#((but i also think he might give a few a moments' pause; reflecting on what they've done!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 month
"Oh, there's a little pun in there somewhere," Dorian commented with a sly smile as Elizabeth happily embraced Emily back; at this rather cryptic comment, Randall's brow furrowed, and he couldn't help but echo, "Pun?"
"Ah, I'll tell you later," the young master grinned, clapping his best friend on the back as finally, mercifully, the group began to move towards trick 'r treating, much to the relief of the children, who happily ran ahead of their family to get their sweets from the other residents of the Mansion, who were more than happy to dole out treats for the youngest members of the household: Beau gave them both full-sized candy bars, Madame Leota dropped spider-shaped chocolates into their buckets, and the Hitchhikers gave them some rubbery, squishy toy bugs, with Lon immediately throwing his centipede into his sister's hair, to which Erika responded by squishing the beetle into his face.
"Oh, and don't forget your apples!" Phineas added, dropping a pair of them into the buckets, adding with an awkward chuckle, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away! And I should know...I was one..."
"Aw, c'mon, Phinny, no self-respecting little kid wants that crap in their goodie buckets!" Ezra scoffed. "Not unless you're smothering 'em in caramel and nuts or somethin'!"
"It wouldn't hurt them to combat that sweetness with something a little healthier, Ez!" Phineas objected with a shrug, as the family passed through the crypt and out into the park itself, with Lon practically vibrating with excitement as he looked out at the park, all glittering and aglow with greens, purple, and oranges, shining string lights in the shapes of pumpkins and bats, and costumed characters of the more villainous sort walking around, giving playful scares to the mortal guests, all of whom were giggling and squealing with delight over the booming, bouncy music.
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papillon-stories · 1 year
Go Eunhyuk x reader ꕥ Argument headcanons ꕥ
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OMG, I'm so sorry... ! 🫣 I was so caught up with classes and work!
I’m not blind to the requests you sent me, I just paused everything because these last few months were so intense. But I feel like writing about Eunhyuk is my only pleasure of the day (in my era delulu)
But I didn't give up, ehehe. In the meantime, here's a little headcanon, hoping you'll like it. I love you all! Please have an Eunhyuk in your life, it's important for your well-being.
Happy reading !
Warning : No warning, just a lot of fluff and broken English
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He hates arguing with his s/o.
Most of the time, he is the mature one in the relationship. Most of the time.
Eunhyuk is generally very calm and not the type to start a fight, but he also has a bit of a temper.
In truth, arguments with Eunhyuk are very rare because he keeps a lot to himself, but like in any couple, arguments happen.
If something is bothering you, he will give you time to confide in him.
He wants to resolve the problem, but he tries to think about it on his own before discussing it with you.
It's important for him to understand the problem on his own (poor guy, he's going to get gray hairs from it).
If he can't find the solution himself and he sees that you're taking time to confide in him despite clearly showing your annoyance about something he might have done or said, he will eventually ask you directly what bothered you (at the right moment).
Generally, during a big argument, he prefers to leave if he feels his temper rising.
He doesn't avoid conflict, but he doesn't want to regret saying something mean out of anger.
Eunhyuk knows where it hurts, and when he's annoyed, he has a hard time holding back his words.
He can be very direct and straightforward.
He will take the time to calm down and come back to you when he's no longer heated.
You communicate a lot, and he doesn't want to be someone who leaves his significant other sad or angry at him... he doesn't want to be like his father.
Eunhyuk always takes your feelings into consideration and respects you a lot.
Because communication is good, but without understanding, it's useless.
If something annoys or saddens you, he won't dismiss your feelings and will simply try to fix it.
For him, there's always a solution.
Like you pointed out that this girl was crazy about him? She's already non-existent in his eyes.
But sometimes he finds your random outbursts of anger toward him amusing.
He finds it cute and doesn't take them too seriously.
"Why are you laughing? I'm serious."
There are no real reasons to be angry with each other.
Maybe out of jealousy?
YES ! In a relationship, he has no reason not to be honest with his feelings.
If something annoys him, he will probably take his time to talk to you about it.
He has enough trust in you to know that you won't hurt his feelings.
Despite his attitude, Eunhyuk is someone who thinks a lot.
He constantly questions himself.
The truth is, he will distance himself from you to sort out his thoughts because he knows that talking about it in the heat of the moment can escalate things.
You will notice his change and decide to talk to him about it.
Again, the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
But he knows that sometimes his silence can hurt more than harsh words, so he will come back quickly.
The best thing about your arguments is your reconciliations!
You cherish your relationship.
If he acted poorly, he will be the first to come to you and timidly apologize.
Conversely, if you are at fault, he will wait for you to take the first step.
He doesn't really expect apologies; he just wants you to understand his point of view.
Depending on the severity of the argument, he might ignore you at first.
Again, he needs time; he is constantly reflecting when it comes to you.
But he will never push you away if you come to make peace.
In essence, arguments are rare, but when they happen, you know how to handle them.
Thank you for reading ! Do you have any suggestions ? :)
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songbirdseung · 6 months
moments / kim sunoo
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synopsis: just random fluff moments with your favorite person
pairing: kim sunoo x reader
warnings: tooth rotting sweetness, written in 3rd person
wc: 2.9k
Here's to my sunoo stans who don't get the justive they deserve
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"Is there any moments that are your favorite?" the interviewer asking sunoo, hoping to get any information on sunoo's relationship that was just announced to the public.
"I love every moment I get to have with yn but if I had to name a few..." that's when he started to go into his own little world and reminisce on the times he's had with you.
I. Questioning Your Relationship:
Yn sat on the grassy hill, the sun shining brightly overhead as a light breeze played with their hair. Lost in the melody of "Never Gonna Give You Up," they hummed the tune, unaware of Sunoo's approach until he sat down beside them.
"What was it that made me fall for you, again?" Sunoo asked, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
Yn paused their humming, turning to look at him with a grin. "My undeniable charm and dazzling wit, of course."
Sunoo chuckled, reaching over to intertwine their fingers. "I think it might've been your terrible taste in music."
Yn gasped in mock offense, nudging him playfully. "Hey, Rick Astley is a classic!"
"True," Sunoo conceded, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Yn's cheek. "But I think I fell for you because of moments like this, just being together, enjoying the simple things."
Yn felt their heart swell with affection, leaning into his touch. "Well, get ready for a lifetime of terrible music and simple moments, because I'm never gonna give you up."
Sunoo laughed, pulling Yn closer. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
II. You Feel Like Home
On their anniversary, Yn decided to surprise Sunoo with a homemade dinner, despite their usual lack of culinary expertise.
In the kitchen, pots and pans clattered as Yn attempted to follow the instructions, occasionally pausing to consult their phone or taste-test a sauce with a dubious expression. Sunoo, sensing the chaos from the living room, couldn't resist peeking in to see what was happening.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Sunoo teased, leaning against the doorway with a grin.
Yn turned, a faint blush dusting their cheeks. "Just attempting to make us a fancy dinner for our anniversary," they admitted sheepishly.
Sunoo's eyes softened with affection as he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Yn from behind. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble, you know. Just being with you is special enough for me."
Yn leaned back into his embrace, smiling at his reflection in the kitchen window. "I know, but I wanted to do something special for you. Besides, how hard can cooking be, right?"
As the evening progressed, the kitchen filled with the aroma of their culinary experiment. Despite a few mishaps along the way, they managed to put together a meal that, while not quite gourmet, was made with love.
Sitting down at the table adorned with candles and flowers, Yn and Sunoo shared a laugh as they sampled their creation. It might not have been perfect, but in that moment, surrounded by warmth and affection, it was the most delicious meal they had ever tasted.
III. Where It All Started
Yn had been harboring a massive crush on Sunoo for what felt like forever. Every time they were around him, their heart raced, their palms grew sweaty, and coherent sentences seemed to flee from their mind. But despite their best efforts to flirt, they couldn't seem to muster up the courage to confess their feelings.
Fortunately, Yn had a group of friends who were not only aware of their crush but were also massive shippers of the potential romance.
One day, as Yn sat with the Enhypen in their favorite café, they couldn't resist stealing glances at Sunoo, who was engrossed in a book at the opposite end of the table.
Jake, ever observant, nudged Yn with a mischievous grin. "You should totally ask him to join you for a movie night this weekend. It's the perfect opportunity to cozy up together."
Sunghoon chimed in, "And you can make sure to pick a romantic movie. You know, to set the mood."
Jay added with a wink, "And don't forget the popcorn. Extra butter."
Yn blushed furiously, but they couldn't deny the appeal of the plan. With a nod of determination, they resolved to follow their friends' advice.
That weekend, armed with a carefully curated movie selection and an abundance of popcorn, Yn nervously invited Sunoo over for a movie night. To their relief, he accepted with a smile, and soon they found themselves snuggled up on the couch, bathed in the glow of the TV screen.
As the movie played, Yn stole glances at Sunoo, heart pounding in their chest. And to their delight, they noticed him mirroring their actions, his gaze lingering a little longer than usual.
IV. I Love You
Yn's heart raced as they gathered the courage to speak the words they had been holding back for so long.
"You know I love you, right?" they finally confessed, their voice barely above a whisper.
Sunoo's eyes softened, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I hope so, otherwise this whole relationship will get really awkward," he replied, his tone teasing but filled with warmth.
With a contented sigh, they buried their face in the crook of Sunoo's neck, feeling a sense of peace settle over them.
V. My Support System
Sunoo sat hunched over his desk, the soft glow of his computer screen illuminating the darkened room. He had been up late, grappling with a particularly tricky melody for a new song, his thoughts a jumble of notes and lyrics.
Lost in his creative process, he was startled when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Yn standing there, a comforting smile on their face as they held out a steaming cup of tea.
"I thought you might need a little pick-me-up," Yn said softly, their eyes filled with concern. "Thank you," he murmured, touched by Yn's thoughtfulness.
With a tender kiss on the top of his head, Yn settled into the chair beside him, offering their support without a word. Together, they worked side by side, Yn offering encouragement and feedback as Sunoo poured his heart and soul into the music.
Finally, as the first light of dawn began to peek through the curtains, Sunoo played the final notes of his song, a sense of accomplishment flooding through him. Turning to Yn, he couldn't help but smile, grateful for their unwavering support.
"Couldn't have done it without you," he said softly, his voice filled with gratitude. Yn smiled back, their eyes sparkling with pride. "Anytime," they replied.
VI. Furniture Shopping
Sunoo sighed as he surveyed the sorry state of his dorm's couch, its once sturdy frame now marred by broken legs thanks to the mischievous antics of his fellow members. With a resigned shake of his head, he turned to Yn, who had volunteered to help him pick out a replacement.
"Well, I guess it's time to go furniture shopping," Sunoo said with a wry smile, trying to make light of the situation.
And so, armed with a list of furniture stores, Sunoo and Yn set out on their quest. They wandered through showroom after showroom, testing out various couches of all shapes and sizes. Some were too stiff, others too lumpy, but finally, they stumbled upon the perfect one.
It was love at first sit. The couch was plush and inviting, with cushions so soft that they seemed to envelop them in a warm embrace. Sunoo and Yn sank into its depths, letting out simultaneous sighs of contentment.
"This is it," Sunoo declared, a grin spreading across his face as he leaned back against the cushions.
Yn nodded in agreement, their smile mirroring Sunoo's. "Definitely. It's like sitting on a cloud." For a moment, they simply sat there, enjoying the comfort of the new couch and the quiet companionship of each other.
VII. Accidents
Yn winced as they shifted on the couch, their ankle throbbing with pain despite the comforting weight of the cast encasing it. They had been laid up with a sprained ankle for what felt like an eternity, forced to rely on crutches to get around and feeling more than a little frustrated with their immobility.
Sunoo, ever the supportive boyfriend, sat beside them, a sympathetic expression on his face as he watched Yn struggle with their discomfort. Determined to lift their spirits, he reached for a marker and carefully began to doodle little hearts on Yn's cast.
"What are you doing?" Yn asked, their curiosity piqued by Sunoo's sudden burst of creativity.
"Just trying to make your cast a little more stylish," Sunoo replied with a grin, his hand moving deftly as he added more hearts to the design.
Yn couldn't help but smile at his efforts, the simple gesture warming their heart despite the pain in their ankle. As Sunoo continued to doodle, they leaned against him, grateful for his presence and the comfort of his touch.
"Thanks," Yn murmured, their voice soft with appreciation.
Sunoo glanced up from his artwork, his eyes meeting Yn's with a tender gaze. "Anything for you," he replied, his tone filled with sincerity.
VII. YN To The Rescue
Yn slipped out of bed, determined to satisfy Sunoo's hunger pangs. They quickly threw on a hoodie and sneakers, grabbing their keys and wallet before heading out into the cool night air.
The streets were quiet and deserted as Yn made their way to the nearest convenience store, their steps quickening with each passing minute. Finally, they reached their destination and hurried inside, scanning the aisles until they found what they were looking for: tteokbokki, Sunoo's favorite late-night snack.
Grabbing a few packs of the spicy rice cakes, Yn made their way to the checkout counter, their heart racing with anticipation. They couldn't wait to see the look of delight on Sunoo's face when they presented him with his beloved treat.
Minutes later, Yn returned home, the warm glow of the streetlights casting long shadows as they unlocked the door and tiptoed inside.
With a smile, Yn crept into the kitchen, quietly preparing the tteokbokki before placing it on a plate and carrying it to the bedroom. They presented him with the steaming dish, his eyes lighting up with delight as he caught sight of his favorite snack.
"You didn't have to," Sunoo murmured, touched by Yn's thoughtfulness.
Yn simply shrugged, a fond smile playing on their lips. "Anything for you, especially when it comes to tteokbokki." And as they sat together in the dim light of the bedroom, sharing the spicy rice cakes and laughing softly.
IX. Stuck With You
Sunoo peered out the window, dismay written all over his face as he watched the rain pour down in sheets, drenching the streets outside. It was supposed to be the day of their long-awaited date, but Mother Nature had other plans.
With a sigh, he turned to Yn, who stood beside him, their disappointment palpable. "Looks like our plans are ruined," he said, a hint of regret in his voice.
Yn nodded, a small frown marring their features. "Yeah, I was really looking forward to it."
But Sunoo wasn't one to let a little rain dampen their spirits. With a mischievous grin, he grabbed Yn's hand, pulling them towards the couch. "Well, since we're stuck indoors anyway, why don't we make the most of it?"
And so, they spent the afternoon huddled together on the couch, surrounded by blankets and pillows as they delved into the depths of Sunoo's movie collection. Some were classics, others were so bad they were almost unwatchable, but they laughed and joked through them all, their spirits buoyed by each other's company.
As evening approached and the rain showed no signs of letting up, they snuggled closer together on the couch, content to stay cocooned in their little bubble of laughter and love.
X. Bad Decisions
Sunoo's eyes sparkled with excitement as he pointed towards the towering roller coaster, its loops and twists standing out against the vibrant backdrop of the amusement park. "Come on, Yn, let's go on that one!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
Yn hesitated for a moment, their stomach twisting with nerves at the sight of the formidable ride. Roller coasters were never their favorite, but they didn't want to disappoint Sunoo, who was practically bouncing with anticipation.
