#(Himawari is like six? and Sarada is 12)
tiixij · 9 months
Sasuke is so bad at bonding with Sarada I love him
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diqabun · 1 year
— The Uzumaki-Uchiha family!
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• Uzumaki-Naruto Uchiha (Father; head of the clan)
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Nanadaime Hokage. A loving father of the family. He really wants to spend more time with his family, but because of Hokage's affairs, he rarely gets to spend even children's birthdays together.
Rarely comes home to sleep, but Sasuke fixes him.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Sasuke (Dad)
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Unfortunately, Uchiha, after the second birthday of twins Himawari and Minato, went on a long-term mission. He returned home six years later, which pleasantly surprised the children.
He is at home 24/7, cooks them breakfast, lunch and dinner, monitors the cleanliness of the house, does all household chores in general. When he has free time, he goes to the Hokage's office. Never knocks, Naruto recognizes this chakra always.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Menma
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He is a real mix of Naruto and Sasuke! But Hokage, of course, does not dream of becoming. He rather wants to help sister Sarada, will be her right hand.
He inherited the habit of his father and mother, his phrase: Dattebachi (a mixture of "Dattebayo" and "Usuratonkachi").
Being the first child of the reincarnations of the chakras of Ashura and Indra Ootsutsuki, he has a lot of it. Menma is the only one who was born with three moustaches, not two.
He is popular at the Academy, he is friends with everyone, but Haruno-Hyuga Memori and Mitsuki can distinguish from everyone, with whom they will form Team 7 with captain Sarutobi Konohamaru in the future.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Boruto
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It infuriates him that their father spends so little time with them, and dad was with them every day after completing the mission. He decided that he wanted to be like dad and did not wear the coat of arms of the Uzumaki-Uchiha clan, but only Uchiha. By the way, he is the last of the children who awakened Sharingan, at the age of 12.
Like Menma, Boruto has his own phrase: Dattebasa. Unlike his brother, he uses it very often. He has this straight word-parasite.
He was in love with Haruno-Hyuga Memory for a while, but then he was attracted to Kakei Sumire. Now he's torn between the two.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Sarada
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Sarada is the future Hokage and tries to be like his father in everything. However, she is more like Sasuke in character, and even learned the technique of Chidori. She wears the symbol of the Uzumaki Uchiha clan behind her back, because she is the (future) first Hokage Uchiha.
She is the last one who got the catchphrase, but this is not related to the Uzumaki clan. Dad's "Usuratonkachi" often slips from her tongue towards Uchiha-Hatake Houki.
She is third in the class in grades, proud of her background, but never uses it. Sometimes she is considered arrogant, but this is not so. He is friends with Akimichi Chouchou.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Himawari
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The older twin. She has a younger brother, Minato, who is 5 minutes younger than her. She's very nice. He likes to spend time with his brother and sister Sarada.
She was the fastest to awaken Sharingan with one tomoe, at the age of three, when Minato did not want his sister to take a toy to the ceremony of awarding the post of Hokage to their father.
• Uzumaki-Uchiha Minato
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Named after Naruto and Yondaime Hokage's father. Harmful, but cute. The older siblings can't get mad at him.
He awakened Sharingan at the age of 8, when he first saw dad (at a conscious age).
The new generation is growing and developing, everyone is happy except one... Boruto is furious that their father spends so little time with them, and only Menma can come to him without warning. Boruto is infuriated that Dad went on such a long mission, and for 6 years he did not send a single letter, and when he came, he taught only Menma and Sarada. Boruto is infuriated that when he used Kote, Menma did not protect him from the words of his father, other Kage and residents of Konohagakure.
Menma. Menma! MENMA! The whole world seems to revolve around his niichan. It's not fair. Why does he always have to look at his back? No. That won't do. He has to get stronger.
"If I become a God, the whole world will be at my feet", Boruto repeated to himself.
The perfect victim. Momoshiki Ootsutsuki spent a lot of time watching Boruto. His body is perfect. The chakra of the Sage of the Six Paths flows in it, and hence the chakra of Kaguya. In the forest where the blond man spent his time, he saw something that he shouldn't. A dark clot of chakra that could talk.
— Are you someone else?
— I'm the one who can change your life. — the nasty voice interested the boy.
— And how? — he chuckled.
— Accept me, I will help you fulfill all your desires, Uzumaki-Uchiha Boruto.
