#heir of the stars (proxima)
littlest-centaurii · 1 year
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Riveting conversations I have with my elders.
Antares - @godslush
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dahlia-the-nurd · 3 years
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hiii meet my baby, they're a stardroids oc
Name: Proxima Centauri [Proxima/Prox will suffice]
Good Point: Kind
Bad Point: Not willing to kill, Random self combustion
Like: Exploring
Dislike: Hurting others
Pronouns: They/Them
Special Weapon is the Nebula Chain. It’s a special fiery whip that’s capable of cutting through any material, and grabbing at impressively large distances, as far as Proxima can see that is. However, there are limitations; It can’t grab objects out of sight or somewhere that’s blocked from view, and if it’s in other modes, it cannot grab items without leaving some sort of residual damage on it, i.e if Proxima is in their fire mode, there will be burn marks if they attempted to grab items with their whip.
They're based off the real star of the same name, their weakness is Saturn's weapon, Black Hole. (In the Damage Chart, it'd be around 3 points worth of damage.) Deep Digger stuns them only if they're in Spark Mode.
The dial on their chest can switch, which can reveal their 3 modes;
- Nova Mode: Prox now has the Nova Weapon's energy coursing through their core, making them a walking dwarf star. Can leave massive heat damage, explosions, and kickstart a spin dash similar to Sunstar's, but smaller and a bit faster. Whips will leave residual burn damage.
- Spark Mode: Prox now has the Spark Chaser's coursing through their core, making them able to disperse electricity like Terra. Devastating against larger groups of enemies, and can be used to gain speed boost. Whips will leave residual electrical damage.
- Neutral Mode: Prox's preferred mode. No extra energy is coursing through them. No residual damage left by the whips either.
Height is 4’9 (144.78 cm).
Additional Info:
Created as an experimental fusion weapon, and to be the 'heir' of the Stardroids.
Generally a happy-go-lucky Stardroid, who likes to be friendly. They don't like to hurt anyone, or agree with Stardroid's ideals of planetary conquest, which puts them at odds with Sunstar and Terra.
Fascinated with Earth, humans, and all the robots in it. Will try their best to befriend any DLN/DWN/DCN they see, even if they all will understandably, be wary about Proxima.
A bit sensitive, a very big people pleaser, and sometimes will have existential crisis about their status as an 'heir' and being an 'experimental weapon'. Resents their lack of jaw (meaning they can't open their mouth/grin, etc. but smiling and frowning is still possible) and pupils, which was a purposeful design detail- to make them more intimidating.
While they all like the Stardroids fine, and generally gets along with them fine, their favourites are Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter. They consider the Stardroids as uncles and Sunstar and Terra as fathers.
Created before the events of Megaman V, and is currently the youngest Stardroid- about 170-200 years.
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silvereddaye · 4 years
12 Knights (WIP)
Summary: Han has been chosen to be one of the Empire’s Elite Knights of Twelve. But it was no act of fate, instead it was all corruption and bribes so he could spy and manipulate Imperial politics. 
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Han Solo stood tall and proud, or at least he attempted to do so. His uniform was brand new and too crisp and stiff. The collar and cuffs dug into his skin and the heavy jacket was tight across his chest making it hard to breathe and causing sweat to drip down his back. 
He glanced at the other candidates out of the corner of his eyes. All twelve of them stood in a straight line and he could only really see the two on either side of him. They stood motionless and looked ahead. He wanted to sigh. He wanted to scream and rip his collar open and drag his hands through his combed-back hair but he didn’t. He couldn't. 
He didn’t dare turn around but he knew Lady Proxima was in the crowd behind him watching. He was still baffled how she had managed to fool the Empire that he was worthy to become one of the twelve knights was beyond him. He was just some slum rat beggar that had been plucked out of the sewers and shined up to look like a noble. He had thought that surely somewhere along the way someone would have noticed. His pedigree would have been looked at a bit closer or his history questioned but it never came. Lady Proxima’s wallet must have run dry running this scam. 
And this was a scam. A scam to have some puppet as one of the elite Knights of Twelve. Han would be used to serve Proxima’s ends instead of the good of the Empire. 
Not that he cared about the Empire honestly. It was no less corrupt than the sewer gangs he grew up with. They just had more money and resources. In fact, he wondered how many of the other candidates were just as dirty as he was. 
