Omg this was so good like there something about breeding kink luffy that hits different 😩.
Do you take any requests cuz how about possessive gear 5 luffy 🤭
Smoke seemed to fill the air as you sighed, your hair was tied up and you were wearing a kimono to celebrate the festival and of course, Luffy’s victory against kaido.
You and the crew were so so happy that he’d won! Who could’ve guessed that gear five could be that…cartoonish right..?
Well you were just making sure when everything was set with your outfit and hair when suddenly a faint mist filled the room..
Familiar mist…
A Pure, white and almost god like presence was definitely there. Watching you..
The same familier wide grin and blood red eyes popped out from what you could see in the mirror as hands covered your eyes. You could almost hear the giggling already from behind you as he footed while looking down at you. You could feel it..
A sigh left your lips and dropped what you were doing.
“Guess who!!”
You raised an eyebrow, why hadn’t he turned back into Luffy yet..? It was almost like he was doing this on purpose but you complied with his hand of course because he was your captain still technically and even more so..
A God.
“Hmm..I dunno..is it the guy who saved a whole country?”
You replied, your voice being playful as I you looked up. He took his hands off of your eyes and somehow grinned even more.
“Bingo!!!” He Saïd with a loud laugh which caused you to join in on the laughter.
Admittedly, he was quite the funny and cute one. Just an hour after beating kaido he spent all his time with you, following you around and floating wherever you went. Sometimes just blabbering about random nonsense while laughing at his own goofy acts and jokes.
There was times that he made you laugh so much that you had to held your stomach and drop to the ground, forcibly and just by his own doings.
But, there were also times where he acted rather strange when someone would get too close and try to ‘steal’ you away from him..
He seemed absolutely adamant about keeping you close..
No one should and dared to keep your attention for too long. They knew that you were very precious to joyboy. He didn’t even have to say anything to anyone about your attention. They just knew.
He saved a whole country for peeks sake and not to mention fought and won against one of the emperors of the sea.
The crew even suspected why he was so clingy, he would constantly butt in at any chance they tried to at least do one activity with you!
Trying to train or take a nap with zoro?
‘Hey Y/N! You wanna hear some jokes?!’
Just having a normal conversation with usopp and listening to his tales?
‘Hey hey!! Y/N!! Look at me! Look what I can do!’
Proceeds to something so goofy with his body your at a loss with words..
Anything just to get your attention because we’ll..he wanted it! You intrigued him greatly with almost everything you did!
Could you really blame him?..
At the festival, the music was lovely and the lights were glittering with beautiful colors and you smiled seeing the happy people who were celebrating the victory of no one other than your captain, Luffy.
Who was still in his god like form and stuffing his face with meat, rice and any food he could get his hands on. While keeping a firm hand in your hip to keep you close.
Sipping your Sake while Nika was blabbing away with goofy nonsense, you were half listening and half zoning out when suddenly you felt light tap on your shoulder.
It was Law. His eyes bore into you as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at you. This apparently caught Nikas attention as well. You of course didn’t notice though.
“Hey so uh..I’ve been watching you this whole time and you’ve been in the same place the entire night..”
He glanced over at the ‘sun god’ beside you .
“Would you want to dance?..”
The who party seemed to get quieter.
Did he not know?..
Blinking a few times to adjust from the shock and surprise and put on a smile and gratefully nodded. For weeks you haven’t hung out with anyone other then the white haired boy with ruby red eyes..it was good to finally have some peace.
You turned to Nika who was gripping your hip with a frown, one that was very rare for a guy who’d smile nonstop no matter what.
“Hey Nika, im gonna go dance alright? I’ll be back soon!”
Before the godlike figure could even respond, you were off to dance with Law.
Nerves eased through you as your movements matched the man currently in front of you.
A little spin here, a touch of the hip there..one of his hands found its way on your waist and the other on your shoulder while the both of your arms wrapped around his neck.
Your heart was pounding through your chest and you could feel eyes on you..deciding to ignore it you just got lost in the gray ones that were staring at you while the two of you danced.
Meanwhile Nikas face was almost in a childlike pout, watching you dance with the surgeon. His body in a laying position as he floated up on a white cloud. So many emotions were boiling up inside of him at that moment..he just had to figure out which one was the most controlling of him..
The final straw was when he saw him gently squeeze your waist and whisper something in your ear that made you giggle.
His fists clenched and his eyes narrowed.
He wasn’t that amused anymore..
After the party a smile stained your lips as you sat down by a lake, the moonlight casting upon the water perfectly.
Just then you felt it..that presence again.
Two red eyes peeled out of the shadows and a familiar grin was spread across the face you knew so well.
“Oh hey Nika..the party was fun wasn’t it?..I-”
Without another word you felt the warm feeling of his lips on yours. Your eyes widened in complete shock and your cheeks flushed a red color that could compete with the boys eyes.
His arms wrapped around your waist as he pushed you with little force into his lap. The familiar feeling of mist surrounding you resurfaced.
You didn’t know what to say..What on earth was happening with him?!
Eventually his stretched arms loosened slightly and he slowly traced his hands down to your waist, rubbing his fingers on the sides, His other hand went down to your thigh.
He finally stopped kissing you but his grin of course remained. Your mouth was agape and you were still trying to get over the fact that your captain had just kissed you!
His touch lingered while his hands just seemed to roam around your body almost lovingly.
“Hey Y/N..?”
Snapping out of the still remaining shock you slowly lowered your head.
“..we’re close right..?”
“Yeah..you could say that..”
“So don’t do that again.”
You were now again at a loss of words.
“Do what again..?”
He didn’t respond or didn’t really care to listen anymore as he hugged you tight, the wide grin that almost everyone knows him for returning while he chuckled.
Raising an eyebrow you couldn’t help but snort too..he could never resist to make you laugh too..
Protective yet possessive arms wrapped then self around you tightly while a head nuzzled cozily into your neck.
Chucking could still be heard that almost sounded mischievous, yet still full of glee.
For a second you thought he was almost making a plan to always keep you in sight..no matter what the cost..
But of course that was crazy talk..
Yeah, it was alll just your imagination..
Eeeeeeeh i love this so much!! Omg- I hope this was good because I adored writing this and just Nika’s character in general!! Ty so much to @sirenbeloved for the request! I loved writing it! Thank you!! 💕💕
I MIGHT post another story but it’ll be like real late- but you best believe that I’m probably gonna post again tomorrow!!
Thank you for reading and again, have a good night/day or evening my lovely petals and thank you so much for just being with me and reading my work ❤️🌸❤️🌸💓🫶🏼
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honeyspawn · 5 months
Real talk, I think Frank Pricely is a genuinely really interesting character.
So when we meet him in Black Friday, he is basically a cartoon capitalist supervillain. He's obsessing over money, he is condescending to Lex, and we get the impression that he's Mr. Krabs level of money-grubbing shitty boss. He gets a whole song where he revels in how much money he's going to make, and shows ambivalence to how dangerous black friday shopping can be. Then Feast or Famine happens, and something... changes. There's a visible shift on stage when he and the audience realize that he is no longer in control that's genuinely really eerie. Put a pin in that, cuz I'm gonna come back to it.
When when we're introduced to him in "Daddy", we get a much more complete image of who he is as a character. It's not that he's not a greedy and condescending person, because he definitely is, but that's not the foundation of his character. When we see Toy Zone outside of Black Friday, we see that it's a struggling small business, and a genuine passion project for Frank. It's not that Toy Zone is a means for financial success, but financial success is a means to keep Toy Zone operational.
Then there's his relationship with Lex. He's definitely snarky and condescending, but he also actually cares about her, and sees himself as a parental figure to her. He gives her advice that he feels is in her best interest, and shows her a lot of the "tough love" that he thinks Sheila should be showing Sherman. Lex is even one of the people he says sorry too when he's about to die, because he worries that he failed her. While I do think Lex has some level of respect for him, I never really get the vibe that she sees him this way; she seems to think of him as more of a hard ass, and she would absolutely leave Toy Zone the minute a better opportunity comes up. Her job at Toy Zone for her is more about her need to take care of her family. And this is significant, because Frank is a very lonely person. After his dog Buddy dies, he has no family left. He reminisces on his parents, who didn't support his passions. He thinks of himself as a father figure to Lex, because he has nobody else left in his life. I'm not necessarily saying that he's a good parental figure to Lex, he can be pretty selfish, and even denied her for a raise once he could afford it, knowing she damn well needs the money. It's clear though, that he's trying to look out for her more than her actual mother (low bar as it may be), and on some level, he does think he's helping her. Because she's all he has. Her and Toy Zone, and he's about to lose that too.
This is why Sheila is so appealing to him. She represents not only financial stability, but a chance to not be alone. He doesn't love her, and I think he knows it, but he could learn to love her. He could have love and money, and if that doesn't work out, at least he'd have money. That's what he thinks anyway. But again, he's not the one with the power.
When we first see him in Black Friday, we initially think Frank represents the corporations, but he doesn't. He's a small business owner, and can only support his passion by participating in capitalism. He is a retailer, not a CEO. And that's what puts him in so much danger in Black Friday. Capitalism treats him as disposable. And that's how he dies. Frank was just as much under Wiggly's influence as anyone else. He lived a lonely life, and the business he's prioritized over forming any lasting bonds with other people is about to go down the toilet. Then this little green doll comes along that's supposed to fix everything. He doesn't want to keep the Wiggly dolls, but he still thinks they're going to fix the holes. And once he's served his purpose, Wiggly disposes of him. And that's what Sheila tries to do, too. The only reason he survives in Daddy is that Sherman decides he still has value. It's honestly really haunting how these stories mirror each other.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Hi!! I just started reading your stuff and I really like it!! I was wondering if I could request some headcanons with the HSR boys (your choice but I would appreciate one with Jing Yuan) with a reader who is part of the Stelleron hunters and their role is to clear up any clues they may have left behind not on purpose, the boys caught them in the act and they made a break for it, but after the event the reader finds themself to be looking after the boys more (you can decide whether they know or if they find out due to a coincidence) and they confront the reader about it.
- 🌙 Anon
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ stellaron spy
⊹ character(s) - dan heng, jing yuan ⊹ word count - 1.7k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, stellaron hunter!reader, a bit of angst, fluff, mystery, intrigue, oh my!
hi 🌙 anon!!!! omy my first named anon (₌♥ᆽ♥₌) I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my writing!!! I was very tempted to add sampo to the mix here but as the stellaron hunters were not involved much with anyone in belobog I decided against it. but who knows?! maybe a p2 for this will come out! anyways, thank you for the request my lovely!!! I had fun with it! (๑✪ᆺ✪๑)
post editing katze here - I'm so sorry these read more like scenarios than hcs but all my hcs kinda do </3 I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
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⊹ Dan Heng
Your assignment was simple: Clean up the Stellaron Hunters' presence in the Herta Space Station, and leave no trace of your own visit.
As a member of the highly skilled group, you were more than prepared and qualified.
And of course, Kafka and Silver Wolf saw fit to leave a mess behind for you as always.
They never did anything beyond Elio's allowance in order to guide the universe to the correct future, and it's not as if they had anything against you, but you still somehow ended up with a large workload each time.
A stray piece of Silver Wolf's code here, a bullet with Kafka's insignia on it there.
Nothing out of the ordinary, and all seemingly meaningless in the pursuit of the ideal future. Things that would be cast aside by the average person, if not missed entirely.
And yet, that's why you were here—those very "meaningless" pieces of evidence were specific items ordered by Elio that could cause the single tip of a domino should they be found and investigated. The most insignificant things could completely restructure the path you were on, and by extension, Elio's plans.
Of course, Destiny's Slave didn't tell you everything.
Specifically, he neglected to mention you literally bumping into a member of the Astral Express Crew.
On the way into a restricted section full of monsters.
Just perfect.
"Ah, I'm terribly sorry!" You were flustered, yes, but it served as a good cover considering your disguise as a researcher.
The man before you looked indifferent by nature, but something about you caught his eye, and he put his arms out to steady you.
"It's fine. Why are you heading into a restricted zone?"
"Ahh, I'm okay! Just grabbing some of my research materials! If you'll excuse me..."
He didn't seem content to leave you to do as you wished considering your disguise, but then he caught sight of the bullet you held. Kafka's bullet, signature carved into the side and all.
He put two and two together, his blue eyes widening.
Before he could say anything further, you had vanished, hearing his footsteps chasing after you after ducking into an alcove. He came and went, and you found yourself alone again.
Well, there goes a smooth mission... He's surely off to alert security.
As the days passed, you continued your task. Of course, Kafka had given you a predictable answer when you confronted her about the run-in with the black-haired man.
"That would be Dan Heng of the Astral Express Crew. Don't worry. You were fated to meet. As I'm sure you know, your foresight on meeting him would have ruined the future."
Of course.
However, the young man intrigued you, and you eventually found yourself watching over him more and more.
He went to get lunch? You would subtly switch your disguise and be in line right behind him.
He took a walk around the station? You weren't far behind.
He entered a restricted zone to assist? You cleared out a couple of monsters ahead of him to make his job easier.
It's all for the mission, you'd justify. Just monitoring him to ensure he doesn't throw a wrench into Elio's plans.
Eventually, your little side-mission caught up to you.
"I really should just turn you in."
A pale hand had reached over your head, grabbing the information tablet above you, and you paused.
Compared to your previous meeting, you were a lot more calm. After all, as Kafka had said, you only needed trust in Elio and his future.
"Then why haven't you?"
The dark-haired man couldn't provide an answer.
"Are you here to stir up trouble again... Stellaron Hunter?"
"Just the opposite, really."
Dan Heng was perplexed, yet intrigued—two feelings he didn't experience often.
"I really should...—ugh. Never mind. For now, I won't do a thing. But I'll be keeping an eye on you."
"I will do the same for you."
"I've noticed."
"Then I'm sure you've noticed the gift I left in your pocket."
As soon as he looked down, you were gone. Still, you weren't lying—there in his pocket lay a piece of paper with your contact information... along with an alias.
Dan Heng didn't know what to feel, but a strange warmth filled his cheeks, and he ran a hand over his face.
What... just happened?
You, meanwhile, having completed your mission, met back up with Kafka in only a few hours' time.
"Your number, hm? Smooth, Y/N. I didn't think you had it in you. Should I consider this a betrayal?"
"Hush up, Kafka. You know this was bound to happen."
"Astute as always."
You had to hold back your groan along with your own reddened cheeks.
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⊹ Jing Yuan
Being a Stellaron Hunter meant trusting Elio no matter what, even if it seemed to be at your own peril.
Even with his indifference towards his own and your lives in the face of the necessary future, Destiny's Slave had assured you and the rest of the Stellaron Hunters that you were not to be expended for the cause.
At least, not for a very, very long time.
So why is the General of the Xianzhou Luofu in front of you right now?
This wasn't in the plan! Only Kafka and Blade were meant to be arrested!
Your momentary panic caused you to forget the obvious—
You're not on any wanted lists, you have not been seen associating with either detained Stellaron Hunter on the Luofu, and you're posed as a completely ordinary Xianzhou Outworlder.
On top of that... Kafka had secured you a (fake) position somewhat close to the General for intel-gathering. For all intents and purposes, you were meant to be here.
But that handsome face honestly made your brain run on empty at the most crucial moment. And besides, your false position wasn't that high up!
Unless it was, and the information was withheld in case you got captured...
You wondered if Elio could laugh, and if he could, whether he was amused by your current blunder. Surely, all according to the plan of destiny.
"Goodness. I knew I had some level of charm somehow, but to think I'd evoke such a reaction."
You froze up upon General Jing Yuan moving his face even closer to yours, inspecting you carefully.
"Or perhaps you're just intimidated by me?"
Focus, Y/N, focus!
"Not at all, General," you were quick to respond, impressing even yourself at the steadiness in your voice. "I was simply stunned that the General would greet me, a mere advisor, personally."
"Well, mere advisor, I find you enthralling. Please report to work tomorrow directly to my desk. I'll have you assist me with my paperwork."
That's how you found yourself roped into being Jing Yuan's personal assistant.
The incident with Kafka and Blade progressed naturally, but you found yourself with more and more work.
All to keep up the cover of a simple employee trying to earn your daily wages, you supposed. Not to mention, the closeness of it all allowed you intel on Jing Yuan that you never would have acquired otherwise.
It made sense that this was Elio's plan all along, but you were still a bit bittersweet about your circumstances.
The sweet part being... Well, the General was nice to look at, and he wasn't a bad conversationalist, either.
And of course, the intel. The intel was good. You were certainly still focused on it.
When he ate, when he took walks (casual ones, he assured you when you were forced to join him, but you knew it was a guise for patrolling the Luofu), and when he trained with Yanqing, the Cloud Knight Lieutenant.
Everything went straight to Elio's ear.
The bitter part... Everything else.
Every day, you wondered if the General knew your identity and purpose. Yet he never spoke a word of it.
And his requests were getting more ridiculous by the day!
"Y/N, would you be so kind as to keep me company while I finish my paperwork?"
"That would be highly unprofessional... I must clock out for the night."
Another night, it was something else.
"Y/N, how about a game of chess?"
"We're working, General."
"Call me Jing Yuan, would you? 'General' is far too uptight."
