#(( *sets this down* ))
marcescenx-arc · 4 months
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I have to go fill in for my co worker soon. But like this for me to scroll through your prompts and memes and chuck Shigs at your muse! Multis, please specify or I'm spinning a wheel.
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nihils-trolls · 10 months
A New Direction
Tutell Impett, Adelen Impett | Adelen's Cabin Hive | Present Night
Tutell snaps to sit upright, awakening suddenly as if having a bad dream. Though, she realizes the mistake too late- every part of her aches, especially her back. She rubs it sorely with a free hand.
In doing so, she has another realization. Her very body feels different, strange to her. Like it's not her own. She sure doesn't recognize her surroundings, either. Looking around, she takes in a small, well-built cabin that's comfortably furnished. A tall, strong looking troll stands in what appears to be a kitchen with their back turned to her.
Wait a minute. Yet another realization- she's looking through both eyes. The right one had been made useless sweeps ago, yet now she can see with it like it's brand new.
Has she been kidnapped or something? Why does everything ache so damn much? Did she get a new eye? Confused by everything happening, Tutell attempts to crawl out of the make-shift bed she's in. Situations like this were never good, she needed to get out of here.
The other troll doesn't seem to notice her move, keeping his attention on whatever he's preparing. Quietly as she can, she moves over to the entrance- keeping an eye on her host. Luckily, Tutell manages to avoid any creaking floorboards as she places a hand on the doorknob. Slowly, she opens it, taking one good glance around the cabin before taking a step outside. 
Turning to make a break for it, she’s immediately halted by an enormous dragon head blocking her exit. It huffs, looking directly at her as she yelps and falls backwards on the floor.
“Dad?? What the hell?”
Tutell props herself up by the elbows- or, attempts to. She groans in pain and lays back onto the floor while the other troll steps over. Now that she has a better look, she begins to recognize who it is she’s dealing with.
Scars on his face, old faded burns mark his arms too. Horns that would look exactly like hers, were they not broken and chipped. “You really shouldn’t be moving around too much yet,” he says. “Here. I’ll give you a hand.”
Tutell doesn’t protest as he helps her to her feet, and over to a chair at a table. Instead, she thinks of the last time she saw her ancestor- Adelen, which was about five sweeps ago. Her lusus was the one that brought her to him, despite her protests. Though, her memories from that time are a bit fuzzy.
Adelen returns to the food he was preparing in the kitchen, awkward silence growing between him and Tutell. He was never one for many words, and definitely didn’t have many now.
“So, what-” Tutell finally breaks the thick air. “Did you kidnap me in my moment of weakness, or something?”
A sigh escapes Adelen. “Who exactly do you take me for? No. Blame our lusus for that one.”
“Why the hell did he bring me to you, of all trolls?” Tutell folds her arms on the table, resting her head on top. She’s still tired, and only tried to leave out of fear. Though, she clearly still doesn’t want to be here.
“The same reason he brought you to me before.” Adelen stops his stirring for a moment, as if in thought, before continuing. “I never did tell you much back then. I figured it wouldn’t matter.”
“Well, clearly it matters now.” Tutell says bluntly. “Care to explain?”
The older troll clearly hesitates, his back turned to her. “I didn’t explain back then because I didn’t want to interfere in your life, especially since you didn’t show any signs of going through the adjustments.”
“Adjustments?” She questions.
“That,” Adelen says as he turns around- a plate of food and a bowl in his hands, “Would be the hell-like experience you were going through not too long ago.” He reaches across to set them both down in front of her. Breakfast, she assumes. Or whatever meal it is for whatever time of night it is.
Adelen turns to grab a cup on the counter behind him before seating himself at the table. “Our lineage is a bit… interesting. Our genetics were interfered with a long time ago, and the result of such is our bodies going through a drastic rearranging around the age of five or six sweeps.
… Trolls were not made to go through that kind of violent change at all, let alone so quickly. But a certain ability for endurance we have makes it possible.”
Tutell pokes at the scrambled eggs on her plate with a fork, seeming to take in the information. “What kind of changes,” she asks- more like a statement than a question.
“You’ll be stronger. Faster, taller at some point. Hope you’re ready for another growth spurt.”
“Eugh,” she grimaces.
“That’s not quite all.” Adelen continues. “Your skin will be a lot thicker, and your senses are going to improve over the next few perigees. Should have a greatly increased resistance to toxicity, and you won’t get sick from much anymore. Not unless it’s particularly nasty.”
Tutell’s lip curls as she stares down the meal in front of her. “You make it sound like we were part of some super soldier program.”
“That’s not that far off, I imagine.” Adelen says bluntly before taking a drink from his cup. 
A dumbfounded expression makes its way to Tutell’s face as she looks up at him. “Seriously?”
He ignores her comment, but continues. “I’m not sure of the exact details, that’s been lost long ago. However, I do know that the Impetts have been monster hunters for a very long time. Some of the best, even.”
Quickly, Tutell’s dumbfoundedness turns to disbelief. “Monsters. You kidding me? Like fairy tale bullshit?”
Adelen meets Tutell’s gaze, unamused. “I’m serious.”
The younger troll purses her lips, any retort she had seemed to die right on her tongue. Deep down, Tutell felt that Adelen isn’t the kind of troll that would lie to her- especially about anything important. Why would her lusus have brought her here, otherwise?
She looks away, silent for a good long moment to ponder the things he’s said. She supposes that there’s still monster hunters around these nights, and mercenaries are just as active as ever. Hell, she works for a guild that puts out these sorts of jobs. All sorts of weird shit passes through the desks of the Black Pearl.
