#(Hope this works!)
evviejo · 3 months
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requested by @warriorfaeriequeen >> thirteen telling her friends to leave & threatening the dalek in resolution
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ratinayellowbandana · 9 months
Hound "baby boy" of Ill Omen for prompts!
first off, thank you for carrying this whole ship on your back. you are our strongest soldier and we appreciate you.
second, even more thanks for sending this my way! I hope this is something like what you had in mind!
if anyone else sees this and would like to toss a little prompt my way, feel free :)
wc: 934
cw: body horror…kind of? it’s just canonically what the good boy looks like
Imogen loves Laudna. She does. Quite a lot, in fact.
Because it is a fact. 
It may as well be written in stone. In the stars. Recorded on one of those dusty scrolls in elegant script and stuck on a shelf in some stuffy library for the next bored student who may happen across it and learn of two witches who saved the world.
Laudna, it must be noted, is a woman of many quirks. 
And Imogen, it must be noted, adores her for them. 
They are just as much a part of Laudna as the angle of her nose, the brightness in her eyes. As are her projects, macabre and scrounged as they often are, and so Imogen adores them, too. 
(If it takes her a moment to come around, Laudna must never know. Each new creation, presented to Imogen with all the glee of a child in a sweets shop, will only ever be met with enthusiasm. Laudna, she knows, has spent too long squirreling away the odd parts of herself. Imogen is determined to recover them.)
“Come here, darling,” Laudna calls, and the flesh-and-bone creature that scared the everloving fuck out of Imogen the first time he burst from his maker’s chest trots happily to her side, tongue lolling from a fleshless snout. 
The hound twines between Laudna’s legs, and she lifts her skirts to allow him through. He leans heavily against the inside of her knee, and Laudna beams. She bends at the waist to wrap the creature in spindly arms. His back arches, and Imogen can hear the vertebrae curving, clacking, as Laudna scratches behind his one intact ear. The ichor-tipped remnant of a tail begins to wag, shaking them both with the force of it.
He spots Imogen several paces away, and his green eyes glow, peering at her curiously.
Laudna has stopped her scritches, and the hound tilts his big head. Laudna looks up, meets Imogen’s fond gaze, and her lips split into a wide grin.
“Go on,” she pats the creature’s sides encouragingly, “say hello if you like.”
The hellhound bounds forward, released from his command. 
Imogen recalls the day he learned his tricks.
Laudna had found Imogen lounging beneath a copse of trees one afternoon, just as the sun was beginning to sink, casting the forest in dappled shades of orange and gold. The festering hound loped diligently at her heels. His paws colored the leaf-strewn ground iridescent black in their wake. 
“Look!” Laudna had said, chest puffed. She turned to her newest creation and pointed one finger. “You’ve been so obedient all afternoon. I’ll see about giving you something from my collection if your other mom approves of your skills. I should have a deer leg that will suit you nicely.” She contemplated for a moment. “Ready?” 
The hound stretched into a bow, muscle snapping over exposed bone, yawned, and shook. Drops of blood and ichor spattered the clearing, but Imogen hardly noticed, too caught up in Laudna’s casual statement. 
She had said it nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t just gifted Imogen something extraordinarily precious. As if Imogen’s senses hadn’t suddenly gone askew. As if she hadn’t just sent Imogen’s worldview slip-sliding into something new and dangerous and so welcome that it felt like a homecoming. Her mind spun until she was almost giddy with it. She wondered, then, how something said so simply could feel so significant. If Laudna understood what she had done. 
She had appointed Imogen the caretaker of a fragment of her soul. Of a creature that had been born of her, born from her. Crafted from the essence of her with whispered words and a desire to protect. 
“Imogen?” Laudna had said then, “Are you ready?”
And Imogen had glanced between Laudna and her hound, who sat on bleeding haunches and looked expectantly at his mother, and it was all she could do to swallow the creak in her throat.
“Let’s see what you can do.”
Now, as the hound nearly bowls her over, Imogen cannot find it within herself to be mad at him. Not even at the dark stains on her dress. They’ll come out with a prestidigitation or two. She knows from experience. 
