#if you ever do wanna come off anon and comment as yourself with a name/profile attached to it i’ll be so!!! till then i’m holding your hand
flowercrowngods · 2 years
I absolutely love your time travel au and I swear one day I'll comment as myself when I can get over the anxiety of it ;-;
oh sweetness, don’t worry about that at all please 🥺 i feel like the world’s most anxious boy a lot of the time so i absolutely get it, and you’re absolutely fine! anon comments on ao3 are enabled, anons in my asks are always welcome, you don’t have to worry about “commenting as (your)self” at all, not on my behalf! this message right here makes me so happy actually, and if being anon makes you feel safe, then we can both win a little, right? 🤍
i’m genuinely very happy right now (guess who won’t be able to sleep again because he has the happies!), thank you for leaving me this little message 🥹🤍
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the next update will have to wait a little bit still because it’s the end of the semester and i get to write like 5 papers (and do a month of practical placement in march, so… crazy workload incoming, we all better get used to sporadic updates of steeb whump :p)
ANYWAY!!! nonnie i am sending you flowers 🌷🌸🤍
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ofheroesandvillains · 5 years
Wishful Thinking - Billy Russo
Billy Russo x fem!reader oneshot Words: 3.1k Warnings: None Requested by anon
Hi everyone! Figured I’d get back into the swing of this writing thing. Super duper rusty, but I’ll have some more Geralt content out this weekend. Sorry for the long wait, but here’s some Billy to tide you over. I’ve tried to incorporate the whole request, but let me know if it’s trash, anon! Until then, stay safe everyone, I hope you’re all being careful and doing well!
(gif not mine)
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You knocked on the door.
Every Friday night was date night. Well, they weren’t really dates, and if Billy was out of town then it wasn’t really every Friday night, but that didn’t matter. It was tradition, and tonight you’d decided to upgrade from eating takeout on your couch to actually heading outside for a change, which brought you one floor up to Billy’s apartment. 
Karen had talked you into finally confessing your feelings after what she dubbed ‘a year of sniffing around each other’, and even though she had good intentions, you wouldn’t deny agreeing just to get her off your back. 
Billy Russo was not a man interested in women like you. He didn’t have dinner dates with the women he slept with, he didn’t play board games with them, or binge their latest TV addiction while they were sprawled out on the couch in worn old sweatpants and no make-up. No, he did those things with you, his best friend, because that’s what best friends did. 
You wouldn’t delude yourself into thinking he had some kind of crush on you just because Karen said so. 
You knocked on his door for the second time.
“Come on, Russo,” you mumbled under your breath. 
There wasn’t a peep on the other side, and you frowned.
“Fine. Have it your way.”
You dug a hand into your handbag, fingers searching for his spare key. Just in case, he’d said when he gave it to you, but he didn’t seem too mad when you used it everyday since. If he didn’t want you using it, he wouldn’t have given it to you in the first place.
The light was on when you stepped inside, and his car keys were on the countertop. 
“I was wondering how long it’d take you to bust down my door.”
“Christ!” You jumped, and whirled around at the sound of his voice.
His lips were quirked into a small smirk, and you suddenly knew why he hadn’t answered. Bare skin, lots of bare skin, and nothing but a towel to hide it from you. Your gaze quickly dropped to the carpet, heart thundering in your chest, and you knew he’d enjoy watching you squirm. It was a running joke you had going with each other—that you were the Penelope to his Pepé Le Pew, the only woman immune to his charms and good looks, and the only one he was desperately in love with. Of course, that’s all it was—a joke.
Billy didn’t do relationships. And you? Well, you weren’t lucky enough to be the one that change his ways.
“I, um…sorry. I shouldn’t have…” you trailed off, gesturing vaguely to the door.
It took everything in you to keep the embarrassed grimace off your face when his legs crossed your line of sight. 
“Real interested in the carpet, huh?” The amusement was clear in his voice.
