#( your love is all but gone || magda )
woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first riding lesson with Magda
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After that day on the ice with Sam and the others, Magda decides that if anyone is going to teach you to ride a bike, it's going to be her.
The first thing she does is make sure the stabilisers are attached properly, sitting down in the middle of the park with a screwdriver to make sure they're secure.
Then, she tightens your elbow and knee pads.
Next, she makes sure your helmet fits you properly.
Then and only then, are you allowed on your bike.
"I know how to ride, Morsa," You tell her as she shows you where the peddles are," Sam and Erin and Guro and Millie taught me."
Magda scoffs. "They didn't teach you. They took advantage of a hill. Riding a bike is all about power in your legs."
You rolls your eyes. "This is boring."
"I'm trying to teach you here!"
You move your handlebars, a disgruntled look on your face as Magda waffles on about random things that you don't really care about.
It's quite early in the morning, on a random day off where you'd rather crawl into the Big Bed and have cuddles with Momma. You think Momma must miss your cuddles because she was still asleep when Morsa got you up and out of the house.
It wasn't a long walk to the park but Morsa didn't say anything until you got there.
"Can I got yet?"
Magda sighs, breaking off mid sentence. "Yeah, alright. Let me give you a little push."
She holds the back of your bike, lightly pushing you so you can start pedalling.
You've got a lot of power in your little legs, despite having only been out on your bike once before and Magda still holds it, if only to give herself some peace of mind.
"Morsa! I'm doing it!"
"Yes, you are!"
Magda doesn't really want to let go but she can remember being a bit older than you, at her own local park in Sweden. Her father had taught her to ride.
It was an old bike, bought second-hand at a car boot sale. The chain was half broken and the pedals stuck a bit but Magda had loved that bike.
Her father had taught her, standing behind her and giving a little push. He held her bike for a bit before finally letting her go.
At the time, the lack of stabilisers hadn't bothered Magda. It had made her feel grown up but, now, as a parent herself, she can't imagine your bike not having stabilisers.
She also can't believe that her father had ever let her go.
Especially now as she rocks your body as you sob.
The first little crash had been expected, your front wheel getting caught on a bump in the road. Magda had managed to grab you by the back of the shirt before you went head over handlebars.
If anything, you thought that crash was a little funny, consumed by a round of giggles as Magda tried to calm her beating heart.
The second crash was bigger, where you'd gotten too much speed and you went through that same pit in the path and gone skittering across the path.
It was a mistake, in hindsight, to let you go out riding in your Sweden shorts because the impact of your slide has horrifically grazed your leg like some horrific version of road rash.
"Morsa, my leg!" You sob and Magda adjusts you.
There's no chance of you walking right now so Magda switches you onto her back, letting you link your hands together around her neck. Magda wheels your bike back home.
"It's okay," She says," It's alright. We're nearly home. We'll clean it off and get you some plasters."
"My bike's mean," You tell her," Don't let go next time, Morsa."
"You still want to practice?"
"Yes, Morsa," You say and Magda can imagine the eye roll going on behind her back," Because I have to learn at some point and Momma will get annoyed with having me on the back of hers forever."
Whenever you, Magda and Pernille go out for a bike ride, you get put into a little seat that's attached to the end of Pernille's. It's fun but what you really want is to be on your own bike next to them.
You sniffle though, a flare of pain going down your leg as Morsa moves.
Magda places you on the sofa as soon as you get home, grabbing the first aid kit so she can clean off your graze.
"We will wait though, right?" You ask, wincing as Magda wipes off all the dirt," Until I'm better?"
"Of course," Magda says," I think we should stay at home for a bit and we can remember where the brakes are."
You purse your lips. "I know where the brakes are, Morsa."
Magda smiles at you. "Do you? Because you really should learn to use them."
You stick your tongue out at her. "I'm telling Momma you're teasing me again!"
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wosoamazing · 1 month
Leah Williamson x Child!R
Warnings: Mentions of traumatic birth
Notes: based of this request, ended up only being a blurb, so kind of short but I hope it's still okay and you all enjoy. 720 words
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You were walking with your Mummy when you found yourself at an end, turning around to see where she wanted you to go. But she wasn’t there. You’d lost your Mummy and now you were lost too, everyone was speaking a different language to you, tears started to well in your eyes, and your chest felt heavy. You wanted your Mummy, you just wanted to be up in her arms and having cuddles like you did every game, except now you were lost and no one spoke the same as you.
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“Leah, what's going on?” Georgia asked as she walked into the tunnel, seeing the visibly upset blonde surrounded by a few of the Arsenal girls. Leah just shook her head before more tears fell from her eyes and she was pulled into a hug by Lia.
“Y/N has accidentally wandered off, would you or any of the Bayern girls happen to know where she went?” Kim said calmly, trying not to stress the blonde out further.
“I’ll go look for her now,” Georgia replied before running off.
“She’ll be okay Le, we’ll find her,” Beth tried to reassure her friend.
“It’s my fault, I forgot she was walking in front of me and I was pulled away for an interview, she could be gone, she-” “She will be okay, but if you don’t starting taking some actual breaths you’re going to pass out,” Steph interjected stopping Leah’s spiralling.
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“Georgia, is this Williamson’s kid? I was just about to call you to ask, I noticed her bracelet and it has her name on it, I’m assuming she is. I think she got lost,” Magda rambles as you stand next to her, tears streaming down your face.
“Yes it is, thank you,” Georgia says as she walks towards you, the bracelet being the only thing she could see, clearing her head she picks you up, and starts to take you to Leah.
Georgia hates that bracelet, it’s a reminder of probably the scariest day of her life, she knows it’s medically important but that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Georgia was meant to be visiting Leah when she received a panicked phone call from Alex. Leah’s waters had broken and she was in a world of pain, rushing her to the hospital Alex had called Georgia, knowing she was coming over soon, telling her not to come, however Georgia insisted she would go to the hospital, in case either of them needed her. At the hospital Leah was pumped full of drugs, both trying to speed up your development and slow down Leah’s labour, however you were only born 30 minutes later, at 32 weeks, you were quickly taken away and up to the NICU, it was when Alex finally felt like she could relax and breath, that Leah started to shiver as she lost all her colour, before just about every monitor in the room was going off, Leah was haemorrhaging. Alex was quickly sent to the waiting room where she found Georgia, they both anxiously waited on news, not knowing whether it would be good or bad. 
Although Georgia hates that day, she would relive it everyday if it meant Leah could keep you. You were Leah’s world, and she adored you. You were like Leah’s own personal sunshine and Georgia isn’t sure whether Leah would’ve been able to get through her ACL without you.
“Oh, there you are,” Leah sighs of relief as she takes you into her arms.
“Mummy,” you whimpered as you buried your head in her neck, “You left me,”
“I’m sorry baby bear. I promise I would never leave you on purpose. I just-” Leah let out a heavy sigh as she held you tighter, “I’m so sorry, I love you so much,” she admits, taking in a deep breath, feeling herself calm down now she has you back.
“Let’s go back to the hotel and have cuddles,”
“Cuddles and dinner,”
“Absolutely,” Leah nods before walking to the bus with you in her arms, Lia trailing behind.
The portacot Leah had spent an embarrassing amount of time setting up this morning was long forgotten as she climbed into her bed cradling you in her arms, your head laid against her shoulder as your soft puffs of air hit her collar bone.
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gurugirl · 1 year
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ceo sugar daddy!harry x reader - a check-in for The Arrangement
Summary: Based loosely on this request. Harry brings Y/n to his home and Romy returns at a very bad time.
A/n: This story takes place before Harry and Romy have split. A sort of back-in-time check-in from when Harry & Y/n are still keeping everything on the down low.
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, cheating, angst, spit/saliva, being overheard having sex
Word Count: 6,220
The Arrangement Masterlist
She was still getting used to the arrangement she had with Harry. Seeing him in the office Monday through Friday and needing to keep everything on the down low was difficult.
And when Romy came into the office that afternoon, Y/n caught sight of her with Harry in his office as he’d left the door open. Their discussion was heated, or at least it appeared that way. As Romy was leaving she gave Y/n a look that felt like she knew something. It felt like somehow Romy knew the secret and the look was a warning.
But of course, Y/n was just being paranoid. The only way for Romy to know was if Harry had told her and she knew he wouldn’t have done that. Romy was aware he was seeing someone for his needs. She just had no idea it was Y/n.
That was just one example of how things were difficult. Because she was no good at lying. No good at hiding the feelings on her face.
Harry noticed the faraway look on Y/n’s when he walked past her desk. She seemed to be deep in thought about something. Normally when he walked by he was the one trying to keep a straight face and Y/n was a shy little purring kitten hoping for him to glance at her just once.
“What’s wrong?” He leaned over her desk and looked down at her.
Y/n was struck out of her thoughts when she heard Harry’s quiet voice.
“Oh! I was just thinking about something. Nothing’s wrong,” she blinked her eyes and then bit her lip to keep her mouth from grinning as wide as she wanted.
He’d done some very inappropriate things to her in private that made her insides melt and her muscles ache for days and yet she still couldn’t get over how giddy she felt when he spoke to her in the office.
“You sure?”
She nodded, “Yeah. I’m sure, sir.” She nodded.
“This is cute,” Harry spoke quietly as he let his eyes travel over her outfit before looking back up to her.
Her ears got warm and her heart pounded wildly at the compliment. Of course, she was wearing something he’d bought her. She loved the soft silk and wool fabric and the fit of the Magda Butrym dress.
“Uh… thank you, Mr. Styles.”
She watched him walk off in a confident stride as she sighed.
A text came an hour later after Harry had finished up a meeting he’d been in.
You’ll come back to my place with me tonight.
She blinked her eyes and grinned at the words for a moment before responding.
Yes, sir.
.           .           .
She’d been to his house before but not like this. Harry told her that Romy was gone for the night and he wanted company from Y/n. But he also wanted to have her in the bed he shared with Romy, though he kept that part to himself. It was kind of a sick fantasy but Romy was more and more withdrawn and Harry couldn’t stop from imagining his sweet girl spread out and dripping all over his marital bed. Felt kind of like a satisfying fuck you to his wife who he was growing sick of looking at.
Harry started dinner right away and Y/n immediately got to work helping him chop and pull ingredients from the fridge.
“What have you been eating lately? Looking a bit thin, Y/n,” Harry said as he pinched her bottom, the silk dress bunching under his forefinger and thumb.
She giggled and then shrugged with a grin, “I don’t know. Pop tarts. Turkey bacon, you know the kind that’s already cooked? Umm… those frozen Schwan’s dinners, I like the veggie lasagna one. Bananas?”
Harry sighed and put his hands on the back of Y/n’s hips, standing behind her, “I’m gonna need to start feeding you properly too aren’t I?” He kissed her temple, “First you need me to dress you and pay all your bills, then you need me to fuck you properly, and now you need me to feed you all your meals too? My poor little helpless thing. Needs Daddy for everything doesn’t she?”
Y/n closed her eyes and stopped cutting the garlic as she felt Harry’s warm lips travel down from her temple to her cheekbone, and the bottom of her chin as she nodded, “I… I mean… I guess maybe. But…”
“Shh, shh…” Harry shushed her, “Don’t overthink, baby. I’m gonna take care of you.”
Y/n was squirmy when they sat at the dinner table to eat. Harry kept the conversation going as they ate but he could tell she was heated and starting to liquefy under his watchful gaze. He loved how pliant and open she got for him. He barely had to do a thing to get her squirming and needy for him.
When their plates were nearly emptied and Harry noticed Y/n’s blown-out pupils he chuckled lowly and got up from his seat, holding a hand out to her, “Up you get. Let’s take care of you. I can see you need me, baby.”
She didn’t know how he did it. No one had her like he did. She’d get shaky with excitement and need from nothing but a mere conversation with him. It was embarrassing. Pathetic. But she wouldn’t have it any other way. There was something about the way he looked at her. Like she was his dinner. His prey. Like he owned her. She loved it. She wanted to be owned by him.
Harry led her up to his bedroom and she went with him in silence. She wouldn’t protest about what she figured was coming once he closed the door and then began to unzip her dress from behind.
She liked the idea of doing it, there. In his bedroom. The one he shared with his wife. It made her feel powerful. Dirty, but powerful.
Harry kissed the top of her spine as he moved her hair to the side and her dress slid down her body and pooled onto the floor at her feet. She was already imagining the way his big cock would stretch her out and destroy her insides. She craved it.
“I like these too,” Harry spoke in a low seductive tone as he plucked at the lacy fabric of her panties.
She mewled at his touch and the way his lips found her neck. He was still standing behind her as he brought his hands up and cupped each breast in his palms. She’d gone sans a bra that day because the dress wouldn’t allow it. Maybe a bit risky for the office but Harry always told her not to worry about what others thought. If they were staring at her tits so hard they could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra that was on them and nothing to be ashamed of.
Suddenly he grabbed her hip and she felt the quick pop and then sting of his palm on her bottom. She gasped as he pushed her forward toward his bed, “Bend over.”
She did so quickly as she smushed her cheek into the mattress and felt the next swat to her other side. A few more spanks to each side as she bit her lip and moaned had him laughing darkly as he bent over her, “There we are. A good spanking for not feeding yourself properly.”
She was pulled up by her elbows and then turned to face him, “There’s that pretty face. Love this,” he put his thumb to the skin under her eye and wiped a tear that had broken free.
“Now, undress me.”
It was a normal part of their foreplay. Harry would have her undress him. Sometimes he’d keep most of his clothes on and just have his cock out so she could suck it or he could use it to fuck her, but most of the time he liked to be without clothes when it came down to it. Less messy that way.
Y/n began by unbuttoning his shirt and Harry watched her with a devilish smirk on his face. Once she’d gotten the last one undone he shrugged the material off himself and gestured for her to get to work on everything he had on below the waist.
Dropping to her knees she looked up at him and undid his belt then opened his pants up before pulling the nice fabric down his legs and to the floor. Harry kicked the pants off and watched as his girl pulled his briefs down slowly. He loved watching her face every time his cock was exposed to her.
She’d suck in a sharp breath and lick her lips and drag her pupils up and down his shaft and rove the deep pink tip with her gaze like he was a delicacy.
“You can kiss it if you want.��
She let out a sigh of relief and hastily ran her lips along his smooth skin and let her tongue lather him in saliva continuing to peek up at him as she went. He gently wound his fingers into her hair and began guiding her mouth downward toward his balls, “Kiss.”
With his cock hung heavy over her face and her hands politely in her lap, her lips pecked along his scrotum and she drooled over his sac as she closed her eyes. She worked her tongue on him slowly, making out with his balls as if she were kissing his lips and he groaned deeply. The girl was good. She was so good and he didn’t know what he was going to do with her. Romy could never give him what Y/n could.
Harry began to pant and Y/n grinned to herself as she kept smoothing her lips over his flesh, her pink tongue laving him with dampness.
“Fuck, little girl. That mouth is so good,” he pulled her hair to move her away from him. She wished she could stroke his cock and feel him in her hand but she knew she had to wait for his instruction to touch.
“Lie down on your back for me, ass at the edge of the bed,” Harry spoke as Y/n quickly stood and positioned herself at the edge of the bed per his instructions.
He pulled her little ruined panties down her legs and grinned at her, “A mess as always.”
Harry pushed her thighs toward her chest, knees pressing into her breasts when she felt the first flick of his tongue at the crease of her labia, just next to her pussy. Then to the other side, “Mmm… this cunt is never dry for me. Always such a treat,” the plunge of his fingers into her entrance had her moaning and grasping at the comforter tightly.
But when she felt his mouth finally slurping and kissing at her clit she whined loudly and let out a breathy wail. Harry laughed as he continued his task.
Long fingers pumping in and out and Harry’s skilled mouth pulling at her clit had her boiling and groaning. He kept her held down tight as she rocked her hips out of instinct. Her wet pussy being fingered and sucked was loud in the room.
“Daddy! Please!” She nearly shouted her words when he pulled his fingers from her and stood up with his cock in his palm.
“I’m just getting started with you sweet girl. Gonna fuck you and then we’re going clean up the kitchen, and then I’m gonna put that pretty leash on you. Maybe have your nipples clothes pinned while you wear a new gift I bought for your ass.”
“A new plug?”
Harry nodded, “Yes. I’ve been thinking about how pretty you’ll look in it all day long,” he thumped his wide cock over her pussy, “Can’t wait to put it in you and see what you think. But right now, you ready for Daddy’s cock, angel?”
She barely even nodded before he was pinning her to the bed with his cock stuffed to the hilt inside of her.
He let out a pitiful moan when he finally felt her on him. It’d been almost a week since he’d last fucked her and he could hardly wait to be inside of her. It was why he couldn’t be bothered to clean up the kitchen before he brought her to his bedroom. He needed to take care of her and himself before cleaning up. He needed her.
Keeping her knees pressed into her chest with his hands holding the insides of her knees down he dragged himself in and out, pressing into her until she was being rocked upward from the force.
She smiled in relief and moaned at each drive of his cock, “Yes, Daddy! Yes…”
“Like it when I fuck you, baby? Like my cock slipping inside you deep?”
“Fuck yes! I love your cock, Daddy!”
She was his good girl. There was no question about that. Loved being told what to do, what to wear, what to say, when to get wet, and loved being fucked by his big cock. Loved choking on it. Loved being gagged and tied up, stuffed with toys.
Harry just wanted to get them off quickly because he’d been so hard up for her all day it hurt. Imagining just this. His cock inside of her, spreading her out, watching her pussy grip him and slather him in her arousal.
The sound of a door closing and then Romy calling out for Harry had him halting the movement of his hips, “Fuck,” he whispered his words as his chest heaved.
He had to think quickly. Obviously, Romy would know someone was there with him. The kitchen was a mess and Y/n’s nice purse was on the entryway table. Even though he wasn’t allowed to bring his “girlfriend” to their home he’d have to deal with the consequences of that with Romy. But she couldn’t know it was Y/n because that would be a whole other can of worms he didn’t want to open.
“Up. We need to get you to the guest room. I can’t have Romy seeing you.”
Y/n quickly hopped off the bed and pulled her dress from the floor to cover her naked body as Harry led her to the hallway and pointed to the door at the end, “There. Go inside and close the door.”
He pulled his pants up his legs just as Romy was walking into the bedroom, “Who’s here?”
She looked around the room and saw the panties on the floor next to his boxers and the way the bed was mussed from what they’d just been doing. It was clear what was going on.
“It’s the woman. From the service,” he lied with a shrug, “I thought you were gonna be out. I didn’t mean for you to–“
“You cooked her dinner? And brought her to our bedroom, Harry? Where is she?”
“I had her go into the other room. I don’t think you should have any contact with her. That’s part of what we agreed.”
“Your dick is even still hard, Jesus. Were you two just…” She shook her head and paced into the room, “And yeah, that was the agreement but you’ve brought her into our home and that was something we said you wouldn’t do. She could walk off with something expensive for all you know!”
“She won’t. I’m sorry. It was just… She made a house call. It was easier this way.”
“I bet it was. Couldn’t even be bothered to clean up the kitchen.”
“I was going to get to it after. Why are you home anyway?” “I missed the train. The next one’s coming in an hour so I figured I’d come home and grab a few things I meant to bring for the trip but realized I forgot. So I’ll be home for a bit. You gonna have her leave?” Romy raised a brow at Harry.
He was a little surprised she wasn’t angrier. He couldn’t understand why she was so calm. Yes, she seemed upset but not as upset as he thought she’d be.
“No… we weren’t done.” Harry clenched his jaw. It felt strange talking to his wife about this. He kept his eyes on her as she looked down at his erection covered by his pants. He cleared his throat and continued, “Plus I don’t want her feeling embarrassed and leaving right in front of you. I’ll wait til you're gone before I send her home.”
Romy nodded and looked behind her at the door to their bedroom. “Is she in there? The guest room?”
“Yes. Will you be upset if I go in there with her while you’re here?”
She scoffed and shook her head as she walked past Harry toward their closet, “Clearly didn’t get yourself off yet. Typical that’s all you can think about in this very moment. I mean what can I say, Harry? It’s not like you listen to me anyway. You and your need to dominate every situation. Go and do whatever. You will anyway.”
And that was true. Harry wasn’t one to take no for an answer for most things.
Shrugging his shoulders he started for the door but before he passed into the hallway he turned, not wanting Romy to have the last word, “Might want to go downstairs if you’re not interested in hearing us,” he smirked and then left the room. But before he got far he heard her respond, “Oh great. Love to listen in on mediocre sex and a woman faking an orgasm for money.”
Harry swallowed as she paused. That had pissed him off. Why did she feel the need to insult whomever he was fucking? He decided to leave it and not respond, continuing down the hall and walking into the large guest room where his lover was waiting, locking the door behind him.
