#((seemed like a cute follow up haha))
8mitsurikanroji8 · 1 year
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𝒦𝓃𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓈𝒽 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈
ɪɴꜰᴏ : ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɴʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
𝘛𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰. 𝘡𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶. 𝘐𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦. 𝘔𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰 . 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪 . 𝘖𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘪 . 𝘎𝘪𝘺𝘶 . 𝘒𝘺𝘰𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘰 . 𝘔𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘪. 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘣𝘶.
𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 ⋆˙⟡♡
. Not obvious at all ?
. He’s a sweatheart to everyone he meets ahem Tanjiro effect?
. Blushes whenever you get close ><
. Would offer moments with you
. “Y/n want to eat together ?” “Y/n want to train together?” “Y/n want to take a stroll” etc
. You think nothing of it but for him his heart beats fast and is comforted by these actions
. Doesn’t realize he has a crush on you
. Just thinks you have an amazing personality that draws him in
. It’s just that, right ?
. He finally gets the hint when you guys were alone on a stroll catching the sunset. He caught himself staring at you while smiling as you stood and watched the sun fall, painting the sky orange
. His face goes RED when he realizes ><
. He turns away trying to calm himself down
. You notice, concerned, you take your hand and put it on his face thinking he has a fever
. Faces is literally fire
. Other than that you don’t really realize his feelings for you as he seems to be the same. Only asking for more time with you and more blushing but your mind waves it off
. Little do you know he stares at you while your mind is adrift thinking
. His heart beats fast and his eyes soften
. Yep. He likes you.
𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮 ⋆˙⟡♡
. Now this one you KNOW [ Sorta ]
. I mean he ask you to marry him only 2 minutes in meeting for the first time
. You are dumbfounded with his open admiration
. A little flatter? Yes. Caught off guard ? 100%
. Soon within getting to know him you learn of his lovely dovey personality
. Realizing he is like this with every girl you push aside his comments of marriage and admiration
. I mean he would say that to any one, right ?
. Wrong [ also right tho >< ]
. He would say this to almost every girl he’s met
. But after you ? Oh honey
. You don’t realize how he’s actually fallen for you. Deeply
. Follows you around like a duck
. Someone criticize you [ Even if it’s just critiquing so you know what to work on ]
. That person will not hear the end of it
. Cringey ? Mhm. Cute ? A little.
. If you use sweet words to him [ You mostly say them to everyone tho ] like “honey” “sweetie” “cutie” “sweetheart”
. What color do you want your wedding bouquet?
. He’s planning it all
𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 ⋆˙⟡♡
. You don’t know and neither does he ._.
. That’s something you will never hear the end of
. He has no idea about what a crush is nor love
. He just thinks you’re a good fighter and wants to fight you whenever he can
. And you just think he’s being his normal weird self :)
. You don’t mind it [ usually ]
. He likes to eat with you
. If you both are heading to a mission and forget to pack yourself food
. He will eat his infront of you and say
. You roll your eyes ignoring him
. Suddenly his food is being shoved down your throat no comment added
. You better not ask about it
. Your ears won’t be able to handle anymore of his yelling blabber
. But you take his action to heart and enjoy it
. His face is a bit pink
. BUT only because his boar head is warm, right ?
. Sureeee ._.
𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 ⋆˙⟡♡
. Who are you again ?
. Oh right. The one who gives him the hebegebees
. Jkjkjk
. well
. He’s too lost in the clouds to realize his feelings for you or even realize you’re the only one who’s company doesn’t annoy him or pushes away
. And you don’t realize because his vocabulary is just so grand
. “Mhm” “No” “Yes “I believe so” “What did you say?” “I assume” “Could be” “I have no opinion”
. You tag along him to the point where others know
. “Oh there’s Muichiro. Y/n must be near”
. And vice versa
. He doesn’t realize how close together you guys alway are
. When you’re away on a mission he finds himself with a unfamiliar feelings
. Oh you’re back! Never mind the feeling is gone nothing to worry about !
. You just like his character and enjoy spending time with him
. He won’t realize but he thinks the same
. And more ><
. Both of these are unaware to you and him
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 ⋆˙⟡♡
. Oh boy
. You may be strong both physically and mentally
. You’re enduring both his need to constantly train and his vicious tongue
. You most likely match his adittuide
. Oh he’s got something to say? So do you
. Everyone believes he HATES you
. I mean he does insult you and always wants to fight
. Poor guy doesn’t know what it is he’s feeling
. He didn’t really see romantic love in his childhood
. So he just stuffs those fast heart beat, pink cheeks and fuzzy feeling deep down and try’s to ignore it
. He doesn’t realize but one of the reason he always want to spear with you is because you guys spend close time together
. Also because he’s Sanemi
. And you being you, you don’t mind and take it as another challenge to conquer
𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 ⋆˙⟡♡
. You talk and he doesn’t
. Perfect match <3
. Here goes another damage one !
. His love language is definitely quality time
. You’re eating ? Under [ or up ] a tree? Simply walking around the garden ?
. Oh look there he is too!
. He definitely catches on to his physical and emotional reactions to you
. And you just thinks you guys are the closets of friends !
. You guys always seem to travel together
. Even in your free time you are found with him strolling around a village together
. Some one insults you?
. You’ll just ignore it and move on
. He doesn’t. Pray for that person.
. Kaburamaru seems to have also found a fondness for you
. He may be jealous of that fact
𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 ⋆˙⟡♡
. You don’t know what the others are talking about
. Giyu is lovely to talk to !
. He may be one of your favorite hasira to spend time with ♡
. He’s gentle and kind spoken [ with his little use of words ]
. He pays for your meals no matter how hard you insist and listen to you ramble for hours on end with no sign of annoyence
. Why would the others hate him?
. He’s like this with everyone, right ?
. Oh honey.
. You take these actions as part of his character, while he assume he act this way because of his admiration for you being so nice to him !
. I mean you are one of the few who do talk to him without insult
. It never clicks for him what the feeling really is
. That’s until one day
. [ Shinobu ] “Good evening Tomioka”
. [ Giyu ] “Evening Shinobu”
. [ Shinobu ] “You look as bland and boring as ever. How are you”
. [ Giyu ] *no answer*
. [ Shinobu ] “I must say without your little friend you somehow appear more dull. It is odd to catch a moment with you two apart”
. [ Giyu ] *nothing*
. [ Shinobu ] *Giggles* “It’s almost like you two are in a romantic relationship with how close you are.”
. His heart stops with that comment
. And his brain finally realize the feeling
. I mean he’s never felt this way before ♡
. His eyes trail off and soften, catching Shinobu attention
. [ Shinobu ] *Giggles* “ I was only just kidding. It’s not like someone like Y/n could admire your dull personality”
. Oh. Right.
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 ⋆˙⟡♡
. He praises you non stop
. I mean who wouldn’t with your talent !
. You take his compliments as a part of his cheerful personality and respect it
. And maybe take a bit of flattery with it ><
. He does too
. He just admires you skill is all
. He offers to dine with you or take you out to eat
. [ You ] “Oh um, sure okay!”
. He always ask where you are
. Remembers the small things
. You like that color ? Oh look he just bought you a keychain with it. That’s your favorite food? Guess that’s where you guys are eating tonight
. His acts of romantic feelings fly over both of your guys head
. But not to anybody else
. *Kyojuro and you side by side laughing together*
. [ Slayer 1 ] “Are they together?”
. [ Slayer 2 ] “isn’t it obvious ?”
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 ⋆˙⟡♡
. You guys are actually inspectable
. Always together <3
. She loves your company !
. Mitsuri finds everything about you adorable
. From they way you eat to your fighting techniques
. You make her feel safe ♡
. More touchy with you than others [ expect hugs, face pokes and hand holding when she’s around ]
. She definitely realizes her feelings for you
. She is the love hashira after all
. But she doesn’t act on it afraid you won’t feel the same and forever ruin the relationship you guys already have
. She’s oblivious to the shared love you have for one another
. *Mitsuri thoughts* Oh they just see me as a friend
. Mhm okay ._.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 ⋆˙⟡♡
. This one is a slow burn
. Every mission with you she seems to oddly enjoy
. Whenever you walk into her estate she feels a warmth
. Her heart flutters whenever you hug her or compliment her
. Your smile makes her smile
. She always watches you [ not in a creepy way >< ]
. She just finds herself drunk on the way your eyes light up
. Once it hits her why she feel this way poor girl try’s to ignore it
. Afraid to allow herself to get too close in this field of work
. But the heart wants what is wants ♡
. You begin to dine after missions together
. Have light conversation when running into each other
. And occasionally meet ups outside of work
. She compliments you often
. Once you start to spend more time together she will accidentally graze her hand over you thigh or your fingers just to see you reaction
. This girl knows what she’s doing
ᴀʜʜ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰɪɴɪꜱʜᴇᴅ ᴍʏ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ! ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ !! ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱʜᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴ. ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ <3 ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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venmondiese · 6 months
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This party is boring... wanna leave?
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Summary: The party you are in is boring, so you ask a cute nerd guy to leave with you... that is, until you find out this is his birthday party.  Maybe a gift and a happy birthday will fix his sad evening.
✧Pairing: Michael Gavey x Fem!Reader
✧Warnings: MDNI 18+, p in v, virginity loss, oral (m receiving), overall sweet, michael being a total nerd virgin.
✧Word Count: 7.8k
✧AO3 link: here
note: so i saw this tweet in my 2020 ig histories and i said... michael gavey coded, and here we are. Here is the original tweet (wendy and joy from red velvet haha) and AGAIN this is infinite i swear i am allergic to write things under 5k
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Michael couldn’t be more excited. He looks proudly at the poster indicating the date and place of his birthday. 
Nothing too glamorous, he rented one of the halls for hire in Oxford, the same one that they used for the Christmas party that (to no one’s surprise) he wasn’t invited. But he intended to do something fun about it, with the pool table and maybe some game algebraic beer pong. Who knows? It was his birthday, so he did the rules.
And he had a few friends he could invite, of course, renting a whole hall seems…. exaggerated, but truly, he couldn’t get a pool table in his room. He paid for this only for the pool table. Besides, he liked his Norman no mates friends. Friends if you could call them that; they were as friend to him as Oliver Quick once was. Just that this once… he won’t get too attached.
Well, ‘friends’ would actually be mates from the chess club, so they weren’t exactly popular these days. They barely had a girl in the group, so they weren’t great with girls either. Besides, the only other girl that he knew had agoraphobia so… it wasn’t happening. 
His mum made some little biscuits and cupcakes for his day, since she came to have a little celebration just for him and her in a near-by cafe at college. He could skip a few classes to be with his mum on his birthday, after all. 
The night started interestingly. The space was obviously much larger than what he thought it could be, so they hung around the couch and the pool table. He felt the victory as he won two chess matches and a pool game. Maybe it was birthday luck, since everything was coming up as great.
As they talked about which opening was their favourite, Michael heard a little knock. Once he approached the crystal door, he saw Oliver with Felix by his side, with some liquor bottles. 
Michael frowned a bit, as he was pretty sure he rented the room, he did it with a lot of anticipation and made sure no one else did before him. And it was crystal clear that he didn’t invite Oliver. Sure, in their friendship, he once or twice talked about doing something about his birthday, but he never invited Oliver. 
“Hey Mikey” Oliver says, with an shit eating grin, and Michael has to roll his eyes, by how smug and prideful he looked. An absolute jerk, if you asked him. Oliver didn’t even wear his glasses anymore, and was all parties and relevancy thanks to Felix. “Come on”
Before Michael could stop them, Oliver passes by his side, as Felix follows him patting Michael’s shoulder with a smirk (he could swear it was in a patronising way) and people follow from behind as Oliver looks in the room for the music speaker of the rented room.
Michael walked as the crowd quickly dispersed, and he grabbed the few gifts he received, and looked at his distressed mates. 
“Oliver you cannot be here, I rented the room” Michael screams as the room noise is quick to appear, so different from the silence of their small reunion. 
“I saw your pamphlet” Oliver says nonchalantly as he successfully manages to get the aux cable. “Birthday, eh?” He says mockingly
“I rented it! You have to get out” He says almost screaming, as the same way he did once they met, when he asked Oliver to say a sum for him to say.
“If you can get all of us out, mate… sure” Oliver shrugs, clearly not minding.
Michael looks defeated. Even if he stands there, angry, with the few gift bags on his hands, he feels embarrassed. He wanted to do one nice thing for himself, just once. It wasn’t as cheap to rent a hall for his birthday (he couldn’t do it anywhere else, truly, but he thinks that maybe the pub would have been nice even if few of his mates didn’t drink beer)
The room fills very quickly, sitting on the couches and talking as they get vases with something to drink, or beer cans.
“Michael” two of his friends approach him, and he looks at them “We could rescue the biscuits and the cake” They say proudly as they have it in his hands. 
He couldn’t fake to look at least smug, so he nods a bit numbly. “Yeah, sure.” He says a bit disoriented, looking around “The rest left?”
“This was not a party, we assumed…” 
“Not really our thing. Though Tim and Steve stayed to see if they could get any girls” 
Michael hums, and he doesn’t know what to exactly think, since he didn’t expect this. He was organised, he liked things to be as he already planned. It made him secure, and it was only logical. But this interruption made him anxious.
“I gotta save the pool balls” He says to his friends “They are going to fine me if I lose one of them” 
“What… we do with this?” His friend asks about the food.
“Uhm… take the biscuits with you…” Michael says. “And the cake… leave it on the library next to the pool table, and hide it… please” 
As he collects the pool balls, and walks upstairs to return them, he is very downhearted. He remembers the time that he invited his friends from school and only his cousins and his neighbour appeared to his party; very embarrassing and he hated celebrating his birthday with a party ever since. It was mostly his mum and granny, with his dog and cat. Nothing else, nothing too fancy.
He comes back for the cake as he tries to explain the situation to the people that manage the rented halls, there was not much for them to do, and he is suspicious that maybe Oliver or Felix paid them to keep the room. At least they promised not to charge if anything broke, and he was happy with that.
So, money wasted, party ruined and they couldn’t even sing to him happy birthday. 
He walks from between the crowd as he steals a beer. Fuck it, it wasn’t eve stealing since they ruined his party. He takes a break, since he feels really discouraged. He knows his mates are not really social butterflies, but more leaning to being socially anxious. He might need to apologise, and even face the idea that they might be annoyed at him, and maybe they’ll kick him out from the chess team.
He drinks his beer, looking at how Oliver and Felix hyped the whole thing out, people sitting on the pool table… He hopes his cake is intact. He looks at his beer can as he move it a little to stir the liquid (he totally doesn’t want to look miserable AND like an imbecile)
“Hey” A voice calls him as he drinks from his beer. He has to look up to the prettiest girl that has ever approached him, probably. You wear a pink pleated mini skirt, with a short baby pink hoodie that he could see your bright pink bra underneath. God, it was a lot of pink in one person. 
You look at him as he blinks a bit, and you look at him with an alluring smile as if waiting for him to say something, and once he doesn’t, you continue.
“This party is kinda boring” you start saying, with a soft smile and a bright in your eyes as you look at him, doing all your best efforts to flirt with him “Do you wanna leave together?”
Michael blinks a bit as he looks at you, trying to process the words in his head but he fails. “Uh… this is my birthday party” he admits embarrassed and awkwardly, as he looks away to not face the shame, and he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Oh” you say looking at him, your smile fading a bit, a bit worried about your comment. “Oh, I’m sorry” you say, grabbing his forearm. “Didn’t mean to be rude”
“No problem” he says, looking at how your hand rests on his forearm, almost caressing it slowly. 
“I suppose you didn’t invite all these people, did you? It was kind of a last minute call” you say looking at him, actually interested in him. “You seem pretty out of place for that”
“No… It was for me and my mates” 
“Ohh…” You say looking around, and you feel a bit of pity, which he doesn’t want nor needs. “Well, I would have brought a gift.” You say, trying to cheer him up “What is your name?”
Did they send you to make fun of him? Must be.
“Michael Gavey” He says, and he refuses to look at you, not to give you or them the satisfaction.
“Michael” you repeat, and you tell him your name too. “You are cute” you add.
He blushes and looks at you as if you just insulted him, his eyes open and he frowns a bit. He turns his head away in shame.
“Thank you” he murmurs, not sure of what to think. 
“So… your birthday is today.” You say tapping your thighs a bit. “How… randomly, I didn’t know”
“I like my birthday” He murmurs, drinking his beer hesitantly “Tis’ the day of Pi” 
“Day of Pie?” You ask frowning, your arms in your back as you lean in the wall. 
“Of Pi” he repeats “Like the pi from maths”
“Ohh, the circle thing” You say nodding and smiling, as you now understand. “Why is it the day of pi..? Ohh, it is because today it’s fourteen of March”
“Yeah” He says, as he looks at his shoes a bit embarrassed. He usually would think you were stupid, who the fuck confuses Pi with Pie? But you were the only one caring enough. 
“You seem to like maths, like your.. Your shirt” you say pointing it out at his maths pun, and he becomes aware that he has been, in fact, wearing that shirt all the time. 
Fuck, did he really fought with Oliver and with the rental people with a Math pun shirt? No wonder no one took him seriously.
“Ah, yeah…” He says awkwardly. You were very much engaging in the conversation, scooping on his interests little by little. 
“Do you know that I am flirting with you, right?” You say looking at him in the eyes and he looks from his shoes to your face, a bit surprised and panicked.
“Ehm… me? What for?”
“Because you are cute, like I said” you repeat “And it is your birthday”
“You don’t have to pity me because of that…”
“I am not pitying you. It is not why I like you. Come on, do you think I am pretty at least?” You ask as you change your body weight from one foot to the other while looking at him with the most alluring smile he has ever seen. 
God, the question sounds stupid, because you are not only pretty, but you are the hottest girl ever, looking at him as he freezes in place. Your eyes could trap him, as enchanting as they were, and your diminutive clothing was driving him insane. 
“Eh… yes” he murmurs. “Very pretty…”
He seems perplexed about the straightforwardness of this whole thing, and he is very confused. Where has this night taken him?
“I meant what I said. The party… is meh. You and I could leave together, if you want” 
He blinks, as his tongue wets his lips as he suddenly feels frozen in place. His eyes look at your expression as if you were joking, and he is unsure what to think.
“Uh… well, I have to get my cake, really, m-my mates saved it on the back of the library in hopes nobody would find it..:” He starts saying, not really sure why he is telling you this.
“Okay, we’ll search it” you say without any problem about it. “I could sing happy birthday to you and you can blow the candles”
That’s how you are now following him like a puppy, as he takes out the cake from behind some decorations that weren't hiding the cake very well, but it is mostly intact. 
You two walk together, to leave and Michael thinks that never felt so ashamed. He felt like doing the shame walk, as he passed through the people with a fucking birthday cake and a pretty girl following him.
“Let’s go to your dorm!” You tell him with a happy smile, your hand on his shoulder as you lean closer to tell him that as you both walk together.
He is confused how you’ll give him a gift if they weren’t in your room, but he accepts, as his dorm isn’t actually so far away from the rented halls, so he guides you upstairs, and upstairs, at the point where he hears you whine because of your heels.
You look a bit amazed as he enters his dorm, leaving the cake on his desk and moving to turn on the bedside lamp. He looks around, and you are taking off your heels and being just in socks. He blinks as he looks at you. Doing that means she’s comfortable here, he thinks. 
“Ah, eh…. Have a seat in the…” You sit on the edge of his bed, next to his pillows and he blinks. He wanted to say ‘in the desk chair’ but he guessed it was too late.
“Your bed is comfortable” You say smiling as you pat your right side for him to sit by your side. “Come, sit!”
Michael blinks. He dries his sweat palm by rubbing his hands on his thighs a bit awkwardly, as he takes a seat on the edge of his bed by your side. Your legs were tucked under your body, already comfortable, while he is rigid and tense, all awkwardness in comparison.
“And your mates are still at the party?” You ask looking at him, batting your eyelashes at him with a sweet smile as you lean your body weight to your hand, right beside him.
“Uhm… eh, well, they told me they left, so it was a bit rushed… I don’t know, I could call them if you.. Want to sing to me happy birthday and that…” he says a bit hesitant, and he is a bit unsure of his words when you chuckle a bit, if you knew a secret “B-Because we couldn’t… I mean we didn’t have the time for that, and my mum bought that cake because it is my favourite..:” he rambles as his cheeks are pink with embarrassment.
You were divine. In more than one way, you were the prettiest girl that he had ever talked to. And you were also the first girl in his dorm. And this close to him. And the first one to be interested in him. 
“Ah, of course… I bet it is tasty, it is sweet that your mum bought it for your party” You say smiling, as you look at him “Well, I don’t think we should call them here”
“Uh… Why not? We aren’t many, we are just seven, and with you we would be a pair number, so we could play a chess match since we are a pair. If you don’t know I could teach you” He offers. God, why did he accept this? Because you were pretty and all smiles with him, but he didn’t know what women like you liked…
“It’s not that, Mikey” you say softly, looking at him with an alluring smile, leaning slightly closer to him, which is dangerous, because it is the moment he has to decide if to look at your face or your tits. “It is because I wanna give you a gift”
Michael blinks. “Oh.”
“Yeah… It would be awkward if they were here”
His mind is numb, and he looks at you a bit confused “... Because they already gave me a gift?”
You have to suppress a laugh, as you shake your head and look down a bit. He takes the opportunity to look at your tits briefly.
“No…” You say again, with that damn tone that he can’t decipher. “You are not really good at hints, are you?”
He stays silent, looking at you as he tries to get it. “Eh… no, but I am really good at maths…”
You chuckle a bit, as you look at his face with a look he (again) cannot decipher. 
“Of course you are” you say sitting slightly closer, and he stays still as he looks at you and your tits coming closer to him “Your birthday it is in the day of Pi” you made sure to say the last word correctly, emphasising on it, and he nods a bit. 
