#((nice try nonnie))
iiguess · 2 years
did u know half your adoptive parents have a body count?
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" ...buddy. there's worse people who could have a body count. if you're trying to sway me into thinking i should be scared of them just because of that, it's not gonna work. "
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
How much do you think the opinion of Lestat will change among viewers who haven't read the books after Season 3? At the moment, Lestat is the most hated character in the series, as his actions can seem cruel, vengeful, and selfish. Will the number of Lestat haters decrease after this, or will Lestat continue to be a whipping boy in the fandom?
I really don’t care. There’s a reason why Lestat is the main character of the chronicles and everyone not liking him can go sulk for all I care.
The show will make its statements and that will be it.
Also I seriously doubt your statement here given the reviews and streams I saw, lol.
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clownleys · 8 months
I'm a long time follower and I love your blog, I'm happy to see you again on my dash <33
Would you give a shoutout to a few of your fav mutuals and spread positivity too? <3
darling, this made me feel so happy and warm inside, you have no idea! how long have you been around? 👀 i love all my mutuals dearly, so i can't choose any faves. but i do want to appreciate the people that make me smile here everyday, so i'll give a shoutout to those who i see regularly in my notes or interact with, both mutuals and followers (including you, dearie!!) in the order of appearance: you dear!, @tikitikitu, @nicenightmare13, @cryolyst, @alexrrr, @cononeillbreastingboobily, @cantputitintowords, @mudalchemy, @anon 💋, @violetwreck, @very-authorized-author, @witchwhaat, @chaoticjuless, @way-to-go-lad, @voidistooshortforausername, @livy-doll, @eucatlyptus, @essaytime, @maurice-a-novel, @antea21, @thriceandonce, @holi-holy, @knifebun, @kli-kli, @pointlesshroom, @atencjuszka, @trevoristhemandarin, @pinkie-satan, @svantetic, @ichithecupcake, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @iorwethh, @soraaiame, @glompto, @spiremire, @ocaenvvaves, @fangable, @warczacy, @svantetic, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @yukinojou, @neutron-stars-collision, @a-lost-little-eevee, @sadchtulhu, @youre-you-i-am-me.....
alright im pretty sure i broke some sorta limit bc it won't tag people anymore? so anyway! here's a tiny portion of the people i really love on here! 💕
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baeshijima · 1 month
i am predicting that sunday will be a nihility character to contrast robin's harmony (hoyo PLEASEEE make him a dot buffer 🙏 i really want him but if he won't synergize well with kafka then i fear i'll have to skip...)
honestly at this point i just want sunday to be drip marketed and released and in my account 😭😭 like i will be pulling him and his lc no matter what his synergy with the charas in my account are bc i need him. carnally. and desperately.
#omg a convo !?#nonnies !!#may the stars guide you <3#but omg him being nihility to contrast robin....#im just super curious as to how he will be when we next see him bc he was confined but then freed?? i think??#and now its basically up to him to choose his own path so that could majorly affect his path#originally i thought he was going to be erudition but now i feel like it could be anything depending on how he goes abt it#like stellaron hunter sunday would be cool.... but then again him joining the express..... i want that....#mainly bc they have been hinting about another member joining in the future to make the crew 8 members#read: when tb was talking about wishing we had another ae member to play to games of celestial jade since we had 7 not 8#and so what IF sunday is that 8th member and his initiation is playing celestial jade bc we said so#also i think it would be so so nice for his character growth to see diff worlds with us and experience the independence humans#have within them to make peace and forge their own life as opposed to how he was forced to believe humans/everyone else#were inherently weak and needed that protection and shelter; smth gopher wood told him he could provide and be their salvation#but yes astral express crew member sunday who finds the warp jumps so baffling and he stumbles and falls and wonders how he got here#and then he watches march fail miserably in trying to stay balanced#and then he somehow finds himself growing fonder and fonder for humanity and its inhabitants and discovers his own resolve#through likeminded individuals and has this massive growth and development arc and oiulrjtlg
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blighted-lights · 6 months
I feel like your approach to criticizing a certain fandom was the wrong way of doing it. Don't get me wrong, you are a hundred percent right about the lack of representation for certain characters. But you had to have known that you would've gotten backlash for insinuating that the only reason that content is being made is because people are... misogynistic? The characters are well-written; that's why they get attention. The women are also well-written, you're right! But instead of getting mad at the people who enjoy specific characters, you could contribute to what you want to see in the fandom. Make fanfiction, make art, talk about your favorite ships, talk about your favorite characters, talk about the head-canons you have for them, connect with other fans of those characters, make AUs with them, make the fandom you want to see! But I don't know what you were expecting when you come out and say in the tags "you must be misogynists for liking these characters and you must be awful people for playing around with AUs" even though every fandom on this website does that. That was hostile and was only going to get a hostile response in return especially when you specifically put it in the tags for fans of those characters to see. Because it reads as you insinuating that fans of these characters existing is why you don't get any representation of your favorite characters. Or, alternatively, that everyone only likes certain characters because they're misogynists who hate women characters. People make content of them because they like them and because they want to make content of them.