She’d already slid her dress back on. She was sitting at the edge of the bed with a worried look on her face.
“Hey,” he sat down next to her and pulled her into his chest, “It’s okay. She’s not gonna bother us. She’ll be gone soon. I’m sorry that happened.”
“It’s not your fault. Just scared me. I’m worried if she knows it’s me she’ll do something awful. I just don’t want any trouble.”
“You won’t have any trouble, baby. I’ll make sure of that.”
Harry began to pull at her dress, indicating he wanted it off. Y/n pulled back to look up at him, “What are you doing? Right now? With her here?”
Harry was unphased. Which wasn’t a surprise but Y/n thought for sure he’d wait until his wife left.
“She’s going to be here for another thirty minutes or so and I need you, bout to burst. Will it make you feel better if we’re quiet? Or would you rather wait?” His hands were bunching the material of her dress until her thighs were exposed. The way his warm palm and rings felt on her soft skin, slowly moving upward toward where she was still wet had her heart pounding.
“I… I don’t know. I want you to feel good but I don’t want any trouble.” She was torn. One part of her didn’t want to wait. She’d been on edge and he was so good inside of her, driving into her with the yummiest drag before they were interrupted. And she’d wet her dress with how much slick arousal she had stuck between her thighs, she was still reeling from his cock being inside of her not moments prior. But she didn’t want to do something that would hurt anyone’s feelings either.
“I told you there won’t be trouble. Do you trust me, Y/n?” Harry brought his large palm up to her neck and made her look up at him, his other hand gently slipping fingers through her labia.
“I trust you. Yes,” her puffy lips were parted as she kept her eyes on Harry’s. She loved how it felt when he had a hand around her neck but he was gentle in that moment. Using the gesture as a small reminder of his dominance over her. His ownership.
“Good girl,” he brought his lips down over hers as he pushed two fingers slowly inside of her aching cunt. “You’re my good girl aren’t you, Y/n?” Harry spoke against her lips as he began to fuck his long digits into her slowly.
She nodded, “Yes. I wanna be good for you.”
“I know you do,” he whispered as he continued kissing her between his words, “Let me take care of you. Be my good girl and pretend it’s just me and you. The only girl I care about right now is you.”
That’s what she wanted. To be a good girl for him. And if this is what made her a good girl, she’d forget Romy was in the house. To have his attention on her and not on Romy.
His lips were soft and his tongue pressed into hers as he released her neck and began to pull the dress down her arms until the top part was pooling at her waist and her tits were exposed.
Pushing her to lie down on her back, he kept his fingers inside of her as he dropped his mouth to a nipple causing her to gasp.
Harry grinned. He hoped she wouldn’t stay quiet. He wanted her little noises and hoped it irritated Romy. Hoped Romy could hear everything he was doing to Y/n. Things that he would never again to do his own wife. Was he bitter? Yes, perhaps. But he felt it was warranted. He didn’t like her insulting his sweet girl.
Harry looked down at Y/n with her silk dress bunched at her waist, her pussy and tits out as he fingered her and kneaded her tits.
When he felt he’d gotten her all worked up again, small moans and needy little glances, nearly begging him for more, he pulled his fingers from her and hastily removed his pants. He pushed her further into the bed and spread her legs apart, making her bend at the knees as he shifted between her legs.
“Please,” she whispered as she looked down at his hard cock in his hand.
“This is what you want? Yeah?” He positioned his thick crown to her entrance as she nodded.
“Needed Daddy’s cock so bad today, didn’t you, baby?” Harry spoke his words in stammered breaths as he began to push back into her where he belonged. The stress began to melt away the deeper he drove his cock.
Earlier in the day, when Romy had gone to the office, Harry didn’t even know she’d be there. He spotted her walking out of Sean’s office as he happened to be standing in the hallway talking to Jessica and spotted her.
He asked her what she was doing there, mostly just surprised to see her and her response was immediately defensive so he brought her to his office so they could discuss in private. She seemed angry with him and then told him she stopped by to remind him she was going out of town that evening with her sister. Something for which he did not need an in-person reminder.
He found the whole thing odd but most of all, her attitude had him heated. Their small spat in the office was overheard and he was stressed when she did finally leave. But he did have one bright spot through it all. His Y/n.
And having her underneath him as he strained his muscles and steadied himself above her while he gently fucked into her was exactly what he needed. It was just what she needed too.
Harry watched her pretty face contort and lips part and widen with each of his thrusts, “Fuck, baby. Who do you belong to?”
Her voice bubbled out softly, each word panted into the air, “Daddy… I’m yours, Daddy…” She wanted to hold onto him. Scratch her nails down his back and claim him for her own the way he always claimed her. She would never do it unless he told her but her fingertips dragged over the blanket imagining his skin under her nails.
Harry moaned and felt saliva pool on his tongue. His mouth was watering with how luscious she felt and the remnants of her arousal still in his mouth. He brought one hand to her jaw and squeezed her cheeks, “Open up wide sweet girl.”
Her mouth was already parted as she unhinged her jaw for him and jutted her pink tongue out for him.
Harry gathered his spit at the end of his tongue and opened his mouth, keeping his hips pasted to hers as he continued deeply thrusting into her. The wet drool from his tongue drizzled down into her mouth and over her tongue, slipping downward to her throat.
She closed her eyes and moaned loudly at the way it felt. She was his. He owned her. She would drink his come and his saliva happily forever if he wanted. Would crawl on her knees to him and let him spit into all her holes with a smile.
Harry watched as she kept her tongue out. Her eyes were squeezed closed and she began to quiver under him, “You’re mine, baby. My sweet girl. So dirty and so fucking hot. Swallow my spit into your tummy now. Show me you want to be mine.”
Her lips closed around the spit and she swallowed and licked her lips before opening her eyes up to see him looking down at her in awe. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. His cock inside of her, pushing deeper than he ever had, and the act of swallowing his saliva sealed it all for her. He wanted her for his own.
“I’m yours. I need to be yours forever. Are you mine too, Daddy?” She didn’t expect those words to come out but her heart and the hot, prickling lust in her belly had her speaking before she could even think.
Harry groaned and lowered his lips to hers. It was the most erotic and soft sex he’d had with Y/n yet. It made him feel like… he was in love. Made him realize, even more than he had before, that he wanted Y/n forever. Not just for a mistress and a fuck toy. But a human woman that he connected with on all levels and who matched his needs and desires in bed.
Disconnecting their wet lips he gasped at the way she clenched around him and pushed his nose to hers, “Fuck, my love. I’m yours. I belong to you just as much as you belong to me.”
Harry was trying to keep it down for Y/n’s sake. He knew she didn’t want Romy to hear what was happening in the bedroom. He would have preferred to have Romy hear it all. So she knew where she stood in comparison with his lover. Y/n was his girl. And he was sure he was falling in love with her.
“P…please can I touch your back? I want to feel you under my fingers…” she dared to ask because she couldn’t hold it back. She needed his skin under her hands and nails.
Harry grasped one of her hands and brought it up to his shoulder, “Fucking touch me all over baby. Go on…”
She felt his skin under her palm and brought her other hand up to feel his back. His broadness and the straining muscles in his back had her moaning loudly on accident but the moment she took the chance to dig her nails lightly into his skin and she heard him choke out a loud groan she knew that was permission for more. To leave traces of herself on his skin. A mark to show Romy who he really belonged.
And that thought had her rearranging her entire notion of having his wife overhear them. Now she wanted Romy to know. She felt possessive of him at that moment, her nails digging in harder and his groans growing louder with each inch she dragged her nails over his flesh.
“Just like that, Y/n, baby… Harder…” he was breathy and his words were tight. Harry couldn’t believe how it felt to have her nails on his skin. He hoped he bled and had deep marks left for days.
Suddenly a door slammed and Harry paused as he looked down at Y/n with a smirk, “Want you to scream my name when you come. Want her to hear the voice of one I belong to. Is that okay?” He rutted into her deeply and she moaned with a nod.
“Yes. I want her to hear now. And then she’ll see my marks on you. Because you’re mine, Daddy.”
Harry pressed his lips to hers and sucked in a breath through his nose to show his devotion and appreciation. The kiss was slow and wet as Harry kept himself stuffed into her, not moving an inch. He needed the moment to give his cock a break from the decadent feel of her pussy around him.
When he’d recovered enough that he knew he wouldn’t come immediately, he pushed himself up and looked into her eyes, “Shred my back up, Y/n. Want it to scar. Give it to me.”
She did as he said as he pulled out to his tip and slammed back into her, making the headboard pound into the wall loudly. With the feel of her nails digging into his skin, he repeated his motions, fucking into her hard but slow. Pulling out his heavy cock to his tip and driving into her with a thud.
Harry hissed at one particularly deep scratch and he sat up, feeling like that was sufficient, ready to hammer into her and make Y/n shout and yelp and come all while Romy listened.
“You ready, angel? Gonna fuck you so hard you see stars and squirt all over this bed.”
She dared to lift her fingers to his chest and scrape lightly as she nodded, “I need it so bad. I need you.”
Harry grinned and closed his eyes for a moment to feel her. To feel the emotions and the moment. Her fingers on his chest. But then he began to slip his cock back, pulling out completely. Looking down between them he placed his thumb on her clit and suddenly pummeled into her, repeated, punishing thrusts.
At first the voice was punched out of her throat with the way his hips hammered into hers. The sound in the room of his cock pushing into her pussy, his skin thudding into hers and the bed creaking wildly, the headboard smashing into the wall in time with his thrusts was the only noise.
Finally, she found her voice when they got into a rhythm, “Daddy! Yess!!” His thumb stroking her puffy clit sent her spiraling quickly. Her hips jolted and her back arched.
Harry watched her tits jiggle and her mouth and tongue move as curses and shouts of his name fell from her lungs. Her pretty voice and coos nearly had him tearing up but his cock was in heaven pounding into her pussy.
“Right there, baby? Yeah?” He gasped his words as she nodded. Her hands grasped the blankets tight as her body was being knocked upward with his devastating plunges.
“So good! Fuck! I want your come, Daddy! All inside of me. Fff….” Her neck strained as she tossed her head back. His thumb at her clit was sending her dangerously to the edge. And with the way his cock was punching into her she was going to squirt and she knew it. Only Harry could manipulate her body in this way.
“Oh shit… Fuck, baby…” Harry choked out his words as he saw her first gush and pulled his cock out so she could unleash.
Her body vibrated and she shouted loudly as she leaked and squirted. Tiny bits of spray coated his cock and his pubic hair and the bed below.
“Make it messy, baby. That’s right,” Harry continued flicking her clit as she trembled and loudly moaned unintelligible words of nonsense.
When she’d finally calmed Harry slammed back into her. He still needed to make her come. Squirting felt intense and yummy but coming was yummier, he knew.
“Squirted all over me baby. Claiming me with your scratches and your pretty pussy spraying me, huh? Gonna show my wife who I belong to?” His hips against hers were biting and he was so deep she felt him push into something new. A snap was felt inside of her and the intensity of the deepness of his cock had her spinning.
Harry was barely pulling out, only fucking into her now, holding her body to his as he rocked his hips into hers so deep.
“Yes! Only mine!” Was all she could manage to squeak out.
Even with Harry holding her close, the room was noisy with sex and the bed was unrelenting under them. And once Y/n had squirted and made a mess, the sloppy, gushy noises were even more evident. Everything was wet and slick and loud.
Harry was so close to coming. His balls tightened and Y/n’s eyes widened when her own orgasm began to finally unravel. Harry’s pelvis pushed into her clit with the constant motion of his hips rolling into hers.
“Open up again,” he could barely get his words out, “and ruin my back, baby.”
She opened her mouth and immediately ran her nails over his back. The pain of her scratching the spots she already had made Harry cough out a loud moan of praise, “Fucking good girl!”
He looked back down to her eyes with the sting on his back and the saliva dripping down into her mouth slowly.
It was perfection. The moment was bliss and euphoria as he breathed out his words, “Swallow and come.”
She had already begun to come the moment his saliva hit her tongue and her fingers dug into his skin. It felt like they were joined as one. She swallowed his saliva before moaning, “Harry! Oh my god!! I need you, Daddy!” Her words were a garbled shout, surely to be heard throughout the house.
Harry rattled off his devotion and praise to his girl as he drained his come into her, “My good fucking baby. I need you so much. Fuck! Making me come so hard. Gonna take my come like a good little girl…”
The slowing of their movements had the room going quiet until only their breaths and panting were heard. Harry dipped in to kiss Y/n slowly and softly. With meaning and heart.
She was still pulsing and he was still throbbing as they licked and kissed. One last deep thrust upward had her squealing and laughing as Harry pushed himself up to look down at his girl with delight.
A knock to the door interrupted the sweet moment. Harry rolled his eyes and sighed as he brought his hands up to cup Y/n’s face lovingly, thumbs stroking her soft skin, “What?” He shouted toward the door.
“Fucking asshole is what,” the knob rattled as if she were trying to open the door and Harry lifted up further to face the door. He had locked it but he wouldn’t put it past Romy to try and get in to make some kind of point.
“Get the fuck out of here. I don’t want you near here.” Harry barked toward the door, ready to pull the blankets up over his lover to protect her if needed.
“This is MY house, Harry! You have whore in MY house! I want her out!”
Harry scoffed and shook his head as he looked down at Y/n. His cock was still inside of her. This was his baby. His love. He smiled at her softly, reassuringly before turning toward the door again to respond to Romy, “Were you listening like a pathetic bitch? That’s what good sex sounds like. I’m not fucking sending her away because you’re jealous. Leave already!”
“Loser asshole!” Romy stomped off and down the stairs. They could both hear her leaving the house.
Harry let out a breath and grinned down at Y/n. She was already smiling up at him with a pleased look on her face. She wasn’t upset like he thought she might be.
“You okay, baby?”
“So good, Daddy. She knows your mine now.”
Harry nodded and laughed, rubbing the tip of his nose to hers, “I’m so yours baby. All yours.”
When he finally pulled himself out of her he tilted her hips upward and thumbed her entrance to watch his come drip slowly before planting his mouth over her cunt and slurping his come into his mouth.
Leaning over her body and hovering his face over hers she opened her mouth obediently and he drooled his come into her mouth.
He watched her tongue capture his seed and he smiled, “In your tummy and in your pussy. All mine. Swallow.”
She gulped him down and grinned, “All yours, Daddy.”
Harry’s grin only widened as he spoke, “Yeah? You’re all mine. And you fucking own me.”
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katelynnwrites · 7 months
There Ain't No Love (Like Our Love) | Sydney Lohmann
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warnings: some angst
word count: 1890
summary: syd suddenly gets insecure and worried about the age difference in your relationship with her
a/n: requested :)
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Humming quietly, you push your face further into the crook of your girlfriend’s neck.
She smells heavenly and she must feel you moving around because her arms tighten around your waist.
‘Too early.’ Sydney grumbles.
You chuckle and press a good morning kiss onto her skin.
‘Love you sonnenschein.’
‘I love you more.’ She whispers.
Laughing softly, you cup her face with your hand.
Tenderly, you stroke your thumb across her cheekbone. It’s an act of immeasurable adoration, one that has your girlfriend’s heart skipping a beat.
‘Not possible.’ You murmur.
‘Believe me it is. I love you. I love you.’ She declares, as she sits up to kiss you properly.
Her lips move against yours with purpose, as she pours every ounce of her affection for you into it.
You sigh happily and the midfielder leans over you, pushing her advantage as she swings her leg over your body to straddle you.
With the way she’s kissing you, you know you are not getting out of bed anytime soon.
You’re right.
Both you and Syd rush into the locker room, just a fraction of a minute on time.
As you sit down in your cubby and begin to hurriedly put your boots on, Klara teases, ‘Had a late night?’
‘No. Not that it’s any of your business.’ You huff.
‘Okay kleine.’ The forward sings.
‘Not a baby.’
You know she’s riling you up and yet, can’t help but retort.
Klara laughs, ‘How old are you again?’
‘One week away from turning nineteen.’
‘Exactly! A child! The fans call you Baby Bayern for a reason.’
She flounces out of the room with a look of delight and you roll your eyes, shoving your shin pads into your socks.
‘Very mature.’ Giulia mocks.
You jump, having not noticed her earlier and groan, ‘Oh not you too.’
‘Relax…I meant her. For all of your eighteen years, you’re far more mature than we give you credit for. Certainly more responsible and sensible than Klara. Except when you let her get under your skin of course.’
Your teammate adds the last sentence cheekily and you smile.
‘Thanks Giuli.’
In training, you partner up with Syd as usual but when you give her a grin, she only responds with a small smile.
You don’t know what to make of it but try to assure yourself that she is simply tired.
It’s after the first drill, when she gets Georgia to switch with her that you know for certain that something is wrong.
Never once in your entire relationship or your previous friendship with her has she done that.
It throws you off and while you try your best to remain focused on practice, your passes do not connect and you miss easy shots on goal.
You’re an anxious mess by the time training ends and everyone can see it.
Everyone but your girlfriend apparently.
You spend a long time in the showers, trying to get rid of your thoughts under the hot water.
When you emerge, Sydney is gone.
The both of you had come together and with the blonde taking her car, you’re left without a ride.
You must look lost as you stand in the car park because Magda and Pernille take pity on you, offering to drop you off.
‘Syd’s place or yours?’ Magda asks gently and you hesitate before answering.
‘Mine please.’
Your voice is small but your words reflect how you are feeling. You don’t want to see Sydney right now.
You don’t say much for the duration of the car ride and when you reach your apartment, Pernille gets out of the car with you, to give you a tight hug.
One that you soak in and appreciate all the more because of how badly you need it.
‘Call if you need anything. Even if you just need someone to talk to.’
‘Especially if you need someone to talk to.’ Magda calls out.
‘Thank you.’ You softly say and give your teammates a little wave before you disappear inside the building.
Your apartment is cold and empty. It’s dusty too because you haven’t been here in weeks.
Not since you unofficially moved in with the midfielder.
Sydney had cleared two of her drawers and set aside half of her closet space for you, three months ago.
Your toiletries and hairbrush are in her bathroom, your makeup and perfume on her vanity table.
You live there now. Her apartment is your home too.
Maybe for not much longer though.
Because Sydney gives you stone cold silence. You check your phone repeatedly for the rest of the day but she doesn’t text or call.
When you curl up to sleep alone, you can’t help but cry.
How could a day that started so perfectly end in a completely opposite way?
Turning up to training the next day, you can feel everyone’s eyes on you and your blotchy cheeks.
Klara takes you aside immediately.
For all of her teasing, she cares deeply about you. Like an older sister, she can be very protective.
‘What’s wrong? Please don’t lie to me. I know something is wrong and if yesterday was anything to go by, it has to do with Sydney.’
She squeezes your hand and you feel the shaky dam you built overnight break.
Everything comes out in a rush, ‘She had Georgia switch with her during training. She left me here and didn’t say anything. Klara, is my relationship with her over? I-Is this her way of breaking up with me? I don’t know what to think.’
You sob and the forward pulls you into a tight hug.
‘I don’t know what’s going through her head but I don’t think she’s breaking up with you. She loves you. Everyone can see that.’
‘I know she loves me but I don’t feel it now.’
You muffle your crying in Klara’s shoulder and that is the reason why you don’t see Sydney until it’s too late.
‘I’m sorry.’ She breathes.
You flinch and she sucks in a deep breath, hurt flashing across her own eyes. You have never rejected her before but she guesses that in this current situation, she deserves it.
‘I am so sorry.’
The blonde looks like she has been crying herself, the entire night if the dark circles under her eyes are anything to go by.
You don’t know what to do. It’s one thing for you to be hurting and another for your girlfriend to be hurting too. No matter how much pain and confusion she puts you through, you will always care about her.
Sydney takes your lack of response as a refusal and she begs, ‘Please…I love you. Can we talk?’
The German woman’s face falls even further when you still don’t say anything. In fact, you squeeze Klara’s hand in yours even more tightly.
Your girlfriend sniffles but meaningfully says, ‘Okay. I understand that you need some time. Text me when you’re ready to talk. I’ll wait for you. I’m always going to wait for you.’
She turns back around to leave, quickly doing so to hide her falling tears but you quietly tell her, ‘Stay. We can talk.’
Letting go of your friend’s hand, you try to give her a reassuring smile.
Klara doesn’t buy it but respects your decision, kissing your cheek gently and leaving. She shuts the door behind her with a click, giving you and Syd privacy.
As soon as she does, Sydney is trying to explain herself, ‘I’m sorry I made you feel like I don’t love you. I do. I love you so much that every important person in my life has heard your name. Everyone I know will have to know you to understand me. That is how deep of an imprint you have left on me. I hope you will continue to do so forever.’
‘Oh.’ You breathe, not expecting the blonde to say anything of the sort.
