#((sun just fucking loves his kid he is a goober))
littlest-centaurii · 2 years
Do your dads or the other Stardroids have any special nicknames for you?
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Most of the other Stardroids used to call me Lordling, but I discouraged them of that. I'm not a fan of royal titles.
I am called "Prox" a lot anyways, but some do have more personable nicknames for me. (Antares isn't a Stardroid, but I see her as family anyways, so.)
As for my fathers, Father doesn't call me anything, usually just my name, but as for Papa...
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He tends to really like...calling me this one...
and it gets very embarassing after a while.
((Antares - @godslush ))
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cannedheet · 1 year
also i am very sorry for the wait. my apologies yall
(below cut)
- Tony had a habit of biting his nails for a while. He mostly did this when frustrated or nervous, so it wasn't often, but still.
- he won't wear sunglasses even if the sun is blasting straight into his eyes, it's a ego thing 😔
- I already mentioned he knows how to use a crossbow and is very good at doing so, but our boy can use a regular bow too!
- his momma is a barber!! That means he gets free haircuts :-)
- he generally doesn't like walking/running in snow. Dude just doesn't like snow in general
- most of his family is in Texas, more specifically the costal parts of Texas! he doesn't know how he ended up in the shitfuckplace he's in now, though
- he was in the orchestra of his middle school for a bit, cello playing dumbass. He can still remember the notes to certain songs because there was like, nothing else to do but practice his instrument
- speaking of driving, when stopped at a red light, he drums his fingers against the wheel.
- The part of the town he lived in as a kid got power outages in the spring frequently, so he can make do with the dark.
- Hydrated Homie!!! Water Warlord, even. (my point is this bitch drinks water like he should be doing btw. if you even care)
- poor little meow meow but. but like a little to the left. i can't believe im using the term 'poor little meow meow' unironically
- roach hater and for a good reason
- I wouldn't say he's Tejano (a Texan person with Mexican decent), but that's kinda what he is in my mind. my fucked up little brain
- Tony had a hamster once, and only once. its name was Pequeño and it died of a fucking heart attack (tony was like ten when this happened so. pretty traumatic. it's buried in a cookie tin in his mom's backyard)
- after that he refused to get a pet for like, five years.
- oh right tony also saw a small dog get devoured by a coyote so. yeah thats uh
- tony listens to billy idol!!
ok goobers. more on the way soon goobers
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n0-1r · 26 days
Reign of the Supermen reaction
hey guys welcome back today we're watching the Reign of Supermen after i was terribly catfished by the first movie so anyways lets get started
ok yeah its part of a series and im gonna have to watch all the movies but still
who tf are you sinestro lookin ass
g gordon lowkey ate with that poeticism
clark reborn? its more likely than you think
aeugh wonder women please shut up
it's giving ex who can't move on
ah the retro super transformation
bring magical girl transformations back
is he gonna unveil superboy
slay kinggg
hes such a silly goober
and so little
just a little guy
noooo why are the girls fightingggg
wait i just realised kon can fly in this
omg hey king
yeah one superman, not you tho
ok but theres also jli but lets not get into that
luthor lowkey giving tired dad vibes rn
in gotham? bats is not going to like that
oh nvm
oh meyan its the superman luthor love child
oh the others... match...
ugly ass robot
if i see this guy get bodied for the third time today I'm going to laugh
yum brainwashing
ah pooh
why is lex genuinely so zesty tho
why does he speak so fruity he reminds me for someone but i forgor
also love kons suit
how is a hologram that tangible
omega darkseid
wait if hes a superman rouge than does that mean superman is his-
yeah don't answer that i don't read superman
is that mal
wait why are they up there
idk ive been half paying attention
aeugh why does he look like that
damn luthors got a crush
fortress of solitude
yeah where was he when the planet exploded
why is his suit so emo
can't believe it got worse
oh i forgot to say, kon sounds fruity
i think he gets that from lex
bro kon is quite the opposite of muscle
bro chillax its giving parasocial relationship
yk at least darkseid cant come
couldve been worse
holy dramatic ass entrance batman!
lois can totally squeeze her hand through that
lex luthor the ipad kid
uuugh how are they not suffocating
oh wow how convenient a switch specifically for sun shielding right near them
oh it's glass
what is that bro
whatever ig
ooooh they dead
worlds colliding, its more likely than you think
it's a bird it's a plane it's superman
isn't there a third movie or something
ugh get out of here lex
oh the next movie is jl dark, cute
ok thanks guys
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So many headcanons that nanami hard dom, degradation, bdsm kinks etc. When the manga shows that nanami is 100% gentleman. Like he lets nobara & nitta sits on a chair while he kneels down, he doesnt let yuji go w him when he fights mahito bec he dosnt want him to be in danger, he gently wipes the tear of a transfigured human. He may have intimidating exterior but he is a big softy inside and they all think that he is rough n bed. Nanami will never hurt you in bed even if ask for it and hes the type will say 'I'll make love to yu' not 'I'll fuck you'.. Nothing wrong w hcs that hes rough ofc but just want to see more soft nanami.
YES anon, I feel the exact same way!!!!
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Nanami has a cold, blunt exterior which could easily be interpreted as that of a hard dom who wants total control of his partner, but that's just what people see on the surface.
Nanami is gentle. He is kind. He is passionate about food and making sure that kids get to be kids. He loves to read. He wants to get married one day. He may seem cold and distant, but his true feelings shine through when needed, like when he tried to quietly comfort a transfigured human in pain. He tries to hide this part of himself because he's at work and he needs to be focused and prepared for the worst outcome.
Nanami is, deep down, a hopeless romantic. His ideal date would be cooking a meal for his partner, relaxing on the couch with a good book and a glass of wine, his arm around you and your hands intertwined as you read your respective books. He wouldn't mind watching a movie either, a blanket thrown over your laps at you lean against him, his head resting atop of yours. He's a sap, a total goober when it comes to love, and he knows that with his line of work, settling down with someone he really loves isn't the best idea. That's why he isn't married yet: he's waiting until his reality is safe and secure so he can fully be with the one he loves and dedicate himself to them completely.
These mushy-gushy feelings are bound to leak into the bedroom. You are the love of his life, his darling, his reason for living: he's going to treat you like the most valuable treasure on the planet because, to him, you are. If you want, need him to be rough, he will do whatever he can to satisfy you, but it will never please him the way that traditional love-making does.
He showers you with affection, worshiping you to the point where it makes you sick, kissing every inch of skin as if thanking you for letting him have you in this way. He's gentle, he goes slow, he makes sure you're enjoying this as much if not more than him. He doesn't want to be rough with you: he's rough with curses at least 40 hours each week, so the rest of the time he wants to be gentle and kind. He wants to hear you moan and sigh with each thrust, your body trembling beneath his once you finally cum, showing him parts of yourself that others could only dream of getting a glimpse of. His heart aches with an ancient feeling, something that can only be described with long-lost poetry buried deep within the sands of time.
