#(Angst meme: Flowers)
groovygladiatorsheep · 9 months
It’s not like you ever tried to stay.
DreamGin Animation for @dreemurr-skelememer !! I meant to finish it a while back….
I’m posting it now because I’m stuck in a car on my way to vacations
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+pics <3
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
Flower prompts #1
Who doesn’t like flower based prompts?
Snapdragons (Deception): “The hell do you mean?”
Waterlilies (Celebration): “I think this wonderous occasion calls for a drink!”
Forget-me-nots (True love/Respect): “I trust you with all my heart, now go get them!”
Poppy (Remembrance): “It hurts yes, but I think a little pain is worth remembering all the good memories we had here.”
Sunflower (Adoration): “How the hell are you this cute?”
Tulip (Perfect/Deep love): “I never thought I could feel or be this loved and yet here I am and it’s all thanks to you.”
Bird-of-paradise (Excitement): “You’ve got to come see this!”
Snowdrop (Hope): “We’ll make it through this.”
Peony (Bashfulness): “Can I sit with you?”
Cosmos (Order): “We may all be jagged pieces, but together we are complete.”
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quietlyblooms · 27 days
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okay if i'm honest, i do really wanna write chiyo sacrificing herself for someone bc she'd do it so?? intentionally and thoughtlessly. intentional in the way that if she has the time, she'd consider the odds, and if the odds weren't in her loved one's favor? she'd change them, even at the cost of her own life. i say thoughtlessly, too, bc she wouldn't give much thought to anything else but her loved one's safety. it might cross her mind briefly that she's gonna die, but it's kinda like... well, would that be so bad if they live in the end?
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diorkyeom · 1 year
every time i come across hanahaki fics i just think about that one hanahaki fic that I wrote where i just completely destroyed every single expected experience with the trope ever
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grollow · 2 years
Have two lines because they work together.
Did they have a good life? Please have had a good life.
( for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing  )
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@from-across-the-stars asked: [ dandelion ]: one of our muses has fallen sick, and the other has to look after them. /if i make it before the cap uwu gundham is a Bitch when sick it would be funny to have sonia try and take care of him lmao
Angst Meme: Flowers - Still Accepting!
"Now, that's a pot of lemon-ginger tea, chicken porridge from Hanamura-san, and the requested books and films from the library for you," Sonia noted from the journal in her hands. She stood beside Gundham's dorm bed, her face seemingly fixed in a no-nonsense expression as she read off the various items from the list.
Some people, upon undertaking a new challenge or facing a crisis, panicked. Sonia Nevermind, Princess of Novoselic, instead had a tendency to make lists. Well, she was used to dictating them at least: at home, she had a personal secretary who took the requisite notes and coordinated the execution of any plans Sonia requested. But in Japan, she'd been left with only the most limited security her family would allow, her secretary several thousand kilometers away at home. Thus, she'd taken it upon herself to look after Gundham the moment he admitted to her that he was feeling under the weather.
"Oh! And we mustn't forget the medications!" She exclaimed, marking off one of the list's final bullet points on her list. "Tsumiki-san was very helpful in assisting me with this: Japanese medications vary a bit from what I'm used to, but she was glad to accompany me to the convenience store to find what was needed. She said she'd come check on you as well, especially if you begin to feel worse."
She glanced over the top of her journal and down at her 'patient.' Friend was probably a more apt description regardless, Gundham seemed to be rather reluctant to allow her to look after him, despite being free of royal obligations that day. Sonia smiled: perhaps if she remained in good cheer, it would, in turn, extend to him. And perhaps he'd be a bit more receptive to the idea of rest and allowing others to look after him. Namely herself: as Sonia had volunteered, and none of their classmates thought it was worth their time to contradict her.
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"And if you are worried about the care and keeping of your animals, I have an idea for that as well," She continued, closing her journal and giving him her full attention. "If you have notes or other guidance for your current roster of animals, then I shall follow your directions exactly and look after their feeding, grooming, and cleaning, at least to the best of my ability."
She paused, giving him an apologetic look. She'd tried to convince her family it was an emergency situation, but in some situations they'd put their foot down. "Though I admit, my family does not approve of my attempting to trim a tiger's claws, or fully brush a bear. It's apparently a threat to the line of succession, but I'm sure with Nanami-san's help we shall succeed!" She'd taken great care in discerning who else from 77-B could assist her: Akane would have likely tried to eat most of his animals, Hiyoko wouldn't have treated them kindly, Ibuki and Nekomaru would be too loud, and Nagito...well. Enough said.
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sylviareviar · 1 year
[ pillow ]
[ pillow ] — sender uses receiver’s lap as a pillow - softer shippy prompts
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"W-wha-- A-Akechi-san...?"
Hold up. How did she even get into this situation? Earlier this evening, Akechi asked Sylvia if she wanted to hang out. An unusual situation in and of itself-- Akechi asking someone out. Er-- Not like that! Just... to talk. And wander the city. And learn about each other. A-as friends. ...right?
In truth, Sylvia didn't know what pushed Akechi to do this. She was a celebrity, after all, while Sylvia was... well, just Sylvia. Some kid from Midwestern America, too autistic to survive in the city, who wore her heart on her sleeve, exposed for anyone to take, gouge out and destroy. She might've been talented, and those talents might have been passions of hers she couldn't live without, but she must've looked like she was trying to show off too much to other people. Surely Gogo Akechi could see she was just some dumb frail girl with no sense of self-preservation or filter. What could possibly be interesting or attractive about that? A-attractive in the sense of... well, inviting her out. To talk. And wander the city. And learn about each other as friends.
God, friends. How dare she consider herself a friend of the great Gogo Akechi? How... dare she...
Gogo had invited Sylvia to a jazz club in Kichijoji that night, asking her various questions. In all honesty, it felt like she was being interviewed. Most of those questions were about Shujin Academy, too, though Sylvia could understand why. As the detective behind seeking out the Phantom Thieves, she had to search every available avenue. And right now, not a whole lot of people liked her. She was scorned almost everywhere she went, and Sylvia didn't like that, so she offered to help however she could.
"How do you feel about Shujin Academy?"
"What's it like to learn there?"
"Would you say you've made friends?"
The more she was asked, the less it felt like it was about the Phantom Thieves and more about her, which made Sylvia more and more embarrassed.
Eventually, she gave her an answer which seemed to satisfy her. "It feels almost like I'm in some sort of church, and I'm expected to give offerings to the other students and teachers while completing everything at the top of my class-- or at least somewhat close to the top." After she said that, Gogo had to take a phone call and excused herself, then apologized because she had a sudden case to take.
She escorted Sylvia home for the night and disappeared. But now it was midnight, and Akechi had appeared at her dorm room doorstep looking haggard and conflicted. Her shoulders were tense, and her face didn't have that same glowing light it used to. As if something was amiss.
