#(I cried like 3 times during this and episode 1 of this season because of them)
localfanbaselurker · 2 months
I watched s5e2 and was shocked to find out how bad you guys (I suppose I am now part of you guys) were robbed of black paladin lance
Look at him leadering all over the place
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theerurishipper · 9 months
Hi~ Hope you have a lovely day. I want to get your opinions on my rant lol and ask.
Marinette is such a disappointment of a lead female character in a western magical girl cartoon. She isn't a good leader and all her team consist of yes men and women and sidekick Chat Noir where her real partner Alya is standing over to the side. I liked her in the first two season and maybe some in s3 but the s4 and onward just got to me ngl. It's her world and we're all just living in it. Miraculous is so weird when it comes to team dynamics because I get she's guardian but I really wished it were someone else and not her because she chooses people she already get along great with. It fun for team dynamics to add be different and broader.
The whole she's just 14 the fandom spouts only goes so far how many messes do you do until you realise you need to own up to them even at that age when you should know better on your conduct ?
I get it hard to communicate but onwards I always thought the bigger of the two in the conflict was her because of her secrecy and her controlling tendencies. I disliked it so much in the ephemeral episode and her betraying her partner disgusted me. Sorry to those who like or defend her character this much but I can't stan or like a character that does this much crap to a friend let alone a love interest and then gloss over or minimize it and not be called out for it. Like, are people standards that low they think she's a good leader or a good proper representation on feminism when this show reeks of misogyny and misandry. She's the ultimatum voice for Astruc.
A communication issue with her Chat was fine a long time ago but now in s5 she crossed it hell nah how do people still support a ship with her knowing she followed Hawkmoth command for Adrien. I literally can't anymore with this show. Every guy she likes gotta be so 100 percent in effort and like in the Shadybug special him always comforting her makes me so jaded whenever she cries what about a change in dynamics had we ever seen her comfort him in turn how are people invested in this ship? Like that time in the bench and she just thought of ways to woo or give presents instead of just comforting him is so sad to watch.
She really followed in Master Fu steps. The bar is in hell and she crossed it in the finale. There is no excuse no handwaving it away and i know in my heart they gonna minimize it for Adrien own good. Everything is for his own good huh? What good is it rooting for a ship that just reeks of pity points. Like, she was never my favorite but who knew 8 years ago she'd pull a stunt like this and people bending over and doing mental gymnastics to rationalise this insanity. She really is a good foil to Gabriel ironically to bad she has no sway in this family drama we call the Agreste.
I know she has good intentions and it's not wrong for her to wish to save her prince but like thats all that is intention. Her actions are also important and the effects she's done is so bad that if she weren't the Main character and we haven't spent the chunk of the majority in her pov alone she'd be disliked.
I feel like compared to other respective series Winx Club s1-3 Bloom, Danny Phantom, Ben 10, Totally Spies they have it much more harder and so many more all show the consequences of your actions and how you do them right and they're her age. I feel like whenever someone bring up consequences it's like people in this particular fandom think we do it to punish Marinette but no I just never ever saw it properly done in this show because she's very coddled in the narrative. I don't see other MC as coddled as her before in a show where when they MESS UP it's actually integral and important.
Rant over.
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You encapsulated all my thoughts perfectly, anon. I've said so many times before that I loved Marinette from Season 1-3 and even during Season 4 as it aired. What made me fall out of love with her character post Season 4 was the utter lack of acknowledgement of her actions and the insistence in portraying her as in the right at all times. Like you said, it's not just your intentions that matter. Your actions and the effects that they have on the people around you also matter. The writers don't seem to understand this, and it hits Marinette's character worst of all. She had so much potential to be such a great character, which is why I feel so sad seeing just how badly the writing failed her. Marinette deserved better.
Thank you for your ask!
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lemotmo · 4 months
Episode 7x10 - some thoughts and observations
All right, I’ve just seen episode 7x10. Here are some of my thoughts about it:
Let me just start with this:
It was an okay episode, but it didn’t feel like a finale at all. I have to admit that I expected to be blown away by the Bobby, Hen and Eddie storylines. I expected to be emotionally devastated by their plight, but that never happened. The episode is over now and I’m just ‘meh’ about it. I’m going to say it… it felt just as lackluster as the season 6 finale. In fact, there were some parts of the season 6 finale I liked better than this one. And that is saying a lot.
Here are some of my observations:
1. Bobby’s storyline was strange. He had a major cardiac arrest and 3 days later he just wakes up as if nothing had happened. Even weirder, a day later he is just walking around his burnt out house as if nothing had happened? He seemed healthier than before. I know it’s only a show, but they couldn’t have just shown us him recovering in hospital?
2. What was Athena doing playing vigilante? How is it that she is still on the police force? She just went over to a man’s house and threatened to kill him because she ‘suspected’ he tried to kill her husband. She should be under investigation or something. But because she saved Amir, it’s all okay suddenly?
3. I loved Eddie’s storyline the most. I actually didn’t mind his parents at all. I’m glad they stepped in. Both Eddie and Chris need time. I expected something like that was going to happen. They were kind about it and I do believe them when they said that Chris asked to come stay with them for a while.
The scenes between Buck and Eddie in the beginning and the scenes between Buck and Chris, Eddie and Chris at the end were the very best of the episode. These scenes made me feel ‘something real’. I cried so hard when Chris left. Give Ryan all the awards please!
The Buddie of it all was beautiful. I love how Buck is always there for Eddie and how he gets him through and through. The fact that he was there when Chris left was incredible. I expect to see more of their deep connection in season 8.
I think season 8 will be perfect for Buddie’s bond to grow even deeper. Eddie will be alone, he’ll feel isolated, but Buck will certainly be there for him. It was all there in that last scene between Buck and Eddie at the firehouse. The way Buck is always looking at Eddie, trying to see how he is feeling, trying to be there for him. I love this connection they have. It feels real and true.
4. Which leads me to that very strange Buck and Tommy scene. The lack of chemistry is still there, that really hasn't changed. This was supposed to be a cute date, but there is 'nothing' there. Lou’s acting is just not ‘it’. I’m sorry to the people who like him, but he simply isn’t a very good actor. Oliver did what he could to save that scene, but ultimately it didn't convince me and I highly doubt this will convince the general audience.
It's one of those scenes that just gets lost in between all the other scenes, because it doesn't have substance and it was edited in at the wrong moment during the episode. It's easily forgotten. It doesn't do anything to actively make me care or even 'want' to care about this relationship. I think some part of this is intentional though. They want to make us feel uneasy about this relationship, without making it too obvious why.
We saw Buck looking at Tommy and I could see how he still has that crush on him. He still can see nothing wrong with Tommy. It's the early phase of a relationship where everything the other person does is so great, until you get to know them ever better. I do expect his view on Tommy to change in season 8.
They talked about Bobby as Buck’s father figure and Tommy’s absent father, which was okay I guess. When Tommy mentioned Gerrard and how he influenced him in a bad way, I saw it coming from a mile away that Gerrard was going to be back at the end of the episode. That line was there to foreshadow that event. Also, they were trying to make Tommy a bit more sympathetic maybe? I don’t know, it kinda fell flat for me.
But then… what the hell was that last line? Were they really hinting at some kind of daddy kink? I mean, what? At this point the show is playing into the weird almost sexual obsession some people have with Tommy/Lou and Tommy and Buck’s relationship. They have kissed twice and don’t even hold hands, but Tommy talks about daddy kinks?