“Shut up.” You bit back a smile. “You wanna put some clothes on?”
“Nah, I think I’ll wait until you look at me.”
“Unless you’re secretly grossed out,” he continued, voice dropping to a whisper, “is it the third nipple?”
You laughed, shooting him an exasperated look that brought a wide smile to his face.
“There she is,” he cheered, that same soft look in his eye you’d been trying to decipher for months. “I knew you wanted me.”
“You’re a piece of work, Russo.”
It was a hole in the wall. The type of place impossible to find on a map and visited only by those who already knew about it. A friend told a friend who told a friend, and eventually you ended up here. 
“Christ,” Billy mumbled under his breath, warily eyeing the chipped brick and graffitied door. “How’d you say you found this place again?”
It wasn’t exactly appealing on the outside, but the outside wasn’t what mattered. The sun was setting and there was a winter chill in the air you’d rather get out of. 
You slipped a hand into the crook of his elbow and gave it a reassuring squeeze, ignoring the way his gloved hand instinctively dropped to the gun he always had tucked away in the inner pocket of his coat. Looking at him now, dark hair slicked back and dressed to the nines in a coat that cost more than your whole wardrobe, you’d concede that maybe it wasn’t the best idea to bring him out to a place like this.
Then again, if anyone could take care of themselves and you, it was Billy.
“Karen told me about it a few months ago, said Frank loved it.” You shrugged with a small smile. “I thought you might too.”
Billy tore his eyes away from the door to look at you, all traces of apprehension melting away into something softer. You knew that he wasn’t used to people going out of their way for his sake, but that damn look had become increasingly common over the last few months and you had yet to figure out why.
In a blink, he cleared his throat and the look vanished.
“Alright then, lets see what all the fuss is about, huh?” He’d barely taken a step forward before pausing, a thoughtful frown on his face. “Just…maybe stay behind me until I know what we’re up against?”
You rolled your eyes fondly and slipped out of reach to hold the door open for him. He didn’t look too pleased when you glanced over your shoulder. 
“Quick,” you mock whispered, “the little ol’ bartender looks super shady.”
He tried and failed to keep from smiling. With a stern look, you held out a hand and wiggled your fingers. His eyes narrowed, lips curling into a smirk you were all too familiar with. He didn’t have to pluck his gloves off, it was completely unnecessary, but he did anyway and you wouldn’t deny that it felt much better to feel warm fingers engulf your palm than cold leather. 
His eyes, dark and habitually alert, met your own almost cautiously, a look that morphed into his usual confidence the moment your fingers curled around his hand. If his thumb gently swiped over your knuckles, it was certainly an accident.
The inside was just as quaint and cozy as you remembered. A mellow song you’d never heard before, and would likely never hear again, set the mood among the the clinking of glasses and the hum of muted conversation. No one looked up as you passed. Young couples were immersed entirely in each other and old friends had too much to catch up on to care.
There was a booth in the corner with Billy’s name written all over it. He hated not being able to see the whole room sprawled out before him.
Billy slid into the opposite side of the booth with more grace than you’d ever be able to muster, and glanced around the room curiously. You couldn’t help but trace his profile - the curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the lines that framed his eyes when he smiled. There was a beauty in him that was rare to find even on runways. He knew he was handsome, but his confidence didn’t just stem from his looks…he was the most capable person you knew. The most reliable friend you had. 
Though, he did have lovely eyes—eyes that locked onto your own with an amused little smirk. 
“So, does it pass inspection? You don’t have to run any background checks?” You asked, as if he hadn’t just caught you staring.
His eyes narrowed.
“You laugh all you want. I’ll have you know that I’ve had to take a bartender down before,” he said matter-of-factly, a slow and reminiscent smile tugging at his lips. “First time Frankie and me came home, got into-“
“-a drinking contest with a biker gang-“
“-and spent the night in a holding cell.” Billy laughed at the memory, a faraway look in his eyes before he shook the thought away. “Didn’t know I told you that one.”
