#(His Strength is Her Spirit) : Toshiro
epitomees · 2 years
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~ Kasumi/Sumi’s Tags ~ 
More will be added as needed. 
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lily-radiance · 2 years
Oh I think I might regret posting this but I'm thinking of making yet another fanfiction. I've recently started binge watching an unhealthy amount of bleach(I skipped the filler fight me) and have such brainrot I'm thinking of making a fanfiction.
Characters: Byakuya Kuchiki, Uqiorra Cifer, Grimmjow, and Sosuke Aizen x reader!
Plot summary:
Being a lieutenant of squad 6, you had a important place in the soul society, yet when conflicts emerge you need to make some tough decisions. When Aizen's true intentions are revealed, you make the heart wrenching choice to go to Hueco Mundo with him, planning initially to gather information and stop his plans from the inside. Yet you're left conflicted when you find yourself feeling enamored by the supposed enemy. Will you become the queen of Hueco Mundo? Or will you successfully return to the Soul Society after your assumed betrayal? Whatever path is chosen, it won't be easy.
Example: Uqiorra isn't killed by Ichigo but wounded significantly. Orihime is still considered useful to Aizen. Toshiro and reader have a similar strength level when it comes to their zanpakuto spirits(in the anime Toshiro states his sword is the strongest ice zanpakuto but I want to blur the line a bit so the plot makes sense.
Genres/ plot ideas: Betrayal, hurt/comfort, manipulation, suggestive content but not explicit, afab reader, she/ her pronouns, confrontation between reader and all characters in separate occasions, soul reaper reader.
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
I dunno if its okay to ask for this but like Z and I for the Soulmate!Au with Hitsugaya?
It absolutely is okay, anon! I haven’t done anything for Hitsugaya in a while so I suppose it’s only fitting I give him two but I don’t think I can fit them both in one post.
These are gonna be a bit long so please send in a separate request for Z!
Features: light angst and some awkwardness
Bleach Your Soul: Ask Meme
Identifier + Toshiro Hitsugaya
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He’s not even the first to notice it. He and Hinamori are washing after a day in the mud when she shrieks ‘It’s there! It’s there! I was right, Shiro!!’ A moment of triumph for Hinamori and shock for Toshiro ensues. And breaks once they see each other eyeing the door. They run, streaking, to the only mirror in the home—to granny’s room. On the back of his child-plump bicep is a glowing lantern covered in snow.
Part of him is relieved, as the days go on. He never thought he’d have anyone other than Hinamori and Granny to depend on. Outwardly, though, he portrays a staunch opposition to the idea of a soulmate. No matter how many neighbor kids Hinamori drags over to play, with the sly motive of finding their soul mark out, Toshiro never shows interest.
The relief, too, begins to rot with time. He begins to ask himself questions and the few times he is brave enough to ask granny his concerns, her answers fall like mold on to his childish hopes. Granny says soul mates can be alive in different worlds and never meet. That they can meet and their marks won’t let them know—they have to see it. Those two things alone keep him up during nap time for weeks.
He tugs the idea of soulmates from his mind once becoming a soul reaper. His only thought is of strength and duty. Toshiro must protect Hinamori and make granny proud. He isn’t like Captain Shiba; he won’t sacrifice everything for a soul mate. Not him. Not ever. He keeps his mark covered and averts his eyes when he sees another person’s.
Wars have a way of wearing the spirit down. Toshiro wants a soulmate. The truth reverberates on the nights he can’t sleep and the long days of battle. But after coming back from death, there is only rubble. And the knowledge that his time is more limited than before.
Age softens him like a soft glow in the cold. It helps that growing older garners him more respect with his peers, making it less of an annoyance to socialize. He smiles and goes out more, even if his love of work stays terminal. Even if a night out only lasts a few hours before he needs to be alone, his mouth too tired to keep up at the corners.
He’s the one to spot you. Your sleeves are rolled up, tied fast, as you clean a hallway in a division that isn’t his. Toshiro thinks of walking past you, unsure of the etiquette—everyone has their own opinion on the right way to go about it.
He does walk past you, but doubles backs. Asks you your name. Introduces himself as a formality—every soul reaper knows the 13 captains. It’s awkward and Toshiro points out that you’ve done well with the floors. Are you as attentive to paperwork? To swordsmanship?
You are thoroughly drilled on what you feel your strengths and weaknesses as a soul reaper are before he is able to gesture to your mark. ‘A lantern in the snow,’ he says, ‘How do you feel about it?’
It’s a bit of a nightmare, having a captain ask about your soul mark, but you are bound by duty to answer. You’ve thought about it plenty, but the meaning is lost on you; you’ve never been fond of snow but it felt reassuring, like a safe place to rest. You fiddle with the cloth you’d been running along the floors. Was this a new recruitment tactic?
Toshiro nods and says, ‘I see. Thank you for your time and hard work’ And he excuses himself, heart beating against his chest faster than his feet move with flash step. He wasn’t able to say it plainly or go on. But he admires your work ethic, patience, and that you’re his soulmate. He wonders if he would be a safe place to rest from the world. It only flusters him more.
Later that day, over tea, he tells Hinamori with a small smile that she was right. You do exist. You really do. He refuses to tell her the details to spare himself the roasting.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 years
50 Bleach Questions
I saw these questions here, and figured this would be a good way to hip y’all to most of my thoughts about Bleach (one of my favorite anime of all time):
1: Favourite male character
A tie between Renji Abarai (my husband) and Zaraki Kenpachi (my dad).
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2: Favourite female character
Tied for Rukia (onee-san~!) and baby!Nel (my literal child, okay). Both of them are freaking HILARIOUS.
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3: Least favourite male character
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Yhwach Bach. I DO NOT like this man at all. The frikkin hax this man was pulling out of his arse ticked me off to no end, like just DIE already.
4: Least favourite female character
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Momo Hinamori. I am so sorry, but I can’t effing stand her whining and crying. Aizen this, Aizen that--girl, just shut up. Like, I understand, cuz Aizen’s one sexy mofo, but get over it already! Then there was her whole angst with Toshiro, and omg I was so sick of seeing her face.
5: Favourite arc
I know this is the typical thing to say, but the Soul Society arc is my favorite. Bleach is a story about the younger generation bucking authority, breaking social norms, and defeating the odds in a system designed to keep people down. So the Ryouka Invasion of Soul Society was a really powerful message about having enough hope (and most importantly resolve and inner spirit/strength) to stand and face the pressure (ie: reiatsu) of systemic oppression & inequality in order to win.
6: Least favourite arc
Aside from the effing filler arcs, that godawful Fullbringer arc was so freaking boring -- dare I say the friggin Bount arc was more interesting.
7: Most attractive male character
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Renji’s been my longtime crush -- I’ve talked about him here before (X X); I will forever love my Red Pineapple, even if he is an ISOUROU~~~!!!! XD
8: Most attractive female character
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Yoruichi! <3 I freaking love her, she’s my 3rd fave female character. She has one of the coolest powers and seriously deadly combat techniques, plus she’s just gorgeous. I totally get why Soi Fon was freaking out so badly after Yoruichi left Soul Society; I’d cry too, girl! XD (I ship Soi Fon and Yoruichi, I was picking up major sapphic vibes.)
9: Character I am most like
Somewhere between Urahara who owns a candy store, and Yachiru who steals all the snacks.
10: Favourite captain
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11th Division Captain ZARAKI KENPACHI ^0^
IMO, not only is Zaraki Kenpachi the best captain, but he leads the best squad, with Ikkaku, Yachiru, and Yumichika. It’s always a good time when they appear. What I love about Kenpachi (including his BAMF character design & powers), is the fact that his squad loves him.
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Understand: the rest of Soul Society HATES Kenpachi -- he’s some no-name vagabond from Zaraki (the worst section of the slums), who only finds pleasure in killing. He’s classless & crude and a freaking embarrassment to the Gotei 13, especially cuz he killed the previous Kenpachi in order to take over Squad 11 but hE hAS No BaNkAi, wtF!? In particular, snooty AF captains Byakuya & Mayuri can’t effing stand him (the LOLZ when they all got stuck in Hueco Mundo together 😂👌). (And there’s that whole business with Unohana ...)
But Kenpachi’s squad members freaking worship him. They idolize him, to the detriment of themselves. o_O Renji BEGGED Ikkaku to become a captain after Aizen & co. defected, and Ikkaku said no, cuz all he wants is to fight & die under Kenpachi, the best fighter in all of Soul Society. Ikkaku tries to hide his own Bankai several times, cuz if Kenpachi can win every battle without one, Ikkaku feels he needs to be better without one, too. (Though Ikkaku’s Bankai reveal was so effing cool!) I hope Ikkaku becomes the next Kenpachi, NGL.
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And Yumichika hides his powerful magic/kido abilities, cuz Kenpachi (and most of Squad 11) have no affinity for spells/kido, and do just fine as melee fighters. It’s sad that they all feel the need to labor under this twisted inferiority complex, but it just goes to show the BAR Kenpachi sets for his squad -- they want to better themselves with raw talent/power, than resort to the typical ways of other shinigami.
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11: Least favourite captain
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Effing AIZEN. I’d’ve been DEAD, he’d’ve fooled me blind; I don’t blame Momo at all, honestly. U_U
12: Favourite lieutenant
Renji Abarai~! <3
13: Least favourite lieutenant
Momo Hinamori. Aizen did a effing number on her, yikes.
14: Favourite Espada
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Grimmjow! The SWAG this man has is through the roof. I love his fights, and his attutude, and his style. Bow down to the KING.
15: Least favourite Espada
Nnoitora, that sexist cockroach.
16: Favourite opening
Asterisk (the NOSTALGIA) Very first opening <3
Shōjo S (”Anata ga inaito iya iyatte ieru wagamamaaaaa~!”)
D-technoLife (”WOAH~!”)
chAngE (”hashiri dasu yooooo~!!!”)
17: Favourite ending
Houkiboshi (I loved this one cuz each episode had a separate montage for the different squads, which was cool)
Echoes (“listen to it! listen to me!”) so pretty <3
Stay Beautiful (I love the punk/noir AU montage artwork)
Sakura Biyori (so pretty; gives me Inuyasha vibes)
My Pace (the good part of the filler right before that Bount nonsense started)
18: Favourite Vizard
Shinji Hirako. He’s a frikkin weirdo, but he had Aizen’s number since he was in his mother’s womb, OML Aizen was shook.
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19: Least favourite vizard
The green-haired chick, Mashiro. I hate her oversexed underaged minor vibes.
20: Favourite Fullbringer
Why? >_<
21: Least favourite Fullbringer
All of them, next!
22: Something I love about Bleach
The humor. The very first episode sets the tone, when Rukia makes that iconic haunting entrance, only to get kicked in the butt by Ichigo. XD It was all downhill from there -- literally.
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23: Something that annoys me about Bleach
The racism, and homophobia. I have a whole rant about it.
24: Character I'd like to see getting more development
Hopefully we’ll get a lot more of Ukitake in the new Hell arc. We saw his Shikai stab Szayel, but we need to see Ukitake’s Bankai already!
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25: Character I'd like to see getting a flashback
ALL OF THE KENPACHIS. And Kubo needs to give us more of Unohana, I’m gonna flip my lid if we don’t get more from her.
26: My favourite fight
Omg so many epic battles! My Top 10:
Byakuya vs Ichigo: Ichigo’s Hollowfication had Byakuya shooketh, that sent me! XD
[TYBW manga] Gremmy vs Kenpachi: Gremmy played himself. XD
[TYBW manga] Gerard vs Kenpachi: I cannot WAIT to see Kenny’s fights finally animated!
Ulquiorra (Resurrection) vs Ichigo: Ichigo’s Vasto Lorde was something else, man. CHILLS.
Grimmjow vs Ichigo (Hueco Mundo rematch): I cried. U_U
Kenpachi vs Ichigo: The bar was set! So epic!
Byakuya vs Renji: Their Bankai reveals were dope!
Yammi (Resurrection) vs Byakuya vs Kenpachi - they were effing hilarious, fighting each other more than Yammy. XD
Ikkaku vs Edorad: “Ban...KYYYAAAAIIIAAAEEEIIIAAAAIII~~~!” (The way he said it was e v e r y t h i n g.)
Aizen vs Ichigo: cuz when I tell you I HOLLERED XD
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27: Favourite arc
This is literally #5, wtf? O_o
28: Least favourite arc
This is literally #6, wtf? o_O
29: How many times have I watched/read Bleach
I’ve completely marathoned all the seasons at least 1000 times, most recently after the 2022 renewal was announced. Gotta freshen up for the 1000 Year Blood War!
30: Favourite Shikai
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Rukia Kuchiki has the most beautiful sword & techniques in all of Bleach canon, and that title is well-deserved. She’s the Snow Queen! <3
31: Favourite Bankai
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I can’t stand this dude, but Byakuya Kuchiki‘s Senbonzakura is my freaking aesthetique, so.... :\ Pink swords, pink sakura petals, cool background music. Yep. The Kuchiki family’s got serious style.
32: Who I'd like to see join Ichigo's nakama
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I wish Tatsuki had been part of A-Team with Ichigo, instead of B-Team with Kon & co. It didn’t make sense to me how she never fully gained major powers like Sado/Chad, after having experienced so much effing Hollow crap. Especially considering Ichigo’s sister was supposed to take his place during Fullbringer, and turned it down. Tatsuki would’ve been awesome. U_U
33: Something I'm looking forward to seeing
See #34.
34: What year do I think Bleach will end
Well, it’s coming back in 2022, baby! ^0^ I am so hyped for the 1000 Year Blood War finally getting animated after all these years! Crap went DOWN, lemme tell you. O_O I hope they take their time with it, and flesh out those rushed AF fights & Bankai reveals. U_U DO NOT RUSH THIS ARC. Not to mention, we have the New Breathes From Hell arc coming too, as well as wherever Burn the Witch might take us, so I don’t see Bleach ending any time soon. What a time to be alive! ^0^
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35: When did I first start Bleach
When it first aired on Cartoon Network, way back whenever, with the Toonami/Adult Swim dubs. I went back years later to rewatch everything subbed, and I was blown away all over again; it’s like a totally different experience watching it in Japanese.
36: Should Bleach have ended with Aizen's defeat
Absolutely not; there was way too much that got revealed in the following arcs. And look at what Kubo’s doing now with the Hell arc! Chef’s kiss! No, the PROBLEM is that the Fullbringer arc was hot garbage. Because TYBW is only just now going to be animated in 2022, all we’ve had these last 10 years was the Fullbringer arc, which had Bleach “end” on a freaking whimper, rather than the BANG that it had in the manga’s 1000 Year Blood War arc. It was nice that the shinigami all give pieces of their soul to Ichigo, to help him get his powers back, but they could’ve done all that in one freaking chapter, without stringing us along for that hella dry Fullbringer arc. And I HATE how NO ONE bothered to tell him that they were working on the sword the entire time--*cough* URAHARA! *cough*
37: Favourite filler arc
The Zanpakuto Rebellion arc. It was stupid, and like all filler it dragged on way too long, but it was so cool to see the zanpakuto spirits!
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38: Least favourite filler arc
The rest are all equally useless. I always skip them in my rewatches.
39: A theory I have
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Kubo explained the longstanding mysteries surrounding who/what Yachiru Kusajishi actually is, and he pretty much confirmed what we were all suspecting: Yachiru is (in a sense) Kenpachi’s zanpakuto spirit, but that Kenpachi has TWO spirits (like (Tensa) Zangetsu, or Shunsui & Renji in the Zanpakuto filler arc). The voice Kenny heard say Nozarashi’s name is the other spirit, and Kubo said it’s the voice of an adult woman (which we’ll get to hear when the anime returns).
I’m seeing a lot of theories that people think that adult!Nozarashi simply looks like a grown up version of Yachiru, but I strongly disagree with this. If the zanpakuto spirit designs in the filler arc are more or less canon, then they are anthropomorphic versions of their shinigami’s Bankai. For example, Hyourinmaru is an ice dragon dude; he’s got the same ice parts on his body that Hitsugaya has when in Bankai, with a tail and claws & dragon feet, etc.
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So by that logic, why on earth would Nozarashi look like an adult Yachiru? Yachiru represents the power Kenny had when he named himself Kenpachi Zaraki, and named her Yachiru Kusajishi. But we’ve already seen how when shinigami name their swords wrong, their true power can’t reach full potential (eg: Renji, Yumichika, even Ichigo). They MUST learn it’s TRUE name; naming it themselves isn’t good enough. So knowing that Kenny’s sword’s true name is Nozarashi, and finally unlocking Bankai, if anything, Nozarashi’s spirit would resemble what Kenpachi looks like in Bankai: utterly effing terrifying.
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40: Pairings I ship
RenRuki (Renji x Rukia) -- I freaking love them
KenKen (Kenpachi x Unohana) -- thank heaven for fanfiction; ISTG Kubo
ShunsUki (Shunsui X Ukitake) -- this is either the most epic bromance or they’re actually banging. Kubo you gotta give us something.
RanGin (Rangiku x Gin) -- I effing wept, y’all. Unsung hero!
YoiFon (Yoruichi x Soi Fon) -- Soi Fon’s a simp and I don’t blame her
41: Friendships I'd like to see
I wish we’d’ve had a whole filler arc about Isshin’s time in Soul Society, and way more of the Vizards’ tenure pre-Hollowfication, instead of that useless effing New Captain arc. We don’t see Isshin interact with anyone except Urahara & Yoruichi, but I’m convinced he’d’ve been good pals with Shunsui & Ukitake, and possibly even Kenpachi. Was he around when Shinji was captain? They’d totally be friends then, as well as Love & Kensei. A bunch of chads.
42: Series I'd like to see Bleach crossover with
It’s not an anime, but Shadowhunters. I already said way back in 2018 that my headcanon is that Alicante is basically the western version of Soul Society, cuz Shadowhunters (nephilim/angels) and Shinigami (soul reapers) are technically the same dang thing.
fight monsters from hell/the afterlife (demons/hollows)
use magical weapons
supernatural warriors invisible to mortals
magical city normal humans can’t see/go to
dressed in all black
edgelord archers (*cough* Alec *cough* Uryu)
led by dingbat gingers
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It just checks out. Fight me on this.
43: Favourite Bleach movie
The Hell Verse. And now that we’re getting a whole new Hell arc, I’m like yaaaaaas! \^0^/
44: Best character design
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Renji Abarai. I love everything about him, he’s so cool. In fact, he’s so cool that members of his own squad tried to tattoo themselves to look more like him~! :3 Some people don’t like his new Hell arc look, but I like the braid, though I must admit that the loose flowing ponytail look is just peak sexiness.
I also love Kenpachi’s design (his oni/kishin Bankai was GENIUS); and Ichigo’s various designs (his original Bankai & Vasto Lorde Hollowfication especially).
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45: Worst Character design:
The Fullbringers. YAWN! Ginjo was alright but the rest were effing boring.
46: Shinigami, Vizards, Fullbringer, Quincies, or Arrancars
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Vizards. They have creepy/awesome Hollow powers, on top of Shinigami powers, and are not beholden to Soul Society or Hueco Mundo, and can still live freely in the human world. Sign me up.
47: Character I used to hate but now like
Gin Ichimaru. I used to effing hate him....but then.... O_O When I realized why his eyes were always closed like that -- OMG. Genius. He tried. Poor baby. U_U
48: Character I used to like but now hate
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Aizen. Mofo had me fooled! >_< Betrayed! BETRAYAL. (I love Aizen, NGL, lol.)
49: What division would I join if I were a shinigami
I effing hate Captain Mayuri, but maybe the 12th Division, cuz that’s the research department, and I’m a frikkin nerd. At best, 13th under Ukitake/Rukia, or 8th under Shunsui/Lisa; they seem like chill captains to work under and not have to go through craziness. But the 13th is in charge of Karakura Town, and that joint is effing cursed. And Shunsui might molest you. And who knows what the 5th division is like with illusionists Aizen & Shinj; you’d probably go mad! And eff knows what lab rat experiment you’d wind up in with the 12th under Maiyuri.... Eff it, I don’t wanna be a shinigami; I’d rather be a Vizard and just live in the human world.
50: Unrevealed Bankai I am most looking forward to seeing
Well, the one everyone was waiting for was Kenpachi’s, so I’m good now. XD  I just can’t wait to see all of the TYBW ones finally animated, hopefully with more time to actually see them, since Kubo had to rush through a bazillion new ones. I am SO EXCITED! 10 years of waiting! JEEZE! I thought the 4-year wait for Attack on Titan to come back was brutal, but this has been quite the wait. The hype is real!
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Thanks for reading!
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hitsuhinahappiness · 3 years
Scar Map - All Sewn Up
(T/W: Swearing and language)
The journey back through the Senkaimon was typical at first, to say the least, and the squad ten captain was not surprised that his chipper lieutenant was, still, bouncing off the walls as they walked to the other end of the massive channel to take them home. 
“Why couldn’t we have just stayed a little bit longer, Captain?” The strawberry blonde complains. 
“I wanted to do a little more shopping! I had only scratched the surface of the Karakura Mall when we were so abruptly and rudely summoned home!” Only the sound of the soft padding of their sandals against the dirt interrupted the silence that the lieutenant did not take up.
Her captain sighed. It was clear by the tone of her voice she was only trying to lighten the mood. Nevertheless, he was going to lecture her. 
“It can’t be helped, Matsumoto. We have to report back to the head captain. We cannot return to the world of the living without backup. These arrancars, they’re much too strong for just us alone to handle. Even Ichigo Kurosaki couldn’t defeat one of the Espadas. For all we know, they’re going to invade the Soul Society next. Tactically, their next move could be to eliminate all those who pose a threat to their plans. That includes the captains, the lieutenants, anyone who could stand a chance in a battle with a soldier of his undead army.” His silvery eyebrows furrowed as he trudged through the gravel. 
Aizen. What hell are you doing with Orihime Inoue? Did you think no one would notice? That no one cared for her, or that they wouldn't come for her? You seem to have a nasty habit of swiping loved ones for your own personal gain.. His loose hands at his side became tightly wound fists.
He shook it off as he heard Matsumoto begin to speak again, this time, taking on a somber tone. 
“Soldiers… Captain, could they really be starting an army? Aizen, Tosen… and Gin?”
“They are, and they have created their own militia. Now, we need to get back and hunker down. We need to prepare the Soul Society for whatever may come next.” 
“The captain’s right, Rangiku,” Ikkaku starts. 
“It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that we prepare the others, and make sure that we have enough muscle to destroy these bastards. We won’t let them take our home or the souls of the innocent.” 
“How mature of you, Ikkaku. I’m so proud!” Yumichika chimes in. 
“Mature? I’m always mature, mature’s my middle name.” He rebukes. 
“Yeah, sure..”
“Would all of you be quiet!? Just for once?” Toshiro calls from ahead of the trio. 
“We’ve almost arrived.” 
“I think you’re just grumpy because you get to didn’t spend enough quality time with M--”
“Do not.” He interrupts sharply without looking back. Rangiku burns holes in the back of his head with her laser beam eyes. She had been trying to gain more information about Momo’s wellbeing ever since she heard her captain speaking to her on the video monitor back at Orihime’s house. 
I heard her voice, but.. 
Matsumoto turns to look back at Ikkaku and Yumichika, who have struck up a conversation of their own about the Aizen situation, and then briskly strides a little faster to catch up to her captain. 
Then she was just… gone..
“Is it that bad?” Rangiku murmurs from behind him, her eyes slanted with worry. She noticed his shoulders tense, and he took a long pause before uttering his next words quietly.
“... I don’t know what to do… how am I supposed to explain this all to her? He has her so--...” As if his voice wasn’t low and chilling enough, he forces out the word even more hushed between gritted teeth.
“Brainwashed.” He swallows hard and looks up as the slight glint of the portal catches his eye. 
“If anyone can bring her back, Captain,” Matsumoto says as they approach the Soul Society once more. 
