#(( lmk if i need to change anything ))
tofeelthecold · 5 months
@xtraterrestrials hit the heart.
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"Well if I want it to work then I need to solder this together," Alex stated as he looked at the other. "Want to help? I promise it won't hurt I just need an extra set of hands."
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vsagis · 1 month
@dryeyed !!
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Firsts are always stressful, Izuku knows as much, but it doesn't take away from the mental strain. Hand pressed flat against the door, he takes in a deep breath and offers himself a few words of encouragement as he keeps the air in his lungs, and then exhales.
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As it soon turns out, despite the early hour, the staff room isn't empty. Not that it should be this surprising... "Mr. Aizawa?" But it is, given the impression the older teacher made on Izuku on his first day in UA.
"I didn't think anyone would be here at this hour," the young man offers, one hand on the back of his neck, feeling as if he's somehow intruded. Another thing to get used to to add to the list. "The classes don't start for... two more hours, right?"
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dudeshusband · 10 months
imagine playing dreidel with your f/os.
do they already know how to play? do you have to teach them? what do you use as game pieces? do you have house rules?
who wins? who has bad luck and keeps having to put a piece in the pot?
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deanmatiashernandez · 11 days
CLOSED STARTER FOR @juliansdamico
he'd managed to allow a friend to set him up. it wasn't as though he didn't want to date but it was just that he was afraid that he would end up losing whoever it was the same way that he ended up losing his wife. ducky had convinced him though that maybe it was time. after all, it'd been ten years so he might as well give it a go. taking in a deep breath as he entered sapphire, his hands smoothed over his collared shirt and he searched for the man that was supposed to meet him at the front. all he had was a name, a first name at that, and he didn't think anything of it. julian was a relatively normal name. that was, until his eyes landed on the man he knew from home and panic set in. mostly because he had entirely too much to explain. "hey," he breathed out, pushing his fingers through his curls, "you...i mean, ducky sent you here, didn't he?"
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blindspct · 9 months
closed starter for @brknghrts ft. jude & jamie
it would be his luck that his bike would get a flat tire on the way home from his last class. not only that but his phone was dead and it was dark outside. he swore tonight couldn't get any worse. he heard a car stop behind him and despite his cold exterior, he was still a little afraid of what could happen in this moment. "i'm fine. don't need any help." he spoke without looking behind him and that's when he heard the foot steps behind him, indicating the other was approaching him. he turned, jumping slightly at the sight. "jesus christ, jamie. you scared the shit out of me. you could've said something."
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imprvdente · 10 months
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@conscriptur . Finnick gets to mentor Fish🐬
The Capitol train was taking her far from home, like a ruthless hand ripping her away from the waves. She found it hard to breathe; a proverbial fish out of water. Out the window, the landscapes were stretched by speed, blurring into nothingness as she stared mindlessly at the haze of green and blue.
She already missed the beach, the sailor's bar, and the smell of iodine at the port. What would the Capitol smell like? Ripping her eyes away from the window, she glanced at Finnick. He was famous in District 4, and she supposed she was lucky to have a popular mentor. Fish Monet was well aware that the Hunger Games were more than a fight to the death. They were a popularity contest, too. And she wanted to win.
She wanted to win more than anything else. It was like her mother had said before the peacekeepers took her to the train station. She had to come home, nothing else mattered.
"Where do we begin?" she finally asked out of the blue. "I need a strategy, right?" Her mind was already racing, her heart thundering in her chest. Oh, how she missed the ocean! She almost wanted to jump out the window, but knew that she'd get shot before she could even reach the shore.
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"I can hold my breath for a very long time, I'm good with a trident and a net too. And I can dance. I don't know what's going to be useful out there, I mean, I know I won't dance in the arena, but..." She was rambling. Blush spread on her cheeks, and she looked away again. "...I don't know."
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pytndyer · 4 months
starter for: @gracecromwell // location: driftwood coffee shop
Peyton thought he'd switch it up his routine by going into Driftwood to get some reading done instead of the library. He needed a breather now that the semester was over. He hadn't been paying attention to the line as he examined the book he intended to start-The Alternatives by Caoilinn Hughes. He hadn't noticed the line had moved up until the person behind him tapped his shoulder to go forward. "Sorry." He said as he moved up only to be hit with the whiff of vanilla as he got closer to the person in front of him. His eyes widened once he really took a look at the frame in front of him, even if he wasn't facing her at that moment, he knew exactly who was in front of him. Grace. He quickly turned scoping the area to see how easy it was to get out, but they were both closer to the register than before. He wasn’t sure he could avoid her like he did last time. His body tensed in hopes that she wouldn't turn around. Anxiety started to build up inside as he prayed in his own mind that he'd get away from facing her. Just as the line moved forward once more, his hand lost grip of the book he had and he watched it fall right beside her foot. Fuck. He quickly went to grab it, his eyes glued to the ground as if she wouldn't be recognizable to him, but maybe she wouldn't. "Sorry about that." He mumbled as he stood back up. @gracecromwell
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
“My lady--Jayn?” 
“I-I’m fine. I’m fine, Sturmhond.” The half-Zemeni woman managed to calm herself by the time her new friend had helped her to her feet. She was still shivering a little, but she told herself that it was because the air of the Fold was cooler than that of the safe space around it. “Go check on your crew. And thank you--for everything.” His eyes searched hers, and then his usual cocky smile graced his features.
“Of course, Prinsessa.” That had become a joke between the two of them. He had initially called her that to test her patience, but since they’d gotten to know each other...hearing it made her chuckle. He knew that she wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of getting married to a stranger. He didn’t know that she knew who he was.
