neonreflections23 ¡ 8 months
Golly, chapter 5 is a bitch to finish up considering college was kicking my ass. I’m almost done, so here’s a small teaser for what’s to come.
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Wow I should definitely continue making my silly oc x canon fic
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neonreflections23 ¡ 10 months
Chapter 5 is in production
Wow I should definitely continue making my silly oc x canon fic
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neonreflections23 ¡ 11 months
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I only listen to real music /j
(Que Neon trying to post on Tumblr more cause Twitter and Tik Tok are kicking my butt.)
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neonreflections23 ¡ 11 months
Wow I should definitely continue making my silly oc x canon fic
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
~Blissful Death~
Chapter 4
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Fandom- IdentityV
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions
Major Content Warnings- Prominent Themes of Death
Word Count- 4310
Chapter Summary- Curiosity was eating at Ulysses the longer they stayed, the more questions needed to be answered. It was finally time to get it from the source of it all, even if there may be a hard decision in the end.
Notes/Comments- This entire chapter took me a while thanks to doing art project. I have yet to make chapter art, but this is more of a slow paced chapter. I’ll update this entire post with the art that may come soon.
Previous Chapter
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Throughout the passing weeks, Ulysses passes by the seventh door within the residential sect only giving it passing glances. Things were relatively quiet within the fall days in the Crimson Castle, Naib has been taken away to take care of organizational matters, Violetta has been tending to the castle gardens, Kevin is always avoidant of him, Edgar was researching to help him yet adamant about Ulysses not joining, and Ann is usually in solitude with Apostle. Almost everyone is wrapped up in their own affairs and has left Ulysses to explore the place he now calls home.
The unicorn got up in the morning and haphazardly put on a simple robe for the day and set out. He had made no progress on helping Luca and it was telling that Edgar is reaching many dead ends while searching through many books and old manuscripts. Ulysses didn’t want to fret, there just has to be something they haven’t found and that door is the key.
He stood before the seventh door and eyes the aged boards on it. He took hold of one and pulled at it with all his might only to fall back once it broke off. He was quick to look around to see if anyone heard anything, but the halls were empty. He heaved a sigh of relief and went back to ripping off the boards until-
“Hey! What are you doing?”
Ulysses turned around to see Margaretha right behind him looking confused.
“Uh- It’s not what it looks like!”
“It is what it looks like silly! You are trying to see what’s inside that door! Who can blame you? Everyone is dying to know why it was boarded up for years. Even when I arrived here, I was told to stay away from it.”
“Really? You aren’t mad?”
“Not one bit, in fact, I am just as curious as you. Come on, open it!”
“W-wait! Just promise me you won’t tell Naib. I know you are his friend and all, so I just wanna avoid misunderstandings!.”
“I don’t need to tell him. There are things he doesn’t need to know since he is the one who likes to not tell us anything. I asked him about the door when I first came here and he kept skirting around it as if it was a bad memory. It seemed like he almost cried.”
“Then I shouldn’t let myself in this room.” Ulysses stopped now looking worried at the very thing he wanted to break into. “I came here trying to find answers as I feel like nothing I ask will give me the truth. I just feel at a loss here.”
“I hear ya. But I’ll be sure to board this room up once we finish searching inside. You have my word.”
With hesitation, the duo opened the door to reveal a dusty room. Everything seemed like a cast-off memory with cobwebs and old toys on the floor, the entire place was an apartment as it had two bedrooms and a small living area. The room on the right as they went inside was a kid’s room filled with dolls and playthings. The bed wasn’t touched in ages. It seemed like whoever it was never expected to come back to this place. The room on the left was more of an adult's room as it was just a simple setup, there were many starry paintings along the walls. Ulysses looked deeper inside and searched through the drawers of the dresser to find women's clothes. He went on to look into the nightstand and pulled out a dusty frame, he swiped away at the glass to reveal a painting of a lovely woman with flowing pink hair and a bright smile as she held a baby in a swaddle, what stuck out most is her horn on her head.
He almost threw the frame in shock, but he just stood there looking dumb at the frame until Margaretha came to see what he found.
“Wow, she looks just like you- Oh. Is that..?”
“My mother. What is her picture doing here?”
“Maybe she was a resident here? But this has to be before the Lord took up the throne, right? Did she know his father?”
“I don’t know, but this all isn’t adding up and that’s what I hate the most about it. First Naib’s unconditional kindness, the banquet, and now this. What else is he hiding?”
Margie inspected the framed painting and pointed out a signature on it.
“Look! The painting was made by Edgar’s father. He used to be a frequent member of this castle until he and Naib had a falling out. Supposedly it was over Naib requesting an impossible painting some years back, though Edgar did come here when he was sixteen to pick up his father’s work. I remember Naib telling me all about it one night when he requested my presence.”
“Surprised he told you something so personal.”
“What can I say? I just am a good listener. I mean I never expected to be friends with him as he is a reserved man. Most of his inner circle doesn’t have their own opinions, so I guess he just wants me there as a confidant. That kind of changed now that you are here of course. When he and I run errands, he always talks about you and how happy he is that you returned here.”
“But I never remembered being here. Not one bit. This is concerning me more that my mother and I have been here without my knowledge.”
“I don’t know, but I’ll go search around more and see what I can find.”
The two split to look for clues just to find more old antiques and knickknacks all of astronomy. His mother adored it and always took him out in the woods to stargaze with her when she was still alive. It swept him in emotions finding old star maps, diagrams, and drawings of constellations. There were some that even he drew in crude pencil drawings. Looking within his old room, he sifted through the nearby toy chest and found some papers of more childish art. One of a blue butterfly, another of a tree under a sunny sky, and one where it was him and another person he couldn’t make out, even by squinting, enjoying a picnic near the castle. His headaches badly trying to even recall who the person is in the drawing. It even made Margie concerned for him as she was quick to take the drawings and put them back.
“That was Naib wasn’t it.” Margie held his head in her hands as she massaged his temples for him. “That drawing looks just like him without all the butterflies. It seems you two were friends before from that picture.”
“My head hurts even trying to remember! How could I have known him before? I know Edgar said I possibly lost my memory and-“
“Edgar? You talked with him?”
Ulysses froze.
“Yes. He wanted to know if I knew him before cause supposedly Naib was reminiscing about us when I was asleep. I didn’t want to believe him, but he gave me hard proof…”
“Say no more. I won’t tell Naib but just know to be careful around Edgar. The little guy gets himself in a lot of trouble to prove his crazy theories of this place, though…I don’t think he is crazy anymore. Look. Let’s just go for now before someone-“
“Someone what?” The two jumps at the new voice to find it was Violetta looking at the two with a stern look and her tapping her “feet” in frustration.
“Ah- Violetta we were just-“
“Save it, Ulysses. You know I’m gonna have to tell the lord of what you two did.”
“But it was my idea! Margie was just keeping me in line!”
“Margaretha, is this true?”
“U- Yes! I was making sure that he didn’t break anything and looked around without causing trouble. He was beyond curious and he just wanted to see what was inside is all.”
Violetta was still not happy.
“Glad you kept him in line, but go now before I also report you too! He and Ulysses will have a chat.”
The dancer was quick to scurry out of the room soon followed by Violetta holding the unicorn tightly by the arm. The two made their way into a section of the castle he never explored, the winding corridors revealing an elaborate parlor room with a fireplace crackling. Kevin stood guard next to the armchair facing the hearth while the violinist played sweetly in the corner. Naib paid no attention to the newcomers as he kept his empty gaze on the fire before him. Kevin was quick to whisper in his ear, notifying him of their arrival.
“What do you want, Violetta? Are your binds loose again? I can fix them in a little while. After all, we can’t have your mobility aid wear down when winter is approaching quicker than usual.”
“No, in fact, it’s much more serious. Ulysses broke into the forbidden room.”
The man in red sharply turned in surprise, the unicorn couldn’t help but cower in his piercing gaze.
“Vio, please sit him near me. You, Kevin, and Antonio leave me immediately.”
“Yes, my Lord.” They all spoke in unison as Violetta sat Ulysses on the armchair next to her leader. The three of them left the room quickly and shut the doors behind them.
The silence was suffocating. The two of them just sat staring at the fire. It seemed like there were words to be said, yet they didn’t know how to convey it.
It was then Naib broke the silence.
