#((yeah he does Mako! now KISS YOUR BOY!!
epitomees · 2 years
@silver-strings-of-fate​ | continued from here: X 
This was stupid. 
What point was there being trapped inside a crapped space with another person? Was it made to embarrass the two individuals sentenced to the darkness? Or maybe they’d have to endure the poignant stench of lingering cleaning supplies. Even contorting their bodies to fit just right among the long lost brooms and askew dust pans. 
But being this close to Ren proved...challenging, not just as a physical matter. Still, the others nagged Makoto to join in the fun and why damper their good spirits? She’s no Ice Queen...not anymore, at least. 
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She found a slightly more comfortable position with her back against the the wall, legs straightened towards and touching the opposite wall where Ren stood, and arms bent inward. But it looked like Makoto was about to entrap the other in a hug, if someone opened the door at just the right time. 
Thankfully, no one did when Ren nervously made a confession. And no one would notice the flushed red growing in her cheeks, too. “...huh? You...” 
Did he really say that? Did she hear that right? 
“...w-wait, y-you...you...actually...you...really.......really...” She leaned closer to him. Her voice wavered, quiet and meek. Almost as if Makoto was not only flabbergasted but nervous too. Even scared to hear the truth. 
“....you...love me?” 
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall, around 170.5 cm (along 5’7’’). This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing!
Previous:  ‹ Worth › | Next:  ‹ Greed ›
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Acceptance; that’s what you’re searching for this whole time.
You stopped on your steps, immediately stiffened from the sudden loud voice–resulting someone bumping into you quite hard. Stumbling on your feet, the person immediately had their grip onto your arm–preventing you to kiss the ground face first.
“Sorry, you okay?” looking over your shoulder rather stiffly, eyes resting on the figure towering over your figure (still, the top of your head reached his cheek bone, but he’s tall alright). That and he had a rather… unique black, spiky hair.
“T-thank you,” you replied meekly.
“Sorry about him, he means no harm,” the taller boy apologized for his friend over there who… cried and kneeled on the ground? Is this having something to do with your existence!? Your height!? Anything!?
“There’re three girls now! Now they’ve got a pretty one, a cute one, and a model-like one!”
“Is he okay, though…?” you questioned, feeling the taller boy letting go of your hand and proceeded to pat your head lightly–which kind of reminds you of Daichi’s gesture.
“Yes, sadly.” He sighed in resignation. “Oh, by the way, I’m Kuroo Tetsurou. Third year, Nekoma’s captain, and this is the first time I see you around, along with that girl over there.”
The boy, Kuroo, pointed to Yachi’s figure who’s escorted by Kiyoko–you thought she somehow forgot about you, but you instantly erased the thought from your mind when noticing her not so subtle glare directed towards Kuroo.
“Ah, I just became an official manager yesterday,” you said, finding talking to Kuroo comfortable–he did kind of intimidating for his height, still standing taller over you. Maybe he’s almost 190 cm. However, he exudes this comforting aura much like Daichi as a captain. “My name is Otohaku [Name] and the girl you mentioned before is Yachi Hitoka, she’s my classmate.”
“That explains a lot.” Kuroo hummed. “And I have to say, this is the first time I’ve seen a girl as tall as you. At least Yamamoto is right about the model-like part.”
Instantly, you found your face hot as if it was engulfed with fire–stealing a laugh from him and earning another hair ruffle for you.
“I’m happy you’re getting along with our manager and all,” Daichi soon interrupted by pushing his way in between you and Kuroo while removing the captain’s hand from your head. He smiled, but his smile was far than nice–which made you swallowed thickly even though it’s not directed towards you. “But, not too close, would you?”
“They screamed powerhouses already,” you muttered, watching teams practicing. “Especially the dark blue ones.”
“You have good eyes,” Coach Ukai suddenly said, making you turn to face him. “That’s Fukurodani Academy.”
“Fukurodani…?” your eyes slowly widened in disbelief, trying process the extremely familiar name in your brain. “The Fukurodani Academy? One of the top players in Japan is in that school.”
“Just like Ushiwaka, he’s one of the top five aces heading to nationals.” Takeda-sensei continued.
“Bokuto Kotaro.” Somehow you couldn’t control your inner monologue and just plain blurted it, earning a surprised look from the older men and your girls. Also magically, the person you just mentioned immediately snapped his head to look over his shoulder and looking straight at you. He immediately grinned and you tried to reply back with a nervous smile and a wave.
“[Name]-chan, how did you know that!?” Yachi asked.
“Well, my big brother hasn’t shut up about him, so,”
“Your brother is a player, Otohaku?” Coach Ukai asked. “That’s why your last name sounded familiar for a reason.”
“Does Otohaku Hisahito sounded familiar to you?”
“I’ve seen him in the volley magazine,” Coach Ukai nodded in understanding. “He’s a candidate for one of the top middle blockers for around three years. He’s sure has an impact in plays.”
“To think [Name]-chan has connection with a very famous person,” Shimizu chuckled.
“Hey, hey, hey!” There’re so many unexpected things happened in one day and you wondered on how your heart could keep up with it. One of them would be this–being approached by one of the top five aces in the country. “You’re from Karasuno, right? The assistant coach!”
“Bokuto-san, don’t decide their position on your own. You’re being rude.”
“But she looks like one!”
“I’m sorry for his poor introduction skills.” The black-haired boy with calm atmosphere apologized–he has a really contrast personality with Bokuto. “My name is Akaashi Keiji, and this is Bokuto Kotaro-san. The captain of Fukurodani team.”
“Uhm, nice to meet you. I’m Karasuno’s manager, first year. Otohaku [Name].” you bowed slightly to show your respect.
“What!? You’re a manager!? And a first year!?” maybe it’s instinct or his outgoing personality much like Hinata, he didn’t hesitate to close the gap and stood only a few centimeters away from you. “You’re so tall, though! It’s awesome! Man, first years this time are really something!”
“Bokuto-san, you’re being too close.” Akaashi interrupted and slightly tugged on the captain’s shirt, preventing him from taking another step forward and ended up scaring you away.
“But, Akaashi look at her!” Bokuto didn’t even hesitate to point at you enthusiastically. “She’s only a little bit shorter than me!”
Getting away from Akaashi’s grip, he threw an arm around you and plainly pressed his cheek on top of your head–where your height stopped. It all happened too fast to the point your brain short-circuited. “See!”
Akaashi’s brow twitched. “Bokuto-san, you’re making her uncomfortable.”
“Excuse me,” Sugawara interrupted with a smile, however, the smile was far from friendly–dark auras looming behind him menacingly, which made Bokuto stiffened. Why? Because it was directed to him. “Could we have our dearest manager back, please?”
“Of course, we apologize if we took her time,” Akaashi said and pulled on Bokuto’s shirt to drag him away, essentially saving him from Sugawara’s wrath.
“Wuaah, it’s finally nice to meet you!” Ubugawa’s manager, Miyanoshita Eri, didn’t think twice to tackle you into a hug–sending you two sprawling onto the laid futon. You yelped in surprise as your back hit the fluffy material. “Sorry, you’re just so pretty!”
“Yeah, you have to know that Bokuto hasn’t shut up about you for even a second!” one of Fukurodani’s manager, Shirofuku Yukie, commented.
“Our boys are also getting rather distracted!” Shinzen’s manager, Otaki Mako, nodded and smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t judge them because I’m distracted too! Who’s not when they see a pretty lady not far away?”
“I guess [Name]-chan has her own charms between the boys,” Shimizu giggled, enjoying seeing you flustered.
“Riiight?” Suzumeda Kaori grinned widely. “Everyone’s more fired up than before.”
“By the way, how do you have this kind of height?” Eri questioned, loosening her arms around your shoulders. “Do you do intense sports or workout?”
“It’s genes, actually,” you answered, rubbing the back of your neck nervously. “My dad’s around 190 cm and my mom’s around 180 cm. Both of them are athletes.”
“That explains a lot,” Yukie hummed in understanding. “Just like Nekoma’s really tall first-year. He’s half Russian I guess.”
“H-half? That’s amazing,” Yachi stuttered.
“I could just imagine [Name]-chan being flaunted on in school!” Mako hugged her pillow close to her chest. “Ah, a goddess among mortals-“
“People… don’t like my height,” it’s rude for cutting her off, but you couldn’t help it. Not when it tasted extremely bitter upon your tongue. “The boys said I’m too tall and girls are supposed to be petite. The girls don’t want to get too close because I’m a giant, they’re intimidated. I… kind of wish I was smaller…”
“WHAT!? WHO SAID THAT!?” Yukie shrieked full of disgust. “How dare they judge you by appearance!?
“[Name]-chan, I need names! Names!” Kaori demanded, placing firm hands upon your shoulders and shook. “And I will strangle their neck tomorrow!”
“Please don’t murder anyone!” you raised your hands in front of your chest instinctively.
“Who do we have to kill tomorrow, girls?” Eri smiled darkly.
“Anyway, don’t listen to them, okay!?” Mako added. “You’re absolutely gorgeous!”
“Y-you have our backs, [Name]-chan!” Yachi followed. “W-we’ll fight them!”
“We and besides, if the boys somehow heard about this, there will be homicide.” Shimizu smirked.
Their support and full acceptance were alien to you.
“Thank you.”
Alien but you couldn’t help to feel warmth blooming in your chest–because this was something you’re looking for a long time.
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ask-bolin · 2 years
Happy fourth of July Bo!!!
Any stories of seeing fireworks with Y.N IMAGINE? AND THR KREW. maybe Varick experiment with fireworks etc idk. Like the ones you buy at store to do with people at streets or whatever. Sparklers also and spinners etc. Mako helps Varick set them off. Korra does a sparkler bunch. Insert the famous gif of her frying fish in park if she told you that like she did me. Lmfao.
Also make sure mako has a plus one. Don't need to say a lot of them. Just say he has his date. Who is firebender who help too.
If you wanna make it princess x bolin. I don't mind at all. Or maybe firebender x bolin imagine of fourth of July.
Whatever works and up to you. I'm always loving the stories you tell us Bo! ..
Sorry rambling aha.
- 😏
Author: Happy (late, sorry) 4th of July to you too! Bolin and I celebrated by eating too many hot dogs, it was awesome. I hope yours was awesome too! Okay, I smushed some of those ideas together so we have Bolin x reader while they join the Krew to watch Varrick's fireworks.
"Asami and them are outside, are you ready to go?" Bolin asked.
"Yeah I just need one more thing," you told Bolin, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Okay now I'm ready."
"You're a dork, let's go," Bolin laughed.
You both walked out to Asami's satomobile but had to sit in the back. Asami and Korra had the front, and Mako and his girlfriend had already taken their seats.
"So what's the plan?" you asked the group as Asami started driving.
"Someone," Korra gestured to Asami as Korra explained, "agreed to let Varrick host a fireworks show.
"Don't worry," Asami explained calmly, "Zhu Li will be there.
Everyone gave a sigh of relief.
It was almost dark when you arrived at the field Varrick had picked out. Varrick jumped up from behind some contraption and ran over to the satomobile.
"Mako, my boy!" Varrick almost hadn't noticed anyone else, but spoke clearly enough to make sure everyone could hear him. "You're going to help me with my latest invention! They're like fireworks, but BETTER! What do I call them, Zhu Li?"
Zhu Li was already next to Varrick before anyone noticed where she came from. Zhu Li gave Varrick a kiss then calmly answered, "You call them 'fireworks, but Zhu Li and Varrick style because our love is like fireworks, but better' my love."
"You're right Zhu Li," Varrick pondered to himself, "I gotta work on that name... LATER! Mako! I hope you're feeling hot tonight, I want to have my mind BLOWN!"
Mako followed Varrick to the contraption, "I'm your man, I guess..." Mako looked over at Zhu Li, but she gave a reassuring nod.
While Mako helped Varrick, you helped Bolin to unload the satomobile. There were picnic blankets and food for everyone, and everything was set up just in time before the sun went down.
Bolin called out, "Dibs on sitting next to Y.n.!"
"Duh!" everyone responded.
Bolin's silliness made you laugh, so he went to grab some snacks, then sat down beside you. You were all surprised how well Varrick's fireworks show was, and even Mako was having fun being part of it. Then, the rest of the Krew had turns playing with the smaller fireworks like sparklers and bottle rockets. A night filled with fun and friends was exactly what you all had needed.
You cuddled up next to Bolin and he told you how much fun he was having. You didn't even mind missing the fireworks finale because you and Bolin were staring into each other's eyes.
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azucanela · 4 years
being bolin’s s/o would include hcs?
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SUMMARY: life with bolin from confession to wedding 
WARNINGS: crying, insecurities, kissing, that it this is wholesome there are like no warnings
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ahjsgdhjsgd a simp through and through, he’s gonna think you are literally so beautiful and handsome and amazing when he first meets you and he’ll definitely stumble over his words but aside from that he doesn’t know you so there won’t be and ~feelings~
he’s just gonna view you as his really attractive buddy from then on until he gets to know you because that’s what up? that’s whats up.
once he does get to know you he is like wow you are perfect this is unfair what, and now he is back to simping because damn you are perfect
accepts his feelings very quickly, he is very in tune with his emotions because at the end of the day, he’s an emotional guy which is good bc screw toxic masculinity right
he’s gonna decide if he wants to pursue this further very quickly as well, and will definitely have a long conversation about how amazing you are to a very annoyed mako
mako does not like you rn, its not because you are a bad person or anything, its just because his brother will NOT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU and now he is annoyed by your existence
anyways back to the better other brother
this is gonna go two ways
based off bolin’s treatment of korra when he had his lil crush on her, he’s gonna be very forward about asking you out and taking you out on a date, but when he actually like confesses confesses its gonna be all shy and cute
the first date is gonna be very basic, just dinner and stuff, talking about a variety of topics and life and all that and he’s just gonna be so in awe of you because wow YOU
at the end of the night he’s gonna confess and be like “yeah, i just really like you and I hope you like me too because you’re the most amazing and beautiful and intelligent and all around perfect person i know.”
if you respond positively our consent KING will ask if he can kiss you because he is a gentleman
than ya’ll kiss and he’s like date me pls and you’re like yes ofc 
alternatively you will approach him and ask him out on a date and he FREAKS OUT like he starts sqeauling and stuff because wow his crush just asked HIM out
someone expressed interest in HIM
bolin is the type to never get picked especially when put beside mako and he was genuinely worried you might like his brother hahaha... good thing you didn’t! this is good this is good!
super super nervous on the date but hey you asked him out you MUST like him, right? right.
bolin is a special boy
definitely treats you like the QUEEN YOU ARE, will try and pay for everything despite being highkey broke, exaggeratively opens doors for you, gives you his jacket if he can, is all around a gentleman because he just wants to treat you right and really doesn’t want you to leave him
PDA PDA PDA EVERYWHERE, unless you explicitly state that you don’t want PDA, or set boundaries— which bolin would COMPLETELY respect, he wants you to be comfortable and happy with him! — otherwise he always wants to be touching you and holding you. while you are out together he is holding you hand, pressing pecks against your lips, hugging you from behind while you talk to friends, always touching you, hand on your hip, arm around your shoulder
in private i can actually see bolin as being more shy about affection, especially if you initiate it. he gets SO FLUSTERED whenever you initiate anything and just sits there like w o w 
don’t get me wrong he is still very touchy, you just make him shy and flustered because you are just so amazing to him
not the type to get jealous jealous, but is the type to get insecure. he isn’t going to fight a guy hitting on you, because you are pretty and handsome and amazing and he trusts you. however, he will fight a guy for disrespecting you. bolin drinks a lot of respect juice and does not hesitate to attack if someone hurts you in any way
your number one hype man, whether you are insecure about an outfit or worried about the future of a project for work/school, he’s going to being hyping you up and reminding you how great you are
bolin is also really verbal about his love for you, he has no shame expressing it and telling you he loves you. all around he’s really good at expressing his feelings and communication
if you two ever fight bolin is probably going to start crying, and definitely will apologize first, even if he isn’t the one in the wrong. if YOU start crying, he will either cry more or begin crying if he hasn’t already. 
speaking of crying, if you are ever crying bolin would be great at comfort ngl, he’s gonna bring you food if you want it, blankets, entertainment, definitely trains pabu purely to make you laugh. he’ll listen to you rant and vent and even add on, especially if he feels just as strongly as you do.
supports all your hobbies and endeavors, comes to any events you want him to
speaking of events GO TO HIS PROBENDING TOURNAMENTS. GO TO HIS MOVIE PREMIERES. SUPPORT HIM. HE WILL CRY TEARS OF JOY. literally it makes him so happy to see you at these events, cheering him on and congratulating him
bolin is a good kisser, you cannot change my mind. he’s really soft, like there’s no harshness or anything like that, just pure love. very passionate and gentle with you.
he’s like still lowkey a celebrity so you guys get recognized in public and there are a few crazy fans that he would totally protect you from if they ever went too far, but most of them respect you guys
they all simp for your bf just like you do 
all in all a good boyfriend.
like he decided he wanted to marry you at exactly 2:11PM while visiting Mako and literally booked it in the middle of dinner with Mako just to freak out over this revelation and stress buy a ring, he doesn’t even know what your ring size is oh no
he is literally panicking so much someone please calm him down he wants to marry you and has no idea if you want to marry him back and simultaneously has a fear of rejection oh no
bolin is gonna avoid you and you’re probably gonna think he’s breaking up with you or something like that, even though it is quite the opposite, he literally wants to spend the rest of his life with you
at some point you confront him, crying, asking if he is going to dump you and if he does intend to dump you then to just get it over with because you dont want to waste more time with him
“have you been avoiding me?”
