vixeria · 1 year
I had to go hunt it down in my files but I found it. Cant believe we’re back here again. People, I have been drawing for over 20 years now. I’m not stupid enough to claim an ai work let alone post it. There’s really no proof I can do that will ever satisfy anyone because AI has officially evolved to be able to make false WIP’s and sketches and everything. So. Take it as you will. This will be my last post on this subject. Any more of you ai-accusers/hunters, and I will start reporting you as cyber bullying.
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holified · 9 months
Unpopular opinion: Inuyasha's friends don't respect his feelings towards Kikyo and they don't make the smallest effort to be understanding. Whenever Kikyo is hurt and Inuyasha is decent enough to check on her, his friends treat him as some sort of horrible person cheating and abandoning his helpless wife when he LITERALLY LEFT KAGOME WITH THEM, A GROUP OF OF POWERFUL PEOPLE WHO LOVE HER AND WOULD DIE FOR HER, just to he can see if Kikyo is alive!! They talk about how he needs to be compassionate and shit but they act like little bitches when he is!
Don't even get me started on how he couldn't even mourn Kikyo because "other people are suffering too"!! I mean, ok, the others suffered her loss but do we really need to believe they, who hardly knew her, are suffering her loss the same way HE, WHO DEARLY LOVED HER, IS?!?!
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rins-hogosha · 2 years
You know would have been really funny? If Kagome had brought Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken snacks. I know people have done fanart and stuff about this, but just imagine Kagome giving Rin a lollipop or something. I'd cry
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universestreasures · 4 months
@lcstsons Sent: A BARBIE (2023) PROMPT (Accepting!)
if you ask me, you're responsible for this, too. (Motoki @ Mokuba)
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Oh...a line had been crossed, a dangerous line his twin shouldn't have even dared consider, yet he did so anyway without any regret or remorse. While it was understandable Motoki would be upset and frustrated that their elder brother still refused to speak to him even after having made it to the Battle City Finals on his own strength. Heck, the reaction was more than justified, and Mokuba had some things he'll have to tell Seto later.
What wasn't justified, though, in the slightest, was blaming the younger twin, the only person who supported his twin through the tournament despite not agreeing about his motives regarding his participation, partially for that rejection. It was totally not called for at all! Mokuba did nothing to deserve it, and as to be expected, he wasn't taking the causation well. Not at all...
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"How...How is any of this my fault?!" His voice shouts, the loud noise echoing throughout the small room inside the airship they had to share. "If anything, I've been the one trying to help you reconnect with Seto this whole time, ever since we got back from Duelist Kingdom! But...you've refused my help at each and every turn! You refused the locket I made you with pictures of our precious memories of the past, the very symbol of our family bond! You say you want Seto's approval, but...all I see is someone who can't own up to the fact that he is also to blame for things not changing!"
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serabellyms · 9 months
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“ you think i don’t acknowledge what’s happening?! every mistake i make has costs, and those costs are often the lives of innocent people! “     ⤷ @inufangs ✧ inuyasha.
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They should have expected it was one of Naraku's traps, but at this point, the traps were so convoluted nearly anything could be a trap. Over and over again, that wannabe illusionist seemed to catch them with something... and this time, unfortunately, Magilou had been forced to be the good guy for once. God, why did she have to care? Caring was exhausting.
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Of course, someone's recklessness, shouting, and obsessive sword-swinging had managed to bring down one of the tunnels, rumbling and shaking the ground until they both tumbled down deeper into the mountain, closer and closer to the hot molten rock that would probably burn both of them alive. Nevertheless, they were separated from the rest of the group, having fallen deep into the mountain where the heat of the molten rock underneath them was dangerous even for them. That, and the air was thick with brimstone, even visible as little yellow wisps of dust in the air. Not the best place to be stuck, but not the worst, either.
Magilou hadn't wasted time telling him it had been a mistake for him to be so reckless, but at this point, they just had to hope that someone would find them or that they found an alternate route out; her Guardian would only hold for so long. The others couldn't be far off, but even this deep into the woods, there wasn't a high chance they'd be found. At least they were sheltered from the poisonous air and the heat; the sulfur in the air wouldn't have killed either of them immediately, but after prolonged exposure, they'd certainly be feeling the effects.
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"If that's the case, then you are tragically unlearned for how long you've lived. What was it again, about two hundred years? Well, a hundred and fifty, if we count your fifty-year nap." She'd have thought after so many years he'd have learned, but perhaps that was the nature of born half-demons; though long-lived, they certainly weren't fast learners. Or perhaps that was just Inuyasha... that certainly could be the case, when push came to shove.
She wasn't about to let his slip of the tongue go, though.
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"How kind of you to say little old me is innocent, though. I'm flattered."
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kitramune · 8 months
I'm having feels again so bear with me, but Inuyasha is not that dense. He knows exactly what Kagome feels when it comes to having to somehow be compared to or live up to Kikyou. Their friends get that she has a complex, but I'd argue they don't REALLY get it. Inuyasha REALLY gets it. He is a hanyou. A torn existence that will always be compared to either a human or a youkai depending on the prejudice. He understands the pain of being compared and coming up short in people's eyes. This is why you canonically will NEVER see him compare the two in any direct way, and especially not to Kagome's face. Quite the opposite, in fact.
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Hell, I imagine if he'd been there to hear, it, Kikyou's "you are me" comments would have pissed him off. It's more than romantic drama or average teen coming of age angst. It's about identity issues. Inuyasha and Kagome are more alike than a glance would let on, and me, I love that and how it ties into some of the deeper themes. (Which ARE especially important to teenagers, don't get me wrong.)
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Hello! Hru? I love ur blog soo muchh♡ may I request human! Reader (from Kagome's world) who's really strong? Like the reader surprised the Inuyasha men (inuyasha, naraku and sesshomaru:> if you're not comfortable with these you can always change!) When a demon tried to attack her & the men tried to save reader but stop when they see her beating the demon up with bare hands or with a weapon she found brutally💀😭 And they just stood there dumbfounded like how tf🧍‍♂️? And when they ask how is she so strong, reader just shrugs and goes like "martial arts?"
Thank you and feel free to use any pronounces! I just wanna read sumn for once that doesn't have weak reader pls I'm so tired 💀💀
Hey anon! Sorry this is so late. I do agree with you on the last part. I'm tired of the weak reader all the time too. People gotta switch it up you know?
Strong ass Human!Reader in the Feudal Era with Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Naraku:
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Reveling in the heroism of saving a nearby village, the group started their journey elsewhere. Trekking through the forest, your rag-tag group ran into a boisterous pig yokai. Who, unfortunately, became smitten with your looks.
"I will have you as my bride. And we can make all the hanyou I want!"
Ew. The initial response was to ignore the pig. There've been many demons who would bother the group. And, after the fight you all came from, you just wanted to make camp. Inuyasha grumbled a quick, "Piss off," as the group passes by.
But, it seemed that the Pig was serious about his stupid claim. He bares his teeth and shoots forward at you, grabbing your legs. World tipping over, your head thumps against a patch of lush grass. How lucky. However, you felt a strong pull on your leg, dragging your body away from your friends.
Hell fuck no! In the midst of the dragging, your bag was in the perfect position to grab easily. With how quickly things happened, Inuyasha jumpstarts to save you. You grab the bulky hammer in your bag, hiding it from view.
The pig yokai guffaws and throws you over his shoulder. "When I see someone worthy of being a bride, it's my right to claim-OOUGH"
One hit to the dome scratched some skin off and left his brain to rattle. "WHAT THE-." The next swing made contact with his cheek, sending sanguine liquid onto the ground. The pig stood there shocked, with blood leaking from his mouth.
He gets angry and charges at you, again. This time, he wouldn't get you. Grounding yourself, you kick him back, which sends him flying back a few feet. Taking charge, you jump and start to gruesomely work on his head with the hammer.
"What da HELL!!! Y/N!!!" Inuyasha yells. He's totally flabbergasted. His eyes and mouth are so wide, it's comical. There's the desire to step in and protect you, but it's so impressed how strong and ferocious those swings were. Inuyasha didn't want to interrupt. It was kind of hot.
Although, Inuyasha is a little peeved that you didn't let him know how strong you were. The way you sent him back with that kick was unexpected. He starts cheering you on.
"Way to go Y/N!" He's standing there smiling with his hands on his hips. Once the beast was knocked out (or dead, who cares). You turn back to head to the group.
"Y/n that was so cool! When the hell did you get so strong?"