"That would also be unprofessional!"
"Isn't it more unprofessional to deny your superior's request?"
Now you were sure of it. Elio, along with Kafka, Blade, and Silver Wolf, and every single one of the other Stellaron Hunters...
They were watching this all like a horrendous, slow-burn, romantic sitcom, and they were laughing their heads off at you running yourself ragged. That had to be it.
However, all good? things come to an end. It was only a few months in that you were called to clean up yet another Stellaron Hunter operation.
And with that, your resignation was plopped on Jing Yuan's desk in the dead of night, with you and him being the only two souls in the entirety of the Seat of Divine Foresight.
"...So, that's it?"
"I'm afraid so."
That smile of his made you want to stay, though you'd never say it aloud.
"Well, I suppose Stellarons are present in many different worlds."
Your jaw could've dropped. It was a miracle your face remained stoic.
"Do come back and visit me, though? Or better yet, desert them entirely and stay by my side?"
The tone was teasing, but the longing was still buried beneath it all.
When your face hardened, his smile softened.
"Of course not. I understand the feeling of being unable to abandon your comrades, your cause. Still, I do hope we meet again."
With a laugh at your silence, he unclasped one of the blue tassels from his uniform and put it right into your expectant hand—instinct on your part at his gesture.
"Return that to me soon. Don't make me wait too long. After all, without it, my coat is asymmetrical. Not a great look for the General of the Luofu, is it, my dear?"
"...No. I suppose it isn't."
It took you less than the space of a breath to vanish from his office, and you knew you likely wouldn't be back—not for a long time, that is—but Jing Yuan's tassel remained in your belongings nonetheless.
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five-rivers · 2 months
@echoghost1 @everfascinated
It hovered over the surface of the portal, clearly separate from it.  A large, flat, disk shape, with a pale, luminous face.  More vivid numbers circled the edge, painted neatly.  A single, delicate, metal hand pointed towards the number seven, on the left side of the clock.  It had been pointing there for the past hour or so, ever since it had been noticed.  
Maddie drummed her fingers on the workbench she stood next to.  The timer - because what else could it be? - was, thus far, a mystery to her.  Usually, Maddie liked mysteries.  Exploring the mysteries of the Ghost Zone had been the reason they had built the portal in the first place.  This mystery was fascinating, and Maddie was excited about it, but it was also incredibly troubling.  
Obviously, the timer - hovering, green, immovable - was ghostly in origin.  What else could it be?  But how did a ghost place get in here to place it?  For what purpose?  How much time was left?  What was it counting down to?  It couldn’t be anything good.  Ghosts had no love for her family or their works.  
As soon as she’d noticed it, she and Jack had started taking readings, but nothing they did gave them anything conclusive, or any way to get rid of the thing.  
It was frustrating and troubling.  Frustrating and troubling.  
“Uh, Mom?  Dad?  It’s six and we were wondering if you wanted us to order dinner or anything…”
Maddie looked up to see Danny coming down the stairs.  
“Oh, sure!” said Jack.  “Pizza sounds great, son!”
“Yeah.  What are you even– What’s that?”  
Danny stared wide-eyed at the timer for a long moment, and Maddie moved to reassure him.  Danny was always so timid around ghosts, so afraid.  This timer was doubtlessly malevolent, but she and Jack wouldn’t let it do anything to Danny.  
Briefly, Danny’s eyes gleamed green.  Then, slowly, but inevitably, he collapsed.
Maddie leaped forward, keeping Danny from hitting his head on the bottom step by the narrowest of margins.  “Jack!”  
“What happened?” he asked, hurrying over.  “Danny?  Danny?  Talk to me, son!  Can you hear me?”
Danny’s eyes fluttered open briefly, overly reflective, then shut again.
“I’m setting up the quarantine booth,” said Maddie.  “Will you carry him?”
Jack nodded, grimly.  
They’d gotten the quarantine booth set up after Vlad’s unfortunate recurrence of ecto-acne and the revelation that ecto-acne could be contagious under certain circumstances.  It was sealed, filtered, protected, shielded.  Every precaution they could think of had gone into it. 
… and, yes, they should use those precautions more often, but Maddie and Jack loved getting up close and personal with the subjects of study.  
“We need to get that thing shielded,” said Jack as he set Danny on the bed.  He rushed out towards the timer and started setting up shield projectors around the portal.  
Maddie, meanwhile, pulled the medical scanner free from the ceiling.  Well, ‘medical scanner’ was a very sci-fi way of putting it, when really it was quite prosaic, if you knew how it worked.
She positioned it over Danny’s body and set it to taking data. 
Temperature, low, heart rate, low, bones, intact, nervous system… that part of the scanner didn’t work all that well, ignore that reading…  
Ectoplasm levels were off the charts.  
Maddie inhaled deeply.  Stay calm, stay calm.  They would fix this.  They’d cured Vlad and Danny’s friends, they could cure this, whatever it was.  They would get rid of that timer and they’d save Danny.  
“Mom?” said Danny, weakly.  
“Hey, sweetie,” said Maddie.  “How are you feeling?”  
“Bad,” said Danny.  He tried to sit up, but Maddie pushed him back down.  “What’s happening?”
“You collapsed suddenly,” said Maddie.  “We’re trying to figure out why.”
Danny raised one hand to his face.  Green light reflected off his hand.  Understanding flicked over his features.  
“Okay, but I think I’m feeling better, now,” he said.  He tried to sit up again.  
“We need to figure out what happened before you go running around,” said Maddie, pushing him down again.  She looked over at Jack, through the thick, transparent sides of the quarantine booth.  Jack was now trying to throw a towel over the timer and–
Wait a moment.  
“Stay down,” she told Danny.  “Let the scanner do its job.”  She walked out of the quarantine booth.  “Wait, Jack, wait.”
“But we have to keep it from affecting Danny.  We don’t know if its effect is visual or what.”
“I know, I know,” said Maddie.  “But look at it.  Look at the hand.”
The hand, which had been pointing at the number seven, was now pointing at the number six.  
Jack scowled at the timer and tried to throw the towel over it again.  The towel passed through it.  “Are we sure this is a timer, Mads?  Maybe the numbers are counting down charges or something like that.”
“I don’t know, it still looks more like a timer to me.”
“But why did it affect Danny like that?” 
“I don’t know.  We need to start decontamination procedures right away, though.  His ectoplasm levels are off the charts.  The sudden spike is probably what made him collapse, but I don’t know how this could have increased his ectoplasm levels so much so quickly.”
I don’t know either,” said Jack.  He picked up the latest version of the Fenton Finder (which incidentally, still detected Danny more often than not) and shook it.  “None of the detectors we have pointed at it picked up anything.  Nothing going towards Danny, nothing ambient, nothing anywhere else.”
Maddie had hoped that their detectors had picked something up, but with the continued failures of the Fenton Finder, maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised.  
“We’ll keep looking,” said Maddie.  She was forgetting something.  What was she forgetting?  “Jazz.  We need to tell Jazz, so she doesn’t come down here.  What if it only affects minors?”
“Righto,” said Jack, shoving the Finder at Maddie.  “I’ll do that, you start the decontam procedures!”
Maddie nodded tightly and turned back to Danny.  She could see his eyes gleaming from here.But they could fix this. 
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I Am Machine
Summary: In which Karl Heisenberg has nipple piercings and a chest full of insecurities.
Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x afab!Reader
Word Count: -2.5k
Content Warning: Porn With Feelings <3 18+!, Nipple Piercings, Thigh Riding, Angst, Body Worship, Karl Has A Dad-Bod, Internalized Body Shaming, Insecurities, Feelings….A Lot Of Them, Giving Karl All The Love He Deserves, Dirty Talk, Manhandling, Unprotected P in V, Creampie, A Sprinkle Of Rough Fucking
A/N: Another massive shout-out to @queer-crusader!Thank you so much for throwing all the ideas back and forth <3
Tagging: @blueberrypancakesworld
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I am machine
I never sleep
Until I fix what's broken
I am machine
A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
- I Am Machine By Three Days Grace
With your shoulder leaning onto the old door frame, you watched him, watched how his fingers slowly crawled up to his chest whilst he stared holes into thin air and his teeth ground down on the soft insides of his cheek instead of the usual cigar butt. Karl took no notice of you observing him with a faint smile ghosting around your lips and so calloused fingertips ventured forth to grab at the dainty steel marbles screwed on tightly to the accompanying bar that went straight through his right nipple. They toyed with the small piece of jewelry for a moment as he blinked lazily, entirely absentmindedly, and zoned out.
You had to actively stifle a laugh as you were able to watch the coin flip in his thoughts, Karl seemed to remember that his left nipple was adorned by just the same accessory and his hand grazed across his chest. If it wasn’t for his brows furrowing up into a frown, he would’ve looked dreamy and calm in the warm light of the surprisingly sturdy light bulb.
“Feeling yourself up a little, hm?” You joked, trying to approach whatever it was that caused his knit-together brows with lightheartedness.
“Huh?”, For the blink of an eye Karl looked truly dumbfounded and entirely unaware of his fidgeting that drew all of your attention right at it, “Oh. Subconscious habit.”
“I know.” You smiled kindly back at him.
“Then why are ya asking, stupid?” He nudged his head in your direction with a wide grin stretching across his face, gingerly accentuating the crinkles and crowfeet around his eyes.
Although it looked like a genuine expression, you had a strong inkling sitting in your stomach, that he was trying to hide something from you, perhaps not even intently but purely upon instinct.
“I was trying to be funny. You should try that too sometimes.” The tip of your tongue darted from between your lips, playfully teasing him.
“I am funny.” He retorted bluntly.
“I don’t know about that, Karl.” The banter briefly continued as you walked towards him, sitting there legs all sprawled out on the bed with his back against the decrepit and depressingly gray concrete walls.
“Don’t ya think that metal-melting heat and the constant linger of death is hilarious? Tough crowd.” The burly man huffed humorously yet he couldn’t quite shake the pitiful tinge in his voice.
He watched you saunter over to him, the pair of unnaturally bright hematite eyes following you intently.
“What’s going on up there?” You let yourself plop right into his lap, straddling his bulky thigh as the very tip of your index finger nudged at his temple.
“Huh?” He muttered again, trying to plaster a blasé expression on his face but it slipped at the edges, the corners of his mouth contorting downwards for a split second before he could help it.
“The fidgeting, the chewing on the insides of your mouth? Does that ring a bell?” Your brows raised into a questioning arch whilst the rest of your senses tried to ignore the feeling of dense muscles between your legs pressing up against you. Was he doing that on purpose to side-track you?
“It’s just what I do.” He shrugged his shoulders with flimsy indifference.
“Karl…” Your free hand slid between your bodies, fingers closing down increasingly firm around the shiny and smooth piece of jewelry.
“Yes?” He hissed back, his thigh now obviously rocking against your clothed cunt, causing you to involuntarily rutt your hips against him.
“Don’t…” The word that rolled over your tongue came only labored as the intense feeling of arousal grew and spread from your lower abdomen.
“Don’t what, sugar? Get your head all spinning like that?” Karl leaned in closer, the tip of his nose nudging yours and lips ready to swallow whatever answer you’d give with a hungry kiss.
“Actually-” His head rushed forward, his lips pressing against yours with his teeth scraping over your bottom lip like a hungry animal, beckoning you to shut the hell up.
However, you didn’t.
“Karl, stop, please.” He let go of you immediately, widened eyes looking at you puzzled and silently questioning.
By now you knew that he wouldn’t just hand you the answer if you asked for it directly, you had to lovingly pull and coax it out of him, had to make sure that you brought his intrinsic guard down gently.
“Let me do that.” Your words only led to a more intense furrow on his forehead and instead of adding even more to them, you let your body do the talking.
In one lazily languid stroke, both of your hands brushed upwards over his stomach, fingertips playing with the curly hairs of a fading happy trail and tracing the little round of his belly pooch on their way to his chest. Upon skin touching skin, you could’ve sworn that Karl had flinched, barely even noticeable yet the little jolt had been there, reminding the both of you that, after all, Karl was sensitive, especially so when being touched.
“What…?” He mumbled quietly, his gray eyes darting down to follow the flow of your fingers across his torso.
“I like your stomach, comfy…warm.”, You shushed him saccharinely-sweet, “Love cuddling against it at night.”
“Uh-huh.” He let that one slide, albeit begrudgingly and through gritted teeth, thin ice already.
Knowing that he was watching you intently, you leaned in, allowing your lips to pepper quick and teasing pecks to his chest.
It was a gamble but you felt quite daring today, letting the tip of your tongue glide along the thickened, pale rose-colored scar tissue that stretched across the skin in long welts. Karl let out a rumbling groan that vibrated right through you, reporting about pooling arousal and a twinge of…disgust. You edged further regardless.
“Love everything about you.”, Your gentle hum got lost in the crook of his neck before your teeth rasped down with the curve of his shoulder, “You’re beautiful.”
“Not much beauty to find between scars, shaggy hair, and an outgrown beard, sugar.” You had tripped over the border, Karl carefully grabbed your jaw and redirected your face to look right at him and the pained expression in his eyes about broke you. You understood why he preferred to hide them away behind a pair of pitch-black glasses. Too expressive, too vulnerable.
“Will you listen to me?”, You tried not to break away from his gaze and it took almost everything out of you, “Please.”
For an agonizingly long blink of an eye, you couldn’t tell whether or not you’d been able to not only save yourself from the plummeting feelings but just Karl as well for his grasp at your chin wasn’t yielding at first. The hardly even uttered, more than anything mouthed Please appeared to hit him where he truly felt and couldn’t ignore it away.
“What were you thinking about earlier?” The question slithered past your lips calmly, gently, and softly.
“Why are you even here?” He retorted in a harshly cold tone with a question himself that equally served as a painful answer.
“Because I love you, easy.” You threw it right back at him, trying to scare off what must’ve been going down in his thoughts but instead, you felt him flinch again, this time more noticeable although you weren’t even touching him.
Line, hook and sinker. It clicked with you and forced your stomach to twist and turn in every possible direction all at once. Karl went through the equally mortifying yet filling ordeal of knowing that he was loved and at that greatly so.
It posed as something far outside of his control and with that immediately rendered into possible danger. Karl Heisenberg never wanted anything to do with love ever again after first getting his heart broken before his body followed suit. Every scar on his body reminded him of heartbreak that hurt a thousand times worse than the cuts and experiments. Love had brought Karl the worst pain he’d ever felt and in an only natural reaction, he had wanted to get as far away from it as he possibly could and that worked just fine until you happened.
“Because I want to.” You answered further before he could throw anything else against your love confession whilst your hands pulled his away from your jawline and instead guided them to rest right on your hips, “Please let me show you how much.”
From the very way you looked right at him, unwavering and with nothing but compassion in your gaze, Karl knew that you weren’t exactly requesting but rather announcing. With a swift nod, he accepted and let his hands remain on your hips. You couldn’t exactly decipher his facial expression but the little sound slipping free from his throat gave away that he certainly enjoyed your tender lips closing down around his pierced nipple, tongue toying with the metal bar. Greedily, you sucked the pebbled skin into your mouth just hard enough to leave a little hickey before letting it plop from between your lips again. You paid attention to not neglecting the other side, repeating the same process of suckling a bruise into the sensitive skin.
“Fuck.” Karl breathed sharply and you snickered.
“Only if you hear me out.” Pushing the envelope a little further, you rolled your hips in his soft clasp.
“God, you’re so fucking mean sometimes.” He groaned eyes rolling behind halfway shut lids.
“Gets you hella hard, love.” You certainly weren’t lying and the entire width of your palm tracing the outlines of his quickly hardening cock above his pants pulled a moan from the depths of his lungs.
“I’m afraid you gotta listen to me rant about just how much I love you if you wanna tap that.”, The sly grin eventually returned to your face as you nuzzled your mouth into the dip of his collarbone, leaving kisses before traveling further up his neck, “How much I love playing with those piercings, gets me fucking wet just thinking about it, and how much I love getting needy for being fucked so good all the time.”
“Go on…” Karl pressed the meat and muscle of his thig against your fabric-clad pussy and you ground down harder, desperately chasing the friction.
“Oh, suddenly you’re interested, huh, big boy?” Your teeth sank into the flesh of his earlobe, pulling at it provocatively, “Hmhm, gotta listen to me moan and groan about how stupid I get when you fuck me from behind, belly slapping against my ass or how much I love that grown-out beard between my thighs when you eat me out.”
“Alright, that’s it.”, Without so much as a fair warning Karl tightened the grip around your hips to hoist you off of him in a sudden push and pull, “Devious woman.”
Before you knew it, you landed on the mattress back first, head pushing into the feathery pillow as Karl towered above you, keeping you down by pressing himself between your legs whilst he kept himself together to not tear your pants off your legs but instead swiftly undress you as civil as he could.
“Poked the bear long enough?” You grinned, watching how his eyes ate you up entirely from the laugh lines around your lips to the scar on your left cheek that you got from falling into a shard of glass as an unsupervised toddler.
“Shut up and let me fuck you stupid if you know what's good for you, buttercup.” The menacing grow that was his voice made your back arch from the mattress, pressing your exposed cunt against his crotch, demanding immediate attention.