He loves you. He loves you in a way that feels earth-shattering, as if this union could destroy everything you've ever known before. Shockingly, he doesn't care. The world as he knows it can burn for all he cares. All he needs is you, you with all your kindness and sincerity and pure love that makes him wish he had could run away from this life and hide away with you, relaxing on some far away beach, the sun unable to hold a candle to your radiance.
He really loves you.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
boy the only compensation I need are your info dumps bc they are so fucking good, like seriously big brained takes that I adore, I want Yana to hire you bc your so good. like really really good.
ANYWAYS MOVING ONNNNN The OB!Grim idea where Grim consumes Yuu is honestly horrifying??? bc imagine how horrifying/terrifying it would be for the students of NCR to see the one un-NCR like student to get swallowed up by their other more NCR-like counterpart. You cannot tell me that people joke all the time about Grim being more NCR-like than Yuu and that maybe he should take Yuu's place instead or something along those lines. Essentially the two to become one--their jokes becoming a literal nightmare. It would be traumatizing and it would teach them not to joke about things so lightly next time KJHJSHAKJDS
Ah yes Haruno Sakura my beloved. I honestly adore her in a way that I want to punt her across the sun for being annoying JSADGHAJSGD To be honest I do like her its just the way her creator handled her was shitty and undeserved the same way the fandom (*cough* you know the ones) treats Vil. I honestly wonder why people assume that Vil's like that *gestures to the bunch of mischaracterization people has for him* its weird, its like they lost their reading comprehension or something. Kind of freaky but honestly its the internet so there's nothing much we can do about it but spread the correct info to those willing to read or we can reach :/
Also I didn't think much about Grim's design at first but now that you've bought it up I can't stop seeing the parallels Between Grim and the boys because like the boys--those who have oveblotted at the very least--have elements of their suffering seeping inside Grim. We can see that in chapter 6 Leona's feelings of hopelessness through Grim after he recalls what happened. Azul's need for control/strength through Grim's actions during the prologue (his desperation eerily similiar to Azul's breakdown during his chapter), and etc., etc. But what drives this home is Malleus's--Your comment about his wings and him wanting refuge something that Yuu did give him the same way Yuu made Crowley let Grim stay by their side as their partner, their two in one. Its the same way with Malleus--with Yuu becoming his friend--his child of man. Also the fact that Yuu was the one to save them all/guide others into doing so just drives that idea home. And we love to see it
Thinking about the OB!Grim fight is making me think of the ghost camera since we never get to see it in action (unless you include the groovies but even then im not so sure...). What do you think it'd do?
Sometimes I forget how intrinsic that lil camera is especially since it might have connections to Mickey and why he's in the mirror!!!
The way OB!Grim moves in that gif kinda reminds me of two kids struggling in a big costume/comforter, it freaks me out thinking that Yuu is in there probably fighting for pieces of themself—
Going off of Canon information, it says that the ghost camera takes a piece of both the users soul and person in the photo and projects them—this could lead to Adeuce using the camera to project what Yuu would do in a situation against an OB.
It serves as way to connect the boys bc we've seen that they aren't that willing to work together without ulterior motives/Yuu being present—what if the whole NRC rallies in memory of Yuu?
Like past conversations between the entire twst ensemble, Yuu, Crowley and co. Instead of magic its the memories they all share that serves to deal damage?
OB!Grim takes double damage each time a memory is played basically while also giving the boys a buff.
I mentioned that imagination is heavy in Twisted Wonderland, so each memory also serves to piece Yuu together? We already came to the conclusion that Yuu was consumed by Grim but what if they lost their body in the process?
The only thing intact is their mind—its why OB!Grim moves so jerkily and the added ob characteristics don't react in some frames, that's Yuu trying to figure out what the fuck is going on while also knowing that Grim is overblotting.
Or they know they're trapped in Grim's body but they don't know where their body is, so each time the other ob characteristics stop or freak out its their minds merging at points because Yuu's struggling.
"I have no mouth, but I must scream" type of situation.
I'm just saying OB Grim scares the fuck out of me.
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paperficwriter · 4 years
Your First Date
Some sweet, fluffy batarou. Being teens in love.
Cut is for length, not for content.
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“Oi, Badd. Why didn’t we go on a first date?”
“Well, ya hospitalized me, and then ya went on some kind of monster rager and ended up becomin’ some kinda gargoyle thing? With horns, I heard? And then ya ran off for a hot minute until ya showed up here ‘cause Zenko thought you were some kinda stray to bring home, and here we are.”
“...Heh, yeah, that just about covers it.”
Somehow during months of living together, this conversation didn’t even come up until they were sitting together on the couch, watching an anime one evening that depicted a boy and a girl in a very typical ‘is this a date?!’ situation. They were quiet for a little bit after that, until Badd prompted him by elbowing him in the arm. “Did ya want to? I mean, I feel like we kinda skipped that whole thing, yeah? Usually ya date before ya start livin’ with someone.”
“So what’s the difference between going on a date and dating?”
Badd paused the television and turned to him, wedging himself into the back sofa cushion on his side. “The date’s kinda...the thing itself. Datin’ is when you’re, like, ‘Let’s see how this pans out and if I wanna be your girlfriend for the long haul.’”
“Does that mean we skipped straight to making you my girlfriend?”
“Psh. I’m savin’ my girlfriend status for The One. You lose.”
Garou chuckled and pulled one of Badd’s hands over to rub between his. “Never been on a date before,” he mumbled.
“Are ya serious?” Badd winced when Garou bent one of his fingers sideways. “Ow. I didn’t mean it t’ be shitty! You’re good-lookin,’ so I figured ya woulda had to beat ‘em off with a stick!”
Holy shit, did Garou just blush?! “It’s not like I really had a chance, with the whole ‘leaving home and living at a dojo and then dishonoring said dojo and everything afterward,’ you know?”
Badd dragged his thumb against one of the long lines across Garou’s hand. Then he realized it wasn’t actually the love line, or the life line, or whatever. But rather, it was the pink, faded scar left from his hero hunting. “That means if I take ya out on a date, it’s not just our first date but your first date. Officially.”
Garou nodded. “Which means it can’t suck.”
“Hey, my dates don’t suck.”
“They better not. You don’t have an excuse like I do, since it sounds like you’ve been on a million, you hussy.”
Badd snatched his hand back so he could grab him by one of his wild ‘ears’ of hair. “I ain’t a hussy! And I haven’t been on a million dates! Just a few!”