"Uhhhh....fighting with my cousins growing up?" You shrugged. "I just want to go lay down, can we hurry up and make camp somewhere?"
Now, he's wondering what type of humans your cousins are.
2. Sesshomaru
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This is one of the worst fears you had. Spiders. In your time, you could easily avoid an encounter with one of these wretched creatures. Modern houses and bug repellents helped tremendously. Not going out into nature and definitely NOT living in Australia did too. Since you've traveled back to the feudal era and were forced to interact with nature, your luck has been tested. And it just ran out today.
A fucking spider demon appeared. It was grotesque, smelly, and an abomination. And it was big too. It wanted to attempt to best Lord Sesshomaru in battle. Sesshomaru, of course, refuses. So, the dumb thing tries to shoot webs at you. Thankfully you dodged.
The hate for spiders took over your body. The fear you had compounded on top of that, making you scarier than the demon. It tries to stick its hairy and pointy leg through you, but you were quicker. With desperate and angered bare hands, you tore off its leg.
The spider yokai shouts in pain. Taking advantage of it's pause, you quickly tear off each limb. One by one.
Sesshomaru, in all his glory, stands there and says nothing. Does nothing. It really doesn't look like he's reacting but he is. The Demon Lord is extremely surprised that he's tense. His eyes are wide. Only thing that's slack is his hands.
The dagger in your side pouch begs to be utilized. It's appeased by you yanking it out and stabbing the yokai in one of it's many eyes. The screams, the power, and the needed imagery of you decimating this spider was iconic.
To Sesshomaru, it was obvious you were untrained. The ferocity of your actions cover it well. He's impressed and takes mental note to start training you. Maybe, have you be a little more graceful with your movements.
"This one had no indication of the strength you hold." Sesshomaru states.
".......I just really fucking hate spiders." you sardonically reply.
"...Hn. Noted. This one concurs with your sentiment."
Silently, he is pleased with this discovery. A small smile graces his face after you turn away
3. Naraku
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Narakus' lower demons were soooo annoying. Their existence was one that irritated you. Irritating when they sucked dick to Naraku and when they tried to be condescending towards you. Just because you were human. The audacity sent you over the edge.
The edge it sent you over was one close by. One of those things became unruly in your presence. Acting as it was better than you, the ugliness of it all. The decision to put it back in its place was swift and malicious. An example to others who felt the same.
Precise, your hand shoots out to grab the lowly yokai. Chucking it, the demon bashes against a nearby rock. It's body twitches on the ground, confused on what just occurred. Slowly, you walk over. With no urgency or care. It felt like you were Michael Myers in that moment. Once you made it over, you stare before stomping it. One more. And again. Again. Again. AGAIN. AGAIN. Until there was a crater in the dirt it crumpled in.
Naraku, some distance away, observed the scene with shocked eyes, his mouth slightly open. "This human...!"
He is pissed that you hid this information from him. And how did he miss this? He frequently spied on you, sent his wasps when he couldn't make a puppet! But now that he knows....you can be of use for him. You're a bit too....alluring to be considered a lackey, but he needed to have control over you somehow. A sly grin graces his face upon observing the aftermath. The squished gruel of guts and blood staining the ground and your shoes.
He approaches, with a questioning stare. "Y/n...pray tell, how did you aquire this power?"
"Oh, my parents had me do martial arts since I was a kid. Plus, I was angry."
All Naraku can think is how nice it was of your parents to prepare you for him and his deeds.
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malamira · 7 months
random idea but spy au where inuyasha is the brash but competent field agent who gets assigned on retrieval missions. always monitoring his earpiece is kagome, one of the newer (but not any less brilliant) tech agents assigned to be his partner. not much is known about kagome's background but inuyasha's assured that she's good at what she does, so he doesn't mind. he's met her once, but doesn't intend on making friends anyway, so he doesn't go out of his way to see her again. if kagome does her job then he's not going to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.
kagome is chatty, though, so he knows some things. she has a younger brother. her father passed away when she was young. she has a cat, she lives in an apartment by herself. inuyasha doesn't offer any personal information, but she doesn't mind—she just likes to fill in the dead air during long waits when inuyasha's in the field and he has to wait an ungodly amount of time before something happens.
they work well together, more or less—up until one retrieval mission where kagome is uncooperative, leading him down dead ends and wrong turns. it was supposed to be a simple in and out task—break into the building, head one of the many office on one of the many floors, grab the folder labeled #00415, and go. so simple that his superior just left it as a note on his desk.
he didn't ask questions on what this was all for; he didn't think he needed to. he never even bothered bringing it up. but with kagome purposefully fucking up the mission—almost leading him into a pack of gaurds to get caught—he's starting to get pissed off, because what the fuck, you're wasting time, i need to get this damn document and i need to do it now. he snapped as such into his mic and kagome instantly quiets, and thanks to her silence he eventually manages to find his way into the damn office.
it doesn't take him long to find the document, and with his mouth in a scowl he speaks into his mic that fuck, fucking finally he has it, thanks for nothing kagome, now he just needs to make sure that this file is the one, so he opens the folder labelled #00415 and peeks and—
name: higurashi kagome identification number: #00415 report: unknown role in the murder of higurashi kikyo
his eyes widen.
he speaks into his mic and demands to know what's going on, but kagome isn't responding. when he gets back to the agency, she's gone, none's seen her in hours, and his superior demands to know why he's been mia. inuyasha snaps that he went on that stupid retrieval mission and found kagome's file. his superior looks at him as if he were crazy.
"what retrieval mission?" his boss says, confused.
"the one you left on my desk this morning!"
"i didn't leave any thing on your desk, inuyasha. what are you talking about?"
inuyasha's stomach drops.
kagome, he thinks with dread. i have to find kagome.
"sir," inuyasha starts. "i think kagome's in danger."
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kstewdeux · 3 months
@inukag-week | InuKag Week 2024 | Yearning
Summary: Inuyasha had a craving for ramen after Kagome’s return and Kagome tried to deliver. | Also on Ao3
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Staring down at the steaming bowl of stew Kagome had presented him, Inuyasha tried to keep his expectations in check. Tried being the operative word here because, in the years Kagome was gone, he’d tried - oh how he tried - to recreate the taste of those sinful noodles. He had missed ramen almost as much as he missed the woman that was now his wife. The combination of spices, the texture of the noodles, and the comforting warmth had been unlike anything he had ever tasted. No matter how hard he tried, though, he couldn't replicate the complex flavors with the ingredients available in his time. He couldn’t even get close to the smell.
It was Kagome’s damn fault for introducing the salty futuristic bastards in the first place. She should’ve known better than to give him a taste of the finer things in life. Things that were quite literally impossible to get without her.
But, but this particular stew smelled close or, at least, close enough. There weren’t noodles, sure, but beggars couldn’t be choosers and it was the broth that really stole the show anyway. As the stew had simmered, Inuyasha’s expectations had reached dangerously high levels. Now the moment arrived. God, if Kagome really had managed to recreate it, they could put that broth in everything.
Hesitant but hopeful, he took a tentative sip.
He barely repressed his gag. Despite the scent being on point, the flavor and consistency was not. The piss poor stew was overly salty, the spices were unbalanced and dear god, there just weren’t enough insults in the world to describe the after taste. Even ass wasn’t good enough. Something, somewhere had gone horribly, horribly wrong. Despite the nauseating concoction making him want to puke, Inuyasha looked up at Kagome’s eager face and couldn't bring himself to dampen her enthusiasm. Against his better judgment, he took another sip and immediately regretted it but nothing was off the table when it came to protecting Kagome in every possible way so, with god as his witness, he was going to finish this before coming up with some excuse and leaving to go puke it up in the woods.
“Do you not like it?” Kagome asked worried as she wrung her hands, “I know there aren’t noodles but I thought the smell…”
“Nah, s’good woman. Quit your worrying,” he mumbled hoarsely before steeling himself and knocking back the whole bowl to get it over with.
That…oh boy…that was a mistake.
“Think…” a bit of vomit filled his mouth that he quickly swallowed down, “Think somethin’ in…” a gag he couldn’t repress as a cold sweat broke out. He stumbled towards the door and prayed, “Woods,” the world began to spin, “Stay. Be back.”
“Inuyasha, wait-“
He ran begging for this feeling to pass because his damn woman was too smart for her own good and would definitely get pissed at him despite this being entirely her fault. Three long years waiting for his woman to finally get her pretty face back here only for him and his stupid ass was managing to ruin everything over ramen.
