#((I also like to think Buddy got to join them in actually dance at the wedding too ;3; cause their baby))
velvetydream · 7 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Let me show you ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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❝ Request! ᵕ̈
Summary : Charlie decided it was the best idea to reopen the hotel with a big party. Everyone was dressed in their best attire, only problem you couldn't dance.. but a certain demon took notice and decided to help you out.
Pairing : Alastor x Male! Reader
Word count : 1191 Words
Genre : Fluff
Warnings ➵ Spoilers for EP 8!!
a/n : Since I already wrote smth about Alastor and dancing, I tried to go for a little bit of a differen trope-
Also so sorry that this one os rather short, I'll try to make the next fics longer again!
Request by : 🍄 Anon
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After the hotel was destroyed by Adam, everyone worked together to rebuild it again. It took a while, but with the help of everyone and especially Lucifer, the hotel was standing again and even better than before! It was huge now, everyone got to put their own character into a part of the hotel and it was so personal now.
Just as the hotel was finished Alastor joined everyone again, no one dared to ask where he had been or what had happened to him.
So forward to this evening, Charlie decided a party to celebrate the rebuilding of the hotel. Looking in the mirror you let out a sigh, trying to get out any wrinkles from your shirt. Since Charlie asked everyone to dress properly, you decided to get out your best dress shirt, some nice slacks, some dispensers, and a pretty red tie. Being rather nervous about this party, you simply hoped that you could sit down at the bar and just watch everyone else enjoy themselves on the dance floor, were you not the most talented at dancing.
Knocks echo through your room, rushing over to open it and meeting Angel who was looking down at you with a smirk. "Looking good buddy! Let's get going! Everyone is already down there and I wanna get there before the alcohol is empty!" Grabbing your arm now, Angel starts to drag you to the stairs and down to the foyer. Just like before the bar was there, but now it was much bigger and a lot fancier, more expensive looking, did Lucifer complain too much about how the old one looked like. Though now the foyer was much bigger, with red velvet couches with dark wooden tables. Pictures hanging everywhere, one of Sir Pentious standing near the entrance with flowers. A big golden and crystal chandelier was hanging down from the ceiling. Arriving at the floor, you notice how Husk was behind the bar right now, serving Cherri a drink, she joined the hotel after the battle. Lucifer was dancing with Charlie right now which made you smile, it was so beautiful to see them finally bond. Vaggie was probably thinking the same, from the fond look on her face as she watched the two. Eyes now catching onto a certain red-haired demon, who was dancing with Niffty, it looked a bit funny since she is so short, but it was adorable to watch them.
Following Angel to the bar now, before taking a seat. Husk already starting to prepare drinks for the both of you. Angel immediately flirts with Husk, trying to get him to dance too, and in the end, Angel actually gets him to join in, leaving you alone at the bar sipping on your cocktail.
"Sitting alone, are we? Not enjoying yourself dear?" Looking up as you hear the radio voice, sending the owner a small smile. "I'm not really into dancing, so I'd rather just watch everyone." This made Alastor raise an eyebrow, not into dancing? Maybe someone just needed to show you how to enjoy it. "Well my dear, why don't you give me one dance and we'll see if you change your mind, what do you say handsome?" Holding out his clawed hand now, Alastor was slightly bowing to you. Eye growing wide, was he seriously asking you to dance after you said how you don't enjoy it? Of course, it looked fun, but you seriously weren't good at it at all! With a bit of hesitation, you place your hand in his hand, seeing as he won't back down, one dance should be fine..
Alastor helped you to your feet as he pulled you to the dance floor, coming to a halt a bit further to the side, probably to make you feel a little more comfortable. "Just follow my lead yeah? You will do amazing dear! I know it!" Guiding your hand to his shoulder now, he places his own on your waist as his other pulls you closer into him, before starting to guide you to the music. At first, it was slow and rather clumsy, even stepping on his feet a few times, immediately shying away and apologizing, just for him to pull you in again.
"Still not fun?" Smirking down at you now, your cheeks started to blush, you had to admit it indeed was rather fun, if you forgot feeling embarrassed every now and then from stepping on his feet. "It is.. I'm just worried I look funny when dancing, I'm so clumsy.." Lowering your head a bit, watching your feet now making sure to not step on his feet. A finger raising your chin again, making your eyes widen. "Eyes up here dearest, when dancing one shall not look down!" Alastor continued to guide you to the music and slowly but surely you were getting the hang of it, having Alastor quicken his pace a bit and even guide you to a few more complicated steps.
After a while, Alastor deemed it time to give you a little break, pulling you along away from the others and up the stairs. A bit confused you silently follow him, as he pulls you out on the balcony on the first floor. Breathing in the air, it was feeling rather cooling right now after all the dancing, despite being in hell. "Well? I would say that was rather fun!" Taking a seat at one of the tables now, Alastor had his shadow fetch you two some drinks from the bar, setting them down on the table. Joining him now as you agree. "It was indeed, but you were also really good at it!" Taking a sip from the glass now, you lean back a bit as you watch Alastor, your work making him chuckle lightly. "Oh thank you, my dear! I must say, I prefer some good Jazz and swing, but I can teach you that another time! It may be a bit too advanced for starters!" Watching him as you nod, he said another time? Does that mean he wants to dance with you again?
You continued to enjoy the silence a little while more, simply enjoying the presence of the other. Before Niffty at some point barged out onto the balcony, tugging on Alastor's coat and begging him to come and dance with her again because none of the others would. Chuckling, Alastor told her he would be down in a second, making her run off happily. "Well I have to get back my dearest, but I'm looking forward to our next dance." Taking your hand softly, he bows down slightly to press a soft kiss to your knuckles, before disappearing from the balcony and joining the others yet again downstairs.
Meanwhile, your face was blazing red, Alastor just kissed your hand and confirmed your internal questions of whether he wants to dance with you again, and even so far as saying he is looking forward to it.
Deciding to stay a bit longer to finish your drink and cool down, before joining the rest inside again, this was going to be a long night for sure.
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Taglist :
@chewbrry @rinalouu @mysticwitchcraftco  
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tinydefector · 26 days
*careless whispers playing* swerve: so this one’s part of a human mating ritual. It’s sad, cliche melody and themes make nearby humans pitty the performer and assume they get none. The dim lighting means the humans can’t tell it’s not night time, and makes them more aroused.
Caught out - Human Effects
Warnings: unrestricted internet access
Word count 2.3k
I had so much fun doing this and working it into the human effects series so I hope you enjoy it. Bumpin, also I can't wait to do the other one you sent in.
Rodimus pinches the bridge of his nasal ridge as he vents loudly. "Swerve, for the last time, that song is not actually part of human mating rituals. Please it's so stupid" he exclaims in annoyance. Since they got the music set so the crew could listen to the collective Spotify on the human crews request, Swerve had been raving about the song Careless Whispers.  
Meanwhile Whirl is cackling, their one optic on the mini-bot as he sways ridiculously to the music. "Aww c'mon Roddy let Swerve have his fun! I think it's working, look, those humans will definitely feel sorry for ol' Sweeeevy." The helimech cackles. 
Swerve ignores them, enthusiastically crooning along at the top of his vocalizer. "Oh I...I'm never gonna dance again... guilty feet have got no rhythm!" He attempts a crude mimicry of human hip shaking that has several crewmembers watch in mixed emotion.
Rubbing his chevron tiredly, Rodimus cuts in. "Swerve. Buddy. For your own good, please shut it off before the humans see you making an aft of yourself, plus I know for a fact that Daniel would start withering into a husk if he heard that song." 
Whirl creases with laughter at the minibot's antics as Rodimus shakes his helm, wondering if he can find the will to survive another one of Swerve's "cultural exchanges." 
Megatron walks in looking rather tired and ready for a drink when his optics land on Whirl and Rodimus. He pauses in the doorway as the chaotic scene before him registers - Whirl cackling hysterically as always, Rodimus with an expression of long-suffering exasperation, and Swerve... dancing? to some strange organic music. One eyebrow plate arches high, and the barest ghost of a bemused smirk tugs at one corner of his mouth. 
"I leave you all alone for a few cycles and return to find the Lost Light devolved into complete anarchy, it seems." His rumbling voice cuts through the din, Whirl just slams his claws on the table as they maniacally laugh, not an ounce of shame. Rodimus heaves a sigh. "Swerve was just...educating us on human courting rituals. Apparently that song is a big part of it. Which I would argue is a lie! " 
Megatron's other brow joins the first. He regards the tiny bartender with an air of dry amusement. "Is that so. Well, carry on by all means. we wouldn't want to disrupt such... illuminating cultural exchange. But do try to keep the debauchery contained, yes? There are still functioning mechs aboard this ship." 
With that and a brief nod to Rodimus, signalling the matter settled, Megatron turns on heel striding purposefully toward a table hidden in a corner so he doesn't have to deal with the chaos. He requires nothing less than a stiff drink After the cycle.
Rodimus, on the other hand, looks close to joining Whirl in hysterics - though from frustration rather than mirth. One hand grips his audial fins tightly as if to block out the noise. "Swerve, please, for the love of Primus, stop. You are NOT courting humans like that!" 
At that moment Whirl's gazing gaze Shifts to Rodimus. “ I don't see you getting any Captain,  what makes you think you know what the fleshies like, don't listen to him Swerve” calls back loudly Before Rodimus decides he's had enough. throwing his servos up. "Ugh, forget it. I'm joining Megatron for engex, have fun." And with that, he stalks away muttering about finding more suitable crew members to share drinks with. 
But Whirl is having too much fun, falling over themself in mirth. "Go Swervy go! Shake that fine aft, get you some Earth tail! Yeaaah get it!" His exuberant hollers only encourage the bartender, who throws himself with renewed vigour into his poor approximation of human dancing. 
After Swerve's crude example of a dance other bots begin inquiry about it. Some are interested in learning about humans. "But where did you learn about Swerve,  I need sources" Skids states while his optics narrow on Swerve. Nigthbeat sat off to the side not paying much attention. As Tailgate, Nautica and Skids inquired for more information, they doubted he had asked any of the human crew members on ship about such a thing, plus it had been a while since the ambassador or any of the crew had been to the bar recently. 
Swerve shifts nervously under the intense gazes boring into him from Skids and the others. His visor brightens as he attempts a shrug. "Oh you know, around...the holoweb. Places, the internet"
Skids narrows his optics further. "Uh huh. And when exactly were you surfing the human internet from the Lost Light?" He crosses his arms, expression clearly stating he isn't buying Swerve's story. 
Tailgate tilts his head curiously. "But didn't you say you learned it from a human, I don't think they'd teach dancing like THAT..." 
A sly grin spreads across Nautica's faceplates. "Unless...were you watching those strange organic videos? What were they called again - tiktoks?" 
Swerve visibly blanches, waving his arms wildly. "Wh-what? No no, of course not! I would never -" 
But Cyclonus, who has been silently observing, speaks up then with quiet certainty. "He's lying. He has had no contact with humans outside of when they come to the bar, he hasn't talked with any of them except Nadia on the rare occasion” The bartender deflates completely as amused chuckles rise up around him. Nautica pats his shoulder kindly. He had been called out for not really talking with the crew, but in his defence he didn't know how to socialise with them outside of serving drinks. 
