#((the people behind the rp blogs are indeed people))
idya-shroud · 11 months
(Hiiii, so I really like the vibe of this blog from the other asks so, I thought I'd send in an ask as my Yuu aka Yuka Yamamoto. They are nonbinary so they/them, they are 17. I think this is my first time acting as a different character in an rp ask. This doesn't have to turn into an rp, I just wanted to see them interact with Idia ya know?)
A person who had dark brown hair, with faded pink dyed ends walked cautiously up to the introverted Shroud brother, looking a tad nervous like if they made one wrong move they'd scare him off. However if they were more anxious, they hid it well..probably because their bangs covered half of their face.
Upon slightly closer inspection, they looked to be holding something in one of their hands. A bright, small blue bag.
"Hiya ..Idia Senpai, I um..I went to Sam's store recently and I saw this candy while I was there and erm- I remember last time I talked to you, you said that you liked this candy in particular. So I- got you some."  Yuka's voice was quiet and calm as usual alebit with a bit of stutter thanks to nerves. they were probably one of the easier people in the school for Idia to talk to because of this.
"I'm sorry if this is weird I just thought you might like this ya know?"
They sat the bag on table near Idia, knowing he'd probably prefer to not have to grab it from their hand.
"Hope you have a good or better day, Idia Senpai."
They then started to take their leave, likely to go stop Grim from getting in another scuffle with Luscious or the Adeuce combo.
A familiar yet sudden voice from behind the male had startled him out of his train of thought. Whipping his head around to see that it was in fact Yuka who had approached him, his eyes traveling to the tiny blue bag within their hands once mentioned.
'They got my favorite top tiered candy from Sam's shop? Oh no, they're probs gonna ask me a favor...'
Yuka was right; he wasn't ready to take the gift from their hands—not yet, not without knowing their true motives behind their gift. "U-um, t-thanks, I guess... Uh, l-look, if you're expecting some—"
Before Idia could stutter up a quiet response, it seemed Yuka already knew he was going to question it.
His eyes fluttered with bewilderment at Yuka's sincerity, and he watched them place the present on the table before making their departure politely.
He wasn't able to conjure up another word before they left, as if the surprise was keeping his tongue chained up. After all, no one outside of his family circle ever gives him a present or even bothers to remember what he likes.
Idia picked up the tiny blue bag that was left for him and peeked inside. Indeed, his favourite candy was in here. A warm feeling burst from his chest; he could feel the sensation bleeding to his cheeks and hair, which stained them with a vibrant pink color.
"O-ok Idia, don't be cringe. Pull yourself together. T-this is totally not a scene out of an anime rn. Nope, no way, I-I'm still daydreaming." He mumbled into the palm of his hand while profoundly blushing.
// Hi, and thank you <3 I'm happy you like the vibes as I haven't been on this acc for awhile now or interacted much. So thanks to you and everyone else on here for making me feel welcome. I really appreciate it <3//
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scxttershot · 11 months
[Bright side: After watching the FNaF movie I do indeed have muse for other characters.
Not-so-bright side: ....unfortunately, it's Scarecrow. (@catspittle) More unfortunately, everyone but 3 people hate me as a person for writing the guy, which is a big part of why I have also been avoiding Discord lately. I was going to, I don't know, make a serious effort to respond to RPs but now I kind of unironically just want to die because this month's been shit enough LMFAO. Believe it or not, actual people exist behind every RP blog.]
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minjaebe · 9 months
hello everyone! ✨I'm lynn (she/them, 25+, gmt+1) and this is my rp blog for jung minjae (22y/o idol wannabe). behind the cut you can find information about her, her background, and wanted plots/interactions I might come up with and update from time to time. please feel free to shoot us a message or slide into our ask box to plot, talk ooc & interact.
ᴊᴜɴɢ ᴍɪɴᴊᴀᴇ (ᴩʜᴏᴇɴɪx) • ɴᴏᴠ 17ᴛʜ, 2001 (22yᴏ) • ꜱᴄᴏʀᴩɪᴏ • ɪᴅᴏʟ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀʙᴇ
» jung minjae (stage name phoenix) was born on a crisp autumn day in seoul, south korea, 22 years ago. from a young age, she showed sheer passion and talent for ice-skating, which set her on the inevitable trajectory towards becoming a professional athlete. » only child, grown into a poor family, since the first moment they got a glimpse of their daughter's talent her parents saw in it a mean for a better life. this led them to inevitably put a lot of pressure on minjae's shoulders and to do everything they could to push her towards the right path. whether it was because of her own passion or because of their influence, minjae soon started cherishing the dream of reaching the top, of getting to the olympics. » since the age of ten, when she started winning more and more competitions and gain enough prizes, her parents decided to home-school her so she could fully focus on her career. this led her to miss out on a lot of childhood and teenage experiences and to grow up way too quickly. eventually, this ricocheted the moment she had to drop out her sport. » at the age of sixteen, indeed, her dream came to an end when a bad fall on the ice caused her a career-ending injury. of that event, minjae holds very few memories — only a brief, sharp pain, blood, and black. she woke up in an hospital bed and, no matter how surgeons and professionals her parents reached out to, she soon realised that her career was over. » this unforeseen setback plunged minjae into a dark hole. without friends nor a future, unable to tell who she was without her shattered dreams, she wandered into a world of rebellion and despair. filled with rage, she started exploring the world to try and get back what she'd lost during the years she'd spent focusing only on her sport. she tried dr*ugs, bonded with the wrong people, found herself entangled with the law on multiple occasions... the pain manifested in reckless behavior, fueled by a desperate need to escape a reality she could not accept. » although she remembers this as the darkest moment of her life, it also helped her, in a way, to finally cut the toxic relationship with her parents and to focus more on herself, discovering things she'd never had the chance to discover before. she became more independent, more stubborn, more herself. she moved out of the house, and it was around that time that music finally fell into her life, almost a lifeline from above it came to gave her a new purpose. » through her chaotic life spent between underground parties and pubs, she discovered that dancing was something she enjoyed just as much as skating. when she was finally contacted by a man that saw in her potential to become an idol one day, in his advises she found a path that could give her life a meaning. » a couple of years later, she's 22 and she's trying to chase that dream. she knows she's so far behind many other people that have started to train a lot sooner than her, but the years spent in figure skating make learning dancing and choreographs a bit easier — and, even better, taught her what determination and sacrifice really are. » what she still struggles with the most is building her public persona, her past making it so that it's not that easy anymore to bottle up the fire that she repressed all her childhood life and has only recently started to enjoy. luckily, she knows well enough how to fake and pretend to be someone she's not, all while having fun when no-one's watching. when she's not training and putting up a facade for those who could one day hire her, she can be found working as a dancer (and, sometimes, as a stripper) in nightclubs around seoul, a black wig to cover her blond hair, doing her best to enjoy the freedom she knows she will one day lose with fame.
ᴩʟᴏᴛ/ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ɪᴅᴇᴀꜱ
» friends in general. although she grew up quite isolated (apart from connections she made back when she did ice-skating or maybe family friends?), she's become a lot better at making friends in the recent years. so, anything goes, really! » people that have been wanting to get in the industry for a lot longer than her and that could help her train and understand this new world she wants to get into. » she's quite good with dancing and making choreographs, but she could use some help with singing and, even more, with songwriting. she has a lot to say, but she has no idea how to put that into songs so, help a girl out lol » rivals and "enemies" are always fun to have? idk just people that she doesn't get along with until something changes and they become friends (or not) » someone that might find out she works at nightclubs and, in general, that her life has a "dark side"? idk just someone that might see that she's not as pristine as she likes to pretend like she is in front of superiors and talent scouts (she doesn't necessarily try to hide it with other people, but knows that to become an idol and being hired she needs to keep up appearances with ppl that matter) » roomates, people that live with her or next to her place, coworkers (if there's someone that does similar jobs or works at nightclubs) or people she used to work with (after getting injured, she did a variety of jobs, so there's probably something we can find) » people she might've met during the dark days of her life? maybe people she used to (or still does) get drunk with, stay up through the night, etc. » more specific plot & thread ideas can be found here!
