#Hidden Beneath My Mask - Mid P5 Royal
epitomees · 2 months
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epitomees · 10 months
txt [ nijima ]: nijima, please get your boyfriend. he's singing that tiktok song again about being lonely.
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Attentive eyes tore their glance away from the windowpane, finding more importance in checking out who decided to send her a message. With very little preparation left for the upcoming mock exams Makoto indulged on some much needed alone time, either traversing Shibuya's streets for sweet eats or staring longingly at pricey outfits.
In this case, she happened upon a collector's store. A familiar, cute and fuzzy panda bear colored in bright greens kept the brunette's focus for longer than expected. Another rare find. Another exclusive Buchimaru piece of merch to add to Makoto's growing collection. The price, however, was the only matter stopping the girl from an impulse purchase. That and the message on her cell phone.
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"...what did he do this time..." Her tone held both a tired frustration and a hint of intrigue. Whatever Akira did to cause Sam, of all people, to kindly ask her assistance in curbing her boyfriend's shenanigans must mean a bout of trouble would soon follow. Her eyebrow quirked upward once she read over each message, but further increased after watching Akira's impromptu performance. He'd been caught singing by himself and choosing a really, really sappy love song about being alone?
Only three days have past since they went on a date and he's resorted to these theatrics?
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"...I really picked a handful." Maybe he was part cat after all with a huge amount of separation anxiety. And yet, his silly mischief always made Makoto smile. Even now. She typed out a brief message back before temporarily leaving her post.
[TXT] Gray-san: I see. I'm not too far from Leblanc. I'll be there to take him off your hands.
Another day, Buchimaru. Someone more important required her company.
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epitomees · 2 years
Somebody leaked a video of Makoto’s ‘after-hour’ activities. 
And unfortunately, or not, through the ever-growing grapevine of social media, it reached Makoto’s attention. 
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“Whomever decided it’d be funny to post a video of myself performing...such reckless behavior better speak now or else...” The usual culprits of one blonde boy and one nerd girl immediately came to mind. 
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epitomees · 1 year
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ (Ann to Makoto :3)
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
It'd been Ann's idea to join in Makoto's daily gym workout, but only for today. An interest grew when the older girl spoke about her routinely aikido training, along with other core exercises and strength regimens. Something about growing stronger by observing the team's hobbies? Whatever the case, Makoto happily invited Ann to the nearby gym.
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"I told you the routines were going to be rather intensive..." She smiled fondly, allowing the blonde a place of rest and ease upon Makoto's shoulder. How much time passed since they started? A half hour? An hour? "Did you stretch before you started testing out the punching bag?"
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epitomees · 2 years
@oraclememehacker replied to your post “Somebody leaked a video of Makoto’s ‘after-hour’...”:
"Holy shit. I didn't know you were capable of such things outside of the metaverse."
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"Well, the Metaverse only amplifies the natural strengths and skills we all have, correct? Even outside the cognitive world, I can defend myself by means of my aikido training."
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"But that's besides the point! Did you post this video, Futaba, or not."
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epitomees · 2 years
@silver-strings-of-fate​ | continued from here: X 
Right, as if that so-called ‘gentleman charm’ had any decent effect on Shujin’s student council president. They don’t call her an ice queen for nothing. 
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“I’m not so sure you can confidently state such an assumption when you haven’t properly investigated, and confirmed, with your own eyes.” She hadn’t looked his way just yet, but Makoto knew Ren wouldn’t easily be taken down by a mere rebuttal. “Perhaps it’s because Sis has mentioned you many times during our own conversations. You two work closely together, after all.” 
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epitomees · 2 years
@silver-strings-of-fate​ | continued from here: X 
This was stupid. 
What point was there being trapped inside a crapped space with another person? Was it made to embarrass the two individuals sentenced to the darkness? Or maybe they’d have to endure the poignant stench of lingering cleaning supplies. Even contorting their bodies to fit just right among the long lost brooms and askew dust pans. 
But being this close to Ren proved...challenging, not just as a physical matter. Still, the others nagged Makoto to join in the fun and why damper their good spirits? She’s no Ice Queen...not anymore, at least. 
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She found a slightly more comfortable position with her back against the the wall, legs straightened towards and touching the opposite wall where Ren stood, and arms bent inward. But it looked like Makoto was about to entrap the other in a hug, if someone opened the door at just the right time. 
Thankfully, no one did when Ren nervously made a confession. And no one would notice the flushed red growing in her cheeks, too. “...huh? You...” 
Did he really say that? Did she hear that right? 
“...w-wait, y-you...you...actually...you...really.......really...” She leaned closer to him. Her voice wavered, quiet and meek. Almost as if Makoto was not only flabbergasted but nervous too. Even scared to hear the truth. 
“....you...love me?” 
