#(That's a lie I never tell anyone I do that)
4unnyr0se · 20 hours
❥ moth to a flame | toru oikawa
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warnings: timeskip! argentina oikawa, fem! reader, ushijimas ex! reader, alcohol consumption, recording, fingering, making out, HEAVY flirtiny/dirty talk, hickeys, rough sex, multiple orgasms, ushijima hate, exhibitionism, degradation, oikawa is a bitch ass motherfucker
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 5.1k
a/n: based off of this post right here, i hope i did it justice. also sorry to all the ushijima girlies out there
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Oikawa really fucking hated Ushjima. He hated how good he was. He hated how he could easily get his ass handed to him on a silver fucking platter. Not that he would ever admit that, of course. The Great King had too much pride ever actually to acknowledge that someone was better than him at volleyball. He knew that the ace was secretly talking behind his back, telling everybody that it was such a shame that Oikawa never went to Shirtatorizawa. Fucking dick, what the hell did he know? He had a dumb face. Ushijima was only useful for hitting balls into the opposing team's court. It’s no wonder he got drafted onto the Alders, no universities would accept him. Now, did Oikawa actually have any proof that Ushijima was dumb? Well, not exactly. But he didn’t need proof, Oikawa knew that already. He fucking hated Wakatoshi Ushijima and anyone that associated with him, including the ace’s pretty little girlfriend.
You were too pretty to be Ushijima’s girlfriend, way too pretty. There was no way someone like you would ever willingly be seen with him, right? He was probably blackmailing you into going out with him and posing for Volleyball Monthly; that’s how Oikawa found out about your little relationship. “Shiratorizawa’s Power Couple” the magazine title proudly boasted, using a photo of you standing a little too close to Ushijima for Oikawa’s liking. The only reason you were even featured was because you were the captain of Shiratorizawa’s cheer squad. Probably the only fucking good thing to come out of that school was you. You were wasted on Ushijima, no matter how well he could treat you. Oikawa was furious; Ushijima had a cute girlfriend, but he didn’t. It didn’t make any sense, right? Oikawa could have any girl he wanted, yet he chose you, someone he couldn’t have. What a mind-fuck that was. 
Ushijima kept dating you after high school, much to Oikawa’s annoyance. Rumors were circulating that you would marry and give birth to the next great generation of volleyball, but Oikawa stopped caring at that point. He started playing for Argentina and decided (begrudgingly) that it was for the best that he stopped obsessing over that one Shiratorizawa cheerleader. That perfect, pretty, popular, and so fucking sexy cheerleader. Oikawa was content with his new life in Argentina, especially knowing he would never have to see you or Ushijima again. Boy, was he wrong. 
The beach was sunny that day, and it was full of people doing whatever they wanted: making out, poorly playing volleyball, making sandcastles, whatever they wanted. Oikawa considered joining in on an amateur volleyball match, but he shrugged it off. They would probably recognize him, and while he enjoyed his fame, he preferred his female fans to his male ones. He instead opted to do what he did best: lie there and look pretty. His muscles rippled in the bronzing sunlight as he observed how the waves of the ocean danced, how the children laughed, and how the seagulls terrorized innocent picnic-havers. It was the best thing ever…until he got bored and wanted a drink. Something light, something with lime and coconut. He didn’t care what as long as it had those two things. 
The bar was unusually empty, which was great. His fame got him a lot of special treatment, but cutting the line at the beach bar was certainly different from them. He gave the bartender his order and gave him the pesos, turning his back to the employee as his drink got mixed. Oikawa zoned out for the better part of it, not thinking of much until he was snapped out of his thoughts by a feminine voice. 
“Virgin margarita, please,” you spoke so sweetly like honey was falling from your lips. Oikawa snapped his head in your direction, and his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. You, Wakatoshi Ushijima’s girlfriend, were standing a few feet away from him, in the cutest little black bikini he had ever seen. He choked on his saliva, pretending to brush it off as a cough. Fuck, did you notice him? There was no way you didn’t. Whatever, there’s no turning back now. Oikawa plastered his signature smirk onto his handsome features, staring at you through his designer sunglasses.
“Well, if it isn’t Ushijima’s illustrious girlfriend. What brings you to Argentina? Let me guess, he sent you to sign me to the Alders?” his voice was smug, annoyingly smug. 
You groaned and took off your sunglasses, nestling them atop your head. “Okay, you’re so wrong on so many levels,” you placed your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow. “First of all, I’m not his girlfriend anymore. I broke up with Wakatoshi after he got drafted to the Alders, which probably answers your second question.” the ghost of a smirk dusted your lips. 
“Oh,” Oikawa was momentarily silenced. “But you’re still on a first-name basis?”
“And is that any of your business?”
“Wow, since when was Shiratorizawa’s princess so fucking bitchy? I thought you were Snow White or something,” he scoffed, stepping towards you with his arms crossed. 
“And you’re just as pretentious as people say you are,” you snickered. “For your information, Oikawa, I can act however I want. I broke up with his sorry ass, and I’m not telling you why. God, I can’t believe we’re at the same beach.”
Shit, he liked how you were talking to him. No one had put him down like that long ago, not since Iwaizumi. It was nice…did he like it when girls were mean to him instead of worshipping the ground he walked on?
“Hey, don’t get pissy with me, princess. It’s not my fault you just happen to go to the beach near where I live,” Oikawa scoffed. “What are you even doing in Argentina anyway? What, did university not work out for you back in Miyagi.”
You rolled your eyes. “For your information, asshole, I got into every university I applied to. I just…” you signed, rubbing your temple. “I just needed some time away from that place. Everything reminds me of Wakatoshi. It was just better for me to get away for a while.”
The bartender coughed awkwardly, holding your drinks. You both took them as the employee turned back around, visibly uncomfortable. Oikawa took a sip of the drink, nodding in approval. “So, I take it finding me on this beach wasn’t the most relaxing thing?”
“I thought you were going to be nice to me, but I guess I was wrong since you thought I was still with Wakatoshi,” you sipped your drink, the cool liquid drooling down your chin and onto your breasts. “But…I guess I can forgive you. After all, neither of us went to nationals since Karasuno got number nine and ten, right?” 
Oikawa chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Fucking Tobio.”
“You know he’s on the Alders as well, right?”
“What? Oh, fucking of course he is,” Oikawa scoffed, placing his drink down at the bar. He looked at your form again, drinking in each curve that your bikini did such a poor job of hiding. Did you wear that thing on purpose to find someone here to fuck? Maybe Ushijima never fucked you right. Maybe he never made you cum. Maybe that’s why you dumped his sorry ass because he was a terrible lover. Oh, wouldn’t that just be a fucking treat?
“So,” Oikawa stared at the ground. “Do you wanna head back to my apartment? It’s within walking distance. Plus, I have drinks that aren’t stupidly overpriced,” he shot the bartender a dirty look. “No offense.”
You thought for a moment, your perfectly manicured finger tapping on your bottom lip. “Sure, that could be fun. Besides,” you leaned forward, exposing your cleavage to the setter. “If Wakatoshi heard about that, he would be so fucking pissed. So why not, hm?”
Holy shit. You were perfect. “Wow,” Oikawa was speechless, which was a rare fucking treat. “And here I thought you were all sweet and innocent,” he casually snaked his arm around your waist, shamelessly feeling your supple skin. “I guess I was wrong.”
“You’re lucky we hate the same person, or else I would have broken your arm off by now,” you snicker, allowing his hand to feel up and down your waist. “Now, where’s your apartment? Let me guess,” you pointed to an expensive-looking building. “Penthouse suite on the top floor right over there?”
“How the hell did you know that?” he raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 
You scoffed, walking in tune with Oikawa. “I mean, it’s painfully obvious. That’s the only apartment complex within comfortable walking distance, and knowing your ego, you probably chose the apartment on the top floor because you think you’re entitled to it, somehow,” you smirked, staring into his milky brown eyes. “Well? How right am I?’
Oikawa frowned, pouting like a baby. “...pretty right…” he mumbled.
“What? I didn’t catch that?” you pretended to cup your ear.
“I said you’re right. Jeez, since when were you this cocky?” he grumbled, pulling you closer to his muscular form. He was ripped, more ripped than he was in the sports magazines from high school. His chest was chiseled, and his shoulders were broad as if he had been sculpted by the gods themselves. You would never admit this to him (not sober, at least), but Oikawa was hot as fuck, even though he was a major brat. 
“I’ve always been this cocky, just not in public,” you looked up at the door of the penthouse apartment complex, the doorknobs brandishing an expensive golden sheen. “Wow, these sure are different than the Miyagi apartments,” you mumbled, rubbing on your arm. Oddly enough, you felt out of place, like you didn’t fit the right tax bracket to be allowed here.
“Well, cutie, I am a professional athlete. I make more than the entire staff does combined,” he bragged, waving to the desk attendant, who had the most annoyed look on her face. Maybe she knew what a dick Oikawa was as well. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, tapping your sandalled shoe against the cool tiling of the lobby. Did he just call you a cutie? You shouldn’t take it personally. He probably did that with every other girl he found attractive. Wait, does that mean he found you attractive? Oh god, did you actually like being flirted with by Toru Oikawa? You slapped your hands over your cheeks, attempting to hide the ever-blooming red blush.
“Are you okay? You look red,” he thought for a second, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Is Shiratorizawa’s Princess blushing?” he leaned forward, smirking as the elevator doors closed. His large and calloused hands pressed against either side of your head, trapping you between the wall and his shirtless frame.
“Shut up!” you slapped him across his cheek, leaving a stinging imprint on his flawless skin. He gasped, massaging his cheek. “You’re a pervert, you know that?”
“I haven’t even said anything perverted yet! No one hits me, no one!” he wined, uncaging you from the elevator wall. “You’re feisty,” he mumbled under his breath, something you couldn’t hear.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the elevator door dinged. You both left the elevator and walked to his apartment in silence, your hands massaging your arms as the cold air of the upper floor set in. Rich people have excellent air conditioning. 
“This is it,” Oikawa jiggled his key into the lock, pulling open the mahogany door. “Ladies first,” he winked, making you scoff as you entered the vast apartment. 
“Holy-” your words died on your lips as you took in Oikawa’s living space. How perfect and elegant it was. It was massive, boasting a designer kitchen with beautiful granite countertops and three ovens. Who the hell needs three ovens? “This place is huge! Damn, I forgot how much they pay professional athletes!” 
Oikawa chuckled at your childlike marveling, or perhaps it was envy? Either way, he could get used to you gawking over his wealth. “I know, I know. I’m fucking fantastic,” he strode over to the bar cart, mixing some peach juice and vodka. “I know this isn’t the most manly drink, but beer is so gross. Don’t you agree?” he handed you a glass, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at your tits.
“Oh, totally. Beer is gross,” you took a sip of the drink, smiling at the peach juice hit your tongue. “Oh damn, this is good. Where did you get this?”
“I’m not telling. You could buy out my entire supply!” Oikawa laughed, taking another sip of his beverage. “So,” he leaned against his kitchen counter, staring into your eyes with his half-lidded ones. “What will it take for me to learn why you dumped Ushijima, hm?” his voice was a purr, like a siren trying to lure you into the sea.
You rolled your eyes and sat down on the couch, admiring the tasteful throw pillows he had. “Well, if it gets you to shut up, I’ll tell you,” you patted the seat right next to your own. “You’re lucky I have vodka in me, or else I’d be really bitchy right about now.”
“Who’s saying you aren’t being bitchy?”
You shot him a glare. “Do you wanna know my breakup story or not?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes and sat next to you, purposefully spreading his muscular thighs. Fuck, he was sexy as hell. “Well? Let’s hear the story, cutie.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, locking your eyes on your pedicured feet. “We started dating because one of his teammates said we would look good together. Tendou, I think his name was. He asked me out, but it wasn’t very romantic. He was stoic, unfeeling. I guess he’s always been like that,” you paused, licking your bottom lip. “He was a good boyfriend for the most part, I guess. He was kind, and he supported me in anything I did. It’s just…volleyball was his top priority, not me. And don’t get me wrong, I loved cheerleading. Wakatoshi prioritized sports over his relationship, so I dumped him once he was signed to the Alders.” you looked up at Oikawa, a soft smile gracing your lips. “I’m happy I dumped his sorry ass.”
“Wow,” Oikawa mumbled, setting his drink on the coffee table. “I’m sorry he treated you like that. I always knew he was a piece of shit, and now I have the proof,” he smacked his lips together, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “C’mere, I gotta ask you something else.”
“Do we have to be this close for you to ask me a question?” you raised an eyebrow, secretly enjoying the intimacy.
“Yes,” Oikawa immediately responded. “Answer me this,” his voice dropped to a deep octave, goosebumps covering your arms. “Did he ever make you cum, or did you have to fake it every time?”
Your breath hitched in your throat, a blush dusting your cheeks. “Well, technically, no, he didn’t make me cum,” you whispered, knowing damn well that Oikawa had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“I fucking knew it,” he pulled you impossibly closer, pulling your lip down with his thumb. “Poor little girl, hm? You’re big, strong boyfriend never gave you an orgasm. Did he even know where the clit is?”
You shook your head. “No, I had to show it to him, and he still has never found it.”
“Oh, that’s pathetic. And adorable. To think,” his lips trailed upwards to the cartilage of your ear, nibbling on it. “That a pretty thing like yourself had a boyfriend that wouldn’t give her what she wanted…that’s just tragic, don’t you think so?”
You looked at him, your eyes ablaze. “I guess so. What, did you wanna do something about that?” your hands slid up and down his thigh, dangerously close to his hardening cock. 
“I think I will,” without any warning, he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, slapping you on the ass. You squeaked and were thrown onto his bed, the crisp cotton sheets welcoming your burning skin. Oikawa crawled on top of you, pinning your wrists above your head. “I have an idea, something that will piss Ushijima off. That’s what we both want, isn’t it?” he planted a daring kiss on your neck, the aroma of your tropical perfume filling his nostrils. “I know you wanna see him angry, don’t you, cutie?”
Fuck, his words landed right at your core. You squeezed your legs shut, tilting your head to the side so he could plant more of his blazing kisses on your delicate skin. “Mhm, I wanna see him get so mad he does something he’ll regret,” you purr, gasping as Oikawa sank his canines into you. A soft moan fell from your lips, only encouraging him to leave more delicious bruises. He stopped his ministrations, licking his way up to your ear. “I wanna film me fucking your brains out,” his voice was a low rumble, practically dripping with want. “I wanna send him pictures of you covered in my fucking cum with your tits covered in hickeys. That’ll show him, right?” he shamelessly palmed your breast, wanting to tear that slutty bikini off your perfect body.
“Fuck, Oikawa,” you moaned, breaking free from his grasp. “If you’re gonna do that,” you sat on the bed. “We have to be equals in this, or he’ll think you’re fucking me without consent.”
“What? So, no bondage or anything?” he pouted. “Well, I guess that’s fair,” his milky eyes darted to one of his dresser drawers. “I…I have a professional camera in there, as well as a tripod. Don’t fucking ask why I have those, okay? If we’re gonna film a little something for your ex-boyfriend,” he playfully nipped at your ear. “We’re gonna do it right.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you chuckled, swatting his hands away as he fumbled with the string of your bikini top. “Nope, you have to undress me on camera. That’ll really piss him off.”
Oikawa smirked, setting up the tripod quickly. How many times did he use that thing? “You sure know him well, don’t you, cutie?” he hit the record button, crawling above you again. The camera was positioned to have the side-view of whatever you two decided to participate in. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the money shot with my phone,” he snickered, hovering his lips above yours. “Now, cutie, do you wanna make a movie with me?”
“Fuck yes,” and his lips were upon yours, ravaging them like he had drank a love potion. They moved in sync with your own, relishing in the mango-flavored chapstick you wore. He kissed you like he owned you from the second he saw you in that slutty bikini. The way his teeth clashed against yours was animalistic in his fight to be dominant, not even asking for entry before shoving his tongue inside your mouth. Your wet muscles danced, pulling moan after moan out of your lungs before he pulled away abruptly, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. 
“Gotta fucking catch my breath,” he chuckled. “You kiss like a fucking whore.”
“I bite like one, too,” you smirked, rolling over to straddle Oikawa’s waist. He gasped in confusion before quickly being silenced, the sensation of you harshly sucking on his muscular neck making him whimper. You chuckled, grinding yourself onto his pelvis, your most intimate parts being covered by thin pieces of fabric.
“Fuck, cutie,” Oikawa’s hands squeezed your hips, rolling the fat between his taped fingers. He bucked his hips upwards, making you yelp. “Take off that fucking top now,” he growled, fisting the sheets beneath him impatiently.
You giggled and reached behind your back, undoing the bikini knot teasingly slow. Oikawa knew what you were doing. He’d seen it a million times by now. Usually, he wouldn’t mind. It was just another beach slut taking her time, trying to draw out their experience with the great Toru Oikawa. But this time was different. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted you creaming on his cock the way Ushijima never made you. Besides, there would be a second time. And a third, and a fourth.
His hand cracked against your ass. “Don’t fucking tease me, cutie,” his voice rasped, his hands hungrily grasping onto your tits. “Fucking take this off, or I’ll rip it off of you. Show me those tits, don’t get all shy on me now.”
You squeak, your clit pulsating at the contact. “Fine, whatever you want, baby,” you threw your bikini top across the room, letting your breasts be exposed to the cool air of his bedroom. Oikawa groaned, rolling over so he was on top once more. His mouth found your breast, sucking at the pillowy flesh while his hands rolled over your pert nipple, alternating between each breast. He sucked on your areloas, making sure not to be gentle. He only got more confident with each slutty moan he ripped from your lips, relishing in the incredibly high ones he received when he bit down on your nipple. Your chest was littered with tiny purple circles and covered in his saliva, the desire in your belly practically bubbling over. His cock was painfully hard, pressing against your inner thigh. You swore you could hear it throbbing, begging to fuck your cunt. 
“Oikawa!” you whimpered, grabbing his ashy brown hair and forcefully pulling him away from your chest. “I-I think you marked me enough, right? C’mon,” your hand guided his into your bikini bottom, sighing as his thumb finally found your desperate clit. “I’m so wet down here for you, Oikawa. Don’t you wanna take care of me?”
Your voice was high-pitched like the girls in porn, and Oikawa fucking loved it. You were both putting on a show in shorts. A show to piss off a man that you both despised, but it was a show nonetheless. It's a sexy, depraved show.
“You moan like a fucking slut,” he pushed your bikini to the side, exposing your dripping pussy. Without a second thought, he shoved his middle and ring finger deep inside your heat, curling them slightly. You cried out, arching your back further into the mattress as his other hand still had a firm hold on your breast.
“Oh, you like that, cutie? You like getting finger-fucked by your ex-boyfriend's enemy?” he growled, fucking his fingers in and out of your weeping pussy at a relentless pace. “I wonder what they would say if they saw you like this, a slutty little mess under me. You’re such a whore for my fingers, aren’t you?” his thumb dragged over your clit, his fingers and his arm being so precise in their ministrations. Your pussy squeezed around his digits, feeling your first orgasm in such a long-time approach.
