#(Opa = grandpa)
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raviraaa · 3 months ago
agatha all along, but a slightly different ending
a.k.a. the crossover au, i couldn’t stop thinking about since the show ended, but probably never gonna write
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covesdadappreciation · 1 year ago
MC who practically lives in Tamarack's house:
MC: What’s for dinner I’m dying
Opa: Don’t die on the good sofa it’s vintage
MC: You’re vintage
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grady1285 · 11 months ago
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I need to draw the old man more
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skeratch · 5 months ago
I know that LOGICALLY when I dream of my friends and family who have died it is not them. It is merely my memories of who they were, the imprint of their soul, but a part of me likes to believe that they are visiting me.
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savory-n-sweet · 1 year ago
screaming to the void
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gucciyae · 1 year ago
Hard feet against cold earthen floors. The smell of jaggery-sweetened vorn being stirred slowly in a dimly lit kitchen. Crows swoop down to claim the leftovers of last night’s kori-rotti. A cool breeze from the west sets a gentle tempo for the dancing wildgrass. I march forward. 
Opa begins his seemingly endless chant, “Left, left, left-right-left. Left, left, left-right-left.”  Our straightened legs lead the way, arms swinging in unison. Summers at Palimar usually followed the same rhythm.
Located in the Udupi district of Karnataka, visits to my ancestral home have become my favourite summer tradition. As the years went on and the family grew larger, so did the sound of crackling firewood heating our baths for the evening, the pat-pat-pat of marching feet against rough concrete, and the roaring laughter of my cousins running through the hallways.
Our visits begin early in the morning, bellies filled with a helping of dosa and chai, we make our way onboard an express bus. If we get lucky, all three of us cousins would sit in the same row. Alas, the Sunday crowd warrants a narrow seat by the bus driver, one that my cousin sister–  Anushka and I squeeze ourselves into.
Each stop is marked by the bus conductor's shouted reminders, followed by an organized chaos of travellers moving in and out of the metal box on wheels. After all these years, Anushka, Aarav and I have learned to sleep through the blaring bus horns, which explains our shock and excitement upon reaching the Padubidri bus stand so soon.
It doesn't take too long for Oma to hail an auto rickshaw, directing the driver with such practiced ease, she rivals a modern day GPS. To an ordinary traveller, the entirety of Palimar might seem to be composed of the same visual elements; local shrubbery, roads that twist and turn into infinity, and the occasional clay house. However, to those of us who pay attention to her little details, the ancestral house leads us onward by the sweet smell of young coconut growing on trees, and the sound of the crashing waves of her backwaters.
The auto rickshaw stops a few paces away from a one story house, cracked maroon and blue paint coats the clay walls, unruly weeds run wild throughout her front yard, and the concrete pavement has turned algal. By the time my grandparents moved away, we were left with no farm animals to herd. However, this does not stop Anushka from her annual attempts to domesticate the stray dogs of Palimar.
We continue towards the house, our bodies coated in a thin layer of sweat from the summer heat, and set down our plastic bags filled with water bottles and steel tumblers. 
“Mom, did you carry a bottle of Thums Up?” Aarav drones, dragging out each syllable in a childish lilt. Before his mother has a chance to answer, Oma returns to the verandah holding young coconuts, ushering us to pick some more from the base of the surrounding coconut trees. And so begins a competition of speed, strength, and differentiation among me and my cousins.
Covered in sticks, mud, and the occasional beetle, the three of us scurry back to the concrete pavement, careful not to drop our hard-earned treasures. 
Now, here comes my favourite part of the summer tradition, hacking open of the coconuts. Opa walks out to the verandah bearing a koiti, and reaches for the pile of coconuts laid on the ground. We all hold our breaths as Opa makes the first strike, exhaling as a thick piece of husk is chopped off. I've always been in awe of his precision, lean hands grip the coconut with the same firmness as his voice. The steel tumblers that were packed in plastic bags are now being passed around, and my father pours out the translucent fluid into each vessel.
As a kid, I found the lactonic notes from young coconut water quite repulsive. I cannot tell you when it was exactly, but as our visits to Palimar grew less frequent, my longing for the cold and nourishing elixir grew fonder. A stroll along Padubidri beach takes me back to my summers of the 2010s, though, my memories have started to blur together— dark smoke flowing out of the chimney before our evening baths, the chicken coop and the incessant clucking of its residents, my plastic swing attached to the bedroom door frame, and Aunty Kalyani along with her cow– which she milked every evening during her visits.
