#(SOMEONE’S gotta help these clueless fools)
ask-fgod · 1 year
Hey nightmare, would you say the people you’re around are idiots?
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dream-moonlight · 7 months
Maybe next time, maybe in the next life, maybe never.
Warnings: Angst, James being clueless, James Potter x Lily Evans, James Potter x Reader, unrequited love
Was i a fool for falling in love with James Potter of all people? Maybe. Maybe i was. But how could i stop myself when he's so kind and funny to me? How can i resist him when he keeps helping me with my schoolwork despite the many times i told him there was no need? I couldn't. That's the answer. From the moment I've met him, he's been nothing but welcoming, even if i was skeptical of him at first. But it didn't take me long to warm up and see him as the amazing young gentleman he was. That was for me, but not for Lily who hadn't liked him at all because of his loud and way too cheerful personality. I kinda understood her. James could exaggerate at times, but he was trying his best to make everyone around him happy. I appreciated it. I knew he had a crush on Lily. I mean, it was obvious from the way he acted around her. It didn't bother me until i realised i felt something more for him, something way stronger than friendship, so strong that it made my heart beat faster than when we had a test on transfiguration. Lily didn't seem interested in James, rather disturbed instead. So i thought to myself.. why don't i try? I don't need to get straight to the point, I could just try to get closer to him and see where this goes. Maybe it can end in us together? Or maybe i was dreaming too hard.
"Hey, James! Mind coming with me to the library today? You know, for the erbology we have tomorrow. We could just.. review some things. Study some more."
"Ah.. sorry, i can't. I was planning to go ask Lily on a date.. Maybe next time? You can ask Remus to help you! I'm sure he'll be glad to have some company while studying. Wish me luck!"
And with that, he'd run off, not even giving me a chance to say 'bye' or wish him luck in this quest of his. I sighed before turning and walking off in search of Remus. Let's hope he didn't have someone to conquer as well. I really needed help for this test. But hey.. maybe next time we'll be able to study together. Just me and James.
"Good morning, James. Are you feeling alright? I haven't seen you at breakfast and me and the others got a bit worried. Is something wrong?"
I asked after finally finding James outside the castle when he did not show up for breakfast that morning.
"Oh, good morning. Sorry i wasn't there. I had to get some of these flowers for Lily. What do you think? She'll like them right?"
My body stiffened a bit, but I still smiled.
"I'm sure she'll love them, James. They're beautiful."
He chuckled and nodded, looking down at the flowers he had taken with a slight hint of blush on those squishy cheeks of his.
"Just like her.."
He mumbled dreamily as my heart sinked further into darkness.
"By the way, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmade with me this weekend to-"
He didn't even give me time to finish that his attention was drawn to something behind me. Or rather someone.
"Sorry! Gotta go! I see Lily over there! Uh- maybe we'll go another time, okay? Next week?"
He said with an excited smile, again, not leaving me the time to answer before he stormed off to Lily.
Alright.. maybe.. maybe next week.
It's been.. how long as it been since this stupid crush started? Way too long, I'll tell you that. I tried everything. I swear.. everything i could possibly think of. But nothing. James was so damn stubborn and set on conquering Lily that he basically ignored all my attempts at hanging out with him. It was like he was obsessed with her. At this point i was getting tired. I didn’t want to hide anymore, i wanted him to know. Even if he rejected me, it didn't matter. At least he would finally get it through his thick skull that there wasn't only Lily in this world.
"James, i need to talk to you."
"Not now, i really need to-"
This time i was the one who didn't let him finish.
"No. Please, it's serious. I need to talk to you now."
He looked at me kinda worried, but he did stop and listened.
"James, i don't really know how to approach this any differently. I've tried many times to make you understand, but you just don't get it."
His worry increased, but now his eyes were filled with curiosity.
"I like you. And not in a friends way.. I really, really like you. I want you to be my boyfriend, James. I want to go on dates with you, give you the love and respect you deserve. I admire you for who you are and i want to show that i appreciate all you've done for me."
His eyes widened, his body stiffening and his heart stopping for a second before his expression turned to.. honestly, it hurts to even say it.
"I'm sorry, but i do not like you that way. I appreciate what you said, but.. listen, i haven't really told this to anyone because i didn't want to ruin my chance, but I've been going out with Lily for a while now, and.. it's really going well, so.."
He stopped, not really knowing if to continue, afraid to hurt me even more than when i was. But i just laughed. I laughed.
"It's fine! I'm not mad at you, James. I'm actually happy."
"I'm glad you finally achieved what you desired. And hey. Maybe in the next life we'll be together! Who knows."
I said in a joking tone, letting out a small awkward laugh. How I wished it could be true.
"Yeah.. maybe in the next life."
He said with a small laugh.
"I need to go now. Lily is waiting for me at the black lake. Oh, and.. I'm sorry."
He didn't look sorry at all.
"It's fine. Just go get your girl."
I watched him leave with a smile before it disappeared as quick as it came, replaced by a sad frown.
Maybe in the next life.
Maybe never.
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
Hi there! :D I saw that the Match event was open, so I hope to be in time to place my order with TWST boys! 🌻Info about me!🌼
MBTI: ENFP (but I'm an ambivert, I don't mind taking the role of introversion or extroversion depending on the situation.
Personality: I am calm but cheerful and sweet. I like to help and take care of those close to me and I always want to better understand people's hearts and how they understand or see the world from their perspective. I can be a little sleepyhead and little procrastinator but without neglecting my important duties. Sometimes I can be somewhat clueless or clumsy in things but I always try to do my best. People often say that I'm "a smart fool" sometimes I don't understand or grasp "obvious" or simple things, it's hard for me to grasp or learn something the first time.
But I understand and understand well my feelings and the feelings of the people around me. I do not like injustices or those who take advantage of others and I am willing to protect someone, Being a helping hand, even if i are not the strongest or bravest person. I like sweet food, I like to draw and the arts, I want to have a calm, simple and happy life. I like me I would like to live from gratitude for the simple fact of being grateful to this world and its people, either by being someone who can make this world a little happier with my ideas and support.
Hiya! Thank you so much for your request! As a fellow Ambivert, I had a LOT of fun on writing this. Just gotta know your people! I hope you enjoy! Did not see a romantic of platonic preference so romantic is default.
CW: just a little violence, given this boys particular upbringing but nothing to detailed
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I match you with........
Ruggie Bucchi
🍩 First and foremost, Ruggie loves just how understanding you can be of others and the situation that they are currently in or have been in in the past. With his upbringing living in what is basically the slums, seeing the violence that he did, not knowing when he was going to have another meal, while trying to protect himself and his family, sometimes by unsavory means, it means a lot to him that you try to understand things from his perspective of things. It shows that you really do care.
🍩 Ruggie has a lot of street smarts and certainly book smarts after everything, and with how much you love to be able to help him and others, he'll certainly repay the favor.... sometimes for a price. Hey, old habits die hard. But if you bring him some sweets, especially donuts, you're all good to go.
🍩 Being another sweets lover, I feel that sweets weren't always something he could enjoy growing up given where he had grown up. So, for you to just come along and just gift him some sweets that you had, especially if it was like a box of donuts you managed to get your hands on, he is over the moon. Sure, at first he was rather skeptical. After all, who woukd just gave away their food for free? Everything has a price. But after a while, he just got rather used to itand welcomes it with open arms and an open mouth.
🍩 The fact that you are always so willing to help others around you tugs at his heart. What sealed the deal was when he took you to his home during break, he was honestly very nervous that when you saw where and how be lived and grew up, you'd leave, only to be pleasantly surprised when you instantly offered to help those who needed it. At this point, the whole village loves you and is always asking Ruggie when you would visit again, especially his grandmother, she absolutely adores you.
🍩 A calm, simple, and happy life. Deep down, he wants it as well. A life where he doesn't have to worry about putting food on the table, or wonder if anything horrible is going to happen. A simple life with you, it makes him smile. I can see him being a bit of a minimalist goven his upbringing and being happy with the little things, so, as long as he has you, and maybe a nice little home with you in the future, he is as happy as can be.
🍩 He understands your sleepiness. After a very long day of studies, spelldrive practice, doing errands for Leona, he is exhausted by the end of the day. So, the fact that he gets to come back for snuggles and a good nap? His tail is thumping softly as he curls in your arms. Granted, it is a little hard to actually get him to that point. Time is money after all, but with some sweet words and the promise of donuts, he will be putty in your arms and is just cuddling under the blankets.
🍩 As a male hyena beastman, there are times where it definitely more submissive, as is male hyena behavior when around females. So, at times, this behavior will reflect when he is with you, but deep down, he also loves it when he gets to protect you at various times. It floods him with a sense of accomplishment and pride to show he can be a good, protective, and providing mate.
🍩 Ruggie, after a while, is big on giving you gifts. Whether it comes from him wanting to show that he can provide for you or because he feels the need to give them to you so you'll stay with him (he has a little issues on self worth , he just doesn't want you to leave him if he feels like he can't provide), we may never know. But he will manage to get materilea for you for your love of drawing. No matter what it is, he manages to find a sale and is constantly bringing you anything you'd like.
🍩 Overall, there are times where Ruggie is still rather confused as to why you chose someone like him to be with when there are literal princes in this school, but at the end of the day, he isn't complaining. You love him for who he is and he loves you for who you are.
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heartlandians · 2 years
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 199
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
* * * *
As Amy waved Asher, Gina and Susan goodbye when their trailer - with Helico inside - headed toward the gravel road that lead out of Heartland, she could see from the corner of her eye Jack emerging behind the barn. He was holding a lead, his steps slow and his gaze thoughtful. 
“I guess you fixed the horse”, Jack commented, seeing Amy had once again successfully sent off another client. 
Amy felt tense in Jack’s presence but tried to focus on what he was saying. They had not had an exchange since yesterday, and Amy expected to be judged for not sleeping at the ranch last night.
“Like with many of my clients, it wasn’t really about the horse”, she corrected. “The rider and the horse just needed to reconnect again and build up their confidence as a team. But yeah, all’s fixed now; they’ll be able to perform at the rodeo half-time show in just few days.”
She glanced at Jack, who nodded, but seemed to linger even without nothing to say. 
“Everything okay?” she then had to ask.
“Yeah. Just gonna go get Buddy from the field. Go for a little ride”, Jack explained, trying to act nonchalant, but Amy didn’t like the way she could tell that his politeness was partly acted out.
“Okay”, Amy tried to act careless as well, seeing if her grandpa would bite as he usually couldn’t help himself. “Well, I better go help Georgie and Jade with the chores. Think I’ll check what we have to order from Maggie’s, so I can go get them while I’ll drive to get Lyndy from Cass and Caleb. Anything you want to add to that?” she asked, wondering if Jack was able to pick up the double meaning of the question.
Jack turned his head toward her better. “No. Don’t think so.”
Amy had not seen many westerns, but she imagined this to be a typical standoff scene from one of those.
“Okay, good”, Amy said, turning in order to head to the barn office door. She started walking away and as she was about to reach out for the handle, Jack caved and opened his mouth.
“I don’t mean to tell you what to do, Amy, just...” Jack said while Amy still had her back toward him. She waited it out. “Be careful, is all.”
Amy turned around, looking at him. She decided to act clueless, just to see what would happen, as she didn’t like the way her grandpa had such a hold of her, even at this age. 
“What do you mean?”
Jack sighed, tilting his head on the side while the rest of his body fell a little as if his muscles and bones had suddenly gotten heavy. He knew Amy knew exactly what he meant, but instead of going along with it and avoiding the subject just to get out of an awkward situation - like he had expected - she had decided to challenge him.
The standoff was still on as the sense of escalating tension remained.
“I think you know what I mean”, Jack scoffed tiredly.
“I’d like to hear you say it out loud”, Amy replied. She had come to realize that their family used this strange way of communicating while not communicating, and she wasn’t going to go along with it anymore. “Just to know we’re on the same page.”
Jack bit his cheek, looking back at Amy. He had never seen her like this, and it irritated him. What was he supposed to do? Would he make himself look like a fool? 
While hoping to come up with the best way to explain his thought process, Jack tried to remember this was not the teenager anymore that needed looking after, but a grown woman. He had to act accordingly.
“I know I’m old school and I know it’s hard for me to let go of old habits, but you gotta understand that me worrying about you is never going to go away. You might change and grow up, but you’ll always be someone I want to look after”, Jack tried to explain his side. “I’m not saying don’t go out on dates, but... not knowing where you were... well, it got me a little worried. Usually, if I don’t know where you are it’s not a good situation. I’ve always known where you are, if it’s up to me and you.”
“Well, everything was okay with me. I just think that... maybe I’m old enough to be somewhere without having to report my exact location to my grandfather”, Amy explained.
“Of course, but... I don’t know anything about this guy you went out with!” Jack got a little impatient because Amy didn’t seem to understand his point of view. “For all I know, you could have been in some ditch somewhere, and we wouldn’t have known. But...” he wanted to give himself some credit, “I respected your boundaries, didn’t text you or call you - even though I wanted to.”
Amy looked at him, thinking how Jack had no idea how well he actually did know the guy. How he had worked with him and sold half of his share of their mutual business to him. So in theory, he had a lot of trust in that guy. 
But not knowing it probably did make Jack unsure about the company Amy kept.
“Well, I told Georgie everything was okay”, Amy pointed out.
Jack sighed. “But I don’t want to get my updates through Georgie.”
“Well, what do you want me to do? Create a group chat for the whole family so I can report where I am?” Amy asked, even though Jack probably had no idea what a group chat even meant; he barely used his new smart phone for anything else besides calling people. “I told Georgie because she took care of the morning chores for me. I didn’t think rest of you needed to know; I was going to be back before noon, anyway.”
“You’re missing the point--” Jack began, but Amy cut him off.
“I got your point”, Amy assured. “But I just ask you to trust my judgment a little bit more. I wouldn’t have stayed over if I wouldn’t trust this guy. Now, obviously, I’m fine”, she continued, gesturing toward her chest.
Jack shook his head in frustration, trying to find a way they could move forward from this as Amy didn’t seem to budge. 
“So, what’s going to happen? Are you going to sneak around and not tell us who this guy is - just like your sister always does?” Jack wanted to know. 
Something about that got under Amy’s skin. 
She knew Lou had a reputation hiding the guys she was dating from her family, and while Amy had never understood it before, maybe she was now starting to see why that had been. 
Amy felt bad for having to repeat that same pattern with Mitch, but it was for different reasons than what Lou had had going on. She had never wanted to get involved with Lou’s romantic life gossip, as she couldn’t think why it should have interested her as it was Lou’s business and Lou’s business alone, but now she probably got a hint of what her sister had gone through with her experiences.
As soon as the family smelled something romantic in the air, they were interested to know all about it.
“I understand the curiousity”, Amy said, trying to be diplomatic, “but as far as I’m concerned, all you need to know now is that I’m seeing this guy and I’m... happy. He’s a good guy and he treats me right. It’s all in the early stages, so... I’m protective of it. This family has a history of getting involved with everyone’s business, and I don’t want that to affect this. Not till I know it’s stable enough. I’m sure you can understand; you didn’t come out with Lisa until you were ready for it. And when I am... I’ll let you know, trust me.”
Jack listened, trying to accept Amy’s plea.
“Okay...” he finally said, even though it wasn’t easy to be in the dark about something like this. The electric tension between the two started to dissolve. “If you say so. Just... you don’t have to tell me, but... let someone know you’re okay. Whether that’s Cass or Georgie or whoever. We all need a little looking after sometimes.”
Amy nodded. “I will.”
“There’s a lot of crazies out there”, Jack scoffed, now seeming more relaxed, even though there was some type of sadness behind his eyes once he realized it was time for him to let Amy live her own life and make her own choices. 
It had been like that for a while, but he had been in some type of denial with it. Now there was no denying of that anymore.
“Never would have thought I’d hear you use the word “crazies”...” Amy laughed a little, hoping it would lighten up the mood as the shift was now happening and it looking for a footing. It was up to them to land it somewhere.
Jack scoffed. “Maybe I’m spending way too much time with Georgie these days with Lisa busy, Lou gone and you working...” he figured. “The “lingo” is infectious...” he added with a dry smirk.
“Oh dear...” Amy almost whispered, shaking her head with amusement. “You might have to call my dad and ask him to hang out sometime. Just to even it out.”
“I’m not that desperate for a company...” Jack said.
Amy laughed. 
“Okay, fair enough. Anyway. I should get back to work. I don’t want to make Georgie and Jade do all the work. Besides, I gotta get going soon, even though I don’t think Cass and Caleb will mind if I’ll be there a little bit late.”
“I’m sure they’ll be happy to entertain Lyndy for a while longer”, Jack commented, knowing what a delight the little girl was to have around.
“They probably are, but I do miss her myself, so...” Amy admitted one of the reasons for hurrying. “I’ll see you later. Have a good ride with Buddy.”