“P-please, Oikawa! Fucking make me cum!” you sobbed, your hands clenching onto the white sheets. You saw stars as your orgasm crashed over you, rolling your head to the side to stare directly into the camera. With your blown-out eyes and bruised lips, you looked fucking ethereal.
“Good fucking girl,” Oikawa popped his fingers in his mouth, tasting your slick. You tasted incredible, unlike anything he had ever tasted before. “Open up,” he ran his finger over your soaked core, gathering up more of your essence to forcefully shove inside your mouth. “Suck,” he commanded, and you did. Your tongue ran over his fingers while you made direct eye contact with him, making the setter impossibly hard. “Little slut.”
“M’not a slut,” you whined, spreading your legs further apart. You were contradicting yourself. You were on display for him as if his apartment was some kind of brothel. The look in his eyes when he saw your gorgeous body, your thighs still trembling in the aftershocks of your release. Fuck, it really looked like he ripped you straight out of a porno. 
“Then how come you’re spread out like one for me, hm? That pussy’s dripping all over my bed, dirty girl.” he slid off his swimming trunks, his cock slapping against his rock-hard abs. He boasted a proud, sensitive pink tip that was leaking with precum. He pumped his cock a few times before aligning it with your entrance, slapping the head against your clit. “Now, are you gonna beg for me to fuck you better than that pathetic ex-boyfriend of yours ever could?” he looked directly into the camera, mesmerized by the flashing red light. “Better than Ushijima, I’m better than Ushijima.”
“T-Toru!” you whined, pulling him down by his shoulders into a passionate kiss. You stared into the camera as well, giving it a wink. Using Oikawa’s first name would surely make your ex furious. It just had to. “Fuck me! Fuck me better than Wakatoshi ever could!” you sobbed, wrapping your legs around his waist so he had no hope of escaping. Your eyes were wet with fake tears, begging him to ruin you.
“Shit,” he groaned, pushing the head of his cock past your entrance. “That’s what I like to fucking hear.” he slammed his lips down on yours once again, bullying the rest of his throbbing length deep inside your heat. “So fucking tight.” Oikawa hissed at the sight of your greedy pussy sucking him in, his teeth nipping at your lips.
“S’fucking big, Toru! Fuck!” you cried, your nails leaving angry red crescent marks on his back. Oikawa revealed in the pleasure, continuing to make out with you as he fucked you harder, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix occasionally.
“You’ve ever been fucked this hard before, hm?” he bit down on your shoulder, leaving an imprint of his teeth. “No one’s ever fucked this pussy as good before, huh? Fucking answer me, cutie,” his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing softly. 
You gasped, struggling to take his massive cock and breath at the same time. “No one’s, fuck, no one’s ever fucked me like this before, Toru!” you sobbed, sighing in relief as he let go of your neck.
“So fucking obedient. And you let her dump you, Usjijima? Fucking pathetic,” he rolled his hips against yours, hitting even deeper inside your pussy. His balls slapped against the cleft of your ass, the apartment echoing with lustful moans and squeals. He grabbed your jaw and pulled you in for another kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his cock ravaged your core. 
“Toru, I’m gonna fucking cum!” you sob into his mouth, your nails now leaving furious red scratches down his back. He whined into your mouth, his hips never faltering as they continued their unrelenting and unforgiving speed. Sweat dripped from his brow and into your hair, moan after beautiful moan being ripped from your lips as he fucked you like he owned you, like you were his. It was more than just a revenge fuck, so much more.
“Fucking cum on my cock, cutie. Be a good fucking slut and make a mess on this cock,” he growled into your mouth, pulling on your hair to force your neck to the side. He planted open-mouth kisses as you were pushed over the edge, crying out his name as your release coated his pulsating shaft. 
Fuck, he wasn’t going to last, not at the rate that your pussy was milking him. He eagerly reached for his phone on the mattress, and just as he felt his orgasm approach, he pulled out of your addictive cunt. The camera app was opened, and the record button was pressed, videoing Oikawa desperately fisting his cock before letting out a guttural, almost animalistic roar. His thick, white-hot ropes of cum painted your stomach and fucked out face, some even landing on your lips. Oikawa stopped recording and took several pictures, each with a different angle of your cum-covered curves.
“Gorgeous,” the setter muttered, tossing his phone back onto the now-ruined sheets. He got off the bed and grabbed the camera, winking at the lens as he hit the power button. The light stopped blinking, and Oikawa was satisfied. “Well, you just made your first porno. How do you feel about that, cutie?” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “It’s more of a revenge porno than anything, but I liked it,” you averted your gaze. “You’re a good fuck.”
He placed a hand on his hip. “Well, obviously,” Oikawa rolled his eyes, grabbed a box of tissues, and handed them to you. “Clean yourself off. I’ll run you a bath in a minute.”
You needed clarification. “You’re doing aftercare?”
“Why the hell would I not?” he sounded offended. 
“Because you seem like an inconsiderate piece of shit,” your words were so casual, yet so mean. Why did Oikawa crave more?
“I made you cum, didn’t I?” he snatched the box of tissues out of your hand. “Twice, I made you cum twice. That’s more than fucking Ushijima ever could.”
“Woah, don’t get your panties in a twist. It was just an assumption, damn.” you rolled your eyes, stepping off of the bed. “Now, I’m gonna need to borrow a shirt before I get the hell out of here. You kind of ruined my bikini top.”
Oikawa shook his head, placing the camera inside his drawer beside him. “You aren’t going anywhere, not until I’ve gotten as many orgasms as I want out of that slutty little pussy of yours.”
You chuckled darkly and pounced on him, straddling his waist once again. “Only if I get to be on top this time, okay?” you licked his neck. “I wanna see how the Great King reacts to Shiratorizawa’s Princess riding his cock.”
Oikawa grinned and pulled you down for another kiss, his cock already hard. You were in for a long fucking night.
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Ushijima woke up to an onslaught of ringing sounds coming from his phone. Groaning, he turned to the side to see who had the balls to be emailing him at 2:56 in the morning. 
His eyes widened as he saw two video attachments, as well as several image attachments, of Oikawa’s cock plunging in and out of his ex-girlfriend's pussy. Her cries and moans quickly filled up his bedroom as Oikawa’s mischievous brown eyes locked with Ushijima’s green ones from behind the screen. He sat up, scrolling through the rest of the attachments. Each image was enough to send him into a rage, but the last one was what got to him. Your head resting on Oikawa’s chest, various hickeys covering your tits and neck as you slept soundly. On the other hand, Oikawa was smirking as he held up the number five with his fingers. Ushijima’s hands cracked his phone, shattering the protective glass.
Toru Oikawa was a smug-ass motherfucker.
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midnightloversmusic · 19 hours
Hey! Could you do poly!marauders where the reader gets a new piercing and maybe the boys accidentally hit it and like help clean it and stuff? Thank you <33
Hii, love! So I kinda strayed off a little from the request and didn’t realize it until it was too late. I hope this is still somewhat what you were hoping for! (The piercing I chose was a septum because it’s the only piercing that I actually have lol)
I hope you enjoyyy, mwah<3
All three of the boys are gathered in the kitchen fighting over the correct way to make a salad. If it were anyone else who just walked in on the argument, they’d think the boys were being serious. You know they are just being silly. Their arguments are usually about nothing important and get heated quickly, but fizzle out soon after.
Yesterday Sirius had taken you to a tattoo and piercing parlor that he went to the last time he got a tattoo. You had been wanting to get a septum piercing for a while, but never had the time and you just couldn’t justify spending the money. Sirius however had noticed. He saw you longingly staring through piercers windows, eying septum rings at jewelry shops, and scrolling aimlessly through Pinterest just to stop and stare when a picture of someone with a nose ring popped up. He had got James and Remus together to tell them he was going to surprise you with a trip to the tattoo parlor to get it done, and they couldn’t agree more. You deserved it.
Now the actual piercing didn’t hurt to get done. Sirius said you didn’t even flinch when the needle slid through your skin. But god did it hurt now. It would be bearable if you could just stop touching your nose. You swear you didn’t have to wipe your nose this much before you got it done, or at least you didn’t notice if you had to. Now every-time you feel your nose get runny you have to brace yourself to get a tissue and gently sweep below the piercing and clench your jaw at the burning sensation that occurs when you accidentally hit the ring.
That’s what’s happening now. As the boys continue to fight their aimless argument over salads, they know they are going to go with James’ recipe because it’s the best, but are too stubborn to admit it. You walk behind the counter to grab a tissue and prepare for the inevitable pain that will come with blowing your nose.
before you can properly lift up the tissue you hear James say
“What do you think Y/N?”
The question caught you off guard seeming as you had stopped paying attention to the conversation ages ago.
“I think you are all being silly, I love all your salads equally. Pull some straws or something”
You don’t even have time to feel bad about the little white lie told when your mind betrays you by going autopilot and blowing your nose the regular way. This would have been fine, splendid really if it had happened just a few days before, but now with your fresh piercing it feels like a punch to the face. the boys seem to realize this at the same time as you because Remus’ face turns into a grimace, James let’s put a hiss, and Sirius puts his hands up as if he can stop your movements from across the room.
You all flinch at the same time. Your eyes immediately water and you lift your hand to gently cup your nose as you double over and let out a muffled
“Lovie now why would you do that?”
James asks in an almost heartbroken voice. As if he was the one in pain.
“because you distracted me, that’s why.” you snap out, but immediately feel guilty for saying. It’s not James fault you just fucked with a fresh piercing.
James doesn’t seem to mind as he comes closer and lifts your hand away from your nose to inspect it. Remus and Sirius also make their way towards you to lend out their comfort in the form of soft touches and pitying words.
Once the pain subsides you consider continuing the act. The boys were being so soft with you and there’s no harm in a little lie. Plus it will make them forget about who they’re choosing to make the salad tonight and give your ears a much needed break from their bickering.
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partitionis · 17 hours
on the horror of fame:
something that I often find myself thinking about when I’m back in Taiwan and around people who are far richer than I’ll ever be [1] is how the day-to-day experience of being rich and powerful is actually pretty… dehumanizing
there’s a sweet spot where you’re wealthy enough that you don’t have to worry about money ever and still anonymous enough that you can pop down to the 7/11 without anyone knowing who you are, but once you’re famous enough that people on the street tend to recognize you? you’re fucked.
ok, you haven’t driven a car in a few decades because you’ve been rich enough to employ a driver and someone of your status isn’t really the type to drive themselves around. this is fine. except now your driver knows all of your business. that’s also fine, you pay him for his discretion. do you pay him enough? can you be sure that his institutional loyalty is enough to stop him from taking a tabloid payment? maybe you want to go somewhere spur of the moment. you could call your driver, and he’d drop whatever he was doing and be at your house to get you within fifteen minutes [2], but you know, maybe he’s with his kids or something. you could take the subway, except if you do that multiple people will recognize you and everyone will treat you like you have some sort of infectious disease [3]. guess you’d better stay in.
and every moment of every day is like this! being a famous man is great because women want to have sex with you and men want to be you. except mostly what everyone wants is access to the wealth and power you represent: people tell you half-truths to try to convince you to invest in some bullshit or they put their hands dangerously close to your penis in public social situations [4]. you— the person you actually are— are mostly treated like an obstacle to be overcome or a puzzle to be figured out. ‘what kind of currency do I need to put in to the old man to get what I want out of him’
so you have all of the things people want, but they’re poisoned by abundance. you can go anywhere and buy anything, but you can’t do it without feeling the eyes of the world on you. you have more friends and potential lovers than you know what to do with, but do you? one of the great privileges of being a regular person [5] is that you can generally trust that social gestures are genuine. I’m just a regular guy and the only benefit anyone gets from throwing me a birthday party or having sex with me is that we ate birthday cake or had sex. none of these things will unlock access to money or power because I’ve got none to give, but once you do, you invariably attract these people. they’re not all of your social circle, but they’re a lot of it, because competing for your limited time and attention with the people who are willing to grope you in public feels vaguely debasing
no wonder musicians are alcoholics! no wonder the people I know are all withdrawn and snappish. you’re just some guy, and you’re living a life so divorced from the rest of the world that you have more in common with the god-kings of old than you do with your own parents. is it worth it? I mean I won’t lie, sometimes it’s pretty sick; I’d never buy a $5,000 watch, but I can pretty easily imagine what I’d do with thousands of dollars of pocket change. but then I remember that one person I know refuses to tell anyone when his birthday is because people make such a big fucking deal out of it and I think, hm, if that were me I’d probably develop a heroin addiction [6].
[1] presumably
[2] let’s not consider how much it sucks to be the driver in this situation
[3] you are not the good kind of famous in this story, sorry.
[4] I’m sure this was titillating at one point but I’m also pretty sure it got old by the third decade, never mind what it’s like in the fifth
[5] unless you’re an Olive Garden manager who posts a lot about fake friends and backstabbers on Facebook or wherever the beleaguered Olive Garden managers of the world are posting today
[6] at least I’d be able to pay for it
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rottingworship · 3 days
The smut prompts 72 and 80 ☝️😈
MWAAH THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST!! This is actually longer than most prompts i've ever written ever omg... I got carried away... may write a part 2 involving tim :3
As always, prompts are from here! Divider is from sister-lucifer
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!, fingering, innocent!reader, hint at corruption kink sorta (?), praise, finger sucking, F!Reader
Prompts: "There is no way anyone is that innocent." "What? Does that feel good?"
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“There is no way anyone is that innocent.” Brian switches through the channels on the TV.
Tim shrugs, really not caring. “Ya never know.”
“She’s a killer.” Brian huffs. “We are all killers.”
“Not all killers fuck.” Tim rolls his eyes. “If it’s that big of a deal, why don’t you ask her?” Tim has had enough. He gets up and walks to his room. Brian is thinking about it. About how sweetly you interact with them. How oblivious you are to some of their jokes. The look on your face when some of them click.
The door opening brings him out of his thoughts. You walk into your home with a large smile on your face and a small bag of groceries in your hand. You tell Brian ‘hi’ and walk to the kitchen. His eyes don’t leave you.
You turn back around and your eyes meet his. “You alright, love?”
Brain tenses. Love… It’s what you have always called him and Tim both. There never seems to be any ‘love’ behind the word. But Brian wishes for there to be. He’s sure you're just being nice and friendly. You always have been. Somehow, you stay so loving…
“Yeah.” He stands up from the couch and begins to walk towards you. You don’t think anything of it. You put some of the groceries up and begin to walk past him. Brian stops you in your tracks, his hand grabbing your bicep. The way look up at him leaves him reeling. Brian holds you there. Without saying a word.
“You good?” Your brows furrow, but you don’t pull away. Your eyes show no sign of fear of him hurting you, but they do show extreme confusion.
“Is this an act?”
His question causes you to pout. “What? Is what an act?” You really don’t get it.
“You’re so-” Brian sighs. “Nevermind. I gotta go.” He is overwhelmed. It doesn’t take a lot for you to realize that. Brian is quick to leave your home. You try to get that interaction out of your head and finish putting up groceries. As you walk to the bathroom to finish putting things away, you remember Tim’s home. You walk to his room and knock.
“Hey, it’s me.” As soon as he gives you the okay, you open the door. “Is Brian okay?” It’s the first thing you ask. Tim looks at you and groans.
“What’d he do?”
“He asked if I was acting,” It comes out more like a question than anything, “and then, he just- He left.”
Tim snorts, trying to not smile. “He’s fine. Probably relieving some stress right now.”
“What’s he stressed about?” You cock your head at him.
“You.” It’s all he gives you. You are sent into a spiral. Your face contorts with confusion and you gasp. You stumble on your words, stuttering something out, before Tim saves you. “It’s not bad, he thinks about you too much though.”
“Too much!?” You are dumbfounded. “How much is the normal amount?”
“Probably the amount that I think about you.”
You cannot catch a break. You let out a groan and close Tim’s door, leaving him alone. You have no more questions for him. You want to call Brian and ask if he’s alright, but you aren’t sure it’s Brian that will answer. You sigh and go to your room. You already took care of your business (or the operator’s), bought groceries, and put them up. It is time for you to relax. And now you can’t.
You walk to your bathroom and decide to shower. You have had a long day, and maybe the hot water will help relax you. As you shower, all you can think about is Brian; his questions and whatever the fuck Tim meant about him. You cannot lie, Brian is always plaguing your mind. Even more so now. Does he like me? You think as you wash your body. Does he fucking hate my guts? You begin to stress. If he hates me, that would suck, we kinda have to work together for the foreseeable future. You want to explode. You finish up your shower quicker than normal and decide you cannot be in your room. You get dressed and head to the living room. You lay down on your couch and sigh. You flip through the channels and land on some corny horror movie. You keep it there.
Before you know it, you are dozing off. You wake up to the door of your house opening. You sit up and rub your eyes. “Who- Brian?” You make out his frame, and then his hood and mask. “Oh, it’s just you, Hoodie.” You lie back down on the couch and close your eyes. You have not interacted with Hoodie as much as you have Brian, but you still trust him.
“Wake up.”
The way he says it has you sitting up immediately. You look at him with wide eyes and your mouth is slightly agape. “What the fuck?” Your legs swing over the side of the couch and Hoodie sits down beside you. “Is this about earlier? Because I’m still confused.”
“You really are oblivious… You know that?” You cannot figure out his emotions. You can’t tell if he’s smiling or annoyed, and it’s bothering you. “You’ve got Brian wrapped around your finger, and you are completely oblivious.” Hoodie doesn’t move. You scoot down the couch, confused by the suddenness of everything. “I see what he sees in you, though.”
“What?” You sound groggy still. “What does he see?”
Hoodie scoots closer. You freeze, swallowing hard. “You’re an angel.” Hoodie says it as if you should be aware of that already.
“I assure you,” You put a hand up, “I am no angel.” Something clicks. Your face contorts again, changing from confusion to an awareness. Awareness of everything Hoodie is saying. “Is this about not understanding some of the jokes I hear? Because, I’ve never been around guys a lot-” You look away from him, embarrassed. “I was pretty sheltered until I turned eighteen. And, y’know, moved away. I’ve never really had many friends-”
“It’s not an act…” Hoodie sounds so primal suddenly. It causes chills to run down your spine. The hair on your neck is standing on end. You swallow hard and let out an awkward laugh. You can’t look at him. “It’s okay,” He coos.
“I think about you- Uh Brian, a lot…” You twiddle your fingers, biting the inside of your lip, “I don’t know- I can’t begin to tell you-” You can’t see his face, but he looks absolutely animalistic. You blink a couple times, collecting your thoughts. “Can you kiss me?” Your voice is hushed, barely above a whisper.
Hoodie does not hesitate. He lifts up his mask, just enough to reveal his mouth and moves towards you. His hands cup your face and he smiles as soon as his lips meet yours. You relax into his touch. Your mind is going a mile a minute. When his tongue gently runs across your bottom lip, you eagerly open your mouth for him.
Without missing a beat, as Hoodie shoves his tongue in your mouth, he effortlessly moves you onto his lap. You let out a gasp and your arms wrap around his neck. You are positively melting into his touch.
Hoodie pulls away and begins to trail kisses down your throat. Your brain is fuzzy and you can’t think straight. You let a quiet moan and Hoodie smirks against your skin. “Sh,” He hushes you, “don’t need Tim hearing us.”