Twilight draws in, a symphony of riverside cicadas makes itself known to us, and the husks of tender coconut have piled up to my height. A heaviness sets into our limbs as we move to pack away the used tumblers, and the air carries the aroma of coconut oil used to prepare the neighbour’s supper. Reluctantly, Opa makes his way down from the verandah, leading us back to the bus stand. All is quiet, for everyone is musing the very same idea– another afternoon at the Palimar house.
I wait another year.
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airenyah · 2 years ago
not me coming home and my mom being all "oh btw grandpa's out of the hospital now"
thanks for letting me know that he was in there in the first place i guess????
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argentuminmortalis · 2 months ago
Honestly, it had been a massive pain in the ass for Klaudia to have to wait for her brother to turn eighteen before she could leave for the newly erected Jurassic World park. It was annoying enough that Dr.Wu had taken her brother as an apprentice too, her working genetics like their mentor and Adi as the park’s paleo-veterinarian, it meant neither could 100% wash their hands of the other. Their mother, grandfather, and late grandmother had always favored her brother despite his cross dressing, and liking men. The latter was fine, but the former? If he had to be gay, he could at least act like a real man! Not some cheap knockoff that refused to be one or the other!
Mother had wanted one of the family to be at the mansion while she was on a distracting holiday with Grandfather, and Father was away on business to be with the still underage Adi and their baby sister, Anna. After Grandmother’s death, Grandfather had wanted to spend time in their old estate in Germany to remember her. Mother didn’t want him to ‘be alone’, so she went with him (and, of course, to properly grieve with her father, but Klaudia still had to deal with the situation in Costa Rica). They hadn’t brought the baby along due to worrying, even with a private jet, that the baby would be too uncomfortable on the plane. Thus, a wet nurse had been taking care of Anna’s needs. Klaudia and her brother were simply there to ensure familial supervision. Thankfully, Adi had turned eighteen three days ago, and she was set to finally leave the next day. Adi, and the maid, Alex, would be leaving in a few weeks to give Mother and Grandfather time to come back. It had been a stressful past month, especially with Adi constantly talking to himself like he was talking to their grandmother. Honestly, she thought he was a head case before, but this took the cake.
Sighing, she was bringing down the last of her more sensitive luggage herself when she noticed a red book on one of the little tables by the grand staircase in the foyer. It hadn’t been there before, so setting her steel case down gently, she went to pick it up. The book had two figures on the cover, with a setting sun against a blue sky in the background. The title, The Handbook for the Recently Deceased, seemed odd to the geneticist. It couldn’t pass for Adi’s, nor anyone else in the family capable of holding a book. She knew their library by heart, so it wasn’t from their collection. It could belong to a member of staff…but all staff kept their personal effects in their on-site dormitories, as they were permitted to go back there for breaks and meals…
Her thoughts were interrupted by hearing Adi upstairs, talking to himself again…!!!
“Oma, I’m so glad Klaudia’s finally leaving..!…yes, I know…but Oma, she’s been awful ever since Opa and Mama left…!…she does it because they aren’t here to stop her, she’s always been this mean! She just can’t see you like I can, so she isn’t afraid you’ll reprimand….” Adi went on, holding a whole conversation down the hall that grew harder and harder to hear as he walked farther off. He was ratting her out to the voice of their grandmother in his head, and rejoicing at her being gone!! That miserable…!!!!
“Ugh…if only I could get rid of that…that freak! I don’t even want him going to the park, no matter what Dr.Wu and Mr.Masrani say!” Klaudia huffed to her dog, Gustav, a beautiful Airedale terrier with tan and black fur. The creature tilted his head as he sat beside his mistress, watching as she opened the mysterious book. The text in it of itself was weird…like an instruction manual for the dead…? That took itself seriously…? And…there was some kind of advertisement flier inside…? It was shredded, but it had enough to go on—
—this ‘Betelgeuse’ character was some kind of ‘bio-exorcist’, he dealt with issues regarding the living, and potentially?? He could get rid of her brother.