He knew at least one of them was. Qi’ra. His childhood friend and sweetheart. Proxima had truthfully picked her to be the candidate, but then she was sold and Han was forced to take her spot. If the rumors were true, she had been sold to the Crimson Dawn and put her up as their own candidate. She was to become the Knight of Ruby after today’s ceremony. He only knew this by the red vest and sash she wore. Fitting for a Crimson Dawn spy. 
His own sash and vest were a deep blue for the Knight of Sapphire, a title and color he was already sick of. To his left was a young woman his age with brown skin, black hair in thick braids, and a vibrant green on her sash. He was sure her name was Sana. She was one of his bets with underworld connections.
Now to his left was someone who was the opposite of him. The girl was small and one the youngest. Leia Organa. She was going to be the Knight of Pearl. She was the one who got in based on merit and achievement. Supposedly. She was also the daughter of a regional governor. If Han could be weaseled in as a bloody Knight of Twelve then some lord could sure as hell get his daughter in it. She could be just as dirty as he was. 
The sound of trumpets caused him to jump ever so slightly. He pushed out his chin and chest and stood still as the Emperor was announced. It took a while for the old man to hobble over to his throne. In unison, the twelve candidates all fell to their knees, their right hands were balled into fists and placed over their hearts. 
“Rise,” the Emperor wheezed. 
All twelve rose. The Emperor sat on his large throne and next to him stood Darth Vader. Vader was an enigma in the Empire. He held no official rank, but the only one above him was the Emperor. It was speculated he was the Emperor’s heir as an official one had never been announced. Some wondered if the Emperor would pick one of the twelve to be the heir. Han internally scoffed at the idea. None of them deserved to be Emperor. 
“May there be glory and pride to my everlasting Emperor,” the Emperor announced. “Today a new era begins as a new generation takes their knee and swears themselves to me and the Empire.” 
He rambled on some more about the history of the knights. Something about stars and dreams and warriors with extraordinary powers that came to serve the Empire that became the first set of Twelve. Han thought of it as nothing more than a fairy tale. 
Eventually, it came time for the knighting. 
“Step forward Galen Marek, candidate for the Knight of Garnet.” 
A young man who was first in the line stepped forward. He had a muscular build with short shorn hair. He was backed by the army, which was typical for the Garnet Knight. Galen bowed gracefully to one knee and bent his head. He swore himself to the Emperor, the Emperor tapped his shoulders with a sword, and he rose as a knight. Before he returned to the line, he was given a new cape that was a deep dark red. 
Next up was Merrin Ivlev, a nightsister witch. The sisters generally weren’t welcomed by the Empire, but it was custom that one serve as the Amythest Knight. Ezra Bridger followed as the Aquamarine Knight and Mara Jade as the Jade Knight. Han watched as Leia Organa became the Pearl Knight, Sana Starros the Emerald Knight, Qi’ra Kasdan the Ruby Knight, and Cal Kestis the Topaz Knight. 
“Step forward Han Solo, candidate for the Knight of Saphhire,” the Emperor called out. 
Han walked forward and bowed in front of the throne. He only waited for three heartbeats before he began his speech.
“I, Han Solo, of the everlasting Empire of Emperor Palpatine, swear myself as the Knight of Sapphire. I promise to uphold the laws of the Empire and strive to make the Emperor proud. I will put the good of the Emperor and his Empire above all else. This I proclaim to all gathered here and to my glorious Emperor.” 
“Henceforth,” the Emperor said, “you shall be the Knight of Sapphire.” Han felt the two taps of the sword on his shoulders. “Rise, Sir Han Solo, Knight of the Twelve.” 
He stood up straight and for the first time looked the Emperor in the eyes. A chill washed down his back and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. There was something . . . wrong with those eyes. The Emperor smiled at him, and Han quickly turned around. He almost forgot to pause to have his new blue cape placed on his shoulders. 
The rest of the ceremony went on. Biggs Darklighter became the Peridot Knight, Lando Calrissian the Opal Knight, and Din Djarin the Turquoise Knight. Han took a deep breath. Finally, all twelve were knighted. He was ready to leave and return to his room in the palace. At least for a few small moments before he would be required to attend the feast and ball that was being held afterward.
“There is still one more matter to attend to,” the Emperor announced. 
“Come forward,” the Emperor said and gestured to someone behind the knights. 