“Good girl.” The brief praise carrying clear hints of a little mocking intention before he unzipped his khaki pants to shove his freed erection right into you until you whined out.
“Can’t fucking believe that I let you get under my skin like that, make me feel all heart-eyes fucking shit.” Karl drilled his cock into you until his balls slapped against the round of your ass, one arm snaking underneath your knee to prop it onto his shoulder whilst the other palm pressed your mouth shut, leaving you to breathe through your nose.
“Make all fucking mushy on the inside and get my cock hard with sweet words, dammit.” He bottomed out but only to thrust right back into you, picking up a reckless pace that rendered every leftover thought in your head into thin air.
With shaky hands, you clawed at his back, leading your fingernails to dig into his skin, making Karl hiss from the sudden sting of pain, eventually making him you even harder, bordering on the edge of violence and you reveled in every plunge of his hips. Carefully crafted compliments and honeyed nothings quickly made room for thickening air getting filled with the smell of sex and sweat. It seeped into you, the predominantly musky smell of his body mixed with hints of tobacco and strong coffee, and you let it, basking in his presence. It filled you up just like his girth did with every brutal rock of his hips that brought you closer to ecstasy. Without being able to help it in the slightest, you felt the coil in your lower abdomen twitch and tense up unbearably fast, pathetically fast even. You groaned into the palm of his hand, eyes fluttering shut whilst gasping for air through your nose. It rendered you lightheaded, being just primitively fucked into and for a moment you felt so overstimulated and overfilled that you believed to have missed your own orgasm until it took you apart entirely. In the very second the first contractions started clasping around his cock, Karl's hand was off your face to make room for his lips to devour every moan and whine that rippled through you as if he was drinking it all up.
“Fuck…shit…”, The roll of his hips started stuttering and Karl shoved himself onto you as much as he could without hurting you, “Milking me so fucking good.”
A handful of thrusts followed before his own climax took over, making him halt and pump his load inside of you. You felt the pulsing and twitching of his cock, the sensation sending post-orgasmic ripples of pleasure through you.
Instead of just pulling out of you, Karl slipped your sore leg off his shoulder and shamelessly fucked his release into you with sloppy thrusts, mixing it with the wet of your release. WIth his sweaty forehead pressed against your, he muttered a breathy: “Fuckinglove you, too, shithead.”
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The day Danny turns 16 is a memorable one. Not because the cake his mom made came to life and tried to eat them, that was normal. Not because ghosts attacked, that was also normal. Not because Lunch Lady gave him a birthday cupcake, that was not normal but nothing that would really stand out. He thanked her for it and she left peacefully.
No, the odd part was him getting home and Jazz handing him a glowing envelope and telling him he had mail from the GZ. Inside was a letter from a King of a small gz country asking for him to take his daughters hand in marriage. Team Phantom obviously joked about this and how it couldn't possibly be real.
It very much was. Each day he got more and more letters, all asking a variation of, "please marry me or my child" and Danny was freaking out. Not only because he's getting so many marriage proposals, but because he was apparently super famous cause of the half living thing and super powerful by normal ghost standards AND he had to hide all these glowing ghostly letters from his parents. It wasn't easy since he would sometimes gets hundreds in a single day. Poor Danny was panicking and fled into the ghost zone, looking for somewhere safe to hide and have a panic attack in peace.
Next thing he knew he was in a mansion, having crashed in through the ceiling. (thank ancients for intangibility or else there would have been a hole he couldn't pay for)
Confused, he looked around and was startled by a voice behind him, "Hello, may I ask the purpose of this visit?"
He whirled around to find a old British dude in a tux. A butler? "Uh, just dropping in?" He gave a sheepish grin while rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous tick he just couldn't bring himself to shake.
The man turned his gaze to the perfectly intact ceiling Danny had fallen through, causing the boy to wince "Indeed."
"My name is Alfred Pennyworth and this is the Wayne manor, I trust you knew that?"
Danny blinked, confused. "Uh yeah, sure. I totally know who that is." The butler paused as if digesting the information. Alfred didn't need to be the Father of Batman or grandfather of nearly a dozen other vigilantes to know the child was lying. But how on this beautiful green planet did this child not know who the Wayne family is? And in Gotham no less? Seeing as the child avoided giving out his own name he started a plan to get him to talk. "Its almost lunch time, would you like something to eat?" The boys stomach answered loudly for him and the boy let out an embarrassed, "Yes, please."
Tim: Bruce brought home another one?
Alfred: No. This one fell from the sky.
Tim: Oh, wait. You're serious.
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blackypanther9 · 2 months
Nothing to be ashamed of – Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Trans!Male!Reader
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TAGLIST: @juda-the-simp
WARNING!: Smuuuuuuut, Fluffy smut, gender dysphoria (mentioned), P in V, Oral sex, fingering AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
A/N: I hope I hit the mark ! I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be like this, I hope it wasn’t too disappointing ! I can change it if there is something wrong with this ! I think I got a bit carried away.
M/n was nervous. He was very nervous. He was in a relationship with Stuart Macher and William Loomis for a long while now. They knew that M/n was a man, no matter that he had a feminine body with the wrong gender, other people didn’t accept him like that though. These two, did.
They always beat people up that misgendered M/n on purpose, heck, they even killed them ! And after a long time...M/n felt ready to have his first time with the both of them. And it made him so nervous !
And the worst ? The boys noticed while they made out with him.
“Are you still sure you want to do this ? You are shaking, M/n, Love.”, Billy asked, while Stu continued to pamper M/n’s neck with nibbles and kisses.
“I am sure, Billy. Just...nervous.”, M/n replied with a flinch.
Gosh did he hate his voice...It sounded so pathe- Billy kissed him and tore M/n out of his hate for himself. He licked M/n lips gently, asking for entrance and M/n opened his mouth. While they kissed and nibbled on M/n, the male could feel both of his Lovers getting hard. M/n would lie if he said that he wasn’t getting wet and excited himself.
The boys took off their clothes and then M/n’s. What the male didn’t expect was that Stu and Billy were in no rush at all. He...liked that.
Stu continued to kiss and nibble on M/n’s neck for a while, while Billy slid down and started to kiss and nibble M/n’s legs and thighs. Soft, gentle kisses were placed on his skin and M/n sighed in comfort. This felt...nice.
Stu started to kiss his chest and Billy ran his hands up and down M/n’s legs, while he worshipped his stomach with kisses, nibbles and soft bites. M/n moaned and he could feel himself gushing from between his legs, it was almost hurting. But Billy didn’t dare to touch that zone yet.
“You are handsome, M/n. You know that ?”, Billy asked and kissed the right side of M/n’s hips gently.
Stu stopped assaulting M/n’s chest and kissed his cheek, while M/n moaned.
“Tease, both of you.”, M/n pouted, ignoring that compliment.
He was not handsome.
Stu gave M/n a mischievous look.
“You are so adorable, our handsome, unique Lover.”, Stu said.
M/n blushed deeply. Did they really mean it ? He was unique ? M/n let out a loud moan as Billy’s mouth started to suck on M/n left nipple gently. He looked at him and Billy doubled his efforts, determined to make it bruise as a mark.
“We will cover you in marks and make you understand that we love you the way you are, M/n~ When we are done with you, you will be the most happy man on earth~”, Stuart purred and then kissed him on the lips, swallowing the male’s moans.
M/n gave a loud, yelp like moan as Billy softly bit his left nipple and then let go, satisfied that it will bruise in a few hours, then he kissed M/n’s stomach again and sucked a few hickies into the male’s skin.
“We’ll make you so pretty and you might love it so much, that you will stop caring what other people say and think of you~”, Billy purred out and gave M/n a charming smile.
Stu released M/n’s lips from his and then started to nibble and suck on M/n right nipple, before he took it into his mouth and did the same thing Billy did to M/n’s left nipple. The male moaned loudly in pleasure and whimpered in slight pain about how his pussy reacted.
Billy looked at him with a soft smile.
“Does it hurt, Baby ?”, he asked M/n.
He whimpered and nodded.
“Do you want me to take it away ?”
Again M/n nodded. Billy hummed and then lifted M/n’s hips up, making his sopping pussy face him. M/n had no idea what he was planning, but he let out a loud moan as Billy dived into his boyfriend’s cunt.
“B-Bi-Billy~! Ha~!”
Billy took his time with eating M/n out. He licked his clit gently for a while, then plunged his tongue gently into M/n’s pussy, moaning at his taste. M/n moaned louder and his hole clenched around Billy’s tongue. It felt weird, but also so good.
Stu gave one last harsh suck, that made M/n moan loudly, then he let go and went back to his neck, kissing, nibbling and sucking on it, inhaling his scent and humping the mattress.
Billy could feel how close M/n already was and the three of them agreed that each of them cums at least once. Billy didn’t had the heart to delay M/n’s first orgasm, so he continued and rubbed the bridge of his nose against M/n’s clit.
“Ha~! C-Cumming~!”, M/n warned.
“Then cum for us, Handsome~”, Stu purred and then bit M/n’s neck gently.
With a yell M/n came onto Billy’s tongue and he lapped it up like a treat, helping M/n through his orgasm, then he retreated. M/n shivered but it wasn’t enough and the boys could see it.
Billy leaned down and kissed M/n, which the male returned, wrapping his arms around Billy’s neck. While the two of them had a heated make out session, with either M/n or Billy moaning into the kisses, Stu got busy with palming himself a bit and watching.
Stu really wanted to cum inside M/n, but he didn’t know if he was ready for that, so he didn’t ask either. He will be satisfied enough if he is allowed to cum onto him and cover his cunt from the outside.
As soon as Billy parted his lips from M/n, he got off and Stu started to cover M/n in some more hickies on the stomach, leg and chest area. M/n moaned and felt how fast his arousal was built up again, Stu noticed and smiled.
“Do you want my fingers or my mouth, M/n~?”
The male was unsure. Stu had a long tongue, but what would his fingers feel like ? Maybe another time...
Stu nodded and positioned M/n and himself, then he dove in, like Billy. Stuart went deeper with his tongue than Billy did and he hit something that made M/n see starts and moan louder than before.
Billy chuckled and then kissed M/n again, who returned the kiss with a small whimper.
“I see he found our beloved’s sweet spot~ Keep hitting that spot Stu~ Our handsome Love feels really good~”
Stu listened and continued to abuse that g – spot of M/n’s, making him moan and tremble, rushing towards his second orgasm. Billy continued to kiss M/n, which made him unable to warn Stu as he came screaming into Billy’s mouth.
Stu, eager as he was, lapped it all up happily and then very carefully removed himself. He started to nuzzle M/n’s thighs and looked at Billy.
“Do you think you are ready for more ?”, Billy asked M/n.
“Like ?”
“Do you think you are ready to let us...enter you. Or is that a big no ?”, he asked gently to not spook him.
“You...won’t see me any different...right ? If I let you both...in ?”, M/n asked with insecurity.
Billy and Stu looked at each other and then moved, like they had a conversation in thoughts. Stu was by his side again, his left hand between M/n’s folds, rubbing his sensitive clit. M/n whimpered softly, while Billy slid a bit further down and gently eased a finger inside M/n, making him moan softly.
While Billy carefully worked M/n’s pussy open with his index finger and Stu rubbed his clit gently with the other, they looked at him lovingly.
“We will never see you any differently, M/n. We love you, in every sense of the word, we respect you and we wish to mark and claim you. You wanted us to be your first time, to take your virginity. We are more than happy to do so.”, Stu said with love and pride.
“Just because you have a different sex between your legs, doesn’t that mean that we see you as any less of our handsome, charming, enchanting Lover. It doesn’t matter what sex you have, to us. Nor should it matter to you. You are M/n L/n and you are unique. No matter what.”, Billy added with love.
Gently Billy added a second finger and then scissored M/n open gently, curled and uncurled his fingers, adding pleasure to M/n again, while he was also in tears from happiness. These two boys will be the death of M/n one day.
“O-okay. But...please be gentle....”, M/n said shyly.
“Inside or outside when we cum ?”
M/n was in thoughts but then decided to fuck it all.
Billy nodded.
With that he pulled his fingers out, making M/n whimper at the loss. His cunt was sopping, begging for more. Billy started to rub his cock against M/n’s slick cunt, coating it in his juices to make him slip in easier.
“It might hurt a bit, Baby.”
“I can live with a bit of pain.”, M/n replied.
Stu continued to rub M/n’s clit, to make his pussy ease up a bit. M/n was jerking slightly from the stimulation, but the boys held him in place. Ever so gently did Billy slowly enter M/n’s pussy.
M/n hissed slightly at the stretch. It hurt a bit, but he can deal with it.
“Say stop if you need a break.”, Billy reminded M/n.
“Go on.”, M/n urged.
Soon enough Billy bottomed out and M/n was surprised that it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. Billy gave himself and M/n a small break to adjust, while Stu continued to rub lazy, slow circles into M/n’s clit. It relaxed M/n’s body slightly and whine that Billy wasn’t moving.
Billy groaned as he felt M/n clench around his cock and he looked at M/n, who seemed to be in bliss until now.
“Stu, stop playing with his clit, I don’t want him to finish without me.”, Billy said and Stu obeyed.
“Noo ! Stuey, continue !”, M/n whined as that pleasure was ripped away from him.
“Don’t worry, Darling. You will get more pleasure soon.”, Stu assured and kissed him instead.
M/n kissed back and Billy moved. At first it was slow and sensual, experimental too, but Billy found a spot and steady pace to get M/n worked up on soon enough.
“Ha~! Ah~! Billy~!”, M/n moaned as Billy thrusted in and out, hitting a sensitive spot over and over inside M/n.
Billy leaned down and started to kiss M/n and swallow all of his moans, while M/n swallowed Billy’s groans, feeling close. Stu just waited and watched, stroking himself in excitement.
“Are-ha~- you close~?”, Billy groaned out.
“Myes~”, M/n whimpered.
Billy nodded and rubbed M/n’s clit himself this time, making M/n moan loudly again and buck his hips up, which allowed Billy to get deeper inside him.
“Cum for me, Love~ I want you to cum all over my cock~”, Billy groaned out.
M/n whimpered and Billy kissed him while he continued to pleasure him. M/n got louder the closer he got with his moans and whimpers, then he came screaming into Billy’s mouth and he could feel how M/n’s juices were gushing around his cock. M/n’s walls tightened, his cunt sucking him in deeper and with one last push, Billy came deep inside M/n’s pussy, rope after rope, groaning into M/n’s mouth. M/n moaned again as he felt the warm, sticky liquid enter him.
Billy helped the both of them ride out their orgasms and as he was finished and knew that M/n calmed down too, he gently pulled out, which made M/n whine at the loss, but he knew they weren’t done yet and by how much M/n’s pussy twitched and begged for more, it he wasn’t done either.
Stu came crawling over and Billy watched M/n’s pussy intently, just like Stu. They both groaned, while M/n whimpered, as they saw Billy’s cum leaking out of his pussy. Billy couldn’t help it as he bend down and lapped it up, then kissed M/n’s clit and made out with M/n’s pussy. It was so much sensation, so much stimulation, but M/n’s body begged for more, even though this was his first time ever.
Billy’s lips touched M/n’s outer lips, his tongue inside his hole and lewd sounds were pulled from his pussy as Billy made out with his cunt. It was hot, it was sexy and M/n felt fucking good. It wasn’t rushed and he felt filled with love.
As soon as Billy was done, M/n was ready for Stu and he entered just as gently, with his right hand on M/n’s lower belly. He groaned as he bottomed out and felt his cock moving in M/n’s lower stomach. M/n whimpered and moved his hips, asking him to start to make love with him.
“I will mark you so nicely, love you so good, M/n~ You’ll never forget it~”, Stuart promised and then started moving.
Stu hit M/n’s G – spot with precision, he was gentle and slow, but his thrusts had purpose and meaning. This wasn’t rushed, nor was only lust speaking, but also love, care and a deeper understanding between these three. M/n was moaning while Stu groaned and praised M/n for being such a brave Lover to do this with them.
Billy was mostly busy with watching M/n’s reactions, in case he wanted it to stop. He was satisfied and just ran his fingers through their Lover’s hair and kissing him here and there, to let him know that Billy was still there and supported him.
It didn’t take long for M/n to be at his peak again with all the dirty talk from Stu and the doting from Billy. Billy’s kisses and his touches grounded M/n, while Stu was such a dirty mouth.
“Gonna cum so deep inside you, Baby~”
“Can’t feel you gushing around my cock like the eager boy you are~”
“You feel so good~”
“So tight~”
“So pliant~”
“Brave handsome Darling for taking my cock so well~”
“Can’t wait to fill you with my cum~”
Like, who wouldn’t get to their peak with all that filth ? Stu wasn’t far behind either, he flicked M/n’s clit a few times and he came screaming, cunt gushing around his cock. Stu moaned at the feeling of how M/n came on his cock and he knew he was at the edge. He grabbed M/n’s hips and then pulled him closer onto his rod, while he shoved inside as deep as he could.
M/n moaned a high pitched moan and bucked his hips to help Stu inside deeper, then he felt again warm liquid enter his pussy, Stu groaned and he gently rocked back and forth, fucking his cum deeper inside. Billy swallowed, finding it very erotic.