“what? me? never”
“...are you breaking up with me bolin.”
bolin starts crying because you are crying and he is freaking out again because you got the complete wrong message and literally will get the ring and propose right then and there just to reassure you that he still loves you and never ever wants to leave you
honestly, you guys are the type of couple to both have rings, and then one of you proposes just for the other to start laughing and pull out a ring as well because same wavelength guyssss
alternatively you propose and its probably just as chaotic because bolin definitely starts sobbing when you do, he’s so soft and he loves you and wow you love him too and want to marry him thats adorable
you probably do more research ahead of time and have a planned out thing on like the beach or something, and its all cute and nice, maybe you even hire someone to catch it on camera
he is stunned and speechless for a hot minute, like he cannot breathe but don’t worry, he agrees eventually!!!
bolin wouldn’t want like a public public wedding because ngl once again he is a celebrity and stranger crazy danger
regardless it’ll be a bigger wedding because bolin feels like you deserve only the best and wants a big wedding himself, he would be really involved in planning so if you don’t wanna do that he’s perfectly fine with it and will handle everything
invites your close friends and friends of friends 
cries when he sees you walk down the aisle like just cries, hes so happy and seeing you there just brings him more joy and he just :D
let korra be the best man 2020
the afterparty is going to be so intense ngl there is going to be a DJ and music ranges from slow dancing which is all sweet and romantic with bolin, to some rave stuff with people jumping up and down on the dance floor in the most uncomfy shoes.
honestly perfect i love it 10/10
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Imagine being best friends with Wei and having a not so secret crush on Wing for years but he’s never shown any interest in you...until you go on a date with Mako.
Anyone who said the Beifong twins were too similar to tell apart was just not paying attention. In your opinion despite sharing DNA Wei and Wing couldn’t be more different. Wei was one of the friendliest, most capable people you’d even met and you’d been bestfriends even since Su took you in off the streets, but with his twin...your relationship was more rocky. As kids all you did was argue, constantly. No matter the ocassion or place you and Wing would find something to disagree on. Wei would always sigh as any outing with the three of you would always end up in a verbal battle between the two of you. It wasn’t until way into your teenage years did you realise you actually liked, rather than hated, Wing. You were complaining to Wei about Wing’s need to disagree with you on everything and Wei finally broke. He explained it was your and Wei’s own way of flirting with one another and you were speechless because it made sense. It had been the perfect excuses to get each other’s attention as children and as you got older it hadn’t changed one bit. You were always throwing quips at each other, the first to embrass the other or humiliate them infront of dates especially...all because you liked Wing. Wei was’t as shocked by your realisation, he was well used to it by now, he just hoped one day you’d both just date and get it over and done with but so far neither of you had made a move.
That was until Mako showed up in Zafou. The fire bending prodogy arrived with the avatar on her search for air benders and you were immedietly impressed. He was one of the hottest (no pun intended) men you’d seen before. You’d never met a firebender before so thought that was probably half the attraction but still the guy looked amazing. So you made yourself known to him and caught Wing’s attention in the process.
Wei’s POV
Fresh from a game of power disk Wei was walking across the yard with his brother who was talking non stop about the winning move he’d performed. “Your face when i hit you in the shoulder with your own disk” Wing laughed before stopping. Wei frowned “what?”. “Who’s that with y/n?” Wing asked and Wei spotted you across the yard with a tall man. “One of the avatar’s friends?” Wei guessed. Wing frowned “why is he talking to y/n?”. Wei smirked “why jealous?”. “No!” Wing cried hitting his brother in the arm. Wing made such a fuss it caught your attention and made you look over and Wei smirked as he saw his brother blush. You excused yourself from the man and Wei noticed you and the man both seemed flushed and excited about something. “Who was that?” Wing called as soon as you were close enough and you smirked “hello to you too”. “Was he one of the avatar’s friends?”. “Yes the fire bender...Mako” you smirked and Wei noticed Wing tense but of course rather than showing he cared, his brother hid it and acted like he didn’t. "Why was he talking to you...was he lost?" Wing grinned and you rolled your eyes "no, if you must know he was asking me out". Wing raised an eyebrow "Mako was? The firebender boy?". You nodded "yeah". "What did you say?" Wing asked and you smirked "yes of course! He’s gorgeous". Wing paled "but y/n you don’t even know him! He could be anyone”. “He’s friends with the avatar so he must be a good guy, plus when have you ever cared about getting to know someone before dating them? You always take out girls first and leave the getting to know them for later”. Wing rolled his eyes and ignored your comment “Well he looks a lot older than you, do you even know how old he is?". “He’s 18, one year older that us Wing" you smirked. Wing grew annoyed by your smirk and sighed “fine if you want to go out with him just...”. “Just what?” you asked worried. “Well going out with a guy you don’t even know, who asked you out suspiciouly quickly...don’t say I didn’t warn you”. You raised an eyebrow “why is it suspicious he asked me out? People like me you know Wing”. “Yeah..just I’d be careful with his intentions if i were you” Wing said and Wei sighed. “His intentions!” you cried and Wei saw you get defensive. He could tell this would break into a full on screaming match and judging by your expression soon, so he intervened. “Hey y/n that new metal bending gear you wanted came in, want to go look at it?”. You looked at Wei and took a deep breath “yeah okay”. You started down the path beside Wei before pausing “you can stop worrying about my date so much Wing it’s nothing to do with you”. Wing spluttered “i’m not worried about it! Plus i’ve got my own date tonight so I won’t give you a second thought”. “Great” you said sarcastically and Wing mimicked you “great!” and you turned around angrily. Wei shot his brother a exasperated look and followed you.  
As soon as you were out of Wing’s sight you burst, “your brother is so...”. “I know” Wei nodded “it’s just because he’s jealous”. “This makes him jealous!” you cried “does he know how much I’ve had to put up with from him! The endless stream of girls, the constant picking up of all my female friends who i’ve then lost as friends when he breaks up with them” you sighed “I’ve put up with all that when I....when I...” you blushed “for him to cause such a fuss over one date! Am I over reacting?”.  "No i agree with you" Wei nodded "it’s not fair of Wing to start acting like this now Mako’s here". "Exactly it’s so childish!" you cried and Wei nodded "so just ignore him and go out with Mako". "Yeah and i’ll totally rub Wei’s nose in it too!” you grinned". "Wait no, no y/n i didn’t say that, forget about Wei, remember we just said he’s not worth it". You paused "well yeah but still i think it’d be fun". "Eugh y/n you know this won’t end well! Either you, Wing or Mako will get hurt". "But he’s been hurting me for years!" you cried "true i never told him I like him but it’s so obvious" you rolled your eyes "and still he uses me to get rid of his dates, he invites me to parties only when he can’t be bothered to find a date, i haven’t been to my favourite bar in months because everytime i do he’s there with some other girl! So just once, once i want to do that with a handsome firebender infront of him". Wei sighed "y/n...". "I know it’s not mature or professional but i think i deserve this!". Wei sighed “are you prepared to deal with all the consequences that will follow?”. You nodded. “And you recognise I told you this is a bad idea?”. You nodded again “yep”. “So i’m exonerated of all blame when things do go wrong?”. You rolled your eyes “yes Wei I won’t blame you!”. “Fine then go ahead” he sighed and you grinned mischeavously.
Your POV
For your date with Mako you took him to the best spots in Zafou, first one of the best theatres in town, then to a famous earth kingdom restaurant and to finish a trip to your favourite bar. "And finally the best bar in the whole of Zafou" you announced to Mako as you threw open the doors. You walked to the centre of the floor and turned to Mako “nice huh?”. “Very nice” Mako agreed looking around and many people looked over, partly because you and the twins were well known in these parts but also because Mako was very good looking. You saw many girls looking at him, their dates glaring at him. You hadn’t picked this bar just because it was your favourite however, you also picked it because it was Wing’s favourite and if he did have a date tonight he’d be here. You smirked as indeed you noticed Wing in his regular booth staring at you and Mako. You wrapped an hand around Mako’s arm gripping him tightly "so what do you think, will this do to end our date?". Mako smiled down at you "i think this will do nicely". You smiled and led him to a table, fully visable to Wing from his vantage point and got to work with your plan.
You and Mako probably drank way more than you’d collectively ever drank with the twins but you were determined to show Wing who could have more fun and Mako seemed to get caught up in your enthusiasm. An old trick but a good one you knocked your full glass onto Mako and feigned shock and guilt as it soaked him. "I’m so sorry!" you gasped grabbing a napkin and dabbing at his shirt. "It’s okay" Mako smirked "you don’t have to do that". "But I ruined your shirt, I have to help you dry it" you frowned. Mako smirked "you know i’m a firebender right? We're naturally warm, it’ll probably be dry soon enough". You looked up at him but didn’t move away so were face to face "so you’re telling me you’d prefer it if I moved away from you right now?". Mako paused "well i didn’t say that...". You smiled, the confirmation Mako liked you recieved, and leant in and kissed him. Mako kissed you back and your eyes wandered to Wing. Nobody in the bar seemed to notice but Wing did. He was staring at you, a look of anger and shock on his face. You maintained the eye contact with him as you carried on kissing Mako and Wing didn’t seem able to look away. Not until his date noticed and poured a drink over his head. The whole bar broke into laughter witnessing Wing get swilled and Mako broke the kiss to see what the cheers were for. You smirked as the girl stormed away and Wei stood up soaking wet. "Isn’t that your friend?" Mako asked "one of the twins?". "Wing" you nodded "i didn’t even notice he was here" you lied. Mako raised an eyebrow "shouldn't you go make sure he’s okay?". "And leave you all alone?" you asked. "Well i just thought considering that kiss was all for his benefit you’d want to go make sure parading me around infront of him worked".
You paused wondering how to get out of this one when suddenly Mako smiled "it’s okay". "It is?" you asked "you don’t mind that i used you?". Mako shrugged "i didn’t realise you were using me till halfway through the night and honestly it was still a great time so no i’m not angry" he smiled "also i’ve played a few girls in my time so i feel this was karma, now i know what it feels like to be on the receiving end". You nodded "so really i was helping teach you a lesson?". Mako rolled his eyes "get off your high horse and go make sure it worked so this ego damage wasn’t for nothing". You smiled and stood up "thanks Mako" and followed Wing.
You could tell Wing had been talking about you to Wei because the minute you entered the living room they both went quiet. "Don’t mind me" you smiled sweetly "just popping back for something then i’ll be out of your hair". "Date going well?" Wei asked and you nodded smirking "you have no idea" and looked right at Wing. You turned to walk away as Wing’s eyebrow furrowed and he stood up suddenly. "Y/n" Wing tried but you were already out of the room. You knew it was wrong to make him chase you but after years of doing this for him you thought you could be excused. You heard the door close as Wing came after you and sped up. "Y/n" he called rushing after you "y/n wait up". You kept going but Wing was determined to stop you. He caught your arm as you went down a coridoor and turned you to face him "y/n you knew i was calling you! Why are you avoiding me all of a sudden?" Wing asked. You shrugged in response and Wing sighed “why are you acting like this?" he snapped and you got defensive. "I have no idea what you’re talking about" and turned to walk away. Wing rolled his eyes but followed you "you know exactly what i mean, you’ve been acting odd all night and i know you did that in purpose in the bar admit it!". “Did what?” you played dumb and Wing scoffed “that kiss”. You shrugged and Wing frowned “what does that even mean, are you admiting you did it on purpose?”, You scoffed and pulled away from his and carried on walking down the coridoor “Y/n? Y/n I’m speaking to you” Wing persistsed but you didn’t reply. "Well maybe i don’t want to listen" you retorted and Wing groaned "fine you give me no choice". He bundled you into a room and slammed the door. He pushed you into the centre and stood blocking the door with his back "now you're not leaving until you talk to me". "No are you insane let me out" you cried but Wing only stood closer against the door "nope". "Wing just let me go why do you care?". "I don’t care but i want to know why you did that? Why you purposefully ruined my date? Why you looked at me like that when you kissed him...". Wing looked away and you saw you were both blushing. "Because i wanted to okay?” you replied  “you always show off your dates, maybe I just wanted to do that too". "But this felt diferent, you were flaunting him just to me, nobody else" Wing asked "why just me?". "If you don’t know you really are stupid" you said and then promptly turned away so you didn’t have to see his face. You didn’t want to see his reaction when he realised what you meant but there seemed to be no reaction, Wing didn’t say a word. Silence fell and you folded your arms “everyone knows Wing...I’m not good at hiding it, I guess it’s kind of pathetic considering all the women you’ve chosen over me and bragged about directly to my face” you sighed “but I guess i’m just slow or something, i never got the message”. Wing was still a silent enigma but there was no way you were going to turn and face him. Nothing was going to make you look at him while he rejected you. “y/n...I y/n can you look at me”. “Nope” you said fiercely and Wing sighed “y/n I kind of need you to look at me while I tell you this”. “No you don’t” you retorted and heard Wing get annoyed. “Y/n for god sake” Wing tried to step closer to you but you walked away from him making him sigh. “Just tell me it like this...” you said scared but Wing shook his head “nope”. Wing swiftly grabbed your wrist and yanked you to face him. You stumbled against the force and fell into him but Wing had done that on purpose. He steadied you against him and then kissed you in the space of a few seconds. The anger between the two of you appeared to melt away and turned into something else. Just as the kiss was getting to an intensity you needed Wing broke it.  "Did you...is this what you wanted?" Wing asked breathing heavily and you nodded. You didn’t bother mentioning this was what you'd wanted for years or that all your anger and sadness faded away when he did that, you just agreed silently and let Wing pull you back into him.
