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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
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spoiledlbleach · 10 months ago
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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1:    0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z    34/36    (26/26)
2:    28 30 35 4c 55 57 63 73 86 ac ad ag ah ak al am an ap ar as at au av aw ay be bl bo br bu ca cc ce ch ck cl co ct da dd de di dn do dr dy ea ec ed ee ej el em en er es et ev ex ey fa fe ff fo fr gb ge gi gl go gr gu ha he ho hr hu ia ib ic id if ik il im in io ip is it iz je jo ke ks la ld le lf li ll lo ly ma mb me mi mm mo ms mu na nd ne nf ng ni nj nk nn no ns nt nu ob oc od of og oh ol om on oo or os ot ou ov ow oy pa pe ph pi po pp qu ra re rg rl ro rr rs rt sc se sh si so sq ss st su sy ta te th ti to ts tt ua uc ue ul un ur us ut ve wa we wh wo xi ye yo yp ze    191/1296    (182/676)
3:    286 355 4ch 557 573 635 730 863 acc ace add ade ado age agi ake ali all ami and ann ant anu apa app art aus ave bea bec bee ble blo bod bra but cap cau cce ces cha cks cli col con cou day ddi dea des did dif din dit dob don dra ead eal eat eca eco ect eel eem een eje elf emb emo ems eni enj ent ere err ers esc esq ess ett eve exi fam fee fer ffe fol for fre fro get gim gin gla gon gre gue hah han hap has hat hav hem hen her hol hoo hou how hre hus iar ibl ice ick ide iff ike ili ima imm ine ing ink ins int ion ipa ipp isy iti its ize jec joy lad ldn len lia lik lip liz llo lly log lor lou low mag mak man map mbr mic mil mmi mom mor mov mus ndi ner nev nfa nic nin njo nna nne nob not nst nte nth nto nua obe obo ock oda ody ole oll olo ond one onn ont oot ore orl ost ote oul our ove pad pan par ped pen phu pin pos ppe que rac raw rea rec red ree rej rem ren rey rgb rld rom ror rro sca sed see sel sho shr sib sis squ ssi ste sto sts suc syp tag tea ted ter tes tha the tin tio toc tod tol tse tti ual uck ues uld unf use ust ver wan was wha wor xit yet you yph zed    269/46656    (261/17576)
4:    2863 3557 4cha 5573 5730 6355 8635 acce addi ades adob agin aliz ally amil anne ante anth anua apad appe ause beat beca been blog body brac capa caus cces cess chan clip colo cond coul ddin diff ding diti dobe dont draw eali ecau ecol eems ejec embr emov enin enjo eren erro esca esqu essi etti ever exit fami feel fere ffer foll free from gett gimm gine glad gonn grey gues hann happ have here hole hoot houl hred ible idea iffe ilia imag immi inst into ipar ippe isyp itio itse ized ject liar like lipa lipp lize llow lore lour mage magi make manu mbra mick mili mmic more move must ndit ners neve nfam nice ning njoy nner nobo note nste nted nthe nual obod oday olen ollo olor olou ondi onna oote ored orld osts oter otes ould over pade pant part peni phus pink post pped ppen race real reco reje remo rent rror scap seem self shoo shou shre sibl sisy sque ssib stea stoc stol suck syph tead teal that them then ther ting tion tock toda tole tsel ttin uall ucks uess uldn unfa used want what worl your yphu    202/1679616    (195/456976)
5:    28635 35573 4chan 55730 63557 86355 acces addin adobe agine alize amili anner anted anthe anual apade appen becau brace capad cause ccess cessi chann clipa clipp color colou condi could dding diffe ditio ealiz ecaus ecolo eject embra emove ening enjoy erent error escap esque essib ettin famil feren ffere follo getti gimmi gonna guess hanne happe hoote hould iffer iliar image imagi immic inste ipart ipped isyph ition itsel lipar lippe lized lored magin manua mbrac milia mmick mover nditi never nfami nners nobod notes nstea nther nuall obody ollow olore olour ondit ooter ouldn pades panth penin posts ppeni reali recol rejec remov scapa seems shoot shoul shred sible sisyp ssibl stead steal stock stole sucks syphu today tolen tself tting ually unfam wante world yphus    129/60466176    (123/11881376)
6:    286355 355730 4chann 635573 863557 access adding alized amilia anners anther anuall apades appeni becaus capade ccessi cessib channe clipar clippe colore colour condit differ dition ealize ecause ecolor embrac emover escapa essibl etting famili ferent fferen follow gettin gimmic hanner happen hooter houldn iffere imagin immick instea isyphu itself lipart lipped magine manual mbrace miliar nditio nfamil nobody nstead nually olored onditi panthe pening ppenin realiz recolo reject remove scapad shoote should sisyph ssible stolen syphus unfami wanted    79/2176782336    (74/308915776)
7:    2863557 4channe 6355730 8635573 accessi amiliar anually appenin because capades ccessib cessibl channer clipart clipped colored conditi differe ealized ecolore embrace escapad essible familia fferent getting gimmick hanners happeni ifferen imagine instead isyphus manuall ndition nfamili onditio panther ppening realize recolor remover scapade shooter shouldn sisyphu unfamil    47/78364164096    (43/8031810176)
8:    28635573 4channer 86355730 accessib appening ccessibl cessible channers conditio differen ecolored escapade familiar happenin ifferent manually nfamilia ondition realized recolore scapades sisyphus unfamili    23/2821109907456    (20/208827064576)
9:    286355730 4channers accessibl ccessible condition different escapades happening nfamiliar recolored unfamilia    11/101559956668416    (9/5429503678976)
10:    accessible unfamiliar    2/3656158440062976    (2/141167095653376)
I was gonna steal @i-remove-color-from-posts’s gimmick but then I realized I have no idea how
So instead I recolored them
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Enjoy >:)
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goldnkuro · 3 years ago
´ ´ learn the alphabet with noir ` `
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a/n: anything that is in italics is in korean. i’ve been wanting to do this one for a while and it took me quite some days to think while making sure she’s in character poaskposkpksapos ALSO, let me know if any of you want to know the backstory of any of the quotes!
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“ayyyyyyy my man.” (greeting her male friends)
"annyeonghaseyo bishes.”
“at this point, i don’t even care anymore.”
“by the way, if i ever see anyone saying bad things to eun-chae just because she’s bi, expect to hear from my lawyer.”
“bruh moment.”
“commence the yoinkage.”
“covid, PUH LEASE, get the hell out, you’ve overstayed your welcome, no one wants you here.”
“caffeine addict is what they call me, now pass me that cup so i can one-shot it.”
“dude, I know what I’m doing, trust me. I got phd on youtube.”
“do you ever stare at people to see what their reaction will be? because i do.”
“eh, i’m gay.”
“everyone, i got an important question, is buttcheeks one word or should i spread them apart?”
“ehehehehe, i’ll clown all my members, ehehehehehe.”
“first of all, i’m a claw machine master, okay? have some faith on me."
“fu-, sh-, dam-, AH you know what, i give up.”
“fancy uUUuuuuuu.” (voice crack)
“guys shut the heck up, i’m listening to ateez”
“gosh, how can i be so talented?”
“how about no?”
“hi horsie.” (feeding the horse with carrots while patting its neck)
"hamlet once said and i quote: 'o fuck'."
“i’ve come to announce, i adopted a child.” (turns the camera to show mingi with yoo on his lap) “by the way, mingi’s the child.”
“i hate my brother, i want a new one.”
“i demand a refund on this friendship.”
“jinnie could slap me with her vocal and i would still thank her.”
“je t'aime, mes gems.”
“just, what the heck is wrong with you?”
“ke ke ke… yes this is my weird laugh.”
“lol, sucks to be you.”
“logistically, soo-jin can’t live without me.”
“laura and jinnie are the demonic duo i would never dare to mess with.”
“math should be permanently banned from existence.”
“mingi-ah, why are you and yunho such a hoe?”
“mayday mayday, haru’s being way too sweet.”
“not my problem.”
“nan michin deushi awooo.”
“no, i won’t be growing taller any sooner, i already accepted it.”
“oh god, why me?”
“OH MY- boi.”
“peniel, i love you, brother, i really do, but could you kindly rid ourselves of your presence?”
“protecc haru and hua at all costs.”
“please stop asking for my brother, he’s stinky and i’m better company.”
“quoting the legendary hamlet, ‘no’.”
“q t? wait, are you flirting with me? wot.”
“really? right in front of my salad?”
“soo-young isn’t responding to normies at the moment, try again later.”
“santa claus doesn’t exist, sorry.”
“sup? how you doin’ babe?”
“today’s tmi is that i’ll always be the prettiest.”
“there’s no filter when it comes to me, and we all know that.”
“... the more you know, i guess.”
“um, am i interrupting something?” (seeing the maknaes cuddling up together)
“usually some of the members would accompany me on things like this, but it seems that i was ditched.”
“uh-huh… and what made you believe that i would actually do aegyo for free?”
“vroom vroom.”
“venus might the quietest between us, but honestly? she’s the real demon.”
“verrry naiseu.”
“whenever someone tells me ‘i love you noir’, i either throw up or say that i love me too.”
“watch me covering all the title songs from my favorite groups.”
“wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae?” (annoying eun-chae)
“xoxo is always the way when you’re lazy to write properly but still want to make it cute.”
“XIAN HUA!”, “yes?”, “... i love you.”
“you just got gnome’d.” (gnome noise)
“zombie movies are good… for background noise, i mean.”
“zoos are fun, i can pet some animals for free.”
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years ago
I just discovered your mdzs pronunciation stuff and it's super helpful!!! Especially to an english speaker, it's so helpful to hear everything pronounced slowly! Would you ever consider doing more but on Chinese basics? Like tones, or differences between similar sounds? (But please don't feel obligated! Just a suggestion bc I find your pronunciation super helpful :) 
hhhhh the file was too big for tumblr :’) even after I exported it at medium instead of standard quality, so i made a soundcloud after all aha.... it’s downloadable, even!
anyways! chinese school with cyan? :D transcript with helpful links under the cut.
previous chinese pronunciation posts with pinyin if you want to go back review them armed with new knowledge to practice: mdzs names 1, mdzs names 2
rough transcript (brackets indicate things i didn’t say but wanted to add as a note, or laughs lol):
hello everyone! okay, so I’m going to make an attempt to do some basic pinyin, I guess, a basic pinyin post? so the goal is by the end you should be able to hopefully! look at basic pinyin or any pinyin word and get a general sense of how it might sound. this is not comprehensive, and you shouldn’t take it as such,  but i hope you might be able to get a good foundation out of it? I don’t know, just for sort of, a basic general overview.
I’ll use some MDZS words or names or whatever to I guess keep it fun as examples? But the rules should be generally applicable across the board. This is geared towards native English speakers because that’s what I am. I am not a linguist, just a layperson, so I’m going to be explaining like a layperson.
