#(I KNOW 1000000% he will deliver)
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Dissection of ‘Kiss the Villain’ Teaser because why not?
"I think we've established that you have a magnificent ability to be grotesque."
Okay, so right off the bat, Kayden is out here throwing high-level insults like he’s delivering a Shakespearean monologue. “Magnificent ability”?? Sir, that’s an SAT vocab insult. That’s the kind of insult you drop in a courtroom and then sip your coffee while the defense spirals into self-doubt.
My lips lift into a snarl, but I force them into a smile.
The level of internalized violence here. Gareth is seething, but his petty little soul refuses to let Kayden see him crack.
"I didn't seem grotesque when you came all over my mouth. You enjoyed it so much you kept coming on and on. I thought you would never stop."
Kayden threw a classy insult, and Gareth responded with a weapon of mass destruction. This man did not come to play; he came to ruin reputations. Not just destroy them—ruin them beyond recognition.
Also, let’s talk about how obnoxiously Gareth worded this. “You kept coming on and on.” That’s not just shade; that’s permanent eclipse.
"Your hole is the only useful thing about you."
Kayden said forget dialogue, forget literature, forget human decency. He threw Gareth into the trash and slammed the lid shut.
Also, the casual delivery of this line?? As if he’s stating a mundane fact?? Kayden is out here grading Gareth’s entire existence like:
Snarky attitude. ✅
Daddy’s money. ✅
A hole. ✅
Literally nothing else.❌
I think I see a change of expression, but it's so fleeting. I can't read it as it continues.
Translation: “I just got spiritually humbled, and I need a second to reboot.”
"But enough about that."
OH, OH, SO HE JUST MOVES ON??? This man wrecks Gareth’s entire being and then acts like it’s a minor inconvenience?? Kayden really said, “Yeah, you’re useless, but anyway, back to business.” The emotional terrorism. The calm audacity.
". And here I was dying to keep broaching the subject."
Gareth, you are holding onto your last thread of dignity by a fingernail, but I respect the effort.
"Watch the way you speak to me. I'm your professor and will not tolerate any disrespect."
Also, imagine Kayden saying this in his best professional tone, meanwhile, we all know this conversation left professionalism in the dirt ten miles ago.
The firm edge in his voice gets my skin ablaze. It's uncomfortable, this feeling that's making me grip the notebook tighter.
Not Gareth trying to convince himself that this feeling is “uncomfortable” when his body is literally betraying him in 4K. King, we see you.
"I have no respect for you whatsoever, professor."
Gareth said, “Respect? Never heard of her.”
And honestly, good for him. He may be losing this battle, but he will not go quietly.
"I'll tell you this once, so listen carefully, Carson." He stands taller, forcing me to crane my head back to look up at him.
Second of all, Gareth, baby, you are about to die.
"I have zero tolerance for spoiled, rich little brats like you who believe they can rule the world through their daddy's trust funds. If you don't drop the attitude and watch your mouth, I will fuck it into submission. Are we clear?"
Kayden just: Took Gareth’s entire personality, folded it neatly, and set it on fire.
Also, imagine being Gareth in this moment. You thought you were going to sass your way out of this. But NO. NO, SIR. You got a one-way ticket to the shadow realm.
And the way Kayden drops “fuck it into submission” so casually???? Like, my guy, you are at work.
Final Score:
Kayden: 1000000/10. Unshakable. Unbothered. Demon-level dominance.
Gareth: A very pretty corpse.
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aemiron-main · 10 months ago
The Most Evil Man In Hawkins: Don Melvald and Brenner Sr (Ft Richard Brenner and Brenner Sr's Punk Era/Axel Delivering Brenner Subtext and Ketamine)
So, Mark Hammersley posted this picture of himself as Brenner Sr:
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And then, right after that Brenner Sr picture, he posted this picture of himself as Don Melvald:
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And look at the caption- "secretly the most evil man in Hawkins"- that's an interesting caption for a guy that's supposedly a random store owner- it's almost the sort of caption that woudl fit better with Brenner Sr. It's almost like Brenner Sr and Don Melvald are being connected here, especially with how often Brenner gets referred to as "man"/"the man" in-show versus Don getting called "the most evil man" in this caption.
Hell, Kali even refers to Brenner as "a man you knew was evil":
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And of course, I take everything that's said/posted by actors with a HUGE grain of salt, and on its own, Mark’s caption isn't particularly strong evidence of some sort of subtext/connection related to Brenner Sr and Don Melvald- but there's three key things that piqued my interest here and led me to believe that there IS some sort of Melvald-Brenner connection:
1.) Mark Hammersley himself has posted before about how he has to be super careful about what he posts on social media re: TFS & how people from Netflix/people in charge check/approve TFS social media posts (and other cast members have talked about how they have ‘ironclad NDAs’)- which makes it suspicious that the Brenner Sr post was deleted and is no longer on Mark's page:
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2.) Even when Brenner Sr and Don Melvald aren't played by Mark Hammersley, they ARE always played by the same actor (at least every time I saw the play & every BTS pic etc I've seen supports this & even if it's hard to tell from my screenshots, that is 1000000% the same actor playing both of them in TFS). So, even setting Mark himself entirely aside, there IS an intentional production choice/casting choice that connects Brenner Sr and Don Melvald:
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3.) The in-show, NON TFS Don Melvald has an EERY resemblance to Brenner. Look at the hair- not only does he have the same "pushed back grey with white streaks" style as Brenner, but his hair is also parted on the RICHARD side/towards screen left, which ties into something I'm going to talk about in a second. And there''s also Don's white grid shirt versus the white HNL grid tiles and Owens' white grid shirt- and Don also wears a grid shirt and cardigan combo like Owens does, with the blue coat over top and everything (and Don's cardigan seems to be dark green, much like in-show Young Henward's dark green cardigan):
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And what's extra suspicious about all of this is Melvald's being advertised as a drug store versus Richard Brenner being the head of the Narcotics Enforcement division, and all of the drug dealer Reefer Rick vs Richard Brenner stuff (it’s also very funny to me that the guy that’s talking about “when did Rick get out of jail?” has the same sort of white and grey beard as TFS Don Melvald and Brenner Sr):
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And on that note, going back to what I said in the beginning about Kali's line re: "a man you knew was evil," IMO, this is another piece that connects all of this specifically to Richard because Richard is likley the man that Kali is referring to/the man that Ray worked with, as Richard seems to be the guy that we see in the flashbacks with Ray during Terry's electrocution:
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Anyway, it's also an interesting choice for Don Melvald to have brown eyes as opposied to both Brenner Sr and Brenner Jr's brown eyes versus Flayed Will's brown eyes... what's going on??? And also regarding Brenner Sr and Don Melvald being played by the same actor in TFS/being identical, this "sex, drugs, and Elvis" line about Melvald's from TFS stuck out to me:
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It stuck out to me because: A.) It connects Melvalds to drugs again, which therefore connects Melvald's to Richard Brenner again. And B.) It references Elvis, which, as we know, and as I'm sure Stav's talked about, that connects to the "Elvis Cloned By Aliens" newspaper article.
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So, connecting Melvald's to Elvis therefore connects Melvald's to cloning- which is supsicious considering that TFS Don Melvald is identical to Brenner Sr/played by the same actor. Quick, Don, you wouldn't happen to be some sort of copy/clone of Brenner Sr, would you? Even in the sense of TFS involving some of Brenner Jr's memories in a weird simulation way/the way that the bloody hands memory invades NINA for El, and so, Brenner Jr's memories of Brenner Sr might be invading TFS in a similar way???
And also, the Elvis Cloned By Aliens paper has that article titled “Sailor Cheats Death In Ordeal At Sea," which further connects the cloning stuff to Brenner Sr because Brenner Sr cheated death at sea and returned (albeit briefly) from Project Rainbow/the USS Eldridge, whereas the rest of his crew did not. Brenner Sr, do you have clones running around?? Also, it's interesting that TFS Don Melvald a.) looks so different from in-show Don Melvald, with TFS Don having a beard vs in-show Don being clean-shaven, which reminds me of Brenner Sr's beard in TFS vs in-show Brenner being clean-shaven and b.) Don Melvald is already greying/older looking when Joyce is in highschool in TFS- and yet, many years later, the in-show Don Melvald looks younger than the TFS Don/it doesnt seem to make sense for in-show Don to be TFS Don age-wise- which makes me think about how TFS Brenner Jr doesn't age, and also the whole Brenner Sr vs Brenner Jr thing- is the TFS version of Don actually Don Melvald Sr vs the in-show don being Don Melvald Jr? Anyway!
And also, when we look at more of Don's in-show scenes, he has a line about bringing Jeffrey in to cover for Joyce. Which is interesting considering all of the weirdness with cover actors in TFS and the fact that it almost seems like Brenner Sr's actor is "covering" for Don Melvald's actor or vice versa, even though that doesn't seem to actually be the case/Don's been intentionally casted since the start to be played by whicever actor is playing Brenner Sr. It's also extra interesting that Don is having a guy named Jeffrey/Jeff cover for Joyce here, versus Jeff from the Hellfire Club being present at the table in S4 when Dustin and Mike are told to go and find somebody to cover for Lucas. And Jeff's also the guy that pointed out that Eddie's been saying that he's going to run out of Hawkins High for two years, which then connects to what I've talked about before re: Eddie being stuck in highschool for an extra two years versus Edward Creel moving to Hawkins two years before Henry did- and Jeff also wears a Black Sabbath shirt later on vs what I talked about in this post and this post re: Eddie Munson vs Edward Creel and Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne And Jeff is ALSO the one that yells at Jason to "let him go" when Jason grabs Gareth, which then connects to El talking about how Brenner couldn't let Henry go:
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Anyway, we also have this shot of the Halloween masks at Melvald's General Store- and that mummy mask looks a LOT like Brenner Sr's Invisible Man-esque bandaged face after he returned from Project Rainbow- and that mask from Melvald’s is also the same mask that Axel wears:
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And speaking of Axel, Axel has something in common with TFS Virginia- they’re both terrified of spiders, TFS Henry shows Virginia a vision of spiders crawling towards her/onto her, just like Kali does with Axel, and Virginia freak out just like Axel does:
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(And TFS Virginia was locked in a closet full of spiders as a child, which, considering the connection to Brenner Sr via Axel here, makes me wonder a.) if Brenner Sr ever locked any of his kids/Brenner Jr in a closet/trunk, esp considering the Will-Brenner parallels & Jonathan checking Lonnie’s trunk for Will, as well as all of the locker imagery in TFS & the Davy Jones’ Locker association re: Brenner Sr being a sailor and b.) if TFS Virginia might be one of Brenner Sr’s kids, but anyway)
And hilariously, that whole Virginia-Henry scene about the spiders not only happens RIGHT after the scene of Henry at Melvald's/he's JUST come home from Melvald's to find Virginia waiting up for him, but also, the whole reason the conflict started/the whole reason that line about Virginia and the spiders was even said is because Virginia was upset about Henry going to Melvald's with Patty. Alll roads really do lead to Melvald's at this point.