There’s still a lot of questions Tutell has, even though she decided he’s telling the truth. “So, this just happens to me, out of the blue now? Why didn’t it happen earlier?”
“I don’t know.” Adelen looks down into his drink, swirling it around before continuing. “Our lusus didn’t know either; I guess it’s never happened to any Impett this late before.
That’s why he brought you to me the first time, I assume. He’s been beside himself the whole time you were out, by the way.”
Tutell throws a tender glance towards the door, to where Cyrillaex had probably re-situated itself outside. “He was, huh? … Never took dad to be much of a softie.”
“He has his moments,” he says, taking another drink. Afterwards, he pauses to think- another silence falling over the table. “Tutell, I’m going to offer you the same opportunity I was given by my own predecessor. I’ll answer any questions you have to the best of my ability whether you choose to go through with it or not.”
“And what exactly would that be?” Tutell looks back at her ancestor, eyes narrowed.
Again, Adelen meets her gaze, though seemingly indifferent this time. “Training, in the way of our line’s specialty. A chance to take up our careers, should you like one of them. How to hone your newfound abilities, and keep them in check as well.
Though, I’m not forcing you to do this. You can do whatever you want, to be honest. Don’t and won’t expect you to throw away what life you’ve built up. But I will tell you, it’s something you have to dedicate your entire self to.”
Sinking back in her chair, Tutell again seems to let this information sink in. “You’re not making me choose now, are you?”
“No, take some time to think on it. Make peace with your decision, because this isn’t something you can be indecisive about.” he muses. “You can also stay here until you’re well enough to leave on your own. Should you decide to take my offer, you can have father bring you back here.”
Tutell sighs through her nose, sitting back up. “I’ll think about it, alright?”
A small smile makes its way to Adelen’s face, just barely visible from behind his cup. “Good. Now, do eat before it gets cold.”
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defiedfate · 7 months
Vesper was originally the daughter of a well-to-do family within the city of Baldur's Gate some centuries ago. Her mother was lured and killed by Cazador before his minion returned for the daughter as well.
Unlike her mother, Vesper chose Cazador of her own free will and became a favorite spawn once he turned her.
When she was a child, after the loss of her parents, Vesper was sheltered and sequestered much by family members intent on using her for her fortune. And, though she chose Cazador's "gift" willingly, she ultimately traded one gilded cage for another as he kept her in much the same fashion.
Though she did not meet any of Cazador's other spawn formally, she would see them coming and going and became quite envious of their perceived freedom.
Vesper was rumored to be Cazador's "wife", though they never formally married in any way, shape, or form. They weren't even romantically involved, though they were very much entangled sexually.
Vesper is a unique spawn for Cazador as she is not fodder kept in the holding cells, she is not a lure for a honey pot trap, and she is not marked with any sigils like Astarion. She is a bride.
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sanctifiedlance · 8 months
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i'm still in the process of editing icons but i'll throw down a non-event starter call, uncapped so the ball can get rolling here!
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chloemew · 3 months
Now that the bots are gone, we can also beat the shit out of this light uninterrupted
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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that's right babygirls i still have more JKAWLKLSDF
i always thought it'd be fun if ladybug had wings so i gave her some bc yes
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Honestly the cliche advice is true. If you fill your life w things you’re passionate about, if you challenge yourself every day, if you give your own opinion of yourself more weight than you do other people’s opinions of you, you will actually thrive. Like no one can tell u anything
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lunaoritur · 9 months
" Even now, when we're already ova',
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I can't help myself, I'm lookin' for ya. "
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reliberated · 10 months
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" I think Ruby is secretly trying to knit me another pair of earmuffs. She keeps staring at my ears and asking what sort of fabric I like best." honestly, it's sort of cute.
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
there's  little  to  be  said  about  how  alexios  ambrosi  feels  about  arthur  pendraco  ...  &  yet,  he  could  write  you  a  novel  about  how  much  he  can't  seem  to  stop  thinking  about  the  boy  he  grew  up  with.  he  could  sing  you  a  song,  write  a  poem,  jot  down  notes  in  journals  for  days  on  end  - it  would  not  be  enough.  he  was  and  forever  would  be  head  over  heels  for  the  boy  named  arthur  pendraco,  in  a  way  that  not  even  his  own  mind  could  comprehend.
he  couldn't  comprehend  it.  he  shouldn't. 
alexios  ambrosi  was  a  knight,  a  bodyguard  for  the  house  of  pendraco.  he  was  their  sword  and  their  shield,  and  he  shouldn't  be  - couldn't  be  any  more  than  that.  alexios  ambrosi  was  kind  at  the  heart  of  things,  and  selfless  on  the  surface.  but  he  wants.  he craves.  he needs  to  be  near  arthur.  it  was  an  ache  that  he  didn't  think  of,  not  being  at  his  best  friend's  side  to  see  him  grow,  to  see  him  laugh,  to  see  him  sigh,  to  see  him  smile. 
he  was  the  shield  and  sword  of  the  house  of  pendraco.
but  his  heart  would  forever  belong  to  arthur.
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
Easiest way to know Bidens a waste of space for the six (6) people who haven't realized it yet is that he hasn't yet used the Supreme Court's decision to persecute his enemies and consolidate power so that he can pass his (supposed) agenda and gain approval amongst the voters
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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truly this one's just for me. I can do what I want foreverrr
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eriochromatic · 8 months
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winter outing featuring cross guild and company 🌨️🌨️🌨️
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plagalkey · 2 months
boys trip
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cup-o-stars · 2 months
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These three!! (You might have to click for quality)
I ended up really liking Usopp's coloring and regretably spent more time on these than the first batch. They were fun though!
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