Thin fingers jabbed at his side right into one of his ticklish pressure points, and Badd’s body buckled in on itself. “No, no, you’re clearly the dating pro, so you better wow me or I’m leaving!”
“Fine!” Badd threw himself on top of Garou, grabbing him by his shirt. He dropped his face close to his with a huge grin. “Then I’m gonna take ya on the best damn date o’ your life. So get ready, wolf boy.”
Garou snuck in a kiss onto Badd’s round nose, flashing his own teeth in a smile. “Okay. I’m holding you to that.”
Badd ended up borrowing a car. Although he had gotten his license, he didn’t really need one in the city, since he either walked wherever he needed to go or took public transportation. But if he was going to take Garou on a date, they were going to have to head out a little distance from his normal stomping grounds, enough that no one would immediately recognize him or, worse, ask questions about Garou.
And even as it was, Badd still didn’t sport his normal pompadour, and Garou had one of his beanies over his trademark hair. “So, where are we going?” Garou asked as he reached over to play with Badd’s loose strands where they framed his face. 
“It’s a surprise, ya goober. Also, I, uh...didn’t wanna talk about it so much in front o’ Zenko or she’d be sore we weren’t taking her.”
“Shut up!” Badd gave him a shove, but he was smiling. The drive itself was nice; the air was cool, they listened to some music (and since it was just them, they didn’t even have to suffer through Amai Mask’s discography), and the sunset was a beautiful bleed of color across the horizon. 
Garou grinned when Badd turned into a hotel. “Oh, so it’s that kind of a date, huh?”
“It ain’t like that! Don’t be weird!” Badd’s cheeks burned up to his ears. “I got us a room so we didn’t have to rush back tonight, and so I didn’t have to find some random place to park.”
When Badd got back from checking in, Garou had his face out the window of the car, sniffing, eyes big. It was like he was looking into the distance, at nothing in particular, an invisible interest.
Badd couldn’t help ruffling the top of his head. “What is it, boy?” he asked like he was talking to a dog, “Whattaya smell, huh?” 
Garou rolled his eyes but didn’t really divert his attention, though his did close his eyes. “It’s been forever since I went to the beach. I can smell the sand and the water...and I can hear it.”
Badd turned his ear up, letting the wind hit him. He could just barely make out the salty scent, but he certainly couldn’t hear it. “Good thing that ain’t the surprise.”
Tipping his head curiously, Garou got out of the car, and they started walking down the road. 
It couldn’t be but so surprising, because they could see the boardwalk from the half-mile mark as they walked up toward it. A large road right beside piers and docks had been lined with shops, stands and various attractions on either side, and there was a huge ferris wheel lit up with sparkling lights.
Badd had insisted on going during the week, so since it was Wednesday there weren't nearly as many people as there probably would have been on the weekend. On top of that, it was also late in the season, so there weren’t visiting tourists to contend with either. “I know ya hate crowds as much as I do,” Badd commented as he took his hand. “And I wanted your first date to be a good experience, ya know.”
Garou was staring in every direction, his mouth just a little bit open. Shit, was it too much? Had Badd overdone it?
What finally came out was: “I want to eat everything.”
Badd laughed. “Okay. Sounds like a plan.”
When Garou said everything, he wasn’t kidding. Like a bloodhound, Garou made a beeline for the spots that had the best-smelling greasy food scents, and Badd found himself being dragged to stand after stand to buy long skewers of yakitori, shioyaki and ikayaki. Each one was shoved into his face to try. “Please at least keep the squid in a different hand. If I think I’m gonna get chicken and bite into the ikayaki, I’m gonna hurl.”
Garou just took a bite of each. To spite him.
Now, the noodles he could get behind: yakisoba with deliciously tender pieces of pork; hot, sour Thai noodles that warmed him up to the core; a ramen burger made with prime beef and huge pieces of near-solid noodles. Garou was about to lead them to the taiyaki parfait stand, when Badd finally put his hand on his arm.
“Babe. Ya know I think the world of ya, but can we digest for, like, five minutes?”
“I guess.” He smirked and kissed a spot of sauce off the corner of his mouth. “You weakling.”
Next, Badd took him to an arcade. It was set up to look like one of the “classic” ones, with pinball, huge games with old displays that were probably twenty years old, and racing games that made Garou have to fold his long limbs inwards to get to the gas and brake. 
When he caught Badd laughing, he glared. “I’m still going to kick your ass, even if I do dislocate my hip.”
“You are older than me, Stretch. That’s a real concern.”
“By a year!”
But they figured it was time to go when Garou laid into a test-your-strength punching dummy a bit too hard and snapped it off its support. In his defense, Badd absolutely should have been watching him closer. Garou had a tendency to get carried away.
As they explored the area even more, they came to a set of shops outside a mall connected to the boardwalk. Garou wandered over to an open stand and stopped so hard his heels screeched. “Oh my god, Badd, look at this.” At first, it just looked like they were selling little trinkets and random junk...until Badd got a closer look. “It’s fucking knock-off hero stuff like you find online!”
Badd nearly choked as he picked up a toy that he could only guess was supposed to be Genos with huge neon eyes and a perfectly rectangular mouth. One hand was on backwards, and the paint job was so abysmal it was like it was just dipped in random colors. A figurine of Atomic Samurai actually had a gun for some reason, Zombieman had been painted lime green, and then…
“You have to buy it.”
“I don’t have to do any such a damn thing.”
“Please. I need this as a memento of our first date.”
Badd sighed and paid the ridiculous amount for a Metal Bat action figure: the torso was so big his head was roughly pea-sized, he was wearing a skirt and his bat looked like it was a wooden one. “It’s literally in the name! Metal Bat! They had one job!”
Garou cackled as he pocketed his prize. “Villains beware! The amazing Wood Bat! Special move: Splinter Spirit!”
As the sky was just beginning to transition from a red-touched blue into night, Badd walked Garou out onto the pier that cut into the ocean far enough that it was actually quiet, compared to the street. A torii gate stood alone overlooking the water and the far-off sunset. Garou stared up at it as Badd explained, “There used to be a shrine on the water, but it got destroyed by a typhoon or somethin.’ They left the torii up ‘cause the sun falls right inside it, yeah? And it was still standin,’ so...yeah.”
“You know a lot about this place.”
Badd grinned, kind of lopsidedly. “Yeah…”
“Like you’ve been here before. More than once.”
“Heh, guess I’ve been caught.”
Easily hopping up onto it, Garou sat on one of the wooden rails of the dock and looked out over the easy-going waves. “That’s fine. There are only but so many places you can take dates, so obviously there’s going to be some overlap.”