Jack nodded. “I will.”
Amy then turned around and proceeded to get back to work. 
She couldn’t help but have this euphoric-like state. She had done it, defied old patterns and come out as a winner. 
What if they would have done this all these years instead of just avoiding saying things they really felt? Would this state had been easily achievable back then - like it seemed to be now - or were their lives just only ready for a change now?
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xynnoix · 2 years
"I have an announcement," Long Xiaojiao says, a far too serious expression on her face as she dangles half of herself off the couch. Qi Xiaotian knows her better, though; he knows what that look means.
The look of all seriousness, and at the same time, all the bullshit possible, and it's specifically for one thing. He dreads that look, just like how he dreads Pigsy threatening to get the ridiculous delivery machine that could break down several times in a row. Qi Xiaotian would know; he's worked part-time jobs at other restaurants before, and they're terrible.
The look on Long Xiaojiao's face is just as bad, just as terrible, and he doesn't want to stay any longer now.
"This," Red Son grouses, gaze flickering up from the poor, half torn machine and Qi Xiaotian prays for his quick death, "better be good."
"Oh, I promise it's good." Long Xiaojiao flashes Red Son a charming smirk that has him flushing bright red. Qi Xiaotian silently approves. "It's really good."
And that is his cue to leave. "So, uh, I gotta go," Qi Xiaotian says brightly, and two heads swivel to stare at him with one look of surprise and one look of suspicion. He lets out a laugh of nervousness, takes a slow step back towards the door. "Nice seeing you all, but I think Pigsy's got some orders for me to deliver–"
The look on Long Xiaojiao's face is priceless. Red Son, on the other hand, looks less impressed.
"Your boss," Red Son drawls after a moment of awkward silence, stretching the word out, "directly called my phone number to tell me that you were to take the night off before some sort of enemy appears again. I would appreciate it greatly if your guardian wouldn't burst open my eardrums again."
The one time Pigsy had to destroy his only way out of this. Qi Xiaotian prays to the gods that he gets out of this alive once again.
Long Xiaojiao's face smooths out into a beaming smile, as he sits down again, this time next to the wall. "That's great!" she cheers, and her smile nearly makes him want to stay. Nearly. "Now I can tell you my announcement!"
"Dragon girl, just please get on with it. I don't have all day." Red Son lifts a calloused hand to drag through his hair. Qi Xiaotian tries very hard to ignore the black soot smudged along Red Son's fingers. It's not that much better when Long Xiaojiao lets out a soft laugh and her gaze softens.
"It won't take long," Long Xiaojiao assures him, clears her throat next and abruptly lifts up from her dangling. Qi Xiaotian slowly starts a chant inside his head for a diversion. "Now, my announcement! I have fantastic news to share with you all!"
Someone attack, someone attack, someone attack–
"There is..."
There is no escape from this nightmare, it seems. Qi Xiaotian thuds his head against the wall and closes his eyes to hear the inevitable doom.
"A new series of Chockers!"
One beat.
"What are Chockers?" Red Son asks, like the clueless fool he is. The poor, poor fool. He has no idea what's coming next.
Long Xiaojiao's smile turns predatory. "Let me show you the ads."
Qi Xiaotian regrets ever coming to hang out with his friends on this day.
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xbadgerbearx · 3 years
i guess they are pretty funky
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word count: 1.5k
Can’t Sleep: [2] … [4]
Your team prepared themselves as you started your journey to your new destination. You and Abner were talking about random things as you walked.
"You really like the dots?" Abner timidly asked.
"Are you kidding? Of course! You're so colorful," you said quietly with a smile.
Abner smiled to himself before motioning to your outfit. "I like your uniform too, it suits you. It makes your eyes stand out."
"Thank you! Ya know, I always thought you had a really nice nose- whoa, Abner, are you doing alright?" You cut yourself as you faced Abner for the first time during this walking session. He had those glowing dots on his face again.
"Oh! Those?" He was nervously covering his face. "Don't worry about-" splat. Abner tripped over a rogue tree root and fell face first into the mud. As you went to help pick him up, Flag turned around.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Everyone turned around to look at you two, well, minus Cleo, but she was sitting on a fallen tree almost asleep.
"We're tired, Colonel. We need a rest," she whined.
"Goddamn hobbyists," muttered Chris.
Soria turned to Flag, "We cannot stop. We need to hurry if you're going to help my people."
"Hey," DuBois intervened. "We're not here to help your people. But she's right, we gotta keep moving."
"I carry friend?"
"It's okay, Nanaue," Cleo said before turning to Abner. "It's happening to his face again."
"It's nothing, I tripped," he brushed off.
"Hey," Peacemaker said as he shoved Abner back. "Norman Bates, if that shit's contagious, we need to know."
"It's not," Abner tried moving forward before he was pushed again.
"What is it?"
"What's your deal, Chris? Stop pushing people around before I turn into something you're really not gonna like. And what's up with the obscure references?" You were getting fed up with Chris' bullshit.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?"
"I don't know, how about your dead father? The one that killed himself in front of you when you were a kid?"
"How do you-"
"You'd be surprised how much your mom loved recording all your childhood achievements. Your fifth birthday—ring a bell?" Peacemaker had an unreadable expression on his face as you got in his face and lowered your voice. "You wouldn't believe how much information you can get on your hands if you're able to disguise yourself as a high ranking employee in Belle Reve."
Before any of you could make the situation worse, Abner cleared the tension with a sigh.
"It's a... it's an interdimensional virus."
"Fuck is that?" Peacemaker asked after seemingly forgetting what just happened. You think he was trying to not think about it.
"My mother was a scientist at S.T.A.R Labs, and she was obsessed with turning me and my brother and sisters into superheroes."
"Oh, Abner," you softly said as you placed a hand on his arm. Peacemaker looked between the two of you with a hard expression.
"She infected me. Now, if I don't expel the dots twice a day..."
DuBois asked, "Then what?"
Abner made a face that was hard to read as he said, "They'll eat me alive." He then chuckled dryly as if he himself couldn't believe it.
"What happened to your brother and sisters?" Flag questioned.
"Some lived. Some... died."
Cleo, now standing, asked, "And your mom, where is she now?"
Abner looked to you before turning to his team.
"Almost everywhere."
Everyone just looked at Krill for a few moments.
"Okay," Flag turned around. "Let's move out."
"Come on, we must hurry, or we'll be late to meet my contact," Soria ushered.
Sooner or later, well, later, you made your way to this blockade where a driver in a large van was being investigated. During your trip Abner had to expel the dots, and although he was embarrassed about the situation, you and Cleo tried keeping his mind off it. The soldiers surrounded the van after a minute and started banging on the door. That was your cue.
Peacemaker started taking people out with a silenced pistol, Bloodsport shot with his arm crossbow, and King Shark ate a guy. The rest of the team moved from their hiding spots once the soldiers were dealt with. Success.
Bloodsport banged on the van's window before asking, "Are you Milton?"
The driver choked out a tearful "Si."
After Soria directed him to a nearby pull off spot, you started looking at the contents in the boxes that were pulled out.
"Milton will drive you through town and to La Gatita Amable. There are clothes in the boxes for all of you so you can blend in." Cleo started putting on a random pair of sunglasses as you pulled out a fedora. Soria continued, "That said, the walking tiburon is gonna have to stay out of sight."
"I wear disguise," Nanaue said.
"Ohhh," Cleo drawled. "You're going to wear a disguise?"
"Hey, he's learnin' Spanish," Peacemaker said offhandedly.
"And what kind of disguise?"
"Fake mustache," he said smugly.
"Yeah," DuBois interrupted as he moved more boxes. "Fake mustache isn't gonna cut it, mate."
"Aww come on," you cooed. "What if he wears a hat?" The fedora you picked up earlier was now sitting on the King of the Ocean's head.
"You still look exactly like yourself."
"That's the worst fake mustache I've ever seen," Chris added.
"And if you had fooled us, we'd have to kill you, shark-shaped bloke with a mustache creepin' up on us like that."
"FUCK!" Nanaue yelled as he stomped off. You snickered before turning to Abner with some clothes in your hand.
"What do you think?"
"Hmm? Oh, those look nice, although I saw something in another box that I thought you might like. Let me go get it."
As he walked away towards another box, you dropped the clothes you were holding as your face softened. Someone saw something and thought of you? That hasn't happened for a very long time. You started sifting thoughtfully through a nearby box when he came back.
"Here," he showed you the clothes. "I hope you like it." It was sweet how anxious he was getting over this. He must not socialize often.
Taking the clothes from him, you observed the material. It was... actually really good. It was something you would've loved to wear if you weren't forced to wear that stupid prison outfit, and it looked like it'd fit.
"Abner, this is great! It's a lot better than what I was originally going with," you laughed. "Oh! Here, I saw these pants and thought it would match the shirt you picked up."
"Thank you," he said shyly.
"I'm gonna change over there. Stand watch, please?"
How could he say no to you? "Of course," he said while respectfully turning around. As he waited, Peacemaker appeared.
"(L/n) around?"
"Huh?" Abner said, startled from Chris's sudden presence. "Uh, yeah, they went over there to change into their disguise. I'm looking out for them."
"Oh, you're looking out for them? Well look out for this, Patrick Bateman," Peacemaker wasn't looking so peaceful as he leaned in towards Abner. Dropping his voice, he continued. "I don't know what you think is going on between you two, but leave it, you understand me? Why would The Mimic want to go for someone as lame as you? You throw polka dots at people?" Peacemaker scoffed before finishing, "Quit getting in my way, or else."
Stay away from you? There was no way he could do that. You were seemingly the only person who liked him, and now he would have to end that? Fuck that.
Abner, admittedly with a little less confidence than what he hoped for, challenged him. "Or else what?"
Gosh, three words and his heart was already pumping.
"Excuse me?" Chris raised a brow.
Luckily before anything could be done, you emerged oblivious from the jungle while dawning your new attire. Your uniform was neatly folded and tucked under your arm. Both men looked at you and... wow. Abner was speechless. Literally. For the second time within you knowing him, you made his breath hitch.
"You look stunning," Peacemaker quickly said before Abner had a chance. That wouldn't really matter since your response was quite the cockblocker.
"Thanks! Abner picked it out for me," you smiled. You even gave a twirl to show off the outfit to your teammates. Abner just looked at you with such affection in his eyes.
"Anyways, your turn," you ordered as you took Krill's watching place so he could change. Peacemaker tried making some move on you, but you were clueless. Instead, you went into Mission Mode™ and discussed some tactics and strategies you could implement. Sighing, Chris humored you and joined your planning. Not too long later, Abner walked out with his disguise on.
"I'm not sure about this," he said while standing awkwardly.
"You look like an idio-"
"You look great!" you voiced over Peacemaker. "I love those pants on you."
"Yeah," you laughed. "They're funky."
"I-" Krill let out a laugh of his own. "Yeah, I guess they are pretty funky."
"Alright, well, we've gotta get back to the van," you announced while walking away. Abner blindly followed you with a dumb little smile on his face while leaving Chris just standing there in disbelief.
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whumperooni · 4 years
Just the two of us
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Natsuo Todoroki x Reader
Tags/Warnings: unprotected sex, dubcon, ditzy!virgin!Reader, creampies, manipulation, pseudo incest, big brother/little sister kink, natsuo being a perv
Word count: 7.7k
This was written in response to an anon! It...well, it spiraled out of control so I’m putting this in an actual post. Thank you so much nonny for sending me such a good thirst/prompt!
Reader-chan is aged up!!!!!
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It’s not often that Natsuo gets the house to himself. He has a big family- there’s usually someone around to keep him company. Today, though, it’s empty and he’s the only Todoroki on the estate. Fuyumi’s grading papers at a friend’s house. Shoto is training with Deku. Enji is off doing god knows what- Natsuo doesn’t particularly care where his father is. So it’s just him for now. And it’s nice. He’s taken advantage of the solitude and claimed the living room as his own. He’s spread his textbooks and notes all over the floor and brought in a bunch of snacks from the kitchen- some beer and chips and some celery that Fuyumi must have cut up at some point. The tv’s on, but the volume is low so he can concentrate on his work and he’s brought his pillows from his room to make it extra comfy. It’s nice. It’s relaxed. It’s some peace and quiet that Natsuo didn’t realize he needed until he actually received it. Small blessings, he thinks as he munches on some chips and scrawls notes out on a rough draft of an essay. His solitude is only interrupted when the doorbell chimes. Natsuo’s brow raises at the noise and he tilts his head back to look toward the hallway, lets out a soft huff. He doesn’t know who could be visiting- everyone else is still out and about- and he doesn’t remember any of his friends asking to stop by. Maybe it’s a delivery? It’s not that late yet. A hum leaves Natsuo and he stands from he’s been kicked back, wipes his hands on the sides of his sweatpants. He pulls on a discarded hoodie as he goes to answer the door and tugs it on with a yawn right as the bell goes off again. The impatience is a little annoying, but Natsuo manages to keep a frown from his face when he opens the door. Not that it would stay for very long anyway- when he slides the door open he’s greeted by someone that always manages to wipe away his frustration. You smile at him- a finger twirling a lock of your hair- and Natsuo’s heart stops for a moment at the sweet way you chirp out, “Natsuo-nii!” in greeting. Crap, it’s you- sweet, cute, bumbling and adorable you. Shoto’s friend and Natsuo’s shameful lust- a walking, talking fantasy that already has Natsuo swallowing and his self-control slipping. He’s had a thing for you ever since Shoto brought you home for a group study session with some of his other classmates. He’s had a thing for you ever since you started coming over without the other third year UA students accompanying you. He’s had a thing for you ever since you first called him Natsuo-nii in that saccharine voice of yours. You’re his type through and through- cute and clueless and oh so innocent. It’s mean of him to think, but he’s not sure how an airhead like you got into UA- he’s not really even sure how you were the one that managed to claim Shoto’s friendship. It doesn’t matter, really, because you’re here smiling all honey-sweet at him and he’s all too aware that Shoto isn’t- that, for now, the two of you are all alone just like he’s guiltily imagined so many times over these past few months. Natsuo wets his lips and takes a deep breath, offers a smile right back at you. “What’s up?” he asks, leaning against the doorframe. “Are you looking for Shoto? He’s not here.” You blink and he watches as confusion spreads across your pretty face, as your brows furrow and your lips set into a tiny pout. “He’s not? But he told me that he would be home after training…” Your voice comes out bewildered and cute and Natsuo watches you through his lashes as you dig your phone out of your purse and start to scroll through it. “He’s still training,” Natsuo tells you, eyeing the way your head tilts as you frown at your phone. Temptation pricks at him and Natsuo has to guiltily shove it back before he can give into any bad ideas. “At least, I think he is. I don’t know when he was planning to finish.” “Eh??? But we were gonna watch a movie together,” you pout- voice tilting with a whine that should be more annoying than endearing. Natsuo kind of likes it, the way your voice pitches with your dissatisfaction, and he can’t help wondering how your whines would sound under different circumstances. Like a dream, probably. Natsuo offers you another smile- this one a little apologetic- and he rubs the back of his neck, watches as your hips shift to the side and cause your short skirt to flutter across your thighs. God, he wants to run his hand up them. “Sorry,” Natsuo apologizes to you. “You know how he gets when he’s training- he’s probably gotten caught up in it.” Your lips quirk in disappointment and he watches you sigh- arms folding across your chest and your demeanor wilting as fast as a daisy in a desert. He thinks to say something to you- what he doesn’t know- but then you perk up in an instant and flash him one of your so easily summoned smiles. “It’s not your fault,” you tell him sweetly. “I can wait for him to get back! Oh, if that’s okay, of course. Can I wait for him here, Natsuo-nii? Is that alright?” The temptation he had pushed away comes back with a vengeance and Natsuo has to swallow when several bad ideas flash through his mind. Of course you would ask if you could stay in that adorable voice of yours. Of course you would call him Natsuo-nii and flutter your lashes without thought. Clueless girl- don’t you know how weak he is? Don’t you know the danger of being alone with a grown man with impure impulses? Fuck, he needs to keep it together. He needs to behave. “Natsuo-nii?” Natsuo blinks and he clears his throat, smiles down at you while you look up at him with curious eyes. “Sorry,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish laugh. “Yeah, of course you can wait here.” What else is he supposed to say, he reasons. It’s not like he can be rude and deny you, turn you away. Natsuo is a nice guy and he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, rebuff someone important to his little brother- that would be a terrible thing to do. He can’t just be impolite. ...right? You light up in an instant at his agreement- beaming up at him and letting out a pleased little noise before beginning to kick off your shoes. Natsuo watches you, knowing deep down that he’s being a fool, and tells himself that he needs to keep it together. He doesn’t think Shoto would appreciate him trying to get handsy with you. (God, he wants to, though) When your shoes are off, Natsuo steps into the hallway and beckons you inside before closing the door and isolating the two of you from the rest of the world. “I was just