#((I'd say he's a pretty forgiving person.))
ochibrochi · 7 months
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spontaneous magic manifestation was NOT mentioned in the parenting handbook 😬
I know this isn’t how magic in dc works, but the fact that Damian’s ancestry includes some pretty powerful magic users is… INTERESTING 🤔? Drabble under the cut!
I wanna preface that I'M NOT SAYIN' that Damian should/does have magic powers, but there’s still so much unexplored potential with Damian's character, and the thought that he has a dormant adeptness in magic is somewhat compelling to me. Most importantly it would FREAK! BRUCE! OUT!!!!! What is this, magic puberty 😭??
By DC laws, anyone has the ability to learn magic, but it is also possible to be an innate ability. The Al Ghuls are no strangers to the occult-- Ra's has had increasingly been portrayed as a magic user, and the recent establishment of his mother being a sorceress/witch?? Even Talia dabbled in a bit of magic, I think. There is a catch that their power is suggested to be due to Lazarus exposure, but for arguments sake let's say the Al Ghul lineage is inherently proficient in magic (and Lazarus exposure simply enhances it).
I can't recall "magic" being a part of Damian's training/upbringing (I'm still slowly catching-up on Damian comics so apologies if I miss any canon examples of magic use). Not sure why Talia wouldn't want her little "heir to an ancient assassin empire baby" to learn magic, but it would at least give reason to Damian not knowing about his magic potential, or lack of interest in it.
Through the power of pseudo storytelling, what if Damian's encounter with Mother Soul could have triggered a manifestation of magic that was once dormant; like a pressure cooker waiting to explode with energy when it hasn't been given a safe outlet.
I've yet to read a satisfying arc where Damian truly gets to contemplate his Al Ghul roots outside of "dad is good guy, mum is bad guy". Damian's initial character growth stems from him running away from, and renouncing his association with the League (i.e. "I'm nothing like you, mother and grandfather!").
The most recent thing I've read was Robin (2021), and whilst Damian is much more cordial with his mother, there's still an emotional distance and sense of distrust/resentment (for good reason, even if the context was some cartoonishly evil writing). But there is a silver-lining that they still appear to be fond of each other, in a melancholy kind of way.
Realizing he's "genetically" primed for magic would be especially confronting to Damian. There's no denying his Al Ghul blood, forcing him to confront a facet of himself he can no longer ignore or reject. A family that he likely has to approach for help/guidance.
Damian is put in a position of acknowledging this power could be used for good, to be stronger, to fight crime, balancing it with the implication that what he possesses could be rooted in dark magic (Lazarus enchantment).
If he decides to embrace it, would that be too much of an endorsement of the Al Ghul's dark occultism? Can he separate the two ideas? What if he can't control it? What if he accidentally hurts someone? What if has the ability to save someone where his other skills fall short?
Ideally, I'd love for this hypothetical story to lead into Damian exploring his Al Ghul heritage more intimately, historically, and spiritually (à la RSoB: Year of Redemption adventures). Another little coming-of-age self discovery journey.
I have my own little personal thoughts on what Damian decides to do with his magic powers, but I'd like to leave that open to interpretation... By the end of it I hope that he will at least find some forgiveness over resentment, and a balance between accepting that side of his family a little easier. It is finally a sense of inner peace :)
Any thoughts? Did I get any characterisation wrong? Let's talk over on my DC blog @arkhamochi! I'm currently trying to read all Damian-centric comics until I catch up with the current run. I'm hungry for discussion and analysis!!!!!!
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sunderwight · 4 months
Demon Shen Jiu is such a fun idea though.
Especially if he himself doesn't know. Like imagine, Yue Qi finds this abandoned baby and the baby is REALLY OBVIOUSLY not human. But this also enables Shen Jiu to survive being abandoned at such a young age -- a human baby would die without adequate nutrition or care, but demons are a little more resilient. Baby Demon SJ has a way more forgiving digestive system and can move under his own power from a much earlier age. By the time he's a year old he's hunting his own rodents and small birds, and has to be stopped from biting and mauling anyone he doesn't like. Which is most people. Qi-ge develops amazing reflexes.
Why do the slavers tolerate a demon baby hanging around? Maybe it's really not all that uncommon. Demons come across the borderlands from time to time, and are as liable to abandon their kids or die or etc as anyone else. It's maybe an open secret among slavers that demon-blooded kids are a better investment, even, because they can survive for longer on less. The only downside is if they don't ever look human enough to pass as human, because that limits potential buyers, but that's only relevant when the slavers are trying to sell them. For the purposes of having a network of street kids stealing and grifting and spying and etc, it's fine. A lot of the slavers themselves started out as demon-blooded street kids with no other options.
But in SJ's case, he pretty quickly starts passing as human. Mostly because he's quite strong, and he's convinced that he's the same as his Qi-ge, so he makes himself the same. Makes his hands look the same and his teeth look the same and etc. It's largely subconscious, and once he starts doing it, it becomes automatic. SJ forgets that he's a demon in the way that most people don't retain their earliest childhood memories -- although he remembers that some of the slavers were demons.
Then of course there's the question of why didn't the Cang Qiong cultivators notice?
A few options. One is that whatever kind of demon SJ is, it's really good at mimicking humans. Another is that he's only part demon, and like Luo Binghe, fully capable of handling both kinds of cultivation. So once he starts learning spiritual cultivation, even from a heretic like Wu Yanzi, he doesn't seem different from any other recruit with a patchy education on the subject. Anything else odd about him could be easily attributed to his exposure to Wu Yanzi and his wicked practices.
Although full demon SJ is a fascinating idea. (Also, it could contribute to all those qi deviations -- he's trying to cultivate AND "fake" human cultivation at the same time, I doubt Qing Jing's techniques are totally compatible with everything going on there even without the psychological turmoil.) Like I'd imagine Airplane wrote that SJ was abandoned on the streets as a baby, and the system was like "hmm he probably wouldn't survive that?" and then in some nine billionth wife arc, Airplane also creates a variety of demon that can fully pass as human (for some identity conflict with a prospective wife), even to the point of fooling human cultivators and demon-detecting tools. So the system just ties these two disparate pieces of world-building together in order to patch a critical plothole (Airplane doesn't know anything about babies). Which has the side effect that Shang Qinghua doesn't even know that SJ became a demon!
And SJ himself doesn't know. The only person who knows is Yue Qi.
Obviously this wouldn't come up much in PIDW, but it could be pretty funny in the SVSSS timeline. YQY just sitting there through the whole Luo Binghe being a half-demon reveal, wondering if he should say something. Subsequently being the most absolutely chill about the whole demon reveal thing anyway. Like he's definitely not upset that Luo Binghe is a demon, or part demon, and the multiple people who try to make a point about it just run afoul of his impenetrable smile and get nowhere.
Then eventually Yue Qingyuan decides that he should probably tell Bingqiu that Shen Qingqiu is a demon. For like, safety purposes if nothing else. He's kept the secret so long also for safety purposes (even if someone put Shen Qingqiu under a truth compulsion he wouldn't be able to admit to being a demon, because he himself doesn't know!), and he's done tons of stuff to prevent anyone ever finding out (although Xiao Jiu is so talented that he didn't have to do much), but Luo Binghe is the demon emperor. That changes things. If Shen Qingqiu is going to be visiting the demon kingdoms regularly then there's a chance something could reveal the truth unexpectedly, and that would probably be worse.
So Yue Qingyuan sits down and has a very serious discussion with Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe about how Shen Qingqiu is actually a demon, was just the cutest little demon baby in fact, here he drew a picture from memory of what Xiao Jiu used to look like before he learned to look more human, and also how a lot of slave kids and slavers and people who fall through the cracks in society have demon ancestry, some more recent than others, and Shen Qingqiu always retained a certain discomfort around his own kind because of the adult slavers who sold him off, and etc etc.
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nothorses · 4 months
You've made a lot of really great posts about transmasc experiences and struggles, and they really resonate with me! So I guess I want to in complete earnest ask: why the push for 'transandrophobia' when anti-transmasculinity as a term has been around for longer and faces little friction by comparison? I don't really *dislike* transandrophobia, but its meaning gets muddied everywhere from different directions, while ATM is pretty direct and succinct I feel. It's very clear that it's about TRANSmasculine oppression. I'm not against having a dedicated term at all, but the content of our struggles gets lost in the weeds of attaching kind of understandably divisive terms like misandry and androphobia in an attempt to mirror a phenomenon very specifically about misogyny; it seems more trouble than it's worth considering ATM is right there
I'll be honest, this ask is confusing to me for a few reasons.
When I started talking about transandrophobia around the summer of 2020, the conversations I was encountering were very much, like, a handful of people across Twitter and Tumblr (literally, a handfull!). I picked up "transandrophobia" because it was one of two words I saw in use, and the other- "transmisandry"- felt much less clear and much more contentious. It seemed super obvious to me that people would draw a line from "men's rights activists" trying to push this idea that "misandry", as a systemic oppression of men by women, to "transmisandry", and assume some ill intent where there was none. It's confusing!
"Transandrophobia" was the better of two options being floated at the time, at least in any conversation I saw. "Anti-transmasculinity" was not really a term I'd been made aware of, if anyone at all was talking about it at the time.
I have seen people pick up "anti-transmasculinity" more recently (maybe in the last year?), and this is definitely the first I've seen someone shorten it to "ATM". The people I've seen use that term have been mostly people who seem really new to the conversation, and the vibe I've gotten has been very, like, "we're the Good Transmascs, our word isn't dirty and gross like those other Bad Transmascs everyone hates. you'll listen to us now that our word is Good and Pure, right?"
Which is like... kind of frustrating, and kind of sad, honestly. I think these people honestly believe that if they just choose the right word, all the people who've been dragging me and every other transmasc talking about these issues through the mud for the last 4 years or so will really just stop & listen. If they can just say it right, these people- who have been relentlessly harassing and spreading lies about every single transmasc who came before them for years now- will care what they have to say, and will be willing to engage with them in earnest, compassionate dialogue.
If you just find the right word, all of these people will care about your hurt, your pain, and the suffering of your community.
It kind of breaks my heart. It's an incredibly hopeful, kind, loving way to view the world. It's compassion and patience and forgiveness that these folks are not being given, but that they so badly want to offer to others.
And at the same time, it sucks to be the Bad Transmasc. It sucks to have fought so hard for so long, and for the people I've been fighting for all this time to turn around and say, "you're gross, and dirty, and evil, and everything you've done is a mistake." It sucks to see the people I've been fighting for agree with the people I've been fighting against, and shove me under the bus in an effort to appeal to the people running me over with it. Knowing that the bus is going to aim for them once it's done with me just makes it sadder, yknow?
@saint-speaks wasn't the first person to ever speak the word "transandrophobia", but he is the one who coined and popularized it in its current form. And then he was dragged through the mud so hard and so brutally that some people think I coined it, just because when I defended him (too little and too late, imo) I withstood the mud-dragging better than he did (and gee, I wonder white.)
And now people take for granted that everything everyone said about hymn to justify that frankly fucking evil harassment campaign was true, actually, and we should abandon the word he coined and find one with purer origins.
If you honestly think "anti-transmasculinity" is just a more practical word, that's fine. I don't care what word we use. But they're going to cover it in mud, too. They're going to cover every one of you in mud.
Will you keep fighting for "ATM" once they make it the new dirty, gross, bad, evil word? Will you keep fighting when they drag you and everyone else through the mud for using it? Or will you agree with them, make up a new word, and never look back?
Please don't let us drown in the mud. We've been fighting for you, and we want to fight with you. Please.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hi !! I love your writing! I think you've nailed the twst characters personalities really nicely <33
So if possible, I'd like to have some hcs Sebek, Ruggie, Jack, Jamil and Deuce would realize that they have a crush on the reader (in which the reader is basically their closest friend atp) and how'd they'd react to it. Would they be the type to shove it back down or get it over with? Something else entirely, maybe??
Hope this isn't too much. Thank you in advance! Take all the time you need!
hii first off thank you so much!! <3 and ofc ofc I LOVE pining (and friends to lovers?!)
pomefiore part
summary: how they would have a crush on you type of post: headcanons characters: deuce, jack, ruggie, jamil, sebek additional info: romantic, reader isn't specified to be yuu except in sebek's part because I found it funny, reader is gender neutral, deuce is a cutie patootie
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞
oh, he is in utter turmoil about this
on one hand: he really, really likes you
you're such a wonderful person
the kind of partner he'd be proud to introduce to his mom
on the other hand...
he really, really doesn't want to mess this up
you already have such a great thing going on as friends!
if he ruined that, he would literally never forgive himself
and Ace would make fun of him for it until the very end of time itself
so, of course he just sits on these feelings. maybe if he focuses on something else, they'll go away?
spoiler alert: they do not
they definitely do not
if anything, trying to ignore them just makes it worse for him; suddenly he's becoming an entirely different person around you
it's like a switch is flipped the second you're in the room
he becomes clumsy, easily flustered, can barely string a sentence together
Ace gives him hell about it, of course
and when there's no hope of hiding it any longer, he just confesses
(not that it wasn't obvious already... but for his sake, you'll have to pretend like it's shocking news)
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥
he's actually... pretty upfront about it?
once he's got his feelings on the matter sorted, anyway
...which takes him a few weeks
when he first recognizes his crush on you, he pours himself into his training
not as a distraction, really; he just finds it easier to think when he's working out
he really does want to think this one through
much like Deuce, Jack understands that he'd put the friendship at risk if he were to confess
unlike Deuce, however, he's somewhat aware that ignoring and hiding is a coward's way out, and will only push you away
so, once he's very sure about his feelings, he confesses
it's not exactly like a confession, though
more of a... lecture?
just informs you that he's developed feelings, doesn't want them to affect the friendship, and leaves the decision up to you
won't freak if you don't reciprocate, but... he might be a little bummed out
okay... more than a little
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
first thought: he doesn't have time for this
Ruggie has a job, school, and a whole neighborhood to feed back home
now a partner? no, that's completely out of the question
besides, it's not like you'd ever reciprocate. who'd wanna spend every date eating dandelion salad?
no one, that's who
of course he doesn't bother asking, but he assumes that goes without saying
but he's busy enough to put those feelings on the back burner and deal with them some other day
...if only he wasn't so distracted by thoughts of you, that plan might have worked!
by his third slip-up, Leona's had enough and demands he's gotta sort out whatever's bothering him if he ever wants to show his face there again
(he might've been in a bad mood)
but, unfortunately, Ruggie knows he's right
it's better to be rejected now than to spend the rest of his school days mulling over it
so, he just spills the beans, as plain and simple as possible
tries to walk away as soon as he's done so he doesn't have to see the look on your face
you can imagine his surprise when you pull him back
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫
actually has a pretty similar reaction to Ruggie
Jamil can't possibly fathom having a partner in a world where he doesn't even have his own freedom
in a sense, he just doesn't want to drag you into his life
in another, more important sense, he would be devastated if you rejected him
so he just... ignores it
of course, Jamil knows that pretending the feelings aren't there won't do much, but he doesn't really have a lot of options
he's not one to talk through his feelings, after all
not that anyone asks...
and his ability to interact with you as if nothing is different is astonishing
even if it feels like he's melting inside
though, you may catch him smiling more at you these days
he just can't help himself
when he's got his other stuff sorted, you'll be next on the agenda
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭
you claim to have no magic, and yet you bewitch him into caring about you just as much as his liege?!
well... maybe not as much...
but close! very close!
even admitting that to himself feels like high treason
nonetheless, you have to be something very special to distract him from what he calls his "true purpose in life"
he sees you and feels... ill?
he's light-headed, he's dizzy, his stomach feels funny...
and he's been thinking about you more so than usual
yes, you're friends... he'll even admit he's grown quite fond of you in comparison to the other people you call "friends"
but this is... unusual
surely, you've placed some kind of curse on him!
Silver is the first to hear about it
poor boy is too tired to deal, and so he passes on the problem to Lilia
who just chuckles and makes a lot of odd references and metaphors that no one of this century would understand
no, Sebek has to come to the conclusion that he likes you all on his own
(like-likes you)
and after some pestering from Lilia, he admits that perhaps you and he could protect Malleus... together!
(he's going to have to work on the wording of that confession)
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
K so like its night time and y/n is cuddling with megumi and yuji barges in and sees them both and is like “You’re cuddling with megumi are you guys dating?! :O” then the next day everyone is just asking you “aRe YoU rEaLlY dAtInG mEgUmI???” By the way i love your posts❤️
megumi is just so perfect for secret dating bc he would beg you to keep your relationship a secret, like, right off the bat. like before you're even official- probably before he's even confessed.
megumi coming to you in a panic and it worries you bc you don't often see him stressed and the boy looks like he's about to pop a blood vessel and you're being so sweet to him meanwhile he's grabbing you by the hands and making you swear to not speak a word of this to yuji or nobara- and definitely not gojo. poor confused you are like "ok sure but what are you talking about??" oops megumi forgot about the part where he's supposed to tell you how much he likes you and thinks that you should give him a chance at making you happy- but we all know that goes well because you're literally in love with him already adlhgkajflkgh
and for a while you're pretty good at sneaking around, because it's sort of fun actually. every secret look or note passed has your heart racing and you wouldn't have it any other way, as long as you have each other.
but after a few months the two of you get fully settled with one another and you start to slip up. with megumi pulling your chair out for you or holding the door for you but not the others, you start to get a few questioning looks. and you might have called him megs in front of the others one time- he might not forgive you for that one because now everyone calls him that to get on his nerves... oops.
it's not like either of you are trying to get caught, you both enjoy the benefits of dating in secret so much, you don't necessarily want to give that up. the others will definitely berate and interrogate you one day for keeping your relationship a secret for so long, but... it's just so nice.