“Yeah…” he murmurs looking at you as he licks his lips, and his glasses slide ever so slightly on his nose as he has to look down at your face
“I wanna give you a gift…” you repeat, and it is now that he feels your hand slide to his thigh and closer to his crotch. And his breath freezes on his throat as he feels your hand move slowly to rub his dick from above his clothes, and the traitor practically gets hard instantly at something that isn't his own hand. 
Michael practically freezes at your touch, as your hand slowly rubs his jeans where his erection was forming. Your eyes look at him as you smile, god, you were so provocative it made his brain go off. He couldn't take his eyes out of your face as he opened his mouth to pant a bit, a bit unsure of if to stop this or make it keep going.  It is not like he doesn’t want to do… this, but a little part of him still thinks you are just mocking him and probably there were popular jerks waiting outside to make fun of him for falling for someone so out of his league. 
But you were so pretty, lookin at him with tender eyes. As he seems so hesitant about it all. It wasn’t like he didn’t want this, but he just… wasn’t sure what to do, because this was confusing all his thoughts. How could he even impress you? 
It is you who leans to capture his lips. On yours with a kiss, slow and calm, since he was so inexperienced. It was his first kiss, as a girl rubs his cock. He surely was dreaming. 
“Do you want it?”
He blinks confused, his lips briefly open and all flustered as your hands keep on hardening his cock. “Um… yes” He swallows hard as his eyes are closed due to how good (and strange) it feels. To have a girl doing this with him.
“You’ve done this before?” You ask looking at his eyes, and his glasses are sliding on his nose and he doesn’ even notice, and your hand pat his cock which makes him whimper a bit. 
“Eh… yes, but with myself. I mean, b-by myself, like with my hand, that is…”
You giggle at his naiveness, and you add “I meant if you have ever had sex”
Michael looks at you surprised, and he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose again. You were so direct, and this was unlike anything that had happened in his life. You confused him, with your plays and teases, he was more simple, and more straightforward. “No…” He whispers in reply, breathing a little heavily now as you squeeze him through his pants. 
Your smile is confusing, since he doesn’t know what it means. Well, he doesn’t get the clue to. Most things you do anyways. “It is your birthday” you repeat “My treat, I’ll make you feel so good, Mikey”
He looks down at his pants as you unbuckle his belt. There was something about you, so seductive and sensual as you did all torturously slow. You weren’t rushed, and even did it for his sake, as he looked so frozen by it all. 
You turn your head to look up to him as you also zip down his pants. He tried to think about anything else, because he felt on fire.
“Can you take these off?” You ask him kindly, and he looks. Briefly confused. “I really wanna suck you off”
Oh god. He almost cums on his pants. Oh god.  He repeats on his mind as he moves a bit to take off his pants, at least to his knees. Oh god, oh god. His mind tried to remain sane, he tried to think about some maths, the comfort of simple logic tries to centre himself. 
You look pleasantly surprised by his size, and you hummed in delight and he saw how you bite your lower lip. His cocks spring free, fully hard and the precum leaking out from the tip. He looked nervously at you, as his cock practically begged your attention and affections, and he could feel a turmoil form on his stomach as he pleaded with his eyes for you to do something about it. 
“So big…” you praise him with a smirk, and he looks away in shame as he blushes. It was a good thing, he thinks, but he cannot help but feel hesitant.
You gently grab the base as your left hand rests on his left thigh, helping you as you lean down to capture the tip on your mouth, and he leans slightly back as if trying to squirm away. He looks at you, overwhelmed at the warm and moist sensation around his cock, ever so slightly, but so intense at the same time. He pants as if he just ran a marathon, looking down at you as his balls tighten and feel so ready to cum. But he forces himself not to.
“Oh… A-Ah, fuck…” he says as you take his dick out of your mouth to lick it, from his balls to his tip. God, no one really prepares you to know how easy it is to cum when a girl sucks you off.
He tries to think of equations, some diagrams or anything, anything to not cum so fast. You have his cock again in your mouth, sucking on his tip and your tongue moves to tease him as well. He was going insane.
He looks at you, with your bright eyes full of delight and mischief looking up back at him, as his cock was deeper and deeper on your throat, making its way through your warm mouth. 
And you didn’t seem to mind how the drool was spilling out from your mouth, wettening your chin and how you gagged slightly the more deep you swallowed him. He was amazed, truly, looking down at you as you sucked him off. 
It was different from how he imagined. He thought that at his first time, he would lead the way, he would be confident (because he knew about porn and how these things worked) and he would be dominant enough. Yet now, he feels unsure, trembling as his balls shaked in need to release, because you were amazing and so hot. 
Maybe he didn’t know a thing about this all. He thinks, as his shoulders tense from how good the head of his cock feels in your warm throat. It sends shivers on his spine and he has to whimper pathetically. 
“You are so perfect…, I swear” He mumbles without breath, whimpering pathetically. You would have giggled, because he didn’t need to swear, but he was cute to do so.
You move your hand to take the hair out of his face, and you grab his right hand, and he doesnt get at first what you mean, until you let his hand on your hair, it is when he understands that you want him to guide you and move his hips. 
His own hips hesitate at the beginning , strange at how he is supposed to move without looking ridiculous or being uncomfortable. Instead, he takes your hair carefully, with both hands as he leaves a deep breath out. 
His little whimpers are amazing, and so hot, you love to hear it. It was almost quiet, very low, but it was a delight to hear how he whimpers as his cock twitches in your mouth.
He moves your hair up and down on his body, fucking your face slowly. He didn’t want to be reckless, and when you needed to, he allowed you to have air from time to time. 
His balls were on fire, and his dick was so hard and it felt so good as you deepthroated him that he was at the verge of cumming. 
“I’m… oh, I'm going to cum, m’sorry…” he whimpers, moving your head onto his cock more harshly, but still careful not to make a mess and make you choke on his cock. He would feel bad if he hurt you like that, especially when you do him a favour.
His hips hesitate as he starts cumming, and he releases your head because he guesses it could be overwhelming. But you do not back away, rather swallow all of his spending in your mouth, savouring it delighted as you looked up to him, and he opened his mouth in awe. 
You were his wettest dream come true.
What are the chances, the possibility that a pretty girl like you, just looked at him and decided to do this? To give him the best head ever? To help him lose his virginity, thinking he is worth the chance when you are out of his league? 
He is a man of mathematics and logic. And even being good at probability, he knew the chances were almost zero. Almost.
And you looked so brightly at him as you cleaned some of his cum dripping down from your chin and licking it, not to waste a bit. 
“It… it was good?”
“Yeah” you say without a breath, as you smile. “I love your dick, it is so… amazing” He can almost cum again when he sees you lick your lips.
“Oh.” He says a bit flustered, his mind almost numb from his orgasm. “T-Thank you…” 
It is your smile who makes him smile a bit, awkwardly and with his cheeks red. He cannot believe this is luck. He is dumb struck, looking at your lovely face with still red cheeks and a wide smile. And you just sucked him off.
He is guilty, and he looks down at your tits for a brief moment, but looks quickly at your face, as if ashamed of doing that. But you still have that alluring smile, looking at him. He still doesn’t get what it means, but he goes along with the flow. 
“You wanna see my tits?” You ask with a sweet tone, as if it was the normalest question ever. You have seen his eyes drop to your breasts and then to your face, it was cute.
Oh my god. He will likely cum immediately at the sight. He knows it, and his cheeks are red as he thinks of your question.
“Yeah, please…” He asks without breath, as he accommodates in bed trying for his cock not to give him away. 
“I would have worn something way cuter if I knew this was going to happen” You explain taking out your jacket, and to his no-surprise, you didn’t wear a shirt underneath, just the bright pink bra that poked out of your jacket. 
“You look beautiful” he murmurs looking at your still clothed breasts, and he then looks up to your face. “You… If this is your less fancy outfit, then god damn me” 
You giggle at his words, he surely was odd from all the guys you knew. Perhaps his lack of experience, perhaps his nerdy personality. You don’t know, but you find yourself wanting to do all filthy and kinky things with this nerdy man.
You take off your bra, with quickness, as he looks at you completely mesmerised by your nakedness in front of him. He blinks at your perky nipples completely to his sight, and his mind just goes off. He is pretty sure that if you asked him what 1 plus 1 was, he’d say a pair of fine tits.
“You can touch me, Mikey” you say with a teasing tone, that makes him look at your expression for a brief moment. “Like you can grope my tits and all…”
The boldness of her offer makes him salivate, he is sure, and the desire within him is just intense and he knows he has to. His left hand reaches out cautiously and grasps your right breast. 
Your soft sigh is enough for him to do it slightly more confidently, but still not too harsh. He doesn’t actually know how hard it hurts if someone gropes too aggressively, and so he prefers to be gentle with you, because you deserve all of it. 
“Here. Give me your other hand” You say, and before you can extend your hand to grab his, his right hand goes to your other breasts, as if he was waiting for it.
Your breath hitches before you giggle a bit, as he doesn’t understand you. His face is red, from embarrassment, from touching a girl, a very much real girl that desires him too, and from awkwardness in him.
“I meant, give me your hand” You say taking his right hand from your breast and he doesn’t wanna let go, but he does anyway. “I wanna… Mm. I wanna to show you something”
Again with coded words, he was unaware of its meaning. But he waited for you to tell him, as you looked at him with a smile as you waited for him to say it.
“Oh, uh…” Michael mutters as his brain finally took notice it was his turn to say something. “Eh… okay? Show me…” he says unsure what to say.
You guide his left hand down, under your skirt. He just noticed that you had not taken off your skirt yet, as he was still clothed and with his pants down. But he didn’t mind it so much as you pressed his hand against your clothed pussy. 
“You.. Y-You are really wet” he says slightly amazed, and you nod with a smile as he just leaves his hand there, a bit amazed as his fingers do the slightest move to spread the wetness on his fingers. You hum in delight as you feel how bold he might be becoming. 
“Yeah, I am” you nod to him with a smile, and he looks at you flustered, as he leaves an awkward chuckle. “And your cock is hard again”
He looked down at his dick, and in fact, he was getting hard again. He looked back at you, and he smiled a bit embarrassed. You were also smiling, and that was the only clue he got to know that you were having the time of your life.
“It’s because you are so hot…” he says in a weak attempt to justify himself. “and so pretty”
You laugh, as you kneel slightly to take off your skirt and kick it somewhere in his bedroom. You were only wearing your panties now, and he felt like a salivating dog wagging his tail at the sight. God he was pathetic.
He looked at you, and before he could try to do anything, you say.
“It will be better if you sit properly in the bed, not the edge. So you can lean back in the pillows”
He has no idea why he should lean back in the pillows, but again, he is not the one doing demands in this. In his eyes, you are doing him a favour, this was his wettest dream, and you surely got nothing from it.
He takes off his pants and he crawls to sit in the bed, his back against the pillows (he used at least three, he found it more comfortable) and so he watched at you with a smile, as you kneel up again, now to take off your panties.
“I swear that if i knew, I would have worn a prettier pair of underwear” you start teasingly, as you move your hands to the sides of your panties to take them off.
Oh god, he thinks once again, as the image of a naked woman is enough to send him into numbness again. He was just gaining confidence to take some part in this, but he was just so inexperienced, he had to decide on either cum desperately or trying to last longer, and he didn’t know that the last took all of his brain energy.
“Here” You say, grabbing his hand and leaving your panties in his hand. He looks at you, and you add “Another gift. You can keep it” 
He looks at you, slightly amazed by it. He holds your panties in his hand, and he can feel the wetness of it, knowing that you were (and are) so wet right now drives him insane. He looks at you and he blinks a bit surprised, and honestly, much more aroused. 
“Thank you..” he says as he appreciates this odd gift. He has no idea what use it may have apart from the sentimental one, but maybe it is like his own trophy? 
You get comfortable, still kneeling on the bed, you crawl to be atop of his lap. Each knee on the side of his thighs, and he has to look up to see you. Maybe his favourite part about this is how your tits are in front of his face. He loves it.
“Your hand” She asks, and when she extends her hand he is clever enough not to make the same mistake twice. He passes her his hand, and she guides it to her pussy once again.
Now he knows. Why men went to war for women. Why Troy was destroyed, for stealing one woman. Why men went insane for the touch of a woman. He gets it now. 
Your pussy drips wet as he touches it; bare and warm. He is surprised, in all honesty, as his fingers are rigidly moving forward and back. It is not rough; but it is rigid enough to let know his inexperience in the matter.
“I wanna make you feel good” He says looking at you, almost begging for you to teach him how. He wants to know the secrets that could have you squirm and moan crazily over him, as he was over you. 
“This is about you” You say, your hands moving to the edge of his shirt, to take it off from him. He helps you in it, and he leaves a breath as now both of you were naked in front of each other.
Your soft hand caresses his chest. He is no muscular guy; yet you caress him so tenderly that he has to look at you with that puppy look. He really wants to make you feel good.
“Tell me what to do.” He asks again, he looks pathetically needy to you; eager to make you cum on his fingers, and eager to learn how to please you.  His fingers linger hesitantly around your pussy, and he does his best guiding himself from little experience and instinct. 
You smirk as you bite your lower lip as you let a little whimper out. He was cute and hot, more than most guys you knew from before. Maybe getting with the nerd was a fantastic idea.
“I want you to fuck me” You say instead, smiling at him “I want your cock, not your fingers- for now. Besides, this is about you. You are the birthday boy”
As your hips lower on his lap, he takes off his fingers and looks at you sitting above his cock. You grind slightly as he opens his mouth agape slightly, the mere thought of fucking you has him all excited, and aroused.
“I do wanna.. Do that” Michael says with a longing smile, as you nod to him. The feeling of your pussy rubbing against his own dick. He can’t take it anymore, he longs for you too much. 
He is clumsy as he moves his hips, the head of his cock passing eagerly through your folds in search of your entrance, and he looks up at you as you moan at the feeling. He got something right. 
His puppy eyes catch your attention as his tip presses on your centre, and you look down at him a bit breathlessly. “You can’t cum so fast, Mikey. I want you to enjoy it” He nods when you tell him that, and he leaves a shaky breath at the feeling. 
“I… I’ll try…” He says looking at you, trying his best to hold back. But your body is too tempting for him. He is going to pass out, surely.
You move to search for something in your clothes, and you take a condom from somewhere. He isn’t too sure. He is looking at the ceiling waiting for you as he thinks on some hard equation from class, and he tries for the burning turmoil on his belly, full of lust and desire to calm down even a bit. He wants to have you moaning on his cock so hard, he will need strength.
Your movement is fluid when you put the condom on his length, and he is sure you have done this so many times. On other occasions, he’ll think something witty about it, but now he is rather intimidated. How is he supposed to compete with your experiences?
You move your hips slightly, as you start to sit down on his cock from one move. Slow and soft, he is sure you make sure it isn’t so intense for him, as your walls have a tight grip on his hard cock, and the feeling of finally being inside of a woman is incredibly intimate. His cock pulsates on your insides, and he has to look down, enjoying the sight of his thick cock stretching your pussy.
“Fuck…” You say breathlessly as you throw your head back, moaning in delight as you move your hips slightly.
“You’re so warm… and thigh..” he pants, his hands go to your hips as you ride him. 
“It feels nice?”
“More than that” He says looking up to you, and he whimpers as you move your hips. 
“I’ll let you get used to it.” You tell him softly “I think it could be a bit overwhelming, I guess”
“Yeah. A bit” he says with an awkward smile which makes you smile too, and you grab his cheeks as you lean a bit to kiss him softly. 
His enthusiasm is endearing, as he tries to passionately kiss you, but you are sticking with the slowness of it all. He whimpers a bit on your mouth as he can feel how your cunt tightens around him. 
Once you are apart, his glasses are again slowly sliding down on the bridge of his nose and you bite your lower lip as you hold a moan. God, what a hot nerd you are fucking.
“You are so amazing” He murmurs, looking up to you “And you feel so good…”
“Uh huh…” You hum as you whimper a bit, and so does he. 
“And I have… I have never done this before…” He mutters looking at where your pussy swallows his dick.
“I know” You say, giving him a peck. “But you make me so aroused, so hot…”
Michael blinks a bit confused, but he gains slight confidence in this. He nods at you and he lets his hands fall by the side of your legs, and he can only focus on the way that you ride him. You squeeze him, in all the way he can think of. Your cunt is squeezing his shaft. Your knees are squeezing his legs. All of your existence squeezes him, and he loves the feeling. 
He looks up at your face, you are moaning openly and you have your eyes closed as your hands rest on his biceps, helping you bounce on his cock. You look amazing. 
And your tits, God, your tits. Bouncing on his face as you ride him, all perky and perfect for him, and the sight of your tits make him leak more precum in the condom, as he tilts his hips slightly up so he gets deeper in the warmth of your cunt.
He stays looking at you, while his balls are tightening at how wet your pussy is. He is mesmerised by you, he cannot even find himself letting any sound out of his mouth. He is almost numb, looking at you as he makes you moan like this. 
He is making you moan desperately as you ride him. He is the one responsible to see how aroused he truly has you. You lean your body closer to his chest, moaning as you ride him, and he bites his lip desperate to cum. 
His own hips rut back to yours, thrusting clumsily as you sink down on his cock. Your pussy clenches around his cock, and he’s fully engrossed in the sensation.
Michael wants to cum so bad. He doesn’t think he has ever been in such a need to cum.It’s all his foggy mind can think of, cumming and you. And cumming in you, those two subjects interrelationate. 
“Tell me” He pleads, which makes you look at him again “Please, tell me how to make you cum”
His puppy eyes, how his glasses are slightly off on him, makes you moan almost on his face. 
“Your hand” You say, and he got the clue now. He is a quick learner, and instead of letting you hold his hand, he moves it down to your pussy. 
You moan at the feeling of his hesitant hand there, and he laughs a bit breathlessly, growing slightly bolder and he loves how desperate you seem. “Teach me”
“Fine, fine, wait..” You say stopping your movements, as reluctant you both may be to that.
You lean slightly back, your hand goes to grab his knee to help you not fall. He can see more of your pussy like that, and you sigh as if trying to think clearly.
“Here” You say, grabbing his wrist and moving it slightly up. He has no idea what you mean, but he is learning, so he follows your lead. “This is my clit, so you rub it… Not harshly, not too aggressive. It can be intense, but… you have to do it gently. Firm, but gently” 
He has no idea how to do both, but he’ll try. Before he can start, you grab his wrist again, and he is confused. What else is there that you take so long to say?!
You take his hand up, and your mouth is quick to engulf his index and middle finger inside, wettening them  with your own saliva before letting them go; not without leaving a provocative lick beforehand. 
“Now” You say with a slight smile “Just gently.” You repeat, and he nods.
He is so going to cum just from seeing you lick his fingers so lustfully. 
Michael tries his best, he does. His fingers find the little thing, so small, and he is unsure what response something so tiny could do. But anyways, he does as told. His fingers hesitate before rubbing slightly there, left to right at the beginning, and then up and down.
“F-Fuck!” You say almost closing your legs around his hand and dick, but you force yourself to remain open. Your other hand goes to hold you onto the mattress of the bed, so you don’t fall. You are leaning backwards now, and he can see your body in all it’s glory. 
It does have an amazing effect, he realises, as he rubs circles on your clit and you moan even higher, your legs tremble as you force them open, and you start lowering on his cock again. Unlike the last time, you don’t take the time to make sure his cock enters and comes out fully, but you just grind against it, and when you move up and down, it is barely just in the base of his cock. But the tip? It never leaves your wetness.
He wishes he could see the bump of his cock on your belly. He looks at your abdomen, and he can practically imagine how the shape of his cock would poke out from your abdomen.  
“I want to cum” He says, panting as his brain is overwhelmed. He is overdoing things, he tries to rationalise this, but between rubbing your clit, your cunt wrapping around his cock and his moans leaving his mouth, he feels like he will pass out any moment now.
“M-Me too” You whine, desperate as your hips rut more desperate on his cock, and that turns him even more. 
He has made a girl desperate for him. And he’ll make a girl cum on his cock.
Michael makes sure to rub your clit in a delicious manner. Or what he guesses is a delicious manner. And since you almost sob your moans, he’d say he is doing a fucking amazing job. 
“FUCK” He says as he feels your cunt squeeze him so much, that his mind practically goes blank “I-I’m cumming” He barely gets the words out as he feels himself spent on the condom inside.
He moans, loudly, it could be embarrassing if it wasn’t so pleasurable, and he has to throw his head back from the pleasure on how his shoulders tense up.
You grab his wrist, and he gets the clue that he has to keep his touch on your clit. Your cheeks are red from stimulation, and as he pants and whimpers from his orgasm, as he rubs your clit. It doesn’t take long, as you practically cum all over his cock, milking his dick and making sure his balls go empty. 
Even if he orgasmed first, your peak leaves him dry, and spent in more than one way. He doesn’t think he will ever hear a girl moan so loud and pleased as you when you cum thanks to him. 
When you fall to his side, he takes off the condom, leaving it on his bedside table. He looks at you, panting hard on his side, and he feels the same, as he looks at you, still mesmerised by you. 
He searches for your hand, awkwardly, and he moves you slightly closer to him. 
You both remain breathlessly, pants as you two face the ceiling. 
“So” You start saying, and he turns his head to yours, and you have another of your mischievous, alluring smiles on your face. “Have you blown the candles?”
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pha55ed · 24 days
Just Acting || F1
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type :: fluff tw/cw :: hint of smut (lando) contains :: carlos, charles, lando, oscar, ollie summary :: actor!reader is in a popular series and is shipped with a different actor, making the drivers kind of jealous and worried note :: heavy inspo from this oscar fic i read once, i forgot who made it but it was a filo!actor!reader and it was so cute :")
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Carlos Sainz | 55
Seeing you, once again, having to act out another romantic scene made Carlos want to scream. But you would never be able to tell since he just blankly stared, mouth open and brows furrowed in his usual confused face. Coming to your sets to watch you act was so fun for him, seeing you in your element and supporting you was fascinating to watch. But he couldn't lie and say he liked the show you were in.