studying in the living room,” he tells you. “No one else is home so feel free to do what you want.” Your head tilts with surprise- you’ve never been here with only one Todoroki in the house- and Natsuo watches as you hum and rock on your heels. “Can I hang out with you?” you ask, smiling up at him. “It would be weird wanderin’ around by myself.” That’s true. No one would feel comfortable like that, probably. So there’s nothing wrong with Natsuo agreeing to it- nothing sleazy about that at all, definitely not. It’s not wrong when you were the one to suggest it. ...right? Natsuo blinks and he sweeps his gaze over you, takes in your short skirt and candy-sweet smile. He nods and ignores the faint guilt that flits through him as he smiles back at you. “Yeah, of course. C’mon.” Another pleased noise from you and Natsuo has to turn away before his shame and satisfaction can take over his face. His heart pounds a little as he heads back to the living room- your light footsteps following close behind- and Natsuo immediately grabs his beer and downs the rest of it as soon as he plops back down onto the tatami mat. You take the couch and that’s a relief- a disappointment too. ...it’s probably for the best. Natsuo watches as you get comfortable on the couch- a pillow tucked and hugged underneath your chin and your knee high clad legs lazily kicking and stirring in the air as you pull out your phone. Your shirt has rucked up a little from where you’ve scootched to get more comfortable and there’s just a sliver of lace peeking over the waistband of your too short skirt. Natsuo looks away and pulls a pillow over his lap to hide the way he’s beginning to tent his sweatpants. Pervert, he scolds himself. You’re an absolute pervert. (Even with the self-admonishing, though, he’s still so keenly aware of how it’s just you and him in the house, how adoringly you look up to him, and how easy it would be to get you riding his fingers, squirming and mewling underneath him.) Natsuo swallows hard and he reaches for his drink, takes a deep, annoyed breath when he remembers that, oh yeah, he had just smashed the rest of it. He needs another one. “Hey, do you want anything to drink?” he asks. “I gotta grab something from the kitchen.” You blink at him, head tilting, and then you smile sweetly, nod as your dimples flash his way. “Yes, please,” you tell him so very politely. “Just some water.” Natsuo nods and he gathers up his trash, stands up and heads toward the kitchen. He can’t help throwing a look your way as he passes by the couch and it almost KO’s him when he gets a look at cotton white panties peeking between parted thighs. Natsuo swallows hard and he walks to the kitchen stiffly. Think about something else, he tells himself firmly. Think about Fuyumi in her robe and face masks. Think about Shoto coming home covered in slime after a villain attack. Think about dad. Natsuo’s cock wilts as he imagines his family and he leans against the counter, breathes out a huge sigh of relief. Something’s going to end up happening if someone doesn’t come home soon. (He wants something to happen so bad. You probably wouldn’t mind- you’re such a sweet little ditz and he knows he could make you bliss out with pleasure. You’d like it- little darlings like you always end up loving being on your knees, getting your warm holes bred and your mouth filled with big fingers, hard cocks.) Natsuo sighs and he adjusts himself before grabbing another beer, a bottle of water for you. When he steps back in the living room, Natsuo finds you kneeling on the floor and peeking at his notes- face confused but curious as you skim over them. It’s a little cute and it’s an opportunity to get close- something more innocent than his other urges that he can’t help giving into. Natsuo sits down right beside you- thigh brushing against yours- and smiles at you when you look his way, offers you the water you had requested. “Here,” he tells you. He gets a hummed “thank you” in response and he watches through his lashes as you take a sip of water, traces the movement of your throat with his gaze as you swallow it down. He wants to follow that movement with his mouth, trail his tongue up that soft flesh and make you whimper and cling to him. He wants to do so much. “Natsuo-nii, you’re so smart, you know- I can’t understand half of what your notes say!” Of course charming, simple you can’t understand his notes. It’s adorable that you try, though. Natsuo smiles at the compliment, ego shamefully stroked, and he rubs the back of his neck whenever you smile back. “Thanks,” he says with a little laugh. “But it’s hard for me too- all that jargon makes my brain turn to mush after a while.” You nod sympathetically and Natsuo has to bite his tongue so he doesn’t breathe in sharp whenever your hand reaches out and pats his knee. “You should take a break when that happens,” you advise, voice and face solemn. It’s funny to see you serious, like you’re telling him something that he doesn’t already know- like a little kid instructing their older brother on basic things everyone else already has a grasp on. “Mmm, yeah,” Natsuo agrees, still smiling. Your hand hasn’t moved from his knee; he wants to drag it up higher. “I probably should.” You nod again, face still solemn, and Natsuo wets his lips as an idea pushes past the weak hold he has on his self-control. ...there’s nothing wrong with watching a movie together, he reasons. It’s just a movie- that’s it. It’s completely innocent. You’ve watched movies with her before- this isn’t any different. (Except that the two of you are all alone and movies with two people wrapped up in solitude tend to lead to more salacious activities.) Natsuo licks his lips and he offers you an easy grin, sinks further into temptation. “I could use a break actually,” he tells you. “You wanna watch something with me?” Your eyes light up and crinkle as you smile- enthusiasm radiating from you like an easily pleased child. He almost kisses you then, but he holds back and reaches for the remote instead. “Here,” he offers, “pick something out.” A happy little noise leaves you and that has Natsuo fond, smiling. He moves to get more comfortable and leans his back against the couch, watches as you flip through the channels with a concentrated look on your cute, cute face. An idea strikes him when he sees you squirming to get more comfortable- a bad idea that he absolutely should not give into. An idea that he absolutely gives into. It wouldn’t be that bad, he tells himself. She’s so physical anyways- it’s not like she hasn’t done that before and it’s not like you’re going to actually do anything. Natsuo watches you and then he reaches out, pulls you back without warning to rest between his legs- your back to his chest and his thighs bracketing your body. You tilt your head back to look at him- wide eyed and surprised- and Natsuo just shrugs, grabs a blanket to drape over his shoulders. “This is more comfortable,” he explains as if that can dismiss any of the improper closeness. “And I’m cold.” A lie, but you take it with a smile and a giggle. There’s a noise of something like contentment that leaves you and Natsuo breathes in deep when you wiggle closer against him, when you let out a happy sigh. “Sho-chan never wants to cuddle,” you complain as you snuggle in close. “This is nice.” Hell yeah it is. Natsuo hums and he hesitates for only a moment before chancing wrapping his arms around your waist. The smile you flash up at him gets Natsuo dangerously close to grabbing your chin and kissing you breathless, but he’s able to clumsily grasp his slipping self-control and only gives you a smile in return. Soon enough, you find an old movie to watch and your focus goes to that. Vampires and magic capture your attention fully, but Natsuo ignores it to focus on you instead- soft, pretty, cute you snuggled up against him and radiating nothing but warmth and trust. With you so close he can smell your perfume- a scent of vanilla and peaches that makes his mouth water, a scent that further cements your innocence in his eyes and just makes him want to bury his face in the crook of your neck, breathe you in and kiss along your throat until all you can do is moan. Natsuo holds you a little tighter without even realizing and he buries his face in your hair, closes his eyes. He only becomes aware of the action when you let out a curious noise and he has to hold back a groan, mentally scold himself for giving into all his desires without even pretending to put on a fight for the illusion of morality. What’s the point of trying to pretend he’s better than this, though? He’s already gotten off to you before. He’s jerked himself to the thought of you on your knees and your pretty face so innocent as you ask “Natsuo-nii, what’s a blowjob?” He’s cum to the image of you sat in his lap- pleading so sweetly for him to teach you things you’ve been so curious about. He’s fucked his fist to the thought of stuffing your cunny with his cock and making you squeal his name- short skirt flipped up and your soft tits bouncing with each snap of his hips. He’s already thoroughly ruined you in his mind; he’s already came to the thought of losing the grip on his self-control and fucking you speechless. It’s not like he can lie to himself when he’s already spilled his seed over his fist so many times to the thought of you. He knows he’s not better than his impulses and fantasies. And he knows, maybe, that this could be something that’s just meant to happen. Hell, better him than any of the little horny fuckers you call classmates. Natsuo hums and he noses at your hair, skims his fingers along your stomach. “You smell really nice,” he murmurs. “Makes me...hungry.” You giggle a little, dumb and clueless, and you stay still in his hold- not moving even when his hands run down your sides and fall to the tops of your thighs. You don’t seem to mind when he noses down the side of your head and hooks his chin over your shoulder and Natsuo’s lashes lower at the content smile on your face. “You smell nice too, Natsuo-nii,” you chirp, complimenting him in return. Natsuo hums and allows his fingers to trace along your thighs- fingers dipping just over the top to glance along the soft insides. You blink at that, lashes fluttering, and Natsuo doesn’t bother stopping even when you tilt your head his way. You’re not blushing- you just look curious and a little clueless like the naive airhead you are. Even when his hands replace his fingers and his palms cup the insides of your thighs, all you do is smile like the perfect little ditz that you are and lean back further into his chest. Natsuo hums and he accepts your non-reactions as consent, feels the last few threads of his self-control begin to snap and fray. “You’re really cute too, you know,” he murmurs- squeezing your thighs ever so lightly. “Bet all the boys are chasin’ after you.” You do blush a bit this time- pink dusting over your cheeks and your head moving in a tiny little shake. “No?” Natsuo asks, brow raising. “Don’t tell me you don’t have a boyfriend- you’re much too pretty to be single.” Your flush flares oh so sweetly and it’s hard for him not to dig his fingers deep into your thighs, run his hand up high. The “Natsuo-nii” that you half squeak, half whine at the compliment is nothing short of adorable and, really, he’s lucky you’re angled in your lean against his chest, that you can’t feel his hardness against your back. “Come on,” he coaxes- all friendly and teasing like a “big brother” should be. “You can tell me.” You squirm a little and it causes his hands to slide closer to the hem of your skirt, makes his heart beat a little faster. The shy bite to your lip has Natsuo hungry for you and he almost bites his own in want. “I- I don’t have a boyfriend,” you mumble, face turning just a bit like you’re trying to hide a little. “I’ve never...I’ve never had a boyfriend.” Fuck you’re such a sweet, untouched thing. Natsuo swallows a groan and he flexes his fingers against your thighs, tries his best not to just grab onto you. “That’s a shame,” he tells you, voice dipping low. “Cute thing like you should be appreciated and adored.” The pink on your cheeks flare into a darling red and Natsuo feels his lips twitch with a touch of amusement whenever a shy, pleased smile flickers across your face. He’s not really used to you being bashful, but he likes it- likes it a lot, actually. “No boyfriend at all?” he presses with a murmur. “You’ve at least gotten a kiss before, right?” He is, admittedly, disappointed whenever you give a small nod. He is not disappointed, however, when the muscles in your thighs flex and your legs spread just a tiny bit wider, when you only blink whenever his hands dare to smooth down right to the very hem of your skirt. “Kind of?” you tell him- voice uncertain and flush lingering. “Um, Kacchan kissed me on the last school trip but that was only ‘cause Kaminari dared him to.” Your shyness peaks a little, voice growing softer with each word and Natsuo wets his lips when you continue with, “It- It was just a peck. Not a real kiss.” Any disappointment he had fades away and Natsuo leans over you a little bit, cages you more against him and tries not to grin. Careful, a voice whispers in the back of his mind. You don’t want to scare her away. Natsuo hums and he strokes his fingers along your soft thighs, enjoys the small squirm from you that it brings. You still don’t pull away and, god, he’s so certain now that you’d let him do almost anything. “Sounds like a kiss to me,” he muses. “What do you mean by a real kiss?” You squirm more and, god, now his hands are just underneath your skirt. He’s not sure if you notice. He’s not sure if he cares anymore. “Like, um,” you say, a little dumb but still so sweet, “like with tongues and stuff…” You sound like a kid- naive and innocent and without any real knowledge of kisses and intimacy. Maybe it shouldn’t turn him on as much as it does but, god, it makes him feel predatory and hungry. “With tongues and stuff?” he asks- unable to help a little tease. You pout at him, but there’s a smile quirking up on the corners of your lips despite your petulance at being teased and, god, he’s really too weak to hold back anymore. “So you mean,” he murmurs and reaches a hand to cup your face, “something like this.” Before you can react, Natsuo leans down and presses his lips against yours. A surprised noise leaves you at the sudden kiss, but it’s nothing that Natsuo hears- his ears are full with the sound of his blood rushing and his heart pounding hard and fast. You don’t pull away from him. You don’t shove him or try to squirm away. You let yourself be kissed and you flush beneath his hand- startled and confused but unoffended by your best friend’s big brother molding his lips against your. It’s only when he traces your bottom lip with his tongue that you react more than being a passive little doll- you gasp, softly, and press forward just a bit against him, let something close to a whimper crawl from your throat. Natsuo’s free hand finds your other cheek then and he slips his tongue between parted lips, lets it brush against yours and swallows a groan when you instinctively start to kiss back. Such a good girl. Your lips are so soft- cherry flavored and sweet. The wavering, whimpering, unsure noises that you make has his mind reeling with greed and need and, honestly, he could kiss you for hours on end. He wants to do so much more, though. He needs to do so much more. Natsuo hums into the kiss and moves a hand down to the middle of your back, pushes you even closer. The way you tremble underneath his hand is so cute, but it’s even cuter when you curl your fingers against his chest, look up at him with half-shut eyes and flushed cheeks whenever he breaks the kiss. Natsuo smiles down at you- boyish and friendly- and he revels in the way you press your face against his palm, how you let out a wanting- if confused and flustered- sound. “Sorry,” he apologizes, not meaning it at all. “You’re just so cute, you know- I couldn’t help myself.” Your blush flares from sakura pink to rose red and Natsuo takes pleasure in the way you squirm shyly, grip onto the fabric of his hoodie. The “Natsuo-nii” you mumble out is soft and bashful, far from the whine he had expected. He likes it, though, and enjoys the sheer haze pulled over your eyes, the nearly dazed look that plays across your face. “Did you like it?” he asks, smoothing his hand from your cheek to your chin and pressing his thumb against the plush flesh of your bottom lip. Your mouth opens automatically, unthinkingly, and it takes all of his weathered down self-control not to slip his fingers inside that wet, warm hole. “Was it real enough for you?” A soft noise and a hitch of your breath, lashes fluttering with some stray embarrassment. This time the “Natsuo-nii” you mumble is trailed after by a small whine and Natsuo hums at it, strokes his thumb along your bottom lip. He doesn’t bother trying to coax you more- your compliance and the way you're still pressed against him is enough consent for him to capture your lips in another kiss, to slip his tongue inside your soft mouth and muffle the whine that sounds from you. Natsuo kisses you hotly, deeply, wetly. He pours all his pent-up hunger into it and lets his self-control slip away completely, groans into your mouth and pulls you into his lap. You let yourself be manhandled like the dumb, docile, good girl you are and Natsuo grips your hips once you’re seated pretty on his lap, groans again whenever he feels your little mound brush against his hard cock. The gasp that you let out whenever he pushes your hips forward and back to hump against him almost has him snarling- something primitive and rough in the back of his mind getting off on the innocent, pure surprise you radiate as your clothed cunny is made to grind against his dick. You whimper, hips moving on their own, and Natsuo breaks the kiss to tangle fingers in your hair, watch you through half-shut eyes as something like wonder flickers over your flushed face. “I- feels good, Natsuo-nii,” you mumble, head dropping to watch as your hips rock against him. “I don’t- why does it…” A mewl leaves you as you trail off and Natsuo places his hand to your neck, makes your head tilt back so he can nose against the soft flesh of your throat. You shudder whenever he kisses you there and Natsuo hums deeply in satisfaction, licks a little stripe and makes you moan so, so, so quietly. “Feels good because you’re grindin’ against my cock,” Natsuo hums out. “Feels good ‘cause your pussy is excited for it.” Your gasp this time is almost scandalized- cheeks flaring in shock at his words and the way your pussy is starting to throb with a slow, honeyed pulse. Natsuo can’t help his amused grin against your neck and he takes pleasure in the way you whimper whenever he rocks his hips to meet yours. You’re so warm even if he’s done so little- clothed cunny radiating heat as it glides over his hard-on. He desperately wants to feel your warmth with his fingers, slide a digit along your surely wet slit and make you fuck yourself on his fingers until you’re leaking and glazed over. Another gasp as you hump against him and Natsuo places a wet, hot kiss to your throat, breathes in deep whenever your hands grip onto his shoulders. “Sit up on your knees, baby,” he orders in a murmur, pulling his head back to take in the glory of your carmine cheeks and parted, trembling lips. You lashes flutter with the command, some disappointment and reluctance flashing across your already fuzzy face. You obey him, though, and Natsuo’s eyes fall half-shut whenever your hands grip his shoulders tighter, when you do what he says without any thought or protest. Such a good girl. When his