“Did you know that I can’t feel the warmth of a fire or another person? My entire body is cold to the touch. Touch my gloved hand.” His voice sounded distant, but Ulysses hesitated before touching the deep red glove Naib presented. It was as he said. Colder than ice. “You might be asking why I have brought this on, ‘How could my body temperature relate to you breaking in your old room?’ It’s simple really. Nothing here was as it was years ago. I was once a normal person with warm skin. You were once a resident of this castle, surely you know that. I’m done pretending you don’t remember anything. You know that you and your mother were great friends with my parents before.”
“Let me finish.
I cared a lot about you when we both were here in this castle. Things were normal. Life in this purgatory world was beautiful with you in it, even if we were just friends back then. I knew that there was something greater for both of us. You, a future astronomer and singer, I, ruler of this world just as my father before me did. I wanted you to stay with me forever and rule beside me. Even as I was young, I never knew how to even tell you that. Though that never came to be as I have inadvertently hurt you and made you leave me.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Naib, I got inside that room to find answers about why you-”
“Let me guess, the painter told you that we met before?” Naib scoffed. “You remember. You just don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to admit that I drove you away.”
“That isn’t true! I never knew you in my life! My home was in the Safe Side within the forest. I lived there with my mother ever since I was a baby.” Naib was quick to shoot a gaze at the unicorn that shut him up quickly.
“Even if you don’t remember, I will make sure you do! How can you not remember the accident?! The day I ruined your right eye?! The moments of us running around in this castle? Moments where we promised we would stick together until we die in this plane? How can you not remember?!” He was now choking up as he spoke. “I want you to remember! I lost you and you finally came back to me! That has to mean something! You knew to come back to me! I’m not buying that bullshit that you lost your memory!”
“Naib…I don’t remember anything about this place. I never knew we were friends. Have I meant that much to you?”
“You don’t know how lonely I was since I got this plague! You don’t know how much I missed you as I waited and waited. I always clung to that stupid hope you would come back somehow, and you did. You are home! We finally are together after twelve fucking years! You said that you’ll meet me back at our favorite tree! You said you’d come back and you did!” Naib now was letting the tears stream as the butterfly on his right eye flew off revealing a scarred eye, his hands now clenching the armchair in pent-up frustration. “I punished myself every single day for making you leave. I don’t dare look out of my eye as punishment for making yours useless. I can never forgive myself for doing it to you those years ago!”
“Naib! You don’t need to punish yourself! I’m here, aren’t I? I may not remember our years together, but I am not going to let you do this to yourself.” Ulysses sprung to his side and stopped short of drying his tears. He looked frantically for something to help, settling on a discarded paper on the floor. He carefully dried Naib’s tears making sure their skin doesn’t touch. This only made the other blubber out more in cries. He nudged the unicorn aside and dried his eyes on his own.
“I always was a pathetic friend. I harbored a deep love for you for so long and now I can’t even hold you in my arms knowing you’ll die.” The butterfly returned to him as it took its place back on his face. “I wish you remembered! I wish you knew how much I cared.” He held the unicorn’s head in his hands as the other knelt before him. “You don’t know how much I longed for you and shut myself out of that old room. It’s a forbidden place for me to go. It just reminds me of my failures and what I have done to you.”
“Well. For what it’s worth, I don’t remember what you did. I’m not upset at you and I am beyond fine living my life with only one working eye. It was like I was born with it.
Don’t worry so much about what you did, okay? This is a clean slate for you in a way. I may not remember anything of my life before, but this is a fresh start. We can start over!”
“Start over?” Naib looked at him in disbelief which turned back into self-deprecation. “I don’t deserve it after what I did! I don’t want to hurt you again!”
“Naib stop it! You aren’t hurting me now nor will you ever. I adore you and I am not letting you talk about yourself like this!” Ulysses nuzzled into Naib’s hands in an attempt to reassure him. “I feel safe with you and I mean it honestly. Seeing you get mad at yourself for something so long ago is taking away from the fact we reunited. Enjoy this time we have.”
“But I know you will leave me again. I want you to stay with me like how we both wanted back then.”
“Well, why not come with me to the Safe Side once I do leave and we can live together like you wanted?”
“But why won’t you stay here? You belong here as you were born and raised in this world. Don’t you want to stay here in the castle with me? We’ll be together for all eternity compared to the Safe Side…I have the ability to do that here in this world.” Naib fell silent as he caressed Ulysses’s face lovingly.
“I-“ He was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to choose. Stay in this world or go home? It truly felt like he never belonged in both, yet home is where his life was destroyed in one night. The Other Side is where people welcomed him with open arms. His promise to Luca was still fresh in his mind as he cozied himself into the loving touches. Choosing this place would mean betraying his friend. Going home means betraying Naib. Ulysses furrowed his brows as he was mulling over it. The other seemed to take note of his indecision and lifted the unicorn’s chin to look at him.
“Don’t worry. I won’t make you answer right away. You’ve only been here for a small while and I don’t want you to stress about it. Just focus on getting settled in and relax.” He let go of the unicorn and took the paper he used and placed it on the other’s lips, placing a quick kiss onto it before taking it off the other. Ulysses’s face quickly burned bright red as he was now stammering nonsense. “Just make sure to tell me before the year ends, okay? It’s already Fall, so I expect by Winter you will have your decision. This Winter is approaching quicker than usual, but you still have time.”
Naib got up and took one last look at the fire before standing by the door. He motioned for his love to follow, and so the two were walking through the castle walls and out into the chilly outside. The sun felt far away and the sky seemed gray and filled with dead leaves flying away. Yet within the castle gardens, it was pristine as can be with bright red roses in full bloom, showing their petals for the world to see. The duo stood in the middle of it and Naib couldn’t help but have a smug face on.
“This garden is the lifeblood of my congregation. The roses that bloom here always are picked by everyone and given to Violetta to purify and be given to new members. They also serve a special purpose aside from a lovely gift, as you will see in the coming Blood Moon Ball. She and I take great pride in this place, though she mainly takes care of things here. My garden back in the Safe Side is what I care for the most as our favorite place is there. Both places are important to me.”
Ulysses took a rose in hand and inspected it. Compared to many plants he looked at, its petals were warm and felt silky to the touch. He put it close to his heart warming himself to keep the fall chill away.
“It feels like magic is coursing through it. How did you even plant these?”
“Magic is everywhere here unlike the Safe Side, for instance.” Naib took the flower from Ulysses and made it burst into a glorious flame in his hand. He grabbed the unicorn’s hand, letting the other touch the magic fire. Ulysses was about to flinch but was stunned to see that it wasn’t burning him, only giving a much greater warmth in the autumn chill. Naib gave Ulysses the flower back before walking along the garden path with the others following close. “Flowers like these grow exclusively at this castle as a result of my father and mother researching methods to save me from this plague I bear. These flowers are a great treasure as their futile efforts to ‘save me’ from myself brought an accidental beauty.”
“You keep referring to your powers as a plague. Is that why we can’t touch..?”
“You and the entire realm beyond can’t lay a finger on me. Knowing that I am the sole ruler of this purgatory, I am the only connection from here to the Overworld. That was jeopardized when I stumbled upon a butterfly that bore this curse as a boy. My parents worked themselves to death just trying to figure out how to remove it just for me to succeed to the throne and maintain the family tradition. I don’t care anymore about it as I still succeeded regardless. It’s like they were trying to remove part of me.”
“Ah- It’s a burden you have to carry then?”
“In some cosmic irony, yes. I carry everyone’s fear and sadness alongside this horrid curse. Who knew doing so made them last forever? They all love me for doing so and making them feel free. I surround myself with them as I feel needed.” He fell silent now seeming to reminisce. Ulysses didn’t want to bother with another question, so he left it at that. Naib wrapped an arm around him, careful to not let his exposed chest be near the other. The unicorn held the rose close as he relished the covered touch, now warmed by the rose’s fire. Naib truly felt cold to the touch even with a covered arm, but strangely it felt warm to him like some long smoldered crackling of a flame.
They both walked in silence around the castle grounds, earning some confused glances their way from their fellow subjects. They even went past Kevin who seemed pretty dejected seeing Ulysses in his Master’s arm and wasn’t punished for his grave offense. Violetta was quick to give him a little smack on his shoulder to focus his gaze elsewhere as the two walked past, but it didn’t stop him as he was close to haunting their path. Emily had to be the one to pull him aside and give him a scolding.