Thank God it is still obvious that this relationship isn’t going to last and that Tommy is very much ‘plot devicing’. I couldn't handle any more wooden interactions like this. Tommy is the older gay man who is going to teach Buck a thing or two, just like Oliver said in his interviews.
The show didn’t try to deepen the relationship emotionally, they just made it seem like a very sexual relationship. I’m starting to wonder if it will turn out that Buck’s heart will be broken by Tommy, because all Tommy’s really looking for is a sexual relationship. At this point he doesn’t seem to be interested in Buck on a more personal level. While Buck was lovingly gazing at him, he just sat there, not giving us anything. I don't know... Buck just seems more into it, that's all.
5. The Mara storyline was, again, so strange. Hen just walked into that group home? She keeps on breaking the rules. If she keeps on breaking the rules, she’ll never get Mara back. I don’t understand her reasoning.
And then Chim and Madney ending up fostering Mara? I mean, what? Becoming foster parents is a very lengthy process. You have to follow classes for this. They don’t just give kids willy-nilly to someone who asks for it. That would be so unprofessional and wrong. How on Earth was this allowed???
Don’t get me wrong, it’s sweet that they want to do this, but it not realistic at all. But, after all the previous points I made, I should probably give up on realism for this show. What a mess.
6. The ending scene was just another mindfuck! Bobby resigned, had his house burnt down, died and miraculously woke up again without any debilitating health conditions in two weeks??? And he just walked into the firehouse, in uniform, expecting to be acting captain again WITHOUT speaking to the Chief and telling him he had reconsidered? Did he think he could just walk in and be captain again without any repercussions?
In conclusion:
I’m sorry, but this episode was a mess, not really worthy of a season finale. Season 7 started out really good, but gradually started slipping in quality. The penultimate episode 7X09 was waaay better than 7x10.
Thank God for Eddie Diaz and his narrative. Without him I wouldn’t have anything to look forward to this hiatus. Eddie has really set himself up there as my favourite character. He already was, but this episode only confirms it even more. Next comes Buck. Oliver comes alive when he is acting with Ryan. Their chemistry is electrifying. So yes, I will live off and feed off those great Buddie scenes we got during hiatus and hope that Tim will pick up some of the slack in season 8. He will have more episodes to work with in 8, so he will have more time to unpack some storylines.
At this point Eddie, Chris and Buck are the only storyline I look forward to seeing more off in season 8. I’m wondering about the Buddie timeline and how they’re going to handle that. Because I’m still convinced we’re going there. Season 7 was too much on the nose with all the Eddie coming in between BT scenes. Something is cooking and I’m highly interested in seeing how it will all unfold.
I’m glad the hiatus is here though. I needed a break from the highs and lows this fandom brings along. It has been an exhausting couple of months.
All right guys, lay it on me! This is only my opinion. If you loved the episode, great! Make sure to let me know what it was you liked. If you share my opinion, then how? Are there any observations I missed?
I still love this show and I always will, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I'm looking forward to a hiatus filled with speculation, theorising and great fan fiction.
911 has some amazing episodes that really ‘deliver’, but this was just not one of them. We’ve been here before. It’s nothing new. Onwards to a better season 8!!!
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Round 2, Match 59: Fukuzawa Yukichi vs. Optimus Prime
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Submitted kids:
Fukuzawa Yukichi: The entire detective agency (in order of acquisition— Ranpo, Yosano, Kunikida, Dazai, the Tanizaki siblings, Kenji, Atsushi, Kyoka)
Optimus Prime: Bumblebee, then depending on continuity, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Arcee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, the Aerialbots, Sari Sumdac, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, Raf Esquivel, and possibly others
Propaganda under the cut!
Fukuzawa Yukichi:
1. “At about 32 he used to be an bodyguard for hire who only works alone then he met this 14 year old (Ranpo) who had no parents and was kicked out of the police academy. He ended up feeding him (I think Ranpo was homeless at this point not 100% sure tho. He is also a genius estimated iq as high as 200) and said he would help him free of charge (bodyguard) if he called. He ended up getting called and investigated something with him. Ranpo saw the world very plainly and cried to Fukuzawa about how scary it is. Fukuzawa helped Ranpo realize that not everyone is pretending not to know things they literally don't know what he does (big issue with Ranpo partly what he was crying about too i think. They have an entire episode (i think it's the first one in the 4th season) devoted to their backstory together which is black, white, and gray when it's from Ranpo's perspective until Fukuzawa helps him realize this and it turns colored. Fukuzawa ends up deciding he wants to create a detective agency (working with others!) with Ranpo not yet tho we still have one more kid first. Later when Fukuzawa's doing a bodyguard job he along with Ranpo end up rescuing a girl (Yosano!) from the man he was guarding (future mafia boss currently a doctor). Yosano ends up becoming a doctor for the detective agency when it's created. After it's created he ends up taking in another 14 year old (Kenji).
He also loves cats and has shoujo anime-esque cherry blossom flashbacks with his old childhood friend who asked him if he wanted to go to fight in war with him, Fukuzawa denied his request. They also have a like 15 min soft-lighting conversation while watching their memories of their childhood together in the latest ep.”
2. “This man literally created a whole detective agency for this one really smart boy (Ranpo) and taught him that he wasn't the one in the wrong but everyone else when he couldn't understand people. Then, he saves Yosano from the trauma this other guy was inflicting on her and brings her to the Agency. The Agency basically becomes the place where all his kids are. His special ability lets those in the Agency control their abilities so Atsushi and Kyouka don't have to be afraid of their out of control abilities anymore. He cares so much for all of them and during the Cannibalism arc when his life is literally on the line, they do everything in their power to save him.”
3. “My guy just CANNOT stop adopting kids. He went from lone wolf assassin to Dad of Many. His first (adopted) child, Ranpo, basically forced him to adopt him (he was like “I’m a teenager with no family or home. You GOTTA adopt me. Because I say so.”) From there he kept accidentally adopting every orphan he came across. Honestly the detective agency is more like a glorified orphanage except they let their kids carry guns.”
4. “A former Goverment assassin who stopped once he realized he was starting to enjoy killing people, Fukuzawa is looking for a job when he bumps into Ranpo, a genius capable of figuring out any mystery, who can’t understand how the world works. Taking Ranpo under his wing Fukuzawa tries a white lie that Ranpo has a special ability and manages to let Ranpo interact with the world without fear for the first time in years since he can know understand the problem wasn’t everyone acting like they couldn’t figure out things but that no one was as smart as him. They found the Armed Detective Agency specifically to use Ranpo’s abilities to help people and to have jobs.
He then saves Yosano from Mori, his ex something who after using her special ability to heal any injury as long as the person is about to die during the War, wanted to use it take control of their local mafia. Instead Fukuzawa and Ranpo rescue her and let her recover from her trauma and come into herself.
He then goes on to provide a place for Kunikida to fulfill his ideals, Dazai a place to do good after his own past in the mafia, Kenji a place to help people, Tanizaki and Naomi (siblings that don’t seem to have any guardians) work to support them, and Atsushi a place to work on his own trauma by protecting people. Fukuzawa later let’s Kyouka, another defection from the mafia, stay and work at the agency so she can help people and not have to kill them anymore. The entire Armed Detective Agency live in dorms that Fukuzawa provided. He also is very protective, putting everything on the line to help members of the Agency escape any danger he knows of. Like when Atsushi is kidnapped he bribes Ranpo to find him and sends Kunikida to rescue him. He sees any danger to the agency and its members as something for him to stop.”
