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“They Dream” A rare opportunity to visit my private world of dreams(Icon is Mofusan from Instagram)
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sinnaktuk · 6 months ago
Back with the worst dream
In my dream I was sitting at my desk watching a try guys video like I normally do. It was cute it was introducing the new extended cast and pairing them up at random. They all had cheesy animal masks on (think the onesies from try guys game time) and they would take them off to reveal to the camera after a few questions. Everyone was playing a version of the newly wed game. Joyce and Ryan finished their round and were laughing then a person with a chicken mask and another person with a Fox mask came out and did a few questions. It was surprising because they actually got all the questions correct. They took their masks off and it was ned and Ariel and they both said surprise and the video ended. And I was so confused and I started reading the comments and everyone was like HELLO WHAT
So when I woke up I immediately grabbed my phone and checked Instagram because I was so confused. Honestly weirdest dream I’ve had in a while
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sinnaktuk · 7 months ago
Favorite funny dream from last year or so ago.
I was back in school and in my medieval art history class, we were talking about the depiction of religious men in art at the time. There was an oil painting of a monk/priest in training and it was called “Young Man in the Village.” The only thing that was strange about it was the man was veiled. He was wearing the same historic clothing contemporary with the 14th century but with an added almost sheer veil. (not so much hijab instead think dark wedding veil) My professor mentioned that it was an old practice that was almost completely abandoned by then. And my friend asked why and I said automatically, oh you know that one passage in the New Testament where the disciples were described as having illuminated faces and a glow to them. And my professor said yes and additional after the resurrection of Jesus Christ he was described as so beautiful and full of glory his face shown like the sun. So when a priest or monk was not around their own monastery they would wear these veils especially after completing their education go show they were enlightened and full of light. It was said their faces were illuminated and beautiful like Christ so it was a service for the regular people so they wouldn’t be blinded. Then my prof added it also is from the Roman practice of wearing a head covering mantle as Princeps.
For the next few days after this dream I was convinced it was real 😂 I was frantically searching online for any evidence of male veiling practices or anything about male veiling in Christianity. But I think it makes sense so yeah male veiling ✨
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sinnaktuk · 8 months ago
One of my best friends from college got married the other day and none of our friend group was invited but it’s not because they did it out of mean spirit it was instead being too overwhelmed and not having enough time since we live all over the world. Which is understandable but that doesn’t mean we all miss them still.
Last night it was a double header for me. I was in my living room and they were visiting me like they did two years ago. I was walking into to living room and they were laughing with their partner and my brother. My grandma was also there (recently deceased.) I froze on the doorway and they asked what took me so long in bathroom. I wanted to cry and I said wait I forgot something upstairs. I ran into my room to take a deep breath and I grabbed a book I’ve been saving for them and a letter I wrote for them a year ago to give to them. As I ran downstairs again my grandma was walking into the kitchen and she said she wanted a piece of cake and she was going to let us young people hang out. I handed my friend the gifts and they said no I didn’t have to and I said it’s okay I still miss them.
I woke up and I wanted to message them but I haven’t yet
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sinnaktuk · 10 months ago
I have recurring dreams and one from high school and early college stuck with me.
In high school I was in clubs and sports plus working in the library so in my dream I didnt think it was weird when my English teacher asked me to show a new student around. It was a regular day for me and this student had a similar schedule to mine. She was very nervous and jumpy so I did my best to talk with her and introduce her to my friends and teachers. Despite being super shy she did talk to me and she was worried about fitting in. I was trying to tell her it’s okay because it’s only her first day so it will work out. She just kept bringing it up and I kept telling her it’s okay and plus she was pretty. She was my height with green eyes and light brown hair. Finally before the last period I said I had to grab something from my locker and she said she did too and asked where mine was. I said hallway C and she said same. The hallway was crowded and we stopped in front of my locker and she frowned. Before I could ask what was wrong someone bumped into her and she dropped her stuff. I yelled hey at the guy who bumped her and knelt down to help her pick up her stuff. Then someone kicked her textbooks and she started crying. I stopped what I was doing to reach for her arm. I immediately said I’m so sorry and we made eye contact. Suddenly she stopped crying and said in a steady voice. “No you’re not, I’m just you anyways so who cares.” In that moment I realized physically she was the opposite of me abd I got the chills as she stood up and left.
I would always wake up when I realized that I was alone that whole day and I would be extra nervous at school that day just in case something happened.
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sinnaktuk · 10 months ago
I’ve been busy so i forgot to update but I had a weird dream.
We all have visits with the brown eyed man, I’m no stranger to this. But this time I could see his face and I really wish I didn’t. We were cuddling and laying in the sun in a hammock and I went to kiss him and it was Hozier suddenly. I was aware who he was and didn’t freak out in the dream. I literally called him by his government name and he laughed *so gently* and went back to telling me a story.
I woke up so confused and very stressed out.
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
I had a most wonderful dream last night.
I was in my childhood bedroom cleaning things up and sorting through my stuff. The man with the brown eyes was there and he was sitting on the floor with me and we were laughing. He opened a bag that was full of action figures and smiled.
“I know you love Padmé but I didn’t know you had these.” He laughed as he pulled out two action figures from the legacy pack. I remember smiling and laughing before telling him that I had more.
