#(Keep your Taichi hate away from me)
Taichi was…well. Perfect. Not perfect as he was flawless, no, he was just…amazing to Takaaki. He was…perfect. Everything about Taichi gave him butterflies. He'd swoon if Taichi just looked at him. But there were days where he got worried.
He was worried Taichi would hate him one day.
Just one day, Taichi was going to get tired of him. That Taichi would leave him and throw Takaaki away like if he was easily disposable. Well. Taichi wouldn't be harsh. But…
It got him wondering.
And it made him spiral into horrible thoughts that made his heart race, leaving his body cold and afraid. He could feel tears prick the corners of his eyes some days. He'd sometimes toss and turn in their bed, wondering if Taichi actually hated him because of how he was. He wondered if Taichi…if Taichi hated how their financial situation was. If that was one of the reasons he was unhappy and why he would leave Takaaki.
Takaaki didn't have much. Taichi helped with money, yeah. But Takaaki hated that. It made him feel like a terrible partner. If only his father wasn't such a sack of shit who left them all in debt they would've all been out of poverty. They'd actually be middle class. Not anything lower…
Takaaki would hug Taichi, trying to keep his mind away from all the pain he was making himself feel. Taichi would kiss him and ask him if he was okay. Takaaki would answer with a shake of his head. And Taichi would sigh and hug him back. Telling him it'll be okay, whatever it was. And Takaaku would be grateful for his wonderful husband.
"I love you." Takaaki whispered.
"I love you, too." Taichi said back with a smile.
He loved Taichi. And he fully trusted and believed Taichi. But sometimes his brain wanted to harm him. To tell him that Taichi was lying. And that sweet, amazing smile was all fake. Fake…
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't provide much. I'm sorry of our way of life…I'm sorry you're in this financial state. I wouldn't be upset if you left, you know that, right?" Takaaki said randomly as they laid in bed. Takaaki held Taichi in his arms as Taichi snuggled near him. "Aki? What are you talking about? Why would I leave you?" Taichi asked.
"Because…maybe you're just unhappy with how everything is. And that you're tired of me and…and you lie when you say you love me. Maybe it's just me being awful to myself and just being downright stupid. But…I'm just afraid." Takaaki rambled, he could feel tears in his eyes again for a second time that day. But he didn't want to let them fall again.
Taichi held his husband's face in his hands. "Takaaki Ishimaru, I love you. And I always will. I knew what our situation was going to be like when I asked you to marry me. I knew that from the start. And guess what? I still asked you to marry me. And what did you say?" Taichi asked, his cute face getting all serious.
"I said 'Yes'…" Takaaki answered.
"Exactly! And we had a wedding. A wedding so amazing we both started to cry! And I'm still happy. I worry about your health and sometimes that gets me upset, but that's because I care, Aki! You're the most amazing husband I could ask for." Taichi said with a bright smile. Now Takaaki started to cry again. He just let his tears fall at the kind words.
Fuck. He was so sweet.
Takaaki kissed Taichi's lips. "I love you so much, Taichi." He said as he cried softly. Taichi wiped away any tears that fell down Takaaki's cheeks. "Same here. Always." Taichi kissed him. Taichi laid his head on Takaaki's chest, hugging his husband tightly. "You shouldn't have to worry about such a thing, Love. Because you're the only man I need and want." Taichi gave him another bright smile before closing his eyes to go to sleep.
Takaaki nodded, "Okay…I-I'm glad." Takaaki couldn't help but smile as well. He held Taichi closer and fell asleep along with his beloved. His heart racing, but in a good way. His cheeks growing red from all the affection he was feeling. He loved his husband. And he was glad his husband loved him back.
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kristenswig · 8 months
Best Adapted Screenplay
The Zone of Interest - Jonathan Glazer, based on the novel by Martin Amis
Subject - Lilac tree by the Commandant guard barracks. The SS members who pick from the lilac tree in an almost incomprehensible and radical manner so that the tree bleeds will be punished.  I expect the SS members, if they want to take some, to do it in a modest form and cut them off the tree sensitively.  In the interest of our whole community, I hope you understand those flowers are to decorate our entire camp, now and in the future, and I expect SS members to be fully aware of this measure.
All of Us Strangers - Andrew Haigh, based on the novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada
You are queer right? Yeah. That’s good. Well–gay.  I can’t get used to calling myself queer.  It was always such an insult. It’s probably why we hate gay so much now.  Gay meant lame and shit.  Those trainers are gay.  That haircut’s gay.  This sofa is gay.  Your school bag’s gay.  Queer does feel polite somehow though.  Like all the dick sucking’s been taken out. 
Killers of the Flower Moon - Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese, based on the book Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann
It doesn’t do to talk to this man.  Evil surrounds my heart.  Many times I cry and this evil around my heart comes out of my eyes, and I say it is gone, this evil, but again it comes.  I close my heart and keep what is good there, but hate comes.  My heart is cold and I say I ought to kill these white men who killed my family.
Priscilla - Sofia Coppola, based on the memoir Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley and Sandra Harmon
I think these clothes are too sophisticated for me. Honey what’s sophisticated?  You could go around in a feather and it’ll be sophisticated.  I like you in blue.  Blue’s your color.  Prints take away from your looks. I like this one. No, solids suit you better, and I hate brown, it reminds me of the army.  Black hair and more eye makeup will make your eyes stand out more.
Reality - Tina Satter and James Paul Dallas, based on the play Is This a Room by Tina Satter
So you’re positive you never printed anything out that was outside your work role? I’m trying to think um.. because..there’s uh NSA Pulse and from time to time I do print out articles from that and use as scratch paper.  That sounds really dumb uh now that I’m thinking about it the things that I did were really dumb uh but then I always threw it out in the burn bin. Okay.  What kind of articles from Pulse do you pull out. [barking] Uhm, usually reference material about, like, _______________________ uh, just making sure like so many references that I keep having to re-look up so that’s probably fraud waste and abuse right there. We’re not worried about fraud waste and abuse.  Okay.  No.   I use a lot of papers, but nothing outside of Iranian stuff or anything other than that, and never outside of the building. Okay. Reality.  What if I said I had the information that you did print out stuff that was outside of that scope? I mean, I would…I would try to remember.   Okay…what if I said that you printed out information related to, uh, reports on ______________________. Reality?  We obviously know a lot more than what we’re telling you at this point.
Theater Camp - Noah Galvin, Molly Gordon, Nick Lieberman, and Ben Platt, based on their short film
You were a nurse in World War II.  You fell in love with one of your fellow nurses and you were the first lesbian nurse couple that ever lived!  Let that inform your singing.  You were President William Howard Taft. You are the oldest soul in this room.  This is your last life. 
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The Knight and the Prince in the Castle
[AO3 version]
Inside the castle, a battle occurs and V-mon worries for Lightnimon’s life. Then, Wallace has the visit of a familiar face… Could Wallace be rescued from Duskmon’s hands? Or…?
[Notes: It takes place in 2008; this was the first drabble I wrote actually...]
Something was moving quickly through the corridors of this new rendition of Vamdemon’s castle. It wasn’t exactly the same place Taichi and the Chosen Children had ventured in before, but some mysterious one was built during those times.
Maybe it was all an illusion, or it was created by magic. No one knows.
The mysterious shadow approaches from the door of a room in which a special person was inside. He was running out of time, and V-mon was next to him trying to keep him cool. The digimon next to the black armored shadow -- one armor with Lighdramon motif -- was denouncing his identity. But he didn’t care at this point, he couldn’t waste his chance.
But something happened.
Once the door opened, a digimon attacked them. It wasn’t the kid’s digimon, so it was supposed to be one of the soldiers from the real bad guy.
Wielding this glaive Lighdramon-based weapon, he and V-mon dodged from the enemies attack and prepared to battle.
“What’s this?”
“Undead digimon, MadLeomon” V-mon explained, “I can handle it by myself”
“You kidding!? I won’t let you fight alone!”
“We’re here to rescue Wallace, not to pick a fight with a sentinel!”
“Sigh…” he couldn’t evolve his partner-in-crime right now…
“Why are you here?”
Wallace appeared behind MadLeomon, not amused by those two’s presence.
“We came to rescue you!” V-mon said.
“I don’t need to be rescued, go away.”
“W-wait!” the armored ‘digimon’ shouted, “You want to stay here!?”
“I don’t need to talk with you.”
“They’re using you, Wallace!”
“Leave me alone, Chocomon is gone! Gummymon is missing! And this is all YOUR fault!”
MadLeomon dashed through the corridor, trying to hit the two prey with their arms. V-mon and the incognito warrior avoided it by dodging to the edges of the field.
“They brainwashed him!” V-mon warned his companion.
“Oh really? Darn it, Wallace!”
“Brainwashed…? How can I be brainwashed if I wanted to be here!? They explained my role in this world, while you and your friends lied to me.”
“What the heck are you talking about!?” the duo dodged another blow, “Daisuke-kun and his friends did not lie to you! Their group found Gummymon, and they weren’t aware of such power!!”
Wallace’s eyes showed a spark of light to the mention of Gummymon.
“T-they… Found him?”
However, MadLeomon kept attacking their opponents with no mercy. And they didn’t attack back with the fear of hitting their friend.
“Chocomon might be gone! But we can find him” V-mon yelled, “Please, come with us!”
“I… I can’t!”
“Gummymon might hate me now, he might think I abandoned him but, but…!!”
“He does not hate yo--” The armored ‘digimon’ dodged another attack but got hit by a second blow, “Khh!!”
“L-Lightnimo--”  by V-mon despair, he also got caught off guard and hit by MadLeomon’s punches. He flew away, collapsing on the ground next to ‘Lightnimon’.
“He… Stop, please! L-Let them talk, you don’t need to protect me anymore!!”
“Master’s orders is to not let you alone and fight anyone who dares to stay on your way.”
“Bu-but they’re not doing anything wrong, please stop!”
“My orders are to eliminate whoever steps in.”
“No, leave them alone! MY order is to you stop right now!” Wallace stared at the undead digimon, and the digimon somehow stopped.
“Master won’t like this…”
“Well? I’m YOUR master now, and I order you to leave them alone.”
“Yes, master Wallace…” MadLeomon stepped back, and then the boy ran to the other two on the floor.
“Please don’t die here… I would go with you but I can’t, I’ve been watched and this might not be good for either of us…”
“Ghn…” V-mon got up, and then the other very slowly.
“W-we... Can’t leave you h-here…!” the masked ‘digimon’ said.
“... I’m sorry it’s all my fault. It’s my fault that you got hurt…! It’s my fault that I got separated from Gummymon, it’s my fault that Chocomon egg didn’t hatch--”
“It’s not your fault!” he grabbed Wallace by his collar, “You got fooled and kidnapped, we couldn’t do anything to stop it before! Gummymon does not hate you, neither Daisuke-kun nor his friends!”
