ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Tornadoes never make good shelters - but he doesn't know that. So he tries to find refuge inside of me, he tries to build a home out of my bitten bones with a porch swing made of whatever left-over love someone forgot to take back. He wants me to be a safe place to hide away from a troublesome summer, but I am not made of light, and I am not made of beginnings - everything about me is a never-ending ending. Tornadoes never make good shelters - and he will soon know that.
To all the men who didn’t see me for what I was
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
I'm wearing your fingerprints and I know I'll never be naked again
The skin never forgets
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
How do I get to live when you're my Achilles heel, my Achilles ankle, knees, hips. ribs and shoulders. You tell me, how could anyone ever survive to such an absolute takeaway of themselves?
Anca-Ioana Sandu
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Oh, deci trebuie sa caut de la inceput ?
Nu neapărat. Le găsești mai ușor fie pe blogspot http://ialmosthadyou.blogspot.ro/search/label/Scrisori%20c%C4%83tre%20Alexfie pe deviantart http://thegirloftomorrow.deviantart.com/gallery/28152591/Scrisori-catre-Alex
Depinde în ce format preferi să le citești! :)
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Ce e scrisori pentru alex ? Ai sris o carte ? Imi poti da link ul de la ea, pls
Scrisorile către Alex sunt niște texte pe care le-am scris mai de mult.
Nu am scris nicio carte. :)
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Mi-am amintit astăzi de ce te iubesc atât.. Am recitit scrisorile pentru Alex. Ai trăiri atât de sincere şi pure şi-un suflet îmbrăcat în artă şi frumos. Te citesc de ani şi-ți scriu din când în când, dar cel mai important, îți iubesc sufletul. Semnat, o cititoare.
Uau, mulțumesc din suflet pentru apreciere! Nu mă așteptam la un astfel de mesaj. Mulțumesc! :)
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Nope, te-am remarcat in SSIG, si imi place sa vad proiectele oamenilor. I dunno, make LoL related poems and stuff? :D Go to Imagination Land, and bring some magic from over there.
Aaah, hai că la asta nu m-aș fi așteptat! Mă bucur! :D 
Cred totuși c-o să rămână două activități independente și paralele una de alta! :))
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
În mai puțin de o oră împlinesc 24 de ani. Așa că poemul ăsta este pentru mine. Deși vara abia a început, s-a mai încheiat un an. Și un altul începe.
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Dance away another summer. 
I am turning 24 within less than an hour. So this poem is actually for myself. The summer is just begining, but another year has ended. And another one begins.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
I like your work. Keep it up. Si poate incearca sa integrezi si partea de gaming in asta. :D
Bună! Mulțumesc! Ne știm din LOL? Nu știu cum aș putea integra gaming-ul în asta :))
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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S(k)inful Conversation.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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Summer moon.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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A committed relationship.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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Searches. I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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Drink away my sadness.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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Wonderfully crazy.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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ancaioanasandu · 8 years
Urmărește-mă aici http://blackoutpoem.tumblr.com/ pentru mai multe blackout poems.
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Hungry for her sight.
I’ve created this blackout poem using “The Great Gatsby”, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Find me on instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/wordsofjune/
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