She falls back in the grass and stares down twin emeralds. A broad tongue laps the side of her face, and she laughs, trying to dodge a cold, wet nose against her cheek. Her hands come up to cup the sides of his muzzle. 
“Hi, baby boy,” she coos. She rubs at his ears, and he presses harder into her palm, groaning loudly. She can feel the vibration in her chest.
Laudna scolds, “What have I said about knocking people over?” Her hands rest firmly on her hips. “Honestly, Imogen, you could at least discipline him. How will he learn?”
Imogen rolls her eyes, shrugs. “I’m the fun mom. He comes to me because he knows he can’t get away with anything when you’re around.”
Laudna huffs. “I’m sorry that I want our son to be civilized.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” The hound flops to the ground, sprawling over Imogen’s outstretched legs, and she lets out an oomph of surprise. “Are you going to join us down here?” 
Laudna sighs and settles beside Imogen, resting her head on Imogen’s shoulder. She runs her hands over the creature’s exposed belly, avoiding the biggest of the perpetually oozing wounds. His jaw unhinges happily. His tail thumps a steady rhythm against her shin.
Imogen presses a kiss to the top of Laudna’s head, and Laudna relaxes into her.
A soft smile spreads across Imogen’s lips.
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paxthepuppycat · 5 months
hey i saw your most recent stimboard post and thought it was super cute could i request one for a king cheetah?? /nf /pos
thank you in advance!!
Cheetah Stimboard!
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seasononesam · 1 year
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@horrornaturalevent: HORROR MEDIA ‘23 - horror movies | supernatural as a slasher film
Let’s just shag ass before Leatherface catches up. 
[ID: Ten gifs from various episodes of Supernatural. Each one has a filter over it to look more grainy. The first gif shows a red background with chains and meathooks holding a bit of human flesh and hair. The second gif shows a door with “she’s mine” written in the fog on the window. The third gif shows several newspapers and missing person posters hung up on a wall, with some blood spatter. The fourth gif shows the silhouette of a person walking through the woods at night. The fifth gif shows a bloody hand smacking against the window of the impala. The sixth gif shows a woman hanging by her arms, wearing a white shirt with some blood on it. There are chains and medical tools hanging in the background. The seventh gif shows a glowing branding iron being held near Dean’s eye. The eighth gif shows a cabin in the woods at night. The ninth gif shows a man holding a knife near a sharpener. He is wearing an apron and gloves and you can not see his face. The tenth gif shows Dean holding a jar full of teeth. /End ID.] 
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fereldensheroes · 16 days
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@fallesto asked:
A comprehension of change struck him like lightning. Focused vision slid sidewards, giving him views of his flanks which usual peripheral vision only teased at. The varying pongs of woodland life rose to prominence in nostrils which now pulled heavy breaths as if even walking pace demanded air usually afforded for continued exertion. The gentle sound of wind blowing upon the branches and the endless titter of birdsong filled ears which alarmingly moved toward the source of sound. His abruptly hunched disposition now seemed like the only position he ever could have been arranged, the idea of standing straight relegated to a passing novelty. He looked upon himself and saw a chalky barrel chest draped in previously crimson clothing now turned a sickly yellow, blue robes below strewn upon the muddy ground near his alarmingly hoofed feet. A flick of something beyond locked his focus rearward, alarm surging into his altered self. Watching carefully he he could just about catch a glimpse of a thick haired tail sweeping past his plump posterior; his entire body keeping its amble girth despite the alarming and wondrous changes on display. A breeze was felt by his underside and helped reinforce his new found indigent nakedness. The obvious conclusion laid itself bare in his mind but acceptance denied it, his mind spinning endlessly for some sort of mundane conclusion like a mill wheel endlessly churning water. He threw his head around and snorted, attempting to cast off this feverish dream or drunken hallucination; its persistence burning away comforting possibilities. He looked back at himself, mouth parted in shock -- he was no longer man but a beast. The tales of this woodland were true, and by some sort of enchantment or curse, he walked not as a man of nobility, but what would be considered a fine steed for nobility instead!
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She had felt something... a stirring in the Green. Someone it did not seem to trust had entered the forest, a forest she was a more... welcome intruder to. Dryads, they did not like outsiders. They disliked men even more.