The agony building in his stomach hit new levels when he tried to launch. The jolt then rapid ascent nearly had him spewing everywhere.
God, what did she use?!
The landscape around him had melted and his ears were ringing by the time he finally, mercifully made it into the woods. Unable to hold it in any longer, Inuyasha doubled over and vomited violently by a cluster of trees. The harsh taste of the stew mixed with the bitter bile, and he retched again, emptying his stomach. Over and over and over again because the persistent, nauseating taste lingered.
His breathing became ragged and labored between bouts of retching. His normally top notch vision blurred. Each wave of sickness seemed more intense than the last, leaving the hanyou who could toss demons ten times his weight trembling and drained until the convulsions eventually subsided and he stumbled over to a nearby tree to simply collapse.
If he didn’t know better, he would’ve said Kagome had just tried to kill him. He didn’t even have the strength to move further away from the putrid stench that had his stomach churning all over again. Another trickle of vomit bubbled over his lips. His mind screamed at him to black out and free him from this torment.
“That bad, huh?” Kagome’s nervous chuckle came from far too close and bleary golden eyes blinked open to find his wife kneeling in front of him.
Ah shit. So much for keeping how utterly disgusting that thoughtful attempt really was. Dumb woman. Following him. Her fault if she got her feelings hurt.
“What the hell did you put in that?” he mumbled miserably as Kagome gently grabbed his hands and helped him to his feet. She draped one of his arms around her shoulder and together they began the journey back.
“Chicken broth. Um some herbs. Vegetables. Some mushrooms I found and-“
Inuyasha sent her a miserable glare as something clicked. He immediately made a mental note to have Kaede teach Kagome about plants in general not just medicinal herbs because this whole fiasco could’ve been ten times worse.
“What the mushrooms look like?”
“They were just normal white mushrooms,” Kagome clipped defensively and Inuyasha wrinkled his nose.
“Did you eat any of that shit?” he asked - god his voice was so raw.
“Well no, I wanted to-“
“Do not eat that shit until you show me what mushroom you used,” Inuyasha muttered before his stomach decided to convulse again. Another dribble of bile found its way onto his robe before the ground came up to meet him.
By the time he reopened his eyes, Kagome was kneeling there looking guilty as hell. Her hands smoothed out a few wrinkles of her kimono like she was trying to buy time.
“Okay, so, don’t get mad-”
Inuyasha snorted softly as he rolled his sore body into its side and listened to his wife nervously explain that she might’ve accidentally kinda sorta poisoned him because she didn’t know how to identify poisonous mushrooms for what they were. An innocent mistake and thankfully one that didn’t kill her.
“S’fine,” Inuyasha mumbled as he grabbed her hand and led it to his ear. He hummed happily when she gave it a hesitant stroke, “Didn’t kill me.”
Kagome let out a shuddering breath.
“Could have. Apparently I’m not allowed to help with foraging anymore. Officially banned,” she offered with a weary laugh.
“I’ll talk with ‘em. How else you supposed to learn?” he offered hoarsely, “Dumbasses should’ve taught you. Not your fault you didn’t know.”
“I’d prefer you try to teach me,” Kagome countered shakily, “I’ve never been on the receiving end of Sango’s anger before. She raked me over the coals before dumping out everything we gathered this morning and storming off.”
Inuyasha’s lips twitched upwards at the visual.
“Yeah, I can do that. Learned the hard way what you can eat and what you can’t. Not the first time a mushroom took me down,” he snickered tiredly. Kagome’s fingers lightly traced his jaw.
“My poor baby,” she hummed sadly.
“Yeah, yours,” he agreed with an affectionate yet exhausted smirk before an echo of nausea had his expression falling. He groaned and closed his eyes. A moment later a damp cloth was pressed against his neck.
“You’re going to spoil me,” he muttered miserably, “Make me weak. Taking care of me like this.”
He shifted and added before Kagome could protest, “S’the best though. Getting spoiled. Don’t mind.”
He could hear Kagome’s smile in her voice as she carded her fingers through his hair.
“Then spoil you I shall.”
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feudalmerengue · 3 months
They could not sleep for several months
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•When Kagome was giving birth Inuyasha freaked out even more than her and he was stressing Kagome and everyone else so Sango called Miroku to get him out of the hut (he was extremely pissed by this) ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
•Moroha was born at dawn (idk why)٩( ᐛ )و
•Inuyasha was able to calm her down immediately (o^^o)
•Moroha is a daddy’s girl ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
•Inuyasha wanted Kagome to rest but she felt that she shouldn’t . Ended in a fight (`_´)ゞ
•Inuyasha was better than Kagome at detecting what Moroha needed (good sense of smell and stuff BUT ALSO bc he is a great father) ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
•The twins and Shippo ADORE HER ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
•Her first words were “sit boy” (doesn’t work on her) ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
•As soon as she started walking Inuyasha wanted to start training her. Ofc Kagome did not approve and sat him ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
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authorautumnbanks · 1 month
Accidentally Dating (13)
Summary: A series of accidental dates and meetings between Kagome and Satoru over the years.
Pairing: KagomexGojo
Series Master list
Kagome's arms wrap around him, but his mind is somewhere else. He feels light. A little off. But mostly, he just feels as though his body is not his own, and he's just going through the motions. How did he get here? When did he get here? There was the mission. That curse user. And Riko... that's right, Riko is dead.
Should he have killed those cult members? Suguru said not to, but maybe he should have, so this doesn't happen again. Or maybe it doesn't matter. Suguru said that too. Killing them won't bring Riko back and their deaths would be pointless.
"Satoru," Kagome calls more sharply this time. She pulls back and grabs his arms, giving him a jolt. His body freezes. He angles his head towards her. "Talk to me." She stares up at him with concern. His eyes drift down, taking in the oversized shirt and shorts. His shirt and shorts. Kagome is drowning in the fabric.
Oh right. It's late. She must have been getting ready for bed.
He opens his mouth. His throat is thick with emotion and the only thing that comes out is a grunt. Satoru shuts his mouth and brushes his knuckles down her cheek. "You're beautiful." There's something oddly endearing about her wearing his clothes before bed.
Kagome blushes and rubs her hands up and down his arms. "Okay, that's a start." She lowers her hands and takes his. "Come on. You have blood all over you. Let's get you cleaned up and then we can talk."
He does?
Satoru glances at his shirt. Right. The fight. "It's mine, but I'm fine now. Learned reverse curse technique, so I healed myself."
Kagome frowns. "You are not fine." She wets her lips and then tugs him along. She leads them down the hall to the bathroom. "Mom and Dad are still in Italy. Not sure when they will be back, but Gramps and Sota left to join them. Not sure when anyone will be back, but it'll probably be awhile since Gramps and Sota highjacked the trip."
"You didn't want to go?"
Kagome flicks on the light and turns on the shower. "No, we had plans, remember?"
Satoru nods, though Kagome isn't looking at him. "The mission took longer than it was supposed to but..." He stops and shrugs out of his jacket and bloody shirt. "It was her last days as being her and we..."
Kagome turns and embraces him. She rubs her hand up and down his back. "It's okay. Not your fault, Toru."
"But It is my fault." He wraps his arms around her and inhales. "Wasn't strong enough. She's dead because I couldn't take care of one curse user." He inhales again, needing more of her scent in his veins. Being here with her centers him. "He's dead. But I should have taken care of him before it got to that point." Should have done a lot of things. Riko's choice was taken from her, and that is what pisses him off. If he had been stronger. If he hadn't let his guard down, then none of this would have happened.
Kagome pulls back. "It's not your fault." She stands on her toes and presses a hand to his forehead. "You nearly died to save her. You did the best you could."
He doesn't feel that way, though. If he had been stronger, then none of this would have happened. He should have been stronger. Should have anticipated one more move against them. Satoru grits his teeth and nods. Dwelling on Riko's death won't help him. It won't change anything.
She's gone.
And Tengen isn't stabilized.
His shoulders droop. "I'll wash off." He unbuttons his pants and raises a brow when Kagome doesn't move. "You staying?" Not that he cares if she does. He has nothing to hide, and they'll be married as soon as they are of age, so it doesn't matter to him all that much. But he promised the old man he wouldn't try anything until they are older.
"Huh?" Kagome blinks and then flushes. "NO! I was just—ow!" She rubs her nose. "You didn't see that!" The door slams behind her.