"maybe we tell them when we graduate?" you hum, trying to brainstorm with your boyfriend to find the proper way to break the news.
megumi's chest rumbles under your cheek when he groans. if it were up to him, no one would ever know. surely he could have a successful relationship with you that way, right? it's been easy enough to cover it up so far, surely you could elope and build a life together in secret as well? shit, would gojo take it personally if he didn't tell him he was getting married? suddenly his mind is swarming with what a secret private wedding would look like, meanwhile you're laying against him in sielnce waiting for his response.
"megs..?" you call softly, trying to draw him out of his thoughts.
"maybe we fake our deaths. relocate. how's italy sound?"
you chuckle, tilting your head back to peer up at him.
"you're afraid of gojo, aren't you?" you hum knowingly. megumi glances down at you briefly, looking away as soon as you wiggle your eyebrows. you chuckle again.
"i'd be open to other places, too" he continues his thought.
"i think we should just rip it off like a bandaid," you ignore his getaway plan. "tell them we're together and have been all year. then if they have questions-"
"i'm not answering their questions" his voice is a mere whisper, as not to disturb the calming atmosphere you've created, but his words are final. you tap your finger against his chest a few times.
"i'll answer the questions then, you can just... stand there"
"do i even have to be there?"
"i don't think they'll believe me if you aren't" you giggle at the idea of trying to convince them that yes that stoic moody boy is actually a complete romantic towards you and you never thought a love like yours could be possible.
"are you saying our friends don't think i'm boyfriend material?" he asks, and you know he's baiting you, but you're honest with him anyways.
"that's exactly what i'm saying," you say, grinning up at him despite the scowl of fake hurt on his face. "but i know otherwise"
"fine. we'll tell them. and then you can answer the questions. and i'll... be there. for emotional support"
you giggle some more, tucking yourself further against him while he stares at the ceiling in despair. he already knows all of the questions your friends are going to ask and he can't help but dread them in advance. still, it will be nothing compared to the interrogation he'll surely receive from his guardian, later, when you aren't around to protect him (and his dignity)
"it'll be nice to be able to just say we're going on a date instead of you faking to be sick and me pretending i'm on an assignment. sneaking around was fun and all but..." you trail off, and megumi averts his gaze from the plain ceiling, peeking down at you where you nuzzle into the soft fabric of his sweatshirt. he knows you're going to fall asleep on him, because you always do, but he doesn't mind. even if it makes his arm fall asleep. "i don't want to hide how much i love you anymore"
and then his escape plan sounds silly when you put it like that. so he hugs you tighter against him as you start to drift off- he can tell as your head feels a little heavier against his collar- and he brushes his lips over the crown of your head.
"i love you too, sweetheart," he murmurs. "we'll tell them as soon as you want"
he just wasn't expecting the moment to be ruined by his door slamming open and your friends inviting themselves in, only to be shocked at the scene they interrupted.
queue the noisy accusations and questions. megumi tries not to say i told you so as you tiredly sit up and rub your eyes so you can answer all of your friends' curiosities, while he pulls the blanket over his head and tries to pretend he wasn't there.
of course he doesn't want to hide that he loves you... but for fucks' sake do they have to do this here and now????
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tpwk-formula1 · 4 months
They Grow Up So Fast - OP81
Oscar Piastri X Plus size swimsuit model! Norris Reader
Summary: Lando finally brings his sister around the paddock. How will Oscar and the rest of the grid handle the new regular.
Warnings: some hate towards both the reader and oscar.
Face claim - Pearl Maria Froud
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Liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo, and 2,904,001 others
Y/Nnorris Growing up I remember I could never understand why I was built the way that I was. Now I'm thankful for the ass I was given. Lando if you see this post just don't swipe.
User1 OMG I'm seriously in love with you
User2 I just know Lando didn't read the caption😂😂
-> landonorris For once I actually did read the caption first
landonorris As your older brother it is my duty to tell you, you've always been beautiful... annoying as fuck as well.
-> User3 When you thought Lando would say something sweet about Y/N but then makes sure to show that they are in fact siblings
-> Mclaren Lando we've talked about this... you have to be nice to our guests.
user5 LMAO I'm not over Mclaren admin telling Lando he needs to be nicer to his sister
user6 I want your ass!
carlossainz Why do you never visit me!
-> Y/Nnorris as Charles has stated before... you never invite me over!
--> Landonorris @/carlossainz you better leave my sister alone!! She is far to young for you!
---> Y/Nnorris But Lando you know I like them older!
user7 I'll never understand why Y/N gets so much hype?! Like she's not even that pretty! Lando is def the better Norris sibling
User8 I literally love Y/N she's so fucking gorgeous
sabrinacarpenter Please marry me
-> Y/Nnorris let's go to the court house!🏃🏻‍♀️
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Liked by oscarpiastri, y/nnorris, and 3,798,236 others
Mclaren Swimsuit model Y/N Norris has made her paddock debut today here in Japan
user9 UGH why does F1 keep letting random women into the paddock like this
user10 Oh how I love Y/N!
landonorris Now why does my sister get her own post like this😒
user11 LMAOOOO not Lando being his sister's biggest opp
user12 I love how Mclaren calls her "swimsuit model" as if she isn't there because Lando is her brother.
Y/Nnorris Thank you so much for the invite! We both know Lando would never invite me.
-> landonorris You're the biggest liar ever! You literally tell me you're tired of watching me drive in circles
-> Mclaren We're so happy to have you! You were lovely and we hope to see you at more races to come.
charleslecerc She wasn't even in Ferrari yet she was the sweet person I met on the paddock
-> Mclaren I'd offer to share but she's all ours
user13 How long do we think it'll be before rumors of her dating a driver start?
-> user14 I doubt anyone will be shipping Y/N with a driver... she's not their type
Instagram Stories
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landonorris WHO IS IT?!?!
-> Y/Nnorris I literally have no idea what you're talking about
-> Y/Nnorris Stop worrying your pretty little head
user15 I'm stunned!!! No way you moved that quickly
sabrinacarpenter OMG is it the cutie you were telling me about?!
-> y/nnorris YES! He's literally the sweetest!
-> sabrinacarpenter I can't wait for you to tell me all about him!
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Three Months Later
Instagram stories
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landonorris I hope you know you made him late for the meeting today!
-> Y/Nnorris And how tf was that my fault! I had no idea he was gonna come visit me.
user20 I just know this is Oscar!
user21 Who is it! I need to know
sabrinacarpenter Thank you so much for finally letting me meet him! He really is so sweet and the way he looks at you!!!!
-> Y/Nnorris I'm so glad you like him! I really like him!
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Y/Nnorris I wasn't mad... Just disappointed!
-> oscarpiastri I'm sorry I ate the last cookie you made for me!
-> Y/Nnorris I can taste the sarcasm! But I forgive cause youre so cute and I love you!
-> oscarpiastri I love you too
charleslecerc You better treat her good!
-> oscarpiastri Why do I feel like you're gonna be more protective of her than her brother?!
--> charleslecerc She's too sweet to be hurt!
landonorris I tried to warn you about her!
-> oscarpiastri She didn't need to come with a warning label!
user22 Now what did you do to make our girl mad?!
user23 You finally pull a girl and now you're out here making her mad! You men are literally so fucking useless! You do not deserve her
Texts between Oscar and You
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Liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren and 3,329,826 others
Y/Nnorris Oh how I love Silverstone and my photographer boyfriend (can you guess which picture he took)
user24 I feel like it was pic #2 and he was genuinely trying to get a candid
-> Y/Nnorris Haha yes! The sun was too bright so when I went to turn around I ended up giving him a stank face and this was the nicest one I could find😂😂
yourbff I can't wait to watch the hot men drive in circles all weekend long 😀
-> Y/Nnorris Don't act like you're not excited to watch my brother 😒
--> yourbff Why do you always have to call me out... but on a real note @/landonorris I want a paddock pass please 🥹
---> landonorris Y/N has a fresh pass with your name written all over it already... I feel used
user25 Do we still think Oscar is the man she is soft-launching?
Carlossainz You'd look so good in Ferrari red
-> landonorris no
-> oscarpiastri no
-> Mclaren no
-> Y/Nnorris They want me to say no as well but 💳 (that is me slamming my card down for you to sneak it to my apartment)
user26 So gorgeous!
oscarpiastri Can't wait to see you around this weekend!
-> user27 Now Oscar why do you act like you aren't being soft launched all over her IG
user28 I would like to stop seeing this fatty on my feed
-> oscarpiastri Maybe start with unfollowing her?😒😒😒
--> user29 LMAOOOO oscar is having none of it! We love when he stands up for his girl
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Instagram Stories
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Y/Nnorris I feel like this is all the confirmation they will need
-> Oscarpiastri I think they already knew Sweatheart
-> Y/Nnorris True but I like keeping it a little secret
user35 Still not over you taking my girl like that
user36 I'll never unstained why you picked the fat girl!
user37 Y'all are such a cute couple!!!
user38 You do not deserve Y/N! I hope when you told Lando about the relationship he didn't support cause you're not good enough for her!
user39 Such a beautiful couple!
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Liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 3,209,893 others
Y/Nnorris @/logansargeant said something about being thankful? Idk what you American's do on a random Thursday in November but I hard launch my Aussie boyfriend.
On a real note Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! I'm thankful for all of you guys!
tagged Oscarpiastri
Oscarpiastri I finally get a post dedicated to me and @/logansargeant gets mentioned
-> logansargeant Toughen up
Oscarpiastri I love you! I'm forever and always thankful for her!
user46 I was not mentally prepared for a hard launch today!
user47 the scream I scrumpt! HOLY SHIT ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!
user48 I can't believe he actually picked the fat girl! Charity work frfr
sabrinacarpenter Almost burned the house down! I can't believe we finally got the hard launch!
yourbff Well I'm thankful that I no longer have to keep my mouth shut about knowing the cutest couple on the grid!
-> Y/Nnorris I'm surprised you did keep your mouth shut
--> yourbff why do I feel like this is a dig?
---> Oscarpiastri That's cause it was... you're the biggest yapper I have ever met
Comment liked by Y/Nnorris
One year later
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Liked by Oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 3,980,324 others
Y/Nnorris I said yes
User49 I can't believe it is so full circle that they're getting married
sabrinacarpenter they grow up so fast 🤧🤧🤧
landonorris I wish you could have seen the nerves Osc had all week😂😂😂
-> oscarpiastri Why must you expose me?!
Oscarpiastri I love you so much and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
user50 I just know this wedding is gonna be so beautiful
mclaren Can we have a papaya themed wedding?
-> Y/Nnorris I'm gonna hold your hand while I tell you this
--> user51 Y/N Norris is one of the funniest humans I have ever seen
user52 I can't wait to see this wedding
378 notes · View notes
doctorbunny · 3 months
MILGRAM Hallucination Booklet Translation pt.1 (Yamanaka and DECO*27 Interview)
Context: This interview was from a booklet handed out at the MILGRAM Hallucination live show on the 21st January 2024 (if you want a copy you can buy it here) This translation was made possible by the generosity of @maxpawb sharing images of his booklet with me This translation is mostly my own, but @maristelina helped me with some sections. Now without further ado:
Q.01 Introduce Yourself. I'm Takuya Yamanaka. I'm the creator/planner/screenwriter for MILGRAM. I'm DECO*27. I work as the music producer for MILGRAM. I like Hatsune Miku.
Q.02 What reactions from the guards have been the most surprising so far? Yamanaka: There are a lot of guards that were born overseas, aren't there? Even though it's created with rather Japanese sensibilities, overseas audiences didn't seem to mind at all. Though the countries and sensibilities are different than what I anticipated, votes have become more multifaceted, it's very interesting, isn't it? DECO: To forgive or not forgive the prisoners what do you do, whether it goes as you expected or the result turns out to be quite the opposite, its fascinating. Maybe your nationality affects the kind of criteria you use to make judgements? I've been thinking about something like that.
Q.03 Is there anything you didn't imagine would happen at the start of the trial? Yamanaka: I didn't write it with a large overseas audience in mind, because from the start I wasn't worrying about popularity at all, I simply didn't think I'd be watching over so many guards. Milgram was developed as a more underground project, but it's popularity is a good surprise, isn't it. DECO: There were more people who got into MILGRAM without already caring about my music than I imagined, it was surprising. I feel like MILGRAM has spread further beyond than what I thought it would. I'm very grateful!
Q.04 So far, what's made you the happiest? Yamanaka: Everything. As a creator it brings me great joy to see a work that existed in my mind, take shape and be enjoyed by so many people. Other than that, because I also love the characters I've birthed, seeing all the guards talking about them and sharing their thoughts, both positive and negative, has to be the best feeling. DECO: It makes me happy to see lots of people analysing the meanings I put in my songs! The theories get pretty close to the truth too, I think... the power of all the guards is really cool.
Q.05 So far, what has been the most challenging? Yamanaka: Because I have to change the script in accordance with the audience's decisions, I can't create the entire story in advance. Furthermore, as of the second trial, there aren't only individual character storylines, the prisoner's verdicts begin to emerge and they influence each other. That is to say, I can't start writing until after everyone's results are out. Willingly subjecting myself to doing something this unreasonable, is what I feel is difficult for me. But because DECO*27 is also going through the same hell, we're holding on to some semblance of sanity. DECO: The story changes in accordance to all the guards' choices, and the music has to be written to match. I think this is harder for Yamanaka-P, who writes the script, than it is for me... But though its tough, I feel its really worthwhile, It makes me really happy to be able to communicate with everyone through my songs!
Q.06 Do you have any regrets like "I wish I had done it differently back then!"? Yamanaka: I've thought it over quite carefully, but there's nothing in particular. I think everyone involved in the project is giving it their all and its a really passionate environment. DECO: Nope! I've been able to put all the things I've thought of into my songs.
Q.07 Which prisoners are the easiest to write dialogue/music for? Yamanaka: If I had to pick one, it'd be Fuuta. He's the type of person that's pretty easy to write because his brain never shuts up. Other than him, Yuno and Shidou are relatively academic kids in theory, so they're easy to write because they're very clear when it comes to what they want to convey. [TL note just because its funny, the idiom Yamanaka uses is lit. "There is barking in the inside [of Fuuta's] head] DECO: It went smoothly for all of them!
Q.08 Which prisoners are the most fun to write dialogue/music for? Yamanaka: Muu's lines were the very fun to write~. I'm fascinated by her approach to life and can't help but envy how fun it must be to behave like that. Yuno and Amane are my runners up. I enjoy writing the kinds of characters who plainly state their ideas and speak eloquently. DECO: Mahiru! From the start writing about the relationships between men and women has been what you might call my forte, its enjoyable to make. I feel like this is also why I find Yuno easy to write for.
Q.09 Which prisoners are the hardest to write dialogue/music for? Yamanaka: Overwhelmingly, Haruka's dialogue takes me the longest to write. I have to use the parts of my brain that I wouldn't normally use to figure out how to not just directly convey what he wants to say. DECO: None of them!
Q.10 What's your favourite combination of characters? Yamanaka: Amane and Shidou. They're on completely different wavelengths about everything, and the best part is that there's no getting around it. My second pick might go to Yuno and Muu. They don't get along at all so their fights are never just superficial squabbling. DECO: I always like the interactions between Es and the prisoners. I'm liking how over the course of the voice drama interrogations, Es seems to be gradually coming to understand the prisoner's humanity. Especially Es + Mahiru!
Q.11 Do you want to be friends with any of the prisoners? Yamanaka: Shidou and Kazui. I like the idea of being friends with professional people. I think that people who choose to go into something specialized, its clear they have a kind of resolve and that's charming, isn't it? DECO: Yuno! I feel like she'd be easy to talk to. She seems like she's used to friends who maintain a good distance from each other. [note: while 'good' here can mean a fair amount of distance, in Japanese relationships the concept of boundaries is also built into the idea of distance, so in English you might talk about someone who is a close friend but still has good boundaries, but in Japanese this is someone who has the 'right amount'/ちょうどいい of distance from you, so this could mean Yuno doesn't have any close friends or that Yuno is just a good friend because she isn't going to turn up to your house unexpectedly and eat all the food in your fridge]
Q.12 Do you want to date any of the prisoners? Yamanaka: I love all of my characters a lot, but, well... how should I say it... I don't think I would date any of them. [TL note: I had to shift the wording to be more natural in English but the Japanese Q is more like 'which prisoner would you want to be your boy/girlfriend?' curse english for not having an exact equivalent to koibito, so Yamanaka's answer is more like 'I think would break up with all of them' its a nominal difference but my friend said to mention it bc its funny] DECO: I'm sorry.
Q.13 What's your favourite line/phrase? Yamanaka:
[Scene from Muu's first voice drama Crying B, TL taken from MILGRAMMER]
Es: Judging from your facial features, are you what they call “half-Japanese”? [lit. haafu/Half] Muu: Yeah… I’m biracial. [lit. daburu/Double]
It would have to be that wouldn't it? I got goosebumps when I wrote it it. DECO:
"It's not my fault"
I think that single phrase was able to represent Muu's character really well, if I do say so myself.