You nod and try to keep quiet. Before you know it, your position is being switched. You are lying on your back on the couch and Hoodie is above you, he’s watching you. You can’t see his eyes, but you can see his smirk. You let out a whine and your thighs rub together. “Please,” You whine, “I need-” You cannot verbalize what you need.
“Use your words,” He leans down and begins to kiss your neck again, licking and nipping the sensitive skin.
“I need you to touch me!” You are frustrated. “Make me feel good, please!” You are begging at this point.
Brian laughs. His smile widens and laughs. Your face is burning up and you want to hide again. “It’s okay, baby,” he murmurs into your skin. “I can do that.”
Hoodie is resting on his arm, keeping his weight from being completely on you. His opposite hand begins to trail towards your shirt and straight towards the elastic of your pajama pants. His hand dips down and he begins to rub you through your panties. Your hips eagerly roll into his touch and Hoodie gently bites down on your neck.
“So impatient,” He hums into your ear.
“Please!” You are still trying to keep quiet. “Need you-”
Hoodie doesn’t falter. His fingers pull down your pajama pants and your underwear. He palms you, and you roll into him again. A little more violently this time. Hoodie slides one finger into you at first. His lips are still attached to your throat. Your breathing is becoming heavy and loud. Hoodie’s finger moves slowly, painfully slow at first. You buck into him and let out a soft whimper.
“Hm,” Hoodie hums into your skin. “I’m sure your own fingers aren’t this good, huh?” He is cocky. You shake your head, quickly. You cannot form words. You are left a mess under him. “What? Does that feel good?” He knows the answer to that. You nod. “I’m gonna add another, okay?” He sits up to watch your reaction.
Another finger pushes into you and a white, hot fire is lit in your core. Your eyes screw shut as his fingers slowly pump in and out of you, his thumbs grazing over your clit. You feel like you're in a tunnel. You can hear him commenting about how good you are, but you cannot respond. Your mouth falls agape and you are trying to form a sentence to beg for more.
“Faster,” You mumble, “please, faster!”
“Anything for you,” He coos at you.
He picks up the pace and you are writhing in pleasure underneath him. Every single time his fingers pull from you, your hips follow them. You need him.
“Close-” The word stumbles from your tongue, “so close.” Your toes curl. You are going to burst. Your body tenses and your eyes shut tight. Your nails dig into Hoodie’s back, clawing at the fabric. His pace, steady but quick, does not slow. He keeps going. No signs of stopping anytime soon.
You pull Hoodie to you, letting out a loud whimper. His name falling from your lips like a mantra. You are seeing stars as his thumb rubs your clit a little faster. A louder cry is pulled from you this time. Everything comes undone so fast. Hoodie is in your ear, mumbling to you how good you’ve been, how you deserve this, and kissing the shell of your ear.
Hoodie lowers himself on top of you as you come down from your high. His fingers pull from you and shoves them into his own mouth. He sucks on them. You feel yourself getting even more wet.
The door down the hall opens. “What the fuck?”
You hide yourself immediately. Hoodie laughs. “I told you to be quieter.”
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cobaltperun · 1 day
Woe out the Storm (17) - When You're Gone
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Wednesday Addams x female Reader
Summary: It took some time, but eventually you came to realize only Wednesday Addams could look at the raging storm of chaos and destruction and make a home out of it. Only she could listen to the cacophony of the roaring thunder and hear a melody.
Story warnings: Wednesday Addams, violence, slow burn
Story masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part (Season 1.5 finale)
Word Count: 2.8k
-I've never felt this way before, everything that I do reminds me of you-
Hours. She was wasting hours. She sat on the front seat of her family’s car, knowing how ridiculous she was being. It would take six hours to go back to Jericho, and then who knows how long to reach you, not to mention the time that passed between your death and the video being sent to her.
“Drive faster, Lurch!” she demanded, her hand clutching the phone as she tried to call you, desperately wishing it was just a prank and you’d answer, alive and well.
“My little executioner, raiju are powerful outcasts, and Elijah was more than capable of fighting even when he was still at Nevermore,” her father’s words meant nothing, not after the vision of Diego’s death.
Raiju were powerful, indeed, but nothing compared to Raijin. But before she could answer her phone began ringing and she saw Enid was calling her. She bit her lower lip, picking up and hoping Enid wasn’t just feeling like talking. Though, since she was admittedly inept at using her phone perhaps Enid could search for information.
“Wednesday can you reach Y/N?!” Enid immediately demanded, not wasting time with small talk.
“No, I-“ she felt the words sticking to her throat, refusing to come out again after she had to tell her family what was going on. “I got a message, a video of her and her father’s corpses,” she pushed the words out.
Enid gasped and Wednesday was sure she heard her dropping to the floor. “W- but how?! She’s a raiju! She’s a lightning tiger!” she denied reality, much harder than Wednesday could and she was already crying. “Y/N can’t be dead Wednesday, she just can’t,” Enid sobbed.
“Enid, I need you to check the news, try to find where she could have died,” she had no other choice, she had to focus, to at least make sure your body was taken care of properly, and not left to rot in that scorched, burning area.
“O-Okay,” Enid was still crying, she needed comfort but Wednesday didn’t know how to give it to anyone. She had no words of encouragement, she had nothing to say, and she hung up, giving the girl time to process the information in peace. Words and tears wouldn’t bring the dead back to life, she knew that.
Because there truly wasn’t anything she could do, was there? Even if you were alive when the video was taken so much time would have passed, and if no one helped you then… She covered her eyes, for a moment taking her eyes off the road, knowing you wouldn’t be there, she wouldn’t find you on the way to Jericho.
The ghost of your touch from that night, the feel of your hands on her faded, knowing there would be no next time. You wouldn’t get the chance to remember what happened, you were gone. Dead, killed likely by Raijin, because nothing else made sense. And all because of her. The two of you didn’t avoid the curse, not in the slightest.
“Darling, don’t mourn her just yet, she might still be alive,” her mother meant no harm, she even placed a comforting hand on Wednesday’s shoulder. She saw the video, they all did, they all knew Elijah was undoubtedly dead, you were wounded, severely, but it wasn’t as definitive as lost arm and chest ripped open.
“Don’t say that,” she couldn’t believe a lie only to have it all fall apart when she finds you.
“Wednesday I’m trying to help you,” she knew that, but what else was she supposed to feel?
And as hard as she tried not to be Wednesday was consumed by guilt. “You want to help me? Go ahead, use your spirits, find her and bring her back to life!” she snapped, even though she knew her mother couldn’t do that. She pushed her mother’s hand away and then her eyes widened as she saw the telltale signs of a vision, and her mother’s visions weren’t violent like her own, but rather positive. “Mother?” she turned in her seat, looking at her mother intensely. What did she see? Did it have anything to do with you.
“She’ll be fine, Wednesday,” Morticia told her and Wednesday felt her heart hammering nails through her chest once more. The smile on her mother’s face was honest, not meant to vanquish Wednesday’s guilt. The tension in the car vanished and she felt like she could breathe once more. You were alive.
You were alive.
You gasped, the piercing, sharp pain, the heat in your body, you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t move. Your entire body felt like it was held down by a wire that paralyzed you. But you were alive, you survived an encounter with Raijin once again and you were sure you used up all your luck for this. Even as injured as you were, you survived.
“Dad?” you called out, your voice hoarse. How long have you been unconscious?
If you survived maybe he was still alive as well. He didn’t respond, and you didn’t hear anything aside from trees slowly burning around you. There was nothing else, no birds chirping, no breathing, no signs of life. And you forced yourself to open your eyes, it was pitch dark, but you managed to tap into your lightning, getting your eyes to change color and the world around you was given a shape as you turned your neck to the right.
If this was luck it felt more like a curse.
“Damn it!” you yelled, getting to your hands and knees and clenching your fists as you confirmed it. He had no pulse, he wasn’t even bleeding anymore, his injuries were too severe. You lowered your head to his back and wailed, your cries sounding more like a wounded animal than anything human. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I should have kept you out of this!” it was all your fault. You called him to come to Nevermore, you asked him to train you, if you just dealt with it alone, he would still be alive.
You remembered the fight, the desperation, all your efforts not working. Surviving meant nothing! You couldn’t touch Raijin! You couldn’t beat him, surviving just delayed inevitable. What good would it do if you had to watch him or raiju working for him kill more people you loved?
You roared, emotions and lightning enhancing one another, red turned orange as you rose up, head thrown back and you screamed at the dark skies. The clear sky was nothing compared to the storm in your mind and the lightning bursting from your body felt like sparks compared to what was within you.
This was going to be a pain in the ass to cover up. Damn Raijin went overboard, and Barry wasn’t going to like this. Now, where was the raiju brat? If she had to guess she would say around the middle of the ruins. The woman stepped off the road and formed a road of orange lightning down the hill to the middle. “The smoke better not stick to my clothes. Disgusting,” she skated along the lightning road, about three feet above the ground.
Still, Raijin truly was a powerful creature. All this destruction, and if she had to guess he didn’t go all out. And she couldn’t tell if he was just showing you and Elijah just how much stronger he was, or if you two fought back. Either way, she was looking for corpses.
No one survived an actual fight with Raijin. He had his warning encounter, it was more fun for him that way. The first time one sees Raijin, they get to stay alive, but they know deep down, the second time won’t be like that. The second time is either death or servitude, and the woman only knew of two raiju that chose neither. Elijah being one of them. But a life of fleeing from one place to another was hardly worth it in her opinion.
One doesn’t escape Raijin.
As he should have known. He should have known that taking his daughter along would just end up in their deaths.
A sudden chill running down her spine made her stop and look around, she should have waited until morning. It wasn’t a full moon tonight, this kind of feeling, this intense and dangerous wasn’t something she was used to. And then she saw it, orange lightning turning yellow as a body shone brightly not too far from her.
“Elijah?” she knew that was the stage he was at, but surviving this? It couldn’t be the brat, her lightning was red in base. So, who was it? The body kept shining, entirely engulfed in lightning and she realized what she was looking at.
It was the brat.
Her lightning was heating up, going to the next stage, to the same stage that Elijah didn’t reach until he was almost thirty and she only recently reached.
“What in the world?” she pulled her phone out and dialed Barry.
“Did you find them?” he asked as she kept watching.
“The girl is alive, her lightning is now yellow in the beast form,” she told him and heard his breath hitching.
“That’s not good. Nevermore can’t handle that kind of raiju,” she could hear him grinding his teeth at that.
But with lightning this intense, maybe you were done with Nevermore. “How old is she anyway? Eighteen?” you had to be.
“According to records, sixteen,” the grim tone of his voice was understandable. A sixteen-year-old raiju shouldn’t even change the color of lightning when shifting. It should be red in human form, and red in beast form. And here you were, two levels above that.
“Should I neutralize her?” you would be a problem if left alive. Especially if you had no control over your beast form. Raijin causing troubles would be nothing compared to you leaving and destroying anything in your path.
“Not yet, observe her. Unless she starts rampaging just keep your distance,” Barry ordered and she gritted her teeth and skated to a closest tree that wasn’t burnt down. She could keep an eye on you from there.
After almost half a day, the entire night of driving Lurch reached the battlefield, the large, ruined area, burnt down by electricity. As the Sun rose Wednesday ran out the moment the car stopped and went down the hill, ignoring the burnt fallen trees her dress was getting stuck on. She just looked around, desperately trying to see you anywhere. “Y/N!” she exclaimed, yelling as loud as she could.
And then, through the smell of smoke and burnt forest she smelt blood and slowed down so she walked. She saw you first, a golden tiger engulfed in lightning, lying next to Elijah’s corpse.
You were completely out of control, even more than you were at Nevermore, and the heat of your lightning was almost unbearable, but you were alive and that was all that mattered. “Y/N?” she ran up to you and dropped to her knees and ignoring how much it would hurt she placed her hand on the side of your neck, only for lightning to move aside, just like it did at Nevermore. “Look at me?” she requested, and you silently complied, looking at her and then just dropping your head back to the ground, but the lightning weakened until it was completely gone, and she could see your new form in its entirety. You looked even bigger now, not by a lot, but regardless, at least a foot and a half longer.
She looked to the side, to your father’s corpse, to the hole you dug in the ground. She saw dirt on your paws, you probably didn’t move him because you were worried about further damaging the body.
Wednesday ran her fingers through your fur, the orange looked natural, a huge, but otherwise normal tiger, but light golden shade of your fur, well, aside from black stripes and white parts of the fur looked good on you. And it made injuries easier to spot. You were wounded, blood was on your chest and neck, but the wounds were closed, luckily.
“Mi Rayo,” she whispered, watching as your ears perked up at that and you raised your head once more. Despite the death of your father, she was just thankful that you were alive, that was all she cared about, as cruel as that might make her. “Thank you,” she remembered how you had no memories of your time as the tiger and before her family could reach her once more she just hugged you. Her fingers dug into the fur of your neck, and she pressed her cheek just beneath your ear. It was ridiculous, your head was bigger than half her body. Three times now you were in this form near her, and she was never in danger, even when you weren’t in control. And she knew that said a lot about how much you cared about her.
You chuffed, but otherwise didn’t move, until you heard footsteps and lightning flared around you once more as a warning.
“Woah!” Pugsley exclaimed, surprised to see your current form, unlike her parents her brother only had an idea of what a raiju could do. Her parents, especially her father, probably had the first had experience, and Pugsley only knew raiju could turn into beasts. She was the same way until she saw you shifting,
She turned to the side as she let go of you. “It’s just my family, Y/N,” she didn’t mind your reaction. Enid and Thing told her you had trouble recognizing them in this form. And she saw you failed to recognize Bianca. So, her family, that you only saw a couple of times, wasn’t a surprise.
You understood her, much better than you did the last time you transformed and dropped your guard around them.
Her father approached Elijah’s body. She watched him, swallowing hard, not due to the sight, he was an Addams, he didn’t mind the injuries he saw. But Elijah was a friend he just managed to reconnect with, and they had that bond, the Addams-raiju bond she tried to avoid for a while.
Her father turned to you and knelt down next to Wednesday. “I see you dug up a grave for him, but this isn’t a place fit for him. How about we bury him in our graveyard?” he suggested to you, speaking a bit slower and softer than usual.
Wednesday saw recognition in your eyes as you nodded. You got up and easily filled the hole you prepared, it looked effortless, but given your current size it didn’t surprise her.
“Lurch, do you mind taking Elijah’s body to the car?” her mother requested, and Lurch complied, easily picking up the body as you watched carefully. Wednesday knew you were tall in this form, but she realized just how tall when you were easily a foot taller than Lurch, who was six foot six.
Wednesday raised her hand to your jaw. Why did you have to be even taller than the last time she saw you in your beast form? “Come on, let’s go,” she told you and you nodded, walking slowly alongside her and her family. Kitty would have a heart attack if you shifted at her house.
When you reached the car, you released a small burst of lightning and shifted back, already unconscious and it was only because Wednesday was right next to you that you didn’t fall face first onto the road. You were wounded in your human form as well, you lost a lot of blood, that much she could tell even from one glance. But you’d survive a ride back to her home, and they could patch you up better than hospitals ever could.
With the help from her parents she pulled you onto the back seat of the car and sat down next to you, with your head resting on her lap. She felt like her face was burning slightly, and she could feel her entire family looking at her, but she refused to say a word. She just looked down at your face, making sure you were still breathing.
“You scared me, you idiot,” she whispered to herself, the weight of your head on her lap was easily one of the most welcome feelings she experienced, despite the looks and smiles on her parents’ faces.
She despised the knowing looks they sent her way, but she would suffer through them without a single complaint.
Story masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part (Season 1.5 finale)
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ancuninfiles · 21 hours
Bite Night [REVISED]
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Gif by @astarionposting
18+ MDNI - M/F - Astarion x F!Tav - Words: 4K
[REVISED AS OF 06/26/2024]
Summary: He found himself surreptitiously climbing atop her vulnerable body, holding his breath, being sure not to wake her—he didn't need to breathe anyway.
Slotting his leg between her thighs for balance, he placed his elbow on the ground beside her head. He tilted her chin to the side, before slowly and gently brushing her hair away from her pulse point.
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Having lost his inhibition, he fisted Tav's hair with fervour, beastially pushing her neck into his mouth. Only then did he hear the salacious mewl of his prey, as he instinctively tasted the pleasure that flowed through her veins.
—𝘐𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦. . . e𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴? he questioned.
Astarion's eyes fluttered shut as he groaned deeply into her neck, bringing his knee flush to her core. Tav began to writhe beneath him, arching her back and slowly bucking her hips on his knee.
Tags: smut, somnophilia (if you squint), non-consensual vampire bites, blood drinking, enthusiastic consent (sex), vaginal fingering, P in v, creampie, mating press, outdoor sex, soft Astarion, sorcerer Tav, nondescript Tav, Aftercare, idealized version of events, no beta we die like cazador
MASTERLIST (Other works by me)
Read on AO3 for full tag list and proper formatting (Recommended)
𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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Astarion had never met anyone like Tav. Despite their first meeting—where he held a dagger to her throat after tricking her into thinking he needed help—she had shown him nothing but kindness. In retrospect, it was interesting to note that Tav, being a sorcerer, could have easily used Shocking Grasp on him while he had her pinned beneath his blade. Instead, she had been oddly compliant.
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“I saw you on the ship, didn't I? Nod,” Astarion cooed
Nodding, Tav gazed back at him with half-lidded eyes and knitted brows—a look he could only assume was partially caused by the midday sun beating down on her face. It was as if she completely surrendered to him, going practically limp in his arms, which made him soften his grip slightly.
“Splendid—and now you're going to tell me what you, and those tentacle freaks did to me." he peered down at her, eyes briefly flicking to her neck where her blood bloomed beneath her skin. Despite her relaxed form, he could feel her quickened, prey-like pulse, causing his mouth to moisten.
“I—I didn't do anything. . . I was abducted, same as you!" she pleaded.
“Don't lie to me. I—agh!” Astarion yelped, as a violet aura surrounded them both. Their minds suddenly connected; he could peer into her thoughts and feel what she was feeling. 
To his surprise, her mind was laced with compassion—compassion for him, the man holding a blade to her throat. 
—He and I have the same problem, these tadpoles—and he is likely reeling after all this. He could be a good ally. 
Subsequently, Astarion's memories were exposed to Tav through this odd psychic connection. Broken pieces of his past—pieces that he would have rather kept to himself, though nothing incriminating. 
“What was that? What's going on?" he asked, his voice, laced with anxiety.
Panting, Tav spoke. “You saw into my mind. It was the parasites—they connected us," she said, eyebrows still knitted. She inhaled deeply through her mouth before a wave of calm seemed to ease her expression.
Her breath smelled of mint, and her hair, lavender. 
—Gods—her scent, her pulse, her expression—everything is distracting about her, he thought.
Although he would have loved to hold her for a while longer— to grab her hair and sink his teeth into her delicate flesh, he decided against it. Confident that she was not a threat, he released her with care. However, they maintained eye contact as they slowly stood up—the trust had yet to bud within their fresh companionship.
She wants to be my ally, he reflected, grateful.
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They had acquired two more allies on their misadventure so far—a cleric with an odd name, and an annoying wizard who talked too much. Tav seemed naive, to say the least—she was picking up strays left and right and Astarion couldn't help but question: were these others to be trusted?