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And regarding that Brenner Sr-Virginia connection, isn't it then funny that the mask in question that Axel wears & that resembles Brenner Sr’a bandages is a mummy mask vs Brenner Sr being connected to Henry's mom via Axel delivering Brenner Sr subtext & having the same sort of spider fear as TFS Virginia?
PLUS, we have Kali putting Axel's Brenner Sr-esque mask onto El- El, who's a girl, which further connects to the weird “Brenner Sr vs Virginia/mother/woman” stuff going on here (and is also interesting considering El being mistaken for a boy in S1):
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And also, Kali says that Axel is a “terrible dancer,” after she makes the spiders appear and Axel “dances” around about it, versus TFS Henry talking about how he “doesn’t dance/isnt a good dancer” and then the scene of TFS Henry dancing at Melvald’s right before the spider scene with Virginia:
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And ALSO, we get a shot of Axel holding Chinese food, versus S1 Karen saying “am I speaking Chinese in this house?” versus Don Melvald being RIGHT behind Karen at Will’s funeral & the context of the “am I speaking Chinese” scene being about Will’s disappearance/“death”, therefore connecting the “speaking Chinese” scene to that funeral scene & therefore connecting the “speaking Chinese” scene to Don Melvald, which then connects back to Axel (who wears the mask that’s sold at Melvald’s) holding Chinese food, and THEN there’s ALSO Nancy talking about “house arrest” right after Karen says that “speaking Chinese” line versus Reefer Rick delivering subtext about Richard Brenner & the guys on the boat talking about Reefer Rick getting arrested and the “China doll” lyric playing RIGHT after that line, PLUS the newspaper article about Richard Brenner talking about how the documents involving him were “heavily coded,” versus TFS Henry’s DIY code, and Robin cracking the S3 code versus a key part of the S3 code being Chinese food (which Axel was holding), and the S3 code line being “a trip to China sounds nice,” versus the idea of tripping on drugs and what I’m going to talk about later re: Axel, Richard, Reefer Rick and Ketamine and Richard Brenner being the head of narcotics:
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And Axel also has this shot where he cocks a pistol, which makes me think of the scene in TFS where Brenner Sr/Don Melvald’s actor does the same sort of thing/raises a pistol towards the audience kind of randomly/there’s no clear reason as to why he did it:
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And we also have the shots of Axel walking with his black coat flowing out dramatically behind him, JUST like S1 Brenner walking with his black coat flowing out dramatically behind him (and also, there’s something about the anarchy symbol on Axel’s shirt vs TFS Henry’s weird x and circle scar on his hand):
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And just briefly, this part is a tiny bit more of a stretch admittedly, but it IS a little funny to me that Axel tries to steal cigarettes from the convenience store/is very prominently framed by cigarette ads- cigarettes, also known as fags- versus TFS Henry’s vanishing in the cave in Nevada/Henry’s in-show HNL kidnapping re: the Creel Murders and Will’s vanishing and both Henry and Will being gay/being “fags”.
Like, isn’t it just a little suspicious that Axel, the character with constant Brenner Sr & Richard Brenner references, is stealing fags? Versus Brenner’s long-running habit of stealing another type of fag?
Especially considering the connection that Kali’s gang has to London versus fag being British slang for cigarette??
And especially considering that the only time the word “fag” is used in ST is regarding Will (and hilariously, Joyce even raises her cigarette right into frame when she says it)- versus the connection between Richard Brenner and Will, with how the article about Richard is right under the article about Will’s vanishing:
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And on a more obvious note re: Brenner St, Richard Brenner and Axel, there’s also the shot of Dottie holding up two bottles of prescription drugs/narcotics in front of Axel’s face- versus Richard Brenner being the head of the Narcotic Enforcement Division, and Axel’s visual connection to Brenner Sr via his mask and said mask being from Melvald’s, which was advertised as a drug store- point is, the connection between Brenner Sr, Don Melvald, Richard Brenner, and Axel continues:
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And we also get this shot of Axel going into the kids’ room at Ray Carroll’s house- a kids’ room with rainbows on the wall (versus Brenner and the HNL rainbow room), and a closet very prominently featured in the shot (versus what I talked about earlier re: Virginia and Axel’s fear of spiders and Virginia having been locked in a closet full of spiders as a child), as well as the operator telling the girls to “stay calm” in this scene vs Henward telling El to “stay calm” during NINA in the rainbow room (which it’s also interesting to me that the operator that Henward gets paralleled to is a girl versus a.) the whole “henry creel isn’t a chick” thing in TFS and b.) what ive talked about with how during this very chess scene, Henward is visually paralleled to 007, who is a girl):
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^And as a tangential note, it’s interesting to me that NINA Henward is paralleled to a phone operator here vs the NINA phonebooth scene vs the operator in The Matrix, and how operators are typically humans born outside of The Matrix versus Henward being the only lab kid that was born outside of the lab:
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And in the bedroom, Axel finds two girls who seem like they might be twins- and not only do they seem like they might be twins, but they also a.) have dark brown hair that’s very similar to 15 year old Brenner’s hair colour & texture as well as 7 year old Henry’s hair colour and texture (and speaking of 15 year old Brenner’s hair, El’s slicked back dark punk hair also reminds me a lot of 15 yr old Brenner’s hair) and b.) they’re paralleled to Alice Creel with the night gowns & their father literally sharing a last name with the author of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll:
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Not to mention that one of the girls is wearing a nightgown with a print that’s eerily similar to the HNL lab gown print- and also reminds me of Suzie’s nightgown, which is interesting considering how similar the rainbows on the Carroll girls’ wall is to the rainbow on Suzie’s Muppet Movie/Rainbow Connection poster and how Suzie’s dark hair is so similar to the Carroll girls & the NINA rainbow room vs the Carroll girls’ rainbow wallpaper & Suzie’s connections to NINA & Suzie even having a phone in her room RIGHT under that rainbow connection poster that’s the same colour as the Carroll girls’ phone- and the nightgown ALSO reminds me of TFS Virginia’s nightgown (vs what I just said about the Carroll girls’ closet connection to Virginia), as well as the random bloody nightgown that appears on the laundry line during Max’s Vecna vision:
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And the pose of the Carroll girls reminds me of the pose that in-show Young Henward has in this picture- especially since Young Henward has his murder night outfit on in that picture and we still don’t know who called the police on the night of the Creel murders versus the Carroll girls talking on the phone to the 911 operator about the police arriving (also, the use of the word “honey” from the operator here makes me wonder if we’ll get a parallel dialogue line of Henry calling the police the night of the Creel murders where that says “the police are on their way, Henry. Okay?”):
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And also, this is something I’ve had a draft about for like a year now & haven’t finished so I’ll put a bit of it in this post, but it’s interesting to me that Axel calls Kali “K,” versus “K,” being used as a short form way of referring to “Ketamine,” versus Eddie Munson talking to Chrissy about Ketamine & Chrissy calling it “Special K” and all of the Richard Brenner vs Reefer Rick drug stuff/Eddie Munson getting his drugs (the Ketamine) from Reefer Rick, versus Axel, who’s constantly connected to Richard Brenner and Brenner Sr, referring to Kali as “K”:
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Which also makes me think of the connection between Will and Richard Brenner and the S1 line about how Will’s vanishing left a “hole” in the community” versus the Ketamine experience called a “K Hole,” that causes intense dissociation and “out of body experiences” (which has me staring at my draft about the CIA in 1983s and the Gateway Technique/astral projection) and can also cause distortion of time and space, hallucinations, memory loss, psychosis, and more. Which makes me think about a.) Henward’s apparent memory loss after the Creel murders/El’s memory loss after the massacre & that scene being a parallel to Henward fainting after the Creel murders, as well as Will weirdly not mentioning (or possibly not remembering) his time in the upside down, and b.) all of the hallucination and psychosis stuff associated with Henward, especially with TFS Henry.
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There’s a lot more I have to say about Ketamine/K Hole symptoms, dissociation, MKULTRA (because one of the key goals of MKULTRA experiments was inducing dissociation), Henry vs Edward, etc etc, especially since k hole experiences are often associated with visions of aliens/alien experiences vs TFS Henry’s alien stuff re: Rachel, Nevada and all of the Brenner alien stuff, but I’ll put that all in the actual ketamine post/I’ll go and finish that post.
And they also show us a scene of Troy specifically repeating the line about a “hole” versus bladder problems being a symptom of repeated k hole experiences and El making Troy wet himself:
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Anyway! Lots to think about, I’d love to know what the hell is going on with Don Melvald vs Brenner Sr and all of the connections to China and codes etc etc!!!
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racingliners · 5 months ago
has anyone asked you about favorite (underrated?) helmets yet? ive been drooling over lance's am helmets lately i feel like no one ever talks about them -fujispeedway
oh yes @fujispeedway we can 1000000% talk about underrated helmets!!!
I also absolutely LOVE Lance's Aston Martin helmets, the 2021-2023 designs are my personal favourites both for the all over British Racing Green and the big Aston Martin wings on either side. It's such a sleek design that's executed brilliantly. (Pics below are Lance's helmets from 2021, 2022 and 2023 - all a 10/10 for me).
Of the three the 2023 design is my favourite, but I love the creativity of the 2022 helmet in creating the Aston wings out of matte paint and neon lime accents. It's super clever!
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I have an unbelievably silly amount of helmets in my helmet tag so I just know I'm going to forget some (and it's almost after half past 11 at night for me so my brain will not be braining as much - I will probably end up doing a part 2 for this).
Gonna put this under a read more to avoid dash clogging.