Wing’s POV
Wing was laying in the warmth of his bed beside you staring at the ceiling smugly. You were asleep on your side and you looked so beautiful he couldn’t believe what had just happened. He felt like the luckiest person in the whole earth kingdom. He closed his eyes, a smile still on his face, and was drifting off to sleep as his shared bedroom door opened.
Wei screamed and Wing’s head shot up. When he realised his brother was in the room he yanked the quilt over the two of you rapidly, making sure you were covered before glaring at his brother. "Keep it down y/n’s asleep" he hissed and Wei averted his eyes "you know i live here too right?". "Yeah but would it kill you to knock?" Wing asked. "I’m not even dignifying that with an answer" Wei replied "so this happened...how?". "After y/n ruined my date I asked her about it, we argued, she kissed me and then this" Wing said gesturing to your sleeping form. "So was this a one time thing or...". "I hope not" Wing said "i like her Wei, i just don’t know if she’d want anything more...". Wei would never break the promise he made to you about your secret so he just shrugged "i think you should just ask her, take the plunge". Wing nodded "yeah that’s probably best". You shifted in your sleep and Wing shooed Wei out of the room. “Get out you’re waking her up! Go share with Huan or sleep in the guest room or something”. Wei rolled his eyes but nodded and left quietly “about time” he muttered as he closed the door. Wing smiled at his brother’s comment and laid back beside you. He closed his eyes to go back to sleep when you spoke. "You said i kissed you". Wing’s eyes shot open to see you smirking at him. "Well you did" he argued. "Yeah but you initiated the first one, you kissed me first”. “So you initiated all the other ones" Wing grinned and you smiled. "So what if i did?" you asked and Wing smiled “trust me I’m not complaining”. Silence settled but Wing wouldn’t look away from you and it made you blush. "I’d like something more than one night too" you said softly. Wing tensed "you would?". You nodded "i’ve kind of liked you for a long time....". "How did i not know?" Wing asked and you shrugged "no idea, you must’ve been pretty blind". "Must be a genetic thing” Wing grinned ”but i’m not anymore". “You’re not huh?” you asked and Wing shook his head “miraculous recovery” and kissed you softly before pulling away. You smiled, aware you were blushing like an idiot but you didn’t care. You didn’t want this night to end and didn’t see why it had to. You glanced at Wing and smiled “seeing as we’ve got the room to ourselves and probably never will again...”. Wing caught your hint and grinned, leaning in to kiss you again.
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Helpless (Bolin x Korra’s Adopted Sister) | Part 1
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You’re only adopted if you want to be. This just gives people freedom to put their preference of origin.
This started off as a Helpless from Hamilton song fic, and you can kind of see that in the beginning, but it sorta took on a life of its own
Warnings:... None? I think
Words: 2,262
    Your parents always told you the ocean sent them their second child. Korra found you on the shore one day when they were out by the water when she was 2. You were so young and nearly dead from the freezing water, but Katara healed you and Korra's parents raised you as their own.
        "Where are you going?" You asked, not looking up from your book. Korra froze in her tracks.
        "No where?"
        "Uh-huh." You looked over the top of the book at her.
        "What?" She chuckles scratching the back of her neck.
        "You're going back to the arena, aren't you?" You sigh, going back to reading. 
        "If Tenzin finds out-"
        "Yeah well, Tenzin won't find out."
        "Are you threatening me, Kor?" You teased, turning to the next page.
        "No...." She looks around quickly, "Hey you should come with me!"
        "What?" You look at her incredulously. "No-"
        "Oh c'mon!" She tried.
        "Kor, that's your thing." You reasoned, "My thing is fuzzy blankets and a good book."
        "Just one night, please?" She pushed your book down and pouted, "I promise you'll have fun!"
        You pulled my book from her hands and got up to leave. Your mistake was looking back at her squatting figure, pouting up at you.
        "Ugh! Fine!" You give in, grabbing a jacket and tucking your book under your arm, "One night!"
        "Yes!" She jumped in the air, pumping her fist. "Let's go!"
        She grabbed your wrist and pulled you away.
        "And this is where you can watch the match." Korra smiled, reaching for the handle.
        "Korra! You're late," A tall boy, about your age, growled as he threw the door open.
        "Sorry (Y/n) here dragged her feet the whole way and I had to get my gear on-"
        "You can explain later," he snapped, pulling her along.
        You followed behind and watched as the platform they stood on extended towards the play area.
        "Here come fan favorites theeee "Fireee Ferretsss!" The announcer shouted and the whole building erupted in cheers.
        You scoffed leaned on the rail at the edge of the room.
        That's when one of Korra's teammates turned around to wave at the crowd. Your eyes met for a moment, he smiled and waved at you and your heart went boom.
        The match started and the Fire Ferrets kicked major butt. Korra was definitely in her element.
*Bolin's POV*
        "Yes! We won- again!" I cheered. Fist bumping Mako. I looked back at the team box and that girl was still there, smiling. Jeez, that smile could kill me.
        "What'cha looking at Bolin?" Korra asked, and I froze.
*Y/n's POV*
        The other boy, who you knew was Bolin from the announcer, Looked back at you again after they won and you smiled at him. A moment later, Korra grabbed his arm and the platform started shifting back towards the team box.
        "Bolin, This is my sister, (Y/n)!" She grinned widely as she pushed the poor boy towards you.
        "S-sister?!" He seemed shocked before clearing his throat, taking off his helmet, and holding his hand out to you, "H-hi, I'm Bolin."
        "Hi," you nearly giggled as you shook his hand. Looking into green eyes you were helpless, you had to look away before you started drowning in them.
        "What's with them?" Another voice asked, and both of you realized you were still holding hands. You quickly pulled away, your face bright pink.
        "Mako!" Korra growled before sighing, "Hey why don't we all go out to get some food?"
        "Oh, we ate before the-"
        "Great! Cause I know this great place!" Korra started pushing a red-faced Bolin toward the door, dragging you behind her.
        The atmosphere around the table was awkward, to say the least. Before you could say anything Korra shoved you into one side of a booth and Bolin on the other. 
        "So uh, (Y/n)," Bolin started as Korra ordered a surplus of Sweet buns, "I-I don't think I've seen you around before."
        "I spend most of my time on Airbender Island reading and... stuff." You reached for your water and went for a drink when it was knocked all over you by Korra.
        "Kor!" You exclaimed, flicking water from your hair at her. "You jerk!"
        You lurched forward, grabbing her drink (Also water) and dumping it on her.
        "Hey!" She laughed water bending the water out of her clothes and splashing you in the face with it, making you squeal. "You asked for it!"
        You were laughing when you caught Bolin watching you out of the corner of your eye, he had a dreamy smile and you felt your cheeks heat up.
        "A little help please, Kor?" You asked wheezing.
        "Fine," She sighed, being the water out of your hair and clothes, dumping it in a nearby mop bucket.
        Mako rolled his eyes, muttering about how childish you were, and Korra stuck her tongue at him.
        You chuckled, pushing the hair out of your face. You looked over at Bolin who had his elbow on the table, his cheek resting in hand. He wore a cute little smile and what you could only call heart eyes, but before you could say anything the waiter brought out your food.
        There was ambient chit chat as you ate, nothing important, but you and Bolin definitely caught each other staring.
        As the night wound down and you and Korra had to start home, you felt someone grasp your hand. You turned around to see a nervous Bolin.
        "I had fun, it was great meeting you (Y/n)." 
        "Me too, Bolin." You bit your lip before kissing his cheek and hurrying to catch up with your sister, leaving him standing there with this goof smile on his face.
        "Maybe we could do it again?" He called after you.
        The next few days Korra's time was monopolized with Airbender training, and you couldn't stop thinking about Bolin. Even Tenzin, with the near-impossible task of getting your sister to pay attention, could tell you were in an extremely happy state. The look on your face was something he would compare to lovestruck.
        Korra was over the moon, she could see just how helplessly into him you were the moment the two of you locked eyes. Now you were twirling around as you walked around and humming happily as you read.
        Mako, on the other hand, was near the end of his rope. It's been three days and Balin hadn't shut up about you.
        "(Y/n) is so pretty," 
        "I wonder what (Y/n)'s favorite color is?"
        "Do you think (Y/n) like flowers?"
        Sure, Mako was happy his brother found someone (hopefully) but he was about to start pulling his hair out.
        "Knock knock~" Korra poed her head into your room, "So the Ferrets and I have a match tonight and I was wondering-"
        "Yes!" You jumped to your feet and Korra laughed, making you blush. "I-I mean yes, I do want to go with you."
        "What are you doing?" Mako asked as his younger brother was fixing his hair in the mirror, again.
        "Fixing my hair, duh."
        "What if Korra brings (Y/n) again?!" He whined, "I don't wanna look stupid."
        "Well then you should do something more like this," Mako launched himself at his brother and started messing with his hair.
        "Ah! Mako stop!" He tried getting Mako off him and the two fell in a heap on the floor.
        They froze when they heard laughing at the door.
        "(Y-y/n)!" Bolin exclaimed, face turning red as the got to their feet.
        "Hi to you too, Bolin," Korra teased.
        "Ah! Korra! Hi!" he awkwardly waved at the two of you.
        "You ready to kick butt and get to the Semifinals???" Mako asked and Bolin suddenly realized his hair was sticking in every direction.
        "Are you kidding? I was born ready!" Korra replied excitedly. You took off your jacket and folded it on your lap as you sat on the bench.
        "S-so (Y/n)," Bolin started, running his hand through his hair, "Do you maybe wanna-"
        Suddenly a little red animal jumped into your lap and started sniffing your face.
        "Uh! Pabu stop! What are you-" He stopped short when you started giggling.
        "Stop! That tickles!" You laughed, carefully picking up the little creature and holding him away from your face. "Who's this?"
        "His name is Pabu, he's a fire ferret," Bolin explained as Pabu wriggled out of your hands. He ran up your arm and sat on your shoulder, nuzzling your face.
        "It's nice to meet you, Pabu," You smiled. Bolin watched you scratch under Pabu's chin and, by the spirits, he knew he was in love.
        The words "Marry Me," fell from his lips before he could think.
        "Huh?" You looked at Bolin, confused.
        "Nothing! I said nothing! Oh look we're up! Talk to you later (Y/n)!" He panicked, pulling his helmet on and rushing to the moving platform.
        "Marry me," Mako teased as they moved toward the main platform.
        "I know! I'm such an idiot!" Bolin cried, "It just sorta slipped out! I probably sounded so stupid!"
        "Nah," Korra slung her arm over his shoulders, "Knowing (Y/n), she most-likely thinks it was adorable."
        "You think?" He asked hopefully.
        "Come on guys, you gotta getcha, getcha, getcha heads in the game."
        "That's the Match folks! And The Fire Ferrets Advance to the semifinal round of the Pro Bending Tournament!" The man announced, "Hopefully by that time Bolin will be completely recovered."
        Korra and Mako help Bolin stay on his feet on the way back to the Team box.
        "Is he alright?" You asked, "That was a pretty nasty blow to the head that last round."
        "He's kind of out of it right now, but after some rest and maybe an icepack, he'll be fine," Mako told you.
        "Mako!" Bolin failed to whisper, "She's worried about me! Does that mean she likes me?"
        You stifled a laugh, covering your mouth with your hand.
        "She's laughing! Did I do something stupid?!" Bolin asked, upset. 
        You leaned toward Korra and whispered, "He so precious!"
        "What are you talking about-"
        "Bolin wait!"
        Then you were on the floor, Bolin on top of you. You stared up at him in shock, his bright green eyes gleaming.
        "You're even prettier up close," He said quietly before going limp.
        "I think he passed out!" You wheezed as you were crushed by his weight.
        "My head," Bolin groaned as he sat up.
        "Mornin' sleeping beauty," Mako called from the other side of the apartment.
        "What happened?"
        "Well, we won," He handed his younger brother a glass of water. "Then you tackled (Y/n)."
        "Ok, cool..." It took him a moment to process what Mako had said, "I DID WHAT?!"
        "Calm down!" Mako tried to get his brother to sit down, "It wasn't really a tackle, it was more like you tripped... and landed on top of her?"
        "That's not any better!" I slumped on the couch, his head in his hands. "Why can't I get anything right around her?"
        A couple of days later the four of you went out to eat again.
        "Hey (Y/n), how're you doing? I heard I tackled you in my confusion." Bolin asked when you guys met up at the restaurant.
        "I'm fine," You chuckled, waving him off, "My wrist is almost done healing...?"
        You looked at Mako who was vigorously signing for you two stop.
        "Your wrist? What happened you your wrist?!" Bolin asked, panicked.
        "Huh? Oh, I uh- when we fell I sprained my wrist," You showed him your wrapped wrist, "It wasn't bad though, so it's almost healed. I'm surprised Mako didn't tell you."
        "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you (Y/n)," He said earnestly, pulling you into a hug, "I am so sorry!"
        "It's okay Bolin, really," You tried to tell him, "I've definitely had a lot worse than a sprain. Right, Korra?"
        You squinted at her, remembering the time you broke your right arm and leg because of 'Extreme Penguin sledding' something you were assured was 'perfectly safe' and 'not dangerous at all' by your big sister.
        "Hey! I already said I was sorry!" She snapped, "And it's not my fault that you suck at penguin sledding!"
        You felt Bolin's head buried in your shoulder and you sighed hugging him back.
        "Seriously Bolin, It's alright," You gave him a squeeze, "Accidents happen."
        "You're sure you're okay?" He pulled away and reached for your injured wrist before hesitating.
        "Look, I'm starving, can we please sit and eat?" Korra whined, pushing you into a booth.
        Bolin sat across from you looking akin to a kicked puppy. While Korra and Mako were arguing what to order you offered your wrapped wrist to Bolin. He looked a little shocked.
        "You reached for it, right? I'm guessing you wanted to look it over?" You asked and he gulped before gingerly holding your wrist in his hands.
        "You're sure it's not broken?" He looked up at you.
        "Does it hurt?" He asked quietly.
        "Only if I put weight in it," You shrug and his eyebrows scrunched like he was thinking about something. "You uh... You were gonna ask me something before the match the other day?"
        He looked up at you with wide eyes, you'd remembered that?! He put your hand down and cleared his throat.
        "Oh, that? That was, heh. That was nothing."
        "He was gonna ask you out," Mako said before taking a drink of water.
Part: Two   (Masterlist)
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years
Pride Day
Lin stood at the head of the department, the eyes of her subordinates on her.
“It won’t be that hard, if a fight breaks out you stop it. Don’t draw too much attention, this is supposed to be a fun event.” She told them, hiding her excitement. When Kya had first mentioned that she wanted to throw one of these she had put in a word to Zhu-Li who greatfully agreed to hear the waterbender out. Lin smiled when she thought of Kya’s face tangos morning, how it lit up with the sunrise and she realized she was finally going to get her day. Lin wasn’t going to let backward thinkers ruin.
“You got it chief, play it cool,” Mako replied, putting on a pair of sunglasses. She scoffed, unamused.
“Well what are you waiting for? Get out there it starts in 30 minutes.” The officers scurried out of their desks and out the door.
“So Kya threw this whole thing huh?” Mako said coming up to her.
“I believe so.”
“You must be proud of her.” Lin glared at him. Mako was a great detective, he had managed to find out about their relationship before anyone else, much to Lin’s dismay.
“Not as proud as she is of herself.” Lin replied.
“Feel free to have fun out there today Chief, me and the guys can handle this.” Her glare intensified and Mako left the precinct with a nervous smile on his face, running into the door on his way out. Lin grunted at his clumsiness before returning to her office to get her things. She was surprised to see a small envelope on her desk, certainly in wasn’t there this morning? She opened it, sliding her fingers under the flap. Inside was note and a small pin of a rainbow flag. She blushed as she unfolded the paper, smiling at the words written in large black ink.
