#Chikage doesn’t know math
chikagestits · 3 years
With his head resting on his hand, Tenma watches the first sign of snow fall from the sky as he leans closer to the window. He looks behind them to see if there were any cars around then turns to address his manager. “Igawa, can you slow down a bit?”
Igawa only hums in question, but listens anyway.
Lowering his window as the car keeps moving, Tenma sticks his arm out enough to feel the snow kiss his hand and wrist. “How much longer til we’re home?”
Igawa smiles at Tenma in the rearview. “Just a few more minutes.”
“… That’s good.”
Once they reach Mankai, Tenma brings his arm back into the car and closes the window before grabbing his bag and stepping out. He waves goodbye and thanks Igawa before heading inside as Igawa drove off. Tenma finally manages to sigh in relief when he steps into Mankai, welcomed to the sound of voices in the lounge. A thing he’s grown comforted by and has long since realized it’s because his family is here.
Entering the lounge, the others there are doing various activities and he has no time to digest all of it before being bombarded with his troublesome troupe.
“Tenma-san! Welcome home! What was your shoot about this time?” Kumon asks excitedly.
“I’m home.” Tenma sighs and scratches the back of his head, “I’m still not allowed to say. Plus,” Tenma puts a finger to his lips, “I wanna keep this one a secret.”
“Aww man!”
“Boo,” Yuki says flatly.
“Selfie time!” Kazunari throws his arm around Tenma’s shoulder and positions the camera as the rest of Summer gathers around him.
“O-oi!” Tenma says in surprise as Kazunari snaps a picture. “I wasn’t ready!”
Grinning, Kazunari looks over the picture, “Totes Insteblam worthy! And now to text—mmph!”
Blinking, Tenma sees Summer all collectively cover Kazunari’s mouth. “Is something wrong?”
“No, you should go get changed so you can eat dinner.” Yuki pushes him a bit along toward the lounge door, ignoring Tenma’s protests.
“Jeez, alright alright, I’ll go, you can stop pushing me!”
“It’s alright, Taichi, I got the rest of this.”
“Are you sure, Chikage-san?” Taichi asks. “The rest of the code looks super hard to crack!”
Chikage chuckles and looks over the math book again, “It’s best if your commander in chief remembers the mission statement before trying to command.” Chikage smiles. “Go grab a snack and some water, even the strongest spies need breaks.”
Nodding, Taichi slides off his chair and turns to leave before stopping, “Ah! Did you want me to grab anything for you?”
Chikage shakes its head, “I’m alright, thank you though.” Taichi nods again and leaves the room as Chikage sighs heavily and looks at the math book again. “Or in this case, your commander in chief learns math for the first time with you.” It writes down notes on its own notebook as it continues to grumble to itself.
“I hate math…”
Heading to the lounge, Taichi runs into Tenma right at the doorway as he lights up immediately and throws himself into his boyfriend’s arms. “Welcome home!”
After his initial shock, Tenma softens and hugs Taichi back, “I’m back. Have you eaten yet?”
Pulling away, Taichi nods and rubs the back of his head with a shy grin. “Sorry! I just couldn’t wait anymore!”
“That’s okay—“
A clearing of the throat interrupts them as the two look over curiously at Summer staring at them.
“Wh-what?” Tenma questions.
Yuki crosses his arms as Muku’s eyes sparkle next to him. “Told you we should’ve lowered it more so they’d notice.”
“Notice what, Yukki-chan?”
As everyone’s eyes raise above them, the two’s eyes follow as well as they finally notice the mistletoe above them. Instantly, they turn scarlet.
“That means…” Taichi trails off.
“Listen, Taichi, you don’t have to— !!” Tenma gets cut off by Taichi kissing him and he practically melts into it.
Slowly pulling away, Taichi smiles at Tenma, “I want to.”
Tenma somehow turns redder. “Well, it’s good I wanted to too.”
Yuki rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, it was my idea after hearing both of you always whining about wanting to, separately.”
“Thanks Yukki-chan!” Taichi grins and kisses Tenma again as the film actor doesn’t even protest that time.
“It’s like straight from a shojo manga!” Muku beams.
“You’re crowding the lounge entrance!”
Taichi laughs and pulls Tenma to the kitchen to get his snacks. “Sorry sorry Sakyo-nii!”