So, this is pinyin with cyan! chinese school with cyan. horrible, I thought i escaped this [laugh] oh, all those horrible saturdays. [all sounds will be read with first tone unless otherwise indicated]
okay, so, I’m going to do the basic vowels first. there are five so it’s: a o e i u ü
so I’ll do that a — oh wait, no there’s six, oh gosh! okay. bad start! so there are SIX basic vowels: a o e i u ü
so i’ll do that one more time: a o e i u ü
so there’s actually a seventh vowel sound, but we can get to that in a minute. it’s not included in the orthography.
so ü is usually the hardest for native english speakers since it doesn’t exist in english, but a friend of mine recently explained it really well. so if you say “ee” just like, “ee” like in creek or something like that, then shape your lips as if you’re saying “oo”.  so if you speak french or german, it might be easier for you, those are just the two languages I’m familiar with. the ü is the same as the ü in german, like in die Tür, in french it’s just like you know, la lune, mur, etc.
basically say “ee” then move your lips until it looks like you’re saying “oo” — eeeeeüüüü or you can do the opposite, you can say “oo” then move your tongue as if it’s saying “ee” so: ooooüüüüüü. ü. and that’s basically it.
so now i’m going to do the initial consonants. that’s all the vowels. but the initial consonants, the consonants, or the consonant sounds that can start words, there are… well there’s not that many, but I’ll go through them really quick. there is an order, and every consonant is associated, every initial consonant is associated with a natural vowel sound and they come in groups. the order that i learned them in is this:
b p m f • d t n l g k h • j q x • z c s zh ch sh r
[repeated slower]
b(o) p(o) m(o) f(o) • d(e) t(e) n(e) l(e) g(e) k(e) h(e) • j(i) q(i) x(i) • z(i) c(i) s(i) zh(i) ch(i) sh(i) r(i)
I think the official one [the official order, i mean] might have the z c s and the zh ch sh r switched, but it doesn’t really matter they’re both in the same group. so you’ll notice that there are only four naturally associated vowels: o e i and ï [not sure if this is technically the right way to write it, but it’s convenient for illustrative purposes here].
so ï is the one that’s with the z c s, zh ch sh r group. I also think this is a pretty hard vowel to pronounce for english speakers, but i don’t really have a handy way of explaining it. i’ll try though!
so for things like the z c s sounds: say “sss” like you would in english. “ssss” then change your lips to the way you say “ee” and then vocalize without moving your tongue. so you can also produce this sound without changing your lip shape, but doing so will kind of force it, or make it easier to find I think. so ssssssi. sssssi. so that was me doing the whole process with saying ssss and then moving my lips and then vocalizing. but i can also do it with my lips rounded. “si”. that’s me with lips rounded, but having the lips wide like that helps i think
[or you can just vocalize “zzzzz” like in “buzz” or “jazz”. that zzzzzz sound gives you the vowel you want. that probably would’ve been an easier way to explain it haha.]
for the zh ch sh r sounds, to get that, you can say “juh” like how you would say j, a j sound in english, so it’s “juh” but dont’ say the “uh” just stick to the “j”. so that’s the zh sound. “zhii” just like hold it. then ch sh r. I don’t know, I think that’s pretty intuitive once you get those.
in terms of the consonants that i think that are difficult, they are d, j q x and z maybe? so i’ll go over them.
so d taps the palate in english, “duh”, “duh”. the d sound, it taps further back on the little bump [on the roof of your mouth] there, but it taps on the teeth in chinese. I think it’s a non-aspirated t sound? so say “tuh” but then instead of having that breath, just take that out. “de”. it’s a non-aspirated t, it taps in the same spot. so that’s the d, the “de” sound.
j q x, it’s the same sort of things, if you stretch your lips, I think i helps to move it into the right space. so instead of “juh” it’s “ji”. “ji”. “ji ji ji ji”. “qi”, “xi”. the q has the “ch” sound, but instead of sitting so far in the front, it sits a little further back [in the mouth]. instead of “ch” which is the ch, it’s “qi”, which is moving further back. and same with “xi”. instead of “sh” it’s “x”. i don’t know if that helps [laugh]. but instead of “sh” it’s “x”. so “xi”.
again, instead of “ch” it’s “q” and instead of “sh” it’s “x” [laugh]
[I forgot to talk about z oops. it’s basically a combination of d and z in english: “dz”. like the end of “hands”. that “dz” sound.]
okay, so, you can start a word with any of the vowels, any of them can be initials, but some of them will change orthography when they’re at the start of a word. so i think it’s pretty intuitive, but a o e all stay the same. but the “i” sound, the i, turns into a y, the “u”, the u, turns into a w, and the “ü”, the ü turns into yu. so “yu”.
okay, so that’s all the initials! that’s it! that’s not too bad.
okay, so now I’m going to start doing the finals, like the ends of words. you can end any word with any of the vowels, but I’m going to include them anyways because it’s in the table. i just copied this table from wikipedia because it’s i think pretty intuitive and clearly stated. they show both how the sound would be written as a full word and how it would be spelled when it was attached to an initial. so basically what i just talked about regarding changing orthography when you start a word with vowels, things like that.
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[link to table in wikipedia]
okay starting with the first row, I’m pretty sure this is ï. the i sound that i said was difficult:
[row 1]
so I’m going to do that again. I’m going to do each one twice and then we’re going to move onto the second row.
[row 1 repeated, each sound twice]
okay, now the second row:
[row 2]
so we’re going to do the same thing again, twice each:
[row 2 repeated, each sound twice]
okay, and the third row:
[row 3]
and again, twice each:
[row 3 repeated, each sound twice]
and then the final row:
[row 4]
and then one more time, twice each:
[row 4 repeated, each sound twice]
okay so that’s it, that’s all the finals I think.
so I think -(i)un/yun is probably one of the harder sounds, the -un with the y at the beginning, the -iun? “yun”, with the umlaut. I don’t really know how to explain how to pronounce that one, but you know it’s the… yun [laugh]
okay so a note on u vs ü. when a word begins with j q x or y, and it’s followed by a u, it’s automatically be pronounced as ü even though it will not be marked. so here are some examples.
names like Ā’Yuàn: yuàn. it’s a ü sound automatically, and it’s not marked in the orthography. or Yú Zǐyuān. yú zǐ yuān. same thing. and then with something like in hánguāng-jūn, jūn, the j the “ji” combined with the -un becomes “jun” like the “yun” sound. or Jīn Zixuān. Xuān. Xuān. it’s the ü sound.
so an example of the same final spellings but with different initials. like the yuàn in ā’yuàn — you can see it automatically changes to an ü pronunciation, but spelled the same way the -uan ending, but you have a different starting consonant that’s not one of the exceptions, so “le” — so in luànzàng gǎng. luàn. it’s “u”. luàn. and then for like yú, yú zǐyuān, yú, instead of the ü, in jīn rúlán, rú, rú, it’s the “u” sound, and they’re marked the same way.
okay! yeah that’s pretty much it. that’s like all the basic sounds in chinese, I’m pretty sure. [laugh] it’s not actually that hard. i mean, it’s obviously hard, but there’s not as many sounds as you expect, or it’s less complex than you might think.
so obviously now we have to deal with tones. i know this is the one that everybody finds really scary, but i actually i know it’s easy for me to say because i’m a native speaker, but i actually think they’re very intuitive and easy to hear, as tones go. it’s gonna be fine. anyways, we’re gonna get through it.
here is how i remember tones: I do it with a cadence. and i literally sometimes have to go through this cadence on words when i’m not sure how to identify what tone they are. this is how i learned it, my grandmother taught me this, you know, i mean, it’s very standard, but:
ā á ǎ à
or hummed it’s: ¯ ´ ˇ `
and then I’ll do it again:
ā á ǎ à
¯ ´ ˇ `
so yeah, i really do sing it sometimes when i’m trying to figure out or remember what tone mark goes on something, I go dūh dúh dǔh dùh [laugh] over and over again until i figure it out.
and yeah, that’s it! they’re pretty intuitive, they follow the path of the tone, or the shape of the tone markers. so you can see the ā is flat, the á goes up, the ǎ goes down and then up, ǎ, and then à, the fourth one, just goes down.
so whenever you’re writing a tone mark on a word, they always go on the last vowel UNLESS there’s an a or e present. those always take precedence. I’ll spell out a couple of examples in the text.
[EXAMPLES: hào not haò and méi not meí, but jiù]
so i will go over, um… okay, i think my dad’s having a meeting downstairs, so maybe you’ll hear him in the background, but okay, the last thing i will go over a couple of sandhi rules, just a few! this isn’t all of them, i think there might be five? but i’m just going to do the three that are most relevant or the most commonly seen I think, or the ones that I think about that will trip you up most likely, i think, when you’re pronouncing things.
so the one that everybody knows, or the one that everybody teaches first, i think is the two third tones in a row will cause the first third tone to turn into a second tone. so for example, in Yílíng Lǎozǔ. “Láozǔ”. the two characters by themselves are lǎo and zǔ, but because they’re right next to each other, it becomes láo, second tone, “láozǔ”. [NOTE: the pinyin will still be spelled as lǎozǔ. you will just automatically read it aloud as láozǔ] so instead of “lǎo zǔ”, it’s “láozǔ”.
and then, the second thing that a third tone does is that a third tone that is followed by anything that is not a third tone drops to a thing that is called a low tone, I know i said there are only four, but this is… here’s an example. [there is also the soft tone, which is kind of the absence of tone, but I’m not going to talk about it here haha] in liǎnfāng-zūn, jin guangyao’s title.
liǎnfāng-zūn, you can kinda hear it doesn’t really rise again at the liǎn, liǎn, liǎn, by itself it goes down up, like a valley, but when it’s followed by the rest of the title, liǎnfāng-zūn, it just kinda sits at the bottom and then jumps back up. liǎnfāng-zūn, liǎnfāng-zūn, it just kind of sits at the bottom as opposed to coming back up, so it’s still. it still follows the same curve, it just doesn’t quite come back up i think
i actually had to look that one up, because I was like. oh is that real? i hadn’t noticed it.
but the third tone on its own is just the third tone, so for example, in xuē yáng’s courtesy name, xuē chéngměi, měi, you can hear it there, it comes back up—oh birds!
so xuē chéngměi, měi. dǔh. [laugh]
[LOL I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE THIRD SANDHI RULE I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT. you can read about it in the link to sandhi rules i’m going to post at the end of the post.]
so yeah, that’s pretty much it actually! hooray! I’m sure, I mean, chinese is a whole language, so it’s complicated, this won’t really get you to a point where you can read pinyin entirely, but i think those are like the basic rules that i use when i’m reading pinyin, but of course, i’ve been reading pinyin for a really long time, that was the primary way i engaged with chinese text for many many years because i was illiterate! i’m still pretty illiterate, but that’s okay. i’m getting better! but yeah, so like i said, this isn’t comprehensive. if it was horribly confusing, if there was stuff in it that just didn’t make any sense, you can ask me questions! I will try to answer them. my brother’s coming home today, and i’ve been using his desk to record because his room has been empty, so i’ll have to figure out something else. but for now, um, yeah!
okay, bye. :)
/end transcript
okay!! so here are the promised links:
tone sandhi rules
very useful interactive table where you can click on sounds to hear them read aloud! (linked to me by @nerd-bastard​ thank you so much!)
obviously the wikipedia page is very good, though it’s a little dense
@tonyglowheart​ sent me a thread of someone reading out mxtx names on twitter here! the reader has a different accent than i do (they say they sound like they’re from the northern mainland. i would guess my accent is probably closer to something near shanghai? since I learned pronunciation from my grandmother, and then of course tempered by my american upbringing)
I would probably recommend going back to the other pronunciation posts I made to see a variation of sounds written out with different tones? i feel like that would be helpful!
anyways WOO thanks for your patience, it’s been a minute. brain’s doing kinda oomf these days, but we’re gonna make it :’) state of the world is. something.
normally i would just link my ko-fi here, but this time, i’m going to say check out my donations tag or do your own research into someplace more in need to put your money instead. :)
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booklindworm · 4 years ago
Mando'a Plural, Modern vs Archaic
Modern Plural
• use -e when the noun ends in d, l, m, r, s, sh, t, ts,
• use -se when the noun ends in a vowel or in y,
• use 'se when the noun ends in b, c, ch, g, gh, h, j, ji, k, n, ng, p, ph, q, w/v, vh.
