#((but you have just been CENSORED //SHOT))
jo-speaks · 23 days
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please please please ft. jack hughes
in which...
you're aware of Jack's reputation with girls, but you know he'll be different with you.
track two in short n' sweet (hughes brothers version) series!
I know I have good judgment
I know I have good taste
It's funny and it's ironic
That only I feel that way
I promise 'em that you're different
Your sister stared at your phone, a picture of the one and only Jack Hughes on it. The look on her face was one of confusion and slight disgust. “That’s… your boyfriend?”
“Well don’t get too happy about it.” You answered, pursing your lips together as you turned off your phone. 
She rolled her eyes, “Y/N, he looks like a frat boy who drinks every other hour and fucks a different girl every night.” 
Before you could respond, her phone rang. She excused herself into the living room, leaving you pondering on your queen-sized bed. Your sister was partially right, he did have a reputation for being, for lack of better words, a fuck boy. 
Ever since he got drafted when he was 18, the number of girls that entered his dm’s was despicable. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t respond to them, getting a few relatively censored pictures in return.
But with age comes maturity. Once he met you, he knew he found his person. 
No more DM’s. No more hookups. No more girls. Just you, and only you.
Your sister reentered the room, “Sorry. Mom just wanted to know if I was showing up to meet your boy toy this weekend.”
“I promise you. He’s different.”
And everyone makes mistakes
But just don't
“Do you not trust me? We’ve been over this, babe.” Jack stated, wrapping his arm around your waist as you got into bed with him. 
You looked up at him as you rested your head on his bare chest. “I do trust you. But you have to understand why they’re worried about me dating you, Jack.”
His body tensed up, and his hold on your body loosened. You could feel the gentle rise and fall into his chest speeding into a rapid pace. Family meant everything to Jack and you knew that, so you couldn’t imagine how he felt at the idea of your family not liking him just because of stupid decisions he made in the past. 
“Sorry. Maybe when we all have dinner tomorrow I can clear that up. I want them to like me, Y/N.” He whispered. 
I heard that you're an actor
So act like a stand-up guy
“So. You’re Jack.” Your father said, eyes trailing up and down his figure.
Your boyfriend gulped slightly, trying to keep his composure. “Yes sir. A pleasure to meet you.” He didn’t reply, choosing to stare the boy down instead. 
“Dad.” You warned.
Wanting to break up all the awkwardness, your mother introduced herself, giving Jack a warmer welcome than your father. She took his hand and dragged him into the house, leaving you and your dad standing tensely in the doorway.
“I don’t like him. Who the hell does he think he’s impressing with that ‘yes sir’ crap?” 
You groaned softly, “Dad, I really like him. Can you please just give him a chance? I promise you he’s a really great guy once you get to know him.”
Your dad stared at you blankly, “How many girls do you think he’s gotten to believe that? Your sister came over yesterday to talk to us. Told us all about him.”
“Yeah, well he’s changed. And whether you choose to believe that or not, all I ask is for you to treat him with a little bit of respect. Please.”
He didn’t respond verbally, opting for a simple sigh and nod as he led the two of you into the house.
Whatever devils inside you
Don't let him out tonight
I tell them it's just your culture
And everyone rolls their eyes
Yeah I know
Maybe it was a mistake bringing your parents to the Devils vs. Kings game. You had never seen Jack as rilled up as he was tonight, but you were sitting close enough to the glass to hear his opponent chirping him about his size. Jack had enough of the cheap shots, choosing to slash and rough around a little bit with the bigger man. 
Your mom laughed softly as he got dragged to the penalty box. You looked up, pointing out the camera focused on Jack displayed on the jumbotron. 
“People pay to watch me play!” Jack yelled, his voice slightly audible from the other side of the rink at which you were sitting.
While you and your mom giggled about the comment made by your boyfriend, your dad shook his head. “Real classy.” 
You sighed, “Dad, please. It’s just hockey culture. He didn’t mean it. 
He simply rolled his eyes, “I’m telling you, sweetie. A temper like that doesn’t only exist while he’s playing.” He said, crossing his arms before pulling out his phone to scroll mindlessly on it.
All I'm asking baby
Please please please don't prove em’ right
Jack threw his equipment bag into the trunk of your car, shaking the vehicle slightly as you got into the passenger seat. However, he stopped you before you could buckle in. 
“Can you drive?” He mumbled, “If I get behind the wheel right now, I swear to God, I might crash it.”
You simply nodded, stepping out so he could step in. You walked around the car, seeing Jack inside the car, looking out the window into the dark, night sky. Since you didn’t lack common sense, you decided to stay quiet and let his mind run wild. Handling three straight losses isn’t easy on an athlete, especially if that athlete is Jack Hughes. 
The half-hour drive back to his Hoboken apartment was mostly silent, other than the occasional sniffle from Jack, his body getting used to being warm after almost six hours at the rink. 
After a few more minutes, it grew old. “You okay?”
He scoffed, “Yeah, I’m totally fine after losing, that makes total sense, Y/N.”
“Okay, no. I didn’t do anything to you, so lose the damn attitude because the only thing I’m trying to do is make you feel better.”
“Well maybe use your brain and don’t ask me stupid questions like that when you can clearly see that I’m not.” He retorted, turning his head to look at you.
You furrowed your eyebrows, severely disliking his tone but ultimately too tired to snap back, resorting to a deep sigh and a quiet, “Okay, Jack.” 
Pulling the car into the driveway of his apartment, you waited for him to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car. He didn’t, rather letting out a breath and reaching over to grab your hand. “I’m sorry. You’re right, you didn’t do anything to me and I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s fine, Jack.” You mumbled, not meeting his gaze. 
He gently cupped your face with his right hand, softly forcing you to look at him, which you reluctantly did. “It’s not fine. You’re my girlfriend and I promise you that will never happen again.”
You nodded, silently thanking him before leaning in to kiss his chapped lips.
Please please please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Heartbreak is one thing
My egos another
I beg you don't embarrass me
Mother fucker ohhh
Please please please
‘Jack Hughes seen with beautiful lady at local Jersey bar. New girlfriend in the NHL superstars’ life?’ 
You read the headline, immediately throwing your phone from your vanity seat onto your bed. The tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over if you blinked. Unfortunately, you weren’t able to hold back the river that began spilling from your eyes. The mascara entering your eyes was a pleasurable burn due to it distracting you from what had caused the situation to unfold in the first place. 
Was he cheating on you? Is this just another gossip site desperate for attention? 
“Woah! Hey, what happened?” Jack called out, snapping you out of your spiral. 
Unable to form words, you just handed him your phone, looking up at him with an expression of hurt and worry.
You watched as his eyes shifted from left to right, reading the article with furrowed eyebrows. When he was done, he let out a sigh and wiped his face then ran the same hand through his hair. 
He set the phone down, squatting down to be on eye level with you. “Baby, I swear it’s not what it looks like.”
“Then what? Because to me, what it looks like is that you were getting nice and cozy with that girl.” You scoffed, trying to turn your chair away from him.
His reflexes were quick enough to stop that, not wanting the conversation to end before he had the chance to explain himself. “Listen to me. Lukey was eyeing her all night. I wanted to be a good big brother and try to set that up. That picture was just taken at a bad time, but I swear to you that’s all it was.” 
“Then why the hell was her hand on your shoulder like that?” You cried out, your sobs breaking your voice. 
“She did that! I took it right off immediately after, I swear. You have to believe me, Y/N. I would never even think about doing that to you.” He pleaded, not wanting everything the two of you had just because of some touchy girl at the bar. 
You tried to calm yourself, wanting to stop the tears but you couldn’t. You believed him, you truly did, but just the idea of him with another woman made you sick to your stomach.
“Okay.” You eventually managed to croak out. “I believe you.”
He pulled you into a tight hug, the mascara running down your cheeks staining his white dress shirt. “I promise I will never, ever, do that to you.”
Well I have a fun idea babe
Maybe just stay inside
I know you're craving some fresh air
But the ceiling fan is so nice
“Do you have to go?” You asked, intertwining your legs with his as you lay on the couch.
He chuckled, “Yes, I do. It’s an event for kids, Y/N. I can’t miss it.” 
“But it’s so nice in here! We’ve got Netflix and A/C. What more could you want?” 
“Fresh air, maybe?” He said with a teasing tone, “I haven’t been out in so long, I need vitamin D.”
You wiggled your eyebrows, “Or vitamin me.” Jack gagged at your joke, pressing himself away from you as you laughed maniacally from your spot on the couch. “I’m definitely going after that awful joke.”
Once you calmed down, you groaned dramatically, tightening your grip on him, “Anything I can do to convince you to stay?”
“Maybe one thing.” He smirked, leaning up to peck at your neck and jawline. “Grow three more heads and a penis and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“Not funny, Hughes.”
And we could live so happily
If no one knows that you're with me
I'm just kidding
But really (Kinda)
“Can I post this?” Jack asked, crossing his arm over your waist to show you his phone. 
It was a picture of the two of you sitting on the boat and smiling at each other. A cute photo, truly, but your face was on full display. Jack noticed your questioning stare, leaning up on her elbow so he could see you better. 
“I don’t know, Jack. I’d rather you not.”
“Okay… can I ask why? I think it’s a cute photo.”
You let out a soft breath, “I’ve seen the comments under some of your posts. I just don’t want anyone saying anything about us.”
He nodded slowly, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why do you care so much? It’s just a bunch of fifteen-year-old girls who think they have a chance with me.” 
You let out a laugh at his comment, “It’s not that I care, I just don’t think I want to put us out there. Not yet, at least.”
“Gotcha. So I can’t post you at all? Or can I do this one?” He showed you his phone again after a few swipes of his thumb, his screen displaying a picture of him Titanic-ing you on the edge of the boat. Your back was to the camera, but he had turned around to look at his brother, giving Ellen the perfect chance to capture his laughter in the image.
Smiling at the picture, you nodded, giving him the okay.
Please please please don't prove I'm right
Please please please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Jack’s rough hands over your eyes weren’t the most pleasurable feeling. He wasn’t paying attention to his subconscious choice to press the pads of his fingers into your eyes, so you were mumbling constant, “Jack.”s the whole way to wherever he was taking you. 
Why he couldn’t have just gotten a blindfold was beyond you.
After a few more steps and the familiar creak of the door, he removed his hands. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light. Once you did, you saw a bunch of red, pink, and white decorations hanging in the kitchen, a small cake in the middle with little figures of you and Jack on the top of it. 
You gasped softly, taking in the scene. You knew Jack was never one to go above and beyond for silly little holidays like Valentine’s Day. He knew you were a sap for celebrating anything and everything, so he figured you would like it. 
Jack had turned to admire his handiwork, but by the time he turned back to you, tears were streaming down your face as an upside-down smile covered your face. He couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction. 
“You aren’t supposed to cry!” He exclaimed in between short laughs. 
You sniffled, “I know! But how can I not?”
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you into a tight hug as he swayed you softly, your dramatic cries turning into laughs once you got over the initial shock.
“Thank you, Jack. I love it.” 
He placed a soft kiss atop your head, “Anything for you, sweet girl.”
Heartbreak is one thing
My egos another
Jack stormed into your apartment, startling you from your place on the couch. You had forgotten you gave him a spare key. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, immediately standing up once you saw the look on his face.
His eyes were red, as well as the rest of his face. “Shoulder.” Was the only word he was able to get out before tears of frustration began spilling from his face. 
You had never seen Jack this vulnerable, so you had no idea what to do. You guided him to the couch, gently pulling him into your arms. 
He eventually calmed down, taking a few deep breaths. You didn’t give him the chance to speak before you chirped in. “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“Talked to the PT guy. I’m out for the season.” He explained, his voice trembling. 
You let out a sympathetic sigh, “I’m so sorry, Jack.” 
He shook his head, “No. I should’ve listened to you when you told me to rest it. But my dumbass ego decided to ignore you. And now look what it got me.”
“Hey. This is in no way your fault. Could you have rested? Yes. But, if the trainers didn’t believe you were fine enough you wouldn’t even have had the choice to pick.” You placed your hand on his non-injured shoulder, “You picked your team. You picked the game that you love. You went all the way until it stopped you and that is not your fault.”
Taking a minute to process your words, Jack blinked, his eyes never leaving yours. He opted to not respond, instead just leaned his body into you, wanting to be held. 
“I’ve got you, my love. No matter what you have to do or how long it takes, I’m here for you every step of the way.”
“Thank you.” Was the last thing he mumbled before settling in the warmth of your chest, pushing you back onto the couch so the two of you could sleep.
I beg you don't embarrass me
Mother fucker ohhh
Please please please
“All right. Big impression number two.” Jack joked, trying to ease your nerves. 
He had met your parents. Now it was time for you to meet his grandparents. You had already met Jim and Ellen, but somehow meeting their parents seemed a lot more intimidating.
Jack noticed your eyes trained on the floor, so he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, causing your gaze to shift to him. 
“They’ll love you. I’ve told them how helpful you’ve been throughout this whole thing and they said they can’t wait to meet you. Just relax.” He explained, his words calming you just a bit. 
One knock from the door was all it took before Ellen opened the door, immediately pulling you in for a hug. “Hi! How are you?”
You laughed at her joyful reaction, “I’m doing great, you?”