I pulled out more action figures including some clone wars variants and some concept art ones. Then I paused to grab another bin from nearby and pulled out some dolls. I had a few of the Barbie versions of Queen Amidala then what looked like custom ones and I didn’t feel shy when I showed him. Instead I was excited and he thought they were so cool and I was so happy to show him.
I think I’ll take this as a sign to actually buy more Padmé merch because I now want a custom doll of her 😂 if anyone knows who makes dolls please lmk because I want the picnic dress as an outfit for a doll.
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
I had a funny dream for the first time in a long time.
I was suppose to see a one woman show that was a tribute to Liza Minnelli. Somehow I was meeting the actress backstage and she was not a good actor or singer. It was comically bad almost like a mini challenge on drag race. She had me sit in her dressing room and she started yelling at me about who she looks like. It was funny despite being held vaguely hostage. She looked kinda like Liza but she had drag makeup on and a very bad short wig and she kept asking me if she looked like Liza in Cabaret. I wanted to laugh so bad because her wig was falling off but she was vaguely threatening and I was like “No I’m serious you literally look Liza Minnelli!!! Why would I lie about that??” But I was trying not to laugh as the wig kept falling off.
It was very funny but I was under the impression I was being held hostage but it was so funny
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
So I used to live in Italy and it shows up in my dreams from time to time and it was really funny last night.
I was on a press tour for the ballad of songbirds and snakes and we had only two nights in Rome. I was with Rachel Zegler and we were trying to convince Tom Blyth to go night exploring with us. Me and my friends used to love to explore the city in the middle of the night and go to top tourist destinations at like 3am and dick around. Rachel was on board saying it would be fun and Tom said it was too late and we would all be too tired in the morning and I said it wouldn’t be too long since we were already by the Spanish Steps. Then we promised to buy him coffee and he agreed. I don’t know why I was with them because I also wasn’t in the movie??? I just were just a squad???
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
When my period happens I tend to have the same type of dreams and I just feel so lonely afterwards. I wish it was more romantic or at least made more sense.
Normally there’s a man with light brown eyes and I don’t know him but he’s really important to me or he’ll mention that we’re married. This time it was a guy that I have a kinda crush on and apparently I like him a lot. Because we were sitting on a couch watching a movie and he paused it to ask me what was wrong because I was quiet and I just said I was sad and hurting. And he picked me up to hold me and started humming a song, I don’t know the name but it was familiar. I felt myself crying but it wasn’t painful it was more cathartic than painful on me. (I have health issues and get headaches easily so I don’t like crying) when I was done crying after a while I realized he was crying too and I asked him why and he said he felt horrible that I hurt this much and he can’t help me. I told him being here is enough and he said he understands but he wishes it was easier and we kissed for a moment. But I woke up very confused because I thought I didn’t like this guy like that but my unconscious is wildin out. And I was cramping really bad so I had to get up to deal with that and a headache from over sleeping.
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
Well I had a funny dream last night.
I was trying to explain to maybe my dad that Khloe Kardashians daughter is going to be really tall when she grows up. I for some reason was freaking out about it. But yeah I was like Khloe is like 6’ and her dad is an NBA player so clearly she’ll be like 6’2” and my dad said no have you factored in everyone else in the family is like 5’5”
I woke up so bugged
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
I don’t like riddles mostly because I can never remember any. I was sitting in what looked like my living room during the summer with someone on the couch. They were holding my head in their lap and I could feel them untangling my hair. They asked me I knew a riddle and I said no then they said but it was my turn so it’s only fair. The only riddle I knew was the riddle song by Burl Ives so I sang it to them.
Verse 1.
I gave my love a cherry, that has no stone.
I gave my love a chicken, that has no bone.
I told my love a story, that has no end.
I gave my love a baby, with no cryin'.
Verse 2.
How can there be a cherry, that has no stone.
How can there be a chicken, that has no bone.
How can there be a story, that has no end.
How can there be a baby, with no cryin'.
Verse 3.
A cherry when it's bloomin', it has no stone.
A chicken when it's pippin', it has no bone.
The story of I love you, it has no end.
A baby when it's sleepin', has no cryin'.
I remember going to look up to their face while holding a hand but I woke up before I could see who I was singing to.
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sinnaktuk · 1 year ago
Hey guys I had the worst dream and I can’t tell my irl friends because it’s a lot
It wasn’t that bad but I was visiting my old university (which is in another country) and I was trying to be discreet since I didn’t tell anyone I was going over. I was across the street and I was stopped by my old professor who I was in love with and they were so beautiful in that moment. Like I was so happy to see them since I didn’t plan on seeing them that my heart skipped a beat and I went to hug them but they caught my hands. They were mad at me for being immature in how I handle my last year of university there. So it was me trying to desperately explain that I did what I could but honestly I had no defense and them just being hurt that I didn’t trust them enough to explain everything. Then why didn’t I tell anyone I was visiting and I was sad because I told them that I didn’t intend on seeing anyone because I was too heartbroken to see anyone from that time in my life and I just wanted to be a nobody. I was trying to explain that I was nothing but no one so why should they see me after all this time. I woke up just after that so I’m not sure what their response was.
Like I know this sounds very mysterious and all but it wasn’t that deep but like two years of yearning will make you have insane dreams so I woke up so incredibly sad. I blame this on listening to 3hrs of death cab for a cutie before going to bed.
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