“You didn’t, Frank did.”
One of his brows arched. 
“Oh yeah? You and Frankie talk about me?”
You rolled your eyes at his suggestive tone. That was Billy: your own personal bodyguard one minute, and a flirt the next. Though he usually reserved the flirting for women who genuinely stood a chance—the kind that looked like they were ripped out of the latest edition of Vogue.
“You come up every now and then.”
Billy braced his elbows on the tabletop and leaned forward, voice dropping an octave and sending goosebumps across your arms.
“And what else has he told you?”
There was a knowing look in his eyes that almost made you squirm in your seat, and you found yourself at a loss. There were a million things you could have said, dozens of stories, memories—good and bad. But it was hard to hold onto a thought when he was looking at you like he could read every thought you’d ever had about him.
“Hi! What can I get you kids?”
Billy cleared his throat and sent the old waitress a polite smile.
“I’ll get the…house special?” He peered over at you for reassurance, and you blinked out of your stupor.
“Make it two, Lee. And could we get some wine, please?”
You’d need it.
Leanne owned the place, but she tried to help out as much as her old bones would allow. The few times that you’d waited around for Karen to join you, you’d struck up conversation. She’d told you about her sons, who were set to inherit the place, and her husband Joe who worked in the kitchen.
“Sure thing, kiddo. Won’t be a sec.”
You shared a smile before she was bustling away to the kitchen. Billy shot you a curious look.
“I didn’t realise you knew each other.”
“Yeah, she’s been trying to set me up with one of her sons for weeks,” you laughed.
Billy’s answering smile was tight, but he didn’t have the chance to comment before Leanne was shuffling back over, bottle of wine in hand.
“And, you must be the infamous Billy,” Leanne began, as she poured a glass. “You’re right…he’s such a handsome boy, I can see why you like him so much.”
You busied yourself with your glass of wine the moment he turned his smug little eyes on you. Leanne tattled on some more, all but swooning as Billy charmed her with his handsome smile and velvety words. You’d stopped listening the moment she threw you under the bus, mentally preparing for what was to come. 
“I’ll leave you lovebirds alone,” Leanne said with a motherly smile.
By the time she reached the kitchen, Billy’s smirk had stretched into a grin—a full, breath-taking grin that showcased the lines of his eyes and the perfect rows of his teeth. Damn him.
He looked entirely too smug for your liking. You rolled your eyes.
“Aw, come on. I’m flattered, really,” he laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re gorgeous,” you huffed sarcastically. “You know she’s going to hound me about you whenever she sees me now, right?”
“Sorry,” he shrugged, though he didn’t look the least bit apologetic, “Couldn’t help myself. You get this look when you’re all flustered…”
“I’m not flustered,” you fired back. 
He held his hands up in surrender, lips twitching. “If you say so. But hey, there’s no shame in admitting you’re hot for me, babe.”
“You save that kind of talk for the girls in your harem,” you wagged your finger at him. “I am innocent, your honor.”
He shot you a wicked smile. “Kinky.”
“Why do I put up with you, Russo?”
He bit his bottom lip for a moment before answering.
“Because I’m a handsome boy, ma chérie.”
If his eyes twinkled when you laughed, it was just a trick of the light.
One bottle of wine had quickly turned into two, the majority of which you’d had yourself, and by the time Billy was calling for a driver you were fighting to keep your eyes open. He’d tucked you under his arm the moment you stepped out into the snow, eyes scanning his surroundings as they always did, while you waited. He’d forgone his Wraith this time—it wouldn’t survive in one of these streets and though he’d chance the drive with a beer or two in his system (something you’d scold him for endlessly), he’d never risk a passenger. 
“You fallin’ asleep on me, sweetheart?”
Your bleary eyes opened and you realised that yes, yes you were.
His chest shook beneath your cheek as he chuckled, and his arm tightened around you.