“We need to leave this place right now, Lightni” V-mon alerted his partner, “I feel something is coming…!”
“W-why are you talking funny?!” Wallace frowned, “That’s not like you…”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!I don’t speak funny, that’s my way to be!”
“No really, you’re talking very funny, also what’s with that get up…? You wanted to be cool and save me like your beloved prince?” Wallace smirked.
“You idiot I’m not who you think I am!! I’m--”
“Quit babbling and let’s get outta here Lightni!!”
“R-right…! We will come back for you…!” He freed Wallace and ran after V-mon.
They jumped from the corridor’s window, and mysteriously V-mon evolved to a Fladramon with flaming wings sprouting from his back. Wallace watched them vanish in the horizon, as the other guards reached the floor they were on.
Filled with doubts, the boy couldn’t tell what was said by that mysterious knight.
Somehow, he felt that ‘digimon’ was familiar…
“What are you doing, Daisuke?” was all he could think about.
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Takeru Week 2022 - Day 1: Patamon
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Patamon and Me Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Patamon, Natsuko Takaishi, Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, Hikari Yagami, Kimi Shincai (OC), Kenichi Takaishi (OC) Summary: 5 moments between Takeru and Patamon throughout the years. I woke up all of a sudden once again. I just had another dream with Patamon. I have lost account of how many times that has happened since we came back from the Digital World. And I always had trouble going back to sleep afterwards; most of the time I didn’t and it was no different this time. So, I just sat up, embraced my knees and cried silently.
I hated living far from everyone. I hated living far from Yamato. I couldn’t help but wonder how he was coping with being away from Gabumon, if he missed him as much as I missed Patamon and if he still kept in touch with the rest of us. I really really wanted to talk to my brother.
The sound of my mom’s voice echoed in my ears and I lifted my head up. I couldn’t tell how much time went by or if I had fallen asleep, but that’s what it looked like. “Takeru?” She called my name again and I jumped out of my bed, walking to the door and unlocking it. She opened it right away, turning on the lights right away. “You should open your window. The sun is shining bright outside already.” “I bet it is.” “Don’t you want to go outside?” She asked unsure and sat on my bed, placing her hands over her thighs nervously. “Your friends from the building came inviting you to play with them, did you hear the bell?” “No, not really. Either way, I don’t feel like going down and play soccer. I just wish I could see Patamon again.” “I know you do, sweetheart, and if I knew a way to make you two meet again, I would do it. But unfortunately I don’t. I’m sorry. I know how much he means to you and you mean just as much to him. You had a strong bond since the beginning and it’s not easy to let it go. But wherever he is, I know he’s thinking of you and wants you to be happy.” “I know.” I dried the tears that were falling silently from my eyes. “I promised him I wouldn’t cry and that I would believe we were going to meet again soon.” “So you should hold on into that.” She said firmly and I looked at her, surprised. “If you believe in it with all your strength, it will come true. Isn’t it what you did back in the Digital World?” “It is.” I nodded, looking down at my shirt. There was a reason why my crest was Hope. “You know what? You’re right. This isn’t the end for me and Patamon. We’re going to meet again. I know he believes it and so should I.” “That’s the spirit!” My mom grinned and leaned a little forward, grabbing my hands within hers. “That’s my son! Now how about we go out and eat some ice-cream? We can also go for a walk if you want to.” “I’d love to.” I smiled widely at her, but quickly turned serious. “But there’s something else I want to do.” “Alright, what is it?” “I want to go to Odaiba.” “But Takeru, school starts on Monday.” “I know, but I need to go there. I need to see Yamato and dad. And the others. Please, mom.” I begged when after noticing she wasn’t going to give in. “Just this weekend, right?” “Yes.” “Okay, we can go to Odaiba.” My face lit up in happiness when she grinned at me. “You can see your brother.” “Thank you.” I ran to her and hugged her tight.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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deutoplasmic · 18 days
smug takeru will be the end of me like hes sOOOO happy even if you swear to never speak of the shack again it wont stop you two from. stealing a few kisses when no ones looking 😶 YOU HATE HIM THOUGH YOU SWEAR!!! even when he gives you,,, soft forehead kisses after you bicker,,, or he kisses your hand before saying goodbye IM SO GRRHRJDJDJDJD
PLSSS OMG MIMIKYU,,, yea fengfan’s fighting for his LIFE in his mind hes so down bad for you,,, you walk up to him with a phantump you just found like “phantump say hello to 凡凡 this is your new dad” and fengfan swears hes so red he’ll explode
HOLDING HANDS WITH RUKI PLSSS he tries to act calm but youll just see him avoiding eye contact and only looking your way to look at your hands touch and freak out again 😭 HES SUCH A CAT alolan meowth is so perfect for him omg
MASAYA’S HONEY SHOP,,, will literally give free honey to any lil kid or pokemon,,, and the full bottles are shaped like his partner teddiursa I NEED TO DRAW THIS I NEED TO DRAW ALL OF THEM
OMG AYUTA AS AN APPRENTICE 😭 and compared to junki his singing partners would be like,,, softer like chingling,,,, and junki is so happy with his growing family he gets everyone matching bowties,,, and ofc free poffins even for ayuta (who is. mildly confused but hes accepted that junki is a bit strange)
PLSSS KYO GETTING YOU ALL THE SOUVENIRS,, he kept the malasadas chilled with his new bergmite friend,,, you guys can have a meal in front of your house and catch up,,, man kyosuke looks so good in natural lighting with his hat off I MEAN WHAT-
SHO AND KOSHIN ARE SO CUTE LIKE,,, and koshin is definitely trying to set him up with someone like “you dont want someone who can look after the daycare with you for the rest of your life till death do you part? 🥺” and sho is like “ahahahaha i mean,,,” (hes worse at rizz than he looks)
omg taichi with a hitmontop,, or a sandslash,,, AND OMG RAN WITH A SCIZOR YOURE SO RIGHT!!!! SHE WOULD BE ALL TOUGH WITH ONE LIKE ALL THE STRONG COOL FEMALE GYM LEADERS,, i need to write this all down i have to draw all of lapone with pokemon now,,,
LMAO NOT KUMI BECOMING WANTED BY PROXY 😭 hes so confused the whole time,,, but it does feel nice when you pat his head after he pilots the ship well,,, and maybe thats all that matters
LMAODKDJDJ THANK YOU i think ill upload it after i send this ask in!! have no idea what the caption will be yet but. ill make smth up
and @ the tags,, i get you omg my friend was sociogramming and writing down f (friend) and a (acquaintance) next to people and i was like. does that mean fluff and angst LMAODJDKDHDKDJD THE BRAINROT
every time you guys k*ss you make sure to remind him after that he's still a stupid annoying ratbag or whatever but he KNWOS whats inside your heart!!!!!!!!!!! you cant hide from him forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're never going to fully admit it but what's that he keeps coming over a lot? yeah nahhhh he just wants to bother you like the menace he is (mame is frantically updating jin he can't believe his eyes is it REAL)
god fengfan is 5 seconds away from combustion!!!!!!!!!! the 凡凡 will have him kicking his feet desperately when he thinks abotu it later that night... he even finds a lil pumpkaboo for you for the matchign duo and GOD he almost loses it when you smile at him and say youve got twins now!!!!!!!!!!! he thinks he deserves an award for not exploding whenever you talk to him but also he's so grateful for the privilege. so
YOURE SO RIGHT FOR THIS he prolly has super clammy hands.... cold sweat on his palms........... youre like ruki do you need to wipe your hand and hes like NOOOOOPE whilst subtly scrubbing them on his pant leg LOL... he gets so nervous that his meowth uses pay day bc coins calm it down and maybe it'll work for ruki too! but actually it just looks like his wallet exploded and dumped coins on the ground so he's dying from embarrassment whilst you just pick up all the money for him :rofl:
HONEY BOTTLES SHAPED LIKE TEDDIURSA YOUR BRAIN IS SO MASSIVE FOR THIS. SO MASSIVE. omg his table is made out of maple wood stained a cute yellow that like. his friend ayane made or smth. and its draped with a honeycomb patterned tablecloth keigo made............ all of his little samples are in small jars the size of like tealights which are wrapped with small squares of the tablecloth fabric and twine around it for security.....
YOURE SO RIGHT one day they go out to the meadow to sing bc junki declares it perfect cutiefly spotting weather. yes ayuta tells him that theyll probably get poked by them but junki doesnt comprehend that. and for some reason meloetta shows up??????????????????? both of them refuse to try catching it bc that would be such an injustice. but. wow. theyre dumbstruck. AND THE MATCHING BOWTIES ARE SOOOOOO CUTE its insane........ and yeah. ayuta has accepted his fate in silly goose club LOL
OH MY DAYS youre so right he pulls out some tropius fruit from his satchel to share with you........ and his eyes are so shiny and hair so pretty in the sun i mean wait what huhhhhhhh ALSO HIM HAVING A BERGMITE IS SO REAL oh my days .... he probably delivers smth to like fengfan at some point who also has a frigibax and it starts bickering with the bergmite LOL
koshin can be devious when he wants to be LOL but omg im such a supporter of the confident sho totally lost for words and confidence around his crush theory like . hes charismatically explaining smth to some of the trainers looking at his daycare with all his smooth charm and you waltz in and hes like uh um uh uh well uh sorry uh yeah um uh huh
taichi sandslash would be so CUTE omg wait he also has like. a minun who is such a cutie and keeps cheering for them.... which is severely boosting ken's ego LOL and yeah omg..... love ran............ she probably specialises in steel type pokemon and there are a bunch of klinks and bronzor hanging aroudn the entry. she's taking care of a shiny aron at the moment and it's due to evolve any time soon....!!!!!
YEAH omg he takes you to meet his mechanic buddy hiroto one time after you need to get some part replacements and hirotos like wow takumi they must be really worth it to change sides of the law and takumi. well. hes dazed life is so good
LMFAO FLUFF AND ANGST........... its consuming us all...............
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
* VENT / More Blog PS@
If you outright hate (or openly mock), or frequently dismiss or sideline or erase Taichi in any adaptation we cannot be friends. This includes Tri, Kizuna and 2020!Taichi. The same goes for: - Koushiro - Hikari - Daisuke - basically all Adventure Chosen / main Chosen casts
And also stop lurking my blogs. I don't care how much you claim to ~love the Original!!!1! Adventure Chosen~, I will block you if I see it.
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rosesandtoshi · 3 years
Take It ❃ Shirabu Kenjirō
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❃ Pairing Shirabu Kenjirō x female virgin!reader
❃ W/C: 1.3k
❃ Warnings: dark content, pseudocest (step siblings), non con, slapping, no prep, mating press, vanilla sex, creampie, reader is not on birth control,
❃ Part of my daddy's, I mean baby's collab @sinfulcries!! Thank you so much for letting join Dylan. I had fun writing this!! Masterlist for all the other wonderful work and creators can be found here!