As Stu pulled out of M/n, after they were finished and both came down from their high, the two boys watched and waited for Stu’s cum to leak out. It was just a small trickle, which made Stu’s cock twitch again, knowing that his cum was in deep then.
Fuck...The two boys found that hot.
M/n looked at the two boys and they looked at him with immense love. He smiled at them. He felt truly loved and happy.
“Can we do another round ?”, Stu asked shyly.
Billy looked at Stu and then his dick, groaning in disappointment.
“You are still horny ?”, he asked.
“Don’t judge me ! So are you !”, Stu defended himself and pointed at Billy’s stiffened member.
They looked at each other and then at M/n. He swallowed, but opened his legs, encouraging them. Oh boy...this was gonna be a long night of love making for M/n, but he couldn’t ask for more. If Billy and Stu were always gonna be so sweet and caring with him, then who was he to deny ?
A/N: I think I fucked it up. Q-Q I should have left it at a cliffhanger. T-T
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sofasoap · 11 months
Little first meet
Pairing: Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x F!Reader
Summary: How a mohawk Scottish man meet his bonnie bear
Warning : M rating. use of alcohol. flirting. A/N: Three glasses of wine in, half asleep I just want to spew their awkward first meeting out.
Part 7 of Little Bear series Masterlist
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“Hello bonnie, are you new here?”
Glancing to the left, and to the right.  There’s no one else sitting beside you. Is he talking to you?? There must be some mistake. Surely this handsome stranger with a very exaggerated mohawk hair right in front of you isn’t trying to start a conversation with you. Or God forbid, trying to flirt with you????
“... You talking to me?” you asked in a weak voice. 
He chuckled as he flashes you a wide toothy smile, “Who else would it be? The most beautiful person in the whole pub.” gesturing to the stool beside you, “Mind if I take a seat?”
“Um, sure?”  You can feel the tip of your ears starting to burn. Fidgeting with the pint of beer in your hand, your mind started racing. Maybe he is just bored, or maybe he had a bet with his friend on how many people they can chat up with tonight in this pub.
This is the first time you left your hometown. First time in a brand new environment and you are a nervous wreck. 
You only moved to Credenhill a few weeks ago after getting a new job with a civilian company that has connections to the military that is stationed in the area. 
You have thought deep and hard before deciding to make that huge leap in your life, after seeing all your friends moving on with their life, achieving so much. And there you are, still living in your comfort zone. 
Tonight, you decided to check out the local pub that your new workmate had suggested with a good atmosphere and food. You had nothing better to do anyway on a Friday night.
“Maybe you will get lucky and some soldiers will hit on you!” They joke. “I had quite a bit of luck meeting some quite sexy soldiers. And I can assure you they have pretty good … stamina.” Winking and giggling away as you lower your head in embarrassment. 
Awkward silent bubble surrounded both of you as the bolstering noise of drunken pub goers around you continued.  You never had anyone hitting you before (He is flirting with you, right?)  What do you do in this situation? Who should start a conversation? Is it proper etiquette to look into their eyes or should you look away?
As your brain runs through all the possibilities and solutions, the mohawk man broke the silence and restart the conversation.
“So, I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you here for a visit or?? I don’t imagine anyone will be here for sightseeing purposes.” Taking a sip from his own beer, he asked. “And it doesn’t look like you are waiting for anyone to join you either.” 
Good observant skill, you noted. “Um.I just moved here. Few weeks ago.” Shyly taking a peek at him as you bring your glass up for a sip for a drink, you realise you have a set of steel blue eyes. Beautiful steel blue eyes, drawing you deeper into his soul. 
Great, now you are gawking on him. 
His eyes brighten up as soon as you mention you are a new resident here.
“Well I hope you are settling in well. I must apologise that this little village has nothing to offer apart from basic amenities and boring soldiers.” he chuckles. 
“ And you are one of them?” you blurted out as your eyes caught a glimpse of his dog chain in his half buttoned up shirt. You slapped your mouth as soon as the sentence left your mouth. 
“Sorry. Not meaning to be so rude..” Embarrassment and anxiety starts bubbling up. That is one thing you are not good with. Socialisation. It’s either you don’t know how to carry on a conversation or letting your mouth run without thinking. Way to make a good impression with people. You thought.
Mohawk stranger laughed. “ I am indeed one of them. One of the best at boring your brains out. .” he smirked, “Although I am not as boring as my team mate Ghost.” 
“Ghost?” “Not his real name. That’s his call sign. He usually bored us to death with his dad jokes. Or our Captain. Nagging non-top most times like a mother hen. Don’t get me started on Gaz. He is too stiff for his own good sometimes.” 
“They sound like very interesting people.” You let out a little laugh. 
“Depending how you look at it.” He smiled. Pausing slightly as he thought for a second, “If you like, I can introduce them to you. Next time.” He looked at you in earnest. 
“Next time?” Your eyebrows arched up. There’s next time?
“Only if you want, bonnie.” smiling softly, “You look like you need some friends.” Noticing you stiffening, he winced as he straightened his back slightly. “Sorry. I meant no offence with that. I just thought you might want to make new friends in this new place.” 
You fidget in your seat even more. Can you really trust this man that you only just met tonight? 
And what is that good old warning people kept saying to you, never get involved with military personnel. They will surely break your heart. 
Still noticing your hesitation and discomfort, he hastily added, “If it makes you feel more comfortable, my sister is visiting soon. I can bring her along too. She is the one who usually keeps us all in check. Also to keep my blabbering mouth shut as well.” 
“... I don’t even know your name.”
Mohawk man opened his mouth for a second and closed before he slapped himself in the forehead. 
“Where are my manners? Let’s start again.” holding his hands out,
“John MacTavish. But people either call me Johnny or Soap.”
You later find out Johnny isn’t usually the type to introduce his close knit group right from get go. 
“I fell hard for you that day, Bonnie bear. Something in my heart tells me I must approach that lonely bonnie that is sitting in the corner all by herself and woo her with all my might.”
“Well luckily you didn’t use any of your lame pick up lines..”
“Aww Bonnie bear. I am sure you will still fall for the charming me nevertheless.”
“Sure sure… “
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Taglist: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
@floral-force @okayyadriana @deadbranch @cumikering @siilvan
@random0lover @devcica @jynxmirage @nrdmssgs @glitterypirateduck @roosterr @brewed-pangolin @groguspicklejar
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the-alien-stage · 3 months
This round has left me speechless. I watched it twice, with subtitles on and one without and so now let's get straight into the analysis. My hands are still shaking.
To begin, the human experimentation isn't as touched on as we thought, however it DOES foreshadow what the fuck is gonna happen in Luka's round. That, at least, seems to be what they are building up to.
This melody they have eeriely resembles what Ivan had for his round, which makes this all the more tragic. The lyrics themselves, however, are a mix of the two boys. Both of them had love songs, but Till's portion is more rough around the edges with it like his song while Ivan is straight to the point.
While they don't focus on human experimentation, it does seem to look like there was an intermission phase where both of the boys were advertised. This shows a soft moment between the two as Till lays unconscious and Ivan huddles up to him and does a very awkward cuddle.
Now, getting to the part where we all kind of lost our shit. Ivan sees the scoreboard off screen, looks at his mic and the Till and throws it as he walks to Till and makes out with him. This isn't an exaggeration, as a kiss implies one but he does multiple.
Till at first doesn't realize what is happening, he is still very much traumatized and zoned out over what happened to Mizi. Even the aliens that are caring for him seem to be hanging it over him. Whether they know his feelings for her or are just doing it because he is another contestant, who knows.
However, once he gets a handle on things, he pushes Ivan away who comes right back. This is when Ivan "chokes" Till and this, I took note of. Ivan does a specific hold, a safe-choke hold, when choking somebody that isn't actually choking the person. He purposely does this to protect Till and to fool the audience. This is when he begins to get shot at, the entire time his eyes are on Till.
I think it's also important to mention that they are wearing black and white, complete contrasts. However, it mimics Sua and Mizi who had the same fate. Sua and Ivan even had an interaction before all of this at Anakt Garden where Ivan made fun of her wanting to sacrifice herself for Mizi, and yet he shows himself to be a hypocrite as he smiles at Till before closing his eyes one last time.
Till has advanced to the next round to go against Luka and quite frankly, I'm terrified on how it's going to end. Mizi is a peace keeper but Luka was able to push her to violence. Till also has a personal vendetta against the blond for pushing Mizi. This won't end well.
Finally, for those that didn't watch till the end (HA), Dewey and Isaac are freaking out as their walkie-talkie system seems to be going off because Hyuna got injured. Mizi is fretting over her as she tries to stop the blood flow but it does seem that they have gotten caught.
Theory wise, I'm going to think that Hyuna is going to make Mizi a. Run or b. Hide to protect her as she gets taken away, and that's going to get her into Round 7.
Okay bye, I haven't emotionally recovered from Round 6 sorry pookies
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mistywaves98 · 2 years
HIHIHI IDK IF YOU REMEMBER ME BUT YOUR ALBEDO THEME IS SO !!!! ME TOO EEE <333 that being said !! can i ask for mean dom!albedo w aphrodisiacs on like an assistant reader maybe,,, TYTY I LOVE UR WRITING
OMG PEARLL IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU OFC I REMEMBER YOUU!!! And thanks, when I made the theme I was so proud of it lmao and forgive me for taking soo long with this request😭😭
Mean! Dom! Albedo x Assistant! Fem! Reader
¡Warnings!: Aphrodisiacs, Sub! Reader, Dubcon/Noncon, Dumbification, Chocking, Degradation, Albedo calls you princess, Thigh Riding, Reader cums easily, Implied Virgin! Reader, I feel like I missed something!
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It was an honor to be the personal assistant of the best alchemist in Mondstadt. You were proud of your position and always did your best to hold up your image, even if you did slip up every now and then.
You were always with him wherever he went, sometimes it was by choice and other times he demanded your presence. Whenever the latter happened it would leave you confused but proud that he wants you around.
Now just happened to be one of those times and this time you were in Dragonspine once again.
You were supposed to just 'relax' but now you were growing quite impatient since you had nothing to do and whenever you asked Albedo if there was anything you could assist with, he sent you to do something boring, like dusting the shelves or rearranging the books. You wanted to be assigned to something exciting, maybe collecting some slime secretions, or helping him mix up a new chemical, or....oh! Perhaps even something related to the cryo hypostasis!
As much as you didn't want to be a nuisance, you felt your brain cells deteriorating the more you stood around doing nothing, even observing the alchemist paint the wonderful scenery of the mountains outside had lost it's entertainment. So once more you tried to get Albedo to let you do more than sit around,"Sir, are you sure there's nothing else that needs to be done? No experiments needed to be conducted, no hypotheses to test?" You tried dropping some hints that would tell him to let you actually go out of the confinements of his laboratory but Albedo only sighed.
He personally thought it was nice to watch you when you weren't looking. So beautiful.... like a dainty little doll.... !!
Oops, he must've zoned out for a bit. Shaking his head slightly, he pondered your question. You had been bugging him non stop since you got here, but he couldn't really blame you. You were always an energetic one, always looking for something to do, or more specifically, something that'll please him. So just existing in his lab probably wasn't the best thing for you, besides, there is something he did want to try....
"Well, if you want to do something that badly, there is one thing I have in mind...." "Oh? What is it? Can I help you with it? What do you need me to do? Should I go—" "It's rather, dangerous, are you sure about this?" "The more dangerous, the better!" "Wait right here."
He put down his brushes and paint and left the room. When he came back he was holding something in his hand, a little vial containing a curiously pink liquid. Upon closer inspection you saw that it was filled with carbonated bubbles fizzing around. "I want you to drink this." "What is it?" "....I can't tell you." "..."
That was an odd response. Albedo never kept secrets from you before and it made you rather uneasy about what you were going to put in your body. But you trust him, he would never poison you, not on purpose anyway. So you just took his word for it and drank the liquid in one gulp.
It tasted very sweet, like a dozen sweet flowers had been mixed in, the texture was nice too, the way the liquid ran down your oesophagus felt satisfying. "So...I drank it. What now?" "We wait."
Albedo watched your face contort in confusion and held back a smile. Oh you were so soo clueless.
You stood there for a while, feeling kind of awkward as Albedo's eyes bore into the side of your head. You were thinking of something to say that would break the tension, not really paying any mind to the heat building up between your legs.
You may not have noticed the way your thighs were rubbing together, or the way you started tugging at your shirt collar, or the way your breathing became heavy and deep but Albedo saw it all. You couldn't hide anything from him. This was no exception.
Walking up to you he asked,"Are you feeling any different now?" "Uh... n-not really....just a bit h-hot–"
You find it hard to form a proper sentence without stuttering and jumbling up your words. The fact Albedo's standing right in front of you doesn't help either. You can't help but stare, goodness. Has he always been this attractive? The way he's looking at you...you can feel your underwear getting wetter.
"Hmm... are you sure? It seems you have a little issue down here." His hand cups your heat, making you gasp and immediately try to close your legs which he forces apart with his other hand. "I—" You cut yourself off as a surprised moan leaves your mouth when Albedo presses two fingers deeper against your clothes cunt and begins dragging them back and forth.
"S-sir, what are you—haah!— doing?" "Why helping you of course, unless, you don't want it?" You whine as he removes his hand from between your legs. You were so close! Oh, why did he stop?
"That's not what I meant! I— uh..." Your already red face burned even more as you struggled to find a way to tell Albedo that you actually want him to fuck you. Your boss simply sat down on a nearby chair and, patting his lap, he said,"Well, if you want to cum, you have to work for it princess. Ride my thigh and make a good show out of it. If you succeed, I will reward you with release, don't and you will face the consequences." A mean, smile was plastered across his face as he spoke, after all, what other option did you have?
You walk over and as you straddle his thigh, you avoid his burning gaze. However, Albedo doesn't like that and reaching up a hand to grab your face he pulls it close so you are forced to make eye contact with him. "Don't just sit there, if you want me to touch you, start moving." Letting your face go, he leans back in the chair with his hands crossed against his chest, smirking at you.
You're brought out of your dazed state as your pussy needing throbs. Hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulders, you use the leverage to move yourself. Suddenly you flinch and gasp at the feeling of your clothed clit dragging against the rough fabric of his pants.
A few more weak attempts to get yourself off has you in tears, it's humiliating and you hardly have any clue to what you're doing. You look at Albedo, silently begging him for help, but he just returns it with a cruel smile. It takes a moment for you to realize what he (probably) wants and although you don't really want to, you're so desperate right now you don't really care.
"Please...." "Hm?" "Please help me! Please help me cum, sir!" "Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll help you, but you better not complain when I give you what you want." You don't understand what he could possibly mean by that, but you don't have much time to think about it when Albedo grabs your hips, pushes you down and grinds you against his thigh. It's too fast and hard for you but nothing you say makes him slow or soften his pace. It's barely a minute before you feel the knot in your stomach burst. You collapse into his neck, tears streaming down your face, soaking his coat but suddenly you feel him yank you up by your throat. "Did you cum just by rubbing yourself against my thigh? Fully clothed no less, such a sensitive little whore aren't you? But I'm afraid you haven't satisfied me, so I think a punishment is due, don't you?"
Without warning, he suddenly squeezes your throat, stopping any air from making its way to your lungs. Your hands immediately try grasp his arm, but Albedo manages to catch them, leaving you to slowly asphyxiate. Fortunately, he let's go after a while, chuckling at the way you choke and sputter. "You have any idea how adorable it is to see you struggle," he sighs,"I've wanted this for so long and finally, I have you at my mercy. Now, for your punishment."
Cold air brushes your cunt as your cum-soaked pants and panties are ripped off. As soon as they're off, your juices gush out, messing his thigh up even more. You shut your eyes in embarrassment, not daring to meet his gaze, "Look at that. Who would've thought someone like you would cum so much untouched? You must like this more than you'd ever admit, no?" "No, I—" "Don't lie to me." "But—" Your sentence is cut short by a hard slap. "I don't want to hear any excuses. In fact, maybe it's better if you just shut up." You make a gagging noise as two fingers are shoved so far into your mouth, they hit the back of your throat. That was so hot, Albedo thinks, imagine if that was his cock.
Bringing his attention back to your pussy, he rubs his free hand against it, making you squirm as he collects your arousal and cum on his fingers. So wet, surely it would be enough for you to take his cock. Unbuckling his belt, he takes it out. Your eyes widen in slight fear, how were you going to take that inside of you?
Albedo laughs at the anxious look on your face, what are you worried about? Of course it's going to fit and if it doesn't, he'll make it fit.
Taking his hand out of your mouth, he lifts you up by your thighs and positions your entrance over the leaky tip of his cock. He then slams you down, giving you no time to adjust, a twisted, sadistic look is on his face as you scream and begin to cry once more. After giving you a few seconds, he lifts you up and impales you on his cock over and over again. It's fast, hard and painful, each thrust causing you to let out something that sounded like a mixture of a cry and a moan.
You beg him to stop, but in the back of your mind you think, do you really want him to? Yes it hurts, you are a virgin after all, but it also feels really good at the same time, in fact, it nearly feels too good. You didn't really have much time to recover from your first orgasm and now you feel another one coming. You're unsure if to say anything, but the uncertainty is short lived when fresh tears fall from your eyes as you cream around his cock.