Because I’m so damn Proud of my Chief
She took the pin in her fingers, wondering if it was wise to wear it. She wanted to, she really wanted too but it would announce something to the world she wasn’t sure she was ready to share. Before she could decide a horn blared out, that was the final call for the parade. She grabbed what she needed to and headed for the door.
The parade started near the library and Lin was able to make it in just a few minutes by swinging on her cables, the pin still pressed in her hand. When she landed on the ground she marvelled at the sight. Large rainbow floats covered in streamers, people holding each other close and smiling. She didn’t notice her own smile until she was tapped on the shoulder and brought out of her daze.
“You made it. I was a little worried when Mako showed up without you.” Kya grinned. Lin smiled in return, and after making sure she was out of sight of her officers she allowed Kya to kiss her.
“I got your note,” Lin said when they separated.
“And?” Lin opened her palm, revealing the pin still resting on her hand. “Do you want to put it on?” Kya asked. Lin nodded and Kya took the pin from her, in lapsing it from the back. She put it on Lin’s shoulder, opposite of her badge. Kya smiled and kissed Lin one more time. “I love you,” the waterbender said before walking away.
“I love you too,” Lin replied before she was out of earshot. She looked down at the pin and blushed briefly. When she heard her name get called she stood up straight and released a breath, a trick Kya had taught her when trying to relax.
“We’re ready to go,” President Moon said, pushing her glasses up. “Are your guys ready?” Lin looked around at her scattered officers, some were standing in tight circles with each other while others were roaming around talking to the paraders.
“I think so,” Lin said. She used a cable to grab onto a nearby building so she could go to her post at the back of the parade.
“You don’t want to supervise upfront?” Zhu-Li asked. Lin smiled and shook her head.
“I’m a cop first. You hired me for this job and I fully intend to do it.” Zhu Li shrugged and without another word Lin snapped her cable closed and flung herself to the back of the line.
“I don’t know what I expected, but it was not this big of a turn out!!” Mako shouted over the noise of the parade. Lin smiled, she couldn’t take her eyes off of the gathered crowd that cheered and danced. “Lin it looks like you have an admirer.” Lin looked at him sharply.
“Don’t call me that.”
“That’s your name.”
“We’re at work.”
“Fine whatever you say. Three o’clock. Here she comes.” Before Lin could reply an older woman with long straigtt hit black hair, dark brown eyes and a very flattering dress came up to her.
“Chief Beifong, I didn’t know this was your crowd,” she said with a wink.
“It’s not,” Lin replied.
“Really? The pin on you’re shoulder says otherwise.” Lin blushed, how was she supposed to deny it now. She loved Kya, but damn was she good at getting Lin into trouble.
“I’m on duty, it’s just a formality.”
“Yeah then why isn’t boy band here wearing one?” Mako who was taken a back crossed his arms.
“Because I don’t have a girlfriend to give me one,” He muttered just loud enough that the Fire Nation woman could hear.
“Mako!” Lin hissed, causing him to shrink away in the crowd.
“Girlfriend? Well in the case I’ll let you be. The name Nia Lee incase you’re over... looking for some shopping.” Now left with a wink before walking ahead to the next parader. Lin sighed and looked around for Mako, who had evidently disappeared into the crowd. Lin started to make her way forward, after the interaction she would feel better if she was closer to Kya. And truthfully she wanted to see Kya illuminated like she was this morning, to see the excitement in her eyes that had melted Lin just hours ago. It wasn’t long before Lin was approached by another girl, this one of upper Earth Nation decent with short spiked hair that Lin found... interesting.
“Well I have definitely had this dream before,” the girl said crossing her arms. She was taller than Lin and was even more muscular, Lin placed her at about 40, give or take.
“Excuse me?” Lin asked.
“Chief Beifong you never cease to amaze me.”
“I haven’t even done anything.”
“Nothing you can see,” the girl smirked. Lin began to internally panic, she hadn’t anticipated getting this type of attention. She knew it was a bad idea to wear the pin but she wanted to.. for Kya.
“I’m taken,” Lin said sternly, and to her own surprise.
“Well darn, never ends this way in my dreams.” What am I supposed to say to that? Lin thought to herself.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you.” She eventually replied.
“I bet you are,” the girl said, walking away. Lin shook her head in attempt to clear her mind. Just get to Kya.
She kept her head down as she made her way through, ignoring the summons of various interested parties. She didn’t know what she would do if she wasn’t with Kya, would she had taken one of her suitors up on their offer? Finally Kya’s float came into view, Asami had not disappointed. It was the largest by a long shot. A rainbow balloon arch stretched into the sky framing Korra and Asami, and in front of them on a lower podium stood Kya who waved to the crowd, smiling and showing off water bending skills. Lin watched Korra pick up Asami in a kiss and swing her around, genuine joy on both their faces. Lin hadn’t noticed she stopped until Kya caught her eye, looking at Lin with a soft smile. Lin gave her a small wave and Kya gestured for her to come up. Lin shook her head and Kya put her hands on her hips, giving Lin a look that was her last ditch attempt. Lin shook her head again and Kya shrugged, running up to Korra and Asami who were pulling some of the walking Paraders on the float. Lin look forward to the skyscraper up ahead. Kya wanted her to go up the float with her, and it would be nice certainly to be out of the crowd but it was risky. Finally she sighed, and ducked out of the parade into the side crowd.
Kya helped Asami pull a man onto the float, who then in turn helped others up by earths bending them into the air and catching them, kissing his boyfriend when he landed in his arms. She smiled and looked ahead of her, the end was nearing but Kya wasn’t quite ready for it to be over. She looked over to Korra who smiled nervously at Asami who had her arms crossed at Korra’s entourage.
“I owe you guys a thank you,” Kya said coming up behind Asami. “This... this is because of you guys.”
“What do you mean?” Asami asked, “you threw the parade.”
“Yeah but you and Korra being together... it really changed the world. Opened their eyes. It gave me my own confidence.” Asami pulled Kya into a hug and grinned.
“I’m going to call you Aunt Kya now,”
“Might as well, Korra already does,” Kya laughed pulling away. Asami’s look went from glee to fear, and when Kya turned to see what had her scared she was picked up and pulled into the air. She pulled water off of a street puddle and turned into ice, rearing to see who her attacker was. Lin. It was Lin. Lin let her cable go and they landed on the front of the float, Kya’s icicle still in the air.
“What was that?” Kya asked, winded. Lin just smiled and took Kya’s face in her palm, placing the other on her waist. Kya smiled and before she knew it Lin had leaned forward, pushing her mouth against Kya’s and kissing her with an unfamiliar passion. “Lin!” She laughed when Lin pulled away, breathing heavily.
“I love you. And also I need these people to know I’m taken.” Kya smiled and Kissed Lin again, allowing the metal bender to pick her up and swing her in a circle. When Lin set her down Kya took her hand, ignoring the looks of shock from Korra and Asami, she would talk to them later. This was good, right here. She turned to Lin and adjusted the Pin the police chief was wearing.
“You left your post,” Kya smirked.
“Yeah well, Mako can handle it.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kya asked, looking to the ground next to them where a very dressed up Prince Wu presented Mako with a white flower.
“Huh,” Lin said, “I would never had guessed.” Kya laughed and kissed Lin on the cheek, smiling at how the earth bender blushed. She held onto Lin’s arm and looked ahead of her at the end of the parade. She hadn’t been ready for it to be over, but now all she wanted to do was go home and curl up in her girlfriends arms. She looked up at Lin who stared straight forward, her expression blank except for the small smile that tugged at the edge of her lips.
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Bolin x pro-bender!Reader
here... take this bolin headcannon... just take it
i feel like there’s not nearly enough bolin stuff and since i’m almost finished w LOK, i guess ill aid this deficiency :)
also, i just started Book 3, so if theres some things that aren’t right or something, ignore it 
Bolin HC (during Book 1/Book 2)
so you guys met at (you guessed it) a pro-bending match
you were an Earthbender for the Ba Sing Se Badgermoles, a widely known team because you guys represented such a big city and you guys were actually kinda good
the Badgermoles were constantly interviewed, put on the covers of magazines, and bombarded by fans. The people loved you and your team
and so the day came where the Badgermoles were put up against the Fire Ferrets
you had heard about this team a lot; how they lost a member of the team, then the Avatar, actual master of the elements, filled in that empty space
it honestly took you so long to process
anyways, your team didn’t get the chance to meet the Fire Ferrets before the match; you just threw on all of your gear and made your way to the play area
you saw the Ferrets and instantly saw Avatar Korra, the only girl on the team
honestly, you couldnt see her well, but she was so pretty
the battle started and the Badgermoles got the advantage pretty quick
you took out their firebender and was working on the earthbender while the rest of team handled the Avatar
the earthbender put up a huge fight, it was so impressive
he even knocked you back a zone, but you recovered and, with a streak of luck, knocked him straight out of the field
you guys won that round
the next round didn’t go so well
the fire ferrets managed to knock all three of you guys off the platform, resulting in a win and a knock out
this meant that the entire match went to the Fire Ferrets
the other members on your team were annoyed and angry, but you weren’t phased too much
after all, Ba Sing Se treated you all extremely nicely, whether you win or not
so after the game, your team found themselves walking through the Fire Ferret’s locker room so you could leave
after your team mates walked past, you stayed behind and talked to one of the Ferrets, the Earthbender
“Hey, you were really good out there.”
you took off your helmet, just like in the movies, and he swore time slowed
he just stood there, completely frozen with his mouth agape
you raised an eyebrow at his antics and it wasn’t until Avatar Korra slapped him on the back that he came back to
“You- good- were good, uh im- im Bolin.”
you just laughed at Bolin and smiled 
“My names Y/n”
you walked up close to him, noses inches apart
“And next time, we won’t lose.”
he just gulped and nodded him head
you turned and walked out, laughing quietly to yourself
the interaction boosted your mood up exponentially
anyways timeskip to when their looking for the airbenders
you were just chilling in Ba Sing Se in the upper ring
you and your team were given super nice houses since you were the city’s pride and joys
then suddenly, you see Bolin and his brother walking around calling for someone
“Bolin? is that you?”
that boy turned around so fast
he blushed so brightly when he saw you and kinda looked at his brother for help
“well, well, what are the Fire Ferrets doing in my city? you know.. i’ve been dying for a rematch!”
you were only joking of course
you knew that their team had broken up after the year you met Bolin
not that you were keeping tabs on their team
of course
“yeah not right now, we’re looking for someone” his brother said
“oh? need some help?”
it took some time to convince Mako, the brother, but eventually you annoyed him enough to let you join
you were all walking through the upper ring looking for some kid named Kai, but you weren’t really paying attention
you maybe, kinda, might only be there so you could hang out with Bolin
from what you had heard (once again, you definitely weren’t searching for info), Bolin was an outgoing, loud guy
now he was quieter than a mouse
“So, i heard you were making movers now. What, getting tired of being a Pro-Bender?”
“Huh? No. I still play! I’m just doing this until the season starts...”
you were visibly happier after hearing that
you had thought that acting was going to be his permanent thing from now on
but still one thing plagued your mind
“And whats that princess girlfriend of yours gonna think about it? Ginger, I think her name was.”
Spirits you had done wayyyy too much research on this man
to be fair, you didn’t think you’d see him ever again
he blushed and stuttered out something about how they weren’t really dating, how it was a publicity stunt, blah blah
you weren’t really paying attention because after hearing his availability, you decided that today was the day you were gonna make a move on him
if it fails, then you don’t really have much to worry about; he lives in an entirely different city and you would only have to see him once a year
but if it succeeds; ohohohoh you’d finally get to live out your crush
the pros really outweighed the cons right now
so you guys searched for Kai for a while more
you decided that you were going to make some subtle hints toward Bolin
you let your hand brush against his a couple times, but never really looked up to see his reaction
then, you guys found Kai
he was stealing some old guy’s money by... airbending? why does this day just keep getting weirder?
so you guys chase him down an the streets and eventually follow him onto a train
unfortunately, he tricks you and sends you guys all the way to the lower ring 
you used to live here when you were younger, before you became a Pro-Bender, and it wasn’t a nice place
only now, it seemed to have gotten worse
all of you tried to find a way to get on a train back to the upper ring, but none of you had your passports or any money
if only you hadn’t left your house in such a hurry
you even tried to pull the “im a Pro-Bender!” card, but it didnt work
so you guys stayed on the streets for the day
Bolin was really trying to lighten the situation up, but it wasn’t really working 
“C’mon guys! Korra will realize that we’re gone and then come rescue us! I know it!”
she did not come
eventually, they had to find a place to sleep and no where was letting the stay for free
so they found a place in an alley and slept on the floor
yup, the dirty floor
you were not used to this
you almost wanted to stay up for the whole night to avoid sleeping on the ground, but Bolin assured her that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed
it was
“mmm here! you can use my jacket.”
he took off his jacket and laied it out on the floor neatly before gesturing for you to lay there
you hesitated for a second before sitting, not really putting up much of a fight because of how tired you were
Mako was already asleep somewhere across the alley and Bolin began gathering up some papers to use as blanket
then he found a spot somewhere away from you and started to settle down
“hey Bolin? do you maybe wanna share the jacket?”
he looked up so quickly and even the soft light from the lamp post caught his blush
“uhh sure”
and so he came over and laid halfway on the jacket so that you could take up most of it
he even offered you some of his picked up trash to use as a blanket, but you grimaced at the grossness and shook your head
you turned away from him, not wanting to be too overwhelmed by his proximity, so you didn’t notice that Bolin was staring at you
before you could completely fall asleep, a cool breeze burst threw the alley way and you began to shiver
maybe you should’ve accepted his paper
“hey Y/n you awake?”
since you were currently bouncing between consciousness, you decided not to answer
you feel him scoot closer
“okay please dont be mad at me when you wake up”
then you felt his arm cover your cold skin and warm you instantly
Spirits, he should be a firebender with how warm he was
you scooted back to meet his chest and let him envelope you
you fell asleep so quick
both of you woke up to Mako above you speaking loudly
“hey lovebirds, wake up”
since you already know of the position you were in, you didn’t really jump back with the surprise that Bolin had
“S-Sorry Y/n! You just looked so cold last night that I-” 
“its fine Bolin” you smiled at him “and thank you”
spirits he was so cute
and so you guys went on with the day, thinking about stealing food, then meeting their long lost family
it was such a nice reunion
they talked a bit about their family history, but since you felt out of place, you settled for playing with the babies on the floor
you bended little toys out of rocks and watched as some tried the same
it was so cute
meanwhile, Bolin was having a little dilemma
he and Mako had just finished having a heartfelt conversation with his Grandma and now he walks out here to see you playing with little babies and laughing with them
you were just so cute
“you know she likes you too right?”
“huh?! what- staring? im not staring.”
Mako just sighed because wow his baby brother is so dumb
“just talk to her before we leave Ba Sing Se”
and so they got their passports and left to the Upper Ring
you were so excited to go back home and sleep in a real bed
but you had one more thing to do before all of that
“So uh Bolin”
“So uh Y/n”
you guys spoke at the same time
“Oh! you can go first”
once again at the same time
“listen Y/n, I think you’re really pretty and super strong, like you could beat me up if you wanted to and i think thats really cool.” *cue your confused stare* “um anyways what I meant to say was, I think I’m about to fight the queen of Ba Sing Se and if I make it out alive, do you think we could hang out? like just us two?”
you decided to ignore some parts of what he said because umm you can only handle so many things at once
you settled for kissing his cheek and confessing too
you went back home so excited
even tho your crush was about to commit treason <3
aww the two of you are so cute I can’t
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, ep3, p1
(3rd POV)
Tenzin sighed as he rushed to your room, with your family trailing behind closely. As they approached the room, he couldn't help but wonder what could've  happened to you in such a short amount of time. He felt his heart stop seeing your hunched form, hurriedly putting your jacket on. In front of you was a woman with waist long black hair, and a gentle yet stormy gray, but at the moment the woman seemed to have been scolding you. 