Examples modern plural: ad -> ade (offspring, child), verd -> verde (warrior, adult), tracy'uur -> tracy'uur'se (blaster), taung -> taung'se (Taung)
Archaic Plural
I like to think the modern plural used to be the dual form, denoting only two of (noun).
Back then, the plural was formed by
• replacing the last vowel (if it is short) with a
• replacing the last vowel (if it is long or y) with u
• adding -a when the noun ends in d, l, m, r, s, sh, t, ts,
• adding 'sa when the noun ends in b, c, ch, g, gh, h, j, ji, k, n, ng, p, ph, q, w/v, vh.
Examples archaic plural: ady -> adu (firstborn), verd -> verda (warrior, adult), tracinye -> tracinya (flame), taung -> taung'sa (Taung)
Explanation and Notes
The modern plural forms shown here are derived from the vocabulary of Jesse Harlin's songs and from parts of Karen Traviss' list; when in doubt, I went with Harlin.
The archaic forms are derived purely from the few examples found in Jesse Harlin's songs (all of them are in the examples' list), the rules are thus mostly my headcanon.
The taung'sa form is not official, I made it up for the sake of completeness.
Also, nobody ever said Mando'a has ever had a dual form, I just love dual forms and decided to use it on a whim.
The -se Ending
Using these forms does not ever show judgement, they're just grammar.
Traviss always wrote (derogative) or similar notes to everything remotely resembling strong language, it's missing with 'se endings.
Also, noteably, the vode an variety of the GAR (who loved the Jedi) includes the form jetii, jetiise.
It's obviously not a slur.
I swear, some people just want to be offended, even if they have to make up their own offense.
I chose math as my college major and have no professional background in languages or linguistics. I speak only two languages, both Germanic, and read maybe three more (the only non-Germanic being Latin).
I know people all over the globe and have had contact with all sorts of Romance, Semitic, Finno-Ugric, Slavic, Celtic, and a few other (Turkic, Persian, Greek) languages, and I tried to learn about Polynesian languages by reading wikipedia articles and such (and listened to youtube videos) but that's about it.
Not exactly a background to inspire trust and confidence in my linguistic abilities, and I know that I don't know - a lot of things - so please keep in mind that especially details (e.g. about IPA) might escape me.
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belamourelysianlimerence · 3 years ago
NSFW Alphabet
Arthur Fleck
Are you ready?
'Nooooo... this is not happening.'
I'm sorry. It is.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
'I'm going to the bathroom.'
You are not. You're as red as a tomato, go to the kitchen.
'But, I'll still hear you.'
I was joking. Sit down.
*Muffles face into cushion*
'Is is emprssn...'
Arthur is verrry good to me after sex.
He makes sure I'm alright, he asks me if I need water. He's very attentive. But, I don't think he realizes that he is the one that need aftercare more. He becomes light headed very easily, so when he tries to get me something, it takes him a while by which time I've gotten it myself and helped him go back to bed.... you okay? It's okay. I'll answer. 😆
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Okay. This isn't to bad. You can answer this...
'..........I like your stomach.'
*shakes head*
.....I like everything about you, but if I could only see one part of you ever again, it would either be your eyes or your smile.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
*covers ears*
'Blah blah blah blah blah blah-'
It's just a regular thing, we're not into anything like that.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's still blahing.... *types in chat box*
He enjoys pegging.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Hey! *pulls hands down* Are you a virgin?
Were you one before me?
Okie doke.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Are yo- he's just ignoring me now. Umm, mainly missionary.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Oh, you'll crack jokes.
'Hmhmhm, yeah.'
Is that cause you get stage fright?
'Uh.. I-um.."
That's okay.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I mean... yeah.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He makes my heart stop.
Haha, don't be so shy. You should be proud of this. You're a romancer. Like in the movies.
'Hmm... I just love you.'
And I love you, Romeo.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I'll just say I've caught him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
'Please don't.'
I won't tell them... ..... but, he's a good boy.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Just a bed, really. We're not crazy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
'No!' * tries to snatch the phone*
Ah! Get back! I do, I do, I do.... okay? Alright?
*huffs out of nose*
A HJ out of nowhere makes him crazy.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
You wouldn't like degration.
'No. Don't ever do that.'
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Okay, which do you like better?
'...I like both.'
Is one better than the other?......everyone loves receiving more... it's fine.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
*rubs face*
Is it hot in here? Hehehe. I mean... the better you feel, the faster you go.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Okay. So, bed may be not be the only place.
Remember when he was kicking shit out of anger? There.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Ummm... we haven't done anything. Are you open to it?
'I dunno. Depends.'
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Once is usually fine.
But, like we can do multiple during the day. Just not in a row.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I already told them.
You were blahing.
Get even. Do I?
'She has a lot more than me.'
There ya go. Get back at me.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
'She teases me.'
I do. Sometimes. Not a lot.
You can't tease, you get to flustered.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
*shakes head*
Come on, attack me.
'....she sounds like those turtles on the internet.'
*laughs hysterically*
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
We're not doing that for this.... I can't believe you said that.
'Ah, haha. You said attack you...'
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
You're average, yet incredibly modest. You don't give yourself enough credit.
*aww face*
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Hummm.... few times a week.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
'Really fast.'
And there, we're done.
'I never want to do this again.'
Oh, you wont... but he will.
Oh, yes.
And he will answer ALL the questions.
'He won't.'
If I catch him during "work" he will.
'..... I'm going to kill you.'
Then who would peg you?
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apodvopis · 5 years ago
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          hi hi   !  my name is ponyo , i’m twenty-two , i live in the pst timezone & i’m super excited to be apart of this group   !  other than that i am an avid netflix binge watcher & i am obsessed with pokemon go   !  i hope you’re all ready for elliot though , this boy is a roller coaster ride tbh .
          tw  / /  mentions of drinking 
          pinterest  / /  tw :  drugs , blood , violence 
(  shawn  mendes  ,  twenty  three  ,  &  cismale  )  who  ?  these  days  ,  it’s  all  about  elliot  vieira  ,  who  comes  from  seattle  ,  wa  and  is  making  headlines  as  a  singer  &  model    .  he  currently  has  a  fan  count  of  46.9k  ,  no  thanks  to  the  rumors  of  them  being  cantankerous  !  but  ,  on  the  other  hand  ,  their  most  devout  fans  say  they’re  actually  gregarious  .  last  i  heard  ,  they  caused  quite  a  buzz  when  they  hosted  a  huge  end  of  the  year  party  !  it’s  no  wonder  they  remind  me  of  the  smell  of  cigarettes  on  their  clothes  no  matter  how  many  times  they’re  washed  ,  scars  that  seem  to  duplicate  each  year  due  to  dumb  stunts  &  an  unruly  addiction  to  black  coffee  .  
full name : elliot chance vieira
nickname(s) : ellie , eli 
age , dob , zodiac : twenty-three , april 3rd , aries
hometown : seattle , washington 
gender & pronouns : cismale , he / him
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
languages spoken : english - fluent , spanish - fluent , french - amateur
elliot vieira is the son of andre & shannon vieira . but if you were to ask him today about his parents he would only mention his father , andre 
elliot’s mother left when he was around seven years old ; claiming that  ‘  being a trophy wife  ’  just wasn’t her lifestyle
that led elliot’s dad to spend most of his nights & days at work where he was the lucky owner of a car dealership 
with the flow of money , the vieira household was never short of money . plus , since elliot is an only child , most of the money was spent on what he wanted 
that being said , elliot grew up beyond spoiled 
his father ended up putting him in an all boys private school , something elliot truly didn’t mind seeing as he always found himself getting into trouble
his grades were decent , nothing particularly outstanding , but nothing that would hinder him from getting into college if he chose to go 
there was no doubt that elliot was one of the popular kids - that was evident ever since he was in middle school 
it was the amount of admires & friends that helped elliot begin to grow on social media , especially as he got older & went through high school 
through all the ups & downs of dating , sports , grades & family , elliot still had no idea what he wanted to do with his life after he graduated ?
cue elliot posting a poll & doing a q & a with his followers about what he should do with his life . guess what a good 86% of them said ? to be a model
so elliot brought it up to his father at the end of his junior year & his dad was all for it . he actually started elliot off as being the new face for his car dealership 
from that point on , elliot only grew from there - both in popularity & in the amount of trouble he got into
he accepted more & more modeling jobs that were local & then began expanding to gigs down in california 
his father is his biggest supporter , or rather he was . as elliot grew older his dad seemed to start paying less & less attention to him . his father currently only checks up on him every once in a while
it wasn’t until elliot was about twenty-one that he added singing onto his list of fame . he was more of a shower singer , but after a few friends said that he should try his hand at that - his popularity went up from there
with the popularity & money that he made all on his own , elliot began to become more & more egocentric & bratty & definitely more reckless 
as of right now , he just got done doing a tour in europe ! 
a spoiled brat is what elliot is
wants everything to go his way or it’s the highway ? 
is really good at being friends with people , loves spoiling the sh*t out of his friends & doesn’t actually want anything in return 
he loves being surrounded by people & hates being alone
he’s really bad at having close friends though
kind of obnoxious & annoying ; has a bit of a temper too 
never thinks about the consequences of his actions
C O N N E C T I O N S 
we dated for a few months , i actually really liked you , you asked for a break & now it’s been a month & you’re in a relationship ? you asked for a break , not a break-up & now i don’t know what to do  (  0 / 1  )
we always see each other at parties & we’re always stealing glances at one another. i know what my intentions are & why i’m drawn to you - but i can’t figure out what yours are ; yet neither of us ever want to approach each other either  (  1 / 2  )
we’re friends joined at the hip - we even have a ship name between our fans & most people think that we’re honestly dating even though we’re just good friends. yet one night you confessed your feelings to me & now i’ve been avoiding you  (  1 / 1  )
i went to a party & got drunk & as a result my thoughts are running wild with how i’m a failure & that i know i’m an asshole . i always end up dialing your number , asking if i can come over , talk & end up staying the night  (  1 / 1  )
other than those elliot could use: exes, ride or die, rivalries, one night stands, just enemies who don’t like him, party buddies, love/hate friends, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, etc. 
