that day, your friend invited you to watch him race.
(Ik he already have a gf but lets just forget about her and create alternative universe please)
It's burning hot that day. The sun is having fun burning people. Maybe coming there is a bad decision after all. But remembering that your group of friends who come all the way from Busan to the place around you, just for bike tournaments, it'll be too harsh for you not to cheer for them. The match of your friends team is already done. Looks like they won. While you want to go meet up with your friends, you stumble across someone who is really attractive.
You look at him from far. Thinking what should you do to get his information. Then you saw people taking pictures with some cyclists. Taking deep breath, you walk to him and approach him.
"Hey, you look great on race today. Can I take pictures with you?" You said. Trying to be confident. Even tho only God knows how scared and shy you are that time.
The guy's head tilted a bit as if he was questioning you. He didn't say anything, makes your confidence drop. You want to take it as rejection but even before you could walk away, the guy replied , "my team turn hasn't come yet but sure"
That's how you stand there in embarrassment. Maybe it's a price to pay for trying a good looking man. The guy looks around 180cm, with short fluffy black hair that almost covers his eyes, long lashes, eyes that looks dead, and face what show he don't give a fuck of world. Totally your type.
You took some selca with him and left with his insta id. When he leaves, you can see a huge logo printed on his back. A bird with flowers? "Humming bird.. maybe I should stay a bit."
That's how your story starts. Not a beautiful story. From tagging him on Instagram story, to manipulating him to give his phone number. Pestering him everyday.
From what you know, his name is Jay Jo and his uncle is some short of cyclists champion? He is really hard to approach. Dry texter and he is weird. But you can see he try. He replied to everything almost immediately. Isn't that cute?
You never ask about his personal life. So you don't know he really is. Plus you think it doesn't matter. That's what you thought. Until today come.
Today is a hell day. You run away from home after a big fight with your mom. The new day has almost come so there's not much shop open around you. Also you, who leave every personal stuff at home, can't afford to stay anywhere. Yeah you forgot to bring your bag that has your wallet, bike key, charger, etc. You are alone in the middle of the night, at the park, only with your phone. Probably heaven really mad that you fight with your mom, the badluck streak doesn't end there.
Your phone, the only thing you have right now, only has 20 percent of battery. If you use it consistently, for sure it won't live till the next day. You sigh. You don't know where to stay. Most of your friends live miles away from your place. You who don't have a single penny, can't go anywhere. Your friends who live around here, mostly stay out of town to continue studying. So it's just you alone.
You become more restless until you see Jay like one of your stories. A few minutes ago you uploaded a story saying that you might be gone for a while. Well it's directly for the 'fans' of yours. You might be unable to show up on Instagram so you don't want any of them to wonder where you have been. Last time you went without saying anything, the aftermath you got is something you can't handle.
You look at Jay's profile who is currently online. Based on his following, he looks like he knows some of the mutual there. The possibility of him staying around you is also high. Maybe he can help?
You slide to his profile and start to chat with him.
"Hey Jay, sudden request. Do you have an extra charger? Can I borrow your charger?"
Jay is typing...
Pfft. See? He immediately replied.
"Yeah. Are you going to pick it up?"
"Yeah. Where do you live?"
He then sent his location. The reason you don't really pester into his personal life is because he never asks about yours. So you see there's no reason for you to start if. It's inappropriate too for you.
"I will arrive in a bit"
You send the chat before you start walking. It's around 15 minutes walk. You haven't eaten since yesterday so you don't really have energy left. So you walk at a slow pace. Hoping you didn't make him wait long.
You received a call.
"Jay..?" You were wondering why he called you. Did you take too much time? You answer the call. You didn't say anything because you want to let him talk first. But the other end also didn't say anything.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"You take your time. Where you at?" He asked. So cold. You can feel his coldness.
"Uh.. xxxx" you name the place based on the map.
"It's near. Should I pick you up?" He offered. You guys aren't that close and you have trouble so you refuse.
"It's going to rain" he said and immediately hung up.
You just stand there, stunned by his action. You look up and try to confirm his word. But it's the middle of the night. No way you can see the difference. But did he know? Yeah whatever it's not your concern.
In front of you, there's a tall building. "Oh, he lives in a condo". While u are mesmerized by the place, a black cat comes to your leg and meows at you. The cat immediately got your attention. Definitely the cutest cat ever. You squat down to play with it.
"You should've told me if u arrived" a pair of legs stopped in front of you and the cat. You look up and it's Jay.
You stand and look at him. He doesnt look like he is ready to sleep. He's all dressed up like he is from somewhere. In his hand, there's a paper bag. Noticing you looking at it, Jay immediately hands it over to you.
"Thank you" you look into the bag. It's a brand new USB cable and power bank. You look at him confused. "It's new...?"
"Yeah. I don't know if the one I have right now can function properly or not" he bites his lips and looks away. Ah he looks so cute.
"Well if you just let me know, I will just buy a new one for myself you know." You feel guilty. Who doesn't? You definitely trouble him.
"My fault for replying without checking properly. Plus I'm on my way home" he said.
Oh.. I see.
You just nodded. "Well I owe you". As soon as you want to take steps to leave, it starts to rain. You let go of a really heavy sigh. Today is definitely not yours.
"You can stay at my house for a bit" his words stop your steps. You were shocked. Is he for real?
"Are you sure Jay?" You look at him, trying to see if he's telling the truth.
He nodded. "You look like you aren't in a position to say no after all. Why don't I lend some hand?" He added. You moved by him. "I saw you walk means you don't have or take any transport. You must be tired. Plus it's raining. I'm not cruel for letting someone walk in the rain."
Not only does this guy have a good appearance, he only has a good heart. His family raised him well. You hope you didn't judge too fast.
You just follow him to his unit. Jay's condo security system.. you can say it's quite too much. Lobby, then the lif, and even each floor needs an access card. Is he rich? You ask yourself.
"I need to take something at the carpark. You can enter first" he said. He gave you his password to enter his unit. Why did he trust you so much?
You leave that question aside. Maybe you don't have to know. Maybe it's not the time for you to know yet.
You enter his unit and it's nothing like you expected from him. It's dark yet so clean and lacks furniture. It looks cold. There's no coach or place to sit except the food table. It's quite big but it's so.. quite. So you just sit on the floor without saying anything after plugging in to charge your phone.
You zoned out while thinking about the 'curse' you got. There's much more problems you have and the fight with your mom is your last straw. Maybe you should've just gone from the world and stop trying to survive.
You heard someone unlock the door and you can see Jay walking in. The first thing that came to your mind was "welcome home".
He was stunned. He looked at you without moving for awhile. his ears slowly glowing red. "I'm.. home" he said. Trying to hide his face. He put two pieces of plastic on the table. You can smell fried chicken from it. You peak in interest.
"You should eat. You can take a bath either before or after. Up to you" Jay said as he tried to avoid eye contact. You didn't mention it. You were thinking if you should eat first or take some bath first.
"Can I borrow your towel?" You decided to take a shower first. Knowing you'll get cold chicken, you rather eat that than eat with Jay while being smelly.
But your question makes Jay stunned. He bites his lips and slowly looks at you. "Do you mind sharing a towel with me? I forgot to buy a new one"
That's when it hits you. This whole house is his. Everything is his. Only you are yours. Sharing a towel, soap, shampoo, fragrance, everything is an opportunity. You nod to his question. He brings you to his toilet and you take a bath there.
You can hear Jay's doing something in the kitchen. Chopping, blending, tf he doing? Then he quit a bit. Well none is your concern. After a while, you go out with a towel. Outside, he prepared your clothes to wear. How ironic that he is definitely bigger than you.
You are unsure why his clothes look so big on you. He is indeed taller but you guys sizes look basically the same. If anything, it's impossible to wear something larger than yours. It's definitely a scene straight from drama. So cliche.
While you walk entering the living room, seeing Jay already sits on the floor with a mini table open. There's a friend's chicken and friend rice you believe Jay is cooking just now. He looks like a lost child while waiting for you. The mini towel got your attention.
"When did you take a bath?"
"Just now" he answered. Didn't intend to reply more than that. So you just nod and sit in front of him. Maybe you don't have two know.
"You drink?" He asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"I want to take the day off tomorrow. Drink with me" he then put a few cans of beer on the table. He just grin while looking at you. He is definitely the cutest.
"Thank you" you took one of the beers and drank it. Jay just looks at you without saying anything. He takes one of the chickens and puts them on a plate that has been served in front of you. You guys start eating and drinking.
He isn't as quiet as you think he is. He does talk. But not a lot. And he isn't awkward or cold. You're glad you can see his new side. He looks so cute this way. You hope that you are the only one who can see Jay acts this way.
"Why did you help me?" That question accident slipped your mouth. Maybe you drink too much. He stopped eating and looked at you.
"Is that wrong? Helping you?" He looks so confused.
"You can just say no" you start bickering. This is definitely why people stop asking you to join for drinks. You start a fight.
"I have a hard time saying no." He replied calmly.
"Then you gonna help everyone that comes to you?"
He shook his head. "Only you. I only have a hard time saying no to you". He said that without looking directly into your eyes. But you can't sense lies from his voice.
"Issit because you think I'm pathetic?" You ask but Jay didn't reply. But he stops eating and looks at you. " It's not because you want to take advantage of me right?"
"You drunk" Jay takes away the beer from your hand. Unsatisfied by how he didn't answer your question, you grab his hand make him pulled to you and almost fall on the table.
"Answer me"
He tries to run his eyes from you but you are irresistible. "If you allow me then I don't mind" he then pecks your forehead before pating your head, then back sitting opposite from you.
That action is enough to make you shut up. He's well aware of your feelings and isn't in the phase of wanting a girlfriend but he also doesn't want to take your feelings easily and he didn't play with you. Maybe he is giving you a chance to grab his heart.
Jay, who just makes you stunned just now, chuckle seeing how you stopped moving and having a shocked face. He feels like you are so cute. He then wants to continue eating but who expects you will stand up and jump on him? He definitely didn't expect it.
You on top of him, holding both of his hands, while putting your weight on his stomach. He grunts as your body hits him suddenly and it makes him fall on the floor. But seeing you on top of him, and your face really close to him, he starts becoming shy. He looks aside and you can see how red his ears have become.
"y/n, what are you doing?" He said without looking at you. You can see Jay red getting red and redder for every second pass you leave his question hanging. He can't handle the quiet atmosphere you decide to give. So he faces you again and you who have been waiting, start to kiss him.
Whoever sees this scene, will definitely judge you for your actions. Who actually jumps on people and kisses them? That's such an immoral actio-- I would.
The kiss starts with your lips touching his and after it, he starts to open his mouth, then leads you with his tongue. You didn't expect how good he is in kissing. The kiss is so sensual that your hand that holds your weight almost gives up. Noticing how your hand starts shaking, Jay easily breaks from your prison.
You fell on him and it makes all your body weight on him. You can feel every breath his take, how fast his heartbeat is and how hot he is right now. Jay wrapped his hand around your head before sitting and it makes you sit on his lap. He tucked your hair behind your ear to see you better.
His eyes linger on your face as he is just massaging your neck then his eyes stop on your lips. You can see how he tries to hold himself from kissing and eat you alive. But you can't take it anymore. You wrapped your arm around his next and played with his soft fluffy hair before pulling his hair closer to you kiss him again. You take the lead. You control his tongue movement and teach him how you like it. He seems to just follow your lead while his hand slowly goes lower and lower then ends up around your waist.
You can feel something poke on your sensitive part down there. You don't have to look by yourself you already know what it is. It makes you feel pure happiness. The guy you like got turned on just by kissing you.
Noticing he accidentally poked you, he immediately panicked. "I need to go to the toilet" he said as he wanted to push you off his lap. He covers his face using his hand and tries to not look at you.
You were confused by his actions. "Was it because of this?" You start to touch his bulge, teasing him. You can see how it's growing and getting harder.
He bit his lips that plumped just by kissing you. He slowly nodded. But you still won't let him go. Without asking, you start rubbing him with yourself and satisfy yourself. You rub your clit with his bulge and move back and forward with your own pace. He tries to hold his voice in that he starts to let heavy breath. He is trying his best to not let any sinister voice out but he seems to fail. He threw his head to the back and only let one of his hands support him from falling while another one covered his eyes. He let out a cute grunt as you try to massage it using your hand.
He closes his mouth with his hand and looks at you between the gaps of his finger.
Omg he is such a baby girl.
"Please don't do this to me" he said. His eyes are lost in pleasure and you can see he is sweating as if he just finished running. His Adam apple moves up and down as he gulps the saliva.
"I.. didn't do anything?" You said innocently. But your hips didn't stop. You close. Really close. But it's not enough. You need something in you.
Jay lost patience as he lifted you up and put you on his shoulder, bringing you to his bedroom without opening any light and throwing you on his bed. He didn't even bother closing the door or locking the room. You can see he's panting as he stands in front of the bed.
"Can you stay here for a while?" He asked nicely. As if he is begging you to not throw and tantrum. But you know if you let him go then there's no second chance. Right now is the time.
"Where did you wanna go?" You lie down and hide half of your face. Acting like you sad when you know damn well most of your skin is exposed by the impact he throws at your bed.
"I need to calm myself down"
"Then how about me?" You asked. Even if you can't see him clearly, you know that he is dead red. As you are waiting for his response, you can see his Adam's apple move. "Same like you, I'm wet down there too"
"Will you allow me?"
You nodded.
You can see Jay a bit hesitant by your words but his hand says otherwise. He tried to reach you but he didn't move.
"We are drunk. You will regret it later"
"Then let's regret it later" you said. It's obvious you can't wait.
He comes closer to you. You can see every step he takes seems heavy. Looks like he reconsidered his decision every step. "Jay.. I only want you because I love you" you give the last shot.
He climbs on bed and topps you. He looks at you with guilt and with lust. You can tell he is fighting himself inside his mine.
"What do you like about me?" He asked. He looks straight into your eyes. He tries to not touch you before getting grasped the whole situation.
You touch his face that's really close to you. "you have a good looking face. Nice body. Tall. Fair skin" you stop. "Fluffy hair" you added.
"All is my type" you said to him. "and I really love the fact you are acting cold towards everyone else. I know you aren't acting. You just don't know how to show affection."
Jay's face softened. Satisfied by your answer. He pushes your hair on your forehead before giving a quick peck on it. He starts kissing you from your forehead, down to nose, then to your lips. His hand trail your face down to your neck then stop on the top of your chest. He looks at you.
You grab his hand and put it on your boobs. Showing him that it's fine to touch you. Not enough, you took off your shirt, leaving you only with bra and undies. You enjoy every moment his large hand gropes your fine toned boobs. You can see that Jay is also enjoying the moment as you can feel Jay's bulge growing bigger than before.
You don't want the moment to stop and leave you hanging like just now. It's very annoying when your climax gets denied istg. You unzip his pants and take out his dick. Maybe because he is athletic, you can see his veins around his cock.
Jay look at you. Waiting for your comment. He is curious whether you like it or not. As he sees your eyes open wide, he chuckles and goes in for a kiss once more. His breath left as you start massaging him. It makes his hands weak. Having direct contact with your skin with his sensitive spot makes him weaker more than him thought.
You feel it cute when Jay tries to hide his moan and starts to breathe heavily. "Ah-" a moan slipped your mouth as Jay suddenly bit your neck.
Why did this man act like an animal suddenly?
"Sorry" he apologizes. Licking the place on your neck that he bit. Jay is bold with lifting one of your legs to his shoulder. Close to his face, he licks and kisses your calves. The view you see right now is to die for. You wish you could snap this pic on your phone and save it as a memory but you have your phone outside.
What a shame.
As he rubs your claves and things, his hand starts to rub your inner thigh, carefully. He plays around your clit outside your undies. He's making sure that you get used to his touch before going for it. But suddenly he flinches and he grabs both of your hands that have been touching his dick. You can see his delicious banana is leaking precum. "Bad hands" he said.
Jay locks your hand and pushes it to the top of your head. Making you can't move. He takes out your pants. Using his own spit, he enters your pussy using his hand. You can feel he playing around inside of you with his finger. He spread your pussy before adding another one. His thumb is playing with your clit to give you more sensation.
You can't keep your mouth shut by letting your pants out. Your eyes start to roll back when he licks and bites your nipple. You can hear he start purring. It's weird for you. But it's cute.
"Jay- stop-" you said. Urging him to stop. You feel something weird. He was confused by your request. "I might pee" you continue. But he didn't stop. Yet his hand starts moving faster as he looks at your face while biting your nipple.
"Jay Jay Jay!!" You repeatedly call out his name but he continues. "Ah-" your hips flinch as you start leaking some liquid from your pussy. Jay's hands are soaked by it. He licks you cum before kissing you.
You, who's still sensitive, start to shake when he rubs your clit once more. Your body is arching making your body touch his. You can feel something is 'kissing' you down there. You try to be calm while biting your lips but jay notices your lips start bleeding, and starts to lick the blood.
"Bite me instead" he let go of your hand and started to touch your face. He then puts his fingers inside of your mouth, doesn't let you bite your poor lips.
"You are so wet yet why are you so tight?" He grunting. You can hear the pain and pleasure from his voice. Every inch you take, you can feel your inside throbbing. And when Jay goes to the last push, you immediately can feel your inside are full.
His bare dick feels so hot as your inside touches directly to his skin. Every curve his dick has, you can feel it. It's too late to ask him to wear a condom. Because if you would, he might run to the convenience store and buy one. And there's a possibility he'll just jerk off and cool down and chicken out.
You tap his hand asking him to take out his finger inside of your mouth. As soon as he takes out, he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to his hips. Your bellow part got lift easily. But seeing you feel uncomfortable, he grabs your hand and pulls you to hug him, making you sit on him.
The weight of your body makes his dick feel so much deeper. As if you can feel it in your stomach. That's what you thought until you can feel the bulge in your stomach.
He easily helps you move and ride his delicious cock with his strength. You can see the bulge also move as you go up and down.
Jay's heavy breath turned to grunts, his sweat smells nice, his body heat makes you calm then drives you crazy, his hand on your waist, supporting you to move. Everything is perfect. Everything feels like such a dream.
"You smell sweet y/n" he said. Licking your eyes. "I want to eat you" he added. You can hear his growling softly. He kisses your cheek, licks your mouth, and ends up eating your mouth again. The whole room is full of sinister sounds that have been produced by you. Licking sounds, moan, whimpers, clapping, everything comes from you alone.
Jay starts using his hips to move you instead of his hands. He leads your legs to wrap you around nicely and you hand to hug him before you start moving again. He can't see your face but every breath you take, every whimpers and whine you make, sounds very clear to him.
The growth of his size makes you crazy once again. "How come you can be bigger and still not come?" You ask while whining like a bitch with every single word you said.
"Because you are too cute"
Jay starts to move faster as he can hear your hiccup. He got the feeling he accidentally poked your gspot and he was correct. The spot he has been poking makes you hiccup and unable to think straight. If there's a mirror there, you definitely can see how many scares you gave him.
You are surprised as he cum inside you and still hasn't grown softer. You offer him a blow job but he refuses. Saying he will take care of it by himself in the toilet.
As if you will let that right? Hshs. You guys end up having round 2 in his small bathroom. Standing makes your knees weak so he supports your weight by himself. Both of your voices fill the bathroom. Jay didn't seem like he would leave you alone after this.
Even when clearing his cum inside you, he still helps you and fingering you. Overstimulation from him makes you cry and pass out at the end.
You wake up with a strong headache. First thing you see is Jay Jo pinching your cheeks with your phone on his hand. He is taking your photo. You were shocked.
"Do you hate it?" He asked. Showing some pics of you and him while you are sleeping. "I take it on your phone so if you hate it, you can delete it later" he then gave his phone to you. "I didn't take any from my phone. So, if there's a pic of us you like, please send me"
You hold your head. Unable to proceed with the information Jay just gave. The hungover is killing you. "I--" your voice cracked.
Jay laughed. "Rest first, I will order food for you" he said, pull you closer and kiss your forehead.
So how do you tell him that you didn't remember anything from yesterday? And why is he being so nice this morning? Hshs..
(Notes;)K thats all. Its long ik. Im sorry. I start write this one from two months ago when i went to a cosplay event and i saw Jay Jo cosplayer. No I'm not pervert irl. It just happened this way so i figure it i should write a fic about it.