Although, Tav had a way of making everyone feel accepted and comfortable. 
“If you need anything, please let me know. I don't care if I'm sleeping, reading, or otherwise busy, you can wake me up. I want to help," she exclaimed to the entire group, in earnest. She even made sure to make eye contact with each of them as she said this—she truly meant it.
—Gods—she couldn't be more sweet—so tempting, he thought to himself. 
He wondered if she would taste as sweet as she acted—but no, he had to stop thinking such desirous things. Even if he merely hinted that he was a monster, Tav would surely end him. Besides, Cazador would most definitely flay him for drinking the blood of a thinking creature.
Although. . .
The parasite had granted him immunity from the sun—maybe Cazador couldn’t control him at all anymore.
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The sun had fallen below the horizon, signifying the evening's end. The day had been exhausting—looking for a healer, which they had to fight through a horde of goblins to get to. 
It had been nought but three nights since the nautiloid crash, and Astarion had already snuck off the previous night to find a boar, which he stupidly left in the middle of the road. Tav and the Shadowheart had fixated on it—the cleric pointing out that the boar had been left fully intact, yet entirely exsanguinated. To his dismay, these strangers were smarter than he had initially thought.
Tav had been so exhausted that she fell asleep beside the fire, while everyone else left to their tents. 
She was a powerful ally, indeed, as the two of them carried the team. The wizard was frequently coming within an inch of death and you would have thought the cleric was blind because she missed almost every shot. 
—Leave it to Gale to cover the ground in grease, only to slip in it and fall prone, himself, Astarion scolded internally.
While everyone was sleeping, Astarion slipped away into a clearing in the woods to have some privacy and decompress at last—he had not been able to since the nautiloid crash. 
Finally, alone with his thoughts, Astarion's memories of his master plagued him; it was as if he were truly there, reciting his rules. 
First, thou shalt not drink of the blood of thinking creatures.
Second, thou shalt obey me in all things.
Third, thou shalt not leave my side unless directed.
Four, thou shalt know that thou art mine.
—Terrifying. So much for decompressing, Astarion thought. 
Distressed, he left the clearing—though not without an unsettling feeling, gnawing at his resolve. 
—He can't control me anymore, I can walk in the sun, Astarion mused, attempting to calm his frayed nerves. 
A sudden distracting burning climbed up his throat—he was starving. It only made sense, after having exerted himself more than usual during the day's unfruitful endeavour.
Though he was tasting pseudo-freedom, away from his tormentor, he knew he would never be free from the vampiric syndrome that enthralled him, so.
He had to find something—or someone to eat—soon.
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Astarion arrived back at camp, stopping at the tree line, only to assess its state. 
Sweet Tav was still sleeping soundly by the fire as her words replayed in his head, "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask—I don't care if I’m sleeping."
Sweet Tav who had shown him compassion almost immediately after he threatened her life with a blade to her throat. . .
Sweet Tav whose breath was minty, whose hair smelled of lavender, and whose pulse sounded so beautifully hypnotic. 
Astarion, bewitched, had snuck close enough to Tav to see her throat, beautifully exposed, during his rapacious musings. 
An easy target, Tav wore a thin, silky nightgown with flimsy straps. Her supple legs, exposed and glistening in the firelight as she lay on her back. The wind blew, stirring the flames, and wafting her herbaceous scent towards Astarion. He attempted to suppress a shameful urge to inhale deeply, as his mouth watered, yearning to sink his teeth into her delicate skin.
He found himself surreptitiously climbing atop her vulnerable body, holding his breath, being sure not to wake her—he didn't need to breathe anyway. 
Slotting his leg between her thighs for balance, he placed his elbow on the ground beside her head. He tilted her chin to the side, before slowly and gently brushing her hair away from her pulse point.
—Formalities, he thought, surely not a gesture of kindness.
He carefully lowered his open maw onto Tav's throat, although he was shaking with anticipation—or perhaps it was simply the sanguine hunger.
Finally puncturing the skin, blood sluiced into his mouth as he latched, almost like a feral animal, and began to imbibe. Her blood was ambrosia—a full-bodied flavour of ichor that he'd never experienced before. It was sweet, yet complex, reminiscent of a fine-aged wine but entirely unique in its own right.
It was everything. She tasted like the sun, like life itself—like freedom.
Having lost his inhibition, he fisted Tav's hair with fervour, beastially pushing her neck into his mouth. Only then did he hear the salacious mewl of his prey, as he instinctively tasted the pleasure that flowed through her veins.
—Is she. . . enjoying this? he questioned.
Astarion's eyes fluttered shut as he groaned deeply into her neck, bringing his knee flush to her core. Tav began to writhe beneath him, arching her back and slowly bucking her hips on his knee.
As her blood rushed through his body, his groin began to harden, filling with heat. Desire built in his lower abdomen, causing his cock to strain uncomfortably against his strays. 
Astarion continued taking generous gulps, running his tongue across her pulse point, trying to coax more blood into his mouth. 
A primal groan spilt from his lips, unbidden, as he yearned for friction.
Astarion repositioned himself fully between her thighs, pressing his clothed bulge onto her exposed entrance. Surprisingly, she accommodated him, tactfully wrapping her legs around his pelvis. 
Tav reached her right hand up to Astarion's curls, but he grabbed her wrist, roughly pinning it beside her head—he needed more.
Tav whimpered, but her rutting slowed, as did her pulse. In that moment, a war raged in his mind; he wanted to stop—he wanted her in the worst ways—but something indescribable within him was fighting to suffocate all wistful ideologies of his humanity.
She was so weak, so feeble—beautifully helpless beneath him. He thought he could hear his name being called in the distance, but then he realised it was a mellifluous voice murmuring in the faintest whisper—Tav. 
Something in her passive plea strengthened his morality, snapping him from his predatory enchantment, and he unlatched dutifully.
With knitted brows, he pressed the flat of his tongue to her wounds until the bleeding halted. He placed a chaste kiss of atonement on the injury, as he avoided her gaze by hiding in the crook of her neck.
At last, he released her wrist—as he ought to—but her hand found his, and she swiftly laced their fingers together. 
His eyes rounded and his brows canted up at her gesture. Perplexed, he moved from his sanctuary between her head and shoulder to study her face; however, her eyes were fixed on their dovetailing digits.
Eyeing her puncture wounds, he felt a pang of deep shame—an amalgam of unprocessable onyx and verdant hues that he would promptly stuff down into his disordered and congested corpus vault.
With a lithe knuckle, he tilted her head to face his, finding her eyes heavy and wet while her cheeks were flushed. Her chest heaved as she shared his gaze with blown-out pupils. Overall, her demeanour seemed serenely rapturous. 
"Why did you stop?" she breathed.
—Does she truly not know? He pondered. It seemed as though her compassion was boundless, to her detriment.
"Oh—you sweet, generous thing," he whispered.
Tav's reached to Astarion's face where she gently caressed his cheek, as her other hand remained affectionately tangled with his. Eyeing his lips, she analysed the blood on his chin, swiping it softly with her thumb. Her eyes fluttered up to meet his gaze once again, however, he was admiring her lips as she had his. Her seductively parted mouth adorned the same colour as her blushing cheeks.
Astarion's gaze flicked to Tav's again, as she caressed his cheekbone with her thumb. 
—Such a gentle little thing, he thought, and after what I've done to her. 
The firelight danced in her glistening, tired eyes, while her hair was gorgeously spread amongst her bedroll. She was like a deva—no, a goddess. She couldn't be real—it couldn't be possible that someone could forgive him for what he had done to her, let alone want him to continue. Though, Astarion bore an odd and novel concern for her well-being.
Tav slithered a trembling hand to the nape of his neck. "I want you if you'll have me," she exclaimed,  smiling earnestly. "Please, Astarion," she supplicated.
His name sounded melodic on her lips, as if she were a siren, pulling him in with her bewitching song—pulling him in, to drown in her. 
Their lips crashed like the waves in the Sea of Fallen Stars, their tongues exploring and tasting as they moaned into one another. Their kiss was bruising and sloppy; Astarion found he was enjoying more than just the flavour of her ichor. 
Tav made advances with her tongue as well, opening her mouth wide enough to let Astarion indulge, submitting to his plot. Her mouth tasted as minty as it smelled, and his, like her blood.
One of her hands carded through his locks, and the other splayed on his back. He rocked into her while groping her soft body—greedily exploring and reaching under her nightgown to grab her breast. He pinched her nipple, eliciting a muffled squeak from Tav whose mouth was still being thoroughly ravished. 
Releasing her mound, he skated his hand down to her folds at last, finding her soaked. Pleased, he withdrew from their kiss.
"You are positively dripping for me, darling," he purred, rubbing languid circles on her clit, causing her back to arch.
She groaned as her face contorted. "I want you inside me—please," she begged, her eyes round and pleading as her words drifted out in a meagre sigh. 
It was clear to him that Tav was suffering from blood loss by the way she futilely squirmed, seeking friction with what little might she had. He wanted to mitigate her illness; though, all he could do was capitulate to her desire.
"Only because you ask so sweetly." Astarion feigned dominance, knowing he would obligingly do anything she asked of him. 
He plunged two digits inside, stretching her weeping channel. She hummed her assent, encouraging him to curl his fingers seductively as he began getting her hole ready for his girth. Her jaw slackened, eyes fixed on his as wanton mewls spilt from her lips. 
With his free hand, he pushed her nightgown above her breasts, exposing her naked and writhing body to the night air. It hadn't occurred to him until then that they were in the middle of camp—the cleric and wizard could discover them, however Tav seemed unbothered. In addition, Astarion noticed that his senses felt much sharper since drinking her blood—he was confident that he would hear anyone coming long before they could see anything. 
He increased his pace, pumping into her consistently as he palmed her clit. 
Her lower muscles tensed, all while her breaths became frantic—he could feel her approaching her climax around him. The way her breasts moved in harmony with her heaving chest made her look even more delectable—he yearned to taste her tender mounds and to feel her hardened pebble in his mouth. 
His lips encapsulated her bosom, and he groaned at the feeling of her nipple when he flicked it with his tongue. He nipped and sucked, taking care not to break the skin as he savoured.
All at once, she cried his name, stuttering as she came on his merciful fingers. He pinched her nipple between his teeth before toying with it and suckling at her supple flesh enough to create a plethora of hickies. He ascended from her now limp body, a string of saliva connecting them as he sat up, finally withdrawing his fingers only to grope her beleaguered mound.
He began to generously fondle both of her breasts with either hand as she laid with her arms up, palms facing skywards, resting beside her head. She bit her lip with knitted brows as she allowed him to roam her body freely.
"Hmm—you're wonderful, Astarion," she hummed, smiling brightly.
"You're unbelievably beautiful," his sincere words slipped from his lips before he could ponder his intonation, just as he had hoped to avoid.
However, he only saw adoration in her eyes before bringing her into a molten kiss. He roamed her form with his grip, leaving red prints in its greedy wake before landing his strong grasp on her bottom.
Their lips flew apart as Astarion's length was straining unbearably against his pants. Without rising, he expertly unlaced his trousers and his large, glistening member sprang free. 
Glancing down, he witnessed her core and thighs, damp with her juices. He hooked her knees over his biceps and teased her entrance with his tip. He wanted to bury himself fully between her legs with reckless abandon, but he thought better of it, choosing to study her expression first.
Her brows were drawn together, pouting as she wiggled her hips, attempting to ease him inwards.
Astarion smirked, growling playfully at her impatience. "Please tell me if you want to stop. Can you do that for me?" he cooed, withholding his servitude in wait for her agreement.
“Mhm.” She nodded, biting her bottom lip.
Having heard her consent, he sunk his member into her in one slow, well-executed thrust. Her response to was immediate: her breath hitched, inhaling deeply through her mouth, and each exhale carried on an exasperated sigh as her respiration accelerated.
Instinctively, he panted as well as he felt himself stretching her inner walls. He felt himself leaking precum as his tip became snug with her cervix. However, her jaw was clenched and she breathed through gritted teeth, causing Astarion to lose confidence in her comfortability.
"Are you okay?" he prodded as he stilled inside her.
"Mm—yeah,” she hummed, “you're just so big, I've never had someone reach into me so deeply. It doesn't hurt, I promise. It feels so good,” she reassured.
“Oh darling—I'm going to fill you right up," he said, pulling out partially before snapping his hips into her with vehemence. 
He rutted into her at a consistent pace, reaching into her deeply thanks to her contorted position. Her warmth engulfed him, just as the fire that crackled beside them engulfed its wood. 
Reaching to her clit, he applied pressure in taut circles. He revelled in the understanding that he was stretching her mere millimetres below where his fingers caressed—and that her helpless body and wanting mind were surrendering to him as he worked her to her apogee.
Her mouth fell agape and she panted as her undulating thighs tensed expectantly. 
The sight of her open mouth created intruding thoughts of her flavour and texture. Oh—how he wanted to tie his tongue with hers. But he had an equally enticing idea: like a tongue, to wrap his words around her mind—to spread its folds and engender rapture.
“That's it. Good little lamb.”
Their combined needs were paradoxically synchronistic—he gazed down at her with a momentary desire to ruin her, while she looked up at him, yearning for destruction; her lower quivers as confirmation.
And how lucky was he? To flash his fangs at his prey, only for it to offer itself—sacrificially.
When she fluttered around him, he didn’t stop—he felt her unbidden grip on his length as if it were a desperate hold on the precipice of a steep mount. He wouldn't let go, he would only tangle her arm and pull her from demise. It is not the magma laying in wait below that shall end her—what waste that would be.
—When I am right here; and the honour belongs to me.
He readjusted her legs atop his shoulders until her knees were nearly beside her head. He was able to reach deeper into her than ever before, and his hardness was hitting her sweet spot at the perfect angle—for both her pleasure and his.
"Do you want me to fill you, darling? Is that what you want?" he teased, breathless as he fucked her ceaselessly.
"Yes," she begged, "please! I want you to feel good, too.”
Tension built in his lower abdomen at her words, and he couldn't help but stifle a moan. He hadn't felt this aroused—this hard for a long time, if ever; for he couldn't remember. It was as if the taste of her blood—the taste of freedom—had spurred a renewed feeling. The feeling: safety. . . he felt safe with Tav. 
No Cazador, no kennel, no chains. Only Tav, her celestial expression, and her blushing complexion due to his reverence.
He could feel her tight walls—wet and stretched, all for him. She felt so very ready to receive his bestowal, and she'd supplicated for it already.
He pressed himself—flush into her folded form as his orgasm crested. Groaning a deep rumble—he emptied himself into her, as his leaking tip compressed against her cervix.
As he came down from his euphoria, he rested his head at her side, placing chaste kisses on her neck—where he had bitten earlier. 
His length twitched as his jism spurted, overflowing her channel and inevitably dripping past their entanglement and onto the bedroll. He pulled out mere inches before snapping into her once more—thoroughly marking her with his essence.
Astarion savoured the feeling of his body—so close to Tav’s. . . inside her. Breathless, he brushed her hair away from her face, admiring her features—swollen lips and tired eyes. She'd been thoroughly ravished, and he anticipated that he'd be able to ravish her again—perhaps endlessly, he mused.
Finally, he pulled out of her, kissing her once more before rolling onto his back and pulling his trousers up.
Glancing at Tav, he bore witness to the ruinous and lewd display—the display he'd created. Her inner thighs were painted with their combined fluids, her neck adorned two crimson puncture wounds, and her nightgown was hiked up—past her breasts. Clearly, she'd been drained to the point of exhaustion, and at no fault of her own. 
Astarion sought to take care of her, given he was the one who'd made a mess of her. Additionally, the idea of leaving her the way she was caused his stomach to lurch—she deserved better than that, truly.
 “This won't do,” he said, scooping her up bridal-style which caused her to squeak.
He chuckled, her head leaning on his body as he carried her to his tent. Laying her down on his blankets, he smiled pridefully. 
“I'll only be a moment, I promise,” he whispered before retrieving his softest handkerchief from his bag and crouching out of his tent.
He soaked it with the cold river water, ringing it out before making long strides back to his tent—where Tav was.
He crouched into his tent to find her resting—peacefully with a subtle smile on her face.
"This is going to be a little cold. Apologies in advance," he cooed, running the damp cloth along her most vulnerable parts. She hummed in assent, her smile deepening as he cared for her body—beautifully used. 
Having finished, he cleaned himself with the same cloth and tossed it in his small wicker hamper.
Though the night was warm, Tav was bloodless and cold—she required blankets, surely. Unfortunately, he only owned two beige and boyish blankets that looked more like rags. To compensate, he hastily strode to Tav's tent to retrieve her bedding.
Once arriving back to her, he set her up with the proper accommodations; jostling her about like a sleepy doll. Astarion peered at Tav—snuggled up in the blankets—admiring his handiwork with pride.
Undressing completely, Astarion joined her under the blankets, facing her. Taking in her features, he brushed his fingers across her cheek and under her ear—his thumb, stroking her cheekbone.
He vowed to apologise in the morning; but for now, she was in his arms, smiling as she slept. 
Nuzzling into him, she pecked his hand, and his eyes rounded in response.
He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before she turned around and pressed her backside against his groin. He initially froze, overwhelmed by her odd affection, but he soon embraced her into his arms, basking in her lavender scent.
He didn't understand the novel emotions that coursed through him, but he relinquished his uncertainty for another day, as he sought to simply enjoy his little victory—the compassionate woman in his arms.
Astarion joined Tav in her somnia, not yet realising that it'd be the most peaceful trance he'd had in two hundred years.
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Notes: This was the first fictional story I'd written since I was a child, and it was terrible before I revised it but people seemed to like it, anyway :). Since starting this journey, I've learned a lot, and writing has *actually* become one of my biggest passions—all thanks to *your* continued support <3
MASTERLIST (Other works by me)
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Ok, you seem to basically be saying project 2025 is inevitable so don’t vote because Joe Biden is evil. So then, how do we survive when contraception is made basically illegal, lgbt people are outlawed and possibly murdered, etc? Or are we supposed to just lie down and die?
These are two extremely specific scenarios that heavily play into self victimhood and narratives of powerlessness and frankly, I don't have the energy to pretend it's something else when there are a handful of rebels with literal fucking sticks fighting against a genocide being carried out by the world's richest powers.
You are neither a rebel nor are you fighting the world's richest powers with makeshift weapons or your bare hands. You are stressing about which box to check off in November, so my genuine advice is take your head out of your privileged asshole and consider that you have way more options than "vote" or "die" and lying to yourself about those being your only options is only gonna help you sleep for so long.
There are people like you and me literally fucking fighting for their right to live and exist, for their homes, for crumbs of food, dying for water, etc.
And you with your little American ballot in your hand have the audacity to say "should I just lay down and die" cuz I don't think you should check the Genocide Joe box???????????? And then you ask ME what IM going to do about it if cops possibly murder you when Trump is elected?
And you ask like that isn't ALREADY a daily reality for anyone living under Biden in the USA!!!!! We had protests for a whole fucking summer about police brutality cuz cops won't stop killing Black people! And they haven't stopped, you know.
