#((I don't even know  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ))
rdr2gifs · 7 months
I often wonder what sets Arthur apart and makes him particularly appealing to me compared to other characters (in general). One significant factor lies in how he perceives and interacts with women. Arthur views women as equals, rejecting any notion that he is superior because they often do tasks traditionally associated with women, such as laundry and other chores.
He also never doubts capabilities of women like Sadie, who perform tasks usually associated with men. It's essential to note that one of Arthur's initial scenes with Sadie may be misinterpreted, as Sadie herself belittles the work of other women, not Arthur.
Arthur maintains healthy relationships with the female gang members, with none of them serving as a love interest. He sees men and women as equal, believing everyone should be able to walk their own path in life. He treats women with respect and he doesn’t expect any reward for his behaviour (sadly this is how many men seem to think even in the current time). He doesn’t see women in the gang as a cover (Dutch) nor like a liability (Micah). He sees them as people and valuable members of the gang.
Even in situations where he has to help women, he never considers them any less capable nor downplays their abilities.
Arthur's respect for women is also shown in his interactions with individuals outside the gang, such as the circus lady and the rich widow. After the circus lady thanks him for his help, he’s quick to say she would’ve been able to do it without him. He encourages her to pursue her dream in a so far male-dominated industry. He doesn’t look down on the widow, who doesn’t know anything about survival. He doesn’t tell her to go back to the city where she came from. He tries to teach her in a natural and encouraging way, never acting as if he was better than her because he has more experience. He patiently teaches her without any condescension.
He initially doesn’t understand why Beau even tries to stop Penelope from participating in the women's rights march. I like to think this is because he thinks everyone should be able to fight for their cause/what they believe is right. Not to mention he very much enjoyed riding with these ladies and wrote about his experience with fondness.
Arthur's journal entries reveal his disapproval of mistreating women, recognizing the injustice in an era when women had limited autonomy. “He treats his daughter like a possession to be mistreated and abused as he sees fit. Strange creatures men.” It was definitely not common for men in this time to be thinking about women's autonomy.
I don’t want to praise Arthur for things that should be considered the bare minimum but these qualities definitely add more to his likability. And it’s great to see where your favorite character stands on important things like this.
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⚘ While acknowledging that Arthur's antagonistic lines may be interpreted as sexist, it's important to consider them as optional elements mostly implemented to make 13 years old boys feel edgy.
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sanji-screenshots · 5 months
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gba sanji.png
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helloimamistake · 7 months
Lowkey wished that this would be one of MC's reaction option everytime diavolo confessed:
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Cause your telling me, if someone who continuously simp on another person (lucifer) more than me said that they like me in a romantic way.. That's weirdly suspicious 🤔🤔
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
The Zanpakutou Rebellion Arc is always, like 30% longer than I remember it being. Anyway, we're at the part where Yamamoto has slowly started owning up to knowing what's up, and hilariously, he will only refer to Kouga by his given name.
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The (real) Doylist reason for doing this is because the arc is trying slow-roll the reveal that Kouga is Byakuya's uncle. tbh, the Watsonian interpretation isn't all that different--Old Man Yams is also trying to avoid spreading the Kuchiki name around, if he can help it. (Because he feels a microscopic amount of guilt about this? Because he and Ginrei are bros? Because the Kuchiki can and will make his life miserable? Who knows!) It's also possible/probable that the Kuchiki disowned Kouga, but it's hard for me to imagine Yamamoto giving a rat's ass about that.
None of this is important, but because the Blorboist explanation (the one supported by your maximum brain rot) is that this is further evidence that Squad Six operates on a first-name basis, and Byakuya wasn't even the one that started it.
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simsmono · 9 months
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Gabrielle de Fay for The Bachelor Beaumaris | Bachelor Challenge by @windermeresimblr
Gabrielle is an earnest bookworm who loves spending time in the library reading or musing about anything and everything. Her friends consider her to be elegant, sophisticated, and thoughtful. However, some people say her contemplative demeanor can come across as cold and standoffish. Deep down, Gabrielle is just a hopeless romantic who longs for that special someone to create her perfect family with.
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Just wanted to say that I've never done a historical challenge and certainly don't own any historical cc (except Asian, that is). So, I spent at least half the day cc hunting, clicking link after link and man was that painful!! However, it was super fun creating Gabrielle and I can't wait to see how things progress (or not...). Clothing, makeup, poses, and decor aren't all that accurate and I have taken a lot of liberties here and there, but I did my best with what I had!
Good luck all, and may the best lady win (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
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amiracleilluminated · 2 years
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anormaladn · 6 months
would Yugo officiate the otomirga wedding
that'd be hilarious
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batemanofficial · 1 month
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me refraining from going on a tirade about how "freeze" and "fawn" aren't parasympathetic nerve responses every time i see that poll
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semiotomatics · 10 months
think i found a fake georgia o'keeffe painting lol
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findafight · 1 year
I feel like of everyone u might understand my frustration with this, but I keep getting a certain post recommended to me in the Robin Tag and, well…
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The post itself is irrelevant, but this tag drives me crazy!! I’m neutral-ish on r*nance (not my favourites, but certain writers do it really well) but I find it bizarre that this person is openly admitting they’d love to fight with people who don’t ship their ship, but those “anti’s” stay out of shipper’s way & tag carefully& don’t bother the ship, so they can’t…
Like it’s funny but also… is that not what they want? For anti’s to never interact. Isn’t that the ideal scenario and yet they still have to complain??