Lewis Hamilton - 2020 pre-season testing
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Do I think Lewis was absolutely spot on in switching his helmet design to purple and black for the 2020 season? Yes. Do I miss what we could have had in this beautiful white and purple variant? Also yes. (Deep deep down, I do hope this is the route he goes for his first Ferrari helmet next year).
Purple just is Lewis' helmet colour to me, and the big splashes of white with hints of baby pink is just soooooooooo pretty. This helmet looked stunning with the silver W11 Mercedes livery and I think it would have looked gorgeous with the black livery too.
10/10 no notes.
Sebastian Vettel - Singapore 2017
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Seb's Singapore helmet designs literally. never. missed. Sadly I think his 2017 design gets forgotten about because of... well... the events of the race start. But to move on very swiftly, I think this design does not get talked about enough. The reflective detailing is really fun and looks just as gorgeous as all the sparkly helmets under the circuit floodlights, and it gets a bonus point for the yellow to red to pink shift matching perfectly with both the German flag on Seb's helmet and the 2017 Ferrari livery.
Again, 10/10 no notes.
Michael Schumacher - Belgium 2011
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A lot of F1 drivers do have very iconic helmet designs. But will they ever be Michael Schumacher wearing a helmet decorated with actual 21 carat gold levels of iconic? No.
(I do want to include a video about how this helmet was made bc it's just so mesmerising to watch.)
This design was created and ran in honour of Michael's 20th anniversary in F1, which he celebrated at Spa - the scene of his first ever F1 race and maiden victory.
And it's sexy as hell. 10/10.
Jenson Button - Great Britain 2014
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In honour of his father Johnathan, who traditionally always wore a pink button up shirt on race days when supporting Jenson and passed away at the start of 2014, Jenson ran his helmet design in a bright pink colourway for the British GP - which also featured a pink shirt wearing Papa Smurf (a frequently used nickname for Jenson's Dad).
I was super lucky to be at Silverstone for the race weekend in 2014, and you could always know when Jenson was on track because the super bright shade of pink was impossible to miss. And it also looked gorgeous with McLaren's chrome silver and black livery that year.
As a tribute, it's very beautiful. And a helmet I always remember fondly.
Zhou Guanyu - Abu Dhabi 2022
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I'm not kidding when I say that I think about this helmet design at least once a week. It's probably every two days at the very least.
It's stunning, it's gorgeous, it's beautiful. Guanyu always delivers on his helmets every single time.
again, 10/10 I want a mini version of this on my shelf.
Esteban Ocon - Great Britain 2022
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So, I have the heart of a marshmallow. I am incredibly mushy and sentimental, therefore anything slightly mushy and sentimental makes me go all gooey and weepy.
Esteban's helmet for Silverstone not only featured the names of every single employee at both the Alpine factory in Enstone and and the Renault Powertrains factory in Viry-Châtillon - but the top of the helmet also included the co-ordinates of both factories. Very mushy, very sentimental. It's just lovely.
The blue gradient is also very pretty. 10/10.
(gonna end this here as it's now ten to midnight and I'm struggling to think of many more BUT I will 100% make a part 2 for this if people want).
reverse unpopular opinions: send me a topic and I'll say something nice about it
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what-gs-watching · 1 year ago
“I really do remember though…every second with you."
So I’m in the last week of my bootcamp and I have a couple of job interviews this week and things are going I guess BUT my brain doesn’t really care about any of that.
Because Y’ALL. I’m still 1000000% inside the first episode of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary specials. I’ve been waiting for this since I saw the first trailer in like September and David Tennant has been constantly on my mind and it was just everything. All the things. 
Wherein, after the 13th doctor regenerates into THE 10TH DOCTOR’S OLD FACE, he lands in London obviously and immediately runs into none other than Donna Noble, his very best friend in the entire universe who absolutely cannot remember him because if she does, she’ll very quickly die.
They did an  intro into the episode that explained the whole backstory which was a little forced and cheesy  but I get it, not everyone is insane enough to have just rewatched all of 10’s episodes just because this was coming (though they should be). 
I’m gonna admit I had no idea what the episode was supposed to be about other than reuniting some of my two favorite characters in the whole wide world, and I’m glad I didn’t. It was definitely a traditional Doctor Who romp: aliens crash land on earth, UNIT gets involved,  one alien faction is going after another alien faction, Donna’s family ends up in the center of it, they need to figure out a way to keep London from getting destroyed.
Ya know, the usual. 
The thing I’m here for, friends, is David Tennant becoming a new version of his own doctor because that’s fascinating, while still absolutely painted into his skinny suit (which is so Crowley somehow), and catharsis. All the catharsis.
After watching his entire run again, I stand behind the opinion that Donna got the worst deal of all the companions. Rose got to keep her Doctor human clone, Martha ended up with Mickey, but Donna had literally EVERYTHING ripped from her. Can you imagine the size of the hole the Doctor would leave in your subconscious after being removed? Like, how do you manage any kind of life after that?
But she did. She’s got a husband, and a kid, and she donated almost all of her lottery winnings while dealing with what I can imagine is an overwhelming, horrible sense of loss. Humans can get used to anything. And that thought is kind of devastating.
Which means all I really wanted was to see the two of them together again, and Russell T Davies delivered the goods. 
The Doctor runs into Donna basically immediately after landing in London of course and he learns her daughter’s name is Rose and I can’t get over how many times he shouted “WOT?” in this episode, I always loved 10’s incredulous “WOT!” 
She rambles at him of course and is messing with boxes full of stuff she’s holding so she misses the spaceship very NOTICEABLY crashing to earth because that’s her thing, always missing everything. But she’s ready to go so in true Donna fashion tells him “Nice to meet you, skinny man. Oh, word of advice. You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of 35, and no further.” Baby girl is still herself, and she’s ruthless, and I love it.
 After the Doctor follows the ‘crashed’ spaceship, he runs into a scientist from UNIT who is holding herself together insanely well considering she’s stumbled upon the doctor, and he tells her that all of this is swirling around Donna of course and he says “she was my best friend in the whole wide universe. I absolutely love her” and then he’s surprised that popped out of his mouth because you know 10 was never going to admit to that so thoroughly, and these are the interactions I need in my life.
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Here’s the situation gang: I absolutely love a love story. I really do. If my Good Omens fixation is anything to go by. But I also really love a good, solid, perfect friendship. Two people challenging each other and accepting each other and just being on the exact right wavelength. I’ve had some terrible friends in my life, and so beautiful positive depictions  cut right to my heart. Which means I’m really here just for the two of them being those amazing friends again.
Meanwhile, Donna’s daughter finds one of the rogue aliens, AKA The Meep, which I found to be HELLA creepy, like everyone was all ‘aw it’s cute’ but nah y’all, I knew that motherfucker wasn’t cute. But just like her mother, she wants to help and she brings The Meep into her little shed in their backyard because obviously, and it all takes a turn.
The other aliens that were apparently pursuing The Meep show up, and Donna catches wind that there’s a martian in her house (I love it, everything is always a martian, she’s my favorite) and her mother, bless her, tries hard to make Donna ignore the entire situation because she cannot remember, but it doesn’t matter, the Doctor crashes in anyway.
I also love that she was instantly annoyed with him, still calling him “skinny man”  and wondering why the hell he was following her. And he does kind of try to extricate himself from her and her family but of course it was never gonna go that way.
So the UNIT soldiers have been overtaken by some weird light they found in the spaceship and they come to the house to start attacking and the other aliens are there to also attack and the Doctor’s gotta get everyone out, of course. They do some ridiculous trek through the attics in the attached rowhouses to try to get out to the car parked nearby. Miraculous escape, always! 
Also why am I weirdly all about the Doctor driving the car? I was like ‘yes’ but maybe that’s just a residue Bentley thing, who knows. The point is, he takes them to an underground garage and the other aliens tracking The Meep show up and TWIST, we find out The Meep lied about his backstory while the Doctor wears a ridiculous barrister wig he pulled from his jacket. Turns out The Meep is absolutely crazy because the sun his planet orbited went…psychedelic? Don’t look too much at what’s going on with that whole story, it’s fine, just go with it. 
So The Meep tries to attack! And the Doctor jumps to cover Donna and the dosed up UNIT soldiers show up and everyone is taken hostage and brought back to where the spaceship is being repaired. The Meep wants to eat them, or something? Because sure. The teeth they put on that thing, woooof. I knew that asshole was trouble from the get.
Turns out The Meep plans to escape in the ship and to do so he basically has to burrow under London which will obliterate the entire city. Surprise!
Not to worry about that though, the Doctor and the UNIT scientist create a scenario wherein Donna, her husband, Rose and the grandmother can all get away and the Doctor will handle this situation on his own, thanks. But Donna’s brain kicks in, and she says she has to help him, even if she doesn’t know why. 
She follows him into the ship. And he’s like ‘nah girl you gotta get outta here’ but she’s not having that of course, because that’s her. He tried to shake her a few times the very first time they met and he never could. It’s that friendship pull.
The point is, he’s trying to disable the ship himself but there’s a lot of buttons to press and he has to do a lot of weird shit (again, don’t pay attention to the crazy dialogue of the things he’s saying he’s doing) and then a separator comes down and splits the room they’re in, the Doctor on one side and Donna on the other. And he’s still trying to protect her. He knows they could stop the ship together, but he’d need her, all of her, to do it. 
He tells her that if she helps him, she’ll die. And she just says “okay.” She says her daughter’s down there, and 9 million other people, so who cares about her? And now we’re into what I was waiting for, he’s yelling “I DO!” She says she’s just no one and he emphatically tells her she’s not, and he screams
Anyone else crying yet? No? C’mon. This is when I started crying at the trailer. It’s horribly unfair; he gave her up so she could live her life and he never wanted to involve her again, she’d helped save the fucking world already and 10 never really did get a break really, and here he is back at it as 14 and it’s still just as terrible. 
So he starts saying words. And his poor face. You can see it’s ripping him apart. “Westerly. Pelican. Dreams. Tornado. Clifftops. Andante. Grief. Fingerprint. Susurration.” And then she picks up on it, she says “Sparrow” and he says “Sparrow. Dance. Mexico.” 
And she finishes, “Binary. Binary. Binary.”
