#(( Just random appreciation for his fiancé ))
hellfrczencver · 8 months
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He is so in love with Alastor it hurts.
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merriepy · 21 days
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•. Leon S. Kennedy x gn!reader
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tags: angst, hurt/comfort
cw: /
summary: After not seeing Leon - your boyfriend - in over a month, you start to re-evaluate your relationship with him
a/n: I took so long to finish that one, I'm so sorry; no third person pronouns used for the reader; no specific Leon mentioned but written with his re4r-version in mind + reader is < 30
words: 2,7k
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The apartment always seemed so very empty when he wasn't around. So very quiet. So very lifeless.
Him potentially dying was the only thing in your mind when he wasn't by your side. Maybe the uncertainty made these thoughts so unbearable. You knew nothing about him, and he was your partner. The word fiancé had only crossed your mind ever so slightly whenever he laid next to you in bed, which wasn't very often since he was out most of the time.
He worked for the government. That's the only concrete thing you knew. The rest was what you had pieced together via reading classified information he left laying around in the apartment (he wasn't the most organized kind of guy) and through the very limited amount of things he told you. In moments of weakness.
Leon hadn't been home in over a month. Fighting bioweapons. Or something. You didn't know what it specifically meant but it definitely sounded dangerous. And it was. While he wouldn't return visibly wounded, you would always new soft scars on his already wounded skin, telling the story of who he was and what his life had turned him into. He would leave on short notice and just return one day without ever contacting you during his leave. You've gotten used to waking up alone, well aware that we might not ever return from his mission. But orders were orders and you knew that even if he wanted to, he couldn't stay with you for his job had to be his top priority.
You had placed down the controller on the coffee table in front of your sofa. Playing videogames did not turn out to be enough of a distraction from the matter at hand, and both everything related to your own job and household chores had already been done. The pressure had made the air unbreathable so you had tried to pull your body over to the balcony to get some fresh oxygen, yet your limbs didn't move. Saying that your relationship with Leon had some negative side effects as well would be an understatement. It was terrible whenever he was gone, knowing that you, his partner, future fiancé even, knew so little about him and had no control over all the dangerous things he was put through was more than awful.
But you appreciate whenever he was with you, laying next to you in bed and his random little signs of affection that had made you fall in love with him. The sacrifices would be worth in the end if he was able to survive all of his jobs, if the two of you would be able to hold hands and finally seal your bond in marriage.
Though his dangerous job wasn't the only thing bothering you. To be fair, this particular point was a you-problem so you would never bring it up anywhere but your so tightly sealed own realm. But you were jealous. Of his co-workers. The fact they're able to seem him so much more often than you, that they knew so much more about him;
though worst was the thought that he could be honest with them. He didn't have to hide anything from them and it ate away at your heart like a wolf feasting on its prey.
Doubts would cross your mind, whether you truly knew Leon. Why would he prefer to spend time with you if he could have someone who he could be true to, someone who was able to understand his struggles on a level you yet could only hope to reach one day.
These thoughts circled through your head on a daily, and they didn't seem to stop; even when he was with you, hugging you in his sleep.
You weren't a noble person, if he was ready to commit to you despite having better alternatives you would take him any day, just because you couldn't remotely stand the thought of him being with another person. Perhaps it was selfish, but you preferred that way more than seeing him leave because you told him to.
The clock strikes 11.
You finally moved up from the couch and gazed through the endless night sky. You read a quote once. 'As long as we live under the same night sky and see the same stars, we will always be united.' It made you wonder if you were truly living under the same sky as Leon because it surely didn't feel like it. He was somewhere, but you weren't. You were here, without him. And he was out on a mission with someone, and that someone wasn't you.
As you finished giving into the thoughts in your head, you went ahead on your normal evening routine including closing all the windows, turning off all the lights and preparing your outfit for the next day. With each passing day you tried harder and harder to avoid looking up at the very few pictures of you and him hung up on the walls for it brought to much pain. You've gotten good at it, rushing by as the dead eyes of the picture stared at you relentlessly.
The last light had been turned off and you were just about to go to sleep as you felt way too exhausted to actually take care of tomorrow's choice of clothing when you suddenly heard the door open up. You knew that realistically it would be Leon but the small thought that it could be a robber who conveniently had the key to your front door and just walked in like nothing did linger in your mind, so you quickly entered the closest room and waited for sounds. Fear traveled through your body as you couldn't hear anything anymore. No steps, no doors opening, no nothing. As you instinctively hid behind the door so you wouldn't immediately be seen when being opened, you heard the doorknob being twisted.
A hard, bright light entered through the soft crack in the door though you knew that you had turned every last light off. You paid attention to the shadow forming on the floor as the person stepped through the door. "(Y/N)? Is everything.. alright?" you heard your partner's voice as he walked into the room. You moved away from the behind the door, slightly upset. "Oh my god Leon, you could've just immediately said something when you entered! I was so scared that you were some criminal breaking in!" You stared into his beautiful, blue eyes and despite the anger towards him and the entire situation surrounding him and his work, you could help but be glad that he was finally with you again.
He took a few steps back to turn the light switch on and the flashlight of his phone off. His silhouette was now a lot clearer and you couldn't see any visible wounds on his face and arms which was a big relief. Though he seemed tired and definitely mentally exhausted. "I just thought something might be wrong," he replied before pulling you into a deep hug. "I'm sorry, darling." You felt his chin resting on your head as he carefully moved his hands over your back. "I've missed you so fucking much, you know that?"
You bit your tongue, quite literally, as you remembered the jealousy that had eaten you up during this time of separation and desperation. But you would never tell him, it was a you problem after all, and he seemed to care so deeply since he didn't let you go and only tightened his hug the longer it continued. It seemed so genuine and real, and it almost convinced your irrational head that he was the one though you knew deep down that it couldn't be swayed. Irrationality, after all.
He had only reluctantly pulled away from you and made sure to place a soft kiss on your cheek before giving you a little room to breathe. "We should go the bedroom. It's late after all, and I have to go to work tomorrow," you suggested as you tried to examine the parts of his body that were revealed to you, making sure he really wasn't injured and you didn't miss anything; and maybe, just maybe, that irrational part of yours was looking for something else as well. "Do you need to eat or something? I maybe have some leftovers in the fridge." He shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm not hungry." "What about your stuff?" "In my trunk. I'll get it out tomorrow." You nodded. "I'll just quickly go to the bathroom and change my clothes. I'll be right with you, darling."
You had made your way from your hiding spot, which you had now identified to be the kitchen, over to the bedroom the two of you shared. It was mostly decorated by you, since you arguably spent a lot more time there than Leon. It filled you with sadness, remembering all the negative things you felt during his absence, and anger, since you now couldn't enjoy his return because of it. You didn't want to experience all of this negativity but it was so much and it didn't seem to stop. The bedsheets felt weirdly cold tonight so you had no desire to burry yourself into them. You were just laying on top of it in starfish position, waiting for the door to open once more. You heard the sound of the city's night life unfolding below your apartment which during this particular time felt somewhat comfortable.
Leon had entered the room not shortly after. He was shirtless and just wore boxer shorts, like he always did for sleeping. He smiled as he saw how you were stretched out on the bed. Before you could move away on your own, he had already picked you up and moved you again so carefully to the side. He was being so extra soft today. Once he had stopped adjusting his position next to you, you took the chance to reach out your hand to caress his cheek, something you had longed to do for so long. As your fingers touched his skin your partner closed his eyes, breathing calmly. "Your hair grew a little bit?" "Don't be silly, it hasn't been long enough for it to grow." "It's been over a month." Saying it out loud. 'It's been over a month.' You couldn't really hide the pain that tagged along in your voice, showing him the surface of your current state of mind.
You wanted to pull your hand away from his cheek, but Leon had stopped you. He had placed his own on yours before placing kisses on your fingers. "I didn't know it had been that long. All I know was that I missed you." His voice sounded so weak and now you felt bad that you were ever doubting him. He seemed so genuinely sad about not being able to be by your side. "It's okay," you comforted him before moving a little closer. You softly placed your lips on his, pulling him to a quick kiss. "I need to wake up in a few hours though," you stated as you turned around to set your alarm for the morning. "So let's talk in the morning. Surely you're not gonna immediately leave again the next day," you joked and even though it was meant to come off as one your tone was awfully serious. And in your mind it was, since you were on the edge whenever he was around due to the uncertainty whether or not we would still be there during the next morning. He knew your stance on this matter but just chuckled along. "Yeah, let's hope."
Leon had reached his arms out with an apologetic look on his face. He had these puppy eyes, always looking so genuinely sad and hurt. You couldn't help yourself and snuggled into his arms, burying your face in his chest in the process. This feeling was something you wished to experience on the daily but it simply wasn't possible, so you tried to be satisfied with what you had. His hand trailed over your head ever so slightly and the kisses he had placed on your arm that was wrapped around his neck shortly after were warm and full love. You knew that he wanted to make it up to you and it made you happy, seeing how he cared despite the questionable circumstances.
Feeling his arms around you gave you the comfort you needed to finally get some proper rest, a proper rest away from all the negative thoughts that had haunted you before. Now that he was with you, everything else felt obsolete.
It was the same, every single time.
He would leave, you would be mad. You would have negative thoughts regarding him and you relationship, he would return before things would get out of hand. You would be content when he was around, he would leave again.
You knew it wasn't his fault. Leon had lost everything and forced into positions he didn't want to be in with no choice of his own. His fingers moving down your curves pushed all the negativity away. "(Y/N).." he mumbled sleepily as he pressed his body as close as physically possible against yours. "I love you. Please, never leave me." Something kept you from responding, maybe it were all these weird fears somewhere in your mind, or maybe because you knew he wasn't yet done talking. "I wish I could be with you every day and leave all of this behind. But I promise I'll make it up to you eventually." His head was deeply buried in-between your neck and shoulder, seeking in this familiar feeling of your skin. "Once this is all over we'll get married, and I'll be the best husband you could ever imagine."
You had to stay strong and keep the tears in for now. Thoughts circled through your mind like crazy. He must be apologising because he cheated, because he had to convince himself not to leave you, because he just wanted to keep you by his side for fun. You didn't want to think any of this, you wanted to believe that he loved you as deeply as he made it seem. A weak kiss followed his words before he closed his eyes. You only now noticed that he thought you were asleep this whole time. And you liked to keep it that way.
Leon only had you on his mind during his absence. A picture of you was in his pocket 24/7 and he always liked to look at it during moments of extreme despair. No other person could cheer him up as much as you did. That's why he knew he wanted to marry you one day. It was the only right thing to do.
You knew so too.
Though acceptance was hard those days. You didn't want to end up with a dead husband in the next few years, that prospect frightened you, yet you knew that if the day would come where you would stand before his casket, you'd regret not making him yours.
"You want me to be your wife?" you asked, hoping that he hadn't yet fallen asleep. His grip tightened ever so slightly around your waist. "I wanted to wait," he admitted quietly. His broken, soft voice reminded you of the Leon you had met those years ago, the aspiring policeman, "until this is all over but... this will be the rest of my life. I want to give you the chance to drop out if you don't want to commit to a life like this." He kissed your neck weakly. "I want you so much. It's so selfish but I can't imagine my future without you."
In the darkness of your bedroom, you searched for his lips. Your fingers softly trailed over them, sealing them shut before you replaced your fingers with your own lips. The kiss was loving, not passionate or anything but it meant so much more to you than pure lust. A single tear left your eye, which was quickly wiped away by Leon's hand.
"Never leave me darling," he mumbled into the kiss before quickly grasping for air. "I would never," you replied as you kissed him on his forehead. "You're my fiance after all."
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 year
Good for you-part one
part two
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Hiiiiiii! This is loosely based on a soft Dark! Tommy request from @everysage I'm making a few parts to this one just because it's too much for one part lol.
Summary: You're parents have arranged for you to marry the ruthless Tommy Shelby in just a few short weeks to support the family. At your engagement party, Tommy's jealousy gets you into a bit of trouble.
Warnings: Strong language, angst, a bit of fluff, dark Tommy, submissiveness from reader
Not proofread whoops.
‘Congratulations on your engagement, love.’ You kindly thanked the next random businessman for the hundredth time tonight. It was the night of your engagement party. The marriage was consensual, but you and Tommy weren’t marrying for love, you were marrying for the benefits. Tommy needed a wife to show off to his fancy associates and business partners. In order to bring his status up in this twisted game of politics, he needed to become likeable. 
You, on the other hand, had always been prepped for an arranged marriage. Your family was old school, they knew what they had to do to make sure they would always be taken care of, including you.
Father was Tommy’s accountant. When he over-heard him discussing the option of marriage with his brothers, he eagerly offered up his 20-year-old daughter. You knew at some point in your youth that this would happen, but you didn’t see it happening so fast at the same time. Of course, you were an adult who could make your own decisions. From the moment you showed an interest in boys at school, you were told that arranged marriage with a man of wealth is the best way to support your family. Yes, father was paid well, but money comes and goes so fast when he drowns himself in booze and gambles through the wages for the week. 