By the time night fell, the two were laughing and running to hide behind some stone pillars as they were clumsily carrying many pastries through the castle corridors, the chef was shouting annoyed curses at the two while they ran.
“If you wanted pastries, you could’ve asked me! Now I need to replace some for the coming ball!”
“Sorry~! I’ll repay you Jose by not telling Kevin your silly crush on him! Maybe I can even get him to dance with you~!” Jose could only sputter more annoyed curses before marching back to the kitchen in defeat. Both Naib and Ulysses were now in hysterics as they ran into the residential sect, diving into the vine-ridden room. They laid out the spoils of their conquest on the bed and snacked as they pleased giggling without a care in the world.
“Did you see his face?! He was so annoyed it looked like his mustache was frowning!”
“I don’t wanna imagine how Emily will feel once I swipe her syringe and fill it with juice!”
They laughed and laughed now exchanging more mischievous ideas as they ate until they grew tired. Naib offered for the unicorn to stay the night in his room like before, but Ulysses reluctantly refused and wanted to sleep in his own bed. Naib was a little disappointed their fun had to be cut short, but he waved his love off as he left and went out to the hall-
“Hey! What the hell were you doing?!” Ulysses jumped, seeing Edgar drag him into his room and locked the door. “I saw you buddy buddy with the asshole! I thought you were looking for how to get out of here!”
“Uh- Well, I kinda did. I found something out-“
“Spit it out!”
“I was getting to it! Naib said that he is the only link to the Overworld. He didn’t give specifics, just that bit. I tried to look in that boarded-up door for answers and found it was an old living space me and my mother occupied. I couldn’t remember anything of it, but it does prove you right that me and Naib met before. I don’t know why my memory is obscured!” Edgar facepalmed in disappointment at Ulysses's report.
“So you found jackshit. Everyone knows that Naib could only travel into the Overworld! He never brings any of us Purgatory souls up there 'cause we never needed to.”
“Well, he also gave me an ultimatum.”
“What do you mean ultimatum?!”
“Uh. He said that I have to choose between staying here with him or going back to the Overworld. He needs the answer before the end of Winter-“
The painter slapped Ulysses unprovoked and shook him by the collar.
“Don’t you dare stay here! Remember the plan to save Luca! Don’t let that jackass die here!”
Ulysses’s expression darkened as he took a sharp inhale before slapping Edgar back much harder than the painter could, removing himself from him.
“I remember and I still am going through with it! I am not leaving my friend here and I can’t believe you think I forgot! I was searching for answers while you haven’t found anything. Things are slowly unraveling and every time I learn something new my head spins and aches! So much confusing feelings happening all at once and you don’t let me digest it!”
The painter scoffed before stomping out of the chambers, slamming the door behind him. Ulysses rubbed at the burning red mark on his face and sat on the edge of his bed.
A flash of white flew by, but it felt like it was just his imagination. He didn’t care as he was too angry to form a coherent thought. Edgar has good intentions, but this was too harsh. A life is at stake and losing composure now just makes things worse.
Ulysses may have not gotten much info, but he gained a new perspective of Naib. Today was seeing a new side of him, unlike his usual charismatic character. It truly felt like Ulysses saw the real Naib, or so that's what he wanted to believe.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
I have no one to tag on this as I barely use tumblr to meet people, but I’ll share my current WIP of my MIR x Oc fic.
It truly felt like Ulysses saw the real Naib, or so that’s what he wants to believe.
Last Line Tag
Original thread ~
RULES: share the last line you wrote for your WIP, and then tag as many people as there are words. ...
Apart from a few bandages wrapped around his forearms, his body lay unusually bare; an apparition of ghostly pale skin.
(Guess who ^^)
Tagging: (I've got to annoy 20 people now? Fuuuck. Note to self: edit out these stupidly long, run on sentences). @this-is-krikkit @wanderlustqueen-writes @sixpennydame @littlerequiem @leviismybby @romantichomicide95 @nuri148 @wyvernslovecake @fanmoose12 @moogleterra @mstwnttd @yokohamapound @dreamingon-forever @hangeslefteye @nube55 @giuliadrawsstuff
Help, I have no friends so I'm having to bother the people who have already done this! Thanks for the tag @youre-ackermine @humanitys-strongest-bamf - you're it now! And I'm sure you guys don't mind sharing another line? @roseofdarknessblog @the-milk-anon
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
Chapter 4 of Blissful Death is now in production.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
~Blissful Death~
Chapter Three
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Fandom- Identity V
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions
Major Content Warnings- Implications and Mentions of Torture, Prominent Themes of Death
Word Count- 4763
Chapter Summary- The Banquet is now and Ulysses was ready to party until a young man cut to disturb the festivities. Even with the glits and glamor, there is something seriously wrong here, it even has taken ahold of a dear friend.
Notes/Comments- This is the longest chapter I have at the moment and I am predicting chapter four will be even longer with what I have planned. Chapter four is currently being worked on and will take me some time, but please enjoy the three chapters I have so far! I had way too much fun making Naib a major bitch ass in this one. Also I lowkey made an office reference cause I couldn’t stop laughing at the idea.
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Both Ulysses and his stomach yawned as he shuffled out of the blackened room. Naib was nowhere to be seen when he woke up in bed alone, most likely taking care of personal affairs for the day. Though, when Ulysses got into his room to change into a modest outfit, his stomach once again cried out. It's been a while since he ate proper food but with the prospect of a feast coming, it’s hard not to salivate at thinking of potentially delicious dishes on an elaborate table! He can hardly wait!
Knock knock
He opened the door to see a tall-necked woman waiting for him. She looked lovely, but it seems there is a flower covering part of her face! That's not even the strangest detail, she is carrying a cat that is as big as a human! It has a piercing gaze that conveyed it would do anything to protect its owner.
“The Lord has sent me to fetch you for the feast we shall have this morning and into the dusk. Are you ready to join us or do you need some time to get ready for the day?” She inquired, stroking the thin black cat.
“I just need to finish getting a proper outfit on and freshen up. I’ll be quick!” He replied as he threw on a lovely coat adorned with ornate detailing. The colors complimented his pink hair and eye, so it was nice to wear such an ensemble rather than what he used to wear back home where it was just simple shirts and slacks. He soon quickly dashed into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get his hair tamed. “Alright! I’m ready!”
“Then follow me and Apostle to the banquet hall. The Lord has a special seat for you near him. You are quite blessed to be able to sit alongside him. I’m quite jealous!”
The walk through the castle grounds was full of chatter compared to being guided by Violetta. The tall servant introduced herself, Ann, and her feline friend, Apostle, the inseparable duo. Before the Man in Red saved them, she told of how the world punished her for her strong faith and she was left alone only having a cat to accompany her in this cruel plane. It was until the community sheltered the two that they could finally worship and remain at peace.
“They do worship here..?”
“Yes. We all praise and serve our Lord as he is the gateway to eternal life. He saves our souls from natural death as we feed him our fear and dismay. We all last endlessly as long as we are with him.”
“Really? How is that true?”
“I was supposed to die due to a fatal illness I contracted thanks to my time without a home or proper sustenance. By giving up the fear of my heart to our Lord, my mind and soul were freed and so was the pain.
This all took place six years ago when the coven was growing quickly.”
“I see…I am glad he was able to help you and that you are alive and well.” He fell silent. There was a strange urke at the entire conversation. Worship, eternal life, fear? He didn’t want to question the implications of it all as it is a special day. Better not try to ruin it by asking unnecessary questions. Questioning the very group who saved him would be impolite anyway.
The three soon entered into a large banquet hall, a long table was set full of mouth-watering food, yet there were some odd plates and containers in the mix. As they got closer, passing through some crowds of people who were waiting, Ulysses gagged at the sight. There was an assortment of insects and worms wriggling on some plates! Ann seemed to take notice as she was quick to usher him to the very end of the table where a rogue and silver throne stood. The chair near it looks extremely comfortable with royal purple cushioning and small hanging stars and crosses on its frame. It looks brand new compared to all the other decorated seats at the table and it even was tailored just for him with its aesthetic.
