#(I LOVE Natsukis high notes in this)
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scarletnakazato · 3 months ago
In the spirit of summer(ugh it’s still freezing over here but still)— what are your hc’s about a beach date?
• All Initial D Male and Female Characters • Word Count: 1,782. • Synopsis: In which you're on a beach date with the lovely boys and girls. • Note: Thank you for the cute ask Anon, apologies it took me forever to get to it!
Keisuke: Will go in the water with you for a bit, but I feel like this guy gives into his primal urges and likes to dig holes in the sand. Will probably dig a massive pit and shape it into a circular sitting lounge, sticking the umbrella in the centre to shade the entire pit and sit with you in it while you sip on cold fruity drinks after being in the hot sun for hours. If you both stay the whole day and sunset comes around, he’ll take you to a beachside restaurant or pub to sit outside and watch the sun set over the ocean while you eat and drink.
Ryosuke: He’d indulge you and go in the water with you a bit, but he seems more of the type to relax under the umbrella and simply enjoy the breeze and the warmth while staying under the shade to not burn, he’s pretty pale. Would also love to enjoy the sunset with you at a beachside restaurant with a walk on the pier together to enjoy the views before leaving for the night.
Takumi: If he’s not zoned out and blushing at the sight of you in a swim suit, he’d follow you around as you collect shiny shells and hold them for you in his hands, finding it adorable how you take the scavenging seriously and fish through the shallow water for them, sometimes get caught with a sneaky wave and get submerged for a second before popping back up, hair soaked and sticking to your face before plopping a shell or two in his hands and continuing on, earning a chuckle from him.
Takeshi: Oh, yes. Sure, it may have been your idea to go to the beach for the ocean, but those plans changed the minute he took his black t-shirt off, casually setting it atop your towel bag. His hair was left messy, seeing as gelling it would be useless if he’s gonna go in the water. His little messy strands on his forehead are doubled now that his hair was left natural. The water was completely forgotten as you sat on the large towel, simply staring and admiring his form. He’d give you one of those raised brows, his lips pressing together in a “really babe?” expression once he caught on to what you were doing. Don’t be surprised when he picks you up to carry you to the water, enjoying how you’re squirming around to get out of his hold, but also enjoying how easily those defined arms are holding you. The clear smirk on his face tells you he knows the effect he has on you before he drops his arms without warning, dropping you straight into the water. Only he’s surprised when you grab onto him at the last minute, taking him with you.
Shingo: Is a little shit. He’ll straight up carry you over his shoulder before Batista bombing you into the water like a WWE fighter. You’d resurface and find him laughing his ass off with that high pitched voice of his before deciding to take him with you and knock his legs out from under him, making him squawk before he goes under. Gives you the same unimpressed look you gave him after he comes back up. If you both go to back to shore to lay on towels, he’ll try to get a tan but with how pale he is, he burns easy so he’ll tan first, looking like how he did in Final Stage, but then the sunburn will come in a few hours later. Refuses to sunbathe again after that, going back to being pale and pasty instead of tan and tasty once again. He’d take you to a pub as well, but as I’ve previously headcanoned for him, he’s a lightweight, so expect to be driving the EG6 back home.
Itsuki: Probably got a beach date by doing that double date stuff with Takumi and Natsuki, or even when the SpeedStars went to the waterpark with Sayuki and Mako. You’d be a friend of one of the girls and basically be Itsuki’s date for the day. Though, he’d spend more time gawking and daydreaming about “hot babes in bikinis” than actually holding a simple conversation with you and spending time in the water or going down waterslides together if its at a waterpark. Typical Itsuki, heh.
Iketani: Holds it together better than Itsuki, will actually go in the water with you, maybe try to play volleyball with the large blowup beach ball. If it’s another double date, he’d be on your team of course, even if it’s against your friends. If it’s not a double date, he’s pretty much down for whatever you want to do. Doesn’t mind sitting back and relaxing at a table, or laying on towels with snacks and drinks while you two talk about cars, hobbies and anything else that interests you. He’s just happy to spend time with you.
Kenji: Similar to Iketani, just loves enjoying the moment. Definitely is the one to drive you to the beach, making a fun road trip out of it. Will like to check out nearby shops for goodies, and get one of those disposable cameras to take pictures of you in your element, and even request some where you pose in front of his car. Bro’s living the high life. Will totally rub it in Iketani and Itsuki’s face, showing him the pictures and going on about how hot you are, much to the dismay of the Lonely Drivers™.
Kenta: Will sunbathe 100%. As seen in Project D when Keisuke and Takumi get to sleep in that lovely hotel, the rest of the Project is “chilling” in the middle of summer under a tree in the shade. Except Kenta. Bro’s tanning full on. He’d be cool if you wanted to go out and do your own thing, play in the water, build sandcastles, dig holes, whatever, as long as he can get a good tan in, he’s a happy guy. I definitely see him falling asleep at some point, most likely on his stomach while he tans his back, and you decide to just bury him in the sand, putting scoop after scoop on top of him until it’s just his neck and head showing. He’ll have an uneven top tan and be mad about it lol. His front looks good, but his back is probably paler since he was covered by then and didn’t know about it. His sleeping mind wouldn’t process it either since the sand made him warm with the sun soaking it up so it’d feel the same to him.
Kyoichi: Doesn’t strike me as a beach enjoyer. I feel like his tough guy act and pride would tell him that enjoying the beach is a wuss boy’s activity. However, he’s more than happy to watch you enjoy yourself and admire your form in that swimsuit. Would definitely take you out to a bar later to fit his tough guy vibe, and give you his large jacket to keep you warm, but more so to keep you covered and prevent weird guys from staring at what’s his for a second too long. Only the Emperor gets to admire his Empress for longer than a second.
Rin:  Takes you on a romantic walk along the shoreline at early sunset. Ankle deep in the water as it rises and lowers periodically, enjoying each other’s company and talking about anything. Will take you to a scenic pier or nearby shrine overlooking the water after the sun goes down and perhaps dinner shortly after.
Go: Water fights you, hands down. Loses very quickly because he’s easily distracted by the water droplets flowing down your boobs and into your top. When you notice him standing still too long and catch on, not even registering your hand waving in his face, he’s completely unprepared to be tackled head on and dunked into the water. You wrestle him in the shallow water with alarming strength telling him that you’ll “cleanse his dirty mind of boobs forever” as you dunk his head in the water several times like a baby getting baptized.
Wataru: Is down to do anything, really. Will take you to the beach early in the morning so you have plenty of time to check out shops, restaurants, ice cream stands and more. Will also get a disposable camera, happy to take pictures of you with his car, building stuff in the sand, going in the water, any and all of it. Will help bring you buckets of water for your sand creations if you need more to help shape it. He’s rewarded with a kiss and “What would I do without my muscley hero, hmm?”
Nobuhiko: Seems pretty chill, would probably prefer to sit back and relax over anything else. Would go for a short walk with you before he’s ready to cool off under the shade again. I see him being temperature sensitive so he gets hot or cold easily. Would pack a bunch of snacks and drinks for you two to have as you lay on the towels, taking in the moment.
Mako: Would enjoy having some fun with beach volleyball. If it’s a double date with Sayuki, she’d team up with her against you and your friend and get as fiercely competitive as she does behind the wheel. Inadvertently kicks Sayuki’s ass and smiles all innocently about it. She also loves sitting back and enjoying some talking with you and learn new things about you and vice versa.
Sayuki: With how energetic she seems to be, I feel like she’d want to go to a waterpark over the beach like she did with the SpeedStars and Mako after the Usui race. Would drag you with her on all the rides and go in the massive wave-pool. If they had any little competition activities, she’d sign up right away and go full send, having every intention of winning. She’d be down for an early evening dinner and drive after to unwind and relax.
Kyoko: She’s the one who drives you both to the beach. Can’t go a day without driving her FD and would ask you to take pictures of her and with her next to the car. Like the time Natsuki asked a nearby guy to take pictures of her and Takumi at the beach, she’d do the same to a passerby while she hugs your arm or side sweetly, smiling bright for the camera before thanking the person and taking off with you to enjoy the water and find a couple fancy shells as keepsakes.
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apriciticreveries · 4 months ago
Hey Apri that's right it's Natsuki question time . . . I am honestly so curious about him /pos like man Nyx's only kid who looks a lot like him (I know Asahi has a fair amount of resemblance and she acts like him but shshhhhsh shush). I'm very curious about Nats' relationship with his owner? What does his owner do for a living and does that impact Nats at all?
Also, what does Nats think of Mai?
Love you Apri!! I hope you have a wonderful day and that school goes well for you <3
hellloooo rock ! thankfully i have already written notes for these topics in my drafts, so i don’t have to scramble around to find out what id like . .