“It’s you, and she will come back to you. You know that, don’t you? At some point, she’ll have to realize that Aizen was never there for her in the way you have been her entire life.” They walk into the blinding light side by side, followed by the two from the Zaraki squad. 
“I truly hope you’re right, Rangiku.”
“This Captain’s meeting is now in session. Pay attention everyone.” The Head Captain’s booming voice calls out to all the ten remaining captains. 
“We know now that Souske Aizen, Traitor of the Soul Society and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, is forming a militia of his own, and his base of operations, as reported and confirmed by Captain Hitsugaya and his team, is Hueco Mundo. We suspect he is preparing to harness the power of the Hogyoku to obliterate the barriers between this realm, the hollow realm, and the world of the living. We must prepare for worst-case scenario outcomes. Now, we do not know exactly how powerful some of the men in his army are, however..” 
Yamamoto drones on and the captains all listen respectfully, but Captain Hitsugaya’s thoughts are elsewhere. 
Where was Sasakibe holding Momo? And what were they doing with her? Is she asleep again? Is she alright? Or is she scared? 
He stared down at his feet intently, itching to see her again, to know that she was okay. He was too caught up in his thoughts that he failed to notice the Head Captain beckoning him until he was snapped out of his own head with a stern, 
“Toshiro Hitsugaya. I have asked you to report!” 
Toshiro looks up, blinking and tightening his jaw. He takes a deep breath before answering. 
“My apologies, Head Captain, there’s just a lot to digest. These arrancar, they’re strong. Much stronger than we’ve anticipated. As we’ve learned, the Adjuchas are the lower-level, pawn-like soldiers in his army. These Adjuchas level soldiers had all five of us nearly defeated, and it took the release of the Gentei Kaijo for us to finally be able to turn the battles in our favor. However, we know that Aizen has soldiers who are much stronger than even these Adjuchas, who we were just able to eliminate after using all of our capabilities. The strength of these humanoid-hollows is… unimaginable. One of the more elite soldiers was there, in Karakura town. His spiritual pressure was immense. It was… an ocean of spirit energy. He attacked Rukia Kuchiki of Squad 13 and the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, and injured them both severely, although this arrancar was summoned back to Hueco Mundo before either of them were killed. He arrived once more in the World of the Living about a month later with three other arrancars. We were able to fend them off and nearly defeat them, until they escaped once again, this time taking Orihime Inoue, friend of the substitute soul reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, with them. It appears she went voluntarily to Hueco Mundo, and it seems Souske may be interested in her… special powers. Aizen has also arranged ten of the most powerful arrancar at his disposal to serve as his most trusted informants. These soldiers are his muscle, the strongest among his hollow subordinates. The arrancar that Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki battled was one of these powerful “Vasto Lorde”. They are called ‘Espada’. Throughout the mission, we were able to eliminate a few of Aizen’s arrancar. However, we are still unsure as to how many men he has in total. It would seem that there are still ten remaining Espada, and an unknown number of arrancar pawns.”  
No one speaks as the information sinks into each of the captains’ minds. A quiet murmur of conversation begins to rise in the air like dust on a windy day out in the Rukongai. An unspoken question hangs above them like a guillotine blade, 
“Are we doomed?”
“Silence!” Yamamoto’s voice swoops through the chatter and once again, the meeting room is silent. 
“Our job is to ensure that each and every one of us becomes stronger. We need to be strong enough to crush Souske Aizen’s plan before he even has a chance to set it into motion! We now have three months for preparations. Come winter, everyone must be ready for all-out war.” 
A/N: Well, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! There’s much more to come. I’ve edited all that I have so far, and perfected it the way I saw fit, grammar and spelling wise. I’m not sure how long this will end up being, but I guess I’ll just keep writing as long as I have the inspiration! Constructive Criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Much love and joy and peace to you all!! 
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rangikuxmatsumoto · 3 years
[Misconception: Rangiku is a bimbo/airhead and unintelligent.]
send me a misconception you think people have about my character and I’ll explain if it’s true or not. | Accepting
Time for TEDTalk #2 today! Rangiku isn’t some prodigy or genius, but she is far from unintelligent. The construct that she’s a bimbo or an airhead steams directly from the idea that she’s lazy. If you’re anything but a diligent, by-the-book, hard worker, you must be a bimbo/airhead/unintelligent – right? Wrong.
There’s enough to be said that Rangiku is a Fukutaichou in the Gotei 13 to prove her level of intelligence and her skills but sadly, we don’t get to see much of her abilities in action throughout the course of the manga/anime. Her appearance and fights are more often than not side-stories to a more important fight. We get fleeting glances or quick fight scenes that really don’t divulge into her keen intelligence but I’m going to break this down.
Upon first glance, Rangiku doesn’t fit that standard mold of what you’d expect for a warrior – right? She’s fan service – no harm, no foul – but at her core she is still a solider, she earned her place, she’s proven herself.
Like I said, she isn’t come genius or prodigy like Gin or Toshiro, but she clearly can hold her own, she knows her advantages and disadvantages and she benefits from knowing those.
Rangiku had proven to be a rather skilled tactician in battles. She’s used her appearance or perceived appearance (i.e. busty, blonde female probably isn’t a threat) to her advantage. When she was fighting Grimmjow’s fracción – Nakeem (don’t worry I don’t remember him either), she acts as if she’s fallen unconscious/has been defeated so that she’s able to get their limits released. Out of Toshiro, Renji and her, she played her card to their advantage. She uses this same tactic when she’s fighting Harribel’s three. She knows she’s at a disadvantage going three against one, so she tries a divide and concur method. Have them fight amongst one another so she can pick them off one at a time, or they can’t collectively attack her.
Though, I think her greatest display of this comes out of her two fights with Kira/Reigai Kira which for the second one was skillfully broken down in this post here. But I’m going to go talk about these fights a bit myself. First, the original fight between Kira and Rangiku is short, but Rangiku is at twice the disadvantage against him. She doesn’t know his shikai (which makes me think that actually a lot of the fukutaichous don’t know the other’s strengths and weaknesses of their zanpakutos) and in the beginning she falls victim to Wabisuke’s ability. But that alone shows that Rangiku was keeping her cards close to her chest, had Izuru known of Haineko’s release, he probably wouldn’t have fought her with his shikai and Rangiku could have avoided it all if she had released Haineko right off the bat like everyone does. But she didn’t, she let him set himself up for defeat and in doing so, Rangiku learned more about Izuru/Wabisuke.
Now, the Reigai fight is just round two of this fight but at greater length. The setting is of course playing to R.Izuru’s advantage which puts Rangiku on the defense. But like they say, the best offense is a great defense. Making it appear as if she’s down and out, no Haineko in hand, R.Izuru goes for the finishing blow only to be forted by his zanpkauto’s special ability and design.
Now, military tactician aside, Rangiku also has some keen emotional intelligence which is often overlooked because everyone just throws her self-centeredness into play. The way she reads people can be seen when she sees Momo after Aizen’s “death”, how she comforts and welcomes Izuru after Gin’s betrayal, how her and Renji respond to Rukia and Ichigo’s interaction at the start of the Arrancar Arc, her way of comforting and supporting Orihime. I could go on and on. Rangiku is self-centered at times but aren’t we all?
Once again, this falls back into the surface-level storyline syndrome that I am going to trademark, I s2g. Rangiku is described as lazy, free-spirited, care-free and the like – hell, that even speaks a bit to her intelligence because she can manipulate the hell out of people to get exactly what she wants (i.e Shuuhei and even Toshiro, let’s be honest). But the last thing my baby is a bimbo or airhead. She’s a strong independent woman, who is fiercely loyal to her friends and her captain and will tell you if your outfit choice is hideous.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
Toshiro! It's gonna be hard imagining his face on michizane doing evil things😭 toshiro was a good guy throughout bleach.
but but thats his selling point! he looks innocent and good :") we'll be hearing more from him since hes a prominent figure in the Gojo Clan (esp in canon, hes the reason why Gojo and Yuta are considered the strongest)
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 "My sun and moon" I thought it was a madman's crazy talk but michizane is a poet. Wow pat, what a little detail people can overlook because of the chaos that's happening.
gege is a history buff!! michizane's a real poet and scholar and an educated man T-T HAHAHA so i thought it would be 'romantic' and 'poetic' for him to call the concubine someone whom he considered his true love, his sun and moon because thats how he viewed her. the man literally worshipped the ground she walked on!
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 What toxic of a “lover” was michizane? Is it toma level of yandere from amnesia? Tsukasa domyoji from boys over flowers?
basically all he wanted was to be loved back and he couldnt accept that and he just snaps snaps. u get better answers i believe in ch17 when it all gets told in the gojo clans perspective :)
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Pat stop making your bad guys hot. My morals have already been tested with yn's family.
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 On no he's actually hot!😨😫😩
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Dammit why make villain hot? Why make reader questions morals? Why make morals leave body?
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Even if sugiwara doesn't end up as good looking as satoru in canon it's okay. That's canon canon this is minazuki canon🤣
technically he is gojo's ancestor (so yeah gotta be good looking plus everyone loved him and wanted to be his wife) and also he wasnt a total villain in the beginning (i took the liberty that since michizane is a well respected name in canon-JJK. like maki and the others in ch0 has mentioned about his strength and how they were in awe of him. So in the beginning of everything he was a decent guy and then something just snapped within him, basically he was walking on thin ice) see u in ch17, we'll be hearing a bit more of what went down in a better perspective! (like a more true one i guess?)
Sukuna's vers of the events is pretty messed up one because he was just a hired mercenary for the Clan and they only told him that because he was the closest to finding minazuki so he needed to be aware of sum info
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Satoru got some irrational jealousy of his ancestor. Jealous of an already dead boy and someone your wife has a special bond with.
Satoru is better like leagues better than Michizane tho :) i feel like thats where they differ, Satoru practices good self-restraint and remember when he thought y/N still loved Yu? he started to distance himself a bit already at that time. he was angry ofc but he knows where to draw the line
He's ultimately not like him (luv u king)
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Michizane looking kinda fine I wonder if we'll have sex scenes between him and the concubine👀 My logic: no you don't want that. They'll have rapey vibes or just outright rape.
Its rape i'd be uncomfortable to write that part because i might get too graphic :(
altho ill add that he didnt touch her until after he found out that she had been seeing the lover, basically something just snapped then when he realized that the feelings werent reciprocated and he decides that he needs to be territorial. Its truly sad tale for the woman and her lover (we'll be getting a thorough perspective on them!!)
𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫 Michizane mentioned in canon and my reaction: cool 😮 Michizane mentioned in minazuki: HOLY FUCK! WHAT?! THIS MAN! EVIL! HE DID WHAT?! AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!🤢🤯🤯😨😭😭😱😱😡🤬
not sure if hes a bad guy in canon but hes a vengeful spirit like sukuna in current jjk canon so im not sure how geges gonna use him T_T
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ready-to-rally · 4 years
Overwatch Possible New Hero Teaser: Toshiro Yagami
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Letter translation below
Haikei, Toshiro, beloved husband:
The cherry blossoms are in glorious bloom after a gentle winter, soft clouds of pink against the green trees on the hillside. The season returns me to the winter day when the Hashimoto took you away from us, when snowflakes fell as the petals do now.
Strange that we are so close, yet we can visit you only when our current “masters” wish it. I hope they value your work enough to bring us together soon. Our daughter appreciated your recent gift, though I pray the blades you forge for the Hashimoto aren’t nearly so sharp, that what you craft for them is only equal to their sordid selves.
The forge of Yamagami Blades remains locked up tight, and since we last saw you in the autumn, we have moved into the upper level. It helps us feel close to you in many ways. In other ways, I feel your absence even more keenly. The musical hammering of the hot tamahagane, the song of the steel, is missing from this place. So is your own voice, your singing to the sword as you brushed it with yakibatsuchi, and the crackle of the fire when the blade hit the forge and the hiss as it cooled in the water. Sometimes I think I hear you there, yet it is always only the wind.
But I will not linger here. For as winter leads to spring, let me write a letter of lightness—a warm breeze bearing drifting blossoms. Perhaps it will grant us both a little peace, even as I turn my blade to keep the peace here from shattering altogether.
Many things remain unchanged, of course, in these eight years since your last trip home. You will doubtless be pleased to hear that Ichiko refuses to change the family recipe at Gozan Ramen, and the black garlic oil is as delicious as ever. It was crowded today, as many have come to celebrate the cherry blossoms. Yui’s dog, Mochi, is getting on in years, but his likeness still spins on the sign of the pottery school. Most of our favorite places are kept alive thanks to the tourists who delight in visiting quaint old towns such as ours. They eat ice cream from the cat café and burn their yen at the arcade or the new shopping mall you have yet to behold. Then, happy with their souvenirs, these day visitors skitter back onto the train before nightfall, when the lanterns flicker to life and the Hashimoto pound on closed shop doors, taking their “share” of what is earned by the labor of others and funneling it up to their betters through the aptly named Tora no Sumika.
Shimada Castle still sits high in its place of glory, overlooking our city like a stalwart stone temple awaiting a benevolent deity. You and I know well enough, we two who make and wield the sword, that while their castle was indeed strong stone, the Shimada were no gods, but people—and criminals at that. But the Shimada understood that honor and loyalty forge the strongest bond between ruler and ruled.
Lately, the Shimada have consumed my idle thoughts. They asked much of those who followed them, but they inspired us to give it. And in return, the Shimada clan led with integrity and treated us with respect. As you know, my mother and hers before her were honored to tend the fox shrine far from the clamor of town. But when it was clear my soul longed for the sword and I excelled at kenjutsu, the Shimada chose me over all others as their swordmaster. They knew that Kanezaka was not just the seat of their power, it was their home . . . and ours, too.
But where the Shimada gave, the Hashimoto take. After all, when one has many homes, one has none—and the Hashimoto clan claws at nearly every city in this nation. We are nothing special to them; one day they will drink us dry and move on, leaving us empty and broken. Even now, some twelve years on, I see the mark they have left on our city.
I regret that, even though the old part of Kanezaka appears outwardly unchanged, it has suffered under the cruel hand of the Hashimoto. Our view of the motherly mountain now encompasses the jut and arrogance of skyscrapers and neon, not the warm comfort of wood and wind and stone as it once did.
I stand, as Kanezaka itself does, between the old ways of the mountain and the Shimada and the new, sharp, hard ways of the city and the Hashimoto. We both know that the Hashimoto have you in their “care” not only for your skills, but also to keep me in my place—to ensure that I do not falter in their charge to keep peace in this city, among these people whom I respect so much. I will obey our current masters, for to do anything else will put both you and our friends here at risk.
I had hoped that over time the Hashimoto would grow lazy. That they would see we are an honest people whom they need not oppress.
Not even the most faithful dog could take such a beating without biting back—and the people of Kanezaka are great of heart. We are being worn down. The demands upon the populace are increasing, and tempers are rising. Missed payments are met with more vicious abuses. And now someone has given the Hashimoto further reason for anger.
Over the last few months, shipments of Hashimoto contraband have gone missing. Their men have been badly beaten or robbed when returning from their rounds. Perhaps most boldly of all, messages painted in bright, conspicuous colors have started to appear, though they are quickly painted over.
These fools are not so subtly throwing in-nen at the Hashimoto, and their acts are received as well as you would expect. These vigilantes think to rise strong against a tide of violence. Instead they strike fast—and hide faster—while the good people of Kanezaka take their penance. And so my job—to keep our own people, our friends, in submission—has become both more delicate and more vital with each passing day. There are moments when I can scarce believe the world in which I walk now: You, making beautiful work for undeserving pigs. I, who trained the scions of Sojiro Shimada, forced to turn my swordmaster’s blade against my own. The children of this town, growing to adulthood with only the brutal, thoughtless Hashimoto to determine what is good or bad . . . our daughter among them. It is dangerous in this city now.
I will walk through Kanezaka today not simply to imagine you walking beside me or to greet our neighbors. I have made an offering to take to the Tetsuzan Shrine of my ancestors: A bowl coated with brilliant blue-green yuyaku from the pottery school, into which Ichiko has ladled a splash of dashi. A rice ball from our neighbor. From Kenta, a piece of red bean mochi—our daughter’s favorite. To all this I have added a generous pour of sake. I may have poured a small cup for myself as well.
I will ask the fox spirit for strength to continue this fight and for wisdom for myself and for all of us. Then, after sunset, I will take the sword that you gave me so long ago at our yuino and patrol the streets of this place that both fills my heart and breaks it. I will find these self-appointed “guardians,” who, if not deterred from this path, may be the spark of a misguided and deadly fire that will consume us all.
May you and I both be as your blades are: strong and sharp. Obey the Hashimoto, as I must, and give them the outward show of respect, even if you cannot give true respect a home in your heart.
I will close on the lighter note that I promised and say that I know if you were here you would remind me, “The kitsune can change your luck with a flick of even one of her tails.” May she flick all nine of them and send some much-needed good fortune our way.
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The Yamagami Family
Overwatch recently made a correspondence post in order to promote the new deathmatch map, Kanezaka. It mainly focuses on the goings on in the map, but also introduces several new characters, with the focus being on the Yamagami family, who are the sender and recipient of this letter. 
This post is going to be a breakdown of what we learn about the family in this letter, because I believe we’re going to be seeing these characters again, possibly even as future heroes, so I want to build a better understanding of them.
Toshiro Yamagami:
- is married to Asa - works for the Hashimoto [against his will], and has done for at least 8 years - is a capable swordsmith - lives relatively close to Kanezaka - used to run a forge in Kanezaka, which is now closed - sings to his swords while forging them - working for the Hashimoto keeps Asa in line, as she knows one wrong move will get her husband killed
Asa Yamagami:
- excels at kenjutsu - has lived in Kanezaka her whole life, as her mother and grandmother tended the tetsuzan shrine of her ancestors - was supposed to tend said shrine, but instead became the Shimada’s swordmaster - taught Genji and Hanzo - Is charged by the Hashimoto to turn her blade against the people of Kanezaka to keep the peace, even though she does not want to - plans to make an offering to the fox spirit shrine to ask for wisdom and strength in this difficult time, then to find the people fighting against the Hashimoto
Their Daughter: - was born in Kanezaka under the Hashimoto rule - was gifted a blade by her father, and appreciated it - presumably is well trained in kenjutsu by her mother - possibly tends or is intended to later tend the fox shrine - likes red bean mochi
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gabriel-gabdiel · 4 years
【Draft】Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Kinta Minakata has uncovered a casket of secrets from his family, much to his chagrin.
Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Back in Shimabara, six years ago...
Kinta Minakata (the Shogo Amakusa doppelganger) had finished another sparring session with Kaede Morinaga (the Kenshin Himura doppelganger) with the fight ending with the Mimawarigumi Battousai narrowly winning.
This was so because "Shiro Amakusa the Second" was busy with morning mass and the healing of the sick Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) with western medicine, so he didn't have time to spar with the warrior woman.
"STOP RUNNING AWAY AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" demanded the tempestuous Kaede. "COWARD!"
"....But you're a girl," said Kinta, which resulted in him backpedaling from a screaming Morinaga's Scorpion Nest (multiple sword swipes from two swords).
Ah, so he was right. This time around, Kaede was a girl. Because sometimes, she instead claimed she was a boy. Like a woman possessed by different spirits.
Morinaga was a curious lady. Sometimes she fought like a ferocious tigress. Other times, she was as frustrating to battle as a snapping turtle hiding inside a thick shell.
Once in a "blue moon", when she was consumed with bloodlust and bad memories, she became a mix of both.
He even heard that when she tied her hair like a topknot, she even looked like the Legendary Hitokiri Battousai himself, but he personally had no idea. He never met his Battousai namesake.
Blocking every strike and countering sharply. She was a yin and yang of patient defense and inimitable offense.
She didn't only fight with a different style every time but also with a different attitude. It was like fighting three different people altogether.
"DAMMIT!" she screamed and threw her shinai (bamboo blade) at Kinta, who parried it almost automatically with his own weapon. "I want a rematch! Round two! Next time, I'll break every bone in your body, you sullen Shogo-sama wannabe!"
"Go ahead," Minakata dared with a half-smile (or half-frown). "A broken bone becomes stronger once healed."
Morinaga harrumphed. "Admitting defeat already, Kagemusha?"
"...I believe in kintsukuroi (gold repair)," he stated matter-of-factly. "Whatever that's broken can be fixed. Made even better than before."
"How naive. Spoken like a privileged, spoiled samurai." Kaede laughed then grimaced. "There are some broken things that can never be fixed, no matter how hard you try."
Rurouni Yahiko
A Rurouni Kenshin Continuation Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
Not-so-fabulous secrets are about to be revealed. A skeleton or two might even pop out.
Disclaimer: All characters used in this fanfic (save some others) are the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallup, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted material that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Somewhere in Yokohama, back at the Minakata safe house, Kinta Minakata reminisced about his time with Shogo and the Hidden Christians.
Kinta also wondered how a fight between Kaede and Soujiro would go.
He'd fought both, after all. Which one was better?
From his experience, unless something changed between the six years he last fought Morinaga, then Seta would probably win.
Especially the Soujiro whose feelings and bad intentions Minakata couldn't read at all: His "Heaven Sword" self.
So what made the Mimawarigumi Battousai think about Shogo's apprentice now of all times? Nostalgia, perhaps.
Or something to distract him from the depressing news he got about his dear ol' grandfather. Of happier times with Shogo, Sayo, Kaede, and the Hidden Christians that he called family once upon a time.
Before Kinta betrayed them to the Meiji Government.
Like grandfather like grandchild, apparently.
Although the fight with Tetsuo Akahori's latest pawn, Soujiro Seta, was one that Kinta Minakata almost lost, he was still able to retrieve documents of the utmost importance.
So in the end, he won. Kind of.
They were samples of the decoded papers that should help the Sanada Ninja Clan in unraveling the mysteries behind the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book.
The decoders of the clan (since secret messages were among the specialties of these shadow warriors) came up first with the messages and correspondences from the bakufu to the Minakatas and back along with plans of wiping off the rebellious Ishin Shishi rebels.
The families involved in the creation of the Black Book, the Four Clans, were government spies that were tasked to preserve Japanese culture but ended up becoming embroiled in Bakumatsu politics themselves.
They covered all bases from both sides of the conflict... the Shogunate and the Patriots... while at the same time having no dog in the fight. They had loyalty to neither faction or to themselves but pretended that they did.
The Seiryu Clan represented the Bakufu or the Shogunate.
The Byakko Clan represented the Japanese Imperial Army and the Shinsengumi.
The Suzaku Clan represented the Ishin Shishi Patriots.
And the Genbu Clan represented the Rebel Samurai and the Hitokiri or Manslayers of the Ishin Shishi.
Whoever they represented, they had an extensive catalog of their info and members. The Four Clans were supposed to be objective observers outside the conflict looking in, gathering information out of all sides and exchanging them among each other for the sake of gaining favor of the government when the war was over, regardless of which side wins.
As typical of such setups, the Four Clans started to backstab each other, throwing objectivity under the horse carriage and vying for supremacy by taking a gamble and backing what they viewed were the ultimate victors of the war.
Because of this, some clans were wiped out completely. The Suzaku Clan, for example, was discovered by the Ishin Shishi as traitors and killed by their best hitokiri.
However, the Sanada Ninjas and the Mimawarigumi Battousai soon realized that relaying government secrets weren't the only things that the Black Book's secret codes were used for.
Back in the hideout of the kidnappers in the middle of the Hiroshima woods...
The rider from before arrived in time to attack Yahiko Myojin and Kaede Morinaga with his bullwhip, saying, "...I see you came too late ta save 'er, ya bitch! Da boss already got 'er, didn't he? Serves ya right!"
Yahiko Myojin, still miffed from before, grabbed hold of the whip before it cracked, let it loop around his wrist, then pulled the hooligan towards him in order to hogtie him with his own weapon.
"I got to your cowardly boss before he could touch her. We got here just in time," Myojin countered.