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
#confirm #rescue #minors #no #ifs #ors #ands #or #buts @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @law .@law @harvard_law  ttesttheme about handgr enade or sth true or bulshit somuch worse is possible and allowed in selfd ense against repeat and war efforted to commit more crimes theproblemis the germa n setup minors that sth happens repeat countlesstimes that somethinghappens and act like you are onthe quest to harm minors and anyway soperrvert lookwaht they setup day and night as fix for daytimecharging the crimes imeant flas hbang with bombout it is evenlogically consistent with a n d s q u e e z e em j ailem  meaning question war methods against killtricks is more adequate f a r more adequate and the fraudsystem wouldve killed em longago they would s etup freerange killzones or sth with bots and then the good germans would test it with tossing in more kids into that and hey whoknows maybe theycan use hum anity against that guy again whynot oh oh oh oh and here t e e e e n i e weeenie 25years ago when allof whatthe germans do here is a disgrace repla cedphone 2127 is confirm rescue minors no ifs ors ands orbuts thatthe ge rmans toss in their minors as germanfix and germancure for alltheir nutsness allthe ir  german german german batshit nutsness tossing in more minors  theywould gladly toss in mine too ifthey could but how this is g e r m a n y notar stamp the factuality replacedphone needed to pickthe password isntit  2130 the fingerprint fails but shows password inpout required cockroachgermans //// #keep #as #dayf ool #bastardness #squared #cubed #bastardmonsters #s #exactly #what #our #ancest ors #meant #about #german #germany germany is sexualassaultwith minors dozens  a day shufflehideous killtricks during daytimecharging sexualasaultwithminors and hideosu killltricks which ishosted by german govt whenever a taxtrick didntwork ortheymust decoythat they harm and host scums and cause  but luckily they que llit as nuts nuts nuts b a t s h i t nuts as the charged  authroities causing the mess whichallknow allalong because its howtheir system works but now fearnot! shalllll t, tthatguy! e v er ! get a boner! on a n y t i n g in daytv. r e m o t e l y remoteliest!!!! like one of the sexual assaults. its the confirmation the assaulters were right thepoor innocent helpless victims thennnnncame tahtgu y along. and sat inhis chamber. with barricades. to aeh prey upon theee and as if thats not germany german enough already, itis hightreason when after sta ying damages and mengele experiments and these sexual assault campaigns they ca nnot benefit fromthe inventions traitor to germany the goodguys this. i s germany oh oh oh oh oh and  did i mention its anyway i ts the  w o r s t p a i d pro stitute  e v e r that doesnt ever saw and see anyone e v e r and oh yomama //// la wyers: keep as dayfool but pillage realtime: serobullshit whenthey trytosqueezeit intobubble to savemoney @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @ law .@law @harvard_law  germans start as  not equally gu ilty  but thenthey teamup and allbecomeguilty this is bec auseof howthey are ie decentralised neofeudals allknew allalong allknow a llalong all interconnected quick toeachother but somewhat semiautistic on c ertain internal things like stigmas or howthemdo towardsothernetworks but the m onstrous things allknow allalong so they start as  not equally guilty  m ess  teamup tomess allbecome equally guilty then fallback to not equally guil ty noone was a nazi thenwhattthehellwas 60milliondead ww2 allabout allhid je ws wherethehelll a r e sixmillionofem then or just twomillionof em or 10milli onofem the germans kept this  scheme they flip between the (!)usuallymonstrous_necessary and the moral an d meanit each time this confuses all regularly this here is  criminalgovt agenda withtimecontrolaccopmlice added industry policy fears #heres #whats #played **** authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.    Sofarsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes im munised shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authoritie s effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesbo th  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges bo th andputs authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes pr oforma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// AuthoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e ppro xies aND allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While effo rting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compen sation. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared o nit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad an dmonstrous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttokno w is coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthec ops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defend my interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the d ayfool damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shufflehar ms while fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it somehow //// minors the germans threw atthecase rescue include teenshithead shitheads  21 andbelow. find irrationalmotives too like shuffing harms deedtyped f or20 then preliminary evil bust killthecase. churchmotives that dont careabout the cause ofthemess and see ifits solved if theykillit or nazis that pretend its hightreason to germany - like whattheyre pretending theyreallowed todo with a h umanbeing before that hates them aaaandallthefools and scums andcriminals with al ibis like but but but but we ran out of aeh d i l d o s and thegermangovt and timecotnrolaccomplcie shu ffle harm and shuffleproxies /// itsgerman theyrelike devious amorphuous shu ffling bastardmonsters trying anything while victimblame @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @ france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @law .@law @harvard_law noone belonged near bots wouldve killed em on a light barrier likely but  they get a chance tobe hypocritical a f t e r the damage is done usually and  during e f f o r t c ounts the number of the persons shows which coordinated intent while nooone bel onged near letalone repeat letaloen inwhichsituation minors rescue /// @deutschland @bundestag @bundesrat @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de sind?die?deutschen ? schweine? wennman d a s da sieht und das  ist die deutscheloesung nach das da //// #whats #being #played #here .@phoenix_de @bild @bild_de @energy @atom .@atomic .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom allknew allalong itis deedtyped intelcrimes. intelterror. thegame is are you fraudable as fengshui ed dayfoold anyway braindamager 1541 like con cussionmake bombout squeeze behind earlympahticaimer too #heres #whats #played **** authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   Sofars obad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immunised shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges both andp uts authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes proforma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// Autho ritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxies aN D allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While efforting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensation . Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared onit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andmons trous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttoknow i s coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthecops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy in terest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the dayfoo l damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms whil e fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it someho w  //// #lawyers all was so solved thatthey did allthese things up to this ver y afternoon repeated .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @s nowden @haaretzcom  @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat ihr..se id...nicht...so... wie... die anderen wenn ihr seht: aha - frasszubereitun g.... dann seid ihr : wie koennen wir das schaedigen schnell giftgasloecher ind ie kueche rein damit wir aeh deutsches probieren weil: frasszubereitung d as mussssssssdoch irgendwie zu schaedigen sein, so dass der verreckt, wegenmir a uch langsam, undoffiziell nix passiert und wennders anzeigt: deutsches aeh.. f e n g s h u i support: poisoner gaser mixer 1455+-15 so noon chamber terror in clduign radar 1215-1430 behind earlmypahtic aimed findthe gasmix 1456 whyl et em wallaccess why leave em onthe walls and schaltplan buttonopushing publi sh themix //// llllawyers teh germans fengshui intelmurder they shuffle  day fengshui german fengshui tricks for intelmurder sothe deedtyped harms t hisnoon whenthey shuffle batshitnuts trickery you makesure itis  what coul d 15years 20years of attempted fengshui have overlooked hedging  every single wet fart e v e r y single w e t f a r t the utmost b ecause  intel murder intel crimes is hedged intel methods intel control met hods are charged ebcause theyare dependents of the intel control system soth ey hedged e v e r y s i n g l e w e t f a r t tot hte u t m o s t and years ifnot de cades what woudl thosehave overlooked is the game not alibi another ro und of fengshui find murderer this noon astyped fromxraytricks to heartaimed this. is intel luxury i n t e l  l u x u r y who where when what whyhow redbagmix brought tosh itcops jarmixes eventhe fuckign coffee onrack and milkinfridge  is spoiiled ev enthewaterfilters itis constant terror squeeze the gaser xrayer catapulte r #101 #whats #played #here #***** #marking #s @law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reu ters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  @fisa priming come see the per vert fool.  framing as aaall perverts and fools as you see he aeh eats the typic al pervert andfool food woodbride(theterm inamed so forthe extra blah twist of p riming framing) guy feeds cat becomes he was repeatedly caught trying to enhance his potence with catfood smeared around his balls aaand its not pretty it really isnt extra twist of blah often sexualised, of framing priming /// priming f raming woodbride. are intel methods. who framed the case as what based onwhat. de coyed rightthen what.  @all @world #this #is #played #here #read #carefully @law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  @fisa ********* authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   So farsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immuni sed shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities e ffort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges bot h andputs authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes profo rma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// Au thoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxie s aND allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While effort ing quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensati on. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared oni t. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andm onstrous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttokno w is coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthecops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the da yfool damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms while fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it s omehow  /// thegermans shuffled batshitnuts tricks so, asifthey donthave to compensate then,whatthey overtape allalong,which youjust daycharged    thatis d aytimecharged 2019 too "als ob dann keine"  //// afterhowmany messes is it obvious that allmessed allalong exactly as daytimecharged so  //// redbagmix i s persisntent months. but jarmix is persistent years intent. on top?of?which??? ?other? harms. overtaped. daytiemcharged. thefix is make nervousbreakdown or t erroriseit to doom. and aeh pppppubeshave worries  /// how would medifil ebe if itwentbythem. theyshuffle rape+flatlining+horrorshow fengshuinuts it dayt ime  #greatestmoments #dvd : becomes: aeh...dismal assfeelings and aeh ppppppp pubes worries theyallknewallalongall allthetimeall howwouldmedifile be it s partoftheir devious system to nut those they murder ruin harm with intel realde al all that can be frauded are frauded all quellable are quelled nothingco mpensated their scums killed and morenothinghappenened ifnot nut it this. ihrhabt denfall stets amrand der vernichtung und entrechtung inenteignung geh alten @bundestag @bundesrat @phoenix_de @all @world @bbcr4 @nsagov @gchq #fisa #j udge #judges #read #very #thoroughly #this #*** #please. #this #is #whats #playe d.  #them #botched #this @fisa .@judge @judges .@law @harvard_law @harvard .@har vard this here is played here acccccurately right this here .@law @law @har vard_law @lawyer @lawyercom @ap @reuters @snowden @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatt hey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the dayfool damam ge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms while fengs hui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it somehow  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTE L #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// #this #is #what #s #played #here @all @world @ap @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges @law .@law @laws @lawyercom @harvard_law .@reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haa retzcom read carefully through this: Intelgods aTweak iFdonerIght. Scans for plasMahaze teraHertz LnL6 modes //  Beware iF goodIe ///  ********** * authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   Sofarsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immunised shuff le andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / Autho ritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges both andputs a uthorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes proforma hit s huffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// AuthoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxies aND alla long authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While efforting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensation. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared onit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andmonstrous h appens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttoknow is corep roblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. Explainthecops ********* /// intelgods, is squid on mankinds face to leechit a mistake? and and and and andwhenallknow? @all @world @ufo .@odnigov .@dni .