In true Donna fashion, as soon as she’s fully aware she starts freaking out at him about giving away her lottery winnings because she was trying to be like him and I love it, there’s a countdown to launch in the background and she doesn’t give a shit, it’s so the two of them but she jumps into action anyway again saying some crazy shit about what she’s doing. He tells her she has 55 seconds to live and she says “55 best seconds of my life” and she flips a bunch of switches and tada, they’ve done it.
The partition comes up in the room and The Meep storms in and Donna collapses in the Doctor’s arms. She asks him why this face had come back and she says “to say goodbye? Good fun though” and she fucking DIES. 
The way he cradles her. Jesus. It’s so tender. And the pure fucking anguish in his face. David Tennant’s face, goddamn. I can’t. 
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The Meep is still trying to kill him though using UNIT soldiers and he doesn’t give a shit because he’s been basically foiled by “The DoctorDonna” but then, suddenly, the UNIT soldiers are released from their hold and Donna WAKES UP and everyone is like “WOT!”
And we see Rose, manning the controls outside the ship, brilliant as anything. I love this explanation so much: Donna’s metacrisis was too much for one person, but because she had a child, she passed it down, a “shared inheritance.” Her little shed in their backyard was an errant memory of the TARDIS, she’d been creating little stuffed animal toys of all the creatures Donna and the Doctor had met traveling, she’d chosen her new name herself,�� the name of one of the Doctor’s most important companions. They realize, the two of them, Donna and the Doctor are binary, but Rose is not because 
“The Doctor is male…and female….and neither. And more.”
IT’S SO FUCKING CUTE. And perfect. And I love it. She had timelord energy strumming through her, her entire life, and it made her feel weird and different but also made her amazingly unique and wonderful. 
And then, to top it off, the Doctor tells them he still needs to heal them of the crisis because it may be slowed down, but it won’t stop. And Rose and her mother just scoff at him. They know exactly what to do. They just let it go. Because they’re incredible.
And I love all of this so far. But I cannot lie, my favorite part of the entire episode is when the Doctor convinces her to take a ride in the TARDIS so they can go visit Wilf. They go inside, and of course the TARDIS has changed again and I’m not gonna lie, it’s probably my favorite design so far. The Doctor freaks out about it, and Donna tries to be nonchalant but she finally admits “it’s GORGEOUS!” and the happy fucking look between the two of them, the Doctor is bouncing, he’s bouncy Crowley. And then he starts racing around the place, running up and down the different levels and honestly that just made me cry harder.
10 was always so sad, I always wanted that boy to be happy and maybe he was a little bit but everything was always so serious but now he’s been able to resolve probably his biggest regret and that’s such a gift. Which I think is gonna make it even harder for him to let go, a second time. I am not excited to watch him leave, again. 
The point is, after he makes her a coffee the way she likes, he says “ I really do remember, though. Every second with you. I'm so glad you're back, cos it killed me, Donna. It killed me, it killed me, it killed me.” And she deserves to hear that. It was one of the worst things he had to do. And 10 was never going to say it. I’m SO glad 14 got the chance. 
Catharsis. They needed it, I needed it. The Doctor back to a true and familiar form. It’s going to kill me to only have 3 episodes of this, but I’ll take it. As long as I get one last “allons-y!”
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in-coherent-thoughts · 2 years ago
Rating The Religion of Loneliness (by syudou) covers.
(Idk have some brain vomit I've been storing for a while but only thought of writing down now bc this song randomly came in while i was shuffling Miy_yuus covers)
Dongdang 10/10
-soft as usual with his covers
-brings out the songs helplessness. I LOVE IT
-i like how his voice blends with the loud, overpowering instrumentals
-THIS cover feels like the characters just, not, resisting. The characters just let themselves be tangled in this abusive relationship. It sounds so dreadful and lifeless
-really beautiful cover in general
Chogakusei 9/10
-did a wonderful job at expressing the aggressiveness of the song, its a nice contrast to Dongdangs cover
-"I’m hoping to be saved by that, like an idiot/Saying that I hate this, that I don’t want to do it anymore" perfectly encompasses the hate Tamo has for the world, or himself, rather
-also a very nicely mixed cover
Miyashita yuu 1000000/10
-perfect as always
-sorry im biased(not really)
-a favourite
-the exaggerations on some parts, the frustrated screams on the "im not lonely! not lonely at all!" Contrasting the soft "even though i get that, this hunger for love wont disappear", even his voice faltering at the "ai"(love), the muffled effect on tamos part, heavenly mixing, once again THE FRUSTRATION!! THE DESPERATION!!! You can hear the characters desperation and frustration! Its amazing what yuu could do with his voice,,, like wtf is that skill
-his attention to detail is also so, so incredible. The way he delivers each line and makes it sound like its the characters are talking. Hes not JUST singing it. Hes TELLING a story.
- of course itd be criminal if i didnt mention these parts: "this little fucker/wont stay obedient forever [..] they're both insane" "sleeping through the night and waking up in the morning, simply repeating that/ i must have had hopes and dreams, but i suddenly realized this was all that was left/but how long can I go on while dedicating I have to that one thing?/ Ah, the world may as well laugh at this coward from the bottom of its heart." actually insane
Syudou (selfcover) 100/10
-2nd fave
-man where do i EVEN start
-syudou has such a distinct voice! He doesnt have Yuu's dramatic range nor chogakusei's powerful growls but his voice alone makes up for it. What i particularly love about this cover is the part "im not lonely!/not lonely at all but...." its SO addictive!!! Hes pretty good at screaming(?) You can also hear it at 3:03 on Herebeke Junkie.
-really fantastic overall.
-once again, round of applause for syudous voice because when i first listened to his selfcovers i was actually flabbergasted. You dont know HOW glad i was that he started using his own vocals for his songs.
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sunuism · 2 years ago
tbz members and how much cunt they each serve /10
sangyeon: i would not see him as a server of cunt. his energy is moreso giving cock imo. as my friend said hes a little "papa". 3/10
jacob: i think he could if he wanted to but he is a good christian boy whos waiting until marriage... or something idk. 2/10
younghoon: definetely has his moment but again... he refuses to put his back into it. his occasional bed selfies do give off a certain aura of cunt tho so that will pull him up a little. 5/10
hyunjae: another member who is moreso delivering cock if anything. or actualy... he might be versatile... he can be on both spectrums occasionally. like his one the stealer move, you know the one... theres definetely something there. 4/10
juyeon: yaaaaas gaga! serving like hes working overtime at an understaffed restaurant! 10/10
kevin: hes serving and hes serving for the the boys only. 7/10
chanhee: another MAIN slayer!!! there is nothing to be said here. 9/10
haknyeon: another underrated server!!! like did u see him doing that one move in roar? or his stealers tricks moment with the red phone chord? 8/10
sunwoo: i love him so much but he is too scared to slay. i know he could like he has so much potential but alas... he is a straight boy at heart... occationally tho he gives us a little snif of the boy pussy which gives him a few points on the scale... but its nothing much. 4/10
eric: theres nothing here, im sorry. the only thing hes serving is furry. feel like im your cat im your dog, if you catch my drift. 0/10
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skippydiesposting · 4 months ago
like. I know I've made this post 1000000 times before but. literally the way that Lori is only valued for what she looks like and Ruprecht is only valued for what he can do. the way that Ruprecht is desperate for attention and Lori is desperate to escape it. the way that the Lorelei statue is on the Rhine which is where Ruprecht lied about being from. the way that Ruprecht says the line "you can't get what you want, but someone else, who doesn't want it, has it in spades" at the exact point in time that Skippy is trying to get in touch with Lori after she kissed him. the way that Skippy only became obsessed with Lori because of Ruprecht's telescope. the way that the first time Ruprecht goes to see Lori it's to deliver a message and the second time it's to ask her to send a message. augh. fuck. et cetera.
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sasorikigai · 4 years ago
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The EW interview is taken from here (x), and the gif credit goes to @assassiyun​ (Olivia), thank you so much for these amazing gifs!!! 
Two words sent the cast and crew of Mortal Kombat into a frenzy.
The reaction came as a surprise to Hiroyuki Sanada, the lauded Japanese actor of stage and screen, known for roles like The Fool in a U.K. production of King Lear, the "Immortal" in Kirito No Séngyo, the titular Twilight Samurai, and parts in The Wolverine and HBO's Westworld. "I never played a [Mortal Kombat] game before," he admits to EW while taking a break from his latest cinematic venture, the star-studded Bullet Train. But for his role as Scorpion, an iconic fighter from this mythos, perhaps the most iconic, he "researched the character and his history" for some added perspective.
Even then, he was unprepared for the impact a seemingly fleeting turn of phrase would have on his colleagues. "He has two famous words, a punchline or something, that I really enjoyed," Sanada says. Those would be "Come here!" the phrase Scorpion often shouts across the Mortal Kombat games as his piercing whip launches and hooks onto an opponent. Sometimes he substitutes "Get over here!"
"When I performed that signature move with the words in the rehearsal on set for the first time, I had a great reaction from the cast and crew," Sanada recalls. "They said, 'Yeah! I've waited for this moment.' Then I realized how popular this move is."
The first trailer for Mortal Kombat, directed by Simon McQuoid, drops later today, at which time fans will be able to see Sanada, a skilled martial artist, in action as Scorpion. But until then, EW can reveal an exclusive still image of the man once known as Hanzo Hasashi before transforming into a vicious spirit of vengeance. "This was my first time playing a famous game character," the actor says. "Everyone knows his weapons and style. So, I felt a lot of pressure."
The film is, in part, about "the birth of Scorpion," McQuoid says. The opening sequence goes back to feudal Japan where Hanzo is set upon by Bi-Han (Joe Taslim) in what is the latest move between two warring clans. It's at that moment Hanzo crafts his signature weapon: he takes the kunai blade his wife uses to tend the garden, fashions it to the tip of a whip, and unleashes hell.
"I discussed the fighting style with the choreographer and the stunt team and just jumped into rehearsal," he says. "I tried to create an original style. Since Hanzo Hasashi is a character of Japanese descent, I tried to make authentic movements."