( help this got so long im so sorry )
natsuki was bought by a more high profile segyein, mainly since, although i don’t completely remember our discussion about him and yami that one time, i do remember you saying something about how oryon, knew nats would probably be nyx’s last child, and with this had a certain purpose in mind for nats so he’d be worth more .
his guardian is formally known as high guardian diaji, and he’s famously known for always producing excellent areph agents, guards, ( some are even in alnst, and with that id imagine that the other pet of diaji’s, the one that taught him mechanical maintenance, is an older brother figure to natsuki and was also stationed as a guard for alnst ) spies, assassins and other roles in that kind of industry .
natsuki was meant to be areph agent, and after a few years of individual training with diaji, he was sent to anakt just for exposure to others and experience with other fields . it was planned that he wouldn’t be in the competition and would just come back home to be sent off to areph to be trained further until his little . . accident . .
( diaji isn’t directly abusive, he can be cruel and negligent at times, but he’s pretty neutral . he only sees humans as profitable products, and doesn’t get attached to them . natsuki is sometimes sent back to his owner on breaks, since he does technically live with his guardian .
his guardian also, after nats finished his first year of training, gifted him a dog and goat - like wagyein that natsuki simply named puppy . )
about what natsuki thinks of mai . . . . i don’t think i know that much about mai yet, so i can only give a general view, i think ? im sorry 😞
but id say nats thinks of him primarily as one of his few ( and by few i probably mean only 2 ) friends . i think nats also, doesn’t mind fixing mai when he needs it and likes to sometimes show off the others things he creates to mai as well in hopes of impressing him in a way .
love you too rock ! ! i . hope you didn’t mind me dumping so much info here, i genuinely don’t know how to shut my mouth sometimes . . i hope you have a wonderful day as well ! we’re only uh 4 days away from round 7 now hehehehe
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Admittedly, I read this manga a long time ago. Like when chapters were still coming out. I was still in high school at the time (holy fuck) and couldn't really articulate my feelings as well as I can now.
I had left this review (bits and pieces of it) on a manga site and decided I might as well put it on my tumblr, finetuning it, of course. First post, because in spite of its flaws, Given is still close to my heart. And I reread it again (somewhat) to make this a better review. I hope each person who reads this will reimburse me with 50 cents each (jk don't). So here it is. My impression of Given, with !!some!! talk about how SA is treated in BL/Yaoi culture in general.
Or not, this is just my two cents with no anthropology degree.
Do take what I say with a grain of salt, a piece of creative media does not exist in a vacuum, but this review treats it as one at times because I'm not really skilled enough to talk about any wider implications. I'm just some guy giving my review.
Spoilers ahead. Go ahead.
TW: Sexual Assault.
Honestly, this manga made me feel a lot. Good and bad feelings. But let's focus on what I liked.
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He's on the phone, shhh.
I found Ugetsu to be a very compelling character, and it was a huge shame that he vanished partway through the manga. Basically? I have no criticisms about him as a character, he has his flaws and he's nuanced. He's interesting and compelling, and it's clear that he's someone who is still growing and learning to walk on his own two feet. I won't deny that his relationship with Akihiko was very toxic, but I definitely think this isn't something that can be blamed solely on him.
But with this out of the way. Let's talk about the pairings.
Let's talk about Akiharu.
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Kizu Natsuki is an amazing artist... Even when I have certain issues with this manga.
Well. I have a lot of qualms with Akiharu.
For starters, Akihiko assaulted Haruki. I'll never forget that. The fact that they ended up getting together anyway was a huge point of contention for me. Given was framed as a story about love more than a traditional story about BL/yaoi which (sorry) usually leans towards the sex. (This is not to say that sex and romance are separated, well they are but they are linked rather than being one in the same. You can have either, like they're hot/cold water but they come from the same faucet.)
But I feel that having this scene in rather than an argument feels completely wrong. I'm someone who will digest pretty much anything the world throws at me, but the Akiharu assault scene came off wrong and it came off scary. (Note: I say scary but I definitely mean much more than that, I just feel like "shouldn't be romanticized" doesn't encapsulate all of it. This topic is not something I'm qualified to talk about, so I don't want to overstep any boundaries.)
And to be honest, that's good because SA shouldn't be romanticised, for that, a big well done to our author. I just wish the aftermath was dealt with better.
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This is terrifying. Please retract your words.
In spite of the SA scene being scary, afterwards all seemed to be resolved the moment it was revealed that Akihiko had nowhere else to go.
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Everything for them goes uphill from here. Yay.
I just have to wonder what was the point of that buildup if you were just going to allow things to end nicely like that. With a scene like that, you'd think that the manga was saying that "SA is scary, it's terrifying and it's something that you shouldn't forget even if it's BL/Yaoi." But, why did it end up like this.
What I'm trying to say is: What does it matter that Akihiko apologised (twice), he still assaulted Haruki, he assaulted a friend. Even worse is the way that they're framed as a healthy couple afterwards, this just made me all the more uncomfortable. I feel like this is saying "SA is scary" but also saying "the power of love and friendship absolves everything". I've seen some people talk about the fact that SA happened, but haven't seen them say how it was "resolved". I think it's more to do with yaoi/BL fiction culture, that we've grown to accept SA that is unaddressed in our media to the point that Akihiko's apology is like a prayer more than something that's not even worth a second glance.
Saying that Akiharu started off rocky is an understatement, but if I pretend it never happened, I can say for sure that they are much healthier than Akigetsu, and they deserve each other. It's just not good storytelling especially because I don't really understand the motivations of Haruki liking Akihiko.
I once said that Haruki's character arc was based on Akihiko and that was my bad. I was wrong. Haruki, in fact, has a minor character arc, that isn't really to do with Akihiko, about how he feels insecure surrounded by geniuses in the band and this gets resolved by Akihiko saying that they wouldn't be able to function if all of them were geniuses, and Haruki himself seeing Akihiko hard at work. But I had completely forgotten about this arc, my bad, but my point still stands. Haruki deserved a better character arc.
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I don't have a smart comment for this unfortunately. Eat your veggies??
In spite of saying this, I'm not an Akiharu hater, I swear. But I just found that ship much less compelling than Akigetsu in general. Akigetsu was a relationship where they were both incredibly toxic towards each other, there was an imbalance in the fact that Ugetsu literally owned the place they were living in, as well as how he'd kick Akihiko out whenever things were rocky. However, I think the end of their relationship was dealt well on both sides, their toxicity towards each other was framed in a negative light as it should have been. They ended the relationship and went their separate ways, this was the best ending for them. For Akiharu and Akigetsu: The difference between these two relationships is that one was dealt well and the other was dealt wrong. Akiharu deserve each other and Ugetsu deserves to learn how to grow by himself.
Anyway, another point of contention was, in spite of the healthy nature of Akiharu. Somehow, the friendship between the two couples seems to have waned and it was pretty disappointing to see. I think it started before this, but the first time it was obvious to me was this scene.
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I know you're in the middle of something, but don't be mean to Mafuyu >:(.
Context: This is Chapter 40. Akiharu are in a moment of intimacy and Uenoyama is knocking at their door trying to get advice.
We've seen that Mafuyu is a very reserved person, to see that Akihiko was so ready to tell Mafuyu to stop coming over (even if it is to stop him from coming over so suddely) right to his face was extremely immature.
Basically, imagine if that had been Mafuyu. Personally, I feel like Mafuyu would have been hurt like hell and closed right back up. This scene is something played for laughs and that's something so disappointing. Given is shown to be a band of friends, but in the end it seemed more like two couples who hang out sometimes. Also the fact that both Akihiko and Haruki are pushing Uenoyama to get Mafuyu to rejoin the band. That's something else that bothers me heavily. That they're treating Mafuyu as Uenoyama's responsibility because they're dating. It's a band that is sure to fall apart if you are not making an effort to support each other equally. I mean, it doesn't have to be entirely equal but points for effort and they get no points here. It's funny because they were at least a little self-aware of this prior.
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Dating in a band is something that is nuanced, of course. But it sure is funny to see them practically go down the same route they condemned.
That's my criticism of Akiharu.
So, what about the other instance of SA? I'm talking about Shizusumi and Hiiragi, of course.
Let's talk about Shizuragi.
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Here they are! Let's talk about them!
Admittedly the first time around, I wasn't particularly into Shizuragi, I was too busy mourning the absense of Ugetsu. But it was during their sex scene where I realised something was very wrong. I was having flashbacks to the Akiharu assault chapter but this time it was played as "love" rather than something reprehensible. Once again, assault was in the manga and it, once again, resolved with badly.