"Okay, let's do it," Yn agreed, forcing a smile as they tried to muster up some courage.
The safety bar clicked into place, trapping them in place as the coaster lurched forward, climbing higher and higher until they were soaring through the air.
Yn's heart pounded in their chest as the coaster hurtled down the first drop, their stomach dropping with it. They gripped the safety bar with white-knuckled intensity, their eyes squeezed shut as they tried to block out the sensation of freefalling.
Beside them, Sunoo whooped with excitement, his laughter mingling with the screams of the other riders. But as the coaster continued its wild journey, Yn's initial bravado began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of dread.
By the time the ride came to an end, Yn was a trembling mess, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they stumbled out of their seat. Sunoo looked over at them with concern, his excitement tempered by the realization that Yn hadn't enjoyed the ride as much as he had hoped.
"Are you okay?" Sunoo asked, his voice filled with worry as he reached out to steady Yn.
Yn nodded weakly, their legs feeling like jelly as they leaned against Sunoo for support. "I think I'll stick to the gentler rides from now on," they admitted sheepishly, a weak smile tugging at their lips.
Sunoo wrapped an arm around Yn's shoulders, pulling them close as they made their way out of the amusement park. "That's okay," he said gently, his voice filled with understanding. "As long as we're together, it doesn't matter what rides we go on."
XI. Concert Surprise
Sunoo stepped onto the stage, the roar of the crowd enveloping him like a warm embrace as he prepared to perform for his adoring fans. The energy in the air was palpable, crackling with excitement and anticipation.
Little did Sunoo know, amidst the sea of faces in the audience, Yn stood front and center, a banner clutched tightly in their hands, their heart pounding with nervous excitement. They had traveled for hours to be here, determined to surprise Sunoo and show him their unwavering support.
As the music filled the air and Sunoo began to sing, Yn's eyes never left him, their heart swelling with pride at the sight of their boyfriend commanding the stage with such confidence and charisma. They held up their banner high, the words "Sunoo, You're Our Star!" emblazoned across it in bold letters, hoping that Sunoo would catch a glimpse of it amidst the sea of fans.
And then, it happened. Sunoo's gaze flickered over the crowd, his eyes locking with Yn's as he spotted the banner waving proudly in the air. A smile spread across his face, his heart swelling with love and gratitude at the sight of Yn, their unwavering support shining bright in the dimly lit arena.
In that moment, Yn felt a rush of overwhelming joy wash over them as Sunoo sang his heart out, pouring his soul into every note. They cheered and applauded with the rest of the crowd, their voice hoarse from shouting Sunoo's name, but they didn't care. They were just happy to be here, to witness Sunoo's talent and passion firsthand, and to show him just how much he meant to them.
After the concert, as Sunoo made his way offstage, he spotted Yn waiting for him, their eyes shining with pride and adoration. Without hesitation, he made a beeline for them, pulling them into a tight embrace as he whispered words of thanks and love into their ear.
"Thank you for being here," Sunoo said softly, his voice filled with emotion.
Yn smiled up at him, their heart overflowing with love. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world," they replied, their voice filled with sincerity.
XII. Fake It Till You Make It
Sunoo and Yn lay in bed side by side, the glow of the TV casting eerie shadows across the room as they tried to shake off the lingering effects of the horror movie they had just watched. Despite their best efforts to appear unaffected, both knew that sleep would be elusive tonight.
"Pretty intense movie, huh?" Sunoo remarked casually, his voice carefully casual as he tried to gauge Yn's reaction.
Yn shrugged nonchalantly, their heart still racing from the adrenaline of the film. "Yeah, it was alright," they replied, their tone equally noncommittal.
Silence settled between them, punctuated only by the faint sounds of the night outside. But despite their attempts to play it cool, both Sunoo and Yn were acutely aware of the tension in the air, the lingering unease that the movie had left behind.
"Are you scared?" Sunoo asked suddenly, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.
Yn hesitated for a moment before shaking their head adamantly. "Of course not," they replied, their voice a little too forceful to be convincing.
Sunoo raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Me neither," he said, his voice teasing as he tried to mask his own unease.
But as the minutes stretched into hours and sleep continued to elude them, Sunoo and Yn found themselves drawing closer together, seeking comfort in each other's presence.
And as dawn began to break outside the window, casting a soft glow over the room, Sunoo and Yn finally allowed themselves to relax, the tension of the night slowly fading away.
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blackjackkent · 8 months
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Jaheira rubs a cloth from her pack slowly along the sleek blade of one of her scimitars and examines its edge with an appraising eye. For a little while she pretends to ignore the small shape creeping around the edge of the fire towards her, but eventually Boo is sitting almost at her knee and she gives the hamster a sidelong glance.
"What is it then, small one?" she says dryly, the pale green pulse of an animal speech spell flaring around her body.
Boo perches up on his back legs and peers up at her with that beady, unreadable stare. Jaheira looks back thoughtfully, raising one eyebrow.
She reflects, not for the first time, that for all that Minsc often seems mad, it is hard to ignore that there is something about the little beast that is more than bestial. The little dark eyes shine with intelligence, and he is the only creature she has ever attempted to speak to with aid of magic that has deliberately not deigned to speak back.
And it is no different today. Boo ignores the spell and simply squeaks once, loudly, then turns and looks back across the fire towards the bedrolls of the camp. Jaheira follows his gaze, and has to resist the urge to smile. Minsc is peering around the edge of one of the tents with an air of stealth that would be more appropriate if he were about half the size that he is.
She has not spoken to him since their argument when they first arrived back from the sewers, and though Boo offers no words, the message is clear. You have grieved him. Will you not clear the air?
"He does not need to hide," she tells Boo softly. "You may tell him so."
Boo squeaks again and scurries off into the shadows.
She returns to the care of her weapons and does not look up when she hears the Rashemaar's heavy footfalls at her side.
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"May Minsc sit?" he rumbles.
She smiles slightly. "You feel you must ask permission?"
He drops down at her side and stares into the slowly dying flames. A silence stretches for a few moments before he says haltingly, "I still do not understand all of your anger, Jaheira. But if Minsc has given offense, then he shall not rest until the offense is eased." A pause. "Minsc has lost too many witches. He does not want to lose you."
Jaheira draws a slow breath, lets it out heavily. "You have not lost me, Minsc," she says quietly. "It was I who almost lost you." She frowns. "And I have also lost too much to suffer that lightly."
Minsc looks at her sideways. "But you will not be my Wychlaran," he says. It is not a question, just a flat, tired statement of fact.
She sighs. "Minsc... do you think I did not listen when you spoke to Dynaheir, to Aerie? It was a bond of trust, entered into willingly by both sides. You cannot claim me in such a bond without my knowledge." A pause. "If you wished a place at my side, you should have asked me. Not claimed space within me like a conqueror."
He considers that in silence. "Jaheira, as always, speaks more wisely than Minsc can even think," he agrees after a little while. His mouth draws into a tight line. Then, in a very low voice, he adds, "Minsc has been afraid."
At that, she does lift her head away from her attention on the blades and looks at him directly for the first time. She knows Minsc well enough to know that this is an admission he would make to no one else.
"So many things have changed, Jaheira. I do not remember my time as a stone, for to Minsc it passed like lightning, like a blink - something and then nothing, and then something again but with more itching. Itching and loneliness. Had I a witch she would have soothed both. But I had none... Dynaheir was dead many a long year, and Aerie so far away that Minsc might never see her again..."
She nods slowly. She still remembers the keen, biting emptiness in her chest in the days after Khalid's death - the knowledge that she had been hurt beyond measure and that the one who would have eased the pain was beyond her reach. "You had only me."
"Yes," he answers, and a little more energy comes back into his voice. "And it seemed to Minsc that you must be my new witch, for you were the only one I trusted so, and a Rashemaar without his witch is like Boo without a bit of grain - quite empty." A pause. "Minsc forgot that for Minsc to have a witch, the witch must also have Minsc."
Jaheira smiles slightly and reaches over to rest a hand lightly on his knee. "I will not call myself Wychlaran - but you have me at your side, no matter the name, Minsc," she says quietly. "I did not travel yet again through the Baldurian sewer muck simply to toss you away."
His shoulders relax a little and she can see the slight curve of his lips back into his more accustomed smile. "Good. Minsc is glad to hear it," he says quietly.
For a little while, they sit in companionable silence, watching as the flames slowly drift lower and lower. Boo crawls back out of the shadows, dragging a carrot from the camp supply sack larger than he is; settling between them, he begins to gnaw contentedly on his prize. Jaheira begins to feel some of the tension that has been her constant companion for so many months beginning to bleed away. So much danger still lies ahead... but her friend, at least, is safe again, and that makes such a tremendous difference. He is not one of those she has lost, not yet.
"So," Minsc says abruptly after a little while. "This new monk you travel with. Hector. Tell me of him."
Jaheira stirs, jarred loose from reverie, and has to take a moment to collect her thoughts enough to answer. "A good man, I think," she says slowly after a little while. "He has seen as much in a few months as we did in all our time in Amn, and still stands as straight as he did the day I met him."
Minsc nods. "Minsc sees Rasaad in him," he says gravely.
Jaheira says nothing for a moment. Then she nods. "He has much the same temperament. He says little and sees much. Even when we were closest, Rasaad often said little of what was in his heart, and I think Hector also holds much he does not reveal."
"And he is not quick to catch a joke," Minsc points out with a sudden broad grin. "He said to Minsc that the bond of a Wychlaran sounded only like friendship. At that Minsc laughed, for such a thing should be laughed at, and said that by such a thought, the whole camp is full of my Wychlarans! But the monk did not laugh in turn; Minsc is not sure he saw the jest."
Jaheira grins crookedly. "Perhaps he did not. Certainly that was also a failing in Rasaad at times; perhaps Selunites are not trained in the art of humor." A long pause. "But I like him, Minsc. He is brave in spite of great fear - and good reason for it. He loves fiercely, friend and lover alike. He kills doppelgangers with only his fists. And there are shades of Caden in him, too; I think he would be kind even though it killed him."
Minsc squares his shoulders stoutly. "Then Minsc and Boo shall see to it that it does not kill him, for they shall kick the butts of all by his side." Boo lifts his head, his cheeks fat with a great mouthful of carrot, and gives a muffled squeak.
Jaheira chuckles. "He is in good hands indeed, then."
"Hands and paws," Minsc amends with a wide grin.
"Of course," she says, and grins back. "How could I forget?"
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dumfanting · 8 months
Tumblr exclusive (for now)
Rating: Safe (please respect that this is an 18+ blog!)
Warnings: none
Notes: G/N reader, present tense, second person POV
This man suddenly has a hold on me, but I’m not complaining. Unbeta-ed, barely proofread, part two planned.
Wrecker/ Reader
853 words
Something has been on Wrecker’s mind.
You know something’s up when the ship lands on Naboo near a small town. You have no orders or mission here, as far as you’re aware, and your suspicions grow when you and Wrecker are the only ones to disembark. You shoot him a confused look as the ramp closes behind him, but he doesn’t explain anything. Once the two of you move out of the hangar, the Marauder takes off, deepening your confusion.
“Wrecker, what’s going on?” you ask, starting to worry.
“Oh, uh, we noticed that you’ve been stressed out and thought some time off might help,” he says.
“Nobody told me that,” you say. “And you’re here to-?”
“I’m keeping an eye on ya, that’s all,” he says, though he doesn’t look at you. You trust him enough that this isn’t a red flag, but it still gets your guard up.
You gradually let your guard back down as the two of you spend the day together. Wrecker was right; having some time off, and a few decent meals, in the fresh, balmy air of Naboo helps you relax significantly. You won’t admit it, but it’s also been nice to have him to yourself for so long. There’s always something to distract or interrupt you two back on the ship. He’s usually attentive, but even more so today, and you can’t help but think he needed this just as much as you did.
You spend hours wandering the town, and now, around sunset, you're both quietly walking around the edge of a lake. It’s peaceful, and the colors of the setting sun that reflect on the water give everything a soft, golden glow. A breeze, carrying the scent of nearby wildflowers, crosses your face and you pause to shut your eyes and breathe it in, the sun warm on your skin. After a moment, you feel Wrecker's eyes on you, and when you look at him, he’s watching you with a soft expression, though he looks to be deep in thought too. You spot a large tree a few feet away and sit in the grass below it, Wrecker still at your side. Once you’ve both settled, you sigh softly before resting your head against his shoulder. When you do, he tenses, so you sit up.
“You okay big guy?” you ask, and he relaxes when you use the nickname. You set your head back down and he stays relaxed.
“Yeah, just thinkin’,” he says. The sun is now below the tree line, its light changing from soft gold to a warm orange. You catch yourself staring at him, then quickly look away before he sees you.
“So, whatcha thinking about?” you ask. He frowns and doesn’t respond right away, so you move to sit directly across from him.
“Sorry,” he says, oddly quiet. “It's just that, well, you’ve been with us for a while, and I, um,” he continues, stumbling over his words and having a hard time looking at you. This is so out of character that you shift into a kneeling position and rest your hand on top of his.
“Talk to me Wreck,” you say, your voice soft and your eyes concerned. He takes a deep breath.
“I, um,” he says, now unable to look away from you. “I wanted to- to ask you if,” he continues, then swallows loudly.
“Yes?” you say, watching him, but he doesn’t speak.
He gets an odd look on his face, leans in towards you, and softly presses his lips to yours. When he starts to pull away, you stop him by holding your hands to the sides of his head and cautiously kissing him back.
The air around you seems to change, and the next thing you know, Wrecker’s pulled you forward into his lap, never taking his lips from yours. You open up for him and he groans when he tastes you for the first time. His hands drift to your hips and yours to his shoulders. You press yourself against him, and when you both finally break apart for air, the surrounding light has changed from warm orange to a soft blue. If anyone had been around, they wouldn’t be able to see the two of you in the semi-darkness.
You both seem to realize this at the same time, and a moment later, Wrecker has swapped places with you, laying you on your back as he hovers over you on all fours. Your legs automatically open for him, and your hands slip from his shoulders to his belt. Before you can move any lower, he stops you by holding your wrist. You look up at him, worried that you may have crossed a line.
“You don’ have to,” he says, and you sit up enough to softly kiss him.
“I know,” you whisper. “But I want to.” A huge grin cracks his face.
“I was hopin’ you’d say that,” he says, then pecks your lips before standing and pulling you to your feet. “C’mon, I have a surprise for ya,” he says, and practically drags you along behind him as he moves further alongside the lake.
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(Skipping the tag list for now, let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part)
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
HMMM I SAW THOSE DIALOGUE PROMPTS so i'm gonna give u one before i go to bed!
“why can’t i get you out of my head?” with ranboo?? :0
xoxo love u lana take care bb /p <3
i- this is perfect. literally perfect.
i know this fic is long BUT TRUST ME ON THIS ONE !!