It was a cheesy romance movie, very cliche and typical. It was like this show shoved every AO3 tag into the show, yet so many girls were obsessed with it. So much so, that you had amassed a huge following. While was great except a few of those fans fail to be able to tell the difference between acting and real chemistry.
This was growing issue for Carlos that he was doing his best to stay quiet on. Seeing the mass amount of ship edits, rumors of you leaving him for your co-star, and the annoying fangirls who hated on Carlos for "taking" you away from your co-star was driving him crazy. But he knew it was just a bunch of teen girls with no frontal lobe yet.
As you wrapped up the scene, you saw Carlos walk up to you with a smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him, happy to have him supporting you. It was like you were switching roles, now he was the WAG that sat on the side and cheered.
"You did great, I thought you actually liked him for a second." He says with a smile but he's slightly grinding his teeth. You laugh at him and hit him playfully.
"Thank you haha, but I have a pretty big crush on a different guy" You say smiling at him. He feels slightly better, but he's still very possessive.
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Charles Leclerc | 16
You and Charles were scrolling on your phones in bed, a usual pre-night time routine. Charle's health advisors always told him to quit this habit, but it's way too addicting to find a funny reel or TikTok and show you, making you both giggle in bed and then go back to scrolling on your own fyps.
But he couldn't giggle or laugh once, since his entire feed was filled to the brim with stupid ship edit of you and your co-star. Although he knew you were an actor and it was just for the movie, he couldn't help but feel jealous at how much the fans seemed to love the ship. And it made him even more jealous to see the fans use HIS favorite songs.
Charles is a massive gatekeeper, how dare those fans use "Lover" by Taylor Swift when it's yours and Charles song - not yours and your co-star. Or when they say you and your co-star are a "golden retriever and black cat" when in reality Charles know that deep down you're actually a stupid clumsy orange cat with it's mouth stuck open. It makes him furrow his brows and shake his head with a scoff as he scrolls.
"What are you looking at?" You ask, peeking over your shoulder to see Charle's try to swipe away from the ship edit, only for two more shipedits to appear right after. "Is that-?"
"I'm not searching for it!!" Charles quickly says defensively, "Just the stupid algorithm. I want racing clips, but's just stuck on my page!"
You can't help but laugh at the way he lets out a huff of air, obviously slightly jealous and upset but doing his best to stay calm. Seeing Charles jealous wasn't a common sight, only happening a few times. So you kind of enjoyed seeing his slightly possessive side.
Charles cuts off your thoughts by putting his phone down and turning off the lamp, turning over to cuddle into you. His arms wrapped around you so easily and his face hid in your neck perfectly. The warmth of your bodies together was perfect for the cold apartment, making you nuzzle closer into him. You were enjoying the few seconds of silence until Charles' ruined it.
"Why can't you do like,,, horror films or something?" He asks in a joking tone, "You can die in the first 10 minutes so then you don't shipped with anyone."
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Lando Norris | 04
Yet again, Lando was forced to scroll through his feed and see you and your co-star kissing. It was the climax of the series, the long awaited kiss between your characters was driving everyone insane. The episode just came out recently, but you shot the scene ages ago - basically making him have to relive his jealousy twice.
When he first saw you kiss your co-star for the shoot, he had to chew the inside of his mouth. He wanted to be the chill boyfriend so bad, but watching you shoot that scene made him want to shoot your co-star. Now he's once again forced to watch his partner get kissed by another man while the internet is slobbering all over it.
You come home after doing a ton of interviews, you were more packed than him for one. Although he was so proud of your series blowing up, he couldn't help but just want to hide you from the world and keep you all to himself. But, when you walk in and give him a kiss, he forgets about all his anger for a split second.
"How was work?" He asks, getting up from the couch as he helps you put your stuff down and back to it's usual spot. "There wasn't anyyy extra kissing right?" He says with a slightly sarcastic tone.
"Good! And no, obviously not." You say with a small laugh, "But a lot of fans wanted us to haha"
Although you were laughing, Lando wanted to find your co-star's address and dox him to the entire world. He has to force a smile, trying his best to keep his cool nonchalant act. But you can tell he's grinding his teeth at the thought so you just laugh, playfully hitting his chest as you began to prepare a shower for yourself.
"Woahhh, are you jealous~?" You ask teasingly, bringing your pajama and towel into the bathroom. Undoing your hair and unbuttoning your top, you hear Lando following you as he scoffs at your comment.
"Of course not," He says, crossing his arms as he leaned on the doorframe. "I mean, he's not the one who gets to shower with you."
You stop unbuttoning your top mid way to be met with Lando completely shirtless, widening your eyes slightly. You had a lot of making-up to do to him.
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Oscar Piastri | 81
Coming to your award show was slightly nerve racking for Oscar. Although he was also a celebrity, he couldn't help but feel out of place. But luckily, not much talking was required from him, since interviewers only cared to ask you questions. So he sat in the background of your interviews, kind of like a stalker...
While he was hidden behind you for all of your quick interviews on the red carpet, he heard many things he couldn't help but react to. Like how multiple interviewers kept tell you how close you were to winning the "Best TV Couple" with your co-star. He couldn't hide behind you for that, he whipped his head around to look at the interview with a puzzled face. (now one of the most famous reaction memes in the F1 community) But after that one reaction, he did his best to try and stay calm, remembering that it was just acting.
Once you were done with interviews and finally sat down at a huge table with your other cast-mates, Oscar was slightly glaring at your co-star. Despite never speaking to him, he wanted to see what his vibe was and see if he was cool or not. But he wasn't even able to get a full reading of him, because you and the co-star were quickly called up stage to claim your award as "Best TV Couple".
As you stepped on stage, holding one side of the award while your co-star held the other half, he clapped and smiled - only for you, of course. But once your co-star starting speaking, he dropped his smile and gave a neutral face. Oscar wasn't even listening to him much since Oscar was too busy looking at how bright you were smiling to the audience.
Once you began to speak on the mic, he couldn't hide his smile, beaming ear to ear. Your speech was cute and short, talking about how the film crew and other cast-mates were amazing. But then you began to compliment your co-star,,, too much for his liking.
Saying he was funny, kind, and an amazing "fake" partner. Oscar felt a little pang in his heart, slightly hurt from your words to him. He hated being jealous, it was so unlike him. But for some reason, your co-star was the only exception, he assumes it's because you're so close to him and share so many hobbies together. Lost in thought, he started to lose focus on your speech. Until he heard you shout him out:
"And I'd like to thank Oscar, my boyfriend, for being the prime example of a perfect boyfriend. He helped me practice acting out so many scenes and even helped me fix the script from time to time to be more natural, making the one-screen relationship so much more better."
And with that, he was smiling yet again. Feeling his jealousy slightly subside, mostly because you spoke more about Oscar than you did your co-star. He clapped as you ended your speech, feeling like a proud mom.
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Ollie Bearman | 87
How he met you was through acting and going to one of your movie premieres, but now he can't help but wish you stopped acting. Although he's so supportive of your career, he's not sure if he can handle seeing you with your co-star again.
You're shooting a romance movie, something perfect for your aesthetic. It's a cute love story between two students at a mythical high school, the perfect set up for teen girls to fall in love with the show. You garnered a huge and loyal fanbase, the only con was that they couldn't stop shipping you with your co-star.
He couldn't even blame the fans for shipping you both together because your co-star constantly fueled it. He'd flirt with you during interviews, always put his hand on your shoulder in pictures, and even comment heart emojis under your Instagram photos. Ollie couldn't stand it, it was almost as if the co-star genuinely thought he was dating you.
So once again, you were doing an interview to promote the movie. The press tour for this movie was coming to a close, making this your last interview before you were finally done. Ollie was so relieved, but he could see how sad your co-star was.
As the interview kept going on, your co-star kept stating how he'd miss you seeing your face, miss your laugh, and miss all the dinners you went on. (Which he made it seem like these dinners were alone, they weren't, it was always with a group) Ollie couldn't help but just roll his eyes and watch with a bored expression, chewing the inside of his mouth.
But for once, the interview asked you about Ollie - something the interviewers rarely ever did since they knew the fangirls only cared for the co-star and yours relationship. Ollie's ears perked up, excited to hear you talk about him, as egotistical as it sounded.
"Oh Ollie! He's actually in the audience now!" You say with a wide smile on your face, waving hi to him in the audience. "He's been coming to support me through everything, he's a WAG for once now haha! If I'm being honest, Ollie kind of made it hard to get into my character. I couldn't pretend to be in love with my co-star for the death of me, I just kept thinking of Ollie."
This made the fans quiet, not liking this propaganda. But Ollie loved it, he couldn't help but smile even wider, loving the feeling of being shouted out. He felt even better seeing your co-star just have to sit there awkwardly after all his corny ass flirting while you were busy gushing about your boyfriend.
"Like, when I had to act heartbroken for the scene after I find him cheating on me, it was so hard to imagine since I could never see Ollie doing that. But I just forced myself to think of it, and oh my gosh I've never cried harder!" You say with a chuckle as the interviewer smiled in return.
After that interview, many fans started to switch sides. Many started to point out how much cuter you and Ollie are together than you and your co-star. And some even started to realize how wrong the co-star was for flirting with you whilst you were happily taken by Ollie. Even though the movie hype was dying down, Ollie was so happy to finally see the fans on his side.
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hyunjinners · 15 days
✧:・゚ Stray Kids react → you declaring yourself to them ˚₊· ꒰🌿꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊ members' reaction when you declare yourself to them.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊ot8¡ x non/idol!fem¡reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊cute, comfort, friends to lovers.
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊none, just cute stray kids stuff.
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊4,1k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊I'm really addicted to writing skz compilations ;) In some parts the reader is not an idol, I ended up getting excited and forgot about the plot haha remembering that English is not my first language! I apologize in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammatical errors. Enjoy reading - feedback is appreciated. ^-^
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You became trainees at the same time and that's when you met and got closer.
・✦ He would sneak food in for you, given the strict diet the company forced you to follow, and you couldn't be more grateful to him.
・✦ the care and zeal he has for you captivated you and strengthened your relationship even after both of your debuts.
・✦ You debuted solo and he couldn't be more proud, always supporting you even when he was busy with the group's busy schedule.
・✦ Some time after your great success as a solo artist, some acquaintances from high school attacked you on social media, creating a situation claiming that you were bullying some of them.
・✦ You got really upset with all the hate and false claims and it all got worse when the company forced you to go on hiatus.
・✦ Chan, being the cutest and most understanding person you knew, was by your side comforting you and whispering comforting words in your ear while wrapping you in a hug.
・✦ Perhaps because of the heat of the moment or adrenaline, you unconsciously let out the three most comforting and perhaps feared words for many people.
・✦ He was in shock for a few seconds and his breathing hitched when he felt the caress he was giving his head stop.
・✦ He pushed you away and looked into your eyes to see if he had heard correctly, still in disbelief about the words he had previously said and even more shocked about his future ones.
・✦ "I have always loved you. I can't hide my feelings that I have felt for so long. You have always been by my side and I never had the opportunity to be clear with you, so… thank you. For supporting me and for everything you've done for me in general."
・✦ After his sincerity it was her turn to be shocked when she felt his soft lips join hers.
・✦ he loved you too.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You are childhood best friends where you have established an intimate and somewhat fun relationship. You have always teased each other a little but clearly with affection - even if it doesn't seem like it.
・✦ You debuted a year after him, following him closely and both supporting each other in moments of so much pressure.
・✦ It all happened when you were backstage at the first Stray Kids awards. You were in the front row to see up close the achievement of the boys who were still so young and evolving so quickly.
・✦ When it was all over, you didn't even wait for him to move away from the boys to jump into his arms. He held you, a sweet laugh escaping his lips at the feeling of ecstasy and happiness.
・✦ you hugged him tightly and pulled away, looking at him with a sincere smile and a loving sparkle in your eyes, your heart almost jumping out of your chest with pride.
・✦ "I'm so proud of you I could kiss you!" He looked at you in shock, a playful smile on his lips. "What did you say?" "Minho, just-" he came dangerously close and whispered close to her face, his warm breath making her stomach feel strange. "You can."
・✦ Adrenaline took over you and before you knew it you were kissing your childhood best friend deeply and passionately.
・✦ You didn't know what your relationship would be like from now on, but you were sure it was worth a try.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You met through your parents who had a professional partnership that sparked a friendship, consequently causing Changbin and you to get together.
・✦ You are two years younger than him, so when you both decided to become idols together, he ended up entering first - at your parents' request.
・✦ You were from different companies, but that didn't divide you, in fact it helped to avoid future possible rumors.
・✦ you would constantly visit each other in the dorms for movie nights or go out really late, going to the nearest convenience store to try different flavors of ramen while telling each other about their day.
・✦ you constantly helped each other with health issues, always asking each other about food and if they were keeping up with an exercise routine, where he convinced her to train with him and he wouldn't accept any other answer than yes.
・✦ But the time you enjoyed spending together the most was during your free time, when you could visit your parents together.
・✦ On one of those occasions, you were responsible for taking care of your younger sister while your parents were away and he accepted the task along with you.
・✦ She is small but very energetic, so it was a somewhat complicated task. Changbin had a way with kids, so he had some super cute moments with her, making you wonder if your sister liked you or him more.
・✦ You were cutting fruit on the kitchen counter while watching Changbin play with the girl.
・✦ Smiling, you take the bowls of fruit into the living room as you sit down next to them. You let out a laugh when you see your sister snort at having to move away from Changbin to eat.
・✦ "You have a way with kids. I think you'll be a good father." You whisper softly next to Changbin, who almost choked on the comment. He looks at you perplexed with an unconscious smile on his face.
・✦ "do you think? I mean, I really like kids, so…" He looks dreamily at his sister and you can't ignore the butterflies in your stomach that insist on appearing whenever you're around him.
・✦ "I'm sure your future wife will be very lucky. You are handsome, affectionate, intelligent, funny... I bet she'll love it so much." You laugh, biting into your fruit, not realizing the effect you had on Changbin.
・✦ "What- what did you say?" You're both silent for a while as you ponder your response. Sighing, you slowly observe his reaction, "Honestly?... I would like to be that future wife. I like you, Changbin. I don't think I was lying when I said I would love you very much." He coughs, choking on a piece of apple. You despair, helping him to choke. With wide eyes in surprise, he holds your shoulders and looks you straight in the eyes.
・✦ "You're kidding, aren't you?"
・✦ "... No, I'm not, Changbin. I really like you." He leaned over and wrapped her in a hug, his sister just staring blankly.
・✦ He also dreams of having children with you.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ you meet when you bump into each other at a cafe near his company.
・✦ He had just debuted as an idol, so he wasn't that well-known on the street yet, but you recognized him.
・✦ You were the first person who recognized him and he was very happy that the first fan who recognized him was a girl as beautiful as you.
・✦ It turned out that you often showed up at this cafe to study to get into college and he ended up becoming friends with you.
・✦ he felt like you were an angel sent by destiny to be his lifeline, supporting him in everything he did and always giving the best advice for his own good, as well as being present in both the happiest and most difficult moments of his life.
・✦ he didn't know how to express his enormous gratitude, so he just reciprocated the actions by being with you in the time of pressure before and during college, celebrating your entry with you and always taking you out to distract your mind whenever he could.
・✦ and things changed between you during one of these walks. There was a flower festival that happened once a year that you were extremely excited to go to. You planned the trip for weeks and he couldn't say no.
・✦ The festival went on from afternoon to night, so you were able to watch the sunset together amidst the lilies he insisted on giving you as a gift.
・✦ you rested your head on his shoulder as you sat on a wooden bench in a place that allowed a beautiful view of the horizon.
・✦ "I wish time would stop right here, I wish I could stay with you like this forever." Hyunjin felt his ears heat up, petting his hair in response. "Me too. It was an amazing day, yes."
・✦ you stared at him deeply and he looked back, trying to read your expression. Immersed in desire and passion, you hold the back of his neck, leaning in for a soft kiss, your lips barely touching as you touch him.
・✦ perplexed, he widened his eyes, still a little scared, but returning the kiss in a more intense way, his hands unconsciously going towards her waist.
・✦ pulling away with your lips parted from the lack of air, you rest your forehead against his, a happy laugh leaving your lips.
・✦ "I'm glad you didn't push me" Still a little disoriented, Hyunjin laughs at your silly comment, longing for more of your lips on his.
・✦ "never." He leans in again, captivating her lips affectionately.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 ... 𖥔
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・✦ the way they met was actually a bit chaotic. You were running through the company's corridors, late again for another rehearsal, when you bumped into Jisung, spilling the coffee he had in his hands all over herself.
・✦ He became desperate, apologizing as if it was all his fault for not looking forward. In the midst of despair, you could only laugh and without understanding anything he accompanied you laughing, even though he had a desperate look on his face, thinking you wanted to kill him.
・✦ The following week he came to you with a new sweatshirt in hand and you were enchanted by how sweet and thoughtful he was. In return, you bought the coffee that spilled from his hands with a cute note apologizing and thanking him for the sweatshirt.
・✦ After that, your friendship began with the ritual of buying each other coffee with a cute note asking about their day or a motivational phrase.
・✦ During a Stray Kids performance, you were in the front row happily cheering for the group's next achievement. When the performance was over, you gave them a standing ovation and didn't miss the wink Jisung threw your way, making you smile.
・✦ Three days later you were surprised when the media linked Jisung to you, making thousands of theories about both of you being together. You were heavily criticized and received a lot of hate from people who claimed to be "stays", causing you to step away for a short period of time.
・✦ a week later, Jisung was in front of your apartment and when you realized it you were already crying in his arms on the couch in your apartment.
・✦ he kisses the top of your head, speaking comforting words into your ear. You sighed tiredly, stood up and wiped your tears, staring at him for a few seconds before speaking.
・✦ "... I just don't understand." Her voice was almost a whisper and he listened intently to every word that came out of her mouth. "Would it be so bad if we were dating? What have I done to these people?" You bring your hands to your eyes, sobbing once more. He wraps his arms around her again, resting his chin on her head.
・✦ "They don't understand. And don't worry, it's not like we have anything to hide."
・✦ "what if we did?" You whispered, your words hanging in the air as he made a confused face. "What do you mean?"
・✦ "Would it be so bad if we were in a relationship? What if I wanted that?" You gather your courage and face him defiantly.
・✦ "... what-"
・✦ "I like you, Jisung. I don't care what anyone says, what bothers me is that you're so oblivious to it. I want you. I need you."
・✦ He looks at her scared, immersed in his thoughts. It doesn’t last long until he smiles and leans in to kiss you deeply, wanting this for so long his bones could ache.
・✦ He didn't see a problem with that either.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You were the first person to greet him at school when he moved to Korea.
・✦ He was in a confusing phase for himself, still discovering his passions and talents and you were the only one who understood him and waited for him in his time, always being by his side in difficulties.
・✦ People compared you to a ray of sunshine, but for him, you were the light that provided a way out in his darkest moments.
・✦ As time went by, he debuted as an idol and you followed the career you wanted, becoming an interior designer specializing in landscaping.
・✦ You loved everything related to nature and he was no different, loving to travel to places with the best views, always remembering you in the most memorable memories for him.
・✦ During the boys' comeback, Felix was working hard day and night, always bringing out the best in his performances and never letting anything down.
・✦ one of his shows was cancelled due to problems at the venue where they were going to perform and after weeks of tiredness he would finally have at least one day off.
・✦ Taking advantage of the opportunity, you invited him to go to the beach, since you both loved it and hadn't gone out for a long time due to your busy schedule.
・✦ the ride was fun from start to finish and you were hyperventilating over little things like you sharing headphones during the car ride or how he was concerned about whether you were staying hydrated and wearing sunscreen.
・✦ After a whole day of playing in the water, you sat side by side to watch the sunset. Your shoulders were touching and you didn't miss the way your hands were so close, yet still untouchable.
・✦ you watched as the bright orange hue reflected off the blond strands of Felix's hair, looking peaceful as if the breeze took away all his worries and tensions.
・✦ "You're beautiful." His voice came out as a whisper and you knew you couldn't stop talking from now on, "I feel more relaxed when I'm with you. I don't think I need to come to the beach all the time if I already have my daily ray of sunshine."
・✦ Felix looks at her with a genuine smile and you could see the affection through his irises. "Thank you for bringing me here, Y/n. Thank you for everything really." With a smile you slowly lean in and Felix could only close his eyes. Gently your lips connected and you could still feel the mixture of your sweet lips with the salty sea water. He still a little hesitantly holds her waist, bringing her almost impossibly closer.
・✦ moving away but still close to his face, you spoke softly, like a secret now revealed, "I love you. I always have. I'm in love with you and I'm sure it's because you're the easiest person to love."
・✦ Surprised and excited, Felix places a kiss on her cheek and then rests his head on her shoulder.
・✦ "It would be impossible for me not to reciprocate the feelings."
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐌𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ the way they met was too cute and Seungmin would never confess - even if you commented on it.
・✦ Even in his pre-debut, Seungmin has always been the schematic and methodical type. He had a routine of going to the gym three times a week at a specific time and, coincidentally, he passed by the same square where you used to sit to read a book.
・✦ At first he just ignored you there, but after strangely noticing your long hair, or the cute way you wrinkled your nose when you read something that caught his attention, or when he randomly closed the book to "absorb" what was written there, he thought that maybe it would be interesting to know more about you.
・✦ He was never the intellectual reading type, but he thought that to impress a female reader, it would be good to have a little literary knowledge. When buying a book in a bookstore near the square, he discovered that his parents owned the establishment, and he was overcome with excitement.
・✦ He started to constantly visit the place to see you and in the end it was you who started talking to him and that's where your friendship began.
・✦ Even after his debut you remained firm and strong by his side, even though he couldn't often attend your little reading sessions where you read in silence just enjoying each other's company.
・✦ Over time, Stray Kids became increasingly popular, not only in Korea, but in many places around the world. That said, the group's first world tour was approaching and everyone was nervous. Seungmin became more and more distant as the week progressed as it was time to prepare for his world debut.
