#menma next generation
Something something… them shearing a backstory is very important to me personally… something something
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I have feelings about the fact that Utena doesn’t remember it, but this moment had such an effect on Toga and especially Saionji. It’s the way Toga idolizes Akio for “being the one to save Utena from her coffin”, and Saionji has become obsessed with finding something eternal, because as he says in one of the last episodes “we are all trapped in our coffins” I think that meeting Utena opened his eyes to his own coffin and this is why he is searching for something eternal, because he saw that Utena had somehow found it and he envies of her for being freed her from her coffin. Also the way they only have this backstory in the anime series ,the first time loop and not in the other three, Toga and Utena still share their backstory in the two last time loops. Saionji and Toga are hardly even friends in the other loops, I think this is because Toga is gradually healing from his toxic masculinity and both him and Utena are coming to terms with him being dead, but since Saionji never finds anything eternal (because it doesn’t exist and the thing that saved Utena wasn’t something eternal but her motivation to save Anthy/creat a world without oppression) he stays an asshole until the final loop (the movie)
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5-year-old Itoka Uchiha: Oto-san!
Shisui Uchiha: Yes, Itoka?
5-year-old Itoka Uchiha: How do people make babies?
Shisui Uchiha: *Flashback to when Itachi is giving birth to Itoka, and fainting because he couldn't handle watching Itachi giving birth* ..... Ask oba Izumi.
Life if Izumi was alive.
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damien-wolfram-art · 11 months
A Nest Built for Two
Menma wiped the sweat from his brow as he twisted one of the hundreds of twigs and vines he’d meticulously gathered into place. “There!” He said, looking over the giant nest he’d built in the corner of his bedroom while dusting his hands off against each other. “A nest fit for a Taka.”
He rested his hands on his hips proudly. “I’m ready for you, partner.”
Just then, his dark-haired mother, Musubi Uchiha, stepped into the room. “Men-ma?” She called, covering her mouth in surprise at her son’s project. “What are you doing honey? Is that a nest?” She asked, fighting a proud smile because she knew he’d be embarrassed.
The whiskers on Menma’s cheeks grew wild and his face flushed anyway. “Mamaaaa!”
“I’m sorry, honey. It looks great!” She praised, but he ran at her, pushing her out of the room.
“Get. Out!”
The door slammed behind her, and she slid down it, smiling with jubilation. On the other side, her teenage son did the same. It was an Uchiha rite of passage to partner up with one of the sacred avian humanoid creatures who shared their village known as the Taka and it was no secret that Menma was excited to finally partner up with one of his own.
The following day, he would get his chance. He entered The Aviary in the village’s center, wearing only a few leather straps wrapped around his arms for protection. This worried Musubi, but if he was anything like his mother, then he would be a natural; a Taka would recognize his worth and the two would bond quickly.
As Menma walked deeper into The Aviary, he saw Taka of all shapes and sizes. All of them were impressive. Most of them ignored him, but some eyed the small human in their domain with skepticism.
“They must be allowing any human to enter nowadays,” grumbled one from high up on a hoodoo-like rock formation. 
“For sure. I mean what is he? Twelve?” Said another.
“I bet he just learned to walk!”
The duo laughed and Menma gritted his fanged teeth. He grabbed hold of the strapping on his left forearm and snapped, shifting the pitch of his voice deeper to sound more imposing, “oh yeah?! Why don’t you come down here and find out!”
A third voice responded from ground level, “you really shouldn’t pick fights, pipsqueak.”
Menma looked in the direction of the new voice and saw a Taka not too much bigger than himself taunting him. “Who you callin’ pipsqueak!” He yapped.
The Taka shrugged with the confidence of an adolescent, prancing his massive red talons around the small human and spreading his nearly three-meter oil-slick colored wings. “You look like pretty small game to me,” he teased.
Menma grounded himself with a wide stance, looked the Taka dead in his glowing red eyes and growled, “want to test that?”
Looking a Taka in the eyes was an unignorable challenge. The young Taka’s pride was on the line, so he took the bait. He flapped his tremendous wings and dove at the human talons first.
In one swift movement, Menma slipped off one of his long leather straps and wrapped it around the young Taka’s strong ankles. He pulled down hard, grounding the creature. There was a murmuring from all around them. The cockatoo-like crest of feathers on the grounded Taka’s head raised as he struggled to regain his balance.
“What’s wrong? I thought I was a pipsqueak?” 
“So did I do it?” Menma asked, running around to his front. “Did I impress ya?”
A trio of fully grown Taka approached Menma. One had long straight brown hair and seemed to have a permanent frown carved into his face. He had a female Taka on his arm who had similar silky dark hair to Menma’s mother. The last looked like an older version of the one he’d captured with longer dark hair drawn into a ponytail and deep eyebags.
“Did he, Sasuke?” Asked the man with brown hair.
The adolescent Taka responded, “I…”
“You’ve chosen a partner?” Asked the woman, brimming with joy.
Sasuke was under a lot of pressure. These were his parents after all, but none of their opinions mattered more than the final Taka to speak, his brother, Itachi. “I approve,” said the older brother briskly and Sasuke resigned to his fate.
The young Taka returned his gaze to the human. “Very well. I accept your worth. Since you are my human, what do I call you?”
“Menma. And you? Sasuke, right?”
“Correct. I am Taka Sasuke. Release me.”
Menma knelt down to do just that. From there he got very acquainted with Sasuke’s talons. He imagined just how easily they could pierce him and for the first time of many, he was grateful that Sasuke was on his side.
The two then left The Aviary together and Sasuke suddenly felt very small compared to the world outside. He took off into the sky without Menma’s command and marveled at the village below. Eventually, Menma reeled his Taka in and brought him home. There, he was praised profusely for his show of strength in The Aviary for he had brought a great honor to his family and a new Taka to protect their people.
Sasuke however, needed a bit more coaxing to feel as if he was welcome. Musubi’s Taka, Takami, was kind to him. He was a handsome Taka with side swept black hair and pretty angled eyes. He had settled in with the family long ago and had a strong bond with Musubi. He was loyal, protective, and had an air of maturity to him that reminded Sasuke of his own older brother.