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huhwhatyak · 3 years
here's some online classes/ stay-home mankai headcanons I had in my drafts since early last year
juza doesn't like to wear headphones because he doesn't like how it squishes his ears, so he always has his lectures played outloud which annoys the shit out of banri, especially if it's an 8am class and banri's still in bed
they yell profanities at each other until the teacher has to remind juza that he's unmuted and that everyone in the call just heard every single word
idk how online classes for theatre majors work but sakuya likes to sit in during banri, juza and tenma's classes
he's such a regular there that once when sakuya was busy and couldn't join in, the teacher asked "hey where's your friend?"
masumi does his lectures in bed, rolled up like a burrito in his blanket with his laptop tilted on the side, and listening to music in the background
tsuzuru worries about his gpa and constantly nags at him, but 8am no-filter masumi once said something along the lines of "at least my gpa is higher than your bank account balance" and tsuzuru's never brought it up since
muku invites misumi to sit in during his math lessons because sometimes the teacher's cat will walk in front of the camera and crash the lesson
that's also when they found out that misumi is really good at trigonometry
tenma once walked into his room during yuki's lesson with the camera on, which caught tenma in the background and caused an uproar in yuki's class like holy shit you're roommates with sumeragi tenma!!!? and yuki's just rolls his eyes like oh right I forgot he's famous
taichi in his class' zoom chat: hi sorry sensei I can't turn on my mic, I'm getting yelled at by my dad (sakyo)
kumon's been going around to sit in during the college kids' lectures to get a sneak peek of the content they're learning because he's still undecided on his major
he still doesn't know what he really wants to study in college, but "tsuzuru-san why are all your lectures so boring"
omi is a literal angel and often brings cut fruit and snacks to the students who have back-to-back classes because he knows they don't have time to eat
yoga with the adults!! it initially started as a fuyugumi team bonding thing, but they invited misumi, izumi and sakyo to join them too
tasuku helped tsumugi to set up zoom on the company's spare laptop (since he doesn't own one) for his tutoring sessions.
tsumugi once accidentally turned himself into a potato using that filter and got so fascinated with the zoom filters that he showed up to the a3ders zoom meeting using the cat filter and banri fell off his chair laughing
the dorm originally had really shitty internet connection because it's so big and they didn't really invest in good routers (no budget). 
so there was once when the connection died during their classes and it was hilarious seeing several doors being swung open at once and students yelling DID THE WIFI DIE??? BRUH I WAS DOING A QUIZ
itaru has never been happier to be able to work from home because he can now grind his events without having to worry about his boss catching him on his phone
itaru also uses chikage's side of the room when he has meetings that require him to turn on his camera because he can't be bothered to clean his own area
hisoka's been losing out on sleep because the dorms are noisy 24/7 with the students around all the time. until azuma bought him a pair of sound-proof bluetooth headphones for him so he can listen to soft classical music while he naps
it was all well and good until chikage "hacked"/ switched the Bluetooth connection to play some heavy metal while hisoka was in the middle of a nap and woke him up
hisoka dumped a gallon of apple juice into chikage's underwear and socks drawer as payback
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skateboarding-poet · 4 years
Are they a doodler or a writer, Mankai gang edition
Spring Troupe:
Sakuya: doodler, loves doodling small flowers in the corner of his notebooks/scripts
Masumi: writer, subconsciously writes song lyrics at the back of his notebooks during his classes
Tsuzuru: writer, usually he writes random quotes he came up with that he saves for future scripts; he ends up writing on anything, even napkins during lunch (happens very often)
Itaru: doddler, he's that one kid whose last page in his school notebooks were always filled with doodles and that S thing
Citron: doodler, likes leaving small doodles in Guy's agenda (they're on post it notes so Guy can throw them away whenever if he doesn't like it or they get in the way)
Chikage: writer, constantly tries out new handwriting styles
Summer Troupe:
Tenma: writer, he ofter subconsciouly writes quotes from his scrips on his notebooks during classes
Yuki: doodler, it's either new costume ideas or doodles of animals
Muku: writer, he sometimes writes either quotes from him fave current manga or tries out ship names (he had a fanfic phase)
Misumi: doodler, triangles everywhere in his script
Kazunari: doodler, saves them up in case he might want to come back to them later
Kumon: writer, picked up the habit of leaving Juza notes on his bedroom door/ dorm room door every morning and he still does that (Banri is not pleased)
Autumn Troupe
Banri: writer, writes comebacks and swears at the back of his notebook (also replies to Kumon's notes before Juza sees them; Kumon is not pleased)
Juza: doodler, more often than not he fills the squares in his math notebook, weirdly good at doodling cupcakes
Taichi: doodler, he'll forget he's doodling in the middle of it and by the time he remembers he ends up with an actual drawing
Omi: writer, writes recipe ideas and the day's menu to make sure he doesn't cook the same thing twice in a week
Sakyo: doodler, likes doodling those houses that you do without lifting your pen
Azami: doodler, he had an eye phase (a.k.a. he used to doodle a lot of eyes)
Winter Troupe:
Tsumugi: writer, often writes dates, phone numbers and his daily schedule on the back of his hand
Tasuku: writer, we all know his scrips get so messy because of his notes that he needs a new one almost a week after he gets the first one
Hisoka: doodler, he is weirdly good at drawing faces
Homare: writer, every little rhyme he comes up with will be written down in a little notebook he carries everywhere
Azuma: doodler, he really enjoys those coloring books, but he also likes adding some personal details to them as well
Guy: writer, he has a very neat agenda, if you ignore Citron's doodles (he keeps all of them in a different notebook that he really takes care of)
Bonus! Backstage crew
Izumi: doodler, her agenda is full of very cute doodles that remind her of her actors (she also owns a lot of glitter pens)
Matsukawa: writer, even tho he writes everything down on an agenda, he still forgets half of the things he has to do
Sakoda: writer, leaves small notes for Sakyo and Azami whenever he drops by at Mankai
Tetsuro: doodler, they help him with planning on the set designs
Bonus Bonus! GOD Troupe gang (act 3 spoilers??)