Han fought his curiosity to turn around and see who it was, but he soon saw a young man walk past him. He could only really see his back, but was he wearing a knight’s uniform? He couldn’t see the front to see what color it was. The kid bowed to one knee in front of the Emperor. 
“The might of my Empire grows, and with it so do the Knights. No longer will they be an order of Twelve, but an order of Thirteen.” 
Gasps were heard not only from the audience behind him but also from a few of the knights. 
“Now swear yourself, Luke Vader, Knight of Obsidian.” 
More whispers and gasps. Even Han’s face had fallen in surprise. Vader? Han looked at the man wearing all black armor and a black mask and helmet. No one knew what Vader looked like under it as he always wore it. This kid was Vader’s? But . . . why? Why a new spot? Vader couldn’t get his son any other spot? Hell, the kid could have his spot.
But this wasn’t about the spot. There was way more to this than Han knew. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Leia tense. Yes, something had happened. He just wished he knew exactly what it was. 
“Henceforth, you shall be the Knight of Obsidian. Rise, Sir Luke Vader, Knight of the Thirteen.” 
The kid slowly rose and turned around. He was young with blonde hair and wore a black sash and vest. His eyes traveled down the entire line of the other knights, but his expression never changed. He walked down the steps, accepted his black cloak, and walked to the end of the line where he took his place.
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hs-devote · 4 years
the essentials
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Q : What does Láthi mean? A : Láthi (λάθη ) means mistakes in Greek. Because I brought up the Greek Gods and Goddesses or Mythology theme, I think that Láthi fits the title of this mini-series.
Q : Why did you choose Syracuse as the setting? A : According to Wikipedia and some sources, Syracuse (Italy) is known as a city with rich Greek and Roman history. Plus, the city is on the seafront where in this story, one of the gates to Centauri is the ocean.
Q : How did you come up with 'Centauri' as Harry's world? A : Fun fact, 'Centauri' is from Alpha Centauri, the closest stars system and planetary system to Earth's Solar system. It's not stars anyway. This stars system consist of three stars; Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A is the brightest star in the Centaurus; one of the largest constellations. And if you noticed, I once wrote that Centauri is between the stars and the moon (láthi: the myth).
Q : Are you inspired by the myth of the Greek Gods and Goddesses? If so, why did you choose not to use familiar names like Hades, Persephone, Zeus, or Athena? A : I am. But, I'd like to create my own universe and play with the storylines and characters.  Greek Gods have several Gods and Goddesses with their own special powers and rule their respective territories. Meanwhile, if you have finished Lathi, you would know that Harry has all the power of the Gods in Centauri. He's the heir to the Centauri's throne, which the only Gods and Goddesses living along with Centauri people. Therefore, Centauri could be said as a kingdom.
Fun Facts;
Y/N's grandmother's name, Ilitia, is come from Eileithyia. The Greek Goddess of Childbirth and Midwifery. Meanwhile, the Goddess of Childbirth in Roman is Carmenta, where the name I chose as the Goddess name of her when she was still in the realm. She would go with Ilitia when she was on Earth. And also, Carmenta not only a Goddess of Childbirth. She was also the Goddess of Prophecy, that's why she knew Harry and Y/N's fate.
Selene, Harry's wife, was really a Goddess of Moon in the Greek myth. The myth said that she had an affair with mortal but not human. From that story, I wrote Selene in this mini series had an affair with human. Remember that I made she hated mortal creatures, especially human, so much? It's because she lost her power to her stupidity; seduced human and committed the sin.
Red Anemones. According to Greek mythology, this flower symbolizes death. Remember when Selene asked Y/N for the Red Anemones? (láthi: the mistake) the Goddess had planned Y/N's death before her eyes.
Y/N's dream, where she was standing in the castle (láthi: the mistake), it wasn't only a dream. It was her previous memory when she was a Goddess many many centuries ago (láthi: the secret). Someone that called her 'darling', it was her husband at that time.
The woman on the dock who was watching Y/N and Harry (láthi: the mistake), was Ilitia. By that time, she already knew that her granddaughter's life was being threatened and had to make a decision.
The sound from the ocean when Harry asked for insight (láthi: the touch), the 'she' that the ocean meant wasn't the Goddess of Birth, but Y/N. 'The lover' wasn't mean his wife, but Y/N. 'The mistake' meant his inability to choose between Selene and Y/N, ignored Selene's threats, and his negligence.