‘I’m sorry.’ She says again.
‘I don’t understand. Why’d you have Georgia change with you? Why did you leave without me and not say anything? Syd, are you breaking up with me?’
‘No….I-I don’t want to break up with you. Not unless you want to break up with me.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘I mean that Klara is right. What she said about you…’
Your confusion is growing with every word out of the midfielder’s mouth and you shake your head, ‘Sonnenschein, help me understand? I don’t want to break up with you.’
‘You are just about to turn nineteen. I’m twenty three.’
‘Klara said you’re a baby and I know you are not but there is still a four year age difference between us.’
‘Does that bother you?
As hard as you try to keep it from happening, your voice still wobbles.
Your girlfriend squeezes her eyes shut for a moment before opening them with a quiet sigh.
‘No. But the fans judge. Our teammates might judge.’
There is no mistaking the anger that is rushing through you and the blonde winces.
‘Are you serious? You wait till we’re almost a year into our relationship to think about that? To want to back out?’
Sydney’s hazel eyes widen considerably, ‘No! I’m just worried that their words might affect you. That you might be hurt by whatever they have to say. I love you but I can love you from afar if it means it will be easier for you.’
You give her a shove, ‘Fuck you for being such an idiot sonnenschein.
‘I love you. I love you for being you but did it not cross your mind to talk to me? You spiraled and I could have pulled you out of it.’
‘I’m sorry.’ She mumbles.
‘I don’t care what anyone else says. You love me and I love you. Both our families support our relationship and none of our teammates have ever said anything less than positive. That’s all that matters to me. It’s enough for me, is it enough for you?’
‘You are enough for me.’ The German woman breathes.
‘Then let it go Syd. Don’t worry about all the outside noise and simply focus on us.’
Your girlfriend stares at you for a long moment before letting out a sob.
Tentatively, she asks, ‘Can I kiss you?’
Smiling through your tears, you tiptoe and kiss her gently in answer.
The blonde midfielder audibly sighs in relief.
‘Don’t know what I did to deserve you.’ She murmurs against your lips in between kissing you, one, two, three, four times.
‘I’m going to make it up to you. Won’t let my thoughts spin me around again and if they begin to, I swear I won’t shut you out. I’ll talk to you.’
‘Okay.’ You whisper and lean fully into her arms, as she presses one last kiss onto your forehead.
Her fingers delicately brush loose strands of hair out of your face and she cradles your face in her hands before she drops her hands in favour of hugging you.
‘I love you. Endlessly.’ Your girlfriend promises, holding you tightly against her.
‘I love you too and just to be clear, you’re not breaking up with me and I’m not breaking up with you?’
Sydney groans at your slight teasing.
‘No. Never.’
You laugh and slip your hand into hers, ‘Good.’
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German Translations:
kleine - little one
sonnenschein - sunshine
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undiscovered-horizon · 10 months
(tw for mentions of nudity)
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Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
[After days of travelling, fighting and sleeping on rocks, a rest at a tavern is well-earned. Not feeling up to taste the nightlife with your friends, Gale and you retire early. The evening turns into something heartfelt and domestic as you wash his hair and hum a song he's grown all too familiar with.]
As much as Gale loves to be in the centre of your attention, it flusters him. He's grown so used to being the one doting and worshipping that he's quite unsure what to do once the roles are reversed. Is he supposed to gratefully acknowledge your efforts? Or sit twiddling his thumbs, taking whatever you give him?
How does one take affection?, he wonders in the back of his head.
The party downstairs is virtually inaudible to Gale as his mind is focused solely on the tender caress of your hands. The soap suds feel as though they transcend his skin and wash his very spirit clean. Or perhaps that's just what being loved feels like. His back is leisurely leaning against your chest. In some distant fantasy of his, you are reborn as his guardian angel.
I sowed rue in four little gardens In the fifth, I sowed periwinkle for you, Johnny
Your low singing is ringing in his ears the same way the church bell's toll is ringing in the ears of a saint - calling towards home. Gale shivers as your breath, like a ghost of love once cherished, brushes against his hot skin. The soothing sound of your voice is all too fleeting to him. If he could only grab it and bask in it any time he wishes to. Perhaps, if your place was among the stars in the night sky...?
Rue, my rue, I sowed you in the early morning I sowed you happily; grow tall, rue
He sighs, feeling your fingers tug gently at his hair. Whether you're washing it or rinsing, he's not entirely sure. The moment your fingers dragged against his skin, your nails scratched at his scalp, Gale allowed himself to drift into a comfortable limbo - somewhere between sleep and wake, between dream and reality. It is only by the melody of this song you so often sing to yourself that he can be sure he is alive and well. Otherwise, given the inexplicable lightness of his spirit, Gale might have thought he'd died and gone to wherever he deserved to spend his afterlife.
I sowed you, rue, in a wide bed I thought to myself that Johnny might come
Speaking of death: as the saying goes, 'curiosity killed the cat' and Gale, by his nature, can not help himself but die again and again.
"Not that I don't enjoy your little habit," he breaks the silence in a groggy, sleepy voice, "it's quite adorable if I may say so, but do indulge me: what is this song you're singing? I've never heard it before."
"It's a wedding song," you murmur your answer. Gale's breath hitches as he feels your lips stroke the conch of his ear. "In my hometown, there's this tradition of making newlyweds wade through the dancing guests to reach each other. If they manage to hold hands before the song ends, the Gods bless them and they shall be inseparable from that day on. It's weird how..." you hang your voice and sigh heavily, "no matter."
But Gale is quick to dismiss your silly belief that there is something uninteresting about your thoughts. "Whatever is on your mind, I long to hear it." The pleasing tone of his voice is more meaningful than the wizard's actual words.
For a moment, your careful movements come to a halt. He could, of course, protest the sudden lack of soft tugging at his hair or the pleasant scratching of his scalp but all complaints dissipate as Gale feels you resting your chin on top of his shoulder. "When I was younger, just a filly, I thought about the day I would get to nudge my way through the guests," you recall with both sadness and fondness in your voice, "but now I worry whether I will get to see the break of dawn. Odd how life can get."
He wishes to say something suave, to weave sultry words with skill comparable to Astarion's. Alas, he's too overly aware of your naked form glued to his back and your arms casually wrapped around his stomach. Yet again, Gale is flustered. "Oh, I'm no stranger to twisted and, frankly unfathomable, paths of life," he says, feigning glibness. "Having said that, you've managed to survive things most can't even dream of. If I were you, I wouldn't cross a wedding game off the list just yet."
No answer comes from you - at least not a vocal answer. You place a soft peck on top of his shoulder before going back to washing his hair and relishing in the song that reminds you of home.
The rue is withered but Johnny's not here When Sunday comes, I will be dressing up
Considering he has enough explosive energy inside him to level a city, wading through the mob of wedding guests shouldn't be a challenge. Although, if Karlach and Lae'zel are also invited...
But the doubt in Gale's mind doesn't let such fantasies go too far. First of all, would you even want to? Would you actually stand before him and proclaim to the entire world that you will love him for better or worse? As much as he believes you every time you profess your love to him, the longer he wonders about the proverbial 'until death do us part', the more he grows unsure. Because, honestly, out of all the people you've met on your travels, why would it be him? The man who famously makes bad decisions in the name of love?
Rue, my rue, grow green, rue I will cut you on an early Sunday morning
The thing that happens then leaves Gale even more confused about his own feelings and the matter of accepting affection:
You've finished washing his hair, taking your sweet time admiring the streaks of grey. Leaning back, you gently pull him along. His head falls back into the crook of your neck. If Gale had just slightly less self-control, he would have squealed when you kissed his neck and tightened your embrace around his midsection. You're holding him like a toddler holds their favourite stuffed toy and it's... nice.
Thinking about your trapping hug, Gale suddenly remembers something he wanted to share. "Did you know that a periwinkle is also called a Vinca, which means 'to bind'?"
A light-hearted chuckle rumbles in your chest. "Then I better sow a garden full of them for you."
Halsin's version right here!!
(tagging those who shouted, y'all are the pillars of society: @cakenpiewhyohmy @hairlessgoblin @lillithhearts @day-dreaming-goddess @nico-ith @cakeboxie )
Your prayers have been heard!!!! (As though I didn't start writing this immediately after posting Halsin's version)
Changed the song at the last second because my former choice was a little too upbeat for the setting ("Jeleń" by Sutari, if y'all are curious)
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yourwosogirly · 1 year
Can you please write a blurb for Swedish goalkeeper Zecira Musovic?
Collisions - Zećira Mušović
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“you okay?”zecira’s soft voice rang in my ears as we sat in our cubbies in the locker room, reaching her hand over to grasp mine .
“I’m fine”i eased her worry for me, even though my legs were still shaking uncontrollably but that was just from game day nerves .
It was Sweden vs Australia, and it was a big game for us. despite being eliminated by Spain in the semi finals we still had to play Australia to decide who would be having third place and we would take it .
But if we didn’t, what else did we have?
I had trust in the team that we had this in the bag but being an over thinker I can’t help but question my own abilities.
“Ze”i squealed as she reached over and pulled me into her arms, sitting me on her lap and I relaxed into her, with my arms going round her neck.
“what’s worrying that pretty of yours,hm?”she mumbled, tapping my head lightly before pressing a kiss to it.
“nothing, I’m just thinking about the game”i sighed as she brushed her fingers through my hair and she hummed in understanding.
“well my love, If your nervous don’t be, we’ve got this in bag, I can feel it”she told me and I looked up at her with hudded eyes .
“really?”I asked and she nodded, mumbling a small really before she lent down, catching me off guard as she kissed me .
“Cmon, you two, we gotta go”magda shouted, pulling us out of our trance and I got out of zecira’s lap, giving her a hand to stand up and we both walked out to stand in the line.
“we’ve got this”she muttered, giving my left ring finger a kiss,which was taped because of my engagement ring she had proposed to me with when we won the fa cup and the wsl. I smiled at her before we separated, moving to our respective positions since I was closer to the back and she was behind our captain as the goalie.
It was the 56th minute that I had gone down, and we were 2-0 up which excited me but I didn’t get my hopes up yet as knowing australia they could easily equalise .
I wasn’t quite sure who it was, but that wasn’t my main focus.all I knew that I was running down the right side of the pitch with the ball at a fast place, yellow shirt right up my back side and before I knew it, I was on the ground, banging my fist into the grass.
Zecira was the first one to me which was a shock, considering the fact I was at the other end of the pitch. but like always, during every match, other than defending her goal and watching out for the striker, she had her eyes on me the whole time so she saw me go down first and could tell it was serious.
a few others had gathered around including caitlin foord, the one who had caused the attack with a guilt ridden look on her face.zecira had called for the medic as she helped me turn over and sat with my head in her lap.
“baby, are you okay?”she asked concerned, as I winced leaning my head back against her shoulder as the pain in my leg spread through me like wildfire.
“it’s hurts so much”her heart broke as those words left my mouth and she wanted to take all my pain away, but she couldn’t . finally the medics had arrived and pushed most people away to be able to asses me properly but zerica refused to move, she was stuck to me.
as they checked my condition, carefully trying to not make the situation worse, zerica smoothed my hair down and whispered sweet nothings in my ear trying to calm me down while she herself gave the medics and my figure worried glances.
“we need to get you off the field”the medic declared and they stood up, ready to help me off the field.normally I would’ve refused being a naturally stubborn person, but the pain in my leg was too much to handle .
gritting my teeth, I slowly got to my feet with the help of zer and the medics.zerica brought my closer to her for a moment so only I could here what she’s saying. “I’m coming off, I don’t want you to be alone.
I shook my head and she tried to protest but I cut her off. “the team needs you, I’ll be fine on my own, okay?”.
she nodded with a sigh and I leaned in to whisper in her ear, “do me proud, superstar”.she blushed and I left her there as I put my arms around the medics shoulders and they helped me hobble off the pitch .
It turns out I was going to be okay, thankfully and I didn’t have to go to the hospital which I felt very lucky because I hated them and I was pretty sure if zerica found it she’d have a heart attack.
I had only tweaked it, luckily but I wouldn’t be able to start in the first game of the wsl.my leg was in a brace for 1-2 week and crutches for about a month. I was still sat in the medical room, now changed into comfy clothes as I watched my teammates celebrate.
there had been no more goals when the game ended, sweden securing a 2-0 win and earned third place. the medic watched me out of the corner of my eye, seeing the longing in my eyes.
“you can go, if you want”and I pretty much jumped out of my seat before she glared at me and I shrunk back grabbing my crutches and quickly making my way towards the tunnel.
zerica quickly rushed towards me as I entered the field, I smiled, leaning into her touch as she embraced me in a massive hug, squeezing me tight .
“are you okay?what did the medics say?is it still hurting?do you need help?omg, I should have came with you, shouldn’t have i?”she rambled on and I placed my hand on her chest to stop her from talking.
I pulled her down by the neck, kissing her and biting her lip before pulling away. “baby, I am okay, I tweaked my ankle, but it feels fine right now and I just have to rest for a few weeks”.
she sighed and nodded at the new information. “okay, I’m glad your okay, now let’s go get our medals”.
she kissed my forehead and I giggled walking to the rest of the girl who were lined up ready to collect our medals while zerica’s hand rested on the small of my back. zerica made sure to stay by my side at all times as some of the girls embraced me and chatted while we waited to receive our medals.
when it was my turn to step up and receive my bronze medal I couldn’t be prouder.I know it wasn’t first place, but it was better than nothing, I couldn’t help but be fulfilled and I knew me and the team worked hard for this .
I was quite far back in the line so there weren’t many more people after me and once I joined the group zerica smiled at me, bringing my medal to her lips. we all cheered celebrating our bronze medal victory and I pulled zerica over to the camera man for some photos.
“picture?”she asked and I nodded, she placed her hand around my shoulder and we both held our medals in our hands.she shocked me though as the camera flashed, she grabbed my chin, pulling me into a kiss.
“I love you, so much”she told me heartfeltly and I blushed looking down at our entwined fingers. I didn’t respond verbally, though but what I did do is pull her into an enchanting kiss that she would never forget .
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agendabymooner · 1 year
jollibee, madrid and all that romance fiasco ! oscar p. x ofc (filipino!gen z!ofc)
summary: carlos sainz and his wife, magda, were heading back to spain after taking her and her cousins to the final race before the summer break. they hoped to have a decent break but their wishes were long gone as soon as the mclaren drivers told them about their plans to spend their week in madrid - where the couple conveniently lived.
OR oscar piastri had the fattest crush on magda's cousin, paloma 'lomi' san pedro, and needless to say, he wasn't even making it less obvious as he purchased a ticket to madrid just so he could spend his time with her. was he only looking for that summer romance or did he just fall in love with carlos' in-law?
content warning: use of explicit language, oscar and ofc shitting on each other, tagalog dialogues and translation ahead (i'm not as good as i used to be at speaking it, sorry lads), carlos sainz x ofc, mentions of alcohol use, fictional brother character (niño san pedro), carlos has a close relationship with his in-laws, A LOT OF JOLLIBEE, lando norris and oscar piastri being cultured (filipino), filo humour, lowkey protective!carlos
note: melody is in progress and i gotta let this out because i've been looking at too much unhinged filipino memes today. enjoy xx
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tagged carlossainzjr, charles_leclerc, landonorris, monamagdalena, ninojames
liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, charles_leclerc
monamagdalena "rich in-law" 😭 liked by lomisanpedro
carlossainzjr you weren't "forced" to wear my number 🙄 get it right hermana liked by lomisanpedro
lomisanpedro ur right. i asked for charles' number and they just conveniently "ran out" of my size 🤔
landonorris look at that handsome man in papaya and black tho 🥵 liked by lomisanpedro
lomisanpedro i'm gonna pretend i haven't seen this comment 😕
landonorris guys i think she's a charles leclerc fan liked and pinned by lomisanpedro
oscarpiastri i have a lot of oscar piastri shirts in your size 😊 liked by lomisanpedro
ninojames what 😄
lomisanpedro how do u know my size 🧐
oscarpiastri i've been looking, observing and mentally measuring
carlossainzjr oscarpiastri compadre do you wanna repeat what you just said?
landonorris don't mind me i'm just watching 🍿🥤
logansargeant so you're the girl he's ogling throughout the week??? liked by lomisanpedro
lomisanpedro and you're the florida boy? 🤓
logansargeant fair enough. nice to meet you though 🤠
lomisanpedro likewise sarge 🤠
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carlossainzjr posted a new story !!!
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tagged ninojames, lomisanpedro, landonorris, oscarpiastri, carlossainzjr
liked by logansargeant, alex_albon, georgerussell63
user1 i just know it hits different spending your vacation in a filipino-spanish household 😭 liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena there's a lot of "ordinary" volume arguments that's for sure 😅
user2 rip oscar's vocal chords. i know it's barely there but it must've abandoned him the moment the sainz-san pedros pulled up the karaoke liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena landonorris might have slipped some tequila to get the party going for oscar 🙃
mclarenf1 lando we taught you better than this
landonorris mclarenf1 what happened to "one more shot lando!"
mclarenf1 i don't like these accusations, lando.
user3 i can just imagine lando, carlos and oscar yelling "THAT'S NOT HOW DRS WORKS" at your cousins lmfaooo 🤣 liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena yeah my cousins live to give carlitos a headache every once in a while - seeing as they live in philippines and all
carlossainzjr we should have a daycare, mi corazon, because we don't get paid enough for this liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena i agree bebe, if anything we lose more than we earn money 🥲
ninojames stop lying to me carlossainzjr you literally helped me get my tourist visa because you said "you wanted to see your favourite cousin"
lomisanpedro oop- lemme just send this to caco rq 🤭
carlossainzjr ay lomisanpedro you do that, i'm not gonna set up the ac in your room 😒 see how long you'll withstand the heat in spain
lomisanpedro i live in ph but yes po master 😇
lomisanpedro if i have to go golfing one more time, i'm gonna hit you with the club landonorris carlossainzjr ninojames
ninojames speak for urself lmfao
landonorris it's ok i can take it paloma 🤪
carlossainzjr watch your words landonorris
landonorris that's not what i meant ??? 🤬
oscarpiastri barca did good last night no? liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena heheheh carlossainzjr what do you think?
lomisanpedro carlossainzjr you should've shot him in the foot with the paintball when you had the chance 🤡
carlossainzjr i really should have.
landonorris that's tactical and against the fia rules carlos know better.
mclarenf1 yeah what landonorris said ^^
oscarpiastri that is incredibly mean of you, lomisanpedro 🥲
lomisanpedro show me how you cry rq??
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tagged landonorris, oscarpiastri, lomisanpedro
liked by carlossainzjr and monamagdalena
monamagdalena putang ina pati pa naman sa spain, y'an pa din kinakain niyo? what the fuck, that's (jollibee) what you guys are still eating even in spain? liked by ninojames
ninojames patingin nga kung pa'no yung galit na mukha ate hahahaha ate, show me how you make an angry face
lomisanpedro ba't ka inggit lmaooooo why are you jealous
monamagdalena hoy lomi at niño, nagluto ako kanina di niyo ba kinain 'yon? i cooked earlier today, didn't you guys eat it?
lomisanpedro maarte yung mga bisita mo madam bertud. your guests are picky, madam bertud.
oscarpiastri monamagdalena I AM NOT picky, do not listen to what that gremlin is telling you
landonorris we ate and even washed the pot of sinigang so that gremlin is lying
lomisanpedro this gremlin is her cousin and how tf do y'all know what we're saying-
landonorris we're very smart men
oscarpiastri i'm a diplomat on the side
ninojames lando was teaching me his dj skills 😕
landonorris we were trying to get lit 😭 you literally had nothing in there but uno and monopoly wtf were we supposed to do???
carlossainzjr i don't know? not play with fire and not rack up our house bill?
oscarpiastri are we having a filipino language session tomorrow then? liked by ninojames
ninojames with tequila?
oscarpiastri i found their stash so yeah with tequila- we should get some bucket of chickens for the session too :)
landonorris wag puro pulutan, dapat inom din. don't just eat, you have to drink too. liked and pinned by ninojames
ninojames monamagdalena rate my teaching skills ate magda
monamagdalena what are you guys teaching these two??? 😭
oscarpiastri the basics magda 😊
INCOMING: dog show 😎 (oscar) SENDER: my pal(oma) 🐝 (paloma)
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tagged jollibee, lomisanpedro
liked by carlossainzjr, logansargeant, landonorris
user1 BRO HARD LAUNCHED HIS CRUSH WTF 😭 what god did you pray to?
user2 puro jollibee si bro edi sana nag pinas ka na lang 😭 bro eats a lot of jollibee like you should've just gone to philippines instead
user3 madrid is paloma san pedro, in case you guys didn't know 🤭
landonorris god you are so whipped
mclarenf1 jollibee x mclaren when? 👀
jollibee when there's a philippine grand prix 🐝
ninojames oh so you ditched our session for this? for this ugly ass? liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri we got some palabok and two buckets of chicken joy and we're otw home 😅
ninojames ok maybe i can let you slip for once
lomisanpedro you are so annoying liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri annoyingly considerate when it comes to you because you wanted jollibee this morning 🤭😊
user4 there is too much filipino rizz within pastry guys i think he wins this one
logansargeant was this why you've been rejecting my facetimes today?
oscarpiastri you can wait. jollibee can't.
user5 i'm sorry logan but i agree with him this time
user6 him tagging jollibee 😭 this man is clearly obsessed
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bonus !!!