It won't be centuries later in the timeline of the film, in the present day, until Hanzo re-emerges, this time with supernatural powers as the fully realized Scorpion from the games — and with him comes another varied fighting style to the character we first meet in the film's opening minutes. Sanada saw the transformation as "a very tasty role for an actor: family man changed to fighting machine." He likes to think of Mortal Kombat as a whole as "a family drama with excitingly brutal fighting." It was this mix between drama and action, two of his long-time loves, that sold Sanada on the part. "Each fight has a reason with the emotion," he says. "The audience can understand why he's fighting, what he's thinking during the fight."
To be clear, the needs of Mortal Kombat weren't as physically demanding for Sanada as his film roles in the '80s. (Samurai Reincarnation, Legend of the Eight Samurai, Sure Death Revenge, etc.) He said as much. "But this is more demanding than any movie I shot in the last 15 years," he adds. "I think."
Mortal Kombat will premiere in theaters through Warner Bros. Pictures and stream for 31 days on HBO Max starting April 16.
Quotes from Hiroyuki Sanada have been edited and condensed for clarity.
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stargildedskies · 3 years ago
To be wined and dined by Silco
Here are the promised Silco thoughts. Please bear with me, I've had a lot of some wine, so these may have grammatical mistakes. I've been thinking a lot about how he would wine and dine his lovely, so have this smutty scenario my brain decided to create. Let me know if y’all like these types of bullet point posts, and I’ll try to do more!
Author's note: I do want to stress that sex is NOT transactional. Someone taking you out to dinner or doing something nice for you does not entitle them to any part of you or your body. What is depicted in this thought is an agreed-upon dynamic between two enthusiastically consenting individuals. (I also still plan on writing a sfw version where Silco just spoils his lovely just 'cause.)
- Also, the scenario in this thought does involve wearing a dress/makeup, going somewhere fancy, and being shown off. So, if that is not your vibe there is absolutely no shame, but you should probably skip this one!
- Also, also, PLEASE use common sense and do not do this irl. Waiters deal with enough shit.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only) MDNI I will disintegrate your kneecaps
Pairing: Silco x afab!reader
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Due to the IOS/Tumblr shenanigans, all tags and warnings can be found below the read more.
Tags/warnings: Semi-public sex, possible chance of voyeurism, dom/sub dynamics, sort of sugar daddy but not really, Silco just loves to spoil you, lingerie, these tags are just me rambling, but I'm drunk and trying my best, sex toys, p in v sex, vaginal fingering, teasing, sex while under the influence of alcohol, oral sex (f receiving), praise kink, creampie
There are times when Silco just wants to treat you and tease you at the same time, all while putting on a display of his power for the undercity. It's always a fun night.
He absolutely loves seeing you all dressed up, and the possessive side of him gets to show you off on his arm. It instantly makes him hard to know that the eyes of almost every man (and some women) are on you, but your eyes are only for him.
This is also 1000000% a power display for him. It's good for the Eye of Zaun to be seen confident and happy out in public, and he is always in an excellent mood during this.
Silco always chooses the same restaurant when he's in this mood, so you know exactly what will happen when you agree to go there.
You also love it; it's always a game to see who snaps first, but it's a game you both win in the end.
You take the better part of the afternoon getting ready. It's all part of the game, after all. You want to pick the perfect dress. One that's sleek and classy but with just enough added spice to send Silco reeling.
Anything backless, with a low-neckline, or that heavily incorporates his colors will absolutely do the trick. Sometimes, he will even order you a complete outfit and just have it delivered that morning. The man loves to spoil you.
Sometimes the outfit will also include lingerie. Once or twice, it has included a small vibrator with a handwritten note to wear it to dinner. The remote was delivered straight to him.
You also spend plenty of time on your makeup and hair, and he loves whatever you do. But, honestly, if you have a trademark makeup look or lipstick color, he loves that on you the most. It would be extremely fitting for the Eye's partner to have a signature, identifying look.
Silco always takes the time to refresh himself before sending someone to get you. He wants to look his best for you, and he loves the tension and buildup of the game as much as you do.
The waiter always knows to lead you both through the most crowded part of the restaurant so everyone can see the two of you together.
However, you actually have the most private, secluded back room permanently reserved in Silco's name. The people just need to see the two of you arrive; they don't need to see anything else. It's actually better if their imaginations run wild.
The two of you sit down at your table. The seats are more like fancy, ornate loveseats on either side of the table. They automatically have a cigar and whiskey sitting out for Silco along with your favorite drink.
More often than not, you will start with sitting across from each other, and then the game begins. It begins with teasing, barely suggestive conversation, and heated glances that linger slightly too long.
Seduction is the name of the game. Will he convince you to join him, or will he break first?
Ever so slowly, your hands will just barely brush against each other's, and it sends flickers of desire flooding through both of you.
If he has you wear the vibrator, he turns it on a low setting, and his eyes flicker with barely restrained lust at the way you try to fight the building pleasure. Every sign of the effect it has on you, from the way your hands slightly tremble to an occasional heavily suppressed, breathy whine, makes him painfully hard.
You once tried to argue that it's unfair, but you know the sight of you squirming is just as tempting for him as the feeling is for you. Plus, Silco pointed out that you didn't have to wear it if he asked. However, there would be consequences...... You decide to test that promise at a later time.
The waiter brings the food and a pitcher of water, makes sure you have everything you need, and then leaves. The check is sent to Silco's office, and he worries about it the next day. There is a silent acknowledgment to not bother the two of you unless the building is literally on fire. Even then, it'd better be a really big fire.
If he joins you first:
He does not break often, but if he does? He has exactly one thing on his mind: tasting you.
According to Silco, there isn't enough room for him to properly fuck you, and even if there was, he would have to miss out on all the delightful noises you usually make during sex. Anything you can do decently quietly is fair game here, and most kinds of sex with Silco are not quiet.
That being said, the man will have your legs spread in an absolute instant as he kneels in front of you under the table. If the vibrator was in, he takes it out, wraps it in a napkin, and pockets it. Whatever he has to do to get you bare before him as quickly as possible, he does. He has no time or patience for more teasing.
Your head lolls back to rest on the loveseat as you feel the first stroke of his tongue. He pulls your hips to the front of the seat and pins them down while he has his way with you. Your hand flies to your mouth to try and muffle any sounds that escape, and he feasts on you like a man starved.
After he's been sated (at least for the time being), you quickly get put back together and leave. He's far from finished with you for the night.
If you fold first and join him:
Silco has an absolutely smug, shit-eating smirk on his face as you sit next to him. He can be incredibly cocky when he wants to be, and this is definitely one of those times.
His hand immediately travels to your thigh. If the dress is long, he just caresses your thigh through the material. However, if it's short, his hand is going under the fabric. He grabs your thigh possessively and traces circles on the upper, innermost part with his thumb.
"I see you've decided to join me, my lovely. You've had sinful thoughts in that pretty head all night, haven't you? Well now..... why don't we do something about that."
If you have the vibrator in, he will pull you into his lap and help you through your first orgasm of the night. Silco will turn up the intensity until you can no longer hide your small whines and then reach up to cup your breasts with his hands. He will caress, kiss, and nip at your exposed skin as he massages your breasts until you cum.
If you're not wearing the vibrator that night, Silco's first move is always to finger you. If the dress is long, he pulls it up around your hips just far enough to reach his goal. He teases you over your underwear first and slides a finger over your core before dipping below the fabric. He kisses you hungrily the whole time, muffling any desperate moans that fall from your lips.
Sometimes, when your dress is shorter, you will walk over and sit directly on his lap. The sight of you confidently walking over to sit in his lap and grind against him short-circuits Silco's brain a bit more than he would care to admit.
There are times when you ride him, and he is still the one reducing you to a whimpering mess as you ride his cock. However, this is one of the times where he is more than happy to let you have a little bit of control.
You push his pants and underwear down enough to be out of the way and whimper in pleasure as you lower yourself on his cock. Silco groans in reciprocation and you ride him, taking him hard and deep until you finish, and he follows soon after.
You leave the restaurant with Silco's cum still deep inside you, and it drives his possessive side absolutely insane. He knows that he has marked you in the most intimate way possible, and he is almost always fully hard again by the time you reach your bedroom. Again, your night is far from over.
Taglist: @saradika @thefact0rygirl @mysticalgalaxysalad @milf-obi-wan-kenobi @hereforthesunrise @ashotofspotchka @thebeardedmoon @eriseffigy @dont-mess-with-my-fandom @redflamesbaku @my-awakened-ghost @agatemermaid @shadow-pancake9 @zaunsin @warpedbands
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that-homoerotic-blouse · 3 years ago
Your thoughts on ncuti on becoming the new Dr?
he said his dream role was to be the doctor then week later he had an audition for Dr who!
I think he will nail comedy... let's see what he's like with darkness 👏
Oh my!
Thanks for bravely asking about dw even though this has become an ofmd dumpster on fire during the last month lmao.
Anyway, haven't really said much because I don't have an opinion on Ncuti as an actor. I haven't seen anything that he's done or been in, I only know he was in Sex Education and that's about it. But I'm happy: he seems nice and fresh and skilled and like he's going to infuse his Doctor with 1000000 megawatts of gay, so that's a point in favour. It really does seem like RTD is about to deliver the gayest campiest scifi show we've ever seen and let me tell you I AM THRILLED
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taylorrsmind · 4 years ago
what i thought about fear street  1666 (TW! Spoilers)
I loved the 1666, but the 1978 is still the best. Besides, a quick question, I don't know if I didn't get everything right because I only watched 1666 twice so far, but if Nick had already delivered the current generation's serial killer (Ryan Torres), why did he name Sam? because you see, Ziggy wasn't possessed, she of course lived scared to death, traumatized and all, but she didn't become a serial killer, her name didn't end in the cave rocks, after all, she was “free”. Why Nick would conjure Sam's name so early when no one would question after Kate and Simon died and took the blame from everything that happened? Why send a note saying "it's happening again" to Christine when he was the reason it was happening? Other than that, Nick didn't deliver much as a villain lol. I don't think it's the actor because he was well as a Soloman, I think it's because we don't see his villainization(is that a word?)? Like, I've been suspicious of him since 1994, but it doesn't show him being actively evil in any of the movies, just that scene of him conjuring the names and the ending a few minutes before his death with Deena, but I couldn't worry or be scared, you know? I expected him to try to justify himself or something until the cave scene, I didn't feel vilification(again, is that a word?) in the character and i think I should because he's literally responsible for everyone's deaths, he’s the big bad wolf, the true monster under the bed.From 1994 to 1666 I could guess he was shady af but it gave me more “anti hero thats gonna sacrifice himself in the end/// doesn’t want to be a part of this////is a puppet and has no idea what’s actually going on” and what I got was “Good is Evil or whatever” like even when he was talking abt his family, which wasn’t much he should have talked about that, his character should have appeared more, I think it would have been nice if maybe a moralization of the character in that scene where he's chasing Deena, like "Oh, my family has been doing this for years, my brother and mother are important to me, my blood is sealed to the devil since I was a baby Sunnyvale's safety is the most important thing, I do this for peace" very lunatic and a tyrannical even, wich does not in any way justify his actions, but who adds content to him as a villain, especially in a trilogy that had two great movies with horrifying killers and deaths. It just fell flat to me, for the big bad guy to barely even have good action, scarry scenes. 