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asher-francis · 9 months
Welcome to My roleplay Blog
. First of all This is an abusive Uncle towards a different ua of trin. So It’s isnt , really My irl. It’s in a different universe of her / different family members. And world And timezones. Etc
About Asher,
He’s abusive.
An asshole,
And will Act “nice” or something. HES Only nice To The People be actually Cares for., like (his friend from The lab, He
indeed works at a lab,Which He experiments on Children.
Who he dislikes and what he dislikes: Trinity/Trin (The different universe one) The Other Kids at TBE lab. (Trin isnt there But. He still dislikes bis Neice LIKE dispise Said her.
Likes: causing pain. 😈
His color And Emoji will be red and The name will be Asher on the end. Because there’s no emoji's that-will match, he don’t feed her at all, Tw on the bottom
He would lock her in her room sometimes and leave her there for a few days which means No food, and heavily beat her. And use knifes to do so to.he even gave her black eyes and big bruises and made her bleed a lot.
i will add more whenever i wanna,
And the other blog for this ua is @trinity-trin
because this is a minor behind the blog,
will add more later,
if you triggered easily with abuse. do not follow this blog,
And reminder this is just for a different universe. It’s not real just rp
And this is his voice claim,
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alolantrashgoblin · 2 years
Helo! I found a funky little device with the ability to connect ti the internet in the trash and am now using it to do the funny Rotomblr thing!
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Oh shi! Das Me!
Was born in Alola, moved to Paldae, moved to Johto, moved to Paldae, moved to Alola, moved to Paldae, moved to Alola, and now I live amongst the Trubbish here in Kalos! To meet my bois(?):
Capbert is my partner and first Pokemon from when I was a little girl (back when I WAS a girl lel). Has lived with me since! Big old cuddler who knows how to treat a (former) lady. We also figured out that they can plug themselves in on here and communicate with you all! Got anything to say Cappie?
.-.. .- -.. -.-- / ..-. .-.. --- .-. .- .. -. --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / --. . - / .- / .--- --- -... / .. / ... .-- . .- .-. / - --- / .- .-. -.-. -.-.-- / .. .-..-. -- / ... --- / - .. .-. . -.. / --- ..-. / .-.. .. ...- .. -. --. / .. -. / .- -. / .- .-. -.-. / -.. .- -- -. / --. .- .-. -... .- --. . / -.-. .- -. -.-.--
Oh yeah, forgot to mention they’re messages come out like that… Oh well!
There’s also little baby Fish! I stole them from the Aether Foundation =D! Don’t worry about it! They’re baby! If you touch my little nb fish child, I will hit you with a stick!
//ooc: ye, same guy behind @lavendertownfreak here with another rp blog! While Damian and Vi are very grounded people, thought it would be fun to give the totally unhinged friend of their’s Florain a blog! If you wanna see the inner machinations of Florain’s mind, why not drop a follow! (Blanket unreality warning btw)
Also yes, all posts from Capbert will indeed be in morse code. Hopefully that won’t be TOO annoying…
(If I ever interact with anyone as Capbert, I’ll be sure to put an OOC translation beneath for convenience, but you’re on your own for straight posts.)
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
It's still somewhat astounding to me that a single offhand comment about trans headcanons for a Three Houses character got me a torrent of verbose anon hate, all presumably from one very loudly opinionated person. I'm not going to bother responding to those directly or any of the many that will assuredly follow - although I am old enough to be amused by the thought that the same whining the troll makes about trans headcanons contributing nothing to fandom could have been ripped right out of 2000s-era discourse, except back then it was about gay headcanons/fic - but a combination of candor and spite has nonetheless prompted me to put my current project on hold for a moment and talk a little about why I would have trans headcanons at all, and more specifically the kind that I do.
I have in the past suggested that, while I generally identify as cis, my gender has become more fluid in certain circumstances over the past half decade or so. Sexual circumstances, to be precise, to the point that I do now describe myself as "genderfluid in bed" for men who display an interest in such things. The common term for that is feminization kink, and for the men who are into that it usually manifests in little more than a desire to see me in lingerie and/or the use of associated wordplay during sex (ex. calling my hole a pussy/cunt, expressing a desire to impregnate me). I can understand why that might be appealing for some men; gay men collectively have a bunch of hangups with regard to straight men, and while that more often manifests through lewd fantasies of celebrities or watching porn where allegedly straight guys jack off for the camera I can also see in encounters with those men a desire to in essence RP as straight men fucking women. I get that from some bi men too, men who have explicitly enjoyed my natural androgyny and in some cases have even used their sexual experiences with cis women to add some extra flavor to our time together. Obviously this isn't a thing for all or even most gay/bi men - and guys who are looking for more masc partners are unlikely to start talking to me in the first place - but anecdotally speaking there are men of varying self-identified orientations who are into feminized AMAB sexual partners.
Now of course this comes to what is probably a more salient question: am I into that, or is it just one of several types of kink I'm willing to engage in because it broadens my appeal? There's no shortage of that in my sexual CV; I've let men suck on my toes, piss on me, tie me up, flog me, on occasion done all of the above to them, and more - but I'm sufficiently aware of my own interests to know that none of those things really turn me on. Feminization however I do like, so much so that I've noticed that I'm more genuinely attracted to men who treat me in what I perceive to be a feminine way, who take the lead in social situations and in intimacy and who enjoy the contrast in our bodies (these men almost always being bigger, hairier, and hopefully more well-endowed). The concept of treating me as feminine alone carries a ton of culturally specific baggage. The French are traditionally perceived as a more feminine/effete culture in the English-speaking world. Créole women like my female relatives and ancestors are notorious for the way they control their husbands, lovers, children, and (back when we had them) domestics while still constrained by the bounds of patriarchal society. It is through them that I learned most of how I conduct myself around men both in and out of bed, that the easiest way to control a man is to appear to be controlled by him while simultaneously enslaving him to his passions - passions that I intimately understand because I too have a dick. Most of my sexual partners come from backgrounds very different from that, so they have trouble understanding how I approach sex even if I'm trying to form an actual relationship with them. Still, some of them try, and I enjoy it when they do.
I've had trouble opening up about this before on my blog, not because of any trolls (although pissing off trolls is always fun) but because I've never been quite certain of how welcome talking about this would be. Most of the content and resources by, for, and about trans women online I've come across has concerned lesbian trans women, or otherwise centered around trans women's relationships (sexual or otherwise) with other women. As someone who still conceptualizes my gender identity first and foremost in relation to my sexual availability to men, those resources are unsurprisingly not going to speak to me very well. General trans content on Tumblr and other fandom spaces is similarly of little personal appeal, with the users skewing heavily AFAB and therefore more likely to feature trans men. I fully understand why that is, and on occasion I've been known to enjoy M/M porn where one character has a vagina with no explanation. God knows I've fantasized before about having an orifice that lubricates itself, doesn't need to be flushed out before sex, and is naturally built to take a cock. The philosophy behind most trans headcanons does elude me a bit though, as it seems to me like it'd be easier to keep a character's canon AGAB and change their gender identity rather than the reverse. Apparently that approach is much less common, but I can safely say that all of the handful of trans headcanons I've had involve canonically cis male characters imagined as trans female and sexually involved with cis male characters - big surprise there, right?