hands grip your thighs and push them further apart, a confused noise sounds from you. Another follows whenever your skirt gets flipped over your hips, but the sound you make whenever his hand rubs over your cunny is flustered and surprised- a gasp that morphs into a whimper when the heel of his palm grinds down against your clit. The oh so soft whine of “Natsuo-nii” you let out has Natsuo groaning and he grinds his palm harder against you, narrows his eyes in pleasure whenever your hips buck against his hand. “Call me nii-chan,” he orders, voice low with a growl that wants to sound. “Call me big brother.” You whine again and it’s so loud this time, so needy as your back arches and you grind like a well-experienced slut against his palm. “Nii...nii-chan…” Natsuo closes his eyes at the whimper and he smooths his free hand over his dick- grinds up against his palm in a mirrored movement of your own needy little undulations. “Good girl,” he breathes out. “So good for me.” Another whimper and Natsuo hooks his fingers underneath your panties, tugs them to the side. You squeal a little at that, hips moving in a surprised shake, but you’re quick to gasp and settle whenever he glides a finger up your slit, rubs against your clit. “Nii- nii-chan! Feels- it feels good!” Of course it does- he doubts you’ve felt this sort of pleasure before, that you can even comprehend and keep up with the way your body is building and chasing after an orgasm. He’s going to give you your first cum and, fuck, that’s hot- that’s so hot. Natsuo hums and strokes his finger over your clit, circles it with just the tip of the digit and watches with a half-smile as you gasp and start falling apart so sweetly at his touch. You’re warm- just like he had imagined- and Natsuo breathes in deep as he feels his cock twitch at the thought of sinking into your plush heat, stirring up those hot insides. You shake as he teases the wet hole of your pussy and Natsuo realizes that he wants you to come for the very first time on his cock. With a lick of his lips, Natsuo pulls his hand away from you. Disappointment, petulance cross across your pretty, hazy face and Natsuo huffs fondly at the quick panic of desperation that rises in your eyes, the way you let out a needy whine. He pushes you back from him and down onto your laying on the floor and underneath him- legs sprawled and skirt flipped up, panties slicked to the side to show off your wet, swollen cunny. You whimper as he looks over you hungrily and Natsuo is quick to kiss your confusion and embarrassment away. Your kisses are so frantic- clumsy and overwhelmed and needy as your hands cling to his hoodie, scrabble along his back. He adores your inexperienced attempts at kissing him back, but he loves the way your back arches whenever he slots himself between your thighs and grinds down against you. Natsuo swallows and smothers the moan that you let out whenever his hands push up your shirt and squeeze your soft breasts. He breaks from the kiss, though, to hear your mewls and cute little squeals when he teases your nipples. The way you grip his hair whenever he sucks one of those flushed peaks into his mouth almost makes him lose his mind and Natsuo groans into your soft skin, snaps his hips into a hard grind against your soaked pussy. “Natsuo- onii-chan, feels- it feels-” Feels so good, right? A whine leaves you and you interrupt your own babbling, whimper into his mouth whenever he surges up and crushes his hungry lips against yours. You don’t notice whenever he reaches a hand to push his sweatpants down and out of the way and Natsuo groans whenever his dick slides against your wet cunt. The panicked noise that leaves you doesn’t deter him at all- nor does the way you squirm in uncertainty underneath him. He only pulls his face back from the kiss to look over you when you whimper and he smiles at you sweetly- nice and friendly and so, so warm. The way his face softens helps you to relax a little, but nervousness still claims your expression- eyes wide and teeth nibbling on your bottom lip as you tremble underneath him. “Nii- nii-chan, I’m...I can’t...I’m…’m a virgin.” Your embarrassed, anxious mutter only makes him that much harder. Natsuo’s face softens more even as his lust rises- smile nearly beatific, cock aching- and he hums as his hands reach to cup your face- arms hooking your thighs over the crooks of his elbows and pressing them close to your chest. He kisses your forehead and it’s chaste enough to make you nearly melt, flusters you even more with how it juxtaposes against his hard cock laying against your pussy. “That’s okay,” he murmurs, kissing your cheek and then your lips. “I’ll be gentle.” “W- wait-!” Another kiss to your forehead and Natsuo cants his hips back and then pushes them forward, sinks into your virgin, wet cunt. You clench down around him immediately- a sob tearing from your lips as your tight, tight insides are forced to stretch open to accommodate his dick. It’s hot in you- honeyed and so fucking sweet, syrupy. Natsuo moans as he slowly fills you inch by aching inch- mind hazing over and face burying into the crook over your neck as your plush insides flutter and squeeze around him oh so desperately. He nuzzles you whenever he hears you sniffle and whimper and lifts his head to smile at you- face drunken with bliss and smile so serene as he cups your cheek, grinds into your tight little cunny. “Shh, baby,” he croons, fingers brushing a stray tear from your cheek and comforting you as your face contorts with pain. “Onii-chan’s got you. You’re okay.” It’s horrible, but he gets that much harder whenever you sniffle and whimper, press into his touch in search of consolation. He doesn’t feel bad about it, though- can’t feel bad about it whenever your molten, heady insides squeeze around him in accompaniment to the onii-chan you mumble out. Natsuo hums, satisfied and smiling, and he kisses you sweetly, smiles a bit bigger when he pulls his head back to take in your trembling, pouting lips and wet lashes. Such an innocent little thing. So adorable. Natsuo grinds his hips against you and watches as you squirm underneath him, groans at the hiccuping little sob that sounds from you whenever he rolls his hips back and rocks them forward so he can fill you fully once more. “So tight,” he murmurs as he rolls his hips and sinks into your heat slowly. “So wet. You’re such a good girl.” A soft noise makes its way from your throat and Natsuo revels in how your cunny flutters around his cock, how your body relaxes ever so slightly with the praise. The “nii-san” you sniffle out is sulky- like a kid pouting after scraping their knee- but it’s sweet too- soft and whiny and hot. “Mmm,” Natsuo hums, nuzzling against your cheek, “gonna make you feel so good, I promise.” Another soft noise and then a mewl, your head tilting back and fingers curling into your palms as Natsuo begins to fuck you slowly. He takes the opportunity to latch his lips onto your throat and groans as he starts to suck a dark little bruise, slides his hands up your arms and laces his fingers through yours as you gasp and moan, clench around him. Fuck you feel so good- silken and sweet, scorching with your honeyed heat. You could make a man lose his mind- you are making Natsuo lose his mind. He could stay buried in your pussy forever. Natsuo groans against your throat and snaps his hips against you harder, fucks your pulpy, mushy, perfect insides faster. You gasp and whimper at it, but your cunny clenches around him eagerly- hot insides gripping at his cock likes they’re trying to keep him from pulling out, like they’re trying to suck him in even deeper. “Nii- nii-chan...nii-chan, please- I- feels good…” Look at you- gone from sniffling to begging in just a second. He knew you’d be such a good little girl for him, that a darling like you was made to be fucked. Natsuo hums- low and satisfied- and he noses up your neck and along your jawline, catches the lobe of your ear between his teeth as he fucks you faster. He almost doesn’t want to come- you feel that good around him. He wants to live in this moment forever- this perfect slice of heaven with you moaning and squeezing around his cock, gasping and gripping his hands tight as pleasure starts to build and overwhelm your simple little mind. He doesn’t want to come but, fuck, how can he not? No one could resist your whines and your whimpers, the clench of your pussy. No one could hold back with you mewling “onii-chan, please- more!” No one could keep in control with you panting and unraveling- confused over so much pleasure but so eager for it, so greedy as your mind blanks and all you can do is focus on the feeling of your cunny being fucked and filled by a hard, hard cock. Natsuo grits his teeth as you squeeze around him frantically, struggles to hold back as you whine and look up at him with almost panicked eyes. “Nii- nii-san, feels- feels-” You can’t finish the sentence, can’t even begin to string words together. The way your voice pitches with need and distress has Natsuo’s cheeks flushing as he fucks into your wet, squelching pussy and he groans as you whine, throb around him. “S’okay,” he assures you- drunk on the feeling of your pussy and almost dizzy from your cute, overwhelmed need. “You’re just gonna come, baby. It’s fine; you can do it. Fuck- come for me, baby. Come on my cock.” You sob and your body tries to arch, tenses as you clamp around him tight, tight, tight. He cries out as you begin to come and he fucks into you without thought- primal and frenzied and rough as you cry out his name and dig your nails into the back of his hands, pant and shake and fall apart into a whimpering mess underneath. Natsuo fucks into your pulsing, coming, creaming pussy once, twice, three times and then he trips after you into pleasure- moaning and grinding his hips tight against yours as he fills your cunny with hot, wet, sticky cum. You come again from that like a good girl- pussy fluttering and a sweet mewl slipping from your lips as one orgasm passes into the next- and Natsuo trembles from the overstimulation of your greedy little cunny, groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck as he humps into your cum coated insides. “Fuck, that’s a good girl,” he breathes out- hot and sated and almost lightheaded as you pulse around him sweetly. “So good for me.” A whimper, a mewl. He lifts his head whenever you mumble out a sleepy “onii-chan” and smiles to himself at the dumb, blissed out look on your face, the flush on your cheeks and the soft noise that leaves you whenever he presses a kiss to your lips. “See?” he murmurs to you. “Told you nii-san would take care of you.” Another soft noise- this one nearly thoughtful as you give a tiny little nod. Natsuo hums his satisfaction and kisses you again- slips his tongue into your wet, yielding mouth and coaxes a tired moan from you. He could fuck you again- he’s sure you want him to fuck you again- but he knows that his time is running short, that he doesn’t have enough left to fuck you even more stupid and sweet. Next time though… Anticipation and satisfaction twine through Natsuo’s chest and he grins to himself, runs a hand along your side and kisses you chastely as he slowly, reluctantly slips out from your honeyed insides. The disappointed whine that you let out almost has him sliding back in, but Natsuo steadies himself and slowly backs off of you, strokes his cock as he eyes your leaking cunny oozing out his fat load and then tucks himself away. You don’t move- eyes heavy and cheeks rosy, chest moving with soft little pants as you try to catch your breath. You look like a dream like that- beautiful and tempting; a fucked out doll beckoning even more pleasure. Natsuo licks his lips as his gaze travels over you and he takes a deep, deep breath to try to bolster his self-control, reaches and fixes your panties so your weeping pussy is hidden from sight. “You okay?” Natsuo asks- voice soft and sweet and full of care. A quiet little noise leaves you and he has to hide a smile whenever you sit up- arms trembling and eyes blinking slowly, stupidly before you rub at them with a fist. “I’m...I’m okay,” you mumble- voice faint, drunk with sated pleasure. “Felt...felt good, nii-chan. Was so warm…” Natsuo hums and he smiles as you yawn, looks over you in satisfaction. You blink whenever he touches your face and he can see you practically melt as he pets your flushed cheek. So sweet. Such a good girl. “Why don’t you take a nap in Shoto’s room?” he suggests. “Just until he gets home.” You hum, face turning to nuzzle into his palm, and he takes that as compliance. Natsuo hesitates before sending you off, though, and licks his lips nervously as a bit of panic peeks up through his satiation. “Hey,” he says, voice just a bit louder to grab your attention. You blink over at him, face still so drowsy and sweet, and Natsuo takes a deep breath. “Don’t tell anyone about this,” he tells you- firm but trying to sound like the nice Natsuo-nii that you’ve always adored. Confusion blossoms over your cute little face and Natsuo swallows as you frown, as your brows furrow in puzzlement. “Why not?” you ask so very innocently. It’s cute, but he can’t quite appreciate it while nerves are jittering under his skin. “Because...because they might get jealous,” he lies- though that could be true as well. “And you might get in trouble with your sensei and your parents if they find out.” Your sleepy eyes widen a little at the thought of getting into trouble and Natsuo watches your frown grow, uneasiness creep over your frame. “I- I don’t wanna get in trouble,” you mumble, lip bitten and voice distressed. “I...I don’t want that.” Natsuo nods, relieved by your reaction, and he pets your cheek as you begin to fret over imagined scolding. “You won’t get in trouble if know one knows,” he reassures you. “You just can’t tell anyone, okay?” You squirm, still nervous and frowning, but you nod just the same, curl your fingers into your skirt. “I won’t tell anyone,” you swear, voice almost eager in its sincerity. “I promise!” Natsuo smiles at you and he feels you relax underneath his hand as he nods. “That’s a good girl,” he tells you and pats your cheek. You blink when he leans closer to you and Natsuo takes one last, stolen second to press his lips to yours. “Don’t tell anyone. And...and maybe some other day we can do this again- if you keep your promise, that is.” Your eyes widen at the thought and something wicked and pleased purrs in Natsuo’s chest when you flush and nod shyly, squirm in front of him like an eager little thing. He stands and he offers you a hand, helps you up from the floor. There’s one last pleased noise that leaves you whenever he graces the top of your head with a kiss and Natsuo hums before lightly swatting your tush and nudging you toward the hallway. “Go rest. And remember not to say anything to my brother.” You nod- cheeks flushed and the motion solemn- and Natsuo watches with a satisfied smile as you scamper toward Shoto’s room- legs wobbling and just a little splayed. Well. That was something. Natsuo’s smile twitches into a grin and he sighs in contentment as he flops down onto the couch, closes his eyes and thanks the gods for letting him indulge in such a forbidden temptation, for having you react like such a sweet, perfect little darling for him. Natsuo hardens a bit as he savors the memory of your honeyed insides and he hums as he reaches a hand to smooth over his cock, grins contentedly as his mind flashes through all the other things he needs to introduce you to. Maybe next time he’ll teach you how to swallow him down, suckle around his cock. Maybe he’ll have you wrap your soft hand around him, show you how he likes to be stroked. Maybe he’ll have you ride him until you’re exhausted and unable to move, helpless and easily flipped over to be fucked and filled again and again and again. There are so many things to look forward to. Natsuo smiles to himself and he quietly starts to plot how he can get the house to himself again, how he can coax your sweet, bumbling self into his bed.
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
CONFESSION // Mello x Reader
word count : 4016 genre : fluff a/n : i haven’t gotten over my writer’s block, so yes -- here i am, once again posting old fics from my wattpad account. 
Today is the day.
After contemplating about it for a couple of weeks and confiding it to his best pal, Matt, Mello has finally decided to confess his feelings for you tonight, exploiting the situation where you two will normally go riding on the city streets during Friday midnights such as this one.
To say the least, he isn't the best in this kind of thing— love, that is. Before, all he could think about was one thing which was proving that he's better than Near, and besides, no one really piqued his interest. But then the enigma that you are came.
You can be cunningly evil at times if you want to. You'll often say to the ones you've fooled or to the other mafia members, "It's nothing personal, it's just business." You also have a harsh mouth as he would like to describe. Anything that comes out of it may sound derisive or blatant, but it's basically the truth. You don't sugarcoat things— you don't even try to. Although sometimes you seem to make the truth more cruel than it really is, which makes you look too intimidating for the others. They're only thankful that you don't talk very often and only will if you have something conducive to say.
But that's not all that you are. Mello could feel it, so he grew curious of you. Just a mere speck of curiosity, but then it grew. He wanted to talk to you, but then he asked himself what's the point of doing so, thus he disregarded the idea. That's why you developed a friendship with Matt, who you think is really fun to be with, first. Then as your friendship grew, he thought of introducing you to Mello, and that's when it began. To be frank the beginning of your friendship wasn't easy, and to think that friendship only started growing not until you celebrated a year and a half of being with the mafia.
It was a long process, but in the end, it was worth the wait. Day by day he started lowering the walls he barricaded himself with, and same as you. He became really outgoing and deep down truly caring as your friend, like he is with Matt, because after all you two are the only family he has. And— let's not forget his strange addiction with chocolates! And, well, you like it.
You like him.
Mello knows this as well. He knows that his feelings are reciprocated and he's happy with that. But the question is, who's going to make the first move? Certainly not you. Between fighting the devil and confessing your feelings for someone, you'd probably choose the former. You don't seem like the kind of person who will make the first move. He as well is like that.
And that leads us to his acquiescence of doing it instead. Did he have a choice? Well, maybe, if one considers you doing it instead, but that will definitely take several months, or even years, from now. And he can't wait that long! What if you suddenly start to develop feelings for another person? He can't lose you, you that is just in front of his eyes, one step away from him. He needs to grab the opportunity while it still is there.
Because with you, he feels happy and contented. And for the first time he finally feels like he is number one.
And he really is, in your heart.
Matt exclaims after slamming the door, causing Mello to jolt upwards from his reverie. "You know I almost got caught by another mem!"
"Is it done?"
"Of course."
"Hm. You sure this suggestion is for the better? You know how scary that woman can be when she's mad. Especially after finding out that her tires have been flattened."