 "It's okay Swerve, next time just acutely get your information from a human, doubt the ambassador would like you going around spreading misinformation" 
After a moment of processing Rodimus looks up in shock. "Wait a klik We have access to the human internet!?" He asked in shock, when had that happened who set it up and why wasn't he informed. Beside him, Megatron pinches the bridge of his noseplate wearily. "I had hoped to keep that information need-to-know, Rodimus. But yes, Brainstorm installed a transfer several deca-cycles ago to...broaden cultural understanding, and make it easier for a cross line from the holo to the internet so information trade was easier." 
Skids pipes up helpfully. "I believe his exact words were 'for science!', but we all know he just wanted to look at more theories about humans and their social behaviour. Fleshie fragger!." He sings out the last part which makes some of the other mechs laugh. 
Tailgate gasps excitedly. "Ooh, that's really cool, I wanna see the cute Earth pets!" It makes Cyclonus chuckle softly as he watches the smaller bots' optics widen in wonder. 
Rodimus throws his servos up. "Why am I always the last to know about these things?! As Captain I should be informed of any new ship systems or tech!" He grumbles, directing a half-hearted glare at Megatron. The former warlord merely sips his drink placidly. "Think of it as a learning experience in responsible leadership, Rodimus. If you would have read the highlighted parts of the report like i had asked you would have seen that we did this installation"
Rodimus grumbles to him as he takes another sip of his own drink, still glaring at Megatron over being called out on his neglect of the reports, he had been doing more reading of them but it did get to a point where he wanted to slam his helm into a wall.  
It makes Sunstreaker freeze for a moment, realising that it meant the humans most likely had access to their own sites. "Wait if we can access their internet does that mean they now also have access to our holoweb, sites and forums?" He asked rather worriedly, Silence falls over the group as Sunstreaker's question sinks in, optics widening in collective horror. they all know exactly the kind of classified, compromising or just plain embarrassing things lurking on Cybertronian networks. 
Hound is the first to break the quiet. "Primus, can you imagine if the humans found some of the stuff posted on ProwlFanForums? Or some of the theories on WireTap, Commlink?" 
Blaster groans, faceplates pale. "My holovids from Vos Carnival are still online! If they find those videos Primus..." He wasn't expecting this but if one of the humans found it, one of the crew they would know he had shown them a few photos of his cassettes and it wouldn't be hard to put too and too together.  
Rewind sits back watching the chaos in amusement. “It be a shame if they saw how many of you are interface Feral scrapers” he teases which makes even more bots panic. 
“Frag, frag, frag, I need to delete my profiles, I never existed!” 
“Oh Primus, of any of the thirteen listening,  please erase myself”   
“No, no, they can't know about those sites can that, they wouldn't think to look that far!” 
Rodimus hurriedly waves his servos. "Alright everyone stay calm! We'll get Brainstorm on containment ASAP. In the meantime everybody delete and scrub everything questionable from your personal archives. I mean it!"
A flurry of typing ensues as bots scramble to protect their digital dignity. Only Megatron seems unfazed, a corner of his mouth quirked in dark amusement. "Humans have proven resourceful. I suspect they've seen far worse than what little dirt we may have to offer..." 
Rodimus shoots Megatron a glare. "Thanks, that's really reassuring Megsy." The chaos continues as a new threat looms for the Cybertronian populace - human seeing their thoughts, questions and information.   
Megatron turns an optic on the fretting collection of Mech's, interest piqued. "So tell me, precisely what sorts of... delicate matters have you been discussing regarding humans?" 
The bots abruptly find other places to look, fields filled with nerves and not-so-subtle guilt. Trailbreaker coughs awkwardly. "Youknowjust,casualobservationsandcuriositiesSir." 
Rodimus, clearly wishing to be anywhere but here, attempts distraction. "It's not important Megs, let's just focus on containment -" But Megatron is not so easily deterred. His crimson gaze settles on Blaster, who shifts stiffly. "I do believe there was mention of a particularly risqué forum... One addressing compatibility between our species, was it not?" 
Blaster tries to look anywhere but Megatron, clearly feeling uncomfortable under the ex warlords stare. “It was merely an... academic discussion of theoretical interspecies relations." Suddenly Whirl howls with laughter. "Oh Primus you should see the threads about 'interface ports vs human orifices'! They go on for orns!" It makes all the bots helms snap to the helimech.  “SHUT UP WHIRL!” A collective yell comes from the panicked Mech's. 
A collective groan arises as Megatron rolls his optics, he had been expecting something else but this seemed quite tame compared to what he was expecting. After all, he had seen what floats around on the human internet and had the unfortunate experience of coming across a lot of stuff. In the end the human Ambassador had been rather embarrassed and apologetic over it. 
Megatron can't help but let out an amused huff of ventilation at the collective embarrassment of the Autobots. Clearly they had yet to witness the depths humanity plunged into given anonymity and technology. "Trust me when I say your little... theoretical discussions would barely cause a ripple among humans. I have borne witness to the unfiltered fleshling internet, and what I glimpsed there was far more depraved." He recalls with bemusement the memory file of Ambassador mortified face.
Skids eyes him curiously. "Really? What kind of thing could be worse than interfacing forums?" He grumbles dragging his servos down his faceplate. "Let's just say their proclivities extend far beyond our frames. Entire databases dedicated to the debasement and degradation of simulated strangers. Acts I'd not care to repeat lest they scorch even my memory banks." 
The collection of Autobots, Decepticons and neutrals recoil in mingled horror and fascination. Whirl cackles gleefully. "And to think we thought WE were deviants! Humans have us beat tenfold!"
Rodimus shudders violently. "Okay deleting that file dump NOW before it ends up in human hands." 
Megatron turns to Swerve. "I would recommend actually looking up the song before trying to perform, it isn't what you believe, and under no circumstances is anyone allowed to play the song Cbat. I refuse to be responsible for what happens by cybertronian stupidity" he explains Megatron pins Swerve with a stern glare, ensuring his message has been received. The tiny bot nods frantically, clearly intimidated. Satisfied, Megatron turns on a heel striding from the bar, Autobots parting hastily to avoid collision with the imposing warlord. 
No sooner does he exit than there are shouts and whoops of laughter from within. Whirl's distinct cackle rises over the din, triumphant and slightly manic. "Oh sweet Primus, humans are WAY more glitchy than I even dared dream! Swerve, you've gotta see this slag, they call it the 'CBAT Incident'!". 
“Frag Whirl dont you ever listen to what anyone says!” Nautica huffs as she tries to make herself seem not intrigue in hearing about the story.
“ Hey Millian come take a look at this” Nadia coos tho her friend. The Swed turns and makes their way over to have a look at what Nadia was looking through. “Is, is that a Cybertronian human fucker poll!?” They state in shock only to start wheezing in amusement. 
“Oh you know it Sweetheart, but wait it gets better, seems the bots didn't check to make sure their personal files didn't transfer when we did the Interstellar holo/internet upgrade and by Allah is it juicy” she hums to Millian who quickly sits down eyes glued To the screen. 
“Does anyone else know about this yet?” Millian asked in delight. “Not to my knowledge,  I've been enjoying myself making a little QNA blog for bots to ask questions about humans, and boy has it been fun giving miss information to them.” She flashes Millian a smile while in turn laughs. 
“Oh I'm so down for this, lets see what we can find, Nadia you have just gifted me the best presents ever, I'm about to have a field day reading through these” they press a quick kiss to the side of her face before quickly typing away looking throight the multitude of different groups and forum's they can find. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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basilsleaf · 1 year
i have way too many ongoing projects so i will never write this but i need baz and simon's future told through encounters with simon's construction buddies, it goes like this:
most of the guys are older than simon it's like he's got a crew of dads
they're all straight dudes so they assume baz is simon's roommate who he's like best friends with until simon forgets his lunch or something and baz brings it to work for him and they smooch hello and goodbye
there's an awkward "so are you gay" moment but simon's like "i have a boyfriend and he's great is that a problem" and then it's over, the dad crew is supportive by nature and they adapt quickly
now at lunch or when they have drinks after work the guys ask about baz same as they ask about each other's wives and girlfriends and kids and simon feels very included
the guys have dinner and drinks every now and then where spouses come along and next time they invite simon to bring baz and baz is like not sure he's going to fit in and he's kind of right but the guys don't really care because simon is obviously smitten with him so what does it matter that baz is all posh
fast forward, baz finishes school and they're both nepotism babies so they decide to move to a new place with like a balcony and a guest room and simon tells the guys and they're all hype for him and they come over to help move furniture even though baz and simon can afford movers
fast forward, after lots and lots of trauma counseling simon is ready to start thinking about what he wants out of life and he's thinking maybe he wants to start a bakery or a cafe or something so he can be closer to his second and third truest loves: butter and carbs
when he's finally ready to open the cafe he announces to the guys that he's leaving and he's nervous that they'll be upset but they like completely lose it, they're so happy for him
they take him out for drinks on them, they promise to come in every tuesday for their morning coffee and donuts, they drop him off to baz at 2am on a thursday completely passed out, it's wonderful
fast forward, simon opens his business and sure enough, the guys are there every tuesday morning
fast forward, one tuesday the guys ask how things are going with baz and simon blushes super hard and pulls out the ring box he's been carrying around in his pocket since he bought it and the guys frighten the other customers with their excitement
two tuesdays later the guys come back after the cafe closes to take simon out for celebratory drinks because he finally asked and baz obviously said yes and the guys once again deliver simon home to baz absolutely wasted (with their congratulations)
at their wedding it's all insanely rich grimms and various distant pitches and lady ruth's family and also simon's old construction buddies tearing it up on the dance floor
fast forward, and life is just good and they have magic friends but also normal friends
baz is actually able to bond with them all over football, he even joins their recreational league for a few seasons and they are undefeated champions
one of the guys' kids feels safe enough to come out to their dad because simon and baz came over for dinner
simon teaches them all how to use tiktok and what a vibe is and encourages a few of them to go to therapy
they coach simon through marital arguments and buying a house and how to tell baz he wants kids
and maybe being a little normal isn't so bad when he's got a whole team on his side
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humbledragon669 · 2 months
Season 1 Opening and Closing Credits
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This write up will likely end up feeling a bit scatty, partly because there are a lot of different bits and pieces to cover, but also because that opening credits scene is, to be quite honest, a little bit frantic. There’s a lot of stuff going on in there, despite the fact that it’s less than a minute and a half long. I’m intending on covering all of the opening credits scene here, so to make things a bit easier to digest, I broke it down into what I’m calling tableaus. The intent is to describe what we can physically see happening in each tableau before offering any observations on them in turn – it was the only way I could really see to break it all down. Lastly, there’ll be a quick summary of the music for each of the end credit scenes. Hopefully that all makes sense, and gives the opportunity to decide you’re not all that interested in the upcoming content before you get too far into the weeds with me.
Opening Credits
Before I get going with tableau #1, I thought I might offer a suggestion as to what I think the story is that we’re being told by the animation that takes place throughout the credits. From what I could gather, it appears to be telling the story of the consequences of Armageddon actually taking place. I hope that story arc will become a little clearer as we progress through each of the tableaus.