“Menma’s a good kid,” he reassured Sasuke quietly after dinner before they parted ways. “You made a good choice with ‘im.”
Sasuke nodded, following Menma to his room where he came to the discovery that human nests were weird. He couldn’t get over how stifling they were, but when he entered Menma’s room something felt different. There was one thing there that was distinctly non-human– the nest.
He gravitated to it naturally and Menma watched over him curiously. “Did Takami make this?” He asked.
Menma frowned. “No…I did.”
Sasuke was surprised. He didn’t know humans made nests. “I see…”
“It’s for you,” Menma clarified when Sasuke didn’t enter it.
The young Taka nodded and stepped in. The nest was made masterfully for a human made nest with both sturdy and warm materials. It was also large enough for him and another to occupy. He sat comfortably in it and settled down to roost.
Menma followed suit, lying in bed and turning out the lights. Come morning, he was hit with an unpleasant surprise. Sticks and other debris were scattered all over his room. The nest that he had worked so hard to perfect was in shambles. “Sasukeee?” Menma called to him, trying not to sound angry.
The Taka peeked out from his nest that now sported higher walls. “Yeah?”
“What happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“My room…it’s a mess.”
Sasuke looked around the room. He didn’t understand what Menma meant. To his Taka eyes, sticks and nesting materials were a given in any living space. “Looks fine to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said it looks fine…”
Menma stared at the Taka blankly. Was he messing with him? Sasuke was the only person who could have made the mess wasn’t he? His confusion gave way to rage, and he slammed his fist down onto the bed, startling his avian partner. “You have got to be kidding me!” He shrieked.
Sasuke’s crown raised and his wing feathers ruffled. “What?”
“Ughhh forget it!” Menma groaned, ruffling his scrappy dark hair. It took a while to clean up his room again. It would not be the last time he would have to either.
For months, he would struggle with Sasuke’s instincts. He’d try to dismiss them as growing pains because in all other areas of their relationship they were getting quite close, but over time Sasuke’s nesting behaviors began to feel personal. It almost felt as if Sasuke had something out for him. 
Menma’s emotional turmoil culminated into one big explosion one day when he caught Sasuke in the act. His normally near black plumage had been shifting to bright blues, purples, and even greens, but Menma wouldn’t be distracted by his looks no matter how beautiful he was. He’d done it again. He’d wrecked the nest Menma had worked so hard to build for him and now he was stealing some of Menma’s bedding too.
“Ok, that’s it. What the hell are you even doing, Sasuke!?” Menma barked.
Sasuke flinched at the sudden outburst. His foot closed involuntarily and forcefully on the pillow in its grasp. “Ah Menma I-I thought you were grabbing groceries for Musubi.” He stammered as he struggled to kick off the pillow that was impaled on his talons.
Menma’s eyes narrowed on him. “I was,” he began. “But I was going to pick up more nesting materials and needed a better look at the nest…looks like You already took things into your own talons…” He stomped over and snatched the pillow from him.
“Menma wait-”
“Why should I?!” Menma shouted. “If you hate what I made for you so much, then why don’t you just say something?! Why do you have to wreck everything!?”
“Menma it’s not what you think,” Sasuke tried to clarify. “I’m not trying to wreck it. I’m trying to make it comfortable.”
“I didn’t make it comfortable enough for you so you’re taking my stuff?”
Sasuke nearly groaned. Humans were complicated and stupid sometimes. “That’s not it either…”
“Then what Is it!?”
“I’m trying to make it comfortable for you.” 
Menma’s deep blue eyes glistened with disbelief. “What?” He asked. “S-say that again-”
“Menma…” Sasuke whispered soothingly. “I did all this for you.”
“B-but why?”
“Because you’re my human,” Sasuke answered, though he furrowed his brow shortly after, realizing that there was more to what he meant than what he said. He knew Menma wouldn’t understand so he tried harder, “…but it’s not just that. You mean a lot to me Menma. I chose you as my partner– my human, but I’ve been thinking. We don't only have to assist each other in battle or in hunting and gathering. You made this nest big enough for two and I think-” He sighed, blushing when he felt his feathers standing on end from fear and excitement, “I think I want you in it, Menma.”
Menma dropped the pillow he was clutching, and Sasuke smiled sweetly at his confused partner who only a moment ago was angry to the point of tears. “So, whaddaya say, Men-ma~” He prodded beckoningly while nuzzling into the nest.
“You’re a moron, y’see!” Menma cried, rushing into Sasuke’s welcoming embrace.
Sasuke held him gently like the fragile thing he was and stroked at his back while he complained about how indirect Sasuke had been. When Menma finally got it all out, Sasuke asked, “so is it comfortable?”
Menma grabbed the discarded pillow from before and tucked it under himself. “Perfect,” he answered.
Sasuke laughed and echoed, “perfect,” knowing that perfection was a moving target when it came to nest making. He then laid a kiss on Menma’s lips for the first time. 
From then on, nest building became a joint activity. Menma no longer mistook Sasuke’s instincts for affronts to their partnership. The two worked together to make the best nest they could, and their bond grew stronger for it. Sasuke trusted Menma completely and Menma reciprocated those feelings.
The nest went from one fit for a Taka to one fit for a Taka and his human very quickly. It had a sturdy base of sticks and twine. It had high walls so that what was inside was secure, but it also sported the soft cushy materials of a human’s bed. Hardly any sticks showed past the blankets and pillows they had incorporated into the design. It was so comfortable that Menma slept in it almost every night, but it wasn’t the nest he was there for.
He was most comfortable when cuddling in Sasuke’s arms and feeling him gently petting him. One night, he decided to return the favor, running his fingers through Sasuke’s bright plumage.  “Are you alright?” Menma asked, feeling him shudder beneath his touch.
“That feels nice,” Sasuke answered, melting from the mutual preening.
Menma sighed with contentment as Sasuke’s feathers breathed in time with his scritching. They laid there curled up with each other for a long while just enjoying the other’s company until Sasuke spoke up again, “hey, Menma?” His hand moved from Menma’s back to his hip and his thumb rubbed circles there. “Do you think we could kiss for a bit?”