And he was right, because as they walked in together, they overheard you saying, "I gotta at least try to finish my mission, I promised--" You finish adjusting your gloves, chuckling when you felt two small arms wrap around your waist, hearing Meelo and Ikki cry your name. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Ikki asked, as you turned around and knelt to their height, embracing them. "Yeah guys, I'm okay." You smile, as Jinora shyly hugged your arm. Tenzin, Pema, and Lin hung back while Korra came up to you as well. You braced yourself, before standing up, grunting softly as your ribs screamed at you. Catching this, Lin asked, "What happened, (Y/N)?" 
Looking at your cousins, you sighed, and carefully crossed your sore arms. "It was Amon..he ambushed me through a secret tunnel I like to hang out in. Other than getting electrocuted, kicked in the ribs, and having my arm numbed, I wasn't injured." You smiled, assuring your family. The woman behind you scoffed, making you huff, and gesture behind you. "And this woman, is Rene. She's my mother's younger but still old, sister." Rene stepped forward and held her hand out to the adults and looked wearily at you. "Actually, I'm your young aunt, you cheeky brat!" Rene cried, acting more like a child than the 35 year old she was. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways,I'm ready to go home, and see Nevermore." 
Everyone laughed as your aunt continued to yell at you. "Anyways, don't think this conversation is over, nephew!" Rene kissed your cheek, and left on her Satomobile. "(Y/N), why were you going through a tunnel to get here?" You shrug, your (h/c) bangs falling in your eyes again, turning to look at your uncle. "I didn't want to be followed, restricted and it kept you guys safe." Tenzin sighed; he wasn't happy you felt the need to sneak off,  but he was glad you thought about the safety of your family. 
Walking outside, you laughed at Oogie headbutting you affectionately. "Hey old boy. I'm okay." You assured, waving to Mako and Bolin, and your Aunt Lin as they headed home. Settling next to Jinora and Pema, Ikki cuddled into you sighing softly, happy you were coming home. Tilting your head back, enjoying a warm breeze. 'I wonder when he'll come home.'  you wondered. 
*The next day*
Humming in content as you sunk into the warmed springs, you felt your body relax for the first time in forever. "It's been a while since we relaxed like this, huh, girl?" You ask Nevermore as she cooed in agreement. Closing your (e/c) eyes, you settled into a meditation position, inhaled and exhaled. 
*in the spirit world*
You stood up, looking at the meadow you were standing in, and gasped softly hearing a happy voice sing. Running towards the sound, you laugh seeing Iroh, Dragon of the West, sing while pouring tea into two cups. "Hello, General Iroh." You bow, with your fist in your palm in respect to him, while he waved you off. "Come now, (Y/N), you don't have to do that. I was never one for formalities anyway. " You sat across from him, and graciously took a sip, sighing happily. "I miss having original Jasmine Dragon tea." Iroh laughed at your blissed out face. 
"I'm glad you liked it. I sense you needed to talk, and talk we shall." Iroh's grey eyes sparkled with a knowing gleam. The wind blew a gentle breeze through your hair, as your (e/c) eyes had a battle with the old general. "Yes, I do."
Iroh watched as you snoozed back in the green grass, listening to the spirits float past. 'That is a lot for someone so young. But you are your parents' child, (Y/N), you'll survive this.' He began humming the Ba Sing Se girls song. 10 minutes later, you woke up, and glanced at the sun. "Aw, man, I gotta go now." You pout, your hair sticking up with leaves. Chuckling, Iroh walked you back to your meadow. "You can come back later, (Y/N), you'll know where to find me." He walked off, just as you left the spirit world. 
*in the real world*
You blinked, seeing plate of sweet deliciousness in front of you. Pema laughed as you got dressed and began to scarf down breakfast, Nevermore eating her side of the omelette. "When's the last time you ate before rushing off to take care of someone else?" She asked, sitting on a ice bench you conjured up, so she didn't stress her back. Shrugging, you sighed in satisfaction. "I dunno. Everyone always needs taking care of: Uncle with training Korra and the other airbenders, the city council breathing down my neck, you with the baby on the way, and training the animals, it's just a lot, and I-" "Just can't say no. I know, (Y/N), that's just who you are." Pema followed you into the kitchen and rubbed her belly. "Eh, I like being needed, Auntie. Otherwise, I'd sleep all day." You joke, before rushing off to the training grounds where you'd hoped to find some kind of excitement. 
You ran up to Jinora's side, and watched as Korra practiced her airbending. "Good, light on your feet." Jinora encouraged, as you all watched the Avatar pant for breath. Neo grumbled in the direction you'd just came from, making you see the shadow of Mako heading towards you. "Ooh, he's cute." Ikki chirped. "Korra, is that the handsome firebender boy that drives you crazy?"Jinora asked, as Korra stiffened. "Does he drive you crazy in a bad way, or does he drive you crazy, like him?" You, Nevermore and Neo couldn't help but laugh as Korra earthbent the airbender girls away. 
Mako raised an eyebrow at your strange behavior.  Korra cleared her throat, looking at the firebender. "Oh hey, Mako." "Hey, (Y/N)." Turning to Korra, he asked, "Have you seen Bolin?" "Nice to see you, too. And no, haven't seen him since practice. Think something's wrong?" "I don't know. Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations. See ya later." Mako sighed, before turning away. 
Frowning, you pushed Korra forward. "Korra and I could help you search. I'll take the sky and you guys take the ground. Neo and Naga can help you guys. Not taking no for an answer, see you guys!" You laughed, using your glider to leave the two love birds in shock. 
"Well, let's go, Avatar."
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morri-m · 4 years
Byakuya being scared of thunder and Makoto helping him:
Byakuya hated this. He hated sitting there, awake in his bed during some late and ungodly hour whilst rain lashed and thunder crashed outside his window.
He hated it even more however, when he was at Makoto’s house. The idea of anyone ever finding out about his fear made Byakuya want to keep it as hidden as possible, he didn’t want anyone viewing him as weak, because he was anything but.
Just than, another loud crashing sound of thunder came from outside, and the blonde flinched and whimpered a little.
Goddamnit. Now he was crying.
Byakuya forcefully wiped his salty tears away, trying to stabilise his shaky breathing and trembling body.
“Stop. You are not afraid of thunderstorms.” He mentally scolded himself, yet he still jumped when another deafening roar screeched in the cloudy dark sky.
“You’re not afraid of thunderstorms.” This time he muttered it.
God, how much he despised this stupid fear. He was a grown man, not a little child. He had absolutely no reason to be so afraid of a silly storm.
“Ngh..” Makoto groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes, sitting up in his bed. “Damn it. Stupid thunder.” He hissed as he found out what had woke him up from his amazing slumber.
He than noticed that his girlfriend was still sound asleep beside him, her breath was slow and her hands were lying on her pillow.
The green eyed boy smiled fondly as he gingerly kissed her forehead, stroking her hair at the same time. He was super careful climbing out of bed, trying to avoid waking her up.
Makoto was expecting Byakuya to be asleep in the guest room still, so he was kind of surprised to see him awake at 3:00 AM.
“Kuya? Why are you up?”
‘Crap.’ Byakuya thought as he desperately tried to come up with an excuse of why he was awake at such a late hour.
“Nothing, Makoto.” He said, trying to hide the anxiety in his voice.
“You’re lying. No ones awake at 3:00 AM for no reason. And why are your eyes wet?”
Oh no, Makoto had noticed.
“Ugh for goodness sake, I already told you, It’s nothing! Now go back to sleep, and stop annoying me!”
Of course, after he had said that, another horrifyingly loud racketing noise screeched from the pitch black and still cloudy sky, and stupidly enough, Byakuya let out a gasp of fear.
An understanding look that just screamed “oh” appeared on the littler one’s face, and surprisingly for the taller one, a sympathetic look of empathy formed on his face.
“Byakuya..” Makoto said as he flung his arms around his stomach. “It’s okay..”
‘Jesus..’ Byakuya muttered, embarrassed that he needed someone to cuddle him during a thunderstorm, something that he should not be afraid of.
The brown haired ultimate hope laid his head on his friend’s lap, snuggling into him and holding him with a firm and tight grip.
The blonde had to admit, Makoto’s embrace was super warm and welcoming, it was like sitting in front of a fireplace on a wet and cold rainy night with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
“So... You’re scared of thunder..?”
Byakuya sighed, he was desperate not to explain his absurd fear to his fellow survivor, but it seemed like he had no choice, Makoto pretty much had him cornered.
“Yes. There’s no need to tell me how completely illogical it is, I have absolutely no excuse for how pathetic it is, but yes, I am indeed afraid of thunderstorms.”
The blue eyed man was expecting cruel laughter, but instead, all he got was another smile.
“Hey! It’s alright! I’m scared of the dark! And I feel like that’s way more pathetic than thunder!” Makoto confessed himself.
Normally Byakuya would ridicule someone for when they would admit something like that, but he didn’t feel like he was in the position to do it as of right now.
“The dark? Of all things to be frightened of, why?” The former affluent Prodigy questioned.
“I guess it kind of reminds me of Hope’s Peak.” The green eyed boy explained.
“Well, I suppose that does make sense.” Byakuya nodded to himself as he said those words.
“So there! You’re not the only one who’s scared of something they think the shouldn’t be!” Makoto grinned as he went back to hugging him.
“Can you please stop that- AAAARGH!”
More thunder yelled from above, causing Byakuya to cry out in anxiety yet again, in return, Makoto held onto him even tighter.
It seemed like the younger one understood what the older one was going to say, because he smirked playfully as he replied, “no.”
“Makoto let me go.”
“No! I’m not gonna let you go until you admit that you like me!”
“Jesus Christ, fine, Mako! You’re my friend and I like you! Now will you let go of me!?”
“Nope! You have to say it like you mean it!~” The lucky one’s voice hadn’t lost its playfulness, and the stupid smirk was still on his face.
Byakuya sighed as the smaller one’s grip tightened on him, he tried wiggling himself out of it, but apparently Makoto was prepared for that, because he tightened his grasp even more, making a quiet little “mm!” sound.
“If you don’t say it I’ll start tickling you!” He warned, trying to make his face as serious as possible.
“Yeah right- hahahaha!”
Of course, Makoto began to tickle him without consent anyway, smiling even wider.
“HAHAHAHA! MAK-MAKOTO STOP!! YOU’LL WAKE- YOU’LL WAKE UP KYOKO!!- HAHAHA!!” Byakuya tried to wheeze out between his laughter.
“I won’t if you just admit your my friend!~”
“Great! I’ll let you go now!” Makoto finally let Byakuya escaped his embrace, and he breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
“Terrible.. You’re terrible..” The blonde said with exasperated fondness.
“Do I need to tickle you again?!”
“No! No no! Don’t!”
“Haha! I’m only kidding!” Makoto laughed.
“Anyway, it’s 3:35 AM now. We should probably go back to sleep.” Byakuya declared.
“But it’s still storming. Won’t you be scared on your own?” The short lucky boy asked as he gave him a worried and skeptical look.
“I’ll be perfectly fine- KYAH!”
“Y’know... I don’t think you will.”
Makoto was now curled up under Byakuya’s arm on the couch, snoring softly. His face looked satisfied and happy, his chest rising and falling each second.
The former heir had to admit, Makoto did look sweet. And it was helping having him there to hold onto each time thunder crashed in the sky again.
Eventually, Byakuya was able to fall asleep. He tried to get Makoto off of him before hand, but he was clinging onto him too tight, and his face scrunched up and he grunted when Byakuya tried to put him down, as if to say “no.”
So the tall blue eyed blonde was forced to drape a blanket around the both of them, his arm still around Makoto.
“You are the most annoying and irritating person I have ever met.” Byakuya declared, though he held Makoto against his stomach anyway.
And soon, he fell into a blissful sleep, just like Makoto, who oddly enough, was starting to remind Byakuya of a little brother. Not that he knew what having one was like.
“Goodnight, Mako.” He murmured as his eyes closed at last.
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sahbibabe · 4 years
May I request prompt number 94 from the smut list with Sephiroth?
Here you go! 4,800, almost 5,000 words of pure smut! I hope you enjoy! Tell me if you liked it or not and what I can improve on! ♡
Bright Eyes, Bright Hearts
Sephiroth x Fem! Reader
Smut Prompt #94: "Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to."
You stared at your cellphone with narrowed eyes, furiously tugging at the loose band of your robe to tie it together in some semblance of a knot to keep it from flying open on the balcony. There had not been an hour that passed by when Biggs or Jessie had not called you to jump in on their Seventh Heaven parties, interrupting your 'me time'. First, it had been right in the middle of one of your amazing bubble baths, the ones that you paid good money for; second, Jessie had called you while you were doing your yoga for the day, messing up your pose sending you sprawling on the floor; third was when Biggs called, again, just as you were getting ready for a long night without your official-yet-unnofficial lover to satisfy your cravings yet again.
You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be with Sephiroth, but you hadn't anticipated the toll it would take on your sex life. Sure, masturbation and self pleasure was good and all, but sometimes you just wanted him and nothing else, not to lay in your bed and notice the cold sheets every time you woke up.
He went on missions more and more every week, nearly every day, and rarely came home. If he did, he was too tired to do much more than give you a kiss and an apology. Whatever they put him through had drained that impressive SOLDIER stamina that you loved so much down to the barest dregs, even when you sometimes took things way too far for too long. The smugness you would see on his face when you struggled to walk the next day was all completely worth it.
    "What do you want?" You answered the phone with a harsh, biting tone, tugging the sheer silk robe over your breasts when a harsh breeze blew by. The potted plants you had on your balcony waved as you took a seat at your coffee table, sitting in one of the cold metal seats that did nothing to douse your frustration. "You've called me three times now. I said no. That's the end of it, Biggs."
       "Oh come on, [Name]!" He laughed on the other line, the sound of music and partying echoing over his voice. "You never come down here anymore. Are the slums too good for you now since you became a high and mighty Shinra executive?"
        "That's not true and you fucking know it, Biggs." You never went back because you never had the time. And if you did, you didn't want to confront Tifa, who you had a petty disagreement with over your aspirations to live in Sector One, since your money made Avalanche soar. "Don't ever try to pull something like that on me. Ever. I grew up in the slums, same as everyone else."
        "Sorry." It was Jessie's voice this time, apologetic and slurred. "Bigg's been drinking too much. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He's still hung up on that night you two had."
        Your mouth thinned to a hard line. "Yeah, well, he needs to get over it. It was a mistake. Adrenaline, or whatever. Near death does that to you."
        "Yeah. I know." She cleared her throat. "I'll let you go then! Do you want to say anything to anyone else before you go?"
        You assumed you were on speaker, so you said,"Yeah, sure. Biggs? Go find a lay and quit bothering me. It's never going to happen again."
       With that you hung up, tossing your phone on the table with a groan. You rubbed your face tiredly, watching as the mako reactor began firing up and readying itself for shut down for the night as the sun lamps dimmed. It was nearly eight and if you wanted to get to work early, you would have to hit the hay pretty soon. Rufus had left you with enough paperwork to drown in, literally and figuratively. If you didn't know the man like you did, you would have thought he hated you, but it was the opposite; he quite trusted you with many things over his father's people, because you were, in a sense, one of Rufus's people, just like Tseng and Reno and Rude.
