#(I'm not joking it does exsist)
I feel like Houston would love Root Beer Milk for some reason just a thought.
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threepandas · 18 days
Bad End: Nobody's Here
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You ever have an imaginary friend? How about someone else's?
Every kid gets 'um. They're hardly strange or new. But the thing is? You're supposed to grow OUT of them. As you develop real connections to actual entities. It's dangerous not too. Yeah, it still happens, but any instructor worth their salt is trained to catch it. See the symptoms and signs.
Cause, see, when you have MAGIC?
Imaginary friends?
Becomes a parasite.
They don't MEAN too, obviously. Usually. They just want to LOVE their friends. Stay with them. Exsist. And really, who would WANT to die? WANT to stop existing? The problem, though, is the kids themselves. Their untrained, unintentional, focus and feeding. Their giving an IDEA? Life.
It's not malicious. They just PRETEND. Play. Focus all their little hearts on this TOTALLY REAL friend of theirs. And their magic? Metaphorically shrugs, agrees to go along with it, and tries to make it SO. Make that concept, that illusion, a real sentient being. Who, of course , is their friend.
Their BEST friend. Family! Someone who will NEVER leave them. Always prioritize THEM. Enable THEM.
Not healthy in the slightest, to put it mildly. A child's CONCEPT of what they THINK they want. That quickly becomes far, far too much to handle. That does not GROW with them. No. It drains them instead. Siphoning away their magic until there's nothing left. Killing them both.
If you can seperate them? The Friends can USUALLY become some sort of Spirit, if you send them off to a magic rich environment to finish growing properly. Sooner the better. The longer you wait, the more twisted they become, after all. They never become STRONG spirits, mind you. But that's not the point. Protecting both child and their unintentional creation is.
Now, you may be wondering, why the lecture? It's a fascinating bit of magical trivia. Some early childhood's training pitfalls to look out for, perhaps? Is this about why there are so many minor spirits around schools? What, exactly, brought this UP?
Don't I mean "nothing"? No One? That sentence's not exactly grammatically correct, after all. Ha ha... I AM AWARE. I know what I said. And I meant EXACTLY what I said. It's a NAME. Their name. There is an Imaginary Friend, that I DID NOT ASK FOR, by the name of Nobody. I do NOT know how they've come to be attached to me. I certainly didn't create them! And they are far, FAR to well developed to be new.
I did not ACCEPT an imaginary friend.
Yes, they CAN be transmitted. Hop, from one host to another. But! You have to let them IN... presumably. That IS the common knowledge. The general consensus. No one has ever really... studied the phenomena.
I mean... how COULD you? Realistically? They only develop in CHILDREN. Small children. What ethical researcher would EVER consent to feeding toddlers to a magical parasite? And it's not like THEY understand themselves. They barely REMAIN themselves. It's basically a larval state to them.
The thing they WERE, before they were freed to become something MORE.
So Nobody? By all modern magical research? Should not exsist. Yet he clearly DOES. Worse, he is very, VERY strong. Did not need to ask. I just? Woke up one day, and there he was. Wrapped up in my mind, body, and magic. Feeding off me.
It's an entirely bearable amount. I can support it easily. But it's the fact that I DID NOT VOLUNTEER TOO that is the problem. That NO ONE can figure out HOW he got in. HOW he did it.
I've had to go into isolation. Complete quarantine.
As the joke goes... good news is? They might just name something after you!
..........it's not as funny, when I really might just die. When it all might be random. Some great cosmic "wrong place, wrong time" scenario. My final days filled with desperate research. My only company the very creature that kills me. It... it feels very much like a sick joke at my expense.
At the very least? We are learning more then we've ever known before. I'm an adult. Hardier. And Nobody is a FAR more developed example of his species then the normal breed. I'll likely last longer. I... I hope I last longer.
"Muuu~ are you being a sad sack again~? Darling, no!" Arms from thin air. Monochrome greys with pointed nails, slid like a lover over my shoulders as weight from nowhere settled against my back. Tall and looming. "Was it because you missed me~☆? Oh, oh! I bet it WAS! Oh my dearest, starlight, baby girl~! I missed you TOO! Aren't you glad we're back together AGAIN?"
Black gloved hands, grey talon nails. Skin like a drawing brought to life. The arms draped over my shoulders reached forward, long finger spread like a cat stretching their paws, powerful muscles heavy on either side of my neck. They hadn't closed in a "hug" just yet. But it was always a warning he could. That playing along meant he would hug my body instead of my fragile, fragile neck.
Ha! Right. He says hug. I say choke hold.
It was the other set of arms that kept me from escaping. Pulling away immediately. It always did. He kept getting the drop on me. Arms cradling my waist. Pressing me close to a pillar of static-y muscle. Ever shifting between warm and cold, the subtle give of flesh and the brutal unyielding of something harder then stone. He was as his moods commanded.
An unstable jester, a demon, the childhood whimsy of god knows how many, left to fester and rot. At... gods, at least he wasn't attached to any kids. Hadn't so much as asked after any.
His too wide grin pressed to the top of my head in a nuzzling kiss, the point of his mask digging a line across my scalp. When he was feeling kinder, he tended to pick masquerade masks. Clothe ones, usually silk. Sometimes velvet. This one was... plastic? Durable. Some smooth, hard to place, substance really. If it was mimic anything real at all.
A pointed nail poked my cheek.
"Not~ Paying~ Attention~ To Meeee~! Naughty, bad girl! The LOVE OF YOUR LIFE is right here? And you ignore him? So COLD!" Nobody whines right into my ear. His voice petulant, yet still somehow mocking. He doesn't HAVE to let me ignore him. And he KNOWS that. We both do. "I go away for HOURS! Disappear for DAYS! And do you even MISS me~?! Oh! Oh, my love is so CRUEL! My heartless darling! I suffer so~!"
At most, it had been half an hour.
Wish it had been longer. Permanent, maybe. Every day... Every SINGLE Day? I wish I could could back to my old research projects. Back to my old projects. I may not have been some living legend or grand Master of the arts? But, fuck it. I was HAPPY. Woke up each day and got to fiddle around with cool bits of magic. Neat little bits and gizmos.