I feel like sexual assault being played off as "love" and being resolved literally the next chapter with the victim being all kosher with it, should be garnering people's "??? what the fuck"s and not to bat for the opposing team for once but where are the complaints. I've actually seen some people talking about this chapter, but I would have expected more.
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Hiiragi said he was scared and was crying, but they still fucked anyway. :D <- smile of shock.
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Um what. Haha... ha........ :D <- terrifed smile of shock.
I don't know whether it would have been worse that he knew he was assaulting Hiiragi or whether he didn't know at all. But he knew.
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Shizusumi confessed his love the morning after and it was all okay. But, to be honest, the fact that it was played off as being "all okay" makes this even worse. It's normal in yaoi/BL for SA to be played off as love, but you'd think that the last place you'd see this is in Given of all places. SA is SA and the fact that Hiiragi was so accepting of what happened to him afterwards says something about this the culture of BL/yaoi and how we just go along with it says something about this sentiment of how "yaoi is always going to be yaoi".
We're done? We're done.
There are no more SA scenes (that I can remember). But I do want to touch on Mafuyu and Uenoyama as briefly as possible (This is a recount of my experience after all). So, Mafuyama.
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Ah, yes. The start of everything.
Admittedly, I didn't actually find their relationship super compelling. This is because I tend to get tunnel vision on characters I like (in this case, I heavily tunnel visioned on Ugetsu). I do like them both, they just didn't fit within my vision. I thought they were sweet but I also see a lot of complaints about how Mafuyu was stuck on Yuki and Uenoyama was getting backseated and I do agree with this. Kind of.
I think Mafuyu's story is about growth as a person, it's like what people say: You don't move on or lose your grief, you grow around it. Grief doesn't get smaller, you just get bigger. The person he loved died and I don't think it's fair to say that he has to get over Yuki. Grief is something that sticks with you everywhere, something you have to carry every day. They're still teenagers, they're still young and still have room to grow.
But as a story? Sheesh, instead of Haruki having no place in their circle. I felt like Uenoyama, even when he's the protagonist, wasn't given his spotlight in his own story. There is no character arc for him, there is nothing for him and that's just not fair. There are two people in a relationship, so why does it always feel like, narratively, Uenoyama always comes as an afterthought?
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You could have had a character arc about this... Relationships are meant to be balanced, sweetie...
I just think it's a shame, but they're nowhere near as unhealthy as the other couples in Given, so I'm giving them a gold star.
(Minor irk, I do not remember when this happened but why the hell does Yayoi (Uenoyama's sister) get a character arc (where she comes to an understanding about Mafuyama feelings for each other, but also the gay in general) but the man himself doesn't?)
So, with Mafuyama, I feel like the story could have focused a little more on Uenoyama's side. But I feel like it's similar to how Haruki's story kind of got the backseat to Akigetsu drama happenings at the time. Shrug, we can't have it all.
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He's beautiful...
That's honestly... all my thoughts. Wow! That was a lot of them. I think there's a lot to be said about how yaoi treats SA and dub-con in general, even in a manga that's not even focused on the sex.
With that said, I don't think BL shouldn't have SA or dubious scenes but the aftermath should be dealt with better afterwards. I think with Given, it's a start that the SA (at least with Akiharu) wasn't romanticised, but the aftermath was just poorly executed.
But I'm not the yaoi police, I hold no authority and I don't support purity culture. I'm not an anti-anything and I also believe that fiction should be fiction. What people enjoy should no way equate to a person's worldview. But, this was just all my perspective and my opinion. I said it and now I'm done. Haha... Anyway, my paypal is—
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kaisertheadvisor · 10 months ago
Alright, I'd thought I'd share with you all my "Persona 3 Holy Grails" of media that I'd like to see show up someday. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll get some of these high quality assets. But for now, we'll have to rely on scans, Internet Archive, upscales, and various social media posts till then. But let's get started!
#1. The high quality, uncompressed cutscenes.
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While fan upscales do exist for the OG cutscenes, and people were generous enough to extract many of the Reload cutscenes and post them in high quality (thank you PC version), I would like to see the original masters for many of these cutscenes. We know they do exist, since Atlus has used them in promotional material, but when we will see them, is unknown. (If they ever do an English release of the P3 Movies, they better include these cutscenes as a bonus feature, just saying.)
#2. Highest quality character renders.
In order to promote Persona 3 on various material, Atlus would use various renders of the characters that I'm sure many P3 fans are familiar with.
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However, there are some characters that don't currently have such high quality versions of their character renders. So far, high quality scans of Elizabeth's render and a rare Ikutsuki render (used on the original version of the P3 website, the games OST booklet, the manual, several trading cards, magazine articles, print ads and the booklet for "A Certain Day Of Summer") have been preserved for example, but I'd kill for the high quality assets to be found one day.
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However, the most notorious case of characters not having high quality render assets are the entirety of Strega. The renders do exist online, it's just that, their quality is much to be desired.
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Again, would kill to see high quality assets release someday.
#3. Unreleased character sheets for cutscenes.
If you have the P3 Artbook, they have the model sheets for the Protagonist, Yukari, Junpei, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Fuuka, Aigis, Koromaru, Ken, Shinjiro, Ikutsuki, Takaya, Pharos and Ryoji used in the anime cutscenes.
However, we don't have the model sheets for the characters casual wear (used in the Yakushima trip cutscene and several scenes in The Answer), Kotone (for the P3P opening as well as several in game CG's), Aigis's Answer armor, blue dress, and school uniform, Elizabeth and Theodore, Metis, Igor, Natsuki (used during Fuuka's awakening, albeit VERY brief), and Takeharu (used during 11/4's events). Granted, since those characters were sparingly used in the anime cutscenes, they may have not had their model sheets published, but again, who knows?
It should be noted that some frames and drawings from the anime cutscenes were used in some promotional material (for example, the P3 website used silhouettes of Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko, Mitsuru and Fuuka taken straight from the opening), so we'll have to wait and see what comes forth.
#4. Original Persona Assets
So far, Atlus managed to give us the high quality assets for the initial Persona's that were used in FES and were reused again for Reload's promo's.
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Not only that, but many of the high quality assets for the ultimate Persona's were also preserved online, thankfully.
However, there is also the "original shading" versions of the Persona's, which last I checked, were used in the 2023 port of Persona 3 Portable, and so far, the high quailty rips of them are cropped.
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I'm also hoping we can get even higher quality versions of the renders of Polydeuces (promotional pose), Juno, Messiah and Psyche. (though I am betting we're gonna get a high quality Psyche render for The Answer DLC, mark my words)
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And of course, we still need the high quality official art for Strega's Personas as well.
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#5 Ad Scans (or even better, high quailty digital versions of this material)
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If anyone has some Japanese magazines, I'd love to see high quality scans of many a Persona 3 Ad.
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spookythesillyfella · 27 days ago
This is quite literally my third time showing up and you're free to IGNORE because I don't wanna keep bothering you (I'M SO SORRY) I just wanted to be more positive this time and say I really love when you ramble and go into this really emotional and powerful depth when you discuss things so passionately. I know that's kind of weird to say and this will also be weird to admit but I could NEVER understand why people would call it "cringe"? It's actually really healing to me as someone who'd love to ramble a lot but can't get by the idea that people wouldn't like it I guess ^_^; WHAT I'M TRYING TO REALLY SAY. It's that time you put into what you create even if it's not related to the High Voltage AU, Because while yes you even inspired me to keep going with my dhmis story I certainly enjoy your posts all together! I like learning about other fictional medias you enjoy.. I also think about favorite characters you have and mental note them in my mind haha Probably just speaking really foolishly again and it's really not anything I've not told you before though I just have positive things to say about you often! I hope you don't stop venting either because you need to get it out. This is your account! You're free to post what you want and don't pressure yourself to perform to anyone's expectations because what you're doing now IS ENOUGH. I love you !! /p
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(Natsuki is my favorite DDLC character :) I LOVE this game and comfort it a lot so it makes me happy seeing someone else enjoy it too! )
no . no . pleaze never apologize for passing by – it meanz so much to me that u remember my existence
ive generally alwayz been scared of talking too much about the thingz i like . becauze my interestz are like unique to me only – none of my irlz share thiz love for dhmis and / or vocaloid . so itz generally something that i don't talk about with them in order not to annoy them
you have no clue how much it actually meanz to have someone u care about tell u that they appreciate your love for such thingz . and that they actually like LURNING about it – more than anything else in thiz world
not to get all sad here . but ive alwayz struggled with the au – ive had [and admittedly still do] so many breakdownz over the fact i feel like my characterz are flat . or that my story iz too unoriginal or deviatez too much from the canon . generally anything i could be mad about . but the support ive gotten from u and the few other people on thiz platform who care alwayz help me feel like thiz work izn't pointless
not to mention . my time on thiz app and interacting with u made me develop my littlez in a way i probably weren't if not for thiz connection between uz [and im not just refering to shrig in thiz situation]
i can never fully express my gratitude to people – i feel like no word in any language could encapsulate just how much i care for each and every one of my friendsiblingz . so like . why even bother . right ? ahaha
thank u – thank u a thouzand timez over and over ; thank u forever more . for everything u've done for me . for everyone else . u utterly beautiful being 💌💌💌
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nightrae13 · 2 years ago
Appreciation Post to Kotaro and Arisa’s friendship bc why not?