Centauri and Earth have different cycles time, if on Earth it has been a month, in Centauri it will only be a day or a few hours. Also in fact, it took a hundred years to get to Alpha Centauri from Earth. That's why I made different cycles of time between Earth and Centauri.
Harry was so shocked when Selene said that Y/N was pregnant with his child, because a God couldn't impregnate a human. And that's why he almost always did unprotect sex with Y/N.
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formless-monkeys · 5 years
SRMTHFG Name Origins
Mostly for fun, because im too tired to draw but I want to do something!
Chiro’s name is obviously a slight respelling of “Ciro”, which is the name of the show’s creator.
But Chiro itself is a name (not common at all, though) a Spanish or Greek name meaning “Sacred name”
Ciro is a shortening of the Greek name Cyrus, which means “lord”, “sun”, “miserable”, or “heir”
Fun fact: Cyrus is also where Gyrus Krinkle gets his name!
Antauri’s name is derived from Alpha Centauri, which is the closest star system to our own.
It’s technically a triple star system, but while the two larger stars are similar in size to both each other and our own sun, the third star several times smaller.
Antauri is named after the whole star system, each star has their own names.
the largest is Rigil Kentaurus
The second largest is Toliman
The smallest, the one invisible to the naked eye, is Proxima Centauri
The word Centauri comes from Centaur, the mythological creature that is half-man half-horse
Nova’s name is derived from supernova, a celestial event that occurs when a dying star collapses, but instead of becoming a black hole, the energy of the collapse heats up the remaining matter. This expands, the biggest kind of explosion we know possible.
If a supernova were to hit the Earth, we’d likely have no idea it was coming until the entire planet was vaporized.
The actual word nova means “new” in Latin, but that doesn’t have as much to do with Nova herself.
Mr. Hal Gibson
Gibson’s name has several origins, being both a first and last name.
Hal is likely a reference to HAL 9000, from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It is short for Henry or Harold. Henry means “House Ruler” and Harold means “Army Ruler”
Gibson is a common English surname. In fact, it was almost in the top 100 English surnames. It means “son of Gilbert”, which is usually shortened to Gib. Gilbert can actually turn out to mean “Bright hostage”.
It’s rarely used as a first name.
Sprx is a futuristic and robotic spelling of “Sparks”, a natural product of friction on metal, or electricity. There is no confirmed source on if SPRX is an acronym.
77 is a puzzle, as it could be referencing any number of things, if anything!
The periodic table element 77, Iridium, is not particularly magnetic, but it has an incredibly high melting point, is found in meteorites, and is a byproduct of electrorefining copper and nickel. 
SPRX-26 would not only sound better if you ask me, but would reference Iron, the poster child element of all magnets.
The number 7 in general is associated with good luck, and sometimes angels.
Otto derived from far too many things to count, as it is a shortening of any germanic name with the prefix, aud-
It means wealth and prosperity. By far the most common name out of any character here.
Phonetically, it sounds like Auto, as in automobile or automatic, which was likely the origin for this particular character. It fits with his mechanic trait well.
Fun fact: The world’s oldest living dog (for a period of time) was named Otto
Jinmay is a mashup of “Jin” and “May”
Jin has a bazillion different meanings. In Chinese it means “gold, metal, or money”. In Japanese it means “Gentle”
May also has a bazillion different related names and meanings.
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So many that I don’t want to discuss every name that “May” can be short for.
Notably, the month of May is derived from the Roman Goddess, Maia. She is the Goddess of Spring.
I love the fact that Jin and May, two incredibly common names were mashed together to create a name with the same amount of popularity as Antauri. As in literally only the character shows up when you google it.
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kenobiapologist · 6 years
I was inspired by @gffa​ to put together my own little list of Star Wars novel recommendations because I saw theirs here! I love the formatting too so I tried to emulate it. I’m a fan, can you tell?
When I embarked on the journey of reading novels from the Star Wars universe, it seemed overwhelming. Which books do I read first? Is it better to read things in order? THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS PLEASE HELP.
After 1.5 years of toiling in the novelization realm, I feel confident enough to compile a list. Not complete by any means. I still have a ton of books to read. But these were some of my favorites out of YA and adult novels. 
My recs include Legends and Disney Canon novels, so I’ll indicate the Legends ones by marking them with a little *. 