Satoru chuckles, but it's hollow, and he still doesn't quite feel like himself. The earlier high is wearing off and all he feels is weariness in his bones. He slides off his pants and boxers. The water is hot, but he still feels so out of it. Satoru goes through the motions of washing the blood off and then turns the shower off. He stares at his pile of clothes on the floor. Well, he isn't putting those back on. He spikes a hand through his hair and then wraps a towel around his waist.
"Hey! Do I have any other spare clothes here?" he calls out, walking to Kagome's room.
"Is that a trick question?" The door opens, and she shoves the clothes at him and promptly closes the door. "Come back after you're dressed!" she yells behind the door. Satoru shrugs and does just that. His body is too tired, and his mind is too wired to come up with a funny retort. He dresses quickly right outside the door and then stares at the towel pooled around his feet.
Right. He should do something with the dirty clothes.
"Are you done?" Kagome calls from behind the door.
"Yeah, I'm decent." The door swings open and Kagome takes one look at the towel on the floor and rolls her eyes.
"Some things never change," she sighs, swiping the towel before he can. "Honestly. What am I going to do with you?"
"Stay with me?"
Kagome bites her bottom lip and nods. "Alright, but if everyone suddenly comes back in the morning. It's all on you."
"I can handle the old man." Satoru swipes the towel back and picks up his clothes from the bathroom floor. "They won't be back tomorrow. Wouldn't make sense." He follows her downstairs and deposits the clothes in the hamper while Kagome makes hot chocolate. "It's a bit hot for that?"
"You love this, though." She grabs a can of whipped cream and overflows his mug with it. "You want chocolate sauce?" Kagome pours a generous amount of sauce over the whipped cream.
He leans against the kitchen table and tilts his head. "You aren't bothered by the blood?"
Kagome gives him an exasperated expression. "Satoru, really? I've seen InuYasha with a hole in his stomach. What matters is that you are here... I wouldn't have accepted it if you were gone."
"That sounds ominous, for some reason." He takes the mug and sips the hot chocolate. It burns his tongue, but he keeps drinking anyway. "Would you have cursed my death?"
"I'm not a dark priestess," she replies, sticking her nose in the air. "I would have found a way to bring you to the past and gotten Sesshomaru to bring you back."
Satoru blinks. "You would have carried me?"
"Well, I would have enlisted InuYasha or maybe Suguru." Kagome ducks her head. "You may be taller than me now."
He laughs. "Yah, I think I'm plenty taller than you now." Satoru pushes the mug away and sighs. "I gotta get stronger, Gome-chan. I have to."
"Toru, you know it wasn't your fault."
"It could have been you." His heart hurts. He has to get stronger to protect her and everyone else. "I know you're strong, but that doesn't mean I don't have work to do. Can't let today repeat." He holds out his hands and flexes his fingers. "I can keep infinity going if I master rct. Keep my brain refreshed."
Kagome frowns. "I don't like the idea of you frying your brain and constantly refreshing it." She pushes her bangs back and blows out a breath. "There's also no talking you out of this. I know you." She walks around the table and wraps her arms around him. "You aren't in this alone. You can depend on me."
"I hate it." He buries his nose in her hair. "Hate feeling like I'm powerless. Can't lose you again." He inhales, taking in more of her scent. His body is so much lighter when she is in his arms. "I'll get stronger," he promises. "Strong enough that no one would dare to lay a hand on you."
Kagome hums as she rubs his back. "Do you want to lie down?"
Uh... Satoru's ears burn. The high from earlier is mostly gone now and reality settles on his shoulders. It's just them. Alone. He swallows.
"Maybe we should camp out in the living room." He turns his head.
"The living room?"
"Yeah, because... we just should? It's cooler than your room." More importantly, the living room is bigger than Kagome's small bed. Space is what they need. Lots of it. "We could stack the pillows up and make a fort."
Kagome pulls back and stares at him. "Okay, now you're scaring me. What's wrong with my bed?"
"It's tiny."
"So? That never stopped you before."
"Yeah, well, I didn't have these thoughts before," he mumbles. Is it so wrong to wish he was still high from unlocking rct? Because he wishes he didn't feel anything right now. Kagome wets her lips and takes a step back.
"You grew up to be a perv," she teases.
Satoru scoffs. "M' not. Just saying we should put some pillows up because..." he shrugs. "We're going to get married after all."
"Oh, we are?"
"Mhmm. Never been more sure of anything in my life." He wraps his arms around her again and somehow, they manage to waddle their way to the living room. If Suguru were here, he'd tease the hell out of him. "Let's go somewhere tomorrow. Anywhere." He pulls her into his lap as he sits down on the couch.
"You want me to play hooky?"
"For me?"
Kagome huffs as if he is asking her to do the impossible. She practically plays hooky every time she goes to the past, anyway. Satoru rests his forehead against her shoulder.
"Why didn't you get a tutor like Sota?"
"Guess I wanted some semblance of normalcy. I like coming back home and hanging out with my girlfriends." Kagome leans back and looks up at the ceiling. "But finding the last couple of shards is taking longer than I thought it would. At this rate, I'll never be able to go to college."
Satoru frowns. All these years and it never occurred to him what Kagome may want. Not in the material sense, but her aspirations besides putting the jewel back together. "Do you want to go to college, or is it that you think you have to go?"
Kagome shifts until her back is to the armrest, and her legs are resting on his lap. "Haven't thought it about, really. Guess I figured it's what I'm supposed to do, but..."
"You can tell me. I won't judge."
"I'd rather just run the shrine and bless people with charms that will actually protect them."
Satoru blinks. "Can we at least get our own place?"
"You mean when we're married?"
His mouth parts. "Y-yeah, when we get married." Oh, fuck him. He did not just stammer. "Or when I turn eighteen. We could get our own place."
"Did you just stutter?"
"Ugh, are we watching a movie or not?" He reaches for the remote and turns on the TV. "I get to choose this time."
"You chose last time," Kagome points out. "Ooh, I want to watch that."
Satoru rolls his eyes but clicks on the romantic comedy. "Could have picked something cool, like an action movie."
"Yeah, yeah." Kagome stands and waves him off. "I'll be right back with covers."
"And pillows!" he yells. Satoru sits there for a moment with the cheesy music playing over the montage. He gags at the screen. Why is it always a kissing scene in the rain? That can't be... Satoru glances at Kagome, who stands off to the side with covers and pillows in hand, and is completely transfixed by the scene on the TV.
"Hey, come here."
Kagome raises a brow, but walks over to him. She dumps the pillows and the covers on him. "I was coming. Don't have to rush me."
Satoru tosses one cover onto the floor and then reaches for her. "Can I hold you?" Maybe it's the hint of vulnerability seeping through his words, or maybe Kagome is just used to how needy he is. She settles on the couch with her back to him. His hand grips her hip. "Sorry."
"What happened to the sweet boy?" Kagome complains.
"I was never sweet."
"Heh, yeah, you were a real piece of work. That's okay since you're Satoru."
"Your Satoru," he murmurs.
Kagome shifts again but turns so she is facing him. "My Satoru," she agrees. "If you do anything reckless again, I'll kick your butt myself."
He brushes his lips against her forehead. "You're the only one that can."
A/N: Happy Tuesday! Next chapter will be their first date and then we'll do some multiverse shenanigans. We will see Kagome show off her powers more. That will come up during that mission with Yu and Nanami.
Stay safe and healthy! Make sure to get plenty of rest and try to do at least one thing that refills your well every day. Andddd I'll start working on updating the stories master list.
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mustardyellowsunshine · 10 months
In today's episode of Shut Up Robin, Nobody Cares:
I finished Maison Ikkoku back in February, and I had a lot of feelings about the series. (It's good, do yourself a favor and go read it if you haven't.) As I read through it, I couldn't shake the thought: this is the caliber of romantic development Rumiko Takahashi can bring to the table?? We could've had this kind of relationship development in InuYasha??? 😭😭
The other thought I couldn't shake: InuYasha fans who still question the sincerity and depth of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome might benefit from reading Maison Ikkoku all the way to the end. They should read the final chapters of Maison Ikkoku, think for awhile about the blatant parallel themes found in InuYasha, and then try reevaluating InuKag's dynamic.