The bullwhip rider still wouldn't shut up, though. "Dun matter. I've seen the same look in her eyes from many a horse with a broken spirit! There's no fight in her left! She's dead inside! Soiled fer life! HAHAHAmmph!"
Yahiko had to tie a gag on the criminal just to keep him quiet.
Meanwhile, the one girl Kaede Morinaga wanted to save the most on that day... Mariko... broke down right before her eyes.
Her spirit was shattered into pieces like Kaede's. Realizing what had almost happened to her.
The pale Mariko looked back at the redhead with cloudy eyes, her quivering lips opening as though to say something.
Morinaga grabbed hold of the girl by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes to help her treat the wounds of her past.
Saying things that another special someone in her life had said to her before. Shogo Amakusa's words.
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," she quoted Shogo, who in turn quoted Jesus Christ from the Christian Bible's New Testament.
"Minoe-san..." Mariko trailed off, unaware of Kaede's multiple personalities, thus calling her by the name she knew her first.
"I'm not saying that because you've done anything wrong, Mariko. You're obviously not at fault here. These... criminals have no right to judge you. Listen to me. You are not soiled. You are not somehow 'less' of a person than any of us. Any of them, especially. They're scum. Don't let anyone ever say otherwise, y'hear?"
The clouds in Mariko's eyes lifted before, with a quibbling mouth and sobs that wracked her body, she hugged Morinaga tightly. She said, "...I was so scared!"
As for Yahiko, he grabbed hold of Takae's straw kabuto and placed it over his head to the point of covering his eyes, as though tipping it at the girls. He then walked away to let them have their moment.
"...Thank you for saving me. Good thing you got here on time," Mariko said after her sobs had finally subsided.
Kaede scratched her head. "N-No. The one who rescued you was my good friend, Yahiko."
Mariko smiled wanly. "Well, he saved me too. You both did."
"Oh." Morinaga looked away and smiled herself, nodding once and borrowing her other self's catchphrase. "Mochiron (But of course)."
As for Yahiko, he realized that he still had much to learn. He still needed more training if Kaede of all people had to stop him from murdering that bandit.
He merely wanted to be as strong as Soujiro and Kaede but not to the point of becoming as crazy as them.
Or was sanity the price of strength? To fight monsters, you had to become one?
No, you didn't have to. Kenshin proved that it wasn't the case.
A couple of hours later, the police arrived on the scene along with Chizuru Raikouji (who helped deliver the other kidnapped girls back to their homes in Hiroshima) in order to arrest the hooligans.
Kinta Minakata had heard all sorts of stories about his late grandfather from his mother's side: The Late Great Toshiro Minakata. The former head of the Minakata Clan and Seiryu Clan. A legendary samurai in his own right.
He was a swashbuckling, seafaring samurai... a Japanese buccaneer of the seas... who safeguarded trade and battled against Chinese smugglers and European invaders of the South China Sea during the period when Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world (also known as Sakoku), thus trade was restricted only in certain ports in the country.
Toshiro was among the samurais responsible for controlling Dejima and Nagasaki trade on behalf of the Bakufu while at the same time being part of the secret alliance of the Four Clans as the head of the Seiryu Clan.
It was under his watch that the Portuguese were expelled from the country while at the same time, the Shogunate engaged with discussions with Korean and Dutch representatives so that the overall volume of trade didn't suffer.
Kinta took a look at his inherited sword, the Akatsuki. Unlike ordinary samurai blades using "pig metal" or Japanese steel with low carbon content, it instead used steel melted straight from the swords of the fallen Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch smugglers. High-carbon European steel.
The katana, despite its popularity as a collector item among westerners or its beauty and style, was actually a comparatively fragile sword designed to be manufactured on a budget.
Japan didn't have very good access to good quality metals like European countries did. The majority of katanas were made out of low-class steel to save resources.
Furthermore, only the front part was made of good metal and even that was merely coated with a small, thin sheet of it (and sprinkled with carbon powder as they were forged). The back end or spine of the average Japanese sword was incredibly frail.
It also wasn't the defining weapon of the samurai. That would be the spear or the naginata that the Sakaguchi's adopted daughter "Satsuki" used. At certain time periods, the bow was instead the military's primary armament.
Additionally, according to some of the more disdainful European merchants and blacksmiths that his grandfather traded steel with, nothing about the "overrated" katana was completely unique to Japan.
Similarly shaped curves in blades existed in European and Indian sword creation in one form or another. The process of folding steel multiple times was also used by Vikings hundreds of years earlier.
The standards of the world was eye opening to any Japanese in Sakoku Era Japan who believed that Japan was number one at everything, especially in light of the superior military technology that the world's superpowers of the 18th Century possessed.
All the same, this knowledge Toshiro gained resulted in him getting a Japanese sword forged with European steel. The best of both worlds in design and toughness.
The former Minakata head's military exploits and iron fist when it came to upholding the Sakoku Edict of the Bakufu was legendary. Indeed, Kinta's proud Minakata and Akahori lineages were what allowed him into the Mimawarigumi Army in the first place.
It was also during this time that Toshiro made use of naval codes to better facilitate the exchange of secrets between the Four Clans before they ultimately split up and chose sides during the Bakumatsu Era.
On top of all that, Kinta's grandpa used his influence as the head of the Minakata Clan to form what was known in modern times as their zaibatsu (Financial Group)... the Minakata Zaibatsu... with its riches taken from the importation and development of new drugs using western medicine, leading to the development of their Minakata Pharmaceuticals subsidiary.
His grandfather was ahead of the curve and hedged his bets accordingly. He knew that the writing was on the wall when it came to samurai privileges due to changing times. In the Meiji Era, if you wanted to remain in power, then you should get it through money instead of blood and prestige.
However, there were also rumors of Toshiro taking advantage of his high government position back in the Sakoku Era to run his own opium cartel on the down low.
This was just a baseless accusation and pure speculation, of course. Rumors and conjectures that the envious enemies of the Minakatas would use to drag their good name to the mud.
These same critics went on a feeding frenzy like sharks against their family when Kinta's mother had an affair with a foreign dignitary, leading to the murder of the same gaijin in the hands of Kinta's livid father, who then committed seppukku (ritual suicide) afterwards to protect his honor.
The slander that resulted from the incident made Kinta quite skeptical in regards to the assumptions people made about his father selling out his dignity and samurai blood for illegal drug money.
These accusations were never proven, at least. They were just conspiracy theories from idle minds at best.
At least, that was what Kinta hoped they were.
However, the recently discovered naval codes he got from the errand boy of his uncle from his father's side... Tetsuo Akahori... ultimately revealed the truth behind the elusive Seiryu Chapter of the Black Book. And his family.
An inconvenient truth.
By the time everything was sorted out at the police station and everybody from their group had a good night's sleep, the Sanbaka (Three Stooges) soon rejoined May Brooks/Satsuki Sakaguchi and her best friend, Chizuru Raikouji at a cafe near the Hiroshima train station.
The Great Gan, Yahiko Myojin, and Munenori Minoe arrived in time to bid their wistful goodbyes to the departing young teacher.
Reading the mood, Yahiko didn't mention anything about yesterday's storming at the camp of bandit kidnappers to Minoe. The Tokyo Samurai Descendant hoped that the eye-patched spy could figure out on his own the exploits of his female self, Kaede.
The three arrived just in time to overhear the conversation between the two best friends'... love life, of all things.
"...Oh my! You're such a damp squib, Chizuru-san! Especially with how you'd dare compare Kinta-sama to your crush, the vagabond. They are not alike at all!" said Satsuki.
They were apparently in the middle of some sort of conversation about Kenshin Kamiya (nee Himura) and Kinta Minakata (the man whom May had a crush on).
After Chizuru and May exchanged pleasantries, bows, and hellos with each other and the Sanbaka, the buxom blonde teacher then asked, "You're not making this vagabond guy up, are you? He's no make-believe boyfriend of yours, right?"
As Minoe mouthed, 'Damp squib? What's that?' the Raikouji heiress insisted, "HE EXISTS! But he's not my boyfriend, damn you! Anyway, Yahiko knows him! Tell her, Yahiko! Tell her about Homura Kenshi!"
'...Who the hell is that?' thought Myojin. 'Has she been infected by Gan's nicknaming sickness too? Get it together, Chizuru!'
Unwilling to bring up Kenshin Himura in Minoe's presence (lest his other personality, Kaede, was summoned by the name she hated the most), Yahiko decided to change the subject.
Ignoring Chizuru, the samurai boy told May, "I didn't know you practiced martial arts! You were amazing back at that kidnapper's hideout!"
He then remembered that, oh yeah, even Satsuki's stepsister Kyoko Sakaguchi from back in Shinshu practiced swordsmanship. Duh.
"HEY!" The Kaoru look-alike then stomped on Yahiko's foot with her booted foot, which he also didn't react to despite the pain. "I was talking to you, you rude boy!"
"...Do you pratice battoujutsu too?" Yahiko inquired further, recalling how close Kyoko was to fighting Soujiro and wondering how she would've fared. "Sorry, I meant iaijutsu," he corrected himself, remembering that battoujutsu was the old term for the Japanese sword-drawing style.
"Oh, good heavens no! I only use the naginata. I've never drawn a sword out of a sheathe in my entire life!" May tilted her head to the side. "Wait a tick, how did you know Musou Madden Ryu is an iaijutsu swordsmanship school, Joshua-kun?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Raikouji answered for Myojin. "I met Yahiko back when I was staying with the Sakaguchis in Shinshu. He knows Kyoko-chan! He even saw her wield her grandfather's sword that one time!"
"Oh, you've met my baby sister?" asked the adopted gaijin daughter of the Sakaguchis. "I haven't seen her in a while! Isn't she the cutest?"
Yahiko scratched the back of his head and admitted, "Y-Yeah, I guess she's kinda cute," while eyeing a smirking Chizuru from behind May. "...Don't start with me, Tanuki-chan (Miss Raccoon Dog)."
"I didn't say anything!" Chizuru feigned ignorance. "Also, that ain't my name, Yoshi-boy! Who are you calling a raccoon dog?"
All the same, Satsuki winked at Yahiko and invited, "If you want, spar with me sometime."
The grinning Chizuru then teased the adopted Sakaguchi child, asking, "What would Mister Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy say if he saw you flirting with another guy, Satsuki-chan?"
The Enlightened Gan then hit his palm in his fist, taking note to remember the "Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy" nickname that "Kaori-neechan"  came up with. Because he had his priorities straight.
With squinted eyes and a cherry pink blush, Satsuki grabbed Chizuru by the shoulders and shook her around.
"WAH! That's a load of cobblers and codswallop, Chizuru-san! And you know it! I'm not flirting with anyone! You Japanese are so shy that simply being friendly with someone seems like flirting to you people!"
Chizuru's sneering smile widened even while being shaken. Meanwhile, Yahiko looked away and Gan outright stared at the... jiggling girls. One of them jiggling more than the other.
"Oho, I thought you were Japanese too, Satsuki-chan," teased the Kaoru look-alike further, staring at Satsuki's not-so-Japanese chest. "Don't you mean 'us' Japanese instead of 'you' Japanese?"
"You're a meanie, y'know that?" said May with a pout and crossed arms. "I don't even think Kinta-sama and I ever shared a chin wag outside of 'Hi, how do you do!'"
"Well, Honey, it's because he's not the 'chin wag' kind of guy," Chizuru answered, primly straightening up her ruffled kimono and ribbon. "Don't take it personally."
In the background, Minoe himself reminisced about the silent Minakata, nodding in agreement with Chizuru.
Yes, the man certainly didn't wag his chin much indeed.
From there, the Morinaga within him awakened, seething in memory of how frustrating it was to spar with the high-ranking samurai turned Shogo Amakusa body double.
The Judas Iscariot of the Hidden Christians.
Satsuki's happy expression then changed altogether as she concluded with a lower lip quibble, "So I reckon this really is farewell, huh? Cheerio, I guess?"
Chizuru kicked the snow underneath her booted feet. "Aw. And we just got back together again after so long, Satsuki-chan." The rich girl sighed.
"Huh? But aren't you coming with me, Chizuru-san?" asked Miss Brooks.
"Eh? I was?" asked Miss Raikouji in turn. "B-But...!"
"Well, of course you are! I don't see why not! You're our family friend and this is a Sakaguchi Family Reunion!" May then put her hands on her waist. "You'll do great and Bob's your uncle!"
"Who the heck's Bob?" asked Chizuru, who bit her lip, her eyes wide and darting between Yahiko and Satsuki.
Myojin sighed, shoulders slumped, then shrugged and bowed at the Raikouji heiress. "I thought I'd still see your ugly face all the way to Kyoto, but if duty calls and family friends beckon, then I guess we'll just have to say our goodbyes here and now."
"N-Now hold on a minute...!" Chizuru stuttered some more.
"Aw, come on, Yoshi-boy! You still have me!" reassured the Gregarious Gan, who leaned on top of Yahiko's spiky hair like he were a countertop and picked his nose with his sausage-sized index finger.
"...Could you take Gan with you too? He's house trained, I swear," retorted the Tokyo Samurai Descendant while pointing at the thug with his thumb.
"I-I..." stuttered Chizuru, not knowing which path to choose. Should she go with Yahiko, who knew the vagabond, or her best friend, who was about to reunite with her childhood crush?
Yahiko, Gan, and Minoe looked at each other before bursting out laughing at Chizuru.
"Wait, what's going on?" asked Chizuru. "What am I missing here? Why are you laughing at me, you Three Stooges?!"
Myojin slung his arm over Raikouji's shoulders and said, "I was just kidding. We're all going. I've changed my mind. You don't have to go with me to Kyoto or Osaka because we're coming with you and Chizuru to Yokohama."
"W-What? Hey leggo, you perv," the heiress said before shrugging off the younger boy's arm over her shoulders. "But what about your Mushi-whatever? You were supposed to go on a pilgrimage for training, right?"
"Musha Shugyo (Warrior's Pilgrimage)," Yahiko corrected without a second thought before reassuring, "Don't worry about me. This is just a li'l detour before I head on out to Kyoto. Also, I want to spar with the students of Musou Madden Ryu for good measure. I want to see Kyoko and Satsuki in action, pitting their iaijutsu with my kendo."
'...Besides, the way I am right now, with both Minoe and Soujiro able to make short work of me at my current skill level, I don't think I'm quite prepared to face Kenshin's master of all people,' he told himself, remembering how much more mature Kaede was about the bandit situation than he was.
"ALL RIGHT! I mean, you know. Whatever. That's cool," came the petered-out exclamation of Chizuru, who brushed her silken "rich girl" hair back and squirmed in her boots after her best friend and the Three Stooges saw her sudden fist pump into the air.
"Oh my! That's indeed wonderful news! You're all coming with me?" asked Miss Brooks. "You've made so many new friends, Chizuru!" she added before whispering to her best friend, "Chizuru-san, why are they coming with us again? They're not staying over at the Minakatas' like freeloaders, are they? Kinta-sama's mother isn't going to like that!"
Raikouji herself shrugged. "But that's what they are. Freeloaders. Interlopers. People who don't know how and when to mind their own business. But seriously though, they'll be staying in their own tents and inns. I guarantee they won't be a bother."
Satsuki saw the glow in Chizuru's face and cheeks then relented, "Since you're all chuffed up about it, why not? The more the merrier, I say!"
To Yahiko, Chizuru said, "I guess it can't be helped. We'll still be seeing each other again real soon. You stupid dumbasses."
"Right back at you, Raccoon Face," mumbled Myojin to Raikouji.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai then offered his hand to Satsuki for a handshake. "This is how westerners greet each other, correcct? I look forward to challenging your Musou Madden School for a spar or two. Tell 'em Myojin Yahiko from Tokyo's Kamiya Kasshin School sends his regards."
May grabbed hold of Yahiko's hand but then curtsied with her dress and bowed in traditional Japanese fashion. "I'm kind of looking forward to it myself, Joshua-kun. I know my onions when it comes to wielding long poles."
Gan guffawed in the background at that suggestive comment, which prompted Myojin to kick his shin.
"OW! It's settled then! Yoshi-boy's Musashi Gundoh continues in Yokohama, training with Miss Melon, Soba Lady's daughter, and the Stone-Faced Samurai!" declared the Boisterous Gan with a wave of his giant metal bat.
"...Soba Lady's Daughter?" Satsuki asked Chizuru.
"He means Kyoko-chan. Soba Lady is his name for Nonoko-obaasan. Because, you know, he really likes soba," explained Chizuru. "The big oaf met the Sakaguchis back in Shinshu too, along with Yahiko and Minoe."
"Ah. How... quaint. What riveting wit he has."
"Hey, at least he doesn't call her Kaori. Or Miss Melons."
"That's Miss Melon, Kaori-neechan!" corrected the Clueless Gan, which earned him swift shin kicks on each leg care of both Kaori and Miss Melon.
After recovering from the pain, the Gabby Gan added, "Of course, we'll keep tagging along with Yoshi-boy for shits and giggles. The Sanbaka rides again. Right, Patches?"
"Mochiron!" responded Munenori.
Yahiko spared Minoe a glance, which made the wigged and eye-patched "man" smile and give him a thumb's up (because a wink was out of the question).
How could he surpass Kenshin when he couldn't defeat his two Kagemusha, the Ten Ken and the Battousai of Speed?
Also, he was more than a little curious about this Shogo doppelganger who also took on Kenshin's name, the Mimawarigumi Battousai.
Yet another Fake Battousai for him to meet. 'The plot thickens.'
Back at the kidnappers' hideout, after the local police force finally arrived along with Chizuru...
As the coppers rounded up the bandit kidnappers in shackles and handcuffs, Morinaga told Myojin, "I've made my decision. I'm going to Yokohama. I need to face off with the man who betrayed Amakusa Shogo-sama. His Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior)."
"K-Kagemusha...?" trailed of Yahiko. "What do you...?"
"It's Minakata Kinta. He served as a body double for Amakusa-sama six years ago. The Mimawarigumi Battousai. The one who betrayed the Hidden Christians to the devil himself, Akahori Tetsuo."
She turned her back on him and walked away. "Someday, when we meet again, maybe you can tell me all about Himura Kenshin. The Hitokiri Battousai."
"W-Wait, M-Morinaga...!"
He grabbed hold of Kaede and turned her around, only to end up facing the winking, gentler face of Munenori Minoe.
"Oh. I mean, Minoe. Hi."
Dammit, the Battousai of Speed ran away from him again.
Even without the wig and the eye patch, Myojin could sense the change in Kaede's demeanor after traveling with the weirdo for so long.
"AH! Yahiko-chi! What is it...?"
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Yahiko told Minoe, "I'm coming with you and May Brooks to Yokohama. We all are."
"Ah. Okay. Mochiron, Yahiko-chi!" said Munenori without thinking before blinking and realizing what the Tokyoite just told him. "Um, come again? We're going where now?"
Chasing Minoe... Kaede... and the rest of the Battousai Group was the right decision. Maybe by taking them down, Myojin would find the strength to surpass the real Battousai and bear the full weight of his heavy sakabatou.
It was silly, but his actions were spurred from seeing another chance at getting extra training to make himself stronger.
He just wanted to be stronger. He had no complex motivations of conquering Japan or avenging the death of a loved one.
He simply wished to be worthy of carrying the Battousai's... no Kenshin's... sword.
His most important inheritance.
What an idiot he was, he realized. No wonder he and Sanosuke Sagara got along so famously.
Toshiro Minakata was crazy. Crazy as a fox.
That was why he went from nobleman to merchant in order to keep his wealth and privilege regardless of which side won the Bakumatsu. This was also why he had his daughter, Kinta's mother, marry into the similarly wealthy and influential Akahoris.
He was a samurai who was ahead of the curve in regards to changing times, even though not all of his schemes went according to plan.
Like his daughter's affair with a gaijin. Or his own untimely death.
A prolific gambler in the prime of his life (like his fat lawyer son Kaneda), he knew how to hedge his bets and take calculated risks every time. Even if he lost, he'd somehow find a way to win.
According to his critics and enemies, Toshiro Minakata (allegedly) got his extra funding for his pharmaceutical business from illicit drug running. They said he was in fact a corrupt government official to the core.
The legit business that imported and made western medicine for distribution into Japanese households was the perfect front and money laundering scheme for all his illegitimate smuggling, complete with labs he could use to make both legal and illegal drugs.
The Elder Minakata got filthy rich from being a drug kingpin that no policeman could pin down until his legitimate pharmaceutical business (that he initially used as a front while using its very labs for opium processing) eventually became financially solvent itself.
It was the same bait and switch scheme done by the wealthiest families of the United States of America. Drug barons who made so much money, it lasted their family for generations to come.
However, there was no proof of such wrongdoing except rumors.
As far as the Bakufu and later the Meiji Government was concerned, Toshiro Minakata was an honest, honorable samurai turned head of a major conglomerate.
However, the naval codes unlocked info that suggested otherwise.
The naval codes used to hide info that the Seiryu Clan gathered from and on behalf of the Shogunate revealed more than just top secret documents from the past government hidden within piles of redundant paperwork.
The more messages that the family ninja Kaita delivered to him (which Kaita's sister Misanagi compiled and summarized for Kinta's convenience), the more the uncomfortable truths about Toshiro Minakata and the Minakata Family was exposed.
Toshiro's critics and their speculations didn't even scratch the surface of how much of a wily fox the old man was. He pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.
According to the puzzle pieces of hidden correspondences dating back decades and records hidden in code within what appeared to be mundane receipts and past contracts, Toshiro had been quite the busy man.
Working on both Dutch and China trade in Nagasaki as a trade regulator and enforcer that was answerable only to the Shogunate, Toshiro was the watchman whom no one else watched over. Betrayed by the very guardian who was supposed to protect them.
He realized that the writing was on the wall in regards to Japan and samurai after seeing the growing sentiment of dissatisfaction over the Bakufu by many of its soldiers and warriors.
The entirety of Japan had lost face thanks to the disaster that was the arrival of the Black Ships of Commodore Matthew C. Perry back in 1853.
The Shogunate was seen as weak and it soon became desperate to save face and crush the growing Ishin Shishi mutiny against it. The chain of events led not only to Toshiro becoming a covert drug runner but also the formation of the Four Clans spy group under the behest of the Shogun himself.
A government intelligence group tasked to protect the Japanese way of life in light of changing times.
Conveniently, Toshiro also took advantage of the resulting reopening of trade to the West after the Black Ships Incident in his plan to safeguard his personal wealth, assets, and influence in the future along with the Four Clans.
Taking inspiration to how the Sassoon, Rothschild, Lincoln, and Forbes families built their own riches in the 1830s to 1840s (the deciphered documents outright referenced them), Toshiro covertly engaged in opium trafficking at night (just like Robert Bennet Forbes) while overseeing the changing trading policies of Post-Sakoku Japan during the day.
He then married into a merchant family who had a pharmaceutical business in order to further help process the opium he imported from Hong Kong then resold back to China using his secret yakuza connections.
Yes. Rather than damn the Japanese, Toshiro had enough national pride to instead damn the already damned by also indulging in opium trade on their behalf along with the rich elite like the Delanos and the Forbes.
He even personally oversaw the safe delivery of his goods under the noses of policemen and his own samurai underlings even as he got rid of his black market competition of Wokou Pirates and the Three Harmonies Society.
He laundered his ill-gotten wealth and opium fortune to fund his actual legitimate businesses like real estate and his existing pharmaceutical company in order to get away with being a criminal mastermind that destroyed the lives of countless addicts for a couple of decades.
By the time the smoke cleared and the Opium Wars had passed, he was already a multimillionaire with a business empire that could rival the Mitsubishis.
All this time. All that wealth. All that privilege. They were all from the money his grandfather made off of the degradation and suffering of the Chinese people.
A cold sweat ran through Kinta's spine as more and more information surfaced from the Seiryu Clan's declassified copy of the Black Book. Names of past and current ministers kept popping up.
Men complicit with his grandfather's crimes... and benefited from them, so they allowed him to remain a powerful man in politics who was effectively above the law.