Optimus Prime:
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mbrowne-writ-344 · 3 months
The Promised Neverland (and why season 2 is dead to me)
Hello again my wonderful readers! I hope my introduction got you interested in the goodness i want to bestow upon you.
Today, the manga and anime I shall introduce you to is:
The Promised Neverland
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BOY! do I have some words.
When I first found out about this anime, I was in my sophomore year of high school and was still wet behind the ears when it came to buying or reading manga. It only had trailers that showed a bunch of kids having fun in an orphanage so I thought "sweet! a new slice of life anime for me to watch on my free time"... I was dead wrong.
Episode 1 comes out, and I decided to watch it while I was eating dinner. I dropped my fork at some point while watching, and in the time it took me to pick it up, it was like a switch had flipped. I came back up to look at my phone and thought I had accidently switched to a different show! (I will not spoil what I saw, but for those who know, you know what I'm talking about) One other thing I forgot to point out is that while I did see a trailer for this anime, what I DIDN'T do was read the genre tags, which would have told me that was I was watching was NOT a slice of life, but a PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER.
I mean just look at this! Does this look like something that would be a thriller?!?
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Lord have mercy, I was clutching my pearls for the rest of the episode. Once it was over, I knew that i was determined to stick it through to the end, however I was too excited to wait. Thus I found The Promised Neverland's manga online and had 131 chapters ready for my eager eyes. This was the start of my manga reading obsession. Now just because I read the manga, doesn't mean it took away from watching it be animated. My blood still ran cold, and I still cried at moments that i saw beautifully adapted.
Now then, after telling you about my mesmerizing experience without spoilers, surely you'll want to check it out right? But before i send you on your way, I must let you know of one fatal flaw.
If you choose to read AND watch The promised neverland, DO NOT go into it's season 2 thinking that they adapted it to the manga. (Because they went the anime only route and broke my damn heart!😭) They decided to completely cut out one of the most important character development heavy arcs, thus cutting out an entire cast of characters that were very near and dear to my heart. (R.I.P -Goldy Pond)
So small TLDR just in case things seem all over the place:
The promised neverland is a psychological thriller/ mystery anime about a bunch of children living happily in an orphanage until they weren't. Season 2 never happened (Just like there never being a war in Ba sing sei) and I am a proud owner of all 20 volumes that were published paperback.(With the REAL ending)
I implore you to give The Promised Neverland episode 1 a watch, though maybe not during dinner where your fork might drop, don't wanna miss anything!
A question before you go! What do you think makes the show a psychological thriller?
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Here's a final picture of season 1's spotlight characters. My favorites are Ray and Phil(Middle right & Bottom right. Such cutie patooties)
Thank you for reading! <3
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slonekaru · 2 years
I’m back with another question!! What were your top 5 moments in a BL.
It could be the moment you went from “I kinda like this show to I love this show so much” or like moments that made you swoon.
Wow this one is actually so much harder than favourite BL's of this year! (I also had to remind myself that it wasn't just sex scenes - bad brain)
Love in the Air - Riding (Episode 6)
So we are starting with a sex scene but lets face it that scene left me gobsmacked! Payu may have still been the Dom and in charge but he let Rain reward him for winning his race and take control.
The tongue lick, Rains dirty talk, Payu looking absolutely wrecked.
If I could get pregnant via watching TV, that moment Payu called Rain Naughty Boy, IN THAT VOICE, would have been it.
Then when Rain said he was riding, I was like, he's not, he's not, he is! OMG he did!!!
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Cutie Pie - Marriage Talk (Episode 7)
The scene where they are in Lian's club and talking about marriage. I really liked the discussion in general. It's a popular discussion point in BL's now but I liked this one because it had one friend that took the role of 'why is it important you can still be together'. I thought it was important because friends sometimes say things like that without malicious intent they just don't think.
The other reason I love it was it was my intro to BounPrem. I heard people go on about them but had never watched a show with them in. As soon as I saw them I fell in love with their pairing. It was a revelation and I fell down the BounPrem rabbit hole.
I believe my thoughts were along the lines that Boun looked like a vampire (hilarious since I later found he wants to play one) and that Prem looked like he would be really good in bed (again - bad brain). I also like it because it has more PremBoun vibes rather than BounPrem.
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Between Us - Boyfriend Talk (Episode 5)
This has been stuck in my head the last couple of weeks.
The fact Win leaves his bedroom door open for Team and that Team is comfortable enough to let himself in speaks to how their relationship is progressing.
But the part that got me was when Team asked Win not to see anyone else at that time. When Win doesn't reply, Team looks so heartbroken.
It must have taken great courage to ask for exclusivity when they are on such unsure footing.
Then the fact they both clearly want to date each other but aren't ready yet.
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We Best Love: No 1 for You - Confess and Walk Away (Episode 5)
I love the We best Love series so much. I'm sad Season 3 has never materialised.
Shi De confesses to Shu Yi while he thinks he is asleep and later (after some intervention from a third party) Shu Yi confronts Shi De.
It's beautiful, they are just two guys talking and then Shu Yi says he never wants to fall in love with a man. The camera is focused on Sam Lin's face who is playing Shi De and I feel it every time. The way Sam Lin is trying to hold back the tears but still helping Shu Yu. It's so real. So, so very real. And then he tells Shu Yi to be happy and find a nice girl. So heartbreaking.
I will watch this scene over and over.
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Kinnporsche - Apologise (Episode 13)
Lets face it, there were so many moments between Vegas and Pete.
Trying to choose one was so hard! Do I choose the post-credit scene, the sex scene, the talk about their fathers, Vegas being shot, Pete leaving the Main Family, Pete first seeing Vegas torture someone.
But ultimately I picked the scene behind the bar after Pete escapes the safe house.
Biblebuild were so amazing. Pete truly needed the apology from Vegas, he needed the breakdown. It was finally about Pete and not about Vegas like the earlier apology. Vegas is the only person Pete cried in front of during the series. And Vegas needed to truly understand how much he hurt Pete.
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atbussysparks · 1 year
He throws his voice. He once made pyro think the coffee maker could talk
He's circus level flexible and it's DISGUSTING. He once remarked that his organs probably looked weird in his body when he did this and sniper lifted his glasses in disgust
He once said "dis nematode in the midst of buffoonery 💀" out loud unwarranted
Can recite the entire script of king of the hill season 3 episode 7 "nine pretty darn angry men"
Had a pet roach named gooch bc he couldn't kill it. He lived for seven months and got to the size of a dollar bill.
Not a HC but scout is literally that one pic of brawny men fighting and chilling with this smaller phat tits green haired chick tearing up an ostrich leg, but if the woman was super buff.
Sometimes he becomes untethered and goes into fits of unbridled violence directed towards whatever moves for no reason at all. To fix this demo flips scout in a specific way and he gets rotated IDIOT
Ate an 1/3rd of a vintage Nancy drew book
If someone points at him he collapses like a ragdoll. The others found out about this after pointing at him while he was swimming and he nearly drowned
Got stuck in the walls and roamed the walls for three days whispering about being a rat, preying and stalking in the night
Counting to three never works on him unless it's spy
Scout is hazmat certified due to a situation with 16 wisdom teeth from 8 dumbasses, a propane truck, and a case of root beer.