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Maybe here’s a thought.. I love how in the translated novel I’ve read by ramirei (spoilers ahead and beyond for this now for Heart no Shucho lol), what Kotaro said was what Arisa exactly hoped someone would feel. She wanted her message to reach Karen, but even if it seemed it didn’t to Arisa’s mind, Kotaro never hesitated to tell her it reached him, and that was such a gentle and heartfelt scene to me!! 
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Tbh, I believe Kotaro would still do this for Arisa even without Ken telling him. I mean, it’s such a great AriKen story which I LOVE, but Kotaro always showed no hesitation to help her like how he never hesitated to tell her what she’s hoping for, reaching out to her the moment he saw her crying on the rooftop, and handing her a handkerchief when one of their classmates or herself (I don’t know if it was Karen or those in the earlier chapters) spilled something on her materials and Arisa was panicking.
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Those who didn’t read the novel don’t know how Arisa went far to even consider to matchmake Koyuki and Natsuki for Kotaro lol (since she realized Koyuki’s a kind soul and thought Yuu’d be fine with his fangirls XD). I know someone thinks that she’s just indebted to him for doing something only her future bf requested (even if I think many would agree Kotaro is not willing to be bossed by anyone, and he dd it bc he knew it was the right thing to do), but I believe Arisa did everything not just out of debt; she genuinely wanted Kotaro, the only friend she had aside from Karen, and the only one who stood by her on those sad times of her life, be happy. 
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Paying debt might be a factor at the beginning, but it was genuine friendship nonetheless. Isn’t being determined and genuine in making a person happy and wishing them them the best all throughout your lives considered friendship? Plus, if it was just out of debt, Arisa won’t be the captain of the KotaHina ship like how I believe Haruki co-captains NatsuYuu with Hina (I mean oh boy, Haruki helped Natsuki organized her initial confession lol. His sibling dynamic with Natsuki in the novels are so underrated too). 
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Tbh, Arisa rocks being KotaHina’s captain lol. 
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(haven’t read Daikirai yet since I’m still on MochiAka novel 2, but I just knew there’d be a scene like this, and I love it lol)
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To conclude this post, I just want to appreciate Kotaro and Arisa’s friendship. I may have never gotten a Kotaro to my Hina, but I deeply appreciate the Kotaros I have in my life to the Arisa in me. Tbh, before Hiyori, Aizo and Yujiro, Arisa and Kotaro showed that male-female friendships could really work without being romantic.  Y’all read Heart no Shucho already if you still haven’t. It’s actually my 3rd fav novel next to Sekoi and Yakimochi no Kotae bc I never expected this friendship would be so wholesome and beautiful to read. I know Hina showed kindness to Arisa and so does Ken in his indirect ways, obviously, (I love AriKen!!) but I feel like many had slipped into their minds that if Kotaro was not present and ready to give her a hand on those times, she probably would have given up before Sena’s words could reach her. Kotaro’s mere presence in her life made her not give up, and that made her so dedicated to give a hand in his times of needs as well.  Her friendship with Karen led to misunderstandings that wouldn’t be cleared until years later in High School, but she found a friend in Kotaro and that’s worth appreciating. Also, I love how Kotaro showed his chaotic side to Arisa on the latter parts of the novel lol. 
It’s also worth noting how right after Hina cried on Koyuki’s departure in middle school, Arisa and Kotaro spent their time together while hoping for a better future.  (like, I always love the chapters before the epilogues lol. It’s the same for Sekoi and Yakimochi no Kotae HAHHA)
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y’all, thank you for reading if you survived till the end. I just love them and wanted to share my ramblings to why lol. 
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littlejarsofhappiness · 1 month ago
I'm Soda (he/they) and this is my fictionkin blog.
My main kin is: Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club).
My minor kins are Anya (Mouthwashing), Chara (Undertale), Light (Death Note).
I am copinglink with Hajime and Izuru (Danganronpa)
👇Learn about my fictionkins below 👇
(still need write about my Anya kin)
☀️School life: They befriended Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika when they first started high school. They joined the literature club as vice president, which they love because they gets to spend time with their friends and white poems. They were especially happy when they convinced Protag to join as well. They feel happiest during club time or in art class.
☀️Personal info: They have struggled with mild depression since around 14. They first kept it to themself because they didn't want to be a burden to anyone. Protag eventually found out about Sayori's depression and helped them to reach out for help. Now they goes to therapy and they rely on their group of friends. They aren't close with either of their parents, but they wishe they were. They're closer with Protag's parents since they used to go to his place most of the time as a child.
☀️Gender/sexuality: Sayori is a demigirl and uses they/she pronouns. They use they/them with a their friends and uses she/her with everyone else, because they're only out as demigirl to their friends. They prefer they/them, but they don't mind she/her. They mostly agender, with a small connection to being a girl. They are demisexual demiromantic and has only felt any attention towards Protag. They wear a binder outside of school, since binding helps with their dysphoria. They don't bind at school because they're not out as demigirl there. Sometimes they wish they could wear pants at school, while at times they're okay with wearing a skirt.
☀️Relationship with Protag: Thedy grew up being next door neighbors with Protag. They and Protag often watch anime together and introduces new shows to each other. They hVe a small crush on Protag, but they're too afraid to tell him because they don't want to risk loosing their close friendship with him.
☀️Source differences: The main difference is that Monika never messed their world's code, so nothing bad that happened in the game happened in my source. Sayori opened up about their depression with help of Protag. In my canon, Sayori is the only one in the group who has a crush on Protag. Yuri and Natsuki are crushing on each other and eventually Sayori helps them to ask each other out. Natsuki is a trans girl, Yuri is asexual, and Monika is pan.
☀️Age/pet regression: When Sayori feels overwhelmed with depression or stress, they involuntary age regresses to three year old as a coping mechanism. Protag is their main caregiver and helps them feel safe and loved. Sayori likes onesies, pacis, soft blankets, and her cow plushy. Occasionally when they get really excited, they puppy regresses. They age regresses more then they pet regress. When they pet regress, they feel like a lab puppy.
📓Light Yagami
📓About: Light has strong guilt about what happened in his source, and feels like he was almost a different person, corrupted by the Death Note's power. He especially regrets killing L, who he secretly saw as a friend. He also regrets using Misa and misses his little sister, Sayu. He doesn't have emotional empty and doesn't experience guilt, unless it personally affects him. His emotions feel shallow at times, and he relays on his logical side over his emotional side.
📓Source differences: The death note slowly corrupted Light. Light was only truly himself at the beginning and when he didn't have memories of the death note. Kira formed from thee death note's power and mixed with Light's strong sense of justice, turning Light into a darker version of himself. Light could feel himself slowly losing control off his thoughts and actions, as Kira slowly took over.
🍫Chara Dreemurr (Undertale)
🍫(Name pronounced care-ah)
🍫Age: 8
🍫Gender: agender, they/them
🍫Backstory: Grew up in an emotionally abusive family and ran away to try to escape that. They fell in Mtt. Ebott on purpose and was taken in my the Dreemurrs. Chara slowly warmed up to the Dreemurrs and eventually felt part of their family. They were especially close with Asirel. Chara disliked humans because no one noticed how much they were hurting because of their family or other people simply didn't care. Chara thought the monsters in the underground were much nicer and wanted to help them. Chara tired to free the monsters from the underground with Aerial's help, but that resulted in both of their death. Many years, Frisk fell down. Frisk's determination awoken Chara and the two of them were able to break the barrier and free all the monsters. (True pacifist ending)
🍫About: Chara has a hard time trusting adults. They love sweets, especially chocolate. They are very adventurous and love being outside. They have a hard time being dependent on anyone because they had to be independent from such a young age.
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brownhairedbookworm · 1 year ago
Monika paces behind the stage's curtains. She can't say she's not nervous, but she's not afraid to be out performing! If anything, she's giddy about it. This is the first time she's tried to put her foot out there to perform anything for a crowd, let alone her own work. Of course, she'll be opening with some less original music, just in case, but she's pretty confident.
The brunette straightens out her ponytail. She looks like she's put together well enough, probably. Dressed pretty casually, but she's not here for a big orchestral show or anything. Just a little bit of lounge music. Everyone's going to be a little tipsy and loose. They won't criticize her too harshly, if they do at all. No one's gonna throw drinks at her because she sucks so bad, right...?