“What? Oh god, no. Garou.” Careful not to push him over, Badd got between Garou’s long legs, hands holding his waist. “I ain’t...I’ve never brought another date here. Never. You’re the first.” He sighed. “I came here when I was a kid, with my folks. And Zenko after she was born, for a couple of years but I think she was too young to really remember it. This is, uh…” He cleared his throat. “This is the first time…” God, don’t cry, don’t fucking choke up. “Since…”
“Hey.” Garou’s fingers rubbed the back of his scalp and pulled his face into his stomach. “I got it. It’s okay. I like it. A lot.”
“Yeah. It’s the best first date. I thought you were just going to drag me out to something really lame and I was going to have to be like, ‘Nooo, Baaadd, I loooove it…’”
Badd snickered and jabbed Garou in the side of the leg. “Jerk.”
Garou continued on in the mock-patronizing voice as he jumped off the ledge and back to the dock. “‘Oh my gooood...no, you put soooo much effort into it…’”
“Well now if I ever do disappoint ya, I’ll see right through you!”
“Of course you will, because I am so transparent and you are so perceptive.” Garou tugged him toward the ferris wheel. “Come on, I think this is a good time for this one.”
Badd nodded, and when they got to the ramp, there really wasn’t much of a line. They climbed into the next available car together. It was one of the new, fancier ferris wheels, with a compartment that people could sit in facing each other while looking out a window on either side, at the sea or at the glittering city skyline in the near-distance. Slowly, they started the climb, and as Badd watched the crowds below get smaller and smaller, he could feel Garou’s eyes on him. 
“So, I’m new to this, but it seems pretty obvious that this is when you’re supposed to kiss on dates, right? That’s a thing isn’t it?”
Badd turned his hand over when cool fingers rubbed his knuckles. “Yeah, I think ya kinda...play it by ear, and when it feels right, ya jus’ go for it.”
Garou leaned close, his smile reflecting the bulbs outside that lined the ride’s spokes. “I think you’re supposed to call the shots though, right?”
“Yeah...I think so.” Badd moved like he was going to close the gap between them, but then put his fingers up to block Garou’s lips. “Wait.”
“Trust me.”
It was only about a minute until they rounded the curve and there they were, at the top of the wheel. In the grand scheme of things, it probably wasn’t that high up but...here, it was the highest point, and for them it might as well have been the top of the world. And before Garou could ruin it by saying something dumb or complaining about the hold up, Badd yanked him into the softest, deepest kiss he could give, putting every ounce of himself into it.
They didn’t actually break it until they were almost at the bottom again, and even then they stayed close, gazing into one another’s face.
“You know…” Garou gave him another little peck, smiling through it. “I think I could get into this whole dating thing.”
Badd hummed, and he kept his fingers loosely holding his shirt so he couldn’t get far away from him. “Yeah...kinda figured ya might feel that way.”
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she-3po · 4 years
#96 “What made you think I cared for you?”
angsty prompt. i literally havent written in years so this is wild and just a warm up i barfed out of my butthole. theres not a lot of backstory of like where he is wandering around lmaooo its more of just his inner monologue and i didnt rly try to work out the setting too much.
his voice was hoarse. it felt pretty fucking sore, all things considered. but this wasnt even the worst part. not even close. he took a few steps forward and stopped, his beskar tips dinging softly on the sheet rock. the sun cascaded down overhead. he was sweating. he had been searching for days for the kid. his kid. he had lost count of how long it had been since he’d seen him. his mind wandered back and forth between the past and present. he was lost once. he might be lost now, without grogu. 
he wasn’t really aware of the love he so craved. it was subliminal. lingering just under the surface, like his flesh beneath the beskar. it was drilled into him from long ago, he is one of many. a hive mind. its survival. its necessary. vital. his emotions lay tucked into him. its all he’d ever known. well, almost.
maybe he was dehydrated, but his mind strayed even farther still. he did remember love. his parents loved him. he cared for them deeply. it was one of the last times he smiled and truly felt warmth from within. he couldn’t even allow himself to think about grogu, and if the kid knew how much he cared. he loved him. when he saw that raw innocence, he saw himself. he wanted to give grogu what he never had: a loving family. a supporting father. a big fucking bear hug. his eyes welled with fat tears at the thought of hugging the tiny goober, and he knew he had to knock that shit off. crying right now could mean dehydrating even worse. he was already losing his mind.
how scared the kid must be. how confused. he had never been diagnosed with PTSD but this shit was invoking some devilish panic attacks. he was a child just like grogu. but when he searched his new family for love, he was met with a cold, bitter disdain. The armorer raised him to be a warrior. to fight. literally trained against everything he felt in his soul. he wasn’t allowed to love, to feel. he was only allowed to follow the way. no questions asked. there had only been one time he made that mistake. 
Din’s dusty bootstraps slapped into the dirt as his small footsteps descended into the mandalorian hideout. he had just finished training with his hands. he hadn’t been a foundling for long, he was still trying to process the horrific remnants of trauma passed to him from the war. he was only a child. but he was smart. cunning. although he was riddled with guilt, shame, and fear, he was also strangely peaceful. even as a child he was taught by his father to never act on impulse. he was a little strange anyway, and unlike most other foundlings, his thoughts and reactions were very carefully calculated. 
this particular day, though. it was rough. he had been triggered immensely by something seemingly trivial, as PTSD often does. it just jumped right out and surprised him. suddenly little Din went from punching the trainer bag, to spiraling into his own dark thoughts, memories of his parents being slaughtered just outside the shelter. he could hear them, as clear as the first time. 
he ran. 
he ran to the woman he thought would be there for him. the armorer. his feet padded along the damp concrete as he ran right to her. he held onto her leg. he was so small then. he clung to her, so desperate to feel something from his past life. desperate for love. for some kind of bond.  “What is the meaning of this? Why are you not training with your brothers?” her voice was cold. she didn’t stop crafting her signets at the work table. she didnt even look down at him.  “Please.. I... I got scared.” he craned his neck all the way back to look up at her, his helmet a bit too big for him, he hadn’t grown into it yet. 
“Whatever for? Is there an immediate threat to the colony?” he did not know what condescending meant, but he could tell she wasn’t giving him the response he needed. “No ma’am, but i..” he wasn’t even sure what words to use. he wasn’t sure what he felt. he was a fucking mess, and too young to know it. 
she interrupted. “Then get back outside. You know the rules. This is the way.”
his eyes were burning. he couldnt stop the tears. “I want my mom!!!!” He was so homesick his stomach hurt. a cold sweat towered over him like the metal goddess he clung to. without turning from her work, she put a gloved hand on his helmet and pushed him off of her. “Please, I need my mom!!” His nose was running now and he was shamelessly sobbing. some days were better, but not today. it was a hard one. 