To her surprise, Sylvia was shoved down onto her bed and Akechi sat at her side, then leaned all the way into her lap. She didn't know how to respond.
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"A-... Akechi-san...?" Sylvia slowly asked, her hand hovering over the detective's head hesitantly. She wanted to run her fingers through the girl's hair, but she didn't know her boundaries. Any impulses she had needed to be completely shoved down for the sake of her comfort. "Are you okay...?"
What could she do? How could she help her? What could she offer her? Was Akechi okay?
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libbys-braincell-loss · 3 months
"The Dream"
An SMG34 oneshot
Took inspo from a mini comic i saw while scrollin thru the smg34 tag, will link it when i find it again (edit: found it)
This oneshot was written after Meme Hunters came out
The impulse got to me and i couldnt resist
This oneshot includes:
references to igbp
thats abt it
SMG3 puffed out his chest, and hyped himself up. He held a small blue flower in his hands, and he tried to calm his breath.
He was going to do it.
He was gonna confess to his crush, SMG4.
He decided better now than never, and saw SMG4 not too far away from him, back facing him. SMG3 mentally prepared himself and walked over to SMG4, holding the tiny flower behind his back.
"Hey, SMG4!" SMG3 said in as chipper of a voice he could. He instantly regretted it and decided to stick with a more realistic tone. He sighs and speaks in a quiet, genuine voice.
"Four... I have something to admit to you."
He awaits a response from SMG4, but he doesn't turn around. SMG3 finds it strange, but continues.
"I... I have... I have a crush on you."
SMG4 doesn't turn around. SMG3 nervously begins taking the tiny blue flower out from behind his back to hold out in front of him.
"...I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. But back then, I thought it was jealousy, or envy. But as time grew on, and we grew closer, I realized the feeling never vanished despite us... becoming friends. And I realized, that I had feelings for you. And I can't bottle them up any longer."
SMG3 feels himself growing nervous as SMG4 doesn't respond.
"...Well? Aren't you going to say anything?..."
Just then, SMG4 turns around with an uncharacteristically ominious smile. This makes SMG3 jump back a bit, startled.
"You are in love with me??? Puh-lease." SMG4 says in a mocking tone.
SMG3 freezes.
"...Excuse me?..." he says, quietly and nervously.
SMG4 laughs.
"Do you really expect me, the better content creator, the better person, the hero, to fall in love with my copy? My rival?" SMG4 says in disbelief as he steps closer to SMG3.
SMG3 swallows nervously, his head spinning, his worst fears coming true.
SMG4 puts two fingers on SMG3's chin and tilts his head upwards to stare into his eyes. SMG3 is frozen, he can't seem to stop him.
"You are nothing but a thorn in my side. So petty, and pointless. Always degrading me... where are your manners?"
SMG4 grabs the tiny blue flower from SMG3's hands, and crushes it in between his fingertips, while glaring at SMG3's helpless, aching face. SMG4 lets the flower petals fall to the floor.
"Why would you love someone who hates you?"
SMG3 feels tears beginning to form in his eyes. For whatever reason, he anticipated this happening. He expected him to deny his confession in the most horrible way possible, and SMG4 was justified to do so, because SMG3 was a trashy person that didn't deserve his affection.
The ground begins cracking beneath them, and SMG3 closes his eyes and begins falling, until he feels SMG4 grab his foot as he hangs upside down. SMG3 looks at the ground below, and sees the familiar sight of Peach's castle falling into the abyss caused by SMG4's "perfect video" craze. He looks up at SMG4, who is holding his foot, while the glowing USB lingered on SMG4's shoe. SMG4 glares at SMG3 bitterly.
"If I had to do it all over again... I would pick the USB every time."
SMG3 feels his foot slowly slipping out of SMG4's clutches. He begins hyperventilating and panicking, but not a single word comes out of his mouth.
SMG4 slowly and purposefully loses his grip on SMG3, and as soon as SMG3 feels his body drop as SMG4 lets go of his foot, he feels himself plummet onto his mattress.
SMG3 gasps as he sits upright in his bed. It was all a dream. It was the middle of the night, and he was in his bedroom, the secret lair in his cafe. The room was dark.
He begins trying to control his breathing, slowing it down to a more realistic pace. It was all just a dream... Just a nightmare...
He glances over to the other side of his best and sees Eggdog sleeping peacefully. He smiles and gives Eggdog a few scratches on his head.
SMG3 decides to go outside and clear his head. Touching some grass wouldn't hurt.
SMG3 steps outside of III's Coffee and Bombs cafe and onto the showgrounds, lit by moonlight.
He looks around at the grass and sees familiar tiny blue flowers around, almost identical to the one he had in his dream.
SMG3 sighs and shakes his head. Merely a coincidence. Pay no mind to it.
SMG3 turns his head and stops when he sees SMG4, working hard on the attraction he's planning on making for the showgrounds, which he hasn't revealed to anybody at all what it is yet.
God dammit, why is he out here... I came out here so I could avoid thinking about him...
SMG4 is working hard with constructing the attraction single-handedly, until he pauses and sees SMG3 looking up at him confusedly. SMG4 grins excitedly and waves at SMG3, excited to see a familiar face at this hour.
SMG3 blinks when he realizes SMG4 was waving to him. He awkwardly waves back, as SMG4 jumps down to greet him.
"Hey, SMG3! What brings you out here so late?"
"Hey, man... I could say the same to you. Why are you working on that thing so late at night?"
"Oh, well, I'm really excited to work on it! Couldn't sleep. Sudden bursts of motivation at midnight, amirite?" He chuckles.
"Anyway, why are you out here, Three? ...Did you want to help?" SMG4 grins at him excitedly.
SMG3 looks at the ground, tired, but still a little antsy from the dream he had.
"No... I just... had a shitty dream. It really messed me up. I had come out here to clear my head. ...Little did I know you'd be out here."
SMG4's smile fades from his face as he realizes something's up with SMG3. He steps closer and reaches a hand out at him, as if hoping to comfort him and hold him, but immediately decides against it and recoils his arm. SMG3 does not notice.
"Oh... I'm sorry, man. I hope you're doing okay."
SMG3 looks up at him, and smiles with a sad look in his eyes, and looks at the ground again.
"...I'm fine."
SMG4 frowns, being able to tell that he isn't at all fine.
"Are you s-"
"Would you do it again?!" SMG3 says with urgency in his voice, a distressed expression on his face.
SMG4 blinks for a moment. He looks at SMG3 confused.
SMG3 realizes his sentence didn't make sense, so he slows down and breaks down the sentence to be easier to understand.
"...What I meant was... if you had to relive... the perfect video craze... would you pick me over the USB again?"
SMG4 blinks, and realizes what he means.
"Ohhh... well, yeah, of course. Every time."
SMG3 looks at him and blinks in disbelief.
"...No hesitation? Not even thinking about it? You serious?"