Such info from the Black Book was probably present in Tetsuo Akahori's own volume. The volume of the Genbu Clan. And two other volumes covering the secrets and sins of the various warring factions and other information of national importance all compiled in one voluminous book.
Every name, crime, and sin was listed along with the crimes and sins of the (grand)father. The measures they took and the bets they made during such a chaotic, uncertain time.
It was as much a history book as it was a "black book" that contained the list of secret contacts and people liable for punishment. Or blackmail.
Like with the rich families of the U.S. and Britain, Japan's elites and multiple political dynasties had an awful lot of drug money in their hands, making the Meiji Government more of an oligarchy than anything else.
This sobering reminder showed the unsurprising truth that if one dug deep enough under the family trees of the one percent, skeletons would be unearthed down below.
Inside a train going in a five hour trip straight to Yokohama in the Kanagawa Prefecture...
"Throughout my travels as a food connoisseur..." began Gan.
"...You mean food bandit," drawled Yahiko.
The five companions of Yahiko Myojin, the Great Gan, Munenori Minoe, Chizuru Raikouji, and Satsuki "May Brooks" Sakaguchi had collectively bought tickets straight to Yokohama from Hiroshima.
They were currently seated on couches facing each other, with Chizuru and May sitting on one couch then Yahiko and Gan sitting on another couch. Just behind his fellow men was Minoe.
Yahiko originally wanted to travel there by foot and rough it out on the woods (mosquitoes be damned) like he did when he traveled from the Kamiya Dojo to Shinshu in Nagano.
Then he went straight to Shura's crew at the docks of Naoetsu. Then he pushed further from Hakata Bay to Fukuoka, where he fought ronin who were terrorizing the town. Then to Hiroshima where he met the English teacher known as May "Satsuki Sakaguchi" Brooks, who helped the Sanbaka bring down a den of creepy kidnappers.
He'd been all over the map, so to speak. His Musha Shugyo had been... fruitful. He'd been perfecting his Revisal Techniques he developed on his own to harness the hardness and heaviness of the sakabatou (reverse-edged sword).
"Quiet, Yoshi-boy. Anyway, I've eaten all sorts of ramen. Okinawa soba. Kumamoto ramen. Hakata ramen. Tokushima ramen. Wakayama ramen. Onomichi ramen. Tokyo ramen. Kitakata ramen. Sapporo ramen. Ashikawa ramen. I even tasted Sakaguchi soba at Shinshu, which was one of the best I've ever eaten! Wait, where am I going with this?" said the Gluttonous Gan.
"If I have to hazard a guess, you're going to Yokohama City to try out the cuisine there," deadpanned Chizuru, murmuring, "Better not stiff the bill on us again, you fat pig. No more freebies from me for sure."
"Damn straight, Kaori-neechan!" said the Scatterbrained Gan, who ignored Chizuru's side comment, too focused on the dishes he felt entitled to partake in. "Can't wait to get a hold of those Yokohama goodies! What are they, anyway? What do I have to look forward to?"
Miss Brooks unironically answered the Ghastly Gan's inquiry with, "Uh, well we have Sanma-Men ramen in Yokohama. Oh, aaand also Shoronpo dumplings, Gomadango sesame balls, and the Gyunabe beef hotpot. Most of those are specialties of the Yokohama Chinatown though, so I'm not sure they count."
"Actually, that's perfect! All ramen comes from China, right? Didn't they invent the wheat noodle? So it's both Chinese and Japanese!" reasoned the Starving Gan, licking and smacking his lips. "Sanma-Men ramen, huh? But what about Soba for the Soba King?"
"We're not going on a food trip! While we're at it, you should've stayed in Hiroshima, Shinshu, or wherever you came from!" said Chizuru. The rich girl then nudged Satsuki's side, saying, "Don't humor him! It's not as if he pays for his own meals!"
"Oh my, let him be, Chizuru-san! No need to be chuffed about him," said the beatific teacher as though Gan were one of her misunderstood "bad boy" students. "Just think of him as a hungry bodyguard! Or a big, cuddly doggy."
"Ah, Megami-sama! You are such an angel, Miss Melon! A goddess from heaven!" said the Grateful Gan. "And quite the looker too! Woof!"
"Aw, shucks," said May. "You're beautiful too, Galileo-san! Uh, in your own way. You're a knees up kind of bloke!"
"Huh? You do nicknames too? We're going to get along famously, Miss Melon!" said the Japanese Galileo. "Oh, and speaking of melons, do you have some special Yokohama fruit desserts or sweets over there? Like melon bread or taiyaki?"
"Fruits? Desserts? Melon?" repeated the adopted Sakaguchi with an innocent bounce. "Well, yeah, I guess we have melons in Yokohama too. But they're not exactly Yokohama specialty."
The Grinning Gan was about to quip about something crass when Yahiko raised his wrapped-up sakabatou and aimed it at the bandanna-wearing man's head. "...What? The melons are coming back to Yokohama."
And so Myojin conked the goon's thick head with his sword scabbard. The Unfeeling Gan barely even winced.
Located south of Tokyo in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama was Japan's second largest city. The Minakatas settled there (or so Satsuki informed them) because of their influence in trade back in the Sakoku Era.
Around 1859, the government opened up the Port of Yokohama. It was one of the first places in Japan that allowed open foreign trade from a multitude of nations, spelling the end of the closed-off and controlled Sakoku Era Trade.
Knowing this, one of the premier hatamoto officials of the previous era packed his bags and moved his family to Yokohama along with the samurai family serving under him (the Sakaguchis).
That was how eccentric "Grandpa" Toshiro was, claimed Satsuki. He was a game-changing, forward-thinking maniac cut from the same entrepreneurial cloth as the patriarchs of the Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Mitsui, and Yasuda Clans. But this time with samurai blood and influence involved.
At any rate, Yokohama soon became a progressive city right after the Black Ships of Commodore Perry forced Japan to open trade with the rest of the world, making it one of Japan's most internationally minded cities.
It served as a gateway to items like jazz music, baseball, beer, and beef; products that would eventually play a role in shaping modern Japan and, in turn, Yokohama cuisine.
In fact, Asia's biggest Chinatown area (outside of actual Chinese towns) was in Yokohama. It was filled with traditional landmarks, restaurants, and shops that occupied several city blocks.
Speaking of Yokohama, Kinta Minakata learned even more about his grandfather in the context of the city's transformation as an international merchant town.
Reams and reams more of hidden codes started getting deciphered by the Sanada Ninja Clan. Other names and families came up with their own questionable histories during the Bakumatsu and their connection with the dying Shogunate.
Some of whom were still in high positions in government. Many others had died in the war, leaving their families in poverty. Their children and grandchildren suffering from the sins or karma of their fathers and forefathers.
Some even had their family line wiped out entirely.
But none of those puzzle pieces fascinated the Mimawarigumi Battousai more than his hatamoto grandfather and his shenanigans for obvious reasons.
His case was personal, after all.
The Chinatown in Yokohama boasted countless stores, making it the largest Chinatown in the world by the time the 20th and 21st Centuries rolled along.
The Yokohama Chinatown was established in 1859 along with the opening of the ports of the city. The shores of Yokohama were where all the Chinese merchants went and gathered after being forced to do restricted trade in Nagasaki for centuries under the watchful eye of samurais like Toshiro.
Yokohama became the new center of trade with western countries, and Toshiro Minakata grabbed the opportunity to himself indulge in western medicine importation and, on the down low, making and distributing his own brand of opium to China to fund his burgeoning pharmaceutical empire.
Kinta expected to unlock the sins of the forefathers of the current Japanese administration by decoding the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book, not uncover that his grandfather was among those criminals.
The shards from his shattered glass house cut deep.
The opium that brought China to its knees in order to give Britain a more favorable tea trade agreement also pushed his grandfather and their family up to hatamoto-class.
"So what? Queen Victoria herself is history's largest drug dealer," was one of the smug coded messages that Toshiro left to justify his own sins.
Even as Japan suffered from Unfair Treaties by countries that bullied it into submission so that it could open its shores for trade once again, the Minakatas were among the elites who plundered and took advantage of the suffering of their own nations and other nations that were also headed towards the same fate as China.
As food for the new superpowers of the world. Manifest Destiny.
The saddest part was none of this disturbing info really shocked Kinta in any way. He suspected it from the start. Or rather, he wouldn't put such actions past his family.
It almost seemed typical for a Minakata to act this way, especially the oh-so-great Toshiro. Every one of the children of Toshiro and Mieko (his grandmother) were groomed for success.
Tatsuya overcame his lack of talent in swordsmanship and physical strength to grow up into a banker that handled the entire family's significant fortune stemming from its multinational financial group named after it.
Kaneda overcame his own inferiority complex of living under his assertive elder brother's shadow (and his own body image issues) by completing his studies and becoming a lawyer himself.
Even Daddy's Millionaire Princess did her part for the family by having an arranged marriage with the Akahori Family's eldest son to strengthen political bonds and secret ties as well as merge their accumulated wealth.
Although according to Grandmother Mieko, Kinta's mother was spoiled rotten by his Grandfather Toshiro.
Even Kinta served as a pawn to the Minakatas. Or the Seiryu Clan itself.
He had to become another Battousai to counteract the Ishin Shishi Battousai that murdered many fellow Mimawarigumi samurai (even though their paths and blades never crossed through a twist of fate) and earn back his grandfather's trust that was lost from him when his mother had her affair.
As though he were the fruit of that union rather than the biological son of Azuma Akahori and Aoi Minakata.
Even Kinta had to curry favor of his own high-standard hatamoto-class samurai family (and relatives) in order to not be treated like their black sheep or a redheaded bastard.
This was all understandable... even characteristic... of the Minakata Bloodline.  
The Mimawarigumi Battousai had heard stories on the dinner table from his bragging grandpa about how their Sengoku ancestors were defeated and became Ochimusha (disgraced samurai who'd lost standing and became low-ranked citizens; could also mean the remnants or corpse of a defeated warrior).
Legend had it that instead of becoming Burakumin (outcasts) hiding in the boondocks, the surviving members of their family stole the land under the control of another family of samurais known as the Minakatas by killing them, taking their identities, and defending their uncaptured land before allying themselves with the Tokugawas.
Known for the shaved top of their heads and disheveled chonmage (topknot) after being disgraced by defeat, the new shogun allowed these ochimusha to grow their hair back along with their dignity and standing as reward for their help.
The False Minakatas became the True Minakatas.
They henceforth became known as the Minakatas (their original clan name had been lost in time), replacing the family they massacred. Through their cunning, they managed to save face and cease from being Ochimusha. Allegedly.
"What are you going to do now, Kinta-sama?" asked Misanagi in reference to these discoveries they'd unearthed regarding his grandfather.
"...." said Kinta.
Back in the train to Yokohama where the Sanbaka (and friends) were riding...
Unable to take more of the Gluttonous Gan's inane food talk, Yahiko switched seats (it was a half-empty train) to sit with Munenori Minoe (or Kaede Morinaga) from behind them.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai sat beside Shogo Amakusa's own prodigy, who had her Minoe "disguise" on and was snoring softly with her head nestled on the closed window.
Or his head. Whatever.
Munenori (or Kaede) was, after all, the reason why Yahiko decided to do his Musha Shugyo training pilgrimage in Yokohama along with him (or her).
The samurai kid couldn't risk Morinaga separating from him and doing any political assassinations and whatnot under his watch, specifically on this Minakata fellow whom she described as a traitor to Amakusa and the Kakure Kirishitans.
After all, Kinta was Satsuki's crush and all.
Regardless, Kaede was the person who almost defeated Soujiro Seta the Ten Ken (Heaven Sword), who in turn almost defeated Kenshin Himura.
According to the former Juppon Gatana member, his Shun Ten Satsu (Instant Heaven Kill) was as fast although not as strong as the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki (Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash).
Yahiko remembered how Enishi Yukishiro countered Kenshin's ultimate technique with his own ultimate technique, the Kofoku Zetsu Tou Sei (Absolute Trap Blade Wave) or Kofuku Zettousei.
He then learned the mechanics of Zettousei from when Shura, the Scourge of the Pacific, used the same technique to get her revenge against Captain Masakichi Hananuma Inoue for sinking her ship and killing her first mate.
As the Pirate Queen turned Privateer Queen slowly but surely found a way to counter Captain Inoue's Wanmei Fengbao (Eye of the Storm) with the Kofuku Zettousei, Yahiko also put two and two together and realized that the Hirameki was susceptible to attacks from below the vortex it created, allowing a chance to counterstrike between the gap of the initial strike and the second counterstrike.
Myojin even began getting faster and stronger from sparring with both the Great Gan and the Battousai of Speed. Gan helped him work on his stamina. Minoe helped him work on his reflexes and dexterity.
They were the best training partners a growing teenage boy could ask for.
If the Tokyo Samurai Descendant could get on the level of the Nisemono Battousai (Fake Battousai) and the also-similar-to-Kenshin Ten Ken, then perhaps he could someday finally wield the heavy sakabatou and the accompanying burden of responsibility that came with it.
So that the injured Kenshin who could barely practice the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu wouldn't have to bear that burden himself.
Unbidden, Minoe began to stir and moan.
"Minoe?" whispered Yahiko. "Are you awake?"
"Amakusa Shogo-sama... is amazing. I'm sure that even the Hitokiri Battousai would fall against him. They use the same sword style, am I correct?" Yahiko heard Minoe murmur in his sleep, his one exposed eye closed and his other eye covered by an eye patch.
Ah, so he was talking in his sleep.
Yahiko smirked and harrumphed. "I've seen Kenshin in action. He's amazing. He helped the Ishin Shishi win against the Bakufu. What feats has your Shogo-sama accomplished?"
He then bit his lip, remembering how much of a touchy subject the mass murder of the Hidden Christians rebels were to Amakusa and Morinaga.
Thankfully, the half-asleep Munenori didn't interpret his words in such a malicious manner.
With his eyes (or eye) still closed, he rebutted, "Amakusa-chi is a gifted swordsman from birth, taking out young men his age in kendo tournaments then taking on older, more experienced swordsmen as well when none of the kids could match his kenjutsu prowess."
Huh. The Tokyoite didn't know that. Of course, most any sword style should succumb to the superman's sword style known as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. "So he learned Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu at a young age, huh?"
Munenori shook his head. "He used Nikaido Heiho when he was younger. That was his father's swordsmanship school. His Uncle Hyoue taught him Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu later on, after... escaping from Japan when the Bakufu first rounded off, tortured, and murdered the Kakure Kirishitan, including his parents."
"Oh. I... I see." Yahiko didn't know what else to say.
"...Besides, he's also a one-man army that took down whole squads of policemen and whole platoons of soldiers. Or have you already forgotten what happened in Shinshu? How you can barely keep up with Shogo-sama?"
Or maybe Minoe did find Yahiko's rebuttal earlier malicious after all. That was... harsh of him to point out, to say the least. Munenori just reminded Myojin of his failure to save the lives of many a copper.
On the other hand, if the Tokyo boy remembered correctly, weren't some of the policemen at Akahori's Mansion involved in an incident with Amakusa six years ago? From another government-sanctioned massacre of sorts?
Shogo, as Shiro Amakusa the Second, assassinated the murderers of his parents (some of whom were still in power), only for the current Meiji Administration to retaliate against his growing rebellion.
The two went silent as the sound of the rumbling train and the murmur of the passengers drowned out their thoughts.
The samurai kid turned his head, only to see someone else other than Minoe stare back at him. The person beside him removed his eye patch, revealing a new character.
Kaede Morinaga had just woken up. He'd been talking to her all this time, not the gentle Minoe.
Kaede rubbed her eyes and recounted to Yahiko the things Lady Magdalia told her about Shogo and his exploits.
Magdalia had specifically told her the story of how she and her brother escaped the Bakufu's clutches.
Even though Shogo himself didn't seem to remember how he manhandled the samurais who were after him, his sister, and his mother at the time, Lady Magdalia filled in the details.
Shogo took out the initial wave with only his shinai before that broke and he was forced to steal a katana that turned him into a bloodstained whirling dervish.
Amakusa might've remembered things differently due to the trauma of the situation. However, had his master Hyoue Nishida not intervened, Shogo might've outright murdered the samurais that stabbed his mother to death.
In fact, Kaede had compartmentalized her skill set into two categories... Cancer Stance for defensive moves and Scorpion Stance for offensive moves... based on the dual styles Shogo used (the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu and the Nikaido Heiho).
"Oh yeah? Well, Kenshin himself trained hard with his master for years. And when he was 14 years old, he also took down grown swordsmen himself as a hitokiri assassin! Grown experienced noblemen samurai, even," boasted Yahiko.
The boy blinked. As much of a bad guy he painted Amakusa as in his mind, the Hidden Christian was similar to Kenshin in many ways.
Except for one important thing, but he held his tongue in regards to that in order to not incur the wrath of the emotionally unstable Nisemono Battousai.
"That's nothing! Shogo-sama defeated his master when he was the same age! Using a technique of his own making, the Rai Ryu Sen!" Kaede countered.
"Okay? Kenshin defeated his master to acquire the ougi (succession technique)."
"Ha! I knew it. Shogo-sama is better."
"What? No! Kenshin's master is a god who walks among men. A superman in his own right. Also, last I checked, he's the official bearer of the Hiko Seijuro name. Shogo's uncle isn't, so he must be the weaker of the two!"
"No, he's not! He was the swordsman Kirisaki, who protected the Hidden Christians for the longest time single-handedly until that fateful massacre. I heard he also spared his master, Hiko Seijuro, from death by countering the Kuzu Ryu Sen with something other than the ougi!"
"...A likely story!" said Yahiko with a shake of his head. "Kenshin has a better, stronger master who actually inherited the Hiko Seijuro mantle, so of course he'd whup Amakusa's ass real easy."
"HA! I bet Amakusa's twice as fast as the Hitokiri Battousai! He'd have Super Godspeed compared to the slower Battousai!"
"Yeah right! Kenshin defeated Psycho-Kid when he was still part of the Juppon Gatana... in his prime, mind you... and Amakusa can't! He got completely defeated by Psycho-Kid back in Shinshu!"
"T-That's... unfair! He fought multiple policemen at Akahori's Shinshu Mansion before facing the Ten Ken! He was already spent! Besides, he showed that emotionless bodyguard of Akahori who's boss when he used the Rai Ryu Sen on him!"
"More excuses, huh? Well Kenshin faced off against an Oniwabanshu Okashira (Garden Guard Boss) before facing Psycho-Kid back in Mount Hiei, and he defeated both of them while holding back on killing them, which made taking them down twice as difficult!"
"Shogo-sama's master Kirisaki avoided killing the people he fought all the time, including Kenshin Himura's master, whom he also faced off against. He was a pacifist, so he became skilled enough in swordsmanship to defeat everyone without killing them. That's the kind of master Shogo-sama had!"
"Yeah, well, Mr. One-Man Army didn't help win a civil war against the Bakufu to install the Ishin Shishi into power!" Yahiko blurted out even though he didn't mean to. He couldn't help himself. His emotions got the better of him.
He wasn't even particularly proud of Kenshin helping the Meiji Government rise to power, especially in light of his experience with its corrupt officials.
However, instead of threatening to cut his loose tongue or castrate him, the Fake Battousai pledged to him, "Shogo-sama's own revolution is near. Once he gets the Black Book from Akahori, he'll have all the ammunition he needs to topple this government."
Kaede herself then slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing that she had said too much as well.
Reading the mood, Myojin changed the subject. "In full health, who's faster? Psycho-Kid or Amakusa?"
Morinaga turned her head away, placing the eye patch back on her eye as though to "summon" back her alter ego Minoe before muttering, "The Ten Ken is a little faster than Shogo-sama. But Shogo-sama can still beat him. Stupid Urchin-Head."
The Son of Tokyo Samurai heaved a sigh and confessed, "It's fine. Kenshin told me that Psycho-Kid is faster than him too. Seta Soujiro might even be faster than the whole Hiten Mitsurugi School itself. Maybe."
"...But I bet the Hitokiri Battouai is waaaay slower than the Ten Ken compared to Shogo-sama, who's only a little slower."
"Hey! Don't get ahead of yourself!" said the inheritor of the sakabatou. "I give you an inch and you take a mile. Honestly."
Much later still...
"You wanted to speak to me?" Tatsuya Minakata said. The banker son of Toshiro Minakata. Kinta's uncle from his mother's side.
"Yes," said Kinta.
"What the hell do you want, you brat?"
...And Tatsuya was every bit as intimidating, menacing, and cunning as his uncle from his father's side, Tetsuo Akahori. The complete opposite of his other uncle and Tatsuya's younger brother, Kaneda.
But that was in the past. Kinta was no longer a small child or gangly teenager that the alcoholic could push around and abuse whenever he was drunk.
Uncle Tatsuya might've not inherited any of Grandpa Toshiro's immense talent in swordsmanship, but he certainly had his father's business acumen as the person in charge (by proxy and with Grandma Mieko's blessing) of the Minakata Family's vast wealth.
As expected of a ruthless banker who was as thin as Uncle Kaneda was fat.
From behind Tatsuya was their newly hired manservant bodyguard who towered over the two like an outright foreigner despite being Japanese. Meanwhile, Kinta's uncle sat on his chair behind his desk, his arms folded and his mouth a scowl.
His eyes staring straight into Kinta's eyes.
Toshiro's grandchild could hear the insistent taps from the shoes of Toshiro's eldest son.
Hiding behind Kinta's shadow though was Kaita of the Sanada Ninja Clan.
Not that the Mimawarigumi Battousai who faced off against Hitokiri Gensai Kawakami needed help defending himself or anything.
The ninja Kaita was also there to remind him of anything he missed regarding the intelligence they'd decoded in their search for the Seiryu Clan's Black Book.
Kinta didn't want to make a single mistake about the uncovered intel before asking about them straight from one of their primary sources.
Conversing with his grandfather's son about past crimes was the ex-Kagemusha's way of giving Toshiro the benefit of the doubt. Even though Tatsuya himself could very well be an accomplice to those crimes.
"...Well? What is it? I'm a busy man," said Tatsuya with a dismissive snort, breaking contact with Kinta's gaze. "I have no time to play with you. We have goddamn assassins after us, if you haven't noticed!"
Kinta went straight to the point. "What do you know about the Seiryu Clan's Volume of the Black Book?"
There was a pregnant pause.
"Seiryu Clan? I have no idea what you're talking about," denied Tatsuya. Like Jesus Christ's disciple Thomas, as Amakusa would say.
The younger Minakata then placed his copy of the decoded papers on the Elder Minakata's desk.
"What is this nonsense? I have no time..."
"There are declassified documents about Grandfather Toshiro's drug dealings in China using Minakata Pharmaceuticals as a front."
Tatsuya's scowl turned into a snarl. "Drug dealings? Are you saying your grandfather is a drug lord? Is that it? Those are some grave accusations you're hurling, kiddo. Be careful what you say."
However, Kinta always was careful. He spoke the way he fought. Methodically. With no wasted movement or words.
The nephew presented a different document from Kaita. This time full of names, addresses, and quantities of delivered goods. Contact persons, if you would. More like accessories to his grandfather's crimes.
The names listed meant nothing to the Mimawarigumi Battousai, but he summarized and said them aloud nonetheless. They were Toshiro's contacts from the warehouses he stored his opium. The names of his chemists who processed the drug.
The list of ports under his control that allowed him to ship to China his own brand of premium-grade, potent opium that was easier to access than the ones being sold by the Indians, the British, and the Americans in Hong Kong and the Pearl River outside Canton.
Although his uncle would not divulge one piece of information about the Black Book, the reactions he gave to the uncovered information spoke volumes.
Kinta had all the puzzle pieces of the Black Book right at the palm of his hand.
Through seemingly redundant and suspicious documents, bogus employee contracts in triplicate, and receipts for business expenditures that were nonexistent, his grandfather had weaved a web of lies he used to communicate with the underworld in order to go about his opium trade in ways that would've made the likes of Takeda Kanryu jealous.