Tommy watched you shake hands with each man passing by. He giggled to himself at how well you seemed to be handling all of this. He had only just met you weeks ago and now you were greeting all of his business partners with a pretty smile, as his new fiancé. Who cares if it’s fake or not, you were doing it for him and this pleased Tommy. He knew you were doing this to secure your families security and wages. When you had told him upon the first visit why you were doing this so willingly, he found it all to be admirable. He was honest with you too about his intentions. 
Both of you would do anything to protect your families, no matter what the cost is. He felt his heart aching for you as well as his own. 
Like you had felt his eyes find you in the crowd of people, you turned to face your fiancé. He gave you a small smile of appreciation and a bit of reassurance. 
He liked that about you too. Hours before the party, you asked him what he wanted you to wear and how he wanted you to act during these dreadful parties. You listened to his every word and did exactly what was asked of you. Your eagerness to please him made his cock twitch from behind is navy blue slacks. 
Deciding to check up on you, he walked through the crowd with ease to stand behind you. 
‘How ammi doing?’ You asked quickly, looking into his stern but oddly understanding eyes.
He pressed his hands onto your shoulders, squeezing lightly. ‘You’re doing a good job, love.’ He said smoothly, craning his neck down to kiss your cheek. You knew this was all an act to show that you’re both in love, but that didn’t stop the shiver crawling up your spine at his approval of you. 
Sensing the way your body tensed at his words, he raised an eyebrow at you quizzically. He was marrying you for the status, yes, but that didn’t stop the way his body reacted to you either. He didn’t love you, but he was intrigued by you, he wanted to know more. He wondered if you felt the same about him. 
You sighed in relief, your shoulders relaxing under his touch, which didn’t go unnoticed either. ‘Thank God. How much longer do I need to keep doing this again?’
Quickly wiping all thoughts of you from his head, his face turned stern again. Tightening his grip on your shoulders, he turned your body to face him. ‘You’ll do this for as long as I say so, yeh? That’s why you’re here, remember?’ He quietly scolded you. The feelings of excitement vanished at his harsh words, quickly turning to embarrassment. 
You were letting your guard down way too low, forgetting that Tommy is mostly cold-hearted. You worked so hard just to make him smile and when he did, you didn’t feel completely useless. You had grown fond of him in a strange way. Yes, he was a brutal man, but he wasn’t always ruthless. He could be sweet at times when you were alone. Being around him so much these past few weeks at the Arrow House, you could tell behind the rough exterior, there was a tenderness to him, something he tried so hard to mask. 
You lowered your eyes to the ground and answered. ‘Of course, I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry, sir.’ You practically whispered, trying to avoid an angry outburst. 
He tried to hide the smirk forming on his lips as he watched how easily he could control your emotions. Power meant everything to Tommy, in every part of his life. 
With your head hanging low, his eyes fell down your body. He loved that you wore the dress he liked the most out of the three you provided as options. Looking down your full chest and wide hips, he pictured what you would look like taking it off, how your skin looked and felt underneath all the clothes. 
‘Congratulations are in order Tommy!’ Tommy’s older and very drunk brother said, coming up behind him. Arthur practically pulled Tommy by his teeth to speak with some of him and his men, leaving you all alone once again to be hounded by all of these men. 
‘Y/N!’ A familiar voice came from behind you. 
‘Stevie! What the hell are you doing here?’ You laughed as he pulled you into a bear hug. You hoped Tommy didn’t see that. ‘My father brought me. Used to work for Mr. Shelby ‘during a simpler time’ as he puts it. Said he got an invitation in the mail. So, he dragged me here as his plus one.’ He laughed. 
Stevie was your neighbor for years growing up. He always tried to get into bed with you as a teenager, but you never saw him like that. He was always just the goofy neighbor boy who never had a chance. 
You spent the next few minutes catching up with each other.  
Because you were too polite to look away from Stevie as he talked, you didn’t notice Tommy burning holes through you. His arms crossed over his chest defensively as he tilted his head to study the lanky boy talking your ear off. He didn’t miss how his hand brushed down your arm suggestively at one moment. A fire built up quickly in his stomach. 
‘What is it, Tom?’ John, Tommy’s younger brother asked from beside him. 
Tommy tilted his head towards you. He tried to stop himself from grabbing him and breaking his fingers one by one for touching you. The more he watched you, the angrier he became. When he saw the smile form on your lips and the laugh you shared with the stranger, he quickly snapped. As each brother could sense Tommy’s mood shift, they waited for their queue. He motioned at Arthur. Without question, he made his way over to the both of you.
‘Sorry to interrupt, but I need to steal the bride-to-be for a moment. Ya understand?’ Arthur said nonchalantly as John approached Stevie from behind at the same time.
‘Why don’t you follow me. Let’s get you a drink.’ Naively, Stevie followed John away from the crowd of people. You watched them disappear into the crowd as Arthur led you into Tommy’s study. 
‘Arthur, what the hell are we doing? I can’t leave my own party!’ Without saying a word, he opened the doors of Tommy’s study. He was sitting on the front of his desk, his fancy jacket gone and his white sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His face told you nothing. Arthur shut the door quickly behind you, leaving you alone with a seemingly neutral Tommy. 
‘Do you like making me look like a fucking fool?’ He asked flatly. His face was now full of disgust as he spoke the words. 
You wrung your fingers in your hand nervously, not knowing what was the right thing to say. 
‘I’m not sure what you mean, sir.’ You said, trying to gumption up the little confidence you had around him. 
He chuckled, unamused. ‘The fucka who had his hands all over you out there? Or did you not notice?’ He spat out, insulting you. 
You instantly felt attacked but mostly hurt. Hurt by the way he was talking down to you and hurt that he was upset with you. You found yourself only wanting to be good for him. ‘Thomas, he’s just my old neighbor from back home. I didn’t know he would be here. Nothing happened Thomas-
‘I don’t give a fuck who he is or what you think didn’t happen. You have to learn your role in all of this. You’re here for me, not to flaunt yourself to my guests.’ 
You were silent for a few seconds, stunned at his bitterness. He made you feel so small. You struggled to find the words to make this any better. You knew arguing with him would never favor you, it would just make things worse. Instead, you followed your instincts and slowly walked towards him at the front of his desk. He was unmoving, still crossing his arms over his chest. You stepped in front of him, boring into his eyes. The only thing you knew was to nurture, so you did just that. 
Being brave, you reached for his arms to uncrossed them. You squeezed his large hands in your tiny ones. With such earnestness, you tried to make things right. 
‘I hear you, Tommy. I’m truly sorry. This is all so new for me and I’m still learning. I’ve done my best to do everything you ask of me. I just want you to know that I would never try to embarrass you.’
He was a bit stunned at your apology. He couldn’t help the way his face softened as you did your best to diffuse the situation. He loved the way you wanted to make him feel better. He loved that you always wanted him to think the best of you. While he could forgive you easily, Stevie wasn’t so lucky. 
Fighting the urge to embrace the woman standing in front of him, he stood up, towering over you.
'Of course I can forgive you, love. But your little friend wasn't as lucky, unfortunately.
'W-what do you mean?' Tommy's lips curled into a devilish smile before answering.
'I can't have some arse come into my home and disrespect me. John and Arthur took care of him. And, no we didn't kill him.' He said all so casually, finding half of a cigarette in his ashtray behind him and lighting it.
John and Arthur had beaten the piss out of Stevie, they couldn't shut up about it all night. You felt so guilty for it all. Guilty for the beating Stevie got and guilty for embarrassing Tommy. You stuck to Tommy's side for the rest of the night, scared to cause another scene.
Part two coming soon!
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bvidzsoo · 9 months
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⫿Illegal racer!Mingi⫿
TW: cursing, unprotected sex
Word count: 4,7k
A/N: Well yeah...this is Mingi's fault for posting those freaking pics and my fault for getting inspired at the most random ass times. I know I'm not the greatest smut writer, but don't take my head off for it, thank you. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
⭒Toge racing: 1-1; lead driver <--> chase driver
⭒Sprint: race has more drivers
⭒Dig: refers to all participants toeing a line, aligning the front tire of the vehicles, after which all vehicles race from a stop to a prearranged point
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            My car came to a screeching halt as I slammed on the brakes, which were new. I got them changed a week ago, I have fried the old ones off after the toge race I pulled off in the mountains. My jaw was set tightly as I took in a deep breath, long fingers tightening against the leathery wheel.
“What are you doing—”
“Get out.” I snapped; eyes focused on the road ahead. The other female in the car gasped quietly before I heard her huff in annoyance.
“What did you just say?”
“Get out, Jennie.” I snapped more aggressively this time as my head whipped around, shooting dagger at her. She looked incredulous as she didn’t make any moves to get out of my car. I wasn’t having it anymore; I just couldn’t focus with her around.
“Are you seriously kicking me out of your car when we’re one block away?” She hissed, lips pulled into a snarl, making me smirk at her in annoyance.
“Yes, I am.” I told her, leaning back in my seat, “Get. Out.”
She didn’t have much of a choice as I glared her down, Jennie’s fierce eyes staring back just as harshly while she bit her lower lip. It didn’t take long for her eyes to fill with tears, which were faker than the eyelashes she had on, and I just rolled my eyes before she finally undid her seatbelt and grabbed her purse aggressively.
“I can’t believe you!” She screamed as she threw open my car’s door, making me hiss when it cracked open loudly, “You’re seriously throwing me out of your car on a deserted road in the middle of the night?!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have fucked my fiancé a week before our wedding, cousin.” I hissed at Jennie, who was also my cousin, as I revved the engine of my 3gen burgundy Honda Prelude. The car was a gem and I cherished it dearly, taking more care of her than I have ever taken care of myself.
“I told you he was—” Jennie started shrieking as she slammed the car’s door shut, her window having been rolled down, but I quickly pressed the button to roll it up and sped off, not wanting to hear another sound coming from her mouth. It’s not like I dropped her off miles away from the car meet, she was just a block away. She should be thankful I even gave her a ride after everything she made me go through not even four months ago.
I thought Jennie and I were like sisters, always there for each other no matter what the matter was. We could talk about anything and discuss all of our issues. I confided in her when problems arose with my fiancé, and her advice had been the best, it helped our relationship…until it completely shattered. Until she went and slept with San like he wasn’t engaged to me, just a week away from his own wedding. She would’ve been the bridesmaid, but there was no wedding to be held. I called it off the second San drunkenly told me about his infidelity, and I also took all of my stuff and moved out from our shared apartment. Indeed, it was a rash decision, in the spur of the moment as my head was coated with anger, hurt and betrayal, but I couldn’t stand to see his face for even one more second longer.
The small house I rented out wasn’t in the best part of the city and it was far from being luxurious, but it worked for now. It felt cozy and the neighborhood was quiet…unless Song Mingi was out and about, keeping everyone up on the street with his obnoxiously loud Dodge Challenger. The car was a specimen, however, truly rare as it was well kept and had zero flaws. Mingi took great care of it and never failed to show it off. Even if it was in the middle of the night, when people were trying to relax and sleep as he didn’t seem to care. Whether he had just come home from racing or God’s knows from where or he was bringing girls over and showing off…he’d keep the engine running for at least ten minutes before he finally shut it off. Mingi and I had known each other for more than a year now as the both of us go to the same car gatherings and do the same illegal street races, and even better than that, we’ve raced each other countless of times already. There was only one problem with him and that was his obnoxiously large ego. His car was good, he was a skilled racer, and he knew he looked good. So, all three combined made him an insufferable jerk and I couldn’t stand being around him for more than five minutes. Imagine my shock when I moved in across from him, his car being the give away of who my neighbor would be for an undetermined time. And what made it even worse…was his bedroom facing the main road whereas it was my living room facing it, and Mingi seemed to not know the concept and usage of curtains. Whether he didn’t do it purpose, seriously have major doubts about that, or it was on purpose, it seemed to be his habit to strip naked and change in front of his windows. He never gave it away that he knew I could see him, so out of embarrassment, I never brought it up to him. Not that this would ever be something I would talk to him about, I try to stay away from that prick as he gets on my last nerve. But some things were inevitable and I would be lying to myself if I said his body wasn’t perfect from top to bottom.
I rolled down both windows of my car as I turned down the usually deserted road, which was now filled to the brim with cars on both sides, creating a pathway in the middle. People were swarming between the cars, looking at them and talking to each other. Some were even fighting, needing to be separated as I slowly rolled down the pathway, nodding my head at the familiar faces as they sent waves my way. My arm hung through the window as I steered with one hand, headed to my usual spot. People who were regulars in the illegal races had their own spots and were paid fairly better than the newcomers. Which meant it was totally worth it to race…unless the cops caught you, it was game over then. I put my car in reverse as I carefully parked my car, Soonyoung cheering loudly from the side as he watched, gaining more people’s attention. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. Soonyoung and I have met three years ago, at a race where we both drifted off into the ditches. Unfortunately his car suffered unfixable damage, unlike mine. The Universe must’ve been on my side that day, because I was convinced I was going to die, yet here I was…unmarried and completely miserable as I plastered on the most genuine looking fake smile on my face that I could.