Even his relationship with Ziggy was a bit thrown, the importance he gave her was there for no particular reason, just to make the audience think he's nice and in love and surprise us in the end, which didn't work and it's a tactic I hate, the old trick of wanting to outsmart the audience, something Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones and Pretty Little Liars made me completely despise. I 1000000% prefer a structured and predictable outcome than something that will blow my mind for its lack of sense and meaning. ALSO I wouldnt be bothered if Nick was just evil to the core with no debpt whatsoever. Hell, most Sunnyvalers are! But the thing is that, by trying to outsmart the audience and try to lead us into believing Nick is a good guy, the writer (s) ruled that possibility out. You show him puking at seeing kids dying, him confessing how he didn’t want the “Goode” burden to fall of his back but he had no choice, putting Ziggy’s life over his well being, bringing Christine back to life, warning her about the monsters he’s sending to her town and even showing emotion when seeing her after a long time. NOTHING I said would make Nick any less of a monster who should rot in hell, but it clearly shows several colors and divergency on his way of thinking. And like I said, the writers could have given us evil Nick that played Ziggy’s heart and the entire Shadyside, but it doesn’t add up with all of that, at the same time all of that also don’t add up with the Nick we saw on 1666. If this movies were shot in different periods of time and not at once like it was I would say it was because the writers didn’t know who the bad guy truly was.
I won’t get into this, but someone important should’ve died. Like, bring the nurse back to avenge her daughter. Kill Ziggy (the idea of sacrificing Ziggy and Nick at the end ugh the waste). Kill somebody. This is a horror movie, nobody died. Yall could kill black and asian extras. Yall killed my sister Cindy, but couldn’t kill Ziggy? It made sense, she’d reunite with her sister! 
Anyway, I know it sounded like I hated the movie but I REALLY LOVED IT. The actors were all great, the chemistry was there, and although I wish we’d seen more of Sam than just her “ghrghrghrhr” until the very end, I loved how both queer main characters were alive in the end, and how they paid respect for Kate and Simon and how Sara was considered the very first Shadysider (although it was pastor Miller sksks). I loved seeing Simon and Kate’s face there again although it wasn’t really them. I loved that Sarah wasn’t the big bad wolf although I saw it coming and would love to see female rage (like that scene where she was like “If they want a witch, they’ll get a witch gave me chills) but like I said, I prefer prediction than disappointment and I wasn’t (disappointed)with that. 
THE END SCENE GOT ME EXCITED I HOPE THEY MAKE MORE OF THOSE BUT AT A DIFFERENT TIME SINCE LIKE THE BOOK WAS STOLEN. Also Cindy is my favorite character she legit showed up on flashbacks once and I cried.
My ranking, for now:
1. fear street 1978 (the best 2021 movie i fear i watched the entire week and made everyone i know watch it too)
2. fear street 1994
3. fear street 1666
i dont this there’s any bad movie on this trilogy btw. all great. 
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mego42 · 4 years ago
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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iwaasfairy · 4 years ago
omfg KIWI ANON CAN I KITH YOU!!!! the samu fwb feels,,,, he would drive u home after the booty rubbing and he would respectfully kith ur forehead before u left,,,, n if u asked him to be rough u can bet his aftercare game would step the fuck Up bc he wants to deliver but hes also worried that he hurt u,,,, im talking cuddling n watching cooking shows while he cracks jokes about how he can cook better!!! but sometimes u have to be soft with him bc he just worries that hes not exactly great (not in bed hes 1000000/10 n he Knows it but he worries that hes not as attractive as he used to be) so u have to ride him slowly n giv him n his tummy all the smooches that he deserves <333 i lov samu fairy tw.soft is definitely the right tag for my man - 🌼
fwb osamu receives your heart on a silver platter when he's not even trying
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years ago
Safe House- Tom Felton x Reader: Chapter 2
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A/N: Hello friends! I’m so sorry I haven’t updated anything in so long; life has been CRAZY! But guess what? Yours truly just finished up all her training at the Police Academy so I am now fully a 9-1-1 dispatcher (or 0-0-0 for my Australian friends or 9-9-9 for my UK friends!) In our spare time between calls, as long as we’re still available to take calls, we can do pretty much whatever we want so I hope that means I can still write and update! Unfortunately, I do have to work on Christmas Day this year but I’m still excited for the day! 
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and I hope 2021 will be 1000000 times better than 2020! And don’t worry, this isn’t the last holiday update I have up my sleeve! ;)
Xxx M
Warnings: FLUFF, pining, longing, Tom being super adorable! 
Word Count: 4,500
Previous Chapter| Holiday Masterlist| Masterlist of all Masterlists
Even though you believed you were going to be in some serious trouble when you got back to work, you were glad you stepped into that car. You were Tom's assistant and he requested your help in a task, so you weren’t really breaking any rules, right? And Tom said you were still working and that he would clear all this up with Mr. Harrington, so why were you still nervous? Was it because you left the property of your place of work still in the clock? Or was it because you were sitting with a rather attractive man inside his car and trusting that he wouldn’t try anything weird, like kidnapping you? Whatever the reason may be, you couldn’t ignore the feeling that you seemed to be taking a ‘leap of Faith’ with going with Tom, yet it all felt right. The subtle sound of Christmas music came from the car's radio and the heat from the vents provided a warming feeling deep within you. It surprised you to know that he had chosen to play Christmas music because you assumed with his schedule, holidays weren’t as important anymore. However, that proved to be untrue as a certain sparkle appeared in his eyes when he pulled into a parking spot, he jumped out of the car and rushed over to your side to help you out.
“Come on love, we have a lot to do if we want to make that tree look less sad!” He exclaims and tugs on your arm, much like a child would do with a parent. You laughed at the tall man, who beamed with a bright smile on his lips, as you struggled to keep up.
“What should we get first?!” He says, enthusiastically to you.
“Maybe more ornaments?” You suggest and his excitement only grows.
“Yes! And then we should get garland to wrap around the ornaments! And the presents!” He bounces on his toes, ever so slightly, but you notice it and think to yourself, how can a 33-year-old be this excited?
You follow him over to a section of the hobby store that was entirely dedicated to Christmas. Shelves were lined with garland, ornaments, lights, light-up statues, everything you could think of to make the holiday one to remember. Both you and Tom began pulling things off the shelves, anything to make his hotel room look more festive for his guests. A part of you wished you were able to be there to enjoy some of these decorations but you knew you were just ‘the help’ so you kept that thought to yourself. When your shopping cart was fully loaded to the rim, you decided to check out. Reaching into your purse for your wallet, you pulled out some cash but Tom put his hand out, indicating you to stop.
“Oh, don’t be silly love, I got this. This is my hotel room we’re decorating and this was my idea, so I’ll pay for it,” He says.
“Yeah, but it is my place of work so it’s only fair I pitch in,” you fight back but it proves to be useless when the total rings up and he already had a credit card inserted into the bottom of the reader.
“Maybe next time,” he shoots you a wink, causing your cheeks to redden before he slips the card out of the reader and back into his wallet. You help grab the bags and load them back into the cart as you head back out to the car. The drive back to the resort was quiet, aside from small talk, which was rather pleasant. Speaking with Tom in a quiet setting was beautiful and calming, something a lot of people don’t get to enjoy if you weren’t in his inner circle. A part of you was felt like any other fan, excited about being in an intimate setting with him, but the other part of you knew you were just doing your job. Gathering the bags in your hands, you follow Tom back into the hotel and into the elevator, where you two were forced to stand nearly squished against each other, thanks to a large number of guests flocking to the car before the doors shut. You felt your cheeks heat up at the close proximity you were to Tom but kept your lips sealed and your thoughts to yourself before the doors opened to the penthouse; everyone else left you sooner.
“Thanks a lot (y/n) for helping me with this. I don’t think I could’ve done it all alone plus it’s more fun to decorate with some company,” Tom says, as he sits the last ornament on the tree. He takes a few steps away from the tree, to take in the glorious sight before him, with you coming to stand beside him.
“It’s my pleasure and this tree looks so much better now,” you comment.
“I think it is because of you, my dear. You are the one who picked out the ornaments so you made this tree this beautiful. Beautiful people tend to make everything around them beautiful too; makes sense if you ask me,” he says, smiling softly at you, eyes glistening in the lights from the tree. His bluish-grey eyes turned another color as they reflected the lights, making him that much more attractive and leaving you in a trance of sorts. It felt like a scene from a movie; no sound, no movement, just you and him staring into one another’s eyes, until being saved by a ringing phone. He swallowed and slowly backed away from you before saying,
“I should probably get that.”
You couldn’t help but frown at his departure but you had to shake the sadness away; you still had a job to do. Looking to the bedroom, you saw him pace back and forth, obviously anxious about something, so you figured that you should go. Finding a scrap piece of paper, you scribbled on it before placing it on the coffee table in the center of the room and grabbing your belongings, leaving the room without him noticing. What am I doing? I work for the guy! How could I be so stupid as to think someone like him would be remotely interested in someone like me? I’m just a hotel worker; not even a fucking manager! You scold yourself as you sliver to the elevator and ride back down to the lobby, where about a dozen or so guests were waiting to check-in. Wishing you had your old job back, you stop to watch the guests wait to check-in, excitement and wonder coming from their faces. The children were why you chose this job. The look of their little faces was the purest form of innocence that you hoped they never lost sight of, but you knew that most of them would lose that wonder as they grew older. The magic of Christmas always fled from the youngest and truest believers as time went on and it hurt your heart. Why couldn’t Christmas be as magical for adults as it was for kids? Sure, the belief of someone flying over the world and delivering presents to every child in one night was gone, but what about the feeling? The excitement you would feel seeing the tree go up or the lights outside? How about all the traditions? When did that all go away and why did it have to?