Okay, maybe she is lacking in a little bit of confidence. She takes a deep breath and rolls the beads of her bracelet on her arms. "Come on, keep yourself on earth. You'll do fine, Monika... Everyone believes in you, no one's going to heckle you or do anything mean."
How desperately she wishes she could have invited any of the Literature Club girls out for this. Unfortunately, Natsuki's bakery is starting to have a holiday rush, Yuri is using the colder weather to forge her metal sculptures more comfortably, Sayori...
Sayori probably could have come, actually, but she hasn't been responding to texts today. Monika can handcuff her jealous, possessive side for long enough to let Sayori live her own life. Between school exams and seasonal depression, Sayori's probably putting in some longer hours at work. Nothing to worry about.
She hears her name over the intercom and makes her entrance to the sounds of some relaxed, scattered applause. Monika takes her seat at the piano's bench, playing a short scale to get her fingers ready.
"Okay, everyone! Thanks for having me. Before I start sharing anything new, let's start with something familiar. A song about drive, determination, and grasping success in your hands with your own power." She begins introducing the song, with its familiar and haunting piano notes...
Her own power... Yeah, she can handle this~
"If you had one shot. One opportunity. To seize everything you've ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it, or just let it slip?"
And as her little show continues through the notes and chords, she only grows more confident. From the Eminem cover, around a more lounge appropriate version of Ruler of Everything, and right through a performance of Genghis Khan that made her feel perhaps a bit selfish and obscene... It's finally time to start bringing herself out there. Get ready to laugh at her high school work, everyone, oh boy...
"...Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with youuu...~"
...It's funny. She wrote this about that one person who didn't stick with the club. Now... Now she feels this same love for the girls she hurt so badly.
"...write your way into their hearts..."
Her fingers dance expertly to their destinations, adding flourishes and extra energy to places that once held a lovestruck teenage girl's awkward single-notes... Maybe it's time for a new final verse.
All my love, flowing free from my fingers, all around you three... I know love. And it shines for you all, from deep down inside of me. The ink flows down into a dark puddle You've written love into my reality. Listening to the sound of your heartbeats Friendship and love, here in our reality. And in this reality, if I forget how to love you I'll leave you be.
Her smile won't leave her face, as she brings her song to a close. "Thanks for having me, again, everyone. This has been a lot of fun!" Monika stands and takes a bow to a slightly bigger amount of applause, and she heads back behind the curtains.
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fuckyeahkurusushou · 3 years ago
Uta*Pri SHINING-LIVE - Day Dream {Hard Mode}/{No Auto-play} (Game-play) by Me {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT remove caption} {M.U.S.I.C.} © Elements-Garden {D i s c l a i m e r} I do not own Uta*Pri and am making no earnings off this.
During the latest event with Syo & Reiji (though I enjoy the latter, I mainly play events for Syo lol, but I am still learning and am very much NOT a Pro) I accidentally de-selected “Auto” for Hard mode (which you can see here too) as one of the Missions was to clear a song with a Unit consisting solely of Quartet*Night members. I don’t often use QN very much overall (except for Reiji tbh, he’s probably my QN fav)... that’s why the Unit name (“Eternal Sighs”) I made as an in-joke @ myself since I don’t tend to name my Units, and its basically me: Eternally Sighing @ Q.N. (also a personal in-joke for many reasons)
Well anyhow, so I accidentally de-selected “Auto” mode. I am @utistic with high @nxiety, so in these types of games I often tend to miss notes purely because I can’t hear them or I’m stressing over missing them lolll. (I love the @nime series but I never got to play the originals!)
And this happened. (Basically I was half-in shock I actually managed to DO THIS lolll.) {Especially because most other previous times I accidentally did this, I’d usually panic, and instantly lose by running out of Stamina/missing all.}
And that’s my “how I managed to get my first Hard cleared song on SL” story. (I’m also years behind catching up with all Card/Event stories for everyone not my top Favs because I started so late... and then this happened?!?) {Maybe it’s not totally hopeless that I can play on higher modes!}
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{Note: Please Do Not Interact with this if you dislike/hate St*rish, Syo, Natsuki, Tokiya, Cecil, or Haruka!}
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rainpudding · 3 years ago
very old draft
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- very gentle and sweet yandere
- she could never hurt you, if she did she would be filled with guilt.
- she always felt like life was a chore she had no energy in filling, but then she saw you. And her life changed. Was it even possible? You made her heart lighter and her cheeks warm. That's when she knew she loved you deeply. And that you belong together.
- she stalks you, but that's only because she wants to know if you're safe and alright.
- she also cyberstalks you, every hour she goes to your Instagram acc checking if you made a new post or a new story.
- at first, she didn't know how to talk to you and was kinda embarrassed but later she felt much more comfortable and started being clingy.
- hugging you that much it hurts.
- but you don't think anything is wrong with her as she keeps her energetic attitude.
- very sick yandere
- the day she talked to you her life completely changed. She always feared strangers, she was shy and embarrassed to talk in front of people. But at the festival, when she was reciting her poem. And you as the first person stood up clapping. For the first time she didn't felt embarrassed, but rather happy.
- it starts innocent, with little touches, little chit-chats.
- she is a little awkward but she tries her best to talk to you.
- you naive thing, you think Yuri is a completely normal hs girl, but you don't know how much obsessive she can become.
- she has a diary of you where she keeps track of every conversation you two had. Damn, she even has flashcards to remember your interests??!!
- you like orange juice more than Apple juice? Noted!
- however, she doesn't go beyond killing others or killing you. She rather writes sick poems and stories about you and her being together. Not even death being able to tear yall apart.
- she keeps it all in her box hoping one day it will all come true.
- The most healthy yandere
- you met at the library when you were in the manga section, you were looking at one of her fav mangas. The time she saw you there was a little spark. It seemed that you both had the same interests as her. 
- It was very easy to get to know you, considering that Natsuki is very straightforward. She just tapped your arm tapping if you're new to anime/manga and she gave you some recommendations.
- Next day she saw you at school in the baking club, her heart skipped a beat, it seems like fate wants you two together right? 
- she would never hurt you nor hurt others, somehow you both became friends very quickly and moved into the relationship too. While other girls are trying slowly to enter your life Natsuki entered your love life just a week after meeting you.
- she can become quite jealous so maybe sometimes she can have her little mood swings, or she will be more gloomy than usual. 
- Every time you gave her a present, no matter if it's something expensive or a meaningless rock you found she will treasure it well.
- How I said, Natsuki is probably the healthiest, apart from giving you silent treatments and being gloomy she won't do anything bad.
- yandere yandere
- well do I have to explain this? Monika is very obsessive and jealous.
- She would kill you just if it mattered nobody would have to touch you again. For her, you're just a fragile doll, something that is too precious to this world. Something that has to be hidden well, and kept take of. And guess who is perfect for that role? You're right! Your dear childhood friend that stayed by your side for ages. 
- it starts innocently after moving out of town when you were 10 you suddenly moved back to attend high school. And there you saw Monika. You both started to hang out. Monika always felt so cold and lonely in this world. No matter what she does nothing brought her comfort. But the day she saw you and you hugged her. The warmth that radiated from your chest. 
- as I stated before it started pretty innocent, when you entered a relationship she would get quite jealous sometimes looking through your phone and messages. Later stalking you when you hang out with your friends. She didn't mind it at first, she also has friends so why you shouldn't have some. But soon greed overcame her heart. 
- Every time you would say you're going to your friend's house, she would hide your keys or mimick an illness. At first, you would believe her and cancel your plans, taking care of her. 
- but then it started to become suspicious and you realized this relationship was highly toxic, and as you tried to explain to Monikayou need to break up. She got very angry.
- that was the last day you saw the light, the last day you touched grass, last time you saw another person besides Monika.
- you don't know for how many years you were locked in this basement, ut you know it was few. But don't worry much, Monika is here to take care of you, after all, she is always by your side! literally
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tunabesimpin · 2 years ago
🐟 Welcome to the Tuna Lair 🐟
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Tuna's the name art is my game! And I just be simpin for twst content. I mostly create content for Twisted Wonderland! But I'm happy to do stuff related to all of these: [ Twisted Wonderland, Splatoon, Genshin Impact, ProSekai Colorful Stage ]
This blog is SFW mostly, BUT I may reblog content that is better suited for mature audiences so please take caution! (mostly be wary of cursing / dark themes) ALSO this blog is very likely to have spoilers out the wazoo! Be warned of that as well! If you're ok with that feel free to check out the rest of my info and rules below!