・✦ the day before the trip, you showed up at the door of his and the boys' dorm, sending a message as soon as you got there. He replied a few minutes later, saying he would be late at the company.
・✦ You were very frustrated because you didn't know if you would be able to say goodbye to him, since six months away without being able to see Seungmin was a long time for both of you. You leave the book you were going to give Seungmin as a gift at the dorm door, leaving immediately.
・✦ a little after midnight, you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand, seungmin’s name flashing on the screen. You answer, completely concerned as to why he's calling so late.
・✦ He asks you to answer the door and without further contradiction you practically run to open the door.
・✦ Still sleepy, you almost fall with the impact of the hug that Seungmin gives you. He wraps his arms around you in an almost desperate way, wishing he couldn't let go of you anymore.
・✦ “Is it true? Did you really mean that?”
・✦ completely confused, your mind seems to want to play a trick on you, making you forget the moment that happened earlier, where you left the book with a dedication to Seungmin inside.
・✦ he breaks the hug, showing the book that had been in his hands all this time. 'Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookstore' was no longer in its original gift packaging, a yellow post-it was stuck to the inside of the cover, which said: “I hope you enjoy this reading as much as I enjoyed the moments I had with you. I love you, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy you.”
・✦ your eyes widened in utter surprise. You thought you might not be able to say goodbye to him in person, So he wrote this note in the heat of the moment, almost afraid that this trip might separate you two.
・✦ “Minnie… I’m sorry. This may sound wrong, but… I really like you. Ever since I met you… s-since forever, I think…”
・✦ His words are a bit disjointed and low, but the only reaction Seungmin had was to gently hold his face and do what he had always wanted since that day in the square: kiss her without guilt or resentment.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐉𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ JYP was not an unfamiliar environment for you. Your older sister, a third-generation K-pop idol, often invited you to watch her train.
・✦ The JYP halls were a familiar environment for you and this gave you the opportunity to meet many famous people. And Jeongin was one of them.
・✦ At first, you would just exchange a few nods or a quick “good morning.” However, one day when you had to wait patiently for your sister in the cafeteria area, Jeongin saw you sitting alone.
・✦ He was surprised at himself, since he had promised himself not to make friends during his trainee days, due to the fact that people came and went easily. But you had a different aura to him.
・✦ time passed, he debuted and you stayed with him. Jeongin didn't regret talking to you that day, because from then on you were the one who supported him through the most difficult moments during the beginning of his career.
・✦ You saw Jeongin as an escape from all the problems of your day to day life. No matter the situation, just seeing his face, with that cute dimpled smile, the tension in your body would go away.
・✦ Spending time with him was comfortable and became incredibly familiar. You became an important part of Jeongin's life, and vice versa. The boys were happy to know that there was someone to brighten their youngest member's darkest days.
・✦ After a few years of friendship, the Stray Kids dorm had become an almost routine environment for you. One Friday, Jeongin invited you to join the boys' movie night.
・✦ You quickly got ready, stopping by the convenience store before walking to the dorms since it wasn't that far from your house.
・✦ you felt your cell phone vibrate as you walked down the sidewalk with some very full bags in your hand. You tried to get the cell phone out of your pocket, However, because of the piled up bags, he ended up falling on the sidewalk.
・✦ Without thinking twice, you quickly bent down to pick it up, not noticing the electric bike that was quickly coming towards you. It all happened so fast that you could say it was like a quick dream (or nightmare), like the kind you have when you take a short nap.
・✦ you were thrown away and the bike ended up running over your ankle, dislocating it. You ended up passing out from the pain on your way to the hospital, in the ambulance that the cyclist called to help you.
・✦ You woke up a few hours later, the light reflecting off the white walls of the hospital room hitting your eyes hard, making you squint.
・✦ you felt soft threads near your hand, and as soon as you regained some consciousness, you realized that Jeongin was lying next to you in a completely uncomfortable position. It didn't take him long to wake up, looking a little desperate as he did so.
・✦ “thank god! I- I thought… Y/n…”
・✦ Jeongin's eyes filled with tears and the words were a little stuck in his throat. “If I hadn't called you at that time, none of this would have happened... a man ended up answering his phone and told me what had happened. Forgive me, S/n.”
・✦ his words were still a little distorted because of the effect of the drug, where you were barely assimilating what was happening.
・✦ With a smile, you wipe Jeongin's tears gently. “I was so scared… scared of losing you. It could have happened because of a bike, but it could have been worse-”
・✦ “Don't do that. If you keep crying because of me, it'll make me fall in love with you even more.”
・✦ Jeongin was paralyzed by his slurred, barely audible words. He whispered a “what?” under his breath, his heart racing with even more disconcerting thoughts.
・✦ He stayed in the same position for a few seconds, long enough to make you fall back asleep. He kissed your forehead affectionately as he pulled away..
・✦ “I hope you remember your words when you wake up.”
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moonstruckme · 21 days
hellooow i love your writing and characterization is so good 🤌🤌🤌 could you write something about james and r talking about their future together and james is like "yess and we'll live in a nice house with two or three little us running around!!" and reader is like "haha thats so cute love but i don't want kids... ._."
Thanks for requesting!
modern au
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You tsk, adding a picture to your pinterest board. “It’s decided. Someday, when we move out of this apartment, I simply can’t live without a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf.” 
“Mm.” James’ hum vibrates on your chest. He’s been lying there for some time, in and out of dozing while you’re on your phone. “I think that can be arranged. I want a fireplace.” 
“You just want to chop up wood.” 
You feel his smile spread against your skin. “And so what if I do?” 
“It wasn’t a criticism. So long as I can come watch.” 
His laugh is a warm puff of air, followed by a soft kiss just below your collarbone. This commences a fascination that involves his lips making a slow, idle perusal of your skin. “Do you think you want a big house?” 
“Not really.” Your attention has been pulled from your screen, the sight below you too adorable to ignore. You thread your fingers into James’ hair. “Too much cleaning. Honestly, if you have any questions you should just look at my pinterest. I’ve got it all laid out. We can make room for whatever TV you want, though, I suppose. Plus a secret tunnel to Sirius’ and Remus’.” 
“Obviously,” he agrees. “Yeah, I’m the same. All I need is my fireplace, you, and maybe a nice backyard for the kids.” 
Your hand stills on James’ head as a heavy weight drops into your chest. 
You’ve managed to evade this conversation, you’re not sure how. You’re not sure why either. Maybe just to make a good thing last, for as long as you could. But you know how much James loves kids. And if you’re honest with yourself, this, the proof that he does expect them one day, has always felt inevitable. You feel like a liar for not bringing it up with him sooner. 
Maybe it worsens your deception, but you keep your tone light as you ask, “Would you settle for a backyard for a couple of dogs instead?”
James gives a little laugh, tinged with bemusement. It makes you feel worse. 
“Or cats,” you say, voice growing smaller. “Or no pets, up to you.” 
It’s probably your obvious unease that tips him off. James looks up at you. You straighten his glasses for him automatically. 
“What do you mean?” he asks, and there’s no accusation in his tone, only curiosity. 
A low buzzing burrows into your ears, not unlike how you imagine it’d sound if you were drowning. 
“I don’t really want kids.” 
James’ face falls, and your heart splinters. 
“You don’t?” It’s like he thinks he might’ve misheard you. 
You shake your head. “I’m sorry,” you say, immediately angry with yourself for apologizing but not angry enough to overshadow your guilt. “I’ve thought about it a lot, and I just don’t. It’s not that I hate kids or anything, I just, I don’t want to have any of my own.” 
“Oh.” The word seems to leave James on a breath, faint and hollow. “Okay.” 
Your eyes burn, and you cannot cry right now but you can’t seem to shut up either. “If I ever did want to, it would be with you. But I just—” your voice fractures “—I don’t want to bring kids into a home that doesn’t want them, even if—if it’s only me that doesn’t. It’s not fair.” 
“No, you’re right.” James’ voice sounds a bit more like him now. He’s nodding, slowly, like he’s still wrapping his head around things. “You shouldn’t have kids if you don’t want them. For you and for them.” 
You nod. Hot tears trudge down your cheeks. 
Wordlessly, he sits up and wraps his arms around your shoulders. James is a really good hugger. Tight and warm, like he’s given and received plenty in his life. You know he’d be a great dad. Any kid would be lucky to have him, someone who comes from a love passed down and strengthened through generations. You’re just not meant to be a mom. 
You hold onto each other tightly, and you wonder if it’s the last time you will. You know in your heart that you’re doing the right thing for yourself, that you should never make such a life-altering choice based on someone else, but right now you’re desperate enough to consider it. You think you might do anything to keep him. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. 
James pushes his face into your neck. You think, to your horror, that he might be crying too. 
“It’s okay,” he says. “I don’t want you to be sorry, sweetheart. It’s not your fault.” 
“I wish that I wanted to.” 
“You don’t. It’s okay.” 
You sit there like that for long minutes. When James pulls back, he sets his hands to your face, smiling ruefully as he thumbs away your tears. You choke out a little laugh and do the same for him. You have the urge to kiss his cheek, warm and beloved, but you don’t know if you should. 
“We can have pets,” he says in a quiet, rough voice. “And if Sirius and Rem or Lily or anyone has kids, I can just be their favorite uncle.” 
“You would be,” you say. “Being their aunt would be fun, too.” You study him anxiously. “Are you sure?” 
James’ lies down beside you, seemingly exhausted. “Sure about what?” 
You chew the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know, I guess that you’re okay with this.” 
He doesn’t answer right away, which you appreciate. You want him to think about it. A sigh leaves him, long and heavy. “It’s going to take me a while to get used to the idea,” he says finally. 
“But…for right now, you don’t want to break up?” 
“What?” James turns to look at you. Whatever he sees makes his face soften. “Oh—no, honey, I don’t want that. That wasn’t even…I wasn’t thinking like that.”
“Are you sure?” you ask again, though it threatens to bring another wave of tears. “I know you pictured things differently. I’d get it.” 
“I always wanted all of that with you,” he says, soft and yet somehow firm. “It’s going to take me some time to change how I picture the rest, but you’re not going anywhere. Not if I can help it.” His mouth curves slightly as he holds out his hand in invitation. You place yours in it. He brings your palm to his lips, kissing your heart line. “It’s you and me, yeah?” 
A pleasant feeling skitters up your arm to sit in your chest. “Yeah.”
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vividxpages · 20 days
𐙚𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ᡣ𐭩"guilty as sin?" ᡣ𐭩⋆๋𓂃ִֶָ ๋⋆𓏲𐙚
Tumblr media
pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!Reader
words: 5800
summary: You always thought Jace could not be in love with you, his best friend’s little sister, but a dramatic incident during one of Cregan’s house parties reveals the truth.
warnings: modern au, pining, not so unrequited love, reader is Cregan’s little sister and a huge bookworm, Jace is Cregan’s best friend, fluff and falling in love, angst (mentions of childhood trauma/almost drowning), hurt/comfort, first kiss
a/n:  i fought for my life uploading this via my phone, all the formatting from google docs went wooosh haha. Just a little something and different from what I wrote for Jace so far <3 The pool scene is inspired by the Maxton Hall series - if you watched it, you’ll know why ;) 
-⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ☁️📖🤍୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your brother Cregan had met a new friend, during one of his vacations with his boys. Someone had asked the curly haired boy if he wanted to join and just like that, Jacaerys had become Cregan’s friend.
It was easy like that, sometimes.
But when your brother brought Jace over for the first time and you were reading in the living room, deeply lost in your book and not prepared for visitors, things quickly got much more complicated.
He was cute and completely unaware of it as you shook hands and he gave you an adorable smile that made you weak in the knees. 
In the beginning, you thought he was like a ghost in your home, only appearing from time to time and briefly, but always leaving goosebumps on your skin when he shyly waved at you. Just his sight alone was enough to make you want to bury your face in your book. You wanted to become his friend, too. Until you wanted to be more than that.
And over the months, their duo became a trio as you joined them more and more often, curled up on your brother’s bed as he and Jace played a video game or going out with them for food or random drives.
You laughed together - it was so so easy to laugh with Jace - and you got to know him better when he told you about his big family and how nice it was to retreat into your quieter family’s house sometimes.
You caught yourself watching him more and more when no one was looking, daydreaming about what it’d be like to be close to him, to kiss his pouty lips and be his girlfriend…
But you were a trio now and you two were only connected by your older brother in the end.
But god, how inevitably you had fallen for Jacaerys, how impossible it was to forget about these desires.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃🥛 ࣪ ִֶָ.
It didn't take long until Jacaerys followed you into your dreams. 
When you were sleeping, especially after you had read a couple pages of your favorite romance novels, he came to you, surrounded by smoke and fog. And for only a short lived dream, you could see each other together, doing things you wouldn't dare to think about during the day.
It was maddening and perfect and everything you wanted, but when you woke up, you were alone still.
You stared at the ceiling of your room, sighing deeply. Tucking your favorite stuffed animal, a small wolf with spotted fur, back under your blanket, you slid out of bed, in need of a distraction from fantasizing about kissing your brother's best friend.
You tiptoed down the staircase, silently slipping into the kitchen and feeling around the wall for the lightswitch. 
"Don't get scared, I'm here." A soft voice came from the darkness and as you switched the light on, you spotted Jacaerys sitting at the kitchen table. 
His hair looked disheveled from sleeping and he wore a long shirt and boxers, sheepishly looking at you with his phone in his hands.
Your hand itched to tuck a loose curl behind his ear for him.
“What are you doing awake?” You whispered, shuffling closer and rubbing your eyes with a yawn.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He smiled warmly at you, shrugging.
“I live here and I wanted a midnight snack.” You gave back. You rarely were alone with Jace lately, he and Cregan seemed to have reached a new stage in their friendship where it wouldn’t have surprised you if your older brother took his favorite Velaryon to the bathroom with him. “Is Cregan snoring?”
Jace chuckled quietly. “No. I just wanted to check my phone in case my cousin Rhaena texted me. My brothers are on a little trip with her and I want to make sure they’re okay and not homesick. They seem fine though, she sent me a picture of them eating ice cream earlier.”
Your chest ached funnily at the way he talked so lovingly about his family. But you knew Cregan’s habit as the oldest son all too well, needing to make sure you were okay all the time and you didn’t miss the way Jace smiled sadly at the picture on his phone after showing it to you.
“I bet they have the most amazing time and can’t wait to tell you all about it once they’re back.” You assured him and before you would have thought twice about it, you reached out and squeezed his shoulder. Your touch lingered, just a little moment too long and your eyes met. 
Your breath hitched at his dark eyes on yours, shimmering in the soft kitchen light. You were both barefoot, in your sleeping clothes and your hair was open and uncombed and your heart was way too open for this time of the night.
You heard him exhale softly as you drew your hand back, feeling as if you had burned yourself. But why did you want to throw yourself wholly into his flames then?
“Would you like a chocolate milk?” You offered, the moment between you vanished. “It always helps me get back to sleep again.”
Jace furrowed his brows. “Cregan’s crazy for them too. He told me earlier you’re out of any chocolate milk.”
You grinned knowingly, walking past him and illuminating yourself in the cold light of the open fridge. “Yeah, that’s because he doesn’t suspect me hiding them behind the healthy stuff he avoids.”
Brushing past your yogurts and meal preps for your summer job, you produced two small milk cartons, shaking them victoriously. 
Jace grinned at you and it only made you a little bit weak in the knees. "You're brilliant."
"I'm trying to survive with my vacuum cleaner of a hungry brother." You joked and handed him a carton, the two of you content as you began to sip on the sweet chocolate milk.
Under the soft light of the kitchen lamp, Jace and you forgot about time as you shared whispered stories with each other, your drinks soon becoming empty and replaced by new ones.
His gentle and unhurried words were good at calming down your entire body and soon, you felt your eyes drooping.
"I think we should both go back to bed now." Jace whispered. "I told Cregan we'll go play some basketball tomorrow morning and I want to beat him."
You laughed at the thought of your giant of a brother going up against Jacaerys. "Well, good luck to you."
With a tiny yawn, you stood up and smiled at him once again. "Thank you for the conversation, Jace. Sleep well."
"Goodnight." Jace said softly and for a moment, you lingered in the doorway, imagining if you weren't leaving. Imagining the two of you, him with you in his lap, pulling you closer as you kissed.
But you could dream about these things.
With one last smile, you left him, although your heart ached to stay with him for just a little longer.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🍋.
One afternoon, you were reading by the pool in the backyard. 
You had just come back after your shift at your holiday job, helping out in a little bookshop downtown, and were now ready to relax all day.
On a small table next to your sun lounger stood a carafe of freshly pressed lemonade and the bookish harvest of the day, ready to be devoured by you until the sun went down.
The garden gate by the house rattled and you looked up, your hands nearly forgetting to put a bookmark between the pages as you spotted Jace letting himself in. 
Your mouth went dry at his appearance, dark sunglasses holding back his curls, his white shirt a stark contrast against them. Illuminated by your kitchen lights or the sun itself, it didn't seem to matter for him. 
He was so pretty, it almost made you want to look away, but you couldn't. You never could. And wasn’t this the root of the problem?
You swallowed against the dryness in your throat. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He smiled sheepishly at you before he looked up to Cregan’s window. “Cregan is not home yet?”
You shook your head. “Nope. It’s just me right now. Should I tell him you stopped by?”
He scratched his neck, a little helpless. “Um…if it’s okay, I could stay and wait for him? I like spending time with you, too, if that’s alright.”
You wanted to bury your face in your hands and giggle like stupid. You didn’t. “Yes, of course, no worries. Would you like a lemonade?”
Jace gratefully took the glass from your hands, your knuckles brushing against one another. “Thanks. You can continue reading if you want, just act like I’m not here.”
You thought about the steamy chapter you had just begun reading and considered your options. If you read, it was like every character the narrator was in love with became Jace. In your head, you two had already kissed and made love a thousand times like this. If you continued reading those longing and hot scenes with Jace so close to you, you were afraid you’d actually implode.
You watched him closely as he sat down by the edge of the pool, abandoning his shoes so he could dangle his long legs into the water.
The words in front of you melted together on the page, making it impossible to continue reading when he was so close to you.
Shifting on your sunchair, you allowed yourself to simply look at Jace who tilted back his head, closing his eyes against the sun and appreciating the quietness of the backyard. You wanted to go to him and kiss him on the lips. You wanted to go inside and splash very cold water on your face to stop these thoughts from happening.
“You know, I never see you swimming in here.” Jacaerys looked at you curiously, eyes scrunched together a little from the sun and probably the fact he was not wearing his contacts. 
You shrugged, a little shy out of the sudden. “I used to, when I was younger. But…not anymore.”
“What happened?” Jace looked at you, curious yet a little worried.You tried to shrug it off, only to realize there was no shame in you when you talked to him. He waited for you, patiently so, but somehow you knew he would’ve let it go if you wanted it.
“We were on vacation once, Cregan, Sara and I, with our parents.” You told him and in your mind you could see the three of you playing together in the garden, your brother giving you a piggyback ride as Sara laughed in delight. “I wanted to go swimming in the morning, but no one was awake yet, so I snuck out. I just couldn’t wait to get into the pool. But I underestimated how deep it was and I couldn’t hold myself up well enough then…Cregan had woken up when he heard me leave and found me. I scared everyone, but I was okay, just coughed up some water and was shocked at my own boldness. Ever since, the pool and I are not really on good terms.”
Jacaerys looked at you, eyes filled with consternation and empathy. “I’m sorry you had an experience like this. That must’ve been very scary.”
You looked at him with surprise, but there were no jokes in him, only sympathy. “It was, but it’s okay. I was…six, I think, so it’s long behind me.”
“This whole pool is a waste if you can’t enjoy it.” Jace tried to lighten the mood and as always, his playful tone lured a smile out of you. A certain sparkle danced through his eyes and you knew whatever came next could not be taken seriously: “What would you like to have instead of it? A garden library maybe, for all your books? Maybe I can convince Cregan to cement the pool shut once your parents are gone next weekend.”
You laughed, a warm rush blossoming through you at the mention of your own little library. He knew how much you read and he had no clue you were seeing him in every love interest of your cheesy romance novels… “I bet my parents would love that and totally not…murder us once they’re back.”
As you laughed together, the small weight on your chest lifted itself and the memory from your story faded again, nothing but a distant thought of the past. 
Cregan came home a little later and as he and Jace left to go up into his room, the two of you smiled at each other one last time, as if you were sharing a secret no one knew but you now.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🍿.
It was getting late, but Tuesday was movie night and neither of the three of you wanted to pull out of it first. 
Cregan, Jace and you had pushed the couch table to the side and splayed blankets and pillows all over the carpet earlier.
To our feet was the rest of your movie snacks, but only a half-full bowl of popcorn remained which you passed back and forth from time to time.
When Cregan had suddenly not grabbed the bowl from you anymore, you and Jace had shared a knowing look.
Your brother was snoring softly, his head tilted back and arms entwined in front of his broad chest. He was out cold, completely oblivious to the movie still running quietly on the TV screen.
But you and Jace were still awake.
And out of the sudden you realized that you had never sat so close to each other. Your shoulders were almost touching and somewhen, your legs had ended up underneath his blanket, your fuzzy socks brushing against his calf.
You willed your breathing to remain regular, seemingly impassive as you continued to watch the movie, but you simply could not concentrate, not when Jace’s presence so close to you clouded all your senses like this.
The atmosphere was thick with tension and you wondered if all of this was only happening in your mind. You took a deep breath and reached for the popcorn again.
Tiny lightning struck you as your fingers brushed against Jace’s, neither of you pulling back.
You took all your courage and looked up to him, his burning gaze already resting on you. You swallowed thickly, unable to look away and when you felt his thumb brushing over your knuckles, you were sure you were going mad.
It seemed like Jace couldn’t look away either and a full-body shudder went through him when your leg shifted against his.