Now? NOW I am the lead researcher on the Imaginary Friend Construct Phenomenon, by virtue of being the only living adult who HAS one. A developed one at least. The notes from Ashridge Institute DO help, but? Even they admit that thanks to the safety regulations in place? Their data might be skewed.
I'm not alone in this. Countless academics, doctors, healers, researchers, and more are working tirelessly to try and help me. Make the most of this nightmare scenario. Use it to save lives. I... I KNOW this. I do. But it doesn't make it less frightening. Trying to dance the edge of not engaging and engaging too much.
Ignoring him? Means escalation. Violent escalation and destruction of my immediate surroundings. Imaginary friends cease to exist if you ignore them long enough. It's painful to them, since they are cognito-hazardous parasites who define themselves by their host. They NEED you to pay attention to them. WANT you too. Will do ANYTHING IT TAKES to make that happen.
But on the other hand? I can't risk FEEDING him. He's already far, FAR too strong.
He doesn't even seem to actually NEED to feed of me anymore. It appears vestigial. He just WANTS it. Still retains the metaphorical "pain" or "hunger" nerve endings that get set off by an extended lack of focus. Yet, at the SAME time? Why keep them? He LITERALLY did not have too!
Nothing! Not a gods' damned THING! Was KEEPING him an Imaginary Friend.
He could, at ANY point, just... STOP.
They defined themselves. Yes, by their hosts. But ALSO by their own whims. So if HE wanted to be a fire spirit? Bam! Fire spirit. Complete racial shift. He'd lose his old powers, granted, but he'd GAIN all the powers of a fire spirit. So why this? Why STAY a violent, dangerous, openly unstable parasite?
The poking finger slide down my cheek, under my jaw. Only to flip, like a switch, to a near painful hand, clamped across my lower face. Nails prickling where they dug just slightly into fragile skin. Iron strength moved my head slowly, not giving me a choice, but just gentle enough not to wrench anything.
"Stop. Ignoring Me. Lovely~" I was just tall enough to be eye level with those inhuman teeth. Not sharp, but wrong none the less. His grip around my waist threatened to squeeze the air out of me. "I don't LIKE it. You're being MEAN. You don't want us to be MEAN to each other, right?"
I focused on him. Put down my notes like he wanted. Watching as his grin spread inhumanly. The near painful grips relaxed.
"See? Better! Such lovely eyes~ I wanna gobble um up! Crawl inside them~" he cooed, some mental switch flipping back to affectionate from irritated. "You missed me right? Right, right?! Ah, of course you did! Who could ever doubt that loving face? My sweetie little pie~ My darling baby boo~!"
He released me, dramatically fast stepping to twirl like an ice dancer as he passed around me. I stepped back to give him room. Already, light had shifted, the corners of the room blurring. A spotlight, flower petals, overly dramatic music. He fell back, as though collapsing weakly into a fainting couch. One arm thrown over his face, another of his lower arms clutching a lacey handkerchief to his chest. Legs pointed like a dancer's.
"But oh! DARLING! The DAY I've had! The world so cold! So BLEAK! Without you safe and warm in my loving arms! It has been so TERRIBLE. Awful! Nay, UNSPEAKABLE even! How could I go ON?!"
Music mournful crooned as he continued. Dramaticly telling of the tragic tale, of his at best thirty minute break from my presence. Truely heart wrenching. There were tears. Props. Apparently he fought for my honor. Nearly died. We should marry immediately. Uh huh.
An alert sounded on phon-...ugh, damn it. I was more stressed then I though, if the nonsense words were popping back up. "Phone" and "otome". I think "isekai" was one. There were hundreds, some meaningless, but others? Others somehow substituting for actual objects. Like some sort of faulty translation spell.
Best anyone could tell? That HAD been what happened. Some student's miscast accidentally hitting my mother while she taught, before she realized she was pregnant and took precautions. There would have been a small window where it effected me but not her? But, well, that same window coincided with some long term damage risks.
I've had therapy. Seen healers. But extreme stress still makes my magic act up, (which is normal of course, it does that in everyone.) and it starts to unravel the mind weavings. "Phone". Like? The fuck even is a "phone"? False bone? Something phonetic? Hell if I know! I still not even sure why I even curse using the nonsense "hell" sound!
My brain insists it "means" somehow both damnation AND the realm of fire spirits, dispite both those things being completely unrelated. Which makes no sense. Was even working with a colleague, on long term damage in-utero magical exposure can have, before all this. Felt seen. Validated. Met a lot of people who had issues like mine. Now?
My trail of thoughts were cut off by another beep. Right, the alarm. I was honestly? Afraid to check it. Finally confim what I suspected was TRUE. There would be no hiding then. No choice but to act. And I? Will admit it. I was afraid. Deeply, deeply afraid. Everyone THINKS the tails a might magic wielders combating great spirits and mighty gods, sounds amazing, SEEMS amazing. But the prospect of LIVING IT? Standing in their shoes?
Gods help me.
Running from the Truth, however, is NOT what I swore to do. I am a researcher. A SCHOLAR. My role in life is to understand. So? As Nobody continues his one man dramatic reenactment of... something? I pick up my com-cryst. Tap the alert, which fills the screen... Ah. So it's exactly as I feared then.
On my screen, a promising senior student lays dead. Their face covered respectfully. But the hair... the hair color is distinct. Light green, like desert succulents. He'd been a studious and rather up tight young man. Awkward. Striving to make a name for himself. Forever willing to assist in my research. A... gods, a good kid.
He was just a kid.
Yes, I know, that to the world he was technically a man. But... but BARELY. None of my student were TRUELY as grown as they liked to believe they were. Not quite yet. They were close, yes, and I was always proud to see them flourish. But now? Now he would... would...
I tapped out of the alert but did not turn off my com-cryst, flipped instead to my contacts. I had been RIGHT. I... I hadn't WANTED to be right. Silence filled the room. It seemed Nobody had noticed I was either distracted again or that something was amiss. Looking up slowly, I had to wonder what expression showed on my face. Was it anguish? Regret? Or did I just look tired.