❃ As always, I am very very grateful to all my betas. Without y'all, I would seriously be lost. So I am very thankful!!! @ovarysnake23 @mianavs
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Shirabu knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t have these feelings for you. Ever since his dad married your mom, he always claimed he hated you; never wanting an annoying little sister. Especially since you were both middle school aged when they married. But when you ended up at the same college, he couldn’t help but realize that all the years he spent hating you, wasn’t actually hate. No, it was him developing feelings for you. So when you showed up to campus and had a few classes with him, he knew he would finally be able to confess to you. With your parents out of the picture, there was nothing stopping him. That was until Terushima Yuuji came into the picture; the playboy of the campus who got any girl he wanted. And he had his sights set on you; you were so dumb and naive you fell right into his trap too. Knowing that he was just going to use you for sex and then dump you, Shirabu tried to stop you.
“You’re not my dad.” You snapped at him one night.
He knew after that night he had to make a plan to confess to you. Terushima had planned this big year end party and invited everyone. Normally, Shirabu never went to parties. As an inspiring med student, his studies were his main focus, but knowing you were going to be there, he made an exception. The music was blaring through the house as Shirabu made his way towards the house with some old high school friends
“Hey man, lighten up!” Taichi Kawanishi, Shirabu’s best friend said, slapping his back and handing him a drink. Shirabu rolled his eyes and grabbed the cup out of his hand.
“Yeah yeah. Let’s have fun.”
As the night went on and people came in and out, Shirabu began to grow impatient. He hadn’t seen you all night and was starting to wonder if you had even showed up. As the two men sat in the corner, red solo cups in hand, Taichi nudged Shirabu out of his trance.
“Isn’t that your sis?”
Shirabu’s eyes follow to where he pointed. There you stood in a short tight dress, stumbling a bit while holding on to Terushima. He felt his blood boil as he watched you cling to him, tits pressed into his shoulders as you looked up at him with sultry eyes. Shirabu gripped his cup tighter as he glared. Taichi nudged him again.
“You just gonna stare at her or what?”
“Shut up.” Shirabu set his drink down and walked over to the group. Terushima smirked as he saw him walk over.
“Hey man. Glad you can make it.” Shirabu ignored him and looked at you, watching you cling tighter to Terushima.
“What do you want, Shirabu?” You slurred.
“We’re going home.” He roughly grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Terushima. You tried to fight him, but the look he gave you made you stop.
“Hey, if she doesn't want to go, she doesn’t have to go.” Terushima said, lifting his arms up. Shirabu pulled you away from the group and out the door.
“Where are you taking me?” You asked, tears lining your lashes as he pulled you in a different direction of his door.
“To teach you a lesson.”
The rest of the walk to his dorm was you stumbling and crying, trying to keep up with your step brother. You didn’t want to make him more angry than he already was so you just followed. Shirabu had always been protective of you; but you knew he hated you, always having an issue with your parents marrying. You were actually surprised he took you out of the party. You got to his dorm room and he shoved you into his room, locking the door behind him.
“Shirabu, why are you being so rough with me?” You asked, sitting on the bed. He didn’t answer you. Instead, he stalked over to you.
“What happened to that attitude you just had, hmm?” He asked, towering over your sitting form. With your brain fuzzy from the alcohol and drugs you had taken, your once normal demeanor faltered.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” You mumbled.
“Like what? Like you're a child? You are a child. A stupid one at that. Whoring yourself around to the biggest playboy around campus. Knowing that he’s just going to fuck you and move on. Is that what you want? To be used like a whore?” Your bottom lip trembled as he spilled those hateful things to you.
“Stop being so mean to me.” You felt the tears fall down your cheeks.
“Being mean to you? Really? You want me to be mean? Fine!!” He shoved you until you were on your back. You yelped when he slapped your thigh and spread your legs apart. He smirked when he saw the thong that barely covered your pussy. You tried to close your legs shut but he kept them open.
“Shirabu stop! This is wrong, you’re my brother.” You cried out to him. He ran his fingers up your calves to your thighs until they reached your core. You felt the goosebumps rise when his fingertips ghosted over your slit. Biting your lip to keep from moaning, you tried to move away from his touch, but the hand that was on your thigh kept you in place.
“We’re not really siblings. You’re just my dumb little step sister. Besides, I’ve wanted to destroy this pussy for years.”
His fingers gripped the top of your thong and pulled it off slowly, before throwing them on his dresser as a keepsake. He licked his lips as he moved down until his face was at your awaiting heat. His hot breath made you shiver as his tongue stuck out and licked a long strip from your dripping hole to your clit before latching his lips around the bud. You arched your back at the pleasure coursing through your body. You knew you shouldn’t have enjoyed this, you knew this wasn’t right. He’s your step brother.
“You’re a virgin aren’t you?” Shirabu asked, releasing your clit with a pop. You felt your face heat up at his question and nodded your head.
“We should stop. This isn’t right.”
“Oh, but you’ll fuck Terushima? You’ll let him take your virginity?” You felt yourself tense up at the change in Shirabu’s demeanor.
“I—” You felt a sting on your cheek as your head whipped to the side and realized he had slapped you. You started to cry as he took his clothes off. He grabbed your ankles and pushed your knees to your chest, caging you in. You tried to fight him, but his body weight trapped you as you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance. Your eyes widened as he started to push in.
“God, you’re so fucking tight.” He hissed out as he continued to push into you. The tears just flowed down your eyes as you couldn't do anything but just take it. You felt like you were being ripped in two, having never experienced sex before. His hips snapped into yours over and over as you tried to block out what was happening.
“You filthy whore. I fucking hate you.” He spat as he pounded into you fast and hard. The tip of his cock hitting your cervix over and over again, making you cry out in pain. You squeezed your eyes tight as his hips finally stilled, cuming deep inside of you. He pulled out and released your legs as he started to pull his clothes back on. You curled into a ball and sobbed into the pillow, the pain settling between your thighs as the adrenaline started to wear off. You flinched when he ran his fingers up and down your wet slit as he shoved two fingers in you, forcing the cum back inside.
“You know this pussy is mine now, right? Such a good girl taking her step brother's cock. I love you so much my sweet little sister. Next time, I’ll try to treat you better okay.”
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Taglist: @kenmaskittenswriting @semisgroupie @itsmeaudrieee @catharticvillains @ebiharachan @rinsangel @chaotic-fangirl-blog @papitoshi @omiikeii @evanescentlight @vanilleswtmacaron @bbykotarou @tsumomii @luckygirls @kuroohoeee @chloee0x0
Networks: @underratedcharactercorner || @hqintheclub
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vampkaashis-wife · 3 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Your phone buzzes. A text from “Kenjirou ❤️🥰”
The hearts are a painful reminder of what’s soon to come. The pain is manageable, though, since you’ve been bracing yourself at the sight of them for months now.
Sweetheart, I hate with a burning passion that I am doing this in text form and not in person, but I swear on anything you’d want me to swear on that I love you. I understand your concerns, but I’m not sure I am ready to talk it out yet. But I do know, beyond a doubt, that I love you. The idea that I’ve unknowingly pushed you to a breaking point is… frankly, horrifying.
Stay at Goshiki’s as long you like. So long as you’re waiting on the other side, I’ll be able to cross this bridge and meet you there.
Forever yours (hopefully?),
Shirabu Kenjirou doesn’t lie. Not out loud, anyway, but text messages give nothing away. When did you start doubting him like this? Is there any way back?
Goshiki texts you to pick up dinner. Thankfully, it gives you something to do other than have an existential crisis about this message.
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“I’m kicking you out again,” Kawanishi threatens Shirabu. This is a common occurrence; Shirabu doesn’t know how to be a customer at cafes without sighing heavily every few minutes, eyebrows pulled so close together that Kawanishi and his coworkers have placed bets on whether they’re capable of overlapping.
“Taichi, tell me the truth,” he says while glaring a hole into the table. “Am I an idiot?”
Kawanishi pauses before putting down Shirabu’s second coffee. “Always have been, Shirabu.” Then he frowns. Shirabu is one of the most arrogant jerks he knows, but he’s also very aware that there are times when Shirabu self-destructs and self-sabotages. “Work and school going okay for you? Did you overload your schedule again?”
Shirabu shakes his head. “It’s not about that. Y/N and I had a fight.”
Kawinishi does another double-take. It’s not like he assumed you guys never fought, ever.  Your personalities wouldn’t allow it. However, he usually keeps it private. To the public, he’s the most adoring boyfriend.
Back in high school, whenever anyone asked, he cited his hobby as “falling in love.” When confronted about his playboy hobbies – seriously, how is that a logical hobby? – he gave the most incredulous glare around the table. “Guys. I’m deathly in love with my childhood friend. She makes my heart do funny things every single day. It’s not like… I’m not a playboy.” He muttered a lot more Is that seriously who you think I am? Playboy, my ass. What the hell? Disrespectful to Y/N if anything for the next few minutes. His sets were off for the rest of practice, and his 100 serves after is final game were laced such poison, Goshiki had regretted asking anything at all.
Onto college, Shirabu refused to hang out with them more than once a month. “Stop taking away my Y/N time,” he always complained. “I’m working on Y/N deficiency every day.”
And now, here he is, looking into his coffee like it’s the world’s finest liquor and he’s on a mission to get blackout drunk.
“Shirabu… How bad was it?”
Wordlessly, he slams your final letter on the table. He’s creased it enough times that he’d be able to tear it cleanly, if he wants to. He has no desire to do that, though. He’s done enough origami with your heart, folding and creasing and stressing you the point of no return. God, what is the matter with him? Why did he get so complacent that he ruined the one good thing he’s ever known?
Kawinishi finishes reading it, pushing back the feeling that he’s greatly infringing on your privacy. Then he waves it in Shirabu’s face. “Is that all? Is there anything else?”
Bold words to say to a man who’s facing a growing tear in the fabric of his reality. Shirabu just nods, though. “She’s right. I’ve been neglecting her, and that’s the one thing I said I’d never do. I just… I was looking for apartments, Taichi. I was going to move us to Tokyo like she always wanted. I literally-“ he sighs again. “I was about to get her opinion on the apartment, and she slammed me with this.”
Now, Kawinishi sighs. “For a former setter, you are ass at communication. She probably saw you looking and thought you were trying to escape her or something. You pulled away too much, man. Just talk to her a little better, okay?”
Shirabu chugs his coffee like it’s the world’s finest liquor – but he gets jittery rather than drunk. Will he ever stop making mistakes and horrible life choices?