Reni: writer, he has a diary that he writes in daily, without fail
Haruto: writer, his scripts are filled with notes, he's not as bad as Tasuku but he's pretty messy too, he gets embarrased if someone (Shifuto) points it out
Shifuto: doodler, his scripts/notebooks are filled with doodles of dogs
Madoka: writer, his final version of the scrips always look very neat but the drafts look so messy bcs all of the notes he makes that only he can read it
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soothingforte · 6 years
Subversion AU Sougo
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No uncle to create that love for music. In other words, Sougo becomes the CEO his dad always wanted for him. (Company’s name could be FSC--- Five Star Company if you want)
Still a high status, rich, old family backstory but now with mob affiliation! AKA he a mob/crime boss too.
Because Sougo was raised to have a cold mentality and always being distrustful until proven otherwise, he will be more curt, more distant, and more contempt to everyone and everything. Suppressed himself basically.
He has two main personas thus: the CEO and the Mob Boss. They tend to bleed through each other when his emotions get high/stressed. (more aggressive or more cold).
“Time is Money.” Osaka Motto.
Of course he’s still human, so he’s far more emotional stunted than even before he became a part of IDOLiSH7.
Actually possessive of what’s his--- just doesn’t appear that way to many.
He is a workaholic because it keeps him from falling down into his thoughts. What is rest.
Knows his ways around weapons now, with extreme precision and control, among other self-defensive methods. Still delicate looking lol
Not afraid of violence, more strategically draining on oppositions/into cornering people, use any methods to make a situation beneficial to him, etc.
Still like spice and still a clingy pampered child when drunk (maybe a bit more aggressive though)
No college experience but he’s a math genius still.
Established Relationships
Yuki is his pretty mule. Does the transactions and anything Sougo ask for him (like washing his cars). In return, he keeps his hands off the place Yamato works at. (Mob)
Chikage has been with him since he was young. The only one he could trust completely. An assassin. (Family)
Gaku, an infuriating movie director he had a one night stand with. Also his descent into facing himself. (Civil)
Vanitas, works at one of their own medical facilities. Is one of the privileged to also deal with injuries from the shady side. (Both)
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the-prima-vista · 6 years
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My Top Voltage Routes
This is… a bit different from my usual posts (I mean, it’s not Ace Attorney) but I’m a huge fan of Voltage otome games and I just had the urge to list my favourite routes. It’s in no particular order though because choosing one ultimate favourite was too hard.
Soryu Oh (Kissed by the Baddest Badder) I was very reluctant to try any of the routes in KBtBB as the premise is more than a little bit icky and the first couple of chapters I tried were Eisuke’s and Ota’s and both of them were awful. I had very low expectations when I tried Soryu’s free chapters and when I realised that, unlike the others, he wasn’t treating the MC like his possession, the whole thing was much easier to stomach and by the end of his first Main Story, I loved him. They come from very different backgrounds, but they’re both willing to compromise in order for their relationship to work and they’re just generally really supportive of each other. (And honestly, asking for that sort of thing is set a really low bar but from what I saw in the other routes I tried, Soryu was the only one who passed it). 
Tamaki Kikushima (My Forged Wedding) I’ve written a lot for the other guys, but honestly, I picked this guy in this game just because he was the only one of the options I found cute. I enjoyed the route a lot though, despite the MC basically becoming Tamaki’s housewife in the earlier routes. She talks back to him quite a lot though - you have the potential to play the MC as a cloud cuckoolander as well, so things can get pretty funny.