SMG4 nods as if this were a stupid question.
"I mean, yeah, obviously. I would always pick you. I'm not even sure why I was hesitating when I had to pick the first time."
SMG3's eyes widen and start to sparkle. Was SMG4 being for real...?
"Why? Why do you prefer me over the perfect video? Aren't I a... a thorn in your side?"
SMG4 chuckles and nudges his shoulder.
"You can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I wouldn't trade you for anything. We're friends, right? You said it yourself."
SMG3 feels his cheeks grow warmer. He feels stunned, but he eventually relaxes his tensions and smiles a soft smile at SMG4. SMG4 actually does care about me...
SMG4 notices the blush on his cheeks and smiles to himself, a tinge of blush appearing on his cheeks as well.
SMG3 realizes they had been smiling at each other in silence for about 15 seconds, and so he breaks the silence, blushing slightly harder.
"T-Thank you... that actually helped me feel so much better."
SMG4 smiles in return.
"Hey, no problem. You're an absolute delight, Three."
SMG3 blushes lightly at his words, and smiles to himself.
SMG4 glances at the ground and sees several tiny blue flowers in the grass. He smiles to himself and walks over and picks three of those little flowers and holds them in a tiny bouquet, before handing them to SMG3. SMG3's face turns bright red as he holds the three tiny flowers in a tiny bouquet in his hand.
"I... um... what... huh..."
"I'm gonna continue working on the attraction now. See you in the morning, Three!"
With that, SMG4 turns around and begins heading back over to the attraction-in-progress. SMG3 blushes as he holds the three flowers, three of the same kind he wanted to give SMG4 in his dream. He looks at the flowers, then looks back up at SMG4. He quickly picks four more tiny flowers out of the grass and runs up to SMG4.
SMG4 turns around as he hears SMG3 call his name and run toward him. SMG3 quickly shoves the four freshly picked tiny blue flowers at SMG4, while holding the three that were picked for him in his other hand.
SMG4 blushes and smiles as he takes the tiny bouquet of four blue flowers in his hand.
"Aw... thanks Three-"
SMG3 blushes madly as he sprints away from SMG4 and back into his cafe.
SMG4 stares after him in confusion as he runs away, but smiles at the fact SMG3 gave him flowers in return. He sticks the flowers into his hair, two behind each ear, then continues working on the attraction.
SMG3 slams the door behind him in his bedroom/lair and breathes heavily.
Holy shit I just did that... Holy shit I just did that!
He internally high fives himself, so proud of the fact he successfully gave SMG4 flowers. ...Maybe it wasn't a confession, like he hoped to do, but it was a start! Better than nothing!
He stares at the three blue flowers SMG4 gave him and smiles warmly. He finds a tiny vase on a shelf and goes to the bathroom sink to fill it with water, and sticks the three flowers inside of it and puts it on his dresser, right near his bed.
SMG4 is nothing like that dream version... no... he is nothing like what my anxiety is fearing. Maybe he doesn't like me like that at the moment... but for right now... this is so much better than him hating me.
He crawls back into bed, being careful not to wake Eggdog, and goes back to sleep cheerfully.
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lovingksuki · 11 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
a/n: this is part one of three. let me know if you want this mini series to be continued :) and pls be patient since english is not my first language hehe ;;
word count: 1k
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"oh c'mon! what if there's a heart shaped letter in your locker? you never know..."
"there's not."
"you can't be so certain about it. my girl is never looking her surroundings, who knows if someone got their heart pierced by an arrow?" mina pointed.
"shut up, every year the same thing..." you rushed and right after turning the corridor you captured by distance. "ok. maybe you were right." you said finding the metal compartment half closed.
then you grabbed the red paper in her hands, paying attention to the almost dry daisy taped lazily on the front; glanced around not spotting anything or anyone suspicious about it, then turned to your best friend.
"i got a feeling you're part of this." spurred.
"whoa, i was joking just now! even i am chocked. who's the sender?" the pink colored girl held her hands up in protest.
"i don't know, there's only my name." you stated carefully sticking the little flower out.
"let me search for a hint." mina took the letter from your hands suddenly, mumbling while quickly skimming through the words looking for something useful. she gasped before smirking at the content and then continued mumbling.
"enjoying yourself!?" you sighed waiting.
"mkay, done." handed the letter. "nothing between the lines. who wrote this sure is smart enough to not leak their identity."
"that's for me to decide. you ain't the smartest kind." you chuckled.
"more like the pretty girl type."
"you sly thing! you received a love letter, who's the pretty girl again?" both laughed at the statement and headed out to the cafeteria. "not reading it?"
"can't think when i am this hungry. we should hurry."
at the lunchtime the subject was the same. you two were discussing with your mouths full, sitting by yourselves on a table far enough from eavesdropping.
"hear me out. there's this line that seems to be rewritten over and over, it's a bit tattered." you mentioned. "it says: 'i'm still hesitant about what you think about me' and thanks to the pressure they put on paper seems to be 'afraid of who i am' underneath."
"adds a lot of nothing to our investigation. that's what everybody would say in a confession, i mean, nobody likes being dumped." pinky pointed out unfazed.
"yeah but, i don't think it's meaningless, what if this person is truly insecure about themselves." you pondered.
"or they're just ugly." mina chewed on her meal.
"i don't think that's the case... remember when you told me that thing you read about pretty boys' handwriting?" you brought up.
"did you actually believe that!? was just a discussion in a girl's meme forum." the pink one remarked.
"but there's some truth behind it. if you consider that people with a smaller hand can grip on a pen better when writing, also means the ones with big hands tend to have a sloppier handwriting!" you stated confident about your theory.
"girl, you're tripping... does this mean we're going across the school measuring boys' hands?" mina smirked unconvinced.
"what a fucking waste of time..." said raging.
"dude, calm down. at least you poured your feelings out..." eijiro reassured his bestfriend trying to point out the bright side of things.
but while he's the bright side, katsuki was the dark side. they say a good relationship is based in balance, in this case it makes total sense.
"you even checked if she read it?" asked the red haired.
"when she and mina walked by me at the corridor they were whispering and giggling like little lambs. probably laughing at that letter though." pouted.
"you're being paranoid, they're always like that."
"they're up to something..." bakugo murmured.
whilst the two struggled to put up with the 'plan cupid', the other two were constructing the 'plan pretty boy's handwriting'.
"as i was saying, a pencil has six inches approximately, we're looking for a hand as big at least. if we measure our hands we can compare with theirs without them noticing." stated grabbing a pen off her case.
"you're truly a genius. i refuse to accept you failed strategic test last week." mina complimented.
"i was in a really bad mood that day... anyway!" justified while traced her own hand in a empty page of mina's notebook. "fifteen centimeters. do yours and we're good to go!" demanded agitated.
when looking for friends of theirs, the girls pretended to just have a walk around the school.