The sheer amount of opium Toshiro sold and money he made was many magnitudes larger than Kanry's lifetime wealth. It involved millions of yen's worth of drugs sold by the ton. The same way the Rothschild and Forbes families built their fortunes.
Tatsuya stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on his desk, with both bodyguards... the tall nameless one beside the uncle and the ninja hidden in the darkness behind the grandchild... stirring in reaction.
For Kinta's part, he stood his ground. In his younger years, he would've flinched or cowered away from Tatsuya. Not anymore. Not after everything he'd been through.
Tatsuya got in Kinta's face before smirking and attempting to feint a punch, but the swordsman wouldn't buy it.
The ruthless businessman had half the mind to punch his nephew. Show him who was boss. His little sister's forgotten piece of excess baggage.
Like the good ol' days.
"As if Father would leave a paper trail behind," Tatsuya rebuked, calling his nephew's bluff. "What piece of fiction have you written up here? Decode? There's nothing to decode here! Spare me your conspiracy theories and nonsensical speculation!"
"If this is all false, then you won't mind the police investigating all this evidence, correct?"
Tatsuya grabbed Kinta by the collar. The younger Minakata still wouldn't flinch. Defiant to the end.
"Call the police? We own the police!"
"The Minakatas haven't been influential in politics since grandfather's death," Kinta called Tatsuya's own bluff.
"Ever since you became one of those Mimawarigumi goons from back in the day, you've been full of yourself. You've changed. But I know better. You're still the same scared little snot I've whipped with my belt time and time again. How many times do I have to teach you that lesson, boy?"
Tough talk from a drunkard who never held a sword or killed a man his entire life.
Kinta didn't say those words, but Tatsuya must've heard his unsaid sentiment through his eyes because the banker soon swung at his face immediately after.
A swing and a miss.
To Be Continued...
Miss me? It's been a while, huh?
Salamat, Abdiel
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Muse list: Mobile version.
List of Muses for Mobile verison of the app- as the App is a butt and won’t let you read pages :D .keeping it under read more so it doesn’t flood yall dash :3 let me know- if you guys have problem reading it or accessing it on mobile.//
Aizen Sosuke.
Age 27 (Shinigami years) (300+ )
Personality: Aizen normally has calm out look about things. He is rather friendly and acting caring at first glance,he wants people to see him as a respectable captain and often will do things to keep that imagine. Not to let people see his true motives of wanting to become a god like figure as he believes he can handle the power of the Hogyoku. He is not the type to grow attach to people quickly, meaning he has little to none romantic interest as he sees mostly everyone as pawns in his plan. after the Ryoka invasion, He drops his nice facade and shows his true colors. He becomes much stronger then he already was with the Hogyoku implant. He shows zero to no emotion other then amusement and loves toying against people who oppose him. He is also very skilled in Kido usage, and has a immense spiritual pressure that only captain levels and strong espada can stand a good chance against him. If they haven’t been effective by his Shikai. He is skilled in swordsmanship, but he prefers to use his Shikai ability of  Hypnosis and illusions instead of fully attacking head first. He often lets his arrogance get the best of him in situations which ultimately leads to his down fall at the end. Byakuya Kuchiki Age 24 (242) Personality: Byakuya can seem as Cold and uncaring towards most situations as he hides his emotion. Not that he doesn’t have emotions, He prefers to hide them. But deep down he  cares a lot about his younger sister and would do anything for her (if its after the Ryoka arc, Before he has more strictness and is willing to follow the rules, even if it would put his sister in harm way) He puts rules above all else, as it is how he runs Squad 6. He also likes to maintain a clean and organize work place. He is also willing to protect anyone he grows attach to, even if he doesn’t show it. He is skilled in Kido and in Shunpo, he also can manipulate his Zanpakuto Shikai ability, controlling its movements. But again, he still can be damage if you get into his safe zone before he can injure you. He also is known to have a immense Spiritual pressure as he is a captain. As a captain, he also achieved Bankai, being able to use his Bankai in times of desperate need, but he more or less uses it as a last resort.  Renji Abarabi. Age 21. ( 150 ) Personality: Renji is rather reckless, and stubborn. Though as a lieutenant in Squad Six. He tends to follow orders really well. He loves to face challenges that will make him become stronger to hope one day to pass byakuya and become a captain level shinigami. though he would never admit that outloud. He is willing to risk his life to protect the people he grows close to, even that means it would cause him dying. He is a skilled swordmenship. But he is also skilled at using his Shikai and Bankai as those are basically whips. Though it leaves him open for attacks. Because of this, he has trained his self to be really skilled in Shunpo to move quickly and avoid from taking hits. But if you are quicker then him and stronger then him its a possible chance you can over power him. Hanataro Yamada. Age 17  (100+) Personality: He is very skiddish and jumpy at a lot of things. But always tries his best at what he does as a Seventh seat in the 4th division. As in the 4th division is skilled at healing, preferring to take care of people that needs it, No matter what you are, He is willing to treat your  wounds. Though if he has to , he will try to defend his self. But often can’t, there for he gets picked on by other Soul reapers. His Zanpakuto  ability allows him to heal people wounds around touching it instead of inflicting damage. Though in its release state, It can inflict damage but he prefers to not to use it.. Grimmjow Jeagerjaques
age 18 (??)
Personality: Grimmjow is very reckless and arrogant in his attacks, Thinking that he is stronger then most opponents that attack them. he often comes off as a Jerk to people he doesn’t truly care about. and will speak his mind about anything, even if it would offend people. He doesn’t care. he rather throws hands with some one, if they offend his honor or threaten his status. He is very skilled at Hand to hand combat. He prefers to use his fists to fight. He is also skilled in swordsmenship. Using his Zanpakuto as another form of weapon. He is also very skilled in using Cero if he needs to attack from a distance and won’t hesitate to use it. He also have a ability to detect people from almost amile away, and won’t hesitate to go after them if he considers them a threat. But with his temper and personality of wanting to become the strongest and fight the strongest opponents. He often will get hurt by people who is the same strength and can keep up with his speed. He is not invisible.
Sōjirō Kusaka Age: 18 (100 + )
Personality: He started out as a caring person who just wanted to be loyal  in the soul society. He wanted to become the best at his abilities. But after he was brought back after being killed for having the same Zanpakuto Spirit as Toshiro . He grew bitter and salty towards the soul society. But if he grows close to some one. He will show more of his caring side again, though its hard to get him out of that mind state of revenge wanting. He is a skilled swordsmen with his Zanpakuto. He can use Abilities of his zanpakuto, Hyorinmaru. He has yet to master Bankai. But he can use Shikai.  Normally he resides in Hueco mondo. Killing hollows as a source of training.
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sapphosrevenge · 5 years
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Name: Shinjiro Takahishi Age: 30 Pronouns: He/him Faceclaim: Toshiro Mifune Biography: Enter Shinjiro, a serious and stoic warrior from the mysterious isolated country of Japan.  (More under the cut)
Shinjiro hardly remembers his life prior to being taken in by his master, but unlike most samurai, Shinjiro wasn’t born into nobility and the warrior’s life. In the year 1619, Haruto was born to a pair of rice paddy farmers within a small village along the trading routes near Kyoto, Japan. This village along with many other villages in the area were under the constant threat of bandits and thieves, holding the villagers hostage and demanding entire season’s worth of rice to avoid the threat of being raided and pillaged. As peasants, these farmers had little to no training in battle and could do very little to fight back against these criminals, who were likely remnants of brigades prior to Japan’s unification in 1600. When Shinjiro was only six years old, bandits came to his village demanding for their payments in full, unfortunately the villagers didn’t have enough to sustain themselves and refused payment, choosing to fight back and stand their ground against these criminals. These villagers left to Kyoto to sought out help from the nearby noblemen and their highly trained samurai to help defend their village from the raiders, however having little to nothing to pay these men for their service all they did was laugh in their faces and demanded them to leave at once. Without proper protection or training to fend themselves off from these bandits, the villagers had no chance in defending themselves and were immediately wiped out and their homes were burned to the ground. One of the samurai curious to see just how bad these bandits could possibly be decided to visit this said village. Upon arriving, he was met with only death and destruction, the village nothing more than burnt out husks of buildings and corpses of the deceased. However, amazingly within this wreckage Shinjiro was there alive and unscaved. Wracked with guilt for being unable to help these villagers, this samurai decided to take Shinjiro in and raise him as his own, taking him back to Kyoto with him, raising this child alongside his blood child ‘Haruto’. Shinji and Haruto never got along, Haruto always looked down on him and considered him to be a filthy peasant father picked out of the trash due to pity, their relationship was always strained and it continued onward towards adulthood. Shinjiro since his adoption immediately began training in preparation for adulthood, he was given a formal education, learned how to read and write and he began physical and endurance training. Even during his childhood, he began to be taught the basic principles of the Bushido code of honor. Despite Japan beginning an era of peace and the massive change in society during the beginning of the Tokugawa era, his father was persistent and demanded Shinjiro learn the old ways of the Samurai, that way should he be stuck in a position to help himself others, he would be capable and strong. Rather than be a weak and cowardly show piece for a feudal lord to prance around. In his teen years, he began an apprenticeship with a proper mentor and began to undergo training in the martial arts. He showed massive potential in his abilities and was a very quick learner when it came to his training, he took his studies seriously and inspired to be just as strong and mighty as his father. This put a larger strain on his relationship with Haruto and turned their bitter relationship into an aggressive rivalry. Despite Shinjiro being an adoptive child and not being family through blood, he ended up topping Haru in almost everything. In adulthood, he took his father’s place and served his lord with pride and honor. Now a fully trained and experienced samurai warrior, he abided by the Bushido code and proudly served his feudal lord. At that point his life was comfortable and perfect, he was even intending on asking a childhood friend he knew to marry him. Although fond of his comfortable life, truth he told he was longing for some sort of action where he could prove himself and his martial skills. Unfortunately this comfort only lasted so long, one summer night where he got too comfortable and fell asleep at his guard post, there was a commotion inside his lord’s castle and a loud scream could be heard echoing across the night. Upon the investigation, it was revealed that the noble was murdered in cold blood and that the weapon that killed his feudal lord was Shinjiro’s own specially forged blade that he normally always kept on him. Considering Shinji was the one to be guarding his lord’s quarters that night and the weapon used, it immediately put Shinjiro on the spot and all evidence pointed to him being the one responsible no questions asked. The community was horrified and shocked, the fact that a samurai would do something so atrocious towards their better was unthinkable and abhorrent. Despite Shinjiro’s protests and outcry against this horrible accusation against him and honor, he was still placed on trail and found guilty of the crime he didn’t commit. Filled with great shame for being unable to protect his master, he felt he failed his mission due to his incompetence and he chose to accept these consequences despite the accusations being false. He was removed from his family tree and rather than be sentenced to death (which was deemed too kind of a fate) he was sentenced to permanent exile from his country. Shinjiro was placed on a simple raft and pushed off towards the sea, where it was presumed where he would die a slow and isolated death either through the unrelenting waters or the blazing heat of the sun. Shinjiro was left to fend for himself against the elements of nature, for three agonizing weeks he was alone, adrift in the open ocean with very little food and water. Having been shamed, disgraced and losing absolutely everything that was important to him, he was ready to accept his cruel demise. But in his dying moments while he was barely clinging to life, a large ship on the horizon managed to spot his raft and he was pulled aboard. Starving, exhausted and dehydrated, these pirates aboard this vessel nursed him back to health and helped him regain his strength back. Once he was fully recovered, he was given the option to get off at the nearest port towards civilization. However, considering he was granted another gift by the gods of fate, Shinjiro was forever in debt for these pirate’s random act of kindness, despite these people being infamous criminals, he gained a large amount of respect for their leader who called herself "Zhang Yu". Upon the realization that these pirates were far from bandits who preyed on the weak and the helpless, he vowed to repay Zhang Yu’s kindness back and serve her. While he certainly never considered this sort of life, he agreed to join this pirate’s crew and fight by their side, now that he had a new reason to live and a driving force to continue forward, he wasn’t going to waste this chance at a new life. Shinji serving his crew while fully intending on following his own mission; to regain the honor that was taken from him and prove himself once more as the warrior he is. Personality: Shinjiro upon first impressions is immediately seen as very serious and stoic, he’s very silent and usually never peaks to others unless he’s spoken to first. He generally has a very strict and uptight demeanor about him which some might find respectable, while others might find annoying. Due to his stature, he also gives off a very intimidating aura around him, speaking volumes that he’s definitely not somebody you want to make enemies with. Despite having been stripped of his title as a samurai warrior and cast off from his home, he still regularly abides by the bushido code, as it’s been so heavily ingrained in his life that he couldn’t imagine living his life without it, honor and pride still play a huge role in his life and the decisions he makes. That being said he’s extremely loyal and will gladly give his life to protect those he serves and respects, despite not having a title he will still continue to have the warrior’s spirit in his heart. But, despite having an intimidating aura around him, he’s far from being careless and rude. He generally tries to be very polite and formal, even towards others who clearly annoy and bother him. He’s well aware that he, like everyone else isn’t perfect and tries to give himself and others the benefit of the doubt. Considering his upbringing and his background, it only makes sense that he maintains a dignified and upstanding stature, even towards those he doesn’t particularly like or respect. That isn’t to say he isn’t prone to bits of sarcasm and passive aggression, he definitely isn’t afraid of letting you know he isn’t fond of you. However with this mindset, Shinjiro is also very stubborn and one track minded, it takes a lot to sway his feelings and thoughts towards something once he’s made his mind.
Shinjiro can also be very sensitive and easily angered on certain topics if they’re brought up, anything concerning the code he abides by, blatant forms of disrespect and insults towards his name or his family will generally result in him fuming and standing his ground. But as a general sense, Shinjiro doesn’t like sharing emotions, considering he was raised in a society where people keep to themselves, Shinjiro is often reserved and keeps his opinions and feelings to himself unless he’s asked. Considering the burdens and baggage he carries on his shoulders regarding himself and his past, he often turns to alcoholic beverage to soothe himself and his inner feelings. He still feels the burden of shame for what he did, believing the consequences of his actions and the mess that followed were completely justified. The times he does come off as rude are usually due to cultural barriers, despite having a basic understanding of the english language, he still has trouble speaking English and understanding some mannerisms. Meaning sometimes he can come off as very blunt and insensitive even if at the end of it all, he means well. He’s learning and everyday he spends with his crew and the people around him, he feels like the more he blend in with the others.
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xxhanabifireworksxx · 7 years
From the Heart:Chapter One
I don’t write these often so please be kind. I’ll try to release a chapter every week or so. 
Rated K+ 
Set 2-7 years before the main storyline of Bleach
The Morning of the Captain’s Exam
 Toshiro laid wide-awake on his futon. The sound of cicadas filled the air outside in the early morning. Sunlight streamed through his window, hitting the left side of his body.
His fears had awoken him in the small hours. It was the same every time- a gripping fear. He felt his temples strain. Rubbing them he slowly pushed himself up.
Ugh, my head hurts. He could never remember what it was that he had dreamt about but the anxiety it caused him was something that took him a moment to shake off.
Looking at the clock on the wall across the room from him, he felt a pang of urgency. Hinamori!
She wanted to meet up with him before he had to take the exam. Toshiro recalled her conversation with him two days prior- her calming voice. It’ll be fine for sure! You’ll see!
He slid across the glossy wooden floor in his socks almost falling into the genkan* where his sandals were tossed along with a few other miscellaneous pairs of shoes and a cat toy.
Kicking on his sandals and fumbling with the laces in his hands he heard a soft knock on the door. “Just a moment-” he half mumbled calling out from behind the locked door. Grabbing his kimono off a hanger in the closet he threw it on over his shoulders, stuffing his arms through the sleeves and tying the sash around his waist.
He already knew it was her. Hinamori’s reiatsu was calm and warm flowing all around him. It reminded him of a pleasant summer afternoon breeze with hints of flowers blossoms- gentle and kind unlike anyone else in all of Seireitei.
Opening up the door, he was immediately hit with the smell of fresh candied red beans. His tense expression lessened.
“Good morning,” he breathed in almost a whisper.
She looked at him through dark eyelashes as she shifted the tin and wax paper around inside to keep the candied beans from falling out. “Morning, Shiro-chan. I brought you your favorite.“ She beamed.
He got lost in the way her hair flowed around her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing it pinned up in a bun like usual. It looked really nice this way he thought.
However looking at her face, he realized that she had tired eyes with bags underneath. The lines in his forehead creased and he chewed his nail.
“Eh? Is something the matter Shiro-chan?”
His eyebrows furrowed more and he looked at her. “Idiot Hinamori. How long did you stay up making this for me last night? Your panda eyes are getting worse every time I see you, “ he chided in a gruff tone.
In reality though, he was concerned about her. Her lieutenant’s duties were piling up as well as his own. It was the height of summertime in the soul society and everyone wanted to be outside, chat with friends over tea, or go for a social night out. No one wanted to do his or her duties. He inwardly cringed, feeling his temple pulse yet again as he remembered the pile of paper on top of the desk in his previous captain’s office. Matsumoto!
She was supposed to be acting captain at the moment, but every time he saw her she was out drinking at the local tavern with Shunsui and Kira. Before he could let his frustration surface he returned his attention to Momo. Her head was tilted downward as she inspected the tin. He almost thought that she had fallen asleep standing up.
Taking one step forward he put a hand on her shoulder. “You really should take it easy. Captain Aizen has you busy doesn’t he?
“Oh um- yes.” Momo flinched ever so slightly at his touch as if she had been in a trance. “We’ve had a lot of new members joining lately so I’ve been falling behind on the paperwork. I feel like there’s a new pile on my desk every morning so last night I stayed up and finished what I had left.” She softly laughed.Toshiro’s eyes glazed over in concern. She didn’t have to do this for him.
“I wanted to see take your test today. Captain Aizen said I could come along if I finished up with the orders from last night, “ she stated with a puckered expression.
He smiled. Toshiro got a kick out of it when she was obstinate like this. It showed a glimpse of her fighting spirit. She was one of the best in all of soul society at combining her kido and tactical skills together. One time she and him were doing a training exercise together in the forest on the outskirts of seireitei and she got the clever idea to ignite the rope holding the targets airborne between two branches with Tobiume all the while using her kido to cause a massive explosion hitting all the targets at once. The force behind this move had sent him back a few feet in the air recoiling from the heat of the blast. He admired her strength and intellect in such situations.
“ Well it can’t be helped then,” he slowly blinked. “You’re still the same as ever, bedwetter Momo.”
Her expression grew lax. “Stop calling me that Shiro-chan!”
“I’ll stop calling you that when you stop calling me by that old nickname of yours!”
“You know that’s not going to happen, don’t you?”
She put her hand on her hip. “Well then it’s settled.”
Her eyes stopped in the middle as she was looked at him from head to toe. “By the way your kimono is sticking out over your hakama, “ Hinamori gestured.
Face flushing bright red, he spun around almost slamming the door in her face. Stupid! Stupid!
With the door open a crack she peeked through giggling at him, “ I can’t imagine what sort of impression that would have made, Shiro-chan.”
He puckered his cheeks looking at her through the door trying to recover his embarrassment. When his eyes met with hers he looked away, flush still coloring his cheeks a light pink.
“But-thank you for coming here so early. The candied beans look really good. This must have taken you hours to make, but really you didn’t need to do all this!”
“Ah, it’s nothing.” She said half closing her eyes heavy with exhaustion. “ I wanted to cheer you up. I know you’re really anxious for this today, but you can do it. I believe you. You’re super strong… and that’s my Shiro-chan- .”
“Hey! Hinamori!” He caught her as she went stumbling forward a bit.
She gazed up at him weakly smiling. “Why do you have that stupid grin on your face, bedwetter? “ He questioned a little more harshly then he initially intended and immediately felt bad after the fact.
“Why don’t you come inside for a moment? I’ll get you a cup of tea. Would you like green or black tea?”
“Green please, black tea doesn’t taste all that good to me,” she confessed as he placed a hand on the small of her back.
His cat, Yuki started meowing at him as he closed the door softly behind him. He was a gift from Momo last year around his birthday. She had found him outside in some bushes abandoned it appeared by his mother. When she picked him off the ground he was so cold that she had thought it was already too late. But taking him inside to her quarters she warmed him up slowly with a towel holding him in her lap. He remembered the day she called him frantic and heartbroken.
Together they helped the kitten survive the night and by morning the fluffy snowball of a kitten was running around. The reason she couldn’t keep him was that she was afraid that the fifth division quarters were not a good place for him. Seated and unseated officers alike always came storming through the office without second noticed and the kitten escaped several times nearly being crushed under their feet. Plus Aizen was allergic so that didn’t make things any better.
So without hesitation Toshiro took the cat in. Tenth division’s quarters were a little more updated and spacious due to the fact that at the time Isshin, Matsumoto and him were all living together. He had nowhere to go besides back to granny so this remained both his home and the kitten’s. Of course Yuki didn’t mind one bit.
“Here you are-” He started and pulled up a chair for her to sit in at the kitchen table.“Make yourself comfortable.”
Toshiro light on his feet grabbed a green ceramic teapot off of the stove and turned the water on.
“You can come watch me today, but as soon as you get back to the barracks I want you to go right sleep.”
“Momo, no.” Toshiro told her sternly. “ You’re overworking yourself. If I see you after the fact I’ll personally escort you back. No more paperwork, no more baking. Just sleep.”
He sat down in the chair across from her rubbing a dirty spot on the table. “Do you want anything to eat with that? I have mochi in the refrigerator.” He didn’t get a response. She had her eyes fixed on him in a thoughtful way.
“Shiro-chan I didn’t know you were such a worry wart?” She wondered.
He took a quick glance back at her before getting back up on his feet and then stopped in his tracks. She wasn’t wrong. He did worry about her. Probably more then she realized. Toshiro inhaled a breath.
“It’s nothing. I’m just not myself lately.” He turned grabbing the pot off the stove and turning the heat off with a loud pop.
Reaching for a hot pad on the wall to the right of him he clutched it in his hand for a moment as a terrifying thought crossed his mind. I don’t want anything to happen to her. This was pushed out of his mind as he felt the presence of another unraveling as if out of a slumber.
Master, It’ll be all right. You won’t let anything happen. She’s just tired.
Yes I know, but I can’t shake this feeling I have.
Together we are strong. We will protect her. She’s the reason why you have such a wide command over my powers already.
I will try.
“Here. Be careful it’s hot.” He said snapping himself out of his conversation with Hyourinmaru.
Turning his back to her once again he began ambling across the kitchen floor passing into the office area. He became increasingly aware of his footsteps on the hard wooden floor.
But what if I fail? What then?
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cyansovereign · 7 years
Relative Power Level
This blog generally takes place in a nebulous time period between the fall of Aizen and the fall of Yhwach. What sets Grimmjow (and technically Nel and Harribel too, but mostly Grimmjow) apart from Soul Reapers is that he doesn’t just get stronger from training, he also gets stronger from eating other souls. I have not yet decided whether Grimmjow will have a Segunda Etapa (although I am leaning in that direction). When I finish Bleach in full, I will update this post with the answer.
But since Kubo fucks up consistency with regards to power levels almost constantly, I’m going to stack Grimmjow up against the competition based on three periods of time: Introduction, post-Aizen, and post-Yhwach. Note that “stronger than” in the context below generally translates to “likely to win in a fight against”.
I’m going to establish the relative strength of Grimmjow when he was introduced, and then build from there.
Usually, anything pre-Aizen’s fall is this.
Stronger Than:
Kenpachi Zaraki - I’m not gonna lie: I unapologetically think (well, know) that Kenpachi is the weakest captain, and his battle data backs that up. His crippling overspecialization leaves him in bad shape.
Byakuya Kuchiki - Ichigo had to power up to the biggest threshold then seen in order to duel Byakuya Kuchiki, and managed to draw even with him. In comes Grimmjow, beating the living shit out of Ichigo without breaking a sweat.