Kenshi Inagaki (Love Letter From Thief X) I really love Kenshi. He’s a sweetheart right from the beginning and I love the way their relationship develops platonically first before they realise they love each other. Also, the MC is a bit bolder and a bit more playful than in some of the other Voltage routes, which is always a plus. I know it’s because of the difference in culture that so many Voltage heroines are really shy about making the first move, but in this route, the MC is less embarrassed about being affectionate with Kenshi. They even sleep together before defining their relationship, which was unexpected given how I’m used to Voltage MCs acting.
Shinichi Kagari (After-School Affairs) I played this route at first just because he was the maths teacher and let’s be honest, maths is the best subject. I liked Shinichi because who doesn’t get in from work and turn into a complete slob? (Everyone? Or is it just me?) I like his sense of humour as well.
Kazuki Serizawa (Finally in Love Again) I have to admit I wasn’t sure about FILA, especially because in some of the chapters I tried, there seemed to be a lot of talk about marriage. That wasn’t exactly unexpected, but it wasn’t really a story I wanted to play. However, I ended up trying Kazuki’s route and I really enjoyed it. It seemed quite different to the other Voltage routes I’ve played, as they’d had a previous relationship and it was more about two people finding their way back together again and working through the miscommunications and issues that they’d struggled with a decade before. It was also really good to see a storyline where they decided that they can have a happy ending without having children. That’s an ending I rarely see in media, and it was so refreshing to read.
Issei Sezaki (Kiss of Revenge) I’m pretty sure hospitals work nothing like they do in this game, but it doesn’t matter because it’s enjoyable. The MC in this is so much more proactive than in most of the others and it was an interesting read. Both MC and Issei are trapped in the past and it was nice to see them help the other start to move on.
Tsumugu Kido (My Two Bedroom Story) I’ve played a few different routes in My Two Bedroom Story, but Tsumugu’s was by far my favourite. I wasn’t sure at first because he isn’t exactly the most welcoming roommate at the beginning, but I love the way they bond over comedy and how he tries so hard (and sometimes fails) to make people laugh.
Tsukumo Kobayakawa (A Rose in the Embers) At the moment, Tsukumo only has a single main story, but I really enjoyed it. I was set on reading his route from the moment I saw him in the prologue (because let’s be honest here, I apparently have a type), but the way Voltage marketed him, I was starting to expect him to be some sort of serial killer or something. Luckily, I was way off.
Toma Kiriya (Irresistible Mistakes) It’s nice to see a relationship where they really genuinely love each other. Not that this can’t be said for the other Voltage routes, but there are so many where the guy’s teasing is mean-spirited until he suddenly realises his feelings and in this one, although Toma is teasing, it’s more like banter, and the MC always teases him back. There’s a little bit of drama in the route, but most of it is focused on their growing relationship and it feels much more realistic than other routes I’ve played.
Chikage (Enchanted in the Moonlight) Chikage isn’t the only route I played in Enchanted in the Moonlight, as I ended up enjoying the whole premise much more than I thought. (The MC being told she needs to pick the ayakashi to have a child with? Not something I was interested in! After trying the first few chapters of Miyabi’s route, I was even less interested - Miyabe was too rapey and I don’t want to read that) Chikage’s not the warmest of the options, but as far as the ‘cool’ otome guys go, he’s definitely one of the friendliest. He’s introverted and quiet and occasionally rude, but he has sweet moments. Plus his route includes Koten, aka. The cutest character out of all Voltage Otome games.
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shenanigumi · 7 years
ok so what if I wrote a Hakuōki AU loosely based on the plot of Demons’ Bond, but with Chizuru as the protagonist?? hear me out here: I don’t hate DB half as much as I hate its unnecessary association with Hakuōki. but if it was an established AU, I’d be fine with it—so if I were to combine the two, specifically the Shinkai continuity since that has more similarities anyway, it could turn out to be something totally interesting…
what if Chizuru knew she was a pureblooded demon, destined to become the leader of the Yukimura clan someday? Kodo would still raise her, maybe as her father and maybe as her guardian, and though he’d keep the Water of Life a secret, he’d still ensure she understood her heritage and what happened to her village (possibly leaving out Kaoru’s existence). although Chizuru keeps her powers secret, she is at least aware of her abilities.