The armorer was still. Quiet. She paused only for a moment, then with a soft sigh she went back to tinkering with the signet molds and sanding the beskar by hand.  “You don’t even care about me. No one here cares about anyone!!!” He turned away to trod off down the corridor, but was twirled back around abruptly. z “What made you think I cared for you?” She had bent down to look him straight in the helm. t zone to t zone. “Was it the fact that I saved your life? That I took you in? Housed you? Fed you? Trained you? I obviously don’t care for you at all.” She tossed these sarcastic words out of her mouth like hot garbage. She had no tact for talking to children and frankly didn’t care. She didn’t see him as a child. but as a brother. a fighter. a warrior. 
“That’s not what I meant... I...” He honestly didnt know what he meant at all. He knew he wanted his mom. He wanted things to go back to the way it was. He wanted to be a normal kid and be allowed to feel his real feelings. but this would not happen again. not for a long while.
“I care for the colony. You are part of the colony. This is the way.” “This is the way...” He sighed.
The mandalorian felt himself aching for his child. He knew what grogu had felt. hiding his power, hiding his true feelings, despite being too young to know why. He was ugly crying under his helmet. He knew grogu felt so alone. his empathy was almost too much to bear. he cared so incredibly deeply for his son. his heart was aching knowing that grogu felt alone, WAS alone. he knew he was probably feeling confused and wondering the same thing. If Din cared for him at all. 
“Please, kid. I need you to be okay.”
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silver-snow-writes · 5 years
The thing with Jaytim and a lot of cats
This is a not! fic campfire I did on a discord server that I’m porting over here, I hope y’all enjoy the fluff. @inkyubus and @salazarastark helped a bit towards the end
Okay. Tim is canonically a cat person and it has annoyed the hell out of me that Tim never got pets but Damian gets a menagerie, so I always give him a cat when given the opportunity by plot
Tim finds a pregnant kitty on his fire escape, and takes her in. He’s calling on Selina and googling everything he can after processing that oh right this is going to be a big change, and goes out to the pet store incognito to grab supplies
But he’s at the Crime Alley theater house apartment so Jason is out doing an early evening patrol, spots him, and gets curious. What’s he doing around here in civvies?
Jason tails him to the nearest pet shop, and back to his house, where he spots him playing with soon-to-be mama cat. He wants to be mad that Tim’s in *his* territory, clearly living here, but it’s hard to get too pissed when he’s giving a happy kitty belly rubs and smiling like that.
Jason’s seen him do confident Robin grin, dangerous “I’m gonna fuck you up” battle smirk, calming civilians smile, even polite Wayne heir curve of the lips. But smiling joyfully like this, eyes uncovered, clearly laughing a little as the cat demands treats? Something goes warm in his chest
Meanwhile Tim is feeling tired and stressed bc his life is a busy exhausting and traumatizing mess lately but it’s hard to think about the bad stuff when he has mama cat and her litter to think about. She’s clearly been a pet before and is so friendly and cuddly that it breaks his heart to think someone abandoned her. He gets her to the vet to check for a chip and get her looked over, and when there’s no chip that cements his decision that fuck it, he’s keeping her
He totally names her Arwen bc there is no way in hell a kid that was a DM for DC’s D&D equivalent isn’t a fan of LoTR. Arwen has to get mites and fleas removed but once she’s flea free she’s sharing his bed
Jason. Is still keeping an eye on him, subtly. Staying out of range of Tim’s security systems and Babs’s cameras and telling himself it’s all because he can’t just let the Pretender go unsupervised in his turf. And sure that’s part of it. But Tim’s actually pretty good about sticking to patrolling his own territory and that helps somewhat
And well. Jason regrets what went down during that mess after Bruce died. Was kinda shitty of him to repay Tim letting him out of jail by stabbing him in the chest and all. He’s a big awkward goober dealing with some guilt now that he’s more settled, so he has trouble figuring out how he should approach Tim and let him know that Jason is aware that he’s holing up in Crime Alley
He’s gotta do something eventually, right? Ah well. Can’t hurt to just. Watch him, every now and then. See him through the windows being a goofy new cat dad and a disaster of a teenage vigilante
(Jason, honey, things really have come full circle)
Eventually things get set in motion. LoS assassins attack Tim’s apartment, Arwen runs away bc scared kitty, Jason jumps in to help fight the assassins and then they go track down the poor baby. And some bonding and pining bc Jason is developing such a crush and also hot damn Tim fighting and winning is a sight to see
Tim is understandably wary about Jason but willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when he’s being helpful and even offering to assist him in finding Arwen. She’s due to give birth soon!
(It’s been about a month now and she was already about midway through when Tim first found her. Domestic cats are pregnant around 57-65 days, so around two months)
They end up running around asking the ladies of the night and various others if they’ve seen a pregnant long-haired tabby cat. Eventually they go back to Tim’s apartment as dawn is breaking, only to find Arwen is on his fire escape again and in labor
They get her inside, clean up, and Tim sets her down in his bathtub, petting her soothingly and fussing over her. Jason is still helping out and he just goes with it, gratefully accepting a can of Zesti and medical supplies
I foster cats irl so I know how this tends to go pretty well. Within an hour of labor starting Arwen will finish pushing out kitten #1 and each of the rest will come around 15-20 minutes apart. She’ll clean them up and eat the placentas, which is gross but perfectly healthy, and soon enough they’ll be nursing from her while she purrs and rests
Tim looked into it and well. He’s been around human deliveries before and this was honestly so much quicker that it was a relief
(He was there when Steph gave birth and has likely helped deliver babies as Robin bc pregnant women can and will go into labor when shocked, like being held hostage or getting hurt in an accident)
He sits back with a sigh and pays his full attention to Jason now. He hasn’t been fully ignoring him persay, still keeping an eye and an ear on him just in case, but he’s been. Surprisingly nice and nothing but helpful, Tim isn’t sure what to think of it. Jason’s staring at the kittens but turns to look at Tim when he notices that the younger vigilante is assessing him
There’s a long moment of increasingly awkward silence as they stare at each other while the newborn kittens are mewling and Arwen’s drifting off to sleep. Jason is the one that finally breaks the tension, rubbing the back of his neck and looking back at the kitties.
“So. Pretty cute cats you got here”
Jay immediately cringes inside because yeah, it’s true that the cats are cute as heck, but c’mon Todd address the scenario
Here’s inky’s contributions:
"yeah real cute when they're covered in blood and placenta" tim retorts and then wants to smack himself.
"it's ok. they're still adorable through the bodily fluids," jason's smile is so fond when he looks down at the kittens tucked tight into the curve of arwen's body that tim thinks he must be dreaming
he's never seen jason with an expression even close to fond or happy since he came back. jason is stroking arwen's tail with just the tip of a finger, smoothing down the crooked fur.