“Hey, buddy!” I greeted him as I got out of the car, knocked breathless when Soonyoung’s best friend raced towards me, colling into my body and lifting me up into a hug as he started twirling me around aggressively. I had to hold onto his body out of fear of scratching my own car and Soonyoung’s purple Subaru BRZ as my legs gripped around Wooyoung’s waist tightly.
“You made it!” He shouted into my ear and I cringed, crying out as he abruptly stopped, giving me whiplash, “Soonyoung said you were coming but seeing the time—I thought you changed your mind.”
“I didn’t,” I breathed out as Wooyoung finally released me, only for Soonyoung to engulf me into a hug; they both knew I hated hugs, yet never stopped tackling me into one, “But my mother made plans for me and forced me into picking Jennie up—”
“That bitch!” Wooyoung called out at the same time as Soonyoung went off saying, “I thought you were past the age where your mother tells you what to do.”
“Yeah, okay,” I shrugged, pushing my hands into the pocket’s of my leather jacket, “I didn’t know until I got there, Soonyoung, and yes, Jennie is a bitch, Wooyoung.”
“She is! Oh, my God, how dare she still face you after everything she’s done?!” Wooyoung seemed to be annoyed all of a sudden as he huffed, making Soonyoung glance at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he nodded in agreement. They both hated my cousin, rightfully so, and I did too.
“She still blames it all on San—”
“Bullshit!” Soonyoung suddenly exclaimed, his face pulled into a scowl, “Where’s she anyway? I don’t see her in your car.”
“I kicked her out a block away.” I couldn’t help but giggle as I told my two friends the shit I pulled off. In full honesty, I really couldn’t listen to her ramble on about her apparently picture-perfect life anymore. I hated her guts, I really did. After she ruined my life she had the nerve to rub hers in my face? I don’t think so, not anymore at least; I have made myself very clear after the ugly hysterical fit I had at my mother’s. Soonyoung and Wooyoung shouldn’t have cackled as loudly as they had, palms pressing against their mouths as they congratulated me for being a bad bitch. I wasn’t, I was simply triggered and still hurting.
“You’re iconic, love.” Wooyoung said as he reached out and touched a wavy strand of my hair. I wasn’t planning on dressing up tonight, but something pushed me to do. It’s been too long since I have looked put together, I have missed feeling beautiful and desirable, “And you look absolutely amazing.”
“Thank you.” I bowed playfully as Soonyoung grinned, bumping his shoulder against Wooyoung’s.
“Dressed up for a certain someone to see?” He teased with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“As if!” I exclaimed and rolled my eyes, knowing very well Soonyoung was referring to Mingi. No, that prick deserved none of my attention or effort, “Before you can spew out more nonsense, I’ll head over to Hongjoong and enter my name in the race.”
“Oh!” Wooyoung exclaimed with excitement as I walked out from between my car and Soonyoung’s, “Which one are you entering?”
“Which one should I?” I stopped to think for a moment as a wicked grin crossed Soonyoung’s features.
“Do the two blocks drifting one.” He instructed with a glint in his eyes and I narrowed mine at him, wondering why he had that face while suggesting such a mild race. Wooyoung glanced at our friend for a second before realization crossed his features and he giggled into his palm, avoiding eye contact with me.
“Fine, but I have a feeling I shouldn’t trust the two of you…” I muttered as Soonyoung and Wooyoung high-fived each other and sent a wink my way, turning their backs as they went to join their other friends once I took off.
My strides were long as I was headed towards the front, where the checkered flag was being waved aggressively, the path having gotten narrower as I was forced to push my way through the crowd. People were loud around me as they cheered for the driver of their choice, egging them on to show a better performance, to win. Four cars were lined up at the starting line, about to start a Sprint. Seonghwa, Hongjoong’s right hand and who handled the races in this part of the town, went and checked on every driver before he walked up to the front, standing in between two cars, holding the checkered flag as he raised his hand. People started shouting like crazy as Seonghwa started counting down and then, dropped the flag, the cars shooting off one by one, each fighting to win the race. I recognized one car, Choi Jongho’s, he was a newcomer but he was rising in the ranks rapidly, creating a name for himself on these streets. Hongjoong stood to the side, leaning against a pole as he was counting the money in his hands, smirking at Seonghwa as he approached him once the coast was clear of any speeding cars. I watched the two as I approached them, Seonghwa talking to Hongjoong softly as the shorter one reached out for his waist with one hand, placing something in the taller one’s back pocket with his other hand. I raised my eyebrows at them as I came to a stop in front of Hongjoong, Seonghwa’s mouth closing abruptly as he stopped talking. Apparently I wasn’t allowed to know what their conversation was about.
“Oh, hey.” Hongjoong’s demeanor changed as he greeted me with a friendly smile, “You’re racing tonight?”
“I sure am.” I said with a grin and Seonghwa took out a small notebook, eyebrows furrowed as he searched for a pen.
“Which category?” He asked as he finally found it and watched me expectantly. I was feeling like going for a Dig tonight, but I remembered what Soonyoung had told me.
“Drifts, the two blocks one.” I said casually, making Hongjoong look up. He looked a little bit surprised as he shared a look with Seonghwa, one which I didn’t understand. But Seonghwa just hummed and jotted my name down in the notebook before he looked up.
“The usual sum?” I nodded and handed them two stacks of money as Seonghwa jotted down the amount, Hongjoong taking the stacks from my hand with a hungry glint in his eyes. I lingered for a second as I wanted to ask who I’d be racing against tonight, but I changed my mind and thanked the two instead as I walked back to my car, deciding that I wanted to live dangerously tonight. Not knowing my rival made it more satisfying when I would win, not having made a strategy for myself beforehand as I didn’t know who the person would be and their driving style. My mind and body craved for the little adrenaline racing infused into my bloodstream and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the prize too.
             Of course, I should have known by Soonyoung and Wooyoung’s giggles that they were setting me up. Losing tonight was as possible as winning, really, it would be about who was more skilled and faster. I watched Mingi’s black 2000 Dodge Challenger pull up to the start line, front tires on the line just like mine. The rumble of his car’s engine was already a tell-tale sign of whom I’d be racing tonight, and I couldn’t help but curse as I saw Wooyoung and Soonyoung high-five each other on the sidelines before showing me a thumbs-up. I could only scowl at them as Seonghwa walked around, gathering money as people made bets on who would win this time. Mingi’s window was rolled down and I saw movement from my peripheral so I looked over lazily, raising an eyebrow at him as he waved his ring clad fingers at me in a mocking way. I rolled my eyes and rolled down my own window, Mingi’s mouth already opening to speak up.
“Evening, doll.” He called over the loud crowd and rumble of our cars engines, “Fancy losing tonight?”
“Don’t get too cocky now, Mingi.” I plastered on a fake smile, “I might smoke you out.”
“I have to admit your ass is pretty fine—” He paused for a dramatic effect as my jaw clenched, knowing well he meant it both ways; car’s and my ass, “but I don’t plan on looking at it for too long tonight.”
I chuckled and pushed my wavy hair behind my shoulders as I leaned over the middle console, my low-cut top not leaving much to imagination, “I would hate to kick you off your high-horse, sweetheart, but your Dodge got nothing compared to my Honda.”
“I thought I have showed you my skills countless times, doll.” The way Mingi caught his lower lip between his teeth shouldn’t have made my stomach flip, but I couldn’t help it as my eyes remained fixed on them. Then, Mingi suddenly smirked as if he could see even from the distance where my eyes were fixated and he lowered his sunglasses slightly, leaning over his open window, “You seem to have forgotten, let me remind you tonight.”
My skin got covered in goosebumps at the offer in his tone, knowing damn well what he was talking about. And it wasn’t about racing anymore. But I wouldn’t let him know how quickly his words could make my body react, therefore, I just leaned back in my seat and started revving the engine of my burgundy car, smirking at Mingi as a displeased look crossed his face. I rolled up my window as he started revving his, Seonghwa having made it between our cars with a flag in his hands. He grinned at Mingi before looking at me, earning a firm nod from me. I decided to take a peek at Mingi swiftly, wondering how he could still see and drive while wearing sunglasses at night, but I quickly pushed all thoughts away as Seonghwa’s hands raised. I gripped the steering wheel tightly with my left hand as my right went to grip the gear stick, eyes set on the road ahead. My left foot was on the shift pedal and the second Seonghwa released the flag, I kicked into action as I shifted into first gear and shoot off, leaving Mingi in a dust behind as I worked my way up through the gears, focusing on the road only, familiar with Mingi’s driving. Beating him tonight would be a piece of cake.
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            The windows were fogged up and the leather was scrapping against my knees painfully as I panted, eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to find the perfect rhythm. Mingi’s calloused hands were gripping my waist but he wasn’t doing anything, he was just watching me with an open mouth, leaning forward to press his reddened lips against my flushed skin in no time. He would grunt from time to time as my hips moved up and down, his dick deep inside, hitting every sensitive nerve I had as his tongue licked against my collarbone before I felt him sucking. The small top I was wearing was of no-good use as Mingi’s right hand came up to grope my left breast and I whined as my thighs were starting to strain. It wasn’t a surprise that I have ended up in Mingi’s car not long after our race, which he had won this time, panting and on top of him, desperate for my own release as Mingi didn’t do anything, as he tortured me longer than it was necessary. Mingi’s lips trailed upwards, kissing and biting the skin of my neck before he kissed behind my ear, making me whine as I fastened my pace. A low groan left Mingi’s lips as his nose pressed against the skin of my neck, his hot breath hitting my skin uneven.
“Fuck, I can’t take this any longer.” I panted out, hands tangling into Mingi’s black hair as he slightly pulled back to look up at me. His pupils were blown and his eyes were hazed over with lust, yet he still managed to smirk as his hands went around my naked waist and grabbed my bare ass, helping me out as I moaned loudly, going faster with Mingi’s help. My walls clenched down around him and in response Mingi cursed quietly, biting my neck as his fingers dug into the flesh of my ass, soon enough his body leaning back into the leather cushion of his passenger seat. My arms went to hold onto the headrest of it, whimpers getting louder as my lower region burned, desperate for a release after so much teasing and edging from Mingi. His grunts were constant as I gyrated my hips more frequently, my lower lip in between my teeth as suddenly Mingi hit the sweet spot, making me stutter out a gasp as my walls clenched down around him.
“Fuck.” He cursed in a low rasp, hands releasing me as his hands raised behind his head, eyes shut close for a second, “Fuck, tell me I’m better. He could never fuck you like this, doll.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I went down on his dick again, but missed the angle I have previously found. My brain was in a haze, and I didn’t want his words to register as I continued chasing for an orgasm, but Mingi just wouldn’t shut up, “San could never make you feel this good.”
My body stiffened and muscles contracted as I was snapped out of whatever euphoria I was feeling at the moment, face contorted into disgust as I threw a glare at Mingi, “Why the fuck would you bring up my ex-fiancé during sex, Mingi?!”
Mingi gulped as he opened his eyes, forehead covered in a sheer coat of sweat, “Why? Are you not over him yet?”
I hated the arrogance dripping from his voice, the way he was looking at me, with such superiority, as if he was better, “It’s been four months, only. Would you be over the person you’ve loved for six fucking years and were meant to get married to?”
“I certainly wouldn’t start mopping about it during sex with another man—”
“You brought him up, he wasn’t even in my mind.” I snapped as we remained unmoving, Mingi’s hands latching onto mine against the headrest as he squeezed them.
“He better not be while I have my dick inside you, doll.” Mingi rasped and I scoffed, leaning closer to him, our lips almost touching.
“You sound an awful lot like you’re jealous, sweetheart.” I whispered against his lips before I licked his lips, Mingi’s eyes darkening for a second as he shifted underneath me. He only moved slightly, but the burning and yearning was back as my eyebrows furrowed, “You talk too much. Shut up and fuck me brainless, Mingi.”
“Gladly, doll.” Mingi whispered as he suddenly thrusted upwards, making me yelp in surprise as he suddenly started moving. He wasted no time as he moved fast and sharply, slamming back in before I could even meet his thrusts. My head fell back as I braced myself against his shoulder and neck, mouth open as whimpers kept falling and falling. Mingi’s length reached places nobody’s had before and with his precise and sharp thrusts my thoughts were slowly becoming incoherent again. His face was contorted into pleasure as his eyebrows pulled together, a moan slipping out every now and then as his left hand pushed against the roof of his car as his right hand came down to grab my hips and maneuver them to his liking. The fire was quickly building up in my stomach now with his continuous thrusts and it was starting to get harder and harder to focus on anything else but on chasing my own release. Mingi suddenly leaned up and circled his left arm around my torso as he flushed our bodies together, pivoting his hips up at a relentless pace, making me keen against his ear as my fingers tangled into his hair tightly. Mingi moaned loudly and fucked me harder as I moved messily against him, toes curling from the feeling.