Q.14 Are there any prisoners that you think its good they're in MILGRAM? Yamanaka: All of them. Without these 10 people, this Milgram would be a complete failure. DECO: Without these 10 people, MILGRAM wouldn't exist!
Q.15 Is there anything the guards aren't aware of yet? Yamanaka: Of course, there may be some minor details, but I don't think there are any major points missing. The mysteries have already disseminated, I feel the full picture will be clearly revealed if the theories and wild speculations, which have been shared around the world, come together. As expected. DECO: There are! I hope you look forward to the gimmicks I wanted to put in my songs that will come out in the third trial!
Q.16 Is there anything you haven't been able to do up to now, but you want to try doing after this? Yamanaka: I want to do a stageplay. Every performance would be a different story set in Milgram. If anyone reading this is involved with stage productions, please contact me. [I can't find it now but I swear a while ago Yamanaka tweeted something similar like "I'm interested in doing stage adaptations of Caligula Effect or MILGRAM, if anyone is involved with stage production please contact me" I hope he does it, a MILGRAM stage play would be awesome] DECO: Fortunately, I'm already doing everything I want to do! Writing the trial 3 songs couldn't be more fun.
Q.17 Represent "MILGRAM" in one word. Yamanaka: 『人』 "People" DECO: 『噓』 "Lies" [This one is both simple and interesting so as a preview I'll share how akka and DMYM answered] akka: 『幻』 "Illusions" DMYM: 『信』 "Faith"
Q.18 Give a brief comment about the future of "MILGRAM". Yamanaka: There have already been plot developments that I personally wish I didn't have to write. The guards have all chosen a very intense path. It's frightening. I've also been ready to obey these choices since the start of MILGRAM, so I think we all should enjoy this story that can only be told once together. DECO: I've already started writing the prisoner's songs. It's hell. Please prepare yourselves. Q.19 A message for the guards. Yamanaka: Thank you for always looking after the prisoners. Milgram is a work that involves the participation of everyone, including yourself. The thoughts you had, the actions you took, the joy, and resentment you felt towards this prison, all this became a part of Milgram too. I would like you all to please live healthily in your realities alongside Milgram. DECO: Thank you for your hard work as guards. Although MILGRAM is full of troublemakers, we would be grateful if you could continue to watch over us for a long time to come. We will do our best to meet your expectations.
[A link to part 2 will be posted here when its ready]
(Japanese transcript under the cut)
Q.01 自己紹介を。 山中拓也です。 ミルグラムでは企画・原作・脚本をしています。 DECO*27です。 MILGRAMのサウンドプロデューサーを務めています。 初音ミクが好きです。
Q.02 これまでの看守たちからの反応で驚いたことは? Yamanaka: 海外にもたくさんの看守が生まれるていったことですね。とっても日本的な感性で創っているので、海外ウケとかきにしていませんでした。やはり国が違うと感性も違うものだと思うので、より多面的な投票がされて、とても面白いですね。 DECO: 囚人が赦すor 赦さないのどっちになるか、と自分で予想していたりもしたのですが、結構それが逆の結果になっていることがあって興味深ったです。もしかして国民性で判断基準が違ってくるのかな?とか考えたりしました。
Q.03 審判開始時点では思い描いていなかったことはあるか? Yamanaka: 海外ウケ気にしたことないと書きましたが、そもそもウケ自体あまり気にしていなかったので、シンプルにこんなにたくさんの看守の方に見守っていただけるコンテンツになるとは思っていませんでした。もっと、アンダーグラウンドで展開するつもりだったんですが、嬉しい悲鳴ですね。 DECO: 想像以上にDECO*27を知らない方にもMILGRAMを観てもらえたことに驚きました。自分の思っていた以上にMILGRAMが広がったなと感じています。ありがとうございます!
Q.04 これまでで一番嬉しかったことは? Yamanaka: 全部です。自分の脳内にしかなかった作品が、形になり、たくさんの人に楽しんでもらえること自体がクリエイターとしては大きな喜ぶです。あとはやはり僕は自分が産んだ登場人物のことが大好きなので、プラスでもマイナスでも看守の皆様が彼らについて語って、想いをぶつけてくれいることが最高に嬉しいです。 DECO: たくさんの方に自分が音楽に込めた意味考察してもらえた嬉しいです!かなり正解に近い考察もあって、看守の皆さんのパワーすごいな…と思っています。
Q.05 これまでで一番大変だったことは? Yamanaka: ユーザーの選択によって、シナリオを変更をするので、あらかじめ制作することができないということです。しかも二審からは個人のストーリーラインだけでなく、他の囚人の結果による影響も出てくる。ということは全員の結果出てからじゃないと制作できないということです。そんな無茶を勝手に自分でやりはじめて、勝手に自分で大変な思いをしています。同じ地獄をDECO27も味わっているので、なんとか正気を保っています。 DECO: 看守の皆さんの選択に応じてストーリー変化し、それに合うように音楽を書くことです。これは僕よりもシナリオを書く山中Pのほうが大変だろうな…と思いますが…大変ではありますがとてもやりがいをかんじていますし、曲を通じて皆さんとコミュニケーションが取れていることが嬉しいです!
Q.06 「今思えばやっておけばよかった!」のような後悔はあるか? Yamanaka: よくよく考えてみたんですが、特に無いです。制作に関わる全員がベストを尽くしてくれているとてもアツい現場だと思います。 DECO: ないです!思いついたことはすべて楽曲で出力できています。
Q.07 シナリオや音楽の制作がスムーズな囚人は? Yamanaka: 一人あげるとすればフータでしょうか。頭の中でわんわん言ってるので、かなり書きやすいタイプです。あとはユノや、シドウあたりの比較的理論的で偏差値高めな子たちは何が伝えたいかが明確なので書きやすいです。 DECO: みんなすんなりでした!
Q.08 シナリオや音楽の制作が一番楽しい囚人は? Yamanaka: セリフを書いていて一番楽しいのはムウですかねぇ~。こんなふうにふるまえたち人生楽しいだろうという憧れすあります。次点でユノやアマネでしょうか。思想がはっきりしてて、弁の立つタイプは書くのが楽しいです。 DECO: マヒルです!自分が元々男女間の関係性を描くのが得意ということもあって、楽しく制作しています。そういった意味ではユノも書きやすいなと感じます。
Q.09 シナリオや音楽の制作に苦労する囚人は? Yamanaka: 圧倒的にセリフを書くのに時間がかかるのはハルカです。彼が伝えたいことを、伝わらないようにする調整に普段は使わない脳を使います。 DECO: いないです!
Q.10 お気に入りの組み合わせはあるか? Yamanaka: アマネとシドウ。すべての要素が噛み合わなさすぎて、どうしようもないところが良いです。次点でユノとムウかもです。表面的なケンカにならないだけでかなり気が合わないので。 DECO: エス対囚人の絡みは須く好きです。ボイスドラマの尋問によって段々とエスが囚人の人間性を掴んでいく様が気に入っています。特にエス+マヒル!
Q.11 囚人を友達にするなら誰か? Yamanaka: シドウとカズイ。友達にいてほしい職業の人たちです。なにかのスペシャリストを選択する人たちというのは、何かしらの覚悟が決まっている人だと思うのでそれだけで魅力的ですね。 DECO: ユノです!話していて気楽そうだなと感じます。お互い良い距離感を保てる友達になれそう。
Q.12 囚人を恋人にするなら誰か? Yamanaka: 僕は登場人物のことを全員最高に愛してますが、まぁ、なんというか、全員やめとこうと思います。 DECO: ごめんなさい。
Q.13 お気に入りのセルフやフレーズは? Yamanaka: 「その顔立ち、ハーフというやつか?」「うん...…ダブル」ですね。書いてて鳥肌でした。 DECO: 「悪くないもん」 1フレーズ���ムウのキャラクターを上手に表現できたなと我ながら思っています。
Q.14 ミルグラムにいてくれてよかった、と思う囚人は? Yamanaka: 全員です。この10人でなければ、このミルグラムになっていないので。 DECO: MILGRAMはこの10人がいなければ成立しません!
Q.15 看守たちにまだ感づかれていないことはあるか? Yamanaka: もちろん、些末な部分はあるかと思いますが、大きいところだとないんじゃないですかねぇ。既に問題はバラまいたし、世界中に発信された考察や妄想を組み合わせたらきっちり全貌が明らかになる気がします。さすがです。 DECO: あります!第三審で僕が楽曲を通じてやりたかったギミックが出てくるので楽しみにしていてください!
Q.16 今できていないが、今後やってみたいことはあるか? Yamanaka: 舞台がやりたいです。毎公演、コンセプトの異なるミルグラムで行われる舞台。舞台制作に関わる方が、読んでおられましたら是非山中まで。 DECO: 有り難いことに、やりたいことは全部やれています!第三審の曲を書くのが楽しくてしょうがないです。
Q.17 「ミルグラム」を一文字で表せ。 Yamanaka: 『人』 DECO: 『噓』
Q.18 今後の「ミルグラム」について一言。 Yamanaka: 既に僕が個人的には書かないでいたかった展開が確定しています。看守の皆さんなかなか強烈な道筋を選びました。恐ろしい。自分もその選択に従う覚悟をしてミルグラムをスタートしているので、一度きりの物語を皆さんと一緒に楽しもうと思います。 DECO: 既に楽曲を書き始めている囚人もいます。地獄です。覚悟しててください。
Q.19 看守たちへメッセージを。 Yamanaka: いつも囚人たちのことを世話してくださってありがとうございます。ミルグラムとは、参加する皆さん自身を含めてミルグラムという作品です。この監獄に対して感じた思い、起こした行動、喜び、 憤り 、それらすべてが作品の一部になります。是非ミルグラムと共にある皆さんの現実を健やかに生きてくださいませ。 DECO: いつも看守としてのお勤めご苦労さまです。曲者ばかりのMILGRAMですが、これからも末永く見守っていただけると幸いです。期待に応えられるよう、尽力してまいります。
246 notes · View notes
reccyls · 22 days
Your Hand, My Lady - The Mature Butler Pledges Loyalty (Victor story)
My translation of Victor's butler event story
As a result of the Evil King's Game, my exclusive butler for the day is...
Victor: Oh dear, how could this be! Turns out there isn't a number 6 after all, so the order gets turned back onto the king!
...the person who started this round of the game in the first place, Victor.
Victor: But one must put their heart and soul into what they have agreed to do, so do allow me to be your butler.
Kate: S-sure. I'm looking forward to it.
(Victor as my butler... I wonder what that's going to be like?)
Kate: Mm....
Daylight streaming into my room pulled me from my sleep. As I sat up, I noticed Victor drawing open the curtains.
Victor: Ah... Apologies, Lady Kate. Did I wake you?
Kate: It's fine...
(Oh, right. Victor's going to be acting as my butler for the entire day today.)
Victor: Heh. Are you still sleepy?
He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper, mindful of how I was only barely awake. His voice was sweeter and gentler than usual.
Victor: You have no duties to attend to today, so if you wanted to sleep in, that would be no trouble. It is still half past 5 in the morning.
Kate: Half past five...? Then, I'll sleep a little more.
Victor: Of course. Sleep well, and I will let you know when breakfast is prepared.
As I curled up in bed once more, Victor silently approached and adjusted my blanket. With a warm, ticklish feeling in my chest at Victor's care, I enjoyed my extra bit of sleep that morning.
After I had my fill of sleep, Victor woke me and I got dressed for the day. I also enjoyed a delicious breakfast.
Kate: Today's breakfast was really good!
Victor: That is good to hear. I'll be sure to pass your words on to the chef. Victor: ...My lady, how about some fresh fruits for dessert? Say 'aah'.
As Victor spoke, he held a fork with a piece of apple up to me.
(Is he really going to feed me...?) (Is this a normal thing for butlers to do?)
Hesitantly, I ate the offered fruit.
Kate: Mm, this is good too! Kate: ...But, um, it is a bit embarrassing to do this.
The gap between me and Victor felt smaller than normal today. It wasn't just regular kindness I could feel in the depths of his words and his expressions. He gave off the impression that he truly and deeply cherished me.
Victor: Please do forgive me. Victor: I was enjoying myself too much and I have ended up making you uncomfortable. Victor: Could you find it in your heart to forgive such an incompetent butler...?
Kate: You don't have to apologize! You're not incompetent at all! Kate: Please just keep doing what you think you should. If I'm actually uncomfortable with something, I'll let you know.
Victor: Thank you very much. My lady is truly kind.
(I basically spent the entire day with Victor. It was a lot of fun.)
...The truth is, this past week, I'd seen some pretty horrible things during my missions with Crown. I wanted to go on those missions so I could get used to that kind of tragedy, but all I ended up doing was make myself more and more depressed...
(...And that's when Victor proposed the Evil King's Game, and he ended up as my butler for the day.) (Thanks to being able to spend time with him, I feel a lot better.)
But just like nothing sad lasts forever, neither do the good times. Every hour that passed was one hour less that I would be able to spend with Victor.
Victor: Ah yes. Before dinner, may I braid your hair, my lady? Victor: During breakfast and lunch, your hair seemed to bother you.
Kate: Oh, thank you. If you don't mind?
Victor: Of course not, leave it to me. I'll be sure to style your hair to be both practical and beautiful.
Victor sat me down in front of the mirror. Parting my hair with a comb, his large hands began to braid my hair.
Kate: ...You really know a lot about women's fashion, Victor.
Throughout the day, Victor was careful to ensure that my clothes wouldn't end up dirty, and helped to suggest complementary accessories when I was unsure which ones to pick. And the hands working through my hair were obviously very familiar with the act of braiding.
Victor: I am your butler, but I do usually work as the queen's aide.
Kate: Oh, right...
Since he worked closely with the queen, it made sense that Victor would have picked up a deep understanding of women's fashion. I was embarrassed that such a simple thought never even crossed my mind. And not only that, but I became aware of a muddled feeling not unlike fog spreading through my chest.
(I had thought that I was the only one who would be able to see Victor as a butler.) (I just didn't consider that I wasn't the only person to know this side of Victor.)
Victor has a lot of friends and acquaintances beyond just Crown, and I've never seen the face he wears in front of them. For some reason, today, that obvious fact was like a dagger to my heart.
(Is there a side of Victor that only I know...?) (...Ah. That's right.)
Kate: Victor, can I ask you for something?
Victor: Of course, my lady. Whatever you need, I am at your disposal.
Kate: This isn't something that happens every day, so I wanted to see you wearing a butler's uniform.
Victor: A butler's uniform?
Kate: Yeah... Have you ever worn one before?
Victor: No, never... And if this is what my one and only lady wishes of me, then I do not mind wearing one.
Kate: I'd love to see it!
And so, Victor went to go put on a butler's outfit.
(Maybe that was kind of heavy-handed of me, but I'm really excited.)
As I stood in the hallway waiting for Victor to be done changing, William approached.
William: Kate, have you seen Victor around?
Kate: He's in his room right now. Changing his clothes, to a butler's uniform.
William: A butler's uniform...? Ah right, he is our little robin's butler for the day, isn't he. William: Sorry for this, but may I borrow your butler?
Kate: Huh...?
William: Her Majesty has summoned Victor for an emergency.
(Victor is my butler for the day... but the queen's orders take priority.)
Kate: Okay. It's Her Majesty's orders, after all.
William: ...You seem displeased.
I flushed, embarrassed at being seen through by William, who had let out a chuckle.
(Feeling lonely because Her Majesty has stolen Victor from me... I'm acting like such a spoiled brat.)
Just then, I spotted Victor, who had now finished changing, approaching. But I knew that if I looked him in the eye, I would end up asking him not to leave, so I made sure to look away from him. As I held back, William had walked over to meet Victor halfway, and the two of them began to speak. It was most likely about the queen's summons.
(Victor is going to leave.) (But... if I could leave a little of myself in his heart...)
Kate: ...Victor. Do you have a little time?
Propelled by a sense of possessiveness I didn't even realize I had, I called out to Victor.
Victor: ...William, can you go on ahead?
Seeing something in my expression or body language, Victor sent William off first.
Kate: Just a second, Victor.
I took one of my ribbons, and tied it around a lock of his hair.
Kate: ...Today, you're not just the queen's aide, but also my butler. Kate: Even if you're far away... please remember that. Kate: ...This is my order, as your lady.
As I told him my wish for him to keep me in his heart...
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Victor took my hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it.
Kate: ...
Victor: ...Of course. Today, I am your loyal butler. Victor: And so would you tell me the reason for the fog that clouds your thoughts?
Kate: I... I-
I didn't know whether to reveal the truth of what I wanted, but every second I dawdled was another second spent obstructing the queen's orders. Gathering my resolve, I opened my mouth to speak.
Kate: ...I'm jealous of the queen, of how much time she has with you. Kate: If I could... I want to order you to stay here.
(Every moment I spend with Victor is precious.) (I wish we could be together forever... I've ended up thinking that way.)
But the reality of the situation is, I'm in no position to make that demand. The queen's orders are absolute. And so because I cannot always be by his side in reality, I wanted to make a place for myself in his heart.
Victor: ......
I turned away from my thoughts, back towards Victor, who had fallen silent.
Kate: I'm sorry. I don't want to burden you, so just--
Hurriedly, I tried to pull my hand back, but Victor raised it to his lips once more.
Kate: ....!?
(Th-that... that wasn't just a kiss, was that his tongue!?)
Seeing my flustered expression, Victor cracked a teasing smile.