There’s one other thing I want to address before getting into the nitty gritty, and it won’t surprise you that it’s to do with the music. Something I noticed very early on in my GO-related brainrot journey is that the theme tune is written in ¾ time. That along with its very characteristic bass line accompaniment would qualify it as a waltz, which were predominantly used as courtship dances. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the music we come to associate with this show is representative of a genre of music that was banned in some places because it was considered to be sinful. Subtext on multiple levels there methinks.
Side note: the original theme tune for the series was intended to be Buddy Holly’s “Everyday”, but when David Arnold presented the piece that he’d composed as a potential replacement to Neil, it was love at first hearing. It’s lovely that we got to keep the Buddy Holly song in the show in season two, as it was apparently something that Terry was keen about having as a theme running throughout the whole of season one.
Tableau #1
Crowley and Aziraphale (with Crowley in the lead) are walking through the darkness.
Camera pans out to show a barren landscape.
Straight from the off, we see Crowley and Aziraphale together, very much like in the show itself. The animation leaves us in no doubt that these two characters are meant to be seen as a partnership. It’s noticeable that the ground they’re walking on is curved, which would suggest it’s Earth they’re walking across, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the barren landscape gives the impression that the two of them are striking off into the wilderness together. If we tie that into the timeline and story, this scene feels like this is a representation of the two of them as they leave the Garden of Eden.
Tableau #2
Crowley and Aziraphale have been joined by a small procession of two hooded figures and a small demonic-looking being.
The landscape in the background has more landmarks – rocks and bare trees.
The camera has adopted a closer position to the beings in view.
A warped tree grows as Crowley and Aziraphale pass a particular point in the scene. An apple springs from it.
The small demonic-looking being runs ahead of the hooded figures and picks the apple from the tree. He carries it out of the tableau.
The vegetation in the background grows more luscious as the scene moves into the next tableau.
The only observations I have about this tableau are unfortunately more like questions. First off, I don’t think I could say who/what any of the procession members are here:
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Those hooded figures could literally be absolutely anything. And WHAT is that little thing at the back? It has a mohawk and sunglasses. I can’t recall any characters in the show that would fit that description. And why does he pick the apple and carry it away?
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It’s almost like he’s trying to get Crowley or Aziraphale to take it (perhaps trying to tempt them with it?), but I don’t know why that would be.
Tableau #3
Foliage now thick, like a rainforest.
Flowers spring up from the ground as Crowley and Aziraphale walk into the tableau.
The procession has expanded with the addition of a bearded man, a nun, a different small being, and a priest.
There is a large cherub statue in the background.
A butterfly lands on the vicar’s hand, before flying across the shot.
The flowers springing from the ground is the second instance of foliage growing where Aziraphale and Crowley pass over, and it makes me wonder if the growth is either inspired or commanded by their presence. The apple has now disappeared from the tableau, but we have no indication of where it went, especially since the demonic-looking being that was carrying it has either changed or transformed into a completely different small being, one that looks an awful lot like Shax!
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I realise this could be a representation of Madame Tracy, but there’s something about the sunglasses that makes me feel that’s not right.
Knowing that nothing ever makes it into this show by accident, I find myself wondering if the butterfly in this scene has been put there to suggest transformation.
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We certainly know by the end of the season that both Aziraphale and Crowley go through actual physical transformations in the body swap, but the personal growth of many of the characters throughout the show forms a very important theme in the story too. And speaking of transformations, the device used to “transform” us from this tableau to the next is a large statue, which appears to be the back of the same one we can see in the background, or at least an identical one.
Tableau #4
Crowley and Aziraphale are sharing a glass of red wine whilst seated at a table.
The cherub statue from the previous tableau is still present in the background. Our point of view appears to be revolving around it.
The table is in front of a phone box.
The Bentley is seen in front of the bookshop.
There is a fire blazing in the upstairs window of the bookshop.
The instantly noticeable difference between this tableau and the ones that came before is that Crowley and Aziraphale are no longer marching as part/the head of the procession. In fact, it looks like they’re sitting at a table in a very lovely garden, what with the shady tree and the verdant grass in the forefront of the shot. What’s more, we can see the procession relentlessly marching away over a hill in the background. This tableau suggests to me that we’re at the point in the storyline where our hero pair have subconsciously abandoned their Heavenly and Hellish duties, happily settled in their own side, and with that in mind, I would say that this tableau represents the “present day” of this season as a snapshot in time. The flames in the upper floor window of the book shop are of course foreshadowing of what’s to come, and I do find it interesting that it’s there at all, major spoiler as it is, but it’s pretty fleeting as with the collage device used in episode 6, so perhaps the hope is that its presence won’t register with most audience members.
Tableau #5
An ark is resting on a building in the background.
The procession has had a few additions:
A brass band.
A hooded figure on a horse holding a scythe – Death.
A man in a top hat.
The alien being from episode 4.
A duck.
Something that looks like a rat.
A nun.
A second bearded man.
The procession is watched over by a demon (looks like Usher, the small demon that was used to test the holy water in episode 6).
Towards the end of the tableau, the procession starts to proceed up an escalator.
From certain angles, the building that the ark is resting on (or has crashed into) looks a little like the building that hosts the entrances to Heaven and Hell, though quite why this would have happened, I’m not sure.
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There’s a change in the music in this tableau too, to what I will describe from this point on as theme #2. It’s probably most recognisable as being the tune to the lullaby that Aziraphale sings to Adam, although it is used throughout the season for a multitude of other scenarios. Interestingly, the change in tone in the music isn’t accompanied by a change in tone in the animation.
We see the first appearance of one of the four Horsemen in this tableau. In a sort of round-about-face way, the first we see in the opening credits is the last we meet in the storyline, the last to be called, and the last to be dismissed on the tarmac in Tadfield. I do like that Death has been put on a horse in this setting, making him a literal horseman as well as a metaphorical one.
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This is the first tableau that Aziraphale and Crowley are nowhere to be seen in. If my theory about the story being told is correct, perhaps this is to show events continuing without their awareness, but I feel like that’s a bit of a stretch.
Tableau 6
Procession now proceeds along a moving walkway.
Additions to procession membership:
Weird tall being that looks like a bear.
Something that looks like it might be from Atlantis?
A short being of human appearance.
Small being carrying an “END IS NIGH” placard.
Somebody in a hazmat suit.
Something wearing some sort of face mask.
An additional dark figure on horseback – Famine.
Another unidentifiable short being.
The short demonic-looking being from the procession in tableau #2.
The backdrop now is of a night sky containing nebulae and galaxies.
Crowley arrives from the left and hovers over the procession.
The UFO from episode 4 appears and collides with Crowley, who is thrown of course. The UFO, now smoking, begins a descent into what will likely end in a crash.
I don’t have an awful lot to say about this tableau, other than it being the first time we see Crowley or Aziraphale without the other. It’s also the first time we see the transition into the next tableau being led by movement downwards, instead of from left to right.
Tableau #7
UFO crashes through a layer of cloud to reveal a descending escalator carrying, what appears to be, a procession consisting of a different set of people.
Aziraphale is hovering above the escalator and observing the descending procession.
Aziraphale deliberately flies into the UFO, causing it to explode into a shower of fish.
A single being can be seen ascending the escalator, against the flow of the procession.
It was at this point that I realised that if the escalators were supposed to represent the entrances to Heaven and Hell, with the beings on them going to their final place of rest, Aziraphale and Crowley were in the wrong places. You’d expect the angel to be watching the beings on their ascent to Heaven, wouldn’t you? So I actually think this might be a representation of the start of the war between Heaven and Hell, with forces from Hell ascending (perhaps invading?) Heaven, and vice versa. The presence of Crowley watching over, or perhaps feigning participation, would be more fitting in this case.
Unfortunately, the procession on the descending escalator is too far from the camera POV to make out individual members. The being going up the escalator instead of down is the mysterious little Shax-lookalike we saw introduced in tableau #3.
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I’d quite like to know a) how that being got there and b) why they’re going against the flow of traffic. Perhaps they’re just late to the invasion of Heaven.
The shower of fish is a nice little callback to something that was used as a device on more than one occasion in the book, and was even intended to be used for the show in the original script but was unfortunately cut. It’s good to see it as a little Easter egg here in the credits.
Tableau #8
Backdrop is now of a wood or forest. The remainder of the shower of fish can be seen falling through the trees and into water.
Aziraphale and Crowley are now together again, with Crowley leading the way.
A military ship comes into view. It holds a lot of passengers, and definitely has members of the first procession on it. There is now a white figure on horseback present – Pollution.
The camera POV pans under water to provide the next transition.
It’s unclear whether the passengers on the ship are of members of both of the processions we’ve seen (mostly because the only shot we’ve seen of the second procession was too far away from the camera to make out distinct characters), but they seem to be mostly from the first procession. It’s also unclear as to whether Crowley and Aziraphale are simply observing the ship and its passengers, pursuing it, or even trying to overtake it.
Tableau #9
Backdrop is now of an ocean floor, complete with a kelp forest.
Crowley and Aziraphale are hovering over the procession in the same formation as the previous tableau (with Crowley in the lead).
The procession is now very large, with many members carrying placards and signs.
The kraken appears in the background, watching over the procession.
The procession starts an ascent up a hill, leading into a destroyed cityscape in the background.
Crowley and Aziraphale deliberately exit this tableau, accelerating out of shot.
The camera point of view focuses in on the head of the procession.
There is now a red-headed figure on horseback present – War.
The procession is now being lead by the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
There are some objects that we can see floating through the ocean during this tableau.
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They look quite like plastic bags to me, so I wonder if this has been put here as a social commentary of the seemingly incessant need for humans to pollute the oceans. I think this tableau, with all four horsemen leading the procession, is representative of Armageddon having actually occurred, with the procession consisting of beings who are all now marching forward to be judged. Interestingly War was the last of the Horsemen to join the procession but the first that we are introduced to in the show, and the first that would be called upon in a nuclear holocaust situation.
Tableau #10
Backdrop is now of a destroyed cityscape.
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are now at the rear of the procession.
Madame Tracy and Shadwell ride Madame Tracy’s scooter across the tableau, in front of the procession.
Aziraphale can be seen observing the procession from the top of a road sign signalling the M25.
The repositioning of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse suggests that their roles have shifted from leading the procession to ushering its members. This makes sense, given the backdrop of this tableau suggests that Armageddon has happened by this point.
Tableau #11
The procession continues up a rock bridge.
Backdrop has become a stereotypically “Hellish” landscape.
We can see the back of Aziraphale and the road sign he sits on as we pan into this tableau.
Crowley is floating above the procession, apparently observing.
The Shax lookalike demon can be seen running against the flow of traffic at this point.
The procession is being watched over by hellhounds (one in the background, an additional one in the extreme foreground).
We can see parts of the rock bridge crumbling under the weight of all of the beings in the procession, which brings my attention to the fact that there have been sound effects added to the soundtrack for certain things – these crumbling rocks, the flutter of wings, the pop of the UFO as it explodes into a shower of fish, and the roaring of the hellhound as the camera passes by. It adds to the impression that this isn’t just a credit sequence needed for logistical purposes, but that it is telling a story in its own right. It’s also possible to see that the procession participants not only look distinct, but have different walking styles too. It’s a tiny detail that would go amiss by so many, yet would have taken a lot of effort to implement. There hasn’t been anywhere for me to give credit to the animators in my write ups prior to now, so this is their chapeau – well done all, little things like that really add to the richness of this show.