Gwen was allowed passage as a respectful sort. A witch who looked out for things like the old growth, the old ways. Not like those pretentious sorceresses, no. A druid, one of few that still wandered the Continent--- outside of Skellige, perhaps, but Skellige had kept many old traditions and beliefs alive. She respected that.
Flowers, herbs, were tucked gently into the basket she carried. A little luna moth that shone like a sun-dappled autumn forest settled at her shoulder. The witch stood, wandering towards the source of the growing magics---
There, just past the brush, she spotted him. Red hair like her own--- that was the most she noticed before the change took place. It was akin to stories she'd heard as a child. Gods turning those who wandered where they should not into animals--- typically to the death of the mortal who had done so.
Fearlessly, she stepped into sight once the transformation completed. "Quite th' curse... you're lucky it wasn't arrows. That tends t'be th' usual for dryads." She could be a curse breaker, certainly, it was within her ability. Not here, though. Not within the still angry boughs.
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chaosfindsaway · 2 months
@ronplacerontime Plotted starter with Malakai
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Malakai paced Borislav's office, nervously biting on the inside of his cheek. He'd messed up during a show, again. Now, he'd have to find a really good excuse for why - though he was sure he'd run out, by now. He glanced up at the ticking clock above Borislav's desk. The current show still had thirty minutes left.
"Shit..." he cursed beneath his breath. The guard that brought him here to wait was probably just outside the door so he doubted he could make a run for it. Not that it would matter. His powers were useless anywhere but inside the circus ring. He'd only get caught if he tried.
Malakai suddenly stopped pacing at the sound of muffled talking from behind the door. Was the show done early? He grimaced, moving to sit down quickly then dulling out his expression. Fear was the worst possible emotion he could show in Borislav's presence.
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lungsandlips · 6 months
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"Who's your friend?" His voice came out of nowhere but it was unmistakable who it was pointed at. Eyes steadied on the girl, completely ignoring the person she was talking to. As far as Kade was concerned he was barely a blip on the radar and if he didn't pay him any attention he would simply go away. He'd actually been having a good time - whoever was throwing this party deserved a pat on the back. Usually he got bored and wanted to go home after an hour but he'd been thoroughly entertained for most of the night. Of course there's a bodyguard posted outside but that's never unheard of for Kade. "Kia," he demanded her attention again. "Aren't you going to introduce me?"
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packsurvivcs · 3 months
@russetwolf gets Sansa (yo arya shared what)
They'd parted ways with Theon a day prior, and it felt like they would never reach the wall. She no longer felt anxious at getting caught as Brienne, Theon and Podrick had taken care of Ramsay's men and now they had horses, allowing for faster travel. Brienne did her best to move as quickly as possible, which Sansa appreciated, and she hoped they'd arrive to their destination soon. The possibility of seeing Jon again, a familiar face, her family, was one of the few things that kept her going. It was getting dark again, and so they set up their little camp near a large abandoned tree, she'd settled on another fallen log as she warmed her hands by the small fire that they'd created. Podrick had gone off saying he'd try to see about getting them something to eat, although Sansa was sure he wouldn't find much. It was getting much colder the more they walked, and most animals would either be hibernating, or hiding in their homes for warmth. Someone is coming. Brienne's voice broke her out of her thoughts and she stood from her spot, had Ramsay sent more men out?
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chasingrainbcws · 8 days
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Goodness, there was so much to do today ! It isn't really unusual for her schedule to be jam-packed, but it one was honest, that was due to her own excess enthusiasm and the plethora of ideas ever-spilling over from her mind. Aside from the business related responsibilities of running a hotel, she had to ensure that expenses were balanced, and the week to be full of activities for the guests to bond, and heal, and better themselves... ! She hardly has time for answering doors --- --- ...wait. Was there someone at the door ?! Could it be a new guest ?! She practically flies to the stained-glass windows with explosive excitement, pulling the door open with an unreasonable amount of force and a grin far too wide for her cherubic face. ❝ --- HELLO ! Welcome to --- the... Ha.....❞ ...The joy in brimstone eyes bleeds to a myriad of emotions: confusion, intrigue... fear. The tall figure in the shadow of the hotel... looks like... her, in a way --- well, more like her Dad... but --- something is different. He's... brighter... --- and when her eyes catch the arches of large wings, and the glint of a sheathed sword at his waist... her stomach drops. ...An angel... ? What was an ANGEL doing here... ?