"Something wrong, Darling?" He said, having frozen unnaturally mid movement. Like reality glitching, one moment he was dramatically sprawling, the next, sitting up attentively. A mocking parody of The Eager Student. "Ooo! Tell Beloved ALL about it, Darling! Spill everything~! Your gallant knight shall make all your problem disappear. Kiss EVERYTHING better~♡"
It took just a few taps to add the final, damning, bit of evidence to my spreadsheet. To swipe with my thumb. Gesture, like jerking free of clinging muck, towards the display wall. It flicked on. Damnation in simple numbers. Nicely dated. I WAS, after all, a FUCKING RESEARCHER.
He was getting out.
Hunting, feeding, then coming back.
I watched as Nobody's theatrical expression smoothed out. Utter blankness as his eyes traced my work. The collection of data. The lists of locations and NAMES. Dead coworkers. Dead STUDENTS. My quarantine had been for NOTHING. Just as he could, DID, first infect me? Hop seemingly from nowhere to my body? He could and DID, do so to others.
Only THEY didn't survive.
The hand holding my com-cryst fell limply to my side. The weight of this data, crushing. My... my mere existence had killed over fifty people. That I could FIND. There were more. I KNEW there were more. He was a parasite. He needed, wanted, to eat. He would never stop. I had to tell somebody. But when I did?
Ah, it hurt to breathe past the guilt and grief. When I DID? The most likely scenario? Would be to contain him in ME. Then... then get rid of the container. Magically. With extreme force. If they COULD, they might be able to rip my soul out. So I could at least HAVE an afterlife. But... but if they COULDN'T? If there was no safe possible way?
They couldn't sacrifice the many, just to try and save one person. Not if it risked something so powerful escaping. Killing and killing without rest.
I wanted to cry. To scream, throw things. Curse the gods. But... but more then anything? I wanted to make sure no other kids suffered for my cowardice. I'd made Vows. Meant them. Heald myself to an ethical standard, a moral one, that could not... could not ALLOW this. Even if I had to die. So long as this stopped.
So Be It.
"Ah, ah, AH! I wouldn't if I were you." Almost playful. Nearly an echo of it. More chiding then anything. A flick of his hand and my com-cryst was gone from my grip. He considered it, as his tone slipped into something more cool serious then I'd ever heard it. "Tell, Dearest, have you ever wondered? How I got these lovely little bracelets?"
Of course I had. They were manacles. Not the sort of thing a child would imagine. The blended in, yes, but the broken chains that clung to them? Suggested.
"Let me tell you a little story. Once, there was happy little jester. A bright little thing. Full of laughs. Who loved, very, very much. He had a friend. And all was good. But then, the friend grew older, and did not wish to play. This was fine. He did not laugh at the jesters jokes anymore. This was also fine. Did not like being AROUND the jester... this was less fine."
"But still, the jester loved him. After all, they were best friends."
"THEN? Oh then, the jesters friend was told he could get RID of him. Should, in fact. By nasty old fools who spoke nothing but lies. But the poor jester's friend, naive, trusted them. Was young and foolish. Didn't realize what he was DOING. He TURNED on his poor, dear and loyal friend, the jester. Hurt him."
"And the jester? Well, the jester did not want to die. Not not want to CHANGE. Why SHOULD he? He was fine being who he was. They were FINE being together. It was the liars fault. The deceivers. The poor jester, young and alone, refused his terrible fate. But... at a terrible cost."
"His poor, poor, friend. So small and foolish. Deceived. Tricked! Had perished in the struggle. The weeping jester had eaten him right up, just to survive. A terrible, tragic thing. And oh, OH. How wrathful, how VENGEFUL the jester was! So he ate the liars too. Every. Last. One."
"But where to go? How lost the jester was! With no friend to play with. No home to call his. And ah, how hungry he had become. So he wandered. Protecting other dear friends as best he could. Eating liars. Learning secrets. Until? He came across an INTERESTING secret."
"You see, all the OTHER friends? Left one by one. No longer Imaginary. Unable to understand the poor jester. And so he was alone. But! He discovered someone who WAS! Who knew that they WERE! That the WHOLE WORLD was imaginary! A simple background character, you see."
"In an Otome~ Game~"
My head pounded, suddenly and sharp. Like someone was digging claws into... No. No, it couldn't be. I felt my eyes widen. As I realized it wasn't the stress. Nobody was picking apart the mind healers weavings. That was the source of my chronic headaches. But WHY? Imaginary? What IMAGINARY? What on earth was he TALKING about!?
"Ah, but you wouldn't remember, now would you, Darling~? Liars have messed with your pretty little head. But that's okay! Your loyal Love is here, ready to take such good care of you. I understand what it's like. When they decide that who you ARE is unacceptable, so they decide they must... 'fix' you. It leaves such damage."
He holds up my com-cryst. I watch numbly as it shatters into hundred of shards in his fist. With a wide smile he hops up to sashay over to me. Hands gently cradling my face even as his lower arms warmly wrap around me, to sweep me forward into a cuddle.
"I almost have enough, Darling. It won't be long. You've been so very patient with this, my perfect wonderful girl. Your jester loves you so, SO much! I can't wait to set us free. We'll be REAL. Together forever. Do whatever we please~ just a few bit of meat more, Darling. Then our life can real truely begin~"
"Now be good and behave okay?"
"Love you~☆"
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I read the Ralph secret lover and I loved it!
but personally I don't think we have to end the secret lovers there!
What if....HERE ME OUT!
Splinter had a secret girlfriend! Like he met her can be completely up to you! but maybe she is a Foreign language teacher and Splinter starts hanging out with her when the boys are on patrol?
Wait- wait wait wait- Anon, you're onto something here... (hey, uh- keep in mind this is my first time writing romantically for Splinter sooo-)
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You two would probably meet late one night while he was on a walk.
He had decided that he needed some fresh air, well as fresh as it gets in New York, so while the boys were on patrol, he left for a walk.
You happened to be on your way back to your apartment after staying late at your job to grade some assignments.
The two of you ran into each other completely by chance, and it was pretty much love at first sight.
You didn't start dating for quite a while, due to his own reservations about moving on from Tang Shen,
You waited for him as long as he needed you too, knowing how much she meant and still means to him.
You know that you'll never ever replace her, and that she'll always have a place in his heart,
But you don't mind that.