Thrawn by Timothy Zahn thrawn & palpatine & many imperial friends 427 pages
Painted as a villain by the tv show Rebels, this novel seeks to offer a different perspective of the intimidating admiral thrawn from his discovery as an outcast of his home planet to his ascension in the Imperial Navy. You will fall in love with Thrawn. And potentially ship him with his buddy Eli.
Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover* anakin & obi-wan & padme & cast 451 pages
Anakin’s fall to the dark side is made even more painful by having access to his inner thoughts and his deep love for his friends and wife. You will cry. This whole novel is written like beautiful prose full of feelings and people dying.
Most Wanted by Rae Carson han & qi’ra & corellian gangs galore 400 pages (YA format)
Han and Qi’ra are kids that grew up on the streets of Corellia, doing errands for their crime lord Lady Proxima just to get a bite to eat. A dangerous mission gives them the chance to compete for a leadership position within the syndicate, but it also gives them a chance to get into a lot more trouble than intended.
The Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller* obi-wan & bail & anakin & ahsoka & padme 342 pages
Bail gets a mysterious message and Obi-Wan accompanies him on a trip to the Wild Space to investigate. Things quickly get dark-sided and Obi-Wan is forced to become friends with his least favorite kind of person - a politician. A fast-paced, quip-filled adventure with all the drama and humor you could dream of.
Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth & Siege by Karen Miller* anakin & obi-wan & ahsoka & bail organa & padme  395 pages and 382 pages, respectively
Obi-Wan and Anakin go undercover as natives of a backwater planet in the Outer Rim to investigate the Separatists next big plan for devastation: a bioweapon! It’s the perfect evil scheme, and The Team ™ is the only way to stop General Lok Durd from murdering billions. Get ready for awkward spying by two Jedi who definitely ARE NOT TRAINED for this kind of mission, pages of banter, and trying to make friends with the locals.
Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray leia & bail & breha & many cute senator friends 409 pages (YA format)
Leia is sixteen years old and taking on the Alderaanian tradition of proving her skills in order to be named heir to the throne. She learns survival skills, hones her political prowess, and leads relief missions across the galaxy. What should be the most important time of her young life becomes overshadowed by her parents mysterious meetings and hush-hush work. Leia is stubborn, curious, and totally worthy of being Princess of Alderaan in this riveting tale that opens our eyes to Leia’s home planet and her upbringing in the Organa family.
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden iden versio & gideon hask & del meeko & imperials galore 307 pages
After the Death Star explodes into bits, the Empire is understandably pissed. They assemble an elite strike force of agents and send them undercover to infiltrate and destroy Saw Gerrara’s freedom fighters. Among them is the daughter of Admiral Garrick Versio, the man responsible for bringing their home world of Vardos into the Empire. Iden Versio has a lot of pressure on her shoulders to live up to the expectations of her Empire, her new team, and her father. She’s already a kickass TIE pilot; now she’s taking things up a notch to protect the Empire. Her mission brings her and her team into close contact with people she is told to hate, and the ethics of what she’s been trained to do start to trouble her.
Rogue Planet by Greg Bear* obi-wan & young anakin & sentient prickle plant life-forms that cling to anakin like a magnet 336 pages
Obi-Wan and Anakin are just starting to get the hang of being on missions together as Master and Padawan. In a test of their bond, the pair is sent to a mysterious planet called Zonama Sekot after a fellow Jedi disappeared. Turns out the planet is alive and the people that live there make some dope ass ships. Obi-Wan and Anakin pretend to want one of these special ships in order to get to the bottom of this mystery. Chaos ensues, as always with these two. Anakin is a magnet for trouble, but also for cuteness because he has such a good heart and wants to do his best. I’d watch an animated show about this.
more details and screaming under the cut!
Thrawn by Timothy Zahn thrawn & palpatine & many imperial friends 427 pages
Painted as a villain by the tv show Rebels, this novel seeks to offer a different perspective of the intimidating admiral thrawn from his discovery as an outcast of his home planet to his ascension in the Imperial Navy. You will fall in love with Thrawn. And potentially ship him with his buddy Eli.