If yall lucky then i will write ff about König too😜
If you guys like this, then support wooin ff
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foodandfolklore · 11 months
The Talking Eggs
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While perhaps not classified as a Fairytale, I came across Robert San Souci's Children's Story of The Talking Eggs. First Published in 1989. This Author has since passed away in 2014, but it really embodies the feeling of fairytales. I would not be surprised if he took inspiration from other fairytales. I myself see some themes from other folktales. If you can find the original 1989 storybook, I encourage you to give it a read. I think the illustrations are lovely and we were finally in a time period where visual depictions of black people are not just offensive stereotypes. However, it was also a time where children's illustrations were not as diverse as they are today. So despite it being a very magic filled, wacky tale, the pictures are much more serious and realistic looking.
Back in the old days there was a widow with two daughters named Rose and Blanche. They lived on a farm so poor, it looked like the tail end of bad luck. They raised a few chickens, some beans, and a little cotton to get by.
Rose, the older sister, was cross and mean and didn't know beans from bird's eggs. Blanche was sweet and kind and sharp as forty crickets. But their mother liked Rose the best, because they were alike as two peas in a pod -- bad-tempered, sharp-tongued, and always putting on airs.
The mother made Blanche do all the work around the place. She had to iron the clothes each morning using an old iron filled with hot coals, chop cotton in the afternoon, and string the beans for supper. While she'd be doing these chores, her mama and sister would sit side by side in rocking chairs on the shady porch, fanning themselves and talking foolishness about getting rish and moving to the city, where they could go to fancy balls wearing trail-train dresses and lots of jewels.
One hot day the mother sent Blanche to the well to fetch a bucket of water. When the girl got there, she found an old woman wrapped in a raggedy black shawl, near fainting with the heat.
"Please, child, give me a sip of water," the old woman said. "I'm 'bout to die of thirst."
"Yes, aunty," said Blanche, rinsing out her bucket and dipping up some clean, cool well water. "Drink what you need."
"Thank you, child," said the old woman when she'd taken swallow after swallow of water. "You got a spirit of do-right in your soul. God is gonna bless you." Then she walked away down the path that led to the deep woods.
When Blanche got back to the cabin, her mother and sister hollered at her for taking so long.
"This water's so warm, it's near boilin'," shouted Rose, and she dumped the bucket out on the porch.
"Here your poor sister's near dyin' for a drop of cool water," her mother screamed, "and you can't even bring her that little thing."
Then the two of them scolded and hit Blanche until the frightened girl ran away into the woods. She began to cry, since she didn't have anywhere to go, and she was scared to go home.
Suddenly, around a bend in the path came the old woman in the raggedy black shawl. When she saw Blanche, she asked kindly, "What's made you cry so, you poor child?"
"Mama and sister Rose lit into me for something that wasn't my fault," said Blanche, rubbing tears off her cheek. "Now I'm afraid to go home."
"Hush, child! Stop your crying. You come on home with me. I'll give you supper and a clean bed. But you got to promise you won't laugh at anything you see."
Blanche gave her word of honor that she wouldn't laugh. Then the old woman took her by the hand and led her deep into the backwoods. As they walked along the narrow path, bramble bushes and tree branches opened wide in front of them, and closed up behind them.
Soon the came to the old woman's tumble-down shack. A cow with two heads, and horns like corkscrews, peered over a fence at Blanche and brayed like a mule. She reckoned it was a pretty strange sight, but didn't say anything, not wanting to hurt the old woman's feelings.
Next, she saw that the yard in front of the cabin was filled with chickens of every color. Some were hopping about on one leg, some running about on three or four or even more. These chickens didn't cluck, but whistled like mockingbirds. But strange as all this was, Blanche stuck by her promise not to laugh.
When they got inside the cabin, the old woman said, "Light the fire, child, and cook us some supper." So Blanche fetched kindling from the woodpile outside the back door.
The old woman sat down near the fireplace and took off her head. She set it on her knees like a pumpkin. First she combed out her gray hair, then she plaited it into two long braids. Blanche got pretty scared at this. But the woman had been nothing but kind to her, so she just went on lighting the fire.
After a bit the old woman put her head back on her shoulders and looked at herself in a sliver of a mirror nailed to the cabin wall. "Um-m-m-hum!" she said, nodding. "That's better."
Then she gave Blanche an old beef bone and said, "Put this in the pot for supper."
Now Blanche was near starving, and the bone looked like a pretty sad meal for the two of them, but she did what the old woman said. "Shall I boil it for soup, aunty?" she asked.
"Look at the pot, child!" the old woman said, laughing.
The pot was filled with thick stew, bubbling away.
Next the woman gave Blanche only one grain of rice and told her to grind it in the stone mortar. Feeling mighty foolish Blanche began to pound the grain with the heavy stone pestle. In a moment the mortar was overflowing with rice.
When they had finished supper, the old woman said, "It's a fine moonshiny night, child. Come with me."
They sat themselves down on the back porch steps. After a time dozens of rabbits came out of the underbrush and formed a circle in the yard. The men rabbits all had frock-tail coats, and the lady rabbits had little trail-train dresses. They danced, standing on their hind feet, hopping about. One big rabbit played a banjo, and the old woman hummed along with it.
Blanche kept time by clapping along. The rabbits did a square dance, a Virgina reel, and even a cakewalk. The girl felt so happy, she never wanted to leave. She sat and clapped until she fell asleep, and the old woman carried her inside and put her to bed.
When Blanche got up the next morning, the old woman told her, "Go milk my cow."
The girl did what she was told and the two-headed cow with the curly horns gave her a bucket of the sweetest milk she'd ever tasted. They had it with their morning coffee.
"You gotta go home now, child," the old woman said to Blanche, who was washing the breakfast dishes. "But I tell you, things will be better from here on out. And since you are such a good girl, I got a present for you.
"Go out to the chicken house. Any eggs that say, 'Take me,' you go ahead and take. But if you hear any say, 'Don't take me,' you leave them be. When you get near home, throw those eggs one after another over your left shoulder so they break in the road behind you. Then you'll get a surprise."
When Blanch got to the little chicken house, she found all the nests filled with eggs. Half were gold or silver or covered with jewels; half looked no different from the eggs she got from her chickens back home.
All the plain eggs told her, "Take me." All the fancy ones cried, "Don't take me." she wished she could take just one gold or silver or jeweled egg, but she did what the old woman told her and only scooped up the plain ones.
She and the old woman waved good-bye to each other, then Blanche went on her way. Partway home she began to toss the eggs one at the time over her left shoulder. All sorts of wonderful things spilled out of the eggs: now diamonds and rubies, now gold and silver coins, now pretty silk dresses and dainty satin shoes. There was even a handsome carriage that grew in a wink from the size of a matchbox -- and a fine brown-and-white pony that sprouted from the size of a cricket to draw it.
Blanche loaded all these lovey things into the carriage and rode the rest of the way home like a grand lady.
When she got back to the cabin, her mother and sister just gawked at her new finery. "Where did you get all these things?" her mother asked, making Rose help Blanche carry the treasures inside. That evening the mother cooked dinner for the first time since Blanche was old enough to hold a skillet. All the time telling Blanche what a sweet daughter she was, her mama got the girl to tell about the old woman and the cabin in the woods and the talking eggs.
When Blanche was asleep, the mother grabbed Rose and told her, "You gotta go into the woods tomorrow mornin' and find that old aunty. Then you'll get some of those talkin' eggs for yourse'f so's you can have fine dresses and jewels like your sister. When you get back, I'll chase Blanche off and keep her things myse'f. Then we'll go to the city and be fine ladies like we was meant to be."
"Can't we just run her off tonight so's I don't have to go pokin' through the woods lookin' for some crazy ol' aunty?" Rose whined.
"There's not near enough for two," her mother said, getting angry. "You do as I say and don't be so contrary."
So the next morning Rose set out drag-foot into the woods. She dawdled mostly, but soon met the old woman in her raggedy black shawl.
"My sweet little sister Blanche tol' me you got a real pretty house an' all," said Rose. "I'd 'presciate to see it."
"You can come with me if you've a mind to," said the old woman, "but you got to promise not to laugh at whatever you see."
"I swear," said Rose.
So the old woman led her through the bramble bushes and tree branches into the deep woods.
When they got near the cabin Rose saw the two-headed cow that braid like a mule and the funny looking chickens that sang like mocking birds.
"If there ever was a sight, that's one! That's the stupiest thing in the world!" Rose laughed and laughed until she nearly fell down.
"M-hmh," said the old woman, shaking her head.
Once inside, Rose complained when she was asked to start the fire, but she made more smoke than flame. The old woman gave her an old bone to put in the pot for supper.
"That's gunna make a mighty poor meal." Rose said, crossly. She dropped the bone in the pot, but the bone remained a bone.
Next, the old woman gave her a single grain of rice to grind in the morter.
"This sad speck won't hardly feed a fly." Rose said. She wouldn't lift the pestle, so no rice was made at all. Thin soup for supper was all they had.
"Mm-hmm." The old lady said.
Rose went to bed hungry. All night long she heard mice scratching under the floor and screech owls clawing at the window.
In the morning the old woman told her to milk the cow. Rose did, but she made fun of the two-headed creature and all she got was a little sour milk not fit for drinking. So they had their breakfast coffee without any cream.
When the old woman lifted her head off her shoulders to brush her hair, quick as a wink Rose grabbed that head and said, "I'm not gonna put you back t'gether 'til you give me presents like my sister got."
"Ah, child, you're a wicked girl," said the old woman's head, "but I got to have my body back, so I'll tell you what to do.
"Go to the chicken house and take those eggs that say, 'Take me.' But leave be the ones that cry 'Don't take me.' Then you toss those eggs over your right shoulder when you're on your way home."
To be sure the old woman wasn't playing her a trick, Rose set the old woman's head out on the porch while her body sat groping around the cabin. Then she ran to the chicken house. Inside, all the plain eggs cried, "Take me," while all the gold and silver and jeweled ones said "Don't take me."
"You think I'm fool enough to listen to you an pass up the prettiest ones? not on your life!" So she grabbed all of the gold and silver and jeweled eggs that kept yelling, "Don't take me," and off she ran into the woods with them.
As soon as she was out of sight of the old woman's cabin, she tossed the eggs over her right shoulder as fast as she could. But out of the shells came clouds of whip snakes, toads, frogs, yellow jackets, and a big, old, gray wolf. These began to chase after her like pig after a pumpkin.
Hollering bloody murder Rose ran all the way to her mother's cabin. When the woman was the swarm f things chasing her daughter, she tried to rescue her with a broom. But the wasps and wolf and all other creatures wouldn't be chased off, so mother and daughter high-tailed it to the woods, with all the animals following.
When they returned home, angry and sore and stung and covered with mud, the found Blanche had gone to the city to live like a grand lady -- though she remained as kind and generous as always.
For the rest of their lives, Rose and her mother tried to find the strange old woman's cabin and the talking eggs, but they never could find the place again.
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i-am-a-living-god · 2 months
More OC story time, please? Pretty please?
Hello! Umm should I go on a rant about their respective backstorys?
Ok, so Lielle comes from a small village in what are world calls Africa. I couldn't pinpoint a specific country that I wanted her to come from, so I settled on Morocco. btw um the culture isn't the same in this world because I just took the region because I wanted her to be from a place where caracals live. (Because she's a Caracal person) And She's Jewish-Moroccan so the culture is different for her village, then the rest of the region, being that Morocco is an Arab nation.
Her village is quite small, because Caracals tend to live alone, but for the sake of the human side, they form small community's ranging anywhere from 60 to 200 people total. Like I said, very small. When the children get old enough, they basically get kicked out, encouraged to start their own families and shit. Usually they don't get fully kicked out, they're still welcomed back when they need it, but they more get sent on their way to like college or something. They mostly do this to ensure that they don't become dependent on their families.
So Lielle got kicked out when she turned 20, and she decided to go to college, to try and get a degree in biology. She always had an interest in science, as she grew up doing more physical things, such as catching birds without harming them, harvesting plants, cooking, farming, ect. She also wants to make a difference in the world. And biology would open up several windows into medical fields, and she would be able to help find cures for deadly illness.
Now, Maxine. Max grew up in the big city. She's selfish, snarky and impulsive. They rarely see the bigger picture, and tend to only think about the present. She's a human-human which is rare in this world. It doesn't make them special in any way, it just makes them a minority, that's it. Which doesn't really matter. As in this world, there isn't really much racism, homophobia, transphobia or other. Bigotry doesn't really exist. Because I said so.
Aight so there was a small outbreak in the area where Max lives. A deadly virus that essentially spreads through the bloodstream, spreading rot and decay through the organs and blood. Causing a slow, painful death. I won't go into much detail, but one first symptoms is excessive coughing. The next sign is coughing up sour blood, usually mixed with black. By now, it's too late for you. The virus in fairly new, and the reported cases of people who were infected is small, so there hasn't really been to much funding towards a cure.
Ok so back to Max, She was in a relationship with Lielle, when they found out she got infected. ( Unrelated, but They were majoring in psychology, mind you, failing)
Max not wanting to die, urged Lielle to find a cure. Lielle managed to come up with something that *might* work, though it obviously needed thorough testing before it would be safe to use. Which is something they didn't have the money or connections for. Max managed to convince Lielle to use the cure anyway, and with enough pressure she did.
The cure worked! Sorta. It affectively stopped the virus from spreading to the vital organs, and it flushed the virus to less important areas of the body, and it stopped spreading! Exept, that the cure ended up mutating Max's arms into heavy tentacles made of slime, that they are unavailable to move... At all. And a lot of her blood was still black, and her eyes also turned into black slime, along with her mouth... Still, at least they're alive!
Anyway, Max is a pissy baby and dumps Lielle for mutating her.
And that's it for now! Thank you for the ask!
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mayullla · 2 years
GAHHH I HAVE SO MUCH BRAINROT FOR STEPBROTHER AU!!! Since you've enabled me, Imma go off here. Now imagine: birds & bees talk. Reader hits the puberty & now the brothers have to talk to her about the importance of training bras (ofc they shop with her to get some). They bolt in panic when she locks herself in the bathroom, crying about how she's going to die because she won't stop bleeding. The oldest ones have to wrack their brains when their mom had her monthly cycle and what to do with it.(1)
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From: 13 brother au; your new home
I gave up on my essays for today.. I did a bit but not all... tomorrow-
You are a tiny little thing after all, not like even the youngest brother one who does material arts training almost every day while the other while unlucky could look after himself. You, you are just a baby to them and everyone just panicked really the moment they saw tears in your eyes.
Zhongli almost dropped his mug when he first saw you walk in the kitchen with tears in your eyes. Taking you in your arms as he wiped your tear away while asking if you were alright. You told him that you had a nighmare of your dad leaving you and it made Zhongli almost bitter. He told you that it was alright and that your father loves you. Zhongli tells you that your father would ask how your doing almost regularly to him, asking him if anything happened and if Zhongli had any pictures of you. You always feel better after it and you shyly hug your older brother and he takes you back to your room. (Whether that is true of not is only for some to know.)
That one-time Kaeya was frantically searching for you in the agency because he can't find you for the past hour. He let you play with the makeup designer and clothes designer while he worked but now that it was time to go that he started looking for you, he tried to search for you but was unable to find you anywhere. The more time passed as he looked the more panic-driven he became, so the moment he found you almost hidden he wasn't sure how to feel about it when he found out the big dodoco doll that he past by multiple times was actually you wearing the dodoco costume that one of the costume designers made and decided for you to wear. He took a lot of pictures of you that day, and only posted some and showed to his brother keeping the really really cute ones for himself.
Oh! and yes to that part where Kaeya and Childe trick the younger siblings to be fairies with you, as you wore your favorite color sparkly wings and tiara with a puffy dress, Itto right beside you laughing and excited was also wearing a yellow knee-length pixie flower dress with equally sparkly yellow wings, his hair had multiple braids and flowers on it. Chongyun with an embarrassed red face wore the same dress but icy blue while his hair was barely tied in two ponytails, Bennett and Thoma also wore red dress and wings as they just looked down in embaressment unable to do anything.
Childe and Venti were in the background laughing almost that one would worry if they would choke on their own laugh or something. Ayato and Kazuha were smiling but didn't say anything as they sipped tea from the elegant tea set they took out from the storage when they heard that you wanted to have a tea party. Albedo was on the side drawing the whole situation.
Xiao was stuck in his room, unable to leave as he was wearing a Tinkerbell outfit after losing a bet with Childe. Not even you were able to get him out of his room.
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sleepdeprivedqueer · 2 years
Dancing In The Rain
Werewolf!Ace x GN!Reader
Chapter 12
"Today on Vile Ridge news."
"Four males and two females found dead."
"The scene is too graphic to be shown on TV."
Damnit damnit.
"All of them had their necks ripped open."
Ace watched the news as you sat there with wide eyes, the four men were your coworkers. The creepy coworkers that showed up to your house early in the morning.
"It seems like they were dragged by some kind of animal."
Ace couldn't believe it, he didn't need the picture to imagine the scene. He could make a pretty good picture of it. Looking over to you, eyes were wide as one of your hands were over your mouth. They may of been creeps but they were still coworkers. Scooting closer to you, trying to make you relaxed and feel safe.
"Police have no evidence to prove that a animal did kill them, but questions do remain. What exactly were these people doing? Why did one car have a kill kit in it? Were they planning on kidnapping someone? No one knows for sure-"
Ace turned the TV off, he didn't want you to be scared anymore, it was bad that it was in town. Tilting his head to you, he could tell that you were trying hard not to cry in fear. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, taking in sounds of the nearest house that was also listening to the news.
The police recommended for families that lived on the outskirts to have some sort of weapon on them. Possible a gun. To take shelter and aim the weapon at wherever the creature was coming in from.
He opened his eyes.
"What killed them? Will it kill me? Can you defeat it? Is it to-"
The werewolf didn't let you finish, pulling your shaken and frightened body into his lap. Holding you as close as he possible could in a firm grip.
"I'm going to be honest, I don't know what killed them. But I promise you. It won't get you," he whispered, eyes focusing on the glass sliding doors, "if anything, the hunters might find it and kill it before it gets here. But if they don't, it'll never touch you."
Those words, it made you feel...safe. Like a baby being held by a mother during a storm. Cradling the crying child, shushing it, holding it close, rocking it, and singing to it. Taking a deep breath you tried to calm down. It seemed Ace took it very seriously, when you tilted your head up at him, his eyes were squinted. A flame in his stare, a snarl barely in his lips, claws grew long and sharp. He was being really protective about it, he was even cuddling you!? What the hell!? Why did you let him embrace you? Looking back up at him made you freeze a little. It was almost like something was about to attack at any minute. And you were kind of right. He tensed up and snarled loudly.
"Listen to me, from what I hear is that they're here because some of your coworkers told them about me as your dog. And they suspect me as one of the possible animals that killed them. Be calm, okay, I'll be on the verge of shifting just in case. Alright?" He whispered, you were so confused.
A loud bang filled the house as Ace darted down the hall, hearing his bones cracking and skin ripping. Putting some fuzzy socks on you walked to the door, trying to collect yourself before opening it. She you opened it, you were met with a tall black haired male, a bird on his shoulder.
"Uhm, how many I help you?"
"I'm here under the investigation of the deaths of your coworkers, some of them said you had a wolf dog as a pet. They also said that it seemed he snapped at one of them, and my team and boss believe that your so called 'pet' killed them. He needs to be out down." He said, coldly, that bird chirping in agreement. It seemed to be some kind of pigeon.
Stay calm.
"I-I'm sorry, but my dog was with me all night. He was right next to me when I fell asleep and when I woke up, there was no trace of blood on his fur anywhere," you tried to reason. Hearing the words 'out down' made you feel uneasy.
"I fine that hard to believe, especially when your 'dog' is the only thing that's related to something dangerous," a snotty female voice said. On your step was a blonde with glasses, cleavage on display. She looked like a whore.
"I promise you he isn't dangerous, yeah sure he growls at strangers but that's only at people who seem rude to me. Nothing else I promise you."
"Why do you seem so shaken up then?"
The man was now closer, face inches away from yours.
"I understand that hearing about the death of people you work with, but from how shaken up you seem. It looks like to me you know something you shouldn't," he pulled back, "I want to see the adoption papers of your 'dog' Ace please."
A past line that Ace told you about. Hunters. These two, no, these people were hunters, here to kill Ace and possibly you too. So you definitely needed to act cool.