Victor: Just because I am your butler does not mean that you can let your guard down, my lady. Victor: The more you say such sweet things, the more I wish to mark your body with my kisses...
Victor's words were full of uncharacteristic seductiveness, and my heart began to pound loudly.
Victor: Do you remember what I told you earlier, when you had dressed up as a maid? Victor: I said to make sure you only give your heart and your body to a partner you are happy to choose.
Kate: ...I remember.
Victor: And so... may I think of myself as that partner, my lady?
Kate: You...
If I gave the wrong answer or if I evaded, I got the feeling that Victor would slip far away from me. Determined to tell him the full, complete truth, I opened my mouth.
Kate: .....Yes. You may.
Victor: I see.
Victor let go of my hand.
Victor: I'm sorry, I must go now. Until next time.
With that, he quickly walked away.
(I... That was way too forward, wasn't it...!) (When he comes back, I need to apologize for making things weird...)
But Victor did not return before the end of the day.
(I wanted to wait for Victor, but at this rate I'll end up staying up the whole night... I should go to sleep now.)
With that thought, I extinguished the lamp and got into bed. Remembering all of Victor's smiles from the past day, I began to slip into slumber. And just then-- My bedroom door quietly swung open, and a scent that brought to mind a quiet deep night approached. When I opened my eyes, there was a figure kneeling over me in bed.
Kate: Who's there...?
Victor: ...It's me. Victor.
Kate: Oh, you're back from the palace...? It's late... you worked hard today...
I was on the cusp of nodding off, barely able to keep my eyes open as I welcomed Victor back.
Kate: And... why are you in my room?
Victor: ...Don't you know?
Kate: Is it about work...?
Victor: Hmm... Something a bit more personal than work.
Kate: Personal? Is there some kind of night banquet that you want to invite me to?
Victor: That sounds lovely, but no. The truth is...
Victor brought his lips to my ear.
Victor: ...I've come to steal your heart.
(Steal my heart?)
Kate: Hehe... There's no point.
Victor: Why not?
Kate: Because you already stole it a long time ago...
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Victor after he left for the palace. If that didn't mean that he had already stolen my heart, then what did?
Kate: Why do you want my heart anyway, Victor?
Victor: Why, you ask? Victor: Because it's so beautiful, I couldn't help but want it.
(I'm pretty sure his eyes are more beautiful than my heart...)
His face was hovering above mine. In the darkness of the room, his eyes seemed to glimmer with light. As I kept staring, those gorgeous eyes drew closer and closer... His long, beautiful hair fell across my face.
Victor: ...
I felt the touch of something delicate across my neck, my shoulders. When I realized that it was Victor's lips pressing across my skin, I felt no desire to push him away.
Kate: Haha, that tickles...
It made me think of all the times that Roger's corgi, Ale, would play with me. I giggled.
Victor: That's all? It just tickles?
(Huh...? Victor's voice sounds a little unhappy about something?)
As I was wondering what it could be about, Victor's lips moved from my shoulder to my ear.
Kate: ...Ah...
The heat of his tongue traced the shell of my ear. I trembled at the unfamiliar sensation.
Victor: Kate.
He whispered my name into my ear like he was trying to express a secret love that should never be.
(He's looking only at me...) (I don't know why, but that makes me really, really happy......)
With that strange joy held in my heart, my eyes slid shut, and I finally drifted off.
William: ...I saw you paying a visit to Kate's room last night.
After finishing a discussion about work, William wasted no time in starting to gossip.
Victor: Are you accusing me of something?
William: Heh. Does it look that way?
Victor: No. You look like you're just having a laugh.
William: Not quite. I'm not poking fun, I am quite happy. William: After all, were you not doing what your heart wanted?
Victor: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no. Victor: I only went to her room to warn her not to give her heart away so freely. And...
William: And?
Victor: Kate doesn't remember it at all. If she does, she probably thinks it was just a dream.
William: What a shame.
At William's words, a vague smile drifted to Victor's lips.
William: So why did you rig that game in the first place? William: Surely you must have known there was no number 6 stick in the first place.
Victor: Nothing gets past you, Will. Victor: Lately, Kate wasn't coping well with the missions she had joined. I just wanted to be able to do something for her.
William: That's it? No other reason?
Victor: ....No. Victor: Even if I did have feelings for her... there is nothing I can offer her. Victor: Because "Victor" belongs to "Victoria".
Notes: In the last exchange with William, Victor uses 俺 (ore) instead of 僕 (boku) as he normally does. Also, his last sentence is written as "Because I belong to Her Majesty", but what he says out loud is what I have written down.
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
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Summary: Headcanons for what the Task Force 141 crew, Alejandro, Rudy, and König got goin’ on below the belt. Part 2 can be found here!
Genre: Headcanons
Characters featured: Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo, and König.
Warnings: explicit content
A/N: Forgive me, for I wrote these quickly when it was very late. Enjoy? ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Ghost ― 8 inches, cut, thick af, and damn proud of it. *cough*Has a tip as pink as his lips oops*cough* Keeps things trimmed up a bit, but overall doesn't really have a preference. Smells purely of his natural scent yum
Soap ― 7 inches, uncut, and thick as hell. Feels like 3 to 4 fingers inside you. Doesn't trim or shave often, prefers leaving himself natural. Dark, thick, curls that carry the scent of his naturally thick musk wowowow
Gaz ― 7.5 inches, uncut, girth that stretches you out just right. Prefers to keep himself trimmed pretty short and clean when he can. Though, is willing on skipping a trim or two if his partner asks him to. Clean linen, and sometimes a little musk and sweat if it's been a long day.
Price ― 8.5 inches, cut, nearly as thick as a can, woof. Strongly prefers the natural look but will trim or shave on occasion. Always smells like a mixture of his natural musk, his cologne, and sometimes even a bit of his cigar smoke as well if he's had a stressful day.
Alejandro ― 7 inches, uncut, and fits snugly inside of you perfectly. Trims things up, but not much, we love a man with a nice, dark bush in this house. Smells purely like his body wash and cologne, though not to an overwhelming extent.
Rudy ― 6.5 inches, cut, perfect amount of girth to 'im. Trims up only when he feels he's getting too wild for his personal preference. Smells clean like linen or his body wash, will sometimes smell like his cologne too during special occasions.
Bonus! Konig ― 9.5 inches, dunno how the guy manages to walk normally with it. Hm… I'd say he's part of the cut crusader squad, too. Also so thick he leaves you aching for days meow <3 Trims and cleans things up when he can. Has cute sandy brown curls, imo. Natural & sweaty musk~
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junedenim · 2 months
when you're so pretty and i'm so shy
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when banging into somebody only leads to more banging
warnings: fluffy smut, fingering, eating, and the regular shmegular
word count: 3k
The first time Alex talks to you, he breaks your nose. You had known each other nearly your whole life but you lived on opposite sides of town and ran in different groups. The closest you ever came was when he sat two seats over from you in English and you passed a note to him once. Then, in physical education, during a rousing game of basketball, he crashes into you. You aren't even playing the game. 
You're standing on the sidelines, talking with Gemma, and paying little attention. Lost in gossip and the drama of Gemma's rivalry with Daphne Pritchett when the blur of Alex runs right smack into you. You hear the crack. You reach up and blood is pouring out. Your heart is pounding and your face is red but mostly you're too embarrassed to look up and make eye contact with anyone.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Are you okay? I'm sorry," Alex profoundly says. 
"Yeah," you mutter, even if it isn't true. You look up slowly at him.
"Shit," he whispers.
You panic and grab your nose. You wince in pain. "Is it bad? Am I missing a tooth or something?"
He shakes his head. "You're just...your nose...it's bleeding a little." A lot. There's a puddle on the floor and you can taste it, all metallic in your mouth.
"You broke her fucking nose!" Gemma shouts.
You cringe and curve your shoulders over. "Seriously?"
"I'm sorry." He's all meek and he has his hand on your shoulder trying to soothe. You or him, you aren't sure? "I'll take you to the nurse. Right? You good to stand?"
You nod and gradually stand up with his help. Your teacher hands you a pile of tissues that you hold close to your face groaning in pain. Alex's hand is on your back trying to guide you the best he can.
"I'm sorry. I just...I wasn't looking. I was an idiot and, and—I don't know."
"Not perceiving?"
"Yeah, that." It's brought a smile to his face and that makes you feel better. You don't want him to hurt too. He's always been a sweet guy.
"It's broken."
"Fuck," Alex mutters. 
In the following days, with a piece of tape secured on the bridge of your nose and a bruise giving you an undereye coating, you catch Alex's eyes on you throughout the day. They're always filled with concern, desperate for forgiveness even though he won't accept it.
"You're fine," you reassure him in the hallway on the way to the cafeteria. "It was an accident. Besides, it's my new excuse to get a nose job."
"At least let me buy you lunch." You nod and walk together for the first time since your bloody walk to the nurse. "Is it healing alright?"
You shrug. "I think so. I can't really tell. Bruises mean healing."
His hands are stuffed in his trouser's pockets. He's slumped over and somber-eyed. "Sorry about all of that."
You laugh at his constant apologies. "It's fine. I swear. I like bruises. That sounds like I'm a freak."
"Kind of."
You gasp and turn to look at him with a cheeky grin and dirty Reeboks, the only personality to his school uniform. "Hey! You're the inflictor. You're in my debt. You're lucky I'm not suing you. I meant it in an I-Got-Into-A-Fight kind of way."
Alex chuckled. "Are you the type to get into a fistfight?"
"I think I'm more likely than you. You couldn't hurt a fly."
"I hurt you."
You toot. "It's fine. You upped my street cred. Anyone who knows what happened feels sympathy for me and for those who don't I can say things like 'Oh, you should see the other guy.'"
"Okay, then should we continue this routine and I break your leg next time?"
"No, I think I'm good on broken bones but maybe you'll allow me a punch at you."
He toys with you, "Threatening violence? I should tell on you."
You tell him through giggles, "I'd kick your ass if you do."
After he pays for your lunch, he walks you to your lunch table like a poor stray dog. You should start calling him Sandy in the vein of Annie's shaggy orphaned dog. "Thanks, Al."
"My pleasure." He gives a crooked smile. "Oh, and don't get a nose job."
Unsure of what he's said, you question, "Huh?"
"Back there you said..." he points his thumb behind him then shrugs. "Anyway, I like your nose."
You furrow your brows. "Thanks?"
He's blushing and it makes your cheeks flush and you feel like he's attacking you with his cuteness. Like he's a cute drug you're overdosing on. You want to crush him up in between your teeth and digest him completely. (Maybe you've taken too many painkillers). 
"You're pretty. That's all."
You smile back at him, overwhelmed by his flirtatious shyness. "Well, thanks." He turns to walk away but you stop him with "Do you want to sit with us?"
"I don't want to intrude and I've got me friends." He points over to a table in the back corner filled with rowdy boys tossing food at one another.
You shake your head. "You owe me."
"So, I'm gonna be in your debt forever."
You think, tapping your finger on your chin. "Hmm, well, at least for the rest of the year."
He chuckles and sits down beside you. You do have lunch together for the rest of the year but by Day 3 your table and his table mesh and suddenly you're intertwined.
The swelling is gone in a week, the bruises are gone after two weeks, the fracture healed in four weeks, and Alex and you date after 5 weeks. You think he first kissed you a week after your doctor told you it was healed for fear that his nose would hit yours and somehow dislodge its position again.
He has a guitar in the corner of his room that you tease him into strumming for you. He looks embarrassed the whole time and it makes it even more charming. He tells you his secret ambitions and you encourage the way his mind moves. It's the perfect Hollywood teen romance.
One evening, you fall onto his bed. The mattress dips under your weight, and your mouth opens under his. Your skin sears as you spread your legs wider to make room for his body. You feel mindless. You move against each other a little while making out. Uncertain shifts and searching grinds, friction, fervency. You've never done this before, what you're about to do, unlike him. You like him being more experienced. It makes you feel as if he's your guidepost.
Your kisses are all tongue, broken by moans and desperate gasps. Your nails dig into his back and you try to stifle the sounds forced from your mouth. He turns his focus onto your neck, licking and sucking, bruising you like a peach. "Let it out."
It's erotic and troubling how much you throb. “I—I want—”
“You want what?”
You roll your hips up against him for real, starting to shake when you feel how hard he is beneath his jeans, and his grip tightens on you like that’s too much for him. You do it again, moaning some more but as loud as you want this time, and find a rhythm. “Fuck,” he rasps, “I’m—fuck. Don’t do that, baby.”
He stops you by the hips. You grunt, “Why not?”
"'Cause if you do I’m gonna come in my fucking jeans."
You force yourself to meet his eyes and hold his gaze as you push your skirt down, before grabbing his hands so they’re pulling your panties and tights down together. He finishes the job when they get to your thighs, and you're suddenly aware that you're wearing nothing down there.
His attention drifts low. His expression takes on weight, and he whispers, “God,” almost like a 'Thank you.' It dissipates any insecurity. He spreads your legs a little wider and then trails his hand down from your knee to your center, stopping just an inch and then moving it back down again. He does it a few more times, and it’s torture. “You sure?”
You nod. “Yes,” you manage, throaty and raw. “Please, do it.”
He grins at that and keeps teasing you, but then gets close again, and this time he doesn’t go back down. Instead, he strokes you, just a brush of a thing, not even inside of you and you're still gasping. Fuck, fuck. “Alex," you manage as some strangulated thing.
“I know,” he whispers, keeps stroking, all infuriatingly slow. "You’re so good.”
When he slips a finger in it’s done carefully, but it has you gasping. You're hit with it: you're really doing this right now. You're in his bed and he’s fingering you. The thought alone is enough to make you lose it.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says.
You shake your head. “It doesn’t. I—more, I want more—”
A second finger and your back arches. It feels like you're on fire when he finds your clit. The first brush has you whimpering, somehow overstimulated with just that ghost of a touch. He makes it worse by pumping his fingers in and out at just the right angle. He keeps stopping too, building pressure, and the third time you grab his hand to make him keep going. His fingers stroke a spot that has you crying out, and so he keeps going right there, and you hold his wrist, gasping and wanting what you can feel building so bad that you nearly scream.
He won’t give it to you, instead leaning down to kiss you again, smiling through it like maybe he’s enjoying the tease. You bite his lower lip in revenge and he laughs. “Feel good?” he asks.
You can only nod. He smooths your hair back and keeps going, keeps doing both; affectionate strokes and intimate ones with intent, the angle precise and the movements deliberate. When you come, his pace quickens a little and that feels so perfect, and your head falls back, and for a second everything just kind of whites out. Your legs shake and his thumb ghosts your temple. You blink and manage to utter, “Oh.”
“Oh,” he echoes, head tilted, fond. Alex kisses your cheek once, twice, three times. “You liked it?”
There’s a tiny bit of anxiety in his voice, which is ridiculous. “I loved it,” you correct.
His responding grin is like a spark to kindling. He says, “Me too.” When he sucks his fingers clean you get a burning fire inside you that you've never felt before. Your lips part. 
Your breathing is shaky as you inhale. “Can we…?”
His forehead falls against yours. “I don’t have, uh—”
“Rubbers?” You ask, coming back to yourself a little now. “That’s okay, I do.”
Alex leans back. “Do you, now?”
“Shut up,” you say, face on fire as you sit up. You find your backpack on the floor and part of this feels ridiculous that you're doing this after school before his parents come home but it feels like the most romantic thing you'll ever get the chance to experience. That first love feeling. “Here.”
Alex takes them with a, “Huh,” and an infuriating grin. It falls a little as he looks back up at you, and his eyes are so brown and comforting. “You really want to? You’re sure?”
You nod. “I wanna.”
The fear is just an underscore to the want, which overpowers everything else. You're safe with him and he’s beautiful and you think if you don't sleep with him right now, tonight, you'll explode or something.
Alex kisses your cheek and then rips open the wrapper with his teeth. You sit on the bed with your knees drawn up to your chest. “We don’t have to do this, y’know.”
“No, I know,” you say, your school cardigan falling off your shoulder. You tuck your hair behind your ears, a nervous habit. “I know that I just want it to be...”
“Not perfect." You shake your head, “Good? I don’t wanna look back on this and think about how I was cold the whole time, or how I was insecure, or—”
“Don’t be insecure.”
You give him a dry look. “Yeah, okay, I fixed that problem.”
Alex gets you on your back and nuzzles your nose with his. “I’m just saying I think you’re beautiful.”
Your face scrunches up. “Liar.”
His jaw drops with exaggerated affront. “Excuse me?”
“You’re just trying to butter me up.”
He snorts and glances down. “Pretty sure I already did that.”
“Oh my God, you gonna hang that over my head forever,” you say, all laughing as you wriggle underneath him, and you wrestle like kids for a minute, and then you're just kissing. The rest of the world falls away. It’s just you and him in this bed, and the way you fit underneath him, and the sounds you make when he presses into you. 
He pulls your top off and you can barely breathe before you come back together. He wants to see all of you so fucking badly, wants to touch every square inch of your body, wants to find every freckle and map out the distance between them like a cartographer with kisses.
You yank his shirt over his head and then sort of still, running your hands down the length of his abdomen memorizing it like your flashcards. Then you kiss him with complete need. Your arms wind around his neck and he wraps his around your body, hands searching for the clasp of your bra. He undoes it and leans back to pull it off slowly, eyes on you until it’s gone, and then his gaze falls to your chest.