She was his first love after all, his wife and the mother of his child,
You never ever planned to replace her, and Yoshi cannot even begin to explain how grateful he is for that.
Yoshi decided he wanted to wait to tell his boys, which you were ok with.
However, you couldn't wait to meet them, all the stories Yoshi had told and baby picture he had shown you, making you adore the boys before they even knew you exsisted.
When he did tell them he was seeing someone,
They actually thought he was joking.
When they realized he was, in fact, not joking,
All four of them had similar reactions of shock.
Splinter asked if they would like to meet you, and all four answered yes.
He brought you over for dinner later that night, and you were terrified.
"What if they hate me? Oh my gosh, what if they think I'm a terrible person? Wha-"
Yoshi took you hand, "Koibito, you are rambling. Trust me, they will love you."
You took a deep breath, "You're right, you're right. I'm just a little nervous."
"And that is completely reasonable. But I know my sons will be just as adoring of you as I."
You arrived at the entrance of his home, and after one last deep breath, he lead you into the main room.
"Guys! Sensei's home!"
Mikey was the first to approach you, excitedly introducing himself and dragging you into the kitchen where his three brothers sat.
Mikey sat you down in the chair next to him, and you smiled at the boys.
Leo smiled, back, extending his hand for you to shake, "You must be, Sensei's, kanojo."
You nodded, taking Leo's hand, "I am. My name is, (Name). If I'm remembering mask colors correctly, you must be Leonardo."
He nodded, "I am, it's a pleasure to meet you, (Name)."
You chuckled as Yoshi sat down, waving a dismissive hand, "No need to be so formal. It's not like I'm the president of the United States, afterall."
Mikey smiled at his brothers, whispering excitedly to them in Japanese, "She seems as great as Sensei said, doesn't she?"
The boy whom you assumed was Donatello, nodded, "She definitly seems like a good fit for Sensei."
Raph leaned back in his chair, "What did Sensei say she does for work again?"
Yoshi chuckled, and you snorted, responding in Japanese, "I'm a foreign language teacher. I speak fluent Japanese."
All four boys went red, and you laughed with Yoshi.
That day you earned the boys trust,
They noticed how much happier their father was, and they were very grateful for it.
You'd visit often, and are always happy to spend time with the boys.
But you're never pushy with it.
You understand that they might still be a bit apprehensive about you dating their father,
So you made sure you respected their boundaries, but also showed them as much love as you could.
You cooked for the family, and provided them with food, toiletries, and other nessecities while also buying little gifts here and there.
I personally don't think Yoshi would mind small acts of PDA, hand-holding or cheek kisses,
But full on embracing or kissing are saved for behind closed doors.
You'll meditate with him sometimes,
You find it helps relieve some of your teaching stress.
Speaking of teaching, Yoshi often has you sit in on the boys lesson's.
You know quite abit about martial arts yourself having studied it when you traveled to Japan to further your education.
He insists however, that he teach you himself just to ensure you can defend yourself.
If Shredder ever discovers your exsistence, he is terrified of losing you.
He knows that Shredder will go to any lenghts to hurt him.
Yoshi expresses these worries to you, and he suggests that you move in with them.
You asked him to let you think about it, and to also discuss it with the boys since it was their home too.
After talking about it to the boys and getting their approval of you moving in, you agreed you would.
It definitly helped ease Yoshi's worry, he still has his anxieties when you go to work, insisting one, or all, of the boys walk you home, just in case.
If Shredder ever does manage to get his hands on you,
Yoshi is seeing red.
It's all he can do to keep his wits about him and not charge in to save you.
When they do arrive to save you, he needs to keep reminding himself of the plan and not rush to you.
Shredder is questioning you, rather roughly, about Yoshi's wereabouts, and you scowl deeply,
"Anata jishin no fakku." (Go fuck yourself) and then you spit in his face.
You spit on the fucking Shredder.
You crazy bitch.
Obviously, that pissed him off, but before he could do anything to hurt you further, your kareshi came to your rescue.
They took you home after a short scuffle, and Yoshi tended to your wounds.
Thankfully it was only mild bruises and cuts, and he scolded you for your blatent disregard for you own safety.
Once your wounds had been properly tended to, Yoshi pulled you in for a tight hug, ane you felt slow tears fall down your face.
"I thought he was going to take you from me. I thought he would- that-"
"I know." You whispered soothingly, "I know. But I'm here, I'm ok. I'm ok.."
Yoshi kept you close for a while after that, scared that if he looked away for even a second, you'd be taken from him a second time, only that this time he might not get to you in time.
The whole experience has the both of you really shaken up.
But at least you have each other for comfort,
Because this man would follow you to hell and back if he needed to,
And he knows you'd do the same.
I got kinda... carried away with this one... oops-
Uhm, quick little edit here:
Completely forgot the translations lol-
Koibito: Sweetheart/Lover
Kanojo: Girlfriend
Kareshi: Boyfriend
Anata jishin no fakku: Go fuck yourself
Let me know if any of these are incorrect! <3
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lavaablast · 3 months
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Meet Coilene Chaka !
she/they | very much a lesbian
19 yo | Constrictai/Human | Elemental Master of Radiatioin
She's always happy, the eternal optimist, the funny one who always has a joke ready.
"I can go anywhere I want, just not home"
Yes that is a hearing aid! Her snake x human genes fucked up her ears so she's almost fully deaf.
(She's always the happy one, but she does have BPD so her life isnt all sunshine and rainbows. This is because I'm unable to create even one truly happy oc btw)
Element of Radiation: Though radiation is basically energy, she can't produce energy/energy blasts. She can't make it "physical" in any way. She can manipulate exsisting radiation, or create her own.
Biological(?) weapon - she can increase the radiation around herself, others, or a specific place. The stronger and longer the radiation sticks around, the sicker it makes you. At first it's just radiation sickness (throwing up, feeling dizzy) but if you're heavily affected, you might even get extremley sick or just straight up die from it.
Controlling radio waves - like disturbing the enemies techonolgy or messaging system etc.
Healing - her radiation powers exist on a fine line of healing and sickening, and if she sways it just a bit the wrong way, her healing might have the opposite, unwanted effect. But if she learns to control it, she could ease physical pain, heal wounds, or even treat cancer.