(Back to me again)
He hasn’t seen him look so happy since he was. Since he was Robin, and Tim was just a fanboy with a camera
"you like cats?" the question breaks jason out of his reverie.
"they were just always around. alley cats are cranky fucks, but city strays are never that afraid of humans. they'd come around and beg for scraps until someone chased them off."
tim hummed, scritching arwen between the ears. "you were pretty good with her just now."
there was a tiny flush on jason's cheeks. "might have invited one in for a few days when no one was home. chased her off before she could get too attached."
“I always wanted a cat, but my parents hated them and Alfred said no. I found Arwen on my fire escape hiding from a stray dog and I just had to take her inside”
Eventually Tim offers Jason a cup of tea and Jason asks about the cats more. Arwen’s name comes up and leads into a talk about Lord of the Rings, bc they both read the series and loved it. And a debate comes up over something they saw differently but it’s still friendly
Maybe Tim liked the movies’ take better than Jason did and they argue the merits vs flaws of the adaption. But they both agree that the Hobbit movies are way less faithful to the book
By the time they’re done with the tea and their conversation the sun is up and Jason ducks out to go home, feeling butterflies in his stomach at the memory of Tim smiling and laughing at him. Tim is reminded why he used to have a crush, but still very watchful bc he thought things were getting better before BftC happened
He goes to sleep and wakes up to Arwen balefully glaring at him bc her breakfast is late
Tim got injured during the LoS fight and aggravated it while looking for his poor kitty, so in the end he’s not really up for patrol that night. He stays in his apartment and alternates between looking over case files on his laptop and checking on Arwen and her babies. He lets Oracle know he’s off rotation for the night and to let Cass patrol his territory bc she’s visiting, and settles in to do some hacking to find out why Ra’s sent the assassins last night and talking with Lonnie about Unternet developments
He’s in the middle of hacking a phone’s datastream to find footage taken by a teenager that noticed skulking shadows outside the windows when there’s a knock on his window, and he checks his security system expecting one of the Bats to have gotten past his sensors. It’s Jason out on the fire escape with a couple of bags in hand. Tim is confused, but decides to roll with it again. He’s just hoping that the duffle isn’t full of heads
Turns out Jason went looking and found the League’s newest base in Gotham, liberating some paper files, a couple choice weapons, several USB drives, and a laptop that had belonged to the squad leader. He offers to let Tim work with him on this because he wants “those sycophantic assassins out of my territory dammit” and obviously Tim’s involved anyway
They both check on the kittens every now and then. They’re still too little to be doing much but nursing, sleeping, and crying, but god are they precious. And Arwen is a tired but proud mama cat
Now let’s see...Arwen’s a long-haired brown tabby with green eyes (not at all based on my baby Zelda, of course *shhh*). The kittens will be named after the Hobbits—Frodo the black kitten with big blue eyes, Sam the ginger tabby, Merry is white with golden patches, and Pippin is the tiny little tabby runt that mewls loudest
At one point Jason picks them all up and makes a joke while carrying the four of them that they're taking the hobbits to Isengard. It makes Tim snort and then wince bc the injury that kept him in was to his ribs
Tim gets sick. Not like immediately but a couple days to a week or two in, and Jason ends up playing rough but sweet nurse while Tim tries to hide that he’s ill from the Bats. Maybe the ribs issue leads to him getting a cold that nearly turns nasty bc no spleen plus two incidents of death plague and numerous other things mean his immune system’s wonky
Tim’s a stubborn little shit who won’t stay in bed unless Jason picks up Arwen and the babies to put them on the bed with him. He’s not cruel enough to move the babies when they’re sleeping on him, is he? But he can still glare at Jason
Jason might sneak a few pictures. For blackmail, he tells himself. Sure Jason, we believe you. It’s certainly not because it’s adorable and makes you get the warm fuzzies
It feels significantly less adorable when Tim pukes in the trash can and drips snot everywhere but the bedhead and flushed face and some semi-coherent feverish babbling about Star Trek and ornithology helps
Jason remembers Alfred’s cooking lessons and puts them to use, Tim lets out an obscene moan when he starts eating the soup that makes Jason choke on his own spit like a dork
“Did you get this from Alfred? It tastes just like his!”
“Yeah, he taught me how to cook, before...y’know.” Jason is very proud of himself for remembering it correctly, if a bit sad that he hasn’t spoken to Alfred since before he died
“Oh.” Tim blinks owlishly at him, unsure how to respond. “Well. You did a way better job than I would have.”
Arwen chooses that moment to demand attention, meowing stridently and rubbing her face against his hand until he goes along with it and scratches lightly under her chin
And that’s all, folks. Will eventually turn this into a proper fic and give it an ending, but I hope y’all enjoy it as is for the moment
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pale-silver-comb · 7 years
So....Stiles and Derek having twins and Derek doing super cute dad things.
I bet you Stiles tries to put them in matching outfits, or like, in outfits that “compliment” each other. Moon and sun t-shirts, “I love you” and “I know” teeny tiny hoodies, Thing 1 and Thing 2. Copy & Paste. “I was born first” and “she likes to brag”. BABY, LIGHT UP BOOTIES AND SNEAKERS THAT HAVE WEREWOLF PAWS ON THEM. Derek rolls his eyes every single time Stiles picks new clothes out for the twins to wear but he also finds it achingly endearing (sometimes going as far as to order special custom made clothes online). 
Derek reads to the twins every night - most of the time he reads children’s books but sometimes he likes to read them history books which Stiles finds hilarious. Mostly because Derek doesn’t read the history books out like he thinks the kids will just be happy to hear his voice - he puts on voices and chooses periods of history he thinks they will like. Such a fucking goober, that man. Stiles couldn’t have chosen better,. 
Having bath time with little rubber werewolves instead of ducks and getting absolutely soaked through because the twins are a riot during bath time. Stiles often convinces Derek to take his shirt off for bath time - “I mean, it’s just going to get wet anyway, I’m just trying to be practical here. Why would I want to ogle my own husband??? Really, Derek??? What kind of love-sick fool do you take me for?” (Secret side note: Derek never asks Stiles to take his t-shirt off because the sight of Stiles in a wet shirt is, quite frankly, one of the best things he has ever seen. Derek might splash Stiles a little more than necessary when they do the dishes together….)
Carrying the kids on their shoulders. Stiles being “ultra dad” and planning out all their day trips, taking markers to maps, all colour coded (of course). Meanwhile, Derek sits with the kids on the floor, bouncing them on his lap, sighs: “daddy is going to get us lost, anyway, isn’t he?” *kids laugh and try to yank Derek’s eyebrows* “yup, totally lost….I should probably feed you now, shouldn’t I?”