She let out a sigh, “Jim’s mother is driving me nuts. I swear, you can’t cook one meal without that woman getting involved. I love her but, jeez.” She turned her attention to her second son, “How are you, Jack? How’s the shoulder?”
“It’s getting there. As for your Nana problem, I’m sure Y/N could be a good mediator,” Jack suggested, sending you a wink as you turned to look back at him with wide eyes.
Ellen gasped, “Oh you’re right! Would you mind, Y/N?” 
You hesitated, “Um. Sure, why not?”
Jack’s mom pulled you by the hand into the kitchen, Jack’s laughter fading behind you as he stepped into the warmth of the house, shutting the door behind him.
If you wanna go and be stupid
Don't do it in front of me
If you don't wanna cry to my music
Don't make me hate you prolifically
Please x9
“Goddamn it, Jack.” You mumbled to yourself, seeing his sling on the kitchen bar with a sticky note with ‘sorry! <3” on it in rushed handwriting. 
He had told you he was just going to go watch his Dad and brothers golf but had a change of plans. You sighed and pulled out your phone, taking a picture of the scene in front of you and sending it to Jack.
You let out a grumble at his response, grabbing the sling and the keys to the golf cart before driving up to the country club. 
After a few circles around the holes, you spotted Jack and his family. You stepped on the pedal, rushing to get up before Jack had a go. 
“Alright, Jacky. Your go.” Quinn stated, sitting in the golf cart, ready to observe his brother’s swing. 
Unfortunately for Jack, you were faster. “Jack Rowden Hughes!”
The Hughes’ men’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, especially Jack’s. They all turned around to look at you, a look in your eyes that could only be described as crazy. 
You stomped over to Jack, ignoring the rest of the guys. You shoved the sling into his chest, crossing your arms immediately after. 
“Jack, you can’t be golfing right now! The doctor said you have two more weeks with that thing!” You exclaimed. 
Quinn spoke up, “Two weeks? Rowdy, you told us your doctor cleared you.”
Jack let out a sigh as his cover had been blown, “Just wanted to golf.” He mumbled. 
You scoffed, “I’ve worked my ass off for you and this is what you do? I’ve taken care of your meds, when you’re supposed to take them, washing that thing for you because you couldn’t. Doing all the work around your house so that you wouldn’t have to and Luke could focus on finishing his rookie year, and this is what you do?” 
Everyone was silent as you scolded Jack, knowing fully well you were right. You had picked up the slack around his and Luke’s shared apartment throughout his recovery, and the fact that he wanted to disregard all of that for a game of golf was disrespectful. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” He took a deep breath, “I just wanted to get out here before summer’s over and Quinn leaves for Vancouver and Luke and I for Jersey. All I wanted was a normal summer, leave my injury at the door, you know?”
You gave him a soft smile, “I get that, but Jack. You’re almost at the point where you can do all of this, without having to worry about anything else. You’ve worked so hard and sacrificed so many things for this, don’t throw it away for something you can do in two weeks.”
“She’s right, son.” Jim spoke, “We know you love golfing, but you love hockey just as much. Don’t ruin the progress you’ve made, all right?”
Jack nodded, “Yeah. Thanks, Dad.” He shifted his attention back to you. “Thank you, Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably light yourself on fire.” Luke chirped, gaining a laugh from all of you.
You pulled Jack into a hug, taking his hand and guiding him to sit next to his brother.
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beansprean · 1 year
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Follow up to this post dkjfhdkfjhdg (uncensored on Patreon)
ty to @veryintricaterituals for spanish beta! 😙
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Wide shot of the foyer of the house as Guillermo walks backward from the front door, followed by cousin Miguel. Miguel swaggers through, looking around with a teasing grin, and says "Órale! Got rid of all the vines 'n shit, eh? No worries about eco-friendly anymore?" Guillermo smiles nervously, hands held out in a calming gesture as he backs toward the hallway. He replies, "Haha, yeah, okay, just...stay put and wait for me, okay? We'll just be in and out, real quick." Miguel asks, "What, you hiding something?" Guillermo splutters, "No, I just-" 1b. Close up of Guillermo from the front on a startled starburst background, eyes wide with panic as a voice from the hall calls out, "Guillermo?" Guillermo's face darkens and he begins to sweat profusely, bold text nearby telegraphing his thoughts: Oh no. 1c. Zoom out, view down the hallway as Guillermo leaps out of frame in the foreground, startled. Coming down the hall with a confident gait is Nandor, hair down, wearing nothing but his rings and a white button up shirt that certainly does not belong to him. His hairy thighs are bare beneath it, and his decency is only covered by a tastefully long black censor box that says 'swang!' as it swings back and forth with his steps. Nandor's stern gaze is focused on Guillermo as he demands, "Guillermo, where have you been? I had to take a bath all by myself, and I couldn't find my robe-"
2a. Wide shot from the side of all three men as Nandor reaches them at the mouth of the hallway. Nandor sees Miguel and grins, pleased, pointing at him and saying "Oh, hello... Is this for me?" Guillermo stands between them, frozen, red-faced, and sweating like a sinner in church. He shoots a panicked glance over his shoulder at Miguel, who is equally frozen and staring wide-eyed at Nandor's crotch. A clear dotted arrow line aims his gaze. 2b. Repeat. Guillermo snaps out of it and turns Nandor around, pushing at his back to steer him back down the hall. He splutters, "No, that is my cousin, just- no! Go to your room! And stop stealing my shirts!" Nandor, confused, allows himself to be pushed but glares over his shoulder, lip curled, and whines "Eyy, no pushing!" Miguel stands just as he was, wide-eyed stare moved to the middle distance. 2c. Shot from the hall toward the front door, Guillermo close-up in the foreground as he pushes Nandor away. In the background, Miguel somewhat recovers, a startled grin crossing his face as he holds one arm up in a shrug and calls, "Yo, hey, good for you, Memo-" Guillermo, blushing and angry, snaps back, "¡Cállate!" In parentheses: "shut up!"
3. Days later, Miguel stands with Silvia at her kitchen sink, drying a glass jar with a dishcloth as she has her gloved hands elbow-deep in soapy water. Frowning as he works, Miguel says, "Tía, conocí al novio de Memo el otro día." In parentheses: "Auntie, I met Memo's boyfriend the other day." Silvia smiles indulgently, eyes on the sink, and asks, "¿En serio? ¿Qué te pareció?" In parentheses: "Really? What did you think?" Miguel replies, "Como dijiste...mayor." In parentheses: "Like you said. Big." There is an asterisk next to big, leading to a footnote that says "Mayor can mean old/older or big/bigger". /end ID
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Can we see a chubby!reader who maybe doesn't know that Feitan is part of the phantom troupe, so she doesn't think Feitan can carry her but then he proves her wrong (maybe with a little bit of angst because she's self conscious, and then comfort because Feitan loves that there's more of her)
Idk if that made sense
Feitan x Chubby!Fem!Reader
A/N: another short one… but I like it!! Join my server !!
warnings: insecure reader, a bit of internalized misogyny
SFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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You had been dating Feitan for nearly a year now, and you still knew so little about him. His whereabouts while he was out of town were a mystery to you, and you had no idea what he did for work. All you did know was that he didn’t have a normal job.
When you jokingly asked him if he was in the mafia, he scoffed. “Mafia bunch of puss- wimps. Not part of it, not by long shot.”
You were a little perturbed by his answer, but couldn’t help laughing at the way he censored himself for your sake. He seemed to see you as some kind of delicate princess, closer to a porcelain doll than human. Feitan was always extremely gentle when touching you, his hands almost hesitant when making contact with your skin.
This was something you didn’t understand. Throughout your life, people viewed you as bigger, tougher, when in reality you were quite easily hurt, both physically and mentally. The topic of your weight had been a sore subject…
But your Fei wasn’t really good with reading social cues.
“Eat good. Here, for big girl.”
You stared at your boyfriend as he used his chopsticks to drop an extra egg roll on your plate. In your mind, you know he meant nothing by it. He was friends with larger people like Uvogin who ate tons to keep up his strength and figure.
But your heart felt hurt. You pushed your plate away and huffed. “Hmph.”
He was bad about assuming things, even if you knew it Feitan wasn’t being malicious, it still hurt your feelings when he assumed random things because of your body type.
But what you didn’t know, was that Feitan wasn’t assuming anything. You were his girlfriend, he had to provide for you and make sure you ate well. In meteor city, having meat on your bones usually meant you were well taken care of, and all he wanted to do was make sure you ate.
Feitan, though… he wasn’t good at communicating that. Or communicating at all, really, so he just stared as you pushed away the food. He scoffed, slightly offended that you turned down his offer.
“Why huff? Being brat.”
You sniffled, standing up and storming off. Feitan wouldn’t let this slide, he hated seeing you upset.
The dark haired man caught your wrist, squeezing with just enough force to catch your attention. “Why act like this? Made you mad?”
You pouted, puffing out your chubby cheeks. “Mmph… it’s embarrassing. You’re thin and I’m not… aren’t girls supposed to be dainty and small? Isn’t that what you would prefer, someone you could easily pick up?”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, not daring to look back at your lover.
But you didn’t have to look, because he turned you around and began lifting you with ease. Once you were in the air, he held onto your ass, squeezing softly. You squeaked and immediately wrapped your plump thighs around his waist for support, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“See? Easy. My little bunny.”
He held you in his arms, not straining or struggling in the slightest. It was like you weighed nothing at all to him and it was… relieving.
“Can’t understand? You… are mine.”
He huffed, sitting down with you in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist. “We clear?”
You snuggled him, burying your teary face into his neck. “Yeah…”
Feitan tried to be a bit more sensitive with you after that, and made it a point to carry you around and show you off to his friends. It was a little embarrassing… but you felt loved and beautiful.
And that was all you needed.
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tojisun · 1 day
sugar, spice, everything on ice (hockey au)
hockey player simon x f!reader’s relationship through the eyes of their fans but like smau - sorta like this!!
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simon has never really used his socials properly before. hell, he probably still gets his gossip from the grapevine (being their locker room) or something. of course their goaltender, price, isn’t any better, but at least the man is active online. riley? a fucking ghost.
until, of course, his girl starts popping up in people’s posts.
emory @.emowysg
just found out that simon riley’s WAG doesn’t know hockey but she still flies to see him play 😭🙏
Simon Riley ✓⃝ @.riley41 to @.emowysg she’s the sweetest
STREAM TASTE @.bosseysnumber1 to @.riley41 AINT NO WAY YOURE LURKINJ
emory @.emowysg to @.riley41 WHAT IS BRO DOING HERE 😭
bry @.strobrymilf to @.emowysg The way you didn’t even tag them but he still saw this IJBOL
emory @.emowysg to @.strobrymilf IM SAYING 💀
sandra @.nightwingsgf
oomf was telling me that simon riley the type to overexplain the sport to his gf (tisming, if you will) and i fucked w that hard
icarizz @.brycelims to @.nightwingsgf tisming 💀
Simon Riley ✓⃝ @.riley41 to @.nightwingsgf haha no i go caveman when i try explaining it to her but she’s so patient with me anyway
papillon @.breedthatginger to @.riley41 i saw this comment, scrolled away, then audibly went, “PAUSE” yo king what thenrufk 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
sandra @.nightwingsgf to @.riley41 trying to stay nonchalant about simon fucking riley shirsey #41 forward and alternate captain of specgru just casually being in my replies (girl im failing)
cigarettes after shrek @.autumnblooms
can simon fight
[it’s a screenshot from simon’s instagram story—the phone is being jostled, leaving people looking like pixelated streaks, but the screenshot does a good job at capturing your wide smile as you hold up a puppy in the air]
huggy @.hghsbros to @.autumnblooms she is so so pretty 🥹
ouroboros @.ayacchi to @.autumnblooms heavy on the caption lmao
Simon Riley ✓⃝ @.riley41 to @.autumnblooms and win
marie @.mariejayp to @.riley41 what being in love does to a mf
౨ৎ @.persephonessin to @.riley41 shounen ahh reply 😭
jonah @.jonathanmllr to @.persephonessin bro said [image of gojo’s infamous ‘nah. i’d win’ quote/meme]
🍂 @.zeekewin
[the first image is a blurry shot of you in the box, your mouth open as you yelled. the background is a mess of specgru’s colours, showing that the rest of the WAGs came in with this season’s WAG jackets.
the second image includes kyle’s girlfriend who is holding your hand while the two of you are mid-jump in celebration.]
hime @.peaxhespie to @.zeekewin are we.. seeing the formation of a new polycule
🍂 @.zeekewin to @.peaxhespie cant even be like “dont ship real ppl!!” bc theyre too cute 🥹
Simon Riley ✓⃝ @.riley41 to @.zeekewin is that the clearest picture you have?