She looked around the deck, to see--”Mikael!” Jayn threw herself at her bodyguard, her friend’s, corpse. He lay on his back, his front a torn, bloody mess, and his eyes stared blankly up at the sky. Through tear-blurred eyes, Jayn frantically looked around again, trying to find her other bodyguard, Lennart. “Dje janin ess--no, no!” she sobbed, not seeing either of the Fjerdan twins alive.
Several minutes had passed by the time Nikolai went back to get Jayn. He had wanted her to have a moment to herself, knowing firsthand how it was to lose a friend to death. So he revealed himself to the First Army as their lost prince, told Tolya and Tamar to watch the boardwalk, and then finally returned to his lady’s side. He began by placing Sturmhond’s teal coat over her shoulders. She jumped slightly, having fallen into a sad sort of trance while clinging onto her friend’s body.
“I promise he’ll be sent home to be buried. But we have to get you to Os Alta.”
“So I can marry you, moi tsarevich?” Nikolai was rarely caught off-guard. His First Army uniform was visible if she looked at what he was wearing, and yet she’d seemed to know for a while. He opened his mouth to explain, but Tamar suddenly called out to him. Reluctantly, he let go of Jayn and stood. The First Army’s attention had been drawn completely to the black carriage a ways away. The leader of the Second Army, General Kirigan, had arrived.
Jayn stood only when she glanced upward and saw the strange look on Prince Nikolai’s face. Nothing less could’ve made her leave Mikael’s side in that moment. And seeing the way that the Ravkan people reacted to a Grisha made her sadness turn to a nauseating uncertainty. A Grisha marrying a Lantsov sounded impossible.
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dxnielibxrra · 1 year
closed starter for: @gambleddesires // location: daniel's place // catching up
It was about time Daniel had the chance to catch up with Henley after running into the brunette last month. Who would've known that she was from Aurora Bay, but it's not like he had asked the night he saw her perform a few years ago. There had been other things on his mind that night. He was excited to see her again and see how she was doing. She was an artist he kept tabs on as he felt that she deserved the success. She was talented and he loved that. "How have you been doing?" He asked her once he opened the door to her.
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adoratixns · 10 months
ooc: closed starter for cocained | based ♡
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"i don't want this shit anymore than you do. - but you could at least act happier to see me." chestnut eyes roll in her direction.
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tofeelthecold · 5 months
@apurekindness hit the heart.
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"It's just a cigarette, don't worry," Ruhn stated as he finished polishing the sword that was laying on the table in front of him. "If you're looking for the shooting range you need to go tot he main desk and check in."
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riodair · 2 years
"Did you sponsor me?" He unceremoniously asked, falling into a seat right across from Dale Winter. "Why? Because of the name, or because you saw potential? Just asking, out of curiosity."
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pocketbible · 1 year
“i don’t know why you’re planning on asking me for advice,” the man started with a shake of his head. “you rarely listen to the words that come out of my mouth. so, what is it this time? relationship advice? work advice? tell me.”
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willxmeyers · 1 year
who: @amayapowers where: golden hour lounge
"She's good," Will motioned to the singer up on the stage, who was belting out like there's no tomorrow. On ocassion, he came down to the lounge to enjoy a change in scenery, enjoy some live music. Plus he always recommended this place to his guests, seemed only right. "But she's no you—" he added before looking over at Amaya with a grin, beer held up to his lips. "Please tell me you still go up there sometimes. So far, I've only seen everyone else but I'm here for the star of the show."
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ithinkitscami · 1 year
starter for: @jaredx / location: ab beach near surf's up / time: 9:37pm on october 4th
After what was a nice little birthday day, Camille had decided to take a walk on the beach. She had brought her bag with a blanket, her journal and a pen to write. Snacks included: a small bowl of fruit she prepped just for this walk. Another year completed and another year to start. It had become a tradition of hers to write out how she felt this past year, compare it to her birthday last year, and write what she wanted to accomplish by her next birthday. That was if she was able to clear her mind so she could hear herself think for long enough.
Once she found a good spot to sit, she made herself comfortable, sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest as she watched the ocean waves crash against the shoreline for what felt like seconds. She'd get lost in each crash, trailing it as it left the shore. The more she focused, the more she could feel a cloud lift off of her head.
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voidfragments · 1 year
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to be bluntly honest, kunikuzushi had not wanted to return to inazuma at this time--and certainly not to narukami island, and especially not to inazuma city of all places. if he had to come back home, let it be a true homecoming; the abandoned caves and peaks of tatarasuna are where he belongs, not the peace of the capital. but alas, buer had specifically wanted to visit the city--some kind of diplomatic outreach or something, looking to strengthen the bonds between the lands of dendro and electro, as he understood it--he still doesn't understand why she didn't send someone else in her stead, what kind of archon makes these trips personally?--and, as her ward, he was expected to come along.
the city is stifling. there is no place here where he can't see tenshukaku looming overhead.
every impulse is telling him to flee, but that would be admitting weakness that would get him in trouble with buer, and he really doesn't have it in him to have another archon mad at him right now.
for now, he's settled at a pond on the west side of the city. it's somewhat secluded, which eases his nerves a bit, though it's closer to tenshukaku than he'd like. he's idly entertaining a stray cat with a long piece of grass as a toy when he catches sight of something distinctly violet moving into the area out of the corner of his eye.
he is torn between hiding and staying right where he is out of fear spite, and that hesitation is why he is still in plain view when the almighty narukami ogosho (ugh) enters the vicinity.
here's hoping she doesn't recognize him.
here's hoping she does.
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