I get the impression that my perspective could easily be considered antiquated in several ways: that I emphasize sexual activity over the more nebulous sexual attraction when it comes to discussing orientation; that I prioritize my sexual activity over my gender identity; that I believe there exists a liminal space between fem cis gay men and straight trans women, and that there is historical precedence for such a space in pre-modern/early modern queer communities; and that to the extent that I've internalized a feminine gender identity I do so in the context of my relationships with men. Again, a lot of that comes down to culture, to the myriad ways in which queerness in New Orleans has retained its own history and character independent of other queer cultures in the English-speaking world. Maybe some of it sounds outdated, or misogynistic (I've seen that criticism lobbied at drag queens, and it would probably apply here too), or most bizarrely of all transphobic...but it's all nonetheless a part of who I am, and at the end of the day the only people whose opinions on this subject really matter to me are the men who want to take me to bed. To quote a particularly fitting verse from "Sugar Daddy" of Hedwig and the Angry Itch:
So you think only a woman Can truly love a man? Well, you buy me the dress, I'll be more woman Than a man like you can stand
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disslve · 4 years
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𝐲𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐰 & 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐲 ! this is nai and my cowboy ass is here to throw roxy @ u and also tell u bad jokes and cry over life is strange 2 because i’m still not over this game and I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. just a heads up, i came up with roxy on a whim because this rp just looked so good,  so if it seems like i don’t know what i’m talking about ... it’s most likely the case whoops . ( this is an excuse for me bringing shitty muses ). anyway, my fake cowboy ass loves to ramble so if you’re interested in plotting feel free to LIKE this post or hmu. i forgot to mention that i’m also a fake grandma so idk anything about discord at all and i still need to set it up which will happen in the next few days dsdnsdsdn. 
ps: wanted connections/plots can be find in my wanted tag ( a link is on my blog ) and i’ll also list some below !
EDIT: discord name is nai #7158
 * [ kristine froseth + cis-female + she/her ] —— have you met roxanne ‘roxy’ bailey ? they are a twenty-two year old junior currently studying romance languages and literatures. they live on decker house and word around campus is that this scorpio is compassionate + dedicated, as well as impatient + dishonest. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. 
full name: roxanne elise bailey
nicknames: roxy, rox
sexual orientation: bisexual
birth place: valencia, spain ( but only lived there for five years ) 
one could say that roxy had lived an easy life, though her parents weren’t distinguished by their social status, it didn’t mean they lacked money which was enough to support their daughter in whatever she wanted to do.
truth to be told, roxy was indeed a little spoiled, the type of kids who would try all kind of things on the expenses of their parents only to quit a new ‘hobby’ again. she could barely stick to anything. she was some twisted kind of golden child, good at many things but never had the patience to continue something for long enough to cultivate it. 
skipping over the part where she almost tried everything from arts, music etc. she finally found her passion ( and even roxy herself was surprised ). figure skating. she didn’t know what drew her in, she couldn’t explain it, she tried it and it felt right. roxy always describes the feeling as finding a soulmate if she feels extra dramatic that day. 
unsurprisingly, she was good at it. not that kind of good at something she was at all the other things she tried before, but that being good at which stemmed from genuine interest. maybe, that is why she managed to get so far. and it didn’t take too long that people even started to call her a figure skating prodigy. 
at this point at her life, she had it all, spinning the stars on her fingertips ( or warning bad pun ahead: spinning on the ice ). until, well, her parents company was in some crisis and they had to cut corners in the meantime. also oh so ‘conveniently’ roxy lived at the arse end of nowhere and getting to her practices was now even more difficult because as mentioned before they had to save their money for more necessary things. of course, there were more things , small and big, which totally threw her off ( which i am too lazy to list rn).
roxy tried to work part time, but a) the money wasn’t enough b) she didn’t want to cut more hours of training she managed to get. AND well, here comes the turning point and roxy thinking she was oh-so-smart without realizing that it would cost her career. oh-so-smart roxy came up with the idea to , well, just steal some stuff. after all, she trained with many other wealthy peers and she could just sell off their stuff or something. 
at the beginning she only did it to afford certain things she needed, but soon it somehow became an addiction. she felt in control when everyone else in her life was an utter mess. however, the more she took things away from others the more she felt comfortable, doing it more often and sometimes taking things which weren’t even worth that much. it was only a matter of time until she was caught. and as if she was lucky for too long, the person who caught her pressured her into either giving them a hefty sum of money (which she didn’t have) or to quit figure skating. she decided for the latter.
well, here she was and her sudden departure was quite a shock. but she had no choice and stated it was for personal reasons. 
skipping over her being devastated over it, etc. her parents managed to save their company (whatever this company is) but at this point it was already too late and roxy was accepted into holloway. 
right now she actually wants to pick up her figure skating career again, however, she’s too afraid that the blackmailer is going to expose her and also she doesn’t really know who they are (lets pretend they wrote her letters, txt messages >??) and also she’s kind of afraid due to the lack of practice she had .
okay i’ll keep this short bcs i wrote way too much for her background story. but to sum it up, roxy kind of has that perfect girl facade.  considering how many friends roxy has and how social she appears to be it is odd that no one seems to be able to describe her.  roxy doesn’t want people to know who she truly is, and she keeps her distance as she actively avoids conflicts that might cause her to say something wrong and exposes herself. 
she shields her feelings by only presenting polished version of herself, the facade of the perfect girl: kind, hard-working and polite. someone whose life is easy and someone who looks like she doesn’t have any worries. it doesn’t mean she isn’t anything of that, but it’s not as if her kindness has no bounds or that she doesn’t need to put effort into the things she does. nevertheless, she believes that she must be perfect in order to make people like her. and while, she is pretty good at masking her emotions and smile along, as soon as someone threatens to see past the illusion, she will become defensive and won’t hesitate to lie in order to preserve it.
best friends: although roxy pretty much keeps her distance from everyone else, this person had always stood by her side. maybe they knew about roxy’s sudden wannabe-thief phase ( which she is still in ) and well tried to talk her out of it ( which obviously didn’t work ). also adding some drama here and maybe they had a big argument over it and distanced from each othr because of it. however, my angst ass doesn’t want to ruin it and they’ll rekindle their friendship. they might meet again at holloway and it’s awkward at first, maybe they even have some arguments but they’ll get over it because everyone loves a good rekindled friendship story.
annoyance: someone who gets under roxy’s skin.seeing past the perfect girl face and constantly calling her out on it. maybe they just have fun annoying her and want to see what she really likes or they just don’t like roxy , thinking that beneath all of this act, she is a really unpleasant person. perhaps, they’re even doing it with good intentions and want to show her that she doesn’t need to hide who she is. whatever it is, they’re determined to expose to the world who she really is. 
pen pal ??:  muse a and roxy had been friends for a very long time, yet the funny thing is that they’ve never met each other nor do they know what the other look like. all they know is their name ( or maybe they only know each other by their usernames ) and their deepest secrets. maybe they already have crossed paths many times and perhaps even know each other but don’t like each other irl. or they never had noticed the other.
blackmailer: BECAUSE WHY NOT??? the person who forced roxy to give up on figure skating. maybe, they were a rival or just didn’t like her, or any other reason. they might as well, have noticed that roxy is secretly training again and might be back at their shit again. 
exes: GIVE ME THE ANGST, maybe muse a and roxy used to be in a serious relationship and as naive they were back then both of them thought this love would last forever. however, at some point roxy started to distance herself from muse a, constantly cancelling their dates because of their busy schedule. at first muse a tried to be understanding towards her, but as time passed things only got worse. roxy hating any kind of conflict just decided to ignore the problem instead about talking about it and eventually stopped replying to muse a messages. muse a never really got to know the real reason behind their break up and was left with unanswered questions. but anything works  
unrequited love: (this is just me throwing in my favourite way to make myself suffer) It doesn’t matter who is the one with the the one sided love because i just want some good angst.a)  muse a has a crush on roxy, yet they never told her about it. yet, muse a can’t hide it and it doesn’t take too long until roxy notices it. but instead of trying to talk to muse a about it, roxy just ignores it acting as she usually does and perhaps even give them false hope that she might like them back. maybe muse a even confessed to her and because roxy didn’t want to hurt them she told muse a she’d think about it.
b) roxy has a crush on muse a but doesn’t admit it. she doesn’t want to show their vunerable side and just plays it down. maybe they’re friends and roxy doesn’t want to lose another friend. but one day she confesses to muse a on accident, making everything awkward between them.
someone she stole from: idk i thought this would be fun ? maybe she confessed to them about it or maybe they caught her but decided to not confront her about it.
fan: someone who used to watch her perfomances on their tv and is still not over the fact that she quit.
i also have a connection page on my blog if these are too specific or none of these work 
i’m too tired to come up with more dsdsdnjsd but gimme everything !! THE ANGST, FLUFF, DRAMA PLS!!! 