"Didn't you say you wanted something more romantic tonight? So, I thought of flattening her tires so she can't use her own scooter, that way she can ride with you."
"Uh-uh... Is it romantic though?"
"You two will be close enough. And—no perverted thoughts—she gets to wrap her arms around you while riding. If that's not romantic, I literally don't know what is."
"I'm having qualms about this one."
"What? I'm just as clueless as you are when it comes to romance. I'm doing my best here to help you ya know?"
"I know, I know. Sorry."
"It's your fault you fell in love with her." Matt jests, chuckling. But he immediately behaves himself when he sees that deadly glare of his friend. "Hey! I was only kidding! Don't look at me like that, Mels. You're creeping me out."
"Hah. But I guess you're right. My fault. And great— now I'm having more doubts than before and feeling.. tentative."
"The almighty Mello is nervous? Wow. I never thought I'd live to see this day!"
"Say one more word and I'll make sure it's the last you'll ever emit."
"HE-HE-HEY! Now you're just being belligerent. Don't worry. I'm sure you two will come back here as a couple. Swear it on my life. So stop doubting yourself. And just.. don't act awkward and dorky when confessing towards your little devil."
"Just how am I supposed to do that?"
"I don't know. Just don't."
Mello heaves a sigh. "Sometimes I do wonder if you're really the smart Matt they used to talk about back in the orphanage."
Matt only grins. He's about to reply, but then they both hear footsteps—angry footsteps—coming closer.
"Oh, speaking of the devil. Here she comes. In three.. two.. one.."
With that, you kick the door open and look around. You look like you're about to whip someone's ass and the men can almost laugh at your reaction knowing the reason behind it. You give them a steely look when they unknowingly start to curve their lips to a grin. They quickly change their reaction.
"This has gotta be one of the worse days of my life!" You exclaim as you slump on the sofa beside Mello. "I can't go with you. I've got a flat tire, and I have no idea why. Someone must've done it.."
"Who would do such a terrible thing? Especially to you, the devil no one else even bothers to approach?" Mello momentarily glances at Matt before taking a bite of his chocolate, which you then steals from his grip. "But don't worry, I gotcha. You can ride me... with me I mean! You can ride with me, NOT RIDE ME—good Lord I'm sorry."
'Aha, and there goes Matt's reminder that I shouldn't act awkward.' He looks away with a blush.
"I think [Y/N] is okay with either of that—"
You raise an eyebrow at Matt. "Oh, you mean you Mathematics. You can ride him all you want so don't be shy and put my name in your shoes."
"That's not—!"
"—ANYWAYS, Willy Wonka, you sure you okay with me riding with you? You won't mind?"
"Jesus, stop calling me that! And yes. You're my friend so I won't mind."
"Thanks mate!" To his surprise, you hug him from the side. And you are hugging him a little too much. "You know I've always wanted to ride your motor. It looks cooler than mine."
"Ah.. well— you're squeezing me a bit too much.. don't you think?"
You pull away and snicker. "Sorry. You're like a marshmallow that I just want to squeeze sometimes."
"EHEM. Pardon me, will you? I need to go to the restroom."
Matt stands up, thinking that his job here as cupid is done—or not quite yet. He has one last plan in mind. And even he isn't sure that that plan is going to make things better or worse.
"Enjoy taking another dump!" You shout as he leaves the room, making sure to lock it. Now you and Mello are completely alone, facing one another in utter silence. And it's too silent that you can hear some of the other mafia members arguing in a distant room. You can even hear someone moaning. Mello can hear it too.
You both give each other a look that only you two can understand.
"Oof. Must be nice. Err, so anyways," you start. "The usual place tonight?" And by that you mean stopping by to go atop a dilapidated building in a forsaken road to stargaze with him for ten minutes. You two make sure to always include going there to find tranquility in the stars and with each other. It temporarily removes all the problems and worries you have.
With Mello ruefully shaking his head, you frown. He puts an arm over your shoulder and nods reassuringly instead. You hide a smile.
"We can do that next week or earlier if we're not too preoccupied so don't be so glum. I'll be taking you somewhere new. I'm sure you'll like it."
"I hope so. Otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass."
"You'll be the one getting your ass kicked it if you don't give me back my chocolate right now."
"But I need chocolate too! Chocolate makes you happy. So I need it, 'kay?!"
"As far as I know that chocolate is mine and not yours???"
"But I'm your friend aren't I? You still have a lot of stock in there I'm sure."
"I'm running out of chocolates so give it back you little demon."
He hastily maneuvers before you can even stand up and try running away. He seizes your wrists and places your arms behind your back to prevent you from moving. Since you two are facing each other instead of him being behind you, the position is rather awkward. The proximity of your faces makes both of you blush and in an instance he backs away. You cackle in triumph as to his dismay of not getting his chocolate back.
You look at your wristwatch before taking a bite of the sweet. "Well Marsh-Mello, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the road! I'm already bored." You hold his hand the moment he stands up and you two run outside.
Mello throws the helmet to you which almost hit your face, earning an irked look from you. He then starts the engine as you wear your helmet.
When he starts to move just before you can take a seat, you panic. Of course he only wants to toy with you. He stops at a corner and waits for you, who's running and ready to smash his face. You pant as you finally reach him.
"You little bastard! Why'd you have to make me suffer?"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"You groan and then sit behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. The closeness of your bodies make you both blush. He makes sure you're all set before once again driving in a high speed that made you hug him tighter. You've always known that he drives this fast, but to experience it yourself? It feels like your skin is being blown away and seperated from your bones.
"W-Would you mind slowing down, just a bit?"
"Come on [Y/N], that's not fun."
"So you call this fun? You're gonna kill us both. I'm too beautiful to die right now!"
"Tsk. You're no fun." You're about to make a rebuttal but he slows down reluctantly and matches the speed you will normally drive at. You sigh in relief and absently rests your chin on his right shoulder, looking at the stores, buildings, and a few people walking on the sidewalk which you are hastily passing by. On your left you see numbered vehicles and a few more buildings.
You're enjoying the ride, however, you hear the tire from behind pop. That is already bad, and worse comes when the front one pops too. He goes to the side before halting.
"Shit! Just our luck!"
"Haha seems like you and I share the same fate, huh? Goals."
Mello sighs as a realization dawns him.
'Matt.. you little shit.'
"Whadda we do now?" You worriedly ask.
"We're still halfway to the place I'm taking you and this happens.. I suppose I can just park this somewhere. You wouldn't mind walking, would you?"
"Sounds fine with me then."
He nods and parks the motor beside a bicycle and a car in front of a store, placing a tracker in it just in case it gets stolen. But if it ever does, he can just get another one. Legally or not. Doesn't matter.
In silence, you and Mello start walking side by side. Arriving upon a city bridge you can't help but stare at the river. The limit to what you can see on its side is a lively city despite the hour, with skyscrapers and billboard signs lit up. You can hear the occasional, distant sounds of car engines.
You avert your gaze back in the front, meeting chatty people on your way who are walking opposite to you and Mello. You realize that they're mostly couples who are matching clothes and openly talking, not caring if they're to be heard by others. Mello also notices, and not only that but the way you two undeniably look like one. Without any intentions, your clothes match. Not that it's a big deal since everyday you two wear black, but because of your surroundings, he might as well seize the opportunity.
Beaming from ear to ear, he holds your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You're confused, but at the same time liking it, a blush creeping on your face.
"Don't mind if I do. We don't wanna look like a couple who can't bear with each other after some kind of quarrel, do we?"
"But we're not a couple."
"No, not yet."
You stop and raise an eyebrow.
"Oop. Did I say that out loud? My bad."
He cheekily grins. It's only a joke, you think, but at the same time you wish that he's not joking—which he really isn't.
"Hey, how long are we going to walk?"
"Why? Are your feet giving up already? Want a piggyback?"
You completely turn red. He smiles at that.
"Nah.. I—"
"Don't waste the opportunity. I might change my mind later."
"I don't care. This is enough."
You squeeze his hand tightly—too tight that he swears he feel his phalanges breaking—but unexpectedly, he just moans. And people look at the two of you.
"The fuck was that?!? I didn't know you were some kind of masochist!"
"AHA so you do admit being a masochist!!"
"Why so defensive now?"
"Because people are hearing you???"
But after realizing what you just said, you stop and gnaw your lower lip.
"Oh earth swallow me right now.. Sorry! God I'm embarrassed. You're not my boyfriend—"
"Didn't I tell you? Not yet."
You punch his shoulder playfully. "Stop joking around! I might actually believe you ya know?"
"Who said I was joking?"
"..Of course you are—"
"—OH, here we are!"
He diverts the topic, leaving you to slightly pout to yourself as he turns left to an unoccupied and dark area, pulling you to the railing where you two halt and see the perfect angle to view the city and the river from. The water and its light ripples glimmer under the moonlight as the brisk wind hits your skin, making you slightly shiver. Mello notices this and takes off his jacket, insisting you should wear it instead. You don't argue.
"Mello, this is.. magnificent. And a nice spot to stargaze as well! It's pretty wherever I lay my eyes on."
"Except behind us, maybe. You don't like trees that much."
You cackle. "They give me the creeps, especially during night. But at least we don't have to face that way, do we?"
He shakes his head as he laughs, inclining himself closer to you. He places his hands just beside yours on the railing, looking up and then looking at you, who's still busy admiring the sky.
He can't help but smile admiring you in your adorable placidity.
"The stars are pretty tonight." You say as you notice him looking at you in your peripheral vision.
"You always say that. They're always pretty. Sparkly."
"Mesmerizing to look at." You add. He nods, still staring at you.
"That's why I love the stars.."
"Uh huh. And chocolate." You grin.
"And you."
You stand flabbergasted, daring not to look at him directly. Your heart feels like it's about to jolt out of your chest. Your fingers begin to tremble on their own as you feel something intangible whirling inside your stomach. You know what it is—and he's making your heart flutter. But you can't trust this feeling as you aren't even sure if he's joking or not. And if he is, you kinda hate it. You want it to be real.
"Aye, don't flirt with me. That's so not you." You snap, rolling your eyes.
It doesn't take him too long to perceive what's on your mind. He taps your shoulder before sitting on the railing, inviting you to join him. You're a little hesitant for the fear of falling to the water. And when it comes to this kind of thing, you don't trust Mello. You're sure he'll eventually push you. The number of times he had done this to you in some places before is something you can't even count anymore.
"C'mon [Y/N]. Don't be scared. I won't push you. Or if I do, you're free to drag me as well."
"Tch. So you do intend to push me." Nevertheless, you sit beside him and grip the bars tightly with your clammy palms. Luckily the concrete extends six inches after the railing.
Mello feels like you two aren't physically close enough, and he thinks it's not 'romantic' enough, so he slides even closer to you until his palm is already above your hand and your shoulders bump.
"Oh, no. You keep your distance, Mr. Wonka."
"It's not like we're having social distancing here you know?"
"You're too close."
"And I'm going to get even closer.."
He whispers, his hot breath tickling the side of your neck. You sigh and face him, and your noses bump. You urgently back away and you almost slip if not for him.
"What's gotten into your system for you to act so flirty all of a sudden?"
"MELLO!! I'm damn serious. Like, all the jests can wait but for now, just.. don't flirt with me. I'm in no mood."
"Aww, trying to shoo me away huh? After stealing my heart and my chocolates, here you are suddenly breaking my poor, poor heart."
"One more attempt and I'm going to drown you."
"Heeeeeeey. Don't be so vicious now." He softly bumps your shoulder with his. You only click your tongue in annoyance.
"Seriously. Stop messing with me. I hate you."
"No you don't. I'm not messing with you. I'm serious—"
"Tch. Serious my ass."
"..You don't have one—"
"See? You little fucktard. You keep on messing with me. So just stop flirting with me. I swear I'll kill you if you continue."
"Whaaat? Seriously, I'm not messing with you. You gotta—"
"Mels, no, no, no. You can poke fun of me, push me off right now or anything but just don't flirt with me. You're a bastard for torturing my feelings. That's not cool at all. Damn it," you spat. He keep his silence, his mouth starting to gape.
"Don't make me assume things because I really, really, really like you!"
The words pour out unbidden. Your voice resonates and immediately you shut up and look down with a furious blush.
'That's it, congratulations for possibly ruining your friendship.' You think as you bite your lower lip.
Your blush vanishes as the fluttering feeling in your chest does, being replaced with instant regret, as if your heart has dropped to your stomach.
The look of surprise in his face turns to a cheeky grin. With much glee, he chuckles.
"I've always known this devil is a pure softie inside..."
You are about to tear up, but then he says, "Do you know what you just did? You ruined my plans, [Y/N]! But I suppose I can forgive you for that."
"What?? Plan?? Damn you, damn you, damn you! I knew you were up to no good! Damn it, Mello! Pretend this night never existed. I'm outta here—"
"No no, it's not what you think. 'I like you' was supposed to be my line, not yours!" He can't help but burst out laughing, leaving you momentarily dazed, but then when you realize what he possibly meant by that, it's as if your heart has come back to life. Your face turns red.
"I was going to confess to you tonight, but it looks like the tables had turned. You are a.. partypooper! Do you know how many times I've practice saying that in front of Matt, just to end up with you saying it instead of me? Unbelievable!"
He wheezes, catches his breath, then looks at you. "And look, I'm not complaining, alright? Haha.. but the way things turn out to be in the end is just so.. whimsical. But I'm gonna say it anyway: I like you. I like you a lot."
You scrutinize his facial expression just to be sure that he's serious, and you confirm he truly is. He's absently smiling, and just from staring at you is the reason. Rapture dances in his eyes. He looks genuinely happy and candid at the moment. And here you are left speechless, only staring at him as a sheepish smile slowly invades your face.
You almost lose your grip on the railing when he briefly kisses your cheek. And again, nothing comes out of your mouth.
"Do I also need to say that I wanna be your boyfriend? Because, isn't it obvious?"
"No pressure, [Y/N]. If we both like each other but you're not yet ready for a relationship, I understand and I can wait."
"Well.." You hide your face on his shoulder because you feel like the longer you stare at him, the more probable it is that you'll faint. "Uhm.. Err... Have you ever been.. in a relationship?"
"No, not really. You will be my first one. If you accept."
You smile. "Well, same as you here."
"Really? I thought you already had a partner or two before."
"I had no time to be in love. Add that some of the people I was acquainted with sucked, and the kind ones.. well, let's just say that they seemed to be missing something.. something that, I suppose, only you have. And.. it will really make me happy if you are to be my first," you lift your head up to meet his eyes. "So I accept."
"You serious?? Right here?? Right now??"
"Need I repeat myself, partner-in-crime?"
"Haha! Course not!"
You peck his cheek as your warm smile broadens. You then rest your head on his shoulder, your eyes never leaving the distant city as he wraps an arm around your waist, meticulous so that you two wouldn't slip from the railing and fall down.
"I think it's safe to assume now that you're the one behind flattening my tires. And just so I can ride with you. You're a cunning man, so I suppose you also did something with your own scooter just so we could walk together, like couples in movies. Haha I never thought you'd think something like that!"
"It was Matt's idea. Swear. He thought it was more romantic that way. And he's probably the one who rigged my scooter. He really can be a huge pain in the ass sometimes."
"Like you are."
"Aw come on. Take that back you little demon!"
"Noooopeeeee! Pfahahaha— AAAA SHIT!"
And with that, you both plunge into the frigid water with a loud splash.
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polite-pandemonium · 4 years
I fixed Start-Up to my satisfaction
No one asked, but here’s how the fix-it fanfic would go for Start-Up if I had the energy to write that (I don’t and I already have too many works on the go):
1. This would be a total rewrite cause the writers clearly never intended to have Jipyeong and Dalmi end up together. Never giving him any real chance was a disservice to the love triangle and since it dragged on for so long, ultimately the characters. So the only way I would feel like I could make it work would be doing away with the triangle all together.
2. Forget the revenge plot, 2STO, Alex, and the time jump. None of that added to the story or moved it along. Ultimately, we could have done without.
3. If I don’t specifically mention something it’s cause I wouldn’t change it or I think it’s so inconsequential to even matter.
This got LONG, so it’s under the cut.
OK, so:
The first few eps go along the same way except for a few clear details: Jipyeong and InJae interact backstage at the panel they do at the beginning. They kind of seem to hate each other? But also a little flirty? Ms. Yoon is equal parts exasperated and entertained.
Leading up to the hackaton, the plot relatively stays the same, but after Dalmi discovers Dosan at Sandbox, Jipyeong, Dosan, and grandma start to realize the lie is going too far. Keeping up long term is never going to work. They all separately agonize about it, before coming together and agreeing that they have to tell the truth. A fun episode full of their almost-confessions ensues! It is humorous!! Light!! They are going to tell her!!