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part two] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A failed friend date turns into a day of fun and laughs with a rather odd coworker. [Dazai x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,274 words
Warning: suicide ideation (like, it's Dazai, c'mon now.)
note: I'm glad some of ya'll seemed to enjoy chuuya's chapter! I decided to just upload Dazai's and then we can move on to the story. Please enjoy! Tags in the replies.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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"Keiko-- Keiko, it's two PM!" I said into the phone, sending an apologetic look to my coworkers. "And I'm at work. You can't be calling me, especially when you're drunk so early in the day."
"Uggghhhh, you're so mean!" I sighed softly at Keiko's response, the office phone on my desk beginning to ring.
"Keiko, I have to go now, I'm sorry! Call Taichi and tell him to bring you home."
I ended the call, rubbing my eyebrows as I picked up the other phone. "Armed Detective Agency, how may I help you?"
It's been around three months since I've started working at the Agency, and I have to say, it was a pretty great job. It paid well, kept me on my toes with the many different cases we took on, and my coworkers were great... despite how weird they were.
"That's like the seventh time your friend called you this week," Ranpo spoke up from his desk, the man literally surrounded by snack wrappers.
I sighed deeply, rubbing my eyebrows. "I know, I'm sorry everyone. She's not usually like this... I know she likes to drink, but... never to this extent."
"Maybe there is something going on?" the cute Atsushi suggested and I frowned. "Maybe you can try to find out?"
"It wouldn’t be wise to just push yourself into someone's private life like that," Kunikida added and I nodded in agreement.
Of course I couldn't. Not with who her boyfriend was. I was her best friend, but even I knew not to step in. "Besides, she always says she's okay when I ask..." I said thoughtfully, too distracted to continue my work. I could believe her, right? Besides, she had Taichi. He loved her, and always made sure that she was protected and taken care of. He always made sure to be around her when he wasn't away, keeping her to his side at all times. I thought maybe he was being a bit too protective, but I also understood because of his... profession.
"Alright, alright, we have a schedule, people. Let's not get too distracted here," Kunikida exclaimed and I laughed softly. The only one with a schedule was the super punctual man himself, but I still went on to do my work.
"Speaking of work..." I started, unimpressed as I Iooked to the empty desk across the office. "Where the hell is Dazai?"
Atsushi just hung his head and sighed, Kunikida gritting his teeth at his desk. "I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick up," Atsushi sighed again and I huffed, standing up from my desk. "I'll take my 30 now. I'll be in the cafe and I'll try to get Dazai to bring his scrawny ass to work."
The Agency was on the fourth floor of the building while the cafe was down on the first, very convenient for me. I was lazy and the coffee and food was good. I dialed up Dazai's number as I descended the four flights of stairs, pressing my phone to my ear.
At the top of one flight, I stopped when I heard a familiar ring tone blare out, and when I looked down to the bottom of the stairs, I saw the man of the hour. His brown hair was wavy as ever, his signature tanned jacket looking immaculate. I watched as he just looked at his phone, watching it ring before he put his phone in his pocket.
I hated him. "So you were just gonna ignore me?!" I shouted down the stairs. Dazai whipped his head up, eyes going comically wide.
"Bella!" he exclaimed, practically running up the stairs right towards me. I gasped and back away quickly, back hitting the wall as Dazai caged me between his bandaged arms. His forehead pressed against mine and I will my face not to burn as he looked at me with those pretty brown eyes of his. "I missed you."
My heart skipped a beat, my mouth going dry. Still, I glared up at the man. "We just saw each other yesterday," I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the feeling of his soft breath against my face. I was thankful my voice didn't crack. "And you have plenty of paperwork to do still on your desk."
"Ehhh, I'm tired and I'm busy," Dazai nonchalantly waved that off, now standing away from me and waving his hand dismissively. "Got better things to do."
I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah? Like what?"
With that, Dazai took my hands in his, a hopeful look on his face. Here we go again. "Double suicide."
"No." I immediately declined him. "My answer is still the same as it was last week."
Dazai visibly deflated, covering his eyes dramatically. "Sweet death... she evades me yet again..."
"Yeah," I deadpanned, brushing past Dazai and heading down the stairs. "Anyway. I'm heading to the cafe to get something to eat."
"Oh!" Dazai exclaimed, hooking my arm with his as he quickly came up to my side. "I'll go with you!"
"You have work to do!" I yelled at him, trying to push him back up the stairs. "Go before Kunikida has an aneurysm."
"But I don't wanna!" Dazai whined, quickly turning the tables on me. Now he was behind me, his arms wrapped around me and pinning my arms to my chest. I felt his breath against my left ear and I shivered deeply. "I wanna spend time with you..." he whispered softly, his voice dropping. I bit my bottom lip, looking over at him over my shoulder. I shivered again, the usual brightness in his eyes gone. I've only seen that look on his face a handful of times, and it never failed to make me feel completely on edge. Like I was in danger.
I liked it.
"Ugh," I sneered, rolling my eyes and shaking myself out of his arms. "Fine, fine. I'll treat today, okay?"
"Yay!" Dazai's jovial nature returned as he followed me to the cafe. I shake my head at the strange duality of the man. We sat across from each other, the redheaded waitress named Lucy that obviously had a crush on Atsushi giving us some menus.
As I looked over the menu, I looked over at Dazai, the man humming as he mulled over his choices. I bit the inside of my cheek, just feeling that maybe there was more to Dazai than he let on.
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The weekend soon arrived and I was in a bit of a sour mood. I was at the boardwalk, sitting on an empty bench after getting off the phone with Keiko. We were supposed to spend the day together, but she had called me thirty-minutes late, all of a sudden saying that she couldn't make it.
Her tone of voice worried me, she sounded rushed and breathless, totally unlike her. "I'm okay. I'm sorry for flaking out so suddenly," she said before she ended the call. I blinked at the screen, a bit put off by the entire thing. Just what was up with her?
Though I couldn't dwell on it, for there was a presence behind me. "Well, well, look what we have here," a teasing voice whispered into my ear before blowing into it. I shrieked, jumping off the bench before spinning around.
"Dazai!" I hissed at the laughing man standing on the other side of the bench. "You scared the crap out of me!"
"Bet it got your heart pumping, huh," Dazai hummed happily, skipping around the bench and right over to me. "Bella, I missed you~" he hugged me tightly in his arms. I sighed deeply, half-heartedly wrapping my arms around him in return and giving him a pat on the back.
"We saw each other yesterday."
"Eighteen hours is too long, bella."
I rolled my eyes, pulling away from the huge and giving Dazai a look. "You're so dramatic, dude," I say with a laugh, shaking my head. "What are you doing here?"
"Hmm, well I thought this would be a great place to think about how to commit suicide," Dazai began and I gave him another look. "But, I saw my bella looking so sad and lonely! I just had to rush to comfort her!"
Dazai hugged me again, squeezing me tight. I let out a struggling breath, writhing a bit in his hold. "You're killing me!"
"Oh! Let's commit do-"
"No, oh my God!"
I turned and stormed away from the suicidal man, shaking my head when I heard him call out for me. "Bella, wait!" He latched onto my arm, pressing his cheek against mine. "Tell me what's wrong. I am your trusted friend and coworker~"
"More like trusted pain in my ass," I mumbled before sighing, walking over to the boardwalk railing and staring out into the ocean. "It's Keiko. She was supposed to be with me today, but she just called and canceled..." I frowned deeply, eyebrows pinched in worry.
"What else did she say?" Dazai asked quietly, having gone serious once he saw the look in my face. "How did she seem?"
"Off..." I answered immediately before I looked over at my companion. "Or am I just imagining things? Yeah, I'm disappointed she flaked out but...." I hung my head. "I don't know..."
"Well, it could be nothing," Dazai suggested. "Or it could be something. There's no way for you to know."
I made a face at his vague ass answer before sighing again. "I can only trust her. She was the first friend I made when I moved to Japan, and I was excited to see her today. I've been having a rough time lately."
"Is something bothering you?" Dazai asked, and I shivered feeling his gaze on me.
"Eh... just depressed," I answered offhandedly. "Lonely. Normal sad girl shit, ya know."
That made Dazai snicker under his breath. "Yeah, I know. But luckily for you," Dazai started, arm draping around my shoulders and pulling me to him. "I'm here to save the day!"
I couldn't help it, I laughed before I wrapped my arm around his middle, letting him hold me against him. "You'll hang out with me today?"
Dazai grinned. "It would be my pleasure."
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Time flew by so quickly, that I was surprised to look at my phone and see that it was damn near seven in the evening. Gaping, I looked up, seeing that the sky was slowly turning dark. "Holy crap, Dazai. Did we really spend the whole day out here?" I asked in shock, looking over at him. "What the hell did we do?!"
"What didn't we do," Dazai whined, slumping against me. "I'm tired... and you still wanna ride the stupid ferris wheel!"
"It's not stupid," I said with a pout. "Besides... we're already in line."
"Meh," Dazai grumbled, still keeping his body pressed against me as we waited in line. He was behind me, his chin pressed on my shoulder. I tried not to shiver as I felt his breath along my neck.
Soon enough, we were in our carriage and slowly riding up to the top. I took a few pictures as we did so, Dazai looking over in amazement.
"You think the drop from up here would kill me?"
"Yeah, and would scar everyone here."
"Oh yeah... can't have that."
I rolled my eyes, glancing over at him and pausing for a bit. Dazai was still looking out over Yokohama, an expression I've never seen before on his face. He almost looked... sad. Very handsome, his side profile absolutely perfect. But he still looked sad. I took a quick picture, smiling as I looked over it on my phone.
The carriage stopped and I couldn't help but grin as we just swayed softly up in the air. "Thanks for spending the day with me, Dazai. It would have sucked if I had spent it alone."
"Ahh, don't sweat it, bella. I couldn't possibly leave you out here alone," Dazai answered dramatically and I laughed and rolled my eyes. 
I felt a vibration in my pocket and I grabbed my phone, smiling at the cute selfie that Keiko sent to me.
'I'm so sorry for bailing! I'll make it up to you, I promise! ❤ mwuah'
"Is that Keiko?" Dazai asked and I nodded, sending her a quick reply.
"Yeah. She seems to be doing okay," I said, feeling a bit relieved.
"That's great!" Dazai exclaimed, getting up from his spot and carefully making his way to sit beside me, much to my horror.
"Dazai! We're not supposed to move around!"
"We're fine!" he waved me off dismissively. "Now you can stop worrying about Keiko and focus on what's important. Me."
I raised my eyebrows at him. "You?"
Dazai hummed. "Yes, me. And how I'm taking you home tonight."
My jaw drops, face heating up at his words. "Wh-what are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Dazai answered, his voice dropping a bit as his gaze and entire mood changed. His gaze was darker now, his lips curled up in an almost dangerous smirk. "I think it's time we stop tiptoeing around each other and just take what we really want."
My mouth went dry and I quickly became flustered, turning my head away. Immediately, a hand is grabbing my face, Dazai digging his fingers into my cheeks as he forces me to look back at him.