"Came again? Ahh... and I've barely felt even close the cumming." "P-please sir, n-no more..." "Sorry princess, but like I said, you've failed to satisfy me, now you must accept your punishment."
You were exhausted and looked like a mess. Hair disheveled and sticking to your sweaty skin and clothes stained with cum while Albedo on the other hand, seemed perfectly normal aside from his dilated pupils, red tint across his face and small beads of perspiration rolling down his forehead.
Suddenly, you feel your stomach make contact with the cold Marble of the table as Albedo effortlessly puts you on it and turns you over. "I think this would be a more efficient position."
Before you know it, his cock is drilling into you once more. His pace is as fast as ever and you find your self grabbing at the tables edge while you moan in ecstasy. It's uncontrollable, the way a third orgasm washes over you at his continuous pounding.
It goes on like that for a while. You've cum about eight times before Albedo cums once. When he does, he cums inside you and you squirm at the foreign feeling. When he pulls out he can't help but feel mesmerized by the way his thick seed trickles out of your abused hole, running down your trembling thighs and falling into the puddle of cum from all your previous orgasms.
"You did so well for me princess, now wait here while I go get something to clean ourselves up." He sounds so unbothered, how much stamina does he have? While you lay there, brain reduced to mush and unable the form a coherent sentence or think of anything but the feeling of his cock in your walls. If there's one good thing about this whole situation, it's the fact that the uncomfortable fire in your stomach and nether regions is gone now :)
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hotpinkboots · 4 months
Hiiii So I'm super Excited that I found you're blog!!! Because I LOVE Bellatrix So much😍 I was hope maybe could you do a TeenFemReader × Aunt Bella One shot where Bella is just having a bad or a Nightmare or maybe on her Priod (Your choose) And R gose and Comforts her and thay just cuddled in bed and Bella is just all soft and Loving and maybe thay Watch Kitchen Nightmere or Hotel Hell (I feel like Bella would like that) or even Bluey! I just think there isn't enough Soft Bella × Reader Fics❤ Thank you so much! Also I hope this is Enough to go off of😅🤗
~Aunt!𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖝 𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 x Teen!Fem!Reader~
(Platonic fluff oneshot, comforting Bellatrix on her period)
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She's so excited for menopause here LMAO let's be honest we're all looking forward to that
Note(s): Bella's a bit OOC to make this more fluffy (she willingly indulges in muggle entertainment and reluctantly agrees to take ibuprofen), this is set in modern times (2024), I watch Hotel Hell, Hell's Kitchen, and Kitchen Nightmares every day and she would 100% love it but I thought Bluey would make it more wholesome
How long it took to write: 4 hrs
𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖝 would look absolutely furious if she weren't so exhausted. Everything in her body hurt, so much to where it would tire her just to pull one of her maddened expressions. So, she settled for only looking grumpy and uncomfortable. She had gone the entire time in Azkaban without any sort of pain relief for her periods; she'd feel weak if she suddenly decided to use any sort of of reliever for the cramps and back aches.
She played stubborn, lying in bed miserably, unable to decide if she wanted somebody to come along and pamper her, or if she wanted to be left alone. The decision was made for her when a voice called at her from the doorframe.
"Aunt Bella?" You asked hesitantly, eyeing how still she was. Bellatrix quickly looked over at you with a tired smile growing on her lips, and dark chocolate eyes that brightened upon your arrival.
"Hello! Hi, sweetie, come here!" She waved you into the room, sitting up as best she could by propping herself up with pillows for support. Bellatrix pat the bed, offering you to sit beside her. Usually, she would've hugged you, but this was unfortunately out of her physical comfort zone at the moment. She made up for the lack of hugs by nudging you closer to kiss your cheek a few times, each kiss marked with a "mwah!" for the sole purpose of your amusement.
You smiled widely, pulling away from the swarm of kisses with a delighted squeal, only to be pulled back for one more smooch. Bellatrix turned her head and tapped her own cheek with her nail. "Give Auntie a kiss," she teased. Bellatrix very much enjoyed playing the overbearing Aunt that smothered you with her affection. She was very proud to call you her niece. You leaned in and returned the kisses by pressing a few to her pale cheek, in return earning a sweet, "Thank you, lovey!" from the witch.
Bellatrix then attempted, yet again, to settle down comfortably- which, unsurprisingly, she could not. For any which way she sat, she could not find a position that her aching body was content with, and every position somehow seemed to be more uncomfortable than the last. You could only observe as your Aunt struggled, watching her eyebrows furrow and her mouth turn into a thin-lipped grimace.
"Do you need anything?" You asked in concern, to which Bellatrix waved dismissively and shook her head. "No, no, just lay here with me. I could use some company, I hate sitting still for this long-" She broke off when you reached over to the nightstand and picked up your purse. "What is that?" Bellatrix mumbled, eyebrows furrowed as you turned it on and unlocked the device. Her eyes widened when the screen lit up. She gasped. "Is that some sort of muggle technology? (Y/N)! Get rid of it this instant!"
Your eyes flicked to Bellatrix. If she were a cat, her fur would be bristling. She looked confused and upset, staring at your phone as though she was on the verge of breaking it in half. You chuckled under your breath and shook your head, swiping and clicking the Disney+ app. "Wait, wait, just watch!" You defended quickly. Bellatrix grumbled something incoherent, and it sounded resentful and annoyed. Still, she decided to humor you, as you were her niece, and if you wanted to show her something, she wanted to see it.
You scooted closer to your Aunt, while she gave a delighted hum in response and rested her cheek upon your shoulder. You held the phone up and clicked on an episode to watch. While it loaded, Bellatrix stared at it judgmentally. "Is something supposed to-" She began impatiently, though she was interrupted by the theme song, which caused her to flinch in surprise.
"Oh, no, it's for children!" Complained Bellatrix in dread. She wanted to fire questions at you to understand what she was witnessing, but she didn't want to tear down something you liked. So, the witch sat quietly and watched in confusion, even if she found the show to be annoying. A few minutes in, Bellatrix was watching more intently. She occasionally smiled at the antics and jokes in the show. Moments later, she gave a little gasp when Bingo trotted into the frame. Bellatrix pointed to her. "Oh, how adorable! I like that one. It reminds me of you!"
You laughed and asked why. Your Aunt glanced up at you sweetly. "I don't know! It's cute, and so are you." She lifted her hand to run the pad of her index finger down your nose bridge playfully, before turning her head to look at the screen again. You beamed happily at the gesture.
While her cramps and aches were still raging, this was a nice distraction. However, her breathing was still heavy and deep, and her hand still rested on her lower belly in an attempt to self-soothe the pain. Once again, you reached over to grab something off the nightstand. A bottle of ibuprofen, this time. "What are you doing now?" asked your fluffy-haired Aunt. "I don't remember having that."
"It's ibuprofen, it'll make the cramps go away," you reassured her, tilting the bottle and tapping the side of it until two tablets dropped into the palm of your hand. Yet again, Bellatrix decided to whine and refuse, accusing the pain reliever of being poisonous or something of the sort. You decided to prove her wrong by taking a dose for yourself, to rid the dull headache that had been bothering you since that morning. "No, no, what if- (Y/N)!" Bellatrix snapped, snatching the bottle away from you and scolding you. "You don't know what's in it, sweetheart, you can't just take something like that!"
"It's fine!" You stressed, encouraging her by holding her water glass and the two tablets of ibuprofen out to her. Bellatrix huffed. She glared at the medicine like she hated it. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" You coaxed it towards her again. She stared at the pills through narrowed eyes, hesitantly popping them in her mouth, and washing them down with water. "...If those do anything to me, I'll have your wand, girl." Of course, she didn't mean that, for she really didn't believe you'd give her anything that could hurt her, let alone take it yourself. So, she relaxed against the headboard and continued to watch Bluey with you, worry eating at the back of her mind over the fact she had just taken some muggle pill without doing any sort of research on it.
Eventually, after awhile of laying there and watching the show with you, she felt herself perk up, and was finally convinced that the ibuprofen hadn't done anything awful to her. She thanked you with more kisses. "I think whatever you gave me worked, I feel better. Thank you, sweetheart!"
You and Bellatrix continued to lay in bed together and watch Bluey. She would've told you to go get some sleep, but what was the harm in you staying up late for once? Narcissa would most certainly scold the two of you tomorrow, and Bellatrix was already thinking of an excuse to give her sister. Perhaps something to get on her nerves a bit, such as, "She simply adores me! It's not my fault that I'm such a great Aunt."
Request Guidelines!
~Love, PinkBoots
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otomefiend · 9 months
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Alfons Sylvatica
Collection Event: I want to know every inch of you
A very quick translation, so please forgive any errors/awkwardness. Here's to hoping Kate will manage to fluster this guy one day. Cause it ain't today.
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Alfons: "Physical examination...?"
Kate: "Regular checks are performed as part of the Crown's healthcare system. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated."
When Victor asked me to collect everyone's details, I called Alfons to the infirmary.
Alfons: "If that's the case, then go ahead. Do as much research as you like."
Kate: "There are some red marks on your neck and chest that..."
Alfons: "Hmm... those could be scratches from a cat or a dog."
(... if he says so. I shouldn't pursue the matter further)
Alfons: "I get marked easily. Would you like to test it yourself?"
Alfons ran his hand over his skin invitingly.
Crimson flowers blooming on his pale skin drew my gaze. The sight unsettled me and made me avert my eyes.
Kate: "No need to concern yourself with me!"
Alfons: "Oh, I see. That's a shame..."
(All right, now that I've learned all I needed to know)
Kate: "The assessment is over. Thank you for your cooperation."
Alfons: "Please wait. It looks like some fields are still empty?"
His finger tapped the corner of the record sheet I was holding.
(Huh...? I thought I filled it all in)
Indeed, the last item was still left blank. What was there ---
Kate: "The most important entry... 'erogenous zones'!?"
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Alfons: "My my, this seems like an interesting section, don't you agree?"
Kate: "It must be a mistake! I'll go ask Victor!"
Alfons: "Why don't you just measure it according to the instructions?"
Alfons: "If it's a mistake, you can erase it later."
Alfons: "Lord Victor is busy, that's why he left this task to you, am I right?"
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Alfons: "I don't think it's worth wasting time confirming this..."
(Ugh... he's probably right)
Kate: "T-then... could you shed some light? On your erogenous zones that is..."
Alfons: "Now then, you want to know where they are?"
Kate: "Yes?"
Alfons: "Thinking about it, it's hard to pinpoint the exact location..."
Kate: "... every day you return at dawn and yet you don't know?"
Alfons: "Uh-huh, haven't got a clue. Can you help me find out, Kate?"
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Alfons: "Touch my body... Try to find a place that makes me feel good."
(I really should refuse...)
(...but he's right, I need to complete the records properly)
After pondering on it for a moment, a wicked idea came to mind.
(... this could be a perfect opportunity to expose Alfons' weaknesses)
Up until now, I had always been at his mercy.
But if I had succeeded, this was going to provide a perfect opportunity for a payback.
Kate: "...... fine, I'll do it. It's part of my task after all. Please, sit on the chair."
He sat in silence as I reached towards his body.
Observing his reactions, my fingertips slowly traced his chest, then stomach and finally his waist.
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Alfons: "Haa... haa... ah, this is good. Keep it up..."
(Such exaggerated noises... it's definitely an act)
(How can I find his erogenous zones...)
Kate: "Does it really feel good?"
Alfons: "Yes, of course. Your clumsy attempt is quite entertaining..."
Alfons: "Besides, it's enlightening to observe the way you touch me."
Kate: "Enlightening...?"
Alfons: "All of the areas you're touching in your search... might be the very spots you find pleasurable yourself."
Kate: "Ugh...... absolutely not. My... this has nothing to do with me!"
Alfons: "Oh, are you going to stop? If it doesn't matter, I don't see a problem with continuing..."
Kate: "I think I've done enough research already!"
Alfons: "There are places you haven't explored yet. For example... inside my mouth."
Kate: "Inside your mouth..."
My gaze lingered on his thin lips.
Alfons: "Stir it with your tongue, taste it, suck it... check if it feels good."
Kate: "Yeah, yeah, how typical."
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Alfons: "Well, without it, the form will be incomplete."
Kate: "Ugh."
Alfons: "... this is only for research purposes, right? It's your job to investigate after all."
Kate: "Fine..."
It felt wrong. It set off my alarm bells since I knew those were devil's whispers ---.
Alfons: "... As expected, you're an excellent fairytale expert."
How was it possible that one piece of praise could bring me so much joy?
Kate: "Nn...."
I carefully placed my hand on Alfons' shoulder and pressed my lips to his.
Then I wrapped my tongue around his and tried my best to stimulate him.
(It's a decent try, but... does it really make him feel good?)
Preoccupied with kissing him, I had no chance to pay attention to how Alfons was doing.
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Alfons: ".... You're such a pitiful girl."
I heard him mutter in a gentle tone of voice ---.
Kate: "Huh!? Mnn...."
This time, it was Alfons' tongue that entered my mouth.
My head was spinning from kisses so intense that my earlier ones seemed like child's play in comparison.
(This is ridiculous...)
(I was supposed to look for Alfons' erogenous zones, and yet it was me getting lost in pleasure...)
When our lips finally separated, I was the one who was exhausted and breathing heavily on his shoulder.
Alfons: "....many thanks for your efforts in the investigation. You've been very helpful."
Kate: "You're wel...."
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Alfons: "After all... that debauched face of yours might be what excites me the most."
Alfons: "... well, please write in your report that my whole body is an erogenous zone."
Alfons: "If there's a need to write anything to begin with..."
Hearing his strange remark, I quickly looked at the form... and noticed that the last section was nowhere to be found.
(No way, Alfons' ability to change perception...!?)
When I looked up to give him a piece of my mind, he was already gone.
Alfons: "Heh,... you troubled thing, so serious and so completely fooled."
132 notes · View notes
kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Obeying Temptation
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Summary: She’s not a good Christian girl by any stretch, but he might still have some fun corrupting her.
Pairing: Alpha!Demon!Dean x Omega!female!reader
Word Count: 8481
Warnings: soooo much blasphemy, religious themes, smut (incl. fingering, full penetrative sex and oral sex), A/B/O (incl. scenting, knotting, marking, mentions of bodily fluids), angst, drama, demonic possession, mentions of breeding kink, dirty talk, derogatory names, hands on throats, biting, bruising, abandonment, slight dubcon and implied murder of religious clergymen, ambiguous ending
Ao3 Link
Author Note: Happy New Year everyone, enjoy some blasphemy before 2023 kicks in 😈
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Church had always felt like a chore. In truth, it was more her mom’s thing than Y/N’s, but she obeyed the rules of her mother’s house, since she was stuck living there until she could find a job that paid better than minimum wage. Every Sunday, she put on one of the hideous Sears dresses her Aunt Margaret sent every birthday and followed her mother to church. Her mom didn’t make her sit at the front with the rest of the gossipy old ladies that liked to speculate on the love lives of the other attendees, at least.
It was hard not to zone out when Father Taggart droned on about the importance of community and keeping Jesus in your heart, and if she could have gotten away with it, she would have played on her phone until the service was done. She’d never understood the purpose of “God’s House”, preferring to believe His house was everywhere, seeing as he was supposed to be ubiquitous. 
Today’s sermon was more of the same. Y/N sat away from most of the other parishioners, listening as the greying vicar rambled through Matthew 22-something, her attention wandering around the stone archways of the old building. As her eyes drifted, she noticed someone in the darkness to the left near the confessionals, a good few meters away from the pews.
He stepped forward, white collar catching her gaze first. Another priest? she wondered, and his eyes met hers. A smile tugged at his lips but it was nothing like the smile she would expect to see on a vicar’s face. This smile was calculating, cunning… predatory. Despite the distance between them, she could tell he was an Alpha, unusual for a man of the cloth; she wished she could see him more clearly but he was almost entirely bathed in shadows.
“And now, I would like to invite a new voice to speak,” Father Taggart announced, and Y/N dragged her eyes from the shadowy priest to the front again, though she could feel him watching her still. “May I introduce Father Crowley, who will be standing in for Father Grayson now he has retired.”
She remembered Father Grayson, though she’d only met him a few times when she’d picked her mom up from her Wednesday night prayer group. He was at least a hundred years old, she was sure of it, bent double and hair as white as snow. Maybe he should have retired a few years earlier.
The man who stepped up with a polite nod at Father Taggart was in his late forties, or maybe early fifties - she was never very good at judging age. He had dark hair and a slightly unkempt beard, but she supposed he was attractive. For a priest.
“Thank you, Father Taggart,” the newcomer crooned, his British accent making a few of the older ladies whisper among themselves. “It is a pleasure to be speaking to you all today. As he explained, myself and Father Winchester will be standing in for Father Grayson until a suitable permanent replacement can be found.” He smiled, looking out upon his audience. “I’m sure we will feel right at home in your wonderful parish.”
Y/N glanced back to the shadows, wondering if the mysterious Alpha was Father Winchester, but he was gone. She shuddered, feeling a chill in the air as Father Taggart gave Father Crowley a further welcome, then called everyone to stand for the last hymn.