Want more content of the things you want to see? Pay or support the artists and writers who make that content or start making it yourself. Its not helpful to complain that some characters get more attention than others but then make no attempt to contribute to it in any meaningful way. You cannot just get mad at people for liking characters and expect the fandom to magically decide its going to give you the content you want.
This is a long-winded way of saying you are correct in that the fandom seems to hyper-focus on some characters over others. But the way you approached that discussion was combative, hostile, and unhelpful, and you're not going to motivate a community into making content by being passive-aggressive to the people making the content they want to make. Be the change you want to see in the fandom, or support the artists and writers who make the content you want to see.
Its like... You can't complain your garden isn't growing if you're not watering it and not adding seeds, and instead are blaming everyone else for having plants in their gardens that you don't like.
anon i dont know how to tell you this but if you felt the need to write a five-paragraph essay talking about how i need to be nicer to other people when i am pointing out misogyny in a fandom space then, well... actually, i dont know what to tell you other than the fact that i was trying to be aggressive and im not going to be civil about misogyny. my post wasn't made in the hopes of getting people to make more content of the women in borderlands because that would never in ten fucking million years work. it was not a constructive post. you are assuming i have some sort of goodwill about this and i don't. i wanted to be an asshole because, surprise, i am an asshole. funny how that works.
you are also pulling so much of this out of nowhere and putting so many words in my mouth that i dont even know where to begin with it?? i mean this in the kindest way possible nonnie but. this is a wild response to make when all i said was essentially "wow it sure is weird that the majority of content made for bl is focused on only three men when there's a full cast of amazing women to look at" and then "its also weird that people are making aus to erase the canon abuse and exploitation of a CHILD in order to make jack a good father". but thanks for the essay, nonnie. i guess.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
anon must not realize that Tommy is a stepping stone for buddie even Lou said as such maybe they should wake up and smell what’s happening.
Hey Nonnie
Yeah - it’s been said by Tim, Oliver and Lou - and it’s in both the subtext of the script and the subtext of the visual story telling - yet somehow we’re delusional! Some people baffle me!! But if they want to exist in that world - that’s their right! They don’t however have the right to come onto my blog and be rude and demanding!! - they don’t have the right to do that on anyone’s blog. So I hope you don’t suffer the same anon - and if you do I hope you block freely - you blog is yours just as my blog is mine.
Thanks for being a lovely message in the sea of nasty ones I’ve had today 💜💜💜
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procrastinatorproject · 7 months
New game: Share your three best fanworks. No thinking, just the three that instinctively occur to you. Then copy-paste this ask to anonymously share with as many people as you want.
Okay. A) I love this! Thank you so much, nonnie, for a brilliant idea!
B) Whoof. That's tough 😅
Without thinking:
My very first fic. It is finished, it has pacing, it has an arc, it has an actual story... The prose might need a bit of polishing, but I think it's still some of my best work!
My most artistic fic:
I just... I don't know. I feel like it's very personal and almost has something lyrical about it and I feel very deeply about it, even if it is perhaps a little pretentious.
The third one is hard, though...
I'm very torn between something like A Night at the Opera, which I'm still extremely proud of, In the Palm of his Hand, which I love and hope to finish one day, and even The Cake is a Lie. Though the last two are probably not nearly as good in their current published form as they are in my WIPs, where I have additional material that really adds A Lot to them 😅
But I feel like I also want to put one of my metas here, because I have a bunch of those and they're important to me and feel like they're out of contention for this sort of thing. So here's my probably favourite bit of meta writing:
I love Rios and Agnes! And I find their budding relationship fascinating and gentle and lovely and want to think about it more. And this was such a great way to look at their interactions and psychology, and to explain why I think they make sense together.