“Fuck, Mingi—” My voice broke off into a loud moan as he finally found my sweet spot again, walls clenching down on him tightly. Mingi gasped and pressed his tall nose against my collarbone as he hit the spot again and again, his moans strained as I screwed my eyes shut, moving my hips in time with his, my hand coming down between us to rub circles against my clit.
“Doll—” Mingi groaned as my muscles tightened, so close to releasing finally as I threw my head back, Mingi’s name falling off my lips in whispers and broken moans. I could feel Mingi twitching inside me constantly and I knew he was close too as his breathing got even more uneven and arms tensed against my body as he leaned back, suddenly holding my jaw, making my eyes snap open, “Look me in the eyes.”
And so I did as I rubbed against my clit faster, Mingi’s thrusts wilder as his hand slipped from my jaw to my neck, putting the right amount of pressure against it. My lips fell open and in a few more desperate thrusts, I was coming undone against Mingi as my body tensed up and spasmed in his arms, moans spilling from my lips until I couldn’t breathe anymore, Mingi’s long fingers cutting off my air. My body shook as euphoria washed over every sense in my body, skin on fire and stomach coiling as I came down crashing hard, ears ringing before I could finally breathe, sputtering nonsense against Mingi’s lips as I fell forward, pressing my lips against his messily. He still hasn’t released yet and as my body went mush in his arms, he continued fucking up into me, head falling back as his moans grew loud. My lips sucked against the sensitive skin of his neck as my body ached from being used too much, but I knew he was close and I wanted him to fill me up.
“Mingi—” I moaned out in pain as my walls felt abused by Mingi’s relentless and messy pace, but when we made eye contact he knew what I was asking of him. His face contorted into pleasure once again and he bit his lower lip and whined as I clenched my walls around his dick, his hands coming to hold onto the headrest as his hips stuttered, stomach stiff as he came too, spilling inside me his warm seed. My stomach twisted at the feeling and I watched Mingi as he panted loudly, pressing his head into the headrest harshly. My right hand cupped his jaw and he lazily blinked his eyes open, watching me with clear eyes. A small smirk crossed his lips as he grabbed me by the nape and pulled me down, our lips meeting for a kiss as we both opened up, tongues meeting in a hot frenzy. I could feel my face heat up as Mingi’s tongue explored my mouth, slowly and sensually, making my skin tingle again as I pressed closer against him, kissing back with the same fervor as he was. He still hadn’t pulled out and I could finally feel the strain in my thighs as everything caught up with me at once, the yearning of my body. I could never get enough of Mingi, but I never allowed myself to think too hard about it. Mingi licked into my mouth with finality, sucking on my tongue before pulling away, a small string of saliva snapping as he went and sucked on my lower lip, making me push him away when he bit down on the soft flesh harshly. He seemed pleased with himself as he trailed his hands down the sides of my body, gripping my hips steadily.
“Wanna go for another race?” He asked seriously and I looked at him with an incredulous look.
“To lose more money that would go to you?” I asked with a scoff, making Mingi smirk as he lightly squeezed my hips.
“So, you do admit I would win again?”
“Don’t think you’re too special,” I rolled my eyes as Mingi smirked, “I’m just too spent after our little session…”
“Poor you,” Mingi mocked and pursed his lips, “Here I was, feeling like going for a second round…”
“I can’t feel my thighs anymore, forget it.” I snapped and made to finally get off him, but Mingi didn’t let me as he smiled, batting his eyelashes at me like he wanted something.
“And if we go home?” He asked airily, jutting his lower lip out, “Will you let me fuck you into the mattress?”
My jaw almost fell open, but I managed to stop myself as I tsked, smirking at him, “Can’t get enough of me?”
Mingi smirked and slightly raised me up by the waist, making me gasp at the friction, “Apparently I can’t.”
I chuckled as Mingi leaned up to peck my lips before lifting me off himself, an unfamiliar glint in his eyes which told me the rumble of our cars engines wouldn’t be the only thing keeping up our neighbors tonight.
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Masterlist (divider)
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allisberris · 13 days
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super niche but thinking of "don't tell the bride" hcs of blue lock characters when they get married. ☆° . ▪︎ * ♡
part 1!!! (first time writing hcs like this hope yall like it)
Don't Tell the Bride - British tv show about men designing their entire wedding without any knowledge of what their fiancées want.
Isagi - I feel like he might be normal and do a classic-style wedding but he could definitely make it a themed wedding, probably not anything too bad just an odd color or two. Probably outside, maybe a large, empty park for less intrusion. Would spend the most time picking out your dress, so he might look a bit lackluster by the end of it.
Bachira - He'd probably make it black and yellow because he's black and yellow and if you like it he must be doing something right!! That or some super random theme just because he likes it without thinking of what you might want... He'd have it inside, but not somewhere super nice. It'd probably have bad ventilation. Would also get you whatever dress he liked first without much thought. He doesn't care what he's wearing really ^_^
Barou - I feel like he'd definitely do a classic style wedding; but he'd also do a theme with color, like wine red or navy blue, so still beautiful. Venue would be indoors most likely, maybe even a chapel. Reception would definitely have the theme color in the floral aspects of the space. Would wear a white suit and get a tie of matching color to the theme, and your dress would probably have the most time searched for. (Wants to make sure you feel perfect ♡ so fetch)
Rin - He'd probably have something classic, no theme, but would spend a LOT of time picking out both of your outfits. Never written for rin but he seems like the type to be really attentive about what kind of dress you'd like, so based on the options he might pick the same one you would. Would likely have it in an outdoors floral venue w/indoors reception.
Sae - Same as his brother, he'd have a classic wedding; not caring much for any theme or color palatte. Setting would probably be in a nice building or chapel and reception would be average, indoors as well. Most likely wouldn't spend as much time picking out your dress as Rin would, though. :(
Kunigami - American style wedding seems to be his vibe, but might incorporate some subtle theme based on his/your interest even if you don't care that much about said interest... The venue could be indoors or outdoors, whichever he'd think would be your favorite. Would probably have an indoor reception with your favorite color as design accents. He'd spend a good amount of time finding the right dress for you, something not too cheap or expensive. His suit on the other hand he isn't really worried about.
------- allisberris 2024 -------
don't repost my work! ♡♡♡ thank you for reading
notes and reblogs appreciated!
(let me know if you want a part 2 ☆)
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A Broken Ankle, Karma Rules.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - another random idea that popped into my head… enjoy!!
word count - 1.4k
in which, going on a run with your fiancé of two years means harmless flirting and teasing, that is until an incident occurs and he has to carry you back to the car.
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As you sat in the passenger seat of your fiancé's sleek Tesla, the soft hum of the engine filled the air. The anticipation of going on a run together at the park was palpable, as you both waited for the perfect moment to step out of the car and immerse yourselves in the fresh air and lush greenery.
You glanced over at Harry, your heart swelling with love and excitement. His curly hair framed his face in a charming disarray, and his eyes sparkled with mischief. He wore a mischievous grin, as if he knew a secret that only the two of you shared.
"Ready for our run, m’love?" Harry asked, his voice filled with eagerness.
You nodded, smiling back at him. "Definitely! Although, I have to say, you're lucky I agreed to this. Dragging me out of bed at this hour is no easy feat."
Harry knew for a fact that you weren’t a morning person.
Harry chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, come on now. You know I couldn't resist spending this time with you. Besides, it's good for us to get our blood pumping early in the morning."
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Well, I hope you appreciate the effort I'm putting in here. I'm not exactly a morning person, you know."
He leaned in, his voice turning husky. "I'll make it worth your while, darling. I promise."
Feeling a surge of anticipation, you reached for your water bottles and grabbed the car keys. "Alright, let's do this! Time to step out and conquer that park."
You both hopped out of the car, the cool breeze enveloping you. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a single AirPod, holding it up to you.
"Shall we share the music?" he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
You grinned and took the AirPod, placing it delicately in your ear, the familiar chords of ‘eye of the river’ rang through your ears, that was enough to get you motivated for the run.
As the music started to play, you noticed that Harry had already started moving, his athletic figure bounding ahead.
His back was bare seeing as the weather was insanely hot currently and he was wearing a pair of blue running shorts, and his pink Calvin kelvin’s were on display.
You could feel yourself getting slightly worked up, the cheeky git always did then when the two of you were in public.
"Hey, wait up!" you called after him, a mix of laughter and exhilaration in your voice.
He slowed down, turning back to you with a playful grin. "You better catch up, love. We've got a run to conquer together."
As you jogged side by side with your fiancé Harry, the rhythmic sound of your footsteps echoed through the crisp morning air. The park was alive with activity, but your focus remained on the playful banter and connection between you.
As you chatted about your plans for the day, Harry couldn't resist a mischievous grin. With a sudden motion, he playfully reached out and tickled your hips, causing you to let out a surprised giggle and slow down.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, swatting his hand away. "That's not fair! You're distracting me!"
Harry laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I couldn't resist. You were just too tempting. But now, I'm afraid you'll have to catch up to me.”
A competitive fire ignited within you, and you shot him a determined glance. "Challenge accepted, slowpoke. Get ready to eat my dust."
With a burst of energy, you picked up the pace and raced past Harry, your feet pounding against the pavement. The wind rushed through your hair as you surged forward, leaving him momentarily in your wake.
Glancing over your shoulder, you called out with a triumphant smile, "Come on, Harry! I thought you said you were a professional runner!"
Harry laughed, his voice filled with mock protest. "Oh, you're in for it now! Just you wait, I'll catch up!"
You continued to push yourself, feeling the thrill of the friendly competition fueling your every stride. The playful taunts and laughter added a layer of joy to the run, reminding you of the deep connection you shared.
Soon enough, Harry's footsteps grew louder behind you as he closed the gap. With a final burst of determination, he ran alongside you, matching your pace.
"There you are," Harry said, a playful grin on his face. "I told you I'd catch up."
You grinned back, the exhilaration of the run shining in your eyes. "Well, I had to give you a head start, didn't I? Just to make it a fair race."
Harry's laughter echoed through the park as you both continued to run side by side, the competitive spirit subsiding to be replaced by a shared sense of joy and camaraderie.
You know, Harry," you said with a playful smirk, "I think I might have to start calling you 'Slowpoke' as your official nickname."
Harry chuckled, his competitive spirit ignited. "Oh, really? We'll see about that. Prepare to eat my dust, love."
With a wink, you took off, your feet hitting the pavement with purpose. You could hear Harry's footsteps behind you, gradually fading as you increase your pace.
Feeling mischievous, you decided to test the limits. You picked up even more speed, savouring the thrill of the wind rushing past you. Unbeknownst to you, Harry slowed down, taking a short water break to quench his thirst.
As you continued to jog ahead, revelling in the playfulness of the moment, your foot caught on an uneven patch of ground, causing you to lose your balance. Pain shot through your ankle, and you let out a cry of distress.
Hearing your scream, Harry's heart skipped a beat. Without a second thought, he abandoned his water bottle and sprinted in the direction of your voice. Fear and concern propelled him forward, his mind focused on reaching you as quickly as possible.
When he finally caught sight of you, lying on the ground and cradling your injured ankle, his heart sank. Kneeling down beside you, he gently cupped your face with his hands.
"Love, are you okay? What happened?" Harry asked, his voice filled with worry.
You winced, tears welling up in your eyes. "I... I think I’ve broken… my ankle. It hurts so much, H..Harry."
Concern etched across his face, Harry carefully examined your ankle. "Let me help you up. We'll get you to the hospital, alright?"
As Harry saw the pain etched on your face, he made a firm decision. "Lovie, I'm going to carry you to the car. I don't want you putting any weight on that ankle."
You nodded, tears streaming down your cheeks. "O-okay, H…. Thank you."
Gently, Harry scooped you up in his arms, his strength enveloping you. Despite his efforts to be careful, each step caused a jolt of pain to shoot through your ankle. Whimpers escaped your lips, and you clung tightly to him, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
The sobs that wracked your body echoed in the air, and Harry's heart ached at the sound. He tightened his hold on you, his voice filled with soothing reassurance. "Shh, love. I'm here. I've got you. Just hold on, we're almost back at the car."
His comforting words offered a glimmer of solace amidst the pain. The warmth of his body pressed against yours, and his steady heartbeat served as a calming rhythm. He continued to carry you, navigating the path with careful steps, determined to get you to safety as quickly as possible.
With each passing moment, his tender support and unwavering presence began to ease the anguish. You clung to him, seeking solace in his embrace, knowing that you were not alone in this moment of vulnerability.
Finally, you reached the car, and Harry gently settled you in the passenger seat. He quickly moved around to the driver's side, his eyes filled with concern as he started the engine.
"You're doing so well, love," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness. "We'll get you to the hospital, it’s bruising really quickly, m'love, and I'll take care of you."
As the car pulled away from the park, you let out another sob, the emotions overwhelming you. Harry reached over, taking your hand in his, his touch a comforting anchor in the midst of your pain.