Tableau #12
We see a view of the end of rock bridge and a bright white light in the sky.
The supporting pillars crumble as the camera approaches the end of the bridge.
I don’t have a lot to say about this tableau, partly because it’s very short but also because it has the least amount of content to it. As the penultimate tableau in the credit sequence, it’s the only one that takes place from the point of view of the procession.
Tableau #13
Point of view returns to a side view of the procession.
We see the front of the procession approaching the end of the rock bridge.
The Shaz lookalike can be seen, once again, running against the flow of traffic, away from the end of the bridge.
The camera perspective changes as it passes the bridge’s supporting pillar. It’s now further away and the light in the tableau is much stronger.
Members of the procession start to fall off the end of the bridge, some gaining wings and flying upwards, others falling straight down.
The camera pans out to show the title card for the show whilst procession members continue to march off the end of the rock bridge in the background.
That weird little Shax lookalike is busy running away in this shot, not once but twice. Once before the camera pans across the bridge’s supporting pillars:
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And again, right after:
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There seems to be a bit of a continuity error here, as those two gifs lead literally one into the other. What I really want to know though, is who or what that being really is, what its purpose is and why is it almost always travelling in the opposite direction to the rest of the procession.
And so we come to the end of the road (quite literally) for the procession. We can see the outcome of the judgement for each of them as they either ascend to Heaven or fall into Hell. Strangely, Crowley and Aziraphale aren’t present to see any of this – it makes me wonder if they’ve decided to flee to Alpha Centauri after all, seeing as in this series of tableaus it looks like they failed to avert the end of the World. Perhaps the halo over the “O” and the little devil tail on the “M” of the Good Omens title card is meant as a representation of their presence, albeit transformed somewhat.
End credits
Episode 1 end credits
Description: “The Theme That Got Left in the Car”. Queen-style symphonic rock of theme #1 from the Opening Title music.
Notes: links to the episode through the introduction of Queen as the music mascot for the show and its general feeling of impending doom. It’s orchestration also sets the scene for the epic nature of the show. One a personal note, and I know I’ve mentioned this before, this is HANDS DOWN my favourite piece of music in the entire season. I love absolutely everything about it – the wailing guitar, the operatic piano, everything about is JUST AWESOME.
Episode 2 end credits
Description: string quartet fugue-style of the Opening Title music. Has an extended theme #2 section and a variation on this theme before the return to theme #1. Not included on the OST album.
Notes: this version of the end credits theme offers an incredible contrast from the thickly layered version from episode 1. Its tone brings to mind an Austen-style ball, and although that would link beautifully with some of the concepts in season 2, I struggle to find how it connects with the episode content here. It’s beautifully crafted nonetheless.
Episode 3 end credits
Description: 60s instrumental style setting of theme #1, complete with Hammond organ and hand claps. Has an exploratory middle section and a distinct “Tarantino” feel. Not included on the OST album.
Notes: links to the episode through the 1967 flashback scene. There was, of course, a whole host of historic periods David Arnold could have chosen to use as the theming for this particular instance. Perhaps this was just the most fun to write.
Episode 4 end credits
Description: sounds like circus music! May use a calliope, or uses instrumentation to achieve that type of sound. Encompasses the entirety of the Opening Title music and includes a key change in the theme #2 section (the only end credits music that does). Not on the OST album.
Notes: I would argue that this piece offers the most obvious representation of the characteristics of a waltz, despite its very different instrumental setting. As with the episode 2 tune, I struggle to find the link to the dark episode content with this version, which is cheerful to the point of insanity.
Episode 5 end credits
Description: pipe organ fugue. There is a choir that joins to punctuate the phrasing towards the end. There is no other instrumentation. Not on the OST album.
Notes: I was told by the head of department when I was doing my music degree that the most evil instrument in all music was the pipe organ. He argued that if you ever ask somebody to think of “evil music” they will instantly summon the sound of a pipe organ, most likely the first movement of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, which I think this piece is heavily influenced by. It links beautifully with the cliffhanger of impending Armageddon at the end of the episode.
Episode 6 end credits
Description: “A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square” by Tori Amos. ‘Nuff said.
End credits general notes
The breadth of styles encompassed in the 5 different treatments of the Opening Titles music is, to be frank, astonishing. Each one is entirely convincing as an example of the style its written in, which really just goes to show, at least as far as I’m concerned, that David Arnold is nothing short of a genius. It’s really unfortunate that only one of these can be found on the OST album - I can only assume that this is due to a need to keep the album to a certain length. Honestly, I feel like each one deserves its own full musical critical analysis, but it does not appear that the score is available.
And there we have it. I said it might be a bit scatty, didn’t I?! Also long. Sorry about that, I didn’t think it would take as long as it did to analyse one and a half minutes of opening credits! As ever, questions, comments, discussion: always welcome. See you next time 😊
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
haii bean !!! I wanted to bully kotoko request some funnies and sillies :) could you please write a drabble with amane and yuno (and anyone else) annoying kotoko . i feel like amane and yuno would go :3 and kotoko would go >:T… ofc feel free to ignore/dlt this :3
LOL of course! I'm sad I've become the Milgram Bully but I'm glad to give the boys a little break 😂 Thank you so much for the request, it was really fun getting back into the swing of writing with this! (also wooooo it's getting me so hyped for Deep Cover!!) Out of everyone, those two could definitely get away with :3-ing Kotoko to no end...
“Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-sev--”
“Hey, Kotoko?”
“Thirty-se, er, thirty-eight...”
“Thirty- uh…”
“Hey, hey, Kotoko?”
She rolled onto her back, having lost count of her pushups. “Yuno.” Her voice was even between heavy breaths. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Actually, I can see you need a break, and I’m happy to provide one!”
With a grunt, Kotoko sat up to face her. Yuno smiled down, her eyes sparkling with... something. Amane stood nearby, looking just as suspiciously sweet.
“What do you two need…?”
“We’re here to join you,” Amane said. “We wish to work out.”
“Oh? You’ve never been interested in exercise before.”
“Well, you yourself have motivated us to get stronger.”
“I’m pretty sure you just got bored…”
“Of course not! We’re committed!”
Kotoko studied them with a harsh look. They smiled innocently back. She narrowed her eyes. They widened theirs in anticipation. She leaned back. They leaned forward.
Yuno clasped her hands together. “Come ooon~ It’ll be fun having workout buddies! I’m a very hard worker, and you’ve seen how well-behaved Amane is. How bad could it be?”
Very, apparently.
She started with some stretches to get them warmed up. It was impossible to get them to focus, or hit the right positions, or stop giggling. Kotoko tried to tell them about breath control, but they seemed more excited to chatter on about everything under the sun. 
“I’ve always thought of stretching like this and being a famous dancer,” Yuno said. “Like a ballerina…” She did a little set of twirls. Kotoko tried to tell her not to do anything to crazy before they’d warmed up, but she just kept on spinning.
Amane’s eyes lit up. “I’ve always wanted to be in a marching band. They’re like dancers, a little bit!”
“Ooh, you’re right! I could never be so uniform, though, I want to do my own thing… like an idol or something!” Yuno did another set of moves. No one was following Kotoko’s perfectly timed toe touches anymore. 
“I guess we can get started…”
There was just as much dancing when they began jumping jacks, despite the fact that there were only two very clear positions to hit. Yuno wanted to do sets that traveled around the room, then ones that turned rapidly around in a circle, then ones that turned really rapidly in a circle. She and Amane made themselves dizzy with it. 
Kotoko decided a good, grounded activity would serve them better. They took turns holding each others’ feet and counting situps. Yuno got distracted easily, delving into nonstop conversation whether she should have been counting, watching, or doing the situps herself. She’d use her hands to talk, letting go of whoever she was meant to stabilize. Amane, on the other hand was practically a drill sergeant the way she tried to keep the others on pace. 
“Eight! Nine! Ten!”
“Amane, I think you’re supposed to count when I sit up, not force me to keep up with you…”
“Well don’t be so slow about it, and you’ll stay in time. Let’s go! Eleven! Twelve!”
Kotoko rubbed her temples. Maybe adding some equipment could keep them busy? 
Jumping rope brought new struggles. Yuno spend ten minutes trying to recall a schoolyard rhyme to jump rope to, and teach it to Amane. They both encouraged Kotoko to join in, but she was jumping at a faster rhythm. That became impossible as their chanting filled the room. Moreover, none of them could stay in their own space. There were about five rope tangles before Kotoko decided to call a break.
(She didn’t exactly know what they needed a break from, they’d hardly done anything.) The girls seemed happy to sit down and chat, though. Kotoko reluctantly passed her protein shake over as they asked to try it. “One sip…”
She covered her mouth, deep in contemplation. Maybe these exercises were too easy. It was too easy to get distracted out here in the common area. They’d be forced to buckle down and focus on something more taxing, right?
She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. “After this we’ll head over to my cell, okay? I have a bar installed for pull-ups. It’s tricky, but you have to start somewhere.”
“Hmmmm…” Yuno tapped a finger to her chin. “I’m not sure about that. You know… I think you were right. I think we were just bored. Well!” She clapped her hands together. “I guess we’ll stop bothering you now. Bye!” 
Amane joined her for a curt bow. “Thank you for your time.” 
Kotoko blinked after them. “Er, but…!”
Just like that, they were gone.
She released a long breath. She picked up her shake. It was empty.
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night-faye · 3 months
*cracks knuckles* ALRIGHT- 1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D 2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔 "your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head* "you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔 3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1 and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔 so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor. 4) "The old you would've leveled this whole mountain range!" <-- monkey MK splits a mountain in half. 5) "inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear." now that we know how crazy this play is for hinting stuff, WHAT is up with the monkey we see get attacked with evil vibes and why is it on this line Macky 👀 also hilarious to me "last show actually I was just heading off-" he seriously spent ALL DAY just talking about his break up over and over to anybody who would listen. "always the comedian" <--- s4 opens with Wukong joking and dancing on a table. Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue? "so you're her puppet now?" "haha you know me." HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven but also <3 in joining MK. despite LBD having WUKONG on her side. "your buddy Wukong values people by how useful they are to him." BUDDY YOURE THE ONE WHO FELT BAD YOU COULDNT BE USEFUL ENOUGH TO BREAK HIM OUT. I'm sensing some serious miscommunication over the Journey West here. BUT GEE really makes you think about Macky telling MK to be a weapon! That'll make you useful to the Monkey King for sure! also! the winning side was almost titled "a traitor inside" gee isn't THAT suspect. *pokes Macky repeatedly* double agent vibes lowkey. or is this a callout for betraying Wukong lol. 6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare." 7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
1) Update on what I said for a hero will sacrifice one to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world for one but its hero/warrior philosophy. I finally found Mei's line for it! "Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero." And THAT'S why the next episode is "Time to be Warriors" because being a hero never works out :D
2) Isn't it SO funny how Macky's complaints about "other people will tell you to be patient" feels like the kind of thing Wukong would've learned himself from the Monk after the journey 🤔
"your first strike should be your last strike" *coughs in jttw wukong killed macky in one hit to the head*
Hey, hey hey, shut up <3
"you don't use a weapon, you are a weapon." Sir WHAT HAPPENED. This wasn't you before 😭 I'm starting to think his "don't you feel stronger now" might be something someone told him after this so called "who did you make a deal with?" 🤔
Ohohohoh yes. this line. this line makes me Thing Things. So Many Things.