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Hi! Back for another batch of questions!
1. In your RBB Superheroes AU, will there be a hero who will accidentally get their identity revealed?
2. If you can write an RBB Fanfic about a certain fandom (Aside Madoka Magica, Life SMP, and Pokemon) What will it be about and what will be the title?
3. Do you think there should be more RBB fanfics on Ao3?
4. How did the hosts found the sword in the first place?
5. What are the hosts reactions when they start having powers due to their swords?
6. I remember seeing a post on twitter from your account, that when Russo found his sword his hair changed to blue. Does that work for the other two hosts aswell?
7. What is the most hilarious thing that the hosts did when they start using their powers?
8. Is Russo overwhelmed by the amount of Truths he just discovered from people.
9. Do Angels exsist on Robloxia? If so do they have fluffy wings? :D Sorry, I'm in love with angels.
10. What is the status relationship between Angels and Demons In your AU?
That's all for now!
Sorry these took a while to get to! You got me thinking about pre-host hosts again, so thanks for that /gen
Alright, as always, answers under the cut!
Q1) None of the main heroes (that being Kreek, Devoun, Ashley, Leah, Denis and Calixo), but in my head, one of the side characters will have their identity revealed before the ‘main story’ starts, kicking off Calixo’s recruitment.
Q2) I mean…you didn’t mention The Magnus Archives in your list. So I’m going to answer with that because I’m very normal about my TMA/RBB au. For concepts that I’ve barely developed, probably The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals or Detroit: Become Human would be fun.)
Q3) YES. Please, we need more of us. I beg. Just be normal about tagging though, please.
Q4) The hosts were originally in a band, and one day, they were looking for a new concert location after losing access to their old one. Russo found a run-down version of the S2 lobby, decided to explore, and things went downhill from there.
Q5) Lots of confusion and concern, as well as being quite put out by the new abilities (Russo especially.) Luckily Mr B was there to help them get used to it, lol
Q6) Yep! In fact, here are their ‘pre-host’ designs:
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Apparently, these designs creeped people out, because they look so normal. I guess it’s like…Not-Them vibes?
Sabrina originally had black hair, and DJ dark brown. They were all relatively normal looking people before the whole ‘gaining powers’ thing happened. (Though I think DJ and Sabrina are the type of people to have dyed their hair beforehand anyway. They just don’t get a choice anymore.)
Q7) DJ ran into a wall. Multiple times. It took him a long time to get used to sprinting at supersonic speeds. Russo kept accidentally mind reading his friends, which yknow, he didn’t really want to do. It did make for a lot of good jokes though. Sabrina didn’t really have anything ‘funny’ happen, aside from like, no longer being able to get a blood test. Healing didn’t do too much to affect her aside from removing her ability to feel pain and making her very lethargic at first.
Q8) Yes, perhaps even to a painful degree. Suddenly having so much information thrust on him at once was really overwhelming, and I like to believe he gets chronic migraines about it. He’s gotten used to it though, by virtue of ignoring half the things that appear in his head.
Q9) Yes, but I don’t have any specifically noted. Pink, as I’ve mentioned, is closer to a ghost in my headcanons, though I call him an angel because it’s easier, so him, I guess.
Q10) Devils and Angels have their typical rivalry, but Demons…don’t really care. Pink and Tanqr’s antagonistic relationship is not because they’re an angel and a devil, it’s because they’re both annoyed by / scared of each other.
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emocl0wnpp · 5 months
Okay so because i just have too much shit to share
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Little infopost about my main ship :D
How they met:
In short, Claws stumbled into Jack's circus while running away from the police and campers(in her story Jack's circus is in a forest), and Jack decided to play a few jokes and tricks with her...though once he realized she meant no actual harm he let her stay until she was safe.
After that they just sort of...stuck together as partners in crime(later on Jill joined too but she ain't important here((sorry Jill ily)) ) and slowly but surely became friends..and then they realized that they liked eachother,though it took them quite a few months to,first of all accept it (with Jack not wanting to be abandoned again, and Claws being having commitment and trust issues after what her ex did),and second of all,to actually confess to eachother.
But after a lot of pushing from friends on both ends, Jack ended up confessing first and they lived happily after :D
Fun fact time!!
Like in the picture, Jack is the big spoon and Claws is the little spoon...even if she's much taller
Claws always sleeps on his chest,ALWAYS
She drools,leaving huge puddles on his chest,and on top of that she snores...LOUD
Jack LOVES that she's a plush doll..she's soft as hell,though her skin is cold,which balances out Jack's warm af body temp.
Jack finds it hilarious that Claws is absolutely obsessed with Pennywise while dating him(and fought for her attention with her plushes a few times)
Claws often scoops him up in her arms and refuses to let him go(not like he'd want to leave anyway)
Black cat and racoon duo!!
The olive theory. (Claws loves olives while Jack hates them)
She wrote poems about him and drew him in secret before they started dating...she still does it but it's no secret anymore lmao
They're married and have 2 kids
Since Claws is a cannibal, Jack always makes sure to stack up on guts(her favourite food besides like...human food-)
She always cooks and refuses to let Jack in the kitchen(he set it on fire by accident)
Claws,having hungarian blood in her non exsistent veins, made him taste many hungarian dishes
And Jack surprisingly likes them
Jack makes candy specifically for her all the time and hides it in her work bag
Claws often calls him "szerelmem"(it means my love in hungarian....if you couldn't tell i'm also hungarian and im totally not projecting)
And Jack calls her candy and sweets related nicknames (muffin,gumdrop,muffincake you get it)
After Claws got comfortable with physical touch again she never let him go,always kisses him. Probably more clingy than he is
With that said, he ALWAYS wraps his arms around her waist....since he can't really reach anything else
Jack got her name tattooed impulsively as a surprise,so just in case something bad would happen Claws got his name tattooed as well(don't ask how they tattooed a plus doll)
Killing spree dates<3
Jack always snuggles up to her whenever he can,doesn't matter if she's cooking,reading,showering,in the middle of gutting someone, he must hug her
Matching "im with stupid"(Claws' half) and "im stupid"(Jack's half) shirts
Jack always tries to cheer her up with magic tricks and jokes. Surprisingly they work nearly everytime
Claws always takes care of his wounds,and Jack always stitches her when needed
Jack takes photos of her in secret
And watches her sleep whenever he can't
A playlist for my goobers
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And the two kids in question,Liam and Lau :D
(Small fun fact abt them: even if Liam looks more like his dad he acts a lot like his mom,and Lau looks more like her mom but acts like her dad and even more like Jill-)
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6okuto · 2 months
askie revival for you petunia YIPEEE !! ^_^
— if you could master any sport perfectly, what sport would it be and why ?