Hymns had always been the part of church she enjoyed. Singing in general was a hobby, one to be practised away from anyone who would hear her, so hymns offered her a way to sing without being singled out in a crowd. The church organ player situated herself, then began to play as Father Taggart instructed the mass to turn to Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.
The mysterious priest didn’t appear again.
It always took forever to get her mom in the car after services, usually because she was still chatting with her friends. Y/N hung around the grassy front, toying with her keys as she waited, listening to her mom pass comment on the “hot new priest”.
“You know he’s still twenty years younger than you, right?” she called out, making her mom glare in her direction.
Agnes, her mom’s best friend, prodded her. “Did you see that other one?”
“No?” Her mom frowned, glancing over at her daughter. “There was another one?”
“Mmhmm,” Agnes nodded. “Younger. Very handsome. Maybe Y/N…”
“Oh, god, Agnes, please,” Y/N interjected, holding a hand up to stop the older woman. “I’m not interested in any guys, priests or not. Besides, I thought they’re supposed to be celibate?”
Agnes and her mom chuckled. “That’s a common misconception,” her mom advised, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Trust me.”
“I don’t wanna know,” she mumbled, scrunching up her face in disgust.
“Oh come now, dear,” Agnes chided softly, “you can’t expect to live at home forever. We all have a body clock, you know, Omegas most of all.”
It was difficult not to roll her eyes at the outdated opinion, so she decided not to engage in yet another discussion about how Omegas weren’t just breeding sows. Jingling the keys, she turned her attention to her mother, giving her a tight smile. “Can we get going, Mom? I wanna enjoy the rest of my weekend.”
Her mom rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Agnes.”
“Take care, Judith. Goodbye, Y/N!”
“Bye,” Y/N muttered, already marching towards the car. Judith followed at a leisurely pace, ignoring the impatience of her daughter as she climbed into the passenger seat. Turning the key in the engine, Y/N glanced back to check the rear of the vehicle, making sure she didn’t hit the black classic parked behind her.
“Agnes is only worried, you know,” her mom started.
“Mom -”
“I know, I know, none of my business. But I would like to see a grandchild…”
Y/N gritted her teeth. “Mom.”
Judith went quiet, clamping her mouth shut with a grin. Y/N pulled the car out of the spot and sped off, hoping that her stern tone was enough to put the subject to bed. They were silent the whole way home, and when they got inside, Y/N retreated to her room to lose herself in something distracting.
By Monday morning, she’d forgotten most of the encounter, and began her week at work with a smile. Her job kept her busy, and though she hated the majority of her duties, she liked that it occupied her mind and she never had to take it home with her.
Sunday rolled around with a storm, the second of the week. The weather had been all kinds of crazy since summer had hit, and when she arrived at church with her mother, they had to run in to avoid getting drenched. Judith toddled off to her usual spot, and Y/N, once again, found sanctuary at the back. It was emptier than usual, likely due to the rain, and she could hear it on the church roof above the crowd.
Father Crowley stood at the front, waiting for everyone to get settled, and when Y/N looked around, she couldn’t see Father Taggart. Her mom was sitting with Agnes, both of them whispering to each other, and they fell silent when Father Crowley called for quiet.
“I have some grave news to give you all today,” he began, and several parishioners sat up straighter. “Father Taggart has been taken ill, so he will not be conducting service today. I would like to ask you all to hold him in your prayers, and hope for a full recovery.”
Y/N tensed, a new scent tickling her nose. The pew she was sitting on was empty save for her, and she looked to either side, searching for the source of the smell. It was thick and rich, invading her senses, inexplicably Alpha.
Movement from the darkness at the left of the church caught her eye. She focused, seeing him standing in the shadows by the door that led out to the graveyard, and for a second, she could have sworn his eyes were black. Her hands shook as she clutched the church-copy of the bible, unable to take her eyes off of him.
Father Crowley was speaking again, delivering a sermon every inch as boring as Father Taggart’s, and Y/N wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention. She stared at the mysterious priest in the shadows, feeling her heart rate speed up, and a light sweat broke out on her forehead. Her lips parted as she panted lightly, suddenly aware of what was happening.
She needed air.
Getting to her feet, she tried not to stumble, being as quiet as possible as she headed for the main entrance. No one seemed to pay her much attention, most of them listening to Father Crowley, so she escaped unnoticed, closing the door behind her.
It was still raining. The only thing that protected her was the awning over the doorway. She didn’t care, gulping down fresh air as she tried to control herself. “It’s too early,” she muttered, shaking her head.
The door opened behind her. “Is everything okay, sweetheart?” It was her mom, and Y/N turned, nodding.
“It’s fine, Mom, I’ll just go wait in the car.”
Judith didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure?” she whispered. “It’s Sunday, it might be a while.”
“Can I help you, ladies?”
The low rough voice made them both turn, and Y/N almost yelped at the sight of the mysterious priest. In the dull light of the storm, she could see every detail of his handsome features, and her mouth went dry as she drank in all six feet of him. “My daughter isn’t feeling well,” Judith explained before she could stop her.
“I’m fine, Mom,” Y/N insisted. “I can wait in the car.”
“If you’re feeling unwell, you can sit in the rectory until service is finished,” the priest offered.
Judith smiled, pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh, Father Winchester, that would put my mind at ease.” She glanced at her daughter. “I don’t think you’ve met yet. Y/N, this is -”
“Father Winchester,” Y/N whispered, staring at him. “I’d really be okay in my car.”
Her mom frowned then, reaching out to take her hand. “Please, Y/N, I’d be happier if you weren’t alone out here.”
She wanted to scream. Father Winchester was an Alpha, though her Beta mother wouldn’t scent it. He smiled at her, and she felt a thread of fear knot in her stomach. “It’s only next door,” he said smoothly, gesturing to the covered walkway that ran around the side of the old building. “Your mother can come and find you when she’s done.”
Her mother’s pleading gaze made her heart drop. She nodded reluctantly, and Judith beamed, clasping her hands over Y/N’s, tilting her head as she gazed at the priest gratefully.
“Thank you so much, Father,” she gushed, patting her daughter’s hand before scurrying back inside.
Father Winchester held out an arm, gesturing to the footpath. “It’s this way.” He stepped off, and Y/N followed. His scent filled her mouth and nose, making her stomach churn, and she couldn’t help staring at his muscular frame from behind him.
The rectory was a neat little house behind the church and the graveyard, far enough away from the other buildings that it was eerily silent. It was still raining, less enthusiastically than it had been before, but enough for her to feel her clothes getting wet as she followed the priest across the back of the graveyard. He paused after he’d opened the front door, holding it for her to slip past, and she felt a chill as she did. The door closed behind him, turning to face her as she hovered in the hallway.
“Would you like some tea?” he asked politely. It felt forced, and his intense stare made her insides quiver.
“Uh, sure.”
He smiled - the same predatory look he’d given her before. “The kitchen is through here.” Leading with his hand, he didn’t wait for her to follow, though she did, letting her gaze travel over the aged wallpaper and the few old pictures hanging on the walls. Most of them were religious or with the church itself as a subject, and for a moment, she wondered if Father Taggart was home, seeing as he was ill.
“How is Father Taggart?” she asked curiously. “Father Crowley said he was taken ill.”
Father Winchester barely spared her a glance as he filled the kettle with water, placing it on the stove top. “I’m sure he’ll be fine,” he muttered, his tone indicating a lack of regard for the man in question.
“Where is he?” she pushed, hoping that she wasn’t alone in the house with such an odd man.
He turned his head, grinning at her. “He left this morning. Staying with relatives in Florida. Warmer air.”
It sounded like he was mocking her, but she couldn’t see what the point would be, so she shrugged and let it go, looking around the kitchen for somewhere to sit. There was definitely space for a dining table and chairs in there but the space they could have occupied was empty.
“How are you feeling now?” the Father asked.
His question caught her off-guard. “Uh, okay, I guess,” she stammered, hugging herself for some small measure of comfort. “Probably allergies.” She was lying through her teeth; the gentle ache beginning in her belly told her exactly what was happening.
He hummed like he didn’t quite believe her. “Are you sure?” he pressed, turning to face her. “Lying is a sin, Y/N.”
Her eyes widened, and she shook her head hurriedly, fighting the urge to back up and show his intimidation of her. She dropped her hands to her sides, trying to appear casual. “Well, I mean, storms kick up all sorts of allergens,” she managed, shrugging.
Father Winchester sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. “You know, I gave you the chance there,” he scolded softly. “But I can see you’re going to be difficult about it.”
A lump formed in her throat. “About what?” she rasped, feigning innocence.
“I can smell you.”
The statement made her freeze, and she met his eyes like a frightened rabbit. He was facing her now, stalking her almost, and even though he was scaring the crap out of her, a tiny part of her was sending a thrill down her spine. His eyes shone as he stepped closer, and her knees trembled.
“Been able to smell you since you got out of your car,” he continued, coming closer still. “Sweet. Ripe. Just begging to be plucked.”
“Father Winchester, I -”
He scoffed, silencing her. “It’s Dean.”
She frowned at the odd correction, never knowing a priest to be so informal. But then, she’d never known one to be this inappropriate toward her. “This is wrong,” she whispered, finally backing away from him, only to find cupboards at her back two steps later. He was so close now, close enough to grab her, close enough that he was blocking any escape.
A smirk curled his lips, making him even more devastatingly handsome. “Then why can I smell how wet you are, sweetheart?”
Y/N whimpered, pressing herself into the cupboard door. “You shouldn’t be acting like this,” she denied. “You’re a priest, a man of the cloth -”
He was suddenly up against her, and she sucked in a breath, words fading as his scent overwhelmed her. “I’m an Alpha,” he murmured, reaching up to cup her face with one huge hand. “You’re an Omega. I know you feel it, I know you want it.”
She shook her head, her only struggle against his hold. He chuckled, leaning in like he was going to kiss her and she knew she should have resisted but she didn’t. His face got closer and right as he was about to brush his lips over hers, he went left, pressing his cheek to hers instead. The hand at her jaw tugged at her jacket, pulling it down until her bare shoulder and throat were exposed.
“I wouldn’t force myself on you, Y/N,” he crooned, mouth right against the shell of her ear. “It’s so much more satisfying to watch you try to fight it.” He chuckled, running the tips of his fingers up over her bare arm. “And you’re going to beg for my knot before long.” His fingers slid over her shoulder and up to her throat, stroking over the spot where an Alpha would lay his claim.
A shudder ran up her spine, and she could feel wetness in her panties. No doubt he could smell it, how aroused she was just from a few moments in his presence. “I don’t -” Her mouth was so dry, she couldn’t speak. Working some saliva up, she managed a tiny whine, and Dean pulled back to look her in the eye.
“Try again,” he ordered softly.
“I don’t think th-this is appropriate,” she stammered, too aware of the hand still lingering on her throat.
“Why not?” he teased, grinning at her. “Your body wants it. Every second, your scent’s gettin’ stronger, princess.”
This is wrong, this is wrong, she chanted in her mind but already she was imagining it, conjuring fantasies based on the hard lines of his body that held her against the cupboard. “Please,” she keened desperately.
“Please, what?”
The kettle began to shrill loudly, and the tension in the room snapped. Dean stepped away, leaving her to crumple in on herself, and she panted against the cupboard, watching him as he continued to make the tea.
She wondered for a second if she’d imagined it but her jacket was still hanging halfway down her shoulder, and she could still feel his touch on her skin. Her panties were soaked through, and when she straightened, she felt the ache in her belly turning raw.
The front door opened, and she heard her mother’s voice. Relief swept through her, but Dean didn’t seem bothered in the slightest by the arrival of company.
“Oh, of course, Father, we understand,” Judith was practically swooning over him, “after all, safety comes first.”
“Absolutely, my child,” Father Crowley replied and the front door shut loudly. “Now let’s see where your daughter has gotten to.” His voice got louder as they approached the kitchen, and when he entered, he smiled at you. “Here she is.” He glanced at the other priest. “Safe and sound.”
Judith didn’t notice the odd tone he spoke with, but Y/N did. She stood still as her mother came closer and began to fuss, pressing one hand to her daughter’s forehead. “Oh dear,” she mumbled, flustering a little as she realized what was ailing the younger woman. “I suppose we should get you home.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” Father Crowley interjected, glaring at Father Winchester, who smirked back.
“Thank you for looking after her, Father,” Judith cooed, smiling at both men.
“Take good care of her, won’t you?” Dean requested, all charm as he stared right at Y/N. She swallowed down a whimper, ducking her head so her mother didn’t see her reaction to him. “She’s a very special girl.”
Her mother clutched her chest, giving him an adoring look. “I will, Father Winchester,” she promised, taking Y/N’s hand but her daughter was already moving, desperate to get away from the scent of him. “Aren’t you going to say goodbye?” Judith admonished, making her freeze in her tracks.
She turned back, stomach churning, palms getting sweaty. “Thank you, Father,” she mumbled, curtseying like she was a child at Sunday School.
“I’ll keep you in my prayers,” he replied, a filthy smirk on his lips.
Judith didn’t linger this time, following as her daughter dashed for the door and out into the fresh air. The door closed behind them, and Crowley turned to Dean, arching one eyebrow in his direction.
“Feeling a little more enthusiastic about this?” he taunted. “Though you’re behind. I’ve already got three in the bag, what’s so special about this one?”
Dean’s smirk grew. “Didn’t you smell her?”
Crowley hummed. “Not something I’d be attuned to,” he shrugged. “This meatsuit’s a Beta.”
“You’re missing out,” Dean chuckled. “All she needs is a little push and she’ll be begging.”
“Seems like a waste of time.”
The younger man growled. “I thought we were here to have fun.”
“We are,” Crowley confirmed hesitantly. “I just thought it was a little more damning of little old ladies and less chasing tail.”
Dean snorted, rolling his eyes. “Whatever floats your boat. We should get rid of Taggart. He’s gonna start stinking up the joint.”
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She’d been mistaken in thinking getting away from Father Winchester would slow her predicament. If anything, by the time she arrived home, the heat was getting stronger. Her mother parked the car and ushered her out, ordering her to her room to rest while promising noodle soup.
Usually, she’d sleep through most of a heat, ensconced in her personal space, and it would be over within three or four days. Even at her age and unmated, she managed them easily, but this one was early, way off her regular cycle. It felt stronger too, crippling her in hours, and by the time her mom brought her soup, she was at the point of begging for unconsciousness. Judith was concerned - Y/N dismissed it, assuring her mother she only needed rest and sending her away.
Every time she closed her eyes, Dean’s face, his scent, tormented her.
Monday didn’t bring any improvement. She strayed from her nest only to use the bathroom, snacking on comfort foods and watching shows when she wasn’t sleeping. Her mom checked in before she went out, and while she was gone, Y/N used the private time to take the edge off, cursing herself when she imagined Dean being the one to satisfy her.
She fell short of satisfying herself, only succeeding making the longing worse.
On Tuesday, her mom was home, and expressed a desire to call the doctor, but Y/N waved her off again. Her fever was beginning to break, she just had to ride it out.
In the afternoon, someone knocked at the door, the noise disturbing her sleep. She laid in her bed, listening as her mother greeted whoever it was, and for a moment, the low voice that answered didn’t register. When she realized who it was, she bolted upright, staring at the door in horror as she heard them coming up the stairs.
Her mother knocked at her door seconds later, and Y/N snatched the covers, pulling them up to her chin. The door opened without her consent - nothing unusual for Judith - and she stepped in alone, even though Y/N could smell Dean just outside in the hall.
“Y/N,” she murmured, “Father Winchester has come to check in on you.”
“I’m fine, Mom,” Y/N grunted back. “I’d rather not -”
“Nonsense,” she insisted. “Maybe prayer will help take your mind off of it.”
The utter disregard the older woman suddenly had was alarming, but Y/N didn’t have a chance to question it as Father Winchester entered, smirking at her. Judith smiled, glancing over at her daughter as she wilted in the bed.
“I’ve got to run into town. Will you two be okay?” Judith asked, ignoring the horror on Y/N’s face.
“I’m sure I can assist Y/N with whatever she needs,” Dean drawled, still grinning, eyes locked on her. It didn’t appear that Judith caught his double meaning at all, as she quickly retreated, leaving her Omega daughter to the Alpha’s mercy. He waited until he heard her reach the bottom of the stairs, then he pushed the door almost closed, licking his lips. “Mmm,” he exhaled, “I can taste you in the air, pretty thing.”
“I could shout,” she threatened quietly. “Mom will -”
“Go ahead,” he dared. “But I already know, you won’t. Because you’ve been thinking about me for three days.”
Her cheeks flushed with fresh heat but she held his gaze in defiance. He tucked his tongue behind his teeth, his expression mocking her, and she scowled, hating the fact that he was having an effect on her.
Downstairs, the front door shut, leaving them alone.
Dean moved closer, lowering himself onto the bed by her thighs. He didn’t touch her, but his proximity was enough to make her tense, the desire in her belly growing stronger with every whiff of his scent. “Don’t worry,” he soothed, lifting his chin. “I won’t touch you unless you ask nicely.”