🍂 @.zeekewin to @.riley41 KING?????? also, yeah. sorry :(
char-les @.charlatron to @.riley41 shit it’s not a myth - bro really /does/ pop up like bloody mary 😭
eren truther @.aotsucks
yall are we about to censor his fucking name because hows he always in our replies 😭
🎀 @.ttius_overkill to @.aotsucks no because he’s so in love on g 😭 “she’s the sweetest” sir stand up!!
eren truther @.aotsucks to @.ttius_overkill NOT STANDIP LMAJDHS
momo @.mrdawcy to @.aotsucks not us knowing who you mean right away 😅
louis @.lovingtomlinson
idek who simon riley is or the lore with his girl but that man is smitten as hell. good for him good for him
good luck babe @.stellastic to @.lovingtomlinson one of us one of us one- [screenshot of simon riley’s ‘likes’ on his page, with this post at the current top]
louis @.lovingtomlinson to @.stellastic it hasn’t even been five minutes 💀
John Mactavish ✓⃝ @.jmactavish_91
Okay but imagine hearing him in person
[video is of drunk simon, nuzzling his face on kyle’s shoulder, murmuring something too faint for the camera to pick up. there’s a muffled laughter from the person recording, probably johnny from the sounds of it, before they shuffle forward and stick the phone close to simon.
simon blinks at it, looks at the person from behind the screen, and goes, “s’at m’girl?”
video cuts with johnny and kyle laughing at their friend, fond and teasing at the same time.]
samson @.zachob to @.jmactavish_91 GIVE THAT MAN HIS GIRL 😭
baron @.mlawdy to @.jmactavish_91 bro must be winning in life if he’s that in love. lord me when
Simon Riley ✓⃝ @.riley41
Me and my baby
[image is of the two of you in the lake house, enjoying the last days of summer. the puppy is curled on your lap, sleeping, while you angled your head up to smile into the camera. simon has his arm looped around your waist, his head resting atop yours.]
sandra @.nightwingsgf to @.riley41 TEARS WERE SHED
emory @.emowysg to @.riley41 GOOD SOUP
cigarettes after shrek @.autumnblooms to @.riley41 TWO PRETTY BEST FRIENDS
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i laughed making this fhjefjefw. idk just thinking about how simon fr the type to show off his partner if he can - and he could so here we are!! i also just love making outsider’s pov through SMAU <33
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therainscene · 3 months
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I've described myself in the past as "overly-queerbaited" as a way of explaining why it took me so long to come around to Byler endgame as a legitimate possibility... but that's kind of a misleading way of putting it.
Truth is, I've always been too much of a cynical fuck to fall for queerbait... or any other story that promises positive queer rep.
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[Sherlock couldn't touch me; I saw this cringe homophobia coming from a mile away. Fans mistaking straight anxiety jokes for meaningful gay subtext was clearly doomed to end in mockery. Nobody deserved to be treated like that... but god, it was easy to predict.]
I think it's a symptom of having grown up under Section 28 -- feeling like I'm being unreasonable for wanting to see queerness normalized is such an ingrained habit that even today I instinctively recoil like a vampire touching sunlight whenever an optimistic queer story falls unrequested into my lap.
But I'm hardly alone in feeling this way -- many queer Millennial and Gen-X fans of Stranger Things are against the idea of Byler because it would ruin the catharsis of watching the gay boy growing up in the same era as we did slowly succumb to the same despair that we did.
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[For those who haven't played the VR game: Vecna is speaking in this screenshot.]
There's genuine comfort to be found in painful stories -- this type of catharsis is practically the cornerstone of horror as a genre -- so I can't really fault myself or anyone else for wanting it, despite the obnoxious oversaturation of disappointing queer endings in media.
This is the nostalgia show, after all -- and like it or not, for many middle-aged queers in the target audience, nostalgia is shot through with the pain of homophobia and loneliness.
But do you know who else is a hurt queer(-coded) adult who resents happy endings? This cynical fuck:
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Henry personifies despair and loneliness and the dark urge to take our pain out on others -- and when Will is in the picture, I would argue that he also represents internalized homophobia.
Will might represent who we were -- but Henry represents who we've let ourselves turn into.
And I don't think many of us want to admit to that, because that would involve questioning why we have so much in common with the literal villain of the show; why we're still so consumed with self-pity after 20+ years that we're obsessing over the fate of some kid.
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I'm not suggesting that wanting a less-than-fairytale ending for a fictional gay boy is equivalent to being a child killer lol. It's perfectly valid to want to see your pain acknowledged, and stories which appeal to that desire deserve to exist.
But between Henry's connection to Will and the cycle of abuse themes of the show, it's clear that this particular story simply isn't about wallowing in the bleakness of growing up gay in the 80s, but about self-actualizing in spite of it all.
So I just can't bring myself to want a "relatable" ending for Will.
As much as I struggle to enjoy positive queer rep, I don't want to be so cynical. I'd thrown up so many walls to protect myself as a teenager that I forgot how desperately I wanted to see just one of those painful queer stories end on the same uplifting note that straight stories were always entitled to: with true love overcoming the odds, saving the day, and living happily ever after.
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[But I'm A Cheerleader, a surprisingly fun movie about conversion therapy, is proof that stories like this did exist when I was a teen... but finding them in the pre- and early-internet days amidst so much censorship was a tall order.]
What makes Stranger Things different from most queer stories -- and what allowed it to pierce through my defenses and stab me in the gut -- is that it perfectly mimics those bleak, acceptable-to-the-censors stories from my youth -- only this time, the secret uplifting gay plot twist is real.
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Not for the sake of shock value or of grabbing some empty woke points at the last second, but because the plan all along was to slap the audience in the face for believing homophobic lies about the existence of queer happiness.
That's some gourmet catharsis, if you ask me.
Just the possibility that my inner child might finally be vindicated has allowed me to truly let myself want the things I want for the first time in 20 years -- and that's the first step towards finally crawling back out into the sunlight.
Happy Pride Month, everyone. 🌈
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fangweaver2099 · 3 months
𝐅 𝐀 𝐖 𝐍 𝐓 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐇 - Prologue pt 1
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You’ve always liked the idea of having a dominant partner - BDSM was something you’ve read about, watched videos about.
Something you made Pinterest boards and aesthetic tumblr posts about when you were 18 and curious, the idea always sounded nice, but you’ve never done it in practice, not really. Sure you bought fuzzy handcuffs at a gag gift store once, but that didn’t really count.
You’re still a virgin.
You’ve always had that chronically awkward, workaholic type of vibe that made typical dating near impossible at worst and frustrating at best. Normal dating apps have proven fruitless and agitating. So poor curious little you talked yourself into making a fetlife account. You weren’t looking for true love, but at least you could get laid.
DM Request from: 10:13 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hello, Fawn.”
College was for new experiences after all.
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CW: BDSM heavy/centric fic. Safe, Sane & Consensual. Miguel is your professor, but you both don't know that. Age Gap (Y/N is 23, Miguel is mid 30's)
DM Request from: 10:13 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hello, Fawn.” 
You squint at the request - you can see his icon is his torso.
You knew you had to snoop - be careful. The classic teen girl not wanting to be abducted shit. His skin was tanned - pale palms and even skintone told you he wasn’t a white guy. NYC was a melting pot - so you weren’t about to think too hard about it. You scroll through his writings. Most were boring and formal. You debate reading over the ‘contract template’ he had posted but decide against it.
His pictures are, mostly, not entirely him. A few torso shots showing off dark hair and abs - or more casual showing off a normal looking body of a dude who clearly worked out. The others are a few different women in different states of undress smothered in bondage ropes, always a bright red. The one that intrigues you the most again has the face censored by a black bar, but she’s hung upside down against the wall, diamonds of rope on her thighs as she’s suspended before red rope that was weaved into a massive spider web. He was a fan of spiders - the user name made sense.
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The photos were old, from 2016 at the newest. The photos of him were new - posted just 6 months ago.
His wall was what told a touch of his story. You scroll down dozens of posts, women and men acting friendly or asking to meet up again. You wonder if he used to be a community person, the anon nature of his account was new? Could you check on the wayback machine? 
You tab back into his chat.
“hey. are you really 6’9? ” - Fawnteeth - 10:19 PM
 10:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You think I’d lie about that?”  
“maybe. I know a lot of guys who lie about their height, I’m tall enough to tell.” - Fawnteeth - 10:20 PM
 10:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Smart to ask. Yes, I am really 6’9”. Is height a big seller for you?”  
“when you’re a tall woman, it is.” - Fawnteeth - 10:20 PM
 10:21 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “You want me to make you feel small. Noted.”
“what had you messaging me? you seem popular.” - Fawnteeth - 10:21 PM
 10:22 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “I’ve been in the scene for a long time, made my way around. Your interests line up and you seem at least somewhat concerned about your own anonymity.”  
“here I thought you’d say you found me pretty.” - Fawnteeth - 10:22 PM
 10:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Shallow compliments hardly get us anywhere. Besides, that’s a given.”  
“well, thank you anyway. need to keep this and my personal life separate, like you I see.” - Fawnteeth - 10:23 PM
 10:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ “We all have our secrets and reasons to keep them.”  
“serial killer sorta secrets?” - Fawnteeth - 10:24 PM
“I’m kidding.” - Fawnteeth - 10:24 PM
 10:24 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Would you believe me if I said no?”  
“I can try. it’s not like you’re a blank profile, web.” - Fawnteeth - 10:25 PM
 10:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Maybe you shouldn’t. Things like that are easy to fake. You’re clearly trying to keep a secret, which means if I met up with you no one would know where you went. Would be a good tactic if  I was preying on little girls.”
You stare at his message for a moment, forcing in a quick breath you sit up as your bed creaks. Okay, time to take things a bit more seriously.
“Good thing I’m not a little girl. I do appreciate the concern, it’s attractive.” - Fawnteeth - 10:27 PM
 10:27 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Lot’s of untrustworthy people on sites like this. Ones that will lull you into a sense of security.”  
“Trust me, I’m well aware. You think I should be afraid of you?” - Fawnteeth - 10:27 PM
 10:28 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Yes. You can’t trust me right away.”
“Well, I like the honesty. I don’t think I have any plans to meet up with anyone soon - not even you.” - Fawnteeth - 10:30 PM
 10:30 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Of course you don’t. You’re new at this.”
“Did I really give it away that quickly?” - Fawnteeth - 10:31 PM
 10:31 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Yes.”
You stare at the screen for a long moment, eyes wide. How the hell do you reply to that? Is he ending the conversation? Did you already fuck things up? At this point, most men would be falling over themselves to impress you, not making you feel intimidated . You feel your core throb as you click back to his profile, scrolling over dozens of comments on his wall from years ago - the fact is, his profile spans back years. Longer. He’s experienced, and… he isn’t wrong, either. 
“Is that a problem? I hope it isn’t. You’re the first dude who hasn’t asked me for nudes yet.” - Fawnteeth - 10:32 PM
 10:34 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “No. You should be more careful though, me explaining that and this is something you should be suspicious of. Wanting to ‘protect’ you because you’re young and need to be taught the ropes, so to speak.”  
“Got it, Sir.” - Fawnteeth - 10:34 PM
“Wait, can I call you that?” - Fawnteeth - 10:34 PM
You cringe, placing the laptop on the bed for a moment. Shit - you’ve already messed up.
 10:35 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “That’s acceptable. If you ever call me ‘Daddy’ however I will block you.”  
 10:35 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “That’s not a joke.” 
You open your eyes, glancing over at the chat and his two messages. Raising a brow, you lean in, shifting the laptop back into your lap. 
“Understood. Not my thing.” - Fawnteeth - 10:35 PM
 10:36 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “What is your thing, Fawn?”
“Well… I like giving up control… Feeling like prey. I’ve always loved deer, something about being so fiercely defenseless as a fawn in a wolf’s maw is thrilling.” - Fawnteeth - 10:37 PM
 10:37 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “No wonder you brushed over the red flags.”
“Maybe.The whole giving up control is why most submissives are here, aren’t they?” - Fawnteeth  - 10:38 PM
 10:40 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “The illusion of giving up control. Any good dominant knows the submissive is the one with the power. Safe words, limits, contracts - it all relies on knowing they can end things whenever they want to explore it safely.”  
“Of course.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:40 PM
 10:40 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Of course? So you have those things ready for me?”  
“ Safe words and how I prefer them - yes. Limits, I think so. Contract - no. ” - Fawnteeth  - 10:40 PM
 10:42PM - WebRigger2099 -   “I need one for slow down/ease up and one for an immediate stop. I also need a physical sign if you are unable to say your safe words. Please list them.”  
 10:43 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “Send me 4 lists: Favorites, Yes, Maybe, and No not ever. Include everything you can think of. If you do not include something that I am interested in I will ask about it and we will consider it a maybe until you’ve had time to consider it and possibly research.”
 10:43 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “You will not need a premade contract. I have a basic format we can edit to our needs. If it goes that far.”  
“Is the green, yellow, red method good with you?” - Fawnteeth  - 10:44 PM
 10:44 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Yes.”
“That’s good.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:44 PM
“...And I'll get you the other things - do you have any hard nos I should know of?” - Fawnteeth  - 10:44 PM
10:45 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Send me yours and we’ll go from there.”  
“Okay.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:45 PM
You take your time in a Google document, carefully considering your late-night Archive Of Our Own feed. Anxiety tells you to rush, but you get the energy that Web isn’t the kind of guy who wants you to rush.
“ Will you click links? Google Docs. ” - Fawnteeth  - 10:55 PM
 10:55 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ I applaud you if you somehow hack me from a google docs link. I have a very good firewall as a warning. ” 
You couldn’t help but grin at his reply - you’re charmed by him. Oh no.