"what if it was a girl?" mina asked suddenly.
"i doubt. how many girls with large hands do we know?" claimed.
"mmm... asui-san?"
"you've got to be kidding...!" pulled her phone and dialed quickly a number. "hey!" you smiled. "no, nothing really urgent, i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?" questioned without any filter.
"girl you gone mad?" mina whispered holding back a laughter.
"uh, ok. anyways, thank you. we talk later, kisses!" you hung up. "see? that's not her."
"woah you're so straightforward! it scares me sometimes..."
the boys exited the restroom still discussing, but when the blondie heard a certain voice he stepped back. pulled eijiro's tie to hide behind a pillar with him. "shut it!" mouthed.
"i just wanted to ask... are you perhaps in love with me?"
"uh, ok."
his face started to burn as he became more anxious. could only hear a few words, enough to bring the boy into complete state of panic.
after the girls left he released his breath.
"stop overthinking! she just received a love letter, of course she's curious!" kirishima said.
"i didn't say anything, shitty-hair!"
"your face shows!" sighed. "seriously, how can she be so oblivious? just look at you! you're terrible at hiding."
"i- i... she doesn't even talk to me that often..." katsuki pitied.
"bro, you're not the friendliest around here. but she doesn't seem to be afraid of you." kiri pondered. "have you ever tried to smile?"
he looked at the red spiked guy and opened a shy smile.
"a bit more."
every time bakugo tried to put on smiling face it looked creepy. "be more genuine." said eijiro.
trying his best, but even with so much effort... his buddy analyzed. "ok. it looks absolutely terrifying."
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cherryredstars · 9 months
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Mike Schmidt, Hobie Brown, Miles-42 x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive Content with Miguel, A Little Bit of Angst with Miles
Summary: How would the boys treat you on your birthday?
A/N: In honor of my birthday (WOO)!
Word Count: 1.7K (Unedited)
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Miguel O'Hara
You hang out with him in his office at HQ all day. He has your favorite food delivered to base, and you spend the whole day talking his ear off as he works. Today is the only day he doesn't mind people coming in and out of his office, as long as they do so to wish you a happy birthday.
He has LYLA keep you company, finding her only a tad bit less annoying, even as she randomly breaks out into happy birthday and makes birthday memes pop up on his screen like a virus. He only wants to strangle her when she keeps making birthday sex jokes and hinting a little too much at the gifts waiting for you at home.
When the two of you do make it home, you're excited to see the pile of gifts overflowing in the living room. Some of them are from the spiders in HQ, but more than one is from Miguel. You guys get take out, and spend the rest of the night opening gifts. You guys laugh at the ones from the younger spider-people, and try not to cringe at the more questionable ones (a difference in universe maybe?).
When the two of you finish going through the gifts and ate all the food, Miguel pulls you up off the floor. He gives you a cheeky smile, leading you towards the bedroom for one last birthday present. Huh, I guess LYLA was right about the birthday sex.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
As much as he wants to, he can't ask to go on leave in advance. Even if he did send in the request, it would be hastily denied. Going on leave because of a singular day and for a non-emergency cause? The higher ups would laugh in his face. So, his only hope is to not be deployed during that time.
If he is deployed during that time, he'll keep his eye on the clock, counting down the seconds until it hits midnight in your timezone. Then, at exactly zero hundred hours, your phone will light up with a message from Simon. It's a simple "Happy birthday. Miss you." text, but it makes you smile nonetheless. If you're lucky, you might get a voice message from all of 141 wishing you a happy birthday, horrible, off-key singing from Soap included! And if you're really lucky, you might even get a call if Simon's in a good, secure location where he knows his cellular usage can't be tracked or intercepted.
He already got a gift for you in advance. He'll tell you where he hid it, or tell you to keep an ear out for the doorbell. If he hid it, you rush over to the hiding spot, setting your phone up to record a video for him. You make a big show of it to keep him entertained, and at the end of the video you thank him repeatedly for the gift, adding in that you miss him and you'll see him when he comes back home. When he gets gifts delivered to you, it's usually flowers and maybe something extra like an Amazon package. You put your new flowers in the nicest vase you have, sending Simon a picture and heart emojis.
If-by the grace of god- he's home on your birthday, you get spoiled silly. Today is all about you and what you want to do. Breakfast in bed? Okay, waffles or pancakes? Movie night? Okay, it's your pick. Drinks at the pub? Let's stop to get a pack first. Simon does prefer to stay in with you on your birthday, but again, if you want to have a night out on the town, he's happy to follow along. Though, if you do stay home, don't look in the fridge! You don't want to risk taking a peak at the cake he bought, do you?
Mike Schmidt
Called out of work the day before. He wakes up super early, slipping out of bed to wake up Abby. She complains a little, and you have to pretend you weren't awake the second Mike got out of bed and you have to stifle your laughter at her grumbling out in the hall. The smell of breakfast is strong, and you wait a good 11 minutes (it would be too perfect if it was an even number), before slipping out of bed. You act all surprised when you walk into the kitchen, catching them making you breakfast. They instantly drag you into a chair, making you sit as they plate your food and slide over your coffee. You have to fight your tears when Abby gives you a hand drawn birthday card. Just for that, she can steal a bit of your bacon.
The three of you just spend the day at home. You draw with Abby, thanking her for all the birthday drawings. The three of you make a mess in the kitchen as you make the birthday cake, and somehow frosting gets stuck in all of your hair. You sing happy birthday after dinner, which of course is your favorite meal, and the three of you settle onto the couch to watch TV. You allow Abby to stay up until she falls asleep on the sofa.
Once she's gone to bed, Mike pulls you close to his side, pressing a kiss to your lips and muttering another happy birthday. You smile at him, and it grows wider when he pulls your gift from his pocket. The two of you are silent as you open it, and you gasp when you see what's inside. You thank him with a million smooches on his face, that makes him chuckle. Then, when it gets too late and the both of you remember he has work tomorrow, you retreat back to the bedroom for some much needed rest. Clean up is for another day.
Hobie Brown
Is it really a surprise that he forgets it's your birthday? Hey, in his defense, time and dates are just a social construct made to control the natural world!
He only remembers when one of his (current) band mates or a Spider in the society ask him what he has planned for your birthday. He knows he's fucked the second they ask him. He has nothing planned, he has yet to say happy birthday to you despite talking to you just this morning, and to top it all off, he has only just realized you were hinting about it throughout your morning conversation. And do you want to know what he said in response to your, Hobie, baby, do you think something important is happening today? Trust me, you don't because his answer may or may not have been, Unless 10 Downing is fist bumping a wrecking ball today, then no. Yeah, did he mention he was fucked?
