#( xmas 2k18; )
serenity-cc · 6 years
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merry christmas!!
ninguém canta parabéns pra jesus cristo
let’s sing happy birthday for jc 🙏🙏
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reo-bae · 6 years
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🎄 Fool's Holiday 🎄
Kiri expects Baku to wear the sweater he's got for him 🎁
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 18
Marlene was an extremely talented artist. To her snow was one of the most inspiring things in this world. When she watched the snowflakes fall down she would often draw for hours. Sirius loved watching her do this. While she drew she seemed to be so happy as if nothing could hurt her in this moment.
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heinoushangar · 6 years
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She really hates that her mind already started alternating verses; I saw Krampus whipping Al~as~tor underneath the Mistletoe last night .. Sweet Lucifer, that is not an image she wants to be stuck with all night. Just focus on finishing up this Rotten-Children-Being-Sacrificed-To-Krampus gingerbread tribute and listen to the tunes on the radio ..
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krupnick · 6 years
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♪ And so I'm offering this simple phrase, To kids from one to ninety-two, ; Although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you. ~ ♪
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andysapril · 6 years
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25 days of Christmas …
#23: everybody loves raymond - season’s greetings
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dadadaemoved · 6 years
Can he actually afford a proper Christmas present for anyone? No, but he does manage to scrounge up enough resources to make a cute little bead bracelet that he hands to her. "It's not much, I realize. But I did make it for you~"
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          “Adam, what—” She stared into his eyes, a hue so opposite to her own. “It’s art. If you call it ‘not much’ then anything I make isn’t much either. This is worth at least two hundred bucks to someone, I bet. Not that I’d sell it. It’s priceless.” Her face grew warm, the color of her cheeks slipping closer to the pink in her hair. “I’m…I love it. Thank you.” She adjusted the beads, marveling at the way they sat on her wrist.
           “I thought about it, and I don’t actually know what you like. What would be practical, I mean. Since we move around and stuff. But I can cook you up a delicious Christmas dinner. That, and I can watch out for you. Keep my eye on you and stuff. Maybe even protect you. Not because you’re young—because you’re important to me. I want you to stay happy. If I can make you happy, that’d make me happy too.”
           Anything he wanted, anything for him. If it was in her power, her power was his. Was that creepy of her? He wasn’t hers to have. She twisted the beads. “So…giving me a present and all, does that mean you’re my boyfriend or something?”
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genitoperfection · 6 years
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Merry Christmas! You’re like the little brother I never got. You’re honestly such a great friend and I love you. Always here for Christmas hugs.
xo. Geni.
( @thexcameraman )
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tamxorion-archive · 6 years
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With a note that says:
I’m not really great at the whole gift giving thing in general. And I know you celebrate Yule, and I’m not sure of all the customs of that either. But I wanted to get you something even if our relationship is just very casual.
X Tamara
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atomdoublet · 6 years
Merry Christmas~!
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        She bows her head. He looks happy. It’s a good look on him, but it makes her cheeks burn, her innards twist and burst. It’s an impure feeling. How does he feel about her? Is it a mutual feeling? One moment it is, and the next it’s nothing more than anything else.
        She inhales. He can’t suspect anything. It’s cold outside. Of course the wind will chap her cheeks. “Merry Christmas, Naota.” Her voice is muffled, nose buried into her scarf. This wasn’t a good day to wear lip gloss. One gloved hand reaches out to brush his fingers. “Are you sure you want to hang out today? People will get the wrong idea.” After all, Christmas was for lovers. Anyone would be forgiven for assuming they were a couple.
        “I didn’t get you anything, by the way. Nothing fancy, anyway. I didn’t know if there would be a gift exchange.” Her free hand reached into her purse, then pulled out a flat plastic square. Within its clamshell design lay a CD. When he found the time to listen to it, he would find four short tracks. Each song was original, performed by her with piano accompaniment. After what he did for her birthday, she owed him this much at least.