So what was your answer when they asked us for our intersectional solidarity to save their lives? How much effort did you put in? Did you learn about mutual aid or direct action or how to protest? How to organize or draft demands so you can effectively make change year-round?
Cuz I remember how often those posts were going around. I know you saw some of them at least.
Did you make the effort to save someone besides yourself? Or did you think it was all unnecessary because you were fortunate to be wrapped in privilege?
You know, I didn't see one viral post from any white queer ppl saying "WE NEED TO (x) YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!" about defunding police departments or masking 🤧
What did you expect Black people to do when you didn't care enough to listen? When BLM stopped trending? What about Palestinians? Did you expect them to lay over and die? Did you think about what would happen if you abandoned them? Did you care?
But it matters now that you're on the other end, don't it?
ANY singular marginalized, oppressed group on earth can tell you letting them kill you has never been an option.
Stonewall didn't happen in a voting booth. Neither did the civil rights movement. Nor did our treaties. Even suffragettes committed arson and bombing campaigns.
We have never just laid down and let them kill our community or treat us like we are lesser. We have always taken what was ours because the nature of oppression is that you will never be given what you deserve, even if you vote for it.
"do we just lay down and die"
Liberation doesn't have a manual so I can't give you the step by step. But I assure that we will not find it through a bureaucracy and government built to silence, erase, and oppress us. And it sure as hell won't be found in a boomer that sleeps peacefully at night after killing children and denying genocide.
And the only fucking people that use others as stepping stones for their own comfort and well being are oppressors and fascists.
So additionally if you're sitting there upset because my morals don't bend for the privileged and you're thinking about how awful I am cuz I can't be convinced to justify killing people from Sudan and the DRC and Palestine instead of queer Americans then get fucked. Cuz you would be the EXACT type of person I loathe.
We are all in this together or you are with the oppressors. No more in between. We don't have the luxury of having the time to pretend there's any good reason to be a fascist apologist.
At this point, you're either fighting for progress and human rights or against it.
"are we supposed to just lay over and die"
If I die it'll be a warriors death and I think every single person on earth who has asked me "so what are we supposed to do?!" should work on having the same answer.
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"Marry me" || Chapter 2
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PAIRING || Fiancé!Tony Stark x Fiancée!Nurse!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY ||For the past few weeks, you and Tony have been enjoying the excitement of his proposal without anyone knowing. But now it's time to make it public. First, you're going to announce it to your closest friends and family with a party. After that, it's time to share the news about your future with the world.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Everybody lives AU. Age gap. Nurse!Reader.
WARNINGS || Explicit sexual content. Implied/referenced insecurities. Use of Y/N. Tony is described as being tattooed.
SMUT || Teasing. Dirty talk. Praise. Nipple play. Hair pulling. Back scratching. Oral (F receiving). Fingering. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Cream pie. Multiple orgasms. Cockwarming. Aftercare.
A/N || I want to thank you all for all the love and support you gave me on part 1, as it has led to my excitement to get part 2 ready for you all, too! After this, there will be more stories before their love story comes to an end for us all, and I’m also looking forward to sharing those. I want to give extra special thanks to @ccbsrmsf1 because you have helped me get this story to where it is now. I love you, bestie, and I feel fortunate to know someone as amazing as you! 🤍
EVENTS @anyfandomfluffbingo || Engagement party @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || 'Look at the stars' @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || Christmas Day @fandom-free-bingo Pride || Both? Both.
@fandom-free-bingo Pride || 'Lead me out of the dark' + "Soft hearts make the universe worth living in." @fandom-free-bingo Wild || 'I was the white knight in your movies' @kinky-things-happen || Oral @sweetspicybingo Winter || Stocking stuffer
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GIF: @ccbsrmsf1 || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || Series Masterlist
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It's been nearly two weeks since Tony officially asked you to marry him, and today is the day you'll finally be telling the Avengers about the good news. Now, you're curled up in bed against your fiancé after he pulled you against his body with a soft groan, placing soft kisses all over your neck.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look wearing only my shirt?" Tony asks with his deep, gravelly morning voice, and you can't help but chuckle at his words as a flurry of butterflies goes wild in your stomach, right where his hand is softly digging into your flesh.
"Hmm, maybe once or twice," you tell him, feeling his smile against your skin as you do.
"There's one thing I know for sure, Gorgeous, and that is that the shirt looks even better when it's on the floor," he whispers as his hand trails to the hem of it and slides under, leaving goosebumps where his fingers trail softly over your now exposed skin.
"How about I give you a little show when I take it off?" you ask, and Tony has never refused an offer like that. He lets you go before turning to lie on his back, and you move to straddle his lap, his long, throbbing cock nudging against your clit as you do.
"Fuck-" you say as a jolt of electricity crawls up your spine, and Tony's fingers dig gently into the plush flesh of your thighs. Your hands glide over his exposed abdomen before caressing the tattoo of your name that's proudly displayed over his heart. A small smile forms on your lips as you trace every letter before placing your hand flat against his chest, feeling his heartbeat under the palm of your hand.
"You feel that, Gorgeous? It's beating only for you," he whispers, and you can feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes. He notices and reaches to wipe them away before they get a chance to glide down your cheeks, and you take the opportunity to nuzzle into the palm of his hand as his thumb carefully caresses your cheek.
"I love you, Beautiful," you whisper almost inaudibly, making Tony smile. As you look at him, you admire how the little wrinkles in the corners of his eyes appear and how his smile shapes his face with nothing but pure happiness. The sparkle in his eyes as he looks at you finishes it off - as if he's looking at the center of the universe - his universe.
"I love you too, Gorgeous, more than I can ever express to you," he tells you before you take his hand, placing small kisses on his knuckles. The butterflies in your fiancé's stomach are fluttering wildly, and he has never been happier than he is now.
Once Tony's hands have found their way to your thighs, you move to grab the hem of the shirt covering your otherwise bare body, and you lift it ever so slowly, revealing the fact that you're wearing absolutely nothing underneath.
The moment your breasts spill free, Tony gasps softly as he revels in the jiggling motions, his lip pulled between his teeth as you feel his cock throbbing underneath you again, the mischievous smirk on your face only intensifying by the second.
"Do you like what you see, Daddy?" the nickname slips off your tongue with a teasing edge, and Tony's reaction is instant. Without a second thought, his hips buck up, making you moan involuntarily as the feeling of his clothed, hard cock rubs over your sensitive clit. Your eyebrows are knitted together as you squeeze his thighs to ground yourself, your pleasure rapidly growing.
"Does that answer you, Kitten?" Tony asks, using the nickname he only reserves for moments of complete domination over you. As he does, you want to squeeze your thighs together for relief, which is impossible as you're still straddling him.
"Hmm, cats got your tongue, Gorgeous?" Tony asks teasingly, which sends a warmth through your cheeks that you've rarely felt before. He doesn't give you the chance to answer, though. Instead, he rolls you over so that you're lying on your back, and he's now on top of you.
"Allow me to take care of you this morning, Gorgeous," Tony whispers as he nuzzles your neck, placing soft kisses on your shoulder and collarbone as your nails softly drag over his bare skin. As soon as you nod to give him your approval, he trails his kisses downward, where he stops for a moment to pay some special attention to your pebbled nipples.
"I can't wait until these are swollen with milk because I'm definitely having a taste or two of your sweet milk once you're carrying my baby," he tells you, arousal laced thickly in his voice. The idea of Tony doing that has you moaning and arching into his touch, your hands tugging on his soft locks as you pull him impossibly closer.
He doesn't stay long there, though, because as soon as both nipples have had their fair share of love, he continues his trail until he's settled comfortably between your thighs - he can spend hours there if you give him a chance. Even though every last freckle and mole, every inch of your body is engraved in Tony's memory at this point, he will gladly take his time between your legs, whether it's by teasing you or eating you out like a starved man. It's his happy place, and he's going there at every opportunity.
The first time he licks a stripe through your folds catches you off-guard, as you were solely focused on the way his breath and kisses felt across your skin, but Tony's reveling in every sound he's pulling from you. Every moan, whimper, and groan goes straight to his cock, which is throbbing under his stomach as he takes the time to taste you - to devour you.
Your pleasure builds like a hot coil inside you, the edge nearing with every movement of your body and every little sound that escapes from you. It's when Tony adds two of his long, thick fingers into the mix that you find your undoing with a scream of his name, your thighs trembling as his broad shoulders are spreading them, and your hips bucking up against your fiancé's face. It's too much and not enough, but most of all, you never want him to stop.
"T-Tony, don't s-stop-" you pant as he pulls his mouth from your dripping folds, but he just smirks as he keeps working his magic with his fingers, still stimulating you from the inside out as he carefully brings you down from your high.
"I wouldn't dream of stopping when you're this fucking beautiful for me. You're like a goddess when you cum for me, Gorgeous," he whispers against your stomach, his fingers now slowly pulling out as well as you're panting - a light layer of sweat adorning your body to make you look like you're glowing with the rays of golden sun shining down on you.
"Open up," he orders gently, and you do as he asks so you can clean his fingers for him, humming at your taste on his digits. Your eyes slip shut as you savor the musky taste of your arousal on his fingers, and he can't stop smiling at the sight in front of him.
"Good girl."
Tony takes his time to kiss you all over your body as you're basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, and his lips all over make you feel like you're floating. At the same time, Tony feels like he's on top of the world as he explores your soft curves, his hands wandering everywhere his lips can't reach until he's happily settled with his hips between your legs, only thinking about what it'll be like to sink into your heat again.
"Take a deep breath for me, sweet girl," he whispers in your ear as he lines up his veiny, thick cock, his warm breath leaving goosebumps on your neck as you do what he asks. A smirk plays on his lips as he breaches your entrance with his leaking tip, a soft groan escaping as he feels your wet heat encompassing him again.
"I love you, Gorgeous, so fucking much," Tony mutters as he drives his cock deeper and deeper, your bodies melding together into one. With each drag of his length inside you, it feels like you're starting to float again, and Tony's right there alongside you.
He takes his time as he looks at you through lidded eyes, drinking in your features as they're taken over by pleasure. He revels in the way your mouth slightly opens each time he hits your sweet spot or the way your face contorts as your orgasm washes over you - he has it all memorized, but simultaneously, he never wants to stop seeing it either.
"You're doing so good for me, hot mama; you feel phenomenal on my cock," he says through gritted teeth, making you clench around him as he does. You feel the familiar pressure of your orgasm building inside you with every motion, your back arching to give yourself just the right amount of friction and movement to let you tip over the edge.
With a loud and uncontrollable moan of Tony's name, you clench down on his length, your orgasm crashing violently through your body as you scratch his back to ground yourself - earning a deep groan from him in return as he spills every last drop of his warm seed inside you.
As you both come down from your highs, Tony peppers kisses on every inch of your skin he can reach, all while you're still trembling underneath him. Your mind has gone completely blank for a moment, and Tony's starting to worry when you look up at the ceiling with a blank stare. However, you smile wide as soon as you return to your body.
"That. Was. Amazing." you tell him before grabbing his face and kissing him passionately, which he happily reciprocates as he's still buried deep inside you. He could spend the rest of his life like this if it were up to him, as he can never get enough of your touches, your voice, the way your body molds together with his so effortlessly, but unfortunately, all good things must end eventually.
"Shall we shower before I take you out for a nice breakfast today, Gorgeous?" Tony asks you after he's pulled out, your body still feeling like cooked noodles as he cleans you up with some of the wipes he has lying on his nightstand. All you can manage now is a nod, as your sudden burst earlier has cost you more energy than you thought, and you're starting to get a little sleepy again.
"Alright, I'll go warm up the shower while you get some more sleep," he says before gently kissing your forehead, making you smile as his facial hair tickles you. Before you know it, you feel Tony moving off the bed, and you doze off when he's getting everything ready. Once it's ready, he comes to get you, and you both share a sweet, loving shower with lots of small kisses, whispered sweet words and many 'I love you's before getting ready to go on a breakfast date together.
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"Are you ready, Gorgeous?" Tony asks as he's standing in the kitchen; you're just finishing getting ready for breakfast this morning and picking out a dress for your engagement party later. The mornings tend to be chilly, so you're opting for a comfortable outfit with one of Tony's oversized shirts, and when you walk into the large kitchen, Tony can't help but wolf whistle.
"Damn, I'm the luckiest man in Manhattan today, that's for sure! Being seen with you looking like this by my side is a privilege I'll happily enjoy," he compliments you as you twirl a few times, a giant smile on your face as he showers you with compliments.
"Careful there, Tony, you don't want to become dehydrated, now do you?" you tease him with a wink after you’ve steadied yourself, and you walk past him, a little extra sway in your hips on your way to the elevator that'll bring you to the grand entrance of Avengers Tower. After a short, muttered protest, he follows you, and as soon as the doors of the elevator open, he pulls you inside. However, before the doors even get a chance to close, he gently pushes you against the wall of the elevator, his face mere inches from yours.
"It's impossible not to drool over you, Gorgeous, especially when you wear my clothing," he tells you as he reaches his hand up to fix the collar, the dark brown of his eyes almost completely taken over by his pupils as lust threatens to take over his body again. A soft whimper leaves your lips as he presses his large, muscular body against yours, leaving not a single inch of space between you both as he kisses you deeply and passionately.
Your hands slip into his hair, pulling on it and making it messy as his fingers dig into your waist and ass to draw you impossibly closer to his body, your tongues fighting for dominance as the elevator makes the trip from the penthouse to the grand entrance. The two of you are so deep into your make-out session that you don't notice you've arrived at the ground floor, and it's only when someone clears their throat that Tony pulls away to look at who would even dare to interrupt you both.
"Sorry, lovebirds, but I'm afraid I'm going to kick you out of the elevator because I need to use it to get to my meeting," Natasha says with a sly smirk. It takes you a moment to catch on to what’s going on right now, as your mind is still focused on what was just happening, but Tony’s face has turned dark red at the sight of her standing there with her arms folded and a smirk. When your mind finally catches up with what’s happening, you feel embarrassment spreading through your body and a burning sensation on your cheeks.
“Don’t worry, Detka. I understand being unable to stay away from your man,” she says as she makes way for you both to leave the elevator. However, before you can go too far, she stops you by touching your shoulder, bringing her fiery red lips to your ear, and whispering, “Congratulations on your engagement.”
Her words only intensify the blush on your cheeks, and it feels like your entire body is on fire. As the elevator doors close, you see Natasha standing with a satisfied smile, and you can’t help but laugh at everything that just happened. One moment, you were in a heavy make-out session with the man you love, and the next, you realized your friend had figured out you were engaged, even though neither of you had mentioned it to anyone.
“What’s going on, Gorgeous?” Tony asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. He pulls you close, his hands resting on your hips while yours are on his chest. You sigh almost inaudibly as you smile at the situation, and Tony’s waiting patiently for your answer. While Tony’s not particularly known as the most patient man you’ve met, he seems to have endless patience for you, and it’s something you’ll always be grateful for.
“She knows. I don’t know how she found out, but I’m also not surprised, seeing how she’s a former spy and unbelievably observant,” you tell your fiancé, who chuckles in response. It’s not a chuckle that makes you feel like what you say is wrong, but rather one that lets you know he agrees.
“I guess we weren’t as subtle as we thought, but I’m okay with her knowing about us,” Tony whispers before kissing your forehead, which calms your thoughts down tremendously. For a moment, you thought he may be mad at her knowing, but he has shown you the complete opposite. Once the moment’s intensity has passed, you peck his lips before grabbing his hand and interlacing your fingers, ready to go for breakfast.
Tony is taking you to the diner a few blocks from Avengers Tower, as it is the place you tend to visit often - especially after you have had a long, tiring night shift. On those mornings, Tony will always treat you to your favorite breakfast there as you two talk about everything that happened, and when you go back home, he takes a shower with you before tucking you into bed.
Now, you’re greeted by one of your favorite waitresses - Carol - before she seats both of you in a booth by the window. This’ll forever be one of your preferred seats, as it gives you a chance to look at the people passing the diner while you’re enjoying breakfast, giving them backstories with Tony that have you both laughing so hard your stomachs hurt from the laughter.
Your eyes scan the menu as your stomach starts to tell both of you that it's demanding to be fed. Tony chuckles at the rumbling sound, making you smile as the butterflies in your stomach go a mile a minute. A warmth spreads through your cheeks as you look up at him through your lashes, only to find him looking at you with pure adoration.
"Y'know, sometimes I still can't quite believe you said yes to marrying me, Gorgeous," Tony says as he carefully grabs your hand, his thumb gently caressing the skin where your engagement ring will be proudly displayed after today; when you don't have to hide it anymore.
"Tony, there is not a single thing I want more than to marry you. I don't have to sign a piece of paper to declare my undying love to you, but I will do it to feel even more connected. By saying yes, I will say yes to loving you for the rest of our lives and yes to being there for you through everything. We've already been through a lot together, but I know that with you, I can get through so much more than I could by myself."
A lump forms in Tony's throat as he hears the words that flow out of your mouth, and tears are starting to prick at the corners of his eyes. Out of the two of you, he's always been the one who struggles with words, but he also knows he feels the same about you. He wants to grow old with you and protect you in every way possible. But most of all, he wants to love you until his heart stops beating, as it beats for no one other than you.
"I love you," he whispers, and you nod with a smile lighting up your features. You know he isn't good with words, but it doesn't matter. Every ounce of emotion is poured into those three words, and you can't stop hearing them from him. Each time they tumble from his lips, your soul glows, and your heart feels like it's being healed just a bit every time you hear them.
"I love you too, Tony, but I'm also starving after our morning gymnastics," you say with a smirk and a quirked brow, and he can't help but let out a boisterous laugh at your words. You both take a moment to look at the menu, and Tony can't help but notice how you look as your eyes scan the menu. It's a facial expression he's seen countless times before and always finds endearing.
"What're you trying to decide between?"
"Well, I'm thinking of getting the luxury cream cheese bagel with salmon or the fried eggs with toast and bacon." You tap your finger against your chin as you weigh your options, a habit you picked up years ago that Tony finds cute each time he sees you do it.
"How about both?" Your eyes snap up to meet Tony's.
"Both?" "Both." His answer is almost matter-of-fact, and you nod as you think more about it.
"I'm okay with ordering one of those dishes and then sharing it with you, Gorgeous. Even though I had my heart set on those delicious pancakes they serve-" Tony says with a fake pained look on his face, "- I'm more than happy to share half of it so you can have a bit of both."
The solution seems so simple, yet it makes you feel nothing but love, as he always seems to know you better than you know yourself. As you look at your future husband, you feel the butterflies going wild again as you remember you will marry him in a few short months and officially become Mrs. Stark.
"I can't wait to marry you, Beautiful," you tell Tony after ordering your breakfast, and you're holding his large hands in your significantly smaller ones, your thumbs rubbing over the back of his hands as you tell him what's on your mind.
"I'm looking forward to having a simple, small ceremony with our closest friends and family, and we will all go out to dinner to celebrate before partying like never before. But most importantly, I'm looking forward to our wedding night. Our first time as husband and wife," you admit to him as your voice trails off near the end, shyness creeping in.
"Yeah? Is that what you've been thinking about?" Tony asks confidently, his brow raised as his smirk lightens his features. You nod as you look at your connected hands, and he gives them a reassuring squeeze as he admits to his thoughts.