— Do you know my name?
— Of course. I also know that you want people to pay attention to you.
Boruto slowly approached the dark chakra, it was his mistake. The blob giggled and jumped on his chest. Having dissolved, he merged with Boruto's heart.
— What the...?
The light blinded him, black stripes appeared on the right side of his body, and a horn grew on his forehead. Due to the abundant amount of chakra, the boy fainted.
* * *
It was a trial version. I do not know whether to write about it or not.
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Profile page- Hiroshi Noboru Hamasaki
So decided to tweak and rewrite out my Boruto Next gen Oc Hiroshi’s profile and backstory...
Name: Hiroshi-Noboru Hamasaki
Nicknames: Roshi, Firecracker 
Age: 13 years (Current), 21 years (time skip)
DOB: 19th November 
Species: Human
Height: "5'4" ( 163.8cm) (by the age of 15 she is "5'6" tall- by 21 she is "5'7")
Eyes: Sea green
Family: Taichi Hamasaki (father- deceased when Roshi was 12), Emiko Hamasaki (mother, deceased died when she was only 6), Daichi Hamasaki (eldest brother) Hiroshi Hamasaki (second eldest, deceased during the birth) and Gorou Hamasaki ( third eldest brother). Mr and Mrs. Ichiwa (Roshi’s BFF’s mother and father- they were like God parents to her). And her uncle Asahi Nomura (on her mother’s side/ her mother’s older brother that lives on the outskirts of the village)
Friends: Kimiko Ichiwa (Life long bff since they were kids/ like a sister), Kunirai momotani (her distance friend from the Hidden Cloud Village), Eito Nakamura (Team mate), Kazumi Ito (Team mate), Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Denki Kaminarimon, Iwabee Yuino (she kinda like-likes him), Sarada Uchiha, Cho cho Akamichi, Shikadai Nara, Inojin Yamanaka, Wasabi Izuno, Namida Suzumeno, Tsubaki Kurogane and her fellow classmates.
Personality/traits: Courageous, agile, fast, independent, selfless, brave, a little shy at times, strong willed, loving, determined, kinda  a little lost inside (she misses her mother dearly, her father also (after forgiving him for what he did to her), quite stand-up, badass- at times-she gets it from her mother .Bold, confident. Mostly/ Very tomboy- she has disguised herself as a boy for most of her life- mostly due to her father bringing her up like one. 
Likes: Ninjutsu, street fighting, kicking wrong doers/ bad guy butt, Taiyaki (custard and chocolate one’s especially), spicy hot ramen noodles, adventuring, helping others, expressing herself, wearing loose baggy clothing/ male clothing, an old kimono that once belonged to her mother, spending time with her friends, sitting about and reading in tree tops, spending time at her mother's/ father’s and second eldest brother's grave and talking to them- it just something she does every parent/ child day and on their birthday or when she’s feeling down, spending quality family time/ training with her brothers, swimming, tai chi,sleeping under the stars,  protecting herfriends/family/ village/ home, camping, acrobatics and parkour, drawing, writing, visiting her uncle from time to time and a certain brown eyed ninja (Cough cough Iwabe). 
 Dislikes: Her childhood after her mother passed and her father became mentally ill,having to hide who she was back when she was little,, dressing over the top girly all the time (she'll only do it on special occasions), how people found out her secret about how she was disguising herself as a boy- she was going to tell them but things got a bit outta hand. The way her father treated her and not accepting her for who she was growing up because of his deteriorated mental health (/again she does forgive him ). Awkward and embarrassing situations, embarrassing herself in front of a certain someone (when she does, Hiroshi will run off and hide in the treetops for a bit). Being judged by idiots for her past, those who want to harm others .
Weapons: Some throwing needles, a six-foot bokken (passed down to her as a gift from her mother her brother gave to her on her 12th birthday), two or three ninja stars. 
Powers/Abilities/clan/Rank: Konohagakure ,Genin (aged 12)-  (Eventually becomes a Chunin after surpassing her exams aged 12 ½  )( Jonin at the age of 15), Water release, Wind release, lightning release and fire release and Yin release/ Jutsu, street fighting, blazing fire mage (a special Fire release technique/ jutsu of hers she got from her mother, master swords woman).