“’S’alright. Just hold on ’til we sit down, then you can drool all over me if you want.”
You looked up at him with a scowl, one he seemed to find even more amusing.
“I don’t drool.”
He nodded indulgently, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Of course you don’t, babe. Of course you don’t.”
A car pulled up to the curb, and you felt Billy tense until one of his guys jumped out of the driver’s seat to hold the back door open for you. You ducked inside with a thanks, wondering if he felt as cold as you did without his body pressed against your own. Wishful thinking. At least it was, until he threw his arm around your shoulders and let your head loll back onto his bicep.
“You okay?” He whispered.
You hummed.
“Yeah. Yeah, ‘m good.” Your eyes peeled themselves open to peer up at him, transfixed by the way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he noted just how close your lips were to each other’s. “You?”
Though there was no outward sign of it, you felt his chest heave as he took a deep, steadying breath and smiled.
“Never better.”
It wasn’t unusual for you to spend the night in his apartment or vice versa, it was one of the benefits of being neighbours, but Billy was adamant that he wasn’t leaving you alone in your current state—no matter how ‘fine’ you said you were. He helped you out of your shoes before you could track muck all over his carpet as you stumbled your way to his bedroom. 
“Hey, no,” he caught your elbow. “Gimme your coat first.”
Your sober self would have been mortified having Billy tend to you like a child, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, there wasn’t a hint of exasperation about him as he hung your coat up by the door.
“C’mon, lets get you to bed.” 
You knew his apartment as well as your own, but still he pressed a warm hand to the small of your back and guided you to his bedroom—where you promptly collapsed onto his bed with a groan.
“I’ll get you a change of clothes.”
“Mmm…gonna take more than some wine to get me naked, Russo.”
You chuckled at your own joke, and his eyes crinkled with his smile.
“Damn. There goes that plan, huh?”
He walked back over with a t-shirt and some old shorts.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll use the bathroom to get changed, you let me know when you’re done, yeah?”
He stared down at you for a moment, before giving a fond little shake of his head and making his way to the bathroom.
Your bones felt heavy, and you could have fallen asleep right then and there, feet hanging off the edge of his bed, and jeans digging into your skin. But you managed to muster enough energy to dump all but your panties at the foot of his bed and throw on the clothes he’d left you. Oh yes, falling asleep to his scent would be much better than your own. 
“I’m done!” You tried to shout as you slipped under the cold covers, but it came out weak and you didn’t care enough to try it again.
The bathroom door swung open anyway, so it had done the job. It wasn’t fair, you thought absently, that he could look so good even in a plain old shirt and some sweatpants. 
He scooped your clothes of the floor, pausing only for a moment when he caught sight of your bra, before laying them on a plush armchair that sat in the corner of the room. He turned the light off, leaving only the blue light of the moon to outline his silhouette as he crawled his way up the mattress to settle beside you.
His head hit the pillow with a content sigh. Until he heard a sniffle.
He frowned. “You cold?”
You shook your head. Billy didn’t like the heat, not anymore, you knew that. “‘M fine.”
It did little to reassure him, and he lifted his arm in invitation.
There were worse places to be, you decided, than in Billy Russo’s arms as you drifted off to sleep. You melted against him, cheek pressed to his chest and a leg thrown over his own. If it wasn’t for the way his arm wrapped around you to stroke small circles into your shoulder, you would have thought you’d overstepped. Because yes, you’d spent the night before, but never like this.
But those were thoughts for another time. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest lulled you to the edge of sleep before his voice jerk you away once more.
“I don’t have a harem, y’know?” He huffed a weak laugh. “Haven’t for a while.”
You hummed, only half listening but feeling obliged to reply nonetheless.
His fingers trailed up to massage the base of your neck and you leaned into his touch like a cat. 
“Don’t want one.”
“Yeah,” he reassured. “Got quality.”