"So have I, Gorgeous. It's the only thing I can think about - what it'll be like to make love to my wife," he says softly, and you smile at his confession. Every time with Tony is fantastic, but you'll only get so many first times - your first as husband and wife is the one you've been looking forward to most.
Before you can answer him again, your breakfast is served, and you're both diving in, seeing how you both need a good breakfast after the morning you had so far. Having sex the way you two did always makes you both ravenous, and the delicious food at the diner hits the spot just right as you take a bite out of the bagel you've been craving.
"I have a surprise for you, Gorgeous," Tony says after he pays for your breakfast, and his words immediately pique your interest.
"I have rented out a special boutique this morning so you can have a private shopping experience to pick out a perfect outfit for our engagement party tonight. You can pick out a dress, shoes, a sexy set of lingerie-" he says with a wiggle of his eyebrows, "- everything your heart desires, without worrying about other people shopping. It's a special occasion, so I'm pulling out all the stops for you today."
And that's how you find yourself in one of the most high-end boutiques in all of Manhattan, trying on a set of baby blue lingerie that accentuates all your curves perfectly. Tony's seated by the dressing rooms, and as soon as you open up the curtains to show him the set, his mouth goes slack from pure amazement.
"Wow." That is all he manages to whisper, as he's otherwise speechless. He takes in the light blue lace that compliments your skin perfectly - it's like it has been made just for you. It's simple, but it makes you feel very sexy as you walk over to your fiancé, an extra sway in your hips as his eyes rake over your body, making your insides feel like they're on fire with pure lust and sexiness.
"What do you think?" you ask Tony as you place your index finger under his chin, lifting his face to meet your gaze. He reluctantly pulls his line of sight off your soft curves, his hands now trailing gently over the skin of your thighs.
"Perfect," he says with a soft smile, and you nod in agreement. Tony always makes you feel sexy and seen, no matter what you're wearing - or not wearing -but after seeing his reaction, you know it's something you'll put on more often.
"I also have a few dress options for you," the boutique owner tells you as she rolls in a large rack with a few dresses, all varying in color and style. Your line of sight is immediately pulled to a deep red velvet dress with a deep neckline. It's a color you've worn previously and know Tony will go crazy for, so it's the first one you'll try.
The dress is tight on top before it flows beautifully over your hips and legs, the split on the side still allowing you to show off some more skin. Your arms are covered by tight, long sleeves that reach your wrists, and the neckline is deep enough to make it a bit spicier but not so deep that it'll show everything. As you look at yourself in the mirror, a smile lights up your features as you know you've found the one.
"What do you think of the dress, Gorgeous?" Tony asks, and he's gobsmacked when you walk out of the dressing room again. It's only the first one you've tried on, but it fits you perfectly, highlighting all your best features as you twirl in front of him. When Tony gets up and grabs your hand, he pulls you close before placing both hands on your hips.
He leads you as you sway back and forth, your gazes locked on one another as you dance to the soft music playing in the store. He can't stop smiling as he looks at you with pure, unabashed love and knows he has fallen in love with you all over again. He's going to marry you, and tonight, he gets to share your love with everyone as you announce your engagement to the Avengers. Tonight will be the first step of the rest of your lives, and neither of you can wait any longer to share the amazing news.
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"We have one more stop to make before we go back to the Tower, Gorgeous," Tony says, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery, after paying for your entire outfit. You look at him, a mix of surprise and curiosity on your face. You were fully prepared to go back and get ready for the party, but now, you're intrigued about what else he has planned for you both.
"Oh? Where are we going?" you ask, your curiosity piqued, and Tony's smile warms your heart.
"Well, I think I will keep it a secret for a little longer because I want to see your reaction when we get there," he says before pecking your lips, and you nod in agreement. After a last thank you, you and Tony walk out the door before turning to the right and walking down the street to a shelter where he has arranged for you to pick a cat to adopt.
Tony has arranged for all the necessary things to arrive while you were out for breakfast and shopping for the outfit, so everything from a large cat tree to multiple cat beds, feeders, and water fountains, and of course, plenty of toys will be waiting for you once you get back to the penthouse, so your new addition to your family can settle in nicely from the moment they arrive.
Once you two get closer to the shelter, Tony keeps glancing over at you to see your reaction, and you smile back at him once you notice he keeps doing it.
"Is everything okay?" you ask with a raised brow, and Tony laughs heartily at your question.
"Everything's perfect, Gorgeous, but I'm just curious to see your reaction when you realize where we're going," he explains, and your curiosity has now shot through the roof. You look around to see if anything stands out, and when you see the large sign for the animal shelter, you let out an excited squeal.
"Are we going to the shelter to cuddle with cats today?! Oh, I cannot even tell you how badly I need that!" you exclaim, unable to contain your excitement, before letting go of his hand and running towards the shelter, where a few cats are playing in a large pen by the window. You can't stop smiling as you look at them, and Tony's enjoying every second of what's happening. He can't wait to see your reaction when he tells you you can take one home today.
"Look at them, Tony, aren't they adorable? Oh, I can't wait to go in and cuddle with all of them," you tell him excitedly, and he can't stop smiling as his heart feels like it's overflowing with nothing but love for you.
"They're very adorable, Gorgeous, but I think it's time we head in; otherwise, we won't have enough time to cuddle with all of them before we have to leave for the party tonight," he says, and you nod before getting up. You grab Tony's hand before pulling him into the shelter door, where you're greeted by a kind lady who's happy to let you handle all the cats there.
"Why don't you go ahead and cuddle with them? I'll use the bathroom and join you after, okay?" Tony asks, and you nod before pecking his lips and walking into the large room with all the cats. Your heart will burst out of your chest as you hear all the chirps and meows.
While Tony goes over the last things he needs to know before the adoption process, you find a comfortable spot on a large cushion as you let yourself be covered in cats of all shapes, sizes, breeds, and colors. However, one cat in particular seems to grab your attention. An older tuxedo cat walks over to you before getting comfortable in your lap, and you're immediately melting at the sight.
"Hi, sweet baby!" you coo as you pet the cat over her head and back. She lies happily in your lap, purring away at all the attention she's getting while you also try to divide your attention to some of the others there.
"Ah, there you are, Gorgeous! I almost couldn't see you between all the cats here," Tony jokes as he walks into the room, and your face immediately lights up when you hear his voice. As much as you love being between all the cats, you love spending time with your husband-to-be even more.
"Can I tell you a little secret, Gorgeous?" Tony whispers in your ear after he gets comfortable beside you, and the cat seated in your lap first has now moved into Tony's arms, where she's comfortable. You turn your head to meet Tony's gaze, and curiosity again enters your mind.
"I have arranged for you to pick a cat today, which we can adopt. I have arranged everything needed, so you can pick the one you like the most. I know we've talked about getting a cat before, so this will be my engagement present to you," Tony tells you as he sees the tears forming in the corners of your eyes at his confession.
"Please tell me you're serious, Tony. Can I pick out a cat to adopt today?" you ask in a small voice, and he nods with a broad smile before you capture his lips with yours in pure excitement. Your hands immediately grab his face to pull him closer as you kiss him excitedly, the happiness inside you threatening to spill over in the form of happy tears.
"It's an easy choice, actually," you tell Tony, as you already know who you want to take home today.
"The one who's comfortable in your arms immediately crawled into my lap when I sat down, and seeing how happy they are in your arms makes me want to take them home," you tell Tony, your voice filled with a mix of joy and tenderness. Tony nods in agreement, and you spend about another hour cuddling and playing with the other cats and kittens before signing the paperwork and taking home your cat, your heart full of love and gratitude.
"We have found the perfect cat to take home today," Tony tells the lady as you two head towards the front again. The lady's excitement is evident as she sees who's being adopted today. Domino has fallen asleep in Tony's arms as the three of you talk a little more about her, and you can't stop smiling at the fact that he did this for you.
"You have made a wonderful choice by adopting Domino! She's such a loving, cuddly cat who's amazing with other animals and children. She's been in the shelter for almost two years now, and I'm glad to see she has found her forever home with you two," she says, and you're glowing as you find out her name.
"Are you excited to go home with us, Domino? I can't wait to introduce you to Alpine as well; she will be thrilled to have a friend to play with," you whisper as Tony hands her to you, ready to sign the paperwork. Once that's done, it's finally time for all three of you to head to the Avengers Tower. You came in as a family of two, and you'll be leaving the shelter as a family of three, making today perfect.
"Thank you so much for everything today, Beautiful; this is the best present I could have ever wished to have gotten from you." As Tony kisses you, Domino meows from inside her carrier, letting both of you know she agrees with your statement. As the three of you walk home, you can't stop talking about what it'll be like to have a cat now and how happy everyone will be to meet her.
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The moment you have waited for is finally here, as you and Tony will officially announce your engagement to some of your closest friends and the Avengers. A few weeks ago, Tony asked Pepper to prepare a small engagement party without giving too many details, and it is safe to say she has truly outdone herself once again during the party planning.
While Tony's still on an important conference call, he has asked you to do a last walk-through with Pepper before it's officially time to greet the guests. You're dressed in a Stark Industries tracksuit combined with a pair of worn-out sneakers; your hair is in rollers, and your face is bare in preparation for the make-over you'll receive once you're done here.
As you walk into the room, you gasp softly. It has an ethereal look, and your eyes glide over all the little details. The color combination of silver and white is a beautiful contrast against the room's darkness, and it fits perfectly with tonight's theme. From the outfits the servers and bartenders are wearing to the flower arrangements that brighten the room in all the corners, it's all considered to make it a party no one will ever forget.
"Pepper, it is beautiful!" you say as you turn to her, standing in the middle of the dancefloor. The DJ is sound-checking with some soft music.
"Well, I just did my job-" she starts, but you cut her off in the middle of her sentence.
"You went above and beyond for us and exceeded our expectations for tonight. You deserve to hear that you did an amazing job, and you don't need to be modest about it," you reassure her, and she smiles shyly at your words. Though Tony often praises her for all her hard work, she still gets a little caught off-guard by the compliments you give her.
"Well, thank you, Ms. Y/L/N," she whispers, her cheeks turning pink as she accepts the compliments.
"You should go and get changed for the party, too. It would be a shame if you couldn't enjoy your work tonight," you tell her, and she smiles politely before nodding and looking over her list to see if a few last-minute arrangements are to be made. After a few more instructions, you both go your separate ways to get ready, and nerves settle in your stomach.
Once you're in the elevator leading you to Tony's penthouse, you let out a trembling sigh, the nerves threatening to get the best of you. Usually, you're the one who's keeping a level head when everyone else is stressing, and you're the one who holds it together when everyone else loses their mind. But today, everything is different. As you look at the floor numbers rising, your heartbeat increases, and a slight panic settles in your body. However, this all melts away when you see Tony in the penthouse; his arms spread as he waits for you to be held in them.
"I missed you, Gorgeous," Tony whispers as he pulls you tight against his body. You stay silent as you take in your fiancé's comforting scent and feel his warmth. You listen to the soft hum of Tony's arc reactor as your cheek is pressed against his shoulder, calming your nerves slowly.
"Are you okay?" he asks when you pull away, and you smile reassuringly.
"I am now, thank you. I suddenly got hit by a bunch of nerves, but being in your arms has calmed me a lot," you tell him, and he nods in understanding.
"It's okay; you don't always have to be strong - even the best nurses can get nervous sometimes," he whispers against your forehead, and the words make you tear up. You know he's right, but it's not in your nature to show emotions like this. It's something you started to work on after getting together with Tony - it's okay to be vulnerable, and it's okay to show your vulnerability.
"Thank you, Tony. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was and believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for giving me a chance, and thank you for loving me." As you tell him this, you can see tears gathering in his eyes, too, and you cup his cheeks as you look up at him. You've never felt more sure about anything than when he asked you to marry him, and this moment cements it for you.
"I love you, Beautiful. More than I've ever thought I could love someone, and I can't wait to get married to you," you tell him as the corners of your mouth curl into a smile.
"I love you too." With those words, Tony's lips descend on yours in a soft but passionate kiss, your tongues dancing together as you bask in the moment's beauty. However, before you two get too lost in one another, it's time to get ready for the party, as there's still a lot of preparation to do for you before you're officially party-ready.
It takes you nearly two hours to get completely ready for your party. The make-up artist and hairdresser are finally finished, so it's time for you to put on your dress and heels. As you're about to ask one of the assistants to zip up your dress, Tony walks into the room and kisses your exposed skin before zipping it for you.
"You look even more beautiful than I could have imagined, Gorgeous," Tony says as his hands lie on your hips. Your soft blue lingerie is still engraved in his memory as his gaze wanders over your outfit. From how the dress's neckline shows off your breasts beautifully to the necklace that matches the dress to the split of the dress and your heels, he's rarely seen you look more beautiful.
"Something is missing," he suddenly says before letting you go, and he fishes something out of his pocket before taking your hand. He flips open the box containing your engagement ring and gently slides it onto your ring finger, where it'll be proudly displayed, finishing your look.
"That's better, Gorgeous. Now you're officially the most beautiful woman in the United States," he tells you as he interlaces his fingers with yours. You take this moment to admire his suit as well, as it's tailored to perfection, the fabric spanning beautifully over his body. Your gaze lingers for a few seconds when you see his bulge, dirty thoughts already swirling through your mind at the thought of what you want to do to him once you're home tonight.
Tony lifts your chin using his index finger and smirks as he knows exactly what's going on in your head, but he shakes his head to let you know there's no time to do anything before leaving. Instead, he leans in to capture your lips in a gentle kiss that has your eyes fluttering shut and your heart beating faster.
When you hear little footsteps and a soft meow coming into the room, you pull away from the kiss with a smile and crouch down to greet Domino as she walks over to you both. She meows louder before plopping down in front of you, and Tony also crouches down to give her some love. She has been settling nicely and exploring the penthouse to her heart's content.
"I'm so happy you allowed me to bring her home, Beautiful. She's so sweet, and now I will have even more love to take in when I'm coming home from my shifts every time," you tell him, and he laughs heartily.
"You're right, Gorgeous. She's perfect," he says as Domino purrs loudly. She's not bothered by the elevator doors opening, and Pepper walks into the large penthouse dressed in a long, silver dress that shows off her figure beautifully. Her hair is loose around her shoulders instead of in her signature ponytail, which softens her facial features immensely, and you're smiling as you look up at her.
"Are you two lovebirds ready to go? It's party time," she says proudly, and you nod before saying goodbye to Domino. Once you're standing up straight, you lace your fingers together in a way that hides your engagement ring from her, and she heads towards the elevator, which she's sharing with you both on the way to the party. As you're standing in the elevator, you let out a small sigh, and Tony squeezes your hand reassuringly while looking at you with pure adoration.
"How're you feeling, Gorgeous?" Tony asks before walking into the party, and you take a moment to consider it.
"A bit nervous; I've never been known to enjoy being the center of attention, but I'm overall okay. As long as you're there with me, I'll be fine tonight, Beautiful," you tell him as you let your hand glide softly over his cheek. His facial hair tickles under your fingertips, and you get lost in the kiss he gives you, giving you all the support you need to walk into the room together.
The moment the large doors open, you're both greeted by your closest friends and family, as well as the Avengers, as they're all dressed in elegant outfits, and you're both greeted by everyone while making small talk with most people as well, all while still hiding the ring around your finger. As you're trying to make your way to the bar, you suddenly run into Natasha and Yelena, who are dressed in long, black evening gowns that enhance their figures perfectly.
"Yelena, I didn't know you'd be joining us tonight! It's so good to see you outside the medbay, too," you tell her with a broad smile, and she can't help but laugh as she pulls you in for a hug.
"As soon as Nat told me about the party, I knew I wouldn't miss it for the world - I even came back early from a mission. We have so much to catch up on!" she says excitedly, pulling you away from Tony and towards the bar. You waved at him before returning to Yelena and Natasha, now discussing that Yelena had shortened her mission.
"What?! It's not like you wouldn't have done the same," Yelena says with her thick Russian accent, making you laugh as you order a glass of champagne, and they do the same. You listen to their chatter while your eyes scan the room, and you flash a smile at Tony once your eyes cross paths again. When you're about to say something to Natasha and Yelena, you feel a hand on your shoulder that has you turning around, curious as to who could be asking for your attention.
"Thor! Loki! I'm so glad to see you both here on this wonderful night," you say as they both envelop you in a hug. The brothers have always managed to intrigue you to no end, especially regarding their lives on Asgard and their being Gods.
"We were delighted to be invited to such an extraordinary party, Ms. Y/L/N. You have always taken such good care of my brother after getting injured that I wouldn't even think of declining an offer to celebrate you and Tony. It's the least I can do to repay you for that," Loki says, making you blush at his words.
"There's no need to exaggerate, Brother," Thor tells Loki with his Australian accent, which is a funny contrast to Loki's British one, only amplifying that one of them is adopted. As they banter for a little longer, you see Tony walking over to you, and your features light up as your gazes cross. After snaking his arms around your waist and pecking your lips, Tony asks how you're doing, and you're practically glowing now that you're reunited.
"I was doing wonderful, but now I'm even better because you're by my side," you tell him, making him show his fantastic smile. It's very contagious, as you're immediately smiling alongside him, which everyone notices. The second he approached you, your demeanor changed as you visibly relaxed.
"If it's okay with everyone here, I will steal you momentarily and take you to the dancefloor. I have prepared a speech to thank everyone for coming. I would love for you to be by my side when I do it," Tony says, looking at you for reassurance. You nod before saying thank you again to everyone who's come tonight, and you allow your fiancé to lead the way to the middle of the dancefloor.
On the way there, you both grab a glass of champagne, and you then take a seat on the large stool that has been placed there for your comfort - standing in your heels for a long time is not something you particularly enjoy, so you'll gladly sit down as Tony ensures you're comfortable. Once the DJ has handed him a microphone, all eyes are on you both, and your heartbeat starts to rise as you know what will happen.
"Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?" Tony asks, and shortly after, everyone is silent and focused on the two of you.
"First off, I want to thank you all for coming tonight. Having you here to celebrate a wondrous occasion means a lot to Y/N and myself. Most of you have wondered why I would throw a party, but I only invite those closest to us. We have a special reason for that. About two weeks ago, I asked the strong, amazing, and gorgeous woman next to me to marry me, and much to everyone's surprise, she said yes!"
For a few moments, there's a roar of laughter, applause, and congratulations throughout the room as Tony kisses your temple, and you're both smiling the entire time. They now know about your secret, and you no longer have to hide. When you find Natasha in the crowd, she winks at you to let you know she is right, and you give a slight nod in return.
"I want to take this moment with you all to look back on the moment she asked me on a date, as it will forever be one of my most cherished memories with my future wife," Tony says before reliving that faithful day in detail.
You have been a nurse at SHIELD for a little over a year, and ever since you started working for them, you've been one of the nurses who would provide care to the Avengers - but mainly Tony Stark. Your first encounter with him was during a mission where he sustained a severe injury, and you were the one who nursed him back to health. Since then, you've been his go-to nurse, and a bond has formed between you. More often than not, you find yourself looking forward to seeing him again - even though it's usually in less-than-ideal circumstances.
