#(( whaaat? this is romantic. ))
cryopathiic-a · 1 year
A slow movement, to move closer and closer onto them, to just rest their head on their chest and relax for just five minutes. Leave the world behind. Whatever happens outside those doors, matters so little here and now, when it was them, everything made sense. The world could burn, the humans could perish, here within this room, everything just - felt right. It was paradise. To be holding them and to be held back, this was what they wanted. It was so small, it meant nothing at all, but to them, it meant everything.
As they moved there head slightly, to feel his body move up with it as she settled back down, moving her hand from his to feel his hand move with her own, as she would feel as if her hand had rested into sand and was pushing lightly down into it, her head moved again, but this time it did not move, as if she was on a bed of ice, a thing sheet of ice that if she moved too much, it would crack and she would fall in, what was this - was he, trying to eat her, an impossible thought and feeling as she hummed.
“Good morning – don’t move, your really comfy this morning.”
Sleep was starting to grow on him.
He had been freed of the collar, yet kept dragging some weight around like a ball and chain tethered to his ankle. A prisoner; not to her influence, anymore, but to this. This rare semblance of contentment that could be found in their quiet mornings together. It had taken them a while to identify it. The rise and heave of a fluttering chest; the dewy skin and softer fingers fumbling through an endless bundle of hair blending into each other's. He really enjoyed being bundled up with her in the morning. Her edge was dulled with drowsiness. She allowed herself to be softer, more open, more vulnerable— it was still new. And so it held his interest.
There was a big sigh with the shift. He exhaled a dusting of frost between her hair as she nuzzled closer. It wasn't voluntary; he was ... half asleep. Which was rare and he thought she ought to appreciate it. He must have looked angelic when there was naught but peace and contentment on his features. No glimmering mischief. No malice. Almost instinctively, his one arm looped around her. Soon, its counterpart came to lazily trail the tips of his claws up and down her spine, lightly, as if to elicit goosebumps.
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❝ Mm. ❞ A half-hearted response as he inhaled deeply into her hair and shifted to squeeze her face closer against his chest — a chest that was crackling. Like the icing on a frozen lake under the first rays of spring. She was warm, like sunlight. She smelled of blood. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her already. Truly loved her. Like, with a passion. ❝ 'Morning... ❞ He squeezed her closer. There was a tickling sensation; she would have felt it, his ribs moving around to make space. But the peppering of soft kisses to the top of her head may have provided a momentary distraction from that, much like his soft giggling.
❝ ...mm- let's... sleep s'more, 'k? ❞ His pulse would be calm. But the viscera was pulling apart to make space for this offering either way. Because he felt so good with her. And once she got up, that would end. Perhaps a part of him instinctively reacted to that worry in the back of his mind...
Or maybe that had been his plan all along.
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littlestpetship · 1 year
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this card is the cutest ever aahhh!!! (T_T ) riddle looks so gentle and happy...
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angelsdxmise · 2 months
Kiss me!
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bakugo x gn reader (wc. 1k)
How your first (and sudden) kiss went with Bakugo.
Warnings: profanity
a/n: Please send me some requests! Enjoy the fic ❤️
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Neither of you have had your first kiss yet.
While Bakugo didn’t seem to give it a slight glance, your heart fluttered with the simple thought of who or how it may go.
Which is one of the reasons you regret coming to this hangout. Mina and Ochaco were interrogating you.
“You seem to be super close with Bakugo these days y’know,” Mina whispered, merely 3 inches from your face. “Aren’t you guys technically dating?”
“Whaaaat?.. We’re just friends Mina!” You swallowed back the lump in your throat. “I mean, he’s cute or whatever, sure. I’m completely positive he doesn’t like me, he’s not like that and you know it.” She sighed in disappointment, sitting back.
Ochaco giggled, “I can’t recommend a lot of advice I usually would because Izuku’s practically the opposite of Bakugo,” Hums of approval came from you and Mina.
“But I do think he’s much sweeter around you..”
Your lips curled up, a familiar warmth covering your face. You fidgeted your fingers and rocked side to side to try to conceal your embarrassment. “Really? Is that good? Does it mean anything?!” You were practically beaming with excitement and hope.
Mina smiled at your flustered expression, “Of course it’s good! You know nothing about love, do you?” she inquired. You gulped at that thought.
“I watch romance movies I guess?..”
“Uh-huh..” Ochaco and Mina both sighed.
You attempted to recall your conversation with Bakugo earlier. “We planned a hangout tomorrow night. We were going to watch—“
You slightly flinched at the girl’s squeals. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Mina asked, you could practically see her thoughts as she imagined a cliche romantic scene between you and him.
“We can totes help you out!” Ochaco was practically jumping with joy. A smile was plastered across your face, but nervousness still lay there underneath.
“It’s okay, I’m sure this will go smoothly.”
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You and Bakugo were sitting on his bed, shoulders touching and your backs against the bed frame. You’d been watching a movie on his laptop and occasionally cracking jokes with each other.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna watch the Titanic? C’mon, please!” You begged, you had been asking him for days to watch it with you.
“I said no! I hate that sad crap. I said Insidious!” He snarled, he didn’t want to watch it. Honestly, you both had enjoyed horror movies on any movie nights you had together, but tonight you wanted to try something different. Especially since you never really watched sad movies.
“What, are you afraid you’re gonna cry?” You snorted. Your smile faded when he didn’t respond.
He nearly exploded you to bits and made you vow on your soul to not tell anyone.
Too tired to even keep debating, you settled on watching Insidious. Although you didn’t regret it you were still a little snarky after not getting to watch the Titanic.
Especially since you both abandoned the movie a while ago.
A cold breeze passes through the room, and you two are nearly cuddling each other. Laying on your sides facing each other, just talking. You had your head resting on your palm.
Throughout the laughter and constant giggles, you calmed down a little and looked at his eyes.
“Your eyes are really pretty, y’know?” A slight whisper came from you, he thought he wouldn’t have heard it if he wasn’t paying the most attention to you.
“Hah?” His movements abruptly stopped for a second as he stared at you.
“I guess you’re pretty too, or whatever.”
You had the feeling this was what they were talking about. Mina mentioned that it’s always a little awkward, you’re just teenagers after all.
“No way! You’re capable of compliments?” You covered your mouth to try to hide your laughter.
“If you don’t shut up in the next 5 seconds I WILL blow you to the deepest pit of hell!” He growled and you were exploding with laughter at his aggression.
For a moment he stopped and time seemed to slow down.
You looked perfect. Your laughter was music to his ears. Nothing else seemed to matter, not the booms of Kaminari and Kirishima’s yells as they immersed themselves in their video game, not the sound of the movie still playing in the background.
You seemed to notice too, and you both held eye contact. Even though the tips of your ears were seemingly getting hotter, and you were starting to fidget in nervousness.
He was starting to get light-headed too. He doesn’t process his actions when he puts his hand in your palm, interlinking your fingers while his thumb rubs the back of your hand.
“Mina told me something earlier..”
Your eye twitched as he spoke. What the hell?!
“Oh yeah..? What’d she say..” You mumbled, already planning your escape as you impatiently waited for his next words.
He sighed, “Y/n, I think you know,” he glanced away for a moment. “I don’t know how to do this stuff.”
“And you think I do?” You tried to lighten up the mood, and thankfully it worked. He looked back at your eyes, the smallest smile appearing on his face. Which made you realize something.
Were you guys even closer than before? Why is your leg touching his?
Oh god. I’m gonna puke. Your teeth chattered a little. His palm was warm though.. not like you wanted to let go. You held onto his hand too, scooting a little closer.