anyway, the last letter Kodo sends Chizuru is a message stating that the Princess has sent out a general summons regarding the humans’ increasingly more violent conflicts, with the meeting date set for about a month to ensure that all the chieftains’ schedules are clear. he adds that Chizuru should take the opportunity to get confirmed as the Yukimura heir—Kodo hasn’t let her go earlier, since he’s an Overprotective Father and she is pretty young (16 or so). Chizuru doesn’t know much about demon politics, but she’s willing to give it a shot, so she packs up and makes her way to Kyoto at the appointed time. since she also hasn’t heard from her father since then, she figures she’ll kill two birds with one stone and look for him after the meeting.
since it’s a new year and all, Princess Kazuha wants to straighten out the demons’ debts and their role in the humans’ war so they don’t end up killing each other since things have been getting more and more heated lately… and she also wants everyone’s word that nobody is genuinely taking sides. present at the meeting are herself; her daughter Sen (the math could check out if she married young); Kimigiku, of the Suzumori clan; her younger sister Yukina; Chikage, of the Kazama clan; Kyo, of the Shiranui clan; Kyuju, of the Amagiri clan; Chitose, of the Kotoura clan; Kazutake, of the Tsukishima clan; Kazuya, of the Shiomi clan; Shin, of another clan; and and Chizuru, of the Yukimura clan. Yeah, I’m taking the elders out and giving their surnames to the DB characters because they really wouldn’t contribute much to this story anyway.
so, through deep and sudden immersion, Chizuru is initiated more fully into the world of demons. she’s heard the basics of the Yukimura clan’s destruction from Kodo, of course, but it’s a bit of a sensitive subject for him, so the others explain the overarching situation to her. even though the shogunate technically killed her people for refusing to repay the debt and get involved with humans, Chizuru has grown up among humans; these are the first demons she has ever met, apart from her father. and though it takes the rest of the evening to come to a solid conclusion, the way she sees it, it’s her responsibility to repay the debt her village refused, if only to ensure the safety of demonkind.
the chieftains eat all together that evening, and Kazama expresses his interest in Chizuru, whereupon Sen interrupts in a rather familiar way. he and the others have clearly been here before for various other meetings, so Chizuru feels like the odd one out, but Sen reassures her that not all demons are demonic and makes her feel just a little bit more at home. and the next day, Chizuru makes her way down to Kyoto with the intention of finding her father, assuring the others that she has a contact (Matsumoto) who will help her. however, by the time she gets there, night has fallen, and she runs into those ronin…
(and oh, what if she knows how to use her demon form? what if that’s the first time it comes out, in self-defense? what if the Shinsengumi sees her as an enemy at first, and restrain her accordingly? what if they then come to understand that she is a demon and intends to work with them, just as the Satsuma know Kazama is a demon? how on earth would this play out…?)
tbh if I could just average out the magic and the code to create a consistent world everything would be fine
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presumenothing · 8 years
flash point
for the prompt: “You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed. And today, you’re having a very bad day.”
[~1.5 hours of completely unedited writing, apologies in advance for any glaring errors]
(AO3) (FFN)
EDIT: now continued(ish?) here!
EDIT^2: ...and continued further here?
"Damn it," Saguru mutters under his breath, when the edge of his paper catches fire for the third time today.
Acrid tendrils of smoke curl out from where his fingers meet the paper, and he forces himself to take several deep breaths (in why was this happening, out he ought've mastered it completely by now, in just stop already) until the heat flickers and dies out again – which is when the lunch bell rings, and Saguru would've called it divine intervention if he'd been inclined to be religious in the least.
He's just about to stand and leave (to anywhere, really, Saguru doesn't usually have a problem with confined spaces but the classroom feels excruciatingly stifling today) when a voice calls out from behind him.
"Oi, Hakuba," says Kuroba, and Saguru watches somewhat warily as his classmate walks over to his desk. Quite contrary to any of Saguru's expectations though, Kuroba only looks at him for a moment, before nodding towards the desk. "You want to talk about it?"
Or – not quite the desk, Saguru realises, looking down at the slightly reddened patches on his hands. His pyrokinesis doesn't hurt himself, usually, but today had been a bad day on all fronts, to put it mildly. Saguru can't help but grimace. "That obvious, huh?"
"Unless you're blind. Or deaf. And lack a sense of smell, I guess," Kuroba adds after a moment's consideration. "So, like I said – wanna talk?"
Saguru's first instinct is to decline politely, but he forces himself to consider it seriously. He hasn't had a power lapse this bad in a long time (three years, eight months, and four days, to put it precisely), after all. But...
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll pass," Saguru says eventually. "I don't think talking will help in this situation, honestly speaking."
Kuroba shrugs, his expression nonchalant. "Okay, whatever you say. Offer's still open, though."