Will also be explored in fics I write hehehehe
3) So we know Macky instigated the fight, naturally. but seriously WHAT HAPPENEDDDDDDD. he was SAD and GUILTY and WUKONG LOVED HIM SM HE WAS RUFFLING HIS FUR AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES. how does a guy go to such murdery lengths that they started hating each other sm in S1
No lie I am currently working on a fic that will be exploring this EXACT thing :) You should Be Afraid :)
and then??? like?? S5 that love is creeping back???? of course, just like Macky getting interrupted in S4, they just can NOT seem to hold hands 😔
so Fluffy had the bright idea of ShadowPeach hand holding when Wukong dies. She is obsessed with his death flags as a mentor.
@fluffypotatey when I get you
Can you tell I'm obsessed with recontextualizing dialogue?
yes dw i am too hehe
"so you're her puppet now?""haha you know me."HELLO? IMPLYING WHAT? all this talk about "a winning side" is very owie, when you think of the side that lost the war against heaven
:)))) >*pats my trunk full of plans*<
6) going through my like history and someone pointed out that MK was probably "you're in time out young man!" while Macky, fully able to fight back, stood there and let them tie him up like "oh no I can't believe you're overpowering me like this. this place is a nightmare."
7) Update on "Wukong is the undefeatable Monkey King he HAS to be strong." he only reacts to the spicy pepper burning his mouth bc he's used to pain ^_^ who cared at all if he was hurt by the circlet, why would they care if he complained about the burning? and really? a spicy burning hot pepper? when he already was forced to eat molten copper pellets? and dropping a rock on him when he had a mountain dropped on him? which fun fact: based on Wukong's pose, it seems he got trapped while running ;D
HEY WHAT IF YOU DIDN'T? (I'mjustkiddingthisisgreat)
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kumamoto-division · 6 months
Even though the full bloom forecast in Kumamoto had already passed by a few days, the city’s “Hanami” still seemed to yet cease for another visitor…
“Looks like Hanami-san isn’t home yet,” said the reddish-haired boy with a guitar case on his back. He had tried hitting the doorbell a couple of times but there was no response from the resident.
Holding a cherry blossom snow globe in his hand, he tried finding somewhere to lie down the gift so that the birthday owner could receive their gift properly.
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“Oopsie~ Kunio kid didn’t tell me that the little birdie is having work today, but maybe he is busy with some gigs at the theater.”
Glancing at his side, standing beside him was a tall man with a usual carefree smile and the iconic shades he always wears.
Honestly, even if Yuuya knew it was certain that this shady dude was someone with an official profile in public, he just couldn’t help doubting whether he could trust him or not —Not only because of his shady look, but also for the fact that he claimed himself to be one of his dad’s ‘friends’…
Suddenly, the voice of a girl from somewhere had joined the conversation.
“Let’s leave what you called [gifts] here and get back, human! ANGE thinks that entity named [Hanami] kinda doesn’t look safe...”
On the screen of Yuuya’s phone appeared a figure of one girl with long white hair and bright red eyes with inhuman white pupils. Her expression seemed to be anxious about something. And despite how real she sounds, listen closely and one might notice some static hidden in between the phrases —Yeah, her voice was actually synthetic, given that the speaker was not really human. Still, Yuuya had got to admit that her speaking had been improving a lot since they first met.
Hearing the mysterious girl in Yuuya’s phone talked, his ‘dad’s friend’ with suspicious sunglasses slightly raised his brows.
“Oh, your girlfriend is tagging along huh.”
And even if his shades blocked him to see his clear expression, Yuuya just felt like his tone sounded a bit like a sneer.
“It’s such a regret~ If this is only a date between the two of us, I’d like to take you to do many funsy together~~ There are loooot of stuffs we could enjoy here in Kumamoto, ya know~?”
“EEWWW The one who should go away are [you], dirty cat! Shoo, shoo! Go away!! You don’t plan to scam my human, do you? You’re always lying even just now!”
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“—Hey, stop fighting you two.”
It wouldn’t be good if their bicker got more heat than this, so Yuuya had to interrupt them somehow. Besides, he didn’t have much time to leisure around, actually.
“Alright, then I’ll just leave the present here and get back. I already had an appointment with my clubmates at school, so I shouldn’t keep them waiting for long, should I?”
After finding somewhere that looked like a mailbox, he carefully placed the pink snow globe there and glanced back at his phone’s phone to see that his cyber buddy was now calming down, only with some little pout on her face.
Maybe he was just imagining things but he felt ANGE had been lately a tad bit clingy toward him ever since she told him that there were too many individuals with ‘omnious waves’ lurking around in the D.R.B. —He wasn’t sure what she really meant though, but he’d like to give it some thoughts.
And even if he still doubted many things about her as well, here and now wasn’t a right time to be a skeptic. So, he decided to just leave further query inside of his mind for now.
Thinking so, Yuuya then turned to his other companion.
“And Asebi-san, ANGE is not my girlfriend… However, I beg of you to not be rude to her please.”
Humming a joy melody to himself Hanami Yamamura seemed to dance when he get close to his own residence gave by the starless theater,saying a friendly "hi" or a glow smile to the people who said him "hello" or looked at him with smiles, Hanami was a truly light to anyone in kumamoto city
The "songbird" sighed when he looked at the little box on infront of his door
"uh? What could be this?"-Hanami hummed holding the gift on his hands, looking it closer to him the sapphire eyes has a light when he looked better the snowball
-"how cute!"-Hanami mumbled seeing the beautiful design of a bridge surrounded by cherry blossoms. He shacking it softly and a sweet smile appeared on his face when the pink "snow" seemed to fly around the ball like that seasons where the flowers blooming, that season Hanami named himself after
In that moment several pink petal fall around him and Hanami raise the look
He laughed seeing the fall of the cherry blossoms
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
It's Mike time baby, he needs some love
-Mike and Bill take scenic drives all the time. In the book Mike's dad would send him to different places around Derry to find or see cool or interesting things and because of that Mike found a lot of great views and he and Bill would take his truck to those spots and just read or talk or cuddle together. Mike is a very astute observer of his friends and so whenever he notices that something's bothering Bill, he whisks him away to these beautiful spots he finds.
-Bev loves to take Mike on days out. She calls them "Adventures". She loves finding new restaurants or coffee shops they've never been to or seeing indie movies she's never heard of at local theaters. Even in a clown-less universe, Mike still spent a lot of his formative years working on the farm instead of having fun so she's trying to make up for that now for him.
-Mike and Eddie take random classes all the time. They love picking up new skills. It started when Eddie got everyone CPR certified and they saw an ad for a cooking class on the way out and they're the only ones interested. Then follows knitting and gardening and dance and so on.
-Mike and Richie both took a gap year before heading to college. They didn't feel ready and so instead they went on a cross-country road trip together. Mike had seen so little in his life and he was so excited. Richie took enough polaroids to fill two albums and was in charge of the music. Mike picked all the stops and was adamant they see every dumb local attraction they could.
-Stan gets Mike incredibly invested in birdwatching as a hobby. At first Stan thought he kept offering to go with him because he's kind, but Mike eventually started getting his own gear and his own bird book, he packed them lunches, and then he found them a local group of birdwatchers for them to join. They stand out a bit as 20-somethings in a group made up of seniors, but that doesn't bother them. Stan still insists they go with just each other about half of the time though.
-One year for Mike's birthday, Ben built him a chicken coop in their backyard. He knew that Mike was happy to be in the city with his friends, but that he was definitely a bit homesick for the farm. Ben helped him hatch some chicks and raise them. They both cried tears of joy when their first chick hatched. Each of the Losers got to name one. The Loser's cook only with Mike's eggs from that day forward.
Rose everytime you grace my inbox it's absolute blessing- and to bring some love for Mike while you're at it <33 aaaaa okay okay
-Mike is so the guy to take long rides to clear his head and I'm happy to think about him including Bill on them. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they listen to music, and other times they just drive in silence with the windows rolled down and breathing in all that open space
-I read this point and the first thing that popped into my head was that 'treat yourself' meme and yes these two do that. They treat themselves to new restaurants and experiences but i can also see them being thrift shop buddies? They've definitely done the bit where you go to like goodwill and pick out silly outfits for the person you're with. They have a good time with it
-Eddie and Mike taking random classes is top tier. Yes they both know how to make pottery, knit, scrapbook and they've taken at least one intro class of a foreign language. It's just fun and sometimes they'll flip a coin to see what's the next class they're going ot.
-Speaking of scrapbooking that came in real handy with this one. Mike and Richie taking a cross country road trip aaaa. I can see Mike sitting in the passenger seat with a map and circling every little tourist trap he wants to go to and him and Richie both being genuinely excited over the littlest things, it's such a sweet image <3
-Stan and Mike birdwatching :( Mike loves animals so of course he'd actually get excited about this and the boy already loves to learn so he eat ups every fact Stan gives him about birds. And honestly these are the two losers that would hang out with a group of seniors- it's very on brand for them. Stan already dresses like an old man and all the old ladies love Mike bc he's so charming. Stan may or may not be jealous.
-Something about how Mike and Ben are already kinda seen as the 'mother hens' of the losers and then them raising actual chickens...and yes Mike has all the kisses for Ben when he sees that chicken coop and the chicks they hatch might as well be their actual children let's be honest
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lanternlightss · 16 days
Old Mondstadt and ISAT crossover and/or swap au because I’m brainrotting so hard about them
-I have already said enough about decarabian and the king however in a swap au it would be so funny if deca not having a design is canon because. Deca being ecstatic that he not only has a physical humanoid form but a really powerful and intimidating one, meanwhile the king lamenting about how he got turned into the missing texture image. Two dimensional square.
-NB and siffrin!!! They would absolutely be best friends!! Siffrin would teach nb the best ways to use a dagger properly while nb would teach him how to play the lyre. Nb letting siffrin borrow his cecilia pin while sif lets nb try on their hat. Inseperable. Also sif and nb being confused about eachother’s age (both think the other is in their early teens, when sif is in his mid-late 20s meanwhile nb being in his mid-late teens. <- the two being made fun of by their respective parties for being short)
-Dormont worships the god of change, what if old mond worshipped the god of time? Especially since they contrast with eachother- dormont’s citizens being quite literally frozen in time, while life in old mond is stagnant over the years. Wind wisps look like tiny change gods. Dancing wind wisps. Do you see my vision. (Instead of the actual god of time being a wind wisps, wind wisps are more seen as representatives)
I have more to say, but this might be too much to fit into one ask so I’ll split it into multiple <- too many thoughts
SHDHDHDHDHDJD THE KING JUST ONE DAY POPPING OUT OF EXISTENCE TO TURN INTO A STARRY NIGHT, A CASTLE ON THE HORIZON,,, a crown even ,,, and you can hear him complaining miles away IS so super funny oh my god, giggling. ohhhhh…. bright one ….. They turned me into a png 😔 …
but also REAL that would be such an apprehensive fight,,, decarabian feels like smthn otherworldly sometimes, we don’t know his origins so far, so to have him that Tall ?? to have him looming over everyone …. Wuh . Wuh Oh . like everyone needs all the luck and skill they can get because that seems like a . soulsgame boss fight where you just spotted a stumbling 25 foot horror and they’re running for You, the sky blooming into darkness, the cut string of a chord going taut accompanying it. but also him …. being more visually of the “eye of a storm now” too …
also god yeah the age confusion 😭😭 that would be such a treat and a half to get to witness in full. nameless bard thinking he has it down on lock and then one day siffrin is like oh . yeah . im almost thirty ? and loses his entire mind over it. how LONG ???? WHEN . (AND UEAH YEAH YEAH . yeah . i think it’s especially funny because even nameless bard, resident old mond shortie, is still taller than siffrin is. mostly because it seems venti himself is somewhere between 5’4”-5’5”, nb being maybe a smidge ?? taller ?? like rip siffrin and your 5’1”ness your shorty buddy can also join in on the teasing 😔 …. however he is a ride or die so !!!!) (<- but like. oh my godd. both of them making plans to add their heights together because dammit they want this object and they’re not gonna let it get past them bc it was too high) (<- immediately becomes a deer in headlights when one of their crew spots them. it was for the greater good.)