“Please sit and wait for our Lord. Once he has come, you can partake of the dishes on the table.” She was about to take her seat, but she paused looking at her lord’s chair. Ann quickly touched its frame before frantically making her way to her seat farther down, setting Apostle down to explore the area.
After a few minutes, the entire congregation sat at the table waiting patiently for the host. Across from where he was seated, a man in a large-brimmed hat was shooting Ulysses skeptical glances. When the unicorn asked for his name to hopefully quell his curiosity, he simply stated “Kevin Ayuso.” before ignoring him completely. Violetta was quick to scold Kevin on his poor manners as she hunched her large shell in an empty spot next to Ulysses.
“Don’t mind him! He works closely with our Lord and is one of his most trusted servants. Kevin is just jealous of the special attention you received when he should be happy for you.” She stressed the last three words casting an annoyed look at the servant’s way. “He was a former cowboy before he sought refuge here. He can’t shake the habit of not trusting our new members even when he was appointed as assistant to the Lord.”
“Assistant Lord. I keep things in order while he is out taking care of personal affairs. Yesterday I had to make sure this place didn’t fall apart while our Lord was wasting time watching over this guy while he was in brief comatose!” Kevin snapped to correct her.
“Assistant to the Lord.”
“Least I don’t carry useless burning flowers everywhere!”
“At least I haven’t attempted to take our Lord’s place in the past and play god.” Violetta was quick to shut him down, he was reduced to grumbling curses at her. The spider turned toward her newfound friend, switching the subject. “Don’t worry too much about fitting in and pleasing everyone. As long as the Lord adores you, that’s all that matters.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.” Even with that reassurance, it was hard to ignore Kevin staring in frustration as the wait continued.
The stifling delay thankfully was put to an end as the sound of heels against hardstone signaled Naib’s arrival. Kevin jumped at the sound, nervously pouring red wine into a dark goblet for his master. Everyone sitting seemed on edge from excitement. The Man in Red soon stood by his throne and raised the cup, smiling with beaming confidence.
“Subjects. Today is a momentous occasion as we welcome our newest member to our sacred cause after five long quiet years. We shall share the fruits of our labor with our new friend and make merry. We will dine, drink, and dance until nightfall! Before we begin, do you have any words to say, Ulysses?”
“Uh!” He felt like he was being put on the spot. He almost dropped the wine glass as he got up to meet everyone’s gazes. “Yes, I do! Um. I just wanted to thank you all for welcoming me. I don’t truly know if I will stay or eventually leave, but I am just happy that I am not treated like some kind of outsider-“
“But you are! He doesn’t belong here!” A voice cried out. A young man in blue slammed his palms on the table to make himself known. His anger wasn’t even directed at Ulysses, his scowl was on Naib. “My Lord, you brought someone not of this world and held him against his will. Why are you so set on this without thinking about it?!”
Ulysses was about to interject before Naib put a gloved hand over his mouth, gently caressing it with his thumb.
“Now is not the time or place Edgar. If you wanted to ask me this, you should have done so without causing a scene like the immature child you are.” The entire table was swept in silent giggling and laughter, it seemed that Naib was bathing the energy of it all. “I chose to have Ulysses here to have a proper home as he wished. There is no captivity. I granted him his wish just as I have with you and many others.”
“For your information, I am eighteen, you are just seven years older than me-“
“Yes, yes. We all know that. We all attended your birthday party last year.”
“You didn’t tell him about what you did, did you?”
“I know not what you speak of-”
“The prisoner you brought! You and your lackeys have brought someone from the Overworld and shoved him in the dungeon! I saw all of it before you went to your quarters last night. I saw how you tried to get information outta him by beating and tormenting the man!” Ulysses’s blood ran cold upon hearing this revelation, he gave a worried look to Naib but he was quick to unhand him and speak louder.
“That man I brought in was an intruder meaning to harm our guest. I found him while in the Overworld making a trip to the Safe Side. He was in my garden looking for Ulysses to kill him. I brought him to the dungeon to figure out what he wanted and why he was so intent on murdering him. He told me what happened and how he and the townspeople drove Ulysses away. This was a private matter that was resolved. There was no need to pry over something that never concerned you.”
“No excuses. You are lucky I am gracious and won’t punish you for meddling in private affairs and speaking out of turn. Now, sit down and enjoy your food and drink.” The brunette shut himself up and slumped in his chair as everyone continued to hide their amusement. Naib waved a gesture to the corner where a long-haired gentleman, a woman in a dark nurse’s outfit, and another in ballet wear stood at the ready with various instruments. Their melodies filled the air as the entire room was filled with merrymaking. It was as the Lord deemed it even as his guest was trying to make sense of the sudden news. No room for questioning. Just the absolute. Even if everyone is now set on partying, the pit in his stomach never went away as he sat uncomfortably in silence. Yet the unicorn couldn’t help but stare in awe and get settled in the mood while partaking in the dishes before him, scarfing at each delicious mouthful. Both Violetta and Naib chuckled at the sight, on the other hand, he looked at them in horror as they casually devoured the bugs and worms from their plates. Just witnessing it almost made him lose his appetite if it weren’t for the fact he was beyond famished.
Once he ate his fill, Ulysses went onto the dance floor to enjoy the music. It was easy to get lost in it as he was now prancing and swaying to the flow. The song they played was one he used to sing back home, back when he used to get chased away and shunned for his looks, back when things were different.
His voice lifted as he sang to his heart's content knowing his voice would be drowned out by the merriment. It felt like time was frozen and all there was was him being swept up in the music. His frustrations and worries faded as the song progressed to its climax.
“Sweet soul from beyond the garden wall,
Won't you stay warm with me this fall?
The autumn chill will redden your face,
So come inside and take your place.
The warm fire will soothe your soul,
as I lay with you and let the warmth take hold.
Sweet souls from beyond the garden wall,
Won’t you stay with me this fall?
The autumn chill will redden your face,
So come inside and take your place.
How I wish for these days to last, but soon the autumn will pass.
Sweet soul, please return soon as I will long for you,
Don’t let the winter turn you blue.
Won't you stay with me?”
The performance was put to an end and the entire dance floor was showered in applause. It was alien to him. The crowd had smiles on their faces instead of ones of annoyance or anger. It all was genuine. Even the grouch of an assistant was applauding from his seat as he and Naib were discussing matters, though it is easy to see that the lord wasn’t paying attention to the topic at hand and was itching to dance.
Even as the merriment progressed, Ulysses got to dance with almost anyone who asked and drank a fair amount of booze. A tipsy idea formed. Why not ask Naib to dance? Everyone is too drunk or too scared to, so he might as well do so. Ulysses weaved through the dance floor and shuffled over to the throne. Naib seemingly perked up at the sight of him now giving Kevin the hand, which made the other sputter in frustration.
“My Lord-“
“Ah ah! Remember what I said yesterday.”
“Right, right. I just came to ask if you would like to dance with me, Naib.”
“No one has ever asked me to dance before. How sweet of you! Come! Let’s go before Kevin bores me to death!” Naib jeered as he took Ulysses by the hand and ran onto the dance floor before Kevin was about to make a retort. They both were laughing and jiving as the music now was in a lively tune and just seemingly felt like they were in a world of their own making, one of just joy and carelessness. Kevin tried to weave through the roaring crowd, but he was soon blocked out of the forming crowd now watching the two. From awe or shock? A mixture of both as the members felt it was even unheard of to dance with the Lord of the Castle, it was like seeing a new side to their fearless leader dancing with his new favorite guest. Naib was soon made aware of the watchful eyes and the music coming to a stop, he cast an annoyed glance at everyone and waved them away. “Ugh. Nosy subjects truly irritate me.”
“What was that about? Why are they surprised to even see you dancing?” The music soon played again into a soft waltz and they took each other into a simple box step to the rhythm seeing the crowd disperse into dance pairings or back sitting at the table, Ulysses now speaking slightly above a whisper.
“Oh don't mind them, they are just jealous. Like I said, no one really asks me to dance and yet they seem offended you are the first to do so. Ironic to think about really. I usually spend events like these sitting at the throne watching it all and talking with Kevin or Margaretha.” He quickly nodded over to the ballet dancer playing in the band where she waved over. “I never danced with anyone, not for years anyway. The last I can remember was back when I was a boy when my father ruled before me.”
“Ah, well I’m glad to be one of the first. You deserve to have fun too, even if you are some leader.”