Demo holds scout like a large dog when he gets his shots. He nearly ripped medic's ear off with his teeth and medic is never taking chances again.
Some nights he can be heard playing pistolero western music for hours. He yearns for the horses and pneumonia.
His favorite movies are those coming-of-age underdog sports docudramas. And blacula for some reason.
17 of his teeth are chipped so they look sharp
He stole the hope diamond to wear for his bar mitzvah before someone noticed the one in the museum was fake. the government stole it back two days later
He can beatbox very well but uses it to mainly beatbox castle crasher soundtrack during battle
He owns a big mouth billy bass modded to run doom and sing Delilah
Time for a sad one! Scout was violently sick with malaria once. The one time he was conscious he told heavy that he was so sick with the flu when he was 4 he nearly died, and lost all of his baby fat. "Kinda poetic yo, I dunno how. but it makes me sad when I think about it."
His worst fear is dying from starvation. The problem is, he gets hyper focused and forgets to eat, even if he loves eating. The others (mainly pyro) take turns to make sure he eats at least one meal every day
Scout has emetophobia, and sites this as the reason why he hates "that one shade of yellow." No one knows wtf the shade is.
He is banned from ever talking about, mentioning, or referencing Barbara Streisand in any manner in public
He cries when looking at the ocean because he's thinking of the rainbow fish
He made a 13-in-one hair wash and before ANYONE could use it miss pauling disposed of it where she dumps the dead bodies. Soldier, pyro, sniper, and medic held a funeral service for it with scout as the priest
His left eye is permanently triple lidded
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onebedtorulethemall · 5 months
Okay, as you know I just finished Bad Omens, and it was probably the funniest fic I've ever read. THANK YOU for writing this masterpiece.
I adore your sense of humour. Can I ask what inspires, feeds, or fuels it? Because if there is a movie, book, or show you can recommend with more of these vibes, I'm RUNNING to it. I need more of this humour in my life. pronto.
Wishing you well <3
Oh no. You've asked about my favorite topic, I fear. (For anyone else who wants a rambling response from me, feel free to drop the words "Bad Omens" in my ask box.)
Unfunnily, I came by my sense of humor the old-fashioned way—by being fairly ignored as a child. I had a whole comedic routine I'd launch into any time I thought an adult might be about to pay attention. This behavior generally results in either wildly famous adults or extremely annoying ones. I am lucky I have writing to channel it into because I lack basically all the skills to become any sort of performer.
Ok. Obviously, the humor in this fic was mainly inspired by Good Omens. I dissected the book before and during writing to try to get as close as possible to the feel of the original (limited, of course, by the fact that I'm not Neil or Terry). I looked at sentence structure, joke setup and payoff, how and when those narrative asides were used... I remember being amazed by how much of the humor relied on clever adverb usage. Mainly, though, it's the dramatic irony doing the heavy lifting. You swap a muggle for a witch (or the Antichrist for Baby B) and tell the reader you did it, and they're already doing half the work for you. They're ready to laugh. They're bought in. They're spinning up hilarious scenarios in their mind before I've even told the joke (I know this because my comments are full of them).
That's a very long way of saying: I love anything that says "we've set up this absurd scenario, now let's watch it unfold." (Although I don't like when it gets too stressful. That's why the Bad Omens narrator was there to hold your hand through it.)
What We Do in the Shadows is the absolute best for this. Plus classics like In Bruges and Hot Fuzz, both of which I've been casually trying to find a way to adapt into a Dramione for a year now. It's not really the same humor, but I have cried laughing at Veep.
Darker comedies: Fargo and my favorite, Barry. There's an episode in season 2 (ronny/lily) that veers straight off the cliff into surrealism. It's FANTASTIC, and I was absolutely thinking about it when writing the Bad Omens war date. I looooove that feeling of "what the actual fuck am I reading/watching right now?"
And on that note: The Locked Tomb series. Just, please go read it. Join the cult. It's kept me in a book hangover for about two years and I think the only way out is to pass it on to someone else, The Ring-style.
I'll cut myself off here. Thank you for the ask, and for reading and loving my silly little fic. I am first and foremost its #1 fan, and it's just fun to get to talk about it.
(stealth edit because omgggg I can't believe I forgot O Brother, Where Art Thou? Comedic PERFECTION. Couldn't be a Dramione. Snakes buddy comedy, maybe?)
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murdrdocs · 3 months
can we pls hear your season 3 thoughts 🫶
yes yes yes ofc. spoilers below!!
in general: i feel like s3 was as filler season that showed carmy's regression (in a way) as a chef and a person. if it weren't for luca and richie i probably would've tapped out after ep 6. i also think it was very beautiful and has a few episodes that i'll definitely be rewatching (ep1, ep5, ep6, ep8)
plot wise i thought this season felt a lot slower than the first two. i feel like this season was a bit of a filler season, and felt v much similar to limbo in a way. we had a major thing happen in the first season, a major thing happen in the second, and then this season was just kind of there. but i both like and dislike that. i think if any other show released s3 then it would really weaken the overall run but i dont think s3 of the bear was weak i just thought it was slow.
i think it was very artistically beautiful, especially ep 1. i really liked that episode ive never rlly seen an episode of a show like that before. i liked the more peaceful look into carmy's training (copenhagen carmy!!! and when he was w that one chef and he wore the hat :(( so sweet).
character wise specifically carmy, oh i was fuming. hes so childish once again, he's so stubborn, but i adored how the end was able to show carmy that he wasn't becoming a good person he was just becoming jeff (winger ... i never call the old chef by his real name i always call him jeff bc joel plays jeff in community. i think the chef's name is david).
im praying that sydney stays w the bear bc she could make a difference w adam and it would definitely be easier, but i dont think it would be as rewarding if she didn't do it w everyone at the bear.
no complaints abt the writing. i always believe the writers know what they're doing so i generally have no complaints.
i also cried a bit during ep10. im thinking abt getting an every second counts tattoo. i need to live a happy domestic like w luca in copenhagen or wherever he wants to go.
edit actually:
im back bc ... no what was that ??? like it was shot very nice yeah but there was no development on carmy at all. if there was development it's not gonna happen until after the fuck ass to be continued. im still stuck on carmy and claire because ... claire rlly fucked shit up. i get why claire was added but .. why like why was her character needed in s2?? there just wasn't much development on anyone like at all. marcus' mom died and we barely got marcus scenes. we should've spent more time w him. i liked the sug episode but it was kinda boring im ngl. sydney my beloved could never do anything wrong but atp w the way things r going i want her to go w adam like carmy is dragging everyone else down w him. talking abt perfection and nonnegotiables. anyway idk at the end of the day im just a viewer so ... nothing we can do but wait another year
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 8, Part 1 ("The Inns and Outs of Inns")
I'm skipping past the second half of the previous episode (I really couldn't think of anything interesting to say about it. It was that whole thing where Rory and Paris get initated into The Puffs, and the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show). You can read my previous reviews here.
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This lady held out her cup for a refill. Jess looks down at the mug and walks right past her. I found his terrible customer service inexplicably delightful. I'd say she was gonna stiff him out of a tip for that move, but no one in Stars Hollow tips anyway.