Tom’s POV
“Sorry about that, (y/n) that was just…” I let my thoughts trail off as I notice the emptiness of the hotel room and the piece of paper folded in half on the coffee table. I go to pick it up, feeling my heart race in my chest as I read;
Thank you for today. I had a really nice time and I’m glad you’re happy with your room now. I forgot I…. had a prior engagement I said I would be at so I had to leave; hope that’s alright. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning with some breakfast and you can give me a rundown on all your plans for the day. I am so sorry incredibly sorry.
Have a goodnight,
I swallowed a lump that had appeared in my throat and crumbled up the paper. So that was it? She only saw today as a requirement for her work? Is that how she saw me? Just as her boss or something? Because she was certainly more to me than just a hotel worker or an assistant; I thought she could tell. Why couldn’t she have just come and talk to me if she had a problem? Did I say something that offended her? Did she not trust me? These questions and more haunted my subconscious as I sigh and get myself ready for bed. I turn off all the lights in the living room before going to brush my teeth. I take out my phone and open my photo gallery, quickly finding the photo of (y/n) I snuck. She looked absolutely beautiful as she was holding a light display, the colors and glitter from the decoration reflecting onto her face. It just slightly illuminated her delicate features and I remember I had sucked in a breath of air, as she had taken all of mine out of my lungs. I smile to myself as I thought back to that moment and now? She’s gone and I can’t imagine why. I decided just to go to bed and I figured I would come up with a solution to getting (y/n) back sooner.
The next morning, I woke up rather early to get ready for my friends. Daniel had called me last night before (y/n) and I…well whatever almost happened with us, is irrelevant now. Finally, after being stuck in Denver for 24 hours, he had called to tell me that he and everyone else were on their way to the resort. Somehow, the former “Golden Trio,” as they were infamously known as, all had no plans and were able to fly out to Colorado for Christmas. Now, we all knew how risky this trip might go, with all of us together around who knows how many fans are staying at the resort, but we hadn’t been together in nearly 20 years. I was glad to be having some of my friends with me again. Because when you work on a project with the same people, every year for 10 years, you gain friends for life.
“Tom, good to see ya, mate!” Daniel said, when I opened the door after hearing a knock on the door.
“Hey guys, glad you all could make it! So sorry to hear about such a delay, though!” I try to sympathize with my friends but I’m sure it fell on deaf ears because they shared a similar look of annoyance as if to say, “like you have any idea what we’ve just been through.”
“Well, it was certainly a nice, warm, welcome to the State of Colorado,” Emma said, sarcasm dripping off her tone of voice.
I smile sadly, trying to avoid further awkwardness, hugging the girl as I feel her sigh, tension dissipating from her muscles.
“Wow Tom, this place is so well decorated! Did you do this by yourself?” Rupert asked as he took in the festive environment of my room.
“Oh no, of course not. I’m not good at decorating at all! I had some help,” I say, smiling at the not-so-distant memory of decorating with (y/n).
“Wait, you hired someone?” Emma asked.
“Not exactly. The resort sent me a…personal assistant of sorts,” I try to explain to the three actors who just had blank expressions on their faces.
“Why would the resort send you an assistant?” Daniel asked.
“I’m not sure, she said it was because the resort wanted to offer their services 24/7,” I explain what reason (y/n) had given me.
“Who’s she?” Rupert asks a light of cheeky demeanor glistened in his eyes.
“Oh (y/n), my assistant,” I say, a grin showing itself on my lips.
“Wow, (y/n) what a beautiful name! She must be really special,” Emma said.
“She is and I’ve only known her for 48 hours. She’s supposed to be coming back today to help out but, now I’m not sure if she’s going to,” I frown, really not sure what was going to happen with (y/n).
I wasn’t quite sure what I felt for (y/n) but I knew I wanted to get to know her better and I wanted to make sure she knew she could trust me. Just then, there was a knock on the door. My heart drops, hoping it was her.
“Good morning, Mr. Felton. I’m here for whatever you need me to help you with,” (y/n) greeted me when I opened the door. What was she saying? I told her she could call me Tom; where is this Mr. Felton crap coming from. Oh, her note. Maybe this is what she was talking about. Maybe she thought she needed to stay professional whenever she was around me; was that why she left suddenly?
“Good morning, Miss (y/l/n). Yes, please come in,” I say, standing to the side so she could come in the room.
“Thank you, well I brought some coffee and a selection of our best food for breakfast from our…” She suddenly stopped talking and she seemed to be frozen in place.
“(y/n) are you alright?” I say, standing closer to her. She was looking directly at the “Golden Trio” that was currently sitting in the living room, chatting away. They all stopped and looked up at her, and smiled at her.
“Hello, you must be (y/n) Tom’s told us all about you,” Emma says, standing from the couch where she sat with Daniel, to shake (y/n)’s hand.
She still seemed to be in some sort of trance until she saw Emma’s hand extended to her.
“Oh yes, sorry, I got a lot on my mind. It’s really nice to meet you, Miss Watson,” (y/n) kept up with the politeness.
“Oh please, call me Emma. Makes me feel so old hearing my last name first,” She says as we all chuckled.
“Well Emma, this is an honor. I am a rather a big fan of your work,” (y/n) complimented.
“Oh, thank you, that’s so sweet,” Emma says, seemingly still not believing she’s as talented as people make her up to be. Sure, she knew she was a talented actress, but she was always humble about it, ever since we were kids. One of the many things people tend to love about her.
“Hey now, you never said you were a fan of mine!” I try joking with my assistant, her cheeks turning red as she avoided my eyes set on her.
“You didn’t ask,” she said, before greeting Daniel and Rupert and telling them how much of a fan of theirs she is.
“Hold on, is this like a Harry Potter reunion?” (y/n) asked, finally letting her guard down a bit.
We all starting laughing as the resort worker just stared at us.
“You can say that,” Rupert said.
“Wow, this is, how long has it been since the four of you have been together for more than just a day” (y/n) asked.
“A good twenty years. We’ve seen each other since then obviously, but in more than just passing than really spending time together. After the eighth movie wrapped up, we all went our separate ways. And considering I was getting into some trouble with fans back home, I decided to get away from all the craziness and I wanted to invite some friends to spend some time with me, so I wouldn’t be alone, you know?” I say, giving the whole background story so (y/n) could fully understand why I was here and why the “Golden Trio” was here, too.
I could tell, just by looking at her, that she was trying hard not to freak out; she really is a big fan, then. It was rather adorable if you ask me. She was biting the corner of her bottom lip, quite harshly too, and her eyes would bounce between the three actors around the fireplace.
“Well, the Harrington Ski Resort is thrilled to have all four of you here, but why did you make the reservation for ten?” (y/n) questions me.
“Well, we have teams of security so they all their own rooms, and then I have a few more friends coming tomorrow so I wanted to make sure everyone had their own space,” I explain.
“Alright, so what plans do you have for today, Mr. Felton?” (y/n) asks and I’ve about had enough of her formalities.
“Um about that, may I speak to you in private please?” I ask and she nods timidly.
“If you all would give us a minute, help yourselves to some food,” (y/n) says, just as a waiter came in the room with carts of food for everyone to share.
“What’s going on, Mr. Felton?” (y/n) said, when I shut the doors to the bedroom.
“First of all, please, just call me Tom. Second, I read your note last night; what was that about?” I go straight to the point.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Tom.”
“Oh, I think you do (y/n). Yesterday was amazing; I haven’t had that much in so long and we seemed to have been getting on really well. And then we have…well I’m not sure what exactly happened in front of the fireplace but I wouldn’t mind that happening again. But then you just up and leave? And leave a note with a lack of proper explanation. Did I push you into something you weren’t comfortable with? Did I offend you somehow? If I did something wrong, please tell me, so we can try and work it out,” I say, almost pleading with her.
“No, it’s not that,” she says, pacing on the opposite side of the room than me.
“Then what is it? Do you not trust me? Are you uncomfortable being around me?”
“No, it’s not any of that!” She says, a little more frustrated than before.
“Then what?!” I say, just as she had.
“I can’t tell you,” she says, avoiding looking or getting close to me.
“And why not? I don’t understand why you left so suddenly last night or why you can’t even look at me right now,” I say, hearing my voice crack as I grew more desperate for an answer.
“Because how I feel about you right now, is going to get me in trouble. I felt something last night by the fireplace and I can’t allow myself to continue to feel like that. I am your assistant and while I’m here, that’s all I can be. I don’t know what I felt but I know it’s dangerous and I know I can’t keep feeling like that as long as I work for you. Mr. Harrington would surely fire me if he ever found out and I really need this job because I want to become something more than what I am right now. Do you understand?”
Wow, I definitely didn’t expect her to say that now. But she felt something between us last night too? And that’s why she left! She was scared of what she felt at the fireplace last night. I don’t blame her; I felt it too. But she needs to know she can allow herself to feel things.
“Look (y/n) I’m so glad you said something. I felt something last night too and it scared me too. I don’t know what that was either but I liked it and I want to feel that again. As for your job, I know this is so important to you, so I won’t do anything that would jeopardize whatever plans you have for this job; I promise. But, may I suggest something?” I ask and wait for her approval. She simply nodded.
“How about we don’t tell anyone about…whatever we may from this? I want to explore whatever last night was, but only if you want to of course. I think we should start off as friends, a little more intimate than just boss/coworker but I want to really get to know you before we decide to take anything further. Although, I don’t believe we’re going to learn anything about the other that won’t make us want to go further with a friendship, but just in case. How’s that sound?” I reason with her, nervous about how she was going to react. I figured with her confession of some feelings for me, she must agree with my idea.
“I think that sounds perfect, Tom,” she says, smiling up at me. I mirror her expression, finding a smile of my own.
“Would it be weird if I just hugged right now?” I ask, still unsure what to do with this, new information.