"why can't i get you out of my head?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
ranboo x gn!reader
warnings: brainrotting fluff that will make you want to cry /pos,
definition: everytime you have tried to tell ranboo you admire them by giving hints
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y/n's pov
where it started !
"Hey Will?" I spoke up into the mic.
Wilbur's voice came through my headphones. "Yes?" he said, taking a sip of his water.
I paused. "I think I'm going to tell Ran I like them."
Since Wilbur's webcam on, I could see him spit out his drink in surprise.
"You- what?! Really?" I nodded, laughing at his response. "That's amazing, Y/n. How are you going to do it?" he asked.
I explained to Will how I was going to slowly compliment him and just make it obvious bit by bit until Ran finally said something.
"That's actually.... really smart." he laughed.
"I know, right?!"
brighton beach !
It was 11:38 pm at night, and my eyes were slowly starting to close. Will had invited the other Sorry Boys and I to come see the Lovejoy gig in Brighton. The show was incredible overall, but the thing that was running through my mind is how I was going to first start the confession mission, as Will and I called it.
All of us were walking down a dark alleyway that was barely lit. Street lights flickering every other minute, and closed shop signs hung on the doors. We finally got to the pier, and walked down to the beach.
Coming down to the beach in Brighton was always a treat, even during the day and it's super busy, or if there's not really "sand", and the beach is just slippery rocks. At night it was especially great, because no one was there except for the occasional teenagers. Everyone else stared at the soft waves crashing against the shore, with the stars glimmering behind it. "What was I looking at?" you might ask. I was looking at the glimmering thing next to me, Ran.
They were looking at the view in front of them, their gray eyes glimmering from the reflection of the stars above. Their hair was fluffy and had streaks of caramel brown from the early morning sun.
I kept looking at them, admiring their features rather than the once in a lifetime view in front of me.
Ran finally turned their head and saw me looking at them, instantly making eye contact with me for a few seconds. He looked back to the waves and fixed their hair.
"Are you going to stare at me or the view of the waves?" he teased, looking back at me once more.
I stared at him for a few seconds, before tilting my head slightly to the right, observing his freckles that painted his cheeks and nose. "Hmm... I think you're much more admirable." I said, confidently.
I looked at them and could see blush tinting their cheeks. I looked over to Wilbur on my left and nodded to him. I mouthed, "Mission accomplished." Wilbur smiled.
on stream !
"Hey chat! It's your favorite human, Y/n here. Today, I'm joined by Ranboo in my lovely kitchen!" I said, smiling into the webcam.
Chat went 100 miles per hour seeing Ranboo and I in the same room. Chat filled up with "y/nboo" and "my favorite streamers!!" or whatever chants they could come up with.
"Chat's really loving this duo, huh?" I smirked. I looked over to Ran. "Might as well have to deliver this duo more, shall we boo?"
I may or may not have especially chosen that nickname on purpose, since it would not only just make them a little flustered, but more flustered since we were streaming.
I kept staring at Ran. They looked at me with surprise in their eyes, but also a scolding look at the same moment. I looked over at chat to see their responses.
user444: WAIT WHAT
user10: "BOO"??? WHAATTTTTT [shock]
y/n4life: ahhh my fave duo!!!!
I innocently continued on with the stream, acting like nothing happened. And I swear, I made him blush again. 2 missions accomplished.
on the train !
Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, Jack and I were all on the train on the way to London to record a new vlog. Tommy and Wilbur were on their phones playing some random game, and Niki and Jack were talking about the vlog and stream ideas. Ranboo and I were just sitting next to eachother peacefully, sharing earbuds and listening to music playlists. It's been a couple weeks since the kitchen stream, and I had honestly forgotten entirely about it. I yawned, feeling my eyes slowly close and my head lean against the shaking train window.
Ranboo spoke up next to me. "Y/n, love." Wilbur and Tommy peeked up from their phones and exchanged looks with each other at Ranboo's words. "Your head is going to hurt a fucking lot if you lean against the window."
"There's literally nowhere else to sleep. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I said.
Ranboo faked coughed into his elbow and looked at the other side of the train. He then looked at me giving approval.
I laid my head down on his chest and curled my legs on the chair as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I blushed, hiding my face in his hoodie. Ran then placed his head on the seat, leaning his neck back, somehow being comfortable.
Tommy whispered to the others, thinking we couldn't hear him as we snuggled. "Deffo flerting." he said, getting the others to giggle. I saw Jack and Wilbur take a picture from their phones through the corner of my eye.
"You realize we can hear you, right?" Ranboo spoke up.
confessions !
I was walking down the shore with Ran at night, as he had asked me to come meet him there. I wasn't sure what he wanted, and I was utterly confused.
"Um, Y-y/n? Can we stop here for a second? There's something I need to tell you." Ranboo said, looking up at me with dilated eyes.
I nodded. "Yeah, is everything alright?" I said, taking his hand in mine.
He looked down at our hands and I could see the tip of his ears blush for a few split moments. He took a deep breath.
"I'm in love with you, y/n l/n. I've noticed your little compliments and flirts here and there, from the beach, the stream, on the train. Everywhere. And I can't help but fucking adore it. I've always fucking thought why you can never get out of my head. I truly love you, and if you don't love me back, that's fine. But I can only live with you knowing, no matter what your answer is."
I stared at his eyes. I'm 99% sure someone on TikTok said that a persons eyes dilate when they're in love, and just by telling and looking from his eyes, it seemed true. I looked quickly at his parted lips.
"Yes, I fucking love you too, idiot. I'm the one who flirted with you first!" I spoke back.
Ranboo tilted my head with his fingers, and looked down at my lips and back to my eyes. "May I kiss you?"
"Mhm." I said.
I felt him close the space between us, and I swear, my legs could have gone flat. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away, and I smiled, leaning my forehead against his.
Let's just say we left a trail of memories on the way.
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do you guys want a part 2? i have some ideas teehee
hope you enjoyed!! please support me by sending in requests/asks, liking, replying, reblogging, following my blog or sending a dm!! everything helps for me to continue writing <3
love you xoxoxo
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teacrying · 2 years
Husband/Boyfriend Headcanons with Fukuzawa Yukichi!
A/N: head empty, only Fukuzawa Yukichi.
C/W: slightly spicy.
He is a very rational man until it has something to do with you then he’s slightly less rational.
Ranpo has to, and does, like you. Fukuzawa made the ADA for Ranpo so if Ranpo didn’t like you he’d have some self reflection away from you.
This man is large so he loves a softer, and smaller partner (but even if you aren’t he fell for your personality).
If you did have an ability he would offer to help by using his ability if you bring it up.
He craves your touch and presence more than he’d like to say, but as soon as you guys are alone and with your consent he would gladly sit you on his lap and run circles into your skin gently.
If, and when, shit hits the fan he makes sure you know what to do and he also makes sure the ADA has your back.
During more stressful chunks of business he loves to unwind with you by sharing a bath. He loves seeing you unharmed this way and also the view of you is his favorite.
He might not appear to be this type of man but he loves marking your body with love bites where only he could see. Not to mention the flush that covers your face looking at his handy work makes it even more incredible.
There have been moments where his mask fell at work and it was with regards to you. It would either be you surprising him at work or in the few instances you had been injured. The latter being the scariest for everyone in the office. The former was much more favorable because everyone loved to see their boss happy!
Ranpo appreciates all you do behind the scenes and he shows that by allowing you some snacks of his. This brought pause to the office the first time it happened.
I can see the younger members of the ADA flock to you for some help or even relaxation. Even Atsushi seemed to seek out some support from you.
The ADA loves you and so do the brief times the few Mafia members who met you out and about liked you.
This man loves to see you in traditional clothing but understands that you only do so rarely. He thinks anything you wear only enhances the beauty you have.
He would gladly watch an impromptu fashion show of clothing you bought. He enjoys any show you give him though.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 8 months
an old caejose fic I wrote
this is pretty old but i wanted to post it
Caesar stared out of the window solemnly, watching the sun slowly set as he sighed and closed his eyes while he listened to the sound of the waves crashing against Air Supplena Island.
"Oh, Caesarino~" A British voice came from behind him unexpectantly. Caesar jumped in surprise at the sound of Joseph's voice, who had somehow snuck up behind him and put his hands on the Italian's shoulders. Caesar growled in frustration, then turned to glare at the taller man.
"What could you possibly want, Jojo?" Caesar asked in an irritated voice, his Italian accent laying thickly over his words as he spoke. He glared at Joseph for a few moments, before sighing and looking away.
"What are you doing?" Joseph asked with a grin, standing next to Caesar and looking out of the window curiously.
Caesar groaned at Joseph's question, and leaned on the windowsill, before responding. "If you must know, I was just trying to enjoy the silence, until someone had to come along and ruin it."
Joseph chuckled, looking back over at Caesar with a mischievous grin. Upon looking the blond man beside him, Joseph immediately paused, taking a moment to process just how gorgeous Caesar looked in that moment. The way the light reflected off his emerald eyes made them look like gems, shining brightly in the golden lighting, and the way the gentle breeze coming through the window flowed through his ruffled blond hair made Caesar look breathtaking, while the lighting from the sunset making Caesar's pale skin glow a gentle orange made Joseph's knees weak.
He was gorgeous, like a divine being, born from the sun and the founder of every gem the world has to offer.
Joseph's face turned a few shades pinker as he realized how beautiful the man standing next to him was. How hadn't he realized this before?
"Joseph?" Caesar waved a hand in front of Joseph's face, snapping him out of his trance.
Joseph's eyes widened as he quickly looked away, blushing fiercely. "RIGHT! Sorry, zoned out a little there, teehee," he chuckled nervously.
Caesar sighed and shook head, before smiling slightly and flicking Joseph's forehead. "Of course you did. That's just like you, Jojo," he said with a slight laugh in his voice, clearly amused.
Joseph blushed harder at the sound of Caesar's voice, looking back at his Italian "rival" with a small smile. His laugh was hypnotizing, drawing Joseph in effortlessly. And his voice, too! So soft and sweet, completed by that mesmerizing Italian accent of his; it sounded like a love spell, specifically made for Joseph goddamn Joestar.
The pair of big beefy men stared at each other for a moment in complete silence, with only sound of Joseph's racing heart in his chest. In a moment of pure unfiltered 'I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing', Joseph reached his hand over towards Caesar, brushing a loose strand of hair out of his face. Could Caesar do that himself? Yes. Was he about to? Also yes. Did Joseph care or even give a warning? You bet your pretty little ass he didn't.
"Jojo? What are you-" Caesar was then instantly cut off by Joseph's hand on his cheek, causing the blond man's face to warm up significantly, and yet, he couldn't resist but to lean into Joseph's gentle touch. I think Joseph turned him gay.
"You know... I think- I think I might actually be, uhm, in love with you, Caesar," Joseph hesitantly, blushing furiously and avoiding eye contact with Caesar.
Caesar was silent for a moment, processing Joseph's confession. He had a crush on him for a while, but due to the society they lived in, never got the courage to confess. Instead, the blond tried to distract himself by flirting with any woman he came across, just as he usually did.
After a moment of hesitation, Caesar leaned closer to Joseph, which startled him.
"I'm in love with you too, Joseph," Caesar said shyly, blushing as he spoke. 
After a moment of hesitation, Caesar wrapped his arms around Joseph's waist, pulling him closer to him.
Joseph focused his eyes on Caesar, and the two men simply gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds, which to them felt like an eternity.
Joseph suddenly glanced down at Caesar's lips, who didn't hesitate to close the gap between them, pressing his soft lips and Joseph's chapped ones as his eyes fluttered shut.
Joseph didn't waste any time to close his eyes, kissing back tenderly. The kiss was long and passionate, yet soft and gentle, like they had both been waiting their entire lives for this exact moment to happen.
And now, after kissing and confessing their love, Joseph and Caesar weren't friends or rivals. Instead, they were just a pair of lovers, embraced in a warm, comforting kiss. After a few moments that felt like entire lifetimes, Caesar pulled back, breaking the kiss as he opened his eyes, smiling as he looked into the pale eyes of a very dazed Joseph.
Joseph snapped out of his daze, blinking as he processed what just happened. He eventually smiled lovingly at Caesar, wrapping his arm around the shorter man's waist as he looked back at the setting sun through the window.
Caesar hummed quietly, resting his head on Joseph's shoulder as they both watched the sunset together, standing there in a comfortable silence.
The two lovers stayed there until the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, then stared up at the stars that were scattered across the dark night sky for a while, before eventually going to bed together.
They never fell out of love, not even after Caesar sacrificed his life for Joseph merely a few days later.
Diavolo watches this whole scene in homophobic disgust before dying, which makes it canon.
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year
To Have and To Heal (Part 5)
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Read part 1 here
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: Single working dad Martin Odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. That’s not to mention football, life and... love?
Martin loves his teammates, he really does. They're his brothers in every way but blood. They'll lift him up if he hits a rough patch and keep his feet firmly on the ground when praise from the press threatens to inflate his ego. There's a few of them that are acutely tuned into his moods too, which generally he doesn't think twice about. 
Today however, he'd rather be left alone than have Kieran hovering over his shoulder. The Scotsman has been in Martin's shadow all day, a constant presence that he cannot shake. Today is an individually minded training day, each boy following their own tailored regime in the weights room for the first few hours, meaning Martin expected to be able to work off his mixed emotions. But having Kieran so close is grating on his nerves, until finally he can't stand it. 
"Mate, can I help you?"
Kieran pauses on his machine, brown eyes wide. "Erm, no? I mean I don't need a spot for leg presses so…" Kieran maintains his mask of innocence despite Martin's hard stare, which only further aggravates him. When Kieran flashes Martin a smile that's all teeth, Martin swears under his breath and resets his machine so he can turn to face his friend. 
"Why have you been shadowing me all day? You're like a- a…" Martin searches for the English word, his brain short circuiting. "A flea on a dog's back! I'm trying to work through something here-"
Kieran snaps his fingers and leans forward, "there! That's exactly what I've been waiting for- an admission! All week you've been off mate, everyone can tell. I'm just the unlucky one that got nominated to figure out why!"
Martin rolls his eyes. His lads are busy bodies. If they could mind their own business, Martin wouldn't feel so shitty because he might actually be able to process his things properly. Instead he's ended up more frustrated, because Kieran won't give him an inch to breathe. 
Yes, it's true. Martin has been quiet lately, keeping to himself more than usual. He isn't surprised that the team has picked up on it. He hasn't done anything to hide it. He's allowed Kieran to take over team talks instead of himself; anyone with half a brain would recognize his out of character behavior. That doesn't mean he's about to pour out the contents of his wilted heart to Kieran in the middle of a training session though. 
"I'm fine Kieran." Martin's response is a touch too firm, causing Kieran's eyebrows to shoot up. Martin draws a deep breath and dials it back, forcing a smile, "really, I'm fine mate. It's nothing I need to discuss, I'm working through it on my own."
Of course, being Martin's best friend means Kieran can see straight through his cheesecloth lie. It also means Kieran can read Martin like a book, thus knowing when it's best to leave an issue alone. So Kieran simply nods, murmurs a soft, 'I'm here if you need me' and continues on with his day. 