Let me be clear, I put off reading this because of assumptions I made about Thrawn as a character. And the fact that I’d read Tarkin and thought this book would be similar. I could not have been more wrong. You have to read this book. The characters are all loveable, the plot is interesting, and the writing style is by far the best part. As someone else mentioned in a review, you can tell that Timothy Zahn loves Thrawn (he created him after all). Thrawn’s inner dialogue is hilarious and his translator/sidekick Eli is quirky and shy, which is SO CUTE. The insight into the workings of the Empire are given from the pov of an “alien” instead of a human, leading to a unique experience of our favorite evil governing body. None of my favorite characters from the movies were in this book and yet it’s my number one pick, if that says anything about how awesome it is.
Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover* anakin & obi-wan & padme & cast 451 pages
Anakin’s fall to the dark side is made even more painful by having access to his inner thoughts and his deep love for his friends and wife. You will cry. This whole novel is written like beautiful prose full of feelings and people dying.
If you ship anyone from the prequels, I’m pretty sure you’ll love this novel. It’s long, but it’s worth it. The opening scene of Anakin and Obi-Wan in their starfighters will never be the same for me after reading this. The struggles and tensions between characters are strengthened by extra scenes and detailed descriptions. The perfect rendition of the compelling fall of Anakin Skywalker! If you didn’t like the movie because his fall felt too awkward or quick, this novel will change your mind. If you liked the movie because of the bants and great fight scenes, you will not be disappointed. There’s plenty of that too.
Most Wanted by Rae Carson han & qi’ra & corellian gangs galore 400 pages (YA format)
Han and Qi’ra are kids that grew up on the streets of Corellia, doing errands for their crime lord Lady Proxima just to get a bite to eat. A dangerous mission gives them the chance to compete for a leadership position within the syndicate, but it also gives them a chance to get into a lot more trouble than intended.
Get to know Qi’ra and fall in love with Han Solo...again, because he’s got a heart of gold and is stupid as hell. Many shenanigans in this book; a quick read! There are some loveable OCs in this story, and about 100 different moments where you’re like HAN STOP BEING PERFECT. I’m such a han stan after reading this. Wasn’t expecting much from this story but I was overwhelmed by how fun it was. There are awesome world-building details (usually glazed over by YA novels, but not this one). It’s the perfect companion to the Solo movie. A must-read before you see the movie or before you see it again ;)
The Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller* obi-wan & bail & anakin & ahsoka & padme 342 pages
Bail gets a mysterious message and Obi-Wan accompanies him on a trip to the Wild Space to investigate. Things quickly get dark-sided and Obi-Wan is forced to become friends with his least favorite kind of person - a politician. A fast-paced, quip-filled adventure with all the drama and humor you could dream of.
This book starts out strong with some obikin moments: Anakin alluding to a threesome with padme and obi-wan, obi-wan and anakin sparring with mass sexual tension and anakin’s praise kink, and obi-wan getting his ass kicked (which leads to Anakin sobbing). But obi-wan getting ABSOLUTELY DRAGGED BY THE GALAXY doesn’t end here, because he quickly gets caught up helping his new bestie Bail Organa travel out to the space boonies to investigate some mysterious location. Get ready to rare-pair ship Obi-Wan and Bail because they have some pretty great banter and bond over almost dying. If Obi-Wan getting kicked in the face at least once in every star wars movie is your favorite, you’ll love this book. Karen Miller is the queen of writing emotional scenes and loves the cast of Clone Wars just as much as the rest of us. There is a deep focus on the relationships because the chapters give us real-time stream of consciousness from the characters. It’s the opposite of a James Luceno book, if you know what I mean.
Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth & Siege by Karen Miller* anakin & obi-wan & ahsoka & bail organa & padme  395 pages and 382 pages, respectively
Obi-Wan and Anakin go undercover as natives of a backwater planet in the Outer Rim to investigate the Separatists next big plan for devastation: a bioweapon! It’s the perfect evil scheme, and The Team ™ is the only way to stop General Lok Durd from murdering billions. Get ready for awkward spying by two Jedi who definitely ARE NOT TRAINED for this kind of mission, pages of banter, and trying to make friends with the locals.
Anakin is a total badass in this duology btw, with Obi-Wan coming in a close second for his self-destructive healing and NO SLEEP EVER. If you’re a fan of the The Clone Wars, these books encapsulate the feeling of each episode in novel form. It’s a longer assignment for them, and at points I felt like HOLY SHIT how are they still alive, but it wouldn’t be Anakin and Obi-Wan if they weren’t putting themselves in harm’s way at every turn. I love the force-usage and The Team in disguise. We even get a few moments with our favorite, Bail Organa. Tensions are high, emotions are all over the place, and you’ll remember star wars is a space opera with every turn of the page. It reads like a good fanfic, tbh. You’ll love it.
Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray leia & bail & breha & many cute senator friends 409 pages (YA format)
Leia is sixteen years old and taking on the Alderaanian tradition of proving her skills in order to be named heir to the throne. She learns survival skills, hones her political prowess, and leads relief missions across the galaxy. What should be the most important time of her young life becomes overshadowed by her parents mysterious meetings and hush-hush work. Leia is stubborn, curious, and totally worthy of being Princess of Alderaan in this riveting tale that opens our eyes to Leia’s home planet and her upbringing in the Organa family.
Leia grows so much over the course of this story, both by completing the challenges associated with her claim to the throne, and by discovering the secrets of the newborn Rebellion spearheaded by her parents. She goes from a teenager with a good head on her shoulders to the incredible Rebellion leader we see in the OT. She meets wonderful friends, a cute boy, and everyone’s least favorite person: Holdo. (But she’s awesome in this story, and I think you’ll enjoy her part in The Last Jedi more if you read this book) There are tense moments with Empire officials, world-building for Alderaan, which makes it even more painful because you know it gets blown to bits. AS IF I NEEDED MORE SADNESS ASSOCIATED WITH BAIL AND BREHA. Fuck I love the unconditional love and support the Organa family has for their adopted daughter. And how Alderaan loves her too??!! It’s a beautiful story and we even see her Force-sensitivity come into play. This novel is a real page-turner with action scenes interspersed in political tension and heartfelt moments; never feels too slow and you’ll want to absorb every detail.
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden iden versio & gideon hask & del meeko & imperials galore 307 pages
After the Death Star explodes into bits, the Empire is understandably pissed. They assemble an elite strike force of agents and send them undercover to infiltrate and destroy Saw Gerrara’s freedom fighters. Among them is the daughter of Admiral Garrick Versio, the man responsible for bringing their home world of Vardos into the Empire. Iden Versio has a lot of pressure on her shoulders to live up to the expectations of her Empire, her new team, and her father. She’s already a kickass TIE pilot; now she’s taking things up a notch to protect the Empire. Her mission brings her and her team into close contact with people she is told to hate, and the ethics of what she’s been trained to do start to trouble her.
It’s a great novel from the Imperial perspective and not full of flat “evil” characters. Stories that seek to explore the minds of those who served the Empire wholeheartedly bring an entirely new take on a regime that originally looked like “space nazis.” How do people get involved in these things? Why are they complicit? What can be asked of a person before they crack? How far will an Imperial go to prove their loyalty? Iden is powerful and demands respect. Her interactions with the other members of the team are great, and also with the freedom fighters when undercover. The tension in this book is insane! The web of lies, the pressure to shut down the fighters, but also the pressure to blend in with them to avoid being exposed; wow it’s intense. I almost feel like this book was better than the actual Battlefront II story, but hey, I think I’m just a fan of Christie Golden. Her writing is wicked interesting and fun.
Rogue Planet by Greg Bear* obi-wan & young anakin & sentient prickle plant life-forms that cling to anakin like a magnet 336 pages
Obi-Wan and Anakin are just starting to get the hang of being on missions together as Master and Padawan. In a test of their bond, the pair is sent to a mysterious planet called Zonama Sekot after a fellow Jedi disappeared. Turns out the planet is alive and the people that live there make some dope ass ships. Obi-Wan and Anakin pretend to want one of these special ships in order to get to the bottom of this mystery. Chaos ensues, as always with these two. Anakin is a magnet for trouble, but also for cuteness because he has such a good heart and wants to do his best. I’d watch an animated show about this.
Are you sitting there thinking, I wish they’d give us some damn adventures about young Anakin and Obi-Wan? Why did they skip ten whole years worth of comedy gold and chances to show us what Jedi training is really like? Well read this book! It’s adorable; I screamed many times while reading it. One of my favorite themes in the novel is the exploration of Anakin being the Chosen One; he has all of this untamed strength and talent, but how can someone so young shoulder all of that weight? Obi-Wan and Anakin learn a lot about how to work together and you can see how much they care for each other during the mission. It’s really just another reason to love Anakin Skywalker, and who can argue with that? If you like Jedi Apprentice or Jedi Quest stories, you’ll love this. Another interesting side of this book is how to shows the growth of darker powers in the galaxy that build up into the Clone Wars. This is not the same galaxy that Obi-Wan grew up in. And no one has ever had a Padawan like Anakin. 