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PS the fictional san pedro people
ramona magdalena 'magda' (ibañez) san pedro sainz (carlos' wife)
niño james (balagtas) san pedro (carlos' cousin-in-law)
paloma 'lomi' (balagtas) san pedro (also carlos' in-law)
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“I'll be there to comfort you. I build my world of dreams around you. I'm so glad that I found you…”
“I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you. Just call my name, and I'll be there…” (“I’ll be there” by Mariah Carey feat. Trey Lorenz)
21 years of my life, I was seeking for comfort in my love for Severus Snape. From the very first moment, when I’ve found this bitter and sarcastic dungeon bat in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone”, it felt like embracing the love of my life. All I wanted, was to care for him…to be there for him. In all my fictions and imaginations, I only tried to make Severus feel loved and cared for by my OC Jules. I devoted my heart and soul to him, no matter how much mockery and disbelief I experienced from others for my dedication.
In these past 21 years of my existence, I had to endure some hardships, which only moulded my character even further into the woman, I am today. Yes, I must admit…on the one hand, I’m a bitter and sarcastic bitch person with suicidal tendencies (well, thank you, ME/CFS, you cruel disease!) and a dark and twisted humour. But on the other hand, I’m still a very caring and loving person with a pathetically weak black little heart. I’m literally the combination of my interpretation of Severus and my OC Jules…with all their flaws and vulnerabilities.
Since I’m struggling with the torturous symptoms of ME/CFS, I’m dependent on other people’s help…which is probably the most challenging thing for me. I’m imprisoned in myself, solely surrounded by darkness and solitude in my room. Suddenly, there are people, who are helping me with my children and my household. There’s my best friend Miri, who’s either forcing me to eat and drink something from time to time…or who’s helping me to wash my hair. She’s also the person in my life, who will always listen to my pathetic complaints about my misery or the latest episode of the “Sevy & Jules Show” in my head. 😅 And straight off the wide universe of the internet, two other idiots lovely human beings slithered into my life…enlightening at least my inner gloominess with their wit, their chaotic energy - which will drive me into madness sooner or later - and their loving presence.
Miri, Magda (@vulnus-sanare) and Richie (@preciousthelmadonna), you are the kindest, most compassionate and undeniably most beautiful souls, I’ve ever met. Without you all, I would have gone insane, already! I’m thanking the universe every single day for allowing me to be your friend…even though I wished, I could repay you for everything tenfold by being a better companion to all of you. Please, believe me, when I’m telling you, that I love you. 🖤🖤🖤
This mesmerising artwork of my OC Jules, who’s taking care of her sleepy husband Severus, was made by the incredibly talented and kind @severus-snaps. My dear, it was a pleasure to witness the process of creating this masterpiece and I enjoyed our nocturnal conversations immensely. I’m glad, that I dared to reach out to you after seeing your work on your blog….and I’m looking forward for our next project, which is already in the making. Thank you for everything! 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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wosowrites · 1 year
Running out of Time (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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Warnings: none
A/N: Based of a request:
Prompt: after coming back from injury, reader isn’t being played at Chelsea. So, Jessie comforts her and helps her get to her best again to be played. Btw, i absolutely love Emma Hayes, but for the sake of this story I had to write her out as being the bad guy.
It had been two months since you came back from a broken leg. You had worked your ass off to get back on the field. But in the two months since you came back, you were riding the bench. You had been subbed on most games, but you weren’t performing how you wanted too. This caught up to you during one game against Aston Villa.
Chelsea was winning 3-0 in the 75th minute, so Emma decided to sub off Erin for next weeks important London derby vs Arsenal. You came on to the loud cheers of the blues at Kingsmeadow. The fans loved you, you were sweet, ballsy, talented, and they were unhappy with Emma for not playing you. If the lineup was decided by popularity, you would start every game. But football wasn’t a popularity contest.
You played fine. Made good plays that sadly led to nothing, shot the ball wide, over, and once off the crossbar.
In the 89th minute, you were making a perfect run, but Rachel Daly clipped your ankles just outside the box, playing it off as being the ball. The referee was oblivious.
You fell to the ground, staying down a bit. Not in physical pain, no, all your pain was mental. You stood up, tears filling your eyes as you tried to stay strong. Guro tapped you on the back, seeing your pain and telling you to keep her head high. You briefly caught the eye of Jessie Fleming, who had been subbed off just under four minutes ago.
The final whistle blew a minute later, no extra time needed. You crouched down to the ground, finally letting out the tears you were holding in. You were so tired. So tired of trying so hard to channel the pre-injury you, but you couldn’t. You leaned on your hands, sobbing quietly. You felt people surround you, your team as well as opponents.
You weren’t down long, standing up a minute later and wiping your eyes with your shirt. You pulled the blue jersey you were so proud to wear and covered your face with it. Feeling a few people patting your back and congratulating you. The only voice that pulled you out of your internal misery, was the one of Jessie Fleming.
You had something going on between you, but you were both shy, busy, and blooming young players who weren’t preoccupied about relationships at the moment.
"I know that you don’t want to hear how good you did so just wipe your tears and come here." Jessie said to you softly, you looked at her slowly, your cheeks wet with tears. She took the sleeve of her puffy coat and wiped it over your cheeks, proceeding by bringing you into a hug.
Emma tried to come over, but Jessie waved her off gently.
Eventually, you all made it into the changing room where the team was buzzing about the win. You weren’t. You felt numb as you sat at your cubby. Exasperated.
Magda was giving a speech, hyping up the girls for their amazing performances, but you couldn’t listen. You got up quickly, a few people looking at you because of your sudden movement.
You rushed past Magda, tears welling again. "Keep going. Sorry." You mumbled to her softly.
You hurried out the room and back onto the pitch, making sure everyone was gone before entering the actual field. Everyone was, and you kept your walk focused on entering the middle of the pitch. Once there, you sat down on the ground and stared up at the night sky. You then laid down, feeling the wet grass on your back. Flipping over onto your stomach, and burying your face into the ground, you let out a scream.
"Y/n…?" A small voice said, causing you to swiftly flip back onto your back and stare up at the person. "Jessie. Shit you scared me." You told her, putting your arms above your head and interlocking your fingers.
"I scared you? You scared me. What’s going on? I mean. I think I know but… i want to hear you say it." Jessie said to you, lying down beside you.
You thought for a second, wondering if you wanted to confide in the freckled canadian. You knew your voice would break the second you started talking. But you spoke up anyways.
"Jessie… i’m so tired. I’m tired of staying thirty minutes after training and eating extra healthy, and putting in extra shifts at the weight room. I’m tired of working my ass off just to be put on that field late, and to have my confidence trampled by Emma." You said, your voice was shaky, and tear filled.
"Y/n… you are an incredibly talented player who has an incredibly shitty thing happen to them. And now you’re having trouble finding your footing. It happens. And honestly, Emma should be playing you. It’s bullshit. But you have to keep pushing." Jessie told you, turning to her side and propping herself up on her forearm to look at you.
You felt her eyes on you, you liked her eyes on you. She reached over and softly wiped a piece of grass from your forehead, your touch sent shivers down your spine.
"I’ve gotten contract offers from Manchester United and Manchester City. They guarantee me as a starter." You said softly. Your voice shaky, now from the contact Jessie had with your skin more than anything. "You don’t want that, do you?" Jessie said confidently.
You turned your head to look at her, looking from her eyes, to her lips, and back again.
"Your right. I don’t want that. I want to be at Chelsea, with you." You told her, eye contact never breaking. You left Jessie no time to answer. Quickly, you had flipped yourself on top of her, using the weight of your body to push her into the grass. You looked at each other for a few seconds until Jessie craned her neck to kiss you.
You made out for minutes, stopping ever so often to breathe, but mostly, you were attacking each others lips, and exploring each bothers bodies.
"Uhm… guys?" A voice said, a voice that wasn’t yours or Jessie.
You quickly jumped off of Jessie, launching yourself away from her and then wiping down your kit. Jessie did the same, standing awkwardly behind you. "Sorry… it’s just… the bus is leaving soon. Like, now actually." Magda said.
"Uh- yeah, we- okay let’s go." You said swiftly, walking quickly towards Magda. When you reached her, she slung an arm around you. "Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone." Magda said. "You won’t tell anyone other than P," you corrected her. "Yeah." She winked.
A week later.
Every day since yours and Jessie’s on field moment, you had been slipping each other fleeted touches and looks, and Jessie, all though she wouldn’t say it, had taken it upon herself to get you back to your starting 11 position. She stayed with you after training, ate the same things you did, and was always cheering you on loudly at practice.
And it was paying off. You were scoring like crazy in practice, defending and making perfectly timed tackles all the time. You were playing like you did before your injury. So when the week of the game against Arsenal came, and Emma announced the starting lineup. You felt like crying all over again. You were riding the bench once more.
When Emma told the team the lineup, you could visibly see the looks of shock on their face, everyone had noticed your efforts in training, and how strong you were being.
Amongst the shocked faces, one stood out. Jessie’s face was not painted with the same shock as her teammates, it was painted with anger. She was starting the game, having been starting a lot due to Pernille’s injury.
"Okay, let’s get em girls!" Emma said, clapping her hands together and walking out the field.
You, along with the other people riding the bench walked out first to claps from the field, and you even heard a few confused murmurs from the Arsenal bench. They were expecting you to start, having seen your performance in training from Chelsea’s training clips.
The game started, and right away the pressure was insane from both sides. Every single time Sam or Lauren managed to get into the box, it was as though Leah Williamson appeared out of nowhere to take the ball. And every time Katie Mccabe or Stina Blackstinius got close to the net, Magda or Kadeisha would come in with a perfect tackle.
It was only the 11th minute of the game when Fran went down in the midfield after a rather tough tackle from Katie, earning the gunners a yellow. Fran was holding her ankle, not looking as though she was getting any better as the medics examined her.
"Y/n!" Emma’s voice called over. You stood up quickly, your shin pads were on, your cleats were tied, your hair was done, you were ready to go. "How do you feel about playing attacking midfielder?" She asked, putting her arm around your shoulder and looking at you. "I feel great about it. Put me on." You told her.
It was true, you were a defensive mid, and preferred it, but at this point, you just needed game time and an opportunity to prove yourself. So, the fourth official held up his panel where your number 18 in green was displayed in green, and Fran’s number 14 in red. You ran onto the field the second Fran was off, giving her a little tap on the back. The blues close to you high fived you and you set yourself up in the outside of the box for the free kick.
Kadeisha and Magda were standing over the ball, deciding who to take it. Eventually, Kadeisha walked over to it, acting as though she was going to adjust the ball, giving Magda the perfect opportunity to kick it into the box. You saw the ball come to you, it went just over your head. You dove sideways, your head connecting with the ball before you fell to the ground.
Kingsmeadow erupted in cheers. You stood up swiftly, running to the corner and sliding on your knees, soon tackled by Sam, Magda, Keish, Lauren, Millie and Jessie. "That’s our girl!" Millie yelled, hugging you.
You laughed of joy as you ran back to your half.
The first half ended 1-0, but you were thirsty for more. In the 60th minute, Jessie sent Sam the most beautiful ball through. It split Leah Williamson and Rafaelle Souza, giving the striker the perfect opportunity to turn on her jets. Sam got to the ball, Lauren and Guro running down both her wings, you running behind her. Sam was running out of time and shot the ball just outside of the box.
It hit the post and went bouncing back out onto the field, right where you were. You don’t know what came over you, but you dove head first into the ball, sending it into the back of the net.
Sam rushed over to you, helping you up and spinning you around. Your team celebrated with you, and when everyone was breaking apart, Jessie whispered to you "that’ll show Emma."
90th minute anxiety was creeping up the backs of the gunners. But you were calm and collected. That is, until Steph lost her temper in the Arsenals box and sent Jessie flying forward with a push in the back. "Hey! What the hell!?" You yelled, leaving your spot and rushing over to Jessie who was getting up. "Y/n don’t argue." Jessie said, getting up. "Why the hell not?"
And then you noticed that the stadium was cheering, and that the referee was pointing towards the penalty area. The team in red tried to argue, but it was no use.
"Get your hat trick, y/n." Jessie said, handing you the ball.
Guro usually took pens, it was her speciality. You looked over at her, but she nodded to you. You placed the ball on the spot, took a deep breath and waited for the whistle.
When it blew, you ran to the ball slowly, faked left, and shot it in a panenka right down the middle.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
World Cup VI
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: It's heartbreaking
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It's the worst kind of pain imaginable.
The kind of pain that lodges in a chest, in a throat, in a mind. The kind of pain that radiates throughout a body, weighing on someone, eating away at them until there's nothing left.
Eaten from the inside out.
Until there's nothing left but an empty husk of a person.
To be so close to a dream that will never be reached.
Not now.
Not ever.
It chokes someone from the inside, suffocating them until they can do nothing but accept their fate.
There's not much else to say about it.
The kind of pain that is only really experienced once in a lifetime.
The kind of pain only experienced in extra time of a football match as one last substitute is made.
The board goes up.
"On for number fourteen, number one for Sweden, Harder-Eriksson."
The final of a World Cup.
Sweden, two.
Spain, two.
And the worst person to take penalties against is subbed on.
"No," Talia says as she watches you run on," No, please. Please."
You'd taken a knock in the semifinals against Colombia, a bad one that had you sitting out most of the final.
Selfishly, Talia was glad for it.
The two goals she had scored wouldn't have gone in had you been standing between the sticks.
Had you been on in the beginning, there would have been no extra time.
You are the greatest goalkeeper in the world and you're never out of control in finals.
You thrive under the pressure, under the pressure of the whole world watching your every mood, under the pressure of Magda and Pernille's legacy.
You rise to the occasion every time.
You show why you are so sought after.
Extra time leaks away and the tears already fall as penalties are announced.
Your Sweden team isn't known for their penalty-taking abilities but it hardly matters. All it takes is one penalty to win.
One ball in the back of the net.
You can delay that for as long as you need to.
One goal to win a match.
One goal for a childhood dream to shatter.
One missed save to return to Spain as a World Champion.
But you have never let a penalty passed in your entire career.
Not at Linköping. Not at Arsenal. Not at Barcelona.
Not for Denmark. Not for Sweden.
No penalty has ever escaped you.
The shots are taken in quick succession.
You don't let any pass but neither does Spain's keeper.
The anticipation swells. The tension builds. The camera flashes to fans in the crowd.
To Patri, sitting in the stands with her hands clasped in front of her and a nervous look on her face. Talia has never seen her cousin so shaken before.
She cuts a striking picture against the complete calmness of Magda and Pernille when the camera switches again. They don't look worried in the slightest.
They've always been your biggest supporters, the biggest believers in your ability to do anything you set your mind to. They've seen the talent in you for years.
There is no reason for them to be worried.
Talia takes the ball, the last penalty for Spain.
She steps forward.
You come out of your goal, walking forward towards her until you're face to face.
The conflict is clear on your face.
To anyone else, you look deadly calm. Magda's feature on your face matches your mother's expression in the crowd but Talia can see through it.
The slight furrow of your brow, the downturn of the corner of your mouth. The way that you can't quite meet her eyes.
"I'm sorry," You say as she places the ball on the penalty spot.
"I know," Talia replies.
"I am really sorry, my love. I...I didn't want it to end like this."
"Don't be. Go do what you do best."
Talia's dreams of a World Cup slip through her fingers in an instant. She usually shoots right, in the top corner. This time though, she'll shoot left to the bottom.
Pernille sits up in the stands as you back away from Talia, returning to your line.
The stadium holds its breath.
A home World Cup win would mean the world to Sweden. To defeat the hosts would mean the world to Spain.
But you stand in their way.
A formidable force between the sticks with more experience than most your age and an unshakeable spirit that intimidates by just your mere presence on the pitch.
"She's got this," Magda whispers to her, clasping Pernille's hand tight," Even if it is Talia."
The stadium ripples with anticipation, shouts escaping throats as Talia lets the ball fly...
Your familiar red jersey moves, your black gloves reaching out.
Your body crashes to the ground.
A millisecond too late and the ball would have gone in.
Your fingertips manage to brush it away though, forcing it away from your line.
The knock to Spain's confidence is big.
It can be felt all around the stadium and just a box away, Pernille sees Patri bury her head in her hands.
Sweden's last penalty is taken quickly.
Scored even quicker by your captain.
A title defended on home soil. The triumph of Sweden over Spain.
The crowd is electric and Magda pumps her fist into the air, screaming like she'd just won this herself and Pernille hauls herself out of her seat to head down to the barriers with her wife to greet you.
The crowd is nothing compared to the roaring in Talia's ears as that pain settles into her bones and gnaws away at her muscles.
She falls to the floor, breathing in a ragged breath as a childhood dream slips away from her.
"I'm sorry," She can hear over her sobs," My love, I'm so sorry."
Familiar arms wrap around her. A familiar smell filling her senses and she grabs onto a familiar red jersey, pulling at it and forcing herself even closer.
"Go," She says," And celebrate."
"No," You reply, sitting down next to her and guiding her head to your shoulder where she could cry without cameras watching her," I'm staying right here."
"Your mothers-"
"Can wait," You insist," I want to be here. With you."
You've singlehandedly ruined Natalia's dreams. You had dangled a World Cup in her face and snatched it away again.
It was so close.
She was so close to being the first person to ever score a penalty against you.
Mere inches sat between her and the World Cup.
But you'd ruined it. You anticipated her change. You pushed away her penalty.
Last time, you'd scored Sweden's only goal. This year, you'd saved all of Spain's penalties.
You are Sweden's hero. Sweden's golden girl. Sweden's vice-captain and the greatest goalkeeper they've ever produced.
There is no hope of competing against you.
A World Cup won and a World Cup lost.
Magda and Pernille wait by the barrier. Talia can see them, ready to celebrate with you.
But you don't go anywhere.
You just hold her as she cries.
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quill-pen · 15 days
Just had a thought. What if, one day, Bess opens the door to her and Wolf’s flat to find Connie there. She was out in the rain, and was clearly crying.
“Bess, I … may I come in? I think … I’ve made a terrible mistake.”
She reveals that something happened with her and Adonis. Not a fight, per say, but a disagreement. Something trivial - probably around her getting herself way too stressed out over work. He hates to see her slip into the same workaholic tendencies he once did. He raised his voice out of passion, and she (switching into post-Orin survival mode) FREAKS OUT and storms out of the building immediately. She leaves her phone/keys behind, and just runs.
She’s out there for hours until she goes to Bess. Adonis has probably called Bess/Wolf and Magda frantically by this point, as she’s been gone for hours.
“I’ve ruined things,” she says to Bess. “I ran, like a child, and … oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. H-Has he called you? Is he mad? Oh, hell, of course he’s mad…I can’t believe I hurt him like that. After everything he’s done for me, how could I be so cruel?”
Ooooooh, this is good. So we did a thing.
CONNIE. Sweetheart.🥺😭💕
Warnings: Discussion of postpartum depression particularly concerning thoughts of harm, family drama and angst, mention of birth (nothing graphic), let me know what else I can add/change. I've never had any real experience with PPD before, only heard tales.
All the Little Breaks
Bess was doing her best to keep calm as she paced the perimeter of her and her fiancé's flat. The London sky was dark and gloomy. Rain beat a steady rhythm against the large windowpanes of the high-rise luxury loft as the sky danced with lightning and thunder rolled. It wasn't a tumultuous downpour, but still, it was weather most people wouldn't desire to be out in. It was weather the dark-haired American usually enjoyed, but, at this moment, she found no comfort in it.
Bess' phone was pressed to her ear, an onslaught of distraught chatter from her soon-to-be brother-in-law, Ebenezer Scrooge (or, as she affectionately called him, "Adonis"), pouring into her consciousness. The more the deluge of worry and distress from the man continued on, the harder it was for Bess to try and keep her own head on straight about the situation. She was a natural worrier, especially when it came to her loved ones.
"Adonis... A-Adonis, slow down. Please. You're talking so fast I can hardly understand you. Stop talking and just breathe deep and slow for me, okay? Five seconds in, five seconds out. You're not helping anything by panicking." This was probably the thirtieth time the man had called in the last three and a half hours. (Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration. But not much.)