He glanced at you, his eyes filled with compassion. "It's alright to cry, love. Let it out. I'm here for you."
That was the last time you were going to be narcissistic ever again if this is what it led to.
But you know what they say:
Broken Ankle, Karma Rules.
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suraemoon · 5 months
Could I please request jealous Rosie hcs or Rosie reaction when you are the initiate the first move hcs. Thank you 😊
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I’ll admit right now that the turn out time for this is embarrassing. You’ve caught me in…I think the most stressful week of 2024 so far buttt here we are. My deepest apologies. I’ll be better. Here’s some Rosie. 🌹
Jealousy, Jealousy:
Rosie is very protective of his girl but not overbearing. He knows how secure the relationship is and trusts you to make good decisions. But, of course he notices when another man is getting a little too friendly. When at public places, Rosie doesn’t usually get far enough away for stuff to like this to happen, but due to how drop dead gorgeous you are (the pretty smile that can brighten up anyone’s day, the sparkling eyes that resemble a steady pond, the million dollar legs that give Betty Grable a run for her money) the bold men stay bold. Laughing at things that aren’t meant to be jokes, getting a little too close, etc. He is the king of passive aggression and snark. It’s so obvious that he’s annoyed. Just by the tone of his voice, anyone with common sense can tell he isn’t amused.
An arm wrapped around your waist, interlocking fingers, a random kiss to the temple.
Increased use of the words “us” and “we”
Just plain out saying that you’re his ____ (girlfriend, fiancée, wife, etc)
He’s not subtle but that’s because he has no reason *to* be subtle. He’ll happily let the whole would know he’s yours and you’re his. He’ll redirect conversations, end them as soon as possible, whisk you away into the crowd.
The next day he casually comes across the same man while you’re at home, safe and absolutely clueless of the intersection. That talk isn’t pretty, I’ll tell you that. He’s a lawyer, he has a way with words. It’s direct, serious, and straight to the point. It’s in his job description to argue but it isn’t really an argument, due to the fact that the other man is left terrified of Rosie. Stood frozen in place, shocked. It’s like getting yelled at by a stern parent. Let’s just say…you never see that man again and if you do, he steers clear of your path like you’re a black cat on a halloween night.
A Feminine First Move:
Anon, you’ve got the thought of Rosie’s reaction to a girl making the first move stuck in my head and it’s so adorable. I’m thinking it happens when he first comes to Thorpe Abbotts and is so awkward and dorky. (Talking about flying planes in underwear, you know…the usual) His nickname is Rosie for more reasons then one, he has the prettiest blush. When you walk up to him offering a drink at the bar followed by a slow dance to the romantic jazz of the band, his cheeks are a shade of pink for the whole rest of the night. He’s taken back over how a girl as pretty as you can be so invested, so quick. Imagine his awkward conversation fillers; your siren eyes are so distracting, staring deep into his soul. You listen intently to every single word, a trait that’s appreciated but nervewracking at the same time. He stutters as he talks, trying not to bring up anything embarrassing that would bring it all to ruin.
He tries to keep up with your flirting by replying with some romantic remarks of his own. Soon he gets into the groove and you two have such a magnetic energy. It’s dazzling, it’s exciting, it’s everything. He really gets into his element once the surprise wears off. That doesn’t stop him from reverting back to his dorky, adorable self once you give him a kiss goodnight, your red lipstick on his pink cheek. He waits until your out of sight to dance his way to bed. You two dream of eachother that night. It’s the blossoming of something new, something special.
the dancing i’m talking about lol
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devildom-moss · 9 months
OH SHIT I FORGOT THEY OPENED YESTERDAY!! If you are keeping them open another day, how about "Jealousy" (SFW) with Lucifer and m!MC? Possibly in the same sort of timeline as the marriage one just so he gets to call him his fiance.
Hope this is to your liking, anon!
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Lucifer x m!MC)
Prompt 2 - Jealousy
First, you went shopping with Solomon of all silver-haired, shady bastards. Then, you spent your lunch playing games with his brothers. Then, Diavolo had the nerve to pat you on the head for getting your report in ahead of schedule – which was not only uncalled for, but completely self-indulgent and rude when Diavolo knew better than to touch what didn’t belong to him. Now, some lesser demon was approaching you on your walk home – the only time Lucifer had gotten you alone all day – to give you a present, claiming to be a part of the “Demons for Humans: MC Fanclub.” Now, Lucifer wasn’t convinced that such a club didn’t exist, nor was he a stranger to fanclubs or random admirers coming up to him with offerings, but this was you who was getting extra attention, and Lucifer had used up all the tolerance he had to spare.
“You’re just so cool, and I’ve really come to appreciate humans since you came to the Devildom. I wanted to thank you for all of that, so please accept this!” The lesser demon thrusted the present out towards you, bowing his head in embarrassment and respect.
You took the gift from him with a smile. “Thank you. That’s so sweet.”
By then, a dark aura had engulfed Lucifer and all the light had drained from his eyes. When the lesser demon looked up, he noticed and yelped. He was ready to run in the opposite direction when Lucifer placed a firm hand on the lesser demon’s shoulder, careful not to crack the weakling’s bones in your presence. Lucifer cleared his throat before he spoke in a calm tone, laced with homicidal intent, “Yes. Thank you so much for supporting MC. He’s certainly deserving of all that praise. However, I would request that you not make it a habit to give gifts to my fiancé.”
“I-I had no idea you were engaged. Congratulations, sir – Lord Lucifer. I wish you a happy marriage,” the demon replied skittishly.
Appeased by his fear, Lucifer smiled and let go of the lesser demon. “Thank you.”
The demon ran away, quickly disappearing down the nearest busy street. You turned to glare at Lucifer.
“Seriously? He was just being nice.” Your glare didn’t lighten up.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Lucifer huffed.
“What’s up with you?”
“I’ll tell you when we get home, just,” Lucifer grabbed your hand and started down the street towards the House of Lamentation, “don’t look so mad.”
You sighed and waited patiently until Lucifer had dragged you all the way back to his room and finally released your hand. Before you could open your mouth, Lucifer spoke up, “Can you sit down on the bed for a minute?”
Annoyed, you sat down at the edge of the bed. “Okay, now are you going to tell me what your problem is?”
Lucifer wormed his way onto your lap, surprising you as he adjusted himself until he was practically curled up against your chest. You were too stunned by the sudden soft gesture that your annoyance began to melt. Despite being such a large demon, Lucifer tucked his head under your chin. With that, any anger you held onto disappeared, and you held him tight, stroking his soft hair with one hand.
“You’re my fiancé,” Lucifer mumbled just above a whisper.
“I am. And you’re mine. You don’t see me terrifying your fans.”
“I don’t have to explain why that happened.” You could tell from his tone that he was pouting.
“I know, but I’d like you to. For your soon-to-be husband?” You cooed and kissed the top of his head.
“I got jealous. I get mad that I have to share you, and the first time I get you alone all day, that random demon. . .” Lucifer huffed. “I’m sorry.”
“You know, if you need attention, you can just ask. Even if it’s embarrassing, ask and you shall receive, my sweet, angry, jealous baby boy.”
“Then can you keep holding me for a while?” Lucifer wrapped his arms around you and clung to your body.
“Oh? Did you think you had the option to leave? Not happening. I have you in my arms, and I’m not letting you go.”
A/N: requests are still open for the rest of today if anyone else wants to enter. (rules here) I probably won't get to all of the SFW requests, but I may be able to finish them up tomorrow or the day after.
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daydreamtofiction · 5 months
I just wanted to explain why I've been absent for so long. I know I'm constantly going on unplanned hiatuses and coming back with excuses for why I'm not posting but I'm aware this one's been particularly long.
So just over a month ago, my partner of eleven years, fiancé, father of my children, came home from work one random Tuesday night and told me he was leaving me. It was completely out of the blue, unexpected and blindsiding. I've spent the past month getting to grips with this new normal; being a single parent, clearing his belongings from the house, putting on a brave face for my kids while dealing with the heartbreak and confusion of this situation, and trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to survive financially after losing the main household income.
As ever, I appreciate everyone always being so understanding and patient with me when I do these disappearing acts. I prefer to keep my personal life separate from this online world I've created, but this situation has pretty much bled into every facet of my being - I can't not mention it. I want to mention it.
I'm starting to adjust now, feeling the enthusiasm and desire to do things for myself coming back. And the biggest thing I do for myself is write. Creating my fics is honestly one of my only solaces and something that brings me so much joy and comfort. This is an escape for me, and right now I need an escape more than ever. So after I press publish on this post, I'm going straight into writing the latest instalment of Thou.
I know this is heavy and probably a massive overshare so I apologise in advance to anyone who reads this lmao. I suppose I just needed to put it out there, maybe somewhat selfishly as I haven't made this info public in my real life (besides with family). So please don't feel obliged to comment, simply enjoying my fics when they come out is more than enough support (and if any of you win the lottery, you could always cut me in 😉😂)
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marksbear · 1 year
Am so glad you are back home and away from the hospital,hope you doing and happy Easter from where am at. But I was thinking about Sub prince steven and dom reader are at a ball. But not everyone knows about their engagement and even if they did they just assume that it's only political and that they can hopefully hook up with one of the princes. But anyways one princess is really interested in steven and keeps flirting with him while his future king is right by his side. He doesn't do anything because he assumes she is just being nice but she leaves for a second and reader takes his chance. He pulls steven away and finds a empty balcony very deep in the castle that no one visits. He push steven against the railing and blocking him in and says what he is doing if he is already to be married soon. Steven didn't know and didn't think reader would be that serious about their marriage even though they are in love. Which leads to reader saying if he wants that princess to have him in his ear and makes himself angry because only he can have steven. Which leads to reader marking steven on the railing and turning him around to fuck him on the railing to show that steven belongs to him only.-50%🐻‍❄️
I’m sorry for not posting for a week! It’s been a lot going on and I’m sorry! Like two or three more for the schedule!
Warnings! SMUT, semi public, angry sex, fingering, teasing, breeding implied, jealous reader, ROYAL AU, rail sex/balcony, flirting
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It was spectacularly rare to see different kingdoms and its royal family to be inside the yearly annual ball.Every year it seems that three or six kingdoms miss the ball.
But this year it seems that almost every kingdom made it.
What really surprised most people was that the sun kingdom made it. Almost every year something would be going on in the kingdom. For example deaths, festivals, wars.
But this year somehow they made it. Even though their many rivals and enemies were inside.
Everybody turned their heads to the large doors looking with confusion and wonder in their eyes as they watched the King of the sun kingdom step inside the ball.
"I thought they were busy at war with the rain kingdom?" A random guest says to himself not realizing that the three princes of the moon kingdom were right next to him.
"I totally forgot that war is going on... It's only soon enough that the rain kingdom would call upon us to join in the fight." Marc comments looking at his brothers.
The youngest one didn't pay attention to any words as his eyes looked at the entrance searching for a certain someone. Steven's eyes brighten and filled with joy in the instant as he watches his fiancé walking inside the ball looking around.
"They always seem to make a dramatic entrance." Jake comments rolling his eyes at his younger brother's reaction.
Before Steven could respond Marc cut him off. "Stevey. Theres a group of princesses wanting to speak with you over there." Marc says pointing to the group of girls.
Steven pulls his eyes off of his fiancé turning his head to the group of girls.
"I think they want to be your friend." Jake teases already knowing what the girls want from his little brother.
"I'll go over to them once i'm done talking with Y/n!" Steven tells them before walking his way to his fiancé with a smile already on his face. A princess was talking with Y/n.
"You are so hilarious my lord.~" The princess says batting her eyelashes as she giggles. Y/n smirked and nodded. "Thank you. Many people don't use those words to describe me." "Really? Such a shame... I bet that everyone calls you handsome huh?" The princess responds back flirting shamelessly.
"I appreciate your words princess, but as I can't not flirt back seemingly because I am soon to be wedded." Y/n says shooting down her advances.
Steven waits by the side of Y/n waiting for him to be done with his conversation.
"Your getting married? I didn't hear about you proposing to anyone let alone dating someone." The princess stammers out with embarrassest rising.
"I'm becoming a king soon. I needed to find someone. It would be a shame to rule without a partner. I'm thankful enough that the gods found me someone to love even though the meeting was strange." Y/n answers before looking for anything to pull him out of this awkward conversation.
"Prince Grant? I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Sorry my lady, but I have to leave." Y/n says giving the princess a quick peck on the cheek before turning away walking up to Steven taking his arm leaving.
"What was that about?" Steven questions with a puzzled expression. "Nothing... Just two heirs of respected kingdoms talking." Y/n answers leaving the flirting out.
"Drink?" Y/n questions as Steven nods his head yes in response. Y/n leads him and Steven to a table full of drinks in fancy glass cups.
Finally after both princes could finally be alone together without princes and princesses trying to hook up with them.
The two were finally alone in a quiet spot in the ball. Not many people coming around over there only the occasional secret lovers coming here to kiss and talk.
The two princes were in silence watching people dance in the middle of the ball and eyes wondering around different areas in the ball.