“I’d figure as much. Here.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:57 PM
“ [Google Docs Link] “ - Fawnteeth  - 10:57 PM
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 10:57 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “I’ll ask specifics soon but I want to be clear about this - I want something in person, but that is not on the table until the end of the summer. I have obligations. If that is a problem I don’t want to waste your time.” 
“That’s fine. I know we’re both in NYC. I’m kinda glad as I don’t think I’m ready to meet up soon anyway.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:57 PM
 10:58 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Gives us time to get to know each other and learn expectations.
“Then it sounds like we’re on the same page.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:58 PM
 10:58 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Good. Due to this being a distance-based arrangement for the time being I cannot touch you myself; Have you heard of a lovense?”
“I have. Aren’t those expensive?”   - Fawnteeth  - 10:58 PM
 10:58 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Money isn’t a concern for me, and anything I get you is a gift. The only expectation is to use whatever I provide. Acceptable?”
“Yes. I don’t take pictures or videos with my face in them.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:58 PM
 10:58 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I noticed.”
 10:58 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Neither do I. That isn’t a problem.” 
“Glad to hear that.” -   Fawnteeth  - 10:59 PM
“...So…”   - Fawnteeth  - 10:59 PM
 10:59 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “Your list says nothing about exhibitionism. If I were to tell you to wear your lovense during the day would that be acceptable?”
For a moment you stare at his message. Now that you’re not under your father’s roof, you have free reign to do whatever, and it’s honestly not like your roommates haven’t done weirder, less appropriate shit in far more public spaces. 
“That’s fine as long as I’m not visiting family. I live somewhere else.” - Fawnteeth  - 10:59 PM
 10:59 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ You say you like roleplay. Are there specific scenarios you’re interested in?”
“Do you know what dead by daylight is?” -  Fawnteeth  - 10:59 PM
 11:00 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “I can’t say I do.”
“...Well. I wasn’t joking about the idea of enjoying being hunted. I guess. Kinda embarrassing to admit to a stranger.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:00 PM
 11:00 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “Does that embarrassment excite you, Fawn?”
“Maybe.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:00 PM
 11:00 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “I expect yes or no answers. If you’re not sure say so.”
“Yes, then.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:00 PM
 11:00 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Good girl. What do you want me to do when I catch you?”
There’s no hesitation, no doubt in the message. What do you want when I catch you. Not would you want, not if I caught you. When. You can’t help but squirm. For a moment, you consider pacing your tiny, cluttered bedroom.
“Is whatever you want the wrong answer?”   - Fawnteeth  - 11:01 PM
“I might be new, but I think I’m kinda open. I want to please, I suppose.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:01 PM
 11:01 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ Not at all a wrong answer.”
 11:02 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Have you ever been spanked before? You said it was a favorite.”
“Yes.” - Fawnteeth - 11:02 PM
You bite your lip - it technically isn’t a lie. You have been spanked - just… not sexually. It’s fine .
 11:02 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Would you be willing to use a paddle, crop or belt in my absence if I believe you need punishment?”
“I’m not sure. I have a very high pain tolerance, but I don’t live alone, sound is a concern.”   - Fawnteeth - 11:02 PM
 11:03 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Not a problem. Making a small list for a care package if you show me potential is all.” 
“Well, what can I do to impress you, Sir?”  - Fawnteeth  - 11:03 PM
“I don’t mind homework, for lack of a better word.”   - Fawnteeth  - 11:03 PM
 11:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Eager, aren’t you? I’m not done.”
 11:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Dirty talking. What are your limits, and do you have a specific pet name you want me to use?”
“I like Fawn, obviously. Affectionate things, I think it’s better figuring it out organically. Feels more genuine.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:04 PM
 11:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “And no humiliation.”
 11:04 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ Understood.”
 11:04 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “I have rules. It’s better that I tell you about them early. They’ve scared most people off.”
“ Well. I won’t pass judgment immediately.” - Fawnteeth - 11:05 PM
“I don’t cut my hair.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:05 PM
 11:05 PM - WebRigger2099 -   “I would be disappointed if you did. Speaking of, I only allow my submissive to trim their pubic hair for one, no shaving it.” 
“That’s fine with me. I haven’t shaved anything in a while.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:05 PM
 11:06 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ If you are going to be unavailable for more than a few hours I expect an explanation so I know you are safe. I don’t allow my partners to go to clubs or bars without me either. If this becomes serious I expect you to download a location tracking app so I know where you are at all times.”
“Okay. That’s fine. I don’t go out much.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:06 PM
 11:06 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “I am not polyamorous. If you want to be mine you are only mine, and I will hold myself to the same standard.”
“That’s fine with me. I have been talking to someone else, but about as much as you at this point. Honesty and all that stuff.”   - Fawnteeth  - 11:06 PM
 11:06 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I don’t let things I own go into disrepair; You will take care of yourself and report what you don’t complete. Punishments will be given if you do not complete these tasks.”
 11:07 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “The basic daily requirements are the following: Three meals a day, showering every day, an hour of exercise and a consistent bedtime during weekdays.”
“Okay. Did this really scare people off?” - Fawnteeth  - 11:07 PM
 11:07 PM - WebRigger2099 - “People have called me controlling. It sounds like you want to surrender your control though.” 
“Not wrong.” - Fawnteeth   - 11:07 PM
 11:07 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ You’re not hard to read.”
“I’ll try and take it as a compliment.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:07 PM
 11:07 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “Deception and confusion are a waste of time. Own it.”  
“I’ll try my best. I’m used to being considered odd.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:08 PM
 11:08 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Are you?”
“I’m on fetlife. So, yes.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:08 PM
 11:08 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I suppose.”
 11:08 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ We already established you’re new to this. Will I be your first dominant?”
“Yes. Not my first partner.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:08 PM
 11:09 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “ Were they not interested in this?”
“I never brought it up to them. I don’t really want romance right now.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:09 PM
 11:09 PM - WebRigger2099 -  “And if you fall for me?”
“I’d rather talk about it then, I suppose. I don’t get the vibe from you that you’re looking for romance, just a pet.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:09 PM
 11:09 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good, and no, not right now.”
“But you think I’ll fall in love with you?” - Fawnteeth  - 11:09 PM
 11:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’re young and inexperienced. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.” 
 11:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ My last important rule - no drugs, limited alcohol. If you drink you must have friends with you that are reliable or myself. Drinking and doing drugs is just asking to put yourself in a vulnerable situation. It’s a precaution some have complained about.” 
With how much he spoke of other people not liking his rules it was almost like he was trying to talk you out of it.
“That’s fine. I celebrated my 21st by watching movies.”   - Fawnteeth  - 11:10 PM
 11:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “What movies?”  
“Midsommar, it’s my favorite. Silence of the lambs too. Roomies insisted on watching Barbie after that. lol ” - Fawnteeth  - 11:10 PM
 11:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “ You like horror.”
“Yes. I thought the ghostface poster in my 3rd photo gave it away.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:11 PM
 11:11 PM - WebRigger2099 - “And you’d like him or some other violent thing to chase you down and do whatever they wanted with you instead of killing you.”
 11:11 PM - WebRigger2099 - “It must make watching movies with a group tense if that’s what is going through your mind.” 
“I won’t say it doesn’t.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:11 PM
 11:11 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Let me guess: some part of you likes the discomfort?” 
“Honestly. I haven’t thought about it. Probably.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:11 PM
 11:11 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I think you’d like to walk around with a lovense in you, never knowing when I might turn it on or increase the settings. You enjoy suspense.”
“ It’s appealing, yeah.” - Fawnteeth  - 11:12 PM
You sit back on your bed, propping up the laptop with your pillows. Why did you love that this guy was reading you like an open book? You take in a deep breath, remember - play it cool.
 11:12 PM - WebRigger2099 - “What do you want out of all of this?” 
“My first thought is sex - but also to learn myself a bit more, I guess. Explore something with a partner I can trust… Please someone, feel better about myself. Like I said - I’m a tall woman, it doesn’t exactly make you feel pretty.”  - Fawnteeth  - 11:12 PM
 11:12 PM - WebRigger2099 - "Okay, sounds good."  
You bite your lip, reading over the message on your dimly lit phone screen over and over again. Curling up tighter into the cotton blanket on your bed, you exhale, the cheap mattress creaking underneath you. You flinch, eyes flickering towards the shut door of your bedroom. Your heart flutters in your chest for a few moments until silence rings in your ears. 
You haven’t woken up any of your roommates.Thank god. 
Sighing, you turn your attention back to your phone, looking over the message again.
 11:12 PM - WebRigger2099 - "Okay, sounds good." 
Usually men are more expressive in their text speech when it comes to you - to the extent that some even make you uncomfortable. But WebRigger2099… is very much not . You’ve dubbed him 'Web' in your head, easy enough with his username. 
Web is formal, speaks with proper punctuation and never a single spelling mistake or emote. He’s direct, not flowery or soft in any way. But… you kind of like that. Direct is easy. There’s no guessing games with instructions and meanings laid out plainly.
 11:12 PM - WebRigger2099 -“ You are very pretty, by the way. ” 
You blush.
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mylight-png · 9 months
I refuse to be told to "move on" from October 7th. I simply refuse.
You know the thing about trauma? You don't really get the choice to move on. You may be living in the future, but at least a part of your mind is trapped in that horrible moment. Sometimes that part of you can never escape.
Right now, as I'm writing this, I am sitting at my desk in my room. But right now, as I am writing this a part, huge part, of me is still in that airport. That part of me is still staring at my phone, trying to catch its breath but failing. That part of me is still watching in shock as the death count rises, the videos of Hamas's atrocities are broadcasted everywhere I see, the celebration of my people being massacred is burning my eyes. My ears are hearing the wailing sirens from when I was last in Israel. My hands are still feeling the shaking of the walls as the Iron Dome intercepts attempts upon the lives of my family and me. My heart is hurting for each life lost and each family left broken.
My body is here, in January 10th. My mind is not. My mind, and the mind of nearly every Jew is still stuck in October 7th.
Do not think we chose this. If I could choose indifference, if I could choose apathy, if I could choose ignorance, I wouldn't feel so constantly triggered and in pain.
But nobody gets to choose trauma.
This wasn't a unique trauma, a first-time event. Pogroms are nothing new to us, genocides and attempts at such against us aren't anything new, hateful libel and lies are near-constants.
That's part of what made October 7th so much worse.
I grew up hearing about how my great-grandfather lost his entire family to the Holocaust, how my ancestors survived pogroms, how my parents faced systemic antisemitism in the USSR.
We all grew up hearing our parents and grandparents tell us about antisemitism.
And do not think we were ignorant of it. I was well aware that the world is not even close to shedding its deeply ingrained antisemitism.
I was aware of it when I wrote a speech about discussion of modern antisemitism and being told it was "well-written but controversial". I was aware of it when my teacher said I was responding "emotionally, not academically" to an author claiming antisemitism and the Holocaust weren't "that bad".
I was aware of it when a synagogue near me got shot up, a synagogue I've been to. I was aware of it because I had no other choice.
But it had always felt like it was "winding down" from what my parents had told me. Yes what my teacher did was bad but at least he didn't explicitly single me out for being a Jew and intentionally fail me. Yes the feedback for my speech was hurtful but it wasn't like I was being violently censored. Yes the shooting was awful but it wasn't a full-blown pogrom.
I'm not saying my logic was correct. Far from it. But that's how it felt before October 7th.
When October 7th happened I saw that nothing was "winding down" as I had previously thought. People were still just as keen to gleefully cheer on the killing of Jews as they had been. The world is just as slow to act when Jews are being forcibly held and tortured and killed. Blood libel and ideas of the "doctor's plot" are alive and well.
Oct 7th triggered old trauma, Oct 7th was traumatic in its own right, and for most of us, Oct 7th proved that antisemitism isn't going anywhere. It isn't winding down or getting better.
And that kind of pain? That kind of trauma? That sticks with you.
You wouldn't tell any other person to get over their trauma. So what makes it ok to say it to traumatized Jews as we are still processing the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust?
That behavior is horrible and inexcusable.
Trauma is trauma, you don't get to decide who does or doesn't have the right to be traumatized. You don't get to decide how people discuss their trauma.
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
🍉 fics + matchups for gaza 🍉
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i really want to try and help as much as i can to raise money and donations for gaza, and @ficsforgaza is running an amazing scheme where you can request a fic/ sponsor a wip through donations. my rate is $5 per 500 words to any of the verified fundraisers listed here !! if you can't request/donate anything, then that's totally okay, but please do share and reblog !!
donation link 1 :: link 2 :: link 3 :: link 4
just to reiterate, the money does NOT go to me. you donate directly one of the fundraisers linked above.
feel free to pop into my ask box or my dms to request a matchup/fic.
if i write more than the requested words, then that's totally on me, and ill cover the rest of the donations $1 per extra 100 words (with proof).