“Fuck,” he whispers, ragged, you're so— there isn’t even a word. Divine is the only thing that comes close to his mind. He starts kissing and doesn’t intend to stop, insatiably craving your taste. He sucks your skin to bruise, on your collarbone and sternum, right above your heart. He can hear it pounding, an erratic busting beat. He brushes his lips over your left nipple, kissing it softly and feeling it perk, hardening in his mouth as he plays his tongue over it. You start to tug on his hair and he's obsessed with the feeling.
“Alex,” you beg, “please, please—”
He’s listening, but he doesn’t respond. Just moves lower and lower still, running his open mouth down your stomach and only stopping when he’s settled between your legs. Alex eats you out slowly, stroking your thighs and squeezing your hips while you moan and whimper and gasp various words of the ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ variety. He decides that he fucking loves this, it’s his favorite thing on the planet maybe, and he can’t help grinning while he does it. 
When he starts to move back up you try to push him down. “No, no, I’m not done—”
Alex laughs. “I know that, knobhead. Just wait." He knows he’s infuriating you but that’s on purpose too. He fucking loves it when you get all wound up like this. He strips and puts the condom on as quickly as he can manage, and you watch all fascinated, cheeks flushed when you catch sight of his dick. You're sort of sitting up now, so he tugs you back down with a murmured, “Come here.”
He slides in and being inside of you feels ritualistic. You're so warm, and you wrap your body around him as you start to move together. You hide your face in the crook of his neck and he cradles you, wants you to feel so safe, and relishes in every sound you make. Alex pulls your leg over his hip for a deeper angle and your head falls back. “Oh, fuck, yes,” you whine.
He stays right there and fucks you so good and so raw he feels sweat start to bead on his back because he’s been waiting for this for so long and if it doesn’t last for at least a few minutes he might as well die. You're so goddamn pretty under him too, with gentle curves and soft skin as you moan. He does too, can’t help it, doesn’t wanna, just wants to feel this and never forget it.
Your back arches when you come. You grasp at the headboard and cry out and so he lets himself too. You pile on top of one another like that heap in which you first spoke. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters.
You let out a weak noise. Alex turns to you, your faces less than an inch apart. You're all flushed and dazed and he loves it. He bumps his nose against you. “You alright there?”
“Shhh,” you say, with an ineffectual whack to his arm. “I’m...”
He grins. “Me too.”
You nod. You turn onto your side and so he pulls you into him, gathering you up to hold. He pulls the blanket over your bodies as goosebumps rise on your arms. You burrow against him gladly. “Mmm. Warm.”
Alex hums. “Don’t fall asleep yet,” he urges, watching your eyelids flutter shut.
You snort. “So I take it you’re a total girl after sex, huh?”
Alex shrugs. “I was just trying to save you the bladder infection, but I guess I’ll just fuck off.”
That has you scurrying out of his arms with an, “Oh, shit,” and his eyes follow your body shamelessly as you leave him.
Later, when you're all dressed and pretending to do homework, you shamelessly ask him, "When can we do that again?"
He looks up all shaggy. He's dressed in his home clothes with a T-shirt and jeans. You're stuck in your school's uniform skirt but with his old sweatshirt overtop, all cutesy in a way that has him biting on the eraser of his pencil. "Oh, no, I've created a sex addict."
You toss your pencil at him, making him chuckle as he catches it. "You seemed to enjoy it just as much as me."
He has a cheeky smirk and looks deeply at you. Then, suddenly, he turns serious, clasping his hands with one another and sitting up straight. "I could pencil you in for Saturday," he says as he flips through his desk calendar.
"Shut up or I'm withholding the goods."
"Exhortation now?"
"I can be one and done. I fear you'd crumble without seeing me naked again. I'm trying to spare pain."
You're so cute it makes everything in him a desperate, clingy spirit and he's not sure how he's going to be able to let you go back home after today. You're so far away, curled up on his bed while he's over at his desk. What is he doing over at his desk?
So, he stands up, walks over, and kisses you.
a/n: it's a quick, sweet fic. plenty of other things cooking...thanks!
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blessedbygookim · 5 months
Fuck it.
The Queen Of Busan.
16 year old Goo and Gun, on their way to see this through.
Part one: the meeting.
Part two: defeated.
Part three: forgiveness.
(This is my first story in a while, be nice. 🥲)
also huge thanks and hugs and kisses to @sscarletvenus for encouraging me and giving advice when procrastinating writing 🫶🏻
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"Are you sure we're at the right place?"
Comes the question from the raven haired man.
"Yupp, I’m sure."
The response comes from the faux blonde after a second of silence, followed by a pop of his lips.
Goo and Gun both observe the bustling city, as the blonde looks a little impatient with his hands in his pockets. Gun lets out a soft sigh as he glances out onto the streets from under his sunglasses. His cold black scleras give away only the most minute detail about his thoughts, though as he remains completely expressionless, giving away no more than he wants to.
Both of them stood in Busan, in front of a pretty lavish looking restaurant. Word has spread, that apparently, an unknown person came in like a thunderstorm. A whirlwind of power that swept through the streets of the whole city, in the matter of months establishing themselves as the new head of Busan.
Gun keeps his eyes on the scene before them, observing the busy streets with their many patrons who possibly frequent the area. A faint smirk can be seen curling the corners of his lips as his hand moves into his pockets, leaning back against the brick wall he's standing at the moment.
Goo on the other hand can be seen casually leaning against the wall next to Gun, a faint smirk gracing his face as he casually watches the city in front of him. There is a casualness in their stances that seems unnatural, almost as if they are already in charge; in a stance best suited for villainesses, or in their cases, cocky and delusional teenagers.
For a minute or so they just stand outside looking around, Gun's expression turns as stone cold as his black irises, before he finally walks over to the door and opens it, stepping inside, with Goo following closely behind.
Finally turning to face the blonde haired man beside him, Gun speaks. Keeping his tone low and calm.
"So you're telling me that this new mysterious person is in this restaurant, right now?"
The blonde man nods his head at the calm and quiet tone of voice he has to speak.
"He has to be, I traced the source back to here and there's no where else to look for now."
He gestures more into the restaurant as he speaks, sounding almost nervous and excited at the same time.
"Are you ready to go in and try to talk to him already so we can get this over with?"
"Yes, now would you please try and keep a low profile this time? I'd rather not to have another incident like last time."
Gun says as he pulls the other man gently by the shoulder, stepping into the crowded restaurant with a slight huff from the both of them.
The blonde man nods his head at Gun's requests, following right behind Gun with a soft smirk still gracing his face. The man was the complete opposite of Gun most of the time, being very charismatic and talkative.
"You know how difficult that is for me, right?"
He says, taking a few steps right with Gun to keep up with him.
“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”
Gun's cold eyes scans the crowd slowly, his hands moving out from his pockets now. It's a pretty fancy establishment, with quite a lot of people inside. They know nothing about how this person looks like, so they have no idea who to look for, and unfortunately, none of them stood out to Gun.
"This'll be harder than I expected." Gun says, speaking more to himself than anyone else. He lets out a slight sigh as he pushes his way through the crowd. “Perhaps we should ask one of the waiters.. I heard this establishment is under the head’s surveillance anyway.”
The playful smile curls further up on the blonde man's face, but purses his lips with a slight shrug.
"That's not a bad idea to do. Who should be the one to seek out a waiter?"
He says, looking at him with a playful smirk reaching the edge of his eyes. What's with this place employing good looking people? Goo can't help but notice this fact. Both waiters and waitresses are stunning, which made him think it must be a requirement to be good looking to work at this restaurant.
Gun lets out a small exhale, knowing it will be him stepping up and flag down a waiter, since he was the more mature one after all- or so he liked to think.
"Yes, how may I help you?"
Spoke the waiter, his tone of voice is polite and soft, professional.
"We were wondering if the person in charge of this establishment is around right now, we've heard about a lot of people speaking highly of him lately."
Gun says calmly, speaking in a very neutral tone as he doesn't show any hints of emotion at the moment. The waiter listens carefully to their request for a few seconds before speaking up again, his tone staying polite and soft, but now it also contains a subtle hint of suspicion as he raises his eyebrows at them a little.
"I apologise, but may I ask who you're looking for specifically?"
The waiter is extremely courteous and professional, though it's clear from the subtle hints in his questions that the man probably has some suspicion that they aren't as innocent as they claim to be.
"Well... the head... of the city in a way..."
Goo shrugs, unsure of what to say and how to get his words across. Because how would you ask of someone feared through the city, especially civilians?
“We've heard of this new mysterious figure who has recently claimed power here in Busan, the city seems to be a lot safer than it was before he rose to power.” Gun continues calmly, he feels the waiter's skepticism at the two boys, as he feels that he won't believe that they are simply 'curious'. "We'd like to meet him."
Letting out a soft hum of realization, seeming to be understanding now of what they meant as his brow lowered and his expression turned into a more curious demeanor, as a faint smile appeared on his lips as be speaks again.
"Are you referring to the Queen of Busan?"
Both Gun and Goo glance at each other as those words leave the man’s lips with eyebrows raised.
A female..?
Was this a joke?
The waiter did not seem afraid of the question at all, nor introducing this new head of their scene but seemed more... excited? Exhilarated? Prideful? Almost boastful?
Goo responds, more of a question itself rather than a clear answer, even more confused and unsure than before.
The waiter's expression quickly turns from one of curiosity to excitement, as the waiter's tone brightened up and even his stance loosened.
"Right this way." The waiter says as he quickly motions towards the back of the restaurant. After a few seconds of walking and following the waiter into a corner part of the restaurant, they spot a woman sitting, all alone.
"Good afternoon, Miss Nova. I apologize for disturbing your lunch time, but these two gentlemen are looking for you, the Queen Of Busan."
The waiter speaks to the woman, and if their mouths weren't already in the midst of falling open, the moment the woman peaks out from beside the waiter, is the same moment both their jaws land on the floor from the beauty that she is.
The new boss of Busan, the strongest person in the city is indeed, a woman.
It’s safe to say they were both caught by surprise. They were of course expecting the 'queen' of this city to be a force to reckon with, but they were absolutely caught off guard by the beauty of this woman. Goo's eyes scanned the woman from top to bottom as Gun's expression remained as cold and stoic as ever.
No body guards, no crew members surrounding her. She was eating all alone, with no supervision, but they immediately take it as a sign that she is the right person to talk to, as someone who can run a city like this with no bodyguards is more than likely an incredibly strong individual.
“Thank you Dohkwa, you may leave.”
The woman, by name, Nova says, bowing softly as she thanks the waiter, who bows deeply, and walks off.
“Take a seat, gentlemen.”
She finally sets her attention on them, gesturing to the two empty seats in front of her, on the other side of the table. The duo both walk towards the seats she indicated them to sit on, their eyes still locked onto her the whole time. Gun is the first one to speak.
“So.. you’re the new head of Busan..?”
She nods softly.
“I am.”
Her tone was incredibly soft, tantalizing despite his condescending tone when addressing her. Eyes kind and gentle, a set of light grey orbs that had a certain glint of ferocity in them. Long, icy blonde locks, slightly tan skin, body carved by the gods, for sure had taken their time on her. There was a strong allure to her that almost seemed inhuman. She was like an enchantress, casting a spell on the both of them with her presence alone, as if they were being lulled into something.
It was hard to believe that such a delicate looking woman could be the new head of the city, however that was just the result of their bias that the leader had to be a man.
“What can I do for you?”
Shaking his slight daze away, with a clear of his throat, Gun is the first to speak up. Keeping it as polite as she is being right now, tone monotonous.
“We were sent here by our employer to see you.”
A small hum is heard from her.
“Have you now? Interesting...”
She mutters out, arms crossing in front of her chest as she places them on the table by her elbows, her eyes shifting to Gun who simply nods at her question.
“Do tell me why so.~”
The both of them listen intently to her question, still trying to focus on their mission and not get completely charmed by her.
For a few months, both of them had been going around and scouting out crews to join The Four Major Crews and extort money from them, one hundred million won every month exactly. They already have two crews ready, and they need two more. Sinu is in charge of Big Deal, and Eugene is in the works of getting The Workers up and running. Even though their plan was to only get crews running around Seoul, in close proximities.. perhaps having one in Busan which is a little further away, wasn’t such a bad thing.
"We've heard that the city life here is a lot safer lately. We're curious what you did to achieve that, in such a short amount of time."
“Well… I assume you’re very aware that sometimes violence can only be solved with–well, more violence.”
The woman starts with a gentle manner after a moment of pondering, even though the topic is the furthest thing away from gentle. A plate of red velvet cakes sliced up, and with two chocolate muffins companied by small dessert forks being placed in front of all three of them by a waiter as she continues.
“I got rid of the morally corrupt individuals and their gang related activities, dissected harmful crews through Busan, took on their business, and rolled all their money right back with better results. Lowering the rent, polishing their business aspirations, better accounting, and being kind to them. Helping out struggling businesses and establishments by lending them money without any plus fees, nor did I expect them to pay me back... but since they're so kind, they still did. Which I greatly appreciate.”
Goo is still completely entranced by her beautiful appearance and her voice alone. Not only is she attractive but her mannerisms and demeanor only amplify the charm that she exudes by several hundred times. His mind seemed completely blank. The entire time he listened, he didn't even realize his mouth had slowly opened as he continued to stare at her. He quickly snapped himself back into reality as he heard Gun speak.
“What you did was certainly genius…”
Gun, on the other hand, appears to be more composed as he still needs to keep his cool for their meeting with her. The food being placed in front of them was a welcome addition to the meeting.
“I like to say it’s just kindness. It doesn’t cost me anything, and even though many people fail to realize it, sometimes it gets you further than just being violent, and extort these people after working them like dogs.”
Gun's expression remained unchanged even as she spoke, but he did acknowledge her way of handling the city. Despite not showing it, he felt quite impressed about her methods, but he still had one specific thing to ask her. Despite them being hardened bodyguards and exceptional fighters filled with experience and countless skills under their belts, they were intrigued by this woman's methods and actions as the boss of Busan.
So then why? Why be so kind? No catches either?
Gun, with his unwavering composure, was the first one to speak up. Like always, he kept his cool and still looked at her with a neutral expression.
"Why did you choose to be kind? There are so many other options. Usually leaders of gangs aren't the best people you can meet, nor they are very kind. So I can't help but ask myself why you aren't as heartless as everyone else."
There was no way she was just being nice for the fun of it. He refused to believe that in such world, one that he was also apart of and knew very well- people like her existed and not yet trampled flat by people like his own caliber.
“Wouldn’t you think it’s a nice change of scenery?”
She asks with a faint smile, a knowing, proud look in her eyes as she gestures around the establishment with the small fork in her hand.
“Does anyone look like they're in fear of me being here? Or does anyone look overworked? I think people are absolutely flourishing.~”
Both men look around the restaurant as they listen to her, and they realize that the staff and civilians are indeed behaving exactly as she says. They seem to be happy under her rule, and no one is in fear of her presence, even going as far as to say they’re even more radiant with her presence also in the building. Lively, filled with chatter and beaming faces. There was a certain joy and happiness in their expressions that hadn't been witnessed before under others’ leadership.
Maybe an exception was Big Deal. She really is turning out to be very similar to them. Passion and romance for sure were part of her ideologies.
Gun turns back in his seat, his eyes staying locked onto her figure. He could see the kind and gentle eyes that she held as she looked at the two of them after speaking her words, even though it probably wasn’t aimed at them.
A smirk slowly crosses Gun's face as a thought pops into his mind, the wheels of his brain turning.
No extortion of money? Really?
"If you don't do extortion or run any illegal businesses, how do you have so much money? Your way of handling the city is admirable, but you still must have a source of income right?"
“Skincare businesses, tobacco and cigarette companies, hotels, restaurants, hair salons, beauty shops all around the city- make a generous amount ever since I took over.”
She responds before taking a long overdue bite of her dessert.
Both Gun and Goo were slightly dumbfounded as to how many of the business are actually under her surveillance.
And that they were completely legal.
While swallowing, a curious glint appears in her eyes as she narrows them gently.
“Tell me, why so interested about my businesses or my position?”
Gun took some time to collect his thoughts before finally responding. However before he could even get halfway through forming the first syllable, Goo suddenly blurts out a question of his own out of genuine curiosity.
"Are you single?"
The question made Gun whip his head over to Goo, giving him a death stare out of irritation.
Is he fucking serious right now..?
As deep of a holes Gun was blasting right through his sunglasses, right into Joongoo’s skull went completely ignored by the blonde, who was nothing but a young man filled with curiosity and admiration… and hormones of course. A vein throbs across Gun's forehead as a look of pure annoyance forms on his face at his question. It's clear that he was very close to beating the life out of him on the spot as he takes a deep breath before speaking up in a stern voice.
“Are you kidding me? We're not here to make the most out of your libido. We're here on a job. So stop acting like a degenerate for 1 second and get focused.”
Even though this was something more than unprofessional, especially in such moment, the woman couldn’t help but scoff out a small laugh through her nose, a small smirk pulling on the corners of her lips.
“I am, and I will continue to remain so.”
At that, Goo purses his lips into a small pout, body hunching over. Bummer.
Well, at least he still has his first love; money. At least that will never reject him.
Either way, Gun lets out another sigh, focusing his attention back on the woman.
“I apologize about him and for his existence. To answer your question- and I will keep this as transparent and as honest as possible- we've been looking for another faction to extort money from. More faction to complete Charles's plan of kickstarting his new business.. and you and your businesses would be a great fit.”
At that, she lets out an amused hum.