Now, I should clarify: I think the InuYasha series already makes it abundantly self-evident that the Inu/Kag/Kik "triangle" (🙄) is a complex situation that puts InuYasha in an extremely difficult position. (Well, it puts all of them in a difficult position, but you get the idea.) You just have to read the series with your brain on to see that. To review: teenage boy is tricked and terrorized by a demonic murderer; that demon successfully murders the boy's ex while masquerading as him; later his ex is revived from the dead against her will, wanders the earth as a vengeful spirit for awhile (who wouldn't be pissed about being brought back into that bullshit?), and is actively stalked by the demon who already murdered her once; teenage boy is falling in love with someone else when this happens, but he still wants to save his ex from being re-victimized by the demon who already brutally murdered her once. Anyone who sees that situation and describes it with a straight face as "InuYasha needs to make up his mind already" is probably never going to reconsider their assessment of InuYasha's character. They've already formed an opinion in defiance of the evidence. That ship done sailed.
But for some folks, I think experiencing the way Maison Ikkoku explores the same relationship themes—and particularly how it resolves those themes in the final chapters—could help them re-evaluate the emotional nuances in InuKag's relationship, and maybe help to re-contextualize the Inu/Kag/Kik conflict.
The parallels between Godai/Kyoko and InuYasha/Kagome are pretty obvious—Rumiko Takahashi consistently revisits this relationship dynamic in her work (it's present in Mao to a lesser extent). But I think Maison Ikkoku more directly confronts the emotional complexity of that dynamic. You can feel the difference in how RT more directly explores the messiness, complications, and pain of a) grieving a former relationship even while falling in love with someone else, and b) loving someone who is still tangled up in grieving their past. The InuYasha series obviously deals with those themes too, but Maison Ikkoku brings more focus and resolution to its exploration.
This may be for two reasons: 1) Maison Ikkoku had an older audience, as it was published in a seinen magazine geared for adult men between 18 - 40 years old, and 2) the relationship tension between Godai/Kyoko pretty much constitutes the main story of Maison Ikkoku; in InuYasha, the plot (such as it is) revolves around a vengeance quest and the monster of the week, and the relationship tensions between InuKag are second to that. Maybe that's why RT was more willing to get into the weeds with Godai/Kyoko and to more directly resolve the tension.
InuYasha does have some standout chapters where it explicitly deals with the tension of InuKag's situation (e.g., chapter 78, chapter 124, chapter 176, chapter 286, chapter 458, etc.), but there's this distinct hesitance in the narrative to resolve that tension in a substantive way. That's one of my beefs with the InuYasha series: it gives us moments of standout, concrete relationship development which then doesn't impact the future narrative all that much. The same relationship conflicts play out over and over again, well past their narrative expiration dates. See: Miroku flirting with women right in front of Sango after they've acknowledged feelings for each other; also the entire Kaō arc, which just... I do not understand the narrative purpose of that arc when it just exacerbates tensions that already existed and resolves none of them. Anyway. I digress.
You could argue this hesitance to permanently resolve relationship conflict comes from the episodic nature of InuYasha's storytelling. There's some truth to that, but that's not a satisfying explanation for why the main couple's relational status quo remains inert for the latter half of the series. Maison Ikkoku also does this to an extent—the "will they, won't they?" tension is strung along for as long as possible—but in general Maison Ikkoku does a better job of allowing relationship development to actually affect the narrative. Moments of emotional revelation and growth do change the relational status quo between Godai and Kyoko. They don't stay in quite the same relationship limbo that InuYasha and Kagome get stuck in for the latter half of the series. (It probably also helps that Maison Ikkoku is significantly shorter than InuYasha.)
All that to say: I think Godai/Kyoko is actually a useful mirror for examining InuKag, because they share the same themes and relationship dynamics without sharing the same narrative failings.
Okay, so: big time major spoilers ahead for Maison Ikkoku. Stop here if you don't want to see the conclusion of that series.
I want to look at how Maison Ikkoku's conclusion simultaneously revisits and resolves the main conflict between Godai/Kyoko.
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Ahhhhhh my feelings!!! Man I love this series.
Okay, let's review the major takeaways from this scene:
• Notice how the tension between Godai and Kyoko—Godai's struggle with insecurity and Kyoko's feelings for her deceased husband—mirrors the tension between InuKag. And notice that the reader is encouraged to sympathize with both Godai and Kyoko. Godai is not "at fault" for struggling with insecurity and feelings of jealousy. That's a natural human feeling to have, especially in a relationship that hasn't been anywhere near secure until very recently. And despite whatever jealousy or inadequacy he may be feeling, Godai tries to see things from Kyoko's perspective. Part of Godai's struggle—the heartache of it—is his understanding that Kyoko is also not at fault. It's not her fault that she married before she ever met Godai, it's not her fault her husband died, and it's not her fault that she's struggling with the grief of that tragedy. She's trying to reorient herself to her new life after loss; she's falling in love with Godai, but she's also scared of betraying her husband's memory. (Let's hold that mirror up to InuYasha now, shall we? SHALL WE?) Moving on from Soichiro emotionally represents to Kyoko a breach of duty to a loved one.
• To reiterate: neither Godai nor Kyoko are "at fault" in this situation. That's precisely why it's a tragedy. They both have to process painful, messy feelings; both their feelings are valid and understandable. (Hold that mirror up to InuKag, girl. HOLD IT UP.)
• Notice how Godai explicitly acknowledges that loving Kyoko means loving the Kyoko who once loved Soichiro. "On the day I met Kyoko, you were already within her. That's the Kyoko I fell in love with." It's impossible to divorce Kyoko from her feelings for her former husband: that part of her life significantly shaped her into who she is. And I just love that Godai is hashing out his feelings at Soichiro's grave: it shows a sort of respect for Soichiro's memory, but more importantly it also shows that Godai knows his negative feelings can't ultimately be "fixed" by Kyoko. If she could fix them, he'd be having this conversation with her. (And by this point in the series they have had this conversation.) But Godai knows he's the only one who can truly work through/resolve his insecurity—especially now, when Kyoko has already assured him that she loves him—and I love how the scene's setting subtly demonstrates that. Soichiro's ghost is haunting Godai's feelings, not Kyoko's, and Godai is trying to work through that with Soichiro himself. There's no love triangle to resolve here: what needs resolving is Godai's own feelings of inadequacy which no amount of assurance from Kyoko can ultimately "fix." This is his ghost to fight. (We get an echo of this kind of inner conflict in chapter 458 of InuYasha: Kagome directly wrestles with the "ghost" of Kikyo and struggles toward some resolution of her own insecurities.... Only for the Kaō arc to come along later and materially damage that resolution and character growth for no clear reason, BUT I DIGRESS.) And this scene shows that Godai wins that fight: he comes to understand that loving Kyoko has to include accepting her past. Kagome reaches a very similar understanding in chapters 175 and 176 of InuYasha.
• To reiterate: Maison Ikkoku's conclusion is not the resolution of a "love triangle." It's the resolution of a series-long conflict, which is completely different. In order for love triangles to work—to actually function as love triangles—two competing love interests have to be viable options. This is quite evidently not the case in Maison Ikkoku: Soichiro is dead at the start of the series. It's literally impossible for Kyoko to choose him in any meaningful way. RT blatantly acknowledges this early in the series when Kyoko's father-in-law tells her she has to live her life. I cannot stress enough how self-consciously the series is not about a love triangle between Godai/Kyoko/Soichiro. (Mitaka is another matter entirely, for a different post.) Rather, the series is about the damaging power of grief in our lives, the rocky and painfully non-linear journey to healing from that grief, and how messy, fraught, and ultimately profoundly beautiful it is to love another person for exactly who they are — past pain/trauma and all. (Please for the love of heaven hold that mirror up to InuKag.)
• No, you know what? I'm not leaving that at a parenthetical. I'm just gonna say it: exactly as Maison Ikkoku is not about a love triangle, InuYasha isn't either. For the same reasons as stated above, the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is not ultimately a love triangle because Kikyo is dead at the start of the series. And while her spirit is magically revived—in an altered/diminished form—she is still not truly alive. The story conspicuously communicates this: her body is literally created from decomposing bones and cannot sustain itself (she needs to consume souls—other deceased spirits—to remain animated), symbolically suggesting she is of the dead even as she walks among the living. This is a facsimile of life. RT is not subtle about this. Kikyo is a tragic and complex character whose arc can be interpreted in many ways, but I think it's fair to say that the series self-consciously represents her as a past which can't be recovered. The damage has been done. She is dead, time continues to move forward, and there's no reversing that. (That's, again, why it's a tragedy.) Even her resurrected body symbolically represents this reality via death imagery. Ergo, from the very start of the series—just as we see in Maison Ikkoku—Kikyo is not a truly viable option for InuYasha. He can't choose her in any meaningful way. To "choose" her would be to essentially choose death—abandonment of life—just as Kyoko choosing Soichiro would make her "a wife who hadn't died yet." Kikyo represents an irrecoverable past just as Soichiro does. And the main thematic trajectory of each series does not suggest that Kyoko/InuYasha should give up on life by choosing death — it suggests they should choose life. Godai and Kagome conspicuously represent life, the possibility of living into the future. (Kagome is literally from the future, that's how unsubtle RT is about this.)