“Of course,” she says, slowly moving closer to me until she stood just inches from me. She craned her neck to look up at me. I slowly move closer to her, my arms making their way around her waist. She stood on her toes to grow a few inches higher so she could wrap her arms around my neck. I sighed, content with the feeling of her in my arms. She smelled like peppermint; it reminded me of a candy cane. Her skin was so soft and her hair was sprawled across my face but it didn’t matter. We stayed like that for a while, just staying close to one another and enjoying the warmth from the other until we felt completely content. Pulling away from one another, I smiled at her, her face showing the same happiness as mine had before she spoke up.
“I have a question and you can say no if you want.”
“You haven’t even asked it yet,” I say to her as she nervously wraps some of her hair behind her ear.
“Right, okay, well I wanted to see if maybe since Daniel and Emma and Rupert are here, could we watch some Harry Potter? I know it’s been a long time since any of you have seen the films, but I have so many questions to ask,” she says, pulling on her bottom lip.
“Well, I would love to answer all your questions but we’ll have to ask the others if they’re up for it,” I say fondly to her.
“Oh, wait, work. Do, do you need me to do anything for you?”
“What I need you to do is watch the Philosopher’s Stone with me and my friends,” I grin at her.
“As long as they say it’s okay,” she adds.
“Oh, I’m sure they won’t say no to you, much like I can’t seem to,” I admit, rubbing the back of my neck.
Her cheeks tinted pink, just a bit, but I caught it before it disappeared.
“What about work?” She asks.
“Well, I’ll talk to Mr. Harrington and tell him some chores I need someone else to do for me. I’ll make sure you won’t get in any trouble,” I say to the girl, who’s eyes just light up. I guess I was starting to make an impression on her.
“That would be amazing, Tom, thank you,” she says, coming to me for a second hug. It wasn’t as long as the first one but it meant just as much. They have just been hugs but for me and (y/n) it was our way of expressing our feelings for each other; it was perfect.
We walk back into the main living area where we see the “Golden Trio” deep in a conversation about what the last twenty years have been like.
“Hi guys,” Emma says, looking over to me and (y/n).
“Hi, so (y/n) here has something she would like to ask you guys,” I say, looking to my right to the girl who somehow grew more nervous than I’ve ever seen her.
“Sure sweetheart, what’s on your mind?” Daniel asked, bringing all the attention to (y/n).
“Well, I know you all are probably annoyed with all the questions you’ve gotten over the years about Harry Potter, but I was wondering if you all wouldn’t mind if we watched the first movie together? I have a lot of my own questions I would love to have answers too but if you guys don’t want to go down memory lane again, I completely understand,” (y/n) asks, rather quickly, but I think she still got her point across.
“You’re right, I don’t think any of us have seen those movies in such a long time, and yes, we do get kind of tired of all the questions. We still get asked questions about the film series, even after all these years. However, any friend of Tom’s is a friend of ours, and if you really want to ask questions as we go through the film, then I don’t see what harm that’ll do. It might be embarrassing for us to see ourselves twenty years younger than we are right now, but it might still be fun,” Daniel said, grinning at the other members of the Wizarding World around him.
(y/n) just squeals a bit in excitement and it surprised all of us. “Sorry, I’m just really excited to finally be able to ask all the questions that I’ve had for so many years,”
“Hey, it’s okay. And hell, it’ll be wild seeing ourselves so young. I bet we can still say a lot of the spells too,” Rupert added.
“Oh man, that was going to be one of my questions,” (y/n) said, frowning, before Rupert shot her a quick apology.
“Does someone have the films with them right now?” Emma asks.
“I do,” I say, walking over to the entertainment center that sat under the television.
“You travel with them, don’t you?” (y/n) teased.
“Of course, I do! You never know when you’re going to need to see these!” I say, proud of the work and character I did in those films. It launched a career for all of us and opened so many doors for so many other films or shows. We owe all our credit to our success as actors to those films and if it wasn’t for them, I don’t know what we would be doing now. I couldn’t speak for the others, but I was happy with being able to go back and watch the work we did for so many years, especially having so many people joining the fandom nearly 10 years after the last film was released. I will forever hold Draco in my heart and be grateful that people still respond to him, even in negative ways. I always laugh and apologize when people say they hate him and his attitude because he is the exact opposite of me and I still hope people stick around to know the real me.
Tags: @tloveswriting @angelinathebook @lunalovecroft @hobby27​ @slutforfics​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
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skyartemis · 4 years ago
miss sloane review
"i rather choose career suicide than suicide by career"
this line among the many lines in the movie stood out to me the most , the way how elizabeth ended things in order to make things right aka passing the heaton-harris bill in her own way by career suicide is beyond genius. Its not how she was just one or two steps ahead like a chess game, she had the whole scenario with different plans in place despite the random man pulling a gun on Esme , which i think was somewhat planned by Kravitz & Waterman but I'll go into that later.
This movie was tight, thrilling and witty. Before going into the movie I knew the word Lobby but I didn't know what the term lobbyist meant. From wikipedia, it means 'people whose business is trying to influence legislation, regulation or other government decision...on the behalf of a group or individual who hires them', which basically means sway the decisions of the senators to pass or stop a certain bill. What made this movie spectacular was how it was a slap in the face to corrupt senators and a huge f* you to those on the hill.
The character Madeline 'Elizabeth' Sloane, where only her mom used to call her Madeline and everyone calls her Elizabeth was a complex, cocky character that you'd either hate or love. That was me hating her for being so cold and calculating, using everyone as a pawn and keeping every ace in her sleeve as close to her heart as possible. Everyone was disposable and she rarely or doesn't trust anyone. She also crosses lines that should not be crossed, she claims it as leverage. But I rooted for her when I saw a method to her madness.
Everyone questioned why she wanted to support the Heaton-Harris bill, thinking that she had a friend or family member who was gunned down. But she merely saw it as a challenge that she wanted to conquer, chalk it up to cockiness or overconfidence she would do anything to win. She did.
I appreciated how the movie gave us glimpses into her breaking at the seams, we always had her going hard, heavy and fast infront of others her persona of being the woman who had everything in control and infamously ruthless. Having her moments in the toilet taking her pills to get her an extra few hours of energy, her throwing the papers off the desk and her worried frantic shouts when she realised that Esme was in trouble. It showed that even though she was a tough cookie, she was still human under all that hard exterior.
I'd assumed that moments with the escort darling Ford was nothing more than a breather from the intense workplace, it ended up telling us more about who Sloane was. Obviously escort services are all about sex and comfort, Ford was a good guy through and through and he could see she was someone lonely and needed more than just a quick shag. He reached out and talked giving her information on his various 'covers' which he worked as while being an escort, this was him being vulnerable to her in exchange for her to be vulnerable with him. She did but she immediately backtracked with her walls back in their place. At the very end, I'm glad Ford was a good guy and didn't get swayed. I'd actually think he'd be a good influence on Sloane but then again this isn't a romance movie.
Esme was pawn and I feel for her especially when Sloane pieced together that she was a survivor of gun violence. She used Esme by propping her as high as possible and you know what happens when someone is that high, they crash harder. The accidentally reveal on national television that she's a survivor might swing some votes for gun control but it exposed her to such a great risk. Considering how this lobbying thing is and all the shit that Sloane is willing to risk or do, I had almost thought that someone set the whole thing up. Esme thought that Sloane set up the crazy man who held a gun to her head, I thought that someone at Kravitz & Waterman had set it up. I don't exactly think Sloane set up the whole scenario but propping her up she definitely disregarded the dangers of doing so. This shows how ruthless again Sloane is and how she doesn't exactly understand when to not cross the line.
The former assistant or right hand person of Sloane had me questioning her loyalty the whole movie. How could you do that to your former boss, unless she treated you that badly but I thought their relationship was good. When she delivered the final blow by handing in her resignation, that final click landed in place. The pieces had fallen where Sloane the master strategist wanted it to fall. She was a hundred or thousand steps ahead in a chess game and she had more backup plans than one could imagine.
Back to when she told Rodolfo that she'd do anything to win, I hadn't anticipated it to career suicide as well. She really brought the whole hill down with her in Sloane fashion.
The movie entwined the past and the present perfectly, showing how different players and situations landed her into the position she was presently. It didn't feel like whiplash as other movies had tried, but rather a built up of anticipation and will she be able to get out without damages?
The script was witty and tight, pulling no punches on insulting how the gun laws were shit aka 'Welcome to America, where you'll wait six months for an x-ray but you can buy an AR-15 in five minutes flat'. & also how she laughed that that white politician trying to get women votes with his ridiculous proposal.
This was a movie I learnt, laughed and pondered on. I'd give it 1000000/10 for relevancy to today's society, Jessica Chastain for giving the movies so much life and i love the script so much
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wwwb3nny · 4 years ago
/Warning Spoiler/Review:Read at your own risk
#MrQueenEp20 #Finale
#MrQueen2020_2021 is a one classic KDrama that would stay on top of highly recommended from years to come! 💛
In my opinion the ending is satisfying not a 100% yet, but the fact that they are not dead unlike the CDrama is a big thank you 🙇..
First Bong Hwan soul in So Yong body while so young is hiding inside is a big role here, seeing Bong Hwan crying in library because he knew that Cheol Jong is alive makes me cry a lot. Imagine going back to your own body after having a sex to a man and be a pregnant HAHAH this is “Hilarious” 😆.
Shin Hye Sun our #Queen is one of strong lady who had always delivered her best in all her roles small roles or main roles; she never fails to impress us. Thank you for giving us Bong Hwan, So Yong and Lee Saeng Mang. You nailed it in portraying each of them. We love you so much Queen You deserves daesang award!!🏆
Kim Jung Hyun our #King said he chose the role of King Cheol Jong for its comedic possibilities; he wanted to do a project that would make people laugh and help them forget the pandemic, even if for an hour. This man is steal my heart uwuhh.. Thank you so much for bringing us smile in our lips Chona,
My interpretation in the ending is the Queen and Bong Hwan's soul overlapped they became one. They have each other's memories and somehow the king definitely knew that the Queen with blunt attitude left (he somewhat believed that Queen was from future) in the end the King ended up with the person he was meant to be within his time period. And I know those ending hugs are real feelings without Bong Hwan souls in So Yong’s body.
Lastly every each character get the ending that they deserved, Thank you so much writers, director, production and to all the cast. 👏 👏
See you in red carpet Chona and Maa-Maa 👸🏻🤴🏻👼🏻🏆🏆
Rate: 1000000/10 👌
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