“From the looks of this…I just have to say his name three times…”
She may not be dead, nor did she think this thing was anything but an elaborate gag book, but she was desperate enough to try.
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the-mehlwurm · 3 months ago
i am very tipsy
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imfrom-neptune · 8 months ago
Sometimes you only need a few days with Opa to make everything better
Nothing ever sucks with Opa
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stolzes-herz · 1 year ago
Kapitel 1# Opa wird 78. Jahre alt
Heute haben wir deinen Geburtstag “nachgefeiert”. Wir haben dich begrüßt in deinem kleinen Zimmer, mit einem wackligen, unbequemen Bett, daneben der Nachttisch, zwei abgenutzten Schränken und zwei Stühlen. Ich find es hier schrecklich und ich weiß das du es genauso schrecklich findest. Es ist nicht dein Zuhause und du weißt das und das tut mir weh, weil du es noch sehr gut mitbekommst was hier läuft. Man hat dich hier drin allein gelassen weit weg von deinem Zuhause. Normalerweise würdest du jetzt den Koffer von dem Schrank runterholen und alle Sachen reinpacken und normalerweise tust du das auch, jedes Mal wenn du morgens aufstehst, aber die Pfleger waren diesmal so schlau und haben den Koffer bei sich irgendwo verstaut sodass du auf diese Idee garnicht erst kommst. Du verwechselst mich mit Mama oder du weißt ich komme dir bekannt vor, aber weißt nicht genau wer ich bin, du kannst mich nicht zuordnen und deshalb stelle ich mich direkt vor mit: “Hallo Opa, ich bin es, Jasmin deine Enkeltochter.” Damit ich dich nicht in Verlegenheit bringe zu erraten wer von deinen Kindern, Enkelkindern oder Verwandten, ich bin. Ich freue mich die ganze Zeit darauf dein Gesicht zu sehen, wie du reagierst wenn ich deine Lieblingsmusik auf dem CD Player abspiele. Du kannst dich daran erinnern das ich zu dir schrieb das ich ein Radio gekauft habe und auf einer CD deine Lieblingsmusik gebrannt habe, hauptsächlich Chris de Burgh und Phil Collins. Zu meiner Überraschung hast du mich dazu auf WhatsApp angeschrieben und auch am Telefon gefragt. Es ist soweit, ich spiele den ersten Song ab nach ein paar Knopfdrücken. „Lady in Red“ von Chris de Burgh. Opa hört die Melodie und lauscht genauer als Chris de Burgh anfängt zu singen. Opa sagt mit voller Begeisterung: „Ohh Jaaa, das ist ganz was feines und Mensch diese Stimme, diese gewaltige Stimme!“ Er fängt an mit zu singen und trifft zu meinem Erstaunen die Töne, immer noch so wie früher. Manchmal geht das Singen kurz in ein Pfeifen über. Er sagt zu mir: „ Dreh mal lauter, noch lauter bitte!“ Er fängt an zu lachen und freut sich sehr über diesen Song. Mir kommen die Tränen und ich weiß nicht genau ob die Tränen fließen, weil ich daran denke wie Opa dieses Lied immer im Auto gesungen hat wenn wir über die Schnellstraße gefahren sind, wo noch alles in Ordnung war oder er gerade glücklich ist dass er diese Melodie endlich nach Monaten in diesen hässlichen vier Wänden hören kann und Ihm wie ein großer Trost erscheint. Ich frage mich ob er das selbe gerade wie ich denkt, wenn er das Lied hört oder denkt er an Oma wie er mit ihr eng zusammen vor dem Fernseher tanzt? Egal woran er denkt, er fühlt diese Melodie mit dem Herzen. Die Tränen hören nicht auf zu fließen, aber ich will nicht diesen Moment zerstören indem ich Opa mein verweintes Gesicht zeige also wende ich mich ab und schaue die Wand an. Ich suche nach einem Taschentuch in meiner Jackentasche und werde fündig und wische mir damit die Tränen weg. Ich versuche mich zusammenzureißen, mir ist das so unangenehm das ich das nicht unter Kontrolle habe und schäme mich. Ich schaue kurz zu meiner Mutter rüber und sehe das Sie jetzt auch anfängt zu weinen, was Sie sonst nie tun würde vor mir. Ich schaue zu Opa und als er mir ins Gesicht schaut merke ich wie seine Gesichtszüge sich von glücklich in betrübt verändern und er verunsicherter wirkt. Seine Hände legt er ineinander, ein Anzeichen das er nervös und beschämt wirkt, als wenn er etwas falsch gemacht hätte. Ich schaue schnell wieder weg und und gehe raus mit den Worten: „Ich besorge uns einen Stift um das Radio zu beschriften“.