Menma’s cheeks warmed. He cleared his throat and adjusted in the nest receptively to place himself nearly beneath Sasuke while wrapped in the nest’s curvature. Sasuke smiled, moved over top of Menma carefully, and captured his lips without so much as another word.
Within only a couple of minutes, they were breathless. Sasuke’s glowing eyes looked into Menma’s and he could see their star pattern reflected there. Menma looked good like that. It made Sasuke hope that the legends were true about Taka and their partners. If they were, then all Menma and he had to do was continue to deepen their bond. Then, Menma could gain the same powers of sight as Sasuke.
While Sasuke was lost in his thoughts, Menma pulled his partner in for another breath stealing kiss. When they parted, Menma whispered huskily, “you wanna do more?”
Sasuke’s eyes widened and he nodded keenly. That was what all of his preparations were for. That was what the nest was for.
He allowed his shaky hands to explore his human partner in a way that they never had before. Menma was usually pretty stubborn especially when it came to making decisions in battle, but here was different. He bent and formed around Sasuke’s touch. When Sasuke opened up his shirt, Menma pouted cutely, but he allowed Sasuke to inspect him, gasping when the Taka’s fingers neared his intimate areas, but he never stopped him. When he played with the two pink beads on Menma’s chest, Menma moaned for him and raised his hips.
So, Sasuke explored there too. His hands ran down Menma’s wanting body and his fingers crept under his waistband. Menma squirmed; he was ticklish. But there was something more at play. He was beginning to pitch a tent in his pants.
Sasuke eyed the protuberance with a pitying smile. “May I?” He asked, still playing with the hem of Menma’s tight pants.
Menma fought a groan of embarrassment, “j-just do it…” His face wasn’t getting any cooler.
Sasuke obliged. When Menma was free, he could feel his relief. His human relaxed into the nest and finally, Sasuke touched him between his legs. At first, Menma jumped, but Sasuke was careful with him. He was very curious to get to know all of Menma so he was slow and deliberate.
Menma moaned again and Sasuke began to recognize his own desires growing. Each time Menma moved, Sasuke wanted to move with him. Pushing aside the flaps of his blue kimono jacket to access himself under his pleated tan shorts, Sasuke did indeed join him. He got so lost in the sensation that his hand on Menma nearly stopped entirely.
“Are you…touching yourself?” Menma asked, snapping Sasuke back to attention.
“I’m sorry, kitten,” Sasuke half moaned. “You’re just so tempting~”
Menma’s eyes sharpened on him before he hooked his hips with his leg. Their pelvises met and it was made very clear to Sasuke that Menma wasn’t going to play second fiddle to the Taka’s desires. Sasuke laughed, “alright alright I get it.” Menma really was stubborn, and he loved him for it.
Instead of touching them both separately, he decided that he’d keep them both together. They worked best as a team after all. He freed himself from his bottoms and grinded down on Menma. They were both fairly new to this behavior, so it didn’t take long to get them both panting and throbbing. Then, Sasuke experienced yet another new sensation. Both of them were leaking and their combined slickness made grinding so much easier. It felt amazing.
Instinctively, Sasuke wanted more. Slipping his member beneath Menma’s, he prodded his entrance. Menma moaned lustfully and relaxed under Sasuke’s pressure. Feeling welcome, Sasuke took his chance and Menma embraced his length fully. He was tight even though up until now he was quite relaxed, and Sasuke was barely ready for it. They both groaned as they acclimated to the new sensations, but Sasuke couldn’t wait for long. His natural tendencies dictated that he peg away at Menma and Menma received him gladly, although he did have to make an active effort to loosen up.
All the while, Sasuke made sure Menma’s member felt just as well loved as he was. The couple’s excitement grew in tandem, but Menma was just a little faster and just a little more impatient. Sasuke couldn’t blame him. He was feeling Sasuke from two directions, and he couldn’t help it if it was pushing him over the edge.
So, Sasuke let Menma have his climax. He deserved it. And while Menma was deep in the throes of ecstasy, Sasuke finished as well– deep inside his human.
The following minute was a blur for Sasuke. Somehow, he’d managed to scoop Menma up the wall of their nest and had him placed nearly in his lap. Menma’s fingers were pressed firmly into the base of his wings, and they were both breathing heavily.
“Sasuke, that was-”
“Hell yeah, we should-”
“Do it more often?”
Menma softened before whispering breathlessly, “that’s my Taka.”
@anannua Ask and you shall receive...
I will not apologize for lateness or the inclusion of Menma. I had waaaaay to much fun with this and it took forever, but I'm proud.
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kaguyabones · 1 year
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Those youths are from my fanon Menma Next Generations AU! Let me introduce them to y'all and talk a little about their bond. So let's start from left to right:
Violet square: they're Shikari (son of Shikamaru and Kiba) and Tami (daughter of Temari and Tenten). As you can see, Shikari is kinda punk but when it comes to Tami he gets shy and clumsy. Anyway, Tami is deeply in love with him, that's why she's always bothering him. She has Temari's nature after all.
Blue square: here we have Inoue (the pink-haired one, son of Sakura and Ino) and Tenma (Tami's twin). The softer relationship you'll ever hear from me. Inoue is an introvert guy who likes to be at peaceful places, all alone. Of course, there's an exception: he prefers Tenma's company over his solitude.
Mint green square: those are Teru (son of Sai and Yamato yeah that's the reason why he looks so whey-faced) and Sarah Lee (Rock Lee's daughter). They're teammates, because of this they spend a lot of time together. Teru is secretly in love with her (but everyone knows except Sarah), but his feelings aren't requited. Sarah fell for Inoue.
Green square: two masterminds; Genji (the red-haired one, daughter of Gaara and Neji) and Ozen (daughter of Kakashi and Obito). They don't get along pretty well, actually they have and enmity initiated by Ozen. But she hides more than shows.
