#(No I’m not calling Yuvika or anyone else a bitch. Iykyk 😉)
phoebe-delia · 2 years
Hey phoebe!! I love all of your taylor swift songfics!!
How about some drarry for 'Delicate'? I think that would be fun to write (and read)!!
Hey Yuvika!! @purplehotmess. Thank you so much, my lovely fellow Swiftie!!
So here's the deal. I've technically done this song before. BUT 1. It wasn't all that fleshed out. And 2. Because of that, I've actually been meaning to give it another go. I think there are themes to the song I didn't explore as much. Not shading my original; but I love this song and think it fits Drarry SO well and I want to it full justice.
And yes I know I’ve written. Like. So many fics like this. In this setting. In fact I’m pretty sure there’s a scene in YAIL almost exactly like this. But also. It’s one of my favorite things to both read and write. And I’m trying to get into the “two cakes” mindset. So here’s some shameless fluffy floofness. Cw: very brief mention of grieving a loved one.
And with that, all that's left to say is this: 1, 2, 3 LET'S GO BITCH!
Raindrops clung to the grass beneath their limbs. They were propping themselves up on their forearms, legs stretched out in front of them. They knew they were making their robes damp, but it was worth it for the view at their feet of the moonlight spilled on the Black Lake. It was quiet, save for the chirping insects Harry couldn’t identify by sound alone.
“Harry, I—“ Draco hesitated, and suddenly pressed his lips together, glancing away.
Harry turned onto his side to face Draco. “What?”
“I—just wanted to know what you thought of Binns’ lecture today.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “You know you and Hermione are the only ones who don’t nap during his class. What were you going to say?”
Draco closed his eyes a moment, seeming to collect himself before he spoke again. “I think we should talk. About tomorrow.”
Harry frowned. “Graduation? Did you forget what McGonagall said during rehearsal? She’ll call us up, we get our diploma, and sit down. Pretty standard, I think.”
Draco gave him a flat look. “Not the ceremony, you dolt. What happens after.”
“The reception?”
“Are you being dense on purpose?”
Harry huffed. “No! I’m just confused as to why you’re being all intense about this.”
Draco signed, tilting his head back, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Harry’s eyes were drawn to it for a moment before flickering back up to Draco’s face. “I’m asking about what happens after we graduate. With us,” Draco gestured between the two of them.
Harry froze. They hadn’t talked about this. He hadn’t thought about it, if he was honest with himself. He’d been too wrapped up in enjoying Hogwarts without worrying about imminent death, and falling into this—thing—with Draco to think about his future beyond deciding not to decide. He had Grimmauld Place and a regular mind healer—so he’d figured he at least had the bare minimum covered. He just assumed Draco would fit in there, somewhere, in the hazy picture of the rest of his life.
“What do you want?” Harry asked.
Draco looked away again, eyes pointed at the lake in front of them. “I was hoping you’d go first. I’m not good at this type of thing.”
Harry chuckled. “You think I’m much better?”
“Well you’re a Gryffindor, aren’t you? At least Slytherins are known for saving face. Are you telling me you can be brave enough to consistently tell death to fuck off—but not to have a vulnerable conversation?”
Harry smiled, amused. “Pretty much, yeah.”
Draco huffed. “That bodes well for this, then. Glad I brought it up.”
Harry let out a laugh. “Well, since you were brave enough to start this, I guess it’s only fair I continue it.”
Draco nodded. “Yes. Go on.”
“Give me a minute! So impatient.” Harry grinned at Draco’s eye roll.
They say in silence for a few moments while Harry thought, and Draco was clearly trying to appear nonchalant while he waited. Harry was surprised that it didn’t take long to decide what to say, but he gave it just a second longer—seeing Draco try and fail to be subtle was too much fun.
When he spoke, the words came out as easily as if he’d been planning them for months.
“I think we’ve come a long way. Both in the time we’ve known each other, and just in the last year. I know we’ve known each other all that time but I don’t think I ever really knew you until we stopped hating each other.
“I enjoy you, Draco. I like you; I like knowing you. I like being with you. I liked being your friend at first. I really like being more. I like that our close friends know, but that we got to explore this with some privacy. I like what we have, and—“ Harry reached over and took Draco’s hand, which gave his a light squeeze— “I don’t want it to end just because we’re going into the real world. I don’t know what I want to do other than renovate Grimmauld, keep going to therapy, and spend time with the people who are important to me. And that includes you.”
Harry let his words hang in the air a minute; let Draco take it in. Wide gray eyes studied him, and Harry tried not to blush under the scrutiny.
“Er, your turn,” Harry stammered, retracting his hand, suddenly shy.
Draco didn’t respond for a long moment, looking at Harry blankly.
“Well! Say something!” Harry huffed.
Draco swallowed. “Do you want—are you saying—”
“I’m saying I want to be with you. Properly. I want to hold your hand in public. Take you on dates. Go to the cinema—”
“What’s a cinnamona?”
“It’s—it’s fun, trust me. I want to show you so much. I want you to show me things, in return. I want us to be together. As adults.” Harry shrugged. “Just us.”
Draco let out a shaky breath. “I—Harry, I’m not…I’m not good enough for you. You’ve got to know that. Being together in public would bring you immense backlash. It would be—”
“Worth it,” Harry said, making his eyes meet Draco’s. “Absolutely worth it. The angry letters would make great paper to potty train our Crup.”
Draco let out a laugh. “Oh, we’ve got a Crup now?”
Harry nodded, grinning. “Yes we do. His name is Mr. Fluffsworth.”
Draco laughed again, a bit softer. “How are we to have a Crup if we don’t li—” he cut himself off, cheeks flushing.
“If we—oh,” Harry trailed off, letting silence settle between them. But it didn’t take long for the words to come, for honey-sweet certainty to flood his body. “Move in with me.”
Draco looked at him, stunned. “W-what did you just say?”
“Move in with me. We did well enough sharing a dorm; we’ll have a whole house now. And it’s not like we’ve got to pay rent, since it’s already m-mine,” Harry cleared his throat against the surge of grief and pressed on. “Move in with me.”
Draco swallowed. “How can you be so sure?”
“I just am. Draco you make me so happy it scares me,” Harry said. “But in a good way! The best way. I’ve never been so happy to be so terrified, I—”
Draco reached over and cupped Harry’s jaw. “You’re rambling, love. It’s alright. I understand.”
Harry sagged in relief. “See? You see what you do for me? Move in with me. Please. Please say yes.”
Draco stared for a long moment, as if trying to find something in Harry’s face, and then laughed again. “You are the strangest person I’ve ever met.”
Harry quirked a small, hopeful smile. “That’s not a ‘No.’”
Draco laughed, grin growing as he said, “Yes, yes, you absolute maniac, I’ll move in with you!”
Harry grinned and tackled Draco into his back, kissing him breathlessly. They finally pulled apart for air, but stayed close, foreheads pressed together.
“On one condition,” Draco whispered. Harry felt his chest seize with momentary panic before he saw the smile on Draco’s lips and in his eyes.
“I get to name the Crup.”
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