“I’d rather it be you than anyone else to be honest. Most are either too scared or never act on anything. You? I’ll take as many dances as I can get, even if we would dance til dawn and dusk.” He was about to hold the unicorn closer, but he faltered and heaved a sigh. “But I suppose you have a lot of questions about what Edgar was talking about earlier, don’t you?”
“Um- Yes actually. Why did you bring the prisoner here? Why didn’t you let him go?”
“Why would I let someone with the intent to kill go back home? He was one of many who drove you away from your home. It is only right to take him away from his.” Naib’s demeanor darkened with his statement. “I am surprised you are wanting to give mercy to a man who wants to kill you.”
“Well he never did succeed in that plan, and I doubt he will try again from what Edgar said. You pretty much put him out of commission!”
“I didn’t. I was just administering due punishment. The prisoner is fine and is just in confinement for now. I will figure out what to do with him soon.”
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“Promise me you won’t hurt him again. Your words aren’t convincing me, so promise me.” Ulysses raised his pinky finger once they both stopped dancing. “Swear on it.”
“You still believe in the power of pinky swear? Makes me feel nostalgic.” Naib locked his gloved pinky finger with the other. “If that’s what pleases you, then so be it. I swear I won’t hurt him, even for information.”
They separated the finger lock and went back dancing the day away. The hours were a blur as many of the congregation had long since left and some stayed behind to clean up after the party. Naib even had to leave to tend to some matters, but Ulysses stayed to clean up the table, though he jumped when he saw one of the “dishes” crawl away from the table. Thank goodness he never ate any beetle or worm that was offered…
“Hey, you!” The unicorn turned to see it was Edgar standing before him bearing an annoyed mug. “I need a word with you privately.”
“Why? You can just talk to me here.”
“Too many people around who’ll eavesdrop! You saw how everyone here is a busybody from how everyone stared at you and the Lord.” Edgar quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking their way, but everyone was too set on cleaning up to even bother. “Look, just come with me.” He didn’t bother asking as he just tore the unicorn away from the dining hall and went to a dark corner deep within the halls of the castle. “You are in danger if you stay here and I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation. You need to get out before something happens to you!”
“Why? Everyone here has been nothing but kind to me. Even the Lord-“
“He hasn’t told you the truth! Have you ever wondered why he’s been treating you like some pampered prince just within the two days you are here?”
“I have, but I asked him about it yesterday night-“
“And he told you that you were soulmates? You really buy that bullshit?”
“How did you know that?! Wait. Were you spying on us?!”
“I had no choice. I had to figure out why he acted the way he did. He never treated anyone in this castle that special before. He may be good friends with his inner circle and acts charming to all of us, but he never went as far as he did with you.
Have you met him before? Give it to me straight!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about! Back home, there were legends about him wandering the dangerous side of the woods, but that was pretty much all I knew of him! I was even surprised to see he even existed cause those stories are usually told to keep children from going into dangerous places!”
“Yeah yeah yeah. When did those stories come about? Hm? Answer me that!”
“About 10 years ago. Why?”
“Fuck. He really has been looking for you.”
“Edgar spit it out! What do you mean he was looking for me?! You are scaring me a bit!”
“Look, when I eavesdropped on you two, I didn’t know when you went to bed, but I know that when you were asleep he was talking about how much he missed you and kept wondering if your eye healed.” Ulysses froze, only looking more confused and worried the more he talked. “That’s why I was asking if you knew him before. Since you don’t, then there are three possibilities. One, you may have lost your memory of him through time or by force, two, you never were associated with him and he sees you as a different person, or three, he is being delusional from loneliness. I am more inclined to think of the first option.”
“W-well I never met him! Even if I try to remember him from before our meeting, nothing comes up. I am just surprised that he even knows that my right eye was damaged.” Ulysses took off his eyepatch and opened his bad eye to show it was completely grayed out. “I can’t see out of it, but back when I was small it hurt almost every day unless my mother applied special medicine on it.”
Edgar inspected his face closely and just heaved a defeated sigh. Ulysses was quick to tie the eyepatch back on.
“I don’t know if Naib had something to do with it, but it’s hard to even ignore the facts. You two must’ve known each other and I am gonna find the truth. If you remember anything, tell me immediately! He purposely lied about how he knew you, so don’t fall for any more of his lies.”
“If that’s the case, I shouldn’t have made him promise to not hurt the prisoner he brought-“
“Promise? You should’ve been specific when making that promise! Follow me!”
Edgar soon ran off leaving Ulysses to stumble trying to keep up. The lad dashed through the halls and it soon got harder and harder to see as they both were reaching the depths of the castle. The door to the dungeon was ajar, so Edgar was quick to get inside and run through the empty jail until he reached the very end. There lay a man in the candlelight in a shoddy cot heaving sobs as he held onto the chain on his neck. Ulysses gasped at the sight and tried to get the door open to no avail. Locked. Edgar took notice and was quick to pull a hairpin out and started to work the lock.
“Hey! Are you okay?!” The figure jolted up and ran to the bars in disbelief seeing the unicorn. “Luca?! What are you doing here?! You got a black eye!”
“Ulysses! I am so happy to see you! I’ve been stuck down here for hours and I saw the Man In Red! He stood there letting his servants just beat me up for info and asking why I came to find you.”
“I never would’ve expected you of all people to do so! Why were you on the Other Side?”
“The townspeople drew straws to decide which of the men would go and hunt you down and I just so happened to be unlucky!”
“You know this guy?” Edgar was puzzled as he jimmied the lock open with Luca running out and hugging the two. The lad in blue was quick to squirm out of the embrace leaving Luca to just squeeze the unicorn.
“You have no idea how happy I am! I wish they didn’t force me to go out in those woods and end up getting captured. At least I know you are safe, Uly!”
“Ulysses, please explain who this idiot is!”
“Luca is a friend of mine who was the only one who never drove me away. He and his family are one of the nicer people in the entire town. He and I tend to explore the beach sometimes and he’d collect hermit crabs to bother his stepdad with.”
“Hey! I wanted to finish Plan ‘Annoy the shit out of Alva’ today, but I got dragged into this! I am just relieved that the red guy and his goons didn’t come back at all today.”
“Wait,” Edgar interjected. “The Lord never came down here?” He furrowed his brows now letting that sink in. “He didn’t plan on torturing you because of Ulysses.”
“Wait, Uly stopped him?”
“More specifically made him promise not to hurt you. Naib never is good with promises as you’d have to be specific about them to avoid his dumb loopholes. Seems to me that doesn’t apply to Ulysses.”
They both looked at the unicorn and he couldn’t help but feel small in their gazes. He was about to comment, but the sound of heels echoed through the halls. Naib is approaching! The trio scurried with Luca going back and laying in his cell cot and Edgar quickly locking the door, both the lad and unicorn ran into a dark cell to hide under the cot within. They hid their breaths as the clicking of heels against the stone grew closer.
Naib soon came into view and stood before Luca’s cell now smiling and chuckling to himself. He knocked at the bars which made the prisoner meet his gaze.
“I came to check on you as I mentioned yesterday. Today’s feast was a wonderful time and I even brought you treats from the party.” He gloated as he dug into his pockets and threw worms and bugs into the cell. Luca yelped as he was quick to brush away the assault of vermin, the scene made Naib laugh even more. “Ah, but don’t worry if I am going to hurt you. I made a special promise to my special guest that I wouldn’t. You got off quite lucky to have been shown such unconditional mercy from the very person you were going to kill.”
“I keep tellin’ ya, I never came to kill him! I was forced to!”
“Save it. You had a knife in your hand and the intent to kill. No one dares cross over to my garden and expects to get away with it.”
“What about Ulysses?! He doesn’t get punished?!”
“What about him? He returned to me after years of separation. That’s all that matters. You are just an urchin who came uninvited.” Naib spat at the floor with his face twisting in disgust. “You do not know how special he is or the value of his soul. Ulysses doesn’t deserve any more punishment as I was the one who plagued his eye by accident.”
Both Edgar and Ulysses exchanged looks, one filled with terror at the confession.
“Why bother telling me this anyway?”
“Because you won’t be escaping that cell and blabbering about it. That I know for a fact. If I dare find out you even escaped or been outside this cell in secret, I might have to break my promise. Understand?”