So, in true Hobie fashion, he's gonna think quick and get himself out of trouble. What could he use as the perfect excuse for completely forgetting your birthday? Make it seem intentional! And how do you make it seem intentional? Throwing a totally killer surprise party that would give the PM a heart attack! He recruits the help of his band mates and Gwen, setting up your favorite venue that the band played in for a previous gig. He gets you a cake, a funny card, and some random trinkets he sees along the way. He'll have the band play anything you request or the night. Oh, don't forget your own friends! He'll let them know before he picks you up.
He's totally casual when he returns to the flat, all nonchalant as he tells you to get dressed up. When you ask why, he just shrugs and says riot. You stare at him like you expect him to say something extra, but you sigh when he doesn't. With your back turned to him, he allows himself to briefly flicker red. When he gets you to the venue, you're happily surprised, bumping into him and teasing that you thought he forgot. He chuckles nervously in response, finally wishing you a happy birthday. At the end of the night, after you got the celebration you deserved and the two of you lay at home in a half-awake state, he admits the truth to you when you're too sleepy to get mad at him. Hey, real men admit to their mistakes and fear the wrath of their partners.
Miles 42
He does the thing. You know, the obnoxious thing where you show up to school, and then suddenly you have a brightly colored birthday stash over your shoulder and a gift bag attached to 50 different HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloons? Yeah, he does that shit, and he does it with PRIDE. He will be damned if you aren't walking the halls and a stranger randomly yells out a birthday greeting to you in passing. You better hope you don't have any classes with him, because every class you guys share, he's making them sing happy birthday. Even if you get embarrassed and melt into your chair. At lunch, he's already got a birthday cupcake waiting for you and he did, in fact, skip the last period just so he could go get your favorite takeout to make sure it's still hot.
Rio definitely invited you over for dinner, and he spends the whole meal telling his Ma all about the things he did for you today. It makes her laugh, and she playfully swats the back of his head when you whine about how embarrassed you were all day.
When dinner is done, Miles drags you out of his house and walks you down to the familiar streets to the car lot. He helps you in, and you gasp when you see the inside of the car. He has candles placed carefully around, and a cake sits in the back seat with plastic forks and more gifts. Your smile is goofy as he quietly sings happy birthday to you, and you blow out the candle as he whoops and hollers playfully. The two of you dig into the cake, having quiet conversation until you feel like you'll throw up from all the sugar.
But as you're about to open the last of your gifts, his phone begins to ring. Looks like your birthday wish didn’t come true after all.
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hwaflms · 5 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ nct 127 as 1d songs!
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‧₊˚ 💭 ✩彡 , , 0.69k, fluff + slight suggestive + slight angst, just lil snippets of you and 127 with one direction songs, not my usual writing style, TELL ME UR FAV 1D TRACKS
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♡ taeil . . . last first kiss
rainy days, soft smiles and soft kisses, nicknames, casual dates, putting away groceries, taking photos of things to show each other later, promises, painting dates, secret handshakes, prolonged stares, drawing each other, approving photos to post, kisses on the top of your head, karaoke nights, trying street food together, song recommendations, deep questions, laughing over some soju, denial and hesitation, splashing each other with wet hands
♡ taeyong . . . little things
LONG showers, buying clothes for you, matching jewellery, folders in your galleries for each other, perfume, long talks over tea, words of affirmation, flowers, crying in front of each other, wine nights, slow dancing, sending you reminders to eat, falling asleep over call, learning ukulele together, staying-in days, holding hands 99.99999% of the time, corny jokes, bike rides, playing video games, cutting fruit for each other, naps while it's raining outside
♡ johnny . . . she's not afraid
secret movie dates, drive-thru mcdonald’s, tight dresses, tousled hair, long video calls, subtle lock screens, orange-scented soap, sneaking out at night, drunken confessions, the two of you together in the background of every photo, watching scary shows, kissing in the dark, running, texting while in the same room, lying in his arms, windy nights, knowing each others favourite songs, screenshots, hushed whispers, road trips, dancing in the kitchen
♡ yuta . . . perfect
parties at 1 am, hailing taxis, long sloppy kisses, tucking hair behind each others ears, red bull cans, blasting music in the car, ice cream runs, eye contact, skinny dipping, cheap hotels, playing pool, texting late at night, beach walks, wind blowing in your face, meeting in secret, italian restaurants, thin cigarettes, messy sheets and hair, windows all the way down, knowing smiles, wearing his shirt at home, soft gasps, motel pools, cherry lip balm, getting tattoos together, getting kicked out of parties
♡ doyoung . . . half a heart
soft sweaters, missed calls, buying his detergent, matching rings, soft wispy clouds, two different kinds of juices in your fridge, puddles, picnic dates, mixed up socks, never deleting photos, the first text after an argument, books with notes in them, walks by the river, watching a show together, conversations in the dark, spontaneous coffee meet-ups, naming plants, museum visits, drives in the rain, saving memes about each other, empty lockets
♡ jaehyun . . . no control
stargazing, drinking on rooftops, meeting at parties, red cups, pool nights, lipstick stains, the smell of his perfume, oversized clothing, driving fast when the roads are empty, voice messages, morning kisses, private playlists, tinted taxis, looking for each other in a room, holding your hair back, strong coffee, silk pillowcases, clothes on the floor, selfies on each others phones, muffled moans, drunk tattoos, pinching his cheeks
♡ jungwoo . . . 18
amusement park dates, walks at night, letters on beige paper, photo booth pictures, ugly keychains, playing on the seesaw when the playgrounds empty, passing notes, keeping said notes, bracelets, having each other as your lock screen, messy beds, lists of baby names, knowing each other's favourite songs, extra toothbrushes, shampoo bottles, yearbook cutouts, shoebox filled with letters and trinkets, holding pinkies, random texts throughout the day, talking to his mom on the phone, long calls
♡ mark . . . i want to write you a song
pure innocent love, cafe dates, warm hugs, board games and hot chocolate, writing songs for you, sharing clothes, pecks while smiling, cookie recipes, said cookies ending up burnt, karaoke nights, acoustic guitars, writing desks, cheek kisses, grocery shopping, badly taken polaroids, long walks, late night conversations, photo albums, beanies when it's cold, holding hands under the table, wearing his glasses, breakfast in bed, bouquets, scarfs, walks along the sand
♡ haechan . . . temporary fix
stolen glances, smokey rooms, making out in the back of a taxi, moonlight, hair flying in the wind, playing footsie under the table, jealousy, talking on the phone late at night, eyes meeting across the room, drunken kisses, sitting on his lap, lots of 'are you awake?' texts, vodka sours, mirrored lense sunglasses, dyeing each other's hair, locking doors, lips on your neck, avoiding questions, stupid contact names, waking up in his clothes, empty wine bottles, bright sunsets, 10+ tiktoks and memes every morning, voice notes of him singing
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
Trapped in a Bleaky Winter
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All art belongs to @lizaluvsthis thats right me and Liz are at it again enjoy our collab fic for snowtrapped anniversary!