"Nuh uh, you look at me when I'm speaking."
His authoritative tone makes me freeze, heart pounding in my chest as I stared at Dazai, completely bewildered. I knew there was something more about him than he had let on, and whatever it was, had me in fight or flight mode.
"Now, when we're done here, we're gonna leave and head back to my place, okay?" he asked me, but his tone made it seem like it wasn't a request, and it sure as hell didn't match the seemingly innocent smile on his face; not when it didn't reach his eyes.
I nodded, Dazai removing his hand from my face. His smile sent shivers down my spine.
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"Mmn... fuck, Dazai..." I moaned and gasped softly, the man on top of me littering my neck with angry red and purple marks, two of his fingers working inside my pussy. I was completely naked on his bed, Dazai only in his underwear-- and his bandages still wrapped around his arms and chest.
"Hey, what did I tell you?" Dazai whispered against my neck, curling his fingers and smirking when I cried out. "Call me Osamu. Don't make me tell you again."
I frantically nodded my head, crying out again as he sped up the pace of his fingers, his mouth moving down to my chest. "F-fuck, Osamu!"
"That's it," he whispered, taking one of my hardened nipples into his mouth. My fingers curled into his soft brown hair, head tilting back and eyes screwing shut as Dazai continued to pleasure my body.
It wasn't long until he pushed his hard cock into my wet pussy, the both of us groaning at the feeling of us finally connecting. I was on my knees and elbows, pillow placed under my hips. Dazai started out slowly, biting his lip as he watched his dick disappear inside of me.
"Fuck... I'm gonna burn this sight into my memory," Dazai groaned, making me whine as I shook my head.
"D-don't stare like that..."
Dazai chuckled softly, his hands grabbing my hips as he started to move faster, thrusting harder. I moaned and whined, it seemed to be the only thing I could do while Dazai fucked the shit outta me. "Osamu... please..."
My whining made the man above me grin widely, his thrusts becoming rougher, almost wild as he suddenly reached out and grabbed a handful off my hair. I yelped when he yanked me up, my back now pressed against his chest and his other hand wrapped around my throat.
"What is it, bella?" he hissed into my ear, pounding away at my pussy and making me cry out again. God, it was too much all at once. "What does my pretty little subordinate want?"
I whined. "I want to cum... please Osamu..."
He cackled, pushing me back on the bed, grabbing my hips so hard, I knew I was gonna bruise. "Cum then," he hissed down at me, pushing my face into the mattress. He fucked me relentlessly, fingers finding my clit and rubbing harsh circles. That made my vision go white, my scream muffled as I came hard, body going rigid as pleasure overtook my body.
"Shit, you're squeezing me so tight," Dazai grunted. He pulled out, ignoring my whines as he stepped off the bed. "Get on your back."
I barely rolled over halfway until there was a strong grip on my ankle, my body being pulled down the length of the bed. Dazai stood at the end, wasting no time in pushing my legs back by the back of my knees, and plunging his cock back into me.
I looked up at him through teary eyes, and I knew I should have been afraid of the mad look that was in his eyes, the way his lips were curled up in a snarl. But it just made my pussy clench around him in arousal, eyes rolling to the back of my head.
I came a second time as he did his first, and much to my ultimate pleasure, we weren't finished there. We pleasured each other through the night, until we wore each other out and fell asleep entangled in the sheets.
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I woke up the next morning, groaning in pain as I felt my body ache. I forced myself to sit up, looking around blearily and humming softly when I found Dazai sitting on the edge of the bed, his bare back to me.
"Good morning," he sang to me and I giggled softly, carefully moving to kneel behind him. The blankets fell from around me and I pressed my bare chest against his back. "Hm, that's nice."
"Morning," I said softly, peeking over his shoulder. "What are you do-"
I stop, staring as Dazai wrapped seemingly clean bandages on his heavily scarred left arm. I swallowed thickly, my mind running at what could have possibly been the cause of those scars.
But deep down, I knew that the cause was Dazai himself.
"Do... Do you have enough?" I asked softly, not knowing what else to even say. I didn't want to pry or seem insensitive, just having to get over this metaphorical punch in the gut myself.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Dazai answered, turning to face me with a cheery smile on his face. In a matter of seconds, I was flat on my back, Dazai on top of me with his lips pressed against mine. It was easy for him to make me forget about what I saw, his kisses stealing my breath away.
"I have to go," he said softly, pushing himself off me after a moment.
I nodded solemnly, watching him continue to get dressed. "Alright. See you at work tomorrow?"
He smirked at me. "You know the answer to that."
I rolled my eyes again, just as my phone started to ring. I grabbed it, sending Dazai a quick smile before answering the call.
"Hey Keiko, guess who got fucking laid." That made Dazai snort while I grinned, though my grin fell as I didn't hear Keiko go off like I thought she would. "Keiko?" I shared a look with Dazai.
"Hey... I need you. Can I come over?"
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Autumn Troupe: When they have nightmares
(PSA: this one’s a little self indulgent since I can’t sleep tonight so apologies if the headcanon’s inaccurate to the character ^^’)
Juza’s one to hide whatever gets him down because he doesn’t want to burden those around him.
He wants to be a good influence for Muku and Kumon and he tries not to rope them into anything negative that he has going on.
He tried to have a positive impact on you, too, so most times he doesn’t know how to express or want to express his vulnerabilities to you.
It was inevitable the night he had a nightmare, unfortunately it was you turning your back on him and was suddenly scared of him and thought of him as a monster.
Juza woke up in a cold sweat next to you, and he had no time to panic as he quickly rose up, reaching the air in front of him in a frenzy.
It would be best to hold him and/or reassure him. He needs to know that he isn’t alone and that it’s safe to open up to you, he will melt and quickly try to forget what happened in his dream.
He won’t tell you much about the dream, he won’t resist your efforts of getting close to him. In fact, it’s all Juza would have ever wanted. The love and care of someone that would accept him for who he is.
He’ll silently accept the love you give him, holding onto you tightly to steady his shaking and reassure his head.
Banri didn’t care much about nightmares, it never really bothered him and he kind of blew it off as some meaningless sign to ignore.
He never read much into things and didn’t see the need to start now. He was just rolling through life without a care in the world.
That was, until you came into his life.
He cared for you greatly and the feeling of putting in time and effort into someone that wasn’t his own self was almost foreign.
You had genuinely supported Banri throughout acting and everything he did, and he returned the favor which he had never thought he ever would.
Every bit of affection, every compliment he’d shrug off from literally anyone else meant more to him than anything.
To the point where waking up from a nightmare felt different when you were involved.
He was terrified that this meaning that he found in his life was gone, he woke up trying to laugh it off but saw his hands shake from the after math.
Just a simple “I’m here, I’m here” would ground him and bring him back to reality. Your voice was like a song to Banri, one that he would never get tired of.
He’d laugh still, but in a more genuine manner, tease you and asked if you actually worried about him.
Inside, he was grateful that you affirmed you were there with him, but it’ll take a while for him to admit it.
This boy has a lot to unpack.
He’s riddled with nightmares ever since his best friend had died. Despite all the changes in his life it still comes back in his sleep to bite him in the back.
He convinces himself that he’s gotten used to the nightmares and accepted it all as what he has to live with, but it deeply bothered him.
Despite this Omi tends to put a strong face for everyone; his brothers and father, the Mankai company, and for you, too.
Initially, he saw his weak points as being a burden to you, so Omi likes to perform acts of service to you like making you food before he goes to work or to rehearsal, get groceries with you, and of course also make sure you get a good night sleep before he would have to leave to run errands of his own.
He rarely takes rests and keeps himself busy a lot, he loves to help the people he cares about, but at the same time he will over work to avoid the nightmares that come late at night.
It was bound to happen that he would knock out fast asleep next to you. He had a whole day of errands, photo shoots, a lengthy practice and cooking for both you and the troupe. Omi deserved a rest.
However he started twisting and turning in his sleep frantically and you woke him up in fear of what was going on.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” he immediately goes, rubbing his eyes to hide the clear discomfort, stretching to get up and make himself some tea.
Refuse his offer to do anything, right now it’s best for him to recover, and even without any cooking skill, offer some calming tea and some snacks or comfort food from the fridge or pantry.
He’ll be endlessly grateful, laughing as he constantly reassures you that he would have been perfectly fine getting it himself, but still thank you in the process.
“I know you’d do the same for me, it’s time I help you, too”
Those words hit him in realizing how much he has already done the whole day, and how acts of service doesn’t need to be a one-way path. Showing how much you cared for him gave him a sense of trust and security with you almost instantly.
He admired you so much, and he would desperately try to hide anything that made him seem uncool.
He still fears being alone more than anything, despite wanting to stand out, he hated the feeling of isolation.
Often times it comes in his nightmares ever since he left the God Troupe, he had been scared of being singled out as a traitor and left neglected.
He woke up in tears that he sobbed out, carelessly forgetting that you were sleeping right next to him, but were awoken by his cries and immediately got up to go to him.
“Taichi, are you okay?” “Yeah! Yeah I’m perfectly fine-“ “Taichi.”
You sounded stern but he was still stubborn and tried to convince you that he was in top shape.
“See? I got all my fingers and everything! Still the same-“
You didn’t believe him but instead pulled him into your arms and his tears bursted out even more, taken by surprise of the overwhelming affection and support that he loved from you so much.
He shamelessly cried in your arms and soaked your shoulder, apologizing for his uncool he looked, but you not caring made him cry even harder.
After that nightmare he was truly happy to show this side of himself, even if Taichi had thought of it to be shameful in the beginning. He felt that you would stay at his side even with his true colors, he was open to accepting his own self as much as you accepted him with open arms.
In comparison, Sakyo handles nightmares as if they were nuisances like a fever. He still has difficulty sleeping after them so he lies awake just staring at the ceiling for a while to let it fade away.
In his past he was not able to have a lot, and often times because of his past affiliations he did not have much room for error.
As much as possible he did not want to mess up anything with you as well. Upon meeting him, he did come off as cold, and it took a while for him to warm up to you and was careful when talking to you about his previous encounters with the yakuza, as much as what didn’t scare you off.
When realizing you had done more than stay, but instead support him with being the actor who Sakyo was trying to be today, he was thrilled.
As much as he’d lecture you about running water and spending on groceries, it was his own way of trying to be helpful and caring.
In a way it showed that he knew what he was doing, but when it came to seeing him in shambles after waking up after a nightmare of his ugly past, he froze.
You were lying right next to him and he didn’t know how to cover up his own tracks of vulnerability. The ice he encased himself in melted away when you crawled up to him and asked him what was wrong.
He never wanted to involve you in the dangers of what his line of worm was before, realizing how much he wanted you in his life, but you still being there after learning all about it was reassurance to him.