Then he walks off, and Saguru is certain that's the end of it, when –
A small jar lands on his desk with a metallic clink, and Saguru looks from it to Kuroba's oddly unexpressive face, suddenly feeling like there was a whole part to the conversation that he'd missed. "I'm sorry, what – ?"
"Burn cream," Kuroba says, interrupting the question – not that Saguru quite knew what he'd been intending to ask, anyway. "Or at least my version of it, but it should help with your hands."
"I – " Saguru blinks in surprise, and almost wonders if he heard that wrong. "That sounds useful. Thank you, Kuroba-kun."
"Don't mention it," comes the answer, almost flippantly, and Saguru belatedly realises that Kuroba is already halfway to the classroom door. "Literally."
He's still seated at his desk a few minutes later – all thoughts of leaving the classroom gone from his mind – when Aoko walks over and notices the jar on his desk. "Oh, is that from Kaito? It's really effective, I know he uses it during his own practice."
"Yes, Kuroba-kun gave it to me." And speaking of whom – Saguru turns to his other classmate, and wonders if he looks half as mystified as he feels. "Why would he do that?"
He almost expects her not to answer, but instead Aoko leans over to turn the chair in front of his around and sit down, looking pensive.
It's a few moments before she speaks, and in that time Saguru has already applied a thin layer of the cream on the base of his fingers, where the outline of the paper from earlier is still smarting ever so slightly – and Aoko is right, it does work wonders.
"Kaito had quite a lot of trouble controlling his powers when he was younger, you see. Especially after his dad..." Aoko's voice trails off – her words are soft enough that it doesn't carry, though the classroom is almost empty anyway. "Anyway, it wasn't until middle school that he really got a handle on it. So he knows what it feels like, I guess."
Saguru listens with a growing sense of disbelief, because he's seen Kuroba in ability training, and he – or, to borrow a turn of phrase, anyone with a functional set of senses who happens to be in the elemental manipulation section of the class – can see that Kuroba's control of air is basically perfect. And Saguru has been to some of the finest ability training institutions both back home and in Japan, so he knows what he's talking about.
Then Aoko adds, "So, do you want to talk about it, Hakuba-kun?"
And apparently Saguru is more tired than he thought, because the retort slips out before he can stop it. "Are you and Kuroba-kun ganging up on me?"
Aoko giggles. "Not at all, Hakuba-kun, you would definitely have noticed if Kaito and Aoko were working together on something like that!"
Which is... true, if not quite an answer he was expecting, and Saguru is suddenly and forcibly reminded of what he'd heard and dismissed as a myth back when he'd first transferred into Ekoda High – that a previous math teacher for this class had resigned in a fit of terror after she claimed that she was being haunted at school by some particularly persistent ghosts.
He looks again at Aoko, who still has the slightest glint of mischief in her eyes, and decides that (a) he really doesn't want to know, and (b) Aoko would've gotten involved only if the teacher had been legitimately terrible in her own right. Probably.
School, Saguru thinks with a sigh, had never been quite this complicated in London. "It's really not something pleasant to talk about, Aoko-kun. I was just assigned to help Division One with their caseload this week, and... well, it's been a while since I've encountered any murder cases, I suppose."
That isn't the whole story, of course – Saguru hasn't really worked on many homicides since coming to Japan, that much was true, but he'd handled them quite regularly before, enough so that he knows a murder alone isn't enough to trigger something like this. But one of the cases had been worse than the others, and –
A slight crackle catches his attention, but before the flame can escape beyond Saguru's clenched fingers Aoko conjures a little disc of water that extinguishes it with a faint sizzle before vanishing without a trace.
"Thank you, Aoko-kun," Saguru says, then adds, "Your control is very impressive as well, you know."
"Eh? Aoko's control?" She laughs, shaking her head. "Not really, Aoko is just lucky to have an easier element than Kaito or Hakuba-kun! Water has a much more physical form than fire or air, after all."
Saguru recalls several of the more disastrous hydrokinesis attempts that he'd seen with a wince. "I beg to differ, Aoko-kun. A former classmate of mine once nearly brought down a tsunami upon our heads. He had been trying to create a whirlpool, I believe."
"That sounds like he lost control of the direction vectors," she replies. "But as long as you're careful with those, water can be quite predictable. Aoko doesn't even need to worry about factors like viscosity and composition all that much, unlike Kaito."
Before Saguru can argue the point any further, though, Aoko stands up and extends a hand to him. "Oh, do you want to go to the rooftop and watch Kaito practice, Hakuba-kun?"
He raises an eyebrow skeptically. "Practice? On what?"
"On himself, of course!" Aoko says, before elaborating at Saguru's presumably confused expression. "He mentioned something about working out the buoyancy and lift forces on himself, but Kaito's never liked sharing his ideas before he's figured out how to make them work."