She ground her teeth together. That same tiny part of her that had sprung up back at the rectory, the Judas in her soul that made her quiver at just his voice; it was screaming now, pleading with her to give in. Keeping her mouth shut, she focused on remaining still, unreactive to his presence.
“Ooo, hard to get, huh?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Your scent betrays what you’re craving, baby. I bet you’ve cum half a dozen times on those useless plastic knots.” He looked around the room, obviously looking for evidence. “Where do you hide them?”
Y/N kept her eyes on him, unwilling to give away her secret.
“Gotta be somewhere mommy won’t find,” he continued, getting to his feet again. “She’s so nice. I doubt she knows what a little cockslut her daughter truly is.”
Her stomach clenched, and she looked down at her knees underneath the quilt. Dean laughed again, wandering over to her dresser. He smoothed one long hand along the top of it, glancing back at her in amusement.
“No, not in here, too obvious,” he mused aloud, scanning the room. Spying her closet, he strode over to it, opening the doors. He inspected it without touching anything, looking back at her again to check her reaction. She continued to keep her eyes down, chewing her lip to silence herself. “Not even gonna give me a hint?”
The rise he wanted wasn’t forthcoming though he didn’t seem bothered by her refusal to play his game. He stalked closer, trying to get her to look at him. She kept her head down, resisting, but when his knee hit the bed, she couldn’t stop her eyes darting towards where her shoebox lay.
Dropping to one knee, he reached under the bed, finding the only thing that was under there. He pulled the box out, glancing up to see her shameful expression, and he knew he had his prize.
“Let’s see,” he hummed, tugging the lid off.
Y/N only owned two toys, a vibrating wand and a dildo. Dean went for the dildo first, holding it up in scrutiny as she tried to will her bed to swallow her whole.
“Oh, baby. You’re in for a treat.” He clicked his tongue, smirking at her. “This is tiny.” It hit the floor with a thud that made her flinch. “But this one might be useful.” He dropped the shoebox, throwing the wand onto the bed; it landed between her knees. “Which one do you like best?”
She hesitated. He waited patiently, staring at her, and she shivered, letting the covers fall to her shoulders. “I-if I tell you… you won’t hurt me, right?”
A frown dampened his smile. “Do you think I’m going to hurt you, Omega?”
The use of the title made her shiver again. Her whole body ached, the arousal becoming unbearable and only enhanced by the scent of a potent Alpha so close. “I don’t know,” she confessed.
“I told you - I won’t touch you until you ask me to,” he repeated.
“Th-the wand,” she rushed out, and his smile returned. “The kn - the other one feels too fake.”
He chuckled, tilting his head a little. “Tell me the truth, princess,” he moved closer, sitting on the bed again, this time on the opposite side, “have you ever taken a real Alpha knot in that sweet little cunt of yours?”
She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped. “Yes,” she whispered. “Once.”
“Lemme guess,” he mused, tapping his chin with one finger. “Highschool sweetheart. Thought he was the one, only for him to pop your cherry and leave you high and dry, right?” Her gaze dropped, and he took it for confirmation, laughing lightly. “Oh, darlin’, I’m gonna blow your mind when I get inside you.”
His words were so crude, so unbecoming of a priest. No one had ever spoken to her like that and she was ashamed to find his filthy expressions arousing. “Y-you said you wouldn’t force me.”
“I won’t,” he assured her. “I told you, you’ll beg me for it.”
Faking bravado, she lifted her chin, staring at him. “How do you know?”
“Because you’ve got my scent now,” he breathed, “Omega.” She shuddered, unable to suppress it, and fresh warmth invaded the space between her thighs. “See? Just my voice makes your pussy clench, doesn’t it? How many times have you imagined me fucking you to get off?” She whimpered, breaking eye contact. “Honesty, Y/N.”
“A lot,” she rasped truthfully, because she hadn’t counted.
He grinned triumphantly. “You wanna cum right now, don’t you?” She nodded, clenching her hands in the covers. “Then pick up your little toy and make yourself cum.”
The idea of refusing floated in her mind but she was so aroused she could feel it soaking the sheets underneath her ass. Dean watched her, green eyes hungry as they fixed on her, and before she could contemplate what she was doing, she pulled one hand out from the quilt and grabbed the wand.
He sat back a little, hands in his lap. Swallowing hard, Y/N hid the wand under the covers, turning it on so he could hear it, sliding it between her thighs. It didn’t even occur to her to fake it, and when the vibrating head touched her clit through her thin panties, she whined loudly.
“That’s it,” he purred, rubbing his crotch through his black slacks. “Aren’t you warm under all that?”
Desire controlled her, overriding her common sense. She pushed the covers down, shifting so she was a little flatter before pressing the wand to her sex again. Dean was stroking himself through his pants now, watching her as she writhed against the stimulation.
“I think you’d cum quicker if you took your panties off,” he suggested.
She nodded, too lust-drunk to fight it anymore, and in a few seconds, her panties were off and across the room. Dean watched as she spread her legs, bringing the wand’s head to right where she needed it. The intense need in her core only got her to the edge quicker, and she shuddered through an orgasm under the priest’s stare, feeling shameful as the pleasure subsided.
“Did that feel good?” he asked.
“Yes,” she whimpered, legs still twitching as she pulled the wand away and turned it off. Her cunt clenched around nothing, and she squirmed, desperate to feel more friction. Dean’s gaze dropped to her slick pussy, and he bit his lip, obviously restraining himself. The realization dawned on her that she didn’t want him to show control… she wanted him to touch her. “Please,” she forced out, chest heaving and breath coming in short pants. “Touch me.”
His lips curled into a sly smile and he chuckled. “Told you so,” he murmured, reaching out to slide his hand over her knee and up her bare thigh. “But you need to be specific. Where should I touch you, Y/N?”
“M-my,” she hesitated, feeling the warmth of his hand so close to where she wanted it, “my pussy.”
He grinned. “You learn quick,” he muttered, finally cupping her sex with his hand. She groaned, unwittingly canting her hips into his palm. “Oh, you’re so wet and warm, little Omega.” A finger dipped inside her, making her mewl pitifully, but he only laughed, teasing her with a little more of it. “Tell me what you want now.”
“I want -” She stopped, licking her lips as her breathing got heavier. “I want you to make me cum.”
“Like this?” He thrust his finger into her up to the knuckle, and she cried out, clutching the sheets underneath her. “So tight too,” he groaned. “You’re going to burn me alive.”
She twisted, nodding desperately. “P-please, more.”
He fucked the single digit into her, letting her body adjust before he penetrated her with the second. Her voice became hoarse, and her cunt throbbed around him, slicking every stroke as he opened her up. His wrist twisted, allowing him to press his thumb to her clit, and her whole body trembled.
“Just opening up for me,” he praised, looking down at her hungrily as he kept his fingers moving at a steady pace. “I bet you’ll gush all over my hand, won’t you, dirty little whore Omega? Look at you, all ready to beg for what you really want.” She moaned and nodded, rocking her hips in time with his thrusts. “Wonder how hard you’ll cum with my knot stretching that perfect little cunt out? You wanna feel my seed in your belly?”
It was too much. With a hoarse shout, she came, clenching hard around his fingers as he held them deep, his thumb continuing to work at her clit until she was dripping down his wrist. She was crying with pleasure, unable to vocalize anything as she shuddered from head to toe, and when Dean pulled his hand away, her legs collapsed, leaving her in a messy heap, eyes closed and chest heaving.
She could hear him lick his fingers clean.
“What do you want now, Y/N?” he taunted, leaning over her. She whimpered, opening her eyes to look up at him.
“Want your knot, Alpha,” she keened, reaching for him.
He tisked, pulling away before she could touch him. “That’s not good enough,” he chided, shaking his head and smirking at her. “If you want it that bad, you’ll come and get it.”
“Wait,” she mumbled, pushing up onto weak arms as he walked around the bed. “Where are you going?”
“Not far,” he replied mockingly, pausing at the door. “Like I said, if you want it that bad…” He trailed off and shrugged, disappearing out of the door. Y/N scrambled to follow, reaching the doorway with only her t-shirt on, but as she stepped out into the hall, it was empty. Father Winchester was gone.
She stared, pouting at nothing. Had she imagined it in some sort of heat fever? No, she could smell him, feeling his lingering touch in her most intimate places - how could he leave her like that? He’d watched her get herself off, made her cum with the briefest of touches, and then he just… vanished?
With her climax, her heat was given a brief reprieve, and her judgment became a little less clouded. She knew what Father Winchester - Dean - was doing. It was immoral and wrong and why was she still craving him? She should have been disgusted with herself, she should have thrown him out, she should have -
But she hadn’t. She’d let him make her cum and she’d enjoyed every second of it.
Shame washed over her. She retreated back to her room, covering her face with her hands as she made a frustrated noise. All she could think about was him, all she wanted was him. It felt like he’d cursed her, when all he’d really done was talk dirty, and she’d broken like a twig.
Maybe she should let his superior know what he was doing. She was fairly certain priests weren’t supposed to seduce their parishioners, especially not with the ferocity Dean displayed. Except… except then he might be made to stop, and that tiny part of her from before was getting bigger and louder by the minute.
She dressed quickly, repeating the same cycle of thoughts in her head. They weren’t really doing anything wrong. He wasn’t the celibate kind of priest, and she was a single unmated Omega. Their only sin was sex before marriage, which she’d never exactly been big on, judging by the three guys she’d actually slept with in college.
By the time she was dressed, she almost had herself convinced. At the bottom of the stairs, she grabbed her coat and keys, pleased her mother hadn’t taken the car. When she opened the front door, she knew what she was going to do, and she was at peace with it.
The church was quiet when she pulled up, the windows sparkling in the afternoon sun. Y/N sat in her car, nibbling at her finger as she watched the door, concerned someone would see her. There didn’t seem to be any sign of life, so she climbed out, taking careful steps up to the door to try the handle. She wasn’t surprised when it opened, and she slipped inside, closing it behind her.
Inside was empty. At the far end by the altar, candles burned, and the smell of frankincense hung in the air. Moving forward, she listened out for anyone lurking, slowly heading for the front pews.
The door clicked loudly behind her. She turned, seeing Dean with his hand on the lock, and he turned his head, lips curled in another filthy smirk. His eyes were dark, almost black, she thought, but when she blinked they were normal. Dismissing it as a trick of the light, she turned to face him, unconsciously holding a breath.
“Well, well,” he chuckled, swiping a thumb across his full lower lip. “You didn’t waste any time.” He strolled towards her, bumping his hand off of each pew as he went. “It’s barely been an hour.”
She bit her lip, watching him draw closer. There was weakness in her knees, and her heart pounded in her chest so hard, she thought it might burst. Dean chuckled, slowing to a stop just within reach.
“Father Winchester,” she whispered, trying not to sink to her knees. He bared his teeth and she swallowed. “Dean.”
“Try again.”
A shuddering breath left her lips. “Alpha.”
He hummed, reaching out to grasp her chin in his fingers. “Yes?”
She knew what he wanted, what she had to say in order to get what she wanted, what her body was craving like an addict. Still, she struggled to get the words out, unused to expressing her sexual needs aloud. “I need... I need your knot,” she whimpered.
He tisked, releasing her. “Not good enough.”
Her legs gave out, and she dropped with a frustrated cry. “Please,” she wailed, “please, Alpha, I need it. Need you to knot me.” Dean groaned, palming his crotch, looking down at her hungrily. Y/N lifted her head, panting as she pleaded with him. “Need you to fuck me.”
His jaw hung half open as he tore at the buckle of his pants, pulling his half-hard cock free. Her eyes went wide at the sight of him, watching as his erection thickened and filled out, the bulge of his knot obvious at the base. “You’re learning,” he mumbled, stroking himself as he stepped closer. “Open up.”
She obeyed, kneeling a little straighter as he offered himself to her, tapping the heavy crown against her bottom lip.
Her jaw ached already but she did as she was told, instinctively brushing her tongue across the weeping head. His taste was tangy on her tongue, and she swallowed it down, lifting one hand to touch him. He didn’t resist, watching with his chin tucked into his chest as she took the initiative and started to explore his shaft with her tongue.
“Keep going,” he murmured, stroking her face before cupping the side of her head. “That’s it. Good little cocksucker.”
She moaned around him, feeling her own body respond to what she was doing. Her pussy throbbed and her skin prickled with heat, and her movements became more enthusiastic, much to the Alpha’s delight.
“Take it deeper,” he instructed, and she complied, eager to please him. His cockhead nudged the back of her throat and she gagged, pulling away at the fear of throwing up. Dean stopped her going far, quickly tugging her back. “Keep trying,” he ordered. “You’ll get used to it.”
Cautiously, she opened her mouth again, feeling the weight of him on her tongue. He thrust forward a little, and she swallowed, concentrating hard to control her gag reflex. Dean moaned as she kept doing it, rocking his hips to keep up the pressure.
“Fuck, you got a sweet mouth,” he groaned. “But I bet your pussy feels even better.”
He pulled away without warning, and Y/N spluttered as she landed on her hands, gasping down air. Dean’s hand slipped around her upper arm, pulling her to her feet; she stumbled, grabbing onto him for stability. Without waiting, he tugged her toward the altar, roughly pushing her against it.
“A dress would have been better,” he commented, yanking her pants down to her ankles as she squeaked in alarm and grabbed the cloth-covered altar table. Two fingers quickly pressed against her sex, sinking into her without warning. She cried out, clutching the table, bending over without thinking. “Still so wet,” he muttered, fucking the two thick digits into her.
“Please,” she wailed, unable to take any more teasing.
“Impatient now,” he chuckled, pulling his fingers free. “Don’t worry, baby,” she heard his pants drop as the heavy belt buckle hit the floor, “gonna make you feel all better.”
He pressed in behind her, letting her feel the weight of his cock as he slid between her thighs. Holding it against her pussy, he reached around for her throat, pulling her up straight.
“Look up,” he commanded quietly. She obeyed, lifting her eyes to the wooden crucifix above them, the carved image of Christ staring back. “I want you to look at Him while you’re taking my knot.”
He pushed into her, and she cried out, digging her fingernails into her table underneath her, struggling to keep her gaze where he wanted it. His thick shaft settled deep in her warmth, creating a pressure in her belly that threatened to overwhelm her.
“Fuck,” he cursed, his grip on her throat loosening for a second. “Just as good as I imagined.”
Y/N whimpered, fighting to keep her head up as Dean started to fuck her with slow, purposeful strokes. Her hips dug into the altar with every thrust, and his hand kept a steady grip on her throat, forcing her to look into the eyes of the crucified messiah as he defiled her.
It felt too good to care.
Her first climax came quickly, and her cries bounced off of the stained glass windows, echoing around the old building. Dean didn’t slow or stop, grunting in time with the slap of his skin on hers. His other hand grabbed her breast through her shirt, squeezing without a care for how rough he was being but her only noises were of pleasure. She was getting off on the way he used her, the bruises he was bound to leave on her skin.
“You really are a sinner,” he groaned, feeling her pussy clench around him again. His hand dropped to her belly, the fingers at her throat forcing her up a little straighter. “Bet you’re ripe right now,” he murmured, close to her ear. “That empty little womb just begging to be filled.”
The thought of what he was suggesting shouldn’t have made her wetter, shouldn’t have had any effect on her at all, but she would be lying if it didn’t. Her whole body shuddered at the depravity of even thinking about carrying his spawn, and she let her eyes roll back and fall shut. Dean chuckled, slowing just a little to watch her slick cunt swallow him over and over.
“I’m gonna knot you,” he panted, palming her ass, releasing her throat as he kicked her feet apart a little wider. Her belly and breasts came flush with the altar, and he hummed when his cock stabbed a little deeper. “Oh, baby,” he purred, “you’re so ready to be filled up.” Y/N whined, pushing up onto tiptoes to stop from slipping. “I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
His hips snapped into her with more force, punching a cry from her lips. He started to fuck her hard, hard enough that she knew she’d have physical marks from the wood colliding with her hip, if not from his fingers gripping her flesh tightly. She couldn’t hope to stop herself from screaming, cumming hard as she felt his knot beginning to swell.
“That’s it, Omega,” Dean growled, slapping her ass as she clenched around him. “Fucking cum on my knot.”
With one last thrust, his knot popped, thickening inside her as warm spurts of cum filled her belly. His teeth found her throat, and in the throes of pleasure, she didn’t resist, crying out as he broke the skin and left a permanent reminder of his touch. She slumped forward when he released her, gasping through the last of her orgasm, going limp as he finished. He groaned with a low chuckle, squeezing her ass again, enjoying the last few squeezes of her warm walls around his cock.
“Wanna hear a secret?” he murmured, pulling her up and holding her there, practically impaling her on his knot. His lips brushed the shell of her ear and she shuddered, almost wheezing in his grip. “I’m no priest.”
Was he expecting her to be surprised? No priest acted the way he did.
“Then what are you?” she asked, expecting him to say anything but what came out of his mouth.
He chuckled. “I don’t think you’re ready for that, little Omega.”