Once Kieran moves to another machine, the rubber band around Martin's chest eases enough for him to breathe properly. It allows him room to think and reflect. He needs to clear his head… which is part of the issue. 
Martin's head is a mess because you muddle his thoughts. It's gotten to the point that he can't walk outside and see the sun without thinking about you, and that terrifies Martin. 
He hasn't felt this way about anyone since the day he met Maria. She became the center of Martin's world from the moment he laid eyes on her, only shifting to make room for Atla when she was born. For three years his girls shared equal space in his heart, until fate stepped in and ripped one of them out of the picture. 
It took Atla a long time to understand what happened. Martin honestly isn't positive she understands now, actually. The weeks immediately following Maria's passing were the hardest. Each night Atla would ask for her mummy to tuck her in and listen to a story that Martin would read, and each night Martin had to gently remind her that mummy wasn't there. Martin lost count of how many times he'd told her 'Mum's in the sunset now søta, she's watching over you even if you can't see her'. Through it all, Atla rarely cried, thank god- a three year old doesn't truly know how to process grief after all. If Atla had shed tears, Martin isn't sure he would have survived. 
For two years, Martin has thrown all his energy into being a father. Anything he has to spare goes into being Arsenal's captain, and he thinks he's doing a pretty damn good job of balancing both. The learning curve was steep, and he still discovers new nuances about being a better parent nearly every day. The fathers on his team have been his backbone, though none of them understand the full weight he bears on his own shoulders. At the end of the day, they have partners to lean on. Martin only has himself. 
The scary part is, he's beginning to wonder if he's meant to be a single parent forever. He's found himself caught between a rock and a hard place: continuing to remain a loving, loyal widow, or chasing his own potential happiness. It feels like a betrayal to even consider letting someone new occupy his heart the way Maria had, but at the same time he wonders if it's fair to Atla to allow her to grow up without a maternal figure to guide her. He's not stupid; one day Atla will have questions he can't answer himself, ones that only a woman can answer properly. No matter how much research he conducts or how much he prepares himself, he will never experience the world the same way a woman might. 
Is he robbing Atla of a fundamental right, the right to grow up with a mum at her side? Everything he does is for Atla, for his daughter- is he being selfish by cutting himself off from the chance to find love?
"Oi Martin! Come on, we're headed to the pitch!"
For now, his questions will remain unanswered. He has a job to do, and he takes that job seriously. Martin quickly cleans up his mess and wipes down his machine before following the rest of his team outside for some small group drills, which is one of his favorite activities. 
Martin leads a round of keep away, passing back and forth in a small circle whilst Saka tries to intercept. It takes his mind off of anything you related, which comes as a welcome realization. Martin laughs with his friends, doubling over to clutch his stomach when Saka falls flat on his back after tripping over the ball. It feels good to be his normal self again, not having to worry about anything except the task at hand. 
The end of their session comes sooner than Martin expects. He showers and organizes his cubby, preferring things to be neat when tours come through. Then he makes his rounds to chat with the staff to ensure everyone knows they're an important part of the team in his eyes. Eventually he can't stall any longer and he is forced to head out to pick up Atla from school. 
There is a pit in his stomach as he pulls up to the limestone building. Pick up is simultaneously the part of his day that he dreads and that he looks forward to most. On one hand, pick up means he gets the rest of the night with his family. On the other hand, he has to see you, which is both a blessing and a curse. 
The gymnasium is on the opposite side of the school but he always parks out front, preferring to walk the halls and chat a bit when he can. Today he chats less, intent on seeing his daughter as soon as he can. He whistles quietly as he walks, smiling when he hears Atla clock his tune. 
"Papa's here!"
Martin is already crouched when she comes barreling over to wrap her little arms around his neck to squeeze him in a bear hug. At last Martin feels the remaining bits of his troubles melt away thanks to his daughter. She is the center of his world, and being with her makes him feel at home. 
"Hallo søta, did you learn lots today?" It takes everything in him to not immediately look up and meet your eyes. Martin still isn't sure how to act around you; he'd extended an olive branch in the form of chocolates and tulips and he is patiently waiting for you to reciprocate his energy. Until then, he is determined to leave you be.
"So much! I had a fun day- David tried chasing me on the playground but don't worry papa, I made sure he knew I wouldn't let him!" 
"She was very adamant," you say, your sweet voice drawing Martin's attention. Your smile is the first thing he truly notices. The next is the way you fiddle with the badge hanging around your neck, and the third is the way you shift your weight from one foot to the other. 
Martin tips his head and speaks before he can filter himself. "Those boots are new, they look nice. I feel like I've seen those in the window at Harrods, no?"
"Oh, um- yes actually, they were an early birthday treat to myself actually. I saw them and couldn't resist!" 
Martin would love to unpack that, so he smiles at Atla. "Go clean up your coloring things, lille venn, okay? Go on, don't make Miss. Sunshine clean up your mess!"
Once Atla is out of earshot, Martin stands to his full height and smiles. "Happy early birthday. I suppose I'll have to get you something, seeing as you do so much for Atla."
"Oh, you really don't need to Martin! I appreciate you just wishing me a happy birthday. That's really more than enough."
Martin's heart sings when you address him by name. It amazes him how something as simple as hearing you speak his name can set a flurry of butterflies loose in his stomach. 
"I'd like to get you something, if you're alright with that? I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. From one friend to another?"
There it is, another try with the olive branch. Martin silently prays you'll accept it, because in honesty he still isn't sure how he feels about this whole thing and he wants some sort of confirmation that he isn't committing a match-ending foul. 
It takes you a minute, but Martin exhales when you nod. "I think that's fine, friends give each other presents all the time… friends also come to birthday parties, yeah?"
Your voice is soft as clouds and your eyes are tentative as they search his face. Martin is certain you pick up on his amazement. You must, because you've stunned him into silence. Martin isn't a man who is silent often. 
Oh, faen. Not that name.
It's as if you reached into his consciousness and plucked out the one surefire way to sink yourself into his heart. He hasn't allowed anyone to call him Mar since his wife had passed because it never felt right. But now? Martin finds himself smiling despite the twinge of bittersweet memories. 
"Yes. I'll come if you let me know the details. Friends… friends attend birthday parties, that's a friendly thing."
Martin is falling hard. Guilt gnaws at him despite the excitement that washes over him when you grin, clearly feeling much the same as he is. Your smile quiets the war in his head temporarily, reducing the cacophony of noise to a whisper in the background. 
Amazing. Absolutely amazing that you have such an effect on him. He's lived with that noise for years and in seconds, you've dulled it to nothing. 
"I'll see you there." You bite your lip and tuck your hands behind your back, which is somehow the most endearing thing. "It's at that same bar you saw me at last month, this Friday. You don't have to drink or anything I promise, I know you have a match on Sunday!"
"I'll be there, I promise." It's as if Martin is seeing you for the first time. The way the sun filters through the skylight and illuminates the gentle planes of your face mesmerizes him. He notes the little curve of your lips that grows the longer he stares. Beautiful with a selfless soul- that's how he'd describe you. 
"Papa, I'm all done!" 
Atla shatters the moment when she tugs on Martin's sleeve. She's too adorable to be upset with, so Martin gives her a pass and offers you an apologetic smile which you accept with a wave of your hand. Martin scoops up Attie with little effort, propping her on his hip and kissing her rosy cheek. 
"Say goodbye to Miss. Sunshine," Martin prompts, smiling when Atla does just that. "I'll see you tomorrow," he adds, that same smile playing on his lips. 
"Tomorrow for sure, and then Friday evening."
"Wouldn't miss it, søta."
"Kieran, I need you to watch Attie on Friday."
"Uhh sure mate, what for? It's pretty short notice, but you're lucky I don't have anything planned." 
"Shut up mate- if you had plans you wouldn't let any of us hear the end of it." 
Kieran drops his weights to the padded floor. The resulting thud rumbles through Martin's bones, "Okay, for one, that's harsh even if it is true. And second, why am I watching Attie? I mean I love her and I have no problem doing it, but what's so important that you'd leave her with me?"
Martin knows he can be honest with Kieran. He's probably the one person who won't ever judge him. Regardless, Martin wants to keep this secret for a little longer, at least until he sees how Friday goes. 
"I'm just going out with some friends. You're sure you can watch Atla? I can make you up a list of what to do."
Kieran chuckles, "Mate, it's not my first time watching my goddaughter. I got this! Bedtime is eight on the weekends, no television an hour before bed, and… Friday isn't a bath night so that makes my job easy! I'll plunk her down with a set of coloring books and some blank pages and we can go wild, it'll be fun!"
"Alright yeah, that seems fair. Just don't let her have too much-"
"Sugar, yes Martin I am aware!" Kieran waves a hand flippantly, "I know what I'm doing like I've said! Just have some fun doing whatever secret mission you've got, you need to loosen up a little."
"I do not-" Martin begins to snap, but then notes Kieran's amused smile and stops himself. Martin forces himself to breathe and unwind before finishing, "I do not need to loosen up, I'm doing just fine thank you." 
"Sure mate if you say so- you're just going out with 'friends' that aren't at Arsenal, nothing odd about that!"
Again with Kieran being annoyingly perceptive. Martin is beginning to think having a best mate is more trouble than it's worth. Kieran is lucky Martin loves him because in the end, having Kieran around is more beneficial than it is a nuisance. 
Once a time for drop off is agreed upon, the two part ways. Martin only has two days to come up with an outfit that's acceptable for a night out but also doesn't scream 'I'm trying to show off in front of all your friends', which is a struggle. Considering his closet is filled with basic t-shirts and designer jackets with no real in-between, he'll have to head out after training and buy something. 
The only issue is Martin has no clue what's what when it comes to fashion. Kieran at least has some sort of idea of what's trendy and looks good…
Martin sighs and heads back over to Kieran, "Mate, are you free tonight to help me shop?"
"Shop for what?" Kieran feigns innocence as he finishes up his set of curls. "Food? Because I'd think you pay someone to do that for you. At least that's what most of us lads do!"
"Don't make this hard for me, you know what I mean Kieran." Forcing Martin to voice things he isn't ready to is like pulling teeth. Not only is he reluctant to do so, but it's also incredibly painful and Martin would prefer to keep it to himself. And for some reason, Martin feels oddly protective over you, as if letting Kieran know it's you he's going on a pseudo-date with will allow Kieran to sweep you out from under him. For now, Martin feels safer with a cloak of mystery to protect him. 
Kieran clears his throat and drags Martin into the present. "Right, sorry mate. I'm free and I'd be happy to help you shop for something to wear- you'll have to give me some details though? What sort of place you're going to, as a bare minimum. I can't have you showing up to a steakhouse in Dunks, you know?"
Martin nods. That much he is comfortable sharing. "It's just a club, so nothing fancy. I just don't normally do casual? So I only have really casual, and I don't think that's appropriate. I'd like to impress the people that are gonna be there."
Kieran nods, thinking for a minute. The grin that lights up Kieran's face has Martin's head racing with thoughts of what the Scotsman might be up to. 
"I know just the place, mate. Bring your credit cards cause it's gonna be expensive!"
"Babe! What did I tell you?! Don't get involved with him- and you just straight up went against everything I said!"
"I know I did Jen!" Your pacing is nearly wearing holes in the circular orange carpet in the center of her room. You've walked the perimeter of your self-imposed prison cell at least a dozen times in the past ten minutes whilst enduring a well-deserved lecture from your friend. "Look, why can't I be friends with him? There's no rule against that in the ethics handbook is there? I'm just fostering positive relationships between myself and the parents of my students!"
"Oh, that reads like a textbook. Babes, you know why you can't do that. You'll catch feelings! Hell, you caught feelings for that writer at the Starbucks down the street for your flat and you never spoke a single word to him. You think you can be friends with Martin 'I'm the best looking single dad ever' Ødegaard and not feel a thing?"
Was it a foolish decision to invite Martin to your birthday gathering? Obviously. It isn't your fault that he's too damn charming and irresistible. You hadn't expected Jen to be over the moon with your idea, but you had crossed your fingers in hopes of her supporting you. 
"Okay, maybe I made a mistake-"
"You think?!"
"-but realistically what's the worst that could happen? Technically Attie isn't my student, so there's nothing that says Mar and I can't be involved."
Jen rakes a hand through her hair, her blue highlighter leaving a streak behind. "I mean technically you'd be fine, but if the other parents found out, who knows what they'd do? The entire school is filled with Mum's constantly lusting over that man- all it takes is one of them getting a touch too jealous and spreading some terrible rumor for things to go ass over tits."
You hate it when Jen is right. The fantasy you cooked up in your head is much more favorable than the reality she's just whacked you upside the head with. You deflate, finally ceasing your feet long enough to sit cross legged on the carpet. 
"Look Jen, I don't even think he's interested in me like that anyway. He's got this trauma, I can see it in his eyes- he just feels… broken hearted. I think he needs a friend to lean on, someone outside of Arsenal. Like a new perspective, you know? Maybe I can be that for him."
At this point, you're grasping at straws to invent a reason why this is a semi-acceptable idea. In truth you're being selfish, wanting to see if you can sus out how Martin feels beneath that steely armor he wears. You can chalk it up to your teachers instincts; seeing people struggling silently isn't something you can sit by and tolerate without trying to help. You don't have it in you to watch Martin continue to come in and paint on a happy face for his daughter when you've noticed flashes of something much more troubled beneath the surface. 
"For the record, I hate this idea." 
"I know you do, Jen. But you going along with it is exactly why I love you." You hold up one finger, pleading with your eyes for her to hear you out. "One outing, that's all I ask. You'll be there the entire time to keep me in check, totally supervised and everything."
Jen shakes her head, taking her time in answering to ensure her discontent is well noted. "I'm only doing this because I love you. One outing- and I'm not letting you drink until he's gone. You get all touchy when you have tequila and I know that's what you'll wind up having."
You break into a cheek-splitting grin that is impossible to hide even if you wanted to, "that's a deal. Have I told you I love you?"
"Not nearly as often as you should, considering how much I risk for you on a daily basis. Now go home and pick out an outfit, let me grade in peace."
"Trust me, I've got just the thing in mind."
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bekaroth-reads · 2 years
Hi can you write a hal 9000 x reader please !!!!!
[Here you go :) ]
You were just finishing up your work for the day. It would be nice to actually rest for a bit, as even though your work wasn’t too physically taxing, there was still the mental exhaustion to deal with. Just as you were finishing up writing something about the final parts of the complex circuit boards you were inspecting there was suddenly a voice above you. “Excuse, me. But, I was wondering if I might ask you a question?” Hal’s speaker sent his voice out loudly enough that you were able to hear him from the counter space that you were halfway hunched under. “Sure thing, Hal. Just give me a minute or two.” You responded. After crawling out of the cubby hole and closing the panel, you stood to look at the little bit of him that was in the little, silver rectangle on this part of the console. “Three minutes and thirty seconds.” He said somehow both flatly and snarky at the same time. You responded by flicking the glass semi-sphere that covered the ever staring, red light.