Saguru puts two and two together, and comes up with a short-circuited brain and the otherwise unlikely hypothesis that Kuroba is apparently trying to make himself fly, which is – 
He's halfway to his feet before he realises the obvious contradiction. "Hang on, doesn't that mean he won't want us there watching?"
"That's why we're going to be spying on him instead!" Aoko answers cheerfully, fishing out her handphone from her school satchel. "Besides, Aoko already promised to send Chikage-san a video if Kaito actually makes it work, so we definitely have a reason to be there – "
As Saguru lets himself be tugged along in the wake of Aoko's excitement, he thinks about how school had never been quite this interesting in London, either – and really, he wouldn't trade it for the world.
...no, I don’t know how this happened either? honest. the brain saw it and went, hey, that sounds like a certain Osaka loudmouth – oh no wait! why not let’s make our own lives difficult and pick the one character who’s the exact opposite!! it’ll be fun!!!
......so yeah, that happened. powers assigned at semi-random, Kaito gets air because that would be pretty neat as Kid (what with all the acrobatics and gliders and whatnot), Aoko gets water because why not (it’s a lot harder than she makes it sound obvs). not sure where Akako would be in this universe? also someone really needs to have Layla’s power from Sky High that scene was really awesome okay hush now
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chikagestits · 3 years
New headcanons
Chikage doesn’t know math
Hisoka can’t read
Not to be funny, but I just think they also never learned. Perhaps they also have dyscalculia and dyslexia respectively
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki SSL: Tell me! Secrets Q&A
Last post of the month! so I’ll once again end by asking you to please support me if you can either on ko-fi, through paypal or patreon for access to my blog post translations or just to support me. …. also let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my looking for list since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that i can share...
This is the thing that i left as ???? on my March update post... and the thing that i accidentally posted the title of back in may when i was planning out my queue (oops?). 
I think I should start by saying that I translated this for amusement.... though I won't deny how this is a fascinating piece of reference for writing hahaha......
Unfortunately since this is only limited to the main six, I really wish I had some of Yamazaki’s responses to these....
Favourites by character order: Hijikata's answer to Q4, Saito's to Q5, Harada's to Q7 and Kazama's to Q7.
Only for references purposes. LMAO. 
Hakuoki SSL: Tell me! Secrets Q&A
From 『B's-LOG別冊 オトメイトマガジン vol.9』
Translation by KumoriYami
Q1: What is the first thing you wash when bathing [text can be interpreted as either bath or shower]?
Q2: Where would you want to go for a date?
Q3: At Hakuo Gakuen, who do you have the best relationship with?
Q4: Where do you want to go most now?
Q5: What words and actions/behaviours from a woman make you feel a rush of excitement/moves you ["feel a rush of excitement" is an idiom. can be also interpreted more literally as 'move your heart']/excite you the most?
Q6: What are your favourite school activities [roughly says: fond of school activities]?
Q7: What do you wear while sleeping?
Q8: What are your best and worst subjects?
Q9 What happened recently that made you happy?
Hijikata Toshizou
A1: Hands should be washed first.
A2: This...... How about going to a Buddhist shine that has snow in its surroundings. We can recite poetry [either that or songs]....... No, I didn't say anything.
A3: Kondou-san.
A4: I don't know why, [but], no matter what happens, I want to see Hokkaido [says reckless/regardless of everything].
A5: Rather than saying affecting the heart, perhaps it might be better to say that [I'm] not good at dealing with a woman staring into my eyes without fear [or something like that...?].
A6: Although it might cause misunderstandings, that would naturally be writing exams [conducting exams to be written...?].
A7: I sleep in Western style pyjamas.
A8: The subject I am good at is classical literature, [and] I'm not good at chemistry.
A9: Probably when I met with that guy who listened to listened to me without getting tired.
Okita Souji
A1: Hey, after learning about this, what do you plan on doing?
A2: Of course, it needs to be a place where you can go have fun and be happy. That's How about an amusement park, or something like that?
A3:……This question is very difficult to answer. Who knows.
A4: Now? During winter? Oh...... somewhere that isn't cold.
A5: Heheh...... you're probably just wanting to secretly watch me while thinking I haven't found anything out, and of how surprised I'll look when I do.
A6: Club activities.
A7: What will you be wearing? If you want to tell me, I'll tell you after.
A8: I'm actually not particularly good at anything, [but] I dislike classical literature the most.
A9: I saved quite a few pictures of someone recently.
Saito Hajime
A1: Ah, probably the feet.