“You can sleep.” Jace whispered into the darkness, gulping hard. “I’ll switch the TV off later. I…I’ll watch over you.”
I don’t want to sleep. I want you and I’m afraid of what happens to me if I can’t have you.
But you feared your own words and the impact that they might have, destroying everything Jace and you had become over the last couple of months.
What if dreams were safer than reality, where nothing could hurt or disappoint you?
Your head fell softly against Cregan’s shoulder, sweet oblivion already pulling you under at the outlook of his sweet promise to you. 
As you drifted asleep, you could’ve sworn there was a featherlight brush over your thigh, four little invisible letters forever imprinted into your soft skin
And as he watched your breath evening out, Jacaerys sighed deeply, his head bumping against the cushions of the couch and trying to calm down his pounding heart.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ📖.
The weekend came and Cregan and you watched your parents’ car leave the driveway, your arms slung around each other as you waved at them before they drove out of sight.
Your brother and you were standing together for a moment of silence until you said: “If tonight escalates in any way, I’m telling mom.”
“If you sneak downstairs and drink with the guys, I’m telling dad.”
You snorted, unimpressed. “Please, I’d rather lock myself in my room all weekend long if it means I can avoid your stupid house party.”
Later that day, when it had gotten dark outside and the lawn was plastered with abandoned bikes and a few cars parked nearby, you realized how painfully true you had spoken.
Cregan’s party had been going strong for a while now and you felt like a hermit, hiding upstairs in your room to avoid the chaos that was probably taking place downstairs.
You had curled up by the window with a book, but couldn’t find peace. 
Every minute, someone downstairs was calling for a toast or more shots which was celebrated by everyone. Music was blasting through the speakers and you groaned internally at the way the vibrations could be felt through your carpet.
Cregan could only pull this because the neighbors loved him for helping out here and there sometimes and because he always miraculously managed to clean up the house like nothing wild had ever occured here.
When you heard something shatter downstairs, you had enough.
You closed your book and got up. 
Sure, you had wanted to stay away from all the fuzz Cregan’s friends made, but this was still your house. You were allowed to move around whenever you wanted.
You muttered the words to yourself as you closed your door behind you, stomping down the staircase Cregan had declared taboo for everyone.
No one really took notice of their host’s little sister as you walked down the hallway, past many guests who were lingering by the walls and chatting with each other.
Making your way past the living room, you could see that the couch table had been pushed back for more space to dance, but the kitchen was relatively empty compared to the rest of the house.
There were multiple open pizza cartons on the counter and you grabbed yourself an extra cheesy slice as you looked around, amazed at how none of these people seemed to care who was walking around here. 
All except one.
“I thought you might’ve taken refuge tonight at Baela’s.” Jace said behind you and you turned around with a sigh, smiling at him in playful annoyance.
“I wish I could’ve, but she is not in town as you might know.” You told him, munching on your pizza. “She’s at some bonding activity dinner with her dad.”
Jace hummed knowingly. “I heard. So you had no choice but to suffer the consequences of Cregan’s actions?”
The two of you looked around and you winced when you heard some splashes coming from the backyard, accompanied by some carefree shrieks of delight. Jace bit his lip, a little guilty at your discomfort. 
“I’ll come around tomorrow and help him clean everything up.” He offered as a small comfort, his hand itching to rest on your shoulder like you had done to him. “There won’t be a dirty spot, I promise.”
“I know, Jace.” You sighed. “Thank you, truly. Where is my brother, by the way?”
Jace looked flustered to the ground, before smiling at you without teeth. “I think he went somewhere with a girl.”
“Of course he did.” Another loud crash went down outside and something in you snapped. “Okay, I’m going to go outside for a second, I don’t think some of these assholes realize we have neighbors, hold on-”
Jace looked over his shoulder, telling a group nearby to keep it down a little before he followed you.
For just a moment, you disappeared in the crowd and he had no idea which side you had gone for, trying to stand taller to spot you in the garden.
You quickly found the source to all the noisiness.
Three of Cregan’s guests, all boys you had never seen before in your life, were battling themselves for the biggest jump in the pool, splashing everywhere and soaking the pillows on the sun chairs with water.
“Hey.” You stared them down, blocking one of them from taking another leap in the pool. “Could you stop being an ass and jumping into the pool like a maniac? We have neighbors on each side of our backyard and it’s almost midnight, it’s so rude.”
The guy grinned down at you, looking over his shoulders to his smirking friends. “Did you hear that, guys? I think Cregan’s mom just came home, are you the fun police or what?”
You stared at him, irritated at such rude behavior. “I’m just telling you to calm down a little or I’ll kick you out, how’s that?” You might’ve been only Cregan’s little sister, but growing up with a fiercely protective brother like him, you had learned to stand your ground. And you were not scared of an idiot who looked like he had pissed his pants.
“Aww, I think you need a little fun, don’t you think?” He looked down on you, stepping closer until you felt the need to step back. “How about a little cool-off for you, huh?”
And with those words, he abruptly pushed you into the pool and everything went dark around you.
The people who had watched the heated exchange gasped and Jacaerys perked up as he heard nothing but quietness, quickly pushing his way through the crowd.
He came to a sudden stop at the edge of the pool, his eyes flickering back and forth between the guys standing by the edge and the water’s surface, its softening waves quietening down.
But underneath it, illuminated by the night lamps of the pool, he saw you and his eyes widened.
He did not think, did not even hesitate before he jumped into the water after you.
The surprising cold was like a shock to his system, his wet clothes dragging him down to where you floated, your eyes wide open but unseeing as you watched the bubbles around you.
Suddenly, you were six again and you couldn’t move.
You thought you were dying and no one would know, no one would know what you still had to say.
You wanted to kick and scream, to do something goddammit, but you were paralyzed by the sudden overwhelming scare.
Jace blinked and pushed himself forward, icy fear shooting through his veins when you gave no reaction that you had taken any notice of him. But the fear was quickly joined by the rage, anger over you, the most innocent being in this whole house, having been the one who took the most damage tonight...
Jace and you broke through the surface, the air rushing back into your lungs all at once and making you gasp painfully. Disoriented, you clung to Jace's shirt, looking around wildly as he pulled you close and soothed you.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, it's okay, love." He murmured near your ear and you felt your body slump, not able to hold yourself up yet.
You felt his hands on your waist and then, with one hand around your back and the other supporting the back of your knees, he walked towards the low end of the pool, carrying you out as if you weighed nothing.
You painfully became aware of how quiet it had gotten around you. Everyone in the garden was looking at you, shocked and a little ashamed that a foul joke like that had escalated into something so serious.
Something ugly and hot burned in your throat and you buried your face in Jace's wet neck, holding on to him for dear life and wishing everyone would just disappear.
A helpless whimper escaped you and Jace held you only tighter. "It's okay, I got you. I won't let anything happen to you, we're almost out."
Both of your clothes hung heavily down your bodies as he left the pool with you, throwing one last deathly glance at the guy who messed with you before he made his way towards the house, still mumbling little sweet nothings in your ear as you tried to regulate your breathing to no avail.
You shivered even as you entered the warm house and simply tried to focus yourself on Jace. He efficiently made his way through your home and before you knew it, he was walking up the taboo staircase, going straight to your room.
You quietly sniffled to yourself, letting him carry you a few more steps before he gently set you down on your bed. He looked around, one hand brushing back his wet hair, and found your fluffy bathrobe hanging by the door.
"Can I?" He asked lowly, his heart aching at your slumped form on the bed. This whole incident had deeply shaken you to the core. "You're going to be cold soon if you don't get out of your…wet clothes."
If the situation had been different, you'd match his fierce blush, but it was like every feeling of shame had vanished from your chest and only left you empty. You nodded silently, taking the bathrobe he handed you before he turned around and faced the door.
You quickly slipped out of your clothes and sighed when you were enveloped by the fluffy robe.
"You can look again…" You told him and he turned around with a shaky exhale.
Normally, his job here was done now. He could go, rejoin the party and find Cregan so he'd kick those guys out.
But Jace could not imagine a single place where he was needed more in this moment than right here, with you.
"Should I make you a tea?" He broke the silence, fidgeting with his hands. When one of his younger brothers was hurting, he'd always make it better with a hug, but you were different, you were so much more-
"Can you just hold me for a while?" You pulled the rope tighter around you, your wet hair still clinging to your neck and cheeks. "Please?"
Maybe the leap into the pool had made you silly. It was bold and daring and you had no right to ask him of this, but your heart had spoken deeply from its core and you found that you did not wish to take the words back.
Jace's gaze softened at your plea. "Of course." He mumbled softly and sat down beside you.
A heavy shudder ran through you as his arms pulled you against him and you gladly fell into his side; letting yourself be held like a small child, your hands clinging to the arm wrapped around you.
You couldn't help yourself when your bottom lip started to wobble again and neither of you had to say it, he knew why this had been so scary to you. You felt his chin rest on your hair and his strong arms around you and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be comforted by him.
You had dreamed about being held by him, more than you could ever count, but not like this. It was a bittersweet feeling and when you snuggled yourself closer to him, in need for warmth and him, Jace took a deep breath.
"We should find you a towel." He murmured, his lips ghosting over your temple just like his hand had ghosted over your thigh…
You shivered, but not because you were cold anymore.
"I don't want you to get sick."
You nodded, sitting up with him and looking deep into his eyes. He didn't seem like he was able to get up just yet, the two of you lost in each other.
He had jumped into the cold water for you, not even hesitating a second. Your heart brimmed with love for him, nearly as bad as what it felt like to drown. And god, how you wanted to drown in him…
His dark eyes flickered down to your mouth and only now, you realized how close you still were sitting together, the slip of your bathrobe revealing half of your naked thigh to him.
"Jace…" You whispered and prayed all the prelude of wanting him and not being sure if you were allowed to have him was finally over now. "I-"
The door to your room opened and in came Cregan, panting as if he had run upstairs. 
"Shit, are you okay?" He rushed to you, kneeling in front of the bed and looking you over in concern. "I was told what happened, I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
"It's okay." You mumbled, not wanting to worry him further. You already had scared Cregan badly enough for one time in your lives. "Jace helped me."
If Cregan noticed that he and you were still linking pinkies, he did not say anything about it. "I threw these fuckers out right away. The party is over."
You blinked at him. "What? You were excited about it all week. You don't have to-"
"Almost everyone is gone already." Cregan tried to smile encouragingly at you, but you could still see the worry in his eyes. "How about you'll change into something dry and I make us a snack? Are you sure you’re okay?"
"I'll leave you two." Jace announced quietly and squeezed your hand once more. "I'll go downstairs and make sure everyone is gone."
For just a moment, you did not want to let go of his hand and your fingers brushed midair before he slipped out of your grasp.
As the door closed behind him and Cregan brought you a towel for your hair, you already missed him like a lost limb.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🌸.
Of course, what had to happen, happened; a few days later, you found yourself sick.
Neither you nor Cregan had told your parents how the party had abruptly ended, a secret deal between the two of you so they wouldn't worry too much about you and they didn't have to punish Cregan for it.
So, your days at the end of summer were spent on the couch downstairs, curled up under a blanket and frequently attended by Cregan who brought you snacks and chocolate milk. It sucked and it was boring since you quickly ran out of books, but it was better than the horrible panic that went through you when you had been thrown into the pool.
On day three though, you had a visitor.
You blinked as steps approached your little sickbed, still a bit sleepy from your afternoon nap and the delicious noodle soup that had been made for you. But to your surprise, Cregan only stood at the staircase, smiling fondly at you before disappearing upstairs, making room for Jace who had waited behind him.
Your heart skipped a beat and a thousand thoughts rushed through your head. When had you showered the last time, did you comb your hair this morning, were you-
"Hey." Jace said softly. "I wanted to see if you were feeling better."
"A little." You smiled at him, sitting up and placing your wolf in your lap as he walked towards you. "You didn't have to come though, I don't want you to get sick."
He brushed your worries away and sat down on the carpet in front of your couch. "I brought you some tea. Raspberry was your favorite, right? And then, I thought you might want some new reading material."
You gasped as he conjured up a big bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back. At the first glance, it was only the most beautiful flower bouquet you had ever seen, but then you spotted a book in the middle of the blossoms.
And then another one.
And another one.
"Jace…" You whispered with wide eyes, shaking your head at him in disbelief. "You made me a flower bouquet with books?"
He bit his lip in flusteration, a pretty pink blush appearing on his cheeks. "Yeah...I went to the bookstore you work at and thought about what you might enjoy. I hope you like them, I kept the receipt just in case and-"
"Jace." You interrupted him and now it was your turn to blush as you pressed the bouquet to your chest, the new books in the middle of it already singing your name. "This is the loveliest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, I love it so much. I bet the books you chose are wonderful."
In this moment, it didn't matter to you that you were sick and still a little nasal. The way he smiled up at you, like you were his entire world and his shoulders sagged with relief - your heart screamed at you to finally give in.
Give in to him.
The wrapping paper around your bouquet rustled against your chest as you bent forward and rested a careful hand on Jacaerys' cheek.
He looked up at you with wide puppy eyes, thunderstruck at the tender touch and then you really didn't know anymore who made the first move but it didn't matter, because then-
Your lips touched softly.
It barely was a real kiss, merely the brush of a butterflies' wing against you, but it was all you had longed for for so long.
Neither of you dared to breathe, the moment too soft and fragile to become anything deeper. But you felt him exhale shakingly, his thumb softly holding your chin to keep you close for just a moment longer. It was the softest first kiss you could’ve imagined for yourself.
You leaned back, but only a little, and watched as Jace's eyes blissfully fluttered open, fixing your own wide ones dreamily.
"If I would've known books are the way to your heart, I would've brought you some so much earlier." He confessed breathlessly.
You shook your head, your lips still tingling from this first shy kiss. "You have been in my heart since I first met you."
Jacaerys wanted to melt from the victorious roar his heart let out, a dragon taking flight. "I've been in love with you, too. Ever since Cregan introduced us."
Your hands found their way to each other before you let out a sudden laugh.
"What is it?" He wanted to know.
"I just- I kissed you."
He grinned. "Yeah, you did." And he was in need of a repetition already.
"Jace, you're going to be sick like me." You pointed out guiltily, although it didn't seem too bad to have a companion in your little misery, especially if it was him.
"Oh." He did not look like he had a single care for the consequences of your actions. 
"Are you two done yet down there?!" Cregan called from upstairs and when your eyes met, you broke into laughter and your heart blossomed at Jace's happy giggle.
It knew now that he was yours.
And you were his, just as he had once written on your upper thigh…
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whoskimii · 1 month
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his favorite camgirl ft. toji ! (2)
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after pressing on the send button, toji went back to watching your live. you were so pretty, he just couldn't get his eyes off of you.
the way you seemed so innocent but the fact that you actually weren't, that you were just a nasty little thing deep down stirred something in him and in his sweatpants.
since he was your favorite viewer, he knew that you'd have no problem sending him a cute little video. maybe you'd even lower the price and make a discount just for him ? that's what toji hoped for, at least.
but even if you wouldn't, he'd pay anyway.
after the surprise of you having a favorite follower toned down, people began commenting on you again, like they normally did.
virginbabyy : omgg girl i wish i had your boobs haha x
idontevenexist : you're so pretty ml <3
4meisaito: lash tut?? you're beautiful btwww
toji rolled his eyes, annoyed by the fact that the comment section literally covered half of his screen. but the worst thing was that he couldn't even hide it.
he just wanted to keep his eyes on you, as usual. seems like he'd have to suck it up this time.
"thank you for watching, guys ! i hope you appreciated the little show." you formed a heart with your pretty manicured hands. "see you soon, i love you ! mwah !" you kissed the camera.
black screen.
after two hours, the live ended. his eyes have been blessed, as usual. you always knew what people wanted and you executed orders well. this, coupled with the fact that you were a pretty little thing, drove him to the brink of madness.
he almost forgot the message he sent you but just as he was about to close the app, he received a notification. when he read your username, a lazy smirk decorated his face.
yourlovelycamgirl : ohh hi toj'!! of course i'm up for a vid if you'd like one :3 tell me what you want <33
he scoffed softly, amused by your eagerness. you were cute.
toj1231 : just wear a baggy shirt and thigh highs. and use that pink toy you had last week. kay?
yourlovelycamgirl : sure!! whatever you want ^^ i usually ask for money in return but since you always give me so much during lives i'll do it for free <33
for free ? damn. with enough luck, he was expecting a small discount. but not this.
toj1231 : you're spoiling me sweet thing
yourlovelycamgirl : you're spoiling me too <33
not wrong.
yourlovelycamgirl : i finally got that victoria secret matching set i really wanted!!
toji raised an eyebrow. victoria secret ? he wasn't exactly familiar with the brand but he also knew that the prices weren't low. so being a camgirl actually paid well.
yourlovelycamgirl : it was fun to talk with you, toj'!! i'm gonna make the video you want now brb <3
with a sigh, he turned his phone off. he tipped his head back, his emerald green eyes fluttering shut. he couldn't wait to watch the video.
just the thought of you being in a baggy shirt and thigh highs— augh. it was enough to make him groan. he spread his legs before placing a foot on the small coffee table in front of the couch he was sitting on.
he shifted, lifting his hips up for a second to fix himself and get comfy. he opened one eye and looked down, noticing a bulge in his sweatpants.
a fantasy was enough to make him hard ? not having sex for quite a while wasn't doing toji good.
he rolled his eyes at himself but his large hand still traveled to the waistband of his sweatpants. he slipped a hand underneath the fabric and slowly swirled his finger around the angry tip, which earned a low hiss from the man.
he wanted to jerk off, he really did. but not before watching the little video you were preparing for him. it'd be pathetic, after all.
"fuck it." he shrugged and closed his eyes before tipping his head back. he stroked his cock a few times, enough to get himself even harder. it was almost painful. he freed his length and began pumping his hand up and down lazily, sticking his bottom lip between his teeth.
he pictured you and imagined that it was your soft cunnie around him or at least, your pretty mouth, instead of his own hand. he inhaled sharply as he finally found the right rhythm, his hips bucking into his palm intentionally. he threw his head back and cursed under his breath. "fuuuck..." he breathed.
toji made his hand tighter and squeezed his cock even more. he watched shamelessly, staring as droplets of precum landed on his sweatpants and stained the grey fabric, creating a small dark spot.
without even paying attention to it, his hips began rolling into his hand. "mhm..." he hummed almost approvingly, feeling himself get close as he continued fucking his hand lazily. "c'mon, baby... c'mon." he murmured as if you were there.
fuck, he was so pathetic. he'll definitely cringe at himself afterwards.
"shit... 'm close." he sighed and chewed on his lip. he ran his free hand over his face. "fuck... 'm coming..." he bit on his hand hard as he came, milky sticky fluid staining his pants and his lower stomach.
after he came down from his high, he let out a heavy breath and glanced at his hand, which showed teeth marks.
damn. you surely had him on a leash.
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@yourlovelycamgirl au isn't overrrrr guys :3
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never2tired4u · 9 months
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OBEY ME! Dateables x Reader
One night, out of nowhere, you started to feel an ache all over your little sheep body. It got worse and worse and you were just about to call for help, until your vision got surrendered by smoke! Once you opened your eyes again you… were turned back into your human form!
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Characters: 《°•[ Solomon , Simeon , Diavolo , Barbatos...]•°》
Summary: 《°•[ Sheep MC turns back into human... ]•°》
Warnings: 《°•[ Simeon , Barbatos' part contains suggestive themes...Also Simeon's part contain a spoiler from lesson 76, sorry to anyone who got spoiled 😭]•°》
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“Oh no.”
“What do you mean ‘Oh no’?” you grumbled, crossing your arms as you glared at the shady magician. His face contained a frown, making you confused, “Not happy that I turned back into human?”
“...Are you happy that you turned back into human…?” Now he sounded confused too, “I thought you might be sad considering when you were a sheep no one expected you to walk long distances, cook meals, or clean. And you were always carried by one of the brothers, weren't you?” he sighed, making you realize how much attention he paid to your sheep form. He was right, people let you off the hook more easily when it come to chores. After all, you were small, and had no fingers, but the downside was that you were small and had no fingers.
“Yes, but both forms have their ups and downs… Being a sheep wasn't as fun as you seem to think.”
“Maybe I should turn myself into a sheep?”
“Well, I wouldn't mind being carried by you. I used to love carrying you around, you might like having me in your arms too.” he smiled, you didn't know what to think of his smile though. He doesn't seem to be actually interested in this topic, it was more like he was trying to hide something.
And yes, Solomon actually IS trying to hide something, nothing important, really. Just his jealousy. Like usual.
He noticed how people's eyes lingered on your form more after you turned back into human, and they always had this weird mesmerized look in their eyes whenever you walked by which made him furious. Only he is allowed to look at you that way. So maybe if he became a sheep and made you carry him around he could scare your new suitors? Played little harmless pranks on them?
“Solomon, please.” your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, “You are fine the way you are. And I was…really looking forward to the day we could walk hand in hand.”
Ah. He is sure he had the same mesmerized look on his face he was talking about.
Your warm hand enveloped his as he blindly followed you, not really caring where you are taking him, “I'm sure your sheep form would be very cute though.” you said with a smile which made him chuckle.
“Haha, yes, I think so too.” he looked at you with a faux innocence, “maybe we can both turn into sheeps and run to the horizon hoof in hoof?”
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(*** suggestive)
Simeon was sitting on the sofa in the Cocytus hall and browsing through his phone, more used to the technology now. However the calm atmosphere surrendering him disappeared when a sudden weight on his shoulder made him jump a little. He turned his head to see what it was to only find you resting your head on him.
You hummed, not looking sorry for scaring him at all, “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“Ah.” right, you weren't a cute little sheep anymore. You were in your human form, able to reach places, like his shoulders, “I forgot that you can reach my shoulders now.” he chuckled.
You joined in his laughter then let out a fake angry huff, “You better get used to it.”