With that he was able to go to bed easier, knowing that act of his life was over, and he was able to start fresh with a life with you, in an arc that he hopes to never call the curtain on.
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imaginesfora3 · 3 years
Wordless Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ [Nanao Taichi]
28. Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold
Taichi was needy when he was sick.
He tried to keep his whining to a minimum but he couldn’t help that his body ached and that his nose was sore. He hated being stuck in bed even more, thinking about all the fun things that were going on in the outside world while he was confined to his room. The only thing keeping him happy was your daily visits but even those were starting to mentally wear on him, with Taichi constantly worried that you’ll see snot dripping from his nose and decide he’s too unattractive to date. What if you were bothered by how he texted you about how sore his body felt? What if you couldn’t stand that he couldn’t just man up and keep it inside?
There’s a part of him that’s still convinced you’re only dating him because you were fooled by who he truly was, that he had somehow pulled the wool over your eyes and you were bound to realize your mistake any day now. It might have been his negative mood bringing these insecurities to the surface but Taichi found it hard to think about what he brought to the table in the relationship; you were so beautiful and well put together, almost intimidating but he had still found the courage to pursue you. He’ll never forget that feeling of elation on the first date when you admitted you were interested in him, too, or when you held his hand in public without any prompting on his end.
He was making himself sick in a completely different way.
Taichi’s thoughts are hazy and his skin was heart, sighing as the wet cloth on his head began to grow dry. It’s then when you make your grand entrance with an entire bowl full of freshly chopped fruit in hand, sending him an angelic smile as you pushed your way through your room.
“It’s getting messy in here!” A comment he would normally regard as teasing hits him as just another imperfection, another reason why he wasn’t good enough to date you. His eyes are downcast but you don’t seem to notice he’s ignored your comment, taking the cloth from his head and going toward the bathroom to wet it once more. He didn’t even have to ask, it was almost like clockwork now when you came to visit him and assure he was as comfortable as could be. “How are you feeling?”
“I… I think I’m getting better…!” Taichi tried to sound cheery but the death of your relationship was still lingering in the back of his mind; what if you decided to cut him loose the minute he felt better? Maybe you just didn’t want to kick him while he was down. It’s annoying, having to battle not just your body but your brain as well, and Taichi feels the frustration mounting. He almost had half a mind to tell you to leave him alone, to just let him care for himself, but before he can get a word out you came back to slap the cloth back on his forehead.
“I’m glad to hear it. Lemme clean up a little.” You head straight for the tissue pile by his bed, some of which had fallen out of the waste basket nearby as Taichi couldn’t find the strength to move. How gross… Taichi reached out, words dying in his throat as you held a hand up to stop him from helping you. “Just rest, Taichi. I’ve got this.”
“I-It must be pretty gross to… to have to clean up after me…”
“You’re sick.” You shrugged your shoulders as though that explained everything, tucking the rest of the tissues away into the trash can before tying it off in a bag and tossing it by his door. “I want to take care of you, baby. You know that I’m doing this because I want to, right?”
Taichi is too surprised to speak up, instead watching your form as you enter his bathroom to wash your hands. When you exit again, he’s near tears, all choked up over your unconditional show of kindness for him. Your eyes softened at the sight and you bring yourself to his bedside, cool hand touching his cheek and stroking it with your thumb. You had been no stranger to Taichi’s disastrous thought process, able to see the gears turning in his head like it’s transparent. You knew he likely needed some fresh air to cheer him up but he had to regain his strength before you were tempted to pull him out of his room. You didn’t want him to push himself and get hurt…
You moved the wet cloth from his head briefly so you could lean down to kiss his forehead, smiling against his warm skin. 
“Couples take care of each other, right? So don’t worry about anything else and just let me nurse you back to health~”
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volleychumps · 4 years
bro im am: in love with literally everything you put out and i've had this probably really specific, self-indulgent request and am highkey scared it'll flop because not much can relate but it's been living in my mind rent free: remember that one episode where hinata talks to a classmate, saying how it'd be cool to have a band cheer for the vball team?? Well, it gave me an idea, so how about boys of your choice with a musically adept s/o?? she's part of the school band which frequently performs in tournament matches to cheer. her talent made her pretty well-known, though fame can attract both good and bad people—what happens when a guy from the opposing team gets a little too friendly? headcanons or scenarios is also up to you, and feel free to make s/o a crush instead (they aren't dating yet) if that makes the writing process more flexible! thank you so much, and have a lovely day/night!
 VolleyBoys with a Crush on Singer S/O
~ when you come and perform at one of their games in order to give school spirit, you’re approached by someone from another team because of your talent, leaving some less than happy boys
format: scenarios
genre: fluff
- includes: Suna, Semi, and Matsukawa 
Warning(s): slight cursing, possessive volleyboys 
Playing with some characters I’ve never really wrote for before, let me know how I do! 
Suna (main vocals)
“You’re staring.” 
“Go give your attention to someone who cares.” Suna’s lazy tone was a bit more snipped than usual as the cheers from the crowd finally died down, irritation evident in his tone as Atsumu smirks. The dark-haired blocker could pretend to be as uncaring as he wanted, but his tone gave him away. 
“Mad Y/N’s getting all the attention?” 
“Nah, he’s pissed because he can’t hog her all to himself anymore.” 
Suna rolled his eyes, Osamu merely shrugging alongside his brother as the three towel off in the middle of a break point for Inarizaki’s school band to make their performance. He hated that he loved seeing you up there, a light sheen of sweat on your forehead from the performance, your hair tied back with a wide smile on your face- 
he hated seeing everyone see you. 
“Yeah, so how’s that going for you? How are you two not dating yet-” 
“Kita-san, I think Atsumu and Osamu have questions about the play.” Suna cupped his mouth as the twins stiffen.  The dark haired spiker waved mockingly goodbye as his teammates were snatched by the collars, focusing his attention to what he had orginally been quietly watching. He tilted his head as you struggled to open the top of your water bottle, peering at it with a pout before he scoffs, beginning to walk- 
“Need help, sweetheart?” 
Suna stopped. 
You blinked, eyes widening as Kuroo Tetsurou easily twisted the cap off, handing it back to you with a naturally sly grin. He reaches a hand to the back of his neck as you smile in thanks, tilting the water back. 
“So the kitty can sing?” 
“Kitty?!” You choked on your water, noting his school colors before flushing. Why on earth was the Nekoma team captain flirting with the lead singer of the school band for Inarizaki? 
“I’m guessing you liked that.” Kuroo chuckles, patting your back in a more-than-friendly manner as you continue to cough, and your bandmates whistle, pretending not to notice the attractive captain’s advances. 
“Untrue. Don’t you have a game to play or something?” There’s no malicious intent behind your words, so Kuroo’s grin turns into a soft smirk as he begins to lean a little closer- 
“Gross. You’re all sweaty.” 
A towel is pressed to your face, Suna unfazed as you complain against the material. You feel the back of your head touch his chest as Suna pulls you into him with the towel pressed on your face, sharp eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Kuroo’s feral ones remain amused. 
“Looks like this kitten is domesticated.” 
You break free for a second, popping out of the towel successfully. “I’m not a kitten!” 
“Sure, kitten.” Kuroo winks at you again, beginning to walk off before sparing a glance to Suna, nodding once in amusement. You remain distracted, spinning on your heel to face your friend in embarrassment and confusion. 
“Why would you-?!” 
“Hey.” Suna tilts his head, dull eyes staring into yours as you find it a little harder to swallow. 
He bends down to your height, flicking the tip of your nose as you begin to protest- 
“Good performance. Come meet me after I rock this cat’s ass in this match, yeah?” His palm is warm on top of your head as you find yourself nodding stupidly as he brushes past you to a smiley Atsumu, sharp eyes searching for Kuroo Tetsurou. 
“So how’s it going?” 
“Go to hell, Atsumu.” 
“Is he blushing, Osamu?” 
Semi (Guitarist)
“Out of your league.”
“I literally haven’t said anything.” Semi shoots back at the redhead, and Tendou grins as he also watches your jogging-away figure as you head back for the stage. A scarlet bandana was now tied around your wrist, Semi’s eyes darting everywhere as Tendou’s grin turns sinister. 
“Oh? Y/N-chan, will you wear my bandana so I can brand you? I’m begging-!” 
“Do you want to punch him or should I?” Semi snips, and Goshiki slowly stops Shirabu from raising his hand as Ushijima props one eye open at the situation from his concentration. 
“Why’d you give it to her then?” Taichi asks, genuinely interested as you bop your head to the final song atop the stage, fingering the strings of your guitar with a small smile at your new goodluck charm. 
“Are you kidding me? Those two are always joined at the hip, I knew one of them was in love with the other.” Shibraru doesn’t miss a beat as Ojiro chuckles, having noticed that as well. Semi scoffs over the music, as if that were the craziest thing in the world. 
“Y/N L/N? As if.” 
“Have fun convincing yourself.” Ushijima closes his eyes again just as the song ends, and Semi’s cheeks begin to flare up as he grabs his hair in frustration, an annoying pounding in his chest. 
“Well, don’t take too long now.” Tendou sings, looking at an entertaining sight. “If you don’t want Y/N, do you think the pretty boy from Fukurodani wants her?” 
Semi stalls, thinking Tendou was playing another one of his mind games before looking as well, mouth drying at the sight. 
Akaashi Keiji had offered you a hand as you propped your guitar, making your way off the stage easier as you had seemed worried about getting down before. 
The setter’s throat tightened as you accepted, a smile tickling your cheeks as Akaashi helps you off the stage in a gentlemanly manner. You stumble slightly, giggling as Akaashi fondly steadies you by the waist, complimenting you on your performance. 
“I could never do that, L/N-san. You’re very talented.” 
“It’s really nothing...” 
Semi felt it then. Too used to watching from so far away, yet always close enough to keep you in view. 
But you stood close to him. Mere minutes before, excited gleam in your eye as he tied the bandana around your wrist, and you had locked eyes with him. It was only for a few moments, calloused fingers almost inching towards his- 
“Y/N. I give you this crap and you don’t even use it?” Semi was annoyed, dark eyes flaring as he bounds over to the two of you as you blink in confusion, his teammates watching the spectacle with slight interest. You flush as Semi’s eyes harden in the direction of Akaashi, who’s head tilts slightly. 
“Shut it. I’ll do it if you won’t, why’d you even ask?” Semi clicks his tongue as he unties the bandana, pooling your hair into a makeshift knot before barely glancing at the blue-eyed setter, focusing his attention on your hair as he stakes his claim. 
“Something you needed with our band captain?” 
“Nope. Just glad to have been of some aid. Then...” He nodded to you, but Semi could see the slight disappointment in his eyes underneath the cool atmosphere Akaashi held up as he walked onto the opposite side of the court. 
“...Sorry Semi.” 