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RULES for requesting ::
first and foremost, a screenshot of your donation (please do NOT forget to censor your personal details, and please don't use the same screenshot to request multiple fics), these will NOT be posted publicly.
please also include the link to the page you donated to.
description of what you'd like me to write (can be as detailed as you want)
e.g: headcanons, one-shot, drabble + fem/gn reader
the fandom / character(s) if you want multiple
whether you'd like sfw / suggestive / crack / angst (please note i don't write hard-core nsfw)
i am also accepting requests for matchups, and the max words for that will be 1000 words [500 words for drabble and 500 words for headcanons]. what you need to include for a matchup has been listed in the example below.
request example :: hi :) hope you're well. id like to request a sfw drabble of gojo meeting his newborn daughter with a female reader. i've included proof of my $5 donation to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza. my personal details are all censored as well. thank you very much. [then include the screenshot in your ask/dm]
suggestive request example :: hi :) hope you're well. id like to request a suggestive drabble of choso making out with a female reader. i've included proof of my $5 donation to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza. my personal details are all censored as well. thank you very much. [then include the screenshot in your ask/dm]
matchup example :: hi :) i hope you're well. i'd like to request a (romantic/platonic) matchup for (jjk/aot/bnha/haikyuu). i have included a screenshot of my $5 donation to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza. my personal details have been censored. my pronouns are (insert pronouns), my gender preference is (male/female), and my personality type is (mbti personality type). my love language is (love language) my hobbies are (insert hobbies in as much detail as you want). my top 3 pet peeves/icks are (include pet peeves and icks). here are 3+ fun facts about me (include three or more fun facts in as much detail as you want). i am (include your appearance in as much detail as possible if you've donated $10 for a drabble e.g hair types, hijabi, skin colour etc). could you please avoid the following matchups (insert characters to avoid). [please also include any other details that you want and feel free to make it as long as you want !! and include the screenshot of your donation too]
GUIDLINES for requesting ::
i do NOT write nsfw works, but i am open to suggestive requests
the max words i'll write is 2000 words, but please feel free to donate as much as you can
i write gender-neutral and female reader so please include which one you'd like me to write.
i am open to writing specific readers (e.g. hijabi , tall , short , south asian , curvy)
i'll try my best to finish your requests as soon as possible but please bear with me (i'll probaby create a spreadsheet where you can track the progress of all my requests/wips)
if i write more than the requested words, then that's totally on me, and ill cover the rest of the donations $1 per extra 100 words (with proof)
i do NOT accept requests from blank blogs/blogs with no indication of age (must have age in bio or somewhere on your blog).
i will accept asks and dms but asks must NOT be anonymous !!
jujutsu kaisen: sfw + suggestive : toji , choso , gojo , geto , nanami , higuruma , sukuna , mahito , shoko , ijichi
jujutsu kaisen: sfw ONLY : nobara , maki , inumaki , yuuta , itadori , megumi
haikyuu: sfw + suggestive : daichi , hinata , kageyama , tsukishima , sugawara , oikawa , iwaizumi , ushijima , kuroo , kenma , bokuto , akaashi , osamu , atsumu , kita , suna , sakusa , aran
my hero academia: sfw + suggestive : most pro-heroes , class 1-A , dabi , shigaraki
misc: sfw + suggestive : eren , levi , zeke , jean , reiner , mikasa , armin , erwin , saitama (opm)
depending on the characters, i am open to writing for percy jackson/heroes of olympus
sfw: domestic bliss, general fluff, sick fics, nonsexual intimacy (cuddling, kissing etc), random headcanons about characters, pregnancy/family fics, platonic situations, pretty much anything sfw i'm open to
suggestive: making out, light sexual intimacy (nothing hard-core)
angst: major character death, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort
crack: any silly little scenarios/ideas you might have.
anything nsfw - oral / penetration / sexual nudity
male reader (i'm sorry but i dont think i'll be able to accurately portray a male reader)
anything military/war related
minor x adult
domestic/physical abuse against reader (by requested character)
alcohol / drug abuse
yandere / noncon
any explicit kinks
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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shehzadi · 11 months
seeing the videos and photos of palestinians fleeing from the north to the south of gaza, mostly on foot with a few donkey carts here and there, is so haunting in the way that it looks exactly like photos from the 1948 nakba. the ethnic cleansing and the genocide never ended. it’s just on an accelerated timescale now.
and, if you actually think palestinians moving to the south will give them any modicum of safety, you’re wrong because that so-called ‘safe zone’ in the south is still being bombed AND the palestinians who are being forcibly displaced are continually being attacked. today (10.11.23) israeli soldiers opened fire on palestinians who were trying to leave Al-Nasser hospital in northern gaza while waving white flags (universally recognised as a symbol of surrender/peace) and also bombed palestinians leaving through Salah Eddin Street which they had been told by israel was a ‘safe route’.
besides attacking those trying to leave, israel has, in the last ~24 hours:
9.11.23 - carried out airstrikes in the vicinity of the Indonesian hospital (which is now totally out of electricity as of 10.11.23)
9.11.23 - bombed the courtyard of Al-Shifa hospital (@/ahmedhijazee on IG)
9.11.23 - bombed ambulances and paramedics outside Al-Awda hospital (@/palestine.pixel on IG)
9.11.23 - attacked Al-Rantisi hospital (a paediatric hospital btw) which resulted in areas of the hospital being set on fire (@/ahmedeldin on IG)
10.11.23 - bombed the outpatient clinic of Al-Shifa hospital (using a Hellfire R9X missile, also called the ‘flying ginsu’ because of the fact that it doesn’t explode but instead deploys several blades which fly at high speed, and essentially shred their targets). there are (very graphic) videos showing the martyrs and those injured in this attack @/palestine.pixel and a censored version @/middleeasteye on IG
10.11.23 - shot at palestinian staff and patients inside the ICU of Al-Quds hospital (@/PalestinePRCS on X)
today has been described as a ‘day of war on hospitals’ by the Director of Al-Shifa Medical Complex:
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and here are some updates from Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, who has been providing medical care and performing surgeries in different hospitals across the gaza strip:
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and this still isn’t even all of the attacks of the last 2 days in gaza - there have been others on schools which are acting as shelters for the displaced, and, of course, refugee camps. the number of martyrs from bombings alone is almost at 11000.
also remember: there is ongoing settler violence and ethnic cleansing happening in the west bank where palestinians are also being martyred, there are now reports of people dying from starvation and dehydration, and from wounds/infection. ya Allah reham kar 🤲🏽
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blurredcolour · 8 months
Born To Be Yours
[One-shot | Sequel to We'll Meet Again]
Eugene Roe x Nurse!Female Reader
Despite the end of the war in Europe, violence still finds its way to the men of Easy company. Thankfully, Eugene knows just where to find you to get them help.
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Warnings: Language, Weapons, Canon Typical Violence, Smoking, Treatment of Wounds, Medical Procedures, Hospital Settings, Questionably Written Cajun Accent, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [Kissing, Necking, Dry Humping] - 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: Slight warning - the events of this fic are centered around the shooting of Sergeant Charles E Grant. The title of this fic is based off the song 'Yours' by Vera Lynn. For your reference, the Cajun pronunciation of cher, Eugene's term of endearment for the reader, is 'sha.' Just to help you really imagine it in your head. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the HBO series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 3887
This kind of thing wasn’t supposed to be happening. Not here in Austria after the surrender of the German army. Not today, the anniversary of D-Day. And yet here Eugene sat, balanced over a stretcher bearing a motionless Grant, holding an IV of blood above his head as Speirs sped down the road toward Saalfelden where the 47th Field Hospital was set up on the edge of town. Talbert rode in the front seat, frequently glancing back at them over his shoulder.
It was a miracle Grant was still breathing after receiving the headwound, continued to breathe through the frantic bandaging and loading onto Speirs’ jeep.
“Where’s the nearest surgeon?” The Captain had barked and Gene had answered easily, known it immediately, because the nearest surgeon was with you.
After parting ways in Titz, following that very eventful Easter Sunday, your hospital had stayed precisely where it was intended to be – twenty-five kilometers behind the line as they advanced across Germany. You had surprised Eugene by sending your next letter not by post, but in the pocket of an ambulance driver who had been all too happy to receive a pack of smokes from you for his trouble. Your ingenuity had opened his eyes, and he’d sent his own reply back two days later, postage paid with chocolate from his rations.
Being able to write one another without the censors having a say, to share every detail of your daily lives without fear of the letter going missing – as long as you each chose a trustworthy deliveryman of course – was a relief after all the delays in communication the pair of you had previously endured. Eugene was admittedly disheartened when he learned that your station in Austria would be in Saalfelden with the majority of the 101st Airborne while Easy and the rest of 2nd Battalion found themselves a further seventeen kilometers down the road in Zell Am See.
There remained a remarkable number of things for him to do, and the lack of ambulance traffic, while a blessing, severely impeded your correspondence once more. In short, Eugene was feeling awfully guilty about the fact that he had not managed to visit you since the war in Europe had ended. As the jeep pulled up outside the requisitioned gymnasium that had been turned into the 47th Field Hospital, he was not certain if he hoped you were there or not.
He jumped off the back of the vehicle as Speirs and Talbert grabbed each end of the stretcher and the three of them rushed toward the building. Eugene hurried a few steps ahead to pull the door open, wincing a little as Speirs shouldered it open fully, sending into the wall with a ‘bang.’ There was a scurry of footsteps from down a hallway to the right before you stepped into view, clad in your white and brown striped hospital dress, a brown cardigan over top with the sleeves pushed up to your elbows. Concern etched your features.
“Follow me.” You said quickly, rushing to pull open the next door into the gymnasium itself. “On the table right there please, sir.” You gestured to a makeshift exam table built of filing cabinets and a cot.
“Chief Nurse?” A young woman poked her head out from behind a privacy screen and Eugene nearly tripped over his own feet.
Last he’d heard you were Assistant Chief Nurse, promoted after your natural leadership of the group of nurses during your nine hours of capture. You’d gone and gotten yourself promoted again. He fought the urge to grin at you proudly as they carefully set Grant down as instructed.
“Shirley, go fetch Dr. Brock from his office immediately.”
“We need a surgeon.” Speirs rasped and Eugene watched the girl halt her progress across the room and look back to you questioningly.
“Dr. Randall then, quickly.” You amended, shifting to begin triage on the patient by checking his vitals as Speirs took Grant’s hand in his tightly.
Shirley fled the room, returning in less than a minute with a dark-haired man wearing a white coat in tow – surely Dr. Randall. A cigarette hung for his lips as he looked to Eugene for the hand off.
“Shot in the head with a pistol, maybe twenty minutes ago? Bandaged and given blood by IV.”
He saw Shirley hand you a chart out of the corner of his eye and you quickly noted these things along with the vitals you’d been taking when the surgeon had walked in. Dr. Randall leaned down to lift the bandages, inspecting Grant’s wound.
“Jesus.” He muttered.
“What?” Speirs asked, looking to him quickly.
“He’s not gonna make it.” Dr. Randall said, taking a slow drag on his cigarette.
“Ya can’t operate on him?” Eugene asked incredulously. This man was a surgeon, this was his job.
“Not me. You’d need a brain surgeon. And even if you had one, I don’t think there’s any hope.” Dr. Randall rubbed at his eyes, obviously just as worn out from the endless number of casualties he’d born witness to, before walking off.
Eugene’s eyes slid to meet yours where you remained next to the spot recently vacated by Dr. Randall; felt his throat clench painfully at the look of deep sympathy you were sending him.
Speirs took a breath and turned to Talbert, breaking the stunned silence that had fallen over the group. “You find the shooter, I want him alive.” He pointed at him for emphasis before turning back to Eugene. “Come on help me.”
“What’re you doing?” Talbert asked, grabbing the end of the stretcher.
“We’re gonna go find a brain surgeon!” Speirs declared before they were off and running back towards the door.
“There’s a German hospital further into town, follow this road for five blocks then hang a left.” You spoke quickly, hurrying to hold open the doors to ease their progress back to the jeep.
“Thank ya, Ma’am.” Eugene nodded quickly, ducking slightly as it had begun to lightly rain while they were inside.
“Take care.” Your voice shook a little and Eugene looked back to you once he’d resumed his perch on the back of the jeep, watching you wrap your cardigan tighter around yourself as you stood in the rain, staring at him intently until the vehicle jerked into motion as Speirs took off in the direction you had instructed.
The hospital was easy enough to find, thanks to your directions, and Talbert secured another jeep there to carry out Speirs’ orders to find the shooter. The brain surgeon was not currently on duty, but Speirs was undeterred and demanded his home address, from which he fetched him out of bed to operate immediately.
“It will take several hours.” The German surgeon had warned them when Speirs had asked where the waiting room was.
“We’ll wait.” He had replied flatly, and Eugene had followed after him as a nurse led them into an empty room filled with worn chairs and a few side tables with outdated German periodicals.
Eugene watched Speirs sink into one of the chairs while he found himself unable to sit down, wandering the perimeter of the room quietly, mind turning over all manner of things, but always coming back to how reluctant you had looked to see him go. The guilt within him had multiplied astronomically – he had been a fool to not rush to see you the instant he could, and now your first interaction since Easter was purely professional and surely terrifying. Precisely why he had been so very reluctant to admit his feelings to you in the first place.
“Doc, if you’re not going to sit down, go talk to that pretty Chief Nurse, would you?” He muttered, pulling the garrison cap from his hair.
Eugene’s head whipped up to look at his commanding officer in shock. Shock at the fact that Speirs had had the wherewithal to notice the looks you had been exchanging over Grant’s prone form. Shock that he was allowing him the liberty to visit you. Pure shock.
“Otherwise, it’s going to be a very long couple of hours.” There was a dangerous edge to the man’s voice that made Eugene swallow nervously and nod sharply.