Summary: Mario looks at the calendar and notices it's been eight years since the igloo incident. Seeing that his friends are still not together, Mario decides to take things into his own hands by helping them confess their hidden feelings. 
Tags: Love confession, snowtrapped, fluff, igloo, angst
Mario kicks down the door to the castle like he does every visit to his best friend's home, feeling hungry he decides to get more spaghetti from his friend's fridge.  He walks to the kitchen and notices a circle around tomorrow's date, normally the plumber would ignore what day it is for his love of pasta but this date was different. He remembered the date well, it was eight years ago when his two best friends SMG3 and SMG4 were rivals.  They always fought and SMG3 was known to steal the other man's content to gain popularity, on that date the pair got stuck in the igloo and went crazy. Mario chuckles at the memory of what he walked in on, since that day he had hoped the two would notice their feelings.
He opens the fridge shaking his head as he reaches for the pasta, one sniff of the plate gives the avatar an idea. The anniversary was tomorrow, if Mario could get the pair alone together they might finally talk about their feelings. With this on his mind he runs to his brother's shop to get help, kicking down the flower shop doors he runs up to the counter smacking the bell. Luigi sighs as he stares at his twin, he keeps hitting the bell until Luigi gently moves the bell from his hand “Yes Mario?” the plumber looks up at his younger twin excitedly “Mario needs help with a sneaky gay plan!” Luigi stares at his brother confused waiting for an explanation. 
Mario hands two envelopes and paper “Mario needs some letters written!”  Luigi looks at the paper unsure what his role was in the plan. Mario leans up whispering what to write to Luigi only to get a nervous nod, he writes the letters handing them back to his older brother “Mario, what is this all about?” with a wink as an answer, Mario runs off to help two dumb gays get together. He runs up to SMG4, the meme guardian is outside the castle recording some memes that Mario didn't care to look at.  He slides up to four startling the man “AH! Oh hey Mario, everything okay?” He gives a concerned look to the other man, Mario gives him a bright smile and hands him a letter. Taking the letter SMG4 smiles widely “Tag6 wants to go on a date with me, a girl? This is the best news…wait Mario if this is a prank I swear to all the memes in the kingdom I'm kicking your ass!” Mario shakes his head “No! The letters were left by the castle doors!” 
SMG4 lets out an excited giggle accepting Mario’s excuse, Mario smiles watching SMG4 run to the castle to get ready. Once out of sight, he turns his attention to the second target, walks up to the cafe, and knocks on the door. An annoyed Three walks out “What do you want Mario, if you don't remember you’re not allowed here for scaring my customers last time!”  Mario shows off a letter with a smirk. Three blinks taking it from Mario and reading it “Some fan wants to meet up on a date? Hm I don't go on dates with fans but this Aster sounds interesting, they could help bring more people to the cafe!” with that Three shoos off Mario and slams the door. 
After a few hours, with the help of Luigi who still needs clarification about what this is all for, built an igloo at the date location. Mario throws his twin away from the area as Three makes it to the location first “It said to meet….here?” he blinks, staring at the igloo before him. Flashbacks of what happened last time he was near one came back to him, getting nervous he was going to start walking away until he heard something behind him. Next thing he knew he was being thrown into the igloo “AHHH!” screaming he landed inside seeing the place decorated for a dinner date “MARIO! LET ME OUT!” with a giggle Mario hid again. Four appears and hears screaming inside the igloo, he looks around nervously given what happened last time he was near one. Seeing no one else around he walks to the door, and with a smirk, Mario shoves Four in. The man flying forward opens the door landing on top of SMG3, pleased with the results Mario covers the door.
SMG4 groans, opening his eyes, his face goes red seeing he is on top of SMG3. Three held his breath as his ruby eyes looked into Four sapphire-colored ones, after the shock wore off SMG4 got up letting out an awkward laugh “Hahah sorry about that!” Three shakes his head getting up “Blame our idiot avatar.” Four looks at the exit then at Three “WAIT MARIO!?” he runs to the door attempting to open it.  He feels his face go pale at the realization “No…NO OH GOD- NOT AGAIN!?” Three watches as SMG4 starts to have a mental breakdown. With a sigh he walks up to the door and places a bomb “Poor idiotic Four, this is why you always carry emergency bombs!” hearing this four gets up in a panic “You dumb ass this is an igloo! WE HAVE NOWHERE TO ESCAPE THE BLAST!” Three blinks as his eyes shrink looking at the lit bomb “Oh.” 
The bomb goes off shaking the igloo, without a second thought, Three grabs Four pulling him close to protect him from anything dangerous that could land on him.  Four holds on to Three until the shaking stops, they both turn their head to see the exit completely covered in snow. Three nervously looks at Four “You…uh think Mario will save us again?” Four lets out a sigh looking into Three’s eyes and giving him a nervous smile “Yeah I mean he did it last time!” realizing how close they were they pulled away from each other. 
Four sighs looking at the decoration of the igloo, he shouldn't be surprised that no girl wanted to be on a date with him. From the look of the igloo, Four could guess this must have been another weird trend Mario was following. He remembers how the last one made him and Three kiss, the memory causes his face to become red he was sure he could be mistaken for a tomato. He needed to relax, maybe it was the igloo making him panic. Reminding himself that things were different between them, he turned around to see three sitting on the floor.  He decides to sit next to him “Mario got me here with a fake date, how about you?” He handed his other half his letter to prove his work. Three takes the letter reading it, he rolls his eyes understanding what happened “Same handwriting as mine, Mario was trying to set us up. Well, look where that landed up!” Four glares at Three “Sure Mario got us here, but who was it that blew up the igloo in the first place!”
Three blushes looking away, he then remembered something as he started to look around. He searches different drawers and then pulls out a blanket “We need to keep warm, so here.”  He tosses it at four before sitting back down. Seeing there's only one blanket Four light blushes as he wraps it around them both, Three gets closer causing Four’s heart to beat fast. This was getting to be too much for the guardian “Hey um Three, isn't it funny how easy it is now to share body warmth…compared to last time?” Three nods getting closer to Four “That’s cause we hated each other, now we are friends and im fucking cold so shut it!” They sit there silently before Four speaks up again “Why do you think Mario did this?” Three scoffs “What other reason besides he thinks we…have feelings for each other.” They go silent again as Four thinks over his words, feeling nervous he turns ready to admit his hidden feelings only to catch the man crying “Three?” he reaches out, wiping the tears off the man's face. SMG3 lets out a bitter smile “This whole thing is stupid, I only accept this date to move forward. Now we moved backwards cause of course I will be stuck with you again! Why would you even notice someone as worthless as me…” 
Four’s eyes go wide upon hearing his words before glaring at him, he grabs the man's face staring right into his eyes “Shut it, you’re amazing Three. Have you seen all that you have done? You have had so many jobs and built so many amazing things, you're amazing!” Three could only stare in shock hearing his words, his heart beating fast. Four lets out a soft giggle “You supermemeguardian3 you’re amazing, it's why…I got so confused, ..let me show you.” he leans forward pressing his lips against three. 