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
Hello Proxima and all Stardroids! It’s nice to meet you. I hope you’re doing well and I was wondering. Do any of you have favorite animals from Earth?
A pleasure to meet you as well! And I am doing fine, thank you!
The others don't really particularly care that much about animals, apart from the usual suspects like Uncle Jupiter liking avians, Uncle Venus and Neptune liking crabs and fishes or even other crustaceans, Uncle Pluto with felines, etc...
But as for me, I love rabbits!
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Fuse Man and I met and befriended over them! He lets me hold Watt sometimes.
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
Do your dads or the other Stardroids have any special nicknames for you?
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Most of the other Stardroids used to call me Lordling, but I discouraged them of that. I'm not a fan of royal titles.
I am called "Prox" a lot anyways, but some do have more personable nicknames for me. (Antares isn't a Stardroid, but I see her as family anyways, so.)
As for my fathers, Father doesn't call me anything, usually just my name, but as for Papa...
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He tends to really like...calling me this one...
and it gets very embarassing after a while.
((Antares - @godslush ))
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
So, how did you end up liking the earth so much when other stardroids seem to want to destroy it? Or take it over at least.
See, what's funny is that was my entire function, my entire point of what I was created for. To be a deadly superweapon meant to turn the tides in our favor when it comes to conquest.
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I was activated at the base, I never really knew the planet the other Stardroids were from, their past; anything. I feel like an outcast at times to them...
Something about that planet allured me. It was the humans, their robotic constructs, but the overall beauty and life that Earth nourishes and how I wished I had woken up in a planet like that. I've never seen this any robots before. Or meet them even! There's so much to love about the planet...
And even if I cannot befriend everyone, or even be seen as the hero, I would still look after it. That's why I try and steer the topic of complete destruction...
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
*leans in and whispers* women
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((Slash Girl - @godslush ))
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
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Father! Look what a human gifted me!
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
Hey shortstack, ain't ya supposed to be studying for one of ol' Scorpion Tits' tests or somethin'?
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Probably shouldn't have read that while I'm in the temple....
(Though I have a good idea who would send such a question under the guise of secrecy...)
"Have you finished so quickly as to resort to your distractions already, Little Star? I take it a test would be more your speed."
Oh dear.
((Antares - @godslush ))
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
Question what would you say is something you wish to do but can’t really do cause you are robot?
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Definitely try out different types of foods humans and their robot counterparts indulge in. I'm not sure if you have noticed, but...
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I was built without a jaw, so I cannot injest foods normally. (I do have a built in fuel tank and pipe along with, so I usually consume liquid forms of fuel instead, but it is not quite the same.)
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
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Relationship charts because this is a lot lol
SG and Antares belong to @godslush
image description isnt loading so ill put it under here.
first image:
Slash Girl and Prox are dating. Antares sees Prox as its godchild, and hence trusts and cares for them. Prox also reciprocates that, seeing they see Antares as a mentor and a parental figure.
second image:
Sunstar sees Prox as a student with great potential, and so does Terra, but he has higher expectations for Prox. Prox sees the two of them as fathers. Prox sees Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter as fun uncles, and the latter sees Prox as their partner in crime. Prox sees the other Stardroids as their uncles, and the latter gets along with them well + respects them.
third image:
Prox sees Shadow as a fellow alien, while Shadow doesn't quite trust Prox. Dr. Wily wants to study Prox, but Prox is a little apprehensive towards Wily. Slash Man doesn't trust Prox, but Prox likes him fine. Prox and Spark Man are friends.
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
*poof* hello just wanted to drop by to say you look amazing
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Oh...thank you so much!
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littlest-centaurii · 2 years
💖 Lets hear something about the tiny Stardroid.
Send 💖 for a reason TO date my muse
Proxima is a very caring and considerate partner- always making sure that not only the physical needs of a partner is met, but emotional as well. They would go above and beyond to make sure their partner would always have a good time with them whenever they're out together. They're incredibly affectionate, to the point of having their own public displays of affection to their partner. Although at ends regarding who they should consider a "viable partner" when it comes to the Stardroids, they would try and ease their suspicions, and try and make their partner feel easy about the Stardroids as well!
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