(A quick aside while we're here: no, Kikyo's not being a viable option does nothing to diminish the sincerity of InuYasha's feelings for Kagome. Kagome is not a "second choice," for the love of God the series blatantly addresses that very thing many, many times—like it's right there y'all—and I have already written a long ass post about why Kagome's insecurity over InuYasha's feelings for her shouldn't be taken as gospel truth.)
So, rather than being an actual love triangle, I think the Inu/Kag/Kik dynamic is a complicated emotional landscape that explores the same themes Maison Ikkoku does: how grief and trauma affect our lives, how painful and messy it can be to heal from that grief, and that loving someone—choosing to take that mutual risk with them—means trusting that they mean it when they tell/show us they love us, and choosing to trust them more than our own insecurities.
It's just that Maison Ikkoku explores those themes a little better. 😅 Which is why I think it makes a good mirror for re-examining InuKag: all the same themes without all the narrative failings and missed opportunities. ✌🏼
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lacyjaybird · 3 months
@inukag-week 2k24 Day 2!
Theme: Moonlight
The crackling of the fire didn't lull Kagome to sleep like it normally did. Tonight, she was restless. After a couple of hours of trying, and failing,  she slowly extricated herself from the softly snoring Kitsune kit in her sleeping bag. Allowing the brisk early autumn night air to lead her, she decided star gazing might calm her mind. 
Between their recent extra long stint in Onodera, her grandfather falling ill, and her Algebra finals, she was exhausted and stressed. And honestly just needed to connect with herself again.  Recently she only felt like a tool for use. 
Find that jewel shard. Bury that body. Perform those rites. Ace that quiz. Visit home. Go to the store. Go to the hospital. Study those equations. Bike faster. Aim higher. Write neater…
It was all very… 
Barefoot, she walked until the fire was still visible, but no longer able to reach her. In either warmth or light, And she sat down. 
Looking up at the millions of stars illuminating the sky along side a nearly full moon was enough to send a shiver along her arms.  Truly a sight she missed in modern times.  
“The fuck are you doin all the way out here?” 
Well there went her silence.  
She didn't even bother turning her head to the voice,  knowing exactly who it was.  
“I wanted to have some alone time. It's that too much to ask?” She huffed, a little miffed at the voices owner from his recent demand in pace and action.  
“keh” He huffed, coming to stand behind her left shoulder. She could see the rustling of his red hakama pants in the edge of her vision, stopping at feet as bare as her own. 
“You're gonna get sick, stupid. And that's the last fuckin’ thing we need.” he huffed again,  this time moving his arms in a manner she couldn't decipher before the weight of his jacket thumped onto her shoulders. 
“I'm going to be fine. And don't call me stupid!” She snapped, feeling a tightness in her throat she wasn't quite expecting. 
And neither was he, apparently, because as quickly as it exited, he was in her face. Black brows knit down between spun gold irises. 
“Please,  Inuyasha. I'm just.. I just wanted a little bit to try and rest without being a disappointment for a while, okay?” Kagome turned her face away, the exhaustion and stress coming to a head and threatening to spill over. 
“Now who called you that?” He looked dead serious, the high cheekbones highlighted from the beams as he stared. 
“In not so few words, YOU.“ She turned to face him,  now. Her bottom lip starting to quiver. 
“YOU, Inuyasha. You've been running us ragged and blaming me for every delay. I can't walk fast enough. I can't bike fast enough.  I can't get it together fast enough after helping a woman bury her child. 
I'm annoying when I ask if we are able to get to the well soon. I'm annoying when I ask to take a bath after being covered in demon guts. I'm apparently insufferable when I ask for an hour or so to study before bed every other day instead of collecting materials for camp.  
I can't DO THIS Inuyasha! I can't keep running interference every time Miroku pisses Sango off or when Shippo gets on your nerves. I can't keep babying you when Kouga gets a whiff and comes to once again ignore my boundaries. I can't be expected to bring supplies and my schoolwork all while Ji-chan is in the hospital and Sota needs someone to fix him lunches while mom goes to Kyoto. But HERE I AM.” 
The tears are flowing freely as she gestures to the field in front of her, her hand shaking. 
“STUCK about two days travel from the well. And every.  Single. Time. I even mention needing to go home when you go to lead us off somewhere else on some rabbit chase,  you snap at me!” 
she points her finger into the tip of his nose, her gaze hardening. 
“So how else am I supposed to feel Inuyasha? “ 
“First off.” He gently pushes her hand away, leaning slightly back on his heels. 
“I never called you a disappointment. You figured that for yourself. And Second off, I been bustin our asses so YOU can.. So you can go home for longer this next time.” 
his ears droop as he looks away from her,  clawed finger picking at a loose string on the end of his sleeve. 
“Cause I heard bout yer grandpa and you been really trying to do the shit in that book and you do it for so long yer eyes get bloodshot and you won't even eat when dinner is ready..” She looks back to him, listening carefully as her anger begins to subside. 
“And you wanna help every fuckin’ sad sack this half of Hatakeyama. So o'course I let ya help cause I'm a piece of shit if we don't help bury a fuckin kid. But every day you just look worse and worse and the fuck am I supposed to do when I'm trying to get you back to your time so I can just sit and wait for you to come back to me!” 
Their eyes meet and there's a moment of silence before even the darkness couldn't hide the flush that overwhelmed the hanyou's features.  
Huffing, he spun on his heel and planted his butt firmly in the grass beside her,  looking to the left, away from her.  
“You were trying to help me.” she said,  quietly. 
“I've been putting so much on myself and you've been trying to help me get home quickly.. but I just thought you were criticizing me.” 
Fresh tears welled as she buried her face in her knees, the exhaustion and stress finally winning the war on her heart. 
“Hey! Hey.. c'mon. Don't cry over me. You've done much worse than assume shit about me. This don't mean a fuckin thing.” 
He waves his hands, trying to get her attention.. but settling on pulling her into his side. 
There,  he let her cry until soft sniffles came few and further between. 
“Inuyasha?” The smallest voice asked, looking down,  he noticed her pink nose peering over the neck of his now snot covered jacket, muted in the moons glow. 
“hnn?”  he hummed, gazing down at her toes barely poking or from under the red expanse. 
“Thank you. But in the future… can you just tell me you're trying to be nice?” 
“keh. You act like I ain't always nice. Like right now.  Cause I'm taking yer ass to bed.” 
She gave no fuss as he stood,  picking her up as he went,  and carried her to the low fire. 
Gently,  he laid her in her still open sleeping bag, fingers brushing her bangs as her eyes fluttered shut. 
“Go to sleep,  Kagome.”
The rest of the night was spent watching over his friends,  the moon his only company as her beams and his gaze meeting more often than not on the mess of inky black hair belonging to the woman he cared more for than his own need for a few hours of rest.
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ehhh2000 · 4 months
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Tekken 8 - Anti Reina Mishima Stamp(Rant) Huge Tekken 8 Spoilers!
This is gonna piss off Reina fans, but just a friendly reminder..... this is my opinion. If you love her, go on a page that praises her. You won't get it here. Alright here goes.
I was playing Tekken 8 at my friend's house. It was a fun time, and the story has improved from Tekken 7 (with the bland, monotone narrator gone, thank god) and..... Tekken 6 (ugh!) but has a few flaws.
The biggest flaw which almost ruined Tekken 8 for me, was this character, called Reina Mishima.
This is without a doubt, one of the most poorly written female characters I have ever seen in my entire life.
You mean to tell me that Lucky Chloe gets shit from Tekken fans, but Reina Mishima gets a free pass? WTF? I mean I am not a fan of Lucky Chloe (ok her character design is cute, but she is abusive AF to Eddie T.T) but at least she wasn't a forced and contrived, plot device character like Reina, and is just a dumb troll character from the creator, as a middle finger to their haters that really hated her guts.
Like you think Rey from Star Wars, Disney Remake Mulan, Bella Swan, or Captain Marvel were bad?
Well, that is nothing comparred to this DeviantArt OC, Mary-Sue reject.