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venust1na · 1 year
Menma: Naruto Next Generations My AU
Pt. 2 (The Generation of Dreams)
Satoshi Haruno Hyuga
They call him the Byakugan master because of his easiness to use this dojutsu, he has trained medical Justus since he was young so he is pretty good at healing and stuff, he has strength, not like Sakura or Hisaku but he is pretty strong. From Hinata he has the Jūho Sōshiken (The Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists) or at least he knows how to use it, but he needs a better chakra control to actually master it. He is pretty smart and analytical, in his team he is known as the strategist and everyone in the academy was astonished by his combat skills and everything.
- Really shy but when he is confortable turns into a total mess
- Ambivert
- Skilled with normal jutsus, uses Byakugan
- Prefers medical ninjutsu
- INTJ - Aquarius
- Learnt to use the Byakugan (the one that is better at it in the family)
- Likes to stay in cozy places and likes to go out to cafes and stuff like that, doesn’t like adrenaline
- Has a PRETY good chakra control, and because of that he is going to obtain his byakugou soon
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serpentartist · 1 year
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Menma's team sketch
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aidontdraw · 5 days
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I gave up on rendering...
Spoiler scene for Konoha Crush: Next Generation.
Kankuro was the first one up to make a pot of coffee. Sasuke the next. Followed by Menma. Finally Gaara & Boruto, only to see Naruto a minute later.
“Did you start the kettle?” Gaara asked.
“Don’t worry, princess Naruto’s tea is on the counter.” Kankuro joked.
“Thank you.” Gaara first placed Boruto in a still sleepy Naruto’s arms, then walked over to the counter.
Pouring Naruto a cup of no caffeine tea, with honey. It was his favorite, but it could get tiring after 9 months. If he was being honest, more like 2, almost 3 years without coffee. It felt like a lifetime.
“Love ya’.” Naruto smiled at the tea before him.
Gaara smiled, and kissed Naruto's forehead, then made a bottle for Boruto. He handed it off to his husband, who provided to feed their child in between his own tea. Still sleepy from the night before.
“Need any help?” Sasuke asked awkwardly.
Gaara looked around, “there’s nothing you can do.”
Sasuke sat down on the corner seat of the table watching the performance of a lifetime. They all moved together in synch, each knowing the next part of the routine. Kankuro and Gaara swapped places to focus on different parts of breakfast.
Menma seemed to share his fathers attributes to the morning, and not his mothers. Already acutely awake and planning his day. He would be able to go straight to school after breakfast was done.
Gaara scraped the bottom of the pan, pulling up any bits of bacon that attached itself. Thick popping grease created a perfect place for the eggs. Nice and fried in bacon fat.
“Menma,” Gaara announced, “put your homework on the table. I want to look it over.”
“Yes dad.” Menma reached over for his book bag, taking out a few sheets of paper.
Gaara said, “Kankuro, switch.”
“Yeah-yeah.” Kankuro got up, coffee still in hand as he took over egg duty.
“Actually, you might be better suited to this,” Gaara admitted.
“Hah?” Kankuro cracked open two eggs.
“My homeworks on the history of puppets,” Menma said excitedly. The years of indoctrination by his uncle worked too well, “I did my report on Lord Sisori.”
Sasuke's face twisted in confusion.
Naruto calculated in his head, looked over to Sasuke, “They’re at the Third Ninja War Unit right now.”
“Still,” Saskue asked, “Sasori?”
“Yeah! He’s amazing! His 100 puppet technique saved so many lives during the Third Ninja War. He was basically able to be his own army.” Menma recited facts, like his mother, he was a bit of a show off.
“Sisori is an important figure here.” Naruto admitted.
“Sisori?” Sasuke confirmed.
Kankruo and Gaara switched places, the new puppet master of Sunagakure said, “Like it or not… His techniques revolutionized modern puppetry.”
Sasuke’s face contorted again, glancing back over to Naruto. Boruto in his arms, getting a pat on the back. Then spitting up a bit on a towel and smiling a toothless grin.
“You want to mention that he didn’t actually turn the sand red. Most of the battle fields were near the Sisori Clift Side, by the Rivers Nation. The ground there is iron rich clay.” Kankuro said after finishing a rough read of the paper, “That’s what gave it the red color.”
“Yeah, but the enemy didn’t know that. So they just assumed it was so thick with the blood of his victims that it stained the ground.” Naruto added.
“Yep! It's a great example of Sunagakure’s resourcefulness. You want to use everything you can against your enemy… Including their own stupidity.” Kankuro said, “Most people don’t know anything about this fuc<i>-ggen</i> place. They die before they even reach the gates.”
“That’s not important.” Menma said confidently.
“It is. Imagine you went against Lord Sisori,” Naruto transformed into teaching mode, it was natural after all these years, “You’ve heard terrifying things, that he’s killed so many. You have a rudimentary idea of what the desert should look like. You get to the battlefield, and it looks nothing like that. It's red. Blood red. Do you think you’d be afraid?”
Naruto chuckled, “Okay… do you think someone else might be afraid?”
“Maybe?” Menma shrugged.
“They would be.” The first time Naruto saw that place, he thought the ground was stained with blood too, “People make stupid decisions when they're scared. He knew that and used it to his advantage.”
“That's kinda cool… I guess.”
Sasuke tried to enter the conversation, “Ya’ know, Sakura fought him once.”
“She did?!”
“Yes,” Naruto sighed, and glared at Sasuke, “It was arguably the official start of the Fourth Ninja War.”
“I thought it started because of the Gokage Summit.” Menma said in confusion. That's what a lot of the history textbooks would say. It was a clear line in the sand, when the Gokage formally joined forces against the Akatsuki.
“Well, yes, but also, war is a funny thing. There are many things that lead up to it and it's hard to ever say when it really starts.” Naruto said.
“What do you think started it?”
Gaara answered quickly, “The Third Shinobi War.”
“That doesn't make sense.”
“After it ended the Dynamos and Kages agreed to enter a disarmament, causing many villages to lose a majority of their funding.” Gaara explained, “The loss of money ment villages had to decide on whether or not they could pay for veterans benefits. Most decided they couldn’t. Leaving several very powerful ninja without a way to earn an income from the state. Many went rogue.”