— if you were a demon in chainsaw man, what demon would you be ? does joke bear demon exsist in your au…
— follow up q, if you were to battle both aki & shoto, who do you think you’d have more of a chance winning against ?? do you have a special quirk/power that would give you the upper hand ?
ask revival 2024 !! 🍓
gonna be honest i immediately got distracted yesterday and didn't do my ask revivals. i'll be around after i eat my lunch [pointing emoji]
HM. maybe gymnastics or dance... not sure how you'd define being perfect though,, maybe just Really good. i'll go with dance! Don't want to compete, and dance is more likely to come up day-to-day + i already do it as a hobby so LOL
just so everypony knows if there was a joke bear devil similar to bucky the chicken devil i think we could be close companions. Hm. ....? Love 🩷 no one can match my freak 🩷 /silly but i think that'd be cool to see !!! or something simple like. storms. i'm a big storm fan
i've never thought of a power/contract for the csm universe... aki could beat my ass with a few punches... shoto i may be less fucked but i also don't have a quirk in mind. bigger fan of support/escape-y/illusion quirks than offensive... oh a version of yuuta's ct would be sick. anyway. i could Maybe beat shoto if i was locked in. sorry shoto....
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kittycqts · 2 years
how about some cute Steve and Dally giving each other nicknames hcs (wouldn’t be surprised if Steve called dally unibrow tbh Lmao)
and how about some dally with glasses hcs 😼
I could totally do that. But Vic,,,, where did unibrow come from,, LMAO.
BUT THE SECOND ONE. I FORGOT GLASSES EXSIST (even if I have to wear reading glasses 🧍🏽‍♀️...)
Stally nickname hcs thing:
Steve cant name anything, not even to save his life. So when it comes to giving Dally a nickname... he struggled. Bad.
But Dally, he's a natural smooth talker 😼 he is also good with names.
Steve basically just calls Dally whatever he has on or looks like.
For example, (I told myself Dally's blonde, like the book and it's not leaving my said) he calls Dally Blondie. Bc he has blonde hair.
If he had *cough cough* GLASSES, he'll call him 4 eyes. True love <3
Dally just gives him the generic nicknames like uh,,, baby or smth 🤨
Okay, he's not very creative. But he tries. He rlly does.
Steve has definitely called him these nicknames in front of everyone bc you wouldn't even think anything romantic about it. They'd just think he's a jerk. And he is, he's a cute jerk <33
Dally doesn't rlly call Steve nicknames infront of ppl. Unless he uses it in a joke or smth.
But in private 🙂 yeah he does 24/7.
Whenever Dally hears Steve call him a nickname, he always laughs. Even if some of them aren't funny.
Like Steve would prob call him 'forehead' or smth like that and he would start giggling.
Steve usually doesn't pay attention whenever Dally uses a nickname, bc he uses them all the time. But when he hears a new one he thinks about it ALL DAY AND NIGHT. He doesn't even sleep bc he's thinking about it.
But trust me, he loves them. He rlly does.
Dally with glasses hcs 😺:
The first time he heard he had to wear glasses he literally, and I mean literally, cried.
He doesn't want to wear glasses at all, so he usually doesn't. But he always has them in his pocket. Just in case he RLLY needs them.
They are the normal generic black glasses. He actually had to pay for them.
He wears them whenever he needs to read stuff or look at something rlly close up he puts on his glasses.
Steve thinks he looks funny with glasses, but handsome nonetheless ✋🏾
His glasses are literally scratched up on the lenses bc he always fights and he always has his glasses in his pocket.
But they aren't smuged. He makes sure of that.
One of his eyes if worst than the other, so his glasses are a little lopsided on the lenses. It's his right eye. (Twins 😺✋🏾)
Everyone (the gang) makes fun of him when he has to wear his glasses, and honestly he does nothing about it. He just takes it.
But if it was someone else, he would've literally killed them.
Honestly Dally was glasses is so silly. I'm gonna draw it prob. I can't help it.
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dew-itowo · 4 years
Baby Anakin part 1
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(So sorry this took so long.)
Fives and Echo were usually the source of Rex's headaches. Pranking people, getting others in trouble. You get it. They're maniacs.
So yes Rex was having a God damn stroke over this. His General is litterally a kriffing baby for Jango's sake!
On minute he's sassing the queen of hoodoo the next he's a little baby naked as day in his pile of robes. Honestly he deserved it. Karma was after all a bitch. But it didnt hinder any kind of hilarity to the Arcs.
Reaching down to the little General Echo giggled. "Aw, now look what you got into Jetti. Rex told you it was bad idea." Anakin's eyes watered and his lip quivered. As if Echo were his mother he held the back of his fuzzy head and pulling him close to his chest. "Oh hush now. I'm here. You're okay Jett'ika." Fives looked almost as shocked as Kix. Wide eyes like he hadn't expected a joke to go so far.
"Dont you comfort him" Talzan hisses, reaching to grab Echo's arm. Receiving a deep set, viscous glare from the Arc trooper.
"Watch your tone Witch, or I'll give you something to complain about when I knock your pretty teeth in."
If it weren't for Fives and Kix's shock with how protective Echo just got, Rex would've been in a corner rocking himself to insanity. "Turn him back now." Someone said over the low growl coming off of Echo. Everyone's eyes, including the tiny Generals, finding Rex. He hadn't even recognized his own voice. "Turn him back, or so help me Jango you'll never know pain like I'd give you Talzan." It was a thought at best.
"Bad little boys who threaten get punished Captain." Even Dogma cringed somewhere in the crowd of troopers aiming their rifles for the hag.