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Jess: It's 7:45 am, do you want me to go to school or openly defy child labor laws? Idk, I think you should have a word with the Walmart corporation first, the place hired a 17 year old to drive a forklift during school hours. Luke: Stay out of trouble. Jess: Guess that means calling off the chickie run down at the salt flats. What in the everliving hell does that even mean? What teenager talks like that in 2001, the Year of our Lord? Damn you, AmyShermanPalladino. *sighs deeply*. *Opens Google* "A chickie run is a high-speed drag race toward the edge of a steep bluff above the ocean using stolen cars." It's apparently a reference to the movie Rebel Without A Cause with James Dean. Well, I learned some pointless new information today. Thank you, Mr Mariano. You may not serve customers their coffee but you do serve up hot steaming cups of old timey references. Lorelai and Sookie: We're coming up with names for the new inn. Michel: How about the Money Pit? The Outhouse? The Inn Headed for Bankruptcy?
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Heh heh.
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I only recall seeing a police car in Stars Hollow two other times (when Kyle's party got busted up and the time Jess comes back in season 4 and gets pulled over? Am I forgetting anything?). Here's the big emergency that called the mythical, rarely seen Stars Hollow Police into town. Spoiler alert: It was some chalk.
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And now this pathetic town of bored people with nothing better to do are going to call an emergency meeting over some chalk. Taylor is fa-reaking the fuck out.
Taylor: I've got a dead body outside of my store! Sheriff: No, you have a chalk outline in front of your store.
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Sheriff: My partner's out doing a headcount to see if anyone is missing. Until then, just hang tight. Let me remind you how many people live in Stars Hollow. Sometimes it may seem like you only see the same 15 people over and over, but the mind can play dirty tricks on you.
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Yes Taylor, just hang tight for a few minutes while one police officer does a head count of nearly 10,000 people. A police officer going around counting people to see if anyone happens to be dead is one of my favorite bits of absurdity in the entire show. 30 seconds later:
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Golly that was fast!
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Heh heh heh. It is a pretty stupid prank. I think most of Jess' pranks are amateur at best. I believe in his potential. He could come up with something way better. The people of Stars Hollow deserved to be Punk'd for how they treat him. I give this one an A though, because it pissed everyone off so thoroughly, and that's all that matters.
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Gilmore Girls wardrobe department: LAYERS! MORE LAYERS, DAMN IT! Wardrobe Assistant: He's in a shirt under a shirt under a vest! I cannot layer anymore! *cries*
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Sooo purdy.
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Luke jamming a screwdriver into a toaster is highly erotic.
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It goes without saying that from here on out we are going to be pausing often to admire screen shots of Jess with absolutely no context. Tomatos Sign: Spotted
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Oh, we haven't gotten to the part where Jess murders Shane and dumps her body in the lake. We'll get to that in season 3. In my gritty Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow, there could be several justified homicides. For one example, it's canon that Luke never throws Taylor off a bridge, so my reboot would seek to correct this.
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HE'S JUST A LITTLE GUY LET HIM SULK AND LURK What the hell else is there to do in Stars Hollow anyway? The image of Jess of visiting an arts and crafts store is pretty hilarious.
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What the hell is AmyShermanPalladino's obsession with swans? "Swans scream one thing, Mom. Sigfried and Roy." Ah yes, another fine early 2000's tasteless "gay" insult. Luke & Lorelai are discussing the grave consequences of missing or even being late to a town meeting. To which I say, if Taylor threatens you, just tell him you're gonna squeal to the Feds about all of his shady financial crimes. That'll shut him right up.
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He's been in town for like what, a week and he's already a "situation". I think that's awesome. Your mere existence on this Earth is so powerful that you've thrown an entire community into disarray. Good for you, baby. Good for you.
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May I remind you again they are calling this community meeting because of some chalk. "When Mrs. Lanahan couldn't buy lettuce from my store, she drove straight to Woodbury instead." You know what, I just gotta bide my time and let the nutcase rant, because Walmart will eventually drive him out of business for good and in a double scoop of justice, I have faith that he'll also be taken down for his money laundering crimes.
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This committee of 85 year olds will seal Jess Mariano's fate. It looks like Hell's waiting room. Jess loves a good town meeting because it's the only time he gets to stay home and whack off in private. Luke tries to give Taylor $1 for a head of letuce (actually, first he asks "how much is a head of lettuce?" which is something he should know if he's running a diner, but I digress. "The CHARGES against your nephew are numerous!" Let's hear them, shall we? He stole the "Save the Bridge" money. But Taylor was going to launder that money, what will he do now? He stole a gnome from Babette's garden. He "hooted" one Miss Patty's dance classes. Please try to imagine Jess ever "hooting" a woman (uhh, she means catcalling...I guess? I could see him calling out some sarcastic quip/witty observation though. He took a garden hose. Why Jess? Why? How did they know he did it? What did he intend to do with it? Where did he keep it? With the 500 baseballs he stole from the school? He set off the fire alarms at school last week. This is a more serious prank that would have gotten him in big trouble if he was caught. And again, Lane and Dean go to this school. Hello? I know at this point Jess and Rory don't know each other well, but that's still major gossip, so why are Rory's boyfriend and best friend always keeping this stuff from her? I am Jess Mariano's defense lawyer and every last thing my client does to annoy the citizens of Stars Hollow is justified. Lorelai, sarcastically: I heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter** (**a movie starring Mariah Carey that came out in 2001 and is regarded as one of the worst movies of all time and was a box office bomb and possibly the biggest blight ever on MC’s career). You know, Lorelai is being sarcastic by saying she thinks Jess controls the weather but she hates him so much I wouldn't put it past her that she actually believes that. I mean, she already believes that the sun shines out of Dean Forrester's ass. Bootsy: I never like the look of that kid, I knew he was bad as soon as I saw him. AGAIN HE'S BEEN HERE FOR LIKE A WEEK. The subject of the meeting turns from Jess to piling onto Luke for no good reason, and my man Lucas is just about to burst a blood vessel defending himself and Jess from these nutjobs. I honestly couldn't love him more. He's so REAL. Please don't stroke out on us, we need you. Taylor: "There is a consensus among all the towns people that Stars Hollow was a much better place before Jess got here." Kindly go to hell, Taylor Doose.
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Dean spending two days on his hands and knees scraping Jess' prank from cement is a beautiful kind of justice. Edit: A commenter made me wonder how Jess made his artwork stick to the cement. Off to Google I went once again. Apparently you can use hairspray to set chalk art, but professional chalk artists use high grade varnishes to set their designs. Jess never half-asses anything. He puts his whole, cute little ass in. You also have to wonder how in a town full of unemployed busy bodies with nothing better to do than notice everything that goes on in town right down to when Rory Gilmore farts, not a single person heard or saw any of this happening. Lorelai fretting that the Independence will be sold to a corporate hotel chain is realistic and it would inevitably happen in my gritty Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow. The Independence Inn would become a Holiday Inn, Luke's would become a Starbucks, Doose's would become a Walmart, and Dean Forrester's house would be a parking lot after a meteor crashed through the roof.
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Someone should bash your head in with a safe.
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Never in the history of mankind has a single individual sown so much havoc with a single stick of chalk.
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Every time I look at that wool jacket lining I feel super itchy.
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The captions should really say "okuh", and not "okay." Because that was a stellar "okuh". Get it right. Just another injustice perpetuated against Jesstopher Mariano.