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   stolen :) tagging:    @scendant​ , @verumking​ , @sunszenith​ , @blackedsun​ , @saigeonmain​ , @quartlet​ , @shadowhelmed​ , @hotman​ , @devilglow​ , @drivenchaos​ , @re-no​ , @ladyfortunes​ , @cchilyoja​ , @quartlet​ , @deathboundinautumn​ , @ioniacriminal​ , anyone else who might like to do this :)
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MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated.
IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO. [ She is mayhap one of the most famous characters in the entire franchise as well as one of the oldest and who has suffered the most because of the fandom’s misconceptions. ]
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Once more, yes, she’s definitely seen as one of the hottest characters in the game. I suppose that this has both good sides and bad sides? Especially when you encounter people who refuse to see past her physique. ]
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Ahri might not be the strongest character in the fandom but she’s certainly not weak either. What she cannot accomplish with mere physical strength alone, she can accomplish thanks to her charming abilities so she’s definitely a strong and dangerous opponent to face. ]
ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Yes and no at the same time? People love and hate her in equal measure but, after writing as her for so many years, I have also come to realize that few are the ones who actually pay attention to her lore and to her depth as a character. I’d say that her fame has made people blind towards who she really is and this is very sad. ]
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN STORY?   YES / NO, she’s more on the neutral side.
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?    YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ LOL doesn’t really have a main character or someone who’s inherently more important than others: everyone is the main character of their own specific story. This is why she is relevant to those who encounter her and those who have come to become part of her tale ; for the rest of the world, however, she’s nothing more than a vulpine vastaya with a pretty face. ]
ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO. [ Ahri is well known in Ionia due to her past as a vicious man-eater. However, such tales and legends belong to ages long passed and no one would be capable of discerning her true identity by simply looking at her ; this is why even fellow vastayas and ionians are usually unaware of her relation to the beast that devoured entire villages. As far as the whole world is concerned, no, she’s definitely not known by the majority. ]
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ I’d say that her reputation is definitely bad. As previously mentioned, she carved her name in the legends of Ionia with her undying hunger and through the unfair massacre of many innocent souls ; although such legends do not carry her name, you can still find visual depictions of the vixen who spread chaos and havoc through the holy lands. In the present days, she is still considered as someone who should not be trusted: rumors about what she is capable of have spread and only fools are willing to consciously approach someone who might easily dine on their souls and hearts. ]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —   I began writing as Ahri many years ago, which means that her lore has been twisted and modified quite some times from the very beginning. Although I do follow her present canon and I do adore every little detail that has been shared in pursuance of giving her more depth, I cannot really leave behind everything that I have developed in the past years. An easy example is the fact that my Ahri is still loosely based on the Korean myth of the “Gumiho”, which is a detail that plays an extremely important part in my portrayal: Ahri is, in fact, more beast than woman, is someone whose morals will always linger in the darkest shades of gray, is someone who adores violence and who has yet to properly harbor any type of guilt for everything that she has done thus far ; another detail is the fact that she devours souls as much as she can indulge in the flavor of hearts and livers as well. So, I would say that my Ahri is canon but with her own little twists?
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —   Ahri is an incredibly complex creature, someone whose very existence is quite paradoxical for she represents both death and the maiden at the same exact time. She can be cruel and heartless as much as she can be gentle and dulcet, she is always greedy for knowledge and there is nothing that she adores as much as listening to someone’s stories or learning new facts about a world that is still oh so foreign to her. She’s beautiful, elegant, has the fluffiest tails you will ever see and she’s definitely the best cuddle buddy! Despite her murderous nature, there is something oddly soothing about her company that will naturally lure you closer. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  Ahri is not a good person, not even a good animal. She’s incredibly instinctive and easily becomes victim to her own whims and desires and feelings: if she decides that she wants something, she will not stop in front of anything in pursuance of quenching her thirst. Because of this, she’s a huge liar, she’s manipulative and sly and dishonest, she knows the weaknesses of those around her and does not hesitate to exploit them in pursuance of elevating herself to a higher plane. She’s not easy to deal with because she will rarely say the truth and will rarely allow others to come close to her ; it doesn’t matter who the other person is, her first instinct will always be that of hunting them.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —   I was asked to write as this muse many years ago by a friend of mine. I didn’t even like her at first... I thought that she was nothing more than some easy fanservice for the game but I am so glad that I changed my mind because she has ultimately become my favorite muse and someone I always come back to, no matter how many years have passed. 
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —   Poetry is perhaps my strongest inspiration when it comes to Ahri! Poetry and visuals of idyllic landscapes, of flowers in bloom, of porcelain marred by blood. Music might sometimes help too (for example I do tend to listen to the OST of “Memoirs of a Geisha” whilst writing replies) but I’d say that poetry is indeed my strongest inspiration, it’s the one thing that makes me think of other aspects of her and that continues to fuel my motivation to be here.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ I’m extremely hesitant and nervous about my portrayal, so... I do hope that the people I write with might eventually begin to enjoy my portrayal of Ahri. ]
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I think of headcanons very often but I must say that I haven’t posted too much on this blog lately. Some of them got stolen, others got ignored and... That lowkey killed my motivation to openly post the ideas I have about my muse. This is however something that I plan on changing soon! ]
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO [ It depends on my inspiration or on the prompt I am given. ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [ Not really... I love my Ahri, I love the headcanons that I have developed for her and I adore the interactions that she has had during this time, but... I’m always scared of people’s bad judgement, of being seen as uninteresting or as not talented enough to portray such a complex character. ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. [ I believe that I can still improve, especially considering that my writing style is constantly changing. But I am not too sad about it! ]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —   As long as the criticism comes with the intent of helping me to improve my portrayal, then yes, I do accept it well because it would allow me to look at things from a different point of view and thus help me to realize in which fields I am currently lacking. Due to the fact that the LOL characters can be quite ‘loose’ when it comes to their canons (especially in the case of those who weren’t given much material to work with in the first place), I do believe that everyone can take quite a large amount of creative freedom when portraying them ; however, I do realize that some of my headcanons might sound weird to someone else and I have absolutely nothing against explaining my side of things, the reasons that have motivated me to make Ahri behave in a certain way instead of another. Criticism is always good, as long as it’s not accompanied by free hatred. 
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU TO EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   —  Absolutely yes! I love it when people come and ask for more information about Ahri or when I receive really curious anons about the most mundane aspects of her life.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   —  Why not? I might not drop the headcanon since I’m still certain that I am the person who knows my muse the most but I’m not against discussing things with another person, especially if our points of view are really that different. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   —  I admit that I’d be sad over it since I’m well aware of how much passion and effort I am constantly pouring in my portrayal. However, that wouldn’t be the end of the world! There are so many beautiful Ahris out there who have taken a different path from me and thus developed their muses in a different manner, so I’d just suggest to the person to try and interact with them instead. 
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   —  Ah, you would be surprised to know how many people hate Ahri in the fandom! What saddens me is the fact that such hatred usually stems from really useless and dumb reasons, such as her being more famous than another champion or her receiving more skins than their fave... Even in the roleplay community, I sometimes encountered people who hated her simply because she was “too famous” and that really annoyed me because it’s groundless bashing with no roots to support it. However, I can understand why someone might dislike a character who’s so manipulative and dishonest! Obviously, I wish that people saw more than just this one side of her, but... We can’t have everything in life, sadly.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —   Of course, as long as the person is not rude about it! I am Italian so English is my second language and grammatical errors can and will indeed happen. 
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  I think I am easy going although I am incredibly shy and this... This is a huge problem when it comes to interacting with others since it might take me a while to respond to messages and open up to someone else. This is a side of myself that I truly wish to change and I’m working really hard on abandoning my comfort zone, but... It takes time, a lot of time. However! Despite my shyness, I can assure you that I’m the softest person you will ever meet and that if you manage to make me feel comfy around you, I will not stop speaking about Ahri and about music and about videogames and anything else that we might have in common! Once I do grow close to someone, I love to talk and meme and share things and... I think I also become slightly clingy? But I always mean good, I swear... I’m just a shy bun who wants to have fun and love you :(
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nxtritething · 4 years
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name  /  alias : caro / care / carebear gender  /  pronouns : female / she&her where  ya  from  ? : u s of a .  orig n y c. the  current  time :  9 pm ( when i started? ) , 1 pm ( when i finished ) job  or  major :  i majored in mechanical engineering and math. no, i canno favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  i have some good one-liners.