Toshiro Hitsugaya - Hitsugaya’s relative inexperience and inability to control his power is really the only flaw he has, but it’s a big one. Toshiro struggled against Luppi, someone Grimmjow killed with absurd ease.
Sajin Komamura - The real weaknesses of Komamura’s fighting style were highlighted in his fight with Tosen.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi - Not a fighter at all. Long since established.
Rose - His powers are rather unsuited to fighting Grimmjow.
Love - His powers are rather unsuited to fighting Grimmjow.
Level with:
Kensei Muguruma - I’m highlighting this because Grimmjow would love to fight Kensei. Their skillsets are rather similar and Kensei is strong enough to give Grimmjow a run for his money.
Shinji Hirako - Shinji made pretty short work of Grimmjow when they fought--while using his Hollow Mask while Grimmjow had one arm. I think that the playing field would quickly start to tip in Grimm’s favor once Pantera was released, Shinji’s Hollow mask cracked, or both, but Shinji does still have his Shikai and an unknown bankai.
Jushiro Ukitake - Jushiro is one of the strongest captains out there and should by all rights be able to defeat Grimmjow relatively easily. However, I think his relative physical fragility hinders him, especially when it comes to his shikai--Grimmjow much prefers hand-to-hand, and would quickly resort to that once it became clear that Sogyo no Kotowari could absorb energy attacks.
Weaker Than:
Soi Fon - Soi Fon, on top of having an instant-kill shikai and a fucking mini-nuke for a bankai, simply has mastery over too many different areas for Grimmjow to believably defeat her. Her skillset is not only broad, but she is a genius in most of them.
Kaname Tosen - Only barely. I believe that, without Hollowfication, Tosen is only a little stronger than Grimmjow. But, still stronger.
Gin Ichimaru - Self-explanatory.
Aizen - Also self-explanatory.
Shunsui Kyoraku - [ cue Grimm cursing about how unfair Shunsui’s shikai is ]
Retsu Unohana - This is Unohana we’re talking about, Grimm’s toast.
Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto - Nope. Grimmjow’s not that stupid. 
This is where most of my interactions take place, and is also where things get troublesome. It is around here that Grimmjow is in the “may or may not have” stage for Segunda Etapa. But whether he has one or not, he’s still immensely stronger than he was before, due to eating the corpses of Nnoitra, whose spiritual pressure was stronger than his, and Yammy, whose spiritual pressure was way stronger than his. Grimmjow has more than doubled in strength and should not be taken lightly even by the stronger captains unless it’s Yamamoto. He has also developed two new abilities:
Punta Huecos: “Hollow-point”. Grimmjow rummaged around in Szayel’s lab after the latter was defeated until he found plans on this new bala, and practiced it until he had perfected it. It leaves a severely painful stinging effect where it lands, even if it doesn’t penetrate, and takes a few minutes to shake off.
Traspaza Armadura: “Armor Piercing”. Grimmjow invented this bala himself, intentionally to prevent himself falling prey to anyone like Nnoitra Gilga ever again, and it’s sort of like his secret weapon. It’s a bala made of incredibly compacted and concentrated spirit energy and is designed to punch straight through defenses. It can blast straight through kido barriers and any spiritual pressure being used as armor, and thus tends to be of great effect even on enemies much tougher and stronger than Grimmjow. 
This is where Grimmjow’s ultimate goals come in. This is the hinted general idea of some of my interactions right now; Grimmjow’s aims after Yhwach’s defeat is to consume Aizen, who is otherwise conventionally immortal, and become stronger that way. I say this, not because I want Grimmjow to be stronger than everyone else, but because Grimmjow wants to be strong enough to defeat Ichigo Kurosaki, and can only really do so at that point by consuming Aizen because Ichigo’s so absurdly powerful by that point.
Once Grimmjow carries through with that, he would become one of, if not the most powerful beings in the cast. Forget Segunda Etapa, this would give Grimmjow a freaking Tercera Etapa at the very least. But that’s really only important in the context of Ichigo--once Grimmjow wins the fight he wants to win, and forces Ichigo to admit defeat and inferiority, then he has at last gotten rid of the block that prevents most of his mellowing out and puts a stop to most of his character development. Grimmjow is a stubborn, stupid man, and absolutely refuses to give up or cool off until he’s achieved the goal he’s set himself on. But once he achieves it, Grimmjow can start to metamorph from hostile, ornery panther villain to the laid-back, overall friendly Arrancar that fanon often wants him to be and start to show all of the good traits he has potential for.
Basically speaking, Grimm will no longer feel the need to enter into fights with everyone who annoys him anymore, meaning from then on his strength will no longer be of much importance.
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gabriel-gabdiel · 4 years
Rurouni Yahiko Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
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The skeletons of the Minakata Clan are found in closets while their secrets are hidden in caskets.
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The rest of the chapters of my Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction are available here. Enjoy.
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Back in Shimabara, six years ago...
Kinta Minakata (the Shogo Amakusa doppelganger) had finished another sparring session with Kaede Morinaga (the Kenshin Himura doppelganger) with the fight ending with the Mimawarigumi Battousai narrowly winning.
This was so because "Shiro Amakusa the Second" was busy with morning mass and the healing of the sick Kakure Kirishitans (Hidden Christians) with western medicine, so he didn't have time to spar with the warrior woman.
"STOP RUNNING AWAY AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" demanded the tempestuous Kaede. "COWARD!"
"....But you're a girl," said Kinta, which resulted in him backpedaling from a screaming Morinaga's Scorpion Nest (multiple sword swipes from two swords).
Ah, so he was right. This time around, Kaede was a girl. Because sometimes, she instead claimed she was a boy. Like a woman possessed by different spirits.
Morinaga was a curious lady. Sometimes she fought like a ferocious tigress. Other times, she was as frustrating to battle as a snapping turtle hiding inside a thick shell.
Once in a "blue moon", when she was consumed with bloodlust and bad memories, she became a mix of both.
He even heard that when she tied her hair like a topknot, she even looked like the Legendary Hitokiri Battousai himself, but he personally had no idea. He never met his Battousai namesake.
Blocking every strike and countering sharply. She was a yin and yang of patient defense and inimitable offense.
She didn't only fight with a different style every time but also with a different attitude. It was like fighting three different people altogether.
"DAMMIT!" she screamed and threw her shinai (bamboo blade) at Kinta, who parried it almost automatically with his own weapon. "I want a rematch! Round two! Next time, I'll break every bone in your body, you sullen Shogo-sama wannabe!"
"Go ahead," Minakata dared with a half-smile (or half-frown). "A broken bone becomes stronger once healed."
Morinaga harrumphed. "Admitting defeat already, Kagemusha?"
"...I believe in kintsukuroi (gold repair)," he stated matter-of-factly. "Whatever that's broken can be fixed. Made even better than before."
"How naive. Spoken like a privileged, spoiled samurai." Kaede laughed then grimaced. "There are some broken things that can never be fixed, no matter how hard you try."
Rurouni Yahiko
A Rurouni Kenshin Continuation Fan Fiction Story by Chester Castañeda
Not-so-fabulous secrets are about to be revealed. A skeleton or two might even pop out. 
Disclaimer: All characters used in this fanfic (save some others) are the rightful property of Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz, Sony Studios, Fuji TV, Studio Gallup, Studio Deen, and ADV. This disclaimer also covers all the other copyrighted materials that are far too many to mention here. Don't sue me please, I'm very poor.
Chapter 51: A Casket of Secrets
Somewhere in Yokohama, back at the Minakata safe house, Kinta Minakata reminisced about his time with Shogo and the Hidden Christians.
Kinta also wondered how a fight between Kaede and Soujiro would go.
He'd fought both, after all. Which one was better?
From his experience, unless something changed between the six years he last fought Morinaga, then Seta would probably win.
Especially the Soujiro whose feelings and bad intentions Minakata couldn't read at all: His "Heaven Sword" self.
So what made the Mimawarigumi Battousai think about Shogo's apprentice now of all times? Nostalgia, perhaps.
Or something to distract him from the depressing news he got about his dear ol' grandfather. Of happier times with Shogo, Sayo, Kaede, and the Hidden Christians that he called family once upon a time.
Before Kinta betrayed them to the Meiji Government.
Like grandfather like grandchild, apparently.
Although the fight with Tetsuo Akahori's latest pawn, Soujiro Seta, was one that Kinta Minakata almost lost, he was still able to retrieve documents of the utmost importance.
So in the end, he won. Kind of.
They were samples of the decoded papers that should help the Sanada Ninja Clan in unraveling the mysteries behind the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book.
The decoders of the clan (since secret messages were among the specialties of these shadow warriors) came up first with the messages and correspondences from the bakufu to the Minakatas and back along with plans of wiping off the rebellious Ishin Shishi rebels.
The families involved in the creation of the Black Book, the Four Clans, were government spies that were tasked to preserve Japanese culture but ended up becoming embroiled in Bakumatsu politics themselves.
They covered all bases from both sides of the conflict... the Shogunate and the Patriots... while at the same time having no dog in the fight. They had loyalty to neither faction or to themselves but pretended that they did.
The Seiryu Clan represented the Bakufu or the Shogunate.
The Byakko Clan represented the Japanese Imperial Army and the Shinsengumi.
The Suzaku Clan represented the Ishin Shishi Patriots.
And the Genbu Clan represented the Rebel Samurai and the Hitokiri or Manslayers of the Ishin Shishi.
Whoever they represented, they had an extensive catalog of their info and members. The Four Clans were supposed to be objective observers outside the conflict looking in, gathering information out of all sides and exchanging them among each other for the sake of gaining favor of the government when the war was over, regardless of which side wins.
As typical of such setups, the Four Clans started to backstab each other, throwing objectivity under the horse carriage and vying for supremacy by taking a gamble and backing what they viewed were the ultimate victors of the war.
Because of this, some clans were wiped out completely. The Suzaku Clan, for example, was discovered by the Ishin Shishi as traitors and killed by their best hitokiri.
However, the Sanada Ninjas and the Mimawarigumi Battousai soon realized that relaying government secrets weren't the only things that the Black Book's secret codes were used for.
Back in the hideout of the kidnappers in the middle of the Hiroshima woods...
The rider from before arrived in time to attack Yahiko Myojin and Kaede Morinaga with his bullwhip, saying, "...I see you came too late ta save 'er, ya bitch! Da boss already got 'er, didn't he? Serves ya right!"
Yahiko Myojin, still miffed from before, grabbed hold of the whip before it cracked, let it loop around his wrist, then pulled the hooligan towards him in order to hogtie him with his own weapon.
"I got to your cowardly boss before he could touch her. We got here just in time," Myojin countered.
The bullwhip rider still wouldn't shut up, though. "Dun matter. I've seen the same look in her eyes from many a horse with a broken spirit! There's no fight in her left! She's dead inside! Soiled fer life! HAHAHAmmph!"
Yahiko had to tie a gag on the criminal just to keep him quiet.
Meanwhile, the one girl Kaede Morinaga wanted to save the most on that day... Mariko... broke down right before her eyes.
Her spirit was shattered into pieces like Kaede's. Realizing what had almost happened to her.
The pale Mariko looked back at the redhead with cloudy eyes, her quivering lips opening as though to say something.
Morinaga grabbed hold of the girl by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes to help her treat the wounds of her past.
Saying things that another special someone in her life had said to her before. Shogo Amakusa's words.
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," she quoted Shogo, who in turn quoted Jesus Christ from the Christian Bible's New Testament.
"Minoe-san..." Mariko trailed off, unaware of Kaede's multiple personalities, thus calling her by the name she knew her first.
"I'm not saying that because you've done anything wrong, Mariko. You're obviously not at fault here. These... criminals have no right to judge you. Listen to me. You are not soiled. You are not somehow 'less' of a person than any of us. Any of them, especially. They're scum. Don't let anyone ever say otherwise, y'hear?"
The clouds in Mariko's eyes lifted before, with a quibbling mouth and sobs that wracked her body, she hugged Morinaga tightly. She said, "...I was so scared!"
As for Yahiko, he grabbed hold of Takae's straw kabuto and placed it over his head to the point of covering his eyes, as though tipping it at the girls. He then walked away to let them have their moment.
"...Thank you for saving me. Good thing you got here on time," Mariko said after her sobs had finally subsided.
Kaede scratched her head. "N-No. The one who rescued you was my good friend, Yahiko."
Mariko smiled wanly. "Well, he saved me too. You both did."
"Oh." Morinaga looked away and smiled herself, nodding once and borrowing her other self's catchphrase. "Mochiron (But of course)."
As for Yahiko, he realized that he still had much to learn. He still needed more training if Kaede of all people had to stop him from murdering that bandit.
He merely wanted to be as strong as Soujiro and Kaede but not to the point of becoming as crazy as them.
Or was sanity the price of strength? To fight monsters, you had to become one?
No, you didn't have to. Kenshin proved that it wasn't the case.
A couple of hours later, the police arrived on the scene along with Chizuru Raikouji (who helped deliver the other kidnapped girls back to their homes in Hiroshima) in order to arrest the hooligans.
Kinta Minakata had heard all sorts of stories about his late grandfather from his mother's side: The Late Great Toshiro Minakata. The former head of the Minakata Clan and Seiryu Clan. A legendary samurai in his own right.
He was a swashbuckling, seafaring samurai... a Japanese buccaneer of the seas... who safeguarded trade and battled against Chinese smugglers and European invaders of the South China Sea during the period when Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world (also known as Sakoku), thus trade was restricted only in certain ports in the country.
Toshiro was among the samurais responsible for controlling Dejima and Nagasaki trade on behalf of the Bakufu while at the same time being part of the secret alliance of the Four Clans as the head of the Seiryu Clan.
It was under his watch that the Portuguese were expelled from the country while at the same time, the Shogunate engaged with discussions with Korean and Dutch representatives so that the overall volume of trade didn't suffer.
Kinta took a look at his inherited sword, the Akatsuki. Unlike ordinary samurai blades using "pig metal" or Japanese steel with low carbon content, it instead used steel melted straight from the swords of the fallen Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch smugglers. High-carbon European steel.
The katana, despite its popularity as a collector item among westerners or its beauty and style, was actually a comparatively fragile sword designed to be manufactured on a budget.
Japan didn't have very good access to good quality metals like European countries did. The majority of katanas were made out of low-class steel to save resources.
Furthermore, only the front part was made of good metal and even that was merely coated with a small, thin sheet of it (and sprinkled with carbon powder as they were forged). The back end or spine of the average Japanese sword was incredibly frail.
It also wasn't the defining weapon of the samurai. That would be the spear or the naginata that the Sakaguchi's adopted daughter "Satsuki" used. At certain time periods, the bow was instead the military's primary armament.
Additionally, according to some of the more disdainful European merchants and blacksmiths that his grandfather traded steel with, nothing about the "overrated" katana was completely unique to Japan.
Similarly shaped curves in blades existed in European and Indian sword creation in one form or another. The process of folding steel multiple times was also used by Vikings hundreds of years earlier.
The standards of the world was eye opening to any Japanese in Sakoku Era Japan who believed that Japan was number one at everything, especially in light of the superior military technology that the world's superpowers of the 18th Century possessed.
All the same, this knowledge Toshiro gained resulted in him getting a Japanese sword forged with European steel. The best of both worlds in design and toughness.
The former Minakata head's military exploits and iron fist when it came to upholding the Sakoku Edict of the Bakufu was legendary. Indeed, Kinta's proud Minakata and Akahori lineages were what allowed him into the Mimawarigumi Army in the first place.
It was also during this time that Toshiro made use of naval codes to better facilitate the exchange of secrets between the Four Clans before they ultimately split up and chose sides during the Bakumatsu Era.
On top of all that, Kinta's grandpa used his influence as the head of the
Minakata Clan to form what was known in modern times as their zaibatsu (Financial Group)... the Minakata Zaibatsu... with its riches taken from the importation and development of new drugs using western medicine, leading to the development of their Minakata Pharmaceuticals subsidiary.
His grandfather was ahead of the curve and hedged his bets accordingly. He knew that the writing was on the wall when it came to samurai privileges due to changing times. In the Meiji Era, if you wanted to remain in power, then you should get it through money instead of blood and prestige.
However, there were also rumors of Toshiro taking advantage of his high government position back in the Sakoku Era to run his own opium cartel on the down low.
This was just a baseless accusation and pure speculation, of course. Rumors and conjectures that the envious enemies of the Minakatas would use to drag their good name to the mud.
These same critics went on a feeding frenzy like sharks against their family when Kinta's mother had an affair with a foreign dignitary, leading to the murder of the same gaijin in the hands of Kinta's livid father, who then committed seppukku (ritual suicide) afterwards to protect his honor.
The slander that resulted from the incident made Kinta quite skeptical in regards to the assumptions people made about his father selling out his dignity and samurai blood for illegal drug money.
These accusations were never proven, at least. They were just conspiracy theories from idle minds at best.
At least, that was what Kinta hoped they were.
However, the recently discovered naval codes he got from the errand boy of his uncle from his father's side... Tetsuo Akahori... ultimately revealed the truth behind the elusive Seiryu Chapter of the Black Book. And his family.
An inconvenient truth.
By the time everything was sorted out at the police station and everybody from their group had a good night's sleep, the Sanbaka (Three Stooges) soon rejoined May Brooks/Satsuki Sakaguchi and her best friend, Chizuru Raikouji at a cafe near the Hiroshima train station.
The Great Gan, Yahiko Myojin, and Munenori Minoe arrived in time to bid their wistful goodbyes to the departing young teacher.
Reading the mood, Yahiko didn't mention anything about yesterday's storming at the camp of bandit kidnappers to Minoe. The Tokyo Samurai Descendant hoped that the eye-patched spy could figure out on his own the exploits of his female self, Kaede.
The three arrived just in time to overhear the conversation between the two best friends'... love life, of all things.
"...Oh my! You're such a damp squib, Chizuru-san! Especially with how you'd dare compare Kinta-sama to your crush, the vagabond. They are not alike at all!" said Satsuki.
They were apparently in the middle of some sort of conversation about Kenshin Kamiya (nee Himura) and Kinta Minakata (the man whom May had a crush on).
After Chizuru and May exchanged pleasantries, bows, and hellos with each other and the Sanbaka, the buxom blonde teacher then asked, "You're not making this vagabond guy up, are you? He's no make-believe boyfriend of yours, right?"
As Minoe mouthed, 'Damp squib? What's that?' the Raikouji heiress insisted, "HE EXISTS! But he's not my boyfriend, damn you! Anyway, Yahiko knows him! Tell her, Yahiko! Tell her about Homura Kenshi!"
'...Who the hell is that?' thought Myojin. 'Has she been infected by Gan's nicknaming sickness too? Get it together, Chizuru!'
Unwilling to bring up Kenshin Himura in Minoe's presence (lest his other personality, Kaede, was summoned by the name she hated the most), Yahiko decided to change the subject.
Ignoring Chizuru, the samurai boy told May, "I didn't know you practiced martial arts! You were amazing back at that kidnapper's hideout!"
He then remembered that, oh yeah, even Satsuki's stepsister Kyoko Sakaguchi from back in Shinshu practiced swordsmanship. Duh.
"HEY!" The Kaoru look-alike then stomped on Yahiko's foot with her booted foot, which he also didn't react to despite the pain. "I was talking to you, you rude boy!"
"...Do you pratice battoujutsu too?" Yahiko inquired further, recalling how close Kyoko was to fighting Soujiro and wondering how she would've fared. "Sorry, I meant iaijutsu," he corrected himself, remembering that battoujutsu was the old term for the Japanese sword-drawing style.
"Oh, good heavens no! I only use the naginata. I've never drawn a sword out of a sheathe in my entire life!" May tilted her head to the side. "Wait a tick, how did you know Musou Madden Ryu is an iaijutsu swordsmanship school, Joshua-kun?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Raikouji answered for Myojin. "I met Yahiko back when I was staying with the Sakaguchis in Shinshu. He knows Kyoko-chan! He even saw her wield her grandfather's sword that one time!"
"Oh, you've met my baby sister?" asked the adopted gaijin daughter of the Sakaguchis. "I haven't seen her in a while! Isn't she the cutest?"
Yahiko scratched the back of his head and admitted, "Y-Yeah, I guess she's kinda cute," while eyeing a smirking Chizuru from behind May. "...Don't start with me, Tanuki-chan (Miss Raccoon Dog)."
"I didn't say anything!" Chizuru feigned ignorance. "Also, that ain't my name, Yoshi-boy! Who are you calling a raccoon dog?"
All the same, Satsuki winked at Yahiko and invited, "If you want, spar with me sometime."
The grinning Chizuru then teased the adopted Sakaguchi child, asking, "What would Mister Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy say if he saw you flirting with another guy, Satsuki-chan?"
The Enlightened Gan then hit his palm in his fist, taking note to remember the "Frowny-Faced Samurai Guy" nickname that "Kaori-neechan"  came up with. Because he had his priorities straight.
With squinted eyes and a cherry pink blush, Satsuki grabbed Chizuru by the shoulders and shook her around.
"WAH! That's a load of cobblers and codswallop, Chizuru-san! And you know it! I'm not flirting with anyone! You Japanese are so shy that simply being friendly with someone seems like flirting to you people!"
Chizuru's sneering smile widened even while being shaken. Meanwhile, Yahiko looked away and Gan outright stared at the... jiggling girls. One of them jiggling more than the other.
"Oho, I thought you were Japanese too, Satsuki-chan," teased the Kaoru look-alike further, staring at Satsuki's not-so-Japanese chest. "Don't you mean 'us' Japanese instead of 'you' Japanese?"
"You're a meanie, y'know that?" said May with a pout and crossed arms. "I don't even think Kinta-sama and I ever shared a chin wag outside of 'Hi, how do you do!'"
"Well, Honey, it's because he's not the 'chin wag' kind of guy," Chizuru answered, primly straightening up her ruffled kimono and ribbon. "Don't take it personally."
In the background, Minoe himself reminisced about the silent Minakata, nodding in agreement with Chizuru.
Yes, the man certainly didn't wag his chin much indeed.
From there, the Morinaga within him awakened, seething in memory of how frustrating it was to spar with the high-ranking samurai turned Shogo Amakusa body double.
The Judas Iscariot of the Hidden Christians.
Satsuki's happy expression then changed altogether as she concluded with a lower lip quibble, "So I reckon this really is farewell, huh? Cheerio, I guess?"
Chizuru kicked the snow underneath her booted feet. "Aw. And we just got back together again after so long, Satsuki-chan." The rich girl sighed.
"Huh? But aren't you coming with me, Chizuru-san?" asked Miss Brooks.
"Eh? I was?" asked Miss Raikouji in turn. "B-But...!"
"Well, of course you are! I don't see why not! You're our family friend and this is a Sakaguchi Family Reunion!" May then put her hands on her waist. "You'll do great and Bob's your uncle!"
"Who the heck's Bob?" asked Chizuru, who bit her lip, her eyes wide and darting between Yahiko and Satsuki.
Myojin sighed, shoulders slumped, then shrugged and bowed at the Raikouji heiress. "I thought I'd still see your ugly face all the way to Kyoto, but if duty calls and family friends beckon, then I guess we'll just have to say our goodbyes here and now."
"N-Now hold on a minute...!" Chizuru stuttered some more.
"Aw, come on, Yoshi-boy! You still have me!" reassured the Gregarious Gan, who leaned on top of Yahiko's spiky hair like he were a countertop and picked his nose with his sausage-sized index finger.
"...Could you take Gan with you too? He's house trained, I swear," retorted the Tokyo Samurai Descendant while pointing at the thug with his thumb.
"I-I..." stuttered Chizuru, not knowing which path to choose. Should she go with Yahiko, who knew the vagabond, or her best friend, who was about to reunite with her childhood crush?
Yahiko, Gan, and Minoe looked at each other before bursting out laughing at Chizuru.
"Wait, what's going on?" asked Chizuru. "What am I missing here? Why are you laughing at me, you Three Stooges?!"