“Yes sir, I’ll be back in a few hou’s then, sir.” He moved to slip out of the waiting room.
“Be careful out there, Doc.” Came Speirs’ parting command and Eugene nodded once more before heading out into the street, thankful that the blackout was no longer in effect and he had the assistance of streetlights to retrace his steps back to the Field Hospital.
He made a much quieter entrance this time, finding the nurse, Shirley, at the desk near the door in the gym.
“Oh, you’re the medic from earlier – how is your man?” She asked in a hushed voice as she stood.
“In surgery with a German brain surgeon now…I was wonderin’ if I migh’ speak ta you’ Chief Nurse?” He tilted his head, and she nodded quickly leading him down the hall to an unassuming office door.
“She’s still here, working late again.” She laughed softly and knocked.
“Thank ya, Ma’am.” He nodded as she nodded in return before heading back into the gym as your door swung inward.
“Gene…” You breathed in surprise, peering into the hallway as if to confirm he was truly alone.
“Cher…” He murmured in response, tremor in his own voice this time, and your fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling him into the moderately sized office.
Your arms pulled him into a tight embrace as you nudged the door shut with your foot. He buried his face into your hair, fingers curling into the knit of your cardigan against your back.
“I’m right here, Gene.” You sighed soothingly, arms holding him so tightly, so warmly, Eugene was convinced you might actually be able to fuse his broken pieces back together. To make him feel whole again.
“Merci, cher.” He managed to find his voice after a moment, pulling back slightly only to press his lips to yours tightly in a physical expression of his gratitude.
Eugene felt the tremble that rolled through your body in response, his hands gripping you tighter as your fingers wended their way into his hair making him shudder in return. There was something about your touch tonight that felt like he was playing with fire, your entire presence loaded with explosive charge that could set him off at any moment. He pulled his lips back quickly before he did something wildly inappropriate in your office and panted against your mouth.
“M’sorry I haven’ come ta visit ya.”
Your response was a breathless laugh that made him bite the inside of his cheek.
“I’ve barely left this office. I’m beginning to think this promotion was a curse disguised as a blessing.” You smirked and stole one more kiss from his lips before straightening to look over his face warmly.
“It’s late, and I know ya don’ work nigh’s no mo’e…” He tried to keep the admonishing tone in his voice light, but he was admittedly upset you were working after midnight, something that even he was aware was unusual for a Chief Nurse.
“You know too much, Gene.” Your fingers smoothed his hair gently, restoring order to the strands you had put into disarray, a fond smile stretching his lips as he truly adored hearing you call him ‘Gene.’
His heart had nearly stopped when it had appeared in your letters but to hear it leave your lips was heaven itself.
“Let me walk ya home, tha man who did tha’ is still out the’e.”
He watched your eyes widen before you frowned deeply, shaking your head in dismay. “Did you find the hospital?”
“German brain surgeon’s operatin’ now…”
You took a slow breath before nodding. “I usually have an MP escort me, are you sure you don’t have to get back?”
He shook his head. “Grant’ll be in surgery a few hou’s longah. Cap’n Speirs won’ leave ‘till it’s ovah. Told me ta ‘go talk to that pretty Chief Nurse’ if I wouldn’t sit still.” Gene smirked ruefully and you blinked rapidly before biting your lip.
“Perhaps we have not been nearly as subtle as we thought, Gene…”
He laughed softly under his breath as he watched you turn to collect your things, sliding a small utility bag over your shoulder before turning out the desk light. The desk itself was still covered in stacks of files and he couldn’t help but frown as it seemed that your late nights had barely made a dent in the work your new position had foisted upon you.
“Wait here.” You said once you’d locked your office door and walked a little further down the hall to knock on another door.
He could barely make out another man’s voice, it didn’t sound like Dr. Randall, so presumably Dr. Brock, before you swung by the desk in the gymnasium to wish Shirley a good night. One last stop at the MP office to the left of the entrance where you informed your usual escort you had someone to walk you home before the pair of you were able to step out into the damp night. Thankfully, the rain had stopped falling but the puddles on the ground were plentiful as Eugene offered his arm. He could not help his fond smile as you took it without hesitation, hugging his elbow close as you walked side-by-side.
“I’m quite close to the hospital actually.” You gestured down the road and he nodded, turning that way.
“Tha’s how ya knew…”
Your soft laugh made his stomach quiver slightly though he did not miss the yawn you tried to smother.
“Ya been workin’ late a lot, cher?” He prompted softly, vigilant to your surroundings but so far, the streets were quiet.
“Mm.” You nodded slowly before sighing. “Seems the Chief Nurse before me was not such a fan of paperwork. Maude was a fantastic leader, we’re lucky to have her as the Assistant Director of Austria base, but if I had known what was awaiting me in that office…well I’d probably have asked to help her more when I was her assistant.”
He felt you tug on his arm and looked down to you quickly to see you pointing across the street to a modest apartment building.
“We’re quartered here.”
Eugene nodded and led you across the street as you fished for the keys in your bag. He couldn’t help but notice that you were in fact only a few blocks from the German hospital where Grant was still undergoing surgery. He said another silent prayer to guide the hands of the surgeon to success as you led him up to the building entrance.
A pair of sharp cries cut through the night, making the both of you freeze briefly.
“Stop right there!”
The voices were still a block or so away, but belonged to men that Eugene knew a well as his own family.
“Inside cher, now.” He said quickly, pulling you toward the building.
“Second floor.” You uttered quickly and he pushed you up the stairs front of him, hands on your hips as he could hear the voices of Talbert and Malarkey growing closer, accompanied by footsteps splashing through puddles and the rumble of a jeep engine close behind.
You stopped at an apartment door and Eugene noted your struggle to line the key with the deadbolt, gently but firmly taking it from you to unlock the door and push you inside. He was quick to close and lock the door behind him, wanting you nowhere near the drunken madman who had already killed at least two people tonight. He heard you take a breath as you turned back toward him and he gently covered your mouth with his palm, shushing you softly as he listened for further noises from the street below.
They sounded as if they were right outside, their voices rising up through the stairwell as his wide eyes bored directly into yours.
“Yeah, that’s him!”
“Get in the jeep you son of a bitch.”
The sound of the engine faded off into the night and Eugene waited a full minute before lowering his hand from your mouth, the only sound remaining being the pounding of his heart in his ears. He heard you suck in a breath, the only warning he was afforded before your lips collided with his. He stumbled slightly, startled a moment, before the adrenaline in his veins was transformed into white hot desire. His hands clutched at your lower back, pulling you tightly against him as he blindly stumbled toward the doorway he had glimpsed upon entering your apartment.
He felt your body impact with something behind you and pulled back from your lips quickly to see he had backed you into the kitchen table. He felt you rise up onto your toes, seemingly intent on sitting on the tabletop and his hands quickly seized your hips, aiding you in your efforts by hoisting you the last bit of distance. He could not help the smirk that graced his features as you gasped at his strength; hard-won through years of training and carrying wounded from the battlefield. His mouth quickly returned to yours, shuddering as your tongue met his eagerly, your fingers once more burrowing into his hair.
Eugene’s lungs began to ache from a lack of oxygen and he reluctantly pulled back from your lips only to begin trailing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and down your throat. Your shaky exhale filled his ears as your fingers began to tug at the buttons of his OD jacket, sending his own in search of the same on your cardigan. As he pushed the fabric out of the way, he slid his hands along your sides, sucking at the hollow of your throat, exhaling hotly against your skin as you parted your legs for him.
“Cher…” He rasped against your skin, gulping at the whimper that fell from your lips as he stepped closer, nestling between your thighs.
Your body felt so hot against him, even through his ODs and wool trousers, he was helpless not to press as tightly to you as possible, not even leaving a hairsbreadth of space. Your fingers curled into the front of his wool shirt, hips bucking against his slightly as you whimpered again.
“Gene!” Your gasped and he kissed you fiercely as his lower abdomen grew heavy with arousal, blood rushing to his already hardening length as he rutted against you obligingly.
The moan that rattled from your throat into his mouth had his head swimming, his baser instincts immediately taking over, demanding he do anything and everything to draw that sound from you again and again. His hands shifted to grip your thighs, pulling your body even tighter to his as he continued to move against you, delighting in your repeated cries of pleasure which he devoured hungrily. He barely noticed your persistence against the buttons of his uniform shirt until he felt your hands sliding around his torso with only the thin barrier of his undershirt separating your skin, a groan falling from his lips as he tore them from yours.
“Merde.” He hissed, screwing his eyes shut against the salaciously delicious friction between your bodies.
“Mm! I know that one…” You giggled breathily against his neck before your lips were on his skin, making his hips rock sharply against yours.
“Feel so good, cher.” He groaned again, hands shifting beneath the hem of your dress, beneath the hem of your slip, to find the bare skin of your thighs. Quite possibly the softest thing he’d ever touched.
“Yes, Gene.” You whined against his kiss-dampened skin. “Don’t stop.”
He grunted in agreement, fingers tracing higher to grip your hips, increasing the friction yet again as he rutted his fully hard cock against your underwear. The moan that fell from your lips contained an almost anguished tone and he had to grit his teeth against the desire to climax at just the sound of it. Your fingers were digging into his back through the cotton of his undershirt, hips echoing every motion of his as his fingers delved past the edge of your underwear to curl into the soft flesh of your buttocks.
“Oh god Gene I’m…” You panted, head rolling back, and he nodded vigorously, eyes latching onto your face, desperate to watch you fall apart in his arms.
Eugene had long been convinced that you could do everything with grace, and you once again proved his assumption correct as your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks, your mouth falling open to emit a soft wail of pure ecstasy. Burying his face against your neck, he cursed harshly as his hips bucked sharply, all sense of rhythm and control abandoning him as his orgasm immediately overtook him. Sliding one hand out from beneath your skirt to brace against the table lest he collapse onto you, he smiled sheepishly as you grinned up at him, your lower lip caught beneath your teeth.
“Sorry, Gene…” You murmured, running your hands along his back soothingly, your chests brushing against one another as you both struggled to catch your breath.
He shook his head quickly and then tensed. “Do ya….are ya the only one billeted in he’e?” He glanced back toward the hallway, suddenly aware of how much noise the pair of you had made.
Your bright peal of laughter caught his attention, and he turned back to you quickly.
“You ask me that now, Gene?!” You teased, gripping the back his neck to pull him down for a lazy kiss as he huffed a laugh against your lips in reply. “No, just me. Chief Nurse perk.”
He relaxed with a nod, straightening slowly as his legs finally felt like solid muscle and bone once more.
“The washroom is just down the hall if you wa–”
“Be my wife.” The words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them.
He had intended to make more of a spectacle of it. Hell, he had intended to have a ring to put on your finger. But the way you were looking up at him now with glossy eyes still hazy with pleasure, crinkled at the corners as you smiled his favorite smile to date – he was helpless to hold them back.
Eugene held his breath as he watched your eyes widen, your mouth drop open, as his unexpected statement hung in the air.
“Are you…proposing to me Eugene Roe?” You exhaled and he gulped roughly.
“I understand if ya don’ wanna marry me, I still have ta go ta tha Pacific an’…”
“How could I say no, Gene, when I was born to be yours.” You eyed him softly but there was something about your words, and the way your lips were twitching with mirth, that tugged at the back of his brain.
“Cher are ya quotin’ Vera Lynn again?” He huffed and grimaced playfully at your answering laugh, yet felt his heart begin to beat double time as your hands cupped his cheeks and your expression grew serious.
“Eugene Roe, I would love to be your wife.” You nodded firmly and sealed your acceptance with a firm kiss that made his heart soar.
Band of Brothers Masterlist
Tag list: @ronsparky, @fuckoffthanos, @bcon24, @phyllisthefirst, @footprintsinthesxnd, @she-wolf09231982
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guilty-pleasures21 · 9 months
So, I went back and found this one-shot I wrote once and I love it! I'm planning on re-writing the getting together scene in 'Another one?!' based on this scene instead. Wishing you guys all the best for the year ahead!
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: suggestions of fingering (fem receiving), but mostly censored.
     A knock sounded on the door, but not the hard thump of a fist on wood. No, it was more the high tap of knuckles on glass. She turned to the balcony and made out the silhouette of a familiar figure standing in the dark. His cold, unforgiving mask glared into her living room as he knocked on the door with his right hand, his other arm hanging limp by his side. At the sight of him injured, she threw aside the pillow she’d been holding onto and rushed over to the door. 
     “Hood?” she whispered, loud enough for him to hear, but not enough for any neighbours that might be having a late night rendezvous on their balconies. She held the door open for him, squeezing herself to the side so he had enough space to edge past her. He grunted in greeting, clutching his shoulder as he made his way towards the sofa. His movements were slow and heavy, making it easy for her to shut the curtains before he reached behind his head and undid his mask. He tossed it onto the sofa as she turned back to him, then collapsed beside it, letting out a groan of relief as he leaned back on the cushion. 
     “Jason, what the heck?” she asked, walking over to him to assess the damage done to his shoulder. Clearly, it was bad enough for him to stop by her place instead of heading straight home, but not so bad that he’d needed someone to pick him up and take him to a hospital, at least. He kept his eyes closed as she leaned over him, trusting her to know exactly what the heck he needed right now. 