He seemed to realise that he wouldn’t be getting any more out of you that night, and you vaguely registered something soft pressing against the the top of your head for a few lingering seconds. 
“Sleep, baby. I got you.”
And you did.
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knightofameris · 4 years
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—𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬—
◦ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ◦ 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒! ◦ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠!! (𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠!)
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𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠' 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: blacklist “ameris 500 celebration!” if you don’t want to see any of my posts about this celebration! also if this flops i will cry. jk i won’t but it’ll definitely take a hit on my heart u__u (and if it does flop, you didn’t see this post)
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Ahhhh! I’m so amazed that I got to 500 followers despite the fact that I barely?? Post?? And sometimes I just talk about random shit but even then, I still appreciate all of you guys so much? I have a few options on what I have to celebrate and I am so excited heheh. But before I get started I just,,, Have a few more things I’d like to talk about (cus I like to talk LOL). Feel free to skip though!! 
content continued below the cut!! (warning; introduction is long because I just have a lot of thoughts I want to share LOL. seriously, feel free to just skip) 
I know that I only really started posting Haikyuu!! around my 300 mark, and I feel like the people after my 300 mark are the one’s who are active because of how much I come onto tumblr and then disappear. 
If you don’t know this, I’ve actually been writing on Tumblr since 2015/2016. I’ve just changed blogs so many times that it’s like, hey, this is my new blog. Or like, I would write for a few months, disappear, come back but then everyone who followed me was dead so I was like eh I’ll just start again or whatever. And I think this makes me very very soft because out of all the communities I’ve been in, I’ve truly felt more welcome/at home even?? With everyone in Haikyuu? Like yeah there’s shit that goes down every few days or whatever but it’s always so fun to see people interact with each other and though I was hesitant at first (because before this the only writer I’ve ever interacted with was Scout for marvel oop) I’m really glad I reached out to a few of y’all and vice versa. 
But despite that, Marvel will always hold a place in my heart and to everyone who followed me from my Marvel days, thank you for supporting me way back when. And even to my Narnia days (AHAHAHA). I don’t think I would’ve continued writing on tumblr without your guys’ support. I know that younger me appreciated you all for reading those old works (even if I hate my old writing now). 
And to everyone now, thank you for sending in asks or commenting on my works. I actually think I would’ve disappeared by this time from this blog if you guys didn’t interact. I’m not saying I’m writing for the follows or the notes, if that makes sense. But it’s more like, I feel less of a robot that people expect to churn out works. Idk, it makes me feel like a person? And it just gives me a lot more serotnin than you might think!! 
One last thing though, it’s not me saying I expect you guys to always read my work and always comment. It’s more so, I’d actually rather have you guys comment or whatever because you want to and you want to read it. Like on one hand yes it does make me feel appreciated but I also don’t want you to feel obligated or feel guilty of you don’t read my things. No matter what, I will always be writing. It definitely does feel nice tho LOL 
I promise in the future, if I ever do intros they won’t be this long lol. 
Phew. Anyway. 
For this celebration, this is only for Haikyuu!!
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I love love love self ships SO much. So I want to hear about your guys’ self ships! 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
this will only be open from 12am september 23 — 11:59pm september 25 PST 
any requests received before or after will be deleted (may be extended depending on how many requests I get!)
do keep in mind that i’m starting classes soon so it will take me some time to get through this.
send it in through asks or submissions! 
send in as many asks as you’d like
if you use an emoji to show who you are, include it on all asks :3c
nothing nsfw for this, thanks!
since this is a follower celebration,,, i do have to ask that you be following me! honestly, i won’t check if you are, thats too much work on my part but it would mean a lot if you’re following me to participate in this celebration! ); 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 [example]
i will be creating two instagram posts with one of them having a comment section (3-4 screenshots)
i might also include a screenshot of your profile and/or your s/o if I can put in more pictures!