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Merry Christmas, Max.
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With a note that reads:
For Dot,
You said you like making lists. And school, so I’m assuming you like notes. Anyways merry Christmas.
From, Huey Duckington
Ps I don’t know if he says it that much, but Dewey thinks you’re cute.
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Day 23
They accidentally left a window open on Christmas Eve. When they woke up the next morning their living room was filled with snow. They didn’t know whether to be amazed by it or shocked. But in the end, they ended up sitting in the snow giving each other their presents.
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lxdyred · 7 years
I just want to wish you happy holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope it was a good year and if it wasn't, I hope 2018 will be the best year of your lives! And I wish, with all my heart, that you are simply happy! I love you❤
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heinoushangar · 6 years
Here comes pops! He's got a box in his hands that seems very much ALIVE, trembling and shaking and /growling/ in his grip. "Happy Holidays Va--" He can hardly get a sentence out before Vaggie's gift BURSTS out of the wrapping and pops open the gift box lid. It's a shiba inu puppy with a bright pink bow around her neck, her fur the color of soft lavender with a third pale pink eye in the middle of her forehead. Cipher laughs as it races towards his moth daughter, greeting her with puppy kisses.
Vaggie wouldn’t admit it, but she’s been anxious. Would Bill really show up? Down here —- well, it’s Hell. Not-so pretty and not-so pleasant, and definitely the last place any sane person would think of as an ideal visit for the Holidays. There’s also this guilt & worry in her gut, swelling like a tidepool ;  praying she wasn’t intruding any family he has back home. That wasn’t her intention at all.
There’s that worrisome thought, and one other thing. This is new. She’s had found-sisters before and makeshift families, but a dad has never been part of the equation. Sure Satan is sweet and accepting – and she adores him to bits! But that’s Charlie’s dad. Bill, though? Bill’s just .. come into her life and brought ember from a feeling Motha’s long since forgotten. And although it was kind of scary, it was nice. It was warm, and comforting.
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Every opening of the Hotel door has Vaggie’s heart leaping right into her throat and her eye gluing to the doorframe, only to be simmered back down with a disappointing voice of someone who was anyone else but Cipher echoing in the entryway. Quietly murmuring to herself, she toils away in the kitchen with her macabre Gingerbread Devils and Abominable Cotton Candy Snowmen. Until —
“Happy Holidays,” followed up with loud footsteps that Vaggie was starting to recognize. 
Like lightning, she shoots from the kitchen with bright eyes —- or, well, eye, light lilac dust sprinkling the floor behind in her wake.
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“Ay mira, lo lograste. You made it!” Vaggie beams as she comes rounding the corner with her arms wide open, nose smudged with a white streak of flour and hair bound back in a thick braid that is visibly stressed from much nervous grappling. But before she could close the distance, that box came tumbling out of Bill’s hands and spilled out the third-eyed pooch. That alone threw the Manager completely off-guard —- and it certainly showed. What, with the brim of her eye being stretched to its limit and shrinking the yellow iris to that of a small drop of ink. heartbeat practically pounding behind her sight. If he were perceptive, he could hear that the breath had been plain stolen from the goth moth.
& down she came crumbling to her knees before the supernatural shiba, arms instead bringing in the slobbery puppy kisses for a hug instead of the big bear of a Papa. Jus – How did he know? That’s a dumb question considering who he is —— but “how did he know?” She wonders regardless in pure dumbstruck awe. The love the Manager had for this specific breed was something she never spoke of before outside of quiet moments with Charlie, but he knew. Of course he knew, he’s Cryptic Cryptid Dad Who Speaks In Ominous Riddles and Deer Teeth.
