|| me: :)
My brain: The enchanted rose in TWST Kira’s room has been wilting. It’s enchanted with the ability to lower blot levels of those around it, as we already know, and since it’s enchanted it’s not supposed to die. So Kira has been very concerned about it and doesn’t understand why it’s dying. Leading up to book 7, it’s on its last petals. During Lilia’s farewell party (unbeknownst to Kira), the last petal fell.
me: 8(
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
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I think I misunderstood her a bit there. She isn't the best with body language, and has bitch resting face. People would be "I think the doesn't like me at all", only to realize after getting to know her a bit that she does, in fact, like you, she just express it differently. She cooks fou you your favorite meal when your down, if you need to be alone but not alone she offers her kitchen as a safe place, when you shove a flower to your mouth she looks at you wondering "why didn't you asked for a snack if you were this hungry?". She's a lovely cookie and I love her so much. She's just... hard to read, that's all. I wonder if there's someone at the crew that has the ability of traducting her body language to the others, like when she just stares at your soul with empty eyes, that person would say: "she thinks your fighting technique is neat :D" and she'll nod like "yes, that".
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I know you probably drew it to show Cuttlefish cool ability, but
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I know he doesn't trust Cuttlefish that much, and maybe seeing her make herself gigantic didn't help him to trust her more, at least in the moment. Probably he's seeing her do that for the first time and that's why he so scared. "I didn't knew she could do that, is she hiding more to us? What if she's hiding worse things?" Would Tuna think those things? That's if his neurons manage to make the thought of course.
But thats not what this is about, what the hell happened to Spidercrab?! He looks out of combat, Cuttlefish is protecting him like this because this is an extreme situation, and Tuna just... he isn't looking at Spidercrab to see the wounds, he's looking at her with something in between of confusion and fear (be it because of her or because of Spidercrab or both). I think is a nice detail that the "what the hell Cuttlefish" is stronger than the "Spidercrab are you OK or are you dead?" In his mind, at least for the seconds this image lasts, he probably dismiss it shortly and actually atends to their unconscious medic.
Spidercrab looks like he took a bad hit or a particularly bad injury, and looks that he's been face on the floor since. Tuna has just arrived at his side, kneeled and the something huge appears at his side. He freezes and looks, only to see a... gigantic... Cuttlefish... somehow... his tiny Algae brain isn't understanding. He doesn't understands it, so he fears it because what else would he do? Oh! He has better things to do! She'll take care of that cookie, he should take care of Spidercrab and get him so safety if he can be moved! It's too dangerous!
Maybe this image takes place after he's cheked if Spidercrab is alive and breathing and he gives himself this moment of contemplating in fear whatever this secretive cremated is doing.
Idk, I love this little things you probably didn't think of much while doing <3
How's the relationship between Pinwheel and Tuna? They're both troubled youths from what you've said, right? Do they come from the same place? Do they bond or they're rivals on who has the less braicells (Tuna does, no doubt)?
And... that's it for now, I LOOOOVE your characters and WILL ask about them everytime I can ;] <3
XDD It's good to read from you again! Louis, Tuna and Ellie are all doing great I'm sure! As for your comment/questions..
Yeah, Ellie is just a bit stone faced. That's all! But I imagine that most of the crew is able to read her to some extent. But out of all the crew, I imagine that Seafoam and Octo are the very best at reading her. Mostly because they've known her for so long. But also because Seafoam is good at reading Octo! Who is pretty stone faced himself.. and Octo can read Ellie because he has lot of the same body language as her! XDD
As for the Cuttlefish drawing, you're right about it being just a random scenario to show off Cuttle's power. But while I'm thinking about it..
I imagine that the crew must have been on an island of somekind. Since it's rare that any of the crew gets hurt like that when they're all together on the ship..
Maybe they were looking for treasure? Or supplies? Who knows.. but I know most of the crew got separated, and attacked by... Some cookies.? <XD
The point in the end though, is Spidercrab isn't really a fighter. So when faced with an opponent, he got taken down.. probaaably by getting hit in the chest or gut-
Cuttlefish wouldn't usually use this ability, as it goes against her preferred fighting style.. so she must have felt backed into a corner. With her friend down, and her cover already blown. She just panicked and used it as a last resort.
I think you're right about Tuna. He's already pretty sceptical about Cuttlefish, so having her suddenly whip out this ability he didn't know she had would be something for sure.. though I think this would oddly build more trust with her.
I pictured her defeating this baddie and then shrinking back down. She turns and has a genuine look of worry and stress on her face, rushing over to check on Tuna and Spidercrab. The fact that she has such a power but has never used it to fight back against the crew or intimidate anyone.. it kinda gives him a different view of Cuttlefish. But then again, hidden ability, what else is she capable of? Sus?? It's a double sided coin- <XDD
Lastly, Tuna and Pinwheel! I picture them coming from similar places but turning out to be very different people.
I think of Tuna as coming from a bad place where he was hurt but other people. Which caused him to be very resistant to authority and just people in general. Though he is slowly able to take his walls down and feel comfortable around the crew.
Pinwheel however came from a place where she was greatly traumatized, but it wasn't because of one person or people. More like a sunken ship disaster or a tsunami situation. Something where she longed for the comfort and guidance of other people.
And that's exactly what she found with Seafoam and his crew. She soaked up their generosity and kindness like a sponge. She especially found comfort in Seafoam's gentle personality. She quickly grew past her trauma and now is almost as jolly and energetic as Louis!
When it comes to them interacting..? Hmm.. I can see Tuna being a real jerk and making it hard for Pinwheel to really get to know who he truly is.. whenever Pinwheel tried to have fun or goof around, Tuna would always resist it. They probably didn't interact much at first..
..Now as time went on and Tuna lightened up? I'm sure they grew much closer. Pinwheel and Tuna actually have similar energy and like a lot of the same things. I can see Pinwheel and him getting into trouble, talking about life and pigging out on Ellie's cooking together. They'd be best friends! :}}}
Anyways, thank you again for the interest in my critters and for the ask! They're always so fun to read! :}} ✨💞✨
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fluffypichu876 · 3 months
what's your story with FF and what do you like about it? (<- clueless about this series and intimidated by the number of entries it has)
Heya mutual!! I see that my incesant FF rambling has finally bothered someone, eh? xDDD
My story with Final Fantasy is actually quite recent, as surprising as that may be! It all started with one game that is responsible for introducing many franchises for many of its players like me, none other than Super Smash Bros. Ultimate itself.
I had been playing SSBU pretty much since release, having enjoyed SSB4 on the 3DS, but I never really cared about the one FF character available there at the time: mister Cloud Strife himself (boy wouldn't that change quickly xDD). And I didn't know much about the franchise either, except for very brief knowledge about Kingdom Hearts (a crossover between FF and Disney, yeah don't ask I've always found that strange xD), so I never had much of an incentive to look into it.
Until one faithful day in december of 2020, of course, the day that The Game Awards of that year aired, bringing with it a very unexpected (but very welcome) reveal of a new character that was joining Smash.
THE videogame anime swordfighter himself, Sephiroth.
I didn't actually watch TGA that day (it was pretty late at night here in my country), so I only learned about it the next day. When I watched the trailer, my immediate thought was, no lies, "Hey, isn't that guy from Kingdom Hearts?"
Technically not wrong, he does appear in the first two KH games, but also very wrong lol. I went into Smash's official site and saw there that he came from Final Fantasy VII. Huh.
I didn't pay much mind to it, but I did see many fans' reactions to Seph getting into the game. They seemed to love the guy a lot, given that they recognized it was him the second the first note of his theme started playing in the trailer (tbh if I was a FF7 fan by then I too would recognize him. One-Winged Angel is that damn iconic.) That made me understand that, well, this FF7 must be a very dear game to many.