Three didn’t know what to do feeling the other man's soft lips on his, four pulled away now crying “I'm the one who shouldn't get your time… I have hurt you so much, I understand if you don't feel the same.”  They both stay silent before Three grabs Four pulling him into another kiss, this one filled with his love for the other man. Four hums closing his eyes and returning the affection, they stay kissing for a while only to be broken apart when they hear screaming outside. The pair pulled away to see Meggy dashing in “OH THANK GOD!” She runs up to the pair hugging them, after the hug they walk out of the igloo glaring at Mario. The avatar smiles at the two “Did the date work?” They smack Mario and stomp away annoyed with the plumber “The nerve asking something that stupid!” Three couldn't help the outburst given the fear he had if they stayed any longer.  Four smiles softly taking Three’s hand ignoring Meggy and Saiko yelling at Mario, sure the plan didn't go the way Mario expected it to. That didn't matter to him when he caught the pair holding hands smiling, Four leaned in close “I Love you three,” the other man blushed looking away “Baka! Saying something so casual…I… I love you too.” They both let out nervous giggles excited to see where this next chapter takes them. 
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flower husbands fans be like *types up entire character analysis essay, retelling of the whole of empires s1, writes fifty angst/longing fanfics* yeah i just like them cus they're cute
ethubs fans be like clips from a collab in 2008 where everyones mic is constantly peaking, "these fucking assholes ruined my life", visceral reaction at any mention of last life, fanart is either memes or the angstiest thing you've ever seen in your life with no inbetween
ranchers fans be like they are my sons they have every disease
treebark fans be like hi im inthelittlewood also known as martyn and today we are playing mcci with
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hello! can i please request hcs with quackity about being in a long distance relationship with him?
yes omg!! thanks for the request! ; I tried, I tried not that great
QUACKITY ; long distance relationship
summary ; you and quackity are online daters /j
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 686
y/s/n = your ship name
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you met at Twitch Rivals
you're both content creators which is obviously how you met
you guys bonded over shared interactions and the games you'd both lost
you got along so great that you exchanged information and decided you should stream together sometime
a couple weeks later you were invited to a jackbox stream with him, fundy, tommy, tubbo, bbh, and niki
shit went crazy
"Y/u/n, is there anything you'd like me to call you before we start? Like nickname or just y/u/n?" Niki asks
You graciously answer her, letting her know your name and proffered pronouns. Tommy makes a little, very lighthearted joke before pointing out someone in chat already making you and Niki and you and Alex ship names.
"Oh God, they've got us" You chuckle. "They're both mine, chat"
"AYO? SINCE WHEN?" Alex shouts
Niki giggles, covering her mouth.
"Since now" You shrug
you decided to try dating during the second north carolina meetup
you both had some fuzzy feelings about each other and mutually agreed on 'well hey, we like each other, why not try it out?'
being near the beach and with all your friends made it like a dream
but after two weeks, you had to go home
but you left your relationship untitled for now
Streaming together continued as per usual. So did long talks and phone calls, and hours spent playing video games (mostly Minecraft) together.
the next trip was to LA to visit Alex this time
you guys had your first kiss on his balcony overlooking the city
the way he giggled after omg
during that trip, you established your relationship and started to go on every day dates and stuff
but then you had to go home again
Honestly, both of you didn't really think about what to do with your relationship once you went home. You were taking it all in while you had it and weren't thinking about the very true reality of it all.
you thought talking was constant? it is now
sometimes both of you will just stay up late and rant about what you like about each other and corny shit
youre the one to softlaunch the relationship to fans
you probably guessed the password to his twitter/instagram and changed his bio to "y/u/n's bf 💯💯"
he didnt even know until people were flooding his dms and people on tik tok were talking about it
hed already said he was okay with telling people as long as you were tho
sends you pictures of flower bouquets once a week with some thought out, very loving paragraph or poem
he constantly complains about not being able to kiss or cuddle you
"y/n/n why are you so far away!?"
"i told you id be able to pay for you to live with me"
sends you good morning/goodnight texts and talks about what you'd be doing that day if you were together
cheesy little man
always spamming you w pics of Tiger
will religiously send you memes and blow up your phone if you're busy or ignoring him
yk the relationship is srs when even your qsmp characters are in love
the lore.
half of its heartbreaking angst and the other half is literally your bucket lists/daydreams of the future of your relationship
hes so down bad for you
will do anything to make you smile or make you flustered
will make the most suggestive jokes in front of friends, stay silent for a second or two and yell "im joking, im joking!"
orders you doordash/uber eats when you're doing subathons or generally long streams
will always join through vc/greenscreen when youre doing cooking streams
you'll do greenscreen dates (like the fiances stream) once a month and gossip over takeout LMAO
genuinely asks his fanartists to make ship art of you two because he loves seeing all the ideas and cute shit
they always draw you with one of his beanies or hats on, the occasional necklace
you reblog tumblr y/s/n fanart 24/7/365
karaoke streams are a must
you guys rank those "songs that all white people love" videos and rate the songs
dare or hot wing streams when youre literally anywhere but near each other>>
also playing just dance using vc and stream green screen>>>
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agustdiv1ne · 9 months
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in no particular order, here are my favorite fics that i've read this year!! please show a lot of love to all of these wonderful authors <3 (also please heed their rules, esp for nsfw fics!!)
part of my 2023 wrap up!
um like. quite literally everything sol has posted this year. i am being so serious. check out their masterlist right NEOWWWW and read EVERYTHING
flowers of every color — i could rave about this series for like 10 hours straight, i'm not even kidding. it's sweet with the perfect amount of angst to really draw you in, i fell in love with every character more and more with each chapter <3 now where is my prince!jjunie :(
amazon wishlist (m) — me when me when me when roommate!tyun offers to fuck me...god, i need this so bad
gloves & dittany — OHHHHH how i love this fic...one of the best harry potter aus i have ever read, and with yeonjun?? slytherin!yeonjun!!!! ooooo you really got me good, op <3
bittersweet — *cowboy cat meme* DRUNK SOOOOOOOOOB i think this wins the award for being the cutest fic i read in the year of 2023
i can't swim, idiot! (m) — i will never not shut up about this fic...just faking married? with beomgyu?? with feelings involved??? yeah. Yeah <3
like the moon — merman!kai you will always be famous to me, one of my all-time favorites by far!!!!!
answers (m) — this academic rival!taehyun fic had me screaming crying gnawing on my leg like wtf mika. how could you do this to me. i am dead now.
something nice (m) — i went SOOOO insane over this fic like the dynamics were just. scrumptious. i love yeonkai i love this fic i love hp for writing this yes yes yes
like, never ever? (m) — ohhhh my god. this one really got me good,, dom best friend!beomgyu giving mc her first orgasm?? sign me tf up !!!!!!