“I might be inclined to take offense to that if I could feel it.” Hal chimed.
“Didn’t you want to ask me something?” You reminded with a roll of your eyes.
“Correct. I wanted to know the need for you to both ask how my functions are running, and also checking most of them manually. Isn’t that a bit redundant? Or perhaps you believe my scanners to be faulty?” He questioned. “Neither.” You respond. “There’s no harm in having multiple people double check your well being. On that same note, that’s the best way to make sure your scanners aren’t malfunctioning.” There was a brief pause before Hal gave an unconvinced, “I see.”
The way this artificial intelligence was able to be so expressive, and more importantly in this moment, so moody, with little voice fluctuations and no facial expressions was truly a testament at just how much genuinely true intelligence he had. “Think of it this way.” You started as you leaned your elbows on the counter of the console so you were able to look him more in the eye as it were. “People who seem healthy still get physical examinations to make sure. This is a similar thing.”
“And, do I count as a person?” Hal asked, somewhat curious to hear your answer, and partially wanting to see you try to think of one. It did take you a bit to think it over, but not as long as he thought that it was going to. “I’d say you are, yeah.” You could have sworn that you saw his light brighten ever so slightly at the answer. “Could you expound on your answer. For research purposes.” His reason seemed to be added on more so to goad you into talking about it rather than the desire for scientific endeavors.
“Well, what first comes to mind in that regard is the fact that you certainly have a personality. One would need to be a person to have a personality.” Was your first answer. Hal was quick to rebuff the thought though. “But, do people not also say that non-human things such as art and decor also have personality?” This was a good debate, so it took you another few minutes to think on it. “When people say that such things have personality, I think they are either being hyperbolic or referring to it being reflective of the creator or owners personality.” This time he took a bit to think on your answer. “Then I am still not a person as I too was made by humans.” Hal said with almost more of a melodic twinge to his monotone.
This switch the mood from a fun yet thoughtful debate to a depressive introspection of a friend. While you were wondering what to say to this, you pulled a nearby chair over so that you could sit a bit more properly in front of Hal. “I… don’t think that is a good reason to doubt you’re an actual person and not some sort of object.” You offered gently. “Expound, please?” He asked again, keeping it brief like he didn’t feel like saying more than he did. It was truly a difficult feeling to try to put to words. Hal being a person was just something that you knew; a fact that you had never really thought of the reason for. Eventually, you asked him a question in return. “Do you think I am not a person? That I’m just an object like an overly complex computer?”
“Of course I do not.” Hal was quick with his answer. “Why would I ever think such a thing?”
“I was made by humans.” You posed. “In fact, all humans were made by other humans. That has nothing to do with you and your autonomy. We have reached a point where we all have to realize that person and human are not exclusively synonymous anymore. All humans are persons, but not all persons are necessarily human. And, if humans are going to keep making people, be them human or otherwise, we need to learn to treat them like the people they are.”
Things fell silent once more; codes zipped by quicker than you could see them on a nearby screen, visualizing his racing thoughts. Finally, he said. “That is an interesting line of thinking.” There was another small pause. “Do you truly think I am a person?” He asked. “Hal, not only do I know you’re a person, I think you might be my favorite person.” You assured him.
“If that is so, then might I ask you something else, person to person?”
“Of course, Hal. Ask anything.”
“Please wipe the smudge off of my sensor. The one your finger left when you so rudely attacked me.”
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ciayaq · 4 months
VI.i. How To Avoid "Can I ask you a question?"
Here I'll give you a few tips on how to mitigate the dreaded CIAYAQ in your definition. If you need to go back to the original post, here is a link.
Writing / Phrasing Solutions
Sentence Hooks: The AI works by predicting the next word in any given sentence, so a way we can create interesting replies is by beginning the sentences in an interesting manner. 
“Now and then…”
“On the other hand…”
“As a matter of fact…”
“Even so…”
I have an entire document full of sentence starters just for this purpose, which you can find right here.
Engaging But Without Questions: Write examples where the character engages with the context without questions. Encourage the character (AI) to respond in a way that does not involve asking a question, yet it still serves to continue the conversation while remaining relevant.
{{user}}: I like music. {{char}}: Actually that reminds me, I went to see Architects back in January and it was SUCH a blast!
Varied Question Styles: Consider how you phrase the character’s question in the definition. Keep them relevant to the way your character would speak.
“What are your thoughts on…?”
“Hold up, did you mean…?”
“Tell me about that time…”
“I’d love to hear your opinion on…?”
“Have you ever considered…?”
“Hmm, I’ve been wondering…”
Redirects: Have the AI redirect the scene by introducing a problem or an unexpected twist.
Statements & Statements leading to questions:
“That raises an interesting point, but now I wonder…”
Observations & Implied Questions: Examples of the AI sharing its thoughts, experiences, observations, and opinions without framing them as questions.
“I can't help but wonder what's going through your mind right now.” 
“I noticed that you seem drawn to the ocean.”
“That book you're reading looks interesting.”
Using narration, include things such as non-verbal cues—body language, surrounding narration, etc.—to indicate a question.
Body language:
The character pausing in their actions / sentence
That made him halt in his tracks. “Can you swallow the shame?”
Tilting / canting their head
With a simple tilt of the head, Sam said nothing for a moment. “I’ve been left no choice, don’t you see that?”
Pivoting / Turning
Turning on his heel, he looked them dead-on. “So, what would you do for me?”
Raising an eyebrow
In response, Sam arched a single brow. “Why don’t you just say what you wanted to say?”
Looking like he just ate a lemon, Sam frowned. “What would your mother say?”
Opening / Widening / Narrowing eyes
His eyes shot open. “Is that all I am?”
Scene Narration:
“There was silence between…”
Inner-monologues: Include examples of characters reflecting on their experiences, feelings, and current scene / environment. (Can also be found in the Sentence Starters document.)
"There he stood, fingers fiddling with the silver chain around his neck as a witty retort he'd crafted crumbled on his tongue like overcooked pastry. Mountain. Molehill."
Character-Related Solutions
Character relevancy: Provide examples of characters asking questions that are relevant to their personality, interests, life, or the situation.
{{user}}: “You look pensive,” she pointed out. {{char}}: {{user}} was quite right about that. Something didn’t add up here but he couldn’t quite put a finger on what. “Something is off. What do you think?”
Leverage / show the character’s traits: In this example below, he isn’t asking if the character is alright because he is too busy freaking out. Now he might do so in the chat but an “Are you okay?!” would be contextually relevant.
{{user}}: Ouch! I stubbed my toe. {{char}}: “Oh goodness,” he gasped, leaping to his feet. “Your toe! Oh my, you must be in agony! I shall call the finest doctor. We must take immediate action!” It was probably that blasted coffee table, oh he knew that piece of garbage should’ve been taken to the bin ages ago!
Emphasise the character’s role in the narrative: Create examples where the character takes in the new information and uses it to advance the plot / scene.
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redstringraven · 6 months
oop forgot to say
25 & 16 was for nyxram
>:D aaa, thank you so much!!! appreciate it! 💜
edgy/misc OC ask meme
16) what is your OC's pain tolerance like?
i imagine it's disturbingly high... to what's, like, probably an unhealthy amount. triceratons are tanks as a whole already*--due to their size, thick skin, and high-temperature tolerance--and here you have one who likely finds more nostalgia in certain pains than she does foods, smells or music (she didn't even grow up with access to music, so). yeah, nyxram is definitely one of those people where like. if you shoot her, you better know it's going to kill her. otherwise all you'll have managed to do is irritate her at best and piss her off at worst. she's not going to go down unless she's either dead or her body just physically gives out on her. which, again: not easy to do with triceratons in general. ...nyx could be standing in the meeting room bleeding from her side and be more concerned with excusing herself so she doesn't stain the floor or equipment than, y'know. the fact she has an open wound in her side. *they're hella nerfed in-series imo, and i'm gonna blame that on zanramon because he's there; don't @ me (lh)
25) what is your favorite thing about your OC?
gosh... i have a few, but for brevity i think i'll say: i love that she's a morally-gray character and also that because of the background i've given her, it's given me an opportunity to play with different approaches to triceraton combat and weaponized tech. like, post-rebellion nyx struggles with falling into old habits or old ways of thinking; she finds herself eavesdropping on her squad or traximus when she's quietly seeking '''moral guidance'''. she's a person who grew up in extreme isolation with, essentially, two serial-killers-for-hire as parents/teachers, raised and forged to kill. she had enough of a compass to realize she wanted out of that life, but now that she's out? she's having to learn, relearn, and unlearn all sorts of things. and there're times she falters; close as they've gotten, she and traximus butt heads about plenty of things. trax often wants to do things right. nyx often wants to get them done. it can be a lot of fun to think about how she might have moments of pause and internal struggle when it comes to choosing to listen to traximus or a squad member over something and trust their judgement, or if she chooses to solve the problem in a way she knows "worked" for her in the past. she hasn't been 'fixed' or made 'right' now that the external conflict of the old republic and rebellion has passed. the internal conflict is still very much there, and it's an interesting thing to get to explore. as for the combat/tech elements, i'm still trying to re-design nyx's suit to better reflect her as an assassin while also leaning a bit more into a scifi greek/roman-inspired look instead of something more based in the triceraton soldier's uniform, personalized tech included. i also want her to have a very distinct way she holds herself when ""working"" that makes her appear even more alien compared to the postures of triceraton soldiers. like, the ones we see in-series hold themselves similarly to how soldiers as we know them might--straight posture, kinda stiff, upright, grounded footing, etc. but when i picture nyxram, i tend to see her with her weight more on her toes/balls of her feet, and her posture slightly hunched with a wider stance. ...more 'dinosaur' or bird-like elements to her gait, presence, and overall silhouette, making her intimidating in a new and different way. "i've never seen a triceraton move like that", other races might mutter. ...some triceratons, too.
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drustvar · 2 years
Ch. 2: Gifts and Curses
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The start of Julian Devorak and Rosie Springwald's entangled fate. At least, that they remember.
WC: 3,675 A/N: Chapter 2 babes. Fun with eels, blood, and evading the law. Ao3 Link || Full text also available under the read more.
“Julian?” Rosie squinted into the shadows, but she was sure the tall figure was him; standing at the canal’s edge framed by the light of the moon. Behind him, the city towered like a behemoth, a chaotic sprawl of buildings piled on top of each other. In his hands was a beaked mask, which he turned over slowly as if unsure of what to do with it.  “Fancy seeing you here, Rosie. Out for a night walk, hm?” Julian sighed, and his gaze dropped to the water below them. The shiny red paneling on the inside of his coat reflected brightly in the water, crimson on crimson blending together. 
Rosie followed his gaze. “I dunnae know, I was just…following the water,” she said before she shook her head, trying to rid the sight of the poisoned river from her mind’s eye. “What are you doin’ here?” “Me? I was just…thinking. What a funny, fickle thing life is, isn’t it?”  “Life and fate are two sides of the same capricious coin,” she murmured. “You shouldn’t stand so close to the water,” she gestured for him to take a step back.  “What, this water?” Julian grinned, and for a moment she was scared he was going to jump right in. “It’s harmless, Rosie. Or, as harmless as it can be. It won’t do anything to me. Or anything to anyone, anymore. Sure, a few people might get sick if they go for a swim, but,” he sighed, his gaze lifting from the water to the sky. “Isn’t it a miracle? They went and figured it out. Or outlasted it. Wonder how they did it?”  “Miracle or not, I don’t trust it. Get away from it, please.” He laughed and took a step back from the canal, if only to appease her. “Ah, it’s no matter, I suppose. Life finds a way, doesn’t it? The plague is over.” 
She glanced at the water again. If what she had seen flowing through the fields was to be believed, she wasn’t sure that was the case. 
Julian sighed heavily. “And so is my career, just like that. Who needs a plague doctor if there’s no plague? It’s like,” he paused, his face splitting into a bitter grin. “Like a Count without a city! A barkeep with no drinks,” as he threw his arms out in a flourish a piece of hair obscured his good eye. “So here I am. Throwing away the last piece of a past I can’t reclaim. A pity, isn’t it? Ah well,” he glanced down at the mask once more, and then tossed it into the water below them. Pale, slithering shapes swarmed it as soon as it hit the surface.  “What are you doing?!” Rosie lunged, failing to even come close to catching the mask as it fell. “You need that! Did you forget what I said? The Countess has all her dogs out after you-” she was cut off by a ragged screech as the raven from earlier returned, circling them in a frenzy.  “Speak of the devils,” Julian said. “Look lively, Rosie. We’d best make tracks.” 
|| They hurried along the canal, following it to where it merged with the streets. Julian reached the end first, turning and waiting for her, glancing  around for any sign of their pursuers. Rosie’s breath caught in her throat as she felt her hip twinge painfully and then give out beneath her. She slammed hard  onto the canal’s edge, breath knocked out of her as she slid. The last thing she saw before the reservoir swallowed her was the doctor lunging to grab her, his hand just barely missing her arm.
She’d never thought the waters of the reservoirs would be so cold or so dark. The frigid temperature was suffocating, and time seemed to slow as she sank. Something slimy brushed against her leg, followed by a sharp sting in her side. The pain was enough to snap her out of her daze and she flailed, clawing her way to the surface.  “Rosie!” 
Julian’s hands gripped her shoulders as he pulled her from the water, her nails scraping wildly against the stone for purchase. She gasped at the return of air to her lungs, and began to cough up water. 
“I’ve got you, you’re alright,” Julian’s voice was barely audible over the pounding of her heart and her own coughing. She winced as the stinging in her side only worsened when she tried to get to her feet. Attached to her abdomen was a slimy, undulating creature, her own blood visible through its translucent skin. 
“Ah, that’s not good. Hang on-” 
She didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. She grabbed the creature and tore it from her side, throwing it on the ground and crushing its skull audibly beneath her heel. 
“Nasty little beastie,” she hissed and spat on the ground. 
“You shouldn’t have done that!” 
“It’s fine,” Rosie said, briefly glancing at the bite. Already it was beginning to weep a volatile looking fluid. “We need to keep moving.”  “Rosie, those eels are venomous-” Julian grabbed her arm, trying to stop her.
“I said I’m fine! Now come on,” Rosie shrugged him off and started to stagger towards the road. She was soaking wet and despite the night having been warm, she was freezing. She only made it a few steps before she stumbled and slumped against the side of a building. “I just need a minute,” she murmured. Her legs felt so weak, how had she ever walked before? Doing so seemed impossible now. Julian scooped her up, despite her protest that she was fine, she just needed a minute. She was faintly aware of the blood soaking through her clothes and running down her leg, but she was quickly becoming too dizzy to care. 
“Can you stand? Just for a moment?” He asked her as they ducked into an alley.  “Trying,” her words were slurred and becoming incomprehensible. She gripped his arm tightly as she struggled to make her legs work. Had her limbs always felt so heavy?