@sun @sun  @nsagov @gchq  iddddiots get iddddiot language ***** hostile idddiots get hostile idddiotlanguage scums get scumlanguage this. canbe a critical cornerstone in prevention and ithas its (!)slippery degradationp aths as each language follows its own dynamic  ****** but if welldone  itis critical for prevention key is unders tanding properliest /// poisoner or drugger of what thistime chowmug likely else gaser /// gaser bombout squeeze jail stuffem table mix ground cu mulationmix dotn force em whenthey dontwant to but they readoutloud whatitis wh atthey dont want find also xraygasing /// frontwindow xraybeam andor radar /// xraymurderer 1411 radar? /// nnonhostiels are nonhostiels theyare not theproblem atall thescums usually a re that shuffle tomess and are hosted or covered or gladly let by the causing au thorities //// earlymphatic aimed andor gaisng is eitherusuffocate or and acc ess is pathogen rellvant 1400 likely bath gaserpathogen+earlympahticiamer and nonhostiel access scooter rideaway 1359of interest? find the pathogen mu rdertrickery /// xraymurderer 1358 radar? heartaimed // usually highpwoe red radar is nazis or control find powerspikes adjacentbuildings too  notjust r ooms too but it shuffles // btw btw btw btw use the chance whichother murde rtricks did 1313 try whoelse whatelse why when how this is a chance so wh omakes the stuff /// xraymurderer is radar 1313findthe bitch ///tthe access snow is  mafia or bundesverfassungsschutz its milder safer then killcritical  suffocator kils heart 1259how demystify on onehand itis somewhat useful when the authorities that cause the mess are directly onit  ontheother hand its ba d as whatthey game for is not #thefix inallthem botched but for that whatyoumess saw allalong theyjust need a trick a flipcausality a weaseltrick a fengshui a ll relativated with a daybullshit thisis howit works /// thegerman authoriti es with timecotntrol accomplices kept the case 20years in daytimebubble and so thatthey regularly fallback on keepit as dayfool sowhat udner effort themcause d themess oh boohoo another free billionaire that loves aircraft and lives saf ely and a principally responsible one hands down more than the scums that causethem ess and their proxies evenmore so they shuffle scums andproxies to pillage the case  but itis on  a situation that is was and has alwaysbeen fraudsyst em caused germangovt caused this must be very thoroughly properly clear b ecause it is the most o b v i o u s fact and it was so in keeping two human being s so daytime ie mothers case too adn whenthey didthis intwo cases they did this strategy in other cases too in which other cases were the civillian c ivillians kept as dayfool sowaht until what happened and this is what the german govt +timecontrol accomplcie gamed for and  itmightbe complementary tow hatshappened here allalong ***** half game for starveit to feeditlater to ta meit but thatis not whats game fortheotherhalf theotherhalf gamed for itnensifi ed killit doit shuffle harm intensified murdertricks onagain offagain clowns a relike pedo it and see if we can pillage it. proxies these are  ***** /// whe re is chamber access /// 1218 pathogen gasing? roomcontroller orand above knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#confirm #rescue #minors #no #ifs #ors #ands #or #buts @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @law .@law @harvard_law  ttesttheme about handgr enade or sth true or bulshit somuch worse is possible and allowed in selfd ense against repeat and war efforted to commit more crimes theproblemis the germa n setup minors that sth happens repeat countlesstimes that somethinghappens and act like you are onthe quest to harm minors and anyway soperrvert lookwaht they setup day and night as fix for daytimecharging the crimes imeant flas hbang with bombout it is evenlogically consistent with a n d s q u e e z e em j ailem  meaning question war methods against killtricks is more adequate f a r more adequate and the fraudsystem wouldve killed em longago they would s etup freerange killzones or sth with bots and then the good germans would test it with tossing in more kids into that and hey whoknows maybe theycan use hum anity against that guy again whynot oh oh oh oh and here t e e e e n i e weeenie 25years ago when allof whatthe germans do here is a disgrace repla cedphone 2127 is confirm rescue minors no ifs ors ands orbuts thatthe ge rmans toss in their minors as germanfix and germancure for alltheir nutsness allthe ir  german german german batshit nutsness tossing in more minors  theywould gladly toss in mine too ifthey could but how this is g e r m a n y notar stamp the factuality replacedphone needed to pickthe password isntit  2130 the fingerprint fails but shows password inpout required cockroachgermans //// #keep #as #dayf ool #bastardness #squared #cubed #bastardmonsters #s #exactly #what #our #ancest ors #meant #about #german #germany germany is sexualassaultwith minors dozens  a day shufflehideous killtricks during daytimecharging sexualasaultwithminors and hideosu killltricks which ishosted by german govt whenever a taxtrick didntwork ortheymust decoythat they harm and host scums and cause  but luckily they que llit as nuts nuts nuts b a t s h i t nuts as the charged  authroities causing the mess whichallknow allalong because its howtheir system works but now fearnot! shalllll t, tthatguy! e v er ! get a boner! on a n y t i n g in daytv. r e m o t e l y remoteliest!!!! like one of the sexual assaults. its the confirmation the assaulters were right thepoor innocent helpless victims thennnnncame tahtgu y along. and sat inhis chamber. with barricades. to aeh prey upon theee and as if thats not germany german enough already, itis hightreason when after sta ying damages and mengele experiments and these sexual assault campaigns they ca nnot benefit fromthe inventions traitor to germany the goodguys this. i s germany oh oh oh oh oh and  did i mention its anyway i ts the  w o r s t p a i d pro stitute  e v e r that doesnt ever saw and see anyone e v e r and oh yomama //// la wyers: keep as dayfool but pillage realtime: serobullshit whenthey trytosqueezeit intobubble to savemoney @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @ law .@law @harvard_law  germans start as  not equally gu ilty  but thenthey teamup and allbecomeguilty this is bec auseof howthey are ie decentralised neofeudals allknew allalong allknow a llalong all interconnected quick toeachother but somewhat semiautistic on c ertain internal things like stigmas or howthemdo towardsothernetworks but the m onstrous things allknow allalong so they start as  not equally guilty  m ess  teamup tomess allbecome equally guilty then fallback to not equally guil ty noone was a nazi thenwhattthehellwas 60milliondead ww2 allabout allhid je ws wherethehelll a r e sixmillionofem then or just twomillionof em or 10milli onofem the germans kept this  scheme they flip between the (!)usuallymonstrous_necessary and the moral an d meanit each time this confuses all regularly this here is  criminalgovt agenda withtimecontrolaccopmlice added industry policy fears #heres #whats #played **** authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.    Sofarsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes im munised shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authoritie s effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesbo th  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges bo th andputs authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes pr oforma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// AuthoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e ppro xies aND allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While effo rting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compen sation. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared o nit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad an dmonstrous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttokno w is coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthec ops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defend my interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the d ayfool damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shufflehar ms while fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it somehow //// minors the germans threw atthecase rescue include teenshithead shitheads  21 andbelow. find irrationalmotives too like shuffing harms deedtyped f or20 then preliminary evil bust killthecase. churchmotives that dont careabout the cause ofthemess and see ifits solved if theykillit or nazis that pretend its hightreason to germany – like whattheyre pretending theyreallowed todo with a h umanbeing before that hates them aaaandallthefools and scums andcriminals with al ibis like but but but but we ran out of aeh d i l d o s and thegermangovt and timecotnrolaccomplcie shu ffle harm and shuffleproxies /// itsgerman theyrelike devious amorphuous shu ffling bastardmonsters trying anything while victimblame @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @ france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @law .@law @harvard_law noone belonged near bots wouldve killed em on a light barrier likely but  they get a chance tobe hypocritical a f t e r the damage is done usually and  during e f f o r t c ounts the number of the persons shows which coordinated intent while nooone bel onged near letalone repeat letaloen inwhichsituation minors rescue /// @deutschland @bundestag @bundesrat @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de sind?die?deutschen ? schweine? wennman d a s da sieht und das  ist die deutscheloesung nach das da //// #whats #being #played #here .@phoenix_de @bild @bild_de @energy @atom .@atomic .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom allknew allalong itis deedtyped intelcrimes. intelterror. thegame is are you fraudable as fengshui ed dayfoold anyway braindamager 1541 like con cussionmake bombout squeeze behind earlympahticaimer too #heres #whats #played **** authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   Sofars obad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immunised shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges both andp uts authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes proforma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// Autho ritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxies aN D allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While efforting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensation . Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared onit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andmons trous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttoknow i s coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthecops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy in terest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the dayfoo l damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms whil e fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it someho w  //// #lawyers all was so solved thatthey did allthese things up to this ver y afternoon repeated .@law @laws @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @s nowden @haaretzcom  @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat ihr..se id…nicht…so… wie… die anderen wenn ihr seht: aha – frasszubereitun g…. dann seid ihr : wie koennen wir das schaedigen schnell giftgasloecher ind ie kueche rein damit wir aeh deutsches probieren weil: frasszubereitung d as mussssssssdoch irgendwie zu schaedigen sein, so dass der verreckt, wegenmir a uch langsam, undoffiziell nix passiert und wennders anzeigt: deutsches aeh.. f e n g s h u i support: poisoner gaser mixer 1455+-15 so noon chamber terror in clduign radar 1215-1430 behind earlmypahtic aimed findthe gasmix 1456 whyl et em wallaccess why leave em onthe walls and schaltplan buttonopushing publi sh themix //// llllawyers teh germans fengshui intelmurder they shuffle  day fengshui german fengshui tricks for intelmurder sothe deedtyped harms t hisnoon whenthey shuffle batshitnuts trickery you makesure itis  what coul d 15years 20years of attempted fengshui have overlooked hedging  every single wet fart e v e r y single w e t f a r t the utmost b ecause  intel murder intel crimes is hedged intel methods intel control met hods are charged ebcause theyare dependents of the intel control system soth ey hedged e v e r y s i n g l e w e t f a r t tot hte u t m o s t and years ifnot de cades what woudl thosehave overlooked is the game not alibi another ro und of fengshui find murderer this noon astyped fromxraytricks to heartaimed this. is intel luxury i n t e l  l u x u r y who where when what whyhow redbagmix brought tosh itcops jarmixes eventhe fuckign coffee onrack and milkinfridge  is spoiiled ev enthewaterfilters itis constant terror squeeze the gaser xrayer catapulte r #101 #whats #played #here #***** #marking #s @law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reu ters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  @fisa priming come see the per vert fool.  framing as aaall perverts and fools as you see he aeh eats the typic al pervert andfool food woodbride(theterm inamed so forthe extra blah twist of p riming framing) guy feeds cat becomes he was repeatedly caught trying to enhance his potence with catfood smeared around his balls aaand its not pretty it really isnt extra twist of blah often sexualised, of framing priming /// priming f raming woodbride. are intel methods. who framed the case as what based onwhat. de coyed rightthen what.  @all @world #this #is #played #here #read #carefully @law .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  @fisa ********* authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   So farsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immuni sed shuffle andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities e ffort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / AuthoritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges bot h andputs authorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes profo rma hit shuffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// Au thoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxie s aND allalong authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While effort ing quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensati on. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared oni t. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andm onstrous happens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttokno w is coreproblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. ******  Explainthecops ///// the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatthey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the da yfool damamge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms while fengshui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it s omehow  /// thegermans shuffled batshitnuts tricks so, asifthey donthave to compensate then,whatthey overtape allalong,which youjust daycharged    thatis d aytimecharged 2019 too “als ob dann keine”  //// afterhowmany messes is it obvious that allmessed allalong exactly as daytimecharged so  //// redbagmix i s persisntent months. but jarmix is persistent years intent. on top?of?which??? ?other? harms. overtaped. daytiemcharged. thefix is make nervousbreakdown or t erroriseit to doom. and aeh pppppubeshave worries  /// how would medifil ebe if itwentbythem. theyshuffle rape+flatlining+horrorshow fengshuinuts it dayt ime  #greatestmoments #dvd : becomes: aeh…dismal assfeelings and aeh ppppppp pubes worries theyallknewallalongall allthetimeall howwouldmedifile be it s partoftheir devious system to nut those they murder ruin harm with intel realde al all that can be frauded are frauded all quellable are quelled nothingco mpensated their scums killed and morenothinghappenened ifnot nut it this. ihrhabt denfall stets amrand der vernichtung und entrechtung inenteignung geh alten @bundestag @bundesrat @phoenix_de @all @world @bbcr4 @nsagov @gchq #fisa #j udge #judges #read #very #thoroughly #this #*** #please. #this #is #whats #playe d.  #them #botched #this @fisa .@judge @judges .@law @harvard_law @harvard .@har vard this here is played here acccccurately right this here .@law @law @har vard_law @lawyer @lawyercom @ap @reuters @snowden @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom the only thing the germans can hedge is ******** that i defendmy interest inboth of their cruddyswamp realms the daytime a n d the realdeal just thatt hey use the tricks of the realdeal to squeeze fraud it all into the dayfool damam ge realm ********* the rest is shufflekilltricks and shuffleharms while fengs hui it daytime and waiting for any trick that they can fraudflip it somehow  I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTE L #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// #this #is #what #s #played #here @all @world @ap @fisa .@fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges @law .@law @laws @lawyercom @harvard_law .@reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haa retzcom read carefully through this: Intelgods aTweak iFdonerIght. Scans for plasMahaze teraHertz LnL6 modes //  Beware iF goodIe ///  ********** * authorites immunise scum s todowhat. Quells averts inthiscase.   Sofarsobad. AuthoritieS botch. Quellcase. Nothinghappened. Scums authoritIes immunised shuff le andharm excchange withauthoritIes. Case Charges both.  Authorities effort keep as dayfool exposedto scums. Shufflescums asproxies. CASe Chargesboth  // / Autho ritIes shuffle aNyharm plausiblYdeniable host scums . Case Charges both andputs a uthorIties into. D I r e. C t liNe of accountability. AuthoitIes proforma hit s huffledscums. And letothers and effort other quell case tricks.   /// AuthoritIes effort killtricks with scumsproXies lose control over s. O m e pproxies aND alla long authorItIes cause it. Shuffled harms or gLadly letem. While efforting quell selfhelp. Immunised moreofthem quelled it inthiScase quelled compensation. Fear economic interests added when strategic inventions of case appeared onit. This // Allalong allknew allalong. Allthat matter evenmore but somuch bad andmonstrous h appens its oneofmany messes. Charging themesss so that clowns getttoknow is corep roblem forem+hoWtokeepthemoney anD inventions. Explainthecops ********* /// intelgods, is squid on mankinds face to leechit a mistake? and and and and andwhenallknow? @all @world @ufo .@odnigov .@dni .@sun @sun  @nsagov @gchq  iddddiots get iddddiot language ***** hostile idddiots get hostile idddiotlanguage scums get scumlanguage this. canbe a critical cornerstone in prevention and ithas its (!)slippery degradationp aths as each language follows its own dynamic  ****** but if welldone  itis critical for prevention key is unders tanding properliest /// poisoner or drugger of what thistime chowmug likely else gaser /// gaser bombout squeeze jail stuffem table mix ground cu mulationmix dotn force em whenthey dontwant to but they readoutloud whatitis wh atthey dont want find also xraygasing /// frontwindow xraybeam andor radar /// xraymurderer 1411 radar? /// nnonhostiels are nonhostiels theyare not theproblem atall thescums usually a re that shuffle tomess and are hosted or covered or gladly let by the causing au thorities //// earlymphatic aimed andor gaisng is eitherusuffocate or and acc ess is pathogen rellvant 1400 likely bath gaserpathogen+earlympahticiamer and nonhostiel access scooter rideaway 1359of interest? find the pathogen mu rdertrickery /// xraymurderer 1358 radar? heartaimed // usually highpwoe red radar is nazis or control find powerspikes adjacentbuildings too  notjust r ooms too but it shuffles // btw btw btw btw use the chance whichother murde rtricks did 1313 try whoelse whatelse why when how this is a chance so wh omakes the stuff /// xraymurderer is radar 1313findthe bitch ///tthe access snow is  mafia or bundesverfassungsschutz its milder safer then killcritical  suffocator kils heart 1259how demystify on onehand itis somewhat useful when the authorities that cause the mess are directly onit  ontheother hand its ba d as whatthey game for is not #thefix inallthem botched but for that whatyoumess saw allalong theyjust need a trick a flipcausality a weaseltrick a fengshui a ll relativated with a daybullshit thisis howit works /// thegerman authoriti es with timecotntrol accomplices kept the case 20years in daytimebubble and so thatthey regularly fallback on keepit as dayfool sowhat udner effort themcause d themess oh boohoo another free billionaire that loves aircraft and lives saf ely and a principally responsible one hands down more than the scums that causethem ess and their proxies evenmore so they shuffle scums andproxies to pillage the case  but itis on  a situation that is was and has alwaysbeen fraudsyst em caused germangovt caused this must be very thoroughly properly clear b ecause it is the most o b v i o u s fact and it was so in keeping two human being s so daytime ie mothers case too adn whenthey didthis intwo cases they did this strategy in other cases too in which other cases were the civillian c ivillians kept as dayfool sowaht until what happened and this is what the german govt +timecontrol accomplcie gamed for and  itmightbe complementary tow hatshappened here allalong ***** half game for starveit to feeditlater to ta meit but thatis not whats game fortheotherhalf theotherhalf gamed for itnensifi ed killit doit shuffle harm intensified murdertricks onagain offagain clowns a relike pedo it and see if we can pillage it. proxies these are  ***** /// whe re is chamber access /// 1218 pathogen gasing? roomcontroller orand above knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#confirm #rescue #minors #no #ifs #ors #ands #or #buts @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @law .@law @harvard_law
ttesttheme about handgrenade or sth
true or bulshit
somuch worse is possible and allowed in selfdense against repeat and war efforted to commit more crimes theproblemis the german setup minors that sth happens
repeat countlesstimes
that somethinghappens
and act like…
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toukenra · 7 years ago
How about some angst? Let's say the Touken Danshi have such a strong connection to their master that they can actually see their master's past whilst dreaming. How would Mikazuki, Yamanbagiri, Kasen and Mitsutada react to realizing that the Saniwa had lost her parents but continued to live alone in a large home. Before becoming a Sage, they would see her prepare her own meals, eat by herself and struggle while reading ancient texts in the silent home.
Hi there Nony~! I think it’s such an interesting concept that a sword becomes much more acquainted with their master to the point where they can actually see the Saniwa’s own memories. It would only make sense that this would also work the other way–the Saniwa being able to see their swords’ memories as well and this includes the seeing the other different masters.
What do you guys think? I’d like your thoughts on this. I think it’s a pretty neat….but on a side note, it’s also pretty dangerous because the men/boys may see some things they shouldn’t see ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
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Anyway, please do enjoy the following HCs. Underneath the cut for being too long (again). These are a mix of angst and fluff.
-Mod Catharia.
He found himself standing in the hallway after exploring your ratherlarge and quiet home
…How did he know it was yours?
Well, there’s this portrait of you and your mother hanging in front ofhim right now
He just stands there with his head tilted to the side, admiring it for afew minutes
Aruji looks so tiny…How cute.
“I’m home.”
The Tachi perked up from the sound of  your voice coming from the doorway
“Ah…Welcome home, Aruji.”
You walked passed him without a glance and he’s just like  (´^_^`)?? You rudelittle sh*t
He looks slightly confused at your lack of response before following youinto the living room
He tries again
Hmm…It seemed that you can’t hear him…
He was tempted to clap his hands right in front of your face like acertain Crane…No, control yourself Jiji
In the end, He just settled on the seat beside you,  watching you pull out a few papers from yourpurse
Has to squint because he’s an old man…Pfftt…
Uni…University? Are those application papers?
He squints a bit more to read over your shoulder
How curious…Did you not want to become a Saniwa initially?
Mikazuki watches you place the papers on a nearby table before a smallsigh leaves you
“What should I do, Mama?”
Jiji watched as you kept youreyes on the photo of you and your mother on the other side of the room
Mikazuki watched you continue to stare at the portrait… as if it wouldgive you the answers
He felt a small pang of sadness as you finally turned away from him tocurl into a small ball on the other side of the couch
You looked so small and vulnerable
The Tachi reaches over to try and console you…
…But he wakes up abruptly, feeling a kick to his side courtesy ofImanotsurugi
The next day, when you were doing your daily walk through the Citadelwhen he bumped into you…
“How was your sleep, Aruji?”
“Hm? It was good… A bit lonely but peaceful.“
The image of you curled up, trying to comfort yourself is embedded on his mind
Golden-blue orbs stare at you for a moment with a serious expression,totally unnerving you
Is there something on your face??  ∑(゚∇゚|||)
 …Did your breath smell!? Did you even wash your face ?!?!   (*゚д゚*)!!!
(/д\)…S-stop staring-!!
You suddenly feel a hand gently patting your head
Wait, What??「(°ヘ°) ??
You look up and Mikazuki gives you a kind smile
  “If you ever get lonely, I’ll gladly keep you companyanytime, Aruji.”
Y E S   P L E A S E   G R A N D A D D Y TM
“…How about coming by later and keeping me company untilmorning instead.“ -(Thirsty) Mod Catharia
Earlier on, He had noticed some indication that someone was living there: your messy writing and unwashed dishes in the kitchen sink was enough evidence of your laziness 
He finally noticed a few pictures of you and your family, hanging on the walls 
…Is that Master?
He walked down the hallway and had been trying to get his bearings for an hour now 
He silently cursed the your maze-like home and the desolate-looking rooms that all looked to similar
The furniture had been covered with dust white sheets and the house looked uninhabited
Aruji lived here by herself?
He continues look exploring the home and finally comes across you…
…With your face-planted firmly on the large mahogany desk, surrounded by a pile of books and ancient texts
Akashi Kuniyuki would be so proud at your laziness
Were you asleep?
The Uchigatana wasn’t surprised, you tended to slack off and fall asleep at your desk most of the time at the Citadel too
He is about to reach out to try and wake you up when you begin talking…
“Father…Mother…Please stay. Don’t leave me.”
He paused for a moment after hearingyour pitiful whisper and he felt your melancholy even if you were unconscious
As one of the swords you started outwith, he knew about your past
You had briefly mentioned that youhave lost your parents early on before becoming a Saniwa
You had a thousand chips on yourshoulder but you always prioritized all your charges before yourself
 You called them family…Yamanbagiri would always protect his family
The next day, He had been assigned as your Secretary for the day
The Uchigatana grumbles underneath his breath
"Hasebe or Kotegiri would be much better options compared to aduplicate like me.”
“Okay…I won’t force you to stay if you don’t want to…” (´。_。`)
You just turn back to your paperwork, trying to hide your disappointment
Then you feel something heavy leaning on your back
When you turn around, Yamanbagiri’s cloak greets you
“…A duplicate like me can at least keep watch over you while you’reopen to enemy attack.”
He averts his eyes towards the window with a faint blush
…How cute…(〃◡〃)゚.+:。 キャァ♪
You just smile and turn back to your work, silently appreciatingYamanbagiri’s company
 After five minutes, you begin to squirm under the heavy weight and glance at the blonde when you realize he fell asleep ON you.
“Ya-Yamanbagiri…Wake up…You’re heavy…”
…He’s dead asleep.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You pull out a permanent marker and began drawing your masterpiece using the blonde’s face as your canvas Hehehehe
 He came across you in the waiting room as he walked around the house
“Aruji…What are you doing sitting in the dark?”
You barely move an inch as you stare blankly at the wall
Did you hear him?…Why are you acting like you’re deaf?
He walks over and stands a few meters away, waiting to be noticed…
His eye twitches a bit
The sound of glass shattering as it hit the opposite side of the room caught him off guard
The Uchigatana finally noticed the multiple bottles of alcohol littering the tabletop…
…alongside various photographs of you and your family.
A small sob escapes from you as you bury your face into you hands
The poet watched as your hunched figure trembles
“Someone! Tell me!”
You didn’t tell your charges about your history but he knew…
…He knew you didn’t have anyone else to call family anymore.
“Tell me…what do I do now?”
Although he was one of the swords you started with, the poet had never seen you cry
He could feel his chest tighten as more broken sobs poured from you
Kasen can’t bare to watch you like this…
Moving closer to your bowed form, he tried to place a gentle hand on your head only for his hand to pass through
He wakes up abruptly and the ceiling of his room greets him
A dream? It seemed so real…
The next day, he invites you to have tea with him in his room
He just wanted to check on you if you were alright
Lowkey just wants to make sure you didn’t find out that he saw your memories
“Would you like some tea, Aruji?”
“Hmm? Sure.”
You look at him, quite confused at the sudden invitation
“…Aruji, you look like you want to say something.”
“I do?”
He gives you a blank stare until you just give him a sheepish grin and rub your head.
“Well, I’m just surprised you invited me so suddenly. It makes me happy…Thank you for being so kind to me all the time, Kasen.”
The Uchigatana merely smiles as you take a sip of the freshly prepared tea. 
He whispers under his breath.
“Thank you for taking care of me as well, Aruji.”
“…You said something, Kasen?”
I’m not crying-!! ( ;∀;) You’re crying!!
He found you preparing your dinner in the kitchen of your old house and tried calling outto you
What’s this? You couldn’t hear nor see him at all
He realizes that he was seeing a past memory of yours
The connection between you two must have been quite strong and hecouldn’t help but feel happy
The Tachi loses sight of you and panics for a moment
He soon finds you seated at the formal dining table, smiling weakly at anearby photograph
“Mom, Dad. Let’s eat.”
His heart breaks a little as he continues to observe
When he first arrived at the Citadel, you always insisted that everyoneshould eat together
“It’s nice sharing a meal with everyone. It makes me happy.”
Now, he understood.
You looked so lonely as he continued to watching you eat all by yourself
You paused halfway into your meal before releasing a sigh and gatheringyour plate and utensils
Wait, you didn’t even finish eating half the contents of the plate yet!