After she'd heard Adonis take a couple cycles of slow breaths on his own after some coaching, Bess went on. "Look, we've got just about the whole Pack out there looking for Connie right now, okay? You don't need to be out there too. What you need to do is stay with Starla right now, yeah? Just make sure she's okay. Try to stay calm for her. Babies pick up on energy like you wouldn't believe; your anxiousness will just make her more fussy and upset on top of her fever. You handle Starry, and the rest of us will find Connie and get her home, I promise." Bess sank wearily into her fiancé's easy chair, running a hand over her face as she silently cursed. Of course, this had to happen on a day when Magda was sick and couldn't watch the baby.
"Hmm? ... Oh, no I haven't seen or heard from her yet, but I'll let you know the second I do, I swear. ... Yeah, I'm staying here at the flat in case she shows up."
The flat's intercom suddenly buzzed.
Bess' head snapped up and she lurched to her feet. "Hold on!" she exclaimed into the phone. "Someone just buzzed!"
Rushing to the intercom, Bess pressed the call button. The video screen flashed on and the most immediate sense of relief nearly bowled the twenty-six-year-old over as the image of her best friend and soul-sister, Constance DoGoode-Scrooge, filled the screen. She looked horrible: drenched, makeup ruined, hair limp and clinging to her, but she was there and okay.
"She just showed up, Adonis! I'm looking at her in our intercom cam right now! I'm buzzing her up--I'll let you get a hold of everyone and let them know." With that, Bess hung up and hit the button to unlock the front door of the building. "I'm coming down to meet you!" she exclaimed into the intercom. And then she was throwing open the flat door and rushing down the hall to the lift.
The ride seemed to take an eternity, but just when Bess was really considering how she should have taken the stairs and used it as an opportunity to master her banister-sliding techniques, the lift pinged her arrival at the lobby. Through the glass doors on the other side of the gilded lift gates, she could see her worse-for-wear and shivering soul-sister. The doors hardly had enough time to open before Bess was launching herself out of the lift and tackling Connie into the tightest hug. She couldn't have cared less if she got soaked too.
"Where in all holy heaven have you been?!" Bess breathed as she squeezed the older woman with all her might. For a brief second, the thought she might be hurting her friend flitted through her mind; then Connie was embracing her back just as hard and the inkling dissipated.
"I'm sorry!" was Connie's sobbed answer. "I'm sorry! I-I think I made a mistake, Bess! I made a terrible mistake!" Her body wracked in Bess' arms as she cried.
Bess could only hold her tighter. "I think I know what you think you did," she murmured. "And I don't think it's as bad as you think it is, Con."
Connie sniffled into her shoulder. "“Bess, I … m-may I come in?" she asked, voice small and meek, hardly above a squeak of a sound.
Pulling back just enough to meet her friend face-to-face as she gripped her shoulders, Bess offered a comforting smile to the redhead (who currently looked more brunette, her hair was so sodden). "Come on, then. Let's get you warmed up and dried off. Then we'll talk, yeah?"
"Have you talked to Adonis?" Connie croaked. Through a hot shower and out of her soaked clothes, the forty-year-old was now snuggled into a warm, plush, purple robe of Bess' and curled up on a settle in front of the electric fireplace. A steaming bowl of her bestie's famous "gourmet oatmeal" was in her hands. It felt so soothing on her yet-chilly fingers and smelled and looked scrumptious being chock-full of berries, fruit chunks, nuts, heavy cream, brown sugar, a little drizzle of honey, and cinnamon, yet Connie had yet to take half a bite of it.
Bess sat across from her on the settle, her own bowl of oatmeal in her hands. "I have," she said evenly around a mouthful of blueberry and peach chunks.
"... Wh-What did he say?"
"Well... the gist of it was that you two had a little bit of a disagreement and you left."
"Did he sound... angry?" The fear in the ginger's voice was undeniable.
Bess looked over at her friend, even though Connie's gaze remained frozen on her steaming bowl. "He sounded worried," Bess stated quietly. "Beside himself, actually."
Connie let out a shaky exhale and closed her eyes, as if trying to fight back more tears. Slowly she set her bowl down on the coffee table then buried her face in her hands.
Setting down her own bowl, Bess scooted closer and laid a soft hand on her soul-sister's shoulder. "Constance, why don't you tell me your version?" she gently suggested.
"You've talked to Adonis already," Connie replied, voice muffled behind her hands.
"Yes, and he was demonizing and blaming himself the entire time for what happened."
Connie lifted her head and met Bess' eyes with her own wide in shock. "Why was he blaming himself?" she quivered, sounding almost horrified. "He didn't do anything wrong--it was me! All me! Y-You said he didn't sound mad, but he has to be mad!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course, he's mad! I can’t believe I hurt him like that! We're married! We're husband and wife! We're supposed to love each other, and I screamed at and shoved him and ran out instead of talking to him! After everything he’s done for me--oh, how could I be so cruel?!” Connie seemed to be ranting to herself, trying to convince herself of these perceived facts.
Bess couldn't help the little smirk that quirked up her mouth, nor the raised brow that usually accompanied it. "You're saying practically everything Adonis said about himself, ya know," she remarked.
Connie looked even more appalled at that. "But it was my fault," she insisted emphatically, practically pounding her hands on her chest.
Bess reached out and took those hands into her own. Bringing them back into her lap, she squeezed them tight. "Why don't we decide on that for sure after you tell me what happened?"
Connie drew her lips into a thin line, her chin quivering as her bright blue eyes began to shine with tears. She looked down, rather ashamedly. "W-We... had a fight," she whispered. "Not just a disagreement--a fight."
Bess gently pressed: "About?"
"Work. My work. O-Or... more so how I'm handling it. He says I'm focusing too much on it; I'm getting too wrapped up and obsessed with it."
"Well, you have been kinda making it your main priority ever since you went back to the office."
"He says I've been losing track of time, putting other things off till later."
"Yeah, I gotta say, that sounds about right."
Connie just dared to peek up under her eyelashes at Bess. "You've noticed that too?" she whispered.
Bess gave her a sad smile. "All of the girls have, babes. You haven't been making lunches that you said you would. We figured it was because of the baby, but every time we decided to bring lunch to you, you haven't been with Starry, you've been at work."
A tear dripped from Connie's eyelashes. "Sorry."
Bess rubbed her bestie's knuckles with her thumbs soothingly. "What other things have you been putting off, Connie?"
Connie's freckled cheeks burned with shame. "... W-Well... the other evening, we were going to give Starla a bath together. At... At least that was the plan."
"What happened?"
"Well... Well, Adonis left the office on time. I-I was still finishing up some figures, and I told him to go ahead, that I'd be along in just a minute after him. He didn't want to, he wanted to wait for me or for me to put if off until tomorrow, but you know how I hate putting things like that off when they can be done now. So I told him to go. I'd be just a minute more. I-I don't think he really believed me; he seemed kind of... fed up when he left. But it was just going to be a minute more before I left, I swear.""
"And was it just a minute more?"
Tears started spilling over Connie's eyelids again. She bit her lip as she shook her head, eyes screwing shut. "No," she rasped past a broken sob. "It was almost two hours before I finally left."
Bess gave her a sorrowful look. "Oh, Connie...."
Connie was sobbing again. "I don't know where the time went! One second Adonis had just shut the door and the next I look at the clock and it's two hours since he left! I rushed home as fast as I could! When I got there, Adonis was waiting for me in the dining room and dinner was on the table, cold. He waited for me, Bess."
Bess didn't tell her friend that of course he would; that Adonis had confessed before that dinner with his beloved Connie at the end of the day was one of his favorite things about their life together. That information would only hurt Connie more in the current moment. And it really was something that needed to come from Adonis' lips. "Was he angry?"
"I think he was done being angry at that point," Connie sniffled. "A little cross still, maybe, but mostly he just seemed... indifferent then. Which felt worse. He told me Starry was bathed, changed, fed, and already asleep, then he asked if he should warm up dinner." Connie wrenched her hands from Bess' grip and buried her face in them again. "Oh, Bess, he sounded so cold! He didn't say anything to me during dinner unless I asked something first, and then the answers were so short and clipped. He didn't look at me at all. I felt so frozen out, it was awful! I wasn't sure if he would come to bed with me. He did and he did tell me "I love you," but I couldn't feel the love in his voice like I usually do. And he still didn't say anything or kiss me good night; he pulled away from my touch and wouldn't cuddle. We always used to cuddle!"
"Have you not been cuddling even before that night?"
"... N-Not for a while, no. Not even morning cuddles, really."
"Because you're up and at the office working at the crack of dawn?"
"You know about that?"
"Adonis has called a few times asking for some help with bottling Starry when you haven't been there to feed her if she wakes up early."
"You must think I'm a horrible mother."
"I'm not quite sure what to think yet, if I'm being honest; just that all of this doesn't really seem like you. When did all these changes start happening?"
"... I-I think after I started back working?"
"All of this has ramped up pretty quick then, hasn't it? You've only been back at work for, what, three weeks? Four at the most? Connie."
"I know! I know! I don't know why they happened, but they did!"
Quiet fell for a moment, broken only by the sound of the storm outside and the sobbing of the redhead. The tea kettle started whistling, and Bess got up to tend to it. She came back with a soothing cup of green tea--Connie's favorite. She watched her friend sip in silence for a bit longer before speaking again.
"Connie," she began carefully, "what happened today that caused everything to spill over?
A little more calmed again by her tea, Connie set the drink aside and managed to meet Bess' gaze full-on--a least for the moment. "There were a few meetings at the office today," she answered, voice quiet and croaky. "It was fairly late when they were finished. Adonis said we should go out for a late lunch. I was in the middle of inputting some new data into the system and had packed a bite of something to eat with me when I left this morning; I wanted to get the logs done, so I told him to go on without me."
"... Y-Yeah. Again. Adonis insisted my work could wait, but I pointed out that it didn't have to if I kept at it and got it done. He said that we needed a break. Between work and settling in with Starry, we haven't really had a chance to be just us for a little while, you know? He wanted us to just spend some time together, even just for lunch. I... I told him... that we could do that later."
Bess couldn't help but facepalm at that. "Ooohhhh, no..." she lowly groaned. Both of their men had a thing about "laters"; if a Scrooge twin could ever have a trigger, that was it.
"Adonis snapped at that. He slammed my laptop shut and then he swiped all of the ledgers and papers and notes I was working with off my desk and onto the floor. Then he started yelling at me, screaming about how he couldn't take it anymore, how he couldn't stand aside and watch me turn into something that I'm not, how I needed to stop and look at myself, at what I was doing and what I was missing out on. Bess, he told me I haven't been pulling my weight at home with Starry, that I'm neglecting my friends, that I hardly interact with him at all, that I don't act like the woman he married anymore!" Connie couldn't hold Bess' gaze anymore and screwed her eyes tightly shut as she hugged herself and curled into a tighter ball.
"What happened after that?" Bess gently prodded.
"I-I don't really know," Connie stated with a shake of her head. "He was screaming and yelling and throwing things into the trash and something inside me just... snapped. I felt so scared out of nowhere! Like... Like I used to feel with Orin!"
"Oh, Con, I'm so sorry."
"Adonis grabbed my laptop and started to throw it away but I grabbed him to try to stop him and he threw me off. I didn't get hurt, but I was still so terrified. When he turned towards me, I screamed at him to leave me alone and shoved him away. I know he wasn't going to hurt me--he would never hurt me--but in the moment I panicked. I shoved him so hard he stumbled back into my bookcase and everything came down on top of him. After that I ran. I just... just ran! I didn't stop to think about what I did or to see if he was all right--I just left my husband and ran!" Again, the ginger American broke into a fit of wails, once more burying her face in her hands.
Bess scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her soul-sister's shoulders, pulling her close to her side. She didn't say anything, but just sat there and rubbed the distraught woman's arm in silent comfort.
It was a few moments before Connie pulled herself together. "It... It wasn't until after I'd been running for a while that it finally occurred to me what I did," she rasped, voice a raw whisper behind her hands. "I'd done something wrong--so many things wrong--and when I was told off for it like I deserved, I'd retaliated and run from it like a stupid, cowardly girl, instead of owning up to it, like I needed to. I've ruined things. Oh, Bess, I've ruined everything! I just found the greatest happiness of my life, and now I'm about to lose it! Adonis, Starla--everything! All because I've been behaving like a child!" She started on the sobs again.
"Shhhh," Bess quieted her, wrapping both arms around her friend this time as she tucked her in close to her heart. "Shhh. I don't think so. I don't think you have to worry about any of that, Connie. Remember what I said about Adonis blaming and demonizing himself for what happened this afternoon when he talked to me? Honey, that man isn't angry at you--not for this. He loves you--adores you to the very core of his soul. And he's been so worried about you; not just today but for a while, and that's why he went off like he did today. It wasn't the right thing for him to do any more than what you did was the right thing to do. But sometimes, when we love someone so much and we see that they're struggling and refusing to ask for help, we get so worried for so long that the only thing we can seem to do to get them to listen is to snap and make a scene. Does that make sense?"
Through her cries, Connie made an assenting noise. Still, she continued to sob into her best friend's chest for a few more long minutes.
When she eventually quieted down again, she slowly pulled from Bess' grip and picked her tea back up. Shakily, she raised the cup to her lips and sipped again, trying to calm herself back down.
Bess watched her carefully, turning something over in her mind that she'd been considering for a while now. "Connie... you said you don't know why you've shifted your work-life balance so much, but I really think you do," she finally stated. It was blunt and sounded rather accusatory, but Bess couldn't find a way to say it with more finesse.
Connie looked at her in bleary, red-eyed bewilderment. "What?"
"Look, you're an amazing and hard worker, but I wouldn't call you a workaholic. You are a master at healthy prioritizing; criminey, you're the main person who helped me figure out a healthy work-life balance when I was finally getting too strung out to function, yeah? So, what is it with you suddenly becoming Mrs. 5-to-9-plus-overtime?"
Connie stared at her friend, an ashamed shadow settling over her face before she looked down into her teacup. Her lips pulled into a thin line.
Bess continued to gently dig: "I mean, I know some women, when they get back to work after maternity leave, tend to go overboard to prove that they can still do their job so that, maybe, they won't get laid off. But, Honey, your job is set in stone for you for as long as you want it. And you know that. So that can't be what it is."
"That's not what it is," Connie agreed.
"Okay. So?"
"Maybe I went back to work too soon."
"Well, I'll admit, you did start back a little sooner than I would have liked for you, but you know yourself on a level I don't. So I don't think that's it either."
"... Bess, if I told you, you'd despise me."
"I think I might have said that very phrase to you a few times in our history. Was I ever right about it?"
"This is different."
"How so?"
"Connie. Connie, does it have anything to do with Starry?"
Connie's gaze just barely flickered over to Bess before returning to her tea.
"Connie, you can tell me anything, remember? Anything at all about anything."
"But this... this is so... oh, Bess, it's just so horrible!"
"Are they thoughts? Dark thoughts? About Starry?"
"... Y-Yes."
"Thoughts like... maybe about hurting her?"
Another choked sob as Connie shut her eyes against yet another swell of tears.
Bess put her hand on Connie's knee. "Con, talk to me. Please."
Connie shook her head, as if trying to will the whole situation away. "I was fine," she trembled. "I was fine for the first week or so. Then when she had that little bout of colic and just couldn't sleep or quiet down things... changed. I changed. I was pacing the floor one night, trying to get her to sleep, and she was just screaming and crying and upset and nothing I did could help her and it crossed my mind: I could just throw her out our bedroom window and it would stop."
"Oh, Connie...."
"And I knew the second after it crossed my mind that it was a terrible, horrible, wicked thing to think and I was horrified with myself."
"But you didn't do it."
"No. I didn't even take a second beyond it crossing my mind to consider it."
"That's good."
"But, Bess it was still there in my head--it still went through my mind--it was an actual thought I had! And then Ethel gave us that stuff to help her colic and Starry was better and happy. And I was fine for a while, except now I felt horrible for that evil thought and I felt like I failed because I hadn't been the one to help my own baby, Ethel had. And then another day I was changing Starry and she had a huge blowout all over me and the bed and a pile of clothes I'd just cleaned, and I got so mad for a second I... oh, Bess, I felt like hitting her. And I knew it was another evil thing to think, but it was still there in my head again!"
"And you felt terrible again."
"Horrible! Like the worst mother that's ever lived! And I just kept having these thoughts with every little challenge with her. I never actually considered acting any of them out, but I was still thinking about them. I feel like such a danger to her, even just when I'm in the same room with her!"
"So that's why you started back to work so early," Bess surmised. "So you wouldn't be spending as much time around her."
"I thought maybe, if I wasn't with her all the time, I might just be happy to be with her when I was and those thoughts would stop. But they haven't. So I keep spending more and more time working to try and make them stop. But then I feel even more like a terrible mother because a mother should spend as much time with her baby as she can, shouldn't she? And it's not that I don't want to do that--I do want to spend as much time as I can with her, more than anything. But I just can't do that!"
"Because you're afraid you'll hurt Starry."
"Exactly!" The near-frantic woman looked her friend's way, eyes desperate and almost pleading. "Bess, I-I feel crazy! Insane! I don't want to hurt my baby; she is amazing and beautiful and everything I could have wanted and hoped and dreamed for. But now, instead of thinking of the miracle that she is, all I can think about when I see her is how I've had and keep having those terrible thoughts about her and I feel so... unworthy and disgusting. I-I can't even bring myself to be affectionate with Adonis anymore because I feel so monstrous for the things I've thought about Starry. I-If he knew about the harm I've thought about doing to our precious, innocent little girl... he'd hate me. And leave me. And I wouldn't even blame him for it, because I would too, if I had the choice. What man would want to be with a woman who thinks these things about their child? What mother would think those things to begin with?"
Bess was quiet a moment, processing. Part of her was vindicated for the suspicions she'd been having for a while now being proved correct; a bigger part of her was just so sad for her soul-sister. Not for the first time in her life, Connie had been struggling in virtual silence for far too long, and no one had taken the time to really notice and reach out to help. Until now.
Taking the older woman's tepid tea away from her and setting it aside, Bess got down on the floor in front of Connie and looked up into her face. "Connie, do you remember that book I gave to you right after you announced your pregnancy?"
Connie nodded with a sniff.
"How far into it did you read?"
"Everything up until you leave the hospital."
"You haven't read anything else after that?"
"No. I-I've been meaning to but... finding spare time hasn't been much of a thing, obviously."
"Well, Honey, if you did, I think you'd find out that lots of mothers have those kinds of thoughts about their babies for a while. Those thoughts and worse. Connie, what you're describing is a symptom postpartum depression--"the baby blues"--and it's actually very common, especially in first-time mothers, and especially for mothers who had rough labors, both boxes that you tick."
"Baby blues? I thought that was just when you get sad and gloomy after having the baby because of all the hormones still in your system?"
"That's one symptom that can manifest, but the scary thoughts and the fear of being alone with your baby because you think you might hurt her? That's, unfortunately, part of it too. It's not nice or fun, but it's absolutely a thing that happens to lots of women."
"Really? These sorts of thoughts and feelings are normal?"
"Unfortunately. They're just basically intrusive thoughts on steroids with a real morbid personality. My mother had them a couple times. Hela struggled with it for a while, too, after she had Jenny. Ethel's gone through it a few times. Honey, you're not the only mama in the Pack, let alone the world, that's gone through this."
It was amazing how fast a spark of relief lit up in Connie's puffy eyes. "S-So... I-I'm not a danger to my baby?"
"Not as long as you're not seriously considering acting out the thoughts that go through your head."
Connie hastily shook her head. "No! No, never! I-I never do! As soon as they finish passing through my thoughts, I dismiss them immediately. I don't want to do them and I know they're wrong; I just can't seem to stop them from being thought up."
"Then I'd say that doesn't make you a danger to Starry. Not in my eyes. But I think all of this does make you a candidate for some serious therapy for a little while. Because you haven't exactly been handling this whole situation very well, have you?"
Connie looked a bit shamefaced again. "No," she confessed softly. "No, I haven't. Not at all. Even if I'm not necessarily a bad Mama for having those thoughts, I still haven't been a very good one, I know that. And I haven't been a very good friend for a while either. And I've been a horrible wife." She fell quiet a moment and looked into the electric flames of the fireplace.
Finally, she turned Bess again. "You... you don't think it's too late to... fix things... do you? You don't think I've pushed people too far away? You don't think Starry won't be able to bond with me? You don't think I've... I've hurt Adonis too badly?"
Both women giggled a bit at that, Connie's laugh sounding very teary but still a little amused.