Shifting your brows in confusion.
"Yes, Ace."
"I think you have the wrong house then," you said, watching as the man with the ong square nose looked at you in shock.
"Your dog's name is Ace."
"No, I'm sorry, but you got it wrong," you shook your head, standing up to him a bit, "his name is Pyro, always has. It's on his collar."
That seemed to confuse them, nails clanked on the floor, you could feel the cold wet nose of 'Pyro'. All of a sudden the man leaned forward the snatched his collar, dragging the sable dog out.
"Pyro!" You yelled, but the lady held you back.
"He has to be put down and that being said we have to take him there ourselves."
"Hey you fucking bastard!"
"Settle down! If you don't then we'll do it ourselves. Now settle down!" The blonde girl said, pushing you back into the house as you watched the rectangle nosed man putting a muzzle on him. Watching he thrashed around, why wouldn't he transform.
You wanted to yell at him to tell him to shift, but something stopped you. The look he gave you when he thrashed towards you just told you, to just act like he was a normal dog. But when you were inside, the lady punched you in the stomach, your mind faded.
The door slammed shut as the chain clanked, Ace growled as the other car doors opened the shut. He was in a cage with a damn muzzle on, a chain as a leash, and who knows what happened to you. These were definitely hunters. No doubt. If it were any other time he would shift and fought them, but in order to keep you safe he didn't.
"What'd you do with the person?" The black haired male asked.
"Knocked them out cold," she said, a smirk on her stupid face.
Ace growled, the bitch hurt you.
"Shut it back there!"
The car started up and they were off. The ride was silent, the tension in the air was thick and heavy. But when the car stopped, and the black haired man switched places with the rectangle nose guy, things got heated.
"Hey, werewolf. Tell me, what's your game here?" He asked.
Ace didn't respond, he was going to actually act like a dog.
"Hey, didn't you hear me."
"Maybe he is an actual dog."
A large bang made the man go silent, the black haired male punched the cage. Ace growled and snarled at him. The rest of the ride was just Ace and that man staring at each other, ready to attack.
When they arrived at the vet, after four hours of driving, four hours away from you. His cage was opened up, Ace growled and snarled at them but he was roughly grabbed by the collar. His paws scraped against the hot concrete, areas on his pads split open and started to bleed a little. He snarled, thrashed around, tried to make it seem believable that he really was just a normal dog. But it seemed that they didn't believe him.
Looking around it seemed they parked in the back, a man in a white long coat was holding a door open for them. He was with them, how disgusting. Dragging him into the building and down the hall, the cold white floor made him uncomfortable. They reached a door that once again, the black haired male opened, picking Ace up by the collar. It choked him, but thankfully not for long as he thrown into a cold metal table. Strapped down with leather, he wiggled around, trying to get free.
"There he is, we want him out down. There's a good possibility that he murdered a few people because he was kept as a pet."
"Ah, I see. Well then, I'll take good care of him, do you want his ashes?"
It took a few minutes before he answered.
It was cold, it made Ace feel very uncomfortable.
"Very well then, you can leave now." The vet ushered him out the door. Walking over to the counter to get some supplies out, he finally got a good look at the vet. Or more likely a scientist.
He had long purple black like hair, pale skin, a pale pink or purple white coat. A small laugh came from the man as he turned around, his face was worse. Purple lipstick and crazy eyes, the skin on his face seemed more purple compared to the rest of his body. God his face was so...ugly. That sinister large smile as he held a big syringe with a weird blue kind of liquid.
"How exciting! A wolf dog, brought to me! How kind Rob Lucci is, and to think that your a wild one too! I wonder if your a big bad werewolf, that could explain why you were so brutal!" He laughed coming closer, "well don't worry! I won't kill you, just yet, I want to experiment on you, see if you really are a werewolf. If so, then you can become my greatest creation yet!"
He was getting closer, Ace thrashed around as he tried to break free. That strange blue liquid, if he was some sort of mad scientist then he didn't trust it.
"Hold still! If you keep thrashing around then it'll hurt more for you, but, that won't mind for me. If it wasn't that your thrashing could ruin it all!" The scientist stood, before his smile got bigger and more sinister, "I'll use my new drug to calm you down! You'll become numb and fall right to sleep, that way you won't feel any pain and you won't risk my plans!"
He quickly ran back, grabbing another syringe filled with some maroon liquid. Those eyes that held evil thoughts, Ace couldn't do anything. As he got closer, holding him still as best as he could, the needle went into his neck, and it hit him almost immediately.
You groaned, stomach ached, it felt like you've been hit by a damn truck. It was blurry, looking around, the cold floor making you shiver as you slowly sat up. How many times have you been injured in the last month? Way more than usual.
"Who's Ace?"
Your eyes flying open as you looked up at Isuka, she held a blanket in her hand along with some pills. Shit, act cool.
"D-Did I say Ace?"
"Yes, you did. Who is Ace," her voice was cold as her eyes was showing some sort of emotion that you've never seen her have before.
You have to make a lie, quickly.
"O-Oh, he's an old friend of mine. He was in town and I was finally able to catch u-up to him," you groaned, trying your hardest to make it seem real.
"Really?" You nodded, "I guess that sounds like you," she hummed coming back to her old self. Kneeling next to you and wrapping the blanket around your cold body.
"How did you get in?" You asked, you usually always had the door locked.
"An extra key, plus you wouldn't answer any of my calls," Isuka huffed, cheeks puffed out.
You chuckled a bit but groaned, trying to ease the pain by rubbing at your belly. Eyes strained as you looked around, it looked so empty, like there was something missing. But what? You've always lived alone, so why would something be missing? And why doesn't it feel right? Maybe you overworked yourself or drank too much. And who the hell was Ace!? You've never known a Ace before, so why the hell did you call out for an Ace!? None of it makes sense.
"Y/N, try not to think too hard about why you were laying on the floor. You may get drunk again off of just thinking about it," the orange haired girl warned.
So you did drink too much, but when did you start drinking alcohol? Maybe it was your first time, you might of been overworked and couldn't sleep so you drank to try and help yourself? Damn.
"Here, let me help you to your bed," she said, lifting you up to the best of her ability, you followed. Stumbling of course, it felt like you have just been stabbed in the stomach, "there we go, easy does it."
As Isuka led you to your bedroom, you couldn't help but feel very uneasy. Like something was definitely missing, it was too quiet, too cold, even with the blanket on. It felt so...empty. And Isuka, the way she acted when you said that name, it was like she was after someone named Ace and needed information. But the worst part was when you entered the bedroom, that's when the cold really settled in. It chilled you to the bone, making your body shiver.
"What's wrong, are you seriously cold under that thick blanket?" You nodded, "well hopefully you'll be warmer in your bed."
You hope she was right. Lifting the thick covers up and settling down, even the sheets were missing something. As you laid down, it felt like someone or something was supposed to be there, with you.
"There, are you feeling warmer?"
You shook your head no.
"Well, give it some time. I'm sure you'll get warm eventually, now get some sleep and I'll pray that you'll be better the night time you wake up."
Something, about her smile, how her eyes didn't shine the way they used too. Almost like one of those spiders that somewhat looked like ants and tricked the ants into believing it. Then it would kill them. But maybe it was just your mind, but you were tired, and you did want some sleep. Getting a bit more comfortable, Isuka watched you, but left when everything seemed to be fine. But it wasn't, for some reason, it was too cold and creepy. How silent the house was, how dull it was, hell even the smell wasn't the same. But it could of been your drinking, you made a mental note to not ever drink again, and just cuddled one of your blankets. Dozing off to some somewhat peaceful sleep.
When you woke up, you felt better, much more better, there was only a slight bit of pain but not too much. Stretching your body and letting the bones pop and muscle and limbs wake up. Throwing the blanket over and standing up, a chill ran up your spine. Making you shiver, it was still so cold, but why? Making a mental note to check on the air conditioning later after taking a shower. A nice hot one that fogged up the bathroom and made it warm, that way you won't be freezing your ass off. Grabbing your work clothes and thick fluffy slippers to try and keep your feet warm.
As you walked down the hall your eyes wondered if, looking at the slight differences in the coloring. Looking at the floor to see dull scratch marks, the slight smell of cinnamon that was in your nose. It was very weird. Opening the bathroom door while turning the light on and closing it behind you when you walked in. A soft filled the air as you stripped, shivering as you quickly turned the hot water on and adding a bit of cold water to it in order to make it bearable. As soon as the shower started, you were in, shivering and teeth chattering as the warmth settled in. Standing there for a while to let the bathroom steam up and to get yourself really fucking warm before continuing on.
Cursing as you scrubbed your scalp, skin red from the hot water, not that you minded much. Trying to relax yourself by scrubbing your scalp in a certain way. But it sadly didn't seem to do much, even as you got to washing your body. Noticing the large bruise on your stomach, you may have ran into a corner while drunk. So you brushed it off as that, but as you saw more scars, the more questions that filled your mind. But even excuses couldn't shake the thoughts away, something happened. Something definitely fucking happened. But what!? It was starting to give you a headache, groaning as you sat down under the water, not even bothering to wash the conditioner out. Just letting the water hit your hair, watching as water dropped down your face and down onto your body or onto the floor.
After your hair felt clean you turned the shower and water off and got out, drying yourself with a towel and putting clothes on. Drying your hair in that same bathroom, anything to try and shorten the amount of time you would have to spend in the cold air. And when you did, you immediately started to cook your breakfast, making another mental note that you need to go shopping.
You went into work, happy to be back actually, but as you walked in, you noticed the stares, and surprised looks. The whispers and gossip. Why? You have no idea, nothing felt right. You felt way better when you woke up that morning, but just like before, your house felt too empty and dull.
You clocked in and started on work, being introduced to some of the new dogs. Getting to know them and even start small on the training. Mostly the obstacle course, testing their stamina and their speed. Seeing which one was a quick thinker and which one wasn't, it was going pretty well, until Shanks came by.
"Hey! Y/N! I see you left that big fluffy dog at home today," he said with a big smile.
"What...dog? I don't have one," you said confused. You watched as Shanks's bright face turned dull with concern.
"What do you mean you don't have a dog? Everyone has been talking about how Pyro isn't by your side, some of the smaller dogs were about excited to see him today," Shanks said, brows furrowed.
"Are you all pulling a prank on me or something," you suddenly asked, coldly.
"Y/N, you really don't remembe-"
"Shanks I have never had a dog since I moved out and got my own place. I don't know what your on but you need to get off of it."
This stunned the red haired male as you walked away, a scowl on your face, this was bad. All the talk this morning made him confused, some of them have even asked him about it, telling them that he had no idea. Shanks knew you better than anyone other than Isuka, hell she wasn't even here. You weren't supposed to be here either. Hearing how you got ticked off because of your overworking hours because you were out injured. It was like all of your memories were whipped away, like they never existed in the first place. Shanks needed to know more, if it was really as bad as he thought it was, then it might get bloody. Because not only were you effected, you, his friend that felt like a child that he adopted. But the old man's child, one of the kings children, and not only that, but Shanks's old man.
You grumbled, stomping down the hall ,looking for a inflating suit to put on. Maybe you could find someone to be your partner in training a dog in attacking. But it seemed like all of them were gone, this made you even more irritated than before. It was all so frustrating, the cold, the emptiness, the dullness, the whispers, the loneliness. It was getting to you, but for what fucking reason!? You have always been alone since you broke up with Law, and you never had a damn problem with it.
So why now? Why were you having problems? Why was everything you heard not true, they were all pranking you. They had to be. None of their words were real.
Shanks walked down the hallway, a lonely and creepy hallway, phone in hand as he dialed a number. Putting it up to his ear as it ringed, waiting for the woman to pick up.
"Whitey Bay, we have a problem."
Chapter 1
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loousir · 3 years
[Gorgon] Some Secrets Should be Said
Gorgon Male x Unaware/Oblivious Male Reader
Warnings: Tiniest ammout of homophobia/racisim, smoochin in a supply closet, YOU MAY BE IN HIGHSCHOOL BUT YOU ARE 18
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It was an early Monday morning. The usual early birds were arriving at school, you being one of them. Rumor was going around of a new student getting enrolled. There were only three high schools in this small town; One for monsters, one for humans, and one for both. You were enrolled in the one that shared with monsters. The overall relations in the school were good, other than the typical high school antics.
You had just been dropped off by your sibling and we're walking into the building. A few people smiled your way and you smiled back, heading to your first hour. The teacher was a Satyr and she was a bubbly as ever, happy to see you in the morning. "Good morning (Y/n), we have a new student coming today." Your ears perked up and you looked over to her.
"Ah, we do? So the rumor was true after all?" She laughed and said, "Yes! He's gonna make a bit of history here." You became confused at her statement as you walked over to your seat. "What do you mean by that?" You asked setting your bag on the table. "I might get in a bit of trouble for telling but..." She walked over, her hooves clacking on the floor as she did. She leaned in on the table, "He will be the first Gorgon to be enrolled into the school!"
She seemed overly excited about the new student but you smiled at her enthusiasm. "You seem awfully happy about that. Is he in our class?" You asked, sitting down in your chair. Her smiled seemed to get wider as she nodded. You paused for a moment and leaned back. "Does that mean he's gonna sit by me?" She nods again. "Yep! You are the only one without a table partner. I'm sure you'll be fine. He's a nice kid." She ruffeled your hair and you swatted her hands away. "Auntie, you know I'm taken right?" She isn't your biological aunt but she's very close with your mom so you call her it for fun.
She laughed and walked away saying, "He's a cute one." You sighed and rolled your eyes as you pulled out your phone. You opened Snapchat and sent a message to your boyfriend.
You took a cute selfie, looking down at the phone while your forehead rested on the table.
Aunties super excited about our new student.
Ngl, I kinda am too. She said he was a Gorgon and I think she's onto my facination with cute snakes xx
You sent the snap and put your phone face down on the table before resting your face on your bag. A minute or so passed before you got a message back.
It was a black screen but he usually sent one. Admittedly, you have never seen him but you respected that since you fell in love with his personality, which was charming as ever.
Don't go cheating on me now ;)
I might just have to show you I'm cuter xx
You smiled and took another selfie.
So that means I get to see you then??? Game on babe xx
You smiled as you sent it. Yeah, it was cheesy flirting but it made you happy none the less. A few seconds later he messaged back with another black screen.
Hmm, I just might lol
You sent that you love him too and put your phone in your pocket. Smiling slightly as you looked up to see that some other students were starting to show up. Soon enough, the first bell for class to start rings and students filter in, taking their seats. Five minutes later, you still haven't seen a certain Gorgon as the final bell rings, saying anyone who wasn't there was late.
Gotta get to class, message you when I can
Love you xx
Mrs. Hucksburry stood at the front of the class, writing some last minute things on the board. "Alright class," Most of the students quiet down at her words. "As you may have heard, we have a new student today! I want you to treat him with respect as he is one of us," She said referring to her fellow monsters. "He is the first of his kind to be enrolled into our schools system." Right as she finished speaking, the door opened to show a rather handsome face and a the obvious 'hair' that came in the shape of several small, darkly colored snakes that seemed to form some sort of style.
He wore rather nice and stylish clothes, very 90's -esk. Mrs. Hucksburry smiled more and looked over to him. "Good morning Mr. Lamollot, glad to see you made your way here." He smiles a cute and almost shy smile, making a pair of girls in class giggle. You watched and tuned out what they were saying before seeing he was looking at you.
You waved to him as he walked over to your table. "I'm guessing you're (Y/n)?" You smiled and nodded, "That'd be me." You put your bag on the floor next to the table and he quietly sat down next to you. "I'm Eros by the way." He was quiet when he spoke as class had officially started. You pulled out a notebook with a pen/pencil and made a message page.
You have the same name as my boyfriend!
You tore the paper out and slid it over to him while he was getting his own notebook and pen. Notes were handwritten on the board since the projector broke and hadn't been replaced yet but no one seemed to mind. The paper was slid back over to you.
Really? What are the chances of that?
His hand writing was nice for a boy and you looked out of the corner of your eye to see him smiling. You smiled too and wrote back.
Who knows but I think it's cool
You slid the paper back and he took a minute to slide it back but you patiently waited since you would have done the same. He didn't write anything on it.
You seem pretty chill Eros, wanna hang out at lunch? Also can I see your schedule? • 3 •
The paper was passed back for the fifth time during class and all it said was his schedule along with a "Sure!" underneath. You told him that the two of you share the same schedule. WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe.
You looked over to him to see him looking at the paper. He looked up to you and you smiled. Eros smiled back and took the paper to ask.
Do you have early release too?
You read it as he wrote and he looked up to you. You nodded and he wrote again.
Wanna go chill at the park?
You shrugged and nodded again when he looked up to you. He smiled and nodded as the two of you went back to working on class work. You hadn't noticed it before but, his snakes seemed to be interested in you, which you thought was cute.
--- Skip to Break ---
An hour and a half had passed and the two of you had talked a bit throughout the time. The bell for break just rang and you got up with Eros. The two of you walked out to the hallway. "Let me make a stop by my locker real quick then we can go to next hour and chill there for break." He nodded and leaned against the locker next to you when two girls walked up to him. They were the same pair from first hour.
"Hey Eros, wanna hang with us at lunch?" The "leader" asked, standing in front of him. "Yeah that'd be like, totally cool if you did." Her buddy said, standing next to him. "Oh, sorry, me and (Y/n) al-" She cut him off with a scoff. "Oh you mean halfie? That kids got an imaginary boyfriend. How about you just ditch him and come eat with us." Eros looked over to you to see you had tensed and slowed your movements.
The girls focus turned on you, making you bite your lip. "Do you think you could not ruin this guy? He's like, super hot and doesn't need to be tainted by you." You looked away and felt a vibration come from your phone. You took the chance and opened it to see a message from your boyfriend. She smirked, "Did your 'boyfriend' text you? What'd he say?" She asked in a taunting tone.
You ignored her and opened the message. It was a new picture of the "super hot" guy standing next to you looking down to his phone.
Wanna dip babe?
These bitches are annoying the fuck outta me lol
The three of you looked up to him surprised as you closed your locker. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Guess I had to ruin that surprise cause some bimbos wanna fuck a gay guy." He laughed and walked over to you, grabbing your hand. You were speechless.
How did I not connect the dots earlier? Am I really that dense?
"It's a shame too. I was considering being friends, until you insulted my boyfriend, that is." He locked your fingers and looked back at the two. "Go suck a dildo, whore." Eros flipped them off and walked off with you around the corner, looking for a private spot. "Anywhere there won't be eavesdroppers?" He asked quietly. You nodded and lead him to a back room.
You opened the door with the key you had and let you go in first. The room was pretty nice considering it was useless. You turned on the light at set your bag down, Eros doing the same. "Are you really my boyfriend?" You asked stepping closer to him. He blushed and nodded, "I... I think so... I kind of ruined the supr-mm!" His eyes widened as you connected your lips to his. You pulled away and were about to speak when he connected them again, pressing his body into yours slightly.
He pulled away and you smiled, a blush was covering your face. "I've wanted to do that for so long." You said looking up to him slightly. "Me too." He said, hugging you close. "Why did you lie to me about being human?" You asked, resting your face on his chest. "I was... Scared of how you'd react if I told you the truth." You pulled away and looked up to him. "Are you kidding? Look what I was missing out on!" You said, making gestures to him.
Eros smiled and laughed. "I have a question for you though," You tilted your head slightly. "Why did they call you halfie?" You looked away and brushed back the hair around your ears. The tips of them were pointed much like an elf's but not as long. "My dads an elf. They like to use it as an insult since they're full and I'm not..."
Eros smiled again and nuzzled his nose to the crook of your neck. His snakes were gently booping their noses against your cheek as if giving you small kisses. You giggled at the sensation and he hummed to ask what was so funny. "Your snakes are cute." You said gently intertwining your fingers with them. He gently kissed your neck and rubbed your sides. "Well, they love you just as much as I love you." He said closing his eyes and hugging you.
You smiled and removed your hand to cup his cheek and make him look at you. His golden eyes were half lidded as he did. "Well," You said almost mocking him in away. "I love you and your snakes too." His eyes closed as he leaned in and yours did the same, both of your lips connecting again.
Eros pressed himself into you as both of you kissed. You pulled away first for air and he kissed your cheek and jaw lightly. You checked your phone when he pulled away he asked. "I'm curious how you got a key to a janitors closet." You leaned up to him and kissed his cheek. "My biological uncles the principal and he gave me the room to chill if I need to. It's usually where I would hang out for lunch but I dont really need to anymore since early release and all."