“Of those that went rogue, were the members of the Akatsuki. All people who played a part in the Third Ninja War. All trying to create eternal peace, due to the issues they faced in the Third War.”
Naruto added, “Your fathers right, because of all of that we entered a dark age. Without a reason to fight, there was no reason to pass down knowledge. Many ninja families were killed off, in fear that they still had power. When they died their histories died with them.”
“So war is good?” Menma still couldn't comprehend the complexities of war at his young age. As he shouldn’t. The young boy should be writing histories of heroes who saved the day. Something that would carry hope for the future.
Naruto said, “No.”
“War is complicated.” Gaara added.
“Heavy topics for breakfast,” Sasuke noted as he ate his eggs that were done in the middle of their long winded speeches.
“We were going to leave it at Lord Sisori’s accomplishments in the Third Ninja War… but somebody had different ideas.” Naruto glared at him.
“When would you say the Fourth Ninja War started, Mr. Sasuke?” Menma asked.
Who responded with, “Konoha Crush.”
“What's that?”
“It was when-
“It's how me and your father met.” Naruto said, glaring at his ex.
“Yes.” Gaara said, “Your mother showed me great compassion, and our relationship bloomed from there.”
“And it had nothing to do with the Fourth War. It was a fringe group who attacked Konoha.” Naruto added.
“I’d hardly call Suna a fringe group…” Sasuke scoffed.
“I’m talking about The Sound.”
“We attacked Konoha?” Menma couldn't comprehend that. They had been allies since before he was born. His mother was from there, his cousin was from there, they visited often.
“Yes.” Gaara tried not to shy away from his own past.
“Does that mean Shikadai might be my enemy one day?”
“No,” Naruto said confidently, “We’re in an age of peace.”
“Plus, there are many treaties in place to ensure that Konoha and Sunagakure remain allies.” Kankuro tried to help out.
Menma was still concerned, “How do we know they’ll stay?”
“Because you and Shikadai exist,” Naruto accidentally placed a heavy burden onto his child's shoulders, “You all will ensure that our treaties will live on in the future.”
“Now enough talk about war… Finish up your breakfast.”
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ao3feed-hashimada · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jaAMBiw
by Anonymouskuchiki
Sasuke goes over to break up with Jugo and runs into his hot roommate instead
Words: 6228, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Road to Ninja Hyuuga Hinata, Uzumaki Menma, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Boruto, Namikaze Minato, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Izumi, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura, Ootsutsuki Indra, Uchiha Kagami, Deidara (Naruto), Yahiko (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Temari (Naruto), Nara Shikamaru, Nara Shikadai, Other Naruto Character(s)
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Menma, Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Izumi, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Katou Dan/Tsunade, Konan/Nagato | Pain, Uchiha Shisui/Yahiko, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Hatake Sakumo/Orochimaru, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Ootsutsuki Indra/Uchiha Naori, Mitsuki/Uzumaki Boruto, Kawaki/Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura/Uzumaki Mito
Additional Tags: Female Uchiha Sasuke, Female Uchiha Izuna, Female Senju Hashirama, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Genderbending, Ashura and Indra are not related, Red-Haired Uzumaki Naruto, tattooed Naruto, Naruto and Menma are twins, Boruto is Naruto’s brother, Sarada Is Sasuke’s sister, Past Relationship(s), Cheating, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Sasuke has tattoos, Uchiha Sasuke Has a Crush, Good Parent Uchiha Fugaku, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Smart Uzumaki Naruto, Beefy Uzumaki Naruto, Large Cock, 69 (Sex Position), Accidental Voyeurism, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Female Orochimaru (Naruto), Female Hatake Kakashi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jaAMBiw
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ao3feed-kakaobi · 2 years
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arbitrarygreay · 8 months
Oh my, now this is a song begging for a bass cover. (For potential link rot purposes, this is Ogata Risa's Jirashite Aishite)
Arrangement credit goes to "Menma", who doesn't have an H!P wiki entry, but uta-net pulls through. They have a sizable record, including a few different Love Live groups. This is a Hoshibe composition, and the same Hoshibe/Menma combo also contributed a very similar funk/disco song, Plastic Generation, to Maachan's debut single as a C-side.
I wonder if UF will eventually let this combo come to H!P, or if they'll keep it in M-Line for now. Perhaps Karin will be blessed by them next?
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Official name: Unexpected
Only here on En here. From author personally.
P.s. sometimes dumb! Oops. (Daichi/dai/day - one person)
- Come on, Naruto.
The black-haired girl had his eyes.
He had seen her before.
- Ah, Kumiko. Through the door entrance for the weak?
It was the same girl who a few minutes ago had organized a quick conversation in the confusion in front of a lot of families coming from the same exam.
- An urgent gathering at your house, Uzumaki-doshi. It does not tolerate delay.
The girl bowed respectfully, and went the same way back.
"She is the strangest chunin, after Orochimaru..."
And went after the girl..
..Upon arrival, he found himself in complete shock.
- Uh... Today, instead of an equally strange alternative to this dobe, everyone suddenly decided to stare at me? However, start this your hurdy-gurdy anew, M.. Kumiko.
"They don't want to give out the strongest? Clever, datteban'ya" - Boruto tactfully kept silent. Maybe Dad will be ready to find out.. A little bit later.
- Fine, usaratonkachi. We are not with very pleasant news. And, - The woman pointed at Daichi. - Probably everything is bad if the son of Naruto and Sakura had to find himself in a world where he, in fact, did not exist. Sakura-chan, we understand that you're after work, but don't make such a face until you've been informed what the actual problem is.
- Well, go on, but it's not every day that I see a so-called son whose father didn't even kiss!
Sakura tried to be calm. But after the shift, I didn't take into account similar ones... Farces, yes, there is no other way to call them.
- But with your husband a few. What I was leading to..a. In short. We all had one thing in common. In view... Parties of the dead, yes, it sounds funny, not funny when a grandfather drags his granddaughter to the next world, and her husband barely saved the children. I'm not going to explain, but it was perfect... Real chaos.