     The gash in his shoulder wasn’t deep enough that he’d need stitches, but it was enough for her to worry about a possible infection if she didn’t get it cleaned up soon. It ran right across his muscle, meaning that it probably stung everytime he tried to move his arm. She sighed and grabbed the emergency medical kit she kept in the kitchen - one she’d prepared for situations just like this - then sank onto the sofa next to him. Jason stayed quiet as he opened one eye to glance at her sorting through the supplies.
     “We have to take your shirt off,” she told him, an expectant look on her face. He closed his eyes and groaned loudly, annoyed by the thought of having to move again. But he pushed himself forward anyway and began tugging on his sleeves, wincing at the strain it seemed to put on his shoulder. Noticing his discomfort, she jumped to her feet and moved in front of him, gesturing for him to get up and face her. 
     He stood tall above her, the top of her head barely grazing his chin. Her hair was soft and slightly damp and smelled of peaches. He breathed in the scent as she pulled off his gloves, focusing his attention on her so he wouldn’t think about the stinging pain in his arm. Gently, she eased her hands under his collar and slid his jacket off. A strange expression crossed her face and she hesitated slightly when she reached his broad shoulders, refusing to meet his gaze as she leaned into him to push his sleeves off. She tossed the torn jacket onto the armrest, then climbed onto the sofa behind him to unzip his shirt. Her touch was cautious and featherlight against his skin and he could feel her inhale sharply as she peeled the sturdy black material off his back and over his head. She paused then, and he couldn’t guess why she’d suddenly halted in the middle of her efficient little routine, but then she was back in front of him again, her jaw clenched, her expression cold. She didn’t seem to be breathing as she pulled his sleeves off, exposing the wound completely, and he thought that maybe she was mad at him for getting himself hurt. 
     “Sit down,” she commanded him, lowering herself onto the sofa beside him. She tucked her long legs under her, the smooth, tan skin of her thighs bare beneath her oversized shirt. His gaze travelled higher, to the purse of her lips and furrow of her brow as she poured a clear liquid onto a cotton pad. “I need to clean the wound so it doesn’t get infected.”
She looked up at him with her round, dark eyes, checking to see that he’d understood. He blinked in confirmation and nodded, allowing her to carry on as she saw fit. Even if she was frustrated with him right now, she’d forgive him quickly enough; she always did. She returned her attention to the cut, twisting around him awkwardly as she tried to find a comfortable position in which to treat him. 
     “Just sit on my lap,” he offered after a few attempts. The quicker they got this done, the quicker he could take a shower and go to bed. He’d been out half the night fighting lowlifes and thugs and all he wanted was a hot shower and a soft mattress. She didn’t seem to be sharing his thought process, however, freezing up at the mere suggestion. He frowned as she stared at his legs, then up his face, her gaze running quickly over his bare chest. She swallowed. 
     “Are you … comfortable with that?” she stammered, peeking up at him nervously. She was acting really strange right now. He closed his eyes and breathed in slowly, then opened them again with a tight smile. He blinked once, then gestured to his shoulder before spreading his hands out wide and shaking his head. He didn’t know what could possibly be going through her head to make her think that anything she could do in this moment would be more uncomfortable than literally being stabbed in the shoulder. She seemed to realise the same thing, because she gave him a sheepish smile before raising herself to her knees and swinging one leg around to settle onto his lap. Then she set to work, gently wiping away the dried blood around the cut. Her thick brows were knotted in concentration, the arches as perfectly curved as the cupid’s bow of her upper lip. He pulled his gaze back up. Her eyelashes were long and dark against her warm skin … and her lower lip was full and rosy. Actually, her parted lips were a little dry, but she was close enough that he could easily reach out and run his tongue over them, softening them between his own. Then, he’d slide into her mouth and- He shook his head slightly. Was he going crazy? Had he lost too much blood? Was that the reason he was suddenly so keenly aware of all the parts of her pressing against him as she shifted on his lap? He clenched his jaw. 
     “Okay, this is going to hurt,” she warned him, lifting her head to look at him. His expression was tight and, for the first time in their friendship, unreadable. His eyes were focused on her, narrowed in thought and darker than their usual forest green. Her stomach fluttered and she quickly looked away. She cleared her throat. “Ready?” 
     He didn’t respond, so she began dabbing the alcohol-soaked pad against his wound. He hissed in pain, then his hands were on her waist, his long fingers wrapped tightly around her and she had to tell herself to ignore it, tell her body to stop, stop, stop. But then she was done and he was slumped over her, his forehead resting on the exposed skin between her neck and her shoulder, his hands still holding her firm against him. She didn’t breathe as his hair brushed her skin and his breath tickled her neck, her entire body tensing at their proximity. 
     “God, that hurt,” he mumbled against her, his low voice vibrating through her very bones and winding around her core. Her toes curled and she bit her lip. Normally, she’d have teased him about not listening to her, but it didn’t feel like a very normal situation right now. He grazed her neck with the tip of his nose and she tilted her head, involuntarily giving him the space to go higher. Well, that and the fact that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to open her mouth without some sort of inappropriate sound falling out.
     “I, uh,” she gulped a mouthful of air and forced the words out, “I just need to rub this cream and then bandage it up and we’re done.”
He pulled back, but kept his hands around her, that clouded expression still on his face. She wiggled in her seat, squirming under his attention, but it only made it worse, because now she couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of his muscled thighs through the thin fabric of her underwear. She reached down to get the ointment, letting her hair fall in front of her face so he wouldn’t see her blushing. God, she hated him. He was such an idiot. With his stupid hair and his stupid muscles and that stupid look he reserved especially for her when she’d done something stupid. She squeezed the cream onto her finger, then daubed it onto the wound, staunchly keeping her gaze locked on his shoulder so she wouldn’t be able to look into his stupid eyes. 
     Her hands were on him again, soft and smooth and, God, everytime she shifted on him … it drove him freaking mad. And the curve of her waist beneath his fingers … How did she fit so perfectly between his hands? Maybe it wasn’t the blood loss; maybe it was the leftover adrenaline from the fighting. Maybe that’s why he was suddenly feeling so restless. Maybe that’s why he wanted to pull her against him, press her against every line of his body and run his fingers over the curves of her-
     “Jace?” He was breathing rapidly, his chest heaving up and down with the effort. Was he having a panic attack? She’d finished bandaging up his shoulder, so at least that would be one less worry off his plate. She reached a hand to his cheek, hoping to centre him with her touch, but … his eyes weren’t glazed over like they would be if he actually was having an attack. In fact, he seemed to be the complete opposite; he appeared to be hyper focused on her. He lifted a hand to cover hers, his fingers twining with her own. Then he moved his face even closer, his eyes falling to her lips and staying there.
     “X,” he murmured, his voice gravelly and hoarse. And that was it. He was so painfully hot and he was her absolute best friend and … and damn if she’d ever felt more safe with anyone than she did with him. She pressed her lips against his and then they were kissing and it felt so good. She slid her hands up the delightfully hard planes of his chest, then wrapped them around his neck, opening her mouth to let him in. His tongue tangled with hers and she moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair. God, he tasted delicious. She traced her finger down the ridges of his spine, making him groan and tighten his grip on her and she shivered, absolutely shuddered, knowing that she had the ability to elicit such a sound from him. She smiled against his lips, revelling in the solidity of him around her, and he began showering her face with gentle kisses. Her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her lips. Soft and quick, until she melted into him again, then he kissed her deep and slow, and she swore her stomach ran through an entire gymnastics routine. He slid his hands along her thighs, achingly slow, then up her hips and around her waist and her body arched in response to his touch. She tilted her head, exposing her neck for him to press his lips against. He took his time making his way up to her ear, his fingers slipping down her back and grazing the waistband of her underwear. 
     “Jason,” she breathed, his name a plea on her lips. She’d never called his name like that before. Why hadn’t she ever called him like that before? He tugged on her earlobe with his teeth, shifting her slightly so she could feel exactly what she was doing to him. She inhaled sharply, her hips moving against him almost involuntarily, but she didn’t say his name again. He growled and moved his hand lower, then squeezed, eliciting a delightful yelp from her. 
     “Do you want me to stop?” he asked her softly, his breath running over her skin and down her spine. He slid his fingers around to her front and began tracing lazy circles on her skin, clearly delighting in the torture he knew he was inflicting on her. Was he actually insane? Why the absolute hell would he think she would want him to stop? She opened her mouth to tell him as much, but found that she was unable to form the words. In fact, she was quite sure she was completely incapable of forming any words right now. He repeated the question when she didn’t respond, but continued doing the complete opposite, going lower and lower, driving her to the very edge of madness. And then … 
     “Jason!” She tensed, her entire body locking up with pleasure. He yelped and her thoughts were still coherent enough to distinguish the sound as one of pain. She looked down and realised that she’d been gripping his shoulders, her fingertips digging into his muscles. She pulled away quickly, examining his wound to make sure that she hadn’t made it worse in any way. It seemed fine, but she rushed to remove herself from his grasp, jumping off his lap to put some distance between them. “Jason, I’m sorry, I …”
It hurt. Of course it hurt. But it definitely didn’t hurt as much as the empty space between his arms and the terrifying pang of longing in his chest. His fingers twitched, imploring him to reach out and pull her back to him, to trace every line of her body until he’d memorised her by heart. He stood up and clenched his fists awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with his hands anymore. But it was such a bad idea. Such a stupid, horrible idea. And now, he had absolutely no idea how to fix this-
     “Shit,” he heard her murmur as she paced around the room. She stopped and put her hands over her mouth. Then she turned back to him, eyes wide, mouth set into the most determined line she could manage in the current situation. She pointed a finger at him. “You need to take a shower.” 
     It was an unexpected response, to say the least, but … well … The confusion on his face must have been obvious - or maybe she was just that good at reading him; she was the person who knew him best in the whole world, after all, in that comforting way that made him feel … Shit, he was doing it again. 
     “Jace,” her voice caught before she could get out his entire name; she wasn’t sure if it would ever sound the same again. And she knew it. She knew she should have listened to her gut when it had jumped at the idea of sitting on his lap. But, oh God, did that mean she’d wanted to do it, even before he’d asked? Had she wanted to do it? How long had she wanted to do it for? She swallowed, pushing those thoughts deep, deep down. “You need to get all of that cleaned up.”
She gestured vaguely to his general being, but that directed her attention to the extremely well-defined lines of his muscles, the ones she now knew the exact feeling of being pressed gloriously against. Wait. Had she just described it as ‘glorious’? She was crazy. Or at least going crazy. Wait. She was still staring at his body. She dragged her gaze up to his eyes, but found that they had darkened again, in the way that she now knew meant that he was thinking about kissing her. About doing a lot more than just kissing her. Her throat went dry. She closed her eyes, clenched her fists and took in a deep breath. Focus, X, focus!
     “Your spare clothes are … in my closet …” Oh God, why did she keep his clothes in her closet? In her bedroom? Right next to her own clothes? Well, she knew exactly why, but it wasn’t something she really felt like admitting to right now … She shook the thoughts away; it wasn’t the time. “We’ll get your costume fixed up tomorrow. Just take a shower and get to bed.” 