        There had been a few times where Rufus had propositioned you─once at the Golden Saucer when you had dressed nicely for the charity event someone had been holding, and another time when you had been forced to use the communal bath house during a vacation to cool down. You had politely turned him down, usually because Sephiroth's eyes flashed through your mind, the way they narrowed and watched you as you came undone by your own hand. It didn't stop him from giving you appreciative glances, though, but you knew when to take a compliment.
        You had intended to sit outside for a bit before going back in and facing an empty apartment, but found yourself picking up your phone and staring at Sephiroth's contact name pensively. If he was busy, he wouldn't answer you, and you would be disappointed; if he wasn't, he would answer and be home right as he finished up his mission to give you a "gift", which was usually mind blowing sex and really nice aftercare.
        Did you love him? Yes. Of course you did. But you wouldn't risk saying that to him and risking your entire relationship, of which had been founded on a very shaky foundation of trust and tentative friendship. It had been years since you had first agreed to your arrangement, and now you were wanting something more from him. He had never mentioned how far this would go between the two of you, had probably expected you to be a one time fling and vanish into the night. But you hadn't, and you had been with him for over five years now. Five. Sometimes you had to wonder if he was just amusing your carnal appetites or if he did it because he appreciated you as a whole.
       Before you could hit call, the very voice you had been desiring to hear spoke.
       "Maybe I should get you a collar to remind you who you belong to." Sephiroth leaned against the far end of the balcony, dressed in his full leather armor and his mako green eyes gleaming mischievously. "Since you seem to have all the men from Sectors One to Seven wanting you in their bed."
       "Please," you laughed, a pleasurable jolt running up your belly at the suggestion. You got to your feet and sauntered over to him, noting the way his eyes followed the curves of your body underneath the sheer silk robe, just barely visible to the naked eye. "They may want me, but the only person I want right now is you."
        "Is that so?" He hummed, allowing you to trace your fingers up the exposed part of his chest to unhook the leather straps from his pauldrons. "That sounds like it's subject to change."
        You leaned up, smothering your chuckle into a kiss upon the hollow of his throat. "Only if you want it to be. Pauldrons off, SOLDIER boy."
        "As you command," he purred, that sensuous voice hitting places in your core that you had to stifle a small moan. The pauldrons dropped to the balcony floor. "Does the lady have any more demands?"
       "Mm… Lean down," you commanded in your sternest voice. It was one you had perfected over the years, one that made even Rufus Shinra tremble in his boots, though that had probably been arousal and little to do with fear. "Please," you added as an afterthought.
      He leaned down to your height, which was somewhat of a discrepancy that you didn't mind. You cupped his chin in your hand and rose to your toes, pressing your lips to his in a deep kiss. Before he could move to kiss you back, you retreated with a sly smile, hands pressed firmly to his chest.
       "Welcome home," you whispered, watching his face soften and those cat-like pupils widen just a bit. You decided to push it, to be a little more honest. "I missed you."
       He sighed and jerked you close, burying his face in the curve of your neck. You put your arousal on the back burner for this tender moment, if only for a few seconds, relishing in the feel of your breasts against the hard leather of his armor and your hips brushing the leather belt slung around his waist. "It has been a long few days, hasn't it?"
       Your eyes fluttered shut when he punctuated his words with little kisses to your neck, his teeth scraping against your pulse, followed by a quick slash of his tongue to soothe the sting.
        "That it has," you breathed into his ear, kissing the skin just below it. A little more honesty, then. "It's torturous waking up without you."
        "I know." Hands went to your waist, sliding up from the sides of your thighs to press you more firmly against him, his arousal prominent against the skin of your pelvis. "When we are apart, all I dream of is you. Your scent. Your touch."
       You sucked your lip into your mouth, biting down when rolled his hips into yours with a smooth motion. You had never had him initiate things like this; usually he would just tell you, order you around. It aroused you when he did, but this felt intimate on a completely new level, one you weren't sure how to navigate with him yet. You could feel yourself growing wetter, the apex of your thighs growing slick.
       "I didn't know that," you said, your breath stuttering out from your lungs when one particularly deep roll nudged his bulge right where you wanted it most, the leather an exciting texture against the silk rubbing against your hood.
       He deftly untied the knot you had put awkwardly in place, letting the silk part and expose a slit of your body, all the way from your collarbone to your slickened core, his eyes following the skin like a curtain opening to reveal the main act. "Now you do. Lean back."
       You removed your face from his neck where you had been placing artful hickeys, eyes heavy as he dragged the silk robe from your shoulders to leave you completely bare to him. Not an inch of you was covered. If anyone looked off of their balconies, or even through the window, they would see you as naked as the day you were born. It excited you.
      Sephiroth was not a fan of exhibitionism, however, and preferred to fuck you in the privacy of your own home or his, where he didn't have to worry about someone snapping a picture of him and posting it to the local tabloids.
      He picked you up by the waist, those mako enhanced muscles rippling between your thighs as you locked your legs around his hips. He squeezed a giggle out of you when his fingers ghosted across your ribs where you were particularly ticklish, your mouth pressed firmly to the flesh of his collarbone to bury it in your throat.
        Sephiroth seemed to be in no rush, shutting the balcony door behind him and walking to your room at a leisurely pace. You had divested him of his leather coat and straps and belt by the time you reached the hallway, your nimble fingers working quickly to get him as naked as you were, and to hopefully not make as much of fuss when you were on the bed.
       As you struggled with the button on his pants, pressing kisses to his neck and all the way to his lips, where he trapped you, capturing your lip between his teeth and nibbling it hard enough that it stung, he opened the door to your room and slammed it shut.
       "There," you chortled when the button flew apart under the pressure of his erection, your glee smothered by his tongue seeking entrance into your mouth. A moan escaped when he dropped you on the bed, pressing himself flush against you, stepping out of his pants.
        He parted from your kiss and leaned towards your ear, his hand sneaking down the length of your stomach, darting past your navel and sliding between the wet lips of your cunt. Your gasp was strangled as he held his free finger over your mouth. "Let's play a game, shall we?"
       "What kind of game?" You whispered, heart caught in your lungs as he gently stroked the hot heat between your legs like a patient predator. He rarely, if ever, played games with you because he was so tired by the end of it, or just wanted to be inside you as deeply as you would let him without the foreplay.
       "The quiet game." He bit the shell of your ear, rolling it gently between his teeth. "There's a nosy pest standing right outside your apartment door. You don't want him to hear and sell your audio to the black market dealer who pays him the highest gil, do you?"
       Sephiroth smirked into your neck when your pussy squeezed close around his fingers in panic. He could feel the flutter of your heartbeat beneath his chest, right above the hard pebbles of your nipples that just begged for his attention, the hot laving of his mouth.
       "No," you whispered, your mind going blank when he managed to squeeze a finger past the impossibly tight ring of flesh, stroking your walls with the pad of his thumb. There was the possibility that your room was bugged, as well; who knew if he was listening right now? "Definitely not."
       "Good." He pressed a kiss to your cheek and simultaneously shoved another finger in you. You had to smother your face into a pillow by your head, groaning into the cotton with an open mouth. "Feel free to bite me if you can't take it. I'll be torturing you for a while."
       While the promise of his brand of torture and 'a while' sounded absolutely amazing, you didn't know how long you could go without letting out an audible noise into the open air. Sephiroth knew how you ticked, knew how to wrangle the most wretched sounds from you with his fingers and mouth, knew how to find your g-spot with just the right stroke that had you screaming his name.
       "Rules?" You gasped, wiggling your hips when he removed his fingers from you, desperate to have that friction again. He moved his soiled fingers to your mouth, parted your lips with his thumb. You took it between your teeth, grazing it with your tongue, your heartbeat pounding in time with the pulse in your inner walls. You tasted yourself on him, faintly mild and salty.
      He watched as you ran your tongue over his thumb in much the same way that you would his cock, giving little tugs with your tongue or cheeks. "Don't make a sound. Don't try to scream. You can breathe, but that will be hard for you, anyways."
      When he removed his thumb from your mouth, you nodded slightly, licking your lips free of your fluids. He smirked and leaned down again, swiping his tongue over your mouth as he kissed you, taking in the dregs that you hadn't gotten completely. "Good girl. Now be a good pet and take me in your mouth."
       You sat up when he removed himself from you, tugging off the huggers that kept the leather pants from chafing him too much as he fought. He sprung free, swollen and engorged, precum leaking from the tip tauntingly.
       You lowered yourself to your knees, snatching a pillow that had fallen from the bed and settling it under your knees. Sephiroth was bad on your knees, especially when his stamina was up, and you had been to therapy once or twice to help with the sprains he gave you.
        When you glanced up, he was looking down at you, those gorgeous eyes narrowed to slits. Whenever you did this for him, he always made you feel like you were the prey and he the predator, his fingers closing around the back of your head to play with the hair there.
       "Go on," he said, using his free hand to rub his thumb against your swollen lips. He tilted his head towards the door, hearing something you couldn't. "Take it."
       You reached up and took him into a firm grip with your palm. You could have wrapped it around your fist, if you wanted, but it was so engorged and hard that you couldn't resist leaning forward and taking the tip into your mouth for a taste.
      Sephiroth blew out a hard breath through his nose, his hips moving forward shallowly to thrust his cock further into your mouth. You didn't let him, though, moving your head back and stroking your thumb over the veins underneath. You reached up and balanced your hand on his hip, feeling the muscles beneath work and flex.
       "[Name]..." he whispered, his hand fisting in your hair tight enough to sting. You released him from your mouth with a quiet pop, running your thumb over his head to evenly spread out the beads of precum leaking from him. "Damn."
       You hollowed out your cheeks in preparation, swallowing all of your spit so you wouldn't choke when he deep throated you like he was wont to do. You pressed your lips to his cockhead, firmly, parting them and engulfing the swollen tip in your mouth. You stroked the rest of the length you hadn't taken, moving your other hand to cup his balls and squeeze firmly. Precum dripped onto your tongue, salty and sweet.
       He dropped his head back, fist tightening in your hair as you took in inch by inch, pushing you further and further to the hilt. He hit your gag reflex earlier than you intended so you squeezed your thumb into a fist, eyes watering when he pushed past your uvula to sit firmly at your throat. You repeated this several times, thoroughly coating his length with saliva and his precum, until your lips and nose touched the skin and hair just above.
      You were thankful that you had finished preparing yourself because the moment you returned back to his head, lips wrapped around him like a vice, he thrust into your mouth, going farther down your throat with the aid of his hand at the back of your head. Tears spilled down your face, more water than salt every time he hit the back of your throat. You always managed to avoid using teeth somehow, keeping his length between your cheeks and tongue even when he continued thrusting into you at a pace that could have broken your neck if you weren't careful.
       He finished in your mouth, right in the midst of another hard thrust, the quickest release you had gotten from him yet. You swallowed around him, trying your damndest not to choke, and he whispered sweet praises to you, clearly playing the game by his own rules.
       "Such a good girl for me," he said, wiping the tears from your cheeks when you allowed his cock to fall from your mouth. He was already at half mast, growing steadily harder, which meant he hadn't been put through the wringer on his mission. He pulled you up delicately and gave you a long, sweet kiss that was unusual for him--usually he just skipped right ahead to ploughing you like an animal. "Thank you."
      Your heart was beating miles a minute as he lowered you to your bed once again, parting your legs and kneeling between them, slinging your calves along his shoulders. He had never thanked you before, not like that; you felt like a flustered school girl all over again and you weren't sure how to take it.
       When he pressed his mouth to your pussy, tongue twisting past your entrance, all embarassment left you. Your hands flew to his hair, tangling in the long, luxuriously soft lengths, forcing him down on you.
      He kept his lips solitary, smoothing his hands over the insides of your thighs and inserting his thumbs into you, pulling you farther open for him. His index finger moved up, pushing your clitoral hood up to expose the bundle of raw nerves there, and when he pressed down firmly, you saw little lights. You bit the pillow beside you and bucked into his face, hiding your keening whine into the cotton.
      Sephiroth heard it, felt it vibrate through you, and got to work, sucking and nipping and licking you until all you knew was him. He rolled that little nub just right and you came undone, releasing onto his mouth. He drank it up with relish, tongue coated in your juices, and made a slow climb up your body, kissing the lips of your cunt and moving higher all the while, before paying attention to your sore, hard breasts.
      Anyone else would have taken at least fifteen minutes to get you off so spectacularly as that. Anyone but Sephiroth, Biggs being proof of that. It was just that difficult for you.
      Your nipples wet now and cold to the exposed air, Sephiroth moved up to claim your lips in a kiss, slanting his mouth over yours. You removed your hands from his hair and cupped his neck with one hand, his face with the other, drowning in the unusual affection he was giving you, offering you.
       His cock, heavy and hard against your thigh, was hard to ignore as he continued to kiss you, swiping his tongue across yours with the gentlest of touches. He bucked his hips shallowly against you, rocking to a smooth and deep rhythm that you knew he would be replicating inside you soon enough.
      When he finally parted from you, you were gasping for breath, breasts heaving with every inhale you took. He watched you for a moment, taking in the flush of your cheeks and shine in your eyes, full of love even if you didn't notice it yourself.
      "On your stomach," he whispered softly, rolling you onto your belly. You obeyed, hiking your hips up and spreading your knees apart just so, so that he could see your wetness, see the pink of your pussy blooming for him. "That's a good pet, [Name]."
      You trembled at the sound of your name, lowering your chest to the bed to give you leverage and squeezing the pillow between your hands in case you needed to scream, which you would. This position nearly always made you scream in some form.
       He trailed his fingers teasingly down your spine, tracing each invisible vertebrae, before taking a firm hold of your hip with one hand. Between your legs, you watched him take himself in his hand and guide his cockhead to your entrance. He coated it in your weeping slick, dragging it up and down the seam of your pussy, before pushing inside by just the barest of inches.
      You gasped into the pillow, taking it between your teeth. You reached a trembling hand down to your nether lips, to feel the smooth velvet of him sliding into you, a perfectly snug fit. You let out a pleased sigh when his hips slotted firmly into you, filling you up with his length. He leaned over you, careful not to pull out, and gathered you into his arms.
       With an ease you were shocked by, he rolled you back into his lap in an odd rendition of a reverse cowgirl, just sitting, and kept his arms firm around your hips to keep him pinned within you. You leaned back carefully, shoulders touching his chest, and reached up to wrap your arm around his neck, fingers sliding into the hair at the nape of his neck. 
        He nudged your hair away from your face and kissed you, this time more sweetly than you had thought possible, thrusting up into you at the same time. Without your pillow you gasped into his mouth, spine tingling pleasantly, and he devoured it, continuing his shallow thrusts until he got too impatient, his eyebrows furrowed as his erection became painful to maintain inside of you.
       Sephiroth lifted you and slammed you back down, hard enough that a scream nearly got out. You bit down into your own fist, breathing hard, breath halting every time he thrust back into you. Even though the position was killing your back, you powered through it, nearly to tears as he kissed your neck and shoulder. Good tears, you realized as he began reaching his peak, abandoning the smooth and hard thrusts for something much more frantic that was hitting much more than your g-spot by then.
       You were unable to smother your cries and his hand went up around your throat, squeezing just slightly at your windpipe to put pressure on it. He had never choked you or made you black out, but made it just a little hard to breathe that you trusted him enough to do it to you. You would never let anyone else do it. Ever.
       He released inside you, hot cum filling your insides and warming you all over. You felt him go flaccid, the beast sated, but he did not pull out of you. Instead, he carefully rotated your body to make you straddle him, allowing you to rest your hot cheek on his sweaty shoulder.
       "Are you okay?" He asked, which was the same as asking,'Did I go too far?'
       "I'm perfect," you sighed lovingly, squeezing your arms around his neck slightly. "I love you."