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“¡Perrito!“ The Manager cries with a loud crack in her voice, smothered in saliva and still maintaining a fast growing grin. There were ghibli-sized tears starting pouring here, but the puppy just seems to be absorbing all of them with those excitable licks. So getting equal, Vaggie’s face carefully mushes into a lavender furry & third-eyed forehead, nose-to-nose with the pup and hands fluffing fur as she begins to gush in spanish. “¡Mírate, preciosa! ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?” She coos, lips pooling to baby-talk the curly-tailed hound. Whichever one of the three  goofs in the hall is making more noise is debatable, they all seem to drown one another out with their joyful cacophony. 
“She’s for me??” Vaggie eventually squeaks, rising up with energetic puppy wriggling around in her arms, now finally fluttering over to Bill to mush into him. She can’t exactly hug him with this adorable armful, but she can affectionately bump into him and hope he gets the sentiment. Her forehead now moves from pup to Bill, gently thumping against his chest to give him a few nuzzles! “I love her — !! I love her so much!!!”
Nearby should he see it, there is a gray, snowflake patterned present with eyeballs decorated in the small intricacies set on a counter surface, bound in a green ribbon with a gift tag reading “To: Bill C. - With love: Vaggie M.”. And inside it was something modest, something homemade. A ceramic salt-n-peppered water bird whistle carefully wrapped in cloth with Bill’s initials carved at the bottom - a little moth next to his name, and a pair of fingerless black leather gloves with Goristro teeth embedded long, sharpened and jagged along the knuckles for landing one Hell of a flesh-ripping punch. Classy! 
for the holidays, I was given a father and a puppy of my own. || @billrick
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krupnick · 5 years
A lady as kind and classy as Jessica deserves only the best of the best. So the first wrapped box that Bill offers to her is filled to the brim with unique spa treatments and mellow scented candles from all over the multiverse, appropriately labeled as "Treat Yo Self". And the second, smaller box contains a glittering ruby ring, enchanted with Bill's power. When she snaps her fingers, it will activate, silencing cat-callers or freezing anyone making unwanted advances on her.
For anyone else in the Ink and Paint, Jessica’s a cold dame with frost practically emanating from her shoulders in a frothing mist. For Bill, there’s a growing smile basked in warm, ruby lips melting that visage away like sunshine on ice. Bill packed a presence wherever he went — you had no choice but to acknowledge the ancient God when he walked into a room, and your feelings on it are you own. Jessica’s, meanwhile, were feelings of a jovial connection found among folk who were attracted to their own gender.. and the chaotic side of the sundial. 
& Perhaps it was silly for her to feel this way, but it was relieving to look at this enormous man and not feel an ounce of terror for her life, or a dire need to throw up certain defenses, and instead see a face she was growing to adore. There are so many instances where the situation was the opposite, but Bill, as ironic as it may be, was nothing but a gentleman to the songstress. A hearty, wholesome and undeniably powerful beast before a small beauty. Besides, the man offered to beat down some of her more .. invasive ‘’fans’’ for making her feel uneasy. It was hard not to adore Cipher.
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“Billy boy blue, come here you!” Jessica bubbles, heels quickly clicking around the way with arms extended and wrapping around the much taller gentleman. It is STRANGE the way she has to accept how someone Is Taller Than She, But You Know Life Happens And Eventually Someone’s Gonna One-Up You. Ah, but the songstress plants a little kiss to the man Cipher’s cheek, beaming up at him when she draws back. “I was hoping to run into you before the year ticked its last tock. It’s good to see you, sweetheart.” She gushed, pinching his cheek gently and giving it a little wag. “And still growing more handsome by the day, I see.”
—- but lo and behold, he comes bearing gifts!
“And what have we here?” Jessica piques, having little hesitation in lifting the spa package present and deeply inhaling its scent, soon after giving a contented sigh when detecting the candles and other perfumes. Call it the woman’s freakish sixth sense, or just the side effect of a hardworking actor, but the toon has a knack for honing in on anything containing R&R assortments - going right for its throat before all else. Although unlike any of the other pampers, she can’t place some of these aromas. They were delightful, and that was exciting. These had to be new! Just when she thought she tried just about everything under the sun, Bill goes bringing something brand new to the table and bringing a wider spread to that grin of hers, cheeks plump and rosy. 