Simeon looked at you, unfortunately, he was only able to see a little bit of your face since your hair was in the way. It was a little upsetting that he couldn't see it fully but your hair tickling his jaw made his sadness quickly disappear. He sighed happily as he placed a hand on top of your head, “Then, perhaps you should spend more time with me to help me adjust quickly.”
“...So~ does that mean you prefer human me?” you said with a smirk as you looked up at him.
“Hmm…I have to say, as a sheep you were very cute.” he mumbled innocently, but the teasing smile on his face said otherwise. However, it quickly became wobbly as soon as he saw your frown, “Of course, you are cute like this too.” he quickly added.
“I see…Not ‘very’ cute though, huh.”
He tried to meet your gaze as you stared at the floor, seemingly in deep thought. He hoped he didn't make you angry. Simeon opened his mouth to apologize only to find himself suddenly lying on his back. A shocked expression appeared on his face, and his cheeks warmed up as soon as your face came into view.
You got on top of him, body creating a shadow over him. How fitting, considering you do really bring dark thoughts in his mind.
“Shall I give you different reasons to love this body, Simeon?” you said, voice calm maybe a little playful, it was nothing to be afraid of but for Simeon you were really intimidating at this moment. Even if he wasn't an angel anymore he still felt like he was about to get corrupted by you -again-. Which seems to make him embarrassingly more excited.
“Yes… Please do.” he could only whisper, not really thinking straight. He shut his eyes and waited for you to do whatever you please with him.
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Once you turned human the very first thing Diavolo did was laugh happily and offer you lots of, I mean, LOT OF clothes. Rambling to himself and not hearing your protests as he went around the shops to get even more, “Maybe this dress? Oh! This suit is made with such fine fabric too! And these shoes would go nicely with them! What do you think of these accessories- actually. We'll just take them all, please put it in the basket!” he chuckled.
“Diavolo, where would I even wear those?” you let out a tired sigh as you walked behind him, starting to miss your sheep form with how much walking you had to do. If you were a sheep, you could've just made him carry you in his arms…Now that you think about it, it's been a while since he… showed his affection physically. He was acting more like a sugar daddy instead. It's been so long since he hugged you that you were actually starting to miss his crushing hugs.
“Can you try these for me?” he turned around to give you the bags, inside of it was probably the clothes he was talking about, “I promise these are the last ones.” he said, sounding apologetic, probably noticing how tired you seemed. You just nodded and went into the cabin. Once you were done, you stepped out. Only to be greeted by Diavolo's sparkling eyes and huge smile, “Just as I thought, it looks great on you!”
You were kind of getting nervous at this point, he was really starting to act like...a stranger, “Uhm, you think so?”
“Yes, it can stay on you if you want. Let me just go and pay-”
“Diavolo, why are you trying to dress me up?” you decided to finally question him, at first it was a nice way to spend time with him, no matter how tired shopping was actually getting, but now…
“Do you think…I look ugly? Is that why you are dressing me up in expensive clothes…?”
“What?!” you have never seen Diavolo look this horrified, “Of course not- I- No, that's… Did I seem like that?” he sighed, “Love…I apologize deeply. I was just really excited. After seeing your human form I just couldn't help but imagine how you would look like in different clothes, but there are just objects to make your beauty shine more, nothing else.” his warm hands grabbed yours, giving them a little squeezed as he gazed into your eyes.
You were starting to feel a little bit okay, but still wanted to tease him as a punishment. So you crossed your arms and huffed, “And you've been acting a lot distant too! Everytime I try to hug you you are running off to somewhere, very rude!"
He chuckled when he noticed how you were playfully scolding him, “Oh dear. I didn't even notice. Looks like seeing you like this, really did make me…” he suddenly stopped, eyes locked into yours as his cheeks slowly darkened. Diavolo turns his head, “As I was saying…” he mumbled, voice shaky, “I'll be sure to act more carefully.”
“That isn't what I want…” you sighed, frowning. Seems like the future king is still unable to understand your requests, “I don't want you to act more carefully, I want you to act like my lover.”
“Now, give me a hug?”
“Of course!”
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(*** suggestive)
Barbatos is someone who prefers to stand back and observe people, hence why you didn't see him much after you turned. Only after everyone had their moment and talk with you did he come to you, and even then it still a very short interaction. He smiled and said, “I'm happy for you.” with his usual charming smile on his face when… talking to people. However, you were hoping for more from him. Especially with something like your outer appearance. You wanted to see him become surprised with your appearance or something, like those cheesy cliché scenes in romance movies.
“Reality can be really disappointing…” you mumbled as you watched Barbatos cook dinner.
“Hm? Where is this coming from? You sounded a lot like Leviathan just now.” he didn't turn around, continuing to stir the pot.
“Barbatos, do you ever get surprised or embarrassed?” you asked without thinking, but guessed it would be fine since he won't understand what you are talking about anyway. Just a random question. Yeah. Nothing weird about that.
“I do, of course.” he put away the spoon, finally turning to you, “I do get…Surprised. From lot of things.”
“Really? That's hard to believe…” you muttered to yourself, “Like what?”
“You.” he smiled.
“Me??” you almost fell from your chair, maybe your appearance really did affect him but he was good at hiding? “Uhm… Why?”
Barbatos tipped his head to the side as he closed his eyes and smirked, “Just the way you act. Your personality. And how you overcome difficulties.” the way he said it seemed so…polite and kind. Which made you weirdly annoyed since you already heard something like this from him. However, you shouldn't get frustrated at him for that...
“I…” you tried not to sigh, “Appreciate it.”
“And how you are seeking my compliments is also very surprising.”
“I- wait, what??”
He chuckled, appearing in front of you in a blink of an eye. Giving you no time to gather yourself, “The brothers, the angels, other demons, and even the Demon Lord... They all complimented you but here you are sulking because I didn't say anything about your human form?” he leaned in closer, taking his gloves off and placing his hands on your cheeks. His sudden warm touch on your cheeks surprising you as he held your face. Without his gloves it was strangely very… Intimate.
The feeling of one of them sliding from your cheek, to your jaw and slowly to your hand to bring it to his lips is even more exciting, “I can't say I dislike it.” he whispers, his breath tickles your skin which causes your whole body to shiver as his piercing eyes look into yours, “If you are curious about what I think maybe I can tell you, or maybe you would like me to show you? Which one would you prefer?”
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koolades-world · 4 months
Hii!! I was wondering if I could get headcanons for an mc that was really attached to the brothers? Like they’re often around them and don’t really give a reason why. It’s only later that they tell the brothers that they’re less frightened when with them. I can only imagine how absolutely terrifying the devildom must be to first timers. Sorry if this was too wordy lol.
hello there :) of course. no worries, not too wordy!!
enjoy <3
Mc who's attached to the brothers
he finds it a little odd that you picked him of all people
hope you're ready to be put to work! of course nothing too serious but you'll for sure be helping carry around papers and stuff like that
in a way, you remind him of his brothers, the loving, cute side of them, not the little gremlin side haha
however when you tell him it's because you are just more comfortable around him, he gives you a gentle smile and hug. you find after this he's sweeter in subtle ways <3
of course you want to follow the great mammon around! who wouldn't?
he's a little insecure at first, like you might be reporting back to lucifer with what you see and hear, but you reassure him there's no real reason
he really enjoys getting to spend so much time with you and is glad you're willing to be his friend
he has no clue how to react upon learning the real reason behind why you're always with him, so at first he reacts as he usually would, but once he processes it, he sheepishly will tell you thank you for entrusting him with such an honor
why would you want to spend so much time with a yucky otaku like him?
as you grow closer, he really begins to enjoy your presence and having a buddy to always chat with about the things he's interested in and won't leave him mid-conversation
you help him grow more optimistic and confident in himself
he initially questions why you'd pick him of all demons to feel most comfortable around, but once he realizes it's because of the bond you formed, he's still shy but is ready to accept this fact. anywhere you go, he'll follow
he doesn't stop you but he always wonders why you've selected him, the avatar of wrath, to act as your devildom buddy?
at first, he juts chalks it up to wanting to hide behind his rage and get help with rad work, but soon you start to form a closer bond
it's then when you confess that you just feel safer and more comfortable around him. part of his hunch was correct, but what you described was on a much closer, more personal reason
now, he always waits for you and helps you out where he can because now he knows you like him for him, not what others see him as. others say he really softened up after that day
his bed is always open if you want to crawl in with him and will gladly be your beautiful knight in shining armor haha
he's used to having fans, but you're much more than that to him
he really doesn't mind and finds it nice to always have someone around
when you tell him the real reason why, he's going to squeal so loud the demon lord hears and hug you incredibly tightly. maybe he's tearing up a little, but you're literally inseparable now. after that beautiful emotional display you're joined at the hip
he really quite likes that you like to be around him. early on, it's actually quite a comfort because belphie wasn't around and he was quick to reciprocate the closeness
the two of you always seek each other out, and you quickly fall into a routine
soon, you tell him he makes the devildom more welcoming and make you feel more at home, and he's over the moon
even more so than before, he really looks out for you and treats you as a member of the family even if the others haven't gotten to that level yet. to him, you belong at the hol and in the devildom, with him
every time he woke up from a nap, he'd find you next to him. he thought it was a little odd but he wasn't going to stop you
he honestly thought you'd never want to see him again, but you always seem to be by his side
odd was the only word he could find to describe you and the bon you'd formed. he never pressed you for why since he didn't feel like he deserved to know
he's overjoyed that he's your safe place. he never thought you'd seek comfort in him, but he's ready to welcome you with open arms. he's ready to join you on every step of your journey where ever you go, and he'll keep you safe since he feels as if he failed you before
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Hiii 🫶🏼 I hope you're still up for doing an Elijah request! 🤗 I can't get this man out of my head haha
Soo it would be an idea where they met somewhere in Mystic Falls and immediately felt some bond between them, so it happens that they start falling in love (she's human but knows about vampires) but she's too afraid to get hurt so she also tries not to get too close to Elijah. One night he sees some stranger following her home from the Grill and even starts attacking her, Elijah is immediately there saving her and taking her home with him to treat her wounds (mostly some scratches) and he's just super worried. There she realizes that Elijah would never be the one hurting her and they finally share their feelings with a lot of kissing and cuddles afterwards and he holds her, telling how much she means to him.
Oh I hope this is not too weird at all 🙈❤️
Description: Upon meeting Elijah Mikaelson, the feelings start to come but in fear of being hurt, the reader decides to keep her walls up to protect herself. This changes after Elijah protects her after being attacked.
Warnings: fluff, small angst, physical assault (mild), she/her pronouns, maybe swearing?
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thanks so much for making this request! I can never get sick of Elijah, this man is always on my mind and please feel free to request again if you wish :) I really enjoyed writing this, thank you again :D
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 2,125
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First Person's POV
Tonight at the Grill was a ‘live acoustics’ night, some of the performers were good and others were quite frankly not that great. Bonnie, Elena and Caroline were off on the next big adventure for the vampiric save-the-day business and while I knew about all the vampires, witches, werewolves and all that extra fun stuff. Besides Matt, I was the only human in the group and somehow I was pushed aside to be kept ‘safe; despite Matt always being dragged into the whirlpool of drama even if he didn’t want to be. 
“The music is wonderful for the atmosphere tonight, don’t you agree?” That voice would haunt my dreams, haunt my every thought, I couldn’t fathom how gentle and warm a voice could sound. I glanced to the side, shooting a polite smile to the impeccably dressed man and nodded in agreement. 
“I do agree, I feel like I’m in like a cute little romance story, the warm lighting and the music-“ I cut myself short, realising I was babbling to a random stranger who more than likely did not care for my ideas and thoughts. 
“I can see how you would see that.” Oh, gosh- those eyes! That smile! This man would haunt me forever, picture perfect and everything I would want in a man. I continued to share a polite smile with the man, fiddling with the straw in my chocolate milkshake and turned myself slightly to face the man a little better. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you…?” Realising that he was waiting for my name, I placed my drink down and took his hand. 
“Y/N L/N” He softly cupped my hand, shaking it and proceeded to share his name.
“Elijah Mikaelson.” I wish I could’ve hidden my reaction better, my eyes went wide, and my smile flattened for a moment before I quickly made sure to continue to be nice and polite. Elijah carefully rested my head on the bar, took a small sip of whatever his drink was and gazed at me with a quizzical look. 
“You know who I am…” His tone was neither harsh nor hurt, Elijah seemed to have suspected my knowledge of his name and he even seemed curious by the idea of my knowledge. 
“I know of your brother Niklaus… Elena told me about you, I think she might have exaggerated a bit. You don’t seem like the antagonist she kinda painted you out to be. From what I’ve heard, you’re the nicer brother… the noble one and I'm sure first glances can be deceiving but… I don’t know- you don’t seem like a bad man.”  He briefly licked his lips, eyes shooting up to the ceiling and seemed to be contemplating his next moves. 
“I suppose you know-“ 
“That you’re a…” I leaned closer to whisper so people passing by wouldn’t hear. 
“An Original.” 
“You don’t seem to be phased.”
“Team doppelgänger has built up my immunity to supernatural beings.” I let out a weak chuckle, cringing internally and turned my focus back on my drink. I wanted to keep speaking with him, I really did want to keep speaking with him but I knew the world that I happened to live in and I didn’t fancy the idea of being bait or hurt as collateral damage. 
“It was really nice to meet you Elijah but I have to go.” He nodded, that handsome smile appearing once more, his actions made me gush and brought butterflies into my belly as he grabbed my jacket and assisted in placing it back on. 
“I hope that you have a good evening, Y/N” 
“Same to you Elijah.” He seemed to have a thought pop into his head, I stopped in my tracks, allowing for him to have the benefit of the doubt and give him the chance to speak his mind. 
“May I have the pleasure of seeing you again?” 
“Maybe… There’s always tomorrow.” I knew I had given myself away, I could feel my heart skip a beat, I’m sure he could hear it, his facial expression didn’t change but I could feel that he knew what I was feeling. 
“Have a good evening,” I whispered, brushing past him to carry on my way. 
I had seen Elijah a couple of times since our first meeting, we had small conversations and I tried my best to conceal my heart, I didn't want to get close to this man despite enjoying his presence, his voice and the true appearance of his gentlemanly ways made me fall into a daydream greater than any story or dream I could ever have or read. 
The next time I saw Elijah was three months after our first meeting, as I said we had multiple different meetings and they were all the greatest moments of my life despite how much I tried to protect my fragile heart. I had left my home for the park, I wanted to read outside of my home and get some fresh air away from the stuffiness of my bedroom. I rested the picnic blanket underneath a large tree, I read three chapters of my book before I felt a presence looming nearby, I placed the book to the side and stood up, surveying the area for a figure and jumped in my skin seeing Elijah approaching me. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, may I join you?" I nodded, smiling at the man, watching as he unbuttoned his shirt and sat down with me on the picnic blanket. He gently picked my book up, staring at the cover with intrigue, I observed him with butterflies growing in my stomach, a blush wanting to form on my cheeks as I continued to drown in what was possibly a huge crush for the Original Vampire. 
"Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi... I'm not sure I've heard of this one before." 
"I doubt you would've, I don't exactly picture you reading a book like this?" He smiled, tilting his head slightly, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth and he handed me back the book. 
"Why is that?" 
"Well... I don't know, I picture you reading older books nothing from the late 20th century to the early 21st century." Elijah briefly nodded in agreement, I smiled proudly at my guess and fiddled with the tassels hanging off of my bookmark. The vampire took off his suit jacket and began rolling up the sleeves of his button-up, I bit the inside of my cheek, begging myself to remain calm and avoid giving away any kind of emotions being revealed. 
"Enlighten me, will you though, please? What's it about?" I cleared my throat, leaning closer to him with joy forming, giddy that he was showing interest in something that I liked and enjoyed. 
"It's the third book in the series, I've read it before, and this one is one of my favourites. Essentially the series is all about control some people have these powers and the leaders are trying to control these people. The relationship of the main characters is what I happen to enjoy the most about it, I love how Tahereh created their bond from..." 
"Why did you stop?" Elijah gently questioned, his face furrowing in concern, I wanted to cringe but I forced the words out before I could let that show. Taking a deep breath, I turned my gaze back to him, scrunching my face up briefly and proceeded to explain to Elijah what was going through my head. 
"Whenever I ramble on to the Salvatores and all that, it's clear that they don't care and I'm not wanting to force that onto you. I'm sorry." Elijah tutted, shaking his head and holding out his hand for me to take. Hesitating for a moment, I finally rested my hand in his, holding my breath for a moment and kept my eyes focused on him as he rested his other hand on top of mine. 
"You do that too often, Y/N, I can see you trying to protect your heart and you have a wide range of information waiting to come out and you shut yourself down because you expect everyone else to do that. I hope you find someone... someone who makes you realise you don't need to do that." 
"Could possibly end up being you, Elijah," I whispered.
When someone unknown came into Mystic Falls, it was always a concerning event, the vampires were always the most suspicious of strangers and most of the time they were typically right for not trusting the stranger. It was late when I left the grill tonight, Elijah was growing on my mind more and more, and I would be hit with a wave of memories at random moments. 
"Up ahead, there's an alley to your right, walk down it. Try anything-" 
"Okay... I understand." I whispered, complying as I walked a little quicker and turned down the alleyway. I cried out as I was instantly shoved against the wall, my head ached and the world spun around me, I bit back a sob as I hit the ground and hissed as the gravel bit into my skin. I kicked off my heels, not fancying a broken ankle and lept to my feet running towards the street but missed as the man tackled me to the ground and which resulted in blood slightly trickling down my forehead and more cuts forming against my skin. 
It felt like something out of a vampire movie, I heard a whoosh and then a light thud. Elijah appeared, holding the man against the wall effortlessly with one hand and easily compelled the man to walk off and not commit any sort of crime again. I let out a few sobs as the pain sunk in and the adrenaline started to fade away.
Elijah swooped me into his arms, effortlessly taking me to his mansion and rested me down on his obnoxiously large bed. He crouched down, gently cupping my face in his hands, observing my facial features and swiftly disappeared somewhere before running back. 
"Are you okay?" He questioned, focusing on grabbing the things from the first-aid kit to treat my wounds. 
"I'm okay..." I whispered, hissing as he wiped an alcohol wipe across the graze on my palm and watched as he apologised profusely for inflicting any added pain onto me. Elijah was so attentive to my needs, he cleaned the blood and dirt away from my cuts and grazes. Covering them with bandaids, doing what he could to assist in caring for me. It was as he was lingering for a moment, observing my form that I realised that Elijah Mikaelson would never hurt me. He would never cause any harm to me, Elijah Mikaelson would protect me and I knew that I wouldn't need to worry any longer. 
"You wouldn't hurt me..." I whispered, staring at the vampire as he grasped my face and held eye contact with me. 
"Y/N L/N I would never dream of hurting you, you... you're perfect... Y/N you are the epitome of perfect, I haven't met someone as intelligent, kind, sweet, and funny in a long time. Y/N I love you and I hope that you'll allow-" I pushed myself closer to him, carefully cupping his face to kiss the man who had possessed my dreams too often. 
"Elijah, please, never let me go, I can't keep guarding myself-" 
"Shhh, I've got you." He kissed my forehead, pulling me into his arms and pushing himself to lay against the headboard of his bed. I inhaled, holding onto the warm and mesmerising smell of his cologne, I curled into his chest and hummed gently as he rested another kiss on my forehead. 
I felt protected, Elijah was my guardian angel, and he made me feel warm and gooey. Made me giddy and the butterflies a constant swarm in my belly, I fiddled with his hands, staring at the family ring that rested on his finger and glanced to him as he pulled my face to meet his. I hummed as he rested a kiss against my lips, sucking in another deep breath and curling in closer as he strokes my hair, his touch comforting and loving. 
"Can I stay here? Just in your arms? Where I'm safe and with you, you Elijah who looks after me and takes the time to listen and know me?" Elijah's smile made the butterflies come to life, my cheeks flushed red and his simple words reassured me for an infinity of time. 
"Always and forever." 
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hotgirlssupportlando · 7 months
one day x lando norris
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader summary of series: a series following one day of every summer from 2016 onwards in y/n’s and landos lives, exploring their friendship and love for one another. of course some angst and fights along the way in this rollercoaster of emotions. a friends to lovers, growing up together kind of thing. summary of this part: the start of y/n and landos friendship/crush. y/n is bored at the eurocup where a stranger (lando) is suggesting a betting game to make her interested in the sport (and him). wc: 1,2k notes: im too obsessed with one day atm so just had to write a story inspired by it!! it’s very modified tho, and i haven’t decided yet if it will have the same ending, don’t know if i can handle that haha! also pls ignore the charles pic, couldn't find a better atm. hmu if you have any requests for any of the years x part two here
summer of 2016
Red Bull Ring, Austria
”please y/n, you’re 16 years old, can’t you go elsewhere and entertain yourself, you’re getting a bit annoying now” y/n’s dad told her whilst he was trying to fix the broken car.
”ugh, sure i’ll go for a walk then” y/n sighed and went to go for a walk around the paddock hoping to see something more interesting than broken cars. her friends were jealous that y/n could tag along her father around europe all summer watching the eurocup formula renault 2.0, but she wasn’t very impressed. despite having a father working as a mechanic and utterly interested in motorsport she hadn’t inherited any interested in the sport what so ever. but at least she could escape england and the rain for some time so it felt like a win although she sometimes felt like dying from boredom. 
y/n walked around the paddock and decided to facetime her friend y/f/n.
”please come and save me, austria is so fucking boring and where the hell are all the cute guys i was waiting for??” y/n proclaimed. 
”omg y/n stop it, you’re always nagging about everything, you should be happy!! nothing happens here either so might as well be in another country doing the same” y/f/n said as y/n entered a tent where they served drinks and snacks. while she was ordering she noticed a curly haired boy shaking his head whilst smiling her way but she just continued her conversation with y/f/n. after enough discussion about the lack of interest y/n had for the sport and talking about y/f/n new crush y/n ended the call, sat down and opened her pepsi in front of her. it took about five milliseconds before the curly haired boy reappeared, this time in the seat in front of her. 