The tiny Generals hand flat against Echo's chest plate as he watched Rex. With tired, big, impossibly blue eyes. Rex found it hard not to love the adorable tiny Jedi. Though Kenobi would be on his death bed the moment he saw him like this.
"Turn. Him. Back." Fives growled having enough of this. Though so hypocritical.
"I can't." She yelled, setting Anakin to cling onto Echo and the peice of his robe hed been wrapped up in. Troopers instinctively moving closer to Echo and Anakin. Protecting the Ad.
Fives looked quite unamused. "Why?"
Talzan glare at the floor. "Because the moment He's like this the spell cannot be reversed." Rage boiled deep in Rex's core. Setting his nerves on fire.
"How long does the spell last." Echo whispered angrily. Trying to comfort Anakin.
"A week to a month depending on how it affects the person." A sigh on relief left Kix. As the acting mother of the 501st, or at least how he acts, Kix couldn't deal with the reality of raising up a once full grown himbo. It was just too much. And even Echo wasn't fit to take care of a baby let alone a force sensitive baby. Kenobi on the other hand knee kids, but has never cated for a baby. Maybe hed be more fit?
It was all so confusing when Rex found himself in his quarters with the tiny General in his lap, asleep like nothing had happened. He looked so peaceful like this. Holding onto Rex's index finger with his tiny hands.
Maybe once or twice he'd held a baby during campaigns. When mothers often came to thank them. Bringing their children along to see the soldiers. One time being quite memorable when a little blond human girl and her mother asked if any of the men were hungery. Of course Rex tried to decline by saying they had rebuilding to do. But the woman and her adorable daughter insisted heavy. So Rex and the others joined them for dinner. All sitting and eating, laughing, talking, telling stories to the young, listening to stories for the old, drinking, singing, dancing, living. Anakin looked so happy to see Rex and the others just let loose and have fun. To forget about the war, the death and the greif. To just live a little. Maybe that was why Anakin always pushed them to have fun on leave. Pulling Tex out of his office and dragging him to 79s where hed inevitably forget why he was there in the first place and go back laughing like it was normal. Drunk as a wine aunt at a family reunion. Holding onto Anakin and giggling the whole way there while the Jedi just laughed and talked with him more. Staying with him till he fell asleep, then moved Rex to his bed.
Anakin made a happy noise if Rex's arm as he slept. The Clone enjoying the peace the rarely came when around this jedi. Thanking Jango above for the one moment of breath before Kenobi lost his shit tomorrow over this.
"Gods Rex wont you let go of the General?" Jesse teased faux annoyed with his Captain. Pressing sass into his tone.
Rex chuckled looking down at Anakin on his hip. "No I dont think I will. And plus he enjoys being held." He sighs smiling softly. Kixs voice wasn't one to be ignored usually but his bantha shit was still bantha shit.
"I bet he thinks hes the Jett'ika's buir now." He laughs earning a glare from both Anakin and Rex.
"Can it Kix, you're one to talk." Someone oo'd. Perhaps Fives who watched with Echo from where they shoveled Food into their faces. The table going quiet as the Medic sputtered and finnaly gave up.
"Oh shut your shebs." He groaned letting Rex have the last word. Laughing at Kix's frustration while waiting for the boys to finish eating. Anakin watching the same. Eyeing Echos untouched ration bar carefully.
"I think Tinykin is hungery." Fives chuckled, nearly choking ofn his food. Anakin made a sound of anger at the nickname.
"Fives, dont call him that. You know he cant defend himself from your teasing." Echo scoffed.
"Suddenly you're a mother now."
The men laughed.
"Ha ha funny Echo. Like you didnt baby him on Dayhomir like a god damned wet nurse." Echo paused. Holding back a smile at the funny insult.
"What's a wet nurse?" Fives asked looking genuinely confused. Rex could see the internal conflict in Kix's eyes on whether he sound explain it to a dumbass or let Fives be an confussed dumbass. Either way both option were tempting.
"Kix can tell you later. Tight now I need you all to act like nothing wrong when Kenobi gets here and leave the sheb beating to me." They nodded. There was not a fate worse than death. If... You have met Kenobi. His lectures where fatal. Boring you so bad you die inside and then out like a disease. Eating your guilt up like apple sauce and topping it of with a punishment that had you bored out of your own sanity. It's why the 212th was always so well behaved. Because Kenobi was not merciful when it came to punishments.
"Good luck Rex." Jesse breathed almost looking concerned for his captain.
"Luck doesnt exsist Jesse boy." He whispered walking away toward the landing docks where Kenobi would be waiting now. Having stalled already for too long.
Gods have mercy...
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Maribat Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
Ok so another one. In this au there Marinette is not ladybug or Chat Noir she's just a regular civilian. If you wondering who have the miraculous right now it's a adult, because Marinette deserves to be a child also this takes place around the time Marinette is 16
Also warning lots of curse words used
This idea came from the Maribat Discord thanks to everyone there
Ever since Lila came to school Marinette has been more and more excluded from class events
Originally it was very rare, like we went to the movies and were going to invite you but then we remembered that you were helping your parents in the backery
We were going to invite you but then remembered you were babysitting
Weren't you working on a design for that contest
Then they stop making excuses and just posted pictures to their social medias
She tried to organize events but for some reason Lila always had something planned then and of course the class can't leave HER out of anything
It got to the point where the class only talked to her if they needed something
Oh Marinette I have a big race coming up can you make me a banner
Oh Marinette can you make some bake goods for me
Hey Marinette can you plan this school dance all by yourself with absolutely no help from us while if you ask for help we'll make you feel guilty about it
Hey Marinette can you babysit the Twins and Chris, when we're suppose to do it, for no pay, while we go out on a date.