He "ooh'd" and nodded. "Makes sense. Wish I had a place like this at my old school." He looked back at you and his eyes went to your hair while you were checking something on your phone. Eros almost hesitantly brushed his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You jumped slightly at the sudden touch but enjoyed it none the less. "We have 4 minutes by the way." You said closing your eyes and leaning into his hand.
"Your hair is really nice. It's so soft." He smiled when you did and he gently kissed your nose while removing his hand from your hair. You tried your best to make it look like how it did before. "Sorry." He said gently with a small laugh. "Don't be, let's head to next hour so we can get this day done with and hang out." He nodded at your words and you grabbed his hand as the two of you grabbed your bags and quietly made it to the class you're meant to be in.
--- Skip to End of Day ---
The last two hours of school they had went by pretty quickly. The bell for lunch and early release seniors rang, making most people rush to leave or go to lunch. You and Eros lagged behind, waiting for the halls to clear a bit. He gently grabbed your hand as you finished putting your bag on. "Do you wanna go to the park or my house? I have a car so it doesn't matter too much on which you pick." He said with a small laugh.
You blushed and shrugged, "I would probably like your house since it's kinda cold out right now..." The two of you walked out of the class, hand in hand. The pair of girls from earlier watched with hatred/jealousy as the two of them walked out together. They were all going the same way so they got to see Eros walk you to his 1969 Blue Camaro.
Eros unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you to get in to which you gladly accepted. You set your bag down by your feet and buckled as he set his bag in the back and got in. "I hope my dad isn't home." He said closing his door and starting the car. "Why do you say that?" You asked as he buckled his seat belt.
He sighed and leaned back on his seat. "He doesn't actually know we're... Y'know, dating. Or if he does he has no clue you're a guy..." You nodded and looked to him while he backed out from the parking lot. "We can still go to the park. I'll survive I'm sure." You said softly. "Plus I kinda wanna wear your jacket..." You mumbled the last part while looking away but he heard and smiled, acting as if he didn't hear.
"There's one close to my house we can go to. It's pretty cool if you wanna go there." Eros said while stopping at a light. "That sounds good." He smiled again and looked over to you before looking back at the light. Seeing it change to green, he stepped on the gas again and headed to the destination.
The ride was comfortably quiet other than the occasional comment about something in the passing scenery. "Ok, we're here." Eros said, parking his car in the relatively empty parking lot. "I've never seen this place before. It's really pretty." You said as the two of you stepped out.
"Yeah. It's pretty quiet here. I usually hang out here after school. I have never been home "on time" since I got a car 3-ish years ago." You smiled and held his hand as he locked the car and put the keys away. "I'll take you to my favorite spot. There's all kinds of secret areas thanks to the trees." He said with a slight child like glee. You giggled like the school boy that you are as he dragged you along through a beautiful walkway that was shaded by the trees. "Gods it's so pretty here." You said under your breath.
You walked for what felt like forever before he shifted to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He removed his hand to show one of the few non blank pictures he sent. "Oh wow." The winter sun was shining over the neighboring town, giving a good idea of just how small it was. "We have a cliff?" You asked suddenly, making Eros laugh and hug you close to his body.
Eros smiled as he took a turn off the path and up a small hill. He stopped and gently let go of your hand, covering your eyes. You reached up to remove his hand but he stopped you. "W-what are you doing Eros?" He giggled and started walking, making you grab onto him afraid of running into something. "Eros?!"
"Don't worry babe. I promise it's nothing bad. I know you'll like it."
"Kinda crazy right?" He said before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nodded as his snakes gently booped you're temple and cheek again, making you smile. You reached up and gently placed a hand on Eros' cheek, rubbing your thumb against his jawline. "Wanna sit down? I have two and a half hours before I have to be home." You nodded again and he pulled away, leading you over to a fairly large tree.
He took off his jacket and tossed it up onto a branch before jumping into the tree himself. You were surprised before he reached down to help you up. "C'mon, it'll give us some privacy just incase anyone comes over here." You somewhat hesitantly took his hand and he helped pull you up onto the thick tree branch. He leaned back against the trees core, letting his legs hang down and inviting you to do the same against him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence again while he hugged you close, resting his head against your shoulder. "I love you. A lot." He mumbled softly into your ear. You smiled and held onto the top of his hand that was holding onto your stomach. "I love you a lot too." You mumbled back. "Oh and, do you wanna wear my jacket now? I noticed you were shivering ever since we started walking."
You blushed and looked down to the tree branch and ground below it. "I didn't think you heard me say that..." He giggled and leaned forward a bit, grabbing the jacket off the branch it was hooked on to. You moved forward and he helped you put the slightly bigger jacket on. You snuggled into the lingering warmth, taking in his soft cologne.
"Your jacket smells good babe." Eros chuckles and pulls you against his chest again. "Well, it's got my favorite cologne on it so if course it smells good." You smile and let your head fall back against his shoulder and he kissed your temple.
"So. Do you wanna explain yourself a bit?"
Minimal spell/grammar checking, also set up for a part 2?
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starlessea · 3 years
𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙖𝙨 - Prologue 0. Closing Time
Series Masterlist: Step on the Gas
Summary: A dishonourable discharge from the military results in you being hauled off to live with your grandparents in the boonies, otherwise known as the middle of nowhere Georgia. After running over a nail on the road, and pushing your grandpa's vintage Camaro to the nearest auto-shop, you meet Daryl Dixon - the local mechanic. At some point, the world ends, but that stubborn man never gives you a chance to slow down. His smile gives you whiplash, but he still insists that you to step on the gas.
Words: 6286
Chapter Warnings: Language, Injury
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The sky was empty — save for one bird.
Daryl watched it fly above him, so close to the ground that he could make out the beating of its wings and swore he saw individual feathers flutter in the breeze.
His fingers itched over his crossbow, as he contemplated shooting it down from the sky and plucking it clean. He'd have something to eat then, at least. Though, for some reason, Daryl Dixon couldn't bring himself to let loose his arrow, watching as the bird soared overhead — and disappeared beyond the trees.
The man sighed as he kicked up some loose stones with the toe of his boot. What a waste, he thought, before trudging through the field once again.
The sky remained cloudless for the rest of the day, existing as a pale, washed-out grey that made Daryl feel uncomfortable as he hunted. The game must have felt the same, since the deer he'd been tracking made itself scarce, and the string of squirrels hanging from his belt seemed no heavier than it had done when the sun rose that morning.
Still, he trekked onwards over the thick, winding grass and through damp forest overgrowth. He was nearly back at the quarry already, but he hardly had anything to show for it. A few measly rodents and a sprained ankle were barely worth his trip in the first place; they sure as hell wouldn't be enough for all of the mouths he now had to feed.
Daryl cursed at himself for hesitating to shoot that bird straight out of the sky, and clip its wings. It wasn't much, but maybe it would have lasted a day if he was lucky. Still, there was no use wondering now, since it had swooped so close to him that he almost felt the downward draft on his cheek — and then he let it fly away.
He thought that it had been a jaeger; it definitely looked like a seabird that had veered too far from the shore. It was a gull with a white breast and dark, blackish feathers — and a wingspan that made sure you couldn't miss it.
He remembered you pointing one out to him, at 3am, parked up on that deserted beach as the two of you stared out into the rocking ocean.
"Ya thinkin' 'bout 'er again, baby brother?"
Daryl could hear Merle's voice taunt, in the deepest, darkest corners of his thoughts.
"Tha' lil' birdie of yours?"
He quickly shook his head — even though it was the truth.
It had been Daryl's own mind that conjured up those words, after all. Merle wasn't actually here. He was probably back at the campsite, lazing about and leering after women far too good for a beaten-up redneck like him.
Though, funnily enough, Merle had said the exact same thing to Daryl when he noticed his gaze settling over the new bar server, who swiped away the froth spilling over from their draught beers. Merle had given him even more of an earful when he realised that his younger brother was waiting for her shift to end.
Daryl took a deep breath, before rolling his neck to try and relieve the tension that had built up there. Once his mind drifted into thoughts of you — even if only for a split second — it often sank to the point of no return.
You were all consuming; you had been from the first time he laid eyes on you in that old, country auto-repair shop.
He remembered the way your voice chirped like a bird's, despite the curses that often fell from your lips.
You even made those sound sweet.
And he could also recall the way you yelled over the rumble of his bike engine, and competed with the screeching that came from his tyres losing their grip on the worn-out tarmac.
You'd told him that it felt like you were flying — and that was probably the reason why Daryl Dixon couldn't shoot that jaeger.
Then, the man heard something louder than he had done since the world ended — and suddenly, the sky was no longer empty.
There was an explosion, and that dull greyness was set alight with brilliant hues of red and orange. It made fire start to rain down upon Daryl, who could only stand and watch below. Debris fell out of the sky like a meteor shower, landing beyond the trees in the distance — to a place that Daryl couldn't quite make out, no matter how much he squinted.
The air became full with the sounds of scraping metal and flickering flames that caught the leaves and made them burn up like the end of a cigarette. Daryl felt his heart race as the adrenaline pumped its way through his veins, and made him flinch each time something crashed heavily to the ground.
There was often a moment in a person's life where their brain got kick-started into gear — and they awoke from whatever auto-pilot they'd been functioning on until that point.
For most, it was probably a mundane milestone like marriage or parenthood.
For others, it might have been a life or death situation that made them re-evaluate their perspective.
For some, it had only happened when the world actually ended, and the apocalypse began.
And perhaps, if Daryl had been a smarter man, it would have been this instant — as he gazed up at the sky and watched it burn above him. Maybe this was his second life-changing realisation; maybe he was lucky enough to get two.
But, for Daryl, the first had just been a regular Tuesday.
The garage was sticky hot that day. It was the kind of heat that made you sweat no matter how many fans you had blowing — since Old man Dean was too cheap to install air conditioning. His boss was a bit of a stickler for paying his bills, and nit picky with his nickles, but he'd always been kind to Daryl.
That being said, working as a mechanic wasn't exactly where Daryl had pictured himself at his age; but then again, he couldn't really picture himself anywhere at all. He felt like that last piece of the jigsaw puzzle, which didn't quite fit in with the others — the one that you had to bend into shape just to make it work.
Sure, he enjoyed seeing the different bikes roll in and out of the shop — those models he would never be able to afford — and Daryl appreciated having a few extra dollars in his pocket for when Merle raided his savings to score some pot.
Besides, there wasn't much else to do in the boonies. Daryl's old man once told him that the only interesting thing to rear its ugly head out of Georgia's backyard in the last fifty years was Dean's Auto Shop. That's probably why Daryl started working there in the first place, as a summer job when he was teenager — and had never really left since.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, his old man had been right about one thing — despite the bastard never catching on to the role of father. He'd been right about the shop being the only interesting thing around.
Because it was the place where he met her.
And then she became the only thing in that small town even worth being interested in.
Daryl didn't hear a car pull up into the shop, but he heard the mumbling outside from where he sat in the breakroom — chewing on some of Dean's leftover pizza that was bordering on stale.
"Dixon, get your ass out here for a second, would you?" the old man yelled, banging on the thin wall that separated them with his fist.
Daryl cursed below his breath, throwing the rest of his food into the trash and dusting off his hands over his jeans. He stepped out into the shop, and was met by an unfamiliar face — looking over at him curiously.
He suddenly felt unexplainably nervous, and dropped his head down to his feet as though it were a reflex he didn't know he had.
"This is your guy," he heard Dean say, before letting out one of his usual chesty coughs.
The man smoked a pack a day too much — and that was coming from Daryl.
"Owner of that bike you've been eyeing, too," he went on.
That caught Daryl's attention, and he instantly glanced up at the woman in question. She was breath-taking, but she also looked very much out of breath. She seemed as though she had run here, despite the Georgia heat.
"You ride?" he asked, but his gruff voice made it sound like more of a demand.
He grimaced at his own tone, but the woman didn't seem bothered by it in the slightest.
She laughed, and it sounded like nothing he'd ever heard before. "I wish," she said, running her palm along the polished metal and tracing her finger over that shiny logo.
Usually, Daryl would bark at anyone who touched his bike, and Dean seemed as though he expected him to do just that — from the way he raised an eyebrow at the daring woman, too oblivious for her own good.
Except, Daryl stayed quiet.
"Was never allowed within a mile radius of one," she went on, before turning back around to grin at Daryl like it was easy. "My folks were scared I'd take off into the sunset, never to be seen again."
He could relate to that. After all, it was exactly what he and Merle had done as soon as they'd gotten the chance.
"Mhm," he hummed back, before glancing over at the car parked in the middle of the shop. "She's pretty."
It was a steel blue colour — would definitely benefit from a lick of paint, but still pretty nonetheless. The tread looked good on the tyres, and Daryl couldn't see any signs of the rusting those models were prone to. Someone had taken good care of it.
"Excuse me?" the woman asked, and suddenly Daryl was reminded of just how bad he was with words.
He cleared his throat, and ran his hand over the hood.
"Yer car," he explained, "'69 Chevy Camaro?"
Daryl asked, but he already knew the answer.
"Oh yeah, that," she replied, sending him an apologetic look. "It's my grandpa's, so we're going to have to be real discreet about this situation over here."
Daryl raised an eyebrow as she beckoned him to the other side of the car, crouching down near the wheel arch.
"Some bastard left a nail in the road, and I ran straight through the thing like it was a stop sign," she grumbled, pointing out the puncture.
Daryl almost laughed at that — but he was still much too jaded from being caught in the middle of his break.
The woman stood back up and toed the deflated tyre with her boot, scowling at the sight of it.
"I know you're closing soon, but I had to push it half a mile just to get here," she said, and wiped her brow with the back of her hand.
Suddenly, her appearance made sense. Since he'd first laid eyes on her, all she'd done was tug at the collar of her vest, and try to stand in front of one of those poor excuses for a fan. But even then, Daryl couldn't quite believe her story.
"Ain't no way ya pushed that thing 'ere by yerself." The words left his mouth before he could consider them twice.
And the look she shot Daryl in return made him want to take them straight back.
But then, she smiled.
"I'm stronger than I look," she protested, leaning against the hot car. "You can ask the dozen assholes who catcalled me on the way but never offered their help."
This time, Daryl did let out a chuckle.
"Damn lucky y'ain't pass out," he quipped back, "heat's no joke."
She grinned again, and Daryl wondered whether she had an endless supply — or if she'd saved them just for him.
"Tell me about it," the woman teased. "Never liked visiting Georgia because of it."
Then, it all made sense to Daryl — the reason why she intrigued him so much.
"Y'ain't from 'round here, are ya?" he asked, surprising himself.
Usually, he couldn't give a 'rat's ass', as Dean called it, about anyone who stumbled into their shop. Never did they get more than a half-hearted greeting from Daryl, or a grunt as he told them to mind their head on that low door frame (she didn't have that problem). Though today, he seemed oddly talkative.
"Haven't seen ya before," he added.
The woman folded her arms over her chest.
"Would you recognise me if you had?" she asked.
"E'erybody knows e'erybody in this place," he answered. "I'd remember if I saw ya cross the street."
It was partially the truth. Daryl knew most people — but he only bothered to remember a select few.
"Moved here last week," she caved, proving him right. "I'm keeping my grandparents company watching daytime cable and doing grocery runs."
Daryl smirked. "An' runnin' over nails with their car, apparently."
"That, too," she confessed.
It was silent for a few seconds, and Daryl realised that he should probably give her a quote for the job. Though, she interrupted him before he could.
"Listen, your new neighbour would be really grateful if you could cut her a break," she said, eyeing the Camaro like she was considering whether it was even worth the hassle. "The old man's going to kill me if I come home on foot tonight."
Daryl knew what she was asking. The notice in the shop window made it clear that they'd be closing in half an hour; Daryl had been all but ready to flip the sign himself. Before she'd arrived, he'd even dared to think that he could shut early — and possibly get to crack open a cold beer and enjoy the breeze of his porch.
He sighed.
"I'll see what I can do," Daryl mumbled, "but I ain't makin' no promises," he warned — as he caught the way her eyes lit up at his words.
But that was a lie. Daryl knew he wouldn't let himself go home until it was finished.
The woman was utterly gleeful. He watched her smile much too widely for her face, and for a moment Daryl thought that she might even jump at him. But she seemed to catch herself at the last second, and abruptly stopped.
She didn't falter long, though. "Thank you, thank you so much!" she said, excitedly, before pausing to tap at her jean pockets. "I don't have any cash on me for a deposit, but I'm heading to work now."
She looked sheepish as she explained herself.
"I'll come straight back and pay in full," she added, trying her best to convince him.
Daryl narrowed his eyes like he didn't quite understand. Then he did, and he laughed properly.
"Deposit?" he asked, shaking his head. "City girl, here we jus' keep yer vehicle if ya can't pay."
The woman's expression was priceless. She looked as though she couldn't figure out whether he was joking or not, and stared at Daryl with her mouth slightly agape as she debated which it was.
He couldn't watch any longer.
"Where ya workin'?" he asked.
Then, he cursed himself for doing so. Time was ticking on, and he already had to stay overtime because of his inability to say no. Well, usually he had no problem with the word; it just seemed like it was stuck in his throat today.
"Joe's bar," she replied. "It's a few blocks over and-"
"I know Joe's bar," Daryl interrupted.
Everybody knew Joe's. It was the only place around that sold a decent draught beer. He'd been going there since he was a teenager — younger than he should have been, but old enough to know better.
"Me an' my brother go there a lot, but I ain't seen you 'round."
She nodded.
"Only started a few days ago. Hopefully they don't fire me for being late."
Daryl glanced at the clock. It was approaching his closing time and her opening one.
"Ya better get runnin', Camaro," he noted, tapping at his watch that didn't even work. "Rush hour soon."
The woman narrowed her eyes at the nickname. Daryl didn't know her real one yet, and felt like it was too late to ask for it. He'd have to catch a glimpse of Dean's log book later to find out.
"Will do," she replied with a smile. "Thanks again, Dixon."
Though Daryl couldn't quite work out how she knew his name, either.
He watched her scurry about collecting her things, and walked her to the entrance. The sun was starting to set — leaving the sky a pinkish orange that only made him squint the more he looked at it. He held the door open for the woman, and heard Dean snort from the back of the shop. But the way she thanked him made it worth the teasing.
"Take care of that sixties Honda," she winked, "she's a real beauty."
Daryl was surprised that she knew the model of his bike, considering she'd never even ridden one.
"If only ya knew," he mumbled back as he saw her off. "Will take ya for a ride one time if yer willin'."
She stopped in place. Daryl didn't know why he said that. It had just slipped from his mouth like oil from a can.
The woman laughed and rolled her eyes like she didn't believe him.
"That's what they all say."
Then, she started to jog down the street — just like she said she would — and Daryl thought her crazy for even attempting it in this midsummer Georgia weather. That woman had entered the shop like a whirlwind, and when she left Daryl couldn't remember what he'd even been doing before.
Dean cleared his throat and threw a rag at him that he barely managed to catch.
"Keep it in your pants, boy."
Daryl scowled at the man; he knew him better than that. So, he didn't give him the satisfaction of a reply, and instead got started on setting the Camaro up on a jack.
"She's a beauty, I get it," Dean went on, despite his silence. "Her type don't belong in a place like this, that's for damn sure."
Daryl had to agree with him there. He'd gotten a glimpse of his reflection in the wing mirror of her car and grimaced. He had grease on his face, and part of him cursed Dean for not telling him before he'd left the breakroom.
"But you know Mike and Doreen?" the old man asked, and Daryl nodded. "That's their granddaughter."
Daryl furrowed his brow — not realising he'd done it until he caught himself in the glass once again. Mike was a hard man, the type to straighten out any kinks in a person with brute force and that baby boomer spite.
"She may be real pretty, kid, but that one's trouble," Dean noted, confirming his suspicions.
He ignored the way he called him 'kid'. The old man still hadn't grown out of the habit — despite Daryl being well beyond his teenage years now.
"Trouble?" he repeated, like he couldn't quite comprehend the word being associated with someone like that.
Dean chuckled — but it turned into one of those coughs that made Daryl wince.
"Maybe more so than you," he said. "Got kicked out of the military, I heard."
Daryl spat at the floor, and Dean laughed again. They both hated those military dogs who often paraded through their town, looking at them as though they were trash beneath their government-issued boots.