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labgrownsteaks · 4 years
Chapter 11
The sun shone onto Erin's eyes. It was beaming through the corner of a green tapestry which was crudely nailed above the window. She had an old beat up table from the local thrift store next to her bed, and behind her was a kitchenette. It was a ridiculously small apartment but it did the job. Atop the table were some printed out sheets, detailing the process of rebuilding a carburetor that had been covered with grime and dirt. Next to the sheets, the table was covered in various carburetor parts. Rings, springs, and tiny little screws. Erin had always been good at taking apart stuff and putting it back together. In the 5th grade she made a robot out of a remote controlled car, a vacuum cleaner, and some kitchen knives she called "Sucky". She entered it in the local robot war competition, and the upperclass suburban kids destroyed her, but the crowd loved the charm of her goofy robot. Everybody was laughing at it, and when the shiny metallic spikes from some rich kid and his "tutor's" robot finally impaled Sucky the crowd actually booed. One little girl even cried upon seeing Sucky all mangled and lying upside down like a dead beetle.
She had entered the competition just for fun, but among the attendants there was a man from Chisuwick Prep School, which encouraged her to apply for a scholarship, which she got. Her father was killed during a training mission, and shortly after her uncle Aaron moved to town to look after her. Her mother died in a car accident before she was even two. Erin had had a really tough life, but somehow, she didn't slip through the cracks, and the community actually propped her up. Upon graduating from Chisuwick Prep with distinction she was pushed to enroll in college. But she simply never did. She found out about this 1 bedroom apartment located in the middle of an alleyway for 200 bucks a month, and just took it. She had a considerable inheritance from her life insurance payouts, but still hadn't really touched it. Instead she worked a couple days a week at a Car Wash to make ends meet.
She had only kissed one person, Alli, when she was 16 and at a party of this rich kid whose dad owned a Cadillac dealership. The party was terrible, a bunch of bros smashing card tables, and yelling at one another. Her and Alli had been best friends for years. They snuck away from the giant Fuck Off house located right on the banks of the river and found a fallen tree in a cattail patch. It was unbelievably muddy but they giggled and finally sat down on the branch and listened to the party from afar. They hugged, and took comfort in one another's arms, and to be away from the chaos. Alli definitely knew that she liked girls, she wasn't sure if Alli felt the same. They dated for a few years, all on the sly of course, as Chisuwick wasn't the most welcoming atmosphere. Then when graduation came Alli ended up being swayed by some cult leader who was trolling for new adherents down at a local strip mall. That was Alli's ticket out, and she took it. Everyone thought Erin was stuck, but she wasn't. She just needed some time to breathe, and relax, and look at the river flow through her dumb little town.
She didn't have a food printer, or most modern modern day appliances. She preferred buttons, and gears, and things that moved. Every day she wore her father's watch, an old Timex that she had to wind every day. She didn't mind. Winding it was a way of thinking of her parents every day for a moment before she took on the day.
She threw on her hoodie and blue jeans and slapped her watch onto her wrist. Taking a second to move the tapestry to the side of the window to let the sun in. She gazed out onto the street, and looked at the 711 and crappy hotel down the way. It was sizing up to be a really beautiful day. Bright blue sky on a crispy fall day. Her phone buzzed, and it was Vitaman writing her. The message simply said "TODAY!" and she responded "YES!". Today was the day they were all going down by the river to trip. She put her water bottle and some packets of EmergenCee powder packets into her backpack. As well as her sketchbook, some markers, and a copy of "The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead" by Timothy Leary. It was written as a guide navigating the process of death and rebirth into another form. The text is a metaphor for the experience of ego death common to psychedelic journeys. She saw psychedelics as a therapeutic, and fun thing to do. It wasn't like she had to take psychedelics because she had a specific ailment necessarily. She just enjoyed them, and saw them as a recreational outlet that had also resulted in helping her get through a lot of difficult shit relating to the death of both her parents at a young age.
She kicked over her motorcycle, an 80 something Yamaha Enduro and made her way into the blazing sun. On the way to my place she stopped in the crappy hotel parking lot and got a breakfast buritto from "The Lady" . She didn't speak much English and Erin mistakenly thought her name was Abuelita since that's what all the other Spanish speakers called her. She later learned that simply meant Grandma. "Gracias!" she yelled over the sound of her motorcycle.
I had been up for a few hours already. I was meticulous with my planning for days like these. I wanted everything to be as good as it could be. I had my own backpack of delights, complete with glowsticks, a compass, my sketchbook, and a pair of walky talkies that also had built in radios. I was going to just bring one, for some tunes if we wanted, but decided why not bring both. I could hear the tell tale sound of Erin's machine a block away, and looked out the window waiting for her to pull up. The crow was on the branch opposite my front door. Just sitting there, looking. "Wassup buddy" I said, and the crow kind of looked back at me for a second before Erin came up the driveway and scared it off. I was wearing a black button up shirt, and black jeans, with black converse. I hadn't been aware of this when I was putting my clothes on, but she immediately noticed. "You doing to a funeral?" she said as she jumped off her bike. "Yep, David Hasselhoff died." I said sarcastically. "What! Who will hold everyone together without Mitch Buchannon around!" She walked straight in and immediately made herself at home at the table. "Anything else from Siri?" she asked as she unwrapped her breakfast burrito. "Nope, she's actually been pretty quiet lately" I said then continued "Siri, any tips for the day?" The little blue lights on the egg chased each other and then Siri simply responded "Stay hydrated, and don't venture too far out into the open water" Erin piped up "Siri we don't have a boat! We're hanging out on the banks today. Don't worry!" There was a bit of comfort and annoyance in Siri giving advice, as she never had a mother to tell her not to do stuff, the sound of an older woman seemingly "worried" about them caused her a bit of pain.
Guy came bounding in with a long walking stick. "What's up goobers" he said as he walked straight up to my food printer. "Hey Siri, can you print me some fries?" and the food printer sprung into action.
"So, y'all ready to go beaver hunting?" he stated as plopped down on the couch.
"Sure, you bring your bow and arrow along with your walking stick?" I said.
Guy made a motion like he was shooting an arrow from his stick and then grabbed his fries out of the printer. We all told each other the contents of our bags, and what we had planned, but we all knew that once we took that hit on our tongues, we'd be in for a trip no matter how much we planned. We decided it would be a good idea to have a lot of fruit on hand for some reason, and there was talk about a rope swing, but the water was far too cold to go into. I got some aluminum foil out of the cabinet and broke off three little tabs and placed one hit in each. Guy looked at me dubiously.
"Why are you putting them in aluminum foil? Lets eat them here. The river is just a 15 minute drive. I was a bit anxious, no matter how many times I had tripped before I still got a bit anxious each time. Acid had this strange way of actually relaxing me as soon as the actually auditory and visual hallucinations began I could go with it more. But beforehand I was always just excited, and anxious. Which are actually pretty much the same feeling.