So Reina is the daughter of Heihachi Mishima. (Oh, so we are doing the Lars Alexandersson plot-twist, from Tekken 6 again, in 2024... aka lazy, repetitive writing for Tekken 8 when it comes to introducing new characters... got it 👍) 
My issues with her that makes her a poorly written character is that:
-She is a flawless fighter, like Disney remake's Mulan bad. I know she is suppose to have flawless fighting moves like Heihachi, but good god, this is just embarrasing.
Edit: Ok, I understand that it is a fighting game, and the Mishima's are suppose to be powerful, badass fighters, so Reina should be no exception. Fair enough. I still think she is a self-insert character because she was just thrown into the story, with no buildup or references from previous games (Same issue I had with Lars in Tekken 6 btw, he just exists to replace Jin as a MC, and they made him a Mishima to make him more relavant, instead of him just standing out on his own as a character. I don't hate Lars btw, he has a cool character design, but the hair is riduclous, and I felt indifferent towards him at first, but now I kinda see him as a potential father figure to Jin in Tekken 8.)
-She is trying too hard to be a hardcore, edgy, tomboy, cool-looking version of Asuka, so I will call her the poor man's Asuka Kazama.
-Her character design and oufit is uninspired and too modern for my liking (Black boots, black short-shorts and A black and purple hoddie, huh.... how creative... -_-) oh and short black hair and purple streaks to add to the edgy, tomboy look. (Or the Karen look as I like to call it ^^)
-She is younger than Jin Kazama, YOUNGER! Despite being Jin's aunty. Yes, you heard correctly. I think the creators wanted a self-insert character to have some sort of sex appeal, which is why they made her look younger and prettier, and show off her legs (which gives me the ick.) And her calling Jin "Senpai" didn't help either.
(I also didn't like the fact the creators made Kazumi Mishima and Jun Kazama look younger than their own sons, like what is wrong with looking a bit older, mature and graceful? I actually want to see a badass, old lady in Tekken that can fight! Kazumi felt like a missed opportunity in that sense.)
-She manages to beat the shit out of Kazuya in her ending, despite her looking like a twig. Reminding me too much of something out Inuyasha, when that abusive, unbearable, bratty, girl Kagome would do the same thing to her love interest Inuyasha, for comedy! 🙄
I will admit that Kazuya is a shitty father (Sorry fans 😭 don't kill me) at least Kazuya has flaws, he is a damaged man, blinded by hatred, rage and has an obssession with power, like it's a drug to him. A wrathful devilman, but not completely heartless, otherwise he would just be another mini Heihachi.
Reina has no flaws, no personality, no interesting backstory and is just a pathetic Jerk-Sue Character (a Mary-Sue that is a Jerk, with no consequences for her actions.)
-She is also not a good plot-twist character either, again, she just ripped off Lars' backstory, so there is no originality from her.
-And to add to the cherry on top, when it comes to her being a poorly written, fanfic-styled Mary-Sue character, she is also....... a devil! 😈 Unless if it is revealed that she is Kazumi's daughter or something, then why the hell does she have to devil gene? And she wants to be the new Heihachi, huh? Wait till she finds out that Heihachi is the OG devil hater.
Terrible twist, terrible story, and a terrible first impression of Reina. 🤬 Fuck this character!
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ssukidesu · 3 months
Fandom: Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale
Pairing: Inukag
Rating: T
Inukag Week 2024 ( @inukag-week ) - Day 2: Moonlight
Summary: He never did get to the true end of those thoughts—never actually concretized the conclusion of his angry fantasies. Perhaps it was because, at their end, he would find that what he itched to do wasn’t very much connected to anger at all.
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Inuyasha couldn’t remember the last time he was this pissed at her.
He had been waiting for twelve hours for her to get home from her stupid school so that they could go look for some stupid shards that were lost because of her (might he remind her). He was on the roof of her house, right outside her bedroom, laying on his side and tapping his claws against the shingles. At one point, he had been doing this with such vigor that, upon looking down, he saw that he was crumbling a hole into one.
The sun was setting now. He had been waiting for her since dawn, having come through the well immediately at night’s end to fetch her. She said that this would be the day that she could come back—but he saw now through clenched teeth that she should have been more specific. Whenever she got home, he was going to…
Well. He’d do something. He’d let her have it, or whatever. And then he’d pick her up like a sack of potatoes and force her home with him, like he’d been fantasizing about for five hours straight now.
Maybe if he could smell better in this blasted era, he’d relax more. Kagome called it “pollution” once—from the cars, from the city. It didn’t have a distinct smell; it’s more like it veiled and scrambled all the others. It slowed them down, too; at home, if someone were to start bleeding a mile away, he could smell it a mere minute later. But here, it took so much longer for scents to fight through the smog and travel to his nose. He hated it. Kagome could be halfway up the stairs to her yard, and he wouldn’t be able to smell her. Because of this, he was relying far more on his eyes—typically the last sense he used for tracking—to stalk the path that led up to the house.
The moon was rising. What was it about her time that made it feel so much smaller? He had a certain comradery with the moon; not only did his powers wane when it did, but he also felt his skin crawl with some amount of additional power whenever it was full, like tonight. That probably wasn’t helping his antsiness, either. Normally he’d go on a run through the forest on such nights; he’d run and run until he felt the perimeter safe and the others were long asleep. He’d stay awake all night for an entirely different reason than when the moon was shrouded in shadow. He wouldn’t call it bloodlust, by any means; rather, it was more like he was drunk with a confidence in his strength he never otherwise had, and his pride tempted him to watch for any excuse to make it known.
He’d told Kagome about this once, when she was sick and bedridden from a cold during the full moon. He couldn’t leave her alone, not when everyone else was asleep and she could need him for something—no matter how much he itched to fly.
She could tell he was wired as he stood in Kaede’s sick room, pacing and tapping his foot and kicking the dirt but never sitting, never looking at her. But she had also said she felt his demonic aura had sharpened, had actually grown. This surprised him. Maybe it shouldn’t have, but it did, and he met her tired eyes in the dark and finally did try to sit down. He could only keep himself parked for a couple of minutes before his energy began to spill over and he had to stand and start pacing again. But before this, he told her how it felt.
What she said to him in response might have made him even more pissed at her than he was right now.
“So…” she’d begun with a congested voice, “It’s like you want to mark your territory.”
Maybe if she had taken the thought more seriously, he wouldn’t have taken offense. But the wench giggled, and if she hadn't been sick, he would have…
Again. He would have done something. He never did get to the true end of those thoughts—never actually concretized the conclusion of his angry fantasies. Perhaps it was because, at their end, he would find that what he itched to do wasn’t very much connected to anger at all. He suspected it had more to do with some breed of frustration.
But he wouldn’t question further about which breed it was. And anger was easy; anger was familiar. Anger kept her at arm’s length. Even though he knew that keeping her at arm’s length might have been the epitome of what he didn’t want to do.
“Inuyasha?” chimed a familiar voice from behind.
He almost lept off the roof. After every nerve in his body stopped firing, he sought her out with his eyes. She was staring at him through her open window.
“What the hell, Kagome? When did you get in there?” he yelled, reminding himself upon seeing her wetted curls draping over her shoulders and sleeping clothes caressing her body that he was angry, angry at Kagome. The word was his spray bottle that he used on himself, like the one he saw her use on Buyo once when he kept going after Sota’s pet hamster.
“I’ve been home for ten minutes now,” she said in sweet confusion. “I didn’t notice you up there when I came in. Were you waiting for me?”
“Was I waiting for you?!” he repeated indignantly. “I’ve been here all damn day, Kagome. You said you’d be done.” He was on all fours, hands stretched wide gripping the window sill while his legs were reared behind him on the slope of the roof. He was looking up at her from a foot away, her own hands bracing her weight on the sill, together like a cat’s. Her scent hit him all at once, clean and soapy from her shower. How did she slip by him coming in?
Her smile was rueful. “I’m sorry. I went and saw a movie with some friends after school. They invited me last minute.”
He deadpanned.
“You don’t know what a movie is, do you?”
He snapped at her patronizing tone. “I don’t give a shit what it is, Kagome—you’re coming back right now.” He gripped her wrist and tugged, the scowl on his face daring her to argue.
Not noticing his expression, or perhaps simply not caring, she kept her feet planted on her carpet. “Wait, Inuyasha. My mom is cooking me dinner right now, and I still have to repack my bag. Won’t you wait for a little longer?”
“There’s food at camp, Kagome. You can pack in five seconds.”