The prisoner gulped down his nerves as the Man In Red took his leave out of the dungeon. Edgar and Ulysses let out a breath now seeing it’s safe now as they crawled and got up from hiding.
“Hey Uly, you good?”
“I don’t know, but I know for damn sure we can’t break you out yet. We can’t leave you in there either or else he’ll keep tormenting you like that.”
“Hey don’t worry about me being here. If I’m being honest, this is the safest place for me cause I know he won’t do shit if I stay. Blue boy did say you have favor with him, so maybe you can convince him to free me!”
“You really think that’s gonna work?” Edgar was quick to cut in. “I mean, you saw him. He is beyond reason!”
“Yeah, but we gotta give it a shot or else me and Luca are stuck here. This world isn’t our home.” Ulysses went up to the bars and held the prisoner’s hand tightly. “I’ll do what I can to let you out. It might take me a while, but I’ll do my best.”
“Gotcha. I’ll wait patiently for any news. Just go for now. I’m afraid that butterfly bitch is gonna come back and I don’t want you two to get caught.”
The trio exchanged goodbyes, Edgar and Ulysses left the dungeon, and the two went their separate ways. It took time to get to the residential sect of the castle, but the unicorn stopped to look at the seventh door again. He debated looking inside, but he shook off the growing feeling.
Too many discoveries in one day. Maybe it is best not to understand and just take in the information given.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
~Blissful Death~
Chapter 2
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Fandom- Identity V
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions.
Major Content Warnings- Prominent Themes of Death
Word Count- 3425
Chapter Summary- The unicorn found himself within the Man in Red’a castle walls where he has met the elusive man of legend. Things are confusing and hard to comprehend in this strange new world.
Notes/Comments- I had a lot of fun introducing Naib and Violetta in this one. I am not good with story flow, but I slowly get better at it. This is the second chapter after all. Chapter Three will be posted shortly.
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The smell of rosewater stirred him awake from his death-like slumber. He tried to stretch, but the space was confining and padded with soft cushioning. Ulysses sat up to see that he was sleeping in an open casket in the middle of a dark room. The forest was nowhere in sight and his sopping wet clothes were changed into a beautiful silk robe, the scrapes and bruises were healed. He instinctively checked if his eyepatch was still in place, though thankfully it was. There was a sigh of relief seeing it wasn’t taken considering it was a close treasure, though it was a little concerning why he is worried so much about his eye.
Where was he even? Last he remembered he passed out in the white clearing and heard someone humming to him in his dreams.
He finally got up trying to navigate the inky darkness, his bare steps against the cold stone floors echoing through the expanse. It felt like he was walking for ages until voices were whispering ahead.
“When will he wake up?”
“Give them time, he just arrived by the grace of our Lord.”
“We haven’t had a newcomer for an age. Truly this one is special if they made their way to us!”
“Hush! I think I hear footsteps!”
A set of iron doors towered over the unicorn, it was adorned with people bowing and worshiping a lone butterfly in the center as it showers everyone with its rays of holy light in the form of red gemstones adoring the iron.
He stood at the double door. The whispering grew louder and so did his anxiety. The people on the other side of that door seemed excited to see him, yet it felt like he was crossing into purgatory.
After hesitating for a while, he shook off the sinking fear and pushed it, they were beyond heavy to open so he put all his body weight against one forcing it until he fell forward. The crowd that was whispering turned quickly to see the fallen newcomer scrambling to get up witnessing the sudden attention on him.
“Um. Hello..? I just woke up in a coffin and-” Before Ulysses can explain further, he was quickly ushered forth through the mass with loud cheering and applause guiding him to the stage. There he awkwardly stood as they now fell silent with bated breath. What is he supposed to do? What does he say?! They are putting him on the spot! He tried to look around for a sign to no avail, this entire room is decorated with white vines and opulent deco on the walls and ceilings. It was like a concert hall. Maybe that’s what they want. A concert. Ulysses shakily inhaled-
“It’s the Lord!”
The crowd exploded into applause once again as a new face strolled onto the stage, waving and smiling at all the subjects before him. A man in all red with silver hair, both his right eye and chest were covered in the same white butterflies as the clearing where Ulysses slept.
It hit him.
The Man in Red. The man of legend.
The unicorn couldn't help but stare in awe at this revelation. Not only was he seeing a living fairy tale, but he was more enamored with his striking appearance. It seemed the man took notice and held his chin up with a flirtatious glint in his gaze. Ulysses was quick to look away in embarrassment, but the other was insistent on making him look him in the eye by grabbing his face.
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“My dear coven, I have chosen our newest member while strolling through the mortal plane yesterday night. This charming stranger followed my light and was guided to the Holy Garden where I was tending to the flowers and collapsed before me. I was there to aid him and have brought him to our world as I have done so for all of you.
Rejoice! Rejoice for this new beginning and for his soul being reborn! Violetta! The rose!” From his peripheral vision, Ulysses could spot a beautiful bound woman on a spit inching toward the duo with roses aflame on her dress. She wasn’t walking, the wood attached to her was her substitute limbs! Violetta handed The Man in Red a burning rose as he let go of the confused new member. “With this rose, it is customary for every new member to accept the Kiss of Death with their own lips. Although it is not needed for they have already died.” A wave of gasps and muttering washed over the crowd. Ulysses was even tempted to join in the confusion as he had no knowledge this happened when he was asleep! “To metaphorically die with an audience is the gateway to joining, so accept this burning rose as a symbol of triumph, stranger. You are one of the few who have truly been reborn by my hands.” Concluding the commanding announcement, The Man in Red placed a kiss upon the magic rose and set it on Ulysses's hair with the audience roaring in celebration at the news. He sat on his throne soaking in the praise with Violetta nearby as a guard, but Ulysses stood there with more questions than answers.
After some closing remarks from the lord, The crowd dispersed shortly with the three remaining on the stage. Finally, it was Ulysses’s turn to speak.
“What was that..? How did I die?!” The unicorn cut through the silence.
“Died of hypothermia. I assume you crossed the river to get to the Other Side for whatever reason-”
“I was being hunted by the townspeople! I had to cross the river to escape and seek refuge! I only fell asleep when I got to that garden of yours! There is no way! I was fine while I was sleeping!”
“Your terror and disbelief are only proving my point. You died and I have granted your wish out of the kindness of my heart.” The word kindness was clearly strained. “You wished for a home and peace. I have blessed you with such.”
“I don’t-”
“Violetta. Take our friend to his room. Make sure everything is to his liking.
I wish I could explain it all to you, but I can’t stay long as I have to investigate within the Safe Side of the Overworld to see the truth. I spent much time organizing your arrival and to keep your soul intact. I will meet you in my room tonight, we shall continue this discussion there.” Without another word, the spider woman took Ulysses by the hand and guided him through a corridor at the right-hand side of the stage, but when he looked back the Man in Red was still staring at him.
The halls of the castle were maze-like with winding pathways and hallways to many sects until they reached the residential sect. The entire hall had doors with nameplates, all except the seventh door at the end of the hallway which was boarded up. Ulysses wanted to stop and question it, but Violetta gave a reminding tug at his arm, a sign to keep going and save it for later. The adjoining hall was where two more doors faced parallel to each other, one was completely normal without a nameplate whereas the other was stained with black and had white vines seeping out, the nameplate titled: Naib Subedar. The Man in Red’s room is what he can surmise.
Violetta let Ulysses inside the normal door to reveal an opulent chamber complete with a walk-in closet, a vanity, a large dressing mirror, and a canopy bed all for him. It was eating him inside to prevent entertaining the idea of jumping on such a luxurious bed! Is this really what “reborn” members get, or was this special treatment?
“Is everything to your liking?” Ulysses jumped at the spider suddenly talking. She was silent the entire way to the room!
“Oh, everything is perfect! I just wasn't expecting such a gorgeous room to stay in!”
“We provide the utmost care to our most important members within this castle, however, I do need your name for your nameplate and to tell our Lord once he comes back. He takes priority in memorizing his followers’ names.”
“...Ulysess Christos. Why didn’t he ask before when we were talking?”
“He was simply busy, but tonight, as he said, he will answer your questions. I am in no authority to question his motives as I am a faithful servant.”
“I hope it doesn’t sound rude, but did he bind you to that spit? How are you able to help me like this?”