"I've missed you." Y/n finally breaking the painful silence.
"I missed you as well." Steven breathes out looking to the side at Y/n staring at him.
"We have barely seen each other it hurts me so." Steven adds with Y/n making a teasing whimper.
"I know. It's just that it's dangerous for you to visit me while my kingdom is at war." Y/n says with a sigh escaping his lips. "Or is it an excuse for you not to be with me?" Steven questions with his own eyes widening from surprise.
Steven definitely didn't mean his thought to slip out.
"What?! No that is such nonsense. I would never stay away from you on purpose." Y/n bites back quickly whipping his head around looking at Steven.
"i know... I'm sorry, it's just that I miss you and i'm worried for you." Steven says as Y/n steps in front of him closer.
"I miss you too. Its just that i'm fighting a war right now Steven and I don't want my enemies to know that I have a lover that they can kidnap and hurt." Y/n says reaching his hand out to touch Steven, but pulls it away in fear that someone is watching.
"After the ball lets meet at our forest. So we can properly talk about this without watchful eyes.
Steven nods his head in agreement before walking away.
"Steven! Steven where are you going?!" Y/n questions in a quiet shout as he quickly follows behind Steven.
Y/n's mind began to wonder and think did he say anything to make his partner upset.
Pushing through crowds and such Y/n followed Steven. If anyone was watching them it would look like Y/n was a dog following its owner. "Steven please wait!" Y/n calls out pushing people out of his way.
Steven's mind was thinking millions of things at once as he walked away looking for somewhere he could think.
Suddenly a force on Steven's side crashes into him. Steven's body immediately reacted holding onto the figure who crashed into him making sure they were still on their feet.
"Ah! I'm so sorry Prince Grant!" The princess apologizes with a trusting smile. Steven looked at the princess and smiled at her brightly before responding. "No! I should be sorry I wasn't looking." The princess smiles fondly at Steven.
Finally Y/n catches up to Steven standing behind him and the princess, but not to close just close enough to hear their conversation.
"I didn't know that you Moon boys were actually polite and well mannered. I guess the rumors are true about the three of you."
"What rumors?" Steven questions.
"That woman would be lucky to be in one of the three Moon princes presence. Such a fine gentleman you are Steven." She answers with a smile.
"Oh uhm thank you..." Steven thanks with a light blush on his cheeks.
The woman opens her mouth to speak up again, but Y/n takes Steven by the arm taking him away from the woman. Y/n drags Steven inside the middle of the ball far way enough from the princess.
"Y/n?" Steven questions confused as to why Y/n was acting like this.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to I just acted out. And i'm sorry from earlier. You know that I love you and I never want to be apart from you, I just want to protect you." Y/n says with one breath.
"It's okay! I love you too! I wasn't mad. I-I just wanted to think of a way we can do this together." Steven smiles.
Y/n looked around carefully making sure theres no one he should worry about before doing what he's about to do next.
Y/n leans in about to give Steven a quick sneak kiss before the same princess from earlier somehow finds them.
"There you went Steven! Someone has just snatched you and left." The princess giggles not noticing the icy glare the prince of the sun kingdom is giving him.
Once Y/n heard that voice a frown crawled onto his lips.
Steven turns around facing her with a smile.
"You look so lovely. I mean you always do, but this time you're just glowing my highness." The princess subtly flirts with a friendly smile.
"Uh thank you! I think you look brilliant!" Steven compliments back not noticing the flirty giggle the princess lets out.
As the two talk Y/n stands by Steven's side with anger flowing through his body more and more every time the princess flirts with Steven not even thinking twice about what she says.
The princess began to check out Steven biting her lip seductively while sometimes messing with her dress pulling it down or making it tighter to make her breast stand out.
"I really do enjoy talking with you Steven~ Maybe I should ask my dad to arrange a meeting for us. So we can get to know each other more on a personal level." She says messing with the ends of her hair.
"How about we continue this conversation over some drinks? Don't worry i'll get them." She says leaving to find the drinks.
Steven looks over at Y/n not noticing the pissed off expression that Y/n had.
"Shes pretty nice don't you think?" Steven questions before letting out a surprise yelp as Y/n grabs and yanks Steven arm pulling him out of the massive ball room.
Steven looked around to see where they are going, but Y/n didn't stop pulling Steven around for a second.
Y/n dragged Steven deeper inside the kingdom until he founded an abandoned balcony lightly yanking Steven in front of him he backed him up to the rail pinning him there.
Steven looked up meeting Y/n’s eyes that were filled with anger and jealousy a look that was rare to see.
“What are you doing if you are getting married soon” Y/n says voice laced with jealousy.
“What? W-what do you mean?” Steven stutters out as he uses his free hand to hold on the rail.
“What do I mean? Steven those princess are obviously trying to be with you.” Y/n says as he moves closer to Steven making the smaller man squirm and look away. Y/n reaches his hands out taking Steven by his hips holding him down to the rail.
Y/n moved closer to Steven moving his head to the side of Steven’s. “Do you want her to have you?” Y/n whispered into Steven’s ear as he moved into him. Steven could tell Y/n was getting more angrier.
“N-no I only want you.” Steven answers with whimpers escapes his lips as Y/n grinds into him.
“That’s right only me. No one else can have you.” Y/n whispers with a smirk on his face as he plays with the band of Steven’s pants tugging and pulling on it lightly. Steven’s cock begins to grow hard from the feeling of Y/n grinding on him and also the way Y/n is acting so obsessive.
Y/n faces Steven one last time before kissing him deeply and passionately. Steven quickly kissed back letting Y/n take control. Y/n’s hands finally stops teasing Steven and finally pulls down Steven pants down to his knees.
Taking a hold of his arms Y/n spins Steven around so he’s facing whatever that is outside.
Y/n kisses and sucks what’s exposed of Steven’s neck leaving hickeys and markings. Steven let’s out breathy moans and whimpers as Y/n nibble onto his skin.
With Y/n’s other free hand he plays with Steven’s ass squeezing and gently slapping it. Soon after Y/n spreads Steven’s legs open before bending him over the rail. Y/n hands traveled to Steven’s hole circling his fingers around the entrance teasing him slowly.
Steven let’s out a whine as he grips onto the rail for balance.
“Please Y/n!~ S-stop being such a tease! I beg you!” Steven says as his cock begins to ache and twitch.
The other prince just lets out a mocking laugh, but doesn’t ignore his lover wish.
Slowly Y/n moves a finger inside using his other hand to hold Steven on his back keeping him bent over.
Y/n thrusted his finger in and out picking up the pace slowly. Steven moved his waist down on Y/n’s finger grinding onto it. Without removing the finger that’s inside Y/n adds another and begins to properly finger him.
The sun prince curled and spread his fingers inside The moon prince causing him to moan. Steven’s legs began to tremble and grow weak.
Y/n moved his fingers even faster inside him making Steven to get even louder. Steven’s cock began to leak precum as Y/n fingered fuck him.
Y/n’s fingers grazed the moon princes prostate with every thrust causing him to moan loudly and uncontrollably.
Steven held onto the rail for dear life as his legs began to grow weak and the rest of his body trembling. Steven’s cock twitched as he felt the knot in his stomach begin to grow.
Suddenly Y/n pulls his fingers out once he decided that he had enough prep.
Y/n pulled his own pants down letting his hard cock spring out. Y/n moved his cock onto Steven’s ass grinding and teasing him.
Y/n’s cock grinds against Steven’s hole sliding his cock up and down.
“My king… Please put it inside please! I need y-your cock inside me so bad!” Steven begs out feeling the tip of Y/n’s cock brush past his hole.
“I don’t want anyone else besides you! Please I didn’t know those girls were flirting with me I swear! I-I thought they were just being nice that’s all!” Steven adds with a small ramble.
“You didn’t know that they wanted to court you?” Y/n questions as he lines up his cock to Steven’s hole.
“No I swear! I thought they were just being nice.” Steven blurts out. Y/n only hums in response before slowing moving inside him. As Y/n went inside, Steven began to gasp and let out breathy moans.
Once the tip was inside fully Y/n moved his hips back and forth only fucking Steven with the tip so far. As Steven got used to it He begged and moaned for more. Y/n starts to thrust deeper inside Steven causing Steven to get louder.
With one fast thrust Y/n thrusted his cock fully inside Steven’s hole. Steven’s walls tightened around Y/n’s cock as he moved inside him. Y/n moved his hands to both sides of Steven’s hips holding him in a tight grip. Y/n held Steven still as he roughly thrusted inside of him.
Steven hands trembling as he tried to cover his mouth from all the loud noises he was making, but Y/n had other plans.
“Move your hands. I want everybody to hear you. I want everyone to know that your fiancé is fucking you and not them. I want them to become angry and jealous just like they made me feel.” Y/n asks or really more like a command.
Steven let’s out a muffled whine, but does as he folds moving his hands away.
Y/n picked up speed of his thrust going even faster than he was before. Y/n’s cock was buried deep inside with every thrust grazing Steven’s prostate. Hitting his prostate over and over Y/n abused his hole.
With a few more thrust from Y/n Steven came hard as moans fall from his mouth. As Steven was still cumming Y/n didn’t stop moving inside him. Tears fell from Steven’s face as the pleasure overwhelmed him.
Y/n’s cock started to twitch inside Steven as he roughly thrusted in and out of him. His thrust became sloppy as his hands lessened the grip of Steven. Steven moaned endlessly as Y/n continued to fuck him.
“Steven I’m about to cum!” Y/n warns. Y/n slowed down as he drove his cock in deep. Steven begged for him to cum inside eagerly.
With a few more deep thrust Y/n came deep inside Steven. Steven’s walls tightened around Y/n as his cock cummed inside him. His walls was painted white as some cum leaked out of his hole.
The two stayed like that for a while catching their breath and energy.
Y/n leaned over to kiss the side of Steven’s face as he slowly pulled out. Once he was fully out he turned Steven around and picked him up slightly putting him on the rail.
Steven and Y/n locked eyes for a moment smiling at one another. Y/n stood in between Steven’s legs biting his exposed neck.
“People would see—“
“So let them see. I want everyone to know that someone already courted you…” Y/n cuts Steven off as he marked his neck.
“What if people talk? And it get news to your father? He’ll think I’m sleeping with someone else.” Steven worries as he wrapped his arms around Y/n.
“If they dare to talk they’ll have to answer to me and my soldiers. And if my father catches wind then I’ll defend you with my heart. And if he’s fool enough to disrespect you I will start havoc.” Y/n answers pulling away from his neck to kiss Steven.
“I love you, so I plan on marrying you and rule over kingdoms with you. Then having you to bare my children.” Y/n mumbles the last causing Steven to laugh and kiss him.
“Your such a fool!” Steven says giggling on Y/n’s lips.
The sun prince fixed his clothes as well as Steven’s before picking him up from the rail wrapping his arms around him. The two kissed one last time before leaving the balcony.
“We must hurry before they get suspicious looking for the two of us!”
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mahs-dumpster · 2 months
a/n: I cannot get this event out of my head I cannot get them outta my head SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEEEE *EXPLODES*
cw: constant bickering/arguing, if you don't vibe with that– oc x canon (Isabelle x Leona), spoilers for Tamashina Mina/Cloudcalling on The Savanna
words: idk tbh I wrote the second half here on Tumblr so... No counting of words this time. It's probably more than 1k tho
“I did not know you would bring acquaintances with you.” Isabelle spoke as soon as she entered the room and Leona's ears shot up as his body flinched. Kifaji smiled upon the sight of the girl and the others just stood there a little bit confused at who she was. Isabelle walked all the way towards Leona, her arms crossing as she frowned at him. “I thought you’d skip this year as well.”
“Yeah… Kifaji here didn't let me forget this time.” Leona quickly glared at the older man who simply shrugged, not wanting to be involved in their little argument. “What about it?”
“You have the audacity to ask me that, seriously?” Her fingers pinched his cheek, making him complain painfully as the others just stared in awe at the bravery of that tiny girl. “You finally decide to attend the event and instead of texting me, or coming to greet me you ignore me as if I'm just some random girl? Did your parents teach you nothing about being a proper gentleman?”
“Just stop it already, sheesh!” Leona grabbed her hand so it’d stop pinching his cheek, his eyes glaring daggers at her. “Don't come at me with all this talk, mousey, I don't have any duties with you.”
“You must've missed the memo, Leo, because actually you do. I'm your fiancée, you bonehead.” Isabelle snatched her hand from his grasp and sighed, a hand on her hip. “Fine. You don't need to tell me where you are at all times, I get it, but please, at least come and greet me once you arrive. I had to learn from Kifaji that you were here.” Her expression softened as she looked at the older man. “Thank you, by the way. I greatly appreciate it.”
“You told her I was here?”
“It's simply one of my duties. And don't tell me you were planning to avoid her too…”
Leona rolled his eyes as Isabelle frowned at him again. He then noticed the pairs of eyes that kept staring at them, so he sighed. His hand went to rest on Isabelle's head, who blinked in confusion. “Right. This is Isabelle Desrosiers. My arranged fiancée.”