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Oh, she did. To be continued in Part 2 so I can add more screen shots.
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narciesuss · 1 year
Season Two
Episode Two: 222 Spiritual Downloads
WARNING! FULL DISCLOSURE! A message for your sensitive ass! Don’t take my advice or anything I say seriously. This is all for shits and giggles. Why you trippin?
STOP SCROLLING! If this post has found you it’s because we’re energetically intertwined! I am receiving a channeled message FOR YOU 🫵
Hold on! I’m hearing… I’m feeling… I hear that… That you are the baddest fucking boss baddie bitch!
Press play to start the vibes 😙
Oh, is there someone else or not?
'Cause I wanna keep you close
I don't wanna lose my spot
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My black candle’s flame was always low and frail.
2:22 told me everything before you even opened your mouth.
I ground and cleanse myself after you.
I cut the cord and ask the universe for a sign.
Is there someone else? By The Weeknd starts playing.
Night came and your car was on fire.
A few nights later baby cries, glass breaking, and what I think was a gunshot.
Oh let’s not forget the footsteps on my roof.
And now the most painful revelation of them all, you compromised my health and well being.
And my favorite
So you ask, is there someone else or not?
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[Death by Oliver Hibert)
There is someone else, hun. It’s me. My higher self. My final form. It’ll always be me.
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And you lost your spot almost immediately babes. I was mirroring you the entire time. I never had a spot with you so…
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I cannot stress this enough. Trust your motherfucking intuition! Trust your body. Trust your knowledge of life! There is patterns and signs everywhere that scream at you to be acknowledged. Listen!
I’ll give you a simple example.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck… guess what?
I heard something some time ago. This man said, “trust people. Trust that people are going to be people. Trust that the politician is going to fulfill that role. Trust that the thief is going to steal.” Trust the patterns.
Believe the narcissist 😈
The NEW MOON starts at 1:30 am Wednesday April 19th and will end Thursday April 20th at 9 pm. It will peak at 11:12 am on the 20th! It’s time to ask the universe in specific detail what is it exactly that you want.
Our New Moon will be part of a SOLAR ECLIPSE that will run from 8:36 pm April 19th to 1:59 am the following morning. Plant the seeds you wish to grow.
And don’t forget ARIES SEASON ends same day as our New Moon Eclipse. The world is your playground. Take advantage of the last wave of fire 🔥
MERCURY RETROGRADE starts April 20th and will end May 14th. We are already in the pre shadow period. Pay close attention to who hits you up during this time.
As for me, I’ll be gone for a bit… I met The Divine Masculine and he’s helping me regain my powers 🥹✨
End Credits:
I wanna thank CVS for taking all my money 💙
I wanna thank my little bucket of nails (car) for always breaking down and prohibiting me from driving more than 20 minutes anywhere 😁
Next time on The Kassie Show:
Goodbye to The Fool Era.
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hellolulu · 2 years
[Spoilers about Eda's storyline below]
Do you know what I love about Owl House?
It's that not only is it extremely lgbt+ representational, and not only does it point out the flaws in organised religion and with a focus especially on the witch hunter era, but it also touches really well on chronic illnesses.
Specifically, I'm talking about Eda's curse.
It started as a teenager, her mother became so overcome with finding a cure for it that she lost the point - that it's Eda's curse, and what Eda wants to do is what should be important - and Eda ended up feeling like she tore her family apart because of simply having a curse.
Now, disregarding the origins of the curse, her arc is extremely relatable for the chronically ill. She can't control it, it gets worse under stress, she's often exhausted because of it, she has to take potions to keep it in a manageable condition, and most of all, it can't be cured.
Even when the curse is halved at the end of season 1, it's not gone, just returns to a stage that is more manageable again. Like having a surgery; it isn't necessarily going to cure you, but it can give you more time, or make your illness more manageable for a while.
Then, again, during season 2 when she accepts her sickness, she says something along the lines of "I may not like it, but you're a part of me", which I think is also mentioned during the episode with her mother. A big part of having a chronic illness is that point where you have to sit down and face the fact that you are sick, and probably always will be sick, and that acceptance is necessary in order to keep going on. It's something very personal and very relatable for a chronic illness sufferer to hear, and on top of that, it was an extremely beautiful scene to watch. I cried many, many tears.
And even as she "levels up" and becomes a harpy-lady, it doesn't stop the curse from having negative side effects - she can still no longer do natural magic, and the curse corrupts natural magic she takes part in. And on top of that, she still has to take potions to keep it under control, and still gets tired out by going into the harpy state. The curse still affects her in negative ways, but accepting the curse means she's able to forgive and allow those parts of herself, instead of rejecting them. That does wonders for your mental health.
Her illness is magical (as per being part of a children's TV show), and can be used to help the plot and spun in that "my illness makes me strong" way, but she's never 'cured' - she simply finds ways to deal with her illness that suit her. Using her illness to fight bad guys, only to become extra tired, is just like what me and my older sister refer to as "mission mode", which I think is something many chronic illness sufferers can relate to - that decision to do The Thing you need to do, while knowing it'll take all your energy for that day - possibly longer -to do it (maybe it's calling the doctor, maybe it's doing housework that has piled up, or going to the corner shop to buy more milk - it could be anything, for anyone).
I just think Eda is a very good example of chronic illnesses and how, even if you can find the right medicine, or get the right surgeries, even if you can live a practically normal life, your illness won't just go away. It stays a part of you, and accepting it doesn't mean you've lost to it. (Granted, season 3 hasn't come out yet, and who knows if she'll be cured then. I actually hope she doesn't get cured!)
Anyhoo, it probably wasn't intentional, but it's something that has made me, and especially my housebound older sister, feel seen. It's just very cool to see it represented in a character as badass and confident as Eda the Owl Lady. And also to see it represented in someone who is regarded as an incredible parent. Disabled people way too often are made to feel like parenthood isn't an option, but she manages it with style, and she's the ultimate bad girl too! Seriously, I've got massive love for this show for so much of its character representation. I could go on for days talking about it!
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beevean · 1 year
Those first 3 episodes
What can I say?
The plot was written
The backstories were told
The characters were characterized
The social issues were commentated on
The pacing was....paced
100/10, best show ever
On a more serious note I'm genuinely impressed that they managed to make these 3 episodes feel even more rushed to fuck than Season 1, which in its 4 episodes was able to at least establish each of the main characters and the main villain, their respective motivations and you know was mostly just a testing season made to see if there was public interest plus it was made using the scraps of a cancelled movie from 10 years earlier
This shit right here is awful. Genuinely awful, just the most stereotypically fanficy writing I can think of, the pacing goes by so quickly it feels like they're speedrunning the whole thing and there's no way to properly establish each character without it feeling like a 5 minute digression at best and then on with the fight scenes!
And the social commentary is as subtle as a jack hammer of course, i'm treally curious to see if they'll explain how a vampire elite can control society from the shadows so fully when they souldn't even be able to make public appearences during the day. Are you really telling me the citizen of France are so dense they never thought to set the royal palace ablaze during the morning?
Oh and then there's Maria
Called it about her
I have a honest-to-god headache.
Where do I begin?