Dalmi is always a little skeptical. How come Jipyeong is *always* around? How come Dosan remembers *absolutely nothing*? Why did he lie to her about being successful, really? Why did Jipyeong help him? None of it makes sense.
Before they can find the right time to tell her, Dalmi outsmarts them. Following the hackaton, she’s messing with the handwriting software they developed, so proud of their work, and the day’s presentation. She picks up the presentation notes Jipyeong marked up and notices the handwriting looks familiar. She compares it to a letter and runs it through the software. It’s a match.
She brings the letter and the presentation to Dosan and asks him for an explanation. He comes clean; Jipyeong was the one who wrote the letters and asked for his help, but he himself was so taken with her that he wanted to keep getting to know her, even under false pretenses.
Dalmi is devastated. She has no idea who this stranger is and now she works with him? She blows up at grandma, couldn’t believe that she would lie to her for all these years and let her humiliate herself.
Once Dalmi has calmed down, grandma talks to her. Explains that she wanted to help her when she was young cause she was so lonely. Explains about Jipyeong, explains that he was young and lonely too. She didn’t expect it to go this long. She just wanted to give her something back after all that pain.
The next day, Jipyeong talks to Dalmi. He explains that he has been indebited to her grandma and has tried to find them. He says that he had no friends then and her letters were his only comfort. He tells her about growing up an orphan and how her grandma took him in. Dalmi starts to fall for him; he’s he first love, the one she has been looking for all along, and he is finally here, and has been through so much.
Only problem? Jipyeong kind of views her as a sister.
Her actual sister though? Continues to infuriate him. He still volunteers to be Samsan Tech’s mentor and the way she keeps messing with them is driving him insane. He’s still tough as hell, but invested in being a mentor. He doesn’t understand why she can’t let it be? They bicker at every opportunity.
Dalmi told Dosan that they’ll have to continue to work together, but she is wary of him now. What parts of him that she knew were real? What part was fabricated? Now that she knows who her real first love is, she wants to focus on that.
Dosan is disappointed, but understanding. He finds out about grandma in the same way and decides to make the code for Noongil in secret. He still cares for Dalmi and hopes she can grow to learn to care about his true self.
Dalmi finds out about grandma from grandma. Idk how but she does.
Dalmi, in a fit of sadness, goes to Jipyeong at his apartment for comfort, and tells him about her grandma. He is devastated. Together, they drink the night away, laughing and crying, talking about their past. Dalmi tries to make a move, but Jipyeong rejects her, saying she is drunk. She says she isn’t and she loves him. He lets her sleep it off. The next morning, she doesn’t remember anything, and Jipyeong has no idea what he is going to do now cause he doesn’t want to hurt Dalmi.
The next day, he sees InJae at work. She asks him why he seems so upset and he doesn’t know how to reply. She says it must be something stupid her sister did again. He explodes and they fight; he doesn’t understand how she can just abandon her family like that, she doesn’t understand why he cares so much. He tells her to go visit her grandma. InJae is confused.
InJae goes and visits grandma and finds out she is going blind. She is devastated; she hasn’t seen her for years and now it feels like she had wasted them all. She ends up going to Jipyeong’s and breaking down, standing in his doorway crying saying she’s never known how to reconcile with her grandma and sister after all these years and now it might be too late. Jipyeong hugs her in the hallway as she cries on his shoulder.
Unfortunately, down the hall is Dalmi, witnessing the whole thing. She had come by to surprise Jipyeong with dinner and to ask him some questions before demo day. She is heartbroken - Jipyeong and her sister?! - and flees.
Right before demo day, where the team is going to present their handwriting software, Samsan Tech is hit with a ransom ware attack. The twins were at it, obvs, and no one knows what to do. Yongsan says they need to call Jipyeong but Chulsan tells him no, they can figure it out on their own. The two Sans look to Dalmi to make the call. Still upset about what she saw a few days prior, she says not to call him.
It blows up in their faces. They were unable to stop the ransomware attack and their data was erased. They have nothing, with a mere 72 hours before demo day.
Jipyeong is livid. He can’t believe they didn’t call him. Samsan Tech fights back, saying that he never believed in them anyway. He’s so harsh and never supportive. Jipyeong realizes he hasn’t been the best mentor.
InJae goes to visit Dalmi. She heard about the ransomware attack and wants to make sure she’s okay. Dalmi admits that she was foolish, not willing to let Jipyeong help cause of her personal feelings. She doesn’t think she deserves to be a CEO. Injae asks if she likes Jipyeong and Dalmi nods, embarrassed, and says she is pretty sure he likes someone else. Injae is clueless and says whoever that is must be an unlucky fool. She responds with her own stories of failure in her first few years as a CEO. The sisters smile; the cracks in their relationship are still there, but starting to close.
Getting ready to pack things up and leave, Dosan is backing up his files one more time. One of the Sans sees the code over his shoulder? What’s this for? He asks. Dosan tries to hide it; it’s the code for Noongil. The team prods at him and he pitches the idea. Wait, this might be something.
Jipyeong doesn’t love the idea; it’s not profitable, they would have to secure CSR investors in like, a day to make it to demo day. But he knows it will help grandma. He agrees to help them make it happen.
Cue montage of them trying to put together a pitch just in time! All nighters! Grandma brings hot dogs! Sleeping in weird positions! But they gotta do it!! They gotta stay in the game!!
It’s the middle of the night, only Dalmi and Dosan are awake, still working; everyone else is taking a nap. Dalmi asks where he got the idea for the app and he confesses it was her grandma. Dalmi is touched. Maybe there is more to him than she thought.
Jipyeong, sleep deprived, runs into Injae the morning of demo day. Things are awkward between them since their hallway encounter. She notices that he looks tired and asks to get coffee. Over 1+1 lattes, she asks how things are going with her sister’s company. He says he thinks they might pull through. She asks if he likes Dalmi and that’s why he’s putting so much effort in. Jipyeong says that she is very dear to him and very important, but not in the way she’s implying. They exchange a look and awkwardly glance away. Jipyeong muses that it was strange that someone was able to hack into the Sandbox servers to get the code; whoever it was must have had working knowledge of Sandbox’s set up. Injae thinks to herself, reflecting on the twins recent weird behavior. Something clicks; she runs off. She has to fire the twins.
Demo day happens. It goes well! They secure a modest investment that will keep them up and running for a couple of years. Everyone is so excited!! Quietly, in the hallway after, Dalmi confesses to Dosan that she is thankful for him. He is bashful in response. It’s cute!
Samsan Tech continues to work closely together. Jipyeong mentors them, like an exasperated babysitter, but you can tell he likes it. Dosan and Dalmi continue to grow closer together, running into each other on the bus and working late, having a bunch of meet cutes.
Meanwhile, Jipyeong goes over to see grandma and Injae is already there. He’s surprised to see her; she’s a little dressed down, making food with her mom. He’s never seen her like this. Grandma asks him to stay for dinner.
Dosan and Dalmi work late one night. No one else is around. They end up talking about their perspective dreams. Dosan says he’s not sure what his is anymore, but he thinks that working on Noongil and with Dalmi and the team will help him find it. Dalmi’s heart flutters.
Meanwhile, Jipyeong and Injae are doing the dishes after dinner. They talk about their pasts; how Injae has felt alone since she left her family, how much she regrets it. He says he has felt alone his whole life. A moment passes between them, as they look at each other. Grandma interupts. They jump.
Dalmi wakes up the next day and looks at the Follow Your Dream ball. She realizes that she can’t stop thinking about Dosan; somewhere along the way, he’s replaced Jipyeong in her mind. She likes how considerate he is of others, how he smiles with his eyes, and how he has a sweet boyish charm. She realizes she might be falling for him.
At Sandbox that day, the news comes out; the twins have gone to Morning Group and are launching a competitor product to Noongil and this time, with a huge financial backing. Everyone is devastated.
Injae comes to see Dalmi about it and they fight; Dalmi says that this must have been Injae’s plan all along. Injae insists it wasn’t and that Dalmi is always looking to blame someone other than face the facts. She leaves, angry.
The team asks Jipyeong if there is any hope of continuing. He admits that it is unlikely they will surpass a product with a heavy backing and corporate support. They lash out at him, saying again that he never supports them. He counters that they only listen to him when he says things they want to hear and they’ll never be successful at that rate.
Saha says they might as well disband. This is hopeless, two strikes against them. The two Sans agree. Dosan says they should consider trying and looks to Dalmi for support. She tearfully disagrees.
They decide it’s over.
Dosan goes to visit Dalmi. They talk about dreams again. Now that it has been taken from them, Dosan knows what his is. He wants to make AI that will help people. He wants to make people’s lives better. Dalmi is overwhelmed and kisses him.
Injae is in her office, cleaning up files, when she notices something saved on an encrypted, secure doc on the server. She goes inside and sure enough; it’s all of the code to hack into Sandbox and Samsan Tech’s servers. She immediately calls the police.
The twins and Morning Group are charged for whatever charged you get when you conduct a ransomware attack. Idk I am not Googling it!!! Their investors pull out - Noongil is saved!!!
Jipyeong goes to Injae; he knows this was her doing. He thanks her. She says she is starting to understand why he cares so much, about family. They kiss.
Dalmi and Dosan stand outside a large skyscraper. They are going to go inside to pitch their business to a huge investor, Jipyeong had made them practice over and over again. They know there is a small chance they will get it, but they are going to try again. They take each other’s hand and walk towards the building.
EPILOGUE; time jump of three years later!!!!
Samsan Tech has created a huge amount of AI software for a variety of disabilities and has their own offices. Yay!
Dosan and Dalmi get married; Injae at her side, the two Sans by his. In the first aisle sits Jipyeong next to grandma, he and Injae’s baby on his lap. Cute!!!
Grandma has a hot dog stand again, cause Dalmi, Injae, and Jipyeong pitched in to help her buy it. Everyone helps out on the weekends and they hang out there with her mom, Jipyeong and Injae’s baby running around, like HAPPY FAMILY TIMES.
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kekoma · 4 years
— kunimi as your boyfriend.
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just want this man’s hand in marriage. hope you enjoy.
the time has finally come. 
we are enjoying the pure goodness that nimi provides because this cutie can do more than just blep and look dead inside.
doesn’t make any sense how people DON’T simp for this cutie enough because whew— i surely do.
kithes for him but you aren’t here for me to simp for your man.
dating akira here is a bit interesting.
but before i go discuss that, let’s discuss a bit of background and the crushing stage.
first of all, he isn’t someone who dates often. may have been in a few relationships or maybe none at all.
the concept of being with someone never really peeked his interest nor does he want to stumble across someone who could potentially want more out of him.
but we could already assume that a bit from his personality. (although i will not consider him 100% lazy here.)
however, gonna add that none of that makes him totally inexperienced in the dating scene.
nimi is somewhat knowledgeable about it to a certain degree so if you think he’s completely clueless at dating or anything. 
fairly decent but definitely trips up on some things.
only thing i can say is appreciate him for doing his best here.
as for the crushing stage.
he found himself a bit confused that he developed feelings for you.
not one of those “hm?! what’s this strange feeling bubbling inside me?!?!” type of confusions. more on the “so we’re finally simping..? how did this happen?” side.
but he isn’t bothered by it nor is he going to retrace his steps on how he developed feelings.
it was bound to happen since nimi does spend a lot of time with you and he tolerates you more than any other person who isn’t on his team/friends.
doesn’t attempt confessing his feelings towards you for a while.
but he does tell kindaichi about you. he’s the homie after all and he gotta tell someone about the cutie he’s crushing on.
also akira is one of those people who just observes their crush, waiting for the opportunity to compliment you if you end up changing something about yourself.
“did you change your hair? it looks different.”
“oh yeah! it’s just a small trim but i didn’t think it was noticeable. does it look bad or something?”
“not at all. your hair looks pretty but your hair always looks pretty to me.” he’ll say with a small blush on his cheeks.
literally says the nicest things to you that it’s hard not to swoon over him.
keeps up the act until one day he spots a guy around you trying his hardest to get with you.
it made him jealous that someone could potentially you steal you away from him so best believe when he skipped practice to hang with you (as always), he decided to confessed his feelings for you right then and there.
you already know the rest so it’s time to get into the relationship aspect.
dating him isn’t that bad. of course it’s more on the chill side though.
not because he’s lazy or anything because he’s actually ditches his lazy habits for you. (not completely but we aren’t here to change him. we stan and love this man for being himself around these parts)
gives a bit of his energy towards you than anything else but it’s only because he’s whipped for you, however, he won’t attempt it.
definitely finds himself holding your hand while sleeping in class.
says “he sleeps better that way.” so you just gotta accept it.
even recommends you should try sleeping in class too with him but someone has to take notes and its you sadly.
but ever since you two started dating, both his and yours sleeping schedule are ruined. (mainly yours since nimi is a pro at this)
kunimi is the type of boyfriend who likes to be active with you during the night.
whether it’s sneaking you out so you two can go buy snacks while talking endlessly, on the phone with each other until morning or just generally at each other houses doing nothing but cuddling and watching tv— he’s keeping you awake with him.
but it’s not like you mind since spending time with akira is never bad.
side fact: you once tried to fix his sleep schedule by making sure you both fell asleep early and you truly thought it would work because he agreed for once... but it didn’t work since he still slept in class the next day.
the type of boyfriend who ‘accidentally’ leaves his clothes at your place and then acts surprised when you end up wearing it.
“is that my shirt?”
“uhh yeah you left it here, remember?”
“really? i don’t but you know... i can’t even be mad when you look good in it.”
and if you’re at his, kumini will find a way for you to ditch your own clothes because he likes seeing you in his.
but is he really fooling anyone here? no. will he ever admit to it? never never never.
100% positive this cutie swoons over you.
akira here smiles the most when he’s around you and ONLY YOU.
however if his teammates tease him about it, he’s just gonna stare and pretend he heard nothing.
willing to drop everything for you. don’t fight me on this.
kunimi akira loves you that much.
even loves you enough to share his favorite with you; salted caramel.
and that alone speaks VOLUMES.
pda was mentioned briefly so let’s shift to it.
in public; akira is definitely affectionate but the most he’ll do in public is holding hands with you, occasionally giving small kisses that leave you all warm every time he does (same goes for him too) and requests that you play with his hair during lunch break (because he definitely lays on your lap and listen to you talk about random things).
now when you are alone then he’s definitely more affectionate than before.
loves wrapping his arms around from behind and letting his head get snuggled up in the crook of your neck, his kisses become frequently, cuddling with you (big spoon energy for him) and all the lovey doves stuff.
but something he loves the most is waking up in the morning and giving you morning kisses (after teeth have been brushed and everything.. morning breath exist ya know. don’t kiss with morning breath please.)
overall just super soft with you when you’re alone.
nicknames? ahh nicknames.
top ones for you 🥁🥁🥁 precious, pretty girl, baby/babe, cutie, princess and occasionally he’ll toss in sleeping beauty/princess 
side fact about the last name: you called him the prince of sleeping one day and he decided to joke around about you being his sleeping princess/beauty then. proceeded to make another joke that the next time one of you end up sleeping then a kiss be given to wake one another up.
you took the chance to do it a few weeks after that conversation and he couldn’t help but blush and find it shocking you took him seriously (yet he’s not complaining)
now dates. sweet wonderful dates.
kunimi prefers to take you out on dates that are considerably relaxing and quiet so home dates, going to museums, art exhibitions, aquariums and things along those lines are okay with him.
also loves seasonal dates where you to go around try the new dishes out for the season or look at the new outdoor decors being set up.
something to mention, when he takes you out to each... you never see the bill. never ever.
akira doesn’t believe in the concept of you paying for something if he’s treating you out and he also won’t argue with you about it.
not verbally at least but you two do mentally fight about it and there’s always the competition of who can pay faster without the other noticing right away. 
as for home dates, he sometimes goes all out and makes a little fort so you two can watch movies inside.
like a little get away from reality.
but let me come myself down because i could go on and on about dating his fool.
in summary; kunimi is best boyfriend. i said what i said and never taking it back.
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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chidoroki · 3 years
I wasn’t planning on writing out my thoughts for this one, but with Demizu delivering wonderful artwork as usual and Shirai in control of yet another interesting story, I couldn’t pass it up. I definitely enjoyed this story more than I originally thought I would too, so here we are.
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Honestly, like right away it had me laughing with Saho and I was so happy to see this girl being capable of defending herself. Ya gotta love a strong main character.
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She’s also smart too? Apparently she’s the reason her father’s robotics company is so successful, all because she solved some problems on his laptop effortlessly, or something..? Reminds me of Norman in that aspect. With the large impact the robots had on the world, she’s regularly targeted by kidnappers, cults, anti-robot terrorists and the paparazzi, but she takes them all out with ease. (Emma vibes are coming in strong y’all)
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Until a sudden explosion causes a car to come flying at her, resulting in a quick save by father’s newest android, DC3.. which apparently stands for “Danshi Chugakusei” and at this point I was highly concerned on what the 3 stood for. I imagined this would be the third attempt at creating this android and wondered what could’ve happened to the first two, if there were indeed any previously, but we didn’t dive into that. It’s just a number, from what I gather, which I find kinda ironic since the numbers in TPN carry such weight and meaning to them.