Myojin slung his arm over Raikouji's shoulders and said, "I was just kidding. We're all going. I've changed my mind. You don't have to go with me to Kyoto or Osaka because we're coming with you and Chizuru to Yokohama."
"W-What? Hey leggo, you perv," the heiress said before shrugging off the younger boy's arm over her shoulders. "But what about your Mushi-whatever? You were supposed to go on a pilgrimage for training, right?"
"Musha Shugyo (Warrior's Pilgrimage)," Yahiko corrected without a second thought before reassuring, "Don't worry about me. This is just a li'l detour before I head on out to Kyoto. Also, I want to spar with the students of Musou Madden Ryu for good measure. I want to see Kyoko and Satsuki in action, pitting their iaijutsu with my kendo."
'...Besides, the way I am right now, with both Minoe and Soujiro able to make short work of me at my current skill level, I don't think I'm quite prepared to face Kenshin's master of all people,' he told himself, remembering how much more mature Kaede was about the bandit situation than he was.
"ALL RIGHT! I mean, you know. Whatever. That's cool," came the petered-out exclamation of Chizuru, who brushed her silken "rich girl" hair back and squirmed in her boots after her best friend and the Three Stooges saw her sudden fist pump into the air.
"Oh my! That's indeed wonderful news! You're all coming with me?" asked Miss
Brooks. "You've made so many new friends, Chizuru!" she added before whispering to her best friend, "Chizuru-san, why are they coming with us again? They're not staying over at the Minakatas' like freeloaders, are they? Kinta-sama's mother isn't going to like that!"
Raikouji herself shrugged. "But that's what they are. Freeloaders. Interlopers. People who don't know how and when to mind their own business. But seriously though, they'll be staying in their own tents and inns. I guarantee they won't be a bother."
Satsuki saw the glow in Chizuru's face and cheeks then relented, "Since you're all chuffed up about it, why not? The more the merrier, I say!"
To Yahiko, Chizuru said, "I guess it can't be helped. We'll still be seeing each other again real soon. You stupid dumbasses."
"Right back at you, Raccoon Face," mumbled Myojin to Raikouji.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai then offered his hand to Satsuki for a handshake. "This is how westerners greet each other, correcct? I look forward to challenging your Musou Madden School for a spar or two. Tell 'em Myojin Yahiko from Tokyo's Kamiya Kasshin School sends his regards."
May grabbed hold of Yahiko's hand but then curtsied with her dress and bowed in traditional Japanese fashion. "I'm kind of looking forward to it myself, Joshua-kun. I know my onions when it comes to wielding long poles."
Gan guffawed in the background at that suggestive comment, which prompted Myojin to kick his shin.
"OW! It's settled then! Yoshi-boy's Musashi Gundoh continues in Yokohama, training with Miss Melon, Soba Lady's daughter, and the Stone-Faced Samurai!" declared the Boisterous Gan with a wave of his giant metal bat.
"...Soba Lady's Daughter?" Satsuki asked Chizuru.
"He means Kyoko-chan. Soba Lady is his name for Nonoko-obaasan. Because, you know, he really likes soba," explained Chizuru. "The big oaf met the Sakaguchis back in Shinshu too, along with Yahiko and Minoe."
"Ah. How... quaint. What riveting wit he has."
"Hey, at least he doesn't call her Kaori. Or Miss Melons."
"That's Miss Melon, Kaori-neechan!" corrected the Clueless Gan, which earned him swift shin kicks on each leg care of both Kaori and Miss Melon.
After recovering from the pain, the Gabby Gan added, "Of course, we'll keep tagging along with Yoshi-boy for shits and giggles. The Sanbaka rides again. Right, Patches?"
"Mochiron!" responded Munenori.
Yahiko spared Minoe a glance, which made the wigged and eye-patched "man" smile and give him a thumb's up (because a wink was out of the question).
How could he surpass Kenshin when he couldn't defeat his two Kagemusha, the Ten Ken and the Battousai of Speed?
Also, he was more than a little curious about this Shogo doppelganger who also took on Kenshin's name, the Mimawarigumi Battousai.
Yet another Fake Battousai for him to meet. 'The plot thickens.'
Back at the kidnappers' hideout, after the local police force finally arrived along with Chizuru...
As the coppers rounded up the bandit kidnappers in shackles and handcuffs, Morinaga told Myojin, "I've made my decision. I'm going to Yokohama. I need to face off with the man who betrayed Amakusa Shogo-sama. His Kagemusha (Shadow Warrior)."
"K-Kagemusha...?" trailed of Yahiko. "What do you...?"
"It's Minakata Kinta. He served as a body double for Amakusa-sama six years ago. The Mimawarigumi Battousai. The one who betrayed the Hidden Christians to the devil himself, Akahori Tetsuo."
She turned her back on him and walked away. "Someday, when we meet again, maybe you can tell me all about Himura Kenshin. The Hitokiri Battousai."
"W-Wait, M-Morinaga...!"
He grabbed hold of Kaede and turned her around, only to end up facing the winking, gentler face of Munenori Minoe.
"Oh. I mean, Minoe. Hi."
Dammit, the Battousai of Speed ran away from him again.
Even without the wig and the eye patch, Myojin could sense the change in Kaede's demeanor after traveling with the weirdo for so long.
"AH! Yahiko-chi! What is it...?"
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Yahiko told Minoe, "I'm coming with you and May Brooks to Yokohama. We all are."
"Ah. Okay. Mochiron, Yahiko-chi!" said Munenori without thinking before blinking and realizing what the Tokyoite just told him. "Um, come again? We're going where now?"
Chasing Minoe... Kaede... and the rest of the Battousai Group was the right decision. Maybe by taking them down, Myojin would find the strength to surpass the real Battousai and bear the full weight of his heavy sakabatou.
It was silly, but his actions were spurred from seeing another chance at getting extra training to make himself stronger.
He just wanted to be stronger. He had no complex motivations of conquering Japan or avenging the death of a loved one.
He simply wished to be worthy of carrying the Battousai's... no Kenshin's... sword.
His most important inheritance.
What an idiot he was, he realized. No wonder he and Sanosuke Sagara got along so famously.
Toshiro Minakata was crazy. Crazy as a fox.
That was why he went from nobleman to merchant in order to keep his wealth and privilege regardless of which side won the Bakumatsu. This was also why he had his daughter, Kinta's mother, marry into the similarly wealthy and influential Akahoris.
He was a samurai who was ahead of the curve in regards to changing times, even though not all of his schemes went according to plan.
Like his daughter's affair with a gaijin. Or his own untimely death.
A prolific gambler in the prime of his life (like his fat lawyer son Kaneda), he knew how to hedge his bets and take calculated risks every time. Even if he lost, he'd somehow find a way to win.
According to his critics and enemies, Toshiro Minakata (allegedly) got his extra funding for his pharmaceutical business from illicit drug running. They said he was in fact a corrupt government official to the core.
The legit business that imported and made western medicine for distribution into Japanese households was the perfect front and money laundering scheme for all his illegitimate smuggling, complete with labs he could use to make both legal and illegal drugs.
The Elder Minakata got filthy rich from being a drug kingpin that no policeman could pin down until his legitimate pharmaceutical business (that he initially used as a front while using its very labs for opium processing) eventually became financially solvent itself.
It was the same bait and switch scheme done by the wealthiest families of the United States of America. Drug barons who made so much money, it lasted their family for generations to come.
However, there was no proof of such wrongdoing except rumors.
As far as the Bakufu and later the Meiji Government was concerned, Toshiro Minakata was an honest, honorable samurai turned head of a major conglomerate.
However, the naval codes unlocked info that suggested otherwise.
The naval codes used to hide info that the Seiryu Clan gathered from and on behalf of the Shogunate revealed more than just top secret documents from the past government hidden within piles of redundant paperwork.
The more messages that the family ninja Kaita delivered to him (which Kaita's sister Misanagi compiled and summarized for Kinta's convenience), the more the uncomfortable truths about Toshiro Minakata and the Minakata Family was exposed.
Toshiro's critics and their speculations didn't even scratch the surface of how much of a wily fox the old man was. He pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.
According to the puzzle pieces of hidden correspondences dating back decades and records hidden in code within what appeared to be mundane receipts and past contracts, Toshiro had been quite the busy man.
Working on both Dutch and China trade in Nagasaki as a trade regulator and enforcer that was answerable only to the Shogunate, Toshiro was the watchman whom no one else watched over. Betrayed by the very guardian who was supposed to protect them.
He realized that the writing was on the wall in regards to Japan and samurai after seeing the growing sentiment of dissatisfaction over the Bakufu by many of its soldiers and warriors.
The entirety of Japan had lost face thanks to the disaster that was the arrival of the Black Ships of Commodore Matthew C. Perry back in 1853.
The Shogunate was seen as weak and it soon became desperate to save face and crush the growing Ishin Shishi mutiny against it. The chain of events led not only to Toshiro becoming a covert drug runner but also the formation of the Four Clans spy group under the behest of the Shogun himself.
A government intelligence group tasked to protect the Japanese way of life in light of changing times.
Conveniently, Toshiro also took advantage of the resulting reopening of trade to the West after the Black Ships Incident in his plan to safeguard his personal wealth, assets, and influence in the future along with the Four Clans.
Taking inspiration to how the Sassoon, Rothschild, Lincoln, and Forbes families built their own riches in the 1830s to 1840s (the deciphered documents outright referenced them), Toshiro covertly engaged in opium trafficking at night (just like Robert Bennet Forbes) while overseeing the changing trading policies of Post-Sakoku Japan during the day.
He then married into a merchant family who had a pharmaceutical business in order to further help process the opium he imported from Hong Kong then resold back to China using his secret yakuza connections.
Yes. Rather than damn the Japanese, Toshiro had enough national pride to instead damn the already damned by also indulging in opium trade on their behalf along with the rich elite like the Delanos and the Forbes.
He even personally oversaw the safe delivery of his goods under the noses of policemen and his own samurai underlings even as he got rid of his black market competition of Wokou Pirates and the Three Harmonies Society.
He laundered his ill-gotten wealth and opium fortune to fund his actual legitimate businesses like real estate and his existing pharmaceutical company in order to get away with being a criminal mastermind that destroyed the lives of countless addicts for a couple of decades.
By the time the smoke cleared and the Opium Wars had passed, he was already a multimillionaire with a business empire that could rival the Mitsubishis.
All this time. All that wealth. All that privilege. They were all from the money his grandfather made off of the degradation and suffering of the Chinese people.
A cold sweat ran through Kinta's spine as more and more information surfaced from the Seiryu Clan's declassified copy of the Black Book. Names of past and current ministers kept popping up.
Men complicit with his grandfather's crimes... and benefited from them, so they allowed him to remain a powerful man in politics who was effectively above the law.
Such info from the Black Book was probably present in Tetsuo Akahori's own volume. The volume of the Genbu Clan. And two other volumes covering the secrets and sins of the various warring factions and other information of national importance all compiled in one voluminous book.
Every name, crime, and sin was listed along with the crimes and sins of the (grand)father. The measures they took and the bets they made during such a chaotic, uncertain time.
It was as much a history book as it was a "black book" that contained the list of secret contacts and people liable for punishment. Or blackmail.
Like with the rich families of the U.S. and Britain, Japan's elites and multiple political dynasties had an awful lot of drug money in their hands, making the Meiji Government more of an oligarchy than anything else.
This sobering reminder showed the unsurprising truth that if one dug deep enough under the family trees of the one percent, skeletons would be unearthed down below.
Inside a train going in a five hour trip straight to Yokohama in the Kanagawa Prefecture...
"Throughout my travels as a food connoisseur..." began Gan.
"...You mean food bandit," drawled Yahiko.
The five companions of Yahiko Myojin, the Great Gan, Munenori Minoe, Chizuru Raikouji, and Satsuki "May Brooks" Sakaguchi had collectively bought tickets straight to Yokohama from Hiroshima.
They were currently seated on couches facing each other, with Chizuru and May sitting on one couch then Yahiko and Gan sitting on another couch. Just behind his fellow men was Minoe.
Yahiko originally wanted to travel there by foot and rough it out on the woods (mosquitoes be damned) like he did when he traveled from the Kamiya Dojo to Shinshu in Nagano.
Then he went straight to Shura's crew at the docks of Naoetsu. Then he pushed further from Hakata Bay to Fukuoka, where he fought ronin who were terrorizing the town. Then to Hiroshima where he met the English teacher known as May "Satsuki Sakaguchi" Brooks, who helped the Sanbaka bring down a den of creepy kidnappers.
He'd been all over the map, so to speak. His Musha Shugyo had been... fruitful. He'd been perfecting his Revisal Techniques he developed on his own to harness the hardness and heaviness of the sakabatou (reverse-edged sword).
"Quiet, Yoshi-boy. Anyway, I've eaten all sorts of ramen. Okinawa soba. Kumamoto ramen. Hakata ramen. Tokushima ramen. Wakayama ramen. Onomichi ramen. Tokyo ramen. Kitakata ramen. Sapporo ramen. Ashikawa ramen. I even tasted Sakaguchi soba at Shinshu, which was one of the best I've ever eaten! Wait, where am I going with this?" said the Gluttonous Gan.
"If I have to hazard a guess, you're going to Yokohama City to try out the cuisine there," deadpanned Chizuru, murmuring, "Better not stiff the bill on us again, you fat pig. No more freebies from me for sure."
"Damn straight, Kaori-neechan!" said the Scatterbrained Gan, who ignored Chizuru's side comment, too focused on the dishes he felt entitled to partake in. "Can't wait to get a hold of those Yokohama goodies! What are they, anyway? What do I have to look forward to?"
Miss Brooks unironically answered the Ghastly Gan's inquiry with, "Uh, well we have Sanma-Men ramen in Yokohama. Oh, aaand also Shoronpo dumplings, Gomadango sesame balls, and the Gyunabe beef hotpot. Most of those are specialties of the Yokohama Chinatown though, so I'm not sure they count."
"Actually, that's perfect! All ramen comes from China, right? Didn't they invent the wheat noodle? So it's both Chinese and Japanese!" reasoned the Starving Gan, licking and smacking his lips. "Sanma-Men ramen, huh? But what about Soba for the Soba King?"
"We're not going on a food trip! While we're at it, you should've stayed in Hiroshima, Shinshu, or wherever you came from!" said Chizuru. The rich girl then nudged Satsuki's side, saying, "Don't humor him! It's not as if he pays for his own meals!"
"Oh my, let him be, Chizuru-san! No need to be chuffed about him," said the beatific teacher as though Gan were one of her misunderstood "bad boy" students. "Just think of him as a hungry bodyguard! Or a big, cuddly doggy."
"Ah, Megami-sama! You are such an angel, Miss Melon! A goddess from heaven!" said the Grateful Gan. "And quite the looker too! Woof!"
"Aw, shucks," said May. "You're beautiful too, Galileo-san! Uh, in your own way. You're a knees up kind of bloke!"
"Huh? You do nicknames too? We're going to get along famously, Miss Melon!" said the Japanese Galileo. "Oh, and speaking of melons, do you have some special Yokohama fruit desserts or sweets over there? Like melon bread or taiyaki?"
"Fruits? Desserts? Melon?" repeated the adopted Sakaguchi with an innocent bounce. "Well, yeah, I guess we have melons in Yokohama too. But they're not exactly Yokohama specialty."
The Grinning Gan was about to quip about something crass when Yahiko raised his wrapped-up sakabatou and aimed it at the bandanna-wearing man's head. "...What? The melons are coming back to Yokohama."
And so Myojin conked the goon's thick head with his sword scabbard. The Unfeeling Gan barely even winced.
Located south of Tokyo in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama was Japan's second largest city. The Minakatas settled there (or so Satsuki informed them) because of their influence in trade back in the Sakoku Era.
Around 1859, the government opened up the Port of Yokohama. It was one of the first places in Japan that allowed open foreign trade from a multitude of nations, spelling the end of the closed-off and controlled Sakoku Era Trade.
Knowing this, one of the premier hatamoto officials of the previous era packed his bags and moved his family to Yokohama along with the samurai family serving under him (the Sakaguchis).
That was how eccentric "Grandpa" Toshiro was, claimed Satsuki. He was a game-changing, forward-thinking maniac cut from the same entrepreneurial cloth as the patriarchs of the Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Mitsui, and Yasuda Clans. But this time with samurai blood and influence involved.
At any rate, Yokohama soon became a progressive city right after the Black Ships of Commodore Perry forced Japan to open trade with the rest of the world, making it one of Japan's most internationally minded cities.
It served as a gateway to items like jazz music, baseball, beer, and beef; products that would eventually play a role in shaping modern Japan and, in turn, Yokohama cuisine.
In fact, Asia's biggest Chinatown area (outside of actual Chinese towns) was in Yokohama. It was filled with traditional landmarks, restaurants, and shops that occupied several city blocks.
Speaking of Yokohama, Kinta Minakata learned even more about his grandfather in the context of the city's transformation as an international merchant town.
Reams and reams more of hidden codes started getting deciphered by the Sanada Ninja Clan. Other names and families came up with their own questionable histories during the Bakumatsu and their connection with the dying Shogunate.
Some of whom were still in high positions in government. Many others had died in the war, leaving their families in poverty. Their children and grandchildren suffering from the sins or karma of their fathers and forefathers.
Some even had their family line wiped out entirely.
But none of those puzzle pieces fascinated the Mimawarigumi Battousai more than his hatamoto grandfather and his shenanigans for obvious reasons.
His case was personal, after all.
The Chinatown in Yokohama boasted countless stores, making it the largest Chinatown in the world by the time the 20th and 21st Centuries rolled along.
The Yokohama Chinatown was established in 1859 along with the opening of the ports of the city. The shores of Yokohama were where all the Chinese merchants went and gathered after being forced to do restricted trade in Nagasaki for centuries under the watchful eye of samurais like Toshiro.
Yokohama became the new center of trade with western countries, and Toshiro Minakata grabbed the opportunity to himself indulge in western medicine importation and, on the down low, making and distributing his own brand of opium to China to fund his burgeoning pharmaceutical empire.
Kinta expected to unlock the sins of the forefathers of the current Japanese administration by decoding the Seiryu Clan's volume of the Black Book, not uncover that his grandfather was among those criminals.
The shards from his shattered glass house cut deep.
The opium that brought China to its knees in order to give Britain a more favorable tea trade agreement also pushed his grandfather and their family up to hatamoto-class.
"So what? Queen Victoria herself is history's largest drug dealer," was one of the smug coded messages that Toshiro left to justify his own sins.
Even as Japan suffered from Unfair Treaties by countries that bullied it into submission so that it could open its shores for trade once again, the Minakatas were among the elites who plundered and took advantage of the suffering of their own nations and other nations that were also headed towards the same fate as China.
As food for the new superpowers of the world. Manifest Destiny.
The saddest part was none of this disturbing info really shocked Kinta in any way. He suspected it from the start. Or rather, he wouldn't put such actions past his family.
It almost seemed typical for a Minakata to act this way, especially the oh-so-great Toshiro. Every one of the children of Toshiro and Mieko (his grandmother) were groomed for success.
Tatsuya overcame his lack of talent in swordsmanship and physical strength to grow up into a banker that handled the entire family's significant fortune stemming from its multinational financial group named after it.
Kaneda overcame his own inferiority complex of living under his assertive elder brother's shadow (and his own body image issues) by completing his studies and becoming a lawyer himself.
Even Daddy's Millionaire Princess did her part for the family by having an arranged marriage with the Akahori Family's eldest son to strengthen political bonds and secret ties as well as merge their accumulated wealth.
Although according to Grandmother Mieko, Kinta's mother was spoiled rotten by his Grandfather Toshiro.
Even Kinta served as a pawn to the Minakatas. Or the Seiryu Clan itself.
He had to become another Battousai to counteract the Ishin Shishi Battousai that murdered many fellow Mimawarigumi samurai (even though their paths and blades never crossed through a twist of fate) and earn back his grandfather's trust that was lost from him when his mother had her affair.
As though he were the fruit of that union rather than the biological son of Azuma Akahori and Aoi Minakata.
Even Kinta had to curry favor of his own high-standard hatamoto-class samurai family (and relatives) in order to not be treated like their black sheep or a redheaded bastard.
This was all understandable... even characteristic... of the Minakata Bloodline.  
The Mimawarigumi Battousai had heard stories on the dinner table from his bragging grandpa about how their Sengoku ancestors were defeated and became Ochimusha (disgraced samurai who'd lost standing and became low-ranked citizens; could also mean the remnants or corpse of a defeated warrior).
Legend had it that instead of becoming Burakumin (outcasts) hiding in the boondocks, the surviving members of their family stole the land under the control of another family of samurais known as the Minakatas by killing them, taking their identities, and defending their uncaptured land before allying themselves with the Tokugawas.
Known for the shaved top of their heads and disheveled chonmage (topknot) after being disgraced by defeat, the new shogun allowed these ochimusha to grow their hair back along with their dignity and standing as reward for their help.
The False Minakatas became the True Minakatas.
They henceforth became known as the Minakatas (their original clan name had been lost in time), replacing the family they massacred. Through their cunning, they managed to save face and cease from being Ochimusha. Allegedly.
"What are you going to do now, Kinta-sama?" asked Misanagi in reference to these discoveries they'd unearthed regarding his grandfather.
"...." said Kinta.
Back in the train to Yokohama where the Sanbaka (and friends) were riding...
Unable to take more of the Gluttonous Gan's inane food talk, Yahiko switched seats (it was a half-empty train) to sit with Munenori Minoe (or Kaede Morinaga) from behind them.
The Son of Tokyo Samurai sat beside Shogo Amakusa's own prodigy, who had her Minoe "disguise" on and was snoring softly with her head nestled on the closed window.
Or his head. Whatever.
Munenori (or Kaede) was, after all, the reason why Yahiko decided to do his Musha Shugyo training pilgrimage in Yokohama along with him (or her).
The samurai kid couldn't risk Morinaga separating from him and doing any political assassinations and whatnot under his watch, specifically on this Minakata fellow whom she described as a traitor to Amakusa and the Kakure Kirishitans.
After all, Kinta was Satsuki's crush and all.
Regardless, Kaede was the person who almost defeated Soujiro Seta the Ten Ken (Heaven Sword), who in turn almost defeated Kenshin Himura.
According to the former Juppon Gatana member, his Shun Ten Satsu (Instant Heaven Kill) was as fast although not as strong as the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki (Heavens Gliding Dragon Flash).
Yahiko remembered how Enishi Yukishiro countered Kenshin's ultimate technique with his own ultimate technique, the Kofoku Zetsu Tou Sei (Absolute Trap Blade Wave) or Kofuku Zettousei.
He then learned the mechanics of Zettousei from when Shura, the Scourge of the Pacific, used the same technique to get her revenge against Captain Masakichi Hananuma Inoue for sinking her ship and killing her first mate.
As the Pirate Queen turned Privateer Queen slowly but surely found a way to counter Captain Inoue's Wanmei Fengbao (Eye of the Storm) with the Kofuku Zettousei, Yahiko also put two and two together and realized that the Hirameki was susceptible to attacks from below the vortex it created, allowing a chance to counterstrike between the gap of the initial strike and the second counterstrike.
Myojin even began getting faster and stronger from sparring with both the Great Gan and the Battousai of Speed. Gan helped him work on his stamina. Minoe helped him work on his reflexes and dexterity.
They were the best training partners a growing teenage boy could ask for.
If the Tokyo Samurai Descendant could get on the level of the Nisemono Battousai (Fake Battousai) and the also-similar-to-Kenshin Ten Ken, then perhaps he could someday finally wield the heavy sakabatou and the accompanying burden of responsibility that came with it.
So that the injured Kenshin who could barely practice the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu wouldn't have to bear that burden himself.
Unbidden, Minoe began to stir and moan.
"Minoe?" whispered Yahiko. "Are you awake?"