But, if she'd been kicked out then maybe they could find some common ground.
Old man Dean wagged his finger at him, recognising Daryl's no-good expression; he'd become familiar with it by now, from all the times he'd worn it throughout the years.
"So don't go losing your head over her, Dixon," he cautioned, pretending not to know how good Daryl was at throwing caution to the wind.
"And remember to close up before you leave."
But it was too late.
Daryl had already lost his head, and his heart — but he wouldn't know that the latter was missing for a very long time.
You ran the cloth along the oak bar surface, wiping away any sticky beer rings that had been left there.
This is why we have coasters, you sighed.
It had been a slow Tuesday night, but you'd somehow still been roped into working the close. You tried to tell your boss that you were having car troubles, and had plans to stop by the garage on your way home — but he seemed to prioritise his own date over yours.
Well, you wouldn't exactly call giving the local mechanic his cheque a date; usually, you didn't have to pay for those. But you couldn't deny how it had made you feel when he smiled that smile your way — so small that you'd almost missed it — before you took off running out the door.
It gave you whiplash.
Perhaps he was just being friendly. But, then again, he didn't seem like the naturally friendly type. You shook your head, throwing the beer-soaked rag into the sink. You didn't trust that man in the slightest.
That wasn't a new development, really; you didn't trust most men. And, you often found that the ones who made your heart race like that were the worst of them all. He was trouble, that one, and you'd had enough of that to last a lifetime.
You untied the double knot of your apron, and folded it up neatly. There were a few whiskey stains on it — you'd caught a whiff of that top-shelf scent a few times now — but you were already too late to even consider putting it in the wash. Instead, you left it at the end of the bar, and swapped it out for the ring of keys lying there.
It was closing time, and you prepared yourself to run three blocks in the dark. You stepped out into the night, feeling the cool breeze on your cheek as opposed to the midday heat that had been there when your shift started. You flipped the latch and turned the key in the lock until you heard it click.
Then, you held them between your knuckles so that the jagged edge poked out.
"Ya done for the night?" a voice came from the shadows, and your heart dropped.
That brief second lasted a lifetime as the blood rushed to your ears like a strong current through running water, and your grip tightened over those keys. But then, you noticed the reflection in the glass panels of the door — and relaxed.
"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me," you scolded the man, "thought you were a dejected patron tryna jump me or something."
Perhaps he was; you still didn't know any better.
Dixon was leaning against that dingy brick wall, opposite the back door of Joe's Bar. You didn't even know what that other building was — but some sketchy figures usually loomed about it, so you tried to stay clear.
Maybe he didn't get the memo, you thought.
"Tha' happen before?" the man asked back, casually.
Though, the dim street lights overhead illuminated his face, and you caught a glimpse of his serious expression before he let it drop. He held a lit cigarette between his fingers — almost smoked down to the butt already — and it made you wonder just how long he'd been waiting for you.
"Maybe once or twice," you laughed, but it didn't sound as natural as you had intended.
You noticed the man's eyes flicker down towards the keys held between your knuckles, and you quickly slipped them into your jean pocket — hoping that he wouldn't pry. Luckily, he didn't seem like the type to unnecessarily butt into other people's business.
The smoke trailed from his lips and caught the stark light of the street lamp. He almost looked cold — bathed in that bluish tint which made those cigarette fumes seem nearly luminescent.
"You here to make sure I don't run off with your paycheck?" you teased, fishing out the wad of bills from your back pocket.
You waved them at him, and considered how precarious the situation may seem to an onlooker if they happened to pass by. The man looked as though he felt the same, since he quickly glanced over his shoulder down the alleyway — checking to make sure you were alone.
"Don't worry, Dixon, I busted my ass tonight just so I could leave you a nice tip," you said with a smile, handing the money to him.
He took it, slowly, as though he had to remind himself what it was even for.
Then, he let that cigarette butt fall to the floor, and stamped it out with his boot — before dragging it along the concrete until it was nothing but embers.
The man shook his head at you. "'M here on behalf of the welcome committee."
You snorted as you processed his words, and followed him out of that narrow alleyway into the main street.
"Bullshit," you called, "as if-"
You rounded the corner after him, and stopped. He was there, leaning against that pristine sixties Honda bike — spare helmet in hand.
It was parked up on the sidewalk, polished metal glinting in all its glory under those neon lamps. Dixon was almost camouflaged against it — his black leather jacket also speckled with white light. He held out that helmet, as if it were an invitation he was waiting for you to accept.
But he seemed shy — as though acutely aware that it was only an invite, and nothing more. So, you took it, and shook your head as you realised that it wasn't his spare helmet he had offered you; it was his only helmet.
"Said I'd take ya," he murmured, fastening the strap gently under your chin.
It was too big, so the man compensated by tying it tighter until you felt like your jaw was wired shut. But, you just smiled.
"An' I ain't no liar," he said when he was done, and kicked his leg over the bike.
Then, you sped off into the night.
You yelled over the sound of the engine for him to go faster, and laughed as you had to spit out the stray hairs that had blown into your mouth. Your clothes whipped in the wind, too, and you clung to the man in front of you as though you were afraid they might catch the draft, and make you fly away. It was electrifying; your whole body felt like pure static as you rode past shop displays and windows that made your reflections look like hazed blurs.
That whole trip felt like a hazed blur, really, because suddenly you were there.
"Where are we?" you asked, unsure of where 'there' even was. "Why'd we stop?"
You pulled the helmet from your head and cocked your leg over the bike. The man let out a chuckle at the sight of your hair, sticking up from the static — as though lightning might strike at any moment.
"Smoke break," Dixon grumbled, before coaxing out the squashed cardboard packet from his jeans. "You want one?" he asked, offering it to you.
You shook your head; you didn't smoke.
He shrugged in response, cupping his hands to his face to get a flame from his lighter. You left him to it, and turned away from the bike to catch the view.
And what a view it was, indeed.
You hadn't even noticed the sounds of the lapping ocean waves before you saw them. The cliff overlooked the beach below, desolate, with a high tide that drew the shore into you. Your grandmother had told you about this place once, on the phone a few months back as she tried to sell rural Georgia to you.
It wasn't like you were given much of a choice, anyway.
But now that you'd been shipped out here — against your will, no doubt — you had to admit that she'd been partly right. It was breath-taking. Back in the city, a place like this would be littered with beer cans and tacky, disposable barbeques within a week of someone posting about it online. Here, however, it looked untouched.
It was as though the two of you were the first to ever set foot here, on this particular crag that overlooked the waves — leaving your footprints alongside tyre treads for the next pioneers to discover.
You glanced back at Dixon over your shoulder — who was busy trying to look as though he wasn't already looking at you — and smiled.
He was one hell of a welcome committee.
Daryl almost choked on the fumes of his cigarette — letting out a cough that reminded him of the way old man Dean spluttered in the mornings. He really needed to kick that habit, he thought, and snubbed out his cigarette on the ground.
Then, you scowled at him, so he picked the butt back up and stuffed it into his pocket, grimacing at the thought of having to clean it up later.
He had been lying about the smoke break, really, but then he needed to carry out his excuse. Initially, he'd only thought about picking you up from the bar and offering you a ride back to the shop. He hadn't the slightest clue of how that plan had become this.
Somewhere along the way, Daryl might have accidentally taken a wrong turn, and ended up in the most scenic place he would think of. Stupid damn street signs, he cursed, as though he hadn't driven those roads a hundred times before.
Camaro seemed to call him out on his bluff, too, since she turned to face him and immediately shook her head.
"You're lying," she said, as though she were certain, "but the view is extraordinary, so I'll forgive you just this once."
Daryl swallowed thickly, tasting the tobacco that had made his throat so dry. For someone who claimed himself not to be a liar, that was all he seemed to be doing today.
Then, he watched you make your way towards the edge of that cliff, like you couldn't even hear him warning you to be careful. It was like you weren't paying him the slightest attention. Daryl was used to that from women — but somehow, this was different.
You didn't look down on him, nor at him with any hint of prejudice for wearing jeans still coated in oil, and boots he'd had to tape the soles of just to keep them together. In fact, you weren't looking at him at all. You seemed far more concerned with the stars that flickered in the night sky above you, but at the same time grateful towards the man for having brought you to them.
"You treat all your customers like this, Dixon?" you asked him.
He watched you turn around and look at him like you'd only just remembered that he was there. But, then you beamed a smile at him so bright that it put the stars to shame — and made all of your other ones look dim in comparison.
"Y'ain't special," he grumbled, shaking his head. "Jus' given' ya a lift home 'cos Dean told me to."
Though, Dean had left the shop hours ago.
Daryl watched you laugh like you'd caught him out one more time.
"There you go again," you said, teasingly. "Do you ever tell the truth?"
No, he didn't. He always tried to, but oftentimes it never did him any good. The people of this town had already made the assumption that he was a natural born liar. You were the first person to ever make the distinction between his white lies and those other types.
All his life, Daryl had been pigeon-holed into the role of good for nothing redneck, and had only recently graduated to the slightly less stereotyped town mechanic. But that night it was as if someone, for the first time, tried to get a peek at whatever was underneath.
Old man Dean was right. You were trouble — but not for the reason he had said. You were trouble because you seemed entirely unaware of your place in the world, and it made Daryl start to question his own. You seemed nice — perhaps even lovely — but Daryl never trusted those types. He knew you were far too good to be wasting away the early hours of the morning with the likes of him — and it left him wondering what exactly you wanted.
You'd already paid for his services, after all.
"Thank you for letting me see the stars again," you breathed, stretching your neck which ached from staring at the sky. "It's been a while."
Back then, Daryl didn't quite understand what that meant. He'd thought perhaps that you'd been talking about city pollution.
On the way back, Daryl felt you cling onto him tightly as he drove through empty roads, and passed the old, flickering street lights that blinked like camera flashes. But, when his fingers accidentally brushed up against yours, as you both reached for the shop door, you pulled your hand away.
It had only been a random Tuesday — that had eventually rolled into a Wednesday by the time he'd gotten you back into your repaired Camaro — but that was the moment in his life where Daryl felt like he had finally woken up.
But even awake, he often found himself lost in daydreams of the woman who crash landed into his life, and disappeared from it just as quickly as she came.
Daryl followed the trail of debris that had fallen from the sky, as though he were tracking some giant, metal bird. He didn't want to stick around too long, given that the noise had probably attracted every damn walker in the area; he just hoped that he was still far enough away from camp that they wouldn't be drawn there.
He stepped over the hunks of hot wreckage, some of it still ablaze, until he eventually came across something soft and not made of metal.
It was that jaeger. It was dead.
It looked as though it had been struck straight out of the sky. Its feathers lay scattered around it — the white breast now red with blood — and its wing was bent at a crooked angle, broken.
Daryl scowled. If he'd known that it was going to have such a meaningless death, then he would have shot it himself. Though, he still didn't add the bird to his string of dead animals; he thought that it had suffered enough.
He continued onwards through the brush until he stumbled across what he'd been looking for. But even as he saw it with his own eyes, Daryl couldn't quite believe it. Before him was the husk of a downed helicopter, burning in the middle of the forest.
Immediately, he ran to it, tripping over the wreckage as it got thicker and harder to navigate.
Though, there was no pilot inside — only radios and machinery parts that Daryl didn't know the names of. They screeched high frequency sounds as they caught on fire, and it made his ears ring the longer he listened.
So, he turned back.
That was when he saw it — them — a few meters away. His stomach dropped. Guess that's the pilot, he thought, looking up at the body tangled in the trees.
He'd never seen a parachute in real life before — only ever in the movies. He'd also never understood how that flimsy material could stop someone from plummeting to their death.
Well, in this case it hadn't.
The pilot was dangling from one of the branches, all caught up in those wire cables like a fish on a line. The limbs were contorted awkwardly, and Daryl swallowed thickly at the sight of their arm which had definitely been broken — reminding him of that miserable jaeger's wing.
He'd been all but ready to turn around and leave. The smell of burning rubber and the white noise from those radios would probably keep him up for the next few nights, but there was nothing he could do about that.
He'd been all but ready to turn around and leave, but then the body spoke to him.
"Dixon?" he heard it gasp.
And Daryl wondered just how many impossible things he might encounter today.
The voice startled him, and he almost stumbled over his own foot in return. Walkers couldn't speak, and they surely wouldn't know his name, either. Then, he caught the slightest movement, and recognised a jacket much too familiar. It had been his, after all, before he'd given it to you.
The pilot groaned, and Daryl recognised that tone of voice, too. He quickly fumbled about for his pocket knife, not even stopping to consider how the hell he'd be able to cut you down.
He couldn't even comprehend how you were alive-
"How's it hanging?" the voice spluttered.
-and how you'd kept that same god awful sense of humour.
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A/N I’ve tried so hard to post this, sorry for all the technical difficulties...
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Mafia Scenarios
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Cai Xukun
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Cai Xukun, a name that is well-known whether you go to the same school with him or not. He was notorious for not only being the heartrob of the school, the best basketball player the school had ever had, a hard-working student and a caring person.
Even so, there was a rumour going around that he was part of a gang. Now, this wasn't your typical school gang or a motorcycle gang but more so a mafia group. Not only that, the rumours has it that he is even a leader of one of the mafia's group.
But despite his reputation, Kun was never one to play with people's feelings. So he would always decline people's confessions as nicely as he could. Truth be told that it was mainly because there was already someone that caught his attention since the first day he came to the school (*cough*you*cough*).
Of course, because of his reputations and all, he didn't really want to make his crush that obvious, especially when he was in a mafia group. Though, his group were more so dealing with the actual scums rather than causing trouble for the authority (which is why the authority would let his group go).
But that would soon change during one of his important matches. Not only was he against his school's biggest rival but also his mafia's rival. If he won the game, it'd be killing two birds with one stone.
Unfortunately, when the match was going fairly well for Kun's side, his rival's side had their own set of tricks. Apparently, some of his rival's group were scattered around the school, finding one specific person, you.
While you did try to put up a fight and all, you were outnumbered and the opposing rival managed to get ahold of you. Once the game was over and Kun's team had won, they had to shake hands with the opposing team which of course, Kun did as well. However, when he got to his mafia's rival, he received a disturbing information.
"It was a good game but looks like you guys could still use some practice" Kun snickered, shaking hands with his rival
"I wouldn't be too cocky if I were you, August" his rival challenged, making Kun tensed up upon hearing his work name
"Don't test me, especially in school. I suggest you leave quietly unless you're starting to pick a fight" Kun barked
"Heh, well, let's see how tough you can get when you're with (y/n)" his rival mentioned, makin Kun gripped on his rival's hand even more
"What do you know about (y/n)?!" Kun growled
"Why don't you come by dinner tonight? I'll send you the location" his rival smirked, taking his hand back and leaving the school along with his team
Kun instantly contacted his own members, asking them to track your phone since he tried calling and texting you but you didn't reply him at all (which is actually very rare unless you told him you had something to do).
At the same time Kun received an unknown message, his members found your phone's location which was completely different to the location in the message.
Kun then split his group to two, with him going to the location he got from the message whilst the others go to the location where they tracked the phone down.
It wasn't that much of a surprised that you weren't at the location Kun went. But that didn't stop Kun from going brutal with the rival gang. After he was done there, he went over to where you actually were on his motorcycle.
Arriving at the scene, Kun wasted no time and just knocked the rival gang even when he was still on his motorcycle. When Kun did get down from his motorcycle, he kept going until he finally reached you and pulled you into a hug.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Kun asked, concern can be heard from his cracked yet soft voice
"I, I'm alright, Kun. I just got a slight bruise but nothing too serious" you admitted, holding onto Kun's hands that were almost 2x your hand size
"If you ever come near her ever again, I'll show no mercy next time. Now scram" Kun hissed, making the boys run away from the scene
"I'm fine, Kun. Don't scare them like that" you stuttered
"Let's go, let's put some ice pack onto that bruise, hmm? Then we can continue watching that drama you were watching. Let's go boys" Kun mentioned, pulling you to his motorcycle
Chen Linong
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Honestly, Nongnong is just too soft to be part of the mafia. Which is also why he is perfect to be the spy in the mafia XD alright, onto the scenario
So, I imagine that you were one of the bad girls in school. Not bad as in you caused trouble but more so you look like a baddie when you're actually nice to the ppl close to you. One of which was Nongnong.
When Nongnong first came to the school, he looked so cute and soft that you swore that you wouldn't let anybody bully him nor hurt him at all. You even helped him get used to the school.
Time passed by and you and Nongnong were quite close with each other that even went on a few study dates here and there; which Nongnong of course would take you home like the gentlemen he was.
But one study date made you change your mind how you saw Nongnong. All this time you would always feel the need to be the one to protecc precious Nongnong, but this time, it was the other way around.
The both of you stayed a bit longer than expected at the study cafe you guys always come for when you were doing school stuff. But of course both of you have told your parents and Nongnong even told your parents he'll still bring you home safely.
As the cafe was closing, you and Nongnong finally head back home when suddenly a gang of motorcycles came by and stopped right in front of you. Nongnong tried his best to tell them off but for no apparent reason they just burst up and went to charge towards you and Nongnong.
You've experienced fighting before which is why you were still standing, unfeared of what this gang could do. But as you were about to fight back, Nongnong quickly stood in front of you and beat all the people in the gang; scaring them off and even threatening them that if he ever sees them again or even hears about them when he's around, he won't go easy.
"Are you ok (Y/N)? Are you hurt anywhere?" Nongnong asked, his voice turning into his normal soft voice
"I, you, what? Who are you and what have you done to my sunshine soft precious Nong?!" you exclaimed, pointing at Nongnong and at the slight mess he made
"Ahaha, I'm also super Nongnong!! Remember? But for reals (y/n), are you alright?" Nongnong asked in concern, holding your hands in his
"I'm fine. You didn't have to protect me though. You know I can fight" you mumbled
"I know. But you shouldn't have to fight when I'm around. I'll take care of you even when I'm sick. As long as you're fine then I'll be fine. Come, let's go home" Nongnong softly whispered, pulling his signature smile as he pulled you away from the scene and head back home
Fan Chengcheng
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Kay, first of, boy looks like he ready to throw a fit or something XD also, crazy to believe that he was just 18 here. Kay" scenario
For this I imagine that Chengcheng had to attend a wedding of a family member (let's say it's his cousin) and his parents expect him to bring someone or they'll make him mingle around with the people at the wedding.
Because he much prefer to bring someone he knew, he immediately called you to come join him; telling you that he'll find hair, makeup and stylist for you so all you had to do was just join him. Though you're not much of a social person, Chengcheng got you by telling you that there'll be your favourite foods.
Time skip to the day of the wedding
You arrived at the Fan's house and was greeted by Chengcheng's sister, Fan Bingbing. Because you've been to his house several of times, truth is, his parents and Bingbing were thrilled to hear that Chengcheng invited you to join.
Bingbing then directed you to one of the rooms that was filled with different clothes and she even helped you picked out an outfit then brought you to another room where there were people ready to do your hair and makeup.
After nearly 2 hours of getting ready, you were finally done and Bingbing was helping you zip your dress when Chengcheng came in already in his dashing suit. Bingbing then gave a smirk, leaving you with Cheng.
"Wow, you look amazing? You're probably gonna outshine the bride. Here, lemme help" Chengcheng exclaimed, helping zip your dress up then looking at you in the mirror
"Speak for yourself. That glasses really suits your look. Not to mention the slick back hair with a slight green/blue tone?! Damn, Cheng" you replied as the both of you looked in the mirror
"C'mon, I want one mirror selfie then we can go to the actual event" Chengcheng requested as he took his phone out and taking a mirror selfie with you
After several more pictures, Chengcheng's parents finally called you both and the both of you went downstairs; where Chengcheng's parents and sister were waiting.
After around 30-40 minutes of being on the road, you all arrived at the venue, took some pictures and were redirected to where you would be seated.