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Anyways, I adore him, even if Saho doesn’t at the present moment. She insists she doesn’t need a bodyguard, which is understandable as she clearly just demonstrated her skills moments ago, but father thinks otherwise. The thought doesn’t seem to bother DC3 at all either, as he finishes the job without question.
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I freakin’ died at the “artist’s impression.” The humor in this story is great and probably a good reason why this story jumped into my heart so quickly.
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Even though Saho isn’t thrilled about DC3 following her around, and even enrolling into the same class as her, there’s so many little moments I also enjoyed from them, and everyone else.
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But I’m a fool for thinking that the good time would last, especially with Shirai behind the narrative. We learn about the one friend Saho had who (presumably) died protecting her from some angry anti-robot maniac strapped to a bunch of dynamite, which eventually shapes her into the girl she is today. A girl who defends herself so no one else would die for her, thus leading her to dislike bodyguards.
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With the backstory acquired, DC3 seems only a little hesitant with following Saho around, but that lasts briefly as he continues to do so anyway and without any regard to the girl’s feelings.. or any girl for that matter. Oh you clueless boy, I love him.
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We cut to Saho walking around in the park, which seems nice as no one is attacking her, but the peace is filled with loneliness. We learn that she trained herself how to fight and how she distances herself from others so they aren’t in danger by being around her due to her father’s success. Though she’s proud of how strongly she can rely on her abilities and how independent she became, she still longs for some kind of interaction with others. Repeatedly telling herself “I’m fine on my own. I’m fine. I’m fine.” when it isn’t what she truly wants hit a little too hard and too close to home and I just want to hug her please.
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But here we are flipping the mood around again as those two girls aren’t as sweet an innocent as they once appeared.
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And this Akechi dude, I dislike him. Not because he ends up being a massive threat or accomplishes something really horrible, but because that face of his reminds me of Peter Ratri for some reason. I don’t know if it’s that stupid smile, the way he speaks or whatever else, but that’s all I can think about whenever I look at him. The humor still gets to me though.
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What didn’t occur to me was that DC3 was indeed the friend that protected Saho from those bombs all those years ago. Clearly my emotions kept getting tossed around too much throughout this entire story that I SOMEHOW didn’t even begin to think of this possibility? After all the self-sacrifices the full-score trio pulled, it’s a twist Shirai would obviously include too and yet I was still taken by surprise.. I must have “idiot” written on my forehead today.
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For real though, we get this touching moment of Saho finally accepting help from someone else and then a second later I’m laughing at her due to DC3’s quick escape? My heart is getting a workout today y’all I can’t handle it.
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I can absolutely handle DC3 kicking some ass though. “He’s a total badass” indeed! On top of physical therapy after the accident, he went through some intense training as well. Not against mere humans, but androids. Boy has power for days.
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The knockoff Ratri eventually gets arrested so yeah everything ends well as expected. The two androids DC3 mentioned actually had some use too, like providing a safe landing for Saho and even knocking out Akechi with a simple plunger.. but hey, if Ray can knock down two demons with a metal pipe, then whatever works, go for it.
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With how TPN S2 went “original” I had a small wish that they would’ve given Ray a flamethrower just for shits and giggles.. but nope! DC3 got one instead! I can’t believe it.. but YES!
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Oh but I love this duo very much! I’m happy that Saho is learning to let people into her life more and seeing how excited DC3 gets about it all is so damn adorable.
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Even though we all would’ve preferred a story more geared towards TPN for the series’ 5th anniversary, I say this one was still a joy to read. But that’s just me. When it comes to Shirai & Demizu they never miss.
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Fool For You (2/4)
Lester Sinclair x f!Reader 
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: Part 2 of a request for @mynameisliterallycash!
When Lester said he was getting dog food, you figured he meant one or two small bags. Instead, you watched as he hefted two huge bulk bags of food over his shoulder. They each had to weigh around fifty pounds and he carried them like they were nothing. Your eyes widened as your jaw dropped, awestruck by the casual display of muscle.
Dazed still, you trailed after him to the checkout. While he made idle chatter with the clerk, he was completely unaware you were wrapped up in an entirely different check out of your own. Heat rose to your cheeks, allured by Lester’s physical strength as daydreams of him literally sweeping you off your feet flooded your thoughts. He turned around, snapping you back to reality as you tried to wipe the dopey expression off your face.
“Alright then, ya ready to –” Lester stopped short, sending you a puzzled look, “Hey are ya okay?”
“What? Of course, I am. Why are you asking?” you responded rapidly, embarrassed you’d been caught staring a third time.
“Ya sure? Ya look a little red. Ya ain’t gettin’ sick or nothin’, are ya?” Lester said concerned. He reached out his free hand and pressed its back against your forehead, “Don’t feel like ya got a fever.”
“N-no, I’m fine,” you stuttered, his hand against your head sending static through your brain as you tried to come up with an excuse, “It’s just from the cold air today, I think.”  
“Okay, if ya say so.” Lester shrugged as he gestured for you to follow him out the door. You cleared your throat, thankful for the gust of wind that cooled the fire trapped in your face.  
“You sure you don’t need help with those?” you asked.  
“These? Nah, they ain’t so bad,” Lester responded, “You oughta see some of the bucks I gotta haul ‘round. Damn things weigh a ton! Nearly threw out my back once tryin’ to throw one on the truck.”
“Never knew you were a regular strongman. I guess it never occurred to me the deer can’t carry their own dead weight.” You said with growing admiration.
“That’s what I’m there for!” Lester said gleefully as he tossed the bags in the back. He closed the bed and rested against the truck as he crossed his arms.
“Well, thanks for taking me along for the ride, anyway.” You said, leaning next to him.
“Sure thing! I love bringin’ ya ‘long like this,” Lester told you, affectionately nudging you with his elbow, “I’ll tell ya, havin’ someone to talk to wouldn’t hurt during my day job neither. Might go a long way makin’ some of the time go by. Gets a little too quiet drivin’ ‘round all day all by myself.”
“Well, would you mind if I tagged along once in a while?” you proposed, looking up at him.
“Ya’d do that? I mean, ya’d really want to?” Lester asked excitedly, “It can get kinda gnarly.”
“Sure. Why not? Can’t be any gnarlier than Bo on a bad day. It’s got to be better than sitting around getting old in Ambrose.” You said, smiling back at him.
“Ya really don’t have to, if ya don’t want.” He said, giving you the option changing your mind.
“I know I don’t, but I would really like to go with you. That is, if you don’t mind.” You could practically see him vibrating with joy.
“Mind? Course I don’t mind! We’re gonna have so much fun together, I promise! Thanks, Y/N! You’re the best!” he exclaimed, elated. He jumped up from the truck and wrapped you up in a tight hug, swinging you back and forth. You couldn’t contain you laughter, even if you couldn’t breathe with the way he was squeezing you.
Lester set you back down, leaving you with only a ghost of the feeling of his warm embrace. You lingered in place trying to memorize the sensation while he went ahead to open the passenger door for you without a second thought. Once you were seated, he closed the door and got back in beside you. He threw you a carefree smile as you took off once again.
The two of you made lighthearted conversation on the way back to Lester’s cabin. You started going back and forth about the art of catching various animals that try to make a home in your garbage. Well, it was mostly Lester walking you through the process, breaking it down by species. You listened to how he had basically mastered the art of pest wrangling without killing them. Your heart swelled hearing how insistent he was that killing them wasn’t necessary. He never wanted to hurt anyone or anything if he could help it.
You were just about to ask him a question, when he abruptly hit the brakes. You both lurched forward before falling back into your seats. You glanced around, collecting yourself from the sudden stop.
“Is everything okay? Why’d you stop?” He didn’t answer, as he began to carefully scan your surroundings, “What are you looking for? Lester?”  
“There she is!” Lester shouted, pressing his face up against his window, totally distracted from your questions. He smiled back at you over his shoulder, “Follow me!” He threw his door open without another word and jumped out, anxiously waiting for you to join him.
“Follow you where? Wait for me!” you called after him. You swiftly slid out of the car and onto the ground, clueless as to why you stopped here of all places. Lester darted ahead, chasing something you couldn’t see. You did your best to follow close, but he ducked down into the grass. You jogged to where he disappeared to find him on his knees, reveling in an assault of kisses from a delighted stray dog. Surprise took over your features, thrilled to be meeting a new friend.
“I missed ya too, girl!” Lester gasped through his uncontrollable laughter, echoing through the woods, “Ya been good a doggy? I bet ya have! Hope ya ain’t been too lonely out here!”
“Who’s this, Lester?” you asked in gentle voice, immediately enamored with the dog before you. She was about Jonesy’s size, with a blonde shaggy coat. She looked young with energy and enthusiasm that gave Lester a run for his money.
“Oh, Y/N! I’d like ya to meet Buttercup!” Lester said as he separated himself from the dog’s abundance of affection, “Buttercup, this is my friend Y/N!”
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Buttercup.” You said as you got down to offer your hand for a sniff. Buttercup took a few whiffs before deciding you were in fact a friend. Her tail wagged back and forth as she allowed you to pet her as well, “She’s so cute, Lester!”
“I know! Ain’t she the sweetest?” Lester concurred, “I found her snoozin’ in a patch of buttercups, so that’s what I started callin’ her!”
“How long has she been here?” you asked, scratching Buttercup behind the ears as she jumped up to rest her front paws on Lester’s shoulders, licking his face once more.
“A while now, I see a few strays runnin’ ‘round while I’m workin’. So, I try and visit with ‘em, if I can. But I left some bowls to fill when I’m on my route, case they get hungry.” Lester managed to gesture to an empty bowl a few feet away from you despite being smothered by more kisses. That explained the industrial sized bags of food. “Speaking of which – you hungry, Buttercup?” she barked in response.
Lester grabbed the bowl and jogged back to the truck to fill it with Buttercup in tow. Your eyes followed after him, the dopey look returning to your face. He conversed with Buttercup like an old friend as he scooped out her food. He was so attentive and kind, listening to her response and matching her excitement. They made their way back to you, thick as thieves. Lester set the bowl down when he made it back next to you, petting Buttercup while she dug into her meal, “Now, don’t eat so fast ya get sick, there’s plenty where that came from. Ole Lester’s got ya covered.”
You let out a deep sigh, endeared by the scene before you. Lester treated every person and creature with such consideration and care; and he never asked for anything in return. He had so much love in his heart and he was willing to share it with anyone who wanted it. With as much as he gives to everyone else, you wondered if anyone had ever told him how much they care about him or appreciate his presence in their life. He deserved to have someone who could give him back all the love he put into the world.
You wanted to be the one. You would finally treat him right. He all but stole your heart and he deserved to hear it from you, even if he might not feel the same. The consequences suddenly didn’t seem to matter so much in this moment. You wanted him to know how important he really was to you, because everyone deserves to know they are loved. You needed to tell him now while you were brave enough.
“Lester, there’s something I need to tell you.” You started, heartbeat racing in your ears, drowning out all the doubt and second thoughts. He perked up, listening close.
“Ya can tell me anythin’, Y/N. Ya know that.” Lester said softly, that warm smile pulling at your heartstrings again.
“Lester…I lo–” a deafening crack of thunder cut you off. With that, Buttercup hightailed it back into hiding. You gasped as you stood, starting after her, worried she may get lost or hurt in the impending storm. You moved to run after her, “Oh no, Buttercup, wait!”
“Hold up, Y/N! Ya can’t catch her, believe me, I tried.” Lester called to stop you, “I tried gettin’ her in the truck a few times to go to a shelter, but she don’t like it. If she ain’t ready to go, we can’t make her. She’ll come ‘round when she’s ready.”
“But we can’t just leave her out here.” You said, searching the area for any sign of her.
“Don’t worry ‘bout her too much, she’s a survivor.” Lester said, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. “’Sides she’s got a little hideout not far from here. I found her there a couple times and left a few blankets after makin’ sure it wouldn’t cave in on her. It’ll keep her nice and dry ‘til this blows over. Alright? She’ll be safe, I promise.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, almost tearing up at the thought of her shivering somewhere all by herself.
“Sure as my name is Lester Sinclair. We can even come check on her tomorrow, if ya like.” Lester offered, “But we really oughta get outta here ‘fore the rain starts.”
“Okay,” you said hesitantly, “Promise we can check on her?”
“Yes ma’am, I swear. Cross my heart.” Lester assured you, drawing an X over his chest.
You both started toward the truck once more. You silently cursed the weather for interrupting your confession. The moment had passed and the doubts had returned to their work. Despite this, the affection swelling in your chest still pulled you to act on some part of it.
Without thinking too hard for once, you took Lester’s hand in yours. He glanced down to your linked hands and then back at you.
“Are ya scared of thunder storms?” He asked curiously.
“No. Why?” You responded, confused where he got that idea.
“Ya just look a little nervous is all. Thought ya might not like thunder or somethin’.” Lester explained, “I know storms used to scare the hell outta me when I was a kid. Never used to like ‘em one bit, ‘specially if I was by myself.”
“No, I kind of like storms.” You told him.
“Oh, then are your hands cold or somethin’?” Lester asked, gesturing with your connected hands, trying to understand the reason for the spontaneous handholding.
“Uh, well, not exac–”
“Cause ya look a little rosy again. Just makin’ sure ya ain’t gettin’ frostbite or nothin��.” He interjected.
“No, I’m okay.” You told him with your hundredth sigh of the day.
“Well, just in case. Take this.” He said as he released your hand and took off his hat to pull it over your eyes with a chuckle. He readjusted it on your head, revealing the way he was beaming at you. You rarely got to see him without his trusty hat. Even with his hair being a little sweaty and sticking every which way, it was still ridiculously tempting to run your fingers through. The energy radiating from him was so wholesome and pure. Looking at him, you could swear the clouds lifted and the sun was shining all of a sudden. He squeezed your cheeks in his hands, with a laugh, “There, now ain’t that better! Nice and toasty.”
“T-thanks, Les.” You stuttered, reaching up to feel the soft fabric of his hat, the heat in your cheeks only growing more intense under his hold on your face.
 “My pleasure! I gotta say ya look mighty cute right now. Helluva lot better than I ever looked.” He told you, releasing your face and patting you on the back, “Now, let’s make like Buttercup and get to shelter!”
You made it back to the truck right before the heavy rain started pouring down. Lester took off down the road again, toward his cabin. You watched through the window as the storm raged on outside, matching the storm in your mind. The time had felt so right to tell Lester everything, but now you weren’t sure. What you were sure of, however, is that you needed to tell him soon. You thought you might actually burst if you didn’t. You couldn’t keep living like this.      
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mcbride · 4 years
Carol and Daryl in “a certain doom” SPOILERSSSSSSSS. some random thoughts about their current situation and how things can develop in the future after the jump....
so Carol and Daryl are just working together and talking about Michonne being gone. i think Carol is a bit hurt when he says he would have left with Michonne had she given him the chance. while Daryl voices his fear he’ll never see her again, like everyone else, like CAROL, who has been there but gone for most of s10. he’s got that fear she still got the urge to run away again. she tries to reach him with “i’m still here,” (excuse me, consumed “you still here. trying” call back! yeahhhh!) but the way he just looks at her and doesn’t say a word really makes me think he doesn’t believe her. i mean, she has promised him to not put herself in danger anymore at the cave and half an hour later she broke that promise.
the real emotional and meaningful scenes of the whole ep are between Lydia and Carol. Lydia desperately wants to connect, but so does Carol, and it’s just beautiful to see them play out those moments. Carol stops Lydia “you need to be yourself, you need to find your own way” and it’s ironic how she is basically just talking about herself too. Carol is lost. she needs to be herself and find a different way. Lydia is def not looking for another mom, and she tells Carol that they can have a different type of relationship, how they can be something else. it’s like giving Carol permission to be more than just a mom. Carol doesn’t have to be a mom. she can be different. i love that with my whole heart.
Carol offers to sacrifice herself at the cliff instead of Lydia. AND NO, I DONT THINK CAROL IS SUICIDAL. pls stop that bullshit. i do think Carol is willing to do whatever it takes to save her people, to make up for her own mistakes, i really don’t think she wants to die. she wants to live, but she doesn’t want to live in a world where people she loves are at risk if she can do something about it. she dislocated her arm to get out under that boat so Carol wants to live and keep the people she loves safe. but the fact Lydia came back for her, to stand with her in the middle of so much death means everything to me. and just remembering that scene is gonna make me cry forever. Carol needed that. i needed that. Lydia, someone who she hurt with her reckless behavior to be there for her, to understand her, to hold her and just show her she cares. ok. i’m emotional. i can’t.
then Daryl... he’s just waiting with the group, when Carol and Lydia arrive singing praises to each other like the proudest newest bffs. i can’t help but think Daryl is once again feeling let down cause Carol decided to risk her life by herself again, albeit with Lydia’s help, but he’s got no time to consider it. he just checks her up and down, making sure she’s in no way injured and that breaks my heart into a million pieces. no matter what she does, he really just wants her to be ok. 