AND NAMELESS BARD BEING TAUGHT THE WAYS OF A DAGGER !!! CHEERS !!!!! he would be listening So Intently, he may make a few. injury ouchies, but mark his words he will Learn this. siffrin learning memory of menace because this will have 100000% good consequences dw about the name nb is going to be so normal abt this. don’t even worry. good friend siffrin is it possible to juggle knives. but also 🥺🥺 ohhh them sitting down to make music …. the possibility of siffrin remembering an old tune from his childhood, maybe some kind of lullaby ……. nb trying to perfect it so the memory never truly gets to fade….. Ough …. ohhh …. trying to look to the stars, and see if he could match the twinkling of them…
also wind wisps being the representatives sound SO SUPER INTERESTING i am looking i am looking so hard. you see these little guys, simply appearing as though out of thin air, simply going with the breeze, and you know something is about to go very very very wrong ….. good omens, bad omens, perhaps …. depending on what they do ? but anyways — YES HELLO ???
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
Lmao the walk was super fun but only two people showed up (my biggest fan, who was obvs gonna be there, and a new friend who we both met at the same time through volunteering which is cute and fun, he's a p good deal younger than us). Since it was just the 3 of us, we hiked the WHOLE trail system and had a blast. Got lunch afterwards. I invited them to come out to the beach with me, and my friend decided to follow me straight out and new boy went home first but then flaked and never ended up coming to the beach.
So the clown dance continued, we swam and sunned and laughed, came back to my apartment, eventually got hungry and went to dinner, our third meal together in a row today. At every point they were hesitant to leave and happy to be invited to do the next thing. The only reason why we're not together now is that we're supposed to lift tonight at their place with someone else joining, so they headed back to their own side of town while I went home to take a shower.
This is actually a great holding pattern as far as I'm concerned. We spend as much time and I'd be willing to spend with someone I was dating, and I enjoy spending time with them more than being alone (USUALLY more, sometimes they're in a mood and I'd rather split). It's been so long since I've ACTUALLY enjoyed someone's company more than my own that I wasn't sure that would ever even happen again for me. I'm happy with this. The chemistry is there but--and holy shit i can't believe im saying this--I don't actually want to risk our friend...ship? Lmao? Who am i?
I also made an offhand comment about planning something fun and they responded "I don't really drink so that can make it hard" and of course in light of recent life changes on my side I'm like 👀👀👀 that is the opposite of a problem! But it also makes me sad bc they have been drinking with me some on our off hours and it sounds like they were just trying to keep up with me/not murder the vibe and that was SO not necessary. It also makes some stuff track more in retrospect (like "oh what was up with them that night?" ends up being "they were sleepy bc they dont drink booze normally"). Anyway, since it came up organically I told them that I was actually working on my sobriety and that it was difficult with my parents as enablers/people who want a drinking buddy from their child--and wouldnt you fucking know, bc we have everything else in common, they also have the SAME dynamic w their parents. And they seemed happy that sobriety was something I was thinking about and valued, but possibly more relieved that I actually DO enjoy our time together when we're both sober and want to do more of that.
We're finally getting into some deeper shit and I'm learning about their history and what makes them tick. Like they speak their mind super freely, but they are SO private about their family and personal life to the point that it feels almost too intimate to learn some of this shit that people who have known them longer are oblivious about. On the other hand, I'm a open book about everything I've been through and my mental health but good fucking luck getting an earnest take out of me on anything unless i deeply trust you. It makes for a weird game of learning about each other. I thanked them today for being a friend who's down to clown with all of my stupid suggestions and admitted that I normally just do everything alone but it's more fun with them. They expressed it all back to me. Alone for a long time, fine with that, surprised to find me, thankful for that too. It's just like, hm. Very comfy. And I don't worry about being wanted or wearing out my welcome, and I don't get taken advantage of, and they stand up for me and do nice things for me, and feed me and worry about me. That's such a nice change for me from being either The Provider or a person who wants for nothing or no one. It's scary to want someone in my life, even in this capacity, but it's more rewarding than I thought it could be without, yknow, actively trying to date or hook up. I feel like the possibility of something more is stalking us from location to location like the monster in It Follows--sometimes our knees are nestled together while we talk and it's breathing down our necks and sometimes we're both distracted and moody and it's not something either is thinking too much about, but fuck if it isn't always there and a thing I think we will inevitably make a choice about in the future but.
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withlovegvf · 1 year
watch you bloom | Danny Wagner
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dad!danny x reader
summary: your son Titus gets caught doing something in his room and it leads to a heartfelt conversation with his loving parents
yns pov
As I am making dinner, Danny and I's kids Titus, Remi, and Ian come in from school. Titus is 16 and drives everyone to a from school. Remi is 13, she's in eighth, and Ian is in fourth. "Mom I got an A on that civil war essay." Titus tells me giving me a kiss on the cheek as a greet. I nod in approval and give him a hug. "Hi Mrs. Wagner." Titus's best friend Ben says hello. He comes over almost everyday after school when they both aren't working so I wasn't surprised he was here. "Hey Ben! Everyone I went to Costco and get a ton of snacks so eat up. Ben i'm making tacos for dinner and you are more than welcome to join us."
Ben nods, going through the pantry with all the other kids. "Okay Mrs. Wagner I'll text my mom and ask." The boys head upstairs and Ian goes to watch tv in the living room. Remi sits at the kitchen counter. "Alexa play Taylor Swift radio please." Remi gives me a small smile for turning off my music. I giggle and continue cooking dinner. "Mom you know that eighth grade formal dance we bought a dress for? Conner V. asked me to go with him. Can I?" I look up from the cutting board. "I'm sure that's fine. I'll tell your dad cause I know you don't want to." She lets out a big sigh.
"Oh thank you mom." I laugh "Also how many Conners are in your class you have to give him a last letter?" Remi thinks for a second. "Em last count was three i think." I laugh again and Remi gets up heading to her room, probably to tell Conner V. she can go with him. As I'm finishing dinner it is now 6:30 and just on time Danny walks in from his studio day.
"Hey baby." Danny places a kiss on my head with a hand on my hip. "Hey! How was work and the boys?" I tilt my head onto his chest. "Oh everything was fine. We worked out the kinks for a few songs on the new album so all good!" I nod resting on his chest for a moment of peace.
Ian comes in from the living to greet Danny. He gives him a big hug. "Hey buddy how was school?" Danny asks ruffling his hand through his curls. "I was good. Ms. Parker said we have career day at school next Friday. Could you come and speak to the class. And maybe bring your guitar because that would be really cool." We laugh and Danny nods.
"Of course I can bud. Not a problem." I say, "Okay Ian go wash up for dinner. Pookie can you go tell Remi and Titus it's time for dinner. I think Ben is eating with us too." Danny nods and heads upstairs to get them. Upstairs I hear, "Remi girl, Titus, Ben, dinner is served." After a second I hear Titus scream, "Dad get out!!" a few seconds later Remi walks downstairs with a surprised and sad look on her face. "Rem what happened?" Remi shook her head like she wouldn't tell me and headed to the table.
Danny came down a few seconds later and I gave him a questioning look. "Um well I walk in on Titus and Ben doing....um....sexual activities." My jaw drops and I cover my mouth. Soon after Ben is coming downstairs. "Um my mom actually needs me home so I'm gonna go. Thank you anyways Mr.&Mrs. Wagner." Ben starts speed walking out but Danny says, "Hey ben, You're welcome back anytime just leave the door open next time." I give Ben a sympathetic nod agreeing with Danny. Ben's facial expression relaxes.
"Thank you guys. I told him he had nothing to be scared of. You guys are the coolest." Ben walks out and we say our goodbyes. I look over at Danny, "You see, we're still cool." He giggles and smiles, but then remembers how Titus must be feeling upstairs. I walk over to him and put my arms around his waist. "How about I have Rem and Ian start eating and we can go talk to Titus?" Danny sighs and nods.
Once I have the kids settles eating downstairs, we head up to Titus's room. I hold Danny's hand as we stand together outside of his room. I turn to look at Danny, "D, did we do something that made him think he couldn't tell us? I thought we were doing a good job." Danny tsked and lifts my head to look in his eyes. "Baby this has nothing to do with us. It's all about his feelings and anxieties around the subject. I promise." I nod and we turn to look at the door. "Okay I'm ready when you are." Danny finally knocks on the door softly.
"Please go away. I don't wanna talk about it dad." my heart hurts for him feeling this way. I start to say. "T we need to talk. No one is in trouble and we aren't mad. We just wanna talk baby. Please open up and let us come in." After about thirty seconds Titus comes to the door and slowly pulls it open. His face is red and puffy from crying.
Without thinking the mama bear in me takes over and I pull him into a bone crushing hug. "Oh baby don't cry. We love more than we could ever express." Titus let's his tears flow and hold me close to him. Danny wraps his bigger frame around our smaller ones and holds us in his arm. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew it would be okay I just wasn't ready. Please understand why I didn't say anything." We release from our hug and Danny begins to speak as he leads Titus to his bed so we could sit down.
"T we totally understand. We want you to know whoever you love or want to be will always be fine with us. Your mother and I want our beautiful baby boy to be happy whatever that means for him. The only thing we're sorry about is that it didn't happen on your terms." Titus smile and brushes Danny off.
"It's not your fault. Usually Ben and I hear you or mom but I guess we got a little carried away." We all laugh and I pull him into another hug. "Oh baby I love you so much. But so help me god if I catch you partaking in sexual ventures in my house while family is here ..." Titus swallows hard. "Yes ma'am, only when alone got it" We all have a laugh at what he said.
"Okay, go eat dinner with Rem and Ian. Leave your mother and I for a bit." Titus nods and heads downstairs to eat dinner. Danny scoots closer to me. "Ugh I'm glad that's over. We did well with our kids huh baby?" I nod and lay my head on Danny's shoulder. "Yeah we did. Oh by the way, Remi is going to the eighth grade formal with a boy named Conner" Danny pulls away from me and my head drops from his shoulder. He shouts,
"What the Fuck!?!?"
And poof another post done! Send me anonymous messages with ideas and who knows maybe I'll be inspired by one!