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  ... i helped make it. also its felt like a long while since i got to play some of my favorite babes, and i just missed them, so i obviously had to jump at an opportunity to bring them back !!!
meaning  behind  url :  it’s uh...... next right thing ,  as in anna’s big song in frozen 2. and i just felt it like, FIT. 
last  thing  you  googled :  zac efron high school musical gif icons, bc i wanted to use for this, but then that account was flagged as adult content and i guess those beloved gifs are lost to the void now...
zodiac :  pisces in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes. i am a crying fish. also i’m a pisces venus. it makes a LOT of sense. myers  -  briggs :  istj ??? i think?? moral  alignment :  i can be chaotic good, but mostly neutral neutral i think hogwarts  house : i used to be a slytherin, now i’m a hufflepuff. idk what happened to me.
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  uhhhh... 1) bubbles from powerpuff girls. because i am baby. 2) juliet o’hara from psych. i’ve just been rewatching a lot of psych and i love how she’s such a serious yet funny / soft and idk why i just relate to that. 3) john mulaney in mulaney. because this is a cop-out to say i relate to anything / everything john edmund mulaney every does.
i  started  roleplaying : i first started on some fourms ??? on an app on my itouch ??? but my first tumblr rp group was percy jackson and everyone though i was this all knowing pjo fan... when really i was just fast to look shit up on the wikia. i had never read a single page of the series. types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  fandoms, typically ! i used to be exclusively love animated roleplays? like cartoons? but then i transitioned to musicals? like, exclusively playing musical characters??? at this point, tara is like the one exception nowadays... favorite  fcs  to  use :  um... olivia holt is a recent fave? joshua basset, also. my old faves are mary kate wiles and hunter parrish tho. real old. otherwise, i don’t know if i’d say i get attached to fc’s? fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i kinda wanna go back to some of my cartoon roots, maybe? i really haven’t deviated from the same 8 - 9 mostly musical characters in literally years...  fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  um... the raven cycle ,  miraculous ladybug  , uh..... everything else. i’m so randomly interested in everything.
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  my favorite is when i was in a youtuber rpf / oc rp, and this girl... made an oc... and made the fc... herself. she made a literal self-insert oc. with herself as the face. like low-res gifs of herself. why, you ask? i think she was trying to ship herself with dan howell. that didn’t age well, did it?
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : do i just list all the characters i’ve been playing for literal years? my recent faves are katherine plumber from newsies and princess anna. favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : i had a hunter parrish oc. he was in both the pjo and youtube rp. he was obsessed with hanging out with trees and pranks. don’t ask me why. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  kristoff / anna , jack kelly / katherine plumber , jake peralta / amy santiago , orpheus / eurydice , && donny novitski / julia trojan. yes, most of these are musicals. who doesn’t love a good love ballad? trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : uhh... adorkable, one of the boys, badass adorable
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  i am a massive sucker for fluff, but i’m so guilty of angst... i love pain. i don’t really do smut tho. sorry. long  or  short  replies :  i generally prefer short replies, unless we’ve somehow developed a thread into something long. or i’m feeling particularly inspired. pre  plotting  or  chemistry : i love chemistry with all my heart, but sometimes it’s fun to plot past connections that can reignite? idk. mostly chemistry sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : headcanon memes, because im never creative to turn a sentence starter into something that makes sense, esp between two characters who don’t know each other. single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multimuse, because i spent too many years reblogging replies to the wrong sideblog and those days are over !!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : i prefer gif icons for shorter replies and medium gifs for longer ones... or whatever my partner is using. i like some sort of consistency.
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ‘ what’s the rush? ’ repeat this phase when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. ask yourself whether somethings really needs doing immediately. are you ignoring your needs in order to do it?  - the little book of sloth philosophy. 
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : “ did you fall? or did you let go? ”  -  connor murphy to evan hansen, dear evan hansen. ( idk why this immediately jump to mind but... )
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  jeremy jordan, corey cott, jordan fisher, claire saffitz, brian david gilbert. last  movie  you  watched :  bridal boot camp did  you  like  it  ? :  yes. i loved it. it’s absolute garbage and i loved it. favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : idk but i can always rewatch prince of egypt. godspell favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : uhh.... i keep rewatching psych.   favorite  tv  show  (  s  ) that  hasn’t  ended : brooklyn nine-nine, zoey’s extraordinary playlist. sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : uh... grew up in a yankee / mets household. favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : pokemon, animal crossing  favorite  youtube  channels : drew gooden, danny gonzalez, jenna marbles.
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? :
greased lightin’ from grease live ; oh mother by hunter parrish ; nerds by bo burnham ; a miracle would happen / when you come home to me from the last five years ; just another day from next to normal ; who tells your story from hamilton mixtape. 
i haven’t listened to any of these in forever, but i am still, indeed, musical theater trash.
personal  aesthetic : demin overalls, scrunchies, the color teal, big stuffed animals. dream  vacation  ? : somewhere beautiful with people i love. dream  job  ? : perhaps like designing custom 3D prosthetics dream  car  ? :  i hate driving, but a big ol’ truck. like suv. big one. favorite  musical : gospell, dear evan hansen, bandstand, newsies, shrek the musical, mamma mia, i could go on... unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  sailor moon crystal, crash landing on you, locke & key, all the bright places, the half of it, younger, meteor, hello my twenties ...
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : musicals. so many musicals. i know both know too much and not enough.
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ihavenoside · 4 years
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I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been around and it will probably be a bit longer before I can even think about really returning to this blog. With the exception of random moments of inspiration to rp. 
I know this is a but unrelated but with the closing of Unus Annus, it has taught me a few lessons that I’ve taken to heart and hope to apply to the future. Time is indeed limited and not something you can get back and why it’s important to try and make the best of the time you have left. It was probably one of the worst years to have started that channel but I think also one of the best. Unus Annus set forth with a tough challenge for themselves and when thrown a curveball with the Pandemic, which would have probably discouraged even the best of people, they powered through it because time stops for no one until your time is up.
It’s also taught me that it’s also never to late to get something done when you put your mind to it, that often times, the only think stopping you from doing something is yourself. I’m grateful to have been there since the start of the channel and while twice, I fell behind by almost a month of content, I was able to catch up and watch every single episode and probably made more specials because I watched every single episode with my best friend.
Yesterday was made special for several reasons. I might not have been able to make the full 12 hour livestream but I did manage to make the end of it. Instead, I had to spend about 3 hours at the hospital for an appointment with my mother, then I was grateful to have spent another three hours that night to of spent it with my family going to a special drive thru light show and considering it was the ending of a year long legacy and Friday the 13th of 2020 of all years, it was a good day.
Those that where part of the Unus Annus community will be part of something pretty special in the coming years and it’s such a great, yet strange concept to think about that given the day of the internet, Unus Annus was technically not a permeant thing and anyone that wasn’t there from the start or ever watch a video will only have very vague and out of context memes to go off of, of what made them so great and what’s funny and I hope to apply later, would include Connor. Mark and Ethen will never see this but they are truly special people and I look forward to seeing what they do in the future. I look forward to see what the future holds even though things look bleak and will make the best of what I can.
Memento Mori, Unus Annus.