Her smile was a sad one. Maybe he should do something to make her angry—he would like that better than whatever it was she felt toward him right now. But before he could begin plotting, she ruined everything by trying to tug him inside.
“Come on. I’ll tell mama you’re here, too, and she’ll make more.”
He panicked. “No—I’m not going inside. If I do you’ll move even slower.”
She rolled her eyes. Yes, this was better—this was getting more familiar. He felt the argument bubbling from her before it broke through her lips, and he licked his own in preparation.
“You know that’s silly, Inuyasha. I’ll move just as slow without you. Maybe slower.”
But this was the hill he decided to die on. Always an arbitrary one, it was—but it didn’t matter. You can’t fight a war when you’ve nothing to defend. And he was itching for a fight. Maybe that was foolish, maybe it didn’t make sense for his end goal—which was to bring her home as soon as possible—but she was glaring at him now, raising her right eyebrow like she did whenever she was getting pissed at him. And he wanted her in his face. He didn’t care what it was about.
“Are you on your period or something?” she hissed, her look falling derisive.
Maybe he was. His ear flicked away a gnat.
“You’re the one being unreasonable,” he shot back. It was an invalid point, he knew. Not even he believed what he was saying. But she furrowed her cute eyebrows and opened her mouth in an offended gasp, and when she slammed down the window to lock him out, he had to yank his fingers out of the way. When she whipped her head away from him, he couldn’t help the amused smirk that curved his mouth as he watched her storm out of her bedroom.
When had he become so twisted? His own goal posts shifted moment by moment whenever she was involved. What was the common denominator? Her attention?
He was a sick bastard.
He planted his butt back on the shingles, facing away from the window again. If she wanted to give him more ammunition for his upset, he’d take it greedily.
But she was a vindictive girl sometimes. And it seemed she wanted to remind him of that.
Two hours later, when he was genuinely starting to seethe again, she slid open the window.
He whipped his head around to show her the results of her fine work—the predatory scowl on his face—but it fell from him just as the smell of something absolutely mouth watering smacked him in the nose. She had two plates that steamed, and she ducked her head through the window opening and stepped out.
“Before you say anything,” she grunted, not meeting his gaze, “I did finish packing already. We can go after we eat these.”
They were some sort of meat-filled pastries. Beef, chicken, pork—they were all three, and the sauce smeared beside them on the plates smelled savory and sweet.
But he was set in his stubbornness. “Don’t want any,” he lied, turning forward again.
He expected her to wack him on the head or yell right in his ear, but she didn’t. Instead, she wordlessly sat down and saddled up next to him, bringing their shoulders to touch. He peered down at her, half forgetting to twist his face into something angry, and she smiled up at him knowingly, like a vixen.
Dammit. He had gone too far, hadn’t he? He supposed it was only a matter of time before she figured out his little game, before she cracked the code that his anger wasn’t actually real, that it was just an invitation for what he really wanted.
He had starved for her scent all day. She was giving it to him now generously, playing with her hair and fanning herself through the summer humidity by gripping her shirt above her chest and fluttering it against her moistening skin. Against his will, he calmed, his eyelids fluttering till they were half closed as he gazed down at her. Luckily, his face always defaulted to a frown, and he didn’t give himself away fully. She forced him to take his plate and instantly brought her warm hand to poke a finger between his taut brows.
“Don’t be upset,” she said. “I just missed them, is all.”
His heart stopped, froze solid. He scowled again, for real this time. He tore his gaze from hers to glower at the moon. “You have responsibilities.”
Kagome shuffled closer and leaned her head on his shoulder, and she instantly had his attention again. If she had chosen to look up at him, she would have seen that his scowl had loosened into a look of raw weakness.
“I know,” she said.
They ate silently. She had four potstickers on her plate, and he had six. She ate three and offered him her last one. He took it, but after biting off half of it, he had second thoughts and offered the rest back to her. She ate it right from his fingers, and when her lips brushed his claws, he thought he was going to…
Well. He thought he’d do something. But as with all his other thoughts, he left this one incomplete, too.
“It’s weird, huh?” she asked, staring into the sky.
“What?” he grunted, still watching her.
“The moon. How muted it is here.”
He craned his head to find the source of her scrutiny. He hummed in agreement.
“That’s ’cause of pollution, too. Light pollution.”
“…Light causes pollution?” he puzzled. Smog from cars and factories made sense to him; this didn’t.
“Well, I don’t really know why they call it pollution. It’s more like dilution, in my mind.”
He thought he knew what that word meant, but not in this context. He let her continue.
“When there are so many lights down on the ground, it makes the lights in the sky seem less bright. Kind of like how we can’t see the stars when the sun is up because it smothers them. Light dilutes light.”
“Did you learn that at school?” he asked, sarcasm leaking through out of habit.
She didn’t waver. “Yeah, actually. A long time ago, though. Before I met you.”
He resumed his silence then, and another minute passed. He knew he had every right to insist their departure now that the food was eaten, but he felt like there was still something left to gain from this moment with her. So he waited.
She spoke again. “I don’t like it near as much,” she mused. “It’s so much prettier in your time.”
Your time. Why did he hate that characterization? It wasn’t just his time. At least, he didn’t want it to be.
But that was a dangerous, dangerous thought. So dangerous that it might be more accurate to refer to it as his feelings.
And before he realized it, he began to ask the damned question that had latched itself somewhere into his chest, like a barnacle on a sea vessel, since he met her: “Then why don’t you just…?”
Then why don’t you just stay?
But that final word was a curse, a vulgar syllable.
Kagome didn’t press for him to finish, but she did bring a soft hand to his cheek; she guided him to look at her.
He must have looked pitiful.
But she didn’t press him to explain that, either. Instead, she smiled sweetly and said, “Shall we go, then?”
And she gave him a gift within that expression of hers; it was a little seed of humor, of vexation, of teasing. It was enough for him to latch onto like a vice. Like a lifeline. He reined his facial muscles back under control, downturning his brows into a glare and curling his lip slightly, just enough to flash her a fang.
“About time,” he growled, grabbing her hand and tugging it off his cheek.
Her smile grew. And then she rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t gone that long,” she parried.
He stood in a single move, freeing his shoulder of her pleasant weight. “Grab your bag before I drag you to the well without it,” he threatened.
Yeah—that something would do just fine for this argument. He could dangle that as the impending outlet for his frustration, should she tantalize him too long.
She groaned, and he reveled in the sound. It got into his blood, just like the full moon, and he began to tap his foot.
One day, he told himself.
One day, he’d let himself fly free.
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eternalpassions · 9 months
Kagome is attractive in her own way. But I feel like much of her light which I saw in the initial episodes got dimmed out because of the love affair with Inu Yasha. Seeshomaru is so hot. But Kagome and Sesshomaru didn't have any time together. When I saw him around rin, it made him hotter in my eyes. Like he could be a good father and protector despite that cold fearsome hard exterior? who would have thunk they are gonna ruin that and turn it into something else altogether lmao
Yea honestly much of my love comes from extracting who she is independent of Inuyasha. I really wish she was given more time and space to just shine on her own but unfortunately her character is so dependent on her love affair with Inuyasha in canon. She did have her annoying moments due to how glued she was to Inuyasha in canon lol
For me that episode where Kagome and Sesshoumaru stayed stuck in my head so I basically go off their little interactions lol. It’s one of the few moments where she gets something for herself. Haha that’s interesting you mention the relationship between Sess and Rin changed it all for you and made him hotter. It was kind of the opposite for me haha 💀
I enjoyed how stubborn and almost villainous he was prior to meeting Rin. I mean I still think it’s nice and cute he was a father and protector to Rin but idk. I think it’s because the way I found out about his character was unfortunately already tainted by the weird romantic lense some of his fans see their relationship through lol. So I can’t help but wonder if he never met Rin then people wouldn’t have such strange views of his character that he would actually be attracted to a child he protected and looked after like a parent for 200 episodes and 500 chapters 💀
and honestly now looking back at it I hate that the anime added extra fillers in order to put the idea of that ship romantically into peoples heads. The manga was perfect the way it was cuz their relationship was literally parental and platonic. If I were rumiko I would be so pissed at that company Lmaoo. Bunch of weirdos in that studio who don’t truly care about her work and just had some weird agenda. Idk I felt they should’ve just left his character alone and let everyone just have their own interpretations and ideas of his character. I‘ve basically moved on from Inuyasha at this point lol but yea this is where my view of him left off.
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