Well... Richter is fine, so far, although he didn't do much. He's pretty laidback without being too vulgar. That's honestly how I'd imagine the real Richter to be. I wish they advertised those moments instead of showing him crying. I have to wonder, though, why did he use to be a prominent ice magic user of all things. Are they going to say that he inherited Juste's magic? (also where is the morning star?)
But then... big oof.
The pacing is shit. That was painful to go through. These three episodes were full of flashbacks and fight scenes: the latter to shoehorn tragic backstories instead of organically weaving them in the story, and the latter to pad out time, because they were just "oh there are monsters now! Go smash them!"
also I didn't see a single enemy from the games. We're back to S1's generic monsters. Nice.
Also, what's with those backstories? Richter has a Dead Mom, Annette has a Dead Mom + Slavery, Tera is Russian has a Dead Sister... really? That's the best you can do? It's so fucking cheap!
And the show really deadass killed Edouard, a nobody just introduced, in the second episode, and then expected me to feel bad about him because Annette, another nobody, misses him and cries with the most narmtastic voice acting so far. This is literally the same thing they did with Cho, except at least we weren't meant to feel sorry for her.
Maria is insufferable. She's the rudest and crassest of them all, can't talk about anything that isn't "liberty, equality, fraternity" and she's terrible to Richter - why is NFCV's idea of friendship insulting each other? We don't even know how they know each other! At least NFCV showed us how the gang was formed!
(Annette is too bland as of now, but justifying her metalbending with "she descends from gods" is... something)
Can we talk about that worldbuilding? There are still Devil Forgemasters? Who are they? Did Hector and/or Isaac have descendants (good god i do not want to imagine n!isaac impregnating a woman), or it's yet another person, diminishing the uniqueness of the art? And they're using machines to turn humans into Night Creatures? MACHINES??????? What the fuck is this, Sonic SatAM??????
(also bullshit that Night Creatures are only made, not born. Hector said, and I'm quoting from S2E3, "Before the war, night creatures were simply a species in hiding. They either reproduced naturally or were created by acts of wild magic." bro c'mon I'm not even a fan and I remember your worldbuilding, why can't you guys)
But also. Man they didn't even try to be subtle with these vampires. They are the entire French elite, they are the "white slave owners". Wow, deep commentary right there. And tell me, how can they go out in the open and show themselves to humans like that? How can they walk in the sunlight, like Drolta is seen to be doing? I know the original show had vampire lords like Carmilla and Cho, but they're really saying "yep, all the evil nobility is made of vampires" now, and everyone is aware of it.
And fucking Drolta. What the fuck are those shoes. They look like horse hooves. Isaac was neutered to keep her stupid hair and boobs, and also Olrox sitting on the-guy-who-looks-like-agent-stone-from-the-sonic-movies' chest. Okay. I'm normal about it.
and speaking of sonic references, edouard singing at the bird's funeral is peak NANANANANANANANANAAAAA energy.
Don't know what else to add. It was extremely boring and rushed and while we're not hitting the peak of offensiveness of the original show, this is still so, so bad from a writing standpoint.
And, as expected, the only thing that connects it to CV is that Richter has a whip. The story so far looks like a shitty period drama fusing the French Revolution and that good ol' american slavery story. They haven't learned a thing.
How in the hell are they going to butcher SoTN...?
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feluka · 1 year
what's up i'm still very ill with this bug/flu/whatever and i'm going to start binging all of good omens season 2 in a minute. but to spare you all 59850 posts on your dash about something you might not care about, i will instead use this post to liveblog! i will be going back to this post and editing it with every update, so if you're interested in hearing my thoughts you can come back here (and if you're not it should be easy to avoid)
here goes!
update #1: when i started watching i SWORE to myself i would let it all play out before obsessively rewinding the bits i liked after it was all over. less than 2 minutes in and i failed.
"I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble." now what if i chewed my arm off.
update #2: crowley shielded aziraphale first before aziraphale shielded him in the garden of eden???? what if i cried.
update #3: the power is finally back so i've finished episode 1. all this talk about the book of life is raising my goddamn hackles. terrified to see how it comes into play. it's very interesting to me that crowley hasn't told aziraphale about it, too. i personally think aziraphale would still hide gabriel even if he knew about the extreme sanctions.
also, shelly conn is fabulous but i feel her version of beelzebub is *much* more animated than anna maxwell martin's. she's incredible and i love all her mannerisms but at the same time i was very attached to the stoicness of the previous beelzebub so it'll take a little bit to get used to.
update #4: aziraphale doing the little 'one two three four' with his finger before singing to maggie. he's so precious to me he's the specialiest little guy in the world for me and i understand crowley because i, too, would get into trouble with both heaven and hell to keep aziraphale safe
update #5: episode two done. thoughts:
1- this is just a romcom isn't it. i mean.
2- the music that played while aziraphale said crowley needed to take him to hell invokes the music that played during the bandstand scene in episode 3 of season one. i LOVE each and every scene that examines the themes of 'your side, my side, our side' <3
update #6: i'm (not unpleasantly!) surprised that they're addressing aziraphale's classist rant from the book. on one hand i'd just considered it one of the things the adaptation decided to do away with, but now that they've acknowledged it, i'm now very excitedly anticipating a resolution to that conflict. because if i remember correctly in the book the matter didn't really get resolved, aziraphale just dropped this bombshell on me and i had to put the book down for a minute lol
i guess they've been hinting at beelzebub spying on the bookshop using the flies, but i'm curious as to why they would have that knowledge and pretend they didn't. what's the benefit for playing coy here? either there is, and we don't know what that is yet, or the flies are a red herring.
update #7: finished episode 3 and i'm honestly not sure i understood a lot of it! what happened to crowley after falling through the gorund?? did they send him to the pit of torture or whatever for stopping the suicide? also aziraphale is my favourite character but if he says something like "the virtues of poverty" again i'm going to bite his head off. anyway. crowley. don't you know you're a fictional character and that according to all laws of fiction, if you say "if any harm comes to aziraphale" it means it's probably gonna happen? smh
update #8: i still haven't watched any more since last update but. oh dear. i'm too worried to click 'next episode' because 1- the more it dawns on me what might've happened to crowley after getting pulled into the ground i get so hopelessly depressed and 2- 'it's too late. it's always too late' is a very worrying note to end on and i'm positively terrified!! for future reference don't watch anything emotional or worrisome while having a stomach bug. i'm writhing in my seat lol.
update #8: the chat between "jim" and crowley. i am gonna need a short break before unpausing :)
update #9: so i haven't updated for a while because i couldn't think but i just finished the series. i think i can't think. i think i need to sleep and i think i'm very very very very very sad.
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tacosaysroar · 2 years
I’m trapped at this basketball tournament for another two hours, so I’m taking up @trinilikesalt’s general tagging offer.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Oh, so many people. Longtime followers know I have the same first name as every eldest daughter in a direct line. With the exception of the one who died of diphtheria. (Her sister passed it on by giving HER first daughter that name.) Adelaide and I don’t use it — we use our middle names — but we’re the 11th and 12th in that line.
2. Last time you cried.
Friday night, episode 5 of The Last of Us. I honestly can’t remember the last time I cried about anything happening in my own life. Probably back in September when I found out I was going to have to make going into the office work for me or find a new job.
3. Do you have kids?
One delightful tween
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’m an xennial (79-85, the micro generation) so generally slightly less than Gen X but way more often than a millennial.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I want to say eyes because that’s what I notice when we’re talking, but it’s probably actually height and posture. That tends to be on your radar when you’re on the shorter side.