“I refuse.”
As expected.
After all, it was a ridiculous request to begin with. The both of them were expecting it, not at all surprised, but still slightly disappointed.
“I will not help someone unknown to me climb the stairs of success. I wouldn't want my hard work be flipped upside down, make my people work their fingers to the bone and take their money, only to flip it into your boss's pockets.”
Nova concluded, and both are silent for a few seconds.
Gun nods at her in acknowledgment while Goo pouts once more, seeming quite pissed that the woman who he was so attracted to didn't immediately say something along the lines of ‘anything for you, honey’. Again, the duo sit in silence for a moment until Goo speaks up, finally having formed a coherent thought.
"You don't care about making money, huh?"
“Correct. Especially not for your boss.”
She shrugs, expressions conveying she doesn't even want to have this argument by this point. Her decision is set in stone.
“Not everything is about profit to some.”
Her words failed to resonate with them. To them, it was. To be bigger and more powerful, and of course make as much money as they want, even if crossing boundaries. Money was an important necessity to both of them, and they couldn't understand the way she was able to refuse something that could easily help her.
Gun leans back into his seat slightly as a look of slight skepticism fills his eyes
"Aside from your kindness, I can't understand one thing. You're the boss of a city, yet you don't care about money... what about power? Status? Why don't you ever use violence or illegal activities to run the city like every other boss?"
“Because I am not like any other boss. I don’t lead gangs. Power means nothing, especially when in return I gain enemies and be despised. Why be cruel when,- as you can clearly see,- being kind took me far enough, if not further than any other.”
Her answers hit Goo like a truck, he couldn't help but be in disbelief of how much he respected her now. Her morals and logic are all so different and he can't help but admire her for it in a way. He stares at her and he has a genuine shock and surprise on his face, he was actually finding himself to be in disbelief at how amazing this woman is. Meanwhile Gun is now starting to get irritated as he realizes she has no intention to be under the hierarchy of someone else.
“I sure do hope so that just because I said no, neither of you are planning to cause a ruckus in any of my businesses or establishments in the city.”
She says bluntly, face unnervingly blank this time as she speaks. This was the first warning of someone's seemingly bright and generous exterior showing some peeks of her actual feelings.
Both men sit calmly in their chairs as she speaks, their calm yet menacing and intimidating auras filling the air as they listen to her words. As she speaks, Gun's eyes narrow slightly. The only hint she gets of him having any negative feelings is the vein slightly throbbing on his temple as he listens to her speak.
Gun's jaw tightens in slight anger as his fingers dig slightly into the table while Goo lets out a sigh, his expression becoming slightly agitated as a sly grin creeps across his face.
"I can't speak for this idiot," Gun says while gesturing towards Goo "but me on the other hand..."
Well, was just the same.
At first he thought lulling her into a false sense of security could work.
She wasn’t stupid of course.
She seemed harmless enough, and both of them were deprived of any empathy anyway. This was only business.
Before Gun could even think about springing to his feet and lunge over the table, just the slight twitch of his body, the minor shift in the air was enough to trigger what happened next.
Perhaps it was less than a fraction of a millisecond, like a blink of an eye as Gun opens them to spot her fork piercing into his sunglasses. Just enough to not stab him right in his eyes, but just enough that the teeth of the fork didn't reach his irises as she threw it.
“Don't even think about causing a scene. There are children beside parents in this establishment, and employees whose families are waiting for them to get home at the end of the day.”
Hand still in the position of the previous flick of her wrist, she utters out. Low, deep, not wanting to attract any attention, eyes flashing with a slight glow before disappearing.
To say that he was not expecting that reaction from her was a drastic understatement.
Goo, on the other hands, was more than surprised by her sudden action, but couldn't help his mouth from drooling slightly, looking at her with amazement at how fast she whipped her fork out to fling it into his sunglasses.
Neither of them would've expected her to react so fast, making both of them freeze in shock like a deer in headlights.
Gun could feel that he's completely and utterly defeated with no possibility of standing a chance against her, which was a thought just as rare as Kyawthuite crystals. And for the first time, he felt like the situation he's in is far more serious than he initially thought.
How did she throw it so fast? Without neither of them even noticing, neither of them feeling her even make a movement. Especially with such agility and she done it so that it didn't pierce his eyes, but was scary enough to get her point across. The second warning, and they couldn't help but want it to be the last.
...why did they obey so fast? Was it her tone? So blunt and commanding, laced with violence? Or her eyes that bore holes through their head such way it almost gave them the feeling of lasers sizzling their way through their skins? The way she was emitting such blood lust in that moment it sent a ripple or fear and excitement down both their spine?.. or her agility?..yes, it was all of the above.
After a few moments of shock, Gun can't help but let out a small laugh, his tense body calming slightly as his eyes lock onto the woman in front of him after he takes his glasses off. Goo, on the the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off of Nova, his eyes filled with genuine admiration, admiration to the point where he was just slightly shivering from how overwhelming it was.
Gun is the first one to finally speak after her warning and his laugh, his tone still filled with slight irritation mixed with amusement as he holds his, now destroyed accessory.
"Well... point taken. We will now both take our leave and let you enjoy the rest of your afternoon."
"While you can." He thinks to himself.
So this is the Queen Of Busan.
Perhaps their defeat happened before an actual fight could have taken place, and who's to say she wouldn't have won, even one against two? It was a terrifying thought to have.
“Good. Because I don't feel the need to continue communicating my feelings on the ridiculous of the endeavor I'm currently engaged in any further.”
Goo can't help himself but speak up, a grin on his face as he gazes at Nova in bewilderment while they stand up.
"Damn, you're so badass! I knew you were a 10/10 from the moment I laid eyes on you but I did not expect you to be so incredibly cool. Can you throw another fork at my glasses too?"
Gun doesn't even feel the need to make a comment about his idiocy, just taking a firm grasp of his hood and starts dragging him out of the place while Goo can't help but let out choking noises, but lets himself get ultimately dragged away from the woman he can't help but stare at longingly.
Gun can be seen taking a better look at his sunglasses once they're both out of the premises, after Goo had shaken his grasp off with a whine.
"Man what the fuck! I was about to shoot my shot!!"
Comes the annoyed exclamation from the faux blonde.
As per usual, Gun just rolls his eyes at his comment, as well as the tantrum he was having, his expression being a mix of slight irritation and annoyance.
"First of all: you wouldn't have gotten anywhere near winning her over. Second of all: quit acting like a degenerate. You're acting like a child."
Goo doesn't even respond to what Gun said, a palm flat against the window while pouting and staring at Nova through the window outside of the restaurant.
Not looking like a weirdo at all with those puppy dog eyes and jutted out bottom lip as he mumbles to himself.
"I'll miss you..."
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itsgrimeytime · 5 months
he's such a pretty liar || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz @deadgirlrin
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Dialogue Prompts: 8 + 2
Inspiration: my boy by Billie Eilish
Summary: You and Rick had gotten along at some point, at the farm and prison. You were friends even. Until the Governor killed Hershel, which you believed to be perfectly preventable. Because of his inaction then, you'd gotten a bitter taste in your mouth at the thought of him and eventually, he started to reciprocate the behavior. But as time passes, and you experience more and more with him, is it really hate that you feel?
TWs: enemies to lovers (like fr though), yelling, mentions of death (Shane, Lori, Beth, and Hershel), mention of the Claimers scene, cursing, anger, nosebleed, bruising, love confessions, injuries, blood, and all things TWD.
[[A/N: This is based on Carl being mad at Rick after the prison. Rick do be stressed out, and he do be saying some terrible stuff, but like so are you. This gif is so 🫣💞🤭💞🤪. Anyway, enjoy :))) ]]
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You weren't a bad person, and in that regard, you wouldn't say Rick was either. Honestly, you respected him as a leader -you just didn't agree with all his choices. That's where it all started, after all, isn't it?
You'd seen what a wrong choice could do, you'd watched Hershel die right in front of your eyes. You'd seen it all.
And, sure, maybe you were grieving a little but you still largely disagreed with Rick's actions on the matter. It was preventable.
It started there, and only really got worse. It was like once you identified one flaw, suddenly you were second-guessing his every move. The two of you couldn't be in a room without arguing, couldn't be put on shifts together, nothing. Daryl, for one, wouldn't let you be alone together at all. And if it wasn't him, it was someone else.
"Rick, seriously," you spoke once, almost sternly, "-that can't be your decision."
"Why?" he responded -pointed and short, "-Ya got a better idea? Go right fuckin' ahead."
You knew that since the prison, Rick had been strung thin. You knew that he had been harder on himself than you could ever be about Hershel. But, you still were angry. Sometimes, sometimes it felt like maybe he was just a target for everything that you'd been through. And you were trying to change your behavior, change your ways.
You'd known him for so long, and you were going to be stuck with him. The group, even though the two of you weren't on the best terms, was like family to you.
And then, it started getting personal.
This argument stemmed from something small, trivial, you can't even remember it now. Maybe a decision on a run? You can't-
"Ya act like ya ain't made mistakes of your own," he added, "-all high and damn mighty-"
"When did I say that?" You interrupted, more cold than anything, "-You're putting words in my mouth, Grimes."
"-Because I seem to remember ya tellin' me about your family," he continued, not even pausing to listen to you.
You stilled in place.
"Rick," you warned (voice slightly shaking), "-don't... don't go there."
Your family. At the beginning of all this, you'd froze -scared. Watched one of them get bitten, and then everyone just followed after -not willing to grieve. You regretted not being quicker, not being more aware, but you weren't used to it. You weren't-
"Ya fucked up," Rick continued, as if he wasn't bringing up what he was, "-We all do, why do you-"
"No, no," you shook your head, voice shaking, "-Rick, that is not fair. You can't bring up my family-"
You had hated yourself for that, hated yourself. Still did. You would never forgive yourself for not saving them, even though you really didn't have an idea how to then, you should have-
God, he was bringing this up? Really?
"-over a goddamn run strategy."
"Well, you pick apart every damn thing I do," he retorted, "-'Thought I'd do the same for once."
"Oh, fuck you, Rick," you seethed, tears burning the backs of your eyes, "-you want me to poke at your wounds? Talk about who you could've saved?"
He pursed his lips, and you saw something flash through his eyes (they were trailing the now shake of your hands) that looked a little like regret. Like maybe he was understanding what he said. You felt like your skin was on fire.
"Do you want me to start from the beginning?" You tsked, a fire burning in your chest, "-Shane? Or maybe Lori? Beth? Hershel-"
"Stop," he stated, quieter than before.
"-Why, Rick?" you hissed, and you felt the tears now, "-Is this not what we're talking about? Oh, do you not want me to bring that up? Over a run?"
"I get it," he spoke, softer, and something in you sharpened, "-I get it, Y/N."
"Do you?" you responded, frustrated and just... angry, "-Do you, Rick?"
"I shouldn't 'ave-"
"Can it," you interrupted -short, "-Let's just get the fucking supplies and go."
Rick frowned, blue eyes far more emotive (all you could see was regret and pity), "Y/N, I didn't-"
"You didn't what?" You countered, and your voice was cracking, "-You didn't mean to bring up the fact that I watched my family die, right in front of me? Do you think that I don't hate myself every day for not doing anything then?"
Rick didn't say a word.
"-Hate to break it to you, sheriff, but I fucking do."
"Y/N..." he trailed off, blue eyes much calmer, the rage from before dissipating out of his voice.
"No, just-" you cleared your throat, wiping mindlessly at your frustratingly red eyes, "-Let's get this shit done and leave."
From then on, it had been much deeper.
You couldn't stand him, you hadn't been alone with him since. He made your skin crawl and your mind flare up in anger, and sometimes, just sometimes, it would shake your respect for him. Because you did have some, you probably wouldn't even be here, if you didn't.
The funny thing about it all was that you were close to Carl, very close to him. At the prison, after Lori's death, you'd nearly been inseparable. It was kind of like a parent relationship, but at the same time a little like a friend. It made you want to reconcile sometimes, but all you and Rick did was clash.
So much that you started to wonder what a normal conversation was like with him.
And then, you had the run-in with the Claimers.
God, what they'd threatened to do to Carl? You personally would've snapped their spine yourself if you had the chance. But what Rick had done? You couldn't imagine it yourself.
But you knew that he did what he had to. And some part of you wanted to tell him that, despite... despite all of your problems, you knew he needed it.
It was late that night when you decided to talk to him. It was just the two of you awake. You, on purpose, and you just knew Rick would be. Doing that was probably still rattling through his skull, he probably couldn't even close his eyes without-
Your steps were slow and careful, trying not to startle him -he just seemed to be staring. Endlessly staring, and just pacing. Despite it all, you felt something in your chest swirl with worry.
"Rick?" you spoke, gently. Even still, you saw his whole body tense up.
"Please," he muttered, voice low and gravelly -blue eyes heavy on you, "-I don't need your shit right now. I kno' 'at I did somethin' bad, really damn bad. But I just can't deal wit' ya-"
"No, Rick," you interrupted, "-that's not why I'm... That's not what I want to say."
"What do ya want to say, then?"
"You made the right decision," you responded, tone sturdy and unmoving, "-you... you did what you had to."
Rick stilled, something flickering through his face -a flutter of emotions.
"I know, we aren't on the best terms, but-" you rolled your lip around your teeth, "-you're not a monster, Rick."
The silence was loud then, as his blue eyes skimmed over you -carefully. Maybe like he was seeing a new you, or maybe an old one he'd forgotten about. One you'd forgotten about.
"Trust me, I know it feels like it," you added (mind flashing with what you'd done over the years), "-but you did what you had to. You saved your son, and that's all that matters."
He didn't say anything for a moment, trying to process your words. And if you really looked, you might've seen his eyes fogging up a little and the slight drop of tension in his shoulders. A little like he was waiting for someone to tell him that.
And then, he replied, "Thank ya."
You pursed your lips a moment, fidgeting with your hands. You weren't sure what else to say. This was all so new. With a succinct nod, you moved to spin on your heel and lay down for the night.
"Wait," he called, and you turned back to him -eyes inquisitive.
There was a beat.
"-'At day, on the run," he continued, slow and regretful, "-I'm... I'm sorry. I never should 'ave said somethin' like 'at. I never should 'ave brought it up at all. 'Wasn't right of me to."
"Thanks, Rick," you responded, brief but genuine, grateful. You could tell he understood.
Before you could fully turn around though, he added -softer, with something you couldn't quite name, "Goodnight, Y/N."
There was a pleasant hum in your mind at the way he said your name, but you shoved it away. You'd locked all of that far away, a long time ago.
"Night, Grimes," you chimed back, lighter in tone.
He smiled at you then, and something in you gleamed a little from it. Not that you would ever say it out loud.
There was something different after that, a sort of trust or respect. Or maybe something else, you didn't really know. It was there, though.
When you found Alexandria, things shifted a little. Mostly because it was your group against another one, you and Rick were profoundly on the same side. That being said, you still clashed. You weren't sure if it was just the authority of it all, or what? (It might've had a little to do with a blonde wife that he was spending some time with, but you'd never say that out loud.)
"You're seriously not going to let me lead the run?"
"I got Daryl on it," he responded, eyes solely sat on you.
"He's been on all the runs lately," you continued, trying to explain your case, "-Shouldn't this shit be evenly distributed? Have you even talked to Daryl about what he wants? Or are you just assigning us like it's some dictatorship-"
"'Course I damn talked to 'im," he snapped back, and you could see something tired in his eyes, "-everybody gets a say in what 'ey're doin', ya know 'at."
"Except for me," you contradicted, "-you keep giving me the same fucking chores, when I'm useful in other places-"
And he was, he kept you in Alexandria -washing clothes, making dinner, keeping an eye on the people. He made you some kind of mediator between Deanna's people and your own. But you were useful, you shouldn't be locked inside like you couldn't handle yourself. Because you could, and you had before.
"-You know, I scavenged for months before I met you, right? I was alone, and I figured it out."
"I know 'at," he confirmed, pinching the bridge of his nose. You could nearly see the stress radiating off him, but you couldn't stop, not then.
"So, so what-" you asked, "-you don't trust me? You don't think I can do it?"
Rick sighed, big and loud -fully facing you, "It ain't 'at, Y/N. I know ya can handle yourself, I've seen it."
"Then, what is the problem, Grimes? I don't get it-"
"Just take the goddamn next run," he groaned, something in his tone broken (and something a little like guilt curled up in your stomach), "-I'll tell Daryl he's switchin'."
You stopped in place, words faltering off your lips. Your will and the fire in your gut extinguished, you suddenly felt very out of place, and a little like the bad guy. You knew you weren't though, but he just looked so tired-
"Okay," you finally responded, a little dumbfounded, "-thanks."
He nodded in your direction and didn't say a word. You took it as a motion to move along, so you did.
Apparently, he might've had a good reason to worry.
It wasn't that first run, or even the second or third, it was the fourth after that conversation that you were stupid. Well, it really wasn't your fault. You thought someone had your back, and they didn't; so, one of the walkers had clawed pretty deep into your arm.
It was bleeding a lot (maybe too much) and probably needed stitches, but you didn't worry about it. Denise could handle it, and you, as a community, were pretty good on medical supplies at this point.
What you didn't expect, was after Denise patched you up for one Rick Grimes to be on your ass.
You were still sitting in her doctor's space (you had no idea what to call it) then, silently trailing your fingers over the bandaging. You could already see some of the blood through the white of it. It made you a little nervous, you won't lie.