And then came the memes. Oh boy did the Youtube algorithm enjoy the "Sephiroth gets into smash to torment poor Cloud" memes. I watched so many of these damn memes that it was only a matter of time until I decided to finally check the franchise out. And so I did. I downloaded the 3 FF7 discs on the internet (shhhhh don't tell Square), booted my PSX emulator (previously only used to play SOTN), and started the game for the first time.
I fell in love with it pretty damn fast.
In the first 4 hours in fact.
Now, FF7 is 27 years old. It was one of the first PSX games, so naturally it's outdated as hell. But despite the low-polygon graphics, the pixelated 240p pre-rendered backgrounds, the terrible CGI that would look like an amateur's first animation nowadays, and the obscurity of the game design that led to some confusing mechanics and lots of missable content, the game still manages to hold up quite well through time and I find it to be a very enjoyable experience overall, even nowadays.
The characters, the story, the combat, the very world map, which made Midgar look so tiny and at the same so big, the fucking soundtrack, composed by Nobuo Uematsu, which carries every single emotion you feel in this damn game, making up for the lack of voice-acting and character expressions in a really unique way. All delivered in that charming early 3D videogame fashion. In other words, it's hard to not fall in love with the sheer uniqueness of FF7. Like I did. I couldn't stop playing it.
Right, FF7 rambling done! This game was my first in the franchise, and beating it felt really good back in the day. So good that pretty much instantly I was already looking into another one to play, Final Fantasy 8.
The sheer jump in technology from FF7 to FF8 can impress even a modern player that has seen countless realistic modern games, honestly. It sure did impress me, at least. Seriously, they jumped from this:
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To this:
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In two fucking years. On the same console.
But anyways, after beating FF8, which I enjoyed a lot (not as much as FF7 though), I jumped into FF9 after a short while. That one quickly became my favorite in the series for multiple reasons, mainly for the characters and their amazing moments in the story.
After a brief hiatus with FF, I played FFX, which immediately jumped into a fight with 9 for the title of favorite FF game in my head xD (I may have to replay both to finally settle that internal debate, honestly) I just loved the combat (and the soundtrack that still makes me cry, wow).
And not long after beating X, the FF brainrot began to naturally cease and finally, it went into a deep slumber...
...until it came back out of nowhere quite recently, as you might have noticed, dear mutual xD. I blame FF7 Rebirth for making everyone talk about the game I love again lol.
And here we are today! Final Fantasy stands out to me for it's uniqueness, really. It's that simple. It follows many of its traditions, but it also breaks and innovates them in pretty much every new title, for better or for worse. Every FF game feels different, each set in its own universe and fictional world, and yet they are the same, familiar enough so that you keep coming back to the franchise every once in a while without feeling lost or overwhelmed.
And yes mutual, I too was confused at first because of ever increasing number of entries xD FF is one hell of an old franchise, dating all the way back to the NES era, and I respect it a lot for not suffering too much stagnation like the majority of old-running game franchises.
My advice for anyone looking to get into FF is too simply pick the one that looks the best for you. Like I mentioned before, the games are rarely interconnected and always take place in different universes, being loosely similar thanks to recurring elements like chocobos, enemies like the cactuar, some classic tracks, character jobs and archetypes, spells like Firaga and Esuna, summons like Shiva and Bahamut, etc. So no matter which game you pick to try out and get a taste of the franchise, if you enjoy it you may be inclined to try more, turning into a vicious cycle of wanting to play more than like 10 games with the same name back-to-back wtf xD.
As for me, recently XV has caught my attention thanks to fucking youtube again jesus christ that damn website is responsible everytime i get insane over a ff game i swear pretty easily, and I will probably end up playing it sooner or later. I like the roadtrip aspect, the friendship and banter between the main characters, as well as the realistic modern setting that basically never happens in FF (Noctis looks so damn normal compared to every other FF protagonist xD. Just look at him in Dissidia NT, man!).
Alright, I think I have typed enough words. Thanks for the ask mutual, I get pretty giddy at every opportunity to scream about Final Fantasy xD.
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Thinking about your virgin post, who would be most caring for a virgin s/o?
Second to that, how would they feel about an
s/o that's phenomenal in bed?
This was a while ago, I'm so sorry! I assume you mean the Disney Villains tho? If its the horror villains you meant then let me know and I'm happy to do the same thing for them! ^^
Most Caring Disney Villains towards a Virgin Reader:
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These would be the most actively caring of the bunch, if reader decided they wanted this villain to have sex with them- I have not included those who are perfectly content with keeping things this way (Hook and the Queen of Hearts fit in that category).
Dr Facilier, Horned King (He cant be scaring off or breaking his chosen mate, okay? No. Unacceptable), SILVER!!, I know I wasn't including Pixar villains last time but- Lotso, Shan Yu, Stupid, Ursula and Wheezy.
Yeah... slim pickings, I know. But they're villains, remember! 😅 Keep in mind though, that this doesn't mean that all the rest would be mean per say- no. Some of them find it cute that you're a virgin and will be gentle, but are more teasing then caring (Slim, Mal, Shere Khan, etc). Then there are villains that will be annoyed with having to go slow at all but will be, simply because you're there S/O and they love you (Not because you're a virgin. Because you're you. These are like, the Evil Queen, Jafar and Hades, etc). And then there are some who are just like... regular level nice to you during you First Time, because if they weren't then they would be scum. The ones listed above are the ones who's hearts are just a liiiittle bigger then the rest when it comes to this particular topic. Look, what can I say? People are complex XD Fictional villains considerably less so, sure... but still complicated, yep 😅
As for the second one... I have categories XD Of course-
Disney Villains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: An S/O who is phenomenal at sex.
Warnings: Sex.
Hell yes. We gotta start immediately- : Greasy Weasel ("Smartass I'm taking a personal day, for a week. You cant ask me why... but- " "I don't wanna know."), Hades, and 'Sideburns' Stabbington.
Hell yessss- teach me: McLeach (He doesn't know what he's doing, but he knows this is a good thing, for sure XDD) and Oogie Boogie.
Good, that means I don't have to teach you anything: Cruella De Vil (She's the one this category was made to accommodate XD), Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, Rourke, Queen Narrissa, Sykes ("How about we run a little test now, huh?"), and Yzma.
Oh cool ^^ : Alameda Slim, Captain Hook (Pretty indifferent towards the pursuit of sex but if you can make him feel awesome then that's a bonus XD), Dr Facilier, Long John Silver, Maleficent (Like, that will be handy. If she decides to try this), Scar (Same), 'Patchy' Stabbington, Stupid Weasel (He's like 'Oh same!!'), and Wheezy Weasel.
Oh you think you're good?? Ha... well we'll see, wont we?: Mother Gothel, Professor Ratigan (I don't remember if I put him as a virgin or not but either way- he reads, and he has great confidence in his comprehension abilities XD), Shan Yu (Its more of a tease, for him XD Really he's in the 'Oh cool ^^' category and also- a little of the first one too. Shan Yu is multifaceted!), and Shere Khan (He's king of the jungle, after all- ).
Intimidated Type A (Pleasantly surprised, but nervous): Horned King (He's mostly pleasantly surprised, but like... sex hasn't changed since the last time i did it, right?? He's concerned. Its been a while XD), Prince John, Smartass Weasel (Nervous in the sense, that... he doesn't know what he's doing 😅 Give him instructions or let him ask Greasy about this, and he'll be fine), and Turbo/King Candy.