“My, my, my… I didn't know Leona of all people could manage to date anyone… and a fiancée too, you both must be really in love to plan to marry on such a young age.” Lilia teased, and Vil smirked at the joke.
“That's true… although I must say, miss Isabelle here can do much better." Vil clears his throat, his demeanor changing into a charming smile. "May I ask, would you be the princess Isabelle Desrosiers? It's a pleasure meeting you.” The blond asked, and Isabelle nodded.
“That would be me, yes. And I’d appreciate it if you didn't mock my fiancé.” Her voice was stern, and despite her height, she gave off a powerful presence, making some of the people – Kalim, Daisy and Grim, that is – shudder, intimidated. “It is a pleasure meeting you guys, any friend of Leona is my friend as well.” she smiled softly, her demeanor completely changing, and they felt confused.
It made no sense for her to demand respect for Leona, while she herself was arguing with him a moment ago about not having manners… despite that, Leona smirked, his arm now resting on Isabelle's head, making her grow irritated. 
“As you heard, my future wife is oh so very protective of me, so would you all be so kind as to not disrespect me in her presence?”
“Stop that. I'm not your arm rest.” The girl got off his touch and sighed, trying to calm herself down. Then, she courtseyed gracefully to everyone. “I apologize for my sudden intrusion, you all must’ve been rather spooked.” She then looked at their outfits up and down, confusion on her face. “And… if I may ask, why are you all wearing liongarbs…?”
“Oh, we’re competing in the Bead Brawl!” Kalim explained happily, no longer intimidated by the princess standing in front of him. “Leona was going to get us all to train a little, ain't that right?”
“Oh. Yeah, I will.” Leona suddenly seemed a bit nervous, but he tried to appear as calm as ever. Isabelle tilted her head.
“The Bead Brawl? And you're helping them train?” The princess looked up at him, giving him a questioning gaze. “And why exactly would you do that? You're not exactly the type to do this out of the goodness of your heart.”
“Well… his highness is–” Kifaji was interrupted by Leona, who glared at him and moved his head. He glanced at Isabelle who was currently busy looking at Kifaji, waiting for the explanation, and then the older man understood. “His friends really wanted to participate. I'm… yes, I'm the one who told him he should help, as a way to thank them for coming.”
“So… you're no longer running from your duties? You’ll give your lessons?” She asked, a faint smile on her face as she looked up at Leona.
“...Yes.” he lied, but kept looking at her, trying to look and sound as sincere as possible.
Isabelle grinned, a chuckle escaping her mouth.
“Well, who would've thought?” She said, her hand resting on his arm as he stared at it. “I'm proud of you for doing that. What are we waiting for? I will accompany you all. Come on!” 
And then, Isabelle left the room, the others quickly following her suit after giving Leona a few glances and throwing a few jokes. The lion beastman groaned and Kifaji looked at him, confused.
“Why did you not want her highness Isabelle to know about your schemes? You even told me.” He asked, and Leona simply looked at him with a small frown.
“If I did she'd keep nagging me for ‘not being a good prince' or whatever. I'm not into hearing her little squeaks of complaints at the moment.” He explained, but his demeanor looked more worried than annoyed, his expression pensive as Kifaji looked at him.
Could it be…?
“Do you not wish to disappoint her, perhaps, your highness?” Leona stayed quiet for a moment, before clearing his throat.
“Don't speak nonsense, Kifaji. Come on, they’ll be suspicious if we don't go soon.” 
Leona sighed, tired. He was back at the hotel, refusing to go stay at the palace and find his brother there. He heard a knock on the door, and he could smell her faint perfume before he went to open it and saw her face.
"Good night to you as well." Isabelle says, getting into his hotel room before he even let her. The man didn't react, closing the door behind him. "I thought you'd be out of your liongarb by now. Maybe already in bed." She sat at the end of the bed, her arms crossed as she stared at him.
Leona began untying his mid section, what was holding the outer part of his garment together, but Isabelle quickly ran towards him and held his hands in place, her face a deep shade of red.
"I thought you wanted me out of these clothes?" He smirked. It was so easy to tease her, he couldn't resist. She got away from him, her hands moving close to her chest quickly as if his touch burned her.
"You get what I meant, don't twist my words." She sighed, finally calming down and standing up straight again. "I came here to ask you a question." Leona clicked his tongue, already knowing where this was going. "Why did you lie about trying to skip the lessons this year?"
"Because you'd keep nagging me. And that's quite irritating." He lied, sitting on one of the couches in his room, head hanging backwards as he closed his eyes, tired from the competition day.
"Is that seriously all there is to it?" She asked, moving in his direction, standing behind him and looking down at his face. Leona opened his eyes, their gazes locking almost immediately.
He couldn't tell her the truth, that a part of him, one he didn't even like to acknowledge, wanted her to believe in him. After hearing her words of encouragement, hearing how proud she was of him for trying? He didn't want her to know. Most of the time, people never had expectations for him, and when they did, he always felt the need to crush them before it got out of hand, but... Seeing her smile on her face as he lied about wanting to give the lessons this year, it gave him pleasure, happiness even.
Why did he want to make her proud anyway?
Leona shifted his gaze.
"Yeah." Isabelle sighed, a bit disappointed, her finger flicked his forehead, finally making him look at her again, a frown on his face. "What was that for?"
"For lying." She didn't say which lie, deciding to leave it for him to think about. She started walking away from him right to his door as Leona watched her until she reached it, and got up in order to open the door for her. Once he did, he felt a hand on his head, slowly patting him with care.
"In your dreams, mousey. Go, I wanna sleep." With that, the princess walked out of his room and he soon closed the door behind her. He sighed as he rested his head on it, his thoughts all over the place and confused. "What's up with me anyways?"
"Just so you know, it's ok, really. It wouldn't be the Leona I know if you suddenly changed your thinking like that..." She distanced herself, a faint smile on her face. "There's plenty of other events in the future for you to grow and become the prince I know you can be. Baby steps, right?" Leona let out a hoarse laugh, his hand moving to her head and ruffling her hair against her wishes.
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Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗
Sorry that this took forever to answer! I am not very good at self promotion so I do really appreciate the prompt to do it! ♥️ I also fear re-reading old things sometimes in case I’ll suddenly hate them now, but I think these are 5 choices that I got a lot out of and still enjoy myself:
1. Where Now the Horse and the Rider: The love story of Guthláf and Wídfara, and my magnum opus of 8 chapters. This is as close to authentically me (in terms of being obsessed with obscure canonical Rohirrim) as it gets.
2. A Life Interrupted: This was the first thing I ever wrote about Théodred, and I just like it. Featuring Éomer dealing with his cousin’s death.
3. Ties That Bind: Théodred’s fiancée Eadlin is my favorite of my OCs; get to know her a little better as she intersects with Éomer getting jailed by Théoden/Gríma.
4. Those Worth Fighting For: Short fluffiness of my personal king, Háma, giving his daughter a special day out while also shielding her from the increasingly dire realities of the world.
5. Untitled Elfhild: A random ficlet about Elfhild, Théodred’s mother, talking to him before he was born and after he died because I like to make myself sad. (CW: canonical maternal death)
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
His Strange Addiction (Pt 3)
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Pt 1, Pt2
Cody RhodesxFem Wrestler!OC (Milena, also face claimed by AJ LEE)
Desc: Milena is getting quite sick of Bianca eying her soon to be husband almost everyday so she takes it upon herself to be involved in a wrestling match with Bianca on Monday night raw & show exactly Cody belongs to. Melina decided to go with a storyline within WWE where she’s downright psychotic, Talking to herself etc & Cody has no idea until Milena makes her way into the ring.
Contents: Angst, Fluff, Arguing, Milena serving cunt, Cody being a whore for Milena, Mentions of insecurity, 1 Year time skip, slightly toxic duo, Violence.
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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It was atleast 5 days before Milenas wedding & She had been furious with Bianca giving Cody the “Fuck Me Eyes.” So, without cody knowing she took it upon herself to join in on a Monday night raw women’s match against Bianca & get a title-ship & also prove who Cody belongs to. It was also perfect timing because they were still in Vegas.
Milena was in her dressing room getting ready as fast as possible before making her big reveal outside, Cody was just finishing up his promo out on the ring & suddenly heard random pop music blasting before seeing his fiancé make her way to the ring “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now.” He muttered while Milena stared at him directly in the eye, hell Seth wasn’t even expecting this and he was the biggest instigator within WWE.
She climbed in the ring & wrapped a hand over the back of his neck while he mumbled against her lips holding the microphone away from them “What the hell are you doing?” She shrugged “You’ll see.” And then Bianca made her obnoxious entrance which shocked Seth even more and start jumping up and down with pure excitement like a goddamn ape, She snatched the microphone from Cody “Sweetheart n-“ Milena shoved him out of her way along with Seth before going face to face with Bianca “I know your too dumb to realize this but I don’t appreciate people trying to fuck with things that belong to me, & I’ve come to notice that you practically fuck anything with a dick despite your depressing embarrassing and BORING marriage, but you will not be getting anywhere close to Cody, and that women’s title ship? Will be mine.”
Bianca let out a laugh “Yeah good luck with that Milena, you’re not getting the title, never.” She got in Milena’s face trying to be intimidating but all she got was a smirk before she held up the microphone and slammed it in the side of Bianca’s head and smack her on the other side of her face and kicking her down while Cody stood outside of the ring with Seth covering his mouth. Absolutely nobody would expect this to happen, Jey was watching the fight from the locker rooms & just shocked, Milena was beating the goddamn hell out of Bianca and beating her face in & even getting blood on her hand until Bianca was to weak to get up.
Milena snatched the Womans championship belt and bent over on her knees mumbling inaudible words to herself before laughing at Bianca & biting the belt Cody climbed into the ring and grabbed her hand & walked out of the ring with her while making his way backstage “What the fuck Mills? Seriously? I thought we tell each other everything” She shrugged “Because if I told you I was gonna beat her ass you would’ve made me back out and that would make me seem like a little bitch that can’t find and I’m far from that.” Cody knew she had a point, it was a cold hard fact, he would make her back out.
“Jesus fucking christ Milena.” He muttered running his hands down his face while she just sat there watching him process the match “You didn’t even let her get hi-“ She stood up “You wanted her to kick my ass or something?” Cody fumbled on his words a little and sighed “No sweetheart all i’m saying is others will think it’s unfair.” Milena glared and scoffed “Fuck you Cody.” He clenched his jaw “Drop the attitude Mills.” She chewed on her lip a little bit and walked off “Seriously??!! Milena get back here!” She kept walking and held up her middle finger but He got close enough to grab her arm “Stop being a fucking brat” He glared but Milena wasn’t intimidated one bit “Since your so concerned about her & her winning or losing a fucking match how about you just go marry her instead, I’m sure she’ll enjoy it and drop her current husband for you, fucking asshole.” She snapped and tugged of her ring and threw it at him before walking off to catch an uber at the hotel they stayed at.
A few hours went by and she just laid on the bed still pissed off & once Cody entered the room finally calmed down he walked over to her & held his hands on his hips “Sweetheart look at me.” She wouldn’t budge, not once. “Milena. Look at me.” She let out a sigh and looked up at him “What Cody.” He pulled out her engagement ring from his pocket & grabbed her hand putting it back on her finger “I’m not letting you leave that easily and you know better than that, Your a smart girl Mills, You should know I’m to in love with you to let you go and run off like that.” She looked at him and felt her lip quivering & started to tear up before blinking a bit & getting herself back together & clearing her throat “Stop doing that, Stop forcing yourself into not expressing your emotions & forcing yourself to not cry. It’s not good for you & you know I hate it when you do that.” He climbed into the bed and held her face “Why are you siding with her Cody? I’m about to be YOUR wife and no matter what you’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.” She started tearing up again & wrapped around him “Babygirl I’m not doing any of that, I’m trying to have you avoid doing things like that match because it could affect your career with WWE. I know you love your job but if you go doing shit like that in-front of thousands of people that will get you swamped into backstage drama & public drama.”
She frowned and didn’t even notice she was crying until Cody wiped her face with his thumb “Sweetheart if I wanted Bianca I wouldn’t have proposed to you, I wouldn’t have planned a whole goddamn wedding with you & I most certainly wouldn’t have given you the ring back and I definitely wouldn’t have dropped on my knees to you as a full grown man BEGGING to have you back in my life.” He mumbled against her cheek “I love you Mills, nobody & nothing will change that.” He held her chin in-between his finger “Cody I don’t think this is good for us.” She whimpered “I feel like i’m going to push you away from me.” She frowned but he shook his head “No baby you won’t, nothing will make me leave you, if you think your possessive or whatever runs through this pretty mind of yours then you should get a peek of what runs through my head.”
She smiled softly & kissed his cheek “I fucking love you Cody” He laughed and kissed her head “I love you more babygirl, now c’mon we need some rest after today, especially you sneaky.”