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musepirations · 4 years
i know one of the muns in the thing you just reblogged and i know that not the entire story was written in that post :( youre kind of adding fuel to a fire that doesnt need to be burned by reblogging it
❞ HI DARLING !! Okay -- first of all, I want to let you and everyone else who has the intention of messaging me about this or any drama I’m not involved in, that I am not planning on getting involved. If you want to discuss something, please approach me off anon -- I promise I don’t bite, quite the opposite, I’m actually very willing to listen !! From what I saw ( which was pretty well based on screenshots ) this indeed shouldn’t have been a fire in the first place -- but alas, feelings were not heard or taken seriously and it did result in a post being made by a mun who is upset and felt unheard. I am in no way, shape or form involved with these roleplays. All I did is reblog a psa which I think holds a message that I do support -- do not take inspiration from other people’s roles. I know this will always be a ‘ he said, she said ‘ kind of story -- and I am not interested in getting involved in it. I want this blog to be a drama-free zone. But I do want to support my mutuals and make sure they are heard and their feelings aren’t downplayed. I am a very firm believer of the idea that, if someone feels upset by something or hurt by something, this is a valid feeling. And this feeling shouldn’t be brushed under the rug or judged upon by a third party who has no say in what someone should or should not feel. Which, from the screenshots provided in the post, seems the admins did by saying ‘ this is not something to be seriously hurt by ‘ and ‘ this is just rp ‘ -- if it’s just roleplay, why not just ask your member to change the name of their role if that simple solution would make the upset mun feel better ?? I would say that is the simple solution that could have prevented this ‘ fire to be burned ‘. Me reblogging a post is not the reason this whole problem is there in the first place -- so sorry, I will not accept you shoving blame my way or try make me feel bad for reblogging a post which, in my opinion, shows that people all too easily just take inspiration from other people’s roles and then refuse to acknowledge it. Finding an original name for your role is not that hard -- you can find a bunch of names in my NAME HELP tag, if you struggle to find one. If you don’t want this to turn into a big thing, I would suggest messaging the mun who is feeling upset and felt the need to post a psa in order to finally be heard and taken seriously, and talk this over like the adults I am convinced everyone here is. Conversation, actually, has the ability to solve a lot of problems. Hear each other out. Look at it from one another’s points of view. Explain what bothers you. Try to figure out what has been misunderstood. And come to a solution together, which will put every party’s nerves at ease and make the process of roleplay fun again. Which, I think, is the ulterior motive for everyone here. Then everyone can happily move on. But hiding behind a grey face and hit up everyone but the one person you should be talking to ( the upset mun ), will not solve any problems, quite the opposite -- it is too easy.  I’m sorry this message got long, dear. But I’m not fond of the way I’ve been approached, and the way I’ve been ushered in the direction of feeling guilty. All I did was show support for a mutual who clearly feels unheard and is upset, feelings that are valid and should not be downplayed or judged upon. All I did is say that it is very easy to find a new name, and it could prevent a whole lot of issues such as this one. What started this fire isn’t the psa post or my reblog. I suggest going back to the roots to solve this and extinguish this fire -- not come to my inbox on anon. This is not how a solution will be found.  And as a disclaimer : I will not get involved in this or any other drama. Any messages regarding this or any other drama in the future, will be removed. Especially if sent on anon. I am always here to listen to mutuals and offer advice and help where I possibly can. But I’m not getting involved in drama -- especially not when people come to me over anon. Sorry !! Xoxo
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asocier · 5 years
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          this post is going to be long, but i’d appreciate it if you could at least give it a skim if you’re interested in interacting with me, particularly if you want to interact with nate and cedric but don’t know how to or if you want to develop meaningful relationships with my muses ( re: sexually intimate relationships )
edit: fixed my wording on the last statement since i mostly talk about sexual relationships in the last part of my post rather than general meaningful relationships. 
tl;dr: nate and cedric, while you can’t overlook what they’ve done to alison, are still muses with their own personalities beyond their actions, and i want to play with that more instead of making them out to be purely antagonistic because it’s more complicated than that. if you didn’t know about what they did to alison, nate and cedric have the potential to be approachable, and i want to emphasize their personal traits that make them just normal guys to stop making them out to be the villains because you really wouldn’t have known what they had done in high school if you met them after the fact.  
i think about what to do about nate and cedric a lot. sometimes i feel like i should take them off the blog because they don’t garner enough interest and also because i don’t have very much muse for them. after some thought, i realize that why i might not have much muse for them is because i’ve reduced them down to a few basic personality traits, and that’s really boring for me. i forget that they’re so much more complex, and me simply reducing nate down to being overly aggressive, crass, rude, and a fuckboy and cedric down to being stuck up and bratty and also a fuckboy really limits what i can do with them. 
these traits are indeed at the core of who nate and cedric are, but i really feel like i’ve made these traits all of who they are when there’s so much more to them, and i think that makes them kind of unapproachable and flat as muses. don’t get me wrong, i’m not trying to overlook the fact that they’re assholes who did terrible things to both alison and emile, like in no shape or form do i condone their actions. but i feel like sometimes i forget that nate and cedric aren’t such caricatures of their bad traits and also aren’t as sexual as i make them out to be in my head and sometimes in conversation with other muns?
like i make nate out to be someone who will pick a fight all the time, will curse you out all the time, will drink all the time —yeah he does all these things, but in a natural setting where he’s not provoked, nate actually does not give a fuck? like if he doesn’t think you’re worth fighting, isn’t agitated, or doesn’t have the energy ( which is often because he is quite low energy most of the time ) he will literally shrug, say “okay” in a monotone voice and walk away. he is low maintenance in every sense of the word. he just wants to eat like shit, have an inconsistent sleep cycle, and make music. he doesn’t have the energy for other people usually, and when he does, like when he’s clubbing, partying, dj-ing, socializing and sleeping around, it’s charisma and energy he pulls out of his ass to put on a persona to make people like him so he can forget about his life problems. sometimes it’s fueled by alcohol and party drugs. it’s all temporary though before he goes back to his usual lazy ways.
with cedric, yes he’s snarky, he’s snobby, he thinks he’s better than you, he’s rich, and already kind of unrelatable and unapproachable, but he’s actually a big closeted nerd. he reads, he wears glasses ( but refuses to let people know that so you’ll most likely only see him in contact ), he can cook but he fucks up all the time and always cuts himself in the kitchen, he loves historical sites and architecture of other nations, and yeah he’s a bartender but he actually drinks a lot of coffee over alcohol. he hates cats but loves dogs, he has a business degree and wants to start a small business soon.
all in all, i wanted to write this all out for myself and also for you all to understand what my thought process is with them and how cedric and nate really are since these aren’t things you’d get from the bio. you’d really need to interact with them or plot with me to learn these things. 
tl;dr: smut is allowed, but i’d prefer to not write smut with cedric and nate unless i really dig a ship or think it adds to a plot. i’m not a fan of plotless smut with them since it’s not interesting for me. it’s more interesting for me to write smut with alison or emile because their views on sex is so much more complicated, and a smut thread with them has more potential to lead to something more. plotless smut is even interesting for alison and emile because it lets me explore the nuances of their sexuality whereas i don’t really get to do that with cedric and nate since they’re already secure with their sexualities. also, i want more plots that explore alison’s sexuality in high school and her time as a sex worker since that’s pivotal to her character, but i also want to respect people’s comfort. 
yes. yes, this is something i want to do on this blog, but with one big caveat. i’ve thought about this a lot too, and it kind of goes along with how i’ve reduced nate and cedric to be real big fuckboys. i mean, yes, they are, but also, i don’t want every interaction with them to be smut. i don’t want every interaction with them to be flirty, sexually charged, sensual. in fact, i don’t want to smut with them. that isn’t to say that sexual interactions can’t happen -- our muses can hook up, but i’d prefer not to write it out with cedric and nate unless it adds to the plot or unless i’m just really feeling the ship because it’s not really what i’m interested in on this blog.
what i am interested in are the sexual relationships of alison and emile.  alison and emile have very distinct, very complex views about sex, and to be sexually active and intimate with another muse isn’t just like, a one time thing with no consequences like how it might be with cedric or nate ( e.g. one night stands, a smut thread with no plot, just pure horny ) -- sex is taboo for them, and it takes so much vulnerability and trust for them to be intimate, especially emile when he’s with a male partner. alison has her own unaddressed trauma surrounding sex, especially with men, and she can’t have sex normally and right away when just meeting someone because her body will not let her and it will hurt. it takes effort to have emile and alison be willing to be intimate with another muse, and i want people to make that effort and to really develop a relationship with them. 
additionally, i want to explore alison’s sexuality during her time in high school and post high school when she was being prostituted. this was a period of time where alison’s understanding of consent, kinks, fetishes, and her own sexuality ( sexual orientation, romantic orientation, what her own likes/dislikes are ) begin to form and get warped due to the inconsistent treatment she got from clients and her boyfriends. i know not every muse would spend a night with a sex worker, and muns might not be comfortable with such a thing either, which i respect. i just want to put that out there since this time period is so pivotal for alison’s development and i rarely get the chance to explore such a side to her character.
if you made it this far and actually read it all or skimmed it, thank you so much! i really appreciate you taking the time to do that since i want my rp partners to understand what my intentions are behind this blog. i want interactions, but i also know it takes communication, and i’m trying my best to be more transparent about my thoughts on this blog. 