“Wait, are we about to kiss?” Bakugo nearly fainted at your question. “I guess? Does it look like I know what I’m doing?!”
“I mean, is it okay if?—” You cut him off by pressing your lips to his, a small peck. He stopped you from pulling away and initiated another kiss.
You both closed your eyes, and it felt like you were on cloud nine.
When you both pulled away, your lips were only about an inch apart, and you couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes.
“Your lips are warm too.” You uttered, looking back up at him.
“You’re a terrible kisser.” He deadpanned, snorting at what just happened.
“Are you serious, Bakugo?”
“Call me Katsuki.”
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7/4/24 💕
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Could you do Arkham Knight Jason? Or if not just regular canon Jason, and the things you can unintentionally say to him that would get him hot under the collar? What can you say intentionally to make this man blush like a tomato and have him kicking his feet, sighing dreamily like a schoolgirl when he thinks about it later. Give us your takes on my special bbygirl
🥀A/n: could NOT choose between the two sooooo i added both... teehee!!!
🥀Character(s): Ak!Jason x reader, Jason Todd x reader
🥀Cw: fluff, suggestive, no smut but mentions of sex/praise kink, jason being a liiiiittle horny
🥀minors dni
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Jason Todd:
Jason is absolutely whipped for you, any and everything you say makes him fluttery !!! he's disgustingly in love with you and is not afraid to show it
starting off strong for any unintentional comments, any possessive or jealous statements definitely excite him. he would never purposely make you jealous, but Jason can't deny that he finds it attractive when you refer to him as yours. if someone is flirting with him in front of you (and not taking the hint that he is NOT interested) and you interrupt them and say like "thats my boyfriend", Jason nearly giggles!!!
additionally, loves when you call him "my partner", or "my love". anything that depicts him as yours, because yes, he is yours, and you are his. not in a controlling way, but in a "i trust you to give my whole heart to you i love and trust you completely" way
this isn't exactly a comment, but he really appreciates when you defend him? if someone is talking about how he's a murderer or a monster, he certainly doesn't outwardly say anything, but if you speak up about it? he's smiling to himself and blushing like a schoolgirl. Jason would never ask you to defend him, but it's very reassuring to know that you would regardless
when it comes to intentional comments, its even easier to fluster him
flirting, even corny flirting, always makes him very happy. you guys could be married for 12 years with two kids and you using a cringey pickup line still makes him weak in the knees. he loves being romantic with you, and when you are intentionally being romantic in return, it just really affects him positively
sooooo starved for compliments. especially when it comes to his body or looks. after the lazarus pit, his entire body changed. he skipped years of his life, changing from a 15 year old boy to a 19 year old man. he grew in size and strength, and it takes him a while to get used to his body.
it could be as simple as calling him handsome! it just makes Jason feel appreciated and he loves that he appeals to you physically.
i think he's the type to have a bit of a praise kink, so when it comes to compliments, it either makes him really soft and romantic or it takes a different route that leads to the bedroom. he loves praising you, but he really doesn't receive enough praise so it matters a lot to him
COMMENT ON HOW STRONG HE IS AND HOW SAFE HE MAKES YOU FEEL HE WILL MELT. if you say anything along the lines of "being around you makes me feel safe", he will probably cry and makeout with you whaaat who said that 😇 Jason would never want you to be afraid of him, and he cares a lot about your comfort. the idea that he makes you feel safe and comfortable is something he can't understand, and doesn't comprehend how someone as perfect as you could be with him. so please please PLEASE tell him that he makes you feel safe and secure.
Ak!Jason Todd
now Ak!Jason isn't as easy to fluster, simply because he doesn't outwardly show it as much, but he still has a few things that make him tick
when it comes to unintentional things, reassuring him that you'll stay by his side no matter what is a big one. he's lost people, including himself, and he doesn't want to lose you too. reminding Jason that you're going to stay with him, and that you love him unconditionally, is one of the easiest ways to fluster him
another thing that reminds him of how much he loves you is when you shit talk people together. in my opinion, there is nothing more gratifying as someone who's been through abuse than to hear someone else realizing the truth about the people who hurt you. if you started hating on the joker, or criticizing batman's methods, Ak!Jason immediately has heart eyes!!! especially if your animated and funny about it.
if you have any personal vendettas or people you hate, Ak!Jason will gladly join you in venting and ranting. he thinks it's attractive when you compare others to him, claiming that he's so much better than your exes, and ranting on and on about how hot he is and how much better he treats you. he wants to know he's doing a good job, but it's also a bit of a relief that you think highly of him yk? he's also more than willing to make them "disappear" if they're bothering you..
Ak!Jason is more of the jealous type, and would be a lot more into you admitting that you're his than he's yours. if another Big Bad™️ was flirting with you, say for example, Scarecrow, and you respond that you're already taken, or that Ak!Jason is your boyfriend? not only is it a show of your loyalty, but its also really hot in his opinion. he also beats up Scarecrow, but that's irrelevant....!
when it comes to intentional things you can say, this is a bit trickier
like canon Jason, Ak!Jason is a bit insecure about his appearance, especially his scars. if you were to compliment his scars, he wouldn't believe you at first. Ak!Jason does not have much love for himself, and doesn't believe that you can truly see him as attractive when he's so scarred, physically and emotionally. PLEASE compliment his scars, it will not only fluster him but help rebuild his confidence in general
again with compliments, but this time on his efficiency and his skills in general. the work he does is bloody and brutal, and Ak!Jason would never want to scare you. however, if you witnessed him fighting or killing someone (especially in your defense), and complimented him on it? it would probably turn him on a bit ngl. a small part inside of him wants to be your hero, he wants to protect you and keep you safe. if you find it helpful, and even attractive, when he does so, this man is HEAD OVER HEELS in love
bragging about him. yet another intentional turn-on, Ak!Jason loves overhearing you mention to someone else how lucky you are to have him, how strong and brave and wonderful he is, etc. say you both are at some function or other, maybe meeting your family. start bragging about him and watch just how quickly he needs to pull you aside to "talk to you", or how suddenly an excuse comes up and you both have to head home. the fact that you think so highly of him, and would go out of your way to inform others of how much you adore him, is sooooo attractive in his eyes
the last intentional way to fluster Ak!Jason is simple yet effective: i love you. Jason in general is not used to love, but especially Ak!Jason. hearing you say i love you is just so lovely. if you start listing the things you love about him, he will melt. he loves you so, so much, and is so grateful you feel the same
urhrhrhrhrhrh i love him soo much 😭 i need me a Jason Todd smh. i love the idea of Jason w a praise kink, it opens a whole new world of possibilities i swearrrrr. anyways !!! hope u enjoy !!!
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Y/N’s guide of an ornate box turtle mutant
fluff :)
(Rise!Mikey x reader)
gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Mikey stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie’s version Leo’s version Raph’s version
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☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?)
☻ Likes:
Orange, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone), painting, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’), horror films, romance films (subject cries?), cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are), Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell), lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions),
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic.
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) he is sensitive and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches)
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most soothed by being held???
Mikey smiled happily to himself, laying on his plastron in his room. He read your words carefully, really taking it in. You really have this crime-fighting silly little ninja giggling and kicking his feet.
It just felt so good knowing you cared so much about him. Not that he didn’t know before, but it’s always nice to be reminded just how much you really, truly did. Him. Not Leo, or Donnie, or Raph. Just him.
Of course Mikey had noticed you acting a little sketchy around him, and had even asked you what was up but with the same response of nothing every time. He was a little relieved this was all it was.