🫡🫡yes I can be that person! Honestly like. I do agree that some writers could probably do it right, and it could be interesting in certain aus, but I usually prefer more canon-adjacent kind of stuff, and it's just not my cup of tea at all for an endgame kinda of ship. (I don't like the ship for many reasons and seeing how some shippers actually interact with it and the characters is part of why.) I don't want to engage in debate or whatever with shippers because by now neither of us will budge or change our minds, so what's the point in getting upset?
like if they want to complain about people who don't like their ship just. kvetch with their friends about it. make a post about it. I'm sure some of the non-shippers will see it.
Parts of stranger things fandom is really very bad at crosstagging and picking fights for no reason, but yeah I guess this is proof that it isn't really an issue with anti rnce tags? Also this person has adequately curated their online experience! Good for them!
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
Eddie Miller and Steve Harrington are the same person in different fonts.
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ishikawayukis · 7 months
i do find it hilarious when whoever is adapting a thing says that they're not gonna do it play by play but rather a reinterpretation of the story in a way, and then people get mad because it's not a play by play but a reintepretation of the story
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phoenixiancrystallist · 3 months
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Month 7, day 3
So my computer might be perma-ded, don't know yet, but here's more designing on that shirt design! Transparent this time so I can see the transparent effects better but they might not transparent correctly on the TeePublic upload. Idk, we'll see! But first I'm gonna finish cleaning this up and playing with effects until I like it so much I don't want to change anything :)
#the great artscapade of 2024#art#my art#Forspoken#Forspoken fan art#Frey Holland#hopefully it actually uploads as transparent bc as I'm typing this it has a white background which is actually hiding the magic effects#but I have it properly transparent in ProCreate so I can still work with it#anyway re: my computer#I think FileVault done goofed somehow because even in safe mode I can't sign in#and when my roommate tried to do a recovery and reinstall the OS it says we can't select the drive#because it's decrypting#which is probably my fault bc I told FileVault to decrypt but it was so I could fix my Mac resetting things whenever I rebooted#iN MY DEFENSE that's what the troubleshooting guide I was following told me to do!!!#I'm starting to think I should just give up on fixing things myself and stick to asking my roommate for help#but I don't usually run into/cause catastrophic errors like this so idk what happened#other than the power outage I speculated yesterday#but I don't actually know why my mac shut off since my stereo and PS5 were still on#which doesn't necessarily rule out a power issue bc this house is held together by unicorn spit and a prayer so the electical is hhhhhshodd#but USUALLY a power flicker bad enough to turn off my Mac also turns off my PS5 and stereo so idk man#idk#anyway here's hoping my Mac fixes itself and lives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#she named herself Hera she's not supposed to just give up the ghost like this lol#edit: yay it's properly transparent! *\ô/*
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mrbexwrites · 4 months
Roast Titles tag
Stealing @sarahlizziewrites open tag for this tag game because no-one will stop me. Passing the tag onto @queen-tashie @sam-glade @cowboybrunch @pure-solomon @cee-grice and as I stole an open tag, I'll leave one as well ;)
I give to you my two current WIPs:
Reluctant Hero has to deal with Daddy Issues by confronting Machiavelle Nemesis to save her brother, a Mummy's Boy; regrets life choices.
Occult Detective forced to solve the murder of a badass Tomboy, regrets everything as life spirals.
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coats hello :( weird question but i think i semi-majorly fucked up at work, do you have any general advice on dealing with that?
Hi anon! disclaimer up front: I am not a professional at anything related to like, mental health or employment law, I'm just a potato with some fucked brain chemistry and a willingness to read a lot of legal documentation.
that said: first up, I'm sorry, I fucking hate when that happens, you're 100% not alone and you're allowed to feel bad about it, but also, try and chill out. brains are shit. jobs are extra double shit. sometimes you fuck up and that's ok, you're human, you're allowed to fuck up and this isn't the end of the world.
second up: I don't know anything about what you fucked up, or how major it was, but like. there's probably been bigger fucks ups, likely even at your specific company/department. I can almost guarantee you that.