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mysticninetalis · 2 years
My Star Trek HeadCanons
Hiya! I just had a lot of head-canon's running around in my head so I just wanted to share a few! These are an amalgamation of things grabbed from Memory Alpha/Beta, as well as what I just like to think are implications of happenings that took places in these character’s lives. I also have a more adult list for more sexy and/or serious HC’s (if you wanna see those)
Jim Kirk
Certified genius, by both Human and Vulcan standards
Loves to dances, especially as a kid
This man has freckles everywhere
Had a pet mini-cow named Pickles
Graduated highschool at 16
Got his Masters in Xeno-linguistics and Engineering from UC Berkeley & MIT respectively, by the age of 21
Lover of old 20th/21st music ( think the Beasty Boys, Nickelback, Red Hot Chili Peppers, FFDP,  Lil’ John, Dr. Dre, 2Pac, ect.)
He purposely fucks with Bones by singing “Get Low” anytime the joke call for it ‘cause he know the old Grumpus hates it
Has a cow plushie that he has kept to this day, it was his dad’s.
Loves himself a good Pina Colada
Is honestly a huge bookworm (his guilty pleasure is dirty novels lol)
loves to cuddle (especially with Bones or Galia)
allergic to most fruits and flowers (including a lot of aliens fruits. Also strawberries, which sucks because he loves them), as well as most nuts
He’s such a sucker for gelato, but Bones restricts how much he has :(
A very loving and open pansexual 
Loves to wear all kinds of clothing, especially a good dress every now and then
Met Sulu in his 2nd year because he joined the fencing club
Took Chekov under his wing and they were study buddies
Has a stuffed Sehlat  names Muffins that Sybok gave him when he was 2 
Queer as shit
Follower of the “Talk Shit, Get Hit” way of life
Followed Sybok & Micheal everywhere (even sneaking out with whenever they did during the older sibling’s shenanigans)
Always got carried by his “scruff” by I-Chaya whenever he was getting into things he wasn’t supposed to
His answer to everything when in trouble was “Following one’s curiosity is logical, it is how one learns” (his made Amanda always laugh and Sarek question his life)
Has a tattoo of the vulcan G’teth bush & Induku tree wrapped in Terran roses on his left shoulder (an homage to his family’s humanity and vulcan culture) as well as the mark of the Khas-wan wrapped along his left bicep.
He has a few ear piercings and actually likes ear jewelry (it is one of his few illogical indulges)
Is a avid poetry reader
Mastered the art of Suus Manha around the age of 10
He very much understands human colloquialisms and metaphors, he just acts like he doesn't to fuck with people.
During the customary show-and-tell every child has after their Khas-wan, Spock brought the pelt of a young Le-Matya he had killed, because it was only logical to tell in detail how he survived to his classmates (and rub it in Stonn’s face)
Totally has a secret love for ABBA (and disco in general), Reggaeton, American Country music, and dancing of many terran verities thanks to his mother and her side of the family (including but not limited to knowing how to whine, the tango, the waltz, and southern line dancing)
Dyslexic as shit, but learned to overcome it thanks to his mama
Such a Mama’s boy, will beat of anyone who talks shit about Amanda, including adults when he was a child
cried for days when Sybok was sent off planet, and again when Micheal left, and no one was able to comfort him besides Muffins
Leonard Horatio “Bones” McCoy
The gentlest person alive under all that bluster
Half-Hispanic on his Mama’s side
Makes tamales during the christmas holidays
The galaxies #1 Daddy, he has a mug that says so
Was in charge of hair day when they lived together because he was the parent that braided the most efficiently (plus it kept his hands very dexterous for work)
Knits Joanna sweaters (he also crocheted her a stuffed Tinkadink because it was her favorite Pokemon and like the fact that it hits other pokemon out of the sky)
Wore a pretty floral white and lavender sundress dress to Daddy-Daughter day because when Joanna was in 3rd grade she wanted to try out some “boy” clothing but was worried her friends would think she was weird
Loves Country music (especially Mark Twain, Morgan Wallen, and Dolly Parton)
He’s also a metal-head
Always lets Joanna dress him whenever they visit, they also paint each others nail
Almost tore Joanna’s 5th grade teacher a new one because some little twat kept bullying her about her hair
Applied to the VSA with an amazing transcript and medical journals to his name and was denied for some bullshit reason, which is why he’s salty about Vulcans
Discovered he was Bi at a young are because he saw an interview of Ambassador Sarek holo and thought he was real pretty
Graduated highschool at 16, got his MD and PHD is Psychology by 21 and finished his residency at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta
Married Jocelyn Treadway at 19, and had Joanna at 22
Makes time for the gym even if his week is hellish (both when he was in school, as well as at work), has very much a well built dad-bod with a big chest and thighs
Was the captain of his high school track team
Danced competitively all throughout his childhood (mainly traditional hispanic cultural dances and was in a more contemporary crew throughout high school and college when he had the time)
Was a exotic dancer starting at 18 to pay for college, which is also where he met Jocelyn
He also took Chekov under his wing and would given anyone who made comments about the whiz kid a patented McCoy glare and just the best passive aggressive bedside manner whenever they were under his care
Wears his Daddy’s Saint Raphael necklace that has Joanna’s birthstone
Nyota Uhura
Secretly loves those cheesy rom-com holovids
a pansexual Queen
A woman who lived by the motto “Gaslight, Girlboss, Gatekeep”
Hated when Kirk and Galia would always cuddle in their dorm room, but eased up one night when she heard Kirk singing a Orion lullaby to a sleeping Galia.
While she puts her career first, she is a very maternal person at heart and loves to babysit whenever Joanna would visit the Academy/Enterprise
oddly enough, shes an amazing impressionist
Beginning halfway through her second year (Kirk’s first), Kirk started to randomly talk to her Vulcan, than Klingon and slowly it turning into an ongoing competition to see who between the two of them know more languages
Loves to do Yoga as well as leaned how to traditional Orion dance from Galia as a form of exercise
Found out after a night of drinking with their friend group that Leonard knew how to poll dance and asked him for lessons whenever their schedules lined up, it be came a bi-monthly thing for them
Always gets her family cute little odds-and-ends for their birthday, as well as a card that says how much she loves them in different languages rotating every year
Shares Spock’s love for earrings and will get him a new pair for his birthday
During the bi-annual talent show, she and Spock usually did an act together
One year it was a tie between her Spock, and Jim & Galia’s dance act
Her, Hendorf, CHristine and Leonard have a once a month girl’s night where they meet in Nyota & Galia’s dorm and talk shit
When she heard that Gary Mitchell spread rumors about Jim being a whore, she did everything in her power to make that man’s life miserable
Sometimes the odd person will make a misogynistic/racist comment about her or her appearance, and miraculously Jim and the person who said it willinup at Medical with Leonard being extra mean to said misogynist (and if Spock hears anything while he’s out wither her, they’ll get the verbal ass whooping of their lives as well as a demerit in their file)
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lostghost0o0 · 1 year
What do you think the Shepards do at a Latino party
OH WOW!! :D Thank you, I’m actually so happy that someone asked me something lol! But I’m gonna be honest, with the limited info we have about the Shepards it’s kinda hard for me to come up with stuff. So, sorry if their not as satisfactory as the last ones… :/ ANYWAYS-
Tim -
I feel like when Tim isn’t trying to kill somebody he’s actually pretty chill
he’ll kind just be standing around and listening to other people’s conversations
he’ll join in sometimes
similar to Dallas, he would probably become buddies with the cholo cousin
they’d relate with each other’s experiences
similar to Darry, he’s actually quite responsible
he’d definitely have a soft spot for the little kids
when the ice cream man comes around you can just see him walk up to the truck, wallet in hand and a whole bunch of kids following him
whenever the kids are around him, the adults would refer to them as his kids; “Ahí va el, con sus hijos.”
he’ll pretend not to like the kids and yell and scold them, but he’ll do it with a small smirk
when getting food, he’ll ask if the salsa is spicy lol
“Hey, is this thing spicy?”; “Nah. No pica.”
that was a fucking lie
Tim’s face turned red and he started to cough, he put a whole bunch of salsa on his food 😭
the tios just laughed at him and pat his back
Tim would also sit with the adults and listen to their stories of their childhood/ life in Mexico
their ghost stories are the only ones that freak him out
literally all the kids including Curly and Angela are asleep but Tim is still taking with the adults. It’s 3AM
Angela -
the tias don’t really like her, some might talk bad about her behind her back
they’d say stuff like; “Ella se cree mucho.” which basically means that she’s conceited or thinks she’s better than everyone else
canonically, she is very pretty, so the primos would all probably be asking for her number
the primas think she’s a bit of a toxica, but they still like her and think she’s pretty
they teach her how to dance and she learns pretty fast
she’d ask all the primos to dance huapango with her and of course they would
she tried to get Pony to dance with her and he would always refuse so she just gave up
she drank a whole shit ton of jamaica thinking it was wine, but it’s just juice
she still liked it though
she finds little kids annoying and she tries to stay as far away from them as possible, but they bug her just to spite her
she WANTED to talk with the primos in that one room, but as soon as she saw Cherry with them she rolled her eyes and walked away
she ended up talking with that one shy prima who was sitting alone at the party and they actually really got along
they sneak off to the corner store to get snacks and get some fresh air (I’ve also done this with my primos)
but they get caught and the adults scold them
they ended up staying in the prima’s room all night doing each other’s makeup
they would talk shit about boys and Angela would actually be the one to spill the chismé
Curly -
first thing he does is pick on the kids
he scares them and chases them around causing some kids to cry
he stops when a tia takes out a thick ass belt and threatens to whoop his ass
he pretended that he wasn’t scared of her but in reality he found her intimidating
he would also sneak off to the corner store, but with a group of a bunch of primos and the “fun Tio”
Everything was fine till Curly got caught trying to steal beer
he’d probably start a fight with the slick back primo and one of the Tios would have to break it up
the kids ended up ganging up on him and dragging him with them to sell bracelets around the neighborhood( has happened to one of my primos)
he actually really helped with the sales
when playing loteria, he would cheat and when nobody was looking he would steal some quarters from the cazito
everyone was invited to the next party except for Curly 💀
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The Tory Prom Parable: A Fix-It Fic in Polls: Part 4
Part 1: link
Part 2: link
Part 3: link
Previously, on the Tory Prom Parable...
You and Robby Keene crashed the West Valley High junior prom with the sole intention of pissing off your lame exes, Miguel Diaz and Samantha LaRusso. It works like a charm! They catch sight of you walking in in a power stance, and they are in fact pissed off immediately.
But there's been a snag in your carefully-crafted plan--you forgot to account for the fact you exist in a fix-it fic, so unlike the absolute trainwreck that was 4x08, Sam and Miguel will actually be acting in-character here. Which means, of course, that they immediately got the fuck out of there, considering...you know. Y'all traumatized them terribly that one time and all that jazz.
You are faced with the decision of how to proceed with your targets gone...
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You decide your best move is to use the age-old wisdom "If it sucks, hit da bricks!!!" And indeed, this dance does suck balls and much battery and aggravated assault will be committed against building materials on this fine night.
"You want to get out of here?" you ask Robby. "I mean...our exes aren't even here, and prom is a stupid performative rich kid thing anyways."
His eyes light up with such unfiltered excitement that it's actually kind of cute.
Robby Keene also has pretty eyes. Not that you'd ever tell him that, no sir. You told Miguel Diaz he had pretty eyes once, and look how that turned out.