Daryl hesitates just a little tiny bit before saying he’s good and ask her if it’s finally over, if she got what she wanted. she completely avoids looking at him when she says she didn’t and won’t get what she wants, still “you still got me” and she breaks down cause she really thought she had lost him. she’s so unsure, she’s so insecure, she’s so lost that she really thought she could ever do anything to really push him away. ican’t. all he wants is to touch her and i’m not imagining this. he is the one that makes that hug happen because she needs it but he needs it too. she’s back. she’s here. omg, these two are the biggest love fools in history.
it’s such a tender moment, when this idiot got the audacity to smile and tease Carol about New Mexico again. and he seems so hopeful, but also a bit dejected when she once again fails to look him in the eye to say “maybe someday. we still have things to do here.” i really got this weird impression that he really just wants to leave all their baggage behind and start over brand new with her. he wants to take her away from all the pain and heartache and live a simpler life. he just wants to be with her. he isn’t thinking about responsibilities or anything else in that moment. 
Carol is not there yet. she’s gotta want to make amends with people she let down, and i do think she is still thinking about Connie. she wants to find her, and at the moment, she does seems like the only one who’s thinking about her. and that brings me back to Carol’s biggest insecurity. she still doesn’t think she is good, she’s certain not good enough for Daryl even if it’s what she wants the most. idie a little.
SO i don’t think Carol and Daryl are ok. he still doesn’t believe she means it when she says she’s still here, and she’s gonna have to work really hard to prove that no matter what she’s there for him. they are both still in a weird situation where they are totally clueless what they mean to each other. Daryl has to be wondering where does Carol and Zeke’s relationship stand, while Carol is convinced he’s interested in Connie. that’s what they are for sure gonna be working on healing their relationship, their trust in each other, and learning to really open up to each other about their real feelings.
i am absolutely not worried at all because Angela and Gimple both already confirmed the Carol/Daryl spin off will have a different tone, and the characters are finally gonna be comfortable in their own skins. they will finally find themselves and find a way to work together on opening up. they will be finally in a peaceful state of mind that allows them to be content, if not damn happy. that’s what i’m hoping for. no matter what happens, Carol and Daryl will decide to leave everything behind, get on the bike and runaway together. that’s so f*ckn romantic....
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septembersung · 3 years
Oh!!! Your Third Order Protagonists are Delighting me! I don’t know exactly what kinds of prompts/questions you were looking for but have a bit of each to answer in so far as you like: what music genre are they? What kind of scandal is Corinna running from? What IS the Third Order? How does the vampirism and Catholicism interplay? What does Laurel fill her time with? And, as a grad student, WHAT is Juniper researching that gets her to the not quite researchers?? Hope some of those help! :D
These are excellent questions, thank you!!
Music Genre: Juniper Jones is folk music. Corinna Carver is classic country, but she thinks she's soulful acoustic singer-songwriter. Laurel Woodward listens to nothing but classic rock, but deep, deep in her heart she's got a great big tearjerker musical number going on.
Scandal: Corinna has been Humiliated, though the details are still working themselves out. At the moment, it looks something like this: her cringey new age parents kind of are the scandal. As in, they're very well known in her community - harmless weirdos to the general population - but someone makes a big fool of them, publicly, meanly. Like "prove the seance is fake" kind of mean. (Are they just clueless? Are they scammers? Bit of both? To Be Decided.) And the worst part is, Corinna was implicated, to herself, in this event somehow - after a lifetime of skepticism, something happens, and she seems to have caused it. It freaks her out beyond bearing. She drops everything, moves where no one knows her, and tries to become someone else. She manages this by tapping into the inheritance her grandfather left her, which she assumed control of at 21. The grandfather's memory, and family legacy in general, is going to be important.
The Third Order: Is the name eventually given, by Juniper, to the "third order" of rational beings who are neither men nor angels. "Monsters," "fairies," "mythological creatures" - vampires, werewolves, and others of that ilk. Is every storybook or folklore creature real? Probably not. But some of them are. Then again, some of these creatures are only men who have been corrupted, or straight up demons or angels in disguise. It's complicated. The existence of the third order has been known by a select cohort within the Catholic Church since forever - the Servants of St. Michael, primarily - but largely kept quiet and eventually disregarded as myth or utterly forgotten by the general population in enlightened modern times.
How does the vampirism and Catholicism interplay?: That is THE question, isn't it? And that was the impetus for this whole project. I think Juniper's story was technically first, when she was still named Annabelle (gotta have those Poe vibes), but Corinna's story (when she was still Cordelia) was the first plot that came together as a plot. It began with wanting to explore a vampire experiencing the Eucharist, and then the nature of vampirism, and what would the Church say about it? Corinna is the skeptic who begins to believe in the preternatural unwillingly, and gets pulled into dangerous circles, including a group that turns out to be headed by actual vampires. She also, via her roommate, is introduced to Catholicism, of which she is even more skeptical, and that turns out to be the very literal saving of her, especially in the person of Fr. Gartner, SSM. The Servants of St. Michael do the very exhausting, often unthanked, dirty work of exorcising demons, helping corrupted human beings live with or get free of their afflictions, and - occasionally - receiving supernatural visits from Third Order beings on the side of angels.
What does Laurel fill her time with?: She goes to school, roams the forest her mother does park ranger duties at, avoids homework, and alternately ignores and antagonizes, or is ignored or antagnoized by, the other werewolves/werewolf families in Lodestone, WI, formerly a booming mine town. (Usual disclaimer that I know nothing about Wisconsin or mining and have still not yet bothered to google anything about this.)
Juniper’s grad studies: originally she was a folklore student - but I’m contemplating a career change. I think she’s a recent MFA grad and this is her first I’m A Real Writer Writing Residency, and she meets someone who (says they are) a folklore PhD. It will deeply amuse me to create this fictional writing residency. (It will also be fictional in the story, as it’s a ruse, and I’m not sure any of the other residents are actually writers.)
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demonbanisher · 4 years
You know I’m weak for your sweet words but what about a slightly older Wolfstar get together? Maybe they’re in their 30s-40s or smth?
Maybe Remus is an author and Sirius goes to his reading? Or Sirius brings in his bike to get fixed and Remus is the mechanic (lets flip the script, why not). Or they meet at Harry’s university graduation and you can pick their roles.
Idk. It’s late and I’m indecisive and I’ll love whatever you write even if it’s none of these. 😘
Oooooo - all of these are such good options! How to choose - how to choose 
Also thank you for the lovely compliment you’re so kind
Okay, I’m going to go with an older wolfstar with Remus as a mechanic. We’re gonna really flip the narrative with Remus being the one who actually knows about motorcycles. It got away from me a bit so I’ll put part of it under the cut.
Sirius left his bike outside and walked into the shop, hearing the little bell over the door jingle as he made his way inside. He waited for someone to come out and meet him, taking in the waiting room that looked like it had been frozen in the 1980s with the yellow carpet and hard plastic chairs. 
“Sorry,” a warm voice said and Sirius turned to see a man emerging from what he presumed was the back door. “Hope you weren’t waiting long. It’s hard to hear the bell in the shop sometimes.”
Sirius took the man in. He had flecks of grey in his golden hair and was far from the chubby caricature that Sirius had in his head when he thought of mechanics. In fact, he was quite lean with well-defined arms that Sirius was definitely not wondering about what they would feel like holding him. The beginning of a wolf tattoo peeked out from under his sleeve as he used a cloth to rub oil off his hands. He was wearing blue coveralls and Sirius saw they had the name Remus stitched into them with yellow thread.
“No worries,” Sirius said, regaining his voice and hoping his staring wasn’t too obvious. “I’m, uh, Sirius by the way,” he said, jutting out his hand towards the man suddenly.
“Remus,” he said, as he held up his hands in apology instead of shaking Sirius’.
“Dirty, right,” Sirius thought. “Can I make more of an idiot of myself?”
“What can I help you with?” Remus smiled at him and Sirius had to remind himself what he came here for to stop from saying “Well, you could kiss me to start.”
“Uh my bike has been making this weird noise.”
“Any idea where it’s coming from?”
“No, it sounds something like a combination between the noise a cat makes when you step on its tail and a harp seal baby.”
Remus raised an eyebrow at Sirius curiously. And before Sirius could stop himself, he was replicating the sound for Remus the best he could. 
His cheeks burned red with embarrassment and the sight of Remus trying to stifle his laugh politely only made them redder.
“I take it you aren’t a motorcycle person.”
“Well, I always wanted one, but this is my first bike. You think in all those years I’d have done some research.”
“It’s alright,” Remus said, heading to the door and gesturing for Sirius to follow him outside so he could show him the bike. “We get a lot of people like that in here. You wouldn’t believe how common of a middle-life crisis purchase they are.”
Sirius laughed, “More like finally got out of the arranged marriage my crazy mother forced me into.”
Remus raised another eyebrow at that, and Sirius berated himself mentally for his brain not being connected to his mouth. 
“Mind if I start it up?” he asked. 
Sirius nodded and handed him the keys, which Remus inserted into the ignition and turned. Sure enough, there was that awful, grating noise. Remus turned the bike off again and smiled at Sirius.
“Well, you did a pretty good job of mimicking that sound.”
“You should hear what other sounds I can mimic,” Sirius said and then went beet red at how dirty he realized that sounded. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I used to babysit my nephew when he was little and got really good at impressions. That is not what I meant.”
Remus was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes and the wonder of hearing that delightful noise helped abate Sirius’ desire to crawl into the nearest sewer grate. Remus reached up to wipe the last of the tears from his eyes and smeared oil on his face in the process. 
“Oh, you’ve got-” Sirius started and then compelled by some unseen force stepped closer to Remus to wipe the oil off his face. Little did he know that motor oil was very stubborn and all he proceeded to do was smear more of it across Remus’ freckles. 
“You really don’t know much about bikes do you,” Remus said smiling at him again. 
Sirius stepped back shyly, a bit ashamed that he was so clueless. “No, I guess I don’t.”
“I could always show you the ropes. We have some good lessons here for beginners, just teach you the basics so you don’t have to come in every time you need an oil change. Gotta capitalize on those mid-life crises, right?”
Sirius simply nodded in response, not trusting himself to say anything else.
“As for your bike, I think it’s a transmission issue. I can probably get to it today, and then I’ll give you a call and let you know how long it will be for parts. Do you need a ride home?”
“No, my brother works just around the corner. I’m going to meet him there.”
“Alright, but here,” Remus said pulling a clean cloth from a back pocket, “can’t have you spreading oil everywhere.”
There was a faint chemical smell to the fabric as Remus took Sirius’ hand and wiped the oil he’d got on it while trying to clean Remus’ face.
“Thank you,” Sirius said and was grateful that he managed to make his way through the rest of the transaction without making even more of a fool of himself.
Either way, he was in a miserable mood by the time he got to James’ office. Certain the adorable mechanic would never want to speak to him again. 
When he returned to pick up his bike a few days later, he was more than surprised to find Remus’ number scrawled on the bottom of his invoice next to a note that said “In case you ever want to show more of those sounds you can make ;).”
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hey- I’ve requested this to different people and no one ever seems comfortable with the idea and I’m totally okay with that! So if this makes you uncomfortable please ignore it❤️ I have a request for hcs with Kageyama, Daichi, tanaka and kuroo where they notice their s/o is skipping meals on purpose and saying “I’m not hungry” and they slowly pick up on it and they’re so confused and just want to help. But only if you’re absolutely comfortable
Okay for anyone that’s thinking about requesting I’d like to make this clear.
I want my account to be somewhere I can address issues such as this request, so please feel free to send in asks that have to do with anything that’s troubling you because I will gladly take them!!
I just wanna make someone’s day better🥺💕
TW: Eating disorder (I think???)
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🌊Kageyama Tobio🌊
- Doesn’t understand it at all at first.
- Like isn’t this bitch hungry?
- I mean he’s never learned about eating disorders and insecurity and stuff yk.
- So whenever it’s lunch he’ll bring you a milk bun or sth right.
- And he’ll be like “Eat up I don’t want you to be malnourished.”
- And every single time you would decline it.
- You’d just wave it off as if you aren’t hungry.
- He thinks it’s because you’re either just not hungry or allergic smh he’s so clueless-
- So then he brings you sth less filling like an apple or sth and you STILL don’t take it.
- He’s getting worried.
- There’s no way you aren’t hungry at all.
- In addition to that you’re going paler and frailer by the week.
- It isn’t until then does he realise that you most likely are hungry.
- But you won’t eat.
- You’re skipping meals on purpose.
- Definitely confronts you about it.
- NOTHING should be bothering you about your body.
- Like bitch what??? You’re smoking hot why would you wanna change that??
- He doesn’t want to force it upon you to tell him, but also really wants to know what is up with you.
- Like mans wants to help you, he doesn’t want you to starve because of your own body image issues.
- He’ll pull you somewhere, and just cuddle you.
- One huge hug.
- You’ll be confused, just like why tf is this big baby cuddling me under the school stairwell?
- Then he’ll explain just how amazing and beautiful and perfect and smoking hot you are.
- And how you should stop skipping meals because that canNOT be good for your health.
- And if you’re even thinking of not eating he will force food down your throat.
- It’s all for your own good though.
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🏐Daichi Sawamura🏐
- Familiar with eating disorders and insecurity.
- You can’t fool this man.
- He’s very, very good at reading people.
- And let me tell you he was DEVASTATED when he picked up on what was troubling you.
- For months you were skipping meals.
- When he got you your lunch set, you’d just pick at the food uninterestedly.
- He would ask about it, definitely.
- And every single time you would just say you weren’t hungry.
- Mans does not fall for that bullshit.
- What do you mean not hungry after 5 hours of no food?
- Will ask you about it a lot but never gets any answers and that concerns him.
- He wants you to get enough nutrition and stay healthy.
- After a while he’ll notice how you’ve gotten significantly skinnier and that’s when all his doubts and guesses are confirmed.
- And boy lemme tell you he is FURIOUS.
- I know it sounds harsh but he will literally YELL AT YOU ON THE PHONE IN THE MIDDLE OF DINNER.
- He’s mad that you’re not taking care of yourself properly and because why?
- You think you’re too fat?
- Insists that he makes you lunch for school every single day.
- And in each of those little bento boxes he adds these notes that remind you to stay healthy and that you are perfect.
- Boyfriend material.
- Gotta marry him.
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🐵Tanaka Ryunosuke🐵
- Just like Kageyama, he’s kinda clueless.
- Like wait women actually feel bad about their own bodies?
- That’s a thing?
- Hes surprised when you start skipping meals.
- Since when did you say no to yakisoba?
- That’s not like you.
- And why were you getting paler and skinnier?
- Probably consulted Nishinoya about it.
- Nishinoya is slightly less clueless, and concluded that you were skipping intentionally in an effort to get fit.
- Wait aren’t you already fit?
- Tanaka loooooves them thick ass thighs like he would let you choke him with them gladly.
- What part of you is “unfit”?
- We don’t know “unfit” here, there’s only thicc, or thin, and both were great for him because quite frankly he does not care.
- So once he finds out about this whole situation, he’s determined to get you back to normal.
- You’re so insecure because you think other students see you as fat? Fine, he’ll the the whole class know you’re amazing and hot as fuck.
- By that, I mean he’ll announce it in front of everyone.
- And you better not skip anymore meals after that.
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♠️Kuroo Tetsuro♠️
- Finds out after a week tops.
- People don’t just stop eating for no reason.
- Especially not girls.
- Knows fully well what lengths girls go to just to get “fit”.
- Thinks that’s stupid.
- Sis you’re hot in every way why would you want to change anything about yourself?
- So in order to make you eat again,
- He’ll make you lunchboxes.
- Buy you drinks.
- Treat you to snacks.
- And when all that doesn’t work he’ll turn to his trump card.
- Compliments.
- Sexy, hot, gorgeous, beautiful, adorable, cute, amazing, show stopping, stunning, breath taking, a n y t h i n g .
- And he’ll do it in front of people too.
- The entire school is gonna know just how pretty you are.
- For the record yes he’ll squeeze your ass in public to show that point as well.
- Just saying having a fat ass is a blessing not many have.
Quick reminder:
You are amazing and gorgeous whether you’re chubby or skinny or thicc or thin or fat😌💕 Don’t let those trivial things keep you from doing what you love and please stay healthy!😤💖
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