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epitomees · 2 years
your  name: Amamiya Ren
your age: 17
your perfect date: At a small cafe, just the two of us as I prepare you a nice meal. Whatever you want, I'll make it for you. And I get to stare into those cute red eyes of yours while we talk about stuff. Like how cats are the perfect animals.
make out in private or in public?:  I prefer privacy so in private. I'm probably not good at it though. I've only practiced in a mirror.
do you like to cuddle?: I'm a wittle kitty cat uwu I love cuddles. Just save the head pats for the end so I can fall asleep in your arms.
tell me something about you: I can balance a pencil on my nose for 30 seconds. Maybe a minute if I'm trying to beat Ryuji's time.
why do you want to be my valentine?: Because you inspire me to be a better person. Without you the phantom thieves wouldn't have succeeded. And you make me happy every time I see you. I'm just a silly kitty and you're a full grown tigress and I want to be with you, if only for a little bit.
(Makoto obv :3)
As someone whom hardly received any handcrafted Valentine cards or sweet treats, handmade or store bought, from a trusted companion growing up, Makoto hadn't expected to find a note slipped into her bag. Nor did she expect it to be from Ren, but nevertheless she took her time reading over his handwritten letter on her walk home.
Obviously, he wrote this with a clear intention of spending their time together once the love holiday came around and yet...it sounded extremely unappealing.
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Cat puns and metaphors were Ren's specialty but it felt as if this took it to another level than his usual banter. A little too extreme for someone as straight-forward and upstanding as the student council president. Then again, Ren always spoke honestly around his fellow thieves. This may be his actual writing...
....but seriously? Full grown tigress? What did that even mean!?
"...oh...well..." She neatly folded the note once again to tuck it back inside her bag. Safely dry, and away from any peeping toms wandering nearby. "...I'll have to see about this..."
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epitomees · 2 years
@etherbonded​ | continued from here: X 
Two hot chocolates coming up! 
It wasn’t the familiar walls of Leblanc, but the atmosphere of exuded that comfortable, welcoming warmth like their usual hangout. Although, in fairness, Makoto did miss the little jingle whenever someone entered through the door. Besides that, though, the ambience surrounding this little café felt nice! Cozy and friendly. 
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“I don’t come here very often, but I’ve heard they serve a very delicious hot cocoa.” Winter and sweet drinks always paired well. Perhaps if Boss added more to his menu for the colder months, more people will be enticed to visit. Note to self: bring up the idea to Joker at their next meet-up. 
“Things are...busy, like always. I’m more relieved to have a day to myself instead of buried behind a set of mock exams or textbooks.” Plus, it grew rather lonely at home when Sis spent most of her days at work. She felt relieved when Sumi texted her an invitation to hang out. “This is a nice break. But I wish it wasn’t so cold outside too.” 
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epitomees · 2 years
@silver-strings-of-fate​ | continued from here: X 
...did...did he just...? 
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“Wh-what!?” Where did Ren pull that thinking from? He hadn’t responded to his name being called several times, nor did budging his shoulder work in Makoto’s favor. Grey hues zoned out hard, along with Ren himself. Once all else failed, the brunette tried a different tactic. 
A successful strategy, only it worked a little too well. 
“N-No...no that...that’s not what I was trying to do, Ren.” It sounded incredibly cheesy. And yet, it tickled the brunette’s own heart. Makoto couldn’t stop the faint red dusting her cheeks either. “Y-You weren’t paying attention...I was calling for you but it didn’t work so...” 
One moment led to another, and here they sat gazing awkwardly toward each other. 
“...I’m...so sorry if that confused you. I’m...I’m not too sure why I did it myself...” 
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epitomees · 2 years
Another Shadow downed. 
Another one pummeled. Squashed and ran over under the wheels of Mona’s bus-form.  
While taking out these annoyance felt more liberating hand-to-hand, there’s a certain enjoyment found by means of vehicular slaughter. The loud thud of their body hitting against the car’s grill, swallowed beneath the tunnel tracks and toughened rubber, and nothing to see once the dirt cleared the way. 
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Queen made it a clear point to catch any and all obstacles in their way. Once another Shadow materialized, she veered Mona straight into its path. An unsuspected sudden force was an excellent surprise tactic, and with little time to properly react, catching them off-guard made the kill even more sweet. Her focus and concentration remained on the road ahead, venturing further and deeper in Mementos’ depths. While she may not be paying attention to her surroundings inside the bus, breaking her zone may result in a bit of harsh backlash. 
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epitomees · 2 years
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“…why do I feel so warm…”
She looks paler than usual as well, yet Makoto treks forward despite feeling under the weather. The next class starts soon…
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epitomees · 2 years
🎨 - Our muses are getting ready for a halloween party together
(Rise/Chie or Ann/Mako, you pick!)
fall/autumn starters
Just as summer swept Shibuya's atmosphere into sunny skies and unbearable humidity, so did autumn's welcome. Crisp breezes and colored leaves decorated the many parks dotted across the massive concrete jungle, but with it came the citizens' festive spirits. Already many local businesses began advertising for fall lineups and seasonal treats, not to mention building the excitement for October's known holiday.
Which bled even into the city's many schools, including Shujin Academy. Together, the student run events program along with her 'majesty', Miss Student Council President, the school's annual Halloween party crept upon them in no time.