”hi” the boy squealed. 
”…hi?” y/n said questioning what he wanted, she weren’t exactly in the bestest of moods so to say. 
”i heard you hated the eurocup and that you think every guy is ugly here, so here i am to prove you otherwise” he said grinning. y/n chuckled at the way the boy seemed to have no time to waste in proving her wrong. 
”and how are you supposed to do that? do you have a masterplan?” y/n asked looking amused.
”glad you asked! well first of all here i am so now you’ve at least seen one cute boy around the paddock so there’s one problem solved an-” the boy was interrupted with y/n’s laugh. she couldn’t help herself from laughing but tried to gesticulate with her hand that he could continue. 
with a smile he proceeded to tell the girl about a betting game that could make her interested in watching the races. y/n was immediately down for the idea because honestly she could’ve done anything at this moment to have some fun. they had to come up with one condition each for the bet and agreed on saying them at the same time so no-one could back out. the curly haired boy betted that he would stand on the podium on today’s race and y/n betted that he wouldn’t, easy as that. now to the conditions. the boy apparently had his condition already planned out so y/n panicked trying to come up with one quickly too. she looked around her and went with the first random idea she got. 
”okay so we’ll say them on three?” y/n asked getting a nod for an answer.
”one.. two.. three” 
”you’ll buy me-” y/n started before getting interrupted.
”you’ll give me a kiss” the boy said with a cheeky smile. 
”…a pepsi. WHOA! you’re wasting no time mister” y/n laughed out after finding out the big differences in the conditions given. she was followed by a laughter from the boy too who was unsurprisingly very pleased with the bet. y/n wasn’t disappointed either, the boy was indeed quite cute for being a driver but she couldn’t let him know that. imagine the hubris he would get then, in comparison what he already had. 
the pair shook hands and locked in the bet. they decided to meet up after the race either at the podium or at his team, depending on how the race went. y/n was excited and almost felt a little butterfly in her stomach getting loose. 
”see you later then…” the boy hesitated realizing he hadn’t asked her name.
”y/n l/n, and yours was?” she asked.
”lando norris, but there’s no need to remember that, you will see the name on the top of the podium later” he chuckled walking away to his team. 
y/n could only smile and shake her head while walking away too. 
”and lando norris takes his fourth victory in this seasons eurocup!!” the presenter shouts excitingly. 
y/n was smiling so big her dad had to check up on her, how she immediately had watched a whole race after watching exactly zero of them up until now this summer. y/n had no time to explain to him what was going on and started to run along the paddock until she reached the podium. she was so excited and nervous that she was about to burst, it was hard to believe that she was developing some kind of a crush to this random driver. 
because she had little to none sense of direction the celebration at the podium was already done and dusted when she reached it. a bit disappointed and confused she looked around to see if she could see lando somewhere. there was surprisingly many people running around here.
”looking for someone?” a familiar voice said and y/n turned around. there he was, a happy lando holding a trophy in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. she smiled and congratulated him partly for the victory and partly because he somehow got her interest in the sport for once. 
”i know it’s not nearly as good as a pepsi but you can have my flowers as a consolation prize” he said handing them to her. she took the flowers and admired them with a smile feeling her butterflies about to let loose. she collected some courage and looked up at his eyes before quickly looking at his lips and crashing onto them. the kiss took lando a bit with surprise but he was quick to answer it. with the hand not holding the trophy lando gently grabbed the back of y/n’s head, slowly deepening the kiss. the butterflies were officially out and about in y/n’s stomach. she tried so hard to hide the excitement but at the end she couldn’t resist smiling and therefore accidentally ending the kiss. slowly they pulled away from each other, leaving them both with blushing smiles on their lips. they looked at each other in silence for a moment before abruptly getting interrupted.
”lando! we’re taking pictures! come here now!” a member of his team shouted.
”well i guess i have to go then.. hope i’ll see you around” lando shyly told the girl.
”i hope so too” y/n stated not knowing the rollercoaster of joys and troubles they’d share in the future as friends and lovers. 
notes: feel free to give feedback and requests for future parts! x
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dumpywrites · 2 months
So What if We - Kim Namjoon / RM
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Prompt: “This wouldn’t change our friendship, right?”
Prompt request: HERE
Genre/tags: Slight angst, friends to lovers, minor mentions of smut
Pairing: Namjoon x she/her reader
a/n: I've been into friends to lovers trope lately and keep prioritizing the stories w/ this theme. I'm not neglecting the other requests I swear! haha this also turns out more sweet rather than angsty, it seems like I'm quite a bad angst writer T_T
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“This wouldn’t change our friendship, right?”
That was what the guy said to you, the morning after waking up next to you in your very own bed. His eyes were a bit droopy but he had a smile smeared on his lips. His two layers of top were tossed somewhere on the bedroom floor, messily, and his jeans were hanging loosely on the edge of the bed. You thanked the heavens that he somehow had his boxers on with him.
Both of you were drunk the night before. You knew it was a bad idea to bring alcohol to the mix when you vent to your best friend. Nevertheless, you did it anyway and the damage had been done.
Being friends with Namjoon came because of the convenient at first. While it was true that both of you came from the same circle of friends, you were never that close at the beginning. After switching job and finding out his apartment was actually near your new workplace, he would often ask you to eat dinner together after work, knowing your tendencies to forget and skip meals after work.
And that was how you grew closer. Noticing how cute his dimples were and how caring he was towards you came naturally after that. He was a gentleman. The small things he did when you were with your friends suddenly felt a little more special. Before, you would never bat an eye when he helped you on the most basic things, like pulling Taehyung’s dinner chair, just because of how heavy they were. He would always do that before, but lately, your heart did a little flip when he did the gesture. 
It started to worry you as day by day you began to see him romantically rather than how you’d view the rest of your friends. Safe to say getting pissed drunk with just the two of you comprehensibly was a bad idea. 
It started when both of you were on your fifth can of sparkling rum, the tv was playing baby shark, you could not care less of what was playing at that point, alongside the scattered conversation cards on the floor. 
You could barely read the question card in your hand, but Namjoon was quick to read his. 
“Why did you break up with your most recent ex?”
You frowned. “That’s not fair, how come your last question was about what do you miss in your childhood but I got this?!”
“Just answer it!” He laughed. 
“I don’t know. It’s been a year I don’t even wanna remember.” You shrugged.
“It’s been that long?” 
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “Can’t believe it’s been a year since last time I got laid.” 
He looked at you with widened eyes due to the unbelievable sentence that just came out from your mouth. The alcohol truly was making you lose your filter. 
“You haven’t got laid in a year???” 
“Stop, don’t say it like that!” You whined. “So what if I don’t do casual hookups?”
“True but…” He squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look at you. “I just can’t believe it cause you’re hot.”
You eyed him questioningly, squinting in a cartoonish behavior. 
“I have eyes.”
“So do I, duh.” 
“Just take a compliment, please.” He rolled his eyes.
Both of you were sitting on the sofa with shoulders touching each other. Your head was getting heavy and his voice started to sound like honey, buttering your ears, making your mind dizzy. Furthermore, you did not know since when did he has his hand over your left thigh, just sitting there doing nothing. 
“Don’t you get horny sometimes?” He asked again, followed by a light grin. 
“Obviously.” You laughed bitterly. “Why? You’re offering help or something?” 
It was a bold thing to say, but before you knew it, somehow you were manhandled into his lap and your lips met in a rough and hungry kiss. Honestly you did not know how many minutes passed of both you just tongue dancing with each other. He broke the kiss only to ask you a question. 
“Do you mind if I touch your boobs?”
You almost laughed, but quickly nodded anyway. The rest was history, which brought you to the first problem. Your best friend waking up almost fully naked next to you, asking you a question that sounded so vile in your ears. 
“This wouldn’t change our friendship, right?”
“Yeah… I guess so.” 
“I don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable or anything—“
“No! I swear I’m not…” You quickly interrupted. 
“I did wear…”
“You did.” You chuckled. “It was a good thing I had some in my bedside.” 
“Okay.” He laughed nervously. “You sure you’re alright, though?”
“I mean… shit happens, I guess?” 
“I guess you’re right.” 
You were in fact a big fat liar. Things quickly went downhill right after. If it wasn’t that obvious to you then, it was now. You had feelings for Namjoon and it was even harder when he would still ask you to eat dinner with him after work. He acted like nothing had ever happened between you, and so did you. You endured and buried whatever feelings you had, for the sake of not wanting to lose him. 
Watching him acting normally when your friends were around while here you were, trying your best not to break your character. 
“Jin!” You exclaimed, hugging the guy. 
“Come on, everyone’s drinking already!”
Of course you were late, you were considering the option of not even showing up at all. It was getting harder trying to compose yourself while Namjoon was right there with all of your friends. 
“Why is Yoongi dancing?” You looked at the chaos in front of you. 
“I told you, they’re already drinking.” Jin laughed. “Here, take this.” The guy handed you a cup. 
You cringed upon bringing the cup closer to your nose. “Is this Jungkook’s whiskey cola?! That guy mixes like one percent of cola to his whiskey. I’m not drinking this.”
“You could always spend the night.” The older guy replied as he shrugged at you with a grin on his handsome face. 
“I’m not sleeping on your couch.” You laughed, bringing the untouched cup with you anyway. 
“You’re here!”
You gulped. Of course he had to greet you all excited. You wanted so badly to wipe that stupid smile off his face, but you couldn’t. You had to put on this whole best friend act. Just a little longer.
He looked casual and boyish. The plain army green oversized tee matched with his cream colored bermuda shorts. Ever since he decided to bleach his hair you couldn’t manage more than three seconds looking at his face. It was just a silly thing he did when he was bored, but boy oh boy did he look hot.
Managing a smile, you hoped he didn’t notice the few seconds of silence you took. 
“Come here!!!” Yoongi shouted at you with a silly smile on his face. Man was clearly drunk out of his mind. 
“Who’s responsible for this?” You felt bad but couldn’t help but to laugh slightly at the sight. 
“Let him be, dude’s heartbroken.” Taehyung bit his inner cheek as he told you. 
“Poor Yoongi.” You cooed. 
“Joon though, on the other hand…” Taehyung continued, whispering to your side. “My guy looks like he’s in love.”
Your body jumped internally. “He is?”
“You don’t know? I thought you guys hangout together a lot lately.”
“Well, yeah but… he’s never really mentioned anything in that topic actually.” 
“Weird.” Taehyung hummed. “Cause he’s totally acting like he’s in love with someone right now.” 
“He acts the same.” You replied. Secretly you prayed that your friend would not notice the annoyed tone in your voice. 
“He’s been writing love songs, are you kidding me?!” The guy next to you laughed. 
“So? Love songs sell.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Bro, I saw this part of the lyrics where he talk about a girl riding him! It’s insane!” Taehyung beamed. 
A flush of heat came through you and you cleared your throat, regaining your composure. “That’s none of my business.” 
“Ah, I get it now. You’re jealous.” The lad smirked and nodded his head at you. 
“Now what kind of conspiracy theory is this?!” You tried to laugh it off. 
“I mean, yeah he doesn’t normally go for girls that look like you.”
“That’s offensive.” 
“No, I mean in a good way. He dates the most boring and basic looking pretty girls.”
“I was feeling great until you drop the word “pretty” at the end.” You eyed the guy. 
“He doesn’t join our online gaming nights anymore.” 
“Since he started hanging out with you.”
The statement made you stop. Taehyung’s words had you contemplating. Some nights you would give Namjoon a call when you were just simply tired, wanting to hear the comfort of his voice. Listening to his random rambles and yaps were enough to ease the burnt out from work. Could it be? Was talking to you important enough to make him skip gaming with his friends? You hoped it wasn’t just a silly thought. 
“Hello?” Taehyung waved at you. “Back from delulu world, yet?”
“Shut up.”
“Suit yourself.” Taehyung snickered before leaving you to join the others doing karaoke session. 
You could only shook your head in amusement. After being friends with them for years, the sight of the guys being goofy was definitely not something new to you. Spotting the empty dining table, you chose to sit on the chair, watching them from afar. 
That was until a certain someone approached you. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Speak of the devil. 
You forced a grin. “You know Taehyung and his silly rambles.” 
“You’re not gonna join us?” 
“Nah, I don’t feel like drinking today.” Funnily, the cup of drink was still in your hand. You swirled the liquid and stared at it. 
“What’s bothering you?” He asked while taking the empty chair next to you. 
“Just don’t wanna drink today, that’s all?” 
“Wanna go get some fresh air?” He looked at you with a sly smile. 
“We can???” You looked at him with wide eyes. “Where?”
“Jin’s bedroom balcony. We just have to be very quiet though so they don’t notice us going upstairs.” He chuckled. 
“You’re crazy. This is some type of shit that will get slippers thrown at us!” 
“He’s already on his new cup.” Namjoon said, bringing your attention to the older guy taking a fill of his drink. “He won’t notice.”
The smile on his face was making it hard for you to refuse the offer. Sighing, you put the plastic cup down on the table and stood up. 
“Fine, but if anything happens, I’m blaming it fully on you.”
“Whatever you say, princess.” He laughed and stood up as well. 
Oh if only he knew the effect he had on you, just casually calling you with that nickname. 
Both of you tiptoed upstairs, giggling like a couple of high schoolers sneaking out. You let him open Jin’s room and closed the door behind. As soon as you both make it to the balcony, you saw him shuffling his hand through his back pocket. 
“Do you mind if I smoke?”
“Uh, no. Go ahead.” 
“Thanks.” He said before lighting one on his lips. 
You just stood there, unknowingly admiring him huffing and puffing smoke to the opposite direction from you. 
“Still don’t wanna tell me what’s inside your pretty little head?” He looked at you with a grin. 
“What’s with the compliments today?” You raised one of your eyebrows at him. 
“It’s probably the alcohol.” He chuckled. 
“Wow, so you need to be drunk to say that I look good?!” You folded your arms.
“I’d say it made me more honest… but believe what you wanna believe.” He looked to your direction, making your heart jumped. 
You cleared your throat. “Joon, I uh… I kinda need to tell you something.” 
“What is it?” 
Whatever the hell that happened between us, changed me. I wasn’t okay with just being friends. I have feelings for you. 
“You look like the baby from Ice Age movie.”
“Fucking hell.” He groaned as you bursted out laughing. 
It was for the best. He did not need to know. You would outgrow this abnormal phase.
The whole world stopped when he suddenly tucked your hair behind your ears. You froze, looking at him, searching for his eyes. There was that smile again. 
“It’s windy.” 
“Y-Yeah.” You stuttered. 
“This might sound crazy but can I kiss you?”
You widened your eyes and stepped back a bit. “You’re drunk.”
“Maybe if you…“ He groaned, squeezing his cigarette bud and tossing it. “Fuck it.”
Your words were quickly cut by his lips on yours. Your mind went blank in an instant. What? Why? Whom? What was even happening you did not know anymore. All you knew was his lips moving softly against yours and the only thing that was filling up your brain was to do the same thing to him. You could taste the slight bitter taste of his cigarette, mixed with whatever fruity drink he had before, the one the boys clearly had drank all before you came since you were left with Jungkook’s abomination whiskey. 
You didn’t know how long were both of you lip locking with each other before you felt his hands started to travel, feeling up your body. You hummed on his lips and felt his breath hitched. Things seemed wrong but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop it. How could you? When this was all you wanted all along?
“Joon… I…” 
You tried to protest, but he quickly captured your lips again. This time more hungrily, almost feral. You swore you felt his hands grab your butt, massaging them softly. You flinched, a low yelp escaped your lips. 
Then he suddenly stopped. 
“Jesus, I’m so sorry.” He palmed his face. “I didn’t mean— Shit, you’re gonna hate me…”
“It’s okay, you’re just drunk…” 
“I’m not drunk.” He stopped you. “I have feelings for you.”
Now that’s a surprise. 
“You have feelings… for me?”
“Should’ve told you sooner, but I chickened out.” He smiled to himself. 
“You asked me if things wouldn’t change after that night…” You looked away, biting your lips. 
“I was panicking. I thought you’d hate me.”
“Well I don’t.” You huffed. “Clearly, I’m still here. I somehow managed to maintain my sanity while trying my best not to let things change between us. Just like how you wanted…” You didn’t realize some tears were already escaping your eyes. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug, which frankly, only made the crying worse. 
“You’re dumb.” You pulled away slightly, just to see his face. “But I have feelings for you too.”
You both laughed in unison and he pulled you back in his embrace, hugging you tighter. “I’m sorry.”
“You better be.”
“OH MY GOD!!!” 
You both turned your heads to Jin’s voice yelling from a near distance. In a flash you let go of each other. You looked at Namjoon and he only shrugged with a disappointed smile. 
“Who told you fuckers can enter my room so freely, huh?!” Jin yelled. 
“We thought you were drunk enough to not care.” You replied. 
“Well thanks to Yoongi turning our karaoke session into a crying fest, I had to wrap things up. Then I realize the two of you are missing.” He rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, it was all me. I needed a quick smoke and I dragged her along.” Namjoon laughed, clearly not taking the older guy seriously. 
“Whatever.” Jin turned his back. “Just fuck off for now, my head hurts and I need to sleep.”
“Yes, sir.” Joon replied. 
“Go sleep somewhere.” The lean guy shooed. “And don’t you dare have sex in my house.”
“We didn’t—“ 
“Zip it.” Jin pointed at you. “Go before I throw my expensive Louis Vuitton slides at both of you.”
The two of you quickly made an exit. As soon as the door closed, the thick awkward atmosphere surrounded you. 
“You’re staying here for the night?” He asked. 
“Don’t know.” You looked around. “Are you?”
“Wanna… go back to my place? It’s just a ten minute walk.” He said sheepishly. “And uh, do things correctly this time?”
A giddy smile formed on your lips as you let him take your hands in his.
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Thank you for reading! ⛅️
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rninies · 5 months
✮ silly love
౨ৎ scaramouche x reader. fluff, gn!reader, scara's a tease here lol, modern!au — wc: 647
notes. scara fic for my bday :3
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“so, what's going on between you and scaramouche recently? you guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden.” one of your friends suddenly asks and you choked on the french fry you were eating, quickly drinking some water.
“you heard me.” your friend gives you a knowing smile. “what’s going on between you and scaramouche? last i heard, he hates talking with people and now he’s all sweet and cute with you.”
your face turns red. “i-i don’t know what you’re talking about. besides, he’s opening up to more people! it’s not just me he’s talking with.”
your friend hums. “mm, then why is he walking this way with a scowl on his face?”
“what-?” you turned your head and they were right. scaramouche is indeed walking here with a scowl on his face. “scara? what’s wrong-”
“i thought you promised we were going to eat lunch together.” scaramouche cuts you off swiftly, sitting down next to you and placing his tray on the table. your friends could only watch in amusement as you tried to find an excuse to calm scaramouche down.
“w-well, i couldn’t find you when class ended! i didn’t want to sit alone like a loser waiting for you to come.” you said with a nervous laugh at the end. “besides, aren’t you bored eating with me every single day?”
“who said i would get bored of you?” scaramouche replies, grabbing a french fry and eats it. he looks at you with a confused look on his face. “why would i get bored of you?”
“you’re saying that as if you have a crush on me.” you let out a laugh, doubling over, smacking your hand on the table as if you said the funniest thing in the world. when you don’t hear a snarky remark from scaramouche, you stop laughing. your friends whispered to each other and quietly left the table, leaving you and scaramouche alone. “you-”
“i’m going to need you to stop for one second because i just find it so incredibly rude that you think i’m not head over heels in love with your stupid, oblivious ass.” scaramouche glares at you, obviously upset. “are you a brick? because you’re dense as fuck.”
your mouth hangs open, still clearly shocked from the sudden confession. “you- what?! when did you start having a crush on me?”
“do i have to explain in detail why i’m in love with you?” he asks, pushing his tray forward. he places his elbow on the table, his hand supporting his head. “well? are you just going to continue to gape at me or are you going to say anything else?” you instantly snap back into reality, clearing your throat.
“ahem,” you fiddled with your thumbs, nervous. “i thought you were the type to not fall in love with anyone.” you avoided eye contact, looking at everything except scaramouche.
scaramouche raises his eyebrows, obviously amused by your nervousness. “what, am i not allowed to have feelings? am i just a puppet to you?”
“okay who said-” you lift your head only to bump your nose against scaramouche’s. you stopped what you were saying, eyes meeting his. scaramouche’s lips slowly turns into a smile and he eventually lets out a laugh, quickly snapping you back to reality. “stop distracting me!”
“what do you mean?” scaramouche asks in a teasing tone. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. me? distracting you? doesn't sound like me at all!”
“haha fuck you.” you glared at scaramouche, picking up your tray, preparing to leave. “i’m leaving. have fun eating alone.”
“wha-” scaramouche quickly gets up, following you. “hey you haven’t replied whether you like me back or not!”
you turned back, giving him a cheeky smile. “you think?” you winked and turned your back to him, not giving scaramouche a chance to reply.
he scoffs. “this brat.”
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
It's nice to meet a fellow simp of Monsieur Neuvilette.
Could I request his s/o going swimming with the leisurely otters and when he asks what they were doing, they say that they're playing with their children?
Omg those otters are so cuteee! I can't help but stop and play with them every time haha Word count: 557
Parent of the Otters~
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"Where could they be...?" Neuvillette muttered to himself as he stepped outside Palais Mermonia. Where in Fontaine could you possibly be? The chief justice began walking, slowly going down the steps and waving to anyone who greeted him. Today was an early day for him so he decided to go and find you. As expected, he'd been a bit busy the last few days so he wanted to make it up to you by dedicating the rest of the day to you,
Having some idea, he followed his instincts to the water. You loved swimming so much, Neuvillette wondered if you weren't half fish because of it. Even the first time the two of you met, you were swimming. You were quite the oddball but your love for the sea was undeniable and unmatched by anyone he knew. It was one of your charming quirks that he couldn't help but love.