A2: Da-date!? Then...... a place to go together with a woman? For me/As far as I'm concerned, as long as we're together, it doesn't mater where we go.
A3: Well, when it concerns time spent on school activities, that would be Yamazaki.
A4: I don't know why [but] I look forward to winter, and would like to see snow as soon as possible....... I want to go to a place where I can see snow. 
[Personally, i don't get why people like summer lol. I seriously hate summer. and the heat. Snow is soooo much better than the heat. i absolutely can't stand hot weather lol]
A5: Does this question have to be answered? Really...... then, when she shows/exposes her ear...... Ah.
A6: Probably school trips. It's nice to go learn and study new things in places you wouldn't normally go to.
A7: I personally feel that tight sweatshirts are very good.
A8: I'm good at classical literature, [but] I'm not good at math.
A9: When two equal partners people share their lives...... when you hold your other half's hand, you will immediately feel that you are not alone.
Toudou Heisuke
A1: If taking a bath/shower....... of course it'd be the head, the head!
A2: Obviously going to the game centre! Eh...... ah, for a date? Then, is going to karaoke OK? [ok is ENG here]
A3:  The person that I have the best relationship with, that'd be Souji since we're constantly together. However let me say beforehand, that this doesn't mean I have a good relationship with him.
A4: This period [Right now]...... it'd be nice to participate in a snow festival? I'd like to go somewhere where I can play with snow.
A5: This....... Ah....... Is it that just that I'm defenceless, or was I just relieved..... [to be able to show her my] sleeping face like that? [I think??????????????]
A6: The cultural festival!
A7: Sleeping in a skintight sweatshirt/sports jersey?
A8: Subject that I'm good at, I can fill in the blanks for modern language [i'm assuming this means a version of Japanese characters but since I don't feel like looking it up right now, I'm just going to leave that translation as is for now.] during an exam, but I'm completely unable to understand stuff in English.
A9: Er...... Well...... after being going into that room again after many years...... I found that the inside arrangement/layout had changed a lot so I was surprised. However she was really happy to let me in.
Harada Sanosuke
A1: Hey. Do you know the common sense of bathing before taking before taking a shower?
A2: Date...... as long as it's the two of us together, it doesn't matter where we go. After she turns 20, there are many places that I'd like to take her to.
A3: Rather than saying that it's a good relationship, it might be accurate to call the relationship with Shinpachi and ill-fated one/ It's not so much a good relationship as a bad one between myself and Shinpachi.
A4: It's rarely winter, I want to go with a country with lots of snow. During the day I'll ski and take a sled/sleigh/bobsled, and in evenings I'll go soak in a spa/hot spring, while also enjoying other foreign culture.
A5: This....... [Seeing] the view of your back while [you're] in the cooking for me in the kitchen.
[the wording in this sentence reaaaaaaally threw me off since it kinda (more literally) reads as "in the kitchen as I cook from behind" ]
A6: All the activities conducted by the school, they're unbelievably exhausting. However, being able to watch how all the students grow and mature, is something to enjoy.
A7: Regardless of what is said...... pyjamas will ultimately become an obstruction. [ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pfft...]
A8: This, since it's my specialty [referring to subject taught], I'm fast[? and?] good at using my body. Subsequently, I'm not good at every subject that requires lots of thinking.
A9: How can I say this, there's a line that absolutely must not be crossed when I'm together with her...... If I'm not resolute, this line would easily be crossed...... I've been thinking about this lately.
Kazama Chikage
A1: Bathing......? The first thing to do, shouldn't that be immersing oneself in the bathtub?
A2:  First tell me where you want to go. I will bring you there.
A3: This way of describing the relationship is very literal [??? well something like that. either that or something along the lines of: That is a good adjective that literally describes the relationship]. It goes without saying, that would naturally be my wife.
A4: Where my wife and I get married.
A.5 Hesitating while wanting to say something with beautiful and delicate eyes while gazing at my appearance, hahaha......
A6: Of course that would be student council [activities].
[it's either that or student assemblies depending on how the words after ‘student' are interpreted, since if they are translated as verbs instead of noun/adjectives, it can mean something to the effect of 'complete gathering of students'... which is also why im kinda leaning towards 'assemblies' though.]
A7: What is meant by this question? Isn't it common sense to sleep while naked?
A8: I'm an expert at every subject. No subject exists that I am not an expert in.
A9: Fufu....... This year I will surely be able to graduate. I've been waiting for so long...... waiting for far too long!
this probably felt longer to translate than it actually did lol... too many questions and answers.... also i don’t know if this was reprinted in one of the ssl books. maybe when i’m bored i’ll mtl the jp to double check some of this lol.... or not.
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