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"Are you...sure? This is a good costume?" Makoto hardly ever attended these events, mostly because no one asked her or many other students avoided her most times in favor of hanging out with their own friends. Ann, however, made the decision without discussing it beforehand, even went as far as picking out several costume options too.
The zombie outfit, while...tattered and stained, suited her best, but the witch costume looked better and more suited for Makoto's figure. Why was it hard to pick out something so simple? "Maybe...the other one is better? I'm...not too sure. At this point, I think staying home is better than embarrassing myself in front of everyone else."
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epitomees · 3 months
Sae isn't sure how to approach her younger sister these days. Her busy work schedule and growing obsession with getting further in her career has taken its toll on her relationship with the only family she really has left.
Despite that, she stands outside of Makoto's bedroom and takes a deep breath, the bouquet of daisys and sweet pea in one hand while a Buchimaru-kun plush is tucked under one arm. She knocks.
"Morning, Makoto. I er, got you these for your birthday. I won't be home for dinner tonight but I can make time this weekend. Just tell me where you want to go and I'll make the reservations, okay?"
It was something.
There wasn't much to expect on this day. Makoto took it as any average, normal school day just like it had been for several years now. No one at school bothered to acknowledge today's importance, considering her fellow classmates never enjoyed her presence. Not even the teachers paid close attention, or her club's faculty advisor. Even her own sister too. Attempts were made, but the brunette found them to be more like empty promises. If it didn't fit into Sae's schedule, it wasn't significant in her eyes.
At least dad used to come home from work with a little cake...
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Her morning routine went about as per usual, holding no surprises or anything special in particular for today's celebrations. Makoto knew nothing would happen, so why hold out hope for change? She dressed herself for another subway excursion into school, and another long day of after-school responsibilities. Just as she finished tucking her braid in her hair, the knock at her door snapped her attention away from future thoughts. Sae stood there with two occupied hands, one holding a colorful array of flowers and the other a small Buchimaru plush. Purple and blue-colored. It wasn't one in her personal collection.
"...oh..." There's effort seen in the display. Sis must have known she hadn't acquired this mascot plush, meaning she actually did pay attention to Makoto's past purchases. Or even take a headcount on the current belongings in her room. Did she conduct any further research to ensure she wouldn't buy a duplicate? Whatever the case, the younger Nijima took the gifts in her own care. "...I figured you'd be out late again..."
As always.
"I'll uh...let you know by the time you come home today." A brief smile reassured the older sister of her offer, but disappeared not long after as the bedroom door clicked shut. It was something, but not enough.
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epitomees · 7 months
❰❰ CHEEK KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the cheek ( for Makoto from Akira @gloryseized )
Mementos' depths provided a plethora of opportunities to strengthen one's abilities, as well as release a person's inner stresses. Day-to-day life threw difficult obstacles when least expected. It was up to the individual's quick thinking and reflexes to determine how to handle these situations. Yet with so many responsibilities piling on top each other, sometimes it grew to be overwhelming. Even hard to breathe at times.
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Joker must have sensed Makoto's tension since the invitation to accompany him here was rather unexpected. No one else received the request, either. A two-man team held its pros, but if they ventured into uncharted territory without Morgana or Oracle's guiding eyes it spelled further disaster. They agreed on exploring the upper sections, and after a few rounds of intense fights they decided to break neat the closest subway platform.
"...you made quick work of those creatures back there..." His skillsets, his abilities, his persuasive tactics, all admirable in the eyes of Shujin's student council president. Queen had yet to meet him on the same playing field. "I wonder...if there's a way I can utilize my aikido training and provide a faster, more practical approach when we descend further-"
A kiss. Her ramblings and outward thinking had been silenced with a simple, chaste peck on the cheek. It was innocent, yet misleading. Did he mean to stop her with this gesture? Was it too much? Or too annoying?
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"..." She sat there stunned, bewildered by how casual Joker took up residence next to her and decided on breaking her composure via an intimate motion. Queen regained composure not too long later, though the awkward silence already made this moment...unpleasant. "...I, uh...I apologize if...I worried you today. I'm sure...that's why you must have brought me here."
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epitomees · 8 months
❝ want to trade candy? ❞ ( for Makoto from Akira @gloryseized )
Was he serious? After going through the trouble of making a return trip to Maruki's office, specifically for fishing out a better snack, Akira was not satisfied? He wanted more, or something different?
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"You ask me this now after I spent the last five minutes guiding you downstairs just so you could grab seconds..." Her sigh forced itself between pursed lips, annoyed and slightly frustrated. A childish request was unbecoming of someone she called her leader, yet Akira's unpredictable nature made it difficult for Makoto to keep that mindset. One moment his more mature, responsible identity played in their favor, and the next...the mind of a elementary school student presented itself. Makoto could never anticipate which side of Akira she would face for the day.
"If that was your true intentions, you should have mentioned it at first." She pulled him off to the side, ducking behind a lined set of lockers to keep out of sight. "What did you want? I only grabbed one bag of animal crackers."
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