The next day Milena & Cody walked down the strip hand in hand before they went back to Georgia through plane, Some paparazzi surrounded them when they stepped foot out of the hotel & had questions about the fight but Cody held out his hand to keep your guys’ face covered until they finally gave up while He mumbled in her ear chuckling “Well look at you little miss super star.” Milena grinned and pushed her sunglasses on top of her head before stopping in-front of the Bellagio fountains & gave him a kiss “What time do we have to be at the airport?” He pulled out his phone & checked “in about…3 hours why?” She shrugged & looked up at him “Jey wanted us to meet him inside the Bellagio.” Cody nodded and insisted they’d better make their way inside and that they did. After 6 minutes Jey met up with Cody & Milena and had them go up to his room.
As they all enter Milena makes straight eye contact with Bianca so Cody stood infront of her while Jey did the same for Bianca and both of them immediately knew this was NOT going to be a good idea or end well, but then again Jey was the one who set this up.
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🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @valkyrurr @alyyaanna @niknakbucks92 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41
xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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seungkw1 · 1 year
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untitled (hoshi oneshot)
pairing: kwon soonyoung x reader (gender not explicity mentioned)
word count: 1.3k
genre: exes to lovers, non-idol au
warnings: drinking, cursing, implied sex
author's note: hi this is literally the very first fic i've ever written in my life!! it's just a short one but any constructive feedback is appreciated :)
What an annoying fucking day. 
Missing the bus and being late for work, coworkers getting on your nerves, and to top it all off you completely forgot to do that important task that was due today, so you ended up staying late. It was only Tuesday, but you needed a goddamn drink.
It was already dark by the time you stepped out into the freezing cold air, and you huddled up in your coat as you made your way to the mediocre dive bar down the block. Not your top choice, but it was close. You ordered a vodka soda and zoned out as you listened to whatever depressing ass Smiths song was playing - shitty vibe, but you were too tired to care. 
So when the man you had vaguely noticed was staring at you from your peripheral vision got up and headed towards you, you sighed as you turned to immediately shut that shit down. 
“Sorry but I am really not in the mood for a conversation right n-“ your stomach dropped as you made eye contact with the all-too-familiar face. 
“I thought that was you,” your ex-fiancé said sheepishly. 
Frozen in shock, it took you a good five seconds for you to utter a response. 
What the FUCK was he doing here?
As if he read your mind, he explained, “I’m in town this week for a work conference, but I didn’t expect to run into… anybody I knew.” He paused, waiting for your reaction. More silence. After what felt like an eternity you finally snapped out of it.  
“Um… me neither.” 
Jesus Christ, pull yourself together. 
It had been nearly two years since you last saw him. The breakup had felt like a relief then - he was moving across the country and you never planned to see or hear from him again. Especially not in some random fucking bar on a Tuesday. 
Your heart raced as you noted that he looked good. Like, really good. 
“Mind if I join?” he gestures to the vacant seat next to you. 
“Yeah, definitely. I mean- no I don’t mind. Sorry yeah go ahead, sure” you tripped over your words. Why the hell are you so nervous? It’s just your ex. 
Yeah, just the person I very nearly married. Just the person I had once considered my soulmate…
You shove that thought to the back of your mind. 
Soonyoung sits down and awkwardly begins to make small talk - something neither of you are that great at. You chat politely for a few minutes, asking each other the usual generic questions.  There’s clearly so much you want to say to each other, but you both hold back. 
“Soooo… how’s the…” he pauses. Shaking his head, he abandons whatever he was going to say. He turns and makes eye contact with you, giving you a questioning look. You feel your heart rate spiking. You try not to think about how handsome he looks right now. 
“Do you still like playing pool?” He nods his head over to the open pool table in the corner. A smile involuntarily creeps onto your face and you see his eyes light up in response. The tension suddenly melts away. 
“Only if I can still kick your ass.”
A few drinks and several rounds of pool later, you and Soonyoung are laughing it up as if you hadn’t spent a single day apart. 
“Tired of losing yet?” you taunt sarcastically. You are both terrible at pool and neither of you even know how to play properly. But neither of you care about the game at this point anyway - you’re lost in old stories and inside jokes. 
And god, he looks REALLY good. 
Soonyoung pulls out his phone and laughs as he checks the time. 
“Uh-ohhh, it’s gotten prettttty late. We better get you home before you turn into a pumpkin!” You roll your eyes but feel a sudden tinge of sadness. You were truly enjoying yourself - more than you had in a long time - and you weren’t ready for the night to end. But it was getting a bit late. 
“Ugh let me check the train, who knows how long until the next one.” You go to put your coat on but he’s already holding it up for you, not realizing his old habit. 
“Fuck the train, I’m driving you home! It’s toooo cold,” he insists. You let out a short laugh - he only had one more drink but he was clearly drunk. 
“No, dummy, you are in no condition to operate a vehicle. I’ll drive for you.” 
You park Soonyoung’s car near your apartment building. He’s mostly sobered up by this point, but he’s clearly a little embarrassed about the fact that he had spent a good chunk of the ride crying as he apologized and confessed that he really missed you. But honestly, you realize that you had really missed him too. 
“Welp, here we are… guess I’d better get going,” he says, trying to hide his mopiness at the thought of leaving you. He slowly starts to open the passenger door but you catch his sleeve to hold him back. As you pull him back into his seat you find your hand subtly sliding up around his bicep. Fuck, he was even more muscular than you remembered. 
“Excuse me but I am not letting you behind this wheel until you are fully sobered up, which you clearly are not,” you tell him firmly. “Come on babe, we’re going inside and getting you something to eat.” The affectionate name rolled off your tongue so naturally that you didn’t even notice you’d said it. 
His eyes light up again. He had always been stunning, but in this moment he was insanely hot. Still holding onto his bicep, memories of his toned body flash through your mind as you feel the heat rising inside you. 
Is this really happening? Fuck, I want him so bad. 
And the way he looks back at you, you know he wants you too.
“What do you want, leftover pizza? A sandwich? Ramen?” 
“Ooooh RAMEN!” Soonyoung exclaims eagerly as he comes running into the kitchen. “Pretty please,” he adds with a goofy grin. It all felt so natural. You didn’t realize how much you had missed this, missed him. 
“Drink this,” you force a cup of water into his hands. Your hands brush and you instantly get butterflies. 
Jesus what is this, a middle school crush?? 
He locks eyes with you. Huge pang in your stomach. 
Okay, yeah. You need him. Badly. Right now. 
Overwhelmed, you panic and turn back to busy yourself with the ramen, but you find yourself too distracted to even continue that. 
Soonyoung can’t wait any longer. He grabs you by the hips and turns you around, pulling your body into his. He’s already excited, and you feel his excitement grow even more as he wraps his arms around you and kisses you with more intensity than you’ve ever felt before. 
Fireworks. Electricity. All the things. In that moment, nothing in the world mattered but you and Soonyoung.
God damn. 
He breaks the kiss so he can take a look at you. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that right?” He gently grabs your chin and tilts your face up toward him, going in for another kiss. 
You suddenly become aware of the ramen packet that’s still in your hand. You giggle and he ends up kissing you on the teeth. You both burst out laughing and Soonyoung pulls you even tighter into his arms. You feel both of your hearts pounding in your chests. 
He places his forehead against yours. “Soooo…”
“Soooo what?” You give him a tiny peck on the lips. He gives you a tiny peck back. 
“Soooo aren’t you gonna invite me into your room?”
“What for?” you ask coyly. 
“Mmmm I think I have a few things in mind,” he says in a low voice. 
“Like whaaaat,” you tease. 
You feel the both of you becoming even more excited as he mutters into your ear. 
“Mmm I like the sound of that,” you say softly. Then jokingly, “but what about your ramen?”
“I think I have an appetite for something else now…” 
find me on ao3 as well ♡
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Keith was used to random foster parent reassignments. He was used to packing his shit to go from house to house quickly. He was used to meeting whatever exhausted adult who needed the paycheque, knowing he’d be back at the group home in a matter of months. It was clockwork, at this point.
His new foster father was a little different. He was a weirdo.
Keith liked him, a little.
Granted, Keith barely knew him. They’d only really had the one interaction, wherein Keith had met the man who’s car he stole at the police station in handcuffs, and the man had pretty much decided then and there that he wanted to adopt Keith because he found him hilarious.
Yeah. Shiro’s a weirdo. But he’s definitely a break from the norm, which is something Keith appreciates.
“…so, technically, my fiancé is about to have the surprise of his life. But he’s pretty chill, once he gets past all the angry Spanish, so I’m sure it’ll be fine!” Shiro smiles brightly at him, and Keith can’t help the small smile he shoots back. Shiro is definitely kind of a dumbass, and his fiancé is definitely about to go bananas. Like, let’s be serious. Who impulse-decides to foster a child who is also a criminal who has also stolen your shit? It’s inane!
But, well. Keith likes chaos, so. This is going to be interesting.
“Honey, I’m home!” Shiro calls as he opens the apartment door, completely unironically.
Keith forces himself to not find Shiro amusing.
He needs to have some boundaries, or he might go do something really stupid, like get attached.
“In the kitchen,” comes a voice, presumably from the kitchen.
Shiro brightens like a considerably excitable puppy, which is a hilarious face to see on someone who’s supposedly some fancy military officer.
Keith follows Shiro dutifully as he makes his way to the kitchen, watching as a man — the fiancé in question, Keith would assume — idly offers his cheek for a kiss (which Shiro happily obliges) without taking his eyes off the vegetables he’s cutting. Keith sets his bag in the floor and slides onto one of the stools at the kitchen island to watch this play out.
The fiancé has yet to notice him.
“How was your day?”
Shiro’s bright smile never leaves his face. “My car got jacked!” he says, in the same tone someone might say that they were promoted.
To his credit, the fiancé — yikes, Keith needs to learn his name — doesn’t even hesitate.
“That’s probably for the best,” he drawls.
“Yeah, I got it back — hey.” Shiro honest-to-god pouts, and Keith bites his lip to keep his laughter down. “That was mean, Adam. You’re a meanie.”
The fiancé — Adam, finally a name — snorts, pausing for the first time to face Shiro fully. He presses a gentle kiss to his lips, grinning the whole time.
“I’m sorry, Takashi-baby. It’s just that you’re maybe the worst driver ever to pass the test.” He softens his words with another kiss, which seems to mollify Shiro a little.
Keith quietly takes out his notebook and a pencil, and starts sketching. This will make a hilarious comic. Not that he really has anyone to show his comics, but he enjoys amusing himself.
“Anyways,” Adam continues, turning back to the cutting board, “did you get the car back?”
“Yeah! Went to the police station, talked to the kid who took it. He’s actually a sweetheart, and he returned my keys and everything. Say hi, Keith!”
Keith decides he is going to do the funniest thing he could possibly do at the moment. Well, to him, anyway.
“Hi, Keith,” he repeats.
Shiro laughs.
Adam turns around, looks at him, and sighs.
“Takashi,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, “did steal a whole-ass child?”
“Of course not! I applied to foster him.”
Adam turns to Keith. “Blink twice if you’ve been kidnapped.”
Keith snorts. “I don’t think Shiro is capable of kidnapping anyone.”
Adam nods seriously. “Good point. He’s not very organized, is he?”
Keith shakes his head, giggling. “His car is a mess!”
“Hey!” Shiro protests again, but he doesn’t really look upset. “That’s not fair. It’s two versus one!”
Adam and Keith look at each other. Adam raises an eyebrow. Keith nods solemnly. “I’m sorry to inform you, Takashi,” Adam says, “but you are never going to win an argument again.”
Somehow, Shiro doesn’t look very sad at the prospect.
Keith smiles to himself. Maybe this will turn out even better than he thought.
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tomatitosub74 · 3 months
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♡◇° Headcanon de hydro x skarlet
Hello here with a new shipp. The truth this shipp was suggested by someone however she didn't talk to me beyond that , so I just took her as a random shipp . But I found myself in a dilemma of matching my version of Hydro , so here is the first one . After polling a few friends, they all suggested Skarlet, and remembering the person who suggested it to me I think I appreciate the comment. Now , I always like to have a "canon" idea of my shipps , something fundamental to achieve a story . and as I said , no one has helped me to give me ideas about why , only about the shipp. So I made this headcanon to justify this shipp , I tried to give the best answer. And I hope to give justice to those who love this shipp.
Hyalert's headcanon in my universe is as follows....
Skarlet is Nitara's sister , who being betrayed by Quan Chi tells Skarlet to flee to earth , Skarlet has the mission to find Nitara's old friend , Sareena. Who is in Lin kuei being Bi-han's fiancée. When Skarlet arrives with Sareena, she asks him to let her stay. Sareena to honor Nitara's friendship begs Bi-han to accept Skarlet as a member of the clan. So Skarlet stays in Lin kuei. However no one knows blood magic so Bi-han searches among his brothers for the one who comes closest to such magic, Hydro being the one who wields water. In the end, Hydro becomes Skarlet's partner and the two of them get to like each other.
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