       You didn't even have a chance to stiffen up and apologize when he buried his face in your hair and mumbled,"I love you, too."
       You felt little tears of joy slip from your eyes.
      He carefully allowed the both of you to lay down on the bed, keeping you on top of him as he fumbled for one of the sheets to stave off the cold that was kicking up from your AC.
        You laid there for quite some time, the both of you, exchanging quick pecks or long, slow kisses that never led anywhere. He traced the hickeys he had left on your neck, the bruises from his grip on your hip, and nuzzled your throat, silently apologizing to the ring of fingerprints that gave a new meaning to the phrase 'put a collar on you'.
   BONUS: Aftercare!
     When the sun had risen and you had sluggishly called in sick, Sephiroth finally parted from you to allow you privacy on your call and retrieved lotion from your bathroom to help the bruises, as well as a cold cloth to help with the rawness you would be feeling as soon as you got up to walk.
      When he returned, you were sat up in bed, awkwardly holding a pillow between your legs and saying goodbye to no other than Rufus Shinra as he shut the door with a quiet snick.
       You gave him that dazzling smile when he approached, mouthing 'thank you' as he eased the pillow from between your legs. Rufus finally hung up after wishing you well and you checked twice before tossing your phone on the nightstand. You parted your thighs for him willingly, sighing at the feel of the cool rag against your raw, feverish skin.
      "He bought it," you said, grinning as he gave you a quick kiss. "It probably helped that I'm hoarse."
      Sephiroth gave you a sly wink. "It's a good look on you."
      "Oh, stop it," you teased, slapping his shoulder playfully. He left the cold rag between your legs, letting it sit, and rubbed lotion into the fingerprints on your throat. "That feels nice. This is nice."
        "Mm." When he was satisfied the lotion had absorbed into your skin, he moved to the hickeys on your neck. "We should do it more often."
      You sent a silent shout to the gods, thankful you hadn't scared him away with your confession.
       "Definitely." You sagged against the headboard and watched the sun peek over the buildings of Midgar. "Say, whatever happeend to that tabloid guy? The one outside the door?"
        "Him?" Sephiroth shrugged and rubbed some into your breast next. "He was gone before I even got you out of your robe."
        Your mouth dropped open. "Sephiroth!"
       "What? I felt that if you had stakes, you would really try."
        "Ugh, I hate you! I could have been as loud as I wanted."
        He smiled--the most genuine one you had ever seen besides grins and smirks--and nosed your forehead. "No, you don't. You love me."
        You deflated and smiled too, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "That I do. That I very well do."
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shalynnkay · 3 years
GS gas station
"Hey, did you hear about the car Takumi's dad kept in a garage near their house?" Kenji's question caught Iketani off guard while he was cleaning try gas pumps.
"No. It's the first I hear of it," Iketani frowned. "I wonder why Takumi didn't mention it."
"Probably because he just learned about it a few hours ago." Kenji chuckled at Iketani's frown.
"Then how the hell did you find out about it?"
"I heard Yuichi say something about a dark red GTR Z-Tune to Takumi's dad over the phone when I went in to use the bathroom."
Iketani's head shot up. "Did you say a dark red GTR Z-Tune?"
"Yeah. Why?" Kenji frowned. Not understanding his friend's sudden interest.
"Don't you remember a few years ago, when we started the Speed Stars? There was talk of a dark red GTR defending Akina's home turf from outsider street racers. I think people even referred to it as blood red because it would decimate the competition like Itsuki's Levin going against Keisuke's FD."
"I heard that you jerks!" Itsuki yelled across the lot. Both snickered at Itsuki's angry face and continued on.
"Yeah. Actually now that you mention it, I remember now." Kenji's eyes widened. "do you think it's the same car? Why the hell does Takumi's dad have it?"
"I don't know. We could ask Takumi but I doubt he knows more than we do." Iketani's voice trailed off as he spotted a couple across the street, leaning against a car and kissing.
"Dude, just call her already. Anything is better than watching you mope around," Kenji's comment broke Iketani out of his thoughts.
"Hey! I don't mope!" Iketani yelled at Kenji. "I was just thinking," he huffed, crossing his arms.
"About Mako." Kenji raised an eyebrow.
"What did I tell you? Don't say her name!" Iketani could feel the tightness in his chest gripping his heart like a fist.
"Plus what good would calling her do?" Sighing in defeat, Iketani took off his cap and ran his hand through hair.
"You could, oh I don't know, talk to her. You know, where you form words and tell her how you feel,"
"After I left her standing by the billboard?" Iketani rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. Trying to rub away the sting he could already feel starting.
"She won't want to talk to me."
"And you know this how?" Kenji hated pushing Iketani, but he cared about his friend. Watching him pine for Mako was really taking its toll on Iketani.
"Would you want to talk to me if I was late by more than 2 hours?"
"No and I'd sucker punch you in the arm."
"Thanks. I can only imagine what Mako would do or say," Iketani turned away from Kenji and looked up into the afternoon sun, almost like he could see Mako's face in the clouds.
"Isn't her angry better than sitting here with your 'what ifs'?" Kenji could see Iketani's shoulders tensing. He put a hand on Iketani's shoulder and squeezed.
"Listen man, if she cares as much as you said she does, she'll want to talk to you, no matter what."
Kenji felt Iketani's shoulders shudder. He could tell he was trying really hard not to cry.
"Call her Iketani." With a smirk he continued, "if it goes to shit, you can use me as a punching bag."
Iketani snorted through his tears, wiped his eyes with his sleeve and looked at Kenji over his shoulder.
"Thanks Kenji. I needed that." Reaching into his pants pocket he pulled out his cell and looked through his contacts, finding Mako's.
Kenji looked down at the phone in Iketani's hand and raised his eyebrows.
"You gonna call her now?"
"You're right. I need to call her. Why wait any longer," then with a smirk, "plus if it goes to crap, I want you nearby so I can hold you to word."
Kenji chuckled and clapped Iketani on his shoulder. "You got this,"
"Got what?" Itsuki chimmed in, hearing the tail end of the conversation after having finished with the last customer.
"Nothing," Kenji wrapped an arm around Itsuki's shoulders and led him away from Iketani. "Our boy here has a long overdue call to make,"
"He's calling Mako isn't he? It's about time."
As much as Itsuki was all 'Racers don't need girlfriends', he still thought his friend was owed happiness with Mako if he could still have it.
Iketani pressed the send button in his cell and heard the ring. He was about to hang up when the sweetest voice sounded in his ear.
"Hello?" Mako's sweet melodic voice answered.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed on and smiled at Kenji's thumbs up.
"Hi Mako. It's Iketani"
Project D garage
"Holy mother of -" Keisuke was cut off by Ryosuke's snicker.
"When did you find out?" He asked his brother.
"Earlier today." Ryosuke walked around the blood red GTR, like it had a mind of its own and he was trying to hear what it had to say.
"How did Takumi get his hands on it?"
"Apparently it's his cousin's," he looked up at Keisuke's shocked gasp. "Why are you so surprised? Look who his father is. It can't be that he and Takumi are the only ones in their family practically born into street racing."
He looked into the driver side and peered into the backseat, searching for any clue as to the identity of the driver.
"Besides," he continued. "Our Takumi seems to be full of surprises." He suddenly spotted a black hair elastic on the floor.
Reaching down, behind the seat, he picked it up and found a few strands of long ice blonde bleached hair tangled in the elastic.
"What did you find?" Keisuke knew right away his brother had found something important when he became suddenly intensely focused.
"A clue." He lifted the hair elastic so Keisuke could see it.
"So the guy tied his hair. Big deal. Seiji from the Emperor's has a damn pony tail all the time too."
"Yes, but how many men do you know dye their hair ice blonde? Or have their hair this long?"
He held the strand of hair to the light. "It's at least 3 feet long."
"Wait... Are you saying Gunma's Fireball was a ... is a chick?"
"I think so. Takumi didn't tell me about his cousin. Only that they were coming back from studying abroad."
Ryosuke looked over at Takumi who was chatting with Matsuki.
"I want to meet this girl." Keisuke looked at Takumi with a whole new light.
"Me too Keisuke. Me too." Ryosuke tucked the hair elastic in his pocket and made his way over to Takumi who was leaning against the Project D van.
"Fujiwara. Tomiguchi is almost done with the final adjustment of the suspension. Your cousin's car will be like new."
"Thank you. It means a lot to my dad and I. It's been so long since I've seen her. I almost feel like I've forgotten what she looks like."
'Ryosuke was right!' Keisuke kept his shock to himself.
"What's her name, if you don't mind me asking." Ryosuke asked casually.
"Not at all. It's Makita. Actually she'd love to meet you. When she lived in Gunma, she kept going on about the White Comet of Akagi. At the time I had no idea who or what that was."
Ryosuke smirked. 'So she knows about me. This is getting more and more interesting.'
"I'd love to meet her as well." He went to lean against the Project D van next to Takumi.
"Takumi, have you ever heard of the Fireball of Gunma?"
"No, but don't count on me to know these things. I only found out the car I drive is an 86 like a year and a half ago."
Takumi blushed as Matsumoto, Tomiguchi and Keisuke all chuckled at his expense.
Ryosuke only smirked and decided to just drive right in.
"A few years ago, Gunma's Fireball was an undefeated mountain pass warrior in a blood red modified rare GTR R34 Z-Tune. There wasn't a battle the driver lost."
"You think it's my cousin?" Takumi gasped, as he started to put two and two together.
"I think so. Everything seems to add up. You said she's been gone abroad studying."
"Yeah. She went to Oxford to study law. She just finished the first course. It's a three year long course."
Ryosuke's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"And accomplished racer and scholar," he crossed his arms across his chest. He also couldn't help but notice how the timeline fit perfectly.
"Kinda sounds like you, brother." Keisuke chuckled.
"I was just thinking the same thing." Takumi looked down at the water bottle in his hands.
"I can tell you she'll want to say thank you in person. She's always been very appreciative of other people's generosity."
Ryosuke smiled at Takumi's words. "I'd love to meet her. When is she arriving?"
"In two days."
"We'll talk then." Standing up he brushed off his pants and continued. "In the meantime, keep practicing what I showed you and study the video of the course of our next battle."
"I will. Thanks again guys. See you later!"
Takumi climbed into the driver seat and took off.
Ryosuke and Keisuke watched the legendary car drive off, more interested than ever to meet its driver.
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bakugous-bakahoe · 4 years
“The B in LGBT stand for Bisexual not Butter” (Daichi x reader)
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Warning is very long
Daichi x reader
Third person POV
This was a usual lunch for Daichi and (Y/N) they have been best friends sinces they started High School, along with Kyoko, Sugawara and Asashi. Daichi started to have feeling for her sinces their second year, he started to know her better that year. He was going to confess to her this year now that it was their last, but she started dating a second year during the summer. He was the first to know and that hurt him but he was happy for him.
Now they were here in their homeroom having lunch. Daichi was eating from his bento while (Y/N) was eating some yakisoba bread. This is what they recently have been doing, not that Daichi was complaining.
“What are you going to do after school?” (Y/N) said has she took a bite of her bread.
“Well, we have mid-terms coming up. So, i need to study to have a good grade to be able to play.” Said Daichi has he shoved some rice in his mouth. When he looked up he could notice that she was scared.
“Crap, I forgot about the mid-terms.” She cursed has she opened her bag to take out her calendar.
“That is what you get for paying attention to makoto and not the class.” He mentioned her girlfriends name and she got tensed.She noticed that the air got a bit tences, she decided to tell him the truth.
“We aren’t talking recently. She has been really mad at me because i haven’t been paying attention to her. I think she wants to break up with me, she has been meaning to talk to me but i just been ignoring her call.” (Y/N) confessed to him, She put her food down and wrapped up again.
“Well the question is, Do yoy still want to be with her?” Daichi asked her. She kept quiet, she didn’t know what to answered, she did want to breack up but at the same time she didn’t. It was her last year she will still see her. But she knew what ever came out of her mouth wast her answer. She was about to answer him but the bell rang signaling that class was about to start.
“See ya at practice.” she stood up and went to her class that was with Kyoko with his question still in (Y/N)’s mind. After class she decide of her answer, she turned back to see kyoko and started to talk to her.
“Kyoko, i know that i was suppose over some of the notes to have written down recently but i need to do something and i don’t know how long it will take. Can we go over it tomorrow?” (Y/N) asked her has she put her hand together bowing. Kyoko looked at her and started to talk.
“(Y/N) we’re in the same grade you don’t need to bow at me.”
“Yes I do you are a goddess.” She said.
“It’s fine. we will go over it tomorrow.” Kyoko reassured.
“Oh, thank you Kyoko.” (Y/N) said has she hugged her, then grabbed her bag and went to the first flor to change her shoes. She started to jog down the hill she was going a particular way to meet someone, Because she knows that what she is about to do needs to be done in person. She deserved that at least.
While she was heading to the house, the boys just started their laps. Daichi was quiet and Sugawara took noticed.
“Oi, Daichi. Why are you so quiet?”
“Just thinking of something.”
“Daichi, Suga. Where is (Y/N) i want her to give me some pointer for Kyoko.” Said Tanaka with Nishinoya trailing after him.
“Yeah, the last pointer was working and we need more.” Nishinoya said between breaths.
“Well, she is suppose to be with Kyoko.” Daichi looked to the other side of the gym and Kyoko was with the first. He didn’t know where (Y/N) was she doesn’t skip.
“Kyoko, sorry to bother you but where is (Y/N)?” He asked still keeping step.
“She said she needed to take care of something.” she yelled back
“Okay, thanks.”
“Wow, and here I though that lover boy would know.” Tanaka said has he ran quicker so that Daichi wouldn’t catch him
“OI.” Daichi yelled.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three month pass, cause time is an ilusion~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Damn it, they did an aticle of that butt weasel, Oikawa.” Tnaka said with anger in his voice.”
“I’m no suprice his super talented. Well, what does it say.” Asked Sugawara looking over Tnakas shoulder.
“Well, Tooru Oikawa favorite food is milk bread and his personal motto is ‘If your gonna hit it, Then hit til it breaks’. UHG.” Tanaka yelled.
“Well, he can hit me till i’ll break.” They were all shocked. They never expected those words to come out of her mouth. Even Tsukishima was shocked at what came out of her mouth. That could not have been real.
“Well, keep reading.”
“Right. Looks like the third years are staying on the team so the can get revenge on shiratorisawa. IT’S GOING TO TAKE A LOT MORE TO BEAT ME.
“AND ME” both Tanaka and Hinata yelled and then Suga hit Tanaka so that he wouldn’t break the magazine. Then Sugawara started to to talk about Ushiwaka and that he made the world youth team. When Daichi heard that he said.
“We have to talk down Oikawa and Ushiwaka.”
“Oi, Daichi you have no reason being that sexy.” Said (Y/N) again the boys didn’t know what to think. They were determine to beat the both. But they were completely confused at all the stuff that (Y/N) has been saying. They continue on ignoring what she just said, well except for Daichi, he kept that in mind.
“YEAH” the guys yelled back at Daichi. While they started their training at heartbreak heel, (Y/N) stayed behind with Daichi watching all the boy go up. When they were alone she started to talked to him.
“Daichi, how do you get such great thighs. God, they look great?” She praised her friend has she looked at his thighs. Daichi was blushing slightly, he didn’t know how to react. On one side she has a girlfriend on the other he was kinda loving it. They started to walk and he decided to talk.
“Well, you should know this by now. You have to stay alert in a game so i do a lot leg work outs.” He said has he kept jogging, he knew that if he ran she might no be able to hear or keep up with him.