I also don't know what your particular job situation is re:how much going to your boss/leader/team and being like 'whoops there is a problem and I made it' will be detrimental to you - on the scale of 'your boss/person who keeps you employed' will be like DEATH TEN THOUSAND YEARS POVERTY (in which case: fuck them, most mistakes can be rectified and learnt from) to 'haha that's ok, lets work to fix it and make sure it can't happen again, no worries anon it happens', but you...will have a better idea of that.
either way, on the practical front: if what went wrong is something fixable, come up with a plan to fix it. doesn't have to be a huge apology tour /I will work day and night without food nor water nor rest until the kingdom is safe the fuck up is fixed / whatever, but y'know, if it's a 'I approved a print run and we printed 10,000 copies of this book which is missing chapter 6 entirely, has 3 chapter 9s, and misspells the author's name' (True story my wife has seen happen! on the milder end of the moderate fuck up scale!), maybe you're like 'I will re-read more thoroughly the approved document and run a shorter print run for quality/ work out how to organise our print schedule so everything is still done on time/what the fuck ever'. Leave room for your bosses to change stuff, because.... some people loooove to be able to Have Input, but be prepared to run with whatever you've got as a patch.
This will depend on your boss/organisation/field, obviously, so apologies for the generic sort of answer here. Some bosses fucking love it when an underling comes to them and is like 'hey problem (mea culpa) BUT it's not a you problem because I've already planned to fix it, just need you to ok the fix which you do not have to do any more work about', some bosses really want to be involved and micromanage it. or collaborate, or have eyes on something else that you don't know about that is also impacted.
Ideally, you also come up with a way you can try and avoid this sort of mistake in the future. not that you 100% will! but it looks good if you can be like 'I have learnt from my mistakes and in order to avoid them or similar in the future I will [whatever]'. Don't pitch this as a 'there's a problem with The Company's Processes'; that looks like shifting blame. (even if it's true.)
non-ethical corollary here: if your boss/job is the kind to be like 'you forgot to cross the t on page 15402, you're FIRED', and your fuck up doesn't actually endanger people (so like, you accidentally approved 40000 books to be printed wrong, not you accidentally put arsenic in the communal sugar pot) you might have to sort of. fudge it. a little bit. which I am not recommending, but also, like, sometimes you gotta 'haha whoops the technology demons anyway here's a fix to this totally unrelated to me problem'. This is not recommended. Do not do this if you are likely to be 1)dealing with the law about it 2)internally investigated about it 3)caught out about it or, frankly, 4)rewarded for the fix, but also, sometimes you just gotta throw some tech under the bus to make rent. It's shit. that's late stage capitalism for you.
Don't throw anyone else who's not related to it under the bus for your fuck up, though. That's dogshit behavior.
(please decide how comfortable with lying here you are. and how good at it you are. before you commit to this path. Which, again, I am not recommending, but also, I've definitely had jobs where 'haha the tech demons anyway here's a patch for this weird issue bye' was the thing standing between me and uh not making rent that month)
Emotionally, dealing with the 'oh fuck I fucked up I fucked up I fuckedup'...yeah. it's fucking rough. acknowledge (to yourself! fuck your boss, this is your emotional health not their business) that you did, that you didn't do it on purpose, and try and put into place strategies to stop it happening again, because even if your boss is like 'lmao no wukkas mate she'll be right we'll just patch it in post', you are probably in the 'I could walk into the sea' mindeset, and that's just how it sometimes be, because...brains bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
second: be kind to yourself! watch yr fave shows or play some games to not think about it for a bit. do your hobby. talk with friends. talk with friends about times they fucked up at work even! talk to your partner/s if you've got 'em about it; my wife was the one who started me on the keeping a book of communal fails to have an outside perspective on how mcuh everyone on my team fucks up.
I would probably recommend documenting everything related to this in a separate file NOT ON A WORK DEVICE cannot emphasize that enough, just so you have like, a clear timeline of events should you need it. ideally you end up with like:
-[thing you should have done]
-[thing you messed up AND WHEN YOU REALISED]
-next steps you took
-what your boss did in response
-any other stuff - your plan to not have it happen again, potential fall out, etc etc, any messages you have abou this or related yo this, who you've told what and when.
Hopefully you have this just as reference for yourself later - both as a 'last time I fucked up this is how it went!' and also, honestly, as a story for job interviews when they're like 'so tell us about a time you fucke dup at work'. (which is a cruel interview question, tbqh, but an increasingly common one, in my opinion.)
or to give to HR. like, I hope it doesn't get there, but like. y'know. cover thine own ass.
And finally -- again, keep that record of ways other people in your team are fucking up, to just kinda reassure yourself,. maybe even make it retrospective, if you can remember any other issues! remember last month when Jenny accidentally emailed the client briefing to George in accounting instead of George in accounts? in your note book of communal fails it goes. not to throw people under the bus, but to get a more objective sense of how bad this actually is on the scale and how unusual. (weight it though; you're more likely to remember your own fuck ups than anyone elses).
But also like. it's ok. you're allowed to fuck up sometimes. I'm sorry that you did, and I'm not saying that it's gonna be fun or easy to deal with, but like. You're human. You're allowed to fuck up sometimes.
(also, anyone who is actually a experienced in uh. an even related field feel free to chime in here; this is hugely biased by both being Australian and the labour laws/work culture on the whole here.)
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neriyon · 4 months
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Sleepy bun
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