Profile: Hiroshi isn't your average girl, her life from the day she was born was full of grief, hurdles, pain and forgiveness . Hiroshi was made to become someone she wasn't by her own father who couldn't accept her for who she was after his mental health deteriorated after the death of his wife. In her family (on her father’s side), a majority of the Hamasaki Clan were male and her father wanted to keep the tradition by having sons of his own. Taichi and his beautiful wife Emiko were very happy after having their first son Daichi. When they had their second son, tragically he passed away during the birth, they were going to name him “Hiroshi” after Emiko’s Father who had passed away in the Great Ninja War. Taichi and Emiko were grieving their loss for quite some time at the loss of Hiroshi. They held a special funeral for their poor baby boy, to say their final goodbye's. Two years later Emiko soon fell pregnant again, she had a healthy baby boy, he was named Gorou. Emiko loved her sons dearly but she deep down was only wishing to have a daughter of her own  though her husband on the other hand wasn't too keen on the idea of having a daughter. Surprisingly, Emiko had one last baby-this one was a surprise baby, her eyes were filled with tears when she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was named after the son they lost "Hiroshi", her father had mixed emotions- as he held her for the first time his eyes were filled with joy, but in his mind he knew he’d be looked down upon by his clan. Letting his heart get the better of him, he cherished his little girl dearly. 
 As a toddler, Hiroshi got to spend time with other girls her age when her mother took her out. Though as time went on, their father always made sure that Emiko dressed their daughter up like a boy as he didn't want people finding out he had a daughter-  He could feel his father looking down upon him for having a daughter. Though  Hiroshi's mother dressed her daughter up like a little girl and always told Hiroshi "be yourself no matter what my dear", she would tell her husband to stop believing that nonsense and cherish his little girl. Over the next few years Emiko grew severely ill and could no longer look after her children, instead with their father's help, they looked after her.
By the time Hiroshi was six years old, Her mother Emiko had passed away, her illness had grown so strong no medicine or treatment could heal her sickly body, and tragically she passed one summer’s day. After her mother died,  Hiroshi and her two older brothers were raised by their father- he was shattered after losing his wife, his mental health unwinding as he raised his three children alone- Taichi had changed…
Visions of his father looking down upon him in shame from the heavens were haunting him and soon deteriorated his mind, he became quite cold and treated his daughter like her brothers- he became depressed and mentally ill after losing his beautiful loving wife. Hiroshi was made to dress like her brothers and made to keep her hair short too. He wouldn't let her hang around other girls either. Taichi told his daughter to her face: "You will be like your older brothers, in this house females are nothing but weak and bring shame to the Hamasaki name". She would nod her head sadly and would follow everything her father taught her and told her to do. Her older brothers didn't like the way he was treating their sister- trying to make her become someone she wasn't and treating her like this after the loss of their mother. The boys would let Hiroshi secretly sneak off to see her friend Kimiko when they were out in town, so she enjoyed being a young girl. By the age of ten, though she had no choice, Hiroshi accepted the idea of this identity as a boy for the sake of her father and clan- but she was still being herself  deep down. She may have dressed like a guy, but  Hiroshi would still do girl things when her brothers secretly let her. Though she might have been living a lie she was forced into, Hiroshi was very skilled at ninjitsu, she only began learning the basics of Jitsu with her older brothers, they were impressed by how fast she learnt the techniques they taught her.  
By the time she was twelve, Hiroshi had hit puberty and she began to embrace her true self; this wasn’t going to end well for her. With her father’s mental health shattered completely and his daughter freely being a young lady in public had caused him to snap- Now she’d hit puberty, he was furious she was embracing her true self. One cold night, Taichi threw all of her belongings and Hiroshi herself out of the house. Her brothers were angry at their father for the way he mistreated their little sister and tried to stop him, but as they did so the two boys got hurt in the process- left with permanent scars on their faces. Taichi with an infuriating expression on his face  stood over Hiroshi and growled "You are a disgrace, you bring dishonour to the Hamasaki name, leave now, I never want you back here again, you are no child of mine". 
Hiroshi’s heart was shattered, her eyes were filled with tears of pain at the sight of her brothers injured. She couldn’t believe her father hated her, how could he do this to her after showing her love as a small child and now she was all alone. As distraught as she was, she gathered all her belongings and ran away as far as she could. Hiroshi ran to her friend Kimiko's house-when she knocked on the door, Kimiko's parent's opened it-they took one look at Hiroshi and instantly aided her, Kimiko could also tell that Hiroshi's father had done something to her. 