"I have to go for a bit. My parents made me go see my cousin then his bride. You just stay here, alright? I'll have someone send some appetisers or any snacks" Chengcheng whispered to you
"Sure thing. Go go, then we can play whilst we wait. Justin is waiting for me right now" you mentioned
"Better be just one game. I'll be back. Don't start the next game without me, tell Justin that I'll take his food next practice if he leaves me out" Chengcheng pointed out, walking away
"Oi!! Watch your step!!" you scolded then went back to playing
Chengcheng's POV
"Why do I have to meet her?" I complained
"Because it's to welcome her into the family" my parents replied
"Ah yes, welcome someone we almost never met into the family" I cursed
"Fan Chengcheng, behave. I heard she's quite lovely" my mom scolded
"Fine. But it better not be long" I scoffed as the security opened the door and I went into my cousin's bride room
"Fan Chengcheng!! I'm so happy you could come to my wedding!!" my cousin's bride exclaimed
"Yea yea. Hold it. You....Jia Xiaoli (random name). You're my cousin's bride?! What trick you got now?!" I threatened standing right in front of her
"No tricks, Cheng. I promise!!" Xiaoli smiled
"Cut the act Xiaoli, you bribed me into dating you and if it wasn't for (y/n), my family would be in jeprodize" I barked at her
"Ahhh right, (y/n). I haven't seen her in a while. How is she?" Xiaoli asked
"She's not your concern. Stay out of my sight and (y/n)'s. And if you ever hurt my family, I'll show you no mercy" I scoffed, banging on the door and returning to where I left (y/n)
Unfortunately, when I arrived back, (y/n) was no where to be seen. I scowered the whole venue yet she wasn't there. I then rushed out to the bathroom, hoping that maybe she was there. I even tried texting her but after 30 minutes and no answer from her at all, I got anxious; like something is wrong here.
I then went out of the venue and contacted Justin if he was talking with (y/n) since they were playing games together. Thankfully, I got somewhat of a lead. Justin mentioned that he's actually on a "call" with (y/n) but he muted his microphone because he heard some other people was on the other line with her. Justin also mentioned that he's trying to track down (y/n) and after a few minutes, Justin sent me her location.
Not caring that the event was starting, I rushed to find (y/n) which turns out, her phone was at one of the hotel rooms of the venue. I then listened to the room first and when I heard (y/n)'s voice, I wasted no time and barged in, dodging all the attacks of the men within the room, knocking them all out one by one and took my jacket off, wrapping it around (y/n).
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? What did they do?" I asked, pulling (y/n) into a hug
"Nothing, thankfully. They made me go with them and when I felt something was off, I called Justin but put the volume at the lowest, hoping he'll know my situation" (y/n) explained
"It's alright, I'm here. I've also asked Justin to come. C'mon let's get outta here" I mentioned, holding (y/n)'s hand
"Justin? Is he invited? What are you gonna do?" (Y/n) asked
"He'll be invited soon. We got a wedding to crash" I snickered, taking (y/n) away from the scene
Justin Huang
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Tbh, I don't think this pose will really fit into the scenario but I will try. Okie, onto the scenario for Justin!!
For Justin, I imagine that you guys were living together along with Chengcheng, Yanjun and Kun for a film shoot and one night, you and Justin were heading out to buy dinner since the geges were basically passed out.
As the both of you were on your way, Justin noticed some sketchy people stalking the both of you. Justin made sure to keep an eye of them but didn't realise that there were a whole lot more of them that blocked your path and while you did put up quite a fight, you were eventually taken and was out of Justin's sight.
When Justin realised you were gone, he didn't waste any time in calling his geges and immediately went to find where they took you. Justin was definitely certain that they were part of the opposing gang that's always trying to get on ninepercent's nerve.
After a bit of running and even getting his geges help, Justin finally found the hideout and instantly barged in. However, the condition he found you in was not a pretty sight.
⚠️ Trigger Warning!! ⚠️
Not only were you bounded to a chair but it seemed that you were being beaten up, there were visible new purpleish bruises on your legs and cheek, not to mention some part of your clothes were ripped, your hair was messed up and even blood was dripping from your mouth, hands and thighs.
At that moment, something in Justin just flipped. As if he turned off his humanity switch (except for you). No-one was going to block his way to you. If they did, he wouldn't care whether they're a guy or girl, he'll put them down.
One after the other, Justin would break their arms/legs, the sound of their suffering even urged Justin to go even further; to the point where Justin didn't care whether he broke their bones, pulled their muscles or so on.
Once all of them were down on the ground, Justin finally managed to get to you. He crouched down to your height and wrapped his jacket over your shivering body and asked if it was alright to carry you which u only gave him a slight nod; and at the same time his geges arrived at the scene.
"It's alright (y/n). I got you, we're gonna go home now, kay?" Justin cooed you as he carried you in his arms
"Justin?! (Y/N)?! Are you guys alright?!" Kun asked as Yanjun and Chengcheng were prepared to shoot anyone
"Sorry to ask this but please take care of them. Oh and make sure they're still alive. I have unfinished business with them. I'm taking (y/n) back first" Justin requested, walking out of the scene
Lin Yanjun
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Tbh, I'm not a fan of this jacket on Jun XD but his gaze bruh, his gaze!!! 🔥🔥 okie, scenario!!
For this scenario, I imagine that you were in Yanjun's hometown in Taiwan and apparently Yanjun's 10th year high school reunion was coming up and decided to bring you along since he only planned on staying for a bit then take you out elsewhere (also to keep all those girls in line before they lashed out on him)
After getting ready and all, you and Yanjun excused yourselves from Yanjun's parents and went out to the bar where the reunion was held. Ofc, when Yanjun entered, so many of his ex girl classmates were thrilled, until he showed up with you, hand in hand.
Yanjun just nodded and waved at his ex classmates before introducing you then he pulled you to the near corner of the table since he knew that you were somewhat socially awkward.
After having a little drink and snacks, it was now almost 9pm and Yanjun wanted to treat you out to the night market before going home. He asked if you wanted to go now which you gave him a slight nod. He told you that he'll go to the restroom for a bit before you leave.
After his restroom business, one of his ex classmates (a girl) went up to him and talked for a bit. At first it seemed like a simple catch up until she started to clustered the space and asked some personal questions about you. Yanjun was quick to know the situation he was in and immediately took control and straight up turned his ex classmate down, making his way to where he left you.
However, he noticed that some of the guys were trying to flirt with you and it seemed that they were getting a bit touchy that you seemed to be quite uncomfortable. Yanjun knew that coming to the reunion was a bad idea. Not only the majority that came were the school bullies but they were also part of a gang which 9% has been paying a close attention to.
Even so, Yanjun know that you could handle yourself and when your gaze met with Yanjun's, you immediately tried to excuse yourself but then one of the guys gripped your wrist which in return you slapped their hand away and even shoved them back down. Just when you managed to get free of these crazy people, another guy managed to grabbed you and pulled you down but at the same time, a dart flew and hit the the person's hand. Everyone then looked to see Yanjun's killer looks.
As everyone was distracted, you pulled yourself up at the same time Yanjun came and stood in front of you, holding your hand softly. Stroking your knuckles, he asked if they did anything else which you shook your head and told him that they just tried to flirt whilst the girls were already somewhat drunk. Yanjun gave you a slight apologetic smile before going back to his cold gaze towards his ex-classmates.
"Can't you tell when a woman is clearly not interested and taken? The next time you do that to my woman or any sort of girls, it won't be a dart flying and the target surely won't be your hand" Yanjun warned, rubbing your knuckles softly before starting to leave
"You think you're all that huh Yanjun?! Just because you made a name for yourself now, you can do as you please, huh?!" one of the guys challenged
"Heh, I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Wouldn't want people to know about your 'illegal business' or the fact that you've been out with 10 different women this past week, now would you?" Yanjun challenged back, slightly smirking as the guy's face suddenly turned pale
"Thought so. C'mon (y/n), let's get outta here. The night market doesn't close until 11pm" Yanjun whispered, giving you a genuine smile as you went out together hand in hand like how you came in together
Zhu Zhengting
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Mama Ting!! That gaze!! I surrender!! I won't play games till late at night!!! Kay", scenario time!!
Ok, for mama Ting, I feel that he's dating with a normal office worker (aka you), you guys met through mutual friends and for some reason, Zhengting feels at ease whenever he's with you (like, not awkward at all, unlike with most girls).
Zhengting was just waiting at your apartment and cooking up some dinner for the both of you since you told him that you might be coming back late due to an important meeting with your boss.
Once he heard the door unlocked, Zhengting welcomed you with his soft smile and sparkling eyes that was full of love (also open arms) which you gave him a tired smile but immediately hugged him when you've put your things down.
"How was work? What meeting was it? Oh, tell me over dinner. I made your favourites!!" Zhengting mentioned, guiding you to the dining area where he has prepared dinner
"Thank you, Ting. It was a confusing meeting honestly. Like, my boss suddenly asked about my relationship with you" you explained as you started to eat the dinner
"Really? Does your boss know me? Like know know or was he just trying to hit on you?!" Zhengting questioned, his tone getting serious
"Not sure. He was trying to offer me another job which paid quite a lot but it has something to do with my relationship. Like, when I told him that I was in a relationship, he gave this weird look like he wasn't satisfied and just dismissed me. Saying that he'll think about it" you elaborated
"Hmmm. Whatever you do, don't take the job unless he gives you the full details, alright? And if you're worried about money because your current job isn't paying you well, don't fret, I'm here!!" Zhengting exclaimed
"I don't want to leach off of you Ting but yea, I'm not gonna take that job. I'm planning to find a job elsewhere and resign once I reached my one year mark" you explained
"Good!! Now finish up then shower so we can go watch some dramas" Zhengting cheered
It's been roughly a week or so since you told Zhengting about the offer and Zhengting was currently at the bar along with Kun because they had to spy on some men coming to the bar; something about opening a brothel or an illegal business of some sort.
When the people were already there, both Zhengting and Kun split up to get some information out of the men. Nothing in particular really caught the two's attention up until one of the men brought up a file containing your information.
"I'm telling you, she's the best looking one in my company. Not to mention, whenever she wears skinny jeans, it just fits her body so well. Anyone would die to take her and our business will blow up" one of the men mentioned, pointing at a picture of your face
"But you mentioned that she's taken. Are you sure you can get her to join?" the other men asked
"She needs the money. Plus, I can always cut her pay and tell her that this job suits her better" the men mentioned, laughing
But oh boi, they picked on the wrong girl. Because the minute Zhengting heard the conversation and was sure that it was your picture that they used, he immediately gave the guy a good punch in the face, knocking him down and holding a gun up right at his temple.
"I take it you like using helpless woman for your illegal money? Not only that, using them then abusing them before you discard them. How annoying. I'll give you a few minutes to confess everything before I blow up your brainless head" Zhengting barked, his gun was right by the man's temple
"So you're her so-called boyfriend, huh? I'll just kill you here and..." the man scoffed but his scoffed turned into a scream as Zhengting shot the man's leg
"I was wondering who was my girlfriend's boss as he was so daring to ask about her relationship but was unsatisfied when he realised she was taken. Well, this is still consider verbal harrasement, right Kun?" Zhengting snickered
"Sure thing. Since we got some evidence here, pretty sure he'll get fired the second we inform this to the authority. Also, he'll probably lose all his wealth" Kun replied
"Wa-wait a minute?! Kun?! As in the Cai Xukun?! Leader of 9%?! Does that mean...you...you're..." the man stuttered
"Zhengting. Zhu. Zheng. Ting. The so-called boyfriend of the woman you're trying to hire into an illegal business. Oh well, save your breath for the court" Zhengting replied, a smirk plastering his face as the man's face turned very pale
Wang Ziyi
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For this specific picture of Ziyi, I imagine it being a bit similar to mama Ting's one. Where you were just a normal worker, not an idol/actress/artist or even a daughter of a famous company owner. You were just you; which, to Ziyi, you were everything.
Now, unlike the in mama Ting's one, you weren't offered a new job at a new location that was completely different to the one you were currently in. However, the boss of your company did pay a close attention to you. He would often try to flirt with you, send you flowers or even directly asked you out; which of course you declined them all.
This happened even before you met Ziyi. But unfortunately, it still happened even after you've been dating Ziyi. However, it wasn't as bad as when you weren't dating Ziyi. You dunno whether its because he finally started giving up or because he knew you were dating someone since you never really told him you were actually dating someone.
But while your boss may not know that you were dating someone, you did tell Ziyi about how your boss has been flirting with you and all. But we all know how patient Ziyi is. Not only was he patient in hearing your complaints and all but he was also patient with your so-called "boss". Well, that is until he ran into your "boss" at the gym.
You and Ziyi have been going to the gym quite regularly (let's all pretend it aint covid) and normally Ziyi would treat you lunch (which is how he got you to go to the gym with him). So, Ziyi would normally go and do some weight training whilst you just went to do some cardio (like on the treadmill or bicycle).
It was going like normal until you were about to do a bit of weights yourself (like that pull-up weight thing) and as you were going to do your thing, your boss suddenly came up to you and you guessed it, tried to flirt with you.
You tried to tell him off nicely but the same time scanned the room to find Ziyi who was apparently at the boxing area. It took a good 5 minutes or so but Ziyi finally saw you and understood your situation.
He was about to tell the guy off nicely until he saw the guy closing in the space between the both of you near a wall. And lets just say, Ziyi was finally at the peak of his patience and just snapped at the dude.
He pulled the dude back and twisted his arm till you can hear a crack. Ziyi then told your "boss" off and even threatened him because apparently throughout this whole time, Ziyi was doing a lil "background check" on your so-called "boss".
"It's not nice to pick on a lady who's clearly taken. Especially when you, yourself is also taken" Ziyi scoffed, pushing the guy further back
"Aghhh, l-let go off, m-me. This isn't even a fair fight" the guy stuttered as Ziyi pushed the guy who eventually fell downwards
"I suggest you leave and not hit on anyone. Unless, of course, you'd like me to tell your wife about it" Ziyi threatened, taking his phone out and showing the guy some pics of his affair
"I, I'll get lost. Just don't show this to my wife or anyone" the guy babbled, rushing to leave the scene
"C'mon (y/n), let's go get lunch at your favourite" Ziyi mentioned, grabbing your hand and giving you his signature (yet sweet) smile Xiaogui
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For Xiaogui, I imagine that he was the owner of a well renowned bar in Shanghai. It's been a tough week for you and when you told Xiaogui all about it, he felt sorry that he flew all the way to where you work, telling you that he'll stay over the weekend so the two of you can have a chill weekend together.
But, on the way back to your place, Xiaogui got a call from the bar about someone looking for him. He asked you for permission which you know that it was his bar and so you told him that it's alright. He gave your hand a light squeeze before speeding up to the bar.
Upon reaching the bar, he directed you to a secret door which led to his private office. He told you to just stay there whilst he takes care of the things at the bar.
However, not long after Xiaogui left, you suddenly had a bad feeling, as if you were being watched or something. You weren't dumb and you knew that Xiaogui hid his gun in his office (I mean, the dude taught you how to do self-defense and how to use a gun). You went over his desk trying to find the gun but the secone you held it, you felt a gun being pointed at the back of your head.
"You know, what ghost around, comes around" a deep voice mentioned, the gun being pressed by your head
"Now be a good girl and put the gun down" the man stated as you slowly put the gun down but only to make him lower his guard so you quickly upperhand him by taking his gun
As you manage to upperhand the attacker, he started to attack you which was not good. Sure, Xiaogui taught you a thing or two but when you're faced with it in real-life, that's a different story. You tried to keep your composure and threw his gun far away so it'll just be a hand to hand combat but you were still at a disadvantage.
You were already being cornered and as you took the nearest object as a weapon/shield, the attacker told you that you were no match for him. But as he was just a hand reach away, the door slammed opened and a bullet was shot right at the attacker's chest, close to his heart. You divert your gaze only to meet with Xiaogui's gaze.
"Touch her one more time and I'll make sure you live a living hell before I actually send you to hell, myself" Xiaogui stated, a signature grin was plastered on his face when he saw the attacker fell on the floor You Zhangjing
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If Imma be honest, this was another hard scenario but here goes nothing.
So, for Zhangjing's scenario, I imagined that you, Zhangjing, Yanjun and Nongnong had to attend this special dinner that the opposite gang was going since they had some deals to handle.
You knew that it was quite a risk by going but they needed someone to come with them so it wouldn't seem too obvious that they were planning on handling the opposite gang. Plus, you get free food so that was a major plus.
Which is how you ended up in a little black dress with your arms linked with Zhangjing and Nongnong as Yanjun was in front of you, all four of you making your way to the ballroom hall of the hotel the dinner was being held.
Yanjun, being Yanjun and the third person in charge in 9% reminded everyone of their jobs. Also reminded you to stay near by them and let any one of them know when you wanted to go somewhere like the bathroom or some sort.
After rediscussing the plan, Yanjun was the first to excuse himself because he was the hitman of the group. Nongnong also left to mingle around and get some information. Which meant, it was you and Zhangjing.
Of course, it was no surprised that the two of you immediately headed to where the food is. The both of you were enjoying the food and occasionally talk with the other guests at the dinner until Yanjun called Zhangjing to request some hacking which Zhangjing proceed in doing.
But in the midst of hacking, you had the urge to go to the bathroom and told Zhangjing that I was gonna go which he told me to quickly go and come right back to his side which you agreed.
After finishing with your bathroom business, you went out to try and find where Zhangjing was but got a bit lost and this dude was trying to get on my nerve even after you declined him so many times. I mean, one Yanjun is more than enough.
But when this guy was persistent, you decided to fight back which he clearly didn't like at all. You knew lots of fighting skills and self-defence stuff by being with 9% for a long time. Heck, you were their most trusted person other than each other.
As you were about to end this little disturbance, the guy was knocked out cold and you saw You Zhangjing out of the 3 men you came with. His gaze could rival Yanjun (emphasis on could XD)
"Can't we just have one night of dinner in peace? Haish. C'mon (y/n), let's go back and enjoy our dinner" Zhangjing stated, extending his hand out as you went to grab it
"You know I had it under control" you stated, pouting
"I know. But I wanted it over with, plus the deal is done and we can go order in with everyone" Zhangjing exclaimed as the both of you skidded through the hall
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flamentnagel · 2 years
ooh, thank you for asking!
Overall opinion: i really like millia! i feel like her story is really interesting and emotionally strong, and while i guess her situation isn't "relatable" for most people i think that the overall feeling is something that resonates with you.
Gender/sexuality headcanon: definitely wlw, leaning towards her being a lesbian. i don't think she's given it much thought herself, but the way she's extremely unromantic while being maybe the most responsive person to the magnum wedding is pretty illuminating
Favorite moment in canon: her (and eddie's) endings in accent core are both really good, i think they both wanted really similar things in the end and that them both just having a more peaceful, personal moment was a nice ending to their story arcs.
Favorite moment in a fanwork: there's a picture on here (don't remember the artist but i can find it soon) of her and venom just enjoying tea together and i really like that, we didn't really get enough of them actually getting along or interacting outside of zato-related conflicts ingame
Favorite line, canon or otherwise: hmm, idk! i don't think i have a specific line from her, "have i chosen the yuri route?" is a really funny one but it's not really relevant to her story at large, lol
characters i love seeing them interact with: millia venom friendship stuff is fun, and seeing her interact with eddie is also something i really like. ive also seen her paired up with elphelt and romantic or not i think they could be really cute hanging out and socializing, and could be kinda interesting together? idk lol. she's also kinda snarky to slayer in a way the other assassins aren't, and i think that's also pretty funny. oh and ALSO her having a sort of protective attitude towards bridget cuz she's worried about a kid wanting to be a bounty hunter and going down a similar path that she took, and apparently she remarks that she'd like to visit jam's restaurant?
uhh tl;dr i think fighting games fall short at having chars interact outside of specific groups in general and i'd love to just see more of that, especially for millia since i think it'd do a lot of good for her!
last thing before sleeping/sleeping habits: i see millia having a warm drink before bed, and i also see her having cats, so i think they'd be laying on/around her while she's sleeping. i think she'd be kind of a night owl and an early bird at once, probably sleeping a little less than she should but enjoying the peace and quiet both at nighttime and the morning.
favorite locations: i think she'd just like anywhere that's fairly peaceful, she might like going to flower shops and clothing stores since she seems to like those things? (assuming that the Ivy Traditional on her strive outfit is a designer or brand logo) but i can also see her getting coffee or somethin before work. i realize these are all a little bit "plain" locations but i think after everything, millia deserves a little bit of mundane normal activity.
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A few words about Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey
I know right? they changed the title after almost a week of screening. What a plot twist.