Intimidated Type B (Concerned they are gonna be out-done): Clayton, Gov. Ratcliffe, Prince Hans, Turbo/King Candy, and Ursula (She's just... a lil nervous XD She'll wanna do it with you as soon as possible, so she'll just know who's better already- after that, she's happy XD She just doesn't like the uncertainty).
Uhhh, okay... but its still not happening: Judge Doom (He's just like, insisting he's soo... busy... but really he just hasn't got the *human* equipment XDD He didn't think it would be necessary!! Have you seen this disguise?? yes i have, sir, and you have made a miscalculation. just admit it), Psycho Weasel (Like, thats great!... but still no thanks), and the Queen of Hearts.
Iffy about it but changes their minds immediately after the first time because ooooh that was good: Gaston (He was almost with Frollo but like- if you can suck a dick then let me tell you, he is not about to complain- ) and Jafar (Wants to be the experienced one, but after the first time with you he's like... alright =_= you win this time).
Suspicious. Have you... done this before? 🤨😠: Frollo.
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dipplinduo · 4 months
Seeing the multiple update drops, looks like I'm in for a feast now that I managed to pass my exams and is now entering a new term after enjoying a pretty decent holiday
So without further ado,
S&S D Chapter 18 thoughts:
1. I could tell we're going for a roller coaster ride based on the Chapter Summary alone.
2. That discussion is much needed to keep things in check among the Area Zero Crew. I especially love it when Penny speaks up her points to prevent Arven and Nemona from going overboard with their concerns.
3. PENNY. THE MVP THAT YOU ARE. I love the amazing progress being made on the Toxic Chain Investigation X3
4. Drayton finally said the "IcOnIc" line 🤣😂
5. Oh no... oh dear no... what's going to happen to poor Kieran- 😭😭😭😭
Man, the cliffhanger for this chapter is INSANE. Time to go read the next chapter to see what happens next.
- ☕️
Congrats on passing your exams!!! <3 Hell yeah!! 1. LOL really??? I actually double checked that. I tend to write them in like 10 seconds because they're always the bane of my existence, I forgot people might be reading them and I can see where you got that xDD (I try to keep them spoiler-free but exciting)
2. I wanted to take a realistic route with the Paldea Squad. They're loyal and protective as Juliana's best friends (all in their own ways), and tbh, the kind of relationship foundation that Kieran & Juliana have formed is pure at the end of the day, but it is hosted on a very rocky and tumultuous road. (What no one knows is that 99% of it is tragically thanks to the stupid peach). I'm glad it's coming across well, because imo any good friend is gonna care about intervening when they're concerned about you.
3. Penny is lowkey an MVP and having someone with her skillset is invaluable for these kinds of mysteries LOL. She'd be unusually good at Clue, probably.
4. Sometimes I really just like to fuck around and break the fourth wall with Drayton in not so subtle ways. Ahhh, Drayton. xD
5. I am so sorry :')
Your reviews are iconic as always, coffee god asker. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts :) <3
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
Okk hear me out
Imagine MC meets scp 056 (a scp that can change into better version of an object or living being that it encounters). With MC’s Anomalous Immunity, they somehow block SCP 056’s ability to change form and this makes 056 completely shattered, it becomes frustrated and confused as hell. If it cannot change into a better form to show off at MC then this means that MC is better than it in any aspects.
MC witnesses the whole situation :
“ Well, if you count eating two whole large size pizzas in a short span of time is a talent then yeah sure-”
(I remember reading an ask that scp 056 said MC is the pinnacle of beauty and then showed that they are eating an pizza, it was funny XDD)
LMAO oh my god you’re right
yes i remember that ask too it was hilarious
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lucy-sky · 2 years
Sam Rossi, under the stars, and first kiss please!! Congratulations on that milestone again!!
Your Date (Sam Rossi x Reader)
1077 words; romantic fluff; gender neutral reader; yes, I googled baseball teams from Alaska x’D
A/N: my dear Chelsea, I’m so sorry it took me THAT long! I could say that a lot tough personal stuff happened to me recently - that’s true, but it’s not a very good excuse because I still could have written this earlier, you know, before shit started to happen... but who knew :’) Anyway... Hope it doesn’t suck very much xDD (I’m writing Sam for the 2nd time, and I’m still not sure if I write him accurate enough, oops :|)
AO3 link
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“Hey, if you need a day off or something - it’s fine, you know, I’m okay with it.”
“What?..” you blink at Sam in surprise from your spot at the counter.
“Sorry uh,” he chuckles softly into his beard. “It’s just that you look like you wanna ask me somethin’.”
“So just… C’mon, just do it,” he shrugs with an absolutely disarming warm smile. “You know I don’t bite.”
Shit, you didn’t realize your employer knows you that well… Although who are you trying to fool? He’s more than just your employer, at least for you. He’s always been so friendly, gentle and understanding that you simply couldn’t perceive him as just your boss. He’s a friend in the first place. A friend you have a huge crush on, unfortunately. Sometimes something about the way he looks at you makes you think it can actually be mutual, it can work out… But neither of you tried to take the first step...
Well… Now you’re about to give it a shot.
“Yeah, um… You’re right actually,” you let out a deep sight, calming yourself a little. “I really wanted to ask you something, Sam. It’s not a day off though.”
“Okay,” he nods, taking a seat next to you at the counter and bringing a mug of coffee to his mouth. “‘M listening.”
“So,” you clear your throat. “You remember my friend Susan, right? So uh… Her brother’s in a baseball team. Anchorage Bucs, you know?
“Yeah, sure. That’s pretty cool,” Sam nods, waiting for you to continue.
“They’re playing this Saturday. It’s gonna be on TV. And uh, Susan suggested we go to a sports bar to watch it, and I really wanna go, but well… She and her boyfriend - they started dating just recently so they’re at this stage, you know, all lovey-dovey and… I just really really don’t want to feel like a third wheel the whole night, so…”
“You want me to be your date?” Sam asks all of a sudden, catching you unawares.
“Yes- No, uh… I mean… It doesn’t have to be a date, it’s just that I thought you might be interested because you always go to Mags’ basketball games-”
Shit, you sound really stupid right now.
“I-I mean I know it’s not the same, but just… I just really would love you to go there with me,” you finally blurt, feeling your cheeks burning like hell and wishing you could just sink into the earth right now. You’re not always this awkward when it comes to guys. In fact, you can be pretty bold. Apparently your crush on this man is just so huge it makes you silly.
There’s no mockery in the way Sam looks at you though. His brown eyes are filled with warmth, and the smile on his lips is amused, but soft and reassuring at the same time.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Yeah?” you probably sound a bit too excited.
“Uh-huh,” he confirms, finishing his coffee and getting on his feet. “Aight. Gotta go run errands… You have a nice day, okay, sweetheart?” he says as he already stands behind your back, and his hands lay on your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze before he heads to the door.
The “sweetheart” makes you blush again as you nod at him and wave goodbye, even though it’s just his natural way of talking to you. He’s the same with Mags too, so it doesn’t make you any more special. That’s just the way he is - a big and gentle man, and sometimes you just want to fall into his arms, bury your face in his chest and cuddle him to death. Oh god. Good thing he cannot read your mind.
You let out a shaky breath of relief when the door closes behind him. Anyways… You did it! Date or not, but you’re already looking forward to spending Saturday night with him.
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The bar is pretty crowded on Saturday, and you’re glad a nice table was booked in advance for the four of you. Like you expected, Susan pays way more attention to her boyfriend rather than her brother’s game, but you don’t mind that at all, feeling surprisingly comfortable with Sam by your side. He seems content and relaxed, his arm laying on the backrest framing your shoulders, and you can’t help leaning against him from time to time, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours.