Bess let a small smile curl the corners of her mouth as a soft snort escaped her. She sat back beside Connie and pulled her into another hug. "If there's one thing I know about this big ol' extended family of ours," she commented, "it's that we're all about forgiveness and second chances. It would take a lot more than some frustrating, pregnancy-hormone-induced lunacy for us to quit one of our own."
The young woman pulled back to hold her friend by the shoulders and meet her eyes again with a softer smile. "And if there's one thing I'm sure of with Adonis, it's that he loves you unconditionally. I swear, you could attack that dude with a bag of bricks with as much malicious intent as there is in the world, and he'd still forgive you, he's that crazy in love."
The intercom suddenly buzzed for the second time that evening, drawing the women's attention.
Bess smirked back at Connie. "That'll be the boys."
The anxiety creeped back onto Connie's face and she gulped. Still, she nodded her head with some determination. "Okay," she sighed. "Let's do it."
Bess gave her shoulder a squeeze and winked at her before going to the intercom to press the button. "Come on up."
The minutes of waiting for the boys' arrival was never ending, it seemed. Bess returned to her seat beside Connie and held her hands as they sat in silence. Whenever they exchanged glances, Bess smiled reassuringly at her friend and squeezed her fingers in support. It was all going to be okay.
Finally the door of the apartment practically flew open and in rushed a frantic and mildly damp Ebenezer Scrooge. His wild eyes landed on his robed wife. "Constance!"
Connie practically jumped her to her feet, tears already shining her eyes again. "Ebenezer!" she cried. She'd hardly taken two steps before her husband was upon her, pulling her into a crushing embrace. He was kissing her before she had a chance to speak.
Quietly slipping out of the vicinity of the pair, Bess retreated across the flat to join her fiancé, Ebenezar "Wolf" Scrooge where he stood shaking out his raincoat and hanging it on a hook beside the door. She returned his smile when he saw her coming and slipped under his outstretched arm and into his side to hold him tight. Her eyes drifted shut and she hummed in satisfaction as he bowed his head to kiss her. Unbelievable warmth seeped throughout her body and into the woman's very soul: Considering the evening that had just commenced, it was very much welcomed.
"How is she?" Wolf whispered when they'd parted lips, both of their gazes drifting to the couple by the fire. They were no longer locked in a kiss but were still wrapped up tight and gazing deep into each other's eyes as they shared urgent whispers. Adonis was gently drying Connie's tears with his thumb.
Bess sighed as she leaned her head on her man's shoulder. "She'll be okay," she answered softly. "I'm sure of it."
"Did you get to the bottom of the situation?"
"Yes, I think we did. I'll explain it to you later. Starry?"
"Addie and Tom are with her while we're here. I think her fever's broke."
"Good. One less stressor out of the equation for Connie right now."
"I thought you said she'll be all right?"
"She will be. She could just... use all the little breaks she can get right now."
Wolf chuckled and nudged Bess' face back to his with a finger under her chin. "Well, considering one of the breaks she has is you for a best friend," he remarked, touching his brow to Bess' and giving her a besotted smile, "I'd say she's well off." And with that, the Englishman kissed his young, American love again.
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rom-e-o · 1 year
“Show Me How Much You Missed Me” - Ebenezer/OC (NSFW)
After spending a month away in New York to spend time with her mother, Constance DoGoode returns to her new home in London. She returns to a very eager Ebenezer, who missed his fiancée dearly, and is more than willing to show her how much he missed her.
This is an 18+ story. Minors DNI. Full story below the cut!
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The past four weeks had been grueling for Ebenezer Scrooge.
Firstly, he was short one employee at the counting house, which created additional work and craziness across all fronts. Normally, this would have been only a minor annoyance. After all, he had worked alone as many individuals’ sole financial counsel after Jacob Marley had passed. Since then, Bob had filled the seat expertly. So, even without a clerk, they were hardly left wanting.
Now, it was more so that the counting house clerk happened to also be his fiancée…and he missed her dearly.
Constance DoGoode, said clerk and wife-to-be, had been away for a month to visit her mother in New York.
The lady had expressed guilt at the idea of going, but Ebenezer wouldn’t hear it.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me leaving?” she’d asked. “I understand if you…”
“Nonsense! Go see your mother, Love,” he had urged, kissing her forehead. “Know that I will miss you and will eagerly await your return.”
He’d meant that. Since her departure, not a single night had passed where he hadn’t dreamed of her, or where his body didn’t long to embrace her.
As days turned to weeks, Ebenezer’s desires intensified, and he found it impossible to control himself once the sun set and the house assumed a discomforting stillness.
Sometimes, he’d even wake up sweating with his trousers urgently tented, a very pleasant dream interrupted by the chime of the nearby clock tower’s morning summons. Other times, when he could, he’d take himself in his hand and imagine Constance was beside him, stroking him and bringing him to blissful ruin with her body and mouth.
Needless to say, the man eagerly tracked the days remaining until her boat arrived back in port, praying all the while for her safety and happiness along the way.
Secondly, with Constance gone, the house was…vacant. Lonely. The presence of Magda during working hours helped cure some of the loneliness, but stars above, the man couldn’t imagine how he’d lived alone for so long with only Prudence to keep him company. Not the London’s finest lady was sour company by any means, but it was hardly a substitute for human interaction.
It wasn’t the first time he’d felt this type of ache, like a chamber was missing from his heart. In fact, he recalled with a grimace the days following Isabel’s departure where Jacob had rolled his eyes at his moping.
He’d said, “Come on, you’re wound up tighter than one of those little soldier toys! Go down to the docks, find some chit, and shag it out of your system!”
It was one of the rare times Ebenezer had not followed his elder’s advice, having seen no point in it. Even now, he felt the same. It would be purposeless if it wasn’t the person he cared for. In fact, the idea of being with anyone he didn’t have that attachment to made him uncomfortably itchy and nauseous.
The unsettling suggestion had even crossed him mind occasionally at work, as Bob had commented multiple times that he caught the man’s eye spontaneously twitching, seemingly without reason.
When the day finally came for her scheduled return, the man all but raced from the counting house and to the London Docks to meet her.
It was springtime, so he didn’t bother with a heavy coat, only donning his hat and jacket that laid crisply over his waistcoat.
“I’m heading out early, Bob,” he called over his shoulder, Prudence galloping to his side as he stood in the open doorway.
Bob glanced up knowingly, offering his business partner a wink. “Ah, is our clerk returning to British soil?”
“Finally,” he said, then blushed at the slip. Bob let out a laugh, waving away the other man’s embarrassment as if it was a fly buzzing about their office.
“Go on, I can hold down the fort,” he promised.
“Or lock up early and go home to your family,” Scrooge offered.
The redhead blinked back at him. “O-Oh. Are you serious?”
“I’m quite serious,” he replied with a grin, “In fact, take an extended weekend! You must!”
He certainly intended to tell Constance that they would be doing the same. Business could wait, he thought.
Bob didn’t have time to reply before Scrooge was out the door, nearly running down London’s moist cobblestone streets toward his destination.
Thankfully, the docks weren’t far from Thames Street.
That gave the man plenty of time to make sure he was at the proper port and waiting in the proper location for the boat to unload its passengers.
All seemed calm upon his arrival, which eased his mind quite a bit.
No talk of ice blockages or other perils stalling the boat’s path greeted him, which served as a great relief, considering that the path of travel she took was perilously close to Canadian waters, which were known to be minefields of icebergs and strong, freezing winds.
Prudence eagerly awaited at his side, her tail pounding the pavement as it wagged anxiously. Pleased by her happiness, he reached into his pocket and brandished a dog biscuit for her. As she eagerly munched the cookie down, the silver-haired gent patted her large head fondly.
“Are you excited too, girl?”
After she finished chewing, she let out a bark of agreement, the sound sending crumbs skittering across the stones below.
He laughed, scratching under her chin expertly. After their many years together, he knew her preferences. “Well said.”
Minutes passed, and more individuals began to gather in anticipation of the boat rolling into the port. Some individuals were elders, while other included women and their children, likely waiting for their husbands to return from business trips. As people anxiously began to gather, he checked his pocket watch.
The hands read 4:15 p.m. It wouldn’t be long. Unconsciously, a grin spread across his face, and he bounced on his heels for the first time in his life that he could remember.
By the time he’d slipped the instrument back into his pocket, he heard the distant sound of a horn. Squinting, he saw a small, dark dot appear on the horizon. The children around him made the same observation and cheered, noting that the ship carrying their loved one would be rolling in shortly. Relief immediately washed over him. She’d made it.
After what felt like an eternity, the boat finally docked and he saw the crew moving about expertly, preparing the passengers to safely disembark. A large gangplank was extended between one of the boats many side doors. After a few routine protocols were recited by the vessel’s captain, passengers were allowed to get off.
Almost immediately, as if she’d been waiting near the door, a familiar redhead exited with a small ground of other passengers.
Her cobalt dress, the boning svelte and the skirt flaring at the knees to sweep the ground, was easy to notice amidst a sea of beige, brown, and pale-yellow garments. Its velvet material captured the shimmering light of the sun like starlit algae in an ethereal glade. He couldn’t help but chuckle excitedly at both the sight of her, but also her appearance. Even when faced with the threat of arduous sea travel, the woman always tried to look put together. A leftover habit from her days as a socialite, she’d told him.
He didn’t even have time to yell out to her, for she saw him the second she stepped on dry land. Even in a crowd of thousands, her eyes sought his instantly, as if he was the only person in the whole city she saw.
A smile lit up her face instantly, and she flew down the gangplank and across the dock. “Ebenezer!”
One look was all it took for his heart to begin feeling full for the first time in weeks. He surged forward to meet her in the middle, Prudence following close behind her papa’s footsteps.
Dropping her small suitcase part of the way, Constance rushed to him and threw her arms around him. He caught her easily, the momentum sending them spinning as their lips locked in a passionate kiss.
Although public displays of affection were largely frowned upon across the city, it was a sort of unspoken rule that even the most prude individuals turned the other cheek when it came to couples reuniting on the docks after being separated by the sea. As a result, Ebenezer and Constance were merely one of many happy couples kissing on the bustling pier.
Even after Connie’s feet touched the ground again, their lips remained joined in a deep kiss, noses mashed against each other’s cheeks and faces angled to allow as much closeness as possible.
“I missed you so much,” Constance whispered against his lips, and his heart soared even more. He dared to hope that she had thought of him as much as he had thought of her.
Before he could reply, she kissed him again, causing him to laugh before tightening his embrace and hauling her even closer to him.
Only when they parted for air did he cup her reddened face in his warm hands and reply.
“I missed you too,” he whispered into the spring air, her lake-colored eyes captivating him. “I swear, London was darker and colder without you here with me.”
When her face reddened, the green hue of her eyes stood out even more, shifting to the color of a tropical ocean.
Backtracking to grab her suitcase, Constance bent to greet Prudence, who had patiently waited for the couple to finish their reunion before giving the woman her own onslaught of kisses.
“Aw, Prudie, I missed you too!” Constance said, laughing as the dog’s tongue lapped eagerly as her face. She held a large, bread loaf-sized paw in each hand as she smooched her right on the cold nose.  “Did you take good care of your daddy while I was gone? You kept him in line, right?”
She barked in affirmation and Constance hugged the mastiff like she was a teddy bear. “Good girl!”
Linking arms, the couple left the docks and began to saunter their way back to Ebenezer’s house back on Lime Street in Cornhill. Along the way, the man asked a myriad of questions about her trip, urging to tell him everything about her visit. Specifically, he asked about her mother Theresea, whom was the main motivating force behind her visit home.
“How is your mother, my dear?” he inquired, carrying her bag with ease while Constance nested both her hands in the crook of his elbow. “I do hope she’s well. I know you wanted to check in on her.”
“She is,” Constance said, the relief palpable in her voice and on her face. “She’s got a lot of projects going on right now, but she’s pacing herself.”
“That must be stressful, to start so many passionate endeavors only to also juggle a doctor’s advice.”
“The tachycardia seems to be under control for now…they believe it was stress related. I wouldn’t be surprised. This new philanthropic project in Chelsea is a large undertaking, even for her!”
Ebenezer squeezed her hands gingerly. “You’re a very good daughter, going to check in on her. I hope you two were able to spend some time together and bond between the doctor’s visits?”
“Oh, yes!” she said gaily. “Some bohemians had set up a stage in Central Park and were performing the works of Shakespeare for audiences! They were aspiring actors, of course, looking to be discovered, but they were quite good. Oh, and I also took her to the public library, and to the sea. The ocean air does miracles, and it seemed to boost her spirits! We picnicked on the shore and played in the waves, just like we used to do when I was a little girl! Oh, Ebenezer, it was wonderful!”
Just watching her enthusiasm about spending time with her mother made the man’s heart swell with fondness. Ye gods, he loved watching her talk and talk about topics and people she was passionate about. He could listen to her for hours, never needing to interject a single word, because of how effective her words were at filling the voice of space. Listening to her talk was like listening to an entertainer or professional storyteller. It captivated him into blissful silence.
“Oh, do you need to stop by the office? I didn’t know if we had work.”
“Sod work. I fully intend on giving you a very warm welcome.”
One of her rose-colored brows lofted in obvious interest. “Oh? The lovely kiss we shared on the docks was already like something out of a romance novel, my love! Y-You needn’t spoil me further.”
“Yes, I absolutely should,” he said, the timbre of his voice thickening as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “One kiss is hardly enough to convey how much I missed you.”
She gave him a look of anticipation, her cheeks glowing, and he only chuckled in response. “You’ll see. Look, we’re almost home.”
Sure enough, they were but a few blocks away from the man’s impressive manor when his comments prompted her to pay attention to their surroundings.
He keyed in and led her inside, Prudence jogging in behind them.
Upon stepping in, the familiar scent of balsam and fir filled her lungs, and the glow of candles filled the enchanting space with orbs of warm light.
After over a month away from the home, she looked around the mansion with a wide grin upon her face. While others commented that the house appeared intimidating from the outside or that the interior’s paint was too dark and the halls too cavernous, to her, it was the warmest and safest place in all of London.
No sooner had the door shut did the sound of hurried footsteps and joyful Hungarian exclamations reach her ears. Sure enough, Magda rounded the corner moments later in an excited flurry of lace skirts and ribbons.
“You’re back, darling!” she said, throwing her arms around Constance and squeezing as tightly as if she was hugging a daughter. “I’m so glad to see you, dear! How was your trip? Good, I hope! Your cheeks look a little hollowed…did you eat properly? Do you have scurvy?”
While Constance blushed and attempted to ease the older woman’s quickly mounting concerns, Ebenezer took it upon himself to make sure he grabbed her suitcase to take upstairs to her room.
“Magda, please take Constance to the kitchen,” he said, then nodded to his wife softly. “I’ll be down in a moment, Love.”
Enchanted by the softness of his expression, she could only nod and allow herself to be whisked away by the maid and pushed into the adjacent kitchen. Prudence, meanwhile, trotted over to one of her many toys scattered near the house’s roaring fireplace, the fragrant birch wood chips giving off the nostalgic and comforting aroma of aftershave.
“You must be famished, dear,” the maid said. “Here, Mr. Scrooge made some food for you.”
Constance turned to Magda in astonishment. “What? Ebenezer made—oh! Oh my.”
The woman’s astonished sentiment was interrupted yet again by the sight of a full dinner already prepared. “I set the table to make sure everything stayed fresh, but yes. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for your return, so he learned to make your favorites.”
Surely enough, the table was filled with treats like prawn vindaloo, bread with pumpkin seeds, honeyed brie and, of course, raspberry tarts. A bouquet of calla lilies sat in the middle of the table, the snow-white petals bursting forth from the crystal vase in an explosion of freshly scented glory. Next to the vase sat an amber-colored bottle of orange cognac with a label she recognized as being from a very prestigious seller in the city.
“He learned to make all this?” Constance asked in amazement, taking in the sight with a slow sway of her head.
“I did.”
When she turned to face Magda, she found that Ebenezer had returned to fill the vacancy at her side again. He slid an arm around her and offered a lopsided grin that was almost boyish in appearance. “I, um, hope you like them. I’ll admit I’m not much of a cook, but I had help from Magda and Bob in trying out a few recipes, and I—”
His sentence was interrupted by Constance flying into his arms and kissing him gratefully, enveloping his body in waves of her skirts and a cloud of golden-red hair. He sank into the embrace willingly, the lily and pear perfume filling his nostrils and providing more sensory proof that her appearance before him was reality and not some cruel illusion.
This kiss was slightly deeper than the last, so both took glory in savoring the moment. The feeling of each other’s lips, the sensation of the other’s eyelashes fluttering against their cheeks, even the scrubbing of Ebenezer’s facial hair against her jaw. It all coalesced into a magical connection that, had they not needed oxygen, would have persisted for many more minutes uninterrupted. Even the tangle of arms created brought pleasure, the comfort he felt in her embrace bringing him more relief than he thought any bed could offer.
Although they had broken apart for oxygen sooner, it was ultimately the sound of Magda clearing her throat a beat later that snapped them out of their rosy haze.
“Mr. Scrooge, I’ll be taking my leave for the evening,” Magda said with a curtsey. “Do you require me for anything else on this night, my lord?
The man straightened his cravat shyly before reassuming a somewhat professional persona, as if he hadn’t just been spotted savoring a kiss form his beloved fiancée. The façade brought a knowing smirk to the woman’s face.
“Um, no,” he stated, his brow straight and posture proper. “No, thank you. You are dismissed.”
“Thank you very much, sir.”
“Of course. As promised, please take the night as well as the weekend off. I’ve already told Bob to do the same, so things should remain low-key around here.”
“What of your appointments, sir?”
“I should have none, but if visitors ring your home asking for me, send them my way. There will be no doorman, but the knocker should suffice.”
“Will you actually answer the door if they knock?”
A smirk graced his visage. “That, I cannot promise.”
She chuckled fondly, eyes crinkling joyfully. “Very good, sir.”
“Oh, and do give Errol my regards as well.”
The woman dipped her head again before bidding Constance one last farewell. “Do enjoy your time together, you two! Remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. But if you do … remember to close the curtains.”
She gave the couple a knowing wink from behind her bottle-thick glasses, which did nothing to calm the flush that was already making Ebenezer’s cheeks bloom a rather lovely shade of peach.
While Ebenezer escorted the maid to the door, Constance remained awestruck by both of Ebenezer’s acts of service to the women.
Not that he was a greedy or cruel individual normally (at least, now while she had known him), but Magda had been intentionally hired to help fill the gaps where the man realized he had shortcomings. Specifically, this included tasks like housework and cooking. Things that, previously, he’d done the bare minimum needed for survival and decent hygiene. Many days, he’d given more attention to Prudence to himself.
By the time he returned from bidding the woman farewell and making sure she had made it to her next-door abode safely, he’s also shed his day jacket and hung it on a hook near the front door. The result left him in just a white, starched shirt with suspenders linked to his nicely fitting trousers. He’d even pushed up his sleeves – and action he was very aware she appreciated.
Without missing a beat, the couple jumped back into conversation.
“Goodness gracious, an entire weekend off?” she gushed, sinking into the seat that Ebenezer pulled out for her. “That’s wonderful. Magda deserves the break.”
“Indeed, she does,” he said, nudging her up to the table before reaching for the cognac. “I offered Bob the same guidance, so the counting house will be closed as well.”
“I heard you say as much. So, no work, then?”
After a quick pour, she gratefully accepted an amber-filled goblet from him. He then went to fill his own.
“Indeed. I figured you could use some time to unwind after your travels rather than jumping right back into clerical work.”
“Well, I���m very grateful for that!” she said. “Traveling isn’t as taxing as work, but it was hardly a leisure trip. Seeing my mother was wonderful, but weeks at sea? Blech.”
He laughed in sympathy.
She angled her eyes up at them, her expression shifting from joyfulness to almost coquettish knowing. “So, you’re saying we’ll be alone in the house for the next few days?”
His eyes practically glinted at the words, rendering the need for any verbal confirmation moot. When both glasses were filled, he remained at her side as he raised his glass in celebratory regard.
“A toast.”
“You hate toasts,” she teased, but raised her glass anyway. After all, she adored them.
“I hate belabored, self-congratulatory blabbering,” he explained, “But this toast is simple, my Love.”
He raised his glass, his smile as warm as the liqueur that swirled in the crystal. “To your mother’s health, and to your safe return.”
Glowing, she clinked the rim of her glass against his.
“Thank you,” she whispered, voice catching for a second. “It is wonderful…to be home.”
Dinner commenced on schedule, with Constance repeatedly cooing about the deliciousness of the food and Ebenezer blushing at each and every compliment she issued.
The meal was peppered with lively conversation, with him asking her questions about the city and her happily providing answers. They discussed everything from the weather (it had been balmy but chilly) to what the ladies had done each day. She also disclosed that she had visited her father’s grave to pay her respects, then reached across the table to take her fiancé’s hand.
