mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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Nathan Jett Hall ☁ → Moodboard 1/?
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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oh for fuck’s sake, look at those eyelashes.
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 8 years
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#hugh damncy
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
[wipes a hand on his forehead, moving away from the line a bit] I-I’m... [exhales shakily, nodding his head]
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…U- uh… are you… ehm… okay…?
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
[stuffs his hands in his pockets, nibbling the inside of his lip as he nods, gaze still wandering around] Thanks, Christie, you’re an angel... [glances at her for a split second to give her the eye contact she was searching but soon gets lost again] It’s just- Sometimes the kids try to prank me I just hope they didn’t steal and burn it... [immediately sees only the worst scenarios in his mind]
I hope so! I’d hardly be doing a very good job if it wasn’t, eh? *eyes widen in alarm the second his face falls, and she very quickly tries offering her most reassuring of smiles after listening to him* Oh! Well, I’ll do all I can to help you find it, don’t you worry. I had another bundle of these- *lifts her hands a bit to point out the papers in them, and then nods a little back down the hall* a little while ago, some are still on my desk, your papers might be in amongst them? Otherwise, I know where the rest went to! *follows his gaze as best she can, and then gives him a gentle nudge* It’ll be back in your hands before you know it, Nathan.
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
Again, I remember sympathizing with you and what you’ve had to go through the first day we met. But I don’t think it’s a valid reason to be displeasant to people. If anything, it should motivate you to become a better person, but then again that’s just my opinion. Again, I’m terribly sorry for what you’ve lived, but I’m not most adults in your life. You don’t have to pin others’ errors on me. 
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[raises an eyebrow, genuinely surprised now] Pardon me? A lot of the time? First of all, it is never my goal to antagonize anyone. Second of all, we rarely - if ever - talk, besides your visits to my office. I can guarantee you speak only for yourself because although I am not adored and cherished, I am liked by everyone in this school. Everyone but you. Never has anyone told me they were afraid of me because quite honestly, Caesar, I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’d much rather be feared, but I have the reputation of a puppy dog. You can’t “want to respect me”: it’s an obligation. You do it, or we’re gonna have a problem. If I’m ever to like you, you are to not address me as your friend until I’m comfortable. I’m just not comfortable, Caesar, you’re crossing limits I set fir myself and I really, truly, don’t like it. I’d love nothing more than to get along with my students, but I don’t see it happening. That’s just not you, and I can live with that. I don’t have to like you, neither do you have to like me. 
I don’t think it’s occurred to you that you’re not the only one here who’s had a near-death experience. Also, if you really want to know, maybe we can go somewhere more private and I will enlighten you about the eighteen and a half years worth of abuse I had to face. Maybe if you knew more about what the adults in my life have subjected me to, you’ll understand why it’s difficult for me to blindly follow authority. “Listen and obey,” as you phrased it. 
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You know, I feel personally antagonized by you a lot of the time when all I do is try to joke around with you and be friendly. Don’t you want students to like you? Being an authoritarian stickler doesn’t really help your image as an individual. It makes people afraid of you. I know it definitely makes me afraid of you. But I’m not one to be oppressed by fear anymore. I want to like you, and I want to be able to respect you, but if that’s ever to happen, we would first need to sit down and talk like goddamn human beings. 
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
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@hehehiddles: hannibal is very unrealistic it expects me to believe that an entire class was able to focus when hugh dancy was their teacher
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
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Why? Why do you think?
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
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Will + keeping distance
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
[watches him intently, studying his features for a few seconds before gently taking his agenda from Eli’s hand, stuffing it back in his bag; purses his lips a bit, trying not to smile too widely before nodding] I begrudgingly accept your compliment... You shouldn’t follow it, either. Principal life isn’t for everybody: it barely is for me! [chuckles slightly]
Sir, it’s Eli. *takes that one with a cheerful, relieved ‘thanks’, swinging his backpack 'round from his shoulder to unzip it and rummage inside for a sec, pulling Nathan’s from between some pages of one of his books, where he’d put it to keep it crinkle free, and holds it out to him* Nah, definite lifesaver. No offence or anything, but I don’t think I wanna be trying to follow what you’re meant to be doing, *grins* I’m not about that principal life.
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mr-nathan-hall · 9 years
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Will Graham is not here for this at all
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