“You uh… Got any plans?” he asks as you walk towards his truck after saying goodbye to your friends.
“Right now?.. No, I don’t.”
“Wanna take a ride?” he suggests a bit sheepishly, and you think he looks incredibly cute when he looks at you like that - raised eyebrows and a shy smile on his lips.
“Yeah, sure!” you reply, beaming at him. You have no idea what he has in mind, but you trust him with all your heart, and of course you can’t say no to the prospect of spending some more time together.
“Okay, that’s the spot,” Sam murmurs as he stops the car.
“Where are we?” you ask curiously.
“Come, take a look.”
As you get out of the car, you find yourself on the top of a hill, city lights twinkling beneath you together with the stars above.
“That’s beautiful,” you smile, admiring the view.
“Yeah, love this place,” Sam speaks as he approaches you from behind. You can feel his hands on your shoulders, gently sliding down your arms before resting on your waist. “It’s calm, and… I thought it’s kinda romantic.”
“It really is. Do you take all your girls over here?” you joke, and he huffs into your hair.
“Only special ones.”
“Good to know.”
You shift to catch his gaze, those beautiful dark eyes that seem to read you like an open book, you most certainly could drown in their depth. You reach your hand to cup his cheek, fingers brushing through his thick beard, and he leans into your touch, letting out a soft, content hum.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks quietly, his voice deep and slightly hoarse.
His lips are surprisingly tender against yours, his beard tickles your chin, and the warmth of his tongue almost makes you moan as it eagerly darts to meet yours.
“So… I guess this actually is a date,” you mumble as your lips part. Sam smiles, caressing the side of your neck with just his fingertips.
“I suppose so.”
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Thank you for reading!
No pressure tags: @darlingshane, @anna-hawk
1500 Milestone Celebration Drabbles Masterlist  
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laufire · 1 year
I know you’re not really a fan of the Mikaelsons but I always find it really funny when people complain about Rebekah and Marcel getting together because he’s Klaus’ adoptive son as if this doesn’t follow rather naturally out of the incestuous Klaus/Rebekah vibes.
And more recently I was thinking that there’s something going on there that Elijah is only interested in Hayley after she’s tied to Klaus by Hope and also that Hayley ends up becoming a hybrid aka what Klaus is and shares a lot of traits with him and is romantically involved with Elijah. (I find people act like it’s so gross that Hayley would get together with Elijah after having a kid with Klaus as if that’s never happened ever? Granted, most of the time the first guy would be dead but still. To me, the interesting parts are Hayley’s similarities to Klaus.)
Anyway I don’t exactly know where I’m going with this but you’ve talked about Klaus/Rebekah before so.
Oh the pseudo-incestuous nature of both of those ships make perfect sense for this family and especially for those two lmao. They were so obsessed with Klausie xDD (hell, even some of the other siblings' romances can be connected, if not in as straightforward a way). And like Hayley, Marcel had more than one thing in common with Klaus, for all their differences. Rebekah herself noticed pointed this out often.
I definitely LOLed at Elijah getting interested in Hayley so quickly when he finds out about the pregnancy cause... yeah it's very transparent it's about his Klaus-issues lmao. But yeah, although I'm not a fan of Haylijah this aspect of it, imo, caused more performative anger in fandom than anything else. People have certainly loooooooooved ships involving guy #2 getting with his brother's love interest before. I mean. This is TVD c'mon.
As you said I'm not the biggest fan of the Mikaelson as a "uwu family always and forever us against the world thing" the fandom loved or the show sometimes tried to push (although the truth came out every time lol), but this kind of dysfunctional shit? My jam, anon xD
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elvenbeard · 1 year
AAHHH!!! I *finally* got to play a little more Phantom Liberty today öahjsdföasklfasfhdfs
First I wanted to riot slightly cause GoG didn't find my install anymore (but rescanning folders did the trick).
Man OH MAN. I'm really just rambling about how fucking cool this game is below the cut, but beware of spoilers!!
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"How the fuck do I keep ending up in these situations..."
I played all the way up to meeting Reed and agreeing to work with him back in the President's hideout. This was also the point up until I'd seen the gameplay at Phantom Liberty Tour back in August, but I also saw a loooot of new stuff o.o The demo back then started at entering the Stadium (when V walks through that area with cyberarms hanging from the ceiling) - stopped at meeting Myers in the crashed plane - continued at arriving at the hideout with her and then ended, as I said, with shaking hands with Reed.
SO. The whole "how do we get the president to the hideout" sequence was completely new to me AND MAAAN. That Chimera fight was so good like?? The whole setup and everything, I didn't expect such a big and epic boss fight so early on in the expansion at all, really sets the tone I guess xD First V gets his face bashed in by the President, then gets his ribs broken by this thing, things can only get better from here on. That whole section gave me such Bioshock vibes actually like... the Art Deco architecture the "amazing city that turned out so awful" vibes, it's impeccable, and I love it so so much. Really gotta take some time to properly explore everything (and now I gotta wait for Reed to call me back so, best opportunity).
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I saw that thing under the tarp and was like "oh yeah, later on in the story this is gonna come back to bite me in the ass" - only that in this case "later" was "five minutes later" not "10 story missions later" as I anticipated XD
Also, I gotta say, I really don't trust Myers or Songbird much at this point with their intentions. I mentioned this previously... how convenient for Songbird to know to contact V via the Relic, but how the hell did she know about it in the first place, that he had it, where he was at, etc.? And then, in the Space Force One Wreck there was the shard with the answer! They knew about the Konpeki heist and two involved mercs through an informant potentially working at Arasaka. Yet, when I then deliberately chose a dialogue later on where V was like "yeah, I got Arasaka's Relic stuck in my head" Myers was all "oh, what really! how peculiar!". And maybe she really didn't know and I'm reading too much into it, but I'm really not liking her vibes atm at all XD (as a character though she's so cool, not at all how I'd picture a typical NUSA president, and I get the impression she doesn't really like the role all that much - I wanna read up on her background lore as soon as I'm done playing XD). AND. The shard on the plane specifically mentions Johnny on the Relic AND I'M CALLING IT NOW like I called it before, I BET they're really after Johnny's engram to do some experimenting with it for some fucked up Militech scheme. And in return V gets to live or some crap. URGH. I hope I'm wrong but I said it before "Phantom Liberty" (if you read it as in "a ghost that was freed" or "no real freedom") screams to me that this all boils down to something happening to Johnny in a messed up way in the end in exchange for V's life. Analogue to the Devil ending, but instead of Arasaka you have Militech/NUSA (if I'm wrong, please don't spoiler it to me, and if I'm right or close, please don't spoiler it either XD I wanna see just how far off I am myself XDD)
Songbird being MIA is hmmm... Not quite suspicious, but I'm wondering if she is still alive or maybe also doomed to be a construct now, but I'm really not sure. It would be kinda disappointing, I'd like to meet her in person still and am excited to see what she is gaining in all of this. I like the tragic "gifted criminal kid turned government asset" trope a lot and I'm curious to see how her story develops.
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I'm also loving all the lifepath specific dialogues so much, I'm actually learning something new now and then about what Vince's Arasaka job was actually truly like at the core!
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Also Myers roasting him for not having had a high enough security clearance to know about Reed xDD So rude! But I'm so so so curious how Ex-Arasaka agent with occasional homesickness to the corporate world and FIA-Sleeper agent with a big Arasaka-grudge are gonna work together o.o
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I feel like, they're either really gonna see eye-to-eye very much or will continue to clash over and over and V is gonna come out as the loser at the end of this xD But currently, me as the player I'm trusting no one, and Vince as being caught up in all of this tries to play nice and be on everyone's good side but behind the scenes does not trust any of them one bit either xD It's really more a one hand washes the other kinda deal for him with no long-term obligations.