The guilt slowly poured into him as he realized this was probably a violation of your privacy. His curiosity got the better of him when he saw the folder in your backpack with his name on it after you left it in his room. He totally betrayed your trust!
After some very nervous thought, he knew he needed to make it up to you somehow…right?
☻Subject of interest
Ornate Box turtle mutant; humanoid turtle man
Special note: subject appears to have developed several personas. such as Dr.Delicate Touch, Dr.Feelings, and Dr.Positive. what does this mean? is this normal? Of course!
☻ Diet:
Pizza, sweets (favors cupcakes), fruits, Dr.Pepper (likes to try new things; bring specimen new snacks?) Oooh, I’ll make you a list!
☻ Likes:
Orange my life color, thank you, baking + cooking, stickers (reminder: buy goo gone) you took them off? D:, painting it’s easy when I have such a beautiful muse!, emotional vulnerability (Donnie warns; be cautious of ‘Dr.Feelings’) Whaaat? Donnie doesn’t know what he’s talking about anyway.>:( horror films, romance films (subject cries?) They’re just so sweet!, cuddling (nts: subject holds tight), helping others (even if they don’t deserve it, not going to name any names they know who they are) it’s what I do, baby! Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games)
☻ Dislikes:
Being snuck up on (will cause turtle to refuse to come out of shell) I like when you carry me Ha ha very funny, lying, seeing people sad (note: subject is concerningly good at reading emotions), (to be continued???)
——> subject does not seem to dislike many things. subject is very, strangely optimistic. Dr.Positive will see you now!
☻ Tail language ❌leave tail alone, do not startle the subject.(will hide in shell) I can’t help it! he is sensitive Nuh uh and sassy❌
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, upset. not very common, but can soothe turtle with (gentle) shell scratches. I agree, the subject would like that very much.
wagging: excited, happy, energetic. typically while talking about Jupiter Jim? and other likes??? (see above) (tip: will increase w/ shell scratches) Maybe you should test that hypothesis again! Just to be sure. ;D
still and loose: relaxed, sad. very rare, specimen is very energetic, only relaxed when asleep. sad turtle most pacified by being held??? Again, you should probably continue to test that theory.
Beautiful work! But, I would keep in close contact with the subject. You know, for research purposes.
Love you!
- Mikey🧡
p.s. I’m really sorry for looking through your stuff
(also I’m still working on requests, and they are still open)
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dolene · 8 months
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pairing: pato’o ward x reader
summary: pato is a passionate man in loving. so why don't we dive deeper into his love life with his girlfriend with the list of his favorite love languages.
author's note: i'm literally BLUSHING when i saw the video and halfway writing this like whaaat, he knows what he's doing with his words over ladies. i'm sure.
♪ listening to: love language - ariana grande
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“big spoon or little spoon?”
there was silence before he answered in a low voice. “little spoon,” he laughed.
... pato likes to hug you when you sleep, it has become a habit for the both of you when you're sleeping and there's pato hugging you from behind and spooning you.
he usually is a proud big spoon-er like usual, but his behavior lately got you wondering: what is happening to him?
“can i be there?” he said one day as he's spooning you, making you arch your brow in confusion.
“be where?” but before you can even question further, he flipped you over, so you face his back, making him the small spoon instead of you.
“baby!” you laughed as pato quickly grabbing your hands to hug him from behind. “i like this. it's warm.” he dug his face to the pillow.
You tightened your hug on him while making yourself comfortable being a big spoon and hugging him from behind. “you're right, i think i might liked this one too.” you mumbled, kissing the back of his neck.
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... everytime when you were with him, you're always holding his hand.
no matter what occasion you're in, you're always holding his. it's now becoming a habit when you're with him as when you hold his hand, and he's holding your hand.
you and pato have a habit where the both you will hold each other's hands and give them three squeezes to sign love.
“i love you,” he squeezes your hand when you're crossing the streets.
you smiled and squeezed his hand back, “i love you too.”
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... forehead kisses is his favorite kiss of all. but not that he's going to say no to the any other one, but his forehead kiss to you is so far going to be his favorite to do.
not only because it's a simple gestures to express his love, gratitude and appreciation, but also it's his common act for saying ‘thank you’, ‘i miss you’, and even ‘i love you.’
and for that one time after he's winning the race, he's quickly to open his balaclava and ear protection, and only to come and approach you afterwards in the garage.
“congratulations for your win, honey, you deserve it!” you squeals, hugging him tight right after you see him entering the garage. “aw, thank you, cielo.” he kissed your forehead after the hug was ended. earning a bunch ‘aww’s from the mechanics and staffs, including david who's the one just entered and watched the whole moment.
“that's really sweet, you guys,” one of the mechanic said and he smiled as he embraced you to his side, kissing the side of your head soon after.
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... serving breakfast in bed to you is a must-do activity to spent with you (or for you) during his break. it doesn't always have to be on weekends, but on some occasions, breakfast in bed is something that he likes to do to fill his time when he's off racing.
and in some point in every morning, he's always serving you a warm delicious breakfast to enjoy in the morning with his company.
“wake up, princess, i got you something special.” he whispered to your ear as the delicious smells going through your nostrils and immediately wake you up.
so you woke up with a tray of a delicious stake of pancakes, a bowl of mixed fruits, and a mineral water to hydrate you after you wake up. it's literally the perfect way to wake up in the morning.
“thank you, honey.” you kissed his cheek as he giving you the glass of water for you to take. “you're welcome, cielo.”
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... not only physical and some romantic gestures, pato also likes to buy you gifts. no matter how expensive it is, he's always buying you something that you want. or not.
“happy anniversary, darling girl.” he said while carrying a gift bag in his hand. “but it's not... our anniversary just yet,” you stuttered, not at all expecting what he was planning.
"i know, but open it. this is my gift to you.” he kissed your lips afterward, making you even more curious about what he was gifting you. you took out the contents of the bag, the box, and finally a cloth wrapper through it and leaving his eyes looking sparkling, definitely waiting for your reaction for it.
you gasped as you revealed the real content of the box, “a serpenti tubogas bvlgari watch? where did you get this?” he giggled when he saw the look on your face. "how about it, that's good, right?"
"good?! i love it! how did you know i wanted this for so long?” your voice high as you're squealing, your face lighting up with joy, but he just smiled, "i definitely know." he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead once more, then to your lips.
“i love you so fucking much, patricio. i can't wait to see the more of you” you started to interrupt the kiss, which was only answered with a playful groans from him, making you giggle. “i love you too, y/n.” he whispered to your lips as he resumed the kiss who will turned into something more.
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liked by patriciooward, and 682,114 others
yourusername my very own so-called ‘anniversary gift’ 💕
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... last but not least of his usual routine for everyday is to spending time with you for whatever reason it is.
it can be just for going to the gym, running, watching netflix, doing a self care together, shopping, playing with his dogs or go to the fashion week together, that's all in.
but not only that, he also often does other activities with you, such as cooking his favorite food in his kitchen, or pretending to be a chef, for example;
“oh yes, mister patricio, get me a pinch of salt, please.” You spoke like an Italian chef cooking pasta, making him laugh out loud when he heard you speak with that accent.
“i'll get it right away, my cooking partner.” he responded by speaking with the same accent as you.
“no, i am a chef (🤌), mister patricio.” you said making the hand gesture at him, making him laugh harder and then ended up coughing because of his loud laugh.
“that's brilliant! ah, i've never heard you saying things like this before. that's really funny.”
“so where's the salt, mister patrici—”
“let's get back to normal shall we?”