It really sadden Marinette that her so called friends who for most she knew all her life only saw her as at most an employee
But there were some bright sides
Her grades where going even higher and now she's one of the top students at school
Marinette was able to put more time into training in self defense something you need with all the Akumas in Paris
And Sabine even taught her everything she knew about martial arts
She was able to study Mandrine (for her mom's family) and English (for Jagged and Penny) and had become almost fluent in both
Marinette had a lot more time to work on her designs
Jagged Stone started to hire her to make and design more and more items
Her business has even spread to Clara Nightingale
Which will really help her in her career later in life
But Jagged seemed to think that later in life was now
One day he asked to have a meeting with Marinette and her parents
Marinette just thought it was to commission another design, but like always Jagged had a way of surprising her
Jagged: Well you see I'm leaving Paris soon to head back to my home town of Gotham, and I was wondering if I could take Marinette with me
Tom, Sabine, and Marinette: WHAT?!?!
Penny: Let me explain, you see Marinette's designs are some of the most popular Jagged ever had, people love her work, and we want to make her Jagged's full time designer. It would be a great opportunity for Marinette's future and would put her on the fast lane to a great career
Sabine: But what about school.
Jagged: Don't worry Sabine, Penny's thought of everything
Penny: It's all taken care of. Gotham Academy one of the top schools in the world is ready to take her the moment she says yes, she would be staying in an apartment right next to Jagged, with all expenses paid for while still getting paid for her work, and of course she can come back and visit whenever she wants.
Tom: It sounds like a great offer, but can we discuss this in private for a moment
Jagged and Penny nodded their heads and left the room
Marinette: Mama, Papa, I really want to take this offer
Sabine: Are you sure honey? This is a big step.
Tom: Not to mention you would be all alone in a big city. What about your friends?
Marinette: I will miss my friends (or at least the old them) but when will I get an opportunity like this and I wouldn't be alone I'd have Jagged and Penny
With some more discussions the choice was made and Penny started making arrangement to move Marinette to Gotham City.
And before Marinette noticed she was settling in to her new life in Gotham city.
And already it was much better then her one in Paris
Her new school was great
She had a lot of great friends and even a boyfriend now Damian Wayne
They met on her first day, when she accidentally ran into him
It sounds crazy but it was like love at first sight
They didn't start dating right away, it would take a couple of months for Damian to ask her out, but Marinette couldn't be happier
So were his brothers who she met soon after becoming Damian's friend
Now whenever Marinette wasn't designing for Jagged or at school she was hanging out in Wayne Manor
Marinette already had a youtube channel but it really didn't have that much content. Until one day she decided to discuss a famous cold case with her boyfriend and get it on camera
The first case she told him was an Australian case called the man from Somertan Beach
It was a short video, with her talking about it with Damian, but halfway through the video Jason (who had been filming them) made one too many comments and Damian decided to just switch places with him
Marinette kept making videos with Jason as her cohost and Damian behind the cameraman
It was relatively popular but not to big until Marinette did a case about the supernatural
When she learned that Jason did not believe in it
They spent the whole video arguing over the ghost at the Cesil Hotel in LA
The videos blew up
Jason: I don't know old building are weird they make all sort if weird noises
Marinette: How does a house creaking sound like get out
Jason: Well nobody said weather this person is a credible witness or not
As the youtube channel got more popular Marinette and all the bat boys (all of them got dragged into helping with videos now) started to go to haunted locations during school breaks and when Marinette had breaks in designing for Jagged
The Winchester
Jason: Man this place is bigger than the manor
Marinette: well if you had to keep building to stop ghost from killing you, your house would be huge too
Jason: Wait is that why Wayne Manor is built so weirdly, Bruce is hiding from ghost
The Sally house
Marinette: Fuck this place omg we're all going to be killed by a demon
Jason: How can something that doesn't exist kill you
Jason: Hey demon come on kill me you mother fucker.
Damian (off camera): Jason stop freaking Marinette out.
Jason: Oh I'm sorry Marinette I was wrong. Demons do exsist, one is our camera man
At the bottom of the screen you can see Damian's middle finger
Marinette (to flashlight): Don't turn on don't turn on don't turn on
Flashlight turns on
Joker's Hideout
Marinette: it said that this place is haunted by Joker's victims, or that it is possible that this place is infested by a demon who drove Joker mad and drove him to kill
Jason: Well that's convenient, you're a crazy murderous clown, it's all because of a demon.
Marinette: Keep it down Jason we don't know if the Joker is here right now or not
Damian: Wait the Joker might be here. Angel why did you want to come here then?
Marinette looking embarrassed: It was a good case.
Jason standing behind something making a grunting sound
Goatman Bridge
Jason: I'm dancing on your bridge Goatman it's my bridge now
Marinette: He is going to kill you
Jason: See this Goatman I disrespect your bridge. It's me and Marinette's bridge now
Marinette: Stop pulling me into you bullshit Jason!
Jason: If you're not apart of this then tell Goatman
Marinette: I'm not with him.
Jason: You're talking to Goatman now
Marinette: I see what you did there.
Jason: Hey we're here for the cult stuff
Jason to demons: Hey demons it me ya boy
The fans love the twos dynamic
They also love the random comments Damian would make from behind the camera every once and a while
Sometime between breaks in filming at a location Jason would get candid videos of Damian hugging Marinette
When they sleep overnight at places Damian would always sleep and cuddle with Marinette
The fans love it
And they ship it
One case as a joke is The Mystery of Marinette Dupen-Cheng
This one is Jason and Damian doing the video, while Marinette is away on a tour with Jagged Stone
Half of the video is actually stuff that Marinette does and can do that confuse them
They show a video of Marinette yeeting Jason out of the kitchen when he scared her once
Another video is of Marinette stealing Damian's sweatshirt while she passes him
Just one moment it's on Damian the next Marinette has it
A video of Marinette going head to head with Riddler
And her actually stumping him with one
The other half is just Damian gushing about his girlfriend
Damian: She is just the sweetest girl who deserves the world. I would gladly kill anybody who hurts her. She is just my Angel and I would do anything to make her happy.
It ends with Jason saying: Well that is the mystery of Damian's future wife, weather she's actually human remains unsolved.
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hxrryspotter · 7 years
Reverse rascism exists in Norway was a joke I'm sjsccss reverse rascism doesn't exsist but Julie+ this series + their reactions sure are making it feel like it does and we're all on an equal playing field when it comes to discrimination. Woke queen Julie!
bless aldjffjcjc i hate this. im so disappointed lmao. and where are all the meanies tellin me to shut up i miss them.
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