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I'm also LOVING Johnny in all of this so far like... Vince and he don't get along that well most of the time for a variety of reasons. And so far, even though I got the Sun ending as my canon (as of right now), I feel like Vince acted more out of desperation than real trust or anything in going down that path and not any other. So I think Phantom Liberty *might* be the storyline that has been missing for me personally so far to really legitimize to myself that Vince would trust Johnny enough to let him take over his body for that last mission or go on a suicide run through Arasaka Tower with him. They are really seeing eye to eye on a lot of the stuff that's going on, both paranoid and suspicious, both not liking to swear any oaths or work for the FIA or anything like that. Bonding over their shared dislike for all the secrecy and scheming xD
Speaking of timelines, I found an ingame date for the 16th of June about an meeting Myers was to attend and another meeting scheduled for June 18th - sounding like the 16th is already passed at this point and the plane crash probably happening on the 16th or 17th or something like this... which completely throws my previously established timeline overboard :D But also stretches the canonical timeline a bit, if my assumptions are right, which would be nice and a lot more realistic than "like, a month, for all of that to happen". (For reference, in my timeline for Vince without PL I put the last quest on June 9th).
But that's only speculation ofc!
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Then I also had my first vehicle gig for Muamar and omggg I loved this little convo with him so fucking much?? Like, this really built up his character so nicely, and the whole car stealing scheme would also be super down Vince's alley XD
And this exchange I LOVED sm:
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Vince, car nerd surpreme, offering to fix the Cap's car, and Muamar's response: certain things I don't do halfway -> my clothes, my cut, my cars. Vince 100% seconds that sentiment XDD Like, so far I have to admit Muamar never really grabbed me that much as a character and I felt like he and Vince probably didn't have much in common. I was wrong XD
I also wanted to pay Mr. Hands a visit in his funky pyramid, but he wouldn't let me in yet. I'm so looking foward to finally playing his gigs now :D And seeing what else Dogtown has to offer in terms of stories and side jobs :o
Others mentioned it already, but I'm loving this place's design so so much... it feels like a different city altogether, the style of the buildings and everything is so unique and it's such a biiiig sprawling place o.o
And a random little thing I noticed, there's a lot of little cinematic moments now (the contextual removal of the HUD for conversations for example is such a good new feature). And occasionally the camera will automatically pan to interesting events or V's optics zoom in automatically - it was a bit weird the first time it happened but I really like it in a way? I noticed it during the part of rescuing Myers where you had to sneak past the huge Barghest drone (also such a good good moment, I'm loving all the stealth, parkour, and whatnot, the level design is *so good* hhhhh).
And finally, when I decided "okay, I'm gonna go to bed now" and was just about to close the game... I got a text message from Kerry I didn't know yet :DDD
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(the fucking emojis with noses, Kerry pls, your age is really showing)
Like... I did not expect new texts from the LIs, and yeah, this got me really excited xD (and yeh I obviously had to read all the different outcomes and there *are* some differences depending on what you text back. I love it sm). AND. Then I called him. And there's new conversations about the events of PL too??? Hello?
Man I wish there was something like that for the other missions but obviously, with how late-game Kerry's romance is that sadly doesn't make much sense. So this is also something that made me tremendously happy (and also adds some new depth and bits and pieces to Kerry's character, which I'm always so here for XD). Exicted to see if there's more to talk about with him as the expansion progresses - I doubt it, but I'm ready to be surprised, maybe also by the other main NPCs that you're not in a relationship with.
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That one V will definitely bear in mind for whatever is to come. Hhhhh I'm so excited!!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 33 - I think I accidentally skipped this episode during my first run because when I heard it on my second listen I didn't remember any of it, not Tim and not the statement. I think that's also why I totally missed the Lukas family until Peter Lukas himself stepped into the Institute. So… When I first listened to this episode, I was on my way home from the dentist.
"Boatswain" - one of many English words, of which I don't understand why it's pronounced the way it is.
Ha Tim, back when he was still a cheery character.
Oh someone's pissy when they realize they made mistakes…
You hear voices in the background, like the door is open and we can hear all the commotion of a workday in the Institute.
"Ohhh… okay… Alright, so what happens if more than one statement is given on the same day?" - Well, if it's intentional like MAG 39 and 40 it just gets the suffix A and B. But if it's… probably unintentional? (like MAG 15 and MAG 150… though the 1 and 5 coincident is funny…) nothing, just the same statement number.
God, hearing Jon spiraling into the stress of the chaotic Archive pluuuus him feeling that there's something very wrong with some of those statements is really sad to hear…
"It’s getting bad. I mean, Martin keeps showing me his tongue (uncomfortable laugh) and asking if it “looks infested”." - hehehehe
05:06 "container ship", thump… Is some of this intentional? With 4 of these in the previous episode and now again and the statement hasn't even started yet…
"Well, that and my bad Spanish." - ok, the majority in Brazil speaks Portuguese and not Spanish. I tried to google Spanish-speaking regions but all I can find is like, close to borders with Spanish-speaking countries. Porto do Itaqui is not near a border. I thiiiink, I remember them talking about this in a Q&A or something? That this region is Spanish-speaking? However, I did also google Itaqui (without the "Porto do"), which actually is near a border, but it's not the same as Porto do Itaqui!!! XD Porto do Itaqui is in the north of Brazil and Itaqui is in the south bordering to Argentina, which would probably make sense for this region to speak Spanish xDD
Just the nature of this statement, having a work place requiring a group with a secretly creepy boss… Having one space, which will be occupied by another "victim", only to then purposefully get rid of one member to do it all again… It reminds me of Krabat, a German fantasy book by Otfried Preußler (Haaa, get a load of this letter! ß!). It's really cool, if anyone wants to check it out, it's been translated into English and by googling this I found out it's apparently one of Neil Gaiman's favorite scary stories for children! Cool, didn't know that. I grew up with Krabat, so there's that.
"Hell, not being too comfortable around people is a damn fine reason to go to sea." - Yeah but… What if the crew is like reaaaally shitty and then I'm stuck on a fucking boat with them for God knows how long, having to work with them…
21:31 "interesting", thump.
22:27 "Elias", thump (understandable xD).
22:39 "this", thump
22:52 "UK" and "even", thump thump, the hell??
22:58 (twothousandand)"ten", thump…
I propose a new Magnus drinking game: Every time you hear a thump, drink!
It's the eyes surrounding Jon bouncing off the walls
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
honest to god you cooked so hard, I seriously agree with everything you said. I ADORE Beastars to death, the worldbuilding and incorporation of animal behaviors and ethics is perfect and Legoshi is genuinely one of my favorite fictional characters of all time fun fact: Legoshi's birthday is actually the same as mine xdd but it makes it all the more painful that it ended the way it did
I can't find the source rn but I distinctly remember reading somewhere that Paru was forced to add the shonen elements by Weekly Shonen Champion to make it "more marketable", and that she was so dissatisfied by having to add these elements that she ended the manga's run early. It clearly shows in how rushed and lazily explained the Melon arc stuff was, and it makes me even sadder because Paru is so passionate about her characters and universe and you can just FEEL that she hated having to add all that stuff in. it's just, man.