Neatly peeling back the paper, the actress soon dips her hands into the box and eagerly analyzes each item, softly cooing in awe. She was right, she hasn’t seen a good chunk of these luxuries — and she figures not many people on Earth have. Red locks pour over her shoulder with her canting head, purple thumb rubbing one of the alien labels. “You know your way to an actress’s heart.” She jokes with eye flickering back up to him. “Thank you so much. I can almost promise you this is not going to last the year out.” She’s putting them to work ASAP! But in reality, she’s going to be saving the multiverse brands as much as she possibly can, use them only when the day’s gone either really bad or really good.
—- and then came the ring,
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“…” The stunned silence isn’t a bad one, it’s simple shock. Glancing back and forth between glittering ring and Bill, the star is lost for words and it shows. A moment or two is taken for her to catch her vocal cords back in her throat, and she finally speaks. “Oh, Bill..”
Delicately taking the ring from its bo and slipping it on her middle finger, opposite digits touching her clavicle in aback wonderment. Little does Bill realize just how much action this ring is going to get, and just how deep Jessica’s love is going to grow for it. An accessory that you will scarcely find her without in the foreseeable future, twinkling and stealing the tongues of plenty-a catcaller with just a nimble flick of her thin wrist.
Slender arms again throw themselves around the burly man-bound God, hugging him tightly. “You absolute angel,” She spoke gently, cordially. “I don’t even know how to thank you for this. You have no idea the trouble this going to save me.” and the days he’s going to save from being ruined. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I love it. I love it all.” And that was the honest truth. She doesn’t take off the ring when she carefully tucks her gifts into her purse, already deciding this is where it will remain for some time.
“ —- And don’t think you’re leaving here without getting something in return, mister.” Jessica quickly states while fishing around still in her purse. She pulls out three gifts ; two large boxed presents and a much smaller one, all wrapped in glittering red wrapping paper and topped with white bows.
For Bill, it’s actually a family package. Two black leather jackets for himself and his beloved, with studded shoulders and pockets! But the most notable feature is printed on the back of them in red: “If lost, return to Rick” for one & “I’m Rick” for the other. For Bee, there’s a yellow & black candy-striped baseball bat with a comfortable rubber grip and a large twinkling transparent bag printed with little bumblebees on it; to its cute little bow brim, it’s stuffed with Christmas candy and glitter-infused paint tied with new paint brushes, and rolled up galaxy-themed paper. For Bill separately, there is a neon rainbow bracelet fit for any wrist — and the moment it’s put on, it will start to glow, float and leisurely rotate around its owners wrist. This was a souvenier she’s longed to give him since her and Rick’s Mysterious Pride Month Adventure. Finally, she has the chance to deliver it.
… and among these things is a giant, animated wicker basket that smells of fresh-baked Holiday madness in dessert form, coming in the shapes of Gingerbread Monsters, sprinkled cookies, three chocolate pies and two frilly red velvet cakes. If you thought the Cipher family was being skipped out on Jessica’s manic baking spree, You Thought Wrong. Enjoy The Bombshelter Supply Of Sweets.
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“Come on, meet me at my car. I actually bought something else for your little girl, but I couldn’t bring it in.”
Whenever they went out into the night and popped open the trunk to Jessica’s crimson corvette, there was a multi-colored star with ribbons waiting inside with a small “For Bee - Happy Holidays! ♥” note attached. A piñata! It was chilly to the touch, hinting at the fact it’s been waiting for quite a while. A week, at least. “I took the chance to fill it up so you wouldn’t need to worry about that. I figured she could have a little extra fun on Christmas morning, put the bat to work for the first time. Is that alright?”
If Bill accepted it, Bee’d find a lot of Christmas sweets, chocolate coins and wrapped, homemade cake pops waiting for her one merry morning —- or whenever they decided to pop the papier-mâchétoy. It didn’t matter!
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