“By the way, the flowers you sent to the hotel were amazing,” she said, almost tearing up again at the memory. “When I told mama that you’d sent one bouquet for her, one for me, and one for papa, do you know what she said? ‘He’s a keeper, Connie! Hold on to that one tight.’”
His gaze softened. “D-Did she really?”
“Yes. She said it was incredibly thoughtful of you. I think so too.”
Upon hearing that the gift had been so positively received, he heaved a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness. I was hoping it would be in good taste. They sent a telegraph letting me know that I’d contacted them far enough in advance for the arrangements, but I was still skeptical. You know how things happen sometimes. I’ll have to send my regards to the florist.”
With their meal long-since concluded by this point, Constance moved her chair closer to Ebenezer’s, longing to share space with the man she had been apart from for so long.
“You…were so sweet to go through all that trouble.”
“It was no trouble,” he assured, gripping her hands tightly. He laced their fingers, and she was happy to give him a ginger squeeze in return.
“Ebenezer…” she whispered. Her voice sank to an appropriate whisper, her tone matching the fading glow of the candles that had begun to burn down to the bottoms of their wicks. “I…”
“I missed you so much,” she said.
“You said that earlier, Sunflower,” he teased, lifting a hand so his fingers could skim her jaw. In particular, the pad of his thumb kneaded her plush bottom lip.
“I know…but it’s true,” she sighed, leaning gradually into his touch. She felt practically magnetized to him, longing only to drift closer and closer. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing my mother. I love her so dearly, and she is precious to me. Two years ago, she was really the only family I felt I had left. However, a month is the longest we’ve been apart from each other since our courtship.”
“Indeed,” he agreed, voice husky as his gaze dropped to hers. “There were many lonely days and nights without you.”
“Life simply wasn’t the same,” he continued, hands falling to her waist and gently tugging her forward. She followed his silent command inch by inch before realizing she’d been lured onto his lap. Hardly minding this turn of events, she lifted a knee onto the cushion of the chair, then another, and settled comfortably upon his hips.
“Really?” she asked, her words light. Was it the cognac? No, she’s only had a small glass with food. It was him; it was always him.
“Oh, most definitely, my Sunflower.”
“Tell me how.”
Her palms sought the meat of his pectorals. Both flattened in eager unison against his chest before sliding upwards to cup his wide shoulders. Meanwhile, his touch ambled down her back, teasing at the buttons and ribbons of her dress.
“Every day at the counting house was so unearthly quiet, and each evening unbelievably dull,” he said with a heaviness, as if recalling those moments caused him physical discomfort. “And the nights…ye gods, how I writhed for you.”
Her breath hitched, making the cords of her throat jump. “You did?”
“Every night, my dear,” he swore, his hands continuing to move downward as he spoke. Eventually, they came to rest on her bum. “I would roll over to your side of the bed and just breathe in the scent of your perfume and body from your pillow. I pretended every touch of my own hand was yours instead, and every night, it still wasn’t enough.
“It was never enough. I ached for you. Not just your touch, but your laugh. Your voice. Your bloody, beautiful smile that could light all the lamps of London for a century.”
With an impish grin, he gave both cheeks a firm squeeze. While the teasing would have normally made Constance yelp, this time, their time apart had amplified her desire for any touch of his to a boiling point. Instead of merely gasping, she moaned and rolled her hips against his, seeking the tented hardness she knew was concealed by his flat-lay trousers and the skirt of her dress.
Even with the multiple fabric barriers between them, Ebenezer’s eyes sparked like flint at her reaction. In an instant, passion was magnified further. Breaths came harder; blushes burned deeper.
Then, she pleaded, “Please, show me how much you missed me.”
“Make love to me,” she gasped, gripping him, “Please.”
An insistent tug was all it took to get her to angle her head and bring their faces back together, lips crashing and arms tangling. He leaned back in the chair to help them maintain balance, his long legs keeping them sturdy even as the heat of her kiss threatened to sweep him right off his feet and into a dream.
His arms wound around her waist until their bellies were flush against each other. He felt the heat and weight of her ample bosom against his chest, which was a heavenly blessing that warred directly with the pleasure of having her lips upon his, her pink tongue sweeping over his teeth and her little gasps and moans sweetening each touch even more.
After a few more swaps of her beautiful hips, he felt a telltale stirring between his legs. The heat turned to pressure and, as he continued to melt into him, further discomfort. With a growl, he unwound one arm from her waist to snake it under her lips. Lips still clumsily meeting, he hoisted her up like a groom carrying a bride over the threshold.
He stood for the table, leaving the dishes for the morning as he carried her up the mansion’s stairs. Even with the added weight, he took them two at a time.
It was a short trip to his bedroom in no small part due to his quick haste. A swift kick opened the door to the room easily. He crossed the room and deposited her body upon his four-posted bed, chuckling in delight against her lips as he felt her body meet the mattress then bounce back up into his.
Unfortunately, a glance at the bedroom’s fireplace in his peripheral vision reminded him of an obligatory task he needed to do before they could fully savor each other’s company.
He groaned in physical pain as he pulled away.
“I…need to put out the fire,” he gasped, hands pushing her hand into the bed. “I’ll be back up in a jiffy.”
She nodded, her face wreathed in a coppery halo of hair. “Of course. I will most certainly be here.”
After a smirk and one more kiss, he immediately turned and left. The woman couldn’t resist chuckling proudly at how loud and quick his footsteps were. To be able to get such a rise out of someone many had previously deemed cold and untouchable…gods, it made her feel so wonderfully special. Also, a little dangerous.
While he was gone, Constance used the opportunity to freshen up. She dashed to the bathroom to rinse her mouth, brush her hair, and check her make-up. She would have liked to reapply her lipstick, but it would have been smudged off anyway. Instead, she fluffed her hair, undid a few buttons on her dress, and smiled giddily. He always made her feel as giggly as a schoolgirl when they were together.
She returned to the bed and, after a few more moments of waiting (which mostly included drumming her feet against the floor), decided to assist the process of coupling by shedding her dress.
Just as she removed her jacket and got started with unlacing her corset, she heard the door creak. She looked up and saw him standing there, his chest heaving from making such a quick journey, the smell of ash following him. In the rays of the sunset that glowed from the windows behind her, she saw him lit like a radiant god.
She noted the silver shine of his hair, the chiseled features of his face, and the top of his furred chest that peeked out from just beneath the open sliver of shirt.
“Beautiful,” she gasped.
He must have heard her, because he began to strut toward the bed until he stood between her knees, which she spaciously parted beneath her dress.
“Says you, goddess,” he replied, and her cheeks turned raspberry.
She watched as his chest inflated with slow, deliberate breaths, widening his already impressive frame.
“You’re breathtaking,” he whispered.
A smirk graced his lips as he noted her prone position, legs open and breasts swelling against the confines of the boned garment.
“Eager, are we?”
“Very much so,” she responded, batting her lashes up at him. “Um, could you assist me with…”
He needed no further prompting. With an eye-rolling level of enthusiasm, he took to tugging the tautness out of the laces until the panels became lax and fell away. As they did, Constance sighed in relief as heavy breasts was allowed to fall, allowing her bosom to slope naturally beneath the thin, lace-trimmed undershirt.
Ebenezer laid the untied corset off to the side and went to cup the generous mounds, his fingers stroking her nipples through the thin fabric. They hardened quickly against his touch, recognizing the fingertips that touched them and responding eagerly.
Constance leaned back against his broad chest, moaning in contentment as he bent his head to shower her freckled shoulders in kisses.
“Mm…I missed this,” she purred. An arm lofted up and over her shoulder to stroke his starlight-colored hair.
“Missed what, Sunflower?”
“You. Me. This.”
He hummed in agreement, trailing his kisses to the other shoulder and then to the nape of her neck.
“When I was over in New York, I…slept by myself in my hotel room, and it was so odd,” she admitted. Then, more softly, “You know…I took one of your cravats from the laundry before I went. I hope you didn’t miss it too much.”
That prompted sincere surprise from the man. He hadn’t noticed, likely because he was (ironically) too distracted by her being gone for a cravat to breach his attention threshold.
“Did you? Which one?”
“The pale yellow one with a soft brocade pattern.”
“Ah. Why did you take it? Obviously, you’re welcome to any of my clothes, but…”
She smiled, adjusting her head in his arms to meet his gaze. “It smelled like you. Your cologne. Your aftershave. Your…everything. I slept with it like a stuffed animal, and it helped me relax. It felt normal.”
He inhaled shakily at the admission. The mental image of her curled in a foreign bed, windows open to the sights and sounds of a crisp Manhattan night, his cravat wound around her slender fingers, pressed to her soft lips as she slept … ye gods, it made his heart soft as freshly made taffy.
“Y-You may not want to wear it out again immediately, I didn’t just sleep with it,” she admitted, and he felt his heart lurch and trousers tighten in anticipation of the confession that was to come.
She moaned as she felt his grip tighten on her breasts, his fingers returning to re-harden her pert nipples. A swallow and leather-light moan met his ears. “I…missed you so much. On night when I couldn’t bear it, I pressed the cravat to my face and used my other hand on myself…to try and pretend it was you. I stuffed it in my mouth, threaded it between my legs…”
F—uck, that made him hard.
“It wasn’t the same…” she continued with a sigh. Then, she inhaled sharply as she felt the creep of his fingers against the top of her thigh. She shivered through the sensation, a plea stuttering in her throat as he stroked the skin of her leg with maddening slowness.
“Continue, dear,” he beseeched, his voice velvety against the shell of her ear.
As the pads of his fingers trekked a path toward the delta of her thighs.
“M-My fingers aren’t as big as yours, s-so I couldn’t go as d-deep,” she stammered, struggling to maintain focus as he sought the short hem of her slip. He found it with ease, all while his lips continued to ravish the column of her neck, savoring the map of pulsepoints he knew so well by touch that he could navigate the plane of her flesh blindly.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he teased with a little laugh.
“I guess I’m just, ah, not as skilled with my f-fingers as you,” she said, her words becoming choppy as he slipped his fingers beneath the slip. He found the swatch of fabric at the apex of her thighs and stroked it with the length of his fingers. In response, her hips rolled into his hand softly, and she let out a mewl of need.
He could already feel the warmth rolling onto his fingers, and with just a light touch – fuck – she was wet for him too. Drawing a steady breath between his teeth, he slipped his hand into her smalls and caressed her folds. Even the light touch, not even penetrating, made her gasp for him. Her spine arced against his chest, and she continued to keep her fist tightly curled in his hair.
Although they had been apart for a month, this was hardly their first song and dance. Ebenezer knew damn well what Constance wanted and what she liked. What spots were the most pleasurable, what movements drove her wild the quickest, etcetera. After the woman had just admitted she’d tried to get herself off with her own hands in his absence (all while sniffing an article of his clothing, like she was some pining woman in a romance novel) he was absolutely going to give her the foreplay she wanted and deserved.
“It feels like you’re already a bit worked up, love,” he whispered, circling the tips of his fingers lazily through the dusting of auburn coils between her legs. Her hips bucked and swayed in accordance with even the smallest flicker of movement, giving credence to his knowledge of her. Electricity arced between them, Constance panting into the dark air of the bedroom as Ebenezer ravished her with his fingers.
“Ah…hah…mmm…more,” she pleaded softly.
He sped up his movements, feeling the area grow slicker and warmer by the second. A few more swipes led him to the little bundle of nerves that would eventually help him bring her to the edge of bliss. The gem poked out from its pink hood, eagerly seeking attention and stimulation.
Each and every time he gave the gave the bud a nudge or swipe, Constance’s body tensed and arced in his arms. She would nudge her hips forward, eagerly seeking friction on the sweet spot. Yet, he teasingly lightened the pressure of moved his fingers away a few times, which earned him delicious pleas for his hands.
“Oh, E-Ebenezer, please…” she whispered, voice vacillating. “I-I want…”
“What do you want, dear?” he husked, teeth grazing her bare skin.
Her thighs bounced from strain as she opened them firmer, the edge of her slip riding completely up to her belly.
“Gods, I want you to touch me,” she said, her head lolling back until it rested on his shoulder. “Mm, I want your hands, your mouth…”
Unable to resist, he swiveled his head to place a kiss upon her cheek, savoring the softness of her profile and smoothness of her cheek against his thin lips.
Another whimper. “Mm! Y-Your cock too.”
His own hips jutted forward at his, tenting obviously against the swell of her bum. Feeling this emboldened the redhead, and she teasingly rolled her ass back and hard into the bulge. He hissed out a swear and looked up to see Constance grinning cheekily back at him.
“Two can play the teasing game,” she said with a giggle. “Now, Mr. Scrooge…why don’t you tell me how much you missed me? Or, even better, show me.”
That was it.
Turning her around in his lap, he easily found the hem of her slip and pulled the garment up and over her head. She aided the effort by raising her slender arms, glowing golden-orange from the rays of sunset streaming through the tall windows, and fluffed her strawberry waves after it was removed. Scrooge stared for a moment, transfixed at how she seemed to glow in the light, her hair bright as copper and eyes like twin stars.
Stunned, his hands inched up to cup her face, as if to truly test if she was real or not. To make sure this all wasn’t one of his many vivid, red-blooded dreams that came to him on lonely nights. When she smiled, her ruby-red lips splitting his face with a grin that could have made angels sing, he sighed in relief.
As if reading his mind, she reached up and curled her fingers around each of his wrists.
“I’m real,” she whispered. “I’m back.”
He pressed his forehead to hers and sighed shakily.
Tasting the remnants of her own arousal as his fingers brushed her lips, she opened her mouth and prompted him to slide them into her mouth. He obeyed, his steely eyes blowing wide as her ruby-lips closed around his fingers and sucked, puckering around his long digits, and togue swiping across and tasting her slick on his calloused fingertips.
With a pop, she released the fingers and watched as he, without breaking eye-contact for a millisecond, snaked the saliva-drenched fingers between her legs and slipped them inside.
Constance’s eyes fluttered briefly at the entry, before her lips formed a smile. Watching her breasts bounce as another ragged breath shot through her lungs made his hips ache sharply, straining against the restraint of his trousers.
“M-May I…”
“Lean back, please,” Ebenezer begged, nodding eagerly. “Relax while I pleasure you.”
He hungrily descended upon the velvety skin of her inner thigh, and she threw her head back in rapture. His mouth worked her flesh pleasantly, biting and sucking until it turned a pleasant shade of purple, before moving on to a fresh spot.
“E-Ebenezer!” she cried, panting. “Mmm…oh, oh my gods…”
He smirked against her skin, her pretty vulva now deliciously close to his lips. With one swipe of his tongue, he’d be there. He’d be able to taste the woman he’d been deprived of for a month. A month too long.
“Have you missed this, Love?” he asked knowingly.
At a loss for words, all she could do was nod, her back arching and lips parted as her breath became to come faster and faster.
All the while, his eyes savored the pleasant bobbing motion of her breasts and the snapping of her ample hips. Her core muscles flexed as she moved hard against him, seeking friction and heat.
Sinking back upon the impressive width of their master bedroom’s mattress, he crooked his fingers inside her with a ‘come hither’ motion that he knew would stroke the spongy g-spot at the back of her trembling sheath. It took a few thrusts to find the right angle, but once he did, her response was glorious.
“Oh, fuck, yeees!” she screamed, close to panting.
“That’s my girl,” he seethed in satisfaction. “That’s the reaction I want.”
“Mmm, right there,” she moaned, her head thrashing back and forth. “Oh, please don’t stop. Please!”
So, he kept up his pace, arcing his fingers up and hard into her quivering body. With each jump of her hips, a moan of excitement escaped her. The more he touched, the more eagerly the sounds came. Haste became the norm, but he never let up his teasing pace, opting instead to keep her dangerously perched on the edge for as long as he could.
“What do you want?” he asked in a low whisper. Even as his fingers plunged in and out of her, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her beautifully broken expression as her restraint began to splinter and crack.
“Fuck me, please,” she sobbed, sweat beading at her brow. “Pleasepleaseplease.”
Repeating her pleas like a mantra for him, it was a sure sign. She was getting closer and closer.
“An interesting proposition,” Scrooge teased, pulling his fingers free to circle her clit before plunging them back in. “A proposition I’m eager to fulfill.”
“Ah ah ah, not so fast,” he teased, chuckling at the way nearly growled at his playful delay. “I’m a diligent man after all, and you deserve the best. So, tell me how you want to fucked, and I’ll be damned sure to make it happen.”
Tossing her head, she stared at him with desperate, wet eyes.
“Slowly, softly, hard, I don’t care how,” she said, raising shaky thighs to wrap around his waist to yank him close. “Just please, get those bloody pants off and fill me up, please!”
Ebenezer hissed in pleasure. As if swearing wasn’t rare enough of an occurrence for the woman, her adopting the London accent was even more rare – and even more of a turn-on.
He broke away from her briefly, but only to rid himself of his remaining clothes.
“Bloody hell, I’ve waited an entire month to be with you like this again,” he seethed, hands racing to undo his trousers. After disrobing and casting his skivvies aside faster than he could ever recall doing, he followed her down with equal haste.
Caging her smaller form in his arms, he dipped his head to kiss her again, swallowing each moan eagerly and savoring the sultry taste of her mouth and feminine musk. Fuck, if he could bottle the adrenaline he felt every time they kissed, he’d eagerly spend the rest of his days inebriated.
After his pants dropped, his cock bobbed in relief, arcing proudly toward his navel from a groomed batch of dark hair. The phallus was swollen a shade of deep red, almost purple, the color accentuated only by the pattern of raised veins that traveled of the sides of his impressive cock.
Already leaking precum from their foreplay, he gave himself a few experimental pumps to lube himself. His erection pounded with such ferocity that even the light touches were enough to make his eyes flutter. When his steely eyes opened to refocus on her, the pale color of his irises accentuating the flush that spread up across the proud column of his neck and across his cheeks.
She swallowed thickly at the sight of her handsome fiancé standing over her, his body bared for her, his furred chest toned and puffed slightly, and his expression…gods, he looked enraptured.
“Constance,” he said, his voice no louder than a whisper. The sound was so brittle, it almost sounded as it if could shatter in the thin air. “D-Do you want…”
“No, I’m already ready,” she quivered, almost begging, “I just want to touch you. Feel you inside me.”
Unable to bear separation from him for another moment, she surged toward him and pulled him into another hard kiss. Falling in a tangle upon the mattress, she aligned her hips with the pillow and he poised himself between her thighs. Hands on her knees, he parted her legs eagerly, her folds dripping for him in yearning.
With an enthusiastic nod, he slid into her.
Rolling his hips softly at first, he advanced one inch. Then another.
“A-Ah, oh y—eeeeees,” she moaned, tipping her head back, a waterfall of strawberry blonde hair pooling beneath her. “E-Ebenezer! Yes!”
Constance arched her back, sinking against the weight of his body and kinking her spine to allow better access. It worked, and with one last euphoric nudge, he was sheathed to the hilt on her, his sac heavy against her perineum and his cock filling her snugly.
“Holy shite, Love, you’re so tight…” he huffed,” Even tighter than I remember…”
She sucked her lip between her teeth and laughed. “It’s only been a month.”
He adjusted his hips again and heard her moan vaguely beneath him.
“Ah—are you alright?”
“Gods, yes,” she gasped, her ample bosom heaving with frantic breaths. “You feel so, so good, my Adonis. So big and perfect…”
Writhing in need, she locked her ankles around his narrow hips and ground her dripping cunt hard against his pelvis. “P-Please start moving.”
He obeyed instantaneously, human desire blending seamlessly with animalistic lust. The action created a pleasant, buzzing friction between them. The scrub of his public hair on her sensitive, engorged clit only amplified the pleasure she felt. It only took a handful of thrusts before her mouth fell ajar and incoherent platitudes began to drift. Each hard thrust shook her, causing sweat to begin to bead at her brow and on her stomach, which was pressed against Ebenezer’s so snugly that even the breadth of a hair could not pass between them.
It took the couple only a minute to fall into a familiar rhythm, and he slid in and out of her easily, arcing up into her to jab the same spot deep inside her that he’d pounded with his fingers before.
Whimpering in arousal, she clung to him as tightly as possible as he reached a punishing pace and maintained it.
The sound of skin slapping skin, always something that embarrassed him to think about after the romp was over, only spurred him on in that instance.
With each thrust, both moaned in unison, until Ebenezer felt the telltale pressure in his lower abdomen begin to build. “F-Fuck, sweetheart, I’m close…”
When they locked eyes in the next instant, an apricot blush illuminated her face, making her glow like a rosy blossom on a stained-glass fresco at down.