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How she had made it out of the church and home without anyone seeing her was a stroke of luck, and she managed to avoid her mother for the rest of the day. Her heat subsided quickly after her encounter with Dean, but she still wasn’t entirely satisfied. After their encounter, he’d disappeared without answering her questions, and every time she’d returned to the church later on in the week, there was no one there. The mark on her throat ached, and though it hadn’t been deep, she still kept it covered to avoid questions from anyone who might see it.
Shame kept her from attending church on the Sunday, having decided by that point that Dean had used her. She feigned a migraine, letting her mother take her car, and then she ate junk food in her room while watching reruns of old sitcoms on television. When her mom returned a few hours later, it was with surprising news.
“Father Taggart passed away,” Judith said after Y/N came down to see what had happened. “No one is sure what happened, only that the bishop is saying they didn’t send any replacement for Father Grayson, and no one knows what happened to Father Crowley or Father Winchester.”
“That’s strange,” Y/N mumbled, recalling Dean’s words while he’d been buried inside her. The majority of her soul was in pain at the abandonment of an Alpha - again - and that this time, he’d left something of himself inside her.
“Oh, and did I mention?” her mother continued. “Mrs. Whiting was found dead two days ago. Another mystery. Her husband is still missing.”
Judith carried on, musing over all the gossip she’d heard today, and Y/N tuned it out, trying not to pay any attention to the emotions crushing her chest. She should have been more careful, should have been wary of the handsome Alpha - she definitely shouldn’t have offered herself up to him like a brazen hussy.
She had to keep her involvement with him quiet. The last thing she wanted was attention from the police. It was easier to keep her head down and carry on, deal with her own stupidity and not let herself be fooled again.
When a few days passed, she let it sink in. A night of crying to the most tear-jerking movies she could think of, and she felt a little better. She kept going, and days turned into weeks, and Dean was a brief thought that flitted through her mind occasionally. His mark faded to an easily-disguisable scar, and she continued on with how her life had been before, ignoring the longing for excitement that he had brought her. The only change was church, despite her mother’s protests.
She never expected to see him again but she wasn’t sure she could walk back into the place where she’d let him own every part of her.
It was almost a relief when her period came. His comments about her fertility had lingered in her mind, burrowing deep until she was in a panic. But her cycle continued as it had before, and she thought she could finally forget him entirely.
She didn’t notice the black car parked along the street, didn’t recognize it at all, though she’d seen it before. She didn’t even pay attention when she saw it outside her office, or at the grocery store. It was only when she walked past it for the sixth time outside the pharmacy, and the door opened, that she finally saw who it was.
Dean stared at her over the top of the Impala, and Y/N froze on the sidewalk, feeling like time had slowed down. He smiled awkwardly, unlike the predatory smirk from before, and she frowned, tilting her head at him.
“You’re back,” she blurted out.
“Kind of,” he replied haltingly.
It had been about six weeks. She was due her heat again. “What do you want?” she asked.
“To talk.” He sounded sincere at least. “To explain.” There was something in his voice, something that tugged her forward. “You’re my Omega, Y/N.”
She took a breath, knowing without even thinking about it that she’d listen. “What if I don’t want to talk?” she challenged. “What if I don’t want an Alpha?”
Dean smiled again, but once more she noticed the difference in him. “Is that true?”
“No,” she confessed quietly.
He gestured to the passenger door. “You wanna get in?”
It felt like opening that door would lead her somewhere, and not just into this man’s arms. Whatever he had to say, she felt like she needed to hear it, that this was not only the door to his car, but the door to her future. She looked up, smiling at the bright sunny sky, then dropped her gaze back to him.
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Feedback is appreciated!! Thanks for reading 😘
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localwriterdocx · 5 months
Sober or Stoner: Hazbin Hotel Headcanons
From somebody who snorts it up my nose every weekend, who do I think does this too?
NOTES: This includes everybody at the hotel + Lucifer and Cherri. I will do the Vee's and perhaps other important characters like the angels and the other overlords, but for now, that's not the case.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Drug Use, Mentions of Angel's Backstory, Maybe slight OOC.
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Charlie - No, I'd say mostly sober. She wouldn't want to do it for the most part because she just thinks drugs = bad. She might try it if a lot of her friends are doing it together, and if she did a lot of research about the positive effects of marijuana. Doesn't smoke, only edibles. If she decided to, Vaggie would be taking care of her the whole time. She gets all snuggly and very lovey-dovey platonically with her friends or romantically with Vaggie. When she gets a good idea and tries to work, nobody can understand her idea because she's talking so much so fast.
Vaggie - I'd say no, sober. She's the caretaker, the one who has to be ready when somebody tries something stupid. She would be on her guard the whole time if Charlie wasn't constantly trying to cuddle her and love her. She has to drop whatever she is doing just to hold Charlie. If she did do it, I don't think she'd like it. She just doesn't like being that vulnerable for that amount of time. She would definitely just want to be around Charlie IF she was high. Is supportive towards Charlie. Puts everybody in their place if they get too out of control.
Angel Dust - Yes, Occasionally. Weed is like a side dish to him. It's one of the drug that he doesn't get hopped on while recording because its too weak for him. But is kind of fucking with it? Is willing to give it a shot with everybody at the hotel because it appeals to his interests. Sort of also becomes a caretaker too? But mostly to Niffty, not really wanting anybody to end up hurt. Probably barricade's the exit to the hotel so she can't get out. Very honest. Will shittalk Val to Cherri and Husk.
Alastor -No. Sober. Next Question. He doesn't like it whatsoever. He is a drinker, not a smoker. He does like to watch these buffoons act like idiots on it tho, he doesn't really like to talk to anybody while their on it, unless it's important. He wouldn't turn down Charlie of Niffty. If he's feeling social, he likes to fuck with people on it. Purposely scares everyone with his powers, only for him to lean back like "Just kidding! I could though! :)".
Husk - Occasionally. He'd definitely try it, even if he wasn't happy about Angel doing it. He went into it thinking he'd definitely be the one watching over Angel, but it turned out that Angel is gonna be watching over him. He smokes, but just not weed, so his intolerance is pretty low. He's definitely the one bitching to everyone, especially Angel, about anything he can think of, but he's smart enough not to bitch about Alastor when he's right there, sober or not. He doesn't like sitting still, so he wanders the hotel.
Niffty - Fucking god. Occasionally. - She hasn't done it, she would but nobody lets her smoke. She has accidentally pounded like 4 full brownies that somebody left out though. Everybody thought that she would be up and about, completely out of control, but she just sits, doesn't move or talk, just chills (if you can call that chilling). It's a creepy sight for somebody who isn't already used to it. Occasionally, she will say the scariest shit known to man and then just go back to zoning out like nothing happened.
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Sir Pentious - Mostly no, but occasionally. Did it because Cherri Bomb did it. Gets the most fucked out out of everybody. He will NOT stop talking. Sir, i love you, but please shut up. Much like Charlie, he also gets really emotional, especially to his Egg Boiz. They help deal with him a lot more than you would think. Alastor commands them to never leave his side because he knows they still listen to him. He also tries harder to flirt with Cherri, he's still bad, if not worse, but it's entertaining. Sometimes just doesn't know what's going on.
Cherri Bomb - YES. She's definitely toned down, this is not her first rodeo. She just tolerates everything, even Sir Pentious' terrible flirting. Later into the night when she's really high, she even finds it a bit endearing. She would definitely vibe with Niffty as she comes up with her creepy shit, Cherri just gets very interested in her, in a similar way to Alastor is. Tries to get everyone to do funny stuff with her like Karaoke, but the only ones who take her up on it is Sir Pentious and Charlie. Probably brought edibles.
Lucifer - Occasionally. Has he tried it? Years ago. Is he a stoner? I don't think so. If he somehow did it, again, would need a little supervision. Would probably cry to Charlie non-stop, they stick together. This is the only time Vaggie would get a break. He'd do stupid shit too, like hide rubber ducks all around the hotel. That is purely to piss off Alastor because Charlie doesn't want him to fight, but it doesn't really work. Gets the munchies like no other. He will have to restock the hotel food supply when he's done. Did it a lot with Lilith when they were together.
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Thank you so much for stoning with me :) Send some requests to my ask box if u want.
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hotteoki · 1 year
signs (k.t.h.)
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pairing: kang taehyun x reader (no pronouns used)
wc: 1k
warnings: profanities (swearing, cheating, arguments, threats of breaking up, gaslighting), alcohol consumption
notes: this is not meant to represent taehyun irl in any way possible! this is purely for entertainment purposes
©️ gyusangels | do not repost
"you're so pathetic," taehyun ran a hand through his hair, sucking in deep breaths through his gritted teeth. "is that all you have to fucking say? after i've given you more than enough chances to fix your shit? are you fucking serious right now, taehyun?" you scoffed, not quite believing the words coming out of his mouth. "i didn't fucking ask you to!"
he wasn't wrong.
you should've left him the first time he cheated on you. and the next. and the next. and probably the next five times.
but you loved him too much. besides, your relationship wasn't always like this.
two years ago, when taehyun was your new seatmate. he had been extremely shy at first, always keeping to himself and not looking anyone in the eye, until you introduced yourself with your hand stretched out, which he took without hesitation.
you spent the next several months getting told off for not paying attention, and for chatting too much with taehyun, but neither of you cared all that much. it was almost as if it was just the two of you in your own world.
you thought you had found yourself a good friend, and you had been ecstatic when he asked you out a few months later. he would take you out on dates every day after school, letting you drag him around with a lovesick smile on his face. taehyun would be your number one supporter. always. he gave you the comfort you had been looking for all your life, and provided you with a safe zone to stay in.
one year later, in that very july, he held a party. it was the first time he ever hosted one. he hadn't wanted to, but his sister convinced him it would be fun. that was when your relationship took a turn for the worst. he didn't cling to your arm, staring at others with wide eyes like he usually did in parties; he lingered around the girls outside of school, their bodies a bit too close together for your liking. you had ignored the signs.
he spent the next week ignoring you at school, leaning over other girls' desks to talk to them, rather than you. even kai, who you weren't all that close with, approached you with a worried expression, asking if you and taehyun were okay. you had forced a small smile on your face, responding that everything was alright. he gave you a look, saying he didn't believe you, but he wouldn't push you, offering a chance for you to talk to him if you wanted to. and so you did.
a month later or so, you found yourself being close friends with kai, which was how you knew something was wrong when he pulled you aside after school. you felt your heart shatter when he told you he caught taehyun kissing another girl and leading her to his dorm.
you kept denying it, giving excuses for taehyun and convincing yourself kai was mistaken, but it was too obvious. you knew taehyun didn't want you anymore, you weren't stupid, but you were selfish. if he wasn't going to break up with you, then neither were you. deep down, you knew you were just hoping things would go back to the way they were. before the stupid party.
you had confronted him, as he admitted what he had done and promising to never do it again, because you were the only one he truly loved, and that none of the other girls could ever compare.
and you fell for it.
every. single. time.
you were honestly surprised with yourself. your wishful thinking was so strong you truly believed that he didn't want anyone else but you.
which was how you ended up in his dorm, arms crossed, glassy-eyed, phone with evidence in your clenched hands. "look, i don't know what you want from me! you said it yourself! you've forgiven me so many times and still, you get surprised when the day ends with us yelling at each other!" if taehyun wasn't mad at first, his tone made it clear he was now. you had to physically dig your fingernails into your palms to control yourself from punching him in the face.
"fine, then let's break up, since you wanted to break up so badly, taehyun-" before you could continue, taehyun's glaring eyes shot up. his gaze was so cold you felt your body shrink subconsciously. "don't call me that," was all he said. "what, your name?" you sneered. he titled his head, daring you to continue, "yeah, my name. call me tae, or tyun, but you, of all people, are not calling me by my full name. and we're not breaking up."
you stared at him incredulously, "excuse me? what do you mean we're not breaking up? you're the one who said you wanted to." "i never said i wanted to break up! i just said you're being fucking annoying and clingy!" "oh, i'm sorry! i didn't know getting upset over my boyfriend cheating on me was clingy? let me just shut up and let you fuck every girl in the school, yeah?" you tugged on your sleeve discreetly. no matter how much you told yourself you hated him in this moment, you knew you still loved him, and yelling at him pained you.
"sure, go do that! you didn't seem to have any issue with that the last few times!" "fuck, taehyun! what do you want from me?!" your tears were overflowing and your cheeks were getting wet. he visibly softened at your sobs, "don't... don't do that. don't cry." "leave me alone, i'll cry if i want to cry," you turned away from him, embarassed.
"you know i still love you. seeing you cry hurts me," taehyun's voice wavered. "do i? do i know that? cause you seem to have no issues with going around with every girl who breathed in your direction." you heard his footsteps coming nearer, what you didn't expect, though, was his arms wrapping around your form, his chin resting on top of your head. he let out a defeated sigh.
"you have no idea just how much i love you."
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quotergirl19 · 1 year
I’m a firm believer that sometimes when you’re in a relationship you don’t see it for what it is, and that applies to any type of relationship, familial, romantic or platonic.
Sometimes friendship grows toxic or one-sided, your family treats you like a child even when you’re a matured adult, or a casual acquaintance evolves into something deeper and turns romantic. But something has to happen to make one or both parties step back, reassess it and come back with new perspectives.
This absolutely applies to Colin and Penelope They’ve been in each other’s lives for so long that in many ways they still see each other exactly the way they did when they first met as kids.
Their relationship began for Colin with Penelope being his sister’s friend who became such a fixture in the Bridgerton household that he began to see her like another sibling or cousin, she has been in his life forever as an honorary Bridgerton.
For Penelope, Colin has always been confident, outgoing and kind. He’s the only boy she has felt comfortable around because she’s shy and her interactions with men have been extremely limited. We never see her speak directly to her own father, just as she warms to her cousin Jack but she discovers he’s untrustworthy and gentlemen at parties don’t even acknowledge her.
The only male who has consistently been in her life and proven to be kind to her or paid her any positive attention is Colin. Of course she has always adored him, he’s practically the only man in the world who has ever acknowledged or been good to her.
But hearing what Colin said and realizing that he isn’t perfect, forces Pen to take him off the pedestal she’s always had him on and consider what will become of her if she continues to exist in her fantasy that Colin will miraculously love and choose her as his wife. She knows she has to meet more men and she’s going to focus on stepping out of her comfort zone (in the shadows) and into the light.
We know Colin & Pen have grown closer since writing to each other because that’s how their friendship actually developed. Prior to that Eloise had claimed Penelope and she and Colin were far less familiar, it’s clear in how once Polin are more friendly, Eloise keeps interrupting their conversations and claiming Penelope to herself.
It’s important to note that Penelope basically bestowed upon Colin all the positive attributes of the men of fantasy, possibly from romantic novels and books she’s read and maybe that’s why Portia told her to stop reading because it would confuse her thoughts. Because Colin was still very much just a young boy in season 1 and hadn’t actually cultivated in himself what Penelope sees in him. She saw his potential and not who he truly was but we come to find out that her image of him is what he aspires to be.
That’s why Colin mentioned how Penelope’s letters encouraged him, that’s why he’s different with her in season 2. Penelope’s letters were likely full of positivity, she built up his confidence so he could be the man she sees when she looks at him.
Keep in mind Colin is young and desperately wants to be a man with purpose, the sort of man his father was (but his father died when Colin was like 11 so he doesn’t know how to become the man he wishes he was. So Colin has been doing his best to get by on flirting and charm but he wants to be taken seriously now.
So while on his travels, away from his family and his mother, relying on himself and free to act as an adult for the first time, he chose adventures and trying new things and spends time thinking about who he is. Cue Penelope’s letters and positive image of him as a brave, heroic, capable gentleman.
We know that when he left town he was broken hearted and his confidence had taken a major hit. Penelope’s letters were vital in getting him through something difficult that was also humiliating. It’s begun to dawn on him that she isn’t just his sisters friend, she is someone who genuinely cares about him, understands, respects and appreciates him for all the things that other people might mock, overlook or take for granted. That is why she’s special to him. It’s the same reason he’s been special to her, she thinks he sees her, and to an extent he does. But the way he sees her has not changed enough by season 2 which is why he has her in the friend zone box.
Penelope taking herself out of his life by ignoring his letters and/or distancing herself from Colin to focus on her own future is the closest thing that she as a young woman, can get to Colin’s travels because it’s her way of getting to know herself so she can become the woman she aspires to be.
This is Penelope’s time for self reflection and figuring out what she really wants and needs which is going to change everything because she has been surrounded by a lot of negativity. Sisters who pick on her for having bad skin or being chubby, a mother who’s constantly silencing her and hasn’t put any effort into helping her attract suitors.
Taking action that will change her life for the better is an extremely important step for Pen. But old habits are hard to break and she’s made herself small and quiet for so long she is bound to struggle with confidence. So where she helped Colin through letters because her writing is the way she expresses herself best (and the only way most people actually seem listen to her), Colin will help her in person once he’s had enough time and distance to realize how much he wants and needs her in his life.
Once Penelope finally embraces the confident woman she has become deep down (the one who comes out in her writing), more and more people will take notice of how remarkable she is. Because at her best Pen is kind, funny, loyal, and she protects the people she cares about.
Colin is going to be smitten once the more matured, confident man he has become over the last several months finally meets the mature, confident, emboldened woman Penelope has become. And these two newer versions of Penelope and Colin are perfect for each other.
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