“For what?” Semi questioned, feeling the embarassment beginning to creep up on him, heat tickling his cheeks as he watches you shuffle a bit from the proximity. He felt you shiver once his fingers accidentally grazed the back of his neck, causing Semi’s voice to get caught in his throat. 
“Not using your bandana correctly...” You mumbled, the tips of your ears turning pink as Semi watches in bewilderment. A lilt tickled the edge of his lips as he finished tying the scarlet material, leaning down from behind you so his forehead touched your shoulder as if he were exhausted. You tensed up before relaxing, enjoying his touch. 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
Matsukawa (drummer) 
“How far do you think I can go to piss off your little fanboys?”
“Why are you even over here?” 
“Moral support, princess.” Matsukawa grinned into his water bottle as you half-heartedly help him wipe the sweat gathered at his neck, your friend flicking off Hanamaki and Oikawa in the distance as they make romantic gestures with their hands as they go unnoticed by you. 
“You look like you’re dead tired and it’s only halfway through the game.” You note, handing him back the towel as Matsukawa grins, leaning a little closer to you from his spot next to you on the edge of the stage. 
“Careful, you might make me think you care about me.”
“Of course I do.” You don’t miss a beat, already distracted with slipping your drumsticks out of your pocket. Matsukawa’s jaw slackens a little as you get up, nudging him with your foot to get off before shooting him an easy smile. 
“We’re friends, aren’t we? Even though you’re kind of an asshole.” 
The brunette recovers quickly, Matsukawa smirking as he slips off the stage as you settle back into your drumset. 
“You love me, princess.” 
“Yeah yeah, go swat a volleyball around.” Your tone is teasing as your bandmates begin to fall back into place, and Matsukawa mockingly salutes you before walking back to his team, ignoring the involuntary replaying of your words in his head. 
Of course I do.
He was oddly quiet as Hanamaki teased him, watching as your band fell into a beautiful rhythm led by your hands. Agitation grew in his stomach as it mixed with his stupid crush on you, wanting nothing more than to let all your little fans to become severely disappointed because of him. 
Matsukawa Issei was a very possessive man, but it was an underlying kind of possessive. The kind of posessive where he silently protected you from those who were attracted by your talent and style, or the kindness in your smile or witty comebacks- 
“Uh, Matsukawa?” 
“I don’t give a fuck if you think you’re going to be the best man at mine and Y/N’s nonexistent wedding-” 
“No.” Hanamaki grinned, jutting his head in your direction. Matsukawa didn’t even realize the song had ended, watching as Atsumu Miya had picked up your hand, bringing it up to his lips flirtatiously as you stared wide-eyed as if you had busted a fuse. 
“Yep. My bad, there will be no wedding.” Hanamaki clasps his shoulder, not realizing the impact of his teasing words. “Because Atsumu Miya’s gonna get her first if you don’t step up your game, bro.” 
But Matsukawa didn’t reply with some witty comeback, still watching as Atsumu brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. He didn’t like it. The embarrassed look on your face, the awkward smile on your lips, the laugh in your throat- all caused by someone who wasn’t him. 
“How about ya show me how to play those drums sometimes?” Atsumu had taken a step closer, and your fists had clenched as you felt yourself at a loss for words. You had opened your mouth to reply, but all that slipped out was a yelp.
Matsukawa easily threw you over his shoulder, grinning relaxedly at Atsumu who’s flirtatious grin had digressed back to a flat line. You knocked on Matsukawa’s back with embarrassment in your stomach, but the brunette made no move to put you down. 
“Sorry, I’m her agent. She’s gotta go meet with her fans.” 
He ignored your chants to put you down as Oikawa and Hanamaki slowly clap as he brushes past them and out the gym doors, a pounding in his ears. 
“Why are you doing this?” You question, now in an empty hallway as you hear Matsukawa scoff, still not answering your question as he continues to walk with you slung over his shoulder. 
“I told you I wanted to piss of your fanboys, didn’t I?” 
“Tell me the truth!” You raised your voice just as he put you down, and Matsukawa looks at you for a second, your back hitting the wall as he towers over you. 
“What?” Your voice was smaller now, feeling like you’ve shrunk under your friend’s serious gaze that was usually anything but. Matsukawa’s hand touches the area above your head, leaning into you so your noses are barely brushing. 
“Tell me, princess. Do you still want the truth even if it ruins our friendship?” 
General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs @spikertrash @yamaguwuchi @lord-suneater-explosion @nekomawhore @holaaaf@babyybokutoakaashi @lexysclubhouse
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brittledame · 3 years
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐮 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮/𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: 𝐒𝐅𝐖, 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭-𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩, 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐔𝐩 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬), 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟏𝐊
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬' 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲!
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Rare is the day that Shirabu’s schedule is cleared and even more rarely does Shirabu indulge himself and permit that day to be spent loafing about instead of working on something else that demanded his attention. Usually you’d be all for it, but this one time it isn’t working in your favour.
“Babe, c’mon you need to get up and get dressed.” You had briefly tossed up if it’d be worth the griping you’d be subjected to if you just dragged him from the blankets, before deciding against it.
Shirabu spares a glance down at his sweats and battered jersey top that’s seen much better days and arches a brow at you. “I’m already dressed. If I put more on, you wouldn’t be able to see me.”
Rolling your eyes at his snark, you tug at his hand, resorting to pleading.
“Please get dressed in proper clothes.”
Shirabu doesn’t budge from his splayed out position on the bed, where he’s happily spent all afternoon. You eye the bed longingly. It took you forever to extricate yourself from him this morning, after he convinced you spend an extra hour cuddling before being forced out by responsibilities that you couldn’t shirk like Shirabu had.
“Why? It’s not like we have to go anywhere.” Kenjirou rebukes. It’s the first birthday since his eighteenth that he’s had the day off and by god is he going to make the most of it by doing absolutely nothing at all.
By sheer determination, you will your face to remain blank and your muscles to not lock up.
“Still, we might get unexpected company. You know what your family is like,” you reason, giving up on persuading him out of bed and try a new tactic. Perched on the edge of the mattress, you run a hand through tousled burnished gold locks and watch as he relaxes into your touch with a quiet sigh.
Got’cha, you cheer inwardly.
“They’ve seen me in worst.” Shirabu mumbles, not giving you a single inch to work with. Your shoulders drop with an exasperated groan.
“Shirabu Kenjirou,” you admonish, putting on your best no-nonsense voice. Immediately Shirabu tenses right back up and cracks open his eye to gauge how much shit he’s in. The way he sits up, folding his legs up tells you that your aggravation is apparent.
“I hate it when you say my name like that,” he quietly admits, gaze dropping to stare at the mattress and your heart follows it.
Wrapping his calloused hands in yours and raising them to your mouth, you deliver a kiss to each knuckle, an apology that causes the characteristically stoic man’s cheeks to flare a rosy pink.
“I’m sorry.” The apology comes out mumbled against his skin, but it soothed that residual anxiety Shirabu harboured, nonetheless. “I really – and I mean really – need you to get dressed in something nice. Smart casual would be preferable.”
“I thought we agreed to no fancy dinners.” He accuses, brows furrowing. He disliked the idea that on top of your already busy schedule that you arranged something like that just for him. It took a lot of convincing on his end to get you to agree to an easy day with no big celebrations.
“It’s not a fancy dinner.” You automatically shoot it down and Shirabu’s shoulders sag with untold relief.
“Good,” he leans forward and presses a loud kiss into your lips, making it impossible not to laugh as he pulls you into his lap. “Because I have plans for you tonight.”
“Is that so?” You tease, running your lips across his jaw, eliciting a delicious shiver from him. “Because I do too.”
You hum agreeingly into his ear, tangling your fingers into his hair and gently tug his head backwards to place a kiss directly on top of his Adam’s apple. You watch with blatant pleasure as it dips downwards at your touch and a shaky sigh leaves his mouth.
The slowly simmering atmosphere is immediately shattered, pulling Kenjirou back into the cruel hands of gravity, as you let the festering secret slip out.
“Yup, Taichi and your mum planned something for you at your mum’s place.”
“What the fuck.” Came the unsurprising response.
You reluctantly let him remove your hands from his hair and pull away to meet his less than impressed expression. You offer a skewed smile and an apologetic shrug.
“I tried to convince them, but they wouldn’t listen.” You explain, frowning to yourself. “You would not believe how hard it was to keep the guest list under fifty. Your mum wanted to invite all your work associates and even had me look up their contact details online.” You add.
Kenjirou cringed at the thought. There was no way in hell he could enjoy the night if his colleagues were present. Kenjirou didn’t care what anyone said, a hospital was not immune from the clique-like mentality of most commercial industries – hell, he’d even argue that it was worse.
“Well that’s good to know. Thanks for the head’s up.” He says sarcastically and you playfully bat his shoulder.
“Hey! Your brothers had me under solemn oath to not tell you, so please act surprised otherwise I owe them two thousand yen.”
“Why would you do that? Just tell them to leave you alone.” He flops back against the bed and stares up at the ceiling, evaluating how much social energy he had to spare and calculating how long is socially acceptable to stay at his own party before ditching it for his own plans.
You could practically see the gears churning away in his head, so you toss away the argument that his little brothers are just as tenacious, if not more so, as their eldest brother that they secretly idolised.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, hating the tension flooding back into his form, replacing the fluid lax that he rarely possesses. Pressing a hand against his chest and using it as leverage, you kiss him on the lips, sealing your regret into his skin.
Cupping your face, he prevents you from moving back. The corners of his mouth tick up at the imploring look you give him.
“What time do we need to leave?”
“Um,” that wasn’t what you were expecting but it was better than the dreadful cold shoulder. “Five o’clock if we want to not break any laws getting to your parent’s place in time.”
Kenjirou glances at his alarm and finds that it’s barely past four.
“Plenty of time then.” He says, wrapping his arm tighter around you and forcing you to meet the growing smirk spelling out disaster for the hairstyle you had painstakingly pinned up.
Oh well, you’re sure the party won’t mind if the guest of honour is a handful of minutes late.
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chikagestits · 3 years
With his head resting on his hand, Tenma watches the first sign of snow fall from the sky as he leans closer to the window. He looks behind them to see if there were any cars around then turns to address his manager. “Igawa, can you slow down a bit?”
Igawa only hums in question, but listens anyway.
Lowering his window as the car keeps moving, Tenma sticks his arm out enough to feel the snow kiss his hand and wrist. “How much longer til we’re home?”
Igawa smiles at Tenma in the rearview. “Just a few more minutes.”
“… That’s good.”
Once they reach Mankai, Tenma brings his arm back into the car and closes the window before grabbing his bag and stepping out. He waves goodbye and thanks Igawa before heading inside as Igawa drove off. Tenma finally manages to sigh in relief when he steps into Mankai, welcomed to the sound of voices in the lounge. A thing he’s grown comforted by and has long since realized it’s because his family is here.