“It is not rude as I get asked that often. I was born with limbs that couldn’t move, so I had to be carried almost all my life if I wanted to go someplace. I didn’t mind it all that much as long as I kept my pursuit of beauty, which indeed has led me down a dark road until the Lord has saved me.” She looked down at her “hands” in glee. “He gave me a new way to move as I control this shell and became a vessel to bring these flowers to willing new members. I am one of his most trusted servants!”
“That. Sounds amazing that he did that all for you.”
“I’m sure he will do the same for you if it means he saved you too. He has already granted your wish, so maybe there is more he plans to use you for his work.”
“I suppose, though I don’t plan on staying long. I may have wished for these things, but I don’t know if I want to join such a community you all have. I am still trying to get over the rigor mortis in my bones.”
This turned Violetta’s smile into a thin frown.
“So you do not accept our Lord’s gift?”
“No, no! I just don’t know if this place is truly for me is all! I just got here without my knowledge. You understand, right? I mean, I escaped my old home thanks to the daily danger I faced there due to my outsideness.” Ulysses gestured to his horn and tail. “How should I know people would accept me being here?”
“If they can accept a woman who became a hearth of flowers to help her move on her own, they can accept a unicorn human. We have had stranger join our ranks and give their lives to our Lord.”
“I see…”
“Enough of that now! You have to get ready for your meeting with him! It is already close to nightfall and we spent all this time talking! Come on, go find an outfit you’ll like! I’ll still be here to dispose of any you don’t like or don’t fit you.” The spider woman nudged the other in front of the closet and mirror, urging him to go find something.
“Hey! What about dinner?! Can’t we eat before doing this?!” Ulysses was shoved in to search for that perfect outfit, but the clothes within it are either too gaudy or too plain! None truly fit who he was. He did what she said and gave her most of the undesirable ones to her to “dispose of”, though when he looked back she was just burning them on herself.
“Course not! You have to save your appetite for tomorrow. It’s tradition for a big feast to happen for each newcomer. We haven’t had cause for celebration since our last Blood Flower Ball, which was five years ago. We are lucky to have you here because the ball is all the way in winter of this year!!”
“WHAT?! No wonder you all are excited! Must be boring without some type of event here!” He needed to settle on something, but what do you wear to someone who is a leader of an organization anyway? Ulysess would feel underdressed compared to a castle owner, but he settled on wearing a nice frilled dress shirt and some tights, though he had some difficulty trying to compromise with his large tail, in the end, he and Violetta made a hole in them to let it slip through comfortably. He didn’t want to wear anything too fancy as this man did treat him informally, as he can put it.
Once night fell, the lady bid her goodbyes for now and left to take care of other matters, not before pointing him in the direction of the door across from his own giving him his final instructions: “Go inside and wait for him. He should be there shortly as his errands won’t take him much longer. Keep the rose on you as well.” She moved the burning rose on his hair onto the dress shirt where it seemingly bloomed. “Although it is merely a symbol, I want you to wear it often as a reminder of the fun we had here. Do be sure to put in a good word for me, please.”
Ulysses entered the mysterious chamber, it was a dark room with a variety of reds and blacks with thorny vines lining the walls. The canopy bed was covered in white flowers and butterflies gliding with silky sheets neatly organized and with floral embroidery. It seemed that wherever he tends to frequent the most the vines and butterflies follow. Were they his creations or did they just like being around him? He sat on the bed nervously combing his hands through the pink hair of his tail. If he didn’t know better, he could downright assume their night of talking was something else entirely.
How long am I supposed to wait? Why send me to his room anyway? Are people known to eavesdrop here? It feels like I’ve been here forever.
Just then one of the glowing butterflies gilded onto his nose, flapping kisses with its wings, he couldn’t help but laugh sweetly at the display of affection and attempt to join by fluttering his eyelashes at it.
“I’ll take that as an indirect kiss.” Ulysess looked up to see The Man In Red before him, he was going to get up to greet him, but he was quick to gesture for him to stay where he was. The butterfly hesitated before joining its friends flying around to leave the two to their conversation.
“I don’t think it counts as one.” Ulysses flusteredly retorted.
“It does as I am the one who controls all the butterflies. Though, maybe someday we shall share a real one if it weren’t for the fear it could truly kill you.”
“But I am dead. Am I not..?”
“That was what I was going to talk to you about, Ulysses.” He sat beside him now casually running his hands through the soft pink tail. Ulysses jumped a little at the friendly gesture and the sudden use of his name, Violetta must have told him once he came back. The Man in Red keeps acting so informal with him as if they were friends for ages. Even if they were, it would be strange to not remember such an eccentric person! “You have died, but you were reborn as I have brought you back from the dead. You see, you are among those who have died metaphorically in this plane as they voluntarily did so to join me and my cause, you, however, are still alive thanks to me. My physical touches can kill you, unlike my subjects who were born and raised in this world. You are lucky I am wearing gloves right now or else you would have died during the greeting ceremony.” The unicorn took another look at the hand on his tail. He was right, he was wearing red gloves. It was pretty terrifying to think of a single touch that could truly kill. Was the Man in Red plagued with a curse? Was it why he had to do that weird ritual in the first place?
“My Lord-“
“Don’t call me Lord. Use my birth name.”
“Um. Naib, I don’t truly understand it all. This is all too confusing for me. I am trying to digest all this information, yet it feels like the more I try to understand, the more my mind is scrambled. I don't think I can ever really understand the situation I am in.”
“Then don't.” He held Ulysses’s chin to look him in the eye. “You can ask as many questions as you like about this place and its people, but understanding it all would be too much for you as this is your first night here. I just want you to settle in and relax.”
“I can’t really relax without truly knowing what is this cause you speak of or why I was brought here.”
“My cause is cleansing the souls of fear. Fear is what limits and divides, so I wanted to make a sanctuary for those wanting to escape it and have their hearts freed. That is also why I brought you here. I want your heart to be freed too.”
“Then can I ask one more question?”
“Go ahead.”
“Why me? You could have left me to die, but you chose to save me. I never met you, yet you are showing me so much affection I never experienced before. Why me instead of any other person?”
“You wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain in detail. I guess you could say that my heart has longed for you forever. Soulmates for life.” Naib took the burning rose off of the other’s dress shirt and placed a sweet peck onto its petals, handing it back to Ulysses. His face reddened at the adorable display and copied it, accepting the fake kiss. This brought a smile to Naib’s face as they shared this tender moment. “Are there any other questions you may have for me?”
The unicorn didn't know what to ask. It did feel like he answered all of them honestly, but it felt like he was forgetting something. It was on the tip of his tongue, yet it continues to escape him.
“I guess I don't.
Violetta did mention that tomorrow there is a feast and that I have to save my appetite. I suppose I will be seeing you there if you aren’t busy.”
“I will be there of course. I wouldn’t miss it for anything else.”
Ulysses gave a big yawn. There was no clock to tell the time, but judging from the sky being pitch black from the nearby window, it seems that it is getting late.
“I think I should go. I am getting pretty tired and I don’t want to keep taking your time like this-”
“Stay! You can rest here tonight. You can sleep on one side of the bed while I sleep on the other.”
“But what if we touch?! What even brought this on anyway?”
“Even in nightwear, my skin would still be covered. I just want you to rest for your big day tomorrow. I also need to keep a close eye as your soul is still weak from being reborn. We don’t want you dying twice in a row, now do you?”
Ulysses didn’t want to say no to his gentle insistence, and he didn’t truly feel like walking back to his room anyway, so he found a comfortable spot to watch the butterflies flying above. It was like counting sheep.
One butterfly.
Two butterflies.
Three butterflies.
Four flies.
He drifted asleep faintly hearing the similar humming as he fell deeper and deeper into the warmth of the bed and the glow above.
Naib lay a considerable distance away, wearing his night clothing as he covered any patch of skin he could, admiring the lovely unicornkin before him. His ungloved hand reached out but stopped short of the other’s rosy cheek. He wanted to hold him tightly and adore him, but all he could do was bring his hand back and continue humming, a way of getting through to him without touch. He, himself, was cold to the touch and wanted desperately to feel the warmth of the sleeping figure. No type of heat in this plane could dare give Naib the warmth he so longs for.
“Now that you returned to me, I have much work to do. Enjoy this respite, my charming stranger. I will prepare everything to celebrate your return here to the Other Side.