You can call me Tuna! I'm 18+, asexual, and nonbinary. I'm bad at interacting with others as I overthink, have trouble with social cues and have high anxiety. That doesn't stop me from simping for art and writing and all different kinds of work! >v< I love to see/ read/ hear about everything yall may make! I love learning about animals, marine life is the coolest. My fav games are rhythm games, farm sim type stuff, or horror games! As for art, I've been learning and doin art serious for ~6 years but I've loved the arts since i was a wee lil thing. I also like to play around, like flipping, running, hanging on stuff ya know general monkeying around. My favs from the stuff I listed before: TWST- Floyd, Jade, Azul, Rook, Lilia, Kalim, Ruggie Splatoon- Pearl, Marina, Frye Genshin- Venti, Klee (my main!), Tighnari, Ayaka, Qiqi Prosekai- all of Wonderlands x Showtime HONORABLE MENTION! : Natsuki Shinomiya (UtaPri) Games I like to play: Twst, Genshin, Prosekai, Bandori, Phasmophobia, Devour, Stardew Valley, Minecraft Also one warning, if you are asking insensitive questions or being extremely rude right off the bat with me, I won't hesitate bitch to block you ^v^! I'm not dealing with it! It's very hard to get on my bad side but once you are there's no coming back I promise.
Please check here before sending any requests! I will respond to all requests, but if you request something that is not open you're probably gonna be disappointed On that note tho, if you requested something while it WAS open don't worry at all! I make sure to remember who i have left! You won't be forgotten i promise!
Rambling/ questions: [OPEN!] Meme Redraw requests: [OPEN!] Art requests: [NOT OPEN!] a few notes: Meme redraw requests are for canon characters only, unless we are mutuals. I can't write for shit so when i say rambling I MEAN RAMBLING. Maybe in the future I will learn to write better but as of now no.
Tuna OC/SONA : #twst tuna Profile here -> Tuna TWST relationship chart Answers/ replies/ rambles: #tuna be talkin Writings : #tuna be writin
TWST OC Hunger Games! - Twst ocs thrown into hunger games!
Fishy Beginnings - Tuna backstory/ UM backstory!
Floyd Has Discovered Something Interesting - Tuna x Floyd comic!
Tablet: XP-PEN Artist 13.3 Pro Programs: Clip Studio Paint, Live2D, & Adobe Premier Pro Canvas Size: Usually starts off 3000x 3000 at 350DPI( I go bigger for some commission work and smaller for some meme works)
Currently not accepting any at this time! Also this is a side blog ( I HAVE 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW MY MAIN ! )
This may get updated in the future if i remember to add anything, or if i change request options! ^v^ Stay tuned~ For being so kind and getting this far might I offer you this rat ;3 Enjoy
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shioritsumi · 3 years ago
Hey what if I made another Obey Me MC?
....bc I did. Drawing to come soon, but!!!
Natsuki Shino  Age 23 Light Brown hair (dyed), Brown eyes 5′5″ Professional Voice Actor
Natsuki was given access to whatever he wanted to decorate himself with as a kid, so he always chose the cutest things. And his mom loved it....when he was a kid. He was allowed to wear all the pastels, all the hairclips and ribbons, and his mom let him choose out adorable little dresses and skirts and whatever he wanted to wear. He was little, so she figured it was okay. Then he started school, and his mom started enforcing limiting his dressing in dresses. And she started coming down on it harder the further he went in school. He wasn’t allowed to grow out his hair, paint his nails, and by high school he wasn’t allowed to wear “pretty” clothes pretty much ever. He managed to eke out with a few friends who accepted his habits as “something Natsuki does” and would try to help him find time during hangouts to dress up however he wanted. 
But as though it wasn’t bad enough being a boy who liked to wear ALL the pretty clothes, he was also an otaku. And then he got his big break, and was cast as a magical girl in what would soon become a highly successful series. It was fun, at first, especially meeting with interviewers and being like “ha ha, that’s right Hana Ruri-chan is voiced by a MAN” but then people started treating him like a woman. Referring to Natsuki as a woman when referring to Ruri’s voice actress. Talking about having a girls’ day when they have recording days. And Natsuki’s over there getting increasingly disappointed bc he’s definitely a MAN....a man voicing a woman. A man who happens to have a really high range for voice work. So he has long hair now and wears pastel colors and paints his nails, but he’s still obviously a man. A manly man who is...pretty. 
-Diavolo mistakes Natsuki for a girl at first, too, and immediately corrects himself when he’s told otherwise. “Unisex name, beautiful frame...my apologies, sir! You and Asmodeus have a lot in common on that note, don’t you?” Natsuki finds immediate acceptance. 
-Natsuki’s friends in the human world are genuinely good people and support him. Natsuki is grateful to find he still has his phone and his human friends are texting him constantly. (His agent is also trying to get him to continue working bc Ruri-chan episodes still have to get made, they can’t wait a year for him to come back.) 
-Natsuki is super awkward when Leviathan rambles on about Ruri-chan constantly, considering he IS Ruri’s voice. If Levi ever pisses him off sufficiently, Natsuki gives him another spoiler. 
-Asmo and Natsuki are fashion buddies. (”Not allowed to wear pretty things at home, how DARE they-obviously beautiful people like us should be allowed to wear what makes us look best, right?”)
-The demon bros find high school pictures of Natsuki and don’t recognize him. He has fairly short black hair and he looks, uhh, just like virtually everyone else at his school. He just looks like a dude. Asmo is the first to point out how he doesn’t look terribly happy in most of the photos of him dressed in his school uniform. 
-For the record, Natsuki also has more recent photos of himself dressed as Ruri-chan for promotional material for the anime during a recent season premiere. He looks equally unhappy under his makeup and cute idol smile. He really doesn’t like Ruri-chan anymore. She’s taken over his life and thoroughly affected how everyone in the business sees him. His name is mentioned and everyone goes “oh the guy who does Ruri? He’s great at voicing cute girls, he’s pretty cute only give him cute roles” He wants to do some serious roles too, he swears, he’s a professional! 
-He was raised mostly by his mom, as his father died when he was still young. Their relationship isn’t great anymore since she started trying to enforce a more “manly” lifestyle on him. He loves her and appreciates what she did for him, but he can’t put up with her for long periods of time. Currently, she thinks he’s giving her the cold shoulder since they had an argument over his role as Ruri and he was taken into the exchange program shortly thereafter. 
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sirius-to-pup-archive · 3 years ago
1, 2, 12 and 17 for your husband Natsuki? 💛
Thank you for the ask, Jules!! 💗
1. Talk about the first time you and your f/o met. How was it like?
It was pretty overwhelming at first,,, Build a bear had just released the new axolotl plush and I really want to get one before it sold out.. Natsuki was there too and I didn't think much of it- Til I needed help to get something from a high shelf.. One thing went to another, we ended up getting matching axolotl plushies and we exchanged numbers. 😭 I entirely blame this entire interaction with my inability to say "no" at the time, but I'm.. Glad I didn't say no. (I also plan to draw this as a comic out eventually.)
2. How long did it take for you and your f/o to gain feelings for each other? Was it fast or did the feelings grow slowly? Who was the first to get romantic feelings? 
I want to say it took a while.. At least for me, Natsuki definitely was the first to get romantic feelings but I didn't really realize it since he always mentions his "I love you's"
12. Have either of you ever sent gifts to each other with notes attached to them as secret admirers?
I.. DEFINITELY HAVE.. When I was starting to crush hard on Natsuki I would ask Cecil to bring these gifts to him whenever he got the chance to work with Natsuki on set. I was too shy to do it myself, or rather too embarrassed. I don't think Cecil kept it much of a secret cause Natsuki quickly caught on as to who it was.
17. How was it like once you’ve officially confessed each others’ feelings?
Confused?? Confused is an understatement, when I finally confessed my feelings I wasn't sure if he also felt the same way.. He hugged me and said "I love you too, Ammy-chan!" like he normally does, so I kinda felt blown off? It wasn't until I went home and got bombarded with questions from Cecil, and I saw I had multiple messages from Syo saying I'm crazy for going out with Natsuki. Needless to say, it was a confusing night XD
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utapriyanderes · 4 years ago
pov : you spent a lot with one of the starish and quartet night member in utapri shining live game, one of the member starting to act strange but you shrug it off because you think it's the featured of the game..
The next thing you know, you got forced inside to trap in the game forever...
((thank you for answering it, I actually wanted to request all the members but imma just request one by one, so it would'nt get too overwhelmed qwq))
Can you do for natsuki, ren and cecil if you feeling like it uwu?
(Im kind of wanna make a comic of it)
Thank you so much for asking again! Also thank you for asking the characters in parts because that does help out a lot! As well, if you do make a comic then I would love to see it! Here you go~! (I’m actually going to change up the intro part for this ask, but if you would like it to be all one storyline for each boy then I will happily redo this!)