I was pretty hyped about this movie. No mather the trailers, they were just fine, but the cast and what I was hearing about this, made me very excited. After changing the head of DCEU (or The Worlds of DC (what a weird name)) every movie coming out with the DC logo was remarkably good. Aquaman (2018) was a lot of entertainment, Shazam (2019) was fun, Joker (2019) was great and emotional at times, it didn't win two Oscars for nothing (but I'm still #teamdriver). So what about Birds of Prey: And the Fabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020)? (I like the old title better)
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Now we get to the good stuff, so watch out for *SPOILERS*.
The characters, especially the main one, are the best thing about this movie, so we are gonna start with the One and Only Harley Quinn. This is one of the greatest character redemptions in the last few years. She was an awful character Suicide Squad (2016), her only two roles were to look sexy and try to be crazy. That's no way to treat such a wonderful antiheroine. But this movie changed it completely. She finally got some depth. She finally doesn't like she's from a teenager's dream and she finally is funny. About her depth, they added Harley a good between movies' midstory. Which is good, but not great, because I still want to see, how the Joker sents Harley to space, she would be saved of course, but it would be entertaining. No one said this can't be done in future movies tho... Coming back, the few scenes, where she tells Black Canary drunk, that the Joker broke with her, or when she destroys the Laboratory, or when she watches TV with the kid, it shows, that she's human, not just a 1-dimensional disappointment. And combined with Margot Robbie's acting talent and her love for the character, she plays, it makes the movie great of itself. But she's not the only great thing in this picture and that's the best part. Seriously, I can't talk about her enough, so just one more thing, the costumes, wow, wonderful. More of that, please.
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She's not alone tho! Not in the third act at least. I mean the Birds of Prey. Because they fight with her. You know. I'm pretty satisfied, how they have written these characters. Although they have a lesser role, then the original (better) title would say, but, that's not really a problem. Black Canary (my Injustice 2 main BTW) is great. I haven't seen that character anywhere else then Injustice 2 and Young Justice (2010-), so I can't say much about it, but I heard she's different here. I don't care tho, she's great, a very well written, after Harley, probably the best-written character here and the second with most screen time. She's badass but also warmhearted. It took me a bit, to get used to the design, but the actress does such a wonderful job, I can't be less mad about it. Montoya isn't the best, but she's still fun. Who cares about the age, when the actress plays as well as she can and does a great job? She's based on detectives from 80's cop shows, so not much to say about here. She's just good. The Huntress, I haven't seen such a badass character made fun off so much, without hurting her image. Such great work from the writers' side. Just explicit.
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The humor is the third-best part of this movie. We'll talk about the second-best in a second. The jokes mostly got me. I'm not a big fan of in-your-face humor, I like more the background jokes, but I have to say, I found most of them really, really funny. The sandwich scene was for me a little too much, but for example, the part in the police station was just the best. Or at the carnival.
The choreography during combat is just amazing. As I remember correctly, people from the John Wick team were hired, to do the stunts, so it looks astonishing. Each of the main characters has a different combat style, which just adds to the visual madness of the fight scenes. And the R category adds even more to it. Watching so many legs brake in so many directions, hurt even me.
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So there were like two villains. One side villain, but we're gonna talk about him first. I like Victor Zsasz from the Gotham (2014-2019) tv series and that's really the only expression that I saw of him till now. He's different, from what I can remember, less of a silent type and more of a talking psychopath, but he's still enjoyable to watch. He got nothing on the Black Mask tho. Ewan McGregor was a great casting decision. I haven't seen him earlier playing a villain, just the good guys, mostly Obi-Wan, but the job he does here is amazing. You can see, he has so much fun, like it was his childhood dream, to play a face-cutting gangster. My only problem with him was, that he's a little underused.
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But that gets into the "bad stuff" category. The movie is great, but the is no movie without flaws. And the biggest is probably the plot. It's basic. it's just a race after a diamond. The backstories of the protagonists were much better. But it's not a big problem tho. The characters, action, and humor are on such a high level, that that doesn't even bother much. The saddest thing for me is the underuse of Black Mask and Bruce (the hyena named after that hunky millionaire Bruce Wayne (I wrote it with a smile on my face)).  After a while and a lot of thinking about it, I got to an impression, that the underuse of Black Mask in the third act (or the final fight for the most part) was that to show, that he's not the unstoppable, evil monster, that his describing himself as, but just a guy. So I let myself to turn a blind eye on that. But WTF writers! You have a fucking hyena, that we see in like two scenes and doesn't even rip two guys into pieces. I'm mad about it. And why one and not two? The more hyenas, the better.
You probably heard from the internet trolls, that that's just a big budget propaganda movie. It hates guys. Another Charlie's Angels (2019). Yeah... No. It doesn't. Showing strong female characters isn't a propaganda. It does not tell you, that man are the worst and you should hate them. I can't understand why someone would even think that. I saw the 1-stars wave on IMDb and got a little affraid, but don't worry. It's a wonderful movie, not for everyone, but definietly not like the basement trolls descibe it.
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The SPOILER FREE zone is active from now on.
So to sum up. It's a great movie, with funny jokes and action like from a John Wick movie. It's not for everybody, but it's just better because of it. Because it is its own movie. And that's a not seen very often in blockbuster superhero movies. (Can we even call it that? It's not that big bugdet and it's about antiheroins) If you haven't yet, go and watch it. It deserves a little boxoffice boost.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 66)
"Freak Outs on a Sunday"
✳NOTE✳ I changed the tone of the argument in Chapter 63 over the picture. It carries into this one.
✳ALSO✳ The end of this chapter is in the comments bc Tumblr is acting like an ASSHOLE.
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"Mooom-Mom!! You know where my board is!?" Luna shouts from her bedroom in Patti's home.
She's looking for her skateboard. She wants to take it on tour with her. Plus, Casie's shown a real interest and Luna wants to harbor it. She looks under her bed, in her closet, behind her door and in the spare room where a bunch of her shit is. She can't find it.
"What the fuuuuckk..." She says to herself, irritated.
Still looking, her mind is also spiraling out from the last few days.
"I can't find fucking ANYTHING.... UGH... My stuff is everrywhere.... I just want my stuff.... I can't fucking deal with this shit..... WHAT THE FUUUUCKKK!!" Luna starts to cry as she runs her hands through her hair in frustration.
She screams "MOM-MOOOOOOM!!!!!"
In the kitchen with Patti, Casie and Joni, Colson hears Luna.
"Uhm, I think Luna's calling you, Pat." Colson says.
Patti looks up from the puzzle she's putting together with Casie amd her bestfriend. It's of one of Luna's favorite photographs by her grandfather. Patti having it custom made. Puzzles are a hobby she loves and shares with her granddaughter.
It's over 4K peices. Patti's been working on it for 6mnths. Luna helping along the way.
"Is she?" She asks before going back to the puzzle.
"This one's REALLY hard. There's no colors." Casie complains.
"Oh! That's the best part! You really to focus on finding the matching partners." Patti tells the little girl in a poetic way.
Colson stands up immediately hearing Luna. Patti looks at Casie and Colson, waving off their concern.
"I've got her." She tells them as she stands up from the table.
Luna's ripping through her closet again when Patti enters her bedroom.
"LUNA! What the hell are you doing!?" Patti asks, shutting the door.
As Luna comes out of her closet and Patti sees her face she softens.
"LunaBuug... What's going on, Honey?" She asks her granddaughter concerned.
Luna's shaking with tears streaming down her face. She running her hands through her hair again as she speaks frantically to her grandmother.
"My fucking stuff, Mom-mom. You know how I feel about my stuff. I can't find my fucking skateboard because my shit's everywhere. All through here. In the fucking shortage locker. At Ashley. Colson's. Shit, Mom-mom, I even have stuff in fucking CLEVELAND!"
Luna throws her hands up in frustration. Stopping and just looking at her grandmother. Tears still dropping. Patti takes her hand. Leading her to the bed, she sits down with her and sparks a joint. Smoking it with her granddaughter, Patti asks Luna What's Really Going On?
Luna sighs, taking the joint from her grandmom. Rubbing her forehead, she thinks of how to explain her current life as they pass the joint back and forth. Patti simply listening as the flood gates open.
"I just... I just feel like I'm really exposed and all over the place right now. Everything's changing so fast. I feel like everyone is up my ass. Radio stations are calling my phone for surprise interviews... I'm all over The fucking Internet because I'm in some weird song fight with a girl I don't even know.... The fucking Paps have been on me since I hit town..... And I don't need anyone looking at me.... And MY STUUUUUFFFFF. I can't find my stuff because I don't have a fucking home Mom-Mom." She's crying again.
Luna's curled up on the bed, head laid in Patti's lap. Patti strokes Luna's hair, she takes a moment before responding to her granddaughter.
"You always have a home here LunaBug." She begins to comfort her.
"I know Mom-Mom, but it's not the same. I think I'm gonna buy something in The City. I'm waiting to talk to Monica." Luna hits the joint again before passing it to her grandmom.
"Well, there you go. You're on the right track. You're like a bird Luna, you can go anywhere but you need a nest to fly back to.... But tell me about this, what did you say? Song fight? What is that?" She looks down at her granddaughter's face in her lap.
Luna sighs and rolls her eyes. She tries to explain how this one girl doesn't like her. That she's not sure if it's because Colson or herself at this point.
Letting her in on the sneak Breakfast Club interview. How Luna tried to play it cool even with the Instagram post and Snaps. But the song BeBe put out had finally been enough.
She tells her grandmother that she retaliated with her own song. Dropping it in a more public manner then ever before. Ripping open the tiny slit Bad Things and Nightmare had made into her private life.
Patti immediately wants to hear both songs. Luna plays them back to back. BeBe's first. Patti's shocked at the content..
"That poor, little girl. She comes off very desperate and jealous." Patti says, having the same sad reaction for Bleta as Luna did initially. "You're quite the bitch too there, Loons." She chuckles at her granddaughter's mean response to the girl. "That's a different sound for you. If you didn't tell me, I don't know if I would've known that was something of yours.
For some reason this irritates Luna.
"Really? See, fucking changes...." She says, shaking her head.
They burn through the joint. Sitting up, Luna sparks another one before she lays back on the bed. Patti lays on her side next to her. They continue to talk and get high together.
"Good or Bad changes?" She asks her.
"I don't know. Good and bad. Colson's good. Casie's good. But honestly, it's a little weird. I love her but you know kids freak me out. She's a whole, tiny person. Watching, wanting me to teach her stuff. It's pretty intimidating."
Luna looks over as her grandmother laughs at her. She passes her the joint before continuing.
"I like being on The West Coast and close to Ash... I just... I don't like to be looked at Mom-Mom, you know this. And I feel like a LOT of people are looking at me who don't need to know about the stuff I do. Like, they're everywhere. They caught me coming out of a bar and I didn't even know! What would I have done if they'd have been around the night I helped Marissa? I'd have been fucked."
Patti knows Luna's right. She tells her she doesn't know how to advise her, never having to deal with photographers in this despicable way in her day. IF you can even call them photographers. Turning to her, she asks her granddaughter bluntly if she's seeing her therapist.
"No." Luna says sheepishly.
"Why not?" Patti wants to know.
"Comes I'm not ho...."
"That's no excuse, Luna. You could be doing phone sessions."
"I never know where I'm gonna be at what time." Luna tries to protest.
"Not an excuse. You need to speak to Kylie. You're right, a lot of things have changed and they're going to keep changing. You need to get ahead of it. Fame is at your door, Luna. You're gonna need Kylie to help you navigate it. I want you start weekly phone sessions with her again. Carve out 45mins and take care of yourself. You know what happens when you don't." Patti tries to guide the young woman.
Luna sighs. She knows her grandmother's right. Rolling towards her, she hugs her mom-mom. She really doesn't feel any better though.
Hugging Luna back and looking over her shoulder, Patti spies the skateboard. It's leaning against the armoire, hidden by a tossed tapestry.
"Look." She says, pointing as Luna rolls over. "There it is. Sometimes we need to slow down and take a moment to find things. Isn't that how you met Colson? You took your time and found what was right for you, yeah? Patti says.
Rolling over, a weird relief washes over Luna when she sees her board. Patti's words sitting in her mind but with everything moving so fast all the time, she doesn't know how to slow anything down.
"It's just a lot Mom-Mom.... And I don't know how to stop it." Luna admits.
"I know, Kiddo." Patti strokes Luna hair again.
Concerned about Luna. Colson tells Casie he'll be right back. She still trying to figure out the puzzle with Joni.
Colson knocks on the door before he heads in.
"You okay?" He asks with a worried look on his face.
Patti and Luna are still laying across the bed together. Both of them sitting up, Patti pats Luna on the knee before kissing her forehead.
"I'm gonna give you guys a minute. I love you, Kiddo. Call Kylie." She says.
Patti pats Colson on the shoulder as she passes him before walking out of the room. She heads back to the kitchen with Casie and Joni. She's worried about Luna.
"Who's Kylie?" Colson asks sitting on the bed next to Luna.
"My therapist." She tells him in a monotone voice.
"So, everything's not okay?" He asks taking her hand.
"No. It's not. I know you feel some type of way about that picture with Tommy but I did too. For different reasons." She sighs, lacing her fingers inside Colson's.
Luna goes on to explain how she's worried about people digging too deep into her life. Especially with the Dark Web and ICE. She goes on to say that there's other things she still needs to take care of too that can't be exposed. Shaking her head No, she tells him she'll explain that another time when he asks what she's referring to. Luna then tells Colson she's thinking about buying another place in NY.
"Why?" He asks, immediately concerned for their relationship.
"Because I need a place for my stuff. It's everywhere." She answers.
"Put it at my place." Colson replies.
"I have stuff at you place, but I need the space. I have furniture and shit. I can't move another house into your house." She tells him.
"So, are you staying in NY then?" He asks confused with his eyebrows furrowed.
"What the fuck is happening... Is she breaking up with me???" Colson's heart pounds as his mind panics.
"No. We're just always in The City though... And it's my home. My grandma's here. My friends are here. It's like you having places in LA and Clevland. It'll be big enough for all of us to stay in. And Ash can even use it too." It makes perfect sense to Luna.
Understanding what Luna's saying now, Colson nods his head. Letting go of her hand to rub the small of her back, he apologizes for only being focused on the Tommy part and not the bigger picture. He tells that they'll figure out this Paparazzi thing together. He knows Luna doesn't like to be controlled and to her this is a form of control.
"It'll be okay." Colson tries to reassure.
Luna sighs looking at him. She's not so sure.
"Come on." He says, pulling her off the bed. "We're gonna be late for brunch."
Everyone is standing outside waiting for a table for brunch at Santina. Colson, Slim and Rook are talking about the tour.
"I'm telling you, if we do it right, it'll be epic." Rook debates on the stage prop he has an idea for.
"How are we gonna move, Dawg?" Slim asks him.
Colson looks over to Slim. He doesn't think it's too bad of an idea. Before he can speak, Benny calls out Yo. Their table is ready.
They're loud at brunch. There's a lot of them. It's Luna and Colson with Casie, her grandmother and Joni. Ashley, Dom, Pete and Kate. Ashleigh, Slim, Rook, Benny and Baze.
They order mimosas with their food.
Laughing and talking about last night. They enjoy their food and company.
Ashleigh asks Casie how her sleep over was. Casie giggles with Patti and Joni as they talk about the dance party they had. How delicious their cookies were and the funny photos Patti had shown off of Luna as a kid.
Luna turns at the sound of one of her many names. The sun's bright and she can't see who it is.
It's Jason and Olivia. They were just about to leave.
"HEY!!" She exclaims jumping up.
She hugs them both. Asking how they are and about Daisy. They catch her up lightly before she introduces them to the table. Colson standing up to shake Jason's hand.
"Nice to meet you, Man." Colson says.
"Likewise." Jason replies.
They pull over two chairs and sit down with them. Olivia congratulating Ashley and Luna on their perforce last night. They watch SNL every week religiously.
"You were funny as hell too!" Jason agrees complimenting Ashley.
She blushes while thanking them. Ashley's a huge fan of both of them.
Olivia and Jason stick around for the rest of brunch, catching up with Luna. Talking with the rest of the group.
Rook speaks to Patti and Joni about what it was like in NY in the 70s. Baze joining in on the conversation at one end of the table while the other end is ridiculous with jokes between Colson, Pete and Jason.
Finishing up, they pay their bill and hit the pavement. Still laughing they all hug and say Goodbye before going their seperate ways.
Patti hugging Luna extra tight, reminding her to call Kylie.
Olivia and Jason walk down the street headed home. Kate and Pete hop a cab, their going to catch an afternoon movie. Patti and Joni take a seperate cab to Annie's. While Luna, Colson, Casie, Benny, Slim, Rook, Baze and Ashleigh take three other cabs to the the brownstone to grab their luggage before going to the airport. Ashley and Dom are meeting them there after stopping off at their hotel to grab their things also.
They fly out of LaGuardia.
Ashley, Dom, Rook and Benny heading to LA. They rest of them returning to Cleveland.
Both flights are uneventful. Each group sitting and chattering with each other.
They all land safely at their destinations.
Back at Colson's, Casie jumps onto him.
"Pleeeeease Dad..." Casie gives him a pouty face.
"Yeah, please Dad." Luna laughs.
It's early in the evening and they wanna go to the skate park. Shaking his head and laughing he agrees.
Later, after Casie's in bed. Luna and Colson are chilling on his bed together. Opening Netflix on the laptop while she messes around on her phone, he grabs her plump ass cheek. Gripping it tight.
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 28
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(31st May)
8:42 am
Sounds of chirping birds echoed in the room where the sunlight touched your face causing you stir in your sleep. You frowned slightly opening your eyes and groaned due to the light hitting your face.
Adjusting to the light, you finally opened your eyes only to get startle by three arms but then let out a sigh realising it was yours and Baekhyun's arm under your neck. His other arm was around your waist as your back was against his chest and his leg wrapped around your torso with his face buried in your shoulder, technically he was hugging you like a koala.
Heat reached up to your face realising the position and you gulped rubbing your eyes while shifting to lay on your back but froze when he stirred before sleeping back again in the same position.
You bit your lip turning your head to look at him and the corner of your lips turned up seeing him sleeping peacefully. Baekhyun's words from last night suddenly crossed your mind and you couldn't help but blush getting the exact feeling.
Baekhyun's brows forrowed due to the light snapping you out of your trance and slowly raising your hand in the air infront of his eyes, you prevented the light to touch his face where his frown disappeared.
Grinning mischievously, you lowered your hand causing the light to hit his face again making him frown then put it back again making his frown disappear and you bit your lip containing your laugh as you kept doing it.
"Having fun?"
You gasped startled by his deep voice before pulling your hand back to your chest and glared at him. "It's morning."
"Oh, I didn't know." He raised his head to look at you with his squinting eyes before buring his head back in the pillow and pulled you closer. "Thanks."
Butterflies erupted in your stomach with your heart racing against your chest but you instantly shrugged it away and stretched your body towards the nightstand causing him whine.
You grabbed Baekhyun's phone and checked the time before sitting up making him groan as he pulled the duvet up to cover his face.
"Baek, It's almost 9. Get up!" You patted his arm and he just hummed while you sighed. "Get up, Ajjusshi!"
"This Ajjusshi needs to get his energy so wait a bit." His voice muddled against the pillow but enough for you to hear and you chuckled. "Get up, we're already late."
"Yes, ma'am." He replied lazily getting up with his eyes closed and as soon as he opened them, a chuckle left his lips. "Nice hairstyle."
"You have it too." You were about to laugh but stopped when he ran his fingers through his silky black hair making it perfectly combed and you scoffed. "Nevermind."
He laughed lazily and you immediately swung your legs down the floor getting up from the bed making the latter confuse. "Where are you going?"
"To get ready or you want me to go down like this?" You looked down to your clothes and then him as he smiled admiring you in his hoodie. "I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's meet down at the breakfast."
"Yes, ma'am." He nodded lazily as you turned the knob but then turned around to see him who was about lay down again. "Baekhyun!"
"I'm up!" He immediately sat groaning and you laughed sprinting to your room.
"She's already nagging like a wife." He mumbled before a smile crept on his lips. "But I like it."
He giggled to himself and jumped out of the bed to the washroom, whereas you walked to the room and opened the door which was not locked anymore as you expected.
Entering inside, you found the bed empty and assumed Ria was in the washroom before you walked to the wardrobe and took out your clothes. Suddenly the door opened and Ria stepped out drying her hair with the towel before her eyes stopped at you.