6. What’s your eye color?
Just about black
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
SCARY. I also like a happy-ending romcom on occasion, but if we’re choosing I’m going with scary. No question.
8. Any special talents?
Everyone has a few.
9. Where were you born?
Plantation General Hospital in Florida.
10. What are your hobbies?
I’m the single working parent of an almost teenager who plays three sports and cheers during the basketball season. I have no idea when I’d have time for a hobby. I barely have time to date. Or sleep.
11. Do you have any pets?
Handsome Theodore, the mystery shepherd, and a fish (Gonzo) who might outlive us all.
12. Do you play any sports?
I swam in high school, which isn’t really a thing in adult rec leagues. I work out. Dance. Yoga off and on. You know.
13. How tall are you?
Just shy of 5’4”
14. Favorite subject in high school.
Literature/English. I’m all in on the humanities. Really the only subject I actively disliked was math, with the exception of geometry.
15. Dream job?
Managing my own job-free independent wealth
I tag anyone who spends their weekends shuffling kids to games and activities or anyone whose URL starts with B (for basketball) or C (for cheer).
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 15: Give Me Your Princess Season 1, Episode 16: Bridge Over The River Chozzerai
I'm attempting to do two episodes per post now! This will help me finish the show quicker and hopefully will make it more fun to watch
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Episode 15 - Give Me Your Princess We start with Lotor quite literally asserting his dominance over his military as Commander, and immediately they're off to destroy Arus Also, this is where the obsession starts I guess, suddenly he's real interested in the princess
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holy shit i cant believe he actually takes care of his hair
Oh we're already at this episode? Allura sneaks into black lion to learn to fly it in case of emergency, good plan but i always was annoyed that she thinks it HAS to be her when she's literally the most important person on the team, yknow being a princess and all
Ah yes a staple of the 80s "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do things boys can!" Obviously it was important for girls during that decade and it still is now but MAN is the way of showing girl power outdated as I'm watching this now more than 30 yrs later
Lion troubles, apparently Black lion is malfunctioning, but they try and fail to form Voltron as Lotor is actually competent LMAO Allura faints and black drops out of the sky
Lotor has a personal fighter, and it looks like a bat, how cool, Keith is currently trying to rip it apart since everyone thinks it's allura in blue and not him which makes lotor scram
Harem time, I guess that's why they pulled the sudden obsession this episode, all the harem girls are blonde and could easily be mistaken for Allura and the allura imagery all throughout this episode that I haven't been mentioning
hell yeah they're telling off allura for her sudden test drive of black and now her reason changes from "in case of emergency" to "if you go back to earth"
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oh my god this just turned into a telenovela Especially with Keith guilt-tripping her by saying Sven wouldn't have almost cost them their lives, low blow keith
She tries to apologize to Keith but the words of the other 3 boys get to her and she walks off I'm actually kind of glad she takes their opinions seriously and isn't being relegated to "the leader's girl" also keith regrets being so harsh on her, even though he was right to reprimand her in general
Did nobody learn anything from the last time lotor was on arus and said he'd be willing to leave in peace? Allura he won't give up just because you give yourself to him, especially if he smacked keith in the face with a ROCK after he won their sword fight
Allura literally busts through the tower lotor left on arus and gives herself up, and then faints (again) because Lotor electrocuted the lion, I don't blame her for that one The boys go rescue her and i think i missed something because keith is hurt? He did go after the princess outside his lion so maybe he got shot and i missed it, anyway he's ass at flying and allura is protecting him in turn now
No robeast this episode, but voltron is still formed and takes down the rest of the spires that lotor left behind, plus a giant laser weapon Allura and Lance carry Keith in, apparently he was cut by lotors laser sword, go figure Nanny doesn't care, as per usual, but goes to get stuff for Keith once Allura tells her to
Everyone forgives each other, Allura apologizes for stealing black without permission and the boys apologize for being so rude when she just wanted to do some good, Allura cries (for like the third time) in joy after being told she's wanted to be kept on the team, so she shouldn't doubt it
/episode end
Episode 16: Bridge Over The River Chozzerai Apparently the kingdom Allura rules over is called Altair and another nearby kingdom is called Helena. They have a running legend together about two lovers who were each a part of one of the kingdoms, but it was a romeo and juliette esq romance because the kingdoms were enemies, so they built a bridge between the vliff that separated them to finally be together the princess is playing one of the lovers, while she wants one of the boys to play the other
"getting icky sticky in the middle" Lance McClain sHUT-
The boys minus Keith are fighting over the part, Keith ain't no simp and especially not one for Allura LMAO Keith "No, Thanks" Kogane is a mood, I wouldn't want to go out to a bridge ceremony either
Hunk wins because Pidge tries to get the mice to help him cheat at a card draw, and they purposefully mess him up Now they have more beef lol
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What a cute dress, I wonder if this is a historical reenactment or actual fashion on Arus
Haggar's cat exists once again and sends word that Allura and Hunk are away from castle. Lotor starts heading to Arus, specifically for Allura ofc, and interrupts the two right before they embrace on the bridge Now there's a robeast and it splits the bridge in two while Lotor shoots the cliff where the bridge hangs, causing it to fall. Somehow Allura is on the unsunken parts of the bridge and Lotor takes the change to try and snatch her before Hunk comes from behind and starts fucking SWINGING Very iconic of him, I'd feel safer if Hunk was protecting me in danger
The other boys are on their way, but Hunk slips off the bridge and is hanging on for his life as lotor gets pushed away by Allura who then gets smacked into the water Lotor comes back around for her in his jet until yellow line smacks him from behind, how the FUCK did Hunk get there so fast, and nanny since shes SOMEHOW IN THERE TOO
Lotor strikes back, and they crash into the cliff while the boys are stuck fighting a robeast at the castle, so they can't go help him Allura swims to safety anyway and runs to blue only to find lotor already there, honestly very smart of him since she's guaranteed to return to blue
HELLO?? Lotor tried grabbing her even though she had a gun, girl should've pulled the trigger, but only tears her dress so instead she runs towards blue AND POINTS THE BLASTER AT HER HEAD Damn, I really need to watch beastking golion if we get stuff like this in the censored American version
Anyway he tried to get the gun away but literally trips giving her time to shoot at his feet, so he back-ups enough for her to get into blue, smart girl Hunk and nanny are still at the cliff since yellow isn't responding well, so she basically piggybacks yellow onto blue to get back to the castle as lotor is shooting at them, that's a very weird position but ok
Keith can apparently take control over yellow when they're in voltron? I'm taking that as, since he's the center, having the ability to work with all 5 lions to coordinate movement, but not actually control the limb as that's up to the pilot in it
Voltron is formed, maybe it has a strong magnetic pull that brought yellow lion in even though it couldn't fly, also voltron has a whole other sword, that's interesting to know Blazing sword takes out the elephant tank hybrid robeast and now Yellow is getting repaired, it looks like it's being done inside it's den so that's good to know for world building
Hunk questions why Allura didn't kiss Lotor on the bridge since the legend was about uniting two lands but Allura is grossed out and says it's about people in love and that not even his father could love lotor get his ass princess
she was right lol, zarkon's PISSED and tells him to stop thinking with the head in his pants and start thinking with the head on his shoulders to defeat voltron
/episode end
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