Miko, the same girl companion, nodded for Daichi to continue.
- In general, it is impossible to allow the disclosure of seals. Unfortunately, we don't know much ourselves.. Whether it's people, or maybe a moron stone. It's different for everyone.. The fact that it is obvious against the ten-tails and others, we will not pass the second time. Naruto..
Green, bright eyes glared at the one who was now the deciding voice. For whom it was arranged..What are they hoping for?
- We must organize a search without panic and murder. Otherwise it's easy for us.. Either we all die, or your son will be added to my company. And so on until the last one, until we find ourselves... Somewhere where, for example, Kushina and Minato failed, and the world turned into the cradle of the Nine-Tailed. Or where the eternal Shinobi wars take place, and the clans did not come to a truce at all even once. I hope I sound and look convincing enough?
Mikoto stared at him with support. Hopefully, Menma is next to Sarada, who just recognized each other before. Sakura is like a bell in a tired head - "intonation, behavior, eyes" - all with her part, identical pressure. Unless, she was... More violent.
And the gloomy Sasuke, who only by coincidence returned, felt unfamiliar, but... Chakras of relatives besides Sarada.
"Naruto and Sakura's son? The guy is really very similar.. But he didn't say something. How does he know that there were others before him? That's ****, I've never noticed the chakra before.. Such pressure. Like..."
And then he realized what was wrong. Of course, Sasuke will definitely talk about this with Naruto, they don't go crazy collectively..? From the fact that for several years you felt the only related chakra per kilometer, which was its obvious plus.
And now something has been added there.
Also native, but.. Purely logically impossible. Moreover, one of them is already an adult balanced flow... Strangely heavy.
"The current is balanced... So, this person is also an adult relative. No... Confused, like a person in deep shock .." - Consciousness blocked [looks like childhood], driving away sticky panic. - "So... So, not alone. An adult, and another child. They don't say everything.."
- Don't look like that. Do you think it's cool for me to be without my parents one day, even seeing them every day? And we have another problem. What other family do you think is looming on the horizon? Uzumaki-Uchiha. I'm not the only one, they are too. Please don't laugh, Sister-luck is not on our side. If they were here, they wouldn't even be able to really hinder them. And he - Now Daichi pointed to Menma, who had been standing aside before. - We don't look askance at Menma, I haven't even really had time to be a genie. He is also one of them, but you understand that this is a child, and whoever does not understand, we will prove to him. Now to the main thing.
- The power of such as Uzumaki-Uchiha can break seals. We have to find at least one. Why not two at once? Menma said that if they act together, we will simply waste our strength against them. The girl continued.
Mikoto-san's face remained impassive. As if indeed.. Not concerned.
- Summing up, we want to summarize. We ourselves know quite a bit, but we hope for understanding. Of course, the words can be confirmed by removing the first of the forty seals.. You will understand this when you meet a couple of the dead.
- Well, or when the opposite world appears to you. What are your bets if it's a young Uzumaki on the Akatsuki side? Or else.. Menma, it's more correct to say.
Daichi tried not to think about what his younger brother would tell him later.
- An option where Naruto was as vindictive as Sasuke was stubborn, trying to return the young man to his native village. You must understand that if this is a Nine-tailed, trained Orochimaru, he is ready to take off the heads of all the madmen who want to stop him. It will be lucky if the fight is at least approximately equal, datta.
Mikoto, a la rootless Kumiko, was quite emotional when she tried to be more convincing.
Uzumaki was trying to put this whole mess in his head.
Seals? Will the dead rise again? Other realities?
Yes, even thinking about it was too much.. Implausible.
- I'll be happy to help. But if you confirm your words. You appeared in the village like a bolt from the blue, nothing is known about you, in particular about such a jonin and even earlier the status of genin.
"Oh, so absolute identity isn't enough for you? Maybe we'll invite Madara to visit again on purpose? Or just Kagyu?"
Mikoto's patience evaporated with great speed.Of course, to some extent Naruto is right, and there is no solid evidence yet... Yes, even a specific object to search for.
- And who prevented you from just repeating it?
- Both stopped. Have the others swallowed their tongue? Hokage decides for you, or do you have your own opinions?
Now a girl stands in the middle of both. Smiling quite amiably.
Sakura came out first.
- It's better to check than to guess and get into a mess. And if there is nothing, nothing will be spent unnecessarily.
- Thank you, Sakura-chan. Others? Not you, so we have a lot of villages.. It's just nice to have your native village on your side. Although Naruto knows better that it's me.
Daichi just shook his head at that..
"Mikoto-san knows too much, but I hope he will understand that there is no need to say more.. They'll be scared even more"
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When my Menma Next Generation AU meets Ash and his two pokemons, Pikachu and Greninja
Itoka Uchiha: Who's that? *Pointing at Ash, Greninja, and Pikachu*
Menma Uzumaki: I don't know but, that mouse looks cute. *Points at Pikachu*
Yodo Uchiha: I agree.
Menma Uzumaki: Let's pet it!
Menma and Yodo walks toward Ash
Pikachu: PIKA!CHUUUUU! *Uses thunderbolt on Menma and Yodo causing them to scream.
Menma and Yodo fainted
Everyone: *Panics*
Ash Ketchum: Oh no.....
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damien-wolfram-art · 1 year
Noble Conceptions
Sasuke rocked his thin hips solidly, breaching his husband’s yielding entrance. Menma grunted at the sensation of fullness Sasuke gave him. His left leg rested comfortably on Sasuke’s left shoulder where his shoulder length black hair tickled him as their naked bodies moved as one.
He was married to Sasuke nearly a decade ago. The foundation of their marriage was an arranged and rocky one. His big brother, Naruto, the king of the Uzumaki kingdom, used him as a bargaining chip to end a war with the Uchiha Kingdom's Sasuke. 
His mother, Musubi Uchiha, would have been excited for him though. His marriage, as a child born from both Uzumaki and Uchiha lineage, was enough to rekindle the bond between the Uchiha and Uzumaki kingdoms. In time, Sasuke learned just how important these roots were to Menma and in turn, Menma grew to love Sasuke. 