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requested by anonymous: Heyy, have you seen Patos valentines day video on insta? could you maybe write something about his love language being physical touch and him being little spoon? Thank you!!
heyy!! i am so in love with patos valentines day video, could you maybe write something about his love language being physical touch and him being little spoon? <3
© DUHYORK 2024.
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hunieday · 3 months
Momo - La'Stiara Rabbit Chat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Momo: Heyyy Yuki-san heyyy
Yuki: I’m here
Momo: Oh. here comes Yuki!!!!! 🫣🫣  what are you doing right now?
Yuki: here comes yuki
Yuki: Harvesting pea sprouts
Momo: Now that’s the best lololololol 
Momo: You’re the handsomest for doing that in the middle of the night. Well no, it’s too cute. But also still too handsome
Yuki: Who did you go drinking with today?
Momo: How did you know I was drinking!?!? I went with Gakuuu!!!
Yuki: Gaku-kun, huh. I can also tell you just finished drinking and you’re in a taxi
Momo: Whaaat!? Are you watching me from somewhere!?! Could this dandy driver actually be Yuki in disguise!?!?
Yuki: That's hilarious
Yuki: You always send me a rabbichat out of nowhere like this after drinking, pretty amusing how easy it is to tell because you're always in high spirits.
Momo: I guess my darling can see right through me…🥹
Momo: Whenever I'm drinking, I always think things like “Yuki would like this flavor" or "I'm sure Yuki would laugh a lot if I told him this story" so… 
Momo: When I'm having drinks without you I just really wanna chat with you afterwards...🥹
Yuki: You say such romantic things
Momo: I feel that sense of comfort you get from being back home… 
Yuki: Would you like some peaches? You've always liked them
Momo: That's right, you always remember the things I liked when I was younger...
Yuki: Here, I made plenty of stewed dishes, so take some with you. I also packed some rice crackers and candies. Don't overwork yourself.
Momo: That's how it is right? you always made me take home more food than I can eat by myself...
Momo: But you sound like Old Man Yuki right now lololololol your image of a family house is way too high!? lolol
Yuki: I just watched a TV drama about stuff like that
Yuki: Were you and Gaku-kun shooting for "La’Stiara" at the same time?
Momo: No, we just happened to bump into each other at the studio after the shoot! 
Momo: Gaku didn't have any plans after that, so I invited him for a drink 
Momo: He said “I'm so happy to go drinking with you for the first time in a while, Momo-san!" he looked so happyy~~
Yuki: How cute
Momo: Isn’t hee~~!! 😳 I almost gave him the gem I had on me 😳
Yuki: That's funny. Though Gaku-kun doesn't seem that interested in jewelry
Momo: that’s right lolol but he has a dignified face so I’m looking forward to seeing the gem + Gaku combo picture released to the public 🥺
Momo: By the way Yuki! We were talking about instant tempura soba. Do you add the tempura before or after you pour the hot water!?!?
Yuki: Now that sounds like a drinking party question
Momo: We were talking about buying tempura soba from the convenience store as a late-night snack and it somehow turned into a conversation topic lol
Yuki: Momo, you put it in first then add the hot water, right?
Momo: Yeah!! I ate it that way first because I thought I’d get a bigger portion that way but I grew to love it 🥹 It soaks up all the flavor and it's delicious!!!
Yuki: Yeah, I get it. The juiciness is delicious
Momo: Right!?!? As expected of you, Darling!
Yuki: What about Gaku-kun?
Momo: "I like to taste both the crispy tempura and the smooth texture of soba, so I add it afterward."
Yuki: I get it. Enjoying different textures is important
Momo: Huh!!!! But you just said you understood my way! Are you a post-water tempura person? 🥹
Yuki: I eat them separately.
Momo: lololololol a surprise third option!!!!
Yuki: I thought it might be interesting.
Momo: Yuki, you're always making conversations more lively during drinking parties, you’re so handsome,,,!!!!!!!
Yuki: I know
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Momo: Can I take you to this place I took Gaku to next time? It's pretty lively though
Yuki: Of course. Was it a good place?
Momo: Actually it was opened by the manager of an izakaya I used to work at back in the day!!!
Momo: Do you remember it? The place with the really delicious rolled omelets!
Yuki: Isn’t that the manager who used to pack you meal boxes to take home?
Momo: Yes, yes!! Isn't that a huge coincidence!!! He even recognized me! 
Momo:  He said he buys our CDs every time
Yuki: I remember him. He used to hand out flyers for our concerts to the customers at the izakaya.
Yuki: He was a really nice guy. Now that I'm looking back, we were really blessed with the people around us.
Momo: I really think so too. And because of that I wanted to chat with you even more, Yuki!
Yuki: Let's take a bunch of our juniors there to repay the favor. I'm sure he'll be happy to see how successful of a senior you've become.
Momo: Yeah...! If I told my past self that I'd become the Absolute Kings with you he'd be super surprised.
Yuki: If I told my past self that I learned to appreciate people and the environment surrounding me right now he'd be surprised too.
Momo: But Yuki, you've always been super, super kind, you know!? you wouldn't have accepted my unreasonable request otherwise
Yuki: Momo
Yuki: Let's talk about this in detail tomorrow. We've been reminiscing about old times a lot lately, but it feels like a waste to only rabbichat about them
Momo: Yuki...
Yuki: And
Yuki: sleepy
Momo: lololol you must be sleepy right!!! Thanks for chatting with me 😆😆
Momo: See you tomorrow, Yuki!!
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miffysrambles · 1 year
Hello :) I would like to request! For Sun Wukong, Macaque and Mk X Reader (can be any gender that you prefer to use) And can It be separate please 'w'
And basically the story is that Reader has caught a nasty Cold/Sore Throat and is not doing so well, until the boys come to the rescue and help them out the best they can, and later on they back on their feet again!
Thank you 👍
Wukong, Macaque, and MK WIth a Sick! S/O
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Coughs and sniffles filled the air as you lay in your bed, flipping through channels on your television.
You had caught the cold going around since the weather was dropping for the autumn season, even though you were on top of your hygiene.
You were in the middle of a rerun of an old sitcom when your phone rang. Groaning, you reached over to your nightstand and saw your boyfriend Wukong was calling.
You put the call on speaker as you were too mentally and physically exhausted to put it up to your ear, “Hello…?” 
Ew, your voice sounded gross.
“Peaches, you ok? Gods, your voice sounds awful!” Wow, he could’ve at least tried to lie.
“I’m sick Wukong, we can’t spend time together today…” 
“Who says? I could come over and help ya’ feel better!” You could hear him rustling through his hut at the end of the line, meaning he was already on his way over..
“And before you say something like ‘Oh but my generous and oh-so-kind boyfriend Wukong, I don’t want you to get sick either!’ Don’t worry! Immortals barely ever get sick.” 
You laughed softly at his pathetic impression of you, clearly he was joking but you had to admit he was pretty spot on with your concerns.
“If you’re sure hon, I’ll see you in a bit.” Your hoarse voice added a few coughs at the end.
“Oh, I’m definitely sure peaches, see ya’ in a few minutes! I love you, mwwah!” He added loud kissing noises at the end which made you laugh more.
He always knew just how to cheer you up by putting a smile on your face, even if you felt like literal garbage.
After a few agonizing minutes of lying in your sweat-filled state, you heard the window to your bedroom open as your boyfriend sat on the windowsill.
“You coulda just have used the door like a normal person.” You laughed softly, making him roll his eyes with a grin.
“Not as romantic though.” He jumped from your window as he held a pharmacy bag in his hand, setting it down on your nightstand as he put his palm up to your forehead.