"Amakusa Shogo-sama... is amazing. I'm sure that even the Hitokiri Battousai would fall against him. They use the same sword style, am I correct?" Yahiko heard Minoe murmur in his sleep, his one exposed eye closed and his other eye covered by an eye patch.
Ah, so he was talking in his sleep.
Yahiko smirked and harrumphed. "I've seen Kenshin in action. He's amazing. He helped the Ishin Shishi win against the Bakufu. What feats has your Shogo-sama accomplished?"
He then bit his lip, remembering how much of a touchy subject the mass murder of the Hidden Christians rebels were to Amakusa and Morinaga.
Thankfully, the half-asleep Munenori didn't interpret his words in such a malicious manner.
With his eyes (or eye) still closed, he rebutted, "Amakusa-chi is a gifted swordsman from birth, taking out young men his age in kendo tournaments then taking on older, more experienced swordsmen as well when none of the kids could match his kenjutsu prowess."
Huh. The Tokyoite didn't know that. Of course, most any sword style should succumb to the superman's sword style known as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. "So he learned Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu at a young age, huh?"
Munenori shook his head. "He used Nikaido Heiho when he was younger. That was his father's swordsmanship school. His Uncle Hyoue taught him Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu later on, after... escaping from Japan when the Bakufu first rounded off, tortured, and murdered the Kakure Kirishitan, including his parents."
"Oh. I... I see." Yahiko didn't know what else to say.
"...Besides, he's also a one-man army that took down whole squads of policemen and whole platoons of soldiers. Or have you already forgotten what happened in Shinshu? How you can barely keep up with Shogo-sama?"
Or maybe Minoe did find Yahiko's rebuttal earlier malicious after all. That was... harsh of him to point out, to say the least. Munenori just reminded Myojin of his failure to save the lives of many a copper.
On the other hand, if the Tokyo boy remembered correctly, weren't some of the policemen at Akahori's Mansion involved in an incident with Amakusa six years ago? From another government-sanctioned massacre of sorts?
Shogo, as Shiro Amakusa the Second, assassinated the murderers of his parents (some of whom were still in power), only for the current Meiji Administration to retaliate against his growing rebellion.
The two went silent as the sound of the rumbling train and the murmur of the passengers drowned out their thoughts.
The samurai kid turned his head, only to see someone else other than Minoe stare back at him. The person beside him removed his eye patch, revealing a new character.
Kaede Morinaga had just woken up. He'd been talking to her all this time, not the gentle Minoe.
Kaede rubbed her eyes and recounted to Yahiko the things Lady Magdalia told her about Shogo and his exploits.
Magdalia had specifically told her the story of how she and her brother escaped the Bakufu's clutches.
Even though Shogo himself didn't seem to remember how he manhandled the samurais who were after him, his sister, and his mother at the time, Lady Magdalia filled in the details.
Shogo took out the initial wave with only his shinai before that broke and he was forced to steal a katana that turned him into a bloodstained whirling dervish.
Amakusa might've remembered things differently due to the trauma of the situation. However, had his master Hyoue Nishida not intervened, Shogo might've outright murdered the samurais that stabbed his mother to death.
In fact, Kaede had compartmentalized her skill set into two categories... Cancer Stance for defensive moves and Scorpion Stance for offensive moves... based on the dual styles Shogo used (the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu and the Nikaido Heiho).
"Oh yeah? Well, Kenshin himself trained hard with his master for years. And when he was 14 years old, he also took down grown swordsmen himself as a hitokiri assassin! Grown experienced noblemen samurai, even," boasted Yahiko.
The boy blinked. As much of a bad guy he painted Amakusa as in his mind, the Hidden Christian was similar to Kenshin in many ways.
Except for one important thing, but he held his tongue in regards to that in order to not incur the wrath of the emotionally unstable Nisemono Battousai.
"That's nothing! Shogo-sama defeated his master when he was the same age! Using a technique of his own making, the Rai Ryu Sen!" Kaede countered.
"Okay? Kenshin defeated his master to acquire the ougi (succession technique)."
"Ha! I knew it. Shogo-sama is better."
"What? No! Kenshin's master is a god who walks among men. A superman in his own right. Also, last I checked, he's the official bearer of the Hiko Seijuro name. Shogo's uncle isn't, so he must be the weaker of the two!"
"No, he's not! He was the swordsman Kirisaki, who protected the Hidden Christians for the longest time single-handedly until that fateful massacre. I heard he also spared his master, Hiko Seijuro, from death by countering the Kuzu Ryu Sen with something other than the ougi!"
"...A likely story!" said Yahiko with a shake of his head. "Kenshin has a better, stronger master who actually inherited the Hiko Seijuro mantle, so of course he'd whup Amakusa's ass real easy."
"HA! I bet Amakusa's twice as fast as the Hitokiri Battousai! He'd have Super Godspeed compared to the slower Battousai!"
"Yeah right! Kenshin defeated Psycho-Kid when he was still part of the Juppon Gatana... in his prime, mind you... and Amakusa can't! He got completely defeated by Psycho-Kid back in Shinshu!"
"T-That's... unfair! He fought multiple policemen at Akahori's Shinshu Mansion before facing the Ten Ken! He was already spent! Besides, he showed that emotionless bodyguard of Akahori who's boss when he used the Rai Ryu Sen on him!"
"More excuses, huh? Well Kenshin faced off against an Oniwabanshu Okashira (Garden Guard Boss) before facing Psycho-Kid back in Mount Hiei, and he defeated both of them while holding back on killing them, which made taking them down twice as difficult!"
"Shogo-sama's master Kirisaki avoided killing the people he fought all the time, including Kenshin Himura's master, whom he also faced off against. He was a pacifist, so he became skilled enough in swordsmanship to defeat everyone without killing them. That's the kind of master Shogo-sama had!"
"Yeah, well, Mr. One-Man Army didn't help win a civil war against the Bakufu to install the Ishin Shishi into power!" Yahiko blurted out even though he didn't mean to. He couldn't help himself. His emotions got the better of him.
He wasn't even particularly proud of Kenshin helping the Meiji Government rise to power, especially in light of his experience with its corrupt officials.
However, instead of threatening to cut his loose tongue or castrate him, the Fake Battousai pledged to him, "Shogo-sama's own revolution is near. Once he gets the Black Book from Akahori, he'll have all the ammunition he needs to topple this government."
Kaede herself then slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing that she had said too much as well.
Reading the mood, Myojin changed the subject. "In full health, who's faster? Psycho-Kid or Amakusa?"
Morinaga turned her head away, placing the eye patch back on her eye as though to "summon" back her alter ego Minoe before muttering, "The Ten Ken is a little faster than Shogo-sama. But Shogo-sama can still beat him. Stupid Urchin-Head."
The Son of Tokyo Samurai heaved a sigh and confessed, "It's fine. Kenshin told me that Psycho-Kid is faster than him too. Seta Soujiro might even be faster than the whole Hiten Mitsurugi School itself. Maybe."
"...But I bet the Hitokiri Battouai is waaaay slower than the Ten Ken compared to Shogo-sama, who's only a little slower."
"Hey! Don't get ahead of yourself!" said the inheritor of the sakabatou. "I give you an inch and you take a mile. Honestly."
Much later still...
"You wanted to speak to me?" Tatsuya Minakata said. The banker son of Toshiro Minakata. Kinta's uncle from his mother's side.
"Yes," said Kinta.
"What the hell do you want, you brat?"
...And Tatsuya was every bit as intimidating, menacing, and cunning as his uncle from his father's side, Tetsuo Akahori. The complete opposite of his other uncle and Tatsuya's younger brother, Kaneda.
But that was in the past. Kinta was no longer a small child or gangly teenager that the alcoholic could push around and abuse whenever he was drunk.
Uncle Tatsuya might've not inherited any of Grandpa Toshiro's immense talent in swordsmanship, but he certainly had his father's business acumen as the person in charge (by proxy and with Grandma Mieko's blessing) of the Minakata Family's vast wealth.
As expected of a ruthless banker who was as thin as Uncle Kaneda was fat.
From behind Tatsuya was their newly hired manservant bodyguard who towered over the two like an outright foreigner despite being Japanese. Meanwhile, Kinta's uncle sat on his chair behind his desk, his arms folded and his mouth a scowl.
His eyes staring straight into Kinta's eyes.
Toshiro's grandchild could hear the insistent taps from the shoes of Toshiro's eldest son.
Hiding behind Kinta's shadow though was Kaita of the Sanada Ninja Clan.
Not that the Mimawarigumi Battousai who faced off against Hitokiri Gensai Kawakami needed help defending himself or anything.
The ninja Kaita was also there to remind him of anything he missed regarding the intelligence they'd decoded in their search for the Seiryu Clan's Black Book.
Kinta didn't want to make a single mistake about the uncovered intel before asking about them straight from one of their primary sources.
Conversing with his grandfather's son about past crimes was the ex-Kagemusha's way of giving Toshiro the benefit of the doubt. Even though Tatsuya himself could very well be an accomplice to those crimes.
"...Well? What is it? I'm a busy man," said Tatsuya with a dismissive snort, breaking contact with Kinta's gaze. "I have no time to play with you. We have goddamn assassins after us, if you haven't noticed!"
Kinta went straight to the point. "What do you know about the Seiryu Clan's Volume of the Black Book?"
There was a pregnant pause.
"Seiryu Clan? I have no idea what you're talking about," denied Tatsuya.
Like Jesus Christ's disciple Thomas, as Amakusa would say.
The younger Minakata then placed his copy of the decoded papers on the Elder Minakata's desk.
"What is this nonsense? I have no time..."
"There are declassified documents about Grandfather Toshiro's drug dealings in China using Minakata Pharmaceuticals as a front."
Tatsuya's scowl turned into a snarl. "Drug dealings? Are you saying your grandfather is a drug lord? Is that it? Those are some grave accusations you're hurling, kiddo. Be careful what you say."
However, Kinta always was careful. He spoke the way he fought. Methodically.
With no wasted movement or words.
The nephew presented a different document from Kaita. This time full of names, addresses, and quantities of delivered goods. Contact persons, if you would. More like accessories to his grandfather's crimes.
The names listed meant nothing to the Mimawarigumi Battousai, but he summarized and said them aloud nonetheless. They were Toshiro's contacts from the warehouses he stored his opium. The names of his chemists who processed the drug.
The list of ports under his control that allowed him to ship to China his own brand of premium-grade, potent opium that was easier to access than the ones being sold by the Indians, the British, and the Americans in Hong Kong and the Pearl River outside Canton.
Although his uncle would not divulge one piece of information about the Black Book, the reactions he gave to the uncovered information spoke volumes.
Kinta had all the puzzle pieces of the Black Book right at the palm of his hand.
Through seemingly redundant and suspicious documents, bogus employee contracts in triplicate, and receipts for business expenditures that were nonexistent, his grandfather had weaved a web of lies he used to communicate with the underworld in order to go about his opium trade in ways that would've made the likes of Takeda Kanryu jealous.
The sheer amount of opium Toshiro sold and money he made was many magnitudes larger than Kanry's lifetime wealth. It involved millions of yen's worth of drugs sold by the ton. The same way the Rothschild and Forbes families built their fortunes.
Tatsuya stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on his desk, with both bodyguards... the tall nameless one beside the uncle and the ninja hidden in the darkness behind the grandchild... stirring in reaction.
For Kinta's part, he stood his ground. In his younger years, he would've flinched or cowered away from Tatsuya. Not anymore. Not after everything he'd been through.
Tatsuya got in Kinta's face before smirking and attempting to feint a punch, but the swordsman wouldn't buy it.
The ruthless businessman had half the mind to punch his nephew. Show him who was boss. His little sister's forgotten piece of excess baggage.
Like the good ol' days.
"As if Father would leave a paper trail behind," Tatsuya rebuked, calling his nephew's bluff. "What piece of fiction have you written up here? Decode? There's nothing to decode here! Spare me your conspiracy theories and nonsensical speculation!"
"If this is all false, then you won't mind the police investigating all this evidence, correct?"
Tatsuya grabbed Kinta by the collar. The younger Minakata still wouldn't flinch. Defiant to the end.
"Call the police? We own the police!"
"The Minakatas haven't been influential in politics since grandfather's death," Kinta called Tatsuya's own bluff.
"Ever since you became one of those Mimawarigumi goons from back in the day, you've been full of yourself. You've changed. But I know better. You're still the same scared little snot I've whipped with my belt time and time again. How many times do I have to teach you that lesson, boy?"
Tough talk from a drunkard who never held a sword or killed a man his entire life.
Kinta didn't say those words, but Tatsuya must've heard his unsaid sentiment through his eyes because the banker soon swung at his face immediately after.
A swing and a miss.
To Be Continued...
Miss me? It's been a while, huh?
Salamat, Abdiel
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xxhanabifireworksxx · 7 years
From the Heart:Chapter 2
Rated K+ 
The Test
He slung his zanpakuto over his shoulder wrapping the green sash across and tightening the golden clip against his chest. It was time.
Sighing as he mentally prepared himself he whispered, “ I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
Before turning the light off next to the door in his quarters he looked back to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything important. He stood there looking over the spot where Hinamori and him had talked over tea.
You’ll be fine Hitsugaya-kun! I’ll be cheering for you!
His throat grew dry and he swallowed. For her sake he hoped he could keep Hyourinmaru under control long enough to show the head commander along with Aizen and Unohana the extent of his bankai. He knew that there were aspects of it that he didn’t fully understand yet.
I wonder how long this it going to take. He thought, as he stood in the genkan.  
“Damn it.”
Why did she have to accompany Captain Aizen? There was enough he had to worry about for the time being other then the possibility of his bankai going out of control.
But maybe it’s good she’ll be there with Captain Aizen. He grudgingly thought.
His mouth shifted into a half-frown. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Aizen, but it made him uncomfortable that she was on such good terms with him. The way her face lit up every time he called her name was enough to get his stomach in a knot. Toshiro bit his lip. At least he was strong enough unlike him.
“Tsk. I’ll prove it. I won’t let it get out of hand. It won’t be more then what I can handle.
 The first division never ceased to amaze him. It was located in a tall white plastered building, which had a decorative roof that was covered with gold leaf. The long walk on the bridge connecting to this building made it feel like he was engaging in some sort of rite of passage.
He placed both of his hands against the heavy wooden door and leaned in, opening it with a slight creak until the wind took it from him.
“Welcome Hitsugaya.” The captain commander rumbled in a gravely voice.
“We are very pleased to have you with us today. Follow me right this way.”
The door slammed shut behind him with a solid bang. He stood entranced. The room itself was huge. Lights were dimmed to the point where you almost would not be able to see had it not been for the lanterns that were along the outskirts of the walls. They emitted a soft reddish-orange glow that made the overall atmosphere feel warm and inviting.
His breathing slowed as he scanned the room. Hinamori and Aizen were just down the corridor along with Unohana waiting for him. Toshiro broke into an amble to meet them.
“Welcome.” Unohana smiled.
Aizen took a couple steps towards him. “It’s good to see you Hitsugaya-kun.”
Hinamori nodded her approval. “I’m really excited for you! You’ll definitely pass.”
“Hmph, not so fast. I still need to take the test, dummy. Don’t get my hopes up too high now.”
“But Shiro-.”
“He’s right Hinamori-kun.” Aizen started. “He needs to be prepared in the case that he doesn’t pass this exam. We need to ascertain that he indeed possesses the skills required for commanding his bankai in full.”
“As well as his potential don’t forget. Bankai mastery takes almost ten or more years to achieve. “ Unohona added. “But I don’t think there’s really any question in that considering the state of the matter.”
The captain commander tapped his cane rhythmically on the floor drawing everyone’s attention away. “ You have five minutes before I begin the exam. In that time I want you to prepare yourselves in whatever means you have to. The judging will take place on the second level on the balcony. Dismissed.”
Toshiro and Momo locked eyes for a second and then he flash stepped out of the room. He went outside of the building into the open space of the seiretei kicking up gravel on the dusty ground. Taking a short walk around on the street, he stared back up at the looming, tall, white building. In just a short amount of time, he would know whether or not if he were to become captain of the tenth division today. Some ravens cackled overhead blocking out the bright afternoon sun. This day didn’t feel different then any other for him. Soldiers still wandered outside of their barracks taking about the latest gossip or drunkenly laughing with friends. He scoffed they were lucky that it had been peaceful for even this long; otherwise they’d be in trouble. With one last sigh he turned around and went back. I hope this is worth it.
Upon his arrival, a flash of strawberry blonde and something hugging around him greeted Toshiro.
“Hitsugaya-kuunn,” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry I forgot!”
His eye twitched for a moment. “How could you forget I’ve been telling you for weeks! You must have been out drinking and didn’t realize until just now that my exam was starting!”
Matsumoto pouted, “ Well I didn’t know whether or not you wanted me to come. Not with you yelling at me like that.”
“Idiot. Get off of me,” He said pushing her off. “This is exactly why I feel like I needed to take the exam in the first place.”
Yamamoto cleared his throat tapped the floor once again with his staff.
“That’s enough Hitsugaya. You’ll be able to prove yourself in a minute that you’re capable enough.” He turned to address the other two captains that were already seated next to the captain commander’s throne.
“We will be judging based on three areas of competency. Captain Unohana will grade you based on the potential that you show while Captain Aizen will rate you based on your ability to control your bankai.”
He took a gulp of air. His control. The aspect of his bankai he was the most uncomfortable with.
“I will be grading you based on your attitude and levelheadedness. In other words, your confidence in calling forth your ability.“
Toshiro stood up a little more straight readying himself. However, Hinamori and Matsumoto caught his attention. They were on the side opposite to the captains. He could not lose his focus during this at any cost. Then as if reading his mind, the Captain Commander responded to him.
“From what I’ve heard I understand that your bankai is a kind that affects the weather. That’s why we are having it outside today because I would rather see it in an open space then trapped inside the medium-sized room we usually use.” He paused in his speech opening one golden eye at him. “Plus it will minimize the damage if there is any. “
Toshiro glanced at Hinamori and Matsumoto again and looked back at the commander, “ Can I make a request please?” He asked. Yamamoto raised one bushy eyebrow at him.
“Yes, what is it?”
“Place a barrier around them…please.”
Yamamoto raised his head. “That won’t be necessary, Hitsugaya. Your zanpakuto is ice, correct? If it gets out of control, I can put it out in a second if I release Ryujin Jakka.”
“I understand.” He replied straightening up again breathing a sigh of relief.
The Captain Commander then returned his attention back to the matter at hand. “Then if we are ready to proceed, let us begin! With any luck, on this evening you will become captain of the tenth! Start!”
The boy closed his eyes drawing Hyourinmaru out of its dark blue scabbard. The sash holding the zanpakuto snug to his back vaporized into the air. A cold wind started to blow briskly around him blowing his hair straight up. He could already feel the hilt of his sword growing frosty. His knuckles grew white with anticipation as he gripped it.
Are you ready? He asked his partner.
The dragon awoke from its slumber in the back of his mind. Hyourinmaru was a spectacular sight to behold. The great beast lifted his head up from his rest beating his great wings, which propelled him skyward.
Let’s do this, master! He roared. Remember, only you have full control of me! Think of those you wish to protect and I will not fail you!
Hyourinmaru! Lend me your strength!
Toshiro outstretched his hand towards the great levitating spirit. A great ball of white light came crashing down in to it. Raw energy that always nearly pushed all the breath out of his body.
Focus! Focus! He shouted while the shear power threatened to push him back. Then opening his now shining turquoise eyes he screamed out the name of his bankai.
“Bankai! Daiguren Hyourinmaru!”
A wild wind whipped him around as he unleashed his reiatsu. The clouds outside of the first division grew dark and ominous looking. Toshiro even thought he could hear a rumble of thunder in the distance. Concern started to creep into his features.
He grabbed ahold of his arm. I need to rein it in a little bit more! Otherwise it might be too much!
Icy wings started to radiate in chunks growing out of his back. The thick ice then spread down the arm holding Hyourinmaru forming into the head of a dragon completely encasing his right hand. Ice also gathered around his neck in a half circle and continued to spread down his other hand. The weight of his wings felt comforting but not so heavy that he couldn’t move freely about. The release of his bankai left the room covered with varying thicknesses of ice that spread from the floor all the way up to the top of the ceiling.
As he looked down at a patch of ice beneath his feet he saw the shock in his own expression. The captain commander flash-stepped behind him placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“That’s enough, Hitsugaya. You’ve done well. Anymore and I think I’ll have to remodel in here.” He said. Toshiro cracked a grin. He never heard the captain make a joke before.
“Thank you, Captain Yamamoto.”
“You can withdraw your bankai. Now we will discuss the ruling of our decision.” He stated turning back to take a seat in his ornate throne. “In order of seniority, I will be the first to cast my vote.”
Toshiro felt eyes on the back of him but he didn’t have to turn and look to figure out their reactions to his show of power.
“Yay! Shiro-chan! I knew you would be great! I’ll bring you a whole lotta’ of watermelon! Hinamori exclaimed.
Matsumoto squealed in agreement.“ I knew you had it in you!” She said as she wiped her eye with her sleeve. “Ugh, I’m going to start crying if you keep that up.”
He turned towards them just as his ice broke apart nodding his thanks. This proved right here that he was indeed strong enough to control his bankai given the circumstances, but now he was to await the final judgment.
Waiting for the volume in the room to die down, Yamamoto started his speech. “ It is with great pride that I would like to announce that you have the utmost confidence in calling upon your zanpakuto. I can tell that you both have a strong bond and that there is no hesitation when you want to use your bankai. Your trust is unbreakable. Congratulations, you pass.”
Toshiro’s heart jumped in his chest, however this time it was out of joy. I’m so close! Captain Unohana then began speaking.
“The potential I see in you is possibly the greatest I’ve seen since Captain Ichimaru took his bankai exam. From what you’ve shown us, I believe that there is plenty of room for it to grow. Its ability would make a practical addition to the thirteen court guards. You pass.” She said smiling.
He gulped. Now it was time for Aizen’s ruling. Toshiro pressed his hands together. All of them needed to pass him and with the way that Captain Aizen could be he had to admit that it made him very anxious to hear the outcome. He looked up at the younger captain as he revealed his ruling.
“Considering the extent that you’ve shown us today with your power I think that your control is nearly perfect-,” He paused briefly. “But, I feel like you had possibly even more you could have shown us. Learn to control your bankai to the fullest and you will grow exponentially in your power as a soul reaper. However even though your bankai is rough yet in these early stages I’m proud to pass you. Welcome to the thirteen court guards.”
Before Toshiro even had a chance to breathe Hinamori and Matsumoto were already upon him.
“You did it, you really did! The two shouted, hugging him tight in their arms.
“Oh-I-I-,” he was cut off as he toppled to the ground by the two female shinigami. Matsumoto was bawling her eyes out while Hinamori had come really close to his face, which was enough to make him start blushing.
“H-hey. What are you doing? Get off of me.” He asked not sounding all that convincing. Toshiro brushed himself off. “Really it’s nothing.”
“It’s nothing? Are you kiddin’ me Hitsugaya-ku-,” She stopped as she caught his gaze. “I mean Captain Hitsugaya. “Hinamori’s eyes grew glassy at this sentiment.
“What’s wrong, bedwetter?”
She threw herself on him once again. “ I can’t believe you became this strong. “ She whispered. “Where is that kid who used to spit watermelon seeds at me in the summertime?”
His eyes softened at her touch making him submit to her embrace. He returned her hug, lightly placing his hand on the back of her head.
“Idiot, you don’t need to cry for me.” He chided.“ That kid you knew never left. He was here all along.”
Just then Matsumoto butted into the conversation. “Oh. What was that I heard? A confession? Toshiro I think you need to kiss the girl already.” She teased.
A fresh sting of annoyance rose in his chest. “Matsumoto! Get out of here right now or I’ll make you do all that paperwork that’s been sitting on my desk for a month!” She screamed running down the hallway as he chased after her. 
“And by the way it’s Captain Hitsugaya to you!”
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