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s-b-party · 4 months
HSR’s Guns & Roses: Analysis of Boothill & Argenti
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****Possible spoilers ahead, esp. Boothill’s & Argenti’s lore****
With Boothill out now, I’ve been very intrigued by the Boothill & Argenti duo which I’ve noticed so many details that are similar but also different about them, some of which many people may have already noticed but I still would like to analyze them since it’s been a hot minute since my last lore thread
The main aspects of these 2 characters that I want to talk about are their gameplay, characteristics, and lore/backstories
When we look at their gameplay, some details stand out; for example, both have the same element (physical) but opposite paths when it comes to their DPS roles (Boothill is Hunt which specializes in single target fights & Argenti is Erudition which specializes in dealing dmg to multiple enemies)
Their weapons are also opposites of each other where guns are ranged & the lance is typically used in close combat
This is more of a coincidence which I tweeted about recently but I still think it’s funny that their best-in-slot relics can be found in the same cavern of corrosion
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Next we’ll look at their characteristics by which I mean their personalities & designs; off the bat we can see that Boothill has a more gruff personality & if he weren’t censored by his synesthesia beacon, he would be the sole reason for bumping HSR to a higher audience rating; this man probably would not hold back on the expletives 😂)
Meanwhile Argenti is shown to be very kind with his words, often using compliments & praises; typically he speaks with levelheadedness & grace, just like how we imagine a knight would speak
If we think about it, Boothill & Argenti are both very flamboyant characters but in different fonts; just look at their demo trailers as references since they both move like dancers (Argenti looks like he’s in a graceful ballroom dance while he’s fighting the swarm disaster; Boothill straight up MOONWALKS while dodging bullets from the IPC, we literally went from Marilyn Monroe to Michael Jackson 😂)
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What accentuates their flamboyance even more is the way they both have spotlights on them at various points of their demo videos
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Bonus shot of Boothill being so extra (read: fabulous) while fighting:
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They also have very flamboyant designs which makes them stand out (as Boothill explains, they’re both clad in silver which definitely is one of the first things you would notice when looking at them); I don't know how much value silver has in this universe but it is considered a precious metal & valuable to us due to its many uses which is thanks to its malleable nature
Another thing to point out is that Argenti is based off the Latin word for silver argentum; fun fact, the Latin translation is the reason why the symbol for silver on the periodic table is Ag :3
I feel like their color palettes are a bit similar (silver, red, black) but they also have varying degrees for shared colors, specifically red & black; from a visual standpoint, this goes very well because Argenti having more red helps to emphasize his association to roses & Boothill having more black helps to emphasize his identity as “death” (well, for the IPC at least)
Moving onto their lore, although Argenti doesn’t have lines about Boothill, we do get lines about Argenti from Boothill himself; based on Boothill’s voicelines, we can assume that he holds some respect for Argenti as someone to whom he can relate
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Their backstories are quite similar when we take a closer look at them
For example, they both have experiences where they lost their homes & the people important to them (damn, HYV really said you’re gonna suffer 💀)
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Their respective factions are both noted to be groups of solitary people
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Interestingly the factions have different reputations according to the data bank where the Knights of Beauty are looked down upon & the Galaxy Rangers are seen as heroes which may be a bit different from what we’re used to since knights normally have a positive connotation as people who hold chivalry as one of their most important values
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Their goals are similar in the way that they both are looking for a specific person or entity: Boothill is looking for Oswaldo Schneider (who is responsible for the loss of his family & home; we might possibly meet him soon since we ended off 2.2 with the cliffhanger where Boothill confronts Aventurine to ask him where Oswaldo is) & Argenti is looking for Idrila the Beauty
They also have their critical turning points in their respective Character Story Part 3 portions
Boothill’s portion talks about his transformation into a cyborg & his adoption of the name “Boothill” which he explains is what they called gunslingers who ended up dead; it is a clear representation of his old self having died along with his loved ones & his home when the IPC destroyed everything
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Argenti’s portion talks about his journey as a new Knight of Beauty & the obstacles he faced after having met the knight that was mentioned in his Part 2; here we see his transformation into a Knight of Beauty & his dedication to the path he walks
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Before I had mentioned silver being an important part of their designs; here I think is where we see the importance of silver the best (since silver is a malleable material, it can change its meaning for both characters based on their situations)
To reiterate, becoming a cyborg by replacing his body w/ silver represents Boothill saying goodbye to his old self who knew of happier times & his loved ones; for Argenti, the silver that he wears is a sign of his devotion to Idrila the Beauty
What ties their differences so well in my eyes is that silver acts as a symbol of Boothill’s & Argenti’s resolve to accomplish their goals (silver may be malleable but it still can be strong metal & it’s even better since Argenti does talk about his will/faith being unbreakable)
I truly love their dynamic as complementary foils & I really hope that we’ll be able to see more interactions between them in the future since we just only have Boothill’s voicelines about Argenti but considering their goals, it probably won’t happen, at least not any time soon
Let me just say that I only cooked this idea up after listening to Boothill’s demo trailer on repeat…..a normal amount, I’m so normal about him 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Thank the YEEHAW man :3
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sean-gaffney · 13 days
What's Left of the Looney Tunes?
So you’re a Looney Tunes fan, and you’re waiting with baited breath (Greetings, Bait!) for the cartoon list for the next Collector’s Choice Blu-Ray.  And as you wait to see if they add that 1953 Friz Freleng or 1958 Robert McKimson cartoon, you must be thinking:  Surely they’ve released every single cartoon at SOME point since the 1980s, right?  Well, except for the really racist ones.  Right?
Nah.  There’s 129 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies that have never been officially released, restored or unrestored, on home video at all.  And, to be honest, most of them are unlikely to be on the Collector’s Choice sets.  Let’s take a look at the last bastions against having all 1000 LT/MM cartoons available.
Bosko.  Now, there are a few Bosko cartoons available.  There’s 38 Bosko cartoons from 1930-1933, not counting the weird ones like the Talk-ink Kid pilot or whatever Bosko and Honey was.  Of those, 11 have been released officially.  This leaves 27 in limbo.  This is a shame, there are some really good Bosko cartoons.
Buddy.  Even worse, to be honest.  23 Buddy cartoons were made, 5 have had some official release.  That leaves 18.  Now, there’s a reason for that.  They’re awful.  (Also, two of those 18, Buddy of the Apes and Buddy in Africa, also fall under one of the later categories we’ll get to.)
Seven B&W Merrie Melodies.  Two of these, Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land and Goin’ to Heaven on a Mule, are basically banned for content.  Those Were Wonderful Days, Why Do I Dream Those Dreams, The Girl at the Ironing Board, The Miller’s Daughter, and Rhythm in the Bow, are simply not available, possibly as they’re dull.  However, they have been restored.  (As has HtTfHL.)
Seven B&W Looney Tunes.  Mostly the same as above.  The Daffy Duckaroo and Tokio Jokio are banned for content, though we may see Duckaroo someday (Native American caricatures have traditionally been less banned than Black and Asian caricatures).  Saps in Chaps also has some Native American gags, I think.  As for The Fire Alarm, Joe Glow the Firefly, Gopher Goofy and Nutty News, they’ve been restored but never released.
The rest of the “Censored 11”, of which Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land was the first.  As most cartoon fans know, this is not a catch all of all racist WB cartoons, it’s just the ones that were owned by Associated Artists productions.  So yeah, Sunday Go to Meetin’ Time, Clean Pastures, Uncle Tom’s Bungalow, Jungle Jitters, The Isle of Pingo Pongo, All This and Rabbit Stew (a Bugs Bunny cartoon), Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs, Tin Pan Alley Cats, Angel Puss and Goldilocks and the Jivin’ Bears.  They’ve all been restored.
The dog cartoons.  There are a bunch of one-shots that have no regular characters but all involve dogs, and (likely as they don’t have a “star” and aren’t really great) they’ve never come out.  Pappy’s Puppy, Mixed Master, A Waggily Tale, Dog Tales.  All but Pappy’s Puppy are restored.
Miscellaneous “banned for content” cartoons.  Which is Witch (a Bugs Bunny cartoon), Tom Tom Tomcat (a Tweety and Sylvester cartoon), and two REALLY late cartoons, Hocus Pocus Pow Wow and Injun Trouble.  None of these have been restored.
Random missing 50s stuff.  A Bone for a Bone (Goofy Gophers), Sock a Doodle Doo (Foghorn Leghorn), Easy Peckin’s, Quack Shot (Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd), Trick or Tweet (Tweety).
60s stuff that’s still actually Warner Brothers.  There’s about 10 or 12 early 60s cartoons that just aren’t very good, and that’s why they’re not out.  They’ve all been restored except Unnatural History and What’s My Lion, which are two of the worst LT/MM shorts that ever came out – not for content, they’re simply pathetically unfunny.
All the post-64 stuff.  There’s a pile, I won’t break them down one by one.  Mostly Daffy/Speedy cartoons, the nadir of both characters.  A few of the Roadrunner cartoons that weren’t stuffed onto that one DVD a while back.  They’re here as no one wants to watch them.
The post-67 stuff, aka the nightmare years.  Cool Cat, Merlin the Magic Mouse, Bunny and Claude… those.  (Though actually, both Bunny and Claude shorts HAVE been released.)  They’re here for the same reason – unpopularity.
Note this doesn’t even get into the cartoons which were fine to release in the 1980s on VHS but *aren’t* fine to release now (all the Merrie Melodies that weren’t banned but have racial stereotypes, such as the Inki cartoons, a huge number of cowboy and Indian cartoons, and Bugs Bunny’s unfortunate wartime cartoon).  Or all the stuff that’s restored and out on Max, but has never hit a DVD or Blu-Ray (half of the 30s Merrie Melodies).  Or the stuff that’s unrestored, not on Max and has never hit a DVD or Blu-Ray (the other half of the 1930s Merrie Melodies).  Or Holiday for Drumsticks, what’s up with that?
In any case, when they announce the cartoons for the 4th set in a week or so, you can look at this list and see if it has any of those.
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tacticalhimbo · 1 month
imagine stealing someone's content then crying wolf and saying people are homophobic... for telling you not to steal. could not be me.
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anyway here's a convenient web archive link of the exchange (whether or not images load is between y'all and god, my internet is the worst).
as well as my input as the resident queer (joking, but i mean... look at my pfp and url and tell me i'm not qualified-)
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like... the hypocrisy. "anyone can make a gif", ok. anybody can edit a screenshot. and yet you say that's art and not gifmaking
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newsflash. both are art.
the time it takes you to slap text and glow effects and re-create your mask is equal to (or in some cases, less than) the time it takes to
record/download high quality video footage
upscale it
adjust the speed
adjust the coloring
add individual effects
coordinate the set and time each individual gif to ensure they line up
and render gifsets
especially of the quality we see from people like @alexxmason and @collinnmckinley (whose gifs were stolen)
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this is just a false equivalence made by someone who's mad. besides the gifmaking aspect... are you SERIOUSLY saying that writers aren't artists?? aren't creatives who put effort into things??? genuinely fucking confused here, mate.
edit: op blocked me as soon as i commented too, lol.
anyway, going to drop this here since apparently people love stealing shit and think crediting gifs is impossible for some reason
and in case the archive images don't load, this is how the exchange went down when privately asked to delete the reposted gifs. these screencaps were posted by @codcat and come from his instagram, where he reposted the tumblr convo without censoring the url.
meaning that his fans could find people and harass them should they choose to do so.
so much for the whole "not linking to avoid harassment" mentality, huh?
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hydnes · 4 months
please read, thank you
my friend rin, who is the black highschool graduate that was recently doxxed by StopAntisemitism @/stopantisemites on twitter for literally just having "From the river to the sea" as his fucking yearbook quote, uses he/him/his pronouns and is a guy.
i'm posting this to let other pro-palestine people know the correct language to address him with if anyone's talking about this. which you should be considering the person behind StopAntisemites is a giant antiblack racist who has tweeted out racial slurs at people in the past (and the replies are fucking filled with antiblack racism), so i'm concerned about his safety.
his words:
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the doxx in question, information has been censored out out of respect for my friend but i would appreciate attempting to report it for targeted harassment/inciting violence [here].
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i know that reporting it probably won't do anything but it's worth a shot. this situation is fucked up and apparently it's not the first time that StopAntisemites has posted someone who's basically just turned 18. (with my friend having turned 18 approximately six months ago)
[here] is a link to my friend's tweet, at the very least please support him underneath it and talk about him correctly. his name is rin and he uses he/him.
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sapphicsigh · 11 months
I don't want a 3rd szn without Izzy. I just don't. Call me dramatic or whatever, but I'm so genuinely heartbroken by his death. I feel so betrayed. Izzy was the heart of the show, and now he's gone.
The aftermath of his death felt rushed, he wasn't buried at sea (like what the fuck, a lifelong pirate like Izzy would've wanted to be buried at sea) and the crew was just happy to get back on the revenge and set sail without their unicorn? Everyone just gets a happily ever without Izzy? Izzy died a painful death shot by a pompous asshole and for what? Some metaphor about the end of the golden age of piracy? Piss off. Closure for Ed? That could've been achieved a number of other ways. Izzy couldn't get any assurances that HE was loved? Even on his fucking deathbed? The man who protected the crew with life and limb? It doesn't feel right, and it never will. Izzy deserved so much better, and so did Con.
And worst of all, perhaps, is that Djenkins was planning on killing him all along. The whole time, while we were falling in love with the little angry man, rooting for him and rejoicing when he wore makeup in front of the crew and was vulnerable with them...he was a dead man walking.*
*I've seen ppl make rlly good points about how death was treated throughout the show and I wanted to add that context here. If I can find whose post I'm thinking of, I'll tag them
**Edit: Izzy's death was an incredible shock. EVERYONE ELSE IN THE SHOW survived their near death experiences!!! Stede got choked near to death, stabbed (twice!), and survived all of that unscathed. Ed got his head smashed in by a FUCKING CANNONBALL, pumbled by the crew and made it out with barely a scrape. Even Calico Jack could've (apparently) escaped death after being shot with a goddamn cannonball. The Swede was poisoned but was already immune to it. Wow! We (at least I felt this way), as an audience, believed that there wouldn't be any character deaths due to the overwhelming evidence we'd been given thus far. So after alllll the in show evidence that the laws of medicine or physics don't apply to ANY of the pirates, why suddenly apply it when it comes to Izzy? Hmmm??? It makes no fucking sense. It's cruel and unusual punishment. They really killed off the queer disabled elder??? Jesus christ. Did not a single person in the writer's room have a qualm about it? The optics alone are bad. But more importantly, killing off the queer disabled elder is inherently political, whether djenkins thought of it that way or not (& i dont think he did). The mere existence of queer people is inherently political in a society (the US), which wishes for our eradication. So killing off a beloved queer disabled elder, on a show which seemed to promise us queer joy and a happy ending, IS POLITICAL. it's a slap in the face and a punch through the fucking gut.
It feels doubly awful because we, as an audience, were given something we've never had before, an unapologetically queer show. One that didn't soften or censor itself for straight viewers. It was created with such love, at least it felt like, for us. So to be given that gift, and to feel recognized and seen and appreciated, only to have it snatched away...
I can only speak for myself, of course, but it's genuinely heartbreaking. I'm so utterly disappointed. I wish so badly that Con got more time with Izzy. I think Izzy means a lot to him, and he means a lot to us, too.
❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹I love you, Izzy, and I always will. Rest in peace, my little meow meow, you were and are so loved.❤️‍🩹🦄❤️‍🩹
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