#(after like. 7 passes of liquify. :grimacing:
emberglowfox · 10 months
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“All That Lives Must Die” Part 6
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] 
The doorbell rang, and outside of it stood a tall, willowy woman. Her skin was the color of ebony, her hair a shock of white that made her look older than she was, her robes a deep purple. Her name was Lucretia, and she was here to help her friend.
Said friend was currently running his fingers through a charmed man’s hair, and decided that he had let his son grow a bit too powerful. A flick of his hand caused Angus’s door to lock itself, and Taako stood from the couch, “Stay down, Krav. I won’t be too long.” A wicked smile twisted his lips and a flick of his wrist cast Disguise Self, and he was perfect.
Lucretia drummed her fingers on her staff, debating whether or not to ring the doorbell again when the door opened, “Oh, Taako. Hello.”
He flashed her a bright grin, opening his door wider and beckoning her into his home, “Lucretia! How nice to see you! So, what brings you down off of your moon base, Madam Director?”
She huffed, rolling her eyes as she walked into his home, staff thumping alongside her, “Please, I haven’t been The Director in years, and we’ve know each other for a bit over a century now. I think you can just call me Lucy again.”
“Okay then, Lucy,” He grinned, kicking the door shut with a foot as he took her arm and led her towards the kitchen, “Why don’t we catch up over tea? I haven’t seen you in months!” When they were inside, he flicked his hand and the door shut. (If Lucretia thought about it, she would’ve noticed the click of a lock.)
“Tea sounds just right, thank you.” Lucretia smiled and took a seat at the table, leaning her staff against the table, “Do you remember how I like it?”
“Black tea, steeped for exactly five minutes.” Taako flashed her a grin over his shoulder as he brought over an enchanted kettle and two tea cups with saucers and teaspoons.
“You’re a good friend, Taako, and I’m glad we could...clear the air after all that...after the mistakes I made in regards to-”
“-To stealing my memories of my family and my sister?” Taako’s voice was as sweet as ever, though steel had entered his spine.
Lucretia ducked her head, blushing slightly as she scratched the back of her neck, “Right...really Taako, I am truly sorry. I thought it was for the best.”
Taako flicked his hand dismissively, scoffing lightly, “Water under the bridge, my dear, water under the bridge!” His grin returned and he glanced at the now whistling kettle, “Ah, tea’s ready.” He poured them both a cup (if Lucretia could find a way to mention it without being rude, she would mention the light lavender tint to the water) and pushed Lucretia’s towards her, “Five minutes to steep.”
“Five minutes to steep,” She agreed. Bending over her cup, Lucretia took a deep inhale of the aromantic tea. “Sadly, I’m not here on pleasure. Your son, Angus, called me. He said something was wrong.” Her eyebrows furrowed, “Is anything wrong, Taako?”
Taako’s lips twitched into a grimace, “Angus called you? Funny, he seems to be calling a lot of people. Getting into a lot of shit, that kid is. But anyway, no. I think he has this whole plot to get all seven birds here to throw a party or needle us for information. Nothing to worry about, but you should tell the moonbase you’re going to be here for a few days or weeks. I don’t know Angus’s full plot.”
“Ah, okay. Well, I was due for a vacation anyway.” She clicked on her Stone of Farspeech, and told Avi that she was staying at Taako’s for a while. Setting her stone aside, Lucretia took a deep breath of the aromatic tea. Taking it in, she leaned back in her chair, relaxing in the comfortable and cozy atmosphere of Taako’s kitchen.
If she thought about it, she’d notice that the tea warming her palms was much to aromatic for the black tea she had requested. But she didn’t. It was much easier to continue chatting about nothing in particular (the weather, past exploits, recent gossip) and sipping the weirdly sweet tea.
If she thought about it, she’d notice that the corners of her vision had taken on a purple tinge at the edges. But she didn’t. It was easier to request more of the light lavender water, and slowly down it and then repeat.
If she thought about it, she would’ve noticed that Taako had kicked her staff away from her. And she did. Lucretia stumbled to her feet, grimacing at the building migraine, “What was in that tea, Taako?” She looked around, eyes narrowing as she tried to grasp her staff.
“Charm Person, liquified and imbued within the tea.” Taako allowed his disguise self to fall, revealing the ink stealing up the side of his face and curling around his eye and nose and lip like a false ironwright tattoo. Dark goop dribbled out of his right eye as he paced towards her, the Bulwark Staff in his grasp, “Angus called you here because he was worried about me, isn’t that just darling, Lucy?” The nickname dripped from his lips like venom, “But don’t worry, I plan to put his head at rest.” A flick of his hand sent her back into the chair, and another one opened a cabinet. Into which her staff flew and locked itself up. “Can’t have one of those old relics just laying around, now can we Lucy?”
Lucretia grunted as she felt herself get stuck in the chair, her vision kept getting blurrier and blurrier until it went black (not black, dark purple).
When she woke up, Lucretia was seated in a comfortable padded chair, with her very good friend Taako fawning over her.
“Lucy! You’re awake!” His eyes went wide and she was suddenly hugged against his chest (no pulse no heartbeat why isn’t his heart beating why-) “Oh when you passed out I was so scared for you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine Taako.” Lucretia grimaced and rubbed at her temple.
Taako held up a cup of tea, aromatic and lavender [just how she likes it] (that’s not how she likes it) [just how she likes it], “Tea?”
“Yes. Thank you, Taako.”
[Part 7]
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