(Also: it always reminds me of the incredible "Your Light on Me" by @regionalpancake and the gorgeous Love Comes Softly by @smhalltheurlsaretaken, which is essentially the same argument but as an amazing fic (and gorgeous podfic by @thelaithlyworm). And these kinds of connections always make everything better 🥰)
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eddywoww · 1 year
What is your biggest flaw?
Hm can I just say I’m mentally ill?
Joking, joking (I’m not)
Uhhh I’m obsessive? Idk I have a lot of issues with obsessions and I’m not talking about hyperfixations (although I do have those) I’m talking about intrusive thoughts or breathing issues or repetition.
Also idk I’m very easy to guilt. Probably shouldn’t put that out there but meh. Literally the easiest person to walk all over if you’d like to 🤷🏻‍♀️
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What do you think a post-meds/post-therapy (bc he obviously needs both), mentally healthy Gary would look like? Most of what we see in-game is off-meds-and-super-paranoid Gary, and it made me wonder how much of his personality is genuine and how much is borne from megalomania and paranoia. Idk - I saw your anon answers about Petey/Jimmy and I thought that you would probably have a really interesting take, so here we are!
sorry if this ask took so long to answer, anon!!
first of all thank you sm for your nice words????? promise i'll try my best <3
so, somehow i think that we mostly got a quite close picture during the initial missions of chapter 1 (maybe up until halloween???), maybe just a bit more cruel - but i still do think that he's. generally quite mean?? i think it's implied that he gets along quite decently (or at least is able to communicate) with derby harrington, and honestly that does mean something. like he's still an unhinged sixteen years old trying to have fun in high school, except this time he's actually trying to have fun instead of... what he went through during the game
i don't think he'd be any less witty than we generally see him also. he'd love cracking stupid and even mean jokes, at the expenses of others, too. and also causing someone to get at each other's throats to slip away himself and witness the shitshow- like that time that he got wade and the bullies to come at casey and they were all sent to the principal's office instead of all the cliques against jimmy and each other, for example
i keep the stance that he would have. zero emotional intelligence. like he's very smart and, although all of his interpretations of everyone's thoughts were heavily fueled by paranoia, he's still good at understanding others' tought processes. i can still see him knowing the exact remarks to make to unsettle someone, or organizing elaborate pranks just a bit less radical than taking over the school. but he'd still have a hard time coming to terms with how he can hurt other people with words, esp when it's about small things and unintentional coincidences.
(gary: "i mean, i just made a joke about handcuffs." pete: "gary, his brother was arrested yesterday, of course you hurt him." jimmy: "the question now is, do you care?" pete, who's trying desperately to make gary Think About Others' Feelings: "JIMMY. PLEASE")
also i think a healthier gary would also be tendentially introvert?? i think he'd be a bit less interested in hanging out with or even understanding kids he's not especially close to, preferring instead reading or playing videogames (he feels like a horror games player to me??? it's a nice headcanon shall i say); once he's established the relationship with someone though he might as well text them in the middle of the night to tell them a thought he's had, an idea or really just anything he might want to share
(also like. what he first thought was making him better than everyone else, superhuman and above everyone else is, now that his mania is gone feels actually a bit... lonely? like he's found out that it makes him neither worse or better than others, so him feeling on a wholly different wavelength of thought than most other kids is a bit tiring sometimes. but he learns to kind of just. vibe along with the other people of the environment???)
more in general, i figure he'd be kind of the kid in the back of the classroom, occasionally cracking jokes or throwing paper planes but generally just . getting along with the others or pulling stupid pranks to have a laugh, then going up to his best friends and being like “hey how do you think it would look if we set a drop of hand sanitizer of fire? just a drop no massive fire i promise” (idk if you ever tried but that is funny to watch actually) and hanging out in the afternoon
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rottenraccoons · 2 years
You know I meant dirty (👀🔞) and not dirty (👃🤢)
But fine let’s take a bath then
(In response to this post.)
I warned you, bro, Keir doesn't get flustered by that kind of talk! But enjoy your bath.
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abysskeeper · 1 year
If you were going to a worldwide fandom meet, and were to present one fanfic you wrote, as a means to introduce yourself to the other fanfic writers, which fanfic will you recommend?
[sending this to as many fic writers i can send to, please know that it is optional to answer or not, thank you for reading this ask 💖]
Oh I love this question a lot actually...and it gave me something fun to think about during an otherwise crappy day.
So if I'm not cheating, going pure fandom not of my own and not counting fandoms where I insert and write my own OCs, then...