And then, the door swung open.
At first, you nearly grabbed for the knife you hid on you -alarmed, assuming it was someone coming to hurt you. Instead, you were met with one Rick Grimes -his face was all scrunched up in that way he always got when he was frustrated.
If there was one thing you could recognize, it was that.
"Rick?" you questioned -carefully, a little shocked by him bursting into the room. Did you do something to him recently?
"'At's why ya can't go on fuckin' runs," he grumbled out -suddenly so angry, it made your head spin.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What?"
"You're always makin' damn bad decisions," he continued, and something in you bristled. Your defenses were up in an instant.
"What the fuck, Rick?" you countered, "-You don't even know what happened, how the hell do you know it's on me?"
"You're injured," he clarified, a little like he was talking to himself, "-ya made a stupid mistake-"
"How the hell do you know that?" you hissed, "-Do you just think everything that goes wrong has to be my fucking fault, Grimes?"
"-and you're damn hurt."
There was something there in his tone, something different. Your frustration twisted into a little bit of curiosity. What was that?
"I can’t leave ya alone for one second without ya hurting yourself, can I?" He started up again, and it was there again, angry but also... but also-
Your eyes swam over him, and you recognized it then, worry. He was worried about you, you felt something in you stall. It was so different from what you knew from him-
"I mean," you responded, a little awkwardly -unsure (since when did he care so much?), "-I’m fine so it’s okay-"
"No, it’s not okay," he suddenly shot his eyes to you, blue eyes heavy with worry (so much, it shot to your core), "-Not when I feel like I’m goin' to go batshit fuckin' crazy, thinkin' you’ve hurt yourself."
It was silent for a moment, as your mind processed the words. Skimming along his face, as he seemed to do the same -frustration dissipating along his features.
That... That was new.
"It's just some scratches," you spoke -a little lost, you weren't sure exactly what to say. He cared about you that much? Thought about you that much?
Rick's eyes darted to the bandages, which were just about as dark as before -which was just a little, the stitches seemed to stop it mostly. Something in him relaxed, you could tell in his shoulders -the drop of the tension. You couldn't believe that was because of you. When-
"Ya had to get stitches, yeah?" He spoke, suddenly and a bit awkwardly too (like he wasn't sure what to do).
"I did," you confirmed, just looking and something in you felt like you needed to tell him more, so you did, "-Uh, five in one, and three in the other."
He pursed his lips (like he was debating something), before shattering out a breath, "Can I see it?"
"It's already wrapped up," you responded, blankly -you were running a little on autopilot, "-She already-"
"Denise can rewrap it," he offered, stepping closer. Something in your stomach stirred.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "You want to waste medical supplies, just so you can see my wound?"
Rick's lips pressed into a thin line, something in him firing back up, "I'll replace the supplies my damn self, if I 'ave to, just let me see."
You couldn't really say anything, it felt like all the words had washed from your head. Like you couldn't speak if your life was on the line.
He faltered a second, sighing, and his eyes shifted to something softer (a little like pleading), "I... I need to see if ya are alright."
You felt like you were stone -frozen.
Your heart lept into your throat (and you let your mind drift somewhere you'd never let it before), "Yeah, okay."
That started the shift.
And he started checking over you after every run, you thought it would've been annoying but... you got used to it. And something in you liked helping him calm down, although you'd never say it out loud.
Things were a little different. You clashed but it wasn't as fiery anymore. Because you knew he cared about you, and somewhere you could acknowledge you cared about him. (More than you'd ever admit.)
This time it wasn't even Rick you were arguing with. It was someone originally from Alexandria. You couldn't even remember their name, but they'd said something about you and you let it slide. But then, they kept going.
"You made a shit call," the guy remarked, sauntering up to your side.
You were a little startled, but you stayed composed, "What are you talking about?"
"We could've gotten more supplies," he continued, "-that gun store was right there, and you called the whole fucking thing off."
You soured -something steeling in your gut, "You mean the one that was swarmed? Hate to break it to you, but we were outnumbered."
"We could've done it," he added -persistent, something frustrated in his tone, "-we had the manpower."
"Are you serious?" you laughed a little incredulously, "-There were three of us, and about 30, 40 maybe, walkers. That is-"
"Maybe you couldn't have done it," he tsked, lips falling in a flat line.
You flexed your jaw, trying to stay composed, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You're a sorry fucking excuse for a lead," he gritted through his teeth, "-You don't know shit about-"
"Next time, just go right ahead and do it yourself then," you shot back but stayed still in your space (composed, composed, composed), "-and I don't know about you, but I value life more than something we already fucking have-"
"It's ammunition," he seethed, stepping much closer to you -something sparking behind his eyes, "-Don't know if you fucking know this, but it's pretty damn important to survival-"
"No," you disagreed, voice calm and collected, "-it's not. You don't need to walk into a situation that you can't handle-"
Without warning, a fist flew at your face -right at the nose.
"Shit," you hissed, and you felt the thrum of pain under your skin and could almost immediately taste the coppery taste of blood, "-What the fuck? Why did you-"
"What the hell is goin' on 'ere?"
It was Rick, and his tone was something you'd only heard a few times -blue eyes flickering over you. They held onto your, now bleeding, nose which you were now trying to soothe, and something in his jaw tightened.
The guy was the first one to speak, mostly because you were trying to stop the bleeding. Luckily, Maggie rushed up to your side with paper towels -doing her best to help too.
"They made a mistake on the run-"
Rick didn't let him get far, "So, you punched 'em in the damn face?"
"Well," the guy fell quieter, "-we were arguing-"
Maggie snapped back, shifting her focus for a moment, "You were arguin'."
"They were just trying to talk some sense into ya," she continued, tone cold, "-You were the one who took it personally-"
Rick put a hand on her shoulder, eyes flickering toward you -something swimming through them that you recognized from a different day, and Maggie took the notion to stop talking. She turned back to you, and gently guided you to tilt your head forward. On instinct, you pinched your nostrils shut -breathing out of your mouth.
"Even if it was a fuckin' argument," Rick tsked, something cold in his tone, "-there's no damn reason to do 'at. They weren't gettin' violent with ya-"
"How do you know that?"
"Because I kno' 'em," he retorted, "-an' if 'ey got their hands on ya, you wouldn't be standin' in front of me."
You laughed a little and could feel his eyes shoot to you for a second. It made something in your chest flutter, something you were trying desperately to ignore.
"We need to get ya some ice," Maggie spoke, mostly to herself, "-It's already bruisin' up pretty bad."
"'S leave 'is for another day," Rick seemed to exit the conversation with the man, tone unshakable, "-but if I 'ear anythin' else from ya, 'ere's gonna be a problem. Ya got 'at?"
You could almost visually see the way Rick shifted as he made his way over to you. Composure slipping into something more worried, eyebrows furrowing and eyes shining in an entirely different way. Like he couldn't help it, his hands frantically found themselves along your shoulders. It made your skin buzz a little, and made you feel a little woozy. Well, you guessed there could be more than one reason for that.
On that note, you stumbled in place a little, and Rick's hands immediately slid to your sides -stabilizing you. Your heart skipped a beat, stupid fucking handsome men with big fucking hands.
"'Ey, can ya bring a chair over 'ere, please?"
Before you could so much as blink, he was pushing you into it -gently, mind you. Ever-so-gently. And almost on instinct, he fell onto one knee in front of you, trying to hold your eye contact with your head slightly forward, you guessed. His eyes were the same as that day, but there was something else there too, something fuzzier.
"Maggie, ya go get the ice," he turned to her, "-I'll stay with 'em."
She seemed to scamper off because you could tell it was just the two of you. Maybe he'd warded off everyone else, Rick had this... aura to him when he wanted to -a dangerous one. Sometimes you thought it was to balance out his natural nature as a leader.
Quietly, you heard Rick tear off another paper towel and gently wipe at your mouth (where you imagined blood was staining at this point). It was strangely intimate, as you just skimmed over his face.
He was entirely focused on the task, so your eyes roamed along the creases along his face, the blue of his eyes, the sharp line of his nose, the little curls that peeked behind his ears-
You blinked, clearing your thoughts. He was always handsome, you knew that.
"What even is that dick's name?" you questioned, testing to see if your nose had stopped bleeding as much. It had.
Rick smiled a little, looking up at your eyes from where he was focused before (he seemed to be done), "I 'ave no fuckin' clue."
You laughed at that, and if you were honest with yourself thought you saw something shoot through his eyes. Something warm. You ignored it.
"'S hurt?" he spoke, softer.
You responded, simply, "I've had worse."
Rick smiled a little at that, but fell into something more serious, "So, yeah?"
"Like a bitch," you admitted, and he let out a low sort of chuckle.
It made something in you relax, something warm lighting up in your chest. You let yourself feel it this time, just once.
"Just so ya know," he interrupted your thought process, "-'at ain't happenin' again."
You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows -warmth dissipating, "Are you- Are you chastising me right now?"
"No," he quickly responded, but didn't explain further, "-'M just tellin' ya I ain't lettin' it happen again."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Rick paused a second, ripping another paper towel off and dabbing at your nose. It was probably still bleeding a little bit.
You just watched him, waiting for an explanation. Even though, you weren't entirely sure he was going to give you one.
"Anyone touches ya, says anythin' to ya, so much as looks at ya the wrong way-" he listed, tone deadly serious (it shook through your skull), "-ya come get me, and I’ll set 'em straight. Understand?"
Your mouth moved before you could stop it, "What?"
"I'll handle it," he repeated, pulling away the paper towel and locking eyes with yours, "-It ain't happenin' again."
"Rick," you laughed -incredulously, and maybe a little defensive, "-I don't need a fucking guard dog. I can handle myself."
"'Didn’t say 'at," he hummed, carefully, eyes skimming along your face -a little like he was in wonder (it made your head spin a second), "-'S for me, not ya."
"How does that-"
"If 'ey're fuckin' with ya, 'ey're fuckin' with me," he interrupted, eyes so solid that you couldn't really look away, "-you can handle it how ya want, but Imma 'ave some choice words of my own. So, send 'em my way too."
The words faltered in your throat, something swirling around your heart. He was just so-
The coppery taste again.
You shriveled up your nose in disgust, and Rick laughed at it (something gleaming in his eye), as you reacted -spitting the taste out into the dirt.
"Yeah, keep laughing, Grimes," you tsked, but there was no bite, not really. Not like there used to be, "-I'll beat the shit out of you."
"'Ere's no doubt in my mind," he retorted back, smiling in a way that crinkled at the eyes. You thought for a spare second it was a beautiful one, that maybe he was beautiful.
After that day, you'd say that everything was a little confusing.
These feelings towards Rick were far from new, very far. They'd always kind of been in the very back of your mind. Part of you was actually pretty sure that hating him had in some way distanced you from what you felt otherwise. Now, that is to say, you had definitely hated him at one point. That just didn't mean that it erased the... other thing.
You and Rick were off-kilter. Or at least you were. You guessed you couldn't say anything about him, he was very much a mystery to you at this point.
He just kept doing things. Like the scratch and nosebleed. And every time he'd smile at you a bit warmer, say something you couldn't really avoid. Not anymore. (And you weren't sure you wanted to avoid, honestly.)
And he'd looked at you a lot more, searched you out (when before you used to shun each other, avoid each other), and just smiled at you sometimes for no reason. The thing was you didn't mind it. You wanted him to. Because you... because it was all different.
You were confused, but you weren't going to be the one to encroach on it. It all felt so surreal, that one day something would happen and you'd just snap right back into place -just like before. To be fair, you still argued. But, it was moreso bickering now. And even if it wasn't, before you could get as heated as you used to, you compromised -easily.
You slotted together perfectly and bounced off each other with ease. Hell, he started coming to you about running Alexandria, about problems he couldn't quite get. And the two of you would talk until you worked out a solution. Because you always did.
It made no sense why you'd even clashed in the first place.
You were confused, beyond confused. And you wanted things, wanted to ask things, but they seemed dangerous. Far away-
That brought you here, on a night when you couldn't sleep. Which were more frequent nowadays, if you were completely honest. This whole situation made your mind run for a lot of different reasons, and when it wasn't that, it was nightmares. Alexandria was safe, you knew that, but it didn't necessarily stop your fight or flight -the urge to constantly be on edge, protect.
So, sometimes you sat here on the steps of your porch in the night -the chill and silence of it soothed you. It wouldn't always get you back to sleep, but it would make you feel better. Remind yourself that you're breathing. That you're alive.
You exhaled, trailing your finger along the wood of the railing beside you -absorbing the low buzz of bugs in the air and the strangely familiar groans of walkers outside the walls. It was kinda fucked up that it calmed you down, but you gave yourself a pass.
"Funny seein' ya 'ere."
Your eyes shot up and latched onto his.
The Grimes house was just a couple of houses down, diagonal to yours. So, you could see him, but not entirely clearly.
He was leaning on the porch railing, you could see the sleeves of his jacket against the starch white, and his hair seemed a little messy -your eyes trailed over a particular curl. It was hanging slightly down in front of his face. (You got the urge to fix it, comb it back into place.)
"'Could say the same to you, Grimes," you replied.
You saw him smile, dropping his head to look at the ground. It made something in your chest flutter. But, before you could say anything else, he was stepping down from his porch and making his way to you.
As he got closer you recognized that he was in pajamas with just a jacket thrown over.
He stood just at the bottom of the stairs, leaning onto the railing slightly and just looking at you. Like he always did these days. With worry and... something else.
"Nightmare?" he questioned, genuinely.
You rolled your lip around your teeth, deciding to say, "Kind of."
Rick's lips pressed into a frown, eyes glazing along your face (you didn't look back at him), "Can I sit?"
You were wordless, but moved slightly to the left (despite not really needing to) as unspoken acceptance. He stared at you for a second longer, before slowly but surely making his way to the steps. He sat closer to you than you thought he would've, but it was almost in character of him to do something that surprises you so.
"Ya cold?"
On cue, you shivered slightly, "I've had worse."
Rick let out a low sigh (he knew you well now), nudging off his jacket and hanging it squarely on your shoulders without hesitation. His eyes trailed over you wearing it for a moment, a small look in his eyes that you couldn't name. All shiny as his lips quirked up just a smidgen.
"You don't have to do that," you objected, but it was quiet and weak.
"I want to," he replied, simply.
You couldn't argue with that. Hell, you didn't think you could argue with him anymore-
Rick interrupted the thought, eyebrows furrowed in that kind of way you knew to be worried, "What do ya mean 'kinda'?"
You took a second, staring out into the night -listening to the silence.
"My mind won't stop," you clarified, "-sometimes it's... things I've done, and other times it's... things that I just can't seem to figure out."
"What's it today?"
You pursed your lips a minute, before answering, "Something I can't figure out."
He stared at you, blue eyes flickering along your face in a hazy sort of way. It made something unfurl in your chest that you'd tried to keep shoved down, "Is 'ere anythin' I can do to help?"
You ran the idea through your head a few times, and let your eyes match him a few more. You aren't entirely sure why, but talking to Rick fel a little like he'd never judge you. Even though he had before, it was... it was now. Things were very different.
"Can I ask you a question?" you spoke, then, deflecting a little.
"Shoot," he responded, almost instantly. ( A little like he'd do anything you'd ask.)
"What happened to us?"
Rick's eyebrows furrowed, and you took it as a motion to keep talking, to explain. So, you did.
"We used to-" you dropped your hands on your lap, and stared out into the Alexandrian streets, "-We used to scream at each other until our faces turned red. We couldn't stand each other, and now..."
"'At ain't a good thing?" he questioned, something in his tone a little disappointed (it made your head swirl a little), "-'At it changed, I mean."
"It is," you reassured, facing him a second, "-but I just... Isn't it confusing?"
Rick stayed silent a second, eyes smoothing along your face. Just looking, like maybe he thought you were beautiful (just like you did on that day), or maybe like he never wanted to forget what you looked like.
You pressed your lips together.
"Don't get me wrong," he clarified with a smile, "-I hated ya once, a long time ago. But 'is? Now? It makes sense."
You asked before you could think about it, "What is 'this'?"
He just stared at you a second, something flickering through his eyes, careful and considerate. Something warm. The warmth you kept seeing now, the one you tried to avoid.
"You," he answered, vaguely, "-Us."
"What does that mean?" you asked, your confusion was ever-so-clear. This was all things you didn't understand.
He didn't say anything, as you stared out into the streets -watching some of the porch lights flicker. The night sky was still dark, so you weren't really worried about the hour.
And then, you felt calloused fingers on your chin -guiding you back to his eyes. The thoughts cleared out of your head.
"Y/N, you drive me fuckin' crazy," he laughed a little, and you felt your eyebrows furrow, "-not just in a frustratin' sorta way. You... I worry about ya like crazy, I think of ya like crazy... I care 'bout ya like crazy-"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"-an' I... I love ya like crazy."
Your lips felt stitched shut, as he just smiled at you -something in his eyes that you could see now. You could identify.
"Ya poke and prod at me until I'm reelin', yeah, but-" he pressed his lips together, eyes shimmering across your face, "-I wouldn't 'ave it any other fuckin' way. An' I mean 'at. I just... I'm not me without ya annoyin' the shit out of me. Without ya callin' me out on my shit."
You laughed, something burning the backs of your eyes, "I am the only one who would do that, huh?"
"Ya are," he grinned at you, and you felt something in your chest squeeze tight.
It felt clear then, abundantly clear.
"I love you too, Grimes."