Years later, when Sasuke asked about having a child, Menma couldn’t bring himself to say no. The process of becoming a carrier would not be easy, but Menma persisted for the sake of his husband. A private doctor who went by the name Orochimaru was contacted on behalf of the two Uchiha kings and Orochimaru offered Menma a bottle of pills meant to change his body so that he could carry a child.
Thus began a very long year. Menma struggled with his transition. Though his changes were all internal his body fought hard to reject them. He had random hot flashes and he suffered wild mood swings. His belly never felt quite right and ramen sometimes appalled him. At one point he bled so much that he thought he lost all of his progress. It was the worst.
When he finally got the go ahead to try for a baby, it was euphoric. Sasuke always felt good inside of him, but this time was different. There was more than lusty gratification to his thrusts. Sasuke wanted a child as bad as he did. He moved with love and intention.
Menma could feel him quaking though. Sasuke was reaching his limit. He came down hard inside of Menma; it was as hot as his fire-style and Menma loved it. The feeling of it caused Menma to join him, making a mess of Sasuke’s chest,neck, and even his chin.
Sasuke remained inside of Menma for a minute, panting. Menma gently scratched at Sasuke’s strong back with his black manicured fingernails and once they both were ready, Sasuke pulled out. He laid to Menma’s right and gently ran his hand over his pliant member before resting it on his lower abdomen. It was done.
In the comfort of Sasuke’s warm embrace, Menma knew everything was going to turn out alright.
Happy BIRTHday Menma! <3
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It was a success! Look at the happy family!
Line art assistance by @flawlessstriker
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kaguyabones · 2 years
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Some of my fanon AU about Menma from original art. I’m not good with ideas, as you can see. No me funen.
Their names (starting from left to the right) are: Shikari, Menma, Mitsuki, Inoue, Teru, Kano and Tenma. Nice to meet ya.
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venust1na · 1 year
Menma: Naruto Next Generations My AU
Pt. 1 (explication)
So basically I will explain my AU (relationships, etc)
1. Everything goes like the original manga and anime, the only change is that:
- some of the characters are alive
- the couples change (I do ship naruhina and sasusaku but I prefer sasunaru and sakuhina)
- there will be variations (like, I know that for the plot Itachi and Shisui need to be dead but sometimes I will be doing other AUs when they are alive, same goes with Team Minato, Jiraiya, Minakushi, etc.)
2. Couples, Kids, Info:
(Some of the kids are just my OCs, later on I will explain about the kids)
Uchiha Uzumaki Family:
Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha
- Significant Other: Sasuke
- Age: 33 (Hokage since he was 22)
- Level: Kage of Konohagakure
- Team: Sasuke and Sakura
- Nickname: The Child of The Prophecy
Sasuke Uchiha
- Significant Other: Naruto
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin (almost Kage)
- Team: Naruto and Sakura
- Nickname: The Last Uchiha, Shadow Hokage
1. Kawaki Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant Other: Hisaku
- Age: 16
- Level: Jōnin (ANBU)
- Team: Hisaku and Sayumi
- Nickname: Firstborn of the 7 Hokage, Captain ANBU Kwaki
2. Menma Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Satoshi
- Age: 14
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Hoki and Memory
- Nickname: Uchiha Uzumaki Clan Legacy, The wielder of the Blue Sharingan, The Blue Lightning of Konoha
3. Naruko Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Memory
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Mikoto and Kento
- Nickname: The will of the 7 Hokage, The first daughter of the Uchiha Uzumaki clan, Princess of the Sharingan
4. Sarada Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Sumire
- Age: 12 (Boruto’s twin sister)
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Boruto and Mitsuki
- Nickname: The great kunoichi of the new generation
5. Boruto Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Mitsuki
- Age: 12 (Sarada’s twin brother)
- Level: Genin
- Team: Sarada and Mitsuki
- Nickname: The dark sun
6. Himawari Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Atena
- Age: 10
- Level: Genin
- Team: Yuina and Ehō
- Nickname: The flaring sunflower
7. Minato Uchiha Uzumaki
- Significant other: Mikoto
- Age: 9
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: none
- Nickname: Konoha’s Prodogy
Haruno Hyuga Family:
Hinata Hyuga de Haruno
- Significant other: Sakura
- Age: 32
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Kiba and Shino
- Nickname: Byakugan Queen
Sakura Haruno
- Significant other: Hinata
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin (medical Ninja)
- Team: Naruto y Sasuke
- Nickname: The Strongest Kunoichi
1. Hisaku Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Kawaki
- Age: 16
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Kwaki y Sayumi
- Nickname: The firstborn of the Byakugan Queen
2. Satoshi Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Menma
- Age: 14
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Shia and Mirai
- Nickname: The chosen by the Byakugan
3. Memory Haruno Hyuga
- Significant Other: Naruko
- Age: 14 (11 months younger than Satoshi)
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Menma and Hoki
- Nickname: The pearly rose, the indomitable konoichi
4. Athena Haruno Hyuga
- Significant other: Himawari
- Age: 10
- Level: Genin
- Team: Eiki and Osuka
- Nickname: Konoha’s key
Hatake Umino Family:
Iruka Umino de Hatake
- Significant other: Kakashi
- Age: 42
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: -
- Nickname: Director of Konohagakure Shinobi Academy
Kakashi Hatake
- Significant other: Iruka
- Age: 42
- Level: Kage
- Team: Obito and Rin
- Nickname: Kakashi of the sharingan, the copy Ninja, the 6th Hokage of Konohagakure
1. Hoki Hatake Umino
- Significant other: -
- Age: 14
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Menma y Memory
- Nickname: Son of the 6th hokage
Sabaku no Family:
Gaara Sabaku no
- Significant other: Aroace king
- Age: 33
- Level: Kage (Kazekage of Sunagakure)
- Team: Temari and Kankurō
- Nickname: The golden child, Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd
1. Shinki Sabaku no
- Significant Other: -
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Yodo and Araya
- Nicknames: Godaime Kazekage Heir
Kankurō Sabaku no
- Significant other: -
- Age: 37