I one hundred percent agree with you on your opinions of Melon. I ADORE his concept and his backstory (reads like something out of Criminal Minds which I also adore hehe), but he is WOEFULLY misused as a character. They should have leaned in WAY more into him being a carnivore/herbivore hybrid, fleshing out his conflicting instincts and really hammering in how much of a parallel he is to Legoshi... which is what I feel like Paru WAS going to do before WSC started breathing down her neck. The concept of hybrids should have been focused on more in general tbh - I know Paru could have done something truly fascinating with their worldbuilding, but she couldn't due to all the shonen stuff. I felt you so strongly about the daycare in particular - I was SO EXCITED when I first saw it and then it was never seen again????? I don't even think a single student from there was NAMED????? PARU WHYYYYYY???
moving on, you already said a bunch of good points about what makes the ending weak as hell, and I agree with all of it, but honestly, the thing that pisses me off the most about it was how fucking dirty Louis was done. His break up with Juno and him WILLINGLY getting into an arranged marriage with Azuki was bad enough - it was just wildly out of character. But what REALLY makes me furious is how Oguma drops dead off screen and suddenly Louis forgives him for everything he's done?????? WHAT THE FLYING FUCK????????? AGAIN THAT'S WILDLY OUT OF CHARACTER FOR LOUIS BUT IT'S EVEN WORSE BECAUSE OGUMA IS A FUCKING SHITHEAD. SHOULD HAVE FUCKING PISSED ON HIS GRAVE LOUIS.
...oh lord I've rambled for a while now 😅 but yeah Beastars is a series I adore, and I'll still recommend it to people without hesitation, but with the same caveats you presented. I will say, though, that I genuinely think there is a good chance that Studio Orange creates an entirely different ending for the anime (I genuinely think the only way they can wrap everything that's left up in one season is if they make MASSIVE changes to the plot) and it gives me a tiny bit of hope. So to anyone reading this, if you want to experience Beastars in the best way possible, WATCH THE ANIME. It's already such a good experience in general. Even if the ending sucks, DO IT FOR THE ANIMATION. AND DO IT FOR LEGOSHI.
I am very sorry for making you read these giant ass paragraphs I am just a little more passionate about this series than the average person LMAOOOOOOOOO
DO NOT APOLOGIZE!! I've been having a bit of a blast sharing thoughts about the series with people, love hearing other's sentiments (specifically about that ending, glad we can all agree it was trash lol). I am glad that my theory that the decision to focus Beastars on battles was definitely someone else's call has some truth to it, it didn't feel like Beastars at all. Definitely a poor choice...
Louis. Man. I was so angry about how Haru had been shoved off into a corner for most of the second half that I could barely process what was going on with Louis. The series was so good at calling out bullshit in the first half, Oguma getting redemption via death was so out of left field and not built up at all. Him getting with his fiancee too....SO disappointing. That I think was a bad call on Itagaki's part, Louis getting with Juno would've been immensely more satisfying than whatever the arranged marriage shit was. Throwing rocks!! boo!!
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tumbleweeddesktop · 7 months
WEH IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THE REDESIGN IGNDJFBSJBFJDJF fun fact it started when i made him in a picrew way back and i got the idea to just go ham with his design XDD i dont know why it just happened
He's autistic as hell and possibly has adhd too, like you cant tell me this bastard is neurotypical
Hypermobility <3<3<3 he constantly puts himself in the weirdest positions and claims its comfortable. The downside is joint pain 💔
He actually doesn't take care of himself very well. Its better now that he's with Nanami but he used to be an absolute mess mentally and physically
Talks A LOT to whoever will listen, but he tends to stutter when hes excited or stressed. ALSO VOCAL STIMS. Hes pretty much never quiet even when not talking, constantly making random noises and humming to himself esp when hes bored
LOVES doing little crafts, those beaded bracelets he wears? He makes those himself, and actually had tons of them, but they often fall off or break in battle (these things never hold on that long i know from experience) so he constantly makes new ones. Also he def makes them for his friends too. Nanami has one he always wears but its usually hidden in his sleeve so Gojo doesnt mock him about it
ALSO LIKE YOU SAID WITH SEWING!! Ive actually been meaning to get into it myself and thats literally perfect for him... he def has an evergrowing army of little plushies he made himself <3
And adding to what you said about him making bread for Nanami, he overall likes baking and cooking. I saw other ppl saying Nanami is good at cooking too, so i feel like while he stays with more savory things, Haruta def specializes in sweets.
Sensory issues galore! Hes very sensitive to certain sounds and despises loud noises, so he often carries around headphones to shut himself off if needed
Okay this one is super self-indulgent but. Despite his luck and overconfidence he is Very prone to stress, which leads into stress eating, which leads into him being a bit on the chubby side..
LASTLY BC DAMNIT THIS IS GETTING TOO LONG. He is huge on PDA. Constantly holding Nanami's hand and hugging him and stealing kisses here and there. Nanami found this annoying at first, but now he just accepts it -w- oh and overall Haru is super clingy in private too like its impossible for Nanami to pull him off sometimes hes like a tick <//3
Okay thats it im going now bye sorry theres so much TwT
Wait can I respond with how Nanami interacts with your hc with Haruta??? Cs I have some ideas, well some doesn't relate to Nanami but SHSUSUSHSHHS
During a bad sensor day Nanami leaves him alone cs sometimes the presence of other people nerved him and can make it worse (im projecting but shuhshhhhhhhh)
Haruta definitely does some yoga after noticing his joint pains getting worse, and he's really into it because it slows his mind down and once he got good at the more complex positions he starts doing it randomly to relax himself
Their condo has like boxes of craft supply, like beads, fabrics and patches, embroidery supplies, and the end products as well just displayed on every surface possible. Some students that visit ended up wanting some of them and Haruta just gives them away.
His sewing venture is disastrous at first, but after a few lessons he got the basics down and starts making progress. The first good (in his standards) thing he made is a tie [Im actually projecting abt sewing cs im do sew but SHUSHSHSHSH]
Nanami "I'm-only-tolerating-your-touches" Kento when Haruta goes away on a prolonged mission :
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milesdadworth · 8 months
You are.... quite close to correct with the Ray-gave-Phoenix-Miles'-info headcanon to my own headcanons: it's not stated, but when you get through case 3 you'll be through enough of Ray's arc that I can tell you /exactly/ how that logically went down, and it's an angstfest so I am so so so excited to tell you ALL of the details.
Tragically, you won't see how Miles and Dogen's showdown went down, but that doesn't mean we should count Dogen out of anything, because we should all remember Chekov's gun. I can't give you more than that but I can give you that much!
It never could've been MvK though because he died before AA2, presumably in prison. That being said, wrow. That's a hell of an idea!! -aai2 anon who is desperate to tell you all of his Ray headcanons but CAN'T until the end of case 3, where he'll get to rip your heart out, but also desperately wants to know what spoilers you have for case 3 already
oh yeah we're def waiting for the other shoe to drop with him we did just get to the point where we found out he and Kingsley have been doing correspondence chess and such
TRUE I just thought for a moment oh maybe his like official execution hasn't happened yet and in JFA we're talking as if he's dead because he's on death row ಥ‿ಥ (did they ever straight up say he's dead or just that he's 'gone'? I can't remember but w how vague this series is sometimes...)
I know like the most basic of stuff (aka things I've skimmed very quickly through his wiki so i can get a gist while trying to avoid major spoilers just to know enough to mention him when i'm writing fic and how he fits in w the Edgeworth legacy lmfao) like Ray taking over Greg's office and Ray defending clients who are usually guilty andddd what else OH I THINK? the only other thing I know about Ray was when he was baby nervous lad he ate paper xDD (Ray 🤝 Phoenix being young and eating things they shouldn't but to be fair paper is easier to digest than glass)
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Oh god... Oh God Slashing, my man, I just got this thought and I NEED to put this here while it's still fresh in my mind.