(Note: Some line spoilers for higher level bonds.)
~ ~
The morning rays hit your face waking you up from your sea of dreams. The first thing on your mind is to start your day right by saying good morning to your favorite boy. With a smile on your face you grab your device and open up the app “Uta no Prince-Sama: Shining Live” for a dose of your morning medicine…
Natsuki Shinomiya:
“Good mooorning! I knew today would be a good day. Why, you ask? Because I knew I'd see you.” The smile on your face only widens. You let out a whispered “good morning” to your boy beaming on the screen. Natsuki is extremely happy today to see you up so bright and early. With how disheveled your hair looks and you in your pajamas, he can’t help but to think it’s a cute sight to see.
Then one of your fingers comes down. He can’t wait to feel the warmth it will bring as well as a tingle as the bond level rises up, “Haha, seeing your face gives me plenty to smile about! Take things easy today, okay?” You give him a firm nod which he takes delight in. He doesn’t ever want you to leave the app. You’re the only one that can make him this happy.
He gets so sad every time you say goodbye. You should be here with him, where he can touch and hold you. Hug you and become a real couple. You would be happier with him here too, wouldn’t you? Then he would be able to see your cute face every morning and actually tell you “good morning” as soon as you wake.
“You look so cute today! How about you come here and I can make you breakfast!” He sees the surprise on your face as he acts off script. You must be happy at the offer, but you just shake it off and go back to smiling. Another tap comes his way.
“I feel so lucky to have you in my life. You're so precious to me, I hope we'll be side by side forever.” You respond with a “me too” causings his chest to start racing. He wants you here with him. He’ll have you here with him. He reaches forth and touches the screen where you still have your finger. A blinding white light clouds over the screen.
As soon as it disappears the screen is gone. He turns around and there you are. Looking up at him from the floor. Confusion and shock clearly written on your face. He crouches down and smiles at you.
“Should I go get breakfast prepared now that you’re here?”
Ren Jinguji:
“Thanks for coming! Seeing your pretty face always cheers me up. Let's make today a memorable one.” The first thing you do is let out a small squeal. You change it to portrait mode so you can fully see him and soak in his presence. Before you even press him you say, “I’m so happy to see you Ren.” As though the dream continues on.
You even bring him towards your chest and hug him for a moment before bringing him back to face you. Ren already started wishing to be there with you, or to have you here with him. He wanted you so badly. He wanted you to be his. There was clear wanting in your eyes, he knew exactly how you felt.
“Hey… why don’t you come over here so I can say good morning properly?” He winks as he speaks freely. You don’t even notice it and just tell him how happy that would make you. It’s words that make him fill up with such happiness. He wants to make you his and you’re ready to surrender yourself to him.
The high level of bond you had with him was already proof enough of how devoted you were. He knew he didn’t have to worry about you going to someone else, and yet he’s still stuck in this cage, worrying about you frantically everytime you leave him.
“Ahh... You're so warm. It's such a soothing feeling.” Then as soon as you touch him. All of his worries start to melt away. You’re here with him now. Your focus is on him. As much as he’s bathing in your affection he knows that it won’t last for long. His worries will come back and a looming darkness of wanting you will settle inside of him once again.
“The more time I spend with you, the more lovely you become, and I don't see that ever changing.” Despite it being a line, his words are true. No matter what time of day it is or how you look. If you’re crying or smiling. You’ll always be the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
Your heart swells for him. He can tell by your eyes. You pull him back into a hug. He uses this opportunity to close his eyes and rest his head against the screen. A white light fades in before fading back out. He lifts his head back up and no longer sees the barrier.
He walks around the chosen place. When he finally sees you up and touching a wall making sure it’s real he shouts out to you. Calling you by your name. You jump at his voice before turning to look at him. A smile full of relief and joy spreads across your face. You run up to him, jumping into his open arms.
He holds onto you tightly, not planning on ever letting you go.
Cecil Aijima:
“Good morning! Never underestimate the power of a greeting. We must start each day with a smile!” As soon as you hear those words any left over feelings of wanting to go back to sleep quickly leaves you. His happy expression is all you need to wake up feeling refreshed. The joy in Cecil’s heart at seeing your face fills him up and releases any form of worry he had while you were away.
Cecil can feel the love just radiating off of you. The only thing he has been thinking about is you. You’re quick to go to his profile and look at all the outfits you have for him, “Let’s get you dressed for the day shall we?” Everyday you always pick out something new for him to wear.
He’s happy at all the outfits you got for him and how hard you put your effort into getting them. You work so hard which both worries him but also makes him feel happy at how much you care. You pick a new outfit you got recently, then change the wallpaper to something appropriate that fits it. At seeing the final product you bunch up in delight.
“You look amazing!” It’s a small complement but one that fills up his heart even more. Then switching over to portrait mode you tap him, “Your touch always makes my heart flutter.” At his words you place a hand over your heart as though signaling the same thing. Every move you make makes him happy. He makes sure to memorize everything you say and do.
Since when you come over here with him… He wants to make sure that you’re also happy and comfortable. Already he’s planned out so many dates in his head. Things he wants to show you and introduce to you. He’s already prepared everything for you to come over.
“My heart flutters when you stare at me like that. Just remember that my spirit is with you every second.” You were so caught up in admiring him that he said one of his automated lines. Though he was also too busy staring at you to notice the wait of your next touch, and when you do he’s in ecstasy.
“Everything’s prepared for you to come over! All you have to do is touch my hand.” He gives you the offer. Now is the time for you to be with him. You shrug off his words, but touch his hand that’s over his heart anyways. Which causes a bright white light that blinds the both of you to appear. Within seconds it disappears with the window to your world gone from sight.
If he did everything right then Cecil already knows where you are. He walks around the scene and goes into the room he created just for you. Then, as he predicted, there you are. Lying on the bed he has prepared to be yours. He walks over to the side of the bed and sees you sleeping soundly. There he waits.
For his precious prince/princess to wake up.
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tacitusauxilium · 3 years ago
((Some thoughts about RPs I’d love to try out sometime in the far off future or soon?
FFX-esque RP. Fuuka as Yuna, Shinjiro as Auron, Akihiko as Wakka and Mitsuru as Lulu, Koromaru as Kimahri, Yukari as Rikku…and not sure about who’d replace Tidus. Maybe Theodore? Maybe a protagonist?
Pregnant Fuuka (I do have an ask set up for this BUT not sure when to post it?)
Chidori and Fuuka swapping places because GOD I WANT FEELS AND EVIL FUUKA
Fuuka meeting Maruki. And imagine her having doting and happy parents—god I don’t think she’d leave the reality he’d set up for her. And if Shinjiro was alive—oof!
I talked to someone about this but Fuuka and Goro Akechi meeting. Only because they have shitty parents and well…if Fuuka is undercover and starts to enjoy Akechi’s company, what happens when Fuuka is kidnapped because she’s a member of the Shadow Ops who is trying to take down Shido and Akechi is probably conflicted?
Fights! Fights! Fights!
I’d like for her to talk to Kingdom Hearts characters but I wouldn’t know how to go about that tbh. I just love the Wayfinder trio so much!
Fuuka having a friend with her to help her pick up guys or chicks. Fuuka is oblivious to love or she sees the person falling for them but is too scared to attempt anything.
Shadow Fuuka needs to come back out. Period. Lol
Rise and Fuuka swapping would be fun too. Having Fuuka have a dungeon and needing to be saved—why not?
I miss talking to Yukaris and Junpeis. It would be neat to do a three way RP all over again—maybe they would do something in their third year of high school together!
I did have a thread started but never got picked up again...where Akihiko is just wanting his fan girls to calm the fuck down and stop bothering him. And Fuuka eventually becomes his fake girlfriend, just for a while to get Akihiko less stress. I miss that thread.
Shinji and Fuuka ACTUALLY GETTING A DOOR IN THE ABYSS OF TIME. And somehow connecting to each other–like, Fuuka is getting shoved and bullied, where other classmates see this (first year of high school–bullying had to go on much longer than just two months), and in Shinjiro’s we see Natsuki talking to girls and guys about Fuuka (which is like days before Junpei, Yukari, and the protagonist come to find him). 