He grinned, the big kind that crinkled at the eyes, "Thought so."
You rolled your eyes, with no bite, "Oh shut up, sheriff. I could still kick your ass, and you would deserve it."
He laughed, the genuine kind -hand coming to cradle your cheek, "Still, don't doubt it, sweetheart."
You smiled, and noticed just how close the two of you were. He only seemed to be roaming closer, and it made your heartbeat pick up in your chest a little. Before you could stop it, your eyes dipped down to his lips.
He grinned again, the kind that rattle down to your core, all handsome and shiny white teeth. And then, he started moving closer, his own eyes dipping to your lips.
"Ya kno', I can think of a way to get me to shut up."
"Can you?" you teased, quiet between the two of you.
He just hummed, distracted. It made something in your stomach stir.
"I am pretty desperate for you to," you remarked -playfully.
Rick busted into laughter, a loud kind that you barely ever heard from him. It made something in your chest shimmer, proud. You kind of wanted to hear that forever. And now, maybe you could.
The thought made you grin, as you leaned forward, impatiently, and connected your lips to his. It was just a press of lips, but you did feel him lean into it. Before you could get far, he laughed even more, breaking off the kiss, and it made you laugh.
"'Course ya can't wait for one second," he chuckled -playfully, "-You've always been so damn impatient."
"Oh, fuck you, Grimes," you laughed into the night, "-You're lucky I don't-"
And this time, he shut you up.
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lifemod17 · 2 months
thoughts on 'Unaired EP'
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below the cut in case you don't want spoilers <3
Nobody's Soldier
"Benzos and gasoline" line is WILD (it is so hot for no reason wtf Andrew)
the little break that happens at 1:43 with. i don't even know what that is? like a sort of distorted / reverbed guitar bend / riff? either way, LOVE THAT.
also lets give it up one time for the organ, that is SO GNARLY, YOU CANNOT DENY IT!!!
hearing the live version vs. this recorded one is different, I literally went "OMFG WHAT IS THIS PART" starting at 2:53 when he gets all whisper-y WHY IS IT SO HOT
Listen man, I am a sucker for a good pause, and that pause after the bridge has me UNWELL.
SLOWING IT DOWN for the ending will never not be iconic. you don't see that happening a lot!
the intake of breath on the outro??!! tumblr user lifemod17 is NOT FARING WELL
so full of hope and promise and really just about having that thing or that someone to look forward to. The definition of "postpone that funeral"
"JUST KNOWING THAT'S GETTING ME THROUGH"?!?!?!? I wanna throw up. that is a Tonee-ass line. yeah 'July' is DEFINITELY taking the crown. This is my favorite from the EP.
i WAS right! he says 'prada' because it just made so much sense with the 'wore me out' line.
the whole second half had me in SHAMBLES. the lyrics were already insane but also throw in his soft voice mixed with the FUNKY & GROOVY beat?? I fear it is so over for me (I was genuinely screaming into a pillow and needed to sit down even though I was already sat and also I didn't know what to do with my person so I was just laying there and looking up at the ceiling while fighting off tears. I was SHOOK.)
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and makes me want to roll downhill a field and pick flowers to give to strangers
Have I mentioned the pen game? Because it is on level 9000. His pen was on fire when he has writing this
That You Are
I was not expecting the lyrics to be "that I'd be anywhere that you are". im sorry but that is devastatingly beautiful and rips my heart out brb sobbing
my wig quietly and peacefully ascended from my head.
it's a lot more raw, production wise. the vocals aren't super clean, but I actually really like it this way!!! it makes the song that much more precious, gentle, intimate
Bedouine's vocals NEVER DISAPPOINTS!! She always has a way of transporting you with her music- makes you feel like you're floating above water
I needed to sautee the yearning for this one, its so pretty but hits you right in the feels
The fact that this is speculated to be the contender for the spot of 'I, Carrion (Icarian)' I'M GONNA CRY AGAIN Andrew please do an EP breakdown cuz I need to know!
that little instrumental interlude towards the bridge is so lovely and the entire song really! I think they did a good job of splitting the vibe 50/50 <- I say this because I listen to Bedouine a lot and the vibe of her songs is definitely here. it just really shows that they both wrote this together. its not a feature, its a collab
We're all gonna cry and then afterwards we're all gonna hug cuz this song just inflicted so much emotional damage upon all of us
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isadollie · 3 months
hello !! i saw your reqs for hcs and scenarios were open so i thought i'd send something in. can you do the OM brothers w/ an s/o who isn't really tech savvy? coming from someone who grew up surrounded by technology but absolutely sucks at it. thank you !! <3
obey me! brothers x bad at technology gn!s/o
a bit funny (or so i tried), pretty unserious sorry 😭
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— Lucifer:
• this proud expression on his face
• gets all cocky
• secretly glad to be the one who teaches you all this
• would give you head pats probably,,,
• starts to explain with a gentle tone
• then diavolo calls for him and he gets annoyed cause his precious time with you has been disturbed
• helps diavolo as fast as he can and comes back to you
• he's like "okay, so... where did we leave off?"
• and then you say "oh no, it's okay, Levi already showed me everything when you were gone"
• and then Levi went missing
— Mammon:
• a wicked smile instantly forms on his face
• says you picked the right person to teach you (you picked the worst person to teach you)
• "Aww, don't worry, it's okay. The Great Mammon will teach you everything you have to know!"
• *some time later*
• "okay, so basically, this is the only app you need for now. the bank app. now look, here you type my name... yes, good. and now you type, hm.. let's say, 1000 grimm. perfect! and now you click 'send'! just like that! amazing!"
• "also forgot to mention, this is a very important operation for your phone. so you have to repeat this process twice a day, okay? make sure you type my name there or else it won't work"
• then he runs away and prays you won't tell Lucifer about it
— Leviathan:
• will actually help you!!
• or at least he claims to do so
• 100% called you a normie but well, he does that all the time
• explains what he thinks is the most important
• and you think to yourself "oh, okay, cool, i get it!" and you're eager to learn more cause he's actually helping
• eventually it ends with him showing you where you can watch the whole hana ruri movie for free
• then wants to play games with you
• end of learning
— Satan:
• side eye
• "why would you want to learn such things anyway? the real knowledge comes from books"
• gives you like 10 different books to read, obviously none of them is related to the subject
• it ends up being a cute reading date
• in reality he's just too proud to admit that he's terrible at technology himself
• poor man just doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of you
— Asmodeus:
• will be so happy you asked for his help!
• in fact, you didn't ask, he offered it himself, but would tell everybody that you came to him first
• but forgive him for lying, cause he's actually helping
• he shows you the most important apps you should have on your phone, what do you when this or that is wrong with your computer, how to order at akuzon and ask for a refund and honestly everything you can think of
• is also pretty chill about it, seems like it brings him joy to share what he knows with you
• only disadvantage is, he will cling to you the whole time
• will hold your hand at all times and if you try and dodge his touches, he will stop talking unless you hold him back
— Beelzebub:
• doesn't really wanna help
• would prefer to take you out to a restaurant
• but you insisted
• so he agrees, cause he always agrees to whatever you say sooner or later
• takes your phone and downloads every possible food delivery app
• proud of himself
• but then he gets hungry (who would have thought)
• and tells you to order you two some food from your phone
• you do it and he's happy cause 1. he feels like he taught you things and 2. he'll get food
— Belphegor:
• alright, no problem
• at least that's what he says
• then it turns out there is a problem
• cause he doesn't know how to turn on the computer
• you said it's okay, you can try another time
• but he says no, he will figure it out in a minute
• more than a minute passed and he didn't figure it out
• you two gave up and just went to Levi's room
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hope it's okay haha, it was pretty fun to write ngl
requests for scenarios/hcs always open!
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
There's Mud in Your Eye (Leona and Deuce x Yuu)
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"Oh can I help you? You seem to be lost." You attempt to cheerfully ask the vaguely familiar looking person in front of you. As if he is deliberately trying to rub salt in your wounds, Crowley ignored your request to leave campus for NRC parents day and is instead making you and Grim run errands. The person in front of you, blissfully ignorant to your inner turmoil perks up at your attention.
"Forgive me for asking, but are you the magicless prefect?" You and Grim exchange a confused glance. "You've got to be right?" They're practically glowing with how happy they are to see you. " Oh I'm sorry, I've just heard so much about you!" Wait, what?
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, i am out of creative ways to describe these: it's Cheka and Mamma Spade. Slight references to the White Rabbit event. If you liked this please check out the previous parts on my master list here.
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A very confused, very important looking little lion is standing in front of you, attempting to mimic Leona's judgey thinking face. Five year olds lack the smarmy bitterness required to truly pull off the look, but you have to admit, it is pretty cute.
"Um, do you think he ran away from his guards again?" Grim whispers, painfully loud and without nearly enough concern. "Do you think we'll get in trouble if we can't get him back to his retainers?" The scenario feels completely unreal, but then again so does standing in front of royalty. Who are you again anyway? Just some weirdo who is going to have to apologize to their loved ones for taking so long to come home because you couldn't sneeze in another world without bumping into royalty. While you are busy considering whether or not it would be considered child neglect to sprint away from the little guy, Cheka finally finishes his thought process, letting out a contented "hmmm" as he points decisively at you.
"You," he says with all the authority of an extra on a children's tv show "are not Unca."
That was not what you were expecting. Your mind draws a lengthy blank as Cheka grins up at you in a surprisingly catlike manner seemingly very pleased with himself.
"How did it take ya so long to figure that out?" It has to be a truly stupid question to get Grim's voice to crack.
"Well I decided I was gonna sneak up on Unca." A terrible idea really but who are you to refute royalty. "So instead of running around and askin I decided to just focus on his scent! But I found two places he could be so I just decided to go to the closer one."
"Whatdya mean?" Grim takes a deep breath and interrupts his train of thought with a hard gag you really hope is dramatic. "Oh wow he ain't wrong, you really smell like that lazy bi-" You manage to muzzle him before he can teach Checka too many bad words. You wonder if it would be rude to sniff yourself in front of a literal prince, Cheka's pleased little tail swish doesn't help.
"Can you please take me to Unca?" he asks, so very sweetly looking up at you like you're the shiniest star in the night sky. It hurts to disappoint him.
"Uh I'd love to little guy but I'm not too sure where he is..." you really hope Cheka can't tell just how nervous you are. Crowley did give you a schedule, but it wasn't super detailed, just a vague set of notes about the various events going on.
"Then I'll just stay here with you!" He says, with a surprising degree of authority. "Unca's scent is really strong so I'm sure he'll show up soon!"
''I don't think that's a good idea little guy." You just called the Crown Prince of the Sunset Savannah a little guy. Which he is but you are pretty sure there's a time period where that would have gotten you executed, and you can only pray it's not now. The intense look of what you assume are Cheka's guards running up the main street is not helping with that.
"Your highness! Please don't run off like that." The man seems wary of scolding the prince, but he has no qualms about staring you down. "You! What is your name and who do you think you are to be speaking so casually to-" He cuts himself off, bluster fading as he takes a deep breath and starts staggering away from you. Well not you per se, you realize as you turn around and see an extremely intense looking Leona behind you.
"Stop blamin' your inability to do your job on other people." Leona's voice is slow, authoritative enough that you almost forget he's supposed to be the second prince. The guards do too, until Cheka jumps away from them onto Leona's shoulders and shatters the illusion just a bit.
"Unca! Unca! You're gonna show me the spelldive fields right?" Cheka nuzzles his Uncle's cheek while Leona tries his best to get away.
"I thought you were gonna stay with Prefect." He grumbles.
"We can come with." You say before you fully realize what you're saying surprised at how ok you are with the offer. Cheka lights up, jumping away from his Uncle to nuzzle up to you. Leona's gaze softens ever so slightly, even if he immediately breaks eye contact and starts walking away from you.
"You're welcome to come if you can keep up." You try to convince yourself you follow him just to get away from the guards, but there's a spring in both your steps no one is brave enough to act like they notice.
"Yuu! And Grim too! Lucky me I thought I was going to be stuck looking for my kids for at least another hour." Dilla Spade cheerfully says, her decision to refer to you as her child momentarily distracting you from the fact Deuce is nowhere to be seen. She seems to have been granted a day off from work, her usual delivery uniform ditched in favor of a very mom like set of old sweatpants and an old athletic jacket with a logo you assumed belonged to Deuce's middle school.
"Mama Spade!" Strange feelings aside you are extremely happy to see Dilla, and happier still when she perks up just a bit at your calling her mom. "Did Deuce forget to text you again?"
"Not exactly," she says with an affectionate sigh "I caught up with him a bit earlier but he ran off to find his Housewarden. He really wanted to introduce us but said it might be a bit difficult to make that happen."
"Yeah..." Grim says as you exchange a look "Riddle's a really busy guy."
"Well never mind then." She says with a shrug. "What's up with you? Deucey tells me all sorts of things, but it's never the full truth." You shouldn't be surprised Dilla knows something is up. Honestly it's a wonder any of the students with a half way decent relationship with their parents hasn't been yanked out of this school already.
"Nothing too bad I hope?" You say, hopeful that Dilla will give you something to work with so you don't confess to something too wild. She laughs.
"I'm a mom, worrying's part of the territory." You breathe a sigh of relief, though you can't help but wonder just what Dilla's reaction would be to knowing Deuce had fought four overblot phantoms. Would she be proud? You hope so, he deserves it. "I keep telling Deuce to invite you to spend summer with us but he's really hung up on doing things the 'honorable way.'" You try your best not to fluster.
"What's that even mean?" Whines Grim, probably thinking more about the donuts you had while visiting Clock Town more than the implications kicking around in your mind. "offerin' to help me and my hench human out is honorable enough!"
"It really is," you try not to come off as too eager, it would be really nice to spend the Summer somewhere that wasn't Ramshackle, even if it would hurt the ghost's feelin-
"Is Deuce waitin' till he can afford a ring or somethin'?" Grim says, crossing his little paws and sticking your words in your throat. Dilla winking at the little monster with a conspiratorial grin makes you choke. "He is isn't he! Hmph, figures. Well he knows he won't get the Great Grim's permission!"
"Grim!" You squeak.
"Well you are a bit young," Dilla says "but you have my blessing prefect."
"I- I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding-" you don't want to get anyone's hopes up, you aren't even dating Deuce, you want to say that you don't like him that way, but the lie dies on your lips as a familiar duo comes into view just behind Dilla.
"MOM! oh and PREFECT!!!" The overwhelming joy in Deuce's eyes contrasting with the smug amusement of Ace makes you feel just a bit more at home, despite the awkwardness of the situation. You can almost convince yourself that he's running up the road on the double just to see you.
"Think of it this way," whispers Dilla, firmly placing a hand on your shoulder in a comforting and not forceful way "you're family, and you always will be no matter what label gets slapped on things. Though I am pretty sure you can guess Deuce's preference."
You can, or at least you can hope.
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Weird to say, but I think I'm pretty forgiving of Damien. Yeah, he's rude and ignores the reader, but he probably does the same to everyone else lmao. With Dick who pays careful attention to everyone, it's a betrayal that he would neglect the reader because he should have been an older sibling. Plus Damien is like ten, it's kinda hard for me to hold him accountable when he grew up without knowing better and he's just emulating older members of the family. I'm pretty sure this is how youngest sibling privilege works lol
Yeah, I completely agree! Even then, it can be difficult to know that what you're doing is wrong when you see the people you admire and respect doing the same thing.
Like you said, Damian, in reality, is probably rude to everyone else and ignores them from time to time too. Though for the sake of the "Not [ ]" series, he just so happens to ignore the reader a little more when compared to the rest of the Batfam. Which can still be chalked up to him just following the mannerisms of the family without even thinking much about it.
Regardless, neglect is still neglect and what happened to the reader still isn't right- but I do kind of agree with you that Damian probably holds the least amount of capability. He's young, and you can't really expect him to fully be aware of the effects his actions have on other people, especially when that person:
1. Hasn't expressed how negatively the whole situation has effected them, and they don't exactly appreciate their entire existence getting ignored by so many people. (Which is valid and understandable! Because how can you expect someone who's been ignoring you for so long to not only listen to you, but even acknowledge you enough to notice you have something important to say? How can you expect someone so seemingly set on ignoring you, to care? You can't. So the reader stays quiet, but it is something worth pointing out, I feel.)
2. Again, sees that everyone around them pretty much does the same thing. So it's more of a "if they're doing it, it must be for a reason, so I'll do it too" (since Dick and Bruce are also ignoring you, and Damian actually cares about both of them).
Damian is the least aware that what he did was wrong to begin with because no one told it was, and those around him almost seemed to enable that behavior by continuing to do it themself.
I'd like to believe that maybe his behavior would've changed if he knew how badly it was effecting the reader, but that's also to assume that the others wouldn't. Though who knows?
As for everyone else? They're way past old enough to know that what they're doing is wrong. The neglect as a whole was a "team effort", and even if they won't consider it that, it basically was. All of them neglected you except for Alfred, and they all did it over the course of nearly the reader's entire stay at the Manor. If anyone should've known, it should've been them, and depending on your interpretation of the situation and everything - some are more at fault for neglecting the reader when compared to others.
Especially if they seemingly didn't ignore and tried to spend time with/bond with other members of the family, but the reader just didn't make the cut time and time again.
Like you said — Dick is easily one of the worst offenders simply because he's loving and all this stuff to the Batfam, but just not to the reader —and especially when compared to Damian who was just none the wiser for the most part.
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