“Sheesh, you’re burning up… How ya feeling hon?” His tail thumped against your bed, signaling he was very much worried for you. 
“Like garbage, but a bit better now that you’re here.” You smiled up at him as his hand cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing circles in a small attempt to help you feel better. 
He reached over to the bag, pulling out some peach-flavored syrup medicine making you raise an eyebrow.
“Peach flavored, really? I didn’t even know they made it in that flavor.” You laughed softly, not even minding the throbbing pain in your throat. 
“Whaaat?! It’s the best flavor and it reminded me of you! Now open wide peaches, here comes the airplane!” He playfully teased you as he poured the medicine into a spoon, pretending it was flying toward your mouth with fake airplane sounds.
You rolled your eyes as you decided to go along with his teasing, opening your mouth as you swallowed the medicine.
Your face scrunched as you hesitantly swallowed the ghastly syrup, “Ugh that is awful!”
Wukong laughed as he smirked, “C’mon you got another spoonful to go!”
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Your coughing and sneezing slowly stirred Macaque awake from his deep sleep, rubbing his eyes as he sat up and looked over to see you holding a box of tissues.
“Sick huh?” His voice made you jump as your sickly state didn’t even make you realize he was awake now. 
“O-Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up!” Your hoarse voice made him wince, he could tell by just the way you talked you did NOT feel good.
“Hey hey, it’s ok sweet cheeks. You can’t help it if you’re sick, c’mere.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back down onto the bed, rubbing the back of your head to help ease the throbbing pain.
“But I don’t want to get you sick, I should go home.” You muttered in between sniffles and coughs.
He chuckled softly as he shook his head, his tail wrapping around your waist to keep you close and signaling you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“No can do sugarplum, you’re stuck with me for today. And besides, I’m a demon. We don’t ‘get sick’.” His fingers were tangled in your hair, making the throbbing in the back of your head subside as you sighed in relief and contentment. 
Your head laid against his chest, the room was silent besides the sounds of your clogged sinuses which you really needed right now to help ease your migraine.
“I’m gonna get up and go to the store to get you some medicine, I’ll be right back ok?” Macaque’s low voice spoke into your ear.
You nodded as he let you go and gently laid you back down on his bed, putting on his clothes and using his shadow magic to summon a portal as he fell through it.
A few minutes later he rose out of the floor from the shadows, holding a plastic bag as he sat down next to you on the bed. 
He smiled down at you as you put your head in his lap, his fingers going right back to your hair as he played with the strands with care.
He pulled out a bottle of pills and a water bottle and handed them both to you, “Here you go starshine, I got you everything you needed.”
He also pulled out a washcloth and soaked it in the water, putting it against your forehead to help cool you down.
“Thank you hon…” You were able to breathe out softly as you popped the pill into your mouth and sipped on the water.
“No problem sugar.” His fingers caressed your head, his eyes staring lovingly down at you.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye his wallet on the dresser as you turned your head back up to him, “Macaque, how did you pay for the medicine if your wallet is on the dresser?”
“..Don’t worry about that sweet cheeks.”
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MK was on a noodle run when he noticed one of the orders was for your address, his face beamed as he could use this as an excuse to see you.
Pigsy had worked him to the bone today and luckily yours was the last order of the day so he could take his time seeing you. 
He parked his work scooter in the parking lot of your apartment complex as he walked up to your door, knocking with a pep in his knuckles as he called out to you.
“Heyyy (Name), it’s me! I got your noodles and I wanna see your cute face!”
After a few seconds of waiting, his eyebrow raised as his phone went off in his pocket.
Seeing it was a text from you, he opened it and read it out loud.
“ ‘Come in. There’s a key underneath the mat.’’ Huh, why didn’t they just answer the door?”
He raised the welcome mat and unlocked your door with your spare key, seeing it was completely dark inside as he stepped through the doorway. 
“(Name)? It’s me, where are you?” 
He put the noodles on your kitchen counter as he walked through your small apartment, every single light was off so he used his phone flashlight to work his way through the shadows.
He reached your bedroom and slowly opened the door, peeking his head through as he saw a figure underneath the bedsheets huffing and coughing.
“Oooohhh, that’s why you didn't answer the door.” He walked over as he slowly lifted your covers, seeing your messed up hair and still in your pajamas from the night before. 
You smiled up at him through your miserable state, "Hi hon. Do you have my noodles?”
MK nodded as he retrieved them from the kitchen, sitting down next to you on the bed as he smiled.
“Here, let me feed them to you. The perk of being sick is your boyfriend gets to do everything for you!” 
You smiled as he opened the container, the warm broth filling the air as you sighed in contentment, opening your mouth as he brought the chopsticks to your lips.
He continued to feed the noodles to you, eventually getting down to just the broth as he handed the bowl to you, “Here drink this, the broth helps when your throat is sore. It helped me when I was sick when Pigsy brought me a bowl.”
You brought the bowl up to your lips and sipped on the warm liquid, sighing as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Thanks for bringing them to me, let me get you your money.”
He laughed as he wrapped an arm around you, shaking his head.
“Don’t worry about it sweetie, It’s on me tonight. You just work on feeling better.”
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sociopathicartist · 3 months
Hey! I was wondering if you could do both fluff and some suggestive or more mature relationship headcanons with Sans?
tysm for requesting! all the suggestive/mature ones will be below the cut
Classic!Sans x reader (Fluff and Suggestive) headcanons.
Not that Sans would be extremely clingy per se, but he is very attached to you. I feel like he’d for sure like to just show up to your work quite often with a lunch or snack for you that he made, always packed with a silly joke written on your napkin inside. He kinda works various jobs and works around town since he’s not a big fan of the boring, same daily routine with his life, so whenever he’s off from work and he doesn’t have really anything to do since almost all his time goes to you, he’ll just show up to surprise you anyways. He likes to just spawn in behind you, sometimes he’ll tap your shoulder and give you a little kiss on your neck as he stands on his tiptoes to let you know he’s there, other times he’ll send you a photo of yourself to be silly. He likes the most though to just stand behind you and wait for you to turn around and notice he’s there, followed by a short scream from the Sans jumpscare. Is that weird? Probably. He doesn’t care.
“Sans! Where the fuck did you come from?”
‘whaaat? babe, it’s just me.’
He’s gotten into the habit recently of bringing you things every time he sees you. The gifts rotate out, and they range in extreme variation, but most of them are just silly things he saw when he was out and he bought it because he thought of you. Sans has found that he doesn’t like showing up empty-handed when he sees you anymore, he always has something to slip into your pocket or tuck in your hair. It’s one of his favorite ways of showing you how much he appreciates you. The gifts range anywhere from your favorite flowers, to a smooth rock he found that he drew a face on for you, and to a little ring he saw at the store that he saved up for and waited until he was able to bring it to you at a fancy dinner together. He just really likes bringing you little things to show that he loves you, and it makes him happy to see you wearing a bracelet he got for you or seeing the flowers he gifted you resting nicely in a vase on your coffee table. Even whenever you’ve been dating for years and you both have moved in together, you’ll wake up some mornings to him tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and slowly bringing up something he cooked for you to rest on your lap.
‘hey there, gorgeous. you want these waffles? made them just for you.’
Sans didn’t have much interest in dating before you and him became best friends, he was always a bit too lazy, a bit too tired, and a bit too occupied with other things. Those and the fact that nobody really suited him well enough for him to be interested romantically. It makes sense for him to be a virgin, sex is never really something he thought he’d be interested in ever trying with anyone at any point. Sure, the jokes are funny to make, and he hears from his coworkers about who got a piece of what last night, but the subject rang pretty deaf on him and he never had many thoughts of ever having sex with someone. It’s a good piece of effort for him too since he’s a skeleton and he’d have to use magic to conjure anything if that’s what his partner wanted. The topic never really was brought up whenever the two of you started dating, so he just pushed the idea aside.