“Wow, leg days does work.” 
when she said that they arrived at the summit, Daichi started to talk. they all went back down and Suga got close to Daichi and started to whisper something to him.
“Daichi, do you know if there is something up with (Y/N)?”
“I really don’t know. She’s just been hitting on me and I don’t hate it but i feel weird about it.”
“Same here, doesn’t she have a girlfriend.”
“Yeah.” they looked back and they could see her talking to Asashi. For the pass month she has been started to develop feeling for the Karasuno Captain, even though they are friends, she started to look at him in a different light. It was weird for her but good in a way. So, she did what was natural complement the ell out of him. When they got back to the gym, they were divided in to teams to start their own practice match even though Hinata and Kageyama weren’t there. (Y/N) on the other hand was talking to Kyoko about trying to get a first year has a manager but she was also trying to keep and eye on Daichi. 
“The whole team started to notice that she was keeping an eye on him, even sometimes when he was squating they could see her trying to move so that she could see Daichs ass. This was getting weird at this point, they all though the same. Those this count as cheating?
And Tsukishima was the only one with the ball to say it.
“OI, (Y/N)”
“Yeah, Tsukki?”
“Can you stop looking at the caps ass?” Then has if the whole team was connected. ‘He said it!’
“But why he has such a great ass.” They were all a blushing mess, Even Tanaka and Nishinoya. This can not be happening, Daichi counldn’t take it anymore. He turn to her and said.
“Stop saying stuff like that! You have a girlfriend.”
“No, i don’t.”
“What?” The guys said
“Me and Mako broke up.” She confessed. But now that had an even bigger question.
“But don’t you go for the other team?” Nishinoya asked 
“ You are allowed to say the word lesbian, Yu.” She told Nishinoya has she put her clip board down and stood up. At this point the boys had stoped playing, they were all looking at her. 
“And no. I go for both. It’s called LGBTQ+ the B is there for Bisexual not Butter you idiots.” They were shocked they shouldn’t have been shocked but they still were.
“I though Kyoko told you guys that?” They all looked at Kyoko even more shocked. She knew and she didn’t tell anyone. 
“Kyoko, why didn’t you tell them.”
“I though you wanted to keep it a secret.” This was crazy.
“Nice.” was the first thing thst same out of Daichi’s mouth. He got clouser to her, she looked up at him. He was tall but not by much and then he started to talk again. “This means that i can ask you out on a date?”
Now the one that was shocked was her. She was not expecting this at all, not even from him. She got exited.
“Yes.”(Y/N) said with a smile on her face. 
“Then would you like to go on a date?” Daichi asked has he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her in towards himself.
“Yes” She closed the gap with a kiss. When she pulled away she told him.
“Also have i told you that i love you hand? I wonder what else can they do.” When she finished her sentence Daichi had a blush all over his face.
This is my first request and hopefully it will no be my last. I know its long but i Hope you guys like it. 
Tags: @cuddlesslut
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
me watching the Free! Timeless Medley films
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A jotting down of my thoughts while watching the Free! Timeless Medley films (but really it’s just yet another gush sesh about RinHaru I’M SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT 😩)
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Timeless Medley 1: The Bond
1:36 AM | Okay, starting the first film and omg I found a dub version! 🙌🏽
Also, dang woah already this opens up with drama and tension, but this time it’s with Ikuya (with Haru correlating whatever happened with Ikuya with Rin (but nothing comes close to what happened with Rin heh 😁)).
Oh and after the Ikuya/Rin dream is the scene of Haru curling up on his bed looking lonely and sad and like he needs a cuddle ☹ 
OMG this music is too emo ugh I love it  
And OMGGGG Haru and Rin’s race was AFTER High Speed/Haru joining the middle school swim team. So when he quit swimming because of Rin, it caused strain between him and the others on the team #howdidijudtgetthisnow
Aww Makoto and Haru’s friendship montage is adorable!! Look at the lil squishy babies :((((( chibi!MakoHaru is too stinkin cute
2:02 AM | UMMMMM WHY DIDNT RIN GET HIS OWN PANEL IN THE INTRO MAY I ASK????? 😒 Y'all better not do my baby and my ship dirty in this film…
2:07 AM | okay okay, that montage of rinharu was *chefs kiss* Kinda wished it happened with Haruka thinking about it instead of the teachers discussing the boys, but in a way it goes to show how much Haru is tied to Rin without even realizing it, kinda like how he hated to admit even to himself how much he admired and cared for Rin in elementary school
2:29 AM | yes it’s another rinharu trash update, but like: when Kisumi meets Haru again for the first time since junior high, he points out to Haru how they met right after RIN left overseas and how Haru always seemed pretty down about that. This was before the race between him and Rin that ended with the both of them quitting swimming, meaning that Haru was obviously down about Rin leaving alone, not only because the race went bad. And the fact that others saw it too is just UGH, I mean yeah we already knew Rin leaving had such an impact on Haru but like he was visibly down and affected by Rin’s departure, so even though Rin was just a short time in Haru’s life, he still left such a huge impact on Haru. Rin truly was a shooting star, a brilliant glittering light that blazed into Haru’s life and left just as quickly. But he showed Haru something beautiful, something Haru had never seen before, like only a shooting star would. UGH OMG IM SO EMO I LOVE MY SHIP 😭💫💖
2:50 AM | aww eeeeeek the gang is at regionals and Rei just overheard a guy from another team walking by mention how when he was in a rut, some kid with glasses recommended to him books on mental training and AWWWW IT WAS ASAHI from High Speed!!! And Rei stood up and stared after the team because he knew that the guy was talking about him!! Aaaaaaah okay so I’m glad I’m watching these compilation films because these new scenes are so great and really set things up wonderfully for Season 3.
3:04 | ummmm I think I may be crushing on grown Rin too 😣 
Rin and Haru are in Australia right now and ugh Rin’s just…he’s just so chill and calming (well, when’s he’s not all fired up at least) and the way he lazes himself arounf and just LOUNGES when he sits and the way he slings his arm around people is AHEM so attractive. Also ,his fashion sense is *chef’s kiss* And he has a sensitive, artistic-soul AND have I mentioned how his entrance scene when he first showed up as an adult in S01E01 WAS FRIGGIN HOT, like the way that music came in with the close ups of his face and his swaggering saunter was just *gesticulates wildly because words don’t do it justice*
…yeahhhh it was a lot, Rin is a lot, and I’m surprised it took me this long to start (possibly) crushing on adult Rin T_T
3:33 AM | Okay, I’m finished with part 1 of Timeless Medley, and why did that ending scene with Ikuya actually get me psyched for watching how things play out with him in Season 3? 👀 I hope I like Ikuya in DTTF, because right now he’s tugging at my heartstrings and is begging me to put him in my pocket for safe-keeping (plus glimpsing him as a high schooler kinda made me feel some type of uwu way). Seems like things will be intense, because Ikuya resents Haru for quitting the swim team and honestly, I feel for Ikuya: he had no friends until Haru, Mako, Asahi and Kisumi came into his life, and the swim team meant so much to him. So for Haru to quit like he did…yeah I can see why Ikuya would resent him. It’ll be interesting to see things unfold in Season 3. Until then, onto Part 2!
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Timeless Medley 2: The Promise
3:42 AM | I’m literally like 7 seconds into this and already I’m UWUSKFJSAHHAKK!!!! WE GET LITTLE RIN and I hope this means we’ll get a lot of elementary school Rin *crosses fingers* Also…umm dang but like Rin’s dad was a looker too 👀 Rin doesn’t look much like him though, so he must take after his mom.
OMG this opening backstory for Rin, showing his relationship with his dad and how he was heartbroken when his father died, how he stepped up at such a young age to be the support to his family…I THINK IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM 😭😭😭😭😭 And Mama Matsuoka is gorgeous whattheheck. The entire Matsuoka family is beautiful, like wow.
4:52 AM | Ugh Rin is just…ugh the way Sousuke told Rin the reason he didn’t tell him earlier about his injury was because, “I knew it would break your heart” was just ERHGNSJSNSJJSJDKD 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Rin is such a passionate, sensitive soul who truly cares about those he loves and his heart breaks for other people, and it’s just like UGHHH 😭😭😭😭 Like he even cried a little when the guys surprised him with the pool full of cherry blossoms because Rin is just that sentimental kind of man and omg I LOVE HIMMMM 😭💖💖💖
Also: okay dang EVERYONE wants to swim with Rin: Haruka and Nitori and Sousuke, like Rin really does have folks falling for him left and right THAT’S MY BABY’S POWER.
I wish the films had more RinHaru but it’s ok the added scenes make up for it 😝 Plus…RINHARURALIA (so i can’t be too greedy)
5:16 AM | I’m watching the end after credits and the scene with Gou and Rin with Rin carrying Gou’s bags and walking her home is EVERYTHING. He’s also an awesome gentlemanly brother?? Rin PLEASE you’re killing me!
The thing is, Rin as an adult isn’t spectacular like a Levi Ackerman (my first hubby), but there’s constantly these moments of a brilliant shining light that he displays, and it just guts you and makes you fall for him more and more. They’re subtle, yet so very effective and I just…ugh STAHP okay, I need to be done, this entire overview of Timeless Medley thus far has just been 85% gushing about Rin and the rest gushing about RinHaru 😅🙈 I need to force myself to call it a night because it’s almost 5:30 in the morning and I need to NOT watch the third film Take Your Marks and instead just GO TO BED. 
Rin Matsuoka, please stop making me fall in love with you because I’m falling way too hard way too fast and I already have an anime husband (though I doubt Levi cares enough to be mad about it).
(reposted from original blog, July 26, 2020)
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orangepanic · 3 years
MIA-- it was the first Irosami fic I ever read, the one that originally got me interested in this ship.
I assume you mean AWOL? That was actually my very first fanfic! MIA is a cool idea though, I should do that someday.
I also love that so many of these asks include some version of "and then I started shipping Irosami." Warms my heart. Those two are so cute and I want everyone to see the same potential I did.
Now, for your secret. There's an alternate ending to Chapter 9. This is the chapter where Asami and General Iroh stop for gas and encounter their first dark spirit. It ends with Asami patching Iroh up a bit after the fight and there's this moment... that goes nowhere. Because they're idiots.
Except in this version, it does. The writing is drafty and kind of cringe, but here you go:
They walked the rest of the way in silence. It was by this time full dark, and in the unfamiliar territory Asami decided it was too risky to attempt a take-off. Instead, she retrieved her glove and the plane’s small medical kit and they set up their camp as close to the aircraft as possible.
“Now,” she said, after they had everything arranged. “Let me see those hands.” Iroh looked up and Asami waggled a small packet of antiseptic wipes that she’d retrieved from the medical kit.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “Really. Just a few scratches.”
“I bet that’s what you said about that stab wound, too,” said Asami. “How did that turn out?” Iroh flashed her a smile and nodded, then held out both his hands. She knelt next to him and ripped open the packet with her teeth before starting to gently clean the cuts. He jerked a little as the alcohol touched his skin, but otherwise didn’t complain. When she’d finished she moved to his face, dabbing at the scrape on his cheek, then pushing his hair aside to clean the more serious cut above his left eyebrow. Satisfied, she looked down to find Iroh staring at her intently. Asami realized a heartbeat later how close their faces were.
Before she could pull away, he kissed her. His kiss was soft, almost hesitant. Iroh’s lips barely parted as they brushed her own. It was a quiet kiss, a question kiss. A kiss that promised other kisses, if only she would let it. Asami froze, more surprised than anything. She’d felt the attraction, but had had no idea that Iroh thought the same way.
He pulled back, looking embarrassed. “I… um… I…” Iroh stammered, not meeting her eye. He pushed his hair back and glanced around, as if expecting someone nearby to tell him what to do. Then he looked at his feet, face reddening. “Shit,” he muttered.
Asami put her hand on his cheek, the one without the scratches, and tipped his face up to hers. His golden eyes widened in surprise as she leaned down. She found his mouth again, so warm it was almost hot. Iroh responded immediately, pressing back, slightly deepening the kiss. Asami closed her eyes, simply enjoying the sensation. There was none of the naked need of Mako’s first kisses. There was passion, she could feel it thrumming just below the surface, but also restraint. It was the kiss of a man who knew what he wanted, but was willing to wait. The kiss, perhaps, of a gentleman.
She felt Iroh’s hand on the back of her neck, pulling her in, and she let him. She could smell him now, dirt and sweat, but not in a bad way. It smelled masculine somehow. Attractive, compelling. Asami shivered, and something stirred inside her in a way that made her think of far more than kissing. Oh boy, was she in trouble.
When they broke apart, Iroh looked dumbfounded. She saw his cheeks were still a little red, as if mildly embarrassed by his own success. “I didn’t think…” He trailed off and ran his hand through his hair, seeming confused. “Really?” he asked finally.
Asami laughed. The fact that someone as absurdly attractive at Iroh seemed unclear as to why anyone would kiss him was really rather funny. “Yeah. Really. And you…?”
Iroh broke into a broad smile. “Yeah. Spirits, yes. I’ve been sitting on that for days.”
“What does this mean for your mission?” she asked.
Iroh shook his head, still smiling. “I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out.”
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nyanyacore · 4 years
36 39 !! and D for u !! ✨kiths 4 u ✨
same thing as before in terms of listing!
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
He doesn’t really think about romance? It seems nice but with his low-self esteem, it’s more of that he can’t imagine someone wanting to be with him romantically so he’s like...yeah, that’s locked away in the brain. Romance almost stresses him out and it shows in his genre taste, too. You won’t find him recommending a dating sim or a shoujo manga to you.
Romance sort of comes to him through a few admirers and casual dates but he usually won’t take it seriously. Though, if he finds someone he *really* does like, he’ll play his cards in a way that’ll get a scenario in his favor. It’s nothing he has to try hard at and he’s smug watching things unfold just like he planned. Little things like bumping into each other more, being partnered together, exposing your crush’s horrible secrets, helping you with studying.
He’s totally put his faith in waiting for romance to come and find him. He’s a hopeless romantic so daydreams of meeting a lover by chance sounds way more interesting than trying to make it happen out of desperation. He lets fate take the wheel!
I don’t think he’s ever thought of romance much but that’s because he’s never been exposed to it. He’s always been too focused on working and doing fun teenager stuff. He’s not aware that dating is a normal school experience and he’s painfully oblivious to flirting or intimacy. All he knows is cook food, do homework, and beat up nerds.
He’s also a firm believer in fate when it comes to romance. He’s read plenty of romance novels in his free time so he’s like the least oblivious person. If he has an admirer, he will know and almost be a little tease about it. Maybe he’ll brush his hand against yours and ask why you’re so flustered.
If anyone is a daydreamer, it’s him! He’s an avid dating-sim players and he literally dreams of having a super cute shoujo relationship. I suppose you could say...he’s been dreaming of a true love’s kiss.
He can’t think of romance now. He has to keep Elliot safe. He’s a dutiful protector! A body guard!
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
oblivious to flaws:
notices them but doesn’t fault them bc everyone has flaws:
Shriek, Ives, Wiley, Mako
notices and will use that against u:
Zayan, Honeydew
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
i actually had a dream about him so he looks exactly how i imagined him 💀💀💀 wtf split color demon boy
same as the drafts!!! i mess around with his colors for his clothes but that’s about it lol
zayan actually had shorter hair in the drafts but was like *front pieces* and now he’s a baddie. and he has a tail that wasn’t in the inital design
definitely had a makeover! his color palette stayed the same but my brain said he needs a better haircut and muscles :p
ives looks the exact same as his initial design bc my brain is huge
Elliot and Honeydew
haven’t drawn them past the ref image but i might tweak elliot’s design but honeydew is one of my favorite designs he is staying the way he is!
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