Exit, Stage Right (x), which is funny because DGS/The Great Ace Attorney definitely doesn't look like one of my main fandoms. But this fic was a one-shot that grew into a three chapter ficlet that I painstakingly worked on over two or three months, and never once did it feel like a chore. It's a true labor of love, and it's been a long, long time since I've ever felt that for anything that wasn't my own, original content.
If I'm allowed to cheat, then of the stuff I've posted, this untitled SWTOR prompt fill of Trick and Tav on Alderaan wins hands down. It was just fun, and they deserve every break they get.
Thank you for the ask!
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yooniesim · 1 year
Hi Cece! I don't know where else to ask about this, but are people aware that Somik-Severinka completely stole another simmer's notes and then went and monetized all the custom recipe stuff? I thought it is about time to say something somewhere, because they've gone a long time now without giving any credit or thanks whatsoever. Thank u and I hope you have a good day!
Hey idk anything about this bestie, I don't really know the creator you're talking about very well. If you have proof of this I'd say try going to the original creator and seeing what they have to say about it, if they want to say something I'll gladly boost their voice on the subject but otherwise there isn't much I can offer. It's not my work/tou so it's more up to them to speak about if they find it necessary I suppose? If the original creator makes/made a post feel free to drop me the link and I'll reblog it though.
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
Hi Maxi 🥺
sorry for picturing you covered in blood it will happen again 🥺
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Maxi, for the record, is politely uncertain how to go about this.
"Well, I don't know why you feel the need to apologize, to be fair to you," he says, with a slightly confused smile. "It's not like that doesn't happen, in my line of work? That's why normally I'm wearin' scrubs and a splashguard when I embalm -- saves me a load on laundry, I'm tellin' you. Things get messy, when you're not careful with it. Plus, with the harder decomps, you can never be totally sure what all's gonna leak on you when you--"
"They mean in a hot way, dumbass," Hector pipes up, not even bothering to look up from scrolling through his phone.
"...Oh." Maxi looks between Hector and you again, this only just seeming seeming to occur to him. "Oh! Um. Well, in that case." He pauses, seeming to consider this. "I... thank you, I think? I'm flattered?" He frowns slightly, thinking through logistics. "I mean, I am flattered, that's very... kind of you, but we'd need a hell of a lot of bleach afterwards, and--"
"Stop talking, bro," Hector sighs. "You're killing the vibe."
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Maxi shoots Hector a dark look, but gives you another smile. "Thank you anyway, darlin'. It's the thought that counts."
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flowercrowngods · 2 years
I absolutely love your time travel au and I swear one day I'll comment as myself when I can get over the anxiety of it ;-;
oh sweetness, don’t worry about that at all please 🥺 i feel like the world’s most anxious boy a lot of the time so i absolutely get it, and you’re absolutely fine! anon comments on ao3 are enabled, anons in my asks are always welcome, you don’t have to worry about “commenting as (your)self” at all, not on my behalf! this message right here makes me so happy actually, and if being anon makes you feel safe, then we can both win a little, right? 🤍
i’m genuinely very happy right now (guess who won’t be able to sleep again because he has the happies!), thank you for leaving me this little message 🥹🤍
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the next update will have to wait a little bit still because it’s the end of the semester and i get to write like 5 papers (and do a month of practical placement in march, so… crazy workload incoming, we all better get used to sporadic updates of steeb whump :p)
ANYWAY!!! nonnie i am sending you flowers 🌷🌸🤍
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absentmoon · 2 years
hi my little sibling used to also not brush their hair a lot to the point of huge tangles forming- some advice from them that limits the amount of pain:
start from the bottom of where the knot is and very very gently work the brush through in small movements. work your way up basically. to prevent it from yanking your hair, use one hand and (if your hair is long enough) hold it right above the knot to keep pressure off your scalp. if your hair is too short to comfortably do this (or the knot is too big) place that hand on the scalp where the roots would normally tug.
also dampen your brush and your hair! if you have an old spray bottle you can fill it with water and use that to dampen your hair. if not, just sprinkling it with your hand will do :)
also remember that tangles happen to everyone, and youre not any lesser for letting a big one bother you like this! with time and effort and patience you can get rid of it and any future ones that might happen ! hope this helps <3
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magnetiix · 2 years
🥃You nearly hurt Shadow, Quick. You know what I'm talking about. What happened?
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The expression on his face softens just so with regret. The glass is raised to his lips, but he doesn't take a drink.
"...I mistook him for something he was not."
Shots taken: 3
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