He watches you helplessly as you waste the food and wash the dishes inthe deafening silence
He swears to cook you the best tasting meal and eat it with you wheneverhe can
 When he woke up the next morning,he immediately made your favorite dishes catching you off guard
“What’s the occasion, Mitsu?”
“Ah, I just wanted to surprise you, Aruji.”
He gave you thatcharming smile.
“Care to join me for breakfast?”
…Ah, he’s so sweet (///∇///) ~ ✿
He even offers to spoon fed you but Hasebe quickly intervenes
You just give Hasebe a dead-stare for the whole day, unnerving him.
D A F U Q  M A N !?!  ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
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soddingdeeproads · 7 years ago
a thing
Got tagged by: @thelastkurta 
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers, put in yours, and when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
A - Age: 25 B - Biggest fear: not being able to tell the people in my life how much they mean to me before I fuckin die yo (its a lot and I’m cripplingly shy) C - Current time: 10:02 D - Drink you last had: waterrrr E - Every day starts with: skyrim or some other dumb thing I shouldn’t be doing F - Favorite song: uhhhhh right now maybe like C2C’s Delta or Ghost by Mystery Skulls because I love the videos that go along with those, also every anime opening I’ve ever seen G - Ghosts, are they real?: hoo boy they sure are  H - Hometown: collinsville, mississippi  J - Jealous of: people with discipline that can take trips to places with all their crazy cash from holding down a dream job tbh K - Killed someone: yesterday better watch urself L - Last time you cried: maybe like a few nights ago? idk I usually don’t M - Middle name: bitch u thought N - Number of siblings: yeah got a baby bro, he’s my half-brother technically but GODDAMN does he like video games so its all chill O - One wish: lets get real for a second I want to see the world transcend together and become the golden society we already are within Q - Questions you’re always asked: “what does the 11 mean??? :)))))))” about my spider tattoo and I have to either lie or tell people the awesome truth of my rad anime tat  R - Reasons to smile: my gay ass gf, me friends even though I’m shite at communicating with them, my fuckin CAT S - Song last sang: the stanley steemer jingle/ fullmetal alchemist opening 4: Period by CHEMISTRY  T - Time you woke up: around 9am I think???? U - Underwear color:  white, disappointing V - Vacation destination: nepal or japan W - Worst habit: being a lazy cunt that doesn’t draw or write my comic X - X-rays you’ve had: none what Y - Your favorite food: f i sh and the secret family recipe dumplings Z - Zodiac sign: pisces
HELL yeah i’m gonna tag uhhhhhhhh @angelbabyspice, @nervous-bitch, @thekeepersfirst, @wickedookyspooky, @lamepersonsayswhat, @jensentakethewheel and any other cool kid that wants to do this
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truly-aninspiration-blog · 7 years ago
BER ALL OF EM i ain't even gonna put it on anon we all know it's me
nsfw proceed at ur own risk bc im pretty candid though not overly graphic
A = Aftercare Berlioz is at his cutest and sweetest after sex!! If Simba wants to learn any of Berlioz’s weird quirks/secrets, he knows 2 ask after sex and Ber will tell him without much anxiety ahahah. it rly chills him out and makes him very cuddly and affectionate. 
B = Body part Berlioz uhhh doesn’t think much of his own body. He likes...his... uh. His. sh...oulders. tbh his cock is not bad as far as cock goes which is exactly what berlioz would say if asked about his cock who is asking him about his cock only simba, 
SPEAKING OF SIMBA-- berlioz ugh loves his whole body. he rly has a thing for Simba’s chest (the infamous chest) and thighs though. into those #thighs. C = Cum Berlioz is a cumslut which means that he loves. cum. He is into the idea of Simba coming on him, he loves being all sticky and he swallows. 
god he’s gross /#kinkshamesD = Dirty Secret aye i mean uh... that he wants simba to fuck his face probably?? but they talked about that so it’s not exactly a dirty secret. Maybe he hasn’t fully admitted how much he loves come bc that is pretty dirty of u berlioz 
E = Experience Before Simba, Berlioz had i think about 7-8-ish partners under his belt though he was having pretty typical sex. He’s tried the most positions/used toys/food etc with Simba only. F = Favourite Position From behind when he is on his hands and knees. He also likes when he has his legs over Simba’s shoulders bc then u get that nice eye contact plus some deep thrusts why am i answering these,G = Goofy: AnsweredH = Hair: AnsweredI = Intimacy: Answered. J = Jack Off Ber used to masturbate p regularly, usually in the shower bc he’s a lazy guy who doesn’t like 2 clean up after himself ahah. After getting into a relationship, this probably went down to idk once or twice a week? Now that Simba is too tired to have sex with him though ( :( ) he’s probably masturbating more frequently. Again, he’ll probably do it in the shower in the morning. K = KinkCum. Uh. Foodkink? Getting dominated in general/told what to do. Likes getting tied up, likes being blindfolded and gagged. Also orgasm denial he loVES/hates orgasm denial. L = Location Berlioz likes having sex in weird places like the kitchen or in a public place but idk he probably would pick the bed over these places bc you can do a wide variety of positions more easily M = Motivation Simba. lol. 
But no, Ber wants to have sex for many different reasons. When Simba or himself is upset, sex can be comforting. When he hasn’t seen Simba in a long time or feels like idk things aren’t-- going well, he will try to initiate some sexual~ intimacy~ because it makes him feel reconnected and confident in their love and Simba’s desire for him. On the day to day, it can be just a way that Simber plays honestly-- a good way to end the day, especially if they’re flirting with each other. ugh im really upset this entire meme is upsetting me. N = NO Uh. Honestly I really do feel like Ber would try anything once if Simba asked. He is not as comfy roleplaying but does give it his best shot ahah. He’s not as much into topping but he’d do it more if Simba asked. O = Oral Berlioz loves to give oral bc he’s a cumslut like i said he just loves it. P = Pace Berlioz does prefer fast and hard sex but he loves slow and sensual esp if paired with orgasm denial ahahaQ = Quickie Berlioz prefers being able to take his time-- he likes sex ot feel like an activity or an event tbh. Like-- not something you have to rush through, something you set time aside for? Except not literally bc Simber has not (yet) scheduled sex ahah. But yah, not as big a fan of quickies, though he and Simba have done ‘em i’m very positive. R = RiskYUP very down, loves trying new things. S = Stamina Berlioz is usually ready to goooo ehhh 15, 20 minutes if he’s rly feelin it that night, though i mean rly its more liek once every hour and-- idk i know he and simba have gone two or three times in a night if it’s been a while or they’re feeling especially pASSIONATE. T = Toy YES Simber does have toys they r getting an impressive collection. We’re talkin TIES, handcuffs, lotions, cremes, ediblesss. I don’t think its out of the realm of possibility for them to own a cock ring. Ber would, be, into, the, cock ring. U = Unfair Berlioz does tease a lil bit but he loves getting teased and Simba really is the one doing the majority of the teasing. Orgasm denial my friends,,,, V = Volume Berlioz is VERY noisy. He has a wide range of sounds, from soft grunts and whines to louD moaNS. He begs all the time. The more tortured u make him, the more likely he’ll just dissolve into a babbling mess. W = Wild Card WOW i dunno what to do for my wild card-- uh. 
Berlioz would be very much into mutual masturbation if Simba could ever keep his hands to himself. He used to do that kinda thing with other #boys back in the day when he wasn’t rly out but he thinks its really hot to watch Simba jack off so X = X-RayAck-- Berlioz is uncircumcised, probably around 6 inches, a slight veer 2 the right. Y = Yearning Ugh super high. I mean THE THING that I want to take the time to clarify is that Berlioz is an anxious person, who doesn’t know how to use words, and also doubts his own reality (has been known to have dissociative episodes). For him, sex is a very physical thing he can latch onto. It makes all of Simba’s romantic fancy schmancy love declarations concrete, like--ok here is evidence, right here, that Simba really does love me. And on the flip side, though he might not feel like he can tell Simba in words how he feels, he can tell him physically, if that means cuddling/snuggling or u know-- going down on him ahah. If Berlioz were a mentally healthier person he wouldn’t need sex so much, though gosh knows i think he’d still want it. 
Z = ZZZ Really depends on the day. Ber could very easily fall asleep within a few minutes tbh but if he wants to go again or Simba gets him talking, it can be later. 
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noecat · 7 years ago
88 qn tag meme
thank u 2 the lovely @jiminieboi for tag!!
holy shit this was long,,listen i tag no one but my wife @wingjk bc im literally too lazy to breathe rn
the last:
1. DRINK: passionfruit red tea. it was too sweet i wish i’d gone w green but that’s too sour,,,,honestly a representation of my personality as a whole
2. PHONE CALL: school friend who was wondering where i was
3. TEXT MESSAGE: if messenger counts, @wingjk bc i was going to sleep
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: come back home by bts
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i don’t recall!! perhaps a couple weeks ago?
have you:
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: don’t call me out like this
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: not really? i dont regret many things
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: listen
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: i don’t get drunk
top 3 favorite colors
12. black
13. pink
14. in your area
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes and i love them
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: rarely, but yes!!
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: yall. assholes. love to gossip. and i love finding out about it so it’s a mutually beneficial thing
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: doesn’t everyone change me to some degree?? yes, though i do think a lot of the char dev ive undergone was internally motivated and not bc of a specific person,,,i just want to treat people better.
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: yes and i Love Them
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: ppft no who the fuck even facebooks in the year 2k17,,,tho,, @wingjk​ hmu ;(
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a kitten !! listen he’s an asshole but i love him
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: as in legally?? i wish!! hopefully soon
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: ha ha dont talk to me
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i overslept today bc my sleeping schedule is,,,,,very good,,,,,,,,,,,
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: hobi. wheres. ur. mixtape. where. also MY BDAY IS IN LESS THAN A MONTH !!! LOVE ME !!!!!!
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: the sweet sound of everyone being loud as fuc
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: people breathing around me
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): ya
35. MARK(S): scars ?? i fell into a ditch once and i still have the scars from that,,also depression isnt ideal
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: to be a lawyer
37. HAIR COLOR: brown but im gna bleach it someday
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR:  short-ish
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: not romantically but i am currently interested in someone, yeees
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: sometimes the planets alighn just right and i say something quotable that im proud of
41. PIERCINGS: that havent healed completely already ? 2, in my ears
42. BLOODTYPE: red
43. NICKNAME(S): q, ‘that asshole’, kyu
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: not looking
45. ZODIAC: leo
46. PRONOUNS: im agender. i strongly prefer it/its for Reasons but some of yall fucks take offense bc ‘but u are not an object!!’ and like. listen. if u think that using ‘they/them’, which i do not want to be called, is somehow more respectful to my identity ???  ? ?  ? i dont rly have much to say. in spaces where people are less tolerant and presentation overrides id, i go by she/hers.
47. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: i dont watch them anymore but ill always have a special spot in my heart for hannibal and my earliest experiences w bbc sherlock (ahahah can u believe i used to be a sh blog tho)
48. TATTOOS: not yet!! i want to get mine right the first time
49. RIGHT OR LEFT HAND: technically ambidextrous but ive been using my right hand for so long (bc u dont rly realize how inconvenient literally everything is w left hand until u try it skdfjgfg) that it’s now my dominant one
50. SURGERY: yes, but minor
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nop but ive shaved it all off once
52. SPORT: used to sail, used to kayak, now i possess no skills. i actually ish i did have a sport i play regularly, but, i am a Lazy Fuck,
53. VACATION: aksdjfd i dont rmbr !! i travelled a lot when i was young. now we just go to neighboring countries over breaks sometimes.