Then when you were both cuddling on the couch like any other night, and your hand that was under his shirt mindlessly tracing along the vertebrae on his spine trailed a little bit too low, your skin felt just a little bit too soft, too nice. You saw his startled reaction, apologized, and pulled your hand away, but the feeling was still implanted in his mind.
He’s awkward to bring it up to you since he hasn’t talked about this with anyone before other than melee jokes and snickers, so whenever he awkwardly suggested that you both should get a bit more intimate, he wasn’t sure how to think on what was happening whenever you tugged him along to the bedroom. Needless to say, he doesn’t become as awkward on the subject or initiating anything around you, but you might have to be the one to tag him in for more a lot of the time since he still gets a bit too awkward to say or ask for anything.
He gets very vocal, which he wasn’t aware that some people don’t like that. It doesn’t make sense to him why you would want someone to be quiet with their noises, doesn’t that tell them what a good job they’re doing? He’s always mumbling something, always telling you how good he feels, how good you’re doing, how much he loves you. It’s a bit weird to see him so focused and into something, since he’s usually pretty nonchalant about 90% of things around him, but it’s definitely a nice sight to see.
‘fuck, sweetheart, i can't-‘
‘wait- do that again, like that, i like that.’
‘holy shit, i love you so much.’
The only time he ever really shuts up is whenever he’s passed out afterward, looking folded over himself in a weird position since he just tumbled onto the pillows in exhaustion before dragging you down to sink into the bed with him.
He always wants to have his hands on you, all the time. This ties in with just him being physically affectionate, but to just be with you like this, getting to admire you and listen to you as you’re over him, he can’t help but keep his hands on you the whole time. They are either wrapped snugly around your waist, running through your hair, or tracing up and down your sides. Sans just can’t help it, his full and loving attention is just on you.
I also just don’t feel like he’d be much into PDA or any exhibitionism. I know there are a lot of fanfics out there where he gets freaky in public with the reader, and this is no diss to them, but I just don’t feel like Sans would be one for that. That doesn’t mean he shuns you in public or anything because his arm is always wrapped around yours, and he’s always bumping into you and giving you little kisses on your knuckles whenever you’re around other people. He’s just not interested in making out or getting frisky in a public setting. He likes to be alone with you, somewhere nice and private where he feels safe just being able to relax, not masked in an alleyway or bathroom somewhere. Sans also just isn’t very open about his personal life or interests with people (other than you after a bit), so it doesn’t make logical sense for him to be so willing to have one of the most vulnerable sides of him able for show of being caught or seen.
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lovemyromance · 1 month
It's literally so funny how antis are constantly just speaking from all sides.
Like Elriel cant happen now apparently because:
Elriel is too predictable... but also
Elriel has no romantic build-up .... but also
Elriel buildup is just to create tension for Elucien... but also
Elriel can't be endgame because SJM is a fated mates author .... but also
The bond rejection trope is too predictable... but also
Why would Elriel even need a book if they already have feelings for each other and SJM does a bond rejection trope? That's not a plot twist
Elriel is unpredictable and a plot twist for people who haven't been analyzing the shit out of the books (casual readers) or people like y'all who have been willfully ignorant of the canon text.
It is literally going to be a plot twist for Eluciens & Gwynriels because they saw all the signs and chose to ignore them like???
With every post of theirs I'm convinced they're just doing advertisement for the next ACOTAR book and serving as the small section of the fandom that opens the next book and goes "whaaat? I had no idea where this was headed!! What a twist!!!"
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phntmeii · 1 year
♡ Dating Miles Morales Headcanons:
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❝ Okay, let's do this one last time, yeah? For real this time. This is it. My name is Miles Morales. ❝
[SFW Headcanons + No Gendered Terms]
A/N: UGH!! Precious bby boy <3 <3 He deserves the whole world and more. This was honestly one of the cuter headcanon lists I’ve done so far. Absolute wholesome points.
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> God, Miles having a crush is absolutely adorable because he becomes a straight up MESS! He cannot stop thinking about you at all. It stresses him out because what if you don’t feel that way??
> Miles would find whatever time he can to hang out or talk to you. He’ll “accidentally” bump into you in the hall or he “coincidentally” met up at the same park.
> He’s trying so hard to be smooth but it always falls flat because he doubts himself.
> Finding out you liked him back blew his mind because you???? Like him???? It’s incomprehensible to him because how can someone as perfect as you like him???
> Miles is giggling and kicking his feet while listening to love songs in his room after you confess. He’s a pure lover boy.
> As Spider-man , he’s sneaking around during night patrols to check in on you and make sure you make it home safe.
> Miles is quite observant and ends up picking up on some of your habits/fidgeting. He doesn’t notice that he mirrors you at all and would deny it completely if you brought it up.
> “Whaaat? Psshh… Nah, I wouldn’t do… something… like that…” *sweating nervously*
> His life can be overwhelming sometimes and he always just relies on you to make him feel better. Late night calls just to talk or vent while laying in your separate beds, a ways away from each other.
> He would be SO nervous for you to meet his parents because consider it a job interview the way they immediately sit you down and ask a million questions at once. What school you go to, your dreams/future career, asking about extracurriculars and how many honors classes you have.
> They only do it because they want Miles to have the best but they kinda forget how intimidating it is to be interrogated by a cop and a Latina mother LMAOO
> It would take a while before he reveals he’s Spider-man to you if you weren’t a Spider-person yourself. It’s not because he doesn’t trust you but because he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
> He would have you promise it to be a secret between the two of you.
> He definitely has tried to do the upside-down kiss with you before he had to scurry off but heard his dad’s voice at the scene and accidentally dropped down.
> Miles’ main Love Languages to give are: Quality Time and Gift Giving.
> Miles knows he can be pretty busy. Juggling classes and being Spiderman keeps him in a constant move.
> So when he does get time with you, he wants it to feel special. Like nothing else exists in that moment except you two.
> He’ll swing by on a patrol and sweep you up to a rooftop just to spend time together. He always has a goofy smile when he takes off his mask and shows off the mini picnic he set up.
> Miles loves to give you gifts all the time. Nothing too expensive or anything but stuff he makes.
> He’d be too embarrassed to show you his sketchbook but he’d give sketches of you and notes on loose paper. All the drawings are lined in pen and sometimes colored in alcohol markers.
> Absolutely makes you playlists to listen to. Whether it was because you asked for recommendations or because he wanted to, he’s making one over the course of a week w/ a minimum of 30 songs.
> One of the playlists is definitely a romantic playlist, all with songs that make him think of you with each lyric.
> When his parents learned about the relationship, his mom was the first one to sit him down and tell him how he needs to get you flowers and stuff.
> So the next time you show up at a family event, you just see Rio smiling to you while she’s nudging Miles with her elbow as he holds a full bouquet for you.
> OHHH HE LOVES MATCHING BRACELETS!!! He will make them and then never take his off. His will have a nickname of yours while yours will either say “Miles” or “Spidey”.
> Miles’ favorite Love Languages to receive are: Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation.
> Miles tends to be… all over the place. So, he loves when he gets a helping hand from time to time.
> Covering for him when he’s late to something, helping out in studying, giving answers to homework, stuff like that.
> He appreciates his stress levels being eased even with small things like that. He’ll never ask for those things himself but he loves to have you do them and he’ll always make it up to you afterwards!