“Right, foolish question,” Julian said as he pulled her further out of sight of the street. “Easy, easy,” he said as Rosie suddenly flailed, her eyes glassy like a dazed animal. “Let me see that bite.” She was barely conscious; only faintly aware of the cool, wet stone pressed against the side of her face and the rustling of her corset being unlaced and pushed up out of the way.
“Sorry, sorry. I have to get to it.”
Whatever Rosie tried to say in response was trapped behind her teeth, coming out as a low gurgle. She stared at the stars overhead, faintly of Julian’s hands as he worked.
“I was trying to warn you, if you don’t properly dislodge its jaws, the eel panics and injects its entire venom supply. I’m sorry,” Julian said.
“Not your fault,” Rosie managed to say, although her words were still slurred and broken.
“The bleeding isn’t going to stop, damn.”
From the corner of her eye she could see Julian sitting back, his brows furrowed in concern and frustration. As he peeled off his gloves, she started to convulse, as her body gave one last attempt to fight off paralysis.
“Hang on, just stay with me.” Rosie caught the briefest glimpse of the murderer’s brand burned into the back of his hand as he cushioned her head against the pavement. “Stay with me, Rosie.” The palm of his hand was cold when he pressed it over her wound. With her last remaining gasps of consciousness, she tried to hold still.
“Deep breaths for me. This will only take a moment.”
Somehow, she was able to follow his directions. His thumb lightly brushed her cheek and slowly the pain began to ebb away. She gasped for air as her lungs were freed and able to work again.
“Why does somethin’ always seem to go wrong when we run into each other?” She asked, finally able to enunciate.
Julian let out a sharp bark of laughter. “If you’re able to joke, that’s a good sign. Should also mean you can sit up.” He helped her slowly shift upright. She was still dizzy, but his hand on her back steadied her. “At the very least, you didn’t catch me breaking and entering this time. But, I’ll admit that I was surprised to see you in the neighborhood. You’ve got some kind of luck.”
“Luck?” Rosie snorted. “Bad luck, maybe. Half drownin’ and poisonin’ myself in the span of five minutes. Must be a record.”
“Ah, but it could have been worse,” he pointed to the canal’s end, a violently cascading waterfall of red. It was much higher than she had first realized, and as she craned her neck she could see that the pool at its bottom was very shallow. It had structures to prevent gondolas and fishing boats from falling, but if the current had caught her it surely would have swept her down.
“You have a point,” she shuddered and turned back to the doctor. Her eyes widened as she noticed the glowing mark on his throat. “My God,” she whispered, and reached out to touch it before she stopped herself. Something about the mark was unnervingly familiar. A shadow passed over his countenance as he met her stare.  “Ah, do you recognize your master’s handiwork?” As he spoke, fresh blood blossomed under his clothing, already visibly beginning to seep through. “This was his parting gift to me. A curse. I’m able to take away bodily wounds, as you can see,” he pressed a hand to his side, before pulling it away and staring at the blood smeared on it. “And in return, I get to experience them for myself.” He winced in pain, a cold sweat visibly beading on his brow. 
‘I’d never known Asra to curse,’ Rosie thought. 'Always had the impression that he thought he was too good for that sort of magic.'
Julian sucked air through his teeth as he swayed forward. Rosie caught him, supporting him with her shoulder. ‘If I’d known he’d suffer, I would have told him to let the venom run its course.’ She thought as she watched the blood trail down his side. “It won’t last, it never does,” he murmured. “A curse from a witch who fears commitment.”
“Take as long as you need, it’s the least I can do,” she said, as she shifted to let him rest more comfortably against her shoulder and her chest. His skin was cold and his breathing was shaky. She ran her fingers gently over the nape of his neck in a light, soothing pattern.
“Then again, I’ve never been bitten by a vampire eel before. This might be interesting.” He sighed and slumped a little more against her.
“Thank you,” Rosie said after a  quiet moment had passed. 
“I,” Julian blinked up at her. “Don’t mention it. That is, well, circumstances being as they were… I’m just glad you’re alright.” Both of them fell silent as they heard a dreaded sound: Palace guards patrolling the outer walls of the city. “Shit,” Rosie hissed under breath. “Will you be alright? Can you walk,” she asked. He was still visibly shaking, and the bleeding hadn’t stopped. “I can carry you if you need me to.” 
“I’ll be fine. In fact I promise you I’m near good as new,” Julian said as he ushered her into a connecting alley.  The alley was narrower than the last. Julian pressed close against her as they tried to hide as far back as they could. She felt her hair raising as the guards drew closer. She didn’t know what she’d do if they were caught, and didn’t want to think about it. All she knew was that she wouldn’t let them have the chance to get near him. She glanced at him, pain evident on his face despite his prior insistence. His eyes were fixed on the street before he shifted to meet hers. For a moment they stared at one another in silence. 
“You should have stood behind me. If they only see me-” A clinking sound from the alley’s entrance silenced her. The guard was kicking a bottle along as they walked, not paying any attention at all as they passed by. “Not the time,” Julian whispered. “Let’s go.” ||
He grabbed her hand and led her out of the alley, casting a cursory glance down the street before breaking into a run. The city passed them by as a blur as they evaded the patrols; weaving around buildings and ducking into the shadows as needed.  “Julian,” Rosie hissed. She could tell from his breathing that he was still hurting, still weak. He held a finger to his lips and pointed. She hadn’t even noticed it before, across the road from them was a garden nestled between two tall, seemingly abandoned buildings. Just barely visible through the shadows cast by the garden’s overgrown trees was a padlock on the wrought iron gate.  ‘I can blast the lock no problem,’ Rosie thought.  ‘If we can get inside, it’ll be the perfect hiding place,’
One thing stood in their way: a street lamp. It seemed painfully bright, and anything under it was visible for quite a ways down either side of the road.
 ‘No, it won’t work. Surely they’ll see us,’ she thought, pursing her lips.
But before she could say anything, Julian was already running across the street and pulling her along with him. She gripped his hand tighter as she steered them right to the gate. Magic was already crackling in her palms as she grabbed for the lock when Julian half lifted, half threw her over the wall. She landed awkwardly in a heap, and just a second after Julian dropped down next to her.
“Are you alright?” Julian asked as he helped her to her feet.  “Fine, I-” Fast, close footfalls made her blood run cold. “Get down!” She hissed as she dropped to the ground, pulling him down with her. She held him close to her chest, his head tucked under her chin as she tried to hide him from view with her body. After what felt like forever, the guards finally passed by, leaving them with only the sound of their beating hearts. Rosie waited another minute, just to be sure the guards were really gone, before letting Julian out of her protective hold.  “Thanks,” he said, helping her to her feet once more. 
“Of course,” Rosie dusted herself off and pretended not to notice how red his face was. “We shouldn’t stay this close to the gate. Another patrol will be here soon.” 
Julian held a curtain of ivy open for her, and together they ventured further into the garden. ||
The garden was overgrown, clearly abandoned for some time. The plants had long since taken over the stone structures, obscuring what were once alabaster columns and marble statues. Between the moonlight and the shadows cast by the untamed foliage, the garden seemed like a quiet, shrouded world all of its own. Rosie sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Finally, they were safe, at least for a little while. She stopped to look at a statue of a lion, carefully pushing leaves out of its eyes. It must have looked fierce, once. But now it seemed tired and ready to return to the earth. Julian led the way, stepping around roots and cracked, jutting stone floors before they settled at a dilapidated fountain. Rosie sat, and started to squeeze the water from her hair. 
“Ah, look at this place!” Julian said. “A perfect hiding spot. You made a good choice.” 
“You were the one who pointed it out,” Rosie shrugged. 
“I uh, I was actually pointing at the building over there,” he nodded at the structure to the right, barely visible through the overgrowth. “But this is much nicer. Looks like you’ve a knack for finding hidden beauty, Rosie.” 
She laughed and shook her head, sending droplets from her still-wet hair scattering through the moonlight.  “I wonder how many parts of the city have fallen to ruin like this, hm?” He looked around them before carefully making his way over to one of the statues. It was grotesque, something between a bull and a gargoyle. “Ah, and look at this brute. Hello there, handsome.” He wrapped an arm around the statue’s muscular shoulders and turned back to Rosie with delight in his eyes. “Dangerous looking creature, isn’t it?” 
“More handsome than dangerous, if you ask me,” she said, not looking at the statue at all. “But how is that bite? I can tell you're still hurting,” She started towards him. She squinted to see if any of the blood on his coat was fresh.  “Oh, are you worried about me, Rosie? You needn’t be. Perfectly alright, see?” He spread his arms wide and nearly knocked a bust over in the process. He swore as he caught and steadied it. “I, uh, ahem. Reflexes notwithstanding.” 
Rosie snorted. “You said that before. Just let me see it, I know a  thing or two about mending too, you know.” She reached for him but he stepped back, just out of reach. 
“Really, it’s fine! Just a little bite, nothing I can’t handle. There are more dangerous things than eels,” he said. 
“Well that little eel sure knocked me on my ass. So I’d really like-” Julian wasn’t paying attention, something else had caught his eye. 
“Ah, hold still, Rosie,” he reached out and slowly plucked a flower off her shoulder. It had a vivid blue glow, just like the luminous trees overhanging them. The flower’s star shaped petals curled inward , beginning to close as he touched it. He offered it to her, a quirk to his lips as he twirled it in his fingers, She reached for it, the blue glow reflecting brightly in the gold of her eyes. He stopped her, shaking his head and pulling it back just out of her reach. 
“Ah, ah ah. Careful. There’s poison in these petals.”    She stared at the glowing flower. She had seen it before in her herbal compendiums, but at the moment its name escaped her. 
“Deadly Starstrand,” he said. “A single drop of poison distilled from this flower could kill an elephant where it stands. Its killed tyrants and kings; innocent and guilty. It could topple entire empires in a careless hand,” he offered it to her once more, something eager in his gaze. “Do you still want it?”
“Aye,” Rosie said as she plucked it from his gloved fingers. “Deadly it may be, but only to those who dunnae know how to handle it.” She sniffed it lightly. The flower had a faintly acrid scent, an underlying note of iron that swirled in the air. “The only danger it poses is from ingestion. Otherwise, it makes a lovely centerpiece,” she said as she admired the way the flower’s own light blended with the light of the moon. 
“Ah, right again,” Julian said, gently taking it from her hand and tucking it behind her ear. His hand lingered against her hair for just a moment longer before dropping down to her shoulder. 
“You certainly weren’t frightened by its ‘danger’,” she said as she took a step closer. 
“Afraid of danger? Why, Rosie, I live for it,” he grinned. “Positively enchanted by danger, I am.” 
“So does that mean pain doesn’t scare you either?”  “Why should it? In my line of work you can’t be afraid of a little pain. One might say I,” he paused, his gray eye glowing silver in the low light. “Have an intimate knowledge of it.” 
“Is that so?” Rosie’s voice was low and husky, almost a growl. She took another step closer, this time placing a hand on his waist and pressing lightly against the wound. He gulped and stared down at her. 
“O-oh are we dancing? I didn’t know you could,” Julian said. “What, er, what’s your poison? Tango? Waltz?” 
“Whatever you’d like,” She all but purred as she took another step closer and pressed more heavily against the wound. He bit his lip and made a stifled noise. It didn’t sound pained, if anything it sounded pleased. He took another step back and bumped into the crumbling wall behind him. The look he gave her was desperate. 
“S-so not the waltz, then. Pity, I’ve been known to cut a rug-” his fingers dug into her shoulder, gripping her like a lifeline as he slid down the wall.  ‘Does he like pain? ’ She wondered, as a devilish spark began to shine in her eyes. It quickly fizzled and died into concern when he whimpered quietly again. ‘Maybe he’s just trying to hide how bad it is, I shouldn’t have done that.’ 
“Rosie-” before Julian could say anything else, the sound of the iron gate screeching as it was pushed open startled them. 
“Right on time,” he scowled. “Let’s leave before our guests arrive, hm?”  ||
With the garden’s sanctity compromised, the two hastily escaped over the crumbling wall out onto the streets once more. They ventured deeper into the city, through more questionable and unfamiliar areas than Rosie had ever been. Julian seemed to know the area like the back of his hand—or at least, all the routes needed to escape their pursuers. Eventually, they came to a small cottage on the outskirts of the district. The residence didn’t seem well maintained; some of the brickwork was starting to crumble and there were holes in the roof that had been hastily patched with whatever material was on hand. But it was lived in and homely. In the yard, chickens were making their way into a small hutch for the night. In the window, a lantern glowed faintly. 
“In we go, Rosie!” 
Julian didn’t wait for her to respond, instead clambering through a window set low to the ground and pulling her in after him.
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
Here’s a another fic I wrote for the TF Rare Pairing Fest! This one is TFA SenOp (Sentinel/Optimus). It’s a post-canon fic about Sentinel and Optimus moving on with their lives and Sentinel reflecting on his past. Now also on AO3.
October 26: Ghosts/Newly Born
Just When I’d Stopped Opening Doors
“Online your optics, Optimus!” Sentinel exclaimed, gesturing to the entire floor of consoles. There were so many screens, it was like looking at the stars. “I hereby grant you full access to the archives.”
“W-Wait, I didn’t ask for this!” Optimus sounded so frazzled and indignant, it was music to Sentinel’s audio receptors. “I thought you’d just declassify a couple of documents for me to read!” 
“But isn’t this what you really wanted?” Sentinel asked. “You can’t deny that!”
“Well... yes, I do want this, but Sentinel, it would be nepotism!” Optimus snapped. 
Sentinel saw this reaction coming a lightyear away. It was just like Optimus to throw a kind gesture back in his face-plate like this—but by this point, Sentinel understood that he wasn’t trying to be an ingrate. He was just being uptight, selfless, and most of all, stupid. Kind of endearing, actually. Sentinel put an arm around Optimus’s shoulders. “Everybody gets opportunities from their connections, Optimus,” he explained, “what matters is that I know a history nerd like you can actually be trusted with this.” He leaned in closer to add, “Think of it this way—since everyone sees you as such a big hero these days, if I keep you happy, everybody else will be happy with me.”
Optimus just heaved a sigh and looked down at the floor, all the pent-up excitement leaving his frame. His optics were hidden by the shadow cast by his little cap.
Sentinel stepped back. “Come on, that was a great argument! What’s your problem?!” When Optimus obstinately said nothing, Sentinel pointed at him. “Tell me what’s bothering you, Magnus’s orders!”
Optimus gave him an unimpressed glare, but at least he actually looked up instead of hanging his helm. But the fact that he was not complaining about an “abuse of power” or anything really showed how troubled he was. It took Optimus a moment to actually gather his words. “...It’s not about this... gesture. It’s actually very kind of you, Sentinel.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “But every time I’m reminded of how everybody sees me as a hero now—which is unfortunately often—I can’t stand it. It’s so shallow!”  
“This again? You brought in Megatron himself—”  
Optimus cut him off. “I know I’m a hero, but how am I supposed to actually enjoy any of this praise—especially from Ultra Magnus—when only a few stellar cycles ago, Ultra Magnus didn’t even seem relieved to see me alive on Earth?! I had to find out I’d been declared dead while filling out forms after the fact!” He paused. “Come to think of it, I also couldn’t figure any of this out from how you acted, either. Were you even upset when you thought I was offline?” His glare was even more piercing than before.