Thankfully, you weren't too far, choosing to swim around Salacia Plain, right near the small hill. Neuvillette was able to spot you as he was exiting the Court of Fontaine. The chief justice felt a rare smile tug at his lips when he saw you giggling, floating on your back. You were kicking your legs slowly to propel yourself around before dipping into the water and popping back out after a moment or so.
He made his way down to you, watching as you swam around like the fish that you were. Even though he was nearby, you seemed to be lost in your world, not noticing him at all until he spoke.
"You are here." His comment made you look toward him and your smile brightened immediately.
"Neuvillette! Hi! Look!" You said as you raised your arm high and flicked your wrist twice. Two otters jumped out of the water and over you, diving into the water only a foot behind you.
"You've taught the otters tricks now, huh?" He asked with a small shake of his head. Of course you did. You loved swimming with the otters and he always saw at least three around you. You had even named one of them Neuvillette, claiming they looked like one another- but he didn't understand that.
"They're my children now. They're so cute and they're always following me like I'm their parent so I've officially chosen to adopt them!" You giggled as three of them poked their heads out of the water.
"Our children apparently." He muttered to himself as he got closer to the shore. "They're certainly fond of you." He crouched by the shore and reached out his gloved fingers grazing the water. With just a simple flick of his wrist, a wave formed behind you and your subsequent children. It got bigger before moving back toward him. You squealed as you were whisked away to shore, bringing you to your husband. You gasped as you felt the sand below you, making you look up at him with wide eyes. You were right in front of him, his face only inches away from yours, his icy blue eyes gazing deep into yours.
"Sorry, you were too far and you seemed to be a bit distracted." He said as he leaned in before kissing your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as you wrapped your arms around him, returning the sweet and loving kiss.
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andvys · 1 year
Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it E.M.
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A continuation of I know places
Warnings: 18+, smut, mentions of bullying, Eddie calling reader slut (in a sexy way haha), Eddie eats reader out in public
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!cheerleader!reader
stranger things masterlist
The classroom is silent, everyone focused on their assignment, everyone except for Eddie who can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. There you are sitting on the other side of the classroom, playing with the pencil, you place it between your lips, the lips that have been wrapped around his cock just a few days back. 
Eddie felt like it was nothing but a dream after you had left him standing there with a flushed face and gaping eyes. 
He is still in disbelief, did it really happen? Did you really get on your knees for him? Yes, you did. He stares at you in awe. You turn to look at him, a smirk appearing on your face as your eyes lock with his. 
Eddie smiles shyly. He wants nothing more than to return the favor but he hasn’t been brave enough to make a move on you. He considered starting a fight with Jason again just to get you to cheer him up again but then he decided against it. 
He can’t take his eyes off of you, he never could. He was always a little obsessed with you. You and your little cheer uniform, your glossy lips, the cute hairstyles and those innocent yet mischievous eyes of yours always drove him crazy. 
You were always a little intimidating to him and others. You were no bully but you were never afraid to speak your mind and fight back against bullies, he wouldn’t be surprised if those assholes made you a target as well but surprisingly they never did. 
The first time you had ever smiled at him, he felt like his heart was about to explode and the first time you spoke to him, he felt it flutter like crazy. Once he realized that you weren’t as intimidating as he thought, he began to make conversations with you, holding doors open for you, offering to carry your books to your next classes. He was happy to see your smile that was only directed at him, the cute little giggles that he got to hear whenever he told you one of his bad jokes. 
You were nice to him, not as nice as you were to others though. Maybe you had a soft spot for him, that made him feel special. 
Especially after what happened at the restroom. 
He can’t keep his eyes off of you, not during class, not during lunch at the cafeteria. He is crazy about you. 
You’re sitting with Nancy and Barb, giggling about something one of the girls had whispered to you. He licks his lips as he watches your skirt ride up, exposing more of your skin, leaning closer to your friends to tell them something before you get up. He straightens up, eyes following you as he watches you leaving the cafeteria. 
He almost jumps up instantly, discarding his lunch and ignoring his friends and their confused faces, he follows you out, rushing after you. The hallways are empty, he figures that you went into the restroom so he decides to wait for you but the moment he leans against the wall, he feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he finds you standing here with a smirk on your pretty face.
“Who are you waiting for, pretty boy?” 
The teasing look in your eyes tells him that you already know that he was waiting for you. You felt his eyes on you the whole time, you might not always turn to look at him but he knows that you know he is watching you, that’s why you teased him relentlessly the past few days. Bending down in front of him, giving him the perfect view of your ass, licking your lips whenever you would look at him, swirling your tongue around that stupid vanilla ice cream as you held the cone in your hand when he ran into you after leaving the record store at Starcourt mall. 
You are driving him crazy. 
Eddie is still shy around you but fuck, the urge to grab you and slam you against the wall and fuck you with his tongue is almost unbearable. 
He grabs your hand and pulls you into the girls restroom, if he can’t get you out of his mind, then you won’t get him out of yours either. 
He does what you did to him. He grabs your waist and slams you against the wall, pressing your body against the cold tiles. 
You gasp, eyes flashing with surprise. He places his hands against the wall behind you, caging you against it. His eyes are dark but his cheeks are flushed red. As much as he wants to appear all tough and scary, he is still sweet Eddie to you. 
“I can’t get you out of my fucking mind, sweetheart,” he whispers as his eyes flicker down to your lips, he wants to kiss you, he wants it so bad but you didn’t kiss him the last time, clearly not wanting it… yet. 
You smirk at his words, the smell of his cologne, aftershave and a hint of smoke makes your skin tingle. You bring your hands up, placing them on his arms, the leather of his jacket smooth against your skin. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock again, Eddie?” You smirk. 
His eyes flash with hunger. 
“Or do you want something else?” You ask as you bat your eyelashes at him. You reach for his hands, your fingertips brush against his cold rings, for just a moment, you intertwine your fingers with his, causing both yours and his heart to flutter. 
His hands are rough, calloused, big. 
Yours are soft and small, fitting perfectly into his. 
You look into each other’s eyes, he blinks and so do you, surprised at the nice feelings in your chests from such an innocent touch. 
There’s something in the air, the energy surrounding you both is filled with tension, a nice one. It pulls you into each other. You break eye contact, looking down for a second before you look up at him again, pulling his hands towards you, you place them on your chest. 
His eyes widen, almost bulging out of his skull as he looks down. 
“What do you want, Eddie?” You smirk, “do you want to fuck my face? Or do you want my pussy this time?” 
“Oh fuck,” he whimpers, his blood rushes down to his dick, this is not what he wanted. He wanted to get back at you, leave you speechless the way you left him. 
You place your palm on his chest and slide it down his body, your eyes are filled with longing, just like his. Before you can even come close to his belt, he grabs your hand and slams it against the wall behind you.
“What’s wrong?” You giggle as you eye the frustrated look on his face, ignoring the way his action made you feel. 
He licks his lips and leans closer, tilting your chin up, he keeps eye contact with you as he comes closer and closer, pressing his body against yours, “you’re a bad girl, you know that right?” 
Your lips curl into a smile, raising your brows at him, “no, I’m a good girl.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head at you, “no, you’re not.” 
He latches his lips onto your neck and for the first time, you feel what it’s like to be kissed by Eddie Munson. His plump lips are soft against your skin, kissing you so perfectly. What starts off with soft kisses quickly turns into messy ones as he starts sucking and biting your skin. 
“E-Eddie,” you whimper. You can feel him smirking against your skin. Letting go of your hand, he grabs your waist instead, he grabs you tightly, squeezing your hip as he slides it down to your ass, grabbing it with his large hand. 
You place your hand on his shoulder, eyes fluttering close as a moan falls from your lips. 
“You smell so good,” he whispers against your neck as he continues to kiss you, “and you sound so fucking pretty.” 
He slides his hand under your skirt, touching your bare skin, a groan leaves his lips when he feels the soft lace against his hand, “where are those tight shorts you usually wear?” 
“Left them at home,” you grin as your eyes lock with his again when he moves back to look at you, “I knew you’d do this at some point.” 
He raises his brows, smirking, “oh, so you planned this all along, huh?” 
You bite your lip, nodding at his words, you reach for the necklace around his pale neck, using it to pull him closer, “been waiting for you to make a move,” you whisper, eyes falling on his plump lips, “but you’re such a shy and innocent boy, Eddie.” 
His eyes darken and his brows draw together, “innocent?” He scoffs. 
“Mhmm, you’re a good boy, aren’t you? That was your first blow job wasn’t it?” 
“No, it wasn’t.” 
Jealousy flashes in your eyes, it’s hard to miss, Eddie knows what it’s like to feel jealous. He has felt that way, too many times. Watching you run around with those cute little skirts and your cheer uniform, getting attention from all the guys here. He can see the way they look at you, he can see the way they try to charm you, trying to flex with their daddy’s money but you aren’t interested, you never are. You don’t even give them the time of the day, walking past them without sparing a glance, the only one that seems to get your attention is Steve Harrington but you don’t seem to like him very much, all you ever do is bicker around with the King. 
Still, it makes him jealous that he is getting any attention in the first place, even if it’s the bad kind. 
“But it was the best one,” Eddie smirks, trying to make you feel better, “no one’s ever made me feel so good, sweetheart.” He says as he presses a sweet kiss to your cheek, “I wanna make you feel good too.” 
Your stomach flutters and you feel yourself getting wet at his words. He can see the desire in your eyes, he can feel the way you press yourself harder against him, a whine leaving your lips when he presses his fingers against your soaked panties. 
“Show me what you got then, Munson.” 
It’s cute how you try to appear tough and arrogant when you are literally about to start grinding yourself against his hand, desperately. 
The door opens and your eyes widen, before anyone can see you, Eddie grabs your hand and pushes you into the last stall, shutting and locking the door before he presses you against the wall. It’s a deja vu moment, really. Just a few days back you did that to him, now he has you caged against the wall, putting his hand over your mouth and giving you a sly smirk. 
Your eyes widen even further when you hear your friends' voices. 
“Can you be quiet for me?” Eddie whispers as he looks into your big eyes. 
You nod your head. 
“Good girl.” 
You suppress the whimper that almost sounded through the restroom. 
Eddie pushes your soaked panties to the side, slipping his fingers through your wet folds, he almost lets out a moan himself. He brings his soaked digits to your clit, rubbing circles on it. 
You furrow your brows and bite your bottom lip beneath his hand. His fingers feel so good. 
You swallow harshly, you look into his dark eyes, admiring the way he looks at you, the way he is so much taller than you, the way he stares at you in awe as he slips his fingers into your wet pussy. He kept his rings on. 
You can both hear Nancy and Barb talking but neither of you care, not even when they mention your name as they wonder where you had run off to. You can hear the water running, Nancy rummaging through her small makeup bag, probably to freshen up the light pink lipstick she always wears. 
“You’re so tight for me, baby,” he whispers into your ear as he presses a sloppy kiss to your neck, “you’re fucking squeezing my fingers.” 
The softest and smallest whimper escapes your mouth, just in time after your friends have finally left. 
“E-Eddie,” you whimper when he finally pulls his hand away from your mouth. 
He pulls his fingers out and slams them back into you, stretching you open as he fucks you with his rings clad fingers. 
“Yes baby?” 
“F-Feels so good, please don’t stop.” 
God, the things he would do to get you like this forever. Your moans drive him crazy, making his dick hard in his pants. 
“What would your friends think, hmm?” He whispers as he brushes your hair back with his free hand, caressing your cheek and putting his thumb on your bottom lip, freeing it from your teeth. 
“What would the cheer squad think or all the boys that want you? What would they say if they saw you getting fingered by the town freak?” 
Your eyes flash with anger but you can’t stop the moans from falling. 
“Y-You’re not a freak. You’re just Eddie.” 
He would be lying if he said that your words don’t warm his heart but his expression doesn’t falter. Do you really think so? 
“You’re my Eddie.” 
Well, fuck. You are making it so easy for him to fall to his knees for you, quite literally. 
Your eyes widen when you look down at him, his big brown eyes look up at you with both mischief and adoration. He slips your panties down your legs and you shudder, swallowing nervously. 
You step out of them, Eddie reaches for the pink lace, grinning at you, “I’m keeping these,” he says before he stuffs them into his back pocket. 
You can’t even help but giggle, a sound that is enough to give him heart palpitations. 
He kisses your knees and your thighs, sweetly. You bite your bottom lip again, staring down at him with lust in your eyes. 
“You’re so beautiful, fuck,” he murmurs. Pushing your skirt up, he groans as he begins to rub your clit again, “so fucking wet.” 
“All for you.” 
“All for me?” He grins as he presses a kiss to your clit, causing you to gasp in surprise. 
You nod your head quickly, desperately. 
 He grabs your ass, squeezing it tightly as his licks a strip up your pussy. 
“Oh my god…” 
“Not god, just Eddie.”
“Same thing,” you say, giggling at the surprised expression on his face. 
“Fuck, you have no idea what you’re doing to me, sweetheart,” he says before he finally buries his face in your cunt. You instantly push your hand into his hair and pull at it, making him moan against you. 
“Eddie… Eddie…” 
He smirks, you can feel it. 
He fucks you on his tongue, his hand hold you tightly, gripping your ass cheeks in a way that you know will leave marks. 
“I knew you would taste fucking sweet,” he moans.
He thought about this? He thought about doing this to you?
You never felt anything like this, his tongue feels just as perfect as his fingers, you wonder what it would feel like to feel his cock inside of you. 
He looks up at you as he eats you out, he moans and groans so perfectly, it just makes you want him more and more. He grabs your leg and puts it over his shoulder as he dives his tongue in deeper. 
“Y-You’re so good, fuck,” you moan as you shut your eyes for a moment. 
Your face grows hot, your skin feels like it’s on fire, your knees grow weak and your body begs for relief. 
He eats you out so messily and desperately, switching between fingering your cunt and eating you out as his thumb rubs circles on your sensitive clit. He moans against you, loving your taste. 
“Say you’re mine,” he demands as he pulls away from you for a moment. His chin glistens, all the warm brown color in his eyes is gone, replaced by pure darkness. 
“I’m yours, Eddie please don’t stop,” you whine as you try to push his head against you again. It only makes him chuckle darkly. 
“You’re such a whiny little slut,” he says, “are you like that for others?” 
You shake your head wildly, tears well up in your eyes, you were so close before he pulled away. 
“Are you like that for Harrington? You hate that guy, don’t you? Bet you fuck him too, huh?” 
“No!” You say angrily, you would never. 
He chuckles, “no?” 
“No, I only want you,” you whine, “please.” 
Seemingly satisfied with your answer, he goes back to it, eating you out with just as much intensity as before. 
Your back arches in pleasure as he flicks his tongue inside of you. 
His name falls from your lips so effortlessly. It makes his heart race. 
It doesn’t take long for him to make you come undone. You grip his hair tighter and screw your eyes shut as you cum on his tongue. You feel your tears running down your face, your legs are shaking, knees almost buckling. 
Eddie kisses your thighs before he puts your skirt back in place, getting up, he places his hands on your waist, smirking as he watches you trying to catch your breath. For a moment, he allows himself to admire you. 
He loves to see you like this. 
He leans in, raising his hand up to your face, he grabs your chin as his wipes your tears away. 
You open your eyes to look at him. His lips are puffy, so kissable. 
“You good, princess?” He chuckles as he leans in to kiss your cheek. 
You stare at each other, the urge to kiss each other growing stronger and stronger. He is so pretty. 
“Can I have my panties back?” 
He laughs, shaking his head, “nah, they’re mine now.” 
“You want me to walk around without panties on?” 
“You’re supposed to wear shorts under that skirt, y/n,” he grins, eyes flashing with amusement. 
“Spanks,” you frown. 
You gasp when he spanks your ass, eyes widening, “Eddie!” You slap his chest. 
He laughs again, grabbing your hand and holding it against his chest, “what? You said spanks, I thought you wanted them.” 
“The shorts, they’re called spanks, dumbass.” 
He snorts, “oh… don’t act like you didn’t like it,” he whispers as he places another kiss to your cheek, “maybe I should take you back to my van, spank you some more while I make you ride my dick.” 
You gasp again, eyes flashing with lust. 
“Do it.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, excitedly. 
You nod, “take me to your van, Eddie.” 
His smile grows bigger, “fuck yeah,” he says as though he has been waiting for this all his life, “I’m gonna rock your world, princess.” 
“You’re such a dork.” 
As you feel him intertwining his fingers with yours, you can't help but hope for him to never let it go, not knowing that he is hoping the same thing, hoping that you will never drop his hand.
tagging friends <3 @littledemondani @mysticmunson @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @bimbobaggins69
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alexisomnias · 1 year
—  "KITTIES" . . .
⤷ they can turn into cats!
angels notes: modernish au, a whisker away inspired
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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—Riddle was pining bad for you, and it was no secret to anyone except you. Who he did all he could to make you remain oblivious. Though if you knew that the fluffy little creature you found following you around was him? then it would be clear as day.
—Riddle had the power to turn into a cat, and well… what did he use it for? to follow you, and be by your side. The first time you coddled him, oh he was so embarrassed, swatting at you with his chipped claws and meowing. But after a couple times of you insistently holding him, then… he got comfortable. (Look at what you’ve done, now he expects it!)
—These catty behaviours and dynamic now transfers over to your active relationship (the one you know about.) If you don’t praise him for things he tries to impress then he gets all pouty haha.
“hey Riddle, you should come by one day to meet my cat, he’s a smart one.”
“hah,,, im actually allergic.” ^^’’’’
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—that lazy cat you took in? yeah thats leona. He’s not much of a pining person, but nonetheless he still wants your attention. He’s pretty obvious of his affections, you even know about his habit of turning into a cat! (he’s done it right in front of you?!) so the relationship is pretty much established.
—though regardless as a cat or not when he’s in his human form he still craves your body heat, moving to position his head on your lap, like as he lays when in cat form.
—he’s a spoiled prince, if you move him at all out of his previous spot then he’s petty about it. he’s not going to sit back over near you until he forgives you.
“You’re so much cuter in your cat form when you do this.”
“well too bad, i don’t feel like moving.”
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—he’s such a fucking mess around you its kinda cute. he trips over his words (and sometimes his feet), he bluescreens when you so much as praise him. He tries so hard to keep up his business persona, and it seems everyone but you, can see through it and notice the puddle he is.
—azul is much more… alive when he’s in his cat form. he’s always been kind of insecure of it, but its like a shell for him to hide him. he can be himself freely since you know, he’s a cat. So the cute silver coated cat that follows you? and swats at your feet when he wants your attention or praise? yeah thats azul
—Azul is far more whiny in his cat form lmao, though,,, he can be himself and he knows you’ll love him. he’s cute right? (he doesn’t know you’ll love him unconditionally in both forms) he uses it as a way to interact with you, and not worry about messing up or making a fool of himself. he simply soaks up your attention.
“Azul, do you perhaps have any cat food in stock?”
“no. i don’t, why?”
“Well theres this cute cat that stops by and i want to ensure he eats properly.”
“oh.” ///////
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—jamil loves his cat form. its a freedom from the chains of duty he’s bound by. freedom to wander and travel the streets without having to worry for someone to ask him something or bother him. Its a way for him to love you without having to worry about rejection.
—everyones aware cats are cute, right? well he’s aware and he uses it. he uses his cute little fur coat to get away with stuff, and he uses it too get your attention. When your talking to someone? oh it seems as if your brown cat over here is picking at your shoe because he wants you to pick him up!
—jamil definitely is able to separate his cat form and human one. but sometimes, he wishes to let these habits slip and for you to love him to his face. nonetheless, he’d much rather you not hate him because he kept secrets for too long.
“Jamil, you remind me a lot of this cat that stops by often.”
“Do I now? is it cute?”
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—he doesn’t use his cat form a lot. if he has a problem or something he wants (you) he’s gonna confront it as himself. that doesn’t mean, that if you ask to see it he wouldn’t show you…
—vil, despite thinking otherwise does have catty habits that poke through. For example, he’ll straight up SCRATCH you with his long ass nails if you rub him the wrong way.
—he does actually get pretty flustered despite what you may think, if you coddle him in his cat form when he does transform. he’ll huff and flick you away, jumping off your lap and hiding on the window or something, but you can notice his ruffled fur (which means he’s flustered.)
“Vil, please show me your cat form, its so cute.” 🥺
“not right now, maybe later… i still have things to finish, that i can’t exactly do with paws.”
“fine.” 😔
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—idia LOVES his cat form. its such a shell from human interaction. he doesn’t need to speak, he doesn’t stutter, say the wrong thing, worry. its such a blessing. plus he’s so cute as a cat!!
—he definitely abuses this power, he uses it for almost every interaction you have. you don’t know that its idia of course. it shocks others that has seen the ‘stray’ cat in the halls that you’re the only one able to actually pet him, and hold him in his arms.
—when he gets home he absolutely crumbles, looking back at the day. and imagining it was him in his human form, rather then the mask of a cat… he can dream you love him forever right?
User101: hey idia i know you like cats! have you seen the stray at school at all?
Gloomysamurai: Ahah?! maybe, i don’t know depends on what it looks like haha??? WAIT YOU REMEMBERED?? DKDKDUEJNAL
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—you definitely know the black cat you find often around your home is malleus. he doesn’t even keep it a secret, i mean he doesn’t say it outright either but . he’s so painfully obvious about it.
—he’s pretty similar in both forms. he acts similar to a cat in his human form too. pining for your attention, and trailing behind you like a lost puppy (or cat in this case). Don’t blame him for getting addicted to your company. He likes you a lot, you know?
—malleus isn’t subtle with his affections. pouting/meowing when he doesn’t have your attention. he’s still clingy as he is a cat even looking as an adult man. Malmal definitely also seeks your praise as if he’s a cat still.
“Malleus, i have work to do.” ^^’’’’’
“Can we just cuddle for a couple minutes..?” 🥺
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