I just wish I could see if that eye of yours had healed after so long.”
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
~Blissful Death~
Chapter 1
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Fandom- Identity V
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions.
Major Content Warnings- None.
Word Count- 1472
Chapter Summary- Ulysses had a hard life within the Safe Side of the woods, but it is much better than wondering to the other side where legends lie of a mysterious Man in Red. Yet when danger struck, he discovers the impossible.
Notes/Comments- This chapter is short thanks to the fact I was still feeling out the plot. Even if this specific chapter feels wonky alongside others I will post, I still had fun making it. Maybe I’ll update it and add more lore once I have proper set up for other chapters. I am not a major writer, so please don’t expect a refined clean product. This was made for fun and silly oc x canon shipping.
Beta Reader- @smittenroses
Next Chapter
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Sweet singing blended with the peaceful forest ambiance. A voice full of tenderness and love.
It was Ulysses’s favorite pass time. They always would lay under the warm summer’s sun and let the tune of his heart flow. One could call the unicorn human a siren for such melodies that lured people in, but that was far from the case. Some wanted to steal the vocalist away from his home or outright snuff him out of this earth. To fear the extraordinary is human nature, but Ulysses is a person too. That is why he always sang to the neighboring town in the first place, to bring joy and understanding to corrupted hearts.
His trips to the town were a gamble as his days range from many people ignoring his performances to a crowd building as they were entranced by the pieces he sang to a mob of the townspeople driving him away. It was unpredictable. But singing was the only source of income he could make. He couldn’t do most work either due to many shunning him or thanks to his useless right eye he couldn’t see out. As long as he can remember, he was completely blind in that eye and no type of glasses or spectacles could ever aid him, which led to him wearing an eyepatch almost all his life. Though, the cause of the blindness was always a taboo subject for his mother to talk about as she never truly gave a straight answer and kept that secret until her death from a mysterious illness. To this day, he looks at his grayed-out blind eye and wonders why. Over time, he even accessorized the eyepatch into a star to honor his mother because she loved the stars in the sky, even if the eyepatch caused some to give confused looks his way.
Today was one of the harsher days for the young man as he once again was driven out of the town despite his efforts to stay. He didn’t want to go directly home this time around as singing made him feel better. The forest felt unnaturally quiet whenever they sang. No birds chirping, no squirrels scurrying away, only the rustling of trees. The sun is setting. It was like the world stopped, but that wasn’t the case. It was expected to feel this way with no audience.
Days were becoming like clockwork with the approaching fall, even when Ulysses started walking back to his home after a time, the leaves were already fluttering off their branches. Their way home was a long trek, but he knew the forest like the back of his hand, almost. Just far beyond the river that divided the wood, there are wilds beyond that no one dared venture. Villagers say there is death waiting for the unfortunate who lost their way while others rumor that a secret cult is conducted deep within the brush. Stories of a man in a deep rogue wandering the ruins of the decrepit wasteland. It was said he would curse or kidnap those who crossed paths with this mystery man, but their fate remains unknown. Whatever it is, not even he wanted to even go near the river’s divide.
Ulysses would eventually reach his house, but was greeted by a horrendous sight. Smashed windows. Destroyed furniture. Ripped cloth. All of his personal belongings were thrown outside the front door! He was filled with intense terror seeing that there were people inside still ransacking the now hollowed hobble.
“They didn't see me. If I sneak away now, I think I can escape with my life!” His mind raced as he hid away from sight. The barks and braying of mad dogs and horses were echoing out in the still air. Ulysses crawled through the underbrush trying to be as silent as possible. The forest itself was dense, but that was the only true aid it could give the unicornkin as they ducked and weaved hoping to avoid prying eyes. The growling of the dogs and the torchlight were still growing closer. They know he is trying to escape their grasp!
“Stop right there, Demon! You shall pay for casting spells on our children and wives!”
“Face your sins!”
“Stop running!”
Their lungs were on fire as they were full-on sprinting from their impending doom. He was in a desperate panic stumbling and tripping over the natural debris. The horde is growing closer. Water splashed as he waded through the current as fast as humanly possible. The torrent almost swept him away if it weren't for him grabbing at any rocks and fallen logs to help propel him forward.
Ulysses feebled onto the dry riverside gasping for burning air as he heaved as far as he could from the raging waters. When he looked back, the hunters stayed at the other side shouting and cursing the man. They tried to lead their horses into the water, but they were adamant about not entering, some even throwing off their riders before they could entertain the idea.
The river.
Ulysses blindly ran through the divide in an attempt to escape. The realization dawned on him and all he can do is watch in disbelief seeing the mob return to their territory, leaving the very thing they despised on his own devices, giving the legends of the Other Side another victim to claim
Regaining his strength, he picked himself up looking on to the forest beyond. The Safe Side was lush and full of life, here all he can see is a faded-away memory of what was a beautiful woodland.
“No wonder they wouldn’t dare enter here.” Ulysses pressed on. It already is deep into dusk and he only has oh so much daylight left before he can find shelter for the incoming night.
This side of the woods doesn't present itself as a place of horrors. It may have dead life all around, ranging from withering grass to frail trees and brush or lingering fog and mist, but it seems that it wasn’t natural at all. No fire or sickness can do this. This place once was a part of the larger ecosystem. What happened? The life here is sapped, or so he thought as he trudged deeper into the wasteland, now shivering from being soaked. White vines and butterflies were appearing. They were nothing like anything he had seen in the Safe Side. There was a strange relief seeing things thrive in such a hopeless place, glowing butterflies fluttering into the unknown. Guides? Maybe there is a haven where he can rest if he followed?
The fog hung low as the butterflies led him down further into the now sprawling expanse of vines and twisted trees. Was this Eden? Compared to the outer layer of the woods, everything is overtaken with such a pure coat of color. It was heavenly.
That’s when he stopped at what he can only guess is the center of all. The entire clearing was covered in white flowers of all kinds with the glowflies gliding without a care in the mass expanse. It was a beautiful sanctuary for them. A home. It was like they were leading the unicornkin to a proper resting place.
He was astonished taking it all in. Why would anyone be fearful of this side of the forest if it hides treasures such as these?! It is a garden of blessings that remained untouched for possibly an age! He couldn’t help giggling gleefully, chasing after the butterflies and dancing within the swaying flora, soon collapsing from the creeping exhaustion.
“I completely forgot I lost my home already. God. What am I going to do now? I am cold, I’m lost, and I have no home now. Today was a disaster.” He groaned, rubbing at his good eye. There was no bother in getting up. The night was here, yet the glow of the flowers and butterflies lit the area almost tricked him that it was day. Exhaustion was setting in. “I pray that tomorrow I can be in a warm bed and better clothes. I just wish things will be how they were. I just want peace.”
He drifted into a deep sleep lying within the flowers, their petals blanketing and comforting Ulysses as he was blissfully unaware of the true danger lurking close by.
“You will get your wish. After all, it isn’t every day a drifter follows the glow of my light. Rest in peace, my charming stranger. You will see me in your next life.” From the fog arose a long-haired man in red, he was adorned with butterflies and thorns adoring his figure, a walking figment of a waking dream. The Man In Red sat near and laid the limp drifter’s head onto his lap, humming a long-forgotten tune as the fog slowly overtook them.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
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“What are you doing up so late at night? Need me to walk you back to your room?”
Might make more uncanny and horror oriented art for Sebastian, but soon I’ll draw my girl Grell once I get enough energy.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
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Silly sketch of Sebastian thanks to the season 4 announcement.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
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Silly Oc x Man in Red AU I’ve been working on for months.
This ship was a crack ship between me and a mutual, yet it turned into major brainrot and now I am writing a multi chapter fic of them! Maybe I’ll post the fic chapters on AO3 once I am done.
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
TW// Floating Eyeballs, Gore, and Uncanny Imagery
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Drew this Danny art on discord stream, I had a blast talking to friends and getting tips along the way.
Tik Tok Speedpaint
Since I am posting about Danny, here is my previous art of him!
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neonreflections23 ¡ 1 year
Dang I should update my tumblr badly
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neonreflections23 ¡ 2 years
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Xie But Moden Fashion
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neonreflections23 ¡ 2 years
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Voyager 💫
COA 6 Go brrrrrrrrrr
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