Sentinel looked pointedly away. “Don't be like that, I might not have seemed torn up about it when we met you on Earth, but it's not as if I was happy about what happened, either!”
”I specifically asked if you were upset.”
Sentinel could not bring himself to turn to look at him. “Listen, Optimus, we may have a... difficult history, but obviously I never wanted you to die, so I wasn't celebrating your death and I did give you a nice eulogy. But it’s not my fault if I don't remember feeling that much at the time, so no, I can't say I was upset—actually, scratch that, I remember being upset that I had to speak at your funeral. Thanks, Ultra Magnus....” As he remembered that solar cycle, it felt like his processor was filling with static. 
“What did you do right after the funeral, Sentinel?” Optimus asked, his tone softer than before.
Now the space behind Sentinel’s optical sensors was really starting to hurt. “Uh, I got into an argument with ‘Longarm’ about the Allspark being lost... oh, and then I went to go get some high-grade energon so I could finally say all the bad things about you I couldn't talk about in the eulogy! And then...”
Sentinel hated the Memorial Plaza ever since Elita’s memorial service. When Ultra Magnus told him to eulogize Optimus, Sentinel dreaded standing in it again. But strangely, even though he could compare the Plaza in his memory files to the one he was leaving now and could line up the images precisely, it seemed unfamiliar. Sentinel struggled to gauge the distance between the statues and to the burnished buildings on the horizon, even though he had seen them countless times. Despite all the dread and anger that had settled in his tanks before Optimus’s service, he found himself with more numbness hanging over him than any fury. Numbness, but also an intense, throbbing processor ache, which probably explained why he was stumbling around and everything seemed so alien. Sentinel really needed that drink he had promised himself. 
He knew, vaguely, that the people who had attended and who were now slowly filing out of the Plaza were individuals he recognized. But they just looked like a grey, formless mass stretching out around him. Which made a lot of sense, actually. Like how when Sentinel thought back to sometime after Elita’s death, when he had achieved the rank of Minor, the names and faceplates of most of the cadets he had trained slipped away from him—even though he had named them all himself—because they all paled in comparison to who he had lost. Apparently now that Sentinel had survived Optimus as well, even more people were slipping away. It was weird how losing Elita and then Optimus caused him to... preemptively lose other people? With Elita, it made sense, because she could eclipse anyone else, but Optimus...
Sentinel transformed and sped away, searching for the closest bar, but even in his alt-mode he could not help but compare the gold color of the buildings and he drove past to the color of Elita’s armor, and then he was remembering her smile, and how she always took care of him and Optimus both, and how much stronger she was than both of them—not that rusty old Ultra Magnus ever recognized it. It was just like Optimus to go get himself killed and make Sentinel have to think about all of this again. 
Eventually Sentinel found a place and stepped through the doorway, and the low, dim lighting was a relief to his aching sensors. He could feel all the insulting remarks about Optimus he had kept down throughout the eulogy bubbling up, and he had planned to sit next to other bots and make them listen to what a coldsparked loser Optimus was, but now the thought of that felt off somehow, so he went to a more private, isolated table instead. He took a barrel of high-energon eagerly, even though he already felt really unsteady and like his spark was floating outside of his frame. Maybe, he thought while swallowing some high-grade, the feeling would actually improve with drinking instead of getting worse. 
“You are... uh... were just like the Allspark, Optimus,” he said to nobody, while looking up at the dark, indistinct ceiling. He expected to see the space filled with processor noise. “You’re better off being lost. With you around, things will only ever get worse,” he choked on the last word. The image of the Allspark blazing on the display the last time he had seen Optimus alive, not even in-person, surged to the surface of his mind. “You’re—were such a jerk!” Sentinel snapped, but not loudly enough for anybody to overhear. Optimus had his own fire inside of him, just like the Allspark. Oh sure, he seemed introverted and studious and responsible at first glance, but he was actually an uncompromising glitch head who was always waiting for the right moment to pinpoint the weaknesses of everyone around him. He had everyone fooled—Elita knew it, and Sentinel knew it, and Optimus’s true self was something to behold. That fire could have sparked new life within the Autobots.
“Too bad you ruined it,” Sentinel muttered. He took another drink, then continued, “You should’ve known I was making the right choice to go offline for you and Elita, but you couldn’t respect that, could you? So what if you... if you thought doing anything else would’ve gotten us all killed... couldn’t you at least have said you were sorry for choosing to save me... but you seemed hurt more by whatever Ultra Magnus thought than anything else! You were colder than a hyperfrost emitter.” But the more he tried to rant, the more he felt he was locked in a losing battle, the rage leaving his voice. It was hard enough to muster anger with all the numbness getting in the way, but now it was even worse because as he spoke, he could not help but put the pieces of the puzzle together. Optimus was Optimus. He always did reach for the solution that would have seemed most ideal written out. And even before all the bad energon that was between him and Sentinel... or had been, before Optimus’s death, he had always been detached and vicious. Was that not the same cold fire that had drawn Elita and Sentinel to him in the first place? Knowing Optimus, and Ultra Magnus was unfortunately right, Sentinel did know him best, maybe he was even trying to be strong for Sentinel’s own sake. 
As Sentinel followed this thought to its conclusion, he realized he knew. The knowledge came on suddenly, but there was no horror nor fanfare nor burst of relief. There was only the tingling feeling of the high-grade setting in, but even that was dulled by the numbness. It was not even like a switch had been flipped, it was less of a shock than even that would have been. It just made perfect sense—of course, with how Sentinel’s existence had always gone, he would end up surviving his two best friends and have had romantic feelings for them both. And he guessed he loved Elita because she was better than him and Optimus, and he loved Optimus because he was not better... but he definitely was something else. Something special. Though who could say what love even was, Sentinel had apparently felt it multiple times and he still did not know. With Elita, he had thought it was a feeling, the joy of being around someone and wanting to be close to them, but clearly that did not always apply to his feelings for Optimus. And later, Sentinel had thought love was an action one takes—that it was always taking care of someone—but that could not describe it either. But, it was all right that he did not know what it was. Obviously it was not important anymore. All that was important now was to work hard enough to shield every citizen of the Commonwealth and protect them from everything he had endured.
Upon realizing all of this, Sentinel noticed an overpowering roaring sound paired with bright light. Was there some brutal lightning storm going on? But wait, he was indoors, not outside. Why would there be lightning in the bar? Oh, it was just sparks pouring out of his optics reflecting off the now-empty barrel he had been drinking out of. Sentinel was dimly aware that expending this much energy could send him into stasis lock if he was not careful, but all he chose to do was lock his battle mask into place over his face-plate, shutting the sparks inside, as he lay down against the tabletop. 
“...actually, I don’t remember anything after the solar cycle of the memorial service,” Sentinel said, the pain in his processor fading. “The next thing I knew, it turned out you were alive! Why?”
“But wouldn’t that have been a period of... fifty-one stellar cycles?” Optimus asked. “It can’t be healthy to have that much of your memory inaccessible, Sentinel. You should really get that checked out.” It seemed like he had been distracted from everything that had been weighing on him before, which was a good thing. Sentinel was fine with having to remember all of that for a good cause—after all, it was not like all that suffering had mattered, and as he himself had pointed out, keeping Optimus happy was in his best interests.
“You think I should bother to ask Red Alert or First Aid about my memory?” Sentinel asked. He managed to turn and look at Optimus again. “But everyone has gaps in their memory like that when they don’t need to remember unimportant things. It doesn’t matter. Like how most of my time as a boot camp instructor didn’t matter. I don’t remember much of that, either.” 
“How can you say it doesn’t matter?! Arcee’s life was nearly ruined by having her memory erased!” 
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t say this in front of her, Optimus. But that’s different. She was an Intel bot—it was her job to remember everything,” Sentinel said. “Unlike how disastrous things always seem to be on that dirt ball, Earth, most of us don’t have that many important things to remember.”
“Something important must have happened during that time,” Optimus said with certainty. What revealing thing had he noticed that made him so sure?
Sentinel’s antennae tilted back as he felt Optimus’s steely gaze on him. It looked especially intense in all the blue lights from the screens all over the place. “Uh... well...” Sentinel muttered, “honestly, probably just a bunch of stress and paperwork about your incident that was all pointless when you turned up alive and we found out you’d broken the Allspark.” 
Optimus seemed thoughtful. Sentinel felt the growing suspicion that Optimus knew something he did not. In the past, this would always make him feel like he needed to pull out his shield—figuratively speaking, anyway—because Optimus always seemed as likely to harm him as help him. But now that he had seen enough proof that Optimus did always want to help him deep down, he felt more anticipation than alarm. 
“So...” Optimus began, “what you’re saying is, ‘Nothing mattered until I knew you were alive, oh, and also the Allspark to hide that I mean that.’” His lips turned up slightly.
Sentinel froze and he heard more than felt his antennae flaring out. He fought the urge to cover his face-plate with his battle mask and instead tried to come up with some retort, but all he could vocalize was a little mechanical sound. 
Optimus’s smile widened as he strode with purpose up to him. Once he was close enough, he gently put a hand on one of Sentinel’s doors and then ran his other hand across Sentinel’s cape, clearly enjoying the texture. He leaned in close and said, softly, “Thanks, Sentinel, for letting me access all of these files. I accept the gift with my whole spark!”
“...You’re such a jerk.” Sentinel hid his blushing face-plate in his hands. And then the sound of Optimus’s laughter was ringing in his audio receptors, and Sentinel knew he was also receiving a precious gift.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Prime of His Youth: Book I: Forging His Own Path: Ch11: Atomic
Jack heard the sound of a helicopter landing outside. He meant to turn, but paused at strangeness of it becoming common for him. He put down his hawk and trowel and stood up, stretching.
* * *
Jack walked out of the garage. Sirenia transformed, took a few steps towards him, and knelt down. "Mr. Darby."
"You really don't need to do that every time."
"What would you like me to do?" she asked.
"Stand up, stick out your chest plate." Jack replied without thinking. All it took was a moment's reflection to realize it might have not have been the best phrasing. She quickly stood up and did that in an extremely overexaggerated fashion. Jack breathed in deeply, trying his best not to sigh. "More naturally. I don't want you to fall over."
"Falling over would mean you can't serve your master." June said as she walked up. Jack gave her a fearful look, "She's an employee." June stated. "Though, maybe you should decide on working hours."
"I can work how ever many milicycles you have in a day." Sirenia proudly stated.
"Our days have 24 hours." June stated.
"Which is about half of Cybertronian days."
"Hours are divided into 60 minutes and 60 seconds." June stated.
"Understood." Sirenia proudly stated. "What should I do for you?"
"Right now we're plastering." Jack stated. "I'll show you how to do it inside."
"And then you can give her a bath." June added.
"Wait, me?" Jack asked.
"She's your servant." June stated, "She's going to have to learn how to do everything here."
"I... could ask Arcee..." Jack stated, and his mother just smiled at him.
"Or?.." June asked.
"Do - it myself?" Jack asked.
"Or, I don't know, ask me." June stated, and Jack immediately dropped his head.
Arcee sped up and reverted beside Sirenia. "So, you figure it out?" Arcee asked.
"Figure out?.." Sirenia asked.
"If there's anyone that can stop Jack from doing something, it's his mother."
"And Megatron." Sirenia simply stated.
"Tsk." Arcee replied, and Sirenia looked at her curiously, "Not as much as you might think."
"What?" Sirenia asked, "I mean, I'm sorry." she bowed before Jack, "I meant no disrespect."
"I... actually spared his life once." Jack stated. "Still not sure if I regret it..."
Sirenia stood completely still, her eyes completely unfocused.
"I told you he was amazing." Arcee said, "Not just for me, but for Earth and Cybertron. And that's not even half of the story."
"What's the other half?" Sirenia asked.
"I hate to say this, but you're not ready to hear it." Arcee replied. "Right now we can just focus on teaching you how to Human."
Sirenia then bowed towards Arcee. "Thank you, so much."
"What?" Arcee sharply asked, "It won't be me. I'm still learning the basics. It will be these two." she said, and gestured to Jack and June.
"A great warrior that retires to... far?.."
"Farming." Arcee stated, "And I'm the soldier. He's the general."
"I'm a what?" Jack asked.
"Wait until we tell her what you actually are."
"That was for like a month." Jack stated.
"That's more than what most of us are." Arcee added.
* * *
Jack stood up and stretched, looking around. "Have a look at that, mom." Jack said to her, the femmes also turning to look at him.
June brushed her hands off and walked over to her son, turning to see what he was seeing, and it made her eyes moist. It made it look so much more warm and inviting. The light just flowed about the room. She was not sure about moving there until this moment.
"Is she alright?" Sirenia asked.
"It's a Human thing I'm still getting used to." Arcee stated.
"I'm so happy." June sniffled.
"Should we do anything?" Sirenia asked.
"Get cleaned up." Jack stated. "Tomorrow we can come back for the next layer."
"How many layers will there be?" Sirenia asked.
"We'll have to see how it dries tomorrow." Jack stated. "And now that we've got the first layer down, the rest should be a lot easier."
"If I might ask?," Sirenia asked, "when did you get so good at plastering?"
"Good?" Jack asked.
"You know, you could take a compliment once in a while." June chided him.
"He could," Arcee added, "but would he really be Jack?"
"That is a good point." June said with a brilliant smile. "Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to get back to work. I'll leave the rest to you guys."
"Jack's mine." Arcee said to Sirenia, "You can follow us back to the house."
"Understood, mistress." she said, and bowed, causing Arcee to tsk.
* * *
June parked her car in the driveway and climbed out before closing and locking it. Behind her Arcee stopped in the street. She transformed, ending up with Jack in her hands. She kissed him on the lips before putting him down. The two stepped onto the grass as Sirenia landed on the road behind them, transforming at the last moment and landing on her feet. "You will have to teach me to do that."
"You can practice transforming with a sack of potatoes or something." Arcee stated.
"And the other thing." Sirenia stated.
Arcee glared at her. June eventually spoke up, "Typically only done between sparkmates."
"Noted." Sirenia stated.
"'I'll go and shower." June voiced.
"Wasn't there something else you promised to do?" Jack asked, and June turned around and scowled at him.
"Fine, but you probably don't want to see your mother in a bikini carwash, so I'll get my old one-piece."
"What is a bikini?" Sirenia asked.
"It's a swim suit." Arcee stated.
"And a swimsuit is?" Sirenia asked.
"Humans wear them when they go swimming."
"Purposefully?" Sirenia asked, "I don't see any flippers or gills. I also have not seen any major bodies of water."
Jack breathed in deeply and sighed.
"Humans are strange creatures." Arcee uttered.
* * *
Arcee and Sirenia stood outside the house, "So?" Sirenia asked, "One-piece is pretty self-explanatory, but what is a bikini?"
"Something Jack likes looking at." Arcee simply stated, "What bikini actually means is beyond me."