She looked at you up to down and smirk towards you causing you glare at her. "This is all because of you!"
"And you're thankful to your bestfriend who let you cuddle with your boyfriend, aren't you?" She flipped her drenched hair smirking at you and you scoffed trying to hide your flustered form.
She dramatically gasped seeing your expression. "Don't tell me, you did more than cuddling?"
You wide eyes shot towards her. "No! You pervert!"
You smacked her shoulder with your clothes and walked in the washroom immediately leaving your bestfriend laughing at you.
"Well, my habit did something good for once."
When you walked out of the washroom, Ria wasn't seen anywhere which meant she was already downstairs and you were late. You quickly dried your hair and stepped out of the room before bumping into your boyfriend who smiled holding your hand as you both went downstairs.
"Woah! This coffee taste really good." Minseok commented after taking a sip of his coffee as he settled himself at the dining table.
"Right? I also don't drink coffee, you know?" Jongin spoke with his eyes getting bigger. "But this taste exactly same where Baekhyunee Hyung and Junior Y/n works at."
"Oh! Speaking of sleepyheads." Yixing chuckled looking at the couple coming and earning the attention of everyone.
"So you finally decided to show up." Junmyeon commented leaning against the kitchen counter. "We were supposed to be here around 8."
You and Baekhyun immediately pointed with your index finger at eachother and Baekhyun looked at you before sighing then pointed his index finger to himself.
Sehun giggled. "Baekhyunee Hyung is already scared of Y/n."
"It's just starting." Jongdae laughed and Baekhyun hit his back before sitting on the chair while you coughed awkwardly settling beside him.
As everyone began to eat while planning where to go and that's when Chanyeol decided to ask you something.
"Y/n, did you sleep well?"
You frowned in confusion but nodded anyway. "Yes, I actually can't sleep well other than my own room but strangely I slept well."
Chanyeol nodded with a mischievous grin on his lips exchanging looks with Sehun and Jongin who were containing their giggles but eventually burst out making everyone laugh while you were seated there confused.
Ria raised her brows smiling at you and that's when your cheeks heat up as you realized your words. "Umm, that came out wrong. It's not like that."
They just nodded giggling and you looked at Baekhyun who was covering his mouth but you could see his eyes getting smaller by smiling causing you slap his arm.
"Owww! What did I do?!" He whined rubbing his arm but still smiling and you scoffed.
"It's your fault!" You whined back closing your eyes shut getting embarrassed while hiding your face in your palm before feeling his hand patting the back of your head.
"It's okay, Junior Y/n. Things like these happens."
You heard Kyungsoo saying and you looked at him in disbelief as you didn't expected him to tease you making you unconsciously pout as everyone giggled again.
You sighed as you knew their teasing won't just end here.
It was 10:12 when you and Ria decided to walk to the beach after your breakfast. Clouds were hovering over you leaving the perfect time to walk around as the sun won't bother you too much.
Boys were inside playing their games or doing their things while you both were playing with water and taking some pictures or say you were taking some pictures of your bestfriend who couldn't stop posing different styles.
You both also took some pictures together with silly poses or asked the anonymous person to capture them.
"Y/n, here." She walked a little further in the water while spreading her arms in the air with her widest smile on her face and you chuckled as she looked happy before capturing it.
"Yah, you're phone is gonna die soon if don't charge it now." You said as she made her way towards you and taking it she gasped seeing the percentage before immediately running back to the house.
You just shook your head at her running figure then smiled feeling the cold water touching your feet and you began to walk forward then backwards when the waves came by.
You giggled going backwards speedily causing you to stumble and bumped your back against someone's chest. You panicked feeling a pair of hands either side of your waist but relaxed recognizing the hands.
"I just left you for few minutes and you get clumsy." Baekhyun tilted his head to look down at you while his hands resting on your waist. "Will you be a little careful and not to make me worry?"
You chuckled rolling your eyes but nodding. "Sure, Mr. Byun."
He chuckled liking the way it sounded from your mouth and stood beside you smiling but it dropped when he saw something or say some guy staring at you. Thrusting his hand into his jeans pocket with his hand around your shoulder who was staring ahead unaware of the situation and he locked eyes with the guy who instantly looked away.
He sighed taking your attention aa you looked at him confusingly. "You know, you're peanut sized whom I can hide in my pocket so the other guys won't stare at you but it would be unfair to you."
"Huh?" You forehead creased blinking your eyelashes in confusion before following his gaze and chuckled folding your arms. "Oooh, so Mr. Byun is jealous."
He bit his lower lip looking away while nodding making you smile. "Well, it's not like I'm the only one who's being stared at."
Baekhyun turned to you frowning and you gestured towards the side where two females were gawking at your boyfriend making your blood boil internally but you kept your calm.
He smirked. "So you're jealous too?"
You shrugged and he imitated your move raising his brows questionly and you chuckled tilting your head. "Maybe yes, maybe no?"
He pouted. "Why?"
You smiled. "I don't have to be jealous because I'm the one standing here with you not them."
His heart skip a beat hearing your words as his corner of lips turned upwards and he pulled you closer by wrapping your arm around his waist while his around your shoulder side hugging you. "You're right."
"I'm always right." You shrugged, sassily earning a chuckle from him before kissing your temple and you smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder while enjoying the sounds of waves.
Minutes after, you tilted your head slightly up to look at him staring ahead lost in thoughts.
You poked his cheek snapping him out. "What are you thinking about?"
He sighed deeply licking his lips. "Just.. Thinking..How much I am going to miss this. Everyone will go on their ways and thinking about it just makes me a little sad that everything's gonna change now."
You heard him attentively and understanding his words before stroking your hand gently on his back. "That's what life is. You live the moment in present and it becomes a past memory to reminisce. So, let's cherish these memories together."
Baekhyun looked down at you smiling and again getting surprised by your words before nodding and hugging you tightly making you laugh.
"You're literally calm here, what happens to you when you're sleeping?"
You frowned pulling away from him and looked at him confusingly. "What do you mean?"
"Why do you fight during your sleep?" He placed his hand on either side of his hips and tried to contain his laugh. "You had kicked me about 100 times."
You widened your eyes in disbelief and scoffed. "Don't lie! I didn't! And what about you? You were literally hugging me like a koala!"
"I did it for you, so you won't kick me or fall out of the bed."
"I'm not believing you, I wasn't!" You stomped your foot in the water.
You gasped cupping your mouth as the water hit Baekhyun on the face and he stood there taken aback by the sudden impact before wiping his face.
You bit your lip preventing yourself from laughing. "I'm so sorry-"
You gasped feeling the cold water hitting your face leaving you dumbfounded by his action before opening your to see him smiling. "Now, we're even."
You huffed and swung your foot hardly in the water making the water splash on his face again making you burst into laughter.
Baekhyun nodded, grinning smugly and looked at you while his lips turning into a smirk making you gulp as you took steps backwards.
"Come here." He took steady steps closer to you and you screamed running away from him with him chasing you.
You couldn't even run further as his arms caught you by your waist from the back and lifted you up making you squeal. You could feel his heartbeat racing against your back and his deep laugh in your ears erupting butterflies in your stomach.
"No, no, no!" You exclaimed trying to break free from his grip which he tightened instantly as he walked towards the water. "Baekhyun!"
He laughed placing you down gently and you took the chance to splash water on him leaving him dumbfounded there as you laughed hardly at his adorable lost puppy face. Processing the situation slowly, he snapped out and his eyes found your small figure busy laughing making his heart doing flips and his lips stretching in a dreamy smile as he stared at you with adoration.
You looked at him staring and stopped laughing. "What are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing." He walked closer towering over your figure as the smile rested on his lips with his eyes boring into yours before he slowly wiped off water from your face and tucked the strands of your hair behind your ear. "Just watching you laughing like this, makes me happy."
You blinked feeling the heat rushing up to your face and you bit your lip looking down unable to meet his intent gaze which made Baekhyun smile instantly at your shyness.
You cleared your throat coughing awkwardly and looked at your clothes while thankful as you were wearing a denim shorts jumpsuit with black shirt so it wasn't see-through. "Um, we should go inside..we need to change or we'll catch cold."
You walk passed him and he held your arm to stop you while titling his head to look down at you. "I just said this and you're blushing like a strawberry?"
You rolled your eyes pulling yourself out of his grip as you ran away. "I'm not!"
"How can I not love her?" He giggled to himself before running after you. "Wait for me!"
Back in the house.
"This is my dream place." Ria spoke with his sparkling eyes staring down at the mobile screen of Chanyeol's who was seated beside him on the couch with his arm around her neck.
"Really?" He smiled at her cute expression as she nodded enthusiastically. "Let's go there sometime."
"Seriously?" Ria's eyes went large in surprise and Chanyeol nodded making her smile as they continued to watch it until they heard a groan coming across from them.
The couple looked ahead to see Jongin giving them a grumpy face and Ria snorted averting her eyes back to the screen while Chanyeol just raised his eyebrows. "What?"
"You know you both couples shouldn't do this infront us single buds." He crossed his arms over his with a grumpy face and Chanyeol scoffed. "Then get a girlfriend for yourself."
"As if it's easy." He muttered under his breath pouting before running steps were heard loudly and everyone looked at the entrance to see the least expected sight.
"Is it raining outside? Why you both like this?" Junmyeon asked staring at you weirdly while shaking his head and you bit your lip looking down.
Baekhyun just stood there unfazed before Kyungsoo threw a towel towards Baekhyun and he caught it perfectly before wrapping it around you. He got it for himself as he hung it around his neck and rubbed his hair the towel.
"Looks like, you two were having fun." Jongin wriggled his eyebrows teasingly and you looked away with flushed cheeks while Baekhyun glared at the younger who he just shrugged cutely in response.
"Go change or we'll end up in a Hospital instead of Aquarium." Kyungsoo commented with a serious expression making everyone laugh.
"Ah, Kyungsoo-yah." Baekhyun called out. "Do we have anything to eat? I am suddenly hungry."
"Me too." You raised your hand and Kyungsoo gave you both a weird face. "You both ate like two hours ago."
"What do you expect from an Eat-cracker?" Someone interrupted who happened to be your bestfriend and you glared at her while she made a face at you.
"Wah I'm so lucky." Baekhyun said suddenly making you look at him perplexed as he looked back at you. "I don't have to worry about getting hungry again because my girlfriend is also a foodie like me."
He wounded his arm around your neck and showed his palm as you high-fived it giggling while making your way upstairs ignoring the done expression of your friends behind.
Minseok nodded watching the couple going upstairs. "Yeah, they are made for each other."
"Am I the only one getting jealous of these two couples?" Jongin asked pouting looking at his friends and Jongdae nodded. "Yep, you're the only one."
"Hyung, should we date eachother?" Jongin asked Junmyeon with sparkling eyes and Junmyeon gave him a tight grin while spreading his arms leaving chills through Jongin's spine as he scooted away from him to Yixing who was busy in his phone.
"Hyung." He started only to be cut off by the latter as he shot him his dimple worth innocent smile making Jongin sigh as he shook his head dropping the idea before looking at his two elder brother who immediately showed their palms to him.
He grunted and looked at Kyungsoo but then recalling his previous savage replies he sighed in defeat and instantly jumped on Sehun who was busy using his phone groaned in reflex startled by the latter.
"Sehun-ah, let's date." Jongin grinned and Sehun gave him his famous poker face. "No, thanks."
"Why?!" Jongin whined loudly but his voice got muffled as Kyungsoo threw a cushion at his face causing him to raise his head which made his head bumped on Sehun's phone and watching this scene everyone burst into laughter at his silliness.
Soon, it was time to leave for Aquarium and since everyone would directly go to home from there so Boys were putting the stuff back in the Car. You changed your clothes and wore a high waist pants with white shirt tucked in and a red cardigan over it while your hair were styled in a ponytail.
Reaching down, you made your way to the entrance where everyone was ready to leave but your eyes stopped at your Boyfriend looking all fine in his casual white T-shirt shirt and black pants with his black hair down which he kept flipping back leaving you with no option but to stare.
As you approached him, he was about to open the door but halted as his eyes stopped at you and stared at you fondly before a smile crept on his lips. "Have I ever told you, that how pretty you look in this hairstyle?"
Before you could even blush at his words, a sudden groan came behind you making you flinch as you two looked back to see Jongin walking past you. "Here we go again. Hyung! I'm not going with these two, they are making me jealous on purpose!"
Jongin whined running behind Jongdae and sat with him in their car while you just slapped Baekhyun's arm before sitting inside and leaving Baekhyun laughing as he made his way towards the other side.
This time Sehun and Jongin were in another car while Chanyeol and Ria in your car. The whole ride was fun as you four kept cracking jokes or Sehun and Jongin were trying to speed up their car to overtake yours which kind of turned into a little competition but eventually their car reached first.
As everyone got out, Sehun and Jongin threw a smirk towards you couple making you all chuckle at them. Everyone walked towards the entrance and you eyed the whole area with sparkling eyes as it was filled with greenery with clouds hovering over it making it beautiful.
"This is so beautiful." You breath out your words smiling and you heard a hum beside you to see Baekhyun staring at you with a dreamy gaze. "It is."
"I'm talking about the view."
"I'm also talking about my view."
You rolled your eyes blushing at his flirty comment but instantly linked arms with Ria and run inside leaving him whining behind.
Walking inside, both of you bestfriends were in amaze at how pretty it was inside. The actual fun started when Boys were literally trying to talk to the fishes and giving them strange names. Sehun kept doing weird gesture to them making everyone giggle and Junmyeon just looked done with him.
You were currently taking pictures of your bestfriend doing weird poses making you laugh as you kept capturing it wrongly causing her to huff before hearing a capturing sound beside you.
You turned to see Baekhyun taking your pictures and you looked at him confusingly. "What are you doing?"
He smiled innocently. "Don't mind me."
"Stop!" You turned away feeling embarrassed but he didn't and just giggled while sitting down as you sat down to take a picture.
"Yah! You're lucky that you're boyfriend is taking your pictures. Look at my boyfriend." Ria pointed towards the direction and you two saw Chanyeol having a fight with Jongdae.
"Are you sure he is your boyfriend? Why are you making my girlfriend tired?" Baekhyun placed his hands on his hips pretending to be stern and you rolled you eyes while Ria scoffed playfully.
"She's my bestfriend before your girlfriend." She stated as a matter of fact tone and you nodded agreeing with her while Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "That's not the point."
She gasped suddenly making you both flinch. "You're right. That's not the point, I'm going to get my boyfriend so you can have your sweet moment here."
Before you could even say anything, she sprinted towards Chanyeol leaving you and Baekhyun smiling as he raised his phone again making you gasp but you eventually began to play along by making weird faces which made him laugh loudly.
You puffed out your cheeks showing him as he giggled capturing it making your eyes widened. "Did you just-"
"Yes, I did."
"No! Delete it!" You attempted to take his phone which he immediately raised it higher for your reach making you groan while he laughed.
"Gosh, delete that!"
"And why would I do that? It's so cute."
You frowned. "It's not cute at all."
"It is. Now let's go." He stretched his hand out and making a grumpy face you held it as he led you ahead where the Boys were standing.
"It looks tasty." Sehun commented staring at the small fishes in the water and Junmyeon looked at him with a 'what the heck' face before Minseok stood beside him.
"I shouldn't say this but they do look tasty." He laughed making Junmyeon look at him with a same face as Ria also nodded enthusiastically.
You and Baekhyun looked at her eachother shook before walking further away from them. Kyungsoo kept telling about the fishes inside like a guide and Jongin couldn't stop the word cute coming out of his mouth while Sehun and Junmyeon were busy cracking eachother with their neverending jokes.
Yixing, who looked too surprised to see the little creatures and awing on them while Jongdae helping him with their names. Chanyeol and Ria were busy with eachother while Baekhyun suddenly stopped infront of a big fish and imitated him making you laugh as you took a snap picture of him with a cute filter.
The time went by and it was noon where Kyungsoo, the incharge of lunch suggested a restaurant and everyone was on their way out of the Aquarium after having their enjoyment. You pulled your hand away from Baekhyun's grasp for a moment to put your phone back in your jeans pocket but suddenly you got push from behind causing you trip and fall on the floor.
"Ow!" You groaned before chuckling at how you fell and rubbed your ankle. You heard Baekhyun's voice and looked up to see him jogging towards you as he kneeled down infront of you with a worried face.
"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked worringly touching your ankle and you couldn't help but feel happy to see him worrying about you. You bit your lip and pretending to act hurt making him more concerned.
You silently giggled which caught his attention as he stared at you confused before you eventually started giggling loudly making him scoff playfully. "Seriously?"
You nodded smilingly before he flicked your forehead playfully and you scrunched your nose rubbing your forehead.
"Oy, lovebirds." You both snapped your head towards Minseok who was giving you a boring look. "If you're done with your moment, can we go now? I don't know about you but after seeing those fishes I'm starving."
With that he walked away and Baekhyun looked at you. "This Hyung is really weird."
You booped his button nose. "You're weird too."
"You're more weird." He booped your nose back before making you stand up. "See? I literally left you for a minute and you tripped. What am I gonna do with you?"
"Buy me ice-cream." You stated walking ahead as he caught up with you taking your hand. "Sure, ice-cream lover."
Here you were at the restaurant sitting on a table with Boys and Baekhyun beside you laughing at Sehun's story which happened in the morning. Apparently, when Junmyeon was showering, Sehun kept filling shampoo in his hair from behind which led him forever to wash it and Junmyeon didn't even knew about it.
You and Ria were looking at the pictures in her phone which she clicked a while ago and laughing at how funny Chanyeol's expression were.
"Junior Y/n." You looked at Sehun across you while eating your ice-cream and raised your eyebrows. "You look like a lost kid who just got back with their parents and couldn't stop crying so they bought you an ice-cream."
"And you don't." You made a face at him which he did it back while Baekhyun sighed watching his girlfriend and his brother bickering which was nothing new.
The lunch was served and the time passed quickly while eating and talking then soon it was evening indicating that it was time to go back home which kind of saddened everyone as you all were having a good time. The ride back home was fun too as Chanyeol and Ria were in the same car as you so Baekhyun and Chanyeol kept doing something weird making the ride enjoyable.
It was night time when the car stopped infront of your porch and you unbuckled your seatbelt before turning your head to the back unknowingly that Baekhyun did the same causing your heads collide with each other.
"Ow." You both chorused together while rubbing the part where it was hurting before locking eyes and broke out in a giggle.
Then all of a sudden, Baekhyun grabbed the back of your head gently and pulled you closer to bump your forehead again gently causing you smile. "You remember?"
Smiling back, he brought his palm under your earlobe with his thumb stroking your cheek softly soothing you and sending chills down your spine as he stared at you warmly with your cheeks turning warm.
"Can you stop being lovey dovey for once?"
You both jumped at sudden voice and pulled away before looking at the back seat to see ria staring at you both with her folded arms while Chanyeol's head on her lap sleeping soundly.
"No, we can't." Baekhyun replied making you roll your eyes and you got out of the car while Baekhyun did the same as he opened the trunk helping to get your suitcases.
Ria tapped Chanyeol's arm lightly making him groan lightly as he slept again and Ria giggled at him before shaking him which made him open his eyes. His sleepy eyes locked with his girlfriend who was smiling down at him before he sat up looking outside like a child.
"We're here." She said laughing at his lost expression and he nodded before feeling her pecking his cheek. "You don't have to get out. Just sleep well, goodnight."
He smiled pecking her head as she got outside as he closed his eyes again and walked towards you both giving her a really look which she just shrugged and grabbed her suitcase before walking back inside.
You looked back at Baekhyun and smiled. "Drive safely."
He hummed nodding before you turned around to walk but felt his hand grasping yours stopping you. You turned around confusingly and before you could even ask, he wrapped his arms around your neck engulfing you in a hug.
Your arms automatically wounded around his waist hugging him tightly with the same grip as he buried his face in your shoulder sighing. He pulled away still holding you close and stared at you before kissing your forehead.
"Now you can go."
"We're going to meet again." You stated as you read his saddened expression where he chuckled. "Was I that obvious?"
You hummed and he hummed back imitating your tone making you glare at him before you pulled away and walked to your home waving him. He sighed deeply watching you going inside and walked to his car but stopped by the backseat before slapping Chanyeol's head.
"Yah! Get in the front, sleepy bud." He sat inside and Chanyeol groaned but slept again making him shook his head as he let him be and drove away.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa @gominieni
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