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ragnaofazure · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I tend to like what’s more common and let it shine better my own way then stick for whatever might be most unique.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Eh... I’m never really picky since I consider myself to not have a right for preferences and more... So I’m sorry, I’m greatly lame and can’t really answer this no matter how hard I think. I think much of anyone can look great to me! Physical side is what I rarely worry about on other people, heh...
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Burgers, pizza and plenty of other fast food. I’m very much trash and easy to please-
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: There’s... plenty. Sadly I’m a very picky eater, but lots of fruits and vegetables I can’t as much as keep down, no matter how better I am at trying anything nowadays.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Being able to get up whenever I want from bed, really...
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Underwear and actual jammies when it’s cold, simple as that, it’s normally hot where I live down here for most of the year.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious! I think I’d never even get a chance at the latter even if I wanted to due to many reasons...
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I’d make my 14 year old stand up for himself better regardless of what would have happened, it would have been better than to have risked almost doing something unspeakable to myself.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I like to say I am, especially if you start getting close to me and let me give that I don’t get to give to many, while obviosuly respecting boundaries, yeah, I like to think one can see all of my forms of affection and appreciation.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: The Van Helsing movie from years back, I don’t know why. That and shamelessly the Saw movies, I just love them so much.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Sadly I was never much of a book reader, but for some reason Diary of a Wimpy Kid stuck with me after I had to pick it for college reasons.
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: I don’t like getting too fancy with pets, so if I can have dog or cat (or both if they get along) at anytime I for sure will take them.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: I’m not that much of a shipper myself, actually, but since I’m indeed an RP blog, I can be biased and mention the two major ships I have and write them off as my favs: Mukuro X Ragna (mcmcntomorii) and Amaterasu X Ragna (gilded-dawn). All the yes.
15. PIE OR CAKE: .Both! But I prefer cake more often than not.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: From certain odd street smells to the smell of cheap cart food or food in general, too many to list!
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Unsurprisingly, none.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Florida in the United States. And I wish I just could do it on the spot right now...
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: A bit of both nowadays, 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: I want to say yes, but I’m better if I have company with whatever might be the case.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android. Easily.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Psh, of course. If I’m not grinding fighting games, I’m playing other things like Fate Grand Order or other things.
23. DREAM JOB: Anything I can easily apply my bilingual knowledge to without much issue.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Do my darnest to secure a trip and more to the United States if possible and ensure it lasts for my family for quite a while.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Not hate but there’s just some Servants in FGO I rather not see anymore in reality, really. No naming names ‘cause I don’t wanna start any fires. (Just Servants that are popular enough or archtypes I don’t like, usual lame things.)
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Hmm, the general Persona fandom, I’d say? As if when I finally deactivated my Yu Narukami blogs after abandoning them for long enough wasn’t enough, even before then I really wasn’t part of it for a while.
tagged by: @clippingwings (Surprisingly, to me, actually-) tagging: @clock-corpse, @gilded-dawn, @mcmcntomorii, @muse-matrix, @betweenhumanandyoukai​, @genesisoul, @ohireath and anyone else who wishes to steal it, really.
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clippingwings-a · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Jessica, but pls call me Cheshire
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m a wealth of useless facts. 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Eyes, their smile, how good of a hugger they are.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Pizza omg i love pizza. Also cucumbers & pickles. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: I have hated celery since the beginning of time. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures. Writing would probably be more along the lines of a hobby, rather than a guilty pleasure. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Comfy pajamas. I actually buy larger pjs cause I prefer them roomy.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  Serious & am currently in one of almost two years! 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I don’t think I’d change anything, rather I would tell myself that things will be okay, to push myself harder, & to be less reactionary during my early 20s. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I’m kind of affection shy but if I warm up to you, then yea I can be. 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Summer Wars, Wolf Children, The Last Unicorn, Coco, Inside Out, Moana  to name a few of my faves. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: The Last Unicorn, Green Angel, & Snowflower & the Secret Fan! 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: I have always wanted a fox! I’ve also done research on how to keep them. Also a horse. I love horses & miss working with them. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Sylvia x Momochi Tanba / Sylvia x Edmond Dantes / Frankenstein x Avicebron / Frankenstein x Merlin / Nuregami x Yuuki Terumi ( I never let this one go )
15. PIE OR CAKE: I like both. 
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Peppermint, Winter Mint, & Apple Cinnamon are thE BEST Scents. Also I really am fond of lavender & the smell after it rains. 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:  I don’t really have any.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Japan. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: High key introvert. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Not really??? It depends I guess, I’ve gone to scary events & had two people holding my hand just to get them through it lmao. 
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: I prefer android. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Oh yea, less so these days but I love Soulsborne & Borderlands. I’m also a massive Pokemon fan as well as The Legend of Zelda!
23. DREAM JOB: I’d love to open my own plant shop like. Full on floral & plants that would be incredible. Or working with horses. Both. Both is good. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Probably try to live an easy life. That’s all I really want.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I’m sure there are characters I do indeed hate, but I can’t actually. Think of any right now. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Like in terms of rp, I struggle to get back into Drakengard rp & Okami rp. I’m kind of ehhhh about Fate fandom these days. 
tagged by: took from @heavnlyfists​ tagging: @attendreesperer​, @sunpierce​, @homra-no-artemis​, @nemoru​, @grassgrown​, @gilded-dawn​, @ragnaofazure​, @orderbourne​, @jaakunxkaze​, @sanzenxsekai​, & anyone else who’d like to do it! 
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starscreamloki · 6 years
About me
Yeah, so guess what, this post is indeed about me (surprise!). I interact with a lot of you on a daily basis and sometimes I wonder who is behind the profile. Why? I’m a curious creature but I thought that maybe it would be nice if I tell you a little bit about who is behind StarScreamLoki. And because I’m bored on this lovely Saturday-evening, I thought why not? This post actually got way longer than I expected, ah well... If you have more questions, feel free to IM me, reblog, reply, send smoke signals, whatever floats your goat (yes that is on purpose a goat).
Some basic stats
29 years young, based in the Netherlands, non-binary (pronouns she/her/he/him), and I have a lovely partner (who supports me to the fullest in this crazy fandom and everything I do actually) and two cats!
Where does your profile name come from?
Oh, the horror and the blessing. Star Scream is a name from a Transformer (I really don’t know which one, don’t care either actually, haha) I just really loved the name Star Scream and I had to add something to it to create this account and well, since the focus of this account was to be Loki it wasn’t really hard to figure it out ;-)
Other blabs in random order
I’m a larper (something that I hold very dear to my heart and is very important for me).  I’m an archer. I can sword-fight. I’m a coder (front end developer). I’m a graphic designer. I’m a leather artist (yes I create items from leather, like complete armours and stuff). I’m an event-organizer (I own a business for that). I have a blue belt karate(currently not practicing anymore). I am very creative in any possible way, making my own clothing (mostly for larp), coloring, pixelhobby, painting, cross-stitching... ... I’m going to stop here because that creative list is endless actually. And I’m a writer!
Yeah, if you wonder by now how I manage all the above; ADHD ;-)
Behind the writer
Some time ago I answered some questions about my writing. Might as well throw them in here.
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing since I was a teenager, 14 I think. I’ve written for various fandoms though I lost all that work. It’s not worth searching for it either, not that good. Haha.
Are you a writes-too-much-description type of fanfic writer, or the writes-too-much-dialogue fanfic writer?
Definitely a writes-too-much-description writer. I have trouble writing a good conversation because I have this thing where I can’t break conversations with an action of a character or if they interrupt one-other. For me power lies in details but I know I have to be very careful not to put too much detail in there otherwise it will get messy. You’ve got no clue how many words I delete when checking up on a work before posting it.