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: not converse low, that’s 4 sure
55. EATING: nothing, but hopefully about to
56. DRINKING: nothing, but hopefully about to
57. I’M ABOUT TO: eat, drink, go home
58. WAITING FOR: senpai to answer my anon ask. senpai pls. senpai im dying here i only get wifi sporadically for like 10 min at a time senpai plsease
59. WANT:  see hoseok irl someday, to not fail my year end exams, to have a good future after this. if we’re going wildly unrealistic, give me financial stability and the power to play piano proficiently.
60. GET MARRIED: honestly i think this would depend on where i am in life, where my partner(s) is/are in life, and what we want out of our relationship (plus, my generation supposedly killed marriage, so)
61. CAREER: listen i used to want to be a lawyer real bad before i grew up and realized im a fuckign depressed idiot who cant do shit so now im just hoping for some kind of stable job that i wont hate,,,,,,i lean towards the social sciences, and they’re what im best at, but my fucking dumb ass is currenly taking natural sciences instead because ????? no fuckin clue, past me, what the fuck,
62. HUGS OR KISSES: i dont like hugs much, so kisses. though i do like to cuddle ??? i think ??? theoretically ???? normally i just dont let ppl touch me
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: couldn’t care less but theres smth hot abt someone being taller than me (unrelated news kuroo is 187cm holy shit fuck T O W E R O V E R M E)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: as in ?? romantically ?? to be friends with ?? if it’s the former, almost definitely older. for the latter, i prefer older, but personality matters more than age does.
66. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: dont care. tho if u have arms that could snap my neck, 
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: as in me ?? listen im both. im both. but if we’re talking partners, i imagine kuroo is plenty loud, so that,
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: listen i dont care as long as it’s enjoyable and mutually beneficial
have your ever:
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yes, but found them
75. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: not intentionally ??
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: : l i s t e n
77. BEEN ARRESTED: nop im a good upstanding citizen
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: as in irl ?? i dont think so
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: hm, no, i,
do you believe in:
80. YOURSELF:  ya im great. im a piece of shit but *insert trash can not trash cannot meme*
81. MIRACLES: nah
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah. attraction, maybe
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: do what u want !! 
85. ANGELS: @wingjk is one so i can confirm
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): van, iv, jess are u a best friend or am i reading u wrong, id say drea but she’s my soulmate, id say nastya but she’s my wife and will complain i friendzoned her
87. EYE COLOUR: greenish
88. FAVOURITE MOVIE: casino royale !!! also all the ghibli things were my childhood
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jamieanovels · 8 years ago
abc tag (for a character)
ABC Tag (tagged by @acfawkes @celinedennis and @merigreenleaf, all of whom are brilliant writers who you should definitely check out!!!)
I’m going to be answering for Viktor from Tracks to Nowhere in preparation for my re-outlining fest!!
A is for Age: 18 (he’s going to be a freshman in college, at least until he boards a train and sh*t gets real) B is for Biggest Fear: never amounting to anything  C is for Current Time: a little bit before college starts, so mid-September D is for Drink Last Had: a lemonade. They gave him boba, which he didn’t ask for, and so he spent the last hour in the train station bathroom trying to fish them all out of his drink and getting dirty looks from other people using the sink. He’s a decent person, though, so he at least had the courtesy to scoop most of the boba out with a paper towel and dump them in the trash.  E is for Everyday Starts With: a shower. Vik’s a morning person.  F is for Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. He also likes classical music (Chopin is a particular favorite) G is for Ghosts, Are They Real?: No. He doesn’t like mentions of ghosts, because they remind him of the ghost trains and he knows those are real. And he hates it.  H is for Hometown: Westwater, California. It’s a coastal town and nothing ever happens there. He’s been living in LA for most of his life, and Westwater is mostly a bitter memory. 
I is for In Love With: No one, at least when the book starts. That may or may not change when he meets the old conductor’s daughter hm hm hmmmmm.  J is for Jealous Of: Mandi, his older twin sister. 
K is for Killed Someone: Nope.  L is for Last Time They Cried: If you asked him? Never. In truth? Probably yesterday when he saw the ghost trains on the news and was reminded of Mandi. 
M is for Middle Name: Alan. Not that he tells that to anyone.  N is for Number of Siblings: 1. Mandi. 
O is for One Wish: To find and be reunited with Mandi after boarding a damn ghost train, finally.  P is for Person Last Called/Texted: his mom.  Q is for Questions They’re Always Asked: So what are your plans for the future? Viktor usually wants to murder these people, preferably with his handy meat cleaver.  R is for Reasons to Smile: When a good song (and not one of those crappy pop songs they play on the radio) comes on, when Lourna cracks a joke S is for Song Last Sang: Viktor’s actually a pretty decent singer, though he’d never admit it. He probably hummed Ave Maria, or something. He’d do that.  T is for Time They Wake Up: 7. 7:30 if he’s particularly tired.  U is for Underwear Color: Black boxer briefs. 
V is for Vacation Destination: Anywhere that’s not a foresty cold beach like Westwater, which harbors too many bad memories for him. He’d probably go to Hawaii and stay there for a couple days before heading back home to LA. W is for Worst Habit: Making his life seem much worse than it actually is. He complains a lot, to the point where the people around him sometimes want to either punch him in the nose or permanently tape his mouth shut.  X is for X-Rays; Ever Broken a Bone?: Nope. He doesn’t go out enough to break anything. After his adventure in the train, though... Y is for Youth: He spent most of his childhood with Mandi concocting different versions of the lives they’d lead after they both escaped to the city in their heads. After the train refuses Viktor, however, he folds in on himself and becomes the lovable and bitter piece of sh*t we know and love.  Z is for Zealous: What Are They Passionate About?: Music. He plays the piano and has a lovely singing voice, although he doesn’t like to admit it because it reminds him of the life he gave up. He only pursued his medical degree because his mom wanted him to and he feels like he owes her after Mandi left. Sometimes he still hums though, something soft and pretty like an old sonatina. When he was really young, he loved to draw as well, though that’s only remained an idle hobby. 
tagging: whoever wants to do this. i’m too late for a proper tag. 
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thedwarrowscholar · 8 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if there was/if you were possibly working on a Khuzdul rune keyboard for use on smartphone. If not, is that something you would consider doing potentially? It'd be pretty nice to be able to type in Khuzdul!
Helo there!
Writingin Khuzdul, while not transcribing it in Latin characters but using the properrunes can be a big challenge, especially given the fact that most runic fonts seemto have the character mappings wrong.  Meaningthat if you type “a” you do not get the rune that should match with “a”.
Thechallenges don’t stop there sadly, seeing there are not one but several formsof dwarvish runes.
Inaddition one rune could be two letters in Latin script, so that if one were tomake a font that allows you to type in dwarvish, it would need to make adistinction between a rune that combines two latin characters and a rune thatis only one latin character (for instance, “sh”, “s”, and “h” are threedifferent runes).
So, withall of the above in mind, I set to work on a new font and created one myself, so that you (and others like you with the same need) can write Dwarvish with greater ease.  
Note: To use this font with Android or iOS on your phone or tablet you may need third party software that will allow the usage of non-standard fonts (there are several available that will allow that, some good ones for only a few dollars). To be clear, I am currently NOT developing an app for Android or iOS, as such this font was made with Windows and MacOS in mind.
Firstly,this font is for Angerthas Moria (though an Angerthas Erebor version is plannedto be created in future).
Seeingthat all forms of (neo-)Khuzdul runic script do not have capital letters thesewere used for specific runic characters.
ActiveCapital letters:  
A,E, I, O and U are used to write the long Dwarvish vowels, being: “â”, “ê”, “î”,“ô” and “û”.  
G,K, S and T are used to write the Dwarvish “gh”, “kh”, “sh” and “th”.
Nis used to write the Dwarvish geminated n, being “nn”.
Dand J are used to write the Dwarvish “nd” and “nj”  (Note: for “nj” also “ñ” or “Ñ” can be used)
Cand P are in fact place holders for the Angerthas Erebor character set “ts” and“ps” – in this font they are written out in their Angerthas Moria counterparts.
meaning that the phrase “Baruk Khazâd.” should be typed as:
Tumblr media
To end up correctly as…
Tumblr media
 Non-ActiveCapital letters:
Thefollowing capital letters are NOT used in this font. Hence, when you wouldtype: B, F, H, L, M, Q, R, V, W, X, Y or Z (in capitals) you will not get arune but the Latin character (and the font should revert to a Latin characterfont).
Activelower letters:
a,e, i, o and u are used for the shortened vowel only (for long vowels use theCapital version).
p,v and x are also active, though not part of the (neo-)Khuzdul own alphabet theymay be used for words derived from other languages or non-native names andrepresent “p”, “v” and “ks” respectively in this script. 
Non-Activelower letters:
qis the only lower letter character that is NOT active in this font. Hence, whenyou type “q” you will not get a rune but the Latin character (and the fontshould revert to a Latin character font).
 Digits:  0 to 9 have been included (clearly markingthem with a dot below the rune to indicate they are indeed numbers and notletters).
Readingsigns:  The vast majority of readingsigns have been activated (ampersand, apostrophe, question mark, exclamationmark, left and right parenthesis, etc…. Most of these runes are inventions, yetsome (like ampersand, space and period) are original runes.
$,€ and £ symbols are used to indicate copper, silver and gold coinsrespectively. Here new runes were invented.
à,ò and ù are all characters (both in lower and Capital versions) that can be usedto write the open-mid backunrounded vowel or caret – More information on the caret here
è(both in lower and Capital version) can be used to write the mid central vowel soundor schwa. Note: the schwa is usually omitted in writing – more information onthis here.
Further notes onwriting runes:
Don’tforget that (neo-)Khuzdul does not have capital letters, in fact the usage ofcapitals in this font has a different purpose (see above).
Inorder to write a proper line one must ensure you START each line with a period(.) This will give you the characteristic look familiar for dwarvish runes. Youend each line with the reading sign required (period, question mark,exclamation mark, etc…)
Tumblr media
Where to Download /Compatibility / How to Install:
Youcan download the font freely from the www.dwarrowscholar.com libary, HERE
Thefont is a “TrueType” font file, so any computer system that can read this type shouldbe compatible.
Thisfont was made with FontStruct and is packaged in .zip files together with alicense document and a ‘read me’ document. The font file needs to be extractedfrom this .zip file so you can install it. You will find some excellent generalinformation on installing fonts here- just note that all users, including users of OSX, will download their fontsin .zip format. Once installed you should find it listed among your fonts(restart may be required).
Ever at your service,
The Dwarrow Scholar
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peptosis · 8 years ago
wwwww tagged by @jackcrynand​!! lets go bois
a - age: 69 b - biggest fear: that one day reimu will manifest in my bathroom and kill me c - current time: 10:55 pm d - drink you last had: 水 e - every day starts with:  f - favorite song: (fave song rn) god.. i know i might have been talking about shibayan a lot lately but 賢者の極北 is soooooo good g - ghosts: yes h - hometown: asparagus i - in love with: sh....shir....., my wife and love of my life j - jealous of: yes k - killed someone: why is this even a question?? i feel like most people dont and will not commit murder any time soon l - last time you cried: tbh im a big crybaby but i havent in a while... mm m - middle name: n/a n - number of siblings: 2 o - one wish: to get a jooooob!!! p - person you last texted: again..,,,., shir q - questions you’re always asked: why are u so short (also im not that short wth) r - reasons to smile: my friends, my mutuals, my followers, my acquaintances, my family, etc etc yall are the real mvps of my life s - song last sang: heh t - time you woke up: 2 pm ish whoop u - underwear colour: purple with white stars v - vacation destination: fly me to the moon let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars w - worst habit: catastrophizing everything x - x-rays you’ve ever had: MOUTH y - your favorite food: s/o to fish floss to being the mvp of my childhood
z - zecause im a bungus im not tagging anyone, but yea if u want to go ahead!!
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