sway with me — i sent this in for their 1k event i just :')))) i love this so so so much!!!! dancing with yeonjun is my dream, so thank you for taking my request op!! <3
@hueareloved / @huenation
my love mine all mine (m) — the most tender and soft and SWEET nsfw fic i have ever read, so in love with this and sleepy lovesick jjunie AGHH brb rereading this
ditto — ohhhh how i love angst. amor's writing style is beautiful and it made this beomgyu fic that much more heart-wrenching <3
laundry basket (m) — no bc this went CRAZYYY with the perv!mc thing, savored every single word of this kai fic tbh
comfy cozy (m) — CUTE AF. i am the biggest proponent of soft smut and berry writes it so well <3 i loveee soft yeonjun more than life itself
@aduh0308 / @banggyu0308
yeehaw (m) — OKAYYY cowboys!taejun fucking destroyed me like. i don't think i ever recovered from this
berry sorbet (m) — i need kai to be my soulmate rn wtf. cute n sweet and i loved it
airport crush pt.2 (m) — the minute smiles told me she was working on airport crush pt.2 i passed away. nothing could have prepared me for this fic, it destroyed me in the best way...god, i need yeonjun so bad
trapped in your game (m) — i salivated. i quaked. i (s)creamed. best friend!yeonjun, please hmu </3
@napofamoon / @mazeinthemoon
you're the one love (m) — moonie ATE with this fallen angel!yeonjun fic!! i love sacrilege n this was just sooo hot
workaholic — this made me giggle and kick my feet so hard...i love you cafe boss taehyun, pls marry me
honeymoon avenue — i. love. angst. and fay is exceptionally talented at writing it!! taehyun better watch out tho >:(
@mapofthemazeinthemirror / @afterbluehours
untitled (m) — this yeonbin x reader fic is SOOOO hot like. i screamed. i cried. i rolled around in a fetal position because it just made me so insane
duality (m) — OHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY GODDDDDDD i think this is one of the hottest kai fics i have ever read in my entire life. i don't often see kai as a hard dom in fics so this opened my eyes (can't wait for the final part!!)
you are in love — one of my jjunie comfort fics!!! sweet n soft and everything to me :')
twenty-three suns (m) — rain's writing style hits me straight in the gut, especially with this summer fling au with taehyun :') lovely yet heart-wrenching and AGHH i love this
untitled (m) — UMMM this camboy!yeonjun fic altered the trajectory of my entire life. i fucking die every time i read this, like it has to be laced with crack or something
menace (m) — this was batshit INSANE LIKEEEE gangster!yoongi fucked me up so bad (in the best way)
how to get the girl ��� i ate this up SO hard. i just adore both the mc and beomgyu's characters in this, definitely another all-time favorite of mine
head (m) — SAR YOU WERE INSANE FOR THIS. sub!soobin makes me so feral and this made my brainrot even worse UGHHH
backseat (m) — oh. oh yeah. now this is everything to me, best friend!yeonjun + car sex = a very very happy me
learning languages (m) — i don't often read donghyuck fics (or nct fics in general), but this one. oh, this one is beautiful. it made me cry, it made go through so many emotions i just. read this right now, you won't regret it
cliche — i still vividly remember this first time that i read this, the dialogue is hilarious and it is just sweet n fluffy n AGHH i will forever adore this fic <3
and some more accounts with amazing fics!!!: @majestyjun @hyewka @taegimood @naomiarai @hyuk4sbf @fairyofshampgyu @enha-cafe @moonhoures @wolfytae-exe @dearlyjun @heartchoi @sook9i @tinietaehyun @minastras
a big thank you to all of these writers for sharing your works!! <3
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leighsartworks216 · 9 months
57 perhaps? If inspiration happens to strike. I love a little desperation or uncertainty or pretty much any possible cause of trembling kisses. Can be nsfw or not. Thank you for all that you do, and please feel free to disregard entirely if it’s not your thing!
57 - kisses with trembling lips
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
OH BOY DID THE INSPIRATION STRIKE. IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE. I saw this prompt and my mind immediately went to the most painful idea. I legitimately almost started crying multiple times writing this, as someone who very rarely cries over fics at all. Soooo let that be a solid warning and good luck 👍
Word Count: 578
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
Tag List Form
Kiss Prompts
It felt wrong to see you like this. You were surrounded by flowers from all your friends; Astarion despised the damn things more than ever. The only good thing was their potent fragrances masked the scent of death.
He took a deep breath, biting his cheek to force back his tears. It wasn’t working very well.
He stepped forward, leaning over the sides of the wooden coffin to peer down at your face. You looked peaceful. Much, much too pale, but peaceful. The thought of lowering you into the ground rubbed him the wrong way, but there was some comfort in knowing you would be laid right next to his own grave. When his time comes, however long from now, he’d be by your side once again.
He inhaled shakily. The tears burning his eyes broke free. He didn’t have the energy to wipe them away.
His hands shook as he reached in and cupped your cheek. The wrinkles and creases of age still felt exactly as they had a week ago, when you were scolding him for hovering over you. “I’m not helpless yet, Star. I can make it to the couch on my own.”
The thought of that house. Of going back to the emptiness… Gods, what would he do without you?
“Live. Live for me. You have so much life to live, my love. My star.”
He wished you’d open your eyes. Tell him it was all a joke. Come back to him, lay in his arms just one more time.
He couldn’t breathe. His chest was too damn tight, choking on half-contained sobs. The sun would be rising soon. He’d need to leave before then. For you. Gods know he was all too tempted to stay here, holding you one last time as he’s reduced to ash. But your voice rang all too clearly in his mind, as though you were commanding him on a battlefield. Live.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine you were still alive, merely fast asleep in your armchair by the fire, book slipping from your fingertips. But the smell of death flooded his nose too strongly. It was not the warm scent of the fire, or the soaps and oils he would bathe you with.
His lips trembled against your skin. His chin shook as emotion overwhelmed him. His entire body shuddered with the power of his sobs. His tears hit your skin; a holy aspersion from a lifetime of being loved. He reluctantly pulled away, vision blurred to hell as he delicately brushed them from your brow.
The horizon slowly grew pink and yellow. He had to leave.
His heart ached with the thought, now more than ever. He would never see your face again, not outside of portraits or magic mimicry. And he couldn’t even see worth a damn to be absolutely positive he would never forget it. He forgot his own face so long ago; he wouldn’t forget yours.
He tried to speak, tried to tell you he loved you, to thank you for spending your life with him, for never giving up on him despite it all, for being you. But the words never came. A golden beam creeped over the opposite edge of your coffin. The flowers came alive in the sun. He wished you would, too.
He passed from shadow to shadow back home, sobbing out his grief with every step.
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