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drakre52 · 1 year ago
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Old people of the World Morphing.
Morphingsite: https://drakre52.jimdo.com/
Music Karpa with Jo Stals ║ Drakre52 Film
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lorenzlund · 1 year ago
Teil 3 der Flugblattaffäre.
Ein anti-semitisches Flugblatt erstellen wir offenbar allein schon dadurch wenn wir als deutscher Dichter der Nachkriegszeit alte Songs von Reinhard Mey zur Gitarre vor Publikum singen wie: 'Über den Wolken'!
'Juden durch den Schornstein schicken'. Freiheit, was sie ist oder was sie vielleicht auch sein kann, wuerde dabei von dem- oder derjenigen voellig missverstanden! A. Raiter, Schriftsteller u. Komponist.
Anti- ser + mit. ser (sp.) sein (dt.). Etw. noch besitzen oder haben, darueber weiter verfuegen.
per mit. permission. peer mit. das Mit ausspaehen (anderer). Die Ausspaehmission. dauerhafte Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (als Passvermerk). Auf einer Mission sich befinden. The Best off!! 'Du bist mein bestes Stueck!' (You're simply the best!')
Aich'wanger wollte schlicht nicht auf dem Gelben Wagen vorne hocken bleiben ('Ich wuerd' ja so gern noch ein Weilchen bleiben!') ballern, bangen, schlagen gegen etw.
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'Gabi hat die ganze Zeit vergeblich auf dieser Bank im Park auf ihren Freund gewartet, aber er kam einfach auch weiter nicht. Und so sitzt sie täglich erneut auf ihr und wartet darauf dass er eines fernen Tages vielleicht doch noch zu ihr und dieser Bank zurueckkehrt'.
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'Do it to me!!' (Die dafuer ganz typische Handbewegung oder Bewegung beider Haende. Dabei wird sich symbolisch weit geöffnet. Es ist ein Angebot an den oder die jeweils andere. Auch: stattfindender Quickie, engl., wie in selbst der Umziehgarderobe vielleicht am oder eines Theaters, so zumindest die Andeutung hier!)
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'Kann denn Liebe Suende sein!' (Sünde/Sins/Zins/Zinsen). Men sin. das Benzin.
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Schule/Schwule/Schulden/aktueller Schuldenstand.
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ungewöhnliche Formen des 'Bezahlens'. *Eau oder Boy de Toilette.
('Gelbe Gefahr')
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Es bestehen sehr viel unterschiedliche Formen auch dafuer wie wir selbst etwas bezahlen koennen oder indem auch wir 'fuer etwas in abschließender Weise zahlen' und/oder Schulden bezahlen die gegenueber einem anderen bestehen'!! Keineswegs muss es so nur immer die Geldvariante allein sein! Denken wir an Größeres!
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tagebucheinesmaedchens · 2 years ago
Dienstag 16.05.23
Heute habe ich wieder Therapie, ich habe keine Lust. Sie legt mir Worte in den Mund und das kann ich nicht leiden. Es ist 05:31 ich liege im Bett und trinke meinen Kaffee, ich frage wie ich heute überleben soll.
Opa, morgen ist dein 3 Todestag. Ich bin immernoch traurig und kann dich nicht los lassen. Ich vermisse dich so sehr. In den letzen 3 Jahren ohne dich ist so viel passiert. Ich erzähle dir morgen davon.
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albarnista · 10 months ago
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From Missy's Instagram story
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teaboot · 7 months ago
oh shit, italians call their grandpas opa too? i thought that was only a german thing!
you 🤝 me
calling our grandpas opa
(my dad is half german btw lmaooo)
No no, it is a German thing, but he and my Oma raised my Papa in Germany, and when I was a baby we all spoke German, so I grew up calling him Opa instead of whatever the Italian word is
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