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la-topazzz · 1 year
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Daily sketchbook page day #1
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deepinthedarkworld · 11 months
Another night, another crowded house. Things seemed to be in some kind of repeat as of late. There was always a party, a meeting, a fight that Jacob could not miss out on and so she would follow like a fucking puppy on a leash. Didn't want her to be home all alone he said. More like he didn't trust her enough to be on her own. Jacob didn't trust anyone, too paranoid. So wherever he went, she went too.
The music was blasting through the speakers as she entered the property. People everywhere, the smell of cigarettes in the air along with god knew what. Imogen trailed behind her boyfriend, their fingers intertwined. Smiling at the right people, speaking when spoken to. "Ah!" Jacob exclaimed after a bit, tugging at her hand as he walked through dancing people. "There's someone I should introduce you to."
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levibecker · 6 months
location: briar ridge charity masquerade sent to: @evelayton
The night was well underway with the raffle especially over, and as Levi made his way back inside through the chaotic crowd of masked individuals, the more his mind only became increasingly disoriented. Every guest had actually done a surprisingly decent job at keeping their identities hidden and no one person seemed to look the same to him. Or it was just the amount of drinks he’d already had. The more time went by, the quicker the night could actually come to a close and the party could all continue to wind down. Since his employer had hosted the event, he didn't have much of a choice but to stay until the party's end. For the good cause is what he’d toasted to earlier with one of his prior champagne flutes. 
Interestingly enough, his eyes caught a flash of striking gold in passing. One of the only things he could actually recognize. They intriguingly met at the bar earlier in their first run-in, their second they exchanged notable compliments on their attire and now..”Hey!” Levi turned to call after her amongst the loud music still blaring in the room at the same time, moving a few forward. “What number is this?” He mused, certain he wasn’t wrong with who it was and this would be yet another encounter between them of the night. 
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picturesofponies · 1 year
Bi luna leaning against a nice tempest shadow happy to be with her girlfriend
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ashnadir · 7 months
location: Hexmore Vets & Rescue closed: Dex Ortiz @strongerthan90strendx
The Vet's door made a chime as Ashed shouldered himself into the lobby. In his arms, he cradled a large, mewling cat. Or, what he assumed was a cat. Some variant breed of Maine Coon, perhaps - the creature was humungous.
"Help! A little help here, please -!" he called out, to anyone who worked at the animal hospital. "I think it was attacked, I found it in the park nearby."
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3katanas · 5 months
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@raiiryuu semi-plotted Starter!
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It had taken a few days to get the Guild Hall looking back to normal. Removing the signal of the idiots that had taken it from them while they were gone and cleaning up the mess they'd left behind. He'd spent most of that time in the gym, getting the machines and weights back in order.
Now that it was sparkling clean and ready for use he'd arrived early that morning. Falling easily back into his normal routine when not out on a mission or trip with the others. Muscles warmed slightly from the walk here he set right in on his weight training. Easily working through his warm-ups before setting in on his reps.
Gaze flicking towards the door at the sound of someone else entering he spotted the distinct blonde hair and lightning scar. Vaguely remembering Natsu and the others calling him Laxus from his few brief encounters with the dragon-slayer. His chin dipped in greeting towards the other when their eyes met as he rose from the mat he'd been doing one armed push-ups on. "You're Laxus right?"
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thekingofmuses · 4 months
For @unshackled-instinct
The celebration before a King of Fighters tournament was always lavish and extravagant. A clear sign of the sponsor's wealth. Kyo never liked going to such things himself, but far be it from him to turn down free food. All of the tournament participants were there, including someone he didn't expect.
He was about to approach him and ask him what the hell he was doing there when someone else caught his eye. The famous idol girl Athena Asamiya, and she was standing awfully close to Yagami. Were they gonna perform together or something? I wasn't unheard of. He was a musician, after all, and she was going to hold her usual tournament sponsored concert. Maybe she conned him into helping.
But..why would anyone choose to be close to him?
Oh, this was too good to not get the dirt on. So he resorted to the tried and true method of eavesdropping.
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