It's Christmas Day, and there's a thick layer of snow outside, glistening under the soft glow of the streetlights as you treat Tony after another extended mission. This time, there's nothing life-threatening going on, much to your relief. However, you've been more silent than usual as you're working up the courage to ask him something that has been on your mind for a long time.
"A penny for your thoughts, Gorgeous?" Tony asks, and your cheeks heat up at the nickname he has lovingly awarded you. The first time you were invited to one of his parties, you attended while wearing a red and gold dress, which earned you the nickname. Since then, he has been calling you that, a name that fills you with warmth and affection.
"I- uhm… Sorry, it's nothing-" you say, but Tony has never been known to take no for an answer.
"I'm sure it's not 'nothing,' Gorgeous. Your hands are trembling today, so I'm pretty sure something on your mind wants to come out," he says gently, and you feel a knot in your stomach loosen at his understanding. You sigh before nodding - Tony's right.
"You're right, but- I want you to know it's okay if you say no," you tell him shyly, meeting his dark brown eyes this time. "I was wondering if you want to celebrate Christmas together tonight. I'm all alone, and I was hoping we could spend it together if you'd have the time." As the words leave your lips, you can't help but feel a mix of hope and fear, unsure of how he will respond.
As Tony lets it sink in, you try to read his face, but there's no luck. No matter how hard you try, you cannot tell anything from his face.
"I would love nothing more than to spend Christmas with you, Gorgeous. Is it okay if we have dinner at my penthouse? I will ask Pepper if she knows a chef willing to spoil us with the most delicious meals on this beautiful night, and after, we can drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace as we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas," Tony says. Your face instantly lights up at the mention of your favorite movie.
"You remembered!" you exclaim excitedly, and he nods with a broad smile.
"Of course! I remember your favorite Christmas movie and that you love your hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a sprinkle of cinnamon, too," he says, filling you with joy and surprise. You never expected him to remember these things you've told him as throwaway comments, and the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"That was the first night of many we would spend together, and I'm glad I said yes. That night was the first moment she helped to lead me out of the dark, even though she didn't know it then. Before Y/N, I didn't care if I lived or died, but now I have someone to live and fight for. Someone who's there for me no matter what and who will show me the bright side of everything, no matter how minimal it may be," Tony tells everyone, and you nod in agreement. If it weren't for you asking him out, you wouldn't be where you are today.
"If you had asked me at the beginning of our relationship, I might have told everyone that I was the white knight in your movies, but over time, I have learned that nothing could be further from the truth because Y/N has always been the one in mine. She saved me in ways I could have never foreseen, which is something I will forever be grateful for. I love you, Gorgeous, and I can't wait to call you my wife in a few months."
Tony leans in to kiss you as everyone applauds loudly for you, and he hands back the microphone before helping you back to your feet. It feels like your entire body is on fire the whole time, and your heart threatens to spill over from all the love. You're fortunate to share this beautiful moment with those closest to you, and tonight is only the beginning of the rest of your lives.
"Thank you for caring for me and showing me what it's like to be loved. Thank you for being you."
With those words, Tony pulls you into a deep, loving kiss, his hands cupping your cheeks while yours are around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. You have given yourself completely over to him, your body feeling like it's completely on fire. Tony's hands dip lower until they're digging into the soft curves of your hips as you're getting lost in the moment - completely forgetting about everything and everyone for a moment.
"Fuck, I love you so much," Tony whispers breathlessly after pulling away, and neither of you can stop smiling. The rest of the evening is spent dancing, always touching in one way or another, and countless kisses are shared between you two. Now that you don't have to hide your engagement anymore, you can't get enough of the kisses, but no one seems to mind. Tonight is all about you and your love, after all.
As the night progresses, you decide to go outside and get some fresh air on one of the balconies that look out over the Manhattan skyline, which will forever be your favorite sight. While New York isn't where you were born and raised, you will always call it your home, as there's never been a place where you felt as free as you feel.
"What're you doing out here alone?" you hear a voice behind you. Looking back, you see your fiancé walking towards you, holding out his jacket to drape over your shoulders. You accept it with a small 'thank you' and a small peck on his lips.
"I needed some fresh air, so I thought I'd come here and look at the stars. The sky is clear, so we have a nice view of them," you tell Tony, who nods in agreement. You let your thumb glide over your ring as you look up at them, and a smile lights up your features. Tony can't stop looking at you as you do, making the love inside you grow even more significant.
"One of the good things about growing up in a small town is that you learn to enjoy the simpler things in life, such as the brightness and beauty of the stars and the way the sun rises every morning without fail," you tell Tony, who's now standing next to you, leaning on the railing of the balcony.
"Can I tell you something I learned from you over the years?" Tony asks, and you look up at him with a questioning look.
"You have taught me that soft hearts make the universe worth living in. Without you, God knows where I would be right now; I'd probably be so deep in stress and anxiety that I'd practically be ripping my hair out every day. But you taught me to enjoy the little things in life, which makes our lives beautiful and gives our lives meaning, too," Tony says as he turns to you, his fingers carefully caressing the curve of your jaw.
He leans in for a kiss, and you place your hand on his chest, right over his heart and tattoo, as his lips capture yours. The kiss is unrushed, soft, passionate, and powerful - perfectly combines all the feelings battling throughout your body. As you pull away, Tony looks at you with a soft, adoring look, and you stand on your tiptoes to peck his lips again.
"I brought a small surprise for you, Gorgeous," Tony says as he reaches for his jacket pocket. He plucks a small, felt star from his pocket that instantly has your features lighting up. To anyone else, it's just an unassuming star, but to you and Tony, it signifies the start of something beautiful: the beginning of the rest of your lives.
"I can't believe you brought it!" you tell Tony excited. Inside his hand is a handmade star you quickly put together before spending your first Christmas with your future husband. Even though neither of you had a stocking back then, you still told him it represented a little stocking stuffer, after which he joked about 'him happily stuffing your stocking.' It was that moment you knew he was the one for you, and you have never looked back since.
"Of course, I kept it because it has an indescribable meaning, Gorgeous. I always bring it with me when I need extra encouragement because it means I have a piece of you with me, and it has never let me down. When I'm with you, I know I can do anything, so I take this with me to give me the encouragement I need at that moment," he confesses shyly, and your heart melts at his words.
"I- I love you so much, Anthony Stark, and I can't wait to be able to call you my husband," you tell him as your fingers glide over his hand holding the star. Nothing can describe what you're feeling right now other than feeling fortunate. When meeting Tony, you have won the jackpot, and his asking to marry him only amplifies that feeling for you.
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The night of the party has brought you and Tony many precious and happy memories, but you were also delighted to finally fall asleep as you were curled up against your fiancé, and your cat, Domino, was curled up by your feet. Now, you're sitting with your back against the large headboard, Tony by your side, and Domino lying on his lap as you pick the perfect photo for the public announcement.
Tony has prepared a large breakfast spread for you both to enjoy in bed while you took the chance to sleep in. You're now enjoying the food while looking through the seemingly endless pictures. Tony pops a raspberry in your mouth, quickly following it with a kiss that has you smiling like crazy, and you're enjoying every second you two spend together.
"What do you think of this one?" you ask Tony, and he hums approvingly as he's just eaten the toast he made. Your ring is shown beautifully in the photo, and it's your favorite photo of the two of you.
"I think it's perfect, Gorgeous, just like you," he says before popping a juicy strawberry in your mouth, making you moan at the taste of it. Your eyes slip shut as the taste invades your mouth, and it's time to work on a caption to accompany the photo.
It doesn't take long for the two of you to think of the perfect caption, and the reactions to the post are almost instant. Countless congratulations are coming in, and many people are reposting it with the announcement that you're both officially off the market and getting married.
"I love you, Beautiful, and I can't wait to live up to the photo's caption," you say, and he can't help but smile at your words. He also wants it to come true, and you two look it over one more time before you put the phone away and pay all your attention to your husband-to-be and your cat, who's happily purring on his lap. And the caption? It's rather simple:
Here's to growing old together 🤍
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bleue-flora · 2 days
I Saw one person Said on twitter that cdream probably doesn't hate attachments bc the speeches when he said it/implied it were staged and wow they kinda have a point. While tbh i do think there's a bit of true in what cdream Said in those, it does get one to think, what we know of this guy that isn't a lie to make everyone think he's a crazy enough to be locked up? Like cpunz and cdream evil Disney villains moments on the final streams were most probably an act for cclingy so how much of what we know about the guy is a lie just trick us? Cdream can be a manipulator bc he manipulates people into believing the worst of him, using their already hate for him agaist them and it's interesting how it can trick Even us sometimes. We could never know what was on that guy mind the same as the other characthers and make our own assumtions of it and give him motovations that arent his. And when the final came he had the oportunity to Said the others which is his real motovation and not a theory created based on assumtions miscontructed or theories or líes
lol yea that boy is more attached to his attachments than anyone on the server and that’s saying something considering ctommy fought wars just for the discs, the difference is that cdream does not put the value of an item above all else.
But man did you see the way he stands in front of the cat and takes ctommy’s punches to protect it, and how he killed ctommy after already being in prison with him for weeks right after ctommy killed the cat. Did you see the way he snatches spirit from ctommy in the finale or the way he yells about it while being blackmailed, or the way he responds to csam in Daedalus about bringing animals back to life. Did you hear the way he won’t name the dog in prison after ctechno keeps asking him, almost like he’s afraid if he names it it’ll be taken from him just like everything else he’s named. Did you hear the way he screams at csam to get cquackity to stop killing ctechno, the way he tells ctechno he doesn’t want to experience death, and the way he stands in front of ctechno trying to take the hits for him. Did you see the way he not only helps ctechno get totems to dodge death (after he knows he can bring him back with the revive book), not only provides the distraction to help him escape and give him items, but saves his horse Carl. Do you hear the way he tells cpunz they need to separate so he can stay safe from the server coming to kill cdream (right after they save Carl who was used to kill ctechno). Did you hear the way he begs and explains in the dethronement conversation how he’s just trying to protect them, how dethroning cgeorge keeps him safe, how when he crowns him originally he promises to keep cgeorge safe but already begins to worry that he cannot because he can’t be everywhere all the time. Did you see how ctommy gets exiled after he burns down cgeorge’s house. Did you hear the way he comes and asks csapnap for his armor after the jailbreak while he’s already in full netherite, the way he practically begs to have what’s his back for sentimental value.
Cdream is so very attached, even his denial and adamancy of not having attachments proves as much. Of course, he’s going to claim he doesn’t care in front of his biggest enemies right after his dead horse’s leather is threatened to be burned and he’s blackmailed into tearing down the walls while they ruthlessly mock him, after they burned down cgeorge’s house because they know he cares about cgeorge. Of course, he’s going to say he has nothing to lose as everyone rallies to take him down. Of course he’s going to yell how he has no attachments - no weaknesses - nothing they can use against him - nothing they can hurt to hurt him.
He’s so freaking attached it’s why he knows the value of attachments. It’s why he knows the limits of what ctommy will do for his discs, it’s why he gives back their armor after the battles and wars. He values and respects people’s care for their attachments. That’s why he knows the items on the walls will piss them off to the point of imprisoning him, because on the outside it’s the most ridiculous nonsense, he didn’t even steal those items, besides the discs he’s not really been one for blackmail before - and honestly like come on now, the skeppy cage? Showing ctommy all the things he has and what his plan is when he intends to let him live. - He knew attachments would make people blind to how crazy it all was, blinded by their love and fear.
Honestly, one of his funniest lines in the disc confrontation is how people didn’t really have attachments before ctommy and how ctommy creates attachments. Like heh? I’m sorry I don’t remember ctommy being there for bekerson or mars or spirit or cponk’s first lemon tree… people had attachments before ctommy, he didn’t influence that. He didn’t even form L’manberg one of the bigger attachments to begin with. What do you mean ctommy is the instigator of attachments so you can control people — Dream, babe, you make no sense…
I digress, as far as him lying to us and can we even believe anything he says, is it all a trick…etc. I will say that there is a reason the cdream apologists were not surprised by what he says in the finale. It’s because we already knew it was true even before the words left his mouth. Because within his lies there is a thread of truth, the best lies always do. And when he’s not preforming as the big bad villain in front of his enemies, he’s actually very honest with people. And we can determine this by what his actions and logic say versus his words. Where are the contradictions. Where do things not line up quite right or make sense. How does his voice sound. Who is he speaking to, his enemies or his friends. The finale is the most honest we see cdream be to ctommy but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been honest and said his motivation before. In fact, in his conversation with cpunz alone we see him spell it out and I’m fairly certain that’s not the first time either. Needless to say, yes we don’t get to see in his head but even cpunz kinda mislead us leading up to the disc confrontation, and it’s not like other characters are always upfront with their motivations (perhaps they themselves are not even aware of what they are), the reason things get misconstrued and poor assumptions get made aren’t just because we don’t get to see his pov (though that certainly is a big reason), but also because they are based on the actions and words of cdream when he’s around his enemies versus when he isn’t.
Huh… as an aside I’m pretty sure I’ve referenced this in most of the fanfic I’ve written… maybe I should just let Dream and Punz explain ;D (sorry my quotes live rent free in my head so uh enjoy angst I guess lol XD…)
[Misery Loves Another Idiot - Dream]
“It was out of kindness, mercy and attentiveness that he severed his relationships. A form of twisted protection to distance himself. It wasn’t supposed to be this real. He didn’t want them to hate him. He did say he didn’t care, but did people honestly believe him? He should be glad. He should be glad they fell for his lies. But he can’t help but feel betrayed by their incredulity. That no one bothered to consider. To ask questions. To listen. Was he so far gone already that doubt wasn’t viable? He’s a ‘liar’ after all, why was the assumption then that he was telling the truth?”
[Dreamcatcher - Punz]
“He still can’t believe they trusted Quackity and Tommy over Dream’s own words. He remembers so vividly the way Dream pretended it was intentional. Like he wanted them to leave. Like he wanted to keep them safe by not caring. It was easier than facing the rejection. Easier than knowing that his words and actions were meaningless. Easier than confronting the fact that they trusted others and the lies he tried to use to protect them. It was so much easier than facing the fact that even his close friends saw him as nothing but a power hungry tyrant (just like everyone else).That was the moment Dream’s paranoia increased and the line between his villain fascade started to become less obvious. That was the moment Dream learned that he’d have to scream to be heard and lie to be listened to.”
[Hell in a box - Dream]
“Sure, Punz has always been there by his side, through every war, but Dream can’t let go of paranoia and fear. The fear of losing him. Of losing everything. Of losing everyone. The fear weighted by every attachment that gets taken from him. Everything he loves torn from his grasp for others to rub in his face that he lost something yet again. And it hurts. He wishes it didn’t. He wishes he could be the cruel, cold, attachment-less devil they think he is, but he can’t help but get attached. To love a cat or a suit of armor or his ally. To care about the things that allow him to at least feel human. Punz is the only one left. And as much as he wants revenge, he doesn’t want to risk exposing Punz. To risk exposing his key to immortality. To risk having everyone know he does have a weakness. He knows the game, he’s played it before, but unlike Spirit, Punz is alive. And the moment he reveals his attachment, his ally, he’ll be killed mercilessly, just like Hope was.”
[Hell in a box - Punz]
“He still remembers when Dream held attachments, had pets, had a home. When Dream cherished his horse before it was ruthlessly murdered. When Dream spent days upon days making sure his armor and weapons were perfect, before they were stolen again and again. When Dream fought wars and collected items for his friends all the while making them laugh, before they abandoned him. When Dream proudly crafted his secret base, the smooth wood giving it a welcoming warm vibe, before it became a deep hole for a trap.”
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its-elioo · 1 day
Incorrect quotes Part 3 (RnM fanfic related)
Part 1, Part 2
Knock Out: I just can’t believe you would do this to me.
Rarity: I’m sorry, I had no idea…
Knock Out: It’s called a betrayal of trust. Does that mean anything to you?
Rarity: Of course it does. I didn’t mean to hurt you-
Knock Out: You don’t just get me a gift out of nowhere and I have nothing prepared for you! Now I look like a big old jerk!
Sideswipe: If your leg gets cut off, would it hurt?
Rainbow: Duh!
Sideswipe: How tho?
Rainbow: Cause your leg got cut off, foo.
Sideswipe: Where you gonna feel the pain?
Rainbow: In your le-…
Sideswipe: Exactly, bruh.
Sideswipe: How you gonna feel the pain—
Both: If your leg is gone!
Steeljaw: It’s really cute that you’re gonna defeat me with the “power of friendship” and all but again I am the devil from the bible so—
Sunset: You mf, you didn’t let me finish!
Steeljaw: Uh-huh, go ahead.
Sunset: I have all this power in my hands—
Steeljaw: Dadadadada— shut up, shut up, stfu- I’m the- I don’t care. I DO NOT CARE.
Predaking: Your existence is irritating.
Fluttershy: How so?
Predaking: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Reporter: Hello miss, did you witness anything strange in the area?
Rainbow: Wha- witness?
Reporter: Yes.
Rainbow: Is this camera on?
Reporter: Yeah, we’re live!
Rainbow, trying to distract her while Sideswipe is slowly sneaking away: Ohhoh- Oh nah, I ain’t seen nothing. Ha, I ain’t seen nothing. Matter of fact, I’m blind in my left eye. And 43% blind in my right eye, I don’t see much of nothing. A matter of fact I can’t even see you, sir!
Pinkie: And if I run and leap at Smokey, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. COMING IN!
Smokescreen: NO WAIT- I’M HOLDING ENERGO- [drops it on the ground and catches her]
Rainbow: Giraffes, they can fight.
Sideswipe: You’re more afraid of a giraffe than a gorilla?
Rainbow: Hell yeah, I’m more scared of a giraffe than a gorilla.
Sideswipe: Imagine you’re in a zoo, you mean to tell me you’d rather fall into the gorilla pit?!
Rainbow: Yes.
Rainbow: How tall am I?
Sideswipe: 5.7
Rainbow: How tall is a giraffe?
Sideswipe: Probably like 12ft.
Rainbow: Exactly.
Sideswipe: How strong are you? Very weak and fragile. How strong is a gorilla?
Rainbow: I could talk to a gorilla—
Sideswipe: You’re gonna TALK TO HIM?!
Ultra Magnus: I’m not going to lie, Optimus. I’m a little scared of your daughter.
Optimus: Sunset? She wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Ultra Magnus: Well, that’s reassuring--
Optimus: She would kill a man, however.
Rarity: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?!
Wheeljack, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?
The CMC: Because we have little hands.
Wheeljack: Because they have little hands.
Bumblebee: What am I doing wrong?
Sunset: You want me to answer as a therapist or your friend?
Bumblebee: Friend.
Sunset: Go see a therapist.
Applejack: What do ya think Wheeljack will do for his distraction?
Bulkhead: Who knows? He’ll probably throw a rock or make a noise that’s what I w-
(a big explosion appears behind them)
Bulkhead: …or he could do that.
Twilight: Can I be frank with you guys?
Grimlock: Sure! But I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Pinkie: Can I still be Pinkie?
Smokescreen: Shh, let Frank speak.
Ratchet: We call that a traumatic event.
Ratchet, turning to Rainbow: Not a ‘bruh moment’.