Entering the lounge, the others there are doing various activities and he has no time to digest all of it before being bombarded with his troublesome troupe.
“Tenma-san! Welcome home! What was your shoot about this time?” Kumon asks excitedly.
“I’m home.” Tenma sighs and scratches the back of his head, “I’m still not allowed to say. Plus,” Tenma puts a finger to his lips, “I wanna keep this one a secret.”
“Aww man!”
“Boo,” Yuki says flatly.
“Selfie time!” Kazunari throws his arm around Tenma’s shoulder and positions the camera as the rest of Summer gathers around him.
“O-oi!” Tenma says in surprise as Kazunari snaps a picture. “I wasn’t ready!”
Grinning, Kazunari looks over the picture, “Totes Insteblam worthy! And now to text—mmph!”
Blinking, Tenma sees Summer all collectively cover Kazunari’s mouth. “Is something wrong?”
“No, you should go get changed so you can eat dinner.” Yuki pushes him a bit along toward the lounge door, ignoring Tenma’s protests.
“Jeez, alright alright, I’ll go, you can stop pushing me!”
“It’s alright, Taichi, I got the rest of this.”
“Are you sure, Chikage-san?” Taichi asks. “The rest of the code looks super hard to crack!”
Chikage chuckles and looks over the math book again, “It’s best if your commander in chief remembers the mission statement before trying to command.” Chikage smiles. “Go grab a snack and some water, even the strongest spies need breaks.”
Nodding, Taichi slides off his chair and turns to leave before stopping, “Ah! Did you want me to grab anything for you?”
Chikage shakes its head, “I’m alright, thank you though.” Taichi nods again and leaves the room as Chikage sighs heavily and looks at the math book again. “Or in this case, your commander in chief learns math for the first time with you.” It writes down notes on its own notebook as it continues to grumble to itself.
“I hate math…”
Heading to the lounge, Taichi runs into Tenma right at the doorway as he lights up immediately and throws himself into his boyfriend’s arms. “Welcome home!”
After his initial shock, Tenma softens and hugs Taichi back, “I’m back. Have you eaten yet?”
Pulling away, Taichi nods and rubs the back of his head with a shy grin. “Sorry! I just couldn’t wait anymore!”
“That’s okay—“
A clearing of the throat interrupts them as the two look over curiously at Summer staring at them.
“Wh-what?” Tenma questions.
Yuki crosses his arms as Muku’s eyes sparkle next to him. “Told you we should’ve lowered it more so they’d notice.”
“Notice what, Yukki-chan?”
As everyone’s eyes raise above them, the two’s eyes follow as well as they finally notice the mistletoe above them. Instantly, they turn scarlet.
“That means…” Taichi trails off.
“Listen, Taichi, you don’t have to— !!” Tenma gets cut off by Taichi kissing him and he practically melts into it.
Slowly pulling away, Taichi smiles at Tenma, “I want to.”
Tenma somehow turns redder. “Well, it’s good I wanted to too.”
Yuki rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, it was my idea after hearing both of you always whining about wanting to, separately.”
“Thanks Yukki-chan!” Taichi grins and kisses Tenma again as the film actor doesn’t even protest that time.
“It’s like straight from a shojo manga!” Muku beams.
“You’re crowding the lounge entrance!”
Taichi laughs and pulls Tenma to the kitchen to get his snacks. “Sorry sorry Sakyo-nii!”
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Takeru Week 2022 - Day 5: Style/Fashion
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Suits and Dresses Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, Taichi Yagami and Kimi Shincai (OC). Summary: Takeru asks for Sora's help to change his fashion style, much to Yamato's and Taichi's envy. Takeru walked down the streets of Odaiba towards his father’s apartment. Yamato invited him to spend the day over there and do brother stuff together, since they barely hung out together anymore. He noticed he was attracting some attention from people on the street and couldn’t help but wonder if there was something with his clothes. He quickly shook his head and pushed these thoughts away.
He politely knocked on the door before letting himself in, though he already permission to come in without having to wait for someone to open the door for him. Patamon immediately flew off towards the kitchen when he smelled food. “Yamato?” Takeru walked into the kitchen after he had put on his usual blue flip flops that were still by the door. “Hey.” Yamato turned around and greeted his brother with a grin. “I’m preparing some snacks for us.” “Do you need any help with it?” “No, I’m almost done. But thank you.” He examined his younger brother up and down carefully. “What?” “Nothing.” He turned back to his task. “I was just looking at your outfit.” “People on the street were too.” Takeru looked down at his own body. “Is there something wrong with it?” “No, but it’s quite… bold for you. I didn’t know you were into dark tones like this dark blue on your T-shirt.” “Usually I’m not. But I thought I’d try something new, you know? Expand my horizons a little and allow myself to try different clothes and accessories.” “That certainly explains why you’re wearing a black hat.” “Oh.” He looked up and immediately took it off. “I forgot about it for a moment. Do you think it’s too much?” “No, I think it’s great to change your style sometimes. But you’re not doing it to impress someone, are you?” “What do you mean?” “You don’t have any feelings for someone and are trying to impress them, do you?” “I don’t, I swear.” Takeru replied quickly and nervously. “I’m not doing this for anyone, believe me.” “Good.” “However, I’m inspiring on you.” He admitted. “So I was thinking you could give me some advice.” “I’m inspiring you?!” Yamato was completely caught by surprise and raised his eyebrows. He stopped what he was doing and turned to face his brother, leaning against the sink. “But I don’t dress well enough to be an inspiration.” “Please, you’re one of the top five best dressed guys from Odaiba High School.” “What? Who came up with this list?” “I don’t know, but it has certainly run around the entire school. I’m surprised you didn’t know about it until now.” “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a stupid list. So… what kind of advice do you want?” “I don’t know.” Takeru shrugged. “Where did you get your inspiration from?” “Anywhere, honestly. I make up my own fashion sense, just like you do.” “Are you saying you never bought anything to please Sora before?” “That’s right.” Yamato looked at him and then rolled his eyes, annoyed. He hated how well Takeru could read him sometimes. “Okay, fine. I might have once or twice.” “I knew it.” “Anyway, what kind of advice you want?” “I don’t know… maybe we could go shopping together?” “Okay, but I think you should find your own style. I mean, clothes are very personal. Not everything that looks good on me would look good on you and that’s perfectly normal.” “I know, that’s why I’m not inspiring on you completely. I want to have my own style too.” “Great. So we can do it later today, if that’s okay for you.” “Of course.”
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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iwach4n · 4 years
Teams Being Protective Of Manager Reader
happy birthday @ronnie-but-no <33333 ilysm babie hope you have a great day mwah mwah <3333
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shiratorizawa aren’t overly protective of you. they look out for you but they won’t actively try to scare off anyone who tries to talk to you
thing is, they don’t even need to. they’re intimidating enough with the combination of their reputation and just the way they look that people are hesitant about approaching you
however, if you’re ever in an uncomfortable situation, the boys are on it immediately. you’re their precious manager, and they truly appreciate everything you do for them, so they’d never let anything happen to you
the first time someone tried to hit on you at a tournament and wouldn’t take no for an answer, they all pretty much surrounded the guy, not even getting to say much before he bolted
but by crowding him, they also crowded you, and that you seemed a bit overwhelmed by it no matter how much you loved your boys. this lead to a very serious club room discussion about what they should do if it ever happens again
they end up with a very specific system that they follow - goshiki and tendou take turns getting you out of there, 9/10 times by picking you up and carrying you away. they don’t even try to get the guy to back off, they’re just physically removing you (and also showing off that they’re strong)
“nope. not happening. not today.”
the rest of them stand at a distance and stare at the guy, glaring daggers
it’s all very specific and detailed. the ones standing to the side even have a set formation for maximum intimidation.
they’d never tell you about it though, because some of them (shirabu) think its embarrassing, but they still know it like the back of their hands and always stick to it
they always try to make sure to brighten your mood after as well, whether it be through stupid puns or lightly ruffling your hair
i can see taichi just booping your nose when you’re brought over to them with a stoic expression. i can see it.
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the seijoh boys are stupidly protective over you. oikawa’s the most obnoxious about it (you have to tell him to stop it every time, and he only listens for about ten minutes)
if anyone tries to flirt with you, oikawa is instantly draped over you, agreeing with whatever they were saying with the fakest smile
“yeah, our manager is pretty cute, right? too bad for you that she’s ours - she’s off limits, sorry~”
iwa’s actually the most serious about protecting you, even if he keeps it quiet. if anyone approaches you he is instantly on guard and keeping an annoyingly close eye on them
if anyone’s making you uncomfortable, he won’t hesitate to step between you and pull you away, completely ignoring anything the person has to say about it
but if someone’s being really gross? or god forbid an ex shows up? the whole team’s going in
they can be pretty intimidating when they want to be, considering they’re all pretty tall and can get Serious, especially when it comes to their precious manager
kyoutani Will get physically violent, but only if you’re not watching. he doesn’t want you to be scared of him, but he’s not against punching someone for you (if you are around, he’ll settle for intimidating glares)
mattsun and makki will sometimes pretend to be your boyfriends to get you out of there. they always wing it, and if they ever end up doing it at the same time, they’ll just roll with it and pretend you’re polyamorous. they also continue to jokingly call you babe afterwards to cheer you up
kunimi just stares threateningly from a distance. he’s sitting on the floor and the person talking to you makes the mistake of glancing over at him and making eye contact. now they can’t keep looking back over to see if he’s looked away. he never has. it’s disconcerting and they find an excuse to leave so he’ll stop
kindaichi is just ridiculously tall (mans taller than bloody ushijima) and thats enough. he always gets confused as to how he intimidates them coz he doesn’t really try but it works
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johzenji getting protective is like 90% just terushima getting jealous
if someone’s flirting with you he’s putting a stop to it, but if they’re actually succeeding he hates it more somehow
he’ll just insert himself between you and the person you’re talking to and start flirting with you instead. if the person gets mad at him, he’ll just pull the fact that you’re johzenji’s manager, not theirs
“sorry pal, were you saying something to our manager?”
he’s just mad that he can’t get girls even though he tries so hard and the one he’s actually kind of close to is getting flirted with, like if it didn’t work for him it’s not allowed to work for anyone else
gets to the point where if he sees you talking to anyone around your age, he’s getting in the way of it on instinct
“you know, i don’t think i’ve told you how hot you look today” “yuuji, can you let me talk to my brother please”
usually, the rest of the team doesn’t really get involved unless you’re visibly uncomfortable
but then, they’re dragging you away like a small herd of dogs. they act like the person isn’t even there, pretending there’s some very important manager thing you need to do right this second
they’re very loud and there’s a lot of them so the person doesn’t even get a chance to argue.
they’re pretty feral honestly i feel like they might bark at the person sometimes
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