Ok so you and I both write Wheezy being handsome, yeah? Especially when he cleans himself up and looks like a cologne commercial without trying?
What if Wheezy was like the groups Harper and Smartass would be Buckman pimping him out? Yeah, Greasy is already throwing himself at women, though it's safe to assume that that doesn't make women swoon XD so if for whatever reason, the group needed to seduce somebody, Smarty knows he's gotta send in Wheezy. Oh I imagine Greasy would be miffed XDD
Your thoughts?
Omg! I'm imagining that scene in Atlantis where the team is trynna 'decide' who should go schmooze Kida and Mole (Greasy) keeps popping up like 'I will do it!', 'I am your man!', 'For the good of the team, I will do it!', until Rourke (Smartass) smacks Milo (Wheezy), who could not care less, on the shoulder and goes 'Thanks for volunteering', causing Mole Greasy to start sobbing XDDD
Anyway- I love this. Here's a
Wheezy Weasel x Fem! Reader x Greasy Weasel || Drabble
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Plot: Wheezy is instructed to charm Y/N, the recently ex girlfriend of a powerful Mafia toon in town that they have had some trouble with for years, and get information out of her (Like where has he run off to?)- except Greasy has a huge Thing for Y/N and he's very insulted that he wasn't given this job, and now Wheezy has to deal with Manipulative Pervert antics.
Warnings: Greasy bring Oppertunistic (Seeing Y/N's heartbroken drunkenness as an In), and just like... being himself. Also I'm not sure if this is coherent 😅
Greasy Weasel's POV
"Alright, Wheez- "As soon as Smartass glances at the smoker he does a double take, scowling. And I dont blame him, el fumador looks like a disgraceful mess- but what else is knew really?? I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "Fucken hell, Wheezy. Brush your hair. You're up." Here I set my jaw and repress the angry words I want to spit at them both- why does he get to have all if the fun??? I am right here-
Wheezy heaves the heaviest sigh known to man kind, like an absolute drama queen, smoke slipping out of his mouth, nostrils, and his eyeballs. Honestly you'd think that if smoke started to leak out of your eyeballs you may cut back, but no... and this is the man that the Boss thinks can charm the women. Tch. Imbéciles estúpidos. "Boss, really?... "
"Yeah, really. I'm not talking for my own amusement, am I??? Heck no. Wash your face." It is going to take more then that to make el fumador a member of society, but okay-
"I was really hopin' to like... take a back seat, on this one... "
I cant help the annoyed huff, I make at this. The boss gives me a dangerous side eye and Wheezy looks unsurely at me, as if he is some kind of victim in all this, but I refuse to look at either of them; Just merely whistle and look off to our other two comrads picking at something squishy in the gutter.
Smartass rolls his eyes at me, then returns his attention to Wheezy, his eyes hard and mean. "Wheezy. There is a pathetic, heartbroken woman in there," He points at the bar we're parked next to, where Y/N is, "with information, gettin' drunk- Get your lazy flat ass in there."
Smartass' beautiful description of her almost gets me hard (she's so vulnerable right now- if I could just get close to her- speak to her- aghhhh!) but while I'm standing stiff trying to calm myself down- Wheezy actually groans (Where I can hear him!) and hunches his shoulders (Where I can clearly see him!), before slinking in.
Grrrrrrr, this ungrateful, undeserving, selfish- "And, now, we play the waitin' game. Greasy, go down the road and get us some snacks, will ya?" Smarty suddenly thrusts a few bills in my hands. Qué? Do I look like your server?? "I'm gonna take a nap in the van. And dont forget the red vines this time, will ya?"
With that, the boss slinks into the back of our dodge and slams the doors shut behind him. I make a face after him for a few moments, insulted by his usual brash manner, before... an idea, occurs to me.
As Stupid and Psycho continue to play with gutter garbage nearby, I compose a plan.
Heheh. I can be back before Smartass wakes up.
Ahhhh, there's the bastard.
As soon as I walk in, I spot them. Y/N's hunched on her elbows by the bar, her eyes wide with delicious, innocent, vulnerable intrigue as Wheezy (A.K.A the bastard) talks to her.
I taste something terrible watching them, because admittedly el fumador is rather charming when he tries to be (And sometimes when he isn't. I think it has something to do with how relaxed~ he seems to be, all the time. I could never be like that, not even if I, too, smoked 17 packs an hour- ) and he does have nice eyes,.. but goddamnit, that old man is going down. I can do this.
I would say I'm apologetic for what I must do- but I am not.
"Y/N!" Her body jumps when I appear on her other side, turning around to look at me with pretty rounded eyes; A definite haze of intoxication behind them. A smirk slithers across my face looking down at her. "Funny to see you here!- I had no idea. And- with el fumador!.. of all people... How nice. Mind if I join you?"
Wheezy gives me a raised-eyebrow look from Y/N's other side, but I ignore him! ^^ "Grease, what're you doin'?"
My attention is only for Y/N- pathetic, pregnable, easy Y/N. She glances at Wheezy, before settling her attention on me again. "Um- sure! What are- what are you doing here?"
"Ohh, nothing much~ Gracias for allowing me to crash your night, hermosa. Very sweet of you."
Nervously, she gives a faint smile; Shrugging. "Ohh, its n- nothing... I wasn't doing much... " Oh, the adorable, heartbroken thing she is. She doesn't know we are perfectly aware of her break up from that dumb asshole she's been with, today. Or that we kind of caused it. Afterall, he didnt leave town for no reason... Of course she doesn't- I should play this subtly.
"Mmm... and where is your boyfriend, Y/N? Surely he wouldn't leave you alone in a bar looking so beautiful~... Unsavoury types may approach." At this, I do finally look at Wheezy, and he gives me a very unamused look in return. Oh, he has no sense of humour-
"More unsavoury than you?" Y/N suddenly snaps, eyes flashing knowingly at mean- oh. She's more clever than I thought. Okay. I see.
"... can I buy you another drink, Hermosa?" She's not nearly drunk enough.
"Greasy." Wheezy warns, again. But Y/N takes a deep breath and nods, and then he's looking surprised at her. "Are you sure, about that?"
She shrugs back at him as I order her another of what she was drinking. "... yeah. I um- Brick broke up with me, today. I could use a few hundred... thousand, drinks."
Aww... pathetic little thing. Just perfect. Wheezy catches me smirking as I finger through the bills Smartass gave me for red vines, having heard that delicious admition, and gives a sigh; Rolling his eyes.
"Sorry to hear that... " He lies, because he knew very well what happened with Brick today, just like I did. Looking tired as ever, though especially by me right now (I'd know that tone in his broken voice anywhere. That tone is alllllll my fault. And I'm honoured), Wheezy gestures to the bartender fetching me Y/N's drink. "I could use a drink, too."
"Don't worry Y/N," I nudge her with my elbow, settling in close to her, and give a wink. "I will be the designated driver for us. Feel free to drink all the booze you like~ "
Wheezy taps the bar. "Make that two, will ya? 'Nd put it on his tab."
2 hours later, Y/N's completely drunk and Wheezy may have dragged her bar stool ever-so-subtly further from me and closer to him, but I am the one with all of her attention. I have her exactly~ where I want her.
I just need to get rid of el fumador, somehow, then-
"YOU," That voice is unmistakably familiar, and I immediately go stiff as a plank. "GODDAMN MORONS."
Oh, infierno. This is not good.