Ratchet, turning to Sunset: Not a ‘major L’.
Ratchet, turning to Sideswipe: And DEFINITELY not an ‘oof LMAO’!
Sideswipe: Maybe you shouldn’t pick fights with people bigger than you.
Rainbow: Then I wouldn’t get to fight anyone.
Twilight: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, guys?
Ratchet and Arcee: No.
Fixit: I do!
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Fixit: I’m sad…
Twilight: I know, Fixit.
Pinkie: Never stop wishing Smokey and all of your dreams will come true!
Smokescreen: [sarcastically] Even the scary ones?
Pinkie: [laughs]
Pinkie: [seriously] Yes.
Strongarm: Why are Rainbow and Sideswipe sitting with their backs to each other?
Twilight: They had a fight.
Strongarm: Then why are they holding hands?
Twilight: They get sad when they fight.
Sunset: Watcha doing?
Bumblebee: Looking for my will to live.
Fluttershy: [walks in]
Bumblebee: Ah, there it is.
Rainbow, listening to the radio: I really like Eminem.
Sideswipe: I prefer Skittles.
Rainbow: No, like the rapper.
Sideswipe: Why would you eat the wrapper??
Predaking: I only had Fluttershy for a day and a half.
Predaking: But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone on this planet and then myself.
Fluttershy: PLEASE DON’T—
Rarity: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Wheeljack: That's why I carry two swords.
Pinkie: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Smokescreen: You would eat yourself?
Pinkie: I wouldn’t even question it.
Bumblebee: What are you doing?
Fluttershy: Cooking pancakes for the squirrels outside.
Bumblebee: …why are you cooking for the squirrels outside?
Fluttershy: Because they don’t know how to.
Sunset: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Bumblebee: Homicide.
Twilight: Murder.
Sideswipe and Rainbow: Homiecide.
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petit-papillion · 2 days
It's crazy how misinformation keeps being spread. I saw a person on twitter who had a lot of followers and a podcast about f1 saying ferrari asked what tires carlos thought it was better and carlos answered "soft". And then they gave the soft to charles and hard to carlos.
When someone posted the transcription of the radio (from twitter user team55) that shows carlos answered "hards or softs" they said the transcription was wrong.
When someone mentioned ferrari wanted to give charles hards but charles refused, they said its not true and the only reason they gave charles soft was because carlos said it was the better tire.
I went back to listen the radios and the person is simply lying.
Ferrari asked carlos what he prefer between mediums, soft or hards and he said "hards or soft"
Ferrari told charles they were thinking about putting hards and he said "no that's stupid".
So whats the point to make up things like this ? Just so people can keep the narrative that carlos is the strategy master and ferrari favors charles ?
And it's one thing if it was just a random account but it's someone with a plataform. there's a lot of fans that don't have access to f1tv there are just believing what this person said.
Hi Anon! I feel like the F1 broadcasts have hugely contributed to this perception of Carlos being a strategic mastermind by being very selective about what they broadcast from team radio. Drive to Survive gets picked on for painting false narratives, but the main broadcast is, at times, just as bad. They pick and choose team radio, sometimes don't broadcast everything that was said or omit follow-up radio that puts the original one in a different light, or don't transcribe it correctly ("There was a cut." when Charles said "There was a cat." comes to mind). I do like that they put "I'm OK." on screen when a driver has crashed and they know from team radio the driver is okay. And I also understand it takes a little while to transcribe team radio. But to my recollection they have never actually said it's just a standard message they use, and instead they make it seem like they are quoting the driver, who in fact may have said, "I'm in the fucking wall." or "Red flag! Red flag! I'm in the middle of the track!!!"
Anyway, on to your point: why make things up? For the same reason drivers lie (and yes, they all do at one point or another) when they are on team radio or talking to the media. To make themselves look good/innocent. And some go to far more extremes than others. Fans are no different: we are biased towards our fave and have a really hard time accepting when he does something we don't like or agree with, as our meow meow just can do no wrong. Some people come up with excuses, others with just blatant lies. See recently Lestappen fans when Max chose Lando, Daniel and Checo as his top 3 friends on the grid, and they said he had to pick Checo because he's his teammate, otherwise he would've said Charles. Could be true, but that would still only put Charles as his 3rd best friend. Wouldn't Max have put Charles as his undisputed number 1 if they are really that close?
Sorry, I digress. The point is, we all need to use critical thinking to the best of our ability, check facts when we can, and try not to stay in a vacuum of like-minded people, but it's unavoidable to have false narratives slip in when it is being fed to us every race weekend. Commentators are biased and although we expect them to be objective, they often are not. I stopped listening to Sky, but it is incredibly clear Crofty's favourite driver is Norris, Chandhok is a Carlos-fan, etc. And you are right, not everyone has access to F1TV to check the onboards, but in this case, they do have access to Twitter and can look at more than just the tweets telling them lies.
In case anyone needs proof of what Charles said:
🎥 bliss_n16
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captain-mj · 4 hours
09Soapghost heellll yeah. Captain MacTavish going uno reverse and going aha now you can’t get rid of me. Prepare to be made to heel
You got the psychic messages I was adding to the post
It started with the interrogation. That was it. With Ghost breaking that person down to nothing with Soap's help. If Soap gave a suggestion, which he did only when he wasn't sure he could stomach doing it himself so rarely, Ghost would do it.
Right now, he was running a flame over one of his knives, no doubt about to do something awful with it while Soap sat in front of the guy, waiting for the fear to build enough for him to back down.
And when Ghost put the burning red knife next to his eye, swaying it slightly like he might just drop it on him, he broke. He blabbered on and on and on about this and that and whatever. Soap took the important things down.
"Can I see my wife?"
Soap was just about to answer when Ghost did. He never spoke during things like this. Not wanting people to hear his voice. But Price had told him to kill the guy afterward and that was enough for him to not care. "Yeah. You can see her." He cocked his gun and put it between his eyes.
"My wife isn't dead." The man looked angry.
"Course she is. Suicide to be exact. Apparently a couple of our boys got a little rough. Made some comments. I wonder, did she kill herself to prevent being defiled or because she was afraid of being used against you? Which one? Did she love your country more than you? Just like you did her."
The man started to curse and sob and bitch in Russian.
Ghost let him for a moment, enjoying this Soap realized, before moving the sunglasses to the top of his head to uncover his eyes. "Look me in the eyes. I want to see you die."
The gunshot was loud and it echoed. And Ghost put the gun back in place.
"His wife is safe and sound in a house not too far from here. Why did you lie?"
"So when he gets to whatever afterlife there is, he searches for her for years, not know she just isn't there yet. I like the think the grim reaper is in on the joke and plays along."
"You're a sick fucking bastard." Soap said and meant it.
Ghost looked at him. And those eyes... stone cold dead. Nothing fucking there. On anyone else, they'd be gorgeous. Beautiful browns like several of the sweet little things Soap picked up at bars. But there was not a hint of emotion in those things at all. "You know I am."
That's when Soap realized that Ghost was a little feral. Demented even. Something was Fucking wrong with him.
It didn’t scare him as much as it should. His head gets a little fuzzy at the thought actually.
There were other moments. Times where Ghost would be a little more fucked up around him. Letting Soap catch him licking one of his knives or purposely dragging out someone's death for his own pleasure.
Somehow it was made worse by the moments of Ghost's humanity. HIs humming. His inane way of making tea and how he disliked coffee and his stupid jokes. It was at such odds with the way he looked at him, dangerous and mutant.
Until Soap found himself cornered by Ghost who was trying to tower over him despite their size difference being laughably small. Only an inch or so. And his shoulders weren't that bad, but they weren't much against his own. Riley just wasn't doing a good job of being intimidating, especially considering Soap had seen him do far better with enemies.
"MacTavish." He growled at him.
Soap looked at him. "Simon. Heel, boy."
Ghost stared at him blankly, only those dead black eyes looking at him.
"You're not getting rid of me, Simon. So go ahead and get used to it."
He scoffed like Johnny was the dumbest motherfucker ever. "You don't own me. Can't tell me what to do."
"Heel, Simon." Soap whispered at him, patting his side. "You're not going to get my attention like this."
Riley growled at him again.
"That's your problem. Can barely touch ya. You hide under that mask like a coward. So you skulk around and hope I'll kick you away."
Riley made a ragged noise and almost barked at him. "Fuck you."
"I'll kick you when I want." Soap hissed and shoved him to the side, noticing how he moved so easily.
That exchange was why he didn't feel as much as surprise as one would expect to find Ghost unmasked in his room late at night, knife in hand.
Soap looked at Riley, watching his breathing as ragged as it was. Looking at how he looked defenseless despite holding a knife. He flipped it in his fingers and held out the handle.
“Captain, I’d let you do anything to me.” His tone was steady, even maybe a tad breathless. There was no hesitation or pain in the admittance.
Soap frowned at him but his interest was undeniable piqued. “Anything I wanted?” He took the knife and dragged it along his jugular. Just letting him feel it.
It was the first break in the facade. A small painful sound. “Yes. Anything. I’m sorry.”
“For giving you this burden.” Ghost choked out. “Anything you want.”
Soap shouldn’t push. He knew Ghost didn’t say things like this lightly. But he did anyway. “Even sex? I know how you are.”
Ghost shivered but it wasn’t from fear. His pupils were blown and he reacted like he had not considered this option. “I haven't had sex in years. But if it would please you. I’d let you fuck me however you want. Even if it’s the same way they did. Even if it's worse. As long as it's you."
“You’d let me kill you.” Soap waited for something. A survival instinct of some kind. But Ghost licked his pretty lips.
“Johnny, if you asked, I’d beg you to. If that’s what you wanted.”
Ghost gently grabbed the wrist that was controlling the knife as it went further down but still didn’t cut. He just needed the stability. “Please. Whatever you want. You want me dead? Do it. I’ll write up a note saying i asked for it. You want me kill someone for you and I will. Bleed me dry, Johnny. I’ll enjoy it.”
Soap looked at where he was clearly hard in his pants. “Should I get you off first?”
“If you think I deserve it.” Ghost exposed his throat for him, swallowing.
The knife hit the floor and Soap kissed him properly. Really kissed him. He dragged him up and out of the chair. Ghost sobbed against his mouth but he ignored it, instead laying him out over his desk.
Soap wasn’t cruel. He could be stern and mean but cruelness was never his thing. And in this moment, he wished nothing more to be cruel. To be able to rend Ghost down in a way that he clearly needed.
Instead, he undid his belt. "Simon."
"Yes, sir?" Ghost looked at him, biting his lip delicately.
"I am going to fuck you. Gonna let you sit there and just feel it. Be real good to you. And when I'm done, you're going to warm my cock under my desk."
Ghost softened, eyelashes fluttering. If not for the scars, he'd be model material. But Soap preferred him with the scars. "Thank you."
He kept lotion at his desk, something that Gaz usually teased him over, but it was perfect for right now. Using a generous amount to make it easier for him. One finger in and he already felt tighter than anything else Soap had fucked in... ever. "You weren't kidding. Practically a virgin huh?"
Ghost tensed up and Soap could feel it around his finger. "Hey, it's okay. I like it. Feels like I'm getting to break you in."
A sweet moan. "Yes. You want me to tell you how big you feel? I know you're probably packing. I'll even exaggerate. Tell you how you're breaking me."
"Only if that's what it really feels like." Soap assured, realizing just how much of a freak Ghost was. And subsequently how much of a freak he was himself, because this was all getting him going. Still, he worked him open until he could easily take three fingers and the lotion was starting to overflow.
Soap knew what he had. He had been turned down by a partner or two because of the size. And the way Ghost arched to keep taking it. Thighs trembling. It gave him a sense of satisfaction.
"I don't need to make you crave me. You already do."
"Yes, sir." He sounded strained but he managed the words.
"How do you feel?"
Ghost put his forehead against the soft wood. "Like you're breaking me." He shook and sobbed, but Soap knew if he pulled that pretty head up and made him look at him, there wouldn't actually be any tears.
A slow gentle push and pull. Soap didn't mind, the tightness and the pressure doing everything he needed. Ghost never asked for more. Though if it was because he was pleased, it was too much or he'd only take what he was being given was a mystery.
He abused his prostate. Mentally tallied how many times he hit it dead on as Ghost's body betrayed him. Causing his hips to cant up for more or his body to thrash until he fell against the desk like his strings had been cut.
And then Soap felt the tell tale tightening around his cock. Rhythmic and still desperate. "You came?"
Ghost nodded against the desk but didn't show his face. The back of his neck was a bright red.
"So the dead can blush."
Soap sped up a little, focusing on his own pleasure, and Ghost would clench every time he went all the way in, and then he came too. Deep inside so Ghost would struggle to clean it out.
Ghost got up and got on his knees. Soap gave him his shirt back so he wouldn't be half dressed.
"My life is yours." Simon Riley mumbled to him and the look he gave him was the same dead eyed stare as always.
Soap smiled at him anyway. "Thank you. It's a gift I'll appreciate."
For a brief moment, there seemed to be something like contentment in Ghost's eyes before closing his eyes and starting his job of pleasing his Captain.
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bekkachaos · 2 days
🪞🪞 💫💫 🏥🏥 please 💜💜
Omg y'all are really making me write!!
Polin fic (I don't know if this will be the same fic or a different one but this is what I got 😅)
"Do not think it escapes me that your child is the picture of health and arrives not eight months after your wedding Colin Bridgerton," Violet said his name with a chastising tone as she turned to look at him.
Colin did not have the decency to act modest or scolded by her words, his mouth instead curling with a proud little smirk that had Penelope flushing violently and shooting him a glare. He pulled his lips between his teeth as he looked to her with far too much cheek in his eyes, pressing his hand to her lower back and leaning in to kiss her at her temple.
Violet tried to act indignant, but her lips quivered with a smile as she watched him, shaking her head lightly as she focussed her attention back on the baby in her arms and rocking him side to side.
"Truly, you can get away with anything," Penelope said to him under her breath and he let out a light chuckle. "I do think you could get away with murder with that smile."
"Just as well," he teased, and she refused to look at him knowing exactly the effect his smile had on her.
"You have intentions to commit murder?" she quipped, and his smile grew as he gazed adoringly down at her.
"No, but if you are to forgive that mortal sin then I am surely forgivable for all manner of grievances I am yet to commit."
"You tell a lie," she said, looking up at him and working hard to maintain the straightest face she could. "You murder my patience."
"You," he said, reaching down with his other arm to turn her to face him as he let his hands rest on her hips. "Are the one who chooses to love me."
the soulmate au !
Eddie had known from a very young age that he had a soulmate out in the world somewhere. When he was a child his mother and abuela read him books that told him so, when he was slightly older, he detested the idea (as did many of the boys his age) and swore that he would never fall in love. As a teenager, he felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of anyone new he met, could it be them? What if it was someone who was mean or intolerable? What if it was someone he didn’t find attractive? What did he find attractive?
Most importantly, would it feel different to meet them than it did anyone else?
He decided very early on that he didn’t want to know. After all, what were the odds you would meet your soulmate? Billions of people in the world and you were expected to just bump into them on the street? Stop in at the same coffee shop?
And what happened when you fell in love with someone who wasn’t your soulmate? What happened when you had a perfectly fine life with them only to meet the person whose body split from yours in the cosmos?
No, that was absolutely not what Eddie wanted for his life.
He knew the one important thing about soulmates was that you were physically incapable of lying to them, so he made himself a rule.
Eddie Diaz would never tell a lie.
The grey's au my most beloved but neglected fic!
"Anyway, I've got a craniotomy if that would cheer you up?" he asked, tapping Buck's arm with his file as he stepped back.
"Can't, I'm on the ER rotation," he said, watching as Eddie began to walk slowly backwards down the hall.
"Well, I hope I don't see you then," he smiled, eyes lingering for a moment, even in a lab coat the man was insufferably good looking.
"Does Eddie's ass have something to say?" Maddie said quietly and Buck rolled his eyes.
"No," he huffed, turning to glare at her before looking back at his paperwork (with one small detour back to Eddie as he stood speaking to someone at the end of the hall).
"Oh you are so smitten, aren't you?" she chuckled. "How do you get through a surgery with him and learn anything?"
"I'm a bright young talent," Buck said dryly.
Giiiirrrlll your icon is sending me, love a little ankle!
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Bruce Wayne, drunk and full on Brucie mood in the middle of a gala: You know, that accent doesn’t really fit in around here. It’s cute. Where are you from?
Clark, internally debating every life choice that led him to this moment: I’m from Smallville. Kansas.
Bruce, leaning closer to Clark with a flirty smile: Oh you’re cute and funny. You know, I like that in a man.
Clark, very confused but trying to just go along with it: Thank you??
Bruce: I mean, everyone knows that Kansas isn’t real but I do always enjoy a good laugh.
Clark: What.
Bruce: What? Everyone knows that Kansas was made up for Wizard of Oz.
Clark, unsure if Bruce is fucking with him or if he’s just really deep into this dumb act: Bruce, Kansas is a real place. It’s one of the 50 states that make up America.
Bruce, tilting his head a little confused: There’s 50 states? Since when?
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lunarharp · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Found out" set in kind of a made-up chapter where the girls are in trouble, or something.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#i hate having a strong cinematic image in your mind for months..working hours on it..& at the end looking you have to be like “Sure. :/"#i'm especially unsatisfied with the beginning and the end and how i can't get eyebrows to work as i want#but i dont care any more... this is probably the comic that has given me the most trouble ever i just dont care#i barely even care whatsoever if anyone even sees this..Ugh..but at least i can move on to the next era now#i'm just annoyed i cant get out good enough my image of qifrey flinching bc he thinks oru will hit him but then he is not hit#i feel like sensei will do something along these lines. i want to see what she will do.#there are also other variations i have in my mind. i just want to know#i just don't want it to happen with qifrey on his deathbed or something. but it possibly will. I DONT EVEN KNOW.#i have another very cinematic image in my mind for something sort of along those lines which i will do soon. it never ends...#btw after this is probably my fics. yeah.... i think it has to be my fics. jasmine sort of goes along these lines#i need that space for dialogue. look - i'm a writer. this is HARD for me. so i am really glad i had the space and freedom of words#to process all the feelings. but i tried to get something out in a quick visual space too. <- me defending myself to myself at cai court#anyway going along the lines of 'Jasmine' - they talk this out and argue and cry and oru pushes the hat at him and tells him#why not just erase every memory i have of you then. That would be easier for us all wouldn't it?#they kiss and sob and kiss and lie outside in the flowers for many hours in that one. and then there's 'Deep End' where it turns out#way way way way more time and words is needed for this actually and that's upsetting for everyone.#the destruction of the hat is certainly another path to take. Can you make this work without that hat going up in flames?#something you have always had and have been clinging to will have to be destroyed. You have to lose something now. This is the crux qifrey#I CANT GET IT OUT IN ONE COMIC!!! I CANT DRAW IT OUT!!!! I NEEDED THOSE FICS!!!! PRAISE WORDS!!!! whatever im going to have dinner now
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the way some of you clearly think bisexuals don't experience actual attraction and feelings for people, but rather decide ahead of time if they want a man or a woman this time and then just go and pick whoever comes into their line of sight next is so obvious and definitely makes me think you all don't need to speak on things you don't know about
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