An anonymous person suggested this:  A Fuuka that broke under the pressure of her parents, the bullying, and the stress of school. A Fuuka that stopped caring and only trusts herself. A Fuuka that laughs at the idea of bonds and friendship. A Fuuka that manipulates, lies and fakes in expertise to get ahead and ensure her survival in this cruel world at any cost, even intimate if necessary. A Fuuka that uses her mind and body to win and find her escape out of this miserable world. Bad Girl Fuuka AU~
Another anonymous person suggested this one as well:  Instead of Shinjiro becoming a hobo around Tatsumi, he joins STREGA out of a bribe to get the 'cure' needed to control his Persona. Years later, Shinjiro is a guilt-ridden member, sent to hunt down the 'scanner' of their enemy, SEES. When he finds Fuuka Yamagishi locked up at the Gekkoukan Gym close to midnight, he has two choices. Bring her to STREGA or save her. Will the guilt give in and Shinji make the right choice, or continue what he does for his own survival?
From @goryuck: AU: Shinjiro leads a double life. By day he's Fuuka's fiancée and soon to be father, but by night he's drug dealer by the code of 'Castor'. One day one of Shinjiro's clients doesn't pay the price of a bag and Shinjiro refuses to give him the goods. The client threatens Shinjiro's fiancée. Shocked that the client knows about his life outside of the streets, Shinjiro becomes frightened. His life is exposed when Fuuka is kidnapped and a ransom note is left behind, and his world comes tumbling down.
A, B and C are driving in a car at night in winter on an isolated road when the engine dies. A notices that B and C have immediately started stripping down to their underwear [bonus if they wore sexy underwear just cause they knew they’d be meeting with A today] and asks what gives. B and C point out that the best way to share body heat is to press as much exposed skin together as possible, followed by the two of them jumping on A and getting some of that sweet sweet body heat! Bonus if B or C falls face first into A’s crotch while climbing over the seats. (B and C gives me Mitsuru and Fuuka vibes tbh XD)
And lastly: THIS post to calm my Fuuka/Akihiko shipping heart.
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stellar-imagines · 5 years ago
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝dear daughter.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi ]
「Headcanons of Aizawa reacting to the boys (Midoriya, Todoroki and Shinsou ) dating his daughter.」
♤ The first time he met you was from his friends. And when Todoroki mentioned about how there was a possibility that you might be Aizawa’s secret love child because of the quirk you possessed, he was intrigued. Of course not because you may be Aizawa’s secret love child but because of your quirk. But he’s too shy to approach you.
♤ Midoriya is very curious about your quirk, it’s similar to your dad’s but works in a completely different way. When your dad’s quirk is activated, he is able to disable a person’s quirk as long as he concentrated on his target, rendering an quirk affected unusable. Your dad’s quirk relies on sight which is completely different from yours. It wasn’t a quirk that you can really control and it’s always on which renders everyone’s quirk useless. Your quirk allows you to nullify others on contact, relies on skin contact and is always active. Midoriya has all that noted down.
♤ The time you invited him to your house, his entire body froze for one second and you could’ve sworn that he lost his consciousness for a few moments. Meeting your dad aka his own homeroom teacher in somewhere else but a classroom setting makes him nervous. He knows that he has to meet your father in a different setting.
♤ “Out of everyone, it has to be this problem child.” you heard your father mutter this the moment you showed up at the apartment’s doorstep with Midoriya. And for the hundredth time in his life, your green haired boyfriend finds himself intimated by his own homeroom teacher. It was intimidating enough to have him coaching his class during hero training but having to impress him to earn a spot as your boyfriend was a completely different thing. Midoriya is well aware of how much trouble he has gotten into during his entire time in UA.
♤ Your dad knew that Midoriya can be such a handful at times but he knows that the boy has a big heart. But that was his own opinion so far as a teacher. Other than being a handful, there were positive attributes as well. Midoriya was studious, ambitious and he motivates others. Overall, he knows that he can trust him to take care of you.
♤ But this doesn’t stop him from reminding your boyfriend about his position as your father. “If you hurt her, I won’t forgive you.” it sent chills to his spine. Midoriya couldn’t look at Aizawa properly for a week until the teacher told him to relax.
♤ Bear with him please, he talks a lot at times. Sometimes you wouldn’t pay attention and end up staring at him because he looked so cute. It takes him time to realize that you’re not even paying attention to what he’s talking about. And it takes half a second for him to get embarrassed when you tell him he looked cute rambling about God knows what. He’s very shy and prefers if you initiate hand holding, kissing, etc.
☆ Todoroki wanted to say ‘I told you so.’ to everyone who doubted him when he said you were Aizawa’s secret love child. In the beginning, he just happened to see you and his homeroom teacher come to school together and leaving at the same time. It got his gears running for quite a while and he paid more attention to you than he should’ve.
☆ During one training exercise, you were able to nullify quirks which made him confused. After a few days of thinking it through, he came to a conclusion that you may be Aizawa’s daughter. Midoriya was the first one who he approached and told about. While his friend was interested in your quirk, Todoroki himself was more interested in your relationship with his homeroom teacher. 
☆ ”I heard from someone that you thought I was a secret love child.” You heard from Uraraka who overheard Midoriya and Todoroki’s conversation when they were talking about you. He’s embarrassed to hear that you found out about him saying such a thing. It was him being his usual and oblivious self, at that time, he wasn’t really thinking things through. He tried explaining himself but ended up saying nonsense. You thought that it was cute and told him that it doesn’t bother you that much. 
☆ You were both from different classes, only a handful of people knew about your relationship — all being your close friends and Todoroki’s circle of friends. Your relationship with Todoroki was not a secret but you never went public about it. The people who know about your relationship were the ones who helped you to get this far with Todoroki so they were updated with your progress with the mentioned boy. It was the same with Todoroki, he had his close friends giving him advice and whatnot before and after you both started dating. 
☆ Out of everyone, Aizawa didn’t mind you date Todoroki. As the homeroom teacher of 1-A, he pays attention to all his students. Todoroki is quiet, reserved and never attempted to make friends in the first place, which made Aizawa question how on earth you two even ended up together. But he thought that the question can be left unanswered. Eventually you’ll spill anyway.
☆ Even though your dad didn’t mind you dating Todoroki, he still ensured that Todoroki was aware of the consequences if he messes around too much with you. Like you expected, your boyfriend responded coolly and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. He vows to protect you and not let this relationship hinder both of your studies.
☆ Todoroki takes a relationship quite seriously, mainly because he’s inexperienced and wants to make it a special thing. He always mention about how no one will know how your relationship will end up but he wants to make it special while it lasts. He loves affection so you better shower him with lots of affection!
♡ Dating Shinsou was fun. You never thought that he’d be a completely different person once he’s comfortable with you. But here you are. You feel privileged and special, to be honest. Shinsou has no interest in making friends, the two of you got to know each other through Aizawa. He might not be interested in being friends with you but you see him as a friend. And eventually, he warmed up to you.
♡ He’s so relieved that you have a quirk that can cancel others’ quirk, meaning he doesn’t have to worry about you being afraid of his quirk. But he gets a bit insecure when he imagined that you didn’t have a quirk that can nullify his. He finds himself asking — Would you be afraid of him? Of course, you reminds the boy that you love him for who he is and trusts him entirely.
♡ He learns a lot about you from Aizawa, who doesn’t really hesitate to answer almost every question Shinsou throws at him about you. It was mostly embarrassing stuff you’ve done or cute little habits you have that you don’t even realize. He usually keeps the information to himself but sometimes he can’t help but tease you. “You know, I heard from your dad that when you sleep, you—” you would flail your arms wildly and yell at him to not say another word.
♡ Your dates with Shinsou aren’t like those in the movies. Not the typical going out to eat, watch some cheesy movie or play at the arcade. But you both at least eat something before doing something together. Usually you’d hang out at your house when your dad’s away. But Aizawa gives Shinsou the “If you try anything weird, I will kill you” look before leaving.
♡ Out of everyone, Aizawa really approves you dating Shinsou. Call him biased or whatever but as his personal trainer, your dad and Shinsou had formed a bond different from student and teacher. Your dad knows that Shinsou is a misunderstood individual, he wasn’t blessed with a powerful quirk and has been discriminated against solely because of the quirk he was born with.
♡ Okay, even though he approves your relationship, your dad still makes sure that Shinsou knows everything. No underage sex, no going out till past curfew time, relationship shouldn’t hinder studying and whatnot. In fact, he’s more strict on Shinsou because he has high expectations. Aizawa secretly hopes that your relationship with Shinsou lasts until marriage because he likes the guy.
♡ Shinsou calls you kitten as a nickname which makes you very embarrassed because he calls you that in front of your friends.
Total: 1420 words Published: 28.2.2020
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 It’s nearing the end of February, oh my :o Please don’t think you’re inconveniencing us!! Our ask box WAS closed but we decide that if anyone sent anything during that period, we will put that aside and prioritise the requests that came before the ask box was closed. Sorry to make you wait for so long anon m(_ _)m― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! Hope you liked it anon! You seem to be looking for something fun and we both hoped that this falls into your definition of fun. We may have strayed a bit too far from the requirements. ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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