What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
To quote from the description of my blog: “I'm the demon that prowls the angst/hurt/dark/whump/sub!Loki abyss.”
What was the best work (completed or not) that you’ve written so far, in your own opinion?
I’ve got two. The first one would be Follow the Blind. I started writing this for myself thinking nobody would like it but everyone was raving about it. Before I was even aware this thing grew from a one-shot to ‘a couple of chapters’ to the longest thing I’ve written.
The Second fic is Cold Blood and Dead Hearts. I’ve written it in a matter of days and after I finished it I just fell in some black hole and it took me a couple of weeks to figure out next what to write. Ah yes, the familiar writers-drop...
If you were to write a crossover between any fandoms, what would they be and why? Give us a snippet of the two worlds colliding.
I think I answered yesterday something along those same lines but I’m dying to throw Loki to the wolves vampires. A cross-over between him and meeting Klaus from the Originals would be something I’d write but I really don’t know if people would like that. The snippet, I don’t know, probably these two just setting the world on fire for fun and/or having the most disturbing steamy sex.
Do you make outlines for your works, even your one shots? 
Mostly I do. I just create headings with pieces of plot and drabble scenes in there. I also create a short excerpts for Original Characters and for skills/characteristics. If I have to write a character that stems from a movie/book/series/pick your poison, that I know very little about, I make sure to do my research and place that in the outlines as well.
Have you ever been able to write more than 1,000 words in one sitting? How did that make you feel?
Hahhahahaah. When I have the writers-heat I only start at 1000 words in one sitting. That amount is no challenge for me whatsoever for some weird reason. When I have the plot and characters in mind, I tend to type so fast and so much I sometimes fear I’ll break my keyboard. Mostly this is a problem as well when I want to write a one-shot and I ‘barely started writing’ and I’m just past the intro and I’m like, “Well shit, 5000 words already. Guess I’m going with multi-chapter.”
Behind the larper-er/RP-er
As some of you know I run another blog @loki-the-predator. It is my ask- and rp-blog for Loki. I have been rp-ing for 8 years by now, mostly in real life since I’m a larper. I think this is where my ability to characterize so well comes from (yeah, a lot of you have told me I do an amazing job at that so I stan it by now). I have an insane amount of characters including complete costumes which I have created myself. I play most of my characters at larps and they vary from elves to demons. My trademark is chaotic neutral so they are usually a little evil. I own my own larp-event for which I write a lot of characters too.
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writing-ro · 6 years
Just Relax
This was written for @fatesyetunwritten / @staarscreamxr as a thank you for making some christmas icons for two of my rp blogs. She is a big fan of Knockout/Starscream, so I have delivered. Merry Christmas dear!
“How did you convince me of this again?” Starscream asked as Knockout led him closer to the doors of the club.
“I believe it was my superior negotiation skills,” Knockout answered with a smirk as Starscream muttered under his breath - something about how he employed those negotiation skills, no doubt - and rested his servo on the seeker’s arm. “Come on, Starscream. You need to lighten up. Enjoy yourself a little.”
“I’d enjoy myself more if you would explain exactly why we’re at a human club instead of back on Cybertron.” For indeed, they were at a human club - Verident, according to the sign - on a mid-January night, using their holoavatars while their bodies were hiding in a warehouse on the edge of town. Knockout's avatar was an average height of five-six, with cherry red hair in an undercut, his bangs combed back, red-brown eyes, and a healthy tan to his white skin. Starscream, meanwhile, was tall at six feet, with silver hair also combed back with an undercut, red-brown eyes, and skin that could only be described as pale. Both wore wool coats (Knockout's dark red, Starscream's black) over dark pants and dress shoes.
“Because on Cybertron you’d be too busy looking over your shoulder to relax, whereas here, there's no risk of you getting a knife in your back.” Knockout patted Starscream's arm. “We'll get as overcharged as we want, spend the night in the warehouse, and go back to base for the space bridge home.”
“I’m still not sure-”
“Oh come on.” Knockout pulled him to the doors, paying the bouncer their cover charge. “WE’re here for a good time, and I swear you’re going to get it.”
Starscream grumbled some more, but surrendered to Knockout’s guiding hand. The club wasn’t too full, with it being a weekday night. Even so, there was still a sizable crowd on the dance floor, and around a third of the tables were full. Knockout pulled him over to a table in a corner near the bar, where they had easy access to drinks and the dance floor, but likely weren’t going to be bothered either.
“So, what would you like? Cost is no object,” Knockout said, pushed a drink menu Starscream’s way.
Starscream shot Knockout a look, then read over the menu. A smirk crossed his lips as the pointed to a drink at the bottom of the menu. “I think this wine would suit me nicely.”
Knockout leaned over and saw Starscream had picked the most expensive bottle on the menu. “I should have guessed.” Even so, Knockout flagged down a waitress and placed the order, asking for a scotch on the rocks for himself. As they waited, Knockout set himself to people watching, giving Starscream some time to relax as the club’s atmosphere washed over them.
And, after almost a half hour and half a glass of wine, Starscream did relax. He had his eyes closed, listening to the music, a finger tapping along to the beat. “I’ll admit, this music is not half bad.”
“Similar to the clubs pre-War, isn’t it?”
“I suppose. Though of course ours is much better.” Starscream took another sip. “Vos had the best clubs. The lights, the music, the dancers, the energex. Nothing can compare.”
“Probably not, but maybe we can substitute.” Knockout finished his drink (his second one), then stood. “Want to dance?”
“If we were just going to get overcharged, I’d have taken you to a bar. Here, we can dance, let loose a lot more.” He held his hand out to the Seeker. “Come on.”
Starscream looked from the hand to his face and back, then shook his head. “No, not- not now.”
Knockout was disappointed, but didn’t let it show on his face. “Alright. Guess I’ll be dancing by myself for now. Feel free to join me later.” He strode over to the dance floor, getting lost briefly in the press of bodies as he let the music carry him away.
He wove in and out of the crowd, checking on Starscream a few times as he drifted to that edge of the dancefloor. A few times, a man or woman tried to draw him into a dance, but he politely (and not so politely, in one case) declined, just letting the music carry him along.
He had actually gotten lost in one song, closing his eyes as the music flowed through him and out his limbs, when he felt someone come behind him. He turned, thinking it would be another suitor to send off, and his eyes widened slightly when he saw it was Starscream. He recovered quickly and smiled. “So, you’re ready for some fun?”
Starscream frowned slightly at the tease. “Just try to keep up.” And he broke into a Vosian club dance, one Knockout recognized after a few steps and joined in.
They danced for hours, the speed and style shifting with the music, some parts separately, others as partners. At times, a clear space would open up around them and they would work in some more elaborate moves, to the joy and excitement of the crowd before they closed in again. Knockout only noticed this in his perfieral, he only had eyes for Starscream.
As the Seeker danced, it was like years fell of his face, his posture both straighter and more loose. A few times, he closed his eyes and got lost in the music, like Knockout had earlier. And he was becoming increasingly flirty, his touches during the partner dances lingering, stepping closer than necessary when separate. His eyes were starting to smoulder in a way that both made Knockout preen and want to move him out of the crowd into a dark corner.
Starscream finally made that decision for him, as they finished their next partner dance, he swooped in, cupped Knockout’s face with both hands, and kissed him hard. Knockout eagerly returned it, one hand resting on Starscream’s neck, the other drawing him close at the waist. A few people in the crowd cheered and jeered, but it didn’t matter to either of them in the hot press of lips and bodies.
When they finally pulled back, Knockout gave Starscream a provocative smile. “Relaxed now?”
“Very.” Starscream’s voice held a huskier tone than normal. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Just let me settle our tab first.” Which Knockout did very quickly, what with Starscream just about glued to his side and the two quickly made their way outside, deactivating their holos once out of sight of the humans. Knockout barely had a second to reorient himself in his frame when Starscream pounced him.
‘Mission accomplished,’ he thought to himself before he and Starscream got lost in each other’s arms.
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