From that day onward, Hiroshi decided that she would remain disguised as a boy- she couldn’t shake what her father said to her, it was haunting her and it just made her feel worthless as a young lady. Though with Kimiko by her side, if she felt comfortable she would dress like a girl. A few months later, Kimiko and herself soon joined the academy and began to learn the ways of Ninjutsu, luckily Hiroshi knew a thing or two before she attended the academy- thanks to the training she got- especially from her brothers. 
Everyone at the academy only knew Miss Hamasaki  as a male student, though when she made close friends with the girls, she  one day told them the truth, they gladly accepted her for who she was and they didn't mind how she dressed- they could tell she was being herself. On the other hand, Hiroshi didn't feel ready to tell her male friends yet- her female friends promised not to tell them until Hiroshi felt ready- after all they felt awful for what happened to her in the past . She liked spending a lot of time with her male friends, they made her feel like herself, she liked being pretty much tomboy-she felt like she fitted in with them .Though after quite some time she started having feelings for Iwabe Yuino- she new that she had to keep them hidden when she was dressed like a boy- she didn’t want him finding out about her secret like this. Though when she was done up and dressed like a girl in public with her female friends from the academy, the boys saw her as a complete stranger- they couldn't tell that this girl was Hiroshi at all.  
Hiroshi's secret wasn’t so secret for long and soon  revealed after she was in a serious accident. Hiroshi- being kinda stubborn refused to back down and threw herself toward the foe using her special fire release jutsu and ended up being knocked out and stabbed in the right side of her chest with a blade. When her friend Boruto ran over and removed the blade, he went to stop the bleeding, but after removing the blade- he found that the blade didn't pierce deep into the skin stopped by a bandage covering her breasts. Her male friends all stood there in shock at first but, there was no time for that now Hiroshi needed urgent medical attention, they picked her up and rushed her to the konoha hospital. When Hiroshi awoke in the hospital, her friends were by her side staring at her calmly. Hiroshi felt ashamed and  was a little embarrassed about how everyone else found out about her secret.  Then as embarrassed as she was, Hiroshi explained her past and reasoning for disguising herself as a male and how she felt ashamed to tell the guys that she was really a girl. They all stood there in silence for a moment, Hiroshi’s eyes watering as she sat there hoping they’d forgive her. Of course Boruto and the others understood Hiroshi after she told them - He and the other guys accepted her. It didn't matter how she dressed, Hiroshi was their friend, then everyone hugged her dearly.
After that incident and now her secret lifted off her shoulder, Hiroshi began to express more of herself through her feminine side. After leaving her home her father had passed away from health issues, her brothers moved out of the home and now lived in apartments as jonin.  Her brothers would come visit their sister and spend all the time they had with her- when they weren’t on missions or with their partners. Though remained living with her friend Kimiko and her family- her brothers were grateful to have them watching over their little sister. The three of them would often visit their parents and dead brothers grave, paying their respects to their family- the first time Hiroshi went to her fathers she sat there telling him how she felt after he treated her like so, but as she clutched onto the baby photo of her as a newborn being held by him- Hiroshi forgave her father and only wished he rest in peace, just like her newly lifted soul did. Her brothers and herself too would visit their uncle more often also- after their mother died their father told his wife’s brother to never come around his kids again. But now their father rests in peace- the three spent more time with their uncle Asahi and hearing stories about their mother and her clan she originated from before marriage. 
After everything that happened to her throughout her early childhood, working hard / training and finding in her heart to forgive, Hiroshi had become one of the greatest kunoich’s of the Hamasaki clan. She in one of the recent exams had finally become chunin, leading team 11 with her friend Eito and Kazumi by her side. Her mother smiled down upon Hiroshi from the heavens- Hiroshi felt her presence, smiling dearly as she felt the embrace from her mother. She too eventually came out to Iwabe and told him how she felt about him- as awkward as it was she couldn’t keep her feelings bottled up forever. But it wasn’t long before the two started  a relationship.
For a young girl who had her life turned upside down as a child, Hiroshi had finally embraced her true self and was finally living her life as the badass kunoich she was rather than living the life of the brother she and her elder brothers lost. She was far from a mere girl anymore, but a true selfless shinobi of the Hamasaki clan.
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