Y/N's eyebrow raises, turning in her seat and almost slipping off of it- if it weren't for Wheezy jumping forward and steadying her. I'm busy stringing a good excuse together in my head... but nothing is coming to me... "Is that Smartass?"
"Yep, looks like the jigs up," Wheezy tells her, turning to me meaningfully. He knows she won't remember anything he says, now. "Eh, Greasy?"
I dont say a word, avoiding his eye. I'm still desperately raking my brain for a good excuse-
"The- the jig?? What- "
They sell red vines in here?? I just stepped in to go to the bathroom?? I needed a glass of water?? No, no, no-
"Eh, don't worry about it doll. How about we get you a cab and send ya home? Where are yer shoes?"
By the time Smartass reaches us Wheezy has helped Y/N to get herself together (His arm around her waist to keep her from tripping and her shoes in his other hand), my chances with her tonight are successfully diminished, he's ready to take her to the door, and I've still got nothing. Smartass looks sharply at him, and he gives a solemn shake of his head. "I got nothin' after all that. Talk to lover boy."
As Wheezy takes Y/N away, Smartass slowly does turn to 'lover boy', me; A very violent look in his eyes, and I hold up a finger. As if to 'pause' him.
... Absolutely no excuse has come to mind. My head is completely blank. Smooth, in fact, like a leaf. And that look in the bosses eye is making my bladder feel weak. "... I plead the fifth- "
"YOU PLEA- You're gonna plead for the use of your legs back when I'm done with ya!! Get in the van. Get- Go- I'm not gonna tell ya twice!"
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missbrunettebarbie · 2 years
Rush - initial thoughts
Rush dropped at 2 a.m. here and I def couldn't afford to listen to it when it came out, I needed to sleep. But at 3.30 or so I had a nightmare and I woke up. Since I couldn't go back to sleep immediately, I decided to listen to one new song from Rush, to see how the album is like. And one song turned into all seventeen, because this album is that good! Here are my initial ratings:
1. Own my mind -10/10 What a way to start the album! A banger! Probably in my top 5 (although this is so hard to figure out, there are a lot of choices!)
2. Gossip - 9/10 Gets a lot of points for the lyrics, but as fun as it is, it kinda pales in comparasion to other songs. Mostly because this album is banger after banger.
3. Timezone -10/10 Best ballad on the album, hands down. Honestly, this should have been the single instead of The Loneliest. It's honest, raw and gets stuck in your head.
4. Bla Bla Bla - 7/10. The intial spoiler made me think that would be a skip, but nope, it's actually pretty fun. Also, I saw its storyline and I have to say, I love that they are creating this fictional characters and writing from their perspective. (And not to overshare, but in this particular case, I feel like I knew some people that probably think like this narrator.) They still have a long way to go before these fictional characters are well-rounded, but everyone needs to start somewhere. I love how the music serves the lyrics, so I understand why it gets so repetitive, but yeah, it's still grating.
5. Baby Said - 10/10 SINGLE, SINGLE, SINGLE! I am gonna say it over and over again, until the universe makes it happen. As soon as the song ended, I felt the need to listent to it again! Def a top 3 for me! Oh, and of course, I almost forgot to mention how much I love the theme, and rn in this moment of my life, I kimda can't relate. (Which is a bit painful, yup)
6. Gasoline - 10/10 I waited a long time for the studio version, and it didn't disappoint! Is this my favorite of the entire album? Maybe, I don't know! But it's up there.
7. Feel -9/10 Mindless fun and I love it!
8. Don't wanna sleep - 10/10 A banger, and very relatable! What more can you want?
9. Kool Kids - 3/10 .....What the hell is this?! My one skip on this album, apparently. Honestly, if I it wasn't for the live versions -and I can't say I am fond of thos either- it would have an even lower score. You know how all these people were afraid Rush would all sound like Supermodel. Yeah, that was me with Kool Kids when it was first played live. And somehow this version is ten times worse.
10. If not for you - 7/10. The second half is overall the weaker half, and this ballad kinda sets the tone for it. It's not bad at all, it's just kinda forgettable.
11. Read your diary -9/10 Again, love that they write from a fictional character's persepctive. Better than Bla Bla Bla, but it still needs to be a bit...more.
12. Mark Chapman -10/10 When I listened to it in the middle of the night -without paying attention to the lyrics because my Italian is not that good when I am sleepy- I thought it was a great earworm of a melody. Then I put it again in the morning, planning to pay attention to the lyrics, but forgot to because the melody is that great! Then, as a last resort, I muted the video and read the lyrics. Thankfully my language skills were good enough to pick up almost everything and let me tell you, I got chills. I had planned to read the English translation after, in case I missed anything, but I couldn't! Because this song paints a very chilling and scary picture! Damn! The true masterpiece IMO.
13. La fine - 10/10 I mean, I knew this before, so I knew what I was getting aka Italian rock perfection.
14. Il dono della vita -7/10 Look, I love Italian too, but this is not the strongest ballad here! Damiano's vocals are beautiful and I like -not love- the instrumental, but they don't marry well together! (Pun intended xDD) I had to look up the lyrics because my Italian may have gotten better, but it's not that good, and idk if it's google translate or what, but even lyrically, this one doesn't feel as raw and interesting as say, Timezone. I know a lot of people love it because it sounds like Teatro D'Ira -and the band confirmed it was written for it - but to me it sounds like a TDI reject. Like they put it here to reach some quota of Italian songs.
15. Mammamia -10/10 I mean, at this point, this is iconic, so is there anything more to say about it?
16. Supermodel -8/10 I did say that the second side is the weakest -not overly so, but still- one, and sadly that's the side of the singles. And as much as I like Supermodel, it pales in comparasion to other songs here. Still, it's fun.
17. The Loneliest - 8/10 When it came out, the song left me cold. I mean, I loved that the band was experimenting, but for me it was meh. In the midtime, the song definitely grew on me. I wasn't sure if I should give it a 8 or 9, but it loses points for being the album closer. I mean, for me, it doesn't really feel like a closer at all. Idk how I would have ended the album, there don't seem to be any good choices available, but this one feels like a really ??? choice.
Overall score: 8,64
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blazingstaro · 1 year
EYOO gang! Apologies for my silence as of late, Tears of the Kingdom has completely consumed my life since launch XDD
Luckily I have a hell of a stockpile of pages, so I'm not worried. This game has given my wrist a well-needed break, as I had worked it to soreness over 3 weeks of straight drawing
Oh! By the way!!
Next page of DotS: Magolor's Mechanical Mayhem! is arriving tomorrow at 2pm PST!
I'll be back on track with some sketches relatively soon, but things will be a little slow because this game really has a hold on me, and I'm enjoying the heck out of it! <3 (That, and I really need to slow down on drawing so much, so I don't get tendonitis again like years ago EEEGHHH) It's definitely inspiring a lot, and has given me some ideas for a specific enigmatic tribe in DotS!
@starlightfyre and I both have been cracking all kings of jokes, and I'd love to sketch those out sometime!
But yeah, oh man I'm absolutely adoring this game! Absolutely, somehow, blows BotW out of the water! They did it, they out-masterpiece'd a masterpiece— it's utterly mind-blowing, and gosh this gameplay is so clean! TotK truly feels like Zelda again, but still retains what makes BotW so special on top of new things. BWAAAAAHHH I could give you guys my full review if you want XD Otherwise I'll just gabble every so often about how much I love this gAAAMMMEEEEE AAA
And no worries, I'm still on the Kirby side of things! <3 I've adored the Zelda franchise since I was a kid, much like Kirby. I'm very much a Nintendo fan in general, on top of being raised with other consoles (most notably PlayStation)
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