She urged him, kissing the tip of his nose. She prompted him to grip the headboard over her so she could wrap her arms around his torso and hold on. He only held on his one hand, as he used the other to drift down between her open legs and stimulate her engorged clit with added presses. He knew her body so well that he could have found her pleasure points if he was blindfolded and strung upside-down.
Magnetized to her core, his hands easily found the center of her pleasure, and molten heat caressed his fingertips. The gesture immediately changed the expression on Constance’s face from bliss to ecstasy as her voice began to climb. The movements of her hips became more frenzied, and he matched it.
Holding onto his torso with her face buried in his shoulder, she gasped and writhed against him. The precipice of glory was so, so close.
Ebenezer pressed hard into her, the pressure and heat intense. With piston-like precision and force, he continued to plow her beautiful both onto the bed’s mattress. Gentlemanly pride long-since out the window, he growled and whimpered with each breathless movement.
Then, right when the tension became unbearable, his orgasm crashed forward.
Pulling out quickly, his squeezed his shaft and pumped heavy ropes of semen across her heavy breasts and her concave stomach.
The fluid speckled across her sweat-sheened flesh like dew on leaves; an irreplaceable, organic beauty that was only rivaled by the state of her flushed face. Ruby lips, rosy cheeks, reddish hair, all beautifully harmonious. It all coalesced into an image that could rival painting of Aphrodite, or any of Botticelli’s angels.
Not one to be distracted, he quickly suppressed the initial waves of the orgasm to continue his pace in bringing her to the edge of bliss. He could tell by the rigidity of her limbs that she was close, and the way her voice nearly vibrated with tension and her head rolled back and forth, he’d seen it all before. Yet, he never grew any less stunned by it.
“Let go, goddess,” he said, his weeping cock still dripping hot seed upon her flesh. “Let do, good girl. Please.”
The last surge of praise did her in.
“E-Ebenezer! Ah, ah, AHHH!”
Her whole body reached as she curled in upon herself, then bloomed outward as strong pulses of warm, tingling relief flooded every sinew of her.
“Good, good girl…” he praised, and she whimpered loudly in return.
“Augh, gods! Oh, oh…”
Every wave of her orgasm elicited fresh sounds of blush from her, and Ebenezer watched in delight as she experienced the entire rush of her orgasm in his arms.
When the sensations subsided, her body hit the mattress with a light bounce, lungs pumping furiously beneath her chest.
After a few steadying breaths, she lifted her head to stare down at her spunk-coated body, then beamed. “Hah…wow…”
Blush returning to his face, the man went to cup her cheek. “I-I most definitely missed you, um, if you couldn’t tell.”
Tipping her head back and letting out a belly-laugh, she found the strength to use the pillow to prop herself up on the pillows to better glimpse his expression. Bringing a hand to her cheek, she gave him a bemused stare as his hands continued to trace the outline of her body.
“I certainly enjoyed that you showed me,” she teased, sliding her fingers through the spunk, testing the slick texture of it against her skin.
At this, a think brow lofted. “Enjoyed? Past tense?”
“Oh? You mean…”
With a grin, the man descended upon her again, kissing a trail up her belly until he reached her lips again, the taste of their lips and arousal blending together. When he did pull away moments later, his eyes glinted with mischief.
“Oh, there is still much more to enjoy,” he promised. “I told you, I missed you dearly, and I intend to show you just how much.”
The sentiment made her heart soar more than her favorite Italian espresso. Constance was so happy that she wanted to jump up, spin in circles, flip tables and yell her excitement from the rooftops of London. She wanted to brag to the city that the glorious Adonis of a man she called her husband wasn’t only the love of her life, but also showered her in so much love and affection that no other love could compare.
Yet, in that moment, she settled for twining her fingers at the base of his neck.
“Well, let’s not waste another moment.”
She pulled him into another kiss, and as always, he loyally followed.
@quill-pen @crimson-phantom-designs​ One of the fics previewed before is finally finished!
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
*very gently barging in through the door to your blog* I'm home!!! The over-a-moth long break from social media has dine wonders to my mental health but gosh I've missed you ❤️‍🩹
All the guys came over to the ranch on Christmas and we shared gifts, ate good food and drank wonderful wines 🍷 a lovely time altogether <3
I've been spending most of my time with Cowboy 🐎 Frank is a darling, really <3 We took a ride yesterday to a creek nearby, made a little fire and drank hot chocolate before heading back, 11/10 would recommend ❤️
Hope you've been at least hanging in there <3 Wishing you the most wonderful time for the remaining year <33 all the guys are sending their love <3 remember that you're loved and cherished and you're the best thing to happen to your f/os ❤️
All my love,
Hiiiii, darling, how are you? Are you okay? How is everything! I'd been preparing to send you a message/ask to see how you were doing since it's been such a long time! I've been thinking of you while you were gone and wishing you the best❤️ It is so great to hear from you again🥹
I've missed you so dearly and I'm relieved to hear that your break from social media has helped with your mental health; that is the best news🥹🥹
How wonderful!! You must have had such a splendid holiday with your loves on the ranch; it sounds like such a peaceful way to spend that time with them. Oh wow, that ride with your Cowboy sounds absolutely incredible❤️ The two of you must've had a blast doing that together and getting some time together out in nature in each other's company.
I've been doing alright, thank you, dear. At least one of my f/os are around me most of the time, which is nice. It was a quiet holiday here, with exceedingly cold temperatures and snow, but it's warmed up considerably now.
Thank you so very much, darling. I'm wishing you nothing but the best and sending you all my love. You are cherished, loved and cared for just as deeply and I hope the new year treats you well. You deserve all good things❤️ Thank you for always being so good to me and to those around you.
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sastielsfandom · 2 years
It wasn't a cold snowy day, but the day did not fret, the Christmas feels were all around and about.
The Christmas tree stood tall in decorations, illuminated by green, red, yellow, and blue. Ornaments sprinkled throughout, with so many beautiful hues.
The snowflakes adorned on every arch throughout the rooms. Different sizes and shapes, all unique.
Snowmans and reindeers, angels for a little amusement. That and to bring some holiday cheer.
Holly's and mistletoe above some rooms, most for decoration, some with more intent.
Bells and popcorn threaded along the walls, a train looping around the tree with a loud whistle. Going round and round the gifts piled high and precise.
Bows a plenty, presents a glowing underneath the Christmas tree. Ribbons and name tags decorating the silver and blue reflecting paper.
Past the living room, into the bedrooms, whispers took place, siblings laughing to each other as they tried to sneak out. To visit the tree, and maybe their parents too. All with the intent to see their gifts.
Jack teleported from corner to corner, giving them the go ahead, Magda being prepared to catch anything they might knock over. Elijah listening for any movement from the other rooms.
Despite their best efforts, they didn't account for an uncle around the corner, coffee in hand, amused at their attempt.
"Turn back around and go get your parents," Dean said, and they tiptoed back to their parents room. Sighing at being caught.
It didn't deter their excitement, they could have tapped their arms or shook them a little, or jump on the bed until they jumped up themselves.
Dean heard laughter and yells of "Good morning!" and "Merry Christmas!" coming from the room, laughing into his mug, turning to start breakfast.
Within minutes, three adults were dragged by their kids to sit in front of the tree and see what they got them. Handing each parent a gift of their own.
The carefully wrapped gifts were torn open without thought, but pure excitement. Thank you's and long strings of appreciation and love fell out of their mouths. Hugs and affection were brought out.
When there was nothing more to open, the cleaning began, and help in the kitchen, some just to help themselves, appeared.
Sam and Eileen giggled as they watched Elijah sneak bacon from Dean. Castiel watching very weary as Jack climbed to set an ornament back on the tree. Magda setting up a gift from Eileen, promising to join everyone else in a second.
Eventually everyone was sat at the table, Dean nudging Jack, who told Elijah, who gestured to Magda about a hanging plant. Right above Eileen, Sam, and Castiel.
Immediately picking up on their whispers, the three looked up, and back to the guilty faces who must've set it up. As payback, they dramatized their kisses and I love you's to each other. Grossing out their kids and Dean who regretted pointing it out.
From then the day was spent checking out their gifts, drinking hot chocolate and eggnog, and making gingerbread houses that surely no one had eaten.
Baked desserts were out of the oven, to a cooling rack. Pots and pans filled with different assortments.
Laughter and conversation never stopped, especially as more people filtered into their place.
Jody and her girls, including Donna, delivered a pie that Dean intercepted nearly immediately.
The Fitzgerald family had dishes that people would miss dearly after their party.
Alicia and Max made their appearance, with non-typical gifts but greatly appreciated as they carried great magic and knowledge.
Many more who couldn't stay for long like Kevin, and Charlie who had more parties to attend to, dropped in just to say hello.
It was all great fun for everyone, sharing old stories how everyone met. Or stories that embarrassed the Winchesters that they'd never tell.
All with good jest and joy. And when the day came to an end, everyone winded down and gone home.
A fort was made that piled the family of seven, Eileen, Sam, and Castiel being used as pillows for Elijah, Magda, and Jack. Dean laying further away to avoid any kicks, and with stolen pillows underneath his head and feet.
Movies played as they drifted off junto sleep. One by one, they got their rest. Even the one who doesn't sleep managed to catch a wink.
The day wasn't snowy or cold, but warm and sunny. Perfect for them with no storms upcoming. It was a special Christmas day for everyone around.
Here here to Holiday Joy, for them, and you, the reader, happy holidays to all!
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flyingflosser09 · 2 years
Cursed / Armando Salazar x OC / Chapter 17
Chapter 16: https://at.tumblr.com/flyingflosser09/cursed-armando-salazar-x-oc-chapter-16/x7jnf9wd3cca
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I awaken more rested than ever. There is no telling what time it is but judging by the silent thudding of feet on the main deck outside, I figure I must still be in time for sword practice with Magda – also considering he hasn’t kicked down the door to drag me out of bed yet.
As I throw on the cabin boy clothes I usually train in, my thoughts travel back to the previous evening and its events. My lips tingle at the memory of kissing Armando and feeling him fully return it. I was so certain he’d reject me, push me away and flee the cabin before I could explain myself.
Well, he did try to flee, but I assume it was out of doubt and fear. I wonder if he’d gone far if I hadn’t held on to him. Would he have stopped at the door as the last of his self-control crumbled?
Nevertheless, I braved the stormy waters and made the first move and indulged in some intimate pleasures as well. His hands worked so marvelously last night, it’s like I can feel the ghosts of them still exploring my skin, trailing downward to their desired destination…
Shivers run down my spine as I’m filled with fantasies of things I want with Armando. I wanted to touch him all over, worship every inch of cursed skin until he felt human again. My heart forgets to beat as the next fantasy invades my thoughts – then I want to guide his hands over my body, allow him to touch and take whatever he wished. I want to give myself to him in every manner possible until he had no other choice but to drown in the love and passion I offer.
For years he was broken, driven by rage and revenge, touch-starved, and unloved. And I wish to fill every crack and scar on him with as much love I can give.
At last, I’m dressed and ready to train. However, the giddiness of last night and our courtship fogs my head, making it impossible to focus on anything Magda is saying.
“Honestamente, señorita,” the officer signs after half an hour of just prancing around, “What is the matter with you today?”
Smiling brightly, I counter his question innocently, “Whatever do you mean, Officer Magda? I am perfectly focused as you can see.”
“Focused?” he huffs dryly, “I nearly took your hand off thrice now. Unless you are focused on losing a limb, I’d say you’re distracted.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” I wave it off and twirl my sword in my hand, dreamily thinking of this coming evening and how I would ‘summon’ Armando back to the great cabin. My soul craves his company and presence more than ever and just thinking of him, fills me with unbridled giddiness.
Magda can only shake his head, too confused by my behavior than annoyed. “Yesterday you managed to outsmart me at my own game. Now look at you, prancing around like a señora in love –” he pauses when his eyes lock on the ring on my finger. His expression drops in perfect shock. “…oh, mierda.”
Lowering my sword, I gaze upon the ring for what felt like the hundredth time this morning. It’s charred beyond recognition, there is no way of telling if the band is made of gold or silver, if it possesses a ruby or diamond. Armando promised to buy me a proper ring once the curse is broken, but I couldn’t care less. It’s his ring on my finger, and I treasure it with all my heart.
It's as if Magda’s shock infected the entire crew. A small group of officers crowd around us, all staring at the tiny object on my finger with ghostly awe and recognition.
At last, Santos steps to the front and removes in hat slowly to press it to his chest. “Is that…” his mouth opens and closes as if he doesn’t know how to ask the question on his lips.
Deciding to end their wondering thoughts, I nod with a smile, confessing what they are thinking: I am a courted woman now.
“Santa María,” Santos breathes before uttering a ghostly laugh. He can’t stop staring at the ring – his Capitán’s ring – on Samira’s finger. It’s too big to fit on her ring finger so she wears it on her second one, but still, the message is clear: she accepted a courtship.
Not just any courtship; their Capitán’s courtship.
That realization must have sunk in as the rest of the crew begins muttering in jollity. There is a ghostly excitement about the Silent Mary, something none of them felt in decades. They all think the same thing: Capitán Salazar must believe the curse will be broken soon, otherwise he would not have made such an impactful decision.
But just as they started celebrating, silence befell them once more as they stare at Samira in quiet contemplation. This time, it’s impossible to tell what they’re thinking.
Santos swallows dryly before daring to ask what everyone is wondering about, “Samira, do you…love the Capitán?”
It’s been so long since he said the word ‘love’, it sounded foreign on his tongue. The crew has been emptied of that emotion ever since the curse befell them, it is nearly impossible to believe the Capitán feels so much of it to court her. Even more, how could she ever fall in love with anyone of them? Look at them, littered with cracks and dripping black slime in her living presence. She should be disgusted by them.
Samira looks him dead in the eye as she nods. “I love the Capitán very much, as I do the rest of you.”
Moss’ jaw slacks and Magda huffs in disbelief. She can never love them, no one can. Not while the curse is active and, even after that… they have done horrific things. They killed so many men – pirates – that were unarmed and begging for mercy. Even he felt there was no redemption for that.
“I’m not lying, Officer Magda. I care about each man on this ship dearly.” Samira says when she notices his skepticism. “You were once good men, and you still are. Do not let this curse determine your worth.”
“Be it as it may, señorita, you have no knowledge what horrific things we did in the past,” Magda says solemnly, hanging his head low in shame.
“I do not care for the past,” says Samira in a beat, “The ocean doesn’t linger on the ships it sank yesterday. It continues its course, free of regret and what ifs. You must do the same.” She places a warm hand on his shoulder and offers him a sincere smile. “I promise to help break this curse any way I can, and once you’re all free, you can start your mortal life anew. No regrets, no what ifs.”
It breaks my heart to see them so regretful of the past. One would think that, after twenty-five years, they’d forget what they did and the lives they took before the curse. I can imagine, although believing it was for a good cause, the deaths they inflicted on pirates weren’t always pure. Some were cruel and merciless – I’d expect nothing less of Armando Salazar, who so proudly carried the title El Matador Del Mar, the Butcher of the Sea.
Yes, the ocean doesn’t linger on the lives it claimed, but it did remember the monsters it created. I don’t believe Armando to be a monster, he was doing what he believed he was called to do. I wasn’t there to witness the extent of his torture upon the pirates, but I also know better to dwell on it now. He’s a changed man, although dead. I can hardly wait to see him mortal again, to see him making better choices and change his way of cleansing the ocean. There are better ways to get rid of the pirates than killing them in cold blood.
To my relief, Magda looks up and into my eyes. He nods silently as if promising he will do better, he will be better once he’s mortal. The others copy him, making their own vows for when the curse is broken.
They’ve been envisioning their revenge for years; I doubt they ever thought of what will happen after they killed the Sparrow. Will they return to Spain to serve under the current king? Will they seek out what’s left of their families? Will they attempt starting new lives with new people? Are they good enough to deserve such a life?
Before my heart could break again, I put on a bright smile as an idea comes to mind. “How about another storm? It’s been a while since I felt the wind in my hair. What do you say?”
Like one man, the crew cheers. Taking that as a yes, I excitedly climb the steps to the helm to prepare to call up a storm.
It wasn’t long before Lesaro also came floating from underneath the ship. Santos and Moss took it upon themselves to fetch him from whatever he’s been doing, excited to have him behind the wheel.
However, no one expected Capitán Salazar to follow him out, also curious about the excitement on deck.
I pause with my hands mid-air on my way of summoning a gust of wind. Armando looks up to me at the helm and my heart misses a beat when our eyes meet. The last time I called up a storm, he reprimanded me for distracting his crew. I’m not sure how he will react now that we’re courted…
Armando makes his way up the stairs toward me. My heart beats in my throat once we’re face to face, golden eyes locking with mine and searching my soul. Then they land on his ring on my finger, and I detect the smallest upturn of his mouth corners. I know what he thinks: I’m wearing his ring for everyone to see. Armando looks over to his crew and can easily tell they already know. There is a silent anticipation about the Mary, one that can only come from joy and excitement.
Feeling the need to break the silence, I charmingly ask, “Permission to call up a storm, Capitán?”
The sultry edge I add to his title revert his gaze back to me. Gold swirls in his eyes, causing me to blush deep red. Then he does the unexpected – he places a hand on my waist and pulls me flush against his side for everyone to see.
To Lesaro, Armando says, “Take the wheel, Lieutenant.” And then to me, “Call up your storm, el mía, do not hold back.”
I have never been filled with more confidence than this moment. With Armando’s approval, I raise both hands toward the fogged darkness, feeling for the smallest current in either air or water.
Before I could get a definite hold on anything, I detect the trifling waves rocking against the Mary. Frowning, I try following them to see where they originate from. Those aren’t my waves.
However, there isn’t time to wonder what’s making the waves. The next thing I know, an invisible force shakes the Silent Mary, throwing me off balance and against Armando. The tip of one of the taller rocks break off with an ear-splitting crack and drops into the dark water below with a behemoth splash.
With that rock out of the way, I squint my eyes at the blinding light shining through the thick fog. And that was only the beginning, it seems. The rest of the cave starts to crumble and falls into itself, allowing more and more light to seep in.
I watch in awe as blue sky comes into view between the gaps in the fog. Once the rocks that stranded the Mary crumbled as well, it heaves to the side and is now floating for the first time in two and a half decades. All this time, I clung to Armando as the world around us gives away.
Armando looks down at me with wide eyes. “Are you doing this?”
“No,” I shake my head wide-eyed, also shocked with what I’ve just witnessed. “This isn’t me…”
“Then it can only mean…” he trails off as we all take in the splendor of our surroundings.
“Capitán, what’s happening?” Lesaro asks from the wheel, one eye blinking in perfect confusion.
“Jack Sparrow,” Armando says as he watches the last remaining fog clears, “Jack Sparrow has given up the compass.”
The cave has completely crumbled away, and the Mary now sails upon the vast open waters of the ocean. The Devil’s Triangle is no more; we are free.
“Daylight… daylight!” Santos breathes and calls at once, disbelieving of what he sees. Every officer on this ship is beholding the blue sky and the diamond-reflecting waters of the ocean. None of them can believe it, none of them can get enough of the vast blueness around them. After only seeing darkness for twenty-five years, they’re finally seeing color.
“We’re free!” Lesaro calls loudly as every officer burst out in celebration.
Armando lets me go briefly to cast his gaze to the sky, closing his eyes as the sun shines on his face. I can see him more clearly now than ever. His pale skin reflects grey in the sunlight, the cracks appearing more prominent than they do in the dim light of my lanterns. He lets out a laugh and smiles, imagining the warmth of the sun seeping into him and warming his dead soul.
He then turns to me and stills.
My smile falters when all he can do for a moment is regard me with a turmoil of emotions in those golden eyes. I’m briefly worried that now, free of the Triangle, he would revert to his vengeful plans to hunt Jack Sparrow and forget about the evening we spent together. What if our promises of courtship were only a heat of the moment arrangement? Would I mean as much to him free as I did while trapped?
But all traces of doubt are erased from my thoughts when he takes one powerful stride towards me. With firm yet gentle movements, he pulls me flush against him and caress my face with the other hand. And before I could point out that we’re not in the privacy of his cabin, he claims my lips in front of the entire crew on the deck, kissing me with ardent passion as a semi-free man.
When he pulls back, he is smiling, genuinely smiling at me, and says, “We are one step closer to true freedom, mi corazón. It seems you don’t have to wait so long, after all.”
“Then let’s get to it,” I urge him on with a grin, “Ready to break the rest of the curse?”
He chuckles and nods, “It’s time to hunt a pirate.”
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batllethinker · 10 months
Woso is at this stage where players like alexia is basically celebs and I understand wanting to keep your love life private. It has all gone so fast like magda and p when they got together they were very open but didn’t have to announce anything and could live normal lives and then a lit of people thought they confirmed they relationship in 2019 during the wwc. Times have changed sooo much for these players and the attention
Yeah, that's so true
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