"My thoughts exactly, Tor," Robby says. "To hell with this place."
Tor?! That's kind of...
No. No, bad Tory. We're not doing this song and dance again. Dating is for schmucks who inevitably get ditched for rich kids with trust funds and whatever-the-fuck-else.
This havoc-causing night is strictly professional, and you know it.
On the way out you pass Hawk and Demetri on the dance floor, jokingly waltzing to some ballad.
At least...you think they're jokingly waltzing. They're eye-fucking the crap out of each other, which is pretty damn weird.
You wonder if perhaps it's no accident that Demetri's wedgie-receiving and also weirdly hot girlfriend is nowhere to be found.
Well, no matter.
You ram your shoulder into Demetri as you pass, making him spill punch on his stupid pac-man suit. Get fucked, nerd.
"Hey, what the fuck was that?!" Hawk shrieks after you. "Come back here! I'll beat your ass!"
"Was that Tory Nichols?" you hear Demetri say, in a tone a frightened rabbit might use if prey animals could talk. Good.
You're unconcerned. Hawk is all bark and no bite. He wouldn't have even snapped that pussy Demetri's arm if you and the Cobras hadn't been cheering him on. Take away the best of his team, and Hawk is just a weirdo with a back tattoo and a mediocre punch at best.
"What a couple of suckers," you say to Robby.
To your surprise, he frowns a little bit.
"Demetri's alright," he says. "We were in Miyagi-Do together. He's not all that annoying once you get to know him a bit."
You stop just before the back door, feeling a sudden rush of anger.
"Hey! Who never once emailed you in juvie? Who was all too happy to boot you out of his life as soon as you accidentally hurt Precious Golden Boy Miguel Diaz? Face it, Robby--he chose the aggro asshole who kissed your girlfriend and the guy who broke his own arm over you when you were nothing but a good friend to him."
Robby hesitates.
"I don't know if I was--"
"You protected that loser nerd at the mall. And again at that party. And what'd you get in return? He ghosted you and went crawling back to the same asshole buddies he joined Miyagi-Do to learn how to fight. He only hung out with you so he wouldn't be alone! Kid was all too happy to ditch you when he got back the friends he liked better. For god's sake, have a little self-respect!"
It's strange. You know these stories because you heard them from the other side--Hawk's bitching, mostly--but they're painted in a much different light when she thinks about them from Robby's point of view. He really did do everything he could to protect a naive idiot who refused to stop prodding at one of Cobra Kai's most dangerous fighters.
Demetri hardly deserves that kind of safety net.
You realize too late that you're crying. The anger has grown too raw for you to care.
Because you know what it's like. Always being second-best in someone's heart, no matter how hard you try. Getting fucked over by people you trusted with your greatest vulnerabilities. Fair-weather friends who act like they get you--who act like they care--and then vanish into the wind as soon as your uglier side pokes out.
Aisha Robinson. Miguel Diaz. Hawk Moskowitz. All the friends you've made and lost, moving schools and having new people drawn to your energy only to run when the teeth and claws come out.
Pussies, all of them. But it still hurts.
Robby is silent for some time, just looking at you in surprise. He clearly didn't expect for you to feel so strongly about some nerd in a lame pac-man suit.
Some realization seems to dawn in those nice green eyes of his. "I guess you're right," he says quietly. "I hadn't thought of it like that."
"I know the feeling." You smile weakly, suddenly not caring if you're showing a little vulnerability. "People abandoning you. Giving up on you after one mistake. If there's one thing I've learned, it's just...you have to leave them behind. You have to move on. It hurts, but they're not worth shit if you care more than they do."
"Yeah." Robby nods slowly.
He glances back to where Demetri is still on the dance floor, frantically wiping down his suit with wet napkins. He's probably making the stain worse.
"Actually, you know what?" Robby curls his lip. "Fuck him. He's a whiny bitch of a fake friend."
"Yeah!" Before you can stop yourself, you're genuinely beaming and playfully punching Robby in the shoulder. "That's the spirit! We can do better than those losers, and you know it. You'll wipe the floor with both of them at the tournament, anyways."
That seems to cheer Robby up.
He doesn't strike you as the type of guy who's gotten a lot of unconditional support in his life. You'd be happy to be the first to provide it.
Both of you scurry out the back of the prom venue and find where you parked the car. There's a bright red slip of paper tucked under a windshield wiper. You pull it out and rip it to smithereens, throwing it up so it rains down like confetti because, once again, fuck the police.
"So." You lean suavely against the side of the car, wiggling your eyebrows fake-flirtily (it's only fake flirting, you swear). "Seems like the night is ours, Keene. Guess we should make good use of it."
"Guess we should."
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i have finally found the time to watch through the entirety of a court of fey and flowers and it has left me clawing the walls
a few thoughts, here and below the cut:
aabria is honestly one of my favorite gms to watch work. like, literally watch, i am 95% podcasts for my actual play media, but the visual elements of her games (esp. her npc facial expressions & acting choices) are so compelling. every damn time wuvvy looked at rue i died.
never not gonna be impressed with how smoothly this team integrated dnd combat & magic & skill checks with the good society framework to make a compelling, weighty, primarily social game. the unique tokens! (the significance to burning them!) the many pvp insight/deception checks over sighs and glances!!
brennan being an eternal gm is a crime, hob is The Most Character
like, picture me taking that character art of hob, printing it out, folding it up, and eating it. love him.
he’s a self-loathing emotionally obtuse plothound who claims to be bad with words but gives The Most Austen-style heart-wrenchingly vulnerable speeches. who else is doing it like him.
(seriously, if you’ve got regency media recs with hob-alike MCs I Want Them)
i am imagining some bonkers child creation magic — like, cabbage patch If You Want One It Will Grow stuff, genetics and gametes need not be involved stuff — that gives hob and rue an enormous passel of kids to love on and Treat Right, including at least one Owl With Bug Wings and two or three Literal Bears.
also picturing atla level confusion when the first one of those bears comes along. “just a bear?” “not a bugbear, not an owlbear, not a bugowlbear. just a bear.” “…this kid is weird.” “yeah, but we’re gonna love them like mad anyway right?” “oh yeah, of course, i’m just saying!”
deeply shocked andhera was able to sit through that detect thoughts at the tailor shop scene without blurting out SOMETHING, given his tendencies towards blurting out everything in other moments.
but like. imagine.
hob: the k stands for knickolas!!
rue: i love him.
andhera: oh shit, for real?! you love him for real??
disastrous. andhera fails to keep his mouth shut, four wounded two dead. (rip buddy, you were a real one)
otoh. now i’m imagining a fun little trivia game at rue’s nearlywed shower with questions like “where did they meet” and “who asked whom” that give them an excuse to retell all of these cute stories about their relationship, and one question is “when did rue first realize they loved hob?”
the answer is supposed to be after they danced all night at the masquerade, because rue thinks it’s fine to lie a little for the Romance of it all, but andhera’s like “oh, i remember that! it was when hob told them what the k in k.p. stands for!”
and he’s very :D satisfied with himself for winning his team a point! not noticing rue and hob’s very complex face journeys as they silently have a Conversation about this.
most shocking moment for me, a person who saw a fair number of acofaf gifs on my dash last fall: chirp marriage & child reveal, no question. the cast around her reacting is also very good, but the twist in itself was honestly so unexpected! and it works fantastically to give the lords of the wing motivation to join the larger plot on Our Heroes’ Side, i thought that was very smartly done.
and last but not least, a fun fact!
I did not realize this until the ap episode where omar confirmed ace andhera, but my first dnd character was basically a mash-up of andhera and rue.
like. they were an ace paladin poorly faking charm and coolness, using a normative appearance (“imagine a combination of chris hemsworth and chris evans”) as a facade a scared, nonnormative creature hid behind— unfortunately my BINX-alike PC friend died early in the campaign, and the plot took priority over character exploration. but still: same hat!
also: me now, looking back at that character: [miranda cosgrove ‘interesting’ meme with the nonbinary flag superimposed]
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elleenvs3000f23 · 11 months
Week 7: Music and Nature - Nature and Music
Where is music in nature? Where is nature in music?
Nature in music
When I think of how nature exists in music, I remember how I feel when I dance and figure skate. Dancers are taught to use our breath in our movements, to give them strength , flow, and power. Musicians do the same when they sing or play, using the breath to power notes, find pause, and build rhythm. I think that at the core of music and dance, the fact that I find a life process crucial to mammals is very indicative of how innate music is to nature. To me, the breath in music connects us to the environmental cycles that keep us alive and proves that we aren’t separate from nature, we are part of it, and dependent on it. When I need to calm down, I breathe. When you step outside on a fall day you take a deep breath to take in the earthy smell of the season. We connect to nature and are part of nature because we breathe. 
I also think there is nature in music because we use metaphors and imagery in lyrics. Singers talk about weather like rain or sun as a proxy for emotions they are feeling, flowers represent beauty and mountains represent challenges. Because we have emotional ties to nature we lean on it when we self-express through music. 
Music in Nature
I’d like to think that other animals appreciate music as well. My dog Wally will often join me when I play guitar, he likes to rest his head on the instrument (he also used to try and put his head in the bell of my clarinet, I think he likes how the vibrations feel). There are also videos online of dogs singing along to music such as this duo on Britain’s Got Talent Meet Aaron and Buddy: the amazing SINGING DOG! | Auditions | BGT: Unseen - YouTube. However, I have no idea if he hears and experiences music the same way I do. Reading in Gray et al. (2001) that whales and birds naturally tend to structure their songs while writing similar rules and patterns to us gives me some hope that Wally appreciates and experiences music the same way I do. 
Gray et al. (2001) explains that whales and birds structure and compose music in the same way we do, but I had always thought whales and birds make music for a different purpose. My baseline assumption was that humans use music to entertain and animals use music to communicate and find mates. This week’s material made me reconsider this assumption, because communication and entertainment are not actually separate things. As interpreters we make our communication entertaining in order to gain attention, focus and interest and we make entertainment communication in order to cause social and behavior changes (ei inspiring conservation actions). 
Assuming that animals only communicate information with music might also be incorrect. Whales have a high capacity for emotional intelligence so it is reasonable to assume they don’t just share information, but also feelings in their songs. And what could be more romantic than birds singing to find partners just like we do when we share love songs. I am having a lot of fun considering how animals might share more than objective facts with music. 
Bonus: A song that reminds me of a natural landscape
Is He’s a Pirate from the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. I am a runner and one of my regular routes takes me in and out of a cedar forest along a river. The second last kilometer is a rocky, up-and-down straight shot along the edge of the forest and the river bank and I have developed a habit of putting this song on and seeing how fast I can run the stretch. It makes me feel adventurous and strong which is always something I have loved about outdoor sports and spending time in nature.  I get to pretend to be a daring explorer like I did when I was little (a dream that I think spiraled into my current career in environmental science). Every time I hear it I can feel myself flying around trees and over rocks.
I am aware that it is considered rude online to talk about pets without sharing a photo so here is Wally :)
Tumblr media
Gray, P. M., Krause, B., Atema, J., Payne, R., Krumhansl, C., & Baptista, L. (2001). The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music. Science, 291(5501), 52. https://link-gale-com.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/apps/doc/A69270354/AONE?u=guel77241&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=fb9366a8
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