> Miles also has ease in getting blushy and flustered with his partner so compliments and flirting are definitely the way to get him to be head over heels.
> “Stop..!” *looks away, scratching the back of his neck and nervously laughing* “… You mean it?”
> It’s also the best way to reassure him! He can overthink sometimes and worry that he isn’t doing enough or doing something wrong so hearing how much you loved something he’s done encourages him a good bit!
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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leclsrc · 2 years
Hi! I just found your blog and am in LOVE! Congrats on 2000 followers by the way! You deserve them all and more, I'm a new follower so you're over 2000 now hehe~ Could I please request the 'hugs from behind' prompt with Charles Leclerc? It sounds so cute! I hope you're doing okay. Congratulations again! 😘❤️❤️
olive you – cl16
genre: fluff, 2k celebration, olive theory drabble
auds here... finishing out my drafts from the 2k celebration... i have like 65 more i have to filter thru lol... love u guys
Waves crash softly against the pebbly shore, salt filling your nose as you twirl pasta onto your fork. There is something so enchanting about Italy, something so romantic and unbridled, that keeps you alive and happy whenever you visit. Perhaps it’s the food, the locals, the souvenir shops, the signs reading alla spiaggia right by the summery coast.
You chew on your fettuccine, and watch as a fork slowly deposits olive segments onto your plate. Perhaps, then, it’s none of those things. Perhaps it’s him. “Mmm. Grazie,” you hum gratefully, mixing the olives into your pasta.
Like many routines, this came to fruition with years of habit. On your first date, at an Italian place in Monte Carlo, you’d gushed about how much you liked to eat olives. Charles had done the complete opposite—he couldn’t stand them, he droned. Not in pasta, not in martinis, not anywhere. So it came to be that he would buy you jars of olives or give you the little bits he found on his plate.
It wasn’t a big deal to either of you at first, but your friends thought it was just about the cutest idea in the world, the pinnacle of the opposites attract concept, the perfect balance. And every time you get together they ask Charles if he likes olives, and each time, he kisses your hair and murmurs never.
He loves to kiss your hair, your legs. Nobody has ever come that close, you tell him every time. Only the air, only the water, only my spritzes of perfume. Nobody.
“Martini?” Carlos asks.
“Oh, I—” Charles smiles dopily, shaking his head. “Olives, I don’t like them.”
“Took a shot with the order. Sorry, mate.” They shake hands, wait for the meeting to start, make small talk about work and the off season. Being back at Fiorano always gives Charles a daunting kind of feeling, one that typically quells once he catches sight of you. Carlos pauses, takes a sip from his cold drink, then, “Are you sure you don’t like olives?”
Being a relatively new close friend means Carlos hasn’t yet been privy to the olive theory that’s spanned years and continents. Charles nods, opening his mouth to explain why, and why this fact matters so much, then—
“When we got a 1-2 in Bahrain last year,” his teammate starts, “and we all got drunk, Isa didn’t let me have alcohol because she didn’t want to drive me home.” He laughs. “Anyway, I saw you eating olives. You had a little toothpick thing, picking out olives from the aperitivo.”
Charles’ heart pounds. “Huh? Well… I guess I wouldn’t… mind them.”
“Eugh.” Carlos grimaces. “Olives are shit. Isa thinks so, too.”
You’re busy at the stove cooking a half-assed meal when he wrestles himself through the flat entrance, following the smell of garlic and approaching you instantly from behind. His hug is intense, his lips latched onto your neck. He inhales your scent, comforted by the traces of your perfume, his own scent lingering on his polo that hugs your body.
“Don’t be mad,” he says thinly, half-muffled.
“I told you don’t get a tattoo of my face across your arm.”
“It’s not that,” he says, resigned. He pouts, and you turn to comfort him, fluffing his hair up. A rogue strand falls in front of his face and when you lean closer to brush it away, he takes the chance to kiss you.
You smile while you kiss. Whaaat? You ask into his lips, amused by his silence and shyness. He still is quiet, lips just resting on yours. You pull away, a bit more worried now.
“Charles.” Your hands find purchase on his arms, shoulders, then his face in your grip. He holds your hands there.
“I…” He pauses. “I think I—I like olives.”
You relax, and the smile that arrives at your lips is purely involuntary. You can’t help it. “So we both like them,” you say simply, with a smile. “We’ll have to work out a system where you don’t steal all my jars from me.”
What your goof boyfriend fails to realize, you think as he bends over the stove and helps you finish off the pasta (extra olives, this time) is the olive theory has never mattered to you. It was never about the olives. It was never about the jars.
If love was about anything—it’d always, always be Charles.
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namleeea · 2 years
Wolfy’s favourites/inst au
summary: your and mason’s fans begin to suspect you of a romantic relationship and all…because of the dog
part 1!
there is part 2
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liked by sophiaaemelia, kaihavertz29, yourbestie & 566,981 others
yourusername what a wonderful days with my sunshine girl
tagged: sophiaaemelia
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yourbestie don't forget me next time
yourusername you said you have too much work😑
yourbestie just kidding 🤭 love you!
sophiaaemelia 🤍
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liked by yourmomsinst, sophiaaemelia, yourbestie & 784,235 others
yourusername Wolfy is so loving today 😭💗
view all comments
sophiaaemelia i miss him sm 🥺
yourfan we love to see a happy Wolfy!!
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liked by benchilwell, kaihavertz29, declanrice & 985,123 others
masonmount wonderful day with wonderful ones.
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benchilwell 💪😉
masonsfan1 what a cute dog!
masonsfan2 i think it's Y/n’s dog 👀
masonsfan3 Y/n? Who is she?
masonsfan2 she’s a popular blogger and also Sophia’s close friend!!
masonsfan1 i don’t think it’s Wolfy…Y/n and Mase don’t even know each other
masonsfan2 unm?? why not? i think they know, they have mutual friends 🤷‍♀️ Sophia and Kai could introduce them
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liked by yourmom, kaihavertz29, yourbestie & 346,986 others
yourusername hey Mr.Wolfy you are so naughty today 🫠
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sophiaaemelia he is too enthusiastic about a new acquaintance 👀
yourfan omg who is that on the first pic?
masonsfan whaaat 🤔🤔
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liked by sophiaaemelia, masonmount, yourbestie & 1,453,456 others
yourusername day in Portsmouth
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yourfan1 our gorgeous lady!
masonsfan1 WHAT THE—
masonsfan2 girl we think about the same thing right? 🙂
yourfan2 why all Mason Mount’s fans ran here 🤨
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Yellow!! How are you? Hope you are doing good! Just wanna say your whipped Donnie?? Soft Donnie?? Headcanons?? :((( it was so cute :((( literally I’m like your pfp rn :((( absolutely adorable
Idk if you are accepting requests (if not you can ignore it!!) but could you do a similar one for either Raph or Mikey?? I adore the disaster twins, but Raph and Mikey get so little recognition, Headcanons or scenarios :( if you are not feeling it that’s totally ok!! Hope you have a good day! ♥️🧡💜💙
I’m so glad you liked it!!! Have some soft Raph hcs 🫶🏻❤️ hope this is alright???
Rise! Raphael x reader
fluff :D, gn reader, romantic
soft raph hcs :(
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- the first time you told him you loved him he just said “thank you” out of panic but tbh it was the funniest shit ever and his brothers never let him live it down.
- More than happy to help you with anything, he is doing it ALL for you.
- Opening and holding every door for you
- You can’t reach the top shelf? Don’t worry, Raph’s got it.