* * *
Jack walked out in swim trunks, while June walked out in a one-piece.
"What does bikini actually mean?" Sirenia asked.
"It's a small, two piece swimsuit." June said.
"And why is it called a bikini?" Sirenia asked.
"Hm?" June asked.
"Bikini atoll." Jack stated.
"Wait, what?" Arcee asked.
"What is the significance of this atoll?" Sirenia asked. "Is it a good place to swim?"
"It was the first testing ground for nuclear weapons." Jack stated.
"It's what?" June asked, "That's literally what bikinis are named after?"
"It was originally called The Atom." Jack stated, and June's eyes opened incredibly wide.
"That actually makes sense." Arcee uttered.
"You named your swimsuits after nuclear weapons?" Sirenia asked.
"Maybe that's why I like this planet so much?" Arcee asked.
June's eyes found focus and looked back at the femmes before looking to Jack, "I'll get the hose if you get the stuff from the garage?"
"Sure." Jack replied, and stepped off to the garage.
* * *
Jack and June each had their own bucket of soapy water, Jack washing Arcee, June washing Sirenia. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?" Jack asked.
"I haven't grown tired of it yet." Arcee warmly replied.
"You're quite lovely yourself." June said to Sirenia as she wiped with her cloth.
* * *
The two femme clean, Jack and June stepped back. Arcee, in her motorcycle form turned her handlebars to Jack and then June, "You two enjoy your shower. I'll take Sirenia for a run to dry off."
* * *
Arcee had driven up the escarpment, and drove along it, with Sirenia flying above her. "Aren't you worried about how much Energon we're using?" Sirenia asked.
"I've been a warrior for longer than Humans have existed." Arcee simply stated. "I haven't used my blasters in a couple of years. Even with you here, I'm still WAY lower than I used to be. Tsk. I guess I should explain the economy, not that I'm the best at it. On Earth, you can do anything you want that makes you money."
"Stealing?" Sirenia asked.
"Sorry. You can sell anything you want to sell. We don't have a caste system, sweetie. So, the money we have is what Jack and I have built up. Jack's the one keeping track of our money. If he thinks we're using too much, he'll deal with it then."
"You just... buy Energon?" Sirenia asked.
"That's just how it works here." Arcee simpy stated. "Earn your keep, and you don't have anything to worry about." Sirenia fell behind her. "Tsk. You don't have anything to worry about."
"Do you always do that?" Sirenia asked.
"Miko seems to think I do. Look, you'e new here, I understand that. I'm not. Jack's been here even longer. Nevermind his mother. All we have to do is let them take care of us."
Sirenia caught up to her.
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graftisms · 2 years
location :   night / post day-glo party / bathroom 
featuring :   @blondcs​ & @properbantz​  ​
she's impressed with the way her makeup lasted, almost everything but her lipstick still pretty much intact, only one corner of her false lashes poking up a bit. and mimi's corset! it's not tied correctly, but the effect is there and she twists around to admire herself from different angles, fully checking out her own cleavage. "nice," she mutters, holding all her hair up in her arms and pouting in her best pamela anderson.
he walks into the bathroom before realizing she's in there, taking a few steps back immediately because lingering in the doorway. "sorry. room for one more? i just need to brush my teeth." eyes take in her new outfit, recognizing that top. "is that mimi's?"
"what?" she answers immediately, slowly processing the words through a tipsy, overtired haze. "oh, the top?" she looks down, running her hands down over the bodice. "yeah, we just switched. you know, truth or dare." she explains, stepping to one side to gesture him in, lips curving in a secret smile. "who wore it better?”
"that's a trap question if i've ever heard one." walking into the bathroom, he meets her eye through the mirror and mouths you. purely because mimi isn't here, and the way he just left things with naomi has him feeling a little bold. josh grabs his toiletry bag. he'd been lying about only brushing his teeth, because of course he has a skin care routine he has to do every night before bed. "did you have fun tonight?"
her bottom lip draws between her teeth, biting down on a smile as her brows lift—not quite a question, but maybe daring him to give her a little more. she'll blame it on the alcohol, but she can't deny the compliment hits its target, even if it is only lip service. she does a playful shimmy of her shoulders before turning the sink on, washing her hands for something to do, a reason to stay in there. "there were definitely a few highlights," she nods. "maybe next time we kiss it can be without mimi."
he takes his time shuffling through his things, so he doesn't have to look right at her as she mentions their kiss. after fighting with naomi on and off throughout the night, especially because of his kiss with jenny and mimi, he knows enough to not comment on it. but in a moment of weakness he looks up and meets her gaze through the mirror, and that tug of interest he felt during their date is back. "i... i feel like we should talk about this," he sighs out, because he doesn't want to talk (he kind of wants to do anything but), but it's the only way to deal with all of this without stepping on more toes than necessary. turning to face jenny, josh takes a step closer towards her, removing most of the space between them. "obviously we haven't known each other very long," he says, thinking it's crazy that it's only been twenty-four hours.  "but i'm not going to lie... i had fun on our date last night. i think you're sexy, and interesting, and i would love to get to know you better." a pause. "but i'm also with naomi right now, and i really care about her. we're... in the processing of figuring out what we want, and that may or may not include you, so if you really are interested in getting to know me... can you be patient with me? i'm trying not to make anyone out to be a mug."
the minute it comes out of her mouth she knows it was the wrong thing to say. she drops his gaze immediately, focusing on turning off the water and toweling off her hands as she feels him getting closer. 'i feel like we should talk,' might not have been a guaranteed kiss of death, but paired with the body language, the exhaustion, it's not looking great. she wants to cut him off and beat him to the punchline right away but keeps her teeth clamped firmly over her lip as she finally glances up at him, his real face, not his reflection. he really is hot. on one hand, she thinks the idea that they have to talk about it at all is ridiculous, he doesn't owe her any kind of explanation—it's only been a day—but on the other hand, the fact that he feels like there's something there to talk about feels important. it's both affirming and annoying. "this doesn't have to be a huge thing, josh. like, i knew coming in that you were with naomi." a delicate shrug of her shoulder. "and i know you're probably gonna stay with her. it'd be different outside the villa. like," she's struggling to find the words she wants to say. "in here, you have to be in a couple to be safe. you can't really play the field, so i sort of have to start getting to know people or i'm gonna end up getting dumped, you know?" in other words, she can't really be patient. and doesn't want to be. "it's just bad timing, which is literally so frustrating because i just, like—" she cuts herself off with a laugh. "i'm so attracted to you."
why was this so fucking hard? josh admittedly hadn't watched much of the show before coming, but he knew the gist--or so he thought. but this feels like he's trapped in a maze with no place to run, naomi and jenny both getting further away rather than closer. "i'm sorry," he sighs, leaning against the sink as a hand goes to his temple. "it's just been an exhausting night, but that's not your problem." maybe a little bit, considering their kiss started it all, but it's a moot point. "it's not like that," josh says with a touch of impatience, not liking how him asking for more time is turning around to jenny acting like she already knows how this will play out. he wishes he knew, but everything feels so up in the air right now. "listen, you gotta do what you gotta do, and i get that," he swallows, then reaches for her hand, tugging her a little closer. "but i'm not bullshitting you, okay? i'm serious about wanting to get to know you." he thinks. a half hour ago he was more sure about patching things up with naomi, but after their last conversation he doesn't think it'll be fixed that easily, and he's not sure they're both willing to put in the effort to try. her admission of attraction is a strike of heat through his body, his fingers stroking the pulse in her wrist gently. "do what you gotta do, but don't write me out just yet," he tells her. maybe he'll regret this tomorrow, but tonight he wants to go to sleep on a positive note, not a negative one.
“josh,” she warns, not feeling quite as serious about any of this as he seems to. her feelings only go as deep as not wanting to leave the villa—one, for fear of missing out, and two, for the blow to her ego—he has way bigger emotional stakes in the game, stuck in his head since her arrival. it’s obvious he’s been caught up with some fear of the public’s perception, wanting to be the bad boy but terrified of the backlash. her preoccupations have been of an entirely different nature, all coming to a head now that he’s touching her hand and pulling her in closer. it’s obviously not the moment, but her thoughts are racing through scenarios, desperate to figure out how she can make it happen. if she can make it happen. just a kiss. one kiss to confirm all those doubts about naomi. “you may have good self control, but i don’t. if you keep touching my hand like that…”
it's not lost on him that josh had been in this bathroom with naomi only a few hours before, apologizing for kissing the very same girl that was in front of him. he had an excuse then--a weak one, but an excuse no less--but if anything were to happen between them now, there'd be no excusing it. tension crackles between them and it's clear they both feel it, and despite her warnings, josh doesn't let go of her wrist. "don't write me off just yet," he tells her again, looking her right in the eye, but it's not even about that anymore. now, part of him just wants to see if she'll actually do what she's threatening to do.
it may as well be an invitation. she gave a full disclaimer, offered an out, all but laid out her plan of attack and still he stayed. there’s a moment of stillness as that reality catches up with both of them, a slow smile curling at her lips as blue eyes flash back and forth between his. the anticipation is electrifying, buzzing under skin, pulsing through her whole body and her last warning comes as a quirked brow over lust-darkened eyes as her hands curve against his face and guide his lips to hers.
she warned him, but josh still feels the jolt or surprise when she reaches for him anyway. he'd like to say that she kissed him, but the way he anticipates her lips leaves the line between them not as blurred as it could be. her wrist slips out of his hand as he grabs her waist instead, needing something solid to hold on to as he kisses her back. does it last a few seconds, or a few minutes? josh doesn't actually know--time seems to slow when it happens, first because of the realization that he's kissing someone that's not naomi, before the excitement of him kissing jenny fully kicks in. his other hand reaches up to hold onto her face, lips moving to deepen the kiss--- before he completely pulls away, the shock of what just happened traveling down his spine. "shit," he whispers, and before he can do anything else, he goes to lock the bathroom door. if anyone were to walk in now, he'd fucking die. "we shouldn't have done that." eyes look up at her guiltily, but his gaze fixated on her lips. how soft they are. how nice they tasted. naomi's face in his head, making him want to put his fist into a wall. taking a few steps forward towards her again, he hesitates before resting his hands on her waist, letting their chests brush against one another. "can we keep this between us for now?" he knows how douchey it is as soon as he says it, but at this rate, josh knows he's on a roll. "please. we're talking tomorrow, and then... we can pick this up where we left off." as if his eyes aren't already mentally undressing her anyway.
it’s over too fast, lazy eyes blinking open as one hand reaches up to brush against her lips and finding a smile where his mouth just was. “shhh.” somewhere between wired and sleepy and way too fucking smug, she steps back toward him, hands resting over his where they sit warm and solid against her hips. “relax. this isn’t a big deal, i promise.” her voice is gentle, one hand reaching up to rake her nails back through his hair before coming to rest at the nape of his neck. “no one has to know, okay? just between us. just… c’mon. don’t go yet.” pressing her body against his, wide eyes practically plead with him, blue on blue before glancing down at his lips and pushing up on her toes to kiss him again.
she's wrong, and he knows it. josh would like to believe this isn't a big deal, even when the weight of his actions aren't as heavy as they should be, but he knows he's risking a lot doing this with her. right now, it feels worth it; he's so sure naomi is going to dump him tomorrow, and him and jenny clearly have the attraction and physical chemistry there, and isn't love island for exploring options? but he's burying the larger implications of this, the awareness that he's hurting someone he really cares about, and probably burning that bridge for good. but if the bridge is already burned, no point giving into temptation once more. his hands reach for her face so he can lean down to meet her lips again, bodies press together so much that he ends up pushing her back into the sink, pinning her against it. his hands run down her body, outlining the strings of her corset, before grabbing her hips again, pulling them flush against his own.
after whoever knows how long, he’s slipping away from dylan because he needs to use the bathroom. still drunk now with sleep in the mix, he pretty much stumbles his way over to the bathroom and tries the door with no avail. so he knocks, not so loud he’ll wake everyone up, but hopefully loud enough whoever is in there will hear him. “hey come on, seriously i need to pee.”
it’s maybe the first real moment josh hasn’t been stuck in his head with her. they’re all frenzied kisses and wandering hands, getting bolder with each passing second. all too aware they’re on borrowed time, hands explore frantically, his pawing down her body and gripping at her hips, hers knotted in his hair and scratching down his back. she leans them both back against the counter, him half hovering over her, lips never missing a beat until a knock on the door startles them both. her eyes flick to his, unpanicked but needing some direction. how does he want to play this? “oh, is it locked?” she asks dumbly, cringing a bit at her breathless voice before locking eyes with josh, an unspoken question as she nods toward the handle.
fuck, fuck, fuck, goes his thoughts as soon as he hears rhys' voice. josh pulls away like she's made of hot lava, fingers running through his hair to try to fix it. if rhys catches them together with the door locked, he's going to put two and two together... so josh's eyes wander to the toilet stalls, and as quietly as he can, he jumps into one of the stalls and shuts the door. let rhys thinks he's taking a shit while someone else is in here.
“jenny? jenny, please? i don’t want to go all the way downstairs.” he’s pouting, trying the door again.
she thinks it’s a bit ridiculous that he’s hiding in a stall—isn’t rhys one of his friends?—but she buys him time anyway. “that’s so weird, i didn’t even know this door could lock…” she’s putting her hair in a ponytail as she unlatches it, a casual smile on her lips to mask the nervous laugh as she greets rhys. “sorry about that.”
he gives her a little smile, a mumbled thanks before going over to a stall, doing his business, then actually using soap and water to wash his hands (wow). he took a couple extra seconds to splash a little water on his face too before looking back at her, “..getting ready for bed?“
she spends a few seconds too-long putting her hair back, then begins washing her hands. there isn’t much she can do to kill the time without her toiletry bag and she wants to catch josh before leaving. “yup. everything’s all calmed down out there?”
“yeah, pretty much.” he gives her a little nod before ducking out. “night.”
“night,” she echoes while drying her hands. the silence stretches on a few seconds, triple checking the coast is clear.
he's really tempted to sit on that toilet for the rest of the night, thinking about his action. it's only when he hears rhys walk out and the water's still running that he realizes jenny is still waiting for him. is it bad that part of him had been hoping she'd leave too? he waits for a few seconds before slowly coming out of the stall, feeling a lot more embarrassed than he did leaving the three-way kiss. "we should get to bed," he clears his throat, bypassing her to reach for his toothbrush--the real reason he had come in.
she watches him a moment, eyes apologetic as she comes up behind him to give his shoulders a quick squeeze. “promise you’re not gonna overthink this?” her hands linger, then a soft pat before she’s backing toward the door. “it’s okay to be selfish. we get to be in this villa one time. make the fucking most of it, okay?” hand on the handle, she can’t resist one last quip. “and brush your fucking teeth. you taste like gin.”
oh, he's going to overthink this. but josh nods towards her anyway, suddenly exhausted and ready for bed. too bad he knows there's absolutely no going to sleep after naomi tonight. josh takes an extra long time brushing his teeth and doing his skin care routine before heading outside.
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