Erin then stated "Ya, lets eat em here. I don't want to be driving around with a hit of acid in my pocket. Lets eat em go. It was 9:45, and we agreed to all take them at 10. we all wet our fingers and touched it to the little piece of paper before placing it on our tongues. At the moment we did this, there was this deep bubble sound which came through my speakers. Like a giant whale fart or something. Blooop. It said. And we all laughed about it, as we walked into the sun, and got into Guy's Chevette.
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Long Distance with Taehyung
Before I start this, I wanna say a huge huge huge thank you for 4,300 followers, that feels so weird to type I literally had to pause and check the follower count bc I was like wait do I actually have 4k I thought it was 2 for a second bc I was like there’s not way it’s 4 so thank you all so so much, it means so much to me!!! And now it is time for the second member of the maknae line, the second half of the Daegu line, the other half of Vmon, the love of my life who looked so fucking good in the recent airport photos like the necklace !!!!! also that lil sun “tattoo” (idk if it’s real, a lot of people were saying it’s henna either one is fine with me) looked so nice, Kim Taehyung aka V aka tae tae 
So this series is gonna be about a long distance relationship (ldr for short) with the boys
This is gonna involve single father!Tae (for all of the father related posts, click here) which is basically about Tae having a kid (a son) prior to your relationship with him, his post involved idol couple!Tae (here)
We all know how much Tae loves his family and how much he'd love his own bby son, he is such father material as is so the moment he holds that bby in his arms, he’s gonna be wrapped around his lil itty bitty finger (plz just imagine Tae’s hands compared to a newborn’s for a second and cry with me)
Leaving his bby boy behind is not gonna happen for the first year or two bc for the first year of his life, he’s a single father and obviously, if he’s doing press the other boys are most likely doing it as well so his parents have to watch bby bub and he just doesn’t like leaving him
Tae’s a very hands on parent, he likes being there for the lil moments like bby boy’s babbling or bby boy discovering he has toes or fingers or that the baby in the mirror is h i m, Tae never ever wants to miss those moments so he takes time off from touring and come backs but still does a bit of press here and there and a shit ton of Vlives and logs and things like that
Everyone’s super understanding that his bby is his top priority bc lil goober can barely walk, let alone have his father leave for tour
But once he meets you and you two are living together and goober is older, he decides to go on tour again while you and his parents watch bby boy, it’s a shorter tour bc he doesn’t wanna spend months and months away from his lil man
It’s his first time leaving bby boy for longer than just a couple hours so saying goodbye is s o fucking hard, lil goober doesn’t fully get it bc he’s never experienced it but all he knows is that both you and Tae are sad
You all say goodbye in private bc even though your relationship is public, something like a goodbye is personal, especially this goodbye
Tae gives the both of you long hugs (I could literally ramble on forever about how amazing Tae’s hugs would be) and he keeps kissing bub’s head and your forehead and he doesn’t let go until the very moment he has to leave so it’s just one long hug with lots of kisses before he has to say goodbye 
He prefers Skype/Facetime over calling
He only ever calls when he’s not gonna have much time to talk like pre-show/interview or when he has really shitty wifi connection
But he Skypes you and bby boy every single day, normally twice a day, in the morning and night (on your schedule bc asking a bby to stay up late so it can be morning or night for Tae is not the best idea) 
Bby boy always eats breakfast with Tae and you and Tae always has to eat something with you so even if it’s just something small like a chocolate bar, he’ll do it just so it can be a family meal
He gets so so so happy seeing his lil mini me munching away at some cereal or an apple or anything really bc his cheeks get so full and they’re so kissable and Tae keeps making you lean over and kiss his cheeks for him
Sings to him e v e r y night, he hasn’t missed a night yet and he doesn’t plan to, he doesn’t care if he has to wake up just to sing to him, he’ll do it bc there are only two things that will get bby boy to fall asleep
One is Tae playing with his hair and giving him gentle lil kisses all over his face and the second is hearing Tae’s voice, whether it’s talking or singing
He sings lullabies, children’s songs, BTS songs, anything bby boy wants him to bc Tae spoils his lil man so so much bc he just loves him with all of his heart and he wants nothing more than to make him happy and give him everything he needs and would do anything to see that mini square smile light up his bby’s face
Tae is the king of selfies and videos, he’s always posting lil clips of himself looking all cute like I just wanna take a moment here to appreciate Tae’s genes bc just when I think I’m used to how handsome he is, he comes back and is just like nope, he’s so breathtakingly beautiful and I love him so much my bias is showing bye
He sends tons and tons of pictures every day, he keeps both of you updated about everything from what the other boys are doing to his outfits and he expects the same from you and bby boy
You send him this clip of bby boy saying “I love you daddy” and Tae literally almost cries bc he misses him so much and wants to pick him up and give him a huge hug
Ight but imagine this, Tae doing a V live in his hotel room and you and bby boy watch it and bby boy keeps giggling and he’s so focused on Tae bc tae’s a goofball and is way better than any kids show who needs Pingu when you have Tae lip syncing Celine Dion 
He keeps mentioning bby boy and he shows some clips you sent him of lil goober dancing around to Fire or Cypher Tae has this really proud look on his face bc that’s his munchkin
He buys the both of you something from every stop, sometimes it’s something small like a teddy bear or a shirt but also Tae has been known to get some more pricey presents (my new favorite nickname for him is Gucci boy he’s so pure) so there is some bigger gifts as well
He gets bby boy and you some brand clothing and he gets you an engagement ring that you don’t get to see just yet bc Tae’s obviously saving that for when he proposes and he gets the three of you matching watches
Also I have this head canon that once Tae has all of his bbys (he has four in total, bby boy, twin girls and then another boy) he gets the whole family personalized jersey style shirts so it has “Kim” and then a number between 1 and 6 (Tae is 1, you’re 2, bby boy is 3, girls are 4 and 5 and then maknae bby boy is 6) so that all of you can have matching shirts
When he gets off the plane, he’s literally running past people and running straight towards his lil man who’s already waiting for him and squealing once he sees him and all you hear is this really loud “daddy!!!” followed by their giggles and bby boy’s squeals/screams once Tae gets to hug him
He’s clinging onto Tae and he mumbles how he’s never letting go again and Tae’s not complaining at all and he brings you into the hug and everyone’s just holding onto each other really tightly
“Lil man, I gotta shower, you have to let go for a bit, I’ll be quick I promise”
“Plz, I smell like an airplane”
“I’ll let you watch Pingu on my phone and I’ll let you have two extra cookies tonight if you give me five minutes to shower”
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