- You need help carrying your groceries in? You need help changing that lightbulb? You need someone to walk you home? Literally anything at all? He’ll be there in 5.
- You’re tired? Sure, he’ll carry you!
- He would pick up hot coals directly from a fire with his bare hands if you asked him to.
- He loves quality time and the little things! Like watching movies, playing games together, having lunch together, almost anything! All that matters to him is that he’s with you.
- He is so scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you yk cuz he’s big and spikey :( so, so gentle
- Treats you like you’re made of glass sometimes
- you make him very nervous, he’s scared he’ll say or do something wrong
- he lacks confidence sometimes, poor Raphie
- will explain all of the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim lore to you as best he can + would insist that you watch all of the movies together (he just wants to spend time with you but he doesn’t know how to just say that)
- tries really hard to think of gifts that you would like
- protective and always looks out for you, not in a possessive way but in the way that he just wants to keep you safe yk? they got a lot of enemies
- “LEO! I told you not to make a mess!” “It was me, sorry-“ “don’t worry about it, let Raph take care of everything.”
- He wants to take care of you. It’s just how he’s used to showing his love.
- esp from his dumbass brothers (Mostly Leo. Donnie and Mikey USUALLY let you live in peace)
- -> “I thought I told you to leave Y/N alone!” “Whaaat? I was just saying hi!”
- Softens and completely drops his usual intimidating, angry demeanor whenever he sees you and the quick switch is painfully obvious. He just thinks you’re so cute. but don’t worry his brothers won’t forget to point out how obvious he is (LEO)
- idk why but I feel like he would have some kind of stuffed animal that you guys act like it’s your child and you take turns taking care of it 😭 yk what I’m talking abt?
- one time he accidentally called you babe in front of Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and April but denies it ever happened
- would never let anyone say anything bad about you
- really appreciates your private moments when you two are alone, he feels much more comfortable this way
- Hesitant, but he will be vulnerable with you because he knows he can be without judgement.
- Please give Raph any kind of reassurance and he is misty-eyed. Tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he is a great leader and boyfriend and you’re proud of him, too many things to list. TELL HIM HE’S PRETTY.
- He LOVES to hold you to his chest, it makes him feel like he’s keeping you safe that way.
- Stares at you all the time, and is embarrassed if you catch him. “sorry-“
- if he were to call you a pet name, most likely to call you ‘baby’ or ‘babe’, maybe even a ‘babydoll’ if he’s feeling bold
- very very sweet overall :(
ty for reading <333 rlly appreciate all the notes on everything
still working on + accepting requests !
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dessicus · 10 months
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i genuinely didnt expect any real romantic progression until at least like season 2 but well i guess not, slow burn more like quick burn (what does that even mean) (my brain is short circuiting)
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and the fact that maomao reacted positively too WHAAAT
iirc, she’s always been disgusted by his advances up til this point so that is also a pretty huge character progression. i dont read the manga (dont spoil pls) but now that jinshi seems like he’s fully come to terms with his feelings i hope we get a relationship arc soon
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prettygirleli · 7 months
Smoke Session, Hobie Brown.
so this is my first lil snippet, (have mercy on a poor soul) and I lowkey have no idea what to do to make this as good as the stories I be reading, so imma wing it and hope it isn't ass.
contains: mentions of marijuana, a little kissing, Hobie being a bit of a bully, n-word usage, it's gonna be a poc reader cus that's what I am, please enjoyyy <3
you laid on your stomach, your chin resting on your folded arms as you watched Hobie intently. he was sitting across from you on your bed, rolling up as Jhené Aiko played in the background. "Bee?"
"I can smoke wit you this time?"
he raised a brow questioningly, glancing up from his work to eye you for a second. not answering, he brought the paper up to his lips to lick, ignoring your gaze which was heavy on his skin. he'd often roll up and smoke a blunt (sometimes two) when he'd come over, but you'd never smoked with him. lately, though, you became curious, and wanted to try it out.
"Hobie." he looked at you again, finishing up with the blunt in his fingers. "yea, love?"
"can I smoke wit you?"
"are you sure you want to?" you deadpanned, glaring at him with an incredulous look on your face. "you think I woulda asked a nigga for something if I didn't want it?" he smacked his teeth, fumbling in the sheets for the lighter he had taken out earlier. "ight, now, low it. it was a question. have you even smoked before?"
you looked down, playing with a loose seam in your blanket. "once. in my freshman year."
"oh my days-" you threw a pillow at him. "shut up!"
he laughed, deflecting the pillow with his forearm as he looked at you amusedly. "freshman year?" he laughed again, gripping the black tank top that covered his torso loosely, giving you brief flashes of his chest whenever he moved.
your cheeks grew hot as you rolled your eyes. "that's not that long ago. can I smoke wit you or nah?" his laughter quieted down to barely concealed chuckles.
"yeah, sure you can, pretty thing. c'mere." you sat up, and the both of you scooted closer to each other, ruffling the sheets and blankets before finally settling.
"I'll even let you have the first hit." he held the blunt to your lips, and you looked down at it apprehensively, a bit unsure of yourself. you took it from his fingers as he held the lighter up to the end of the blunt, setting it aflame for a small second.
"ight, j's take a deep breath in, hold it in for a bit, and let it out, pretty." he watched you closely, eyes glued onto you as you let the smoke leak slowly out of your pretty and plump glossed lips. you hit it one more time before passing it back to him, and watching him take his hit.
"y'know, school was really just a scam set up by the government to keep us trapped in this mindset-"
you groaned, interrupting Hobie, this being the millionth time you've heard this rant.
"whaaat? it was, and it still is-''
"okay, but you're ruining my first high in years. can't we just sit here and look at each other? be all romantic and shit?"
he smirked, letting out a low chuckle as he leaned back against the wall and held his arms out for you. "c'mere. I can be romantic if you want. y'know I love looking at you, pretty thing."
with a roll of your eyes and a barely contained smirk, you crawled over to him and climbed into his lap, your legs straddled over his hips. he ran his hands down from your waist, to your ass, and down your thighs, his warm and lengthy fingers spread over your soft skin.
Hobie's eyes were low and red as he stared into yours, leaning his face into your hand on his cheek. the LEDs in your room were a low pink, almost, complimenting the atmosphere nicely, along with Masego playing quietly.
"goddam, love." "what?"
he let out a quiet laugh, a deep one that came from his chest. he began running his thumbs along the back of your thighs before speaking. "you're just so damn stunning, yeah?"
your face grew warm and you looked away, smiling slightly as he brought his hand up to your face and made you look at him. you both kept your eyes locked onto each others, and you felt hypnotized by the deep, rich brown of his irises.
"and I'm absolutely enamored with you."
you let out a long, slow breath, your eyes flicking down to his full lips, his eyes doing the same to you.
"I really fucking love you, man." he chuckled at this, wrapping his long and lanky arms around your waist and pulling you flush against him.
"yeah? I really, really fucking love you too."
you placed both of your hands on the sides of his face, bringing his face closer as you kissed him, his lips soft against yours. he let out a quiet and contented groan as he slid down the wall, slumping against your pillows and blankets so you were right on top of him as you two made out. the pace was slow and lazy, but hella passionate and loving. you sat up, your hands on his chest for grounding as you smiled down at him a bit breathless.
he furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked up at you. "what'd you stop for?"
you giggled and tilted your head as you spoke. "I really love this so-"
you were cut off by the music stopping, and your speaker powering off.
"oh, you bitch!"
Hobie's loud laugh echoed off the walls in your room, and you crossed your arms and frowned at him.
'it's not funny." "it's hella funny, love."
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