chats with your s/o ( heheh (; ) (1-2 screenshots)
chats with your s/o’s team! (1-2 screenshots) (this will possibly be with the entire team or just a select few)
take a look at the example as that’s what i’ve done for a friend of mine!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨
send in 1-2 headcanons about you and your s/o
send in a little bit about your personality!!
your pronouns! and a name you’d like to go by!
give me your instagram handle! (not your real one, but what it would be within haikyuu) otherwise, i’ll make a random one based off your name!
what are your ~aesthetics~ 
what phone nickname would u have for your s/o (or any other people on the team) so it can be more personalized! or if ur like me where everyone is just their name besides a select few
do u have particular texting habits?
what’s your favorite animal? this is what I will be putting as your profile picture! alternatively if you submit all of this through my submissions and give me a piccrew, I will use that!
you could give me the most BASIC description, you don’t need to do all of these points, and i’d be fine with that. It’s up to you how much you want this to be personalized <3
(also this one’s not necessary, it’ll just be more ~fun~ but lmk if u wanna be a manager of the team! or if u have ur own little AU so u might have other certain details u want to throw in. otherwise i’m gonna make it a sorta free for all lol)
𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒: hi! my name’s ameris and i ship myself with suga! my pronouns are she/her/hers and i like to think that suga and i have a sort of childhood friends to lovers trope. i also like to think that we go stargazing at least once a month no matter what! my aesthetic is definitely space heh. i’m a little bit like suga where i’m chaos and baby! i curse a lot and i have way too many interests to count but i always like trying new things! my instagram handle would be ameris_stars (dude idk lMAO) and suga’s name in my phone would be Koushi <3 i make a lot of typos and i like using a mix of emojis and emoticons/occasional kaomojis. my favorite animal is a fox or dog!
this,,, is a lot but i’m okay with that! heheh
to protect you, I won’t publish your ask! I will make separate posts titled w/ your name + s/o + emoji (if you use your emoji). If you do it off anon, I will tag you! 
Request List!! If you don’t see your name on here, just submit it again :3c I will not be tagging for the sake of not spamming you guys lol. 
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I would love love love to get to know you! So tell me about yourself! 
what’s your favorite color?
who’re your favorite haikyuu characters?
favorite haikyuu teams?
you got any writers you want to give a shout out to?
maybe a little self promo too?
adsfasdfasdflj i will keep bringing this up but like any,,, spice asks,,, about the haikyuu characters cus like,,, lol
horn knee asks will be tagged with: “ameris needs a drink” which honestly sounds like i need an alcoholic drink and at this point, yeah 
please be 18+ if you do send in any spicey asks!!
This can go on for as long as y’all want really, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ll just answer these like normal and spread them out too lol
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I have a few ask games I’ve reblogged before, so I have a few linked for you LOL 
intrusive asks 👁👄👁
~space~ asks! (this has a lot more!)
zodiac asks (just about my writing!)
writer’s asks
a little game I got from my friend which I think is absolutely so much fun
this is a version of fuck-marry-kill, but send in THREE characters (this one can be from any mix of my interests!) and I’ll choose which one I’d rather have a fanfic trope with: 
“childhood friends-to-lovers” 
and “fake dating”
would definitely prefer haikyuu characters
but doing a mix and match from all my interests is a lotta fun
things i used to or am currently into: haikyuu, marvel, bnha, demon slayer, rwby, sailor moon, voltron, dc, overwatch, tales of vesperia, legend of zelda, bungo stray dogs, narnia (lmao), one piece, uhm, i’ll add more if i can think of more, tbh u can even just say random characters and i’ll just google them 
As always though, feel free to ask me any other questions!!
this will also go on for as long as whenever, i’ll probably spread out this one! 
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AH. It was lookin a little long so here’s the link to the post :3c (will edit post later!!! when I come back from my exam!!!)
to those who got to the end, omg i’m sorry. i talk so much. but thank you for your support and just getting through this block of words hakdfhkasf
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