- Team: Temari and Gaara
- Nicknames: Puppet master Kankurō
Nara Family:
Temari Nara
- Significant other: Shikamaru
- Age: 38
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Gaara and Kankurō
- Nickname: Wind goddess
Shikamaru Nara
- Significant other: Temari
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Ino and Choji
- Nicknames: Hokage’s Chief Aide
1. Temaki Nara (OC)
- Significant other: -
- Age: 14
- Level: Jōnin (ANBU)
- Team: Sunagakure ANBU division
- Nickname: Hidden Sand Best Strategist
2. Shikadai Nara
- Significant other: Inojin
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Chocho and Inojin
- Nickname: Future of the Nara Clan
Yamanaka Family:
Ino Yamanaka
- Significant other: Sai
- Age: 33
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Shikamaru and Choji
- Nickname: The beauty of Konoha
Sai Yamanaka
- significant other: Ino
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Yamato, Naruto and Sakura
- Nickname: The painter, Proctor Anbu Chime
1. Shia Yamanaka (OC)
- Significant Other: Kento
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Satoshi and Mirai
- Nickname: The best spy of the new generation
2. Inojin Yamanaka
- Significant other: Shikadai
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Shikadai and Chocho
- Nickname: Yamanaka clans sucesor
Hyuga Family:
Tenten Hyuga
- Significant other: Neji
- Age: 33
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Neji and Lee
- Nickname: Konoha’s Warrior
Neji Hyuga
- Significant other: Tenten
- Age: 34
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Lee and Tenten
- Nickname: Hyuga’s strongest
1. Sayumi Hyuga
- Significant other: -
- Age: 16
- Level: Special Jōnin
- Team: Hisaku and Kwaki
- Nickname: Hyuga Clan princess
2. Kento Hyuga
- Significant other: Shia
- Age: 13
- Level: Chūni
- Team: Mikoto and Naruko
- Nickname: the new Byakugan protector
Akimichi Family:
Choji Akimichi
- Significant other: Karui
- Age: 33
- Level: Jōnin
- Team: Shikamaru and Ino
- Nickname: Akimichi Jūrokudaime Tóshu (Sixteenth head of the Akimichi family)
Karui Akimichi
- Significant other: Choji
- Age: 34
- Level: Chūnin
- Team: Omoi and Samui
- Nickname: Killer Bee Apprentice
1. Chocho Akimichi
- Significant Other: -
- Age: 12
- Level: Genin
- Team: Shikadai and Inojin
- Nickname: The beautiful butterfly of Konoha
End of pt.1
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sociieties · 2 years
2. what’s his ultimate goal? does he have a plan for afterwards? 3. how does he view konoha as is? the hokage system? the way it runs? 4. what are small quirks he has that no one ever thinks of? 5. his little …….. summons (?) how does he treat them? 6. at the end of the day, what does he want ? how does he go about getting it? 7. who is the person menma looks up the the absolute most?
default verse unless stated otherwise. it’s a lot so i’ll spare the dash of a long post.
2. to find something to do. for a long time, menma didn’t know who he was. he saw himself as a monster, a tool, other things that were completely dehumanizing. it works, he was treated and raised exactly like that and even after, he didn’t really stop that trend. the older he gets the more he wants to find himself, find something to do, some place to settle. he wants to find a way to separate himself from kurama again, but he thinks it’s a lost cause. he doesn’t see an ‘afterwards.’ he sees a today, a tomorrow, a yesterday, but no real long term thing. he’s his friends, he’s not the people who know him, either, he wants to sort his mind before anything else. this takes years, decades, even into the next generation being born he’s still looking.
3. in as little words as possible, he’s anti-government. these people, in menma’s eyes, did a piss poor job in running a village. there’s still orphans in the streets, kids being pulled into the darkness and being trained to kill each other. he doesn’t have enough interest in politics to offer ideas on how to fix it, but he thinks that the villages shouldn’t have formed, or at least people shouldn’t have been beaten into submission to join them. there’s failure after failure because things got so big and while at face value it’s looks nice, there’s so many people still suffering from decisions idled hokage have made. this question in and of itself if more than enough for me to write an essay on, but i won’t.
4. typical captive quirks: fidgeting, pacing, messing with things he has no real interest in, re-establishing his sense of place when people aren’t looking. he nods quite a bit instead of actually answering out of his mouth. he doesn’t like to speak, so he uses an almost alarming amount of hand gestures for a guy. he talks, mostly mumbles, to himself. not to kurama, to himself.
5. his summons are essentially a split up kurama. his relationship with kurama is something completely unique to him, so he was able to actually turn the failed cloak into summons. the logistics behind it is a work in progress, though. he treats them well, though. better than he treats himself, better than he treats other people. he doesn’t use them all that often, not for fighting anyway. more prone to call them for company. he’s soft of all of them even if he won’t admit it.
6. some level of inner peace. to be understood, but also to be feared. he wants people to see him, but he won’t let them in. if you meant in a deep sorta way, then go back to the second question. if you meant in a simple sorta way, he kinda just wants to be left alone by time the end of the day comes. he’ll literally avoid everyone if he has to, vanish completely if he has to.
7. menma doesn’t look up to people. in a really twisted sort of way, even after not wanting to know naruto for so long and flat out hating him and being jealous of him for so, so long, he looks up to naruto the most. not in the same way most people do (because he’s strong and stubborn and gets things done and he keeps his promises and ALL these other things), but because had the roles been reversed and menma was the one left to live naruto’s life and naruto was brought into root, menma knows that he wouldn’t have been able to cope or deal with all of it. he knows of what naruto went through and he finds how naruto managed to keep his mind is something menma looks up to. this doesn’t mean that he wants to talk to naruto or interact with him from his own volition, it doesn’t mean that he wants to be friends or brothers, he doesn’t want to bond and he doesn’t want to hear more about his life. he doesn’t want to swap stories, nor does he want to idolize naruto for not going insane. that’s the only thing he looks up to and even that is barely.
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